diff --git a/AtlasGeometryCommon/BeamPipeGeoModel/python/BeamPipeGMConfig.py b/AtlasGeometryCommon/BeamPipeGeoModel/python/BeamPipeGMConfig.py
index 1f4b632cb636b8750db01a41c6052c0c1614b83d..148d60c41f114a79bc33a3ef7fd01470cdcd7d40 100644
--- a/AtlasGeometryCommon/BeamPipeGeoModel/python/BeamPipeGMConfig.py
+++ b/AtlasGeometryCommon/BeamPipeGeoModel/python/BeamPipeGMConfig.py
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@ from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
 from AtlasGeoModel.GeoModelConfig import GeoModelCfg
 def BeamPipeGeometryCfg(flags):
-    result,gms=GeoModelCfg(flags)
+    result=GeoModelCfg(flags)
     from BeamPipeGeoModel.BeamPipeGeoModelConf import BeamPipeDetectorTool
-    gms.DetectorTools += [ BeamPipeDetectorTool() ]
-    result.addService(gms)
+    result.getPrimary().DetectorTools += [ BeamPipeDetectorTool() ]
     return result
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloCnv/CaloTPCnv/share/CaloCellLinkContainerCnv_p2_test.ref b/Calorimeter/CaloCnv/CaloTPCnv/share/CaloCellLinkContainerCnv_p2_test.ref
index 2869ed0dfe884254c1889b9be0a37b0d341af584..eb12bf609263cd8256f0bb5ff42951744183e015 100644
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloCnv/CaloTPCnv/share/CaloCellLinkContainerCnv_p2_test.ref
+++ b/Calorimeter/CaloCnv/CaloTPCnv/share/CaloCellLinkContainerCnv_p2_test.ref
@@ -1,211 +1,212 @@
+Athena::getMessageSvc: WARNING MessageSvc not found, will use std::cout
 Cluster 0
-  cells 127869 0.990313
-  cells 127862 0.990313
-  cells 3312 1.97127
-  cells 127850 1.79133
-  cells 3326 1.79133
+  cells 111260 0.852614
+  cells 127851 1.79133
+  cells 127855 1.79133
+  cells 127857 1.79133
   cells 111245 0.852614
+  cells 3319 1.97127
+  cells 111251 0.852614
+  cells 3305 1.97127
   cells 111248 0.852614
-  cells 127872 0.990313
-  cells 111263 0.852614
-  cells 3317 1.97127
-  cells 3324 1.79133
-  cells 3331 1.79133
-  cells 3302 0.852614
-  cells 3311 1.97127
-  cells 111244 0.852614
-  cells 111242 0.852614
   cells 3320 1.97127
-  cells 3306 1.97127
-  cells 111247 0.852614
+  cells 111266 0.852614
+  cells 111265 0.852614
+  cells 3316 1.97127
+  cells 127868 0.990313
   cells 127874 0.990313
-  cells 127856 1.79133
+  cells 111259 0.852614
+  cells 127878 0.990313
+  cells 3325 1.79133
+  cells 111252 0.852614
+  cells 3302 0.852614
   cells 111257 0.852614
-  cells 127875 0.990313
+  cells 127869 0.990313
+  cells 127863 0.990313
+  cells 3313 1.97127
+  cells 3327 1.79133
+  cells 111239 0.852614
+  cells 127852 1.79133
+  cells 3321 1.79133
+  cells 3330 1.79133
+  cells 111242 0.852614
+  cells 111255 0.852614
+  cells 154956 0.852614
+  cells 127870 0.990313
+  cells 3322 1.79133
+  cells 127856 1.79133
+  cells 3309 1.97127
+  cells 111253 0.852614
+  cells 3310 1.97127
+  cells 3323 1.79133
   cells 127854 1.79133
-  cells 127868 0.990313
+  cells 3312 1.97127
+  cells 3315 1.97127
   cells 3308 1.97127
   cells 127873 0.990313
-  cells 127861 1.79133
-  cells 127851 1.79133
-  cells 154955 0.852614
-  cells 127870 0.990313
-  cells 111240 0.852614
-  cells 127859 1.79133
-  cells 127860 1.79133
-  cells 111238 0.852614
+  cells 111261 0.852614
+  cells 127876 0.990313
+  cells 3331 1.79133
+  cells 127871 0.990313
   cells 127849 1.79133
-  cells 127865 0.990313
-  cells 111267 0.852614
-  cells 127852 1.79133
   cells 3307 1.97127
-  cells 111266 0.852614
-  cells 127866 0.990313
-  cells 111260 0.852614
-  cells 3303 0.852614
-  cells 3329 1.79133
-  cells 111251 0.852614
+  cells 111258 0.852614
+  cells 111247 0.852614
+  cells 3328 1.79133
   cells 154954 0.852614
-  cells 127877 0.990313
-  cells 3315 1.97127
-  cells 111237 0.852614
-  cells 111243 0.852614
-  cells 111254 0.852614
-  cells 127863 0.990313
-  cells 3322 1.79133
-  cells 3310 1.97127
-  cells 154952 0.852614
-  cells 3301 0.852614
-  cells 111255 0.852614
-  cells 127878 0.990313
-  cells 111256 0.852614
-  cells 127864 0.990313
-  cells 111259 0.852614
-  cells 3305 1.97127
   cells 111241 0.852614
-  cells 111258 0.852614
+  cells 111256 0.852614
+  cells 127862 0.990313
+  cells 154953 0.852614
+  cells 3303 0.852614
+  cells 154952 0.852614
+  cells 3299 0.852614
+  cells 127872 0.990313
+  cells 111237 0.852614
+  cells 111240 0.852614
   cells 111246 0.852614
-  cells 127853 1.79133
-  cells 127857 1.79133
-  cells 111250 0.852614
-  cells 3309 1.97127
-  cells 127867 0.990313
-  cells 127876 0.990313
-  cells 3318 1.97127
-  cells 111261 0.852614
+  cells 3326 1.79133
+  cells 127850 1.79133
+  cells 127860 1.79133
+  cells 3304 1.97127
   cells 3314 1.97127
-  cells 3323 1.79133
-  cells 3298 0.852614
-  cells 3319 1.97127
-  cells 111253 0.852614
-  cells 3328 1.79133
-  cells 111239 0.852614
-  cells 3299 0.852614
-  cells 3327 1.79133
+  cells 127865 0.990313
+  cells 3317 1.97127
+  cells 3306 1.97127
+  cells 111254 0.852614
   cells 127858 1.79133
+  cells 127853 1.79133
+  cells 3311 1.97127
+  cells 127864 0.990313
+  cells 111263 0.852614
   cells 111262 0.852614
-  cells 111252 0.852614
-  cells 3313 1.97127
+  cells 111243 0.852614
+  cells 127866 0.990313
+  cells 3301 0.852614
   cells 111249 0.852614
-  cells 3300 0.852614
-  cells 3316 1.97127
-  cells 3325 1.79133
-  cells 3321 1.79133
+  cells 3329 1.79133
+  cells 111267 0.852614
+  cells 154955 0.852614
+  cells 127877 0.990313
+  cells 111244 0.852614
+  cells 3318 1.97127
+  cells 127867 0.990313
+  cells 3298 0.852614
+  cells 127861 1.79133
+  cells 111250 0.852614
+  cells 111238 0.852614
+  cells 3324 1.79133
+  cells 127859 1.79133
   cells 111264 0.852614
-  cells 111265 0.852614
-  cells 127871 0.990313
-  cells 154953 0.852614
-  cells 127855 1.79133
-  cells 3330 1.79133
-  cells 154956 0.852614
-  cells 3304 1.97127
+  cells 127875 0.990313
+  cells 3300 0.852614
 Cluster 1
-  cells 164905 1.1636
-  cells 38729 1.52045
-  cells 38766 1.52045
-  cells 38767 1.52045
-  cells 164900 1.1636
-  cells 38764 1.52045
-  cells 38738 1.52045
-  cells 164914 1.1636
-  cells 164904 1.1636
-  cells 187862 1.1636
-  cells 164891 1.1636
-  cells 1955 0.529251
-  cells 187857 1.18088
-  cells 38728 1.52045
-  cells 1950 0.529251
-  cells 187867 1.1636
-  cells 164923 1.1636
-  cells 164893 1.1636
-  cells 38751 1.52045
-  cells 38741 1.52045
-  cells 1956 1.52045
-  cells 164902 1.1636
-  cells 187863 1.1636
-  cells 187861 1.1636
-  cells 38749 1.52045
-  cells 164898 1.1636
-  cells 1953 0.529251
-  cells 38757 1.52045
-  cells 187860 1.1636
-  cells 1945 1.1636
-  cells 38742 1.52045
-  cells 38748 1.52045
-  cells 164903 1.1636
-  cells 187859 1.1636
-  cells 38765 1.52045
-  cells 1946 1.1636
-  cells 187864 1.1636
-  cells 164910 1.1636
-  cells 164921 1.1636
-  cells 164918 1.1636
-  cells 164917 1.1636
-  cells 38752 1.52045
-  cells 164892 1.1636
-  cells 38763 1.52045
-  cells 164909 1.1636
-  cells 38739 1.52045
-  cells 38746 1.52045
-  cells 38760 1.52045
-  cells 38740 1.52045
-  cells 38755 1.52045
-  cells 164895 1.1636
-  cells 164897 1.1636
-  cells 38758 1.52045
-  cells 164924 1.1636
-  cells 1947 0.529251
-  cells 38735 1.52045
-  cells 38743 1.52045
-  cells 1958 1.52045
-  cells 164922 1.1636
-  cells 1957 1.52045
-  cells 38734 1.52045
-  cells 1948 0.529251
-  cells 164919 1.1636
-  cells 164916 1.1636
-  cells 38732 1.52045
-  cells 164907 1.1636
-  cells 38733 1.52045
-  cells 38730 1.52045
-  cells 38737 1.52045
-  cells 38745 1.52045
-  cells 1954 0.529251
-  cells 164899 1.1636
-  cells 38754 1.52045
-  cells 1951 0.529251
-  cells 164920 1.1636
-  cells 187866 1.1636
-  cells 38736 1.52045
-  cells 38759 1.52045
-  cells 164906 1.1636
-  cells 1949 0.529251
-  cells 164894 1.1636
-  cells 1952 0.529251
-  cells 164901 1.1636
-  cells 164896 1.1636
-  cells 164913 1.1636
-  cells 164912 1.1636
-  cells 38761 1.52045
-  cells 38756 1.52045
-  cells 38747 1.52045
-  cells 38744 1.52045
-  cells 187865 1.1636
-  cells 38731 1.52045
-  cells 164908 1.1636
-  cells 164911 1.1636
-  cells 38753 1.52045
-  cells 164915 1.1636
-  cells 1959 1.52045
-  cells 187858 1.1636
-  cells 38750 1.52045
-  cells 38762 1.52045
+  cells 116624 1.00123
+  cells 116634 1.97486
+  cells 116638 1.97486
+  cells 116640 1.97486
+  cells 116609 1.00123
+  cells 116588 1.00123
+  cells 116615 1.00123
+  cells 63780 0.765911
+  cells 116612 1.00123
+  cells 116589 1.00123
+  cells 116630 1.00123
+  cells 116629 1.00123
+  cells 116585 1.00123
+  cells 116651 1.08288
+  cells 141450 0.765911
+  cells 116623 1.00123
+  cells 141454 0.765911
+  cells 116594 1.00123
+  cells 116616 1.00123
+  cells 63777 0.765911
+  cells 116621 1.00123
+  cells 116652 1.08288
+  cells 116646 1.97486
+  cells 116582 1.00123
+  cells 116596 1.00123
+  cells 116603 1.00123
+  cells 116635 1.97486
+  cells 116590 1.00123
+  cells 116599 1.00123
+  cells 116606 1.00123
+  cells 116619 1.00123
+  cells 141459 0.765911
+  cells 116653 1.08288
+  cells 116591 1.00123
+  cells 116639 1.97486
+  cells 116578 0.765911
+  cells 116617 1.00123
+  cells 116579 0.765911
+  cells 116592 1.00123
+  cells 116637 1.97486
+  cells 116581 0.765911
+  cells 116584 1.00123
+  cells 116577 0.765911
+  cells 141449 0.765911
+  cells 116625 1.00123
+  cells 141452 0.765911
+  cells 116600 1.00123
+  cells 116654 1.08288
+  cells 116632 1.97486
+  cells 63782 0.765911
+  cells 116622 1.00123
+  cells 116611 1.00123
+  cells 116597 1.00123
+  cells 141457 0.765911
+  cells 116605 1.00123
+  cells 116620 1.00123
+  cells 116645 1.97486
+  cells 141456 0.765911
+  cells 63778 0.765911
+  cells 141455 0.765911
+  cells 25964 0.765911
+  cells 116655 1.08288
+  cells 116601 1.00123
+  cells 116604 1.00123
+  cells 116610 1.00123
+  cells 116595 1.00123
+  cells 116633 1.97486
+  cells 116643 1.97486
+  cells 63779 0.765911
+  cells 116583 1.00123
+  cells 116648 1.97486
+  cells 116586 1.00123
+  cells 63781 0.765911
+  cells 116618 1.00123
+  cells 116641 1.97486
+  cells 116636 1.97486
+  cells 116580 0.765911
+  cells 116647 1.97486
+  cells 116627 1.00123
+  cells 116626 1.00123
+  cells 116607 1.00123
+  cells 116649 1.08288
+  cells 63776 0.765911
+  cells 116613 1.00123
+  cells 116598 1.00123
+  cells 116631 1.97486
+  cells 141458 0.765911
+  cells 141453 0.765911
+  cells 116608 1.00123
+  cells 116587 1.00123
+  cells 116650 1.08288
+  cells 25963 0.765911
+  cells 116644 1.97486
+  cells 116614 1.00123
+  cells 116602 1.00123
+  cells 116593 1.00123
+  cells 116642 1.97486
+  cells 116628 1.00123
+  cells 141451 0.765911
+  cells 25965 0.765911
 Pers: 2 clusts; container cells
   isizes: 4 4
-  wsizes: 7 6
-  ilinks: 34/3298 31/111237 30/127849 5/154952 15/1945 40/38728 34/164891 11/187857
-  wlinks: 6000.85 17002 11001.8 31000.9 13001.8 17001 5000.85 2001.16 9000.53 44001.5 34001.2 1001.18 10001.2
+  wsizes: 7 5
+  ilinks: 34/3298 31/111237 30/127849 5/154952 3/25963 7/63776 79/116577 11/141449
+  wlinks: 6000.85 17002 11001.8 31000.9 13001.8 17001 5000.85 15000.8 49001 18002 7001.08 11000.8
 Cluster 0
   cells 3298 0.852539
   cells 3299 0.852539
@@ -308,1526 +309,1122 @@ Cluster 0
   cells 154955 0.852539
   cells 154956 0.852539
 Cluster 1
-  cells 1945 1.16357
-  cells 1946 1.16357
-  cells 1947 0.529297
-  cells 1948 0.529297
-  cells 1949 0.529297
-  cells 1950 0.529297
-  cells 1951 0.529297
-  cells 1952 0.529297
-  cells 1953 0.529297
-  cells 1954 0.529297
-  cells 1955 0.529297
-  cells 1956 1.51953
-  cells 1957 1.51953
-  cells 1958 1.51953
-  cells 1959 1.51953
-  cells 38728 1.51953
-  cells 38729 1.51953
-  cells 38730 1.51953
-  cells 38731 1.51953
-  cells 38732 1.51953
-  cells 38733 1.51953
-  cells 38734 1.51953
-  cells 38735 1.51953
-  cells 38736 1.51953
-  cells 38737 1.51953
-  cells 38738 1.51953
-  cells 38739 1.51953
-  cells 38740 1.51953
-  cells 38741 1.51953
-  cells 38742 1.51953
-  cells 38743 1.51953
-  cells 38744 1.51953
-  cells 38745 1.51953
-  cells 38746 1.51953
-  cells 38747 1.51953
-  cells 38748 1.51953
-  cells 38749 1.51953
-  cells 38750 1.51953
-  cells 38751 1.51953
-  cells 38752 1.51953
-  cells 38753 1.51953
-  cells 38754 1.51953
-  cells 38755 1.51953
-  cells 38756 1.51953
-  cells 38757 1.51953
-  cells 38758 1.51953
-  cells 38759 1.51953
-  cells 38760 1.51953
-  cells 38761 1.51953
-  cells 38762 1.51953
-  cells 38763 1.51953
-  cells 38764 1.51953
-  cells 38765 1.51953
-  cells 38766 1.51953
-  cells 38767 1.51953
-  cells 164891 1.16406
-  cells 164892 1.16406
-  cells 164893 1.16406
-  cells 164894 1.16406
-  cells 164895 1.16406
-  cells 164896 1.16406
-  cells 164897 1.16406
-  cells 164898 1.16406
-  cells 164899 1.16406
-  cells 164900 1.16406
-  cells 164901 1.16406
-  cells 164902 1.16406
-  cells 164903 1.16406
-  cells 164904 1.16406
-  cells 164905 1.16406
-  cells 164906 1.16406
-  cells 164907 1.16406
-  cells 164908 1.16406
-  cells 164909 1.16406
-  cells 164910 1.16406
-  cells 164911 1.16406
-  cells 164912 1.16406
-  cells 164913 1.16406
-  cells 164914 1.16406
-  cells 164915 1.16406
-  cells 164916 1.16406
-  cells 164917 1.16406
-  cells 164918 1.16406
-  cells 164919 1.16406
-  cells 164920 1.16406
-  cells 164921 1.16406
-  cells 164922 1.16406
-  cells 164923 1.16406
-  cells 164924 1.16406
-  cells 187857 1.18091
-  cells 187858 1.16406
-  cells 187859 1.16406
-  cells 187860 1.16406
-  cells 187861 1.16406
-  cells 187862 1.16406
-  cells 187863 1.16406
-  cells 187864 1.16406
-  cells 187865 1.16406
-  cells 187866 1.16406
-  cells 187867 1.16406
+  cells 25963 0.765625
+  cells 25964 0.765625
+  cells 25965 0.765625
+  cells 63776 0.765625
+  cells 63777 0.765625
+  cells 63778 0.765625
+  cells 63779 0.765625
+  cells 63780 0.765625
+  cells 63781 0.765625
+  cells 63782 0.765625
+  cells 116577 0.765625
+  cells 116578 0.765625
+  cells 116579 0.765625
+  cells 116580 0.765625
+  cells 116581 0.765625
+  cells 116582 1
+  cells 116583 1
+  cells 116584 1
+  cells 116585 1
+  cells 116586 1
+  cells 116587 1
+  cells 116588 1
+  cells 116589 1
+  cells 116590 1
+  cells 116591 1
+  cells 116592 1
+  cells 116593 1
+  cells 116594 1
+  cells 116595 1
+  cells 116596 1
+  cells 116597 1
+  cells 116598 1
+  cells 116599 1
+  cells 116600 1
+  cells 116601 1
+  cells 116602 1
+  cells 116603 1
+  cells 116604 1
+  cells 116605 1
+  cells 116606 1
+  cells 116607 1
+  cells 116608 1
+  cells 116609 1
+  cells 116610 1
+  cells 116611 1
+  cells 116612 1
+  cells 116613 1
+  cells 116614 1
+  cells 116615 1
+  cells 116616 1
+  cells 116617 1
+  cells 116618 1
+  cells 116619 1
+  cells 116620 1
+  cells 116621 1
+  cells 116622 1
+  cells 116623 1
+  cells 116624 1
+  cells 116625 1
+  cells 116626 1
+  cells 116627 1
+  cells 116628 1
+  cells 116629 1
+  cells 116630 1
+  cells 116631 1.97461
+  cells 116632 1.97461
+  cells 116633 1.97461
+  cells 116634 1.97461
+  cells 116635 1.97461
+  cells 116636 1.97461
+  cells 116637 1.97461
+  cells 116638 1.97461
+  cells 116639 1.97461
+  cells 116640 1.97461
+  cells 116641 1.97461
+  cells 116642 1.97461
+  cells 116643 1.97461
+  cells 116644 1.97461
+  cells 116645 1.97461
+  cells 116646 1.97461
+  cells 116647 1.97461
+  cells 116648 1.97461
+  cells 116649 1.08301
+  cells 116650 1.08301
+  cells 116651 1.08301
+  cells 116652 1.08301
+  cells 116653 1.08301
+  cells 116654 1.08301
+  cells 116655 1.08301
+  cells 141449 0.765625
+  cells 141450 0.765625
+  cells 141451 0.765625
+  cells 141452 0.765625
+  cells 141453 0.765625
+  cells 141454 0.765625
+  cells 141455 0.765625
+  cells 141456 0.765625
+  cells 141457 0.765625
+  cells 141458 0.765625
+  cells 141459 0.765625
 Cluster 0
-  cells 69846 1
-  cells 69754 1
-  cells 69790 1
-  cells 69778 1
-  cells 69781 1
-  cells 69836 1
-  cells 69774 1
-  cells 69751 1
-  cells 69811 1
-  cells 69818 1
-  cells 69829 1
-  cells 69783 1
-  cells 69780 1
-  cells 69786 1
-  cells 69815 1
-  cells 69828 1
-  cells 69762 1
-  cells 69756 1
-  cells 69792 1
-  cells 69761 1
-  cells 69770 1
-  cells 69842 1
-  cells 69802 1
-  cells 69847 1
-  cells 69844 1
-  cells 69843 1
-  cells 69803 1
-  cells 69776 1
-  cells 69827 1
-  cells 69773 1
-  cells 69768 1
-  cells 69840 1
-  cells 69833 1
-  cells 69824 1
-  cells 69788 1
-  cells 69772 1
-  cells 69765 1
-  cells 69834 1
-  cells 69779 1
-  cells 69757 1
-  cells 69799 1
-  cells 69830 1
-  cells 69801 1
-  cells 69771 1
-  cells 69823 1
-  cells 69813 1
-  cells 69764 1
-  cells 69819 1
-  cells 69760 1
-  cells 69807 1
-  cells 69775 1
-  cells 69763 1
-  cells 69835 1
-  cells 69794 1
-  cells 69752 1
-  cells 69797 1
-  cells 69814 1
-  cells 69831 1
-  cells 69777 1
-  cells 69832 1
-  cells 69804 1
-  cells 69753 1
-  cells 69821 1
-  cells 69784 1
-  cells 69795 1
-  cells 69796 1
-  cells 69810 1
-  cells 69767 1
-  cells 69826 1
-  cells 69809 1
-  cells 69806 1
-  cells 69822 1
-  cells 69837 1
-  cells 69769 1
-  cells 69838 1
-  cells 69839 1
-  cells 69808 1
-  cells 69759 1
-  cells 69850 1
-  cells 69845 1
-  cells 69849 1
-  cells 69787 1
-  cells 69816 1
-  cells 69841 1
-  cells 69848 1
-  cells 69766 1
-  cells 69817 1
-  cells 69791 1
-  cells 69789 1
-  cells 69798 1
-  cells 69793 1
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 Cluster 1
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-  cells 151652 1
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-  cells 151674 1
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-  cells 151581 1
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-  cells 151642 1
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-  cells 151672 1
-  cells 151628 1
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+  cells 74546 1
+  cells 74457 1
 Cluster 2
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-  cells 85721 1
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-  cells 85683 1
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-  cells 85680 1
-  cells 85694 1
-  cells 85737 1
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+  cells 118448 1
+  cells 118497 1
+  cells 118483 1
+  cells 118513 1
+  cells 118424 1
 Cluster 3
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-  cells 6032 1
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-  cells 6000 1
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-  cells 5997 1
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-  cells 6009 1
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-  cells 5974 1
-  cells 5975 1
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-  cells 5995 1
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-  cells 5988 1
-  cells 5964 1
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-  cells 6036 1
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-  cells 6005 1
-  cells 6016 1
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-  cells 5971 1
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-  cells 5972 1
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-  cells 5973 1
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-  cells 5961 1
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+  cells 46215 1
+  cells 46203 1
+  cells 46194 1
+  cells 46243 1
+  cells 46229 1
+  cells 46259 1
+  cells 46170 1
 Cluster 4
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-  cells 69571 1
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-  cells 69563 1
-  cells 69652 1
-  cells 69600 1
-  cells 69646 1
-  cells 69603 1
-  cells 69645 1
-  cells 69608 1
-  cells 69620 1
-  cells 69562 1
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-  cells 69574 1
-  cells 69650 1
-  cells 69651 1
-  cells 69590 1
-  cells 69627 1
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-  cells 69612 1
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-  cells 69628 1
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-  cells 69643 1
-  cells 69561 1
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-  cells 69566 1
-  cells 69638 1
-  cells 69607 1
-  cells 69609 1
-  cells 69624 1
-  cells 69572 1
-  cells 69632 1
-  cells 69559 1
-  cells 69636 1
-  cells 69616 1
-  cells 69611 1
-  cells 69601 1
-  cells 69570 1
-  cells 69596 1
-  cells 69588 1
-  cells 69598 1
-  cells 69621 1
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-  cells 69558 1
-  cells 69599 1
-  cells 69625 1
-  cells 69604 1
-  cells 69629 1
-  cells 69633 1
-  cells 69637 1
-  cells 69581 1
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-  cells 69592 1
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-  cells 69634 1
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-  cells 69613 1
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-  cells 69623 1
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-  cells 69591 1
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-  cells 69641 1
-  cells 69568 1
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-  cells 69580 1
-  cells 69631 1
-  cells 69587 1
-  cells 69567 1
-  cells 69560 1
-  cells 69594 1
-  cells 69579 1
-  cells 69578 1
-  cells 69657 1
-  cells 69565 1
-Cluster 5
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-  cells 144626 1
-  cells 144610 1
-  cells 144608 1
-  cells 144655 1
-  cells 144634 1
-  cells 144590 1
-  cells 144637 1
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-  cells 144623 1
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-  cells 144598 1
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-  cells 144595 1
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-  cells 144669 1
-  cells 144668 1
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-  cells 144591 1
-  cells 144652 1
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-  cells 144571 1
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-  cells 144662 1
-  cells 144663 1
-  cells 144620 1
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-  cells 144643 1
-  cells 144622 1
-  cells 144661 1
-  cells 144649 1
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-  cells 144603 1
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-  cells 144631 1
-  cells 144657 1
-  cells 144647 1
-  cells 144638 1
-  cells 144604 1
-  cells 144570 1
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-  cells 144573 1
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-  cells 144583 1
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-  cells 144667 1
-  cells 144645 1
-  cells 144616 1
-  cells 144628 1
-  cells 144577 1
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-  cells 144581 1
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-  cells 144618 1
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-  cells 144602 1
-  cells 144630 1
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-  cells 144572 1
-  cells 144666 1
-  cells 144627 1
-  cells 144633 1
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-  cells 144593 1
-  cells 144656 1
-  cells 144664 1
-  cells 144659 1
-  cells 144614 1
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-  cells 144574 1
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-  cells 144609 1
-  cells 144607 1
-  cells 144644 1
-  cells 144611 1
-  cells 144582 1
-  cells 144621 1
-  cells 144636 1
-  cells 144612 1
-Cluster 6
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-  cells 60501 1
-  cells 60559 1
-  cells 60557 1
-  cells 60515 1
-  cells 60508 1
-  cells 60541 1
-  cells 60482 1
-  cells 60543 1
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-  cells 60542 1
-  cells 60533 1
-  cells 60464 1
-  cells 60561 1
-  cells 60484 1
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-  cells 60474 1
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-  cells 60504 1
-  cells 60472 1
-  cells 60544 1
-  cells 60475 1
-  cells 60492 1
-  cells 60545 1
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-  cells 60555 1
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-  cells 60479 1
-  cells 60511 1
-  cells 60471 1
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-  cells 60498 1
-  cells 60466 1
-  cells 60477 1
-  cells 60525 1
-  cells 60467 1
-  cells 60523 1
-  cells 60480 1
-  cells 60528 1
-  cells 60549 1
-  cells 60512 1
-  cells 60470 1
-  cells 60551 1
-  cells 60535 1
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-  cells 60546 1
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 Cluster 0
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+  cells 175107 1
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 Cluster 1
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-  cells 151584 1
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 Cluster 2
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-  cells 85657 1
-  cells 85658 1
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-  cells 85677 1
-  cells 85678 1
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-  cells 85687 1
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-  cells 85690 1
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 Cluster 3
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-  cells 5953 1
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+  cells 46265 1
+  cells 46266 1
+  cells 46267 1
 Cluster 4
-  cells 69558 1
-  cells 69559 1
-  cells 69560 1
-  cells 69561 1
-  cells 69562 1
-  cells 69563 1
-  cells 69564 1
-  cells 69565 1
-  cells 69566 1
-  cells 69567 1
-  cells 69568 1
-  cells 69569 1
-  cells 69570 1
-  cells 69571 1
-  cells 69572 1
-  cells 69573 1
-  cells 69574 1
-  cells 69575 1
-  cells 69576 1
-  cells 69577 1
-  cells 69578 1
-  cells 69579 1
-  cells 69580 1
-  cells 69581 1
-  cells 69582 1
-  cells 69583 1
-  cells 69584 1
-  cells 69585 1
-  cells 69586 1
-  cells 69587 1
-  cells 69588 1
-  cells 69589 1
-  cells 69590 1
-  cells 69591 1
-  cells 69592 1
-  cells 69593 1
-  cells 69594 1
-  cells 69595 1
-  cells 69596 1
-  cells 69597 1
-  cells 69598 1
-  cells 69599 1
-  cells 69600 1
-  cells 69601 1
-  cells 69602 1
-  cells 69603 1
-  cells 69604 1
-  cells 69605 1
-  cells 69606 1
-  cells 69607 1
-  cells 69608 1
-  cells 69609 1
-  cells 69610 1
-  cells 69611 1
-  cells 69612 1
-  cells 69613 1
-  cells 69614 1
-  cells 69615 1
-  cells 69616 1
-  cells 69617 1
-  cells 69618 1
-  cells 69619 1
-  cells 69620 1
-  cells 69621 1
-  cells 69622 1
-  cells 69623 1
-  cells 69624 1
-  cells 69625 1
-  cells 69626 1
-  cells 69627 1
-  cells 69628 1
-  cells 69629 1
-  cells 69630 1
-  cells 69631 1
-  cells 69632 1
-  cells 69633 1
-  cells 69634 1
-  cells 69635 1
-  cells 69636 1
-  cells 69637 1
-  cells 69638 1
-  cells 69639 1
-  cells 69640 1
-  cells 69641 1
-  cells 69642 1
-  cells 69643 1
-  cells 69644 1
-  cells 69645 1
-  cells 69646 1
-  cells 69647 1
-  cells 69648 1
-  cells 69649 1
-  cells 69650 1
-  cells 69651 1
-  cells 69652 1
-  cells 69653 1
-  cells 69654 1
-  cells 69655 1
-  cells 69656 1
-  cells 69657 1
-Cluster 5
-  cells 144570 1
-  cells 144571 1
-  cells 144572 1
-  cells 144573 1
-  cells 144574 1
-  cells 144575 1
-  cells 144576 1
-  cells 144577 1
-  cells 144578 1
-  cells 144579 1
-  cells 144580 1
-  cells 144581 1
-  cells 144582 1
-  cells 144583 1
-  cells 144584 1
-  cells 144585 1
-  cells 144586 1
-  cells 144587 1
-  cells 144588 1
-  cells 144589 1
-  cells 144590 1
-  cells 144591 1
-  cells 144592 1
-  cells 144593 1
-  cells 144594 1
-  cells 144595 1
-  cells 144596 1
-  cells 144597 1
-  cells 144598 1
-  cells 144599 1
-  cells 144600 1
-  cells 144601 1
-  cells 144602 1
-  cells 144603 1
-  cells 144604 1
-  cells 144605 1
-  cells 144606 1
-  cells 144607 1
-  cells 144608 1
-  cells 144609 1
-  cells 144610 1
-  cells 144611 1
-  cells 144612 1
-  cells 144613 1
-  cells 144614 1
-  cells 144615 1
-  cells 144616 1
-  cells 144617 1
-  cells 144618 1
-  cells 144619 1
-  cells 144620 1
-  cells 144621 1
-  cells 144622 1
-  cells 144623 1
-  cells 144624 1
-  cells 144625 1
-  cells 144626 1
-  cells 144627 1
-  cells 144628 1
-  cells 144629 1
-  cells 144630 1
-  cells 144631 1
-  cells 144632 1
-  cells 144633 1
-  cells 144634 1
-  cells 144635 1
-  cells 144636 1
-  cells 144637 1
-  cells 144638 1
-  cells 144639 1
-  cells 144640 1
-  cells 144641 1
-  cells 144642 1
-  cells 144643 1
-  cells 144644 1
-  cells 144645 1
-  cells 144646 1
-  cells 144647 1
-  cells 144648 1
-  cells 144649 1
-  cells 144650 1
-  cells 144651 1
-  cells 144652 1
-  cells 144653 1
-  cells 144654 1
-  cells 144655 1
-  cells 144656 1
-  cells 144657 1
-  cells 144658 1
-  cells 144659 1
-  cells 144660 1
-  cells 144661 1
-  cells 144662 1
-  cells 144663 1
-  cells 144664 1
-  cells 144665 1
-  cells 144666 1
-  cells 144667 1
-  cells 144668 1
-  cells 144669 1
-Cluster 6
-  cells 60462 1
-  cells 60463 1
-  cells 60464 1
-  cells 60465 1
-  cells 60466 1
-  cells 60467 1
-  cells 60468 1
-  cells 60469 1
-  cells 60470 1
-  cells 60471 1
-  cells 60472 1
-  cells 60473 1
-  cells 60474 1
-  cells 60475 1
-  cells 60476 1
-  cells 60477 1
-  cells 60478 1
-  cells 60479 1
-  cells 60480 1
-  cells 60481 1
-  cells 60482 1
-  cells 60483 1
-  cells 60484 1
-  cells 60485 1
-  cells 60486 1
-  cells 60487 1
-  cells 60488 1
-  cells 60489 1
-  cells 60490 1
-  cells 60491 1
-  cells 60492 1
-  cells 60493 1
-  cells 60494 1
-  cells 60495 1
-  cells 60496 1
-  cells 60497 1
-  cells 60498 1
-  cells 60499 1
-  cells 60500 1
-  cells 60501 1
-  cells 60502 1
-  cells 60503 1
-  cells 60504 1
-  cells 60505 1
-  cells 60506 1
-  cells 60507 1
-  cells 60508 1
-  cells 60509 1
-  cells 60510 1
-  cells 60511 1
-  cells 60512 1
-  cells 60513 1
-  cells 60514 1
-  cells 60515 1
-  cells 60516 1
-  cells 60517 1
-  cells 60518 1
-  cells 60519 1
-  cells 60520 1
-  cells 60521 1
-  cells 60522 1
-  cells 60523 1
-  cells 60524 1
-  cells 60525 1
-  cells 60526 1
-  cells 60527 1
-  cells 60528 1
-  cells 60529 1
-  cells 60530 1
-  cells 60531 1
-  cells 60532 1
-  cells 60533 1
-  cells 60534 1
-  cells 60535 1
-  cells 60536 1
-  cells 60537 1
-  cells 60538 1
-  cells 60539 1
-  cells 60540 1
-  cells 60541 1
-  cells 60542 1
-  cells 60543 1
-  cells 60544 1
-  cells 60545 1
-  cells 60546 1
-  cells 60547 1
-  cells 60548 1
-  cells 60549 1
-  cells 60550 1
-  cells 60551 1
-  cells 60552 1
-  cells 60553 1
-  cells 60554 1
-  cells 60555 1
-  cells 60556 1
-  cells 60557 1
-  cells 60558 1
-  cells 60559 1
-  cells 60560 1
-  cells 60561 1
+  cells 69104 1
+  cells 69105 1
+  cells 69106 1
+  cells 69107 1
+  cells 69108 1
+  cells 69109 1
+  cells 69110 1
+  cells 69111 1
+  cells 69112 1
+  cells 69113 1
+  cells 69114 1
+  cells 69115 1
+  cells 69116 1
+  cells 69117 1
+  cells 69118 1
+  cells 69119 1
+  cells 69120 1
+  cells 69121 1
+  cells 69122 1
+  cells 69123 1
+  cells 69124 1
+  cells 69125 1
+  cells 69126 1
+  cells 69127 1
+  cells 69128 1
+  cells 69129 1
+  cells 69130 1
+  cells 69131 1
+  cells 69132 1
+  cells 69133 1
+  cells 69134 1
+  cells 69135 1
+  cells 69136 1
+  cells 69137 1
+  cells 69138 1
+  cells 69139 1
+  cells 69140 1
+  cells 69141 1
+  cells 69142 1
+  cells 69143 1
+  cells 69144 1
+  cells 69145 1
+  cells 69146 1
+  cells 69147 1
+  cells 69148 1
+  cells 69149 1
+  cells 69150 1
+  cells 69151 1
+  cells 69152 1
+  cells 69153 1
+  cells 69154 1
+  cells 69155 1
+  cells 69156 1
+  cells 69157 1
+  cells 69158 1
+  cells 69159 1
+  cells 69160 1
+  cells 69161 1
+  cells 69162 1
+  cells 69163 1
+  cells 69164 1
+  cells 69165 1
+  cells 69166 1
+  cells 69167 1
+  cells 69168 1
+  cells 69169 1
+  cells 69170 1
+  cells 69171 1
+  cells 69172 1
+  cells 69173 1
+  cells 69174 1
+  cells 69175 1
+  cells 69176 1
+  cells 69177 1
+  cells 69178 1
+  cells 69179 1
+  cells 69180 1
+  cells 69181 1
+  cells 69182 1
+  cells 69183 1
+  cells 69184 1
+  cells 69185 1
+  cells 69186 1
+  cells 69187 1
+  cells 69188 1
+  cells 69189 1
+  cells 69190 1
+  cells 69191 1
+  cells 69192 1
+  cells 69193 1
+  cells 69194 1
+  cells 69195 1
+  cells 69196 1
+  cells 69197 1
+  cells 69198 1
+  cells 69199 1
+  cells 69200 1
+  cells 69201 1
+  cells 69202 1
+  cells 69203 1
 test3 0
 test3 1
 test3 2
@@ -1841,6 +1438,7 @@ test3 9
+Athena::getMessageSvc: WARNING MessageSvc not found, will use std::cout
 CaloCellLinkCon...  ERROR FILE:LINE (void CaloCellLinkContainerCnv_p2::transToPers(const CaloCellLinkContainer*, CaloCellLinkContainer_p2*, MsgStream&)): Multiple container names seen; cannot be persistified correctly: cells1 != cells2; cell skipped
 Pers: 1 clusts; container cells1
   isizes: 2
@@ -1848,6 +1446,7 @@ Pers: 1 clusts; container cells1
   ilinks: 1/0 1/2
   wlinks: 2001
+Athena::getMessageSvc: WARNING MessageSvc not found, will use std::cout
 CaloCellLinkCon...WARNING FILE:LINE (void CaloCellLinkContainerCnv_p2::transToPers(const CaloCellLinkContainer*, CaloCellLinkContainer_p2*, MsgStream&)): Crazy cluster cell weight 1e+10 reset to 1
 Pers: 1 clusts; container cells
   isizes: 1
@@ -1855,6 +1454,7 @@ Pers: 1 clusts; container cells
   ilinks: 3/0
   wlinks: 3001
+Athena::getMessageSvc: WARNING MessageSvc not found, will use std::cout
 CaloCellLinkCon...WARNING FILE:LINE (void CaloCellLinkContainerCnv_p2::transToPers(const CaloCellLinkContainer*, CaloCellLinkContainer_p2*, MsgStream&)): Bad cell index 500000 had high bits masked off.
 Pers: 1 clusts; container cells
   isizes: 3
@@ -1862,21 +1462,33 @@ Pers: 1 clusts; container cells
   ilinks: 1/0 1/2 1/237856
   wlinks: 3001
+Athena::getMessageSvc: WARNING MessageSvc not found, will use std::cout
 CaloCellLinkCon...WARNING FILE:LINE (void CaloCellLinkContainerCnv_p2::persToTrans(const CaloCellLinkContainer_p2*, CaloCellLinkContainer*, MsgStream&)): Inconsistent sequence array lengths: 1 0 0
+Athena::getMessageSvc: WARNING MessageSvc not found, will use std::cout
 CaloCellLinkCon...WARNING FILE:LINE (void CaloCellLinkContainerCnv_p2::persToTrans(const CaloCellLinkContainer_p2*, CaloCellLinkContainer*, MsgStream&)): Cell index array overrun
+Athena::getMessageSvc: WARNING MessageSvc not found, will use std::cout
 CaloCellLinkCon...WARNING FILE:LINE (void CaloCellLinkContainerCnv_p2::persToTrans(const CaloCellLinkContainer_p2*, CaloCellLinkContainer*, MsgStream&)): Discarding cluster cells
+Athena::getMessageSvc: WARNING MessageSvc not found, will use std::cout
 CaloCellLinkCon...WARNING FILE:LINE (void CaloCellLinkContainerCnv_p2::persToTrans(const CaloCellLinkContainer_p2*, CaloCellLinkContainer*, MsgStream&)): Cell weight array overrun
+Athena::getMessageSvc: WARNING MessageSvc not found, will use std::cout
 CaloCellLinkCon...WARNING FILE:LINE (void CaloCellLinkContainerCnv_p2::persToTrans(const CaloCellLinkContainer_p2*, CaloCellLinkContainer*, MsgStream&)): Discarding cluster cells
+Athena::getMessageSvc: WARNING MessageSvc not found, will use std::cout
 CaloCellLinkCon...WARNING FILE:LINE (void CaloCellLinkContainerCnv_p2::persToTrans(const CaloCellLinkContainer_p2*, CaloCellLinkContainer*, MsgStream&)): Weight/index arrays out of sync
+Athena::getMessageSvc: WARNING MessageSvc not found, will use std::cout
 CaloCellLinkCon...WARNING FILE:LINE (void CaloCellLinkContainerCnv_p2::persToTrans(const CaloCellLinkContainer_p2*, CaloCellLinkContainer*, MsgStream&)): Discarding cluster cells
+Athena::getMessageSvc: WARNING MessageSvc not found, will use std::cout
 CaloCellLinkCon...WARNING FILE:LINE (void CaloCellLinkContainerCnv_p2::persToTrans(const CaloCellLinkContainer_p2*, CaloCellLinkContainer*, MsgStream&)): Wrong number of weight sequences
+Athena::getMessageSvc: WARNING MessageSvc not found, will use std::cout
 CaloCellLinkCon...WARNING FILE:LINE (void CaloCellLinkContainerCnv_p2::persToTrans(const CaloCellLinkContainer_p2*, CaloCellLinkContainer*, MsgStream&)): Discarding cluster cells
+Athena::getMessageSvc: WARNING MessageSvc not found, will use std::cout
 CaloCellLinkCon...WARNING FILE:LINE (void CaloCellLinkContainerCnv_p2::persToTrans(const CaloCellLinkContainer_p2*, CaloCellLinkContainer*, MsgStream&)): Wrong number of weight sequences
+Athena::getMessageSvc: WARNING MessageSvc not found, will use std::cout
 CaloCellLinkCon...WARNING FILE:LINE (void CaloCellLinkContainerCnv_p2::persToTrans(const CaloCellLinkContainer_p2*, CaloCellLinkContainer*, MsgStream&)): Missing cell container name
+Athena::getMessageSvc: WARNING MessageSvc not found, will use std::cout
 CaloCellLinkCon...WARNING FILE:LINE (void CaloCellLinkContainerCnv_p2::persToTrans(const CaloCellLinkContainer_p2*, CaloCellLinkContainer*, MsgStream&)): Discarding cluster cells
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloCnv/CaloTPCnv/share/CaloCompactCellTool_test.ref b/Calorimeter/CaloCnv/CaloTPCnv/share/CaloCompactCellTool_test.ref
index 40c0f491a6fae60c87e26a5c955be9e2297a4e33..cc0db835269ee985134b8f4b08f0f965d7951574 100644
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloCnv/CaloTPCnv/share/CaloCompactCellTool_test.ref
+++ b/Calorimeter/CaloCnv/CaloTPCnv/share/CaloCompactCellTool_test.ref
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
 Initializing Gaudi ApplicationMgr using job opts ../share/CaloCompactCellTool_test.txt
-JobOptionsSvc        INFO # =======> /home/sss/nobackup/atlas/build-clang/../tests/../share/CaloCompactCellTool_test.txt
+JobOptionsSvc        INFO # =======> /home/sss/nobackup/atlas/build-dvtest/../tests/../share/CaloCompactCellTool_test.txt
 JobOptionsSvc        INFO # (1,1): ApplicationMgr.DLLs += ["StoreGate", "CLIDComps", "CaloTriggerTool"]
 JobOptionsSvc        INFO # (2,1): ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += ["StoreGateSvc", "StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore"]
 JobOptionsSvc        INFO Job options successfully read in from ../share/CaloCompactCellTool_test.txt
 ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS 
                                                    Welcome to ApplicationMgr (GaudiCoreSvc v27r1p99)
-                                          running on karma on Sat Mar  4 22:14:09 2017
+                                          running on karma on Mon Apr 15 10:57:06 2019
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : StoreGate, CLIDComps, CaloTriggerTool
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 6559 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 11496 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
 EventLoopMgr      WARNING Unable to locate service "EventSelector" 
 EventLoopMgr      WARNING No events will be processed from external input.
 HistogramPersis...WARNING Histograms saving not required.
@@ -164,4098 +164,4125 @@ AtlasDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - there are no sTGC entries in the dictionar
 AtlasDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - there are no MM entries in the dictionary! 
 AtlasDetectorID      DEBUG Could not get value for label 'no_side' of field 'DetZside' in dictionary Calorimeter
  AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 998 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
 *** test 400 400 0 1
-    1075  49459.5  -689.85 53755 11351 1
-    1169  23422.4   489.98 23868 16042 0
-    1622      0.0     0.00 37608 4033 -1
-    2297 121246.2    -9.30 42472 11145 1
-    3128  30390.2  -478.14 8379 10812 0
-    3336 501210.4   992.38 29220 9839 2
-    5102  33340.7   390.80 55198 8485 0
-    5266 356135.2  -269.29 65389 14194 1
-    5649 2370137.2  -187.36 64977 15275 2
-    5810 2643101.2  -472.28 43462 11542 2
-    7314 152331.7  -645.99 56726 13039 1
-    7540      0.0     0.00 2419 7476 -1
-    7878  25180.5  -595.43 1937 11012 0
-    8389 1309772.1   494.97 53215 9487 2
-    8635 1404756.8  -663.70 5222 8580 2
-    8865  56418.8   241.62 18899 10477 1
-    9497  29531.0   -90.94 2805 9686 0
-    9667   1608.5  -159.27 63619 8257 0
-    9740 -12425.8   744.37 47213 10708 0
-    9937 100737.3  -467.39 59981 9644 1
-   10211 276972.8   504.85 20002 11444 1
-   10482  16567.5   687.36 38958 8569 0
-   11010 181408.2   -65.47 2232 8605 1
-   11685      0.0     0.00 58094 926 -1
-   11687  50290.2  -937.23 50453 13981 1
-   12363      0.0     0.00 60615 7455 -1
-   12799 219365.0  -160.77 626 15897 2
-   12806 342704.1  -409.97 16681 8549 1
-   13139  72211.2   478.91 20944 13176 1
-   14076 318644.4   937.92 63061 14345 1
-   14728 311414.3  -213.94 14834 9607 1
-   15055 392489.3  -608.31 30321 10012 1
-   15271      0.0     0.00 2755 6802 -1
-   15810  18245.5  -671.70 29652 12722 0
-   17611 611785.6   374.04 54885 8604 2
-   18403 1775489.1   884.77 37646 14591 2
-   20551 219452.4   185.05 51079 9599 1
-   20563  54130.3  -915.15 23328 9174 1
-   21469 -14224.6   200.93 57493 9886 0
-   21696 2906162.0  -253.50 29060 8623 2
-   21930 643762.2   391.35 30594 12052 2
-   22199   8862.3   939.64 63358 12043 0
-   24235  11931.0  -510.04 49973 14989 0
-   24250  10666.9  -790.28 43153 8458 0
-   25726 375171.4   246.82 63633 8853 1
-   25795  62555.4  -460.89 25838 9942 1
-   26364    723.3   566.46 13803 12043 0
-   26917 320920.4  -446.20 24427 14359 1
-   27986 1154786.5  -578.07 41239 9396 2
-   28330 202517.5  -179.53 39244 16217 1
-   28433 2915928.8  -445.21 54502 15372 2
-   29062 1773295.5   567.98 63439 8571 2
-   29894 1826088.6   265.59 39188 11657 2
-   29964 109711.9   400.78 3687 15043 1
-   30215 1161353.1   279.55 64171 16255 2
-   30399 1871393.9   733.74 42688 9187 2
-   30721  -1496.0   182.55 923 13459 0
-   31097   5618.3  -684.40 53655 9282 0
-   31468 104203.5   421.95 8079 12761 1
-   31974 1368134.8   419.04 48416 16136 2
-   32025 247370.6   665.89 44593 10092 1
-   32375 228135.7  -160.98 12415 10576 1
-   33133      0.0     0.00 28918 5541 -1
-   33785  14106.3   590.90 11737 8530 0
-   33803 100661.9     9.55 20357 13829 1
-   33983 1507452.9  -492.70 7109 9028 2
-   34219      0.0     0.00 21310 1904 -1
-   34440 234605.7   247.83 18258 11868 1
-   35358 707512.1   496.09 36162 14954 2
-   35462    630.9  -994.30 50892 10308 0
-   35655      0.0     0.00 64863 4866 -1
-   35739 1450588.6   190.11 37704 10683 2
-   36175 -15409.8   433.53 29675 14070 0
-   36239  30054.3   -23.96 45213 13749 0
-   36542 318908.5  -617.55 51302 10073 1
-   38037 123408.9  -599.61 62953 12985 1
-   39614   1431.7   202.28 33863 9560 0
-   40146  -5132.3   588.73 8246 12715 0
-   41203 1355927.5   350.99 9987 10212 2
-   41696 797133.1  -530.75 7948 15420 2
-   42756  52157.5   -91.49 65094 15933 1
-   43195 1771227.9   253.74 54712 9475 2
-   43828  62655.9   460.42 64367 14988 1
-   44364 1303907.4   371.24 384 16290 2
-   45153   7251.5   914.48 52745 10339 0
-   45966 330275.3   252.41 63153 11716 1
-   46484 233917.8  -912.14 7939 15062 1
-   46557 1670842.4    35.81 34875 9260 2
-   47751  50379.9   378.46 16045 15824 1
-   48707   5736.8   175.85 50571 13547 0
-   48735 194392.4  -205.64 56885 14955 1
-   49442 210446.5  -936.74 62936 8957 2
-   49515 1145839.9  -431.09 64252 9787 2
-   49794      0.0     0.00 39412 4378 -1
-   49928  15490.0  -176.28 40807 11289 0
-   49970  33875.9  -267.17 61159 10568 0
-   51063 212194.0   257.02 10728 10399 2
-   51306 452940.1   204.89 9542 15202 2
-   53256      0.0     0.00 54447 1853 -1
-   53474  36435.0  -877.67 35251 14582 0
-   53874      0.0     0.00 45771 500 -1
-   54374 184093.2  -761.59 19260 15208 2
-   54620 399791.6  -105.90 58287 8280 1
-   56234 2783145.2    53.79 48978 13218 2
-   56926 278465.6   563.46 6704 13788 1
-   56948  12939.6  -206.52 3208 15370 0
-   57426   6436.2  -542.76 12187 11058 0
-   57611      0.0     0.00 42356 1798 -1
-   57968  10039.3  -174.64 468 9977 0
-   58429  80698.1  -649.34 19594 10788 1
-   60510 490472.3  -903.05 60294 10198 2
-   60812 205202.8  -141.44 1094 10226 1
-   61904  38749.9   293.63 5251 12675 0
-   61974 260918.9   169.85 56193 16133 1
-   62312 179016.4  -379.47 39836 12765 2
-   63774 918847.5   -93.12 36945 9437 2
-   64143 2882016.0  -725.31 61515 10206 2
-   64894      0.0     0.00 30327 2155 -1
-   65518 377056.2   264.54 19812 10162 1
-   65710  31332.6  -149.60 24046 15801 0
-   65719 547469.9   356.86 5452 14259 2
-   65839      0.0     0.00 29915 6196 -1
-   67774   3700.8   842.86 22416 14394 0
-   69863  43746.9    -7.83 10950 16375 0
-   71212  36543.6  -576.40 5049 13971 0
-   71593      0.0     0.00 31112 5741 -1
-   71629  -5174.6  -978.09 29527 9469 0
-   71680      0.0     0.00 13830 2527 -1
-   72253 228624.9   136.90 56576 12119 1
-   72436 346620.1   111.35 21722 9808 1
-   73114 133384.5  -816.16 45175 15528 1
-   74003  58719.1  -558.96 57002 15575 1
-   74095 1323005.8  -431.25 17452 12449 2
-   74905  42789.9  -437.98 18781 13241 0
-   75087  63890.9  -854.77 55762 10029 1
-   75605 318725.8  -595.71 51581 11617 1
-   76090 2618829.8  -155.25 39918 8227 2
-   76402 2251711.0   212.11 53122 14248 2
-   76536 388422.8  -806.37 34449 15417 1
-   77161 351803.7   576.70 26779 12527 1
-   77412 245543.8  -813.40 63543 10611 1
-   78019  27772.6  -338.51 24547 14698 0
-   78245  99613.2   -60.53 39673 12651 1
-   78700 2304477.5   444.11 54655 10670 2
-   79088  42414.0  -809.03 65197 10487 0
-   79295  17253.2    87.04 49209 12561 0
-   79762  14403.7   158.11 60740 14402 0
-   79801 1970748.9  -682.99 37938 8587 2
-   79823 944511.2   559.08 19025 15269 2
-   80399  14654.5  -731.46 20842 8633 0
-   80985 -14882.9  -538.27 42925 9884 0
-   81797 -11721.9   129.93 63865 13239 0
-   81903  82443.6   776.71 23387 14993 1
-   82401 161477.1   295.91 9655 9700 1
-   82758 1439262.8   -25.04 3184 9795 2
-   83784  -3909.3  -444.99 18395 14543 0
-   83833 1579493.8     1.24 46727 11760 2
-   84200   7543.3   664.98 58783 16068 0
-   84984 225688.8  -909.50 34686 9424 1
-   85412 657116.1   969.20 38527 14323 2
-   85462 186942.9  -717.66 40176 8609 1
-   85876 188377.6  -367.63 18342 9902 2
-   85901 227742.9  -115.53 32936 9424 1
-   86222 381850.3   833.14 1692 12462 1
-   86250  29637.7  -471.23 46732 14851 0
-   87004  42387.2  -806.50 49424 14030 0
-   87844   4342.4   319.57 35855 13577 0
-   88393  41641.9  -937.72 59856 10459 0
-   88417 2037913.1   378.44 13580 16362 2
-   89099 1906822.6  -584.64 23476 11577 2
-   89682 1985584.0  -371.28 23879 10117 2
-   89699 320789.5  -990.23 37395 14028 1
-   89750 192712.1  -349.75 17129 9295 1
-   90015  92612.9  -870.87 21323 10826 2
-   90483  98993.3   -60.14 8875 12118 1
-   90502      0.0     0.00 25562 7379 -1
-   90682  40690.7    73.54 16296 16327 0
-   92479 952184.9  -138.22 57286 16019 2
-   92925  -7886.5  -111.58 39096 9231 0
-   92959 -13032.6   -90.23 13810 11630 0
-   93601 162400.5  -764.57 12494 16132 1
-   93610  38700.7   331.48 11257 15036 0
-   94091  17374.2   440.28 46293 11956 0
-   94251 1299599.6   220.54 3154 11070 2
-   95554  25679.7  -342.29 2755 10593 0
-   96208 385308.7  -201.06 56597 10225 1
-   96899  33186.9  -888.14 7985 13212 0
-   96998 1687375.9  -933.87 35057 14236 2
-   97108 149093.9   487.44 51593 16209 1
-   97116 2092886.6  -442.68 59268 16345 2
-   97160 2534080.0   535.79 52186 8422 2
-   97174      0.0     0.00 57703 6645 -1
-   97265      0.0     0.00 12499 7089 -1
-   99000 1263755.1    94.20 15915 10736 2
-   99344  -6597.1   618.35 57540 10058 0
-   99404 2863602.8   495.34 52410 10767 2
-   99728 337435.2   -65.38 52292 8795 1
-   99968 146203.4   488.84 12539 15931 1
-   99990 2305278.2  -960.96 20341 14334 2
-  100280 323425.2   774.87 56395 13625 1
-  100431  21547.0  -993.10 17262 10460 0
-  100902 1396274.6   841.98 10605 12591 2
-  101544 118125.5    38.62 170 12345 1
-  102874 202570.9  -583.45 40998 8423 1
-  103580 1631536.2   687.46 12566 14332 2
-  103780 533237.4   806.39 63284 12073 2
-  103903  42660.6   682.25 48774 15800 0
-  104337 160738.7  -325.93 18195 8263 1
-  105785 -10544.7   144.60 9654 11182 0
-  106122 342955.2  -368.67 57109 11306 1
-  106953 -11592.3   997.24 16462 11311 0
-  107258   5338.0   482.47 2348 12589 0
-  107831      0.0     0.00 53129 1926 -1
-  108696  64732.2   771.89 31097 14890 1
-  108792 213597.5   499.42 9573 14788 1
-  108981 461604.5   921.75 34662 15358 2
-  109792 2734623.2    54.93 42762 10167 2
-  109917 296790.9    55.20 25140 10599 2
-  110386 169222.1   551.04 850 8972 1
-  110856 306501.6  -124.75 11061 10234 2
-  113065   3731.7  -203.31 41971 10743 0
-  113093 838863.1   484.15 45750 14617 2
-  113498      0.0     0.00 16344 7000 -1
-  114336 1824757.9  -395.97 51138 15411 2
-  114397 278920.2   844.58 59330 16209 1
-  114488 1434279.5   141.30 10689 15154 2
-  114766  25206.0   441.42 14354 14088 0
-  115541 202989.0  -607.70 30274 12694 1
-  116001 2114743.2  -614.20 26612 13236 2
-  116236 230818.0   451.57 23084 11372 1
-  116960 250164.5   799.61 51013 11022 1
-  117026      0.0     0.00 42112 2974 -1
-  117271      0.0     0.00 58328 4965 -1
-  117793      0.0     0.00 24180 6629 -1
-  118415  13133.1   611.81 17321 16226 0
-  119113 -10657.0  -525.70 51100 14111 0
-  119277  39420.9  -150.28 19187 10967 0
-  119473 1165606.0  -297.67 59068 10060 2
-  119527 1120591.5  -136.95 10115 11481 2
-  120145  -2759.5  -534.09 41557 12007 0
-  120680      0.0     0.00 13550 4403 -1
-  121159  25166.3   816.31 54451 16224 0
-  121423  10910.2   803.27 22485 13672 0
-  122861  37410.3   -48.65 23785 8939 0
-  122938 128358.0  -162.21 59529 13621 1
-  123158      0.0     0.00 58135 6068 -1
-  123607 133145.9  -471.58 47760 13511 1
-  124752 361560.7  -716.45 7036 10317 1
-  125588   7855.1   228.45 21884 16086 0
-  125616 156349.5  -401.73 65063 10449 1
-  126670 272874.3   322.93 8093 11335 1
-  126806 2164556.5   438.81 34169 11287 2
-  127264  -4667.4   191.91 60087 11137 0
-  127515 233203.1   491.16 10745 9079 1
-  128466 283105.7  -384.44 38486 10013 1
-  128567 1342248.6  -974.61 24889 12476 2
-  129147  11564.6   991.12 21476 12293 0
-  131059 362457.9   295.79 56026 10207 1
-  131108  57030.2  -526.47 1391 12956 1
-  131564      0.0     0.00 41669 2909 -1
-  131855 2748910.0  -202.29 62912 11590 2
-  132997 110526.6   -30.37 4904 8196 1
-  133204  18262.9  -242.60 19190 14785 0
-  133553  95858.0   522.70 14627 9930 1
-  134098  73477.0  -440.23 64117 15701 1
-  134886 271921.3  -810.71 56765 12333 1
-  134911 238792.7   382.41 3648 9550 2
-  134919   5861.2  -188.76 30176 8350 0
-  134965 261361.5   610.88 58848 12717 2
-  135059   -193.2  -702.49 56184 15468 0
-  136646      0.0     0.00 43948 4708 -1
-  136714  -4903.2  -225.25 20329 13145 0
-  136818 -15717.0   430.90 60072 14649 0
-  136897  19418.4  -944.64 39355 9187 0
-  137387 100298.6   167.97 51897 10779 1
-  137770  28085.1  -882.18 11472 12676 0
-  137998  27749.2  -180.51 16143 8547 0
-  138023 273371.4  -621.64 39622 14468 1
-  138311  16588.9   847.37 22599 8600 0
-  138520 844002.1  -829.93 51758 15414 2
-  139093  38043.1  -973.81 25047 14162 0
-  140258 131034.6  -476.14 60460 8717 1
-  140363 248911.2  -756.52 817 11471 1
-  141341 222522.6  -238.05 58056 15002 2
-  141636 154589.5   154.27 57912 15641 1
-  141809  34331.3   391.14 63298 13152 0
-  141865 2120145.5   185.48 63400 11042 2
-  142192   -688.2   -30.34 53281 13723 0
-  142402 315162.5   766.03 61480 12967 1
-  142618 516092.6  -466.25 25820 8909 2
-  143531 280322.6  -739.69 57827 8925 1
-  143651 -10575.4   423.82 50128 16075 0
-  143884 141627.1   -57.38 13307 15479 1
-  143951      0.0     0.00 24618 2606 -1
+     668      0.0     0.00 65095 6942 -1
+     752      0.0     0.00 58512 2204 -1
+     766 202009.5  -212.51 32381 14443 1
+    1583 2402286.8  -357.95 26276 10967 2
+    2159      0.0     0.00 63465 7810 -1
+    2296  24008.9  -218.13 36620 10714 0
+    4250  38110.8   936.05 18988 13326 0
+    5230 2722892.5   756.43 64971 15299 2
+    5387      0.0     0.00 57352 3262 -1
+    6398 2640316.8  -475.06 22546 15989 2
+    6427 525881.1  -339.05 29517 10648 2
+    6550  71452.8   424.10 28821 10548 1
+    6920 217739.2   134.73 12181 12107 1
+    6943 291801.9   238.05 35044 14814 1
+    7431  -3663.0   433.00 2256 9879 0
+    7722 2234130.8   -61.69 20810 11712 2
+    8841 149538.2   233.12 42261 13924 2
+    9183 151827.0   -12.59 9740 9557 2
+    9204 717677.1   445.89 8663 10923 2
+    9373 1850310.0   269.68 64192 11361 2
+    9536 1540431.5  -647.16 21998 13903 2
+   10003  17270.0   -16.79 22276 8399 0
+   11378  64104.1   464.76 31113 9206 1
+   11779 206442.8   -13.78 63667 14979 1
+   12044 1755867.2   706.63 3276 12524 2
+   12256 899837.8  -840.69 7084 10299 2
+   12317  32614.6    81.92 52353 12950 0
+   12508  43009.3   137.61 25658 13504 0
+   13877   5097.0    84.41 32557 9779 0
+   15249      0.0     0.00 34986 5064 -1
+   15839 570037.8  -447.11 45907 11639 2
+   16352 325168.7  -745.75 19861 12825 1
+   16811 281818.2  -819.62 63143 14801 2
+   18037 181164.1   588.14 25812 14847 1
+   20149   5228.4   105.01 24968 11207 0
+   21052 255586.1   318.59 41640 13511 1
+   21562 158814.2  -363.65 2961 12395 1
+   21694  52363.4   969.13 15398 8840 2
+   22721 3029999.0  -576.06 28398 16105 2
+   23406 1151565.8  -450.14 61688 14674 2
+   23560 697467.2   -43.43 7171 14645 2
+   23877 1952289.6  -631.65 15604 9138 2
+   24054 2081338.8  -849.73 62835 9295 2
+   24556  -3790.5   486.29 15848 9124 0
+   25097 211444.8   853.97 24132 10462 2
+   25920 107244.5  -502.65 49767 11871 1
+   26318 283613.3   121.05 55044 11132 1
+   26344 164685.8   380.92 22908 11133 1
+   27488  41481.8  -211.90 63709 9432 2
+   28115      0.0     0.00 37262 4126 -1
+   28404      0.0     0.00 27735 6577 -1
+   28462 182981.1  -868.65 21380 8447 1
+   28668 280119.0  -447.42 39607 14156 2
+   28951  42188.8  -472.03 52651 15992 0
+   29237      0.0     0.00 37419 6 -1
+   29727 321242.0  -949.04 18713 16214 2
+   31703 140257.0   537.53 58772 10529 1
+   31754 1603787.6   542.60 21470 14269 2
+   32016      0.0     0.00 50518 6525 -1
+   32102  14121.3   534.97 44928 9483 0
+   32172 1460653.2   755.01 31727 14284 2
+   33408      0.0     0.00 45192 7200 -1
+   33900 701937.4   442.39 60722 15412 2
+   33979 266416.8   880.00 52535 15911 1
+   34169  89924.8  -244.84 21347 13658 1
+   34638   9599.3   476.98 14273 9661 0
+   34988 674897.0   125.96 12191 14528 2
+   35128 2809088.0   247.21 18080 9130 2
+   35890      0.0     0.00 60671 4081 -1
+   36354 711296.8   349.82 17882 8577 2
+   37649 2587703.5  -300.25 6342 10713 2
+   39229  42691.6  -240.60 48127 13355 0
+   40192 762049.4  -352.43 24719 13406 2
+   40800 385893.4   702.53 8904 8680 1
+   42067      0.0     0.00 39939 5465 -1
+   42073 367663.3   -47.98 38129 9712 1
+   42780  40808.9  -165.01 27812 14923 0
+   42850 1577834.0   292.43 45938 10269 2
+   43320 308715.6  -535.45 33322 10277 1
+   43519 2543467.0   993.20 26158 13688 2
+   44251 626487.0   304.32 20529 14087 2
+   45291 250901.5  -311.86 11361 13056 1
+   45529 198153.7    28.59 5867 15646 2
+   45917  18611.0  -198.45 20414 10004 0
+   45956  18343.5  -170.19 25744 13555 0
+   46444 1371402.2   360.33 56261 10820 2
+   46754  42535.4  -304.30 13346 13455 0
+   47154 1832550.6  -865.80 56855 12301 2
+   47710      0.0     0.00 57770 749 -1
+   48121  25589.7  -974.03 10609 12593 0
+   48809  25233.8   495.79 62311 12256 0
+   49327    342.1   196.82 58781 9499 0
+   49430 166438.3   393.36 5122 10026 1
+   50399 306734.4  -885.88 64694 8898 1
+   51878  35326.3   492.83 61728 15071 0
+   51918 262691.7   775.60 22040 15355 2
+   52536      0.0     0.00 41810 3181 -1
+   52548 183061.0   315.52 59327 12091 1
+   53607 134981.4   849.70 33123 12638 1
+   53614 902197.9   160.33 20559 9697 2
+   53742   6937.8   -70.91 17410 14200 0
+   56112      0.0     0.00 37404 2479 -1
+   56311  74123.2  -528.07 46934 9594 2
+   56586 274371.5  -658.82 29693 14722 1
+   56675 375995.9  -846.75 52425 9227 1
+   56934      0.0     0.00 41437 3570 -1
+   57022 2993470.8   846.65 24981 10371 2
+   57115      0.0     0.00 29184 5372 -1
+   57946 335128.9  -935.15 3051 15311 1
+   58880 1678728.1   706.08 17585 12040 2
+   60606 176847.6   390.28 44899 10254 1
+   60692      0.0     0.00 10419 947 -1
+   60935 313836.2  -607.12 25613 14356 1
+   60997 324609.1   251.96 43778 12644 1
+   61116      0.0     0.00 34923 5097 -1
+   61901      0.0     0.00 36148 5651 -1
+   62057  43487.9   766.09 48595 15304 0
+   62096 519174.9   -78.12 10851 11510 2
+   63118 1224868.8   597.05 2029 8264 2
+   63834 414446.5   547.65 18919 15269 2
+   63869 2275848.5  -649.11 39063 12338 2
+   64224  40545.2   871.50 6305 9324 0
+   64312 363963.0   567.65 63026 10388 1
+   64930 162910.9  -956.56 35968 11997 1
+   65686  94800.5   -80.00 48550 12763 1
+   67624 172801.5   430.31 7633 12816 1
+   68640   1808.9  -808.64 61385 14229 0
+   68749 2169630.2   691.96 20595 14061 2
+   68761 1063057.2  -922.32 44952 8779 2
+   69255      0.0     0.00 49177 2754 -1
+   70337 2624069.0  -180.55 40351 10718 2
+   70373  13659.5  -619.32 46396 16328 0
+   70424  10109.3  -433.71 46484 14615 0
+   70991 251924.1  -209.37 19514 8696 1
+   71173 355175.3   281.14 63789 14553 2
+   71907 1838299.8   657.18 27283 10692 2
+   72544   9486.0   501.40 31049 10384 0
+   72978 234231.4  -555.04 47981 9457 1
+   73690 1409308.2    65.25 48234 15478 2
+   74188      0.0     0.00 11966 2322 -1
+   74647  19083.9  -583.89 8924 12412 0
+   74952  11341.6  -499.08 54785 15521 0
+   75086 164823.9  -683.44 9666 11276 1
+   75941 103374.6  -541.90 14395 14703 1
+   76765 1054262.0  -786.86 46505 11414 2
+   77197  90554.8   398.95 52405 9612 1
+   77387 2586112.0  -552.61 11294 12261 2
+   77410 1687330.4   421.55 29372 15961 2
+   77476 230716.5  -453.86 13727 10249 1
+   77747 2046989.5   263.77 27917 14187 2
+   78184     22.7  -866.11 1126 13004 0
+   78221 775792.3   -59.78 26818 10077 2
+   78242  -5644.6   -47.18 4138 15051 0
+   78782  83735.9  -903.91 62975 10882 1
+   79410 435517.6   728.86 17841 13834 2
+   79465  16266.8  -119.20 55289 11314 0
+   80112 328452.2  -412.26 41442 15764 1
+   80180  33291.9  -614.85 61402 9574 0
+   80213  28863.7   427.00 16172 13186 0
+   80695 1502577.9  -238.59 54407 9231 2
+   81147 108671.9  -653.01 35969 14189 1
+   81915   4458.5   919.81 52747 14952 0
+   82224 236760.6  -574.50 20204 12258 1
+   82312 181129.9   663.93 50805 8920 1
+   82457 326196.6   496.85 552 13659 1
+   83678 235928.6  -122.66 13376 12992 1
+   84395 186175.1  -795.94 18093 10043 1
+   84421 136160.4  -981.98 36397 10459 2
+   84715 305591.0  -336.13 28819 13542 1
+   84861 2751817.0  -417.42 62984 13661 2
+   85235  21857.1   -22.66 46666 16304 0
+   86072 192910.8  -720.31 64210 15057 1
+   86554  26771.1    45.23 64743 11483 0
+   86849 312276.8   532.10 8631 9690 2
+   87688 2891698.2  -548.92 59334 11438 2
+   88008 560231.6  -202.29 15032 13993 2
+   88022 195932.5  -742.19 29715 11412 1
+   89768   9344.1   446.82 3191 15743 0
+   90892 343815.1  -947.78 63467 11818 1
+   91937   4916.0   249.36 29592 14178 0
+   92096 233593.1   843.99 48805 8445 1
+   92535  22598.7   831.97 647 14424 0
+   94589 -11006.3  -541.03 10696 9463 0
+   94938 745828.1  -923.27 30955 15797 2
+   95144 1766544.2   795.89 36456 14512 2
+   95562 348362.9   441.82 37645 11275 1
+   96355  13748.1   541.01 51754 15083 0
+   96522  21109.5   838.12 11435 8627 0
+   96926 1339824.6  -794.63 6318 12661 2
+   97561 293685.1   864.50 54957 11709 1
+   97990 214869.9   999.59 62986 15284 1
+   98405 1734547.0   163.34 63034 8918 2
+   99987      0.0     0.00 2060 844 -1
+  100208      0.0     0.00 18865 4886 -1
+  100368 192003.2  -297.45 59856 14664 1
+  100999 103603.9  -719.26 27378 13511 1
+  101179 278239.4  -816.71 12958 13104 1
+  102162  30496.3   871.63 15899 11752 0
+  102315  16853.2  -729.96 4678 15307 0
+  103025  -2465.8  -196.91 7532 15357 0
+  103335      0.0     0.00 26594 3801 -1
+  104401 301365.8  -214.60 37317 9737 1
+  104944      0.0     0.00 12891 5400 -1
+  105094   9314.0  -413.85 17212 10069 0
+  105762 2190194.0   113.71 33950 13414 2
+  105857  27233.1   903.83 49344 11153 0
+  105936  37485.5   -46.77 45775 9887 0
+  106035  -9870.3  -956.47 62548 13496 0
+  106817  41028.9   -16.39 32134 10439 0
+  107218  64996.1  -590.35 9919 8684 1
+  107856 259754.6  -787.65 21589 9956 1
+  109314 269445.2    42.35 30902 16366 1
+  109654 2956966.5   550.84 27256 8707 2
+  109876 146269.1   -62.26 12470 10227 1
+  110052 2076351.4   557.47 52360 8449 2
+  110217  -2281.8   -29.78 6465 13191 0
+  110452  79803.7   647.02 63229 8306 1
+  110485  37815.6   836.85 15000 11034 0
+  111175 2129956.8  -371.62 5760 13185 2
+  111273 109552.6   854.24 29856 12171 2
+  111329  85940.1   205.17 35290 14555 1
+  111411 681150.3  -705.21 15971 11878 2
+  111471 340787.7  -105.84 32500 15132 1
+  111664 331022.1    59.96 8641 13755 1
+  112708 614515.7   -55.00 31742 14352 2
+  112789 2148331.5  -343.18 48309 10520 2
+  112996 1084437.4   239.69 46072 11895 2
+  113424 1215051.9   956.41 60504 10550 2
+  113652 124277.8   867.46 20897 14270 1
+  113710  69368.4   -38.56 11031 9118 1
+  113939  15744.2   869.26 61838 12614 0
+  114408 2846443.0   580.42 35722 12930 2
+  114681 162527.2  -167.37 14244 15475 2
+  114978   4245.1   181.88 19631 13238 0
+  115175 1755192.2  -413.61 19295 12235 2
+  115181  15754.6  -875.94 35019 9281 0
+  115778 1866250.5  -696.59 4101 12846 2
+  116008 2090175.2   766.15 61192 12468 2
+  116577 2621282.8  -127.29 45990 8772 2
+  116704 -15990.5   630.48 50336 14161 0
+  117082 385852.2  -554.50 43488 11851 1
+  117533 485050.6   737.73 58879 9151 2
+  117783      0.0     0.00 26509 3184 -1
+  117820  26092.6   625.24 40849 11439 0
+  118018 2571645.2   -13.56 61502 15171 2
+  119147  27180.4   599.32 31160 13504 0
+  119435 2932869.8   820.03 19446 10170 2
+  120799 1662041.4  -214.04 33504 9023 2
+  121775  38062.6   -73.27 29302 16319 0
+  121802      0.0     0.00 12025 2219 -1
+  122174      0.0     0.00 30895 82 -1
+  122831 -15662.8  -968.61 12620 9413 0
+  122961      0.0     0.00 45532 3525 -1
+  123417  -8021.2   351.45 2425 9547 0
+  123739 199738.3  -500.15 36432 15360 1
+  124612 231253.2   857.99 28621 13078 1
+  124952  19472.3   496.35 15601 14243 0
+  127404 102083.0  -701.53 35767 10604 1
+  127517  18076.5  -711.61 33436 10062 0
+  127670      0.0     0.00 7115 984 -1
+  128887 233229.9   242.58 9888 9787 1
+  129706 227414.9   885.23 26060 11891 1
+  129707  37061.2    76.16 33411 9445 0
+  130431 1185481.4  -823.91 59215 8629 2
+  130454 316041.8  -246.85 55120 9908 1
+  130504      0.0     0.00 15036 5977 -1
+  130591 194999.2   869.86 4311 12808 1
+  131979 346267.3  -101.13 9114 13200 1
+  132055  90898.0  -800.79 62425 10896 1
+  132117  14599.0   104.27 37149 15013 0
+  132290  35256.8   218.06 21107 13573 0
+  133315 1968337.1  -925.50 32461 9220 2
+  133338 -11753.7   942.79 26241 12869 0
+  133609      0.0     0.00 18512 6146 -1
+  133808 924916.9   993.71 11662 10821 2
+  135456 1034604.9    34.84 28443 15570 2
+  135552      0.0     0.00 48733 6540 -1
+  136774  14381.6   317.61 63492 13641 0
+  136939 2172018.2   453.01 46159 11189 2
+  136993  22730.4   444.03 30263 12172 0
+  137505  85583.8  -303.60 57240 10598 1
+  137712   9507.4   635.06 20119 15484 0
+  138597  67415.6  -336.11 9578 10394 1
+  138714 404523.0   600.43 13741 11733 2
+  138942 1423562.1  -774.59 64655 13623 2
+  139008 318961.8  -244.59 58319 11956 1
+  139135  34804.4  -566.71 29350 9750 0
+  139189 189955.4  -467.91 42594 13918 1
+  139415  11553.6    34.33 42171 12170 0
+  139805  31519.3   -72.77 60405 8742 0
+  139959 943310.3  -156.21 39789 14025 2
+  140211 1933494.9  -822.10 20958 11652 2
+  140281 312151.8  -378.70 62459 8762 1
+  140463  54975.7  -292.19 11071 15197 2
+  141080      0.0     0.00 13752 4680 -1
+  142364 796448.8   100.57 15072 13979 2
+  142464  15706.0  -902.77 18703 10383 0
+  142952  33211.8  -997.56 22800 16163 0
+  143112 2178991.2   396.08 31656 13507 2
+  143341  33930.4   493.81 54542 11604 0
+  143851  27120.4   537.81 53538 14909 0
+  143994 379275.3   789.63 27877 9263 1
   144081 469101.4   164.78 14076 13738 2
-  144137      0.0     0.00 45465 5910 -1
-  144366  40579.2  -160.31 7677 15374 0
-  144611      0.0     0.00 34968 942 -1
-  144772 1040786.5  -432.15 20128 15069 2
-  144929 276679.9   -20.78 46369 10386 1
-  145189 134324.3   534.56 9108 9299 1
-  145447      0.0     0.00 23363 5068 -1
-  146076 112927.6  -534.83 30051 13662 1
-  147369      0.0     0.00 35338 4385 -1
-  147973      0.0     0.00 12155 2057 -1
-  148170 1386509.6   769.92 43809 13629 2
-  148433    798.7  -509.20 16721 8467 0
-  149026  -1041.4   439.89 27694 10483 0
-  149632 246769.7  -870.02 26853 9913 1
-  149656 1182053.5  -799.03 14384 10533 2
-  149860 1185749.1   184.65 18348 11300 2
-  150276 149711.3   -75.48 8285 12654 1
-  151216      0.0     0.00 57536 7510 -1
-  151391 2632258.5  -589.25 16946 8958 2
-  151534  38007.6   357.29 47627 15072 0
-  151842      0.0     0.00 44038 5338 -1
-  152024      0.0     0.00 15582 7784 -1
-  152549      0.0     0.00 12414 7399 -1
-  152757  20250.9   426.16 16251 13426 0
-  153786 238337.7   156.54 24816 13052 1
-  153860 367998.3   600.32 35799 11062 1
-  154132 264424.9   -40.51 1946 10737 1
-  155639  -1649.6   141.54 39268 11788 0
-  156400 147680.5   371.74 45403 11973 1
-  156513      0.0     0.00 42376 1719 -1
-  157626  38050.3   771.56 40852 14451 0
-  157649  67699.3   569.11 8996 13665 1
-  158270 257876.7  -477.09 23762 10080 1
-  159023 201379.7  -572.07 20317 12939 1
-  160052 382944.3  -737.81 33429 10261 1
-  161572 2482164.8   900.05 13262 11241 2
-  161926 335098.2  -684.76 41687 13149 1
-  162285 150857.7   890.99 53759 11251 1
-  162371 1674159.9  -556.40 11046 10325 2
-  162517  59745.6   175.77 16259 10737 1
-  162788 316932.7   156.62 42987 13013 1
-  162858      0.0     0.00 61648 7758 -1
-  162878 -11174.6  -800.01 6492 10474 0
-  163158 551363.9  -477.76 48527 16031 2
-  164000      0.0     0.00 29202 3356 -1
-  164210 1626957.8   -14.79 53673 13104 2
-  164271 278046.8   429.49 10120 14536 1
-  164278  58920.8  -389.91 15177 14702 2
-  164547 2254224.5  -489.36 5051 8460 2
-  165224 878050.1  -282.58 58174 11549 2
-  165298      0.0     0.00 63853 2228 -1
-  165356   1822.7  -222.19 32175 9775 0
-  165758 1844130.1   631.79 59867 12226 2
-  165768  34431.4   662.53 5262 14675 0
-  166125 1974586.0  -677.02 9070 12573 2
-  166517 259183.5   233.07 59290 15956 1
-  167076 2859705.5  -258.00 23777 9846 2
-  167934      0.0     0.00 48330 3078 -1
-  168236  42336.4   430.69 50210 16228 0
-  168417  23248.2   -64.88 30311 9579 0
-  168706      0.0     0.00 9030 845 -1
-  171070  57207.0   916.09 6770 14923 1
-  171088  -2406.7  -480.79 45047 14524 0
-  171150      0.0     0.00 64090 3104 -1
-  171315 422647.0   463.12 16245 12099 2
-  171457 144532.0   944.56 2607 13048 1
-  171468   -976.9   997.23 37038 13522 0
-  172617 364473.2   432.47 8808 14649 1
-  172902 1448223.2  -638.15 2705 15306 2
-  173464 1216625.6  -727.70 34104 8807 2
-  174855  -9119.5  -419.32 56698 10585 0
-  174866      0.0     0.00 34096 7000 -1
-  174999 299194.8  -601.51 4433 12498 1
-  175437  12061.1   -57.52 40363 13639 0
-  175468 786208.8   971.95 27946 10438 2
-  175778 181114.8  -831.69 164 15835 1
-  175823  42533.8  -772.44 47563 9105 0
-  176186 250915.9  -679.14 51679 9791 1
-  176602      0.0     0.00 5264 4034 -1
-  177777      0.0     0.00 11087 6376 -1
-  177795      0.0     0.00 34475 2155 -1
-  177878  -2031.3   977.30 14644 12286 0
-  178206 313434.3  -619.47 19842 11775 1
-  178938 333617.3   429.38 18895 16064 1
-  179527 307019.8  -592.50 24146 14770 1
-  179896  36194.8   984.40 3857 14582 0
-  180067 1537106.5  -350.89 43316 8730 2
-  180490  15980.1   847.47 61405 10154 0
-  180730 -15874.4   670.86 36528 9905 0
-  181299  87086.4   469.30 44141 13847 2
-  181915 309873.2   817.49 3330 14590 1
-  182359 2634257.2  -570.90 121 11751 2
-  183897     5310    26590     0.00  -451.00 9 255 0x05 0xba 1 1
-  183941  1560740        0     0.00  -738.00 141 255 0x15 0xbe 0 -1
-  184100   196650  2735640     0.00   758.00 255 52 0x0f 0xa7 0 0
-  184988   395410     3590     0.00   895.00 255 81 0x19 0xb4 0 1
-  185648        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0xbd 0x0d 0 0
-  185979     9580     1180   829.00     0.00 25 255 0xa7 0x1d 1 1
-  185994    -2850        0     0.00     0.00 255 25 0x0e 0x10 1 -1
-  186399     7330   391670  -194.00     0.00 255 8 0xae 0x06 1 0
-  186512  2516600        0     0.00   403.00 211 131 0x02 0xa3 0 -1
-  186583   390960     8040     0.00   244.00 243 255 0x02 0xad 0 1
-  187030        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0x1b 0xba 0 0
-  187102  2477480        0   682.00   977.00 255 116 0xa8 0xb6 0 -1
-  187548   -13700        0     0.00     0.00 130 233 0x03 0x17 1 -1
+  144370   7553.9    45.19 7582 15266 0
+  144563 1301428.4  -541.77 58547 10688 2
+  144924  74809.8   -96.32 40272 11845 1
+  145752      0.0     0.00 49126 4897 -1
+  145908 1840696.0  -226.25 25964 11053 2
+  146303 244962.7  -131.68 57841 13544 1
+  146464 282805.2  -898.94 19803 12746 1
+  146914 254357.4  -644.94 1226 14363 1
+  147666 1845573.0  -362.00 24123 10692 2
+  148032 1719149.9   166.61 64377 10191 2
+  148338  -5363.1  -675.18 40250 11667 0
+  150372      0.0     0.00 19026 4850 -1
+  151493 233117.0  -307.33 53751 10657 1
+  151514 2611514.5   463.05 42057 11670 2
+  152069 110804.4  -777.13 51529 15648 1
+  152721  29224.0   566.98 30887 13078 0
+  152773  -5173.6  -735.93 50530 15072 0
+  153725      0.0     0.00 54174 3132 -1
+  155461  11128.6  -286.93 8223 15172 0
+  155802  56449.9  -809.91 65259 9509 1
+  155886 1688973.2  -439.60 51008 15665 2
+  156023  80526.0   461.12 25844 14235 1
+  156274  11274.4  -306.20 174 14709 0
+  156354 227225.6     4.75 17529 8569 1
+  156611  -5917.7  -977.13 31601 10078 0
+  156756      0.0     0.00 1095 6714 -1
+  157415 319147.9   820.71 52856 15119 1
+  157615      0.0     0.00 18484 4967 -1
+  157673  20105.1   638.43 19233 10025 0
+  157680  42038.8   460.11 41002 9467 0
+  157930  20925.1   518.27 43316 13149 0
+  158565   9815.8   100.95 26054 10162 0
+  158635 382320.0   276.58 38697 13752 1
+  159082  38667.2   564.04 45927 14099 0
+  159092 2495184.5   797.17 8691 15023 2
+  159438 372583.8   217.88 41785 12989 2
+  160342  37639.0   761.73 44116 14985 0
+  161634  36113.6  -849.49 60460 14043 0
+  161920 1205826.1  -752.52 18690 12947 2
+  164230 305208.7   -84.66 36234 13956 1
+  164309   1698.8    41.45 35921 16055 0
+  164469  12371.9   317.93 27430 10150 0
+  164609  31608.6   206.00 55027 8499 0
+  164620 1873633.9   452.38 16913 11944 2
+  165760 281160.8   935.91 47611 12240 1
+  166043      0.0     0.00 28496 777 -1
+  166605 284612.7  -651.80 41123 8421 1
+  167750 257901.2   834.45 49786 9522 2
+  167758 1127828.9  -919.79 10932 15615 2
+  167870 -14018.1  -297.55 27523 9936 0
+  168226 222189.8   645.30 22977 14569 1
+  168501      0.0     0.00 55057 6514 -1
+  168542  47178.6  -556.70 59366 10223 2
+  168847 312267.4   319.60 58967 9651 1
+  170163 262341.5  -248.30 6696 16013 1
+  170254 149961.8   262.59 59464 10040 1
+  170527 332562.1   445.24 22409 8400 1
+  170975 390619.8  -752.39 47354 16272 1
+  171672 232316.5   187.74 61394 14253 1
+  171995 166613.5   251.66 13767 11442 1
+  172136 2061062.9  -609.71 10066 10346 2
+  173185  -5718.8  -408.16 22484 13933 0
+  173718  -6360.1  -744.97 39953 9628 0
+  174107 1604282.0  -795.55 16282 9922 2
+  175460      0.0     0.00 60411 2579 -1
+  175495  19595.3    11.02 2956 12790 0
+  175634 2883094.2  -306.01 36396 13639 2
+  176425 580301.2   677.75 62795 16275 2
+  177016 341612.3  -521.20 31913 12787 1
+  177301 372639.3  -953.08 1375 14633 1
+  177313 -11502.4   542.98 3548 14444 0
+  177663   3636.8   526.47 4437 14500 0
+  177764 3032461.5    -6.68 25410 13022 2
+  177831  24761.5    47.97 17970 12210 0
+  178227  32345.3   170.48 22731 12484 0
+  178685 983688.8  -763.03 16397 11765 2
+  179012  52796.5  -772.69 41096 15627 1
+  179337  17950.7  -958.36 54722 12635 0
+  179647      0.0     0.00 47182 5060 -1
+  179963  87876.3   738.20 30638 8612 1
+  180121 2736298.2   702.89 7876 9962 2
+  181494 2111118.0   634.23 15532 14728 2
+  182480   388210    10790     0.00     0.00 255 150 0x1d 0x16 0 1
+  183582  2922460   243230    -3.00     0.00 255 81 0xba 0x12 0 0
+  183619   394260     4740     8.00  -310.00 255 117 0xb8 0xb2 0 1
+  183767     5060   -11340  -759.00     0.00 236 255 0xb4 0x1e 1 0
+  184193        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0x1e 0xae 0 0
+  184432   395030     3970  -307.00     0.00 39 255 0xb4 0x0f 0 1
+  184764  2779740        0     0.00   382.00 255 90 0x0c 0xb2 0 -1
+  185147    29900   266270   856.00  -908.00 184 255 0xb6 0xa9 1 0
+  185901   307270        0   648.00  -472.00 68 255 0xa6 0xa9 0 -1
+  186332    -8530   407530    34.00  -367.00 38 255 0xb6 0xbf 1 0
+  186534   381290    17710     0.00     0.00 144 136 0x04 0x12 0 1
+  186631    26720      940  -271.00     0.00 61 255 0xb1 0x08 1 1
+  186934   396820     2180     0.00  -640.00 68 255 0x05 0xae 0 1
+  187170  1554300        0     0.00   566.00 162 51 0x05 0xb6 0 -1
+  187231    11890   387110     0.00  -330.00 181 6 0x02 0xb7 1 0
-00000000  00000020 00000190 0000016c 0000000f
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-000004e0  34f00005 fc08ef25 35bf0005 67b4eb38
-000004f0  37920005 6d25ea91 37b90005 fa7d8d9c
-00000500  37cf0005 78a98aa7 3a0f0005 fb1deaa0
-00000510  3c590005 f851faae 3f850005 6b5bf9dd
-00000520  3fef0005 7ba9a4b9 41e10005 72dca5e9
-00000530  43460005 dc588c42 47480005 f695f6d7
-00000540  47790005 40fa8ca5 48e80005 7a3ee884
-00000550  4bf80005 fd19a69c 4da40005 7dae8970
-00000560  4dd60005 faf0a635 4f740005 f4d78639
-00000570  4f8d0005 ea49a6a1 50ce0005 7c4da7e0
-00000580  50ea0005 f71aed70 53dc0005 fc01ef24
-00000590  57240005 7390e715 59490005 fd61ef0d
-000005a0  59610005 751b8dc4 5c0b0005 f9128d76
-000005b0  5e520005 f4ee8da5 5e630005 fde0a76e
-000005c0  5e960005 f463a645 5f9f0005 fcb484e9
-000005d0  61730005 e455a505 61860005 00055fff
-000005e0  eef0623a 0005662b 8aae693f 0005ebec
-000005f0  f8a56afd 0005e9f8 fa386b1f 0005e808
-00000600  a5ec6da1 0005fb84 eeb06daa 000573e5
-00000610  eb3f6f8b 0005767c 8bd9702b 0005702e
-00000620  ecd07542 0005f430 a7e677d0 0005ef56
-00000630  edf47a83 0005fce2 8ced7ae6 0005fd57
-00000640  a5c17b54 00057769 8de37b5c 0005f689
-00000650  8ecd7b88 00057846 5fff7b96 7bf10005
-00000660  00055fff 8bbd82b8 0005686d f8258410
-00000670  00057995 8f6b844c 0005778f a78f8590
-00000680  0005e518 a5b88680 00057770 8e578696
-00000690  0005fd9a a77387b8 00057ba3 ec15884f
-000006a0  0005fde6 8c228a26 00057c65 a5538ca8
-000006b0  0005604b a66091da 0005f90d 8cc8949c
-000006c0  00057a8c 88cd9564 00057c00 ef2c95df
-000006d0  00057a7a a5e79791 0005f3be f9869d39
-000006e0  00056c55 a7999e8a 0005f4de f9d4a1c9
-000006f0  00057df0 e797a2fa 00057751 5fffa537
-00000700  a8980005 7b9aa45c a8f80005 77a2a67d
-00000710  a9b50005 7d388864 ace00005 63828f2e
-00000720  ad5d0005 638d873e af320005 7888a601
-00000730  b1080005 eafc8752 b9a90005 ef70e6bc
-00000740  b9c50005 775a8a3d bb5a0005 00055fff
-00000750  8d44bea0 0005f584 a718bedd 00057c6c
-00000760  8c3ebf38 00056c1f ecbbc04e 00057682
-00000770  a661c355 0005f96c 8defc521 0005f985
-00000780  a6a9c60c 000576b7 a6d7c8e0 00057bed
-00000790  5fffc922 ca170005 00055fff 5fffcc21
-000007a0  ce8f0005 797cea3f d1490005 f81af98e
-000007b0  d1ed0005 ecafeec7 d2b10005 f2ea8b6d
-000007c0  d2e70005 ebd68b47 d5510005 f83ff617
-000007d0  d7680005 00055fff ecbad947 00057c1d
-000007e0  e9a1da4f 00057bf7 ee86dfed 0005e266
-000007f0  a57ae03a 0005ed61 5fffe116 e2d70005
-00000800  f71ca58b e7500005 faeca7bc ea940005
-00000810  7080e8a2 eab00005 f5a6a5d9 eece0005
-00000820  73a8a70a ef560005 76748e0b f1200005
-00000830  6eeaf742 f21b0005 777ba6ae f5d20005
-00000840  f53fa721 f6370005 fdbb8bfa f87b0005
-00000850  7de2e9d2 fff30005 72dba7bd 00240006
-00000860  f81da42d 01ec0006 00065fff 8f35030f
-00000870  0006ef65 a5350785 0006de1a eb6f0854
-00000880  0006f10d a4f809b1 0006780c a48c0bd2
-00000890  0006f67c a7080ee6 0006fc0d 86bc0eff
-000008a0  00067533 e7d40f07 0006eec3 86f10f35
-000008b0  00067978 f2820f93 0006fabe 5fff15c6
-000008c0  160a0006 f05ff760 16720006 764afae1
-000008d0  16c10006 fd72ebac 18ab0006 6db3a50b
-000008e0  1a2a0006 fcd2ed33 1b0e0006 ee5bed26
-000008f0  1b270006 f9a1a70b 1c470006 7c74eb13
-00000900  1d180006 fc448a42 1f550006 fdb9ee9b
-00000910  23e20006 f733a583 244b0006 fb6ba6d4
-00000920  281d0006 f0e18694 29440006 6ceca5d3
-00000930  29f10006 7568ee1d 2a290006 6e9a8df2
-00000940  2b700006 de18f3d5 2c420006 7b89a763
-00000950  2d1a0006 f70288b5 30ab0006 fb37a71b
-00000960  31230006 7623f988 320c0006 e3e8a5a8
-00000970  324f0006 00065fff 886f32d1 00066d86
-00000980  5fff3309 33ee0006 ed46eeec 34e30006
-00000990  00065fff 8b003584 0006f650 a7133621
-000009a0  0006daa4 a58f3725 00067841 5fff3827
-000009b0  3a9c0006 f842a53f 3fa90006 00065fff
-000009c0  5fff4205 42ca0006 7b948c1b 43d10006
-000009d0  f7cfe407 46220006 767af466 48800006
-000009e0  fcb2a6cf 48980006 fbeb8b7a 49640006
-000009f0  6e908b7d 4b040006 e668a5c3 4eb00006
-00000a00  00065fff 8efd4f5f 0006f924 ee9a4fee
-00000a10  00067494 5fff5122 51d80006 00065fff
-00000a20  5fff53e5 54b50006 7630ebd6 58ba0006
-00000a30  6d0ea6bb 59040006 7950a7c7 5a140006
-00000a40  e0bba6f8 5ff70006 6c23f521 62f00006
-00000a50  74f1a5bd 63610006 00065fff ee9b67ba
-00000a60  00067b99 a46c67d1 000678d3 a6e96a3e
-00000a70  0006f737 a65d6d2f 0006f8df a7e27134
-00000a80  0006fb31 8eb37724 00067d01 a78a7886
-00000a90  0006fa83 a5c779ed 00067ce9 8ce47a43
-00000aa0  0006f89e a43e7ad5 00066e1d a7677be4
-00000ab0  00066d0f 5fff7c2a 7c3e0006 fbeef9b5
-00000ac0  7d560006 f73b88e7 80a00006 00065fff
-00000ad0  8cc58172 0006d78b a71681af 00067642
-00000ae0  843981b6 0006f560 8e3c82c3 0006f773
-00000af0  8a658568 0006f271 5fff85b2 85ec0006
-00000b00  f040e54e 877e0006 79c78d50 87880006
-00000b10  7a36ee21 88ed0006 fa688d9f 8a750006
-00000b20  70afa6ec 8ca40006 f19c8f69 8ffe0006
-00000b30  00065fff ef23912c 00067648 ec6591e1
-00000b40  0006e506 5fff9302 9c3e0006 7d2aa42f
-00000b50  9c500006 f749f5d1 9c8e0006 00065fff
-00000b60  88259d33 000676f2 a5b29dc1 00067d72
-00000b70  f44f9dcc 00067df0 a7c1a249 00067652
-00000b80  8c48a366 0006f9de 8b97a598 0006fb11
-00000b90  d244ab07 0006f60a 5fffab12 ab970006
-00000ba0  f954a743 ad4d0006 e3edc27d ad6c0006
-00000bb0  7db48a05 aea20006 fc48a624 aecf0006
-00000bc0  fb9cc3ca b03a0006 fa70a6d9 b1da0006
-00000bd0  00065fff 5fffb671 b6830006 00065fff
-00000be0  d160b6d6 00067dc1 a760b81e 0006f999
-00000bf0  a787bafa 00067641 a753bd47 0006f931
-00000c00  ee5dbeb8 00067dd2 8c87bf63 0006f46a
-00000c10  eaf0c10a 00067c74 faeac1fa 00067a53
-00000c20  84d0c433 00067711 a758c69b 00067c20
-00000c30  8efec857 0006f8da 4f28ce59 f6b4d9ed
-00000c40  ce850006 3fff1930 cf240006 9e5e0ca0
-00000c50  00067b70 0ff0d29c 7cf4cd4c d5300006
-00000c60  0000802c 0006002c d271d67b 492c7c41
-00000c70  d68a0006 3fff6c50 d81f0006 ef03d0de
-00000c80  00060fe3 1d89d890 00063fff 0fe0d8d7
-00000c90  711ad166 da960006 802c002c 00060000
-00000ca0  9d62dade 3fff7a79 dc9c0006 3fff74c9
-    1075  49489.1  -689.84 0 8192 1
-    1169  23430.7   490.08 0 8192 0
-    1622      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-    2297 121185.9    -9.30 0 8192 1
-    3128  30387.2  -478.05 0 8192 0
-    3336 500924.5   992.46 0 8192 2
-    5102  33342.1   390.87 0 8192 0
-    5266 356286.6  -269.25 0 8192 1
-    5649 2369248.2  -187.39 0 8192 2
-    5810 2643935.0  -472.35 0 8192 2
-    7314 152338.9  -646.07 0 8192 1
-    7540      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-    7878  25173.5  -595.31 0 8192 0
-    8389 1310188.0   494.94 0 8192 2
-    8635 1404100.6  -663.75 0 8192 2
-    8865  56487.5   241.59 0 8192 1
-    9497  29528.4   -90.92 0 8192 0
-    9667   1607.8  -159.30 0 8192 0
-    9740 -12430.1   744.50 0 8192 0
-    9937 100778.9  -467.32 0 8192 1
-   10211 276812.2   504.79 0 8192 1
-   10482  16569.9   687.48 0 8192 0
-   11010 181413.8   -65.46 0 8192 1
-   11685      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   11687  50220.0  -937.09 0 8192 1
-   12363      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   12799 219422.3  -160.74 0 8192 2
-   12806 342897.1  -409.90 0 8192 1
-   13139  72216.0   478.87 0 8192 1
-   14076 318641.2   937.90 0 8192 1
-   14728 311643.8  -213.91 0 8192 1
-   15055 392720.4  -608.20 0 8192 1
-   15271      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   15810  18236.3  -671.76 0 8192 0
-   17611 611688.2   373.99 0 8192 2
-   18403 1775084.0   884.81 0 8192 2
-   20551 219422.3   185.08 0 8192 1
-   20563  54137.5  -915.27 0 8192 1
-   21469 -14218.1   200.94 0 8192 0
-   21696 2905979.2  -253.47 0 8192 2
-   21930 644132.6   391.37 0 8192 2
-   22199   8858.4   939.50 0 8192 0
-   24235  11930.2  -510.00 0 8192 0
-   24250  10667.4  -790.19 0 8192 0
-   25726 375049.2   246.82 0 8192 1
-   25795  62573.0  -460.96 0 8192 1
-   26364    724.3   566.45 0 8192 0
-   26917 321165.4  -446.19 0 8192 1
-   27986 1155197.1  -577.97 0 8192 2
-   28330 202595.5  -179.53 0 8192 1
-   28433 2916982.5  -445.24 0 8192 2
-   29062 1773502.2   567.90 0 8192 2
-   29894 1826200.8   265.58 0 8192 2
-   29964 109676.8   400.70 0 8192 1
-   30215 1161148.6   279.59 0 8192 2
-   30399 1871725.0   733.74 0 8192 2
-   30721  -1495.7   182.56 0 8192 0
-   31097   5618.0  -684.54 0 8192 0
-   31468 104086.7   422.02 0 8192 1
-   31974 1367876.1   418.96 0 8192 2
-   32025 247219.7   666.03 0 8192 1
-   32375 228174.3  -160.95 0 8192 1
-   33133      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   33785  14107.5   590.99 0 8192 0
-   33803 100545.3     9.55 0 8192 1
-   33983 1508067.2  -492.61 0 8192 2
-   34219      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   34440 234683.5   247.77 0 8192 1
-   35358 707269.8   496.00 0 8192 2
-   35462    630.7  -994.17 0 8192 0
-   35655      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   35739 1450618.9   190.14 0 8192 2
-   36175 -15405.7   433.57 0 8192 0
-   36239  30046.9   -23.96 0 8192 0
-   36542 319145.0  -617.65 0 8192 1
-   38037 123312.6  -599.66 0 8192 1
-   39614   1433.1   202.32 0 8192 0
-   40146  -5129.8   588.71 0 8192 0
-   41203 1355941.2   351.02 0 8192 2
-   41696 797381.5  -530.73 0 8192 2
-   42756  52154.2   -91.51 0 8192 1
-   43195 1771921.2   253.79 0 8192 2
-   43828  62573.0   460.37 0 8192 1
-   44364 1303737.0   371.28 0 8192 2
-   45153   7256.4   914.49 0 8192 0
-   45966 330362.9   252.38 0 8192 1
-   46484 233863.2  -912.14 0 8192 1
-   46557 1671166.0    35.81 0 8192 2
-   47751  50367.1   378.51 0 8192 1
-   48707   5738.2   175.88 0 8192 0
-   48735 194514.7  -205.65 0 8192 1
-   49442 210514.8  -936.69 0 8192 2
-   49515 1145717.0  -431.16 0 8192 2
-   49794      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   49928  15489.4  -176.25 0 8192 0
-   49970  33876.0  -267.18 0 8192 0
-   51063 212046.3   256.96 0 8192 2
-   51306 452854.4   204.85 0 8192 2
-   53256      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   53474  36423.3  -877.64 0 8192 0
-   53874      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   54374 184195.0  -761.60 0 8192 2
-   54620 399707.1  -105.90 0 8192 1
-   56234 2782491.0    53.80 0 8192 2
-   56926 278649.9   563.54 0 8192 1
-   56948  12943.8  -206.53 0 8192 0
-   57426   6439.6  -542.69 0 8192 0
-   57611      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   57968  10039.4  -174.67 0 8192 0
-   58429  80768.4  -649.40 0 8192 1
-   60510 490782.3  -903.19 0 8192 2
-   60812 205212.8  -141.42 0 8192 1
-   61904  38754.3   293.59 0 8192 0
-   61974 261075.3   169.88 0 8192 1
-   62312 179003.4  -379.48 0 8192 2
-   63774 919109.5   -93.13 0 8192 2
-   64143 2881869.5  -725.30 0 8192 2
-   64894      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   65518 377299.0   264.56 0 8192 1
-   65710  31343.0  -149.58 0 8192 0
-   65719 547211.2   356.93 0 8192 2
-   65839      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   67774   3699.1   843.00 0 8192 0
-   69863  43743.9    -7.83 0 8192 0
-   71212  36542.0  -576.48 0 8192 0
-   71593      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   71629  -5178.1  -978.11 0 8192 0
-   71680      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   72253 228577.6   136.89 0 8192 1
-   72436 346611.8   111.35 0 8192 1
-   73114 133473.1  -815.99 0 8192 1
-   74003  58741.4  -558.97 0 8192 1
-   74095 1323153.6  -431.16 0 8192 2
-   74905  42779.6  -438.05 0 8192 0
-   75087  63943.8  -854.63 0 8192 1
-   75605 318641.2  -595.82 0 8192 1
-   76090 2619248.0  -155.26 0 8192 2
-   76402 2252301.2   212.09 0 8192 2
-   76536 388682.7  -806.26 0 8192 1
-   77161 351964.7   576.73 0 8192 1
-   77412 245523.0  -813.55 0 8192 1
-   78019  27760.4  -338.46 0 8192 0
-   78245  99614.7   -60.52 0 8192 1
-   78700 2304627.5   444.09 0 8192 2
-   79088  42417.6  -809.03 0 8192 0
-   79295  17245.3    87.03 0 8192 0
-   79762  14409.0   158.08 0 8192 0
-   79801 1970114.9  -683.07 0 8192 2
-   79823 944853.4   558.97 0 8192 2
-   80399  14650.0  -731.54 0 8192 0
-   80985 -14877.3  -538.29 0 8192 0
-   81797 -11720.1   129.92 0 8192 0
-   81903  82392.5   776.76 0 8192 1
-   82401 161442.3   295.86 0 8192 1
-   82758 1439582.4   -25.04 0 8192 2
-   83784  -3909.5  -445.05 0 8192 0
-   83833 1580154.1     1.24 0 8192 2
-   84200   7543.2   664.88 0 8192 0
-   84984 225764.8  -909.41 0 8192 1
-   85412 657098.6   969.35 0 8192 2
-   85462 187004.4  -717.57 0 8192 1
-   85876 188419.7  -367.64 0 8192 2
-   85901 227771.5  -115.53 0 8192 1
-   86222 381825.4   833.30 0 8192 1
-   86250  29631.6  -471.14 0 8192 0
-   87004  42384.7  -806.60 0 8192 0
-   87844   4339.5   319.58 0 8192 0
-   88393  41634.8  -937.90 0 8192 0
-   88417 2038743.9   378.51 0 8192 2
-   89099 1906360.2  -584.69 0 8192 2
-   89682 1985419.9  -371.28 0 8192 2
-   89699 320659.5  -990.34 0 8192 1
-   89750 192708.6  -349.81 0 8192 1
-   90015  92596.4  -870.90 0 8192 2
-   90483  98920.5   -60.13 0 8192 1
-   90502      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   90682  40701.9    73.55 0 8192 0
-   92479 952146.8  -138.24 0 8192 2
-   92925  -7890.9  -111.59 0 8192 0
-   92959 -13033.2   -90.22 0 8192 0
-   93601 162404.2  -764.54 0 8192 1
-   93610  38692.5   331.43 0 8192 0
-   94091  17371.7   440.31 0 8192 0
-   94251 1299876.6   220.52 0 8192 2
-   95554  25686.8  -342.25 0 8192 0
-   96208 385243.9  -201.03 0 8192 1
-   96899  33174.7  -888.23 0 8192 0
-   96998 1687941.1  -933.89 0 8192 2
-   97108 148977.5   487.36 0 8192 1
-   97116 2093014.2  -442.76 0 8192 2
-   97160 2534054.0   535.76 0 8192 2
-   97174      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   97265      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   99000 1264213.2    94.21 0 8192 2
-   99344  -6599.6   618.45 0 8192 0
-   99404 2864419.0   495.36 0 8192 2
-   99728 337636.7   -65.37 0 8192 1
-   99968 146264.3   488.82 0 8192 1
-   99990 2304627.5  -961.08 0 8192 2
-  100280 323194.4   774.77 0 8192 1
-  100431  21539.7  -992.89 0 8192 0
-  100902 1395996.1   841.91 0 8192 2
-  101544 118041.7    38.61 0 8192 1
-  102874 202595.5  -583.44 0 8192 1
-  103580 1631958.5   687.48 0 8192 2
-  103780 532896.4   806.26 0 8192 2
-  103903  42647.7   682.20 0 8192 0
-  104337 160803.2  -325.94 0 8192 1
-  105785 -10550.1   144.60 0 8192 0
-  106122 342897.1  -368.74 0 8192 1
-  106953 -11595.3   997.15 0 8192 0
-  107258   5341.3   482.38 0 8192 0
-  107831      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  108696  64810.6   771.78 0 8192 1
-  108792 213585.2   499.41 0 8192 1
-  108981 461823.7   921.57 0 8192 2
-  109792 2733670.5    54.94 0 8192 2
-  109917 296996.0    55.20 0 8192 2
-  110386 169244.9   551.13 0 8192 1
-  110856 306709.0  -124.73 0 8192 2
-  113065   3731.5  -203.28 0 8192 0
-  113093 838918.4   484.24 0 8192 2
-  113498      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  114336 1824588.8  -395.92 0 8192 2
-  114397 279110.6   844.44 0 8192 1
-  114488 1434085.2   141.30 0 8192 2
-  114766  25196.7   441.44 0 8192 0
-  115541 202968.0  -607.68 0 8192 1
-  116001 2114278.0  -614.22 0 8192 2
-  116236 231007.1   451.58 0 8192 1
-  116960 250207.6   799.72 0 8192 1
-  117026      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  117271      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  117793      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  118415  13138.1   611.86 0 8192 0
-  119113 -10654.3  -525.76 0 8192 0
-  119277  39406.8  -150.29 0 8192 0
-  119473 1165924.5  -297.64 0 8192 2
-  119527 1121078.8  -136.95 0 8192 2
-  120145  -2759.6  -534.16 0 8192 0
-  120680      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  121159  25173.5   816.34 0 8192 0
-  121423  10904.5   803.16 0 8192 0
-  122861  37410.5   -48.64 0 8192 0
-  122938 128463.2  -162.20 0 8192 1
-  123158      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  123607 133191.4  -471.55 0 8192 1
-  124752 361738.4  -716.34 0 8192 1
-  125588   7858.9   228.40 0 8192 0
-  125616 156376.2  -401.73 0 8192 1
-  126670 272706.8   322.88 0 8192 1
-  126806 2164452.2   438.80 0 8192 2
-  127264  -4670.7   191.94 0 8192 0
-  127515 233044.8   491.13 0 8192 1
-  128466 283279.8  -384.39 0 8192 1
-  128567 1342762.0  -974.77 0 8192 2
-  129147  11567.6   991.19 0 8192 0
-  131059 362286.7   295.73 0 8192 1
-  131108  56965.6  -526.43 0 8192 1
-  131564      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  131855 2748468.0  -202.32 0 8192 2
-  132997 110420.4   -30.36 0 8192 1
-  133204  18255.0  -242.63 0 8192 0
-  133553  95949.7   522.61 0 8192 1
-  134098  73534.1  -440.31 0 8192 1
-  134886 271800.0  -810.76 0 8192 1
-  134911 238814.0   382.42 0 8192 2
-  134919   5860.1  -188.76 0 8192 0
-  134965 261516.4   610.81 0 8192 2
-  135059   -193.0  -702.36 0 8192 0
-  136646      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  136714  -4900.5  -225.20 0 8192 0
-  136818 -15725.3   430.97 0 8192 0
-  136897  19420.0  -944.75 0 8192 0
-  137387 100312.1   168.00 0 8192 1
-  137770  28083.3  -882.16 0 8192 0
-  137998  27760.4  -180.53 0 8192 0
-  138023 273160.9  -621.63 0 8192 1
-  138311  16587.4   847.34 0 8192 0
-  138520 843727.8  -830.09 0 8192 2
-  139093  38047.9  -973.93 0 8192 0
-  140258 130952.2  -476.22 0 8192 1
-  140363 248924.2  -756.40 0 8192 1
-  141341 222578.5  -238.10 0 8192 2
-  141636 154504.1   154.27 0 8192 1
-  141809  34330.0   391.20 0 8192 0
-  141865 2119616.2   185.47 0 8192 2
-  142192   -688.0   -30.34 0 8192 0
-  142402 315129.6   766.18 0 8192 1
-  142618 516050.9  -466.32 0 8192 2
-  143531 280495.8  -739.73 0 8192 1
-  143651 -10576.1   423.83 0 8192 0
-  143884 141522.5   -57.39 0 8192 1
-  143951      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+00000080  029c0004 00045fff 5fff02f0 02fe0004
+00000090  efd8a65e 062f0004 f4998e8a 086f0004
+000000a0  00045fff ec8708f8 0004f015 ee9d109a
+000000b0  00047d5c 8f29146e 00047b6b 5fff150b
+000000c0  18fe0004 f72d8f01 191b0004 f41a88c3
+000000d0  19960004 7624a481 1b080004 6bb0a688
+000000e0  1b1f0004 70e1a733 1d070004 7655f6b1
+000000f0  1e2a0004 e4918e31 22890004 70b085c3
+00000100  23df0004 d61385ca 23f40004 769989b8
+00000110  249d0004 72048d54 25400004 f9ff8c8a
+00000120  27130004 d8b4eb39 2c720004 76faa458
+00000130  2e030004 d6e5a66a 2f0c0004 7acc8d19
+00000140  2fe00004 fc628a7b 301d0004 6727ede0
+00000150  30dc0004 6be1ef37 36350004 676de779
+00000160  3b910004 00045fff 89003ddf 0004f6a0
+00000170  a7773fe0 0004fb4a 871e41ab 0004fc26
+00000180  a6244675 00047920 e7894eb5 0004696a
+00000190  a6e3523c 00047389 a5e1543a 0004f4be
+000001a0  840f54be 00047dad 8fb658c1 0004f8ef
+000001b0  8b615b6e 0004f6b0 89a15c08 0004e15e
+000001c0  8d915d45 0004f9c6 8ddc5df6 0004fc7b
+000001d0  f6c55fec 00047764 86776209 00047c86
+000001e0  a5286540 0004f7b1 a72266ce 00046ab6
+000001f0  a5f366e8 0004752a 83c26b60 0004efd1
+00000200  5fff6dd3 6ef40004 00045fff a62a6f2e
+00000210  0004fcae 871a6ffc 0004f6a1 ef1e7117
+00000220  0004f71e 5fff7235 741f0004 fd7d876f
+00000230  7bd70004 784ea5a4 7c0a0004 78648cb5
+00000240  7d100004 00045fff ea7f7d66 00047843
+00000250  8c517dac 00047b67 5fff8280 846c0004
+00000260  768789a6 84bb0004 7ccca6fc 85790004
+00000270  f122a4dd 874e0004 7737e93a 88ac0004
+00000280  6b138986 89380004 71398f51 8c320004
+00000290  00045fff 89b18e02 00047463 8ee89311
+000002a0  0004f2fe ef2d993d 0004f0f9 89ea9d00
+000002b0  0004f474 a7e79f60 00047abf 5fffa453
+000002c0  a4590004 e246a7c7 a71c0004 ed89eef3
+000002d0  a7620004 72c18ca3 a9380004 f845a756
+000002e0  a9ff0004 7de78ed2 acdb0004 731e894a
+000002f0  b0eb0004 f357a6d9 b1d90004 5d8d8654
+00000300  b35d0004 ef38eb82 b3840004 edd1eb74
+00000310  b56c0004 74a88c10 b6a20004 f31eef29
+00000320  b8320004 fca68d49 ba5e0004 00045fff
+00000330  ecccbbf9 0004fdb9 ecbdbea9 00047791
+00000340  e309c0af 00046f25 a5f8c116 00047575
+00000350  a752c4df 0004fcdc ee40caa6 00047783
+00000360  86f4cace 00047ba6 5fffcd38 cd440004
+00000370  7372a62a d1670004 7c7aa591 d16e0004
+00000380  6d468a7d d1ee0004 e5d6e848 db300004
+00000390  00045fff 848fdbf7 0004f824 a70edd0a
+000003a0  0004fa29 a7d6dd63 0004fc72 5fffde66
+000003b0  debe0004 7c728fa5 df1b0004 00045fff
+000003c0  a78ae25a 0004fd5a 8ce7e600 00047aca
+000003d0  a618ecbe 00047562 5fffed14 ee070004
+000003e0  f96aa760 ee450004 7165a776 eebc0004
+000003f0  00045fff 5ffff1cd f2690004 7b89ef45
+00000400  f2900004 e6b888b9 f68e0004 79438b9d
+00000410  f95a0004 78798818 f97d0004 fa068e48
+00000420  fae00004 7cb6eeeb fb380004 78cda7c0
+00000430  fda20004 fd8fa5ee 00960005 e6efa4f3
+00000440  08280005 7646a60c 0c200005 fc07e54a
+00000450  0c8d0005 7a9b8e0e 0c990005 fd3a8b14
+00000460  0e870005 00055fff 8ef912c1 0005ee5b
+00000470  ea6112e5 0005f998 e9641318 0005f659
+00000480  a6db154f 0005efb5 87b01605 00057265
+00000490  8d4c18e3 00057a23 e9311b60 000577ab
+000004a0  a6b11d12 0005f899 8c2c1fda 00056514
+000004b0  5fff21cc 23970005 f90feb9b 24c80005
+000004c0  f7a0e9c2 254e0005 fa7ea5f3 28a50005
+000004d0  f861a518 2bdd0005 fbc78b0c 2d8d0005
+000004e0  7596a4e0 2e4b0005 f88e8ee7 2e620005
+000004f0  76168ced 2ea40005 f6c3a6a8 2fb30005
+00000500  71d08dc9 31680005 fca7e13a 318d0005
+00000510  e44789fa 31a20005 e21ff7bb 33be0005
+00000520  fd0ba4c0 36320005 7b14883a 36690005
+00000530  ea92eb01 38f00005 f5e2a77d 39340005
+00000540  f987edf8 39550005 7634ed52 3b370005
+00000550  f0e68c6f 3cfb0005 fa14a52e 3ffb0005
+00000560  7d34e725 41300005 f8e9a6b7 41880005
+00000570  7a3ba624 42190005 7796a779 46de0005
+00000580  ead5a6b5 49ab0005 fbe2a633 49c50005
+00000590  fdcc8595 4aeb0005 f406a750 4b7d0005
+000005a0  f5ff8f37 4cf30005 db6fec24 50380005
+000005b0  faf9a646 521a0005 61bcecfe 53410005
+000005c0  7836875d 56880005 f87f8f77 57c80005
+000005d0  ef6588f3 57d60005 fb3fa64e 5ea80005
+000005e0  769ee925 630c0005 fd79a79b 67210005
+000005f0  714de762 67c00005 7c6ba6af 69770005
+00000600  7c49ec47 717d0005 f85df9a9 72da0005
+00000610  fd3c89d8 73a80005 7be28d20 754a0005
+00000620  7684a7a3 78630005 785dea67 790a0005
+00000630  7c5aec00 7a9e0005 fbde8bf8 7d190005
+00000640  7ca3a737 7ec60005 7df6a680 80650005
+00000650  6d718d0b 86930005 00055fff 5fff8770
+00000660  88100005 f2e9a643 8a870005 faf5a519
+00000670  8b3b0005 fc1ea716 8f120005 7cb6ed91
+00000680  8fab0005 fb18eb22 92710005 ef26f5de
+00000690  93a70005 00055fff a74797d1 0005efee
+000006a0  5fff99f0 9a860005 f5ebe923 9d220005
+000006b0  6a248e19 9d810005 7d0bed11 9dd00005
+000006c0  e20aee88 9e330005 fd8ff950 a1410005
+000006d0  d87beefa a2d20005 f928a45d a5500005
+000006e0  fbcaa6ed ab020005 6122a703 ac560005
+000006f0  78878f95 ad340005 e4a6a5b8 ade40005
+00000700  78a38dda ae890005 ddedf5b7 af740005
+00000710  79fea4ac af950005 7c57ee93 b2470005
+00000720  f4f08df8 b2a90005 7c878531 b2e10005
+00000730  6f86a4ca b3330005 fac7898d b36f0005
+00000740  e97da795 b4300005 644ea782 b8440005
+00000750  e385893b b8950005 f4368e02 b9640005
+00000760  70f18b27 bb100005 7d8f8b96 bbf40005
+00000770  7caba56b bc2e0005 e048a476 bd130005
+00000780  7cb0eae2 bee80005 79018f63 bff90005
+00000790  edaa85ec c1220005 6e6ce708 c1e70005
+000007a0  f5ea8d18 c1ed0005 fcc1eae3 c4420005
+000007b0  faab8d5e c5280005 7b898de1 c7610005
+000007c0  eb2b8ef8 c7e00005 79c2faf1 c95a0005
+000007d0  f896a7e7 cb1d0005 7b318887 cc170005
+000007e0  00055fff ece1cc3c 000579ae 8ee0cd02
+000007f0  0005d6c0 ed0ed16b 0005794c 8f8ad28b
+00000800  00057c28 8cdcd7df 0005efe8 ee9bdbaf
+00000810  0005e622 5fffdbca dd3e0005 00055fff
+00000820  fadddfcf 0005fdac 5fffe051 e2190005
+00000830  746ef8b1 e35b0005 f7a5a658 e6c40005
+00000840  7c91a6aa e8180005 7794ebaf f1ac0005
+00000850  fabba513 f21d0005 faddeb65 f2b60005
+00000860  00055fff a6aef777 0009710d a6a0faaa
+00000870  ee7a7cda 0005667d 8b7dfd7f 0005fc33
+00000880  a765fd96 0005f135 5ffffdc8 fe1f0005
+00000890  7cb1a64b 038b0006 e912a79f 03d70006
+000008a0  fbf0a4e1 04150006 695aea9d 04c20006
+000008b0  7014ee3d 08c30006 fd428d9b 08da0006
+000008c0  7d6df9df 09e90006 00065fff 8a940ab0
+000008d0  00067de8 8afb1120 00065f5b 5fff1180
+000008e0  16460006 7382ea8f 16eb0006 76be8e0f
+000008f0  17210006 7690ec4d 19210006 f318a4c8
+00000900  19f00006 79d3e933 1d650006 f406a46b
+00000910  1dda0006 79508807 1ebe0006 fba28c36
+00000920  1f000006 f120a76b 1f7f0006 f8c9ee2e
+00000930  1fb50006 f70aa63d 20970006 5f38e9d1
+00000940  221d0006 e612edb8 22b70006 ed098aa6
+00000950  23b30006 fc2d8d86 23f90006 f51ca75d
+00000960  24af0006 f2bf8420 27180006 00065fff
+00000970  8a102c1c 00066905 eae02c80 0006fd08
+00000980  edf52e68 0006fdf1 8e132f08 00067585
+00000990  ee0f2fed 00067788 ed0c31eb 0006784f
+000009a0  a7dc327a 00067bcf 886f32d1 00066d86
+000009b0  e88533f2 000661ba 8bda34b3 0006f860
+000009c0  a493361c 0006e8a1 5fff3958 39f40006
+000009d0  f06a8d4e 3b7f0006 eb7ba6cb 3c200006
+000009e0  fcfea720 3de20006 f9f7a6e1 40d20006
+000009f0  f4b38d51 42400006 6da08d01 43720006
+00000a00  fa62f79a 4b640006 00065fff a6ae4fc5
+00000a10  0006f335 8ef34fda 000676f2 a5375205
+00000a20  0006fbaa ed605491 000678ca f78254c5
+00000a30  0006fb2b 5fff587d 5f450006 f294e9b2
+00000a40  609a0006 fc0ba42a 60ee0006 f6788cee
+00000a50  61770006 76e8a4b0 62720006 f32ce9bd
+00000a60  62c20006 4d2ea6a0 63c30006 fdc1f7db
+00000a70  64540006 00065fff a76b66e7 00067c29
+00000a80  5fff67af 67e90006 79dfebcf 67f00006
+00000a90  76e3ef19 68ea0006 77f9ebf7 6b650006
+00000aa0  690ee94c 6bab0006 723fa7e1 6d6a0006
+00000ab0  78beeeaf 6d740006 7be68eba 6ece0006
+00000ac0  701287d0 72560006 7b7bee8e 77620006
+00000ad0  fc7aee5b 78800006 fb5f8b8e 81860006
+00000ae0  e773a74f 81d50006 60f1e52e 82750006
+00000af0  7384ea0b 83010006 6f8fedbb 830c0006
+00000b00  76bb8d62 87800006 7d5ca71c 889b0006
+00000b10  00065fff a7248acd 0006fa10 86e98f46
+00000b20  00067c50 8b4d8f4e 0006fd33 fa788fbe
+00000b30  0006f2e9 a6939122 000679f8 5fff9235
+00000b40  925e0006 f89f83ec 938f0006 7390a75d
+00000b50  98b30006 f143a6f3 990e0006 71c6a5c4
+00000b60  9a1f0006 7696a785 9bdf0006 fb5fa7ef
+00000b70  9e980006 6eb6a6ac 9fdb0006 7162a5f9
+00000b80  a0680006 f9748dd1 a4810006 f5cbf7c4
+00000b90  a6960006 fb47d202 a81b0006 fbe18cb5
+00000ba0  ad640006 00065fff c2edad87 000654dd
+00000bb0  8f74ae12 0006f32b 890eb129 00067a6b
+00000bc0  a797b378 0006f806 a7d0b495 0006fd86
+00000bd0  d273b4a1 00067865 c1abb5ff 0006781d
+00000be0  8fb7b664 0006d04a c32ab6a7 00066245
+00000bf0  c375b833 00066dd5 8accb9fd 0006fb7f
+00000c00  a412bb44 0006fb9d eb5fbc89 0006fd93
+00000c10  5fffbdbf befb0006 7b32a4d3 bf990006
+00000c20  7ac08f2f c4f60006 79d08ded c8d00006
+00000c30  53320fd7 cd1e0006 c8ff9f0b 00060d8e
+00000c40  8feccd43 ce9751f1 0006f349 cee9cdd7
+00000c50  24e1fb73 cf810006 802c002c 00060000
+00000c60  8feed070 4dc2f332 d1bc0006 3fff1e88
+00000c70  d33b0006 7c8cdaf5 fd158df8 d62d0006
+00000c80  7a028ea7 00063fff f1bfd7dc 90195f22
+00000c90  0006f4d3 0fbfd8a6 000656a4 d9f7d907
+00000ca0  4881f20f da360006 cb420ff5 0006f9e5
+00000cb0  1927db22 00063fff 53d3db5f f3db8fd3
+     668      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+     752      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+     766 201851.8  -212.54 0 8192 1
+    1583 2402007.0  -358.00 0 8192 2
+    2159      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+    2296  24009.9  -218.17 0 8192 0
+    4250  38109.0   935.89 0 8192 0
+    5230 2723133.2   756.40 0 8192 2
+    5387      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+    6398 2639809.8  -474.99 0 8192 2
+    6427 525833.6  -339.04 0 8192 2
+    6550  71469.9   424.01 0 8192 1
+    6920 217855.5   134.73 0 8192 1
+    6943 291742.4   238.10 0 8192 1
+    7431  -3660.5   433.01 0 8192 0
+    7722 2233807.0   -61.70 0 8192 2
+    8841 149584.9   233.15 0 8192 2
+    9183 151724.0   -12.59 0 8192 2
+    9204 717601.1   445.81 0 8192 2
+    9373 1850495.9   269.71 0 8192 2
+    9536 1540948.6  -647.18 0 8192 2
+   10003  17263.3   -16.80 0 8192 0
+   11378  64116.6   464.73 0 8192 1
+   11779 206341.3   -13.77 0 8192 1
+   12044 1756164.0   706.59 0 8192 2
+   12256 899860.0  -840.83 0 8192 2
+   12317  32620.6    81.93 0 8192 0
+   12508  43011.0   137.59 0 8192 0
+   13877   5097.7    84.43 0 8192 0
+   15249      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+   15839 569902.1  -447.15 0 8192 2
+   16352 325231.8  -745.78 0 8192 1
+   16811 281885.5  -819.49 0 8192 2
+   18037 181068.2   588.21 0 8192 1
+   20149   5226.7   105.00 0 8192 0
+   21052 255385.7   318.62 0 8192 1
+   21562 158895.8  -363.72 0 8192 1
+   21694  52305.1   968.94 0 8192 2
+   22721 3030807.0  -575.99 0 8192 2
+   23406 1151635.9  -450.22 0 8192 2
+   23560 697887.1   -43.44 0 8192 2
+   23877 1951515.6  -631.57 0 8192 2
+   24054 2080676.5  -849.89 0 8192 2
+   24556  -3790.2   486.32 0 8192 0
+   25097 211279.7   853.90 0 8192 2
+   25920 107222.4  -502.63 0 8192 1
+   26318 283745.6   121.05 0 8192 1
+   26344 164663.6   380.95 0 8192 1
+   27488  41521.4  -211.91 0 8192 2
+   28115      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+   28404      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+   28462 183148.7  -868.66 0 8192 1
+   28668 280033.5  -447.34 0 8192 2
+   28951  42188.2  -471.95 0 8192 0
+   29237      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+   29727 321165.4  -949.21 0 8192 2
+   31703 140353.3   537.60 0 8192 1
+   31754 1603697.9   542.69 0 8192 2
+   32016      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+   32102  14123.3   535.07 0 8192 0
+   32172 1460322.0   755.10 0 8192 2
+   33408      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+   33900 702141.6   442.39 0 8192 2
+   33979 266401.7   879.90 0 8192 1
+   34169  89970.8  -244.82 0 8192 1
+   34638   9594.1   477.03 0 8192 0
+   34988 675209.3   125.97 0 8192 2
+   35128 2808192.0   247.24 0 8192 2
+   35890      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+   36354 711562.4   349.81 0 8192 2
+   37649 2588606.0  -300.20 0 8192 2
+   39229  42680.6  -240.56 0 8192 0
+   40192 761731.0  -352.37 0 8192 2
+   40800 385815.6   702.67 0 8192 1
+   42067      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+   42073 367799.4   -47.98 0 8192 1
+   42780  40797.7  -165.00 0 8192 0
+   42850 1577227.5   292.46 0 8192 2
+   43320 308676.6  -535.53 0 8192 1
+   43519 2544097.8   993.32 0 8192 2
+   44251 626584.4   304.35 0 8192 2
+   45291 251065.7  -311.87 0 8192 1
+   45529 198160.6    28.58 0 8192 2
+   45917  18612.7  -198.46 0 8192 0
+   45956  18348.7  -170.17 0 8192 0
+   46444 1371870.0   360.31 0 8192 2
+   46754  42549.0  -304.35 0 8192 0
+   47154 1832658.6  -865.69 0 8192 2
+   47710      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+   48121  25593.0  -973.93 0 8192 0
+   48809  25243.1   495.78 0 8192 0
+   49327    342.0   196.85 0 8192 0
+   49430 166290.1   393.39 0 8192 1
+   50399 306709.0  -885.95 0 8192 1
+   51878  35337.3   492.82 0 8192 0
+   51918 262842.8   775.76 0 8192 2
+   52536      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+   52548 183148.7   315.50 0 8192 1
+   53607 134887.5   849.52 0 8192 1
+   53614 901873.4   160.33 0 8192 2
+   53742   6937.5   -70.92 0 8192 0
+   56112      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+   56311  74103.9  -528.01 0 8192 2
+   56586 274526.3  -658.93 0 8192 1
+   56675 376173.0  -846.61 0 8192 1
+   56934      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+   57022 2992542.5   846.61 0 8192 2
+   57115      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+   57946 335026.8  -935.09 0 8192 1
+   58880 1678777.2   705.98 0 8192 2
+   60606 176954.4   390.20 0 8192 1
+   60692      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+   60935 313632.5  -607.16 0 8192 1
+   60997 324721.7   251.95 0 8192 1
+   61116      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+   61901      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+   62057  43476.4   766.18 0 8192 0
+   62096 518833.5   -78.13 0 8192 2
+   63118 1224260.9   597.10 0 8192 2
+   63834 414527.9   547.60 0 8192 2
+   63869 2276495.8  -649.12 0 8192 2
+   64224  40542.4   871.64 0 8192 0
+   64312 363934.7   567.66 0 8192 1
+   64930 163047.6  -956.56 0 8192 1
+   65686  94823.1   -79.99 0 8192 1
+   67624 172903.5   430.24 0 8192 1
+   68640   1808.1  -808.68 0 8192 0
+   68749 2169874.8   691.91 0 8192 2
+   68761 1062719.1  -922.36 0 8192 2
+   69255      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+   70337 2623351.8  -180.53 0 8192 2
+   70373  13655.6  -619.24 0 8192 0
+   70424  10115.0  -433.75 0 8192 0
+   70991 251925.8  -209.38 0 8192 1
+   71173 355202.8   281.16 0 8192 2
+   71907 1837511.9   657.24 0 8192 2
+   72544   9484.9   501.34 0 8192 0
+   72978 234273.1  -555.15 0 8192 1
+   73690 1409520.9    65.26 0 8192 2
+   74188      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+   74647  19090.5  -583.94 0 8192 0
+   74952  11348.2  -498.98 0 8192 0
+   75086 164663.6  -683.37 0 8192 1
+   75941 103371.9  -541.99 0 8192 1
+   76765 1053752.6  -786.81 0 8192 2
+   77197  90622.4   398.99 0 8192 1
+   77387 2586571.5  -552.54 0 8192 2
+   77410 1687941.1   421.48 0 8192 2
+   77476 230601.0  -453.90 0 8192 1
+   77747 2047433.0   263.77 0 8192 2
+   78184     22.6  -866.06 0 8192 0
+   78221 776225.4   -59.77 0 8192 2
+   78242  -5643.6   -47.19 0 8192 0
+   78782  83831.4  -903.97 0 8192 1
+   79410 435265.8   728.73 0 8192 2
+   79465  16273.5  -119.20 0 8192 0
+   80112 328304.1  -412.19 0 8192 1
+   80180  33286.2  -614.75 0 8192 0
+   80213  28863.2   426.93 0 8192 0
+   80695 1502397.0  -238.61 0 8192 2
+   81147 108690.6  -653.03 0 8192 1
+   81915   4455.4   919.99 0 8192 0
+   82224 236742.8  -574.51 0 8192 1
+   82312 181068.2   664.03 0 8192 1
+   82457 326253.8   496.85 0 8192 1
+   83678 235917.6  -122.67 0 8192 1
+   84395 186299.3  -795.96 0 8192 1
+   84421 136026.2  -981.89 0 8192 2
+   84715 305728.3  -336.15 0 8192 1
+   84861 2752705.5  -417.35 0 8192 2
+   85235  21854.6   -22.66 0 8192 0
+   86072 193068.9  -720.34 0 8192 1
+   86554  26782.6    45.23 0 8192 0
+   86849 312140.2   532.10 0 8192 2
+   87688 2890621.2  -549.00 0 8192 2
+   88008 560311.8  -202.32 0 8192 2
+   88022 195967.6  -742.27 0 8192 1
+   89768   9340.6   446.77 0 8192 0
+   90892 343955.7  -947.59 0 8192 1
+   91937   4916.1   249.37 0 8192 0
+   92096 233453.8   844.08 0 8192 1
+   92535  22601.2   831.87 0 8192 0
+   94589 -11011.0  -541.07 0 8192 0
+   94938 745641.8  -923.15 0 8192 2
+   95144 1767184.2   795.96 0 8192 2
+   95562 348211.9   441.82 0 8192 1
+   96355  13748.3   541.07 0 8192 0
+   96522  21104.1   837.95 0 8192 0
+   96926 1340136.4  -794.60 0 8192 2
+   97561 293645.6   864.58 0 8192 1
+   97990 214744.2   999.72 0 8192 1
+   98405 1734261.1   163.31 0 8192 2
+   99987      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  100208      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  100368 191989.3  -297.51 0 8192 1
+  100999 103609.8  -719.11 0 8192 1
+  101179 278189.7  -816.69 0 8192 1
+  102162  30492.4   871.64 0 8192 0
+  102315  16852.1  -729.98 0 8192 0
+  103025  -2467.9  -196.94 0 8192 0
+  103335      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  104401 301341.1  -214.56 0 8192 1
+  104944      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  105094   9316.6  -413.78 0 8192 0
+  105762 2189834.5   113.71 0 8192 2
+  105857  27244.2   903.97 0 8192 0
+  105936  37470.9   -46.76 0 8192 0
+  106035  -9864.7  -956.56 0 8192 0
+  106817  41022.0   -16.39 0 8192 0
+  107218  64984.9  -590.23 0 8192 1
+  107856 259754.9  -787.82 0 8192 1
+  109314 269541.9    42.34 0 8192 1
+  109654 2956824.5   550.89 0 8192 2
+  109876 146264.3   -62.26 0 8192 1
+  110052 2077160.4   557.54 0 8192 2
+  110217  -2280.7   -29.78 0 8192 0
+  110452  79764.2   646.90 0 8192 1
+  110485  37804.2   836.88 0 8192 0
+  111175 2130320.0  -371.60 0 8192 2
+  111273 109429.7   854.27 0 8192 2
+  111329  85915.8   205.21 0 8192 1
+  111411 681040.8  -705.08 0 8192 2
+  111471 340786.4  -105.86 0 8192 1
+  111664 330879.0    59.95 0 8192 1
+  112708 614804.4   -55.01 0 8192 2
+  112789 2148239.2  -343.14 0 8192 2
+  112996 1084218.0   239.73 0 8192 2
+  113424 1215635.0   956.56 0 8192 2
+  113652 124385.3   867.54 0 8192 1
+  113710  69444.6   -38.56 0 8192 1
+  113939  15742.3   869.40 0 8192 0
+  114408 2847039.2   580.45 0 8192 2
+  114681 162404.2  -167.35 0 8192 2
+  114978   4246.9   181.85 0 8192 0
+  115175 1754593.4  -413.61 0 8192 2
+  115181  15759.2  -875.76 0 8192 0
+  115778 1866811.6  -696.67 0 8192 2
+  116008 2089484.2   766.18 0 8192 2
+  116577 2621299.5  -127.27 0 8192 2
+  116704 -15997.9   630.48 0 8192 0
+  117082 385815.6  -554.44 0 8192 1
+  117533 484763.3   737.84 0 8192 2
+  117783      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  117820  26088.2   625.11 0 8192 0
+  118018 2572361.5   -13.56 0 8192 2
+  119147  27170.9   599.40 0 8192 0
+  119435 2932433.8   820.20 0 8192 2
+  120799 1662063.0  -214.00 0 8192 2
+  121775  38047.9   -73.26 0 8192 0
+  121802      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  122174      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  122831 -15657.7  -968.52 0 8192 0
+  122961      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  123417  -8020.0   351.47 0 8192 0
+  123739 199631.6  -500.05 0 8192 1
+  124612 231413.7   857.93 0 8192 1
+  124952  19478.6   496.42 0 8192 0
+  127404 102187.8  -701.46 0 8192 1
+  127517  18068.5  -711.75 0 8192 0
+  127670      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  128887 233044.8   242.63 0 8192 1
+  129706 227369.2   885.19 0 8192 1
+  129707  37049.5    76.18 0 8192 0
+  130431 1185159.2  -824.07 0 8192 2
+  130454 316130.2  -246.82 0 8192 1
+  130504      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  130591 194877.2   869.78 0 8192 1
+  131979 346079.4  -101.11 0 8192 1
+  132055  90840.4  -800.75 0 8192 1
+  132117  14601.5   104.28 0 8192 0
+  132290  35250.2   218.08 0 8192 0
+  133315 1968419.1  -925.52 0 8192 2
+  133338 -11748.0   942.73 0 8192 0
+  133609      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  133808 925244.8   993.74 0 8192 2
+  135456 1034866.7    34.84 0 8192 2
+  135552      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  136774  14377.0   317.67 0 8192 0
+  136939 2171684.2   452.93 0 8192 2
+  136993  22730.8   444.09 0 8192 0
+  137505  85496.1  -303.56 0 8192 1
+  137712   9509.1   635.09 0 8192 0
+  138597  67458.1  -336.15 0 8192 1
+  138714 404410.7   600.43 0 8192 2
+  138942 1423132.9  -774.43 0 8192 2
+  139008 319145.0  -244.61 0 8192 1
+  139135  34816.9  -566.69 0 8192 0
+  139189 189842.2  -467.92 0 8192 1
+  139415  11553.9    34.32 0 8192 0
+  139805  31531.1   -72.76 0 8192 0
+  139959 943814.5  -156.20 0 8192 2
+  140211 1933034.0  -821.95 0 8192 2
+  140281 312140.2  -378.67 0 8192 1
+  140463  54913.4  -292.21 0 8192 2
+  141080      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  142364 796453.8   100.55 0 8192 2
+  142464  15708.4  -902.81 0 8192 0
+  142952  33202.6  -997.58 0 8192 0
+  143112 2178932.2   396.09 0 8192 2
+  143341  33932.6   493.88 0 8192 0
+  143851  27122.2   537.83 0 8192 0
+  143994 379557.7   789.51 0 8192 1
   144081 468953.5   164.79 0 8192 2
-  144137      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  144366  40574.3  -160.33 0 8192 0
-  144611      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  144772 1040397.8  -432.08 0 8192 2
-  144929 276812.2   -20.77 0 8192 1
-  145189 134320.6   534.61 0 8192 1
-  145447      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  146076 112923.2  -534.84 0 8192 1
-  147369      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  147973      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  148170 1386580.4   769.80 0 8192 2
-  148433    798.5  -509.13 0 8192 0
-  149026  -1040.1   439.93 0 8192 0
-  149632 246794.8  -870.15 0 8192 1
-  149656 1181536.8  -799.04 0 8192 2
-  149860 1185159.2   184.68 0 8192 2
-  150276 149584.9   -75.50 0 8192 1
-  151216      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  151391 2631572.2  -589.22 0 8192 2
-  151534  38017.4   357.24 0 8192 0
-  151842      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  152024      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  152549      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  152757  20250.4   426.20 0 8192 0
-  153786 238398.8   156.53 0 8192 1
-  153860 367799.4   600.43 0 8192 1
-  154132 264618.2   -40.51 0 8192 1
-  155639  -1648.8   141.54 0 8192 0
-  156400 147767.5   371.76 0 8192 1
-  156513      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  157626  38047.9   771.45 0 8192 0
-  157649  67637.1   569.12 0 8192 1
-  158270 258001.3  -477.03 0 8192 1
-  159023 201480.6  -572.06 0 8192 1
-  160052 382962.6  -737.84 0 8192 1
-  161572 2482252.2   900.10 0 8192 2
-  161926 335026.8  -684.83 0 8192 1
-  162285 150804.8   890.90 0 8192 1
-  162371 1674207.8  -556.34 0 8192 2
-  162517  59725.4   175.80 0 8192 1
-  162788 317133.1   156.60 0 8192 1
-  162858      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  162878 -11172.0  -800.07 0 8192 0
-  163158 551555.1  -477.85 0 8192 2
-  164000      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  164210 1627474.4   -14.79 0 8192 2
-  164271 278189.7   429.50 0 8192 1
-  164278  58904.7  -389.86 0 8192 2
-  164547 2254156.2  -489.45 0 8192 2
-  165224 877909.1  -282.60 0 8192 2
-  165298      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  165356   1824.2  -222.23 0 8192 0
-  165758 1843996.2   631.84 0 8192 2
-  165768  34444.2   662.61 0 8192 0
-  166125 1975207.8  -676.96 0 8192 2
-  166517 259315.7   233.05 0 8192 1
-  167076 2860067.5  -257.96 0 8192 2
-  167934      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  168236  42351.9   430.60 0 8192 0
-  168417  23254.4   -64.87 0 8192 0
-  168706      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  171070  57285.8   916.05 0 8192 1
-  171088  -2404.4  -480.72 0 8192 0
-  171150      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  171315 422377.4   463.14 0 8192 2
-  171457 144473.9   944.75 0 8192 1
-  171468   -977.7   997.15 0 8192 0
-  172617 364485.1   432.45 0 8192 1
-  172902 1447854.5  -638.09 0 8192 2
-  173464 1216864.8  -727.79 0 8192 2
-  174855  -9109.1  -419.32 0 8192 0
-  174866      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  174999 299404.8  -601.46 0 8192 1
-  175437  12064.5   -57.51 0 8192 0
-  175468 786296.2   971.85 0 8192 2
-  175778 181068.2  -831.52 0 8192 1
-  175823  42565.4  -772.45 0 8192 0
-  176186 251065.7  -679.28 0 8192 1
-  176602      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  177777      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  177795      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  177878  -2039.6   977.28 0 8192 0
-  178206 313632.5  -619.51 0 8192 1
-  178938 333467.3   429.31 0 8192 1
-  179527 307200.1  -592.51 0 8192 1
-  179896  36186.6   984.42 0 8192 0
-  180067 1536632.9  -350.87 0 8192 2
-  180490  15980.7   847.34 0 8192 0
-  180730 -15878.2   670.89 0 8192 0
-  181299  87182.8   469.33 0 8192 2
-  181915 309663.6   817.39 0 8192 1
-  182359 2633630.0  -570.83 0 8192 2
-  183897     5310    26600     0.00  -451.00 0 0 0x40 0xc0 1 1
-  183941  1560840        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x00 0 -1
-  184100   196610  2735260     0.00   758.02 0 0 0x40 0xc0 0 0
-  184988   395480     3590     0.00   895.10 0 0 0x40 0xc0 0 1
-  185648        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 0 0
-  185979     9570     1180   829.03     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 1 1
-  185994    -2850        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x00 1 -1
-  186399     7320   391710  -194.01     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 1 0
-  186512  2516540        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x00 0 -1
-  186583   390840     8040     0.00   243.98 0 0 0x40 0xc0 0 1
-  187030        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0xc0 0 0
-  187102  2477800        0   681.91   681.91 0 0 0xc0 0x00 0 -1
-  187548   -13710        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x00 1 -1
+  144370   7553.6    45.19 0 8192 0
+  144563 1301162.6  -541.76 0 8192 2
+  144924  74868.1   -96.34 0 8192 1
+  145752      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  145908 1840752.1  -226.26 0 8192 2
+  146303 245100.1  -131.71 0 8192 1
+  146464 282814.5  -898.95 0 8192 1
+  146914 254517.8  -644.96 0 8192 1
+  147666 1845619.8  -362.01 0 8192 2
+  148032 1718728.1   166.63 0 8192 2
+  148338  -5366.0  -675.22 0 8192 0
+  150372      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  151493 233044.8  -307.36 0 8192 1
+  151514 2611053.2   463.14 0 8192 2
+  152069 110917.9  -777.09 0 8192 1
+  152721  29220.1   566.93 0 8192 0
+  152773  -5170.0  -735.94 0 8192 0
+  153725      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  155461  11131.6  -286.87 0 8192 0
+  155802  56487.5  -810.07 0 8192 1
+  155886 1689471.6  -439.55 0 8192 2
+  156023  80566.9   461.16 0 8192 1
+  156274  11280.2  -306.18 0 8192 0
+  156354 227369.2     4.75 0 8192 1
+  156611  -5921.8  -977.28 0 8192 0
+  156756      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  157415 319145.0   820.55 0 8192 1
+  157615      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  157673  20110.4   638.37 0 8192 0
+  157680  42024.9   460.17 0 8192 0
+  157930  20919.1   518.37 0 8192 0
+  158565   9815.1   100.94 0 8192 0
+  158635 382393.7   276.61 0 8192 1
+  159082  38661.7   564.02 0 8192 0
+  159092 2496128.8   797.33 0 8192 2
+  159438 372808.5   217.89 0 8192 2
+  160342  37652.5   761.60 0 8192 0
+  161634  36127.6  -849.52 0 8192 0
+  161920 1205826.6  -752.52 0 8192 2
+  164230 305238.7   -84.64 0 8192 1
+  164309   1698.3    41.46 0 8192 0
+  164469  12372.3   317.94 0 8192 0
+  164609  31612.0   206.00 0 8192 0
+  164620 1873364.8   452.35 0 8192 2
+  165760 280958.5   935.89 0 8192 1
+  166043      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  166605 284678.8  -651.91 0 8192 1
+  167750 258001.3   834.37 0 8192 2
+  167758 1128081.8  -919.59 0 8192 2
+  167870 -14013.2  -297.51 0 8192 0
+  168226 222182.3   645.24 0 8192 1
+  168501      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168542  47197.6  -556.58 0 8192 2
+  168847 312140.2   319.58 0 8192 1
+  170163 262400.2  -248.31 0 8192 1
+  170254 149889.2   262.64 0 8192 1
+  170527 332430.4   445.24 0 8192 1
+  170975 390409.7  -752.52 0 8192 1
+  171672 232228.3   187.71 0 8192 1
+  171995 166616.7   251.63 0 8192 1
+  172136 2061386.8  -609.76 0 8192 2
+  173185  -5720.9  -408.15 0 8192 0
+  173718  -6342.0  -744.82 0 8192 0
+  174107 1603697.9  -795.62 0 8192 2
+  175460      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  175495  19605.8    11.02 0 8192 0
+  175634 2884055.8  -306.05 0 8192 2
+  176425 580351.9   677.83 0 8192 2
+  177016 341840.7  -521.27 0 8192 1
+  177301 372808.5  -952.88 0 8192 1
+  177313 -11505.7   542.92 0 8192 0
+  177663   3638.1   526.43 0 8192 0
+  177764 3033068.0    -6.67 0 8192 2
+  177831  24793.0    47.96 0 8192 0
+  178227  32332.2   170.46 0 8192 0
+  178685 983829.7  -762.91 0 8192 2
+  179012  52759.2  -772.78 0 8192 1
+  179337  17957.3  -958.20 0 8192 0
+  179647      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  179963  87821.0   738.15 0 8192 1
+  180121 2735781.0   702.97 0 8192 2
+  181494 2110724.0   634.28 0 8192 2
+  182480   388250    10800     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x40 0 1
+  183582  2921940   243310    -3.00     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 0 0
+  183619   394310     4740     8.00  -310.00 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 0 1
+  183767     5060   -11360  -759.00     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 1 0
+  184193        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0xc0 0 0
+  184432   394890     3980  -306.96     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 0 1
+  184764  2779820        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x00 0 -1
+  185147    29900   266290   856.10  -907.85 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 1 0
+  185901   307320        0   648.01   648.01 0 0 0xc0 0x00 0 -1
+  186332    -8530   407520    34.00  -367.01 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 1 0
+  186534   381400    17710     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x40 0 1
+  186631    26720      940  -270.98     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 1 1
+  186934   396930     2180     0.00  -640.01 0 0 0x40 0xc0 0 1
+  187170  1554300        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x00 0 -1
+  187231    11890   387100     0.00  -330.01 0 0 0x40 0xc0 1 0
 *** test 400 400 1 1
-   31041 1136911.0  -633.64 40421 8992 2
-   31042 243453.9  -510.48 7387 12052 1
-   31043 2400859.2  -242.09 224 11289 2
-   31044 1517359.6   882.23 18194 15561 2
-   31045  21818.3   721.87 2147 11320 0
-   31046 2012425.9  -431.11 50250 8856 2
-   31047 2539990.2  -985.02 642 13083 2
-   47503 2774259.0  -889.08 61263 11530 2
-   47504 2770332.5  -102.26 43056 12060 2
-   47505      0.0     0.00 63983 1267 -1
-   47506 1443932.0  -653.72 8676 13568 2
-   47507 1407514.4  -650.50 5668 10523 2
-   47508  15618.6  -984.20 22273 12233 0
-   47509      0.0     0.00 50673 4840 -1
-   47510 375261.2   794.93 18191 14651 1
-   47511 149442.6  -926.00 63383 9694 1
-   47512 130463.9  -627.05 8909 11995 1
-   47513      0.0     0.00 47070 5158 -1
-   47514 390972.8   224.12 37935 11446 1
-   47515 1313072.8  -951.67 35592 12387 2
-   47516 2696858.8  -621.50 35956 12355 2
-   47517 -12888.0   491.50 58929 13812 0
-   47518  40932.9  -165.36 39661 13381 0
-   47519 1938283.6  -871.42 48625 8470 2
-   47520 169393.0   909.23 24714 12997 1
-   47521 158561.0  -177.87 30753 8835 1
-   47522 156185.1  -507.92 22074 13942 1
-   47523      0.0     0.00 7127 6439 -1
-   47524      0.0     0.00 1965 2005 -1
-   47525 169231.6   509.94 36852 12461 1
-   47526 2627422.0   625.04 64785 14873 2
-   47527  82287.3   978.08 50184 11834 2
-   47528 155828.5  -543.42 15010 15927 1
-   47529 2740174.0  -391.42 49831 12975 2
-   47530 274088.2  -752.34 55900 8432 2
-   47531 124974.2   444.02 51631 10630 1
-   47532 307561.3  -828.39 36733 9140 1
-   47533   2748.7  -514.74 24761 9402 0
-   47534 501364.3  -248.14 30557 12680 2
-   47535 1689557.4  -217.86 43367 10304 2
-   47536  41791.4  -671.44 22616 9802 0
-   47537 262171.0   955.86 20457 10729 2
-   47538      0.0     0.00 12023 1302 -1
-   47539 278433.9   -64.98 54972 10696 1
-   47540  16508.2   278.12 56725 16222 0
-   47541 1018781.3   799.39 1321 10880 2
-   47542 599801.7   100.03 49221 13984 2
-   47543  30806.8   485.44 21348 13413 0
-   47544 201076.5   197.67 51170 9774 1
-   47545  35674.8   877.38 10247 16043 0
-   47546      0.0     0.00 24325 6040 -1
-   47547  17150.2    26.69 46095 11297 0
-   47548      0.0     0.00 53281 1773 -1
-   47549 380491.2   752.08 20501 14220 1
-   47550  56829.2   823.25 21336 9753 1
-   47551  79814.0   229.85 43585 14055 1
-   47552  86722.9   903.20 7042 14164 1
-   47553 368600.1   988.93 44984 10975 1
-   47554   5355.2   886.36 41087 12981 0
-   47555 362186.8  -432.06 26925 10664 1
-   47556   -363.2   537.84 8091 13570 0
-   47557 215566.0  -756.03 47754 10533 1
-   47558 905778.1   947.08 24690 12214 2
-   47559  -3310.9  -900.64 5361 11556 0
-   47560 318554.0  -681.70 27661 14220 1
-   47561 330079.6   184.15 8699 15007 1
-   47562  36159.0  -534.05 58173 9687 0
-   47563  22628.3   118.05 1066 11649 0
-   47564 368477.4   609.02 45114 15902 1
-   47565      0.0     0.00 2225 5761 -1
-   47566  16832.1  -180.49 44692 8545 0
-   47567 1393927.5   245.51 59575 16039 2
-   47568 -13329.1   382.56 17947 10903 0
-   47569 1975959.9  -160.49 57087 12001 2
-   47570 1072086.9  -879.11 26611 14533 2
-   48939  28566.8   776.83 57455 14301 0
-   48940 1407222.0   927.04 38988 15296 2
-   48941 2741273.2  -670.15 448 14678 2
-   48942  20024.3  -900.80 13278 11023 0
-   48943 182263.7  -840.27 21476 9130 2
-   48944    361.3   -53.39 49785 14527 0
-   48945  29421.8   523.99 10068 9333 0
-   48946 253580.0   996.99 43946 8960 1
-   48947  33626.4  -577.97 25333 15662 0
-   48948 310379.0  -515.28 1788 15859 1
-   48949 1310800.1  -861.51 38676 12038 2
-   48950  91539.4  -694.68 27674 10969 1
-   48951 2554907.8   757.28 47518 10695 2
-   48952  23168.5   550.00 37414 12298 0
-   48953      0.0     0.00 10146 6972 -1
-   48954  75718.4   158.12 7122 9996 1
-   48955 475941.8   817.00 39871 12689 2
-   48956  42614.6  -976.34 55469 15483 0
-   48957      0.0     0.00 51959 6088 -1
-   48958      0.0     0.00 27543 948 -1
-   48959 785091.0   537.55 46264 8984 2
-   48960      0.0     0.00 48438 3159 -1
-   48961 157460.5   982.95 50717 9347 1
-   48962      0.0     0.00 36132 925 -1
-   48963 334370.8   364.68 48407 8508 1
-   48964  39760.7  -139.38 39284 12462 0
-   48965  -9831.9  -793.70 34245 15627 0
-   48966   4697.6  -155.85 9289 14917 0
-   48967 804203.1   908.51 63744 15298 2
-   48968  15692.1  -646.23 35250 13774 0
-   48969 127639.6   276.11 10613 10374 1
-   48970 2439796.8  -199.49 33859 12166 2
-   48971 238863.1   195.97 58686 14278 1
-   48972 116069.4   719.64 5796 16371 1
-   48973  16640.4   700.37 11445 12613 0
-   48974 2634226.2  -821.24 40180 10547 2
-   48975 2471177.5   649.51 16768 8590 2
-   48976  48988.6   726.90 25727 15993 1
-   48977 584135.4  -498.09 14808 12884 2
-   48978 990813.7  -396.65 21923 14631 2
-   48979 974778.1  -858.59 17435 12589 2
-   48980 240723.3   425.10 31742 10007 1
-   48981      0.0     0.00 1684 5188 -1
-   48982 102414.2   288.08 24402 8343 1
-   48983 1954656.1  -515.17 4942 8340 2
-   48984  -7971.6    50.73 49174 14692 0
-   48985  36679.8   711.66 57505 9536 0
-   48986  22054.9  -841.77 47410 9480 0
-   48987 251062.2  -492.44 13249 9582 1
-   48988 194616.0  -990.14 36744 14600 1
-   48989 1934754.4   890.38 40474 14364 2
-   48990  45499.8   422.06 10133 12726 1
-   48991 166619.6   263.84 58570 9270 1
-   48992 161758.2  -101.62 6511 16296 1
-   48993  12743.9   786.08 35260 9320 0
-   48994  32445.5   745.03 7677 13884 0
-   48995 1212893.9   193.23 21508 14767 2
-   48996 2941963.8   375.97 29048 14498 2
-   48997 549239.1  -328.13 37755 15930 2
-   48998 1362781.1  -348.86 1825 10987 2
-   48999 114394.9  -125.93 7069 12813 1
-   49000  49142.4   591.69 43587 13475 2
-   49001   4046.4  -331.34 12706 8945 0
-   49002      0.0     0.00 26730 2677 -1
-   49003 2397695.5   746.08 27038 15505 2
-   49004 2695120.5   440.16 10811 14095 2
-   49005 2513986.5  -818.74 3797 14124 2
-   49006 193444.8   822.40 44960 8299 1
-   49007 2722692.2   230.03 11611 13158 2
-   49008  96458.7  -785.25 43856 11957 1
-   49009   2873.7  -434.93 21598 10882 0
-   49010    902.5    14.81 31051 16382 0
-   49011 -15810.8   719.27 16096 14125 0
-   49012 123494.3  -518.95 43122 12724 1
-   49013  33343.4   179.35 40933 12868 0
-   49014      0.0     0.00 32339 8144 -1
-   49015 267968.2  -458.54 52560 11414 1
-   49016  16661.3  -806.99 62887 9073 0
-   49017  26893.0   351.65 59606 14405 0
-   49018 244925.2  -988.01 13675 11652 1
-   49019  33261.2   779.29 46560 9603 0
-   49020  76720.1  -890.53 42266 15066 2
-   49021  31796.0   505.03 7459 8972 0
-   49022 2892009.0   369.64 16980 10564 2
-   49023      0.0     0.00 64689 450 -1
-   49024 2394000.8   844.45 50730 8575 2
-   49025      0.0     0.00 27080 67 -1
-   49026  -3979.9   224.14 61428 9894 0
-   49027 259138.3   773.23 62013 12689 1
-   49028  33421.1   728.67 12519 13781 0
-   49029 951706.7  -802.13 36115 11198 2
-   49030 1682717.8    36.80 11926 13335 2
-   49031 278435.5   606.20 39355 13830 1
-   49032 679285.2  -383.99 46296 9326 2
-   49033 1393028.8   858.41 63138 10553 2
-   49034 2734292.8  -696.01 49481 12079 2
-   49035      0.0     0.00 20406 4356 -1
-   49036 131631.0   347.62 11138 8978 1
-   49037  16152.6  -213.60 30859 15832 0
-   49038  16298.3  -342.78 35944 13559 0
-   49039 2375160.5   285.36 32101 10351 2
-   49040      0.0     0.00 1830 6463 -1
-   49041  30574.2   805.37 31298 16166 0
-   49042  11673.3  -301.91 31956 15980 0
-   49043 196288.3    69.33 40868 11696 1
-   49044 168606.6   834.41 47981 9012 1
-   49045 1076965.9  -741.47 61420 14564 2
-   49046 130378.5  -320.93 45433 11128 1
-   49047  -9026.6  -720.71 47631 14567 0
-   49048 2463138.0  -774.03 50718 14788 2
-   49049 329113.0  -686.96 62639 9667 2
-   49050  17265.4  -181.74 1991 10337 0
-   49051 178456.3   703.36 27923 12482 1
-   49052  41790.2  -303.45 14393 8701 1
-   49053      0.0     0.00 57190 2254 -1
-   49054 334561.2  -924.13 54901 13881 2
-   49055 122881.2   314.54 62829 9600 1
-   49056 287328.9  -701.55 31532 11842 1
-   49057 168105.0  -983.01 6368 15979 1
-   49058 -12636.5    93.40 38584 13819 0
-   49059  13572.6   -95.51 973 9096 0
-   49060  13572.1  -677.18 38302 14035 0
-   49061 1811289.1  -494.07 343 15361 2
-   49062 204620.1  -848.66 8533 12152 1
-   49063 182055.1   551.90 12197 10904 1
-   49064 112772.4   249.24 53878 9818 1
-   49065 2329224.5  -282.30 14765 9356 2
-   49066 291933.4   942.61 44326 13533 1
-   49067 -14340.9  -389.40 47423 10735 0
-   49068      0.0     0.00 46018 1715 -1
-   49069  41906.0    35.33 64173 15737 0
-   50905 217615.9  -298.75 21996 11569 1
-   79630      0.0     0.00 45575 8039 -1
-   79631   -401.7   906.39 13346 11657 0
-   79632  34884.2   802.22 23080 8562 0
-   79633 224788.1   -73.10 55929 15273 1
-   79634  35904.2  -411.94 24983 9554 0
-   79635 547525.6   124.96 28644 15514 2
-   79636 244499.4  -823.73 37156 10526 1
-   79637 823818.2  -539.61 7749 11696 2
-   79638 1324980.6  -971.87 25117 8632 2
-   79639 851800.9  -589.68 28187 10550 2
-   79640  66541.7  -282.34 28191 9776 1
-   79641 2164595.0  -818.03 60148 12954 2
-   79642 -12558.6  -518.76 47394 8473 0
-   79643 1691146.4  -908.57 24084 9925 2
-   79644  34763.1  -519.75 4035 12997 0
-   79645 2510192.5   827.19 11109 13338 2
-   79646      0.0     0.00 42450 3046 -1
-   79647 103324.8   348.22 62321 15977 1
-   79648 221269.4   945.29 21210 15436 1
-   79649  23033.8  -435.65 64040 11210 0
-   79650 308996.3  -632.56 48339 9792 1
-   79651 2810548.8  -837.25 47925 14454 2
-   79652      0.0     0.00 53943 5224 -1
-   79653  59710.2   768.38 28450 12680 1
-   79654 2028295.4  -333.29 18910 14271 2
-   79655 156512.4  -619.48 17434 10294 1
-   79656  33621.3  -237.67 30026 8739 0
-   79657 126040.4   273.83 52774 8540 1
-   79658 1562560.1  -999.83 33016 12724 2
-   79659 1214647.1  -243.21 25535 10014 2
-   79660 344169.2   312.82 51743 8515 1
-   79661 725866.5    77.50 3940 16351 2
-   79662 672819.9  -784.75 8442 9403 2
-   79663  14272.0  -304.02 24616 14875 0
-   79664      0.0     0.00 13813 2946 -1
-   79665  36932.4   -59.39 27734 14312 0
-   79666 102590.3  -987.19 52956 11627 1
-   79667 217258.2   268.38 35018 14515 1
-   79668  -3588.1  -726.26 19944 15306 0
-   79669      0.0     0.00 28878 838 -1
-   79670 210432.8  -702.05 40685 10091 1
-   79671  19277.8  -390.50 25671 11021 0
-   79672 154428.6    25.81 30575 10160 1
-   79673 1251325.0   653.76 54460 10730 2
-   79674 1717001.8   340.16 416 8494 2
-   79675  37895.9   846.76 53955 10140 0
-   79676 161295.8   -73.74 47482 13440 1
-   79677 173180.0  -895.20 51844 9407 2
-   79678 275333.9  -951.39 51807 16117 1
-   79679 2409554.8   761.53 909 11426 2
-   79680  -7358.0  -848.55 4514 14263 0
-   79681 2600917.0   341.22 12282 12013 2
-   79682 2768382.5   109.60 36183 11475 2
-   79683  29947.6  -345.60 46567 14325 0
-   79684 341639.1  -901.55 58202 14258 1
-   79685 631492.1   434.42 65300 9004 2
-  113017      0.0     0.00 6318 4754 -1
-  113018 230974.7   912.04 60260 13364 2
-  113019 302012.1  -184.08 16485 14186 1
-  113020  -1300.8   975.36 37614 11296 0
-  113021  39104.4  -277.87 48648 14955 0
-  113022 388412.5  -517.09 18760 10648 1
-  113023 283068.8   773.28 58316 12995 1
-  113024 812170.2  -174.99 12145 9638 2
-  113025 2199635.2   582.85 61431 12650 2
-  113026 101046.9   621.12 14023 11233 1
-  113027      0.0     0.00 61335 3019 -1
-  113028 319644.7  -810.38 36472 15865 1
-  113029 128958.4    85.93 48689 13833 1
-  113030 280126.1   -38.13 55000 10858 1
-  113031  96227.9  -884.54 3761 9324 1
-  113032  43602.2  -405.17 19013 10677 0
-  113033      0.0     0.00 56329 4818 -1
-  113034 2933511.5   822.83 36635 9793 2
-  113035 3023809.5  -928.21 14773 15765 2
-  113036  96511.8   529.69 2848 11527 1
-  113037  59501.8  -409.70 41581 13732 1
-  113038      0.0     0.00 28544 6166 -1
-  113039 2824850.0  -859.12 54034 12181 2
-  113040 100861.4   353.73 2497 8269 1
-  113041      0.0     0.00 7971 4983 -1
-  113042      0.0     0.00 63989 3064 -1
-  113043 2664284.2  -123.15 62708 15470 2
-  123276 2702105.0   920.55 54080 10639 2
-  123277 1310382.6   -73.47 14661 12750 2
-  123278      0.0     0.00 50054 3760 -1
-  123279 151776.2  -326.28 15491 9473 2
-  123280 2253026.8   454.63 54508 15301 2
-  123281 391407.6   556.58 15401 14452 1
-  123282 324466.8  -503.85 598 14844 2
-  123283 289588.8     4.08 47087 11234 2
-  123284   7557.6    13.25 25423 16276 0
-  123285 -11547.5   469.94 10965 9754 0
-  123286   5640.0  -261.14 5941 13744 0
-  123287   -422.3   -24.47 32660 12842 0
-  123288 324042.6  -509.67 7553 11978 1
-  123289 302219.8   450.56 33004 16093 1
-  123290 777020.6   886.15 46252 8692 2
-  123291 -13103.2   505.49 59950 12950 0
-  123292 2636215.8   916.12 1891 13630 2
-  123293  23288.1  -895.82 33803 8998 0
-  123294 -15605.3    83.82 13293 10949 0
-  123295   5022.3  -894.21 63902 10489 0
-  123296  33390.0  -659.93 63963 11244 0
-  123297 1797264.1   144.56 20918 11570 2
-  123298 185845.3  -473.85 39409 13883 2
-  123299 1376807.8   816.18 14439 14898 2
-  123300  16310.2  -454.39 46163 13672 0
-  123301 1569884.4   639.61 34001 15871 2
-  123302   6132.4   -16.79 12530 15873 0
-  123303 -15181.8   762.97 42801 13851 0
-  123304      0.0     0.00 32312 1099 -1
-  123305 437960.2  -781.40 7028 12591 2
-  123306 1796659.4  -900.14 50512 16181 2
-  123307 1865702.9  -509.02 5817 12797 2
-  123308 171066.6  -555.87 35528 9978 1
-  123309  38862.7   772.68 29691 12543 0
-  123310 931863.2  -810.19 50069 11910 2
-  123311 106511.3  -408.37 37237 11381 1
-  123312      0.0     0.00 64123 6987 -1
-  123313  15161.2  -791.91 48912 14703 0
-  123314  30217.9   511.56 14376 12273 0
-  123315 366993.6  -645.13 26805 13129 1
-  123316 1695398.8  -186.48 16846 11733 2
-  123317 1384729.2  -925.84 64115 15092 2
-  123318 252774.3   200.04 64088 8627 1
-  123319 541343.1  -455.22 36814 15952 2
-  123320  61200.3   250.73 43652 8800 1
-  123321 1352729.4  -581.30 288 11081 2
-  123322 2973817.0  -642.16 33238 9572 2
-  123323 205614.1   443.92 50825 8602 1
-  123324 242859.8  -845.11 2851 13657 1
-  123325 244140.4  -559.07 59673 11191 1
-  123326 -15814.9  -654.41 27999 9279 0
-  123327 477625.6  -648.58 3643 12886 2
-  123328 -10225.4   902.05 9386 12584 0
-  123329 121366.2   577.99 59746 9775 1
-  123330 1319845.0   100.69 8087 8407 2
-  123331  50361.5   333.63 40953 9043 1
-  123332 3004272.5  -635.02 27837 12481 2
-  123333  49191.9   219.75 60294 14777 1
-  123334  10217.0  -616.57 58498 13308 0
-  123335 944954.8   751.43 1568 11884 2
-  123336      0.0     0.00 31525 4496 -1
-  123337 1622880.2  -635.12 56667 11402 2
-  123338  -9056.1  -211.64 47462 10428 0
-  123339 788810.7   233.66 28815 11907 2
-  123340 393619.3   884.84 2436 8617 1
-  123341  64564.6  -475.14 47214 15287 1
-  123342      0.0     0.00 16081 76 -1
-  123343 397137.0   538.85 46724 13349 1
-  123344      0.0     0.00 39017 7246 -1
-  123345 2529743.0  -312.71 21884 10896 2
-  123346  33760.1  -396.89 1952 8371 0
-  123347  18770.3   298.49 9443 13177 0
-  172457   7303.2    96.41 24490 12530 0
-  172458      0.0     0.00 32631 4111 -1
-  172459  10841.7   366.73 11486 12218 0
-  172460      0.0     0.00 48976 6549 -1
-  172461 484555.2  -966.64 28269 12059 2
-  172462 -15859.7  -580.23 39082 12585 0
-  172463 390806.4  -782.23 56834 12557 1
-  172464  -9816.5  -662.26 2948 14260 0
-  172465 335636.1  -467.96 45874 9911 1
-  172466  88264.8  -887.21 14799 12788 1
-  172467 256978.1   683.33 44436 13401 1
-  172468 351690.3   522.55 33143 14053 1
-  172469  24872.3   787.04 58633 11991 0
-  172470   8038.9  -106.86 56091 13470 0
-  172471 1429641.9   -65.07 31140 15004 2
-  172472  12257.0   410.59 29599 8914 0
-  172473 2304296.5  -508.03 16859 14238 2
-  172474 1879172.2   207.61 33268 10040 2
-  172475  24331.1   840.30 33518 11792 0
-  172476      0.0     0.00 1318 868 -1
-  172477      0.0     0.00 26005 5236 -1
-  172478 506415.3   789.29 65430 14134 2
-  172479 -11264.9   103.25 22181 11136 0
-  172480   6864.8  -629.67 59633 9706 0
-  172481      0.0     0.00 48343 3440 -1
-  172482 335304.5  -969.57 13625 12391 1
-  172483 308400.1   353.56 17775 13279 1
-  172484 262996.2  -277.11 50355 16119 1
-  172485 317213.0   313.43 39486 11017 1
-  172486  40725.6  -568.47 40697 14755 0
-  172487 245272.9  -311.93 47177 13210 1
-  172488 347030.3  -348.77 15185 14242 1
-  172489  13014.7  -665.60 50323 8627 0
-  172490      0.0     0.00 8945 8127 -1
-  172491 2972961.5    29.57 8510 13847 2
-  172492 1931542.4   543.58 10634 9507 2
-  186372   -10220        0     0.00  -102.00 14 28 0x03 0xa2 1 -1
-  186373   405280    -6280     0.00   213.00 209 153 0x07 0xa0 0 1
+   28170  34807.0   213.58 1268 9181 0
+   28171 2178114.8  -267.50 57334 14357 2
+   28172  42204.1  -479.42 29329 12545 0
+   28173  52602.4   -41.88 6357 12879 1
+   28174  22608.6  -489.90 34511 9356 0
+   28175  -1977.4   593.70 19839 11125 0
+   28176 -15787.6   -22.79 65473 13308 0
+   28177 650613.8  -581.10 12608 10841 2
+   28178 2657048.0    37.82 47821 10401 2
+   28179 458855.8   801.21 50872 9250 2
+   28180 2220227.5  -360.27 29948 11563 2
+   56125 504111.7   433.02 6337 14632 2
+  116824 287076.8   -79.76 6445 8540 1
+  116825 1277424.5   817.91 14819 13605 2
+  116826      0.0     0.00 41863 4982 -1
+  116827  36345.4  -950.99 52972 10331 0
+  116828   7187.2  -573.82 22468 13485 0
+  116829 167372.4  -128.04 65470 10313 1
+  116830 728525.2   419.56 27504 14425 2
+  116831 186080.3   968.95 61935 13533 1
+  116832 213383.6   -54.93 55967 15630 1
+  116833  36719.1   632.37 56991 8266 0
+  116834 1740533.0   663.12 60868 9633 2
+  116835      0.0     0.00 24928 2163 -1
+  116836 2128371.0    51.23 19450 11012 2
+  116837   2614.9  -163.10 57447 12603 0
+  116838 2765991.8  -968.12 42417 14111 2
+  116839 365492.3   235.57 9753 9318 1
+  116840 256029.8   724.58 53271 12556 1
+  116841  20790.1   725.79 44113 9472 0
+  116842      0.0     0.00 64334 1594 -1
+  116843  95863.4   145.69 53448 12861 1
+  116844 -13187.9   384.37 5258 14676 0
+  142830 254683.5  -456.94 13573 12610 1
+  142831  31032.4  -240.31 30726 8871 0
+  142832 2351318.0   521.42 21400 11760 2
+  142833  -2483.0  -600.80 34329 14966 0
+  142834  14571.3  -648.29 16232 13494 0
+  142835 193632.9   563.85 23757 15958 1
+  151070  25378.5  -101.88 12064 11279 0
+  151071 189350.5  -542.27 42863 9674 1
+  151072      0.0     0.00 44278 4372 -1
+  151073  37149.2   689.75 19486 15415 0
+  151074 282867.2  -235.19 31196 8451 1
+  151075 210924.9  -478.46 32763 10389 1
+  151076 2500542.8   646.66 26106 10152 2
+  151077  89514.7  -422.86 40297 9009 1
+  154132 264424.9   -40.51 1946 10737 1
+  154133      0.0     0.00 32191 1767 -1
+  154134 664717.0  -460.69 51638 12724 2
+  154135  59363.3  -662.79 59794 14948 1
+  154136 1493195.8   601.06 37707 9371 2
+  154137  31499.4   599.57 27842 8216 0
+  154138  71813.5   390.08 4902 10972 2
+  154139 931051.5   411.00 3909 15928 2
+  154140      0.0     0.00 18085 7267 -1
+  154141 2035799.5   875.50 41878 16163 2
+  154142 1266288.5  -735.36 60871 12694 2
+  154143 156761.7   953.16 58288 13423 1
+  154144  -2050.3   929.58 34652 11175 0
+  154145      0.0     0.00 18002 3836 -1
+  154146  79967.1  -603.86 13914 12962 1
+  154147  -4574.2  -683.66 44799 10569 0
+  154148  -5968.0   688.03 61870 9861 0
+  154149  25372.5  -528.62 32447 12283 0
+  154150 292448.2   981.84 39814 15972 2
+  154151 2508854.2  -113.26 20889 10668 2
+  154152 293890.4   286.85 614 8656 1
+  154153 1609703.2   974.60 11842 10521 2
+  154154      0.0     0.00 55091 6957 -1
+  154155      0.0     0.00 13721 5882 -1
+  154156 326629.7   -46.51 55068 8546 1
+  154157 1165761.1  -127.50 58904 10523 2
+  154158 210543.7   235.38 47405 14187 1
+  154159 172998.2   248.62 58010 12065 1
+  154160      0.0     0.00 50274 7734 -1
+  154161  12375.3  -983.02 26447 14999 0
+  164240 2191379.0   818.66 3550 8381 2
+  164241  31631.9  -408.31 52903 13775 0
+  164242      0.0     0.00 40023 1743 -1
+  164243      0.0     0.00 57269 1443 -1
+  164244  15186.0   477.87 53544 9169 0
+  164245 2204220.8  -915.79 63515 16186 2
+  164246  -4292.3  -110.99 11533 11489 0
+  164247 -13229.4   959.09 54905 12470 0
+  164248 1594041.4  -682.23 7998 9512 2
+  164249 2774879.8    21.02 5629 8300 2
+  164250 161656.2  -121.98 52471 11844 1
+  164251 2960672.0   368.93 4203 9260 2
+  164252 822293.4  -654.74 39650 10709 2
+  164253 233074.7  -758.65 58872 14772 1
+  164254 651592.0   902.09 9073 16082 2
+  164255 1818360.0  -131.65 24009 8309 2
+  164256 1197271.4   182.55 34939 8998 2
+  164257  29590.9   606.62 14255 15208 0
+  164258      0.0     0.00 7193 789 -1
+  168051 285948.9  -481.31 44795 11644 1
+  168052  -2243.2  -695.20 16110 11472 0
+  168053 2674285.8   328.10 18117 9273 2
+  168054 281675.2  -397.52 56516 8920 1
+  168055  26043.2  -194.82 59885 10773 0
+  168056 1308331.0  -728.50 53213 13238 2
+  168057 1084055.5   591.40 43859 10305 2
+  168058 1531117.9   124.09 5672 14382 2
+  168059 -11516.3  -704.41 18126 13038 0
+  168060 1044284.3  -922.52 31938 8859 2
+  168061 184125.4   687.64 41065 13587 1
+  168062 601308.8   430.61 10833 13512 2
+  168063 1096718.0  -168.28 39131 14001 2
+  168064  25012.3   -60.29 17570 12813 0
+  168065 167524.7     2.63 4939 9002 1
+  168066 995835.1  -213.58 44416 10036 2
+  168067 263248.9   729.14 18499 15636 1
+  168068  34520.9    32.29 4823 10662 0
+  168069 524379.0   808.04 49651 13603 2
+  168070 323087.6   653.29 52744 14177 1
+  168071 316777.8  -367.37 40362 8586 1
+  168072      0.0     0.00 20108 2358 -1
+  168073 2612793.2  -633.10 63501 13246 2
+  168074  15510.8    49.41 3708 12913 0
+  168075 219296.4  -188.19 26710 10144 1
+  168076  -8562.8   538.46 2175 8752 0
+  168077 333000.0   451.81 46787 15081 1
+  168078      0.0     0.00 123 5228 -1
+  168079 156610.4  -175.44 49102 16059 1
+  168080 -12555.8  -309.09 46152 9026 0
+  168081 2369453.5  -838.29 9042 11707 2
+  168082 207854.4  -176.06 50275 12316 1
+  168083  29250.7   582.42 29591 14935 0
+  168084 307765.0  -769.39 28811 9800 1
+  168085 159796.6  -154.92 24928 14876 1
+  168086      0.0     0.00 13944 437 -1
+  168087   4547.4  -346.55 32610 11198 0
+  168088 290592.1  -689.87 15377 9626 1
+  168089   9647.7   426.90 47586 9165 0
+  168090  -9475.7  -367.35 50846 8971 0
+  168091 2309276.2  -397.97 47886 10274 2
+  168092  -1603.0  -749.13 89 15181 0
+  168093 -13812.9  -770.18 3440 16245 0
+  168094 133732.9  -515.38 49855 9560 1
+  168095 1372765.2   895.29 12967 11314 2
+  168096   7989.1   172.84 31595 9612 0
+  168097 2163642.2   -95.16 27537 8891 2
+  168098 1646118.5   525.93 52201 14940 2
+  168099  21146.1  -329.03 27321 11355 0
+  168100  41136.9  -527.63 61886 15970 0
+  168101 -14599.5  -487.13 15618 12890 0
+  168102 2888873.5   968.13 58038 16218 2
+  168103 1792071.1  -408.13 62612 13507 2
+  168104 677683.5   237.80 18799 12677 2
+  168105      0.0     0.00 57861 6212 -1
+  168106 1442946.8    83.37 49839 15304 2
+  168107 386114.0   881.59 3679 9200 1
+  168108      0.0     0.00 10204 4508 -1
+  168109 195159.3  -441.91 22463 14918 1
+  168110 2383616.2  -710.73 46047 9747 2
+  168111 2912290.5   488.59 12568 9259 2
+  168112  95565.4  -565.43 60339 12370 2
+  168113 130733.7   456.40 16017 15232 1
+  168114 351974.4   991.70 38489 8565 1
+  168115 175538.6    65.31 45013 14128 1
+  168116  27288.6   928.14 20715 9587 0
+  168117  -1857.1  -551.32 55790 12681 0
+  168118 136735.2   749.92 6465 15007 1
+  168119      0.0     0.00 9607 5236 -1
+  168120 383186.2  -490.34 20325 9247 2
+  168121  40488.1   625.76 10161 9260 0
+  168122   7904.4   728.38 64944 11809 0
+  168123 1307991.9   954.99 26003 9904 2
+  168124 2233614.0   184.77 41185 13540 2
+  168125  10962.5    47.32 10419 12480 0
+  168126   -239.9  -363.70 886 8810 0
+  168127  -8442.9   951.06 58774 12993 0
+  168128      0.0     0.00 37794 41 -1
+  168129 261806.0  -424.22 45304 15225 1
+  168130 111244.5   771.39 9014 15024 1
+  168131 451222.2  -129.84 38476 10241 2
+  168132      0.0     0.00 15069 3741 -1
+  168133 1025394.1   867.42 17453 15151 2
+  168134 -14727.0   511.56 58484 14374 0
+  168135 1374231.8   183.75 9742 12256 2
+  168136  28744.8  -466.85 56816 9525 0
+  168137 2511962.2   880.11 22461 12380 2
+  168138 300300.2  -403.20 42052 13702 1
+  168139 202985.9  -681.22 563 9159 1
+  168140 301625.1   690.20 9038 14866 1
+  168141 -13017.6    50.72 44991 8938 0
+  168142 2661169.0   911.53 65121 14812 2
+  168143  42727.7  -633.31 21517 12847 0
+  168144  85954.2   869.24 27995 15931 1
+  168145 681624.2  -805.86 27990 13466 2
+  168146  36644.3  -963.09 55557 9713 0
+  168147 2184137.2   683.46 56039 13659 2
+  168148  67087.6   656.89 62125 12425 1
+  168149  33403.1  -672.47 17623 11613 0
+  168150  24132.1  -713.37 17153 15228 0
+  168151 1661760.5   -41.83 12546 12893 2
+  168152 975421.0   581.25 27693 12959 2
+  168153 324831.4   463.30 8523 9485 1
+  168154 1799513.5   406.17 39734 15703 2
+  168155 155433.0  -431.46 22290 15295 2
+  168156 713410.5  -126.31 58519 14872 2
+  168157 348256.2   527.05 6130 12054 1
+  168158 213639.6   396.97 34844 8618 2
+  168159 995746.2  -938.69 36798 13884 2
+  168160 287318.2   355.54 22525 13239 1
+  168161   2957.2   400.57 43964 10280 0
+  168162 333332.3  -534.32 48957 13856 2
+  168163 513718.3   757.80 35618 16231 2
+  168164      0.0     0.00 9027 6297 -1
+  168165 106566.2   768.31 28316 14041 1
+  168166      0.0     0.00 29178 581 -1
+  168167 262749.0    98.35 40120 13841 1
+  168168      0.0     0.00 57935 5731 -1
+  168169  24087.9  -290.64 57061 11890 0
+  168170 137302.9   787.78 36448 15795 1
+  168171      0.0     0.00 20806 8050 -1
+  168172 239494.8   259.70 35520 12986 1
+  168173  42548.9   427.61 58055 9871 0
+  168174  34315.7  -878.57 26151 9069 0
+  168175 235602.6  -557.37 60017 12025 1
+  168176      0.0     0.00 14621 3430 -1
+  168177 267321.4   533.99 54024 14694 1
+  168178      0.0     0.00 51552 3813 -1
+  168179 2841235.0  -591.29 50996 13313 2
+  168180 2614252.0     0.54 23757 11144 2
+  168181  39894.0  -509.28 42152 9119 0
+  168182 -15912.1  -478.09 37103 11067 0
+  168183 250584.6  -373.31 57852 11645 1
+  168184      0.0     0.00 33555 7337 -1
+  168185 1294796.2   -60.05 59126 15893 2
+  168186 1525105.8   648.57 13655 14965 2
+  168187 2526819.0  -834.19 42297 14027 2
+  168188 108600.4   569.32 62917 14446 1
+  168189   8934.2   -10.35 36134 10799 0
+  168190 1654435.2  -787.34 4277 16191 2
+  168191      0.0     0.00 12237 6455 -1
+  168192 1749898.2  -919.34 14519 11068 2
+  168193 2909524.0   407.55 27700 11432 2
+  168194  26073.5  -382.70 6300 13002 0
+  168195  32369.3  -794.43 35411 15931 0
+  168196  18547.2  -941.21 12471 10341 0
+  168197 215187.0   424.45 17024 13291 1
+  168198  91586.8  -385.29 58751 11849 1
+  168199 1150798.4  -152.40 16581 15386 2
+  168200      0.0     0.00 27023 6305 -1
+  168201 2845280.0  -125.73 40936 16202 2
+  168202      0.0     0.00 23937 6170 -1
+  168203  67736.5  -720.06 51844 14184 1
+  168204 224261.3  -783.49 57805 16154 2
+  168205 243386.2   945.91 20759 14234 1
+  168206 281530.4   -18.99 4332 11481 1
+  168207 1636079.8   578.67 45181 9510 2
+  168208 292600.5  -820.24 31888 9534 1
+  168209 1532686.1   429.82 49404 16175 2
+  168210   7668.5   813.18 5684 9908 0
+  168211  -2288.3   373.18 49616 14353 0
+  168212 374893.0   289.48 3111 13044 1
+  168213  37947.8  -632.94 24127 8875 0
+  168214  32064.8   883.97 53966 15109 0
+  168215 2516862.8   871.59 61946 13946 2
+  168216 316939.8   887.95 25372 12743 2
+  168217   -359.5   814.94 51381 15344 0
+  168218 895957.6  -709.38 35408 10886 2
+  168219 2985115.5  -797.94 21768 15008 2
+  168220 1359991.8   338.11 26351 12560 2
+  168221      0.0     0.00 39559 2727 -1
+  168222 229559.5  -930.08 14794 13578 1
+  168223  19421.6   473.53 14731 15291 0
+  168224 137188.9   183.22 27639 10056 1
+  168225  -5775.6   308.49 9005 13485 0
+  168226 222189.8   645.30 22977 14569 1
+  168227 264631.2  -820.61 2678 13181 1
+  168228 2805958.5  -464.37 53277 13532 2
+  168229 367731.9   444.32 2432 13358 1
+  168230  42189.1   242.87 1942 14482 0
+  168231  38462.5   675.12 62586 11092 0
+  168232    -18.0  -583.00 47065 11463 0
+  168233 1711552.5  -530.29 12754 13916 2
+  168234  28618.0   446.64 18305 15398 0
+  168235  10275.1  -538.25 31907 14458 0
+  168236  42336.4   430.69 50210 16228 0
+  168237      0.0     0.00 56673 8130 -1
+  168238 379962.1   -92.66 21519 14904 1
+  168239 286430.8  -536.82 23081 10893 1
+  168240 1233669.6   825.20 38712 12192 2
+  168241 131556.2   799.84 4943 15851 1
+  168242 1983917.4   168.08 43405 15539 2
+  168243 329894.1   418.24 51912 12467 1
+  168244 266864.5  -786.76 49723 11702 2
+  168245 365200.0  -324.07 9784 13701 1
+  168246 264780.7  -640.46 53311 14993 1
+  168247 1993778.2   662.80 20247 8873 2
+  168248 1879840.4  -423.97 37563 9049 2
+  168249 192561.3  -868.80 25902 14616 1
+  168250 169324.1  -100.62 27802 11577 1
+  168251 2660387.2  -540.87 49742 12174 2
+  168252 1070745.0    73.94 61287 14605 2
+  168253 -12018.0    -9.50 11090 12065 0
+  168254 366449.8   928.01 22889 13657 1
+  168255 348520.0  -404.00 19030 14055 1
+  168256  26359.6   580.36 33537 13558 0
+  168257 2625639.8   798.51 3639 9241 2
+  168258   9162.3    70.36 63303 15384 0
+  168259 1963348.6  -693.36 52044 9291 2
+  168260      0.0     0.00 13281 7434 -1
+  168261  42385.4   906.56 55171 11733 0
+  168262  -4239.5   789.12 23564 15952 0
+  168263 1268009.6  -690.98 34831 12197 2
+  168264 166520.9   346.00 48213 9433 1
+  168265  30421.5     2.76 19877 12652 0
+  168266 2434114.8   710.08 21830 9869 2
+  168267 1552248.8   717.84 7717 10663 2
+  168268  20986.0  -757.82 53792 14300 0
+  168269 259490.8   142.62 47400 9550 1
+  168270      0.0     0.00 51256 1739 -1
+  168271 1853035.1   192.45 55883 13204 2
+  168272      0.0     0.00 27520 5978 -1
+  168273  38387.9   470.91 62954 8760 0
+  168274  26535.3  -357.97 49096 9363 0
+  168275      0.0     0.00 53186 4159 -1
+  168276 1492487.2   388.95 54680 13134 2
+  168277 122024.4  -986.33 57325 15246 1
+  168278      0.0     0.00 42013 2606 -1
+  168279      0.0     0.00 21093 3952 -1
+  168280 535005.2   561.90 58358 11007 2
+  168281 385641.0   501.39 64241 13321 1
+  168282 841067.5   655.38 37226 10764 2
+  168283      0.0     0.00 39084 5910 -1
+  168284 2409309.8  -861.57 35459 13092 2
+  168285      0.0     0.00 25274 5590 -1
+  168286      0.0     0.00 54123 6832 -1
+  168287      0.0     0.00 2648 3174 -1
+  168288  42155.2   760.10 53966 11352 0
+  168289 174056.0     0.57 30637 9858 1
+  168290  -4947.4  -332.69 61521 11042 0
+  168291 2063596.5   902.55 23150 13556 2
+  168292      0.0     0.00 40353 4569 -1
+  168293 -11573.7  -387.69 44685 16059 0
+  168294 194045.3    85.93 48523 8421 1
+  168295 1024657.4  -548.09 13448 15844 2
+  168296 349970.0   410.04 57724 10747 1
+  168297 195908.3  -140.59 9512 9255 1
+  168298 2124369.5  -525.26 24625 14867 2
+  168299 -15700.0   658.98 59982 9515 0
+  168300      0.0     0.00 27067 1757 -1
+  168301      0.0     0.00 64579 2484 -1
+  168302 952210.0  -271.65 2417 11162 2
+  168303 874461.4  -599.25 8913 12351 2
+  168304   8557.3  -376.30 33736 9831 0
+  168305 1119983.8  -579.72 7318 11267 2
+  168306 1014117.5  -598.20 41142 12985 2
+  168307 -13393.0   570.84 5286 14058 0
+  168308 229321.9   858.16 28277 15883 2
+  168309 229504.2  -697.71 59749 10920 1
+  168310  52303.9   899.96 34053 9187 2
+  168311 373365.6  -803.61 61066 8261 1
+  168312 -11589.8   272.51 55126 12993 0
+  168313 375961.3  -454.26 3560 11882 1
+  168314  16453.1  -642.10 40626 11176 0
+  168315 157921.8  -698.09 24703 15126 1
+  168316 1486467.4   264.81 44143 14299 2
+  168317  48712.8  -138.53 11201 8248 1
+  168318 113462.4   927.90 44500 14391 1
+  168319      0.0     0.00 28456 2738 -1
+  168320  32280.2   147.75 34818 12903 0
+  168321  76797.0   967.76 17126 9645 1
+  168322  71443.4  -425.63 41870 10619 1
+  168323 2374164.2   440.94 59290 10455 2
+  168324  22178.1   280.64 45486 11818 0
+  168325 1161299.2   623.61 2902 11216 2
+  168326 -10139.2  -405.46 14501 9033 0
+  168327 219231.7  -144.57 44901 12780 2
+  168328  20722.5  -460.81 18169 14212 0
+  168329  15533.9   345.99 20292 13317 0
+  168330 1246650.0   928.90 31785 12431 2
+  168331 2506657.8   385.05 51332 11842 2
+  168332 2825535.0  -782.77 28332 15841 2
+  168333 281251.8  -335.76 9697 12067 1
+  168334 299444.3   940.67 52012 10355 1
+  168335 208289.8  -196.19 51617 12631 1
+  168336 128567.2   101.88 51458 15627 1
+  168337 213821.4   678.15 45872 12762 1
+  168338 192279.2   335.99 53235 13966 1
+  168339 2941399.0  -366.07 56315 15321 2
+  168340 1959186.9  -795.99 27435 13784 2
+  168341 545754.9  -805.37 59276 11235 2
+  168342 179224.8  -543.16 58745 15519 1
+  168343  13131.4  -655.01 41702 13272 0
+  168344  35799.8   613.74 10955 10458 0
+  168345 763674.5   989.48 3873 12590 2
+  168346 541014.2   699.05 51947 13879 2
+  168347 333471.2  -321.83 62279 12017 1
+  168348 2815636.0   480.84 14714 13072 2
+  168349  81504.6  -805.91 12655 13589 1
+  168350 212400.9  -944.76 42796 15983 1
+  168351 1914977.9  -904.50 23322 11909 2
+  168352 391769.8   120.27 4164 11413 1
+  168353  14618.5   807.16 16589 14217 0
+  168354 3017130.0   782.82 23632 14225 2
-00000000  00000020 00000190 0000018e 00000000
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-00000180  f83fee5c 6a7cec48 7971a7c8 eb215fff
-00000190  8c20ee5a fa4c7129 8d9f7534 8b1ced48
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-00000200  ebffeed2 fbdbf94d ed04e746 7d178a18
-00000210  f9fceadf 723ba577 ef448e9d 6f1ba6bc
-00000220  7af7a54b 7ab7eb16 fc2b8efe 7a078ead
-00000230  7b0ea3f9 f79c8913 f5888ad3 fc938ac3
-00000240  762aa6c1 a5145fff 8d93729e f8adf7eb
-00000250  ee6e62c8 ec2d7add a6d9fc65 a64af781
-00000260  8d87fde0 a3e07ce8 a5f97619 a5ea71d1
-00000270  ea24e91e edda7bc5 8b947b48 8f8e6efa
-00000280  88e4750b 8c09f3ce a545f45d 83faeb12
-00000290  e6eb792e 5ffff3e4 7b4b8e88 767b8f1c
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-000002c0  6e4cedfa a6ff5fff eb17f6db ed03fc02
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-00000300  a7175fdb 898b7966 8c20f53d 8f2e7c92
-00000310  5ffffaa9 7454a585 efe4eafa f434eb02
-00000320  72888e7c ed945fff e9da7bfd a64ff30b
-00000330  a5ff65a1 8b217c50 a581fb3c f90af39a
-00000340  8ea9fafa 877ffba1 eb39fa8a a61cee6b
-00000350  a3c47ac1 5ffff317 fd3e8789 736ba565
-00000360  fabba72a fdcfa5fe 6859fa1d e88dea5c
-00000370  fa69ea5c f7898d3c fc78a665 788ba627
-00000380  714ca53e f26e8e64 7d6da733 f55dfa8d
-00000390  ef155fff 00045f7c a687c6d9 00e1f2f3
-000003a0  5fff370e 7d11f334 7bf4ee30 e61da69a
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-000003e0  a5185fff a6917458 ec5b7d73 a757f663
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-00000400  f999a5d9 f0ddee04 7227a571 fdf68c99
-00000410  f1138b95 735ea79b 66a589c2 fbc18983
-00000420  f31bea88 ee765fff a515e438 a686fdd9
-00000430  f6a671f8 5ffffb0c fabda675 f564eba5
-00000440  5c9fa5d3 7a178bb3 74228d00 7c72ee96
-00000450  e631a5e9 fcf4860d fd82a710 7b7b8e8e
-00000460  fc77f872 74298eee 69ce8f3e f447ed7c
-00000470  fd05a797 765d8950 b979006d 86a95fff
-00000480  a7487d20 f4bdee88 eebd7dbc a7ecf24a
-00000490  a721f7f3 8a217b9f 8e1eee12 a50e790b
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-00000510  a749f7d1 89fb76b2 fa3d7cdd 8eff77be
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-00000530  8d33fa2d 86326c54 8c14f727 eb037c1d
-00000540  8c9ef6c6 e7f379e4 fac1d8b3 5fff7b7f
-00000550  fbb7883e fd018d33 f7ce8d5d f89ca606
-00000560  7b9deeb6 fc0b8a9a f5cca525 eabf5fff
-00000570  ed87fbd6 a7c677da 8cf2f9f8 8c1aeea7
-00000580  a6ddfd43 88d96f4b a447f6ca 8c02715a
-00000590  8f9df904 a668f9ed a6c6768f a6c9fc6e
-000005a0  fae6f8a9 887cfa19 f96dfa04 a5607d06
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-00000600  5fff74d1 fda78887 f900fae9 fbb9a7f0
-00000610  fa35f94c f70aa78b fcdfa4d5 7a7ea6e7
-00000620  780ca7a9 7bc8ecad e993e8b3 e50d8c3b
-00000630  75d9ea03 f7ca8e57 6fa18d66 7c61ec95
-00000640  5fff5fff 7bce88a7 6943f9bc f9bfe841
-00000650  a78b5fff a755fdaf a6f4747c a767f243
-00000660  eef17363 a6cbf8d0 a7a1f357 ea37f45c
-00000670  5ffffa41 5ddc8f9c 78688d85 d804000a
-00000680  3fff72da f0061011 00006fdd
-   31041 1137464.5  -633.73 0 8192 2
-   31042 243413.1  -510.44 0 8192 1
-   31043 2400071.8  -242.11 0 8192 2
-   31044 1518024.6   882.16 0 8192 2
-   31045  21812.4   721.89 0 8192 0
-   31046 2012824.4  -431.16 0 8192 2
-   31047 2540077.0  -984.84 0 8192 2
-   47503 2773959.2  -888.99 0 8192 2
-   47504 2769699.8  -102.25 0 8192 2
-   47505      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   47506 1443714.5  -653.59 0 8192 2
-   47507 1408164.5  -650.51 0 8192 2
-   47508  15623.9  -984.00 0 8192 0
-   47509      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   47510 375049.2   794.94 0 8192 1
-   47511 149584.9  -925.92 0 8192 1
-   47512 130396.3  -626.98 0 8192 1
-   47513      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   47514 390986.5   224.14 0 8192 1
-   47515 1312774.2  -951.66 0 8192 2
-   47516 2695863.8  -621.63 0 8192 2
-   47517 -12884.4   491.55 0 8192 0
-   47518  40925.8  -165.35 0 8192 0
-   47519 1938062.8  -871.27 0 8192 2
-   47520 169244.9   909.41 0 8192 1
-   47521 158579.4  -177.85 0 8192 1
-   47522 156063.1  -507.82 0 8192 1
-   47523      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   47524      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   47525 169244.9   510.00 0 8192 1
-   47526 2627460.0   625.11 0 8192 2
-   47527  82188.3   978.11 0 8192 2
-   47528 155750.5  -543.39 0 8192 1
-   47529 2740005.8  -391.37 0 8192 2
-   47530 274070.7  -752.20 0 8192 2
-   47531 124924.0   444.09 0 8192 1
-   47532 307691.8  -828.32 0 8192 1
-   47533   2749.0  -514.83 0 8192 0
-   47534 501605.6  -248.09 0 8192 2
-   47535 1689471.6  -217.89 0 8192 2
-   47536  41797.1  -671.47 0 8192 0
-   47537 261958.0   955.74 0 8192 2
-   47538      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   47539 278649.9   -64.98 0 8192 1
-   47540  16499.8   278.16 0 8192 0
-   47541 1018391.1   799.38 0 8192 2
-   47542 600096.2   100.04 0 8192 2
-   47543  30809.6   485.49 0 8192 0
-   47544 201109.9   197.70 0 8192 1
-   47545  35687.1   877.26 0 8192 0
-   47546      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   47547  17155.4    26.69 0 8192 0
-   47548      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   47549 380690.4   752.20 0 8192 1
-   47550  56805.9   823.36 0 8192 1
-   47551  79764.2   229.88 0 8192 1
-   47552  86759.1   903.19 0 8192 1
-   47553 368353.8   989.07 0 8192 1
-   47554   5357.8   886.33 0 8192 0
-   47555 362286.7  -432.08 0 8192 1
-   47556   -363.5   537.83 0 8192 0
-   47557 215519.3  -756.08 0 8192 1
-   47558 905909.4   947.18 0 8192 2
-   47559  -3313.2  -900.49 0 8192 0
-   47560 318641.2  -681.61 0 8192 1
-   47561 329847.4   184.13 0 8192 1
-   47562  36157.1  -534.16 0 8192 0
-   47563  22622.7   118.08 0 8192 0
-   47564 368353.8   608.98 0 8192 1
-   47565      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   47566  16834.3  -180.46 0 8192 0
-   47567 1393301.6   245.56 0 8192 2
-   47568 -13334.4   382.58 0 8192 0
-   47569 1975207.8  -160.47 0 8192 2
-   47570 1071736.4  -879.14 0 8192 2
-   48939  28559.6   776.76 0 8192 0
-   48940 1406809.0   927.11 0 8192 2
-   48941 2742119.5  -670.03 0 8192 2
-   48942  20030.7  -900.88 0 8192 0
-   48943 182106.5  -840.11 0 8192 2
-   48944    360.8   -53.38 0 8192 0
-   48945  29425.4   523.96 0 8192 0
-   48946 253651.8   997.15 0 8192 1
-   48947  33622.4  -577.97 0 8192 0
-   48948 310157.9  -515.27 0 8192 1
-   48949 1310188.0  -861.62 0 8192 2
-   48950  91496.3  -694.58 0 8192 1
-   48951 2554168.2   757.37 0 8192 2
-   48952  23166.6   549.95 0 8192 0
-   48953      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   48954  75637.6   158.15 0 8192 1
-   48955 476156.3   817.04 0 8192 2
-   48956  42614.8  -976.44 0 8192 0
-   48957      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   48958      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   48959 785377.1   537.60 0 8192 2
-   48960      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   48961 157317.9   983.15 0 8192 1
-   48962      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   48963 334506.4   364.66 0 8192 1
-   48964  39751.5  -139.37 0 8192 0
-   48965  -9827.5  -793.58 0 8192 0
-   48966   4700.9  -155.86 0 8192 0
-   48967 803895.8   908.63 0 8192 2
-   48968  15691.5  -646.35 0 8192 0
-   48969 127640.6   276.14 0 8192 1
-   48970 2438975.2  -199.48 0 8192 2
-   48971 238814.0   196.01 0 8192 1
-   48972 115976.2   719.73 0 8192 1
-   48973  16640.1   700.26 0 8192 0
-   48974 2633630.0  -821.25 0 8192 2
-   48975 2470399.0   649.40 0 8192 2
-   48976  49053.9   726.85 0 8192 1
-   48977 584114.8  -498.13 0 8192 2
-   48978 991322.1  -396.60 0 8192 2
-   48979 974252.2  -858.67 0 8192 2
-   48980 240897.2   425.11 0 8192 1
-   48981      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   48982 102423.9   288.11 0 8192 1
-   48983 1954888.6  -515.27 0 8192 2
-   48984  -7976.8    50.73 0 8192 0
-   48985  36690.8   711.75 0 8192 0
-   48986  22045.0  -841.91 0 8192 0
-   48987 251065.7  -492.40 0 8192 1
-   48988 194514.7  -990.34 0 8192 1
-   48989 1934709.2   890.51 0 8192 2
-   48990  45526.2   422.02 0 8192 1
-   48991 166616.7   263.88 0 8192 1
-   48992 161762.5  -101.64 0 8192 1
-   48993  12736.6   786.13 0 8192 0
-   48994  32455.6   745.14 0 8192 0
-   48995 1213177.9   193.26 0 8192 2
-   48996 2941287.5   375.92 0 8192 2
-   48997 549380.3  -328.18 0 8192 2
-   48998 1362563.1  -348.92 0 8192 2
-   48999 114442.9  -125.92 0 8192 1
-   49000  49198.7   591.75 0 8192 2
-   49001   4045.0  -331.29 0 8192 0
-   49002      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   49003 2398137.5   746.10 0 8192 2
-   49004 2695863.8   440.12 0 8192 2
-   49005 2514045.8  -818.79 0 8192 2
-   49006 193429.7   822.31 0 8192 1
-   49007 2723133.2   230.07 0 8192 2
-   49008  96402.8  -785.12 0 8192 1
-   49009   2872.6  -434.87 0 8192 0
-   49010    902.6    14.81 0 8192 0
-   49011 -15810.2   719.42 0 8192 0
-   49012 123580.2  -519.04 0 8192 1
-   49013  33342.1   179.38 0 8192 0
-   49014      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   49015 267744.5  -458.60 0 8192 1
-   49016  16657.7  -806.95 0 8192 0
-   49017  26903.6   351.62 0 8192 0
-   49018 245100.1  -987.80 0 8192 1
-   49019  33258.3   779.43 0 8192 0
-   49020  76801.8  -890.51 0 8192 2
-   49021  31801.2   505.00 0 8192 0
-   49022 2892811.8   369.69 0 8192 2
-   49023      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   49024 2394272.0   844.44 0 8192 2
-   49025      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   49026  -3976.8   224.14 0 8192 0
-   49027 259315.7   773.11 0 8192 1
-   49028  33426.0   728.73 0 8192 0
-   49029 952146.8  -802.12 0 8192 2
-   49030 1683355.0    36.80 0 8192 2
-   49031 278649.9   606.12 0 8192 1
-   49032 679371.2  -384.06 0 8192 2
-   49033 1393301.6   858.30 0 8192 2
-   49034 2733670.5  -696.07 0 8192 2
-   49035      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   49036 131509.6   347.57 0 8192 1
-   49037  16152.5  -213.64 0 8192 0
-   49038  16290.9  -342.84 0 8192 0
-   49039 2375007.5   285.40 0 8192 2
-   49040      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   49041  30571.5   805.22 0 8192 0
-   49042  11678.4  -301.88 0 8192 0
-   49043 196332.0    69.33 0 8192 1
-   49044 168585.3   834.37 0 8192 1
-   49045 1077397.9  -741.32 0 8192 2
-   49046 130396.3  -320.95 0 8192 1
-   49047  -9021.1  -720.65 0 8192 0
-   49048 2462518.0  -774.10 0 8192 2
-   49049 329332.4  -686.89 0 8192 2
-   49050  17263.3  -181.77 0 8192 0
-   49051 178318.7   703.27 0 8192 1
-   49052  41780.8  -303.43 0 8192 1
-   49053      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   49054 334506.4  -923.94 0 8192 2
-   49055 122778.6   314.55 0 8192 1
-   49056 287490.3  -701.46 0 8192 1
-   49057 168256.1  -983.15 0 8192 1
-   49058 -12633.9    93.41 0 8192 0
-   49059  13578.6   -95.51 0 8192 0
-   49060  13578.6  -677.25 0 8192 0
-   49061 1811726.4  -494.09 0 8192 2
-   49062 204462.7  -848.79 0 8192 1
-   49063 182106.5   551.83 0 8192 1
-   49064 112671.2   249.27 0 8192 1
-   49065 2329194.8  -282.24 0 8192 2
-   49066 291742.4   942.73 0 8192 1
-   49067 -14345.1  -389.36 0 8192 0
-   49068      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   49069  41894.6    35.34 0 8192 0
-   50905 217465.0  -298.79 0 8192 1
-   79630      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   79631   -401.9   906.30 0 8192 0
-   79632  34874.4   802.12 0 8192 0
-   79633 224965.4   -73.11 0 8192 1
-   79634  35892.2  -412.02 0 8192 0
-   79635 547211.2   124.95 0 8192 2
-   79636 244677.6  -823.72 0 8192 1
-   79637 823651.2  -539.68 0 8192 2
-   79638 1324454.9  -971.85 0 8192 2
-   79639 851460.9  -589.72 0 8192 2
-   79640  66567.7  -282.36 0 8192 1
-   79641 2164452.2  -818.09 0 8192 2
-   79642 -12560.9  -518.82 0 8192 0
-   79643 1691003.1  -908.63 0 8192 2
-   79644  34759.3  -519.71 0 8192 0
-   79645 2510056.8   827.25 0 8192 2
-   79646      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   79647 103371.9   348.17 0 8192 1
-   79648 221391.4   945.16 0 8192 1
-   79649  23035.3  -435.61 0 8192 0
-   79650 309169.8  -632.65 0 8192 1
-   79651 2810340.8  -837.24 0 8192 2
-   79652      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   79653  59725.4   768.49 0 8192 1
-   79654 2028349.5  -333.28 0 8192 2
-   79655 156376.2  -619.51 0 8192 1
-   79656  33622.4  -237.69 0 8192 0
-   79657 126006.0   273.79 0 8192 1
-   79658 1562648.4  -999.72 0 8192 2
-   79659 1214406.0  -243.25 0 8192 2
-   79660 343955.7   312.81 0 8192 1
-   79661 726286.9    77.49 0 8192 2
-   79662 672720.3  -784.79 0 8192 2
-   79663  14265.6  -303.96 0 8192 0
-   79664      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   79665  36929.7   -59.39 0 8192 0
-   79666 102660.3  -987.38 0 8192 1
-   79667 217074.9   268.33 0 8192 1
-   79668  -3590.5  -726.23 0 8192 0
-   79669      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-   79670 210514.8  -702.06 0 8192 1
-   79671  19283.9  -390.53 0 8192 0
-   79672 154504.1    25.81 0 8192 1
-   79673 1251636.1   653.87 0 8192 2
-   79674 1717180.0   340.21 0 8192 2
-   79675  37895.5   846.61 0 8192 0
-   79676 161442.3   -73.74 0 8192 1
-   79677 173238.7  -895.10 0 8192 2
-   79678 275439.2  -951.25 0 8192 1
-   79679 2409758.5   761.60 0 8192 2
-   79680  -7358.0  -848.43 0 8192 0
-   79681 2600834.0   341.23 0 8192 2
-   79682 2767571.8   109.60 0 8192 2
-   79683  29942.7  -345.64 0 8192 0
-   79684 341840.7  -901.65 0 8192 1
-   79685 631338.2   434.50 0 8192 2
-  113017      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  113018 231007.1   912.14 0 8192 2
-  113019 301826.4  -184.05 0 8192 1
-  113020  -1300.2   975.18 0 8192 0
-  113021  39095.2  -277.92 0 8192 0
-  113022 388682.7  -517.04 0 8192 1
-  113023 283279.8   773.44 0 8192 1
-  113024 812323.2  -174.97 0 8192 2
-  113025 2198947.2   582.94 0 8192 2
-  113026 101012.8   621.10 0 8192 1
-  113027      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  113028 319649.3  -810.41 0 8192 1
-  113029 129013.6    85.92 0 8192 1
-  113030 280033.5   -38.14 0 8192 1
-  113031  96176.1  -884.43 0 8192 1
-  113032  43610.0  -405.19 0 8192 0
-  113033      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  113034 2932433.8   822.66 0 8192 2
-  113035 3024031.0  -928.30 0 8192 2
-  113036  96402.8   529.60 0 8192 1
-  113037  59560.7  -409.73 0 8192 1
-  113038      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  113039 2825413.5  -859.04 0 8192 2
-  113040 100778.9   353.73 0 8192 1
-  113041      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  113042      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  113043 2664625.8  -123.14 0 8192 2
-  123276 2702140.5   920.38 0 8192 2
-  123277 1310188.0   -73.45 0 8192 2
-  123278      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  123279 151724.0  -326.22 0 8192 2
-  123280 2252301.2   454.68 0 8192 2
-  123281 391563.9   556.58 0 8192 1
-  123282 324212.0  -503.92 0 8192 2
-  123283 289375.0     4.08 0 8192 2
-  123284   7553.6    13.25 0 8192 0
-  123285 -11553.9   469.93 0 8192 0
-  123286   5643.6  -261.18 0 8192 0
-  123287   -422.8   -24.48 0 8192 0
-  123288 324212.0  -509.57 0 8192 1
-  123289 302312.3   450.61 0 8192 1
-  123290 777137.4   886.33 0 8192 2
-  123291 -13108.1   505.44 0 8192 0
-  123292 2635689.0   916.05 0 8192 2
-  123293  23298.4  -895.87 0 8192 0
-  123294 -15607.1    83.81 0 8192 0
-  123295   5026.1  -894.34 0 8192 0
-  123296  33398.1  -660.06 0 8192 0
-  123297 1797328.6   144.54 0 8192 2
-  123298 185947.5  -473.77 0 8192 2
-  123299 1377207.1   816.34 0 8192 2
-  123300  16308.2  -454.49 0 8192 0
-  123301 1569926.6   639.74 0 8192 2
-  123302   6136.3   -16.79 0 8192 0
-  123303 -15189.6   762.91 0 8192 0
-  123304      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  123305 437750.1  -781.43 0 8192 2
-  123306 1797328.6  -900.10 0 8192 2
-  123307 1865175.8  -508.91 0 8192 2
-  123308 170901.4  -555.87 0 8192 1
-  123309  38878.0   772.78 0 8192 0
-  123310 931407.4  -810.07 0 8192 2
-  123311 106493.2  -408.33 0 8192 1
-  123312      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  123313  15156.5  -791.88 0 8192 0
-  123314  30229.8   511.54 0 8192 0
-  123315 367245.7  -645.24 0 8192 1
-  123316 1695603.1  -186.51 0 8192 2
-  123317 1385238.8  -925.92 0 8192 2
-  123318 252787.8   200.08 0 8192 1
-  123319 541454.9  -455.27 0 8192 2
-  123320  61222.0   250.77 0 8192 1
-  123321 1353298.6  -581.20 0 8192 2
-  123322 2974647.8  -642.21 0 8192 2
-  123323 205588.5   443.90 0 8192 1
-  123324 242992.6  -845.17 0 8192 1
-  123325 244255.6  -558.97 0 8192 1
-  123326 -15810.2  -654.43 0 8192 0
-  123327 477473.8  -648.57 0 8192 2
-  123328 -10229.0   902.03 0 8192 0
-  123329 121450.4   577.97 0 8192 1
-  123330 1319255.0   100.68 0 8192 2
-  123331  50367.1   333.57 0 8192 1
-  123332 3003763.2  -635.09 0 8192 2
-  123333  49198.7   219.77 0 8192 1
-  123334  10216.3  -616.59 0 8192 0
-  123335 944853.4   751.55 0 8192 2
-  123336      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  123337 1622998.5  -635.09 0 8192 2
-  123338  -9056.3  -211.63 0 8192 0
-  123339 789057.9   233.65 0 8192 2
-  123340 393879.2   884.81 0 8192 1
-  123341  64636.7  -475.20 0 8192 1
-  123342      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  123343 397369.1   538.75 0 8192 1
-  123344      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  123345 2530044.0  -312.67 0 8192 2
-  123346  33763.2  -396.94 0 8192 0
-  123347  18764.7   298.53 0 8192 0
-  172457   7307.1    96.42 0 8192 0
-  172458      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  172459  10838.3   366.69 0 8192 0
-  172460      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  172461 484763.3  -966.45 0 8192 2
-  172462 -15861.2  -580.20 0 8192 0
-  172463 390986.5  -782.10 0 8192 1
-  172464  -9815.1  -662.33 0 8192 0
-  172465 335547.7  -467.92 0 8192 1
-  172466  88248.2  -887.09 0 8192 1
-  172467 257127.4   683.37 0 8192 1
-  172468 351427.0   522.61 0 8192 1
-  172469  24873.4   787.15 0 8192 0
-  172470   8041.6  -106.86 0 8192 0
-  172471 1429971.5   -65.07 0 8192 2
-  172472  12257.2   410.61 0 8192 0
-  172473 2304627.5  -508.04 0 8192 2
-  172474 1879933.1   207.59 0 8192 2
-  172475  24325.7   840.47 0 8192 0
-  172476      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  172477      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  172478 506390.3   789.17 0 8192 2
-  172479 -11266.7   103.26 0 8192 0
-  172480   6869.1  -629.67 0 8192 0
-  172481      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  172482 335547.7  -969.77 0 8192 1
-  172483 308183.9   353.58 0 8192 1
-  172484 262842.8  -277.09 0 8192 1
-  172485 317133.1   313.48 0 8192 1
-  172486  40733.8  -568.39 0 8192 0
-  172487 245100.1  -311.87 0 8192 1
-  172488 347144.6  -348.77 0 8192 1
-  172489  13018.3  -665.74 0 8192 0
-  172490      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
-  172491 2972416.0    29.57 0 8192 2
-  172492 1931359.6   543.62 0 8192 2
-  186372   -10230        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x00 1 -1
-  186373   405150    -6280     0.00   213.00 0 0 0x40 0xc0 0 1
+00000080  6e0a002c 6fe3ee2e f1f18e13 f743ef1e
+00000090  e108a411 f775ec47 7936f573 db7cfae5
+000000a0  f9048968 601b8f09 7bf1885f f4a88e2a
+000000b0  db3d0004 765588a4 c8580055 e6e8a729
+000000c0  7c218bc7 ee625fff e861fd81 a5fbf8e6
+000000d0  89c5eb39 a632760b a67c7dad ee6fe382
+000000e0  8d0f79c9 5fff7a38 62df8df7 ed6ee5fb
+000000f0  fdab8f3d 70c8a7c3 7b07a6e4 7b0bebf1
+00000100  a4f85fff fa426c67 001a753f a6e12dee
+00000110  eda5f6d3 8e70f0f7 f5e17807 ea9bf951
+00000120  a648fa03 002278bd ecc34e1e a63ce924
+00000130  5ffff862 7a94ee7d f0c4a720 f73ea676
+00000140  79fd8ebc f61ea4db 5a14007a e0bba6f8
+00000150  89795fff a43cf6e6 8c68fa37 edb77952
+00000160  8483794d 8a9a7561 5fff75db 7cc08dc2
+00000170  fb298bbf 7d87a5da 7d4cf584 a4ad5fff
+00000180  f735f95d f7e0fa7f ecc37a8e 8734f827
+00000190  8ec07dcc a738ea1b 8cb97294 5fff7dbb
+000001a0  a77a5fff 8b6de1fd a675eb2f a60c70c6
+000001b0  5fff7146 fdcfea0b 8190004e 7c248e1a
+000001c0  f5ccedbc 5fff5fff 773beac1 fd298e21
+000001d0  e9ebf70e 7d95fa45 fa7a8cae 5abf8f41
+000001e0  eac8a5ea 74df8f97 fa1a8a2c fb72a6ae
+000001f0  7d068969 eb7a8d40 6e758b87 7968ed6e
+00000200  04c25fff a7279073 f5aff74c 8f12faa6
+00000210  a71e73cd ecdff58d 8be0ef0d 8b27fb13
+00000220  8c83792d f9ce6af0 8b04fac5 a62dfd3a
+00000230  892a7a8d 8b327648 ecb3edb7 a5fce45b
+00000240  8ad747ca a6f5efe3 ee247b15 88c15ea9
+00000250  a7737c05 a7667a15 5ffff4d5 f9cc8ef4
+00000260  628aead4 eebca68c 7852f8e2 76b8a786
+00000270  a5da5fff fa18ee18 8e79f342 a66efc5b
+00000280  ed61ee20 a7547909 a5e4fb93 5fffecf6
+00000290  f44de732 fa94a731 7634e93e f4d5f930
+000002a0  f5908e59 fb54f515 fb95fa6b f7eba58d
+000002b0  7cf48c11 6df5e8ae e8848e0b 781b8cd1
+000002c0  f3d4ec02 f822eefe f768fa9d 7dab8f76
+000002d0  f5cb8d30 70de8989 8c445fff a7e8674f
+000002e0  5fff7cd0 f684a64c fada8e80 776f8f81
+000002f0  f8c484f6 76d0a582 7de3a7aa 6516a614
+00000300  7d49ed13 f889f556 7b57a597 87e25fff
+00000310  eee9f777 e8a679b0 8bdf7b13 8e317d8b
+00000320  e9a56e91 f2b26226 f8d7f4be 5fff7d82
+00000330  f625a6f2 7b99a538 eb5a8853 8af25fff
+00000340  faa57cab 8c1277da ed4d6e84 8ec2f705
+00000350  a7457ccd a661f5af a748fa77 fa377a95
+00000360  8f0b62c7 ef2e7d1e a4caf9cc 898e7cb0
+00000370  ee6cfbff 8e16fd9f a4697a7e edfc7a22
+00000380  ec8cfa58 8cdcfae2 8ac4e106 a7767904
+00000390  8d3476f3 85d675c0 89b3f64d a7a3eb19
+000003a0  867d7820 8ad7758a a72afd63 e63b7489
+000003b0  8787759f 88b2f840 5fff7b6f 7b8fa525
+000003c0  a6f45fff 5fff68d1 f2b2ec8a 7bcaa599
+000003d0  a6be5fff ef2971ac ee1c7638 a6b4fcc8
+000003e0  5ffff8a2 783ea6fe 8f605fff 8ef5f92c
+000003f0  eed73955 faecf7d0 a6d8f73c 5ffff4fb
+00000400  e4528bd5 7a048c7f fc508ec9 78d4a52e
+00000410  d44be903 fbc98cd7 8d155fff 8f80fd32
+00000420  ece075c8 edd7f535 eb7ffbde a681fd69
+00000430  a4e47626 8b60f544 5fffecd0 eb0f8f62
+00000440  a46d5fff 8698faf8 a6c7fbbd a71d7d75
+00000450  8ccbd9d2 a73578fa 8c84fc28 e8907644
+00000460  f5b97c14 a7d474fa ee9872a9 edccf9cb
+00000470  8ec47cd7 87677cb6 f3167ce1 8a777c19
+00000480  8fa2fad5 8c07fbe8 5fff7414 fd4da6a5
+00000490  7726ebac 6e7da599 733ef7ca 79f8a693
+000004a0  fc29a6f8 f6f88f50 7691a7c7 710fef1e
+000004b0  7a62eea9 f90bf123 f82e8cfc 769ded48
+000004c0  f851e971 7648ef23 a7dd5fff a728e846
+000004d0  8ba5f84b a5857c36 8da47bed a7806db4
+000004e0  86fd7604 a7c2fbc7 a6f8f3b1 8daaf9e7
+000004f0  8d667a37 a645f624 a601fcae 8f0be907
+00000500  8b1bf85c f9f26637 a7c5d382 a7a47d48
+00000510  ececf5b3 8efa7901 e9167be9 8d9865c4
+00000520  5ffffaa0 7d12ef24 7bcef707 fa988bc0
+00000530  7449a5f9 483bed8e 7ad78e9b 7af18c92
+00000540  fb6febfa 6c35a6ec 8d565fff 5fff6ef0
+00000550  7719eea6 f499ecf4 8c685fff a562755b
+00000560  5ffffdd7 88d05fff a7e778b5 8a3f77ab
+00000570  5fff7a1c fc9b8e8e 5fff5fff ef1d5fff
+00000580  a60f7b76 f76639d5 8dd2f3ee 5fff7d07
+00000590  f553f9d2 6796a649 f87b8af2 75d6a7a6
+000005a0  ec13a64e f8188df5 7a29fae0 5fff5fff
+000005b0  f2158aae f94b8a62 f50de8e2 f8fe8b46
+000005c0  f9478ae8 78dafa50 7c9286a5 faaea6a5
+000005d0  7d01840f fbf8a7d1 721cf9d4 f6c5a7d6
+000005e0  f9edeb0b fab0a5de 71d98c64 ebf1a3f7
+000005f0  7d48a541 edd45fff a49d6c87 a4817daa
+00000600  8e7cf62d ec33767f 8b697261 f96679a8
+00000610  868cf5bc ebedec54 ead6f6e6 8baf7449
+00000620  8ebf7d4b 8f597543 a71dfbbb a743f403
+00000630  a66f7d68 a57aef1d a67e6924 a6447a6c
+00000640  8f8e7405 8d96f4cd 88dffbe2 a61ffbfd
+00000650  ea3ff866 ee50fa1b 89ec7983 88d87dde
+00000660  a7877ab3 8f54f3a0 a4b5774a a67afbff
+00000670  8d7bfd72 a7f1fd0c ea9e6aa7 8fb07c03
+00000680  00007bbb
+   28170  34816.9   213.55 0 8192 0
+   28171 2178932.2  -267.52 0 8192 2
+   28172  42188.2  -479.49 0 8192 0
+   28173  52607.5   -41.87 0 8192 1
+   28174  22601.2  -489.87 0 8192 0
+   28175  -1977.3   593.78 0 8192 0
+   28176 -15793.2   -22.79 0 8192 0
+   28177 650594.1  -581.20 0 8192 2
+   28178 2656336.5    37.83 0 8192 2
+   28179 458606.9   801.09 0 8192 2
+   28180 2220921.2  -360.31 0 8192 2
+   56125 504336.0   433.01 0 8192 2
+  116824 287020.5   -79.75 0 8192 1
+  116825 1276874.2   817.74 0 8192 2
+  116826      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  116827  36334.4  -950.84 0 8192 0
+  116828   7185.8  -573.77 0 8192 0
+  116829 167271.2  -128.04 0 8192 1
+  116830 728906.2   419.50 0 8192 2
+  116831 185947.5   968.94 0 8192 1
+  116832 213199.8   -54.94 0 8192 1
+  116833  36720.6   632.38 0 8192 0
+  116834 1740500.4   663.18 0 8192 2
+  116835      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  116836 2128533.5    51.23 0 8192 2
+  116837   2613.6  -163.10 0 8192 0
+  116838 2765444.8  -968.11 0 8192 2
+  116839 365587.7   235.56 0 8192 1
+  116840 255820.4   724.68 0 8192 1
+  116841  20796.5   725.92 0 8192 0
+  116842      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  116843  95949.7   145.72 0 8192 1
+  116844 -13183.2   384.39 0 8192 0
+  142830 254517.8  -457.03 0 8192 1
+  142831  31022.2  -240.35 0 8192 0
+  142832 2352026.8   521.49 0 8192 2
+  142833  -2482.7  -600.69 0 8192 0
+  142834  14569.3  -648.29 0 8192 0
+  142835 193790.9   563.78 0 8192 1
+  151070  25382.6  -101.90 0 8192 0
+  151071 189485.9  -542.23 0 8192 1
+  151072      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  151073  37139.5   689.84 0 8192 0
+  151074 282814.5  -235.16 0 8192 1
+  151075 210897.0  -478.46 0 8192 1
+  151076 2500103.0   646.62 0 8192 2
+  151077  89538.0  -422.93 0 8192 1
+  154132 264618.2   -40.51 0 8192 1
+  154133      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  154134 664467.9  -460.76 0 8192 2
+  154135  59396.2  -662.89 0 8192 1
+  154136 1492508.1   600.95 0 8192 2
+  154137  31504.2   599.66 0 8192 0
+  154138  71842.3   390.03 0 8192 2
+  154139 931407.4   410.96 0 8192 2
+  154140      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  154141 2035275.2   875.38 0 8192 2
+  154142 1266738.8  -735.31 0 8192 2
+  154143 156689.7   953.29 0 8192 1
+  154144  -2050.5   929.50 0 8192 0
+  154145      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  154146  79964.4  -603.78 0 8192 1
+  154147  -4573.3  -683.66 0 8192 0
+  154148  -5966.0   688.07 0 8192 0
+  154149  25382.6  -528.69 0 8192 0
+  154150 292217.4   981.89 0 8192 2
+  154151 2508064.0  -113.27 0 8192 2
+  154152 294122.7   286.87 0 8192 1
+  154153 1609620.1   974.77 0 8192 2
+  154154      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  154155      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  154156 326765.5   -46.50 0 8192 1
+  154157 1165924.5  -127.49 0 8192 2
+  154158 210514.8   235.36 0 8192 1
+  154159 172903.5   248.63 0 8192 1
+  154160      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  154161  12372.3  -983.15 0 8192 0
+  164240 2191655.0   818.79 0 8192 2
+  164241  31638.9  -408.33 0 8192 0
+  164242      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  164243      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  164244  15189.6   477.85 0 8192 0
+  164245 2204427.2  -915.66 0 8192 2
+  164246  -4289.5  -110.97 0 8192 0
+  164247 -13228.5   959.03 0 8192 0
+  164248 1593369.0  -682.20 0 8192 2
+  164249 2773959.2    21.01 0 8192 2
+  164250 161762.5  -121.99 0 8192 1
+  164251 2961273.5   368.90 0 8192 2
+  164252 822703.2  -654.71 0 8192 2
+  164253 233044.8  -758.67 0 8192 1
+  164254 651404.8   902.03 0 8192 2
+  164255 1818150.0  -131.65 0 8192 2
+  164256 1197287.6   182.56 0 8192 2
+  164257  29579.9   606.64 0 8192 0
+  164258      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168051 286082.2  -481.34 0 8192 1
+  168052  -2243.5  -695.18 0 8192 0
+  168053 2675011.5   328.04 0 8192 2
+  168054 281885.5  -397.45 0 8192 1
+  168055  26040.8  -194.84 0 8192 0
+  168056 1308896.0  -728.41 0 8192 2
+  168057 1084218.0   591.50 0 8192 2
+  168058 1530891.1   124.09 0 8192 2
+  168059 -11512.5  -704.47 0 8192 0
+  168060 1044836.8  -922.36 0 8192 2
+  168061 184195.0   687.77 0 8192 1
+  168062 601633.2   430.60 0 8192 2
+  168063 1096796.2  -168.28 0 8192 2
+  168064  25011.6   -60.29 0 8192 0
+  168065 167599.1     2.63 0 8192 1
+  168066 995620.5  -213.55 0 8192 2
+  168067 263285.9   729.04 0 8192 1
+  168068  34529.9    32.28 0 8192 0
+  168069 524428.6   807.99 0 8192 2
+  168070 323194.4   653.31 0 8192 1
+  168071 316631.4  -367.32 0 8192 1
+  168072      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168073 2613100.2  -633.19 0 8192 2
+  168074  15506.2    49.40 0 8192 0
+  168075 219422.3  -188.19 0 8192 1
+  168076  -8561.5   538.52 0 8192 0
+  168077 332948.6   451.77 0 8192 1
+  168078      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168079 156689.7  -175.42 0 8192 1
+  168080 -12560.9  -309.08 0 8192 0
+  168081 2369248.2  -838.31 0 8192 2
+  168082 207852.5  -176.03 0 8192 1
+  168083  29245.7   582.44 0 8192 0
+  168084 307691.8  -769.47 0 8192 1
+  168085 159847.6  -154.93 0 8192 1
+  168086      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168087   4551.1  -346.53 0 8192 0
+  168088 290793.9  -689.84 0 8192 1
+  168089   9642.9   426.93 0 8192 0
+  168090  -9472.8  -367.32 0 8192 0
+  168091 2308395.8  -397.96 0 8192 2
+  168092  -1604.1  -748.98 0 8192 0
+  168093 -13810.3  -770.13 0 8192 0
+  168094 133755.2  -515.27 0 8192 1
+  168095 1373203.0   895.10 0 8192 2
+  168096   7987.6   172.81 0 8192 0
+  168097 2164452.2   -95.15 0 8192 2
+  168098 1645460.1   525.98 0 8192 2
+  168099  21145.3  -329.03 0 8192 0
+  168100  41150.5  -527.56 0 8192 0
+  168101 -14601.5  -487.15 0 8192 0
+  168102 2888431.5   968.11 0 8192 2
+  168103 1792546.4  -408.15 0 8192 2
+  168104 677704.4   237.79 0 8192 2
+  168105      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168106 1442336.2    83.35 0 8192 2
+  168107 386387.9   881.41 0 8192 1
+  168108      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168109 195240.2  -441.82 0 8192 1
+  168110 2382700.8  -710.84 0 8192 2
+  168111 2912578.0   488.62 0 8192 2
+  168112  95498.0  -565.48 0 8192 2
+  168113 130674.1   456.44 0 8192 1
+  168114 351964.7   991.61 0 8192 1
+  168115 175597.2    65.32 0 8192 1
+  168116  27293.0   928.30 0 8192 0
+  168117  -1856.6  -551.36 0 8192 0
+  168118 136598.0   749.95 0 8192 1
+  168119      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168120 382962.6  -490.29 0 8192 2
+  168121  40478.8   625.64 0 8192 0
+  168122   7901.6   728.41 0 8192 0
+  168123 1307605.0   954.93 0 8192 2
+  168124 2233807.0   184.76 0 8192 2
+  168125  10957.6    47.33 0 8192 0
+  168126   -239.5  -363.72 0 8192 0
+  168127  -8437.8   951.25 0 8192 0
+  168128      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168129 261958.0  -424.20 0 8192 1
+  168130 111167.3   771.45 0 8192 1
+  168131 450947.7  -129.86 0 8192 2
+  168132      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168133 1024960.2   867.54 0 8192 2
+  168134 -14730.9   511.54 0 8192 0
+  168135 1374536.9   183.73 0 8192 2
+  168136  28736.4  -466.92 0 8192 0
+  168137 2512050.8   880.27 0 8192 2
+  168138 300371.9  -403.28 0 8192 1
+  168139 202968.0  -681.32 0 8192 1
+  168140 301826.4   690.13 0 8192 1
+  168141 -13018.3    50.71 0 8192 0
+  168142 2660479.0   911.36 0 8192 2
+  168143  42713.6  -633.19 0 8192 0
+  168144  85915.8   869.40 0 8192 1
+  168145 681876.6  -805.91 0 8192 2
+  168146  36631.2  -963.14 0 8192 0
+  168147 2184378.8   683.37 0 8192 2
+  168148  67101.0   656.96 0 8192 1
+  168149  33398.1  -672.33 0 8192 0
+  168150  24122.3  -713.28 0 8192 0
+  168151 1662063.0   -41.83 0 8192 2
+  168152 975313.2   581.20 0 8192 2
+  168153 324721.7   463.34 0 8192 1
+  168154 1798924.6   406.23 0 8192 2
+  168155 155438.2  -431.53 0 8192 2
+  168156 713284.2  -126.29 0 8192 2
+  168157 348211.9   527.11 0 8192 1
+  168158 213585.2   396.94 0 8192 2
+  168159 995620.5  -938.70 0 8192 2
+  168160 287490.3   355.56 0 8192 1
+  168161   2955.2   400.53 0 8192 0
+  168162 333467.3  -534.38 0 8192 2
+  168163 513970.6   757.70 0 8192 2
+  168164      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168165 106493.2   768.16 0 8192 1
+  168166      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168167 262842.8    98.34 0 8192 1
+  168168      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168169  24077.3  -290.58 0 8192 0
+  168170 137171.3   787.82 0 8192 1
+  168171      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168172 239645.8   259.73 0 8192 1
+  168173  42549.0   427.66 0 8192 0
+  168174  34301.5  -878.39 0 8192 0
+  168175 235505.8  -557.30 0 8192 1
+  168176      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168177 267296.4   533.93 0 8192 1
+  168178      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168179 2840540.0  -591.24 0 8192 2
+  168180 2615148.5     0.54 0 8192 2
+  168181  39908.9  -509.35 0 8192 0
+  168182 -15912.4  -478.05 0 8192 0
+  168183 250636.4  -373.35 0 8192 1
+  168184      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168185 1294741.2   -60.06 0 8192 2
+  168186 1525163.8   648.57 0 8192 2
+  168187 2526038.0  -834.37 0 8192 2
+  168188 108690.6   569.37 0 8192 1
+  168189   8939.5   -10.35 0 8192 0
+  168190 1654502.5  -787.48 0 8192 2
+  168191      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168192 1749887.2  -919.20 0 8192 2
+  168193 2910377.2   407.63 0 8192 2
+  168194  26064.5  -382.75 0 8192 0
+  168195  32373.3  -794.60 0 8192 0
+  168196  18555.9  -941.12 0 8192 0
+  168197 215131.5   424.38 0 8192 1
+  168198  91496.3  -385.21 0 8192 1
+  168199 1150450.5  -152.43 0 8192 2
+  168200      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168201 2844871.8  -125.75 0 8192 2
+  168202      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168203  67816.4  -720.04 0 8192 1
+  168204 224167.8  -783.44 0 8192 2
+  168205 243413.1   945.97 0 8192 1
+  168206 281421.8   -18.99 0 8192 1
+  168207 1636450.8   578.71 0 8192 2
+  168208 292693.0  -820.20 0 8192 1
+  168209 1532325.2   429.87 0 8192 2
+  168210   7668.5   813.20 0 8192 0
+  168211  -2290.1   373.19 0 8192 0
+  168212 375049.2   289.47 0 8192 1
+  168213  37956.4  -632.92 0 8192 0
+  168214  32072.8   884.05 0 8192 0
+  168215 2516041.8   871.64 0 8192 2
+  168216 317133.1   887.85 0 8192 2
+  168217   -359.4   814.94 0 8192 0
+  168218 895842.0  -709.32 0 8192 2
+  168219 2985823.8  -798.01 0 8192 2
+  168220 1359911.9   338.17 0 8192 2
+  168221      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168222 229385.5  -929.89 0 8192 1
+  168223  19420.0   473.57 0 8192 0
+  168224 137171.3   183.18 0 8192 1
+  168225  -5772.9   308.55 0 8192 0
+  168226 222182.3   645.24 0 8192 1
+  168227 264618.2  -820.55 0 8192 1
+  168228 2806044.2  -464.33 0 8192 2
+  168229 367799.4   444.28 0 8192 1
+  168230  42188.2   242.84 0 8192 0
+  168231  38476.8   675.22 0 8192 0
+  168232    -18.0  -582.94 0 8192 0
+  168233 1710996.6  -530.28 0 8192 2
+  168234  28610.0   446.57 0 8192 0
+  168235  10279.9  -538.29 0 8192 0
+  168236  42351.9   430.60 0 8192 0
+  168237      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168238 380123.8   -92.65 0 8192 1
+  168239 286551.1  -536.91 0 8192 1
+  168240 1234168.9   825.13 0 8192 2
+  168241 131509.6   799.72 0 8192 1
+  168242 1983715.5   168.07 0 8192 2
+  168243 329847.4   418.24 0 8192 1
+  168244 266848.8  -786.81 0 8192 2
+  168245 365036.1  -324.13 0 8192 1
+  168246 264618.2  -640.56 0 8192 1
+  168247 1993956.9   662.89 0 8192 2
+  168248 1879933.1  -424.01 0 8192 2
+  168249 192708.6  -868.66 0 8192 1
+  168250 169244.9  -100.64 0 8192 1
+  168251 2660479.0  -540.83 0 8192 2
+  168252 1070606.4    73.93 0 8192 2
+  168253 -12014.9    -9.50 0 8192 0
+  168254 366692.4   927.90 0 8192 1
+  168255 348746.4  -403.98 0 8192 1
+  168256  26350.2   580.45 0 8192 0
+  168257 2625405.2   798.35 0 8192 2
+  168258   9162.2    70.37 0 8192 0
+  168259 1963337.9  -693.39 0 8192 2
+  168260      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168261  42384.7   906.68 0 8192 0
+  168262  -4239.8   789.17 0 8192 0
+  168263 1268002.8  -691.02 0 8192 2
+  168264 166616.7   345.94 0 8192 1
+  168265  30413.5     2.76 0 8192 0
+  168266 2435066.0   709.93 0 8192 2
+  168267 1552496.6   717.88 0 8192 2
+  168268  20980.7  -757.70 0 8192 0
+  168269 259315.7   142.63 0 8192 1
+  168270      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168271 1853751.4   192.43 0 8192 2
+  168272      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168273  38384.7   470.94 0 8192 0
+  168274  26541.8  -358.00 0 8192 0
+  168275      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168276 1492508.1   389.03 0 8192 2
+  168277 121980.5  -986.53 0 8192 1
+  168278      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168279      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168280 535027.6   561.85 0 8192 2
+  168281 385815.6   501.34 0 8192 1
+  168282 840839.9   655.27 0 8192 2
+  168283      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168284 2409758.5  -861.62 0 8192 2
+  168285      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168286      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168287      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168288  42155.5   759.97 0 8192 0
+  168289 173910.4     0.57 0 8192 1
+  168290  -4947.4  -332.71 0 8192 0
+  168291 2063135.4   902.42 0 8192 2
+  168292      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168293 -11567.6  -387.70 0 8192 0
+  168294 194152.5    85.92 0 8192 1
+  168295 1024960.2  -548.06 0 8192 2
+  168296 349817.0   410.08 0 8192 1
+  168297 195967.6  -140.57 0 8192 1
+  168298 2124963.5  -525.31 0 8192 2
+  168299 -15708.4   658.93 0 8192 0
+  168300      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168301      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168302 952146.8  -271.68 0 8192 2
+  168303 874943.8  -599.15 0 8192 2
+  168304   8561.5  -376.24 0 8192 0
+  168305 1119914.4  -579.70 0 8192 2
+  168306 1014027.4  -598.12 0 8192 2
+  168307 -13395.2   570.83 0 8192 0
+  168308 229385.5   858.30 0 8192 2
+  168309 229385.5  -697.57 0 8192 1
+  168310  52305.1   900.10 0 8192 2
+  168311 373367.8  -803.50 0 8192 1
+  168312 -11595.3   272.50 0 8192 0
+  168313 376173.0  -454.29 0 8192 1
+  168314  16447.4  -642.21 0 8192 0
+  168315 157947.8  -698.16 0 8192 1
+  168316 1486877.0   264.79 0 8192 2
+  168317  48765.2  -138.54 0 8192 1
+  168318 113428.2   927.90 0 8192 1
+  168319      0.0     0.00 0 0 -1
+  168320  32291.2   147.73 0 8192 0
+  168321  76801.8   967.69 0 8192 1
+  168322  71469.9  -425.65 0 8192 1
+  168323 2375007.5   440.87 0 8192 2
+  168324  22172.5   280.67 0 8192 0
+  168325 1161148.6   623.50 0 8192 2
+  168326 -10140.2  -405.54 0 8192 0
+  168327 219422.3  -144.54 0 8192 2
+  168328  20715.0  -460.76 0 8192 0
+  168329  15539.8   345.94 0 8192 0
+  168330 1246628.8   929.10 0 8192 2
+  168331 2506072.0   385.05 0 8192 2
+  168332 2825413.5  -782.77 0 8192 2
+  168333 281421.8  -335.72 0 8192 1
+  168334 299404.8   940.71 0 8192 1
+  168335 208231.5  -196.18 0 8192 1
+  168336 128463.2   101.90 0 8192 1
+  168337 213971.1   678.12 0 8192 1
+  168338 192348.7   336.01 0 8192 1
+  168339 2941287.5  -366.07 0 8192 2
+  168340 1959955.2  -795.96 0 8192 2
+  168341 545768.4  -805.22 0 8192 2
+  168342 179346.5  -543.16 0 8192 1
+  168343  13138.1  -654.99 0 8192 0
+  168344  35804.2   613.69 0 8192 0
+  168345 763532.9   989.49 0 8192 2
+  168346 540738.2   699.06 0 8192 2
+  168347 333467.3  -321.78 0 8192 1
+  168348 2814641.8   480.93 0 8192 2
+  168349  81577.8  -805.91 0 8192 1
+  168350 212430.3  -944.75 0 8192 1
+  168351 1914669.2  -904.36 0 8192 2
+  168352 391563.9   120.27 0 8192 1
+  168353  14617.7   807.30 0 8192 0
+  168354 3017265.0   782.77 0 8192 2
 *** test 400 10000 0 1
 *** test 400 10000 1 1
 *** test 400 100000 0 1
 *** test 400 100000 1 1
 *** test 400 187652 0 1
 *** test 500 400 0 1
-     205  21982.3  -180.40 9885 11194 0
-     742 772806.7   870.01 37018 11368 2
-     787 312534.1   280.04 21276 14073 1
-     789  18902.1  -568.14 11364 16146 0
-    1023  23199.4   747.32 23926 8589 0
-    1300 499887.2   635.30 11085 8351 2
-    1431  -4611.7  -344.78 22523 10678 0
-    1774 363710.5   961.24 45500 14435 1
-    1889 285412.7  -527.10 28256 12473 1
-    2291 684470.2  -648.11 63139 9956 2
-    2611 367893.2   269.26 35376 15915 1
-    3548 1869249.8  -625.00 2778 15285 2
-    3728      0.0     0.00 5807 344 -1
-    3751 934570.8  -268.92 25482 10444 2
-    4618 2328271.5   295.63 12016 8589 2
-    4943  77618.1    34.43 46652 13666 1
-    4945 -12450.2  -518.40 14803 10584 0
-    6483  24190.3   349.74 55928 9897 0
-    6602      0.0     0.00 53628 7173 -1
-    7410 2410129.8   977.44 57752 13677 2
-    7427 262275.3  -468.74 18326 8258 1
-    8198 2845419.2   365.07 16921 9391 2
-    8290 172750.2   142.10 29617 11574 1
-    8344      0.0     0.00 63214 2356 -1
-    9244 340098.9   584.73 43459 15925 1
-   10890   5637.3  -795.26 9393 12364 0
-   10931  15167.4  -792.62 41745 12785 0
-   11097 456415.2   415.10 56205 16059 2
-   11242 1657617.6   750.82 31591 11023 2
-   11367 -11084.3   517.19 42664 10219 0
-   11411      0.0     0.00 52778 2985 -1
-   11470 2380848.8   212.23 62059 13103 2
-   11853 -11269.3   344.08 16926 9991 0
-   11955 1472559.4   675.37 48471 12370 2
-   11969  41790.5  -284.35 4849 10717 0
-   12555  79746.6   497.55 32899 15830 1
-   13507 1866242.6   454.81 11359 15259 2
-   14086 161516.4  -110.16 55809 14917 1
-   14289 552862.9   873.23 5834 8947 2
-   14453  19106.4  -448.28 444 10376 0
-   14575  -6081.1  -891.07 33911 10253 0
-   14856  32939.8   773.28 31200 12884 0
-   15088  68275.2   943.95 44502 16349 1
-   16022 2182751.8  -726.17 23547 14691 2
-   16711 528665.2  -818.38 10977 15061 2
-   17403 1122583.4   230.33 27540 10484 2
-   17820 293679.7  -906.53 4231 10261 1
-   19178  32886.7  -105.30 35160 11301 0
-   19380 2820099.0   990.05 42368 16269 2
-   19612 166368.9   460.04 4810 12796 1
-   19935 299621.0   767.92 54789 9714 1
-   20760   1826.8   730.06 37253 15711 0
-   21401   1971.0   160.95 29235 11762 0
-   21641  48898.4  -164.06 15099 8342 2
-   22608  63030.8  -177.00 44046 13720 1
-   22817  62061.0  -603.68 8300 9062 1
-   22897   3196.3   534.08 36669 12889 0
-   23495   2814.2   198.17 60931 10162 0
-   23504 134120.0   818.08 37636 15678 1
-   23696  27872.2    20.67 51411 9480 0
-   24863 309121.7   692.55 9232 13870 1
-   25000 2729663.2    54.74 17187 15634 2
-   25031 1282831.0   372.87 994 9206 2
-   25385 331842.5   462.28 11772 15555 1
-   26113 -11108.9  -962.01 48283 11026 0
-   26615 2768317.0  -661.89 24704 14013 2
-   26675 2991144.0   912.70 4096 8800 2
-   27615  22727.9  -143.16 27627 9688 0
-   28050  19477.8  -523.14 36285 15860 0
-   28086  30491.3   -48.53 27641 16204 0
-   28143  11759.1  -752.73 59938 12998 0
-   28198 123895.6   197.10 52911 8304 1
-   28279 135854.6  -838.07 49103 15343 1
-   28323 185950.2    10.09 54225 13277 1
-   28733 2868192.0   894.70 22438 14550 2
-   30106  14428.4   985.76 9066 13985 0
-   32038  80298.4  -374.09 63164 15093 1
-   32541 1604823.1  -362.90 636 13285 2
-   33037  26037.5   893.72 48809 14992 0
-   33354 106045.3   176.06 59974 10220 1
-   33373  -7576.0  -553.03 44816 15691 0
-   33530 300203.0   730.95 10419 14173 1
-   34359 290404.8   777.16 20264 15208 1
-   35412 1739957.1  -410.83 61292 11429 2
-   36636 522729.2    73.93 27638 9979 2
-   36681  -9638.7   999.44 55498 14965 0
-   37620 331792.9  -333.13 10783 14623 1
-   37833 327721.9  -360.50 28109 14183 1
-   37952 246245.7  -188.44 51460 9993 1
-   38403 2466471.2   311.57 62625 9934 2
-   38407 303574.3   -47.99 12348 12059 1
-   39842  31759.2   226.99 48046 9702 0
-   40829      0.0     0.00 27751 2726 -1
-   40832 259103.8  -705.62 9770 12769 1
-   41246 976665.0   989.51 30880 14803 2
-   41258      0.0     0.00 31316 6503 -1
-   41414  22626.2   425.13 19612 10661 0
-   41568      0.0     0.00 40140 7141 -1
-   42107  21784.9    70.90 35151 10523 0
-   42118  69263.3     3.98 30015 15376 1
-   42918 179861.4   550.28 29958 13752 1
-   43025      0.0     0.00 11463 2331 -1
-   43525 228551.1   -41.40 47610 9904 1
-   44164 1509719.4   516.37 53321 10209 2
-   44709  51161.2   913.77 37440 14755 1
-   45086 2835902.8    16.42 38217 10586 2
-   45307  10190.0   182.82 10328 16213 0
+     353  22687.4  -602.43 13331 13773 0
+     894 2531411.8  -377.16 1344 9038 2
+    1078 1624909.8  -605.17 60532 15044 2
+    1150 2703696.0   617.16 17132 13799 2
+    2084 107853.5  -650.47 65279 9781 1
+    2252 2830956.0   824.60 26586 15454 2
+    2288  18939.4   551.79 38348 13402 0
+    2289 2991667.0  -809.70 4324 11112 2
+    2509 -10393.3   629.47 9536 12773 0
+    3301  84112.2   659.60 57933 16001 1
+    4699  -4200.8   929.67 57864 9416 0
+    4986 217563.6   369.12 41364 13196 1
+    6458 105387.9  -802.34 6386 13997 1
+    6467 789378.2   -39.38 22676 13913 2
+    6528 103476.5   -81.06 62278 8225 1
+    6740  -5817.4   160.24 2180 9612 0
+    6998 308025.3   344.31 17571 15489 1
+    7392 2048570.6   761.66 58343 13404 2
+    8014 899839.6  -911.45 60664 14224 2
+    8060 135751.9   -19.85 48164 13132 1
+    8781 232099.1   775.92 53642 15425 1
+    9311 1723997.4  -672.36 38293 12304 2
+    9709  38153.3   -52.02 32421 12304 0
+   10204 396408.2  -928.88 37781 13981 1
+   10243 2542602.0  -788.91 27141 13422 2
+   10668 2537083.8  -482.34 56979 9204 2
+   11931  21559.9  -529.27 49210 10393 0
+   11968      0.0     0.00 31026 6125 -1
+   12247 2530804.8   109.43 49951 13712 2
+   12319 107923.3   408.85 53802 14519 1
+   12358 2684987.8   137.43 38174 12890 2
+   12651 422315.7   837.08 14353 12181 2
+   13106  15568.4   807.15 12924 13106 0
+   13525 176350.9  -745.45 11538 11868 1
+   14035 -15247.9   322.46 9289 12955 0
+   14078 176656.4   916.35 43229 10097 1
+   14861  24780.3  -772.51 59826 12713 0
+   15029 1367934.0  -315.09 14722 15389 2
+   15650  30339.6    14.57 60708 8966 0
+   15950 1215279.0   980.20 8287 11316 2
+   16141 378835.7  -715.94 8474 15030 1
+   16632 394455.2   666.06 38752 9473 1
+   16635 376216.2   334.99 55612 16048 1
+   17618  40847.3   806.36 22521 10377 1
+   17654   8421.7   591.40 63466 12498 0
+   17702  20980.8  -667.65 40174 8296 0
+   19076 197349.8  -585.67 31750 11314 1
+   19272  15994.1   122.93 43745 13115 0
+   19316      0.0     0.00 4973 5576 -1
+   20635 397615.7   648.00 34444 12940 1
+   21114  13423.6   834.31 44373 16243 0
+   21269 436063.6   615.15 4311 11772 2
+   22230  94410.9   714.10 2100 10615 1
+   22462 106413.1  -663.84 31804 13251 1
+   22761  39605.1  -546.79 24247 11954 0
+   23339  32967.4   991.03 23520 8823 0
+   23545 2768733.8  -113.42 23499 10297 2
+   25016 368020.4   206.41 43403 11322 1
+   25547 2900677.2  -668.25 34880 9247 2
+   25983 160368.8  -383.86 57659 14450 1
+   26004 -12275.7   238.93 11754 12052 0
+   26152 241201.1   750.65 54033 16356 1
+   26942 244319.6   198.88 33720 10822 1
+   26981  42611.4   197.90 57825 13569 0
+   27042      0.0     0.00 22171 4252 -1
+   27074      0.0     0.00 11255 4282 -1
+   28416 585002.9    95.33 55303 12743 2
+   29813 115468.7  -180.49 60711 9001 2
+   29897  -2414.8    41.88 44613 9520 0
+   30369      0.0     0.00 13063 6004 -1
+   30378 278378.7  -750.56 62046 10068 1
+   30889 -10064.1  -525.59 49161 11849 0
+   31749  61416.2  -866.01 22219 14175 1
+   31804 1441414.1  -695.11 12283 12430 2
+   31940    733.4  -241.67 51567 13534 0
+   33035 299244.8    52.38 47046 13087 1
+   33220  24887.0  -916.94 62421 10156 0
+   33793  30563.6   220.97 46215 15688 0
+   33842 913017.8   840.69 52366 14890 2
+   34037  96472.2   424.42 7619 12162 1
+   34509  24306.2  -369.65 18613 10341 0
+   34566  10104.4   657.84 41744 12341 0
+   35128 2809088.0   247.21 18080 9130 2
+   36440      0.0     0.00 15154 5229 -1
+   36474  23955.1   622.64 43127 11965 0
+   38004 333505.1   764.73 1236 15227 1
+   38315  24353.8  -443.67 42191 10242 0
+   39821 232995.7   158.58 40387 14096 1
+   40389 2258441.2   846.55 24254 16025 2
+   41111  17743.9    11.67 53330 11904 0
+   41175  16723.0   482.58 51099 8435 0
+   41445 793310.1  -822.24 18288 14412 2
+   41466 250511.0   559.11 20516 9800 1
+   41779  -2763.0   -44.99 35418 11088 0
+   42484 167314.5   305.96 30160 12549 2
+   42546      0.0     0.00 49386 7594 -1
+   42873 198289.2   492.67 47042 13220 1
+   43037 252147.9  -532.14 1074 14438 1
+   43467 2634215.2   791.04 47965 11650 2
+   45535 986003.9   142.19 11360 14340 2
    45684  -9451.2   776.92 16501 16326 0
-   46428   5069.6   572.96 47777 12678 0
-   47798 117556.6   994.27 5669 13537 1
-   47845 1963035.5   -77.53 24105 12043 2
-   48042 2942169.5   666.83 28200 10717 2
-   48527 2429494.5  -268.26 55482 9290 2
-   48922   6457.8   260.30 1879 12359 0
-   49119  -9336.6   707.57 14085 10990 0
-   49363 167453.7  -409.65 53886 14561 1
-   50891 -14062.1  -765.34 20942 12896 0
-   50996 114349.1   424.21 56498 12581 1
-   51294 1783665.5   -20.72 36335 11338 2
-   51454 105805.6  -752.49 45032 9894 1
-   51537      0.0     0.00 10410 527 -1
-   51862      0.0     0.00 16712 4001 -1
-   52168 322619.4  -679.37 3779 13913 1
-   52594 203909.5  -182.96 13805 11731 1
-   53764 291180.0  -228.00 53274 15138 2
-   53949  39940.4  -385.52 41854 12395 0
-   54228   -688.8   981.42 48754 15149 0
-   54290  -7367.6   992.68 45492 16347 0
-   54361  40047.0  -738.76 1758 10088 0
-   54395      0.0     0.00 42956 1245 -1
-   54471 2652977.2   793.39 61687 13358 2
-   54972      0.0     0.00 53940 6763 -1
-   56807  17465.4   523.97 35596 15489 0
-   56833      0.0     0.00 34965 7560 -1
-   56977 119941.8   420.51 12199 9150 1
-   57182      0.0     0.00 16829 601 -1
-   57539 109726.5  -524.79 1420 11149 1
-   58474 133960.8   174.85 26646 13275 2
-   60187  39612.8   628.22 55474 15795 0
-   60517 2408652.5  -364.68 30777 14652 2
-   61411  51097.5  -181.42 3389 8412 1
-   61433 357231.5    23.96 14060 15863 2
-   62220 1744106.5    39.10 26616 13717 2
-   62535 1482188.9   411.95 470 13239 2
-   62670 2232043.2  -583.47 34462 15436 2
-   62736 2702874.8  -917.78 20410 12615 2
-   63299 270265.8   957.56 36760 9125 1
-   65593 287212.2  -226.52 2618 11604 1
-   65837 209280.6  -651.07 28682 16280 2
-   65846  23429.0  -295.34 63796 12704 0
-   66593      0.0     0.00 36944 4547 -1
-   67151  26176.1   387.31 42848 8460 0
-   67152  -2029.3   -34.11 52090 14797 0
-   67923 1991713.8  -251.06 58853 9817 2
-   68063 361113.4   796.20 50767 14680 1
-   68224 122373.0   133.73 39708 11237 1
-   68241  91738.7    42.70 40151 9836 1
-   68725 1862935.0     0.03 49276 15752 2
-   68748 1705497.4   179.51 44988 10312 2
-   69859 145353.1  -443.76 14072 11075 1
-   70235 127838.1   316.59 49663 8461 1
-   70559 276580.1  -914.87 3585 15872 1
-   71271 1269267.6  -781.39 47983 13193 2
-   71375 784764.3    44.26 16223 8484 2
-   71833  -9595.5   -72.50 45558 13213 0
-   72064 1360488.8  -117.42 40240 8551 2
-   73116  27714.5  -655.02 11993 9671 0
-   73888 1506345.0    70.08 61253 8346 2
-   73994  36870.8  -979.93 3396 10349 0
-   74748 -11251.6  -752.43 32741 11450 0
-   74952  11341.6  -499.08 54785 15521 0
-   75903 211820.2  -770.42 65424 9412 1
-   76175  -6443.9  -959.41 11897 12258 0
-   76328  12921.5    19.29 20082 8274 0
-   77074      0.0     0.00 50452 6472 -1
-   77332 2957566.0  -202.24 12475 13055 2
-   77469      0.0     0.00 64217 6192 -1
-   78786  34325.4  -782.95 23568 10227 0
-   79807 1668428.2  -844.38 33106 13535 2
-   80413  72596.3  -978.59 58815 12911 2
-   80979  34220.8   464.00 4105 10251 0
-   81030      0.0     0.00 19929 5571 -1
-   81357 2131890.2  -805.42 19606 8670 2
-   82056 343025.5  -703.69 60534 10318 1
-   82654 387613.6   480.77 59458 11273 2
-   83108    498.2    65.65 9445 13711 0
-   84627  -2728.8  -447.47 14377 16274 0
-   85471 143004.1  -341.84 30097 9389 1
-   85479  96599.5   945.52 22646 8932 2
-   86530  28482.9   710.89 32598 11114 0
-   86662  88205.2   150.43 27478 15214 1
-   87256 150312.8  -346.25 56490 11709 1
-   87596  80054.2  -461.48 391 13960 1
-   88352 127543.3    79.04 39610 9761 1
-   88472 2437999.5  -462.89 24417 15251 2
-   88801      0.0     0.00 9115 1726 -1
-   90469  -1712.4  -603.77 25191 15676 0
-   90794 178314.5  -315.20 42876 10745 1
-   90797 769986.4  -825.11 63215 12500 2
-   91588 272042.6  -755.75 9079 10410 1
-   92012      0.0     0.00 49419 7174 -1
-   92431 653138.0   490.49 48689 15167 2
-   93105   2895.9  -899.04 27632 15767 0
-   94001 2581300.2    23.66 38830 11082 2
-   94177 2643969.0   454.44 19147 13811 2
-   94224 1801752.4   755.20 60969 10046 2
-   94783 1584133.1   204.28 54398 16359 2
-   95011      0.0     0.00 17126 5057 -1
-   95142      0.0     0.00 7873 7742 -1
-   95305  -8645.9   131.39 585 10797 0
-   97345  46606.3   549.46 14497 8543 1
-   98721  -2225.4  -415.03 4088 15996 0
-   98941  -7943.0   725.25 47771 16060 0
-   99470 2330355.2   448.91 134 14134 2
-   99684 360276.8  -951.00 40787 8383 1
-  100368 192003.2  -297.45 59856 14664 1
-  100647 380869.7   789.99 41737 10543 1
-  100946  65068.3  -874.72 41662 12969 1
-  101124 1715787.5   969.19 49023 13183 2
-  101309 1306756.4   -98.53 34644 12887 2
-  102117 1700365.6  -424.39 43160 11391 2
-  102989 258959.9   353.31 27386 14900 1
-  103703  22160.0  -239.20 11662 15106 0
-  104059 1481627.9   -42.97 27315 8396 2
-  104424 1285548.1  -508.00 48508 11082 2
-  104925 1783564.0  -668.26 5727 11673 2
-  105102 310913.1   602.44 31993 12713 1
-  105426  27271.6   741.46 36308 14861 0
-  105801 303516.5   115.59 31822 13492 1
-  106156      0.0     0.00 54401 7281 -1
-  106636 204950.1   507.40 23055 15836 1
-  106663 2174525.5   837.61 50099 8768 2
-  107116  84930.1  -348.37 32241 13076 2
-  107195      0.0     0.00 55276 5590 -1
-  107431 360488.2  -281.50 30800 12450 1
-  108197  33006.0  -899.74 63371 14183 0
-  108611      0.0     0.00 36361 8065 -1
-  109344 572606.6   115.70 16884 11466 2
-  109363  14466.0  -655.44 31595 13061 0
-  110114 806006.9   591.99 40262 16087 2
-  110708 358487.1   654.38 52104 12755 1
-  110987 2453544.5  -434.60 26532 14291 2
-  111102 2210809.0    11.16 12035 15431 2
-  111282  12102.1  -903.32 41609 10167 0
-  111425  12140.6  -347.72 26698 13677 0
-  113148  12094.6  -730.57 42923 9121 0
-  113193  14628.8    50.92 35254 15051 0
-  113256 148446.7  -710.25 64360 14233 1
-  113314  95731.0   174.52 14631 14006 1
-  114240  28944.9  -688.39 58312 11267 0
-  114304 315564.1  -230.58 957 13002 1
-  114356     49.7   343.02 16699 8942 0
-  114962   9416.6    22.09 26209 12904 0
-  115847 1302076.4   536.95 59742 9524 2
-  116560 1112479.1  -304.72 9745 14674 2
-  116761 121936.6   855.70 18736 12563 1
-  116988  -7660.9  -680.21 58961 14909 0
-  117005  81027.6   952.88 9485 12523 1
-  117404 1015596.7   851.43 157 9602 2
-  117448 322856.4   823.41 6356 10906 1
-  117626  -3268.5  -423.08 47027 8811 0
-  117712 1213978.5  -137.14 52407 10864 2
-  118239 256796.0   410.84 3498 10010 2
-  119535 1392817.5   537.23 26474 10181 2
-  120590 918920.1   448.03 55278 12461 2
-  121222   5831.0   568.14 21855 16074 0
-  121367      0.0     0.00 26486 7880 -1
-  121535 301512.7   117.90 35736 13641 1
-  121754 164517.9  -202.16 55539 10201 1
-  122145 306882.7   793.39 40337 14891 2
-  122751   3733.0   747.23 24273 8470 0
-  122954 274210.4  -374.70 47977 14760 1
-  123716 1818361.4  -548.12 40868 10764 2
-  124148  74947.8   689.73 27009 8468 1
-  124433 187383.2   946.90 28177 12611 1
-  124708  76612.1  -661.28 29684 15159 2
-  124788 1157571.6    89.75 9954 12957 2
-  125961 236406.8   269.86 18916 16009 1
-  125964 387239.3   361.97 49471 13192 1
-  126018  93147.9  -543.37 35865 12546 1
-  126204     17.3    77.05 21551 8971 0
-  126311  31342.3   620.12 33380 12094 0
-  126316 1720759.2    26.80 44495 13245 2
-  126940  15025.4   670.82 61266 11738 0
-  127362      0.0     0.00 6557 5576 -1
-  127556      0.0     0.00 65494 4444 -1
-  127611  41048.0   795.70 53480 15912 1
-  128162 2769846.0    34.88 28076 9558 2
-  128815 150831.2  -583.94 1962 12747 1
-  128870 2782058.2   -86.88 22150 13777 2
-  129213  -8524.9   789.01 58772 12333 0
-  129698   1486.3  -714.30 45628 10755 0
-  131440 362912.0  -529.48 299 16334 1
-  131463      0.0     0.00 42307 3895 -1
-  131569   1693.9  -488.74 14934 13810 0
-  133683 1305437.8   660.08 53554 13132 2
-  134103      0.0     0.00 5972 1533 -1
-  134268  11193.6   -15.72 51982 16212 0
-  135395 292379.5  -180.33 44821 8234 1
-  135783  67858.3  -650.46 63425 14210 2
-  135828 723922.8  -804.46 4480 11962 2
-  135974 2881568.0   167.39 42973 8432 2
-  136231  -5225.3  -893.63 30587 14372 0
-  136700 2711378.5  -198.33 24170 16327 2
-  136883 2111129.0   810.36 24357 14801 2
-  136968   -665.8   661.17 32560 16289 0
-  137377      0.0     0.00 37762 2849 -1
-  138969   3080.7   525.14 12208 14753 0
-  139899   9571.2  -572.26 10968 14130 0
-  139951 2973989.8   980.04 125 15683 2
-  141446 331694.3  -205.24 10280 10811 1
-  141816 116378.5  -801.39 7415 15274 1
-  142591  35218.3   590.81 64950 14618 0
-  143525 286689.0  -689.13 60437 13232 1
-  143778 114022.3   755.63 41899 11114 2
-  143860 377562.7  -347.30 36862 11927 1
-  143971  19204.6   928.41 45031 13848 0
-  144076 1004386.1   600.67 44215 10237 2
-  144997 1133350.4   129.84 6689 12467 2
-  145215  77551.9  -727.81 50396 14684 1
-  145919 2625672.8  -486.32 7047 10162 2
-  146447 241857.0  -373.99 60159 11990 1
-  146913 329654.9  -997.76 46225 8398 1
-  147225      0.0     0.00 58127 4536 -1
-  148020 392069.4   475.24 23069 10626 1
-  148416 971514.3  -605.78 1344 15186 2
-  149309 299993.5   -61.14 20927 13667 2
-  149917  18990.7   525.98 60300 8447 0
-  150157  15496.7  -643.72 43582 10297 0
-  150662  -9391.1   944.48 43469 8320 0
-  150930 2795688.2   686.06 12565 9146 2
-  151644    353.6  -283.32 12299 10186 0
-  152287 1738591.8   425.05 10161 13420 2
-  152527 700283.6  -860.96 39432 16291 2
-  152607 2374364.5   930.14 4663 15414 2
-  152871  29431.5  -229.91 32155 13381 0
-  153923 2583314.8  -542.16 34614 14482 2
-  154049 302792.3   687.23 4957 13790 1
-  154763      0.0     0.00 33587 3648 -1
-  155501 2929566.2  -895.76 33234 9178 2
-  156340  23581.0  -896.96 13307 15764 0
-  158051  -4068.9   418.20 39432 12724 0
-  158862 2557923.0   636.90 1132 9641 2
-  159629 -14287.6    63.36 19143 9025 0
-  160131   8699.5   286.46 40134 11968 0
-  161602  27570.4   360.32 9485 10651 0
-  161899 1274297.5   772.69 55821 12704 2
-  161923 523841.7   509.80 23087 15625 2
-  162639 2802110.5  -420.13 42113 10765 2
-  163379  49386.7  -532.68 39157 13834 1
-  163413 334419.1   787.87 3872 11417 1
-  163427  35267.2   621.69 33020 15354 0
-  163461 173273.5  -547.32 24549 10246 1
-  163952 378190.7    86.85 5567 13501 2
-  164014 370711.2  -200.95 47059 15594 1
-  164076 -11614.3   692.09 55515 12453 0
-  164208 282762.6  -912.64 7111 14239 1
-  165352 362862.8   757.59 60321 12944 1
-  165460 441317.3   625.99 43308 10803 2
-  165839  41108.4  -125.21 4233 14150 0
-  166519 351885.9   817.37 52035 13984 1
-  166664 1958050.8   378.15 6244 14333 2
-  167276  30143.2   679.55 1798 15654 0
-  168893 360509.2  -764.17 50584 10732 1
-  169115 1706442.5   911.11 22420 15855 2
-  169462 2395455.5  -785.76 29748 13450 2
-  169650 760772.6   804.73 29708 14992 2
-  169876 268195.0   754.29 59002 13298 1
-  170447 954834.4   -94.97 32218 10101 2
-  171054 214817.0  -326.43 60467 11535 1
-  171777 1140421.0   291.50 29309 8842 2
-  171940 1338928.6   972.95 7603 13022 2
-  172110 169212.4   337.93 58542 15274 2
-  172237 239285.4  -793.22 59163 14293 1
-  172351      0.0     0.00 45993 364 -1
-  172377 176683.5  -703.08 5724 8320 1
-  173268 1949591.2  -926.81 34146 8348 2
-  175208 231142.2   669.54 44478 10531 1
-  175915 213314.2   894.60 4842 12474 1
-  176017 2745468.8   990.18 24508 14377 2
-  176345 2307422.5   439.64 1512 12235 2
-  177927  28323.6  -763.92 41613 16146 0
-  178018  43642.7  -933.61 5945 12880 0
-  178090  32274.4  -832.24 52378 15452 0
-  178354 377831.8   550.81 15265 10461 1
-  179017 236745.1   231.08 14550 10497 1
-  179500 -11099.3    81.70 41323 12687 0
-  179699  15984.2  -292.20 55482 11991 0
-  180276    758.6  -363.32 44619 10853 0
-  180537 2937166.8  -845.74 3148 12659 2
-  180543  -2068.3   790.31 65059 9708 0
-  180710      0.0     0.00 40700 185 -1
-  181467 122678.1   121.54 57305 15296 1
-  182143  -8047.9  -871.29 56743 12788 0
-  182747        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0x0d 0xbf 0 0
-  182804    -2650   401650     0.00  -599.00 17 255 0x17 0xaa 1 0
-  183136   -19480        0     0.00   163.00 36 255 0x03 0xaf 1 -1
-  183710    29010    -5960     0.00  -419.00 59 133 0x13 0xa4 1 1
-  185295    10060        0  -293.00     0.00 46 255 0xb4 0x0f 1 -1
-  186220  2382080        0  -742.00  -613.00 120 201 0xa2 0xb3 0 -1
+   45823  13952.5   792.64 13688 8551 0
+   46250 2410886.0    97.43 62059 12928 2
+   46901  39018.2  -485.47 23688 8721 0
+   47426  96699.3   132.31 55156 8914 1
+   48284 181868.6  -431.56 7608 16189 1
+   48290 2552478.5  -952.77 62763 12998 2
+   48881  32784.9  -965.61 27130 9558 0
+   49372 209046.1  -101.09 3951 13753 1
+   49574 319091.3  -458.01 36786 12204 1
+   50594      0.0     0.00 64951 3229 -1
+   51953  33955.3  -377.86 9610 14729 0
+   51961  64063.1    19.81 2928 10376 1
+   52907 144988.2  -623.24 61955 15492 1
+   52955      0.0     0.00 59400 186 -1
+   53257 554562.8  -750.99 29474 10808 2
+   53438      0.0     0.00 34057 3943 -1
+   53567 2043438.6   -13.54 26270 14654 2
+   55930 397830.0   881.00 32026 13084 1
+   55934 132351.1  -362.28 101 11074 1
+   55974 543713.3  -287.27 62708 10947 2
+   56003      0.0     0.00 32333 623 -1
+   56112      0.0     0.00 37404 2479 -1
+   56316  17834.7  -635.13 41231 15262 0
+   57413  36766.6   497.57 49783 15127 0
+   57561  -7751.6  -212.45 34702 11286 0
+   58353  -8991.6   833.70 13193 13686 0
+   58451   6831.6  -694.26 1068 11093 0
+   58752      0.0     0.00 1920 4665 -1
+   59030 1916316.1    46.03 34597 10232 2
+   59061      0.0     0.00 61367 4976 -1
+   59238      0.0     0.00 57675 1048 -1
+   59434 2653969.8    55.39 37936 12098 2
+   59506 2320225.0  -888.26 33342 14665 2
+   60599      0.0     0.00 1983 979 -1
+   60600 382247.2  -570.76 6467 8459 2
+   61510 1062116.5  -922.67 37278 9507 2
+   61620  19454.8   779.41 23135 11403 0
+   62070 213792.6   537.37 26515 15535 1
+   62348 272301.9   999.34 48492 11055 1
+   62974  -6883.3   657.19 11888 9205 0
+   63507 285897.2  -547.38 62518 8738 1
+   63562  12609.8  -899.20 2556 9383 0
+   63858 2960149.5   616.08 11519 8683 2
+   64455 285371.3   -52.67 49177 12174 2
+   64641  24818.9  -763.27 47031 10797 0
+   64699      0.0     0.00 51437 4897 -1
+   64880 748800.6  -351.40 54732 16203 2
+   65438 368974.8  -400.11 17149 10202 1
+   65973      0.0     0.00 40963 8022 -1
+   67503  -8321.8  -502.31 60671 12076 0
+   67546  -3134.5  -660.06 5439 15047 0
+   67944 201878.1   474.23 6315 12254 1
+   68568 421361.2  -346.02 12038 13697 2
+   70046 2402021.8  -380.80 49562 9531 2
+   70076  32741.6  -245.19 64833 9261 0
+   70398 -15801.7   970.17 54369 9375 0
+   70503      0.0     0.00 58413 6184 -1
+   71008 765824.4   750.59 47050 15240 2
+   71502 109545.7  -282.57 6610 12790 1
+   71527 1682787.9  -224.84 21719 15607 2
+   71793      0.0     0.00 8352 3031 -1
+   71999 343606.8  -701.99 6846 16152 1
+   72467  16743.3   782.02 34904 14827 0
+   75537 1435863.2  -364.25 5878 9664 2
+   75793 351819.1   739.46 44514 15099 1
+   76283      0.0     0.00 6680 2860 -1
+   77217      0.0     0.00 40031 2624 -1
+   77629  42245.0    69.88 42500 13204 0
+   78179 181780.3  -782.06 30916 13035 1
+   78750  53182.5   671.97 15277 9743 1
+   79286  -7605.4  -929.74 2389 9093 0
+   79646      0.0     0.00 42450 3046 -1
+   80412  73735.5   231.18 47874 8502 1
+   80908 2646279.8   791.18 41659 11102 2
+   81352 2795686.0   204.95 61117 10149 2
+   81893 228270.6   -22.81 14524 13877 1
+   82424 1107699.6   -47.27 37829 11819 2
+   82843 1624784.5   449.53 50715 12029 2
+   83400 438261.0  -994.12 6590 8299 2
+   84641 1292830.8   879.38 21668 14595 2
+   84760  97824.7  -428.62 59793 13577 1
+   85311 2366951.0   236.18 63927 13923 2
+   85626   4409.1  -575.45 63044 9815 0
+   86335 116901.4   454.61 55095 16339 1
+   86770  91666.5   698.35 12874 11741 1
+   87308  12454.2   592.94 9115 14126 0
+   87346 -13646.2  -841.46 58363 12938 0
+   87375  41499.4  -731.84 55490 12286 0
+   87500 239043.2   193.94 6514 8991 1
+   88372 122470.6   554.99 44330 11357 1
+   88695 -14854.7  -452.64 38379 12231 0
+   89033 167819.0   340.62 58933 10644 1
+   89306 241043.9  -957.73 28768 15096 1
+   89893 855439.8  -632.11 52248 9580 2
+   90063 1050510.2  -270.33 58298 15647 2
+   90209 2027489.4  -759.33 28642 14410 2
+   90306  -4363.6  -609.69 48038 11524 0
+   90456 872123.3   907.78 31105 12053 2
+   90815 822933.6  -182.78 29121 14127 2
+   91955  24213.6  -918.29 14106 13273 0
+   91998  16940.4   -81.01 63573 10524 0
+   92512 2431482.8    94.83 34320 13527 2
+   92581      0.0     0.00 52569 2597 -1
+   92617 1712693.0   964.02 59043 9543 2
+   92724 266549.6  -604.38 18637 12141 1
+   92797 2537561.2  -335.42 11184 12727 2
+   93132 3002830.8  -742.10 51821 15560 2
+   95481 1394738.1  -187.18 54632 14161 2
+   96244 2114656.5  -640.39 37366 10340 2
+   96459 2783513.2   468.94 16814 12757 2
+   98125 483124.4  -723.98 40727 10256 2
+   98598 2572188.0   169.28 63078 14002 2
+   98783  36192.4    38.41 7100 13972 0
+   99584   -728.0  -645.12 2482 13595 0
+  100412  35284.2   255.04 40256 10814 0
+  100904 241103.0   -42.97 48124 8903 1
+  101175 355419.4   183.34 3513 10060 1
+  101717      0.0     0.00 38361 5626 -1
+  101730 2738088.5  -830.49 54604 16170 2
+  102349  35060.5   504.33 52685 16375 0
+  102654 2819154.5   728.17 2861 10997 2
+  103321      0.0     0.00 61762 6032 -1
+  103765 313367.8   -82.17 17098 14533 1
+  103790  29782.5    55.32 933 14450 0
+  104510  -3482.9   756.91 23864 12409 0
+  105004  28821.5  -330.98 42690 13199 0
+  105234  19120.2  -916.51 26158 15542 0
+  106355  -4798.8  -915.62 14492 15318 0
+  106467 1955071.6   552.07 54465 12853 2
+  107072 928390.8    -6.02 60873 10629 2
+  107627  10371.6  -383.42 18367 12596 0
+  108046  10894.5   -96.57 22988 11894 0
+  108217  15753.6  -327.72 52095 13560 0
+  108259 352066.0   103.80 15384 14451 1
+  108355 315730.0   561.52 13730 15111 1
+  109257  39009.9   265.37 22759 12250 0
+  110053  -4974.4  -462.88 31836 15321 0
+  110098 262576.8  -976.21 53197 15326 1
+  110160      0.0     0.00 27759 7538 -1
+  111137 -10752.9   444.91 33192 10814 0
+  111196 490343.1  -343.95 43741 15837 2
+  111245   9305.9  -864.25 467 13012 0
+  112586 1030280.2   949.10 55 14193 2
+  112627 119822.9   736.63 61638 15835 1
+  112679  13233.0  -452.70 62634 9347 0
+  113621 2812244.2   796.45 53926 15986 2
+  113636 1882815.6  -678.04 8809 8204 2
+  114009 338312.0   336.73 45848 15125 1
+  114049      0.0     0.00 16038 3125 -1
+  114212  13142.7  -510.04 6819 9635 0
+  114287 2123900.0   722.10 8567 8569 2
+  115443 151331.5   338.60 9801 15692 1
+  115749      0.0     0.00 46765 6092 -1
+  116256 186350.0   616.91 64089 12833 1
+  117825  33753.2   863.08 37965 12841 0
+  118033 170283.7  -311.14 42576 14653 1
+  118405 697524.2  -781.70 15630 14923 2
+  118971 727956.8  -374.72 56924 12857 2
+  119160 197499.8   689.24 50493 8764 1
+  119898  14025.0  -328.91 37627 13935 0
+  120316 302081.9  -710.86 43097 11133 1
+  120855 403347.3   -48.31 19393 11993 2
+  120900 985198.4   409.86 43941 12634 2
+  120932 225358.5   413.12 22078 15073 1
+  122074  41441.5  -723.37 2967 8229 1
+  122417 1032843.4  -837.74 22442 11521 2
+  122478 2789216.0   673.00 39528 15810 2
+  123038 179837.6   117.44 15599 13332 1
+  123698 2198091.5  -324.47 13019 10731 2
+  124244      0.0     0.00 59121 7599 -1
+  124950 261583.5  -223.74 33817 9114 1
+  125175 117157.8  -424.46 7270 9412 1
+  125218 382947.1  -460.98 9239 15707 1
+  125251 -13127.2  -520.29 41499 14943 0
+  125674 338448.7  -944.75 40269 13510 2
+  126389 607267.9  -756.90 30006 13086 2
+  127242 1444033.0  -494.49 47365 10275 2
+  127342 323424.7  -170.30 22769 13314 1
+  128099      0.0     0.00 14118 6671 -1
+  129253      0.0     0.00 36561 6355 -1
+  129613 1989317.4   480.45 45210 10721 2
+  129620 229596.5   587.32 29354 14256 1
+  129771 136199.4   264.19 58334 15050 1
+  130790 1834278.9   882.35 51241 13651 2
+  131146  38718.4   809.20 49703 13510 0
+  131186  45074.8   242.82 56071 12419 1
+  131548  34568.1  -900.81 4725 13774 0
+  131941 -15757.4   790.45 32185 8644 0
+  132144  43536.3  -443.23 28653 11147 0
+  132220  -3919.2    20.62 25562 14206 0
+  132595 120017.1   674.73 47232 10425 1
+  133123 2310533.0   135.03 63224 9016 2
+  134014 2905750.8  -577.88 24000 11035 2
+  134964 1157806.0   231.99 43078 14376 2
+  136428 2884202.0   948.28 8374 13837 2
+  136788  -7420.7   892.76 38478 14988 0
+  136961 301605.3   398.71 8813 13865 1
+  137542  74778.5   454.72 27181 12722 1
+  138224 1339210.4  -455.17 25608 10149 2
+  138445 211716.5   346.59 54647 10692 1
+  138692 843829.5  -266.88 8155 13195 2
+  138772 121993.5  -892.28 46764 9460 1
+  138981 1571149.6   717.25 14333 13764 2
+  139030  34270.7   870.90 50862 9115 0
+  139870  -8522.2  -166.85 11927 12979 0
+  140076  -3602.1   369.64 16418 11152 0
+  140392 127030.9  -557.04 16913 10663 1
+  141289      0.0     0.00 44369 1714 -1
+  141462 324806.8   126.71 65054 9050 1
+  141752 102842.8  -621.73 48577 12975 1
+  142059 912662.8   830.09 15905 10004 2
+  142311  -2481.2  -807.60 45492 9084 0
+  142853 314840.8  -822.75 61909 11825 1
+  144483  14904.1   405.14 22363 11863 0
+  144697  -2408.5  -279.41 42712 15185 0
+  144736 -10706.1  -234.54 25995 9983 0
+  145134 1736768.6  -652.88 15728 13785 2
+  145363 296895.5   642.29 19457 11620 1
+  145990  -8567.2   822.79 31717 9226 0
+  145992 159729.0   528.47 36094 15791 1
+  146208  98899.9  -312.13 1072 11353 1
+  146569  -1043.3  -660.46 38204 15305 0
+  146590  24242.5   707.54 17376 10078 0
+  146783 139966.6   720.93 51964 15266 1
+  147081  40577.7  -761.45 50920 9523 0
+  147338 380738.6     2.02 54392 14758 1
+  147577 1226574.0   957.42 53326 10061 2
+  148108  -7441.8   609.22 6789 12323 0
+  149406 119237.3  -966.72 37138 9440 1
+  150154  25485.5   175.61 47442 11991 0
+  151039 501608.7   975.00 47565 14676 2
+  152454  43113.1   697.97 15729 11194 0
+  153162   6223.8   454.86 55231 12040 0
+  153617  64602.3  -241.45 50483 9646 1
+  153705      0.0     0.00 51026 2938 -1
+  154977 338769.3  -803.58 19378 10793 1
+  155251 2530495.0   310.12 31339 13799 2
+  155274 234298.1  -268.40 58310 15473 1
+  156648 247376.0  -826.07 27806 13302 2
+  156681 346731.5   858.96 49625 12199 1
+  156694  30471.2  -326.09 22757 15933 0
+  156726 2493163.2  -291.17 5390 14211 2
+  157148 228444.2  -794.61 18757 9560 1
+  157190  23245.1  -661.59 26280 15916 0
+  157247  28903.8  -966.72 26966 14974 0
+  157306 316821.7  -238.01 1088 8672 1
+  157431 230599.9  -396.06 40383 14060 1
+  158501 609474.1  -631.62 15981 11279 2
+  158605 778545.9  -484.83 39550 9164 2
+  159608 393334.3  -556.92 37609 9527 1
+  159745  63783.9   106.79 50978 14900 1
+  160339     89.9   441.61 20291 14871 0
+  160465   6628.7  -355.60 13548 13034 0
+  161901 694453.4  -467.41 35083 10941 2
+  162119   4798.0  -988.71 51737 13936 0
+  162458 167977.9  -390.77 35767 12739 1
+  162645 1810799.8   359.73 56554 9587 2
+  162864      0.0     0.00 53294 3730 -1
+  162997 774875.7   763.15 32722 14295 2
+  163421 2175941.5    -9.35 62157 11487 2
+  164017 275625.3   212.98 25619 14175 1
+  164730      0.0     0.00 55940 3263 -1
+  165061 2656199.0   -72.67 1006 8781 2
+  165302 1091820.0   499.62 26163 13293 2
+  165328  40352.7    26.37 10781 10374 0
+  165754 1697650.0    31.49 45102 13127 2
+  166217  59007.8  -313.44 64362 15945 1
+  167648  -7500.0  -817.64 39550 9973 0
+  167913 -13929.7  -874.18 59894 10998 0
+  168521 207467.6   824.33 28862 13276 1
+  168885 230817.0  -111.29 12149 9309 2
+  170359 3003426.2   240.97 55802 10501 2
+  170584 228929.1  -761.87 12156 14812 1
+  171147  31897.9   770.93 58347 14048 0
+  171733  23382.3   946.14 29799 13262 0
+  172454 1999545.4   400.52 8767 8404 2
+  172598 331997.1   355.56 62928 9274 1
+  173266 282590.8  -416.29 5404 8996 1
+  173863  -2588.6  -879.26 39403 15118 0
+  174395  10244.6  -430.92 29543 14545 0
+  174441   4850.8  -952.85 37501 10628 0
+  174729  -8876.6   274.84 59209 11822 0
+  177460      0.0     0.00 18338 5030 -1
+  178840 171161.0   640.06 58836 8790 1
+  179476  37262.3  -202.10 25864 12489 0
+  179551  -8629.3   322.38 51945 9096 0
+  180147 175854.1  -237.72 24648 9761 1
+  182093 1988203.8   654.05 27836 15142 2
+  182282 1710164.8  -582.25 19623 11774 2
+  182618    -8880        0     0.00     0.00 255 87 0x1d 0x04 1 -1
+  182830    19860        0     0.00     0.00 176 4 0x16 0x01 1 -1
+  183385    -6730   405730   635.00   703.00 147 138 0xa2 0xb0 1 0
+  183588        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0xb8 0xad 0 0
+  184052        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0xa9 0x0c 0 0
+  185198  1625400        0   708.00    90.00 255 32 0xb8 0xb4 0 -1
+  185303    -2480   401480   548.00     0.00 209 127 0xb0 0x15 1 0
+  185796   401400    -2400  -145.00   827.00 255 65 0xbf 0xb7 0 1
+  185978    -9800        0     0.00     0.00 255 7 0x0d 0x07 1 -1
+  186880        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0x0e 0x18 0 0
-00000000  00000021 000001f4 00000179 00000008
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+00000050  00000000 00000001 00000179 00000006
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-00000180  fbd8eac0 0004a311 885c2b59 db8d75f2
-00000190  2bea0004 7b5a8cd9 00047b67 f9ae2c67
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-00000200  01bcf6a6 38ef0004 fce9f7ed 00048477
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-00000230  fc2388c7 00042ae1 8b4843fb 6b947094
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-00000260  a5f84c9c 12ca76e2 4ddf0004 7b8ea743
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-00000280  6d4fe572 00047233 83f85489 3afbed7c
-00000290  58500004 ee2da452 0004ac0e a44c5921
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-00000300  8f3e67f7 6080fa33 68330004 7d218fa4
-00000310  00041000 ec4d6bdf 6bebec3e 6d920004
-00000320  f80eebaf 00048dbd ed916db6 6bf9e261
-00000330  6def0004 fb60e9e0 0004ea22 a5696e26
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-00000350  a6326ea3 d3d1540f 703d0004 7cf38f6d
-00000360  000457a6 ea92759a 236a7dd5 7d260004
-00000370  f500a4af 0004f6bc 8cb67f1d 027cf4b9
-00000380  810d0004 7cf0ecdf 0004bea9 a523824a
-00000390  ea466e20 825d0004 f890f887 0004af10
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-00000410  00045fff a6ec9f80 262afac9 a11e0004
-00000420  7dde8ac5 000478a0 5fffa12a a1c60004
-00000430  762aec48 00044c9c 5fffa260 a47b0004
-00000440  65d5ec21 0004894f a475a486 753f4b96
-00000450  a7a60004 7884a620 00047506 5fffa811
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-00000470  d04977f0 aea50004 7d24a407 00049240
-00000480  8f5eb01e 9549587f b0fb0004 6e78e96a
-00000490  00042858 f92eb274 40757ba9 b55c0004
-000004a0  78e3e775 0004baa1 a551bab6 16257de9
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-00000500  c85e0004 da9e8d2a 00048def a522c8fe
-00000510  afe8fb5f c9510004 00045fff 5fffca96
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-00000530  35edee7a d2040004 f07c8732 0004d01a
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-00000550  0004be72 f873d412 b1b47de6 d4590004
-00000560  fb34eedb 000406de 5fffd47b d4c70004
-00000570  7bda8f07 0004f0f7 5fffd6bc dde70004
-00000580  7812eb44 00048b0c 5fffde01 de910004
-00000590  7611a55a 00042fa7 5fffdf5e e0c30004
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-00000640  8da90953 e5e5f15d 09df0005 7be3a7bb
-00000650  0005c64f a5630a80 9b1c6b9f 0a910005
-00000660  6136a4e5 00059cd7 8d5c0c75 c07c1f05
-00000670  0c8c0005 6e4e8cf8 0005afbc a5b510e3
-00000680  36f8f68e 125b0005 737aa578 0005c1ff
-00000690  a712139f 0e01fd27 16670005 fbb78bc1
-000006a0  0005bb6f 8a0316cf 3f5f618a 18990005
-000006b0  e60af93a 0005b1f6 8c071980 9d30ea6f
-000006c0  1d9c0005 fa1bed24 00052ed9 8c7220a0
-000006d0  ef4565ba 210a0005 fdc7ee74 00050d44
-000006e0  f9bb23fc 7fe5fb5f 24c80005 f7a0e9c2
-000006f0  0005d601 a678287f ff90fb96 298f0005
-00000700  fd96f814 00052e79 ea312a28 4e7259f7
-00000710  2d120005 00055fff 8f952e14 30bbef64
-00000720  2e9d0005 00055fff ee1d33c2 5c10fbbc
-00000730  37bf0005 fc6c8ce0 00058152 84873a1d
-00000740  e5bffdc4 3c530005 76f6ee19 00051009
-00000750  5fff3c86 3dcd0005 fbfe8df9 00054c96
-00000760  a7994088 ec76fac2 42de0005 774987ea
-00000770  0005e842 e37144a4 24e56522 4a930005
-00000780  f6a2f611 00053829 a5ad4ddf 7591f42d
-00000790  4de70005 7d7484fb 00055876 ed435202
-000007a0  7f567ada 52860005 6cb1a4d5 00056b56
-000007b0  a5c554d8 dcaaf44b 562c0005 f6eaa4ad
-000007c0  00050187 a5775920 9aba66d3 59980005
-000007d0  f6f18e9d 00055f61 5fff5ae1 61650005
-000007e0  f95df532 00056267 a61c62aa a77cf370
-000007f0  62ad0005 fc3689f3 0005f6ef a70965c4
-00000800  2377fb69 676c0005 00055fff 896b690f
-00000810  be317778 6bb10005 fcfee630 00056bf0
-00000820  8ee46f31 97ae5bd4 6fe10005 76c68f03
-00000830  00054acb 8d367010 ee297b67 723f0005
-00000840  6f7b8ca8 0005d47e 5fff7323 73a60005
-00000850  00055fff f8e97449 02496b75 7c410005
-00000860  7881a3e8 000538a1 f5ab81a1 0ff8f5f2
-00000870  827d0005 7b09f8aa 0005ba9b 8e65848e
-00000880  008676a9 85640005 fd81a7b9 00059f53
-00000890  a6438810 e9d0f2e9 89270005 7bd0a7de
-000008a0  0005a309 a45d8a52 a2befcbe 8b040005
-000008b0  7dae8cff 0005bf7f 8bde8bbd 8754e8d6
-000008c0  8ee50005 f6268cf5 0005a898 a6eb924d
-000008d0  6afa747a 95170005 f0ecec32 00052d8e
-000008e0  8c60967b 6ab3e145 97e80005 f7ca8bce
-000008f0  0005bd7c 8d2a99dd 165ffa4a 9a8e0005
-00000900  7958a75b 00057cf9 ed129bd2 8dd47b3c
-00000910  9d490005 6a4aa74b 00057c4e 5fff9eac
-00000920  a08c0005 77c7a666 00055a0f 8e11a0a7
-00000930  c3b37c59 a26c0005 f45984c5 00057df1
-00000940  5fffa2bb a3a70005 f268a7ba 00057850
-00000950  edeea6a5 f78bfd00 a8430005 00055fff
-00000960  8904ab20 41f46a4d ab330005 fa1dea95
-00000970  00057b6b 8a1aae22 9d46792f b0740005
-00000980  7a19a7b6 0005cb88 8ea4b18b 67a4f65e
-00000990  b1fe0005 54fa8e24 00052f03 e9f8b2b2
-000009a0  a289fd09 b3410005 f455e9fb 0005684a
-000009b0  e9f8b9fc a7abfb1a ba290005 62d1ea9f
-000009c0  000589b6 a5bfba68 fb68fad8 baa20005
-000009d0  6e0ca4f7 00053927 ed55be40 e3c8fa8f
-000009e0  be800005 f096a764 000503bd e198beb4
-000009f0  413b7435 c1120005 5b33e92b 00056661
-00000a00  8bdbc487 e95e784b c7500005 f3218b40
-00000a10  00052611 a562c819 49307c8b c8fc0005
-00000a20  fa73f88f 0005e651 a4b2c90d 250d7d86
-00000a30  ca9c0005 7c7f8ae9 0005009d a772cac8
-00000a40  18d47c31 cb7a0005 f61ff672 0005b7b3
-00000a50  8b95cbd0 ccb7ebd9 cddf0005 75da86e6
-00000a60  00050daa 8c20d2ef 676a784c d70e0005
-00000a70  76a58a8e 0005d7ee e7d1d986 555f78cf
-00000a80  da170005 00055fff a747dabf 8b986a78
-00000a90  db9a0005 ef63a5f3 0005d8f3 8752dd21
-00000aa0  9d917bda df7f0005 7b4fe6bc 00055ed1
-00000ab0  a70de04a bb69f503 e3440005 f87b8d40
-00000ac0  00059fa4 a493e4f4 69817a94 e6110005
-00000ad0  7d77a636 00056e11 849ce724 73f4fa31
-00000ae0  e7740005 67fc8b66 000526e2 a6b6ec09
-00000af0  49e47205 ec0c0005 74b3a7e9 0005c13f
-00000b00  a4ebec42 8c19f867 ecfc0005 6698e11f
-00000b10  0005542f edb1ed67 8264799b ed6c0005
-00000b20  5cf78d02 0005adcf eab7efdc ef527a53
-00000b30  f1820005 00055fff 5ffff244 f27b0005
-00000b40  7be1a3be 0005d0e8 8f3ff4a2 6dac5f5e
-00000b50  f72f0005 f90fa5c7 000507aa 8f45f766
-00000b60  5686e7b0 f8bd0005 7bcef8df 0005e594
-00000b70  e4f4faa2 b23cfae5 01700006 f82aa7be
-00000b80  0006012b 5fff0187 01f10006 f770e52d
-00000b90  00063a56 8bdd0a33 d1327a2d 0bd70006
-00000ba0  00065fff e9b70c7c cb0ed819 10e30006
-00000bb0  ee58a734 0006af15 846d1267 f7c1fa0b
-00000bc0  12940006 fbfb89bf 00061180 8f731326
-00000bd0  a7dd6dab 14270006 fcf0f789 0006777b
-00000be0  8f2315fc 5e6aef36 16b30006 7c0c8ded
-00000bf0  00065f25 f3ca1708 7f307a31 18a10006
-00000c00  00065fff e6511ed9 2fb07817 227b0006
-00000c10  f8e0e938 00062ad8 8f9d22af 007d7dc8
-00000c20  28860006 ef86a784 00062828 a54d29f8
-00000c30  1cf7fbf2 2cff0006 792aee3c 0006fdb6
-00000c40  a72830a5 ec15fa92 31a20006 7b698543
-00000c50  0006a3ab a7d831f4 8ffef452 32630006
-00000c60  7d49eba1 0006afe7 8adf32cc acb77951
-00000c70  36650006 6b5a8b51 00061a21 a4a1373f
-00000c80  c4dcfb11 39ff0006 f7648efa 00061b87
-00000c90  a6c33c0f eafff4ff 3de10006 fdf1a780
-00000ca0  0006b491 5fff3f19 42340006 772ea7f2
-00000cb0  00065a1d 8ac043c0 0540f965 473d0006
-00000cc0  e47c8744 000651bf eb96499d eb8c781b
-00000cd0  4a8d0006 f9f3ead3 0006aa3e f9294c86
-00000ce0  a9cd7d71 4d920006 7a878f4b 00063115
-00000cf0  e312505c 300bf277 52df0006 762a8d0e
-00000d00  000627b1 89a453cf 9a08fc99 541f0006
-00000d10  7d4e8e7c 00061237 ed685527 7d9bf08f
-00000d20  59430006 f8628ee5 00068736 a74a59c1
-00000d30  135d7a8b 5c8b0006 00065fff 8f895f6d
-00000d40  81d2fcf6 62b40006 fcf9ec74 000633fb
-00000d50  f6ee6963 9a087604 6c8e0006 79da8ed9
-00000d60  0006046c fa896f8d 4ac764cf 71830006
-00000d70  7291e8ee 00069cc6 ed1e7742 250d74a8
-00000d80  786b0006 7b9d8bc5 0006da0d 88c07883
-00000d90  5a2f77d2 7b4f0006 f60f8f4e 0006a481
-00000da0  a3fb7e33 98f5f839 7e550006 7bcaa789
-00000db0  00060f20 ee3e7e63 80fc79a1 7e850006
-00000dc0  f878a60d 00065fe5 87da8070 15bf67af
-00000dd0  80ae0006 ef55a7cc 0006b7d3 f9d580ec
-00000de0  d8db7a9c 81700006 fd21a720 00061bc7
-00000df0  a7be85e8 eba17b6f 86540006 79b18844
-00000e00  0006a92c eefd87cf 1089eb05 8a770006
-00000e10  7c20a7aa 0006cb43 8d958b08 18647519
-00000e20  8d6c0006 7a71ed84 00060706 a7ba93bd
-00000e30  c598fb83 949b0006 7d1d8cf9 00065794
-00000e40  8e8795f6 7434fbc4 96b20006 7bfc89e9
-00000e50  0006740c a7009794 e67a7b64 99cf0006
-00000e60  e8808ab1 00067dda a6809c2e ec33f3c1
-00000e70  9f010006 72b98b58 0006727d 8bf79fa4
-00000e80  1db37db7 a04e0006 74128601 0006e4ae
-00000e90  a6bda0cd e71bfbda a13f0006 00065fff
-00000ea0  a617a159 165cfac0 a4d40006 fd458d90
-00000eb0  00068562 a6a9ac68 adbe7a4e af2b0006
-00000ec0  7cf3a67c 000612ea 8f34af91 5fbc7de0
-00000ed0  b0d90006 76788e58 000605e8 c34fb707
-00000ee0  a28dfb82 b7620006 fd56c3d2 00061739
-00000ef0  c374b7aa cc9afc4a b8b20006 7887a7d9
-00000f00  00063ba1 a6b7bb49 38d6709b bd2c0006
-00000f10  6720f9b0 0006a16b eaf0bdf3 d8baf2bf
-00000f20  c0340006 f4bbe3f6 0006ae4b 8f8cc139
-00000f30  0c4cfc70 c13f0006 7bd1f588 0006fe23
-00000f40  5fffc1e6 c4db0006 6abfa565 0006dfd9
-00000f50  f8b4c77f dda7fcb5 c9db0006 802c002c
-00000f60  00060000 6c04ca14 f94a9005 cb600006
-00000f70  3fff775e cd9e0006 efc05ab0 0006f608
-00000f80  d2c0d3cf 3ffff2c5 d76c0006 fb3e9d00
-00000f90  00003fff 00cd5dd0 02e66340 0313b7c8
-00000fa0  0315f890 03ff0c68 051404f8 05974db0
-00000fb0  06eec318 076185c8 08f33720 0a33f158
-00000fc0  0ddcdda8 0e900ac0 0ea74660 120a0c68
-00000fd0  134fab10 13514ac0 19533548 19cae028
-00000fe0  1cf2ab68 1d030210 20062578 206269b0
-00000ff0  209849a0 241cf1a8 2a8a8260 2ab38f88
-00001000  2b59f5d8 2bea5878 2c673f58 2c935d48
-00001010  2cce9978 2e4d3838 2eb38290 2ec14ee8
-00001020  310beeb0 34c3dcd8 3706d228 37d11798
-00001030  38754440 38ef4068 3a0892a0 3af0fee8
-00001040  3e96cb18 4147d6a8 43fb47a0 459c40a8
-00001050  4aea6128 4bb4fc68 4c9c8fe0 4ddf2f90
-00001060  5118eaf8 53996f90 548904b0 5850acc0
-00001070  59211b30 597192c8 5bc73d90 5bd0e9f0
-00001080  5c902840 611fb170 61a8e890 61c71fb0
-00001090  6329e618 66015890 67f7b5e8 68331300
-000010a0  6bdf2ec0 6d92efa0 6db6fa60 6def9630
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-000010c0  759ab508 7d26d7a8 7f1d9f28 810dd480
-000010d0  824a3f60 825dea58 82fabae8 8637db40
-000010e0  8a546528 8f1c37d8 8f49d3a8 92f4c8f8
-000010f0  93c9bb38 94403848 96033670 960778d8
-00001100  9ba22f30 9f7d5530 9f808f08 a11ece98
-00001110  a12acb38 a1c64d28 a260df28 a47b48d8
-00001120  a486e080 a7a6adc0 a81148d8 aa053580
-00001130  ac843f08 aea5cd18 b01e4ad0 b0fbfaa8
-00001140  b274fe30 b55c8c30 bab6a708 bae57858
-00001150  bbaa4ee8 bd8f2250 bf1a8238 bfdf5770
-00001160  c0d3c708 c6cb9300 c7348928 c85e6250
-00001170  c8fe3530 c9511078 ca967d08 cbc8b2c8
-00001180  cd726e98 d204d910 d2bd8358 d3d4d968
-00001190  d412fed8 d4593b40 d47b26e8 d4c7a170
-000011a0  d6bcd358 dde7e408 de01ec40 de911df0
-000011b0  df5e12c8 e0c35c68 e46a9ed8 eb1bed98
-000011c0  ec65c9e0 efe306e0 eff9efb8 f30caca8
-000011d0  f4479db8 f4cee260 f5108a38 f7431d28
-000011e0  00396aa1 012dfcc1 01368d01 04218e19
-000011f0  064f0861 0650ce69 095332c9 09dfcac1
-00001200  0a805f29 0a913361 0c75ec41 0c8c4241
-00001210  10e35a19 125b0869 139ff001 16679c49
-00001220  16cf0921 18999ce9 19800b39 1d9c2e39
-00001230  20a004d1 210a4369 23fc65d1 24c8e509
-00001240  287f2621 298f7f11 2a280291 2d12ca41
-00001250  2e1497f9 2e9dc181 33c23f99 37bfa6f9
-00001260  3a1d9379 3c534059 3c86ae19 3dcd0ef1
-00001270  40884271 42de6049 44a4ac79 4a93fc91
-00001280  4ddf2569 4de71721 52025b51 5286db71
-00001290  54d86de9 562cb441 59203109 5998dc99
-000012a0  5ae135f1 6165e9e1 62aa4fc9 62ad86a1
-000012b0  65c44551 676ce031 690fd9f9 6bb1ecb9
-000012c0  6f315a51 6fe1af99 701039f1 723fff39
-000012d0  73239e09 73a6f1f1 74495169 7c410af9
-000012e0  81a1f3e1 827df5e1 848eb9b1 856405f9
-000012f0  8810ca41 89274979 8a529549 8b049bf9
-00001300  8bbd92b9 8ee563f9 924dd1a1 9517d811
-00001310  967b0661 97e85a51 99dd6cc9 9a8e8d49
-00001320  9bd2d069 9d49a5a1 9eace389 a08ceee1
-00001330  a0a71201 a26c98a1 a2bbaeb1 a3a78511
-00001340  a6a5bb39 a843fc09 ab206651 ab339829
-00001350  ae22f6b9 b0748e99 b18bbe99 b1fee239
-00001360  b2b23db9 b341ab69 b9fc1d09 ba29d659
-00001370  ba68bcc9 baa2b5b1 be406019 be809651
-00001380  beb41771 c1129341 c48729a1 c750ca91
-00001390  c8198899 c8fcd1e9 c90d8759 ca9c2c11
-000013a0  cac854d1 cb7a1359 cbd05381 cddf38d1
-000013b0  d2ef3e29 d70e8569 d986f651 da17f641
-000013c0  dabfaa49 db9a3ec9 dd21d159 df7f08b1
-000013d0  e04acd41 e3445061 e4f408a1 e6118a19
-000013e0  e724d9b9 e77494e9 ec09f449 ec0c9c41
-000013f0  ec428811 ecfc1859 ed6779f1 ed6c9de9
-00001400  efdc6ed1 f182ae41 f2448ae1 f27bf141
-00001410  f4a22ab1 f72f8e59 f766ae89 f8bd8169
-00001420  faa25019 0170fe72 018779ba 01f1af92
-00001430  0a339a62 0bd72fea 0c7cfaa2 10e30152
-00001440  1267bc12 129475d2 13260782 1427c122
-00001450  15fcfe3a 16b3ce8a 1708fd0a 18a1590a
-00001460  1ed9cd0a 227bb992 22afea1a 288651da
-00001470  29f8dd52 2cffc8d2 30a59d82 31a25b52
-00001480  31f474ba 3263b0c2 32cc3fea 3665859a
-00001490  373fcae2 39ff3d92 3c0f76b2 3de10672
-000014a0  3f198dc2 42344c12 43c0da92 473dab1a
-000014b0  499d07fa 4a8d41ca 4c860402 4d921dd2
-000014c0  505c3e52 52dfa362 53cffd1a 541fe1b2
-000014d0  5527a22a 5943c492 59c1aef2 5c8b7202
-000014e0  5f6d1ed2 62b4eca2 69638da2 6c8e2d4a
-000014f0  6f8d1a0a 71837602 77424cda 786b8d02
-00001500  7883e84a 7b4f506a 7e33b052 7e5564ca
-00001510  7e63dfd2 7e854032 8070a5ea 80aee752
-00001520  80ec852a 8170bcfa 85e89482 8654519a
-00001530  87cfba32 8a77b502 8b08bfea 8d6ce932
-00001540  93bd4f62 949bef7a 95f6a452 96b2d482
-00001550  97949f92 99cf3baa 9c2e687a 9f011452
-00001560  9fa496f2 a04edd52 a0cdbeaa a13f0b62
-00001570  a1590402 a4d404e2 ac68491a af2b85d2
-00001580  af91c14a b0d97e5a b707f892 b7629282
-00001590  b7aae2e2 b8b246ea bb49480a bd2c8c7a
-000015a0  bdf376ba c034532a c1398b9a c13f2f62
-000015b0  c1e605ca c4dbde02 c77f8fa2
-     205  21981.4  -180.38 9885 11194 0
-     742 772584.8   870.15 37018 11368 2
-     787 312637.1   280.07 21276 14073 1
-     789  18898.4  -568.15 11364 16146 0
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-    1300 499564.2   635.37 11085 8351 2
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-    1774 363934.7   961.08 45500 14435 1
-    1889 285613.9  -527.11 28256 12473 1
-    2291 684388.1  -648.01 63139 9956 2
-    2611 367799.4   269.25 35376 15915 1
-    3548 1868448.5  -625.11 2778 15285 2
-    3728      0.0     0.00 0 344 -1
-    3751 934498.9  -268.90 25482 10444 2
-    4618 2329194.8   295.61 12016 8589 2
-    4943  77584.5    34.42 46652 13666 1
-    4945 -12444.6  -518.37 14803 10584 0
-    6483  24190.0   349.81 55928 9897 0
-    6602      0.0     0.00 0 7173 -1
-    7410 2409758.5   977.28 57752 13677 2
-    7427 262400.2  -468.73 18326 8258 1
-    8198 2844871.8   365.13 16921 9391 2
-    8290 172903.5   142.08 29617 11574 1
-    8344      0.0     0.00 0 2356 -1
-    9244 340260.1   584.69 43459 15925 1
-   10890   5635.1  -795.28 9393 12364 0
-   10931  15173.0  -792.56 41745 12785 0
-   11097 456684.0   415.03 56205 16059 2
-   11242 1657523.9   750.91 31591 11023 2
-   11367 -11077.9   517.27 42664 10219 0
-   11411      0.0     0.00 0 2985 -1
-   11470 2380776.0   212.27 62059 13103 2
-   11853 -11266.7   344.02 16926 9991 0
-   11955 1472860.9   675.51 48471 12370 2
-   11969  41797.1  -284.30 4849 10717 0
-   12555  79764.2   497.49 32899 15830 1
-   13507 1866811.6   454.88 11359 15259 2
-   14086 161442.3  -110.16 55809 14917 1
-   14289 553008.2   873.14 5834 8947 2
-   14453  19109.8  -448.30 444 10376 0
-   14575  -6082.2  -890.90 33911 10253 0
-   14856  32952.3   773.44 31200 12884 0
-   15088  68356.3   943.94 44502 16349 1
-   16022 2182562.2  -726.23 23547 14691 2
-   16711 528651.2  -818.44 10977 15061 2
-   17403 1122243.9   230.37 27540 10484 2
-   17820 293645.6  -906.68 4231 10261 1
-   19178  32896.9  -105.31 35160 11301 0
-   19380 2821101.5   989.92 42368 16269 2
-   19612 166290.1   459.97 4810 12796 1
-   19935 299404.8   767.83 54789 9714 1
-   20760   1828.2   729.98 37253 15711 0
-   21401   1973.1   160.95 29235 11762 0
-   21641  48909.4  -164.08 15099 8342 2
-   22608  63084.8  -177.01 44046 13720 1
-   22817  62064.1  -603.78 8300 9062 1
-   22897   3194.7   534.16 36669 12889 0
-   23495   2813.0   198.21 60931 10162 0
-   23504 134037.7   818.09 37636 15678 1
-   23696  27884.3    20.68 51411 9480 0
-   24863 309169.8   692.50 9232 13870 1
-   25000 2729452.2    54.72 17187 15634 2
-   25031 1283236.4   372.87 994 9206 2
-   25385 331912.7   462.34 11772 15555 1
-   26113 -11104.7  -961.91 48283 11026 0
-   26615 2767571.8  -661.76 24704 14013 2
-   26675 2990301.8   912.53 4096 8800 2
-   27615  22730.8  -143.18 27627 9688 0
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-   28086  30492.4   -48.54 27641 16204 0
-   28143  11761.9  -752.84 59938 12998 0
-   28198 123848.2   197.11 52911 8304 1
-   28279 135740.9  -837.95 49103 15343 1
-   28323 185947.5    10.09 54225 13277 1
-   28733 2868775.0   894.72 22438 14550 2
-   30106  14424.9   985.68 9066 13985 0
-   32038  80365.7  -374.15 63164 15093 1
-   32541 1605177.1  -362.94 636 13285 2
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-   33354 106009.0   176.03 59974 10220 1
-   33373  -7574.4  -553.02 44816 15691 0
-   33530 300371.9   730.91 10419 14173 1
-   34359 290320.4   777.09 20264 15208 1
-   35412 1740500.4  -410.78 61292 11429 2
-   36636 523026.1    73.93 27638 9979 2
-   36681  -9642.9   999.29 55498 14965 0
-   37620 331912.7  -333.14 10783 14623 1
-   37833 327790.7  -360.46 28109 14183 1
-   37952 246370.4  -188.44 51460 9993 1
-   38403 2466456.2   311.60 62625 9934 2
-   38407 303773.2   -48.00 12348 12059 1
-   39842  31747.0   226.94 48046 9702 0
-   40829      0.0     0.00 0 2726 -1
-   40832 259315.7  -705.68 9770 12769 1
-   41246 976375.1   989.49 30880 14803 2
-   41258      0.0     0.00 0 6503 -1
-   41414  22622.7   425.11 19612 10661 0
-   41568      0.0     0.00 0 7141 -1
-   42107  21791.4    70.89 35151 10523 0
-   42118  69262.5     3.98 30015 15376 1
-   42918 179689.9   550.18 29958 13752 1
-   43025      0.0     0.00 0 2331 -1
-   43525 228577.6   -41.41 47610 9904 1
-   44164 1509487.1   516.38 53321 10209 2
-   44709  51106.7   913.70 37440 14755 1
-   45086 2836212.5    16.42 38217 10586 2
-   45307  10190.9   182.79 10328 16213 0
+00000080  0000030a 01610004 f958ec4b 00043413
+00000090  8ecc037e 0540f513 04360004 f9628cc3
+000000a0  0004ec74 8f20047e 42ec7990 08240004
+000000b0  fa0ba52b 0004feff 8f5c08cc 67da7c35
+000000c0  08f00008 788beb93 8fa595cc 10e4fc0a
+000000d0  09cd0004 79bef97a 00042540 a4c10ce5
+000000e0  e24d7a2b 125b0004 7d4cf701 0004e208
+000000f0  a687137a a19474e0 193a0004 fbf5a520
+00000100  000418f2 8a081943 5894e079 19800004
+00000110  e70ea518 0004f346 f7cf1a54 08846d45
+00000120  1b560004 743ea755 000444a3 8dca1ce0
+00000130  e3e77b7b 1f4e0004 fd1e8a7b 0004ecf8
+00000140  a5941f7c bc24da3a 224d0004 7ba6a6ac
+00000150  0004d18a 8d04245f 9595fa58 25ed0004
+00000160  e303ee9e 00047ea5 a7f927dc 9395fd4a
+00000170  28030004 fbcd8ed1 00046a05 8ecf29ac
+00000180  de93f751 2e9b0004 f82aec16 0004c03a
+00000190  5fff2ec0 2fd70004 69ca8ecb 0004c31f
+000001a0  a52b301f d22a75cf 30460004 6bde8f17
+000001b0  0004951e 8825316b 38117c58 33320004
+000001c0  7c03ead8 0004327c a61634d5 2d12fb49
+000001d0  36d30004 73a5fac5 00042449 a61736fe
+000001e0  a8dd7d2b 3a0d0004 fb9ceca9 0004e9b2
+000001f0  8c0d3ab5 3982f36f 3d220004 5768ed8b
+00000200  0004ed24 8b963e4e 205f7dc8 3f0d0004
+00000210  faeba7db 0004211a a7f640f8 97607a42
+00000220  40fb0004 73fea7d6 0004d93c a3bd44d2
+00000230  57f97c00 44f60004 792de8d6 0004f7ea
+00000240  ebfa4526 9ceefa48 4a840004 f916a652
+00000250  00047c06 eaf14b48 aae16ada 4b740004
+00000260  00045fff a7fb509b 868c7a02 527a0004
+00000270  7c50ea52 0004ad55 883b5315 10d77989
+00000280  56d60004 7ae5a4f1 00040834 a52557be
+00000290  7c3cfa3a 58e90004 f876eecd 00045eb7
+000002a0  eded5b2b 5be07de2 5bf90004 ea1e8f3f
+000002b0  00045bcb a7c761b8 a98b6f94 63cb0004
+000002c0  fa4a8f7c 00048840 a5e6657f e13bf53c
+000002d0  65940004 70e9fa04 00042dea a6c26628
+000002e0  d3117b59 693e0004 6f3da6c9 000483b8
+000002f0  ef2b6965 e1e16f31 69a20004 00045fff
+00000300  5fff69c2 6f000004 68888914 0004d807
+00000310  85497475 ed27ee5a 74c90004 6109f5d3
+00000320  0004ae45 5fff76a1 76aa0004 fb59a716
+00000330  0004f25e f96078a9 c009f819 7c050004
+00000340  fca7a448 000456cb 8c437c3c 2ffbfaa6
+00000350  7cc40004 f104e3ea 0004c96f a743810b
+00000360  b7c66313 81c40004 fd2cecae 0004f3d5
+00000370  ed948401 b4877033 84320004 7c628a88
+00000380  0004cc8e a4fa84f5 1dc37626 86cd0004
+00000390  f4e4ec94 000448b5 e9638706 a3107a25
+000003a0  89380004 71398f51 000446a0 5fff8e58
+000003b0  8e7a0004 79a5ec85 0004a877 a7879474
+000003c0  04d47b85 95ab0004 f68eec96 0004a4cf
+000003d0  a6ae9b8d 9dc36d2c 9dc50004 7c728e3e
+000003e0  00045ebe eb53a097 d0525562 a0d70004
+000003f0  7752eb1b 0004c79b 8a0da1e5 4770fc2e
+00000400  a1fa0004 78aaa6d8 00045024 f618a333
+00000410  8a5ae1b0 a5f40004 732a85fb 000475d0
+00000420  5fffa632 a7790004 7782a654 0004b7c2
+00000430  a6dca81d 0432f836 a9cb0004 7bd48efe
+00000440  0004bb5d 8aceb1df 2c606c2e b2740004
+00000450  7ba9f92e 00044075 ea74b2ff 35787bd8
+00000460  b4aa0004 68bb8e8f 0004f26b eebbb735
+00000470  5c88f760 b9420004 6b86a4fb 0004d774
+00000480  a626bc9c 1db8f64d bca20004 fd868ed6
+00000490  0004f52b ede6bef1 69fafda5 c0dc0004
+000004a0  e911a671 00040f6f a76bc1a6 8fb2f6d8
+000004b0  c5a20004 00045fff ee10caf1 258af517
+000004c0  caf90004 5a35a458 00040b70 a5b4ceab
+000004d0  f203f9a7 cedb0004 00045fff 88ebd009
+000004e0  7322fb5a d0be0004 00045fff 8dc7d13f
+000004f0  669ed6bd da7a0004 7ccfa7fc 00047d1a
+00000500  a588da7e 0065f4b5 daa60004 f29788dc
+00000510  0004f4f4 5fffdac3 db300004 00045fff
+00000520  eb58dbfc a10ff9d3 e0450004 7799ee71
+00000530  0004c277 f898e0d9 878eefd7 e3f10004
+00000540  7c4ef907 00043389 e83de453 042cfaa3
+00000550  e5800004 00045fff 8d7ce696 872561e5
+00000560  e6b50004 00045fff 5fffe766 e82a0004
+00000570  63958f08 00049430 8e5fe872 823efce2
+00000580  ecb70008 87e15fff 1943f8da f0460004
+00000590  fd3b8b13 0004919e ebaef0b4 5a5f7bb1
+000005a0  f2760004 784da67e 00046793 a709f38c
+000005b0  bd6c7df5 f5fe0004 7a23f842 00042e70
+000005c0  a727f813 f436f878 f84a0004 fcffea1b
+000005d0  000409fc 8f96f972 2cff798c fbc70004
+000005e0  e3208725 0004c019 ecabfc81 b7b7fb80
+000005f0  fcbb0004 00045fff 89dcfd70 d5ccf46e
+00000600  ff9e0004 f59da7c9 000542fd 5fff01b5
+00000610  07af0005 f7aff8cd 0005ecff f65b07da
+00000620  153ffa2d 09680005 7729a65e 000518ab
+00000630  88230bd8 2f06f44a 119e0005 f5298e8a
+00000640  0005c19a ede411bc fd41f126 12fe0005
+00000650  7db0fae6 0005d461 5fff1367 15600005
+00000660  7b5989ef 0005b7ca a531174e 19d2f271
+00000670  17670005 f05b8cea 000554d7 5fff1871
+00000680  193f0005 fabda79a 00051abe eb1c1b13
+00000690  88587bb9 27110005 f4c18c3f 000516f6
+000006a0  a7aa2811 ade27b36 29fb0005 00055fff
+000006b0  5fff2da1 2f3d0005 65b4ef20 0005a604
+000006c0  a6263163 78c4fbb9 339e0005 7a57a415
+000006d0  00053bad f88a35b6 0955fd4d 371e0005
+000006e0  00055fff a48d3a1c bb02709c 3c0c0005
+000006f0  7bd48f04 0005a2bb 8f4b3dc8 eebd6f83
+00000700  3fe50005 db7ea6a2 000538bc 8b3b41f8
+00000710  93c5e223 439b0005 76ac8cc3 0005c61b
+00000720  883f45c8 19befde9 4aa10005 7ccb8bd4
+00000730  000554a4 a5004b18 e991f63d 4d3f0005
+00000740  70ce8e78 0005f9b7 e71f4e7a f644f8ed
+00000750  513f0005 76c7a54f 0005d737 a4e552f2
+00000760  324a7ab1 550c0005 7933ea11 0005239b
+00000770  fa605532 e3fbfc64 554f0005 fb1eef09
+00000780  0005d8c2 a6bd55cc 19726f02 59340005
+00000790  7898a564 0005ad2a faad5a77 95ebf6bc
+000007a0  5bc90005 7425a5fd 0005e635 a6c15cda
+000007b0  7060fd92 5f250005 f9c88a4e 0005cc18
+000007c0  8b095fcf e3baf209 60610005 fb748dbe
+000007d0  00056fe2 f71860c2 bba6f974 61580005
+000007e0  7d158a5f 00057981 8a2c62bf 71c1ee78
+000007f0  67330005 fd30ec90 0005371a eb27675e
+00000800  f855e70d 69600005 687c8e99 00058610
+00000810  5fff69a5 69c90005 7da18cfd 0005e6a3
+00000820  a6fc6a34 48cdf95f 6a7d0005 f4018ecf
+00000830  00052bb0 8faa6bcc ca6dfb3e 74f90005
+00000840  eeaf8c21 0005d568 8def77f4 91f6f9e6
+00000850  78cb0005 770f8f45 000541ae 88857f4d
+00000860  9f17fb05 81260005 6dc58ee0 0005f666
+00000870  ee5d81df 1bbc603f 85000005 f9f8f3e8
+00000880  000509b2 ee3e883c 9d407181 8a280005
+00000890  e145a6c1 0005bbfc a7b08b37 0db96e7f
+000008a0  8d550005 00055fff 8f308d62 d54cfc45
+000008b0  8fcd0005 77b9ee36 0005cdcd 8f5690fe
+000008c0  0b2d7b12 93990005 00055fff a75f9555
+000008d0  42cae72e 956e0005 6392ed76 000503a5
+000008e0  f695983e 5d387b6d 9a2c0005 f3e2ed50
+000008f0  0005a6c2 eb9d9b12 662efd2b 9f730005
+00000900  fd29f753 0005389c 8d939fe3 d4c1788c
+00000910  a2400005 cf598a97 0005edc9 e978a46b
+00000920  47bff539 a60e0005 e8a7e9a0 000559cc
+00000930  eae3a6b9 cb7ff3cb a6e30005 694fa7aa
+00000940  00053c18 a764a743 35a278b4 aac90005
+00000950  71deeeba 000558e7 f769ade5 7c5cf6f1
+00000960  ae120005 fdbea6f3 0005cfcd 5fffae50
+00000970  b2210005 7694f996 000581a8 888fb25c
+00000980  aaddf43c b28d0005 fca2e922 000501d3
+00000990  8af7b7ca 00377d7d b7f30005 7b2da55a
+000009a0  0005f0c6 ea45b827 f4aaf6bd bbd50005
+000009b0  7be38f53 0005d2a6 8d68bbe4 2269fa6c
+000009c0  bd590005 740aa790 0005b318 5fffbd81
+000009d0  be240005 f7d3ea3f 00051aa3 8df4be6f
+000009e0  21777aff c2f30005 7417a5c9 00052649
+000009f0  5fffc425 c6200005 798fa633 0005fa59
+00000a00  ee09cc41 944d7c9f cd110005 f352a604
+00000a10  0005a650 89a1ce85 3d0efbb8 d0bb0005
+00000a20  f50489c4 0005de5c a652d178 c53d7a92
+00000a30  d45a0005 f3d3ea79 000592fb a749d5fc
+00000a40  a859fada d8170005 e2568805 00054bc1
+00000a50  8acdd844 aba575d5 d8640005 75e7a69b
+00000a60  0005563e a3c1dcda 0b97fb03 de310005
+00000a70  fc598af9 000557aa 8f48de6e 9a687a5a
+00000a80  e09e0005 6a6fa620 00053cef 8e1ee332
+00000a90  32dbf3b3 e5540005 00055fff a6f1e816
+00000aa0  8419f050 e8f70005 f626a550 00051c66
+00000ab0  a7e2e922 2417f6e7 e9430005 f802fa3e
+00000ac0  0005a21b 8791eaea 9d4dfd72 edb50005
+00000ad0  fb6d8931 00057536 8c45f10a b905f78b
+00000ae0  f16e0005 edd3a773 000558f1 5ffff463
+00000af0  f8e50005 00055fff 8da7fa4d b09a7748
+00000b00  fa540005 791ca6a6 000572aa a596faeb
+00000b10  e3de71d4 fee60005 7cd28d4a 0006c829
+00000b20  eeb1004a c2277c09 00720006 710fa3dd
+00000b30  0006db07 ee2501dc 1275fd03 03650006
+00000b40  7bd2fae3 00067db9 ef470430 6fedf68b
+00000b50  047c0006 5a93f6d8 000663da a55b05f3
+00000b60  b8807a60 08030006 6bb58e5a 0006f6f8
+00000b70  8f7e0b7e 5dc0f8f7 0f340006 70a48b66
+00000b80  0006a846 8f7414ec 20b67d7b 16540006
+00000b90  7ceef878 0006964e a7481701 226d7594
+00000ba0  19460006 76c7a493 00066a2d 8bf71bf0
+00000bb0  6408f6c9 1ccd0006 744da678 0006d577
+00000bc0  8a421dc4 1fdbf1eb 1e140006 fceda562
+00000bd0  0006b6ac 8c9f1ee5 37fd7aef 1f160006
+00000be0  7cb4ee1b 0006c6ae f8df225e 2e97eda3
+00000bf0  232c0006 74e4f6a8 00064022 a5752468
+00000c00  4211f8a1 27e90006 00065fff a7762896
+00000c10  fe1e6b21 29b80006 f9a1a516 0006bdc1
+00000c20  8a882aeb 3e217c44 2be70006 fc04f5e1
+00000c30  0006b1b4 a7622e05 f1d5fc2f 34630006
+00000c40  75baeab0 0006575b f5d23539 a6d8f256
+00000c50  35600006 f0bef992 0006658b 8d0d36ee
+00000c60  3d70fa13 37d30006 79eda73e 00064c01
+00000c70  f8e33a46 7be57c2f 3a480006 7826a5e4
+00000c80  00068cfe a5053b20 0430f359 3c890006
+00000c90  fa2ef467 0006953c ec913c9e 43e07acf
+00000ca0  3d5f0006 7afba5a3 0006cafc eeec3e89
+00000cb0  c6e8fb7b 3f8a0006 4568a7de 0006d478
+00000cc0  8b9f4079 d04e7d91 428c0006 7972f87a
+00000cd0  00061a85 a558479e 9112fda8 4a8a0006
+00000ce0  6e1aecc7 0006b952 88a04dff b9cd7dbc
+00000cf0  53860006 7aafef3a 00063d71 e7fd564a
+00000d00  d7bf76c8 58110006 f102a45b 0006c533
+00000d10  5fff5869 5d610006 fbf8a791 00064bb2
+00000d20  8ecb5e73 7a6b734a 5e8a0006 f1f9a6b1
+00000d30  0006e3c6 86d063e8 6c9efc39 64090006
+00000d40  7c94a7a0 0006c1d9 ed906416 58e5f3bf
+00000d50  64360006 f2b78eb9 0006150e a6a365dc
+00000d60  4945fbde 66060006 fa32ec65 000666a8
+00000d70  ed54663f 6956fda8 667a0006 f0e0a766
+00000d80  00060440 a6a866f7 9dbff585 6b250006
+00000d90  f9c68934 00063e6d 89fd6b8d 9a7ef75d
+00000da0  6f780006 f8a0a7f4 000692e9 a4567001
+00000db0  c7226991 72530006 7683e1f2 00064f43
+00000dc0  e82872d1 34ecf489 786d0006 f707899d
+00000dd0  0006890b e7537947 ca19fddc 7a9a0006
+00000de0  f565a5fd 00068bb7 8d3b7b55 dcea74a4
+00000df0  7c300006 00065fff 89f97cb5 7fd27b80
+00000e00  7e5d0006 d35d8e11 0006f2cd a71080b1
+00000e10  64136fdd 837a0006 00065fff 8f0984c5
+00000e20  03eee60f 85b60006 77a38b2e 00066633
+00000e30  eee585d0 2a1d5cd1 877a0006 5e6f8cf3
+00000e40  0006b02e a43a8949 fb6af363 8ee00006
+00000e50  fc21f880 00069a7e fa738fe9 e9f6fcbd
+00000e60  92490006 7c34a66d 000670be 86a993b5
+00000e70  2f75e9f2 99770006 70fd8faa 0006d9fa
+00000e80  a6a49a58 2f7cfb7c 9c8b0006 7b97edc6
+00000e90  0006e3eb ec6b9ed5 74677d75 a1a60006
+00000ea0  759f8dad 0006223f a784a236 f5d07489
+00000eb0  a4d20006 f5f9a720 0006151c d17da727
+00000ec0  99ebfcca a93b0006 f64ac25b 00067367
+00000ed0  c1d6a969 927dfd86 aa890006 7230d23f
+00000ee0  0006e749 5fffb534 ba980006 79e5a607
+00000ef0  0006e5d4 ee81bd14 6508ef62 bd5f0006
+00000f00  73a4f8e8 0006cae9 a615bfb3 6048f0dd
+00000f10  c74d0006 7a188da7 00066cbc 8cfbc80a
+00000f20  4ca7f908 c95a0006 3fff71fc ca2e0006
+00000f30  3fff5785 cc590006 79d3f066 7ac09013
+00000f40  cd240006 0000802c 0000802c cef40006
+00000f50  0000802c 0006002c 9988d36e 3fff7ad1
+00000f60  d3d70006 787bebbf 00061005 9004d5c4
+00000f70  eba2ec5b 00067c3b 7296d67a 00063fff
+00000f80  002cda00 0000002c 0161ae68 037e1a70
+00000f90  0436d620 047eaf38 082431a8 08cce2f0
+00000fa0  08f0a2d0 08f15b40 09cd8f28 0ce5f408
+00000fb0  125b2640 137a9c60 193ab568 1943b2c8
+00000fc0  19800108 1a542c60 1b56e408 1ce0a2e0
+00000fd0  1f4ebc80 1f7c9a60 224de208 245f8080
+00000fe0  27dcb4e8 2803a370 29ac1fa0 2e9b44c8
+00000ff0  2ec0bf68 2fd7ac80 301fc5b8 304692d0
+00001000  316b7ca8 33329990 34d572e0 36d394d8
+00001010  36fe3b88 3a0d8d48 3ab5e0e8 3d221830
+00001020  3e4e61a0 3f0dd5b0 40f82808 40fbf580
+00001030  44d24448 44f68690 45260340 4a846190
+00001040  4b4899d8 4b74ae40 509b9460 527afb98
+00001050  53156fe0 56d64bb8 57be9e18 58e97590
+00001060  5b2b13b8 5bf941c8 61b861d0 63cb20f8
+00001070  657fc390 659478a0 6628ff20 693e5230
+00001080  6965a808 69a284e0 69c285d0 6f008e38
+00001090  74751948 74c92980 76a1bba0 76aa3aa0
+000010a0  78a97248 7c05baf8 7c3c8470 7cc4a6f0
+000010b0  810b98f8 81c43d60 8401ea40 8432d150
+000010c0  84f57c10 86cd4328 870681a8 89381d50
+000010d0  8e58a368 8e7a75e8 9474dbd8 95ab4010
+000010e0  9b8db880 9dc5f4c8 a0977400 a0d70798
+000010f0  a1e5c260 a1fa3240 a3335a80 a5f48828
+00001100  a632ed50 a7799d20 a81dc330 a9cb6c10
+00001110  b1dfc020 b274fe30 b2ff0b38 b4aa9400
+00001120  b7351088 b9421690 bc9cf9e8 bca29630
+00001130  bef12ab0 c0dcadc8 c1a67d60 c5a264e8
+00001140  caf1cc48 caf94440 ceabe420 cedb05d0
+00001150  d00951c0 d0be7b38 d13fc9f0 da7a98e0
+00001160  da7e5a10 daa65618 dac31378 db304d78
+00001170  dbfcdcf0 e045d8b8 e0d960b0 e3f1abb0
+00001180  e4535aa8 e58091c8 e6963fc0 e6b59b80
+00001190  e76620c0 e82a7a10 e872ca48 ecb71e98
+000011a0  ecb80858 f0462918 f0b46458 f276e578
+000011b0  f38c5978 f5fe1fa8 f8131110 f84a2538
+000011c0  f9720f58 fbc77c70 fc815168 fcbb9908
+000011d0  fd70fa58 ff9e3ed0 01b5fab1 07af7961
+000011e0  07dad639 09687ef1 0bd8ac09 119e29d9
+000011f0  11bc2169 12fe24f9 1367c141 1560dc41
+00001200  174e8fb1 1767e7b9 18715eb9 193ff8c1
+00001210  1b13cf59 27112e01 2811d7d9 29fb5961
+00001220  2da15201 2f3d9ca1 31639759 339e3079
+00001230  35b61c29 371e5f31 3a1c09b1 3c0c5af1
+00001240  3dc83d29 3fe5b1a9 41f87159 439b77e9
+00001250  45c80359 4aa1c819 4b18a849 4d3fb319
+00001260  4e7a32b9 513ffe99 52f26ee9 550cb971
+00001270  55329451 554f7ff1 55cc18f9 593462e9
+00001280  5a777e39 5bc94ca1 5cdad7c1 5f252b61
+00001290  5fcfe8f9 6061c251 60c26821 615878a9
+000012a0  62bfb979 67339ec9 675e48e1 6960a6b9
+000012b0  69a55129 69c92a39 6a347b69 6a7d8db9
+000012c0  6bcce641 74f9ba89 77f44321 78cb8ea9
+000012d0  7f4d4081 8126b591 81dfb4a1 8500a8d9
+000012e0  883c51f1 8a281639 8b373a61 8d55afd1
+000012f0  8d62f951 8fcdffb9 90fe57a9 9399bc81
+00001300  9555c629 956ec391 983e83c9 9a2c9c79
+00001310  9b12e5b1 9f73deb1 9fe391a9 a2404c29
+00001320  a46b89a1 a60e73b1 a6b9a7c1 a6e3c399
+00001330  a743d839 aac97ed1 ade5dec9 ae12def1
+00001340  ae50eb91 b22151f1 b25ceee9 b28d96a1
+00001350  b7cabb89 b7f3eed9 b8272419 bbd5f391
+00001360  bbe40061 bd59d8a9 bd8161a9 be242d19
+00001370  be6f0bc9 c2f3ea61 c425be61 c6209109
+00001380  cc419149 cd11c9e9 ce85d259 d0bb91c9
+00001390  d17811e1 d45ab379 d5fc5be9 d81776c9
+000013a0  d8448ad1 d864d709 dcda0129 de316809
+000013b0  de6eee11 e09ea0a1 e3324f59 e554ed79
+000013c0  e8161cd1 e8f72621 e922ead9 e943d2f9
+000013d0  eaeaa631 edb598f1 f10a4119 f16ea011
+000013e0  f463d079 f8e5c699 fa4d4f09 fa54bd81
+000013f0  faebd651 fee6aa99 004aa632 0072841a
+00001400  01dcae72 03650e22 04305c5a 047cbbf2
+00001410  05f345ca 080319c2 0b7e58da 0f34c142
+00001420  14ecb06a 1654d462 1701b14a 19468d92
+00001430  1bf03d2a 1ccd4e22 1dc49c5a 1e1427a2
+00001440  1ee5ae22 1f161cda 225e959a 232c5c82
+00001450  24684d3a 27e93592 28961ad2 29b8957a
+00001460  2aeb38a2 2be71be2 2e05718a 346372ba
+00001470  3539da8a 356037fa 36eeaeca 37d36b22
+00001480  3a462052 3a48ed7a 3b2062ca 3c89de4a
+00001490  3c9e3af2 3d5fdd12 3e89299a 3f8acd32
+000014a0  40793a6a 428c811a 479e2702 4a8a76ba
+000014b0  4dffcaa2 53865dd2 564a7842 58112d72
+000014c0  58695bd2 5d61514a 5e73af3a 5e8ae38a
+000014d0  63e89fb2 64097d3a 6416f1ea 6436bc1a
+000014e0  65dc2ac2 6606f162 663fd3f2 667a0f02
+000014f0  66f7b762 6b25607a 6b8d1e62 6f7829ba
+00001500  7001d1a2 7253d0ba 72d19752 786d55ea
+00001510  7947b382 7a9a8e1a 7b552b9a 7c307492
+00001520  7cb5beba 7e5d66fa 80b1bafa 837a65fa
+00001530  84c5126a 85b69f6a 85d04432 877a9a3a
+00001540  8949f24a 8ee037aa 8fe957b2 92499ee2
+00001550  93b522ea 9977482a 9a58cee2 9c8bb702
+00001560  9ed59e72 a1a606a2 a23621d2 a4d21922
+00001570  a727d872 a93bc68a a9694c22 aa897172
+00001580  b5349d32 ba9812b2 bd14864a bd5f1c42
+00001590  bfb3310a c74dd932 c80a6ff2
+     353  22687.5  -602.49 13331 13773 0
+     894 2532048.5  -377.21 1344 9038 2
+    1078 1624489.5  -605.08 60532 15044 2
+    1150 2704235.0   617.12 17132 13799 2
+    2084 107954.8  -650.51 65279 9781 1
+    2252 2831889.8   824.78 26586 15454 2
+    2288  18936.7   551.83 38348 13402 0
+    2289 2992542.5  -809.72 4324 11112 2
+    2509 -10395.2   629.41 9536 12773 0
+    3301  84038.3   659.49 57933 16001 1
+    4699  -4197.5   929.50 57864 9416 0
+    4986 217465.0   369.06 41364 13196 1
+    6458 105285.4  -802.47 6386 13997 1
+    6467 789057.9   -39.38 22676 13913 2
+    6528 103371.9   -81.06 62278 8225 1
+    6740  -5816.4   160.26 2180 9612 0
+    6998 308183.9   344.31 17571 15489 1
+    7392 2049173.8   761.60 58343 13404 2
+    8014 899860.0  -911.36 60664 14224 2
+    8060 135740.9   -19.85 48164 13132 1
+    8781 232228.3   775.76 53642 15425 1
+    9311 1723378.2  -672.33 38293 12304 2
+    9709  38139.6   -52.03 32421 12304 0
+   10204 396203.5  -928.70 37781 13981 1
+   10243 2542087.0  -788.83 27141 13422 2
+   10668 2538068.2  -482.38 56979 9204 2
+   11931  21560.6  -529.37 49210 10393 0
+   11968      0.0     0.00 0 6125 -1
+   12247 2530044.0   109.41 49951 13712 2
+   12319 107954.8   408.85 53802 14519 1
+   12358 2685424.0   137.42 38174 12890 2
+   12651 422377.4   837.24 14353 12181 2
+   13106  15573.4   807.30 12924 13106 0
+   13525 176274.9  -745.46 11538 11868 1
+   14035 -15255.9   322.47 9289 12955 0
+   14078 176614.5   916.45 43229 10097 1
+   14861  24781.5  -772.45 59826 12713 0
+   15029 1367876.1  -315.09 14722 15389 2
+   15650  30334.7    14.57 60708 8966 0
+   15950 1215635.0   980.21 8287 11316 2
+   16141 378992.2  -716.04 8474 15030 1
+   16632 394459.4   666.03 38752 9473 1
+   16635 376173.0   335.00 55612 16048 1
+   17618  40877.7   806.26 22521 10377 1
+   17654   8426.7   591.50 63466 12498 0
+   17702  20980.7  -667.74 40174 8296 0
+   19076 197427.8  -585.70 31750 11314 1
+   19272  15997.9   122.93 43745 13115 0
+   19316      0.0     0.00 0 5576 -1
+   20635 397369.1   648.01 34444 12940 1
+   21114  13425.6   834.37 44373 16243 0
+   21269 435886.0   615.27 4311 11772 2
+   22230  94374.9   714.20 2100 10615 1
+   22462 106493.2  -663.75 31804 13251 1
+   22761  39594.6  -546.89 24247 11954 0
+   23339  32980.1   991.19 23520 8823 0
+   23545 2769699.8  -113.42 23499 10297 2
+   25016 367799.4   206.44 43403 11322 1
+   25547 2901585.8  -668.31 34880 9247 2
+   25983 160484.2  -383.90 57659 14450 1
+   26004 -12271.5   238.91 11754 12052 0
+   26152 241315.3   750.59 54033 16356 1
+   26942 244255.6   198.89 33720 10822 1
+   26981  42614.8   197.87 57825 13569 0
+   27042      0.0     0.00 0 4252 -1
+   27074      0.0     0.00 0 4282 -1
+   28416 584869.2    95.31 55303 12743 2
+   29813 115463.6  -180.46 60711 9001 2
+   29897  -2414.1    41.89 44613 9520 0
+   30369      0.0     0.00 0 6004 -1
+   30378 278189.7  -750.59 62046 10068 1
+   30889 -10064.6  -525.53 49161 11849 0
+   31749  61389.8  -866.06 22219 14175 1
+   31804 1440958.9  -695.18 12283 12430 2
+   31940    733.1  -241.69 51567 13534 0
+   33035 299404.8    52.39 47046 13087 1
+   33220  24896.4  -916.84 62421 10156 0
+   33793  30571.5   220.99 46215 15688 0
+   33842 913001.3   840.83 52366 14890 2
+   34037  96402.8   424.38 7619 12162 1
+   34509  24303.0  -369.69 18613 10341 0
+   34566  10102.4   657.80 41744 12341 0
+   35128 2808192.0   247.24 18080 9130 2
+   36440      0.0     0.00 0 5229 -1
+   36474  23965.0   622.70 43127 11965 0
+   38004 333467.3   764.87 1236 15227 1
+   38315  24348.3  -443.71 42191 10242 0
+   39821 233044.8   158.55 40387 14096 1
+   40389 2257869.2   846.61 24254 16025 2
+   41111  17736.2    11.67 53330 11904 0
+   41175  16728.2   482.58 51099 8435 0
+   41445 793674.9  -822.31 18288 14412 2
+   41466 250636.4   559.21 20516 9800 1
+   41779  -2764.9   -44.99 35418 11088 0
+   42484 167271.2   305.91 30160 12549 2
+   42546      0.0     0.00 0 7594 -1
+   42873 198160.6   492.61 47042 13220 1
+   43037 252356.6  -532.10 1074 14438 1
+   43467 2633630.0   791.20 47965 11650 2
+   45535 985966.5   142.21 11360 14340 2
    45684  -9448.7   776.76 16501 16326 0
-   46428   5065.8   573.04 47777 12678 0
-   47798 117523.1   994.17 5669 13537 1
-   47845 1963337.9   -77.53 24105 12043 2
-   48042 2941287.5   666.88 28200 10717 2
-   48527 2429210.2  -268.21 55482 9290 2
-   48922   6458.3   260.29 1879 12359 0
-   49119  -9340.6   707.50 14085 10990 0
-   49363 167599.1  -409.73 53886 14561 1
-   50891 -14060.3  -765.20 20942 12896 0
-   50996 114442.9   424.20 56498 12581 1
-   51294 1783007.4   -20.72 36335 11338 2
-   51454 105767.4  -752.52 45032 9894 1
-   51537      0.0     0.00 0 527 -1
-   51862      0.0     0.00 0 4001 -1
-   52168 322686.3  -679.28 3779 13913 1
-   52594 204088.3  -182.95 13805 11731 1
-   53764 291267.9  -228.01 53274 15138 2
-   53949  39940.4  -385.54 41854 12395 0
-   54228   -688.0   981.47 48754 15149 0
-   54290  -7368.2   992.89 45492 16347 0
-   54361  40035.1  -738.78 1758 10088 0
-   54395      0.0     0.00 0 1245 -1
-   54471 2652198.5   793.24 61687 13358 2
-   54972      0.0     0.00 0 6763 -1
-   56807  17462.3   523.96 35596 15489 0
-   56833      0.0     0.00 0 7560 -1
-   56977 119869.1   420.58 12199 9150 1
-   57182      0.0     0.00 0 601 -1
-   57539 109676.8  -524.86 1420 11149 1
-   58474 134037.7   174.82 26646 13275 2
-   60187  39625.9   628.33 55474 15795 0
-   60517 2407819.0  -364.66 30777 14652 2
-   61411  51106.7  -181.39 3389 8412 1
-   61433 357372.5    23.96 14060 15863 2
-   62220 1743625.6    39.10 26616 13717 2
-   62535 1482662.9   412.02 470 13239 2
-   62670 2231963.0  -583.44 34462 15436 2
-   62736 2702140.5  -917.63 20410 12615 2
-   63299 270443.7   957.38 36760 9125 1
-   65593 287020.5  -226.55 2618 11604 1
-   65837 209371.1  -651.07 28682 16280 2
-   65846  23430.7  -295.35 63796 12704 0
-   66593      0.0     0.00 0 4547 -1
-   67151  26183.3   387.37 42848 8460 0
-   67152  -2028.8   -34.12 52090 14797 0
-   67923 1992247.5  -251.09 58853 9817 2
-   68063 361190.8   796.30 50767 14680 1
-   68224 122246.2   133.76 39708 11237 1
-   68241  91715.6    42.70 40151 9836 1
-   68725 1863540.9     0.03 49276 15752 2
-   68748 1704828.1   179.53 44988 10312 2
-   69859 145367.2  -443.71 14072 11075 1
-   70235 127914.4   316.58 49663 8461 1
-   70559 276354.0  -914.88 3585 15872 1
-   71271 1269267.5  -781.43 47983 13193 2
-   71375 784458.8    44.27 16223 8484 2
-   71833  -9594.1   -72.52 45558 13213 0
-   72064 1359911.9  -117.42 40240 8551 2
-   73116  27711.0  -654.99 11993 9671 0
-   73888 1506648.4    70.07 61253 8346 2
-   73994  36869.9  -979.79 3396 10349 0
-   74748 -11253.1  -752.52 32741 11450 0
-   74952  11348.2  -498.98 54785 15521 0
-   75903 211662.8  -770.46 65424 9412 1
-   76175  -6439.6  -959.44 11897 12258 0
-   76328  12928.9    19.29 20082 8274 0
-   77074      0.0     0.00 0 6472 -1
-   77332 2956824.5  -202.24 12475 13055 2
-   77469      0.0     0.00 0 6192 -1
-   78786  34330.0  -783.11 23568 10227 0
-   79807 1668128.0  -844.44 33106 13535 2
-   80413  72590.9  -978.53 58815 12911 2
-   80979  34216.2   463.93 4105 10251 0
-   81030      0.0     0.00 0 5571 -1
-   81357 2132107.2  -805.57 19606 8670 2
-   82056 342897.1  -703.57 60534 10318 1
-   82654 387534.1   480.72 59458 11273 2
-   83108    498.4    65.65 9445 13711 0
-   84627  -2727.9  -447.53 14377 16274 0
-   85471 142993.2  -341.81 30097 9389 1
-   85479  96629.9   945.56 22646 8932 2
-   86530  28484.0   710.84 32598 11114 0
-   86662  88248.2   150.42 27478 15214 1
-   87256 150194.0  -346.24 56490 11709 1
-   87596  79964.4  -461.55 391 13960 1
-   88352 127640.6    79.04 39610 9761 1
-   88472 2438975.2  -462.94 24417 15251 2
-   88801      0.0     0.00 0 1726 -1
-   90469  -1713.7  -603.78 25191 15676 0
-   90794 178318.7  -315.23 42876 10745 1
-   90797 769861.7  -825.13 63215 12500 2
-   91588 272253.2  -755.75 9079 10410 1
-   92012      0.0     0.00 0 7174 -1
-   92431 653028.2   490.50 48689 15167 2
-   93105   2894.5  -898.95 27632 15767 0
-   94001 2580475.2    23.66 38830 11082 2
-   94177 2643935.0   454.49 19147 13811 2
-   94224 1802119.4   755.10 60969 10046 2
-   94783 1584551.0   204.24 54398 16359 2
-   95011      0.0     0.00 0 5057 -1
-   95142      0.0     0.00 0 7742 -1
-   95305  -8640.8   131.37 585 10797 0
-   97345  46636.0   549.48 14497 8543 1
-   98721  -2225.1  -415.03 4088 15996 0
-   98941  -7944.5   725.30 47771 16060 0
-   99470 2331091.8   448.88 134 14134 2
-   99684 360097.1  -950.84 40787 8383 1
-  100368 191989.3  -297.51 59856 14664 1
-  100647 380690.4   789.85 41737 10543 1
-  100946  64984.9  -874.63 41662 12969 1
-  101124 1715632.8   969.35 49023 13183 2
-  101309 1306314.9   -98.55 34644 12887 2
-  102117 1700211.4  -424.38 43160 11391 2
-  102989 258877.1   353.28 27386 14900 1
-  103703  22151.2  -239.22 11662 15106 0
-  104059 1481259.9   -42.98 27315 8396 2
-  104424 1285787.1  -508.04 48508 11082 2
-  104925 1783007.4  -668.31 5727 11673 2
-  105102 311148.0   602.49 31993 12713 1
-  105426  27268.6   741.32 36308 14861 0
-  105801 303285.7   115.58 31822 13492 1
-  106156      0.0     0.00 0 7281 -1
-  106636 204837.5   507.39 23055 15836 1
-  106663 2175306.2   837.60 50099 8768 2
-  107116  84869.3  -348.32 32241 13076 2
-  107195      0.0     0.00 0 5590 -1
-  107431 360643.7  -281.52 30800 12450 1
-  108197  33007.8  -899.72 63371 14183 0
-  108611      0.0     0.00 0 8065 -1
-  109344 572874.9   115.72 16884 11466 2
-  109363  14473.0  -655.55 31595 13061 0
-  110114 805763.5   592.00 40262 16087 2
-  110708 358460.7   654.43 52104 12755 1
-  110987 2452690.0  -434.68 26532 14291 2
-  111102 2209916.0    11.16 12035 15431 2
-  111282  12100.1  -903.19 41609 10167 0
-  111425  12142.8  -347.72 26698 13677 0
-  113148  12100.1  -730.60 42923 9121 0
-  113193  14633.8    50.92 35254 15051 0
-  113256 148371.7  -710.23 64360 14233 1
-  113314  95723.6   174.53 14631 14006 1
-  114240  28939.4  -688.36 58312 11267 0
-  114304 315629.7  -230.57 957 13002 1
-  114356     49.6   342.99 16699 8942 0
-  114962   9412.5    22.09 26209 12904 0
-  115847 1302449.4   536.91 59742 9524 2
-  116560 1112945.1  -304.74 9745 14674 2
-  116761 121980.5   855.73 18736 12563 1
-  116988  -7658.0  -680.15 58961 14909 0
-  117005  80970.2   952.88 9485 12523 1
-  117404 1015117.1   851.34 157 9602 2
-  117448 322686.3   823.36 6356 10906 1
-  117626  -3271.4  -423.11 47027 8811 0
-  117712 1214406.0  -137.12 52407 10864 2
-  118239 256691.2   410.78 3498 10010 2
-  119535 1393301.6   537.14 26474 10181 2
-  120590 919109.5   448.11 55278 12461 2
-  121222   5833.9   568.15 21855 16074 0
-  121367      0.0     0.00 0 7880 -1
-  121535 301341.1   117.88 35736 13641 1
-  121754 164663.6  -202.15 55539 10201 1
-  122145 306709.0   793.24 40337 14891 2
-  122751   3731.5   747.38 24273 8470 0
-  122954 274070.7  -374.63 47977 14760 1
-  123716 1818150.0  -548.06 40868 10764 2
-  124148  74868.1   689.84 27009 8468 1
-  124433 187357.5   946.78 28177 12611 1
-  124708  76606.9  -661.19 29684 15159 2
-  124788 1157575.2    89.76 9954 12957 2
-  125961 236329.9   269.83 18916 16009 1
-  125964 386960.7   362.01 49471 13192 1
-  126018  93038.9  -543.39 35865 12546 1
-  126204     17.3    77.06 21551 8971 0
-  126311  31343.0   620.04 33380 12094 0
-  126316 1720277.2    26.80 44495 13245 2
-  126940  15024.7   670.89 61266 11738 0
-  127362      0.0     0.00 0 5576 -1
-  127556      0.0     0.00 0 4444 -1
-  127611  41005.9   795.62 53480 15912 1
-  128162 2769699.8    34.88 28076 9558 2
-  128815 150804.8  -583.94 1962 12747 1
-  128870 2782491.0   -86.89 22150 13777 2
-  129213  -8527.6   789.17 58772 12333 0
-  129698   1485.1  -714.20 45628 10755 0
-  131440 362835.5  -529.37 299 16334 1
-  131463      0.0     0.00 0 3895 -1
-  131569   1694.5  -488.82 14934 13810 0
-  133683 1305025.5   660.06 53554 13132 2
-  134103      0.0     0.00 0 1533 -1
-  134268  11199.0   -15.72 51982 16212 0
-  135395 292217.4  -180.30 44821 8234 1
-  135783  67816.4  -650.51 63425 14210 2
-  135828 723673.8  -804.53 4480 11962 2
-  135974 2881869.5   167.42 42973 8432 2
-  136231  -5226.7  -893.57 30587 14372 0
-  136700 2710524.8  -198.29 24170 16327 2
-  136883 2110724.0   810.41 24357 14801 2
-  136968   -665.1   661.19 32560 16289 0
-  137377      0.0     0.00 0 2849 -1
-  138969   3079.1   525.08 12208 14753 0
-  139899   9569.8  -572.30 10968 14130 0
-  139951 2974647.8   980.21 125 15683 2
-  141446 331912.7  -205.21 10280 10811 1
-  141816 116490.3  -801.44 7415 15274 1
-  142591  35221.2   590.74 64950 14618 0
-  143525 286551.1  -689.25 60437 13232 1
-  143778 113934.8   755.75 41899 11114 2
-  143860 377299.0  -347.28 36862 11927 1
-  143971  19206.4   928.30 45031 13848 0
-  144076 1004254.6   600.69 44215 10237 2
-  144997 1132766.6   129.86 6689 12467 2
-  145215  77584.5  -727.79 50396 14684 1
-  145919 2625405.2  -486.32 7047 10162 2
-  146447 241733.9  -373.99 60159 11990 1
-  146913 329847.4  -997.58 46225 8398 1
-  147225      0.0     0.00 0 4536 -1
-  148020 392141.9   475.20 23069 10626 1
-  148416 971073.6  -605.86 1344 15186 2
-  149309 299888.1   -61.15 20927 13667 2
-  149917  18994.3   525.98 60300 8447 0
-  150157  15489.4  -643.86 43582 10297 0
-  150662  -9388.5   944.35 43469 8320 0
-  150930 2795321.8   686.01 12565 9146 2
-  151644    354.0  -283.33 12299 10186 0
-  152287 1738939.1   425.11 10161 13420 2
-  152527 700437.8  -860.88 39432 16291 2
-  152607 2375007.5   930.29 4663 15414 2
-  152871  29425.4  -229.88 32155 13381 0
-  153923 2582506.2  -542.23 34614 14482 2
-  154049 302798.8   687.18 4957 13790 1
-  154763      0.0     0.00 0 3648 -1
-  155501 2930223.2  -895.87 33234 9178 2
-  156340  23585.7  -897.02 13307 15764 0
-  158051  -4065.5   418.24 39432 12724 0
-  158862 2558203.8   637.00 1132 9641 2
-  159629 -14281.5    63.36 19143 9025 0
-  160131   8697.7   286.51 40134 11968 0
-  161602  27563.0   360.31 9485 10651 0
-  161899 1274335.4   772.78 55821 12704 2
-  161923 523727.0   509.79 23087 15625 2
-  162639 2801752.0  -420.22 42113 10765 2
-  163379  49343.7  -532.78 39157 13834 1
-  163413 334506.4   787.82 3872 11417 1
-  163427  35279.2   621.63 33020 15354 0
-  163461 173238.7  -547.36 24549 10246 1
-  163952 378427.2    86.85 5567 13501 2
-  164014 370576.7  -200.94 47059 15594 1
-  164076 -11609.1   692.21 55515 12453 0
-  164208 282814.5  -912.53 7111 14239 1
-  165352 362835.5   757.70 60321 12944 1
-  165460 441494.2   625.91 43308 10803 2
-  165839  41118.3  -125.22 4233 14150 0
-  166519 351964.7   817.39 52035 13984 1
-  166664 1958265.4   378.18 6244 14333 2
-  167276  30151.3   679.57 1798 15654 0
-  168893 360643.7  -764.22 50584 10732 1
-  169115 1706368.8   910.97 22420 15855 2
-  169462 2396204.2  -785.80 29748 13450 2
-  169650 760831.1   804.88 29708 14992 2
-  169876 268193.1   754.13 59002 13298 1
-  170447 955284.0   -94.98 32218 10101 2
-  171054 214744.2  -326.36 60467 11535 1
-  171777 1140996.4   291.46 29309 8842 2
-  171940 1338824.9   973.10 7603 13022 2
-  172110 169244.9   337.88 58542 15274 2
-  172237 239229.7  -793.24 59163 14293 1
-  172351      0.0     0.00 0 364 -1
-  172377 176614.5  -702.97 5724 8320 1
-  173268 1949830.6  -926.71 34146 8348 2
-  175208 231007.1   669.46 44478 10531 1
-  175915 213199.8   894.72 4842 12474 1
-  176017 2746350.8   990.34 24508 14377 2
-  176345 2306511.0   439.55 1512 12235 2
-  177927  28345.8  -763.89 41613 16146 0
-  178018  43626.7  -933.49 5945 12880 0
-  178090  32222.8  -832.23 52378 15452 0
-  178354 377862.8   550.89 15265 10461 1
-  179017 236742.8   231.06 14550 10497 1
-  179500 -11104.7    81.69 41323 12687 0
-  179699  15980.7  -292.21 55482 11991 0
-  180276    759.7  -363.25 44619 10853 0
-  180537 2936858.5  -845.89 3148 12659 2
-  180543  -2067.9   790.19 65059 9708 0
-  180710      0.0     0.00 0 185 -1
-  181467 122778.6   121.52 57305 15296 1
-  182143  -8052.5  -871.27 56743 12788 0
-  182747        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0xc0 0 0
-  182804    -2650   401610     0.00  -598.89 0 0 0x40 0xc0 1 0
-  183136   -19470        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x00 1 -1
-  183710    29010    -5960     0.00  -418.96 0 0 0x40 0xc0 1 1
-  185295    10060        0  -292.96  -292.96 0 0 0xc0 0x00 1 -1
-  186220  2382220        0  -741.96  -741.96 0 0 0xc0 0x00 0 -1
+   45823  13950.6   792.56 13688 8551 0
+   46250 2411699.0    97.42 62059 12928 2
+   46901  39033.1  -485.49 23688 8721 0
+   47426  96629.9   132.33 55156 8914 1
+   48284 181759.9  -431.53 7608 16189 1
+   48290 2552152.0  -952.88 62763 12998 2
+   48881  32786.2  -965.62 27130 9558 0
+   49372 208990.8  -101.07 3951 13753 1
+   49574 319145.0  -458.01 36786 12204 1
+   50594      0.0     0.00 0 3229 -1
+   51953  33960.9  -377.86 9610 14729 0
+   51961  64116.6    19.81 2928 10376 1
+   52907 145069.1  -623.23 61955 15492 1
+   52955      0.0     0.00 0 186 -1
+   53257 554463.8  -750.91 29474 10808 2
+   53438      0.0     0.00 0 3943 -1
+   53567 2043954.4   -13.54 26270 14654 2
+   55930 397952.7   881.03 32026 13084 1
+   55934 132348.8  -362.32 101 11074 1
+   55974 543608.8  -287.24 62708 10947 2
+   56003      0.0     0.00 0 623 -1
+   56112      0.0     0.00 0 2479 -1
+   56316  17828.1  -635.09 41231 15262 0
+   57413  36780.3   497.49 49783 15127 0
+   57561  -7752.7  -212.45 34702 11286 0
+   58353  -8986.1   833.66 13193 13686 0
+   58451   6830.1  -694.29 1068 11093 0
+   58752      0.0     0.00 0 4665 -1
+   59030 1916334.0    46.03 34597 10232 2
+   59061      0.0     0.00 0 4976 -1
+   59238      0.0     0.00 0 1048 -1
+   59434 2654267.0    55.39 37936 12098 2
+   59506 2319725.2  -888.23 33342 14665 2
+   60599      0.0     0.00 0 979 -1
+   60600 382393.7  -570.83 6467 8459 2
+   61510 1061595.5  -922.75 37278 9507 2
+   61620  19459.0   779.43 23135 11403 0
+   62070 213971.1   537.37 26515 15535 1
+   62348 272253.2   999.29 48492 11055 1
+   62974  -6878.8   657.24 11888 9205 0
+   63507 286082.2  -547.36 62518 8738 1
+   63562  12604.7  -899.33 2556 9383 0
+   63858 2959048.5   616.07 11519 8683 2
+   64455 285146.1   -52.68 49177 12174 2
+   64641  24827.4  -763.24 47031 10797 0
+   64699      0.0     0.00 0 4897 -1
+   64880 749197.4  -351.47 54732 16203 2
+   65438 368908.7  -400.19 17149 10202 1
+   65973      0.0     0.00 0 8022 -1
+   67503  -8326.5  -502.20 60671 12076 0
+   67546  -3136.6  -660.06 5439 15047 0
+   67944 201851.8   474.18 6315 12254 1
+   68568 421163.4  -346.09 12038 13697 2
+   70046 2402007.0  -380.78 49562 9531 2
+   70076  32730.9  -245.24 64833 9261 0
+   70398 -15810.2   970.18 54369 9375 0
+   70503      0.0     0.00 0 6184 -1
+   71008 766240.9   750.59 47050 15240 2
+   71502 109429.7  -282.60 6610 12790 1
+   71527 1683355.0  -224.81 21719 15607 2
+   71793      0.0     0.00 0 3031 -1
+   71999 343426.2  -702.06 6846 16152 1
+   72467  16745.9   782.10 34904 14827 0
+   75537 1435458.2  -364.19 5878 9664 2
+   75793 351964.7   739.42 44514 15099 1
+   76283      0.0     0.00 0 2860 -1
+   77217      0.0     0.00 0 2624 -1
+   77629  42253.7    69.89 42500 13204 0
+   78179 181759.9  -782.10 30916 13035 1
+   78750  53216.0   672.04 15277 9743 1
+   79286  -7605.7  -929.89 2389 9093 0
+   79646      0.0     0.00 0 3046 -1
+   80412  73723.7   231.16 47874 8502 1
+   80908 2645999.2   791.20 41659 11102 2
+   81352 2795321.8   204.94 61117 10149 2
+   81893 228174.3   -22.81 14524 13877 1
+   82424 1107159.6   -47.27 37829 11819 2
+   82843 1624489.5   449.45 50715 12029 2
+   83400 438372.6  -994.17 6590 8299 2
+   84641 1293459.6   879.52 21668 14595 2
+   84760  97770.7  -428.58 59793 13577 1
+   85311 2367330.8   236.17 63927 13923 2
+   85626   4411.7  -575.50 63044 9815 0
+   86335 117005.9   454.68 55095 16339 1
+   86770  91715.6   698.46 12874 11741 1
+   87308  12459.1   593.02 9115 14126 0
+   87346 -13640.2  -841.55 58363 12938 0
+   87375  41505.3  -731.85 55490 12286 0
+   87500 239229.7   193.92 6514 8991 1
+   88372 122512.2   554.92 44330 11357 1
+   88695 -14861.0  -452.55 38379 12231 0
+   89033 167927.4   340.65 58933 10644 1
+   89306 240897.2  -957.79 28768 15096 1
+   89893 855345.2  -632.11 52248 9580 2
+   90063 1050403.2  -270.29 58298 15647 2
+   90209 2028349.5  -759.32 28642 14410 2
+   90306  -4361.1  -609.76 48038 11524 0
+   90456 871985.1   907.85 31105 12053 2
+   90815 822703.2  -182.79 29121 14127 2
+   91955  24212.6  -918.41 14106 13273 0
+   91998  16940.9   -81.03 63573 10524 0
+   92512 2431161.0    94.82 34320 13527 2
+   92581      0.0     0.00 0 2597 -1
+   92617 1712541.0   963.97 59043 9543 2
+   92724 266401.7  -604.30 18637 12141 1
+   92797 2538068.2  -335.43 11184 12727 2
+   93132 3003763.2  -741.96 51821 15560 2
+   95481 1394648.4  -187.15 54632 14161 2
+   96244 2114278.0  -640.28 37366 10340 2
+   96459 2782491.0   468.93 16814 12757 2
+   98125 483432.4  -724.06 40727 10256 2
+   98598 2572361.5   169.30 63078 14002 2
+   98783  36186.6    38.41 7100 13972 0
+   99584   -728.7  -645.24 2482 13595 0
+  100412  35279.2   254.99 40256 10814 0
+  100904 240897.2   -42.98 48124 8903 1
+  101175 355202.8   183.34 3513 10060 1
+  101717      0.0     0.00 0 5626 -1
+  101730 2737892.8  -830.45 54604 16170 2
+  102349  35047.5   504.35 52685 16375 0
+  102654 2818947.2   728.10 2861 10997 2
+  103321      0.0     0.00 0 6032 -1
+  103765 313134.6   -82.18 17098 14533 1
+  103790  29786.9    55.31 933 14450 0
+  104510  -3484.0   757.05 23864 12409 0
+  105004  28812.4  -331.01 42690 13199 0
+  105234  19129.1  -916.45 26158 15542 0
+  106355  -4800.0  -915.66 14492 15318 0
+  106467 1954888.6   552.07 54465 12853 2
+  107072 928322.7    -6.02 60873 10629 2
+  107627  10369.5  -383.40 18367 12596 0
+  108046  10891.2   -96.58 22988 11894 0
+  108217  15759.2  -327.76 52095 13560 0
+  108259 351964.7   103.79 15384 14451 1
+  108355 315629.7   561.61 13730 15111 1
+  109257  39002.0   265.36 22759 12250 0
+  110053  -4970.9  -462.94 31836 15321 0
+  110098 262400.2  -976.02 53197 15326 1
+  110160      0.0     0.00 0 7538 -1
+  111137 -10759.2   444.86 33192 10814 0
+  111196 490111.1  -344.02 43741 15837 2
+  111245   9304.7  -864.21 467 13012 0
+  112586 1030455.9   949.21 55 14193 2
+  112627 119869.1   736.57 61638 15835 1
+  112679  13228.5  -452.74 62634 9347 0
+  113621 2812490.8   796.30 53926 15986 2
+  113636 1883223.1  -678.12 8809 8204 2
+  114009 338160.3   336.73 45848 15125 1
+  114049      0.0     0.00 0 3125 -1
+  114212  13138.1  -510.00 6819 9635 0
+  114287 2123180.2   722.20 8567 8569 2
+  115443 151417.2   338.61 9801 15692 1
+  115749      0.0     0.00 0 6092 -1
+  116256 186299.3   616.86 64089 12833 1
+  117825  33763.2   863.10 37965 12841 0
+  118033 170237.5  -311.20 42576 14653 1
+  118405 697887.1  -781.77 15630 14923 2
+  118971 728032.4  -374.80 56924 12857 2
+  119160 197427.8   689.25 50493 8764 1
+  119898  14028.9  -328.89 37627 13935 0
+  120316 302312.3  -710.84 43097 11133 1
+  120855 403231.3   -48.31 19393 11993 2
+  120900 984897.7   409.90 43941 12634 2
+  120932 225364.8   413.08 22078 15073 1
+  122074  41392.2  -723.44 2967 8229 1
+  122417 1032659.8  -837.60 22442 11521 2
+  122478 2788901.5   672.91 39528 15810 2
+  123038 179689.9   117.42 15599 13332 1
+  123698 2198947.2  -324.41 13019 10731 2
+  124244      0.0     0.00 0 7599 -1
+  124950 261516.4  -223.76 33817 9114 1
+  125175 117264.3  -424.38 7270 9412 1
+  125218 382962.6  -460.96 9239 15707 1
+  125251 -13123.1  -520.38 41499 14943 0
+  125674 338684.5  -944.75 40269 13510 2
+  126389 607033.6  -757.05 30006 13086 2
+  127242 1443714.5  -494.51 47365 10275 2
+  127342 323194.4  -170.31 22769 13314 1
+  128099      0.0     0.00 0 6671 -1
+  129253      0.0     0.00 0 6355 -1
+  129613 1988831.8   480.52 45210 10721 2
+  129620 229790.2   587.20 29354 14256 1
+  129771 136311.9   264.22 58334 15050 1
+  130790 1834275.4   882.16 51241 13651 2
+  131146  38723.4   809.37 49703 13510 0
+  131186  45114.6   242.84 56071 12419 1
+  131548  34558.6  -900.88 4725 13774 0
+  131941 -15759.2   790.53 32185 8644 0
+  132144  43543.2  -443.14 28653 11147 0
+  132220  -3916.2    20.62 25562 14206 0
+  132595 120131.7   674.64 47232 10425 1
+  133123 2310281.5   135.02 63224 9016 2
+  134014 2905979.2  -577.97 24000 11035 2
+  134964 1157575.2   231.95 43078 14376 2
+  136428 2884055.8   948.40 8374 13837 2
+  136788  -7419.4   892.81 38478 14988 0
+  136961 301826.4   398.65 8813 13865 1
+  137542  74868.1   454.68 27181 12722 1
+  138224 1338824.9  -455.07 25608 10149 2
+  138445 211662.8   346.53 54647 10692 1
+  138692 843727.8  -266.84 8155 13195 2
+  138772 121980.5  -892.42 46764 9460 1
+  138981 1571385.0   717.26 14333 13764 2
+  139030  34273.1   870.90 50862 9115 0
+  139870  -8527.6  -166.85 11927 12979 0
+  140076  -3603.1   369.69 16418 11152 0
+  140392 127094.2  -557.06 16913 10663 1
+  141289      0.0     0.00 0 1714 -1
+  141462 324721.7   126.73 65054 9050 1
+  141752 102897.1  -621.63 48577 12975 1
+  142059 913001.3   830.09 15905 10004 2
+  142311  -2482.7  -807.64 45492 9084 0
+  142853 314630.0  -822.66 61909 11825 1
+  144483  14910.0   405.19 22363 11863 0
+  144697  -2409.3  -279.35 42712 15185 0
+  144736 -10706.7  -234.55 25995 9983 0
+  145134 1737378.9  -652.75 15728 13785 2
+  145363 296996.0   642.21 19457 11620 1
+  145990  -8572.8   822.66 31717 9226 0
+  145992 159847.6   528.47 36094 15791 1
+  146208  98920.5  -312.14 1072 11353 1
+  146569  -1042.9  -660.34 38204 15305 0
+  146590  24235.2   707.50 17376 10078 0
+  146783 140062.1   720.96 51964 15266 1
+  147081  40574.3  -761.60 50920 9523 0
+  147338 380690.4     2.02 54392 14758 1
+  147577 1226732.9   957.38 53326 10061 2
+  148108  -7439.9   609.24 6789 12323 0
+  149406 119345.1  -966.86 37138 9440 1
+  150154  25476.0   175.58 47442 11991 0
+  151039 501605.6   975.18 47565 14676 2
+  152454  43110.5   697.86 15729 11194 0
+  153162   6227.1   454.88 55231 12040 0
+  153617  64636.7  -241.49 50483 9646 1
+  153705      0.0     0.00 0 2938 -1
+  154977 338684.5  -803.50 19378 10793 1
+  155251 2530044.0   310.14 31339 13799 2
+  155274 234273.1  -268.44 58310 15473 1
+  156648 247219.7  -826.19 27806 13302 2
+  156681 346611.8   859.04 49625 12199 1
+  156694  30466.1  -326.08 22757 15933 0
+  156726 2494143.2  -291.21 5390 14211 2
+  157148 228577.6  -794.60 18757 9560 1
+  157190  23254.4  -661.48 26280 15916 0
+  157247  28914.0  -966.86 26966 14974 0
+  157306 316631.4  -237.99 1088 8672 1
+  157431 230601.0  -396.09 40383 14060 1
+  158501 609357.9  -631.57 15981 11279 2
+  158605 778963.4  -484.86 39550 9164 2
+  159608 393299.5  -556.82 37609 9527 1
+  159745  63771.4   106.77 50978 14900 1
+  160339     90.1   441.63 20291 14871 0
+  160465   6628.2  -355.56 13548 13034 0
+  161901 694495.9  -467.32 35083 10941 2
+  162119   4800.0  -988.65 51737 13936 0
+  162458 167927.4  -390.70 35767 12739 1
+  162645 1810122.9   359.69 56554 9587 2
+  162864      0.0     0.00 0 3730 -1
+  162997 775314.2   763.24 32722 14295 2
+  163421 2175306.2    -9.35 62157 11487 2
+  164017 275439.2   213.00 25619 14175 1
+  164730      0.0     0.00 0 3263 -1
+  165061 2656336.5   -72.67 1006 8781 2
+  165302 1092211.1   499.62 26163 13293 2
+  165328  40351.7    26.37 10781 10374 0
+  165754 1697138.2    31.49 45102 13127 2
+  166217  59068.2  -313.48 64362 15945 1
+  167648  -7501.8  -817.74 39550 9973 0
+  167913 -13934.9  -874.26 59894 10998 0
+  168521 207474.0   824.42 28862 13276 1
+  168885 231007.1  -111.30 12149 9309 2
+  170359 3003763.2   240.97 55802 10501 2
+  170584 228981.3  -761.93 12156 14812 1
+  171147  31909.6   770.79 58347 14048 0
+  171733  23386.6   945.97 29799 13262 0
+  172454 1999090.9   400.53 8767 8404 2
+  172598 331912.7   355.56 62928 9274 1
+  173266 282814.5  -416.27 5404 8996 1
+  173863  -2585.6  -879.14 39403 15118 0
+  174395  10235.3  -430.97 29543 14545 0
+  174441   4850.1  -952.88 37501 10628 0
+  174729  -8875.8   274.84 59209 11822 0
+  177460      0.0     0.00 0 5030 -1
+  178840 171234.0   640.01 58836 8790 1
+  179476  37259.8  -202.07 25864 12489 0
+  179551  -8629.4   322.33 51945 9096 0
+  180147 175935.8  -237.69 24648 9761 1
+  182093 1988831.8   654.15 27836 15142 2
+  182282 1709453.1  -582.19 19623 11774 2
+  182618    -8880        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x00 1 -1
+  182830    19860        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x00 1 -1
+  183385    -6730   405740   635.09   702.97 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 1 0
+  183588        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 0 0
+  184052        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 0 0
+  185198  1625600        0   708.10   708.10 0 0 0xc0 0x00 0 -1
+  185303    -2470   401610   548.06     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 1 0
+  185796   401320    -2400  -144.97   826.90 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 0 1
+  185978    -9800        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x00 1 -1
+  186880        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x40 0 0
 *** test 500 400 1 1
-   22074  26618.2   302.70 62172 11259 0
-   22075 146024.7  -732.65 64696 12339 2
-   22076 874240.2   -49.38 29107 11969 2
-   22077      0.0     0.00 40998 5616 -1
-   22078 280729.7  -852.31 25185 8619 2
-   22079  61796.0   513.23 62349 15930 1
-   22080 862130.8   344.54 62471 15463 2
-   22081 348586.8  -666.36 46538 8499 1
-   22082 276601.6   333.81 63149 13607 2
-   22083 2053737.9   861.03 15069 11092 2
-   22084 2011805.5  -818.01 59775 8819 2
-   22085  -9379.5   934.69 5975 14757 0
-   22086 1801724.9   174.99 46529 10986 2
-   22087 109554.5   986.55 33888 16077 2
-   22088 123004.3   -42.36 14934 8447 1
-   22089 350518.7  -458.93 61405 15964 1
-   22090   5128.2   198.60 29587 11435 0
-   22091 2976792.2   912.32 63202 9400 2
-   22092 188366.2  -250.55 60229 14974 1
-   22093  37501.8   317.21 5722 14136 0
-   22094 648717.2   766.61 23807 12183 2
-   22095 340495.0  -876.63 40435 16356 1
-   22096 2297575.0   764.93 47784 10765 2
-   22097  -8608.9   450.61 45389 8278 0
-   22098 2040139.6  -928.33 64835 15673 2
-   22099      0.0     0.00 25445 8018 -1
-   22100  55782.8   501.06 35867 9328 1
-   22101   7370.3   160.22 1283 10905 0
-   22102  26091.7   335.20 9283 16216 0
-   22103 373292.2  -752.94 5828 13486 1
-   22104 -14496.8   881.57 22245 8783 0
-   22105  16693.3   413.88 18713 9956 0
-   22106 1577158.9  -991.36 37826 10588 2
-   22107      0.0     0.00 11756 1311 -1
-   22108 181244.3   455.72 4369 10874 1
-   22109      0.0     0.00 64319 2301 -1
-   22110 384506.6   413.66 43695 16235 1
-   22111   5373.1    -8.99 2293 14564 0
-   22112 2856519.0  -312.70 51863 9381 2
-   22113  -2635.8  -632.90 61477 15881 0
-   22114 370213.0   483.56 63000 10654 1
-   22115 407780.2  -922.86 62778 8782 2
-   22116  26044.5    94.79 27555 10832 0
-   22117 2545143.5  -404.03 12596 13934 2
-   22118 347735.4   -39.62 5533 12952 1
-   22119 371953.1  -254.40 46913 10913 1
-   22120 2954509.0  -514.52 6561 9205 2
-   22121 282709.0  -403.07 44822 11883 1
-   22122  42492.7  -200.80 48377 13780 0
-   22123      0.0     0.00 35471 3263 -1
-   22124      0.0     0.00 62307 1970 -1
-   22125  66001.8  -704.03 31320 13790 1
-   22126  24715.8    28.90 21129 15838 0
-   22127  -3399.0  -696.12 25820 13783 0
-   22128  38365.7  -642.39 18174 12430 0
-   22129  -7351.1   723.72 13378 15481 0
-   22130      0.0     0.00 20065 5125 -1
-   22131 297520.5   485.25 35517 14679 1
-   22132 1932746.9  -851.66 55946 12155 2
-   22133 220395.8   697.86 60372 15302 1
-   22134      0.0     0.00 6006 2609 -1
-   22135 1235177.0  -492.32 55043 8624 2
-   22136 901546.8  -472.25 34490 15273 2
-   22137 323968.3   900.12 5443 10031 1
-   22138 111708.6   657.96 54808 10835 1
-   22139  18276.1  -343.87 43499 13678 0
-   22140      0.0     0.00 602 1009 -1
-   22141 2259202.0   921.01 56416 12834 2
-   22142 1383819.2  -709.19 42524 11867 2
-   22143 149701.2   -29.04 54642 13575 1
-   22144 190020.2   515.29 63420 9281 1
-   22145 1687031.8  -859.04 14538 15779 2
-   22146      0.0     0.00 44271 7880 -1
-   22147  40317.1  -907.01 46596 12782 0
-   22148  15700.0   439.28 44764 9541 0
-   22149  -7603.1   151.49 30712 13801 0
-   22150      0.0     0.00 49320 4034 -1
-   22151 147695.2   175.54 54783 14798 1
-   22152   8264.4  -480.34 6062 8880 0
-   22153      0.0     0.00 2041 4178 -1
-   22154 392597.1   101.34 42963 8430 1
-   22155 2037373.8  -108.70 56322 16203 2
-   22156  23689.2  -242.59 63010 13819 0
-   22157 1951174.2  -375.67 19356 10290 2
-   22158 1094508.8   218.47 54708 15744 2
-   22159      0.0     0.00 22171 5262 -1
-   22160 263189.8   688.70 46463 8869 1
-   22161 2213036.8   129.81 47188 14833 2
-   22162 212006.5    74.51 47984 12979 1
-   22163 247819.1  -378.97 64797 14334 1
-   22164 191443.8   582.99 35137 15785 1
-   22165 342549.8   775.47 21302 13118 1
-   22166      0.0     0.00 29667 2186 -1
-   22167 -14904.9  -934.44 53564 14641 0
-   22168 2060409.0  -384.57 62270 9136 2
-   22169  26137.8   -15.43 48244 11904 0
-   22170 318855.9   542.19 30114 12138 1
-   22171 1322663.9   201.43 48223 10762 2
-   22172      0.0     0.00 64822 1472 -1
-   22173 2442449.0  -969.78 57792 12249 2
-   22174 2296959.2  -441.95 27129 11174 2
-   22175 166691.7  -388.71 62078 9178 1
-   22176 632286.4  -159.74 62585 8712 2
-   22177      0.0     0.00 10918 1369 -1
-   22178  26865.3  -948.14 39631 8245 0
-   22179      0.0     0.00 29882 7586 -1
-   22180 1689157.1  -331.23 9105 14756 2
-   22181 246011.4  -972.35 41114 12520 1
-   22182 2666584.8   681.59 20797 14600 2
-   22183 2898319.2   591.71 22058 11180 2
-   22184  13529.6   407.46 216 9589 0
-   22185      0.0     0.00 45975 7819 -1
-   22186    930.7  -993.46 59570 14115 0
-   22187   3876.4  -537.13 38499 10981 0
-   22188 1912983.4  -126.49 35042 12504 2
-   22189 159028.1  -370.48 64471 11041 1
-   22190  31867.1   910.00 48791 13787 0
-   22191 837937.7  -384.84 36044 11380 2
-   22192  19910.5   204.78 63600 14058 0
-   22193  90448.2   471.00 23605 12924 1
-   22194 329544.6   995.26 22193 10335 1
-   22195  41003.0   369.07 32237 8644 1
-   22196 1180765.0  -676.81 40990 9496 2
-   22197 152583.1  -166.99 53688 13984 1
-   22198  71568.3  -823.35 2586 14497 1
-   22199   8862.3   939.64 63358 12043 0
-   22200 2231695.2  -787.99 20479 14890 2
-   22201  13271.4  -165.06 2244 9494 0
-   22202 228685.0  -350.10 54717 10695 1
-   22203  18933.0   408.24 62317 16211 0
-   22204   3195.4   438.60 53688 10614 0
-   22205 1812685.9  -531.62 37298 9429 2
-   22206 281806.4   278.83 47581 13157 1
-   22207 877075.6   265.55 56157 10795 2
-   22208  42580.9   603.64 28677 14099 0
-   22209 299865.9  -297.41 52299 13552 1
-   22210      0.0     0.00 59789 3749 -1
-   22211      0.0     0.00 24221 1431 -1
-   22212  29818.6  -920.49 56355 15191 0
-   22213  28755.9   -84.64 20020 9740 0
-   22214 168346.6   714.93 9042 11592 1
-   22215 392994.2    -5.28 51767 13687 1
-   22216      0.0     0.00 35145 7295 -1
-   22217 315935.2  -163.95 8664 15470 1
-   22218  53730.2     7.00 17535 14466 1
-   22219 1894685.2   779.51 15511 15238 2
-   22220 121802.2    17.67 53442 11214 2
-   22221 -12264.2  -357.69 8999 12447 0
-   22222      0.0     0.00 59541 7783 -1
-   22223 152927.0    82.03 40296 9289 1
-   22224  31619.5   166.93 56511 10923 0
-   22225 845137.1   627.09 15712 13048 2
-   22226  13235.3   484.75 26453 11114 0
-   22227 274826.2  -343.60 17467 12513 1
-   22228  16222.9   734.89 12435 9611 0
-   22229  16273.3   871.39 35945 9281 0
-   22230  94410.9   714.10 2100 10615 1
-   22231  -8999.2  -215.89 46594 12530 0
-   22232  -5405.3  -922.46 10317 8542 0
-   22233      0.0     0.00 36610 7890 -1
-   22234  -7221.4  -845.72 50498 15391 0
-   22235    239.4  -194.25 58464 11665 0
-   22236 105397.3  -284.36 46263 8328 1
-   22237 322439.7  -940.56 14704 15272 1
-   22238 261285.5    44.42 40036 13602 1
-   22239 -10127.9     2.05 33925 11729 0
-   22240      0.0     0.00 51165 6614 -1
-   22241      0.0     0.00 26870 4214 -1
-   22242 1123402.5  -850.71 58194 11620 2
-   22243  -2334.6   772.70 43691 8620 0
-   22244      0.0     0.00 6542 5674 -1
-   22245  12693.3   173.03 50300 8467 0
-   22246 122126.5  -739.65 45692 12799 1
-   22247      0.0     0.00 39352 2131 -1
-   22248 868243.3  -760.93 33650 10809 2
-   22249 146914.7    23.99 48197 13736 1
-   22250 2794112.8   586.66 47885 10266 2
-   22251 2005625.0   728.69 15268 16135 2
-   22252 999392.7  -459.61 5337 11717 2
-   22253 2704417.5  -852.23 34069 9668 2
-   22254      0.0     0.00 28086 4962 -1
-   22255 448163.4  -403.13 58775 10505 2
-   22256 2967388.8   -70.87 744 9753 2
-   22257  14599.8   516.55 51692 10297 0
-   22258  19032.0  -504.04 22598 10112 0
-   22259 1176994.8  -472.68 62522 8722 2
-   22260 1246253.5   861.57 42909 15647 2
-   22261  12920.6   110.75 35336 16011 0
-   22262  10970.5  -625.72 49542 15559 0
-   22263  23771.6    96.29 51712 12649 0
-   22264 240064.8  -641.29 17159 10211 1
-   22265      0.0     0.00 43217 3617 -1
-   22266 1103297.4   881.51 48757 10092 2
-   22267 1824556.9   555.98 32002 13347 2
-   22268 263350.6  -130.77 22869 10089 2
-   22269  23914.7   955.07 59380 12622 0
-   22270 2478482.8  -863.66 46390 15060 2
-   22271  42363.8   952.10 58221 16210 0
-   22272 337355.5   865.71 18034 11372 1
-   22273 331209.0   189.56 43549 15476 1
-   22274  -8443.5  -759.03 53067 14399 0
-   22275  99505.1   268.91 51068 11121 1
-   22276  24078.3   888.79 16697 8898 0
-   22277 560142.8  -743.70 8119 8538 2
-   22278  28545.0  -372.25 61047 8790 0
-   22279 329306.6   -83.18 30169 12444 1
-   22280 2267308.0    -7.31 30671 10930 2
-   22281 263198.2   396.06 31804 9394 1
-   22282 2228843.5   503.07 8867 12729 2
-   22283  22223.8   567.58 47920 10742 0
-   22284 1447928.4   144.36 33598 11572 2
-   22285  18594.4  -234.73 55787 9514 0
-   22286 348731.8    30.96 42844 12533 1
-   22287 -11785.3   119.12 5555 9751 0
-   22288  38698.8   719.56 11510 15588 0
-   22289 258072.7   213.35 62282 10464 1
-   22290  28734.6   141.67 61777 12913 0
-   22291   -233.6   285.44 30360 8572 0
-   22292 650093.1  -376.04 17480 12528 2
-   22293 232915.9   685.07 27805 13520 1
-   22294 -11740.9   -34.69 52184 8286 0
-   22295  31478.0  -188.59 37784 11004 0
-   22296  54211.2    39.22 33771 14856 1
-   22297  95550.9   247.85 44402 11845 1
-   22298 2562598.5   890.38 34407 9894 2
-   22299  36448.2   312.62 51312 12850 0
-   22300 122376.7   794.10 34681 12623 1
-   22301 206798.0   744.18 18968 9799 1
-   22302 301328.6  -752.58 12829 14049 1
-   22303      0.0     0.00 34913 8176 -1
-   22304 161133.0   738.84 37791 9489 2
-   52170 378067.0   935.41 17160 8884 1
-   58692 402681.5  -937.16 43967 15170 2
-   58693 266559.5   735.52 21154 14579 1
-   58694 354992.9   530.45 26524 8608 1
-   58695 221944.1   -63.67 54267 14737 1
-   58696   8693.3  -909.59 47134 10303 0
-   58697 2829612.0  -700.37 20510 10149 2
-   58698  20339.5   391.51 5205 15529 0
-   76862  -9742.8   345.27 37844 13123 0
-   93459 249162.3  -755.53 22563 15232 1
-   93460 453407.9  -632.20 56279 15419 2
-   93461 338101.1  -475.08 5097 12309 1
-   93462  39306.3   -74.50 35247 13667 0
-  120116  14832.6  -566.77 3761 14456 0
-  162613 137685.6  -614.40 8716 10562 1
-  176875 372318.4   -73.84 61388 15833 1
-  176876 2656605.2   570.96 8331 12096 2
-  176877  34920.8  -190.53 45442 12931 0
-  176878   1899.6   598.26 60900 15978 0
-  176879 109652.6   590.78 64683 11717 1
-  176880 1676595.8   550.47 10072 10583 2
-  176881  29211.4  -326.23 7094 12372 0
-  176882 1286874.9  -254.47 46471 16006 2
-  176883  29287.4   684.21 24416 13014 0
-  176884   3583.1   465.88 47647 11609 0
-  176885 2280900.5  -730.38 35009 11056 2
-  176886  36308.1   587.15 60036 10859 0
-  176887 298086.4  -388.13 18326 8905 1
-  176888  15904.2  -908.22 3264 15255 0
-  176889 1071090.6  -378.60 63695 9510 2
-  176890 273579.4   686.09 25260 14101 2
-  176891 1741604.2  -718.24 4443 13948 2
-  176892  12365.9   239.53 3934 10579 0
-  176893 361103.7  -886.54 57650 10657 1
-  176894 967353.6   265.13 49877 15591 2
-  176895 334847.0   225.52 39586 13539 2
-  176896  70856.1  -840.47 14305 10286 1
-  176897      0.0     0.00 51676 3413 -1
-  176898   6684.7  -429.61 18743 10506 0
-  176899 309405.4   291.49 31497 15297 1
-  176900 2251237.8  -778.81 23571 11454 2
-  176901 809084.4  -330.90 43909 9217 2
-  176902   4945.9  -425.78 53511 14091 0
-  176903 170045.7  -640.05 38771 14788 1
-  176904 -15593.1  -639.40 44730 15592 0
-  176905   1505.2    65.35 47854 15730 0
-  176906      0.0     0.00 55665 4569 -1
-  176907 116994.9   894.17 1123 16213 1
-  176908  14797.9  -585.76 48849 9859 0
-  176909  25544.2   592.86 19916 14702 0
-  176910 109380.2  -447.29 38963 9456 1
-  186861        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0xba 0x1e 0 0
-  186862        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0xaf 0xbf 0 0
-  186863     3670   395330     0.00  -953.00 66 255 0x17 0xae 1 0
-  186864     -310   399310   830.00   444.00 44 255 0xa1 0xbf 1 0
-  186865   380460  1573180  -409.00   388.00 37 170 0xb6 0xb4 0 0
-  186866  1528960        0     0.00  -250.00 215 255 0x13 0xb8 0 -1
-  186867   833500   478250     0.00     0.00 96 255 0x11 0x09 0 0
-  186868    -2490   401490  -993.00     0.00 167 157 0xa3 0x12 1 0
-  186869     1520     3110     0.00     0.00 255 61 0x1e 0x15 1 1
-  186870   398290      710  -101.00  -177.00 97 255 0xa4 0xad 0 1
-  186871    -3480   402480   130.00     0.00 255 90 0xb8 0x03 1 0
-  186872    27500     4740   434.00    24.00 255 47 0xa9 0xa7 1 1
-  186873  2468900  2795700    83.00     0.00 50 255 0xb4 0x19 0 0
-  186874   396930     2070    47.00     0.00 255 60 0xae 0x07 0 1
-  186875   754160  2580720     0.00   467.00 63 255 0x07 0xac 0 0
-  186876    29100        0     0.00     0.00 147 255 0x00 0x1e 1 -1
-  186877   170530  2544300   660.00     0.00 21 205 0xa5 0x14 0 0
-  186878     5070     6590     0.00     0.00 203 167 0x03 0x17 1 1
-  186879    -1180   400180     0.00    -2.00 34 98 0x16 0xa5 1 0
-  186880        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0x0e 0x18 0 0
-  186881   388190    10810  -799.00   189.00 255 32 0xaa 0xa0 0 1
-  186882        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0x18 0xab 0 0
-  186883  2589480  1938120     0.00     0.00 228 135 0x17 0x04 0 0
-  186884        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0x09 0x08 0 0
-  186885    22560    14020   587.00   159.00 125 198 0xb6 0xb3 1 1
-  186886    26940    16020   -29.00   768.00 160 255 0xb7 0xbb 1 1
-  186887   -10240        0   -90.00     0.00 255 116 0xad 0x12 1 -1
-  186888        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0xaa 0x0c 0 0
-  186889   642810        0     0.00  -667.00 59 228 0x13 0xa7 0 -1
-  186890   388620    10380  -751.00     0.00 255 82 0xab 0x17 0 1
-  186891     3420    21300   259.00   903.00 255 49 0xbb 0xa5 1 1
-  186892        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0xaa 0x19 0 0
-  186893   124200    -8300     0.00     0.00 255 18 0x1f 0x03 0 1
-  186894        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0xb8 0xb9 0 0
-  186895     2830   396170  -199.00     0.00 5 255 0xb0 0x1a 1 0
-  186896        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0x08 0x1c 0 0
-  186897   396980     2020   297.00     0.00 84 167 0xb2 0x13 0 1
-  186898    -2050   401050     0.00     0.00 76 206 0x00 0x07 1 0
-  186899  2040920        0  -448.00     0.00 193 185 0xb1 0x13 0 -1
-  186900        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0x0a 0xbc 0 0
-  186901   969350   842530   263.00     0.00 255 95 0xa8 0x12 0 0
-  186902  1758520  1045880  -133.00     0.00 24 255 0xb2 0x09 0 0
-  186903    24230    14110  -948.00     0.00 255 171 0xbb 0x14 1 1
-  186904  1857740  1219020     0.00  -884.00 255 190 0x0a 0xb4 0 0
-  186905   394370     4630     0.00     0.00 251 150 0x03 0x03 0 1
-  186906     1450   374080     0.00     0.00 183 139 0x03 0x14 1 0
-  186907  1977880  1386700     0.00  -834.00 255 235 0x1b 0xb1 0 0
-  186908    10570        0     0.00   -21.00 238 220 0x10 0xb6 1 -1
-  186909   -16530        0   -53.00   404.00 200 179 0xb3 0xb5 1 -1
-  186910        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0x1f 0xad 0 0
-  186911        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0x1d 0x1d 0 0
-  186912  2114040  3100140     0.00   859.00 1 50 0x04 0xa2 0 0
-  186913     2160   396840     0.00     0.00 161 255 0x01 0x1f 1 0
-  186914   398040      960     0.00   172.00 143 255 0x04 0xbe 0 1
-  186915  1732880   493700   297.00     0.00 131 255 0xb0 0x0e 0 0
-  186916        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0xab 0x1c 0 0
-  186917   -18000     -430     0.00   323.00 3 125 0x13 0xb4 1 1
-  186918   386540    12460   185.00   289.00 14 180 0xa5 0xb1 0 1
-  186919     6100   392900     0.00     0.00 59 255 0x13 0x19 1 0
-  186920        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0x08 0xab 0 0
-  186921        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0xb9 0x08 0 0
-  186922    23770    24150     0.00     0.00 155 240 0x14 0x04 0 1
-  186923    22570    26430   873.00     0.00 198 255 0xa1 0x0f 1 1
-  186924  2534740        0  -478.00   254.00 38 244 0xb6 0xb5 0 -1
-  186925  3123960        0  -866.00  -562.00 255 21 0xbb 0xa6 0 -1
-  186926     1750   397250   658.00   377.00 132 255 0xb6 0xb9 1 0
-  186927        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0xae 0x1f 0 0
-  186928     7000   392000   827.00   149.00 255 97 0xbd 0xb3 1 0
-  186929    19460   307130     0.00     0.00 38 64 0x15 0x17 1 0
-  186930     -960   399960     0.00     0.00 255 38 0x0b 0x13 1 0
-  186931   -15360    -6170    82.00     0.00 9 255 0xb2 0x1b 1 1
-  186932   401960    -2960     0.00   935.00 255 76 0x0f 0xb3 0 1
-  186933  2078160        0     0.00   461.00 187 27 0x13 0xa4 0 -1
-  186934   396820     2180     0.00  -640.00 68 255 0x05 0xae 0 1
-  186935    15090        0   810.00     0.00 74 62 0xb2 0x05 1 -1
-  186936    24560        0  -702.00     0.00 255 143 0xae 0x11 1 -1
-  186937   394100     4900  -289.00     0.00 95 255 0xb6 0x0c 0 1
-  186938        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0xae 0x0d 0 0
-  186939  2917080        0     0.00   144.00 255 54 0x0f 0xb0 0 -1
-  186940   391140     7860     0.00     0.00 191 135 0x12 0x04 0 1
-  186941  2356700        0    -7.00   667.00 162 255 0xa3 0xaf 0 -1
-  186942   -11920        0   680.00     0.00 4 255 0xb6 0x0f 1 -1
-  186943        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0xaf 0xa8 0 0
-  186944  3039980        0     0.00    94.00 255 90 0x1f 0xb5 0 -1
-  186945    61150    -3210   376.00   347.00 172 5 0xa1 0xa2 0 1
-  186946  3100100        0  -831.00     0.00 124 255 0xb7 0x1f 0 -1
-  186947  2451660  2735360     0.00   663.00 235 255 0x13 0xb8 0 0
-  186948    -1580     8700     0.00   685.00 140 222 0x05 0xa1 1 1
-  186949    10380        0  -538.00     0.00 73 118 0xa4 0x12 1 -1
-  186950   399110     -110  -845.00   837.00 175 66 0xa3 0xa5 0 1
-  186951   -10550        0  -439.00     0.00 192 89 0xa0 0x12 1 -1
-  186952   -16630     2040   240.00     0.00 255 98 0xbe 0x01 1 1
-  186953     1160   397840     0.00  -121.00 29 255 0x06 0xbc 1 0
-  186954   109310     3330   253.00  -292.00 255 31 0xae 0xa5 0 1
-  186955  1682440        0     0.00  -752.00 231 88 0x13 0xb1 0 -1
-  186956   401300    -2300  -810.00  -204.00 83 133 0xa1 0xb0 0 1
-  186957        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0xbf 0xbb 0 0
-  186958   398520      480     0.00  -560.00 95 95 0x11 0xb6 0 1
-  186959        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0x0c 0xbb 0 0
-  186960   -11550    18430  -113.00     0.00 70 78 0xa2 0x16 1 1
-  186961   398900      100   957.00  -904.00 255 211 0xbd 0xa6 0 1
-  186962        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0x18 0xbc 0 0
-  186963  2589280        0  -430.00     0.00 14 153 0xb0 0x04 0 -1
-  186964    16450        0     0.00  -929.00 255 88 0x1c 0xa6 1 -1
-  186965        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0xaa 0x08 0 0
-  186966  2400420        0   718.00     0.00 62 43 0xb6 0x11 0 -1
-  186967  1474700        0     0.00     0.00 197 196 0x10 0x14 0 -1
-  186968        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0x08 0x0c 0 0
-  186969    28110        0     0.00   880.00 255 244 0x09 0xa3 1 -1
-  186970     2300   396700     0.00   340.00 255 112 0x0b 0xb4 1 0
-  186971    -1670   400670  -510.00   646.00 255 161 0xbf 0xa5 1 0
-  186972     5560   393440   888.00  -707.00 167 255 0xb6 0xa8 1 0
-  186973  1954660        0  -915.00     0.00 13 182 0xb6 0x12 0 -1
-  186974    -1130    18430     0.00     0.00 14 118 0x05 0x14 1 1
-  186975        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0x1c 0x1c 0 0
-  186976     7120   391880     0.00  -466.00 255 97 0x09 0xb2 1 0
-  186977        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0xbb 0xba 0 0
-  186978  1483800        0   176.00   615.00 10 138 0xb3 0xb2 0 -1
+    8747 923483.7   607.22 60768 11503 2
+    8748 2672889.0   696.62 32482 14206 2
+    8749  27767.2   580.62 65343 10949 0
+   11964      0.0     0.00 21845 1046 -1
+   11965 274202.4  -187.93 27525 14264 1
+   11966      0.0     0.00 41986 4281 -1
+   11967  66801.7    11.53 8070 8838 1
+   11968      0.0     0.00 31026 6125 -1
+   11969  41790.5  -284.35 4849 10717 0
+   11970 1830629.6  -680.87 35753 12309 2
+   11971 2584964.0  -489.37 4239 10819 2
+   11972 156154.4    65.05 38544 15795 2
+   11973      0.0     0.00 1490 3654 -1
+   11974  20236.2   903.47 50201 11074 0
+   40268 205763.0  -189.33 40685 9342 1
+   40269  64864.1   802.12 17637 8684 2
+   40270  19183.8   -43.94 8959 14083 0
+   40271 -12213.2  -182.00 353 10161 0
+   40272 885761.1   495.99 40403 16237 2
+   40273 110050.8   905.44 35207 14765 1
+   40274 2262509.0   533.25 22457 9071 2
+   40275 512662.9  -396.18 25201 10361 2
+   40276 -15584.8   297.08 12801 13009 0
+   40277  38318.7   670.68 4374 15970 0
+   40278  15536.3  -700.28 23163 14364 0
+   40279      0.0     0.00 59103 4320 -1
+   40280 166884.6   820.62 48618 10217 1
+   40281 2467274.0   881.47 26209 13547 2
+   40282 264470.9   644.09 21961 10141 1
+   40283 336502.7  -906.91 41180 16272 1
+   40284 1604193.5  -997.46 28091 10503 2
+   40285 1497755.2   166.98 64290 13200 2
+   40286      0.0     0.00 21271 1554 -1
+   76698 841276.9  -996.86 64108 16189 2
+   81402 1004415.9  -181.44 54947 13846 2
+   81403 817468.1   921.70 46423 10803 2
+   81404  20851.8   465.47 24856 14275 0
+   81405 191203.4    -5.37 25860 10897 1
+   81406      0.0     0.00 11859 4433 -1
+   81407  38045.0  -287.60 46336 15202 0
+   81408 1754232.5   784.55 2616 14782 2
+   81409 349700.3   255.16 9658 13994 1
+   81410      0.0     0.00 61550 8146 -1
+   81411 1557589.2   985.08 7808 14101 2
+   94235 397399.0  -800.40 55304 14216 1
+  105387 225848.4   703.35 34475 8797 1
+  105388 389059.1   882.04 59518 14985 1
+  105389      0.0     0.00 55867 3758 -1
+  105390   9047.1  -312.07 52254 8964 0
+  105391   3844.1   211.60 5276 13325 0
+  105392 258324.3   964.96 3532 13396 1
+  105393 257002.1   620.66 26405 15094 1
+  105394   8828.1   -86.40 58734 13144 0
+  105395   3163.7    50.91 52725 15444 0
+  105396  28175.3   322.77 45836 15394 0
+  105397 532041.2  -616.48 11439 9421 2
+  105398 2162317.5   -67.56 6800 12987 2
+  105399 160506.1   579.83 48402 15646 1
+  105400 279680.8   163.07 53452 10587 1
+  105401 2545093.8   302.32 62632 12384 2
+  105402 1254085.8   182.83 36040 12673 2
+  105403  12580.3  -954.64 7340 9181 0
+  105404  21612.7  -718.49 18767 16248 0
+  105405  -7629.5    -5.53 26683 11292 0
+  105406 318840.5    19.79 17083 12224 1
+  105407  73072.9   332.81 38077 12944 1
+  105408  23456.6  -877.27 23807 9704 0
+  105409   8410.5   213.75 24724 10097 0
+  105410 1694214.4  -413.97 56820 9281 2
+  105411  30978.6  -881.85 25605 9016 0
+  105412      0.0     0.00 42982 1033 -1
+  105413  -9840.6  -840.40 1715 13813 0
+  105414 371190.6   802.76 33021 10725 1
+  105415  23853.6   617.99 47011 10651 0
+  105416  27251.1  -869.86 4410 16167 0
+  105417 1206324.1   -47.73 17120 13743 2
+  105418  37042.9  -617.48 5704 16068 0
+  105419      0.0     0.00 3641 6917 -1
+  105420 162972.6   128.62 56843 9463 2
+  105421 2567795.8   395.99 32452 8705 2
+  105422 1787892.1   254.24 45514 8206 2
+  105423 2307974.2   696.52 5508 10575 2
+  105424  43152.8   780.02 19868 11510 1
+  105425  38522.1  -893.21 54919 14228 0
+  105426  27271.6   741.46 36308 14861 0
+  105427 2764468.8   849.86 65419 9075 2
+  105428  32182.4   461.51 57610 12693 0
+  105429  11293.9   800.21 26652 15922 0
+  105430 -13491.7   214.53 28996 11665 0
+  105431  72691.6   500.19 14952 10506 1
+  105432 252123.1   962.47 59239 13916 2
+  105433   2462.1  -454.32 42052 11737 0
+  105434 2065023.6   382.08 5343 10080 2
+  105435 2104341.5   809.55 27772 15037 2
+  105436  17615.4   -98.05 3979 15730 0
+  105437  40082.8  -528.17 39009 10263 1
+  105438  86561.8   967.97 35822 14940 1
+  105439 190754.5   325.30 36240 14454 1
+  105440 235498.8  -743.89 33170 12555 2
+  105441 921066.5   325.09 23550 10735 2
+  105442  29955.9    51.19 26046 13801 0
+  105443  -7676.9  -148.68 7243 14419 0
+  105444 2829265.0   510.46 34907 14042 2
+  105445  29681.4   653.27 36422 14291 0
+  105446 2546898.5  -969.36 24354 9828 2
+  105447  26386.8   944.02 25534 14225 0
+  105448 392636.6   437.28 51977 11648 2
+  105449 196624.5   614.17 58250 9101 1
+  105450 -11283.7   215.05 41966 16272 0
+  105451 2771951.0    33.49 53466 9603 2
+  105452 2566362.0  -502.07 5764 13309 2
+  105453 1582603.1   409.18 49854 11313 2
+  105454 2699327.8  -962.24 41084 12549 2
+  105455  11630.1   169.56 22518 10366 0
+  105456 313774.2   870.20 46839 15137 1
+  105457  89377.0   341.85 62203 14352 1
+  105458 -14393.6   896.60 25386 9380 0
+  105459  53816.6   392.90 59981 15560 1
+  105460  27735.1   100.67 24913 8439 0
+  105461 117527.1   501.50 22781 10404 1
+  105462 374934.2   618.70 36311 9986 1
+  105463      0.0     0.00 64379 3467 -1
+  105464 2124265.5   177.12 27265 11592 2
+  105465 837430.1   279.80 41909 9186 2
+  105466 2464788.5   843.69 48746 10892 2
+  105467  -1448.4   327.88 14005 12622 0
+  105468   9839.6  -656.09 40367 13333 0
+  105469 1847240.6   328.73 44158 14009 2
+  105470  14995.0   944.88 33614 13840 0
+  105471 120727.7  -135.91 6285 14142 1
+  105472 2104419.0   670.24 60427 9989 2
+  105473 2248411.0   432.31 38594 9090 2
+  105474  25922.6  -828.38 39798 9456 0
+  105475  38807.0  -894.02 15736 10281 0
+  105476  37161.0  -679.17 59935 12640 0
+  105477 1808071.0   519.58 16100 14597 2
+  105478  42428.8   866.45 47383 10790 0
+  105479 242502.8  -218.99 62896 10905 1
+  105480 2534797.8   998.65 59049 9218 2
+  105481  -1832.6  -599.39 55514 13147 0
+  105482 195096.2  -834.01 24665 13533 2
+  105483  42374.9  -168.39 37576 13890 0
+  105484  11186.6   987.84 11803 8973 0
+  105485   8012.1  -284.38 47023 8222 0
+  105486 2654446.0   606.37 4822 14106 2
+  105487  93854.6   426.89 55077 10544 1
+  105488 344056.5  -678.35 40475 13717 1
+  105489  29937.8     9.27 58627 13463 0
+  105490 198278.8   853.74 52000 11886 2
+  105491 2343120.5    99.36 13694 12023 2
+  105492 264417.2    75.49 35073 14166 1
+  105493 -10014.9   -70.15 34951 13810 0
+  105494 2017842.8   559.74 51258 11944 2
+  105495      0.0     0.00 57442 6629 -1
+  105496 1199114.9   -17.32 59019 11894 2
+  105497  20406.4   -38.50 24559 13106 0
+  105498 203236.2  -494.84 32427 9738 1
+  105499 199507.6    86.52 13070 10445 1
+  105500 2171952.8  -116.18 23842 15304 2
+  105501 247901.0   641.13 40369 14420 1
+  105502 2133438.0   735.48 70 12991 2
+  105503 2957878.8   998.23 39710 11414 2
+  105504 200279.9  -526.76 17469 13338 1
+  105505 1264494.6   725.61 39723 12789 2
+  105506      0.0     0.00 29958 1404 -1
+  105507      0.0     0.00 18137 4290 -1
+  105508 2882409.2  -222.69 17637 9152 2
+  105509 333116.1   127.06 62663 8241 1
+  105510      0.0     0.00 56189 4399 -1
+  105511 229621.0  -868.91 53051 8629 1
+  105512      0.0     0.00 30953 7531 -1
+  105513 364244.3   160.59 4469 9615 1
+  105514   7279.9   911.47 27662 12020 0
+  105515 2082786.1  -747.98 22027 9997 2
+  105516 566408.8   546.77 47818 9164 2
+  105517  40903.6  -767.85 59620 10159 0
+  105518  72850.1   703.81 41284 8285 2
+  105519 946265.3   978.36 16379 11253 2
+  105520 253814.3  -754.69 64403 10639 1
+  105521  41116.0  -361.75 35787 12960 0
+  105522 324994.9   -61.31 60160 10856 1
+  105523      0.0     0.00 26042 4383 -1
+  105524  80552.5   688.14 10913 16101 1
+  105525      0.0     0.00 4121 2125 -1
+  105526 127265.0   427.08 62663 8234 1
+  105527  -6661.1   -20.95 29884 14340 0
+  105528  14770.9   806.83 5237 15359 0
+  105529 2660263.2  -119.65 16686 15760 2
+  105530  38468.4   513.70 18937 9164 0
+  105531  41640.3   112.25 50263 8706 0
+  105532  37826.3  -676.02 37794 11194 0
+  105533  23036.2   109.38 24347 15148 0
+  105534 1967960.2   769.79 24200 15658 2
+  105535  24462.7   171.23 20371 8711 0
+  105536  62882.8   894.82 11895 10385 1
+  105537    674.1   461.13 33433 8247 0
+  105538 520206.6   738.57 50203 13439 2
+  105539 1883756.0   780.51 8598 16248 2
+  105540 181516.2  -732.08 52591 15700 1
+  105541  40157.4    87.32 34958 12913 0
+  105542 539209.5   -25.40 27746 8462 2
+  105543 130720.1  -772.64 36971 13935 1
+  105544 294903.6   857.53 8138 15058 1
+  105545 1189305.8   847.27 22920 13704 2
+  105546 2735023.2     8.64 55949 14734 2
+  105547 247165.7   957.84 640 14503 1
+  105548  34437.9  -479.10 21771 9546 0
+  105549 345576.9  -883.44 63287 8449 2
+  105550  -2649.3   937.48 58577 11934 0
+  105551 1598988.2   697.94 50215 10349 2
+  105552  29819.6   -39.43 26235 11222 0
+  105553 1563739.0  -779.41 39406 12333 2
+  105554      0.0     0.00 1512 3892 -1
+  105555 1312658.5  -662.49 7310 10629 2
+  105556      0.0     0.00 39259 3730 -1
+  105557   1043.4  -248.18 61603 10722 0
+  105558  -2704.0   493.20 56871 11288 0
+  105559 327617.9   611.02 16015 14091 1
+  105560      0.0     0.00 21995 1114 -1
+  105561 249129.3  -799.48 28217 14272 1
+  105562  13017.2   320.00 13285 10638 0
+  105563 119678.1  -164.77 26872 11484 1
+  105564 112128.8   750.01 63181 13972 1
+  105565  -4200.3  -503.29 9483 11010 0
+  105566  -7323.8   352.67 42440 13209 0
+  105567 782396.3   331.06 12742 9362 2
+  105568   9716.8  -836.94 61442 13518 0
+  105569 242023.0   880.85 31569 12338 1
+  105570 2796978.8   638.02 9677 10811 2
+  105571 290166.1  -109.91 60709 15833 1
+  105572 1680103.6  -971.39 48196 14997 2
+  105573      0.0     0.00 58819 4064 -1
+  105574 308974.2   512.66 12717 14489 1
+  105575 103115.7  -977.99 23663 9510 1
+  105576 1495307.1  -566.23 549 14655 2
+  105577 1258671.1   529.17 46931 15660 2
+  105578 385498.4  -101.57 61161 9915 1
+  105579 2361733.2   291.28 62761 11419 2
+  105580 374351.0  -498.87 38722 8990 1
+  105581  46762.5   355.87 28878 8527 1
+  105582 2527498.2   694.84 43190 12236 2
+  105583 2373841.0   -59.78 58667 12258 2
+  105584 501303.8   646.38 31411 15214 2
+  105585  28029.4   857.93 58495 16010 0
+  105586  23886.9  -148.48 31868 13723 0
+  105587  73078.3   502.25 49129 13919 1
+  105588 3013580.0  -271.37 16723 13207 2
+  105589  17560.5   854.71 19259 10881 0
+  105590 1260310.8   -90.46 14054 14792 2
+  105591      0.0     0.00 10492 3250 -1
+  105592  -6084.8   431.64 46532 10212 0
+  105593 206454.5  -124.61 37584 15037 1
+  105594      0.0     0.00 61083 1343 -1
+  105595 177562.8   653.76 15715 14639 1
+  105596 124202.9    68.67 37280 14501 1
+  105597  39935.2   802.89 55060 15082 0
+  105598  43555.1   935.18 47908 8673 0
+  105599  21377.2  -609.86 1959 12636 0
+  105600      0.0     0.00 1588 1821 -1
+  105601 -12190.0   896.20 26431 11484 0
+  105602      0.0     0.00 16087 1856 -1
+  105603  10596.6  -403.80 48242 14863 0
+  105604 2282189.5  -151.91 10538 12280 2
+  105605   8919.6   480.99 3007 13321 0
+  105606 2369536.2  -871.32 21153 10180 2
+  105607  79007.0  -226.23 56333 14948 1
+  105608   8175.9  -292.13 60069 11325 0
+  105609 139344.7  -138.53 36199 11347 1
+  105610 301651.4   559.11 52462 16201 1
+  105611  67607.0  -172.57 35392 14751 1
+  105612    335.4   752.85 29594 10849 0
+  105613 1261650.5   676.92 55802 10702 2
+  105614 2579216.8  -145.13 38486 12856 2
+  105615 147649.7  -787.01 8121 8998 1
+  105616 1964944.0  -353.10 33739 10506 2
+  105617 328148.8  -468.56 45416 10537 1
+  105618  21674.3   388.16 33100 15126 0
+  105619  87211.8  -396.28 45834 12780 2
+  105620 1635453.2  -663.26 48320 14524 2
+  105621 120557.8   916.45 25157 14813 1
+  105622 2889153.8  -250.47 40140 10690 2
+  105623  -1178.5  -363.65 65066 9580 0
+  105624 1213819.2  -920.73 31555 15688 2
+  105625 217810.4   269.28 63305 10271 1
+  105626      0.0     0.00 5585 4574 -1
+  105627  15053.3   603.04 35058 10655 0
+  105628  31355.4  -919.05 63445 11023 0
+  105629      0.0     0.00 20031 2885 -1
+  105630  32591.7   656.81 29905 8396 0
+  105631  18025.1    74.80 43231 9030 0
+  105632 1876918.9  -156.63 42405 8868 2
+  105633      0.0     0.00 44409 870 -1
+  105634  12801.3  -119.41 38378 8590 0
+  105635      0.0     0.00 3365 1224 -1
+  105636 1187375.5   995.37 41849 11385 2
+  105637 2959168.0  -426.40 39008 10825 2
+  105638 3033710.5   -81.22 2198 9748 2
+  105639  27711.3   427.52 64530 13779 0
+  105640 158491.5  -537.97 30122 9999 2
+  105641 299151.9   924.61 43691 12897 1
+  105642 1669181.1   601.61 23320 10424 2
+  105643 1606132.9   994.36 63544 16046 2
+  105644 387316.0   254.93 54142 11814 1
+  105645 152749.3  -582.96 27121 14594 1
+  105646      0.0     0.00 6301 829 -1
+  105647 868612.5   975.77 60753 11137 2
+  105648 386771.9   478.07 42629 15142 1
+  105649  76076.8  -684.59 27884 14383 2
+  105650 349276.2   498.98 1080 10217 1
+  105651 1310627.2  -658.10 65313 12478 2
+  105652 -11203.1   526.34 9070 8322 0
+  105653  32368.7   -54.41 22235 14587 0
+  105654 182746.0  -388.23 7042 16201 1
+  105655  75472.6   797.01 53138 9348 2
+  105656 384195.8  -187.89 6013 8450 2
+  105657   3768.6   547.41 25313 10978 0
+  105658  30610.1  -769.23 11220 15663 0
+  105659   1050.0   -78.11 46437 12658 0
+  105660 1142137.6  -813.91 31075 11242 2
+  105661   4381.6  -701.10 30423 11406 0
+  105662  -7991.4   350.34 63913 11976 0
+  105663 305993.9   869.73 37227 8582 1
+  105664 1176069.9  -796.77 36933 14911 2
+  105665  41952.0   -28.05 58474 15070 0
+  105666 342369.4   643.63 15791 9496 1
+  105667  17898.9   690.31 34317 10320 0
+  105668      0.0     0.00 36665 2925 -1
+  105669      0.0     0.00 12747 4150 -1
+  105670 940795.6  -680.95 51355 11293 2
+  105671 3016281.0  -994.38 43079 15014 2
+  105672  37418.9  -220.76 32453 16159 0
+  105673 2485517.8   -84.31 32972 9218 2
+  105674      0.0     0.00 15167 7468 -1
+  105675  34952.4   988.13 31541 14767 0
+  105676 256055.8  -558.08 9669 9857 1
+  105677 201194.1  -690.65 47522 15089 1
+  105678  15333.0   -74.49 23700 10445 0
+  105679 1286642.8    92.93 63270 12427 2
+  105680 596385.0   644.41 34995 14023 2
+  105681  38782.2  -422.23 21038 11629 0
+  105682  74212.5   513.28 54936 10470 2
+  105683  40669.0   234.17 8803 9020 0
+  105684 388812.8   877.55 56116 14749 1
+  105685  15272.0  -428.77 55226 9671 0
+  105686  43867.6   587.52 31649 11983 0
+  105687 213535.1  -967.64 23998 13663 1
+  105688  15146.4   332.20 59150 12528 0
+  105689 2719045.0   947.17 12060 14240 2
+  105690 248625.9   451.71 28393 15180 1
+  105691  -4129.4     9.01 34159 11797 0
+  105692   9567.0   946.90 18765 14585 0
+  105693      0.0     0.00 20811 595 -1
+  105694 151564.5   560.40 21455 12627 1
+  105695 690620.7   453.20 43583 12770 2
+  105696 1886786.2  -736.34 41943 15874 2
+  105697      0.0     0.00 58775 4566 -1
+  105698 113942.2  -423.07 35045 13543 1
+  105699 122595.9  -292.76 52399 10603 1
+  105700 2558663.0   -59.67 17563 13542 2
+  105701  36586.4   688.01 44668 15939 0
+  105702 128804.5   922.11 49064 11261 1
+  121533 244948.1   401.69 52243 13346 1
+  131202 2149369.8    91.24 14017 11084 2
+  131203  24322.9   267.66 33796 14673 0
+  131204 269604.6    66.22 22660 16255 1
+  131205  -9908.5   983.94 28541 13074 0
+  131206 260681.7  -874.62 43554 12493 1
+  131207 128598.1  -173.55 10719 9547 1
+  131208 2729916.0   454.34 36490 12404 2
+  131209 2076094.2  -809.01 34744 15060 2
+  131210 116456.5    39.14 35002 10233 1
+  131211      0.0     0.00 48366 37 -1
+  131212      0.0     0.00 54448 5464 -1
+  131213  80488.8   419.98 26214 12155 1
+  131214 255815.8    57.84 11023 15253 1
+  131215      0.0     0.00 36071 2996 -1
+  131216 377430.8  -758.42 918 12286 1
+  131217  42363.3  -462.13 15142 12721 0
+  131218  35135.3  -134.05 9325 15127 0
+  131219  60334.9  -228.65 59056 9613 1
+  131220 257542.3   601.85 38883 15612 2
+  131221 347558.3   244.43 29040 10593 1
+  131222      0.0     0.00 6110 7884 -1
+  131223  41192.2   -82.84 40754 13286 0
+  131224      0.0     0.00 38486 633 -1
+  131225 398818.2   819.23 2380 15753 1
+  131226  10067.2  -551.69 18700 14393 0
+  131227 2335399.5  -114.33 43457 14638 2
+  131228 149058.0  -221.67 11093 14121 1
+  131229 1794607.2   -97.74 54353 10652 2
+  131230 1247546.0  -868.91 32873 8726 2
+  131231 1914049.8  -798.72 39342 15039 2
+  131232  19080.0   517.51 34046 12750 0
+  131233 264409.6   494.33 10116 14732 1
+  131234  74277.0  -458.92 3691 11667 1
+  131235 252406.0   893.11 47890 9015 2
+  131236  39197.4   197.09 13665 15754 0
+  159743 773910.6  -109.32 25385 13693 2
+  159744 2119915.0   458.24 65186 11169 2
+  167813  37000.5   470.35 49270 14246 0
-00000000  00000021 000001f4 000000f6 00000024
-00000010  00000000 00000076 00008000 00006000
+00000000  00000021 000001f4 00000190 00000000
+00000010  00000000 00000000 00008000 00006000
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 00000030  00001fff 00008000 00007fff 00000000
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-00000050  00000000 00000001 00000007 00000001
-00000060  00000000 00000001 4a435000 47435000
+00000050  00000000 00000001 0000000b 00000000
+00000060  00000000 00000000 4a435000 47435000
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-00000110  b14d76b2 fd498dc5 5ffffd43 77aaa426
-00000120  e8738c1b 05036d44 73ffece1 a7d12443
-00000130  16c4fb60 7cd0fa96 eb1956e5 491975ec
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-00000150  75eaa7e5 e79baaaf 08f5d302 f35d8f67
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-00000170  f53afd3b 687becdf 8ed36ba3 3134f5b3
-00000180  e087a7a2 a7ce159d b741f17c f7e88f94
-00000190  a72019a1 af16f5ae ef53ef27 5fffbcf9
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-00000200  a5c3a61c d572ddb2 77eba63d 8cecf7bc
-00000210  38cafc94 eee45fff b604fd13 7677eae0
-00000220  f88aaedc 77f86cc2 a5bd5fff d5ff6e1a
-00000230  f747e8c7 5fff17ae 6917a7f3 8dc3a7d3
-00000240  dc02e9bb f10dec79 8d91f622 4b9cf509
-00000250  70188b30 5fffd5b4 7a90a6f5 8e26b57f
-00000260  b8546b59 6649a679 a6d1bb70 fd1df51e
-00000270  790ba641 a7988941 53367ba5 fab05fff
-00000280  d13cfd58 f5408dd0 ece3f33e bc74d7ee
-00000290  7862a76a 8beb75a2 bc5f6f5b 8e9f5fff
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-00000300  8cccf542 6f81ebc5 a4dff870 5c357719
-00000310  7deca77f a3be56b1 7ded74e0 fa678b79
-00000320  a5cda01e d1b8eda5 fc31a482 e8fc0a1a
-00000330  f77e7d65 fbca8e30 ea484fff 08c4ed8a
-00000340  f465a6a3 eb93d5bd f36d75cc 7673e665
-00000350  8d3dd1b8 91b2f834 7252a71e 8a64b9dd
-00000360  db5d71e0 795cef2a a7447005 cc4bf2e8
-00000370  5fff5fff fd35ed77 ed4edc23 4e34e773
-00000380  7ae7a5fe a7f32352 ca37ce28 a7655fff
-00000390  21d8ed7a 50b9a418 8d6f447f 3c977bb1
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-00000400  3970fd68 6192a6f0 f9659c64 84854585
-00000410  5fff5fff fc7d8b49 f5c2e352 aaab7b9d
-00000420  ea215fff c47c6df8 fb37a563 5fffb27c
-00000430  fb798a5b a5ba8372 bc455bf4 791a8f4a
-00000440  8db1bb0d 3ba47b14 f6e08adb 8f2014d9
-00000450  8515fc81 884f5fff e597f5ae e5d58f9a
-00000460  ea9d02e8 c9ec77f1 f7b8eb98 8b765846
-00000470  f43af722 7c9b8baf ea30a79d 8a0869e6
-00000480  f9b0e9a6 ec7cc186 ca0068a0 f9eaa6bf
-00000490  5fff4307 7cd08b38 8d44be75 7d02789c
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-00000500  6c518c48 eb81833e d9ebf0c0 5e47a7a4
-00000510  f9e2a75c 15b36a91 7af6eeb0 a6e92cf6
-00000520  f34a6fe1 6c25ed4d f2acf151 76987288
-00000530  f50c8967 a6ae4448 6c9d7a84 df51f9de
-00000540  edb6cbd8 9398eec1 606fa41b a4f683eb
-00000550  ad72713f 7ce88edb ee668667 c870735d
-00000560  7bdda563 a66b8779 4a187b45 fb5fa747
-00000570  5fff321d 7b3485e8 0004939f a7d9cbca
-00000580  43087d5b e544001c fd5f8804 a6fcabbf
-00000590  52a27b2a 782fa7b0 a692679c d3fbe4da
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-00000600  c158b182 ede47948 792aa532 8ce6fcab
-00000610  27587885 f3c0c358 8bcf1bb6 b587f17c
-00000620  7a81c358 c1a95f60 ba1f7700 fb198e4a
-00000630  c39888c1 ea84791c f556a740 c2bb4796
-00000640  0cc0fd16 f51c8b1b 870cf8cf 62ac7a87
-00000650  faf28d10 c282115b 0f5e70ef fcdea7bb
-00000660  8abce132 c2d571dc 7062878a a47e9aa2
-00000670  37e1fc61 c20b5fff 4937f643 72b9a757
-00000680  8e3a7b09 5c13fbaf f3e18a1e c1d9ab85
-00000690  d107f62e f9e5a603 d2b69773 aebaf9e3
-000006a0  6517c13e 5fffbaee 7cf2a54f c2aa0463
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-00000700  ed2bee2d 10086b5d 765ada38 5bf5ce96
-00000710  67459d59 8ff51e97 4b116216 9dc913c4
-00000720  5ab77705 8c0a3fff 1da57a2d 50494eec
-00000730  9000692e 002cc54d 8fd7002c d335fbeb
-00000740  002c6ec6 0000802c 1b131dd1 002c002c
-00000750  791bd88b 6d33d4f2 ddafda0a 7b8fd5e5
-00000760  e802f2dc 802c3fff 002c0000 3fff12bd
-00000770  fb5a8fd8 cd1552f2 d81471a5 802c7d08
-00000780  002c0000 71960ad5 0000802c 0000802c
-00000790  ef3ecc49 002c0ff2 8ff5002c 4afc72e5
-000007a0  10036b09 f6a49b8b 002c3fff 0000802c
-000007b0  71c9957d 9a361482 160aeb92 fd7ad922
-000007c0  1ab154fc fcd79732 4e790fec 0fa549d2
-000007d0  98371b42 5310fc4f f6203fff 3fffe32e
-000007e0  802c002c 002c0000 1bde002c 7c949fa9
-000007f0  0ff54b38 c8900ff9 9a156dea 112972e5
-00000800  0000802c 76c4002c 73a9e68c 6e948fd1
-00000810  72a5d423 0fe74fdf 802c002c 802c0000
-00000820  002c0000 591b063e 7cbad88c 9d9b59df
-00000830  3ffff73c fca79fbe ca763fff 8ff67a26
-00000840  802c7512 002c0000 7c3bd09e 6c9b8fe4
-00000850  0ea6575c 0fff6891 6729f596 10066fef
-00000860  7d5aec77 3fff1bb6 cb420ff5 d577f9e5
-00000870  3fff7c0b fabdd93f 8feb3fff 4ec1f2a5
-00000880  0000802c 1f07002c 0fe13fff 9ce55145
-00000890  3fffd0b9 7a72f3d7 802c3fff 802c0000
-000008a0  1f750000 888e3fff eccf750b 9fa97450
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-000008c0  f850d2f2 8ffc3fff e437fc6e f30c7c57
-000008d0  3ffff675 70f4f62c 49224b03 eab58ff8
-000008e0  716f8a62 f2bdccf8 3fff19d3 fc0b9004
-000008f0  ef78eb76 0000802c 0000802c c6ce0ffa
-00000900  002cf8ad 0000802c ea15f3a2 8ffc56f1
-00000910  c40c7d90 002cfd0b 0000802c f6459dd1
-00000920  56163fff 802c3fff 002c0000 7af19d13
-00000930  18b73fff 002c3fff 5a68002c 4b753fff
-00000940  74218ff4 f7d3ea4e 79fb9002 7ce1cf63
-00000950  facd8fe9 fd279b26 690c3fff 002c56f2
-00000960  50b5002c f7008fe4 0000802c 0000802c
-00000970  6e2098c4 00003fff 563a5fd8 563b8198
-00000980  563c7608 563daf80 563e0d58 563ff1d0
-00000990  5640e338 56410998 5642a938 56435aa0
-000009a0  56441398 5645cd28 56465750 5647f668
-000009b0  564807f8 5649f2e0 564a6558 564b25c0
-000009c0  564cd3f0 564db9c0 564e7cb8 564fff20
-000009d0  56505068 565102b0 5652e9c8 5653fa90
-000009e0  56542380 565554c8 5656fac0 5657a570
-000009f0  56581278 56593720 565a4ae0 565b28f8
-00000a00  565c53d0 565d47e8 565efb58 565fc720
-00000a10  56602528 5661f048 56624cf0 56631270
-00000a20  56645280 5665b370 566694c0 56675508
-00000a30  56681fa8 56697358 566aaea0 566b65f8
-00000a40  566c3d90 566daef0 566eeef0 566faeb8
-00000a50  56708470 5671e3c8 5672a028 5673cab8
-00000a60  56747bd8 5675de30 56765188 56770d80
-00000a70  5678dd48 56793978 567a5298 567bab70
-00000a80  567c1f88 567d9110 567e72d8 567fa838
-00000a90  56802208 5681ed18 5682f640 56838f70
-00000aa0  56842a28 5685af48 56867e10 5687ce70
-00000ab0  56881580 56898290 568a0770 568bfa58
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-00000b00  569c2e00 569d7ec8 569e5d30 569f1ed0
-00000b10  56a01040 56a12ac8 56a201a8 56a3ed10
-00000b20  56a4cd20 56a58740 56a6c840 56a75d60
-00000b30  56a82ba8 56a9f458 56aab918 56ab5728
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-00000b80  56bc4bb0 56bd26a8 56be9b28 56bf5158
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-00000c30  56e851c8 56e9ad40 56ea40d0 56ebf838
-00000c40  56ec6e28 56ed2e20 56ee9b10 56ef4848
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-00000c60  56f4e8f8 56f5f458 56f6e638 56f78b48
-00000c70  56f83f18 56f97108 56fa3b60 56fba118
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-00000d40  6d1580a9 6d16ab19 d534c3c1 7b354a12
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-00000d60  b2ef6e2a b2f04aba b2f182a2 b2f2f432
-00000d70  b2f396b2 b2f46aca b2f55982 b2f6535a
-00000d80  b2f7164a b2f8dcba b2f92932 b2fab8aa
-00000d90  b2fbb3e2 b2fc4a9a b2fd4d0a b2fee73a
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-00000dc0  b307ce22 b308e742 b309eb92 b30a8eca
-00000dd0  b30bfaaa b30c341a b30dcb72 b30e2782
-   22074  26613.9   302.66 62172 11259 0
-   22075 145964.9  -732.80 64696 12339 2
-   22076 873956.8   -49.38 29107 11969 2
-   22077      0.0     0.00 0 5616 -1
-   22078 280958.5  -852.44 25185 8619 2
-   22079  61726.3   513.29 62349 15930 1
-   22080 862171.1   344.61 62471 15463 2
-   22081 348746.4  -666.31 46538 8499 1
-   22082 276812.2   333.85 63149 13607 2
-   22083 2054402.0   860.88 15069 11092 2
-   22084 2011104.2  -818.09 59775 8819 2
-   22085  -9376.5   934.69 5975 14757 0
-   22086 1802119.4   174.97 46529 10986 2
-   22087 109676.8   986.53 33888 16077 2
-   22088 123045.4   -42.36 14934 8447 1
-   22089 350353.1  -458.99 61405 15964 1
-   22090   5129.8   198.63 29587 11435 0
-   22091 2976880.8   912.14 63202 9400 2
-   22092 188419.7  -250.55 60229 14974 1
-   22093  37501.1   317.26 5722 14136 0
-   22094 648974.6   766.51 23807 12183 2
-   22095 340260.1  -876.51 40435 16356 1
-   22096 2297103.2   764.87 47784 10765 2
-   22097  -8606.7   450.61 45389 8278 0
-   22098 2040479.8  -928.30 64835 15673 2
-   22099      0.0     0.00 0 8018 -1
-   22100  55854.3   501.12 35867 9328 1
-   22101   7368.2   160.19 1283 10905 0
-   22102  26088.2   335.14 9283 16216 0
-   22103 373367.8  -752.84 5828 13486 1
-   22104 -14489.0   881.41 22245 8783 0
-   22105  16693.0   413.96 18713 9956 0
-   22106 1577227.5  -991.19 37826 10588 2
-   22107      0.0     0.00 0 1311 -1
-   22108 181413.8   455.66 4369 10874 1
-   22109      0.0     0.00 0 2301 -1
-   22110 384672.7   413.61 43695 16235 1
-   22111   5374.3    -8.99 2293 14564 0
-   22112 2855720.2  -312.67 51863 9381 2
-   22113  -2634.1  -632.92 61477 15881 0
-   22114 370020.1   483.62 63000 10654 1
-   22115 407962.4  -922.75 62778 8782 2
-   22116  26040.8    94.78 27555 10832 0
-   22117 2546109.8  -403.98 12596 13934 2
-   22118 347678.0   -39.62 5533 12952 1
-   22119 371691.5  -254.44 46913 10913 1
-   22120 2954601.5  -514.61 6561 9205 2
-   22121 282814.5  -403.11 44822 11883 1
-   22122  42483.2  -200.77 48377 13780 0
-   22123      0.0     0.00 0 3263 -1
-   22124      0.0     0.00 0 1970 -1
-   22125  66037.3  -704.17 31320 13790 1
-   22126  24712.8    28.90 21129 15838 0
-   22127  -3397.9  -696.07 25820 13783 0
-   22128  38354.0  -642.48 18174 12430 0
-   22129  -7347.8   723.75 13378 15481 0
-   22130      0.0     0.00 0 5125 -1
-   22131 297476.8   485.28 35517 14679 1
-   22132 1933034.0  -851.71 55946 12155 2
-   22133 220208.5   697.86 60372 15302 1
-   22134      0.0     0.00 0 2609 -1
-   22135 1235411.1  -492.40 55043 8624 2
-   22136 901873.4  -472.15 34490 15273 2
-   22137 324212.0   900.10 5443 10031 1
-   22138 111667.1   658.08 54808 10835 1
-   22139  18273.7  -343.87 43499 13678 0
-   22140      0.0     0.00 0 1009 -1
-   22141 2259727.2   921.17 56416 12834 2
-   22142 1383898.0  -709.32 42524 11867 2
-   22143 149584.9   -29.04 54642 13575 1
-   22144 189842.2   515.27 63420 9281 1
-   22145 1686411.5  -859.04 14538 15779 2
-   22146      0.0     0.00 0 7880 -1
-   22147  40319.9  -907.07 46596 12782 0
-   22148  15708.4   439.36 44764 9541 0
-   22149  -7605.7   151.52 30712 13801 0
-   22150      0.0     0.00 0 4034 -1
-   22151 147767.5   175.58 54783 14798 1
-   22152   8260.2  -480.31 6062 8880 0
-   22153      0.0     0.00 0 4178 -1
-   22154 392720.4   101.33 42963 8430 1
-   22155 2037009.1  -108.71 56322 16203 2
-   22156  23696.9  -242.63 63010 13819 0
-   22157 1951515.6  -375.60 19356 10290 2
-   22158 1094502.1   218.45 54708 15744 2
-   22159      0.0     0.00 0 5262 -1
-   22160 263285.9   688.66 46463 8869 1
-   22161 2213580.5   129.80 47188 14833 2
-   22162 212046.3    74.50 47984 12979 1
-   22163 247645.1  -378.99 64797 14334 1
-   22164 191271.8   582.94 35137 15785 1
-   22165 342368.6   775.43 21302 13118 1
-   22166      0.0     0.00 0 2186 -1
-   22167 -14910.0  -934.29 53564 14641 0
-   22168 2059639.1  -384.55 62270 9136 2
-   22169  26135.7   -15.43 48244 11904 0
-   22170 318641.2   542.23 30114 12138 1
-   22171 1323153.6   201.46 48223 10762 2
-   22172      0.0     0.00 0 1472 -1
-   22173 2442888.5  -969.77 57792 12249 2
-   22174 2297103.2  -442.01 27129 11174 2
-   22175 166616.7  -388.70 62078 9178 1
-   22176 632132.9  -159.71 62585 8712 2
-   22177      0.0     0.00 0 1369 -1
-   22178  26855.1  -948.00 39631 8245 0
-   22179      0.0     0.00 0 7586 -1
-   22180 1689471.6  -331.29 9105 14756 2
-   22181 245946.5  -972.26 41114 12520 1
-   22182 2666700.8   681.61 20797 14600 2
-   22183 2899390.5   591.75 22058 11180 2
-   22184  13532.6   407.45 216 9589 0
-   22185      0.0     0.00 0 7819 -1
-   22186    930.6  -993.32 59570 14115 0
-   22187   3876.1  -537.14 38499 10981 0
-   22188 1913005.5  -126.51 35042 12504 2
-   22189 158895.8  -370.48 64471 11041 1
-   22190  31855.4   910.19 48791 13787 0
-   22191 837958.8  -384.88 36044 11380 2
-   22192  19911.5   204.77 63600 14058 0
-   22193  90404.9   470.94 23605 12924 1
-   22194 329332.4   995.45 22193 10335 1
-   22195  41005.9   369.06 32237 8644 1
-   22196 1180330.9  -676.67 40990 9496 2
-   22197 152646.9  -166.99 53688 13984 1
-   22198  71655.9  -823.36 2586 14497 1
-   22199   8858.4   939.50 63358 12043 0
-   22200 2231963.0  -787.82 20479 14890 2
-   22201  13273.8  -165.07 2244 9494 0
-   22202 228577.6  -350.11 54717 10695 1
-   22203  18936.7   408.33 62317 16211 0
-   22204   3194.7   438.61 53688 10614 0
-   22205 1813330.9  -531.64 37298 9429 2
-   22206 281885.5   278.88 47581 13157 1
-   22207 876919.9   265.58 56157 10795 2
-   22208  42581.9   603.53 28677 14099 0
-   22209 299888.1  -297.39 52299 13552 1
-   22210      0.0     0.00 0 3749 -1
-   22211      0.0     0.00 0 1431 -1
-   22212  29812.8  -920.38 56355 15191 0
-   22213  28761.8   -84.64 20020 9740 0
-   22214 168256.1   714.81 9042 11592 1
-   22215 392720.4    -5.28 51767 13687 1
-   22216      0.0     0.00 0 7295 -1
-   22217 316130.2  -163.94 8664 15470 1
-   22218  53675.4     7.00 17535 14466 1
-   22219 1894768.1   779.43 15511 15238 2
-   22220 121715.2    17.67 53442 11214 2
-   22221 -12257.2  -357.70 8999 12447 0
-   22222      0.0     0.00 0 7783 -1
-   22223 152955.4    82.04 40296 9289 1
-   22224  31612.0   166.92 56511 10923 0
-   22225 844691.9   626.98 15712 13048 2
-   22226  13228.5   484.65 26453 11114 0
-   22227 274982.5  -343.58 17467 12513 1
-   22228  16221.6   735.00 12435 9611 0
-   22229  16273.5   871.27 35945 9281 0
-   22230  94374.9   714.20 2100 10615 1
-   22231  -8997.8  -215.85 46594 12530 0
-   22232  -5407.5  -922.36 10317 8542 0
-   22233      0.0     0.00 0 7890 -1
-   22234  -7226.1  -845.89 50498 15391 0
-   22235    239.5  -194.26 58464 11665 0
-   22236 105285.4  -284.30 46263 8328 1
-   22237 322686.3  -940.71 14704 15272 1
-   22238 261075.3    44.42 40036 13602 1
-   22239 -10127.6     2.05 33925 11729 0
-   22240      0.0     0.00 0 6614 -1
-   22241      0.0     0.00 0 4214 -1
-   22242 1123409.9  -850.61 58194 11620 2
-   22243  -2332.5   772.78 43691 8620 0
-   22244      0.0     0.00 0 5674 -1
-   22245  12692.6   173.04 50300 8467 0
-   22246 122246.2  -739.73 45692 12799 1
-   22247      0.0     0.00 0 2131 -1
-   22248 868050.6  -760.95 33650 10809 2
-   22249 146864.3    23.99 48197 13736 1
-   22250 2793180.8   586.70 47885 10266 2
-   22251 2005949.8   728.73 15268 16135 2
-   22252 999931.3  -459.58 5337 11717 2
-   22253 2704235.0  -852.07 34069 9668 2
-   22254      0.0     0.00 0 4962 -1
-   22255 448413.7  -403.11 58775 10505 2
-   22256 2967955.8   -70.89 744 9753 2
-   22257  14601.5   516.60 51692 10297 0
-   22258  19032.7  -504.14 22598 10112 0
-   22259 1176718.2  -472.76 62522 8722 2
-   22260 1246628.8   861.62 42909 15647 2
-   22261  12914.1   110.73 35336 16011 0
-   22262  10971.0  -625.64 49542 15559 0
-   22263  23763.7    96.29 51712 12649 0
-   22264 240062.5  -641.38 17159 10211 1
-   22265      0.0     0.00 0 3617 -1
-   22266 1103698.0   881.41 48757 10092 2
-   22267 1824588.8   555.87 32002 13347 2
-   22268 263285.9  -130.75 22869 10089 2
-   22269  23920.2   954.93 59380 12622 0
-   22270 2478297.0  -863.83 46390 15060 2
-   22271  42351.9   952.07 58221 16210 0
-   22272 337113.7   865.69 18034 11372 1
-   22273 331395.6   189.57 43549 15476 1
-   22274  -8449.0  -759.00 53067 14399 0
-   22275  99614.7   268.90 51068 11121 1
-   22276  24077.3   888.61 16697 8898 0
-   22277 560311.8  -743.55 8119 8538 2
-   22278  28534.4  -372.23 61047 8790 0
-   22279 329332.4   -83.17 30169 12444 1
-   22280 2267169.8    -7.31 30671 10930 2
-   22281 263285.9   396.09 31804 9394 1
-   22282 2228278.5   503.06 8867 12729 2
-   22283  22215.1   567.66 47920 10742 0
-   22284 1447854.5   144.36 33598 11572 2
-   22285  18593.8  -234.75 55787 9514 0
-   22286 348746.4    30.95 42844 12533 1
-   22287 -11789.9   119.14 5555 9751 0
-   22288  38692.5   719.42 11510 15588 0
-   22289 258001.3   213.36 62282 10464 1
-   22290  28736.4   141.66 61777 12913 0
-   22291   -233.4   285.40 30360 8572 0
-   22292 649784.0  -376.08 17480 12528 2
-   22293 233044.8   685.13 27805 13520 1
-   22294 -11734.1   -34.69 52184 8286 0
-   22295  31477.3  -188.60 37784 11004 0
-   22296  54137.5    39.21 33771 14856 1
-   22297  95498.0   247.88 44402 11845 1
-   22298 2562243.5   890.51 34407 9894 2
-   22299  36453.0   312.67 51312 12850 0
-   22300 122246.2   794.26 34681 12623 1
-   22301 206718.5   744.18 18968 9799 1
-   22302 301341.1  -752.52 12829 14049 1
-   22303      0.0     0.00 0 8176 -1
-   22304 161122.5   738.78 37791 9489 2
-   52170 377862.8   935.49 17160 8884 1
-   58692 402642.5  -937.09 43967 15170 2
-   58693 266401.7   735.63 21154 14579 1
-   58694 355202.8   530.51 26524 8608 1
-   58695 221786.6   -63.66 54267 14737 1
-   58696   8697.7  -909.41 47134 10303 0
-   58697 2829729.8  -700.26 20510 10149 2
-   58698  20330.7   391.54 5205 15529 0
-   76862  -9741.1   345.20 37844 13123 0
-   93459 249351.5  -755.43 22563 15232 1
-   93460 453491.2  -632.11 56279 15419 2
-   93461 338160.3  -474.99 5097 12309 1
-   93462  39313.2   -74.50 35247 13667 0
-  120116  14828.4  -566.69 3761 14456 0
-  162613 137746.2  -614.48 8716 10562 1
-  176875 372249.7   -73.83 61388 15833 1
-  176876 2656336.5   571.08 8331 12096 2
-  176877  34917.6  -190.55 45442 12931 0
-  176878   1903.9   598.38 60900 15978 0
-  176879 109676.8   590.74 64683 11717 1
-  176880 1677253.1   550.42 10072 10583 2
-  176881  29258.5  -326.22 7094 12372 0
-  176882 1287063.8  -254.44 46471 16006 2
-  176883  29258.5   684.25 24416 13014 0
-  176884   3587.3   465.92 47647 11609 0
-  176885 2280233.5  -730.29 35009 11056 2
-  176886  36319.6   587.20 60036 10859 0
-  176887 297958.0  -388.20 18326 8905 1
-  176888  15938.0  -908.24 3264 15255 0
-  176889 1070606.4  -378.67 63695 9510 2
-  176890 273615.6   686.01 25260 14101 2
-  176891 1742062.5  -718.19 4443 13948 2
-  176892  12350.6   239.53 3934 10579 0
-  176893 361190.8  -886.71 57650 10657 1
-  176894 966846.1   265.13 49877 15591 2
-  176895 335026.8   225.49 39586 13539 2
-  176896  70913.7  -840.47 14305 10286 1
-  176897      0.0     0.00 0 3413 -1
-  176898   6680.7  -429.68 18743 10506 0
-  176899 309169.8   291.46 31497 15297 1
-  176900 2250447.2  -778.76 23571 11454 2
-  176901 809507.6  -330.86 43909 9217 2
-  176902   4943.4  -425.83 53511 14091 0
-  176903 169906.2  -640.01 38771 14788 1
-  176904 -15598.6  -639.46 44730 15592 0
-  176905   1504.5    65.35 47854 15730 0
-  176906      0.0     0.00 0 4569 -1
-  176907 117005.9   894.34 1123 16213 1
-  176908  14804.0  -585.70 48849 9859 0
-  176909  25534.4   592.76 19916 14702 0
-  176910 109429.7  -447.34 38963 9456 1
-  186861        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 0 0
-  186862        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 0 0
-  186863     3670   395190     0.00  -952.88 0 0 0x40 0xc0 1 0
-  186864     -310   399270   830.09   444.09 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 1 0
-  186865   380550  1573200  -409.03   388.03 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 0 0
-  186866  1529100        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x00 0 -1
-  186867   833410   478300     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x40 0 0
-  186868    -2490   401610  -992.89     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 1 0
-  186869     1520     3110     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x40 1 1
-  186870   398390      710  -100.98  -177.01 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 0 1
-  186871    -3490   402500   130.03     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 1 0
-  186872    27510     4740   433.94    24.00 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 1 1
-  186873  2468920  2795860    82.99     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 0 0
-  186874   396930     2070    47.00     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 0 1
-  186875   754330  2580980     0.00   466.92 0 0 0x40 0xc0 0 0
-  186876    29100        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x00 1 -1
-  186877   170490  2544600   660.06     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 0 0
-  186878     5070     6590     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x40 1 1
-  186879    -1180   400150     0.00    -2.00 0 0 0x40 0xc0 1 0
-  186880        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x40 0 0
-  186881   388250    10820  -799.04   189.00 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 0 1
-  186882        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0xc0 0 0
-  186883  2589120  1938480     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x40 0 0
-  186884        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x40 0 0
-  186885    22560    14020   586.95   159.03 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 1 1
-  186886    26950    16020   -29.00   768.16 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 1 1
-  186887   -10240        0   -89.99   -89.99 0 0 0xc0 0x00 1 -1
-  186888        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 0 0
-  186889   642720        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x00 0 -1
-  186890   388540    10380  -750.91     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 0 1
-  186891     3420    21310   258.95   902.81 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 1 1
-  186892        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 0 0
-  186893   124180    -8300     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x40 0 1
-  186894        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 0 0
-  186895     2830   396060  -198.97     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 1 0
-  186896        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x40 0 0
-  186897   396930     2020   297.00     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 0 1
-  186898    -2050   401030     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x40 1 0
-  186899  2040920        0  -447.92  -447.92 0 0 0xc0 0x00 0 -1
-  186900        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0xc0 0 0
-  186901   969220   842520   262.98     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 0 0
-  186902  1758920  1045680  -133.01     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 0 0
-  186903    24230    14100  -948.00     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 1 1
-  186904  1857420  1219020     0.00  -884.05 0 0 0x40 0xc0 0 0
-  186905   394310     4630     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x40 0 1
-  186906     1450   374070     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x40 1 0
-  186907  1978180  1386920     0.00  -834.01 0 0 0x40 0xc0 0 0
-  186908    10570        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x00 1 -1
-  186909   -16530        0   -52.99   -52.99 0 0 0xc0 0x00 1 -1
-  186910        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0xc0 0 0
-  186911        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x40 0 0
-  186912  2113840  3099700     0.00   859.04 0 0 0x40 0xc0 0 0
-  186913     2160   396930     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x40 1 0
-  186914   398100      960     0.00   172.00 0 0 0x40 0xc0 0 1
-  186915  1733100   493640   297.00     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 0 0
-  186916        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 0 0
-  186917   -18010     -430     0.00   323.02 0 0 0x40 0xc0 1 1
-  186918   386530    12460   185.00   288.97 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 0 1
-  186919     6100   392870     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x40 1 0
-  186920        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0xc0 0 0
-  186921        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 0 0
-  186922    23770    24150     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x40 0 1
-  186923    22570    26430   873.14     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 1 1
-  186924  2534560        0  -478.05  -478.05 0 0 0xc0 0x00 0 -1
-  186925  3123860        0  -866.06  -866.06 0 0 0xc0 0x00 0 -1
-  186926     1750   397220   658.08   377.05 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 1 0
-  186927        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 0 0
-  186928     7000   392000   826.90   149.00 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 1 0
-  186929    19450   307080     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x40 1 0
-  186930     -960   399850     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x40 1 0
-  186931   -15350    -6170    82.00     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 1 1
-  186932   401910    -2960     0.00   935.09 0 0 0x40 0xc0 0 1
-  186933  2078480        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x00 0 -1
-  186934   396930     2180     0.00  -640.01 0 0 0x40 0xc0 0 1
-  186935    15090        0   810.07   810.07 0 0 0xc0 0x00 1 -1
-  186936    24560        0  -702.06  -702.06 0 0 0xc0 0x00 1 -1
-  186937   394020     4900  -288.97     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 0 1
-  186938        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 0 0
-  186939  2917540        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x00 0 -1
-  186940   391130     7860     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x40 0 1
-  186941  2356320        0    -7.00    -7.00 0 0 0xc0 0x00 0 -1
-  186942   -11920        0   679.86   679.86 0 0 0xc0 0x00 1 -1
-  186943        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 0 0
-  186944  3040420        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x00 0 -1
-  186945    61180    -3210   375.92   346.98 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 0 1
-  186946  3099700        0  -831.16  -831.16 0 0 0xc0 0x00 0 -1
-  186947  2451220  2735260     0.00   662.89 0 0 0x40 0xc0 0 0
-  186948    -1580     8690     0.00   685.13 0 0 0x40 0xc0 1 1
-  186949    10380        0  -538.06  -538.06 0 0 0xc0 0x00 1 -1
-  186950   398980     -110  -845.17   836.88 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 0 1
-  186951   -10550        0  -438.99  -438.99 0 0 0xc0 0x00 1 -1
-  186952   -16640     2040   240.04     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 1 1
-  186953     1160   397810     0.00  -121.00 0 0 0x40 0xc0 1 0
-  186954   109370     3330   253.03  -291.96 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 0 1
-  186955  1682200        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x00 0 -1
-  186956   401320    -2300  -810.07  -203.98 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 0 1
-  186957        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 0 0
-  186958   398390      480     0.00  -559.93 0 0 0x40 0xc0 0 1
-  186959        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0xc0 0 0
-  186960   -11550    18430  -112.98     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 1 1
-  186961   398980      100   956.97  -903.97 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 0 1
-  186962        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0xc0 0 0
-  186963  2589120        0  -430.05  -430.05 0 0 0xc0 0x00 0 -1
-  186964    16440        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x00 1 -1
-  186965        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 0 0
-  186966  2400560        0   717.88   717.88 0 0 0xc0 0x00 0 -1
-  186967  1474600        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x00 0 -1
-  186968        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x40 0 0
-  186969    28100        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x00 1 -1
-  186970     2300   396640     0.00   340.06 0 0 0x40 0xc0 1 0
-  186971    -1670   400730  -510.00   646.07 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 1 0
-  186972     5560   393440   887.85  -706.89 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 1 0
-  186973  1954460        0  -914.88  -914.88 0 0 0xc0 0x00 0 -1
-  186974    -1130    18440     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x40 1 1
-  186975        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x40 0 0
-  186976     7120   392000     0.00  -465.92 0 0 0x40 0xc0 1 0
-  186977        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 0 0
-  186978  1483720        0   176.03   176.03 0 0 0xc0 0x00 0 -1
+00000080  00000320 222b000c 796a8a92 8f11ed60
+00000090  7ee27aab 7902ed26 002cff3f 5fff2ebc
+000000a0  eeb9a70d 5fff6b85 5546a467 5fff1f86
+000000b0  f27fef12 8d4812f1 8ba9fa75 f7738ee6
+000000c0  85d8108f 9690650c ebd55fff c4197d0a
+000000d0  9d4c004c eecaa668 845c9eed 44e57bf4
+000000e0  e178eba0 fa0022ff 0161ee6e 77928a6d
+000000f0  a5349dd3 89877d0f 783b8e40 88b057b9
+00000100  6271f586 72e6fad9 eea43201 11167a52
+00000110  fab7ead6 5fff5a7b 7c29a5fa 8eabbdea
+00000120  66617cd0 79f4a6f8 a78d55c9 a0dcfd13
+00000130  fdf18cb5 8c6c6dbb fb226da5 00055fff
+00000140  8a3f2b9a fa6cfdef 3dfa0029 ee678adf
+00000150  8a26d6a3 b5577d38 76feebf4 a6416118
+00000160  6504ce50 ee9b5fff b500f29a 7bc08d18
+00000170  a7a60a38 25ba7183 8c965fff 1e807dd4
+00000180  701b0005 fbefa7fb 04f1d808 a69c9bab
+00000190  86ab7ac1 7cd2a7ed 5fffe87e f358e90c
+000001a0  e6cdcc1e 149c6fce 7da3a6ea a6e70dcc
+000001b0  6725799d e7a3e8f9 e660e56e cdf562d0
+000001c0  73a7ed37 88ccb30c 2caff98e e5658e0a
+000001d0  a5e61a90 bd1278ff 6d6ea719 8ed2d0cc
+000001e0  f4a8730e 6e798bb5 ea198cc8 1cacfd8a
+000001f0  faf3ec18 f88c494f 683bce94 5a33a76a
+00000200  a48a42bb 94bd73ef fcc5ec6e e8d55cff
+00000210  60946fe5 f5ec8cf1 eda3ddf4 6405fcd1
+00000220  f94e5fff 06b3fc61 7bf6a7cd ec8080fd
+00000230  b7a37993 fcb1ed11 8b8e113a 42e0e23a
+00000240  f991ee7a 5fff1648 6b4485ee 8edede0b
+00000250  7ec47584 717a8d2d 8e59b1ca 15847aaa
+00000260  7bb3a3ce eeaa4d9c d687fcef 7b3ced12
+00000270  8f3d8dd4 ff8b7c7b 76eaedd0 e9bee10a
+00000280  681c7bee 6feefa56 a4887144 3a6877a6
+00000290  7d9d86db e5dde767 a444f6c5 75318dd3
+000002a0  8de914df 6c7c7c09 e8caeb4c a3b70f8b
+000002b0  9861f825 7daba4cd a6408bee 8d9073b9
+000002c0  fb4486b4 8a908192 5bfe73b8 62dded7d
+000002d0  f89165be 1c4bec96 77d58f5b ed72885b
+000002e0  8e467a15 fdae8ed3 ecee5f22 63be7d70
+000002f0  766c87f3 a650cb09 e38a7985 6ff3f9bd
+00000300  8f40a3ee d0da5eff f7ae8edd 8ca71684
+00000310  c2be75d1 fd9d8f1e e9d7a07c 57f66dc9
+00000320  7cb2a760 a4dab6f7 f2fb742d 7cf8fa90
+00000330  a419632a ea4d7572 6908ed25 a5516151
+00000340  58fd77ac 7996a7d4 5fff8dd7 6e2e8df5
+00000350  8a3b6a81 a3b5725a 7c6a8eaa f4e9be6a
+00000360  36b573cc fa1fe94e 8d529daf ac7e73d2
+00000370  7d72eab5 a55d834e 188debc4 7a518de9
+00000380  8e39ec0b 96c27651 fc3fecda eeb49b76
+00000390  3d78fcf1 fa70ee7e 8d3aea1f 3ee477fe
+000003a0  7ca8ef25 a6c5b917 f5b0f01e 7df48ecd
+000003b0  f550e6a9 d8daf94c fc4f864c ef246059
+000003c0  92c8edb8 7ddae9b6 e8b02e1b b7aff280
+000003d0  79678f08 a4ef12d6 d7257634 fa6da79b
+000003e0  ed7c9e1b e5035347 7c868654 8e6bcb20
+000003f0  357e68e9 6668a6f8 f95c8901 8887e5bc
+00000400  78ac8db8 5fffc83a d8fc8b89 ebdee68b
+00000410  5fefe044 f78da662 a6587eab 330e67a6
+00000420  ea568e0f a6d25d22 9db179e9 7b2a8dfa
+00000430  8f950046 9b1e7df3 f81ea65a 8bbd443d
+00000440  9b2b7b0a 5fff5fff f0458f73 a78644e5
+00000450  f4c76b27 a6a65fff cf3bfcaf a7c15fff
+00000460  11756d4a 7d1ee86a 8ddd6c0e 560bfb51
+00000470  787588fb eef6baca e8e4fb8e 7ac38488
+00000480  8aa8a144 3ffb7dc4 fb66a6df eefdfb93
+00000490  8bcbf4b1 e482a777 5fffeb00 7a8ea4b0
+000004a0  5fff2aa1 7635a576 f82bf4c7 74bcdab8
+000004b0  7c02eaa7 8f0b1475 412eea9b 77e4eea9
+000004c0  ef0d49f9 c4576a06 fa65ee94 ec5b93a2
+000004d0  5f1b69c9 7b948d9b ec9b5e88 4f936de0
+000004e0  7cf3a451 e3ce2e77 829976e8 7b3388bb
+000004f0  8d68c41b 21967bb4 fb1fa625 eedfcd6f
+00000500  888e67bc dc7988d6 a5826c62 906bfb9d
+00000510  7c90a73a 8b801fca 59887c74 52a38f2f
+00000520  a6d0da8d 02807d92 f741ee21 879e550b
+00000530  f737fcd5 7d60f602 8cb2e4d1 c4277aaf
+00000540  e07ced77 8c9a667b 99eefbb1 8be35fff
+00000550  1c8efa36 e4675fff f0a3f142 7785f60c
+00000560  a77cde27 3e8f7979 a6d45fff 6e39fbec
+00000570  7393ea37 a55933e5 68f8ed86 7b57a53c
+00000580  f701f6cd 250bf7b4 7476f86f 8a01a5c8
+00000590  31c673e2 fc57e944 a6c4f002 7b517ccf
+000005a0  79de8f4c a73025cd ed25e9d5 fdb38ce8
+000005b0  5fffbc44 77dfa757 a51731ad 5c6ffdc3
+000005c0  f8c78c6a 8bb90225 b7537829 e91ca7e6
+000005d0  8e75eee9 f52972b8 f79fa7d3 a3e99742
+000005e0  70ce748b 7aa58eca 8e7ba8b6 e52be447
+000005f0  79fc88a0 ed317ab3 e47f7c91 ec93ec82
+00000600  a48a7c7c bfe977af f2128fae eb494153
+00000610  4b3b7c88 e80e8bba 5fff36e6 764ef7ed
+00000620  a66ab5c4 92d0eafa a61a5fff 3d637a17
+00000630  658ba56a eed891a0 d7147bf6 7d5aef47
+00000640  ec0dbb24 07a7f974 f9fe5fff 673f7cf7
+00000650  e98a5fff bc72f5b2 ecc88e4b e901292a
+00000660  0bbf774a fcb58e79 a4a852a1 dc0df06a
+00000670  f2bee8bf a5a1eaa5 8d67ebf1 78aaa748
+00000680  a46cccee 8a40edf2 7b60e304 8bbb739a
+00000690  d9fa7a68 ec5d8ee3 a5bd9656 1fb9fbc8
+000006a0  f4798d99 a77d83cb b168f70d 7556ec1b
+000006b0  84d0814c b30af586 fa388cca a55dbcc0
+000006c0  62457d2b f1578f76 f4969ccc fe2af4be
+000006d0  fd368b95 a6887b43 f7497200 eab95fff
+000006e0  88f2795a fd32edb1 5ffff7d5 7a21eddf
+000006f0  eb6374d1 a8df6653 ed0f8d64 5fffa5a5
+00000700  ea96ea28 5fff95ea 7dec8b7f 8f96a379
+00000710  9860f631 e7128fb7 ed240896 fc127637
+00000720  f85085e0 a74275aa aaab7d40 79558ce1
+00000730  8cb75b18 f8387de9 7180a7ea a5cdd37e
+00000740  69f1f90b 8a5c5fff ed517dbd 773ca7e9
+00000750  8499a685 6cecfa82 77a0a7a5 8be10438
+00000760  ff21fa26 781df9b7 edd7236e 56dbe36c
+00000770  f556a629 84961b82 cf927be5 eeb887e4
+00000780  e6c2177d 62e17878 fb92ed95 e46a2bd4
+00000790  b565e6b7 fc168b59 e71b7963 76d7faba
+000007a0  7466f8ae a751f9a9 916b7cb1 fbe48b75
+000007b0  ef179045 e46add61 79f2a798 eb5c3daf
+000007c0  860d7a96 5fff5fff fa768aa3 8fb0c89b
+000007d0  a847fdea f031ee86 8eb57ec5 80cce76a
+000007e0  ee335fff 7b357ddb f8a5a6e5 a65c25c5
+000007f0  b9a2fa97 e649eaca 8bcf5c94 f726684d
+00000800  79f58923 eeb388b3 522ef61a 77e28490
+00000810  eeefd698 226370ba 7cc6a7ec eac6db34
+00000820  d7baf63e 791def51 a67d7ba1 5dbefdaa
+00000830  73eaeabe 8f27e70e 2f1c7d78 76b8a6d3
+00000840  f6f76ee9 856f5307 7d77e938 5fff494d
+00000850  78afa5c9 899853cf aa3f76bf fb2c8d6a
+00000860  5fffa3d7 f61fa543 a56488e5 ccaff2c3
+00000870  e4438ed9 ee6a449b ae7c7a8e 7d39a57b
+00000880  0005bfa8 a6cbdabd cc1375a6 0082008e
+00000890  68228e03 ec9536c1 840471f2 6536a703
+000008a0  f9545884 6f7d7dd1 fcbea6ef a57aaa22
+000008b0  29dfedff 76c58f2c 8dd98e8a 87b8fc08
+000008c0  606ba54d 5fff88ba a4b05fff 6666760e
+000008d0  63faa6e4 5fff2b0f fb71a7d8 ef230396
+000008e0  3b26f6ed eba4ee39 a442246d e6b0f082
+000008f0  795686e8 a7a297e3 7170711e eeff5fff
+00000900  9f32e741 a7fd5fff 094c7c25 f88ae960
+00000910  8e67490c a9c1ea31 f03aa5c1 8d312b55
+00000920  d451e8c3 fcaf8bb0 8d7b8069 99aefbea
+00000930  77f5eb9a a6f884fe 2784778a f6dda490
+00000940  86dc0e6b bb127cef 6f28eec0 000a3561
+00000950  89f76fff 6329e9c8 76d98df2 0006fea2
+00000960  ee788f85 c0767716 00000000 222b6778
+00000970  222cbbf0 222d5628 2ebc20b0 2ebdbdc0
+00000980  2ebe85c8 2ebf1430 2ec0bf68 2ec14ee8
+00000990  2ec280a8 2ec35218 2ec4ed98 2ec57230
+000009a0  2ec65a10 9d4c23f0 9d4d0f60 9d4eb818
+000009b0  9d4f3d88 9d50fb68 9d51cd68 9d521b78
+000009c0  9d5343c8 9d549688 9d55f310 9d56c0e0
+000009d0  9d578700 9d583f48 9d59a758 9d5a3ce8
+000009e0  9d5bfc80 9d5c4838 9d5d9c80 9d5e3090
+000009f0  2b9af9e9 3dfab0b1 3dfb5199 3dfcbe19
+00000a00  3dfd5489 3dfe8a89 3dffdb11 3e00cdf1
+00000a10  3e01b551 3e02fe91 3e03b8a9 701bbc41
+00000a20  9bab12e9 9bacd449 9bad7571 9bae1821
+00000a30  9bafa069 9bb0a2a1 9bb1d7b1 9bb29ac1
+00000a40  9bb3e2a1 9bb4e111 9bb52669 9bb695d9
+00000a50  9bb7e8f1 9bb84ad9 9bb98301 9bba8c09
+00000a60  9bbb1ee9 9bbcfbc1 9bbd60e1 9bbe7e01
+00000a70  9bbf9481 9bc02f41 9bc13b89 9bc22209
+00000a80  9bc319c1 9bc42049 9bc5afa9 9bc64f29
+00000a90  9bc74cd9 9bc8f939 9bc9ad79 9bcaf621
+00000aa0  9bcbd829 9bcc27b9 9bcd1009 9bce0071
+00000ab0  9bcf4a79 9bd067b1 9bd1bca1 9bd2d069
+00000ac0  9bd31b99 9bd48ca9 9bd5f191 9bd66c89
+00000ad0  9bd74851 9bd8b2e1 9bd96ec9 9bda3b01
+00000ae0  9bdbd5e9 9bdceb91 9bdd40b9 9bded2e1
+00000af0  9bdfc3b1 9be08859 9be14f79 9be2af49
+00000b00  9be3c299 9be4b6d1 9be5be99 9be63321
+00000b10  9be7bc89 9be86c01 9be91c69 9beafc81
+00000b20  9beb2c19 9bec9fe9 9bed6189 9bee8829
+00000b30  9bef43f1 9bf0d909 9bf1c081 9bf22521
+00000b40  9bf3e641 9bf407b9 9bf54521 9bf63811
+00000b50  9bf76c59 9bf86a41 9bf91f11 9bfa5461
+00000b60  9bfb8a71 9bfca0a9 9bfdb5c9 9bfeb081
+00000b70  9bffb9f1 9c003829 9c011c11 9c022781
+00000b80  9c034149 9c048b01 9c05c829 9c065131
+00000b90  9c0754c9 9c082011 9c099ad9 9c0aa6e9
+00000ba0  9c0bb211 9c0c1869 9c0d00f1 9c0eb8d1
+00000bb0  9c0f4981 9c10aca9 9c11a4b9 9c127371
+00000bc0  9c1377b9 9c14bab1 9c15af91 9c167541
+00000bd0  9c17cf29 9c1873b1 9c199991 9c1a3051
+00000be0  9c1b4669 9c1cde41 9c1dc2a1 9c1e95f9
+00000bf0  9c1f64b1 9c20a0d1 9c218fa9 9c222be1
+00000c00  9c238611 9c241e01 9c250189 9c268979
+00000c10  9c270da9 9c28eb59 9c292c79 9c2a77a1
+00000c20  9c2b3869 9c2c1e61 9c2d3d79 9c2e02e9
+00000c30  9c2f5fa9 9c304c79 9c319501 9c325341
+00000c40  9c3388f9 9c34f729 9c354269 9c360151
+00000c50  9c37c021 9c38dff9 9c39ec81 9c3a1e61
+00000c60  9c3b1011 9c3c5dd1 9c3dd961 9c3ee951
+00000c70  9c3f1039 9c404489 9c4101b9 9c42a3f9
+00000c80  9c43fbc1 9c44eaa1 9c459389 9c460871
+00000c90  9c47b379 9c48d691 9c49ac41 9c4acc71
+00000ca0  9c4bc539 9c4c2a51 9c4d0809 9c4e74f1
+00000cb0  9c4f4369 9c505eb1 9c518169 9c5279a1
+00000cc0  9c534c29 9c547491 9c554f11 9c5660c1
+00000cd0  9c57b859 9c5822d1 9c59be01 9c5a4c71
+00000ce0  9c5b66e1 9c5cb4a1 9c5d5811 9c5e9cc9
+00000cf0  9c5f2491 9c60a671 9c618191 9c6251d9
+00000d00  9c63eec9 9c64d4a9 9c657f01 9c66c4c9
+00000d10  9c672931 9c68c9f9 9c69e961 9c6a35d9
+00000d20  9c6b64d9 9c6c18f1 9c6d0a79 9c6e7e61
+00000d30  9c6f7f11 9c70db71 9c71f451 9c72acd9
+00000d40  9c73b2f9 9c749cb9 9c755409 9c76ce41
+00000d50  9c776591 9c783f21 9c79d5e9 9c7a29f9
+00000d60  9c7bc979 9c7cc529 9c7dd751 9c7e0f09
+00000d70  9c7f8ae1 9c8038e9 9c8166e1 9c823a01
+00000d80  9c83d079 9c847fc1 9c85a049 9c863e21
+00000d90  9c87d321 9c8861e9 9c896299 9c8afa49
+00000da0  9c8bccf9 9c8c5309 9c8d4e71 9c8e91c1
+00000db0  9c8f1931 9c904851 9c914949 9c92d8b1
+00000dc0  9c938f61 9c94c5e1 9c95cee9 9c964e11
+00000dd0  9c972b61 9c98ea41 9c9940f9 9c9a8ef1
+00000de0  9c9b4cf9 9c9c5879 9c9d5a29 9c9e0661
+00000df0  9c9f1a31 9ca01521 9ca11b31 9ca20c71
+00000e00  9ca32641 9ca463c9 9ca55249 9ca630a1
+00000e10  9ca7ae99 9ca83879 9ca99309 9caa45c1
+00000e20  9cabf571 9cac7131 9cadc811 9cae19e9
+00000e30  9caf5c09 9cb0d931 9cb1c179 9cb23f49
+00000e40  9cb385f1 9cb40411 9cb5c7d9 9cb6fa49
+00000e50  9cb72421 9cb80811 9cb95711 9cbae979
+00000e60  9cbb8b91 9cbc5f51 9cbd6471 9cbe7641
+00000e70  9cbf0c31 9cc0d1f9 9cc1d6f1 9cc228c1
+00000e80  9cc34281 9cc45b69 9cc581b1 9cc660e9
+00000e90  9cc7d531 9cc8f8f9 9cc92011 9ccae961
+00000ea0  9ccbcd79 9ccc3409 9ccdd789 9cce4669
+00000eb0  9ccf8459 9cd0b639 9cd16b69 9cd24731
+00000ec0  9cd319e1 9cd4cce9 9cd52e39 9cd67679
+00000ed0  9cd7aaf9 9cd88781 9cd9bd01 9cdada61
+00000ee0  9cdb70a9 9cdcc7c9 9cdd1299 9cde8a99
+00000ef0  9cdf8f11 9ce0f011 9ce18eb1 9ce2a739
+00000f00  9ce34b59 9ce4a731 9ce5f219 9ce65fe9
+00000f10  dabda111 00825a62 0083ca8a 0084fbfa
+00000f20  00859892 0086866a 00872a5a 008883a2
+00000f30  0089d6a2 008a3fca 008b012a 008caac2
+00000f40  008d7bda 008edcaa 008f5da2 00907ff2
+00000f50  00918d8a 0092d8ba 00932c6a 0094e7e2
+00000f60  00954b0a 0096f662 00979f32 009813ca
+00000f70  0099ec4a 009ac1ca 009bc972 009cb94a
+00000f80  009d4ce2 009e10b2 009fd5fa 00a08e72
+00000f90  00a1cc62 00a26c9a 00a319ba 00a4ec52
+00000fa0  6fffabea 70005d0a 8f85bd32
+    8747 923196.7   607.16 60768 11503 2
+    8748 2672932.2   696.67 32482 14206 2
+    8749  27760.4   580.70 65343 10949 0
+   11964      0.0     0.00 0 1046 -1
+   11965 274070.7  -187.95 27525 14264 1
+   11966      0.0     0.00 0 4281 -1
+   11967  66745.2    11.53 8070 8838 1
+   11968      0.0     0.00 0 6125 -1
+   11969  41797.1  -284.30 4849 10717 0
+   11970 1831042.8  -680.74 35753 12309 2
+   11971 2584538.5  -489.45 4239 10819 2
+   11972 156063.1    65.04 38544 15795 2
+   11973      0.0     0.00 0 3654 -1
+   11974  20230.3   903.58 50201 11074 0
+   40268 205588.5  -189.33 40685 9342 1
+   40269  64810.6   802.12 17637 8684 2
+   40270  19187.0   -43.93 8959 14083 0
+   40271 -12214.2  -182.01 353 10161 0
+   40272 885849.4   496.00 40403 16237 2
+   40273 110172.1   905.52 35207 14765 1
+   40274 2261586.5   533.24 22457 9071 2
+   40275 512586.8  -396.26 25201 10361 2
+   40276 -15590.2   297.13 12801 13009 0
+   40277  38323.3   670.61 4374 15970 0
+   40278  15539.8  -700.26 23163 14364 0
+   40279      0.0     0.00 0 4320 -1
+   40280 166943.7   820.55 48618 10217 1
+   40281 2466456.2   881.41 26209 13547 2
+   40282 264618.2   644.14 21961 10141 1
+   40283 336591.1  -907.07 41180 16272 1
+   40284 1603697.9  -997.58 28091 10503 2
+   40285 1498153.6   166.99 64290 13200 2
+   40286      0.0     0.00 0 1554 -1
+   76698 840839.9  -996.73 64108 16189 2
+   81402 1004254.6  -181.46 54947 13846 2
+   81403 817030.6   921.57 46423 10803 2
+   81404  20857.7   465.52 24856 14275 0
+   81405 191271.8    -5.37 25860 10897 1
+   81406      0.0     0.00 0 4433 -1
+   81407  38047.9  -287.61 46336 15202 0
+   81408 1754593.4   784.45 2616 14782 2
+   81409 349817.0   255.21 9658 13994 1
+   81410      0.0     0.00 0 8146 -1
+   81411 1558292.2   985.26 7808 14101 2
+   94235 397369.1  -800.41 55304 14216 1
+  105387 225764.8   703.27 34475 8797 1
+  105388 389257.8   882.16 59518 14985 1
+  105389      0.0     0.00 0 3758 -1
+  105390   9044.6  -312.00 52254 8964 0
+  105391   3842.9   211.63 5276 13325 0
+  105392 258438.9   964.79 3532 13396 1
+  105393 257127.4   620.57 26405 15094 1
+  105394   8823.8   -86.40 58734 13144 0
+  105395   3165.6    50.90 52725 15444 0
+  105396  28183.1   322.74 45836 15394 0
+  105397 532187.3  -616.59 11439 9421 2
+  105398 2162646.8   -67.57 6800 12987 2
+  105399 160484.2   579.95 48402 15646 1
+  105400 279571.8   163.10 53452 10587 1
+  105401 2544097.8   302.27 62632 12384 2
+  105402 1254144.9   182.87 36040 12673 2
+  105403  12575.5  -954.52 7340 9181 0
+  105404  21602.5  -718.49 18767 16248 0
+  105405  -7626.6    -5.53 26683 11292 0
+  105406 318641.2    19.79 17083 12224 1
+  105407  73155.8   332.85 38077 12944 1
+  105408  23452.8  -877.26 23807 9704 0
+  105409   8415.5   213.73 24724 10097 0
+  105410 1694068.9  -413.96 56820 9281 2
+  105411  30968.9  -881.78 25605 9016 0
+  105412      0.0     0.00 0 1033 -1
+  105413  -9839.9  -840.47 1715 13813 0
+  105414 371133.8   802.81 33021 10725 1
+  105415  23853.0   617.92 47011 10651 0
+  105416  27244.2  -869.78 4410 16167 0
+  105417 1205826.6   -47.73 17120 13743 2
+  105418  37049.5  -617.39 5704 16068 0
+  105419      0.0     0.00 0 6917 -1
+  105420 163047.6   128.64 56843 9463 2
+  105421 2568311.2   395.92 32452 8705 2
+  105422 1787772.6   254.23 45514 8206 2
+  105423 2308395.8   696.37 5508 10575 2
+  105424  43093.9   780.10 19868 11510 1
+  105425  38507.6  -893.19 54919 14228 0
+  105426  27268.6   741.32 36308 14861 0
+  105427 2765444.8   849.89 65419 9075 2
+  105428  32181.9   461.55 57610 12693 0
+  105429  11293.8   800.07 26652 15922 0
+  105430 -13486.7   214.56 28996 11665 0
+  105431  72778.9   500.27 14952 10506 1
+  105432 251925.8   962.32 59239 13916 2
+  105433   2463.0  -454.29 42052 11737 0
+  105434 2064885.1   382.09 5343 10080 2
+  105435 2103628.2   809.37 27772 15037 2
+  105436  17608.0   -98.04 3979 15730 0
+  105437  40114.1  -528.24 39009 10263 1
+  105438  86547.7   968.11 35822 14940 1
+  105439 190913.7   325.24 36240 14454 1
+  105440 235505.8  -743.87 33170 12555 2
+  105441 921151.6   325.10 23550 10735 2
+  105442  29968.7    51.19 26046 13801 0
+  105443  -7679.0  -148.69 7243 14419 0
+  105444 2829729.8   510.44 34907 14042 2
+  105445  29683.3   653.31 36422 14291 0
+  105446 2546109.8  -969.35 24354 9828 2
+  105447  26398.0   943.94 25534 14225 0
+  105448 392720.4   437.30 51977 11648 2
+  105449 196696.8   614.22 58250 9101 1
+  105450 -11280.2   215.02 41966 16272 0
+  105451 2771829.0    33.49 53466 9603 2
+  105452 2566287.5  -501.98 5764 13309 2
+  105453 1583084.5   409.20 49854 11313 2
+  105454 2700047.2  -962.32 41084 12549 2
+  105455  11636.8   169.59 22518 10366 0
+  105456 313632.5   870.15 46839 15137 1
+  105457  89322.2   341.81 62203 14352 1
+  105458 -14393.0   896.64 25386 9380 0
+  105459  53829.1   392.88 59981 15560 1
+  105460  27735.7   100.68 24913 8439 0
+  105461 117523.1   501.55 22781 10404 1
+  105462 375049.2   618.71 36311 9986 1
+  105463      0.0     0.00 0 3467 -1
+  105464 2124963.5   177.09 27265 11592 2
+  105465 836999.8   279.83 41909 9186 2
+  105466 2464486.5   843.72 48746 10892 2
+  105467  -1446.8   327.90 14005 12622 0
+  105468   9839.9  -656.11 40367 13333 0
+  105469 1847244.1   328.74 44158 14009 2
+  105470  14991.8   944.75 33614 13840 0
+  105471 120658.0  -135.89 6285 14142 1
+  105472 2103628.2   670.32 60427 9989 2
+  105473 2248594.2   432.27 38594 9090 2
+  105474  25922.4  -828.32 39798 9456 0
+  105475  38816.1  -893.96 15736 10281 0
+  105476  37169.6  -679.28 59935 12640 0
+  105477 1808520.2   519.49 16100 14597 2
+  105478  42417.6   866.43 47383 10790 0
+  105479 242572.6  -219.01 62896 10905 1
+  105480 2534054.0   998.86 59049 9218 2
+  105481  -1832.3  -599.40 55514 13147 0
+  105482 195240.2  -834.01 24665 13533 2
+  105483  42384.7  -168.36 37576 13890 0
+  105484  11185.5   987.80 11803 8973 0
+  105485   8009.2  -284.43 47023 8222 0
+  105486 2654267.0   606.38 4822 14106 2
+  105487  93928.2   426.93 55077 10544 1
+  105488 343955.7  -678.41 40475 13717 1
+  105489  29942.7     9.26 58627 13463 0
+  105490 198160.6   853.90 52000 11886 2
+  105491 2342495.5    99.35 13694 12023 2
+  105492 264618.2    75.50 35073 14166 1
+  105493 -10014.3   -70.13 34951 13810 0
+  105494 2017990.6   559.69 51258 11944 2
+  105495      0.0     0.00 0 6629 -1
+  105496 1199723.2   -17.32 59019 11894 2
+  105497  20411.2   -38.50 24559 13106 0
+  105498 203341.0  -494.94 32427 9738 1
+  105499 199631.6    86.51 13070 10445 1
+  105500 2171684.2  -116.17 23842 15304 2
+  105501 248071.0   641.11 40369 14420 1
+  105502 2133895.8   735.63 70 12991 2
+  105503 2956824.5   998.44 39710 11414 2
+  105504 200369.8  -526.66 17469 13338 1
+  105505 1264213.2   725.61 39723 12789 2
+  105506      0.0     0.00 0 1404 -1
+  105507      0.0     0.00 0 4290 -1
+  105508 2881869.5  -222.70 17637 9152 2
+  105509 332948.6   127.05 62663 8241 1
+  105510      0.0     0.00 0 4399 -1
+  105511 229790.2  -869.03 53051 8629 1
+  105512      0.0     0.00 0 7531 -1
+  105513 364485.1   160.61 4469 9615 1
+  105514   7276.6   911.36 27662 12020 0
+  105515 2082436.0  -748.02 22027 9997 2
+  105516 566200.7   546.66 47818 9164 2
+  105517  40893.7  -767.83 59620 10159 0
+  105518  72778.9   703.87 41284 8285 2
+  105519 945893.0   978.53 16379 11253 2
+  105520 253651.8  -754.78 64403 10639 1
+  105521  41118.3  -361.70 35787 12960 0
+  105522 325231.8   -61.30 60160 10856 1
+  105523      0.0     0.00 0 4383 -1
+  105524  80566.9   688.07 10913 16101 1
+  105525      0.0     0.00 0 2125 -1
+  105526 127367.2   427.11 62663 8234 1
+  105527  -6656.8   -20.95 29884 14340 0
+  105528  14763.3   806.95 5237 15359 0
+  105529 2660479.0  -119.66 16686 15760 2
+  105530  38476.8   513.73 18937 9164 0
+  105531  41634.8   112.26 50263 8706 0
+  105532  37834.6  -676.09 37794 11194 0
+  105533  23035.3   109.36 24347 15148 0
+  105534 1968419.1   769.80 24200 15658 2
+  105535  24461.8   171.27 20371 8711 0
+  105536  62913.9   894.72 11895 10385 1
+  105537    673.3   461.16 33433 8247 0
+  105538 520228.5   738.47 50203 13439 2
+  105539 1883223.1   780.43 8598 16248 2
+  105540 181413.8  -732.17 52591 15700 1
+  105541  40161.5    87.33 34958 12913 0
+  105542 539306.8   -25.40 27746 8462 2
+  105543 130674.1  -772.78 36971 13935 1
+  105544 295078.4   857.57 8138 15058 1
+  105545 1188789.1   847.34 22920 13704 2
+  105546 2735781.0     8.63 55949 14734 2
+  105547 247219.7   957.79 640 14503 1
+  105548  34444.2  -479.08 21771 9546 0
+  105549 345547.7  -883.30 63287 8449 2
+  105550  -2649.6   937.49 58577 11934 0
+  105551 1599265.8   697.86 50215 10349 2
+  105552  29812.8   -39.43 26235 11222 0
+  105553 1564102.2  -779.43 39406 12333 2
+  105554      0.0     0.00 0 3892 -1
+  105555 1312774.2  -662.61 7310 10629 2
+  105556      0.0     0.00 0 3730 -1
+  105557   1042.9  -248.20 61603 10722 0
+  105558  -2701.6   493.24 56871 11288 0
+  105559 327790.7   611.07 16015 14091 1
+  105560      0.0     0.00 0 1114 -1
+  105561 248924.2  -799.38 28217 14272 1
+  105562  13018.3   319.99 13285 10638 0
+  105563 119606.9  -164.79 26872 11484 1
+  105564 112168.4   749.95 63181 13972 1
+  105565  -4197.5  -503.28 9483 11010 0
+  105566  -7327.4   352.67 42440 13209 0
+  105567 782624.1   331.01 12742 9362 2
+  105568   9716.5  -836.88 61442 13518 0
+  105569 242153.0   881.03 31569 12338 1
+  105570 2797464.2   638.09 9677 10811 2
+  105571 290320.4  -109.92 60709 15833 1
+  105572 1680302.2  -971.43 48196 14997 2
+  105573      0.0     0.00 0 4064 -1
+  105574 309169.8   512.63 12717 14489 1
+  105575 103134.3  -978.11 23663 9510 1
+  105576 1495329.1  -566.20 549 14655 2
+  105577 1259172.4   529.15 46931 15660 2
+  105578 385243.9  -101.55 61161 9915 1
+  105579 2361584.0   291.33 62761 11419 2
+  105580 374488.2  -498.77 38722 8990 1
+  105581  46776.0   355.86 28878 8527 1
+  105582 2528040.5   694.88 43190 12236 2
+  105583 2373086.8   -59.77 58667 12258 2
+  105584 501605.6   646.35 31411 15214 2
+  105585  28033.4   857.93 58495 16010 0
+  105586  23897.8  -148.50 31868 13723 0
+  105587  73155.8   502.20 49129 13919 1
+  105588 3012760.0  -271.33 16723 13207 2
+  105589  17553.3   854.63 19259 10881 0
+  105590 1260431.2   -90.46 14054 14792 2
+  105591      0.0     0.00 0 3250 -1
+  105592  -6082.2   431.71 46532 10212 0
+  105593 206341.3  -124.63 37584 15037 1
+  105594      0.0     0.00 0 1343 -1
+  105595 177635.7   653.87 15715 14639 1
+  105596 124116.6    68.68 37280 14501 1
+  105597  39940.4   802.81 55060 15082 0
+  105598  43543.2   935.09 47908 8673 0
+  105599  21373.1  -609.76 1959 12636 0
+  105600      0.0     0.00 0 1821 -1
+  105601 -12185.6   896.26 26431 11484 0
+  105602      0.0     0.00 0 1856 -1
+  105603  10602.1  -403.80 48242 14863 0
+  105604 2282103.8  -151.91 10538 12280 2
+  105605   8916.3   480.93 3007 13321 0
+  105606 2369248.2  -871.27 21153 10180 2
+  105607  78966.9  -226.26 56333 14948 1
+  105608   8172.3  -292.08 60069 11325 0
+  105609 139480.7  -138.54 36199 11347 1
+  105610 301826.4   559.21 52462 16201 1
+  105611  67637.1  -172.59 35392 14751 1
+  105612    335.4   752.84 29594 10849 0
+  105613 1261691.1   676.96 55802 10702 2
+  105614 2578445.2  -145.10 38486 12856 2
+  105615 147767.5  -787.15 8121 8998 1
+  105616 1965030.6  -353.13 33739 10506 2
+  105617 328304.1  -468.53 45416 10537 1
+  105618  21665.3   388.20 33100 15126 0
+  105619  87182.8  -396.26 45834 12780 2
+  105620 1634952.4  -663.18 48320 14524 2
+  105621 120658.0   916.45 25157 14813 1
+  105622 2888431.5  -250.44 40140 10690 2
+  105623  -1178.8  -363.72 65066 9580 0
+  105624 1214406.0  -920.78 31555 15688 2
+  105625 217855.5   269.25 63305 10271 1
+  105626      0.0     0.00 0 4574 -1
+  105627  15057.6   603.01 35058 10655 0
+  105628  31343.0  -919.20 63445 11023 0
+  105629      0.0     0.00 0 2885 -1
+  105630  32593.1   656.67 29905 8396 0
+  105631  18031.4    74.82 43231 9030 0
+  105632 1876647.0  -156.60 42405 8868 2
+  105633      0.0     0.00 0 870 -1
+  105634  12795.6  -119.40 38378 8590 0
+  105635      0.0     0.00 0 1224 -1
+  105636 1187578.2   995.45 41849 11385 2
+  105637 2959048.5  -426.38 39008 10825 2
+  105638 3033068.0   -81.20 2198 9748 2
+  105639  27711.0   427.48 64530 13779 0
+  105640 158579.4  -538.06 30122 9999 2
+  105641 298922.0   924.73 43691 12897 1
+  105642 1669646.5   601.72 23320 10424 2
+  105643 1606657.2   994.17 63544 16046 2
+  105644 387534.1   254.88 54142 11814 1
+  105645 152646.9  -582.94 27121 14594 1
+  105646      0.0     0.00 0 829 -1
+  105647 869033.1   975.60 60753 11137 2
+  105648 386960.7   478.05 42629 15142 1
+  105649  76024.4  -684.54 27884 14383 2
+  105650 349281.4   498.98 1080 10217 1
+  105651 1310188.0  -658.08 65313 12478 2
+  105652 -11199.0   526.43 9070 8322 0
+  105653  32373.3   -54.42 22235 14587 0
+  105654 182800.9  -388.20 7042 16201 1
+  105655  75444.8   796.99 53138 9348 2
+  105656 384102.1  -187.87 6013 8450 2
+  105657   3770.6   547.36 25313 10978 0
+  105658  30597.9  -769.14 11220 15663 0
+  105659   1051.2   -78.09 46437 12658 0
+  105660 1142175.4  -813.89 31075 11242 2
+  105661   4382.7  -701.16 30423 11406 0
+  105662  -7987.6   350.26 63913 11976 0
+  105663 306218.4   869.78 37227 8582 1
+  105664 1175515.6  -796.65 36933 14911 2
+  105665  41959.8   -28.05 58474 15070 0
+  105666 342368.6   643.58 15791 9496 1
+  105667  17901.8   690.43 34317 10320 0
+  105668      0.0     0.00 0 2925 -1
+  105669      0.0     0.00 0 4150 -1
+  105670 940702.4  -681.03 51355 11293 2
+  105671 3017265.0  -994.59 43079 15014 2
+  105672  37410.5  -220.80 32453 16159 0
+  105673 2486211.5   -84.32 32972 9218 2
+  105674      0.0     0.00 0 7468 -1
+  105675  34960.9   988.22 31541 14767 0
+  105676 256255.6  -558.02 9669 9857 1
+  105677 201109.9  -690.73 47522 15089 1
+  105678  15339.0   -74.50 23700 10445 0
+  105679 1287063.8    92.93 63270 12427 2
+  105680 596264.9   644.41 34995 14023 2
+  105681  38785.2  -422.20 21038 11629 0
+  105682  74294.4   513.29 54936 10470 2
+  105683  40669.9   234.15 8803 9020 0
+  105684 388682.7   877.64 56116 14749 1
+  105685  15272.5  -428.76 55226 9671 0
+  105686  43878.0   587.45 31649 11983 0
+  105687 213585.2  -967.69 23998 13663 1
+  105688  15140.0   332.14 59150 12528 0
+  105689 2718926.0   947.18 12060 14240 2
+  105690 248497.3   451.77 28393 15180 1
+  105691  -4127.7     9.01 34159 11797 0
+  105692   9569.8   946.78 18765 14585 0
+  105693      0.0     0.00 0 595 -1
+  105694 151417.2   560.41 21455 12627 1
+  105695 690272.3   453.13 43583 12770 2
+  105696 1886516.9  -736.26 41943 15874 2
+  105697      0.0     0.00 0 4566 -1
+  105698 113934.8  -423.11 35045 13543 1
+  105699 122512.2  -292.71 52399 10603 1
+  105700 2558203.8   -59.67 17563 13542 2
+  105701  36571.8   688.07 44668 15939 0
+  105702 128738.2   921.96 49064 11261 1
+  121533 245100.1   401.73 52243 13346 1
+  131202 2150036.8    91.23 14017 11084 2
+  131203  24325.7   267.64 33796 14673 0
+  131204 269541.9    66.22 22660 16255 1
+  131205  -9914.4   984.00 28541 13074 0
+  131206 260634.7  -874.63 43554 12493 1
+  131207 128463.2  -173.56 10719 9547 1
+  131208 2729452.2   454.29 36490 12404 2
+  131209 2075403.8  -809.03 34744 15060 2
+  131210 116490.3    39.15 35002 10233 1
+  131211      0.0     0.00 0 37 -1
+  131212      0.0     0.00 0 5464 -1
+  131213  80566.9   420.04 26214 12155 1
+  131214 255820.4    57.83 11023 15253 1
+  131215      0.0     0.00 0 2996 -1
+  131216 377299.0  -758.35 918 12286 1
+  131217  42351.9  -462.15 15142 12721 0
+  131218  35134.3  -134.04 9325 15127 0
+  131219  60387.5  -228.60 59056 9613 1
+  131220 257564.1   601.98 38883 15612 2
+  131221 347678.0   244.40 29040 10593 1
+  131222      0.0     0.00 0 7884 -1
+  131223  41182.6   -82.85 40754 13286 0
+  131224      0.0     0.00 0 633 -1
+  131225 398536.9   819.14 2380 15753 1
+  131226  10064.6  -551.60 18700 14393 0
+  131227 2334889.0  -114.34 43457 14638 2
+  131228 148977.5  -221.66 11093 14121 1
+  131229 1794139.5   -97.75 54353 10652 2
+  131230 1247879.4  -869.03 32873 8726 2
+  131231 1914669.2  -798.70 39342 15039 2
+  131232  19071.2   517.49 34046 12750 0
+  131233 264618.2   494.30 10116 14732 1
+  131234  74294.4  -458.99 3691 11667 1
+  131235 252356.6   893.19 47890 9015 2
+  131236  39188.5   197.11 13665 15754 0
+  159743 773493.8  -109.31 25385 13693 2
+  159744 2119616.2   458.20 65186 11169 2
+  167813  36989.5   470.34 49270 14246 0
 *** test 500 10000 0 1
 *** test 500 10000 1 1
 *** test 500 100000 0 1
@@ -4269,1154 +4296,1154 @@ ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 998 CLIDRegistry entries for
 *** test 501 100000 1 1
 *** test 501 187652 0 1
 *** test 501 400 0 0
-    5924  -9976.4  -508.00 31508 15648 0
-  151354 111435.6   121.30 43944 16380 1
-  169219  10440.2  -341.33 46445 15552 0
-  182422      0.0     0.00 3297 5890 -1
-   30888 1112034.4   154.24 12073 15740 2
-  142665      0.0     0.00 21255 504 -1
-   69415  31768.1    -7.74 60751 8449 0
-  132437 259506.2   282.90 8084 9216 1
-   11614 1323417.8   729.47 556 9680 2
-   25783 323702.9  -878.77 43130 10903 1
-   71465  -2670.8   452.61 1728 15717 0
-  105441 921066.6   325.09 23550 10735 2
-  167504 191383.8    85.38 51399 8926 1
-   31697 155443.3  -959.43 26865 11805 1
-  100635 144775.1   999.77 4221 10478 1
-   52210  36679.1   426.91 61349 10224 0
-   71343 130472.2   739.26 52947 9673 1
-   42115   4414.9   800.07 25226 15101 0
-   19203 1289913.0  -972.33 59647 8783 2
-  147543  32404.8   871.56 8773 14983 0
-   24067 1201304.4  -469.76 59728 16055 2
-   29182  93323.1  -628.48 36707 12237 1
-   62839 284026.4  -569.16 43942 15367 1
-  169214 2626130.2  -791.87 26382 12526 2
-  167412  33352.1   186.29 20423 12162 0
-   81319 153249.9  -150.52 59279 15841 1
-   23078 374485.5  -724.54 6946 11992 1
-   55817      0.0     0.00 38958 6013 -1
-   74950 -14711.0   667.32 53868 15658 0
-  121714 196697.7  -532.49 61722 14166 1
-  135467 2734734.0   998.96 41524 10416 2
-  132479 252385.2   324.53 14305 8850 1
-  141099  26031.3   468.67 13069 13925 0
-   15027 270280.2  -243.73 48438 9623 1
-    5531  25923.5  -836.21 63791 8904 0
-   14612 103067.4   263.20 52532 8976 1
-  123636  66691.6   694.16 8182 14975 1
-  136001 1236750.8  -184.19 22529 14636 2
-  168172 239494.8   259.70 35520 12986 1
-   90946  33190.8  -613.19 50566 13199 0
-  179298 110995.3   628.04 20653 12206 1
-   44211  16609.6   518.86 7155 11743 0
-  120770  33433.1  -429.34 49419 12236 0
-  148657 3022529.2   550.30 41322 16366 2
-  186577        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0xb8 0x09 0 0
-   97585 1985897.5  -520.50 13513 14015 2
-  172572  32921.9   970.58 52796 9069 0
-  153350 1889879.8   192.20 60976 14514 2
-   40708    -16.6   817.73 61782 15442 0
-  150283  26293.7  -849.02 59961 9305 0
-   92933  22792.9  -331.35 19091 16232 0
-   60428      0.0     0.00 41349 2377 -1
-   33848 1258308.0  -467.99 26877 10323 2
-   39125      0.0     0.00 46590 1855 -1
-  174546 1143692.1   267.98 34660 8232 2
-   62862 1582361.4   175.62 18322 10771 2
-    6681  21495.3   341.05 64359 10044 0
-   49966  11168.1   298.13 34103 16123 0
-  126904 225457.0  -583.66 31969 12489 1
-    1190 168041.7  -958.41 8065 13517 1
-  101249 301286.8  -863.81 8643 14824 2
-   74613  14556.3  -718.70 1360 10333 0
-   85585  40972.9  -436.67 12670 8311 0
-   40756 863357.3  -629.46 22554 15594 2
-  151317 2628545.0   788.25 3460 10033 2
-  102177 1618945.2   749.67 28663 14269 2
-   80136  33046.8  -976.36 45182 12067 0
-   14943 565982.3  -726.82 57380 9427 2
-   39847  82366.1  -204.58 64250 9904 1
-   69097      0.0     0.00 9631 1095 -1
-  168691  20558.9  -422.43 12630 9809 0
-    8382  -1615.8   856.65 1862 9872 0
-   20448 211099.5   476.54 14579 15493 1
-   19727 973327.6  -462.26 35684 15951 2
-  105401 2545093.8   302.32 62632 12384 2
-   45041 156258.9    47.87 25811 10192 2
-  155679      0.0     0.00 51557 3189 -1
-   64673 1466790.5  -943.53 31166 8348 2
-   81008 633923.8   762.77 31063 10158 2
-  152732 1342075.0   381.61 25601 11021 2
-  156990 846408.2  -758.03 13931 12548 2
-  182263  21653.0   129.25 59170 8963 0
-  175234  58707.1   569.27 11361 16096 1
-  126787  86479.6   765.28 14306 9071 1
-    2612   6975.7   643.07 19586 13614 0
-  124665 2448138.0    49.20 5388 12683 2
-  179023 208011.2    14.12 13930 10169 1
-   27665 353915.4   166.90 50232 13062 1
-    8036  28988.5  -159.95 62860 8227 0
-   13740 265756.2   350.73 23021 8218 1
-   41289  26128.7   500.95 51010 9959 0
-  164960 351650.6   888.77 25138 13698 1
-   36810 999076.5   647.32 41087 8309 2
-   59746 2770393.8  -135.64 26702 15484 2
-   49442 210446.5  -936.74 62936 8957 2
-   69978 -13735.5   -54.47 52344 15932 0
-  177656 392703.1   353.97 65201 16066 1
-   89503 389939.0  -642.33 17249 8466 1
-  119936      0.0     0.00 14623 1771 -1
-   20431 160888.3  -890.10 10597 15341 1
-  116213 103377.9   200.31 64852 16343 1
-  165570  31038.0  -232.24 40626 15722 0
-  107420 326176.9   796.77 21123 8321 1
-   84305  -3630.2   253.63 2038 12536 0
-  107303 734673.0   490.21 42502 10192 2
-  140840  10313.2   108.01 16943 11110 0
-   87327  27680.3  -415.32 35729 11691 0
-  148222  35038.6   670.21 22132 12669 0
-  118333 -12340.4   971.74 27346 12697 0
-   24481 374388.0   315.28 40559 12336 1
-   88211 1148662.9   129.60 56791 11308 2
-   26510 243891.3   330.80 47346 12564 1
-  115775  34248.0  -483.26 54603 10450 0
-   84793  29572.9   195.06 4834 14494 0
-    3714 1377121.0   400.33 16599 10315 2
-  163782 383495.1   487.81 25983 9843 1
-  125760 377246.1  -179.68 1714 9606 2
-  145478      0.0     0.00 55984 5299 -1
-  116969  39850.0  -282.81 24061 14904 0
-  175245  13607.3  -536.62 47719 13409 0
-   33961 2937767.8    -0.56 56163 13737 2
-  179055  42763.9  -583.89 51212 15414 0
-  183733        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0xba 0xa9 0 0
-  135239 882819.0  -344.87 25732 12328 2
-   25788  42309.0  -378.29 51328 9863 0
-   37423  28966.2  -519.86 9356 10141 0
-  107555  42950.2  -158.61 6522 8397 0
-   70622 790351.9   521.89 3856 11964 2
-  145238      0.0     0.00 13111 5825 -1
-   67880  19979.6  -476.73 34134 10564 0
-  115974  18574.3  -628.01 55919 15548 0
-   94535      0.0     0.00 15604 7169 -1
-   49628   3833.9   575.73 18631 9209 0
-  121144      0.0     0.00 61166 7061 -1
-  128578  42538.4   246.36 37529 8353 0
-   20981 335883.6   564.06 16887 8974 2
-   11201  -7964.1    46.09 61991 12943 0
-  180715 1554527.6  -463.82 26987 10615 2
-  111248 1585939.2   507.62 39 9223 2
-   36928   4468.4   536.81 62354 13950 0
-  112733  21272.1   645.04 56859 14524 0
-  109730 2199162.0  -370.87 8795 15231 2
-  172283      0.0     0.00 50077 6451 -1
-  135666 174630.3   468.71 51028 11833 1
-  146705 169639.9   778.16 26555 14587 1
-   57923  -1678.8  -455.67 29101 12668 0
-  177886 2209440.5  -651.01 6938 13511 2
-  116053 2566273.2   784.45 7315 9621 2
-   67102 152558.7   644.12 63117 9172 1
-  147422 2355337.0   381.74 60334 15537 2
-   29327 732493.8   270.80 63403 13995 2
-   12446      0.0     0.00 13024 3441 -1
-   61335 145364.5  -536.53 10805 9151 1
-   66283  -7701.1  -926.93 3579 9653 0
-  173596   6557.9   485.97 65061 9666 0
-  187425   -11370        0  -905.00   394.00 197 255 0xb1 0xa8 1 -1
-  141056  38344.5   674.57 29337 9094 0
-   78766 177016.5   921.83 59832 15084 1
-  151842      0.0     0.00 44038 5338 -1
-  183501   703580  1831920   487.00     0.00 8 108 0xa7 0x00 0 0
-  108645 216488.3   634.21 55716 10999 1
-   22688 210614.1    41.98 49091 14353 1
-     617  77160.1   334.43 52136 9133 1
-   46011      0.0     0.00 62316 5366 -1
-   12240 2328590.5   196.11 54445 9541 2
-   20115 656223.9   813.05 17288 8600 2
-  177484 246290.7  -119.90 65522 8538 1
-  178219 1178009.5  -352.29 9969 14848 2
-   35806  15740.7   866.94 22014 15116 0
-  164186 2916855.8   216.59 49516 8287 2
-  134607      0.0     0.00 38229 1931 -1
-   88366 374565.6   218.35 29518 9945 1
-  134846  -7807.0  -868.16 59385 12740 0
-  164345 167225.9  -416.04 58785 8363 1
-  173583 2014058.1   863.36 10135 14086 2
-  128840      0.0     0.00 52525 7745 -1
-   22203  18933.0   408.24 62317 16211 0
-  141127 2108019.2  -137.05 28285 11044 2
-  150159 271500.2  -880.14 61205 13220 1
-  115455  43464.6   146.82 29024 14545 1
-   51636      0.0     0.00 63385 8177 -1
-   53714 1083137.1  -680.01 49472 14396 2
-  117689 223619.8  -326.32 45001 14761 1
-    4326 380982.9   558.43 47355 9802 2
-  150649 249063.8   364.50 18123 10019 1
-     331   4019.0  -843.91 7630 10545 0
-   42385  40480.7   557.08 40336 9597 0
-   57528 1020268.3   859.66 40652 11327 2
-    1522      0.0     0.00 13110 2111 -1
-   88149  20935.4  -635.84 1762 10933 0
-  173643    -30.5    41.29 32405 8378 0
-  116713   -784.0  -144.34 62665 11250 0
-  175258 2140641.8   705.76 10648 12435 2
-  112240  56213.2   520.31 3312 8419 1
-   31521 165437.7  -651.05 44226 11600 1
-   36860   2236.4  -994.32 4314 15361 0
-    1568 1209973.0  -965.85 19977 14159 2
-   24178      0.0     0.00 54725 6171 -1
-   12188 1106653.9  -452.87 37395 10715 2
-   81406      0.0     0.00 11859 4433 -1
-   32957 1566266.8   218.10 26117 8649 2
-  117823 156170.3   -90.58 51497 9118 1
-   51086      0.0     0.00 9169 211 -1
-  123428 253482.3  -955.09 11606 12635 1
-   11273      0.0     0.00 50827 3593 -1
-    5826 128462.9  -133.21 13790 10036 1
-   81578 272284.0  -630.49 42774 14011 1
-   44908 2932957.2   -24.45 34316 16123 2
-  121602 1599444.9  -502.08 45656 9791 2
-   89869      0.0     0.00 5384 7880 -1
-  119548  24526.8  -497.76 25928 10108 0
-  153907 243487.8   389.28 34945 14559 1
-   93299 374709.3  -370.64 11011 10013 1
-   87356  41414.1  -485.76 60577 9668 0
-   47708      0.0     0.00 30610 3873 -1
-  165899 378484.0  -328.09 59481 8287 1
-   24560  12229.3  -133.25 11489 14527 0
-   90139  45511.0  -265.77 44196 8657 1
-   28072 1088556.9  -480.99 64169 11602 2
-  133062 270833.0   -99.35 33097 14274 1
-   19674 373873.7  -233.47 45932 10831 1
-   63182 190526.5   177.29 42878 15295 1
-  144173  -7822.2  -371.82 14616 8240 0
-    6109 2606295.2   434.67 22944 11291 2
-   94093 154292.3    42.49 5427 13979 1
-   84513 189290.6  -335.31 64316 11414 1
-  126241 152700.6   728.44 36767 13659 1
-   83576  40048.2   397.72 25357 9302 0
-   13652 272690.2  -512.67 12696 13710 1
-  169627 -10248.4  -589.34 56167 8958 0
-   38187 359734.3    42.54 39478 15524 1
-   43109 780551.9  -388.34 23849 13614 2
-  183848  2206460   521930     0.00     0.00 161 57 0x13 0x16 0 0
-    3077  81979.8    61.87 41192 14522 1
-  134986 2106894.0  -637.97 54649 8588 2
-   62866   2275.3   796.29 47426 12280 0
-  167533 2120905.5  -402.00 58457 9848 2
-   29583  35462.7   263.73 2443 16256 0
-  127501 381818.7   218.65 8534 13433 1
-   98225      0.0     0.00 16859 3777 -1
-  147002 2480607.8  -825.72 60924 14268 2
-   73630  72794.5   -11.32 26398 10072 1
-   40973  51882.3  -902.17 7363 8306 2
-   83392 792929.9  -714.91 24469 13509 2
-   86019  12780.2    56.37 19100 15997 0
-  104775  -1272.3  -248.21 28382 11606 0
-  162589 2808028.5   479.80 52183 8548 2
-  125565 251468.3  -571.50 50717 12925 1
-  110414      0.0     0.00 25078 5517 -1
-   17394 223502.1  -636.32 60367 9052 1
-   85736 1326741.8  -603.11 26973 8849 2
-  131942 289685.6   -11.59 64742 12417 1
-   67162 206417.9  -469.50 47914 16296 1
-  170313 1647613.2  -908.58 62494 14911 2
-   83479 355533.4   429.03 43852 8671 1
-  117375 376215.3  -496.56 63212 16146 1
-  102812 1441888.0  -800.42 59956 15394 2
-   60553 718009.8  -429.02 52530 15085 2
-  134161 1650564.2  -154.13 31684 12560 2
-   37851 356028.4  -128.80 33603 10174 1
-   88086 2550244.8   258.81 10043 14345 2
-  107100 2555637.5   582.95 42318 11302 2
-   98178   3952.4  -142.12 55396 16242 0
-   84791 2343863.2   248.97 33577 9292 2
-   84511 376957.7  -804.56 23495 9031 1
-    1241  38791.5   -27.22 21209 13062 0
-   45642      0.0     0.00 63773 2384 -1
-   75589 1186866.9   567.89 64540 11507 2
-  157217 1263681.6   523.72 24605 11931 2
-   52078  13879.7  -531.90 21572 15446 0
-  169316  25509.6   825.56 5894 14188 0
-   80037  43330.2   -13.15 54542 10739 0
-    5184 1229849.9    78.27 39698 9524 2
-  104799 912190.3   532.11 47912 15153 2
-  149620 291815.7    98.57 57920 8841 1
-   15325  36844.4  -806.85 49512 15818 0
-  176329  -1971.3   671.50 30742 13911 0
-  150956 337221.3   442.16 18696 12169 1
-  117813 1061015.4  -725.10 18118 13336 2
-   85054   -543.7  -216.29 47480 10857 0
-  123897  24862.8  -979.21 11935 12715 0
-  176255 2899709.0   934.11 52181 11398 2
-   75475 288806.5  -575.73 42236 11196 1
-   58748      0.0     0.00 45509 6803 -1
-  182289 385248.4  -212.99 14305 8369 1
-   79486 154427.3  -475.49 26668 12086 2
-    7900 251132.2  -917.91 19440 8687 1
-  145335  10857.3   182.65 25217 12417 0
-  103452   7845.3  -872.57 56771 9861 0
-  175505 1303259.4  -674.93 11758 16012 2
-    4256  35127.9   864.04 50576 10357 0
-  158757 724490.4  -905.42 55412 12202 2
-  130471 1416181.4  -958.79 30862 9664 2
-   82992 200864.3   101.11 49258 16186 1
-  145223 1342129.4   787.85 36380 12491 2
-   66326 148599.3   354.22 56275 16307 2
-   71998 869083.8   -12.93 62524 15358 2
-   31837      0.0     0.00 23444 6667 -1
-  113501  19838.6   776.98 32829 10939 0
-  158204 1906084.9   782.17 15905 10784 2
-  128304 2403255.2   362.91 54182 15572 2
-  109958      0.0     0.00 7026 5884 -1
-  108422 1054437.0  -688.20 494 9707 2
-  157437 257583.3   526.48 49846 15798 1
-  164071      0.0     0.00 61427 8027 -1
-   89458  -8829.0   920.89 34669 13004 0
-  101983 1224656.9  -599.99 61000 15850 2
-  148851   3447.8   -82.04 19288 8516 0
-   52679  93947.4   295.11 48069 13441 1
-   69522   7817.3   717.98 3516 12165 0
-    1309 435125.8   -23.58 13404 10355 2
-   48081  35897.7  -567.28 25550 10087 0
-   97071 1895132.8  -643.37 35337 10055 2
-    4836 114034.0   805.06 42456 15865 1
-  133959 195540.4     4.04 26719 11257 1
-   19489 708759.1   255.91 35061 10810 2
-   51251  28408.1  -643.98 59599 12464 0
-   90588 292170.9   540.28 12837 15320 1
-  182188 205234.6  -828.58 46981 14226 1
-  131818      0.0     0.00 23292 4351 -1
-   76030      0.0     0.00 47108 4626 -1
-  158107 1399483.5  -378.26 58285 16202 2
-  102671 357977.7   387.91 17393 14228 1
-   72312   7681.5  -279.94 10991 12440 0
-    4821 2805527.5  -672.29 11557 15735 2
-   82624   4826.8   744.77 8346 9451 0
-  145832 396075.7   718.73 24834 12245 2
-   86591  -7044.3   809.17 2467 14989 0
-   34190 1008344.3   987.33 55769 12172 2
-  179904 286468.0   153.86 23821 11914 1
-   72147  90155.8   320.84 27490 12821 1
-   93778 143834.6  -182.07 15708 12317 1
-  185672  3054240        0   -64.00  -944.00 255 55 0xac 0xb3 0 -1
-   51117 399606.9   266.02 5516 15678 1
-  134977  25267.3  -308.26 53307 15098 0
-   38511   6634.2  -626.12 56808 16201 0
-   34473 253723.4   502.25 51381 8344 1
-  102009   5772.6   637.60 6234 11010 0
-  178104      0.0     0.00 25959 2366 -1
-   64748  39507.2  -649.81 28367 11459 0
-  140433 2637045.8  -164.75 46777 8194 2
-   29341 381758.6   255.32 22215 15679 1
-    9804 1473415.4   583.42 19289 11295 2
-  183490  2494620  1798200     0.00     0.00 177 52 0x11 0x02 0 0
-   91544      0.0     0.00 14844 2014 -1
-   32832 2696471.5  -281.50 50224 9298 2
-  100395    427.7  -304.78 37147 8317 0
-  154686 1875926.8   830.18 26462 14326 2
-   30417 2358615.8   851.82 27477 13796 2
-  185262        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0xac 0xbf 0 0
-   38113  77734.2   871.79 30832 10372 1
-  128340 224376.1   178.03 5541 9468 1
-   13204 229049.6  -857.91 63168 13678 1
-  136691 1010899.1   -20.16 54122 15512 2
-   62778   2173.9  -527.97 55573 10537 0
-   93673   9511.3   335.43 46600 15562 0
-  133459 2195155.0  -968.37 36223 12180 2
-  104168   5882.3   665.58 49257 11515 0
-  182600   454560   623000  -460.00  -381.00 18 54 0xb6 0xb7 0 0
-  144296 689833.3   660.44 8307 13072 2
-  114364 315032.0   -89.28 8405 9275 1
-   61992 367586.9  -425.07 14592 11089 1
-   51801 368760.2  -276.33 34280 15708 1
-  179520 310921.2  -860.37 7384 14707 1
-   22002 329337.0  -597.65 14647 11463 1
-  155779  23880.5   -25.70 7779 14082 0
-   30538 794929.4    -0.52 45432 9674 2
-  113295  23564.2   783.44 12275 12156 0
-   59654 -10665.3   287.23 7889 13755 0
-  104093 247299.9   231.68 2133 9222 1
-   41679   9341.1    31.58 24808 10180 0
-  150155 1627913.4   419.34 33411 10038 2
-   96082 1955988.9   427.52 35754 13607 2
-   77319 396920.8   462.16 39869 16326 1
-   53141  10660.3    44.11 50494 11563 0
-   90973 2877714.5   -49.66 61159 9787 2
-  184249     -100        0  -548.00  -583.00 79 255 0xb3 0xaa 1 -1
-  175671  -4982.2  -156.52 36715 12561 0
-  116921 2411151.0   139.66 54057 15456 2
-  103138      0.0     0.00 9124 6242 -1
-   12851 321906.1   -29.72 52950 10117 2
-  126464  20321.6   668.87 32986 13229 0
-   61537  36753.3   334.22 17410 8421 0
-   94322 1521239.0  -328.80 42692 16352 2
-   23834  11653.9   984.89 35815 11002 0
-   37014 187916.4  -597.95 15751 14176 1
-   12784  32001.0  -971.29 25093 16336 0
-   16904 -15522.4   304.78 24889 13988 0
-  109456   2502.6   912.05 46348 11564 0
-   78731 2556174.2    47.18 40243 13044 2
-  148799  14724.9   361.74 42445 13571 0
-   43773  38802.2   192.97 20998 10194 0
-   25028   2390.4   -56.25 58922 9408 0
-  126223 395462.1  -130.32 33883 12102 1
-  171933  12387.0  -917.31 5140 8754 0
-  174319   3603.2   233.42 30388 12613 0
-   45315      0.0     0.00 32259 4464 -1
-   17581  21957.1  -983.45 60847 15802 0
-   80493 512160.9   607.27 62847 8415 2
-  175386 200625.2   993.60 37841 8213 1
+   16681  -9664.1  -795.83 4976 11972 0
+  109370 188475.5  -142.43 49607 13574 1
+  138433  87861.7   141.24 42479 13215 1
+  146039 473269.2  -875.24 60013 15794 2
+  166479 2342685.5  -883.21 7304 15339 2
+  149157 1440109.0  -894.04 20042 13806 2
+  171316  88805.2   830.00 46363 9178 1
+   65384  66271.1   300.82 46010 11512 1
+  182956        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0xbf 0xa8 0 0
+  175989 159732.6   293.59 45884 15850 1
+   21894 178554.6   355.56 7744 12364 1
+   26299 227749.1  -402.00 43339 13072 1
+   47476 408729.0   -46.00 45879 13768 2
+   51739 1350026.5     0.09 41207 16312 2
+  105663 305993.9   869.73 37227 8582 1
+   42892  -9246.8   215.01 27435 15795 0
+    4504 3001763.8  -570.59 19607 11006 2
+  104764 249051.3     5.76 62043 10809 1
+  124558 1798396.1   402.73 30947 12335 2
+   21917 1483786.9  -248.90 27404 13155 2
+  126195   3839.1    93.13 28737 9192 0
+   23785 165475.2  -200.10 17706 11934 1
+  180092  42920.9  -619.49 24742 14520 0
+   91421 370244.9  -434.80 49030 12808 1
+   82932  68906.4  -870.72 64323 9640 1
+   77232  48690.6   341.65 27780 13129 1
+  171711 2493153.8  -693.85 32127 10916 2
+  162996     15.1   692.21 24486 8720 0
+   14766   1375.6   902.95 28383 12766 0
+   80119 105529.4   -72.67 8093 14468 1
+   53265 211269.9   412.75 24246 15941 1
+   23231  14495.1   463.88 64369 15962 0
+  148468  -4766.9  -998.79 33758 8763 0
+  106799 -11163.2   831.39 47478 10091 0
+  142513 317711.4  -827.36 1505 13186 2
+  182648   400690    -1690   548.00  -357.00 120 255 0xa1 0xbc 0 1
+  108318 348542.2   806.56 46891 14673 1
+   61318  25026.1   157.98 25661 12174 0
+  129187 1772387.2   747.20 3750 14426 2
+    8755 2255970.8  -582.28 52157 11080 2
+   62232  28277.5   685.26 65006 15504 0
+   86025 2917675.0  -513.33 42527 16113 2
+   30799 167600.4   356.37 35788 13695 1
+   18633  23310.3   794.62 39737 10574 0
+  131002 2804674.5   806.09 63961 12787 2
+  182674   -15200        0     0.00     0.00 55 187 0x10 0x17 1 -1
+  179184 2233816.2   792.32 32015 10149 2
+  186390      410   398590   891.00     0.00 219 255 0xb2 0x0d 1 0
+   32047 137131.6   240.15 50711 13112 1
+   47640  27618.2   969.88 53441 12748 0
+   21808  25996.3   927.35 4909 11463 0
+  143933 1019856.9   355.45 37944 15069 2
+   23383      0.0     0.00 6419 8109 -1
+    5698  11953.5  -674.71 44630 12961 0
+   49930 132197.1  -581.80 32927 9597 1
+    8616 477263.2  -919.47 19004 12457 2
+   44848 2762516.5   775.16 24611 10632 2
+  161375 946564.8  -659.78 32043 15060 2
+   31430 1360822.5   182.72 54049 11795 2
+  125736 166836.0    91.49 43936 8357 1
+  149674      0.0     0.00 53143 1443 -1
+  113432  23017.8  -817.20 65507 13302 0
+  144375      0.0     0.00 23456 5447 -1
+  114620 284148.5  -872.44 33313 11795 1
+  138280 157991.3   109.55 6801 15780 1
+  112963  -5108.6   445.95 51815 9312 0
+   75764 974197.6   925.41 51780 9527 2
+  131638 -11538.7  -672.75 32496 13566 0
+   79318 345052.2  -431.13 59318 9346 1
+  135172  19771.9   247.36 48566 13015 0
+    5230 2722892.5   756.43 64971 15299 2
+   77964 236497.0   469.49 61589 13071 1
+   60833  38081.9   921.66 15263 10719 0
+    1626  93603.7   187.71 59723 11098 1
+   99426      0.0     0.00 28237 6844 -1
+    5271  46731.7  -443.98 59330 13343 2
+  122734  -5095.0   559.73 64212 12084 0
+  181613  14424.6  -513.69 63401 12101 0
+    4732      0.0     0.00 8078 5195 -1
+  129294      0.0     0.00 61186 385 -1
+  182409 190639.3  -863.32 2868 9939 1
+   66953  21438.7   -77.97 51494 9986 0
+  153360 316731.9   941.05 41060 15342 1
+   67428      0.0     0.00 8784 4804 -1
+   84947 149373.3  -120.64 3409 8239 1
+   24096 303415.5  -219.05 9858 12868 1
+   75531 371647.6   626.37 49933 10510 1
+  120993 320500.5   811.76 23652 8423 1
+   71000  63175.4   630.07 12984 9753 1
+  174850 768075.8   991.05 1285 11348 2
+  103715  31629.1  -395.37 41178 15416 0
+  166978 326848.5   676.42 18552 9463 1
+   80479 1638188.8   792.30 188 12932 2
+   19217  31622.0   540.75 26458 15843 0
+   57202  26131.0    55.62 64553 14038 0
+  139710 181694.9  -535.63 33474 12079 1
+  173562 2459123.0  -196.88 38208 15462 2
+  135202      0.0     0.00 56830 3689 -1
+  103492 194883.5  -919.33 12204 13631 2
+   44096      0.0     0.00 3354 1838 -1
+  129918 505999.3  -842.23 16508 15487 2
+  152079 260081.8   908.55 48842 8576 1
+   89278 336718.7   190.28 18078 15687 1
+  165838  36139.5   142.43 17247 11810 0
+  150977 1337189.4   818.47 32545 10087 2
+   94396 2056748.6  -221.57 252 12044 2
+  181624 2778563.0  -603.05 64407 13467 2
+   48592      0.0     0.00 52062 7679 -1
+  147383  12682.6   264.43 21012 9244 0
+  167964 173250.9   911.49 4374 13520 1
+  133243 103371.2   209.75 10389 14014 1
+  168284 2409309.8  -861.57 35459 13092 2
+  105548  34437.9  -479.10 21771 9546 0
+   54042  20331.6  -362.57 38305 14430 0
+   35515 1182220.1    99.14 51984 14335 2
+  158113 2851445.8   -83.73 39357 14131 2
+  109851 2810750.2   729.35 56607 14626 2
+  184626   -13280   412280     0.00    32.00 255 86 0x08 0xa3 1 0
+  134097  21610.5   786.58 55599 12913 0
+   75020 104768.3  -869.61 5398 11010 1
+    5025 2134972.2  -716.48 4595 12423 2
+   45055 715369.3  -445.51 16512 11293 2
+   50283 -13258.2  -537.76 18253 15830 0
+  139488 325216.5  -353.88 46413 11247 1
+   47787  21629.1   174.88 16140 12664 0
+   99711 1385682.8  -786.03 3805 13732 2
+  167997 257337.8   398.60 19695 14048 1
+   93626 1754200.0   549.95 50549 16382 2
+  121386 1780661.9   978.80 43085 16060 2
+   77220  -4607.2  -486.09 23595 15241 0
+   36317 269160.4   563.92 54803 8377 1
+  108195 104589.6  -507.58 53051 11590 2
+  121541      0.0     0.00 39511 2572 -1
+  113946 218510.1   600.45 49418 15525 1
+  134406 263851.5   901.35 58648 8791 1
+  108678      0.0     0.00 12798 6031 -1
+   46897  26224.4   490.38 43707 8962 0
+  185160   386440    12560   390.00  -405.00 255 65 0xbf 0xa2 0 1
+   46241  85967.7  -608.61 52444 13413 1
+   30354 293227.9  -397.70 56861 14366 1
+   30007 355720.5  -938.56 60432 13890 1
+   76109  20880.6   584.96 36867 10257 0
+  182320 1094126.8   382.61 48734 15045 2
+  130117 -14796.3  -328.87 44581 15360 0
+     930  68927.0  -133.70 1545 10077 1
+   42858 1047255.8   415.39 13098 8499 2
+   10303 284443.3   817.11 17484 15641 1
+  173206 2625179.5  -103.33 62976 11165 2
+    6691 277159.9   954.34 62704 16179 1
+  167843 -13352.4  -822.53 44546 10895 0
+   50956 178247.4   969.21 39063 15503 1
+  161873 2799552.0   331.26 3099 14840 2
+   32934 -14682.9  -189.89 30638 12910 0
+   11300  -2543.7  -444.88 36695 15079 0
+   23641 344337.6  -683.68 45195 16214 1
+   49578 370497.9  -713.36 9063 13053 1
+   64728      0.0     0.00 58248 2853 -1
+  131657  -5517.1   471.47 21709 9566 0
+    8821 237590.2  -180.50 2017 9843 1
+   16598  27526.1  -377.93 59324 13413 0
+   70176  33169.7  -732.40 4299 8331 0
+   17757  25195.4   517.95 43902 11278 0
+  123061 758170.7  -439.15 56007 9613 2
+   85399  38027.0  -205.65 24358 12546 0
+   91960  26194.2  -210.01 25860 15630 0
+   21007  19406.9  -344.91 18341 10606 0
+   62847 366704.6   849.14 45617 9833 1
+   76918 145615.1    42.60 16177 10300 1
+      51 478654.4  -988.11 57158 12158 2
+   86595 1669746.6   201.68 4322 13745 2
+   49885  86505.6  -688.68 5994 14736 1
+  102516 391216.2    13.24 17718 13255 1
+  111824  23689.0   549.94 36262 9104 0
+   93755      0.0     0.00 24444 5716 -1
+  160255      0.0     0.00 27287 5309 -1
+  179431  43586.7   523.87 3503 10691 0
+  176305 2053439.1  -611.79 32127 13178 2
+   20914  64130.0   101.60 13506 9480 1
+   53805 -15403.9   344.43 51634 13221 0
+   84764 163899.8    29.70 7643 13945 1
+  139823 393182.2  -940.50 8059 12683 1
+  105145 983028.8   748.93 56123 10496 2
+  179917   5830.3   727.98 52709 16171 0
+  173438 246408.0  -941.33 5237 9711 1
+  171782 391179.2   652.41 48003 9936 1
+   63454 133778.6  -161.52 14196 11891 1
+   38009 2016850.2  -653.43 61094 11042 2
+  156868 207190.5    -9.73 33110 15692 2
+   83193  89121.9  -201.46 55409 14501 1
+  144432      0.0     0.00 38388 7698 -1
+   90934  38927.7   -75.12 64527 16300 0
+   27112 -14206.2   960.77 41622 9717 0
+  185000        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0x1b 0xae 0 0
+  126559 1149637.4  -401.47 59149 9747 2
+    5191 1538579.0  -336.85 23029 8792 2
+   34787 384125.5    -1.29 63891 13452 1
+  175949 126423.8  -629.10 39189 9326 1
+   51919 244804.9   317.97 25650 13835 1
+   68250 371642.6   510.73 24843 8737 1
+   35220      0.0     0.00 11955 7179 -1
+   28363 333544.2  -872.20 46540 13299 1
+   90488  29462.1    76.30 55662 10647 0
+   73131  70913.4   922.00 32295 10154 1
+  107667 270302.1   445.42 40634 12248 1
+  122626 1667980.5   426.57 63854 11790 2
+   70418   -536.7   935.64 4610 14311 0
+   70906 207442.3  -982.18 44223 10795 1
+   62065 1460609.8   383.82 62691 8209 2
+   39298 2087565.5   689.18 41440 10377 2
+   62718 1980291.0   166.27 16191 8794 2
+   71927 247180.1   496.01 45019 9182 1
+   45158  19808.9   697.42 18099 10210 0
+  127165 1667021.5    75.06 35353 13516 2
+  114831 157106.1  -387.48 49923 11650 1
+   27958 131288.3  -619.75 9461 10823 1
+   60485 1122807.1   526.65 10799 12426 2
+    4744  17176.9   974.80 2544 13593 0
+  164754 324464.2    73.19 37018 14910 1
+   56440 2558775.8   956.99 51928 9417 2
+  103581 1604189.0  -126.33 59297 11303 2
+  159709 352558.4   250.19 47397 13119 1
+   41490 1032152.9   936.23 8238 11723 2
+  138305  18691.6  -322.91 28977 12418 0
+  132641      0.0     0.00 62689 3836 -1
+  185556  2669620        0   974.00     0.00 176 255 0xa3 0x19 0 -1
+  103477  19221.3   461.83 46571 10532 0
+    2663 153347.1   890.50 58677 15417 1
+  174652   2018.3  -385.83 54536 9887 0
+  154226 363598.8   -64.40 16602 13029 1
+  143592  40968.8   169.59 22348 12970 0
+   14586 256656.5   679.64 49840 11523 1
+  166165  -9776.8   767.38 62750 11461 0
+  121273 214601.6  -465.27 48944 9897 1
+  152219 187584.4  -496.06 4762 8641 1
+  149470  66888.1  -332.95 16397 11070 1
+  175103 1726407.6   -32.76 11628 16316 2
+  180277 2547800.2  -233.03 1562 14109 2
+   84480 785009.2  -221.81 16663 16344 2
+   51066 296722.2  -235.27 56296 11324 2
+   14215 1365709.6  -663.63 43252 9022 2
+   45991 290241.3  -688.16 55218 9490 1
+  147364 210044.6  -836.73 61363 10973 2
+   99024  -5571.7   793.32 17271 8965 0
+  180772 513072.2  -238.22 25545 8673 2
+   20388 2958027.2  -291.99 53789 9008 2
+  176540 -10591.8   547.38 55274 16379 0
+    9346      0.0     0.00 50054 6134 -1
+  111113  34468.3  -451.42 60054 11628 0
+  104041  26379.7   455.41 13855 12155 0
+  186330   391760     7240     0.00     0.00 255 144 0x18 0x05 0 1
+  138209 2475444.8  -193.08 35245 13063 2
+  144076 1004386.0   600.67 44215 10237 2
+  155217  41672.3  -740.28 9197 15559 0
+   69245 303950.9  -952.33 27492 8265 1
+  155052   -372.5  -253.02 58182 9755 0
+     481 357782.5   933.85 10780 10636 1
+  141612 152462.4  -273.80 47871 8873 1
+   30929 374099.3   -99.13 283 13935 2
+   95380      0.0     0.00 43017 2509 -1
+    3641 2746710.0   436.00 63616 16297 2
+   57436  -8896.7  -160.85 21365 9189 0
+  136005 1843061.5   848.48 6327 15412 2
+  153506 434799.0  -596.70 38361 10269 2
+   28965      0.0     0.00 28432 2950 -1
+     554 295393.5   954.75 25601 12646 1
+  154383   1110.9   845.79 31133 11977 0
+   17171  -3683.8  -112.03 62740 9909 0
+  139477  36492.2  -355.36 18623 9468 0
+   41336 243408.6   613.23 26722 12772 2
+  141210 109771.8   348.07 12137 15447 1
+   23409 1581354.6  -916.35 61264 9093 2
+  134301  29646.5  -137.89 22009 15333 0
+   68109 1447817.1   701.16 60573 14306 2
+   23055 1399678.5    93.80 28968 14473 2
+  108191      0.0     0.00 17161 507 -1
+   16149 1658498.2     4.57 8590 11767 2
+  183031        0        0     0.00     0.00 255 255 0x09 0x1c 0 0
+   80135  -6949.1  -527.48 65450 15196 0
+   50654      0.0     0.00 29022 7690 -1
+  175150 2042264.8  -713.67 35249 11739 2
+  138606 2993685.8  -731.87 18750 12566 2
+   70872 2269573.2  -365.52 7761 15297 2
+   23379 271516.1    71.99 29010 8956 1
+   85384  41606.2  -847.82 6414 14332 0
+  153372 1808504.6  -318.57 54495 13476 2
+   51416      0.0     0.00 28792 7206 -1
+    9387 1975269.0  -726.01 24160 14359 2
+  160189   9116.3   214.67 10825 8590 0
+   95504 244479.9   555.91 4905 12002 1
+  135641 290819.8   137.59 37479 8331 1
+   74341  21663.5  -306.25 21266 12027 0
+  149746  -6536.9  -228.39 1390 11479 0
+  140218      0.0     0.00 30609 1650 -1
+  113524   2935.5  -222.12 17564 12318 0
+   89680 324516.6  -801.86 2958 11153 1
+   80155 384543.2   600.44 405 12614 1
+  109282 2923454.5   773.22 34629 9560 2
+   70904 391249.0  -610.72 18145 14515 1
+   83277  11719.3   200.53 13772 14450 0
+   96859  -1537.0  -816.08 22048 13956 0
+  124147 342914.7  -907.09 29807 11566 1
+   66794      0.0     0.00 17355 2699 -1
+   49919 2073664.1   655.46 54289 11777 2
+   89208 1252137.2    -9.36 16486 13603 2
+   91083  -2234.5  -800.02 43558 9908 0
+  152643 2460361.0  -291.74 24191 11069 2
+   81935 3035445.5  -364.98 55079 9826 2
+  132038      0.0     0.00 64519 2132 -1
+   28571  86595.7   787.00 28193 10299 1
+   77458  42331.0   856.31 38027 14421 0
+   44472 171927.2   264.18 5563 8268 1
+   13885      0.0     0.00 49429 3887 -1
+   76246 352407.8  -919.40 32589 10972 1
+   42462  -4234.0   232.91 34064 12285 0
+  173748      0.0     0.00 7012 6866 -1
+   17524  15316.7   703.58 29833 11054 0
+  123571 241580.9  -828.38 37602 12953 1
+  122026 107135.2   252.77 16025 13057 2
+   91715 2902101.0  -693.74 18283 16214 2
+  124231 161668.4   896.06 60719 11101 1
+  136557 1701198.1  -681.55 34449 12801 2
+   52880  21154.9   734.78 11066 11509 0
+   63737 362637.2   507.06 62194 9865 1
+  139853 2740481.0   266.39 2470 12698 2
+  105406 318840.5    19.79 17083 12224 1
+  131772 1380152.8   639.08 58338 10629 2
+   54914 195315.2  -548.45 22316 10257 1
+  128607 338197.6  -185.22 53811 16238 1
+  112410 588983.8  -435.61 57442 11758 2
+   81584 329769.6  -431.86 64352 12763 1
+  111449   -257.6  -461.62 65382 15367 0
+   68099 120862.4  -804.40 62334 8281 1
+   47758 -11901.4   604.26 53733 14148 0
+  139704  39113.5  -648.84 7314 9270 0
+   89273 1605311.6  -411.91 63445 12287 2
+  186595     -450   399450  -528.00     0.00 109 255 0xb6 0x0c 1 0
+   60252  -6542.4  -334.03 59206 9762 0
+   75873 347383.5  -192.56 52447 14973 2
+  126208 2934299.2  -864.33 49572 12602 2
+   31273 1040625.9  -631.86 9606 8857 2
+  108336      0.0     0.00 26075 1214 -1
+    8518  54097.9  -583.09 37678 13837 1
+   91257   -319.6  -931.39 27581 13938 0
+   60175   6407.7  -885.67 4902 14170 0
+   87342 2392747.8   331.92 47496 12070 2
+   28657 241364.9  -620.06 11030 8785 1
+    1155  -5563.4   -83.40 27813 15278 0
+  126521 1778175.0  -810.72 60284 12937 2
+  169681 197787.3  -529.03 60332 9904 1
+   72774 2717900.8  -748.99 33439 12702 2
+   46158 952417.9   371.65 21931 8954 2
+   98612 1026051.2    24.83 50950 12121 2
+  184564    22260   -16050     0.00     0.00 255 98 0x1e 0x10 1 1
+   44404  75310.0  -593.77 55383 11727 1
+   60906  -4672.2  -518.03 15801 11031 0
+  120108 172714.6   955.07 53784 13112 1
+   30998 3032949.2  -411.46 30444 14901 2
+   46477      0.0     0.00 22338 3937 -1
+  170989  24075.7   414.67 24108 10346 0
+  123591      0.0     0.00 37135 7018 -1
+  138465 1258993.4   126.12 29431 13688 2
+   22562 199261.1   485.32 61060 10289 1
+   53844   7733.0  -275.34 44803 12449 0
+  101476 -15107.5   754.31 47989 14593 0
+   89109 725721.9  -428.12 2670 11691 2
+   26860  31949.8   -43.96 46207 10671 0
+  108967 302763.2  -443.90 38835 8512 1
+   91778 532019.9  -258.73 55690 14902 2
+   95718 205408.7  -308.74 17315 10095 1
+  177075  -7908.9   918.97 33170 8460 0
+  139837 219198.8  -403.27 14307 11820 1
+  130652 285880.1  -600.56 3184 12927 1
+   18477      0.0     0.00 53180 713 -1
+   43036 -10528.7   -44.56 60679 9401 0
+  121538  37936.6   227.26 31059 15651 0
+   71685  19557.5    96.72 33089 12313 0
+   72567  13739.9  -653.04 29256 12695 0
+   40351 -13348.6   -68.88 49285 13853 0
+   93279  35040.8  -108.50 60600 13528 0
+  123950 356007.5  -973.33 33269 12144 1
+  181941 2152710.0   412.45 31004 12808 2
+  132193 2835796.0  -294.04 37043 12738 2
+   89292  62546.9   467.56 13143 14417 1
+   60925 338281.1   236.22 52238 8200 1
+   79126 1573140.0  -599.77 964 12823 2
+  176013      0.0     0.00 59577 5364 -1
+   26778  64893.3  -984.39 62123 10209 1
+   26531 309599.9   929.28 62289 9740 1
+  115587 -11728.7   879.10 50910 11845 0
+   25927 294892.4  -422.86 25354 11088 1
+  186611  2060400        0     0.00   130.00 255 30 0x0b 0xb2 0 -1
+  122916      0.0     0.00 9296 613 -1
+  175149      0.0     0.00 37092 7992 -1
+  156837 2051619.4  -100.20 11367 9503 2
+   41455 1097826.6    -3.24 8519 8209 2
+  158050  23896.9   423.86 4967 9494 0
+   53169 1395912.1   536.98 25283 8600 2
+  135122 2502239.0   972.53 1304 13029 2
+  138349 141127.8   279.48 60067 8708 1
+  102615 105254.3  -400.09 38280 14927 1
-00000000  00000022 000001f5 0000016a 00000012
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+00000050  00000000 00000001 0000016a 0000000e
+00000060  0000000b 0000000d 4a435000 47435000
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-00000080  0000030c 00000001 17240004 f7caf959
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-000000a0  f42ae97d 0006b56d 5fffc896 78a80004
-000000b0  6cec8b3f 00062f29 5fff2d49 0f270005
-000000c0  d1a4edc1 0006ed4f a6ec0555 1f947273
-000000d0  2d5e0004 7b168beb 0004022c a77464b7
-000000e0  a87afcc9 17290005 76bcf606 000506c0
-000000f0  8a909be1 5bfe73b8 8e500006 6787a641
-00000100  0004c8c7 a5d67bd1 68f1fd96 891b0005
-00000110  7df6a5b3 0004107d ee6ecbf2 efa57634
-00000120  16af0005 7b36a581 0004ced3 e71fa483
-00000130  628a7bee 4b030004 fdb58bd1 0006e8ff
-00000140  edd84057 22457cb6 5e030004 f7138b8a
-00000150  0004e950 a4ec71fe 8f63f9bb f5770004
-00000160  f8d3a723 0006aba6 8efa94fe 670efbd6
-00000170  8df40006 6ea4edfa 00054fc7 a5cf3da7
-00000180  e78fecb3 5a260004 fb07a7d3 00041b22
-00000190  5fffda09 24c60005 7a47faa4 0005d26c
-000001a0  a650db72 f11af838 112b0006 7df48f2f
-000001b0  0006a234 a6dc057f 37e173b4 272b0006
-000001c0  770eecdf 0004330d a7053ab3 bd36f118
-000001d0  159b0004 fc55ecda 0004f92f a5173914
-000001e0  cd3471cb e2f40005 7aa3a467 00061ff6
-000001f0  8ba71341 5801ee8a 90ec0006 71aca6be
-00000200  00058ac0 edf56342 c586f981 bc620006
-00000210  79b9a537 000450ad eb14acb3 1bf377fb
-00000220  d7c20005 f641edfd 0006c10b 8fb244b1
-00000230  a16a7884 d8d10006 0000802c 0005002c
-00000240  8da57d31 34c9f803 a21c0006 7db1edeb
-00000250  0006ce3c 8d6c5706 ee306eed 9f040004
-00000260  7c21f11b 0006f156 ecea4b0b ea39fc79
-00000270  6b050005 f3e4ec50 00044a93 5fffec0c
-00000280  84380004 f70a8bb8 000468fd 5fff98d5
-00000290  a9d20006 71f58b5a 00048764 8ca7f58e
-000002a0  47926e1b 1a190004 7428ec13 0004fb67
-000002b0  e9b5c32e 853772ee efb80005 f90ea69b
-000002c0  00047ce1 a5fd04a6 1f81fd93 8b810005
-000002d0  fca18747 000521c3 ea9a2375 0550faf4
-000002e0  4e510005 f669eef8 0004317e 8a569f34
-000002f0  581af9be 4f150006 7bcb8efc 00050d84
-00000300  8cbf8f21 6ff77b56 39080005 fdbfedef
-00000310  0004b07e 88fb3a5f e024fb0e 9ba70004
-00000320  ef7fa4b9 0005fafa 5fff0de9 92f30006
-00000330  f61bebe5 00043156 f51820be 07467c8d
-00000340  4fe00004 7735a677 000438f3 8ac24d0f
-00000350  8b64f6ee 9bb90005 730e8ed2 0004f4a8
-00000360  85d9aff1 64d36240 601f0006 00045fff
-00000370  8c56fca1 79befd6f 3c700005 7b7f8953
-00000380  00067957 8bf9549c 6401752e 653e0006
-00000390  fb708a45 0006366b ec1ac7f7 e7226b4f
-000003a0  ac820006 78d4a438 00052c61 a4cdef43
-000003b0  37e27b86 0a340004 79f0e84c 00054c82
-000003c0  8ea2e6f9 150c6281 bb4f0006 571fa66e
-000003d0  0004366a a7ae6c11 c4386da4 1f640004
-000003e0  ed40ed57 0004f58c a6fb35ac 59ed7469
-000003f0  a1490004 77a9ece3 0006c742 a7a98460
-00000400  62327ce3 8fca0004 79ff8ada 0004a07f
-00000410  8f3fe962 684eebc0 c1220004 fd5e8675
-00000420  0005f5d8 fa66115a cc78e36e b5f80006
-00000430  747fa7f3 0005feb1 a7ee5d9f 4361f9ed
-00000440  d4800005 00045fff a5e74fcf 2965fce7
-00000450  c5f50005 6f4ea518 0006fd54 eda686c2
-00000460  9eb2f0a7 a39c0005 7be4a779 00055283
-00000470  f6ac4951 07f67175 a3270005 777789cc
-00000480  0006a606 e9742628 422f69ac 551f0005
-00000490  f5f4ed23 00068b91 ee3642fe 56747a51
-000004a0  ce3d0005 7db4fa09 00046ad2 a7d35fa1
-000004b0  9e6f7370 58930005 6b558b5e 0004ddd7
-000004c0  a6c8678e b8f273e1 c43f0005 f755ee1a
-000004d0  0005d54b ed6e4b39 12e26f10 0e820004
-000004e0  759e8c14 000640d7 a7e37fc6 657f776b
-000004f0  eb400005 ee5087d8 000606b2 5fff3846
-00000500  c8e90005 f273eed5 00065dfd c297ac8d
-00000510  ba67f84a 84a90004 b9b38f8c 0006db63
-00000520  ef30bb6f c80cf90f cdb50006 0000802c
-00000530  0000802c 10470006 f4428a6a 00046484
-00000540  ef2264bc c880f51a 922f0004 f800ed56
-00000550  0005248c ef35a423 197aed2d 13de0005
-00000560  78098a09 00060f10 5fff3756 09280005
-00000570  f736ebc8 00058556 eb80c506 da6ff9b9
-00000580  71470005 00045fff e6ccc1dc 48c778ee
-00000590  d9380005 00055fff ef29f642 92997131
-000005a0  51f50004 78be878c 000441f7 f8ac2bc1
-000005b0  f22761e8 c1eb0006 f6f58c93 0005696b
-000005c0  8ca9b290 002777c8 90400004 784be727
-000005d0  0005f392 ec08b85d de1b79f7 aca20005
-000005e0  f4eb8e1e 0006225b 5fffa0fb 11f20006
-000005f0  770ea611 0006c754 a6023d11 67bb7bad
-00000600  e2430004 f6ccf529 000671ad 8e24b6de
-00000610  1b1afa0d c5550005 7bc08edd 00051c93
-00000620  a5cd061e f68d79f4 3fde0006 752f8e72
-00000630  0004ebae 89c9728f f7ab720d 309e0004
-00000640  00045fff a5b5ef97 2a35f849 02eb0005
-00000650  fd46f893 00060dfb c208a61c fe257762
-00000660  dc210006 fd0ef387 00063fff eea52700
-00000670  72997a60 33ae0005 7d39a618 0006e9b8
-00000680  5fff5122 cccd0006 77679350 00051a92
-00000690  a684a865 d9a479d0 58a00004 610ea675
-000006a0  0004bfc3 a49f0269 cba873fa b3bb0004
-000006b0  00045fff 8e642fd0 d4ad6f1c 4e930004
-000006c0  7c14896f 00064388 a6ceb54c fff2eaa0
-000006d0  b82b0006 f4738b77 000426f1 eae28bde
-000006e0  55fe7ca9 815a0006 70048f83 0006c16c
-000006f0  5fff0dcf 592e0005 7017a7d3 0006734e
-00000700  f89d0ebe e7f9fcad 81f90006 f5f8a5fb
-00000710  0006e5a1 8db6a60f 27977ca0 f7480005
-00000720  00045fff eb9356bb f36d75cc 27470006
-00000730  ebd88deb 00066e7d a7074a8f ef15fccd
-00000740  c2ff0005 6c79a3d1 00047160 5fffc9b4
-00000750  d1d20004 fa728b26 0005c140 a697cbb9
-00000760  afc9f3c1 10e60004 78a787df 0006b8fb
-00000770  a6d44c79 46cb74c3 014b0004 fc6be6e7
-00000780  00041dce eee9a591 9d9078a1 e0b80004
-00000790  7c968aee 00049ecc 5fff05f2 58550005
-000007a0  f9d6ebf8 000606e2 d056a64b 7e9560e8
-000007b0  c7e90005 ec51f401 0006f4c9 8dfeac9a
-000007c0  29987ac9 b6700005 7802a428 00040cf0
-000007d0  a5f57b21 acc2fa0d 8ffc0004 fde9e5ad
-000007e0  000410da 8b910620 4e09fda6 5e720004
-000007f0  00045fff 8b3b2f9c 9213f6be 3dfe0005
-00000800  00045fff 8c9b80bd 66057014 cc3f0005
-00000810  e811a5d8 0004c929 5fffc78e e2240005
-00000820  fd8ba6df 00042d56 5fff2c09 16c20004
-00000830  eb96a57a 000535de a7093eaa a716f9c2
-00000840  af6c0004 dc208f8a 0005860c 8cb2db02
-00000850  b258f7ae 5f0d0005 00055fff ec9ed2fc
-00000860  6548f79a 59330006 755ca6c7 00058881
-00000870  a7d36c73 2b03f4ea 553c0005 f761ef06
-00000880  0004eca1 5fffba5c 880b0006 f3cda7da
-00000890  0004e859 ea015ff0 2ce1eb96 601b0005
-000008a0  f1e2a3e0 0004aca4 8b2b6da8 faa9f74a
-000008b0  07c60006 e8e9a706 00048149 a7d24cda
-000008c0  b36cf0b3 f6ce0004 6e31a63f 0006a77e
-000008d0  f89f332d 3918f4f1 17dd0004 765e8ef1
-000008e0  000559a0 a5d26f8d 1533612a 4a210005
-000008f0  f400a63b 0005fb3c a5cded21 8f9f7b13
-00000900  46780005 758feedb 0004630d a70a3554
-00000910  3198f7df 969b0006 f924f96f 0004db67
-00000920  a7b8952b 9a36612d a8650004 f55789ff
-00000930  00065d29 1c45ce28 0004117b a4b70c05
-00000940  a0e86497 0f4a0006 f9de8deb 0004d579
-00000950  e5b6f592 b9427be3 8e6d0006 f5a88df3
-00000960  0004e459 ee44738f 098b71d0 f20d0005
-00000970  701aa7e0 00052156 5fff7fb1 3e3a0006
-00000980  fc388eb2 0005edfc a4881f9e 671ed51a
-00000990  a00d0004 fd06840c 00051cc3 8a0c45c0
-000009a0  5f95fae7 50030005 63beea27 00054a9c
-000009b0  f4b49947 6edef142 7b1d0006 77458f51
-000009c0  0005cbd7 a6daea7d c61df8dd af4e0005
-000009d0  00045fff a69643f2 ebcff9d7 4ee80005
-000009e0  f95a8bee 0006695d a72f0366 fce6d553
-000009f0  065a0005 f712a66a 0006bb2a 8cd29949
-00000a00  f41efd17 46170005 763fa7b1 0005ab4c
-00000a10  a7d6ca7f f6ecf795 919c0005 fbef8c44
-00000a20  0004ea34 89b8ec89 cd32f63f 0c110006
-00000a30  ecea8cd4 00047bc4 a7b293db 8343eb47
-00000a40  58160005 71a48ed5 0005273b 8ed8a25c
-00000a50  a54e790b 7f820005 ec2de6dd 0005d864
-00000a60  8e6c4b37 83297149 4a1f0005 fbfba7d7
-00000a70  00045bc7 eeb304d9 52d9dd1b b24a0004
-00000a80  00055fff 8b7e2745 fc1c78ce 66210006
-00000a90  78118bbd 0004601d ea6fcb6e 5444f835
-00000aa0  95640006 7c37ecc8 00051706 ef4138a5
-00000ab0  d50ed679 14400004 66bc8ba2 00059b12
-00000ac0  8a87995f bb287836 48740006 68d6a733
-00000ad0  0004e240 ee733bdd c168fc02 b0c90006
-00000ae0  7a55d15c 00067816 a78e4dac 49087686
-00000af0  cc350005 fb088b12 000546c6 f38b4c3e
-00000b00  b978f001 e3f90005 fdc6ecad 00062e9f
-00000b10  8f7bb07f cbd57d58 26d30005 f8eea72d
-00000b20  0004a4fc 5fffe57c c8110006 efdda7e6
-00000b30  000537e1 85d3367e 682cf72f 1edc0004
-00000b40  fd2fa6d9 00064bf0 e99d37b7 62816e76
-00000b50  941c0005 fcb8e8a1 0006ddc3 8bdcad91
-00000b60  2deefa61 10a00004 7ca2ee39 0006c590
-00000b70  89c06c25 d874fd0f fda70005 fd948c31
-00000b80  0005788e a65b4430 c06a6912 37470006
-00000b90  7bca8bfa 00058e1c 85c00316 dbd37480
-00000ba0  193e0005 d6518a5c 0004f43c 5fff7c5d
-00000bb0  bb5d0005 7baaebc1 0006803d 8d7669fc
-00000bc0  3e217bb9 f5300005 74b98e8b 0005d3a6
-00000bd0  5fffad86 a7860005 fa8e8b0d 000601ee
-00000be0  a6e866fd c2b6781d 80e70006 00055fff
-00000bf0  f8f95d72 876d7d36 8e5f0005 f94e8b9d
-00000c00  0006ee48 e68f4573 4b58e72a cdc70004
-00000c10  72d6a4ef 0005bbc5 e89e0f92 0dbc7af1
-00000c20  051d0004 dbcc883a 0004345c ee53bbd1
-00000c30  63cef8cb 7b2f0005 f9f18d6f 00048a09
-00000c40  a54312e4 a5d87bfd 0b470006 4bb8a64d
-00000c50  0004685f 89ae4c21 88f57189 c8330004
-00000c60  f9f3ed40 0005e8cf a73461dc 3225785a
-00000c70  c7ac0006 fc40a667 0006b785 5fff02ea
-00000c80  28fe0005 00065fff 8c25699b e3adf519
-00000c90  910f0005 7554a7b5 000543f1 e8911a78
-00000ca0  2aeff25b 12d50004 fa588f50 00052d25
-00000cb0  e75642c0 209a7b47 39a80006 7af487f9
-00000cc0  00056102 f853523f 09a37c08 858e0004
-00000cd0  7dd98ae3 0006d9d9 a728bec0 5d0d6ce6
-00000ce0  19d30005 7399a4de 00056b62 a5b06e52
-00000cf0  3d5cee6f d5480006 e4e69f81 00043fff
-00000d00  a7ffc7ad 158c71e4 0f410006 f33cecbe
-00000d10  0004d03b e829966f dde8f9b2 86a90004
-00000d20  77afa6df 0005c8b5 e7ca8e79 185a79dc
-00000d30  b7b80006 00045fff eecafcec 6ecffa08
-00000d40  24910006 ed858f00 0004b6b9 a7e0729d
-00000d50  56c77184 264c0004 790d8c5a 00064b59
-00000d60  1d73ccc2 00051a68 5fff6598 80400004
-00000d70  f2688f1c 0005c430 e345882b 911bf321
-00000d80  5c3e0006 7c448d64 0004675e 8e7376d1
-00000d90  6b557c80 d3ae0006 0000802c 0000802c
-00000da0  94e10004 7cb6a4a2 00057870 a699f554
-00000db0  15a56e3a 33940004 fc91a6a4 0006f6c0
-00000dc0  8ae515f3 d36ada5e f53a0004 f824e5a0
-00000dd0  0005d915 e9336de9 b6087401 09530006
-00000de0  fdac8e1c 00058d7f e7d796e8 c0697a40
-00000df0  c9480006 f6e290b2 f52a928b 33a80006
-00000e00  7a2e8997 00052073 a763bebc 20d5e7ef
-00000e10  f2280004 f62aa7c7 00043900 a7c9ca59
-00000e20  85e8f23d bd400006 fc98a75b 00041cd8
-00000e30  a77f55f2 3937f945 60830006 dc95ec81
-00000e40  00041e63 8a0e774a b178b8f9 ba8f0005
-00000e50  7bbdec73 00042ff3 f98fe906 1ed17297
-00000e60  969d0005 70a1a6d0 00040855 e925a2cf
-00000e70  60e85e75 4a8b0006 760a8cc5 00058283
-00000e80  8d947752 8baa7637 2e070005 76eda7fa
-00000e90  00049bbd e98ecf95 c53e6181 635d0005
-00000ea0  e2968f71 0006eee7 e40dcfb9 3ffff87b
-00000eb0  ae370006 ed0ed1da 00058f6b 8e8fc8b9
-00000ec0  d3296c04 92e20005 00045fff 87703233
-00000ed0  ced6dde8 ee000005 7a4cebda 000480da
-00000ee0  ee70f061 440273f9 70720005 f3d28c7c
-00000ef0  0004a6c4 e9d85d1a 8be77dd3 90960004
-00000f00  f946a638 00043d87 edc931f0 6205fdb3
-00000f10  42080004 7321fad5 00056139 e5e5ab90
-00000f20  b50c7d20 338b0005 621f8ed8 00069d33
-00000f30  eaa5453f a5cd74b1 aafd0004 6ef6eeb4
-00000f40  00045206 e5ce61c4 e62ae3b9 ed0f0005
-00000f50  eb62a7f8 0006845b ea0c9f9d 1414fd2d
-00000f60  a8ef0006 70b3c1aa 000476b4 5fffb103
-00000f70  44ad0004 fdd0ec29 0005edaf 88af3a6d
-00000f80  f57f796a ad1a0006 7de8a65b 000093d1
-00000f90  1724e900 4f3affe2 9503e602 c896b812
-00000fa0  78a8ebe0 2d490fc2 0f270809 05552002
-00000fb0  2d5e2e80 64b754b8 1729eb29 9be14f79
-00000fc0  8e5016f2 7bd170e8 891b4771 cbf23f80
-00000fd0  16af2e49 a483d7e8 4b031278 4057d43a
-00000fe0  5e03f5b8 71fe7e68 f577e038 94fe8772
-00000ff0  8df47c12 3da7ef09 5a2676c0 da09bbe8
-00001000  24c6e951 db72bab1 112b4582 057f1492
-00001010  272bb32a 3ab32cb8 159b1640 39141880
-00001020  e2f4d3f9 1341c962 90ec95d2 63429c79
-00001030  bc627d72 acb36ef8 d7c27e61 44b1ff72
-00001040  7d31b5f9 a21c1b6a 5706c592 9f04e290
-00001050  4b0b22ca 6b05fb41 ec0c4a48 84384298
-00001060  98d539f8 a9d20142 f58e5098 1a1939e0
-00001070  c32ef7d8 efb88649 04a6a668 8b81cf41
-00001080  237542e9 4e5103b9 9f34e750 4f15398a
-00001090  8f21bde9 39087919 3a5f2698 9ba73580
-000010a0  0de92239 92f3328a 20be3480 4fe0e428
-000010b0  4d0ff278 9bb98301 aff13e80 601f63aa
-000010c0  fca104e0 3c703d71 549c586a 653e8822
-000010d0  c7f7181a ac82f702 ef431b79 0a34a970
-000010e0  e6f98c59 bb4f3dca 6c119830 1f640118
-000010f0  35ac00d0 a1493738 8460ac12 8fca03a8
-00001100  e962e3e0 c12217e8 115af1e1 b5f8f612
-00001110  5d9f0891 d4803759 4fcfdf68 c5f5feb9
-00001120  86c2eb52 a39c0409 495187c1 a3273e81
-00001130  26285b32 551f6d59 42fe8bea ce3d8cc9
-00001140  5fa18180 58936161 678e88a0 c43f4691
-00001150  4b39c4f1 0e824258 7fc6339a eb402c31
-00001160  3846a59a c8e9d1c1 ac8da30a 84a9ad48
-00001170  bb6fe1b2 10478142 64bc3438 922f3ce8
-00001180  a4230669 13de75e1 3756b60a 09284a21
-00001190  c506e5e1 7147e009 c1dc1fc8 d938dca9
-000011a0  f6420509 51f51870 2bc19478 c1eb4bba
-000011b0  b2902039 9040b3f0 b85dc5e1 aca2dbf9
-000011c0  a0fbc99a 11f271ca 3d11c7da e2438be0
-000011d0  b6dea63a c5552ca9 061e1ea1 3fdee58a
-000011e0  728fb558 309e6b88 ef971df8 02eb2da9
-000011f0  a61c2e12 27001c32 33aed761 5122a6d2
-00001200  a86557b9 58a0c088 02691d68 b3bba7b0
-00001210  2fd02a28 4e930cc0 b54c0ad2 b82bd002
-00001220  8bded860 815a02fa 0dcf3c5a 592e36c9
-00001230  0ebe8e22 81f9055a a60fb832 f748f209
-00001240  56bbfa98 27475922 4a8f9d22 c2ffc689
-00001250  c9b4ff88 d1d2c1e0 cbb9cd49 10e63250
-00001260  4c79391a 014b4988 a5912be8 e0b861f8
-00001270  05f241f8 585555a9 a64b05d2 c7e95f91
-00001280  ac9a849a b6700719 7b216a80 8ffce008
-00001290  0620ba78 5e72c0d8 2f9c4ed8 3dfe8a89
-000012a0  80bd0e48 cc3f1cf1 c78e0698 e2248ad9
-000012b0  2c097048 16c239a0 3eaab5d9 af6cf7d8
-000012c0  db0231f9 5f0df641 d2fc3be1 5933c6fa
-000012d0  6c7338e9 553c2e21 ba5c7908 880b02fa
-000012e0  5ff0c5f8 601b0e89 6da86a90 07c6be12
-000012f0  4cda5278 f6ceddf8 332d0182 17dd60d8
-00001300  6f8db4d9 4a2164b1 ed21aad9 467822b1
-00001310  3554ac70 969b17f2 952be520 a865a970
-00001320  0c05c5d0 0f4a0c62 f5927fc0 8e6d33c2
-00001330  738ffc00 f20da3c9 7fb17609 3e3abde2
-00001340  1f9e3ac1 a00d0390 45c0a629 5003f3e9
-00001350  99476ab1 7b1d0b22 ea7d93e9 af4eac69
-00001360  43f21ae0 4ee81489 0366840a 065afd41
-00001370  9949d1fa 46170ef9 ca7ff891 919ce111
-00001380  ec89d768 0c118882 93db3df0 5816c049
-00001390  a25c6131 7f82fb91 4b372261 4a1f1a39
-000013a0  04d99830 b24a4a80 27456799 662174da
-000013b0  cb6ee2b0 9564bb62 38a54f99 144029a0
-000013c0  995fd989 4874144a 3bddee50 b0c9b2ba
-000013d0  4dac7c4a cc35a0c1 4c3e5349 e3f98d59
-000013e0  b07f6432 26d35de1 e57cd498 c811058a
-000013f0  367e79b1 1edc0f78 37b7840a 941c3429
-00001400  ad91f462 10a043a8 6c257d52 fda72e01
-00001410  4430f9d1 3747865a 0316fd99 193edff1
-00001420  7c5dd058 bb5d55d9 69fc5102 f530e6a1
-00001430  ad86b7e1 a7862f59 66fdedb2 80e7fada
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-00001450  0f927c29 051d4398 bbd13b38 7b2f3a39
-00001460  12e4efc8 0b475fca 4c2151d0 c8338580
-00001470  61dcdec1 c7acbc92 02ea87fa 28fe9091
-00001480  699bfa52 910fbca1 1a7884c1 12d5ebb8
-00001490  42c02759 39a87eaa 523fd469 858e7c60
-000014a0  bec07452 19d390a9 6e5280e9 c7ade9f0
-000014b0  0f41d7d2 966ffa48 86a904c0 8e795811
-000014c0  b7b849f2 fcec6618 24910012 729de9f8
-000014d0  264c60f8 65983ef1 80402290 882b03e9
-000014e0  5c3ebfb2 76d1af20 94e14420 f55427e1
-000014f0  3394ab70 15f3e4c2 f53a4948 6de9e651
-00001500  09537ca2 96e867d9 33a89882 bebc21d9
-00001510  f2285a88 ca59eae0 bd40cb9a 55f26638
-00001520  6083b812 774a2e50 ba8f7be1 e906add8
-00001530  969d2031 a2cf3e20 4a8b39b2 7752a939
-00001540  2e07fe31 cf956958 635d31d9 ae37888a
-00001550  c8b9e301 92e2c311 32333c28 ee009d69
-00001560  f0610728 7072ff01 5d1a57d0 9096bb00
-00001570  31f0fe80 4208b520 ab906961 338b97a1
-00001580  453fa81a aafd3e90 61c42600 ed0f7a31
-00001590  9f9d1192 a8ef8a2a b1038b80 44adedd0
-000015a0  3a6d06f9 ad1a00aa
-    5924  -9976.8  -508.04 31508 15648 0
-  151354 111417.0   121.31 43944 16380 1
-  169219  10433.8  -341.38 46445 15552 0
-  182422      0.0     0.00 0 5890 -1
-   30888 1111786.5   154.27 12073 15740 2
-  142665      0.0     0.00 0 504 -1
-   69415  31774.1    -7.74 60751 8449 0
-  132437 259315.7   282.85 8084 9216 1
-   11614 1323153.6   729.35 556 9680 2
-   25783 323702.9  -878.77 43130 10903 1
-   71465  -2670.3   452.55 1728 15717 0
-  105441 921151.6   325.10 23550 10735 2
-  167504 191271.8    85.37 51399 8926 1
-   31697 155438.2  -959.44 26865 11805 1
-  100635 144771.3   999.72 4221 10478 1
-   52210  36690.8   426.93 61349 10224 0
-   71343 130396.3   739.42 52947 9673 1
-   42115   4411.7   800.07 25226 15101 0
-   19203 1289619.5  -972.26 59647 8783 2
-  147543  32400.8   871.64 8773 14983 0
-   24067 1200942.2  -469.73 59728 16055 2
-   29182  93260.7  -628.60 36707 12237 1
-   62839 284211.9  -569.12 43942 15367 1
-  169214 2625405.2  -791.88 26382 12526 2
-  167412  33342.1   186.27 20423 12162 0
-   81319 153264.3  -150.54 59279 15841 1
-   23078 374488.2  -724.68 6946 11992 1
-   55817      0.0     0.00 0 6013 -1
-   74950 -14714.7   667.45 53868 15658 0
-  121714 196696.8  -532.56 61722 14166 1
-  135467 2735781.0   998.86 41524 10416 2
-  132479 252356.6   324.55 14305 8850 1
-  141099  26040.8   468.73 13069 13925 0
-   15027 270443.7  -243.77 48438 9623 1
-    5531  25922.4  -836.16 63791 8904 0
-   14612 103134.3   263.20 52532 8976 1
-  123636  66745.2   694.29 8182 14975 1
-  136001 1236654.1  -184.21 22529 14636 2
-  168172 239645.8   259.73 35520 12986 1
-   90946  33202.6  -613.17 50566 13199 0
-  179298 110917.9   628.06 20653 12206 1
-   44211  16605.0   518.82 7155 11743 0
-  120770  33426.0  -429.31 49419 12236 0
-  148657 3021774.5   550.18 41322 16366 2
-  186577        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 0 0
-   97585 1985419.9  -520.60 13513 14015 2
-  172572  32924.6   970.60 52796 9069 0
-  153350 1889814.5   192.19 60976 14514 2
-   40708    -16.6   817.74 61782 15442 0
-  150283  26302.4  -849.16 59961 9305 0
-   92933  22795.8  -331.29 19091 16232 0
-   60428      0.0     0.00 0 2377 -1
-   33848 1257914.2  -467.92 26877 10323 2
-   39125      0.0     0.00 0 1855 -1
-  174546 1143355.0   267.98 34660 8232 2
-   62862 1583084.5   175.65 18322 10771 2
-    6681  21498.0   341.08 64359 10044 0
-   49966  11172.0   298.15 34103 16123 0
-  126904 225364.8  -583.69 31969 12489 1
-    1190 167927.4  -958.20 8065 13517 1
-  101249 301341.1  -863.83 8643 14824 2
-   74613  14553.2  -718.80 1360 10333 0
-   85585  40957.8  -436.74 12670 8311 0
-   40756 863149.1  -629.41 22554 15594 2
-  151317 2629515.5   788.16 3460 10033 2
-  102177 1618530.9   749.62 28663 14269 2
-   80136  33035.6  -976.44 45182 12067 0
-   14943 566200.7  -726.85 57380 9427 2
-   39847  82392.5  -204.59 64250 9904 1
-   69097      0.0     0.00 0 1095 -1
-  168691  20552.6  -422.38 12630 9809 0
-    8382  -1615.2   856.46 1862 9872 0
-   20448 211279.7   476.62 14579 15493 1
-   19727 973191.9  -462.34 35684 15951 2
-  105401 2544097.8   302.27 62632 12384 2
-   45041 156376.2    47.86 25811 10192 2
-  155679      0.0     0.00 0 3189 -1
-   64673 1467279.2  -943.54 31166 8348 2
-   81008 633724.2   762.91 31063 10158 2
-  152732 1341448.8   381.60 25601 11021 2
-  156990 846622.2  -758.02 13931 12548 2
-  182263  21644.4   129.25 59170 8963 0
-  175234  58741.4   569.37 11361 16096 1
-  126787  86547.7   765.20 14306 9071 1
-    2612   6976.9   643.03 19586 13614 0
-  124665 2448766.2    49.21 5388 12683 2
-  179023 207852.5    14.12 13930 10169 1
-   27665 354121.2   166.92 50232 13062 1
-    8036  28990.3  -159.92 62860 8227 0
-   13740 265955.1   350.71 23021 8218 1
-   41289  26135.7   500.91 51010 9959 0
-  164960 351427.0   888.61 25138 13698 1
-   36810 998852.4   647.18 41087 8309 2
-   59746 2769699.8  -135.66 26702 15484 2
-   49442 210514.8  -936.69 62936 8957 2
-   69978 -13732.8   -54.47 52344 15932 0
-  177656 392720.4   354.04 65201 16066 1
-   89503 389833.5  -642.21 17249 8466 1
-  119936      0.0     0.00 0 1771 -1
-   20431 160803.2  -890.13 10597 15341 1
-  116213 103371.9   200.34 64852 16343 1
-  165570  31048.8  -232.25 40626 15722 0
-  107420 326253.8   796.65 21123 8321 1
-   84305  -3628.6   253.68 2038 12536 0
-  107303 735042.5   490.29 42502 10192 2
-  140840  10318.2   108.01 16943 11110 0
-   87327  27686.3  -415.38 35729 11691 0
-  148222  35047.5   670.32 22132 12669 0
-  118333 -12343.4   971.85 27346 12697 0
-   24481 374488.2   315.23 40559 12336 1
-   88211 1148082.1   129.58 56791 11308 2
-   26510 243834.1   330.86 47346 12564 1
-  115775  34244.6  -483.20 54603 10450 0
-   84793  29579.9   195.09 4834 14494 0
-    3714 1377207.1   400.36 16599 10315 2
-  163782 383532.1   487.78 25983 9843 1
-  125760 377299.0  -179.68 1714 9606 2
-  145478      0.0     0.00 0 5299 -1
-  116969  39845.9  -282.85 24061 14904 0
-  175245  13601.7  -536.68 47719 13409 0
-   33961 2936858.5    -0.56 56163 13737 2
-  179055  42779.6  -583.94 51212 15414 0
-  183733        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 0 0
-  135239 882866.2  -344.90 25732 12328 2
-   25788  42319.2  -378.34 51328 9863 0
-   37423  28964.9  -519.93 9356 10141 0
-  107555  42944.8  -158.62 6522 8397 0
-   70622 789979.8   521.94 3856 11964 2
-  145238      0.0     0.00 0 5825 -1
-   67880  19971.0  -476.83 34134 10564 0
-  115974  18574.8  -628.06 55919 15548 0
-   94535      0.0     0.00 0 7169 -1
-   49628   3836.3   575.74 18631 9209 0
-  121144      0.0     0.00 0 7061 -1
-  128578  42549.0   246.40 37529 8353 0
-   20981 336069.2   564.02 16887 8974 2
-   11201  -7966.0    46.09 61991 12943 0
-  180715 1553944.2  -463.73 26987 10615 2
-  111248 1586018.4   507.61 39 9223 2
-   36928   4470.0   536.91 62354 13950 0
-  112733  21269.3   644.96 56859 14524 0
-  109730 2198947.2  -370.80 8795 15231 2
-  172283      0.0     0.00 0 6451 -1
-  135666 174583.8   468.73 51028 11833 1
-  146705 169575.3   778.09 26555 14587 1
-   57923  -1679.2  -455.66 29101 12668 0
-  177886 2209916.0  -651.07 6938 13511 2
-  116053 2566287.5   784.45 7315 9621 2
-   67102 152646.9   644.14 63117 9172 1
-  147422 2355846.5   381.76 60334 15537 2
-   29327 732408.4   270.75 63403 13995 2
-   12446      0.0     0.00 0 3441 -1
-   61335 145367.2  -536.45 10805 9151 1
-   66283  -7700.0  -927.11 3579 9653 0
-  173596   6566.5   485.90 65061 9666 0
-  187425   -11370        0  -905.13  -905.13 0 0 0xc0 0x00 1 -1
-  141056  38354.0   674.64 29337 9094 0
-   78766 176954.4   921.96 59832 15084 1
-  151842      0.0     0.00 0 5338 -1
-  183501   703630  1832260   486.94     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 0 0
-  108645 216296.1   634.28 55716 10999 1
-   22688 210514.8    41.98 49091 14353 1
-     617  77192.5   334.43 52136 9133 1
-   46011      0.0     0.00 0 5366 -1
-   12240 2329194.8   196.10 54445 9541 2
-   20115 656283.2   813.20 17288 8600 2
-  177484 246370.4  -119.91 65522 8538 1
-  178219 1177921.6  -352.22 9969 14848 2
-   35806  15742.3   866.80 22014 15116 0
-  164186 2916982.5   216.59 49516 8287 2
-  134607      0.0     0.00 0 1931 -1
-   88366 374488.2   218.36 29518 9945 1
-  134846  -7805.7  -868.29 59385 12740 0
-  164345 167271.2  -416.10 58785 8363 1
-  173583 2014545.4   863.46 10135 14086 2
-  128840      0.0     0.00 0 7745 -1
-   22203  18936.7   408.33 62317 16211 0
-  141127 2107174.0  -137.06 28285 11044 2
-  150159 271347.4  -880.27 61205 13220 1
-  115455  43493.1   146.85 29024 14545 1
-   51636      0.0     0.00 0 8177 -1
-   53714 1083079.4  -679.86 49472 14396 2
-  117689 223769.8  -326.36 45001 14761 1
-    4326 381257.6   558.49 47355 9802 2
-  150649 248924.2   364.50 18123 10019 1
-     331   4017.6  -844.08 7630 10545 0
-   42385  40478.8   557.06 40336 9597 0
-   57528 1020577.7   859.77 40652 11327 2
-    1522      0.0     0.00 0 2111 -1
-   88149  20939.6  -635.91 1762 10933 0
-  173643    -30.1    41.30 32405 8378 0
-  116713   -784.7  -144.36 62665 11250 0
-  175258 2141059.5   705.68 10648 12435 2
-  112240  56170.4   520.38 3312 8419 1
-   31521 165312.9  -651.07 44226 11600 1
-   36860   2234.3  -994.17 4314 15361 0
-    1568 1209498.5  -966.04 19977 14159 2
-   24178      0.0     0.00 0 6171 -1
-   12188 1107159.6  -452.93 37395 10715 2
-   81406      0.0     0.00 0 4433 -1
-   32957 1565557.0   218.08 26117 8649 2
-  117823 156063.1   -90.57 51497 9118 1
-   51086      0.0     0.00 0 211 -1
-  123428 253651.8  -954.93 11606 12635 1
-   11273      0.0     0.00 0 3593 -1
-    5826 128463.2  -133.24 13790 10036 1
-   81578 272253.2  -630.48 42774 14011 1
-   44908 2932433.8   -24.45 34316 16123 2
-  121602 1599265.8  -501.98 45656 9791 2
-   89869      0.0     0.00 0 7880 -1
-  119548  24530.1  -497.70 25928 10108 0
-  153907 243413.1   389.20 34945 14559 1
-   93299 374488.2  -370.64 11011 10013 1
-   87356  41408.3  -485.69 60577 9668 0
-   47708      0.0     0.00 0 3873 -1
-  165899 378427.2  -328.04 59481 8287 1
-   24560  12228.5  -133.24 11489 14527 0
-   90139  45526.2  -265.81 44196 8657 1
-   28072 1088780.8  -480.93 64169 11602 2
-  133062 270895.3   -99.35 33097 14274 1
-   19674 373927.8  -233.45 45932 10831 1
-   63182 190556.1   177.31 42878 15295 1
-  144173  -7826.9  -371.76 14616 8240 0
-    6109 2606962.2   434.68 22944 11291 2
-   94093 154193.5    42.48 5427 13979 1
-   84513 189130.1  -335.29 64316 11414 1
-  126241 152646.9   728.41 36767 13659 1
-   83576  40035.1   397.79 25357 9302 0
-   13652 272706.8  -512.63 12696 13710 1
-  169627 -10254.4  -589.22 56167 8958 0
-   38187 359551.1    42.54 39478 15524 1
-   43109 780792.3  -388.36 23849 13614 2
-  183848  2206720   521800     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x40 0 0
-    3077  81984.5    61.86 41192 14522 1
-  134986 2107174.0  -638.09 54649 8588 2
-   62866   2276.0   796.30 47426 12280 0
-  167533 2121397.8  -402.08 58457 9848 2
-   29583  35453.6   263.77 2443 16256 0
-  127501 381825.4   218.64 8534 13433 1
-   98225      0.0     0.00 0 3777 -1
-  147002 2480274.0  -825.84 60924 14268 2
-   73630  72778.9   -11.32 26398 10072 1
-   40973  51853.5  -902.03 7363 8306 2
-   83392 792750.1  -714.81 24469 13509 2
-   86019  12780.8    56.37 19100 15997 0
-  104775  -1271.5  -248.20 28382 11606 0
-  162589 2808192.0   479.90 52183 8548 2
-  125565 251495.5  -571.57 50717 12925 1
-  110414      0.0     0.00 0 5517 -1
-   17394 223372.2  -636.18 60367 9052 1
-   85736 1327059.9  -603.01 26973 8849 2
-  131942 289847.5   -11.59 64742 12417 1
-   67162 206341.3  -469.53 47914 16296 1
-  170313 1646964.9  -908.63 62494 14911 2
-   83479 355744.4   428.95 43852 8671 1
-  117375 376173.0  -496.64 63212 16146 1
-  102812 1442336.2  -800.41 59956 15394 2
-   60553 717601.1  -428.95 52530 15085 2
-  134161 1649977.1  -154.13 31684 12560 2
-   37851 356286.6  -128.81 33603 10174 1
-   88086 2550136.8   258.84 10043 14345 2
-  107100 2556185.2   582.94 42318 11302 2
-   98178   3949.8  -142.15 55396 16242 0
-   84791 2344399.8   248.95 33577 9292 2
-   84511 376735.7  -804.53 23495 9031 1
-    1241  38785.2   -27.22 21209 13062 0
-   45642      0.0     0.00 0 2384 -1
-   75589 1186368.4   567.90 64540 11507 2
-  157217 1264213.2   523.73 24605 11931 2
-   52078  13872.5  -531.87 21572 15446 0
-  169316  25499.4   825.48 5894 14188 0
-   80037  43343.1   -13.15 54542 10739 0
-    5184 1230447.1    78.26 39698 9524 2
-  104799 911985.9   532.10 47912 15153 2
-  149620 291742.4    98.55 57920 8841 1
-   15325  36840.0  -806.95 49512 15818 0
-  176329  -1971.0   671.47 30742 13911 0
-  150956 337113.7   442.20 18696 12169 1
-  117813 1060472.8  -724.99 18118 13336 2
-   85054   -543.8  -216.31 47480 10857 0
-  123897  24873.4  -979.37 11935 12715 0
-  176255 2899390.5   934.29 52181 11398 2
-   75475 288903.1  -575.74 42236 11196 1
-   58748      0.0     0.00 0 6803 -1
-  182289 385243.9  -213.00 14305 8369 1
-   79486 154504.1  -475.40 26668 12086 2
-    7900 251065.7  -918.02 19440 8687 1
-  145335  10851.5   182.63 25217 12417 0
-  103452   7848.2  -872.39 56771 9861 0
-  175505 1303737.0  -674.93 11758 16012 2
-    4256  35134.3   864.21 50576 10357 0
-  158757 724544.1  -905.52 55412 12202 2
-  130471 1416316.0  -958.61 30862 9664 2
-   82992 200739.6   101.11 49258 16186 1
-  145223 1342762.0   787.82 36380 12491 2
-   66326 148674.3   354.19 56275 16307 2
-   71998 869033.1   -12.93 62524 15358 2
-   31837      0.0     0.00 0 6667 -1
-  113501  19832.3   777.09 32829 10939 0
-  158204 1906360.2   782.10 15905 10784 2
-  128304 2403943.2   362.94 54182 15572 2
-  109958      0.0     0.00 0 5884 -1
-  108422 1054870.8  -688.07 494 9707 2
-  157437 257564.1   526.43 49846 15798 1
-  164071      0.0     0.00 0 8027 -1
-   89458  -8823.8   920.78 34669 13004 0
-  101983 1224260.9  -599.92 61000 15850 2
-  148851   3446.9   -82.04 19288 8516 0
-   52679  93928.2   295.10 48069 13441 1
-   69522   7816.3   717.88 3516 12165 0
-    1309 435265.8   -23.58 13404 10355 2
-   48081  35892.2  -567.17 25550 10087 0
-   97071 1894768.1  -643.31 35337 10055 2
-    4836 113934.8   805.22 42456 15865 1
-  133959 195603.7     4.04 26719 11257 1
-   19489 708984.8   255.87 35061 10810 2
-   51251  28408.6  -643.86 59599 12464 0
-   90588 292217.4   540.37 12837 15320 1
-  182188 205212.8  -828.67 46981 14226 1
-  131818      0.0     0.00 0 4351 -1
-   76030      0.0     0.00 0 4626 -1
-  158107 1400044.4  -378.18 58285 16202 2
-  102671 357916.3   387.86 17393 14228 1
-   72312   7679.0  -279.95 10991 12440 0
-    4821 2806044.2  -672.33 11557 15735 2
-   82624   4823.1   744.82 8346 9451 0
-  145832 396203.5   718.80 24834 12245 2
-   86591  -7046.1   809.03 2467 14989 0
-   34190 1008590.2   987.38 55769 12172 2
-  179904 286551.1   153.87 23821 11914 1
-   72147  90187.6   320.81 27490 12821 1
-   93778 143880.4  -182.09 15708 12317 1
-  185672  3054040        0   -63.99   -63.99 0 0 0xc0 0x00 0 -1
-   51117 399707.1   266.04 5516 15678 1
-  134977  25266.3  -308.28 53307 15098 0
-   38511   6637.7  -626.18 56808 16201 0
-   34473 253651.8   502.20 51381 8344 1
-  102009   5772.9   637.55 6234 11010 0
-  178104      0.0     0.00 0 2366 -1
-   64748  39500.6  -649.68 28367 11459 0
-  140433 2637748.8  -164.72 46777 8194 2
-   29341 381825.4   255.32 22215 15679 1
-    9804 1472860.9   583.44 19289 11295 2
-  183490  2494640  1798520     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x40 0 0
-   91544      0.0     0.00 0 2014 -1
-   32832 2695863.8  -281.52 50224 9298 2
-  100395    427.4  -304.74 37147 8317 0
-  154686 1876647.0   830.09 26462 14326 2
-   30417 2357758.0   851.71 27477 13796 2
-  185262        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 0 0
-   38113  77781.0   871.64 30832 10372 1
-  128340 224566.4   178.00 5541 9468 1
-   13204 228981.3  -857.93 63168 13678 1
-  136691 1010762.8   -20.16 54122 15512 2
-   62778   2174.9  -528.01 55573 10537 0
-   93673   9509.1   335.43 46600 15562 0
-  133459 2195299.0  -968.52 36223 12180 2
-  104168   5886.5   665.45 49257 11515 0
-  182600   454610   622840  -459.97  -380.95 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 0 0
-  144296 689429.6   660.34 8307 13072 2
-  114364 315129.6   -89.26 8405 9275 1
-   61992 367799.4  -425.11 14592 11089 1
-   51801 368908.7  -276.38 34280 15708 1
-  179520 311148.0  -860.51 7384 14707 1
-   22002 329332.4  -597.61 14647 11463 1
-  155779  23875.4   -25.70 7779 14082 0
-   30538 794600.5    -0.52 45432 9674 2
-  113295  23563.6   783.44 12275 12156 0
-   59654 -10667.4   287.24 7889 13755 0
-  104093 247219.7   231.66 2133 9222 1
-   41679   9340.6    31.57 24808 10180 0
-  150155 1627474.4   419.32 33411 10038 2
-   96082 1956576.5   427.48 35754 13607 2
-   77319 396786.0   462.15 39869 16326 1
-   53141  10654.3    44.10 50494 11563 0
-   90973 2877500.2   -49.65 61159 9787 2
-  184249     -100        0  -548.06  -548.06 0 0 0xc0 0x00 1 -1
-  175671  -4974.8  -156.53 36715 12561 0
-  116921 2411699.0   139.67 54057 15456 2
-  103138      0.0     0.00 0 6242 -1
-   12851 321671.8   -29.72 52950 10117 2
-  126464  20330.7   668.88 32986 13229 0
-   61537  36750.4   334.28 17410 8421 0
-   94322 1520877.6  -328.74 42692 16352 2
-   23834  11650.7   984.84 35815 11002 0
-   37014 188065.2  -597.86 15751 14176 1
-   12784  31991.1  -971.43 25093 16336 0
-   16904 -15523.0   304.74 24889 13988 0
-  109456   2502.6   912.14 46348 11564 0
-   78731 2556185.2    47.19 40243 13044 2
-  148799  14730.9   361.70 42445 13571 0
-   43773  38816.1   192.93 20998 10194 0
-   25028   2389.9   -56.25 58922 9408 0
-  126223 395621.5  -130.31 33883 12102 1
-  171933  12386.7  -917.23 5140 8754 0
-  174319   3612.7   233.45 30388 12613 0
-   45315      0.0     0.00 0 4464 -1
-   17581  21960.2  -983.58 60847 15802 0
-   80493 511895.8   607.16 62847 8415 2
-  175386 200739.6   993.74 37841 8213 1
+00000080  00000306 00000001 41290004 fbe2f940
+00000090  00051370 a639ab3a c1c7ec32 1cc10006
+000000a0  6c1ea4d3 0006a5ef 88763a77 ea6dfcc0
+000000b0  8a4f0006 fcd58e6b 00061c88 8c4246a5
+000000c0  4e4afcf1 9d340006 7c44a4d8 0004b51b
+000000d0  a464ff68 b3ba7303 caac0006 0000802c
+000000e0  0000802c af750006 72caa5e4 0004b33c
+000000f0  a61d5586 1e407489 66bb0004 f5a8a6a1
+00000100  0004a94b 880eb974 b337e1e4 ca1b0004
+00000110  29838c00 0005a0f7 a7519cbf 916b7cb1
+00000120  a78c0004 6ff3f91d 00046b2b 8fa91198
+00000130  4c97f8d9 993c0005 4ef0a6d4 0005f25b
+00000140  8d34e68e 78e375ac 559d0004 f1498c62
+00000150  00056b0c e6ccecf3 70416852 5ce90004
+00000160  ef4ba5f5 0006452a ef34bf7c 60a6f999
+00000170  651d0005 f65fa7cb 0005bf86 a47343f4
+00000180  fb43fcb4 2db00005 742ca3f6 00066c84
+00000190  8eb99ebf 7d7ffaa2 7cb40006 7a9ce112
+000001a0  00045fa6 e4d439ae 6edf7d08 38f70005
+000001b0  e60fa521 00041f9d a677d011 5eb675e5
+000001c0  5abf0004 76f6ea96 0006fb71 f74f43f4
+000001d0  83defdf4 a12f0005 7c48f9b4 0006b976
+000001e0  87682cb1 05e1fc3c c9780006 787b9002
+000001f0  f492ea59 a71e0005 7c01a7a4 0004b72b
+00000200  ecb4ef86 643d6d24 f8a30005 7b4e8d23
+00000210  00040ea6 8e3d2233 cbbdf908 f3180004
+00000220  7a84ed3b 0005fdee 8f835009 a61ff7e2
+00000230  784f0004 748ea5fc 00048bcc ec6848c9
+00000240  9b397bde ffba0005 7c008f4f 0006f9d9
+00000250  7583c992 00063fff 8e31bbf0 7d0f7bd7
+00000260  d8160006 7ce9c66d 00040ffb a5997d2f
+00000270  c61770f5 ba180004 7dafed20 0004d0c1
+00000280  ecdd5530 132d7d47 323d0006 74888aed
+00000290  00049438 5fff5b57 16420004 fa60e9ee
+000002a0  0004ae56 a587c30a 809ff906 21a80004
+000002b0  fd33887c 00044a3c 8f3caf30 60237ba4
+000002c0  765f0006 fa2c8aa9 00047d2b 8c087ac6
+000002d0  d3216e77 eb280005 6829a5fa 0006aba0
+000002e0  5fff48aa bb180005 fc1fec5a 0006ffe3
+000002f0  5fff33f7 bfbc0005 fcb8a723 00068221
+00000300  a5de1c28 1a9169cd b9430005 769af77a
+00000310  0005ca67 8ac327f4 ca447d42 02360006
+00000320  fa59f9d0 00057ef0 a79d35d6 e7b6f64b
+00000330  10040006 713aebbe 0004bdb6 8f29146e
+00000340  fdcb7b6b 308c0005 7712a6b6 0004f095
+00000350  ee9ceda1 3b9f7d38 065a0004 6eb6a4ee
+00000360  0005e94b 5fff8462 14970004 f68f83e9
+00000370  0005e7c2 f779df6e fad478ac c56d0006
+00000380  f7e4ea92 0004f7a9 5fff127c f90e0005
+00000390  00065fff a63fc889 0b34fca0 05890005
+000003a0  e6b3ec10 0006c926 a7665710 a0647d69
+000003b0  07640005 00055fff a5c24bd3 0d51eaae
+000003c0  5e200004 f01ea74b 00052682 a7ce270b
+000003d0  c30d79b3 d8a10005 7c10a76e 00055c64
+000003e0  a4531558 32b879c0 ab020006 7de289f1
+000003f0  00050505 edbc9523 a0daf581 8c420006
+00000400  7a66a77a 00054878 8ccc3a5f 00bc7bd7
+00000410  4b110004 785cedbb 0004675a ece3df72
+00000420  fc29639f 21be0006 f845a626 000682c2
+00000430  8ea7a5fa 9540ef25 10220006 00055fff
+00000440  864b9444 2facfd32 ac400004 00055fff
+00000450  88a6fb7e 407cfc66 520f0006 7d17a6ee
+00000460  0005beca a78d5cbe 469e6ed6 87ce0006
+00000470  6c32ee5b 0006435f 8bf64dc1 7f217c23
+00000480  70bc0005 f0398dce 000600fc 8f43c578
+00000490  fb97f95a bdd00004 00065fff ea203fb7
+000004a0  521471d6 901c0006 7d1ea60d 00061116
+000004b0  a518087b 28956fb9 915c0006 fc9b8e8e
+000004c0  00058a83 ee219c4c 550bf741 d31a0004
+000004d0  f4b7ebda 000495a1 8b7b8abb cb1068e4
+000004e0  69a10006 e75a8f65 000599bd 8f52ad1b
+000004f0  dd1f7b16 d1320006 90297491 00065e95
+00000500  ec180bd1 d92f7bc6 250c0005 fcb1a51e
+00000510  00041516 8dfb13a1 11f3faec afff0004
+00000520  f69789b5 00044080 fa47c46b 474df84f
+00000530  20e00006 f47ea777 0004b54d ec19baab
+00000540  3f0c6e11 857f0005 fbc58c1a 00060edd
+00000550  a6e7903d 4cef7594 6dba0005 78838d18
+00000560  0005c575 8d29da2a a84d7dc5 2da40005
+00000570  f763f73a 00045c2b a7028ddd d61378be
+00000580  a6a30005 f7c8851d 0005cf3b 5fffdac5
+00000590  bd1a0005 7950a68a 0006c10a a6f60d06
+000005a0  e5187d04 a8860005 00045fff ece7b731
+000005b0  aabb7777 d3480006 75618fd1 f5b9d430
+000005c0  b4a10004 f970a4ca 0004ccdc a7367692
+000005d0  de1df58e 75370004 fd63a7b1 0005ec10
+000005e0  ebf5294d 90037913 c8300006 75348b30
+000005f0  0005be5e faa9fc45 ae25f3d3 03a20004
+00000600  eb9ea473 00040609 8b06a76a 332a75f4
+00000610  283f0004 7c1fa723 0006444c 8efaa496
+00000620  f600e944 1a230004 7d8aa714 0006f4f0
+00000630  fa4d8fa3 ae02fc2f c70c0004 7daea61c
+00000640  00069897 8f4d7851 0c1b73e4 80a60004
+00000650  eed1faa2 000477ae f5ed2c24 8f57f694
+00000660  5c590004 fa7fa79c 0004b08b a7ccc1aa
+00000670  2367fae2 fcd80004 00065fff f7ac0249
+00000680  54cd771c 22750004 ee5ba6b9 000407e1
+00000690  ed1d40d6 e7bcf517 12200005 fb20edf4
+000006a0  000410cb ecbb455d ab7e77f7 e0b50005
+000006b0  f67689e6 0005dac7 ee9a4d97 5f26ef8b
+000006c0  67380005 efbcece5 00046504 ebab520f
+000006d0  47a5f442 f57f0004 7c79a7c5 0005b231
+000006e0  a5b62c76 3f316130 00330004 fddb887e
+000006f0  0005df46 8ce15243 10e26f5e c2dd0004
+00000700  fa90a4cd 0005176a a7f09074 45365688
+00000710  b4d00005 7883ec79 00058da6 5fff6e3b
+00000720  71ff0006 00065fff ef48bce7 0daf7812
+00000730  b0b10006 f97c8dcc 00047d7f a45851b2
+00000740  34c2691d d22d0004 743fface 0005c9b2
+00000750  a5f14b1c 1ddb5de7 222f0006 fd67a7f4
+00000760  00051f7b 8acb9ab9 db3b7b54 becd0006
+00000770  7b12e7d1 0006cde5 a6cea57e 1475fd6a
+00000780  9f060006 7a12a7f0 0004bb83 a58df7de
+00000790  3774ed57 94790004 fa158db7 0006eea6
+000007a0  866c64c4 8156d3b9 44f90005 ef5ba4d9
+000007b0  0006d871 5fff3430 63360005 e65ceeb8
+000007c0  0004fc0f fa8469e8 a2967d99 d2a80006
+000007d0  802c002c 00050000 8b5fee5f e70df5a5
+000007e0  14470004 f40b8c88 000459f5 a7e487e3
+000007f0  f993c146 af4d0006 f9bda573 00049915
+00000800  a6cacacf 64327384 0a9a0005 77d6a7ce
+00000810  0004610b 5fff8994 6ecb0004 fcb8a787
+00000820  0005b5cc ed696178 d96e6681 1dab0005
+00000830  7d39a47e 00057e27 a705a493 9eba7697
+00000840  df020005 76328ce0 0005f96e f3871312
+00000850  12027d5b 14fa0005 fdcda66d 0004acbf
+00000860  8c51f271 f4e3753c 99820004 7a928de0
+00000870  0004a1e0 8da2f4fe 3f3f6d9b 18f70005
+00000880  7792a6d0 0004afdb ebc0b066 46b37aae
+00000890  f0bd0005 665b8cdf 00058a19 a5dbc08f
+000008a0  c303f552 6d360004 f99aa584 000424f5
+000008b0  8b48ec45 2a2f781e 12880004 7dbbeb34
+000008c0  000609f0 a7758392 909a6620 dc780004
+000008d0  7d908ed9 0005cad8 8cb5949d e7a1eb1a
+000008e0  6fdd0006 7155a7ab 0004b925 8af9a212
+000008f0  202e7d5d 1c410006 f3a8eb86 00067131
+00000900  5fff0621 d4d40006 7db99e1f 00053fff
+00000910  eba29435 b5eb76eb 0a670004 7ce8a5cf
+00000920  0006e535 c15faa3c d508f548 5a720006
+00000930  e4f5a7bf 000640da eef830e8 574c6dc9
+00000940  38fa0004 7a71a6e6 0006c2b0 f9498915
+00000950  f51e7b8d d9b90005 f6fda680 0006bf30
+00000960  a637529b 129af792 47de0006 f3f0a468
+00000970  0006400d 8d06abff 2d6cdecc c0350006
+00000980  f0af8ed4 0005061a 8a044a00 4117f03c
+00000990  c77a0004 f0c5873d 0004dbe8 8c0b3787
+000009a0  a8f4fa3a b3a70004 fa8ea730 0006d7b2
+000009b0  86743fa4 efb3fc57 82d00005 7bdaf7b3
+000009c0  00064377 88b1c224 63c9f0e2 4fa40004
+000009d0  f2bd8f96 0006d21d d262b19c d7ea7878
+000009e0  24820004 00055fff ee22b209 ea96f6b6
+000009f0  96690005 76cbeced 0006361f 0fe3d7da
+00000a00  000650cd 8eb01be1 89adeef8 32cc0006
+00000a10  79518adf 0006acb7 ef0e5e51 23edfb39
+00000a20  0e7d0005 fd85a74c 00066b64 f3205dac
+00000a30  e346f16f 01e10004 7d57a7b5 00062a1c
+00000a40  a5cc292c bafff227 78d10004 e8e487d2
+00000a50  0005011b 5fff7494 0e390004 76658f34
+00000a60  0004f880 f8ffe05c 5375ed4d 13450006
+00000a70  7c778d4f 000618b7 883957a2 95d9f941
+00000a80  71250004 00045fff a73b022a 64017d8b
+00000a90  5b0f0006 7c70e47f 0004799d f6b54313
+00000aa0  f514ea01 20d50006 f488ee67 000448bf
+00000ab0  86c7a178 68627981 279a0006 7457a532
+00000ac0  00042f69 8ca65b71 ef50fd2b 0c9d0006
+00000ad0  ebe6ed71 000555f9 8c480a0d ec9d7aba
+00000ae0  5a0f0004 68638c25 00057128 5fffa69f
+00000af0  3f150004 4cd88cda 0006218e 002ccaf7
+00000b00  0005002c f8493907 ffaaf822 c5de0004
+00000b10  00065fff 8dc6ac2e 89b1fae3 1d6e0006
+00000b20  fb1e8fa6 0005493e 8e4414d8 1e51f4ca
+00000b30  5b530004 65f9a707 00057152 ef0c4d88
+00000b40  190efc75 571c0006 f3898d3a 0004d4df
+00000b50  5fffc8d8 24ab0004 fb0b8d9f 00065e60
+00000b60  e91271bd 2a496fef 75100005 789ca6ca
+00000b70  00061329 a73111d9 92676be1 22650005
+00000b80  f32dec1b 00065312 f81e48f2 056ef080
+00000b90  23ba0006 00055fff e637bb74 449cf03f
+00000ba0  5e500005 fbf3a776 00050b8e a7e5391b
+00000bb0  01957950 aae20005 7b9e8f86 00058745
+00000bc0  a7f014f8 46e1f978 454d0005 6f50e9dd
+00000bd0  000535cc f5037a5b 5620fc1c e4f30005
+00000be0  fd13a799 0005746f 5fff04ea c2ff0004
+00000bf0  7a1d8dd8 0005d411 8bb35c78 4066d360
+00000c00  63cb0005 fbeef5ad 0006aa26 8ea85443
+00000c10  5e7ff2bb 400f0005 f4c68fb8 0006d727
+00000c20  5fff03c6 6f9b0004 7bc8a4cd 00056e21
+00000c30  ef222e92 948b7c8d adb80004 71d4a609
+00000c40  000415bb 5fff363d 29d60005 fd32a7ab
+00000c50  00047f4d f706a5de 851070ae a6b40006
+00000c60  00045fff eac94474 74897ac2 e2b30005
+00000c70  fc3fa6c3 000592e2 8528dcaa 3e99716d
+00000c80  66430005 faa18f7c 0005476b a5eae547
+00000c90  ed2f7cf6 156d0006 fa788cf6 00048691
+00000ca0  ec02ce90 2b3a7b27 f8f90004 77c6a7be
+00000cb0  0006f2f2 8f31224d 09a671e7 9bbe0005
+00000cc0  5a33a76a 000642bb 8c1602bc e3e279e2
+00000cd0  d6820004 f87da64c 0005572c a790f65f
+00000ce0  d233ee97 b71a0005 f6638919 0005e062
+00000cf0  a7803eb0 fb60f64f b3590005 f6eaf2c3
+00000d00  0005ff66 a55e0a03 f37efbfb ba8e0004
+00000d10  795ff9ea 0006d1e5 eebe21b8 1c92fa05
+00000d20  5cb90005 f5e08cb6 0006f7d5 e6a1d8e3
+00000d30  0ffef824 eb5c0004 f3f7f81f 0005e746
+00000d40  87a12861 ccdfeef1 ed000005 fca28f8b
+00000d50  0004c1a4 8b007a29 2586f9c7 a7300005
+00000d60  00045fff a41b2146 932ef90c 64790005
+00000d70  fd51f2f8 00046bbd e811eb0f 1326fcdb
+00000d80  552e0005 73e88e85 0004b988 a6c26ff1
+00000d90  2b16f99b 04830004 e750f7b2 00056ca5
+00000da0  8d27ee39 eb7cfc0d 96d10006 f829a653
+00000db0  0005ebac 8f271c46 829ffb54 b44e0004
+00000dc0  74f08aae 000555ab 8af38134 c7065c44
+00000dd0  d0f40006 75e9586f ad740004 f936a495
+00000de0  0004d857 f742edea 3db9f7f7 d52c0005
+00000df0  7d8ba60b 0004d218 8fb77916 76ecf5de
+00000e00  b58d0004 00065fff ec8a9bed 5e2c75f0
+00000e10  e2c70005 00065fff 8bb91ce1 72f76b16
+00000e20  58220004 775fa657 0004ee84 e896d254
+00000e30  af03f234 8c640005 7b65fabc 0005bb75
+00000e40  89c15c15 0a6ef63a 68ec0004 e17aedc7
+00000e50  0005b47f a74aa9a7 97b3f68f 66820005
+00000e60  f1a388cc 0005d98a a66875e6 43a3f33f
+00000e70  b3b30006 7d31d229 00068192 a68b223d
+00000e80  37e3f5af fe5c0005 f951a727 00040c70
+00000e90  5fff482d a81c0004 e199f984 0005ed07
+00000ea0  ee97dac2 79537074 18050005 68aaebb3
+00000eb0  00058141 ea661b77 7248fa14 9d9f0004
+00000ec0  e592fa4d 0005c085 ee366c5f ecb8e9b7
+00000ed0  e42e0005 fdb8a7b1 000681f5 8e04c6b5
+00000ee0  791c75e3 04610006 f2ce8f5e 000590b3
+00000ef0  a44f5ccc 33577708 edfd0004 70cfa790
+00000f00  0005cc0e 8ca03516 03c4f94d af8d0006
+00000f10  00045fff a45c689a f2abfdd2 67a30004
+00000f20  7d4ba758 0005f351 f9dec383 c6de7cca
+00000f30  65470004 f61ea73a 0006630a 1ba1d8f3
+00000f40  00053fff 5fffe024 ac2d0006 00065fff
+00000f50  8dcb64a5 2c67e8fd a1ef0004 c9b38b33
+00000f60  00062147 ec826962 13677623 cfb10004
+00000f70  784b8c22 000662c3 8ebd0fd2 05187db6
+00000f80  1c6d0006 7257a5a7 0005eaa3 a52090d7
+00000f90  9588f59c 00000000 41297620 ab3aa831
+00000fa0  1cc19cfa 3a77ed92 8a4fdf5a 46a5af72
+00000fb0  9d341ed2 ff6867c0 af75ef52 55868260
+00000fc0  66bb9880 b974ae40 ca1bfdc0 9cbf0c31
+00000fd0  a78ced98 119857f0 993c51c9 e68e8179
+00000fe0  559d9b18 ecf31f41 5ce974f0 bf7cc5c2
+00000ff0  651d9041 43f42d41 2db09a49 9ebf5522
+00001000  7cb41082 39ae8ef0 38f7c421 d011f228
+00001010  5abff2d0 43f411da a12f3b59 2cb19c12
+00001020  a71eca89 ef867c70 f8a3c2d1 22335a40
+00001030  f318e480 5009f789 784fabf8 48c94a70
+00001040  ffba8f99 bbf03d2a 7d2f99c0 ba188e60
+00001050  55306638 323dd6ea 5b57fd68 16429508
+00001060  c30a2be8 21a88548 af304c40 765fd6a2
+00001070  7ac67098 eb280529 48aa2d1a bb189fb1
+00001080  33f7aa3a bfbc7099 1c28ed22 b9432301
+00001090  27f429b9 0236a7f2 35d62411 100496ba
+000010a0  146ede18 308c9879 eda14ef8 065a5ad0
+000010b0  8462d5e1 1497a0f8 df6e79a1 c56d7a2a
+000010c0  127ca258 f90e0c09 c889369a 05893811
+000010d0  5710df72 07649621 4bd30179 5e209220
+000010e0  270b4871 d8a10739 155830c9 ab0262a2
+000010f0  9523e1c1 8c4227ba 3a5f9421 4b11ef18
+00001100  df72b6b0 21be797a a5fae332 1022734a
+00001110  9444a9f9 ac403970 fb7ee3f9 520f0c02
+00001120  5cbeea39 87ce7112 4dc13b3a 70bc7861
+00001130  c578a4da bdd0eff8 3fb720e2 901ca682
+00001140  087bb5f2 915c9922 9c4c2a51 d31ac2f0
+00001150  8abbbff8 69a1b99a ad1bc911 0bd1938a
+00001160  250c5811 13a18438 afff60e8 c46beeb0
+00001170  20e05f7a baab8bc0 857fad21 903db702
+00001180  6dbafff1 da2af5e1 2da4dc49 8ddd05c8
+00001190  a6a36a31 dac55061 bd1ae529 0d0612ba
+000011a0  a886bc79 b7311810 b4a1a328 7692c0f0
+000011b0  7537b210 294d4089 c830d62a fc45e001
+000011c0  03a23ae8 a76a0998 283fe8c8 a4965cea
+000011d0  1a23f998 8fa3547a c70ce478 7851cfc2
+000011e0  80a69370 2c24d738 5c59fab0 c1aa97e8
+000011f0  fcd85928 02492af2 22753398 40d6a328
+00001200  12200459 455d6070 e0b52c69 4d978811
+00001210  6738e871 520f4b70 f57f3348 2c7641e1
+00001220  00337bf0 5243ad89 c2ddcc80 90749e39
+00001230  b4d01c81 6e3bb2a1 71ffa5ea bce74e1a
+00001240  b0b19bd2 51b22840 d22d9d28 4b1cb3c9
+00001250  222f8c5a 9ab94801 becdf95a a57e2f7a
+00001260  9f063682 f7de7398 94795910 64c4ea62
+00001270  44f9c529 3430f092 6336fd61 69e82fa8
+00001280  ee5f3099 144712c0 87e3a460 af4d2372
+00001290  cacfb058 0a9a1109 8994e058 6ecb9f98
+000012a0  61784cb9 1dab3d51 a4937ec1 df027071
+000012b0  1312bf39 14fa5159 f2710088 99824448
+000012c0  f4fe12d0 18f71ef1 b0663f10 f0bda661
+000012d0  c08f6c11 6d365238 ec458450 1288a8c8
+000012e0  8392d1f2 dc782648 949d6139 6fdd99fa
+000012f0  a2126e58 1c418412 062177e2 94354921
+00001300  0a67e1c8 aa3c34fa 5a72972a 30e89552
+00001310  38fa6818 8915662a d9b93549 529b0e0a
+00001320  47de59f2 abfffde2 c035b8ea 4a00fec1
+00001330  c77a61e0 378719f0 b3a72890 3fa456ea
+00001340  82d01829 c2240f0a 4fa41980 b19cffda
+00001350  2482bfb0 b2096b61 96697bd9 1be1983a
+00001360  32cc3fea 5e51e63a 0e7d0249 5dac30da
+00001370  01e14c60 292c154a 78d1b378 74944e69
+00001380  0e39fd48 e05c1f28 1345e1a2 57a240ea
+00001390  71255c30 022a8b30 5b0f764a 431335a8
+000013a0  20d527e2 a1788f20 279ae2ba 5b711c28
+000013b0  0c9ddf2a 0a0dbf11 5a0fc448 a69f0fd9
+000013c0  3f156fb8 3907dae1 c5def050 ac2e6eda
+000013d0  1d6e88b2 14d8de09 5b5317e0 4d88bfe1
+000013e0  571ca522 c8d8e130 24abc0b8 71bd0c72
+000013f0  75107711 11d9045a 226577d9 48f266ba
+00001400  23ba3392 bb7480f1 5e505c89 391b8a31
+00001410  aae22ac1 14f8c599 454dc391 7a5bb421
+00001420  e4f36971 04ea5459 c2ff7008 5c78a919
+00001430  63cb35a1 544359ea 400f3311 03c642a2
+00001440  6f9b41d8 2e92c2a9 adb80260 363d7978
+00001450  29d656e1 a5de7fe8 a6b4d692 44745970
+00001460  e2b394c9 dcaa9809 6643fab1 e5475ae9
+00001470  156d900a ce9067a8 f8f93448 224d8cd2
+00001480  9bbe7e01 02bc4c2a d6824088 f65ffb71
+00001490  b71a6f71 3eb08ed9 b359e039 0a0302c9
+000014a0  ba8eba20 21b821b2 5cb97ff9 eb5c3110
+000014b0  2861d3e9 ed0089d1 7a2914c8 a73025f1
+000014c0  2146b068 6479b391 eb0fbad0 552e7931
+000014d0  6ff11288 0483dd70 ee399449 96d13582
+000014e0  1c468cf1 b44e17d0 81347ac9 ad746e78
+000014f0  edea58b8 d52c99c1 7916d1a8 b58d7b08
+00001500  9bed4352 e2c7db51 1ce1abc2 58224188
+00001510  d2548508 8c64c809 5c156d59 68ec4d78
+00001520  a9a70a01 6682d1b1 75e63b79 b3b30862
+00001530  223d7162 fe5c93f9 482d1648 a81c25c8
+00001540  dac2e919 180580c9 1b778cb9 9d9fb0e8
+00001550  6c5fa6c1 e42e7b81 c6b59042 04618e12
+00001560  5cccc289 edfd0040 351690b9 af8da7a2
+00001570  689a3f08 67a33060 c3837229 65475a80
+00001580  e0241329 ac2df9c2 64a528fa a1ef0088
+00001590  696228b2 cfb10cc0 0fd2972a 1c6d1022
+000015a0  90d7d279
+   16681  -9667.4  -795.96 4976 11972 0
+  109370 188419.7  -142.45 49607 13574 1
+  138433  87821.0   141.24 42479 13215 1
+  146039 473528.6  -875.38 60013 15794 2
+  166479 2342495.5  -883.30 7304 15339 2
+  149157 1439582.4  -893.96 20042 13806 2
+  171316  88891.5   830.09 46363 9178 1
+   65384  66213.8   300.85 46010 11512 1
+  182956        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 0 0
+  175989 159847.6   293.59 45884 15850 1
+   21894 178660.8   355.56 7744 12364 1
+   26299 227771.5  -402.08 43339 13072 1
+   47476 408556.4   -46.01 45879 13768 2
+   51739 1350659.2     0.09 41207 16312 2
+  105663 306218.4   869.78 37227 8582 1
+   42892  -9245.1   215.02 27435 15795 0
+    4504 3001516.8  -570.59 19607 11006 2
+  104764 248924.2     5.76 62043 10809 1
+  124558 1798924.6   402.77 30947 12335 2
+   21917 1484066.6  -248.95 27404 13155 2
+  126195   3836.3    93.13 28737 9192 0
+   23785 165312.9  -200.08 17706 11934 1
+  180092  42911.7  -619.51 24742 14520 0
+   91421 370020.1  -434.87 49030 12808 1
+   82932  68899.0  -870.90 64323 9640 1
+   77232  48621.3   341.67 27780 13129 1
+  171711 2494143.2  -693.99 32127 10916 2
+  162996     15.0   692.21 24486 8720 0
+   14766   1375.5   902.81 28383 12766 0
+   80119 105526.2   -72.67 8093 14468 1
+   53265 211279.7   412.72 24246 15941 1
+   23231  14489.0   463.93 64369 15962 0
+  148468  -4769.4  -998.86 33758 8763 0
+  106799 -11158.5   831.52 47478 10091 0
+  142513 317635.2  -827.25 1505 13186 2
+  182648   400730    -1690   548.06  -356.93 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 0 1
+  108318 348746.4   806.60 46891 14673 1
+   61318  25034.7   158.01 25661 12174 0
+  129187 1771921.2   747.06 3750 14426 2
+    8755 2256012.2  -582.19 52157 11080 2
+   62232  28283.2   685.13 65006 15504 0
+   86025 2916982.5  -513.29 42527 16113 2
+   30799 167599.1   356.32 35788 13695 1
+   18633  23320.4   794.60 39737 10574 0
+  131002 2803897.5   806.26 63961 12787 2
+  182674   -15190        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x00 1 -1
+  179184 2233807.0   792.22 32015 10149 2
+  186390      410   398680   890.90     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 1 0
+   32047 137171.3   240.15 50711 13112 1
+   47640  27612.3   969.77 53441 12748 0
+   21808  25993.4   927.51 4909 11463 0
+  143933 1019484.0   355.40 37944 15069 2
+   23383      0.0     0.00 0 8109 -1
+    5698  11958.4  -674.64 44630 12961 0
+   49930 132068.7  -581.69 32927 9597 1
+    8616 477473.8  -919.59 19004 12457 2
+   44848 2763318.8   775.10 24611 10632 2
+  161375 946933.4  -659.78 32043 15060 2
+   31430 1361237.1   182.71 54049 11795 2
+  125736 166943.7    91.51 43936 8357 1
+  149674      0.0     0.00 0 1443 -1
+  113432  23013.5  -817.04 65507 13302 0
+  144375      0.0     0.00 0 5447 -1
+  114620 284211.9  -872.39 33313 11795 1
+  138280 157947.8   109.55 6801 15780 1
+  112963  -5105.7   446.00 51815 9312 0
+   75764 974252.2   925.52 51780 9527 2
+  131638 -11540.1  -672.62 32496 13566 0
+   79318 345016.5  -431.16 59318 9346 1
+  135172  19773.1   247.35 48566 13015 0
+    5230 2723133.2   756.40 64971 15299 2
+   77964 236329.9   469.53 61589 13071 1
+   60833  38078.4   921.57 15263 10719 0
+    1626  93705.3   187.71 59723 11098 1
+   99426      0.0     0.00 0 6844 -1
+    5271  46776.0  -443.90 59330 13343 2
+  122734  -5097.7   559.69 64212 12084 0
+  181613  14424.9  -513.73 63401 12101 0
+    4732      0.0     0.00 0 5195 -1
+  129294      0.0     0.00 0 385 -1
+  182409 190556.1  -863.46 2868 9939 1
+   66953  21435.5   -77.96 51494 9986 0
+  153360 316631.4   941.12 41060 15342 1
+   67428      0.0     0.00 0 4804 -1
+   84947 149281.0  -120.63 3409 8239 1
+   24096 303285.7  -219.01 9858 12868 1
+   75531 371691.5   626.45 49933 10510 1
+  120993 320659.5   811.80 23652 8423 1
+   71000  63255.9   629.94 12984 9753 1
+  174850 768049.9   991.19 1285 11348 2
+  103715  31638.9  -395.41 41178 15416 0
+  166978 326765.5   676.38 18552 9463 1
+   80479 1637950.0   792.22 188 12932 2
+   19217  31612.0   540.83 26458 15843 0
+   57202  26135.7    55.62 64553 14038 0
+  139710 181759.9  -535.53 33474 12079 1
+  173562 2458583.8  -196.85 38208 15462 2
+  135202      0.0     0.00 0 3689 -1
+  103492 194877.2  -919.20 12204 13631 2
+   44096      0.0     0.00 0 1838 -1
+  129918 505704.9  -842.27 16508 15487 2
+  152079 260194.5   908.63 48842 8576 1
+   89278 336591.1   190.30 18078 15687 1
+  165838  36127.6   142.45 17247 11810 0
+  150977 1337514.2   818.44 32545 10087 2
+   94396 2056146.6  -221.56 252 12044 2
+  181624 2778223.0  -603.01 64407 13467 2
+   48592      0.0     0.00 0 7679 -1
+  147383  12677.9   264.45 21012 9244 0
+  167964 173238.7   911.36 4374 13520 1
+  133243 103371.9   209.74 10389 14014 1
+  168284 2409758.5  -861.62 35459 13092 2
+  105548  34444.2  -479.08 21771 9546 0
+   54042  20330.7  -362.63 38305 14430 0
+   35515 1182743.4    99.14 51984 14335 2
+  158113 2851377.5   -83.74 39357 14131 2
+  109851 2810340.8   729.35 56607 14626 2
+  184626   -13280   412280     0.00    32.01 0 0 0x40 0xc0 1 0
+  134097  21602.5   786.47 55599 12913 0
+   75020 104804.8  -869.78 5398 11010 1
+    5025 2135685.2  -716.34 4595 12423 2
+   45055 715008.9  -445.43 16512 11293 2
+   50283 -13258.7  -537.83 18253 15830 0
+  139488 325231.8  -353.88 46413 11247 1
+   47787  21623.4   174.90 16140 12664 0
+   99711 1385238.8  -786.13 3805 13732 2
+  167997 257127.4   398.65 19695 14048 1
+   93626 1754593.4   549.95 50549 16382 2
+  121386 1781420.8   978.95 43085 16060 2
+   77220  -4610.6  -486.11 23595 15241 0
+   36317 269091.8   564.02 54803 8377 1
+  108195 104565.1  -507.61 53051 11590 2
+  121541      0.0     0.00 0 2572 -1
+  113946 218638.0   600.43 49418 15525 1
+  134406 263729.5   901.26 58648 8791 1
+  108678      0.0     0.00 0 6031 -1
+   46897  26230.9   490.29 43707 8962 0
+  185160   386530    12560   390.03  -405.02 0 0 0xc0 0xc0 0 1
+   46241  85915.8  -608.72 52444 13413 1
+   30354 293169.0  -397.62 56861 14366 1
+   30007 355744.4  -938.70 60432 13890 1
+   76109  20878.2   584.94 36867 10257 0
+  182320 1094502.1   382.58 48734 15045 2
+  130117 -14795.8  -328.89 44581 15360 0
+     930  68899.0  -133.70 1545 10077 1
+   42858 1047061.0   415.38 13098 8499 2
+   10303 284211.9   817.04 17484 15641 1
+  173206 2625405.2  -103.30 62976 11165 2
+    6691 277270.8   954.52 62704 16179 1
+  167843 -13349.6  -822.66 44546 10895 0
+   50956 178318.7   969.35 39063 15503 1
+  161873 2799607.5   331.29 3099 14840 2
+   32934 -14682.3  -189.89 30638 12910 0
+   11300  -2542.6  -444.86 36695 15079 0
+   23641 344485.8  -683.66 45195 16214 1
+   49578 370576.7  -713.28 9063 13053 1
+   64728      0.0     0.00 0 2853 -1
+  131657  -5516.3   471.55 21709 9566 0
+    8821 237569.8  -180.53 2017 9843 1
+   16598  27538.4  -377.86 59324 13413 0
+   70176  33174.7  -732.48 4299 8331 0
+   17757  25196.7   517.93 43902 11278 0
+  123061 758135.8  -439.17 56007 9613 2
+   85399  38017.4  -205.65 24358 12546 0
+   91960  26183.3  -210.01 25860 15630 0
+   21007  19400.5  -344.90 18341 10606 0
+   62847 366692.4   849.16 45617 9833 1
+   76918 145665.9    42.59 16177 10300 1
+      51 478793.6  -988.22 57158 12158 2
+   86595 1669646.5   201.72 4322 13745 2
+   49885  86547.7  -688.66 5994 14736 1
+  102516 390986.5    13.24 17718 13255 1
+  111824  23696.9   549.95 36262 9104 0
+   93755      0.0     0.00 0 5716 -1
+  160255      0.0     0.00 0 5309 -1
+  179431  43576.6   523.96 3503 10691 0
+  176305 2052658.2  -611.86 32127 13178 2
+   20914  64116.6   101.59 13506 9480 1
+   53805 -15405.7   344.46 51634 13221 0
+   84764 164015.9    29.71 7643 13945 1
+  139823 393299.5  -940.31 8059 12683 1
+  105145 982762.4   748.98 56123 10496 2
+  179917   5833.9   728.10 52709 16171 0
+  173438 246370.4  -941.52 5237 9711 1
+  171782 390986.5   652.47 48003 9936 1
+   63454 133755.2  -161.50 14196 11891 1
+   38009 2016267.5  -653.31 61094 11042 2
+  156868 207096.0    -9.73 33110 15692 2
+   83193  89106.7  -201.46 55409 14501 1
+  144432      0.0     0.00 0 7698 -1
+   90934  38940.0   -75.11 64527 16300 0
+   27112 -14202.3   960.67 41622 9717 0
+  185000        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0xc0 0 0
+  126559 1149265.9  -401.56 59149 9747 2
+    5191 1538070.6  -336.87 23029 8792 2
+   34787 384102.1    -1.29 63891 13452 1
+  175949 126549.3  -629.14 39189 9326 1
+   51919 244677.6   317.94 25650 13835 1
+   68250 371691.5   510.66 24843 8737 1
+   35220      0.0     0.00 0 7179 -1
+   28363 333467.3  -872.39 46540 13299 1
+   90488  29451.1    76.31 55662 10647 0
+   73131  70913.7   921.96 32295 10154 1
+  107667 270443.7   445.43 40634 12248 1
+  122626 1668128.0   426.56 63854 11790 2
+   70418   -536.6   935.49 4610 14311 0
+   70906 207474.0  -982.31 44223 10795 1
+   62065 1460322.0   383.90 62691 8209 2
+   39298 2087720.6   689.25 41440 10377 2
+   62718 1980309.5   166.28 16191 8794 2
+   71927 247219.7   496.00 45019 9182 1
+   45158  19812.5   697.57 18099 10210 0
+  127165 1666610.4    75.08 35353 13516 2
+  114831 157003.6  -387.53 49923 11650 1
+   27958 131230.7  -619.77 9461 10823 1
+   60485 1122243.9   526.66 10799 12426 2
+    4744  17173.3   974.77 2544 13593 0
+  164754 324212.0    73.20 37018 14910 1
+   56440 2558203.8   956.97 51928 9417 2
+  103581 1603697.9  -126.35 59297 11303 2
+  159709 352503.0   250.23 47397 13119 1
+   41490 1032659.8   936.29 8238 11723 2
+  138305  18688.6  -322.88 28977 12418 0
+  132641      0.0     0.00 0 3836 -1
+  185556  2669300        0   973.93   973.93 0 0 0xc0 0x00 0 -1
+  103477  19225.7   461.75 46571 10532 0
+    2663 153264.3   890.51 58677 15417 1
+  174652   2022.3  -385.87 54536 9887 0
+  154226 363384.8   -64.40 16602 13029 1
+  143592  40957.8   169.59 22348 12970 0
+   14586 256691.2   679.57 49840 11523 1
+  166165  -9778.0   767.50 62750 11461 0
+  121273 214744.2  -465.32 48944 9897 1
+  152219 187711.1  -496.00 4762 8641 1
+  149470  66922.9  -333.00 16397 11070 1
+  175103 1726483.0   -32.77 11628 16316 2
+  180277 2548122.8  -233.05 1562 14109 2
+   84480 785377.1  -221.85 16663 16344 2
+   51066 296515.8  -235.26 56296 11324 2
+   14215 1365218.0  -663.75 43252 9022 2
+   45991 290320.4  -688.07 55218 9490 1
+  147364 210133.1  -836.88 61363 10973 2
+   99024  -5575.5   793.24 17271 8965 0
+  180772 513278.3  -238.20 25545 8673 2
+   20388 2959048.5  -291.96 53789 9008 2
+  176540 -10595.6   547.36 55274 16379 0
+    9346      0.0     0.00 0 6134 -1
+  111113  34472.7  -451.38 60054 11628 0
+  104041  26374.1   455.46 13855 12155 0
+  186330   391710     7240     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x40 0 1
+  138209 2476320.8  -193.09 35245 13063 2
+  144076 1004254.6   600.69 44215 10237 2
+  155217  41667.2  -740.37 9197 15559 0
+   69245 303773.2  -952.47 27492 8265 1
+  155052   -373.2  -253.03 58182 9755 0
+     481 357916.3   933.89 10780 10636 1
+  141612 152338.9  -273.79 47871 8873 1
+   30929 373927.8   -99.14 283 13935 2
+   95380      0.0     0.00 0 2509 -1
+    3641 2746350.8   435.99 63616 16297 2
+   57436  -8893.1  -160.81 21365 9189 0
+  136005 1842373.8   848.43 6327 15412 2
+  153506 434646.2  -596.59 38361 10269 2
+   28965      0.0     0.00 0 2950 -1
+     554 295557.0   954.93 25601 12646 1
+  154383   1110.9   845.89 31133 11977 0
+   17171  -3686.2  -112.02 62740 9909 0
+  139477  36482.6  -355.40 18623 9468 0
+   41336 243413.1   613.17 26722 12772 2
+  141210 109676.8   348.02 12137 15447 1
+   23409 1581618.9  -916.45 61264 9093 2
+  134301  29657.4  -137.89 22009 15333 0
+   68109 1447854.5   701.16 60573 14306 2
+   23055 1400044.4    93.81 28968 14473 2
+  108191      0.0     0.00 0 507 -1
+   16149 1659036.0     4.57 8590 11767 2
+  183031        0        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x40 0 0
+   80135  -6947.4  -527.56 65450 15196 0
+   50654      0.0     0.00 0 7690 -1
+  175150 2042216.6  -713.59 35249 11739 2
+  138606 2994784.5  -731.85 18750 12566 2
+   70872 2269033.0  -365.60 7761 15297 2
+   23379 271347.4    71.99 29010 8956 1
+   85384  41602.4  -847.70 6414 14332 0
+  153372 1808520.2  -318.62 54495 13476 2
+   51416      0.0     0.00 0 7206 -1
+    9387 1975207.8  -725.92 24160 14359 2
+  160189   9115.0   214.65 10825 8590 0
+   95504 244677.6   555.87 4905 12002 1
+  135641 290793.9   137.59 37479 8331 1
+   74341  21665.3  -306.31 21266 12027 0
+  149746  -6533.4  -228.40 1390 11479 0
+  140218      0.0     0.00 0 1650 -1
+  113524   2933.0  -222.13 17564 12318 0
+   89680 324721.7  -801.78 2958 11153 1
+   80155 384672.7   600.43 405 12614 1
+  109282 2923598.0   773.11 34629 9560 2
+   70904 390986.5  -610.81 18145 14515 1
+   83277  11720.1   200.51 13772 14450 0
+   96859  -1538.4  -815.99 22048 13956 0
+  124147 342897.1  -907.07 29807 11566 1
+   66794      0.0     0.00 0 2699 -1
+   49919 2073648.2   655.55 54289 11777 2
+   89208 1251636.1    -9.36 16486 13603 2
+   91083  -2234.3  -800.07 43558 9908 0
+  152643 2460550.2  -291.71 24191 11069 2
+   81935 3035330.0  -364.97 55079 9826 2
+  132038      0.0     0.00 0 2132 -1
+   28571  86547.7   787.15 28193 10299 1
+   77458  42319.2   856.46 38027 14421 0
+   44472 171900.5   264.22 5563 8268 1
+   13885      0.0     0.00 0 3887 -1
+   76246 352503.0  -919.20 32589 10972 1
+   42462  -4232.7   232.95 34064 12285 0
+  173748      0.0     0.00 0 6866 -1
+   17524  15322.3   703.57 29833 11054 0
+  123571 241733.9  -828.32 37602 12953 1
+  122026 107222.4   252.81 16025 13057 2
+   91715 2901585.8  -693.69 18283 16214 2
+  124231 161762.5   895.87 60719 11101 1
+  136557 1701749.4  -681.61 34449 12801 2
+   52880  21145.3   734.68 11066 11509 0
+   63737 362835.5   507.17 62194 9865 1
+  139853 2740005.8   266.38 2470 12698 2
+  105406 318641.2    19.79 17083 12224 1
+  131772 1379880.9   639.19 58338 10629 2
+   54914 195240.2  -548.53 22316 10257 1
+  128607 338160.3  -185.23 53811 16238 1
+  112410 588651.6  -435.61 57442 11758 2
+   81584 329847.4  -431.90 64352 12763 1
+  111449   -257.7  -461.55 65382 15367 0
+   68099 120921.7  -804.53 62334 8281 1
+   47758 -11902.0   604.30 53733 14148 0
+  139704  39126.3  -648.84 7314 9270 0
+   89273 1605177.1  -411.84 63445 12287 2
+  186595     -440   399560  -528.01     0.00 0 0 0xc0 0x40 1 0
+   60252  -6542.8  -334.00 59206 9762 0
+   75873 347144.6  -192.52 52447 14973 2
+  126208 2934645.5  -864.21 49572 12602 2
+   31273 1040397.8  -631.84 9606 8857 2
+  108336      0.0     0.00 0 1214 -1
+    8518  54137.5  -583.19 37678 13837 1
+   91257   -320.0  -931.49 27581 13938 0
+   60175   6411.6  -885.57 4902 14170 0
+   87342 2392341.0   331.86 47496 12070 2
+   28657 241315.3  -620.04 11030 8785 1
+    1155  -5567.0   -83.38 27813 15278 0
+  126521 1778250.5  -810.76 60284 12937 2
+  169681 197793.9  -529.15 60332 9904 1
+   72774 2718926.0  -748.98 33439 12702 2
+   46158 952146.8   371.60 21931 8954 2
+   98612 1026057.8    24.83 50950 12121 2
+  184564    22260   -16050     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x40 1 1
+   44404  75252.2  -593.78 55383 11727 1
+   60906  -4670.7  -517.93 15801 11031 0
+  120108 172568.7   954.93 53784 13112 1
+   30998 3033068.0  -411.49 30444 14901 2
+   46477      0.0     0.00 0 3937 -1
+  170989  24077.3   414.67 24108 10346 0
+  123591      0.0     0.00 0 7018 -1
+  138465 1259172.4   126.13 29431 13688 2
+   22562 199263.2   485.28 61060 10289 1
+   53844   7731.6  -275.31 44803 12449 0
+  101476 -15107.0   754.46 47989 14593 0
+   89109 725415.1  -428.03 2670 11691 2
+   26860  31936.8   -43.97 46207 10671 0
+  108967 302798.8  -443.90 38835 8512 1
+   91778 532187.3  -258.73 55690 14902 2
+   95718 205588.5  -308.68 17315 10095 1
+  177075  -7896.3   918.81 33170 8460 0
+  139837 219029.9  -403.28 14307 11820 1
+  130652 286082.2  -600.69 3184 12927 1
+   18477      0.0     0.00 0 713 -1
+   43036 -10524.2   -44.55 60679 9401 0
+  121538  37925.9   227.23 31059 15651 0
+   71685  19556.8    96.71 33089 12313 0
+   72567  13732.8  -653.03 29256 12695 0
+   40351 -13349.6   -68.88 49285 13853 0
+   93279  35047.5  -108.52 60600 13528 0
+  123950 355744.4  -973.51 33269 12144 1
+  181941 2151835.0   412.37 31004 12808 2
+  132193 2836212.5  -294.09 37043 12738 2
+   89292  62573.0   467.52 13143 14417 1
+   60925 338160.3   236.27 52238 8200 1
+   79126 1572844.2  -599.66 964 12823 2
+  176013      0.0     0.00 0 5364 -1
+   26778  64810.6  -984.42 62123 10209 1
+   26531 309663.6   929.10 62289 9740 1
+  115587 -11734.1   879.14 50910 11845 0
+   25927 295078.4  -422.93 25354 11088 1
+  186611  2060080        0     0.00     0.00 0 0 0x40 0x00 0 -1
+  122916      0.0     0.00 0 613 -1
+  175149      0.0     0.00 0 7992 -1
+  156837 2050915.5  -100.21 11367 9503 2
+   41455 1097944.6    -3.24 8519 8209 2
+  158050  23897.8   423.83 4967 9494 0
+   53169 1395996.1   536.91 25283 8600 2
+  135122 2502091.5   972.68 1304 13029 2
+  138349 141229.6   279.47 60067 8708 1
+  102615 105285.4  -400.01 38280 14927 1
 *** test 502 400 0 1
 *** test 502 400 1 1
 *** test 502 10000 0 1
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloCnv/CaloTPCnv/test/CaloCellLinkContainerCnv_p2_test.cxx b/Calorimeter/CaloCnv/CaloTPCnv/test/CaloCellLinkContainerCnv_p2_test.cxx
index d4de9367893c2a7c5f1d5c2bf5b6a978edf3cc60..0d75e909c17848e49d045106b232ff70dacc3459 100644
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloCnv/CaloTPCnv/test/CaloCellLinkContainerCnv_p2_test.cxx
+++ b/Calorimeter/CaloCnv/CaloTPCnv/test/CaloCellLinkContainerCnv_p2_test.cxx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 // $Id: CaloCellLinkContainerCnv_p2_test.cxx,v 1.2 2008-12-18 19:34:49 ssnyder Exp $
@@ -16,9 +16,10 @@
 #include "SGTools/TestStore.h"
 #include "AthenaKernel/errorcheck.h"
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
+#include "TestTools/random.h"
+#include "TestTools/leakcheck.h"
 #include <vector>
 #include <algorithm>
-#include "TestTools/leakcheck.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
 #include <cstdio>
@@ -26,30 +27,8 @@
 const std::string cont_name = "cells";
-// Dufus-quality RNG, using LCG.  Constants from numerical recipies.
-// I don't particularly care about RNG quality here, just about
-// getting something that's reproducible.
-#include <stdint.h>
-uint32_t seed = 1;
-uint32_t rngmax = static_cast<uint32_t> (-1);
-uint32_t rng()
-  seed = (1664525*seed + 1013904223);
-  return seed;
-float randf (float rmax, float rmin = 0)
-  return static_cast<float>(rng()) / rngmax * (rmax-rmin) + rmin;
-int randi (int rmax, int rmin = 0)
-  return static_cast<int> (randf(rmax, rmin));
-struct randi_fn
-  int operator() (int rmax) { return randi(rmax); }
+using Athena_test::randi;
+using Athena_test::randf;
 struct cell_t
@@ -138,8 +117,8 @@ CaloCellLink* make_cluslinks (int ncell_min,
   std::sort (cells.begin(), cells.end());
   int uend = std::unique (cells.begin(), cells.end()) - cells.begin();
-  randi_fn fn;
-  std::random_shuffle (cells.begin(), cells.begin()+uend, fn);
+  Athena_test::URNG fn;
+  std::shuffle (cells.begin(), cells.begin()+uend, fn);
   for (int i = 0; i < uend; i++) {
     lnk->push (cells[i].cell, cells[i].weight);
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloCnv/CaloTPCnv/test/CaloCompactCellTool_test.cxx b/Calorimeter/CaloCnv/CaloTPCnv/test/CaloCompactCellTool_test.cxx
index d35dc1417a6d5613f8b625590317167ba9ca8856..68b797342268584529ffd6bc485952ab37395001 100644
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloCnv/CaloTPCnv/test/CaloCompactCellTool_test.cxx
+++ b/Calorimeter/CaloCnv/CaloTPCnv/test/CaloCompactCellTool_test.cxx
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
 #include "IdDictParser/IdDictParser.h"
 #include "GaudiKernel/Bootstrap.h"
 #include "TestTools/initGaudi.h"
+#include "TestTools/random.h"
 #include "AthenaKernel/errorcheck.h"
 #include <vector>
 #include <map>
@@ -69,22 +70,10 @@ ISvcLocator* g_svcloc = 0;
 // getting something that's reproducible.
 #include <stdint.h>
-uint32_t seed = 1;
-uint32_t rngmax = static_cast<uint32_t> (-1);
-uint32_t rng()
-  seed = (1664525*seed + 1013904223);
-  return seed;
-efloat_t randf (float rmax)
-  return static_cast<efloat_t>(rng()) / rngmax * rmax;
-int randi (int rmax)
-  return static_cast<int> (randf(rmax));
+using Athena_test::URNG;
+using Athena_test::randi_seed;
+using Athena_test::randf_seed;
@@ -205,7 +194,8 @@ CaloDetDescriptor* find_dd (int hashid,
 CaloCell* make_cell (int hashid,
-                     CaloDetDescrManager* mgr)
+                     CaloDetDescrManager* mgr,
+                     URNG& rng)
   CaloDetDescriptor* descr = find_dd (hashid, mgr);
   CaloDetDescrElement* dde = new DummyDetDescrElement (hashid -
@@ -218,47 +208,47 @@ CaloCell* make_cell (int hashid,
   if (descr->is_tile()) {
     int gain1;
     efloat_t ene1;
-    switch (randi(2)) {
+    switch (randi_seed(rng.seed, 2)) {
     case 0:
       gain1 = TileID::LOWGAIN;
-      ene1 = randf(3200*GeV)-20*GeV;
+      ene1 = randf_seed(rng.seed, 3200*GeV)-20*GeV;
     case 1:
       gain1 = TileID::HIGHGAIN;
-      ene1 = randf(50*GeV)-20*GeV;
+      ene1 = randf_seed(rng.seed, 50*GeV)-20*GeV;
-    int qbit1 = randi(32);
-    int qual1 = ((qbit1 & TileCell::MASK_BADCH) != 0) ? 255 : randi(256);
+    int qbit1 = randi_seed(rng.seed, 32);
+    int qual1 = ((qbit1 & TileCell::MASK_BADCH) != 0) ? 255 : randi_seed(rng.seed, 256);
     int time1 = 0;
-    if (randi(2)>0) {
+    if (randi_seed(rng.seed, 2)>0) {
       qbit1 |= TileCell::KEEP_TIME;
-      time1 = (randi(2000)-1000);
+      time1 = (randi_seed(rng.seed, 2000)-1000);
     int gain2;
     efloat_t ene2;
-    switch (randi(3)) {
+    switch (randi_seed(rng.seed, 3)) {
     case 0:
       gain2 = TileID::LOWGAIN;
-      ene2 = randf(3200*GeV)-20*GeV;
+      ene2 = randf_seed(rng.seed, 3200*GeV)-20*GeV;
     case 1:
       gain2 = TileID::HIGHGAIN;
-      ene2 = randf(50*GeV)-20*GeV;
+      ene2 = randf_seed(rng.seed, 50*GeV)-20*GeV;
       gain2 = CaloGain::INVALIDGAIN;
       ene2 = 0;
-    int qbit2 = randi(32);
-    int qual2 = ((qbit2 & TileCell::MASK_BADCH) != 0) ? 255 : randi(256);
+    int qbit2 = randi_seed(rng.seed, 32);
+    int qual2 = ((qbit2 & TileCell::MASK_BADCH) != 0) ? 255 : randi_seed(rng.seed, 256);
     int time2 = 0;
-    if (randi(2)>0) {
+    if (randi_seed(rng.seed, 2)>0) {
       qbit2 |= TileCell::KEEP_TIME;
-      time2 = (randi(2000)-1000);
+      time2 = (randi_seed(rng.seed, 2000)-1000);
     if (((gain1 == TileID::LOWGAIN && gain2 == TileID::HIGHGAIN) ||
@@ -294,41 +284,42 @@ CaloCell* make_cell (int hashid,
   else {
     CaloGain::CaloGain gain = CaloGain::INVALIDGAIN;
     efloat_t energy = 0;
-    int quality = randi(65536);
-    int provenance = randi(0x2000);
+    int quality = randi_seed(rng.seed, 65536);
+    int provenance = randi_seed(rng.seed, 0x2000);
     float time = 0;
     // Good quality?  Take 10% to be bad.
-    if (randi(10) != 0) {
+    if (randi_seed(rng.seed, 10) != 0) {
       provenance |= 0x2000;
-      switch (randi(3)) {
+      switch (randi_seed(rng.seed, 3)) {
       case 0:
         gain = CaloGain::LARHIGHGAIN;
-        energy = randf(60*GeV) - 16*GeV;
+        energy = randf_seed(rng.seed, 60*GeV) - 16*GeV;
       case 1:
         gain = CaloGain::LARMEDIUMGAIN;
-        energy = randf(360*GeV) + 40*GeV;
+        energy = randf_seed(rng.seed, 360*GeV) + 40*GeV;
       case 2:
         gain = CaloGain::LARLOWGAIN;
-        energy = randf(3000*GeV) + 40*GeV;
+        energy = randf_seed(rng.seed, 3000*GeV) + 40*GeV;
-      time = randf(2000) - 1000;
+      time = randf_seed(rng.seed, 2000) - 1000;
     return new CaloCell (dde, energy, time, quality, provenance, gain);
-std::vector<CaloCell*> make_cells (CaloDetDescrManager* mgr)
+std::vector<CaloCell*> make_cells (CaloDetDescrManager* mgr,
+                                   URNG& rng)
   size_t hashmax = mgr->getCaloCell_ID()->calo_cell_hash_max(); 
  std::vector<CaloCell*> v;
   v.reserve (hashmax);
   for (size_t i = 0; i < hashmax; i++)
-    v.push_back (make_cell (i, mgr));
+    v.push_back (make_cell (i, mgr, rng));
   // Give a few cells off-scale energies, to test saturation.
   IdentifierHash tilemin, tilemax;
@@ -337,14 +328,14 @@ std::vector<CaloCell*> make_cells (CaloDetDescrManager* mgr)
   assert (tilemax <= v.size());
   assert (tilemin <= tilemax);
   for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
-    CaloCell* cell = v[randi(tilemin)];
+    CaloCell* cell = v[randi_seed(rng.seed, tilemin)];
     assert ( ! cell->caloDDE()->is_tile());
     cell->setGain ((i&2) ? CaloGain::LARLOWGAIN : CaloGain::LARHIGHGAIN);
     cell->setEnergy ((((int)i&1)*2-1) * 4000*GeV);
   for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
     TileCell* cell =
-      dynamic_cast<TileCell*>(v[tilemin + randi(tilemax-tilemin)]);
+      dynamic_cast<TileCell*>(v[tilemin + randi_seed(rng.seed, tilemax-tilemin)]);
     assert (cell != 0);
     assert (cell->caloDDE()->is_tile());
     int pmt = (i&2)>>1;
@@ -357,10 +348,11 @@ std::vector<CaloCell*> make_cells (CaloDetDescrManager* mgr)
 void fill_cells_rand (int n,
                       const std::vector<CaloCell*>& cells,
-                      CaloCellContainer& cont)
+                      CaloCellContainer& cont,
+                      URNG& rng)
   std::vector<CaloCell*> tmp = cells;
-  std::random_shuffle (tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), randi);
+  std::shuffle (tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), rng);
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
     cont.push_back (tmp[i]);
@@ -368,14 +360,15 @@ void fill_cells_rand (int n,
 void fill_cells_clustery (int n,
                           const std::vector<CaloCell*>& cells,
-                          CaloCellContainer& cont)
+                          CaloCellContainer& cont,
+                          URNG& rng)
   std::vector<CaloCell*> tmp = cells;
   while (n > 0) {
-    int idx = randi (tmp.size());
+    int idx = randi_seed (rng.seed, tmp.size());
     int nmax = std::min ((unsigned int)n, (unsigned int)tmp.size() - idx);
     assert (nmax > 0);
-    int thisn = randi (nmax) + 1;
+    int thisn = randi_seed (rng.seed, nmax) + 1;
     for (int i = idx; i < idx + thisn; i++)
       cont.push_back (tmp[i]);
     tmp.erase (tmp.begin()+idx, tmp.begin()+idx+thisn);
@@ -387,13 +380,14 @@ void fill_cells_clustery (int n,
 CaloCellContainer* fill_cells (int n,
                                const std::vector<CaloCell*>& cells,
                                bool clustery,
-                               bool ordered)
+                               bool ordered,
+                               URNG& rng)
   CaloCellContainer* cont = new CaloCellContainer (SG::VIEW_ELEMENTS);
   if (clustery)
-    fill_cells_clustery (n, cells, *cont);
+    fill_cells_clustery (n, cells, *cont, rng);
-    fill_cells_rand (n, cells, *cont);
+    fill_cells_rand (n, cells, *cont, rng);
   if (ordered) {
@@ -751,12 +745,13 @@ void test_one (int n,
                int version,
                const std::vector<CaloCell*>& cells,
                CaloCompactCellTool& tool,
+               URNG& rng,
                bool clustery = false,
                bool dump = false,
                bool ordered = true)
   printf ("*** test %d %d %d %d\n", version, n, clustery, ordered);
-  CaloCellContainer* cont = fill_cells (n, cells, clustery, ordered);
+  CaloCellContainer* cont = fill_cells (n, cells, clustery, ordered, rng);
   if (dump)
     dump_cells (*cont);
@@ -1047,10 +1042,11 @@ CaloCellPacker_400_500_test::test_err11(const CaloCompactCellContainer&
 // Test handling of corrupt data.
 void test_errs (const std::vector<CaloCell*>& cells,
-                CaloCompactCellTool& tool)
+                CaloCompactCellTool& tool,
+                URNG& rng)
   printf ("*** test_errs\n");
-  CaloCellContainer* cont = fill_cells (10000, cells, true, true);
+  CaloCellContainer* cont = fill_cells (10000, cells, true, true, rng);
   CaloCompactCellContainer ccc;
   tool.getPersistent (*cont, &ccc, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_501);
@@ -1070,8 +1066,8 @@ void test_errs (const std::vector<CaloCell*>& cells,
   // Unordered
   printf (" --- err unordered\n");
-  seed = 101;
-  CaloCellContainer* cont2 = fill_cells (10000, cells, true, false);
+  rng.seed = 101;
+  CaloCellContainer* cont2 = fill_cells (10000, cells, true, false, rng);
   CaloCompactCellContainer ccc2;
   tool.getPersistent (*cont2, &ccc2, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_500);
   T::test_fin (ccc2, tool);
@@ -1083,7 +1079,7 @@ void test_errs (const std::vector<CaloCell*>& cells,
-std::vector<CaloCell*> init (IdDictParser* parser)
+std::vector<CaloCell*> init (IdDictParser* parser, URNG& rng)
   ISvcLocator* svcloc;
   if (!Athena_test::initGaudi("CaloCompactCellTool_test.txt", svcloc)) {
@@ -1103,7 +1099,7 @@ std::vector<CaloCell*> init (IdDictParser* parser)
   scmgr->set_helper (schelper);
-  std::vector<CaloCell*> cells = make_cells (mgr);
+  std::vector<CaloCell*> cells = make_cells (mgr, rng);
   IToolSvc* toolsvc = 0;
   CHECK( svcloc->service ("ToolSvc", toolsvc, true) );
@@ -1128,89 +1124,90 @@ std::vector<CaloCell*> init (IdDictParser* parser)
 void runtests (IdDictParser* parser)
+  Athena_test::URNG rng;
   CaloCompactCellTool tool;
-  std::vector<CaloCell*> cells = init (parser);
+  std::vector<CaloCell*> cells = init (parser, rng);
-  seed = 10;
-  test_one (400, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_400, cells, tool, false, true);
-  test_one (400, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_400, cells, tool,  true, true);
-  test_one (10000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_400, cells, tool);
-  test_one (10000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_400, cells, tool, true);
+  rng.seed = 10;
+  test_one (400, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_400, cells, tool, rng, false, true);
+  test_one (400, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_400, cells, tool, rng, true, true);
+  test_one (10000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_400, cells, tool, rng);
+  test_one (10000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_400, cells, tool, rng, true);
-  test_one (100000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_400, cells, tool);
-  test_one (100000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_400, cells, tool, true);
+  test_one (100000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_400, cells, tool, rng);
+  test_one (100000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_400, cells, tool, rng, true);
-  test_one (cells.size(), CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_400, cells, tool);
+  test_one (cells.size(), CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_400, cells, tool, rng);
-  seed = 20;
-  test_one (400, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_500, cells, tool, false, true);
-  test_one (400, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_500, cells, tool,  true, true);
+  rng.seed = 20;
+  test_one (400, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_500, cells, tool, rng, false, true);
+  test_one (400, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_500, cells, tool, rng,  true, true);
-  test_one (10000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_500, cells, tool);
-  test_one (10000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_500, cells, tool, true);
+  test_one (10000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_500, cells, tool, rng);
+  test_one (10000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_500, cells, tool, rng, true);
-  test_one (100000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_500, cells, tool);
-  test_one (100000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_500, cells, tool, true);
+  test_one (100000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_500, cells, tool, rng);
+  test_one (100000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_500, cells, tool, rng, true);
-  test_one (cells.size(), CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_500, cells, tool);
+  test_one (cells.size(), CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_500, cells, tool, rng);
-  seed = 40;
-  test_one (400, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_501, cells, tool, false);
-  test_one (400, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_501, cells, tool,  true);
+  rng.seed = 40;
+  test_one (400, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_501, cells, tool, rng, false);
+  test_one (400, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_501, cells, tool, rng,  true);
-  test_one (10000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_501, cells, tool);
-  test_one (10000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_501, cells, tool, true);
+  test_one (10000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_501, cells, tool, rng);
+  test_one (10000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_501, cells, tool, rng, true);
-  test_one (100000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_501, cells, tool);
-  test_one (100000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_501, cells, tool, true);
+  test_one (100000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_501, cells, tool, rng);
+  test_one (100000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_501, cells, tool, rng, true);
-  test_one (cells.size(), CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_501, cells, tool);
+  test_one (cells.size(), CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_501, cells, tool, rng);
   // Unordered
-  test_one (400, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_501, cells, tool,  false,
+  test_one (400, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_501, cells, tool, rng, false,
             true, false);
-  seed = 50;
-  test_one (400, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_502, cells, tool, false);
-  test_one (400, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_502, cells, tool,  true);
+  rng.seed = 50;
+  test_one (400, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_502, cells, tool, rng, false);
+  test_one (400, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_502, cells, tool, rng,  true);
-  test_one (10000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_502, cells, tool);
-  test_one (10000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_502, cells, tool, true);
+  test_one (10000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_502, cells, tool, rng);
+  test_one (10000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_502, cells, tool, rng, true);
-  test_one (100000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_502, cells, tool);
-  test_one (100000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_502, cells, tool, true);
+  test_one (100000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_502, cells, tool, rng);
+  test_one (100000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_502, cells, tool, rng, true);
-  test_one (cells.size(), CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_502, cells, tool);
+  test_one (cells.size(), CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_502, cells, tool, rng);
-  seed = 60;
-  test_one (400, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_503, cells, tool, false);
-  test_one (400, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_503, cells, tool,  true);
+  rng.seed = 60;
+  test_one (400, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_503, cells, tool, rng, false);
+  test_one (400, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_503, cells, tool, rng,  true);
-  test_one (10000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_503, cells, tool);
-  test_one (10000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_503, cells, tool, true);
+  test_one (10000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_503, cells, tool, rng);
+  test_one (10000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_503, cells, tool, rng, true);
-  test_one (100000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_503, cells, tool);
-  test_one (100000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_503, cells, tool, true);
+  test_one (100000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_503, cells, tool, rng);
+  test_one (100000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_503, cells, tool, rng, true);
-  test_one (cells.size(), CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_503, cells, tool);
+  test_one (cells.size(), CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_503, cells, tool, rng);
-  seed = 70;
-  test_one (400, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_504, cells, tool, false);
-  test_one (400, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_504, cells, tool,  true);
+  rng.seed = 70;
+  test_one (400, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_504, cells, tool, rng, false);
+  test_one (400, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_504, cells, tool, rng,  true);
-  test_one (10000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_504, cells, tool);
-  test_one (10000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_504, cells, tool, true);
+  test_one (10000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_504, cells, tool, rng);
+  test_one (10000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_504, cells, tool, rng, true);
-  test_one (100000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_504, cells, tool);
-  test_one (100000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_504, cells, tool, true);
+  test_one (100000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_504, cells, tool, rng);
+  test_one (100000, CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_504, cells, tool, rng, true);
-  test_one (cells.size(), CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_504, cells, tool);
+  test_one (cells.size(), CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_504, cells, tool, rng);
-  seed = 80;
+  rng.seed = 80;
   test_supercells (CaloCompactCellTool::VERSION_504, cells, tool);
-  seed = 30;
-  test_errs (cells, tool);
+  rng.seed = 30;
+  test_errs (cells, tool, rng);
@@ -1222,9 +1219,10 @@ float tv_diff (const timeval& tv1, const timeval& tv2)
 void timetests (IdDictParser* parser, int nrep)
+  Athena_test::URNG rng;
   CaloCompactCellTool tool;
-  std::vector<CaloCell*> cells = init (parser);
-  CaloCellContainer* cont = fill_cells (10000, cells, true, true);
+  std::vector<CaloCell*> cells = init (parser, rng);
+  CaloCellContainer* cont = fill_cells (10000, cells, true, true, rng);
   rusage ru0, ru1, ru2, ru3;
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloEvent/test/CaloCellContainerTestCommon.icc b/Calorimeter/CaloEvent/test/CaloCellContainerTestCommon.icc
index 148b338493573543423e704307ae463d10fa00d1..312a684f5ea68867ba6012381b482471a7acbea6 100644
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloEvent/test/CaloCellContainerTestCommon.icc
+++ b/Calorimeter/CaloEvent/test/CaloCellContainerTestCommon.icc
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 // $Id$
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 //using Athena_test::randi;
-Athena_test::RNG stlrand;
+Athena_test::URNG stlrand;
 void fill_cells1 (CellVector selected_cells[],
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ void fill_cells1 (CellVector selected_cells[],
       all_cells.push_back (selected_cells[i][j]);
-  std::random_shuffle (all_cells.begin(), all_cells.end(), stlrand);
+  std::shuffle (all_cells.begin(), all_cells.end(), stlrand);
   for (size_t i = 0; i < all_cells.size(); i++)
     cont.push_back (all_cells[i]);
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ void fill_cells2 (CellVector selected_cells[],
   CellVector all_cells;
   for (int i=0; i < CaloCell_ID::NSUBCALO; i++) {
     CellVector vv = selected_cells[i];
-    std::random_shuffle (vv.begin(), vv.end(), stlrand);
+    std::shuffle (vv.begin(), vv.end(), stlrand);
     if (vv.size() > 0)
       cont.setHasCalo (static_cast<CaloCell_ID::SUBCALO> (i));
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloRec/python/CaloClusterTopoGetter.py b/Calorimeter/CaloRec/python/CaloClusterTopoGetter.py
index 431ece67c754945316c58822807277c26fc9697b..da8d1da47ce23e065e3aa49285657b5ffd23401e 100644
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloRec/python/CaloClusterTopoGetter.py
+++ b/Calorimeter/CaloRec/python/CaloClusterTopoGetter.py
@@ -39,13 +39,6 @@ CaloNoiseCondAlg()
 #For LCWeightsTool needs electronic noise
-from CaloTools.CaloNoiseToolDefault import CaloNoiseToolDefault
-theCaloNoiseTool = CaloNoiseToolDefault()
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
-ToolSvc += theCaloNoiseTool
 def addSnapshot(corrName,contName):
     from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
@@ -125,7 +118,6 @@ class CaloClusterTopoGetter ( Configured )  :
             # H1Weight = H1ClusterCellWeightTool("H1Weight")
             # H1Weight.CorrectionKey       = "H1ClusterCellWeights"
             # H1Weight.SignalOverNoiseCut  = 2.0
-            # H1Weight.CaloNoiseTool       = theCaloNoiseTool
             # OOCC     = OutOfClusterCorrectionTool("OOCC")
             # OOCC.CorrectionKey       = "OOCCorrection"
@@ -262,8 +254,6 @@ class CaloClusterTopoGetter ( Configured )  :
           TopoMoments_Truth.WeightingOfNegClusters = jobproperties.CaloTopoClusterFlags.doTreatEnergyCutAsAbsolute() 
           TopoMoments_Truth.MaxAxisAngle = 20*deg
-          TopoMoments_Truth.CaloNoiseTool = theCaloNoiseTool
-          TopoMoments_Truth.UsePileUpNoise = True
           TopoMoments_Truth.TwoGaussianNoise = jobproperties.CaloTopoClusterFlags.doTwoGaussianNoise()
           TopoMoments_Truth.MinBadLArQuality = 4000
           TopoMoments_Truth.MomentsNames = ["FIRST_PHI_DigiHSTruth"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloRec/src/CaloClusterMomentsMaker_DigiHSTruth.cxx b/Calorimeter/CaloRec/src/CaloClusterMomentsMaker_DigiHSTruth.cxx
index 6e08483aa3825d0e90c0fa9132ab3919c91e9c5d..022a9bc0db7a2c0182fecc6a74ca8ea5b18eb291 100755
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloRec/src/CaloClusterMomentsMaker_DigiHSTruth.cxx
+++ b/Calorimeter/CaloRec/src/CaloClusterMomentsMaker_DigiHSTruth.cxx
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
 #include "CaloGeoHelpers/proxim.h"
 #include "CaloEvent/CaloPrefetch.h"
 #include "CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescrManager.h"
-#include "CaloInterface/ICalorimeterNoiseTool.h"
 #include "CaloGeoHelpers/CaloPhiRange.h"
 #include "CaloIdentifier/CaloCell_ID.h"
 #include "GeoModelInterfaces/IGeoModelSvc.h"
@@ -127,10 +126,8 @@ CaloClusterMomentsMaker_DigiHSTruth::CaloClusterMomentsMaker_DigiHSTruth(const s
-    m_usePileUpNoise(true),
-    m_noiseTool("CaloNoiseTool"),
@@ -156,12 +153,10 @@ CaloClusterMomentsMaker_DigiHSTruth::CaloClusterMomentsMaker_DigiHSTruth(const s
-  declareProperty("UsePileUpNoise",m_usePileUpNoise);
   // use 2-gaussian noise for Tile
-  declareProperty("CaloNoiseTool",m_noiseTool,"Tool Handle for noise tool");
   declareProperty("LArHVFraction",m_larHVFraction,"Tool Handle for LArHVFraction");
- declareProperty("WeightingOfNegClusters", m_absOpt);
+  declareProperty("WeightingOfNegClusters", m_absOpt);
   /// Not used anymore (with xAOD), but required to when configured from 
   /// COOL via CaloRunClusterCorrections.
@@ -254,14 +249,7 @@ StatusCode CaloClusterMomentsMaker_DigiHSTruth::initialize()
   if (m_calculateSignificance) {
-    if(m_noiseTool.retrieve().isFailure()){
-      msg(MSG::WARNING)
-	  << "Unable to find Noise Tool" << endmsg;
-    }  
-    else {
-      msg(MSG::INFO) << "Noise Tool retrieved" << endmsg;
-    }
+    ATH_CHECK(m_noiseCDOKey.initialize());
   if (m_calculateLArHVFraction) {
@@ -313,6 +301,12 @@ CaloClusterMomentsMaker_DigiHSTruth::execute(const EventContext& ctx,
   std::vector<clusterPair_t> clusterIdx;
   const clusterIdx_t noCluster = std::numeric_limits<clusterIdx_t>::max();
+  const CaloNoise* noise=nullptr;
+  if (m_calculateSignificance) {
+    SG::ReadCondHandle<CaloNoise> noiseHdl{m_noiseCDOKey,ctx};
+    noise=*noiseHdl;
+  }
   // Counters for number of empty and non-empty neighbor cells per sampling layer
   // Only used when cluster isolation moment is calculated.
   int nbEmpty[CaloCell_ID::Unknown];
@@ -476,23 +470,9 @@ CaloClusterMomentsMaker_DigiHSTruth::execute(const EventContext& ctx,
 	  ePos += ene*weight;
 	if ( m_calculateSignificance ) {
-	  double sigma = 0;
-	  if ( m_usePileUpNoise ) {
-	    if(m_twoGaussianNoise) {
-	      sigma = m_noiseTool->getEffectiveSigma(pCell,ICalorimeterNoiseTool::MAXSYMMETRYHANDLING,ICalorimeterNoiseTool::TOTALNOISE);
-	    }
-	    else {
-	      sigma = m_noiseTool->getNoise(pCell,ICalorimeterNoiseTool::TOTALNOISE);
-	    }
-	  }
-	  else {
-	    if(m_twoGaussianNoise) {
-	      sigma = m_noiseTool->getEffectiveSigma(pCell,ICalorimeterNoiseTool::MAXSYMMETRYHANDLING,ICalorimeterNoiseTool::ELECTRONICNOISE);
-	    }
-	    else {
-	      sigma = m_noiseTool->getNoise(pCell,ICalorimeterNoiseTool::ELECTRONICNOISE);
-	    }
-	  }
+	  const float sigma = m_twoGaussianNoise ?			\
+	    noise->getEffectiveSigma(pCell->ID(),pCell->gain(),pCell->energy()) : \
+	    noise->getNoise(pCell->ID(),pCell->gain());
 	  sumSig2 += sigma*sigma;
 	  // use geomtery weighted energy of cell for leading cell significance
 	  double Sig = (sigma>0?ene*weight/sigma:0);
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloRec/src/CaloClusterMomentsMaker_DigiHSTruth.h b/Calorimeter/CaloRec/src/CaloClusterMomentsMaker_DigiHSTruth.h
index 4d9b2523a4f76fdfa1855b24c07e0fecab88f9c8..b19cb230f4882746f39ae5282dcb72537ddfa278 100755
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloRec/src/CaloClusterMomentsMaker_DigiHSTruth.h
+++ b/Calorimeter/CaloRec/src/CaloClusterMomentsMaker_DigiHSTruth.h
@@ -29,8 +29,6 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
-class StoreGateSvc; 
-class ICalorimeterNoiseTool;
 class CaloDetDescrManager; 
 class CaloDetDescrElement;
 class CaloCell_ID;
@@ -41,6 +39,8 @@ class LArHVFraction;
 #include "CaloRec/CaloClusterCollectionProcessor.h"
 #include "CaloDetDescr/CaloDepthTool.h"
 #include "CaloInterface/ILArHVFraction.h"
+#include "CaloConditions/CaloNoise.h"
+#include "StoreGate/ReadCondHandleKey.h"
 //#include "fastjet/PseudoJet.hh"
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
@@ -117,22 +117,15 @@ class CaloClusterMomentsMaker_DigiHSTruth final: public extends<AthAlgTool, Calo
   /// Set to true to calculate E and N of cells affected by LAr HV corrections
   bool m_calculateLArHVFraction;
-  /**
-   * @brief switch to use the pile-up noise CaloNoiseTool 
-   *
-   * if usePileUpNoise is set to true the relevant sigma for each cell
-   * will be the quadratic sum of the electronics noise at current
-   * cell gain and its pile-up noise at the current
-   * luminosity. Otherwise it will be just the electronics noise. */
-  bool m_usePileUpNoise;
    * @brief if set to true use 2-gaussian noise description for
    * TileCal  */
   bool m_twoGaussianNoise;
   ToolHandle<CaloDepthTool> m_caloDepthTool;
-  ToolHandle<ICalorimeterNoiseTool> m_noiseTool;
+ /** @brief Key of the CaloNoise Conditions data object. Typical values 
+     are '"electronicNoise', 'pileupNoise', or '"totalNoise' (default) */
+  SG::ReadCondHandleKey<CaloNoise> m_noiseCDOKey{this,"CaloNoiseKey","totalNoise","SG Key of CaloNoise data object"};
   ToolHandle<ILArHVFraction> m_larHVFraction;
   /// Not used anymore (with xAOD), but required to when configured from 
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloRec/src/CaloTopoClusterMaker.h b/Calorimeter/CaloRec/src/CaloTopoClusterMaker.h
index 366b892adcf647a6f6ee45245f4504eebf0423dc..91040ba3e280c4316d4af439bc1e090092556a44 100644
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloRec/src/CaloTopoClusterMaker.h
+++ b/Calorimeter/CaloRec/src/CaloTopoClusterMaker.h
@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@
 #include "AthenaKernel/IOVSvcDefs.h"
 #include "Identifier/IdentifierHash.h"
 #include "CaloRec/CaloClusterCollectionProcessor.h"
-#include "CaloInterface/ICalorimeterNoiseTool.h"
 #include "LArCabling/LArOnOffIdMapping.h"
 #include "CaloConditions/CaloNoise.h"
 #include "StoreGate/ReadCondHandleKey.h"
diff --git a/Control/AthContainers/AthContainers/DataVector.h b/Control/AthContainers/AthContainers/DataVector.h
index 5b9c0d52634e51b7f301055c13c1ddffbaaf5347..b9f48b1fc627019429c812609a104b7e7246b68e 100644
--- a/Control/AthContainers/AthContainers/DataVector.h
+++ b/Control/AthContainers/AthContainers/DataVector.h
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 // This file's extension implies that it's C, but it's really -*- C++ -*-.
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 // $Id: DataVector.h 794113 2017-01-26 22:01:47Z ssnyder $
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@
  *  - @c std::unique
  *  - @c std::reverse
  *  - @c std::rotate
- *  - @c std::random_shuffle
  *  - @c std::partition
+ *  - @c std::shuffle
  *  - @c std::stable_partition
  * Alternately, for @c sort(), the @c sort() methods defined in @c DataVector
diff --git a/Control/AthContainers/AthContainers/tools/DVL_algorithms.h b/Control/AthContainers/AthContainers/tools/DVL_algorithms.h
index 49a6ea056fbf657a01729530dcfe41bb95453654..cddf661963866cee28ef6a97b3e0f570b3779bfb 100644
--- a/Control/AthContainers/AthContainers/tools/DVL_algorithms.h
+++ b/Control/AthContainers/AthContainers/tools/DVL_algorithms.h
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 // This file's extension implies that it's C, but it's really -*- C++ -*-.
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 // $Id$
@@ -823,99 +823,6 @@ void partial_sort (std::reverse_iterator<DataModel_detail::iterator<DVL> > beg,
- * @brief Specialization of @c random_shuffle for @c DataVector/List.
- * @param beg The start iterator for the shuffle operation.
- * @param end The end iterator for the shuffle operation.
- *
- * @c beg and @c end should both be iterators
- * from the same @c DataVector/List.
- * This performs the operation in a way
- * that doesn't run afoul of @c DataVector/List's
- * object ownership rules.
- */
-template <class DVL>
-void random_shuffle (typename DataModel_detail::iterator<DVL> beg,
-                     typename DataModel_detail::iterator<DVL> end)
-  std::random_shuffle (beg.base(), end.base());
-  DataModel_detail::resortAux (beg, end);
- * @brief Specialization of @c random_shuffle for @c DataVector/List.
- * @param beg The start iterator for the shuffle operation.
- * @param end The end iterator for the shuffle operation.
- * @param rand The random generator.
- *
- * @c beg and @c end should both be iterators
- * from the same @c DataVector/List.
- * This performs the operation in a way
- * that doesn't run afoul of @c DataVector/List's
- * object ownership rules.
- */
-template <class DVL, class Random>
-void random_shuffle (typename DataModel_detail::iterator<DVL> beg,
-                     typename DataModel_detail::iterator<DVL> end,
-                     Random& rand)
-  std::random_shuffle (beg.base(), end.base(), rand);
-  DataModel_detail::resortAux (beg, end);
- * @brief Specialization of @c random_shuffle for @c DataVector/List.
- * @param beg The start reverse_iterator for the shuffle operation.
- * @param end The end reverse_iterator for the shuffle operation.
- *
- * @c beg and @c end should both be reverse_iterators
- * from the same @c DataVector/List.
- * This performs the operation in a way
- * that doesn't run afoul of @c DataVector/List's
- * object ownership rules.
- */
-template <class DVL>
-  (typename std::reverse_iterator<DataModel_detail::iterator<DVL> > beg,
-   typename std::reverse_iterator<DataModel_detail::iterator<DVL> > end)
-  typedef typename DVL::BaseContainer::reverse_iterator ri;
-  std::random_shuffle (ri(beg.base().base()),
-                       ri(end.base().base()));
-  DataModel_detail::resortAux (beg, end);
- * @brief Specialization of @c random_shuffle for @c DataVector/List.
- * @param beg The start reverse_iterator for the shuffle operation.
- * @param end The end reverse_iterator for the shuffle operation.
- * @param rand The random generator.
- *
- * @c beg and @c end should both be reverse_iterators
- * from the same @c DataVector/List.
- * This performs the operation in a way
- * that doesn't run afoul of @c DataVector/List's
- * object ownership rules.
- */
-template <class DVL, class Random>
-  (typename std::reverse_iterator<DataModel_detail::iterator<DVL> > beg,
-   typename std::reverse_iterator<DataModel_detail::iterator<DVL> > end,
-   Random& rand)
-  typedef typename DVL::BaseContainer::reverse_iterator ri;
-  std::random_shuffle (ri(beg.base().base()),
-                       ri(end.base().base()),
-                       rand);
-  DataModel_detail::resortAux (beg, end);
  * @brief Specialization of @c shuffle for @c DataVector/List.
  * @param beg The start iterator for the shuffle operation.
diff --git a/Control/AthContainers/CMakeLists.txt b/Control/AthContainers/CMakeLists.txt
index 237fdbe0d6fd5d8510e6e4c3ab963d4871e7d419..1d3faba15fc5f556dc9a368fbd10c897b90d4cec 100644
--- a/Control/AthContainers/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Control/AthContainers/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ _add_test( DVL_iter_swap_test )
 _add_test( AuxTypeVector_test )
 _add_test( AuxTypeVectorFactory_test )
 _add_test( AuxTypeRegistry_test EXTRA_PATTERNS "will use std::" )
-# _add_test( AuxVectorBase_test EXTRA_PATTERNS "will use std::" ) // std::random_shuffle() is deprecated in C++14 and removed in C++17 ==> TODO: to be replaced
+_add_test( AuxVectorBase_test EXTRA_PATTERNS "will use std::" )
 _add_test( AuxStoreInternal_test )
 _add_test( AuxStoreStandalone_test )
 _add_test( AuxElement_test )
diff --git a/Control/AthContainers/test/AuxVectorBase_test.cxx b/Control/AthContainers/test/AuxVectorBase_test.cxx
index 2136ef34ba0db6d2c06aaa539f78d0cb16f29db2..b57cf2071849dfcfeb3efca172e1f13c187d1061 100644
--- a/Control/AthContainers/test/AuxVectorBase_test.cxx
+++ b/Control/AthContainers/test/AuxVectorBase_test.cxx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 // $Id$
@@ -889,8 +889,8 @@ void test_resort_aux1()
   //typedef typename CONT::base_type BASE;
   typedef T BASE;
-  Athena_test::RNG stlrand;
-  stlrand.seed = 1;
+  Athena_test::URNG stlurand;
+  stlurand.seed = 1;
   SG::auxid_t ityp = SG::AuxTypeRegistry::instance().getAuxID<int> ("anInt");
   SG::auxid_t ftyp = SG::AuxTypeRegistry::instance().getAuxID<float> ("aFloat");
@@ -909,12 +909,12 @@ void test_resort_aux1()
   for (int jj=0; jj<10; jj++) {
-    std::random_shuffle (v.begin(), v.end(), stlrand);
+    std::shuffle (v.begin(), v.end(), stlurand);
     b.resortAux (0, v.begin(), v.end());
     test_resort_aux_check<T,BASE> (b, v);
   for (int jj=0; jj<10; jj++) {
-    std::random_shuffle (v.begin()+2, v.end()-2, stlrand);
+    std::shuffle (v.begin()+2, v.end()-2, stlurand);
     b.resortAux (2, v.begin()+2, v.end()-2);
     test_resort_aux_check<T,BASE> (b, v);
@@ -923,14 +923,14 @@ void test_resort_aux1()
   SG::AuxVectorBase_test b2;
   for (int jj=0; jj<10; jj++) {
-    std::random_shuffle (v2.begin(), v2.end(), stlrand);
+    std::shuffle (v2.begin(), v2.end(), stlurand);
     b2.resortAux (0, v.begin(), v.end());
     test_resort_aux_check<T,BASE> (b, v);
   for (int jj=0; jj<10; jj++) {
-    std::random_shuffle (v.begin(), v.end(), stlrand);
+    std::shuffle (v.begin(), v.end(), stlurand);
     b.resortAux (0, v.begin(), v.end());
     test_resort_aux_check<T,BASE> (b, v, false);
diff --git a/Control/AthContainers/test/DataVector_test.icc b/Control/AthContainers/test/DataVector_test.icc
index 369864ac28a702f0ae6d325143f3d5a7022b9478..a0cb4b305f795a52d40c0990b8c2ceaf2a82821a 100644
--- a/Control/AthContainers/test/DataVector_test.icc
+++ b/Control/AthContainers/test/DataVector_test.icc
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 // $Id$
@@ -5417,91 +5417,10 @@ void test2_rotate()
 template <class DV>
-void test2_random_shuffle()
+void test2_shuffle()
   typedef typename DV::base_value_type T;
   const int N=5;
-  {
-    clear_dtor_log();
-    DV v;
-    SG::AuxStoreInternal store;
-    for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
-      v.push_back (new T(i));
-    setaux(v, store);
-    DV v2(v);
-    std::random_shuffle (v2.begin(), v2.end()); // Check that this doesn't affect v's auxdata.
-    checkaux(v);
-    std::random_shuffle (v.begin(), v.end());
-    checkaux(v);
-    std::random_shuffle (v2.begin(), v2.end()); // Check that this doesn't affect v's auxdata.
-    checkaux(v);
-    std::random_shuffle (v.rbegin(), v.rend());
-    check_dtor_log();
-    checkaux(v);
-    DV v3;
-    for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
-      v3.push_back (new T(i));
-    std::random_shuffle (v3.begin(), v3.end());
-    std::random_shuffle (v3.rbegin(), v3.rend());
-  }
-  {
-    int exp1[N] = {1,2,3,4,0};
-    int exp2[N] = {0,2,1,3,4};
-    Athena_test::RNG stlrand;
-    stlrand.seed = 1;
-    Athena_test::RNG stlrand2;
-    stlrand2.seed = 82346;
-    clear_dtor_log();
-    DV v;
-    SG::AuxStoreInternal store;
-    for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
-      v.push_back (new T(i));
-    setaux(v, store);
-    DV v2(v);
-    std::random_shuffle (v2.begin(), v2.end(), stlrand2); // Check that this doesn't affect v's auxdata.
-    checkaux(v);
-    std::random_shuffle (v.begin(), v.end(), stlrand);
-    for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
-      myassert (v[i]->x == exp1[i]);
-    checkaux(v);
-    std::random_shuffle (v2.rbegin(), v2.rend(), stlrand2); // Check that this doesn't affect v's auxdata.
-    checkaux(v);
-    std::random_shuffle (v.rbegin(), v.rend(), stlrand);
-    for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
-      myassert (v[i]->x == exp2[i]);
-    check_dtor_log();
-    checkaux(v);
-    DV v3;
-    for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
-      v3.push_back (new T(i));
-    std::random_shuffle (v3.begin(), v3.end(), stlrand);
-    std::random_shuffle (v3.rbegin(), v3.rend(), stlrand);
-    v.setStore (v.getConstStore());
-    bool caught = false;
-    try {
-      std::random_shuffle (v.begin(), v.end(), stlrand);
-    }
-    catch (SG::ExcConstAuxData&) {
-      caught = true;
-    }
-    myassert (caught ||
-              !typename SG::AuxStore_traits<T>::flag() ||
-              !v.trackIndices());
-  }
     Athena_test::URNG stlurand;
@@ -5562,12 +5481,12 @@ void test2_random_shuffle()
 template <class B, class D>
-void test2_random_shuffle()
+void test2_shuffle()
-  test2_random_shuffle<DataVector<B> > ();
-  test2_random_shuffle<DataVector<D> > ();
-  test2_random_shuffle<DataVector<typename test2_maybeconst<D>::type> > ();
-  test2_random_shuffle<ConstDataVector<DataVector<D> > > ();
+  test2_shuffle<DataVector<B> > ();
+  test2_shuffle<DataVector<D> > ();
+  test2_shuffle<DataVector<typename test2_maybeconst<D>::type> > ();
+  test2_shuffle<ConstDataVector<DataVector<D> > > ();
@@ -5585,17 +5504,17 @@ void test2_partition()
   typedef typename DV::base_value_type T;
   const int N=10;
-    Athena_test::RNG stlrand;
-    stlrand.seed = 2;
-    Athena_test::RNG stlrand2;
-    stlrand2.seed = 9134;
+    Athena_test::URNG stlurand;
+    stlurand.seed = 2;
+    Athena_test::URNG stlurand2;
+    stlurand2.seed = 9134;
     DV v;
     SG::AuxStoreInternal store;
     for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
       v.push_back (new T(i));
     setaux(v, store);
-    std::random_shuffle (v.begin(), v.end(), stlrand);
+    std::shuffle (v.begin(), v.end(), stlurand);
     DV v2(v);
@@ -5610,9 +5529,9 @@ void test2_partition()
-    std::random_shuffle (v.begin(), v.end(), stlrand);
+    std::shuffle (v.begin(), v.end(), stlurand);
-    std::random_shuffle (v2.begin(), v2.end(), stlrand2);
+    std::shuffle (v2.begin(), v2.end(), stlurand2);
     std::partition (v2.rbegin(), v2.rend(), PPred<T>(5)); // Check that this doesn't affect v's auxdata.
     typename DV::reverse_iterator rit =
@@ -5628,10 +5547,10 @@ void test2_partition()
     DV v3;
     for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
       v3.push_back (new T(i));
-    std::random_shuffle (v3.begin(), v3.end(), stlrand2);
+    std::shuffle (v3.begin(), v3.end(), stlurand2);
     std::partition (v3.begin(), v3.end(), PPred<T>(5)); // Check that this doesn't affect v's auxdata.
-    std::random_shuffle (v3.begin(), v3.end(), stlrand2);
+    std::shuffle (v3.begin(), v3.end(), stlurand2);
     std::partition (v3.rbegin(), v3.rend(), PPred<T>(5)); // Check that this doesn't affect v's auxdata.
@@ -5649,17 +5568,17 @@ void test2_partition()
-    Athena_test::RNG stlrand;
-    stlrand.seed = 3;
-    Athena_test::RNG stlrand2;
-    stlrand2.seed = 1254387;
+    Athena_test::URNG stlurand;
+    stlurand.seed = 3;
+    Athena_test::URNG stlurand2;
+    stlurand2.seed = 1254387;
     DV v;
     SG::AuxStoreInternal store;
     for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
       v.push_back (new T(i));
     setaux(v, store);
-    std::random_shuffle (v.begin(), v.end(), stlrand);
+    std::shuffle (v.begin(), v.end(), stlurand);
     DV v2(v);
@@ -5674,9 +5593,9 @@ void test2_partition()
-    std::random_shuffle (v.begin(), v.end(), stlrand);
+    std::shuffle (v.begin(), v.end(), stlurand);
-    std::random_shuffle (v2.begin(), v2.end(), stlrand2);
+    std::shuffle (v2.begin(), v2.end(), stlurand2);
     std::stable_partition (v2.rbegin(), v2.rend(), PPred<T>(5)); // Check that this doesn't affect v's auxdata.
     typename DV::reverse_iterator rit =
@@ -5692,10 +5611,10 @@ void test2_partition()
     DV v3;
     for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
       v3.push_back (new T(i));
-    std::random_shuffle (v3.begin(), v3.end(), stlrand2);
+    std::shuffle (v3.begin(), v3.end(), stlurand2);
     std::stable_partition (v3.begin(), v3.end(), PPred<T>(5)); // Check that this doesn't affect v's auxdata.
-    std::random_shuffle (v3.begin(), v3.end(), stlrand2);
+    std::shuffle (v3.begin(), v3.end(), stlurand2);
     std::stable_partition (v3.rbegin(), v3.rend(), PPred<T>(5)); // Check that this doesn't affect v's auxdata.
@@ -5887,8 +5806,8 @@ void test2_resortaux1()
   typedef typename DV::base_value_type T;
   const int N=10;
-  Athena_test::RNG stlrand;
-  stlrand.seed = 2;
+  Athena_test::URNG stlurand;
+  stlurand.seed = 2;
   DV v;
   SG::AuxStoreInternal store;
@@ -5899,13 +5818,13 @@ void test2_resortaux1()
   typename DV::BaseContainer& pv = test2_resortaux_ptrvector (v);
   for (int j=0; j < 10; j++) {
-    std::random_shuffle (pv.begin(), pv.end(), stlrand);
+    std::shuffle (pv.begin(), pv.end(), stlurand);
     v.resortAux (v.begin(), v.end());
   for (int j=0; j < 10; j++) {
-    std::random_shuffle (pv.begin()+2, pv.end()-2, stlrand);
+    std::shuffle (pv.begin()+2, pv.end()-2, stlurand);
     v.resortAux (v.begin()+2, v.end()-2);
@@ -5914,7 +5833,7 @@ void test2_resortaux1()
   DV v2(v);
   typename DV::BaseContainer& pv2 = test2_resortaux_ptrvector (v2);
   for (int j=0; j < 10; j++) {
-    std::random_shuffle (pv2.begin(), pv2.end(), stlrand);
+    std::shuffle (pv2.begin(), pv2.end(), stlurand);
     v.resortAux (v2.begin(), v2.end());
@@ -5925,7 +5844,7 @@ void test2_resortaux1()
   for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
     v3.push_back (new T(i));
   for (int j=0; j < 10; j++) {
-    std::random_shuffle (pv3.begin(), pv3.end(), stlrand);
+    std::shuffle (pv3.begin(), pv3.end(), stlurand);
     v3.resortAux (v3.begin(), v3.end());
@@ -6126,7 +6045,7 @@ void do_test2()
   test2_unique<B,D> ();
   test2_reverse<B,D> ();
   test2_rotate<B,D> ();
-  test2_random_shuffle<B,D> ();
+  test2_shuffle<B,D> ();
   test2_partition<B,D> ();
   test2_asdatavector<D> ();
   test2_assignelement<B,D> ();
diff --git a/Control/AthenaCommon/python/CFElements.py b/Control/AthenaCommon/python/CFElements.py
index ba88b5a750ec8abe2ee7ee1ba69bdaffd1e98c5f..cb3ee4677254c5bbdea1e927fb16b358fdeec6f3 100755
--- a/Control/AthenaCommon/python/CFElements.py
+++ b/Control/AthenaCommon/python/CFElements.py
@@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ def findAllAlgorithms(sequence, nameToLookFor=None):
 def findAllAlgorithmsByName(sequence, namesToLookFor=None):
+    """Finds all algorithms in sequence and groups them by name"""
     algorithms = collections.defaultdict(list)
     for idx, child in enumerate(sequence.getChildren()):
         if isSequence(child):
@@ -138,7 +139,7 @@ def findAllAlgorithmsByName(sequence, namesToLookFor=None):
                 algorithms[algName] += childAlgs[algName]
             if namesToLookFor is None or child.name() in namesToLookFor:
-                algorithms[child.name()].append(child)
+                algorithms[child.name()].append( (child, sequence, idx) )
     return algorithms
@@ -157,19 +158,21 @@ def flatAlgorithmSequences( start ):
     __inner(start, c)
     return c
-def flatSequencers( start ):
+def flatSequencers( start, algsCollection=None ):
     """ Flattens sequences """
     def __inner( seq, collector ):
         if seq.name() not in collector:
             collector[seq.name()] = []
         for c in seq.getChildren():
+            isSeq = isSequence(c)
+            if not isSeq and algsCollection is not None and c.name() in algsCollection:
+                collector[seq.name()].append( algsCollection[c.name()] )
+                continue
             collector[seq.name()].append( c )
-            if isSequence( c ):            
-                if c.name() in collector: # already visited
-                    pass
-                else:       
-                    __inner( c, collector )
+            if isSeq and c.name() not in collector:
+                __inner( c, collector )
     from collections import defaultdict
     c = defaultdict(list)
diff --git a/Control/AthenaCommon/python/Configurable.py b/Control/AthenaCommon/python/Configurable.py
index aef02ffea9c3e5b608b3d689c8902be550bcc4af..8e2c3d011021f1f9b2186ed0a8ca7e4e4c5f9138 100755
--- a/Control/AthenaCommon/python/Configurable.py
+++ b/Control/AthenaCommon/python/Configurable.py
@@ -402,6 +402,9 @@ class Configurable( object ):
    def getChildren( self ):
       return self.__children[:]    # read only
+   def overwriteChild( self, idx, newChild ):
+      self.__children[idx] = newChild
    def getAllChildren( self ):
       """Get all (private) configurable children, both explicit ones (added with +=)
       and the ones in the private GaudiHandle properties"""
diff --git a/Control/AthenaConfiguration/python/ComponentAccumulator.py b/Control/AthenaConfiguration/python/ComponentAccumulator.py
index b132fb4a96339dc0b56330553f0f6d39f7ff9815..715dd4841f8f004e80491fd23b020f54734a2d53 100644
--- a/Control/AthenaConfiguration/python/ComponentAccumulator.py
+++ b/Control/AthenaConfiguration/python/ComponentAccumulator.py
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
 from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
 from AthenaCommon.Configurable import Configurable,ConfigurableService,ConfigurableAlgorithm,ConfigurableAlgTool
 from AthenaCommon.CFElements import isSequence,findSubSequence,findAlgorithm,flatSequencers,findOwningSequence,\
-    checkSequenceConsistency, findAllAlgorithms
+    checkSequenceConsistency, findAllAlgorithmsByName
 from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AthSequencer
 import GaudiKernel.GaudiHandles as GaudiHandles
-from Deduplication import deduplicate, deduplicateWithAll, DeduplicationFailed
+from Deduplication import deduplicate, deduplicateComponent, DeduplicationFailed
 import ast
 import collections
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ class ComponentAccumulator(object):
+        self._algorithms = {}
     def empty(self):
         return len(self._sequence)+len(self._conditionsAlgs)+len(self._services)+\
@@ -123,6 +124,9 @@ class ComponentAccumulator(object):
     def addSequence(self, newseq, parentName = None ):
         """ Adds new sequence. If second argument is present then it is added under another sequence  """
+        if not isSequence(newseq):
+            raise TypeError('{} is not a sequence'.format(newseq.name()))
         if parentName is None:
@@ -131,10 +135,19 @@ class ComponentAccumulator(object):
                 raise ConfigurationError("Missing sequence %s to add new sequence to" % parentName )
         parent += newseq
-        checkSequenceConsistency(self._sequence)
-        return newseq 
+        algsByName = findAllAlgorithmsByName(newseq)
+        for name, existingAlgs in algsByName.iteritems():
+            startingIndex = 0
+            if name not in self._algorithms:
+                firstAlg, parent, idx = existingAlgs[0]
+                self._algorithms[name] = firstAlg
+                startingIndex = 1
+            for alg, parent, idx in existingAlgs[startingIndex:]:
+                deduplicateComponent(self._algorithms[name], alg)
+                parent.overwriteChild(idx, self._algorithms[name])
+        checkSequenceConsistency(self._sequence)
+        return newseq
     def moveSequence(self, sequence, destination ):
         """ moves sequence from one sub-sequence to another, primary use case HLT Control Flow """
@@ -207,15 +220,19 @@ class ComponentAccumulator(object):
             seq = findSubSequence(self._sequence, sequenceName )
         if seq is None:
+            self.printConfig()
             raise ConfigurationError("Can not find sequence %s" % sequenceName )
         for algo in algorithms:
             if not isinstance(algo, ConfigurableAlgorithm):
                 raise TypeError("Attempt to add wrong type: %s as event algorithm" % type( algo ).__name__)
-            deduplicateWithAll(self.getSequence(), [algo])
-            existingAlgInDest = findAlgorithm(seq, algo.getName())
+            if algo.name() in self._algorithms:
+                deduplicateComponent(self._algorithms[algo.name()], algo)
+            else:
+                self._algorithms[algo.name()] = algo
+            existingAlgInDest = findAlgorithm(seq, algo.name())
             if not existingAlgInDest:
-                seq += algo
+                seq += self._algorithms[algo.name()]
         if primary:
             if len(algorithms)>1:
@@ -227,31 +244,17 @@ class ComponentAccumulator(object):
         return None
-    def getEventAlgo(self,name=None,seqName=None):
-        if name is None:
-            algs = self.getEventAlgos(seqName)
-            if len(algs) == 1:
-                return algs[0]
-            raise ConfigurationError("Number of algorithms returned by getEventAlgo %d which is != 1 expected by this API" % len(algs) )
-        if seqName is None:
-            seq=self._sequence
-        else:
-            seq = findSubSequence(self._sequence, seqName )
-        algo = findAlgorithm( seq, name )
-        if algo is None:
+    def getEventAlgo(self,name=None):
+        if name not in self._algorithms:
             raise ConfigurationError("Can not find an algorithm of name %s "% name)
-        return algo
+        return self._algorithms[name]
     def getEventAlgos(self,seqName=None):
         if seqName is None:
             seq = findSubSequence(self._sequence, seqName )
-        return list( set( sum( flatSequencers( seq ).values(), []) ) )
+        return list( set( sum( flatSequencers( seq, algsCollection=self._algorithms ).values(), []) ) )
     def addCondAlgo(self,algo,primary=False):
         if not isinstance(algo, ConfigurableAlgorithm):
@@ -389,19 +392,32 @@ class ComponentAccumulator(object):
         #if destSubSeq == None:
         #    raise ConfigurationError( "Nonexistent sequence %s in %s (or its sub-sequences)" % ( sequence, self._sequence.name() ) )          #
         def mergeSequences( dest, src ):
-            for c in src.getChildren():
+            for childIdx, c in enumerate(src.getChildren()):
                 if isSequence( c ):
                     sub = findSubSequence( dest, c.name() ) #depth=1 ???
                     if sub:
                         mergeSequences(sub, c )
                         self._msg.debug("  Merging sequence %s to a sequence %s", c.name(), dest.name() )
-                        algorithms = findAllAlgorithms(c)
-                        deduplicateWithAll(self.getSequence(), algorithms)
+                        algorithmsByName = findAllAlgorithmsByName(c)
+                        for name, existingAlgs in algorithmsByName.iteritems():
+                            startingIndex = 0
+                            if name not in self._algorithms:
+                                firstAlg, parent, idx = existingAlgs[0]
+                                self._algorithms[name] = firstAlg
+                                startingIndex = 1
+                            for alg, parent, idx in existingAlgs[startingIndex:]:
+                                deduplicateComponent(self._algorithms[name], alg)
+                                parent.overwriteChild(idx, self._algorithms[name])
                         dest += c
                 else: # an algorithm
-                    deduplicateWithAll(self.getSequence(), [c])
+                    if c.name() in self._algorithms:
+                        deduplicateComponent(self._algorithms[c.name()], c)
+                        src.overwriteChild(childIdx, self._algorithms[c.name()])
+                    else:
+                        self._algorithms[c.name()] = c
                     existingAlgInDest = findAlgorithm( dest, c.name(), depth=1 )
                     if not existingAlgInDest:
                         self._msg.debug("Adding algorithm %s to a sequence %s", c.name(), dest.name() )
@@ -417,6 +433,12 @@ class ComponentAccumulator(object):
             destSeq=findSubSequence(self._sequence,other._sequence.name()) or self._sequence
+        # Additional checking and updating other accumulator's algorithms list
+        for name, alg in other._algorithms.iteritems():
+            if name not in self._algorithms:
+                raise ConfigurationError('Error in merging. Algorithm {} missing in destination accumulator'.format(name))
+            other._algorithms[name] = self._algorithms[name]
         for condAlg in other._conditionsAlgs:
             self.addCondAlgo(condAlg) #Profit from deduplicaton here
@@ -573,7 +595,7 @@ class ComponentAccumulator(object):
             #Code seems to be wrong here
-            for seqName, algoList in flatSequencers( self._sequence ).iteritems():
+            for seqName, algoList in flatSequencers( self._sequence, algsCollection=self._algorithms ).iteritems():
                 self._jocat[seqName] = {}
                 for alg in algoList:
                   self._jocat[alg.name()] = {}
@@ -581,13 +603,13 @@ class ComponentAccumulator(object):
-        for seqName, algoList  in flatSequencers( self._sequence ).iteritems():
+        for seqName, algoList  in flatSequencers( self._sequence, algsCollection=self._algorithms ).iteritems():
             for alg in algoList:
                 self.appendConfigurable( alg )
                 evtalgseq.append( alg.getFullName() )
-        for seqName, algoList  in flatSequencers( self._sequence ).iteritems():
+        for seqName, algoList  in flatSequencers( self._sequence, algsCollection=self._algorithms ).iteritems():
             # part of the sequence may come from the bootstrap, we need to retain the content, that is done here
             for prop in self._jocat[seqName]:
                 if prop == "Members":
@@ -702,8 +724,8 @@ class ComponentAccumulator(object):
         #Add tree of algorithm sequences:
-        for seqName, algoList in flatSequencers( self._sequence ).iteritems():
-            self._msg.debug("Members of %s : %s", seqName, str([alg.getFullName() for alg in algoList]))
+        for seqName, algoList in flatSequencers( self._sequence, algsCollection=self._algorithms ).iteritems():
+            self._msg.debug("Members of %s : %s" % (seqName,str([alg.getFullName() for alg in algoList])))
             bsh.addPropertyToCatalogue(jos,seqName,"Members",str( [alg.getFullName() for alg in algoList]))
             for alg in algoList:
diff --git a/Control/AthenaConfiguration/python/ComponentAccumulatorTest.py b/Control/AthenaConfiguration/python/ComponentAccumulatorTest.py
index 2cdc54e51ebf20ce486a9633bd302f63d39cb310..1b7d5d88910f3431cd06f395756b3e2798d77dd5 100644
--- a/Control/AthenaConfiguration/python/ComponentAccumulatorTest.py
+++ b/Control/AthenaConfiguration/python/ComponentAccumulatorTest.py
@@ -292,11 +292,10 @@ class TestComponentAccumulatorAccessors( unittest.TestCase ):
         from AthenaCommon.Configurable import ConfigurablePyAlgorithm,ConfigurableAlgTool
-        self.assertIsNotNone( ca.getEventAlgo(), "Found single alg")
-        self.assertEqual( len(ca.getEventAlgos()), 1 , "Found single alg")
-# no idea why this assersts do not recognise exceptions        
-#        self.assertRaises(ConfigurationError, ca.getEventAlgo("alg2")) 
+        self.assertEquals( len(ca.getEventAlgos()), 1 , "Found single alg")
+# no idea why this assersts do not recognise exceptions
+#        self.assertRaises(ConfigurationError, ca.getEventAlgo("alg2"))
         self.assertIsNotNone( ca.getEventAlgo("alg2"), "Found single alg")
diff --git a/Control/AthenaConfiguration/python/Deduplication.py b/Control/AthenaConfiguration/python/Deduplication.py
index 5fb69e434772e8ade7489bd83bc16a6ddfb069b9..5a69d6a57c99c288fd3c26ad1bf38626cd67cd51 100644
--- a/Control/AthenaConfiguration/python/Deduplication.py
+++ b/Control/AthenaConfiguration/python/Deduplication.py
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ from GaudiKernel.GaudiHandles import GaudiHandleArray, PublicToolHandle, PublicT
 from AthenaCommon.Configurable import ConfigurableAlgTool
 import collections
 from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
-from AthenaCommon.CFElements import findAllAlgorithmsByName
 from UnifyProperties import unifyProperty 
@@ -129,16 +128,3 @@ def deduplicateComponent(newComp,comp):
         #end if startswith("_")
     return newComp
-def deduplicateWithAll(sequence, algorithms):
-    existingAlgsByName = findAllAlgorithmsByName(sequence, namesToLookFor=set(map(lambda alg: alg.name(), algorithms)))
-    for alg in algorithms:
-        existingAlgs = existingAlgsByName[alg.name()]
-        for idx, existingAlg in enumerate(existingAlgs):
-            if alg == existingAlg:
-                continue
-            deduplicateComponent(alg, existingAlg)
-            if idx == len(existingAlgs) - 1:
-                # Merge other way around with last algorithm
-                deduplicateComponent(existingAlg, alg)
diff --git a/Control/AthenaServices/python/Configurables.py b/Control/AthenaServices/python/Configurables.py
index 33229cb3b9845548f740d246674a3f4d0ea814d0..2d8a521615ae61549e8323fe4184154809d202ff 100644
--- a/Control/AthenaServices/python/Configurables.py
+++ b/Control/AthenaServices/python/Configurables.py
@@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 # @file: Configurables.py
 # @purpose: customized Configurable classes for AthenaServices
 # @author: Sebastien Binet <binet@cern.ch>
+from __future__ import print_function
 ## import the automatically generated Configurables
-from AthenaServicesConf import ThinningSvc as _ThinningSvc
-from AthenaServicesConf import CoreDumpSvc as _CoreDumpSvc
-from AthenaServicesConf import EvtIdModifierSvc as _EvtIdModifierSvc
+from AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf import ThinningSvc as _ThinningSvc
+from AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf import CoreDumpSvc as _CoreDumpSvc
+from AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf import EvtIdModifierSvc as _EvtIdModifierSvc
 ## import configurables module facade
 from AthenaCommon import CfgMgr
@@ -166,7 +168,7 @@ class ThinningSvc( _ThinningSvc ):
             _lvl = handle.getDefaultProperty('OutputLevel')
         ## get and install the ThinningOutputTool configurable
-        from AthenaServicesConf import ThinningOutputTool
+        from AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf import ThinningOutputTool
         toolName = "ThinningTool_%s" % handle.name()
         tool = ThinningOutputTool (toolName,
diff --git a/Database/TPTools/TPTools/TPConverter.h b/Database/TPTools/TPTools/TPConverter.h
index f037d09e63bb2783f4b8c18adbf7d0463686eb51..ad3ce0f83e4ee01eb3c5166d6193b4f91172ae47 100644
--- a/Database/TPTools/TPTools/TPConverter.h
+++ b/Database/TPTools/TPTools/TPConverter.h
@@ -470,24 +470,6 @@ protected:
 // --------------------------------------------------------------
-namespace TPCnv {
-/** @class  TPCnv::CreateTransient
-    Helper class to make specializing the creation of transient objects
-    in the TPConverterBase::createTransient() easier.
-    Provide specialization before definition of your T/P converter for transient typeTRANS
-    The final T/P converter can still overwrite its whole createTransient() method 
-   template<class TRANS>
-   class CreateTransient  {
-      public:
-      static std::unique_ptr<TRANS>  create() { return std::make_unique<TRANS>(); }
-   };
-} // namespace TPCnv
 // Base converter template for polymorphic types
diff --git a/Database/TPTools/TPTools/TPConverter.icc b/Database/TPTools/TPTools/TPConverter.icc
index 01634dfea722b4c7f516d855fd82f5b64285c7a9..4095b66bd86e78533ac1424ad0c26276477bf108 100644
--- a/Database/TPTools/TPTools/TPConverter.icc
+++ b/Database/TPTools/TPTools/TPConverter.icc
@@ -59,16 +59,22 @@ toPersistent_impl( const TRANS *trans, MsgStream &log )
    return TPObjRef( this->m_pStorageTID, size );
+class IdentifiableContainerBase;
 template< class TRANS_BASE, class TRANS, class PERS >
-createTransient(const PERS* persObj, MsgStream &log)
+createTransient(const PERS* persObj [[maybe_unused]], MsgStream &log)
-   // this is by default equivalent to 'new TRANS()'
-   std::unique_ptr<TRANS> trans = TPCnv::CreateTransient<TRANS>::create();
+    if constexpr(std::is_base_of< IdentifiableContainerBase, TRANS>::value && !std::is_default_constructible<TRANS>::value) {
+      log << "IdentifiableContainerBase is not compatable with createTransient" << std::endl;
+      return nullptr;
+    }
+    else{
+      // this is by default equivalent to 'new TRANS()'
+      std::unique_ptr<TRANS> trans = std::make_unique<TRANS>();
-   this->persToTrans(persObj, trans.get(), log);
-   return( trans.release() );
+      this->persToTrans(persObj, trans.get(), log);
+      return( trans.release() );
+    }
diff --git a/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/AtlasGeoModel/python/ForDetGeoModelConfig.py b/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/AtlasGeoModel/python/ForDetGeoModelConfig.py
index bfeeb6116ab7e79cabd19652bcc064cff08a45a8..d3b308bff40cabcbcb20ee5068eb93b4026100e8 100644
--- a/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/AtlasGeoModel/python/ForDetGeoModelConfig.py
+++ b/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/AtlasGeoModel/python/ForDetGeoModelConfig.py
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ from IOVDbSvc.IOVDbSvcConfig import addFoldersSplitOnline
 def ForDetGeometryCfg( ConfigFlags ):
     from AtlasGeoModel.GeoModelConfig import GeoModelCfg
-    acc,geoModelSvc = GeoModelCfg( ConfigFlags )
+    acc = GeoModelCfg( ConfigFlags )
+    geoModelSvc=acc.getPrimary()
     from GeometryDBSvc.GeometryDBSvcConf import GeometryDBSvc
     # LUCID
diff --git a/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/AtlasGeoModel/python/GeoModelConfig.py b/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/AtlasGeoModel/python/GeoModelConfig.py
index a2dd33956662e72948c194c6f685fa0eb7faa7b9..4269001a6f8b061a9334aff3dd462d605b4d2a49 100644
--- a/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/AtlasGeoModel/python/GeoModelConfig.py
+++ b/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/AtlasGeoModel/python/GeoModelConfig.py
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ def GeoModelCfg(configFlags):
     if configFlags.Detector.Simulate:
         ## Protects GeoModelSvc in the simulation from the AlignCallbacks
         gms.AlignCallbacks = False
-    result.addService(gms)
+    result.addService(gms,primary=True)
     from DetDescrCnvSvc.DetDescrCnvSvcConf import DetDescrCnvSvc
     from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import EvtPersistencySvc
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ def GeoModelCfg(configFlags):
     #TagInfoMgr used by GeoModelSvc but no ServiceHandle. Relies on string-name
-    return result,gms
+    return result
@@ -47,6 +47,6 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     ConfigFlags.Input.Files = defaultTestFiles.RAW
-    acc, gms = GeoModelCfg( ConfigFlags )
+    acc = GeoModelCfg( ConfigFlags )
     acc.store( file( "test.pkl", "w" ) )
     print "All OK"
diff --git a/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/AtlasGeoModel/python/InDetGMConfig.py b/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/AtlasGeoModel/python/InDetGMConfig.py
index 35c4eefecfe1f476c8f600a0a3de1f2555d5fde5..03045839da9488895ec5a5f3950e837c03749806 100644
--- a/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/AtlasGeoModel/python/InDetGMConfig.py
+++ b/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/AtlasGeoModel/python/InDetGMConfig.py
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ from IOVDbSvc.IOVDbSvcConfig import addFoldersSplitOnline
 def InDetServiceMaterialCfg (flags):
     from AtlasGeoModel.GeoModelConfig import GeoModelCfg
-    acc,geoModelSvc = GeoModelCfg( flags )
+    acc = GeoModelCfg( flags )
+    geoModelSvc=acc.getPrimary()
     from GeometryDBSvc.GeometryDBSvcConf import GeometryDBSvc
     from InDetServMatGeoModel.InDetServMatGeoModelConf import InDetServMatTool
diff --git a/Event/ByteStreamCnvSvcBase/src/ROBDataProviderMTTest.cxx b/Event/ByteStreamCnvSvcBase/src/ROBDataProviderMTTest.cxx
index 1f796ef516ac30fa6936615ceac208ad61e2b99c..778b4ca4a85ff699d5a5ad864567d3279d126201 100644
--- a/Event/ByteStreamCnvSvcBase/src/ROBDataProviderMTTest.cxx
+++ b/Event/ByteStreamCnvSvcBase/src/ROBDataProviderMTTest.cxx
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 #include <algorithm>
 #include "GaudiKernel/Property.h"
 #include "TestTools/ParallelCallTest.h"
+#include "TestTools/random.h"
 #include "ROBDataProviderMTTest.h"
@@ -70,8 +71,10 @@ StatusCode ROBDataProviderMTTest::execute( const EventContext& context ) const
   std::vector<eformat::read::ROBFragment> robs;
   ev->robs( robs );
+  Athena_test::URNG rng;
+  rng.seed = context.evt();
   for ( size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i ) { 
-    std::random_shuffle( robs.begin(), robs.end() );
+    std::shuffle( robs.begin(), robs.end(), rng );
     auto r = new AskForROBs( context, m_robDataProvider, lvl1ID, robs );
     ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Prepared parallel request with " << r->nrobs() << " robs" );  
     requests.push_back( r );
diff --git a/Event/EventOverlay/EventOverlayJobTransforms/share/Rt_override_OFLCOND-MC16-SDR-27.py b/Event/EventOverlay/EventOverlayJobTransforms/share/Rt_override_OFLCOND-MC16-SDR-27.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fc9762e02689afa12a6f86c0e6998411a8b7b48c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Event/EventOverlay/EventOverlayJobTransforms/share/Rt_override_OFLCOND-MC16-SDR-27.py
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+from IOVDbSvc.CondDB import conddb
+from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
+from RecExConfig.RecAlgsFlags import recAlgs
+#use MC MDT RT functions
+#from Guillaume
+print "RT OVERRIDE, for OFLCOND-MC16-SDR-27 MC condition tag "
+#See https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/AtlasComputing/ConditionsTagOflCondMc16Sdr27
+# https://atlas-tagservices.cern.ch/tagservices/RunBrowser/runBrowserReport/rBR_CB_Report.php?CBAction=GlobalTagReport&cbgt=CONDBR2-BLKPA-2018-12
+if not "EOJT_alignMC" in globals():
+    print "EOJT_alignMC not found in globals(), so aligning ID to data conditions"
+    print "EOJT_alignMC found in globals(), so aligning ID to MC conditions"
+    conddb.blockFolder("/TRT/Align")
+    conddb.addFolderWithTag("TRT_OFL","/TRT/Align","TRTAlign-RUN2-BLK-UPD4-13",force=True,forceMC=True)
+    conddb.blockFolder("/LAR/Align")
+    conddb.addFolderWithTag("LAR_OFL","/LAR/Align","LARAlign-RUN2-UPD4-03",force=True,forceMC=True)
+    conddb.blockFolder("/Indet/Align")
+    conddb.addFolderWithTag("INDET_OFL","/Indet/Align","InDetAlign-RUN2-BLK-UPD4-16",force=True,forceMC=True) 
+#to set beam spot from MC
+#to run overlay chain with trigger                      
+if (hasattr(runArgs, "triggerConfig") and runArgs.triggerConfig!="NONE") or (hasattr(recAlgs,'doTrigger') and recAlgs.doTrigger() and DetFlags.LVL1_on()):
+    print "running with trigger  " 
+    conddb.addOverride("/GLOBAL/Onl/BTagCalib/RUN12","BTagCalibRUN12Onl-08-40")
+    print "running with no trigger  "
+if DetFlags.writeRDOPool.pixel_on():
+    conddb.addFolder("PIXEL_OFL","/PIXEL/PixReco")
+if mcIDoverlay:
+    print "ACH777: Using MC overlay Lorentz DB settings"
+    conddb.blockFolder("/PIXEL/DCS/HV")
+    conddb.addFolderWithTag("DCS_OFL","/PIXEL/DCS/HV","PixDCSHV-SIM-MC16-000-07",force=True,forceMC=True)
+    conddb.blockFolder("/PIXEL/DCS/TEMPERATURE")
+    conddb.addFolderWithTag("DCS_OFL","/PIXEL/DCS/TEMPERATURE","PixDCSTemp-SIM-MC16-000-09",force=True,forceMC=True)
+    conddb.blockFolder("/SCT/DCS/HV")
+    conddb.addFolderWithTag("DCS_OFL","/SCT/DCS/HV","SctDcsHv-MC16-02",force=True,forceMC=True)
+    conddb.blockFolder("/SCT/DCS/MODTEMP")
+    conddb.addFolderWithTag("DCS_OFL","/SCT/DCS/MODTEMP","SctDcsModtemp-MC16-02",force=True,forceMC=True)
+if mcIDoverlay2:
+    print "ACH777: Using more MC overlay ID DB settings"
+    conddb.blockFolder("/Indet/PixelDist")
+    conddb.addFolderWithTag("INDET_OFL","/Indet/PixelDist","InDetPixelDist-nominal",force=True,forceMC=True)
+    conddb.blockFolder("/PIXEL/PixelClustering/PixelClusNNCalib")
+    conddb.addFolderWithTag("PIXEL_OFL","/PIXEL/PixelClustering/PixelClusNNCalib","PixelClusNNCalib-SIM-RUN12-000-06",force=True,forceMC=True)
+    conddb.blockFolder("/PIXEL/LorentzAngleScale")
+    conddb.addFolderWithTag("PIXEL_OFL","/PIXEL/LorentzAngleScale","PixLorentzAngleScale-SIM-RUN124-000-00",force=True,forceMC=True)
+    conddb.blockFolder("/PIXEL/PixCalib")
+    conddb.addFolderWithTag("PIXEL_OFL","/PIXEL/PixCalib","PixCalib-SIM-MC16-000-09 ",force=True,forceMC=True)
+#use updated muon alignments
+#the TGC alignments had overlap issues... caused G4 crash
+dofolderoverrides = True
+if dofolderoverrides:
+	print "ACH - overriding folder access patterns"
+	conddb.dumpFolderTags('myconddb.txt',True)
+overlaylongfolders = []
+def setrunforfolder(name):
+	if conddb.folderRequested(name):
+            print "setting run to "+str(runN)+" and lumiblock "+str(lumiBlock)
+            frnTag="<forceRunNumber>"+str(runN)+"</forceRunNumber>"
+            flbTag="<forceLumiblockNumber>"+str(lumiBlock)+"</forceLumiblockNumber>"
+            conddb.addMarkup(name,frnTag)
+            conddb.addMarkup(name,flbTag)
+            global overlaylongfolders
+            overlaylongfolders += [name]
+if dofolderoverrides:
+	setrunforfolder("/CALO/CaloSwClusterCorrections/calhits")
+	setrunforfolder("/CALO/CaloSwClusterCorrections/clcon")
+	setrunforfolder("/CALO/CaloSwClusterCorrections/deadOTXback")
+	setrunforfolder("/CALO/CaloSwClusterCorrections/deadOTXps")
+	setrunforfolder("/CALO/CaloSwClusterCorrections/etamod")
+	setrunforfolder("/CALO/CaloSwClusterCorrections/etaoff")
+	setrunforfolder("/CALO/CaloSwClusterCorrections/gap")
+	setrunforfolder("/CALO/CaloSwClusterCorrections/larupdate")
+	setrunforfolder("/CALO/CaloSwClusterCorrections/lwc")
+	setrunforfolder("/CALO/CaloSwClusterCorrections/phimod")
+	setrunforfolder("/CALO/CaloSwClusterCorrections/phioff")
+	setrunforfolder("/CALO/CaloSwClusterCorrections/rfac")
+	setrunforfolder("/CALO/CaloSwClusterCorrections/trcorr")
+	setrunforfolder("/CALO/H1Weights/H1WeightsCone4Topo")
+	setrunforfolder("/CALO/Identifier/CaloTTOnAttrIdMapAtlas")
+	setrunforfolder("/CALO/Identifier/CaloTTOnOffIdMapAtlas")
+	setrunforfolder("/CALO/Identifier/CaloTTPpmRxIdMapAtlas")
+	setrunforfolder("/CALO/JetCalib/EtaMassEnergyCorr")
+	setrunforfolder("/CALO/JetCalib/JetPropertyInvertResponseTool")
+	setrunforfolder("/CALO/JetCalib/MCNumInversionResponse")
+	setrunforfolder("/CALO/JetCalib/OffsetCorrection")
+	setrunforfolder("/CALO/JetCalib/TrackAngularCorrection")
+	setrunforfolder("/CALO/JetCalib/TrackBasedResponseCorrection")
+	setrunforfolder("/CALO/Ofl/Pedestal/CellPedestal")
+	setrunforfolder("/CALO/Pedestal/CellPedestal")
+	setrunforfolder("/CSC/PSLOPE")
+	setrunforfolder("/CSC/RMS")
+	setrunforfolder("/CSC/T0BASE")
+	setrunforfolder("/CSC/T0PHASE")
+	setrunforfolder("/Indet/TrkErrorScaling")
+	setrunforfolder("/LAR/CellCorrOfl/deadOTX")
+	setrunforfolder("/LAR/ElecCalibOfl/LArPileupShape")
+	setrunforfolder("/MDT/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA")
+	setrunforfolder("/MDT/CABLING/MEZZANINE_SCHEMA")
+	setrunforfolder("/MUONALIGN/TGC/SIDEA")
+	setrunforfolder("/MUONALIGN/TGC/SIDEC")
+	setrunforfolder("/PIXEL/LorentzAngleScale")
+	setrunforfolder("/PIXEL/NoiseMapLong")
+	setrunforfolder("/PIXEL/PixMapLong")
+	setrunforfolder("/PIXEL/PixMapShort")
+	setrunforfolder("/PIXEL/PixdEdx")
+	setrunforfolder("/PIXEL/PixelClustering/PixelClusNNCalib")
+	setrunforfolder("/PIXEL/PixelClustering/PixelCovCorr")
+	setrunforfolder("/RPC/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA")
+	setrunforfolder("/RPC/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA_CORR")
+	setrunforfolder("/RPC/DQMF/ELEMENT_STATUS")
+	setrunforfolder("/TGC/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA")
+	setrunforfolder("/TILE/OFL02/CALIB/CIS/NLN")
+	setrunforfolder("/TILE/OFL02/CALIB/EMS")
+	setrunforfolder("/TILE/OFL02/CALIB/LAS/FIBER")
+	setrunforfolder("/TILE/OFL02/CALIB/LAS/NLN")
+	setrunforfolder("/TILE/OFL02/NOISE/AUTOCR")
+	setrunforfolder("/TILE/OFL02/PULSESHAPE/CIS/LEAK100")
+	setrunforfolder("/TILE/OFL02/PULSESHAPE/CIS/LEAK5P2")
+	setrunforfolder("/TILE/OFL02/PULSESHAPE/CIS/PULSE100")
+	setrunforfolder("/TILE/OFL02/PULSESHAPE/CIS/PULSE5P2")
+	setrunforfolder("/TILE/OFL02/PULSESHAPE/LAS")
+	setrunforfolder("/TILE/OFL02/PULSESHAPE/PHY")
+	setrunforfolder("/TILE/OFL02/TIME/CHANNELOFFSET/CIS")
+	setrunforfolder("/TRT/Calib/DX")
+	setrunforfolder("/TRT/Calib/HTCalib")
+	setrunforfolder("/TRT/Calib/PID")
+	setrunforfolder("/TRT/Calib/PID_RToT")
+	setrunforfolder("/TRT/Calib/PID_RToTver_New")
+	setrunforfolder("/TRT/Calib/PID_vector")
+	setrunforfolder("/TRT/Calib/PIDver_New")
+	setrunforfolder("/TRT/Calib/ToT/ToTValue")
+	setrunforfolder("/TRT/Calib/ToT/ToTVectors")
+	setrunforfolder("/TRT/Calib/ToTCalib")
+	setrunforfolder("/TRT/Calib/errors")
+	setrunforfolder("/TRT/Calib/errors2d")
+	setrunforfolder("/TRT/Calib/slopes")
+	setrunforfolder("/CSC/FTHOLD")
+	setrunforfolder("/CSC/NOISE")
+	setrunforfolder("/CSC/PED")
+	setrunforfolder("/GLOBAL/BTagCalib/Onl/RUN12")
+	setrunforfolder("/Indet/PixelDist")
+	setrunforfolder("/LAR/ElecCalibOfl/OFC/PhysWave/RTM/4samples3bins17phases")
+	setrunforfolder("/LAR/ElecCalibOfl/Shape/RTM/4samples3bins17phases")
+	setrunforfolder("/PIXEL/CablingMap")
+	setrunforfolder("/PIXEL/NoiseMapShort")
+	setrunforfolder("/PIXEL/PixReco")
+	setrunforfolder("/Indet/AlignL3")
+	setrunforfolder("/MUONALIGN/ERRS")
+	setrunforfolder("/RPC/TRIGGER/CM_THR_ETA")
+	setrunforfolder("/RPC/TRIGGER/CM_THR_PHI")
+	setrunforfolder("/TRT/AlignL2")
+print "set run "+str(runN)+" and lumiblock "+str(lumiBlock)+" for folders: ", overlaylongfolders
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/CMakeLists.txt b/Generators/Herwig7_i/CMakeLists.txt
index 67b331b50ce8d915ce35cdc2317daaf241d7b81d..8616fea38e78c686784eb1fec81d06a4743e5f11 100644
--- a/Generators/Herwig7_i/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -3,10 +3,6 @@
 # Package: Herwig7_i
-   return()
 # Declare the package name:
 atlas_subdir( Herwig7_i )
@@ -19,11 +15,19 @@ atlas_depends_on_subdirs(
    Tools/PathResolver )
+#set( THEPEG_LCGVERSION 2.1.4 )
+#   /cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/LCG_94/MCGenerators/thepeg/${THEPEG_LCGVERSION}/${LCG_PLATFORM}/ ) 
+#set( HERWIG3_LCGVERSION 7.1.4 )
+#   /cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/LCG_94/MCGenerators/herwig++/${HERWIG3_LCGVERSION}/${LCG_PLATFORM}/ )
 # External dependencies:
 find_package( Boost )
 find_package( Herwig3 )
-find_package( GSL )
 find_package( ThePEG )
+find_package( GSL )
 # Remove the --as-needed linker flags:
@@ -31,12 +35,16 @@ atlas_disable_as_needed()
 # Component(s) in the package:
 atlas_add_component( Herwig7_i
    Herwig7_i/*.h src/*.cxx src/components/*.cxx
    GeneratorModulesLib EventInfo GaudiKernel PathResolver )
 # Install files from the package:
 atlas_install_python_modules( python/*.py )
 atlas_install_joboptions( share/*.py )
+set( Herwig7Environment_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}
+   CACHE PATH "Location of HerwigppEnvironment.cmake" )
+find_package( Herwig7Environment )
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/Herwig7EnvironmentConfig.cmake b/Generators/Herwig7_i/Herwig7EnvironmentConfig.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e493c244488fb2c022e7ed295d2c7ba2da0e5a17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/Herwig7EnvironmentConfig.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+# This module is used to set up the environment for Herwig7
+# Set the environment variable(s):
+find_package( Herwig3 )
+find_package ( ThePEG )
+  get_filename_component( _herwig3Path "${HERWIG3_LCGROOT}" DIRECTORY )
+        FORCESET HERWIG7_PATH ${_herwig3Path}/${LCG_PLATFORM}
+  unset( _herwig3Path )
+# Silently declare the module found:
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/Herwig7_i/Herwig7.h b/Generators/Herwig7_i/Herwig7_i/Herwig7.h
index da874d309527d240f80c386e20f9322a933c7b5a..8ca89533c42466430ee4f00a0fc63ade4ac8e841 100644
--- a/Generators/Herwig7_i/Herwig7_i/Herwig7.h
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/Herwig7_i/Herwig7.h
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 // -*- C++ -*-
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 /*! \file Herwig7.h
- *  \brief Athena interface for the Herwig 7 generator
+ *  \brief Athena interface for the %Herwig7 generator
  *  \author Daniel Rauch (daniel.rauch@desy.de)
@@ -15,11 +14,121 @@
 #include "GeneratorModules/GenModule.h"
+#include "ThePEG/Repository/Repository.h"
 #include "ThePEG/Repository/EventGenerator.h"
 #include "ThePEG/EventRecord/Event.h"
+#include "Herwig/API/HerwigUI.h"
+/// Interface to the %Herwig7 API
+class Herwig7API : public Herwig::HerwigUI {
+  /// Constructor
+  Herwig7API(){};
+  //   ATH_MSG_DEBUG("HERWIG7_PATH is "+getenv("HERWIG7_PATH"));
+  //   ThePEG::Repository::load(getenv("HERWIG7_PATH")+"/share/Herwig/HerwigDefaults.rpo");
+  // };
+  /// Destructor
+  ~Herwig7API(){};
+  /// Requested Herwig run mode
+  Herwig::RunMode::Mode runMode() const { return(m_runMode); }
+  /// Try to resume execution from an earlier interrupted run.
+  virtual bool resume() const { return(m_resume); }
+  /// Require verbose progress markers
+  virtual bool tics() const { return(m_tics); }
+  /// Repository name to operate on
+  virtual std::string repository() const { return(m_repository); }
+  /// Name of the file to be read
+  virtual std::string inputfile() const { return(m_inputfile); }
+  void inputfile(const std::string inputfile) { m_inputfile = inputfile; }
+  /// Name of the setup file to be read, to modify the repository
+  virtual std::string setupfile() const { return(m_setupfile); }
+  /// A user-defined tag to append to the run name.
+  virtual std::string tag() const { return(m_tag); }
+  /// An identifier for the integration job to be handled
+  virtual std::string integrationList() const { return(m_integrationList); }
+  /// Directories from which Herwig reads input files,  will be prepended to the search path.
+  virtual const std::vector<std::string> & prependReadDirectories() const { return(m_prependReadDirectories); }
+  /// Directories from which Herwig reads input files,  will be appended to the search path.
+  virtual const std::vector<std::string> & appendReadDirectories() const { return(m_appendReadDirectories); }
+  virtual long N() const { return(m_N); }      /// The number of events to generate
+  virtual int seed() const { return(m_seed); } /// The seed to use
+  void seed(int seed) { m_seed = seed; }
+  virtual int jobs() const { return(m_jobs); } /// The number of jobs to fork
+  virtual unsigned int jobSize() const { return(m_jobsize); } /// The number of subprocesses to integrate per integratoin job
+  virtual unsigned int maxJobs() const { return(m_maxjobs); } /// The maximum number of integration jobs
+  virtual void quitWithHelp() const {
+    ThePEG::Repository::cleanup();
+    exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
+  }
+  /// Bail out and be quiet
+  virtual void quit() const {
+    ThePEG::Repository::cleanup();
+    exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
+  }
+  /// Return the standard out stream to be used
+  virtual std::ostream& outStream() const { return(std::cout); }
+  /// Return the standard err stream to be used
+  virtual std::ostream& errStream() const { return(std::cerr); }
+  /// Return the standard in stream to be used
+  virtual std::istream& inStream() const { return(std::cin); }
+  Herwig::RunMode::Mode m_runMode;
+  bool m_resume;
+  bool m_tics;
+  std::string m_repository;
+  std::string m_inputfile;
+  std::string m_setupfile;
+  std::string m_tag;
+  std::string m_integrationList;
+  std::vector<std::string> m_prependReadDirectories;
+  std::vector<std::string> m_appendReadDirectories;
+  long m_N;
+  int m_seed;
+  int m_jobs;
+  unsigned int m_jobsize;
+  unsigned int m_maxjobs;
+/// Interface to athena
 class Herwig7 : public GenModule {
   /// Constructor.
@@ -37,40 +146,55 @@ public:
   /// Close down the generator.
   StatusCode genFinalize();
-  /// @name Properties
-  //@{
+  /// Herwig7 API object
+  Herwig7API m_api;
-  /// Typedef to hold Herwig repository commands
-  typedef std::vector<std::string> CommandVector;
+  /// ThePEG generator object.
+  ThePEG::EGPtr m_gen;
-  /// Commands to set up Herwig from jobOptions.
-  CommandVector m_herwigCommandVector;
+  /// ThePEG event object.
+  ThePEG::EventPtr m_event;
+  /// @name Properties
+  //@{
   /// Run name, used in the Herwig/ThePEG config system.
   std::string m_runname;
-  /// File to dump an equivalent Herwig .in file to, if specified.
-  std::string m_infiledump;
+  /// Name of run file
+  std::string m_runfile;
+  /// Name of setup file
+  std::string m_setupfile;
+  /// Ignore random number seed provided by athena and use the one from Generate_tf.py instead
+  bool m_use_seed_from_generatetf;
+  /// Random number seed from Generate_tf.py
+  int m_seed_from_generatetf;
   /// ME PDF name, stored for AMI capture at finalize.
   std::string m_pdfname_me;
-  /// PS and MPI PDF name, stored for AMI capture at finalize.
+  /// PS PDF name, stored for AMI capture at finalize.
+  // std::string m_pdfname_ps;
+  /// MPI PDF name, stored for AMI capture at finalize.
   std::string m_pdfname_mpi;
+  /// Possibly remove Herwig-scratch folder after finishing the event generation
+  bool m_cleanup_herwig_scratch;
   /// Scale integrated cross section by a factor for MetaData output
   double m_xsscale;
-  /// ThePEG generator object.
-  ThePEG::EGPtr m_hw;
-  /// ThePEG event object.
-  ThePEG::EventPtr m_event;
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/doc/mainpage.h b/Generators/Herwig7_i/doc/mainpage.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a8e97ca5b82345da25512f12a1faca82f6d47e77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/doc/mainpage.h
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+@mainpage  Herwig7_i
+@section Herwig7ForATLAS Herwig 7 for ATLAS
+Herwig 7 is a general-purpose event generator written in C++.
+It provides a significant amount of improvements and new features with respect
+to its predecessor Herwig++ 2.X while at the same time featuring also all of
+the physics capabilities that (Fortran) HERWIG did. In this sense it is meant
+to succede both previous members of the Herwig generator family.
+More information, including documentation and detailed tutorials, as well as
+the source code of the generator are available on the project's page at
+For more information on Herwig 7 in ATLAS please refer to the TWiki pages at
+@subsection AthenaInterface The Interface between Herwig7 and Athena
+Herwig 7 can be used in the same way as the Herwig++ 2.X series, in particular
+it is capable of showering MadGraph5_aMC@NLO and PowhegBox events.
+Apart from these 'legacy' run modes, the *Matchbox* module in Herwig 7 provides
+automated LO and NLO hard process generation and two alternative internal
+matching strategies, called 'subtractive' (MCatNLO-like) and 'multiplicative'
+(Powheg-like) matching, to both the default, angular-ordered (q-tilde) parton
+shower and the dipole shower. Integration of these new features in the interface
+is still ongoing and will need to be validated afterwards.
+\note Currently, showering of Alpgen inputs is deprecated and was removed from
+the interface since it would require a significant amount of validation. In case
+your are interested in this, please let us know.
+@subsection TableOfContents Contents of this Documentation
+- @ref Links
+- @ref FAQ
+- @ref MC15JobOptions
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/python/Herwig7Config.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/python/Herwig7Config.py
index dfe97b65eaf81e7772622b4174f8560b6a42094f..58905a9246f593f8ca91c7f0e4bf9a5307292af3 100644
--- a/Generators/Herwig7_i/python/Herwig7Config.py
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/python/Herwig7Config.py
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ class Hw7Config(object):
   ## Constructor
   def __init__(self, genSeq, runArgs, run_name="Herwig"):
     self.genSeq   = genSeq
     self.runArgs  = runArgs
@@ -44,6 +45,12 @@ set /Herwig/Shower/GammatoQQbarSplitFn:AngularOrdered Yes
 ## fix for GeV-mass photon radiation until released with Herwig7 itself
 set /Herwig/Shower/GammatoQQbarSudakov:Alpha /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQED
+## fix for initial-state (backward evolution) splitting (AGENE-1384)
+set /Herwig/Shower/QtoGammaQSudakov:Alpha /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQED
+## fix for QED lepton radiation scale (ATLMCPROD-5138)
+set /Herwig/Shower/LtoLGammaSudakov:pTmin 0.000001
 ## ensure JetFinder uses AntiKt with R=0.4
 set /Herwig/Cuts/JetFinder:Variant AntiKt
 set /Herwig/Cuts/JetFinder:ConeRadius 0.4
@@ -64,6 +71,32 @@ set /Herwig/Cuts/JetFinder:ConeRadius 0.4
 set /Herwig/Random:Seed {}
+  ## Commands specific to certain beam / collision types
+  def beam_commands(self):
+    if self.beams == "EE":
+      return("""
+## Commands for lepton-lepton collisions
+read snippets/EECollider.in
+set /Herwig/Shower/PartnerFinder:QEDPartner IIandFF
+set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:MPIHandler NULL
+set /Herwig/DipoleShower/DipoleShowerHandler:MPIHandler NULL
+set /Herwig/Shower/PowhegShowerHandler:MPIHandler NULL
+    elif self.beams == "EP":
+      return("""
+## Commands for proton-lepton collisions
+read snippets/EPCollider.in
+do /Herwig/Shower/SplittingGenerator:DeleteFinalSplitting e-->e-,gamma; /Herwig/Shower/LtoLGammaSudakov
+do /Herwig/Shower/SplittingGenerator:DeleteFinalSplitting mu-->mu-,gamma; /Herwig/Shower/LtoLGammaSudakov
+do /Herwig/Shower/SplittingGenerator:DeleteFinalSplitting tau-->tau-,gamma; /Herwig/Shower/LtoLGammaSudakov
+set /Herwig/Shower/KinematicsReconstructor:ReconstructionOption Colour
+    else:
+      return("""
+## Commands for proton-proton collisions
+read snippets/PPCollider.in
   ## Sets center-of-mass energy sqrts(s) in GeV
@@ -80,8 +113,8 @@ set /Herwig/Random:Seed {}
 ## Center-of-mass energy
-set /Herwig/Generators/{}:EventHandler:LuminosityFunction:Energy {}
-""".format(self.event_generator, self.runArgs.ecmEnergy))
+set /Herwig/Generators/EventGenerator:EventHandler:LuminosityFunction:Energy {}
   ## Sets printout verbosity and error tolerance
@@ -91,15 +124,15 @@ set /Herwig/Generators/{}:EventHandler:LuminosityFunction:Energy {}
 ## Verbosity and printout settings
-set /Herwig/Generators/{0}:DebugLevel 1
-set /Herwig/Generators/{0}:PrintEvent 2
-set /Herwig/Generators/{0}:UseStdout Yes
-set /Herwig/Generators/{0}:NumberOfEvents 1000000000
-set /Herwig/Generators/{0}:MaxErrors 1000000
+set /Herwig/Generators/EventGenerator:DebugLevel 1
+set /Herwig/Generators/EventGenerator:PrintEvent 2
+set /Herwig/Generators/EventGenerator:UseStdout Yes
+set /Herwig/Generators/EventGenerator:NumberOfEvents 1000000000
+set /Herwig/Generators/EventGenerator:MaxErrors 1000000
 ## Make sampler print out cross sections for each subprocess
-set /Herwig/Samplers/Sampler:Verbose On
+set /Herwig/Samplers/Sampler:Verbose Yes
   ## ATLAS MC15 default parameters for particle masses and widths and Weinberg angle
@@ -187,8 +220,8 @@ set /Herwig/Partons/Hard{0}PDF:MaxFlav {3}
 set /Herwig/Partons/Hard{0}PDF:RemnantHandler /Herwig/Partons/HadronRemnants
 set /Herwig/Particles/p+:PDF /Herwig/Partons/Hard{0}PDF
 set /Herwig/Particles/pbar-:PDF /Herwig/Partons/Hard{0}PDF
-set /Herwig/Partons/QCDExtractor:FirstPDF  /Herwig/Partons/Hard{0}PDF
-set /Herwig/Partons/QCDExtractor:SecondPDF /Herwig/Partons/Hard{0}PDF
+set /Herwig/Partons/PPExtractor:FirstPDF  /Herwig/Partons/Hard{0}PDF
+set /Herwig/Partons/PPExtractor:SecondPDF /Herwig/Partons/Hard{0}PDF
 """.format(order, name, member, max_flav)
@@ -332,8 +365,8 @@ set /Herwig/Partons/RemnantPDF:MaxFlav {}
   def get_dpdf_path(self):
     import os
-    cmt_path = os.environ.get("CMTPATH")
-    cmt_dir = os.environ.get("CMTCONFIG")
+    cmt_path = os.environ.get("CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH")
+    cmt_dir = os.environ.get("BINARY_TAG")
     cmtPaths = cmt_path.split(':')
@@ -365,15 +398,15 @@ set /Herwig/Partons/RemnantPDF:MaxFlav {}
 set /Herwig/Particles/pomeron:PDF /Herwig/Partons/PomeronPDF
 # Technical parameters for this run
-set /Herwig/Generators/LHCGenerator:EventHandler:Sampler:Ntry 100000
-set /Herwig/Generators/LHCGenerator:MaxErrors 100000
+set /Herwig/Generators/EventGenerator:EventHandler:Sampler:Ntry 100000
+set /Herwig/Generators/EventGenerator:MaxErrors 100000
 # MPI doesn't work
 # TODO: Is this a problem?
-set /Herwig/Generators/LHCGenerator:EventHandler:CascadeHandler:MPIHandler NULL
+set /Herwig/Generators/EventGenerator:EventHandler:CascadeHandler:MPIHandler NULL
 # Choice of phase-space generation for PDFs
-set /Herwig/Partons/QCDExtractor:FlatSHatY 0
+set /Herwig/Partons/PPExtractor:FlatSHatY 0
     return cmds
@@ -386,10 +419,10 @@ set /Herwig/Partons/QCDExtractor:FlatSHatY 0
     return """
 # Technical parameters for this run
-set /Herwig/Generators/LHCGenerator:EventHandler:Sampler:Ntry 100000
+set /Herwig/Generators/EventGenerator:EventHandler:Sampler:Ntry 100000
 # Choice of phase-space generation for PDFs
-set /Herwig/Partons/QCDExtractor:FlatSHatY 0
+set /Herwig/Partons/PPExtractor:FlatSHatY 0
 # Change the proton PDFs to those for photon radiation
 set /Herwig/Particles/p+:PDF    /Herwig/Partons/BudnevPDF
@@ -397,6 +430,6 @@ set /Herwig/Particles/pbar-:PDF /Herwig/Partons/BudnevPDF
 # MPI doesn't work
 # TODO: Is this a problem?
-set /Herwig/Generators/LHCGenerator:EventHandler:CascadeHandler:MPIHandler NULL
+set /Herwig/Generators/EventGenerator:EventHandler:CascadeHandler:MPIHandler NULL
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/python/Herwig7ConfigBuiltinME.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/python/Herwig7ConfigBuiltinME.py
index 1a3dab529c64791c5bbe8b58d552cc5cd016cb47..eb0942b173ccc5d177c01bcef4636c9b9d25f9e1 100644
--- a/Generators/Herwig7_i/python/Herwig7ConfigBuiltinME.py
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/python/Herwig7ConfigBuiltinME.py
@@ -16,12 +16,16 @@ import Herwig7Utils as hw7Utils
 class Hw7ConfigBuiltinME(hw7Config.Hw7Config):
-  def __init__(self, genSeq, runArgs, run_name="Herwig"):
+  def __init__(self, genSeq, runArgs, run_name="Herwig", beams="pp"):
+    beams = beams.upper()
+    if not beams in ["EE", "EP" , "PP"]:
+      raise RuntimeError(hw7Utils.ansi_format_error("Parameter 'beams' must be one of the following: ['EE', 'EP' , 'PP']"))
     ## provide variables initialized by the parent class
     super(Hw7ConfigBuiltinME, self).__init__(genSeq, runArgs, run_name)
-    self.event_generator = "LHCGenerator"
+    self.beams = beams
   def local_pre_commands(self):
@@ -41,7 +45,7 @@ class Hw7ConfigBuiltinME(hw7Config.Hw7Config):
 ## Local Post-Commands from Herwig7ConfigBuiltinME.py
 ## ==================================================
-saverun {} /Herwig/Generators/LHCGenerator
+saverun {} /Herwig/Generators/EventGenerator
@@ -54,6 +58,7 @@ saverun {} /Herwig/Generators/LHCGenerator
     ## add default settings if they were not overwritten in the JobOptions
+    self.default_commands += self.beam_commands()
     self.default_commands += self.energy_commands()
     self.default_commands += self.random_seed_commands()
@@ -72,5 +77,5 @@ saverun {} /Herwig/Generators/LHCGenerator
   def powheg_commands():
     return """
 ## Set up Powheg truncated shower
-set /Herwig/Shower/Evolver:HardEmissionMode POWHEG
+set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:HardEmission POWHEG
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/python/Herwig7ConfigFxFx.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/python/Herwig7ConfigFxFx.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b7a6ef5d354ad8a9e2e3383dfd29941fcec7e7ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/python/Herwig7ConfigFxFx.py
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+##  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+## \file Herwig7ConfigFxFx.py
+## \brief Configuration class for showering FxFx-merged LHE files from MG5_aMC@NLO
+## \author Krishna Kulkarni (krishna.kulkarni@cern.ch)
+## \author Daniel Rauch (daniel.rauch@desy.de)
+## \warning Only use this for testing/debugging purposes.
+##          This run mode is neither fully implemented nor validated or supported yet.
+import Herwig7Config as hw7Config
+import Herwig7Control as hw7Control
+import Herwig7Utils as hw7Utils
+from AthenaCommon import Logging
+athMsgLog = Logging.logging.getLogger('Herwig7Control')
+## Configuration class for showering FxFx-merged LHE files from MG5_aMC@NLO
+## \warning Only use this for testing/debugging purposes.
+##          This run mode is neither fully implemented nor validated or supported yet.
+class Hw7ConfigFxFx(hw7Config.Hw7Config):
+  def __init__(self, genSeq, runArgs, run_name="Herwig", beams="pp"):
+    beams = beams.upper()
+    if not beams in ["EE", "EP" , "PP"]:
+      raise RuntimeError(hw7Utils.ansi_format_error("Parameter 'beams' must be one of the following: ['EE', 'EP' , 'PP']"))
+    # provide variables initialized by the parent class
+    super(Hw7ConfigFxFx, self).__init__(genSeq, runArgs, run_name)
+    self.beams = beams
+    self.set_fxfx_commands = False
+  def local_pre_commands(self):
+    return """
+## ============================================
+## Local Pre-Commands from Herwig7ConfigFxFx.py
+## ============================================
+# > no local pre-commands at the moment
+  def local_post_commands(self):
+    return """
+## =============================================
+## Local Post-Commands from Herwig7ConfigFxFx.py
+## =============================================
+saverun {} /Herwig/Generators/EventGenerator
+  ## High-level function for triggering the process setup and the event generation.
+  ##
+  ## \warning Please do not modify the generator configuration in the job options after calling the `run()` function as
+  ##          the modified settings would not be applied in the event generation
+  ##
+  def run(self):
+    # add default settings if they were not overwritten in the JobOptions
+    self.default_commands += self.beam_commands()
+    self.default_commands += self.random_seed_commands()
+    if not self.set_printout_commands:
+      self.default_commands += self.printout_commands()
+    if not self.set_physics_parameter_commands:
+      self.default_commands += self.physics_parameter_commands()
+    if not self.set_technical_parameter_commands:
+      self.default_commands += self.technical_parameter_commands()
+    # check for configuration errors
+    if not self.set_fxfx_commands:
+      raise RuntimeError(hw7Utils.ansi_format_error("Please use 'fxfx_commands()' in the JobOptions!"))
+    # exit with error message since this run mode is not yet to be used
+    # raise RuntimeError(hw7Utils.ansi_format_error("Please don't run FxFx event generation as the interface for the FxFx run mode is neither fully implemented nor validated or supported yet"))
+    # do read and run step in one go
+    hw7Control.run(self)
+  ## Sets up reading of events from an LHE file
+  ##
+  ## \todo Settings which are not FxFx-specific should be identical to the LHEF showering of MG5_aMC@NLO events.
+  ##       This should probably be enforced in some way
+  ##
+  ## \param[in] merging_scale Merging scale in units of GeV
+  ## \param[in] njets_max     Number of (Born-level) light jets in maximum-multiplicity FxFx process
+  ## \param[in] me_pdf_order  Order of the PDF set to be used
+  ## \param[in] r_clus        Jet radius used in clustering in the merging
+  ## \param[in] eta_clus_max  Max |eta| for jets in clustering in the merging
+  ##                          (should match the range used for jets in the hard process generation, which should normally be unrestricted
+  ## \param[in] usespin       Use the spin of tau leptons from the LHE file (spins of other particles are ignored anyways)
+  ##
+  ## \todo Remove ihrd and ihvy parameters beginning with Herwig 7.1.0 since the hard process will be deduced automatically
+  def fxfx_commands(self,
+                    merging_scale,
+                    njets_max,
+                    lhe_filename = "events.lhe",
+                    me_pdf_order = "NLO",
+                    r_clus = 1.0,
+                    eta_clus_max = 15.0,
+                    usespin = True,
+                    automatic_process_detection = True,
+                    ihrd = None,
+                    ihvy = None):
+    if not me_pdf_order in ["LO", "NLO"]:
+      raise RuntimeError(hw7Utils.ansi_format_error("Herwig7ConfigLHEF.py:__lhef_commands: Parameter 'me_pdf_order' must either be 'LO' or 'NLO'!"))
+    self.set_fxfx_commands = True
+    process_selection = ""
+    if not automatic_process_detection:
+      process_selection = """
+## The ihrd and ihvy parameters are Alpgen parameters to identify the hard process
+set /Herwig/Shower/FxFxShowerHandler:ihrd {}
+set /Herwig/Shower/FxFxShowerHandler:ihvy {}
+""".format(ihrd, ihvy)
+    self.commands += """
+## ----------------------------
+## Read in Events from LHE File
+## ----------------------------
+#library LesHouches.so
+#create ThePEG::LesHouchesFileReader /Herwig/EventHandlers/LHEReader
+## Create the Handler and Reader
+library FxFx.so
+create Herwig::FxFxEventHandler /Herwig/EventHandlers/FxFxLHEHandler
+create Herwig::FxFxFileReader /Herwig/EventHandlers/FxFxLHEReader
+library FxFxHandler.so
+create Herwig::FxFxHandler /Herwig/Shower/FxFxShowerHandler
+set /Herwig/Shower/FxFxShowerHandler:ShowerModel /Herwig/Shower/ShowerModel
+set /Herwig/Shower/FxFxShowerHandler:SplittingGenerator /Herwig/Shower/SplittingGenerator
+## Set up the LHE reader
+set /Herwig/EventHandlers/FxFxLHEReader:WeightWarnings      false
+set /Herwig/EventHandlers/FxFxLHEReader:FileName            {FileName}
+set /Herwig/EventHandlers/FxFxLHEReader:MomentumTreatment   RescaleEnergy
+# set /Herwig/EventHandlers/FxFxLHEReader:IgnoreIDPRUP      Yes
+# Don't use any cuts on LHE files
+create ThePEG::Cuts /Herwig/Cuts/NoCuts
+set /Herwig/EventHandlers/FxFxLHEReader:Cuts /Herwig/Cuts/NoCuts
+insert /Herwig/EventHandlers/FxFxLHEHandler:FxFxReaders 0 /Herwig/EventHandlers/FxFxLHEReader
+set /Herwig/EventHandlers/FxFxLHEHandler:PartonExtractor /Herwig/Partons/PPExtractor
+set /Herwig/EventHandlers/FxFxLHEHandler:CascadeHandler /Herwig/Shower/FxFxShowerHandler
+set /Herwig/EventHandlers/FxFxLHEHandler:HadronizationHandler /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterHadHandler
+set /Herwig/EventHandlers/FxFxLHEHandler:DecayHandler /Herwig/Decays/DecayHandler
+set /Herwig/EventHandlers/FxFxLHEHandler:WeightOption VarNegWeight
+## MC@NLO settings
+#set /Herwig/Shower/KinematicsReconstructor:ReconstructionOption General 
+#set /Herwig/Shower/KinematicsReconstructor:InitialInitialBoostOption LongTransBoost
+#set /Herwig/Shower/KinematicsReconstructor:FinalStateReconOption Default
+#set /Herwig/Shower/KinematicsReconstructor:InitialStateReconOption Rapidity
+set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:MaxPtIsMuF Yes
+set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:RestrictPhasespace Yes
+#set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:ReconstructionOption OffShell4
+set /Herwig/Shower/PartnerFinder:PartnerMethod Random
+set /Herwig/Shower/PartnerFinder:ScaleChoice Partner
+set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:SpinCorrelations No
+set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:MaxTry               100
+## Set up the FxFxShowerHandler
+set /Herwig/Shower/FxFxShowerHandler:MPIHandler  /Herwig/UnderlyingEvent/MPIHandler
+set /Herwig/Shower/FxFxShowerHandler:RemDecayer  /Herwig/Partons/RemnantDecayer
+set /Herwig/Shower/FxFxShowerHandler:ShowerAlpha /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQCD
+## Use the automatic process detection
+set /Herwig/Shower/FxFxShowerHandler:HardProcessDetection {AutomaticProcessDetection}{ProcessSelection}
+# Number of (Born-level) light jets in maximum-multiplicity FxFx process
+set /Herwig/Shower/FxFxShowerHandler:njetsmax      {NjetsMax} # Make sure this is set correctly!
+# Mimimum parton-parton R-sep used for generation.
+# (legacy from MLM merging, should stay fixed to zero in FxFx as this is NLO)
+set /Herwig/Shower/FxFxShowerHandler:drjmin      0.0
+## Recommended key MLM merging parameters below
+# turn the Vetoing On or Off completely
+set /Herwig/Shower/FxFxShowerHandler:VetoIsTurnedOff VetoingIsOn
+# merging scale
+set /Herwig/Shower/FxFxShowerHandler:ETClus {MergingScale}*GeV
+# jet radius used in clustering in merging.
+set /Herwig/Shower/FxFxShowerHandler:RClus {RClus}
+# factor to multiply RClus (if DR(parton,jet)<rclusfactor*rclus
+# the parton and jet are said to have been matched)
+set /Herwig/Shower/FxFxShowerHandler:RClusFactor 1.0
+# Max |eta| for jets in clustering in merging.
+set /Herwig/Shower/FxFxShowerHandler:EtaClusMax {EtaClusMax}
+## Setup event handlers
+set /Herwig/Generators/EventGenerator:EventHandler /Herwig/EventHandlers/FxFxLHEHandler
+## UNSURE ABOUT THESE ---------------------------------------------------------
+# set /Herwig/EventHandlers/FxFxLHEReader:IncludeSpin {IncludeSpin}
+# set /Herwig/EventHandlers/FxFxLHEReader:AllowedToReOpen No
+## Set the PDF for the LHE reader.
+set /Herwig/EventHandlers/FxFxLHEReader:PDFA /Herwig/Partons/Hard{MEPDFOrder}PDF
+set /Herwig/EventHandlers/FxFxLHEReader:PDFB /Herwig/Partons/Hard{MEPDFOrder}PDF
+# The PDF for beam particles A/B - overrides particle's own PDF above
+set /Herwig/Shower/FxFxShowerHandler:PDFA    /Herwig/Partons/Hard{MEPDFOrder}PDF
+set /Herwig/Shower/FxFxShowerHandler:PDFB    /Herwig/Partons/Hard{MEPDFOrder}PDF
+""".format(MergingScale = merging_scale,
+           NjetsMax = njets_max,
+           FileName = lhe_filename,
+           MEPDFOrder = me_pdf_order,
+           RClus = r_clus,
+           EtaClusMax = eta_clus_max,
+           IncludeSpin = "Yes" if usespin==True else "No",
+           AutomaticProcessDetection = "Automatic" if automatic_process_detection else "Manual",
+           ProcessSelection = process_selection)
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/python/Herwig7ConfigGeneric.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/python/Herwig7ConfigGeneric.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..29e880b467a093cd9b07d8591afec5225910db26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/python/Herwig7ConfigGeneric.py
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+##  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+## \file Herwig7ConfigGeneric.py
+## \brief Python class for reproducing standalone runs inside of athena
+import Herwig7Control as hw7Control
+import Herwig7Utils as hw7Utils
+## Configuration base class for %Herwig7
+class Hw7ConfigGeneric(object):
+  ## Constructor
+  def __init__(self, genSeq, runArgs, infile_name=None, runfile_name=None):
+    self.infile_name  = infile_name
+    self.runfile_name = runfile_name
+    self.genSeq  = genSeq
+    self.runArgs = runArgs
+  ## Do the read/run sequence and re-use an already existing infile.
+  ##
+  ## This function should provide the build, integrate, mergegrids and run step
+  ## in one go without creating a gridpack - just pure and direct event generation
+  def read_run(self):
+    ## perform build/integrate/mergegrids sequence
+    hw7Control.do_read_existing_infile(self)
+    ## start the event generation
+    hw7Control.do_run_existing_runfile(self)
+  def build_integrate_run(self, integration_jobs=1, gridpack=None, cleanup_herwig_scratch=True):
+    raise RuntimeError("not yet implemented")
+  ## Just do the run step and re-use an already existing runfile.
+  def run(self):
+    ## start the event generation
+    hw7Control.do_run_existing_runfile(self)
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/python/Herwig7ConfigLHEF.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/python/Herwig7ConfigLHEF.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7bd132f0324eb542c953379db0185975d16ebcfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/python/Herwig7ConfigLHEF.py
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+##  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+## \file Herwig7ConfigLHEF.py
+## \brief Configuration class for showering LHE files from MG5_aMC@NLO or PowhegBox
+## \author Daniel Rauch (daniel.rauch@desy.de)
+import os
+import Herwig7Config as hw7Config
+import Herwig7Control as hw7Control
+import Herwig7Utils as hw7Utils
+## Configuration class for showering LHE files from MG5_aMC@NLO or PowhegBox
+## Example JobOptions are available in [`examples/LHEF`](https://svnweb.cern.ch/trac/atlasoff/browser/Generators/Herwig7_i/trunk/examples/LHEF) and [`tests/athenaLHEF/jobOptions`](https://svnweb.cern.ch/trac/atlasoff/browser/Generators/Herwig7_i/trunk/tests/athenaLHEF/jobOptions).
+## Process Setup and Generator Configuration
+## =========================================
+## The LHE files have to follow a specific naming scheme which is detailed
+## [here](https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AtlasProtected/PreparingLesHouchesEven).
+## The name of the LHE file is added as the command line parameter `--inputGeneratorFile`
+## to the `Generate_tf.py` command and can be accessed using the variable
+## `runArgs.inputGeneratorFile` in the JobOptions where they can be passed to the
+## functions [lhef_mg5amc_commands](\ref Herwig7ConfigLHEF::Hw7ConfigLHEF#lhef_mg5amc_commands)
+## or [lhef_powhegbox_commands](\ref Herwig7ConfigLHEF::Hw7ConfigLHEF#lhef_powhegbox_commands)
+## in order to communicate the LHE file names to %Herwig7, e.g.
+## \code{.py}
+## generator.lhef_mg5amc_commands(lhe_filename=runArgs.inputGeneratorFile, me_pdf_order="NLO")
+## \endcode
+## or
+## \code{.py}
+## generator.lhef_powhegbox_commands(lhe_filename=runArgs.inputGeneratorFile, me_pdf_order="NLO")
+## \endcode
+## Event Generation
+## ================
+## To trigger the actual running of %Herwig7 in Athena please end the JobOptions with
+## \code{.py}
+## # run the generator
+## generator.run()
+## \endcode
+## More specifically, the `run()` function triggers the creation of the %Herwig7 input
+## file and the preparation of the run (i.e. the `Herwig read` step).
+## This means, that no %Herwig7 settings should be modified after calling the
+## `run()` function because the changed settings would not be applied during the
+## event generation.
+class Hw7ConfigLHEF(hw7Config.Hw7Config):
+  def __init__(self, genSeq, runArgs, run_name="Herwig", beams="pp"):
+    beams = beams.upper()
+    if not beams in ["EE", "EP" , "PP"]:
+      raise RuntimeError(hw7Utils.ansi_format_error("Parameter 'beams' must be one of the following: ['EE', 'EP' , 'PP']"))
+    ## provide variables initialized by the parent class
+    super(Hw7ConfigLHEF, self).__init__(genSeq, runArgs, run_name)
+    self.beams = beams
+    self.set_lhef_mg5amc_commands = False
+    self.set_lhef_powhegbox_commands = False
+  def local_pre_commands(self):
+    return """
+## ============================================
+## Local Pre-Commands from Herwig7ConfigLHEF.py
+## ============================================
+# > no local pre-commands at the moment
+  def local_post_commands(self):
+    return """
+## =============================================
+## Local Post-Commands from Herwig7ConfigLHEF.py
+## =============================================
+saverun {} /Herwig/Generators/EventGenerator
+  ## High-level function for triggering the process setup and the event generation.
+  ##
+  ## \warning Please do not modify the generator configuration in the job options after calling the `run()` function as
+  ##          the modified settings would not be applied in the event generation
+  ##
+  def run(self):
+    ## add default settings if they were not overwritten in the JobOptions
+    self.default_commands += self.beam_commands()
+    self.default_commands += self.random_seed_commands()
+    if not self.set_printout_commands:
+      self.default_commands += self.printout_commands()
+    if not self.set_physics_parameter_commands:
+      self.default_commands += self.physics_parameter_commands()
+    if not self.set_technical_parameter_commands:
+      self.default_commands += self.technical_parameter_commands()
+    ## check for configuration errors
+    if self.set_lhef_mg5amc_commands and self.set_lhef_powhegbox_commands:
+      raise RuntimeError(hw7Utils.ansi_format_error("Please do not use both 'lhef_mg5amc_commands()' and 'lhef_powhegbox_commands()' at the same time!"))
+    if not self.set_lhef_mg5amc_commands and not self.set_lhef_powhegbox_commands:
+      raise RuntimeError(hw7Utils.ansi_format_error("Please use either 'lhef_mg5amc_commands()' or 'lhef_powhegbox_commands()' in the JobOptions!"))
+    ## do read and run step in one go
+    hw7Control.run(self)
+  ## Sets up reading of events from an LHE file
+  ##
+  ## \param usespin Use the spin of tau leptons from the LHE file (spins of other particles are ignored anyways)
+  def __lhef_commands(self, lhe_filename="events.lhe", me_pdf_order="NLO", usespin=True):
+    if not me_pdf_order in ["LO", "NLO"]:
+      raise RuntimeError(hw7Utils.ansi_format_error("Herwig7ConfigLHEF.py:__lhef_commands: Parameter 'me_pdf_order' must either be 'LO' or 'NLO'!"))
+    if lhe_filename.endswith(".tar.gz"): # athena will decompress the LHE file for us
+      lhe_filename = lhe_filename.replace(".tar.gz", ".events")
+      if not os.path.isfile(lhe_filename):
+        raise RuntimeError(hw7Utils.ansi_format_error("Herwig7ConfigLHEF.py:__lhef_commands: Could not find decompressed LHE file '{}'!".format(lhe_filename)))
+    momentum_treatment = ""
+    beam_commands = ""
+    if self.beams == "EE":
+      momentum_treatment = "Accept"
+    elif self.beams == "EP":
+      momentum_treatment = "RescaleEnergy"
+      beam_commands = """
+## Set the PDF for the LHE reader
+# set /Herwig/EventHandlers/LHEReader:PDFA /Herwig/Partons/Hard{MEPDFOrder}PDF
+""".format(MEPDFOrder = me_pdf_order)
+    elif self.beams == "PP":
+      momentum_treatment = "RescaleEnergy"
+      beam_commands = """
+## Set the PDF for the LHE reader
+# set /Herwig/EventHandlers/LHEReader:PDFA /Herwig/Partons/Hard{MEPDFOrder}PDF
+# set /Herwig/EventHandlers/LHEReader:PDFB /Herwig/Partons/Hard{MEPDFOrder}PDF
+""".format(MEPDFOrder = me_pdf_order)
+    self.commands += """
+## ----------------------------
+## Read in Events from LHE File
+## ----------------------------
+## Create the Handler and Reader
+library LesHouches.so
+create ThePEG::LesHouchesFileReader /Herwig/EventHandlers/LHEReader
+create ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler /Herwig/EventHandlers/LHEHandler
+## Set LHE filename
+set /Herwig/EventHandlers/LHEReader:FileName {FileName}
+## Setup LHE event handler and LHE reader
+set /Herwig/Generators/EventGenerator:EventHandler /Herwig/EventHandlers/LHEHandler
+insert /Herwig/EventHandlers/LHEHandler:LesHouchesReaders 0 /Herwig/EventHandlers/LHEReader
+set /Herwig/EventHandlers/LHEHandler:PartonExtractor /Herwig/Partons/{Beams}Extractor
+set /Herwig/EventHandlers/LHEHandler:CascadeHandler /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler
+set /Herwig/EventHandlers/LHEHandler:HadronizationHandler /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterHadHandler
+set /Herwig/EventHandlers/LHEHandler:DecayHandler /Herwig/Decays/DecayHandler
+set /Herwig/EventHandlers/LHEHandler:WeightNormalization CrossSection
+set /Herwig/EventHandlers/LHEHandler:WeightOption VarNegWeight
+set /Herwig/EventHandlers/LHEReader:IncludeSpin {IncludeSpin}
+set /Herwig/EventHandlers/LHEReader:MomentumTreatment {MomentumTreatment}
+set /Herwig/EventHandlers/LHEReader:AllowedToReOpen No
+## Parton shower settings
+set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:MaxPtIsMuF Yes
+set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:RestrictPhasespace Yes
+# treatment of wide angle radiation
+set /Herwig/Shower/PartnerFinder:PartnerMethod Random
+set /Herwig/Shower/PartnerFinder:ScaleChoice Partner
+## Don't use any cuts on LHE files
+create ThePEG::Cuts /Herwig/Cuts/NoCuts
+set /Herwig/EventHandlers/LHEReader:Cuts /Herwig/Cuts/NoCuts
+""".format(FileName = lhe_filename,
+           Beams = self.beams,
+           IncludeSpin = "Yes" if usespin==True else "No",
+           MomentumTreatment = momentum_treatment,
+           BeamCommands = beam_commands)
+  ## Commands specific to showering of events produced with MG5_aMC@NLO
+  ##
+  ## \param[in] lhe_filename name of the LHE file that is to be showered
+  ## \param[in] me_pdf_order order (either `LO` or `NLO`) of the matrix element PDF.
+  ##                         This has to be consistent with the PDF used in the
+  ##                         hard process generation and the PDF set with
+  ##                         generator.me_pdf_commands.
+  ##
+  ## The reason for these specific settings is that for MC@NLO-like matching schemes
+  ## the subtraction of the parton shower contribution in the hard process and the
+  ## parton shower settings have to be consistent in order to recover the
+  ## correct terms at the NLO.
+  ##
+  ## For showering of previously existing LHE files
+  ##
+  ##     generator.lhef_powhegbox_commands(lhe_filename=runArgs.inputGeneratorFile)
+  ##
+  ## will work.
+  ##
+  def lhef_mg5amc_commands(self, lhe_filename="events.lhe", me_pdf_order="NLO", usespin=True):
+    if not me_pdf_order in ["LO", "NLO"]:
+      raise RuntimeError(hw7Utils.ansi_format_error("Herwig7ConfigLHEF.py:lhef_mg5amc_commands: Parameter 'me_pdf_order' must either be 'LO' or 'NLO'!"))
+    self.set_lhef_mg5amc_commands = True
+    self.__lhef_commands(lhe_filename, me_pdf_order, usespin)
+    self.commands += """
+## Commands specific to showering of events produced with MG5_aMC@NLO
+set /Herwig/Shower/KinematicsReconstructor:ReconstructionOption General
+set /Herwig/Shower/KinematicsReconstructor:InitialInitialBoostOption LongTransBoost
+set /Herwig/Shower/KinematicsReconstructor:InitialStateReconOption Rapidity
+set /Herwig/Shower/KinematicsReconstructor:FinalStateReconOption Default
+set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:SpinCorrelations No
+  ## Commands specific to showering of events produced with PowhegBox
+  ##
+  ## \param[in] lhe_filename name of the LHE file that is to be showered
+  ## \param[in] me_pdf_order order (either `LO` or `NLO`) of the matrix element PDF.
+  ##                         This has to be consistent with the PDF used in the
+  ##                         hard process generation and the PDF set with
+  ##                         generator.me_pdf_commands.
+  ## \param[in] usespin 
+  ##
+  ## Specifying the LHE file name with
+  ##
+  ##     generator.lhef_powhegbox_commands(lhe_filename=runArgs.inputGeneratorFile)
+  ## 
+  ## should work both for showering existing LHE files as well as for on-the-fly (OTF)
+  ## running of PowhegBox and %Herwig7.
+  ##
+  ## Since for OTF running the LHE file generated by PowhegBox is usually
+  ## called `PowhegOTF._1.events` using
+  ##
+  ##     generator.lhef_powhegbox_commands(lhe_filename="PowhegOTF._1.events")
+  ## 
+  ## will normally also work in this case. If a different name for the LHE file
+  ## generated by PowhegBox is specified with the `--outputTXTFile` argument to
+  ## `Generate_tf.py` then `PowhegControl` will update the value of
+  ## `runArgs.inputGeneratorFile` accordingly and
+  ##
+  ##     generator.lhef_powhegbox_commands(lhe_filename=runArgs.inputGeneratorFile)
+  ##
+  ## should still work.
+  ##
+  def lhef_powhegbox_commands(self, lhe_filename="events.lhe", me_pdf_order="NLO", usespin=True):
+    if not me_pdf_order in ["LO", "NLO"]:
+      raise RuntimeError(hw7Utils.ansi_format_error("Herwig7ConfigLHEF.py:lhef_powhegbox_commands: Parameter 'me_pdf_order' must either be 'LO' or 'NLO'!"))
+    self.set_lhef_powhegbox_commands = True
+    self.__lhef_commands(lhe_filename, me_pdf_order, usespin)
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/python/Herwig7ConfigMatchbox.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/python/Herwig7ConfigMatchbox.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a08173615f72675c08627f5526122075d258ab80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/python/Herwig7ConfigMatchbox.py
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+##  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+## \file Herwig7ConfigMatchbox.py
+## \brief Configuration class for Matchbox runs with %Herwig7
+## \author Daniel Rauch (daniel.rauch@desy.de)
+import os
+import Herwig7Config as hw7Config
+import Herwig7Control as hw7Control
+import Herwig7Utils as hw7Utils
+from AthenaCommon import Logging
+athMsgLog = Logging.logging.getLogger('Herwig7ConfigMatchbox')
+## Configuration class for Matchbox runs with %Herwig7
+## Example JobOptions are available in [`examples/Matchbox`](https://svnweb.cern.ch/trac/atlasoff/browser/Generators/Herwig7_i/trunk/examples/Matchbox) and [`tests/athenaMatchbox/jobOptions`](https://svnweb.cern.ch/trac/atlasoff/browser/Generators/Herwig7_i/trunk/tests/athenaMatchbox/jobOptions).
+## Process Setup and Generator Configuration
+## =========================================
+## To use the Matchbox run mode of %Herwig7 load the corresponding modules and add %Herwig7 to the generator sequence
+## \code{.py}
+## from Herwig7_i.Herwig7_iConf import Herwig7
+## from Herwig7_i.Herwig7ConfigMatchbox import Hw7ConfigMatchbox
+## genSeq += Herwig7()
+## \endcode
+## You may specify details of the run a la
+## \code{.py}
+## # Provide config information
+## evgenConfig.generators += ["Herwig7"]
+## evgenConfig.tune        = "MMHT2014"
+## evgenConfig.description = "Herwig7 Zee sample with CT10 ME PDF and MMHT2014 PS and UE tune"
+## evgenConfig.keywords    = ["SM","Z","electron"]
+## evgenConfig.contact     = ["Your Name (your.name@cern.ch)"]
+## \endcode
+## You can initialize a generator configuration object with
+## \code{.py}
+## # initialize generator configuration object
+## generator = Hw7ConfigMatchbox(genSeq, runArgs, run_name="HerwigMatchbox", beams="pp")
+## \endcode
+## Please see the [constructor](\ref Herwig7ConfigMatchbox::Hw7ConfigMatchbox#__init__) for
+## more information on the arguments.
+## You can use the functions
+## [me_alphas_commands](\ref Herwig7Config::Hw7Config#me_alphas_commands),
+## [me_pdf_commands](\ref Herwig7Config::Hw7Config#me_pdf_commands) and
+## [tune_commands](\ref Herwig7Config::Hw7Config#tune_commands)
+## from Herwig7Config::Hw7Config to configure the strong coupling and the PDFs
+## for the hard process and the parton shower and underlying event tunes, e.g.
+## \code{.py}
+## # configure generator
+## generator.me_pdf_commands(order="NLO", name="CT10")
+## generator.tune_commands()
+## \endcode
+## You can add direct %Herwig7 commands like this
+## \code{.py}
+## generator.add_commands("""
+## # Model assumptions
+## read Matchbox/StandardModelLike.in
+## # Set the hard process
+## set /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:OrderInAlphaS 0
+## set /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:OrderInAlphaEW 2
+## do /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:Process p p -> e+ e-
+## # Cut selection (see the documentation for more options)
+## set /Herwig/Cuts/ChargedLeptonPairMassCut:MinMass 60*GeV
+## set /Herwig/Cuts/ChargedLeptonPairMassCut:MaxMass 120*GeV
+## # Scale choice (see the documentation for more options)
+## cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox
+## set Factory:ScaleChoice /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Scales/LeptonPairMassScale
+## # Matching and shower selection
+## read Matchbox/MCatNLO-DefaultShower.in
+## # Choose a flavour scheme
+## read Matchbox/FiveFlavourScheme.in
+## """)
+## \endcode
+## Please see the [Herwig7 tutorial page](http://herwig.hepforge.org/tutorials/index.html) for in-depth information on the different settings and have a look at Herwig7ConfigMatchbox::Hw7ConfigMatchbox and Herwig7Config::Hw7Config to see if there are convenience functions that accomplish the task provided in the interface already.
+## Integration and Event Generation
+## ================================
+## To trigger the actual running of %Herwig7 in Athena please end the JobOptions with
+## \code{.py}
+## # run the generator
+## generator.run()
+## \endcode
+## More specifically, the `run()` function triggers the creation of the %Herwig7 input
+## file and the preparation of the run (i.e. the `Herwig [build, integrate,
+## mergegrids]` sequence). This means, that no %Herwig7 settings should be modified
+## after calling the `run()` function because the changed settings would not be applied
+## during the event generation.
+## Cleanup After the Event Generation
+## ----------------------------------
+## By default the folder `Herwig-scratch` which created by %Herwig7 and contains
+## the process libraries and several other files (e.g. integration grids)
+## will be cleaned up and deleted after the event generation in order to save
+## disk space. You can prevent this with:
+## \code{.py}
+## # run the generator
+## generator.run(cleanup_herwig_scratch=True)
+## \endcode
+## Parallel Integration
+## --------------------
+## Machine-local parallelization of the integration can be achieved with
+## \code{.py}
+## # run the generator
+## generator.run(integration_jobs=2)
+## \endcode
+## `Generate_tf.py` comes with the command line parameter `--generatorJobNumber`
+## that can be used to specify the number of integration jobs dynamically, instead
+## of fixing it in the JobOptions
+## \code{.py}
+## # run the generator
+## generator.run(integration_jobs=runArgs.generatorJobNumber)
+## \endcode
+## Gridpacks
+## ---------
+## A gridpack can be created with
+## \code{.py}
+## # run the generator
+## generator.run(gridpack="gridpack.tar.gz")
+## \endcode
+## The JobOptions can be run in athena with a command such as
+##     Generate_tf.py --jobConfig=MC15.999999.H7_MB_Int_Zee_MCatLO_QTilde_H7_UE_MMHT2014.py --runNumber=999999 --ecmEnergy=13000 --randomSeed=12011988 --maxEvents=100 --outputEVNTFile=evgen.root
+## If you have previously created a gridpack called `gridpack.tar.gz` and want to generate events from it, specify the name of the compressed gridpack using the `--inputGenConfFile` command line parameter, e.g.
+##     Generate_tf.py --jobConfig=MC15.999999.H7_MB_Int_Zee_MCatLO_QTilde_H7_UE_MMHT2014.py --inputGenConfFile=gridpack.tar.gz --runNumber=999999 --ecmEnergy=13000 --randomSeed=12011988 --maxEvents=100 --outputEVNTFile=evgen.root
+## Full Flexibility and Batch-Parallel Integration
+## -----------------------------------------------
+## The `--generatorRunMode` command line argument for `Generate_tf.py` can be used
+## to put in place a very fine-grained control over the various steps that happen
+## before the event generation.
+## In the following example this is combined with the creation and use of
+## a gridpack. This, however, doesn't have to be done and can be left out.
+## \code{.py}
+##     if runArgs.generatorRunMode == 'build':
+##       # use the --generatorJobNumber command line parameter to dynamically
+##       # specify the total number of parallel integration jobs
+##       generator.do_build(integration_jobs=runArgs.generatorJobNumber)
+##     elif runArgs.generatorRunMode == 'integrate':
+##       # use the --generatorJobNumber command line parameter to dynamically
+##       # specify which specific integration job is to be run
+##       generator.do_integrate(runArgs.generatorJobNumber)
+##     elif runArgs.generatorRunMode == 'mergegrids':
+##       # combine integration grids and prepare a gridpack
+##       # use the --generatorJobNumber command line parameter to dynamically
+##       # specify the total number of parallel integration jobs
+##       generator.do_mergegrids(integration_jobs=runArgs.generatorJobNumber, gridpack="gridpack.tar.gz")
+##     elif runArgs.generatorRunMode == 'run':
+##       # generate events using the specified gridpack
+##       generator.do_run(gridpack="gridpack.tar.gz")
+## \endcode
+## Please note that for the `do_build()` function the same caveat applies as for
+## the `run()` function: The %Herwig7 generator configuration should not be modified
+## afterwards in the job options as the new settings would not be applied in the
+## event generation.
+## \note Currently the build, the integration and the mergegrids steps have to
+##       run in the same directory which means that the files written by athena
+##       will be re-created and overwritten.
+##       In one of the next releases %Herwig7 will bring infrastructure to re-use
+##       `Herwig-scratch` folders from a different location which will allow for
+##       a full batch parallelization of the integration in athena.
+class Hw7ConfigMatchbox(hw7Config.Hw7Config):
+  ## \brief Initialize a generator configuration object for the Matchbox run mode
+  def __init__(self, genSeq, runArgs, run_name="Herwig", beams="pp"):
+    beams = beams.upper()
+    if not beams in ["EE", "EP", "PP"]:
+      raise RuntimeError(hw7Utils.ansi_format_error("Parameter 'beams' must be one of the following ['EE', 'EP', 'PP']!"))
+    ## provide variables initialized by the parent class
+    super(Hw7ConfigMatchbox, self).__init__(genSeq, runArgs, run_name)
+    self.beams = beams
+  def local_pre_commands(self):
+    # try to locate the MG5_aMC@NLO installation
+    MG5aMC_path = os.environ['MADPATH']
+    if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(MG5aMC_path, 'bin', 'mg5_aMC')):
+      athMsgLog.warn(hw7Utils.ansi_format_warning("The MadGraph5_aMC@NLO installation can't be found from $MADPATH = {}, so don't be surprised if your run crashes in you are using matrix elements from MG5_aMC@NLO in Herwig7 / Matchbox. Please ensure that the location exists, that you have permissions to access it and that it contains the executable 'bin/mg5_aMC'".format(MG5aMC_path)))
+    # try to locate the GoSam installation
+    try:
+      GoSam_path = os.environ['GOSAM_PATH']
+    except:
+      # \todo Get rid of this and just use the environment variable `GOSAMPATH`
+      GoSam_path = '/afs/.cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/MCGenerators_lcgcmt67c/gosam/2.0.3/x86_64-slc6-gcc47-opt'
+      athMsgLog.warn(hw7Utils.ansi_format_warning("Falling back to hard-coded GoSam installation location at '{}' - please ensure that the GOSAM_PATH environment variable is correctly set".format(GoSam_path)))
+    if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(GoSam_path, 'bin', 'gosam.py')):
+      athMsgLog.warn(hw7Utils.ansi_format_warning("The GoSam installation can't be found from $GOSAMPATH = {}, so don't be surprised if your run crashes in you are using matrix elements from GoSam in Herwig7 / Matchbox. Please ensure that the location exists, that you have permissions to access it and that it contains the script 'bin/gosam.py'".format(GoSam_path)))
+    try:
+      OpenLoops_path= os.environ['OPENLOOPS_PATH']
+    except:
+      OpenLoops_path = '/afs/.cern.ch/sw/lcg/releases/MCGenerators/openloops/1.3.1-1f1f6/x86_64-slc6-gcc49-opt'
+      athMsgLog.warn(hw7Utils.ansi_format_warning("Falling back to hard-coded OPENLOOPS installation location at '{}' - please ensure that the OPENLOOPS_PATH environment variable is correctly set".format(OpenLoops_path)))
+    if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(OpenLoops_path, "proclib")):
+      athMsgLog.warn(hw7Utils.ansi_format_warning("The OpenLoops process libraries can't be found from $OPENLOOPS_PATH = {}".format(OpenLoops_path)))
+    return """
+## ================================================
+## Local Pre-Commands from Herwig7ConfigMatchbox.py
+## ================================================
+## Fixing interface locations for MadGraph
+set /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Amplitudes/MadGraph:BinDir {0}
+set /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Amplitudes/MadGraph:DataDir {1}
+set /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Amplitudes/MadGraph:MadgraphPrefix {2}
+## Fixing interface locations for GoSam
+set /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Amplitudes/GoSam:BinDir {0}
+set /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Amplitudes/GoSam:DataDir {1}
+set /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Amplitudes/GoSam:GoSamPrefix {3}
+##Fixing interface locations of Openloops
+set /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Amplitudes/OpenLoops:OpenLoopsLibs {5}
+set /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Amplitudes/OpenLoops:OpenLoopsPrefix {6}
+read snippets/Matchbox.in
+read snippets/{4}Collider.in
+           hw7Control.herwig7_share_path,
+           MG5aMC_path,
+           GoSam_path,
+           self.beams,
+           os.path.join(OpenLoops_path,"proclib"),
+           OpenLoops_path)
+  def local_post_commands(self):
+    return """
+## =================================================
+## Local Post-Commands from Herwig7ConfigMatchbox.py
+## =================================================
+do /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:ProductionMode
+saverun {} /Herwig/Generators/EventGenerator
+  def __configure(self):
+    ## add default settings if they were not overwritten in the JobOptions
+    self.default_commands += self.energy_commands()
+    self.default_commands += self.random_seed_commands()
+    if not self.set_printout_commands:
+      self.default_commands += self.printout_commands()
+    if not self.set_physics_parameter_commands:
+      self.default_commands += self.physics_parameter_commands()
+    if not self.set_technical_parameter_commands:
+      self.default_commands += self.technical_parameter_commands()
+  ## High-level function for triggering the process setup and the event generation.
+  ##
+  ## \param[in] integration_jobs        Number of threads for machine-local parallelization of the integration
+  ## \param[in] gridpack                Name of the gridpack that possibly is to be created (after the integration)
+  ##                                    or to be used (for the event generation).
+  ##                                    No gridpack is created or used if the parameter is not specified.
+  ##                                    If you have created a gridpack
+  ##                                    and would like to generate events from it, please pass the name of the
+  ##                                    gridpack to the `Generate_tf.py` command using the `--inputGenConfFile`
+  ##                                    command line argument
+  ## \param[in] cleanup_herwig_scratch  Remove the `Herwig-scratch` folder after event generation to save disk space
+  ##
+  ## \warning Please do not modify the generator configuration in the job options after calling the `run()` function as
+  ##          the modified settings would not be applied in the event generation
+  ##
+  def run(self, integration_jobs=1, gridpack=None, cleanup_herwig_scratch=True):
+    self.__configure()
+    if gridpack:
+      hw7Control.matchbox_run_gridpack(self, integration_jobs, gridpack, cleanup_herwig_scratch)
+    else:
+      hw7Control.matchbox_run(self, integration_jobs, cleanup_herwig_scratch)
+  # atomic functions for complete control from within the JobOptions ----------
+  ## Atomic steering function for doing the build step alone
+  ##
+  ## \param[in] integration_jobs Number of integration jobs to be prepared
+  ##
+  ## \warning Please do not modify the generator configuration in the job options after calling the `do_build()` function as
+  ##          the modified settings would not be applied in the event generation
+  ##
+  def do_build(self, integration_jobs):
+    self.__configure()
+    hw7Control.do_build(self, integration_jobs)
+    hw7Control.do_abort()
+  ## Atomic steering function for doing one specific integration job
+  ## \todo provide info about the range
+  def do_integrate(self, integration_job):
+    hw7Control.do_integrate(self.run_name, integration_job)
+    hw7Control.do_abort()
+  ## Atomic steering function for combining the integration grids and
+  ## possibly creating a gridpack
+  ## \param[in] integration_jobs Number of integration jobs
+  ## \param[in] gridpack         Name of the gridpack to be created.
+  ##                             No gridpack is created if the parameter is not specified.
+  def do_mergegrids(self, integration_jobs, gridpack=None):
+    hw7Control.do_mergegrids(self.run_name, integration_jobs)
+    if gridpack:
+      hw7Control.do_compress_gridpack(self.run_name, gridpack)
+    hw7Control.do_abort()
+  ## Atomic steering function for possibly unpacking a gridpack
+  ## and generating events
+  ## \param[in] gridpack                Name of the gridpack to be used.
+  ##                                    No gridpack is used if the parameter is not specified.
+  ## \param[in] cleanup_herwig_scratch  Remove the `Herwig-scratch` folder after event generation to save disk space
+  def do_run(self, gridpack=None, cleanup_herwig_scratch=True):
+    if gridpack:
+      hw7Control.do_uncompress_gridpack(gridpack)
+    hw7Control.do_run(self, cleanup_herwig_scratch)
+  # configuration commands ----------------------------------------------------
+  ## Configure the sampler
+  ##
+  ## \warning Please be very careful when modifying the sampler settings
+  ##          and ensure that the statistics in the integration phase is
+  ##          sufficient to provide an adequate phase space sampling and setup.
+  ##          The total cross section estimated after the integration is
+  ##          output before the event generation, please watch out for the
+  ##          corresponding lines beginning with
+  ##
+  ##              Py:Herwig7Utils      INFO Calculating cross section after integration
+  ##
+  ##          If the statistical uncertainty on this estimated total cross
+  ##          section is larger than 0.2% a warning is printed, encouraging
+  ##          you to consider increasing the statistics of the integration.
+  ##
+  def sampler_commands(self, bin_sampler="CellGridSampler",
+                       initial_points=10000, n_iterations=1, remapper_points=50000,
+                       exploration_steps=4, exploration_points=500):
+    bin_samplers = ["CellGridSampler", "MonacoSampler", "FlatBinSampler"]
+    if not bin_sampler in bin_samplers:
+      raise RuntimeError(hw7Utils.ansi_format_error("Parameter 'bin_sampler' must be one of {}!".format(bin_samplers)))
+    self.commands += """
+## Sampler Configuration
+set /Herwig/Samplers/Sampler:BinSampler /Herwig/Samplers/{}
+set /Herwig/Samplers/Sampler:BinSampler:InitialPoints {}
+set /Herwig/Samplers/Sampler:BinSampler:NIterations {}
+set /Herwig/Samplers/Sampler:BinSampler:RemapperPoints {}
+""".format(bin_sampler, initial_points, n_iterations, remapper_points)
+    if bin_sampler == "CellGridSampler":
+      self.commands += """
+set /Herwig/Samplers/CellGridSampler:ExplorationSteps {}
+set /Herwig/Samplers/CellGridSampler:ExplorationPoints {}
+""".format(exploration_steps, exploration_points)
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/python/Herwig7ConfigMerging.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/python/Herwig7ConfigMerging.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9980dade7c1685cedb579e8d1c82cc5741bbe557
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/python/Herwig7ConfigMerging.py
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+##  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+## \file Herwig7ConfigMatchbox.py
+## \brief Configuration class for Matchbox runs with %Herwig7
+## \author Daniel Rauch (daniel.rauch@desy.de)
+import os
+import Herwig7Config as hw7Config
+import Herwig7Control as hw7Control
+import Herwig7Utils as hw7Utils
+from AthenaCommon import Logging
+athMsgLog = Logging.logging.getLogger('Herwig7ConfigMerging')
+## Configuration class for Matchbox runs with %Herwig7
+## Example JobOptions are available in [`examples/Matchbox`](https://svnweb.cern.ch/trac/atlasoff/browser/Generators/Herwig7_i/trunk/examples/Matchbox) and [`tests/athenaMatchbox/jobOptions`](https://svnweb.cern.ch/trac/atlasoff/browser/Generators/Herwig7_i/trunk/tests/athenaMatchbox/jobOptions).
+## Process Setup and Generator Configuration
+## =========================================
+## To use the Matchbox run mode of %Herwig7 load the corresponding modules and add %Herwig7 to the generator sequence
+## \code{.py}
+## from Herwig7_i.Herwig7_iConf import Herwig7
+## from Herwig7_i.Herwig7ConfigMatchbox import Hw7ConfigMatchbox
+## genSeq += Herwig7()
+## \endcode
+## You may specify details of the run a la
+## \code{.py}
+## # Provide config information
+## evgenConfig.generators += ["Herwig7"]
+## evgenConfig.tune        = "MMHT2014"
+## evgenConfig.description = "Herwig7 Zee sample with CT10 ME PDF and MMHT2014 PS and UE tune"
+## evgenConfig.keywords    = ["SM","Z","electron"]
+## evgenConfig.contact     = ["Your Name (your.name@cern.ch)"]
+## \endcode
+## You can initialize a generator configuration object with
+## \code{.py}
+## # initialize generator configuration object
+## generator = Hw7ConfigMatchbox(genSeq, runArgs, run_name="HerwigMatchbox", beams="pp")
+## \endcode
+## Please see the [constructor](\ref Herwig7ConfigMatchbox::Hw7ConfigMatchbox#__init__) for
+## more information on the arguments.
+## You can use the functions
+## [me_alphas_commands](\ref Herwig7Config::Hw7Config#me_alphas_commands),
+## [me_pdf_commands](\ref Herwig7Config::Hw7Config#me_pdf_commands) and
+## [tune_commands](\ref Herwig7Config::Hw7Config#tune_commands)
+## from Herwig7Config::Hw7Config to configure the strong coupling and the PDFs
+## for the hard process and the parton shower and underlying event tunes, e.g.
+## \code{.py}
+## # configure generator
+## generator.me_pdf_commands(order="NLO", name="CT10")
+## generator.tune_commands()
+## \endcode
+## You can add direct %Herwig7 commands like this
+## \code{.py}
+## generator.add_commands("""
+## # Model assumptions
+## read Matchbox/StandardModelLike.in
+## # Set the hard process
+## set /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:OrderInAlphaS 0
+## set /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:OrderInAlphaEW 2
+## do /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Factory:Process p p -> e+ e-
+## # Cut selection (see the documentation for more options)
+## set /Herwig/Cuts/ChargedLeptonPairMassCut:MinMass 60*GeV
+## set /Herwig/Cuts/ChargedLeptonPairMassCut:MaxMass 120*GeV
+## # Scale choice (see the documentation for more options)
+## cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox
+## set Factory:ScaleChoice /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Scales/LeptonPairMassScale
+## # Matching and shower selection
+## read Matchbox/MCatNLO-DefaultShower.in
+## # Choose a flavour scheme
+## read Matchbox/FiveFlavourScheme.in
+## """)
+## \endcode
+## Please see the [Herwig7 tutorial page](http://herwig.hepforge.org/tutorials/index.html) for in-depth information on the different settings and have a look at Herwig7ConfigMatchbox::Hw7ConfigMatchbox and Herwig7Config::Hw7Config to see if there are convenience functions that accomplish the task provided in the interface already.
+## Integration and Event Generation
+## ================================
+## To trigger the actual running of %Herwig7 in Athena please end the JobOptions with
+## \code{.py}
+## # run the generator
+## generator.run()
+## \endcode
+## More specifically, the `run()` function triggers the creation of the %Herwig7 input
+## file and the preparation of the run (i.e. the `Herwig [build, integrate,
+## mergegrids]` sequence). This means, that no %Herwig7 settings should be modified
+## after calling the `run()` function because the changed settings would not be applied
+## during the event generation.
+## Cleanup After the Event Generation
+## ----------------------------------
+## By default the folder `Herwig-scratch` which created by %Herwig7 and contains
+## the process libraries and several other files (e.g. integration grids)
+## will be cleaned up and deleted after the event generation in order to save
+## disk space. You can prevent this with:
+## \code{.py}
+## # run the generator
+## generator.run(cleanup_herwig_scratch=True)
+## \endcode
+## Parallel Integration
+## --------------------
+## Machine-local parallelization of the integration can be achieved with
+## \code{.py}
+## # run the generator
+## generator.run(integration_jobs=2)
+## \endcode
+## `Generate_tf.py` comes with the command line parameter `--generatorJobNumber`
+## that can be used to specify the number of integration jobs dynamically, instead
+## of fixing it in the JobOptions
+## \code{.py}
+## # run the generator
+## generator.run(integration_jobs=runArgs.generatorJobNumber)
+## \endcode
+## Gridpacks
+## ---------
+## A gridpack can be created with
+## \code{.py}
+## # run the generator
+## generator.run(gridpack="gridpack.tar.gz")
+## \endcode
+## The JobOptions can be run in athena with a command such as
+##     Generate_tf.py --jobConfig=MC15.999999.H7_MB_Int_Zee_MCatLO_QTilde_H7_UE_MMHT2014.py --runNumber=999999 --ecmEnergy=13000 --randomSeed=12011988 --maxEvents=100 --outputEVNTFile=evgen.root
+## If you have previously created a gridpack called `gridpack.tar.gz` and want to generate events from it, specify the name of the compressed gridpack using the `--inputGenConfFile` command line parameter, e.g.
+##     Generate_tf.py --jobConfig=MC15.999999.H7_MB_Int_Zee_MCatLO_QTilde_H7_UE_MMHT2014.py --inputGenConfFile=gridpack.tar.gz --runNumber=999999 --ecmEnergy=13000 --randomSeed=12011988 --maxEvents=100 --outputEVNTFile=evgen.root
+## Full Flexibility and Batch-Parallel Integration
+## -----------------------------------------------
+## The `--generatorRunMode` command line argument for `Generate_tf.py` can be used
+## to put in place a very fine-grained control over the various steps that happen
+## before the event generation.
+## In the following example this is combined with the creation and use of
+## a gridpack. This, however, doesn't have to be done and can be left out.
+## \code{.py}
+##     if runArgs.generatorRunMode == 'build':
+##       # use the --generatorJobNumber command line parameter to dynamically
+##       # specify the total number of parallel integration jobs
+##       generator.do_build(integration_jobs=runArgs.generatorJobNumber)
+##     elif runArgs.generatorRunMode == 'integrate':
+##       # use the --generatorJobNumber command line parameter to dynamically
+##       # specify which specific integration job is to be run
+##       generator.do_integrate(runArgs.generatorJobNumber)
+##     elif runArgs.generatorRunMode == 'mergegrids':
+##       # combine integration grids and prepare a gridpack
+##       # use the --generatorJobNumber command line parameter to dynamically
+##       # specify the total number of parallel integration jobs
+##       generator.do_mergegrids(integration_jobs=runArgs.generatorJobNumber, gridpack="gridpack.tar.gz")
+##     elif runArgs.generatorRunMode == 'run':
+##       # generate events using the specified gridpack
+##       generator.do_run(gridpack="gridpack.tar.gz")
+## \endcode
+## Please note that for the `do_build()` function the same caveat applies as for
+## the `run()` function: The %Herwig7 generator configuration should not be modified
+## afterwards in the job options as the new settings would not be applied in the
+## event generation.
+## \note Currently the build, the integration and the mergegrids steps have to
+##       run in the same directory which means that the files written by athena
+##       will be re-created and overwritten.
+##       In one of the next releases %Herwig7 will bring infrastructure to re-use
+##       `Herwig-scratch` folders from a different location which will allow for
+##       a full batch parallelization of the integration in athena.
+class Hw7ConfigMerging(hw7Config.Hw7Config):
+  ## \brief Initialize a generator configuration object for the Matchbox run mode
+  def __init__(self, genSeq, runArgs, run_name="Herwig", beams="pp"):
+    beams = beams.upper()
+    if not beams in ["EE", "EP", "PP"]:
+      raise RuntimeError(hw7Utils.ansi_format_error("Parameter 'beams' must be one of the following ['EE', 'EP', 'PP']!"))
+    ## provide variables initialized by the parent class
+    super(Hw7ConfigMerging, self).__init__(genSeq, runArgs, run_name)
+    self.beams = beams
+  def local_pre_commands(self):
+    # try to locate the MG5_aMC@NLO installation
+    MG5aMC_path = os.environ['MADPATH']
+    if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(MG5aMC_path, 'bin', 'mg5_aMC')):
+      athMsgLog.warn(hw7Utils.ansi_format_warning("The MadGraph5_aMC@NLO installation can't be found from $MADPATH = {}, so don't be surprised if your run crashes in you are using matrix elements from MG5_aMC@NLO in Herwig7 / Matchbox. Please ensure that the location exists, that you have permissions to access it and that it contains the executable 'bin/mg5_aMC'".format(MG5aMC_path)))
+    # try to locate the GoSam installation
+    try:
+      GoSam_path = os.environ['GOSAM_PATH']
+    except:
+      # \todo Get rid of this and just use the environment variable `GOSAMPATH`
+      GoSam_path = '/afs/.cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/MCGenerators_lcgcmt67c/gosam/2.0.3/x86_64-slc6-gcc47-opt'
+      athMsgLog.warn(hw7Utils.ansi_format_warning("Falling back to hard-coded GoSam installation location at '{}' - please ensure that the GOSAM_PATH environment variable is correctly set".format(GoSam_path)))
+    if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(GoSam_path, 'bin', 'gosam.py')):
+      athMsgLog.warn(hw7Utils.ansi_format_warning("The GoSam installation can't be found from $GOSAMPATH = {}, so don't be surprised if your run crashes in you are using matrix elements from GoSam in Herwig7 / Matchbox. Please ensure that the location exists, that you have permissions to access it and that it contains the script 'bin/gosam.py'".format(GoSam_path)))
+    try:
+      OpenLoops_path= os.environ['OPENLOOPS_PATH']
+    except:
+      OpenLoops_path = '/afs/.cern.ch/sw/lcg/releases/MCGenerators/openloops/1.3.1-1f1f6/x86_64-slc6-gcc49-opt'
+      athMsgLog.warn(hw7Utils.ansi_format_warning("Falling back to hard-coded OPENLOOPS installation location at '{}' - please ensure that the OPENLOOPS_PATH environment variable is correctly set".format(OpenLoops_path)))
+    if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(OpenLoops_path, "proclib")):
+      athMsgLog.warn(hw7Utils.ansi_format_warning("The OpenLoops process libraries can't be found from $OPENLOOPS_PATH = {}".format(OpenLoops_path)))
+    return """
+## ================================================
+## Local Pre-Commands from Herwig7ConfigMerging.py
+## ================================================
+## Fixing interface locations for MadGraph
+set /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Amplitudes/MadGraph:BinDir {0}
+set /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Amplitudes/MadGraph:DataDir {1}
+set /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Amplitudes/MadGraph:MadgraphPrefix {2}
+## Fixing interface locations for GoSam
+set /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Amplitudes/GoSam:BinDir {0}
+set /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Amplitudes/GoSam:DataDir {1}
+set /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Amplitudes/GoSam:GoSamPrefix {3}
+##Fixing interface locations of Openloops
+set /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Amplitudes/OpenLoops:OpenLoopsLibs {5}
+set /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Amplitudes/OpenLoops:OpenLoopsPrefix {6}    
+# Currently the Dipole Snippet is broken (reads to the Rivet interface which we don't build)
+# For now manually copy all the relevant settings in
+read snippets/DipoleMerging.in
+read snippets/{4}Collider.in
+read Merging/Merging-Dipole-FactorCMWSchemeTune.in
+read Merging/FactorCMWScheme.in
+           hw7Control.herwig7_share_path,
+           MG5aMC_path,
+           GoSam_path,
+           self.beams,
+           os.path.join(OpenLoops_path,"proclib"),
+           OpenLoops_path)
+  def local_post_commands(self):
+    return """
+## =================================================
+## Local Post-Commands from Herwig7ConfigMerging.py
+## =================================================
+do /Herwig/Merging/MergingFactory:ProductionMode
+saverun {} /Herwig/Generators/EventGenerator
+  def __configure(self):
+    ## add default settings if they were not overwritten in the JobOptions
+    self.default_commands += self.energy_commands()
+    self.default_commands += self.random_seed_commands()
+    if not self.set_printout_commands:
+      self.default_commands += self.printout_commands()
+    if not self.set_physics_parameter_commands:
+      self.default_commands += self.physics_parameter_commands()
+    if not self.set_technical_parameter_commands:
+      self.default_commands += self.technical_parameter_commands()
+  ## High-level function for triggering the process setup and the event generation.
+  ##
+  ## \param[in] integration_jobs        Number of threads for machine-local parallelization of the integration
+  ## \param[in] gridpack                Name of the gridpack that possibly is to be created (after the integration)
+  ##                                    or to be used (for the event generation).
+  ##                                    No gridpack is created or used if the parameter is not specified.
+  ##                                    If you have created a gridpack
+  ##                                    and would like to generate events from it, please pass the name of the
+  ##                                    gridpack to the `Generate_tf.py` command using the `--inputGenConfFile`
+  ##                                    command line argument
+  ## \param[in] cleanup_herwig_scratch  Remove the `Herwig-scratch` folder after event generation to save disk space
+  ##
+  ## \warning Please do not modify the generator configuration in the job options after calling the `run()` function as
+  ##          the modified settings would not be applied in the event generation
+  ##
+  def run(self, integration_jobs=1, gridpack=None, cleanup_herwig_scratch=True):
+    self.__configure()
+    if gridpack:
+      hw7Control.matchbox_run_gridpack(self, integration_jobs, gridpack, cleanup_herwig_scratch)
+    else:
+      hw7Control.matchbox_run(self, integration_jobs, cleanup_herwig_scratch)
+  # atomic functions for complete control from within the JobOptions ----------
+  ## Atomic steering function for doing the build step alone
+  ##
+  ## \param[in] integration_jobs Number of integration jobs to be prepared
+  ##
+  ## \warning Please do not modify the generator configuration in the job options after calling the `do_build()` function as
+  ##          the modified settings would not be applied in the event generation
+  ##
+  def do_build(self, integration_jobs):
+    self.__configure()
+    hw7Control.do_build(self, integration_jobs)
+    hw7Control.do_abort()
+  ## Atomic steering function for doing one specific integration job
+  ## \todo provide info about the range
+  def do_integrate(self, integration_job):
+    hw7Control.do_integrate(self.run_name, integration_job)
+    hw7Control.do_abort()
+  ## Atomic steering function for combining the integration grids and
+  ## possibly creating a gridpack
+  ## \param[in] integration_jobs Number of integration jobs
+  ## \param[in] gridpack         Name of the gridpack to be created.
+  ##                             No gridpack is created if the parameter is not specified.
+  def do_mergegrids(self, integration_jobs, gridpack=None):
+    hw7Control.do_mergegrids(self.run_name, integration_jobs)
+    if gridpack:
+      hw7Control.do_compress_gridpack(self.run_name, gridpack)
+    hw7Control.do_abort()
+  ## Atomic steering function for possibly unpacking a gridpack
+  ## and generating events
+  ## \param[in] gridpack                Name of the gridpack to be used.
+  ##                                    No gridpack is used if the parameter is not specified.
+  ## \param[in] cleanup_herwig_scratch  Remove the `Herwig-scratch` folder after event generation to save disk space
+  def do_run(self, gridpack=None, cleanup_herwig_scratch=True):
+    if gridpack:
+      hw7Control.do_uncompress_gridpack(gridpack)
+    hw7Control.do_run(self, cleanup_herwig_scratch)
+  # configuration commands ----------------------------------------------------
+  ## Configure the sampler
+  ##
+  ## \warning Please be very careful when modifying the sampler settings
+  ##          and ensure that the statistics in the integration phase is
+  ##          sufficient to provide an adequate phase space sampling and setup.
+  ##          The total cross section estimated after the integration is
+  ##          output before the event generation, please watch out for the
+  ##          corresponding lines beginning with
+  ##
+  ##              Py:Herwig7Utils      INFO Calculating cross section after integration
+  ##
+  ##          If the statistical uncertainty on this estimated total cross
+  ##          section is larger than 0.2% a warning is printed, encouraging
+  ##          you to consider increasing the statistics of the integration.
+  ##
+  def sampler_commands(self, bin_sampler="CellGridSampler",
+                       initial_points=10000, n_iterations=1, remapper_points=50000,
+                       exploration_steps=4, exploration_points=500):
+    bin_samplers = ["CellGridSampler", "MonacoSampler", "FlatBinSampler"]
+    if not bin_sampler in bin_samplers:
+      raise RuntimeError(hw7Utils.ansi_format_error("Parameter 'bin_sampler' must be one of {}!".format(bin_samplers)))
+    self.commands += """
+## Sampler Configuration
+set /Herwig/Samplers/Sampler:BinSampler /Herwig/Samplers/{}
+set /Herwig/Samplers/Sampler:BinSampler:InitialPoints {}
+set /Herwig/Samplers/Sampler:BinSampler:NIterations {}
+set /Herwig/Samplers/Sampler:BinSampler:RemapperPoints {}
+""".format(bin_sampler, initial_points, n_iterations, remapper_points)
+    if bin_sampler == "CellGridSampler":
+      self.commands += """
+set /Herwig/Samplers/CellGridSampler:ExplorationSteps {}
+set /Herwig/Samplers/CellGridSampler:ExplorationPoints {}
+""".format(exploration_steps, exploration_points)
+    if bin_sampler == "MonacoSampler":
+      self.commands += """
+read snippets/MonacoSampler.in"""
+  def merging_weight(self, htPower=0, maxPtPower=0, onlyColoured="No"):
+    if not onlyColoured in ["Yes","No"]:
+      raise RuntimeError(hw7Utils.ansi_format_error("OnlyColoured must be Yes or No"))
+    self.commands+="""
+##Merging Weighter for better phase space coverage
+set /Herwig/Merging/MPreWeight:HTPower {}
+set /Herwig/Merging/MPreWeight:MaxPTPower {}
+set /Herwig/Merging/MPreWeight:OnlyColoured {}
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/python/Herwig7Control.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/python/Herwig7Control.py
index 778c867a90bfb02b02ba3800550d0bf83e18c63a..c736c8e131ef7d42ebf671d20a2d90c37f9bd303 100644
--- a/Generators/Herwig7_i/python/Herwig7Control.py
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/python/Herwig7Control.py
@@ -22,9 +22,24 @@ athMsgLog = Logging.logging.getLogger('Herwig7Control')
 ## \brief Get path to the `share/Herwig` folder
+## Try to get it from the `InstallArea` first.
+## If this fails fall back to `$HERWIG7_PATH/share/Herwig`
 def get_share_path():
+  cmt_paths  = os.environ.get("CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH")
+  cmt_config = os.environ.get("BINARY_TAG")
+  # trying to get it from the `InstallArea`
+  for path in cmt_paths.split(':'):
+    path = os.path.join(path, "InstallArea", cmt_config, "share")
+    try:
+      filelist = os.listdir(path)
+    except:
+      filelist = []
+    if "HerwigDefaults.rpo" in filelist: return(path)
+  # falling back to `$HERWIG7_PATH`
   path = os.path.join(os.environ['HERWIG7_PATH'], 'share/Herwig')
   if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, 'HerwigDefaults.rpo')):
@@ -39,16 +54,14 @@ herwig7_bin_path   = os.path.join(herwig7_path, 'bin')
 herwig7_share_path = get_share_path()
 herwig7_binary     = os.path.join(herwig7_bin_path, 'Herwig')
-herwig7_mergegrids = os.path.join(herwig7_bin_path, 'herwig-mergegrids')
 ## Do the read/run sequence.
-## This function should provide the build, integrate, mergegrids and run step
-## in one go without creating a gridpack - just pure and direct event generation
+## This function should provide the read and run step in one go
 def run(gen_config):
-  ## perform build/integrate/mergegrids sequence
+  ## perform the read step
   ## start the event generation
@@ -85,7 +98,6 @@ def matchbox_run_gridpack(gen_config, integration_jobs, gridpack_name, cleanup_h
     ## create infile from jobOption commands
-    # write_infile(run_name, event_generator, seed, commands)
     ## do build/integrate/mergegrids sequence
     xsec, err = do_build_integrate_mergegrids(gen_config, integration_jobs)
@@ -148,6 +160,19 @@ def do_read(gen_config):
   share_path = get_share_path()
   do_step('read', [herwig7_binary, 'read', get_infile_name(gen_config.run_name), '-I', share_path])
+## Do the read step and re-use an already existing infile
+def do_read_existing_infile(gen_config):
+  ## print start banner including version numbers
+  log(message=start_banner())
+  ## copy HerwigDefaults.rpo to the current working directory
+  get_default_repository()
+  ## call Herwig7 binary to do the read step
+  share_path = get_share_path()
+  do_step('read', [herwig7_binary, 'read', gen_config.infile_name, '-I', share_path])
 ## Do the build step
 def do_build(gen_config, integration_jobs):
@@ -163,7 +188,7 @@ def do_build(gen_config, integration_jobs):
   ## call the Herwig7 binary to do the build step
   share_path = get_share_path()
-  do_step('build', [herwig7_binary, 'build', get_infile_name(gen_config.run_name), '-I', share_path, '-y'+str(integration_jobs)])
+  do_step('build', [herwig7_binary, 'build', get_infile_name(gen_config.run_name), '-I', share_path, '-y '+str(integration_jobs)])
 ## Do the integrate step for one specific integration job
@@ -184,7 +209,7 @@ def do_integrate(run_name, integration_job):
 def do_mergegrids(run_name, integration_jobs):
   runfile_name = get_runfile_name(run_name)
-  mergegrids_command = [herwig7_mergegrids, runfile_name]
+  mergegrids_command = [herwig7_binary, 'mergegrids', runfile_name]
   # if setupfile_name: mergegrids_command.append('--setupfile='+setupfile_name)
   do_step('mergegrids', mergegrids_command)
@@ -266,6 +291,23 @@ def do_run(gen_config, cleanup_herwig_scratch=True):
   athMsgLog.info(hw7Utils.ansi_format_info("Returning to the job options and starting the event generation afterwards"))
+## Do the run step and re-use an already existing runfile
+def do_run_existing_runfile(gen_config):
+  ## this is necessary to make Herwig aware of the name of the run file
+  gen_config.genSeq.Herwig7.RunFile = gen_config.runfile_name
+  ## overwrite athena's seed for the random number generator
+  if gen_config.runArgs.randomSeed is None:
+    gen_config.genSeq.Herwig7.UseRandomSeedFromGeneratetf = False
+  else:
+    gen_config.genSeq.Herwig7.UseRandomSeedFromGeneratetf = True
+    gen_config.genSeq.Herwig7.RandomSeedFromGeneratetf = gen_config.runArgs.randomSeed
+  ## don't break out here so that the job options can be finished and the C++
+  ## part of the interface can take over and generate the events
+  athMsgLog.info(hw7Utils.ansi_format_info("Returning to the job options and starting the event generation afterwards"))
 # utility functions -----------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/python/Herwig7Utils.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/python/Herwig7Utils.py
index 636e825e5a4aed6ea2b1e91cb05786118e80730e..71a7b979cf1e317c211fc78d386e42ecca5687c8 100644
--- a/Generators/Herwig7_i/python/Herwig7Utils.py
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/python/Herwig7Utils.py
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import math, os, subprocess, time
 from AthenaCommon import Logging
 athMsgLog = Logging.logging.getLogger('Herwig7Utils')
-integration_grids_precision_threshold = 0.002 # warn if integration xsec below
+integration_grids_precision_threshold = 0.05 # warn if integration xsec below
 ## Class for handling commands to modify the generator configuration
@@ -145,7 +145,8 @@ def get_cross_section(run_name, integration_jobs=1):
   if err / xsec > integration_grids_precision_threshold:
     threshold = '{}%'.format(integration_grids_precision_threshold*100.0)
-    athMsgLog.warn(ansi_format_warning('! WARNING: The integration grids only have a low precision (worse than {}): xsec = {} +/- {} nb (accuracy: {:.3f}%)'.format(threshold, xsec, err, err/xsec*100.0)))
+    athMsgLog.warn(ansi_format_warning('! The integration grids only have a low precision (worse than {}): xsec = {} +/- {} nb (accuracy: {:.3f}%)'.format(threshold, xsec, err, err/xsec*100.0)))
+    athMsgLog.warn(ansi_format_warning('! In order to speed up the event generation you should consider improving the statistics of the integration / phase space sampling stage (see the sampler_commands() function).'))
     athMsgLog.info(ansi_format_info('After integration the estimated cross section was found to be: xsec = {} +/- {} nb (accuracy: {:.3f}%)'.format(xsec, err, err/xsec*100.0)))
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig71EvtGen_H7UE_NNPDF30nlo_dipole_jetjet.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig71EvtGen_H7UE_NNPDF30nlo_dipole_jetjet.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6a01b3434d2dd351279139ac1dadc5d9cc4999f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig71EvtGen_H7UE_NNPDF30nlo_dipole_jetjet.py
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+name = runArgs.jobConfig[0]
+name_info = name.split("_JZ")[1].split(".py")
+slice = int(name_info[0])
+minkT = {0:0,1:0,2:15,3:50,4:150,5:350,6:600,7:950,8:1500,9:2200,10:2800,11:3500,12:4200}
+# initialize Herwig7 generator configuration for built-in matrix elements
+# configure Herwig7
+Herwig7Config.add_commands("set /Herwig/Partons/RemnantDecayer:AllowTop Yes")
+Herwig7Config.me_pdf_commands(order="NLO", name="NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118")
+command = """
+insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] /Herwig/MatrixElements/MEQCD2to2
+set /Herwig/UnderlyingEvent/MPIHandler:IdenticalToUE 0
+set /Herwig/Cuts/JetKtCut:MinKT """+str(minkT[slice])+"""*GeV
+print command
+command2 = """
+cd /Herwig/EventHandlers
+set EventHandler:CascadeHandler /Herwig/DipoleShower/DipoleShowerHandler
+read snippets/DipoleShowerFiveFlavours.in
+cd /Herwig/DipoleShower
+do DipoleShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=2.0_fsr:muRfac=2.0 2.0 2.0 All
+do DipoleShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=2.0_fsr:muRfac=1.0 2.0 1.0 All
+do DipoleShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=2.0_fsr:muRfac=0.5 2.0 0.5 All
+do DipoleShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=1.0_fsr:muRfac=2.0" 1.0 2.0 All
+do DipoleShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=1.0_fsr:muRfac=0.5" 1.0 0.5 All
+do DipoleShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=0.5_fsr:muRfac=2.0" 0.5 2.0 All
+do DipoleShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=0.5_fsr:muRfac=1.0 0.5 1.0 All
+do DipoleShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=0.5_fsr:muRfac=0.5 0.5 0.5 All
+do DipoleShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=1.75_fsr:muRfac=1.0 1.75 1.0 All
+do DipoleShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=1.5_fsr:muRfac=1.0 1.5 1.0 All
+do DipoleShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=1.25_fsr:muRfac=1.0 1.25 1.0 All
+do DipoleShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=0.625_fsr:muRfac=1.0" 0.625 1.0 All
+do DipoleShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=0.75_fsr:muRfac=1.0 0.75 1.0 All
+do DipoleShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=0.875_fsr:muRfac=1.0 0.875 1.0 All
+do DipoleShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=1.0_fsr:muRfac=1.75 1.0 1.75 All
+do DipoleShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=1.0_fsr:muRfac=1.5 1.0 1.5 All
+do DipoleShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=1.0_fsr:muRfac=1.25 1.0 1.25 All
+do DipoleShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=1.0_fsr:muRfac=0.625 1.0 0.625 All
+do DipoleShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=1.0_fsr:muRfac=0.75 1.0 0.75 All
+do DipoleShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=1.0_fsr:muRfac=0.875 1.0 0.85 All
+print command2
+# add EvtGen
+# run Herwig7
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig71EvtGen_H7UE_NNPDF30nlo_jetjet.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig71EvtGen_H7UE_NNPDF30nlo_jetjet.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..261a666be550a19e97b8ffae6f10d4be13bf9bde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig71EvtGen_H7UE_NNPDF30nlo_jetjet.py
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+name = runArgs.jobConfig[0]
+name_info = name.split("_JZ")[1].split(".py")
+slice = int(name_info[0])
+minkT = {0:0,1:0,2:15,3:50,4:150,5:350,6:600,7:950,8:1500,9:2200,10:2800,11:3500,12:4200}
+# initialize Herwig7 generator configuration for built-in matrix elements
+# configure Herwig7
+Herwig7Config.add_commands("set /Herwig/Partons/RemnantDecayer:AllowTop Yes")
+Herwig7Config.me_pdf_commands(order="NLO", name="NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118")
+command = """
+insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] /Herwig/MatrixElements/MEQCD2to2
+set /Herwig/UnderlyingEvent/MPIHandler:IdenticalToUE 0
+set /Herwig/Cuts/JetKtCut:MinKT """+str(minkT[slice])+"""*GeV
+cd /Herwig/Shower
+do ShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=2.0_fsr:muRfac=2.0 2.0 2.0 All
+do ShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=2.0_fsr:muRfac=1.0 2.0 1.0 All
+do ShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=2.0_fsr:muRfac=0.5 2.0 0.5 All
+do ShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=1.0_fsr:muRfac=2.0" 1.0 2.0 All
+do ShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=1.0_fsr:muRfac=0.5" 1.0 0.5 All
+do ShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=0.5_fsr:muRfac=2.0" 0.5 2.0 All
+do ShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=0.5_fsr:muRfac=1.0 0.5 1.0 All
+do ShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=0.5_fsr:muRfac=0.5 0.5 0.5 All
+do ShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=1.75_fsr:muRfac=1.0 1.75 1.0 All
+do ShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=1.5_fsr:muRfac=1.0 1.5 1.0 All
+do ShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=1.25_fsr:muRfac=1.0 1.25 1.0 All
+do ShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=0.625_fsr:muRfac=1.0" 0.625 1.0 All
+do ShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=0.75_fsr:muRfac=1.0 0.75 1.0 All
+do ShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=0.875_fsr:muRfac=1.0 0.875 1.0 All
+do ShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=1.0_fsr:muRfac=1.75 1.0 1.75 All
+do ShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=1.0_fsr:muRfac=1.5 1.0 1.5 All
+do ShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=1.0_fsr:muRfac=1.25 1.0 1.25 All
+do ShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=1.0_fsr:muRfac=0.625 1.0 0.625 All
+do ShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=1.0_fsr:muRfac=0.75 1.0 0.75 All
+do ShowerHandler:AddVariation isr:muRfac=1.0_fsr:muRfac=0.875 1.0 0.85 All
+print command
+# add EvtGen
+# run Herwig7
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig71_EvtGen.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig71_EvtGen.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..58a7f58dcb7758d251e6ff984f9e6a25575466f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig71_EvtGen.py
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+## Run EvtGen afterburner on top of Pythia 8
+assert hasattr(genSeq, "Herwig7")
+evgenConfig.auxfiles += ['Herwig71Inclusive.pdt']
+genSeq.EvtInclusiveDecay.pdtFile = "Herwig71Inclusive.pdt"
+# Quick "fix" to the mismatch between Herwig 7 and EvtGen of the masses below
+set /Herwig/Particles/B'_c1+:NominalMass 7.3
+set /Herwig/Particles/B'_c1-:NominalMass 7.3
+set /Herwig/Particles/B_c1+:NominalMass 7.3
+set /Herwig/Particles/B_c1-:NominalMass 7.3
+set /Herwig/Particles/B_c2+:NominalMass 7.35
+set /Herwig/Particles/B_c2-:NominalMass 7.35
+set /Herwig/Particles/B*_c0+:NominalMass 7.25
+set /Herwig/Particles/B*_c0-:NominalMass 7.25
+set /Herwig/Particles/B_c+:NominalMass 6.277
+set /Herwig/Particles/B_c-:NominalMass 6.277
+# This is a complete kludge.  Herwig7 has switched the mapping of names and pdgids for the D'(s1) and the D(s1)
+# That means EvtGen misinterprets which particle it should be decaying, since the PDGID is what is written
+# in the record.  So, we'll set things up to change the masses so that the HEPMC record lis OK.  That means
+# we want:
+#  Mass: 2.45960  ID: 20433 (Pythia8 calls this the D*_1s+ , EvtGen calls it D_s1-.  20433 is what Herwig calls 
+#                 D'_s1+ and orginally gave it a mass of 2.53535)
+#  Mass: 2.53512  ID: 10433 (Pythia8 calls this the D_1s+ , EvtGen calls it D'_s1+.  10433 is what Herwig calls
+#                 D_s1+ and orginally gave it a mass of 2.4589
+#  Since EvtGen will redecay everything anyway, we'll make these particles stable in Herwig
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1+:NominalMass 2.4595000e+00
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1+:Width 0.001
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1+:WidthCut 0.01
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1+:Width_generator:Initialize Yes
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1+:Mass_generator:Initialize Yes
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1-:NominalMass 2.4595000e+00
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1-:Width 0.001
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1-:WidthCut 0.01
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1-:Width_generator:Initialize Yes
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1-:Mass_generator:Initialize Yes
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1+:NominalMass 2.5352800e+00
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1+:Width 0.001
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1+:WidthCut 0.01
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1+:Width_generator:Initialize Yes
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1+:Mass_generator:Initialize Yes
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1-:NominalMass 2.5352800e+00
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1+:Width 0.001
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1+:WidthCut 0.01
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1+:Width_generator:Initialize Yes
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1+:Mass_generator:Initialize Yes
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1-:Stable Stable
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1+:Stable Stable
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1-:Stable Stable
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1+:Stable Stable
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7EG_Matchbox_MG_H7UEMMHT2014_dipole_multijet_withGridpack.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7EG_Matchbox_MG_H7UEMMHT2014_dipole_multijet_withGridpack.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c4f8401911d0c3a4ce4b006a565af45de0e648f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7EG_Matchbox_MG_H7UEMMHT2014_dipole_multijet_withGridpack.py
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+from Herwig7_i.Herwig7_iConf import Herwig7
+from Herwig7_i.Herwig7ConfigMatchbox import Hw7ConfigMatchbox
+name = runArgs.jobConfig[0]
+dsid = int(name.split(".")[1])
+genSeq += Herwig7()
+## Provide config information
+evgenConfig.generators += ["Herwig7"]
+evgenConfig.tune        = "MMHT2014"
+## initialize generator configuration object
+generator = Hw7ConfigMatchbox(genSeq, runArgs, run_name="HerwigMatchbox", beams="pp")
+## configure generator
+generator.me_pdf_commands(order="NLO", name="MMHT2014nlo68cl")
+# HT slice boundaries
+pTDict = {0:0,1:0,2:15,3:50,4:150,5:350,6:600,7:950,8:1500,9:2200,10:2800,11:3500,12:4200}
+multDict = {0:1.1,1:1.2,2:2.2,3:4.0,4:5.0,5:6.0,6:7.0,7:8.0,8:9.0,9:10.0,10:10.0,11:10.0,12:10.0}
+name_info = name.split("_JZ")[1].split(".py")[0]
+slice = int(name_info)
+mergingscale = 30
+evt_multiplier = multDict[slice]
+if runArgs.maxEvents > 0:
+    nevents=runArgs.maxEvents*evt_multiplier
+    nevents=5000*evt_multiplier
+read Matchbox/StandardModelLike.in
+read Matchbox/DiagonalCKM.in
+## Set the order of the couplings
+cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox
+set Factory:OrderInAlphaS 2
+set Factory:OrderInAlphaEW 0
+## Select the process
+## You may use identifiers such as p, pbar, j, l, mu+, h0 etc.
+do Factory:Process p p -> j j
+## Matrix element library selection
+## Select a generic tree/loop combination or a
+## specialized NLO package
+# read Matchbox/MadGraph-GoSam.in
+# read Matchbox/MadGraph-MadGraph.in
+# read Matchbox/MadGraph-NJet.in
+read Matchbox/MadGraph-OpenLoops.in
+# read Matchbox/HJets.in
+# read Matchbox/VBFNLO.in
+## Cut selection
+## See the documentation for more options
+cd /Herwig/Cuts/
+## cuts on additional jets
+read Matchbox/DefaultPPJets.in
+insert JetCuts:JetRegions 0 FirstJet
++ "set FirstJet:PtMin "+str(pTDict[slice])+"*GeV"
+## Scale choice
+## See the documentation for more options
+cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox
+set Factory:ScaleChoice /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Scales/MaxJetPtScale
+## Matching and shower selection
+## Please also see flavour scheme settings
+## towards the end of the input file.
+read Matchbox/MCatNLO-DipoleShower.in
+# read Matchbox/Powheg-DefaultShower.in
+## use for strict LO/NLO comparisons
+# read Matchbox/MCatLO-DefaultShower.in
+## use for improved LO showering
+# read Matchbox/LO-DefaultShower.in
+#read Matchbox/FiveFlavourScheme.in
+## required for dipole shower and fixed order in five flavour scheme
+read Matchbox/FiveFlavourNoBMassScheme.in
+# Using author's default
+generator.sampler_commands("MonacoSampler", 20000, 4, 50000, 1, 100)
+if runArgs.generatorRunMode == 'build':
+  generator.do_build(10)
+elif runArgs.generatorRunMode == 'integrate':
+  generator.do_integrate(runArgs.generatorJobNumber)
+elif runArgs.generatorRunMode == 'mergegrids':
+  generator.do_mergegrids(10,gridpack="Herwig7_gridpack.tar.gz")
+elif runArgs.generatorRunMode == 'run':
+    if runArgs.runNumber == 364902: generator.do_run(gridpack="group.phys-gener.Herwig7_Matchbox_MG_H7UEMMHT2014.364902.multijet_dipole_JZ2.TXT.mc15_v2._00001.tar.gz")
+    elif runArgs.runNumber == 364903: generator.do_run(gridpack="group.phys-gener.Herwig7_Matchbox_MG_H7UEMMHT2014.364903.multijet_dipole_JZ3.TXT.mc15_v2._00001.tar.gz")
+    elif runArgs.runNumber == 364904: generator.do_run(gridpack="group.phys-gener.Herwig7_Matchbox_MG_H7UEMMHT2014.364904.multijet_dipole_JZ4.TXT.mc15_v2._00001.tar.gz")
+    elif runArgs.runNumber == 364905: generator.do_run(gridpack="group.phys-gener.Herwig7_Matchbox_MG_H7UEMMHT2014.364905.multijet_dipole_JZ5.TXT.mc15_v2._00001.tar.gz")
+    elif runArgs.runNumber == 364906: generator.do_run(gridpack="group.phys-gener.Herwig7_Matchbox_MG_H7UEMMHT2014.364906.multijet_dipole_JZ6.TXT.mc15_v2._00001.tar.gz")
+    elif runArgs.runNumber == 364907: generator.do_run(gridpack="group.phys-gener.Herwig7_Matchbox_MG_H7UEMMHT2014.364907.multijet_dipole_JZ7.TXT.mc15_v2._00001.tar.gz")
+    elif runArgs.runNumber == 364908: generator.do_run(gridpack="group.phys-gener.Herwig7_Matchbox_MG_H7UEMMHT2014.364908.multijet_dipole_JZ8.TXT.mc15_v2._00001.tar.gz")
+    elif runArgs.runNumber == 364909: generator.do_run(gridpack="group.phys-gener.Herwig7_Matchbox_MG_H7UEMMHT2014.364909.multijet_dipole_JZ9.TXT.mc15_v2._00001.tar.gz")
+    elif runArgs.runNumber == 364910: generator.do_run(gridpack="group.phys-gener.Herwig7_Matchbox_MG_H7UEMMHT2014.364910.multijet_dipole_JZ10.TXT.mc15_v2._00001.tar.gz")
+    elif runArgs.runNumber == 364911: generator.do_run(gridpack="group.phys-gener.Herwig7_Matchbox_MG_H7UEMMHT2014.364911.multijet_dipole_JZ11.TXT.mc15_v2._00001.tar.gz")
+    elif runArgs.runNumber == 364912: generator.do_run(gridpack="group.phys-gener.Herwig7_Matchbox_MG_H7UEMMHT2014.364912.multijet_dipole_JZ12.TXT.mc15_v2._00001.tar.gz")
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7EvtGen_H7UE_NNPDF23lo_jetjet.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7EvtGen_H7UE_NNPDF23lo_jetjet.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2a233eae33ec7a73776fd70501d80703a389c52c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7EvtGen_H7UE_NNPDF23lo_jetjet.py
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+name = runArgs.jobConfig[0]
+name_info = name.split("_JZ")[1].split(".py")
+slice = int(name_info[0])
+minkT = {0:0,1:0,2:15,3:50,4:150,5:350,6:600,7:950,8:1500,9:2200,10:2800,11:3500,12:4200}
+# initialize Herwig7 generator configuration for built-in matrix elements
+# configure Herwig7
+Herwig7Config.add_commands("set /Herwig/Partons/RemnantDecayer:AllowTop Yes")
+Herwig7Config.me_pdf_commands(order="LO", name="NNPDF23_lo_as_0130_qed")
+command = """
+insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] /Herwig/MatrixElements/MEQCD2to2
+set /Herwig/UnderlyingEvent/MPIHandler:IdenticalToUE 0
+set /Herwig/Cuts/JetKtCut:MinKT """+str(minkT[slice])+"""*GeV
+print command
+# add EvtGen
+# run Herwig7
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7EvtGen_H7UE_NNPDF30nlo_dipole_jetjet.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7EvtGen_H7UE_NNPDF30nlo_dipole_jetjet.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6d792ef5ba9bac72455ad10fcb6d6570e7f32bfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7EvtGen_H7UE_NNPDF30nlo_dipole_jetjet.py
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+name = runArgs.jobConfig[0]
+name_info = name.split("_JZ")[1].split(".py")
+slice = int(name_info[0])
+minkT = {0:0,1:0,2:15,3:50,4:150,5:350,6:600,7:950,8:1500,9:2200,10:2800,11:3500,12:4200}
+# initialize Herwig7 generator configuration for built-in matrix elements
+# configure Herwig7
+Herwig7Config.add_commands("set /Herwig/Partons/RemnantDecayer:AllowTop Yes")
+Herwig7Config.me_pdf_commands(order="NLO", name="NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118")
+command = """
+insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] /Herwig/MatrixElements/MEQCD2to2
+set /Herwig/UnderlyingEvent/MPIHandler:IdenticalToUE 0
+set /Herwig/Cuts/JetKtCut:MinKT """+str(minkT[slice])+"""*GeV
+print command
+command2 = """
+set /Herwig/Generators/LHCGenerator:EventHandler:CascadeHandler /Herwig/DipoleShower/DipoleShowerHandler
+read snippets/DipoleShowerFiveFlavours.in
+print command2
+# add EvtGen
+# run Herwig7
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7EvtGen_H7UE_NNPDF30nlo_jetjet.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7EvtGen_H7UE_NNPDF30nlo_jetjet.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..05767f46149a32f9ba36412d4f84115278313ef1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7EvtGen_H7UE_NNPDF30nlo_jetjet.py
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+name = runArgs.jobConfig[0]
+name_info = name.split("_JZ")[1].split(".py")
+slice = int(name_info[0])
+minkT = {0:0,1:0,2:15,3:50,4:150,5:350,6:600,7:950,8:1500,9:2200,10:2800,11:3500,12:4200}
+# initialize Herwig7 generator configuration for built-in matrix elements
+# configure Herwig7
+Herwig7Config.add_commands("set /Herwig/Partons/RemnantDecayer:AllowTop Yes")
+Herwig7Config.me_pdf_commands(order="NLO", name="NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118")
+command = """
+insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] /Herwig/MatrixElements/MEQCD2to2
+set /Herwig/UnderlyingEvent/MPIHandler:IdenticalToUE 0
+set /Herwig/Cuts/JetKtCut:MinKT """+str(minkT[slice])+"""*GeV
+print command
+# add EvtGen
+# run Herwig7
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7EvtGen_Matchbox_MadGraph_H7UEMMHT2014_multijet_withGridpack.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7EvtGen_Matchbox_MadGraph_H7UEMMHT2014_multijet_withGridpack.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..268a953de42006bded51945cd0b933736981abb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7EvtGen_Matchbox_MadGraph_H7UEMMHT2014_multijet_withGridpack.py
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+from Herwig7_i.Herwig7_iConf import Herwig7
+from Herwig7_i.Herwig7ConfigMatchbox import Hw7ConfigMatchbox
+name = runArgs.jobConfig[0]
+dsid = int(name.split(".")[1])
+genSeq += Herwig7()
+## Provide config information
+evgenConfig.generators += ["Herwig7"]
+evgenConfig.tune        = "MMHT2014"
+## initialize generator configuration object
+generator = Hw7ConfigMatchbox(genSeq, runArgs, run_name="HerwigMatchbox", beams="pp")
+## configure generator
+generator.me_pdf_commands(order="NLO", name="MMHT2014nlo68cl")
+# HT slice boundaries
+pTDict = {0:0,1:0,2:15,3:50,4:150,5:350,6:600,7:950,8:1500,9:2200,10:2800,11:3500,12:4200}
+multDict = {0:1.1,1:1.2,2:2.2,3:4.0,4:5.0,5:6.0,6:7.0,7:8.0,8:9.0,9:10.0,10:10.0,11:10.0,12:10.0}
+name_info = name.split("_JZ")[1].split(".py")[0]
+slice = int(name_info)
+mergingscale = 30
+evt_multiplier = multDict[slice]
+if runArgs.maxEvents > 0:
+    nevents=runArgs.maxEvents*evt_multiplier
+    nevents=5000*evt_multiplier
+read Matchbox/StandardModelLike.in
+read Matchbox/DiagonalCKM.in
+## Set the order of the couplings
+cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox
+set Factory:OrderInAlphaS 2
+set Factory:OrderInAlphaEW 0
+## Select the process
+## You may use identifiers such as p, pbar, j, l, mu+, h0 etc.
+do Factory:Process p p -> j j
+## Matrix element library selection
+## Select a generic tree/loop combination or a
+## specialized NLO package
+# read Matchbox/MadGraph-GoSam.in
+# read Matchbox/MadGraph-MadGraph.in
+# read Matchbox/MadGraph-NJet.in
+read Matchbox/MadGraph-OpenLoops.in
+# read Matchbox/HJets.in
+# read Matchbox/VBFNLO.in
+## Cut selection
+## See the documentation for more options
+cd /Herwig/Cuts/
+## cuts on additional jets
+read Matchbox/DefaultPPJets.in
+insert JetCuts:JetRegions 0 FirstJet
++ "set FirstJet:PtMin "+str(pTDict[slice])+"*GeV"
+## Scale choice
+## See the documentation for more options
+cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox
+set Factory:ScaleChoice /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/Scales/MaxJetPtScale
+## Matching and shower selection
+## Please also see flavour scheme settings
+## towards the end of the input file.
+read Matchbox/MCatNLO-DefaultShower.in
+# read Matchbox/Powheg-DefaultShower.in
+## use for strict LO/NLO comparisons
+# read Matchbox/MCatLO-DefaultShower.in
+## use for improved LO showering
+# read Matchbox/LO-DefaultShower.in
+read Matchbox/FiveFlavourScheme.in
+## required for dipole shower and fixed order in five flavour scheme
+# read Matchbox/FiveFlavourNoBMassScheme.in
+# Using author's default
+generator.sampler_commands("MonacoSampler", 20000, 4, 50000, 1, 100)
+if runArgs.generatorRunMode == 'build':
+  generator.do_build(10)
+elif runArgs.generatorRunMode == 'integrate':
+  generator.do_integrate(runArgs.generatorJobNumber)
+elif runArgs.generatorRunMode == 'mergegrids':
+  generator.do_mergegrids(10,gridpack="Herwig7_gridpack.tar.gz")
+elif runArgs.generatorRunMode == 'run':
+    if runArgs.runNumber == 364922: generator.do_run(gridpack="group.phys-gener.Herwig7_Matchbox_MG_H7UEMMHT2014.364922.multijet_angular_JZ2.TXT.mc15_v2._00001.tar.gz")
+    elif runArgs.runNumber == 364923: generator.do_run(gridpack="group.phys-gener.Herwig7_Matchbox_MG_H7UEMMHT2014.364923.multijet_angular_JZ3.TXT.mc15_v2._00001.tar.gz")
+    elif runArgs.runNumber == 364924: generator.do_run(gridpack="group.phys-gener.Herwig7_Matchbox_MG_H7UEMMHT2014.364924.multijet_angular_JZ4.TXT.mc15_v2._00001.tar.gz")
+    elif runArgs.runNumber == 364925: generator.do_run(gridpack="group.phys-gener.Herwig7_Matchbox_MG_H7UEMMHT2014.364925.multijet_angular_JZ5.TXT.mc15_v2._00001.tar.gz")
+    elif runArgs.runNumber == 364926: generator.do_run(gridpack="group.phys-gener.Herwig7_Matchbox_MG_H7UEMMHT2014.364926.multijet_angular_JZ6.TXT.mc15_v2._00001.tar.gz")
+    elif runArgs.runNumber == 364927: generator.do_run(gridpack="group.phys-gener.Herwig7_Matchbox_MG_H7UEMMHT2014.364927.multijet_angular_JZ7.TXT.mc15_v2._00001.tar.gz")
+    elif runArgs.runNumber == 364928: generator.do_run(gridpack="group.phys-gener.Herwig7_Matchbox_MG_H7UEMMHT2014.364928.multijet_angular_JZ8.TXT.mc15_v2._00001.tar.gz")
+    elif runArgs.runNumber == 364929: generator.do_run(gridpack="group.phys-gener.Herwig7_Matchbox_MG_H7UEMMHT2014.364929.multijet_angular_JZ9.TXT.mc15_v2._00001.tar.gz")
+    elif runArgs.runNumber == 364930: generator.do_run(gridpack="group.phys-gener.Herwig7_Matchbox_MG_H7UEMMHT2014.364930.multijet_angular_JZ10.TXT.mc15_v2._00001.tar.gz")
+    elif runArgs.runNumber == 364931: generator.do_run(gridpack="group.phys-gener.Herwig7_Matchbox_MG_H7UEMMHT2014.364931.multijet_angular_JZ11.TXT.mc15_v2._00001.tar.gz")
+    elif runArgs.runNumber == 364932: generator.do_run(gridpack="group.phys-gener.Herwig7_Matchbox_MG_H7UEMMHT2014.364932.multijet_angular_JZ12.TXT.mc15_v2._00001.tar.gz")
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_Base_Fragment.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_Base_Fragment.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9ef1172dae4c613ab9ac751bead27200f158dbfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_Base_Fragment.py
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+## JobOption fragment for Herwig 7.0.1
+from Herwig7_i.Herwig7_iConf import Herwig7
+genSeq += Herwig7()
+evgenConfig.generators += ["Herwig7"]
+  from Herwig7_i import config as hw
+  raise RuntimeError("""
+The release you have set up features the re-designed Herwig7 interface in athena which makes use of Herwig7 versions >= 7.0.4.
+The JobOptions, that you are trying to run, were written for and can only be used with the now discontinued interface for Herwig7 version 7.0.1, but can't be run with the new interface.
+Please check if you would like to
+* use more recent JobOptions, that are compatible with the new Herwig7 interface
+* set up a different release, that includes the old interface for Herwig7
+Please have a look at https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/AtlasProtected/Herwig7ForAtlas for more information on release numbers and the corresponding interface versions.
+genSeq.Herwig7.Commands += hw.atlas_parameter_cmds().splitlines()
+genSeq.Herwig7.Commands += [
+  "## fix for global default settings until released with Herwig7 itself",
+  "set /Herwig/Shower/GtoQQbarSplitFn:AngularOrdered Yes",
+  "set /Herwig/Shower/GammatoQQbarSplitFn:AngularOrdered Yes",
+  "",
+  "## fix for GeV-mass photon radiation",
+  "set /Herwig/Shower/GammatoQQbarSudakov:Alpha /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQED",
+  "",
+  "## fix for initial-state (backward evolution) splitting",
+  "set /Herwig/Shower/QtoGammaQSudakov:Alpha /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQED",
+  ""
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_EvtGen.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_EvtGen.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..abe4ae10a71c054540422a3fc4dbb5d9836a5668
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_EvtGen.py
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+## JobOption fragment for Herwig 7.0.1
+## Run EvtGen afterburner on top of Pythia 8
+assert hasattr(genSeq, "Herwig7")
+evgenConfig.auxfiles += ['HerwigppInclusiveP8.pdt']
+genSeq.EvtInclusiveDecay.pdtFile = "HerwigppInclusiveP8.pdt"
+# quick "fix" to the mismatch between Herwig 7 and EvtGen of the masses below
+cmds1 = """
+set /Herwig/Particles/B'_c1+:NominalMass 7.3
+set /Herwig/Particles/B'_c1-:NominalMass 7.3
+set /Herwig/Particles/B_c1+:NominalMass 7.3
+set /Herwig/Particles/B_c1-:NominalMass 7.3
+set /Herwig/Particles/B_c2+:NominalMass 7.35
+set /Herwig/Particles/B_c2-:NominalMass 7.35
+set /Herwig/Particles/B*_c0+:NominalMass 7.25
+set /Herwig/Particles/B*_c0-:NominalMass 7.25
+set /Herwig/Particles/B_c+:NominalMass 6.277
+set /Herwig/Particles/B_c-:NominalMass 6.277
+# This is a complete kludge.  Herwig7 has switched the mapping of names and pdgids for the D'(s1) and the D(s1)
+# That means EvtGen misinterprets which particle it should be decaying, since the PDGID is what is written
+# in the record.  So, we'll set things up to change the masses so that the HEPMC record lis OK.  That means
+# we want:
+#  Mass: 2.45960  ID: 20433 (Pythia8 calls this the D*_1s+ , EvtGen calls it D_s1-.  20433 is what Herwig calls 
+#                 D'_s1+ and orginally gave it a mass of 2.53535)
+#  Mass: 2.53512  ID: 10433 (Pythia8 calls this the D_1s+ , EvtGen calls it D'_s1+.  10433 is what Herwig calls
+#                 D_s1+ and orginally gave it a mass of 2.4589
+#  Since EvtGen will redecay everything anyway, we'll make these particles stable in Herwig
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1+:NominalMass 2.4595000e+00
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1+:Width 0.001
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1+:WidthCut 0.01
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1+:Width_generator:Initialize Yes
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1+:Mass_generator:Initialize Yes
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1-:NominalMass 2.4595000e+00
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1-:Width 0.001
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1-:WidthCut 0.01
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1-:Width_generator:Initialize Yes
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1-:Mass_generator:Initialize Yes
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1+:NominalMass 2.5352800e+00
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1+:Width 0.001
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1+:WidthCut 0.01
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1+:Width_generator:Initialize Yes
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1+:Mass_generator:Initialize Yes
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1-:NominalMass 2.5352800e+00
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1+:Width 0.001
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1+:WidthCut 0.01
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1+:Width_generator:Initialize Yes
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1+:Mass_generator:Initialize Yes
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1-:Stable Stable
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1+:Stable Stable
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1-:Stable Stable
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1+:Stable Stable
+genSeq.Herwig7.Commands += cmds1.splitlines()
+del cmds1
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_CT10_Common.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_CT10_Common.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..408517dd82f3e2c2b90aa51a9444982ba09ea95d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_CT10_Common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+## JobOption fragment for Herwig 7.0.1
+## Herwig7 config for the H7-UE-MMHT tune series with CT10 NLO ME PDF
+## Construct command set
+from Herwig7_i import config as hw
+cmds = hw.energy_cmds(runArgs.ecmEnergy) + hw.base_cmds() \
+    + hw.nlo_pdf_cmds("CT10.LHgrid", "MMHT2014lo68cl.LHpdf") \
+    + hw.ue_tune_cmds("H7-UE-MMHT")
+genSeq.Herwig7.Commands += cmds.splitlines()
+del cmds
+evgenConfig.tune = "H7-UE-MMHT"
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_CT10_EvtGen_Common.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_CT10_EvtGen_Common.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c7661897b81e941393178fd63a54cebfd8b3a428
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_CT10_EvtGen_Common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+## JobOption fragment for Herwig 7.0.1
+## Herwig7 config for the H7-UE-MMHT tune series with CT10 NLO ME PDF and EvtGen
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_CT10_LHEF_Common.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_CT10_LHEF_Common.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..43a42cba937a9977d136e9d9bbf12a4eaec0cf26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_CT10_LHEF_Common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+## JobOption fragment for Herwig 7.0.1
+## Herwig7 config for the H7-UE-MMHT tune series with CT10 NLO ME PDF with NLO events read from a LHEF file
+from Herwig7_i import config as hw
+genSeq.Herwig7.Commands += hw.lhef_cmds(filename="events.lhe", nlo=True).splitlines()
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_CT10_LHEF_EvtGen_Common.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_CT10_LHEF_EvtGen_Common.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..78cd2e19202a0493cc5100ceb33b59af485edf0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_CT10_LHEF_EvtGen_Common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+## JobOption fragment for Herwig 7.0.1
+## Herwig7 config for the H7-UE-MMHT tune series with CT10 NLO ME PDF with NLO events read from a LHEF file and decays done with EvtGen
+from Herwig7_i import config as hw
+genSeq.Herwig7.Commands += hw.lhef_cmds(filename="events.lhe", nlo=True).splitlines()
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_CT10f4ME_EvtGen_Common.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_CT10f4ME_EvtGen_Common.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6a600e65b040cf8301f4ebf80f41639b34a07a5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_CT10f4ME_EvtGen_Common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+## JobOption fragment for Herwig 7.0.1
+## Herwig7 config for the H7-UE-MMHT tune series with a CT10f4 NLO ME PDF
+## Construct command set
+from Herwig7_i import config as hw
+cmds = hw.energy_cmds(runArgs.ecmEnergy) + hw.base_cmds() \
+    + hw.nlo_pdf_cmds("CT10f4.LHgrid", "MMHT2014lo68cl.LHpdf") \
+    + hw.ue_tune_cmds("H7-UE-MMHT")
+genSeq.Herwig7.Commands += cmds.splitlines()
+del cmds
+evgenConfig.tune = "H7-UE-MMHT"
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_CT10f4ME_LHEF_EvtGen_Common.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_CT10f4ME_LHEF_EvtGen_Common.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..671b2c92e81c2efe0871200ceca2fa01b93894a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_CT10f4ME_LHEF_EvtGen_Common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+## JobOption fragment for Herwig 7.0.1
+## Herwig7 config for the H7-UE-MMHT tune series with a CT10f4 NLO ME PDF with NLO events read from an LHEF file
+from Herwig7_i import config as hw
+genSeq.Herwig7.Commands += hw.lhef_cmds(filename="events.lhe", nlo=True).splitlines()
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_Common.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_Common.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c334313442f77bda328a73d7b8c202385fb1e741
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_Common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+## JobOption fragment for Herwig 7.0.1
+## Herwig7 config for the H7-UE-MMHT tune series with the MMHT2014 LO ME PDF
+## Construct command set
+from Herwig7_i import config as hw
+cmds = hw.energy_cmds(runArgs.ecmEnergy) + hw.base_cmds() \
+    + hw.lo_pdf_cmds("MMHT2014lo68cl.LHpdf") \
+    + hw.ue_tune_cmds("H7-UE-MMHT")
+genSeq.Herwig7.Commands += cmds.splitlines()
+del cmds
+evgenConfig.tune = "H7-UE-MMHT"
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_EvtGen_Common.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_EvtGen_Common.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3a1b8ef4ab70b8aa9f1c1c3155053c5a4384165c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_EvtGen_Common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+## JobOption fragment for Herwig 7.0.1
+## Herwig7 config for the H7-UE-MMHT tune series with MMHT2014 LO PDF and EvtGen
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_NNPDF3ME_Common.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_NNPDF3ME_Common.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f712135625b7a7837f956971ad896aeaa0f50311
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_NNPDF3ME_Common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+## JobOption fragment for Herwig 7.0.1
+## Herwig7 config for the H7-UE-MMHT tune series with NNPDF3.0 NLO ME PDF
+## Construct command set
+from Herwig7_i import config as hw
+cmds = hw.energy_cmds(runArgs.ecmEnergy) + hw.base_cmds() \
+    + hw.nlo_pdf_cmds("NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118.LHgrid", "MMHT2014lo68cl.LHpdf") \
+    + hw.ue_tune_cmds("H7-UE-MMHT")
+genSeq.Herwig7.Commands += cmds.splitlines()
+del cmds
+evgenConfig.tune = "H7-UE-MMHT"
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_NNPDF3ME_EvtGen_Common.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_NNPDF3ME_EvtGen_Common.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5979883b94fb93b430be01618d588fa9db6b2116
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_NNPDF3ME_EvtGen_Common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+## JobOption fragment for Herwig 7.0.1
+## Herwig7 config for the H7-UE-MMHT tune series with NNPDF3.0 NLO ME PDF and EvtGen
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_NNPDF3ME_LHEF_Common.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_NNPDF3ME_LHEF_Common.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4477caf7404d41047e0602ddc190dc34897889a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_NNPDF3ME_LHEF_Common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+## JobOption fragment for Herwig 7.0.1
+## Herwig7 config for the H7-UE-MMHT tune series with NNPDF3.0 NLO ME PDF with NLO events read from a LHEF file
+from Herwig7_i import config as hw
+genSeq.Herwig7.Commands += hw.lhef_cmds(filename="events.lhe", nlo=True).splitlines()
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_NNPDF3ME_LHEF_EvtGen_Common.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_NNPDF3ME_LHEF_EvtGen_Common.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..33204b7ed60803988dcae964794e115fc9c32362
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_NNPDF3ME_LHEF_EvtGen_Common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+## JobOption fragment for Herwig 7.0.1
+## Herwig7 config for the H7-UE-MMHT tune series with NNPDF3.0 NLO ME PDF with NLO events read from a LHEF file and decays done with EvtGen
+from Herwig7_i import config as hw
+genSeq.Herwig7.Commands += hw.lhef_cmds(filename="events.lhe", nlo=True).splitlines()
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_NNPDF3nnloME_LHEF_EvtGen_Common.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_NNPDF3nnloME_LHEF_EvtGen_Common.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..111c2b3ec4bf3fa05c864bd5184adceed273cc2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_H7UE_MMHT2014lo68cl_NNPDF3nnloME_LHEF_EvtGen_Common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+## JobOption fragment for Herwig 7.0.1
+## Herwig7 config for the H7-UE-MMHT tune series with NNPDF3.0 NNLO ME PDF with events read from a LHEF file and decays done with EvtGen
+## Construct command set
+from Herwig7_i import config as hw
+cmds = hw.energy_cmds(runArgs.ecmEnergy) + hw.base_cmds() \
+     + hw.nlo_pdf_cmds("NNPDF30_nnlo_as_0118.LHgrid", "MMHT2014lo68cl.LHpdf") \
+     + hw.ue_tune_cmds("H7-UE-MMHT")
+genSeq.Herwig7.Commands += cmds.splitlines()
+del cmds
+evgenConfig.tune = "H7-UE-MMHT"
+genSeq.Herwig7.Commands += hw.lhef_cmds(filename="events.lhe", nlo=True).splitlines()
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_QED_Common.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_QED_Common.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..09508b44e411b3651d3906a3ead5ee62c39725e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_QED_Common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+## JobOption fragment for Herwig 7.0.1
+# Common job option for gamma gamma processes in Herwig7
+# MPI tune is not relevant as the pdf_gammagamma_cmds() function disables MPI
+# Contact: Oldrich Kepka
+from Herwig7_i import config as hw
+cmds = hw.energy_cmds(runArgs.ecmEnergy) + hw.base_cmds() + hw.pdf_gammagamma_cmds()
+cmds += """
+set /Herwig/Partons/QCDExtractor:FirstPDF /Herwig/Partons/BudnevPDF
+set /Herwig/Partons/QCDExtractor:SecondPDF /Herwig/Partons/BudnevPDF
+cmds += "create ThePEG::O1AlphaS /Herwig/AlphaQCD_O1 O1AlphaS.so\n"
+cmds += "set /Herwig/Generators/LHCGenerator:StandardModelParameters:QCD/RunningAlphaS /Herwig/AlphaQCD_O1\n"
+cmds += "set /Herwig/Partons/BudnevPDF:Q2Max 4."
+genSeq.Herwig7.Commands += cmds.splitlines()
+del cmds
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_QED_EvtGen_Common.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_QED_EvtGen_Common.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..47174618709c5302dcb8da9cf7269553c8af1b9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_QED_EvtGen_Common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+## JobOption fragment for Herwig 7.0.1
+## Herwig7 config for Herwig7_QED and EvtGen
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_StripWeights.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_StripWeights.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8c7b032e9c067bea2d9c5c17efb5de9462e274a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_701_StripWeights.py
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+import os, shutil
+m_inFile = runArgs.inputGeneratorFile
+if not m_inFile:
+    exit()
+# Pick name Prefix
+# - if original file is compressed then athena places the uncompressed
+#   LHE file in the current working directory before this script is executed
+m_Prefix = None
+if m_inFile is not None:
+    if '.tar.gz' in m_inFile:
+        m_Prefix = os.path.split(m_inFile)[1].split('.tar.gz')[0]
+    elif '.events' in m_inFile:
+        m_Prefix = os.path.split(m_inFile)[1].split('.events')[0]
+        abs_path = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(m_inFile))[0]
+        cwd_path = os.getcwd()
+        if abs_path != cwd_path: # if original file is in a different folder
+            # uncompressed LHE file in a different folder is not supported by job transform,
+            # rectify this by copying the original LHE file to the current working directory
+            shutil.copyfile(m_inFile, os.path.split(m_inFile)[1])
+m_lhe_extracted_old = m_Prefix+".events"
+m_lhe_extracted_new = "new."+m_Prefix+".events"
+if m_Prefix is None:
+    raise RuntimeError("File title could not be determined because of unknown file extension")
+# Strip Weights from old LHE file and write new LHE file
+weights = False
+with open(m_lhe_extracted_old, "r") as lhef_in:
+    with open(m_lhe_extracted_new, "w") as lhef_out:
+        for line in lhef_in:
+            # find tags related to multiple/optional weights
+            if "<initrwgt>" in line or "<rwgt>" in line:
+                weights = True
+            # propagate line if we are currently not in a line
+            # related to the optional/multiple event weights
+            if not weights:
+                lhef_out.write(line)
+            # remember end of optional/multiple event weights lines
+            if "</initrwgt>" in line or "</rwgt>" in line:
+                weights = False
+# Delete old (unstripped) LHE file
+# Rename new (stripped) LHE file to the old filename
+shutil.move(m_lhe_extracted_new, m_lhe_extracted_old)
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_BuiltinME.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_BuiltinME.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c7c3484e2ece2e4a9b347ddc9f3dd6a4352982bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_BuiltinME.py
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# initialize Herwig7 generator configuration object for built-in/old-style matrix elements
+from Herwig7_i.Herwig7_iConf import Herwig7
+from Herwig7_i.Herwig7ConfigBuiltinME import Hw7ConfigBuiltinME
+genSeq += Herwig7()
+Herwig7Config = Hw7ConfigBuiltinME(genSeq, runArgs)
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_EvtGen.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_EvtGen.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5279993acbf0c9008d3165e3ba667d552328b1ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_EvtGen.py
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+## Run EvtGen afterburner on top of Pythia 8
+assert hasattr(genSeq, "Herwig7")
+evgenConfig.auxfiles += ['HerwigppInclusiveP8.pdt']
+genSeq.EvtInclusiveDecay.pdtFile = "HerwigppInclusiveP8.pdt"
+# Quick "fix" to the mismatch between Herwig 7 and EvtGen of the masses below
+set /Herwig/Particles/B'_c1+:NominalMass 7.3
+set /Herwig/Particles/B'_c1-:NominalMass 7.3
+set /Herwig/Particles/B_c1+:NominalMass 7.3
+set /Herwig/Particles/B_c1-:NominalMass 7.3
+set /Herwig/Particles/B_c2+:NominalMass 7.35
+set /Herwig/Particles/B_c2-:NominalMass 7.35
+set /Herwig/Particles/B*_c0+:NominalMass 7.25
+set /Herwig/Particles/B*_c0-:NominalMass 7.25
+set /Herwig/Particles/B_c+:NominalMass 6.277
+set /Herwig/Particles/B_c-:NominalMass 6.277
+# This is a complete kludge.  Herwig7 has switched the mapping of names and pdgids for the D'(s1) and the D(s1)
+# That means EvtGen misinterprets which particle it should be decaying, since the PDGID is what is written
+# in the record.  So, we'll set things up to change the masses so that the HEPMC record lis OK.  That means
+# we want:
+#  Mass: 2.45960  ID: 20433 (Pythia8 calls this the D*_1s+ , EvtGen calls it D_s1-.  20433 is what Herwig calls 
+#                 D'_s1+ and orginally gave it a mass of 2.53535)
+#  Mass: 2.53512  ID: 10433 (Pythia8 calls this the D_1s+ , EvtGen calls it D'_s1+.  10433 is what Herwig calls
+#                 D_s1+ and orginally gave it a mass of 2.4589
+#  Since EvtGen will redecay everything anyway, we'll make these particles stable in Herwig
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1+:NominalMass 2.4595000e+00
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1+:Width 0.001
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1+:WidthCut 0.01
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1+:Width_generator:Initialize Yes
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1+:Mass_generator:Initialize Yes
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1-:NominalMass 2.4595000e+00
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1-:Width 0.001
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1-:WidthCut 0.01
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1-:Width_generator:Initialize Yes
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1-:Mass_generator:Initialize Yes
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1+:NominalMass 2.5352800e+00
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1+:Width 0.001
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1+:WidthCut 0.01
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1+:Width_generator:Initialize Yes
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1+:Mass_generator:Initialize Yes
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1-:NominalMass 2.5352800e+00
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1+:Width 0.001
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1+:WidthCut 0.01
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1+:Width_generator:Initialize Yes
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1+:Mass_generator:Initialize Yes
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1-:Stable Stable
+set /Herwig/Particles/D'_s1+:Stable Stable
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1-:Stable Stable
+set /Herwig/Particles/D_s1+:Stable Stable
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_LHEF.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_LHEF.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4dcaf84da3ac94cf9a759d3d0caa88bf188c56e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_LHEF.py
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# initialize Herwig7 generator configuration object for showering of LHE files
+from Herwig7_i.Herwig7_iConf import Herwig7 
+from Herwig7_i.Herwig7ConfigLHEF import Hw7ConfigLHEF
+genSeq += Herwig7()
+Herwig7Config = Hw7ConfigLHEF(genSeq, runArgs)
+# handle compressed LHE files passed via runArgs.inputGeneratorFile
+import glob
+from AthenaCommon import Logging
+athMsgLog = Logging.logging.getLogger('Herwig7_i/Herwig7_LHEF.py')
+if ".tar.gz" in runArgs.inputGeneratorFile or ".tgz" in runArgs.inputGeneratorFile:
+  athMsgLog.info("inputGeneratorFile '{}' is compressed - will look for uncompressed LHE file".format(runArgs.inputGeneratorFile))
+  lhe_files = glob.glob("*._*.ev*ts")
+  athMsgLog.info("Number of lhe files {}".format(len(lhe_files)))
+  if len(lhe_files) == 0:
+    raise RuntimeError("Could not find uncompressed LHE file")
+  if len(lhe_files) > 1:
+    athMsgLog.info("Found more than one uncompressed LHE file: {}".format(lhe_files))
+#    my_lhe_file = "merged_lhef.events"
+# skeleton.GENtoEVGEN splits the file name on "._" (in rel.,MCProd,
+# so insert this in the merged file name - to make it run also for this release)
+    my_lhe_file = "merged_lhef._0.events"
+    merge_lhe_files(lhe_files, my_lhe_file )
+    lhe_files[0] = my_lhe_file
+  athMsgLog.info("Using uncompressed LHE file '{}' as inputGeneratorFile".format(lhe_files[0]))
+  runArgs.inputGeneratorFile = lhe_files[0]
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_QED_EvtGen_Common.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_QED_EvtGen_Common.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5b15aad75c4e151c57afbda5495560839e17829a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_QED_EvtGen_Common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# JobOption fragment for Herwig >=7.0.4
+# Common job option for gamma gamma processes in Herwig7
+# Contact: Oldrich Kepka
+assert hasattr(genSeq, "Herwig7")
+cmds = """
+set /Herwig/Partons/QCDExtractor:FirstPDF /Herwig/Partons/BudnevPDF
+set /Herwig/Partons/QCDExtractor:SecondPDF /Herwig/Partons/BudnevPDF
+set /Herwig/Partons/BudnevPDF:Q2Max 4.
+create ThePEG::O1AlphaS /Herwig/AlphaQCD_O1 O1AlphaS.so
+set /Herwig/Generators/LHCGenerator:StandardModelParameters:QCD/RunningAlphaS /Herwig/AlphaQCD_O1
+# Cuts
+cd /Herwig/Cuts
+set QCDCuts:ScaleMin 0.0*MeV
+set QCDCuts:X1Min 0
+set QCDCuts:X2Min 0
+set QCDCuts:X1Max 1.
+set QCDCuts:X2Max 1.
+erase QCDCuts:MultiCuts 0
+del cmds
+# To avoid warning from displaced vertices, bugfix needed in herwig++
+testSeq.TestHepMC.MaxTransVtxDisp = 1000000
+testSeq.TestHepMC.MaxVtxDisp      = 1000000000
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_QED_EvtGen_ll.py b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_QED_EvtGen_ll.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5e77d470797fd1d4e0d2124ed7ba3c06153e3c6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/share/common/Herwig7_QED_EvtGen_ll.py
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# JobOption fragment for Herwig >=7.0.4
+# Common job option for gamma gamma -> ll processes in Herwig7
+# Generation in Min < M < Max window. Min/Max and lepton flavour determined
+# from the JO name, e.g. MC15.363749.Herwig7EvtGen_BudnevQED_ggTOee_20M45_LeptonFilter.py
+# Contact: Oldrich Kepka
+# Finnal states to be found in the JO name
+h7finalStates = {"ggTOee": "Electron", "ggTOmumu": "Muon", "ggTOtautau": "Tau" }
+# Assert right JO name format
+info = runArgs.jobConfig[0].split("_")
+assert (info[1] == "BudnevQED")  , "JobOption name does not contain BudnevQED"
+assert (info[2] in h7finalStates), "Unknown final state key %s" % info[2]
+# Extract final state and mass range from the JO name
+fs     = h7finalStates[info[2]]
+mrange = info[3].split('M')
+assert (len(mrange) >0), "Cannot extract mass range from the JO"
+del h7finalStates
+# Initialize Herwig7 generator configuration for built-in matrix elements
+# Generic QED include with maximum phase-space 
+# Mmin<M<Mmax
+command = """\
+set QCDCuts:MHatMin """+str(mrange[0])+"""*GeV\n"""
+if len(mrange) > 1 and mrange[1]!='':
+   command += "set QCDCuts:MHatMax "+str(mrange[1])+"*GeV\n"
+# Hard process
+command += """\
+set LeptonKtCut:MinKT 2*GeV    # save minimal setting, override in upstream jo if pT-filter used
+cd /Herwig/MatrixElements
+insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements 0 /Herwig/MatrixElements/MEgg2ff
+set /Herwig/MatrixElements/MEgg2ff:Process """+str(fs)+"""
+del command
+del mrange
+del fs
diff --git a/Generators/Herwig7_i/src/Herwig7.cxx b/Generators/Herwig7_i/src/Herwig7.cxx
index 1575dffa450e4b249044ef3769aaeaca9ec677e5..c5a2fbe23f81d4a4734a3166f1404f123521c1c3 100644
--- a/Generators/Herwig7_i/src/Herwig7.cxx
+++ b/Generators/Herwig7_i/src/Herwig7.cxx
@@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
 // -*- C++ -*-
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 /*! \file Herwig7.cxx
  *  \brief Implementation of the Herwig 7 Athena interface.
  *  \author Daniel Rauch (daniel.rauch@desy.de)
@@ -27,9 +24,13 @@
 #include "ThePEG/PDF/PartonExtractor.h"
 #include "ThePEG/PDF/PDF.h"
+#include "Herwig/API/HerwigAPI.h"
 #include "PathResolver/PathResolver.h"
-#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
+#include "boost/thread/thread.hpp"
+#include "boost/filesystem.hpp"
+#include "boost/algorithm/string.hpp"
 #include "boost/foreach.hpp"
 #define foreach BOOST_FOREACH
@@ -62,13 +63,23 @@ using namespace std;
 // Constructor
 Herwig7::Herwig7(const string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator) :
   GenModule(name, pSvcLocator),
-  m_pdfname_me("UNKNOWN"),
-  m_pdfname_mpi("UNKNOWN")
+  m_use_seed_from_generatetf(false),
+  m_seed_from_generatetf(0),
+  m_pdfname_me("UNKNOWN"), m_pdfname_mpi("UNKNOWN") // m_pdfname_ps("UNKONWN"),
-  declareProperty("Commands", m_herwigCommandVector);
-  declareProperty("RunName", m_runname="Atlas");
-  declareProperty("InFileDump", m_infiledump="herwigInfileDump.in");
+  declareProperty("RunFile", m_runfile="Herwig7");
+  declareProperty("SetupFile", m_setupfile="");
+  declareProperty("UseRandomSeedFromGeneratetf", m_use_seed_from_generatetf);
+  declareProperty("RandomSeedFromGeneratetf", m_seed_from_generatetf);
+  declareProperty("PDFNameME", m_pdfname_me);
+  // declareProperty("PDFNamePS", m_pdfname_ps);
+  declareProperty("PDFNameMPI", m_pdfname_mpi);
   declareProperty("CrossSectionScaleFactor", m_xsscale=1.0);
+  declareProperty("CleanupHerwigScratch", m_cleanup_herwig_scratch);
@@ -93,7 +104,14 @@ StatusCode Herwig7::genInitialize() {
   // Represent the combined seed as a string, so the config system can parse it back to a long ;)
   ostringstream ss_seed;
   ss_seed << combined_seed;
-  string atlseed = ss_seed.str();
+  // Configure the API and print the seed to the log
+  if (m_use_seed_from_generatetf){
+    ATH_MSG_INFO("Using the random number seed " + to_string(m_seed_from_generatetf) + " provided via Generate_tf.py");
+    m_api.seed(m_seed_from_generatetf);
+  } else {
+    ATH_MSG_INFO("Using the random number seed " + ss_seed.str() + " provided by athena");
+    m_api.seed(combined_seed);
+  }
   // Change repo log level and make sure that config errors result in a program exit
   //ThePEG::Debug::level = 10000;
@@ -142,108 +160,16 @@ StatusCode Herwig7::genInitialize() {
   const string repopath = PathResolver::find_file_from_list("HerwigDefaults.rpo", reposearchpaths);
   ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Loading Herwig default repo from " << repopath);
-  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Loaded Herwig default repository");
-  // Prepend the defaults to the command vector, so that *everything* gets dumped
-  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Defining default params");
-  CommandVector defaultcmds;
-  defaultcmds.push_back("cd /Herwig/Generators");
-  defaultcmds.push_back("set /Herwig/Generators/LHCGenerator:RandomNumberGenerator:Seed " + atlseed);
-  defaultcmds.push_back("set /Herwig/Generators/LHCGenerator:DebugLevel 1");
-  defaultcmds.push_back("set /Herwig/Generators/LHCGenerator:PrintEvent 0");
-  defaultcmds.push_back("set /Herwig/Generators/LHCGenerator:MaxErrors 1000000");
-  defaultcmds.push_back("set /Herwig/Generators/LHCGenerator:NumberOfEvents 1000000000");
-  defaultcmds.push_back("set /Herwig/Generators/LHCGenerator:UseStdout Yes");
-  // Append config directives from job options to the defaults
-  CommandVector cmds = defaultcmds;
-  cmds.insert(cmds.begin()+cmds.size(), m_herwigCommandVector.begin(), m_herwigCommandVector.end());
-  // Apply the config commands
-  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Processing default and job option commands");
-  string commands = "";
-  foreach (const string& cmd, cmds) {
-    commands += "\n" + cmd;
-    const size_t iNonSpace = cmd.find_first_not_of(" ");
-    // Only run the command if it's not just whitespace or a comment
-    if (iNonSpace != string::npos && cmd.data()[iNonSpace] != '#') {
-      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Herwig7 command: " << cmd);
-      const string reply = ThePEG::Repository::exec(cmd, std::cout);
-      if (!reply.empty()) {
-        if (reply.find("Error") != string::npos) {
-          ATH_MSG_ERROR("Herwig7 error: " + reply);
-          return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-        } else {
-          ATH_MSG_INFO("Herwig7 info: " + reply);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Updating repository");
-  ThePEG::Repository::update();
-  // Dump out the config commands, with an extra saverun to make life easier
-  ostringstream ss_cmds;
-  ss_cmds << commands << "\n\n"
-          << "# Extra saverun for standalone convenience: Athena doesn't execute this\n"
-          << "saverun " << m_runname << " /Herwig/Generators/LHCGenerator\n";
-  const string dumpcommands = ss_cmds.str();
-  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("All job option commands:\n" << dumpcommands);
-  if (m_infiledump.length() > 0) {
-    ofstream f(m_infiledump.c_str());
-    f << dumpcommands;
-    f.close();
-  }
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Successfully loaded Herwig default repository");
-  // PDF settings checks
-  //cout << ThePEG::Repository::exec("get /Herwig/Particles/p+:PDF", std::cout) << endl;
-  //cout << ThePEG::Repository::exec("get /Herwig/Particles/p+:PDF:PDFName", std::cout) << endl;
-  // Make a "run" object from the config repository.
-  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Getting generator from ThePEG.");
-  ThePEG::EGPtr tmpEG = ThePEG::BaseRepository::GetObject<ThePEG::EGPtr>("/Herwig/Generators/LHCGenerator");
-  try {
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Reducing repository to single LHC generator run");
-    m_hw = ThePEG::Repository::makeRun(tmpEG, m_runname);
-  } catch (ThePEG::Exception& e) {
-    ATH_MSG_ERROR("Exception in ThePEG: " << e.what());
-    throw;
-  } catch (std::exception& e) {
-    ATH_MSG_ERROR("STL exception: " << e.what());
-    throw;
-  }
+  ATH_MSG_INFO("Setting runfile name '"+m_runfile+"'");
+  m_api.inputfile(m_runfile);
+  ATH_MSG_INFO("starting to prepare the run from runfile '"+m_runfile+"'...");
-  // Write out some run parameters
-  const string repo_energy = ThePEG::Repository::exec("get /Herwig/Generators/LHCGenerator:EventHandler:LuminosityFunction:Energy", std::cout);
-  ATH_MSG_INFO("Run energy: " + repo_energy + " GeV");
-  const string repo_seed = ThePEG::Repository::exec("get /Herwig/Generators/LHCGenerator:RandomNumberGenerator:Seed", std::cout);
-  ATH_MSG_INFO("Random seed: " + repo_seed);
-  // MPI parameters
-  const string repo_intrkt = ThePEG::Repository::exec("get /Herwig/Shower/Evolver:IntrinsicPtGaussian", std::cout);
-  ATH_MSG_INFO("Intrinsic kT: " + repo_intrkt + " GeV/c");
-  const string repo_ptmatch = ThePEG::Repository::exec("get /Herwig/UnderlyingEvent/MPIHandler:pTmin0", std::cout);
-  ATH_MSG_INFO("MPI matching pT0: " + repo_ptmatch + " GeV/c");
-  const string repo_invrad = ThePEG::Repository::exec("get /Herwig/UnderlyingEvent/MPIHandler:InvRadius", std::cout);
-  ATH_MSG_INFO("Inverse hadron radius: " + repo_invrad + " GeV**2");
-  // Kinematic efficiency cuts
-  const string repo_jetminkt = ThePEG::Repository::exec("get /Herwig/Cuts/JetKtCut:MinKT", std::cout);
-  ATH_MSG_INFO("Minimum jet kT: " + repo_jetminkt + " GeV/c");
-  const string repo_lepminkt = ThePEG::Repository::exec("get /Herwig/Cuts/LeptonKtCut:MinKT", std::cout);
-  ATH_MSG_INFO("Minimum lepton kT: " + repo_lepminkt + " GeV/c");
-  const string repo_photonminkt = ThePEG::Repository::exec("get /Herwig/Cuts/PhotonKtCut:MinKT", std::cout);
-  ATH_MSG_INFO("Minimum photon kT: " + repo_photonminkt + " GeV/c");
-  // PDFs
-  const string me_pdf = ThePEG::Repository::exec("get /Herwig/Particles/p+:PDF:PDFName", std::cout);
-  m_pdfname_me = (me_pdf.find("***") == string::npos) ? me_pdf : "UNKNOWN";
-  ATH_MSG_INFO("Matrix element PDF: " + m_pdfname_me);
-  const string mpi_pdf = ThePEG::Repository::exec("get /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:PDFA:PDFName", std::cout);
-  m_pdfname_mpi = (mpi_pdf.find("***") == string::npos && mpi_pdf.find("Error:") == string::npos) ? mpi_pdf : m_pdfname_me;
-  ATH_MSG_INFO("MPI PDF: " + m_pdfname_mpi);
-  // Initialise the run
-  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Calling Herwig7 initialize()");
-  m_hw->initialize();
+  // read in a Herwig runfile and obtain the event generator
+  m_gen = Herwig::API::prepareRun(m_api);
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("preparing the run...");
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -254,9 +180,9 @@ StatusCode Herwig7::genInitialize() {
  *  Run the generator for one event and store the event internally.
 StatusCode Herwig7::callGenerator() {
-  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Herwig7 generating");
-  assert(m_hw);
-  m_event = m_hw->shoot();
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Herwig7 generating an event");
+  assert(m_gen);
+  m_event = m_gen->shoot();
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -328,12 +254,31 @@ StatusCode Herwig7::fillEvt(HepMC::GenEvent* evt) {
 StatusCode Herwig7::genFinalize() {
   ATH_MSG_INFO("Herwig7 finalizing.");
-  assert(m_hw);
+  assert(m_gen);
   cout << "MetaData: generator = Herwig7 " << HWVERSION << endl;
-  cout << std::scientific << std::setprecision(5) << "MetaData: cross-section (nb) = " << m_hw->eventHandler()->integratedXSec()*m_xsscale/ThePEG::nanobarn << endl;
+  cout << std::scientific << std::setprecision(5) << "MetaData: cross-section (nb) = " << m_gen->eventHandler()->integratedXSec()*m_xsscale/ThePEG::nanobarn << endl;
+  // cout << "MetaData: PDF = " << m_pdfname_me << " (ME); " << m_pdfname_ps << " (shower); " << m_pdfname_mpi << " (MPI)" << endl;
   cout << "MetaData: PDF = " << m_pdfname_me << " (ME); " << m_pdfname_mpi << " (shower/MPI)" << endl;
-  m_hw->finalize();
+  m_gen->finalize();
+  // possibly tidy up working directory
+  if (m_cleanup_herwig_scratch && boost::filesystem::is_directory("Herwig-scratch")){
+    ATH_MSG_INFO("removing Herwig-scratch folder from "+boost::filesystem::current_path().string());
+    // sleep for some time to allow all access to terminate
+    boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::seconds(5)); /// \todo Think of other way to wait for all access to terminate
+    // in case the folder can't be deleted continue with warning
+    try {
+      boost::filesystem::remove_all("Herwig-scratch");
+    } catch (const exception& e) {
+      ATH_MSG_WARNING("Failed to delete the folder 'Herwig-scratch': "+string(e.what()));
+    }
+  }
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/PixelGeoModel/python/PixelGeoModelConfig.py b/InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/PixelGeoModel/python/PixelGeoModelConfig.py
index ab35d93e78ea17bb5eddcd5813c12741ded126a5..659e8004dab5eca85115ecbd4c83a99ae098ab3f 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/PixelGeoModel/python/PixelGeoModelConfig.py
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/PixelGeoModel/python/PixelGeoModelConfig.py
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ from IOVDbSvc.IOVDbSvcConfig import addFoldersSplitOnline
 def PixelGeometryCfg( flags ):
   from AtlasGeoModel.GeoModelConfig import GeoModelCfg
-  acc,geoModelSvc = GeoModelCfg( flags )
+  acc = GeoModelCfg( flags )
+  geoModelSvc=acc.getPrimary()
   from GeometryDBSvc.GeometryDBSvcConf import GeometryDBSvc
   from PixelGeoModel.PixelGeoModelConf import PixelDetectorTool
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/SCT_Cabling/share/TestSCT_CablingCfg.py b/InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/SCT_Cabling/share/TestSCT_CablingCfg.py
index 34d057a8933fd9ed6a43cda1c3760b3f110fda03..53e4fed23fb61b622881c4af839ba8cea60e8931 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/SCT_Cabling/share/TestSCT_CablingCfg.py
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/SCT_Cabling/share/TestSCT_CablingCfg.py
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ def SCT_TestCablingAlgCfg(configFlags):
     from AtlasGeoModel.GeoModelConfig import GeoModelCfg
-    geoCfg,gms=GeoModelCfg(configFlags)
+    geoCfg=GeoModelCfg(configFlags)
+    gms=geoCfg.getPrimary()
     from AthenaCommon.Constants import INFO
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/SCT_GeoModel/python/SCT_GeoModelConfig.py b/InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/SCT_GeoModel/python/SCT_GeoModelConfig.py
index 579c6679a32f1a4beb930399e1c6f9383ca4eff4..088adcc2b9ad7859e8718f5eb118afbc59f7a06f 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/SCT_GeoModel/python/SCT_GeoModelConfig.py
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/SCT_GeoModel/python/SCT_GeoModelConfig.py
@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ from IOVDbSvc.IOVDbSvcConfig import addFoldersSplitOnline
 def SCT_GeometryCfg( flags ):
     from AtlasGeoModel.GeoModelConfig import GeoModelCfg
-    acc,geoModelSvc = GeoModelCfg( flags )
+    acc = GeoModelCfg( flags )
+    geoModelSvc=acc.getPrimary()
     from GeometryDBSvc.GeometryDBSvcConf import GeometryDBSvc
     if flags.GeoModel.Run=="RUN4":
@@ -39,7 +40,6 @@ def SCT_GeometryCfg( flags ):
         sctDetectorTool = SCT_DetectorTool()
     sctDetectorTool.useDynamicAlignFolders = flags.GeoModel.Align.Dynamic
     geoModelSvc.DetectorTools += [ sctDetectorTool ]
-    acc.addService(geoModelSvc)
     if flags.GeoModel.Align.Dynamic:
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/TRT_GeoModel/python/TRT_GeoModelConfig.py b/InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/TRT_GeoModel/python/TRT_GeoModelConfig.py
index 7f0d04275f2268b06e692d82bedf79f78861aeaa..a7ae1acaaa1c3c158f853237a8c0914f95d14528 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/TRT_GeoModel/python/TRT_GeoModelConfig.py
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/TRT_GeoModel/python/TRT_GeoModelConfig.py
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ from IOVDbSvc.IOVDbSvcConfig import addFoldersSplitOnline
 def TRT_GeometryCfg( flags ):
     from AtlasGeoModel.GeoModelConfig import GeoModelCfg
-    acc,geoModelSvc = GeoModelCfg( flags )
+    acc = GeoModelCfg( flags )
+    geoModelSvc=acc.getPrimary()
     from GeometryDBSvc.GeometryDBSvcConf import GeometryDBSvc
     from TRT_GeoModel.TRT_GeoModelConf import TRT_DetectorTool
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/CreateTransientTemplate.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/CreateTransientTemplate.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index dd43021392ede0fa0d19cbb423ab153e1466984e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/CreateTransientTemplate.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include "CreateTransientTemplate.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <signal.h>
-using namespace TPCnv;
-std::unique_ptr<InDetRawDataContainer<InDetRawDataCollection<PixelRDORawData> >>
-  CreateTransient<InDetRawDataContainer<InDetRawDataCollection<PixelRDORawData> >>::create() { 
-  std::cout << "Override CreateTransient in the calling class InDetEventAthenaPool/" << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << std::endl;
-  raise(SIGSEGV);
-return nullptr; }
-std::unique_ptr<InDetRawDataContainer<InDetRawDataCollection<TRT_RDORawData> >>
-  CreateTransient<InDetRawDataContainer<InDetRawDataCollection<TRT_RDORawData> >>::create() { 
-  std::cout << "Override CreateTransient in the calling class InDetEventAthenaPool/" << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << std::endl;
-  raise(SIGSEGV);
-  return nullptr; }
-std::unique_ptr<InDetRawDataContainer<InDetRawDataCollection<SCT_RDORawData> >>
-  CreateTransient<InDetRawDataContainer<InDetRawDataCollection<SCT_RDORawData> >>::create() { 
-  std::cout << "Override CreateTransient in the calling class InDetEventAthenaPool/" << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << std::endl;
-  raise(SIGSEGV);
-  return nullptr; }
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/CreateTransientTemplate.h b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/CreateTransientTemplate.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 888accaf39e0a94fea41dc728acebd757cb0a1f6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/CreateTransientTemplate.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/T_AthenaPoolTPConverter.h"
-#include "InDetRawData/InDetRawDataContainer.h"
-#include "InDetRawData/InDetRawDataCollection.h"
-#include "InDetRawData/PixelRDORawData.h"
-#include "InDetRawData/TRT_RDORawData.h"
-#include "InDetRawData/SCT_RDORawData.h"
-namespace TPCnv {
-  template<> class CreateTransient<InDetRawDataContainer<InDetRawDataCollection<PixelRDORawData> >> {
-    public: static std::unique_ptr<InDetRawDataContainer<InDetRawDataCollection<PixelRDORawData> >> create();
-  };
-  template<> class CreateTransient<InDetRawDataContainer<InDetRawDataCollection<TRT_RDORawData> >> {
-    public: static std::unique_ptr<InDetRawDataContainer<InDetRawDataCollection<TRT_RDORawData> >> create();
-  };
-  template<> class CreateTransient<InDetRawDataContainer<InDetRawDataCollection<SCT_RDORawData> >> {
-    public: static std::unique_ptr<InDetRawDataContainer<InDetRawDataCollection<SCT_RDORawData> >> create();
-  };
-//InDetRawDataContainer<InDetRawDataCollection<SCT_RDORawData> >
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/Pixel1RawDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/Pixel1RawDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx
index 10efb7f29e9efaa4dcd5aadce2fa597a10a91459..a7ad42405c5bf2e60ae4c3215c8e34d57fc688d0 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/Pixel1RawDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/Pixel1RawDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 #include "Pixel1RawDataCnv_p1.h"
 #include "Pixel1RawDataContainerCnv_p1.h"
 #include "MsgUtil.h"
-#include "CreateTransientTemplate.h"
 void Pixel1RawDataContainerCnv_p1::transToPers(const PixelRDO_Container* transCont, InDetRawDataContainer_p1* persCont, MsgStream &log) 
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/Pixel1RawDataContainerCnv_p2.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/Pixel1RawDataContainerCnv_p2.cxx
index b38e98c752857f36bf5076f981bc23120965a044..87d4f8ec8466b2cc7a1736378afb0d7a777bf517 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/Pixel1RawDataContainerCnv_p2.cxx
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/Pixel1RawDataContainerCnv_p2.cxx
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 #include "Pixel1RawDataCnv_p2.h"
 #include "Pixel1RawDataContainerCnv_p2.h"
 #include "MsgUtil.h"
-#include "CreateTransientTemplate.h"
 void Pixel1RawDataContainerCnv_p2::transToPers(const PixelRDO_Container* transCont, InDetRawDataContainer_p2* persCont, MsgStream &log) 
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/PixelRDO_ContainerCnv.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/PixelRDO_ContainerCnv.cxx
index a9558b57ac05100347a19deb3070b0b1dc7743b2..8b4d6fe941c42d13d49215ae1da3c317b0892668 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/PixelRDO_ContainerCnv.cxx
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/PixelRDO_ContainerCnv.cxx
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 #include <iostream>
-#include "CreateTransientTemplate.h"
 namespace {
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/PixelRDO_ContainerCnv.h b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/PixelRDO_ContainerCnv.h
index b30ad0ec16f291e3109432e5fb3fcea6f64f4f0c..4d208190c4c39bdf5c0db441466d623cde0d378e 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/PixelRDO_ContainerCnv.h
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/PixelRDO_ContainerCnv.h
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
 #include "PixelRDO_ContainerCnv_p0.h"
 #include "Pixel1RawDataContainerCnv_p1.h"
 #include "Pixel1RawDataContainerCnv_p2.h"
-#include "CreateTransientTemplate.h"
 // the latest persistent representation type of DataCollection:
 typedef  InDetRawDataContainer_p2      PixelRDO_Container_PERS;
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/PixelRDO_ContainerCnv_p0.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/PixelRDO_ContainerCnv_p0.cxx
index 75d6bbc034fb5c082634c73e34fd59685d73797d..4a78e1b9a51794d7ab932552e8dc2f3bab5b1c26 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/PixelRDO_ContainerCnv_p0.cxx
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/PixelRDO_ContainerCnv_p0.cxx
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <iostream>
 #include <sstream>
-#include "CreateTransientTemplate.h"
 PixelRDO_Container* PixelRDO_ContainerCnv_p0::createTransient(const PixelRDO_Container_p0* persObj, MsgStream& log) {
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/SCT1_RawDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/SCT1_RawDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx
index 7f6392acb3db58d392091349a4775475a9d53bde..23b31a014453fa579ff905ecacd00be5bdd9fed7 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/SCT1_RawDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/SCT1_RawDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 #include "SCT1_RawDataContainerCnv_p1.h"
-#include "CreateTransientTemplate.h"
 #include "MsgUtil.h"
 #include "SCT1_RawDataCnv_p1.h"
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/SCT_RDO_ContainerCnv.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/SCT_RDO_ContainerCnv.cxx
index 3e16fae0d1553a0f3db43e9b6fa773b9fdfc4809..0cb8a6592c1e28173c571794d2129f1470c4e686 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/SCT_RDO_ContainerCnv.cxx
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/SCT_RDO_ContainerCnv.cxx
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 #include <memory>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "CreateTransientTemplate.h"
 namespace {
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/SCT_RDO_ContainerCnv_p0.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/SCT_RDO_ContainerCnv_p0.cxx
index 30c5fad506c379ea9cc9b1b5d8415f8ef4b90258..4228ff089e618cbfae37daf371d4ca30078bb377 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/SCT_RDO_ContainerCnv_p0.cxx
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/SCT_RDO_ContainerCnv_p0.cxx
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 #include "SCT_RDO_ContainerCnv_p0.h"
-#include "CreateTransientTemplate.h"
 #include "InDetIdentifier/SCT_ID.h"
 #include "InDetRawData/SCT_RDO_Container.h"
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/SCT_RawDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/SCT_RawDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx
index 25674668fe590f03246dc78994403a65f433501b..fb316cc4c2820353ebd80bbc18caf4f6315fa0ab 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/SCT_RawDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/SCT_RawDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 #include "SCT_RawDataContainerCnv_p1.h"
-#include "CreateTransientTemplate.h"
 #include "MsgUtil.h"
 #include "SCT1_RawDataCnv_p1.h"
 #include "SCT3_RawDataCnv_p1.h"
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/SCT_RawDataContainerCnv_p2.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/SCT_RawDataContainerCnv_p2.cxx
index af51eaa117df6b5aab6b9d84af6b80d4864b2ca7..3a3512bba3f356f1b481be074a49d9cb02655cb6 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/SCT_RawDataContainerCnv_p2.cxx
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/SCT_RawDataContainerCnv_p2.cxx
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 #include "SCT_RawDataContainerCnv_p2.h"
-#include "CreateTransientTemplate.h"
 #include "MsgUtil.h"
 #include "SCT1_RawDataCnv_p1.h"
 #include "SCT3_RawDataCnv_p2.h"
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/SCT_RawDataContainerCnv_p3.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/SCT_RawDataContainerCnv_p3.cxx
index 9c0551321701ee64a7725edcc21f515e03c3fff6..a6baba40a5b5a124538a4fa9b1b135e119ab721c 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/SCT_RawDataContainerCnv_p3.cxx
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/SCT_RawDataContainerCnv_p3.cxx
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 #include "SCT_RawDataContainerCnv_p3.h"
-#include "CreateTransientTemplate.h"
 #include "MsgUtil.h"
 #include "SCT1_RawDataCnv_p2.h"
 #include "SCT3_RawDataCnv_p3.h"
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/SCT_RawDataContainerCnv_p4.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/SCT_RawDataContainerCnv_p4.cxx
index 7e4c38bbd3696c962532e98e0fac6847558d2fe4..5e37e2377b194a4b30906a145dfd1b74598f3833 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/SCT_RawDataContainerCnv_p4.cxx
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/SCT_RawDataContainerCnv_p4.cxx
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 #include "SCT_RawDataContainerCnv_p4.h"
-#include "CreateTransientTemplate.h"
 #include "MsgUtil.h"
 #include "SCT1_RawDataCnv_p2.h"
 #include "SCT3_RawDataCnv_p4.h"
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/TRT_LoLumRawDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/TRT_LoLumRawDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx
index 896d0ca760331760b7ce5876c6b8d6341f9bdd97..c6ba6ac2aaac3a206621c57f90da0bcb31f51294 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/TRT_LoLumRawDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/TRT_LoLumRawDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 #include "TRT_LoLumRawDataCnv_p1.h"
 #include "TRT_LoLumRawDataContainerCnv_p1.h"
 #include "MsgUtil.h"
-#include "CreateTransientTemplate.h"
 void TRT_LoLumRawDataContainerCnv_p1::transToPers(const TRT_RDO_Container* transCont, InDetRawDataContainer_p1* persCont, MsgStream &log) 
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/TRT_LoLumRawDataContainerCnv_p2.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/TRT_LoLumRawDataContainerCnv_p2.cxx
index 6ba4bb7fee1b6e997d844c4aacaec9ed1a2effda..6e00bc2cc95915e903de6e02ca6a4fb5f80cfe2b 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/TRT_LoLumRawDataContainerCnv_p2.cxx
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/TRT_LoLumRawDataContainerCnv_p2.cxx
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 #include "TRT_LoLumRawDataCnv_p2.h"
 #include "TRT_LoLumRawDataContainerCnv_p2.h"
 #include "MsgUtil.h"
-#include "CreateTransientTemplate.h"
 void TRT_LoLumRawDataContainerCnv_p2::transToPers(const TRT_RDO_Container* transCont, InDetRawDataContainer_p2* persCont, MsgStream &log) 
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/TRT_RDO_ContainerCnv.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/TRT_RDO_ContainerCnv.cxx
index 0f39ff830d8a60687be355572024c7f633a42ab2..0777c67596b82c3acd82aedab51ad1f9dcfa6673 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/TRT_RDO_ContainerCnv.cxx
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/TRT_RDO_ContainerCnv.cxx
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 #include <memory>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "CreateTransientTemplate.h"
 namespace {
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/TRT_RDO_ContainerCnv_p0.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/TRT_RDO_ContainerCnv_p0.cxx
index dc8ce89a1b6c3f3c19b88b75acd444a58bfa9ca0..688a649ece44e924953c1215c580ce6ca588da85 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/TRT_RDO_ContainerCnv_p0.cxx
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/TRT_RDO_ContainerCnv_p0.cxx
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <iostream>
 #include <sstream>
-#include "CreateTransientTemplate.h"
 TRT_RDO_Container* TRT_RDO_ContainerCnv_p0::createTransient(const TRT_RDO_Container_p0* persObj, MsgStream& log) {
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/TRT_RDO_ContainerCnv_p1.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/TRT_RDO_ContainerCnv_p1.cxx
index f3241b70bebff63a959d033620a1165f9a58c0c4..d113b245841123614315bbc53836344f9e4f4474 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/TRT_RDO_ContainerCnv_p1.cxx
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/TRT_RDO_ContainerCnv_p1.cxx
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <iostream>
 #include <sstream>
-#include "CreateTransientTemplate.h"
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetExample/InDetRecExample/python/TrackingCommon.py b/InnerDetector/InDetExample/InDetRecExample/python/TrackingCommon.py
index 4a76af5871681017d808adb50c21f3534f2ab785..7c21b63a59cb93bf0317a7135541171dd33a055f 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetExample/InDetRecExample/python/TrackingCommon.py
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetExample/InDetRecExample/python/TrackingCommon.py
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ def getEventInfoKey() :
     isData = (globalflags.DataSource == 'data')
-    eventInfoKey = "ByteStreamEventInfo"
+    eventInfoKey = "EventInfo"
     if not isData:
         eventInfoKey = "McEventInfo"
     if globalflags.isOverlay() and isData :
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArGeoModel/LArGeoAlgsNV/python/LArGMConfig.py b/LArCalorimeter/LArGeoModel/LArGeoAlgsNV/python/LArGMConfig.py
index 6debae0936cc3e84a122af468c56663bf2a5e055..8b0298b4e607570e8fd9ca7193c00130d7a758ce 100644
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArGeoModel/LArGeoAlgsNV/python/LArGMConfig.py
+++ b/LArCalorimeter/LArGeoModel/LArGeoAlgsNV/python/LArGMConfig.py
@@ -4,14 +4,12 @@ from IOVDbSvc.IOVDbSvcConfig import addFolders
 def LArGMCfg(configFlags):
-    result,gms=GeoModelCfg(configFlags)
+    result=GeoModelCfg(configFlags)
     from LArGeoAlgsNV.LArGeoAlgsNVConf import LArDetectorToolNV
-    gms.DetectorTools += [ LArDetectorToolNV(ApplyAlignments=doAlignment) ]
-    result.addService(gms)
+    result.getPrimary().DetectorTools += [ LArDetectorToolNV(ApplyAlignments=doAlignment) ]
     if doAlignment:
         if configFlags.Input.isMC:
diff --git a/MagneticField/MagFieldServices/MagFieldServices/BFieldCond.h b/MagneticField/MagFieldServices/MagFieldServices/BFieldCond.h
index 7dcf1f4186a053c36eeaa83e2ab8c1b093cf456e..9857ef4a0bc6c993f1d7e0e0eeb47ffd85ecbe26 100644
--- a/MagneticField/MagFieldServices/MagFieldServices/BFieldCond.h
+++ b/MagneticField/MagFieldServices/MagFieldServices/BFieldCond.h
@@ -14,24 +14,21 @@
+#include <Eigen/Dense>
 #include <cmath>
 class BFieldCond {
     // constructor
-    BFieldCond( bool finite, const double *p1, const double *p2, double curr )
-        : m_finite(finite), m_curr(curr), m_nomCurr(curr)
-    {
-        for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { m_p1[i] = p1[i]; m_p2[i] = p2[i]; }
-        // fill m_u[3] = unit vector parallel to the conductor
-        if ( finite ) {
-            for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) m_u[i] = p2[i] - p1[i];
-            double magu = sqrt(m_u[0]*m_u[0]+m_u[1]*m_u[1]+m_u[2]*m_u[2]);
-            for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) m_u[i] /= magu;
-        } else {
-            for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) m_u[i] = p2[i];
-        }
-    }
+    BFieldCond( bool finite, const double *p1, const double *p2, double curr ):
+      m_finite(finite),
+      m_p1(Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Vector3d>(p1)),
+      m_p2(Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Vector3d>(p2)),
+      m_u(finite ? (m_p2 - m_p1).normalized() : m_p2),
+      m_curr(curr),
+      m_nomCurr(curr)
+    {}
     // compute magnetic field, plus derivatives if requested, and add
     inline void addBiotSavart( const double *xyz, double *B, double *deriv=0 ) const;
     // scale the current wrt the nominal current
@@ -43,9 +40,13 @@ public:
     double curr() const { return m_curr; }
     bool m_finite;  // true if the conductor is finite in length
-    double m_p1[3]; // one end of a finite conductor, or one point on an infinite conductor
-    double m_p2[3]; // the other end of a finite conductor, or the direction vector of an infinite conductor
-    double m_u[3];  // direction vector (= m_p2 if infinite)
+    /*
+     * m_p1: One end of a finite conductor, or one point on an infinite conductor
+     * m_p2: The other end of a finite conductor, or the direction vector of an infinite conductor
+     * m_u : Direction vector (= m_p2 if infinite)
+     */
+    const Eigen::Vector3d m_p1, m_p2, m_u;
     double m_curr;  // current (in A) flowing through the conductor
     double m_nomCurr;  // nominal current (in A) read from the map file
@@ -56,82 +57,50 @@ private:
 // The results are _added_ to B[] and deriv[].
-BFieldCond::addBiotSavart( const double *xyz, double *B, double *deriv ) const
+BFieldCond::addBiotSavart( const double *xyz, double *B_in, double *deriv ) const
-    const double mu04pi( 1.0e-7 );  // mu_0/4pi
-    const double minvsq( 10.*10. ); // (1 cm)^2
-    if ( m_finite ) { // finite conductor segment
-        double r1[3], r2[3];
-        for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
-            r1[i] = xyz[i] - m_p1[i];
-            r2[i] = xyz[i] - m_p2[i];
-        }
-        double r1mag2 = r1[0]*r1[0]+r1[1]*r1[1]+r1[2]*r1[2]; 
-        double r2mag2 = r2[0]*r2[0]+r2[1]*r2[1]+r2[2]*r2[2]; 
-        double r1mag = sqrt(r1mag2);
-        double r2mag = sqrt(r2mag2);
-        double r1dotu = r1[0]*m_u[0]+r1[1]*m_u[1]+r1[2]*m_u[2];
-        double r2dotu = r2[0]*m_u[0]+r2[1]*m_u[1]+r2[2]*m_u[2];
-        double sinfac = r1dotu/r1mag - r2dotu/r2mag;
-        double v[3];
-        v[0] = m_u[1]*r1[2] - m_u[2]*r1[1];
-        v[1] = m_u[2]*r1[0] - m_u[0]*r1[2];
-        v[2] = m_u[0]*r1[1] - m_u[1]*r1[0];
-        double vsq = std::max( v[0]*v[0]+v[1]*v[1]+v[2]*v[2], minvsq );
-        double f1 = mu04pi*m_curr*sinfac/vsq;
-        for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
-            B[i] += f1*v[i];
-        }
-        if ( deriv ) { // compute the derivatives
-            deriv[1] -= f1*m_u[2];
-            deriv[2] += f1*m_u[1];
-            deriv[3] += f1*m_u[2];
-            deriv[5] -= f1*m_u[0];
-            deriv[6] -= f1*m_u[1];
-            deriv[7] += f1*m_u[0];
-            if ( vsq > minvsq ) {
-                double f2 = 2.0*f1/vsq;
-                double f3 = mu04pi*m_curr/vsq;
-                double w[3];
-                for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
-                    w[i] = f2*( m_u[i]*r1dotu - r1[i] )
-                         + f3*( (m_u[i]-r1[i]*r1dotu/r1mag2)/r1mag - (m_u[i]-r2[i]*r2dotu/r2mag2)/r2mag );
-                }
-                for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
-                    deriv[3*i+j] += v[i]*w[j];
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    } else { // infinite line conductor
-        double r1[3];
-        for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) r1[i] = xyz[i] - m_p1[i];
-        double v[3];
-        v[0] = m_u[1]*r1[2] - m_u[2]*r1[1];
-        v[1] = m_u[2]*r1[0] - m_u[0]*r1[2];
-        v[2] = m_u[0]*r1[1] - m_u[1]*r1[0];
-        double vsq = std::max( v[0]*v[0]+v[1]*v[1]+v[2]*v[2], minvsq );
-        double f1 = 2.0*mu04pi*m_curr/vsq;
-        for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
-            B[i] += f1*v[i];
-        }
-        if ( deriv ) { // compute the derivatives
-            deriv[1] -= f1*m_u[2];
-            deriv[2] += f1*m_u[1];
-            deriv[3] += f1*m_u[2];
-            deriv[5] -= f1*m_u[0];
-            deriv[6] -= f1*m_u[1];
-            deriv[7] += f1*m_u[0];
-            double f2 = 2.0*f1/vsq;
-            double r1dotu = r1[0]*m_u[0]+r1[1]*m_u[1]+r1[2]*m_u[2];
-            double w[3];
-            if ( vsq > minvsq ) {
-                for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
-                    w[i] = f2*(m_u[i]*r1dotu - r1[i]);
-                }
-                for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
-                    deriv[3*i+j] += v[i]*w[j];
-                }
+    static const double mu04pi = 1.0e-7;  // mu_0/4pi
+    static const double minvsq = 10.*10.; // (1 cm)^2
+    const Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Vector3d> pos(xyz);
+    Eigen::Map<Eigen::Vector3d> B(B_in);
+    const Eigen::Vector3d r1 = pos - m_p1;
+    const Eigen::Vector3d r2 = pos - m_p2;
+    const Eigen::Vector3d v = m_u.cross(r1);
+    const double vsq = std::max(v.squaredNorm(), minvsq);
+    const double r1u = r1.dot(m_u), r2u = r2.dot(m_u);
+    const double r1n = r1.norm(), r2n = r2.norm();
+    const double f0 = mu04pi * m_curr / vsq;
+    const double f1 = f0 * (m_finite ? r1u / r1n - r2u / r2n : 2.0);
+    const double f2 = 2.0 * f1 / vsq;
+    B += f1 * v;
+    if (deriv) {
+        Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 3, Eigen::RowMajor>> D(deriv);
+        D(0, 1) -= f1 * m_u(2);
+        D(0, 2) += f1 * m_u(1);
+        D(1, 0) += f1 * m_u(2);
+        D(1, 2) -= f1 * m_u(0);
+        D(2, 0) -= f1 * m_u(1);
+        D(2, 1) += f1 * m_u(0);
+        if (vsq > minvsq) {
+            Eigen::Vector3d w = f2 * (m_u * r1u - r1);
+            if (m_finite) {
+                // Finite conductor segment
+                w += f0 * (
+                    (m_u - r1 * r1u / (r1n * r1n)) / r1n -
+                    (m_u - r2 * r2u / (r2n * r2n)) / r2n
+                );
+            D += v * w.transpose();
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/CMakeLists.txt b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/CMakeLists.txt
index 99fb34c2e1a2d5f08c1242f38ea8d3baaac80ead..5733a406326db306c2acda6d161949870d52a402 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ atlas_add_poolcnv_library( MuonEventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
 # against the PoolCnv library.
 atlas_add_library( MuonEventAthenaPoolTestLib
-                   src/CreateTransientTemplates.cxx
                    LINK_LIBRARIES ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} AthenaPoolUtilities AtlasSealCLHEP MuonRDO MuonRIO_OnTrack MuonSegment AthAllocators AthContainers AthenaKernel StoreGateLib SGtests AthenaPoolCnvSvcLib Identifier GaudiKernel RPCcablingInterfaceLib CscCalibEvent MuonEventTPCnv MuonReadoutGeometry MuonDigitContainer MuonIdHelpersLib MuonChamberT0s MuonPrepRawData MuonTrigCoinData MuonSimData )
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/MuonEventAthenaPool/CreateTransientTemplates.h b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/MuonEventAthenaPool/CreateTransientTemplates.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 68ed04f5d6b3e7bb3e20b4b050578cb1aa3fa1fd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/MuonEventAthenaPool/CreateTransientTemplates.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include "MuonRDO/RpcPadContainer.h"
-#include "MuonPrepRawData/MuonPrepDataContainer.h"
-#include "MuonTrigCoinData/TgcCoinData.h"
-#include "MuonPrepRawData/CscStripPrepData.h"
-#include "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/T_AthenaPoolTPConverter.h"
-#include "TPTools/TPConverter.h"
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
-namespace TPCnv {
-  template<> class CreateTransient<RpcPadContainer> {
-    public: static std::unique_ptr<RpcPadContainer> create();
-  };
-  template<> class CreateTransient<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::TgcCoinData> >> {
-    public: static std::unique_ptr<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::TgcCoinData> >> create();
-  };
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/CreateTransientTemplates.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/CreateTransientTemplates.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 611692b537e005a78740b5dde8610847d9144a42..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/CreateTransientTemplates.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include "MuonEventAthenaPool/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <signal.h>
-using namespace TPCnv;
-  CreateTransient<RpcPadContainer>::create() { 
-  std::cout << "Override CreateTransient in the calling class MuonEventAthenaPool/" << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << std::endl;
-  raise(SIGSEGV);
-return nullptr; }
-std::unique_ptr<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::TgcCoinData> >>
-  CreateTransient<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::TgcCoinData> >>::create() {
-  std::cout << "Override CreateTransient in the calling class MuonEventAthenaPool/" << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << std::endl;
-  raise(SIGSEGV);
- return nullptr; }
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/CscPrepDataContainerCnv.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/CscPrepDataContainerCnv.cxx
index 5ed52786b056103d66e10ee59dc95d510b602e07..13bc7c607770beefe936883ede4dc89a14f60c42 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/CscPrepDataContainerCnv.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/CscPrepDataContainerCnv.cxx
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 // #include "MuonIdHelpers/CscIdHelper.h"
 #include "MuonPrepRawData/CscPrepDataContainer.h"
 #include "MuonEventTPCnv/CscPrepDataContainerCnv_tlp1.h"
-#include "MuonEventAthenaPool/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 // #include "MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonDetectorManager.h"
 // #include "MuonReadoutGeometry/CscReadoutElement.h"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/CscStripPrepDataContainerCnv.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/CscStripPrepDataContainerCnv.cxx
index e9f0b1143618a84b51244ab87d0a8c1a69400391..3130e843de7c5051ef9bac01b557011fad399bf3 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/CscStripPrepDataContainerCnv.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/CscStripPrepDataContainerCnv.cxx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 #include "MuonPrepRawData/CscStripPrepDataContainer.h"
 // #include "MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonDetectorManager.h"
 // #include "MuonReadoutGeometry/CscReadoutElement.h"
-#include "MuonEventAthenaPool/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 CscStripPrepDataContainerCnv::CscStripPrepDataContainerCnv(ISvcLocator* svcloc) :
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/MdtPrepDataContainerCnv.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/MdtPrepDataContainerCnv.cxx
index 8870ee3643e738deba9d686f2183de38c9491ca4..8bc511cf0a24882bf7a24bbdc5dc91542f02a4c8 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/MdtPrepDataContainerCnv.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/MdtPrepDataContainerCnv.cxx
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 #include "MuonPrepRawData/MdtPrepDataContainer.h"
 #include "MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonDetectorManager.h"
 #include "MuonReadoutGeometry/MdtReadoutElement.h"
-#include "MuonEventAthenaPool/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 MdtPrepDataContainerCnv::MdtPrepDataContainerCnv(ISvcLocator* svcloc) :
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/MmDigitContainerCnv.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/MmDigitContainerCnv.cxx
index 74d45175834fc353ffed253ad15a2ce3cead8603..ce43904440ae16c4bce524b2f3c482766c88176a 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/MmDigitContainerCnv.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/MmDigitContainerCnv.cxx
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 // Athena
 #include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
 #include "MuonDigitContainer/MmDigitContainer.h"
-#include "MuonEventAthenaPool/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 MmDigitContainerCnv::MmDigitContainerCnv(ISvcLocator* svcloc) :
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/MuonRdoContainerTPCnv.h b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/MuonRdoContainerTPCnv.h
index 9aea56b45290f737b20379a819c7cb05af9bea05..8669d3def4f75f12c607d0158eacb9d1b603e644 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/MuonRdoContainerTPCnv.h
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/MuonRdoContainerTPCnv.h
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
 #include "AthContainers/DataVector.h"
 #include "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/T_AthenaPoolCustomCnv.h"
-#include "MuonEventAthenaPool/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 template <class T, class P, class CONV>
 class MuonRdoContainerTPCnv
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/RpcPadContainerCnv.h b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/RpcPadContainerCnv.h
index 60ac5670bc5e8020160c7f9dd0216f11d1583684..2a5c0ec0220040b1275becb6b38465b0994c8976 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/RpcPadContainerCnv.h
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/RpcPadContainerCnv.h
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
 typedef MuonRdoContainerTPCnv<RpcPadContainer, RpcPadContainer_p2, RpcPadContainerCnv_p2 >
-#include "MuonEventAthenaPool/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 template < >
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/RpcPadContainerCnv_p1.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/RpcPadContainerCnv_p1.cxx
index a8ef7ea1e94f3c242edb708523b202ec81a0209f..814f829995b233e817183f001d3524776b150150 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/RpcPadContainerCnv_p1.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/RpcPadContainerCnv_p1.cxx
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 #include "RPCcablingInterface/IRPCcablingServerSvc.h"
 #include "RPCcablingInterface/RpcPadIdHash.h"
 #include "RPCcablingInterface/IRPCcablingSvc.h"
-#include "MuonEventAthenaPool/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 StatusCode RpcPadContainerCnv_p1::initialize(MsgStream &log,
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/RpcPadContainerCnv_p2.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/RpcPadContainerCnv_p2.cxx
index da377d20829c4aa1da2ff753ec25cbdfa3082f5f..c547861993ae2499dcc08e7c53813a782126c683 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/RpcPadContainerCnv_p2.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/RpcPadContainerCnv_p2.cxx
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 #include "RPCcablingInterface/IRPCcablingServerSvc.h"
 #include "RPCcablingInterface/RpcPadIdHash.h"
 #include "RPCcablingInterface/IRPCcablingSvc.h"
-#include "MuonEventAthenaPool/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 StatusCode RpcPadContainerCnv_p2::initialize(MsgStream &log,
                                              IRPCcablingSvc* cabling /*= nullptr*/) {
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/RpcPrepDataContainerCnv.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/RpcPrepDataContainerCnv.cxx
index 1af69811ae0f722b199dd7caa1cac0b24f470070..28e5069fd0cfa00b173fea0152d91f452a39dae5 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/RpcPrepDataContainerCnv.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/RpcPrepDataContainerCnv.cxx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 #include "MuonPrepRawData/RpcPrepDataContainer.h"
 #include "MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonDetectorManager.h"
 #include "MuonReadoutGeometry/RpcReadoutElement.h"
-#include "MuonEventAthenaPool/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 RpcPrepDataContainerCnv::RpcPrepDataContainerCnv(ISvcLocator* svcloc) :
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/STGC_RawDataContainerCnv.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/STGC_RawDataContainerCnv.cxx
index 1319fa8508af4a408d2a32a3eb858afc04ba45ce..c2b1454deab7d61753f2ca69f66d7b74738bef68 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/STGC_RawDataContainerCnv.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/STGC_RawDataContainerCnv.cxx
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 #include "STGC_RawDataContainerCnv.h"
 #include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
+#include "MuonIdHelpers/sTgcIdHelper.h"
 STGC_RawDataContainerCnv::STGC_RawDataContainerCnv(ISvcLocator* svcloc) :
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv.cxx
index fe31c8593023df11511faf599164cb83802c35f9..340c8d8c483df3d6f75f314386fa1814fc6850d6 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv.cxx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #include "MuonTrigCoinData/TgcCoinDataContainer.h"
 #include "MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonDetectorManager.h"
 #include "MuonReadoutGeometry/TgcReadoutElement.h"
-#include "MuonEventAthenaPool/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 TgcCoinDataContainerCnv::TgcCoinDataContainerCnv(ISvcLocator* svcloc) :
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/sTgcDigitContainerCnv.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/sTgcDigitContainerCnv.cxx
index 1944c4d64e23a84f8f33d4015edc379e3d891243..d2061793e40a178f67bac341dc753bf0c356a890 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/sTgcDigitContainerCnv.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/sTgcDigitContainerCnv.cxx
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 // Athena
 #include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
 #include "MuonDigitContainer/sTgcDigitContainer.h"
-#include "MuonEventAthenaPool/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 sTgcDigitContainerCnv::sTgcDigitContainerCnv(ISvcLocator* svcloc) :
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/sTgcPrepDataContainerCnv.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/sTgcPrepDataContainerCnv.cxx
index 86872b81668f38df89c414c4d68de8c76e5d9177..7d4c107b7f0f0053151d40f4780b31aeb0a7f2f1 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/sTgcPrepDataContainerCnv.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/src/sTgcPrepDataContainerCnv.cxx
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 // Id includes
 // #include "MuonIdHelpers/sTgcIdHelper.h"
 #include "MuonPrepRawData/sTgcPrepDataContainer.h"
-#include "MuonEventAthenaPool/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 // #include "MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonDetectorManager.h"
 // #include "MuonReadoutGeometry/sTgcReadoutElement.h"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/test/RpcPadContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/test/RpcPadContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
index 6d5f6c5349ad78fcd9287fd9dc667b9fbed65033..fc9dd1e20f44744a7214cc87c1af28c448cabe98 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/test/RpcPadContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/test/RpcPadContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 #include "TestTools/leakcheck.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "MuonEventAthenaPool/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 #include "make_dd.icc"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/test/RpcPadContainerCnv_p2_test.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/test/RpcPadContainerCnv_p2_test.cxx
index e0c364409fd071fabf8e22145525f2aea8d7c0a7..6a497ae83ff5093cbbeadb95d9ed53c12ad57139 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/test/RpcPadContainerCnv_p2_test.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventAthenaPool/test/RpcPadContainerCnv_p2_test.cxx
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 #include "TestTools/leakcheck.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "MuonEventAthenaPool/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 #include "make_dd.icc"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 826caee9fbe57ad703f20db8c767a4128e06fb95..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/AthenaPoolTopLevelTPConverter.h"
-#include "TgcCoinDataContainer_tlp3.h"
-#include "TgcCoinDataContainer_tlp2.h"
-#include "TgcCoinDataContainer_tlp1.h"
-#include "MuonTrigCoinData/MuonCoinDataContainer.h"
-#include "MuonPrepRawData/CscStripPrepData.h"
-#include "MuonTrigCoinData/TgcCoinData.h"
-#include "MuonPrepRawData/TgcPrepData.h"
-#include "MuonPrepRawData/MdtPrepData.h"
-#include "MuonPrepRawData/RpcPrepData.h"
-#include "MuonPrepRawData/MMPrepData.h"
-#include "MuonPrepRawData/CscPrepData.h"
-#include "MuonTrigCoinData/RpcCoinData.h"
-#include "MuonPrepRawData/MuonPrepDataContainer.h"
-#include "MuonDigitContainer/MmDigitContainer.h"
-#include "MuonDigitContainer/sTgcDigitContainer.h"
-#include "MuonPrepRawData/sTgcPrepData.h"
-#include "MuonRDO/MM_RawDataContainer.h"
-#include "MuonRDO/STGC_RawDataContainer.h"
-//These are to fix a problem with compiling TPConverter using identifiable containers, if the design is changed in the future these can be removed
-namespace TPCnv {
-  template<> class CreateTransient<Muon::MuonCoinDataContainer<Muon::MuonCoinDataCollection<Muon::TgcCoinData> >> {
-    public: static std::unique_ptr<Muon::MuonCoinDataContainer<Muon::MuonCoinDataCollection<Muon::TgcCoinData> >> create();
-  };
-  template<> class CreateTransient<Muon::MuonCoinDataContainer<Muon::MuonCoinDataCollection<Muon::RpcCoinData> >> {
-    public: static std::unique_ptr<Muon::MuonCoinDataContainer<Muon::MuonCoinDataCollection<Muon::RpcCoinData> >> create();
-  };
-  template<> class CreateTransient<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::TgcPrepData> >> {
-    public: static std::unique_ptr<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::TgcPrepData> >> create(); };
-  template<> class CreateTransient<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::CscPrepData> >> {
-    public: static std::unique_ptr<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::CscPrepData> >> create(); };
-  template<> class CreateTransient<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::CscStripPrepData> >> {
-    public: static std::unique_ptr<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::CscStripPrepData> >> create(); };
-  template<> class CreateTransient<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::MdtPrepData> >> {
-    public: static std::unique_ptr<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::MdtPrepData> >> create(); };
-  template<> class CreateTransient<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::RpcPrepData> >> {
-    public: static std::unique_ptr<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::RpcPrepData> >> create(); };
-  template<> class CreateTransient<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::MMPrepData> >> {
-    public: static std::unique_ptr<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::MMPrepData> >> create(); };
-  template<> class CreateTransient<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::RpcCoinData> >> {
-    public: static std::unique_ptr<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::RpcCoinData> >> create(); };
-  template<> class CreateTransient<MmDigitContainer> {
-    public: static std::unique_ptr<MmDigitContainer> create(); };
-  template<> class CreateTransient<sTgcDigitContainer> {
-    public: static std::unique_ptr<sTgcDigitContainer> create(); };
-  template<> class CreateTransient<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::sTgcPrepData> >> {
-    public: static std::unique_ptr<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::sTgcPrepData> >> create(); };
-  template<> class CreateTransient<Muon::MM_RawDataContainer> {
-    public: static std::unique_ptr<Muon::MM_RawDataContainer> create(); };
-//  template<> class CreateTransient<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::sTgcPrepData> >> {
-//    public: static std::unique_ptr<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::sTgcPrepData> >> create(); };
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/MuonPrepRawData/TgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p2.h b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/MuonPrepRawData/TgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p2.h
index e6bcc04e9059f09ebbd2ca173c12e8cbfdebcba9..66f93c3380169f19274efdc858741a94b3690dcd 100755
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/MuonPrepRawData/TgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p2.h
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/MuonPrepRawData/TgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p2.h
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 #include "MuonEventTPCnv/MuonPrepRawData/MuonPRD_Container_p2.h"
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 #include <iostream>
 class StoreGateSvc;
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/MuonTrigCoinData/RpcCoinDataContainerCnv_p1.h b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/MuonTrigCoinData/RpcCoinDataContainerCnv_p1.h
index ca66090f9c656787968b4912261c35f216581778..8931d67f3a8cb894adeff8b31e28427da252258f 100755
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/MuonTrigCoinData/RpcCoinDataContainerCnv_p1.h
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/MuonTrigCoinData/RpcCoinDataContainerCnv_p1.h
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 #include "MuonTrigCoinData/RpcCoinDataContainer.h"
 #include "MuonEventTPCnv/MuonPrepRawData/MuonPRD_Container_p2.h"
 #include "RpcCoinData_p1.h"
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 namespace MuonGM{ class MuonDetectorManager;}
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/CreateTransientTemplates.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/CreateTransientTemplates.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f2114adbf45580bcc1e25c775718ac8b7a34739..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/CreateTransientTemplates.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
-#include <iostream>
-using namespace TPCnv;
-std::unique_ptr<Muon::MuonCoinDataContainer<Muon::MuonCoinDataCollection<Muon::TgcCoinData> >>
-  CreateTransient<Muon::MuonCoinDataContainer<Muon::MuonCoinDataCollection<Muon::TgcCoinData> >>::create() {
-  std::cout << "Override CreateTransient in the calling class MuonEventTPCnv/" << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << std::endl;
-  std::abort();
- return nullptr; }
-std::unique_ptr<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::TgcPrepData> >>
-  CreateTransient<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::TgcPrepData> >>::create() {
-  std::cout << "Override CreateTransient in the calling class MuonEventTPCnv/" << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << std::endl;
-  std::abort();
- return nullptr; }
-std::unique_ptr<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::CscPrepData> >>
-  CreateTransient<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::CscPrepData> >>::create() { 
-  std::cout << "Override CreateTransient in the calling class MuonEventTPCnv/" << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << std::endl;
-  std::abort();
-return nullptr; }
-std::unique_ptr<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::CscStripPrepData> >>
-  CreateTransient<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::CscStripPrepData> >>::create() {  std::cout << "Override CreateTransient in the calling class MuonEventTPCnv/" << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << std::endl;
-  std::abort();
- return nullptr; }
-std::unique_ptr<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::MdtPrepData> >>
-  CreateTransient<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::MdtPrepData> >>::create() {   std::cout << "Override CreateTransient in the calling class MuonEventTPCnv/" << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << std::endl;
-  std::abort();
-return nullptr; }
-std::unique_ptr<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::RpcPrepData> >>
-  CreateTransient<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::RpcPrepData> >>::create() {
-  std::cout << "Override CreateTransient in the calling class MuonEventTPCnv/" << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << std::endl;
-  std::abort();
- return nullptr; }
-std::unique_ptr<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::MMPrepData> >>
-  CreateTransient<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::MMPrepData> >>::create() {   std::cout << "Override CreateTransient in the calling class MuonEventTPCnv/" << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << std::endl;
-  std::abort();
-return nullptr; }
-std::unique_ptr<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::RpcCoinData> >>
-  CreateTransient<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::RpcCoinData> >>::create() {  std::cout << "Override CreateTransient in the calling class MuonEventTPCnv/" << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << std::endl;
-  std::abort();
- return nullptr; }
-  CreateTransient<MmDigitContainer>::create() {  std::cout << "Override CreateTransient in the calling class MuonEventTPCnv/" << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << std::endl;
-  std::abort();
- return nullptr; }
-  CreateTransient<sTgcDigitContainer>::create() {   std::cout << "Override CreateTransient in the calling class MuonEventTPCnv/" << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << std::endl;
-  std::abort();
-return nullptr; }
-std::unique_ptr<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::sTgcPrepData> >>
-  CreateTransient<Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer<Muon::MuonPrepDataCollection<Muon::sTgcPrepData> >>::create() {
-  std::cout << "Override CreateTransient in the calling class MuonEventTPCnv/" << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << std::endl;
-  std::abort();
-  return nullptr; }
-std::unique_ptr<Muon::MuonCoinDataContainer<::Muon::MuonCoinDataCollection<::Muon::RpcCoinData> >>
-  CreateTransient<Muon::MuonCoinDataContainer<::Muon::MuonCoinDataCollection<::Muon::RpcCoinData> >>::create() { 
-  std::cout << "Override CreateTransient in the calling class MuonEventTPCnv/" << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << std::endl;
-  std::abort();
-  return nullptr; }
-  std::cout << "Override CreateTransient in the calling class MuonEventTPCnv/" << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << std::endl;
-  std::abort();
-  return nullptr;
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/CscPrepDataContainerCnv_tlp1.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/CscPrepDataContainerCnv_tlp1.cxx
index 837f54c5770160e78cd127701c05c338d5a70352..2848b0ef0db426b1485c4515f8dbc4c1f80602cc 100755
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/CscPrepDataContainerCnv_tlp1.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/CscPrepDataContainerCnv_tlp1.cxx
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
 #include "MuonEventTPCnv/CscPrepDataContainerCnv_tlp1.h"
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/CscStripPrepDataContainerCnv_tlp1.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/CscStripPrepDataContainerCnv_tlp1.cxx
index 68dd6e4acd487a1ce25bfd6cbc9cf3eb5ab2f846..644a2c0fac3ae1ef2ccf98c1df12c6f0f224c6da 100755
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/CscStripPrepDataContainerCnv_tlp1.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/CscStripPrepDataContainerCnv_tlp1.cxx
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
 #include "MuonEventTPCnv/CscStripPrepDataContainerCnv_tlp1.h"
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MdtPrepDataContainerCnv_tlp1.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MdtPrepDataContainerCnv_tlp1.cxx
index 2c24c3c3e019927527050ceb397cfceacfa04c3f..7547b6fe8556c4732b6d488f9ea3afd83fe24878 100755
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MdtPrepDataContainerCnv_tlp1.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MdtPrepDataContainerCnv_tlp1.cxx
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
 #include "MuonEventTPCnv/MdtPrepDataContainerCnv_tlp1.h"
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonDigitContainer/MM_DigitContainerCnv_p1.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonDigitContainer/MM_DigitContainerCnv_p1.cxx
index 0ae7ed26c2596a151faff0a27d5a79d37bbdb864..c2bb15d3470aa883209317d3646debf1ac242838 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonDigitContainer/MM_DigitContainerCnv_p1.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonDigitContainer/MM_DigitContainerCnv_p1.cxx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 // Athena
 #include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
 #include <limits>       // std::numeric_limits
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 StatusCode Muon::MM_DigitContainerCnv_p1::initialize(MsgStream &log) {
    // Do not initialize again:
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonDigitContainer/MM_DigitContainerCnv_p2.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonDigitContainer/MM_DigitContainerCnv_p2.cxx
index d8cbe126a2b73d5abf856eddd0ce223ad593f9bb..0ff0fbdfef3369e93766e56e073d22b13806a92b 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonDigitContainer/MM_DigitContainerCnv_p2.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonDigitContainer/MM_DigitContainerCnv_p2.cxx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 // Athena
 #include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
 #include <limits>       // std::numeric_limits
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 StatusCode Muon::MM_DigitContainerCnv_p2::initialize(MsgStream &log) {
    // Do not initialize again:
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonDigitContainer/STGC_DigitContainerCnv_p1.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonDigitContainer/STGC_DigitContainerCnv_p1.cxx
index 37cd1f75313d95a1775e48dcf1a3f6755525e8e9..4e8bcf5e911903fcebe06b694534eac44c4ba115 100755
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonDigitContainer/STGC_DigitContainerCnv_p1.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonDigitContainer/STGC_DigitContainerCnv_p1.cxx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 // Athena
 #include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 //#include "DataModel/DataPool.h"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/CscPrepDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/CscPrepDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx
index b0bd6c56cdc9c439e1929564c177277415ecd37d..7f9a6fcf9d6e577941c62d7c50be5d17c78f16d3 100755
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/CscPrepDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/CscPrepDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 #include "AthAllocators/DataPool.h"
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 StatusCode Muon::CscPrepDataContainerCnv_p1::initialize(MsgStream &log) {
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/CscPrepDataContainerCnv_p2.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/CscPrepDataContainerCnv_p2.cxx
index 368da5314e86d8a91c97531b44a78e4c71d2488c..f4d885066f0e814a1703187d2b2c0d89afeaa13a 100755
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/CscPrepDataContainerCnv_p2.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/CscPrepDataContainerCnv_p2.cxx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 // Athena
 #include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 StatusCode Muon::CscPrepDataContainerCnv_p2::initialize(MsgStream &log) {
    // Do not initialize again:
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/CscStripPrepDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/CscStripPrepDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx
index 51d8348b882d620d35cc6d54df7397005a904908..a418ae66341a759873bdca96257c1d65cb61d498 100755
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/CscStripPrepDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/CscStripPrepDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 // Athena
 #include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 #include "AthAllocators/DataPool.h"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/MdtPrepDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/MdtPrepDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx
index cd3621fcda72060e37b41dbbffb8cf12e91f14a4..4387add37d1efe3003ff9fe5f704f14f8d62816b 100755
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/MdtPrepDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/MdtPrepDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 // Athena
 #include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 #include "AthAllocators/DataPool.h"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/MdtPrepDataContainerCnv_p2.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/MdtPrepDataContainerCnv_p2.cxx
index f8dcc007fbaf4975406eec6f9a05fc69d986e4a7..ed48f98f57bdd9b41595955d4f010930295528df 100755
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/MdtPrepDataContainerCnv_p2.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/MdtPrepDataContainerCnv_p2.cxx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 // Athena
 #include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 StatusCode Muon::MdtPrepDataContainerCnv_p2::initialize(MsgStream &log) {
    // Do not initialize again:
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/RpcPrepDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/RpcPrepDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx
index 3fc0793f7df4dfa4f8cdae5a30bd258a3f1e1710..d9f99dbc5cb1899471154986dd01710749a6db4c 100755
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/RpcPrepDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/RpcPrepDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 #include "EventPrimitives/EventPrimitives.h"
 #include "GeoPrimitives/GeoPrimitives.h"
 #include "AthAllocators/DataPool.h"
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 StatusCode Muon::RpcPrepDataContainerCnv_p1::initialize(MsgStream &log) {
    // Do not initialize again:
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/RpcPrepDataContainerCnv_p2.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/RpcPrepDataContainerCnv_p2.cxx
index eef947586bfaf4c23deb9497438177b9fdb12a3a..cee4c1ca97dbe5eadedc6ebba06d0e5eaa22842b 100755
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/RpcPrepDataContainerCnv_p2.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/RpcPrepDataContainerCnv_p2.cxx
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 // Athena
 #include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 #include "AthAllocators/DataPool.h"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/RpcPrepDataContainerCnv_p3.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/RpcPrepDataContainerCnv_p3.cxx
index 36a98ecaa7bb8e120feb1fa719b32e6303e7e94d..75ec41153c1642c1ca1f44bd042d359e6876e657 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/RpcPrepDataContainerCnv_p3.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/RpcPrepDataContainerCnv_p3.cxx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 // Athena
 #include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 StatusCode Muon::RpcPrepDataContainerCnv_p3::initialize(MsgStream &log) {
    // Do not initialize again:
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/TgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/TgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx
index 823e39d4f09fe732099f05ea927c2c0c0d4d6afd..1eabe81f2cbaa9343b814371881e53b115fd17fd 100755
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/TgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/TgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 // Athena
 #include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 #include "AthAllocators/DataPool.h"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/TgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p2.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/TgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p2.cxx
index ef3ec7303fa40f2e101f9c5f255906fbe85ac838..e6b95e6becc0f765bb094345fa6aceb3b71197d9 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/TgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p2.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/TgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p2.cxx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 // Athena
 #include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 StatusCode Muon::TgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p2::initialize(MsgStream &log) {
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/TgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p3.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/TgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p3.cxx
index 576872f6fc46e903ab0b1da64e6ead0d1bdff74b..1a3211c26b606a60839dc7f98714552819b0d74f 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/TgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p3.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonPrepRawData/TgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p3.cxx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 // Athena
 #include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 StatusCode Muon::TgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p3::initialize(MsgStream &log) {
    // Do not initialize again:
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonTrigCoinData/RpcCoinDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonTrigCoinData/RpcCoinDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx
index c5880690cdbfa05b48bda9b9b0b6377f5153505e..068c07f3b109246a4bc93907d84d877ad6745039 100755
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonTrigCoinData/RpcCoinDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonTrigCoinData/RpcCoinDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 // Athena
 #include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
 #include "AthAllocators/DataPool.h"
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 StatusCode Muon::RpcCoinDataContainerCnv_p1::initialize(MsgStream &log) {
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonTrigCoinData/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonTrigCoinData/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx
index aff1d492bd1de37912492deebc3eec685b5e9797..e86329379f401504bccdddf171e16907ad816a28 100755
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonTrigCoinData/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonTrigCoinData/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_p1.cxx
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 #include "AthAllocators/DataPool.h"
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 StatusCode Muon::TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_p1::initialize(MsgStream &log) {
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonTrigCoinData/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_p2.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonTrigCoinData/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_p2.cxx
index bb957a0b853892347adb813144c6d76c7d320b68..9743fc178fb8d124bc0e8aa9efb83fe1465e3fe3 100755
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonTrigCoinData/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_p2.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonTrigCoinData/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_p2.cxx
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 #include "AthAllocators/DataPool.h"
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 StatusCode Muon::TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_p2::initialize(MsgStream &log) {
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonTrigCoinData/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_p3.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonTrigCoinData/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_p3.cxx
index 2d75254cb02a2675607fbe675779dc57a6d8e597..d23217670461752ef4c35f5b5910bf94362e4925 100755
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonTrigCoinData/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_p3.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/MuonTrigCoinData/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_p3.cxx
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 #include "AthAllocators/DataPool.h"
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 StatusCode Muon::TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_p3::initialize(MsgStream &log) {
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/RpcPrepDataContainerCnv_tlp1.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/RpcPrepDataContainerCnv_tlp1.cxx
index 12c7ad029a71869fa5a9b566aff51718a87b4366..8a24665504c07e8c4b39fff52128c260e9dc62ac 100755
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/RpcPrepDataContainerCnv_tlp1.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/RpcPrepDataContainerCnv_tlp1.cxx
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
 #include "MuonEventTPCnv/RpcPrepDataContainerCnv_tlp1.h"
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_tlp1.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_tlp1.cxx
index 767df1a5cd17009e31bc7a32f9538a6f770a8075..21a7db28b4fdd581afdd14310b1667c3f3df8f85 100755
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_tlp1.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_tlp1.cxx
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 /* Takashi Kubota - June 30, 2008 */
 #include "MuonEventTPCnv/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_tlp1.h"
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
    // Add all converters defined in this top level converter:
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_tlp2.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_tlp2.cxx
index b2c5ca1e77832b9034608622a2bf2acddc42b0cb..3fe570122f90beff8e9c1cf485a661fe94c117af 100755
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_tlp2.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_tlp2.cxx
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 /* Takashi Kubota - June 30, 2008 */
 #include "MuonEventTPCnv/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_tlp2.h"
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_tlp3.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_tlp3.cxx
index b7cce6cf10f0437a7164e062ead03e172b055357..f7e01f1a8d6e88c810a13c9600e50996a238b81f 100755
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_tlp3.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_tlp3.cxx
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
 #include "MuonEventTPCnv/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_tlp3.h"
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/TgcPrepDataContainerCnv_tlp1.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/TgcPrepDataContainerCnv_tlp1.cxx
index 148c020ab9ee7cd22e22d27f2526d28a71c4cad0..366957dc968714e91a273c1cea64480be6afac0b 100755
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/TgcPrepDataContainerCnv_tlp1.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/src/TgcPrepDataContainerCnv_tlp1.cxx
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
 #include "MuonEventTPCnv/TgcPrepDataContainerCnv_tlp1.h"
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/CscPrepDataCnv_p1_test.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/CscPrepDataCnv_p1_test.cxx
index d7af0bb04eb6746c736100974089c3585041cd5d..43ad77f0b843ff3d0971f02c517ba65e1b90940f 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/CscPrepDataCnv_p1_test.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/CscPrepDataCnv_p1_test.cxx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 void compare (const Trk::PrepRawData& p1,
               const Trk::PrepRawData& p2)
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/CscPrepDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/CscPrepDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
index ae32081e7a21b78bc6779a90240fac7bd3357df0..358041175bcd8ec17dad89ea197d778aa216f3cc 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/CscPrepDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/CscPrepDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 #include "make_dd.icc"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/CscPrepDataContainerCnv_p2_test.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/CscPrepDataContainerCnv_p2_test.cxx
index 7d97c56f1695012340d9242271a1fed8548b2775..b0d059279299d9c441c26f9d81d3b8f6a1053e0b 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/CscPrepDataContainerCnv_p2_test.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/CscPrepDataContainerCnv_p2_test.cxx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 #include "make_dd.icc"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/CscStripPrepDataCnv_p1_test.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/CscStripPrepDataCnv_p1_test.cxx
index 888773eadef885c881f63702abdecb8aed751a64..d263f1e79d5d6cad3826d9637fce99829a676ca0 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/CscStripPrepDataCnv_p1_test.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/CscStripPrepDataCnv_p1_test.cxx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 void compare (const Trk::PrepRawData& p1,
               const Trk::PrepRawData& p2)
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/CscStripPrepDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/CscStripPrepDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
index 78087000471ca5caff9f6e026f4ed4dc1594b6b6..c3dedbe390cd3034c9ec2cac24a920b39b0f86fa 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/CscStripPrepDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/CscStripPrepDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 #include "make_dd.icc"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/MMPrepDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/MMPrepDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
index 065b58dc1a9767f2722fd4d50fd5c84394a1114c..2b5d07f054aaf377d5dba656ebca21b1abf327e4 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/MMPrepDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/MMPrepDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 #include "make_dd.icc"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/MM_DigitContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/MM_DigitContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
index 1579be087b039d6c303fd889752174e1f4b08593..5208f60603a65d17df5c4b92886a527a44d6ee92 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/MM_DigitContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/MM_DigitContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 #include "make_dd.icc"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/MM_DigitContainerCnv_p2_test.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/MM_DigitContainerCnv_p2_test.cxx
index 7514474785d8e9e9cedac12c854ace8366bf3464..c5952067fd297c3a8ef5cb6105523a7b68d555bb 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/MM_DigitContainerCnv_p2_test.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/MM_DigitContainerCnv_p2_test.cxx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 #include "make_dd.icc"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/MdtPrepDataCnv_p1_test.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/MdtPrepDataCnv_p1_test.cxx
index 913d2e5caa86f49ba8f6a29df6ea8ffecb7064f1..b95fa19a4d5c90e52c3bbf797708ffb43cd7d6d7 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/MdtPrepDataCnv_p1_test.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/MdtPrepDataCnv_p1_test.cxx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 void compare (const Trk::PrepRawData& p1,
               const Trk::PrepRawData& p2)
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/MdtPrepDataCnv_p2_test.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/MdtPrepDataCnv_p2_test.cxx
index fbb283679157bf719bdca559460d0f9eb011947e..8de4b2a434a3d364efe9ee5ae6612b2cc281e411 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/MdtPrepDataCnv_p2_test.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/MdtPrepDataCnv_p2_test.cxx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 void compare (const Trk::PrepRawData& p1,
               const Trk::PrepRawData& p2)
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/MdtPrepDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/MdtPrepDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
index c49e2938bd20dea5299812ccd9054a612932ce07..d9e8b1be4c36dd9c85ce449a7466ef71ceb81ead 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/MdtPrepDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/MdtPrepDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 #include "make_dd.icc"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/MdtPrepDataContainerCnv_p2_test.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/MdtPrepDataContainerCnv_p2_test.cxx
index 5dbdb88fa2e94e1633d3abfae85bfabc6ce6c6a3..9784ebfd22ae6f7e60ed822969209cfc6ddb4694 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/MdtPrepDataContainerCnv_p2_test.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/MdtPrepDataContainerCnv_p2_test.cxx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 #include "make_dd.icc"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/RpcCoinDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/RpcCoinDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
index 3d8a0ef6ccfc135b85621683cc980c3294ac3c4a..a80855570cf6707b6f4f2447a729c57f221adb2b 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/RpcCoinDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/RpcCoinDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 #include "make_dd.icc"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/RpcPrepDataCnv_p1_test.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/RpcPrepDataCnv_p1_test.cxx
index a528f8584654c8e5d9c0606b05070caa7cd88050..a3e2b75d55cd656e873f09ce41d559517742c390 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/RpcPrepDataCnv_p1_test.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/RpcPrepDataCnv_p1_test.cxx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 void compare (const Trk::PrepRawData& p1,
               const Trk::PrepRawData& p2)
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/RpcPrepDataCnv_p2_test.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/RpcPrepDataCnv_p2_test.cxx
index 478c70d1b358811f0c5ea21834888856309522b3..78ddfc389e99f06785f0403b85ae4ea37efcdaa5 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/RpcPrepDataCnv_p2_test.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/RpcPrepDataCnv_p2_test.cxx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 void compare (const Trk::PrepRawData& p1,
               const Trk::PrepRawData& p2)
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/RpcPrepDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/RpcPrepDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
index 9c0d39fdbec03730d63324d1c0e542b9e53fab5e..4f71b0811a43424de2bf6aebf76e7c89b1d9b436 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/RpcPrepDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/RpcPrepDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 #include "make_dd.icc"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/RpcPrepDataContainerCnv_p2_test.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/RpcPrepDataContainerCnv_p2_test.cxx
index e15e617019210f0cd6f6f8aacff2e6a479ab2f7f..9796be38c91f35f0ca32f182e2b381c41c969ac1 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/RpcPrepDataContainerCnv_p2_test.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/RpcPrepDataContainerCnv_p2_test.cxx
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 #include "make_dd.icc"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/RpcPrepDataContainerCnv_p3_test.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/RpcPrepDataContainerCnv_p3_test.cxx
index f8e83b5a642739552d24c746e96f52303f322873..8ab72bef1fb3d6e3aaa159ad3a04b0375e3c911e 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/RpcPrepDataContainerCnv_p3_test.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/RpcPrepDataContainerCnv_p3_test.cxx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 #include "make_dd.icc"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/STGC_DigitContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/STGC_DigitContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
index ca09bdbfeea73b8d7212f410ed11a990a9705630..f6dbd75f31025a7c940946b120e064fb9fbffb21 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/STGC_DigitContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/STGC_DigitContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 #include "make_dd.icc"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/STGC_RawDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/STGC_RawDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
index b976f4069415e932be2e020984f7095c01943095..f1e830a488d54b11ccfab98454a4f57f92413a0a 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/STGC_RawDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/STGC_RawDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 #include "make_dd.icc"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcCoinDataCnv_p1_test.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcCoinDataCnv_p1_test.cxx
index d392a3fc8e0cbf798aaf0fbf4ff7bc4123f13120..40f638156991a919c377a62f88b15f4658941442 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcCoinDataCnv_p1_test.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcCoinDataCnv_p1_test.cxx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 void compare (const Muon::TgcCoinData& p1,
               const Muon::TgcCoinData& p2)
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcCoinDataCnv_p2_test.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcCoinDataCnv_p2_test.cxx
index 609a610e44aded8fe14f16819b2f001f087c7dbe..1b8d4b85743c3fb0b53e1ed59d8e583099b6d384 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcCoinDataCnv_p2_test.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcCoinDataCnv_p2_test.cxx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 void compare (const Muon::TgcCoinData& p1,
               const Muon::TgcCoinData& p2)
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcCoinDataCnv_p3_test.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcCoinDataCnv_p3_test.cxx
index 3c48650f185caf6aafd54b52cbea923794518098..7c07e7bd54313e4bfd75baaf871bb9b03c75841f 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcCoinDataCnv_p3_test.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcCoinDataCnv_p3_test.cxx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 void compare (const Muon::TgcCoinData& p1,
               const Muon::TgcCoinData& p2)
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
index 812ce339348f70dd8695caf812da5559e4d3cd08..ec76c61cc02f9c0c268b42712c80eab1fd226f94 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 #include "make_dd.icc"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_p2_test.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_p2_test.cxx
index 00eff1153982b8a76f74000ffe2b6283ca98952c..5638275fc5d64a57ac475c23d9e93f96fec1505d 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_p2_test.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_p2_test.cxx
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 #include "make_dd.icc"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_p3_test.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_p3_test.cxx
index 037210758796fe5fda19a6862e7ed23aa0ba4586..b61ba4727529e86d76eff91af3dd9526344600a9 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_p3_test.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_p3_test.cxx
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 #include "make_dd.icc"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcPrepDataCnv_p1_test.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcPrepDataCnv_p1_test.cxx
index 0d7cbc3fb53b701e4cc5b7304f3f10c3bea38c21..6be73fc39b470b60f8d4c20461c0a4a7b5f3dad4 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcPrepDataCnv_p1_test.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcPrepDataCnv_p1_test.cxx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 void compare (const Trk::PrepRawData& p1,
               const Trk::PrepRawData& p2)
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
index 3789d4019e66fb54dacfee4aeb5f4f6faca121c5..ee4c2d05fce6b3893d9beb3e066932c97dc324fa 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 #include "make_dd.icc"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p3_test.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p3_test.cxx
index 3eb7d69425f039b653c32ab5aa8506b62cb86e9c..cd31ce34c778524b9c34e8b7aa574102cbf3b1ac 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p3_test.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/TgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p3_test.cxx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 #include "make_dd.icc"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/sTgcPrepDataCnv_p1_test.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/sTgcPrepDataCnv_p1_test.cxx
index 58735b5accf37126c8cf0687921d4b1da9f6a703..c8df7bd8f9deac4fb58592e52ae077795ccf6a13 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/sTgcPrepDataCnv_p1_test.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/sTgcPrepDataCnv_p1_test.cxx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 void compare (const Trk::PrepRawData& p1,
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/sTgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/sTgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
index e343e84ef43b697f2e97b000a4fc0a9523e90817..40a5487bf3511142ad78a510f25c1077cf1da54a 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/sTgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonEventTPCnv/test/sTgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p1_test.cxx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "MuonEventTPCnv/CreateTransientTemplates.h"
 #include "make_dd.icc"
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConfig/python/MuonGeometryConfig.py b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConfig/python/MuonGeometryConfig.py
index 498c2f65d03fd8f95b36ca657d672c7a6f2998be..c4e0504db4ac9424e2cc741283a739421615a01b 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConfig/python/MuonGeometryConfig.py
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConfig/python/MuonGeometryConfig.py
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ def MuonGeoModelCfg(flags):
     acc = ComponentAccumulator()
     # get the GeoModelSvc and add MuonDetectorTool
-    gmsAcc,gms=GeoModelCfg(flags )
+    gmsAcc=GeoModelCfg(flags )
+    gms=gmsAcc.getPrimary()
     detTool = MuonDetectorTool()
@@ -46,7 +47,6 @@ def MuonGeoModelCfg(flags):
     gms.DetectorTools += [ detTool ]
-    acc.addService(gms)
     # Temporary, until we move to services/private tools
     acc.addPublicTool( Muon__MuonIdHelperTool() )
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonValidation/MuonRecValidation/MuonTrackPerformance/src/MuonTrackPerformanceAlg.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonValidation/MuonRecValidation/MuonTrackPerformance/src/MuonTrackPerformanceAlg.cxx
index ee1af8358e46385409595564394651e227e31f79..f2662d837e0b8b717da50e54232e8f633d5ba827 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonValidation/MuonRecValidation/MuonTrackPerformance/src/MuonTrackPerformanceAlg.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonValidation/MuonRecValidation/MuonTrackPerformance/src/MuonTrackPerformanceAlg.cxx
@@ -280,7 +280,10 @@ bool MuonTrackPerformanceAlg::handleTracks() {
 	else ATH_MSG_WARNING("no track particle of type "<<m_trackType<<" for muon with author "<<muon->author()<<" and pT "<<muon->pt());
-      if(tp->track()) allTracks->push_back(new Trk::Track(*tp->track()));
+      if(tp->track()){
+	m_ntracks++;
+	allTracks->push_back(new Trk::Track(*tp->track()));
+      }
       else ATH_MSG_WARNING("no track for this trackParticle, skipping");
     ATH_MSG_DEBUG("got "<<allTracks->size()<<" tracks");
diff --git a/Projects/Athena/externals/Herwig3.cmake b/Projects/Athena/externals/Herwig3.cmake
index 85b274e718d80c99f20cc7dd3855faa8c184f0db..0485c71c6324bfed9195dc157c4e2b8cbb762844 100644
--- a/Projects/Athena/externals/Herwig3.cmake
+++ b/Projects/Athena/externals/Herwig3.cmake
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
 # File specifying the location of Herwig3 to use.
-set( HERWIG3_LCGVERSION 7.0.4 )
+set( HERWIG3_LCGVERSION 7.1.4 )
diff --git a/Projects/Athena/externals/ThePEG.cmake b/Projects/Athena/externals/ThePEG.cmake
index d4739d0012fee887f240c06720e752307d39f90c..4b9c32691f2b69d8f3ee6d3b08a64635db5adafc 100644
--- a/Projects/Athena/externals/ThePEG.cmake
+++ b/Projects/Athena/externals/ThePEG.cmake
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
 # File specifying the location of ThePEG to use.
diff --git a/Reconstruction/Jet/JetSubStructureMomentTools/JetSubStructureMomentTools/EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedTool.h b/Reconstruction/Jet/JetSubStructureMomentTools/JetSubStructureMomentTools/EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedTool.h
index c5ba9fa80fea6e41cb52805730f1ff169b86c010..ba7b54f03fecd84cb6c1b0141e257bb72d956dba 100644
--- a/Reconstruction/Jet/JetSubStructureMomentTools/JetSubStructureMomentTools/EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedTool.h
+++ b/Reconstruction/Jet/JetSubStructureMomentTools/JetSubStructureMomentTools/EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedTool.h
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ class EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedTool :
       float m_Beta;
+      bool m_doN3;
+      bool m_doLSeries;
diff --git a/Reconstruction/Jet/JetSubStructureMomentTools/Root/EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedRatiosTool.cxx b/Reconstruction/Jet/JetSubStructureMomentTools/Root/EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedRatiosTool.cxx
index f69b267a75f3dd923fb92d0388e4c45c27c9d885..bb1c5d423cef5c29ea0a4e7f0383f252cdc59f4d 100644
--- a/Reconstruction/Jet/JetSubStructureMomentTools/Root/EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedRatiosTool.cxx
+++ b/Reconstruction/Jet/JetSubStructureMomentTools/Root/EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedRatiosTool.cxx
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 #include "JetSubStructureMomentTools/EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedRatiosTool.h"
 #include "JetSubStructureUtils/EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized.h" 
-#include <math.h>
 using fastjet::PseudoJet;
@@ -15,12 +14,10 @@ EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedRatiosTool::EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedRatiosTool(std
 int EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedRatiosTool::modifyJet(xAOD::Jet &jet) const {
   if (!jet.isAvailable<float>(m_prefix+"ECFG_2_1") ||
       !jet.isAvailable<float>(m_prefix+"ECFG_3_2") ||
       !jet.isAvailable<float>(m_prefix+"ECFG_4_2") ||
       !jet.isAvailable<float>(m_prefix+"ECFG_3_1") ||
       !jet.isAvailable<float>(m_prefix+"ECFG_2_1_2") ||
       !jet.isAvailable<float>(m_prefix+"ECFG_3_1_1") ||
@@ -33,7 +30,6 @@ int EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedRatiosTool::modifyJet(xAOD::Jet &jet) const {
     return 1;
   float ecfg_2_1 = jet.getAttribute<float>(m_prefix+"ECFG_2_1");
   float ecfg_3_2 = jet.getAttribute<float>(m_prefix+"ECFG_3_2");
@@ -51,19 +47,19 @@ int EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedRatiosTool::modifyJet(xAOD::Jet &jet) const {
   // N2
-  if(fabs(ecfg_2_1) > 1e-8) // Prevent div-0
+  if(ecfg_2_1 > 1e-8) // Prevent div-0
     jet.setAttribute(m_prefix+"N2", ecfg_3_2  / (pow(ecfg_2_1, 2.0)));
     jet.setAttribute(m_prefix+"N2", -999.0);
   // N3
-  if(fabs(ecfg_3_1) > 1e-8) // Prevent div-0
+  if(ecfg_3_1 > 1e-8) // Prevent div-0
     jet.setAttribute(m_prefix+"N3", ecfg_4_2  / (pow(ecfg_3_1, 2.0)));
     jet.setAttribute(m_prefix+"N3", -999.0);
   // M2
-  if(fabs(ecfg_2_1) > 1e-8) // Prevent div-0
+  if(ecfg_2_1 > 1e-8) // Prevent div-0
     jet.setAttribute(m_prefix+"M2", ecfg_3_2  / ecfg_2_1);
     jet.setAttribute(m_prefix+"M2", -999.0);
@@ -84,7 +80,7 @@ int EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedRatiosTool::modifyJet(xAOD::Jet &jet) const {
     E = (3*1) / (1*2) = 3./2.
-  if(fabs(ecfg_2_1_2) > 1e-8)
+  if(ecfg_2_1_2 > 1e-8) // Prevent div-0
       jet.setAttribute(m_prefix+"L1", ecfg_3_2_1 / (pow(ecfg_2_1_2, (1.) )));
       jet.setAttribute(m_prefix+"L2", ecfg_3_3_1 / (pow(ecfg_2_1_2, (3./2.) )));
@@ -95,7 +91,7 @@ int EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedRatiosTool::modifyJet(xAOD::Jet &jet) const {
-  if(fabs(ecfg_3_3_1) > 1e-8)
+  if(ecfg_3_3_1 > 1e-8) // Prevent div-0
       jet.setAttribute(m_prefix+"L3", ecfg_3_1_1 / (pow(ecfg_3_3_1, (1./3.) )) );
       jet.setAttribute(m_prefix+"L4", ecfg_3_2_2 / (pow(ecfg_3_3_1, (4./3.) )) );
@@ -106,7 +102,7 @@ int EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedRatiosTool::modifyJet(xAOD::Jet &jet) const {
-  if(fabs(ecfg_4_4_1) > 1e-8)
+  if(ecfg_4_4_1 > 1e-8) // Prevent div-0
     jet.setAttribute(m_prefix+"L5", ecfg_4_2_2 / (pow(ecfg_4_4_1, (1.) )) );
diff --git a/Reconstruction/Jet/JetSubStructureMomentTools/Root/EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedTool.cxx b/Reconstruction/Jet/JetSubStructureMomentTools/Root/EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedTool.cxx
index d3efaf9d4ccbfa0469f4e5da5e15f7b26991c2a9..992f0a615fb5cfa5f80d13665f5e245aba7bf68f 100644
--- a/Reconstruction/Jet/JetSubStructureMomentTools/Root/EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedTool.cxx
+++ b/Reconstruction/Jet/JetSubStructureMomentTools/Root/EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedTool.cxx
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 #include "JetSubStructureMomentTools/EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedTool.h"
 #include "JetSubStructureUtils/EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized.h" 
-#include "fastjet/contrib/EnergyCorrelator.hh" 
 #include "JetSubStructureUtils/EnergyCorrelator.h" 
 using fastjet::PseudoJet;
@@ -12,8 +11,10 @@ using fastjet::PseudoJet;
 EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedTool::EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedTool(std::string name) : 
-  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Initializing EnergyCorrelator tool.");
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Initializing EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized tool");
   declareProperty("Beta", m_Beta = 1.0);  
+  declareProperty("DoN3", m_doN3 = false);  
+  declareProperty("DoLSeries", m_doLSeries = false);  
 int EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedTool::modifyJet(xAOD::Jet &injet) const {
@@ -21,70 +22,79 @@ int EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedTool::modifyJet(xAOD::Jet &injet) const {
   fastjet::PseudoJet jet;
   bool decorate = SetupDecoration(jet,injet);
-  float ECFG_2_1_value = -999, ECFG_3_2_value = -999, ECFG_3_1_value = -999, ECFG_4_2_value = -999;
-  //These ones for t/H discrimination
-  float ECFG_3_3_2_value = -999, ECFG_4_6_1_value = -999, ECFG_3_2_2_value = -999, ECFG_3_3_1_value = -999,
+  // These are necessary for N2 and M2
+  float ECFG_2_1_value = -999, ECFG_3_2_value = -999;
+  // These are necessary for N3
+  float ECFG_3_1_value = -999, ECFG_4_2_value = -999;
+  // These are for t/H discrimination
+  float ECFG_3_3_2_value = -999, ECFG_3_2_2_value = -999, ECFG_3_3_1_value = -999,
     ECFG_4_2_2_value = -999, ECFG_4_4_1_value = -999, ECFG_2_1_2_value = -999, ECFG_3_2_1_value =  -999,
     ECFG_3_1_1_value = -999;
-  // N.B. here _angles, _n, _beta !!
+  // N.B. ECFG_angles_n_beta !!
   if (decorate) {
-    // These ones are necessary for N2, M2, etc.
+    // These are necessary for N2 and M2
     JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized ECFG_3_2(2, 3, m_Beta, JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelator::pt_R);
     JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized ECFG_2_1(1, 2, m_Beta, JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelator::pt_R);
-    JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized ECFG_4_2(2, 4, m_Beta, JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelator::pt_R);
-    JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized ECFG_3_1(1, 3, m_Beta, JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelator::pt_R);
     ECFG_2_1_value = ECFG_2_1.result(jet);
     ECFG_3_2_value = ECFG_3_2.result(jet);
-    ECFG_3_1_value = ECFG_3_1.result(jet);
-    ECFG_4_2_value = ECFG_4_2.result(jet);
-    // these ones for t/H discrimination
-    // 332
-    JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized ECFG_3_3_2(3, 3, 2, JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelator::pt_R);
-    ECFG_3_3_2_value = ECFG_3_3_2.result(jet);
-    // 461
-    JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized ECFG_4_6_1(6, 4, 1, JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelator::pt_R);
-    ECFG_4_6_1_value = ECFG_4_6_1.result(jet);
-    // 322
-    JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized ECFG_3_2_2(2, 3, 2, JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelator::pt_R);
-    ECFG_3_2_2_value =  ECFG_3_2_2.result(jet);
-    // 331
-    JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized ECFG_3_3_1(3, 3, 1, JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelator::pt_R);
-    ECFG_3_3_1_value = ECFG_3_3_1.result(jet);
-    // 422
-    JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized ECFG_4_2_2(2, 4, 2, JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelator::pt_R);
-    ECFG_4_2_2_value = ECFG_4_2_2.result(jet);
-    // 441
-    JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized ECFG_4_4_1(4, 4, 1, JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelator::pt_R);
-    ECFG_4_4_1_value = ECFG_4_4_1.result(jet);
-    // 212
-    JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized ECFG_2_1_2(1, 2, 2, JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelator::pt_R);
-    ECFG_2_1_2_value = ECFG_2_1_2.result(jet);
-    // 321
-    JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized ECFG_3_2_1(2, 3, 1, JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelator::pt_R);
-    ECFG_3_2_1_value = ECFG_3_2_1.result(jet);
-    // 311
-    JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized ECFG_3_1_1(1, 3, 1, JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelator::pt_R);
-    ECFG_3_1_1_value = ECFG_3_1_1.result(jet);
+    // These are necessary for N3
+    if(m_doN3) {
+      JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized ECFG_4_2(2, 4, m_Beta, JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelator::pt_R);
+      JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized ECFG_3_1(1, 3, m_Beta, JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelator::pt_R);
+      ECFG_3_1_value = ECFG_3_1.result(jet);
+      ECFG_4_2_value = ECFG_4_2.result(jet);
+    }
+    // These are for t/H discrimination
+    if(m_doLSeries) {
+      // 332
+      JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized ECFG_3_3_2(3, 3, 2, JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelator::pt_R);
+      ECFG_3_3_2_value = ECFG_3_3_2.result(jet);
+      // 322
+      JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized ECFG_3_2_2(2, 3, 2, JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelator::pt_R);
+      ECFG_3_2_2_value =  ECFG_3_2_2.result(jet);
+      // 331
+      JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized ECFG_3_3_1(3, 3, 1, JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelator::pt_R);
+      ECFG_3_3_1_value = ECFG_3_3_1.result(jet);
+      // 422
+      JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized ECFG_4_2_2(2, 4, 2, JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelator::pt_R);
+      ECFG_4_2_2_value = ECFG_4_2_2.result(jet);
+      // 441
+      JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized ECFG_4_4_1(4, 4, 1, JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelator::pt_R);
+      ECFG_4_4_1_value = ECFG_4_4_1.result(jet);
+      // 212
+      JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized ECFG_2_1_2(1, 2, 2, JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelator::pt_R);
+      ECFG_2_1_2_value = ECFG_2_1_2.result(jet);
+      // 321
+      JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized ECFG_3_2_1(2, 3, 1, JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelator::pt_R);
+      ECFG_3_2_1_value = ECFG_3_2_1.result(jet);
+      // 311
+      JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelatorGeneralized ECFG_3_1_1(1, 3, 1, JetSubStructureUtils::EnergyCorrelator::pt_R);
+      ECFG_3_1_1_value = ECFG_3_1_1.result(jet);
+    }
   injet.setAttribute(m_prefix+"ECFG_2_1", ECFG_2_1_value);
   injet.setAttribute(m_prefix+"ECFG_3_2", ECFG_3_2_value);
   injet.setAttribute(m_prefix+"ECFG_3_1", ECFG_3_1_value);
   injet.setAttribute(m_prefix+"ECFG_4_2", ECFG_4_2_value);
   injet.setAttribute(m_prefix+"ECFG_3_3_2", ECFG_3_3_2_value);
-  injet.setAttribute(m_prefix+"ECFG_4_6_1", ECFG_4_6_1_value);
   injet.setAttribute(m_prefix+"ECFG_3_2_2", ECFG_3_2_2_value);
   injet.setAttribute(m_prefix+"ECFG_3_3_1", ECFG_3_3_1_value);
   injet.setAttribute(m_prefix+"ECFG_4_2_2", ECFG_4_2_2_value);
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/test/test_recexreco_art_pflow_and_jets_fromesd.sh b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/test/test_recexreco_art_pflow_and_jets_fromesd.sh
index 074efcf4c28308ca1e7a348599b8d4c0f7623868..3435122c76eb4853ffe0aa7936f3e40876f1014d 100755
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/test/test_recexreco_art_pflow_and_jets_fromesd.sh
+++ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/test/test_recexreco_art_pflow_and_jets_fromesd.sh
@@ -2,11 +2,22 @@
 # art-description: Athena runs topoclustering from an ESD file
 # art-type: grid
-# art-include: 21.0/Athena
-# art-include: 21.0-TrigMC/Athena
 # art-include: master/Athena
-# art-include: 21.3/Athena
-# art-include: 21.9/Athena
-athena eflowRec/run_ESDStandardReco.py
-echo "art-result: $?"
+athena eflowRec/run_ESDStandardReco.py | tee temp.log
+echo "art-result: ${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
+grep -v IsActiveStatus temp.log | grep -v "WILL SOON NOT WORK ANYMORE" >& stdout_cleaned.txt
+export GREP_ERROR=0
+#grep returns 1 if nothing is found, whilst ART assumes a non-zero code indicates a problem. So need
+#to revers the error code if 0 is returned by grep (by default assume error code zero in initialization above)
+grep ERROR stdout_cleaned.txt
+if [ $? == 0 ]; then
+    export GREP_ERROR=1
+echo "art-result: $GREP_ERROR grepping log file for errors."
+#clean up files created by this script, because I am not sure whether anything else would do it.
+rm temp.log
+rm stdout_cleaned.txt
diff --git a/Simulation/Digitization/python/DigiAlgConfig.py b/Simulation/Digitization/python/DigiAlgConfig.py
index cbac1ef3a7fc309e34954d5d8704aa744a862759..8be017b64f9f6d0c2de4efe80583843dc60e295b 100644
--- a/Simulation/Digitization/python/DigiAlgConfig.py
+++ b/Simulation/Digitization/python/DigiAlgConfig.py
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ def getStandardTruthPileUpTools():
             PileUpToolsList += [ "MergeMcEventCollTool" ]
         PileUpToolsList += [ "MergeTruthJetsTool" ]
         if DetFlags.writeRDOPool.Muon_on(): #possibly this should be digitize.Muon_on()
-            PileUpToolsList += [ "MergeTrackRecordCollTool" ]
+            PileUpToolsList += [ "MergeMuonEntryLayerTool" ]
         if DetFlags.writeRDOPool.Calo_on(): #possibly this should be digitize.Calo_on()
             PileUpToolsList += [ "MergeCalibHitsTool" ]
     return PileUpToolsList
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ def getStandardSignalOnlyTruthPileUpTools():
             PileUpToolsList += [ "SignalOnlyMcEventCollTool" ]
         PileUpToolsList += [ "MergeTruthJetsTool" ]
         if not athenaCommonFlags.DoFullChain() and DetFlags.writeRDOPool.Muon_on(): #possibly this should be digitize.Muon_on()
-            PileUpToolsList += [ "MergeTrackRecordCollTool" ]
+            PileUpToolsList += [ "MergeMuonEntryLayerTool" ]
         if DetFlags.writeRDOPool.Calo_on(): #possibly this should be digitize.Calo_on()
             PileUpToolsList += [ "MergeCalibHitsTool" ]
     return PileUpToolsList
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ def getStandardInTimeOnlyTruthPileUpTools():
             PileUpToolsList += [ "InTimeOnlyMcEventCollTool" ]
         PileUpToolsList += [ "MergeTruthJetsTool" ]
         if not athenaCommonFlags.DoFullChain() and DetFlags.writeRDOPool.Muon_on(): #possibly this should be digitize.Muon_on()
-            PileUpToolsList += [ "MergeTrackRecordCollTool" ]
+            PileUpToolsList += [ "MergeMuonEntryLayerTool" ]
         if DetFlags.writeRDOPool.Calo_on(): #possibly this should be digitize.Calo_on()
             PileUpToolsList += [ "MergeCalibHitsTool" ]
     return PileUpToolsList
diff --git a/Simulation/Digitization/python/DigiOutput.py b/Simulation/Digitization/python/DigiOutput.py
index 08e7afa176661d4f3fefd80471161bff3f1fe59b..1d1ca0f906281e4c5a04da73134a163cb07623c3 100644
--- a/Simulation/Digitization/python/DigiOutput.py
+++ b/Simulation/Digitization/python/DigiOutput.py
@@ -75,10 +75,10 @@ def getStreamRDO_ItemList(log):
     if DetFlags.writeRDOPool.Truth_on():
-        StreamRDO_ItemList+=["xAOD::JetContainer#InTimeAntiKt4TruthJets"]
-        StreamRDO_ItemList+=["xAOD::JetAuxContainer#InTimeAntiKt4TruthJetsAux."]
-        StreamRDO_ItemList+=["xAOD::JetContainer#OutOfTimeAntiKt4TruthJets"]
-        StreamRDO_ItemList+=["xAOD::JetAuxContainer#OutOfTimeAntiKt4TruthJetsAux."]
+        StreamRDO_ItemList+=["xAOD::JetContainer#*InTimeAntiKt4TruthJets"]
+        StreamRDO_ItemList+=["xAOD::JetAuxContainer#*InTimeAntiKt4TruthJetsAux."]
+        StreamRDO_ItemList+=["xAOD::JetContainer#*OutOfTimeAntiKt4TruthJets"]
+        StreamRDO_ItemList+=["xAOD::JetAuxContainer#*OutOfTimeAntiKt4TruthJetsAux."]
         if DetFlags.writeRDOPool.Calo_on():
             StreamRDO_ItemList += ["CaloCalibrationHitContainer#*"]
             # Temporary for debugging MBTSHits
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ def getStreamRDO_ItemList(log):
             if fastDigiOutputExpected():
         if DetFlags.writeRDOPool.Muon_on():
-            StreamRDO_ItemList+=["CscSimDataCollection#CSC_SDO"]
+            StreamRDO_ItemList+=["CscSimDataCollection#*CSC_SDO"]
     # Forward Detector Output
     if DetFlags.digitize.Lucid_on():
@@ -150,10 +150,10 @@ def getStreamRDO_ItemList(log):
             if 'AddCaloDigi' in digitizationFlags.experimentalDigi():
             elif digitizationFlags.PileUpPremixing:
-                StreamRDO_ItemList+=["TileDigitsContainer#TileDigitsCnt"]
+                StreamRDO_ItemList+=["TileDigitsContainer#*TileDigitsCnt"]
-            StreamRDO_ItemList+=["TileL2Container#TileL2Cnt"]
+            StreamRDO_ItemList+=["TileL2Container#*TileL2Cnt"]
     # Muon Spectrometer Output
     if DetFlags.digitize.Muon_on():
         if DetFlags.writeRDOPool.CSC_on():
@@ -183,8 +183,9 @@ def getStreamRDO_ItemList(log):
     if DetFlags.simulateLVL1.Tile_on():
         if DetFlags.writeRDOPool.Tile_on():
-            StreamRDO_ItemList+=["TileDigitsContainer#MuRcvDigitsCnt"]
-            StreamRDO_ItemList+=["TileRawChannelContainer#MuRcvRawChCnt"]
+            StreamRDO_ItemList+=["TileDigitsContainer#*MuRcvDigitsCnt"]
+            if not digitizationFlags.PileUpPremixing:
+                StreamRDO_ItemList+=["TileRawChannelContainer#MuRcvRawChCnt"]
     if DetFlags.digitize.LVL1_on():
         if DetFlags.writeRDOPool.LVL1_on():
diff --git a/Simulation/Digitization/test/test_MC16a_Digi_tf_configuration.py b/Simulation/Digitization/test/test_MC16a_Digi_tf_configuration.py
index c0678e7b9e3a94e045f8a7d06e0e240848094cf2..86c202e10292dcda9cd217e3cc5e10c86f74db87 100755
--- a/Simulation/Digitization/test/test_MC16a_Digi_tf_configuration.py
+++ b/Simulation/Digitization/test/test_MC16a_Digi_tf_configuration.py
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ class TestDigitizationMC16a(unittest.TestCase):
     def test___StandardSignalOnlyTruthPileUpToolsAlg_PileUpTools(self):
-        expected_PileUpTools = ['MergeMcEventCollTool/SignalOnlyMcEventCollTool','MergeTruthJetsTool/MergeTruthJetsTool','MergeTrackRecordCollTool/MergeTrackRecordCollTool','MergeCalibHitsTool/MergeCalibHitsTool','BCM_DigitizationTool/BCM_DigitizationTool','PixelDigitizationTool/PixelDigitizationTool','SCT_DigitizationTool/SCT_DigitizationTool','TRTDigitizationTool/TRTDigitizationTool','LArPileUpTool/LArPileUpTool','TileHitVecToCntTool/TileHitVecToCntTool','CscDigitizationTool/CscDigitizationTool','MdtDigitizationTool/MdtDigitizationTool','RpcDigitizationTool/RpcDigitizationTool','TgcDigitizationTool/TgcDigitizationTool','MergeRecoTimingObjTool/MergeRecoTimingObjTool']
+        expected_PileUpTools = ['MergeMcEventCollTool/SignalOnlyMcEventCollTool','MergeTruthJetsTool/MergeTruthJetsTool','MergeTrackRecordCollTool/MergeMuonEntryLayerTool','MergeCalibHitsTool/MergeCalibHitsTool','BCM_DigitizationTool/BCM_DigitizationTool','PixelDigitizationTool/PixelDigitizationTool','SCT_DigitizationTool/SCT_DigitizationTool','TRTDigitizationTool/TRTDigitizationTool','LArPileUpTool/LArPileUpTool','TileHitVecToCntTool/TileHitVecToCntTool','CscDigitizationTool/CscDigitizationTool','MdtDigitizationTool/MdtDigitizationTool','RpcDigitizationTool/RpcDigitizationTool','TgcDigitizationTool/TgcDigitizationTool','MergeRecoTimingObjTool/MergeRecoTimingObjTool']
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ class TestDigitizationMC16a(unittest.TestCase):
     def test___MergeTruthJetsTool_properties(self):
         tested_configurable_name = 'ToolSvc.MergeTruthJetsTool'
-        expected_property_list = ['DetStore', 'EvtStore', 'ExtraInputs', 'ExtraOutputs', 'FirstXing', 'LastXing']
+        expected_property_list = ['DetStore', 'EvtStore', 'ExtraInputs', 'ExtraOutputs', 'FirstXing', 'InTimeOutputTruthJetCollKey', 'LastXing', 'OutOfTimeTruthJetCollKey']
         expected_nonstring_properties = {'LastXing': '100', 'FirstXing': '-500'}
         expected_string_properties = {} # Not checking any specific property values
@@ -186,9 +186,9 @@ class TestDigitizationMC16a(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test___MergeTrackRecordCollTool_properties(self):
-        tested_configurable_name = 'ToolSvc.MergeTrackRecordCollTool'
-        expected_property_list = ['DetStore', 'EvtStore', 'ExtraInputs', 'ExtraOutputs', 'FirstXing', 'LastXing']
+    def test___MergeMuonEntryLayerTool_properties(self):
+        tested_configurable_name = 'ToolSvc.MergeMuonEntryLayerTool'
+        expected_property_list = ['DetStore', 'EvtStore', 'ExtraInputs', 'ExtraOutputs', 'FirstXing', 'LastXing', 'TrackRecordCollKey', 'TrackRecordCollOutputKey']
         expected_nonstring_properties = {'LastXing': '1', 'FirstXing': '-1'}
         expected_string_properties = {} # Not checking any specific property values
diff --git a/Simulation/G4Atlas/G4AtlasTests/share/postInclude.NSW.config.simu.py b/Simulation/G4Atlas/G4AtlasTests/share/postInclude.NSW.config.simu.py
index e640094a25052745f74ec1020e5a3a16c05f1a89..7d8d26b2650d4779cb6c1b150bae18d30711ea36 100644
--- a/Simulation/G4Atlas/G4AtlasTests/share/postInclude.NSW.config.simu.py
+++ b/Simulation/G4Atlas/G4AtlasTests/share/postInclude.NSW.config.simu.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# needed to get	the right dictionary from IdDictParser  
+# needed to get the right dictionary from IdDictParser
 from GeoModelSvc.GeoModelSvcConf import GeoModelSvc
 GeoModelSvc = GeoModelSvc()
-if 'ReadAGDD' in ToolSvc.NewSmallWheel.__slots__ : ToolSvc.NewSmallWheel.ReadAGDD=False
+from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
+if 'ReadAGDD' in ServiceMgr.AGDDtoGeoSvc.Builders["NewSmallWheel"].__slots__ : ServiceMgr.AGDDtoGeoSvc.Builders["NewSmallWheel"].ReadAGDD=False
diff --git a/Simulation/G4Utilities/MCTruthSimAlgs/python/MCTruthSimAlgsConfig.py b/Simulation/G4Utilities/MCTruthSimAlgs/python/MCTruthSimAlgsConfig.py
index fa0b3a1732e8fd07bf691e80fb5502b8b1f07393..ba9f44b452a9f24dfd198aae2e69099f6c8d706f 100644
--- a/Simulation/G4Utilities/MCTruthSimAlgs/python/MCTruthSimAlgsConfig.py
+++ b/Simulation/G4Utilities/MCTruthSimAlgs/python/MCTruthSimAlgsConfig.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from AthenaCommon import CfgMgr
 def genericMergeMcEventCollTool(name="MergeMcEventCollTool", **kwargs):
-    if 'OverlayMT' in digitizationFlags.experimentalDigi():
+    if digitizationFlags.PileUpPremixing and 'OverlayMT' in digitizationFlags.experimentalDigi():
         from OverlayCommonAlgs.OverlayFlags import overlayFlags
         kwargs.setdefault("TruthCollOutputKey", overlayFlags.bkgPrefix() + "TruthEvent")
@@ -99,7 +99,14 @@ def getMergeTruthJetsTool(name="MergeTruthJetsTool", **kwargs):
     if digitizationFlags.doXingByXingPileUp(): # PileUpTool approach
         kwargs.setdefault("FirstXing", TruthJet_FirstXing() )
         kwargs.setdefault("LastXing",  TruthJet_LastXing() )
-    #kwargs.setdefault("OutputLevel",  1 )
+    if digitizationFlags.PileUpPremixing and 'OverlayMT' in digitizationFlags.experimentalDigi():
+        from OverlayCommonAlgs.OverlayFlags import overlayFlags
+        kwargs.setdefault("InTimeOutputTruthJetCollKey", overlayFlags.bkgPrefix() + "InTimeAntiKt4TruthJets")
+        kwargs.setdefault("OutOfTimeTruthJetCollKey", overlayFlags.bkgPrefix() + "OutOfTimeAntiKt4TruthJets")
+    else:
+        kwargs.setdefault("InTimeOutputTruthJetCollKey", "InTimeAntiKt4TruthJets")
+        kwargs.setdefault("OutOfTimeTruthJetCollKey", "OutOfTimeAntiKt4TruthJets")
     return CfgMgr.MergeTruthJetsTool(name, **kwargs)
@@ -111,7 +118,7 @@ def getNewMergeMcEventCollTool_Base(name="NewMergeMcEventCollTool_Base", **kwarg
     if digitizationFlags.doXingByXingPileUp(): # PileUpTool approach
         kwargs.setdefault("FirstXing", -30000)
         kwargs.setdefault("LastXing",   30000)
-    if 'OverlayMT' in digitizationFlags.experimentalDigi():
+    if digitizationFlags.PileUpPremixing and 'OverlayMT' in digitizationFlags.experimentalDigi():
         from OverlayCommonAlgs.OverlayFlags import overlayFlags
         kwargs.setdefault("TruthCollOutputKey", overlayFlags.bkgPrefix() + "TruthEvent")
@@ -135,7 +142,7 @@ def getNewMergeMcEventCollTool_Signal(name="NewMergeMcEventCollTool_Signal", **k
 def getNewMergeMcEventCollTool_MinBias(name="NewMergeMcEventCollTool_MinBias", **kwargs):
     from Digitization import PileUpEventType
     kwargs.setdefault("PileUpType", PileUpEventType.MinimumBias)
-    if 'OverlayMT' in digitizationFlags.experimentalDigi():
+    if digitizationFlags.PileUpPremixing and 'OverlayMT' in digitizationFlags.experimentalDigi():
         from OverlayCommonAlgs.OverlayFlags import overlayFlags
         kwargs.setdefault("TruthCollOutputKey", overlayFlags.bkgPrefix() + "TruthEvent_PU")
@@ -145,7 +152,7 @@ def getNewMergeMcEventCollTool_MinBias(name="NewMergeMcEventCollTool_MinBias", *
 def getNewMergeMcEventCollTool_HighPtMinBias(name="NewMergeMcEventCollTool_HighPtMinBias", **kwargs):
     from Digitization import PileUpEventType
     kwargs.setdefault("PileUpType", PileUpEventType.HighPtMinimumBias)
-    if 'OverlayMT' in digitizationFlags.experimentalDigi():
+    if digitizationFlags.PileUpPremixing and 'OverlayMT' in digitizationFlags.experimentalDigi():
         from OverlayCommonAlgs.OverlayFlags import overlayFlags
         kwargs.setdefault("TruthCollOutputKey", overlayFlags.bkgPrefix() + "TruthEvent_HighPtPU")
@@ -155,7 +162,7 @@ def getNewMergeMcEventCollTool_HighPtMinBias(name="NewMergeMcEventCollTool_HighP
 def getNewMergeMcEventCollTool_Cavern(name="NewMergeMcEventCollTool_Cavern", **kwargs):
     from Digitization import PileUpEventType
     kwargs.setdefault("PileUpType", PileUpEventType.Cavern)
-    if 'OverlayMT' in digitizationFlags.experimentalDigi():
+    if digitizationFlags.PileUpPremixing and 'OverlayMT' in digitizationFlags.experimentalDigi():
         from OverlayCommonAlgs.OverlayFlags import overlayFlags
         kwargs.setdefault("TruthCollOutputKey", overlayFlags.bkgPrefix() + "TruthEvent_Cavern")
@@ -165,7 +172,7 @@ def getNewMergeMcEventCollTool_Cavern(name="NewMergeMcEventCollTool_Cavern", **k
 def getNewMergeMcEventCollTool_HaloGas(name="NewMergeMcEventCollTool_HaloGas", **kwargs):
     from Digitization import PileUpEventType
     kwargs.setdefault("PileUpType", PileUpEventType.HaloGas)
-    if 'OverlayMT' in digitizationFlags.experimentalDigi():
+    if digitizationFlags.PileUpPremixing and 'OverlayMT' in digitizationFlags.experimentalDigi():
         from OverlayCommonAlgs.OverlayFlags import overlayFlags
         kwargs.setdefault("TruthCollOutputKey", overlayFlags.bkgPrefix() + "TruthEvent_HaloGas")
@@ -182,7 +189,7 @@ def getInTimeOnlyNewMergeMcEventCollTool_Base(name="InTimeOnlyNewMergeMcEventCol
 def getInTimeOnlyNewMergeMcEventCollTool_MinBias(name="InTimeOnlyNewMergeMcEventCollTool_MinBias", **kwargs):
     from Digitization import PileUpEventType
     kwargs.setdefault("PileUpType", PileUpEventType.MinimumBias)
-    if 'OverlayMT' in digitizationFlags.experimentalDigi():
+    if digitizationFlags.PileUpPremixing and 'OverlayMT' in digitizationFlags.experimentalDigi():
         from OverlayCommonAlgs.OverlayFlags import overlayFlags
         kwargs.setdefault("TruthCollOutputKey", overlayFlags.bkgPrefix() + "TruthEvent_PU")
@@ -192,7 +199,7 @@ def getInTimeOnlyNewMergeMcEventCollTool_MinBias(name="InTimeOnlyNewMergeMcEvent
 def getInTimeOnlyNewMergeMcEventCollTool_HighPtMinBias(name="InTimeOnlyNewMergeMcEventCollTool_HighPtMinBias", **kwargs):
     from Digitization import PileUpEventType
     kwargs.setdefault("PileUpType", PileUpEventType.HighPtMinimumBias)
-    if 'OverlayMT' in digitizationFlags.experimentalDigi():
+    if digitizationFlags.PileUpPremixing and 'OverlayMT' in digitizationFlags.experimentalDigi():
         from OverlayCommonAlgs.OverlayFlags import overlayFlags
         kwargs.setdefault("TruthCollOutputKey", overlayFlags.bkgPrefix() + "TruthEvent_HighPtPU")
@@ -202,7 +209,7 @@ def getInTimeOnlyNewMergeMcEventCollTool_HighPtMinBias(name="InTimeOnlyNewMergeM
 def getInTimeOnlyNewMergeMcEventCollTool_Cavern(name="InTimeOnlyNewMergeMcEventCollTool_Cavern", **kwargs):
     from Digitization import PileUpEventType
     kwargs.setdefault("PileUpType", PileUpEventType.Cavern)
-    if 'OverlayMT' in digitizationFlags.experimentalDigi():
+    if digitizationFlags.PileUpPremixing and 'OverlayMT' in digitizationFlags.experimentalDigi():
         from OverlayCommonAlgs.OverlayFlags import overlayFlags
         kwargs.setdefault("TruthCollOutputKey", overlayFlags.bkgPrefix() + "TruthEvent_Cavern")
@@ -212,7 +219,7 @@ def getInTimeOnlyNewMergeMcEventCollTool_Cavern(name="InTimeOnlyNewMergeMcEventC
 def getInTimeOnlyNewMergeMcEventCollTool_HaloGas(name="InTimeOnlyNewMergeMcEventCollTool_HaloGas", **kwargs):
     from Digitization import PileUpEventType
     kwargs.setdefault("PileUpType", PileUpEventType.HaloGas)
-    if 'OverlayMT' in digitizationFlags.experimentalDigi():
+    if digitizationFlags.PileUpPremixing and 'OverlayMT' in digitizationFlags.experimentalDigi():
         from OverlayCommonAlgs.OverlayFlags import overlayFlags
         kwargs.setdefault("TruthCollOutputKey", overlayFlags.bkgPrefix() + "TruthEvent_HaloGas")
@@ -249,14 +256,29 @@ def MergeTrackRecordCollTool(name="MergeTrackRecordCollTool", **kwargs):
 def MergeCaloEntryLayerTool(name="MergeCaloEntryLayerTool", **kwargs):
     kwargs.setdefault("TrackRecordCollKey", "CaloEntryLayer" )
+    if digitizationFlags.PileUpPremixing and 'OverlayMT' in digitizationFlags.experimentalDigi():
+        from OverlayCommonAlgs.OverlayFlags import overlayFlags
+        kwargs.setdefault("TrackRecordCollOutputKey", overlayFlags.bkgPrefix() + "CaloEntryLayer")
+    else:
+        kwargs.setdefault("TrackRecordCollOutputKey", "CaloEntryLayer" )
     return MergeTrackRecordCollTool(name, **kwargs)
 def MergeMuonEntryLayerTool(name="MergeMuonEntryLayerTool", **kwargs):
     kwargs.setdefault("TrackRecordCollKey", "MuonEntryLayer" )
+    if digitizationFlags.PileUpPremixing and 'OverlayMT' in digitizationFlags.experimentalDigi():
+        from OverlayCommonAlgs.OverlayFlags import overlayFlags
+        kwargs.setdefault("TrackRecordCollOutputKey", overlayFlags.bkgPrefix() + "MuonEntryLayer")
+    else:
+        kwargs.setdefault("TrackRecordCollOutputKey", "MuonEntryLayer" )
     return MergeTrackRecordCollTool(name, **kwargs)
 def MergeMuonExitLayerTool(name="MergeMuonExitLayerTool", **kwargs):
     kwargs.setdefault("TrackRecordCollKey", "MuonExitLayer" )
+    if digitizationFlags.PileUpPremixing and 'OverlayMT' in digitizationFlags.experimentalDigi():
+        from OverlayCommonAlgs.OverlayFlags import overlayFlags
+        kwargs.setdefault("TrackRecordCollOutputKey", overlayFlags.bkgPrefix() + "MuonExitLayer")
+    else:
+        kwargs.setdefault("TrackRecordCollOutputKey", "MuonExitLayer" )
     return MergeTrackRecordCollTool(name, **kwargs)
@@ -336,7 +358,7 @@ def MergeRecoTimingObjTool(name="MergeRecoTimingObjTool", **kwargs):
         kwargs.setdefault("LastXing",  TimingObj_LastXing() )
     kwargs.setdefault("RecoTimingObjInputKey", "EVNTtoHITS_timings")
-    if 'OverlayMT' in digitizationFlags.experimentalDigi():
+    if digitizationFlags.PileUpPremixing and 'OverlayMT' in digitizationFlags.experimentalDigi():
         from OverlayCommonAlgs.OverlayFlags import overlayFlags
         kwargs.setdefault("RecoTimingObjOutputKey", overlayFlags.bkgPrefix() + "EVNTtoHITS_timings")
diff --git a/Simulation/G4Utilities/MCTruthSimAlgs/src/MergeTrackRecordCollTool.cxx b/Simulation/G4Utilities/MCTruthSimAlgs/src/MergeTrackRecordCollTool.cxx
index 5e32c46ebf435394d9d4a6a8bde318199492a89f..83ec5fe105a423a88f99000b862fffc799d612d1 100644
--- a/Simulation/G4Utilities/MCTruthSimAlgs/src/MergeTrackRecordCollTool.cxx
+++ b/Simulation/G4Utilities/MCTruthSimAlgs/src/MergeTrackRecordCollTool.cxx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 #include "MergeTrackRecordCollTool.h"
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
 #include "AthenaKernel/errorcheck.h"
 #include "PileUpTools/PileUpMergeSvc.h"
 #include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
-#include "TrackRecord/TrackRecordCollection.h"
 MergeTrackRecordCollTool::MergeTrackRecordCollTool(const std::string& type,
                                                    const std::string& name,
@@ -19,6 +18,13 @@ MergeTrackRecordCollTool::MergeTrackRecordCollTool(const std::string& type,
   declareProperty("TrackRecordCollKey", m_trRecCollKey=std::string("MuonEntryLayer"));
+StatusCode MergeTrackRecordCollTool::initialize()
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "initialize()" );
+  ATH_CHECK( m_outputKey.initialize() );
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
 StatusCode MergeTrackRecordCollTool::prepareEvent(unsigned int nInputEvents)
   ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "Calling prepareEvent(): " << name() << " - package version " << PACKAGE_VERSION );
@@ -41,12 +47,17 @@ StatusCode MergeTrackRecordCollTool::processBunchXing(int bunchXing,
 	if (m_pMergeSvc->retrieveSingleSubEvtData(m_trRecCollKey.value(), oldColl,
 						  bunchXing, bSubEvents).isSuccess())
-	      TrackRecordCollection* newColl = new TrackRecordCollection();
+        SG::WriteHandle<TrackRecordCollection> outputCollection(m_outputKey);
+        ATH_CHECK(outputCollection.record(std::make_unique<TrackRecordCollection>()));
+        if (!outputCollection.isValid()) {
+          ATH_MSG_ERROR("Could not record output TrackRecordCollection " << outputCollection.name() << " to store " << outputCollection.store());
+          return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+        }
 	      for(auto trcit : *oldColl)
-		{
-		  newColl->push_back( TrackRecord(trcit) );
-		}
-	      CHECK(evtStore()->record(newColl, m_trRecCollKey));
+        {
+          outputCollection->push_back( TrackRecord(trcit) );
+        }
 	      ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "processBunchXing: copied original event TrackRecordCollection" );
@@ -93,14 +104,19 @@ StatusCode MergeTrackRecordCollTool::processAllSubEvents()
           //FIXME we are forced to do a deep copy
           const TrackRecordCollection &oldColl=*(truthList.begin())->second;
-          TrackRecordCollection *newColl = new TrackRecordCollection();
+          SG::WriteHandle<TrackRecordCollection> outputCollection(m_outputKey);
+          ATH_CHECK(outputCollection.record(std::make_unique<TrackRecordCollection>()));
+          if (!outputCollection.isValid()) {
+            ATH_MSG_ERROR("Could not record output TrackRecordCollection " << outputCollection.name() << " to store " << outputCollection.store());
+            return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+          }
           for (auto trcit : oldColl)
-              newColl->push_back( TrackRecord(trcit) );
+              outputCollection->push_back( TrackRecord(trcit) );
-          CHECK(evtStore()->record(newColl, m_trRecCollKey));
           ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "processAllSubEvents: copied original event TrackRecordCollection" );
diff --git a/Simulation/G4Utilities/MCTruthSimAlgs/src/MergeTrackRecordCollTool.h b/Simulation/G4Utilities/MCTruthSimAlgs/src/MergeTrackRecordCollTool.h
index 5b45faf081c666d5ffff6caef4cc6907df898d79..897af20837976107bd53111905858cbff766a1da 100644
--- a/Simulation/G4Utilities/MCTruthSimAlgs/src/MergeTrackRecordCollTool.h
+++ b/Simulation/G4Utilities/MCTruthSimAlgs/src/MergeTrackRecordCollTool.h
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 #include "PileUpTools/PileUpToolBase.h"
+#include "TrackRecord/TrackRecordCollection.h"
 #include "GaudiKernel/Property.h"
 #include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
@@ -25,6 +26,8 @@ public:
   MergeTrackRecordCollTool(const std::string& type,
                            const std::string& name,
                            const IInterface* parent);
+  /// Initialize tool
+  virtual StatusCode initialize() override final;
   ///called before the subevts loop. Not (necessarily) able to access
   virtual StatusCode prepareEvent(unsigned int nInputEvents) override final;
@@ -46,6 +49,7 @@ public:
   ServiceHandle<PileUpMergeSvc> m_pMergeSvc;
   StringProperty m_trRecCollKey;
+  SG::WriteHandleKey<TrackRecordCollection> m_outputKey{ this, "TrackRecordCollOutputKey", "MuonExitLayer", "" };
   bool m_firstSubEvent;
diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileGeoModel/python/TileGMConfig.py b/TileCalorimeter/TileGeoModel/python/TileGMConfig.py
index e8e1b464b845b75e986fe8a6bc3bc913eb132c1f..09abf446a680245206c2dc2f2c28f4dda21ab5ee 100644
--- a/TileCalorimeter/TileGeoModel/python/TileGMConfig.py
+++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileGeoModel/python/TileGMConfig.py
@@ -4,12 +4,10 @@ from AthenaCommon.Configurable import Configurable
 def TileGMCfg(configFlags):
-    result,gms=GeoModelCfg(configFlags)
+    result=GeoModelCfg(configFlags)
     from TileGeoModel.TileGeoModelConf import TileDetectorTool
-    gms.DetectorTools += [ TileDetectorTool() ]
-    result.addService(gms)
+    result.getPrimary().DetectorTools += [ TileDetectorTool() ]
     return result
diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileL2Algs/python/TileL2FromRawChGetter.py b/TileCalorimeter/TileL2Algs/python/TileL2FromRawChGetter.py
index 10bdcea20c34738569169a76ce7f5bd3d9e3ccef..3f21f72c15e6fec2f4caa9ca3aa99c4ffae54b07 100755
--- a/TileCalorimeter/TileL2Algs/python/TileL2FromRawChGetter.py
+++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileL2Algs/python/TileL2FromRawChGetter.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 # Author: J. Poveda (Ximo.Poveda@cern.ch)
 # TileL2 creation from TileRawChannel
@@ -52,7 +52,12 @@ class TileL2FromRawChGetter ( Configured )  :
         self._TileRawChannelToL2Handle = theTileRawChannelToL2 ;
         # sets output key  
-        theTileRawChannelToL2.TileL2Container=self.outputKey()        
+        from Digitization.DigitizationFlags import digitizationFlags
+        if digitizationFlags.PileUpPremixing and 'OverlayMT' in digitizationFlags.experimentalDigi():
+            from OverlayCommonAlgs.OverlayFlags import overlayFlags
+            theTileRawChannelToL2.TileL2Container = overlayFlags.bkgPrefix() + self.outputKey()
+        else:
+            theTileRawChannelToL2.TileL2Container = self.outputKey()
         # register output in objKeyStore
diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileSimAlgs/python/TileDigitsGetter.py b/TileCalorimeter/TileSimAlgs/python/TileDigitsGetter.py
index f83c2a867bed519d14ae099b961094e38d0987eb..1d2acd39246d8dbfec069f72ce7e84802da58113 100644
--- a/TileCalorimeter/TileSimAlgs/python/TileDigitsGetter.py
+++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileSimAlgs/python/TileDigitsGetter.py
@@ -55,12 +55,12 @@ class TileDigitsGetter ( Configured )  :
         self._TileDigitsMakerHandle = theTileDigitsMaker ;
-        theTileDigitsMaker.TileHitContainer_DigiHSTruth="TileHitCnt_DigiHSTruth"
         from Digitization.DigitizationFlags import digitizationFlags
         theTileDigitsMaker.DoHSTruthReconstruction = digitizationFlags.doDigiTruth()
         # Configure TileDigitsMaker here
         # Check TileDigitization_jobOptions.py for full configurability
+        theTileDigitsMaker.TileHitContainer_DigiHSTruth="TileHitCnt_DigiHSTruth"
@@ -69,7 +69,11 @@ class TileDigitsGetter ( Configured )  :
         theTileDigitsMaker.IntegerDigits = not digitizationFlags.PileUpPremixing() 
         # sets output key  
-        theTileDigitsMaker.TileDigitsContainer=self.outputKey()        
+        if digitizationFlags.PileUpPremixing and 'OverlayMT' in digitizationFlags.experimentalDigi():
+            from OverlayCommonAlgs.OverlayFlags import overlayFlags
+            theTileDigitsMaker.TileDigitsContainer = overlayFlags.bkgPrefix() + self.outputKey()
+        else:
+            theTileDigitsMaker.TileDigitsContainer = self.outputKey()
         # register output in objKeyStore
diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileSimAlgs/python/TileTTL1FromHitsGetter.py b/TileCalorimeter/TileSimAlgs/python/TileTTL1FromHitsGetter.py
index 6071ee23e41735356a65c592db3c0191343178bd..c8c2fb0a9027e53a3fee23b5615c79e2939336c4 100644
--- a/TileCalorimeter/TileSimAlgs/python/TileTTL1FromHitsGetter.py
+++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileSimAlgs/python/TileTTL1FromHitsGetter.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 # Author: J. Poveda (Ximo.Poveda@cern.ch)
 # TileTTL1 creation from TileHit
@@ -56,7 +56,14 @@ class TileTTL1FromHitsGetter ( Configured )  :
         # sets output key  
-        theTileHitToTTL1.TileTTL1Container=self.outputKey()        
+        from Digitization.DigitizationFlags import digitizationFlags
+        if digitizationFlags.PileUpPremixing and 'OverlayMT' in digitizationFlags.experimentalDigi():
+            from OverlayCommonAlgs.OverlayFlags import overlayFlags
+            theTileHitToTTL1.TileTTL1Container = overlayFlags.bkgPrefix() + self.outputKey()
+            theTileHitToTTL1.TileMBTSTTL1Container = overlayFlags.bkgPrefix() + "TileTTL1MBTS"
+        else:
+            theTileHitToTTL1.TileTTL1Container = self.outputKey()
+            theTileHitToTTL1.TileMBTSTTL1Container = "TileTTL1MBTS"
         # register output in objKeyStore
diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileSimAlgs/share/TileDigiCommon_jobOptions.py b/TileCalorimeter/TileSimAlgs/share/TileDigiCommon_jobOptions.py
index ff4eed4937c9a593c93b1bc55fed511c9a18f596..a4004c46f083a2f8bec426652ed611ae15b924d1 100644
--- a/TileCalorimeter/TileSimAlgs/share/TileDigiCommon_jobOptions.py
+++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileSimAlgs/share/TileDigiCommon_jobOptions.py
@@ -138,6 +138,8 @@ if doTileDigitToRawChannel:
       theTileRawChannelGetter_DigiHSTruth.TileRawChannelContainer = "TileRawChannelCnt_DigiHSTruth"
     TileRChMaker = theTileRawChannelGetter.TileRChMaker()
+    if digitizationFlags.PileUpPremixing and 'OverlayMT' in digitizationFlags.experimentalDigi():
+        TileRChMaker.TileDigitsContainer = overlayFlags.bkgPrefix() + 'TileDigitsCnt'
     TileRawChannelBuilderOptATLAS = None
     if jobproperties.TileRecFlags.doTileOptATLAS():
diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileSimAlgs/share/TileMuonReceiver_jobOptions.py b/TileCalorimeter/TileSimAlgs/share/TileMuonReceiver_jobOptions.py
index ee20a8262cffc1748f982190f69d7ade00c2af9f..5137a1aaf6bff61e3a9698721c6a78fcc3de95ca 100644
--- a/TileCalorimeter/TileSimAlgs/share/TileMuonReceiver_jobOptions.py
+++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileSimAlgs/share/TileMuonReceiver_jobOptions.py
@@ -52,7 +52,9 @@ topSequence += CfgMgr.TilePulseForTileMuonReceiver('TilePulseForTileMuonReceiver
                                                    , UseCoolPulseShapes = True
                                                    , TileCondToolPulseShape = TileCondToolMuRcvPulseShape
                                                    , TileRawChannelBuilderMF = TileMuRcvRawChannelBuilderMF)
+if jobproperties.Digitization.PileUpPremixing and 'OverlayMT' in jobproperties.Digitization.experimentalDigi():
+    from OverlayCommonAlgs.OverlayFlags import overlayFlags
+    topSequence.TilePulseForTileMuonReceiver.MuonReceiverDigitsContainer = overlayFlags.bkgPrefix() + "MuRcvDigitsCnt"
 topSequence += CfgMgr.TileMuonReceiverDecision('TileMuonReceiverDecision'
 #                                                , OutputLevel = VERBOSE 
@@ -60,4 +62,6 @@ topSequence += CfgMgr.TileMuonReceiverDecision('TileMuonReceiverDecision'
 						, MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD6andD5Low = 500
 						, MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD6High = 600
 						, MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD6andD5High = 600)
+if jobproperties.Digitization.PileUpPremixing and 'OverlayMT' in jobproperties.Digitization.experimentalDigi():
+    from OverlayCommonAlgs.OverlayFlags import overlayFlags
+    topSequence.TileMuonReceiverDecision.TileMuonReceiverContainer = overlayFlags.bkgPrefix() + "TileMuRcvCnt"
diff --git a/Tools/FilePeeker/python/FilePeeker.py b/Tools/FilePeeker/python/FilePeeker.py
index 3d55a48701f33752eb1f06655f465640d5f860ae..45d4070b3816a9f18a06b1f0bd202ea6c2b7234c 100644
--- a/Tools/FilePeeker/python/FilePeeker.py
+++ b/Tools/FilePeeker/python/FilePeeker.py
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+from __future__ import print_function
 import os,sys
 from subprocess import check_output
@@ -10,7 +12,7 @@ def PeekFiles(inputfiles):
     for inputfile in inputfiles:
         if not os.access(inputfile,os.R_OK):
-            print "ERROR: Failed input file",inputfile,"not accessible"
+            print ("ERROR: Failed input file",inputfile,"not accessible")
             return None
         if "pool.root" in inputfile:
@@ -20,10 +22,10 @@ def PeekFiles(inputfiles):
     if len(bsfiles)>0:
-        retval=check_output(["BSFilePeeker","-k"]+bsfiles)
+        retval=check_output(["BSFilePeeker","-k"]+bsfiles).decode('utf-8')
     if len(poolfiles)>0:
-        retval+=check_output(["PoolFilePeeker","-k"]+poolfiles)
+        retval+=check_output(["PoolFilePeeker","-k"]+poolfiles).decode('utf-8')
@@ -56,6 +58,6 @@ def PeekFiles(inputfiles):
 if __name__=="__main__":
-    print PeekFiles(sys.argv[1:])
+    print (PeekFiles(sys.argv[1:]))
diff --git a/Tools/PyUtils/CMakeLists.txt b/Tools/PyUtils/CMakeLists.txt
index 48f93dfc0068f0755a0c989f6b1fb60232e740a7..868abad83030e1dfdcf2b08349044f60a39c141a 100644
--- a/Tools/PyUtils/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Tools/PyUtils/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -18,17 +18,31 @@ find_package( ROOT COMPONENTS Core PyROOT Tree MathCore Hist RIO pthread )
 atlas_install_python_modules( python/*.py python/AthFile python/scripts python/flake8_atlas )
 atlas_install_scripts( bin/acmd.py bin/atl-gen-athena-d3pd-reader bin/checkFile.py bin/checkPlugins.py bin/checkSG.py bin/checkMetaSG.py bin/checkTP.py bin/checkxAOD.py bin/diff-athfile bin/diff-jobo-cfg.py bin/diffConfigs.py bin/diffPoolFiles.py bin/diffTAGTree.py bin/dlldep.py bin/dso-stats.py bin/dump-athfile.py bin/dumpAthfilelite.py bin/filter-and-merge-d3pd.py bin/getMetadata.py bin/get-tag-diff.py bin/gprof2dot bin/issues bin/magnifyPoolFile.py bin/merge-poolfiles.py bin/pep8.py bin/pool_extractFileIdentifier.py bin/pool_insertFileToCatalog.py bin/print_auditor_callgraph.py bin/pyroot.py bin/vmem-sz.py bin/meta-reader.py bin/lstags )
-# Install flake8 plugins using setuptools:
-add_custom_command( OUTPUT flake8_atlas.egg-info
+# Install flake8 plugins using setuptools.
+set( _flake8Dir
+set( _flake8Stamp
+add_custom_command( OUTPUT "${_flake8Stamp}"
    DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/python/flake8_atlas/setup.py
-   COMMAND ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/atlas_build_run.sh
    python ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/python/flake8_atlas/setup.py install
    --root /
-   --install-lib ${CMAKE_PYTHON_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY} )
+   --prefix "${_flake8Dir}"
+   --install-lib "${_flake8Dir}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_PYTHONDIR}"
+   COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory "${_flake8Dir}/"
+   COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch "${_flake8Stamp}"
+   COMMENT "Building/installing flake8..." )
 add_custom_target( flake8_atlas ALL
-   DEPENDS flake8_atlas.egg-info )
+   DEPENDS "${_flake8Stamp}" )
+install( DIRECTORY "${_flake8Dir}/"
+unset( _flake8Dir )
+unset( _flake8Stamp )
 # Aliases:
 atlas_add_alias( checkFile "checkFile.py" )
diff --git a/Tools/PyUtils/bin/diffTAGTree.py b/Tools/PyUtils/bin/diffTAGTree.py
index 4418cd04c1eaca945a4f366428eb0de25146ddb3..b3a99616faec7f317847733c1976fb64496b95b5 100755
--- a/Tools/PyUtils/bin/diffTAGTree.py
+++ b/Tools/PyUtils/bin/diffTAGTree.py
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ hdlr.setFormatter(frmt)
+setIgnoreLeaves=("Token","StreamESD_ref","StreamRDO_ref","StreamAOD_ref","RecoTimeRAWtoESD","RecoTimeESDtoAOD","RandomNumber", "RecoTimeRAWtoALL")
 def getEventDict(tagHandle, name):
     duplicates = False
diff --git a/Tools/PyUtils/bin/meta-reader.py b/Tools/PyUtils/bin/meta-reader.py
index 34b27f9177f61c9c04e805c501c397fb011d367e..735bb6e6aed9a06dbc64a04adcfc327a28b9079e 100755
--- a/Tools/PyUtils/bin/meta-reader.py
+++ b/Tools/PyUtils/bin/meta-reader.py
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import logging
 import os
 # escape sequence [?1034h which aprear on several runs due to smm capability (Meta Mode On) for xterm. 
-if 'TERM' in os.envirn:
+if 'TERM' in os.environ:
 	del os.environ['TERM']
 msg = logging.getLogger('MetaReader')
diff --git a/Tools/PyUtils/python/MetaReader.py b/Tools/PyUtils/python/MetaReader.py
index ecab98818c517daf20560834b8e1cde09fb73f7c..9bde5afe46ac7644c64aaf597cc88671b1d3519b 100644
--- a/Tools/PyUtils/python/MetaReader.py
+++ b/Tools/PyUtils/python/MetaReader.py
@@ -1,669 +1,660 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 from __future__ import absolute_import
-import os, re
+import os
+import re
 from fnmatch import fnmatchcase
 from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
 msg = logging.getLogger('MetaReader')
-regexEventStreamInfo				=  re.compile(r'^EventStreamInfo(_p\d+)?$')
-regexIOVMetaDataContainer			=  re.compile(r'^IOVMetaDataContainer(_p\d+)?$')
-regexByteStreamMetadataContainer	=  re.compile(r'^ByteStreamMetadataContainer(_p\d+)?$')
-regexXAODEventFormat				=  re.compile(r'^xAOD::EventFormat(_v\d+)?$')
+# compile the regex needed in _convert_value() outside it to optimize the code.
+regexEventStreamInfo = re.compile(r'^EventStreamInfo(_p\d+)?$')
+regexIOVMetaDataContainer = re.compile(r'^IOVMetaDataContainer(_p\d+)?$')
+regexByteStreamMetadataContainer = re.compile(r'^ByteStreamMetadataContainer(_p\d+)?$')
+regexXAODEventFormat = re.compile(r'^xAOD::EventFormat(_v\d+)?$')
+regex_cppname = re.compile(r'^([\w:]+)(<.*>)?$')
+# regex_persistent_class = re.compile(r'^([a-zA-Z]+_p\d+::)*[a-zA-Z]+_p\d+$')
+regex_persistent_class = re.compile(r'^([a-zA-Z]+(_[pv]\d+)?::)*[a-zA-Z]+_[pv]\d+$')
+regex_BS_files = re.compile(r'^(\w+):.*((\.D?RAW\..*)|(\.data$))')
 def read_metadata(filenames, file_type=None, mode='lite', promote=None, meta_key_filter= []):
-	"""
-	This tool is independent of Athena framework and returns the metadata from a given file.
-	:param filenames: the input file from which metadata needs to be extracted.
-	:param file_type: the type of file. POOL or BS (bytestream: RAW, DRAW) files.
-	:param mode: if true, will return all metadata associated with the filename. By default, is false and this will
-	return a "tiny" version which have only the following keys: 'file_guid', 'file_size', 'file_type', 'nentries'.
-	:return: a dictionary of metadata for the given input file.
-	"""
-	from RootUtils import PyROOTFixes
-	# Check if the input is a file or a list of files.
-	if isinstance(filenames, basestring):
-		filenames = [filenames]
-	# Check if file_type is an allowed value
-	if file_type is not None:
-		if file_type not in ('POOL', 'BS'):
-			raise NameError('Allowed values for \'file_type\' parameter are: "POOL" or "BS": you provided "' + file_type + '"')
-		else:
-			msg.info('Forced file_type: {0}'.format(file_type))
-	# Check the value of mode parameter
-	if mode not in ('tiny', 'lite', 'full', 'peeker'):
-		raise NameError('Allowed values for "mode" parameter are: "tiny", "lite", "peeker" or "full"')
-	msg.info('Current mode used: {0}'.format(mode))
-	if mode != 'full' and len(meta_key_filter) > 0:
-		raise NameError('It is possible to use the meta_key_filter option only for full mode')
-	if len(meta_key_filter) > 0:
-		msg.info('Filter used: {0}'.format(meta_key_filter))
-	# create the storage object for metadata.
-	meta_dict = {}
-	# ----- retrieve metadata from all filename or filenames --------------------------------------------------------#
-	for filename in filenames:
-		meta_dict[filename] = {}
-		current_file_type = None
-		# Determine the file_type of the input and store this information into meta_dict
-		if not file_type:
-			with open(filename, 'rb') as binary_file:
-				magic_file = binary_file.read(4)
-				if magic_file == 'root':
-					current_file_type = 'POOL'
-					meta_dict[filename]['file_type'] = 'POOL'
-				else:
-					current_file_type = 'BS'
-					meta_dict[filename]['file_type'] = 'BS'
-		else:
-			current_file_type = file_type
-		# add information about the file_size of the input filename
-		meta_dict[filename]['file_size'] = os.path.getsize(filename)
-		# ----- retrieves metadata from POOL files ------------------------------------------------------------------#
-		if current_file_type == 'POOL':
-			import ROOT
-			# open the file using ROOT.TFile
-			current_file = ROOT.TFile(filename)
-			# open the tree 'POOLContainer' to read the number of entries
-			if current_file.GetListOfKeys().Contains('POOLContainer'):
-				meta_dict[filename]['nentries'] = current_file.Get('POOLContainer').GetEntriesFast()
-			else:
-				meta_dict[filename]['nentries'] = None
-			# read and add the 'GUID' value
-			meta_dict[filename]['file_guid'] = _read_guid(filename)
-			# ----- read extra metadata required for 'lite' and 'full' modes ----------------------------------------#
-			if mode != 'tiny':
-				# selecting from all tree the only one which contains metadata, respectively "MetaData"
-				metadata_tree = current_file.Get('MetaData')
-				# read all list of branches stored in "MetaData" tree
-				metadata_branches = metadata_tree.GetListOfBranches()
-				nr_of_branches = metadata_branches.GetEntriesFast()
-				# object to store the names of metadata containers and their corresponding class name.
-				meta_dict[filename]['metadata_items'] = {}
-				# create a container for the list of filters used for the lite version
-				meta_filter = {}
-				# set the filters for name
-				if mode == 'lite':
-					meta_filter = {
-						'/TagInfo': 'IOVMetaDataContainer_p1',
-						'IOVMetaDataContainer_p1__TagInfo': 'IOVMetaDataContainer_p1',
-						'*': 'EventStreamInfo_p*'
-					}
-				# set the filters for name
-				if mode == 'peeker':
-					meta_filter = {
-						'/TagInfo': 'IOVMetaDataContainer_p1',
-						'IOVMetaDataContainer_p1__TagInfo': 'IOVMetaDataContainer_p1',
-						'/Simulation/Parameters': 'IOVMetaDataContainer_p1',
-						'/Digitization/Parameters': 'IOVMetaDataContainer_p1',
-						'/EXT/DCS/MAGNETS/SENSORDATA': 'IOVMetaDataContainer_p1',
-						'*': 'EventStreamInfo_p*'
-					}
-				if mode == 'full' and len(meta_key_filter) > 0:
-					meta_filter = {f: '*' for f in meta_key_filter}
-				# store all persistent classes for metadata container existing in a POOL/ROOT file.
-				persistent_instances = {}
-				for i in range(0, nr_of_branches):
-					branch = metadata_branches.At(i)
-					name = branch.GetName()
-					class_name = branch.GetClassName()
-					if regexIOVMetaDataContainer.match(class_name):
-						name = name.replace('IOVMetaDataContainer_p1_','').replace('_','/')
-					if regexIOVMetaDataContainer.match(class_name):
-						meta_dict[filename]['metadata_items'][name] = 'IOVMetaDataContainer'
-					elif regexByteStreamMetadataContainer.match(class_name):
-						meta_dict[filename]['metadata_items'][name] = 'ByteStreamMetadataContainer'
-					elif regexEventStreamInfo.match(class_name):
-						meta_dict[filename]['metadata_items'][name] = 'EventStreamInfo'
-					else:
-						meta_dict[filename]['metadata_items'][name] = class_name
-					if len(meta_filter) > 0:
-						keep = False
-						for filter_key, filter_class in meta_filter.items():
-							if (filter_key.replace('/', '_') == name.replace('/', '_') or filter_key == '*') and fnmatchcase(class_name, filter_class):
-								keep = True
-								break
-						if not keep:
-							continue
-					# assign the corresponding persistent class based of the name of the metadata container
-					if   regexEventStreamInfo.match(class_name):
-                                                if class_name.endswith('_p2'):
-                                                        persistent_instances[name] = ROOT.EventStreamInfo_p2()
-                                                else:
-                                                        persistent_instances[name] = ROOT.EventStreamInfo_p3()
-					elif regexIOVMetaDataContainer.match(class_name):
-						persistent_instances[name] = ROOT.IOVMetaDataContainer_p1()
-					elif regexXAODEventFormat.match(class_name):
-						persistent_instances[name] = ROOT.xAOD.EventFormat_v1()
-					if name in persistent_instances:
-						branch.SetAddress(ROOT.AddressOf(persistent_instances[name]))
-				metadata_tree.GetEntry(0)
-				# clean the meta-dict if the meta_key_filter flag is used, to return only the key of interest
-				if len(meta_key_filter) > 0:
-					meta_dict[filename] = {}
-				# read the metadata
-				for name, content in persistent_instances.items():
-					key = name
-					if hasattr(content, 'm_folderName'):
-						key = getattr(content, 'm_folderName')
-					meta_dict[filename][key] = _convert_value(content)
-			if promote is None:
-				promote = mode == 'lite' or mode == 'peeker'
-			# Filter the data and create a prettier output for the 'lite' mode
-			if mode == 'lite':
-				meta_dict = make_lite(meta_dict)
-			if mode == 'peeker':
-				meta_dict = make_peeker(meta_dict)
-			if promote:
-				meta_dict = promote_keys(meta_dict)
-		# ----- retrieves metadata from bytestream (BS) files (RAW, DRAW) ------------------------------------------#
-		elif current_file_type == 'BS':
-			import eformat
-			# store the number of entries
-			bs = eformat.istream(filename)
-			meta_dict[filename]['nentries'] = bs.total_events
-			# store the 'guid' value
-			data_reader = eformat.EventStorage.pickDataReader(filename)
-			assert data_reader, 'problem picking a data reader for file [%s]' % filename
-			if hasattr(data_reader, 'GUID'):
-				meta_dict[filename]['file_guid'] = getattr(data_reader, 'GUID')()
-			# if the flag full is set to true then grab all metadata
-			# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
-			if mode != "tiny":
-				bs_metadata = {}
-				for md in data_reader.freeMetaDataStrings():
-					if md.startswith('Event type:'):
-						k = 'eventTypes'
-						v = []
-						if 'is sim' in md:
-							v.append('IS_SIMULATION')
-						else:
-							v.append('IS_DATA')
-						if 'is atlas' in md:
-							v.append('IS_ATLAS')
-						else:
-							v.append('IS_TESTBEAM')
-						if 'is physics' in md:
-							v.append('IS_PHYSICS')
-						else:
-							v.append('IS_CALIBRATION')
-						bs_metadata[k] = tuple(v)
-					elif md.startswith('GeoAtlas:'):
-						k = 'geometry'
-						v = md.split('GeoAtlas:')[1].strip()
-						bs_metadata[k] = v
-					elif md.startswith('IOVDbGlobalTag:'):
-						k = 'conditions_tag'
-						v = md.split('IOVDbGlobalTag:')[1].strip()
-						bs_metadata[k] = v
-					elif '=' in md:
-						k, v = md.split('=')
-						bs_metadata[k] = v
-				bs_metadata['runNumbers'] = getattr(data_reader, 'runNumber')()
-				bs_metadata['lumiBlockNumbers'] = getattr(data_reader, 'lumiblockNumber')()
-				bs_metadata['projectTag'] = getattr(data_reader, 'projectTag')()
-				bs_metadata['stream'] = getattr(data_reader, 'stream')()
-				bs_metadata['beamType'] = getattr(data_reader, 'beamType')()
-				bs_metadata['beamEnergy'] = getattr(data_reader, 'beamEnergy')()
-				meta_dict[filename]['eventTypes'] = bs_metadata.get('eventTypes', [])
-				meta_dict[filename]['GeoAtlas'] = bs_metadata.get('geometry', None)
-				meta_dict[filename]['conditions_tag'] = bs_metadata.get('conditions_tag', None)
-				# Promote up one level
-				meta_dict[filename]['runNumbers'] = [bs_metadata.get('runNumbers', None)]
-				meta_dict[filename]['lumiBlockNumbers'] = [bs_metadata.get('lumiBlockNumbers', None)]
-				meta_dict[filename]['beam_type'] = [bs_metadata.get('beamType', None)]
-				meta_dict[filename]['beam_energy'] = bs_metadata.get('beamEnergy', None)
-				meta_dict[filename]['stream'] = bs_metadata.get('stream', None)
-				if not data_reader.good():
-					# event-less file...
-					meta_dict[filename]['runNumbers'].append(bs_metadata.get('run_number', 0))
-					meta_dict[filename]['lumiBlockNumbers'].append(bs_metadata.get('LumiBlock', 0))
-				ievt = iter(bs)
-				evt = ievt.next()
-				evt.check()  # may raise a RuntimeError
-				processing_tags = [dict(stream_type = tag.type, stream_name = tag.name, obeys_lbk = bool(tag.obeys_lumiblock)) for tag in evt.stream_tag()]
-				meta_dict[filename]['processingTags'] = [x['stream_name'] for x in processing_tags]
-				meta_dict[filename]['evt_number'] = [evt.global_id()]
-				meta_dict[filename]['run_type'] = [eformat.helper.run_type2string(evt.run_type())]
-				# fix for ATEAM-122
-				if len(bs_metadata.get('eventTypes', '')) == 0:	 # see: ATMETADATA-6
-					evt_type = ['IS_DATA', 'IS_ATLAS']
-					if bs_metadata.get('stream', '').startswith('physics_'):
-						evt_type.append('IS_PHYSICS')
-					elif bs_metadata.get('stream', '').startswith('calibration_'):
-						evt_type.append('IS_CALIBRATION')
-					elif bs_metadata.get('projectTag', '').endswith('_calib'):
-						evt_type.append('IS_CALIBRATION')
-					else:
-						evt_type.append('Unknown')
-					meta_dict[filename]['eventTypes'] = evt_type
-				if mode == 'full':
-					meta_dict[filename]['bs_metadata'] = bs_metadata
-		# ------ Throw an error if the user provide other file types -------------------------------------------------#
-		else:
-			msg.error('Unknown filetype for {0} - there is no metadata interface for type {1}'.format(filename, current_file_type))
-			return None
-	return meta_dict
-# Currently not used
-# def _md5(fname, block_size=2**20, do_fast_md5=True):
-#     import hashlib
-#     # do_fast_md5 is for compatibility with AthFile.
-#     # -- Sebastian Liem
-#     hash_md5 = hashlib.md5()
-#     with open(fname, 'rb') as f:
-#	  for chunk in iter(lambda: f.read(block_size), b''):
-#	      hash_md5.update(chunk)
-#	      if do_fast_md5:
-#		  break
-#     return hash_md5.hexdigest()
+    """
+    This tool is independent of Athena framework and returns the metadata from a given file.
+    :param filenames: the input file from which metadata needs to be extracted.
+    :param file_type: the type of file. POOL or BS (bytestream: RAW, DRAW) files.
+    :param mode: if true, will return all metadata associated with the filename. By default, is false and this will
+    return a "tiny" version which have only the following keys: 'file_guid', 'file_size', 'file_type', 'nentries'.
+    :return: a dictionary of metadata for the given input file.
+    """
+    from RootUtils import PyROOTFixes
+    # Check if the input is a file or a list of files.
+    if isinstance(filenames, basestring):
+        filenames = [filenames]
+    # Check if file_type is an allowed value
+    if file_type is not None:
+        if file_type not in ('POOL', 'BS'):
+            raise NameError('Allowed values for \'file_type\' parameter are: "POOL" or "BS": you provided "' + file_type + '"')
+        else:
+            msg.info('Forced file_type: {0}'.format(file_type))
+    # Check the value of mode parameter
+    if mode not in ('tiny', 'lite', 'full', 'peeker'):
+        raise NameError('Allowed values for "mode" parameter are: "tiny", "lite", "peeker" or "full"')
+    msg.info('Current mode used: {0}'.format(mode))
+    if mode != 'full' and len(meta_key_filter) > 0:
+        raise NameError('It is possible to use the meta_key_filter option only for full mode')
+    if len(meta_key_filter) > 0:
+        msg.info('Filter used: {0}'.format(meta_key_filter))
+    # create the storage object for metadata.
+    meta_dict = {}
+    # ----- retrieve metadata from all filename or filenames --------------------------------------------------------#
+    for filename in filenames:
+        meta_dict[filename] = {}
+        current_file_type = None
+        # Determine the file_type of the input and store this information into meta_dict
+        if not file_type:
+            if os.path.isfile(filename):
+                with open(filename, 'rb') as binary_file:
+                    magic_file = binary_file.read(4)
+                    if magic_file == 'root':
+                        current_file_type = 'POOL'
+                        meta_dict[filename]['file_type'] = 'POOL'
+                    else:
+                        current_file_type = 'BS'
+                        meta_dict[filename]['file_type'] = 'BS'
+                    # add information about the file_size of the input filename
+                    meta_dict[filename]['file_size'] = os.path.getsize(filename)
+            # determine the file type for the remote input files
+            else:
+                if regex_BS_files.match(filename):
+                    current_file_type = 'BS'
+                    meta_dict[filename]['file_type'] = 'BS'
+                    print('############### BS online')
+                else:
+                    current_file_type = 'POOL'
+                    meta_dict[filename]['file_type'] = 'POOL'
+                    print('############### POOL online')
+                # add information about the file_size of the input filename
+                meta_dict[filename]['file_size'] = None  # None -> we can't read the file size for a remote file
+        else:
+            current_file_type = file_type
+        # ----- retrieves metadata from POOL files ------------------------------------------------------------------#
+        if current_file_type == 'POOL':
+            import ROOT
+            # open the file using ROOT.TFile
+            current_file = ROOT.TFile.Open(filename)
+            # open the tree 'POOLContainer' to read the number of entries
+            if current_file.GetListOfKeys().Contains('POOLContainer'):
+                meta_dict[filename]['nentries'] = current_file.Get('POOLContainer').GetEntriesFast()
+            else:
+                meta_dict[filename]['nentries'] = None
+            # read and add the 'GUID' value
+            meta_dict[filename]['file_guid'] = _read_guid(filename)
+            # ----- read extra metadata required for 'lite' and 'full' modes ----------------------------------------#
+            if mode != 'tiny':
+                # selecting from all tree the only one which contains metadata, respectively "MetaData"
+                metadata_tree = current_file.Get('MetaData')
+                # read all list of branches stored in "MetaData" tree
+                metadata_branches = metadata_tree.GetListOfBranches()
+                nr_of_branches = metadata_branches.GetEntriesFast()
+                # object to store the names of metadata containers and their corresponding class name.
+                meta_dict[filename]['metadata_items'] = {}
+                # create a container for the list of filters used for the lite version
+                meta_filter = {}
+                # set the filters for name
+                if mode == 'lite':
+                    meta_filter = {
+                        '/TagInfo': 'IOVMetaDataContainer_p1',
+                        'IOVMetaDataContainer_p1__TagInfo': 'IOVMetaDataContainer_p1',
+                        '*': 'EventStreamInfo_p*'
+                    }
+                # set the filters for name
+                if mode == 'peeker':
+                    meta_filter = {
+                        '/TagInfo': 'IOVMetaDataContainer_p1',
+                        'IOVMetaDataContainer_p1__TagInfo': 'IOVMetaDataContainer_p1',
+                        '/Simulation/Parameters': 'IOVMetaDataContainer_p1',
+                        '/Digitization/Parameters': 'IOVMetaDataContainer_p1',
+                        '/EXT/DCS/MAGNETS/SENSORDATA': 'IOVMetaDataContainer_p1',
+                        '*': 'EventStreamInfo_p*'
+                    }
+                if mode == 'full' and len(meta_key_filter) > 0:
+                    meta_filter = {f: '*' for f in meta_key_filter}
+                # store all persistent classes for metadata container existing in a POOL/ROOT file.
+                persistent_instances = {}
+                for i in range(0, nr_of_branches):
+                    branch = metadata_branches.At(i)
+                    name = branch.GetName()
+                    class_name = branch.GetClassName()
+                    if regexIOVMetaDataContainer.match(class_name):
+                        name = name.replace('IOVMetaDataContainer_p1_', '').replace('_', '/')
+                    if regexIOVMetaDataContainer.match(class_name):
+                        meta_dict[filename]['metadata_items'][name] = 'IOVMetaDataContainer'
+                    elif regexByteStreamMetadataContainer.match(class_name):
+                        meta_dict[filename]['metadata_items'][name] = 'ByteStreamMetadataContainer'
+                    elif regexEventStreamInfo.match(class_name):
+                        meta_dict[filename]['metadata_items'][name] = 'EventStreamInfo'
+                    else:
+                        meta_dict[filename]['metadata_items'][name] = class_name
+                    if len(meta_filter) > 0:
+                        keep = False
+                        for filter_key, filter_class in meta_filter.items():
+                            if (filter_key.replace('/', '_') == name.replace('/', '_') or filter_key == '*') and fnmatchcase(class_name, filter_class):
+                                keep = True
+                                break
+                        if not keep:
+                            continue
+                    # assign the corresponding persistent class based of the name of the metadata container
+                    if regexEventStreamInfo.match(class_name):
+                        if class_name.endswith('_p2'):
+                            persistent_instances[name] = ROOT.EventStreamInfo_p2()
+                        else:
+                            persistent_instances[name] = ROOT.EventStreamInfo_p3()
+                    elif regexIOVMetaDataContainer.match(class_name):
+                        persistent_instances[name] = ROOT.IOVMetaDataContainer_p1()
+                    elif regexXAODEventFormat.match(class_name):
+                        persistent_instances[name] = ROOT.xAOD.EventFormat_v1()
+                    if name in persistent_instances:
+                        branch.SetAddress(ROOT.AddressOf(persistent_instances[name]))
+                metadata_tree.GetEntry(0)
+                # clean the meta-dict if the meta_key_filter flag is used, to return only the key of interest
+                if len(meta_key_filter) > 0:
+                    meta_dict[filename] = {}
+                # read the metadata
+                for name, content in persistent_instances.items():
+                    key = name
+                    if hasattr(content, 'm_folderName'):
+                        key = getattr(content, 'm_folderName')
+                    meta_dict[filename][key] = _convert_value(content)
+            if promote is None:
+                promote = mode == 'lite' or mode == 'peeker'
+            # Filter the data and create a prettier output for the 'lite' mode
+            if mode == 'lite':
+                meta_dict = make_lite(meta_dict)
+            if mode == 'peeker':
+                meta_dict = make_peeker(meta_dict)
+            if promote:
+                meta_dict = promote_keys(meta_dict)
+        # ----- retrieves metadata from bytestream (BS) files (RAW, DRAW) ------------------------------------------#
+        elif current_file_type == 'BS':
+            import eformat
+            # store the number of entries
+            bs = eformat.istream(filename)
+            meta_dict[filename]['nentries'] = bs.total_events
+            # store the 'guid' value
+            data_reader = eformat.EventStorage.pickDataReader(filename)
+            assert data_reader, 'problem picking a data reader for file [%s]' % filename
+            if hasattr(data_reader, 'GUID'):
+                meta_dict[filename]['file_guid'] = getattr(data_reader, 'GUID')()
+            # if the flag full is set to true then grab all metadata
+            # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
+            if mode != "tiny":
+                bs_metadata = {}
+                for md in data_reader.freeMetaDataStrings():
+                    if md.startswith('Event type:'):
+                        k = 'eventTypes'
+                        v = []
+                        if 'is sim' in md:
+                            v.append('IS_SIMULATION')
+                        else:
+                            v.append('IS_DATA')
+                        if 'is atlas' in md:
+                            v.append('IS_ATLAS')
+                        else:
+                            v.append('IS_TESTBEAM')
+                        if 'is physics' in md:
+                            v.append('IS_PHYSICS')
+                        else:
+                            v.append('IS_CALIBRATION')
+                        bs_metadata[k] = tuple(v)
+                    elif md.startswith('GeoAtlas:'):
+                        k = 'geometry'
+                        v = md.split('GeoAtlas:')[1].strip()
+                        bs_metadata[k] = v
+                    elif md.startswith('IOVDbGlobalTag:'):
+                        k = 'conditions_tag'
+                        v = md.split('IOVDbGlobalTag:')[1].strip()
+                        bs_metadata[k] = v
+                    elif '=' in md:
+                        k, v = md.split('=')
+                        bs_metadata[k] = v
+                bs_metadata['runNumbers'] = getattr(data_reader, 'runNumber')()
+                bs_metadata['lumiBlockNumbers'] = getattr(data_reader, 'lumiblockNumber')()
+                bs_metadata['projectTag'] = getattr(data_reader, 'projectTag')()
+                bs_metadata['stream'] = getattr(data_reader, 'stream')()
+                bs_metadata['beamType'] = getattr(data_reader, 'beamType')()
+                bs_metadata['beamEnergy'] = getattr(data_reader, 'beamEnergy')()
+                meta_dict[filename]['eventTypes'] = bs_metadata.get('eventTypes', [])
+                meta_dict[filename]['GeoAtlas'] = bs_metadata.get('geometry', None)
+                meta_dict[filename]['conditions_tag'] = bs_metadata.get('conditions_tag', None)
+                # Promote up one level
+                meta_dict[filename]['runNumbers'] = [bs_metadata.get('runNumbers', None)]
+                meta_dict[filename]['lumiBlockNumbers'] = [bs_metadata.get('lumiBlockNumbers', None)]
+                meta_dict[filename]['beam_type'] = [bs_metadata.get('beamType', None)]
+                meta_dict[filename]['beam_energy'] = bs_metadata.get('beamEnergy', None)
+                meta_dict[filename]['stream'] = bs_metadata.get('stream', None)
+                if not data_reader.good():
+                    # event-less file...
+                    meta_dict[filename]['runNumbers'].append(bs_metadata.get('run_number', 0))
+                    meta_dict[filename]['lumiBlockNumbers'].append(bs_metadata.get('LumiBlock', 0))
+                ievt = iter(bs)
+                evt = ievt.next()
+                evt.check()  # may raise a RuntimeError
+                processing_tags = [dict(stream_type = tag.type, stream_name = tag.name, obeys_lbk = bool(tag.obeys_lumiblock)) for tag in evt.stream_tag()]
+                meta_dict[filename]['processingTags'] = [x['stream_name'] for x in processing_tags]
+                meta_dict[filename]['evt_number'] = [evt.global_id()]
+                meta_dict[filename]['run_type'] = [eformat.helper.run_type2string(evt.run_type())]
+                # fix for ATEAM-122
+                if len(bs_metadata.get('eventTypes', '')) == 0:	 # see: ATMETADATA-6
+                    evt_type = ['IS_DATA', 'IS_ATLAS']
+                    if bs_metadata.get('stream', '').startswith('physics_'):
+                        evt_type.append('IS_PHYSICS')
+                    elif bs_metadata.get('stream', '').startswith('calibration_'):
+                        evt_type.append('IS_CALIBRATION')
+                    elif bs_metadata.get('projectTag', '').endswith('_calib'):
+                        evt_type.append('IS_CALIBRATION')
+                    else:
+                        evt_type.append('Unknown')
+                    meta_dict[filename]['eventTypes'] = evt_type
+                if mode == 'full':
+                    meta_dict[filename]['bs_metadata'] = bs_metadata
+        # ------ Throw an error if the user provide other file types -------------------------------------------------#
+        else:
+            msg.error('Unknown filetype for {0} - there is no metadata interface for type {1}'.format(filename, current_file_type))
+            return None
+    return meta_dict
 def _read_guid(filename):
-	"""
-	Extracts the "guid" (Globally Unique Identfier in POOL files and Grid catalogs) value from a POOL file.
-	:param filename: the input file
-	:return: the guid value
-	"""
-	import ROOT
-	root_file = ROOT.TFile(filename)
-	params = root_file.Get('##Params')
+    """
+    Extracts the "guid" (Globally Unique Identfier in POOL files and Grid catalogs) value from a POOL file.
+    :param filename: the input file
+    :return: the guid value
+    """
+    import ROOT
+    root_file = ROOT.TFile.Open(filename)
+    params = root_file.Get('##Params')
-	regex = re.compile(r'^\[NAME\=([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)\]\[VALUE\=(.*)\]')
+    regex = re.compile(r'^\[NAME=([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\]\[VALUE=(.*)\]')
-	for i in range(params.GetEntries()):
-		params.GetEntry(i)
-		param = params.db_string
+    for i in range(params.GetEntries()):
+        params.GetEntry(i)
+        param = params.db_string
-		result = regex.match(param)
-		if result:
-			name = result.group(1)
-			value = result.group(2)
+        result = regex.match(param)
+        if result:
+            name = result.group(1)
+            value = result.group(2)
-			if name == 'FID':
-				return value
+            if name == 'FID':
+                return value
-	return None
+    return None
 def _extract_fields(obj):
-	result = {}
-	for meth in dir(obj):
-		if not meth.startswith('_'):
-			if meth.startswith('m_'):
-				field_name = str(meth)[2:]
-				field_value = getattr(obj, meth)
+    result = {}
-				result[field_name] = _convert_value(field_value)
+    for meth in dir(obj):
+        if not meth.startswith('_'):
+            if meth.startswith('m_'):
-	return result
+                field_name = str(meth)[2:]
+                field_value = getattr(obj, meth)
+                result[field_name] = _convert_value(field_value)
-# compile the regex needed in _convert_value() outside it to optimize the code.
-regex_cppname = re.compile(r'^([\w:]+)(<.*>)?$')
-# regex_persistent_class = re.compile(r'^([a-zA-Z]+_p\d+::)*[a-zA-Z]+_p\d+$')
-regex_persistent_class = re.compile(r'^([a-zA-Z]+(_[pv]\d+)?::)*[a-zA-Z]+_[pv]\d+$')
+    return result
 def _convert_value(value):
-	if hasattr(value, '__cppname__'):
+    if hasattr(value, '__cppname__'):
-		result = regex_cppname.match(value.__cppname__)
+        result = regex_cppname.match(value.__cppname__)
-		if result:
-			cpp_type = result.group(1)
-			if cpp_type == 'vector':
-				return [_convert_value(val) for val in value]
+        if result:
+            cpp_type = result.group(1)
+            if cpp_type == 'vector':
+                return [_convert_value(val) for val in value]
-			elif cpp_type == 'pair':
-				return _convert_value(value.first), _convert_value(value.second)
+            elif cpp_type == 'pair':
+                return _convert_value(value.first), _convert_value(value.second)
-			# elif cpp_type == 'long':
-			#	return int(value)
+            # elif cpp_type == 'long':
+            #   return int(value)
-			elif value.__cppname__ == "_Bit_reference":
-				return bool(value)
+            elif value.__cppname__ == "_Bit_reference":
+                return bool(value)
-			# special case which extracts data in a better format from IOVPayloadContainer_p1 class
-			elif value.__cppname__ == 'IOVMetaDataContainer_p1':
-				return _extract_fields_iovmdc(value)
+            # special case which extracts data in a better format from IOVPayloadContainer_p1 class
+            elif value.__cppname__ == 'IOVMetaDataContainer_p1':
+                return _extract_fields_iovmdc(value)
-			elif value.__cppname__ == 'IOVPayloadContainer_p1':
-				return _extract_fields_iovpc(value)
+            elif value.__cppname__ == 'IOVPayloadContainer_p1':
+                return _extract_fields_iovpc(value)
-			elif value.__cppname__ == 'xAOD::EventFormat_v1':
-				return _extract_fields_ef(value)
+            elif value.__cppname__ == 'xAOD::EventFormat_v1':
+                return _extract_fields_ef(value)
-			elif (value.__cppname__ == 'EventStreamInfo_p2' or
-			      value.__cppname__ == 'EventStreamInfo_p3'):
-				return _extract_fields_esi(value)
+            elif (value.__cppname__ == 'EventStreamInfo_p2' or
+                  value.__cppname__ == 'EventStreamInfo_p3'):
+                return _extract_fields_esi(value)
-			elif (value.__cppname__ == 'EventType_p1' or
-			      value.__cppname__ == 'EventType_p3'):
-				return _convert_event_type_bitmask( _extract_fields(value))
+            elif (value.__cppname__ == 'EventType_p1' or
+                  value.__cppname__ == 'EventType_p3'):
+                return _convert_event_type_bitmask(_extract_fields(value))
-			elif regex_persistent_class.match(value.__cppname__):
-				return _extract_fields(value)
+            elif regex_persistent_class.match(value.__cppname__):
+                return _extract_fields(value)
-	return value
+    return value
 def _extract_fields_iovmdc(value):
-	return _convert_value(value.m_payload)
+    return _convert_value(value.m_payload)
 def _extract_fields_iovpc(value):
-	result = {}
-	for attr_idx in value.m_attrIndexes:
-		name_idx = attr_idx.nameIndex()
-		type_idx = attr_idx.typeIndex()
-		obj_idx = attr_idx.objIndex()
-		attr_name = value.m_attrName[name_idx]
-		attr_value = None
-		if type_idx == 0:
-			attr_value = bool(value.m_bool[obj_idx])
-		elif type_idx == 1:
-			attr_value = int(value.m_char[obj_idx])
-		elif type_idx == 2:
-			attr_value = int(value.m_unsignedChar[obj_idx])
-		elif type_idx == 3:
-			attr_value = int(value.m_short[obj_idx])
-		elif type_idx == 4:
-			attr_value = int(value.m_unsignedShort[obj_idx])
-		elif type_idx == 5:
-			attr_value = int(value.m_int[obj_idx])
-		elif type_idx == 6:
-			attr_value = int(value.m_unsignedInt[obj_idx])
-		elif type_idx == 7:
-			attr_value = int(value.m_long[obj_idx])
-		elif type_idx == 8:
-			attr_value = int(value.m_unsignedLong[obj_idx])
-		elif type_idx == 9:
-			attr_value = long(value.m_longLong[obj_idx])
-		elif type_idx == 10:
-			attr_value = long(value.m_unsignedLongLong[obj_idx])
-		elif type_idx == 11:
-			attr_value = float(value.m_float[obj_idx])
-		elif type_idx == 12:
-			attr_value = float(value.m_double[obj_idx])
-		elif type_idx == 13:
-			# skipping this type because is file IOVPayloadContainer_p1.h (line 120) is commented and not considered
-			pass
-		elif type_idx == 14:
-			attr_value = str(value.m_string[obj_idx])
-		    # Cleaning class name from value
-			if attr_value.startswith('IOVMetaDataContainer_p1_'):
-				attr_value = attr_value.replace('IOVMetaDataContainer_p1_','')
-			if attr_value.startswith('_'):
-				attr_value = attr_value.replace('_','/')
-			# Now it is clean
-		elif type_idx == 15:
-			attr_value = long(value.m_date[obj_idx])
-		elif type_idx == 16:
-			attr_value = long(value.m_timeStamp[obj_idx])
-		else:
-			raise ValueError('Unknown type id {0} for attribute {1}'.format(type_idx, attr_name))
-		if attr_name not in result:
-			result[attr_name] = []
-		result[attr_name].append(attr_value)
-	max_element_count = 0
-	for name, content in result.items():
-		if len(content) > max_element_count:
-			max_element_count = len(content)
-	if max_element_count <= 1:
-		for name, content in result.items():
-			if len(content) > 0:
-				result[name] = content[0]
-			else:
-				result[name] = None
-	return result
+    result = {}
+    for attr_idx in value.m_attrIndexes:
+        name_idx = attr_idx.nameIndex()
+        type_idx = attr_idx.typeIndex()
+        obj_idx = attr_idx.objIndex()
+        attr_name = value.m_attrName[name_idx]
+        attr_value = None
+        if type_idx == 0:
+            attr_value = bool(value.m_bool[obj_idx])
+        elif type_idx == 1:
+            attr_value = int(value.m_char[obj_idx])
+        elif type_idx == 2:
+            attr_value = int(value.m_unsignedChar[obj_idx])
+        elif type_idx == 3:
+            attr_value = int(value.m_short[obj_idx])
+        elif type_idx == 4:
+            attr_value = int(value.m_unsignedShort[obj_idx])
+        elif type_idx == 5:
+            attr_value = int(value.m_int[obj_idx])
+        elif type_idx == 6:
+            attr_value = int(value.m_unsignedInt[obj_idx])
+        elif type_idx == 7:
+            attr_value = int(value.m_long[obj_idx])
+        elif type_idx == 8:
+            attr_value = int(value.m_unsignedLong[obj_idx])
+        elif type_idx == 9:
+            attr_value = long(value.m_longLong[obj_idx])
+        elif type_idx == 10:
+            attr_value = long(value.m_unsignedLongLong[obj_idx])
+        elif type_idx == 11:
+            attr_value = float(value.m_float[obj_idx])
+        elif type_idx == 12:
+            attr_value = float(value.m_double[obj_idx])
+        elif type_idx == 13:
+            # skipping this type because is file IOVPayloadContainer_p1.h (line 120) is commented and not considered
+            pass
+        elif type_idx == 14:
+            attr_value = str(value.m_string[obj_idx])
+            # Cleaning class name from value
+            if attr_value.startswith('IOVMetaDataContainer_p1_'):
+                attr_value = attr_value.replace('IOVMetaDataContainer_p1_', '')
+            if attr_value.startswith('_'):
+                attr_value = attr_value.replace('_', '/')
+            # Now it is clean
+        elif type_idx == 15:
+            attr_value = long(value.m_date[obj_idx])
+        elif type_idx == 16:
+            attr_value = long(value.m_timeStamp[obj_idx])
+        else:
+            raise ValueError('Unknown type id {0} for attribute {1}'.format(type_idx, attr_name))
+        if attr_name not in result:
+            result[attr_name] = []
+        result[attr_name].append(attr_value)
+    max_element_count = 0
+    for name, content in result.items():
+        if len(content) > max_element_count:
+            max_element_count = len(content)
+    if max_element_count <= 1:
+        for name, content in result.items():
+            if len(content) > 0:
+                result[name] = content[0]
+            else:
+                result[name] = None
+    return result
 def _extract_fields_esi(value):
-	result = {}
+    result = {}
+    result['eventTypes'] = []
+    for eventType in value.m_eventTypes:
+        result['eventTypes'].append(_convert_value(eventType))
-	result['eventTypes'] = []
-	for eventType in value.m_eventTypes:
-		result['eventTypes'].append(_convert_value(eventType))
-	result['numberOfEvents'] = value.m_numberOfEvents
-	result['runNumbers'] = list(value.m_runNumbers)
-	result['lumiBlockNumbers'] = list(value.m_lumiBlockNumbers)
-	result['processingTags'] = list(value.m_processingTags)
-	result['itemList'] = []
+    result['numberOfEvents'] = value.m_numberOfEvents
+    result['runNumbers'] = list(value.m_runNumbers)
+    result['lumiBlockNumbers'] = list(value.m_lumiBlockNumbers)
+    result['processingTags'] = list(value.m_processingTags)
+    result['itemList'] = []
-	# Get the class name in the repository with CLID <clid>
-	from CLIDComps.clidGenerator import clidGenerator
-	cgen = clidGenerator("")
-	for clid, sgkey in value.m_itemList:
-		result['itemList'].append((cgen.getNameFromClid(clid), sgkey))
+    # Get the class name in the repository with CLID <clid>
+    from CLIDComps.clidGenerator import clidGenerator
+    cgen = clidGenerator("")
+    for clid, sgkey in value.m_itemList:
+        result['itemList'].append((cgen.getNameFromClid(clid), sgkey))
-	return result
+    return result
 def _extract_fields_ef(value):
-	result = {}
+    result = {}
-	for ef_element in value:
-		result[ef_element.first] = ef_element.second.className()
+    for ef_element in value:
+        result[ef_element.first] = ef_element.second.className()
-	return result
+    return result
 def _convert_event_type_bitmask(value):
-	types = None
-	for key in value:
-		if key == 'bit_mask':
-			val = value[key]
+    types = None
+    for key in value:
+        if key == 'bit_mask':
+            val = value[key]
-			bitmask_length = len(val)
+            bitmask_length = len(val)
-			is_simulation = False
-			is_testbeam = False
-			is_calibration = False
+            is_simulation = False
+            is_testbeam = False
+            is_calibration = False
-			if bitmask_length > 0:	# ROOT.EventType.IS_SIMULATION
-				is_simulation = val[0]
+            if bitmask_length > 0:  # ROOT.EventType.IS_SIMULATION
+                is_simulation = val[0]
-			if bitmask_length > 1:	# ROOT.EventType.IS_TESTBEAM
-				is_testbeam = val[1]
+            if bitmask_length > 1:  # ROOT.EventType.IS_TESTBEAM
+                is_testbeam = val[1]
-			if bitmask_length > 2:	# ROOT.EventType.IS_CALIBRATION:
-				is_calibration = val[2]
+            if bitmask_length > 2:  # ROOT.EventType.IS_CALIBRATION:
+                is_calibration = val[2]
-			types = [
-				'IS_SIMULATION' if is_simulation else 'IS_DATA',
-				'IS_TESTBEAM' if is_testbeam else 'IS_ATLAS',
-				'IS_CALIBRATION' if is_calibration else 'IS_PHYSICS'
-			]
+            types = [
+                'IS_SIMULATION' if is_simulation else 'IS_DATA',
+                'IS_TESTBEAM' if is_testbeam else 'IS_ATLAS',
+                'IS_CALIBRATION' if is_calibration else 'IS_PHYSICS'
+            ]
-	value['type'] = types
-	return value
+    value['type'] = types
+    return value
 def make_lite(meta_dict):
-	for filename, file_content in meta_dict.items():
-		for key in file_content:
-			if key in meta_dict[filename]['metadata_items'] and regexEventStreamInfo.match(meta_dict[filename]['metadata_items'][key]):
-				keys_to_keep = ['lumiBlockNumbers', 'runNumbers', 'mc_event_number', 'mc_channel_number', 'eventTypes', 'processingTags']
+    for filename, file_content in meta_dict.items():
+        for key in file_content:
+            if key in meta_dict[filename]['metadata_items'] and regexEventStreamInfo.match(meta_dict[filename]['metadata_items'][key]):
+                keys_to_keep = ['lumiBlockNumbers', 'runNumbers', 'mc_event_number', 'mc_channel_number', 'eventTypes', 'processingTags']
-				for item in list(meta_dict[filename][key]):
-					if item not in keys_to_keep:
-						meta_dict[filename][key].pop(item)
+                for item in list(meta_dict[filename][key]):
+                    if item not in keys_to_keep:
+                        meta_dict[filename][key].pop(item)
-		if '/TagInfo' in file_content:
-			keys_to_keep = ['beam_energy', 'beam_type', 'GeoAtlas', 'IOVDbGlobalTag', 'AODFixVersion']
+        if '/TagInfo' in file_content:
+            keys_to_keep = ['beam_energy', 'beam_type', 'GeoAtlas', 'IOVDbGlobalTag', 'AODFixVersion']
-			for item in list(meta_dict[filename]['/TagInfo']):
-				if item not in keys_to_keep:
-					meta_dict[filename]['/TagInfo'].pop(item)
-	return meta_dict
+            for item in list(meta_dict[filename]['/TagInfo']):
+                if item not in keys_to_keep:
+                    meta_dict[filename]['/TagInfo'].pop(item)
+    return meta_dict
 def make_peeker(meta_dict):
-	for filename, file_content in meta_dict.items():
-		for key in file_content:
-			if key in meta_dict[filename]['metadata_items'] and regexEventStreamInfo.match(meta_dict[filename]['metadata_items'][key]):
-				keys_to_keep = [
-					'lumiBlockNumbers',
-					'runNumbers',
-					'mc_event_number',
-					'mc_channel_number',
-					'eventTypes',
-					'processingTags',
-					'itemList'
-				]
-				for item in list(meta_dict[filename][key]):
-					if item not in keys_to_keep:
-						meta_dict[filename][key].pop(item)
-		if '/TagInfo' in file_content:
-			keys_to_keep = [
-				'beam_energy',
-				'beam_type',
-				'GeoAtlas',
-				'IOVDbGlobalTag',
-				'AODFixVersion',
-				'AMITag',
-				'project_name',
-				'triggerStreamOfFile',
-				'AtlasRelease'
-			]
-			for item in list(meta_dict[filename]['/TagInfo']):
-				if item not in keys_to_keep:
-					meta_dict[filename]['/TagInfo'].pop(item)
-		if '/Simulation/Parameters' in file_content:
-			keys_to_keep = [
-				'TruthStrategy',
-				'SimBarcodeOffset',
-			]
-			for item in list(meta_dict[filename]['/Simulation/Parameters']):
-				if item not in keys_to_keep:
-					meta_dict[filename]['/Simulation/Parameters'].pop(item)
-		if '/Digitization/Parameters' in file_content:
-			keys_to_keep = [
-				'numberOfCollisions',
-				'intraTrainBunchSpacing',
-				'BeamIntensityPattern'
-			]
-			for item in list(meta_dict[filename]['/Digitization/Parameters']):
-				if item not in keys_to_keep:
-					meta_dict[filename]['/Digitization/Parameters'].pop(item)
-	return meta_dict
+    for filename, file_content in meta_dict.items():
+        for key in file_content:
+            if key in meta_dict[filename]['metadata_items'] and regexEventStreamInfo.match(meta_dict[filename]['metadata_items'][key]):
+                keys_to_keep = [
+                    'lumiBlockNumbers',
+                    'runNumbers',
+                    'mc_event_number',
+                    'mc_channel_number',
+                    'eventTypes',
+                    'processingTags',
+                    'itemList'
+                ]
+                for item in list(meta_dict[filename][key]):
+                    if item not in keys_to_keep:
+                        meta_dict[filename][key].pop(item)
+        if '/TagInfo' in file_content:
+            keys_to_keep = [
+                'beam_energy',
+                'beam_type',
+                'GeoAtlas',
+                'IOVDbGlobalTag',
+                'AODFixVersion',
+                'AMITag',
+                'project_name',
+                'triggerStreamOfFile',
+                'AtlasRelease'
+            ]
+            for item in list(meta_dict[filename]['/TagInfo']):
+                if item not in keys_to_keep:
+                    meta_dict[filename]['/TagInfo'].pop(item)
+        if '/Simulation/Parameters' in file_content:
+            keys_to_keep = [
+                'TruthStrategy',
+                'SimBarcodeOffset',
+            ]
+            for item in list(meta_dict[filename]['/Simulation/Parameters']):
+                if item not in keys_to_keep:
+                    meta_dict[filename]['/Simulation/Parameters'].pop(item)
+        if '/Digitization/Parameters' in file_content:
+            keys_to_keep = [
+                'numberOfCollisions',
+                'intraTrainBunchSpacing',
+                'BeamIntensityPattern'
+            ]
+            for item in list(meta_dict[filename]['/Digitization/Parameters']):
+                if item not in keys_to_keep:
+                    meta_dict[filename]['/Digitization/Parameters'].pop(item)
+    return meta_dict
 def promote_keys(meta_dict):
-	for filename, file_content in meta_dict.items():
-		md = meta_dict[filename]
-		for key in file_content:
-			if key in md['metadata_items'] and regexEventStreamInfo.match(md['metadata_items'][key]):
-				md.update(md[key])
-				et = md['eventTypes'][0]
-				md['mc_event_number'] = et.get('mc_event_number', md['runNumbers'][0])
-				md['mc_channel_number'] = et.get('mc_channel_number', 0)
-				md['eventTypes'] = et['type']
-				md['lumiBlockNumbers'] = md['lumiBlockNumbers']
-				md['processingTags'] = md[key]['processingTags']
-				meta_dict[filename].pop(key)
-				break
-		if '/TagInfo' in file_content:
-			md.update(md['/TagInfo'])
-			md.pop('/TagInfo')
-		if '/Simulation/Parameters' in file_content:
-			md.update(md['/Simulation/Parameters'])
-			md.pop('/Simulation/Parameters')
-		if '/Digitization/Parameters' in file_content:
-			md.update(md['/Digitization/Parameters'])
-			md.pop('/Digitization/Parameters')
-	return meta_dict
+    for filename, file_content in meta_dict.items():
+        md = meta_dict[filename]
+        for key in file_content:
+            if key in md['metadata_items'] and regexEventStreamInfo.match(md['metadata_items'][key]):
+                md.update(md[key])
+                et = md['eventTypes'][0]
+                md['mc_event_number'] = et.get('mc_event_number', md['runNumbers'][0])
+                md['mc_channel_number'] = et.get('mc_channel_number', 0)
+                md['eventTypes'] = et['type']
+                md['lumiBlockNumbers'] = md['lumiBlockNumbers']
+                md['processingTags'] = md[key]['processingTags']
+                meta_dict[filename].pop(key)
+                break
+        if '/TagInfo' in file_content:
+            md.update(md['/TagInfo'])
+            md.pop('/TagInfo')
+        if '/Simulation/Parameters' in file_content:
+            md.update(md['/Simulation/Parameters'])
+            md.pop('/Simulation/Parameters')
+        if '/Digitization/Parameters' in file_content:
+            md.update(md['/Digitization/Parameters'])
+            md.pop('/Digitization/Parameters')
+    return meta_dict
diff --git a/Tools/Tier0ChainTests/test/test_q441.sh b/Tools/Tier0ChainTests/test/test_q441.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c6969fcdea9df5044a85a59a266a99d16f0fda69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/Tier0ChainTests/test/test_q441.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# art-description: RecoTrf
+# art-type: grid
+# art-include: master/Athena
+Reco_tf.py --AMI=q441 --inputHITSFile=/cvmfs/atlas-nightlies.cern.ch/repo/data/data-art/Tier0ChainTests/q441/22.0/HITS.12560240._000299.pool.root.1 --inputRDO_BKGFile=/cvmfs/atlas-nightlies.cern.ch/repo/data/data-art/Tier0ChainTests/q441/22.0/RDO.17190395._000013.pool.root.1 --maxEvents=25 --outputAODFile=q441.AOD.pool.root --outputESDFile=q441.ESD.pool.root
+#This test currently has the muon isolation reconstruction switched off. It should be switched back on at a later date. 
+echo "art-result: $?"
diff --git a/Tools/Tier0ChainTests/test/test_q441_mp.sh b/Tools/Tier0ChainTests/test/test_q441_mp.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..10a25f938818df436a3b71692385adc714055164
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/Tier0ChainTests/test/test_q441_mp.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# art-description: RecoTrf
+# art-type: grid
+# art-include: master/Athena
+Reco_tf.py --AMI=q441 --athenaopts='--nprocs=2' --inputHITSFile=/cvmfs/atlas-nightlies.cern.ch/repo/data/data-art/Tier0ChainTests/q441/22.0/HITS.12560240._000299.pool.root.1 --inputRDO_BKGFile=/cvmfs/atlas-nightlies.cern.ch/repo/data/data-art/Tier0ChainTests/q441/22.0/RDO.17190395._000013.pool.root.1 --maxEvents=25 --outputAODFile=q441.AOD.pool.root --outputESDFile=q441.ESD.pool.root
+#This test currently has the muon isolation reconstruction switched off. It should be switched back on at a later date. 
+echo "art-result: $?"
diff --git a/Tools/Tier0ChainTests/test/test_q441_mt.sh b/Tools/Tier0ChainTests/test/test_q441_mt.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d78498e6688966ecd08cad576c19041f1aa66525
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/Tier0ChainTests/test/test_q441_mt.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# art-description: RecoTrf
+# art-type: grid
+# art-include: master/Athena
+Reco_tf.py --AMI=q441 --athenaopts='--threads=1' --inputHITSFile=/cvmfs/atlas-nightlies.cern.ch/repo/data/data-art/Tier0ChainTests/q441/22.0/HITS.12560240._000299.pool.root.1 --inputRDO_BKGFile=/cvmfs/atlas-nightlies.cern.ch/repo/data/data-art/Tier0ChainTests/q441/22.0/RDO.17190395._000013.pool.root.1 --maxEvents=25 --outputAODFile=q441.AOD.pool.root --outputESDFile=q441.ESD.pool.root
+#This test currently has the muon isolation reconstruction switched off. It should be switched back on at a later date. 
+echo "art-result: $?"
diff --git a/Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkSpacePoint/TrkSpacePoint/ATLAS_CHECK_THREAD_SAFETY b/Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkSpacePoint/TrkSpacePoint/ATLAS_CHECK_THREAD_SAFETY
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2f999ff7e6732590a3d66af948669d3cbb0ef5a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkSpacePoint/TrkSpacePoint/ATLAS_CHECK_THREAD_SAFETY
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkSpacePoint/TrkSpacePoint/SpacePoint.h b/Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkSpacePoint/TrkSpacePoint/SpacePoint.h
index b2478cee6485d38fd7e63023c202c4880ff8e63d..12dd8db822361228bb4d9cc174605b4a5a4c8943 100755
--- a/Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkSpacePoint/TrkSpacePoint/SpacePoint.h
+++ b/Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkSpacePoint/TrkSpacePoint/SpacePoint.h
@@ -82,11 +82,8 @@ namespace Trk{
     /**Interface method for output, to be overloaded by child classes* */
     virtual std::ostream& dump( std::ostream& out ) const =0 ;
-    /**return number of parameters currently created*/
-    static unsigned int numberOfInstantiations() ;
-    mutable const std::pair<const PrepRawData*, const PrepRawData*> *m_clusList;
+    const std::pair<const PrepRawData*, const PrepRawData*> *m_clusList;
     std::pair<IdentifierHash, IdentifierHash> m_elemIdList;
     Amg::Vector3D m_position; 
     Amg::MatrixX  m_globalCovariance;
@@ -95,8 +92,6 @@ namespace Trk{
     /** might not be performant enough, evaluate */
-    /** number of objects of this type in memory */
-    static unsigned int s_numberOfInstantiations;
diff --git a/Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkSpacePoint/TrkSpacePoint/SpacePointContainer.h b/Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkSpacePoint/TrkSpacePoint/SpacePointContainer.h
index 199314e5cd6496186fc720d701d8e37811792c45..1de95188362ce09dadc0427c5c89b73a9e7dab26 100755
--- a/Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkSpacePoint/TrkSpacePoint/SpacePointContainer.h
+++ b/Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkSpacePoint/TrkSpacePoint/SpacePointContainer.h
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ public:
    /** return class ID */
   static const CLID& classID() 
-      static CLID id = 1273119430 ; 
+      static const CLID id = 1273119430 ; 
       return id; 
       // we do not know why using the traits does not work
       //return ClassID_traits<SpacePointContainer>::ID();
diff --git a/Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkSpacePoint/src/SpacePoint.cxx b/Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkSpacePoint/src/SpacePoint.cxx
index 78802bc1fffc1f938a6da4c57c897b3976497391..0726a81742d14c0fdc4fc2255486afaefd55c096 100755
--- a/Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkSpacePoint/src/SpacePoint.cxx
+++ b/Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkSpacePoint/src/SpacePoint.cxx
@@ -23,16 +23,10 @@
 namespace Trk
-  unsigned int SpacePoint::s_numberOfInstantiations=0;
   // Destructor:
     delete m_clusList;
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-    s_numberOfInstantiations--; // delete SpacePoint, so decrement total count
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -45,9 +39,6 @@ namespace Trk
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-    s_numberOfInstantiations++; // new SpacePoint, so increment total count
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -64,9 +55,6 @@ namespace Trk
     m_globalCovariance = SP.m_globalCovariance; 
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-    s_numberOfInstantiations++; // new SpacePoint, so increment total count
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -129,14 +117,6 @@ namespace Trk
       return m_clusList->first->detectorElement()->surface(); 
-  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
-  unsigned int SpacePoint::numberOfInstantiations()
-  {
-    return s_numberOfInstantiations;
-  }
 } // end of namespace
diff --git a/Tracking/TrkFitter/TrkGlobalChi2Fitter/src/GlobalChi2Fitter.cxx b/Tracking/TrkFitter/TrkGlobalChi2Fitter/src/GlobalChi2Fitter.cxx
index 04ef68666c6525d84c38b0adf43c5ef9956d0c73..5973e844301342521a6f171ca505e322009b357c 100644
--- a/Tracking/TrkFitter/TrkGlobalChi2Fitter/src/GlobalChi2Fitter.cxx
+++ b/Tracking/TrkFitter/TrkGlobalChi2Fitter/src/GlobalChi2Fitter.cxx
@@ -4981,10 +4981,6 @@ namespace Trk {
     int nscat = trajectory.numberOfScatterers();
     int nbrem = trajectory.numberOfBrems();
-    // save ROOT error message level
-    int originalErrorLevel = gErrorIgnoreLevel;
-    gErrorIgnoreLevel = 10000;
     Eigen::MatrixXd a, a_inv;
     a.resize(nfitpar, nfitpar);
@@ -5011,7 +5007,6 @@ namespace Trk {
         ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Fit did not converge");
         cache.m_fittercode = FitterStatusCode::NoConvergence;
-        gErrorIgnoreLevel = originalErrorLevel;
         cache.m_miniter = tmpminiter;
         return nullptr;
@@ -5026,8 +5021,6 @@ namespace Trk {
           } else if (cache.m_fittercode == FitterStatusCode::ExtrapolationFailureDueToSmallMomentum) {
-          gErrorIgnoreLevel = originalErrorLevel;
           cache.m_miniter = tmpminiter;
           return nullptr;
@@ -5053,7 +5046,6 @@ namespace Trk {
             runTrackCleanerTRT(cache, trajectory, a, b, lu, runOutlier, m_trtrecal, it);
             if (cache.m_fittercode != FitterStatusCode::Success) {
               ATH_MSG_DEBUG("TRT cleaner failed, returning null...");
-              gErrorIgnoreLevel = originalErrorLevel;
               cache.m_miniter = tmpminiter;
               return nullptr;
@@ -5093,7 +5085,6 @@ namespace Trk {
         ATH_MSG_DEBUG("matrix inversion failed!");
         cache.m_fittercode = FitterStatusCode::MatrixInversionFailure;
-        gErrorIgnoreLevel = originalErrorLevel;
         return nullptr;
@@ -5107,9 +5098,6 @@ namespace Trk {
       finaltrajectory = runTrackCleanerSilicon(cache, trajectory, a, a_inv, b, runOutlier);
-    // We're done with the ROOT stuff, so we can reset the error level
-    gErrorIgnoreLevel = originalErrorLevel;
     if (cache.m_fittercode != FitterStatusCode::Success) {
       ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Silicon cleaner failed, returning null...");
       if (finaltrajectory != &trajectory) {
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigL2MuonSA/src/MuFastSteering.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigL2MuonSA/src/MuFastSteering.cxx
index d84d1f18edaa0586ce504542092c3b37261f6567..ce741bbc402f1126a8092581ed7654719f173c68 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigL2MuonSA/src/MuFastSteering.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigL2MuonSA/src/MuFastSteering.cxx
@@ -861,8 +861,8 @@ StatusCode MuFastSteering::findMuonSignature(const DataVector<const TrigRoiDescr
         if ( updateTriggerElement ) {
-          ATH_MSG_INFO("Updating the trigger element");
-          ATH_MSG_INFO(">> Retrieved the buffer, with size: " << m_calStreamer->getLocalBufferSize());
+          ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Updating the trigger element");
+          ATH_MSG_DEBUG(">> Retrieved the buffer, with size: " << m_calStreamer->getLocalBufferSize());
 	  // create the TrigCompositeContainer to store the calibration buffer
 	  // at StatusCode execute() and hltExecute().
@@ -1026,7 +1026,7 @@ bool MuFastSteering::storeMuonSA(const LVL1::RecMuonRoI*             roi,
     ATH_MSG_DEBUG("pattern#0: # of hits at barrel endcap inner  =" << pattern.mdtSegments[endcapinner].size());
   ATH_MSG_DEBUG("### ************************************* ###");
-  ATH_MSG_INFO("Estimated muon pt = " << pattern.pt << " GeV");
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Estimated muon pt = " << pattern.pt << " GeV");
   // ---------
   // store xAOD
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigJetMonitoring/python/TrigJetMonitCategory.py b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigJetMonitoring/python/TrigJetMonitCategory.py
index f9f5c2309dd236af69176a235353ec6ecf1a82dd..2af9a0eb8b0408094971683d92c9f3a02da76c3b 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigJetMonitoring/python/TrigJetMonitCategory.py
+++ b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigJetMonitoring/python/TrigJetMonitCategory.py
@@ -36,9 +36,19 @@ monitoring_jet = ['j25',
-                  'j0_0i1c500m900TLA'] 
+                  'j0_0i1c500m900TLA',
+                  'j15',
+                  'j45',
+                  'j175',
+                  'j420',
+                  'j260_nojcalib',
+                  'j260_320eta490',
+                  'j260_320eta490_nojcalib',
+                  'j460_a10_lcw_subjes_L1J100',
+                  'j460_a10r_L1J100',
+                  '4j120',
+                  '6j70',
+                  '6j55_0eta240_L14J15']
@@ -76,7 +86,19 @@ primary_jet                = ['j25',
-                              'j0_0i1c500m900TLA'] 
+                              'j0_0i1c500m900TLA',
+                              'j15',
+                              'j45',
+                              'j175',
+                              'j420',
+                              'j260_nojcalib',
+                              'j260_320eta490',
+                              'j260_320eta490_nojcalib',
+                              'j460_a10_lcw_subjes_L1J100',
+                              'j460_a10r_L1J100',
+                              '4j120',
+                              '6j70',
+                              '6j55_0eta240_L14J15']
@@ -116,10 +138,19 @@ monitoring_jet_pp = ['j25',
-                     'j0_0i1c500m900TLA'] 
+                     'j0_0i1c500m900TLA',
+                     'j15',
+                     'j45',
+                     'j175',
+                     'j420',
+                     'j260_nojcalib',
+                     'j260_320eta490',
+                     'j260_320eta490_nojcalib',
+                     'j460_a10_lcw_subjes_L1J100',
+                     'j460_a10r_L1J100',
+                     '4j120',
+                     '6j70',
+                     '6j55_0eta240_L14J15']
@@ -156,7 +187,19 @@ primary_jet_pp                = ['j25',
-                                 'j0_0i1c500m900TLA'] 
+                                 'j0_0i1c500m900TLA',
+                                 'j15',
+                                 'j45',
+                                 'j175',
+                                 'j420',
+                                 'j260_nojcalib',
+                                 'j260_320eta490',
+                                 'j260_320eta490_nojcalib',
+                                 'j460_a10_lcw_subjes_L1J100',
+                                 'j460_a10r_L1J100',
+                                 '4j120',
+                                 '6j70',
+                                 '6j55_0eta240_L14J15']
 ########################## validation Config ###############################################
@@ -195,7 +238,20 @@ monitoring_jet_validation = ['j25',
-                             'j0_0i1c500m900TLA'] 
+                             'j0_0i1c500m900TLA',
+                             'j15',
+                             'j45',
+                             'j175',
+                             'j420',
+                             'j260_nojcalib',
+                             'j260_320eta490',
+                             'j260_320eta490_nojcalib',
+                             'j460_a10_lcw_subjes_L1J100',
+                             'j460_a10r_L1J100',
+                             '4j120',
+                             '6j70',
+                             '6j55_0eta240_L14J15']
@@ -235,7 +291,20 @@ primary_jet_validation        = ['j25',
-                                 'j0_0i1c500m900TLA'] 
+                                 'j0_0i1c500m900TLA',
+                                 'j15',
+                                 'j45',
+                                 'j175',
+                                 'j420',
+                                 'j260_nojcalib',
+                                 'j260_320eta490',
+                                 'j260_320eta490_nojcalib',
+                                 'j460_a10_lcw_subjes_L1J100',
+                                 'j460_a10r_L1J100',
+                                 '4j120',
+                                 '6j70',
+                                 '6j55_0eta240_L14J15']
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigJetMonitoring/python/TrigJetMonitoringConfig.py b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigJetMonitoring/python/TrigJetMonitoringConfig.py
index 78b3633c0722a67eca6f7d7eadcb2dec5bbc8b8b..b25f13745315ae4622b5e66beae3d174760c6d46 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigJetMonitoring/python/TrigJetMonitoringConfig.py
+++ b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigJetMonitoring/python/TrigJetMonitoringConfig.py
@@ -137,7 +137,8 @@ if (pp) or (mc):
                   "a4tcemsubjesISFS"  : "HLT_xAOD__JetContainer_a4tcemsubjesISFS",
                   "a4tclcwjesFS"    : "HLT_xAOD__JetContainer_a4tclcwjesFS",
                   "a4GSC" : "HLT_xAOD__JetContainer_GSCJet",
-                  #"a10rtcemsubjesFS"   : "HLT_xAOD__JetContainer_a10r_tcemsubjesFS",
+		  "a10r_tcemsubjesISFS": "HLT_xAOD__JetContainer_a10r_tcemsubjesISFS",
+		  "a4tcemnojcalibFS": "HLT_xAOD__JetContainer_a4tcemnojcalibFS",
                   "a10tclcwsubjesFS"   : "HLT_xAOD__JetContainer_a10tclcwsubjesFS",
                   "a10ttclcwjesFS"   : "HLT_xAOD__JetContainer_a10ttclcwjesFS",
                   "a4tcemsubjesISFSftk"  : "HLT_xAOD__JetContainer_a4tcemsubjesISFSftk",
@@ -208,7 +209,20 @@ if (pp) or (mc):
-                                     '10j40_L14J20':0.}
+                                     '10j40_L14J20':0.,
+                                     'j15':0.,
+                                     'j45':20.,
+                                     'j175':100.,
+                                     'j420':200.,
+                                     'j260_nojcalib':100.,
+                                     'j260_320eta490':100.,
+                                     'j260_320eta490_nojcalib':100.,
+                                     'j460_a10_lcw_subjes_L1J100':200.,
+                                     'j460_a10r_L1J100':200.,
+                                     '4j120':20.,
+                                     '6j70':20.,
+                                     '6j55_0eta240_L14J15':20.}
   hlt_hltEtaHighThresholds       = { 'j0_perf_L1RD0FILLED': 2.5,
                                      'j0_perf_ftk_L1RD0FILLED': 2.5,
@@ -239,7 +253,22 @@ if (pp) or (mc):
-                                     '10j40_L14J20':3.2}
+                                     '10j40_L14J20':3.2,
+                                     'j15':3.2,
+                                     'j45':3.2,
+                                     'j175':3.2,
+                                     'j420':3.2,
+                                     'j260_nojcalib':3.2,
+                                     'j260_320eta490':4.9,
+                                     'j260_320eta490_nojcalib':4.9,
+                                     'j460_a10_lcw_subjes_L1J100':3.2,
+                                     'j460_a10r_L1J100':3.2,
+                                     '4j120':3.2,
+                                     '6j70':3.2,
+                                     '6j55_0eta240_L14J15':2.4}
   hlt_hltEtaLowThresholds        = { 'j0_perf_L1RD0FILLED': 0.,
                                      'j0_perf_ftk_L1RD0FILLED': 0.,
@@ -273,7 +302,20 @@ if (pp) or (mc):
-                                     '10j40_L14J20':0.0}
+                                     '10j40_L14J20':0.0,
+                                     'j15':0.0,
+                                     'j45':0.0,
+                                     'j175':0.0,
+                                     'j420':0.0,
+                                     'j260_nojcalib':0.0,
+                                     'j260_320eta490':3.2,
+                                     'j260_320eta490_nojcalib':3.2,
+                                     'j460_a10_lcw_subjes_L1J100':0.0,
+                                     'j460_a10r_L1J100':0.0,
+                                     '4j120':0.0,
+                                     '6j70':0.0,
+                                     '6j55_0eta240_L14J15':0.0}
   hlt_hltJetn                    = { 'j0_perf_L1RD0FILLED': 1,
@@ -305,7 +347,20 @@ if (pp) or (mc):
-                                     '10j40_L14J20':10}
+                                     '10j40_L14J20':10,
+                                     'j15':1,
+                                     'j45':1,
+                                     'j175':1,
+                                     'j420':1,
+                                     'j260_nojcalib':1,
+                                     'j260_320eta490':1,
+                                     'j260_320eta490_nojcalib':1,
+                                     'j460_a10_lcw_subjes_L1J100':1,
+                                     'j460_a10r_L1J100':1,
+                                     '4j120':4,
+                                     '6j70':6,
+                                     '6j55_0eta240_L14J15':6}
   hlt_hltContainers              = { 'j0_perf_L1RD0FILLED':'a4tcemsubjesISFS',
@@ -341,8 +396,20 @@ if (pp) or (mc):
-                                     '10j40_L14J20':'a4tcemsubjesISFS'
-                                     }
+                                     '10j40_L14J20':'a4tcemsubjesISFS',
+                                     'j15':'a4tcemsubjesISFS',
+                                     'j45':'a4tcemsubjesISFS',
+                                     'j175':'a4tcemsubjesISFS',
+                                     'j420':'a4tcemsubjesISFS',
+                                     'j260_nojcalib':'a4tcemnojcalibFS',
+                                     'j260_320eta490':'a4tcemsubjesISFS',
+                                     'j260_320eta490_nojcalib':'a4tcemnojcalibFS',
+                                     'j460_a10_lcw_subjes_L1J100':'a10tclcwsubjesFS',
+                                     'j460_a10r_L1J100':'a10r_tcemsubjesISFS',
+                                     '4j120':'a4tcemsubjesISFS',
+                                     '6j70':'a4tcemsubjesISFS',
+                                     '6j55_0eta240_L14J15':'a4tcemsubjesISFS'}
 # Offline 
   hlt_offlineEtThresholds        = { 'j0_perf_L1RD0FILLED': 0.,
@@ -384,7 +451,21 @@ if (pp) or (mc):
-                                     'j0_0i1c500m900TLA':0.}
+                                     'j0_0i1c500m900TLA':0.,
+                                     'j15':0.,
+                                     'j45':20.,
+                                     'j175':100.,
+                                     'j420':200.,
+                                     'j260_nojcalib':100.,
+                                     'j260_320eta490':100.,
+                                     'j260_320eta490_nojcalib':100.,
+                                     'j460_a10_lcw_subjes_L1J100':200.,
+                                     'j460_a10r_L1J100':200.,
+                                     '4j120':20.,
+                                     '6j70':20.,
+                                     '6j55_0eta240_L14J15':20.}
 #Dijet chains
   l1_DijetChains  = ['L1_J400']
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigSteer/DecisionHandling/src/InputMakerBase.cxx b/Trigger/TrigSteer/DecisionHandling/src/InputMakerBase.cxx
index 0657c2abf0bc8fb0aecec0bbaa3014d393d066c5..5de114103582c7eb24cccc5be7e95714b39a416a 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigSteer/DecisionHandling/src/InputMakerBase.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigSteer/DecisionHandling/src/InputMakerBase.cxx
@@ -122,9 +122,7 @@ StatusCode InputMakerBase::decisionInputToOutput(const EventContext& context, st
     } // loop over input decisions
     ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Filled output key " <<  decisionOutputs()[ outputIndex ].key() <<" of size "<<outDecisions->size()  <<" at index "<< outputIndex);
-    for (auto i : *outDecisions) msg() << i << " ";
-    msg() << endmsg;
-    outputIndex++;         
+    outputIndex++;
   } // end of first loop over input keys
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/python/ElectronMenuConfig.py b/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/python/ElectronMenuConfig.py
index 82c83ea13d4470f0d09a742e8e1a2229597a868a..dbc17f551815b93782ed35746d1a805397eb6eec 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/python/ElectronMenuConfig.py
+++ b/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/python/ElectronMenuConfig.py
@@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ def l2CaloRecoCfg( flags ):
     from TrigT2CaloEgamma.TrigT2CaloEgammaMTConfig import fastL2EgammaClusteringAlg
     algAcc = fastL2EgammaClusteringAlg( flags, roisKey=reco.name+'RoIs')
     reco.mergeReco( algAcc )
-    reco.merge( algAcc )
     return reco
 def l2CaloHypoCfg( flags, name="UNSPECIFIED", CaloClusters="UNSPECIFIED" ):
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/share/EmuNewJOTest.py b/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/share/EmuNewJOTest.py
index 3d0e4572177f209126cebbe2982a0632d23d0cc3..0518bab33203b8ef09ec05615e4e11b07f295271 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/share/EmuNewJOTest.py
+++ b/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/share/EmuNewJOTest.py
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ from TrigConfigSvc.TrigConfigSvcConfig import TrigConfigSvcCfg
 from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerConfig import triggerSummaryCfg, triggerMonitoringCfg, \
     setupL1DecoderFromMenu, collectHypos, collectFilters
 from TriggerMenuMT.HLTMenuConfig.Menu.HLTCFConfig_newJO import generateDecisionTree
-from TriggerMenuMT.HLTMenuConfig.Menu.MenuComponents import MenuSequence
+from TriggerMenuMT.HLTMenuConfig.Menu.MenuComponents import MenuSequence, createStepView
 from AthenaCommon.CFElements import seqOR
 from RegionSelector.RegSelConfig import regSelCfg
 from TrigUpgradeTest.InDetConfig import TrigInDetCondConfig
@@ -56,8 +56,12 @@ for index, chain in enumerate(HLTChains):
             hypoTool = seq.hypoToolConf.hypoToolGen(chainDicts[index])
             hypoAlg.HypoTools = [hypoTool]
+            stepReco, stepView = createStepView(step.name)
             sequenceAcc = ComponentAccumulator()
-            sequenceAcc.addSequence(seq.sequence.Alg)
+            sequenceAcc.addSequence(stepView)
+            sequenceAcc.addSequence(seq.sequence.Alg, parentName=stepReco.getName())
+            sequenceAcc.addEventAlgo(hypoAlg, sequenceName=stepView.getName())
             seq.ca = sequenceAcc
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/share/full_menu_build.ref b/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/share/full_menu_build.ref
index 08b428a6f132712824a6ff31da56945cdf4185b7..2b8f9060f0f5de4b2e5d938a04c7269cc5308029 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/share/full_menu_build.ref
+++ b/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/share/full_menu_build.ref
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ TriggerSummaryStep2                     6   0     DEBUG  +++ HLT_e7_etcut ID#243
 TriggerSummaryStep2                     6   0     DEBUG  +++ HLT_e3_etcut ID#2711808158
 TriggerSummaryStep3                     6   0     DEBUG  +++ HLT_mu20_ivar ID#267444585
 TriggerSummaryStep3                     6   0     DEBUG  +++ HLT_mu6 ID#1672162766
+TriggerSummaryStep4                     6   0     DEBUG  +++ HLT_mu6 ID#1672162766
 TriggerSummaryStep1                     7   0     DEBUG  +++ HLT_e5_etcut ID#607406625
 TriggerSummaryStep1                     7   0     DEBUG  +++ HLT_mu6nol1 ID#1250234908
 TriggerSummaryStep1                     7   0     DEBUG  +++ HLT_g5_etcut ID#1407390618
@@ -226,8 +227,8 @@ TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_j85
 TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_j85 decisions                                 0         0         0         0         
 TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu20_ivar                 20        20        3         2         2         0         2         
 TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu20_ivar decisions                           3         2         2         0         
-TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu6                       20        20        3         2         1         0         0         
-TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu6 decisions                                 3         2         2         0         
+TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu6                       20        20        3         2         1         1         1         
+TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu6 decisions                                 3         2         2         1         
 TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu6Comb                   20        20        3         2         0         0         2         
 TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu6Comb decisions                             3         2         0         0         
 TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu6fast                   20        20        3         0         0         0         3         
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/share/mu_menu.ref b/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/share/mu_menu.ref
index 6e46b1d1387d63ae4753bfd09f1b96d111f42ce5..cd17daad71d97b319d226a9f84059d31d8878267 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/share/mu_menu.ref
+++ b/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/share/mu_menu.ref
@@ -18,14 +18,15 @@ TriggerSummaryStep2                     6   0     DEBUG  +++ HLT_mu6 ID#16721627
 TriggerSummaryStep2                     6   0     DEBUG  +++ HLT_2mu6Comb ID#2762422737
 TriggerSummaryStep2                     6   0     DEBUG  +++ HLT_2mu6 ID#3347104206
 TriggerSummaryStep3                     6   0     DEBUG  +++ HLT_mu6 ID#1672162766
+TriggerSummaryStep4                     6   0     DEBUG  +++ HLT_mu6 ID#1672162766
 TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_2mu6                      10        10        1         1         0         0         0         
 TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_2mu6 decisions                                2         2         0         0         
 TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_2mu6Comb                  10        10        1         1         0         0         1         
 TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_2mu6Comb decisions                            2         2         0         0         
 TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu20_ivar                 10        10        1         1         1         0         1         
 TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu20_ivar decisions                           1         1         1         0         
-TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu6                       10        10        2         2         1         0         0         
-TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu6 decisions                                 3         3         4         0         
+TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu6                       10        10        2         2         1         1         1         
+TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu6 decisions                                 3         3         4         1         
 TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu6Comb                   10        10        2         2         0         0         2         
 TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu6Comb decisions                             3         3         0         0         
 TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu6fast                   10        10        2         0         0         0         2         
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/share/runMenuTest.ref b/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/share/runMenuTest.ref
index 3d4b4067f1859857366c4431c45ce63fe2f980f9..80c00df270a18e4591e8e0399470f22734b911b7 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/share/runMenuTest.ref
+++ b/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/share/runMenuTest.ref
@@ -8,18 +8,18 @@ TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_2mu6_L1MU6
 TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_2mu6_L1MU6 decisions                          0         0         0         0         
 TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_e3_etcut1step_L1EM3       20        20        18        0         0         0         18        
 TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_e3_etcut1step_L1EM3 decisions                    54        0         0         0         
-TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_e3_etcut_L1EM3            20        20        18        17        0         0         17        
-TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_e3_etcut_L1EM3 decisions                      54        342       0         0         
-TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3            20        20        17        16        0         0         16        
-TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3 decisions                      50        329       0         0         
-TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_e7_etcut_L1EM3            20        20        15        14        0         0         14        
-TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_e7_etcut_L1EM3 decisions                      36        264       0         0         
+TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_e3_etcut_L1EM3            20        20        18        17        16        0         16        
+TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_e3_etcut_L1EM3 decisions                      54        343       47        0         
+TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3            20        20        17        16        15        0         15        
+TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3 decisions                      50        330       45        0         
+TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_e7_etcut_L1EM3            20        20        15        14        13        0         13        
+TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_e7_etcut_L1EM3 decisions                      36        265       31        0         
 TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu20_ivar_L1MU6           20        20        3         2         2         0         2         
 TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu20_ivar_L1MU6 decisions                     3         2         2         0         
 TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu6Comb_L1MU6             20        20        3         2         0         0         2         
 TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu6Comb_L1MU6 decisions                       3         2         0         0         
-TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu6_L1MU6                 20        20        3         2         1         0         0         
-TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu6_L1MU6 decisions                           3         2         2         0         
+TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu6_L1MU6                 20        20        3         2         1         1         1         
+TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu6_L1MU6 decisions                           3         2         2         1         
 TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu6fast_L1MU6             20        20        3         0         0         0         3         
 TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu6fast_L1MU6 decisions                       3         0         0         0         
 TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu6noL1_L1MU6             20        20        4         0         0         0         0         
@@ -27,4 +27,4 @@ TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu6noL1_L1MU6 decisi
 TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_xe30_cell_L1XE10          20        20        12        0         0         0         12        
 TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_xe30_cell_L1XE10 decisions                    12        0         0         0         
 TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_xe65_cell_L1XE50          20        20        3         0         0         0         3         
-TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_xe65_cell_L1XE50 decisions                    3         0         0         0         
\ No newline at end of file
+TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_xe65_cell_L1XE50 decisions                    3         0         0         0         
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/CommonSequences/precisionCaloSequenceSetup.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/CommonSequences/precisionCaloSequenceSetup.py
index 7af7ce67696c63665c6d19b5f09378e504e8767a..cff34c5e07c69261ead680d01eff2ca42d142bd6 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/CommonSequences/precisionCaloSequenceSetup.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/CommonSequences/precisionCaloSequenceSetup.py
@@ -3,32 +3,43 @@
 # menu components   
-from TriggerMenuMT.HLTMenuConfig.Menu.MenuComponents import MenuSequence
+from TriggerMenuMT.HLTMenuConfig.Menu.MenuComponents import MenuSequence, RecoFragmentsPool
 from AthenaCommon.CFElements import seqAND
 from ViewAlgs.ViewAlgsConf import EventViewCreatorAlgorithm
+from AthenaConfiguration.AllConfigFlags import ConfigFlags
-def precisionCaloMenuSequence():
+def precisionCaloSequence(ConfigFlags):
+    """ Creates PrecisionCalo sequence """
+    # EV creator
     precisionCaloViewsMaker = EventViewCreatorAlgorithm( "precisionCaloViewsMaker")
     precisionCaloViewsMaker.ViewFallThrough = True
     precisionCaloViewsMaker.RoIsLink = "initialRoI"
     precisionCaloViewsMaker.InViewRoIs = InViewRoIs
     precisionCaloViewsMaker.Views = "precisionCaloViews"
+    # reco sequence
     from TrigUpgradeTest.precisionCaloRec import precisionCaloRecoSequence
-    (precisionSequence, sequenceOut) = precisionCaloRecoSequence(InViewRoIs)
+    (precisionCaloInViewSequence, sequenceOut) = precisionCaloRecoSequence(InViewRoIs)
-    precisionCaloViewsMaker.ViewNodeName = precisionSequence.name()
+    precisionCaloViewsMaker.ViewNodeName = precisionCaloInViewSequence.name()
+    # connect EVC and reco
+    precisionCaloSequence = seqAND("precisionCaloSequence", [precisionCaloViewsMaker, precisionCaloInViewSequence] )
+    return (precisionCaloSequence, precisionCaloViewsMaker, sequenceOut)
+def precisionCaloMenuSequence():
+    """ Creates precisionCalo MENU sequence """
+    (sequence, precisionCaloViewsMaker, sequenceOut) = RecoFragmentsPool.retrieve(precisionCaloSequence, ConfigFlags)
+    #Hypo
     from TrigEgammaHypo.TrigEgammaHypoConf import TrigEgammaPrecisionCaloHypoAlgMT
     from TrigEgammaHypo.TrigEgammaPrecisionCaloHypoTool import TrigEgammaPrecisionCaloHypoToolFromDict
     thePrecisionCaloHypo = TrigEgammaPrecisionCaloHypoAlgMT("precisionCaloHypo")
     thePrecisionCaloHypo.CaloClusters = sequenceOut
-    precisionAthSequence = seqAND("precisionAthSequence", [precisionCaloViewsMaker, precisionSequence] )
-    return MenuSequence( Sequence    = precisionAthSequence,
+    return MenuSequence( Sequence    = sequence,
                          Maker       = precisionCaloViewsMaker, 
                          Hypo        = thePrecisionCaloHypo,
                          HypoToolGen = TrigEgammaPrecisionCaloHypoToolFromDict)
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Egamma/ElectronDef.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Egamma/ElectronDef.py
index f55b71bfa9bf9fd259def5086a348674bc9dc383..d4b0738def9edf3fd8d0d79043c733771c7b7431 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Egamma/ElectronDef.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Egamma/ElectronDef.py
@@ -9,8 +9,10 @@ from TriggerMenuMT.HLTMenuConfig.Menu.ChainConfigurationBase import ChainConfigu
 from TriggerMenuMT.HLTMenuConfig.Menu.MenuComponents import ChainStep, RecoFragmentsPool
 from TriggerMenuMT.HLTMenuConfig.CommonSequences.CaloSequenceSetup import fastCaloMenuSequence
 from TriggerMenuMT.HLTMenuConfig.Egamma.ElectronSequenceSetup import electronMenuSequence
 from TrigUpgradeTest.InDetSetup import inDetSetup
+from TriggerMenuMT.HLTMenuConfig.CommonSequences.precisionCaloSequenceSetup import precisionCaloMenuSequence
 # fragments generating configuration will be functions in New JO, 
@@ -25,7 +27,8 @@ def electronSequenceCfg( flags ):
     return electronMenuSequence()
+def precisionCaloSequenceCfg( flags ):
+    return precisionCaloMenuSequence()
 # Class to configure chain
@@ -52,6 +55,7 @@ class ElectronChainConfiguration(ChainConfigurationBase):
         elif 'etcut' in self.chainPart['addInfo']:            
             myStepNames += ["Step1_etcut"]
             myStepNames += ["Step2_etcut"]            
+            myStepNames += ["Step3_etcut"]
             for step in myStepNames:
                 chainSteps += [self.getEtCutStep(step)]
@@ -65,15 +69,19 @@ class ElectronChainConfiguration(ChainConfigurationBase):
     # --------------------
     def getEtCutStep(self, stepName):
         if stepName == "Step1_etcut":
-            log.debug("Configuring step " + stepName)
-            fastCalo = RecoFragmentsPool.retrieve( fastCaloSequenceCfg, None ) # the None will be used for flags in future
-            chainStep =ChainStep(stepName, [fastCalo])
+          log.debug("Configuring step " + stepName)
+          fastCalo = RecoFragmentsPool.retrieve( fastCaloSequenceCfg, None ) # the None will be used for flags in future
+          chainStep =ChainStep(stepName, [fastCalo])
         elif stepName == "Step2_etcut":
-            log.debug("Configuring step " + stepName)
-            electronReco = RecoFragmentsPool.retrieve( electronSequenceCfg, None )
-            chainStep=ChainStep(stepName, [electronReco])
+          log.debug("Configuring step " + stepName)
+          electronReco = RecoFragmentsPool.retrieve( electronSequenceCfg, None )
+          chainStep=ChainStep(stepName, [electronReco])
+        elif stepName == "Step3_etcut":
+          log.debug("Configuring step " + stepName)
+          precisionReco = RecoFragmentsPool.retrieve( precisionCaloSequenceCfg, None )
+          chainStep=ChainStep(stepName, [precisionReco])
-            raise RuntimeError("chainStepName unknown: " + stepName )
+          raise RuntimeError("chainStepName unknown: " + stepName )
         log.debug("Returning chainStep from getEtCutStep function: " + stepName)
         return chainStep
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Electron/generateElectron.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Electron/generateElectron.py
index b095360f295276291e640190e6935bfea831e933..72eba19bee8be2a5b9cbaadeb9339e635199ca51 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Electron/generateElectron.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Electron/generateElectron.py
@@ -2,11 +2,12 @@
 from TrigUpgradeTest.ElectronMenuConfig import l2CaloRecoCfg, l2CaloHypoCfg
 from TriggerMenuMT.HLTMenuConfig.Menu.MenuComponents import MenuSequence, \
-    ChainStep, Chain, getChainStepName
+    ChainStep, Chain, getChainStepName, createStepView
 from TrigEgammaHypo.TrigL2CaloHypoTool import TrigL2CaloHypoToolFromDict
 from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
 # TODO remove once full tracking is in place
 def fakeHypoAlgCfg(flags, name="FakeHypoForElectron"):
     from TrigUpgradeTest.TrigUpgradeTestConf import HLTTest__TestHypoAlg
@@ -17,17 +18,20 @@ def generateChains( flags,  chainDict ):
     import pprint
     pprint.pprint( chainDict )
+    firstStepName = getChainStepName('Electron', 1)
+    stepReco, stepView = createStepView(firstStepName)
     accCalo = ComponentAccumulator()
+    accCalo.addSequence(stepView)
+    l2CaloReco = l2CaloRecoCfg(flags)
+    accCalo.merge(l2CaloReco, sequenceName=stepReco.getName())
     l2CaloHypo =  l2CaloHypoCfg( flags, name = 'L2ElectronCaloHypo',
                                  CaloClusters = 'L2CaloEMClusters')
     l2CaloHypo.HypoTools=[ TrigL2CaloHypoToolFromDict( chainDict ) ]
-    l2CaloReco = l2CaloRecoCfg(flags)
-    accCalo.merge(l2CaloReco)
-    #l2CaloReco = l2CaloRecoCfg( flags ) 
-    #accCalo.merge( l2CaloReco )
+    accCalo.addEventAlgo(l2CaloHypo, sequenceName=stepView.getName())
     fastCaloSequence = MenuSequence( Sequence    = l2CaloReco.sequence(),
                                      Maker       = l2CaloReco.inputMaker(),
@@ -35,14 +39,21 @@ def generateChains( flags,  chainDict ):
                                      HypoToolGen = None, 
                                      CA = accCalo)
-    fastCaloStep = ChainStep(getChainStepName('Electron', 1), [fastCaloSequence])
+    accCalo.printConfig()
+    fastCaloStep = ChainStep(firstStepName, [fastCaloSequence])
+    secondStepName = getChainStepName('Electron', 2)
+    stepReco, stepView = createStepView(secondStepName)
     accTrk = ComponentAccumulator()
+    accTrk.addSequence(stepView)
     # # # fast ID
     from TrigUpgradeTest.InDetConfig import indetInViewRecoCfg
     fastInDetReco = indetInViewRecoCfg(flags, viewMakerName='ElectronInDet')
-    accTrk.merge( fastInDetReco )
+    accTrk.merge( fastInDetReco, sequenceName=stepReco.getName() )
     # TODO once tracking fully works remove fake hypos
     from TrigUpgradeTest.TrigUpgradeTestConf import HLTTest__TestHypoTool
@@ -56,13 +67,15 @@ def generateChains( flags,  chainDict ):
     fakeHypoAlg.HypoTools = [ makeFakeHypoTool(chainDict['chainName'], None) ]
+    accTrk.addEventAlgo(fakeHypoAlg, sequenceName=stepView.getName())
     fastInDetSequence = MenuSequence( Sequence    = fastInDetReco.sequence(),
                                       Maker       = fastInDetReco.inputMaker(),
                                       Hypo        = fakeHypoAlg,
                                       HypoToolGen = None,
                                       CA = accTrk)
-    fastInDetStep = ChainStep( getChainStepName( "Electron", 2 ), [fastInDetSequence] )
+    fastInDetStep = ChainStep( secondStepName, [fastInDetSequence] )
     # # # EF calo
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/CPS.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/CPS.py
index 350d8f3d63d7a9f57b23cffab144908168ed20eb..0181a82c8bb7f057204ce70e2d0c3db7aaab02fa 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/CPS.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/CPS.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 """CPS addition  """
@@ -12,13 +12,13 @@ def genericCPSAdder(groups, signatures, chains, level, signatureOverwritten):
     for cpsGroup, chainNames in groups.iteritems():
         if "RATE" not in cpsGroup:
-            log.error('Following group do not start for RATE [%s]' %cpsGroup)
+            log.error('Following group do not start for RATE [%s]', cpsGroup)
         for chainName in chainNames:
             if chainName not in signatures:
                 if not signatureOverwritten:
-                    log.error('Signature %s not registered to TriggerPythonConfig' % chainName)
+                    log.error('Signature %s not registered to TriggerPythonConfig', chainName)
-                    log.warning('Signature %s not registered to TriggerPythonConfig' % chainName)
+                    log.warning('Signature %s not registered to TriggerPythonConfig', chainName)
             if level == 'HLT':
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/GenerateMenuMT.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/GenerateMenuMT.py
index 283eb65f415be8d83ca661d7da3292f52e1a5fe6..5f01015f995e442a825fe84da4495027c0f1a203 100755
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/GenerateMenuMT.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/GenerateMenuMT.py
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ class GenerateMenuMT:
         log.info('In overwriteSignaturesWith ')
         global _func_to_modify_signatures
         if _func_to_modify_signatures is not None:
-            log.warning('Updating the function to modify signatures from %s to %s'\
-                        % (_func_to_modify_signatures.__name__, f.__name__))
+            log.warning('Updating the function to modify signatures from %s to %s',
+                        _func_to_modify_signatures.__name__, f.__name__)
         _func_to_modify_signatures = f
     overwriteSignaturesWith = staticmethod(overwriteSignaturesWith)
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ class GenerateMenuMT:
         (self.L1Prescales, self.HLTPrescales) = MenuPrescaleConfig(self.triggerConfigHLT)
         global _func_to_modify_signatures
         if _func_to_modify_signatures is not None:
-            log.info('setupMenu:  Modifying trigger signatures in TriggerFlags with %s' % \
+            log.info('setupMenu:  Modifying trigger signatures in TriggerFlags with %s',
             self.signaturesOverwritten = True
@@ -107,12 +107,12 @@ class GenerateMenuMT:
         == Generates the L1Topo menu
         if not TriggerFlags.readL1TopoConfigFromXML() and not TriggerFlags.readMenuFromTriggerDb():
-            log.info('Generating L1 topo configuration for %s' % TriggerFlags.triggerMenuSetup())
+            log.info('Generating L1 topo configuration for %s', TriggerFlags.triggerMenuSetup())
             from TriggerMenuMT.LVL1MenuConfig.TriggerConfigL1Topo import TriggerConfigL1Topo
             self.trigConfL1Topo = TriggerConfigL1Topo( outputFile = TriggerFlags.outputL1TopoConfigFile() )
             # build the menu structure
-            log.debug('Topo Menu has %i trigger lines' % len(self.trigConfL1Topo.menu) )
+            log.debug('Topo Menu has %i trigger lines', len(self.trigConfL1Topo.menu))
             # write xml file
         elif TriggerFlags.readLVL1configFromXML():
@@ -126,12 +126,12 @@ class GenerateMenuMT:
         == Generates the LVL1 menu
         if not TriggerFlags.readLVL1configFromXML() and not TriggerFlags.readMenuFromTriggerDb():
-            log.info('Generating L1 configuration for %s' % TriggerFlags.triggerMenuSetup() )
+            log.info('Generating L1 configuration for %s', TriggerFlags.triggerMenuSetup() )
             from TriggerMenuMT.LVL1MenuConfig.TriggerConfigLVL1 import TriggerConfigLVL1
             self.trigConfL1 = TriggerConfigLVL1( outputFile = TriggerFlags.outputLVL1configFile())
             # build the menu structure
-            log.debug('Menu has %i items' % len(self.trigConfL1.menu.items) )
+            log.debug('Menu has %i items', len(self.trigConfL1.menu.items) )
             # write xml file
         elif TriggerFlags.readLVL1configFromXML():
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ class GenerateMenuMT:
             except ImportError:
-                log.exception('Problems when importing ChainDef generating code for %s' % sig)
+                log.exception('Problems when importing ChainDef generating code for %s', sig)
         # split the the chainDictionaries for each chain and print them in a pretty way
@@ -260,12 +260,12 @@ class GenerateMenuMT:
                     functionToCall ='TriggerMenuMT.HLTMenuConfig.' + sigFolder + '.generate' + currentSig + 'ChainDefs.generateChainConfigs(chainDict)' 
                     chainConfigs = eval(functionToCall)
                 except RuntimeError:
-                    log.exception( 'Problems creating ChainDef for chain\n %s ' % chainName) 
+                    log.exception( 'Problems creating ChainDef for chain\n %s ', chainName)
-                log.error('Chain %s ignored - Signature not available' %(chainDict['chainName']))
+                log.error('Chain %s ignored - Signature not available', chainDict['chainName'])
-            log.debug('ChainConfigs  %s ' % chainConfigs)
+            log.debug('ChainConfigs  %s ', chainConfigs)
         if len(listOfChainConfigs) == 0:  
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ class GenerateMenuMT:
                 log.warning("Need to define merging strategy, returning only first chain part configuration")
                 theChainConfig = listOfChainConfigs[0]
-                log.error("No merging strategy specified for combined chain %s" % chainDicts[0]['chainName'])
+                log.error("No merging strategy specified for combined chain %s", chainDicts[0]['chainName'])
             theChainConfig = listOfChainConfigs[0]
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/GenerateMenuMT_newJO.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/GenerateMenuMT_newJO.py
index 34364de05b31f09ef3fad68010bd2f481bc8f533..197ecd8d873ae1a261411979f5652529beea848a 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/GenerateMenuMT_newJO.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/GenerateMenuMT_newJO.py
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ def fillGeneratorsMap( sigMap, signature ):
     gen = __import__(importString, globals(), locals(), ['generateChains'])
     sigMap[signature] = gen.generateChains
-    _log.info( 'Imported generator for %s' % signature )
+    _log.info( 'Imported generator for %s', signature )
 def generateMenu( flags ):
@@ -92,8 +92,6 @@ def generateMenu( flags ):
-    # kaboom
     _log.info('CF is built')
     return menuAcc
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/HLTCFConfig.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/HLTCFConfig.py
index b5997b4804750268e090add8fc8cfe665c3aa121..ec6802db5a831de808bc8606da8fa04f98952f0c 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/HLTCFConfig.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/HLTCFConfig.py
@@ -195,11 +195,11 @@ def matrixDisplay( allSeq ):
     log.debug( "="*90 )    
     for sname, seq in mx[1].iteritems():
         guessChainName = '_'.join( sname.split( "_" )[1:] )
-        log.debug( " Reco chain: %s: %s" % ( guessChainName.rjust(longestName),  __nextSteps( 1, sname ) ) )
-        log.debug( " "+ " ".join( __getHyposOfStep( seq ) ) )
+        log.debug( " Reco chain: %s: %s", guessChainName.rjust(longestName),  __nextSteps( 1, sname ) )
+        log.debug( " %s", " ".join( __getHyposOfStep( seq ) ) )
         log.debug( "" )
-    log.debug( "="*90 )
+    log.debug( "%s", "="*90 )
     log.debug( "" )
@@ -268,10 +268,10 @@ def decisionTree_From_Chains(HLTNode, chains, allDicts):
                     for out in seq.outputs:
                         if pre_filter_name in out:
-                            log.debug("Connect to previous sequence through these filter inputs: %s" %str( filter_input) )
+                            log.debug("Connect to previous sequence through these filter inputs: %s", filter_input)
             if len(filter_input) == 0 or (len(filter_input) != 1 and not chain_step.isCombo):
-                log.error("ERROR: Filter for step %s has %d inputs! One is expected"%(chain_step.name, len(filter_input)))
+                log.error("ERROR: Filter for step %s has %d inputs! One is expected", chain_step.name, len(filter_input))
                 sys.exit("ERROR, in configuration of sequence "+seq.name)
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ def decisionTree_From_Chains(HLTNode, chains, allDicts):
             if len(chain.steps) == nstep+1:  
-                log.debug("Adding finalDecisions for chain %s at step %d:"%(chain.name, nstep+1))
+                log.debug("Adding finalDecisions for chain %s at step %d:", chain.name, nstep+1)
                 for seq in chain_step.sequences:
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ def decisionTree_From_Chains(HLTNode, chains, allDicts):
-    log.debug("finalDecisions: %s" %str( finalDecisions) )
+    log.debug("finalDecisions: %s", finalDecisions)
     all_DataFlow_to_dot(HLTNodeName, allSeq_list)
     # matrix display
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ def findFilter(filter_name, cfseqList):
       searches for a filter, with given name, in the CF sequence list of this step
-      log.debug( "findFilter: filter name %s" % filter_name )
+      log.debug( "findFilter: filter name %s", filter_name )
       foundFilters = [cfseq.filter for cfseq in cfseqList if filter_name in cfseq.filter.Alg.name()]
       if len(foundFilters) > 1:
           log.error("found %d filters  with name %s", len( foundFilters ), filter_name)
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/HLTCFConfig_newJO.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/HLTCFConfig_newJO.py
index cbc71ca92ff5027794b495600ee60bc8138bc5a3..cb5872881b860b2528c2531a080815ebfa966e13 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/HLTCFConfig_newJO.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/HLTCFConfig_newJO.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from TriggerMenuMT.HLTMenuConfig.Menu.MenuComponentsNaming import CFNaming
 from TriggerMenuMT.HLTMenuConfig.Menu.HLTCFConfig import buildFilter, makeSummary
 from TriggerMenuMT.HLTMenuConfig.Menu.HLTCFDot import stepCF_DataFlow_to_dot, \
     stepCF_ControlFlow_to_dot, all_DataFlow_to_dot
-from TriggerMenuMT.HLTMenuConfig.Menu.MenuComponents import CFSequence
+from TriggerMenuMT.HLTMenuConfig.Menu.MenuComponents import CFSequence, createStepView
 from AthenaCommon.CFElements import parOR, seqAND
 from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
@@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ def generateDecisionTree(chains):
             sfilter = buildFilter(filterName, filter_input)
             filterAcc.addEventAlgo(sfilter.Alg, sequenceName = stepFilterNodeName)
-            stepReco = parOR('{}{}'.format(chainStep.name, CFNaming.RECO_POSTFIX))
-            stepView = seqAND('{}{}'.format(chainStep.name, CFNaming.VIEW_POSTFIX), [stepReco])
+            stepReco, stepView = createStepView(chainStep.name)
             viewWithFilter = seqAND(chainStep.name, [sfilter.Alg, stepView])
             recoAcc.addSequence(viewWithFilter, parentName = stepRecoNodeName)
             stepsAcc = ComponentAccumulator()
@@ -96,12 +96,11 @@ def generateDecisionTree(chains):
                     if seq.ca is None:
                         raise ValueError('ComponentAccumulator missing in sequence {} in chain {}'.format(seq.name, chain.name))
                     stepsAcc.merge( seq.ca )
-                    recoAcc.addEventAlgo(seq.hypo.Alg, sequenceName = stepView.getName())
                 if step.isCombo:
-                    recoAcc.addEventAlgo(step.combo.Alg, sequenceName = stepView.getName())
+                    stepsAcc.addEventAlgo(step.combo.Alg, sequenceName = stepView.getName())
-            recoAcc.merge(stepsAcc, sequenceName = stepReco.getName())
+            recoAcc.merge(stepsAcc, sequenceName = viewWithFilter.getName())
             for sequence in chainStep.sequences:
                 stepDecisions += sequence.outputs
@@ -110,7 +109,7 @@ def generateDecisionTree(chains):
         acc.merge(recoAcc, sequenceName = mainSequenceName)
         summary = makeSummary('TriggerSummary{}'.format(stepName), stepDecisions)
-        acc.addSequence(summary, parentName = mainSequenceName)
+        acc.addEventAlgo(summary, sequenceName = mainSequenceName)
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/MenuComponents.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/MenuComponents.py
index 0afa4d7441fb3b163a3eb453f005cfe94fe62006..e2c74aa1d362b9842da6bb2f98b7af6f301a733d 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/MenuComponents.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/MenuComponents.py
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ log = logging.getLogger('MenuComponents')
 from DecisionHandling.DecisionHandlingConf import RoRSeqFilter
 from TriggerMenuMT.HLTMenuConfig.Menu.MenuComponentsNaming import CFNaming
+from AthenaCommon.CFElements import parOR, seqAND
 class Node():
@@ -172,7 +173,7 @@ class SequenceFilterNode(AlgNode):
         AlgNode.__init__(self,  Alg, inputProp, outputProp)
     def setChains(self, name):
-        log.debug("Adding Chain %s to filter %s"%(name, self.Alg.name()))
+        log.debug("Adding Chain %s to filter %s", name, self.Alg.name())
         return self.setPar("Chains", name)
     def getChains(self):
@@ -199,17 +200,16 @@ from DecisionHandling.DecisionHandlingConf import ComboHypo
 class ComboMaker(AlgNode):
     def __init__(self, name):
         Alg = ComboHypo(name)
-        log.debug("Making combo Alg %s"%name)
+        log.debug("Making combo Alg %s", name)
         AlgNode.__init__(self,  Alg, 'HypoInputDecisions', 'HypoOutputDecisions')
     def addChain(self, chain):
-        log.debug("ComboMaker %s adding chain %s"%(self.Alg.name(),chain))
+        log.debug("ComboMaker %s adding chain %s", self.Alg.name(),chain)
         from TriggerMenuMT.HLTMenuConfig.Menu import DictFromChainName
         dictDecoding = DictFromChainName.DictFromChainName()
         allMultis = dictDecoding.getChainMultFromName(chain)
-        print "chain ", chain
         print "WOOF allMultis", allMultis
         newdict = {chain : allMultis}
@@ -255,9 +255,9 @@ class MenuSequence():
     def __init__(self, Sequence, Maker,  Hypo, HypoToolGen, CA=None ):
         self.name = CFNaming.menuSequenceName(Hypo.name())
         self.sequence     = Node( Alg=Sequence)
-        self.maker        = InputMakerNode( Alg = Maker )
+        self._maker       = InputMakerNode( Alg = Maker )
         self.hypoToolConf = HypoToolConf( HypoToolGen ) if HypoToolGen else None
-        self.hypo         = HypoAlgNode( Alg = Hypo )
+        self._hypo        = HypoAlgNode( Alg = Hypo )
@@ -265,9 +265,25 @@ class MenuSequence():
         self.ca = CA
     def replaceHypoForCombo(self, HypoAlg):
-        log.debug("set new Hypo %s for combo sequence %s "%(HypoAlg.name(), self.name))
+        log.debug("set new Hypo %s for combo sequence %s ", HypoAlg.name(), self.name)
         self.hypo= HypoAlgNode( Alg=HypoAlg )
+    @property
+    def maker(self):
+        if self.ca is not None:
+            makerAlg = self.ca.getEventAlgo(self._maker.Alg.name())
+            self._maker.Alg = makerAlg
+            # return InputMakerNode(Alg=makerAlg)
+        return self._maker
+    @property
+    def hypo(self):
+        if self.ca is not None:
+            hypoAlg = self.ca.getEventAlgo(self._hypo.Alg.name())
+            self._hypo.Alg = hypoAlg
+            # return HypoAlgNode(Alg=hypoAlg)
+        return self._hypo
     def connectToFilter(self, outfilter):
         """ Sets the input and output of the hypo, and links to the input maker """
@@ -347,7 +363,7 @@ class Chain:
         # in practice it is the L1Decoder Decision output
         self.group_seed = [DoMapSeedToL1Decoder(stri) for stri in self.vseeds]
         self.setSeedsToSequences() # save seed of each menuseq
-        log.debug("Chain " + name + " with seeds: %s "%str( self.vseeds))
+        log.debug("Chain %s with seeds: %s ", name, self.vseeds)
         for step in self.steps:
             if step.isCombo:
@@ -364,7 +380,7 @@ class Chain:
                 for step in self.steps:
                     seq.seed ="L1"+filter(lambda x: x.isalpha(), seed)
-                    log.debug( "Chain %s adding seed %s to sequence %d in step %s"%(self.name, seq.seed, nseq, step.name))
+                    log.debug( "Chain %s adding seed %s to sequence %d in step %s", self.name, seq.seed, nseq, step.name )
@@ -380,7 +396,7 @@ class Chain:
         print "got here", chainDict
         for step in self.steps:
             if len(chainDict['chainParts']) != len(step.sequences):
-                log.error("Error in step %s: found %d chain parts and %d sequences"%(step.name, len(chainDict['chainParts']), len(step.sequences)))
+                log.error("Error in step %s: found %d chain parts and %d sequences", step.name, len(chainDict['chainParts']), len(step.sequences))
                 sys.exit("ERROR, in chain configuration")
             for seq, chainDictPart in zip(step.sequences, chainDict['chainParts']):
@@ -408,7 +424,7 @@ class CFSequence():
         the filter is connected only once (to avoid multiple DH links)
-        log.debug("CFSequence: Connect Filter %s with menuSequences of step %s"%(self.filter.Alg.name(), self.step.name))
+        log.debug("CFSequence: Connect Filter %s with menuSequences of step %s", self.filter.Alg.name(), self.step.name)
         filter_output = self.filter.getOutputList()
         if len(filter_output) == 0:
             log.error("ERROR, no filter outputs are set!")
@@ -416,7 +432,7 @@ class CFSequence():
         # check whether the number of filter outputs are the same as the number of sequences in the step
         if len(filter_output) != len(self.step.sequences):
-            log.error("Found %d filter outputs and %d MenuSequences in Step %s"%( len(self.filter.getOutputList()), len(self.step.sequences), self.step.name))
+            log.error("Found %d filter outputs and %d MenuSequences in Step %s", len(self.filter.getOutputList()), len(self.step.sequences), self.step.name)
             sys.exit("ERROR: Found %d filter outputs differnt from %d MenuSequences in Step %s"%( len(self.filter.getOutputList()), len(self.step.sequences), self.step.name))
@@ -440,13 +456,13 @@ class CFSequence():
         for seq in self.step.sequences:
-            log.debug("Adding inputs %s to combo %s"%(combo_input, self.step.combo.Alg.name()))
+            log.debug("Adding inputs %s to combo %s", combo_input, self.step.combo.Alg.name())
             # inputs are the output decisions of the hypos of the sequences
             # outputs are the modified name of input deciions that need to be connected to the next filter
-            log.debug("Adding outputs %s to combo %s"%(combo_output, self.step.combo.Alg.name()))
+            log.debug("Adding outputs %s to combo %s", combo_output, self.step.combo.Alg.name())
     def __str__(self):
@@ -564,12 +580,17 @@ class RecoFragmentsPool:
         if requestHash not in cls.fragments:
             recoFragment = creator( flags, **kwargs )
             cls.fragments[requestHash] = recoFragment
-            log.debug( "created reconstruction fragment using function: %s" % creator.func_name )
+            log.debug( "created reconstruction fragment using function: %s", creator.func_name )
             return recoFragment
-            log.debug( "reconstruction fragment that would be created from %s is taken from the cache" % creator.func_name )
+            log.debug( "reconstruction fragment that would be created from %s is taken from the cache", creator.func_name )
             return cls.fragments[requestHash]
 def getChainStepName(chainName, stepNumber):
     return '{}_step{}'.format(chainName, stepNumber)
+def createStepView(stepName):
+    stepReco = parOR(CFNaming.stepRecoName(stepName))
+    stepView = seqAND(CFNaming.stepViewName(stepName), [stepReco])
+    return stepReco, stepView
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/MenuComponentsNaming.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/MenuComponentsNaming.py
index 93af4058439f35e8a496beb85825db366cc4fd51..550b7bddb04e4840d44dfdb3f32a9d8a65ab7b2c 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/MenuComponentsNaming.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/MenuComponentsNaming.py
@@ -61,3 +61,11 @@ class CFNaming ():
     def stepSummaryName(StepCFName):
         return ("TriggerSummary"+ StepCFName)
+    @staticmethod
+    def stepRecoName(stepName):
+        return '{}{}'.format(stepName, CFNaming.RECO_POSTFIX)
+    @staticmethod
+    def stepViewName(stepName):
+        return '{}{}'.format(stepName, CFNaming.VIEW_POSTFIX)
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/MenuUtil.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/MenuUtil.py
index 7e0df8b7747d1e7ecabf4490f0318666c09ada23..4a80299d726b6627f5cceb6b99c0114a7d819358 100755
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/MenuUtil.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/MenuUtil.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerFlags import TriggerFlags
 from AthenaCommon.Logging        import logging
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ def getStreamTagForRerunChains(triggerPythonConfig, HLTPrescale):
     for item, prescales in HLTPrescale.iteritems():
         # prescales is a list of 3 integers [HLT_prescale, HLT_pass_through, rerun_prescale]
         if item not in triggerPythonConfig.allChains.keys():
-            log.debug('Signature %s not registered to TriggerPythonConfig' % item)
+            log.debug('Signature %s not registered to TriggerPythonConfig', item)
         n = len(prescales)
         hltchain = None
@@ -22,10 +22,11 @@ def getStreamTagForRerunChains(triggerPythonConfig, HLTPrescale):
                 hltchain = ch
             if n > 3  and hltchain:
                 if hltchain.prescale != "0":
-                    log.warning("chain "+ hltchain.chain_name + " in rerun mode with special strema tag does not have the correct HLT PS [=0] ")
+                    log.warning("chain %s in rerun mode with special strema tag does not have the correct HLT PS [=0] ",
+                                hltchain.chain_name)
                 if hltchain.rerun_prescale !=  "1":
-                    log.error("chain "+ hltchain.chain_name + " has special stream tag but it's not in rerun mode")
-                list.append( "%s:%s" %(str(hltchain.chain_name),str(prescales[3])) )
+                    log.error("chain %s has special stream tag but it's not in rerun mode", hltchain.chain_name)
+                list.append( "%s:%s", hltchain.chain_name, prescales[3] )
     return list
@@ -38,10 +39,10 @@ def applyHLTPrescale(triggerPythonConfig, HLTPrescale):
         # prescales is a list of 3 integers [HLT_prescale, HLT_pass_through, rerun_prescale]
         if item not in triggerPythonConfig.allChains.keys():
             if triggerPythonConfig.signaturesOverwritten:
-                log.warning('Attempt to set prescales for nonexisting chain: %s' % item)
+                log.warning('Attempt to set prescales for nonexisting chain: %s', item)
-                log.error('Attempt to set prescales for nonexisting chain: %s' % item)
+                log.error('Attempt to set prescales for nonexisting chain: %s', item)
         n = len(prescales)
         hltchain = None
@@ -70,11 +71,11 @@ def checkGroups(triggerPythonConfig):
     for chain in triggerPythonConfig.theHLTChains:
         if len(chain.groups) == 0:
-            log.error( "group undefined for chain: " + str(chain.chain_name) )
+            log.error( "group undefined for chain: %s", chain.chain_name )
         for i in chain.groups:
             if 'BW' in i:
                 if i.split('BW:')[1] not in allgroup:
-                    log.error( "BW Group " + str(i)+ " for chain "+ str(chain.chain_name) + " not allowed." )
+                    log.error( "BW Group %d for chain %s not allowed.", i, chain.chain_name)
@@ -99,7 +100,7 @@ def checkTriggerGroupAssignment(triggerPythonConfig):
     for chain in triggerPythonConfig.theL2HLTChains + triggerPythonConfig.theEFHLTChains:
         if len(chain.groups) == 0:
-            log.error( "IN CHAIN: GROUP undefined for chain: " + str(chain.chain_name) )
+            log.error( "IN CHAIN: GROUP undefined for chain: %s", chain.chain_name )
@@ -107,7 +108,7 @@ def checkTriggerGroupAssignment(triggerPythonConfig):
                 if group in chain.groups:
             if GroupAssigned is False and CheckGroups is True:
-                log.warning( "IN CHAIN: GROUP (primary, supporting, ... etc) undefined for chain: " + str(chain.chain_name) + ".")
+                log.warning( "IN CHAIN: GROUP (primary, supporting, ... etc) undefined for chain: %s", chain.chain_name )
 #def checkStreamConsistency(triggerPythonConfig,streamConfig):
 def checkStreamConsistency(triggerPythonConfig):
@@ -126,7 +127,7 @@ def checkStreamConsistency(triggerPythonConfig):
     for chain in triggerPythonConfig.theHLTChains:
         if len(chain.stream_tag) == 0:
-            log.error( "IN CHAIN: STREAMTAG undefined for chain: " + str(chain.chain_name) )
+            log.error( "IN CHAIN: STREAMTAG undefined for chain: %s", chain.chain_name )
             for stream in chain.stream_tag:
                 if stream[0] not in allStreams:
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/SignatureDicts.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/SignatureDicts.py
index d8bba32b7fa200d530b7aaf6f010c927ad55f503..c190a997d42180b270cffa9f0b2f07a801fbefa3 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/SignatureDicts.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/SignatureDicts.py
@@ -794,9 +794,10 @@ def getSignatureNameFromToken(chainpart):
     theToken = max(theMatchingTokens, key=len) # gets the longest string in t
     if len(theMatchingTokens)>0:
         if len(theMatchingTokens)>1:
-            logSignatureDict.info('There are several signatures tokens, %s, matching this chain part %s. Picked %s.' % (theMatchingTokens,chainpart,theToken))            
+            logSignatureDict.info('There are several signatures tokens, %s, matching this chain part %s. Picked %s.',
+                                  theMatchingTokens,chainpart,theToken)
         return reverseSliceIDDict[theToken]
-    logSignatureDict.error('No signature matching chain part %s was found.' % (chainpart))
+    logSignatureDict.error('No signature matching chain part %s was found.', chainpart)
     return False
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/StreamInfo.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/StreamInfo.py
index 6d211d87502fa1d74c6068998b683870a60f0cec..ed2d6520566b6f0f50afb87934f44acb3e38ad0a 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/StreamInfo.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/StreamInfo.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
 log = logging.getLogger( 'TriggerMenu.menu.StreamInfo' )
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ def getStreamTag(streams):
             streamTags += [(stream, 'calibration', 'yes', '1')]
-            log.error('Stream %s not defined, returning dummy stream!' % stream)
+            log.error('Stream %s not defined, returning dummy stream!', stream)
             return [ ('jettauetmiss','physics','yes','1') ]#[('','','','')]
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Muon/MuonSequenceSetup.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Muon/MuonSequenceSetup.py
index b2622aec72b0b79403229602f07674c22d9c3f14..789f411c6d7fae41699e2bfbb74b9462b1382cf2 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Muon/MuonSequenceSetup.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Muon/MuonSequenceSetup.py
@@ -181,8 +181,8 @@ def muEFCBAlgSequence(ConfigFlags):
     muEFCBRecoSequence, eventAlgs, sequenceOut = muEFCBRecoSequence( efcbViewsMaker.InViewRoIs, "RoI" )
     efcbViewsMaker.ViewNodeName = muEFCBRecoSequence.name()    
-    muonEFCBSequence = seqAND( "muonEFCBSequence", [efcbViewsMaker, efcbViewNode] )
+    muonEFCBSequence = seqAND( "muonEFCBSequence", [efcbViewsMaker, muEFCBRecoSequence] )
     return (muonEFCBSequence, efcbViewsMaker, sequenceOut)
 def muEFCBSequence():
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Muon/MuonSetup.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Muon/MuonSetup.py
index fc67b6f9f3aaca5dbc883b9d951a094ca7ee10d0..5f23a844142ca9c6a270acf3f44c9aab894b0c73 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Muon/MuonSetup.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Muon/MuonSetup.py
@@ -532,8 +532,9 @@ def muEFCBRecoSequence( RoIs, name ):
   efAlgs = [] 
   muEFCBRecoSequence = parOR("efcbViewNode_"+name)
   #Need ID tracking related objects and MS tracks from previous steps
-  ViewVerifyTrk = CfgMgr.AthViews__ViewDataVerifier("muonCBViewDataVerifier")
-  ViewVerifyTrk.DataObjects = [( 'Muon::CscStripPrepDataContainer' , 'StoreGateSvc+CSC_Measurements' ),  ( 'Muon::MdtPrepDataContainer' , 'StoreGateSvc+MDT_DriftCircles' ),  ( 'xAOD::TrackParticleContainer' , 'StoreGateSvc+MuonSpectrometerTrackParticles' ) ]
+  ViewVerifyMS = CfgMgr.AthViews__ViewDataVerifier("muonCBViewDataVerifier")
+  ViewVerifyMS.DataObjects = [( 'Muon::CscStripPrepDataContainer' , 'StoreGateSvc+CSC_Measurements' ),  ( 'Muon::MdtPrepDataContainer' , 'StoreGateSvc+MDT_DriftCircles' ),  ( 'xAOD::TrackParticleContainer' , 'StoreGateSvc+MuonSpectrometerTrackParticles' ) ]
+  muEFCBRecoSequence += ViewVerifyMS
   if "FS" in name:
     #Need to run tracking for full scan chains
@@ -555,8 +556,9 @@ def muEFCBRecoSequence( RoIs, name ):
       if viewAlg.name() == "InDetTrigTrackParticleCreatorAlg":
         TrackParticlesName = viewAlg.TrackParticlesName  # noqa: F841
-    ViewVerifyTrk.DataObjects += [( 'xAOD::TrackParticleContainer' , 'StoreGateSvc+xAODTracks' ),( 'SCT_FlaggedCondData' , 'StoreGateSvc+SCT_FlaggedCondData' ), ( 'InDetBSErrContainer' , 'StoreGateSvc+SCT_ByteStreamErrs' ), ( 'xAOD::EventInfo' , 'StoreGateSvc+EventInfo' ),( 'xAOD::IParticleContainer' , 'StoreGateSvc+xAODTracks' ),( 'SCT_ByteStreamFractionContainer' , 'StoreGateSvc+SCT_ByteStreamFrac' ) ]
-  muEFCBRecoSequence += ViewVerifyTrk
+    ViewVerifyTrk = CfgMgr.AthViews__ViewDataVerifier("muonCBIDViewDataVerifier")
+    ViewVerifyTrk.DataObjects = [( 'xAOD::TrackParticleContainer' , 'StoreGateSvc+xAODTracks' ),( 'SCT_FlaggedCondData' , 'StoreGateSvc+SCT_FlaggedCondData' ), ( 'InDetBSErrContainer' , 'StoreGateSvc+SCT_ByteStreamErrs' ), ( 'xAOD::EventInfo' , 'StoreGateSvc+EventInfo' ),( 'xAOD::IParticleContainer' , 'StoreGateSvc+xAODTracks' ),( 'SCT_ByteStreamFractionContainer' , 'StoreGateSvc+SCT_ByteStreamFrac' ) ]
+    muEFCBRecoSequence += ViewVerifyTrk
   #Precision Tracking 
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Muon/generateMuon.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Muon/generateMuon.py
index 00b0ced4b5b59e62516f96639374032ada969376..04a2a0c0e15ecb33742fd7557fb6c214f04d8290 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Muon/generateMuon.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Muon/generateMuon.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-from TriggerMenuMT.HLTMenuConfig.Menu.MenuComponents import MenuSequence, ChainStep, Chain, getChainStepName
+from TriggerMenuMT.HLTMenuConfig.Menu.MenuComponents import MenuSequence, ChainStep, Chain, getChainStepName, createStepView
 from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
 from TriggerMenuMT.HLTMenuConfig.Muon.MuonMenuConfig import l2MuFastRecoCfg, l2MuFastHypoCfg
@@ -9,7 +9,14 @@ from TrigMuonHypoMT.TrigMuonHypoMTConfig import TrigMufastHypoToolFromDict
 def generateChains( flags, chainDict ):
+    stepName = getChainStepName('Muon', 1)
+    stepReco, stepView = createStepView(stepName)
     acc = ComponentAccumulator()
+    acc.addSequence(stepView)
+    l2muFastReco = l2MuFastRecoCfg(flags)
+    acc.merge( l2muFastReco, sequenceName=stepReco.getName() )
     ### Set muon step1 ###
     l2muFastHypo = l2MuFastHypoCfg( flags,
@@ -18,16 +25,15 @@ def generateChains( flags, chainDict ):
     l2muFastHypo.HypoTools = [ TrigMufastHypoToolFromDict(chainDict) ]
-    l2muFastReco = l2MuFastRecoCfg(flags)
-    acc.merge( l2muFastReco )
+    acc.addEventAlgo(l2muFastHypo, sequenceName=stepView.getName())
     l2muFastSequence = MenuSequence( Sequence = l2muFastReco.sequence(),
                                      Maker = l2muFastReco.inputMaker(),
-                                     Hypo = l2muFastHypo, 
+                                     Hypo = l2muFastHypo,
                                      HypoToolGen = None,
                                      CA = acc )
-    l2muFastStep = ChainStep( getChainStepName('Muon', 1), [l2muFastSequence] )
+    l2muFastStep = ChainStep( stepName, [l2muFastSequence] )
     ### Set muon step2 ###
     # Please set up L2muComb step here 
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Photon/generatePhoton.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Photon/generatePhoton.py
index da9e6ccef25ab16c1be2600a96f199432d68be74..e79081d6f8bfc80d0bbc3ccfb5611422674a73f4 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Photon/generatePhoton.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Photon/generatePhoton.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 from TrigUpgradeTest.ElectronMenuConfig import l2CaloRecoCfg, l2CaloHypoCfg
 from TrigUpgradeTest.PhotonMenuConfig import l2PhotonRecoCfg, l2PhotonHypoCfg
 from TriggerMenuMT.HLTMenuConfig.Menu.MenuComponents import MenuSequence, \
-    ChainStep, Chain, getChainStepName
+    ChainStep, Chain, getChainStepName, createStepView
 from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
 from TrigEgammaHypo.TrigL2CaloHypoTool import TrigL2CaloHypoToolFromDict
@@ -11,8 +11,15 @@ from TrigEgammaHypo.TrigL2PhotonHypoTool import TrigL2PhotonHypoToolFromDict
 def generateChains(flags, chainDict):
+    firstStepName = getChainStepName('Photon', 1)
+    stepReco, stepView = createStepView(firstStepName)
     accCalo = ComponentAccumulator()
+    accCalo.addSequence(stepView)
+    l2CaloReco = l2CaloRecoCfg(flags)
+    accCalo.merge(l2CaloReco, sequenceName=stepReco.getName())
     l2CaloHypo = l2CaloHypoCfg( flags,
                                 name = 'L2PhotonCaloHypo',
@@ -20,10 +27,7 @@ def generateChains(flags, chainDict):
     l2CaloHypo.HypoTools = [ TrigL2CaloHypoToolFromDict(chainDict) ]
-    l2CaloReco = l2CaloRecoCfg(flags)
-    accCalo.merge(l2CaloReco)
-    #l2CaloReco = l2CaloRecoCfg( flags ) 
-    #accCalo.merge( l2CaloReco )
+    accCalo.addEventAlgo(l2CaloHypo, sequenceName=stepView.getName())
     fastCaloSequence = MenuSequence( Sequence = l2CaloReco.sequence(),
                                      Maker = l2CaloReco.inputMaker(),
@@ -31,9 +35,17 @@ def generateChains(flags, chainDict):
                                      HypoToolGen = None,
                                      CA = accCalo )
-    fastCaloStep = ChainStep(getChainStepName('Photon', 1), [fastCaloSequence])
+    fastCaloStep = ChainStep(firstStepName, [fastCaloSequence])
+    secondStepName = getChainStepName('Photon', 2)
+    stepReco, stepView = createStepView(secondStepName)
     accPhoton = ComponentAccumulator()
+    accPhoton.addSequence(stepView)
+    l2PhotonReco = l2PhotonRecoCfg(flags)
+    accPhoton.merge(l2PhotonReco, sequenceName=stepReco.getName())
     l2PhotonHypo = l2PhotonHypoCfg( flags,
                                     Photons = 'L2Photons',
@@ -41,9 +53,7 @@ def generateChains(flags, chainDict):
     l2PhotonHypo.HypoTools = [ TrigL2PhotonHypoToolFromDict(chainDict) ]
-    l2PhotonReco = l2PhotonRecoCfg(flags)
-    accPhoton.merge(l2PhotonReco)
+    accPhoton.addEventAlgo(l2PhotonHypo, sequenceName=stepView.getName())
     l2PhotonSequence = MenuSequence( Sequence = l2PhotonReco.sequence(),
                                      Maker = l2PhotonReco.inputMaker(),
@@ -51,7 +61,7 @@ def generateChains(flags, chainDict):
                                      HypoToolGen = None,
                                      CA = accPhoton )
-    l2PhotonStep = ChainStep(getChainStepName('Photon', 2), [l2PhotonSequence])
+    l2PhotonStep = ChainStep(secondStepName, [l2PhotonSequence])
     import pprint