diff --git a/AtlasGeometryCommon/GeoModelEnvelopes/src/ForDetEnvelopeFactory.h b/AtlasGeometryCommon/GeoModelEnvelopes/src/ForDetEnvelopeFactory.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 8d9c207098e9d6bbdbd964b0fe60fd6a4c2e927a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasGeometryCommon/GeoModelEnvelopes/src/ForDetEnvelopeFactory.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#ifndef ForDetEnvelopeFactory_h
-#define ForDetEnvelopeFactory_h 1
-#include "GeoModelKernel/GeoVDetectorFactory.h"
-#include "GeoModelEnvelopes/ForDetEnvelopeManager.h"
-class StoreGateSvc;
-class AbsMaterialManager;
-class GeoShape;
-class ForDetEnvelopeFactory : public GeoVDetectorFactory  
- public:
-  // Constructor:
-  ForDetEnvelopeFactory(StoreGateSvc *pDetStore);
-  // Destructor:
-  ~ForDetEnvelopeFactory();
-  // Creation of geometry:
-  virtual void create(GeoPhysVol *world);
-  // Access to the results:
-  virtual const ForDetEnvelopeManager * getDetectorManager() const;
- private:  
-  // Illegal operations:
-  const ForDetEnvelopeFactory & operator=(const ForDetEnvelopeFactory &right);
-  ForDetEnvelopeFactory(const ForDetEnvelopeFactory &right);
-  // The manager:
-  ForDetEnvelopeManager*   m_detectorManager;
-  const AbsMaterialManager* m_materialManager;
-  StoreGateSvc*             m_detectorStore;
-// Class ForDetEnvelopeFactory 
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolMultiTest/share/AthenaPoolMultiTestCheckEDM.ref b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolMultiTest/share/AthenaPoolMultiTestCheckEDM.ref
deleted file mode 100755
index 938ab9de3a33a6fdf414ad9664e025b8c014e53b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolMultiTest/share/AthenaPoolMultiTestCheckEDM.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolMultiTest/EventCheck.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules: EventSelectorAthenaPool
-EventSelector        INFO Initializing EventSelector - package version EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-01-03
-EventSelector        INFO Create PoolCollectionConverter -  CollectionType: ImplicitROOT Connection:  InputCollection: /afs/cern.ch/atlas/offline/data/testfile/dc2.002885.pyt_z_ee.g4dig805._0001.pool.root
-EventSelector        INFO EventSelection with query 
-EventSelector        INFO ----- EventSelectorAthenaPool Initialized Properly
-EventCheck           INFO in initialize()
-Stream1              INFO Data output: EventCheck_out.root
-AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO Setup EventSelector service EventSelector
-EventSelector        INFO EventSelector: End of input
-EventCheck           INFO -------***- S U C C E S S -***-------
-EventCheck           INFO   2101 EventInfo
-EventCheck           INFO   2540 PixelRDO_Container
-EventCheck           INFO   2541 SCT_RDO_Container
-EventCheck           INFO   2542 TRT_RDO_Container
-EventCheck           INFO   2543 InDetSimDataCollection
-EventCheck           INFO   2721 LArRawChannelContainer
-EventCheck           INFO   2927 TileRawChannelContainer
-EventCheck           INFO   4183 CscRawDataContainer
-EventCheck           INFO   4186 TgcRdoContainer
-EventCheck           INFO   4187 MdtCsmContainer
-EventCheck           INFO   4190 RpcPadContainer
-EventCheck           INFO   6000 ROIB::RoIBResult
-EventCheck           INFO   6270 MuCTPI_RDO
-EventCheck           INFO   133273 McEventCollection
-EventCheck           INFO   1235574503 TrackRecordCollection
-EventCheck           INFO -------***-----------------***-------
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolMultiTest/share/AthenaPoolMultiTestCheckEDM2.ref b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolMultiTest/share/AthenaPoolMultiTestCheckEDM2.ref
deleted file mode 100755
index bc8b5ad44f8829cc6a334232590c7ac9880b9c45..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolMultiTest/share/AthenaPoolMultiTestCheckEDM2.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolUtilities/EventCount.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules: EventSelectorAthenaPool
-EventSelector        INFO Initializing EventSelector - package version EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-01-03
-EventSelector        INFO Create PoolCollectionConverter -  CollectionType: ImplicitROOT Connection:  InputCollection: EventCheck_out.root
-EventSelector        INFO EventSelection with query 
-EventSelector        INFO ----- EventSelectorAthenaPool Initialized Properly
-EventCount           INFO in initialize()
-AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO Setup EventSelector service EventSelector
-EventSelector        INFO EventSelector: End of input
-EventCount           INFO ---------- INPUT FILE SUMMARY ----------
-EventCount           INFO Input contained: 10 events
-EventCount           INFO  -- Event Range ( 1 .. 10 )
-EventCount           INFO Input contained: 1 runs
-EventCount           INFO  -- 2885
-EventCount           INFO Input contained the following CLIDs and Keys
-EventCount           INFO  -> 2101 EventInfo (10) 
-EventCount           INFO       - McEventInfo
-EventCount           INFO  -> 2540 Unknown (10) 
-EventCount           INFO       - PixelRDOs
-EventCount           INFO  -> 2541 Unknown (10) 
-EventCount           INFO       - SCT_RDOs
-EventCount           INFO  -> 2542 Unknown (10) 
-EventCount           INFO       - TRT_RDOs
-EventCount           INFO  -> 2721 Unknown (10) 
-EventCount           INFO       - LArRawChannels
-EventCount           INFO  -> 2927 Unknown (10) 
-EventCount           INFO       - TileRawChannelCnt
-EventCount           INFO  -> 4183 Unknown (10) 
-EventCount           INFO       - CSCRDO
-EventCount           INFO  -> 4186 Unknown (10) 
-EventCount           INFO       - TGCRDO
-EventCount           INFO  -> 4187 Unknown (10) 
-EventCount           INFO       - MDTCSM
-EventCount           INFO  -> 4190 Unknown (10) 
-EventCount           INFO       - RPCPAD
-EventCount           INFO  -> 6000 Unknown (10) 
-EventCount           INFO       - RoIBResult
-EventCount           INFO  -> 6270 Unknown (10) 
-EventCount           INFO       - MUCTPI_RDO
-EventCount           INFO  -> 222376821 DataHeader (10) 
-EventCount           INFO       - Stream1
-EventCount           INFO  -> 1235574503 Unknown (10) 
-EventCount           INFO       - MuonEntryRecord
-EventCount           INFO ----------------------------------------
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolMultiTest/share/AthenaPoolMultiTestCollectSplit.ref b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolMultiTest/share/AthenaPoolMultiTestCollectSplit.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f22c57387d69d41cc6fd13f8e0bdc055022f5a4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolMultiTest/share/AthenaPoolMultiTestCollectSplit.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-AthAlgSeq           DEBUG RunEventTagWriter doesn't exist - created and appended to member list
-AthAlgSeq           DEBUG RegStream1 doesn't exist - created and appended to member list
-AthAlgSeq            INFO Member list: RunEventTagWriter, EventCount, RegistrationStream/RegStream1
-RunEventTagWriter   DEBUG Initializing RunEventTagWriter
-EventSelector       DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully
-EventSelector       DEBUG Try item: "PFN:Collection_SplitBar.root" from the collection list.
-EventSelector        INFO Using standard collection ref 
-EventSelector        INFO EventSelection with query RunNumber != 1000000 && EventNumber > 0
-EventSelector       DEBUG Try item: "PFN:Collection_SplitBar.root" from the collection list.
-ProxyProviderSvc    DEBUG  added Address Provider EventSelector
-RunEventTagWriter   DEBUG Defining the attribute list specification.
-RunEventTagWriter   DEBUG Printing out attribute list specification:
-RunEventTagWriter   DEBUG Attribute List Specification: 
-RunEventTagWriter   DEBUG  name RunNumber type unsigned int
-RunEventTagWriter   DEBUG  name EventNumber type unsigned int
-HistorySvc          DEBUG Registering algtool: RegStream1.RegStream1_TopFolder
-AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO Setup EventSelector service EventSelector
-EventSelector       DEBUG Get AttributeList from the collection
-EventSelector       DEBUG AttributeList size 2
-EventSelector       ERROR Cannot get DataHeader from Collection converter 
-RunEventTagWriter   DEBUG Finalizing RunEventTagWriter
-RegStream1           INFO Collection Events output: 0
-ServiceManager      DEBUG Finalizing service EventSelector
-ToolSvc             DEBUG finalize:  Tool List : ToolSvc.IOVDbMetaDataTool:1 RegStream1.RegStream1_TopFolder:2 
-ToolSvc             DEBUG   Delaying   finalization of RegStream1.RegStream1_TopFolder (refCount 2)
-ToolSvc             DEBUG   Performing finalization of RegStream1.RegStream1_TopFolder (refCount 2)
-ToolSvc             DEBUG   Performing deletion of RegStream1.RegStream1_TopFolder
-  1 | RunEventTagWriter::initialize() | libAthenaPoolMultiTestLib.so
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolMultiTest/share/AthenaPoolMultiTestCount1.ref b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolMultiTest/share/AthenaPoolMultiTestCount1.ref
deleted file mode 100755
index dbb17e16aa175d25cdf6ddcd0fae4a2822acf2bb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolMultiTest/share/AthenaPoolMultiTestCount1.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolUtilities/EventCount.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 69 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventSelectorAthenaPool
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : EventSelectorAthenaPool
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolUtilities/EventCount_jobOptions.py"
-EventSelector        INFO Initializing EventSelector - package version EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-02-00
-EventSelector        INFO Create PoolCollectionConverter -  CollectionType: ImplicitROOT Connection:  InputCollection: AthenaPoolMultiTest_Split1.root
-EventSelector        INFO EventSelection with query 
-EventSelector        INFO ----- EventSelectorAthenaPool Initialized Properly
-EventCount           INFO in initialize()
-AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO Setup EventSelector service EventSelector
-EventSelector        INFO EventSelector: End of input
-EventCount           INFO ---------- INPUT FILE SUMMARY ----------
-EventCount           INFO Input contained: 7 events
-EventCount           INFO  -- Event Range ( 0 .. 18 )
-EventCount           INFO Input contained: 1 runs
-EventCount           INFO  -- 0
-EventCount           INFO Input contained the following Event Types
-EventCount           INFO  -- Detector
-EventCount           INFO  -- Physics
-EventCount           INFO  -- Simulation
-EventCount           INFO Input contained references to the following File GUID's
-EventCount           INFO  -> Stream1
-EventCount           INFO       - B2602C85-29D6-DA11-93A8-000E0C4D1919
-EventCount           INFO Input contained the following CLIDs and Keys
-EventCount           INFO  -> 2101 EventInfo (7) 
-EventCount           INFO       - McEventInfo
-EventCount           INFO  -> 9102 Unknown (7) 
-EventCount           INFO       - MyHits
-EventCount           INFO  -> 9876 Unknown (7) 
-EventCount           INFO       - MyData
-EventCount           INFO  -> 1287802 Unknown (14) 
-EventCount           INFO       - ExcludeTestTrigMap
-EventCount           INFO       - MultiTestTrigMap
-EventCount           INFO  -> 222376821 DataHeader (7) 
-EventCount           INFO       - Stream1
-EventCount           INFO ----------------------------------------
-EventSelector     WARNING Service already offline
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolMultiTest/share/AthenaPoolMultiTestCount2.ref b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolMultiTest/share/AthenaPoolMultiTestCount2.ref
deleted file mode 100755
index 247452217b86c23dc3a53cebd3375b96d250d153..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolMultiTest/share/AthenaPoolMultiTestCount2.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolUtilities/EventCount.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 69 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventSelectorAthenaPool
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : EventSelectorAthenaPool
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolUtilities/EventCount_jobOptions.py"
-EventSelector        INFO Initializing EventSelector - package version EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-02-00
-EventSelector        INFO Create PoolCollectionConverter -  CollectionType: ImplicitROOT Connection:  InputCollection: AthenaPoolMultiTest_Missed.root
-EventSelector        INFO EventSelection with query 
-EventSelector        INFO ----- EventSelectorAthenaPool Initialized Properly
-EventCount           INFO in initialize()
-AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO Setup EventSelector service EventSelector
-EventSelector        INFO EventSelector: End of input
-EventCount           INFO ---------- INPUT FILE SUMMARY ----------
-EventCount           INFO Input contained: 1 events
-EventCount           INFO  -- Event Range ( 3 .. 3 )
-EventCount           INFO Input contained: 1 runs
-EventCount           INFO  -- 0
-EventCount           INFO Input contained the following Event Types
-EventCount           INFO  -- Detector
-EventCount           INFO  -- Physics
-EventCount           INFO  -- Simulation
-EventCount           INFO Input contained references to the following File GUID's
-EventCount           INFO  -> Stream1
-EventCount           INFO       - B2602C85-29D6-DA11-93A8-000E0C4D1919
-EventCount           INFO Input contained the following CLIDs and Keys
-EventCount           INFO  -> 2101 EventInfo (1) 
-EventCount           INFO       - McEventInfo
-EventCount           INFO  -> 9102 Unknown (1) 
-EventCount           INFO       - MyHits
-EventCount           INFO  -> 9876 Unknown (1) 
-EventCount           INFO       - MyData
-EventCount           INFO  -> 1287802 Unknown (1) 
-EventCount           INFO       - MultiTestTrigMap
-EventCount           INFO  -> 222376821 DataHeader (1) 
-EventCount           INFO       - Others
-EventCount           INFO ----------------------------------------
-EventSelector     WARNING Service already offline
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolMultiTest/share/AthenaPoolMultiTestCount3.ref b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolMultiTest/share/AthenaPoolMultiTestCount3.ref
deleted file mode 100755
index ef636a99eb8fcbf9c2aed6b1b4e249bc310e70a3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolMultiTest/share/AthenaPoolMultiTestCount3.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolUtilities/EventCount.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 69 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventSelectorAthenaPool
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : EventSelectorAthenaPool
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolUtilities/EventCount_jobOptions.py"
-EventSelector        INFO Initializing EventSelector - package version EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-02-00
-EventSelector        INFO Create PoolCollectionConverter -  CollectionType: ImplicitROOT Connection:  InputCollection: AthenaPoolMultiTest_Bad.root
-EventSelector        INFO EventSelection with query 
-EventSelector        INFO ----- EventSelectorAthenaPool Initialized Properly
-EventCount           INFO in initialize()
-AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO Setup EventSelector service EventSelector
-EventSelector        INFO EventSelector: End of input
-EventCount           INFO ---------- INPUT FILE SUMMARY ----------
-EventCount           INFO Input contained: 1 events
-EventCount           INFO  -- Event Range ( 5 .. 5 )
-EventCount           INFO Input contained: 1 runs
-EventCount           INFO  -- 0
-EventCount           INFO Input contained the following Event Types
-EventCount           INFO  -- Detector
-EventCount           INFO  -- Physics
-EventCount           INFO  -- Simulation
-EventCount           INFO Input contained references to the following File GUID's
-EventCount           INFO  -> Stream1
-EventCount           INFO       - B2602C85-29D6-DA11-93A8-000E0C4D1919
-EventCount           INFO Input contained the following CLIDs and Keys
-EventCount           INFO  -> 2101 EventInfo (1) 
-EventCount           INFO       - McEventInfo
-EventCount           INFO  -> 9102 Unknown (1) 
-EventCount           INFO       - MyHits
-EventCount           INFO  -> 9876 Unknown (1) 
-EventCount           INFO       - MyData
-EventCount           INFO  -> 222376821 DataHeader (1) 
-EventCount           INFO       - Bad
-EventCount           INFO ----------------------------------------
-EventSelector     WARNING Service already offline
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/AthenaPoolTestWrite2.ref b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/AthenaPoolTestWrite2.ref
deleted file mode 100755
index 37e5d42d4d8a5f0987e6fcec2040a3c893b9d898..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/AthenaPoolTestWrite2.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1004 +0,0 @@
-Tue Sep  6 16:48:54 CEST 2005
-Loaded dictionary GaudiKernelDict
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Compat.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Bootstrap.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Atlas.UnixStandardJob.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "StoreGate/StoreGate_jobOptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : StoreGate, CLIDSvc, GaudiAud
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVSvc/IOVSvc.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IOVSvc
-Loaded dictionary StoreGateDict
-Athena               INFO including file "DetDescrCnvSvc/DetStore_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : DetDescrCnvSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "IdDictDetDescrCnv/IdDictDetDescrCnv_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IdDictDetDescrCnv
-Loaded dictionary AthenaServicesDict
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolTest/AthenaPoolTestWrite.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : McEventSelector
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/WriteAthenaPool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/AthenaPool_jobOptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : PoolSvc, AthenaPoolCnvSvc, AthenaPoolCnvSvcPoolCnv, EventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaSealSvc/AthenaSealSvc_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaSealSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaSealSvc/AthenaSealSvcIgnore_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "EventInfo/EventInfoDict_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolTestData/AthenaPoolTestDataDict_joboptions.py"
-==> New TileCablingService created
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaPoolTest
-Athena               INFO including file "EventAthenaPool/EventAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Removed duplicate entries for modules : EventAthenaPoolPoolCnv(2)
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolTestAthenaPool/AthenaPoolTestAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Removed duplicate entries for modules : EventAthenaPoolPoolCnv(2)
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaPoolTestAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "EventAthenaPool/EventAthenaPoolItemList_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolTestAthenaPool/AthenaPoolTestAthenaPoolItemList_joboptions.py"
-['EventInfo#*', 'MergedEventInfo#*', 'PileUpEventInfo#*', 'AthenaPoolTestMatrix#*', 'dummy_A#*', 'AthenaPoolTestElemLink#*', 'AthenaPoolTestMap#*', 'FauxTriggerMap#*', 'IAthenaPoolTestCollection#*', 'ElectronContainer#*', 'dummy_E#*', 'TrigPath#*']
-['EventInfo#*', 'EventInfo#*', 'MergedEventInfo#*', 'PileUpEventInfo#*', 'AthenaPoolTestMatrix#*', 'dummy_A#*', 'AthenaPoolTestElemLink#*', 'AthenaPoolTestMap#*', 'FauxTriggerMap#*', 'IAthenaPoolTestCollection#*', 'ElectronContainer#*', 'dummy_E#*', 'TrigPath#*']
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolTest/NoStats_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/runbatch.py"
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  initializing 
-DetectorStore        INFO Initializing DetectorStore - package version StoreGate-02-14-31
-EventPersistenc...   INFO "CnvServices": ["DetDescrCnvSvc", "McCnvSvc", "AthenaPoolCnvSvc"]
-ProxyProviderSvc     INFO Initializing ProxyProviderSvc - package version StoreGate-02-14-31
-ClassIDSvc           INFO Initializing ClassIDSvc - package version CLIDSvc-00-02-05
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 1215 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
-ClassIDSvc           INFO ClassIDSvc Initialized successfully 
-StoreGateSvc         INFO Initializing StoreGateSvc - package version StoreGate-02-14-31
-IOVSvc               INFO IOVRanges will be checked at every Event
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO Found DetectorStore service
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling proxies for detector managers 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for InDetMgr with CLID 2512 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for MuonMgr with CLID 4060 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloTTMgr with CLID 117659265 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloMgr with CLID 4548337 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloIdManager with CLID 125856940 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArIdManager with CLID 79554919 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for IdDict with CLID 2411 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for AtlasID with CLID 164875623 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for PixelID with CLID 2516 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for SCT_ID with CLID 2517 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TRT_ID with CLID 2518 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for SiliconID with CLID 129452393 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArEM_ID with CLID 163583365 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArHEC_ID with CLID 3870484 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArFCAL_ID with CLID 45738051 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArOnlineID with CLID 158698068 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TileID with CLID 2901 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TileHWID with CLID 2902 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TileTBID with CLID 2903 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for MDTIDHELPER with CLID 4170 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CSCIDHELPER with CLID 4171 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for RPCIDHELPER with CLID 4172 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TGCIDHELPER with CLID 4173 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloLVL1_ID with CLID 108133391 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloCell_ID with CLID 123500438 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloDM_ID with CLID 167756483 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO Initializing AthenaEventLoopMgr - package version AthenaServices-01-07-24
-AthenaPoolCnvSvc     INFO Initializing AthenaPoolCnvSvc - package version AthenaPoolCnvSvc-00-03-08
-PoolSvc              INFO No POOL WriteCatalog was specified--using POOL default.
-WARNING: $POOL_CATALOG is not defined
-using default `xmlcatalog_file:PoolFileCatalog.xml'
-ChronoStatSvc        INFO  Number of skipped events for MemStat-1
-AthenaPoolCnvSvc     INFO Loading POOL XMLAuthenticationService.
-ToolSvc.Stream1      INFO AthenaOutputStreamTool initialize
-Stream1              INFO Data output: SimplePoolFile.root SVC='AthenaPoolCnvSvc'
-HistogramPersis...   INFO "CnvServices": ["HbookHistSvc", "RootHistSvc"]
-HistogramPersis...WARNING Histograms saving not required.
-AthenaEventLoopMgrWARNING Histograms saving not required.
-EventSelector        INFO  Enter McEventSelector Initialization 
-EventSelector        INFO  McEventSelector Initialized Properly ... 
-AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO Setup EventSelector service EventSelector
-HistorySvc           INFO Registered 2 Algorithms
-HistorySvc           INFO Registered 1 AlgTools
-HistorySvc           INFO Registered 22 Services
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully
-ActiveStoreSvc       INFO Initializing ActiveStoreSvc - package version StoreGate-02-14-31
-EventPersistenc...   INFO Added successfully Conversion service:DetDescrCnvSvc
-EventPersistenc...   INFO Added successfully Conversion service:McCnvSvc
-AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  start of run 0    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  start of event 0  <<<===
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Executing AthenaPoolTestDataWriter
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Collection of A's
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 1 2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 2 3
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 3 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 4 5
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 5 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Collection of B's
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 11 12 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 12 13 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 13 14 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 14 15 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 15 16 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Collection of A's and B's
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 21 22
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 22 23
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 23 24
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 24 25 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 25 26 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 26 27 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Collection of C's
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 1 2 3 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 2 3 4 5
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 3 4 5 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 4 5 6 7
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 5 6 7 8
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Collection of D's
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestD::printWhoYouAre D - e, f 15 16 AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 11 12 13 14
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestD::printWhoYouAre D - e, f 16 17 AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 12 13 14 15
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestD::printWhoYouAre D - e, f 17 18 AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 13 14 15 16
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestD::printWhoYouAre D - e, f 18 19 AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 14 15 16 17
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestD::printWhoYouAre D - e, f 19 20 AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 15 16 17 18
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Recorded col1
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Recorded col2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Recorded col3
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Recorded col4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Recorded col5
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Registering matrix 1 AthenaPoolTestMatrix_0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Points (by value,by ptr) x,y,z : 1 2 3 , x,y,z 4 5 6 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Small matrix : ( 4, 4 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Big matrix : ( 6, 6 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Other matrices : 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG                   ( 4, 2 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG                   ( 5, 2 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    N doubles : 73
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix maps : 2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 5 4, 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 10 6, 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 16 6, 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 35 4, 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix transform: 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix transform: 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xx 1
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xy 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xz 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yx 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yy 1
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yz 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zx 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zy 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zz 1
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dx 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dy 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dz 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Registering matrix 2 AthenaPoolTestMatrix_1
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Points (by value,by ptr) x,y,z : 1 2 3 , x,y,z 4 5 6 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Small matrix : ( 4, 4 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Big matrix : ( 6, 6 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Other matrices : 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG                   ( 4, 4 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG                   ( 5, 4 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    N doubles : 164
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix maps : 2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 5 4, 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 10 6, 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 16 6, 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 35 4, 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix transform: 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix transform: 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xx -0.333333
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xy 0.666667
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xz 0.666667
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yx -0.666667
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yy 0.333333
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yz -0.666667
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zx -0.666667
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zy -0.666667
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zz 0.333333
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dx 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dy 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dz 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Registering matrix 3 AthenaPoolTestMatrix_2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Points (by value,by ptr) x,y,z : 1 2 3 , x,y,z 4 5 6 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Small matrix : ( 4, 4 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Big matrix : ( 6, 6 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Other matrices : 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG                   ( 4, 6 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG                   ( 5, 6 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    N doubles : 273
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix maps : 2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 5 4, 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 10 6, 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 16 6, 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 35 4, 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix transform: 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix transform: 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xx -0.777778
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xy 0.444444
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xz 0.444444
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yx -0.444444
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yy 0.111111
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yz -0.888889
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zx -0.444444
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zy -0.888889
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zz 0.111111
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dx 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dy 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dz 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 0  word 0  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 5  word 1  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 10  word 2  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 15  word 3  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 20  word 4  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 25  word 5  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 30  word 6  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 35  word 7  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 40  word 8  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 45  word 9  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy A: size B 5
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy B: size C 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 0 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 1 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 2 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 3 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy B: size C 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 0 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 1 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 2 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 3 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy B: size C 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 0 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 1 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 2 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 3 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy B: size C 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 0 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 1 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 2 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 3 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy B: size C 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 0 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 1 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 2 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 3 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Wrote dummy_A class 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy E: size D 2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy D: value 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy D: value 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Wrote dummy_E class 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Event ID: [0,0:0] 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Event type: user type McEvent
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG PileUpEventInfo
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Event ID: [0,0:0] 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Event type: user type Overlaid
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG SubEventInfos
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Time, index 0 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Event ID: [0,0:0] 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Event type: user type McEvent
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class EventInfo for 3 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class EventID for 3 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class EventType for 2 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class TriggerInfo for 4 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class std::basic_string<char> for 1 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO checkClass - NO MISSING FIELDS!!!
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class PileUpEventInfo for 4 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class EventInfo for 3 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class PileUpEventInfo::SubEvent for 3 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class EventID for 3 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class EventType for 2 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class TriggerInfo for 4 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class PileUpTimeEventIndex for 1 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class std::basic_string<char> for 1 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO checkClass - NO MISSING FIELDS!!!
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class AthenaPoolTestMatrix for 7 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class HepGeom::Point3D<double> for 1 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class CLHEP::HepMatrix for 4 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class HepGeom::Transform3D for 12 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class std::map<unsigned int,CLHEP::HepMatrix> for 1 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class HepGeom::BasicVector3D<double> for 1 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO checkClass - NO MISSING FIELDS!!!
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class AthenaPoolTestMap for 1 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class std::map<unsigned int,AthenaPoolTestMapData> for 1 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class AthenaPoolTestMapData for 2 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class std::pair<AthenaPoolTestMapDataLink,float> for 2 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class AthenaPoolTestMapDataLink for 2 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class AthenaPoolTestMapDataLink::ExtendedBarCode for 2 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO checkClass - NO MISSING FIELDS!!!
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class dummy_A for 1 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class dummy_B for 1 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class dummy_C for 1 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO checkClass - NO MISSING FIELDS!!!
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class dummy_E for 1 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class dummy_D for 1 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO checkClass - NO MISSING FIELDS!!!
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class DataVector<IAthenaPoolTestData> for 2 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO checkClass - NO MISSING FIELDS!!!
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class DataHeader for 3 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class DataHeaderElement for 3 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class std::set<unsigned long> for 1 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO Checking fields of class std::basic_string<char> for 1 fields: ok 
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO checkClass - NO MISSING FIELDS!!!
-AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  end of event 0    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  start of event 1  <<<===
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Executing AthenaPoolTestDataWriter
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Collection of A's
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 1 2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 2 3
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 3 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 4 5
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 5 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Collection of B's
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 11 12 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 12 13 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 13 14 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 14 15 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 15 16 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Collection of A's and B's
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 21 22
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 22 23
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 23 24
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 24 25 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 25 26 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 26 27 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Collection of C's
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 1 2 3 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 2 3 4 5
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 3 4 5 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 4 5 6 7
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 5 6 7 8
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Collection of D's
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestD::printWhoYouAre D - e, f 15 16 AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 11 12 13 14
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestD::printWhoYouAre D - e, f 16 17 AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 12 13 14 15
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestD::printWhoYouAre D - e, f 17 18 AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 13 14 15 16
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestD::printWhoYouAre D - e, f 18 19 AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 14 15 16 17
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestD::printWhoYouAre D - e, f 19 20 AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 15 16 17 18
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Recorded col1
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Recorded col2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Recorded col3
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Recorded col4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Recorded col5
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Registering matrix 1 AthenaPoolTestMatrix_0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Points (by value,by ptr) x,y,z : 1 2 3 , x,y,z 4 5 6 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Small matrix : ( 4, 4 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Big matrix : ( 6, 6 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Other matrices : 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG                   ( 4, 2 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG                   ( 5, 2 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    N doubles : 73
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix maps : 2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 5 4, 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 10 6, 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 16 6, 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 35 4, 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix transform: 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix transform: 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xx 1
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xy 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xz 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yx 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yy 1
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yz 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zx 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zy 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zz 1
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dx 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dy 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dz 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Registering matrix 2 AthenaPoolTestMatrix_1
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Points (by value,by ptr) x,y,z : 1 2 3 , x,y,z 4 5 6 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Small matrix : ( 4, 4 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Big matrix : ( 6, 6 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Other matrices : 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG                   ( 4, 4 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG                   ( 5, 4 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    N doubles : 164
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix maps : 2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 5 4, 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 10 6, 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 16 6, 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 35 4, 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix transform: 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix transform: 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xx -0.333333
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xy 0.666667
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xz 0.666667
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yx -0.666667
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yy 0.333333
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yz -0.666667
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zx -0.666667
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zy -0.666667
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zz 0.333333
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dx 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dy 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dz 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Registering matrix 3 AthenaPoolTestMatrix_2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Points (by value,by ptr) x,y,z : 1 2 3 , x,y,z 4 5 6 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Small matrix : ( 4, 4 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Big matrix : ( 6, 6 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Other matrices : 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG                   ( 4, 6 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG                   ( 5, 6 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    N doubles : 273
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix maps : 2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 5 4, 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 10 6, 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 16 6, 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 35 4, 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix transform: 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix transform: 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xx -0.777778
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xy 0.444444
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xz 0.444444
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yx -0.444444
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yy 0.111111
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yz -0.888889
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zx -0.444444
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zy -0.888889
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zz 0.111111
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dx 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dy 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dz 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 0  word 0  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 5  word 1  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 10  word 2  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 15  word 3  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 20  word 4  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 25  word 5  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 30  word 6  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 35  word 7  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 40  word 8  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 45  word 9  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy A: size B 5
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy B: size C 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 0 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 1 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 2 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 3 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy B: size C 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 0 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 1 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 2 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 3 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy B: size C 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 0 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 1 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 2 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 3 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy B: size C 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 0 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 1 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 2 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 3 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy B: size C 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 0 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 1 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 2 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 3 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Wrote dummy_A class 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy E: size D 2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy D: value 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy D: value 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Wrote dummy_E class 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Event ID: [0,1:0] 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Event type: user type McEvent
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG PileUpEventInfo
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Event ID: [0,1:0] 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Event type: user type Overlaid
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG SubEventInfos
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Time, index 0 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Event ID: [0,1:0] 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Event type: user type McEvent
-AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  end of event 1    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  start of event 2  <<<===
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Executing AthenaPoolTestDataWriter
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Collection of A's
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 1 2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 2 3
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 3 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 4 5
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 5 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Collection of B's
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 11 12 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 12 13 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 13 14 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 14 15 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 15 16 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Collection of A's and B's
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 21 22
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 22 23
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 23 24
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 24 25 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 25 26 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 26 27 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Collection of C's
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 1 2 3 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 2 3 4 5
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 3 4 5 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 4 5 6 7
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 5 6 7 8
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Collection of D's
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestD::printWhoYouAre D - e, f 15 16 AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 11 12 13 14
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestD::printWhoYouAre D - e, f 16 17 AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 12 13 14 15
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestD::printWhoYouAre D - e, f 17 18 AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 13 14 15 16
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestD::printWhoYouAre D - e, f 18 19 AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 14 15 16 17
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestD::printWhoYouAre D - e, f 19 20 AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 15 16 17 18
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Recorded col1
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Recorded col2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Recorded col3
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Recorded col4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Recorded col5
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Registering matrix 1 AthenaPoolTestMatrix_0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Points (by value,by ptr) x,y,z : 1 2 3 , x,y,z 4 5 6 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Small matrix : ( 4, 4 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Big matrix : ( 6, 6 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Other matrices : 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG                   ( 4, 2 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG                   ( 5, 2 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    N doubles : 73
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix maps : 2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 5 4, 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 10 6, 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 16 6, 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 35 4, 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix transform: 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix transform: 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xx 1
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xy 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xz 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yx 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yy 1
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yz 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zx 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zy 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zz 1
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dx 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dy 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dz 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Registering matrix 2 AthenaPoolTestMatrix_1
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Points (by value,by ptr) x,y,z : 1 2 3 , x,y,z 4 5 6 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Small matrix : ( 4, 4 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Big matrix : ( 6, 6 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Other matrices : 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG                   ( 4, 4 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG                   ( 5, 4 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    N doubles : 164
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix maps : 2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 5 4, 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 10 6, 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 16 6, 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 35 4, 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix transform: 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix transform: 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xx -0.333333
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xy 0.666667
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xz 0.666667
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yx -0.666667
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yy 0.333333
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yz -0.666667
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zx -0.666667
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zy -0.666667
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zz 0.333333
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dx 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dy 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dz 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Registering matrix 3 AthenaPoolTestMatrix_2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Points (by value,by ptr) x,y,z : 1 2 3 , x,y,z 4 5 6 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Small matrix : ( 4, 4 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Big matrix : ( 6, 6 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Other matrices : 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG                   ( 4, 6 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG                   ( 5, 6 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    N doubles : 273
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix maps : 2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 5 4, 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 10 6, 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 16 6, 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 35 4, 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix transform: 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix transform: 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xx -0.777778
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xy 0.444444
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xz 0.444444
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yx -0.444444
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yy 0.111111
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yz -0.888889
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zx -0.444444
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zy -0.888889
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zz 0.111111
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dx 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dy 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dz 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 0  word 0  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 5  word 1  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 10  word 2  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 15  word 3  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 20  word 4  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 25  word 5  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 30  word 6  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 35  word 7  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 40  word 8  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 45  word 9  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy A: size B 5
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy B: size C 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 0 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 1 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 2 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 3 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy B: size C 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 0 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 1 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 2 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 3 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy B: size C 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 0 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 1 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 2 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 3 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy B: size C 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 0 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 1 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 2 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 3 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy B: size C 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 0 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 1 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 2 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 3 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Wrote dummy_A class 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy E: size D 2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy D: value 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy D: value 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Wrote dummy_E class 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Event ID: [0,2:0] 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Event type: user type McEvent
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG PileUpEventInfo
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Event ID: [0,2:0] 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Event type: user type Overlaid
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG SubEventInfos
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Time, index 0 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Event ID: [0,2:0] 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Event type: user type McEvent
-AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  end of event 2    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  start of event 3  <<<===
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Executing AthenaPoolTestDataWriter
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Collection of A's
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 1 2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 2 3
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 3 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 4 5
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 5 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Collection of B's
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 11 12 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 12 13 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 13 14 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 14 15 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 15 16 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Collection of A's and B's
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 21 22
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 22 23
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 23 24
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 24 25 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 25 26 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 26 27 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Collection of C's
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 1 2 3 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 2 3 4 5
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 3 4 5 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 4 5 6 7
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 5 6 7 8
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Collection of D's
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestD::printWhoYouAre D - e, f 15 16 AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 11 12 13 14
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestD::printWhoYouAre D - e, f 16 17 AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 12 13 14 15
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestD::printWhoYouAre D - e, f 17 18 AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 13 14 15 16
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestD::printWhoYouAre D - e, f 18 19 AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 14 15 16 17
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestD::printWhoYouAre D - e, f 19 20 AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 15 16 17 18
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Recorded col1
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Recorded col2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Recorded col3
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Recorded col4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Recorded col5
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Registering matrix 1 AthenaPoolTestMatrix_0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Points (by value,by ptr) x,y,z : 1 2 3 , x,y,z 4 5 6 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Small matrix : ( 4, 4 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Big matrix : ( 6, 6 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Other matrices : 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG                   ( 4, 2 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG                   ( 5, 2 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    N doubles : 73
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix maps : 2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 5 4, 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 10 6, 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 16 6, 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 35 4, 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix transform: 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix transform: 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xx 1
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xy 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xz 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yx 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yy 1
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yz 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zx 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zy 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zz 1
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dx 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dy 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dz 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Registering matrix 2 AthenaPoolTestMatrix_1
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Points (by value,by ptr) x,y,z : 1 2 3 , x,y,z 4 5 6 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Small matrix : ( 4, 4 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Big matrix : ( 6, 6 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Other matrices : 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG                   ( 4, 4 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG                   ( 5, 4 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    N doubles : 164
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix maps : 2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 5 4, 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 10 6, 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 16 6, 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 35 4, 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix transform: 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix transform: 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xx -0.333333
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xy 0.666667
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xz 0.666667
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yx -0.666667
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yy 0.333333
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yz -0.666667
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zx -0.666667
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zy -0.666667
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zz 0.333333
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dx 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dy 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dz 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Registering matrix 3 AthenaPoolTestMatrix_2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Points (by value,by ptr) x,y,z : 1 2 3 , x,y,z 4 5 6 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Small matrix : ( 4, 4 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Big matrix : ( 6, 6 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Other matrices : 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG                   ( 4, 6 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG                   ( 5, 6 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    N doubles : 273
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix maps : 2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 5 4, 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 10 6, 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 16 6, 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 35 4, 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix transform: 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix transform: 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xx -0.777778
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xy 0.444444
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xz 0.444444
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yx -0.444444
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yy 0.111111
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yz -0.888889
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zx -0.444444
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zy -0.888889
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zz 0.111111
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dx 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dy 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dz 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 0  word 0  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 5  word 1  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 10  word 2  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 15  word 3  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 20  word 4  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 25  word 5  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 30  word 6  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 35  word 7  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 40  word 8  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 45  word 9  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy A: size B 5
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy B: size C 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 0 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 1 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 2 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 3 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy B: size C 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 0 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 1 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 2 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 3 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy B: size C 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 0 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 1 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 2 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 3 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy B: size C 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 0 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 1 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 2 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 3 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy B: size C 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 0 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 1 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 2 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 3 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Wrote dummy_A class 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy E: size D 2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy D: value 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy D: value 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Wrote dummy_E class 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Event ID: [0,3:0] 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Event type: user type McEvent
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG PileUpEventInfo
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Event ID: [0,3:0] 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Event type: user type Overlaid
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG SubEventInfos
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Time, index 0 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Event ID: [0,3:0] 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Event type: user type McEvent
-AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  end of event 3    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  start of event 4  <<<===
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Executing AthenaPoolTestDataWriter
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Collection of A's
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 1 2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 2 3
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 3 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 4 5
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 5 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Collection of B's
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 11 12 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 12 13 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 13 14 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 14 15 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 15 16 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Collection of A's and B's
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 21 22
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 22 23
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestA::printWhoYouAre A - a, b 23 24
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 24 25 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 25 26 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestB::printWhoYouAre B - c, d 26 27 fa, da 7 13
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Collection of C's
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 1 2 3 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 2 3 4 5
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 3 4 5 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 4 5 6 7
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 5 6 7 8
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Collection of D's
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestD::printWhoYouAre D - e, f 15 16 AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 11 12 13 14
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestD::printWhoYouAre D - e, f 16 17 AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 12 13 14 15
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestD::printWhoYouAre D - e, f 17 18 AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 13 14 15 16
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestD::printWhoYouAre D - e, f 18 19 AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 14 15 16 17
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestD::printWhoYouAre D - e, f 19 20 AthenaPoolTestC::printWhoYouAre C - a, b, c, d 15 16 17 18
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Recorded col1
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Recorded col2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Recorded col3
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Recorded col4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Recorded col5
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Registering matrix 1 AthenaPoolTestMatrix_0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Points (by value,by ptr) x,y,z : 1 2 3 , x,y,z 4 5 6 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Small matrix : ( 4, 4 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Big matrix : ( 6, 6 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Other matrices : 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG                   ( 4, 2 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG                   ( 5, 2 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    N doubles : 73
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix maps : 2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 5 4, 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 10 6, 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 16 6, 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 35 4, 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix transform: 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix transform: 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xx 1
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xy 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xz 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yx 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yy 1
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yz 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zx 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zy 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zz 1
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dx 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dy 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dz 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Registering matrix 2 AthenaPoolTestMatrix_1
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Points (by value,by ptr) x,y,z : 1 2 3 , x,y,z 4 5 6 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Small matrix : ( 4, 4 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Big matrix : ( 6, 6 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Other matrices : 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG                   ( 4, 4 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG                   ( 5, 4 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    N doubles : 164
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix maps : 2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 5 4, 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 10 6, 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 16 6, 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 35 4, 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix transform: 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix transform: 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xx -0.333333
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xy 0.666667
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xz 0.666667
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yx -0.666667
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yy 0.333333
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yz -0.666667
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zx -0.666667
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zy -0.666667
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zz 0.333333
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dx 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dy 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dz 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Registering matrix 3 AthenaPoolTestMatrix_2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Points (by value,by ptr) x,y,z : 1 2 3 , x,y,z 4 5 6 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Small matrix : ( 4, 4 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Big matrix : ( 6, 6 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Other matrices : 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG                   ( 4, 6 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG                   ( 5, 6 ) 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    N doubles : 273
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix maps : 2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 5 4, 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 10 6, 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 16 6, 6
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Key, row, column 35 4, 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix transform: 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG    Matrix transform: 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xx -0.777778
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xy 0.444444
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   xz 0.444444
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yx -0.444444
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yy 0.111111
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   yz -0.888889
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zx -0.444444
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zy -0.888889
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   zz 0.111111
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dx 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dy 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG   dz 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 0  word 0  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 5  word 1  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 10  word 2  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 15  word 3  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 20  word 4  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 25  word 5  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 30  word 6  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 35  word 7  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 40  word 8  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG AthenaPoolTestMap: key 45  word 9  Deposits: (barCode, evtIndx, wgt) 0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy A: size B 5
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy B: size C 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 0 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 1 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 2 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 3 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy B: size C 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 0 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 1 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 2 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 3 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy B: size C 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 0 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 1 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 2 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 3 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy B: size C 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 0 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 1 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 2 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 3 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy B: size C 4
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 0 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 1 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 2 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG i,c: 3 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Wrote dummy_A class 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy E: size D 2
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy D: value 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Dummy D: value 10
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Wrote dummy_E class 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Event ID: [0,4:0] 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Event type: user type McEvent
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG PileUpEventInfo
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Event ID: [0,4:0] 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Event type: user type Overlaid
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG SubEventInfos
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Time, index 0 0
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Event ID: [0,4:0] 
-AthenaPoolTestD...  DEBUG Event type: user type McEvent
-AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  end of event 4    <<<===
-HistorySvc           INFO Service finalised successfully
-Stream1              INFO Records written: 5
-EventSelector        INFO finalize
-ChronoStatSvc.f...   INFO  Service finalized succesfully 
-PoolSvc              INFO finalize() in PoolSvc
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO finalize() in AthenaSealSvc
-ToolSvc              INFO Removing all tools created by ToolSvc
-ToolSvc.Stream1      INFO AthenaOutputStreamTool finalize
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/CaloCluster2StepReader.ref b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/CaloCluster2StepReader.ref
deleted file mode 100755
index 15dad6c9d173fd781806b47fbb492e78e5472d17..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/CaloCluster2StepReader.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,527 +0,0 @@
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Compat.py"
-PropertyProxy        INFO Read module info for 1929 configurables from 585 rootmap files
-PluginMgr            INFO loaded plugin info for 2674 components
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Bootstrap.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaServices
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
-StatusCodeSvc        INFO initialize
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Services.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Atlas.UnixStandardJob.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "StoreGate/StoreGate_jobOptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : StoreGate, CLIDSvc, GaudiAud
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVSvc/IOVSvc.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IOVSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "DetDescrCnvSvc/DetStore_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : DetDescrCnvSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "IdDictDetDescrCnv/IdDictDetDescrCnv_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IdDictDetDescrCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolTest/CaloCluster2StepReader_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/ReadAthenaPool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/AthenaPool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO Initializing ClassIDSvc - package version CLIDSvc-00-02-12
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 43 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
-ClassIDSvc           INFO ClassIDSvc Initialized successfully 
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 73 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : PoolSvc, AthenaPoolCnvSvc, DBDataModelAthenaPoolPoolCnv, EventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaSealSvc/AthenaSealSvc_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 73 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaSealSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaSealSvc
-['STLRflx', 'DetDescrDict']
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaSealSvc/AthenaSealSvcIgnore_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolServices/AthenaRootStreamerSvc_jobOptions.py"
-ServiceManager    WARNING Service factory for type AthenaRootStreamerSvc already declared
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 73 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaRootStreamerSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaRootStreamerSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasSealCLHEP/OldCLHEPStreamers_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 77 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventSelectorAthenaPool
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : EventSelectorAthenaPool
-Athena               INFO including file "RecExCond/RecExCommon_flags.py"
-py:RecExCommon_flags    INFO Executing RecExCommon_flags.py
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/AthenaCommonFlags.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "InDetRecExample/ConfiguredInDetFlags.py"
-py:RecExCommon_flags WARNING doAOD False and doWriteAOD True. Only meaningful for AOD->AOD copy 
-py:RecExCommon_flags WARNING no AOD objects available, cannot write out tag, switching doWriteTAG=False
-py:RecExCommon_flags    INFO TrackRecordFilter alg switched on. 
-Athena               INFO including file "RecExCond/AllDet_detDescr.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py"
-Athena            WARNING IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py - This file is obselete; conditions DB access should automatically be configured from detector geometry
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/CondDBConfig.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 82 CLIDRegistry entries for module IOVDbSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IOVDbSvc
-Athena               INFO Conditions database access configured for instance OFLP130 using connection type logical and account ATLAS_COOL_READER
-Athena               INFO including file "DetDescrDictionary/DetDescrDictionaryDict_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/SetGeometryVersion.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/GeoModelInit.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/CondDBSetup.py"
-Athena            WARNING Additional request to configure conditions DB OFLP130 ignored
-Athena               INFO including file "EventInfoMgt/EventInfoMgt_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 84 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventInfoMgt
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : EventInfoMgt
-EventInfoMgt jobOptions: Got release version  AtlasOffline-rel_6
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/GeoModelInitStandard.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "RDBAccessSvc/RDBAccessSvcPdb_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 84 CLIDRegistry entries for module RDBAccessSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : RDBAccessSvc
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 84 CLIDRegistry entries for module GeoModelSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : GeoModelSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/InDetGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/LArGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "TileIdCnv/TileIdCnv_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 139 CLIDRegistry entries for module TileIdCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TileIdCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloIdCnv/CaloIdCnv_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloConditions/LArTTCellMap_ATLAS_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloCondAthenaPool/CaloTTMap_Pool_Read.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 279 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
-LArTTCellMap configuration: newFcal=  False DetDescrVersion=  ATLAS-CSC-01-01-00
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloTriggerTool/CaloTriggerTool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 280 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloTriggerTool
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloTriggerTool
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 315 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloIdCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloIdCnv
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 374 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArGeoAlgsNV
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArGeoAlgsNV
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv/CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv_joboptions.py"
-now executing CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv_CaloDetDescrCnv
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 492 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/TileGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/MuonGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/MiscGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "TileIdCnv/TileIdCnv_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArDetDescr/LArDetDescr_joboptions.py"
-now initializing the LAr readout geometry : standard Atlas flavour
-Athena               INFO including file "LArIdCnv/LArIdCnv_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArTools/LArTools_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 506 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArTools
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArTools
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 533 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArIdCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArIdCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "LArConditionsCommon/LArConditionsCommon_MC_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py"
-Athena            WARNING IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py - This file is obselete; conditions DB access should automatically be configured from detector geometry
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCondAthenaPool/LArCondAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 1964 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "LArRawConditions/LArRawConditionsDict_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArConditionsCommon/LArIdMap_MC_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCondAthenaPool/LArCondAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
-Athena               INFO including file "LArRawConditions/LArRawConditionsDict_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloTools/CaloNoiseTool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 2614 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloTools
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloTools
-Athena              ERROR inconsistent case used in property name "DLLs" of ApplicationMgr
-     ==> After this line, a hack will be executed, attempting to rectify the
-     ==> problem just reported. Since this hack may fail, and since it is a
-     ==> rather temporary measure hack, this is an ERROR, not a WARNING.
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 2915 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCellRec
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCellRec
-Athena              ERROR inconsistent case used in property name "DLLs" of ApplicationMgr
-     ==> After this line, a hack will be executed, attempting to rectify the
-     ==> problem just reported. Since this hack may fail, and since it is a
-     ==> rather temporary measure hack, this is an ERROR, not a WARNING.
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3654 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCalibUtils
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCalibUtils
-Athena               INFO including file "TileConditions/TileConditions_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3654 CLIDRegistry entries for module TileConditions
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TileConditions
-Athena               INFO including file "TileConditions/TileNoiseOn_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCalibUtils/LArOFCTool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCalibUtils/LArAutoCorrTotalTool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "BFieldAth/BFieldAth_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3654 CLIDRegistry entries for module BFieldAth
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : BFieldAth
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3803 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaPoolTest
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaPoolTest
-Athena               INFO including file "EventAthenaPool/EventAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloAthenaPool/CaloAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 4265 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolTest/NoStats_jobOptions.py"
-Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class IProxyDict is available
-Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class IProxyDict is available
-ActiveStoreSvc       INFO Initializing ActiveStoreSvc - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/runbatch.py"
-StatusCodeSvc        INFO initialize
-DetectorStore        INFO Initializing DetectorStore - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-EventPersistenc...   INFO "CnvServices": ["DetDescrCnvSvc", "AthenaPoolCnvSvc", "AthenaPoolCnvSvc"]
-ProxyProviderSvc     INFO Initializing ProxyProviderSvc - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-EventSelector        INFO Initializing EventSelector - package version EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-04-14
-AthenaPoolCnvSvc     INFO Initializing AthenaPoolCnvSvc - package version AthenaPoolCnvSvc-00-10-02
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:STLRflx
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:DetDescrDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:AtlasSealCLHEPDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:DetDescrDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:CaloTriggerToolDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:LArRawConditionsDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:LArRawConditionsDict
-PoolSvc              INFO POOL ReadCatalog is prfile:poolcond/PoolCat_oflcond.xml
-PoolSvc              INFO Resolved path is /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasCore/rel_6/InstallArea/share/poolcond/PoolCat_oflcond.xml
-PoolSvc              INFO No POOL WriteCatalog was specified--using POOL default.
-WARNING: $POOL_CATALOG is not defined
-using default `xmlcatalog_file:PoolFileCatalog.xml'
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO POOL/ROOT class loader initialized
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO 9 ROOT streamers declared
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPVec3dStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepVector3D added converter for checksum = 358881035
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepVector3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPPoint3dStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepPoint3D added converter for checksum = 1634550480
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepPoint3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPRotationStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepRotation added converter for checksum = 4141898558
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepRotation
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPGenMatrixStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepGenMatrix added converter for checksum = 21721098
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepGenMatrix
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPMatrixStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepMatrix added converter for checksum = 3811046672
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepMatrix
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPLorVecStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepLorentzVector added converter for checksum = 3077056266
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepLorentzVector
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPTransform3DStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepTransform3D added converter for checksum = 520750269
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepTransform3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEP3VectorStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for Hep3Vector added converter for checksum = 760000369
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class Hep3Vector
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPBasicVectorStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for BasicVector3D added converter for checksum = 2681080162
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class BasicVector3D
-ChronoStatSvc        INFO  Number of skipped events for MemStat-1
-AthenaPoolCnvSvc     INFO Loading POOL XMLAuthenticationService.
-EventSelector        INFO Create PoolCollectionConverter -  CollectionType: ImplicitROOT Connection:  InputCollection: SimplePoolFile2.root
-Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class AthenaPoolTestMatrix is available
-Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class DataVector<IAthenaPoolTestData> is available
-Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class AthenaPoolTestA is available
-Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class IAthenaPoolTestData is available
-Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class AthenaPoolTestB is available
-SimplePoolFile2.root   Always Root file version:51304
-EventSelector        INFO EventSelection with query 
-EventSelector        INFO ----- EventSelectorAthenaPool Initialized Properly
-IOVDbSvc             INFO Found ProxyProviderSvc 
-IOVSvc               INFO IOVRanges will be checked at every Event
-IOVDbSvc             INFO Service IOVDbSvc initialised successfully
-IOVDbSvc             INFO DbConnections are managed (opened when needed)
-CondProxyProvider    INFO Initializing CondProxyProvider - package version EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-04-14
-CondProxyProvider    INFO Create PoolCollectionConverter -  InputCollection: LFN:oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000._0047.pool.root
-/afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/vol0/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000._0047.pool.root   Always Root file version:51200
-CondProxyProvider    INFO ----- CondProxyProvider Initialized Properly
-IOVDbSvc             INFO  
-RalDatabaseSvc     Info Instantiate the RalDatabaseSvc
-RalSessionMgr     Info Instantiate a RalSessionMgr for 'COOL_LAR/OFLP130'
-RalSessionMgr     Info Load the CORAL connection service
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Loading default plugin for coral::IRelationalService: CORAL/Services/RelationalService
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "frontier" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "mysql" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "oracle" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "sqlite" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "frontier" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "mysql" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "oracle" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "sqlite" is native
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Loading default plugin for coral::ILookupService: CORAL/Services/XMLLookupService
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Loading default plugin for coral::IAuthenticationService: CORAL/Services/XMLAuthenticationService
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService  Warning Failure while attempting to start a session on connection sqlite_file:sqlite130/ALLP130.db: CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Session::connect" from " cannot open read-only connection to non-existing /afs/cern.ch/user/s/schaffer/w1/public1/work-12.3.0-test/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/AthenaPoolTest-00-00-99/run/sqlite130/ALLP130.db" )
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Read-Only Connection to service oracle://ATLAS_COOLPROD established. Id=45c11f18-9018-11db-89dd-003048836897
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://ATLAS_COOLPROD started for user ATLAS_COOL_READER. Id=45c11f18-9018-11db-89dd-003048836897
-RelationalDatabase  Warning Release number backward compatibility - NO SCHEMA EVOLUTION REQUIRED: database with OLDER release number 1.3.1 will be opened using CURRENT client release number 1.3.3
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCRamp-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCRamp-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/Ramp
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCAutoCorr-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCAutoCorr-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/AutoCorr
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCDAC2uA-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCDAC2uA-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/DAC2uA
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCPedestal-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCPedestal-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/Pedestal
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCNoise-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCNoise-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/Noise
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCfSampl-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCfSampl-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/fSampl
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCuA2MeV-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCuA2MeV-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/uA2MeV
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCMinBias-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCMinBias-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/MinBias
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCShape-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCShape-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/Shape
-/afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/vol0/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000._0011.pool.root   Always Root file version:51000
-/afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/vol0/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000._0015.pool.root   Always Root file version:51000
-StoreGateSvc         INFO Initializing StoreGateSvc - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-IOVDbSvc             INFO  
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  initializing 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO Found DetectorStore service
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling proxies for detector managers 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for InDetMgr with CLID 2512 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for MuonMgr with CLID 4060 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloTTMgr with CLID 117659265 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloMgr with CLID 4548337 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloIdManager with CLID 125856940 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArIdManager with CLID 79554919 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for IdDict with CLID 2411 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for AtlasID with CLID 164875623 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for PixelID with CLID 2516 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for SCT_ID with CLID 2517 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TRT_ID with CLID 2518 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for SiliconID with CLID 129452393 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArEM_ID with CLID 163583365 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArHEC_ID with CLID 3870484 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArFCAL_ID with CLID 45738051 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArOnlineID with CLID 158698068 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArTTOnlineID with CLID 184978 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArHVLineID with CLID 27863673 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArElectrodeID with CLID 80757351 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TileID with CLID 2901 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TileHWID with CLID 2902 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TileTBID with CLID 2903 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for MDTIDHELPER with CLID 4170 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CSCIDHELPER with CLID 4171 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for RPCIDHELPER with CLID 4172 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TGCIDHELPER with CLID 4173 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloLVL1_ID with CLID 108133391 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloCell_ID with CLID 123500438 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloDM_ID with CLID 167756483 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-GeoModelSvc          INFO LArDetectorToolNV appended to detector list
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "frontier" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "mysql" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "oracle" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "sqlite" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "frontier" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "mysql" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "oracle" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "sqlite" is native
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Loading default plugin for coral::ILookupService: CORAL/Services/XMLLookupService
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Loading default plugin for coral::IAuthenticationService: CORAL/Services/XMLAuthenticationService
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService  Warning Failure while attempting to start a session on connection sqlite_file:geomDB/geomDB_sqlite: CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Session::connect" from " cannot open read-only connection to non-existing /afs/cern.ch/user/s/schaffer/w1/public1/work-12.3.0-test/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/AthenaPoolTest-00-00-99/run/geomDB/geomDB_sqlite" )
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Read-Only Connection to service oracle://atlas_dd established. Id=46df0892-9018-11db-89dd-003048836897
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=46df0892-9018-11db-89dd-003048836897
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=46df0892-9018-11db-89dd-003048836897
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO Keys for LAr are ATLAS-CSC-01-01-00  ATLAS
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO LArDetectorToolNV:  Detector Information coming from the database and job options IGNORED.
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO Creating the LAr 
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO LAr Geometry Options:
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO   Sagging           = false
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO   Barrel            = ON
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO   Endcap            = ON
-ExpHall Parameters defined
-in RALEmb :   Atlas version ATLAS-CSC-01-01-00
-              LAr   version 
-       LAr version LAr-Misaligned-01
-Barrel Parameters defined
-Emec Parameters defined
-HEC Parameters defined
-LArMaterialManager   INFO ---- THIN absorber characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction pb,fe,gl: 0.749275,0.183746,0.0669791
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness: 1.06611e+20 ,2.20337
-LArMaterialManager   INFO  Contraction 0.997
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thinabs Density =  7.82239
-LArMaterialManager   INFO ---- THICK absorber characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction pb,fe,gl: 0.827772,0.149862,0.022366
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness: 1.30716e+20 ,2.20337
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thickabs Density =  9.59105 
-LArMaterialManager   INFO ---- Electrode characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction Cu, Kapton: 0.791253,0.208747
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness:7.42115e+18 ,0.275
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Electrode Density =  4.37083
-LArMaterialManager   INFO ---- Mother Board characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction Cu, G10: 0.46077,0.53923
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness:7.64634e+19 ,4.3
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   M_board Density =  2.84902
-LArMaterialManager   INFO 
----- EMEC THIN absorber characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thickness pb,fe,gl,[mm]=1.69 0.4 0.2
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction  pb,fe,gl     =0.846212,0.138877,0.0149112
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness  =1.41479e+20 ,2.29
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thinabs Density        =9.9881
----- EMEC THIN absorber characteristics: ----
-  Thickness pb,fe,gl,[mm]=1.69 0.4 0.2
-  Fraction  pb,fe,gl     =0.846212,0.138877,0.0149112
-  Total mass, Thickness  =1.41479e+20 ,2.29
-  Thinabs Density        =9.9881
-LArMaterialManager   INFO ---- EMEC THICK absorber characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thickness pb,fe,gl[mm]=2.2 0.4 0.2
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction  pb,fe,gl:    0.877495,0.110627,0.011878
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness: 1.77608e+20 ,2.8
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thickabs Density =     10.2549 
-Sagging in geometry 0
-BarrelConstruction   INFO ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-+                                                  +
-+         Start of Barrel EM GeoModel definition   +
-+                                                  +
-idat 0 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1500.02 0.106187 46.2025 0 0 0.79988
-idat 1 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1521 0.569751 45.0574 0 0 0.79893
-idat 2 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1559.66 -0.573092 43.3446 0 0 0.79729
-idat 3 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1597.2 0.576518 42.4478 0 0 0.79615
-idat 4 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1634.57 -0.579943 40.9436 0 0 0.79532
-idat 5 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1671.02 0.582296 40.2251 0 0 0.79493
-idat 6 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1707.43 -0.585638 38.8752 0 0 0.79473
-idat 7 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1743.07 0.588207 38.2915 0 0 0.79483
-idat 8 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1778.76 -0.590596 37.0608 0 0 0.79519
-idat 9 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1813.75 0.59285 36.5831 0 0 0.79576
-idat 10 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1848.87 -0.595587 35.4475 0 0 0.79655
-idat 11 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1883.36 0.59744 35.0556 0 0 0.79747
-idat 12 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1918.02 -0.599714 33.9977 0 0 0.79856
-idat 13 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1952.1 0.601911 33.6767 0 0 0.7999
-idat 14 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1970.48 0.0811661 90 0 0 0.80067
-Getting primary numbers for ATLAS, ATLAS-CSC-01-01-00
-InnerWheel,z(0)=0 rmin=302.306 rmax=610.38
-           z(1)=514 rmin=344.279 rmax=695.336
-OuterWheel,z(0)=0 rmin=613.38 rmax=1999.87
-           z(1)=63.1752 rmin=623.822 rmax=2034
-           z(2)=514 rmin=698.336 rmax=2034
-LArWheelCalculator   INFO  LArWheelCalculator::inner_wheel_ini: AlfInt,ext[deg]=107 64.5 ROpt[mm]=323.292 654.358 ZlOpt[mm]=52.2012 75.8952 RminA= 300 RmaxA= 800 RstepA= 0.01
-LArWheelCalculator   INFO  LArWheelCalculator::outer_wheel_ini: AlfInt,ext[deg]=122.5 59 ROpt[mm]=654.358 2034 ZlOpt[mm]=32.0362 53.2691 RminA= 600 RmaxA= 2100 RstepA= 0.01
- *** EMECSupportConstruction: contract,contract_e=0.997 0.996388
- *** EMECSupportConstruction: Barrett thickness: inner,outer, electrode[mm]=2.7916 2.28313 0.274007
-InnerWheel,z(0)=0 rmin=302.306 rmax=610.38
-           z(1)=514 rmin=344.279 rmax=695.336
-OuterWheel,z(0)=0 rmin=613.38 rmax=1999.87
-           z(1)=63.1752 rmin=623.822 rmax=2034
-           z(2)=514 rmin=698.336 rmax=2034
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO Default LAr DetCondKeyTrans stored with StoreGate key /LAr/Align
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Initializing TileInfoLoader
-EventPersistenc...   INFO Added successfully Conversion service:DetDescrCnvSvc
-CaloLVL1_IDDetD...   INFO in createObj: creating a CaloLVL1_ID helper object in the detector store
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO in initialize
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO in createObj: creating a IdDictManager object in the detector store
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO IdDictName:  IdDictParser/ATLAS_IDS.xml
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=46df0892-9018-11db-89dd-003048836897
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Reading InnerDetector    IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictInnerDetector.xml
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Reading LArCalorimeter   IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictLArCalorimeter_DC3-05.xml
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Reading TileCalorimeter  IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictTileCalorimeter.xml
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Reading Calorimeter      IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictCalorimeter_DC3-05.xml
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Reading MuonSpectrometer IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictMuonSpectrometer_R.01.xml
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Found id dicts:
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Using dictionary tag: destaged_layout
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary ATLAS                version default              DetDescr tag (using default)
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary Calorimeter          version default              DetDescr tag CaloIdentifier-DC3-05
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary InnerDetector        version default              DetDescr tag InDetIdentifier-05
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary LArCalorimeter       version fullAtlas            DetDescr tag LArIdentifier-DC3-05
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary LArElectrode         version fullAtlas            DetDescr tag (using default)
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary LArHighVoltage       version fullAtlas            DetDescr tag (using default)
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary MuonSpectrometer     version R.01                 DetDescr tag MuonIdentifier-02
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary TileCalorimeter      version fullAtlasAndTestBeam DetDescr tag TileIdentifier-00
-CaloLVL1_ID          INFO initialize_from_dictionary
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-TileIDDetDescrCnv    INFO in createObj: creating a TileID helper object in the detector store
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=46df0892-9018-11db-89dd-003048836897
-TileID               INFO initialize_from_dictionary 
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-TileNeighbour        INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/TileNeighbour.txt
-TileTBIDDetDesc...   INFO in createObj: creating a TileTBID helper object in the detector store
-TileTBID             INFO initialize_from_dictionary 
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-TileHWIDDetDesc...   INFO in createObj: creating a TileHWID helper object in the detector store
-TileHWID             INFO initialize_from_dictionary 
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Set CaloLVL1 TileID, TileTBID and TileHWID helpers in TileCablingService 
-TileInfoLoader       INFO TileNoise=true,  digitsNoiseSigmaHi=1.6, digitsNoiseSigmaLo=0.8
-TileInfoLoader       INFO digitsResolutionHi=-9999, setting it equal to digitsNoiseSigmaHi
-TileInfoLoader       INFO digitsResolutionLo=-9999, setting it equal to digitsNoiseSigmaLo
-TileInfoLoader       INFO TileZeroSuppress=false,  ThresholdRawChannel=-3, ThresholdDigits=-2
-TileInfoLoader       INFO TTL1Calib=4.1, TileTTL1Thresh=5, TTL1NoiseSigma=2.5, TTL1Ped=0
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TileNoise = 1
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TileCoherNoise = 0
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  DigitsNoiseSigmaHi = 1.6
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  DigitsNoiseSigmaLo = 0.8
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  DigitsResolutionHi = 1.6
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  DigitsResolutionLo = 0.8
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TileZeroSuppress = 0
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  ThresholdRawChannel = -3
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  ThresholdDigits = -2
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TTL1Calib = 4.1
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TTL1NoiseSigma = 2.5
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TTL1Thresh = 5
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TTL1Ped = 0
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  nPhElec = 70
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  nPhElecVec[0] = 70
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  nPhElecVec[1] = 70
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  nPhElecVec[2] = 70
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  nPhElecVec[3] = 70
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/TileDigitsShape_v02.txt
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/pulsehi_physics.dat
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/pulselo_physics.dat
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/pulse_adder_tower_physics.dat
-TileInfoLoader       INFO 601 number of bins in shaping function
-TileInfoLoader       INFO 214 index of in-time bin
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  50 bins per beam crossing
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Peak value = 1 at bin = 214, Time0Bin = 214
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/pulse_adder_muon_physics.dat
-TileInfoLoader       INFO 651 number of bins in shaping function
-TileInfoLoader       INFO 214 index of in-time bin
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  50 bins per beam crossing
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Peak value = 1 at bin = 214, Time0Bin = 214
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  TileInfo initialization completed. 
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Placed a TileInfo in Detector store with name TileInfo
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Empty file prefix, no files loaded
-AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO Initializing AthenaEventLoopMgr - package version AthenaServices-01-07-80
-CaloClusterFake...   INFO CaloClusterFakeReader::initialize()
-CaloClusterFake...  DEBUG  Found DetectorStore 
-CaloCell_IDDetD...   INFO in createObj: creating a CaloCell_ID helper object in the detector store
-LArEM_IDDetDesc...   INFO in createObj: creating a LArEM_ID helper object in the detector store
-LArEM_ID             INFO initialize_from_dictionary
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-LArHEC_IDDetDes...   INFO in createObj: creating a LArHEC_ID helper object in the detector store
-LArHEC_ID            INFO initialize_from_dictionary
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-LArFCAL_IDDetDe...   INFO in createObj: creating a LArFCAL_ID helper object in the detector store
-LArFCAL_ID           INFO initialize_from_dictionary
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=46df0892-9018-11db-89dd-003048836897
-LArFCAL_ID           INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/FCal2DNeighbors.txt
-LArFCAL_ID           INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/FCal3DNeighborsNext.txt
-LArFCAL_ID           INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/FCal3DNeighborsPrev.txt
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=46df0892-9018-11db-89dd-003048836897
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-CaloClusterFake...  DEBUG  Found the LArEM_ID helper. 
-CaloMgrDetDescrCnv   INFO in createObj: creating a Calo Detector Manager object in the detector store
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO in createObj: creating a CaloDescrManager object in the detector store
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set CaloCell_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloDM_IDDetDes...   INFO in createObj: creating a CaloDM_ID helper object in the detector store
-CaloDM_ID            INFO initialize_from_dictionary
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set CaloDM_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set CaloLVL1_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set LArEM_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set LArHEC_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set LArFCAL_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set TileID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO  Finished 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Initializing CaloIdMgr from values in CaloIdMgrDetDescrCnv 
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=46df0892-9018-11db-89dd-003048836897
-DetectorStore     WARNING retrieve(default): No valid proxy for default object 
- of type TileDetDescrManager(CLID 2941)
-CaloMgrDetDescrCnv  ERROR Could not get TileDetDescrManager
-DataProxy           FATAL accessData: ERROR conversion failed for data object 4548337/CaloMgr
- Throwing runtime_error  
-CaloClusterFake...  ERROR Unable to retrieve CaloDetDescrManager from DetectorStore
-AthenaEventLoopMgr  ERROR Unable to initialize Algorithm: CaloClusterFakeReader
-AthenaEventLoopMgr  ERROR Failed to initialize base class MinimalEventLoopMgr
-ServiceManager      ERROR Unable to initialize Service: AthenaEventLoopMgr
-ApplicationMgr      FATAL finalize: Invalid state "Configured"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/CaloClusterStep1Writer.ref b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/CaloClusterStep1Writer.ref
deleted file mode 100755
index 2a9698171f8a23419104acff7fb7174c0d238271..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/CaloClusterStep1Writer.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,527 +0,0 @@
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Compat.py"
-PropertyProxy        INFO Read module info for 1929 configurables from 585 rootmap files
-PluginMgr            INFO loaded plugin info for 2674 components
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Bootstrap.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaServices
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
-StatusCodeSvc        INFO initialize
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Services.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Atlas.UnixStandardJob.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "StoreGate/StoreGate_jobOptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : StoreGate, CLIDSvc, GaudiAud
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVSvc/IOVSvc.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IOVSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "DetDescrCnvSvc/DetStore_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : DetDescrCnvSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "IdDictDetDescrCnv/IdDictDetDescrCnv_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IdDictDetDescrCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolTest/CaloClusterStep1Writer_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Atlas_Gen.UnixStandardJob.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : McEventSelector
-Athena               INFO including file "RecExCond/RecExCommon_flags.py"
-py:RecExCommon_flags    INFO Executing RecExCommon_flags.py
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/AthenaCommonFlags.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "InDetRecExample/ConfiguredInDetFlags.py"
-py:RecExCommon_flags WARNING doAOD False and doWriteAOD True. Only meaningful for AOD->AOD copy 
-py:RecExCommon_flags WARNING no AOD objects available, cannot write out tag, switching doWriteTAG=False
-py:RecExCommon_flags    INFO TrackRecordFilter alg switched on. 
-Athena               INFO including file "RecExCond/AllDet_detDescr.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py"
-Athena            WARNING IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py - This file is obselete; conditions DB access should automatically be configured from detector geometry
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/CondDBConfig.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/AthenaPool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO Initializing ClassIDSvc - package version CLIDSvc-00-02-12
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 45 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
-ClassIDSvc           INFO ClassIDSvc Initialized successfully 
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 75 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : PoolSvc, AthenaPoolCnvSvc, DBDataModelAthenaPoolPoolCnv, EventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaSealSvc/AthenaSealSvc_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 75 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaSealSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaSealSvc
-['STLRflx', 'DetDescrDict']
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaSealSvc/AthenaSealSvcIgnore_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolServices/AthenaRootStreamerSvc_jobOptions.py"
-ServiceManager    WARNING Service factory for type AthenaRootStreamerSvc already declared
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 75 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaRootStreamerSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaRootStreamerSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasSealCLHEP/OldCLHEPStreamers_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 80 CLIDRegistry entries for module IOVDbSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IOVDbSvc
-Athena               INFO Conditions database access configured for instance OFLP130 using connection type logical and account ATLAS_COOL_READER
-Athena               INFO including file "DetDescrDictionary/DetDescrDictionaryDict_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/SetGeometryVersion.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/GeoModelInit.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/CondDBSetup.py"
-Athena            WARNING Additional request to configure conditions DB OFLP130 ignored
-Athena               INFO including file "EventInfoMgt/EventInfoMgt_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 82 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventInfoMgt
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : EventInfoMgt
-EventInfoMgt jobOptions: Got release version  AtlasOffline-rel_6
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/GeoModelInitStandard.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "RDBAccessSvc/RDBAccessSvcPdb_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 82 CLIDRegistry entries for module RDBAccessSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : RDBAccessSvc
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 82 CLIDRegistry entries for module GeoModelSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : GeoModelSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/InDetGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/LArGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "TileIdCnv/TileIdCnv_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 137 CLIDRegistry entries for module TileIdCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TileIdCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloIdCnv/CaloIdCnv_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloConditions/LArTTCellMap_ATLAS_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloCondAthenaPool/CaloTTMap_Pool_Read.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 277 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 281 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventSelectorAthenaPool
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : EventSelectorAthenaPool
-LArTTCellMap configuration: newFcal=  False DetDescrVersion=  ATLAS-CSC-01-01-00
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloTriggerTool/CaloTriggerTool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 282 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloTriggerTool
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloTriggerTool
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 317 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloIdCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloIdCnv
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 376 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArGeoAlgsNV
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArGeoAlgsNV
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv/CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv_joboptions.py"
-now executing CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv_CaloDetDescrCnv
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 494 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/TileGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/MuonGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/MiscGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "TileIdCnv/TileIdCnv_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArDetDescr/LArDetDescr_joboptions.py"
-now initializing the LAr readout geometry : standard Atlas flavour
-Athena               INFO including file "LArIdCnv/LArIdCnv_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArTools/LArTools_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 508 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArTools
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArTools
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 535 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArIdCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArIdCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "LArConditionsCommon/LArConditionsCommon_MC_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py"
-Athena            WARNING IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py - This file is obselete; conditions DB access should automatically be configured from detector geometry
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCondAthenaPool/LArCondAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 1966 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "LArRawConditions/LArRawConditionsDict_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArConditionsCommon/LArIdMap_MC_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCondAthenaPool/LArCondAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
-Athena               INFO including file "LArRawConditions/LArRawConditionsDict_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloTools/CaloNoiseTool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 2616 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloTools
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloTools
-Athena              ERROR inconsistent case used in property name "DLLs" of ApplicationMgr
-     ==> After this line, a hack will be executed, attempting to rectify the
-     ==> problem just reported. Since this hack may fail, and since it is a
-     ==> rather temporary measure hack, this is an ERROR, not a WARNING.
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 2917 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCellRec
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCellRec
-Athena              ERROR inconsistent case used in property name "DLLs" of ApplicationMgr
-     ==> After this line, a hack will be executed, attempting to rectify the
-     ==> problem just reported. Since this hack may fail, and since it is a
-     ==> rather temporary measure hack, this is an ERROR, not a WARNING.
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3656 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCalibUtils
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCalibUtils
-Athena               INFO including file "TileConditions/TileConditions_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3656 CLIDRegistry entries for module TileConditions
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TileConditions
-Athena               INFO including file "TileConditions/TileNoiseOn_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCalibUtils/LArOFCTool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCalibUtils/LArAutoCorrTotalTool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "BFieldAth/BFieldAth_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3656 CLIDRegistry entries for module BFieldAth
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : BFieldAth
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/WriteAthenaPool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "OutputStreamAthenaPool/OutputStreamAthenaPool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3659 CLIDRegistry entries for module OutputStreamAthenaPool
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : OutputStreamAthenaPool
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3808 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaPoolTest
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaPoolTest
-Athena               INFO including file "EventAthenaPool/EventAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloAthenaPool/CaloAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 4270 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolTest/NoStats_jobOptions.py"
-Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class IProxyDict is available
-Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class IProxyDict is available
-ActiveStoreSvc       INFO Initializing ActiveStoreSvc - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/runbatch.py"
-Athena              ERROR Algorithm "Stream1": not in TopAlg or other known list, no properties set
-     ==> After this line, a hack will be executed, attempting to rectify the
-     ==> problem just reported. Since this hack may fail, and since it is a
-     ==> rather temporary measure hack, this is an ERROR, not a WARNING.
-StatusCodeSvc        INFO initialize
-DetectorStore        INFO Initializing DetectorStore - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-EventPersistenc...   INFO "CnvServices": ["DetDescrCnvSvc", "McCnvSvc", "AthenaPoolCnvSvc", "AthenaPoolCnvSvc"]
-ProxyProviderSvc     INFO Initializing ProxyProviderSvc - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-IOVDbSvc             INFO Found ProxyProviderSvc 
-IOVSvc               INFO IOVRanges will be checked at every Event
-IOVDbSvc             INFO Service IOVDbSvc initialised successfully
-IOVDbSvc             INFO DbConnections are managed (opened when needed)
-EventSelector        INFO  Enter McEventSelector Initialization 
-EventSelector        INFO  McEventSelector Initialized Properly ... 
-CondProxyProvider    INFO Initializing CondProxyProvider - package version EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-04-14
-AthenaPoolCnvSvc     INFO Initializing AthenaPoolCnvSvc - package version AthenaPoolCnvSvc-00-10-02
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:STLRflx
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:DetDescrDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:AtlasSealCLHEPDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:DetDescrDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:CaloTriggerToolDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:LArRawConditionsDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:LArRawConditionsDict
-PoolSvc              INFO POOL ReadCatalog is prfile:poolcond/PoolCat_oflcond.xml
-PoolSvc              INFO Resolved path is /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasCore/rel_6/InstallArea/share/poolcond/PoolCat_oflcond.xml
-PoolSvc              INFO No POOL WriteCatalog was specified--using POOL default.
-WARNING: $POOL_CATALOG is not defined
-using default `xmlcatalog_file:PoolFileCatalog.xml'
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO POOL/ROOT class loader initialized
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO 9 ROOT streamers declared
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPVec3dStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepVector3D added converter for checksum = 358881035
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepVector3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPPoint3dStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepPoint3D added converter for checksum = 1634550480
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepPoint3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPRotationStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepRotation added converter for checksum = 4141898558
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepRotation
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPGenMatrixStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepGenMatrix added converter for checksum = 21721098
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepGenMatrix
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPMatrixStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepMatrix added converter for checksum = 3811046672
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepMatrix
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPLorVecStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepLorentzVector added converter for checksum = 3077056266
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepLorentzVector
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPTransform3DStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepTransform3D added converter for checksum = 520750269
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepTransform3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEP3VectorStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for Hep3Vector added converter for checksum = 760000369
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class Hep3Vector
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPBasicVectorStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for BasicVector3D added converter for checksum = 2681080162
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class BasicVector3D
-ChronoStatSvc        INFO  Number of skipped events for MemStat-1
-AthenaPoolCnvSvc     INFO Loading POOL XMLAuthenticationService.
-CondProxyProvider    INFO Create PoolCollectionConverter -  InputCollection: LFN:oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000._0047.pool.root
-/afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/vol0/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000._0047.pool.root   Always Root file version:51200
-CondProxyProvider    INFO ----- CondProxyProvider Initialized Properly
-IOVDbSvc             INFO  
-RalDatabaseSvc     Info Instantiate the RalDatabaseSvc
-RalSessionMgr     Info Instantiate a RalSessionMgr for 'COOL_LAR/OFLP130'
-RalSessionMgr     Info Load the CORAL connection service
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Loading default plugin for coral::IRelationalService: CORAL/Services/RelationalService
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "frontier" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "mysql" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "oracle" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "sqlite" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "frontier" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "mysql" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "oracle" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "sqlite" is native
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Loading default plugin for coral::ILookupService: CORAL/Services/XMLLookupService
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Loading default plugin for coral::IAuthenticationService: CORAL/Services/XMLAuthenticationService
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService  Warning Failure while attempting to start a session on connection sqlite_file:sqlite130/ALLP130.db: CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Session::connect" from " cannot open read-only connection to non-existing /afs/cern.ch/user/s/schaffer/w1/public1/work-12.3.0-test/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/AthenaPoolTest-00-00-99/run/sqlite130/ALLP130.db" )
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Read-Only Connection to service oracle://ATLAS_COOLPROD established. Id=06b5006e-9018-11db-9652-003048836897
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://ATLAS_COOLPROD started for user ATLAS_COOL_READER. Id=06b5006e-9018-11db-9652-003048836897
-RelationalDatabase  Warning Release number backward compatibility - NO SCHEMA EVOLUTION REQUIRED: database with OLDER release number 1.3.1 will be opened using CURRENT client release number 1.3.3
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCRamp-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCRamp-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/Ramp
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCAutoCorr-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCAutoCorr-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/AutoCorr
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCDAC2uA-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCDAC2uA-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/DAC2uA
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCPedestal-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCPedestal-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/Pedestal
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCNoise-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCNoise-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/Noise
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCfSampl-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCfSampl-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/fSampl
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCuA2MeV-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCuA2MeV-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/uA2MeV
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCMinBias-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCMinBias-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/MinBias
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCShape-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCShape-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/Shape
-/afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/vol0/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000._0011.pool.root   Always Root file version:51000
-/afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/vol0/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000._0015.pool.root   Always Root file version:51000
-StoreGateSvc         INFO Initializing StoreGateSvc - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-IOVDbSvc             INFO  
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  initializing 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO Found DetectorStore service
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling proxies for detector managers 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for InDetMgr with CLID 2512 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for MuonMgr with CLID 4060 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloTTMgr with CLID 117659265 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloMgr with CLID 4548337 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloIdManager with CLID 125856940 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArIdManager with CLID 79554919 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for IdDict with CLID 2411 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for AtlasID with CLID 164875623 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for PixelID with CLID 2516 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for SCT_ID with CLID 2517 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TRT_ID with CLID 2518 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for SiliconID with CLID 129452393 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArEM_ID with CLID 163583365 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArHEC_ID with CLID 3870484 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArFCAL_ID with CLID 45738051 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArOnlineID with CLID 158698068 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArTTOnlineID with CLID 184978 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArHVLineID with CLID 27863673 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArElectrodeID with CLID 80757351 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TileID with CLID 2901 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TileHWID with CLID 2902 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TileTBID with CLID 2903 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for MDTIDHELPER with CLID 4170 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CSCIDHELPER with CLID 4171 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for RPCIDHELPER with CLID 4172 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TGCIDHELPER with CLID 4173 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloLVL1_ID with CLID 108133391 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloCell_ID with CLID 123500438 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloDM_ID with CLID 167756483 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-GeoModelSvc          INFO LArDetectorToolNV appended to detector list
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "frontier" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "mysql" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "oracle" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "sqlite" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "frontier" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "mysql" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "oracle" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "sqlite" is native
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Loading default plugin for coral::ILookupService: CORAL/Services/XMLLookupService
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Loading default plugin for coral::IAuthenticationService: CORAL/Services/XMLAuthenticationService
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService  Warning Failure while attempting to start a session on connection sqlite_file:geomDB/geomDB_sqlite: CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Session::connect" from " cannot open read-only connection to non-existing /afs/cern.ch/user/s/schaffer/w1/public1/work-12.3.0-test/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/AthenaPoolTest-00-00-99/run/geomDB/geomDB_sqlite" )
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Read-Only Connection to service oracle://atlas_dd established. Id=0789e7b6-9018-11db-9652-003048836897
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=0789e7b6-9018-11db-9652-003048836897
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=0789e7b6-9018-11db-9652-003048836897
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO Keys for LAr are ATLAS-CSC-01-01-00  ATLAS
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO LArDetectorToolNV:  Detector Information coming from the database and job options IGNORED.
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO Creating the LAr 
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO LAr Geometry Options:
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO   Sagging           = false
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO   Barrel            = ON
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO   Endcap            = ON
-ExpHall Parameters defined
-in RALEmb :   Atlas version ATLAS-CSC-01-01-00
-              LAr   version 
-       LAr version LAr-Misaligned-01
-Barrel Parameters defined
-Emec Parameters defined
-HEC Parameters defined
-LArMaterialManager   INFO ---- THIN absorber characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction pb,fe,gl: 0.749275,0.183746,0.0669791
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness: 1.06611e+20 ,2.20337
-LArMaterialManager   INFO  Contraction 0.997
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thinabs Density =  7.82239
-LArMaterialManager   INFO ---- THICK absorber characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction pb,fe,gl: 0.827772,0.149862,0.022366
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness: 1.30716e+20 ,2.20337
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thickabs Density =  9.59105 
-LArMaterialManager   INFO ---- Electrode characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction Cu, Kapton: 0.791253,0.208747
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness:7.42115e+18 ,0.275
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Electrode Density =  4.37083
-LArMaterialManager   INFO ---- Mother Board characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction Cu, G10: 0.46077,0.53923
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness:7.64634e+19 ,4.3
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   M_board Density =  2.84902
-LArMaterialManager   INFO 
----- EMEC THIN absorber characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thickness pb,fe,gl,[mm]=1.69 0.4 0.2
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction  pb,fe,gl     =0.846212,0.138877,0.0149112
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness  =1.41479e+20 ,2.29
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thinabs Density        =9.9881
----- EMEC THIN absorber characteristics: ----
-  Thickness pb,fe,gl,[mm]=1.69 0.4 0.2
-  Fraction  pb,fe,gl     =0.846212,0.138877,0.0149112
-  Total mass, Thickness  =1.41479e+20 ,2.29
-  Thinabs Density        =9.9881
-LArMaterialManager   INFO ---- EMEC THICK absorber characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thickness pb,fe,gl[mm]=2.2 0.4 0.2
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction  pb,fe,gl:    0.877495,0.110627,0.011878
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness: 1.77608e+20 ,2.8
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thickabs Density =     10.2549 
-Sagging in geometry 0
-BarrelConstruction   INFO ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-+                                                  +
-+         Start of Barrel EM GeoModel definition   +
-+                                                  +
-idat 0 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1500.02 0.106187 46.2025 0 0 0.79988
-idat 1 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1521 0.569751 45.0574 0 0 0.79893
-idat 2 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1559.66 -0.573092 43.3446 0 0 0.79729
-idat 3 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1597.2 0.576518 42.4478 0 0 0.79615
-idat 4 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1634.57 -0.579943 40.9436 0 0 0.79532
-idat 5 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1671.02 0.582296 40.2251 0 0 0.79493
-idat 6 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1707.43 -0.585638 38.8752 0 0 0.79473
-idat 7 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1743.07 0.588207 38.2915 0 0 0.79483
-idat 8 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1778.76 -0.590596 37.0608 0 0 0.79519
-idat 9 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1813.75 0.59285 36.5831 0 0 0.79576
-idat 10 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1848.87 -0.595587 35.4475 0 0 0.79655
-idat 11 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1883.36 0.59744 35.0556 0 0 0.79747
-idat 12 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1918.02 -0.599714 33.9977 0 0 0.79856
-idat 13 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1952.1 0.601911 33.6767 0 0 0.7999
-idat 14 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1970.48 0.0811661 90 0 0 0.80067
-Getting primary numbers for ATLAS, ATLAS-CSC-01-01-00
-InnerWheel,z(0)=0 rmin=302.306 rmax=610.38
-           z(1)=514 rmin=344.279 rmax=695.336
-OuterWheel,z(0)=0 rmin=613.38 rmax=1999.87
-           z(1)=63.1752 rmin=623.822 rmax=2034
-           z(2)=514 rmin=698.336 rmax=2034
-LArWheelCalculator   INFO  LArWheelCalculator::inner_wheel_ini: AlfInt,ext[deg]=107 64.5 ROpt[mm]=323.292 654.358 ZlOpt[mm]=52.2012 75.8952 RminA= 300 RmaxA= 800 RstepA= 0.01
-LArWheelCalculator   INFO  LArWheelCalculator::outer_wheel_ini: AlfInt,ext[deg]=122.5 59 ROpt[mm]=654.358 2034 ZlOpt[mm]=32.0362 53.2691 RminA= 600 RmaxA= 2100 RstepA= 0.01
- *** EMECSupportConstruction: contract,contract_e=0.997 0.996388
- *** EMECSupportConstruction: Barrett thickness: inner,outer, electrode[mm]=2.7916 2.28313 0.274007
-InnerWheel,z(0)=0 rmin=302.306 rmax=610.38
-           z(1)=514 rmin=344.279 rmax=695.336
-OuterWheel,z(0)=0 rmin=613.38 rmax=1999.87
-           z(1)=63.1752 rmin=623.822 rmax=2034
-           z(2)=514 rmin=698.336 rmax=2034
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO Default LAr DetCondKeyTrans stored with StoreGate key /LAr/Align
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Initializing TileInfoLoader
-EventPersistenc...   INFO Added successfully Conversion service:DetDescrCnvSvc
-CaloLVL1_IDDetD...   INFO in createObj: creating a CaloLVL1_ID helper object in the detector store
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO in initialize
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO in createObj: creating a IdDictManager object in the detector store
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO IdDictName:  IdDictParser/ATLAS_IDS.xml
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=0789e7b6-9018-11db-9652-003048836897
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Reading InnerDetector    IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictInnerDetector.xml
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Reading LArCalorimeter   IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictLArCalorimeter_DC3-05.xml
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Reading TileCalorimeter  IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictTileCalorimeter.xml
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Reading Calorimeter      IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictCalorimeter_DC3-05.xml
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Reading MuonSpectrometer IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictMuonSpectrometer_R.01.xml
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Found id dicts:
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Using dictionary tag: destaged_layout
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary ATLAS                version default              DetDescr tag (using default)
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary Calorimeter          version default              DetDescr tag CaloIdentifier-DC3-05
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary InnerDetector        version default              DetDescr tag InDetIdentifier-05
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary LArCalorimeter       version fullAtlas            DetDescr tag LArIdentifier-DC3-05
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary LArElectrode         version fullAtlas            DetDescr tag (using default)
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary LArHighVoltage       version fullAtlas            DetDescr tag (using default)
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary MuonSpectrometer     version R.01                 DetDescr tag MuonIdentifier-02
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary TileCalorimeter      version fullAtlasAndTestBeam DetDescr tag TileIdentifier-00
-CaloLVL1_ID          INFO initialize_from_dictionary
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-TileIDDetDescrCnv    INFO in createObj: creating a TileID helper object in the detector store
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=0789e7b6-9018-11db-9652-003048836897
-TileID               INFO initialize_from_dictionary 
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-TileNeighbour        INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/TileNeighbour.txt
-TileTBIDDetDesc...   INFO in createObj: creating a TileTBID helper object in the detector store
-TileTBID             INFO initialize_from_dictionary 
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-TileHWIDDetDesc...   INFO in createObj: creating a TileHWID helper object in the detector store
-TileHWID             INFO initialize_from_dictionary 
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Set CaloLVL1 TileID, TileTBID and TileHWID helpers in TileCablingService 
-TileInfoLoader       INFO TileNoise=true,  digitsNoiseSigmaHi=1.6, digitsNoiseSigmaLo=0.8
-TileInfoLoader       INFO digitsResolutionHi=-9999, setting it equal to digitsNoiseSigmaHi
-TileInfoLoader       INFO digitsResolutionLo=-9999, setting it equal to digitsNoiseSigmaLo
-TileInfoLoader       INFO TileZeroSuppress=false,  ThresholdRawChannel=-3, ThresholdDigits=-2
-TileInfoLoader       INFO TTL1Calib=4.1, TileTTL1Thresh=5, TTL1NoiseSigma=2.5, TTL1Ped=0
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TileNoise = 1
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TileCoherNoise = 0
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  DigitsNoiseSigmaHi = 1.6
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  DigitsNoiseSigmaLo = 0.8
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  DigitsResolutionHi = 1.6
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  DigitsResolutionLo = 0.8
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TileZeroSuppress = 0
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  ThresholdRawChannel = -3
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  ThresholdDigits = -2
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TTL1Calib = 4.1
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TTL1NoiseSigma = 2.5
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TTL1Thresh = 5
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TTL1Ped = 0
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  nPhElec = 70
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  nPhElecVec[0] = 70
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  nPhElecVec[1] = 70
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  nPhElecVec[2] = 70
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  nPhElecVec[3] = 70
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/TileDigitsShape_v02.txt
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/pulsehi_physics.dat
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/pulselo_physics.dat
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/pulse_adder_tower_physics.dat
-TileInfoLoader       INFO 601 number of bins in shaping function
-TileInfoLoader       INFO 214 index of in-time bin
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  50 bins per beam crossing
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Peak value = 1 at bin = 214, Time0Bin = 214
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/pulse_adder_muon_physics.dat
-TileInfoLoader       INFO 651 number of bins in shaping function
-TileInfoLoader       INFO 214 index of in-time bin
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  50 bins per beam crossing
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Peak value = 1 at bin = 214, Time0Bin = 214
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  TileInfo initialization completed. 
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Placed a TileInfo in Detector store with name TileInfo
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Empty file prefix, no files loaded
-AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO Initializing AthenaEventLoopMgr - package version AthenaServices-01-07-80
-LArCellContFake...   INFO LArCellContFakeWriter::initialize()
-LArCellContFake...  DEBUG  Found DetectorStore 
-CaloCell_IDDetD...   INFO in createObj: creating a CaloCell_ID helper object in the detector store
-LArEM_IDDetDesc...   INFO in createObj: creating a LArEM_ID helper object in the detector store
-LArEM_ID             INFO initialize_from_dictionary
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-LArHEC_IDDetDes...   INFO in createObj: creating a LArHEC_ID helper object in the detector store
-LArHEC_ID            INFO initialize_from_dictionary
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-LArFCAL_IDDetDe...   INFO in createObj: creating a LArFCAL_ID helper object in the detector store
-LArFCAL_ID           INFO initialize_from_dictionary
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=0789e7b6-9018-11db-9652-003048836897
-LArFCAL_ID           INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/FCal2DNeighbors.txt
-LArFCAL_ID           INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/FCal3DNeighborsNext.txt
-LArFCAL_ID           INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/FCal3DNeighborsPrev.txt
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=0789e7b6-9018-11db-9652-003048836897
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-LArCellContFake...  DEBUG  Found the CaloCell_ID helper. 
-CaloMgrDetDescrCnv   INFO in createObj: creating a Calo Detector Manager object in the detector store
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO in createObj: creating a CaloDescrManager object in the detector store
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set CaloCell_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloDM_IDDetDes...   INFO in createObj: creating a CaloDM_ID helper object in the detector store
-CaloDM_ID            INFO initialize_from_dictionary
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set CaloDM_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set CaloLVL1_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set LArEM_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set LArHEC_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set LArFCAL_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set TileID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO  Finished 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Initializing CaloIdMgr from values in CaloIdMgrDetDescrCnv 
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=0789e7b6-9018-11db-9652-003048836897
-DetectorStore     WARNING retrieve(default): No valid proxy for default object 
- of type TileDetDescrManager(CLID 2941)
-CaloMgrDetDescrCnv  ERROR Could not get TileDetDescrManager
-DataProxy           FATAL accessData: ERROR conversion failed for data object 4548337/CaloMgr
- Throwing runtime_error  
-LArCellContFake...  ERROR Unable to retrieve CaloDetDescrManager from DetectorStore
-AthenaEventLoopMgr  ERROR Unable to initialize Algorithm: LArCellContFakeWriter
-AthenaEventLoopMgr  ERROR Failed to initialize base class MinimalEventLoopMgr
-ServiceManager      ERROR Unable to initialize Service: AthenaEventLoopMgr
-ApplicationMgr      FATAL finalize: Invalid state "Configured"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/CaloClusterStep2Writer.ref b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/CaloClusterStep2Writer.ref
deleted file mode 100755
index 47aa1d3e6928fbaf99f21e298f94c1394d184c56..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/CaloClusterStep2Writer.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Compat.py"
-PropertyProxy        INFO Read module info for 1929 configurables from 585 rootmap files
-PluginMgr            INFO loaded plugin info for 2674 components
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Bootstrap.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaServices
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
-StatusCodeSvc        INFO initialize
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Services.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Atlas.UnixStandardJob.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "StoreGate/StoreGate_jobOptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : StoreGate, CLIDSvc, GaudiAud
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVSvc/IOVSvc.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IOVSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "DetDescrCnvSvc/DetStore_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : DetDescrCnvSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "IdDictDetDescrCnv/IdDictDetDescrCnv_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IdDictDetDescrCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolTest/CaloClusterStep2Writer_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/ReadAthenaPool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/AthenaPool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO Initializing ClassIDSvc - package version CLIDSvc-00-02-12
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 43 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
-ClassIDSvc           INFO ClassIDSvc Initialized successfully 
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 73 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : PoolSvc, AthenaPoolCnvSvc, DBDataModelAthenaPoolPoolCnv, EventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaSealSvc/AthenaSealSvc_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 73 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaSealSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaSealSvc
-['STLRflx', 'DetDescrDict']
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaSealSvc/AthenaSealSvcIgnore_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolServices/AthenaRootStreamerSvc_jobOptions.py"
-ServiceManager    WARNING Service factory for type AthenaRootStreamerSvc already declared
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 73 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaRootStreamerSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaRootStreamerSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasSealCLHEP/OldCLHEPStreamers_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 77 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventSelectorAthenaPool
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : EventSelectorAthenaPool
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/WriteAthenaPool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "OutputStreamAthenaPool/OutputStreamAthenaPool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 80 CLIDRegistry entries for module OutputStreamAthenaPool
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : OutputStreamAthenaPool
-Athena               INFO including file "RecExCond/RecExCommon_flags.py"
-py:RecExCommon_flags    INFO Executing RecExCommon_flags.py
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/AthenaCommonFlags.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "InDetRecExample/ConfiguredInDetFlags.py"
-py:RecExCommon_flags WARNING doAOD False and doWriteAOD True. Only meaningful for AOD->AOD copy 
-py:RecExCommon_flags WARNING no AOD objects available, cannot write out tag, switching doWriteTAG=False
-py:RecExCommon_flags    INFO TrackRecordFilter alg switched on. 
-Athena               INFO including file "RecExCond/AllDet_detDescr.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py"
-Athena            WARNING IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py - This file is obselete; conditions DB access should automatically be configured from detector geometry
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/CondDBConfig.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 85 CLIDRegistry entries for module IOVDbSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IOVDbSvc
-Athena               INFO Conditions database access configured for instance OFLP130 using connection type logical and account ATLAS_COOL_READER
-Athena               INFO including file "DetDescrDictionary/DetDescrDictionaryDict_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/SetGeometryVersion.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/GeoModelInit.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/CondDBSetup.py"
-Athena            WARNING Additional request to configure conditions DB OFLP130 ignored
-Athena               INFO including file "EventInfoMgt/EventInfoMgt_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 87 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventInfoMgt
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : EventInfoMgt
-EventInfoMgt jobOptions: Got release version  AtlasOffline-rel_6
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/GeoModelInitStandard.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "RDBAccessSvc/RDBAccessSvcPdb_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 87 CLIDRegistry entries for module RDBAccessSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : RDBAccessSvc
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 87 CLIDRegistry entries for module GeoModelSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : GeoModelSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/InDetGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/LArGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "TileIdCnv/TileIdCnv_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 142 CLIDRegistry entries for module TileIdCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TileIdCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloIdCnv/CaloIdCnv_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloConditions/LArTTCellMap_ATLAS_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloCondAthenaPool/CaloTTMap_Pool_Read.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 282 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
-LArTTCellMap configuration: newFcal=  False DetDescrVersion=  ATLAS-CSC-01-01-00
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloTriggerTool/CaloTriggerTool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 283 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloTriggerTool
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloTriggerTool
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 318 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloIdCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloIdCnv
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 377 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArGeoAlgsNV
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArGeoAlgsNV
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv/CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv_joboptions.py"
-now executing CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv_CaloDetDescrCnv
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 495 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/TileGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/MuonGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/MiscGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "TileIdCnv/TileIdCnv_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArDetDescr/LArDetDescr_joboptions.py"
-now initializing the LAr readout geometry : standard Atlas flavour
-Athena               INFO including file "LArIdCnv/LArIdCnv_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArTools/LArTools_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 509 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArTools
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArTools
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 536 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArIdCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArIdCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "LArConditionsCommon/LArConditionsCommon_MC_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py"
-Athena            WARNING IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py - This file is obselete; conditions DB access should automatically be configured from detector geometry
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCondAthenaPool/LArCondAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 1967 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "LArRawConditions/LArRawConditionsDict_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArConditionsCommon/LArIdMap_MC_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCondAthenaPool/LArCondAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
-Athena               INFO including file "LArRawConditions/LArRawConditionsDict_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloTools/CaloNoiseTool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 2617 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloTools
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloTools
-Athena              ERROR inconsistent case used in property name "DLLs" of ApplicationMgr
-     ==> After this line, a hack will be executed, attempting to rectify the
-     ==> problem just reported. Since this hack may fail, and since it is a
-     ==> rather temporary measure hack, this is an ERROR, not a WARNING.
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 2918 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCellRec
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCellRec
-Athena              ERROR inconsistent case used in property name "DLLs" of ApplicationMgr
-     ==> After this line, a hack will be executed, attempting to rectify the
-     ==> problem just reported. Since this hack may fail, and since it is a
-     ==> rather temporary measure hack, this is an ERROR, not a WARNING.
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3657 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCalibUtils
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCalibUtils
-Athena               INFO including file "TileConditions/TileConditions_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3657 CLIDRegistry entries for module TileConditions
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TileConditions
-Athena               INFO including file "TileConditions/TileNoiseOn_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCalibUtils/LArOFCTool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCalibUtils/LArAutoCorrTotalTool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "BFieldAth/BFieldAth_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3657 CLIDRegistry entries for module BFieldAth
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : BFieldAth
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3806 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaPoolTest
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaPoolTest
-Athena               INFO including file "EventAthenaPool/EventAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloAthenaPool/CaloAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 4268 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolTest/NoStats_jobOptions.py"
-Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class IProxyDict is available
-Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class IProxyDict is available
-ActiveStoreSvc       INFO Initializing ActiveStoreSvc - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/runbatch.py"
-StatusCodeSvc        INFO initialize
-DetectorStore        INFO Initializing DetectorStore - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-EventPersistenc...   INFO "CnvServices": ["DetDescrCnvSvc", "AthenaPoolCnvSvc", "AthenaPoolCnvSvc"]
-ProxyProviderSvc     INFO Initializing ProxyProviderSvc - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-EventSelector        INFO Initializing EventSelector - package version EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-04-14
-AthenaPoolCnvSvc     INFO Initializing AthenaPoolCnvSvc - package version AthenaPoolCnvSvc-00-10-02
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:STLRflx
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:DetDescrDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:AtlasSealCLHEPDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:DetDescrDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:CaloTriggerToolDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:LArRawConditionsDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:LArRawConditionsDict
-PoolSvc              INFO POOL ReadCatalog is prfile:poolcond/PoolCat_oflcond.xml
-PoolSvc              INFO Resolved path is /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasCore/rel_6/InstallArea/share/poolcond/PoolCat_oflcond.xml
-PoolSvc              INFO No POOL WriteCatalog was specified--using POOL default.
-WARNING: $POOL_CATALOG is not defined
-using default `xmlcatalog_file:PoolFileCatalog.xml'
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO POOL/ROOT class loader initialized
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO 9 ROOT streamers declared
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPVec3dStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepVector3D added converter for checksum = 358881035
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepVector3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPPoint3dStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepPoint3D added converter for checksum = 1634550480
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepPoint3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPRotationStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepRotation added converter for checksum = 4141898558
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepRotation
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPGenMatrixStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepGenMatrix added converter for checksum = 21721098
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepGenMatrix
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPMatrixStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepMatrix added converter for checksum = 3811046672
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepMatrix
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPLorVecStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepLorentzVector added converter for checksum = 3077056266
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepLorentzVector
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPTransform3DStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepTransform3D added converter for checksum = 520750269
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepTransform3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEP3VectorStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for Hep3Vector added converter for checksum = 760000369
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class Hep3Vector
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPBasicVectorStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for BasicVector3D added converter for checksum = 2681080162
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class BasicVector3D
-ChronoStatSvc        INFO  Number of skipped events for MemStat-1
-AthenaPoolCnvSvc     INFO Loading POOL XMLAuthenticationService.
-EventSelector        INFO Create PoolCollectionConverter -  CollectionType: ImplicitROOT Connection:  InputCollection: SimplePoolFile1.root
-Error in <TFile::TFile>: file SimplePoolFile1.root does not exist
-SimplePoolFile1.root    Error You cannot open a ROOT file in mode READ if it does not exists. 
-  StorageSvc    Error Cannot connect to Database: FID=7A6D9C3E-1690-DB11-9864-003048836897 PFN=SimplePoolFile1.root
-ERROR (poolDb): 
-POOL> Unknown storage type requested:
-ImplicitCollection  Warning Cannot find persistency storage type. Trying ROOT_StorageType
-Error in <TFile::TFile>: file SimplePoolFile1.root does not exist
-SimplePoolFile1.root    Error You cannot open a ROOT file in mode READ if it does not exists. 
-  StorageSvc    Error Cannot connect to Database: FID=7A6D9C3E-1690-DB11-9864-003048836897 PFN=SimplePoolFile1.root
-EventSelector       ERROR St9exception
-ServiceManager    WARNING Unable to initialize service "EventSelector" No service returned
-free(): invalid pointer 0xb6de32f4!
-ProxyProviderSvc    ERROR ServiceLocatorHelper::createService: can not create service EventSelector of type EventSelector
-ProxyProviderSvc    ERROR  getting Address Provider EventSelector
-ProxyProviderSv...  FATAL  Exception with tag=ProxyProviderSvc::providerNamesPropertyHandle is caught 
-ProxyProviderSv...  ERROR ProxyProviderSvc::providerNamesPropertyHandle	Failed to locate address provider	 StatusCode=FAILURE
-ServiceManager    WARNING Unable to initialize service "ProxyProviderSvc" No service returned
-DetectorStore       ERROR ServiceLocatorHelper::createService: can not create service ProxyProviderSvc
-DetectorStore       ERROR Could not get pointer to ProxyProvider Service
-ServiceManager      ERROR Unable to initialize Service: DetectorStore
-ApplicationMgr      FATAL finalize: Invalid state "Configured"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/LArCellContReadByLFN.ref b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/LArCellContReadByLFN.ref
deleted file mode 100755
index 4ef0662a6dea1983edb15a58cda179a3ee4bae1a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/LArCellContReadByLFN.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Compat.py"
-PropertyProxy        INFO Read module info for 1929 configurables from 585 rootmap files
-PluginMgr            INFO loaded plugin info for 2674 components
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Bootstrap.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaServices
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
-StatusCodeSvc        INFO initialize
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Services.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Atlas.UnixStandardJob.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "StoreGate/StoreGate_jobOptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : StoreGate, CLIDSvc, GaudiAud
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVSvc/IOVSvc.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IOVSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "DetDescrCnvSvc/DetStore_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : DetDescrCnvSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "IdDictDetDescrCnv/IdDictDetDescrCnv_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IdDictDetDescrCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolTest/LArCellContReader_jobOptionsByLFN.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/ReadAthenaPool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/AthenaPool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO Initializing ClassIDSvc - package version CLIDSvc-00-02-12
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 43 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
-ClassIDSvc           INFO ClassIDSvc Initialized successfully 
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 73 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : PoolSvc, AthenaPoolCnvSvc, DBDataModelAthenaPoolPoolCnv, EventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaSealSvc/AthenaSealSvc_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 73 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaSealSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaSealSvc
-['STLRflx', 'DetDescrDict']
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaSealSvc/AthenaSealSvcIgnore_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolServices/AthenaRootStreamerSvc_jobOptions.py"
-ServiceManager    WARNING Service factory for type AthenaRootStreamerSvc already declared
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 73 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaRootStreamerSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaRootStreamerSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasSealCLHEP/OldCLHEPStreamers_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 77 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventSelectorAthenaPool
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : EventSelectorAthenaPool
-Athena               INFO including file "RecExCond/RecExCommon_flags.py"
-py:RecExCommon_flags    INFO Executing RecExCommon_flags.py
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/AthenaCommonFlags.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "InDetRecExample/ConfiguredInDetFlags.py"
-py:RecExCommon_flags WARNING doAOD False and doWriteAOD True. Only meaningful for AOD->AOD copy 
-py:RecExCommon_flags WARNING no AOD objects available, cannot write out tag, switching doWriteTAG=False
-py:RecExCommon_flags    INFO TrackRecordFilter alg switched on. 
-Athena               INFO including file "RecExCond/AllDet_detDescr.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py"
-Athena            WARNING IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py - This file is obselete; conditions DB access should automatically be configured from detector geometry
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/CondDBConfig.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 82 CLIDRegistry entries for module IOVDbSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IOVDbSvc
-Athena               INFO Conditions database access configured for instance OFLP130 using connection type logical and account ATLAS_COOL_READER
-Athena               INFO including file "DetDescrDictionary/DetDescrDictionaryDict_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/SetGeometryVersion.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/GeoModelInit.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/CondDBSetup.py"
-Athena            WARNING Additional request to configure conditions DB OFLP130 ignored
-Athena               INFO including file "EventInfoMgt/EventInfoMgt_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 84 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventInfoMgt
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : EventInfoMgt
-EventInfoMgt jobOptions: Got release version  AtlasOffline-rel_6
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/GeoModelInitStandard.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "RDBAccessSvc/RDBAccessSvcPdb_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 84 CLIDRegistry entries for module RDBAccessSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : RDBAccessSvc
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 84 CLIDRegistry entries for module GeoModelSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : GeoModelSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/InDetGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/LArGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "TileIdCnv/TileIdCnv_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 139 CLIDRegistry entries for module TileIdCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TileIdCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloIdCnv/CaloIdCnv_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloConditions/LArTTCellMap_ATLAS_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloCondAthenaPool/CaloTTMap_Pool_Read.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 279 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
-LArTTCellMap configuration: newFcal=  False DetDescrVersion=  ATLAS-CSC-01-01-00
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloTriggerTool/CaloTriggerTool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 280 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloTriggerTool
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloTriggerTool
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 315 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloIdCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloIdCnv
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 374 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArGeoAlgsNV
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArGeoAlgsNV
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv/CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv_joboptions.py"
-now executing CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv_CaloDetDescrCnv
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 492 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/TileGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/MuonGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/MiscGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "TileIdCnv/TileIdCnv_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArDetDescr/LArDetDescr_joboptions.py"
-now initializing the LAr readout geometry : standard Atlas flavour
-Athena               INFO including file "LArIdCnv/LArIdCnv_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArTools/LArTools_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 506 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArTools
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArTools
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 533 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArIdCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArIdCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "LArConditionsCommon/LArConditionsCommon_MC_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py"
-Athena            WARNING IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py - This file is obselete; conditions DB access should automatically be configured from detector geometry
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCondAthenaPool/LArCondAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 1964 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "LArRawConditions/LArRawConditionsDict_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArConditionsCommon/LArIdMap_MC_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCondAthenaPool/LArCondAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
-Athena               INFO including file "LArRawConditions/LArRawConditionsDict_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloTools/CaloNoiseTool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 2614 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloTools
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloTools
-Athena              ERROR inconsistent case used in property name "DLLs" of ApplicationMgr
-     ==> After this line, a hack will be executed, attempting to rectify the
-     ==> problem just reported. Since this hack may fail, and since it is a
-     ==> rather temporary measure hack, this is an ERROR, not a WARNING.
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 2915 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCellRec
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCellRec
-Athena              ERROR inconsistent case used in property name "DLLs" of ApplicationMgr
-     ==> After this line, a hack will be executed, attempting to rectify the
-     ==> problem just reported. Since this hack may fail, and since it is a
-     ==> rather temporary measure hack, this is an ERROR, not a WARNING.
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3654 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCalibUtils
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCalibUtils
-Athena               INFO including file "TileConditions/TileConditions_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3654 CLIDRegistry entries for module TileConditions
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TileConditions
-Athena               INFO including file "TileConditions/TileNoiseOn_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCalibUtils/LArOFCTool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCalibUtils/LArAutoCorrTotalTool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "BFieldAth/BFieldAth_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3654 CLIDRegistry entries for module BFieldAth
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : BFieldAth
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3803 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaPoolTest
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaPoolTest
-Athena               INFO including file "EventAthenaPool/EventAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloAthenaPool/CaloAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 4265 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolTest/NoStats_jobOptions.py"
-Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class IProxyDict is available
-Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class IProxyDict is available
-ActiveStoreSvc       INFO Initializing ActiveStoreSvc - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/runbatch.py"
-StatusCodeSvc        INFO initialize
-DetectorStore        INFO Initializing DetectorStore - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-EventPersistenc...   INFO "CnvServices": ["DetDescrCnvSvc", "AthenaPoolCnvSvc", "AthenaPoolCnvSvc"]
-ProxyProviderSvc     INFO Initializing ProxyProviderSvc - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-EventSelector        INFO Initializing EventSelector - package version EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-04-14
-AthenaPoolCnvSvc     INFO Initializing AthenaPoolCnvSvc - package version AthenaPoolCnvSvc-00-10-02
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:STLRflx
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:DetDescrDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:AtlasSealCLHEPDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:DetDescrDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:CaloTriggerToolDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:LArRawConditionsDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:LArRawConditionsDict
-PoolSvc              INFO POOL ReadCatalog is prfile:poolcond/PoolCat_oflcond.xml
-PoolSvc              INFO Resolved path is /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasCore/rel_6/InstallArea/share/poolcond/PoolCat_oflcond.xml
-PoolSvc              INFO No POOL WriteCatalog was specified--using POOL default.
-WARNING: $POOL_CATALOG is not defined
-using default `xmlcatalog_file:PoolFileCatalog.xml'
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO POOL/ROOT class loader initialized
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO 9 ROOT streamers declared
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPVec3dStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepVector3D added converter for checksum = 358881035
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepVector3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPPoint3dStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepPoint3D added converter for checksum = 1634550480
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepPoint3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPRotationStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepRotation added converter for checksum = 4141898558
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepRotation
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPGenMatrixStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepGenMatrix added converter for checksum = 21721098
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepGenMatrix
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPMatrixStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepMatrix added converter for checksum = 3811046672
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepMatrix
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPLorVecStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepLorentzVector added converter for checksum = 3077056266
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepLorentzVector
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPTransform3DStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepTransform3D added converter for checksum = 520750269
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepTransform3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEP3VectorStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for Hep3Vector added converter for checksum = 760000369
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class Hep3Vector
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPBasicVectorStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for BasicVector3D added converter for checksum = 2681080162
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class BasicVector3D
-ChronoStatSvc        INFO  Number of skipped events for MemStat-1
-AthenaPoolCnvSvc     INFO Loading POOL XMLAuthenticationService.
-EventSelector        INFO Create PoolCollectionConverter -  CollectionType: ImplicitROOT Connection:  InputCollection: LFN:MySimplePoolFile1
-Error in <TFile::TFile>: file SimplePoolFile1.root does not exist
-SimplePoolFile1.root    Error You cannot open a ROOT file in mode READ if it does not exists. 
-  StorageSvc    Error Cannot connect to Database: FID=7A6D9C3E-1690-DB11-9864-003048836897 PFN=SimplePoolFile1.root
-ERROR (poolDb): 
-POOL> Unknown storage type requested:
-ImplicitCollection  Warning Cannot find persistency storage type. Trying ROOT_StorageType
-Error in <TFile::TFile>: file SimplePoolFile1.root does not exist
-SimplePoolFile1.root    Error You cannot open a ROOT file in mode READ if it does not exists. 
-  StorageSvc    Error Cannot connect to Database: FID=7A6D9C3E-1690-DB11-9864-003048836897 PFN=SimplePoolFile1.root
-EventSelector       ERROR St9exception
-ServiceManager    WARNING Unable to initialize service "EventSelector" No service returned
-free(): invalid pointer 0xb66de58c!
-ProxyProviderSvc    ERROR ServiceLocatorHelper::createService: can not create service EventSelector of type EventSelector
-ProxyProviderSvc    ERROR  getting Address Provider EventSelector
-ProxyProviderSv...  FATAL  Exception with tag=ProxyProviderSvc::providerNamesPropertyHandle is caught 
-ProxyProviderSv...  ERROR ProxyProviderSvc::providerNamesPropertyHandle	Failed to locate address provider	 StatusCode=FAILURE
-ServiceManager    WARNING Unable to initialize service "ProxyProviderSvc" No service returned
-DetectorStore       ERROR ServiceLocatorHelper::createService: can not create service ProxyProviderSvc
-DetectorStore       ERROR Could not get pointer to ProxyProvider Service
-ServiceManager      ERROR Unable to initialize Service: DetectorStore
-ApplicationMgr      FATAL finalize: Invalid state "Configured"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/LArCellContReadReg.ref b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/LArCellContReadReg.ref
deleted file mode 100755
index 55b4ae5a6a069f899ef00861616db91c98eb1315..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/LArCellContReadReg.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Compat.py"
-PropertyProxy        INFO Read module info for 1929 configurables from 585 rootmap files
-PluginMgr            INFO loaded plugin info for 2674 components
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Bootstrap.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaServices
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
-StatusCodeSvc        INFO initialize
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Services.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Atlas.UnixStandardJob.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "StoreGate/StoreGate_jobOptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : StoreGate, CLIDSvc, GaudiAud
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVSvc/IOVSvc.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IOVSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "DetDescrCnvSvc/DetStore_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : DetDescrCnvSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "IdDictDetDescrCnv/IdDictDetDescrCnv_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IdDictDetDescrCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolTest/LArCellContReader_jobOptionsReg.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/ReadAthenaPool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/AthenaPool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO Initializing ClassIDSvc - package version CLIDSvc-00-02-12
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 43 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
-ClassIDSvc           INFO ClassIDSvc Initialized successfully 
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 73 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : PoolSvc, AthenaPoolCnvSvc, DBDataModelAthenaPoolPoolCnv, EventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaSealSvc/AthenaSealSvc_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 73 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaSealSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaSealSvc
-['STLRflx', 'DetDescrDict']
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaSealSvc/AthenaSealSvcIgnore_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolServices/AthenaRootStreamerSvc_jobOptions.py"
-ServiceManager    WARNING Service factory for type AthenaRootStreamerSvc already declared
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 73 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaRootStreamerSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaRootStreamerSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasSealCLHEP/OldCLHEPStreamers_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 77 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventSelectorAthenaPool
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : EventSelectorAthenaPool
-Athena               INFO including file "RecExCond/RecExCommon_flags.py"
-py:RecExCommon_flags    INFO Executing RecExCommon_flags.py
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/AthenaCommonFlags.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "InDetRecExample/ConfiguredInDetFlags.py"
-py:RecExCommon_flags WARNING doAOD False and doWriteAOD True. Only meaningful for AOD->AOD copy 
-py:RecExCommon_flags WARNING no AOD objects available, cannot write out tag, switching doWriteTAG=False
-py:RecExCommon_flags    INFO TrackRecordFilter alg switched on. 
-Athena               INFO including file "RecExCond/AllDet_detDescr.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py"
-Athena            WARNING IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py - This file is obselete; conditions DB access should automatically be configured from detector geometry
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/CondDBConfig.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 82 CLIDRegistry entries for module IOVDbSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IOVDbSvc
-Athena               INFO Conditions database access configured for instance OFLP130 using connection type logical and account ATLAS_COOL_READER
-Athena               INFO including file "DetDescrDictionary/DetDescrDictionaryDict_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/SetGeometryVersion.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/GeoModelInit.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/CondDBSetup.py"
-Athena            WARNING Additional request to configure conditions DB OFLP130 ignored
-Athena               INFO including file "EventInfoMgt/EventInfoMgt_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 84 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventInfoMgt
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : EventInfoMgt
-EventInfoMgt jobOptions: Got release version  AtlasOffline-rel_6
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/GeoModelInitStandard.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "RDBAccessSvc/RDBAccessSvcPdb_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 84 CLIDRegistry entries for module RDBAccessSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : RDBAccessSvc
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 84 CLIDRegistry entries for module GeoModelSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : GeoModelSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/InDetGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/LArGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "TileIdCnv/TileIdCnv_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 139 CLIDRegistry entries for module TileIdCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TileIdCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloIdCnv/CaloIdCnv_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloConditions/LArTTCellMap_ATLAS_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloCondAthenaPool/CaloTTMap_Pool_Read.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 279 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
-LArTTCellMap configuration: newFcal=  False DetDescrVersion=  ATLAS-CSC-01-01-00
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloTriggerTool/CaloTriggerTool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 280 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloTriggerTool
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloTriggerTool
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 315 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloIdCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloIdCnv
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 374 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArGeoAlgsNV
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArGeoAlgsNV
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv/CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv_joboptions.py"
-now executing CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv_CaloDetDescrCnv
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 492 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/TileGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/MuonGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/MiscGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "TileIdCnv/TileIdCnv_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArDetDescr/LArDetDescr_joboptions.py"
-now initializing the LAr readout geometry : standard Atlas flavour
-Athena               INFO including file "LArIdCnv/LArIdCnv_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArTools/LArTools_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 506 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArTools
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArTools
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 533 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArIdCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArIdCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "LArConditionsCommon/LArConditionsCommon_MC_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py"
-Athena            WARNING IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py - This file is obselete; conditions DB access should automatically be configured from detector geometry
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCondAthenaPool/LArCondAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 1964 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "LArRawConditions/LArRawConditionsDict_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArConditionsCommon/LArIdMap_MC_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCondAthenaPool/LArCondAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
-Athena               INFO including file "LArRawConditions/LArRawConditionsDict_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloTools/CaloNoiseTool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 2614 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloTools
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloTools
-Athena              ERROR inconsistent case used in property name "DLLs" of ApplicationMgr
-     ==> After this line, a hack will be executed, attempting to rectify the
-     ==> problem just reported. Since this hack may fail, and since it is a
-     ==> rather temporary measure hack, this is an ERROR, not a WARNING.
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 2915 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCellRec
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCellRec
-Athena              ERROR inconsistent case used in property name "DLLs" of ApplicationMgr
-     ==> After this line, a hack will be executed, attempting to rectify the
-     ==> problem just reported. Since this hack may fail, and since it is a
-     ==> rather temporary measure hack, this is an ERROR, not a WARNING.
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3654 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCalibUtils
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCalibUtils
-Athena               INFO including file "TileConditions/TileConditions_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3654 CLIDRegistry entries for module TileConditions
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TileConditions
-Athena               INFO including file "TileConditions/TileNoiseOn_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCalibUtils/LArOFCTool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCalibUtils/LArAutoCorrTotalTool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "BFieldAth/BFieldAth_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3654 CLIDRegistry entries for module BFieldAth
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : BFieldAth
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3803 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaPoolTest
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaPoolTest
-Athena               INFO including file "EventAthenaPool/EventAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloAthenaPool/CaloAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 4265 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolTest/NoStats_jobOptions.py"
-Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class IProxyDict is available
-Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class IProxyDict is available
-ActiveStoreSvc       INFO Initializing ActiveStoreSvc - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/runbatch.py"
-StatusCodeSvc        INFO initialize
-DetectorStore        INFO Initializing DetectorStore - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-EventPersistenc...   INFO "CnvServices": ["DetDescrCnvSvc", "AthenaPoolCnvSvc", "AthenaPoolCnvSvc"]
-ProxyProviderSvc     INFO Initializing ProxyProviderSvc - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-EventSelector        INFO Initializing EventSelector - package version EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-04-14
-AthenaPoolCnvSvc     INFO Initializing AthenaPoolCnvSvc - package version AthenaPoolCnvSvc-00-10-02
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:STLRflx
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:DetDescrDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:AtlasSealCLHEPDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:DetDescrDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:CaloTriggerToolDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:LArRawConditionsDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:LArRawConditionsDict
-PoolSvc              INFO POOL ReadCatalog is prfile:poolcond/PoolCat_oflcond.xml
-PoolSvc              INFO Resolved path is /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasCore/rel_6/InstallArea/share/poolcond/PoolCat_oflcond.xml
-PoolSvc              INFO No POOL WriteCatalog was specified--using POOL default.
-WARNING: $POOL_CATALOG is not defined
-using default `xmlcatalog_file:PoolFileCatalog.xml'
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO POOL/ROOT class loader initialized
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO 9 ROOT streamers declared
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPVec3dStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepVector3D added converter for checksum = 358881035
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepVector3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPPoint3dStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepPoint3D added converter for checksum = 1634550480
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepPoint3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPRotationStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepRotation added converter for checksum = 4141898558
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepRotation
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPGenMatrixStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepGenMatrix added converter for checksum = 21721098
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepGenMatrix
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPMatrixStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepMatrix added converter for checksum = 3811046672
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepMatrix
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPLorVecStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepLorentzVector added converter for checksum = 3077056266
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepLorentzVector
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPTransform3DStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepTransform3D added converter for checksum = 520750269
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepTransform3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEP3VectorStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for Hep3Vector added converter for checksum = 760000369
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class Hep3Vector
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPBasicVectorStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for BasicVector3D added converter for checksum = 2681080162
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class BasicVector3D
-ChronoStatSvc        INFO  Number of skipped events for MemStat-1
-AthenaPoolCnvSvc     INFO Loading POOL XMLAuthenticationService.
-EventSelector        INFO Create PoolCollectionConverter -  CollectionType: ExplicitROOT Connection:  InputCollection: NewEventCollection
-Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class pair<string,string> already in TClassTable
-EventSelector        INFO Using standard collection ref 
-Error in <TFile::TFile>: file NewEventCollection.root does not exist
-EventSelector       ERROR St9exception
-ServiceManager    WARNING Unable to initialize service "EventSelector" No service returned
-free(): invalid pointer 0xb6de391c!
-ProxyProviderSvc    ERROR ServiceLocatorHelper::createService: can not create service EventSelector of type EventSelector
-ProxyProviderSvc    ERROR  getting Address Provider EventSelector
-ProxyProviderSv...  FATAL  Exception with tag=ProxyProviderSvc::providerNamesPropertyHandle is caught 
-ProxyProviderSv...  ERROR ProxyProviderSvc::providerNamesPropertyHandle	Failed to locate address provider	 StatusCode=FAILURE
-ServiceManager    WARNING Unable to initialize service "ProxyProviderSvc" No service returned
-DetectorStore       ERROR ServiceLocatorHelper::createService: can not create service ProxyProviderSvc
-DetectorStore       ERROR Could not get pointer to ProxyProvider Service
-ServiceManager      ERROR Unable to initialize Service: DetectorStore
-ApplicationMgr      FATAL finalize: Invalid state "Configured"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/LArCellContReadRegStep1.ref b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/LArCellContReadRegStep1.ref
deleted file mode 100755
index a3555e0e2d22c36743231696ad759b16895eb893..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/LArCellContReadRegStep1.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Compat.py"
-PropertyProxy        INFO Read module info for 1929 configurables from 585 rootmap files
-PluginMgr            INFO loaded plugin info for 2674 components
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Bootstrap.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaServices
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
-StatusCodeSvc        INFO initialize
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Services.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Atlas.UnixStandardJob.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "StoreGate/StoreGate_jobOptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : StoreGate, CLIDSvc, GaudiAud
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVSvc/IOVSvc.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IOVSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "DetDescrCnvSvc/DetStore_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : DetDescrCnvSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "IdDictDetDescrCnv/IdDictDetDescrCnv_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IdDictDetDescrCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolTest/LArCellContReader_jobOptionsRegStep1.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/ReadAthenaPool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/AthenaPool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO Initializing ClassIDSvc - package version CLIDSvc-00-02-12
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 43 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
-ClassIDSvc           INFO ClassIDSvc Initialized successfully 
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 73 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : PoolSvc, AthenaPoolCnvSvc, DBDataModelAthenaPoolPoolCnv, EventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaSealSvc/AthenaSealSvc_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 73 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaSealSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaSealSvc
-['STLRflx', 'DetDescrDict']
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaSealSvc/AthenaSealSvcIgnore_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolServices/AthenaRootStreamerSvc_jobOptions.py"
-ServiceManager    WARNING Service factory for type AthenaRootStreamerSvc already declared
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 73 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaRootStreamerSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaRootStreamerSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasSealCLHEP/OldCLHEPStreamers_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 77 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventSelectorAthenaPool
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : EventSelectorAthenaPool
-Athena               INFO including file "RecExCond/RecExCommon_flags.py"
-py:RecExCommon_flags    INFO Executing RecExCommon_flags.py
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/AthenaCommonFlags.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "InDetRecExample/ConfiguredInDetFlags.py"
-py:RecExCommon_flags WARNING doAOD False and doWriteAOD True. Only meaningful for AOD->AOD copy 
-py:RecExCommon_flags WARNING no AOD objects available, cannot write out tag, switching doWriteTAG=False
-py:RecExCommon_flags    INFO TrackRecordFilter alg switched on. 
-Athena               INFO including file "RecExCond/AllDet_detDescr.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py"
-Athena            WARNING IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py - This file is obselete; conditions DB access should automatically be configured from detector geometry
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/CondDBConfig.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 82 CLIDRegistry entries for module IOVDbSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IOVDbSvc
-Athena               INFO Conditions database access configured for instance OFLP130 using connection type logical and account ATLAS_COOL_READER
-Athena               INFO including file "DetDescrDictionary/DetDescrDictionaryDict_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/SetGeometryVersion.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/GeoModelInit.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/CondDBSetup.py"
-Athena            WARNING Additional request to configure conditions DB OFLP130 ignored
-Athena               INFO including file "EventInfoMgt/EventInfoMgt_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 84 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventInfoMgt
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : EventInfoMgt
-EventInfoMgt jobOptions: Got release version  AtlasOffline-rel_6
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/GeoModelInitStandard.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "RDBAccessSvc/RDBAccessSvcPdb_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 84 CLIDRegistry entries for module RDBAccessSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : RDBAccessSvc
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 84 CLIDRegistry entries for module GeoModelSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : GeoModelSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/InDetGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/LArGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "TileIdCnv/TileIdCnv_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 139 CLIDRegistry entries for module TileIdCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TileIdCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloIdCnv/CaloIdCnv_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloConditions/LArTTCellMap_ATLAS_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloCondAthenaPool/CaloTTMap_Pool_Read.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 279 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
-LArTTCellMap configuration: newFcal=  False DetDescrVersion=  ATLAS-CSC-01-01-00
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloTriggerTool/CaloTriggerTool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 280 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloTriggerTool
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloTriggerTool
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 315 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloIdCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloIdCnv
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 374 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArGeoAlgsNV
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArGeoAlgsNV
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv/CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv_joboptions.py"
-now executing CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv_CaloDetDescrCnv
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 492 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/TileGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/MuonGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/MiscGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "TileIdCnv/TileIdCnv_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArDetDescr/LArDetDescr_joboptions.py"
-now initializing the LAr readout geometry : standard Atlas flavour
-Athena               INFO including file "LArIdCnv/LArIdCnv_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArTools/LArTools_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 506 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArTools
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArTools
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 533 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArIdCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArIdCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "LArConditionsCommon/LArConditionsCommon_MC_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py"
-Athena            WARNING IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py - This file is obselete; conditions DB access should automatically be configured from detector geometry
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCondAthenaPool/LArCondAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 1964 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "LArRawConditions/LArRawConditionsDict_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArConditionsCommon/LArIdMap_MC_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCondAthenaPool/LArCondAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
-Athena               INFO including file "LArRawConditions/LArRawConditionsDict_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloTools/CaloNoiseTool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 2614 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloTools
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloTools
-Athena              ERROR inconsistent case used in property name "DLLs" of ApplicationMgr
-     ==> After this line, a hack will be executed, attempting to rectify the
-     ==> problem just reported. Since this hack may fail, and since it is a
-     ==> rather temporary measure hack, this is an ERROR, not a WARNING.
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 2915 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCellRec
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCellRec
-Athena              ERROR inconsistent case used in property name "DLLs" of ApplicationMgr
-     ==> After this line, a hack will be executed, attempting to rectify the
-     ==> problem just reported. Since this hack may fail, and since it is a
-     ==> rather temporary measure hack, this is an ERROR, not a WARNING.
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3654 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCalibUtils
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCalibUtils
-Athena               INFO including file "TileConditions/TileConditions_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3654 CLIDRegistry entries for module TileConditions
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TileConditions
-Athena               INFO including file "TileConditions/TileNoiseOn_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCalibUtils/LArOFCTool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCalibUtils/LArAutoCorrTotalTool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "BFieldAth/BFieldAth_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3654 CLIDRegistry entries for module BFieldAth
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : BFieldAth
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3803 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaPoolTest
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaPoolTest
-Athena               INFO including file "EventAthenaPool/EventAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloAthenaPool/CaloAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 4265 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolTest/NoStats_jobOptions.py"
-Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class IProxyDict is available
-Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class IProxyDict is available
-ActiveStoreSvc       INFO Initializing ActiveStoreSvc - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/runbatch.py"
-StatusCodeSvc        INFO initialize
-DetectorStore        INFO Initializing DetectorStore - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-EventPersistenc...   INFO "CnvServices": ["DetDescrCnvSvc", "AthenaPoolCnvSvc", "AthenaPoolCnvSvc"]
-ProxyProviderSvc     INFO Initializing ProxyProviderSvc - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-EventSelector        INFO Initializing EventSelector - package version EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-04-14
-AthenaPoolCnvSvc     INFO Initializing AthenaPoolCnvSvc - package version AthenaPoolCnvSvc-00-10-02
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:STLRflx
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:DetDescrDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:AtlasSealCLHEPDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:DetDescrDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:CaloTriggerToolDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:LArRawConditionsDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:LArRawConditionsDict
-PoolSvc              INFO POOL ReadCatalog is prfile:poolcond/PoolCat_oflcond.xml
-PoolSvc              INFO Resolved path is /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasCore/rel_6/InstallArea/share/poolcond/PoolCat_oflcond.xml
-PoolSvc              INFO No POOL WriteCatalog was specified--using POOL default.
-WARNING: $POOL_CATALOG is not defined
-using default `xmlcatalog_file:PoolFileCatalog.xml'
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO POOL/ROOT class loader initialized
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO 9 ROOT streamers declared
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPVec3dStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepVector3D added converter for checksum = 358881035
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepVector3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPPoint3dStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepPoint3D added converter for checksum = 1634550480
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepPoint3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPRotationStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepRotation added converter for checksum = 4141898558
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepRotation
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPGenMatrixStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepGenMatrix added converter for checksum = 21721098
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepGenMatrix
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPMatrixStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepMatrix added converter for checksum = 3811046672
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepMatrix
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPLorVecStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepLorentzVector added converter for checksum = 3077056266
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepLorentzVector
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPTransform3DStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepTransform3D added converter for checksum = 520750269
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepTransform3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEP3VectorStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for Hep3Vector added converter for checksum = 760000369
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class Hep3Vector
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPBasicVectorStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for BasicVector3D added converter for checksum = 2681080162
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class BasicVector3D
-ChronoStatSvc        INFO  Number of skipped events for MemStat-1
-AthenaPoolCnvSvc     INFO Loading POOL XMLAuthenticationService.
-EventSelector        INFO Create PoolCollectionConverter -  CollectionType: ExplicitROOT Connection:  InputCollection: NewEventCollection1
-Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class pair<string,string> already in TClassTable
-EventSelector        INFO Using standard collection ref 
-Error in <TFile::TFile>: file NewEventCollection1.root does not exist
-EventSelector       ERROR St9exception
-ServiceManager    WARNING Unable to initialize service "EventSelector" No service returned
-free(): invalid pointer 0xb6de48bc!
-ProxyProviderSvc    ERROR ServiceLocatorHelper::createService: can not create service EventSelector of type EventSelector
-ProxyProviderSvc    ERROR  getting Address Provider EventSelector
-ProxyProviderSv...  FATAL  Exception with tag=ProxyProviderSvc::providerNamesPropertyHandle is caught 
-ProxyProviderSv...  ERROR ProxyProviderSvc::providerNamesPropertyHandle	Failed to locate address provider	 StatusCode=FAILURE
-ServiceManager    WARNING Unable to initialize service "ProxyProviderSvc" No service returned
-DetectorStore       ERROR ServiceLocatorHelper::createService: can not create service ProxyProviderSvc
-DetectorStore       ERROR Could not get pointer to ProxyProvider Service
-ServiceManager      ERROR Unable to initialize Service: DetectorStore
-ApplicationMgr      FATAL finalize: Invalid state "Configured"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/LArCellContReadRegStep2.ref b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/LArCellContReadRegStep2.ref
deleted file mode 100755
index e09f9d1c541ef190abd4c2c8ae4390579df3469a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/LArCellContReadRegStep2.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Compat.py"
-PropertyProxy        INFO Read module info for 1929 configurables from 585 rootmap files
-PluginMgr            INFO loaded plugin info for 2674 components
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Bootstrap.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaServices
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
-StatusCodeSvc        INFO initialize
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Services.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Atlas.UnixStandardJob.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "StoreGate/StoreGate_jobOptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : StoreGate, CLIDSvc, GaudiAud
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVSvc/IOVSvc.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IOVSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "DetDescrCnvSvc/DetStore_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : DetDescrCnvSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "IdDictDetDescrCnv/IdDictDetDescrCnv_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IdDictDetDescrCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolTest/LArCellContReader_jobOptionsRegStep2.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/ReadAthenaPool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/AthenaPool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO Initializing ClassIDSvc - package version CLIDSvc-00-02-12
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 43 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
-ClassIDSvc           INFO ClassIDSvc Initialized successfully 
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 73 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : PoolSvc, AthenaPoolCnvSvc, DBDataModelAthenaPoolPoolCnv, EventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaSealSvc/AthenaSealSvc_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 73 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaSealSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaSealSvc
-['STLRflx', 'DetDescrDict']
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaSealSvc/AthenaSealSvcIgnore_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolServices/AthenaRootStreamerSvc_jobOptions.py"
-ServiceManager    WARNING Service factory for type AthenaRootStreamerSvc already declared
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 73 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaRootStreamerSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaRootStreamerSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasSealCLHEP/OldCLHEPStreamers_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 77 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventSelectorAthenaPool
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : EventSelectorAthenaPool
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 948 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaPoolTest
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaPoolTest
-Athena               INFO including file "EventAthenaPool/EventAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolTestAthenaPool/AthenaPoolTestAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 1003 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaPoolTestAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaPoolTestAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolTest/NoStats_jobOptions.py"
-Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class IProxyDict is available
-Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class IProxyDict is available
-ActiveStoreSvc       INFO Initializing ActiveStoreSvc - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/runbatch.py"
-StatusCodeSvc        INFO initialize
-DetectorStore        INFO Initializing DetectorStore - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-EventPersistenc...   INFO "CnvServices": ["DetDescrCnvSvc", "AthenaPoolCnvSvc"]
-ProxyProviderSvc     INFO Initializing ProxyProviderSvc - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-EventSelector        INFO Initializing EventSelector - package version EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-04-14
-AthenaPoolCnvSvc     INFO Initializing AthenaPoolCnvSvc - package version AthenaPoolCnvSvc-00-10-02
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:STLRflx
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:DetDescrDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:AtlasSealCLHEPDict
-PoolSvc              INFO No POOL WriteCatalog was specified--using POOL default.
-WARNING: $POOL_CATALOG is not defined
-using default `xmlcatalog_file:PoolFileCatalog.xml'
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO POOL/ROOT class loader initialized
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO 9 ROOT streamers declared
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPVec3dStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepVector3D added converter for checksum = 358881035
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepVector3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPPoint3dStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepPoint3D added converter for checksum = 1634550480
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepPoint3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPRotationStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepRotation added converter for checksum = 4141898558
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepRotation
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPGenMatrixStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepGenMatrix added converter for checksum = 21721098
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepGenMatrix
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPMatrixStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepMatrix added converter for checksum = 3811046672
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepMatrix
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPLorVecStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepLorentzVector added converter for checksum = 3077056266
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepLorentzVector
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPTransform3DStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepTransform3D added converter for checksum = 520750269
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepTransform3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEP3VectorStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for Hep3Vector added converter for checksum = 760000369
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class Hep3Vector
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPBasicVectorStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for BasicVector3D added converter for checksum = 2681080162
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class BasicVector3D
-ChronoStatSvc        INFO  Number of skipped events for MemStat-1
-AthenaPoolCnvSvc     INFO Loading POOL XMLAuthenticationService.
-EventSelector        INFO Create PoolCollectionConverter -  CollectionType: ExplicitROOT Connection:  InputCollection: NewEventCollection1
-Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class pair<string,string> already in TClassTable
-Error in <TFile::TFile>: file NewEventCollection1.root does not exist
-EventSelector       ERROR St9exception
-ServiceManager    WARNING Unable to initialize service "EventSelector" No service returned
-free(): invalid pointer 0xa4f4004!
-ProxyProviderSvc    ERROR ServiceLocatorHelper::createService: can not create service EventSelector of type EventSelector
-ProxyProviderSvc    ERROR  getting Address Provider EventSelector
-ProxyProviderSv...  FATAL  Exception with tag=ProxyProviderSvc::providerNamesPropertyHandle is caught 
-ProxyProviderSv...  ERROR ProxyProviderSvc::providerNamesPropertyHandle	Failed to locate address provider	 StatusCode=FAILURE
-ServiceManager    WARNING Unable to initialize service "ProxyProviderSvc" No service returned
-DetectorStore       ERROR ServiceLocatorHelper::createService: can not create service ProxyProviderSvc
-DetectorStore       ERROR Could not get pointer to ProxyProvider Service
-ServiceManager      ERROR Unable to initialize Service: DetectorStore
-ApplicationMgr      FATAL finalize: Invalid state "Configured"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/LArCellContWriteReg.ref b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/LArCellContWriteReg.ref
deleted file mode 100755
index 2f4ce904aeec235f0d1805afe62c156b76411819..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/LArCellContWriteReg.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,532 +0,0 @@
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Compat.py"
-PropertyProxy        INFO Read module info for 1929 configurables from 585 rootmap files
-PluginMgr            INFO loaded plugin info for 2674 components
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Bootstrap.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaServices
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
-StatusCodeSvc        INFO initialize
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Services.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Atlas.UnixStandardJob.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "StoreGate/StoreGate_jobOptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : StoreGate, CLIDSvc, GaudiAud
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVSvc/IOVSvc.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IOVSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "DetDescrCnvSvc/DetStore_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : DetDescrCnvSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "IdDictDetDescrCnv/IdDictDetDescrCnv_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IdDictDetDescrCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolTest/LArCellContWriter_jobOptionsReg.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Atlas_Gen.UnixStandardJob.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : McEventSelector
-Athena               INFO including file "RecExCond/RecExCommon_flags.py"
-py:RecExCommon_flags    INFO Executing RecExCommon_flags.py
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/AthenaCommonFlags.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "InDetRecExample/ConfiguredInDetFlags.py"
-py:RecExCommon_flags WARNING doAOD False and doWriteAOD True. Only meaningful for AOD->AOD copy 
-py:RecExCommon_flags WARNING no AOD objects available, cannot write out tag, switching doWriteTAG=False
-py:RecExCommon_flags    INFO TrackRecordFilter alg switched on. 
-Athena               INFO including file "RecExCond/AllDet_detDescr.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py"
-Athena            WARNING IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py - This file is obselete; conditions DB access should automatically be configured from detector geometry
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/CondDBConfig.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/AthenaPool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO Initializing ClassIDSvc - package version CLIDSvc-00-02-12
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 45 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
-ClassIDSvc           INFO ClassIDSvc Initialized successfully 
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 75 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : PoolSvc, AthenaPoolCnvSvc, DBDataModelAthenaPoolPoolCnv, EventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaSealSvc/AthenaSealSvc_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 75 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaSealSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaSealSvc
-['STLRflx', 'DetDescrDict']
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaSealSvc/AthenaSealSvcIgnore_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolServices/AthenaRootStreamerSvc_jobOptions.py"
-ServiceManager    WARNING Service factory for type AthenaRootStreamerSvc already declared
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 75 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaRootStreamerSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaRootStreamerSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasSealCLHEP/OldCLHEPStreamers_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 80 CLIDRegistry entries for module IOVDbSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IOVDbSvc
-Athena               INFO Conditions database access configured for instance OFLP130 using connection type logical and account ATLAS_COOL_READER
-Athena               INFO including file "DetDescrDictionary/DetDescrDictionaryDict_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/SetGeometryVersion.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/GeoModelInit.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/CondDBSetup.py"
-Athena            WARNING Additional request to configure conditions DB OFLP130 ignored
-Athena               INFO including file "EventInfoMgt/EventInfoMgt_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 82 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventInfoMgt
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : EventInfoMgt
-EventInfoMgt jobOptions: Got release version  AtlasOffline-rel_6
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/GeoModelInitStandard.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "RDBAccessSvc/RDBAccessSvcPdb_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 82 CLIDRegistry entries for module RDBAccessSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : RDBAccessSvc
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 82 CLIDRegistry entries for module GeoModelSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : GeoModelSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/InDetGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/LArGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "TileIdCnv/TileIdCnv_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 137 CLIDRegistry entries for module TileIdCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TileIdCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloIdCnv/CaloIdCnv_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloConditions/LArTTCellMap_ATLAS_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloCondAthenaPool/CaloTTMap_Pool_Read.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 277 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 281 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventSelectorAthenaPool
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : EventSelectorAthenaPool
-LArTTCellMap configuration: newFcal=  False DetDescrVersion=  ATLAS-CSC-01-01-00
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloTriggerTool/CaloTriggerTool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 282 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloTriggerTool
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloTriggerTool
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 317 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloIdCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloIdCnv
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 376 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArGeoAlgsNV
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArGeoAlgsNV
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv/CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv_joboptions.py"
-now executing CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv_CaloDetDescrCnv
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 494 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/TileGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/MuonGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/MiscGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "TileIdCnv/TileIdCnv_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArDetDescr/LArDetDescr_joboptions.py"
-now initializing the LAr readout geometry : standard Atlas flavour
-Athena               INFO including file "LArIdCnv/LArIdCnv_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArTools/LArTools_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 508 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArTools
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArTools
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 535 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArIdCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArIdCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "LArConditionsCommon/LArConditionsCommon_MC_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py"
-Athena            WARNING IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py - This file is obselete; conditions DB access should automatically be configured from detector geometry
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCondAthenaPool/LArCondAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 1966 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "LArRawConditions/LArRawConditionsDict_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArConditionsCommon/LArIdMap_MC_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCondAthenaPool/LArCondAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
-Athena               INFO including file "LArRawConditions/LArRawConditionsDict_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloTools/CaloNoiseTool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 2616 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloTools
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloTools
-Athena              ERROR inconsistent case used in property name "DLLs" of ApplicationMgr
-     ==> After this line, a hack will be executed, attempting to rectify the
-     ==> problem just reported. Since this hack may fail, and since it is a
-     ==> rather temporary measure hack, this is an ERROR, not a WARNING.
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 2917 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCellRec
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCellRec
-Athena              ERROR inconsistent case used in property name "DLLs" of ApplicationMgr
-     ==> After this line, a hack will be executed, attempting to rectify the
-     ==> problem just reported. Since this hack may fail, and since it is a
-     ==> rather temporary measure hack, this is an ERROR, not a WARNING.
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3656 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCalibUtils
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCalibUtils
-Athena               INFO including file "TileConditions/TileConditions_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3656 CLIDRegistry entries for module TileConditions
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TileConditions
-Athena               INFO including file "TileConditions/TileNoiseOn_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCalibUtils/LArOFCTool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCalibUtils/LArAutoCorrTotalTool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "BFieldAth/BFieldAth_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3656 CLIDRegistry entries for module BFieldAth
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : BFieldAth
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/WriteAthenaPool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "OutputStreamAthenaPool/OutputStreamAthenaPool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3659 CLIDRegistry entries for module OutputStreamAthenaPool
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : OutputStreamAthenaPool
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3808 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaPoolTest
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3813 CLIDRegistry entries for module RegistrationServices
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaPoolTest, RegistrationServices
-Athena               INFO including file "EventAthenaPool/EventAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloAthenaPool/CaloAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 4275 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolTest/NoStats_jobOptions.py"
-Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class IProxyDict is available
-Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class IProxyDict is available
-ActiveStoreSvc       INFO Initializing ActiveStoreSvc - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/runbatch.py"
-Athena              ERROR Algorithm "Stream1": type missing, no properties set
-     ==> After this line, a hack will be executed, attempting to rectify the
-     ==> problem just reported. Since this hack may fail, and since it is a
-     ==> rather temporary measure hack, this is an ERROR, not a WARNING.
-Athena              ERROR Algorithm "RegStream1": type missing, no properties set
-     ==> After this line, a hack will be executed, attempting to rectify the
-     ==> problem just reported. Since this hack may fail, and since it is a
-     ==> rather temporary measure hack, this is an ERROR, not a WARNING.
-StatusCodeSvc        INFO initialize
-DetectorStore        INFO Initializing DetectorStore - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-EventPersistenc...   INFO "CnvServices": ["DetDescrCnvSvc", "McCnvSvc", "AthenaPoolCnvSvc", "AthenaPoolCnvSvc"]
-ProxyProviderSvc     INFO Initializing ProxyProviderSvc - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-IOVDbSvc             INFO Found ProxyProviderSvc 
-IOVSvc               INFO IOVRanges will be checked at every Event
-IOVDbSvc             INFO Service IOVDbSvc initialised successfully
-IOVDbSvc             INFO DbConnections are managed (opened when needed)
-EventSelector        INFO  Enter McEventSelector Initialization 
-EventSelector        INFO  McEventSelector Initialized Properly ... 
-CondProxyProvider    INFO Initializing CondProxyProvider - package version EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-04-14
-AthenaPoolCnvSvc     INFO Initializing AthenaPoolCnvSvc - package version AthenaPoolCnvSvc-00-10-02
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:STLRflx
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:DetDescrDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:AtlasSealCLHEPDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:DetDescrDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:CaloTriggerToolDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:LArRawConditionsDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:LArRawConditionsDict
-PoolSvc              INFO POOL ReadCatalog is prfile:poolcond/PoolCat_oflcond.xml
-PoolSvc              INFO Resolved path is /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasCore/rel_6/InstallArea/share/poolcond/PoolCat_oflcond.xml
-PoolSvc              INFO No POOL WriteCatalog was specified--using POOL default.
-WARNING: $POOL_CATALOG is not defined
-using default `xmlcatalog_file:PoolFileCatalog.xml'
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO POOL/ROOT class loader initialized
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO 9 ROOT streamers declared
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPVec3dStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepVector3D added converter for checksum = 358881035
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepVector3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPPoint3dStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepPoint3D added converter for checksum = 1634550480
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepPoint3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPRotationStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepRotation added converter for checksum = 4141898558
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepRotation
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPGenMatrixStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepGenMatrix added converter for checksum = 21721098
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepGenMatrix
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPMatrixStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepMatrix added converter for checksum = 3811046672
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepMatrix
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPLorVecStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepLorentzVector added converter for checksum = 3077056266
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepLorentzVector
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPTransform3DStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepTransform3D added converter for checksum = 520750269
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepTransform3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEP3VectorStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for Hep3Vector added converter for checksum = 760000369
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class Hep3Vector
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPBasicVectorStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for BasicVector3D added converter for checksum = 2681080162
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class BasicVector3D
-ChronoStatSvc        INFO  Number of skipped events for MemStat-1
-AthenaPoolCnvSvc     INFO Loading POOL XMLAuthenticationService.
-CondProxyProvider    INFO Create PoolCollectionConverter -  InputCollection: LFN:oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000._0047.pool.root
-/afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/vol0/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000._0047.pool.root   Always Root file version:51200
-CondProxyProvider    INFO ----- CondProxyProvider Initialized Properly
-IOVDbSvc             INFO  
-RalDatabaseSvc     Info Instantiate the RalDatabaseSvc
-RalSessionMgr     Info Instantiate a RalSessionMgr for 'COOL_LAR/OFLP130'
-RalSessionMgr     Info Load the CORAL connection service
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Loading default plugin for coral::IRelationalService: CORAL/Services/RelationalService
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "frontier" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "mysql" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "oracle" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "sqlite" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "frontier" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "mysql" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "oracle" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "sqlite" is native
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Loading default plugin for coral::ILookupService: CORAL/Services/XMLLookupService
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Loading default plugin for coral::IAuthenticationService: CORAL/Services/XMLAuthenticationService
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService  Warning Failure while attempting to start a session on connection sqlite_file:sqlite130/ALLP130.db: CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Session::connect" from " cannot open read-only connection to non-existing /afs/cern.ch/user/s/schaffer/w1/public1/work-12.3.0-test/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/AthenaPoolTest-00-00-99/run/sqlite130/ALLP130.db" )
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Read-Only Connection to service oracle://ATLAS_COOLPROD established. Id=12e1cf80-9017-11db-92a3-003048836897
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://ATLAS_COOLPROD started for user ATLAS_COOL_READER. Id=12e1cf80-9017-11db-92a3-003048836897
-RelationalDatabase  Warning Release number backward compatibility - NO SCHEMA EVOLUTION REQUIRED: database with OLDER release number 1.3.1 will be opened using CURRENT client release number 1.3.3
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCRamp-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCRamp-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/Ramp
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCAutoCorr-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCAutoCorr-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/AutoCorr
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCDAC2uA-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCDAC2uA-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/DAC2uA
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCPedestal-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCPedestal-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/Pedestal
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCNoise-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCNoise-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/Noise
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCfSampl-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCfSampl-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/fSampl
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCuA2MeV-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCuA2MeV-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/uA2MeV
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCMinBias-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCMinBias-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/MinBias
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCShape-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCShape-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/Shape
-/afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/vol0/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000._0011.pool.root   Always Root file version:51000
-/afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/vol0/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000._0015.pool.root   Always Root file version:51000
-StoreGateSvc         INFO Initializing StoreGateSvc - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-IOVDbSvc             INFO  
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  initializing 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO Found DetectorStore service
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling proxies for detector managers 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for InDetMgr with CLID 2512 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for MuonMgr with CLID 4060 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloTTMgr with CLID 117659265 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloMgr with CLID 4548337 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloIdManager with CLID 125856940 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArIdManager with CLID 79554919 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for IdDict with CLID 2411 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for AtlasID with CLID 164875623 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for PixelID with CLID 2516 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for SCT_ID with CLID 2517 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TRT_ID with CLID 2518 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for SiliconID with CLID 129452393 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArEM_ID with CLID 163583365 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArHEC_ID with CLID 3870484 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArFCAL_ID with CLID 45738051 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArOnlineID with CLID 158698068 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArTTOnlineID with CLID 184978 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArHVLineID with CLID 27863673 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArElectrodeID with CLID 80757351 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TileID with CLID 2901 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TileHWID with CLID 2902 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TileTBID with CLID 2903 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for MDTIDHELPER with CLID 4170 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CSCIDHELPER with CLID 4171 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for RPCIDHELPER with CLID 4172 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TGCIDHELPER with CLID 4173 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloLVL1_ID with CLID 108133391 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloCell_ID with CLID 123500438 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloDM_ID with CLID 167756483 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-GeoModelSvc          INFO LArDetectorToolNV appended to detector list
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "frontier" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "mysql" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "oracle" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "sqlite" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "frontier" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "mysql" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "oracle" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "sqlite" is native
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Loading default plugin for coral::ILookupService: CORAL/Services/XMLLookupService
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Loading default plugin for coral::IAuthenticationService: CORAL/Services/XMLAuthenticationService
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService  Warning Failure while attempting to start a session on connection sqlite_file:geomDB/geomDB_sqlite: CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Session::connect" from " cannot open read-only connection to non-existing /afs/cern.ch/user/s/schaffer/w1/public1/work-12.3.0-test/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/AthenaPoolTest-00-00-99/run/geomDB/geomDB_sqlite" )
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Read-Only Connection to service oracle://atlas_dd established. Id=13e0826e-9017-11db-92a3-003048836897
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=13e0826e-9017-11db-92a3-003048836897
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=13e0826e-9017-11db-92a3-003048836897
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO Keys for LAr are ATLAS-CSC-01-01-00  ATLAS
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO LArDetectorToolNV:  Detector Information coming from the database and job options IGNORED.
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO Creating the LAr 
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO LAr Geometry Options:
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO   Sagging           = false
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO   Barrel            = ON
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO   Endcap            = ON
-ExpHall Parameters defined
-in RALEmb :   Atlas version ATLAS-CSC-01-01-00
-              LAr   version 
-       LAr version LAr-Misaligned-01
-Barrel Parameters defined
-Emec Parameters defined
-HEC Parameters defined
-LArMaterialManager   INFO ---- THIN absorber characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction pb,fe,gl: 0.749275,0.183746,0.0669791
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness: 1.06611e+20 ,2.20337
-LArMaterialManager   INFO  Contraction 0.997
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thinabs Density =  7.82239
-LArMaterialManager   INFO ---- THICK absorber characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction pb,fe,gl: 0.827772,0.149862,0.022366
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness: 1.30716e+20 ,2.20337
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thickabs Density =  9.59105 
-LArMaterialManager   INFO ---- Electrode characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction Cu, Kapton: 0.791253,0.208747
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness:7.42115e+18 ,0.275
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Electrode Density =  4.37083
-LArMaterialManager   INFO ---- Mother Board characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction Cu, G10: 0.46077,0.53923
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness:7.64634e+19 ,4.3
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   M_board Density =  2.84902
-LArMaterialManager   INFO 
----- EMEC THIN absorber characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thickness pb,fe,gl,[mm]=1.69 0.4 0.2
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction  pb,fe,gl     =0.846212,0.138877,0.0149112
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness  =1.41479e+20 ,2.29
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thinabs Density        =9.9881
----- EMEC THIN absorber characteristics: ----
-  Thickness pb,fe,gl,[mm]=1.69 0.4 0.2
-  Fraction  pb,fe,gl     =0.846212,0.138877,0.0149112
-  Total mass, Thickness  =1.41479e+20 ,2.29
-  Thinabs Density        =9.9881
-LArMaterialManager   INFO ---- EMEC THICK absorber characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thickness pb,fe,gl[mm]=2.2 0.4 0.2
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction  pb,fe,gl:    0.877495,0.110627,0.011878
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness: 1.77608e+20 ,2.8
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thickabs Density =     10.2549 
-Sagging in geometry 0
-BarrelConstruction   INFO ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-+                                                  +
-+         Start of Barrel EM GeoModel definition   +
-+                                                  +
-idat 0 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1500.02 0.106187 46.2025 0 0 0.79988
-idat 1 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1521 0.569751 45.0574 0 0 0.79893
-idat 2 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1559.66 -0.573092 43.3446 0 0 0.79729
-idat 3 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1597.2 0.576518 42.4478 0 0 0.79615
-idat 4 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1634.57 -0.579943 40.9436 0 0 0.79532
-idat 5 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1671.02 0.582296 40.2251 0 0 0.79493
-idat 6 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1707.43 -0.585638 38.8752 0 0 0.79473
-idat 7 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1743.07 0.588207 38.2915 0 0 0.79483
-idat 8 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1778.76 -0.590596 37.0608 0 0 0.79519
-idat 9 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1813.75 0.59285 36.5831 0 0 0.79576
-idat 10 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1848.87 -0.595587 35.4475 0 0 0.79655
-idat 11 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1883.36 0.59744 35.0556 0 0 0.79747
-idat 12 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1918.02 -0.599714 33.9977 0 0 0.79856
-idat 13 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1952.1 0.601911 33.6767 0 0 0.7999
-idat 14 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1970.48 0.0811661 90 0 0 0.80067
-Getting primary numbers for ATLAS, ATLAS-CSC-01-01-00
-InnerWheel,z(0)=0 rmin=302.306 rmax=610.38
-           z(1)=514 rmin=344.279 rmax=695.336
-OuterWheel,z(0)=0 rmin=613.38 rmax=1999.87
-           z(1)=63.1752 rmin=623.822 rmax=2034
-           z(2)=514 rmin=698.336 rmax=2034
-LArWheelCalculator   INFO  LArWheelCalculator::inner_wheel_ini: AlfInt,ext[deg]=107 64.5 ROpt[mm]=323.292 654.358 ZlOpt[mm]=52.2012 75.8952 RminA= 300 RmaxA= 800 RstepA= 0.01
-LArWheelCalculator   INFO  LArWheelCalculator::outer_wheel_ini: AlfInt,ext[deg]=122.5 59 ROpt[mm]=654.358 2034 ZlOpt[mm]=32.0362 53.2691 RminA= 600 RmaxA= 2100 RstepA= 0.01
- *** EMECSupportConstruction: contract,contract_e=0.997 0.996388
- *** EMECSupportConstruction: Barrett thickness: inner,outer, electrode[mm]=2.7916 2.28313 0.274007
-InnerWheel,z(0)=0 rmin=302.306 rmax=610.38
-           z(1)=514 rmin=344.279 rmax=695.336
-OuterWheel,z(0)=0 rmin=613.38 rmax=1999.87
-           z(1)=63.1752 rmin=623.822 rmax=2034
-           z(2)=514 rmin=698.336 rmax=2034
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO Default LAr DetCondKeyTrans stored with StoreGate key /LAr/Align
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Initializing TileInfoLoader
-EventPersistenc...   INFO Added successfully Conversion service:DetDescrCnvSvc
-CaloLVL1_IDDetD...   INFO in createObj: creating a CaloLVL1_ID helper object in the detector store
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO in initialize
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO in createObj: creating a IdDictManager object in the detector store
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO IdDictName:  IdDictParser/ATLAS_IDS.xml
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=13e0826e-9017-11db-92a3-003048836897
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Reading InnerDetector    IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictInnerDetector.xml
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Reading LArCalorimeter   IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictLArCalorimeter_DC3-05.xml
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Reading TileCalorimeter  IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictTileCalorimeter.xml
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Reading Calorimeter      IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictCalorimeter_DC3-05.xml
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Reading MuonSpectrometer IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictMuonSpectrometer_R.01.xml
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Found id dicts:
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Using dictionary tag: destaged_layout
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary ATLAS                version default              DetDescr tag (using default)
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary Calorimeter          version default              DetDescr tag CaloIdentifier-DC3-05
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary InnerDetector        version default              DetDescr tag InDetIdentifier-05
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary LArCalorimeter       version fullAtlas            DetDescr tag LArIdentifier-DC3-05
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary LArElectrode         version fullAtlas            DetDescr tag (using default)
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary LArHighVoltage       version fullAtlas            DetDescr tag (using default)
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary MuonSpectrometer     version R.01                 DetDescr tag MuonIdentifier-02
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary TileCalorimeter      version fullAtlasAndTestBeam DetDescr tag TileIdentifier-00
-CaloLVL1_ID          INFO initialize_from_dictionary
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-TileIDDetDescrCnv    INFO in createObj: creating a TileID helper object in the detector store
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=13e0826e-9017-11db-92a3-003048836897
-TileID               INFO initialize_from_dictionary 
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-TileNeighbour        INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/TileNeighbour.txt
-TileTBIDDetDesc...   INFO in createObj: creating a TileTBID helper object in the detector store
-TileTBID             INFO initialize_from_dictionary 
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-TileHWIDDetDesc...   INFO in createObj: creating a TileHWID helper object in the detector store
-TileHWID             INFO initialize_from_dictionary 
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Set CaloLVL1 TileID, TileTBID and TileHWID helpers in TileCablingService 
-TileInfoLoader       INFO TileNoise=true,  digitsNoiseSigmaHi=1.6, digitsNoiseSigmaLo=0.8
-TileInfoLoader       INFO digitsResolutionHi=-9999, setting it equal to digitsNoiseSigmaHi
-TileInfoLoader       INFO digitsResolutionLo=-9999, setting it equal to digitsNoiseSigmaLo
-TileInfoLoader       INFO TileZeroSuppress=false,  ThresholdRawChannel=-3, ThresholdDigits=-2
-TileInfoLoader       INFO TTL1Calib=4.1, TileTTL1Thresh=5, TTL1NoiseSigma=2.5, TTL1Ped=0
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TileNoise = 1
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TileCoherNoise = 0
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  DigitsNoiseSigmaHi = 1.6
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  DigitsNoiseSigmaLo = 0.8
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  DigitsResolutionHi = 1.6
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  DigitsResolutionLo = 0.8
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TileZeroSuppress = 0
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  ThresholdRawChannel = -3
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  ThresholdDigits = -2
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TTL1Calib = 4.1
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TTL1NoiseSigma = 2.5
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TTL1Thresh = 5
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TTL1Ped = 0
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  nPhElec = 70
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  nPhElecVec[0] = 70
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  nPhElecVec[1] = 70
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  nPhElecVec[2] = 70
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  nPhElecVec[3] = 70
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/TileDigitsShape_v02.txt
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/pulsehi_physics.dat
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/pulselo_physics.dat
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/pulse_adder_tower_physics.dat
-TileInfoLoader       INFO 601 number of bins in shaping function
-TileInfoLoader       INFO 214 index of in-time bin
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  50 bins per beam crossing
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Peak value = 1 at bin = 214, Time0Bin = 214
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/pulse_adder_muon_physics.dat
-TileInfoLoader       INFO 651 number of bins in shaping function
-TileInfoLoader       INFO 214 index of in-time bin
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  50 bins per beam crossing
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Peak value = 1 at bin = 214, Time0Bin = 214
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  TileInfo initialization completed. 
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Placed a TileInfo in Detector store with name TileInfo
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Empty file prefix, no files loaded
-AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO Initializing AthenaEventLoopMgr - package version AthenaServices-01-07-80
-LArCellContFake...   INFO LArCellContFakeWriter::initialize()
-LArCellContFake...  DEBUG  Found DetectorStore 
-CaloCell_IDDetD...   INFO in createObj: creating a CaloCell_ID helper object in the detector store
-LArEM_IDDetDesc...   INFO in createObj: creating a LArEM_ID helper object in the detector store
-LArEM_ID             INFO initialize_from_dictionary
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-LArHEC_IDDetDes...   INFO in createObj: creating a LArHEC_ID helper object in the detector store
-LArHEC_ID            INFO initialize_from_dictionary
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-LArFCAL_IDDetDe...   INFO in createObj: creating a LArFCAL_ID helper object in the detector store
-LArFCAL_ID           INFO initialize_from_dictionary
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=13e0826e-9017-11db-92a3-003048836897
-LArFCAL_ID           INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/FCal2DNeighbors.txt
-LArFCAL_ID           INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/FCal3DNeighborsNext.txt
-LArFCAL_ID           INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/FCal3DNeighborsPrev.txt
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=13e0826e-9017-11db-92a3-003048836897
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-LArCellContFake...  DEBUG  Found the CaloCell_ID helper. 
-CaloMgrDetDescrCnv   INFO in createObj: creating a Calo Detector Manager object in the detector store
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO in createObj: creating a CaloDescrManager object in the detector store
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set CaloCell_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloDM_IDDetDes...   INFO in createObj: creating a CaloDM_ID helper object in the detector store
-CaloDM_ID            INFO initialize_from_dictionary
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set CaloDM_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set CaloLVL1_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set LArEM_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set LArHEC_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set LArFCAL_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set TileID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO  Finished 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Initializing CaloIdMgr from values in CaloIdMgrDetDescrCnv 
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=13e0826e-9017-11db-92a3-003048836897
-DetectorStore     WARNING retrieve(default): No valid proxy for default object 
- of type TileDetDescrManager(CLID 2941)
-CaloMgrDetDescrCnv  ERROR Could not get TileDetDescrManager
-DataProxy           FATAL accessData: ERROR conversion failed for data object 4548337/CaloMgr
- Throwing runtime_error  
-LArCellContFake...  ERROR Unable to retrieve CaloDetDescrManager from DetectorStore
-AthenaEventLoopMgr  ERROR Unable to initialize Algorithm: LArCellContFakeWriter
-AthenaEventLoopMgr  ERROR Failed to initialize base class MinimalEventLoopMgr
-ServiceManager      ERROR Unable to initialize Service: AthenaEventLoopMgr
-ApplicationMgr      FATAL finalize: Invalid state "Configured"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/LArCellContWriteRegStep2.ref b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/LArCellContWriteRegStep2.ref
deleted file mode 100755
index f6ac6ea954392a4f6cb1cf8e1b97fa2876a36471..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/LArCellContWriteRegStep2.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,538 +0,0 @@
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Compat.py"
-PropertyProxy        INFO Read module info for 1929 configurables from 585 rootmap files
-PluginMgr            INFO loaded plugin info for 2674 components
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Bootstrap.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaServices
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
-StatusCodeSvc        INFO initialize
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Services.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Atlas.UnixStandardJob.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "StoreGate/StoreGate_jobOptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : StoreGate, CLIDSvc, GaudiAud
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVSvc/IOVSvc.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IOVSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "DetDescrCnvSvc/DetStore_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : DetDescrCnvSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "IdDictDetDescrCnv/IdDictDetDescrCnv_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IdDictDetDescrCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolTest/LArCellContWriter_jobOptionsRegStep2.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/ReadAthenaPool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/AthenaPool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO Initializing ClassIDSvc - package version CLIDSvc-00-02-12
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 43 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
-ClassIDSvc           INFO ClassIDSvc Initialized successfully 
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 73 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : PoolSvc, AthenaPoolCnvSvc, DBDataModelAthenaPoolPoolCnv, EventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaSealSvc/AthenaSealSvc_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 73 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaSealSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaSealSvc
-['STLRflx', 'DetDescrDict']
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaSealSvc/AthenaSealSvcIgnore_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolServices/AthenaRootStreamerSvc_jobOptions.py"
-ServiceManager    WARNING Service factory for type AthenaRootStreamerSvc already declared
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 73 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaRootStreamerSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaRootStreamerSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasSealCLHEP/OldCLHEPStreamers_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 77 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventSelectorAthenaPool
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : EventSelectorAthenaPool
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/WriteAthenaPool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "OutputStreamAthenaPool/OutputStreamAthenaPool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 80 CLIDRegistry entries for module OutputStreamAthenaPool
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : OutputStreamAthenaPool
-Athena               INFO including file "RecExCond/RecExCommon_flags.py"
-py:RecExCommon_flags    INFO Executing RecExCommon_flags.py
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/AthenaCommonFlags.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "InDetRecExample/ConfiguredInDetFlags.py"
-py:RecExCommon_flags WARNING doAOD False and doWriteAOD True. Only meaningful for AOD->AOD copy 
-py:RecExCommon_flags WARNING no AOD objects available, cannot write out tag, switching doWriteTAG=False
-py:RecExCommon_flags    INFO TrackRecordFilter alg switched on. 
-Athena               INFO including file "RecExCond/AllDet_detDescr.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py"
-Athena            WARNING IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py - This file is obselete; conditions DB access should automatically be configured from detector geometry
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/CondDBConfig.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 85 CLIDRegistry entries for module IOVDbSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IOVDbSvc
-Athena               INFO Conditions database access configured for instance OFLP130 using connection type logical and account ATLAS_COOL_READER
-Athena               INFO including file "DetDescrDictionary/DetDescrDictionaryDict_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/SetGeometryVersion.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/GeoModelInit.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/CondDBSetup.py"
-Athena            WARNING Additional request to configure conditions DB OFLP130 ignored
-Athena               INFO including file "EventInfoMgt/EventInfoMgt_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 87 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventInfoMgt
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : EventInfoMgt
-EventInfoMgt jobOptions: Got release version  AtlasOffline-rel_6
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/GeoModelInitStandard.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "RDBAccessSvc/RDBAccessSvcPdb_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 87 CLIDRegistry entries for module RDBAccessSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : RDBAccessSvc
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 87 CLIDRegistry entries for module GeoModelSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : GeoModelSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/InDetGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/LArGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "TileIdCnv/TileIdCnv_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 142 CLIDRegistry entries for module TileIdCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TileIdCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloIdCnv/CaloIdCnv_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloConditions/LArTTCellMap_ATLAS_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloCondAthenaPool/CaloTTMap_Pool_Read.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 282 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
-LArTTCellMap configuration: newFcal=  False DetDescrVersion=  ATLAS-CSC-01-01-00
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloTriggerTool/CaloTriggerTool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 283 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloTriggerTool
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloTriggerTool
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 318 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloIdCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloIdCnv
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 377 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArGeoAlgsNV
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArGeoAlgsNV
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv/CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv_joboptions.py"
-now executing CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv_CaloDetDescrCnv
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 495 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/TileGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/MuonGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/MiscGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "TileIdCnv/TileIdCnv_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArDetDescr/LArDetDescr_joboptions.py"
-now initializing the LAr readout geometry : standard Atlas flavour
-Athena               INFO including file "LArIdCnv/LArIdCnv_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArTools/LArTools_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 509 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArTools
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArTools
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 536 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArIdCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArIdCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "LArConditionsCommon/LArConditionsCommon_MC_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py"
-Athena            WARNING IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py - This file is obselete; conditions DB access should automatically be configured from detector geometry
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCondAthenaPool/LArCondAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 1967 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "LArRawConditions/LArRawConditionsDict_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArConditionsCommon/LArIdMap_MC_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCondAthenaPool/LArCondAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
-Athena               INFO including file "LArRawConditions/LArRawConditionsDict_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloTools/CaloNoiseTool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 2617 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloTools
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloTools
-Athena              ERROR inconsistent case used in property name "DLLs" of ApplicationMgr
-     ==> After this line, a hack will be executed, attempting to rectify the
-     ==> problem just reported. Since this hack may fail, and since it is a
-     ==> rather temporary measure hack, this is an ERROR, not a WARNING.
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 2918 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCellRec
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCellRec
-Athena              ERROR inconsistent case used in property name "DLLs" of ApplicationMgr
-     ==> After this line, a hack will be executed, attempting to rectify the
-     ==> problem just reported. Since this hack may fail, and since it is a
-     ==> rather temporary measure hack, this is an ERROR, not a WARNING.
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3657 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCalibUtils
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCalibUtils
-Athena               INFO including file "TileConditions/TileConditions_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3657 CLIDRegistry entries for module TileConditions
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TileConditions
-Athena               INFO including file "TileConditions/TileNoiseOn_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCalibUtils/LArOFCTool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCalibUtils/LArAutoCorrTotalTool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "BFieldAth/BFieldAth_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3657 CLIDRegistry entries for module BFieldAth
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : BFieldAth
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3806 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaPoolTest
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3811 CLIDRegistry entries for module RegistrationServices
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaPoolTest, RegistrationServices
-Athena               INFO including file "EventAthenaPool/EventAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloAthenaPool/CaloAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 4273 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolTestAthenaPool/AthenaPoolTestAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 4328 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaPoolTestAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaPoolTestAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolTest/NoStats_jobOptions.py"
-Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class IProxyDict is available
-Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class IProxyDict is available
-ActiveStoreSvc       INFO Initializing ActiveStoreSvc - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/runbatch.py"
-Athena              ERROR Algorithm "Stream1": type missing, no properties set
-     ==> After this line, a hack will be executed, attempting to rectify the
-     ==> problem just reported. Since this hack may fail, and since it is a
-     ==> rather temporary measure hack, this is an ERROR, not a WARNING.
-Athena              ERROR Algorithm "RegStream1": type missing, no properties set
-     ==> After this line, a hack will be executed, attempting to rectify the
-     ==> problem just reported. Since this hack may fail, and since it is a
-     ==> rather temporary measure hack, this is an ERROR, not a WARNING.
-StatusCodeSvc        INFO initialize
-DetectorStore        INFO Initializing DetectorStore - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-EventPersistenc...   INFO "CnvServices": ["DetDescrCnvSvc", "AthenaPoolCnvSvc", "AthenaPoolCnvSvc"]
-ProxyProviderSvc     INFO Initializing ProxyProviderSvc - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-EventSelector        INFO Initializing EventSelector - package version EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-04-14
-AthenaPoolCnvSvc     INFO Initializing AthenaPoolCnvSvc - package version AthenaPoolCnvSvc-00-10-02
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:STLRflx
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:DetDescrDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:AtlasSealCLHEPDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:DetDescrDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:CaloTriggerToolDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:LArRawConditionsDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:LArRawConditionsDict
-PoolSvc              INFO POOL ReadCatalog is prfile:poolcond/PoolCat_oflcond.xml
-PoolSvc              INFO Resolved path is /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasCore/rel_6/InstallArea/share/poolcond/PoolCat_oflcond.xml
-PoolSvc              INFO No POOL WriteCatalog was specified--using POOL default.
-WARNING: $POOL_CATALOG is not defined
-using default `xmlcatalog_file:PoolFileCatalog.xml'
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO POOL/ROOT class loader initialized
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO 9 ROOT streamers declared
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPVec3dStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepVector3D added converter for checksum = 358881035
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepVector3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPPoint3dStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepPoint3D added converter for checksum = 1634550480
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepPoint3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPRotationStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepRotation added converter for checksum = 4141898558
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepRotation
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPGenMatrixStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepGenMatrix added converter for checksum = 21721098
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepGenMatrix
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPMatrixStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepMatrix added converter for checksum = 3811046672
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepMatrix
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPLorVecStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepLorentzVector added converter for checksum = 3077056266
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepLorentzVector
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPTransform3DStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepTransform3D added converter for checksum = 520750269
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepTransform3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEP3VectorStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for Hep3Vector added converter for checksum = 760000369
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class Hep3Vector
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPBasicVectorStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for BasicVector3D added converter for checksum = 2681080162
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class BasicVector3D
-ChronoStatSvc        INFO  Number of skipped events for MemStat-1
-AthenaPoolCnvSvc     INFO Loading POOL XMLAuthenticationService.
-EventSelector        INFO Create PoolCollectionConverter -  CollectionType: ImplicitROOT Connection:  InputCollection: SimplePoolFile.root
-SimplePoolFile.root   Always Root file version:51304
-EventSelector        INFO EventSelection with query 
-EventSelector        INFO ----- EventSelectorAthenaPool Initialized Properly
-IOVDbSvc             INFO Found ProxyProviderSvc 
-IOVSvc               INFO IOVRanges will be checked at every Event
-IOVDbSvc             INFO Service IOVDbSvc initialised successfully
-IOVDbSvc             INFO DbConnections are managed (opened when needed)
-CondProxyProvider    INFO Initializing CondProxyProvider - package version EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-04-14
-CondProxyProvider    INFO Create PoolCollectionConverter -  InputCollection: LFN:oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000._0047.pool.root
-/afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/vol0/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000._0047.pool.root   Always Root file version:51200
-CondProxyProvider    INFO ----- CondProxyProvider Initialized Properly
-/afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/vol0/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000._0011.pool.root   Always Root file version:51000
-/afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/vol0/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000._0015.pool.root   Always Root file version:51000
-IOVDbSvc             INFO  
-RalDatabaseSvc     Info Instantiate the RalDatabaseSvc
-RalSessionMgr     Info Instantiate a RalSessionMgr for 'COOL_LAR/OFLP130'
-RalSessionMgr     Info Load the CORAL connection service
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Loading default plugin for coral::IRelationalService: CORAL/Services/RelationalService
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "frontier" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "mysql" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "oracle" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "sqlite" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "frontier" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "mysql" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "oracle" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "sqlite" is native
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Loading default plugin for coral::ILookupService: CORAL/Services/XMLLookupService
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Loading default plugin for coral::IAuthenticationService: CORAL/Services/XMLAuthenticationService
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService  Warning Failure while attempting to start a session on connection sqlite_file:sqlite130/ALLP130.db: CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Session::connect" from " cannot open read-only connection to non-existing /afs/cern.ch/user/s/schaffer/w1/public1/work-12.3.0-test/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/AthenaPoolTest-00-00-99/run/sqlite130/ALLP130.db" )
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Read-Only Connection to service oracle://ATLAS_COOLPROD established. Id=8414d0b6-9018-11db-8914-003048836897
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://ATLAS_COOLPROD started for user ATLAS_COOL_READER. Id=8414d0b6-9018-11db-8914-003048836897
-RelationalDatabase  Warning Release number backward compatibility - NO SCHEMA EVOLUTION REQUIRED: database with OLDER release number 1.3.1 will be opened using CURRENT client release number 1.3.3
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCRamp-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCRamp-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/Ramp
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCAutoCorr-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCAutoCorr-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/AutoCorr
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCDAC2uA-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCDAC2uA-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/DAC2uA
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCPedestal-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCPedestal-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/Pedestal
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCNoise-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCNoise-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/Noise
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCfSampl-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCfSampl-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/fSampl
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCuA2MeV-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCuA2MeV-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/uA2MeV
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCMinBias-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCMinBias-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/MinBias
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCShape-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCShape-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/Shape
-StoreGateSvc         INFO Initializing StoreGateSvc - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-IOVDbSvc             INFO  
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  initializing 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO Found DetectorStore service
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling proxies for detector managers 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for InDetMgr with CLID 2512 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for MuonMgr with CLID 4060 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloTTMgr with CLID 117659265 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloMgr with CLID 4548337 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloIdManager with CLID 125856940 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArIdManager with CLID 79554919 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for IdDict with CLID 2411 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for AtlasID with CLID 164875623 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for PixelID with CLID 2516 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for SCT_ID with CLID 2517 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TRT_ID with CLID 2518 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for SiliconID with CLID 129452393 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArEM_ID with CLID 163583365 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArHEC_ID with CLID 3870484 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArFCAL_ID with CLID 45738051 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArOnlineID with CLID 158698068 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArTTOnlineID with CLID 184978 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArHVLineID with CLID 27863673 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArElectrodeID with CLID 80757351 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TileID with CLID 2901 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TileHWID with CLID 2902 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TileTBID with CLID 2903 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for MDTIDHELPER with CLID 4170 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CSCIDHELPER with CLID 4171 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for RPCIDHELPER with CLID 4172 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TGCIDHELPER with CLID 4173 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloLVL1_ID with CLID 108133391 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloCell_ID with CLID 123500438 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloDM_ID with CLID 167756483 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-GeoModelSvc          INFO LArDetectorToolNV appended to detector list
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "frontier" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "mysql" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "oracle" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "sqlite" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "frontier" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "mysql" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "oracle" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "sqlite" is native
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Loading default plugin for coral::ILookupService: CORAL/Services/XMLLookupService
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Loading default plugin for coral::IAuthenticationService: CORAL/Services/XMLAuthenticationService
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService  Warning Failure while attempting to start a session on connection sqlite_file:geomDB/geomDB_sqlite: CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Session::connect" from " cannot open read-only connection to non-existing /afs/cern.ch/user/s/schaffer/w1/public1/work-12.3.0-test/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/AthenaPoolTest-00-00-99/run/geomDB/geomDB_sqlite" )
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Read-Only Connection to service oracle://atlas_dd established. Id=84e0aa9c-9018-11db-8914-003048836897
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=84e0aa9c-9018-11db-8914-003048836897
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=84e0aa9c-9018-11db-8914-003048836897
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO Keys for LAr are ATLAS-CSC-01-01-00  ATLAS
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO LArDetectorToolNV:  Detector Information coming from the database and job options IGNORED.
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO Creating the LAr 
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO LAr Geometry Options:
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO   Sagging           = false
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO   Barrel            = ON
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO   Endcap            = ON
-ExpHall Parameters defined
-in RALEmb :   Atlas version ATLAS-CSC-01-01-00
-              LAr   version 
-       LAr version LAr-Misaligned-01
-Barrel Parameters defined
-Emec Parameters defined
-HEC Parameters defined
-LArMaterialManager   INFO ---- THIN absorber characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction pb,fe,gl: 0.749275,0.183746,0.0669791
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness: 1.06611e+20 ,2.20337
-LArMaterialManager   INFO  Contraction 0.997
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thinabs Density =  7.82239
-LArMaterialManager   INFO ---- THICK absorber characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction pb,fe,gl: 0.827772,0.149862,0.022366
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness: 1.30716e+20 ,2.20337
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thickabs Density =  9.59105 
-LArMaterialManager   INFO ---- Electrode characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction Cu, Kapton: 0.791253,0.208747
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness:7.42115e+18 ,0.275
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Electrode Density =  4.37083
-LArMaterialManager   INFO ---- Mother Board characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction Cu, G10: 0.46077,0.53923
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness:7.64634e+19 ,4.3
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   M_board Density =  2.84902
-LArMaterialManager   INFO 
----- EMEC THIN absorber characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thickness pb,fe,gl,[mm]=1.69 0.4 0.2
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction  pb,fe,gl     =0.846212,0.138877,0.0149112
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness  =1.41479e+20 ,2.29
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thinabs Density        =9.9881
----- EMEC THIN absorber characteristics: ----
-  Thickness pb,fe,gl,[mm]=1.69 0.4 0.2
-  Fraction  pb,fe,gl     =0.846212,0.138877,0.0149112
-  Total mass, Thickness  =1.41479e+20 ,2.29
-  Thinabs Density        =9.9881
-LArMaterialManager   INFO ---- EMEC THICK absorber characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thickness pb,fe,gl[mm]=2.2 0.4 0.2
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction  pb,fe,gl:    0.877495,0.110627,0.011878
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness: 1.77608e+20 ,2.8
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thickabs Density =     10.2549 
-Sagging in geometry 0
-BarrelConstruction   INFO ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-+                                                  +
-+         Start of Barrel EM GeoModel definition   +
-+                                                  +
-idat 0 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1500.02 0.106187 46.2025 0 0 0.79988
-idat 1 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1521 0.569751 45.0574 0 0 0.79893
-idat 2 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1559.66 -0.573092 43.3446 0 0 0.79729
-idat 3 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1597.2 0.576518 42.4478 0 0 0.79615
-idat 4 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1634.57 -0.579943 40.9436 0 0 0.79532
-idat 5 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1671.02 0.582296 40.2251 0 0 0.79493
-idat 6 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1707.43 -0.585638 38.8752 0 0 0.79473
-idat 7 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1743.07 0.588207 38.2915 0 0 0.79483
-idat 8 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1778.76 -0.590596 37.0608 0 0 0.79519
-idat 9 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1813.75 0.59285 36.5831 0 0 0.79576
-idat 10 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1848.87 -0.595587 35.4475 0 0 0.79655
-idat 11 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1883.36 0.59744 35.0556 0 0 0.79747
-idat 12 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1918.02 -0.599714 33.9977 0 0 0.79856
-idat 13 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1952.1 0.601911 33.6767 0 0 0.7999
-idat 14 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1970.48 0.0811661 90 0 0 0.80067
-Getting primary numbers for ATLAS, ATLAS-CSC-01-01-00
-InnerWheel,z(0)=0 rmin=302.306 rmax=610.38
-           z(1)=514 rmin=344.279 rmax=695.336
-OuterWheel,z(0)=0 rmin=613.38 rmax=1999.87
-           z(1)=63.1752 rmin=623.822 rmax=2034
-           z(2)=514 rmin=698.336 rmax=2034
-LArWheelCalculator   INFO  LArWheelCalculator::inner_wheel_ini: AlfInt,ext[deg]=107 64.5 ROpt[mm]=323.292 654.358 ZlOpt[mm]=52.2012 75.8952 RminA= 300 RmaxA= 800 RstepA= 0.01
-LArWheelCalculator   INFO  LArWheelCalculator::outer_wheel_ini: AlfInt,ext[deg]=122.5 59 ROpt[mm]=654.358 2034 ZlOpt[mm]=32.0362 53.2691 RminA= 600 RmaxA= 2100 RstepA= 0.01
- *** EMECSupportConstruction: contract,contract_e=0.997 0.996388
- *** EMECSupportConstruction: Barrett thickness: inner,outer, electrode[mm]=2.7916 2.28313 0.274007
-InnerWheel,z(0)=0 rmin=302.306 rmax=610.38
-           z(1)=514 rmin=344.279 rmax=695.336
-OuterWheel,z(0)=0 rmin=613.38 rmax=1999.87
-           z(1)=63.1752 rmin=623.822 rmax=2034
-           z(2)=514 rmin=698.336 rmax=2034
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO Default LAr DetCondKeyTrans stored with StoreGate key /LAr/Align
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Initializing TileInfoLoader
-EventPersistenc...   INFO Added successfully Conversion service:DetDescrCnvSvc
-CaloLVL1_IDDetD...   INFO in createObj: creating a CaloLVL1_ID helper object in the detector store
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO in initialize
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO in createObj: creating a IdDictManager object in the detector store
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO IdDictName:  IdDictParser/ATLAS_IDS.xml
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=84e0aa9c-9018-11db-8914-003048836897
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Reading InnerDetector    IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictInnerDetector.xml
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Reading LArCalorimeter   IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictLArCalorimeter_DC3-05.xml
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Reading TileCalorimeter  IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictTileCalorimeter.xml
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Reading Calorimeter      IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictCalorimeter_DC3-05.xml
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Reading MuonSpectrometer IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictMuonSpectrometer_R.01.xml
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Found id dicts:
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Using dictionary tag: destaged_layout
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary ATLAS                version default              DetDescr tag (using default)
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary Calorimeter          version default              DetDescr tag CaloIdentifier-DC3-05
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary InnerDetector        version default              DetDescr tag InDetIdentifier-05
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary LArCalorimeter       version fullAtlas            DetDescr tag LArIdentifier-DC3-05
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary LArElectrode         version fullAtlas            DetDescr tag (using default)
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary LArHighVoltage       version fullAtlas            DetDescr tag (using default)
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary MuonSpectrometer     version R.01                 DetDescr tag MuonIdentifier-02
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary TileCalorimeter      version fullAtlasAndTestBeam DetDescr tag TileIdentifier-00
-CaloLVL1_ID          INFO initialize_from_dictionary
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-TileIDDetDescrCnv    INFO in createObj: creating a TileID helper object in the detector store
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=84e0aa9c-9018-11db-8914-003048836897
-TileID               INFO initialize_from_dictionary 
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-TileNeighbour        INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/TileNeighbour.txt
-TileTBIDDetDesc...   INFO in createObj: creating a TileTBID helper object in the detector store
-TileTBID             INFO initialize_from_dictionary 
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-TileHWIDDetDesc...   INFO in createObj: creating a TileHWID helper object in the detector store
-TileHWID             INFO initialize_from_dictionary 
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Set CaloLVL1 TileID, TileTBID and TileHWID helpers in TileCablingService 
-TileInfoLoader       INFO TileNoise=true,  digitsNoiseSigmaHi=1.6, digitsNoiseSigmaLo=0.8
-TileInfoLoader       INFO digitsResolutionHi=-9999, setting it equal to digitsNoiseSigmaHi
-TileInfoLoader       INFO digitsResolutionLo=-9999, setting it equal to digitsNoiseSigmaLo
-TileInfoLoader       INFO TileZeroSuppress=false,  ThresholdRawChannel=-3, ThresholdDigits=-2
-TileInfoLoader       INFO TTL1Calib=4.1, TileTTL1Thresh=5, TTL1NoiseSigma=2.5, TTL1Ped=0
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TileNoise = 1
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TileCoherNoise = 0
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  DigitsNoiseSigmaHi = 1.6
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  DigitsNoiseSigmaLo = 0.8
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  DigitsResolutionHi = 1.6
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  DigitsResolutionLo = 0.8
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TileZeroSuppress = 0
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  ThresholdRawChannel = -3
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  ThresholdDigits = -2
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TTL1Calib = 4.1
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TTL1NoiseSigma = 2.5
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TTL1Thresh = 5
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TTL1Ped = 0
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  nPhElec = 70
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  nPhElecVec[0] = 70
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  nPhElecVec[1] = 70
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  nPhElecVec[2] = 70
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  nPhElecVec[3] = 70
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/TileDigitsShape_v02.txt
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/pulsehi_physics.dat
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/pulselo_physics.dat
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/pulse_adder_tower_physics.dat
-TileInfoLoader       INFO 601 number of bins in shaping function
-TileInfoLoader       INFO 214 index of in-time bin
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  50 bins per beam crossing
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Peak value = 1 at bin = 214, Time0Bin = 214
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/pulse_adder_muon_physics.dat
-TileInfoLoader       INFO 651 number of bins in shaping function
-TileInfoLoader       INFO 214 index of in-time bin
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  50 bins per beam crossing
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Peak value = 1 at bin = 214, Time0Bin = 214
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  TileInfo initialization completed. 
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Placed a TileInfo in Detector store with name TileInfo
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Empty file prefix, no files loaded
-AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO Initializing AthenaEventLoopMgr - package version AthenaServices-01-07-80
-LArCellContFake...   INFO LArCellContFakeWriter::initialize()
-LArCellContFake...  DEBUG  Found DetectorStore 
-CaloCell_IDDetD...   INFO in createObj: creating a CaloCell_ID helper object in the detector store
-LArEM_IDDetDesc...   INFO in createObj: creating a LArEM_ID helper object in the detector store
-LArEM_ID             INFO initialize_from_dictionary
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-LArHEC_IDDetDes...   INFO in createObj: creating a LArHEC_ID helper object in the detector store
-LArHEC_ID            INFO initialize_from_dictionary
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-LArFCAL_IDDetDe...   INFO in createObj: creating a LArFCAL_ID helper object in the detector store
-LArFCAL_ID           INFO initialize_from_dictionary
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=84e0aa9c-9018-11db-8914-003048836897
-LArFCAL_ID           INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/FCal2DNeighbors.txt
-LArFCAL_ID           INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/FCal3DNeighborsNext.txt
-LArFCAL_ID           INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/FCal3DNeighborsPrev.txt
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=84e0aa9c-9018-11db-8914-003048836897
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-LArCellContFake...  DEBUG  Found the CaloCell_ID helper. 
-CaloMgrDetDescrCnv   INFO in createObj: creating a Calo Detector Manager object in the detector store
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO in createObj: creating a CaloDescrManager object in the detector store
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set CaloCell_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloDM_IDDetDes...   INFO in createObj: creating a CaloDM_ID helper object in the detector store
-CaloDM_ID            INFO initialize_from_dictionary
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set CaloDM_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set CaloLVL1_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set LArEM_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set LArHEC_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set LArFCAL_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set TileID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO  Finished 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Initializing CaloIdMgr from values in CaloIdMgrDetDescrCnv 
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=84e0aa9c-9018-11db-8914-003048836897
-DetectorStore     WARNING retrieve(default): No valid proxy for default object 
- of type TileDetDescrManager(CLID 2941)
-CaloMgrDetDescrCnv  ERROR Could not get TileDetDescrManager
-DataProxy           FATAL accessData: ERROR conversion failed for data object 4548337/CaloMgr
- Throwing runtime_error  
-LArCellContFake...  ERROR Unable to retrieve CaloDetDescrManager from DetectorStore
-AthenaEventLoopMgr  ERROR Unable to initialize Algorithm: LArCellContFakeWriter
-AthenaEventLoopMgr  ERROR Failed to initialize base class MinimalEventLoopMgr
-ServiceManager      ERROR Unable to initialize Service: AthenaEventLoopMgr
-ApplicationMgr      FATAL finalize: Invalid state "Configured"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/LArCellContWriteRegStep3.ref b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/LArCellContWriteRegStep3.ref
deleted file mode 100755
index 9e4318e596376017d61b1650d96d807897c7655e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/LArCellContWriteRegStep3.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Compat.py"
-PropertyProxy        INFO Read module info for 1929 configurables from 585 rootmap files
-PluginMgr            INFO loaded plugin info for 2674 components
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Bootstrap.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaServices
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
-StatusCodeSvc        INFO initialize
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Services.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Atlas.UnixStandardJob.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "StoreGate/StoreGate_jobOptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : StoreGate, CLIDSvc, GaudiAud
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVSvc/IOVSvc.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IOVSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "DetDescrCnvSvc/DetStore_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : DetDescrCnvSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "IdDictDetDescrCnv/IdDictDetDescrCnv_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IdDictDetDescrCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolTest/LArCellContWriter_jobOptionsRegStep3.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/ReadAthenaPool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/AthenaPool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO Initializing ClassIDSvc - package version CLIDSvc-00-02-12
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 43 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
-ClassIDSvc           INFO ClassIDSvc Initialized successfully 
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 73 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : PoolSvc, AthenaPoolCnvSvc, DBDataModelAthenaPoolPoolCnv, EventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaSealSvc/AthenaSealSvc_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 73 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaSealSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaSealSvc
-['STLRflx', 'DetDescrDict']
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaSealSvc/AthenaSealSvcIgnore_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolServices/AthenaRootStreamerSvc_jobOptions.py"
-ServiceManager    WARNING Service factory for type AthenaRootStreamerSvc already declared
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 73 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaRootStreamerSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaRootStreamerSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasSealCLHEP/OldCLHEPStreamers_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 77 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventSelectorAthenaPool
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : EventSelectorAthenaPool
-Athena               INFO including file "RecExCond/RecExCommon_flags.py"
-py:RecExCommon_flags    INFO Executing RecExCommon_flags.py
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/AthenaCommonFlags.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "InDetRecExample/ConfiguredInDetFlags.py"
-py:RecExCommon_flags WARNING doAOD False and doWriteAOD True. Only meaningful for AOD->AOD copy 
-py:RecExCommon_flags WARNING no AOD objects available, cannot write out tag, switching doWriteTAG=False
-py:RecExCommon_flags    INFO TrackRecordFilter alg switched on. 
-Athena               INFO including file "RecExCond/AllDet_detDescr.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py"
-Athena            WARNING IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py - This file is obselete; conditions DB access should automatically be configured from detector geometry
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/CondDBConfig.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 82 CLIDRegistry entries for module IOVDbSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IOVDbSvc
-Athena               INFO Conditions database access configured for instance OFLP130 using connection type logical and account ATLAS_COOL_READER
-Athena               INFO including file "DetDescrDictionary/DetDescrDictionaryDict_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/SetGeometryVersion.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/GeoModelInit.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/CondDBSetup.py"
-Athena            WARNING Additional request to configure conditions DB OFLP130 ignored
-Athena               INFO including file "EventInfoMgt/EventInfoMgt_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 84 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventInfoMgt
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : EventInfoMgt
-EventInfoMgt jobOptions: Got release version  AtlasOffline-rel_6
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/GeoModelInitStandard.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "RDBAccessSvc/RDBAccessSvcPdb_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 84 CLIDRegistry entries for module RDBAccessSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : RDBAccessSvc
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 84 CLIDRegistry entries for module GeoModelSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : GeoModelSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/InDetGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/LArGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "TileIdCnv/TileIdCnv_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 139 CLIDRegistry entries for module TileIdCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TileIdCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloIdCnv/CaloIdCnv_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloConditions/LArTTCellMap_ATLAS_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloCondAthenaPool/CaloTTMap_Pool_Read.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 279 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
-LArTTCellMap configuration: newFcal=  False DetDescrVersion=  ATLAS-CSC-01-01-00
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloTriggerTool/CaloTriggerTool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 280 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloTriggerTool
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloTriggerTool
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 315 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloIdCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloIdCnv
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 374 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArGeoAlgsNV
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArGeoAlgsNV
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv/CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv_joboptions.py"
-now executing CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv_CaloDetDescrCnv
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 492 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/TileGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/MuonGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/MiscGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "TileIdCnv/TileIdCnv_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArDetDescr/LArDetDescr_joboptions.py"
-now initializing the LAr readout geometry : standard Atlas flavour
-Athena               INFO including file "LArIdCnv/LArIdCnv_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArTools/LArTools_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 506 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArTools
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArTools
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 533 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArIdCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArIdCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "LArConditionsCommon/LArConditionsCommon_MC_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py"
-Athena            WARNING IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py - This file is obselete; conditions DB access should automatically be configured from detector geometry
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCondAthenaPool/LArCondAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 1964 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "LArRawConditions/LArRawConditionsDict_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArConditionsCommon/LArIdMap_MC_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCondAthenaPool/LArCondAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
-Athena               INFO including file "LArRawConditions/LArRawConditionsDict_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloTools/CaloNoiseTool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 2614 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloTools
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloTools
-Athena              ERROR inconsistent case used in property name "DLLs" of ApplicationMgr
-     ==> After this line, a hack will be executed, attempting to rectify the
-     ==> problem just reported. Since this hack may fail, and since it is a
-     ==> rather temporary measure hack, this is an ERROR, not a WARNING.
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 2915 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCellRec
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCellRec
-Athena              ERROR inconsistent case used in property name "DLLs" of ApplicationMgr
-     ==> After this line, a hack will be executed, attempting to rectify the
-     ==> problem just reported. Since this hack may fail, and since it is a
-     ==> rather temporary measure hack, this is an ERROR, not a WARNING.
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3654 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCalibUtils
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCalibUtils
-Athena               INFO including file "TileConditions/TileConditions_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3654 CLIDRegistry entries for module TileConditions
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TileConditions
-Athena               INFO including file "TileConditions/TileNoiseOn_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCalibUtils/LArOFCTool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCalibUtils/LArAutoCorrTotalTool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "BFieldAth/BFieldAth_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3654 CLIDRegistry entries for module BFieldAth
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : BFieldAth
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3803 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaPoolTest
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3808 CLIDRegistry entries for module RegistrationServices
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaPoolTest, RegistrationServices
-Athena               INFO including file "EventAthenaPool/EventAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloAthenaPool/CaloAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 4270 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolTestAthenaPool/AthenaPoolTestAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 4325 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaPoolTestAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaPoolTestAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolTest/NoStats_jobOptions.py"
-Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class IProxyDict is available
-Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class IProxyDict is available
-ActiveStoreSvc       INFO Initializing ActiveStoreSvc - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/runbatch.py"
-Athena              ERROR Algorithm "RegStream1": type missing, no properties set
-     ==> After this line, a hack will be executed, attempting to rectify the
-     ==> problem just reported. Since this hack may fail, and since it is a
-     ==> rather temporary measure hack, this is an ERROR, not a WARNING.
-StatusCodeSvc        INFO initialize
-DetectorStore        INFO Initializing DetectorStore - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-EventPersistenc...   INFO "CnvServices": ["DetDescrCnvSvc", "AthenaPoolCnvSvc", "AthenaPoolCnvSvc"]
-ProxyProviderSvc     INFO Initializing ProxyProviderSvc - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-EventSelector        INFO Initializing EventSelector - package version EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-04-14
-AthenaPoolCnvSvc     INFO Initializing AthenaPoolCnvSvc - package version AthenaPoolCnvSvc-00-10-02
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:STLRflx
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:DetDescrDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:AtlasSealCLHEPDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:DetDescrDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:CaloTriggerToolDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:LArRawConditionsDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:LArRawConditionsDict
-PoolSvc              INFO POOL ReadCatalog is prfile:poolcond/PoolCat_oflcond.xml
-PoolSvc              INFO Resolved path is /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasCore/rel_6/InstallArea/share/poolcond/PoolCat_oflcond.xml
-PoolSvc              INFO No POOL WriteCatalog was specified--using POOL default.
-WARNING: $POOL_CATALOG is not defined
-using default `xmlcatalog_file:PoolFileCatalog.xml'
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO POOL/ROOT class loader initialized
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO 9 ROOT streamers declared
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPVec3dStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepVector3D added converter for checksum = 358881035
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepVector3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPPoint3dStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepPoint3D added converter for checksum = 1634550480
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepPoint3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPRotationStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepRotation added converter for checksum = 4141898558
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepRotation
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPGenMatrixStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepGenMatrix added converter for checksum = 21721098
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepGenMatrix
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPMatrixStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepMatrix added converter for checksum = 3811046672
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepMatrix
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPLorVecStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepLorentzVector added converter for checksum = 3077056266
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepLorentzVector
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPTransform3DStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepTransform3D added converter for checksum = 520750269
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepTransform3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEP3VectorStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for Hep3Vector added converter for checksum = 760000369
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class Hep3Vector
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPBasicVectorStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for BasicVector3D added converter for checksum = 2681080162
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class BasicVector3D
-ChronoStatSvc        INFO  Number of skipped events for MemStat-1
-AthenaPoolCnvSvc     INFO Loading POOL XMLAuthenticationService.
-EventSelector        INFO Create PoolCollectionConverter -  CollectionType: ImplicitROOT Connection:  InputCollection: SimplePoolFile1.root
-Error in <TFile::TFile>: file SimplePoolFile1.root does not exist
-SimplePoolFile1.root    Error You cannot open a ROOT file in mode READ if it does not exists. 
-  StorageSvc    Error Cannot connect to Database: FID=7A6D9C3E-1690-DB11-9864-003048836897 PFN=SimplePoolFile1.root
-ERROR (poolDb): 
-POOL> Unknown storage type requested:
-ImplicitCollection  Warning Cannot find persistency storage type. Trying ROOT_StorageType
-Error in <TFile::TFile>: file SimplePoolFile1.root does not exist
-SimplePoolFile1.root    Error You cannot open a ROOT file in mode READ if it does not exists. 
-  StorageSvc    Error Cannot connect to Database: FID=7A6D9C3E-1690-DB11-9864-003048836897 PFN=SimplePoolFile1.root
-EventSelector       ERROR St9exception
-ServiceManager    WARNING Unable to initialize service "EventSelector" No service returned
-free(): invalid pointer 0xb6a7451c!
-ProxyProviderSvc    ERROR ServiceLocatorHelper::createService: can not create service EventSelector of type EventSelector
-ProxyProviderSvc    ERROR  getting Address Provider EventSelector
-ProxyProviderSv...  FATAL  Exception with tag=ProxyProviderSvc::providerNamesPropertyHandle is caught 
-ProxyProviderSv...  ERROR ProxyProviderSvc::providerNamesPropertyHandle	Failed to locate address provider	 StatusCode=FAILURE
-ServiceManager    WARNING Unable to initialize service "ProxyProviderSvc" No service returned
-DetectorStore       ERROR ServiceLocatorHelper::createService: can not create service ProxyProviderSvc
-DetectorStore       ERROR Could not get pointer to ProxyProvider Service
-ServiceManager      ERROR Unable to initialize Service: DetectorStore
-ApplicationMgr      FATAL finalize: Invalid state "Configured"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/LArCellContWriteStep1.ref b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/LArCellContWriteStep1.ref
deleted file mode 100755
index 659708ce089536f033898b441c45e991fd5ac65b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/LArCellContWriteStep1.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,527 +0,0 @@
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Compat.py"
-PropertyProxy        INFO Read module info for 1929 configurables from 585 rootmap files
-PluginMgr            INFO loaded plugin info for 2674 components
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Bootstrap.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaServices
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
-StatusCodeSvc        INFO initialize
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Services.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Atlas.UnixStandardJob.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "StoreGate/StoreGate_jobOptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : StoreGate, CLIDSvc, GaudiAud
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVSvc/IOVSvc.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IOVSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "DetDescrCnvSvc/DetStore_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : DetDescrCnvSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "IdDictDetDescrCnv/IdDictDetDescrCnv_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IdDictDetDescrCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolTest/LArCellContWriter_jobOptionsStep1.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Atlas_Gen.UnixStandardJob.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : McEventSelector
-Athena               INFO including file "RecExCond/RecExCommon_flags.py"
-py:RecExCommon_flags    INFO Executing RecExCommon_flags.py
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/AthenaCommonFlags.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "InDetRecExample/ConfiguredInDetFlags.py"
-py:RecExCommon_flags WARNING doAOD False and doWriteAOD True. Only meaningful for AOD->AOD copy 
-py:RecExCommon_flags WARNING no AOD objects available, cannot write out tag, switching doWriteTAG=False
-py:RecExCommon_flags    INFO TrackRecordFilter alg switched on. 
-Athena               INFO including file "RecExCond/AllDet_detDescr.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py"
-Athena            WARNING IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py - This file is obselete; conditions DB access should automatically be configured from detector geometry
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/CondDBConfig.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/AthenaPool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO Initializing ClassIDSvc - package version CLIDSvc-00-02-12
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 45 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
-ClassIDSvc           INFO ClassIDSvc Initialized successfully 
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 75 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : PoolSvc, AthenaPoolCnvSvc, DBDataModelAthenaPoolPoolCnv, EventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaSealSvc/AthenaSealSvc_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 75 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaSealSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaSealSvc
-['STLRflx', 'DetDescrDict']
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaSealSvc/AthenaSealSvcIgnore_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolServices/AthenaRootStreamerSvc_jobOptions.py"
-ServiceManager    WARNING Service factory for type AthenaRootStreamerSvc already declared
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 75 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaRootStreamerSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaRootStreamerSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasSealCLHEP/OldCLHEPStreamers_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 80 CLIDRegistry entries for module IOVDbSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IOVDbSvc
-Athena               INFO Conditions database access configured for instance OFLP130 using connection type logical and account ATLAS_COOL_READER
-Athena               INFO including file "DetDescrDictionary/DetDescrDictionaryDict_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/SetGeometryVersion.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/GeoModelInit.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/CondDBSetup.py"
-Athena            WARNING Additional request to configure conditions DB OFLP130 ignored
-Athena               INFO including file "EventInfoMgt/EventInfoMgt_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 82 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventInfoMgt
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : EventInfoMgt
-EventInfoMgt jobOptions: Got release version  AtlasOffline-rel_6
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/GeoModelInitStandard.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "RDBAccessSvc/RDBAccessSvcPdb_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 82 CLIDRegistry entries for module RDBAccessSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : RDBAccessSvc
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 82 CLIDRegistry entries for module GeoModelSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : GeoModelSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/InDetGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/LArGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "TileIdCnv/TileIdCnv_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 137 CLIDRegistry entries for module TileIdCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TileIdCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloIdCnv/CaloIdCnv_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloConditions/LArTTCellMap_ATLAS_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloCondAthenaPool/CaloTTMap_Pool_Read.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 277 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 281 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventSelectorAthenaPool
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : EventSelectorAthenaPool
-LArTTCellMap configuration: newFcal=  False DetDescrVersion=  ATLAS-CSC-01-01-00
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloTriggerTool/CaloTriggerTool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 282 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloTriggerTool
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloTriggerTool
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 317 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloIdCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloIdCnv
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 376 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArGeoAlgsNV
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArGeoAlgsNV
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv/CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv_joboptions.py"
-now executing CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv_CaloDetDescrCnv
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 494 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/TileGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/MuonGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/MiscGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "TileIdCnv/TileIdCnv_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArDetDescr/LArDetDescr_joboptions.py"
-now initializing the LAr readout geometry : standard Atlas flavour
-Athena               INFO including file "LArIdCnv/LArIdCnv_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArTools/LArTools_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 508 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArTools
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArTools
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 535 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArIdCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArIdCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "LArConditionsCommon/LArConditionsCommon_MC_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py"
-Athena            WARNING IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py - This file is obselete; conditions DB access should automatically be configured from detector geometry
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCondAthenaPool/LArCondAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 1966 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "LArRawConditions/LArRawConditionsDict_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArConditionsCommon/LArIdMap_MC_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCondAthenaPool/LArCondAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
-Athena               INFO including file "LArRawConditions/LArRawConditionsDict_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloTools/CaloNoiseTool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 2616 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloTools
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloTools
-Athena              ERROR inconsistent case used in property name "DLLs" of ApplicationMgr
-     ==> After this line, a hack will be executed, attempting to rectify the
-     ==> problem just reported. Since this hack may fail, and since it is a
-     ==> rather temporary measure hack, this is an ERROR, not a WARNING.
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 2917 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCellRec
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCellRec
-Athena              ERROR inconsistent case used in property name "DLLs" of ApplicationMgr
-     ==> After this line, a hack will be executed, attempting to rectify the
-     ==> problem just reported. Since this hack may fail, and since it is a
-     ==> rather temporary measure hack, this is an ERROR, not a WARNING.
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3656 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCalibUtils
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCalibUtils
-Athena               INFO including file "TileConditions/TileConditions_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3656 CLIDRegistry entries for module TileConditions
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TileConditions
-Athena               INFO including file "TileConditions/TileNoiseOn_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCalibUtils/LArOFCTool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCalibUtils/LArAutoCorrTotalTool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "BFieldAth/BFieldAth_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3656 CLIDRegistry entries for module BFieldAth
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : BFieldAth
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/WriteAthenaPool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "OutputStreamAthenaPool/OutputStreamAthenaPool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3659 CLIDRegistry entries for module OutputStreamAthenaPool
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : OutputStreamAthenaPool
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3808 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaPoolTest
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaPoolTest
-Athena               INFO including file "EventAthenaPool/EventAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloAthenaPool/CaloAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 4270 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolTest/NoStats_jobOptions.py"
-Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class IProxyDict is available
-Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class IProxyDict is available
-ActiveStoreSvc       INFO Initializing ActiveStoreSvc - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/runbatch.py"
-Athena              ERROR Algorithm "Stream1": not in TopAlg or other known list, no properties set
-     ==> After this line, a hack will be executed, attempting to rectify the
-     ==> problem just reported. Since this hack may fail, and since it is a
-     ==> rather temporary measure hack, this is an ERROR, not a WARNING.
-StatusCodeSvc        INFO initialize
-DetectorStore        INFO Initializing DetectorStore - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-EventPersistenc...   INFO "CnvServices": ["DetDescrCnvSvc", "McCnvSvc", "AthenaPoolCnvSvc", "AthenaPoolCnvSvc"]
-ProxyProviderSvc     INFO Initializing ProxyProviderSvc - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-IOVDbSvc             INFO Found ProxyProviderSvc 
-IOVSvc               INFO IOVRanges will be checked at every Event
-IOVDbSvc             INFO Service IOVDbSvc initialised successfully
-IOVDbSvc             INFO DbConnections are managed (opened when needed)
-EventSelector        INFO  Enter McEventSelector Initialization 
-EventSelector        INFO  McEventSelector Initialized Properly ... 
-CondProxyProvider    INFO Initializing CondProxyProvider - package version EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-04-14
-AthenaPoolCnvSvc     INFO Initializing AthenaPoolCnvSvc - package version AthenaPoolCnvSvc-00-10-02
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:STLRflx
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:DetDescrDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:AtlasSealCLHEPDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:DetDescrDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:CaloTriggerToolDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:LArRawConditionsDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:LArRawConditionsDict
-PoolSvc              INFO POOL ReadCatalog is prfile:poolcond/PoolCat_oflcond.xml
-PoolSvc              INFO Resolved path is /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasCore/rel_6/InstallArea/share/poolcond/PoolCat_oflcond.xml
-PoolSvc              INFO No POOL WriteCatalog was specified--using POOL default.
-WARNING: $POOL_CATALOG is not defined
-using default `xmlcatalog_file:PoolFileCatalog.xml'
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO POOL/ROOT class loader initialized
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO 9 ROOT streamers declared
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPVec3dStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepVector3D added converter for checksum = 358881035
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepVector3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPPoint3dStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepPoint3D added converter for checksum = 1634550480
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepPoint3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPRotationStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepRotation added converter for checksum = 4141898558
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepRotation
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPGenMatrixStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepGenMatrix added converter for checksum = 21721098
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepGenMatrix
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPMatrixStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepMatrix added converter for checksum = 3811046672
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepMatrix
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPLorVecStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepLorentzVector added converter for checksum = 3077056266
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepLorentzVector
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPTransform3DStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepTransform3D added converter for checksum = 520750269
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepTransform3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEP3VectorStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for Hep3Vector added converter for checksum = 760000369
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class Hep3Vector
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPBasicVectorStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for BasicVector3D added converter for checksum = 2681080162
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class BasicVector3D
-ChronoStatSvc        INFO  Number of skipped events for MemStat-1
-AthenaPoolCnvSvc     INFO Loading POOL XMLAuthenticationService.
-CondProxyProvider    INFO Create PoolCollectionConverter -  InputCollection: LFN:oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000._0047.pool.root
-/afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/vol0/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000._0047.pool.root   Always Root file version:51200
-CondProxyProvider    INFO ----- CondProxyProvider Initialized Properly
-IOVDbSvc             INFO  
-RalDatabaseSvc     Info Instantiate the RalDatabaseSvc
-RalSessionMgr     Info Instantiate a RalSessionMgr for 'COOL_LAR/OFLP130'
-RalSessionMgr     Info Load the CORAL connection service
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Loading default plugin for coral::IRelationalService: CORAL/Services/RelationalService
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "frontier" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "mysql" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "oracle" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "sqlite" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "frontier" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "mysql" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "oracle" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "sqlite" is native
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Loading default plugin for coral::ILookupService: CORAL/Services/XMLLookupService
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Loading default plugin for coral::IAuthenticationService: CORAL/Services/XMLAuthenticationService
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService  Warning Failure while attempting to start a session on connection sqlite_file:sqlite130/ALLP130.db: CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Session::connect" from " cannot open read-only connection to non-existing /afs/cern.ch/user/s/schaffer/w1/public1/work-12.3.0-test/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/AthenaPoolTest-00-00-99/run/sqlite130/ALLP130.db" )
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Read-Only Connection to service oracle://ATLAS_COOLPROD established. Id=4a28333a-9017-11db-8891-003048836897
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://ATLAS_COOLPROD started for user ATLAS_COOL_READER. Id=4a28333a-9017-11db-8891-003048836897
-RelationalDatabase  Warning Release number backward compatibility - NO SCHEMA EVOLUTION REQUIRED: database with OLDER release number 1.3.1 will be opened using CURRENT client release number 1.3.3
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCRamp-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCRamp-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/Ramp
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCAutoCorr-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCAutoCorr-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/AutoCorr
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCDAC2uA-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCDAC2uA-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/DAC2uA
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCPedestal-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCPedestal-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/Pedestal
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCNoise-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCNoise-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/Noise
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCfSampl-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCfSampl-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/fSampl
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCuA2MeV-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCuA2MeV-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/uA2MeV
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCMinBias-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCMinBias-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/MinBias
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCShape-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCShape-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/Shape
-/afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/vol0/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000._0011.pool.root   Always Root file version:51000
-/afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/vol0/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000._0015.pool.root   Always Root file version:51000
-StoreGateSvc         INFO Initializing StoreGateSvc - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-IOVDbSvc             INFO  
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  initializing 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO Found DetectorStore service
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling proxies for detector managers 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for InDetMgr with CLID 2512 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for MuonMgr with CLID 4060 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloTTMgr with CLID 117659265 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloMgr with CLID 4548337 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloIdManager with CLID 125856940 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArIdManager with CLID 79554919 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for IdDict with CLID 2411 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for AtlasID with CLID 164875623 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for PixelID with CLID 2516 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for SCT_ID with CLID 2517 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TRT_ID with CLID 2518 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for SiliconID with CLID 129452393 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArEM_ID with CLID 163583365 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArHEC_ID with CLID 3870484 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArFCAL_ID with CLID 45738051 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArOnlineID with CLID 158698068 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArTTOnlineID with CLID 184978 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArHVLineID with CLID 27863673 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArElectrodeID with CLID 80757351 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TileID with CLID 2901 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TileHWID with CLID 2902 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TileTBID with CLID 2903 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for MDTIDHELPER with CLID 4170 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CSCIDHELPER with CLID 4171 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for RPCIDHELPER with CLID 4172 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TGCIDHELPER with CLID 4173 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloLVL1_ID with CLID 108133391 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloCell_ID with CLID 123500438 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloDM_ID with CLID 167756483 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-GeoModelSvc          INFO LArDetectorToolNV appended to detector list
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "frontier" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "mysql" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "oracle" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "sqlite" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "frontier" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "mysql" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "oracle" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "sqlite" is native
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Loading default plugin for coral::ILookupService: CORAL/Services/XMLLookupService
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Loading default plugin for coral::IAuthenticationService: CORAL/Services/XMLAuthenticationService
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService  Warning Failure while attempting to start a session on connection sqlite_file:geomDB/geomDB_sqlite: CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Session::connect" from " cannot open read-only connection to non-existing /afs/cern.ch/user/s/schaffer/w1/public1/work-12.3.0-test/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/AthenaPoolTest-00-00-99/run/geomDB/geomDB_sqlite" )
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Read-Only Connection to service oracle://atlas_dd established. Id=4bdc98ba-9017-11db-8891-003048836897
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=4bdc98ba-9017-11db-8891-003048836897
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=4bdc98ba-9017-11db-8891-003048836897
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO Keys for LAr are ATLAS-CSC-01-01-00  ATLAS
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO LArDetectorToolNV:  Detector Information coming from the database and job options IGNORED.
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO Creating the LAr 
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO LAr Geometry Options:
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO   Sagging           = false
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO   Barrel            = ON
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO   Endcap            = ON
-ExpHall Parameters defined
-in RALEmb :   Atlas version ATLAS-CSC-01-01-00
-              LAr   version 
-       LAr version LAr-Misaligned-01
-Barrel Parameters defined
-Emec Parameters defined
-HEC Parameters defined
-LArMaterialManager   INFO ---- THIN absorber characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction pb,fe,gl: 0.749275,0.183746,0.0669791
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness: 1.06611e+20 ,2.20337
-LArMaterialManager   INFO  Contraction 0.997
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thinabs Density =  7.82239
-LArMaterialManager   INFO ---- THICK absorber characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction pb,fe,gl: 0.827772,0.149862,0.022366
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness: 1.30716e+20 ,2.20337
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thickabs Density =  9.59105 
-LArMaterialManager   INFO ---- Electrode characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction Cu, Kapton: 0.791253,0.208747
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness:7.42115e+18 ,0.275
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Electrode Density =  4.37083
-LArMaterialManager   INFO ---- Mother Board characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction Cu, G10: 0.46077,0.53923
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness:7.64634e+19 ,4.3
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   M_board Density =  2.84902
-LArMaterialManager   INFO 
----- EMEC THIN absorber characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thickness pb,fe,gl,[mm]=1.69 0.4 0.2
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction  pb,fe,gl     =0.846212,0.138877,0.0149112
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness  =1.41479e+20 ,2.29
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thinabs Density        =9.9881
----- EMEC THIN absorber characteristics: ----
-  Thickness pb,fe,gl,[mm]=1.69 0.4 0.2
-  Fraction  pb,fe,gl     =0.846212,0.138877,0.0149112
-  Total mass, Thickness  =1.41479e+20 ,2.29
-  Thinabs Density        =9.9881
-LArMaterialManager   INFO ---- EMEC THICK absorber characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thickness pb,fe,gl[mm]=2.2 0.4 0.2
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction  pb,fe,gl:    0.877495,0.110627,0.011878
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness: 1.77608e+20 ,2.8
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thickabs Density =     10.2549 
-Sagging in geometry 0
-BarrelConstruction   INFO ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-+                                                  +
-+         Start of Barrel EM GeoModel definition   +
-+                                                  +
-idat 0 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1500.02 0.106187 46.2025 0 0 0.79988
-idat 1 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1521 0.569751 45.0574 0 0 0.79893
-idat 2 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1559.66 -0.573092 43.3446 0 0 0.79729
-idat 3 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1597.2 0.576518 42.4478 0 0 0.79615
-idat 4 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1634.57 -0.579943 40.9436 0 0 0.79532
-idat 5 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1671.02 0.582296 40.2251 0 0 0.79493
-idat 6 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1707.43 -0.585638 38.8752 0 0 0.79473
-idat 7 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1743.07 0.588207 38.2915 0 0 0.79483
-idat 8 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1778.76 -0.590596 37.0608 0 0 0.79519
-idat 9 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1813.75 0.59285 36.5831 0 0 0.79576
-idat 10 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1848.87 -0.595587 35.4475 0 0 0.79655
-idat 11 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1883.36 0.59744 35.0556 0 0 0.79747
-idat 12 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1918.02 -0.599714 33.9977 0 0 0.79856
-idat 13 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1952.1 0.601911 33.6767 0 0 0.7999
-idat 14 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1970.48 0.0811661 90 0 0 0.80067
-Getting primary numbers for ATLAS, ATLAS-CSC-01-01-00
-InnerWheel,z(0)=0 rmin=302.306 rmax=610.38
-           z(1)=514 rmin=344.279 rmax=695.336
-OuterWheel,z(0)=0 rmin=613.38 rmax=1999.87
-           z(1)=63.1752 rmin=623.822 rmax=2034
-           z(2)=514 rmin=698.336 rmax=2034
-LArWheelCalculator   INFO  LArWheelCalculator::inner_wheel_ini: AlfInt,ext[deg]=107 64.5 ROpt[mm]=323.292 654.358 ZlOpt[mm]=52.2012 75.8952 RminA= 300 RmaxA= 800 RstepA= 0.01
-LArWheelCalculator   INFO  LArWheelCalculator::outer_wheel_ini: AlfInt,ext[deg]=122.5 59 ROpt[mm]=654.358 2034 ZlOpt[mm]=32.0362 53.2691 RminA= 600 RmaxA= 2100 RstepA= 0.01
- *** EMECSupportConstruction: contract,contract_e=0.997 0.996388
- *** EMECSupportConstruction: Barrett thickness: inner,outer, electrode[mm]=2.7916 2.28313 0.274007
-InnerWheel,z(0)=0 rmin=302.306 rmax=610.38
-           z(1)=514 rmin=344.279 rmax=695.336
-OuterWheel,z(0)=0 rmin=613.38 rmax=1999.87
-           z(1)=63.1752 rmin=623.822 rmax=2034
-           z(2)=514 rmin=698.336 rmax=2034
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO Default LAr DetCondKeyTrans stored with StoreGate key /LAr/Align
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Initializing TileInfoLoader
-EventPersistenc...   INFO Added successfully Conversion service:DetDescrCnvSvc
-CaloLVL1_IDDetD...   INFO in createObj: creating a CaloLVL1_ID helper object in the detector store
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO in initialize
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO in createObj: creating a IdDictManager object in the detector store
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO IdDictName:  IdDictParser/ATLAS_IDS.xml
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=4bdc98ba-9017-11db-8891-003048836897
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Reading InnerDetector    IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictInnerDetector.xml
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Reading LArCalorimeter   IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictLArCalorimeter_DC3-05.xml
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Reading TileCalorimeter  IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictTileCalorimeter.xml
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Reading Calorimeter      IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictCalorimeter_DC3-05.xml
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Reading MuonSpectrometer IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictMuonSpectrometer_R.01.xml
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Found id dicts:
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Using dictionary tag: destaged_layout
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary ATLAS                version default              DetDescr tag (using default)
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary Calorimeter          version default              DetDescr tag CaloIdentifier-DC3-05
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary InnerDetector        version default              DetDescr tag InDetIdentifier-05
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary LArCalorimeter       version fullAtlas            DetDescr tag LArIdentifier-DC3-05
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary LArElectrode         version fullAtlas            DetDescr tag (using default)
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary LArHighVoltage       version fullAtlas            DetDescr tag (using default)
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary MuonSpectrometer     version R.01                 DetDescr tag MuonIdentifier-02
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary TileCalorimeter      version fullAtlasAndTestBeam DetDescr tag TileIdentifier-00
-CaloLVL1_ID          INFO initialize_from_dictionary
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-TileIDDetDescrCnv    INFO in createObj: creating a TileID helper object in the detector store
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=4bdc98ba-9017-11db-8891-003048836897
-TileID               INFO initialize_from_dictionary 
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-TileNeighbour        INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/TileNeighbour.txt
-TileTBIDDetDesc...   INFO in createObj: creating a TileTBID helper object in the detector store
-TileTBID             INFO initialize_from_dictionary 
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-TileHWIDDetDesc...   INFO in createObj: creating a TileHWID helper object in the detector store
-TileHWID             INFO initialize_from_dictionary 
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Set CaloLVL1 TileID, TileTBID and TileHWID helpers in TileCablingService 
-TileInfoLoader       INFO TileNoise=true,  digitsNoiseSigmaHi=1.6, digitsNoiseSigmaLo=0.8
-TileInfoLoader       INFO digitsResolutionHi=-9999, setting it equal to digitsNoiseSigmaHi
-TileInfoLoader       INFO digitsResolutionLo=-9999, setting it equal to digitsNoiseSigmaLo
-TileInfoLoader       INFO TileZeroSuppress=false,  ThresholdRawChannel=-3, ThresholdDigits=-2
-TileInfoLoader       INFO TTL1Calib=4.1, TileTTL1Thresh=5, TTL1NoiseSigma=2.5, TTL1Ped=0
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TileNoise = 1
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TileCoherNoise = 0
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  DigitsNoiseSigmaHi = 1.6
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  DigitsNoiseSigmaLo = 0.8
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  DigitsResolutionHi = 1.6
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  DigitsResolutionLo = 0.8
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TileZeroSuppress = 0
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  ThresholdRawChannel = -3
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  ThresholdDigits = -2
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TTL1Calib = 4.1
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TTL1NoiseSigma = 2.5
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TTL1Thresh = 5
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TTL1Ped = 0
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  nPhElec = 70
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  nPhElecVec[0] = 70
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  nPhElecVec[1] = 70
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  nPhElecVec[2] = 70
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  nPhElecVec[3] = 70
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/TileDigitsShape_v02.txt
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/pulsehi_physics.dat
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/pulselo_physics.dat
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/pulse_adder_tower_physics.dat
-TileInfoLoader       INFO 601 number of bins in shaping function
-TileInfoLoader       INFO 214 index of in-time bin
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  50 bins per beam crossing
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Peak value = 1 at bin = 214, Time0Bin = 214
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/pulse_adder_muon_physics.dat
-TileInfoLoader       INFO 651 number of bins in shaping function
-TileInfoLoader       INFO 214 index of in-time bin
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  50 bins per beam crossing
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Peak value = 1 at bin = 214, Time0Bin = 214
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  TileInfo initialization completed. 
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Placed a TileInfo in Detector store with name TileInfo
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Empty file prefix, no files loaded
-AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO Initializing AthenaEventLoopMgr - package version AthenaServices-01-07-80
-LArCellContFake...   INFO LArCellContFakeWriter::initialize()
-LArCellContFake...  DEBUG  Found DetectorStore 
-CaloCell_IDDetD...   INFO in createObj: creating a CaloCell_ID helper object in the detector store
-LArEM_IDDetDesc...   INFO in createObj: creating a LArEM_ID helper object in the detector store
-LArEM_ID             INFO initialize_from_dictionary
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-LArHEC_IDDetDes...   INFO in createObj: creating a LArHEC_ID helper object in the detector store
-LArHEC_ID            INFO initialize_from_dictionary
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-LArFCAL_IDDetDe...   INFO in createObj: creating a LArFCAL_ID helper object in the detector store
-LArFCAL_ID           INFO initialize_from_dictionary
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=4bdc98ba-9017-11db-8891-003048836897
-LArFCAL_ID           INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/FCal2DNeighbors.txt
-LArFCAL_ID           INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/FCal3DNeighborsNext.txt
-LArFCAL_ID           INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/FCal3DNeighborsPrev.txt
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=4bdc98ba-9017-11db-8891-003048836897
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-LArCellContFake...  DEBUG  Found the CaloCell_ID helper. 
-CaloMgrDetDescrCnv   INFO in createObj: creating a Calo Detector Manager object in the detector store
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO in createObj: creating a CaloDescrManager object in the detector store
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set CaloCell_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloDM_IDDetDes...   INFO in createObj: creating a CaloDM_ID helper object in the detector store
-CaloDM_ID            INFO initialize_from_dictionary
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set CaloDM_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set CaloLVL1_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set LArEM_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set LArHEC_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set LArFCAL_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set TileID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO  Finished 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Initializing CaloIdMgr from values in CaloIdMgrDetDescrCnv 
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=4bdc98ba-9017-11db-8891-003048836897
-DetectorStore     WARNING retrieve(default): No valid proxy for default object 
- of type TileDetDescrManager(CLID 2941)
-CaloMgrDetDescrCnv  ERROR Could not get TileDetDescrManager
-DataProxy           FATAL accessData: ERROR conversion failed for data object 4548337/CaloMgr
- Throwing runtime_error  
-LArCellContFake...  ERROR Unable to retrieve CaloDetDescrManager from DetectorStore
-AthenaEventLoopMgr  ERROR Unable to initialize Algorithm: LArCellContFakeWriter
-AthenaEventLoopMgr  ERROR Failed to initialize base class MinimalEventLoopMgr
-ServiceManager      ERROR Unable to initialize Service: AthenaEventLoopMgr
-ApplicationMgr      FATAL finalize: Invalid state "Configured"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/LArCellContWriteStep2.ref b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/LArCellContWriteStep2.ref
deleted file mode 100755
index aae72ea60ee59ec29197d6eb3725a13e1d50ecea..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/share/LArCellContWriteStep2.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,527 +0,0 @@
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Compat.py"
-PropertyProxy        INFO Read module info for 1929 configurables from 585 rootmap files
-PluginMgr            INFO loaded plugin info for 2674 components
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Bootstrap.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaServices
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
-StatusCodeSvc        INFO initialize
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Services.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Atlas.UnixStandardJob.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "StoreGate/StoreGate_jobOptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : StoreGate, CLIDSvc, GaudiAud
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVSvc/IOVSvc.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IOVSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "DetDescrCnvSvc/DetStore_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : DetDescrCnvSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "IdDictDetDescrCnv/IdDictDetDescrCnv_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IdDictDetDescrCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolTest/LArCellContWriter_jobOptionsStep2.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Atlas_Gen.UnixStandardJob.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : McEventSelector
-Athena               INFO including file "RecExCond/RecExCommon_flags.py"
-py:RecExCommon_flags    INFO Executing RecExCommon_flags.py
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/AthenaCommonFlags.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "InDetRecExample/ConfiguredInDetFlags.py"
-py:RecExCommon_flags WARNING doAOD False and doWriteAOD True. Only meaningful for AOD->AOD copy 
-py:RecExCommon_flags WARNING no AOD objects available, cannot write out tag, switching doWriteTAG=False
-py:RecExCommon_flags    INFO TrackRecordFilter alg switched on. 
-Athena               INFO including file "RecExCond/AllDet_detDescr.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py"
-Athena            WARNING IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py - This file is obselete; conditions DB access should automatically be configured from detector geometry
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/CondDBConfig.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/AthenaPool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO Initializing ClassIDSvc - package version CLIDSvc-00-02-12
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 45 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
-ClassIDSvc           INFO ClassIDSvc Initialized successfully 
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 75 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : PoolSvc, AthenaPoolCnvSvc, DBDataModelAthenaPoolPoolCnv, EventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaSealSvc/AthenaSealSvc_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 75 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaSealSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaSealSvc
-['STLRflx', 'DetDescrDict']
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaSealSvc/AthenaSealSvcIgnore_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolServices/AthenaRootStreamerSvc_jobOptions.py"
-ServiceManager    WARNING Service factory for type AthenaRootStreamerSvc already declared
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 75 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaRootStreamerSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaRootStreamerSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasSealCLHEP/OldCLHEPStreamers_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 80 CLIDRegistry entries for module IOVDbSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IOVDbSvc
-Athena               INFO Conditions database access configured for instance OFLP130 using connection type logical and account ATLAS_COOL_READER
-Athena               INFO including file "DetDescrDictionary/DetDescrDictionaryDict_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/SetGeometryVersion.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/GeoModelInit.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/CondDBSetup.py"
-Athena            WARNING Additional request to configure conditions DB OFLP130 ignored
-Athena               INFO including file "EventInfoMgt/EventInfoMgt_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 82 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventInfoMgt
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : EventInfoMgt
-EventInfoMgt jobOptions: Got release version  AtlasOffline-rel_6
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/GeoModelInitStandard.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "RDBAccessSvc/RDBAccessSvcPdb_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 82 CLIDRegistry entries for module RDBAccessSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : RDBAccessSvc
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 82 CLIDRegistry entries for module GeoModelSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : GeoModelSvc
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/InDetGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/LArGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "TileIdCnv/TileIdCnv_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 137 CLIDRegistry entries for module TileIdCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TileIdCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloIdCnv/CaloIdCnv_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloConditions/LArTTCellMap_ATLAS_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloCondAthenaPool/CaloTTMap_Pool_Read.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 277 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 281 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventSelectorAthenaPool
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : EventSelectorAthenaPool
-LArTTCellMap configuration: newFcal=  False DetDescrVersion=  ATLAS-CSC-01-01-00
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloTriggerTool/CaloTriggerTool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 282 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloTriggerTool
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloTriggerTool
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 317 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloIdCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloIdCnv
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 376 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArGeoAlgsNV
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArGeoAlgsNV
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv/CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv_joboptions.py"
-now executing CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv_CaloDetDescrCnv
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 494 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/TileGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/MuonGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/MiscGeoModel.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "TileIdCnv/TileIdCnv_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArDetDescr/LArDetDescr_joboptions.py"
-now initializing the LAr readout geometry : standard Atlas flavour
-Athena               INFO including file "LArIdCnv/LArIdCnv_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArTools/LArTools_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 508 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArTools
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArTools
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 535 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArIdCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArIdCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "LArConditionsCommon/LArConditionsCommon_MC_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py"
-Athena            WARNING IOVDbSvc/IOVRecExCommon.py - This file is obselete; conditions DB access should automatically be configured from detector geometry
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCondAthenaPool/LArCondAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 1966 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "LArRawConditions/LArRawConditionsDict_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArConditionsCommon/LArIdMap_MC_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCondAthenaPool/LArCondAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
-Athena               INFO including file "LArRawConditions/LArRawConditionsDict_joboptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloTools/CaloNoiseTool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 2616 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloTools
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloTools
-Athena              ERROR inconsistent case used in property name "DLLs" of ApplicationMgr
-     ==> After this line, a hack will be executed, attempting to rectify the
-     ==> problem just reported. Since this hack may fail, and since it is a
-     ==> rather temporary measure hack, this is an ERROR, not a WARNING.
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 2917 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCellRec
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCellRec
-Athena              ERROR inconsistent case used in property name "DLLs" of ApplicationMgr
-     ==> After this line, a hack will be executed, attempting to rectify the
-     ==> problem just reported. Since this hack may fail, and since it is a
-     ==> rather temporary measure hack, this is an ERROR, not a WARNING.
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3656 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCalibUtils
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCalibUtils
-Athena               INFO including file "TileConditions/TileConditions_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3656 CLIDRegistry entries for module TileConditions
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TileConditions
-Athena               INFO including file "TileConditions/TileNoiseOn_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCalibUtils/LArOFCTool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "LArCalibUtils/LArAutoCorrTotalTool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "BFieldAth/BFieldAth_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3656 CLIDRegistry entries for module BFieldAth
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : BFieldAth
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/WriteAthenaPool_jobOptions.py"
-Athena               INFO including file "OutputStreamAthenaPool/OutputStreamAthenaPool_jobOptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3659 CLIDRegistry entries for module OutputStreamAthenaPool
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : OutputStreamAthenaPool
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3808 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaPoolTest
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaPoolTest
-Athena               INFO including file "EventAthenaPool/EventAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
-Athena               INFO including file "CaloAthenaPool/CaloAthenaPool_joboptions.py"
-ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 4270 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloAthenaPoolPoolCnv
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolTest/NoStats_jobOptions.py"
-Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class IProxyDict is available
-Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class IProxyDict is available
-ActiveStoreSvc       INFO Initializing ActiveStoreSvc - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/runbatch.py"
-Athena              ERROR Algorithm "Stream1": not in TopAlg or other known list, no properties set
-     ==> After this line, a hack will be executed, attempting to rectify the
-     ==> problem just reported. Since this hack may fail, and since it is a
-     ==> rather temporary measure hack, this is an ERROR, not a WARNING.
-StatusCodeSvc        INFO initialize
-DetectorStore        INFO Initializing DetectorStore - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-EventPersistenc...   INFO "CnvServices": ["DetDescrCnvSvc", "McCnvSvc", "AthenaPoolCnvSvc", "AthenaPoolCnvSvc"]
-ProxyProviderSvc     INFO Initializing ProxyProviderSvc - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-IOVDbSvc             INFO Found ProxyProviderSvc 
-IOVSvc               INFO IOVRanges will be checked at every Event
-IOVDbSvc             INFO Service IOVDbSvc initialised successfully
-IOVDbSvc             INFO DbConnections are managed (opened when needed)
-EventSelector        INFO  Enter McEventSelector Initialization 
-EventSelector        INFO  McEventSelector Initialized Properly ... 
-CondProxyProvider    INFO Initializing CondProxyProvider - package version EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-04-14
-AthenaPoolCnvSvc     INFO Initializing AthenaPoolCnvSvc - package version AthenaPoolCnvSvc-00-10-02
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:STLRflx
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:DetDescrDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:AtlasSealCLHEPDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:DetDescrDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:CaloTriggerToolDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:LArRawConditionsDict
-AthenaSealSvc        INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:LArRawConditionsDict
-PoolSvc              INFO POOL ReadCatalog is prfile:poolcond/PoolCat_oflcond.xml
-PoolSvc              INFO Resolved path is /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasCore/rel_6/InstallArea/share/poolcond/PoolCat_oflcond.xml
-PoolSvc              INFO No POOL WriteCatalog was specified--using POOL default.
-WARNING: $POOL_CATALOG is not defined
-using default `xmlcatalog_file:PoolFileCatalog.xml'
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO POOL/ROOT class loader initialized
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO 9 ROOT streamers declared
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPVec3dStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepVector3D added converter for checksum = 358881035
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepVector3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPPoint3dStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepPoint3D added converter for checksum = 1634550480
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepPoint3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPRotationStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepRotation added converter for checksum = 4141898558
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepRotation
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPGenMatrixStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepGenMatrix added converter for checksum = 21721098
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepGenMatrix
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPMatrixStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepMatrix added converter for checksum = 3811046672
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepMatrix
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPLorVecStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepLorentzVector added converter for checksum = 3077056266
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepLorentzVector
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPTransform3DStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for HepTransform3D added converter for checksum = 520750269
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class HepTransform3D
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEP3VectorStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for Hep3Vector added converter for checksum = 760000369
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class Hep3Vector
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPBasicVectorStreamer
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO ROOT Streamer for BasicVector3D added converter for checksum = 2681080162
-AthenaRootStrea...   INFO Adopted streamer for class BasicVector3D
-ChronoStatSvc        INFO  Number of skipped events for MemStat-1
-AthenaPoolCnvSvc     INFO Loading POOL XMLAuthenticationService.
-CondProxyProvider    INFO Create PoolCollectionConverter -  InputCollection: LFN:oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000._0047.pool.root
-/afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/vol0/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000._0047.pool.root   Always Root file version:51200
-CondProxyProvider    INFO ----- CondProxyProvider Initialized Properly
-IOVDbSvc             INFO  
-RalDatabaseSvc     Info Instantiate the RalDatabaseSvc
-RalSessionMgr     Info Instantiate a RalSessionMgr for 'COOL_LAR/OFLP130'
-RalSessionMgr     Info Load the CORAL connection service
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Loading default plugin for coral::IRelationalService: CORAL/Services/RelationalService
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "frontier" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "mysql" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "oracle" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "sqlite" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "frontier" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "mysql" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "oracle" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "sqlite" is native
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Loading default plugin for coral::ILookupService: CORAL/Services/XMLLookupService
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Loading default plugin for coral::IAuthenticationService: CORAL/Services/XMLAuthenticationService
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService  Warning Failure while attempting to start a session on connection sqlite_file:sqlite130/ALLP130.db: CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Session::connect" from " cannot open read-only connection to non-existing /afs/cern.ch/user/s/schaffer/w1/public1/work-12.3.0-test/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/AthenaPoolTest-00-00-99/run/sqlite130/ALLP130.db" )
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Read-Only Connection to service oracle://ATLAS_COOLPROD established. Id=6ef71b72-9017-11db-837e-003048836897
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://ATLAS_COOLPROD started for user ATLAS_COOL_READER. Id=6ef71b72-9017-11db-837e-003048836897
-RelationalDatabase  Warning Release number backward compatibility - NO SCHEMA EVOLUTION REQUIRED: database with OLDER release number 1.3.1 will be opened using CURRENT client release number 1.3.3
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCRamp-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCRamp-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/Ramp
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCAutoCorr-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCAutoCorr-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/AutoCorr
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCDAC2uA-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCDAC2uA-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/DAC2uA
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCPedestal-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCPedestal-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/Pedestal
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCNoise-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCNoise-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/Noise
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCfSampl-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCfSampl-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/fSampl
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCuA2MeV-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCuA2MeV-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/uA2MeV
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCMinBias-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCMinBias-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/MinBias
-IOVDbMgr             INFO HVS tag LARElecCalibMCShape-DC3-B-IdFix1 resolved to LARElecCalibMCShape-DC3-B-IdFix1 for folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC/Shape
-/afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/vol0/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000._0011.pool.root   Always Root file version:51000
-/afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/vol0/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000._0015.pool.root   Always Root file version:51000
-StoreGateSvc         INFO Initializing StoreGateSvc - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
-IOVDbSvc             INFO  
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  initializing 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO Found DetectorStore service
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling proxies for detector managers 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for InDetMgr with CLID 2512 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for MuonMgr with CLID 4060 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloTTMgr with CLID 117659265 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloMgr with CLID 4548337 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloIdManager with CLID 125856940 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArIdManager with CLID 79554919 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for IdDict with CLID 2411 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for AtlasID with CLID 164875623 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for PixelID with CLID 2516 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for SCT_ID with CLID 2517 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TRT_ID with CLID 2518 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for SiliconID with CLID 129452393 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArEM_ID with CLID 163583365 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArHEC_ID with CLID 3870484 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArFCAL_ID with CLID 45738051 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArOnlineID with CLID 158698068 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArTTOnlineID with CLID 184978 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArHVLineID with CLID 27863673 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArElectrodeID with CLID 80757351 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TileID with CLID 2901 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TileHWID with CLID 2902 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TileTBID with CLID 2903 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for MDTIDHELPER with CLID 4170 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CSCIDHELPER with CLID 4171 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for RPCIDHELPER with CLID 4172 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TGCIDHELPER with CLID 4173 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloLVL1_ID with CLID 108133391 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloCell_ID with CLID 123500438 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloDM_ID with CLID 167756483 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-GeoModelSvc          INFO LArDetectorToolNV appended to detector list
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "frontier" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "mysql" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "oracle" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "sqlite" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "frontier" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "mysql" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "oracle" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "sqlite" is native
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Loading default plugin for coral::ILookupService: CORAL/Services/XMLLookupService
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Loading default plugin for coral::IAuthenticationService: CORAL/Services/XMLAuthenticationService
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService  Warning Failure while attempting to start a session on connection sqlite_file:geomDB/geomDB_sqlite: CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Session::connect" from " cannot open read-only connection to non-existing /afs/cern.ch/user/s/schaffer/w1/public1/work-12.3.0-test/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaPoolTest/AthenaPoolTest-00-00-99/run/geomDB/geomDB_sqlite" )
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Read-Only Connection to service oracle://atlas_dd established. Id=6fde3fde-9017-11db-837e-003048836897
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=6fde3fde-9017-11db-837e-003048836897
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=6fde3fde-9017-11db-837e-003048836897
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO Keys for LAr are ATLAS-CSC-01-01-00  ATLAS
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO LArDetectorToolNV:  Detector Information coming from the database and job options IGNORED.
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO Creating the LAr 
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO LAr Geometry Options:
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO   Sagging           = false
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO   Barrel            = ON
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO   Endcap            = ON
-ExpHall Parameters defined
-in RALEmb :   Atlas version ATLAS-CSC-01-01-00
-              LAr   version 
-       LAr version LAr-Misaligned-01
-Barrel Parameters defined
-Emec Parameters defined
-HEC Parameters defined
-LArMaterialManager   INFO ---- THIN absorber characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction pb,fe,gl: 0.749275,0.183746,0.0669791
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness: 1.06611e+20 ,2.20337
-LArMaterialManager   INFO  Contraction 0.997
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thinabs Density =  7.82239
-LArMaterialManager   INFO ---- THICK absorber characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction pb,fe,gl: 0.827772,0.149862,0.022366
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness: 1.30716e+20 ,2.20337
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thickabs Density =  9.59105 
-LArMaterialManager   INFO ---- Electrode characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction Cu, Kapton: 0.791253,0.208747
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness:7.42115e+18 ,0.275
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Electrode Density =  4.37083
-LArMaterialManager   INFO ---- Mother Board characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction Cu, G10: 0.46077,0.53923
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness:7.64634e+19 ,4.3
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   M_board Density =  2.84902
-LArMaterialManager   INFO 
----- EMEC THIN absorber characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thickness pb,fe,gl,[mm]=1.69 0.4 0.2
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction  pb,fe,gl     =0.846212,0.138877,0.0149112
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness  =1.41479e+20 ,2.29
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thinabs Density        =9.9881
----- EMEC THIN absorber characteristics: ----
-  Thickness pb,fe,gl,[mm]=1.69 0.4 0.2
-  Fraction  pb,fe,gl     =0.846212,0.138877,0.0149112
-  Total mass, Thickness  =1.41479e+20 ,2.29
-  Thinabs Density        =9.9881
-LArMaterialManager   INFO ---- EMEC THICK absorber characteristics: ----
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thickness pb,fe,gl[mm]=2.2 0.4 0.2
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Fraction  pb,fe,gl:    0.877495,0.110627,0.011878
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Total mass, Thickness: 1.77608e+20 ,2.8
-LArMaterialManager   INFO   Thickabs Density =     10.2549 
-Sagging in geometry 0
-BarrelConstruction   INFO ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-+                                                  +
-+         Start of Barrel EM GeoModel definition   +
-+                                                  +
-idat 0 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1500.02 0.106187 46.2025 0 0 0.79988
-idat 1 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1521 0.569751 45.0574 0 0 0.79893
-idat 2 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1559.66 -0.573092 43.3446 0 0 0.79729
-idat 3 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1597.2 0.576518 42.4478 0 0 0.79615
-idat 4 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1634.57 -0.579943 40.9436 0 0 0.79532
-idat 5 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1671.02 0.582296 40.2251 0 0 0.79493
-idat 6 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1707.43 -0.585638 38.8752 0 0 0.79473
-idat 7 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1743.07 0.588207 38.2915 0 0 0.79483
-idat 8 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1778.76 -0.590596 37.0608 0 0 0.79519
-idat 9 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1813.75 0.59285 36.5831 0 0 0.79576
-idat 10 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1848.87 -0.595587 35.4475 0 0 0.79655
-idat 11 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1883.36 0.59744 35.0556 0 0 0.79747
-idat 12 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1918.02 -0.599714 33.9977 0 0 0.79856
-idat 13 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1952.1 0.601911 33.6767 0 0 0.7999
-idat 14 Rhocen/Phice/Delta/deltay/deltax/etatrans 1970.48 0.0811661 90 0 0 0.80067
-Getting primary numbers for ATLAS, ATLAS-CSC-01-01-00
-InnerWheel,z(0)=0 rmin=302.306 rmax=610.38
-           z(1)=514 rmin=344.279 rmax=695.336
-OuterWheel,z(0)=0 rmin=613.38 rmax=1999.87
-           z(1)=63.1752 rmin=623.822 rmax=2034
-           z(2)=514 rmin=698.336 rmax=2034
-LArWheelCalculator   INFO  LArWheelCalculator::inner_wheel_ini: AlfInt,ext[deg]=107 64.5 ROpt[mm]=323.292 654.358 ZlOpt[mm]=52.2012 75.8952 RminA= 300 RmaxA= 800 RstepA= 0.01
-LArWheelCalculator   INFO  LArWheelCalculator::outer_wheel_ini: AlfInt,ext[deg]=122.5 59 ROpt[mm]=654.358 2034 ZlOpt[mm]=32.0362 53.2691 RminA= 600 RmaxA= 2100 RstepA= 0.01
- *** EMECSupportConstruction: contract,contract_e=0.997 0.996388
- *** EMECSupportConstruction: Barrett thickness: inner,outer, electrode[mm]=2.7916 2.28313 0.274007
-InnerWheel,z(0)=0 rmin=302.306 rmax=610.38
-           z(1)=514 rmin=344.279 rmax=695.336
-OuterWheel,z(0)=0 rmin=613.38 rmax=1999.87
-           z(1)=63.1752 rmin=623.822 rmax=2034
-           z(2)=514 rmin=698.336 rmax=2034
-GeoModelSvc.LAr...   INFO Default LAr DetCondKeyTrans stored with StoreGate key /LAr/Align
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Initializing TileInfoLoader
-EventPersistenc...   INFO Added successfully Conversion service:DetDescrCnvSvc
-CaloLVL1_IDDetD...   INFO in createObj: creating a CaloLVL1_ID helper object in the detector store
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO in initialize
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO in createObj: creating a IdDictManager object in the detector store
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO IdDictName:  IdDictParser/ATLAS_IDS.xml
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=6fde3fde-9017-11db-837e-003048836897
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Reading InnerDetector    IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictInnerDetector.xml
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Reading LArCalorimeter   IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictLArCalorimeter_DC3-05.xml
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Reading TileCalorimeter  IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictTileCalorimeter.xml
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Reading Calorimeter      IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictCalorimeter_DC3-05.xml
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Reading MuonSpectrometer IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictMuonSpectrometer_R.01.xml
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Found id dicts:
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Using dictionary tag: destaged_layout
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary ATLAS                version default              DetDescr tag (using default)
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary Calorimeter          version default              DetDescr tag CaloIdentifier-DC3-05
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary InnerDetector        version default              DetDescr tag InDetIdentifier-05
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary LArCalorimeter       version fullAtlas            DetDescr tag LArIdentifier-DC3-05
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary LArElectrode         version fullAtlas            DetDescr tag (using default)
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary LArHighVoltage       version fullAtlas            DetDescr tag (using default)
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary MuonSpectrometer     version R.01                 DetDescr tag MuonIdentifier-02
-IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO Dictionary TileCalorimeter      version fullAtlasAndTestBeam DetDescr tag TileIdentifier-00
-CaloLVL1_ID          INFO initialize_from_dictionary
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-TileIDDetDescrCnv    INFO in createObj: creating a TileID helper object in the detector store
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=6fde3fde-9017-11db-837e-003048836897
-TileID               INFO initialize_from_dictionary 
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-TileNeighbour        INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/TileNeighbour.txt
-TileTBIDDetDesc...   INFO in createObj: creating a TileTBID helper object in the detector store
-TileTBID             INFO initialize_from_dictionary 
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-TileHWIDDetDesc...   INFO in createObj: creating a TileHWID helper object in the detector store
-TileHWID             INFO initialize_from_dictionary 
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Set CaloLVL1 TileID, TileTBID and TileHWID helpers in TileCablingService 
-TileInfoLoader       INFO TileNoise=true,  digitsNoiseSigmaHi=1.6, digitsNoiseSigmaLo=0.8
-TileInfoLoader       INFO digitsResolutionHi=-9999, setting it equal to digitsNoiseSigmaHi
-TileInfoLoader       INFO digitsResolutionLo=-9999, setting it equal to digitsNoiseSigmaLo
-TileInfoLoader       INFO TileZeroSuppress=false,  ThresholdRawChannel=-3, ThresholdDigits=-2
-TileInfoLoader       INFO TTL1Calib=4.1, TileTTL1Thresh=5, TTL1NoiseSigma=2.5, TTL1Ped=0
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TileNoise = 1
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TileCoherNoise = 0
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  DigitsNoiseSigmaHi = 1.6
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  DigitsNoiseSigmaLo = 0.8
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  DigitsResolutionHi = 1.6
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  DigitsResolutionLo = 0.8
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TileZeroSuppress = 0
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  ThresholdRawChannel = -3
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  ThresholdDigits = -2
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TTL1Calib = 4.1
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TTL1NoiseSigma = 2.5
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TTL1Thresh = 5
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  TTL1Ped = 0
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  nPhElec = 70
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  nPhElecVec[0] = 70
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  nPhElecVec[1] = 70
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  nPhElecVec[2] = 70
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Over-ride CDB in TileInfoLoader:  nPhElecVec[3] = 70
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/TileDigitsShape_v02.txt
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/pulsehi_physics.dat
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/pulselo_physics.dat
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/pulse_adder_tower_physics.dat
-TileInfoLoader       INFO 601 number of bins in shaping function
-TileInfoLoader       INFO 214 index of in-time bin
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  50 bins per beam crossing
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Peak value = 1 at bin = 214, Time0Bin = 214
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Reading file  /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/pulse_adder_muon_physics.dat
-TileInfoLoader       INFO 651 number of bins in shaping function
-TileInfoLoader       INFO 214 index of in-time bin
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  50 bins per beam crossing
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  Peak value = 1 at bin = 214, Time0Bin = 214
-TileInfoLoader       INFO  TileInfo initialization completed. 
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Placed a TileInfo in Detector store with name TileInfo
-TileInfoLoader       INFO Empty file prefix, no files loaded
-AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO Initializing AthenaEventLoopMgr - package version AthenaServices-01-07-80
-LArCellContFake...   INFO LArCellContFakeWriter::initialize()
-LArCellContFake...  DEBUG  Found DetectorStore 
-CaloCell_IDDetD...   INFO in createObj: creating a CaloCell_ID helper object in the detector store
-LArEM_IDDetDesc...   INFO in createObj: creating a LArEM_ID helper object in the detector store
-LArEM_ID             INFO initialize_from_dictionary
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-LArHEC_IDDetDes...   INFO in createObj: creating a LArHEC_ID helper object in the detector store
-LArHEC_ID            INFO initialize_from_dictionary
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-LArFCAL_IDDetDe...   INFO in createObj: creating a LArFCAL_ID helper object in the detector store
-LArFCAL_ID           INFO initialize_from_dictionary
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=6fde3fde-9017-11db-837e-003048836897
-LArFCAL_ID           INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/FCal2DNeighbors.txt
-LArFCAL_ID           INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/FCal3DNeighborsNext.txt
-LArFCAL_ID           INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasConditions/rel_6/InstallArea/share/FCal3DNeighborsPrev.txt
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=6fde3fde-9017-11db-837e-003048836897
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-LArCellContFake...  DEBUG  Found the CaloCell_ID helper. 
-CaloMgrDetDescrCnv   INFO in createObj: creating a Calo Detector Manager object in the detector store
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO in createObj: creating a CaloDescrManager object in the detector store
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set CaloCell_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloDM_IDDetDes...   INFO in createObj: creating a CaloDM_ID helper object in the detector store
-CaloDM_ID            INFO initialize_from_dictionary
- AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set CaloDM_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set CaloLVL1_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set LArEM_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set LArHEC_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set LArFCAL_ID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Set TileID helper in CaloIdMgr 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO  Finished 
-CaloIdMgrDetDes...   INFO Initializing CaloIdMgr from values in CaloIdMgrDetDescrCnv 
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Session on connection to service oracle://atlas_dd started for user atlasdd_reader. Id=6fde3fde-9017-11db-837e-003048836897
-DetectorStore     WARNING retrieve(default): No valid proxy for default object 
- of type TileDetDescrManager(CLID 2941)
-CaloMgrDetDescrCnv  ERROR Could not get TileDetDescrManager
-DataProxy           FATAL accessData: ERROR conversion failed for data object 4548337/CaloMgr
- Throwing runtime_error  
-LArCellContFake...  ERROR Unable to retrieve CaloDetDescrManager from DetectorStore
-AthenaEventLoopMgr  ERROR Unable to initialize Algorithm: LArCellContFakeWriter
-AthenaEventLoopMgr  ERROR Failed to initialize base class MinimalEventLoopMgr
-ServiceManager      ERROR Unable to initialize Service: AthenaEventLoopMgr
-ApplicationMgr      FATAL finalize: Invalid state "Configured"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloCellCorrection/src/CaloCellEnergyRescaler.h b/Calorimeter/CaloCellCorrection/src/CaloCellEnergyRescaler.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f432e4ddade23f9f5ddcf5fe5ff11baedf824884..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloCellCorrection/src/CaloCellEnergyRescaler.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-//Dear emacs, this is -*-c++-*-
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
-#include "CaloInterface/ICaloCellMakerTool.h"
-#include "AthenaPoolUtilities/AthenaAttributeList.h"
-#include "StoreGate/DataHandle.h"  
-#include "AthenaKernel/IOVSvcDefs.h"
-#include <string>
-class CaloCellContainer;
-class CaloCondBlobFlt;
-/** @class CaloCellEnergyRescaler
-    @brief CaloCellMakerTool to re-scale cell energies.
-class CaloCellEnergyRescaler : public AthAlgTool, virtual public ICaloCellMakerTool  {
-  CaloCellEnergyRescaler (const std::string& type, const std::string& name, 
-			  const IInterface* parent);
-  ~CaloCellEnergyRescaler();
-  virtual StatusCode initialize(); 
-  virtual StatusCode process( CaloCellContainer * theCellContainer) ;
- private: 
-  /// IOV callback method
-  StatusCode load(IOVSVC_CALLBACK_ARGS); 
-  const DataHandle<AthenaAttributeList> m_attrList;
-  const CaloCondBlobFlt* m_corrValues;
-  std::string m_key;
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloCnv/CaloTPCnv/share/CaloClusterCellLinkContainerCnv_p1_test.ref b/Calorimeter/CaloCnv/CaloTPCnv/share/CaloClusterCellLinkContainerCnv_p1_test.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index a5bce3fd2565d8f458555a0c6f42d0504a848bd5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloCnv/CaloTPCnv/share/CaloClusterCellLinkContainerCnv_p1_test.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloCnv/CaloTPCnv/share/CaloCompactCellTool_test.txt b/Calorimeter/CaloCnv/CaloTPCnv/share/CaloCompactCellTool_test.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dc9dec0ecec08f4dd40a8450ee42ed712681d19..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloCnv/CaloTPCnv/share/CaloCompactCellTool_test.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-ApplicationMgr.DLLs += { "StoreGate", "CLIDComps", "CaloTriggerTool" };
-ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += { "StoreGateSvc", "StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore" };
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloRec/src/CaloCellContainerCorrectorTool.h b/Calorimeter/CaloRec/src/CaloCellContainerCorrectorTool.h
deleted file mode 100644
index eb80cfd1f7103c1db6780f93b9667f1ae3b419ca..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloRec/src/CaloCellContainerCorrectorTool.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-class StoreGateSvc; 
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
-#include "CaloInterface/ICaloCellMakerTool.h"
-#include "CaloEvent/CaloCellContainer.h"
-#include "CaloUtils/CaloCellCorrection.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
-class CaloCellContainerCorrectorTool: public AthAlgTool,
-	             virtual public ICaloCellMakerTool 
-  CaloCellContainerCorrectorTool(const std::string& type, 
-				 const std::string& name, 
-				 const IInterface* parent) ;
-  typedef ToolHandleArray<CaloCellCorrection> ::iterator 
-    CellCorrectionToolIterator;   
-  virtual StatusCode initialize() ; 
-  // update theCellContainer
-  virtual StatusCode process( CaloCellContainer * theCellContainer) ;
- private:
-// properties
-  std::vector<int> m_caloNums ; // which calo to correct
-  //reminder  enum SUBCALO { LAREM = 0, LARHEC = 1, LARFCAL = 2, TILE = 3, NSUBCALO = 4, NOT_VALID=999999 };
-  ToolHandleArray<CaloCellCorrection> m_cellCorrectionTools;
-  bool m_caloSelection ;
-  StatusCode processOnCellIterators(const CaloCellContainer::iterator  &  itrCellBeg, const CaloCellContainer::iterator & itrCellEnd );
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloRec/src/CaloClusterCellLinksUpdater.h b/Calorimeter/CaloRec/src/CaloClusterCellLinksUpdater.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cadecb808214ec84aaedf1957a47291b2166f7b6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloRec/src/CaloClusterCellLinksUpdater.h
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-///////////////////////// -*- C++ -*- /////////////////////////////
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// CaloClusterCellLinksUpdater.h 
-// Header file for class CaloClusterCellLinksUpdater
-// Author: S.Binet<binet@cern.ch>
-// STL includes
-#include <string>
-// FrameWork includes
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgorithm.h"
-class CaloClusterCellLinksUpdater
-  : public ::AthAlgorithm
-  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
-  // Public methods: 
-  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
- public: 
-  // Copy constructor: 
-  /// Constructor with parameters: 
-  CaloClusterCellLinksUpdater( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator );
-  /// Destructor: 
-  virtual ~CaloClusterCellLinksUpdater(); 
-  // Athena algorithm's Hooks
-  /// Standard algorithm initialize
-  virtual StatusCode  initialize();
-  /// Standard algorithm execute
-  virtual StatusCode  execute();
-  /// Standard algorithm finalize
-  virtual StatusCode  finalize();
- private: 
-  /// Default constructor: 
-  CaloClusterCellLinksUpdater();
-  /// Name of the CaloCellContainer the links should point to(jobProperty) 
-  std::string m_newCaloCellName;
-  /// CaloClusters to be considered (jobProperty)
-  std::vector<std::string> m_caloClusterNames;
-  /// Set fo CaloClusters to be considered (no duplicates)
-  std::set<std::string> m_caloClusterNameSet;
-  bool m_firstEvent;
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloRec/src/CaloClusterCorrDBWriter.h b/Calorimeter/CaloRec/src/CaloClusterCorrDBWriter.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c72133ec2d44c65732ce3a062fc080c68a71844f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloRec/src/CaloClusterCorrDBWriter.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
- * @class CaloClusterCorrDBWriter
- * @author Walter Lampl <walter.lampl@cern.ch>
- * @date March, 28th 2006
- *
- * This algorithm has only an @c initialize() and a @c finalize() method.
- * It instantiates all ClusterCorrection Tools given by jobOptions. The
- * cluster correction constants (@c ToolConstants) are expected to be
- * initialized by job options. In the @c finalize method, this algorithm
- * records these objects to the detector store so that they can be 
- * streamed out to a POOL file. 
- */
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgorithm.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
-#include "CaloRec/ToolWithConstantsMixin.h"
-#include "CaloRec/Blob2ToolConstants.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-class StoreGateSvc;
-class CaloClusterCorrDBWriter : public AthAlgorithm
- public:
-  CaloClusterCorrDBWriter(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
-  virtual ~CaloClusterCorrDBWriter();
-  virtual StatusCode initialize();
-  virtual StatusCode execute();
-  virtual StatusCode finalize();
- private:
-  /** @brief The list of tool names (jobOptions)*/
-  std::vector<std::string> m_correctionToolNames;
-  /** @brief Key for the DetectorStore (jobOptions) 
-   * The ToolConstants will be recorded with this key.
-   */
-  std::string m_key;
-  std::string m_inlineFolder;
-  /** @brief the actual list of tools corresponding to above names */
-  std::vector<CaloRec::ToolWithConstantsMixin*>  m_correctionTools; 
-  ToolHandle<Blob2ToolConstants> m_blobTool;
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloRec/src/CaloClusterCorrDumper.h b/Calorimeter/CaloRec/src/CaloClusterCorrDumper.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a3638dccbcdde0592e53f34cfa877cc44cb68f2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloRec/src/CaloClusterCorrDumper.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
- * @class CaloClusterCorrDumper
- * @author Walter Lampl <walter.lampl@cern.ch>
- * @date March, 28th 2006
- *
- * This algorithm has only an @c initialize() and a @c finalize() method.
- * It instantiates all ClusterCorrection Tools given by jobOptions. The
- * cluster correction constants (@c ToolConstants) are expected to be
- * initialized by job options. In the @c finalize method, this algorithm
- * records these objects to the detector store so that they can be 
- * streamed out to a POOL file. 
- */
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgorithm.h"
-#include "CaloRec/ToolWithConstantsMixin.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-class StoreGateSvc;
-class CaloClusterCorrDumper : public AthAlgorithm
- public:
-  CaloClusterCorrDumper(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
-  virtual ~CaloClusterCorrDumper();
-  virtual StatusCode initialize();
-  virtual StatusCode execute();
-  virtual StatusCode finalize();
- private:
-  //std::string m_inlineFolder;
-  /** @brief The list of tool names (jobOptions)*/
-  std::vector<std::string> m_correctionToolNames;
-  /** @brief the actual list of tools corresponding to above names */
-  std::vector<CaloRec::ToolWithConstantsMixin*>  m_correctionTools; 
-  /** @brief Name of the text file where to store the constants
-   */
-  std::string m_fileName;
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloRec/src/CaloProtoCluster.h b/Calorimeter/CaloRec/src/CaloProtoCluster.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ff718b5a1f4b71d850ad76684896f8e64db7035f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloRec/src/CaloProtoCluster.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-//Dear emacs, this is -*-c++-*-
-#include "CaloEvent/CaloClusterCellLink.h"
-#include <memory>
-class CaloProtoCluster {
- public:
-  ///No default constructor, always need a CaloCellContainer to work with
-  CaloProtoCluster() = delete;
-  ///Constructor with a CaloCellContainer 
-  CaloProtoCluster(const CaloCellContainer* cellCont);
-  ///Constructor with a CaloCellContainer link
-  CaloProtoCluster(const DataLink<CaloCellContainer>& cellCont);
- /**@brief Constructor (almost a copy constructor)
-  * @param cellLink Ptr to an existng CaloClusterCellLink.
-  * Will create a deep copy of the CaloClusterCellLink
-  **/
-  CaloProtoCluster(const CaloClusterCellLink* cellLink);
-  ///Return the weighted energy sum of the list of cells
-  double e() {
-    if (!m_haveKine) getKine();
-    return m_e;
-  }
-  ///Return the weighted Et of the list of cells
-  double et() {
-    if (!m_haveKine) getKine();
-    return m_et;
-  }
-  ///Add a cell (forward to underlying  CaloClusterCellLink)
-  void addCell(const unsigned cellIdx, const CaloClusterCellLink::weight_t weight=1.0) {
-    m_cellLinks->addCell(cellIdx,weight);
-    m_haveKine=false;
-  }
-  ///Hand over ownership of CaloClusterCellLink to client
-  CaloClusterCellLink* releaseCellLinks() {
-    return m_cellLinks.release();
-  }
-  ///Get a pointer to the underlying CaloClusterCellLink object
-  CaloClusterCellLink* getCellLinks() {
-    return m_cellLinks.get();
-  }
-  ///Get the size of the underlying CaloClusterCellLink object
-  size_t size() {
-    return m_cellLinks->size();
-  }
- private:
-  ///update m_e and m_et
-  void getKine();
-  std::unique_ptr<CaloClusterCellLink> m_cellLinks;
-  bool m_haveKine;
-  double m_e;
-  double m_et;
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloRec/src/CaloTopoTmpClusterCellBase.h b/Calorimeter/CaloRec/src/CaloTopoTmpClusterCellBase.h
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index 6b9424ff5a8d4aa17e4f014569fc8a1a9bf5b5bb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloRec/src/CaloTopoTmpClusterCellBase.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// File and Version Information:
-// $Id: CaloTopoTmpClusterCellBase.h,v 1.6 2008-12-23 02:57:16 ssnyder Exp $
-// Description: Base class for the ClusterCell Container for the 
-//              topological cluster making tools
-// Environment:
-//      Software developed for the ATLAS Detector at the CERN LHC
-// Author List:
-//      Sven Menke
-#include "Identifier/IdentifierHash.h"
-#include "CaloIdentifier/CaloCell_ID.h"
-class CaloCellContainer;
-class CaloCell;
-class CaloTopoTmpClusterCellBase {
-  // Friends
-  // Data members
-  size_t m_iCell;
-  CaloCell_ID::SUBCALO m_subDet;
-  /// Global calorimeter hash.
-  IdentifierHash m_idHash;
-  float m_signedRatio;
-  bool m_used;
-  // Constructors
-  CaloTopoTmpClusterCellBase(const IdentifierHash & idHash, const CaloCell_ID::SUBCALO subDet, const size_t &iCell, const float & signedRatio) 
-    : m_iCell(iCell),
-      m_subDet(subDet),
-      m_idHash(idHash),
-      m_signedRatio(signedRatio),
-      m_used(false)
-  {
-  }
-  // Destructors
-  // Methods
-  inline const IdentifierHash & getID() const 
-  {
-    return m_idHash;
-  }
-  inline const size_t & getCaloCell() const
-  {
-    return m_iCell;
-  }
-  inline CaloCell_ID::SUBCALO getSubDet() const
-  {
-    return m_subDet;
-  }
-  inline const float & getSignedRatio() const
-  {
-    return m_signedRatio;
-  }
-  inline void setSignedRatio(const float & signedRatio)
-  {
-    m_signedRatio = signedRatio;
-  }
-  inline bool getUsed() const
-  {
-    return m_used;
-  }
-  inline void setUsed()
-  {
-    m_used = true;
-  }
-  inline void setUnused()
-  {
-    m_used = false;
-  }
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloRec/src/CaloTopoTmpHashCell.h b/Calorimeter/CaloRec/src/CaloTopoTmpHashCell.h
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index fab172c42a1b82fc84a477a9d64aece0dc3a172b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloRec/src/CaloTopoTmpHashCell.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// File and Version Information:
-// $Id: CaloTopoTmpHashCell.h,v 1.6 2008-08-28 05:15:05 ssnyder Exp $
-// Description: HashCell Container for the topological cluster maker
-// Environment:
-//      Software developed for the ATLAS Detector at the CERN LHC
-// Author List:
-//      Sven Menke
-template <class T>
-class CaloTopoTmpHashCell {
-  // Friends
-  // Data members
-  T* m_clusterCell;
-  // Constructors
-  CaloTopoTmpHashCell()
-  {
-    m_clusterCell = 0;
-  }
-  CaloTopoTmpHashCell(const CaloTopoTmpHashCell &other)
-  {
-    m_clusterCell = other.m_clusterCell;
-  }
-  CaloTopoTmpHashCell(T* clusterCell) 
-  {
-    m_clusterCell = clusterCell;
-  }
-  // Operators
-  inline bool operator==(const CaloTopoTmpHashCell & other) const
-  {
-    return (m_clusterCell == other.m_clusterCell);
-  }
-  CaloTopoTmpHashCell & operator=(const CaloTopoTmpHashCell & other)
-  {
-    if ( this != &other ) {
-      m_clusterCell = other.m_clusterCell;
-    }
-    return *this;
-  }
-  T * getCaloTopoTmpClusterCell() const
-  {
-    return m_clusterCell;
-  }
diff --git a/Control/AthenaIPCTools/src/AthenaSharedMemoryTool.h b/Control/AthenaIPCTools/src/AthenaSharedMemoryTool.h
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index 182cda61b452b7affcef16bf1f6f541006038354..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Control/AthenaIPCTools/src/AthenaSharedMemoryTool.h
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-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-/** @file AthenaSharedMemoryTool.h
- *  @brief This file contains the class definition for the AthenaSharedMemoryTool class.
- *  @author Peter van Gemmeren <gemmeren@anl.gov>
- **/
-#include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
-#include "AthenaKernel/IAthenaIPCTool.h"
-#include <set>
-#include <string>
-// Forward declarations.
-class IIncidentSvc;
-namespace boost {
-   namespace interprocess {
-      class shared_memory_object;
-      class mapped_region;
-   }
-/** @class AthenaSharedMemoryTool
- *  @brief This class provides the IPCTool for SharedMemory objects
- **/
-class AthenaSharedMemoryTool : public ::AthAlgTool, virtual public IAthenaIPCTool {
-   /// Standard Service Constructor
-   AthenaSharedMemoryTool(const std::string& type, const std::string& name, const IInterface* parent);
-   /// Destructor
-   virtual ~AthenaSharedMemoryTool();
-   /// Gaudi Service Interface method implementations:
-   StatusCode initialize();
-   StatusCode stop();
-   StatusCode finalize();
-   StatusCode makeServer(int num);
-   bool isServer() const;
-   StatusCode makeClient(int num);
-   bool isClient() const;
-   StatusCode putEvent(long eventNumber, const void* source, size_t nbytes, unsigned int status) const;
-   StatusCode getLockedEvent(void** target, unsigned int& status) const;
-   StatusCode lockEvent(long eventNumber) const;
-   StatusCode putObject(const void* source, size_t nbytes, int num = 0) const;
-   StatusCode getObject(void** target, size_t& nbytes, int num = 0) const;
-   StatusCode clearObject(char** tokenString, int& num) const;
-   StatusCode lockObject(const char* tokenString, int num = 0) const;
-   StringProperty m_sharedMemory;
-   const size_t m_maxSize;
-   const int m_maxDataClients;
-   int m_num;
-   mutable std::set<int> m_dataClients;
-   boost::interprocess::mapped_region* m_payload;
-   boost::interprocess::mapped_region* m_status;
-   long m_fileSeqNumber;
-   bool m_isServer;
-   bool m_isClient;
-   ServiceHandle<IIncidentSvc> m_incidentSvc;
diff --git a/Control/AthenaIPCTools/src/AthenaYamplTool.cxx b/Control/AthenaIPCTools/src/AthenaYamplTool.cxx
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index fea75d358e3007c68fe3c72c7cb70e967efd0f76..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Control/AthenaIPCTools/src/AthenaYamplTool.cxx
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@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include "AthenaYamplTool.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/FileIncident.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IChronoStatSvc.h"
-//#include "EventStorage/EventStorageRecords.h"
-#include "yampl/SocketFactory.h"
-#include <sstream>
-struct ShareEventHeader {
-   long evtSeqNumber;
-   long fileSeqNumber;
-   std::size_t evtSize;
-   std::size_t evtOffset;
-   unsigned int evtCoreStatusFlag;
-   uint32_t evtTerm1;
-   uint32_t evtTerm2;
-AthenaYamplTool::AthenaYamplTool(const std::string& type,
-				 const std::string& name,
-				 const IInterface* parent)  
-  : AthAlgTool(type, name, parent)
-  ,  m_fileSeqNumber(0)
-  ,  m_isServer(false)
-  ,  m_isClient(false)
-  ,  m_many2one(true)
-  ,  m_chronoStatSvc("ChronoStatSvc", name)
-  ,  m_incidentSvc("IncidentSvc", name)
-  ,  m_socketFactory(nullptr)
-  ,  m_clientSocket(nullptr)
-  ,  m_serverSocket(nullptr)
-  declareProperty("ChannelName", m_channel = name);
-  declareProperty("Many2One", m_many2one);
-  declareInterface<IAthenaIPCTool>(this);
-AthenaYamplTool::~AthenaYamplTool() {
-   delete m_clientSocket;
-   delete m_serverSocket;
-   delete m_socketFactory;
-StatusCode AthenaYamplTool::initialize() {
-   ATH_MSG_INFO("Initializing " << name() << " - package version " << PACKAGE_VERSION);
-   if (!::AthAlgTool::initialize().isSuccess()) {
-      ATH_MSG_FATAL("Cannot initialize AthAlgTool base class.");
-      return(StatusCode::FAILURE);
-   }
-   // Retrieve ChronoStatSvc
-   if (!m_chronoStatSvc.retrieve().isSuccess()) {
-      ATH_MSG_FATAL("Cannot get ChronoStatSvc.");
-      return(StatusCode::FAILURE);
-   }
-   // Retrieve IncidentSvc
-   if (!m_incidentSvc.retrieve().isSuccess()) {
-      ATH_MSG_FATAL("Cannot get IncidentSvc");
-      return(StatusCode::FAILURE);
-   }
-   return(StatusCode::SUCCESS);
-StatusCode AthenaYamplTool::finalize() {
-   ATH_MSG_INFO("in finalize()");
-   // Release ChronoStatSvc
-   if (!m_chronoStatSvc.release().isSuccess()) {
-      ATH_MSG_WARNING("Cannot release ChronoStatSvc.");
-   }
-   return(::AthAlgTool::finalize());
-StatusCode AthenaYamplTool::makeServer(int /*num*/) {
-   ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Creating Yampl channel on the Shared Reader side");
-   if (m_isServer || m_isClient) {
-      ATH_MSG_ERROR("Cannot make AthenaYamplTool a Server.");
-      return(StatusCode::FAILURE);
-   }
-   m_isServer = true;
-   m_socketFactory = new yampl::SocketFactory();
-   m_serverSocket = m_socketFactory->createServerSocket(yampl::Channel(m_channel.value(),yampl::LOCAL_PIPE),yampl::MOVE_DATA); 
-   return(StatusCode::SUCCESS);
-bool AthenaYamplTool::isServer() const {
-   return(m_isServer);
-StatusCode AthenaYamplTool::makeClient(int /*num*/) {
-   ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Creating Yampl channel on the Event Processor side");
-   if (m_isServer || m_isClient) {
-      ATH_MSG_ERROR("Cannot make AthenaYamplTool a Client.");
-      return(StatusCode::FAILURE);
-   }
-   m_isClient = true;
-   m_socketFactory = new yampl::SocketFactory();
-   if(m_many2one) {
-     // We work with the shared reader directly. One shared reader in a separate process. 
-     // And many Yampl Tools talking to him from different processes
-     m_clientSocket = m_socketFactory->createClientSocket(yampl::Channel(m_channel.value(),yampl::LOCAL_PIPE),yampl::MOVE_DATA);       
-     ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Client socket created for Many2One mode");
-   }
-   else {
-     // We work with the TokenProcessor, which resides in the same process.
-     // Thus the channel name has to be bound to the PID
-     // Also, in this case the socket type is Server
-     std::ostringstream pidstr;
-     pidstr << getpid();
-     std::string socketName = m_channel.value() + std::string("_") + pidstr.str();
-     m_clientSocket = m_socketFactory->createServerSocket(yampl::Channel(socketName,yampl::LOCAL_PIPE),yampl::MOVE_DATA);
-     ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Server socket created for One2One mode");
-   }
-   return(StatusCode::SUCCESS);
-bool AthenaYamplTool::isClient() const {
-   return(m_isClient);
-StatusCode AthenaYamplTool::putEvent(long eventNumber, const void* source, std::size_t nbytes, unsigned int status) const {
-   if(!m_serverSocket) {
-     ATH_MSG_ERROR("putEvent called when Tool is not a Server!");
-     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-   }
-   if (source == nullptr && nbytes == 0) {
-      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("putEvent got last Event marker");
-      return(StatusCode::SUCCESS);
-   }
-   if (source == nullptr) {
-      ATH_MSG_ERROR("putEvent got null source");
-      return(StatusCode::FAILURE);
-   }
-   ShareEventHeader evtH;
-   evtH.evtSeqNumber = eventNumber;
-   evtH.fileSeqNumber = m_fileSeqNumber;
-   evtH.evtSize = nbytes;
-   evtH.evtOffset = 0;
-   evtH.evtCoreStatusFlag = status;
-   evtH.evtTerm1 = *(static_cast<const uint32_t*>(source) + nbytes / sizeof(uint32_t) - 1);
-   evtH.evtTerm2 = *(static_cast<const uint32_t*>(source) + nbytes / sizeof(uint32_t) - 2);
-   // Prepare message for client
-   void* message = malloc(nbytes+sizeof(evtH));
-   memcpy(message,(void*)&evtH,sizeof(evtH));
-   memcpy((char*)message+sizeof(evtH),source,nbytes);
-   // Wait for incoming request
-   char *ping = nullptr; // can be something else
-   m_serverSocket->recv(ping);
-   m_serverSocket->send(message,nbytes+sizeof(evtH));
-   return(StatusCode::SUCCESS);
-StatusCode AthenaYamplTool::getLockedEvent(void** target, unsigned int& status) const {
-  void* receive_message;
-  if(m_many2one) {
-    // Ping server
-    std::ostringstream pidstr;
-    pidstr << getpid();
-    std::string ping = "Ping from " + pidstr.str();
-    void* send_message = malloc(ping.size());
-    memcpy(send_message,ping.data(),ping.size());
-    m_clientSocket->send(send_message,ping.size());
-    // And get the answer
-    m_clientSocket->recv(receive_message);
-  }
-  else {
-    m_clientSocket->recv(receive_message);
-  }
-  ShareEventHeader evtH;
-  memcpy((void*)&evtH,receive_message,sizeof(evtH));
-  if (evtH.fileSeqNumber != m_fileSeqNumber && m_fileSeqNumber > 0) {
-    FileIncident endFileIncident(name(), "EndInputFile", "SHM");
-    m_incidentSvc->fireIncident(endFileIncident);
-    const_cast<AthenaYamplTool*>(this)->m_fileSeqNumber = evtH.fileSeqNumber;
-    FileIncident beginFileIncident(name(), "BeginInputFile", "SHM");
-    m_incidentSvc->fireIncident(beginFileIncident);
-  }
-  std::size_t nbytes = evtH.evtSize;
-  char* buf = new char[nbytes];
-  memcpy(buf, static_cast<char*>((char*)receive_message+sizeof(evtH))+evtH.evtOffset,nbytes);
-  *target = buf;
-  if(!m_many2one) {
-    std::string pong("Done");
-    void* send_message = malloc(pong.size());
-    memcpy(send_message,pong.data(),pong.size());
-    m_clientSocket->send(send_message,pong.size());
-  }
-  if (evtH.evtTerm1 != *(static_cast<const uint32_t*>(*target) + nbytes / sizeof(uint32_t) - 1) ||
-      evtH.evtTerm2 != *(static_cast<const uint32_t*>(*target) + nbytes / sizeof(uint32_t) - 2)) {
-    ATH_MSG_ERROR("Event corrupted by AthenaYamplTool");
-    return(StatusCode::FAILURE);
-  }
-  status = evtH.evtCoreStatusFlag;
-  return(StatusCode::SUCCESS);
-StatusCode AthenaYamplTool::lockEvent(long) const {
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-StatusCode AthenaYamplTool::putObject(const void*, size_t, int) const {
-  return(StatusCode::FAILURE);
-StatusCode AthenaYamplTool::getObject(void**, size_t&, int) const {
-  return(StatusCode::FAILURE);
-StatusCode AthenaYamplTool::clearObject(char**, int&) const {
-  return(StatusCode::FAILURE);
-StatusCode AthenaYamplTool::lockObject(const char*, int) const {
-   return(StatusCode::SUCCESS);
diff --git a/Control/AthenaIPCTools/src/AthenaYamplTool.h b/Control/AthenaIPCTools/src/AthenaYamplTool.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 51e91ed2c88ce2295a8eb58b74da59db03f3fd3d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Control/AthenaIPCTools/src/AthenaYamplTool.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
-#include "AthenaKernel/IAthenaIPCTool.h"
-#include <string>
-// Forward declarations.
-class IChronoStatSvc;
-class IIncidentSvc;
-namespace yampl {
-  class ISocketFactory;
-  class ISocket;
-#include "yampl/Exceptions.h"
-class AthenaYamplTool : public ::AthAlgTool, public IAthenaIPCTool {
-   /// Standard Service Constructor
-   AthenaYamplTool(const std::string& type, const std::string& name, const IInterface* parent);
-   /// Destructor
-   virtual ~AthenaYamplTool();
-   /// Gaudi Service Interface method implementations:
-   StatusCode initialize();
-   StatusCode finalize();
-   StatusCode makeServer(int num);
-   bool isServer() const;
-   StatusCode makeClient(int num);
-   bool isClient() const;
-   StatusCode putEvent(long eventNumber, const void* source, size_t nbytes, unsigned int status) const;
-   StatusCode getLockedEvent(void** target, unsigned int& status) const;
-   StatusCode lockEvent(long eventNumber) const;
-   StatusCode putObject(const void* source, size_t nbytes, int num = 0) const;
-   StatusCode getObject(void** target, size_t& nbytes, int num = 0) const;
-   StatusCode clearObject(char** tokenString, int& num) const;
-   StatusCode lockObject(const char* tokenString, int num = 0) const;
-   StringProperty m_channel;
-   long m_fileSeqNumber;
-   bool m_isServer;
-   bool m_isClient;
-   bool m_many2one;  // true - if used with the shared reader, false - if used with token processor, who resides in the same process
-   ServiceHandle<IChronoStatSvc> m_chronoStatSvc;
-   ServiceHandle<IIncidentSvc> m_incidentSvc;
-   // yampl stuff
-   yampl::ISocketFactory*   m_socketFactory;
-   yampl::ISocket*          m_clientSocket;
-   yampl::ISocket*          m_serverSocket;
diff --git a/Control/AthenaKernel/share/BaseInfo_test.ref b/Control/AthenaKernel/share/BaseInfo_test.ref
deleted file mode 100755
index bae42c55f9e0a4e297a4d197d8aadfe147ef269b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Control/AthenaKernel/share/BaseInfo_test.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Control/AthenaKernel/share/CLIDRegistry_test.ref b/Control/AthenaKernel/share/CLIDRegistry_test.ref
deleted file mode 100755
index b5d0b6a45586b001a89587f8568a2ad420c975ae..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Control/AthenaKernel/share/CLIDRegistry_test.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-*** CLIDRegistry_test starts ***
-*** CLIDRegistry_test OK ***
diff --git a/Control/SGComps/share/ProxyProviderSvc_test.txt b/Control/SGComps/share/ProxyProviderSvc_test.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b137891791fe96927ad78e64b0aad7bded08bdc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Control/SGComps/share/ProxyProviderSvc_test.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Database/APR/CollectionBase/CollectionBase/boost_tokenizer_headers.h b/Database/APR/CollectionBase/CollectionBase/boost_tokenizer_headers.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ade28a3b83c7f68e3ab2bec8fd361ba59f99e896..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Database/APR/CollectionBase/CollectionBase/boost_tokenizer_headers.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// $Id: boost_tokenizer_headers.h 457711 2011-09-07 14:24:34Z mnowak $
-// Disable warnings triggered by the Boost 1.42.0 headers
-// See http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Writing_warning-free_code
-// See also http://www.artima.com/cppsource/codestandards.html
-// See also http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.1.1/cpp/System-Headers.html
-// See also http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-help/2007-01/msg00172.html
-#if defined __GNUC__
-#pragma GCC system_header
-// Include files
-#include <boost/tokenizer.hpp>
diff --git a/Database/RDBAccessSvc/RDBAccessSvc/IRDBQuery.h b/Database/RDBAccessSvc/RDBAccessSvc/IRDBQuery.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 52fa24a674fbb6ee4f9db886c2c1b47b85efe32a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Database/RDBAccessSvc/RDBAccessSvc/IRDBQuery.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#ifndef _IRDBQUERY_H_
-#define _IRDBQUERY_H_
-#include "CoralBase/AttributeList.h"
-#include "CoralBase/Attribute.h"
-#include <string>
-class IRDBQuery
- public:
-  IRDBQuery():m_attrList(0) {}
-  virtual ~IRDBQuery() {}
-  virtual void execute() = 0;
-  virtual long size() = 0;
-  virtual void finalize() = 0;
-  virtual void setOrder(const std::string&) = 0;
-  virtual void addToOutput(const std::string&) = 0;
-  virtual bool next() = 0;
-  template<typename T> const T& data(const std::string&);
-  template<typename T> const T& data(unsigned int);
-  bool isNull(const std::string&);
-  bool isNull(unsigned int);
- protected:
-  const coral::AttributeList* m_attrList;
-template<typename T> const T& IRDBQuery::data(const std::string& field)
-  return (*m_attrList)[field].data<T>();
-template<typename T> const T& IRDBQuery::data(unsigned int fieldInd)
-  return (*m_attrList)[fieldInd].data<T>();
-inline bool IRDBQuery::isNull(const std::string& field)
-  return (*m_attrList)[field].isNull();
-inline bool IRDBQuery::isNull(unsigned int fieldInd)
-  return (*m_attrList)[fieldInd].isNull();
diff --git a/Database/RDBAccessSvc/RDBAccessSvc/IRDBRecordset.h b/Database/RDBAccessSvc/RDBAccessSvc/IRDBRecordset.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 9650d5cf849080d841277fff7c14d78ceb67b068..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Database/RDBAccessSvc/RDBAccessSvc/IRDBRecordset.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
- * @file IRDBRecordset.h
- *
- * @brief Definition of the abstract IRDBRecordset interface 
- *
- * @author Vakho Tsulaia <Vakhtang.Tsulaia@cern.ch>
- *
- * $Id: IRDBRecordset.h,v 1.7 2008-12-16 14:05:40 dquarrie Exp $
- */
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-class IRDBRecord;
-typedef std::vector<IRDBRecord*> RecordsVector;
- * @class IRDBRecordset
- *
- * @brief IRDBRecordset is an abstract interface to the RDB Recordsets,
- * which represent a snapshot of HVS-tagged data tables in the
- * relational database
- */
-class IRDBRecordset
- public:
-  /// Destructor, deletes all records
-  virtual ~IRDBRecordset() {}
-  /// @return number of records
-  virtual unsigned int size() const = 0;
-  /// @return node name
-  virtual std::string nodeName() const = 0;
-  /// @return tag name
-  virtual std::string tagName() const = 0;
-  /// @param index [IN] index of the record
-  /// @return RDBRecord by index
-  virtual const IRDBRecord* operator[](unsigned int index) const= 0;
-  typedef RecordsVector::const_iterator const_iterator;
-  /// @return begin iterator
-  virtual const_iterator begin() const=0;
-  /// @return end iterator
-  virtual const_iterator end() const=0;
diff --git a/Database/RDBAccessSvc/share/jobOptions.CompareGeomDBSources.py b/Database/RDBAccessSvc/share/jobOptions.CompareGeomDBSources.py
deleted file mode 100755
index f904e731f0d9baf69b17d5d7474532e4f11f15d1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Database/RDBAccessSvc/share/jobOptions.CompareGeomDBSources.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# This job options compares geometry data corresponding to a given ATLAS tag and read from two sources
-# It is important therefore to have two sessions named Session0 and Session1
-# in the dblookup.xml, both of them must correspond to geometry database instances
-# Comparison results are printed out into a separate log file in the run directory: GeomDBDiff_<GlobalTag>.log
-# Create an event selector:
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-# Generate one dummy event
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import AppMgr as appMgr
-appMgr.EvtMax = 1
-# Configure the comparator algorithm -> Set ATLAS tag
-from RDBAccessSvc.RDBAccessSvcConf import SourceCompAlg
-SourceCompAlg = SourceCompAlg()
-SourceCompAlg.GlobalTag = "ATLAS-GEO-18-00-00"
-# Add the comparator to the AlgSequence
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-topSequence = AlgSequence()
-topSequence += SourceCompAlg
diff --git a/Database/RDBAccessSvc/src/RDBRecord.cxx b/Database/RDBAccessSvc/src/RDBRecord.cxx
deleted file mode 100755
index 7586fe710ae19c97cdee2173988342cba509a380..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Database/RDBAccessSvc/src/RDBRecord.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
- * @file RDBRecord.cxx
- *
- * @brief Implementation of RDBRecord class
- *
- * @author Vakho Tsulaia <Vakhtang.Tsulaia@cern.ch>
- *
- * $Id: RDBRecord.cxx,v 1.11 2006-10-23 15:24:06 tsulaia Exp $
- */
-#include "RDBRecord.h"
-#include "RelationalAccess/ICursor.h"
-#include "CoralBase/Attribute.h"
-#include "CoralBase/AttributeList.h"
-#include "CoralBase/AttributeSpecification.h"
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <iostream>
-RDBRecord::RDBRecord(const coral::AttributeList& attList, 
-		     std::string tableName):
-  m_values(0),
-  m_tableName(tableName)
-  m_values = new coral::AttributeList(attList);
-  for(unsigned int i=0; i<m_values->size(); i++)
-  {
-    std::string key = (*m_values)[i].specification().name();
-    m_name2Index[key] = i;
-  }
-  delete m_values;
-bool RDBRecord::isFieldNull(const std::string& fieldName) const 
-  FieldName2ListIndex::const_iterator it = m_name2Index.find(m_tableName+"."+fieldName);
-  if(it==m_name2Index.end())
-    throw std::runtime_error( "Wrong name for the field " + m_tableName+"."+fieldName);
-  return (*m_values)[it->second].isNull();
-int RDBRecord::getInt(const std::string& fieldName) const
-  FieldName2ListIndex::const_iterator it = m_name2Index.find(m_tableName+"."+fieldName);
-  if(it==m_name2Index.end())
-    throw std::runtime_error( "Wrong name for the field " + m_tableName+"."+fieldName);
-  if((*m_values)[it->second].specification().type()==typeid(int))
-    return (*m_values)[it->second].data<int>();
-  else if((*m_values)[it->second].specification().type()==typeid(long))
-    return (int)(*m_values)[it->second].data<long>();
-  else
-    throw std::runtime_error( "Field " + fieldName + " is NOT of integer type\n");
-long RDBRecord::getLong(const std::string& fieldName) const
-  FieldName2ListIndex::const_iterator it = m_name2Index.find(m_tableName+"."+fieldName);
-  if(it==m_name2Index.end())
-    throw std::runtime_error( "Wrong name for the field " + m_tableName+"."+fieldName);
-  if((*m_values)[it->second].specification().type()==typeid(long))
-    return (*m_values)[it->second].data<long>();
-  else if((*m_values)[it->second].specification().type()==typeid(int))
-    return (long)(*m_values)[it->second].data<int>();
-  else if((*m_values)[it->second].specification().type()==typeid(long long))
-    return (long)(*m_values)[it->second].data<long long>();
-  else
-      throw std::runtime_error( "Field " + fieldName + " is NOT of long type");
-double RDBRecord::getDouble(const std::string& fieldName) const
-  FieldName2ListIndex::const_iterator it = m_name2Index.find(m_tableName+"."+fieldName);
-  if(it==m_name2Index.end())
-    throw std::runtime_error( "Wrong name for the field " + m_tableName+"."+fieldName);
-  if((*m_values)[it->second].specification().type()==typeid(double))
-    return (*m_values)[it->second].data<double>();
-  else
-    throw std::runtime_error( "Field " + fieldName + " is NOT of double type");
-float RDBRecord::getFloat(const std::string& fieldName) const
-  FieldName2ListIndex::const_iterator it = m_name2Index.find(m_tableName+"."+fieldName);
-  if(it==m_name2Index.end())
-    throw std::runtime_error( "Wrong name for the field " + m_tableName+"."+fieldName);
-  if((*m_values)[it->second].specification().type()==typeid(float))
-    return (*m_values)[it->second].data<float>();
-  else
-    throw std::runtime_error( "Field " + fieldName + " is NOT of float type");
-std::string RDBRecord::getString(const std::string& fieldName) const
-  FieldName2ListIndex::const_iterator it = m_name2Index.find(m_tableName+"."+fieldName);
-  if(it==m_name2Index.end())
-    throw std::runtime_error( "Wrong name for the field " + m_tableName+"."+fieldName);
-  if((*m_values)[it->second].specification().type()==typeid(std::string))
-    return (*m_values)[it->second].data<std::string>();
-  else
-    throw std::runtime_error( "Field " + fieldName + " is NOT of string type");
-int RDBRecord::getInt(const std::string& fieldName, unsigned int index) const
-  std::ostringstream strInd;
-  strInd << index;
-  FieldName2ListIndex::const_iterator it = m_name2Index.find(m_tableName+"."+fieldName + "_" + strInd.str());
-  if(it==m_name2Index.end())
-    throw std::runtime_error("Wrong name for the array field " + m_tableName+"."+fieldName + " or index=" + strInd.str() + " is out of range");
-  if((*m_values)[it->second].specification().type()==typeid(int))
-    return (*m_values)[it->second].data<int>();
-  else if((*m_values)[it->second].specification().type()==typeid(long))
-    return (int)(*m_values)[it->second].data<long>();
-  else
-    throw std::runtime_error( "Field " + fieldName + " is NOT of integer type\n");
-long RDBRecord::getLong(const std::string& fieldName, unsigned int index) const
-  std::ostringstream strInd;
-  strInd << index;
-  FieldName2ListIndex::const_iterator it = m_name2Index.find(m_tableName+"."+fieldName + "_" + strInd.str());
-  if(it==m_name2Index.end())
-    throw std::runtime_error("Wrong name for the array field " + m_tableName+"."+fieldName + " or index=" + strInd.str() + " is out of range");
-  if((*m_values)[it->second].specification().type()==typeid(long))
-    return (*m_values)[it->second].data<long>();
-  else if((*m_values)[it->second].specification().type()==typeid(int))
-    return (long)(*m_values)[it->second].data<int>();
-  else
-    throw std::runtime_error( "Field " + fieldName + " is NOT of long type");
-double RDBRecord::getDouble(const std::string& fieldName, unsigned int index) const
-  std::ostringstream strInd;
-  strInd << index;
-  FieldName2ListIndex::const_iterator it = m_name2Index.find(m_tableName+"."+fieldName + "_" + strInd.str());
-  if(it==m_name2Index.end())
-    throw std::runtime_error("Wrong name for the array field " + m_tableName+"."+fieldName + " or index=" + strInd.str() + " is out of range");
-  if((*m_values)[it->second].specification().type()==typeid(double))
-    return (*m_values)[it->second].data<double>();
-  else
-    throw std::runtime_error( "Field " + fieldName + " is NOT of double type");
-float RDBRecord::getFloat(const std::string& fieldName, unsigned int index) const
-  std::ostringstream strInd;
-  strInd << index;
-  FieldName2ListIndex::const_iterator it = m_name2Index.find(m_tableName+"."+fieldName + "_" + strInd.str());
-  if(it==m_name2Index.end())
-    throw std::runtime_error("Wrong name for the array field " + m_tableName+"."+fieldName + " or index=" + strInd.str() + " is out of range");
-  if((*m_values)[it->second].specification().type()==typeid(float))
-    return (*m_values)[it->second].data<float>();
-  else
-    throw std::runtime_error( "Field " + fieldName + " is NOT of float type");
-std::string RDBRecord::getString(const std::string& fieldName, unsigned int index) const
-  std::ostringstream strInd;
-  strInd << index;
-  FieldName2ListIndex::const_iterator it = m_name2Index.find(m_tableName+"."+fieldName + "_" + strInd.str());
-  if(it==m_name2Index.end())
-    throw std::runtime_error("Wrong name for the array field " + m_tableName+"."+fieldName + " or index=" + strInd.str() + " is out of range");
-  if((*m_values)[it->second].specification().type()==typeid(std::string))
-    return (*m_values)[it->second].data<std::string>();
-  else
-    throw std::runtime_error( "Field " + fieldName + " is NOT of string type");
-bool RDBRecord::operator!=(const RDBRecord& rhs) const
-  const coral::AttributeList& myAttList = *m_values;
-  const coral::AttributeList& rhsAttList = *rhs.m_values;
-  if(myAttList.size()!=rhsAttList.size())
-    return true;
-  for(size_t i(0); i<myAttList.size(); ++i) {
-    const coral::Attribute& myAtt = myAttList[i];
-    const std::string name = myAtt.specification().name();
-    bool exists(false);
-    for(size_t j(0); j<rhsAttList.size(); ++j) {
-      const coral::Attribute& rhsAtt = rhsAttList[j];
-      if(rhsAtt.specification().name()==name) {
-	if(myAtt!=rhsAtt)
-	  return true;
-	exists = true;
-	break;
-      }
-    }// Go through the attributes in the RHS list
-    if(!exists)
-      return true;
-  }
-  return false;
-std::ostream& RDBRecord::toOutputStream(std::ostream& os) const
-  m_values->toOutputStream(os);
-  return os;
diff --git a/Database/RDBAccessSvc/src/RDBVersionAccessor.h b/Database/RDBAccessSvc/src/RDBVersionAccessor.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 19681e013e4390f298a4dfab5953b2a902e5eca7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Database/RDBAccessSvc/src/RDBVersionAccessor.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
- * @file RDBVersionAccessor.h
- *
- * @brief Definition of RDBVersionAccessor class
- *
- * @author Vakho Tsulaia <Vakhtang.Tsulaia@cern.ch>
- *
- * $Id: RDBVersionAccessor.h,v 1.11 2006-05-11 22:34:39 tsulaia Exp $
- */
-#include <string>
-#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
-namespace coral
-  class ISessionProxy;
-  class AttributeList;
-class MsgStream;
- * @class RDBVersionAccessor
- *
- * @brief RDBVersionAccessor is a helper class navigating HVS
- * tree and getting child node tag by the tag of one of its parents
- * 
- */
-class RDBVersionAccessor
- public:
-  /// Constructor
-  /// @param childNode [IN] child node name
-  /// @param parentNode [IN] parent node name
-  /// @param parentTag [IN] parent tag name
-  /// @param session [IN] active relational session  
-  RDBVersionAccessor(std::string childNode,
-		     std::string parentNode,
-		     std::string parentTag,
-		     coral::ISessionProxy* session,
-		     MsgStream& stream);
-  /// Constructs SQL query and retrieves child tag ID and Name from DB
-  void getChildTagData();
-  /// @return node name
-  inline std::string getNodeName() const {return m_childNode;}
-  /// @return tag name for the child node 
-  inline std::string getTagName() const {return m_tagName;}
-  /// @return stringified tag ID
-  inline std::string getTagID() const {return m_tagID;}
-  /// @return branch flag for the child node
-  /// returns false if the data has not been fetched yet
-  inline bool isLeaf() const {return m_isChildLeaf;}
- private:
-  /// Default constructor
-  RDBVersionAccessor();
-  // Convert attribute value to std::string
-  std::string attribute2String(const coral::AttributeList& attList,
-			       std::string fieldName);
-  coral::ISessionProxy* m_session;
-  std::string m_childNode;
-  std::string m_parentNode;
-  std::string m_parentTag;
-  std::string m_tagName;
-  std::string m_tagID;
-  bool m_isChildLeaf;
-  MsgStream& m_msgStream;
diff --git a/Event/EventContainers/test/ID_ContainerTest.h b/Event/EventContainers/test/ID_ContainerTest.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bab14949a0ed8f4a5d3ee9f151cefc1ec9cca7f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Event/EventContainers/test/ID_ContainerTest.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// Test algorithm for IdentifiableContainer
-namespace IDC_TEST{
-class MyCollectionContainer; 
-class ID_ContainerTest {
-  ID_ContainerTest(); 
-  virtual int initialize() ; 
-  virtual int finalize()  ; 
-  virtual int execute(); 
-  int m_ncollections; 
-  int m_nskip; 
-  int m_nhits; 
-  int m_test; 
-  IDC_TEST::MyCollectionContainer* m_container;   
-} ;
diff --git a/ForwardDetectors/ALFA/ALFA_GeoModel/src/ALFA_DetectorFactory.h b/ForwardDetectors/ALFA/ALFA_GeoModel/src/ALFA_DetectorFactory.h
deleted file mode 100755
index ef812d26975a91cf593f3108bed761e6b40bdd2e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ForwardDetectors/ALFA/ALFA_GeoModel/src/ALFA_DetectorFactory.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#ifndef ALFA_DetectorFactory_h
-#define ALFA_DetectorFactory_h 1
-#include "ALFA_Geometry/ALFA_constants.h"
-#include "ALFA_Geometry/ALFA_GeometryReader.h"
-//#include "ALFA_GeoModel/ALFA_DetectorTool.h"
-#include "GeoModelKernel/GeoAlignableTransform.h"
-#include "GeoModelKernel/GeoVDetectorFactory.h"
-#include "ALFA_GeoModel/ALFA_DetectorManager.h"
-#include "RDBAccessSvc/IRDBAccessSvc.h"
-//#include "GeoModelSvc/StoredMaterialManager.h"
-#include "GeoModelInterfaces/StoredMaterialManager.h"
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-class StoreGateSvc;
-class AbsMaterialManager;
-class IRDBRecordset;
-class GeoShape;
-class GeoPhysVol;
-class GeoFullPhysVol;
-typedef struct _ALFAPHYSVOLUME {
-	GeoFullPhysVol* pPhysVolume;
-	HepGeom::Transform3D Transform;
-typedef struct _ALIGNPARAMETERS {
-	double fYOffset[RPOTSCNT];
-	double fXOffset[RPOTSCNT];
-	double fTheta[RPOTSCNT];
-enum eTransformDeltaType { ETDT_RPTRANSFORM };
-typedef struct _CONFIGURATION {
-	bool bConstructBeampipe;
-	bool bAddIBP;
-	std::vector<bool> bIsTransformInStation;
-	std::vector<bool> bIsTransformInDetector;
-	std::vector<double> pointTransformInDetectorB7L1U;
-	std::vector<double> pointTransformInDetectorB7L1L;
-	std::vector<double> pointTransformInDetectorA7L1U;
-	std::vector<double> pointTransformInDetectorA7L1L;
-	std::vector<double> pointTransformInDetectorB7R1U;
-	std::vector<double> pointTransformInDetectorB7R1L;
-	std::vector<double> pointTransformInDetectorA7R1U;
-	std::vector<double> pointTransformInDetectorA7R1L;
-	std::vector<double> vecTransformInDetectorB7L1U;
-	std::vector<double> vecTransformInDetectorB7L1L;
-	std::vector<double> vecTransformInDetectorA7L1U;
-	std::vector<double> vecTransformInDetectorA7L1L;
-	std::vector<double> vecTransformInDetectorB7R1U;
-	std::vector<double> vecTransformInDetectorB7R1L;
-	std::vector<double> vecTransformInDetectorA7R1U;
-	std::vector<double> vecTransformInDetectorA7R1L;
-	std::vector<double> vecTransformInStationB7L1U;
-	std::vector<double> vecTransformInStationB7L1L;
-	std::vector<double> vecTransformInStationA7L1U;
-	std::vector<double> vecTransformInStationA7L1L;
-	std::vector<double> vecTransformInStationB7R1U;
-	std::vector<double> vecTransformInStationB7R1L;
-	std::vector<double> vecTransformInStationA7R1U;
-	std::vector<double> vecTransformInStationA7R1L;
-	void clear();
-class ALFA_DetectorFactory : public GeoVDetectorFactory  
-	private:
-		// The managers:
-		ALFA_DetectorManager* m_pDetectorManager;   
-		//const AbsMaterialManager* m_pMaterialManager;
-		DataHandle<StoredMaterialManager> m_pMaterialManager;
-		StoreGateSvc* m_pDetectorStore;
-		IRDBAccessSvc* m_pIRDBAccess;
-		eMetrologyType m_eRequestedMetrologyType;
-		ALFA_GeometryReader* m_pGeoReader;
-		std::list<eRPotName> m_ListExistingRPots;
-		std::map<std::string,const GeoMaterial*> m_MapMaterials;
-	public:
-		ALFA_DetectorFactory(StoreGateSvc *pDetStore,IRDBAccessSvc *pAccess, const PCONFIGURATION pConfig);
-		~ALFA_DetectorFactory();
-		// Creation of geometry:
-		virtual void create(GeoPhysVol *pWorld);
-		// Access to the results:
-		virtual const ALFA_DetectorManager * getDetectorManager() const { return m_pDetectorManager; }
-		void UpdateTransforms(PALIGNPARAMETERS pAlignParams);
-		bool ReadGeometry(bool bAlignCorrections=false);
-	private:  
-		// Illegal operations:
-		const ALFA_DetectorFactory & operator=(const ALFA_DetectorFactory &right);
-		ALFA_DetectorFactory(const ALFA_DetectorFactory &right);
-	private:
-		void SaveGeometry();
-		void DefineMaterials();
-		void ConstructUFiberCladdings(const eRPotName eRPName, GeoFullPhysVol* pMotherVolume, const HepGeom::Transform3D& MotherTransform, GeoAlignableTransform* pDetTransform);
-		void ConstructVFiberCladdings(const eRPotName eRPName, GeoFullPhysVol* pMotherVolume, const HepGeom::Transform3D& MotherTransform, GeoAlignableTransform* pDetTransform);
-		void ConstructODFiberCladdings(const eRPotName eRPName, GeoFullPhysVol* pPhysMotherVolume, const HepGeom::Transform3D& MotherTransform, GeoAlignableTransform* pDetTransform);
-		void ConstructODFibers00(const eRPotName eRPName, const int iODPlate, eFiberType eFType, GeoFullPhysVol* pMotherVolume, const HepGeom::Transform3D& MotherTransform, const HepGeom::Transform3D& TransODCladding);
-		void ConstructODFibers01(const eRPotName eRPName, const int iODPlate, eFiberType eFType, GeoFullPhysVol* pMotherVolume, const HepGeom::Transform3D& MotherTransform, const HepGeom::Transform3D& TransODCladding);
-		void SelectRPots();
-		void CreateAxes(GeoPhysVol* pMotherVolume);
-		void ConstructAlfaStations(std::map<eAStationName,ALFAPHYSVOLUME>* pmapActiveStations, GeoPhysVol* pWorld);
-		void ConstructBeampipe(GeoPhysVol* pWorld);
-		void AddBeamPipeInStation(GeoFullPhysVol* pPhysStation, const char* pszStationLabel);
-		void AddGlobalVacuumSensorInStation(GeoFullPhysVol* pPhysStation, eAStationName eStatName);
-		GeoShape* CreateSolidRP();
-		GeoShape* CreateSolidAir();
-		GeoShape* CreateSolidTrigger();
-		GeoShape* CreateSolidRPSupport();
-		GeoShape* CreateSolidG10Shapes();
-		std::map<int,GeoShape*>* CreateSolidTiPlates();
-		std::map<int,GeoShape*>* CreateSolidODPlates();
-	private:
-		HepGeom::Transform3D UserTransformInDetector(eRPotName eRPName);
-		HepGeom::Transform3D UserTransformInStation(eRPotName eRPName);
-		HepGeom::Point3D<double> Point3DInDetector(eRPotName eRPName);
diff --git a/ForwardDetectors/ForwardSimulation/ForwardRegionGeoModel/src/ForwardRegionGeoModelFactory.h b/ForwardDetectors/ForwardSimulation/ForwardRegionGeoModel/src/ForwardRegionGeoModelFactory.h
deleted file mode 100755
index c4a8eb6d6837e56abc4c45604a047808fa316987..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ForwardDetectors/ForwardSimulation/ForwardRegionGeoModel/src/ForwardRegionGeoModelFactory.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#ifndef ForwardRegionGeoModelFactory_h
-#define ForwardRegionGeoModelFactory_h 1
-#include "GeoModelKernel/GeoVDetectorFactory.h"
-#include "ForwardRegionGeoModel/ForwardRegionGeoModelManager.h"
-#include "ForwardRegionGeoModel/IForwardRegionProperties.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <map>
-class StoreGateSvc;
-typedef struct _FWD_CONFIGURATION
-    double TCL4JawDistB1I;
-    double TCL5JawDistB1I;
-    double TCL6JawDistB1I;
-    double TCL4JawDistB1O;
-    double TCL5JawDistB1O;
-    double TCL6JawDistB1O;
-    double TCL4JawDistB2I;
-    double TCL5JawDistB2I;
-    double TCL6JawDistB2I;
-    double TCL4JawDistB2O;
-    double TCL5JawDistB2O;
-    double TCL6JawDistB2O;
-    bool buildTCL4;
-    bool buildTCL6;
-    bool vp1Compatibility;
-    bool ALFAInNewPosition;
-    double newPosB7L1;
-    double newPosB7R1;
-    double posAFPL1;
-    double posAFPL2;
-    double posAFPR1;
-    double posAFPR2;
-    void clear();
-class ForwardRegionGeoModelFactory : public GeoVDetectorFactory  {
- public:
-  // Constructor:
-  ForwardRegionGeoModelFactory(StoreGateSvc *pDetStore, const PFWD_CONFIGURATION pConfig);
-  // Destructor:
-  ~ForwardRegionGeoModelFactory();
-  // Creation of geometry:
-  virtual void create(GeoPhysVol *world);
-  // Access to the results:
-  virtual const ForwardRegionGeoModelManager * getDetectorManager() const;
- private:
-  StoreGateSvc             *m_detectorStore;
-  // map of defined materials
-  std::map<std::string,const GeoMaterial*> m_MapMaterials;
-  // property configuration
-  ToolHandle<IForwardRegionProperties> m_properties; // properties of mag. field tool
-  // initialization of the material map
-  void DefineMaterials();
-  // construct elements for given beam
-  void constructElements(GeoPhysVol *fwrPhys, std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > loadedDataFile, int beam);
-  // Elements
-  GeoPhysVol* insertMagnetEnvelope(std::string name, double x, double y, double z, double rotationAngle, double diameter, double halfL, double dL, GeoPhysVol* fwrPhys);
-  void insertCircularElement(std::string name, double x, double y, double z, double rotationAngle, double xAperture, double yAperture, double halfL, double dL, double tubeThickness, GeoPhysVol* fwrPhys);
-  void insertEllipticalElement(std::string name, double x, double y, double z, double rotationAngle, double xAperture, double yAperture, double halfL, double dL, double tubeThickness, GeoPhysVol* fwrPhys);
-  void insertXRecticircularElement(std::string name, double x, double y, double z, double rotationAngle, double xAperture, double yAperture, double halfL, double dL, double tubeThickness, GeoPhysVol* fwrPhys);
-  void insertYRecticircularElement(std::string name, double x, double y, double z, double rotationAngle, double xAperture, double yAperture, double halfL, double dL, double tubeThickness, GeoPhysVol* fwrPhys);
-  void insertTrousersElement(std::string name, double x, double y, double z, double rotationAngle, GeoPhysVol* fwrPhys);
-  void insertTCLElement(std::string name, double x, double y, double z, GeoPhysVol* fwrPhys, double TCLJawDistO, double TCLJawDistI, bool tungstenInsteadOfCopper = false);
-  // Load data from file into 2D array of strings
-  std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > loadDataFile(char * fileName, int cols);
-  // convert number to string
-  template <class T>
-  std::string num2str(T);
-  // signum
-  template <typename T> int sgn(T val);
-  // Illegal operations:
-  const ForwardRegionGeoModelFactory & operator=(const ForwardRegionGeoModelFactory &right);
-  ForwardRegionGeoModelFactory(const ForwardRegionGeoModelFactory &right);
-  // The manager:
-  ForwardRegionGeoModelManager       *m_detectorManager;
-// Class ForwardRegionGeoModelFactory
diff --git a/ForwardDetectors/LUCID/LUCID_GeoModel/src/GetAbsLength.h b/ForwardDetectors/LUCID/LUCID_GeoModel/src/GetAbsLength.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 37c839e2606966fe0e15365aa51e5f6b3501ddfe..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ForwardDetectors/LUCID/LUCID_GeoModel/src/GetAbsLength.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-double GetAbsLengthGas(double lambda);
diff --git a/ForwardDetectors/LUCID/LUCID_GeoModel/src/GetRefIndex.h b/ForwardDetectors/LUCID/LUCID_GeoModel/src/GetRefIndex.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b3b0ce59d24b726f9b45fbdfef8e6f4923218719..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ForwardDetectors/LUCID/LUCID_GeoModel/src/GetRefIndex.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-double GetRefIndexGas   (double lambda, double pressure, double temperature);
-double GetRefIndexQuartz(double lambda);
diff --git a/ForwardDetectors/LUCID/LUCID_GeoModel/src/GetReflectivity.h b/ForwardDetectors/LUCID/LUCID_GeoModel/src/GetReflectivity.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 107e755724b13b53881246d07cbcf8828c7fe95a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ForwardDetectors/LUCID/LUCID_GeoModel/src/GetReflectivity.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-double GetReflectivity(double lambda);
diff --git a/Generators/GeneratorFortranCommon/src/getaddr.cxx b/Generators/GeneratorFortranCommon/src/getaddr.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 596958e0733a3610823dd97341347678bfaad719..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Generators/GeneratorFortranCommon/src/getaddr.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// Routine meant to be called from FORTRAN which simply returns the
-// address of the (FORTRAN) argument. This should be 64bit-safe.
-// 1999/01/08 Chris Green (Purdue University)
-// 1999/04/29 CG * altered to use void* from long*
-extern "C" {
-  void* getaddr_(void* arg);
-void* getaddr_(void* arg) {
-  return(arg);
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetCalibAlgs/PixelCalibAlgs/share/SpecialPixelMapSvc_jobOptions.py b/InnerDetector/InDetCalibAlgs/PixelCalibAlgs/share/SpecialPixelMapSvc_jobOptions.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 163613af4d527ea1aaddd3ceaa78c36dfb2ea963..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetCalibAlgs/PixelCalibAlgs/share/SpecialPixelMapSvc_jobOptions.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-### set up IOVDbSvc folder
-from IOVDbSvc.CondDB import conddb
-### configure the special pixel map service
-from PixelConditionsServices.PixelConditionsServicesConf import SpecialPixelMapSvc
-ServiceMgr += SpecialPixelMapSvc()
-SpecialPixelMapSvc = ServiceMgr.SpecialPixelMapSvc
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.DBFolders = [ "/PIXEL/PixMapShort", "/PIXEL/PixMapLong" ]
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.SpecialPixelMapKeys = [ "SpecialPixelMap", "SpecialPixelMapLong" ]
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.DBFolders += [ "/PIXEL/NoiseMapShort", "/PIXEL/NoiseMapLong" ]
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.SpecialPixelMapKeys += [ "NoiseMapShort", "NoiseMapLong" ]
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.OverlayKey = "PixMapOverlay"
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.OverlayFolder = "/PIXEL/PixMapOverlay"
-if DetFlags.pixel_on() : 
-   theApp.CreateSvc += [ ServiceMgr.SpecialPixelMapSvc.getFullName() ]
-### other properties of the SpecialPixelMapSvc:
-#SpecialPixelMapSvc.RegisterCallback = True    # default: true
-#SpecialPixelMapSvc.DataSource = "None"        # default: "None", possible values: "None", "Database" or "Textfiles"
-                                               # only used in create(), not in callback
-#SpecialPixelMapSvc.ModuleIDsForPrinting = [ "89702400" ] # default: empty, possible values: list of module hash ids or "all" 
-#SpecialPixelMapSvc.PrintVerbosePixelID = True # default: true
-#SpecialPixelMapSvc.PrintBinaryPixelStatus = True # default: true
-#SpecialPixelMapSvc.MarkSpecialRegions = True  # default: true
-#SpecialPixelMapSvc.MergePixelMaps = True      # default: true
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelCalibServiceTest.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelCalibServiceTest.cxx
deleted file mode 100755
index 853ed874e01a5e7ec1e5ed5963daf9f9f931b826..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelCalibServiceTest.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,385 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// PixelCalibServiceTest.cxx
-// Algorithm to create Pixel Calib objects and place them in Condition DB
-// Author Weiming Yao <wmyao@lbl.gov>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-#include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
-#include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
-#include "InDetReadoutGeometry/PixelDetectorManager.h"
-#include "InDetReadoutGeometry/SiDetectorElement.h"
-#include "InDetReadoutGeometry/PixelModuleDesign.h"
-#include "InDetReadoutGeometry/SiDetectorElementCollection.h"
-#include "PixelConditionsData/PixelCalibDataColl.h"
-#include "InDetIdentifier/PixelID.h"
-#include "PixelConditionsServices/IPixelCalibSvc.h" 
-#include "PixelCalibServiceTest.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IToolSvc.h"
-static unsigned int rowsFGangedFEI3  =153;   // first ganged pixel row for FEI3
-static unsigned int rowsFGangedFEI52  =661;   // first ganged pixel row for FEI52
-static unsigned int rowsFGangedFEI51  =331;   // first ganged pixel row for FEI51
-static bool isIBL(false);
-static bool isITK(false);
-PixelCalibServiceTest::PixelCalibServiceTest(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator)
-    :AthAlgorithm   (name, pSvcLocator),
-     // m_log       (msgSvc(), name),
-     // m_sgSvc (0),
-     //m_detStore  (0), 
-     m_calibsvc("PixelCalibSvc",name),
-     m_pixman(0),
-     m_pixid(0),
-     m_setup(0),
-     m_par_rfile(""),
-     m_dummy(false),
-     m_par_histf(0)
-  // declare algorithm parameters
-  declareProperty("OutputTextFile",m_par_rfile);
-  declareProperty("MakeDummy",m_dummy);
-  for(int i =0; i<14; ++i)m_myhf[i] =0;
-StatusCode PixelCalibServiceTest::initialize() {
-  msg(MSG::INFO) << "PixelCalibServiceTest::initialize() called" << endmsg;
-  //get storegate pointers (not need for AthAlgorithm classes)
-  //if ((StatusCode::SUCCESS!=service("StoreGateSvc",m_sgSvc)) ||
-  //   (StatusCode::SUCCESS!=service("DetectorStore",m_detStore))) {
-  //  msg(MSG::INFO) << "StoreGate services not found" << endmsg;
-  //  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  // }
-  // Get Pixel manager and ID helper
-  if (StatusCode::SUCCESS!= detStore()->retrieve(m_pixman,"Pixel") || 
-      m_pixman==0) {
-    msg(MSG::FATAL) << "Could not find Pixel manager " << endmsg;
-    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  if (StatusCode::SUCCESS!= detStore()->retrieve(m_pixid,"PixelID") ){
-    ATH_MSG_FATAL( "Unable to retrieve pixel ID helper" );
-    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  ATH_MSG_INFO( "Pixel manager and helper found ");
-  // check pixel geometry here:
-  if(m_pixid->wafer_hash_max()>1744)isIBL = true;
-  if(m_pixid->wafer_hash_max()>3000)isITK = true;
-  InDetDD::SiDetectorElementCollection::const_iterator iter, itermin, itermax;
-  itermin = m_pixman->getDetectorElementBegin();
-  itermax = m_pixman->getDetectorElementEnd();
-  int totpixmodule(0);
-  std::ofstream* outfile=0;
-  if(msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg() << " read PixelCalibData to text file: "
-                              << m_par_rfile << endmsg;
-  outfile = new std::ofstream(m_par_rfile.c_str());
-  for( iter=itermin; iter !=itermax; ++iter){
-    const InDetDD::SiDetectorElement* element = *iter;
-    if(element !=0){
-      const Identifier ident = element->identify();
-      if(m_pixid->is_pixel(ident)){  // OK this Element is included
-        // making dump calib file for SLHC
-        if(m_dummy&isIBL){
-          const InDetDD::PixelModuleDesign* design = dynamic_cast<const InDetDD::PixelModuleDesign*>(&element->design());
-	  if(design){
-	    unsigned int mchips = design->numberOfCircuits();
-	    // std::cout<<"I am here "<<m_pixid->barrel_ec(ident)<<","<<m_pixid->layer_disk(ident)<<","<<m_pixid->phi_module(ident)<<","<<m_pixid->eta_module(ident)<<" mchips="<<mchips<<" dio="<<design->numberOfDiodes()<<" columnsrdo="<<design->columnsPerCircuit()<<" rowsrdo="<<design->rowsPerCircuit()<<" columns="<<design->columns()<<" rows="<<design->rows()<<std::endl;
-	    if(mchips==8||abs(m_pixid->barrel_ec(ident))==2||(m_pixid->barrel_ec(ident)==0&&m_pixid->layer_disk(ident)>0))mchips *=2; // guess numberOfCircuits()
-	    *outfile<<m_pixid->barrel_ec(ident)<<","<<m_pixid->layer_disk(ident)<<","<<m_pixid->phi_module(ident)<<","<<m_pixid->eta_module(ident)<<std::endl;
-	    for(int ichip=0; ichip<static_cast<int>(mchips); ++ichip){
-	      *outfile<<"I"<<ichip<<" "<<"4160 69 192 5090 4160 69 192 5090 4160 69 192 5090 499 -1501 294329 499 -1501 294329 0.03 0.025"<<std::endl;
-	    }
-	  }
-        }
-	++totpixmodule;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if(msgLvl(MSG::INFO) ) msg() <<" total Pixel module "<<totpixmodule<<endmsg;
-  // end of checking pixel modules 
-  //get Database manager tool
-  if (StatusCode::SUCCESS!=m_calibsvc.retrieve() ) {
-    msg(MSG::FATAL) << "PixelCalibSvc not found" << endmsg;
-    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  msg(MSG::INFO) << " PixelCalibSvc found " << endmsg;
-  //print the options
-  msg(MSG::INFO) << " Read from Pixel Conditions database into a text file: " << m_par_rfile<<endmsg;
-  if(m_par_rfile ==""){
-    msg(MSG::ERROR) << " It's reading, Output text file is required "<<endmsg; 
-    return StatusCode::FAILURE; 
-  }
-  //
-  // create a root file
-  m_par_histf = new TFile("myoutput.root","RECREATE");
-  m_myhf[0] = new TH1F("thres","thres",200,3000.,8000.);
-  m_myhf[1] = new TH1F("sigmath","sigmath",100,0.,500.);
-  m_myhf[2] = new TH1F("noise","noise",100,0.,500.);
-  m_myhf[3] = new TH1F("thresin","thresin",200,3000.,8000.);
-  m_myhf[4] = new TH1F("thres-long","thres-long",200,3000.,8000.);
-  m_myhf[5] = new TH1F("sigmath-long","sigmath-long",100,0.,500.);
-  m_myhf[6] = new TH1F("noise-long","noise-long",100,0.,500.);
-  m_myhf[7] = new TH1F("thresin-long","thresin-long",200,3000.,8000.);
-  m_myhf[8] = new TH1F("thres-ganged","thres-ganged",200,3000.,8000.);
-  m_myhf[9] = new TH1F("sigmath-ganged","sigmath-ganged",100,0.,500.);
-  m_myhf[10] = new TH1F("noise-ganged","noise-ganged",100,0.,500.);
-  m_myhf[11] = new TH1F("thresin-ganged","thresin-ganged",200,3000.,8000.);
-  m_myhf[12] = new TH1F("tot-p1","tot-p1",100, -1.,1.);
-  m_myhf[13] = new TH1F("tot-p2","tot-p2",100, -1.,1.);
-  //
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-StatusCode PixelCalibServiceTest::execute() {
-  //StatusCode sc;
-  //
-  // at first event:
-  // create Conditions objects in the detectorstore
-  if(!m_setup){ 
-    m_setup = true; 
-    std::ofstream* outfile=0;
-    if(msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg() << " read PixelCalibData to text file: "
-	  << m_par_rfile << endmsg;
-    outfile = new std::ofstream(m_par_rfile.c_str());
-    InDetDD::SiDetectorElementCollection::const_iterator iter, itermin, itermax;
-    if(StatusCode::SUCCESS != detStore()->retrieve(m_pixman, "Pixel") || m_pixman==0){
-      if(msgLvl(MSG::FATAL)) msg() << "Could not find Pixel manager "<<endmsg;
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    else{
-      itermin = m_pixman->getDetectorElementBegin();
-      itermax = m_pixman->getDetectorElementEnd();
-      if (StatusCode::SUCCESS!= detStore()->retrieve(m_pixid,"PixelID") ){
-	ATH_MSG_FATAL( "Unable to retrieve pixel ID helper" );
-	return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-      }
-    }
-    int nchips = 0;
-    int nobj = 0;
-    bool lfst = true;
-    bool lfstA = true;
-    bool lfstC = true;
-    for( iter=itermin; iter !=itermax; ++iter){
-      const InDetDD::SiDetectorElement* element = *iter;
-      if(element !=0){
-	const Identifier ident = element->identify();
-	if(m_pixid->is_pixel(ident)){  // OK this Element is included
-	  const InDetDD::PixelModuleDesign* design = dynamic_cast<const InDetDD::PixelModuleDesign*>(&element->design());
-	  if(!design)continue;
-	  unsigned int mchips = design->numberOfCircuits();
-	  if(mchips==8||abs(m_pixid->barrel_ec(ident))==2||(m_pixid->barrel_ec(ident)==0&&m_pixid->layer_disk(ident)>0))mchips *=2; // guess numberOfCircuits() 
-	  //
-	    //
-	  unsigned int hashID = isIBL?static_cast<unsigned int>(m_pixid->wafer_hash(ident)):( (((m_pixid->barrel_ec(ident) + 2) / 2) << 25 ) + ( m_pixid->layer_disk(ident) << 23) + ( m_pixid->phi_module(ident) << 17) + ((m_pixid->eta_module(ident) + 6) << 13));
-	  if(m_dummy){
-	    unsigned int dl = 0;
-	    if(!isIBL){
-              if(m_pixid->barrel_ec(ident)==-2&&lfstA){ // making DBM dummy -4                                                                                                                           
-                lfstA = false;
-                for(int i = 0; i<3; ++i){
-                  for(int j = 0; j<4; ++j){
-                    *outfile<<-4<<","<<i<<","<<j<<","<<0<<std::endl;
-                    *outfile<<"I"<<0<<" "<<"1200 69 192 1200 1200 69 192 1200 0 0 0 0 941 -1200 800000 941 -1200 800000 0.03 0.025"<<std::endl;
-                  }
-                }
-              }
-              if(m_pixid->barrel_ec(ident)==2&&lfstC){// making DBM dummy 4                                                                                                                              
-                lfstC =false;
-                for(int i = 0; i<3; ++i){
-                  for(int j = 0; j<4; ++j){
-                    *outfile<<4<<","<<i<<","<<j<<","<<0<<std::endl;
-                    *outfile<<"I"<<0<<" "<<"1200 69 192 1200 1200 69 192 1200 0 0 0 0 941 -1200 800000 941 -1200 800000 0.03 0.025"<<std::endl;
-                  }
-                }
-              }
-	      if(m_pixid->barrel_ec(ident)==0)dl =1;
-	      if(m_pixid->barrel_ec(ident)==0&&m_pixid->layer_disk(ident)==0&&lfst){ // making dummy of IBL
-		lfst = false;
-		for(int i = 0; i<14; ++i){
-		  for(int j =-10; j<10; ++j){
-		    //unsigned int dummyID = (2 << 26) +(i << 18) +((j + 10) << 13);
-		    int mx = 2;
-		    if(j<-6||j>5)mx = 1; 
-		    *outfile<<m_pixid->barrel_ec(ident)<<","<<0<<","<<i<<","<<j<<std::endl;
-		    for(int ichip=0; ichip<mx; ++ichip){
-		      //*outfile<<"I"<<ichip<<" "<<"4160 69 192 5090 4310 165 300 5330 0 0 0 0 499 -1501 294329 499 -1501 294329 0.03 0.025"<<std::endl;
-		      //*outfile<<"I"<<ichip<<" "<<"1500 69 192 1500 1500 69 192 1500 0 0 0 0 883 -1500 1600000 883 -1500 1600000 0.03 0.025"<<std::endl;
-		      *outfile<<"I"<<ichip<<" "<<"2550 75 120 2550 2550 75 135 2550 0 0 0 0 18 -1445 10000 18 -1445 10000 0.25 0.000025"<<std::endl; // turned from M7 cosmic
-		    }
-		  }
-		}
-	      }
-	      if(m_calibsvc->hasCalibData(ident)){
-		if(nobj%100==0 && msgLvl(MSG::INFO) ) msg()           <<"ith Module:"<<nobj<<"with Identifier:"<<hashID<<endmsg;
-		++nobj;
-		*outfile<<m_pixid->barrel_ec(ident)<<","<<m_pixid->layer_disk(ident)+dl<<","<<m_pixid->phi_module(ident)<<","<<m_pixid->eta_module(ident)<<std::endl;
-		for(int ichip=0; ichip<static_cast<int>(mchips); ++ichip){
-		++nchips;
-		*outfile<<"I"<<ichip<<" "<<m_calibsvc->getThreshold(ident,0,1,ichip)<<" "<<
-		  m_calibsvc->getThresholdSigma(ident,0,1,ichip)<<" "<<
-		  m_calibsvc->getNoise(ident,0,1,ichip)<<" "<<
-		  m_calibsvc->getTimeWalk(ident,0,1,ichip)<<" "<<
-		  m_calibsvc->getThreshold(ident,0,0,ichip)<<" "<<
-		  m_calibsvc->getThresholdSigma(ident,0,0,ichip)<<" "<<
-		  m_calibsvc->getNoise(ident,0,0,ichip)<<" "<<
-		  m_calibsvc->getTimeWalk(ident,0,0,ichip)<<" "<<
-		  m_calibsvc->getThreshold(ident,153,0,ichip)<<" "<<
-		  m_calibsvc->getThresholdSigma(ident,153,0,ichip)<<" "<<
-		  m_calibsvc->getNoise(ident,153,0,ichip)<<" "<<
-		  m_calibsvc->getTimeWalk(ident,153,0,ichip)<<" "<<
-		  m_calibsvc->getQ2TotA(ident,0,1,ichip)<<" "<<
-		  m_calibsvc->getQ2TotE(ident,0,1,ichip)<<" "<<
-		  m_calibsvc->getQ2TotC(ident,0,1,ichip)<<" "<<
-		  m_calibsvc->getQ2TotA(ident,153,0,ichip)<<" "<<
-		  m_calibsvc->getQ2TotE(ident,153,0,ichip)<<" "<<
-		  m_calibsvc->getQ2TotC(ident,153,0,ichip)<<" "<<
-		  m_calibsvc->getTotP1(ident,ichip)<<" "<<
-		  m_calibsvc->getTotP2(ident,ichip)<<" "<<std::endl;
-		}
-	      }
-	    }
-	  }
-	  else{ // normal dump 	      
-	    if(m_calibsvc->hasCalibData(ident)){
-	      if(nobj%100==0 && msgLvl(MSG::INFO) ) msg()           <<"ith Module:"<<nobj<<"with Identifier:"<<hashID<<endmsg;
-	      ++nobj;
-	      int rowsFGangedFE = rowsFGangedFEI3;
-	      if(isITK){
-		rowsFGangedFE = rowsFGangedFEI51;
-		if(m_pixid->barrel_ec(ident)==0&&m_pixid->layer_disk(ident)==1)rowsFGangedFE = rowsFGangedFEI52;
-	      }
-	      *outfile<<hashID<<std::endl;
-	      int mchipx = m_calibsvc->getNFE(ident);
-	      if(mchipx>2){
-		for(int ichip=0; ichip<mchipx; ++ichip){
-		  ++nchips;		
-		  m_myhf[0]->Fill(m_calibsvc->getThreshold(ident,0,1,ichip));
-		  m_myhf[1]->Fill(m_calibsvc->getThresholdSigma(ident,0,1,ichip));
-		  m_myhf[2]->Fill(m_calibsvc->getNoise(ident,0,1,ichip));
-		  m_myhf[3]->Fill(m_calibsvc->getTimeWalk(ident,0,1,ichip));
-		  m_myhf[4]->Fill(m_calibsvc->getThreshold(ident,0,0,ichip));
-		  m_myhf[5]->Fill(m_calibsvc->getThresholdSigma(ident,0,0,ichip));
-		  m_myhf[6]->Fill(m_calibsvc->getNoise(ident,0,0,ichip));
-		  m_myhf[7]->Fill(m_calibsvc->getTimeWalk(ident,0,0,ichip));
-		  m_myhf[8]->Fill(m_calibsvc->getThreshold(ident,rowsFGangedFE,0,ichip));
-		  m_myhf[9]->Fill(m_calibsvc->getThresholdSigma(ident,rowsFGangedFE,0,ichip));
-		  m_myhf[10]->Fill(m_calibsvc->getNoise(ident,rowsFGangedFE,0,ichip));
-		  m_myhf[11]->Fill(m_calibsvc->getTimeWalk(ident,rowsFGangedFE,0,ichip));
-		  m_myhf[12]->Fill(m_calibsvc->getTotP1(ident,ichip));
-		  m_myhf[13]->Fill(m_calibsvc->getTotP2(ident,ichip));
-		  // need to be prcise about the type of pixel: 
-		  *outfile<<"I"<<ichip<<" "<<m_calibsvc->getThreshold(ident,0,1,ichip)<<" "<<
-		    m_calibsvc->getThresholdSigma(ident,0,1,ichip)<<" "<<
-		    m_calibsvc->getNoise(ident,0,1,ichip)<<" "<<
-		    m_calibsvc->getTimeWalk(ident,0,1,ichip)<<" "<<
-		    m_calibsvc->getThreshold(ident,0,0,ichip)<<" "<<
-		    m_calibsvc->getThresholdSigma(ident,0,0,ichip)<<" "<<
-		    m_calibsvc->getNoise(ident,0,0,ichip)<<" "<<
-		    m_calibsvc->getTimeWalk(ident,0,0,ichip)<<" "<<
-		    m_calibsvc->getThreshold(ident,rowsFGangedFE,0,ichip)<<" "<<
-		    m_calibsvc->getThresholdSigma(ident,rowsFGangedFE,0,ichip)<<" "<<
-		    m_calibsvc->getNoise(ident,rowsFGangedFE,0,ichip)<<" "<<
-		    m_calibsvc->getTimeWalk(ident,rowsFGangedFE,0,ichip)<<" "<<
-		    m_calibsvc->getQ2TotA(ident,0,1,ichip)<<" "<<
-		    m_calibsvc->getQ2TotE(ident,0,1,ichip)<<" "<<
-		    m_calibsvc->getQ2TotC(ident,0,1,ichip)<<" "<<
-		    m_calibsvc->getQ2TotA(ident,rowsFGangedFE,0,ichip)<<" "<<
-		    m_calibsvc->getQ2TotE(ident,rowsFGangedFE,0,ichip)<<" "<<
-		    m_calibsvc->getQ2TotC(ident,rowsFGangedFE,0,ichip)<<" "<<
-		    m_calibsvc->getTotP1(ident,ichip)<<" "<<
-		    m_calibsvc->getTotP2(ident,ichip)<<" "<<std::endl;
-		}
-	      }
-	      else{ // FEI4 chips 
-		for(int ichip=0; ichip<mchipx; ++ichip){
-		  ++nchips;
-		  if(mchipx>1){
-		    *outfile<<"I"<<ichip<<" "<<m_calibsvc->getThreshold(ident,1,1,ichip)<<" "<<
-		      m_calibsvc->getThresholdSigma(ident,1,1,ichip)<<" "<<
-		      m_calibsvc->getNoise(ident,1,1,ichip)<<" "<<
-		      m_calibsvc->getTimeWalk(ident,1,1,ichip)<<" "<<
-		      m_calibsvc->getThreshold(ident,0,0,ichip)<<" "<<
-		      m_calibsvc->getThresholdSigma(ident,0,0,ichip)<<" "<<
-		      m_calibsvc->getNoise(ident,0,0,ichip)<<" "<<
-		      m_calibsvc->getTimeWalk(ident,0,0,ichip)<<" "<<
-		      0<<" "<<0<<" "<<0<<" "<<0<<" "<<
-		      m_calibsvc->getQ2TotA(ident,1,1,ichip)<<" "<<
-		      m_calibsvc->getQ2TotE(ident,1,1,ichip)<<" "<<
-		      m_calibsvc->getQ2TotC(ident,1,1,ichip)<<" "<<
-		      m_calibsvc->getQ2TotA(ident,0,0,ichip)<<" "<<
-		      m_calibsvc->getQ2TotE(ident,0,0,ichip)<<" "<<
-		      m_calibsvc->getQ2TotC(ident,0,0,ichip)<<" "<<
-		      m_calibsvc->getTotP1(ident,ichip)<<" "<<
-		      m_calibsvc->getTotP2(ident,ichip)<<" "<<std::endl;
-		  }
-		  else{
-		    *outfile<<"I"<<ichip<<" "<<m_calibsvc->getThreshold(ident,1,1,ichip)<<" "<<
-		      m_calibsvc->getThresholdSigma(ident,1,1,ichip)<<" "<<
-		      m_calibsvc->getNoise(ident,1,1,ichip)<<" "<<
-		      m_calibsvc->getTimeWalk(ident,1,1,ichip)<<" "<<
-		      m_calibsvc->getThreshold(ident,0,0,ichip)<<" "<<
-		      m_calibsvc->getThresholdSigma(ident,0,0,ichip)<<" "<<
-		      m_calibsvc->getNoise(ident,0,0,ichip)<<" "<<
-		      m_calibsvc->getTimeWalk(ident,0,0,ichip)<<" "<<
-		      0<<" "<<0<<" "<<0<<" "<<0<<" "<<
-		      m_calibsvc->getQ2TotA(ident,1,1,ichip)<<" "<<
-		      m_calibsvc->getQ2TotE(ident,1,1,ichip)<<" "<<
-		      m_calibsvc->getQ2TotC(ident,1,1,ichip)<<" "<<
-		      0<<" "<<0<<" "<<0<<" "<<
-		      m_calibsvc->getTotP1(ident,ichip)<<" "<<
-		      m_calibsvc->getTotP2(ident,ichip)<<" "<<std::endl;
-		  }		  
-		}
-	      }
-	    }
-	  }
-	}
-      }
-    }
-    outfile->close();
-    delete outfile;
-    if( msgLvl(MSG::INFO)  ) msg() << "Written "<< nobj <<" PixelCalibData objects" <<
-			       " with " << nchips << " chips to text file "<<endmsg;
-  }
-  if( msgLvl(MSG::INFO)  ) msg()  <<" Event execute "<<endmsg; 
-  //
-  for(int i = 0; i<14; ++i)m_myhf[i]->Write();
-  m_par_histf->Close();
-  //
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-StatusCode PixelCalibServiceTest::finalize() 
-  msg(MSG::INFO)<<" PixelCalibServiceTest: finishing "<<endmsg; 
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelCalibServiceTest.h b/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelCalibServiceTest.h
deleted file mode 100755
index c8e920ed5798579575948daa1ef5cc59f1853f7d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelCalibServiceTest.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// PixelCalibServiceTest.cxx
-// Algorithm to create Pixel CalibDb in the Conditions Database
-// Author Weiming Yao <wmyao@lbl.gov>
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-//#include "GaudiKernel/Algorithm.h"
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgorithm.h"
-//#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
-#include "StoreGate/DataHandle.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
-#include "TFile.h"
-#include "TH1.h"
-class Identifier;
-//class StoreGateSvc;
-class PixelID; 
-namespace InDetDD{ 
-  class PixelDetectorManager; 
-class IPixelCalibSvc;
-/** @class PixelCalibSerciceTest 
-    The PixelCalibServiceTest is an algorithm to illustrate the usage of the PixelCalibSvc.
-    The algorithm can also allow to dump the pixel calibration data into a text file.
-    @author  Weiming Yao <WMYAO@LBL.GOV>
-class PixelCalibServiceTest:public AthAlgorithm {
- public:
-  PixelCalibServiceTest(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
-  ~PixelCalibServiceTest(void);
-  StatusCode  initialize(void);    
-  StatusCode  execute(void);
-  StatusCode  finalize(void);
- private:
-  // MsgStream m_log;
-  //  StoreGateSvc* m_sgSvc;
-  // StoreGateSvc* m_detStore;
-  const ServiceHandle<IPixelCalibSvc> m_calibsvc;
-  const InDetDD::PixelDetectorManager* m_pixman;
-  const PixelID* m_pixid;
-  bool m_setup;                            //true for first event
-  // algorithm parameters to be set in the jobOptions
-  std::string m_par_rfile;   //<! text file to read calibration data from
-  bool m_dummy;
-  TFile* m_par_histf;
-  TH1F*  m_myhf[14];
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelCalibServiceTest.py b/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelCalibServiceTest.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 003a992098a11a3c8b1998ec49c3506154247189..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelCalibServiceTest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixStandardJob
-# Use auditors
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
-from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import AuditorSvc
-ServiceMgr += AuditorSvc()
-theAuditorSvc = ServiceMgr.AuditorSvc
-theAuditorSvc.Auditors  += [ "ChronoAuditor"]
-#ChronoStatSvc = Service ( "ChronoStatSvc")
-theAuditorSvc.Auditors  += [ "MemStatAuditor" ]
-#MemStatAuditor = theAuditorSvc.auditor( "MemStatAuditor" )
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import GlobalFlags
-# --- default is atlas geometry
-# --- set defaults
-# --- default is zero luminosity
-# Get Configuration flags
-include( "AthenaCommon/AthenaCommonFlags.py" )
-# Set Detector setup
-# --- switch on InnerDetector
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags 
-# ---- switch parts of ID off/on as follows
-#switch off tasks
-#DetDescrVersion = "ATLAS-DC3-05"
-#include ("AtlasGeoModel/SetGeometryVersion.py")
-import AtlasGeoModel.SetGeometryVersion
-#include ("AtlasGeoModel/GeoModelInit.py")
-import AtlasGeoModel.GeoModelInit
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-job = AlgSequence()
-from PixelConditionsServices.PixelConditionsServicesConf import PixelCalibServiceTest 
-job +=PixelCalibServiceTest(OutputTextFile ="pixelcalibsvc_dump.txt")
-from IOVDbSvc.IOVDbSvcConf import IOVDbSvc
-theApp.EvtMax = 5
-# Set output level threshold (1=VERBOSE, 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
-MessageSvc.OutputLevel = DEBUG
-# --- change output format
-MessageSvc.Format       = "% F%30W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-MessageSvc.defaultLimit = 9999999
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelCalibServiceTestIBL.py b/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelCalibServiceTestIBL.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 27bd4a24571ea99d7d63421e612adc3c776113c9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelCalibServiceTestIBL.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-isIBL = 1
-mySQ = 0
-if isIBL:
-  myOutput= "pixelcalibsvcIBL3D_dumpdb.txt"
-  myOutput= "pixelcalibsvc_dump.txt"
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-## GlobalFlags
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
-#globalflags.DetGeo = 'atlas'
-globalflags.DataSource = 'geant4'
-if isIBL:
-  globalflags.DetDescrVersion = 'ATLAS-R2-2015-03-01-00'
-  globalflags.DetDescrVersion = 'ATLAS-GEO-08-00-00'
-globalflags.InputFormat = 'pool'
-### set up conddb
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-from AtlasGeoModel import SetGeometryVersion
-from AtlasGeoModel import GeoModelInit
-# --- setup version
-###from InDetIBL_Example.SLHC_JobProperties import SLHC_Flags
-## Leave commented out unless overriding with text file.
-## Default is to use Geom DB only
-#SLHC_Flags.SLHC_Version = "IBL-01"
-###print SLHC_Flags
-## SLHC setup
-####from InDetIBL_Example.SLHC_Setup import SLHC_Setup
-####SLHC_Setup = SLHC_Setup()
-from IOVDbSvc.CondDB import conddb
-#conddb.iovdbsvc.dbConnection = "sqlite://;schema=pixmapibl.db;dbname=OFLP200"
-if mySQ:
-  if isIBL:
-    conddb.iovdbsvc.Folders = [ "<dbConnection>sqlite://;schema=pixmapdb_ibl3ddbm_IBL3D25DBM-04-01.db;dbname=OFLP200</dbConnection> /PIXEL/PixCalib <tag>PixCalib-IBL3D25DBM-04-01</tag>" ]
-  else:
-    conddb.iovdbsvc.Folders = [ "<dbConnection>sqlite://;schema=pixmapdb.db;dbname=OFLP200</dbConnection> /PIXEL/PixCalib <tag>PixCalib-IBL3D25DBM-04-01</tag>" ]
-  conddb.addFolder("PIXEL_OFL","/PIXEL/PixCalib")
-### configure the special pixel map service
-from PixelConditionsServices.PixelConditionsServicesConf import PixelCalibSvc
-PixelCalibSvc = PixelCalibSvc()
-ServiceMgr.EventSelector.RunNumber = 282222
-#ServiceMgr.EventSelector.RunNumber = 222222
-#ServiceMgr.EventSelector.RunNumber = 200805
-### define the job
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-job = AlgSequence()
-from PixelConditionsServices.PixelConditionsServicesConf import PixelCalibServiceTest
-job +=PixelCalibServiceTest(OutputTextFile =myOutput, MakeDummy = TRUE ) 
-ServiceMgr += PixelCalibSvc
-theApp.EvtMax                   = 1
-### set up auditors
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
-from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import AuditorSvc
-ServiceMgr += AuditorSvc()
-theAuditorSvc = ServiceMgr.AuditorSvc
-theAuditorSvc.Auditors  += [ "ChronoAuditor"]
-theAuditorSvc.Auditors  += [ "MemStatAuditor" ]
-### configure the message service
-# Set output level threshold (1=VERBOSE, 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
-MessageSvc.OutputLevel      = 3
-MessageSvc.debugLimit       = 100000
-MessageSvc.infoLimit        = 10000
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelCalibServiceTestSLHC.py b/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelCalibServiceTestSLHC.py
deleted file mode 100755
index eb44aadec8b2873e2a6d45c1b042df8c5b185f88..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelCalibServiceTestSLHC.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-isSLHC = 1
-mySQ = 1
-if isSLHC: 
-  myOutput= "pixelcalibsvcSLHC_dump.txt"
-  myOutput= "pixelcalibsvc_dump.txt"
-#import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixStandardJob
-#MyOutPut = INFO
-#from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
-#from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
-# --- set defaults
-if isSLHC:
-  include("InDetSLHC_Example/preInclude.NoTRT.py")
-  DetFlags.detdescr.ID_setOn()
-# Select the geometry version.
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
-if isSLHC: 
-  globalflags.DetDescrVersion = 'ATLAS-SLHC-02-00-00'
-  globalflags.DetDescrVersion = 'ATLAS-GEO-08-00-00'
-#globalflags.DetDescrVersion = 'ATLAS-SLHC-02-00-00'
-# import the # the conditions setup
-#from IOVDbSvc.CondDB import conddb
-# Initialize geometry
-from AtlasGeoModel import GeoModelInit
-from AtlasGeoModel import SetGeometryVersion
-# --- setup version
-from InDetSLHC_Example.SLHC_JobProperties import SLHC_Flags
-## Leave commented out unless overriding with text file.
-## Default is to use Geom DB only
-#SLHC_Flags.SLHC_Version = "SLHC-01"
-print SLHC_Flags
-## SLHC setup
-from InDetSLHC_Example.SLHC_Setup import SLHC_Setup
-SLHC_Setup = SLHC_Setup()
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-topSequence = AlgSequence()
-from PixelConditionsServices.PixelConditionsServicesConf import PixelCalibSvc
-ServiceMgr +=PixelCalibSvc()
-PixelCalibSvc = ServiceMgr.PixelCalibSvc
-#if not (globalflags.DataSource() == 'geant4'):
-#  PixelCablingSvc.MappingFile = "PixelCabling/Pixels_Atlas_IdMapping_May08.dat"
-#  conddb.addFolder("PIXEL","/PIXEL/ReadoutSpeed")
-#  conddb.addFolderSplitMC("PIXEL","/PIXEL/ReadoutSpeed","/PIXEL/ReadoutSpeed")
-#  ServiceMgr += PixelCablingSvc
-from PixelConditionsServices.PixelConditionsServicesConf import PixelCalibServiceTest
-topSequence +=PixelCalibServiceTest(OutputTextFile =myOutput, MakeDummy = TRUE)
-from IOVDbSvc.IOVDbSvcConf import IOVDbSvc
-if isSLHC:
-  IOVDbSvc.GlobalTag = "OFLCOND-ATLAS-HL-LHC-00"
-  IOVDbSvc.GlobalTag = "OFLCOND-MC12-SIM-00"
-if mySQ:
-  from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
-  # Setup Db stuff
-  import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.AthenaPool
-  import IOVDbSvc.IOVDb
-  if isSLHC:
-    connStr = "<dbConnection>sqlite://X;schema=pixcalibdb_slhc.db;dbname=OFLP200</dbConnection>"
-    tag = "<tag>PixCalib-SLHC-00</tag>"
-  else:
-    connStr = "<dbConnection>sqlite://X;schema=pixcalibdb.db;dbname=OFLP200</dbConnection>"
-    tag = "<tag>PixCalib-Test-00</tag>"
-  folder = "/PIXEL/PixCalib"
-  svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ folder + tag + connStr ]
-  from IOVDbSvc.CondDB import conddb
-  conddb.addFolder("PIXEL_OFL","/PIXEL/PixCalib")
-theApp.EvtMax = 1
-# Set output level threshold (1=VERBOSE, 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
-MessageSvc.OutputLevel = DEBUG
-# --- change output format
-MessageSvc.Format       = "% F%30W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-MessageSvc.defaultLimit = 9999999
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelDCSTestSvc.py b/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelDCSTestSvc.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 69e115b838f4bb3348e1938dd6631961ae1582a8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelDCSTestSvc.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixStandardJob
-# use auditors
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
-from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import AuditorSvc
-ServiceMgr += AuditorSvc()
-theAuditorSvc = ServiceMgr.AuditorSvc
-theAuditorSvc.Auditors  += [ "ChronoAuditor"]
-#ChronoStatSvc = Service ( "ChronoStatSvc")
-theAuditorSvc.Auditors  += [ "MemStatAuditor" ]
-#MemStatAuditor = theAuditorSvc.auditor( "MemStatAuditor" )
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import GlobalFlags
-# --- default is atlas geometry
-# --- set defaults
-# --- default is zero luminosity
-#GlobalFlags.DetDescrVersion = "ATLAS-CSC-02-00-00"
-# Set Detector setup
-# --- switch on InnerDetector
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags 
-# ---- switch parts of ID off/on as follows
-#switch off tasks
-#DetDescrVersion = "ATLAS-DC3-05"
-#include ("AtlasGeoModel/SetGeometryVersion.py")
-import AtlasGeoModel.SetGeometryVersion
-#include ("AtlasGeoModel/GeoModelInit.py")
-import AtlasGeoModel.GeoModelInit
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-job = AlgSequence()
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
-from PixelConditionsServices.PixelConditionsServicesConf import PixelConditionsSummarySvc
-ServiceMgr += PixelConditionsSummarySvc( IsActiveStatus=["OK", "WARNING"] ,  IsActiveStates= ["READY","ON"])
-from IOVDbSvc.IOVDbSvcConf import IOVDbSvc
-IOVDbSvc.GlobalTag = "OFLCOND-FDR-02-01-00"
-from PixelConditionsServices.PixelConditionsServicesConf import PixelDCSTestSvc
-job += PixelDCSTestSvc()
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
-svcMgr.EventSelector.RunNumber         = 91060
-svcMgr.EventSelector.EventsPerRun      = 20
-svcMgr.EventSelector.FirstEvent        = 1
-# initial time stamp - this is number of seconds since 1st Jan 1970 GMT
-svcMgr.EventSelector.InitialTimeStamp  = 0
-svcMgr.EventSelector.TimeStampInterval = 10000
-svcMgr.EventSelector.FirstLB           = 0
-svcMgr.EventSelector.EventsPerLB       = 2
-# Set output level threshold (1=VERBOSE, 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel      = 2
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.debugLimit       = 10000
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.infoLimit        = 10000
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.errorLimit       = 1000
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.Format           = "% F%30W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-theApp.EvtMax                   = 2
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelMapTestAlgReadCool.py b/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelMapTestAlgReadCool.py
deleted file mode 100755
index b5a464baff78295161693b9cd0c6e50cf2a4eae6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelMapTestAlgReadCool.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-## GlobalFlags
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
-globalflags.DetGeo = 'atlas'
-globalflags.DataSource = 'geant4'
-globalflags.DetDescrVersion = 'ATLAS-GEO-08-00-00'
-### set up conddb
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-from AtlasGeoModel import SetGeometryVersion
-from AtlasGeoModel import GeoModelInit
-from IOVDbSvc.CondDB import conddb
-#conddb.iovdbsvc.Folders += [ "<dbConnection>sqlite://;schema=noisemap.db;dbname=OFLP200</dbConnection> /PIXEL/NoiseMap <tag>NoiseMap-000-00</tag>" ]
-#conddb.iovdbsvc.Folders += [ "<dbConnection>sqlite://;schema=module_overlay.db;dbname=COMP200</dbConnection> /PIXEL/PixMapOverlay <tag>PixMapOverlay-Test-00</tag>" ]
-### configure the special pixel map service
-from PixelConditionsServices.PixelConditionsServicesConf import SpecialPixelMapSvc 
-SpecialPixelMapSvc = SpecialPixelMapSvc()
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.DBFolders = [ "/PIXEL/PixMapShort", "/PIXEL/PixMapLong" ]
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.SpecialPixelMapKeys = [ "SpecialPixelMap", "SpecialPixelMapLong" ]
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.OverlayFolder = "/PIXEL/PixMapOverlay"
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.OverlayKey = "PixMapOverlay"
-#SpecialPixelMapSvc.RegisterCallback = False
-#SpecialPixelMapSvc.DataSource = "Textfiles"
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.ModuleIDsForPrinting = [ "all" ]
-### configure the event selector
-ServiceMgr.EventSelector.RunNumber = 5
-### define the job
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-job = AlgSequence()
-from PixelConditionsServices.PixelConditionsServicesConf import PixelMapTestAlg
-job += PixelMapTestAlg()
-ServiceMgr += SpecialPixelMapSvc
-theApp.EvtMax                   = 1
-### set up auditors
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
-from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import AuditorSvc
-ServiceMgr += AuditorSvc()
-theAuditorSvc = ServiceMgr.AuditorSvc
-theAuditorSvc.Auditors  += [ "ChronoAuditor"]
-theAuditorSvc.Auditors  += [ "MemStatAuditor" ]
-### configure the message service
-# Set output level threshold (1=VERBOSE, 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
-MessageSvc.OutputLevel      = 3
-MessageSvc.debugLimit       = 100000
-MessageSvc.infoLimit        = 100000
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelMapTestAlgReadCoolIBL.py b/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelMapTestAlgReadCoolIBL.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 61bc88a0256399cfaa2219085f483b03b7eec423..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelMapTestAlgReadCoolIBL.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-isIBL = 1
-mySQ = 1
-#dbType = 1 for PixMap, 2 for Overlay, and 3 for Noise 
-dbType =2
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-## GlobalFlags
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
-#globalflags.DetGeo = 'atlas'
-globalflags.DataSource = 'geant4'
-if isIBL:
-  globalflags.DetDescrVersion = 'ATLAS-IBL3D25-04-00-02'
-  globalflags.DetDescrVersion = 'ATLAS-GEO-08-00-00'
-globalflags.InputFormat = 'pool'
-### set up conddb
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-from AtlasGeoModel import SetGeometryVersion
-from AtlasGeoModel import GeoModelInit
-# --- setup version
-#from InDetIBL_Example.SLHC_JobProperties import SLHC_Flags
-## Leave commented out unless overriding with text file.
-## Default is to use Geom DB only
-#SLHC_Flags.SLHC_Version = "IBL-01"
-#print SLHC_Flags
-## SLHC setup
-#from InDetIBL_Example.SLHC_Setup import SLHC_Setup
-#SLHC_Setup = SLHC_Setup()
-from IOVDbSvc.CondDB import conddb
-#conddb.iovdbsvc.dbConnection = "sqlite://;schema=pixmapibl.db;dbname=OFLP200"
-if mySQ:
-  if dbType == 1:
-    conddb.iovdbsvc.Folders = [ "<dbConnection>sqlite://;schema=pixmapdb_ibl3ddbm_IBL3D25DBM-04-01.db;dbname=OFLP200</dbConnection> /PIXEL/PixMapShort <tag>PixMapShort-IBL3D25DBM-04-01</tag>" ]
-    conddb.iovdbsvc.Folders += [ "<dbConnection>sqlite://;schema=pixmapdb_ibl3ddbm_IBL3D25DBM-04-01.db;dbname=OFLP200</dbConnection> /PIXEL/PixMapLong <tag>PixMapLong-IBL3D25DBM-04-01</tag>" ]
-  elif dbType == 2:
-    conddb.iovdbsvc.Folders = [ "<dbConnection>sqlite://;schema=MyPixOverlayDB.db;dbname=OFLP200</dbConnection> /PIXEL/PixMapOverlay <tag>PixMapOverlay-SIMU-000-00</tag>" ]
-  else:
-    conddb.iovdbsvc.Folders = [ "<dbConnection>sqlite://;schema=pixmapdb_ibl3ddbm_IBL3D25DBM-04-01.db;dbname=OFLP200</dbConnection> /PIXEL/NoiseMapShort <tag>NoiseMapShort-IBL3D25DBM-04-01</tag>" ]
-    conddb.iovdbsvc.Folders += [ "<dbConnection>sqlite://;schema=pixmapdb_ibl3ddbm_IBL3D25DBM-04-01.db;dbname=OFLP200</dbConnection> /PIXEL/NoiseMapLong <tag>NoiseMapLong-IBL3D25DBM-04-01</tag>" ]
-  if dbType == 1:
-    conddb.addFolderSplitOnline("PIXEL","/PIXEL/Onl/PixMapShort","/PIXEL/PixMapShort")
-    conddb.addFolderSplitOnline("PIXEL","/PIXEL/Onl/PixMapLong","/PIXEL/PixMapLong")
-  elif dbType == 2:
-    conddb.addFolderSplitOnline("PIXEL","/PIXEL/Onl/PixMapOverlay","/PIXEL/PixMapOverlay")
-  else:
-    conddb.addFolderSplitOnline("PIXEL","/PIXEL/Onl/NoiseMapShort","/PIXEL/NoiseMapShort")
-    conddb.addFolderSplitOnline("PIXEL","/PIXEL/Onl/NoiseMapLong","/PIXEL/NoiseMapLong")
-  #conddb.addFolderSplitOnline("PIXEL","/PIXEL/Onl/NoiseMapShort","/PIXEL/NoiseMapShort")
-  #conddb.addFolderSplitOnline("PIXEL","/PIXEL/Onl/NoiseMapLong","/PIXEL/NoiseMapLong")
-  #conddb.addFolder("PIXEL_OFL","/PIXEL/NoiseMapShort")
-  #conddb.addFolder("PIXEL_OFL","/PIXEL/NoiseMapShort")
-  #conddb.addFolder("PIXEL_OFL","/PIXEL/PixMapShort")
-  #conddb.addFolder("PIXEL_OFL","/PIXEL/PixMapLong")
-  #conddb.addFolder("PIXEL_OFL","/PIXEL/PixMapOverlay")
-### configure the special pixel map service
-from PixelConditionsServices.PixelConditionsServicesConf import SpecialPixelMapSvc 
-SpecialPixelMapSvc = SpecialPixelMapSvc()
-if dbType == 1:
-  SpecialPixelMapSvc.DBFolders = [ "/PIXEL/PixMapShort", "/PIXEL/PixMapLong" ]                                                         
-  SpecialPixelMapSvc.SpecialPixelMapKeys = [ "SpecialPixelMap", "SpecialPixelMapLong" ]  
-elif dbType == 2:
-  SpecialPixelMapSvc.DBFolders = [ "/PIXEL/PixMapOverlay" ]
-  SpecialPixelMapSvc.SpecialPixelMapKeys = [ "SpecialPixelMap" ]
-  SpecialPixelMapSvc.OverlayFolder = "/PIXEL/PixMapOverlay"
-  SpecialPixelMapSvc.OverlayKey = "PixMapOverlay"
-  SpecialPixelMapSvc.DBFolders = [ "/PIXEL/NoiseMapShort", "/PIXEL/NoiseMapLong" ]
-  SpecialPixelMapSvc.SpecialPixelMapKeys = [ "SpecialPixelMap", "NoiseMapLong" ]
-#SpecialPixelMapSvc.DBFolders += [ "/PIXEL/NoiseMapShort", "/PIXEL/NoiseMapLong" ]
-#SpecialPixelMapSvc.SpecialPixelMapKeys += [ "NoiselMapShort", "NoiseMapLong" ]
-#SpecialPixelMapSvc.OverlayFolder = "/PIXEL/PixMapOverlay"
-#SpecialPixelMapSvc.OverlayKey = "PixMapOverlay"
-#SpecialPixelMapSvc.RegisterCallback = False
-#SpecialPixelMapSvc.DataSource = "Textfiles"
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.ModuleIDsForPrinting = [ "all" ]
-### configure the event selector
-#ServiceMgr.EventSelector.RunNumber = 200805
-ServiceMgr.EventSelector.RunNumber = 222222
-### define the job
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-job = AlgSequence()
-from PixelConditionsServices.PixelConditionsServicesConf import PixelMapTestAlg
-job += PixelMapTestAlg()
-PixelMapTestAlg = PixelMapTestAlg()
-PixelMapTestAlg.WriteTextFile = TRUE
-PixelMapTestAlg.MakeDummy = False
-if dbType == 2:
-  PixelMapTestAlg.MakeOverlay = True
-ServiceMgr += SpecialPixelMapSvc
-theApp.EvtMax                   = 1
-### set up auditors
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
-from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import AuditorSvc
-ServiceMgr += AuditorSvc()
-theAuditorSvc = ServiceMgr.AuditorSvc
-theAuditorSvc.Auditors  += [ "ChronoAuditor"]
-theAuditorSvc.Auditors  += [ "MemStatAuditor" ]
-### configure the message service
-# Set output level threshold (1=VERBOSE, 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
-MessageSvc.OutputLevel      = 3
-MessageSvc.debugLimit       = 100000
-MessageSvc.infoLimit        = 10000
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelMapTestAlgReadCoolSLHC.py b/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelMapTestAlgReadCoolSLHC.py
deleted file mode 100755
index c759df505703db916a784e675e24abb984c04896..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelMapTestAlgReadCoolSLHC.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-isSLHC = 1
-mySQ = 1
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-## GlobalFlags
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
-#globalflags.DetGeo = 'atlas'
-globalflags.DataSource = 'geant4'
-if isSLHC:
-  include("InDetSLHC_Example/preInclude.NoTRT.py")
-  globalflags.DetDescrVersion = 'ATLAS-SLHC-02-00-00'
-  DetFlags.detdescr.ID_setOn()
-  globalflags.DetDescrVersion = 'ATLAS-GEO-08-00-00'
-globalflags.InputFormat = 'pool'
-### set up conddb
-from AtlasGeoModel import SetGeometryVersion
-from AtlasGeoModel import GeoModelInit
-# --- setup version
-from InDetSLHC_Example.SLHC_JobProperties import SLHC_Flags
-## Leave commented out unless overriding with text file.
-## Default is to use Geom DB only
-#SLHC_Flags.SLHC_Version = "SLHC-01"
-print SLHC_Flags
-## SLHC setup
-from InDetSLHC_Example.SLHC_Setup import SLHC_Setup
-SLHC_Setup = SLHC_Setup()
-from IOVDbSvc.CondDB import conddb
-if isSLHC:
-  conddb.setGlobalTag('OFLCOND-ATLAS-HL-LHC-00')
-  conddb.setGlobalTag('OFLCOND-MC12-SIM-00')
-#conddb.iovdbsvc.dbConnection = "sqlite://;schema=pixmapibl.db;dbname=OFLP200"
-if mySQ:
-  conddb.iovdbsvc.Folders = [ "<dbConnection>sqlite://;schema=pixmapslhc.db;dbname=OFLP200</dbConnection> /PIXEL/PixMapShort <tag>PixMapShort-SLHC-00</tag>" ]
-  conddb.iovdbsvc.Folders += [ "<dbConnection>sqlite://;schema=pixmapslhc.db;dbname=OFLP200</dbConnection> /PIXEL/PixMapLong <tag>PixMapLong-SLHC-00</tag>" ]
-  conddb.addFolder("PIXEL_OFL","/PIXEL/PixMapShort")
-  conddb.addFolder("PIXEL_OFL","/PIXEL/PixMapLong")
-  conddb.addFolder("PIXEL_OFL","/PIXEL/PixMapOverlay")
-### configure the special pixel map service
-from PixelConditionsServices.PixelConditionsServicesConf import SpecialPixelMapSvc 
-SpecialPixelMapSvc = SpecialPixelMapSvc()
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.DBFolders = [ "/PIXEL/PixMapShort", "/PIXEL/PixMapLong" ]
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.SpecialPixelMapKeys = [ "SpecialPixelMap", "SpecialPixelMapLong" ]
-#SpecialPixelMapSvc.OverlayFolder = "/PIXEL/PixMapOverlay"
-#SpecialPixelMapSvc.OverlayKey = "PixMapOverlay"
-#SpecialPixelMapSvc.RegisterCallback = False
-#SpecialPixelMapSvc.DataSource = "Textfiles"
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.ModuleIDsForPrinting = [ "all" ]
-### configure the event selector
-ServiceMgr.EventSelector.RunNumber = 5
-### define the job
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-job = AlgSequence()
-from PixelConditionsServices.PixelConditionsServicesConf import PixelMapTestAlg
-job += PixelMapTestAlg()
-PixelMapTestAlg = PixelMapTestAlg()
-PixelMapTestAlg.WriteTextFile = TRUE
-PixelMapTestAlg.MakeDummy = FALSE
-ServiceMgr += SpecialPixelMapSvc
-theApp.EvtMax                   = 1
-### set up auditors
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
-from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import AuditorSvc
-ServiceMgr += AuditorSvc()
-theAuditorSvc = ServiceMgr.AuditorSvc
-theAuditorSvc.Auditors  += [ "ChronoAuditor"]
-theAuditorSvc.Auditors  += [ "MemStatAuditor" ]
-### configure the message service
-# Set output level threshold (1=VERBOSE, 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
-MessageSvc.OutputLevel      = 3
-MessageSvc.debugLimit       = 100000
-MessageSvc.infoLimit        = 10000
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelMapTestAlgWriteCool.py b/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelMapTestAlgWriteCool.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 0d257b608b36cf2c0df741d0c17d1bbd8ac537f3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelMapTestAlgWriteCool.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixStandardJob
-### set up conddb
-from IOVDbSvc.CondDB import conddb
-conddb.iovdbsvc.dbConnection = "sqlite://;schema=pixmap.db;dbname=COMP200"
-### set up auditors
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
-from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import AuditorSvc
-ServiceMgr += AuditorSvc()
-theAuditorSvc = ServiceMgr.AuditorSvc
-theAuditorSvc.Auditors  += [ "ChronoAuditor"]
-theAuditorSvc.Auditors  += [ "MemStatAuditor" ]
-## globalflags
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
-globalflags.DetGeo = 'atlas'
-globalflags.DataSource = 'geant4'
-globalflags.InputFormat = 'pool'
-## DetFlags
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-DetDescrVersion = "ATLAS-GEO-08-00-00"
-from AtlasGeoModel import SetGeometryVersion
-from AtlasGeoModel import GeoModelInit
-### define the job
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-job = AlgSequence()
-from PixelConditionsServices.PixelConditionsServicesConf import PixelMapTestAlg, SpecialPixelMapSvc
-job += PixelMapTestAlg()
-job.PixelMapTestAlg.UseSummarySvc = False
-from AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf import AthenaOutputStream
-job += AthenaOutputStream( "Stream1" )
-### configure the special pixel map service
-ServiceMgr += SpecialPixelMapSvc()
-SpecialPixelMapSvc = ServiceMgr.SpecialPixelMapSvc
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.DBFolders = [ "/PIXEL/PixMap" ]
-# if reading from the database, this must be one of the IOVDbSvc folders
-# default: empty 
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.SpecialPixelMapKeys = [ "SpecialPixelMap" ]
-# default: empty
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.OutputFolder = "/PIXEL/PixMapShort"
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.OutputLongFolder = "/PIXEL/PixMapLong"
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.UseDualFolderStructure = True
-# If true, only module masks which fit in a String4k are written to
-# the OutputFolder. Module masks which are longer are written to 
-# OuputLongFolder as Blob16M
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.DifferentialUpdates = False
-# If true, the new map is compared to the first map in SpecialPixelMapSvc.SpecialPixelMapKeys 
-# and only channels for which the contents have changed are updated.
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.DataSource = "Textfiles"
-# "Database", "Textfiles" or "None"; default: "Database"
-# data source to be used when SpecialPixelMapSvc::create() is called
-# when the DataSource is "Textfiles" the DetectorSpecialPixelMap and the corresponding CondAttrListCollection are created
-# when the DataSource is "Database" only the DetectorSpecialPixelMap is created
-# default: "None" (special pixel maps are not created with "create()" but by callback function)
-#SpecialPixelMapSvc.ModuleIDsForPrinting = [ "all" ]
-# list of modules IDs to print when SpecialPixelMapSvc::print() is called, can be "all"
-# default: empty
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.RegisterCallback = False    
-# triggers registration of callback in SpecialPixelMapSvc::initialize()
-# which automatically updates the list of DetectorSpecialPixelMaps in the detector store
-# whenever the corresponding CondAttrListCollections are updated by the IOVDbSvc
-# default: true
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.PrintVerbosePixelID = True
-# print pixel ID as chip/column/row (verbose) or unsigned int (not verbose)
-# default: true
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.PrintBinaryPixelStatus = True
-# print pixel status in binary or decimal format
-# default: true
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.MarkSpecialRegions = True
-# if true, regions (modules/chips/column pairs) of pixels with the same pixel status are marked
-# the status for those regions is stored in a special data structure, the individual pixel status integers
-# are removed from the map
-# default: true
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.MergePixelMaps = True
-# merge all pixel maps into one, stored at SGKeys(0)
-# default: true
-### configure OutputConditionsAlg
-from RegistrationServices.OutputConditionsAlg import OutputConditionsAlg
-OutputConditionsAlg = OutputConditionsAlg("OutputConditionsAlg","dummy.root")
-OutputConditionsAlg.ObjectList=[ "CondAttrListCollection#/PIXEL/PixMapShort" ]
-OutputConditionsAlg.ObjectList+=[ "CondAttrListCollection#/PIXEL/PixMapLong" ]
-OutputConditionsAlg.IOVTagList=[ "PixMapShort-Test-00" ]
-OutputConditionsAlg.IOVTagList+=[ "PixMapLong-Test-00" ]
-### configure IOVRegistrationSvc for writing of CLOBs
-from RegistrationServices.RegistrationServicesConf import IOVRegistrationSvc
-ServiceMgr += IOVRegistrationSvc()
-regSvc = ServiceMgr.IOVRegistrationSvc
-regSvc.OverrideNames = [ "ModuleSpecialPixelMap_Clob" ]
-regSvc.OverrideTypes = [ "String4k" ]
-regSvc.OverrideNames += [ "SpecialPixelMap" ]
-regSvc.OverrideTypes += [ "Blob16M" ]
-regSvc.PayloadTable = True
-theApp.CreateSvc += [ ServiceMgr.IOVRegistrationSvc.getFullName() ]
-### configure the event selector
-from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import EventSelector
-ServiceMgr += EventSelector()
-EventSelector.RunNumber         = 1
-EventSelector.EventsPerRun      = 5
-EventSelector.FirstEvent        = 1
-EventSelector.InitialTimeStamp  = 0
-EventSelector.TimeStampInterval = 5
-theApp.EvtMax                   = 1
-### configure the message service
-# Set output level threshold (1=VERBOSE, 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
-MessageSvc.OutputLevel      = 3
-MessageSvc.debugLimit       = 100000
-MessageSvc.infoLimit        = 100000
-MessageSvc.errorLimit       = 1000
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelMapTestAlgWriteCoolIBL.py b/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelMapTestAlgWriteCoolIBL.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 66512c0e9ff3d9462ccd71e591764e81e72712a2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelMapTestAlgWriteCoolIBL.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-isIBL = 1
-# dbType=1 for PixelMap; 2 for overlay; 3=noise
-dbType = 1
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixStandardJob
-### set up conddb
-from IOVDbSvc.CondDB import conddb
-if isIBL:
-  if dbType == 1:
-    conddb.iovdbsvc.dbConnection = "sqlite://;schema=pixmapdb_ibl3ddbm_IBL3D25DBM-04-01.db;dbname=OFLP200"
-  elif dbType == 2:
-    conddb.iovdbsvc.dbConnection = "sqlite://;schema=MyPixOverlayDB.db;dbname=OFLP200"
-  else:
-    conddb.iovdbsvc.dbConnection = "sqlite://;schema=pixmapdb_noise.db;dbname=OFLP200"
-  if dbType == 1:
-    conddb.iovdbsvc.dbConnection = "sqlite://;schema=pixmap.db;dbname=OFLP200"  
-  elif dbType == 2:
-    conddb.iovdbsvc.dbConnection = "sqlite://;schema=pixmap_overlay.db;dbname=OFLP200"
-  else:
-    conddb.iovdbsvc.dbConnection = "sqlite://;schema=pixmap_noise.db;dbname=OFLP200"
-### set up auditors
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
-from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import AuditorSvc
-ServiceMgr += AuditorSvc()
-theAuditorSvc = ServiceMgr.AuditorSvc
-theAuditorSvc.Auditors  += [ "ChronoAuditor"]
-theAuditorSvc.Auditors  += [ "MemStatAuditor" ]
-## globalflags
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
-#globalflags.DetGeo = 'atlas'
-globalflags.DataSource = 'geant4'
-if isIBL:
-  globalflags.DetDescrVersion = 'ATLAS-IBL3D25-04-00-02'
-  globalflags.DetDescrVersion = 'ATLAS-GEO-08-00-00'
-globalflags.InputFormat = 'pool'
-## DetFlags
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-#DetDescrVersion = "ATLAS-GEO-08-00-00"
-from AtlasGeoModel import SetGeometryVersion
-from AtlasGeoModel import GeoModelInit
-# --- setup version
-#from InDetIBL_Example.SLHC_JobProperties import SLHC_Flags
-## Leave commented out unless overriding with text file.
-## Default is to use Geom DB only
-#SLHC_Flags.SLHC_Version = "IBL-01"
-#print SLHC_Flags
-## SLHC setup
-#from InDetIBL_Example.SLHC_Setup import SLHC_Setup
-#SLHC_Setup = SLHC_Setup()
-### define the job
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-job = AlgSequence()
-from PixelConditionsServices.PixelConditionsServicesConf import PixelMapTestAlg, SpecialPixelMapSvc
-job += PixelMapTestAlg()
-job.PixelMapTestAlg.UseSummarySvc = False
-from AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf import AthenaOutputStream
-job += AthenaOutputStream( "Stream1" )
-### configure the special pixel map service
-ServiceMgr += SpecialPixelMapSvc()
-SpecialPixelMapSvc = ServiceMgr.SpecialPixelMapSvc
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.SpecialPixelMapKeys = [ "SpecialPixelMap" ]
-if dbType == 1:
-  SpecialPixelMapSvc.DBFolders = [ "/PIXEL/PixMap" ]
-  SpecialPixelMapSvc.OutputFolder = "/PIXEL/PixMapShort"
-  SpecialPixelMapSvc.OutputLongFolder = "/PIXEL/PixMapLong"
-elif dbType == 2:
-  SpecialPixelMapSvc.DBFolders = [ "/PIXEL/PixMapOverlay" ]
-  SpecialPixelMapSvc.OutputFolder = "/PIXEL/PixMapOverlay"
-  SpecialPixelMapSvc.ModuleLevelOverlay = True
-  SpecialPixelMapSvc.DBFolders = [ "/PIXEL/PixMap" ]
-  SpecialPixelMapSvc.OutputFolder = "/PIXEL/NoiseMapShort"
-  SpecialPixelMapSvc.OutputLongFolder = "/PIXEL/NoiseMapLong"
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.UseDualFolderStructure = True
-# If true, only module masks which fit in a String4k are written to
-# the OutputFolder. Module masks which are longer are written to 
-# OuputLongFolder as Blob16M
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.DifferentialUpdates = False
-# If true, the new map is compared to the first map in SpecialPixelMapSvc.SpecialPixelMapKeys 
-# and only channels for which the contents have changed are updated.
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.DataSource = "Textfiles"
-# note: Filelist should be inside the directory of FileListDir
-if isIBL:
-  if dbType == 1:
-    SpecialPixelMapSvc.FileList = "filelistibl" 
-    SpecialPixelMapSvc.FileListDir = "SpecialMapIBL3D_OFLCOND_RUN1_SDR_06_orig"
-  elif dbType == 2: 
-    SpecialPixelMapSvc.FileList = "filelistibl"
-    SpecialPixelMapSvc.FileListDir ="SpecialMapIBL3D_OFLCOND_RUN12_SDR_22_overlay_orig"
-  else:
-    SpecialPixelMapSvc.FileList = "filelistibl"
-    SpecialPixelMapSvc.FileListDir ="SpecialMapIBL3D_OFLCOND_RUN12_SDR_22_noise_orig"
-  if dbType == 1:
-    SpecialPixelMapSvc.FileList = "Filelist"
-    SpecialPixelMapSvc.FileListDir = "SpecialMap_orig"
-  elif dbType == 2:
-    SpecialPixelMapSvc.FileList = "filelistibl"
-    SpecialPixelMapSvc.FileListDir ="SpecialMapIBL3D_OFLCOND_RUN12_SDR_22_overlay_orig"
-  else:
-    SpecialPixelMapSvc.FileList = "filelistibl"
-    SpecialPixelMapSvc.FileListDir ="SpecialMapIBL3D_OFLCOND_RUN12_SDR_22_noise_orig"
-# "Database", "Textfiles" or "None"; default: "Database"
-# data source to be used when SpecialPixelMapSvc::create() is called
-# when the DataSource is "Textfiles" the DetectorSpecialPixelMap and the corresponding CondAttrListCollection are created
-# when the DataSource is "Database" only the DetectorSpecialPixelMap is created
-# default: "None" (special pixel maps are not created with "create()" but by callback function)
-#SpecialPixelMapSvc.ModuleIDsForPrinting = [ "all" ]
-# list of modules IDs to print when SpecialPixelMapSvc::print() is called, can be "all"
-# default: empty
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.RegisterCallback = False    
-# triggers registration of callback in SpecialPixelMapSvc::initialize()
-# which automatically updates the list of DetectorSpecialPixelMaps in the detector store
-# whenever the corresponding CondAttrListCollections are updated by the IOVDbSvc
-# default: true
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.PrintVerbosePixelID = True
-# print pixel ID as chip/column/row (verbose) or unsigned int (not verbose)
-# default: true
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.PrintBinaryPixelStatus = True
-# print pixel status in binary or decimal format
-# default: true
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.MarkSpecialRegions = True
-# if true, regions (modules/chips/column pairs) of pixels with the same pixel status are marked
-# the status for those regions is stored in a special data structure, the individual pixel status integers
-# are removed from the map
-# default: true
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.MergePixelMaps = True
-# merge all pixel maps into one, stored at SGKeys(0)
-# default: true
-### configure OutputConditionsAlg
-from RegistrationServices.OutputConditionsAlg import OutputConditionsAlg
-OutputConditionsAlg = OutputConditionsAlg("OutputConditionsAlg","dummy.root")
-if dbType == 1:
-  OutputConditionsAlg.ObjectList=[ "CondAttrListCollection#/PIXEL/PixMapShort" ]
-  OutputConditionsAlg.ObjectList+=[ "CondAttrListCollection#/PIXEL/PixMapLong" ]
-elif dbType == 2:
-  OutputConditionsAlg.ObjectList=[ "CondAttrListCollection#/PIXEL/PixMapOverlay" ]
-  OutputConditionsAlg.ObjectList=[ "CondAttrListCollection#/PIXEL/NoiseMapShort" ]
-  OutputConditionsAlg.ObjectList+=[ "CondAttrListCollection#/PIXEL/NoiseMapLong" ]
-if isIBL:
-  if dbType == 1:
-    OutputConditionsAlg.IOVTagList=[ "PixMapShort-IBL3D25DBM-04-01" ]
-    OutputConditionsAlg.IOVTagList+=[ "PixMapLong-IBL3D25DBM-04-01" ]
-  elif dbType == 2:
-    OutputConditionsAlg.IOVTagList=[ "PixMapOverlay-SIMU-000-00" ]
-  else:
-    OutputConditionsAlg.IOVTagList=[ "NoiseMapShort-IBL3D25DBM-04-01" ]
-    OutputConditionsAlg.IOVTagList+=[ "NoiseMapLong-IBL3D25DBM-04-01" ]
-  if dbType == 1:
-    OutputConditionsAlg.IOVTagList=[ "PixMapShort-Test-00" ]
-    OutputConditionsAlg.IOVTagList+=[ "PixMapLong-Test-00" ]
-  elif dbType == 2:
-    OutputConditionsAlg.IOVTagList=[ "PixMapOverlay-SIMU-000-00" ]
-  else: 
-    OutputConditionsAlg.IOVTagList=[ "NoiseMapShort-Test-00" ]
-    OutputConditionsAlg.IOVTagList+=[ "NoiseMapLong-Test-00" ]
-### configure IOVRegistrationSvc for writing of CLOBs
-from RegistrationServices.RegistrationServicesConf import IOVRegistrationSvc
-ServiceMgr += IOVRegistrationSvc()
-regSvc = ServiceMgr.IOVRegistrationSvc
-regSvc.OverrideNames = [ "ModuleSpecialPixelMap_Clob" ]
-regSvc.OverrideTypes = [ "String4k" ]
-regSvc.OverrideNames += [ "SpecialPixelMap" ]
-regSvc.OverrideTypes += [ "Blob16M" ]
-regSvc.PayloadTable = True
-theApp.CreateSvc += [ ServiceMgr.IOVRegistrationSvc.getFullName() ]
-### configure the event selector
-from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import EventSelector
-ServiceMgr += EventSelector()
-#EventSelector.RunNumber         = 200805
-EventSelector.RunNumber         = 222222
-EventSelector.EventsPerRun      = 5
-EventSelector.FirstEvent        = 1
-EventSelector.InitialTimeStamp  = 0
-EventSelector.TimeStampInterval = 5
-theApp.EvtMax                   = 1
-### configure the message service
-# Set output level threshold (1=VERBOSE, 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
-MessageSvc.OutputLevel      = 2
-MessageSvc.debugLimit       = 100000
-MessageSvc.infoLimit        = 10000
-MessageSvc.errorLimit       = 1000
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelMapTestAlgWriteCoolSLHC.py b/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelMapTestAlgWriteCoolSLHC.py
deleted file mode 100755
index d51e3d97f1c76866b1734c316615cda7b94b07b6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelMapTestAlgWriteCoolSLHC.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-isSLHC = 1
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixStandardJob
-### set up conddb
-from IOVDbSvc.CondDB import conddb
-if isSLHC:
-  conddb.setGlobalTag('OFLCOND-ATLAS-HL-LHC-00')
-  conddb.iovdbsvc.dbConnection = "sqlite://;schema=pixmapslhc.db;dbname=OFLP200"
-  conddb.setGlobalTag('OFLCOND-MC12-SIM-00')
-  conddb.iovdbsvc.dbConnection = "sqlite://;schema=pixmap.db;dbname=OFLP200"  
-### set up auditors
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
-from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import AuditorSvc
-ServiceMgr += AuditorSvc()
-theAuditorSvc = ServiceMgr.AuditorSvc
-theAuditorSvc.Auditors  += [ "ChronoAuditor"]
-theAuditorSvc.Auditors  += [ "MemStatAuditor" ]
-## globalflags
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
-#globalflags.DetGeo = 'atlas'
-globalflags.DataSource = 'geant4'
-if isSLHC:
-  globalflags.DetDescrVersion = 'ATLAS-SLHC-02-00-00'
-  include("InDetSLHC_Example/preInclude.NoTRT.py")
-  globalflags.DetDescrVersion = 'ATLAS-GEO-08-00-00'
-  DetFlags.detdescr.ID_setOn()
-globalflags.InputFormat = 'pool'
-## DetFlags
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-#DetDescrVersion = "ATLAS-GEO-08-00-00"
-from AtlasGeoModel import SetGeometryVersion
-from AtlasGeoModel import GeoModelInit
-# --- setup version
-from InDetSLHC_Example.SLHC_JobProperties import SLHC_Flags
-## Leave commented out unless overriding with text file.
-## Default is to use Geom DB only
-#SLHC_Flags.SLHC_Version = "SLHC-01"
-print SLHC_Flags
-## SLHC setup
-from InDetSLHC_Example.SLHC_Setup import SLHC_Setup
-SLHC_Setup = SLHC_Setup()
-### define the job
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-job = AlgSequence()
-from PixelConditionsServices.PixelConditionsServicesConf import PixelMapTestAlg, SpecialPixelMapSvc
-job += PixelMapTestAlg()
-job.PixelMapTestAlg.UseSummarySvc = False
-from AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf import AthenaOutputStream
-job += AthenaOutputStream( "Stream1" )
-### configure the special pixel map service
-ServiceMgr += SpecialPixelMapSvc()
-SpecialPixelMapSvc = ServiceMgr.SpecialPixelMapSvc
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.DBFolders = [ "/PIXEL/PixMap" ]
-# if reading from the database, this must be one of the IOVDbSvc folders
-# default: empty 
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.SpecialPixelMapKeys = [ "SpecialPixelMap" ]
-# default: empty
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.OutputFolder = "/PIXEL/PixMapShort"
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.OutputLongFolder = "/PIXEL/PixMapLong"
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.UseDualFolderStructure = True
-# If true, only module masks which fit in a String4k are written to
-# the OutputFolder. Module masks which are longer are written to 
-# OuputLongFolder as Blob16M
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.DifferentialUpdates = False
-# If true, the new map is compared to the first map in SpecialPixelMapSvc.SpecialPixelMapKeys 
-# and only channels for which the contents have changed are updated.
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.DataSource = "Textfiles"
-if isSLHC:
-  SpecialPixelMapSvc.FileList = "filelistslhc"
-  SpecialPixelMapSvc.FileList = "filelist"
-# "Database", "Textfiles" or "None"; default: "Database"
-# data source to be used when SpecialPixelMapSvc::create() is called
-# when the DataSource is "Textfiles" the DetectorSpecialPixelMap and the corresponding CondAttrListCollection are created
-# when the DataSource is "Database" only the DetectorSpecialPixelMap is created
-# default: "None" (special pixel maps are not created with "create()" but by callback function)
-#SpecialPixelMapSvc.ModuleIDsForPrinting = [ "all" ]
-# list of modules IDs to print when SpecialPixelMapSvc::print() is called, can be "all"
-# default: empty
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.RegisterCallback = False    
-# triggers registration of callback in SpecialPixelMapSvc::initialize()
-# which automatically updates the list of DetectorSpecialPixelMaps in the detector store
-# whenever the corresponding CondAttrListCollections are updated by the IOVDbSvc
-# default: true
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.PrintVerbosePixelID = True
-# print pixel ID as chip/column/row (verbose) or unsigned int (not verbose)
-# default: true
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.PrintBinaryPixelStatus = True
-# print pixel status in binary or decimal format
-# default: true
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.MarkSpecialRegions = True
-# if true, regions (modules/chips/column pairs) of pixels with the same pixel status are marked
-# the status for those regions is stored in a special data structure, the individual pixel status integers
-# are removed from the map
-# default: true
-SpecialPixelMapSvc.MergePixelMaps = True
-# merge all pixel maps into one, stored at SGKeys(0)
-# default: true
-### configure OutputConditionsAlg
-from RegistrationServices.OutputConditionsAlg import OutputConditionsAlg
-OutputConditionsAlg = OutputConditionsAlg("OutputConditionsAlg","dummy.root")
-OutputConditionsAlg.ObjectList=[ "CondAttrListCollection#/PIXEL/PixMapShort" ]
-OutputConditionsAlg.ObjectList+=[ "CondAttrListCollection#/PIXEL/PixMapLong" ]
-if isSLHC:
-  OutputConditionsAlg.IOVTagList=[ "PixMapShort-SLHC-00" ]
-  OutputConditionsAlg.IOVTagList+=[ "PixMapLong-SLHC-00" ]
-  OutputConditionsAlg.IOVTagList=[ "PixMapShort-Test-00" ]
-  OutputConditionsAlg.IOVTagList+=[ "PixMapLong-Test-00" ]
-### configure IOVRegistrationSvc for writing of CLOBs
-from RegistrationServices.RegistrationServicesConf import IOVRegistrationSvc
-ServiceMgr += IOVRegistrationSvc()
-regSvc = ServiceMgr.IOVRegistrationSvc
-regSvc.OverrideNames = [ "ModuleSpecialPixelMap_Clob" ]
-regSvc.OverrideTypes = [ "String4k" ]
-regSvc.OverrideNames += [ "SpecialPixelMap" ]
-regSvc.OverrideTypes += [ "Blob16M" ]
-regSvc.PayloadTable = True
-theApp.CreateSvc += [ ServiceMgr.IOVRegistrationSvc.getFullName() ]
-### configure the event selector
-from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import EventSelector
-ServiceMgr += EventSelector()
-EventSelector.RunNumber         = 1
-EventSelector.EventsPerRun      = 5
-EventSelector.FirstEvent        = 1
-EventSelector.InitialTimeStamp  = 0
-EventSelector.TimeStampInterval = 5
-theApp.EvtMax                   = 1
-### configure the message service
-# Set output level threshold (1=VERBOSE, 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
-MessageSvc.OutputLevel      = 2
-MessageSvc.debugLimit       = 100000
-MessageSvc.infoLimit        = 10000
-MessageSvc.errorLimit       = 1000
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelOfflineCalibServiceTestIBL.py b/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelOfflineCalibServiceTestIBL.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 750e324bd185e9d959865ab84c5123bccb1825fc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelOfflineCalibServiceTestIBL.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-isIBL = 1
-mySQ = 1
-#import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixStandardJob
-#MyOutPut = INFO
-#from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
-#from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
-if not 'MYRUN' in dir():
-   MYRUN=0
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
-# --- set defaults
-from IOVDbSvc.CondDB import conddb
-if mySQ:
-  conddb.iovdbsvc.Folders = [ "<dbConnection>sqlite://;schema=myofflinedb_ibl.db;dbname=OFLP200</dbConnection> /PIXEL/PixReco <tag> PixelOfflineReco-Test-00</tag>" ]
-  conddb.addFolder("PIXEL_OFL","/PIXEL/PixReco")
-# Select the geometry version.
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
-if isIBL:
-  globalflags.DetDescrVersion = 'ATLAS-IBL3D25-03-00-00'
-  globalflags.DetDescrVersion = 'ATLAS-GEO-08-00-00'
-#globalflags.DetDescrVersion = 'ATLAS-IBL-02-00-00'
-# import the # the conditions setup
-#from IOVDbSvc.CondDB import conddb
-# Initialize geometry
-from AtlasGeoModel import GeoModelInit
-from AtlasGeoModel import SetGeometryVersion
-# --- setup version
-from InDetIBL_Example.SLHC_JobProperties import SLHC_Flags
-## Leave commented out unless overriding with text file.
-## Default is to use Geom DB only
-#SLHC_Flags.SLHC_Version = "IBL-01"
-print SLHC_Flags
-## SLHC setup
-from InDetIBL_Example.SLHC_Setup import SLHC_Setup
-SLHC_Setup = SLHC_Setup()
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-topSequence = AlgSequence()
-from PixelConditionsServices.PixelConditionsServicesConf import PixelOfflineCalibSvc
-ServiceMgr +=PixelOfflineCalibSvc()
-from PixelConditionsTools.PixelConditionsToolsConf import PixelRecoDbTool
-ToolSvc += PixelRecoDbTool()
-ToolSvc.PixelRecoDbTool.OutputLevel = VERBOSE
-ToolSvc.PixelRecoDbTool.InputSource = 2
-from PixelConditionsServices.PixelConditionsServicesConf import PixelOfflineCalibServiceTest
-topSequence +=PixelOfflineCalibServiceTest(OutputTextFilePixelClusterError ="PixelClusterErrorDump_IBL.txt",
-                                           OutputTextFilePixelClusterOnTrackError="PixelClusterOnTrackErrorDump_IBL.txt",
-                                           OutputTextFilePixelChargeInterpolation="PixelChargeInterpolationDump_IBL.txt")
-#from IOVDbSvc.IOVDbSvcConf import IOVDbSvc
-#IOVDbSvc.GlobalTag = "OFLCOND-SIM-00-00-00"
-theApp.EvtMax = 1
-# Set output level threshold (1=VERBOSE, 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
-MessageSvc.OutputLevel = DEBUG
-# --- change output format
-MessageSvc.Format       = "% F%30W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-MessageSvc.defaultLimit = 9999999
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelRunConditionsDbSvc.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelRunConditionsDbSvc.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e0ee80597df51d91613df78277aa29cd3181857..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelRunConditionsDbSvc.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include "PixelRunConditionsDbSvc.h"
-#include "StoreGate/StoreGate.h"
-#include "InDetIdentifier/PixelID.h"
-#include "AthenaPoolUtilities/CondAttrListCollection.h"
-#include "AthenaPoolUtilities/AthenaAttributeList.h"
-// COOL includes
-#include <CoolKernel/IObjectIterator.h>
-#include "CoolKernel/IObject.h"
-PixelRunConditionsDbSvc::PixelRunConditionsDbSvc(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* sl):
-  AthService(name, sl),
-  m_callback_calls(0),
-  m_connTag(""),
-  m_key("/PIXEL/SOR_Params")
-  {
-  declareProperty("Key", m_key, "Key=/PIXEL/SOR_Params");
-StatusCode PixelRunConditionsDbSvc::queryInterface(const InterfaceID& riid, void** ppvIf){
-  if(interfaceID() == riid){
-    *ppvIf = dynamic_cast< PixelRunConditionsDbSvc* > (this);
-  }
-  else if(IPixelRunConditionsDbSvc::interfaceID() == riid){
-    *ppvIf = dynamic_cast< IPixelRunConditionsDbSvc* > (this);
-  }
-  else{
-    return AthService::queryInterface(riid, ppvIf);
-  }
-  addRef();
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-StatusCode PixelRunConditionsDbSvc::initialize(){
-  ATH_MSG_INFO("Initializing PixelRunConditionsDbSvc");
-  //whenever the CondAttrListCollection is updated from the Database  
-  ServiceHandle<StoreGateSvc> detStore ("DetectorStore", name());
-  ATH_CHECK( detStore.retrieve() );
-  const DataHandle<AthenaAttributeList> attrList;
-  ATH_CHECK( detStore->regFcn(&IPixelRunConditionsDbSvc::IOVCallBack,
-                              dynamic_cast<IPixelRunConditionsDbSvc*>(this),
-                              attrList, m_key) );
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-StatusCode PixelRunConditionsDbSvc::finalize(){
-  ATH_MSG_INFO("Finalizing PixelRunConditionsDbSvc");
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-StatusCode PixelRunConditionsDbSvc::IOVCallBack(IOVSVC_CALLBACK_ARGS_P(I, keys)){
-  m_callback_calls++;
-  ATH_MSG_INFO("                     -----   in  Callback   -----");
-  for(std::list<std::string>::const_iterator key=keys.begin(); key != keys.end(); ++key)
-    ATH_MSG_INFO("HEEEEY! IOVCALLBACK for key " << *key << " number " << I<<"\n\t\t\t\t\t-----mtst-----\n");
-  ServiceHandle<StoreGateSvc> detStore ("DetectorStore", name());
-  ATH_CHECK( detStore.retrieve() );
-  //bool contains_key = detStore()->contains<AthenaAttributeList>(m_key);
-  //std::cout << "contains_key? " << contains_key << std::endl;
-  const AthenaAttributeList* attrlist = 0;
-  ATH_CHECK( detStore->retrieve(attrlist, m_key) );
-  m_connTag=(*attrlist)["connTag"].data<std::string>();
-  ATH_MSG_INFO( "                     -----   conntag "<< m_connTag  <<"  -----" );
-  ATH_MSG_INFO("                     -----   DONE  Callback "<<m_callback_calls<<"  -----");
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelRunConditionsDbSvc.h b/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelRunConditionsDbSvc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bdc4ad9477fce41c7891bb4c256ae3de93fea202..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices/test/PixelRunConditionsDbSvc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
- * PixelRunConditionsDbSvc.h
- *
- * Service to get the run-conditions from COOL
- *
- * mlimper@cern.ch
- */
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthService.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
-#include "PixelConditionsServices/IPixelRunConditionsDbSvc.h"
-#include <set>
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-class StoreGateSvc;
-class PixelID;
-class CondAttrListCollection;
-class PixelRunConditionsDbSvc:  public AthService,
-                     virtual public IPixelRunConditionsDbSvc{
- public:
-  PixelRunConditionsDbSvc(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* sl);
-  virtual ~PixelRunConditionsDbSvc();
-  static const InterfaceID& interfaceID();
-  virtual StatusCode queryInterface(const InterfaceID& riid, void** ppvIf);
-  virtual StatusCode initialize();
-  virtual StatusCode finalize();
-  virtual StatusCode IOVCallBack(IOVSVC_CALLBACK_ARGS);
-  virtual std::string connTag(std::string& cTag) {
-      if(cTag.length()!=0) ATH_MSG_WARNING( "Parameter cTag with value "<< cTag  <<" is not used" );
-      return m_connTag;
-  } ;
- private:
-  unsigned int m_callback_calls;
-  std::string m_connTag;
-  std::string m_key;
-inline const InterfaceID& PixelRunConditionsDbSvc::interfaceID(){
-  static const InterfaceID IID_PixelRunConditionsDbSvc("PixelRunConditionsDbSvc", 1, 0);
-  return IID_PixelRunConditionsDbSvc;
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/SCT_ConditionsTools/python/__init__.py b/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/SCT_ConditionsTools/python/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 92bcd5e39f1d06d4586f01a872962e6c8c07f04a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/SCT_ConditionsTools/python/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/SCT_ConditionsTools/share/histo.xsl b/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/SCT_ConditionsTools/share/histo.xsl
deleted file mode 100644
index 3355f4f7bd5ba1cf8c6f8e0036082522d4331af4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetConditions/SCT_ConditionsTools/share/histo.xsl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0"
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-            <xsl:call-template name="ytickLabels">
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-            </xsl:call-template>
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diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/TRT_GeoModel/src/TRTDetectorFactory_Full.h b/InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/TRT_GeoModel/src/TRTDetectorFactory_Full.h
deleted file mode 100755
index dfc5d5326a405c72c01565e92ff689364fcadb8c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/TRT_GeoModel/src/TRTDetectorFactory_Full.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-//                                                                             //
-//  TRTDetectorFactory_Full                                                    //
-//                                                                             //
-//  Authors:  Joe Boudreau, Andrei and Iouris Zalite, Thomas Kittelmann        //
-//                                                                             //
-//  This class creates the TRT Geometry. Cf. the README file                   //
-//                                                                             //
-#ifndef TRTDetectorFactory_Full_h
-#define TRTDetectorFactory_Full_h 1
-#include "InDetGeoModelUtils/InDetDetectorFactoryBase.h"
-#include "InDetReadoutGeometry/TRT_DetectorManager.h"
-#include "TRT_ConditionsServices/ITRT_StrawStatusSummarySvc.h" //for Argon
-#include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
-#include "CLHEP/Vector/TwoVector.h"
-#include <string>
-class GeoPhysVol;
-class GeoFullPhysVol;
-//class CLHEP::Hep2Vector;
-class TRTParameterInterface;
-class InDetMaterialManager;
-class TRTDetectorFactory_Full : public InDetDD::DetectorFactoryBase  {
- public:
-  //--------------------------Public Interface:--------------------------------//
-  //                                                                           //
-  // Constructor:                                                              //
-  TRTDetectorFactory_Full(const InDetDD::AthenaComps * athenaComps,            //
-			  ServiceHandle<ITRT_StrawStatusSummarySvc> m_sumSvc,  //
-			  bool useOldActiveGasMixture,                         //
-			  bool DC2CompatibleBarrelCoordinates,                 //
-			  int overridedigversion,                              //
-			  bool alignable,                                      //
-			  bool doArgon,                                        //
-			  bool doKrypton,                                      //
-			  bool useDynamicAlignmentFolders);                    //
-  //                                                                           //
-  // Destructor:                                                               //
-  ~TRTDetectorFactory_Full();                                                  //
-  //                                                                           //
-  // Creation of geometry:                                                     //
-  virtual void create(GeoPhysVol *world);                                      //
-  //                                                                           //
-  // Access to the results:                                                    //
-  virtual const InDetDD::TRT_DetectorManager * getDetectorManager() const;     //
-  //                                                                           //
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
-  const std::string& name() const { 
-    static const std::string n("TRT_GeoModel::TRTDetectorFactory"); 
-    return n;
-  }
- private:  
-  //---------------------------Illegal operations:---------------------------------//
-  //                                                                               //
-  const TRTDetectorFactory_Full & operator=(const TRTDetectorFactory_Full &right); //
-  TRTDetectorFactory_Full(const TRTDetectorFactory_Full &right);                   //
-  //                                                                               //
-  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
-  // Gas mixture enumerator
-  enum ActiveGasMixture
-    {
-    GM_XENON,
-    };
-  ActiveGasMixture DecideGasMixture(int strawStatusHT);
-  // private helper methods:
-  const GeoShape * makeModule ( double length, CLHEP::Hep2Vector corner1 ,  CLHEP::Hep2Vector corner2, CLHEP::Hep2Vector corner3,
-				CLHEP::Hep2Vector corner4, HepGeom::Transform3D & absolutePosition, double shrinkDist=0 ) const;
-  //GeoPhysVol * makeStraw( double& activeGasZPosition, bool hasLargeDeadRegion=false ) const;
-  GeoPhysVol * makeStraw( double& activeGasZPosition, bool hasLargeDeadRegion=false, ActiveGasMixture gasMixture = GM_XENON) const;
-  //GeoFullPhysVol  *makeStrawPlane( size_t w ) const;
-  GeoFullPhysVol  *makeStrawPlane( size_t w , ActiveGasMixture gasMixture = GM_XENON) const;
-  // private member data:
-  InDetDD::TRT_DetectorManager * m_detectorManager;
-  InDetMaterialManager         * m_materialManager;
-  TRTParameterInterface        * m_data;
-  bool m_useOldActiveGasMixture;
-  bool m_DC2CompatibleBarrelCoordinates;
-  int m_overridedigversion;
-  bool m_alignable;
-  ServiceHandle<ITRT_StrawStatusSummarySvc> m_sumSvc; // added for Argon
-  bool m_strawsvcavailable;
-  bool m_doArgon;
-  bool m_doKrypton;
-  bool m_useDynamicAlignFolders;
-#endif // TRTDetectorFactory_Full_h
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetRecTools/InDetTrackSelectionTool/Root/InDetTrackAccessor.h b/InnerDetector/InDetRecTools/InDetTrackSelectionTool/Root/InDetTrackAccessor.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c8f62399b85a327253ed5c818e82ffde8e65f34c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetRecTools/InDetTrackSelectionTool/Root/InDetTrackAccessor.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
-// -*- c++ -*-
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// InDetTrackAccessor.h
-// Declarations of objects to access track properties
-#include "AsgTools/StatusCode.h"
-#include "AsgTools/AsgMessaging.h"
-#include "xAODTracking/TrackingPrimitives.h"
-#include "xAODTracking/TrackParticle.h"
-#include "xAODTracking/Vertex.h"
-#include "TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h"
-namespace Trk {
-  class Track;
-  class Vertex;
-namespace InDet {
-  // ---------------- TrackAccessor ----------------
-  class TrackAccessor : public asg::AsgMessaging {
-  public:
-    TrackAccessor(const asg::IAsgTool*);
-    virtual ~TrackAccessor() = 0;
-    // function to get properties from track
-    virtual StatusCode access( const xAOD::TrackParticle& track,
-			       const xAOD::Vertex* vertex = 0 ) = 0;
-    //Trk::Track access will need to be passed e.g. the summary, perigee directly
-    virtual StatusCode access( const Trk::Track& track,
-			       const Trk::TrackParameters* perigee = 0,
-			       const Trk::TrackSummary* summary = 0) = 0;
-  };
-  // ---------------- SummaryAccessor ----------------
-  // summary values can be a uint8_t or a float: at some point may templatize,
-  //    but would require templatizing cuts first
-  class SummaryAccessor : public virtual TrackAccessor {
-  public:
-    SummaryAccessor(const asg::IAsgTool*);
-    void setSummaryType(xAOD::SummaryType);
-    StatusCode access( const xAOD::TrackParticle& track,
-		       const xAOD::Vertex* vertex = 0 );
-    StatusCode access( const Trk::Track& track,
-		       const Trk::TrackParameters* perigee = 0,
-		       const Trk::TrackSummary* summary = 0 );
-    uint8_t getValue() const {return m_summaryValue;}
-  private:
-    uint8_t m_summaryValue;
-    xAOD::SummaryType m_summaryType;
-  }; // class SummaryAccessor
-  // ---------------- ParamAccessor ----------------
-  // using a separate accessor that acquires parameter based on index
-  //   is useful because the index is the same in xAOD::TrackParticle and Trk::Track
-  template <size_t index>
-  class ParamAccessor : public virtual TrackAccessor {
-  public:
-    ParamAccessor(const asg::IAsgTool*);
-    StatusCode access ( const xAOD::TrackParticle& track,
-			const xAOD::Vertex* vertex = 0 );
-    StatusCode access ( const Trk::Track& track,
-			const Trk::TrackParameters* perigee = 0,
-			const Trk::TrackSummary* summary = 0 );
-    Double_t getValue() const {return m_paramValue;}
-  private:
-    Double_t m_paramValue;
-  }; // class ParamAccessor
-  // ---------------- ParamCovAccessor ----------------
-  template <size_t index_i, size_t index_j>
-  class ParamCovAccessor : public virtual TrackAccessor {
-  public:
-    ParamCovAccessor<index_i, index_j>(const asg::IAsgTool*);
-    StatusCode access ( const xAOD::TrackParticle& track,
-			const xAOD::Vertex* vertex = 0 );
-    StatusCode access ( const Trk::Track& track,
-			const Trk::TrackParameters* perigee = 0,
-			const Trk::TrackSummary* summary = 0 );
-    Double_t getValue() const {return m_paramCovValue;}
-  private:
-    Double_t m_paramCovValue;
-  }; // class ParamCovAccessor
-  // ---------------- FitQualityAccessor ----------------
-  class FitQualityAccessor : public virtual TrackAccessor {
-  public:
-    FitQualityAccessor(const asg::IAsgTool*);
-    StatusCode access ( const xAOD::TrackParticle& track,
-			const xAOD::Vertex* = 0 );
-    StatusCode access ( const Trk::Track& track,
-			const Trk::TrackParameters* perigee = 0,
-			const Trk::TrackSummary* summary = 0 );
-    Double_t getChiSq() const {return m_chiSq;}
-    Double_t getNumberDoF() const {return m_nDoF;}
-    Double_t getProb() const {return TMath::Prob( m_chiSq, m_nDoF );}
-  private:
-    Double_t m_chiSq;
-    Double_t m_nDoF;
-  };
-  // ---------------- FuncAccessor ----------------
-  // template class for accessing member functions of TrackParticles
-  template <typename T, T (xAOD::TrackParticle::*Func)() const>
-  class FuncAccessor : public virtual TrackAccessor {
-  public:
-    FuncAccessor(const asg::IAsgTool*);
-    StatusCode access ( const xAOD::TrackParticle& track,
-			const xAOD::Vertex* = 0 );
-    // these will need specialization in InDetTrackAccessor.cxx
-    StatusCode access ( const Trk::Track& track,
-			const Trk::TrackParameters* perigee = 0,
-			const Trk::TrackSummary* summary = 0 );
-    T getValue() const {return m_value;}
-  private:
-    T m_value;
-  };
-  // ---------------- eProbabilityHTAccessor ----------------
-  // unfortunately, for now we need a special case as it is not
-  //   implemented in the Trk::Track summary values yet (02-2015)
-  // effort has not been put into generalization as this is
-  // hopefully temporary.
-  class eProbabilityHTAccessor : public virtual TrackAccessor {
-  public:
-    eProbabilityHTAccessor(const asg::IAsgTool*);
-    StatusCode access ( const xAOD::TrackParticle& track,
-			const xAOD::Vertex* = 0 );
-    StatusCode access ( const Trk::Track& track,
-                        const Trk::TrackParameters* perigee = 0,
-                        const Trk::TrackSummary* summary = 0 );
-    float getValue() const {return m_eProbHT;}
-  private:
-    float m_eProbHT;
-  };
-  // ---------------- SiHitsTopBottomAccessor ----------------
-  class SiHitsTopBottomAccessor : public virtual TrackAccessor {
-  public:
-    SiHitsTopBottomAccessor(const asg::IAsgTool*);
-    StatusCode access ( const xAOD::TrackParticle& track,
-			const xAOD::Vertex* = 0 );
-    StatusCode access ( const Trk::Track& track,
-                        const Trk::TrackParameters* perigee = 0,
-                        const Trk::TrackSummary* summary = 0 );
-    uint8_t getHitsTop() const {return m_top;}
-    uint8_t getHitsBottom() const {return m_bottom;}
-  private:
-    uint8_t m_top;
-    uint8_t m_bottom;
-  };
-} // namespace InDet
-// --------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------- Template Implementations --------------
-// --------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------- ParamAccessor ----------------
-template <size_t index>
-InDet::ParamAccessor<index>::ParamAccessor(const asg::IAsgTool* tool)
-  : InDet::TrackAccessor(tool)
-  , m_paramValue(0)
-  static_assert(index < 5, "Index for parameter accessor must be less than 5");
-template <size_t index>
-StatusCode InDet::ParamAccessor<index>::access( const xAOD::TrackParticle& track,
-						    const xAOD::Vertex* vertex )
-  m_paramValue = track.definingParameters()[index];
-  if (index == 1) { // if this is a z-accessor (should be evaluated at compile-time)
-    if (vertex != nullptr) {
-      // if vertex is provided we need to cut w.r.t. the vertex
-      m_paramValue += track.vz() - vertex->z();
-    }
-  }
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-template <size_t index>
-StatusCode InDet::ParamAccessor<index>::access( const Trk::Track&,
-						const Trk::TrackParameters* perigee,
-						const Trk::TrackSummary* )
-  if (perigee==nullptr) {
-    ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Zero pointer to perigee." );
-    m_paramValue = std::nan("");
-    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  m_paramValue = perigee->parameters()[index];
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-// ---------------- ParamCovAccessor ----------------
-template <size_t index_i, size_t index_j>
-InDet::ParamCovAccessor<index_i, index_j>::ParamCovAccessor(const asg::IAsgTool* tool)
-  : InDet::TrackAccessor(tool)
-  , m_paramCovValue(0)
-  static_assert(index_i < 5, "Index for parameter covariance accessor must be less than 5");
-  static_assert(index_j < 5, "Index for parameter covariance accessor must be less than 5");
-template <size_t index_i, size_t index_j>
-StatusCode InDet::ParamCovAccessor<index_i, index_j>::access( const xAOD::TrackParticle& track,
-							      const xAOD::Vertex* )
-  m_paramCovValue = track.definingParametersCovMatrix()(index_i, index_j);
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-template <size_t index_i, size_t index_j>
-StatusCode InDet::ParamCovAccessor<index_i, index_j>::
-access( const Trk::Track&,
-	const Trk::TrackParameters* perigee,
-	const Trk::TrackSummary* )
-  if (!perigee) {
-    ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Recieved zero pointer to perigee." );
-    m_paramCovValue = std::nan("");
-    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  m_paramCovValue = (*perigee->covariance())(index_i, index_j);
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-// ---------------- FuncAccessor ----------------
-template <typename T, T (xAOD::TrackParticle::*Func)() const>
-InDet::FuncAccessor<T,Func>::FuncAccessor(const asg::IAsgTool* tool)
-  : TrackAccessor(tool)
-  , m_value(false) // set to zero bits
-template <typename T, T (xAOD::TrackParticle::*Func)() const>
-StatusCode InDet::FuncAccessor<T,Func>::access( const xAOD::TrackParticle& track,
-						const xAOD::Vertex* )
-  m_value = (track.*Func)();
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetSimUtils/TRT_PAI_Process/src/TRT_PAI_element.h b/InnerDetector/InDetSimUtils/TRT_PAI_Process/src/TRT_PAI_element.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 42b1f36845ee85ccb4a031268d9357a76a89c28a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetSimUtils/TRT_PAI_Process/src/TRT_PAI_element.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#ifndef TRT_PAI_element_h
-#define TRT_PAI_element_h
-#include <string>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <vector>
- * Chemical element
- */
-class TRT_PAI_element {
-  /**
-   * Default constructor for unnamed element
-   */
-  TRT_PAI_element() : m_name("unnamed"), m_atomicA(0), m_atomicZ(0) {};
-  /**
-   *Constructor of element
-   * \param nm: element name
-   * \param E:  array of absorption energies (ev)
-   * \param S:  array of cross sections (Mb)
-   * \param N:  number of entries in these arrays
-   * \param Z:  atomic Z
-   * \param A:  atomic A
-   */
-  TRT_PAI_element(std::string nm,
-		  const float *E,
-		  const float *S,
-		  int N,
-		  double Z,
-		  double A);
-  /**
-   * Get element name
-   */
-  std::string getName() { return m_name; };
-  /**
-   * Get atomic A of element
-   */
-  double getAtomicA() { return m_atomicA; };
-  /**
-   * Get atomic Z of element
-   */
-  double getAtomicZ() { return m_atomicZ; };
-  /**
-   * Get density of element at atmospheric preassure
-   * \param tempK: Temperature in Kelvin
-   */
-  double getDensity(double tempK=293.);
-  /**
-   * Get vector of ln(energy) of energy levels (eV)
-   */
-  std::vector<float> getLnELvls()  { return m_lnEnergyLvls; };
-  /**
-   * Get vector of ln(cross sections) corresponding to energy levels (Mb)
-   */
-  std::vector<float> getLnSigmas() { return m_lnCrossScts; };
-  std::string        m_name;
-  std::vector<float> m_lnEnergyLvls;
-  std::vector<float> m_lnCrossScts;
-  double             m_atomicA;
-  double             m_atomicZ;
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetSimUtils/TRT_PAI_Process/src/TRT_PAI_gasdata.h b/InnerDetector/InDetSimUtils/TRT_PAI_Process/src/TRT_PAI_gasdata.h
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index e243c750869556ccf14093b5f7371744a9e075c8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetSimUtils/TRT_PAI_Process/src/TRT_PAI_gasdata.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#ifndef TRT_PAI_gasdata_h
-#define TRT_PAI_gasdata_h
- * Input data to PAI process:
- *
- * Tabulated values of photo absorption cross sections.
- * "Carefully tabulated by Igor Gavrilenko".
- * Argon values added by Oleksandr (Sasha) Viazlo
- *  - energy [eV];
- *  - cross section in Mb.
- */
-namespace TRT_PAI_gasdata {
-  /**
-   * Atommic Z for elements
-   */
-  const int   ZXe =  54  , ZKr = 36  , ZAr = 18  , ZC =  6  , ZO =  8  , ZF =  9;
-  /**
-   * Atommic A for elements
-   */
-  const float AXe = 131.3, AKr = 83.8, AAr = 39.9, AC = 12.0, AO = 16.0, AF = 19.0;
-  const int   NXe = 189;     /**< Number of levels for Xenon */
-  /**
-   * Energy levels for Xenon
-   */
-  const float EXe[NXe] =
-    {12.08, 13.45, 13.48, 13.62, 13.78, 13.93, 14.09, 14.25, 14.42, 14.59,
-     14.76, 14.94, 15.12, 15.31, 15.50, 15.69, 15.89, 16.10, 16.31, 16.53,
-     16.75, 16.98, 17.22, 17.46, 17.71, 17.97, 18.23, 18.50, 18.78, 19.07,
-     19.37, 19.68, 20.00, 20.32, 20.66, 21.01, 21.38, 21.75, 22.14, 22.54,
-     22.96, 23.39, 23.84, 24.31, 24.80, 25.30, 25.83, 26.38, 26.95, 27.55,
-     28.18, 28.83, 29.52, 30.24, 30.99, 31.79, 32.63, 33.51, 34.44, 35.42,
-     36.46, 37.57, 38.74, 39.99, 41.33, 42.75, 44.28, 45.92, 47.68, 49.59,
-     51.66, 53.90, 56.35, 59.04, 61.99, 65.25, 68.88, 72.93, 77.49, 79.99,
-     82.65, 85.50, 88.56, 91.84, 95.37, 99.18, 103.3, 107.8, 112.7, 118.1,
-     124.0, 126.5, 129.1, 131.9, 134.8, 137.8, 140.9, 144.2, 147.6, 151.2,
-     155.0, 158.9, 163.1, 167.5, 172.2, 177.1, 182.3, 187.8, 193.7, 200.0,
-     206.6, 213.8, 221.4, 229.6, 238.4, 248.0, 258.3, 269.5, 281.8, 295.2,
-     309.9, 326.3, 344.4, 364.6, 387.4, 413.3, 442.8, 476.8, 516.6, 563.5,
-     619.9, 670.0, 689.0, 708.0, 729.0, 751.0, 775.0, 800.0, 827.0, 855.0,
-     886.0, 918.0, 928.7, 953.7, 991.8, 1033., 1078., 1127., 1181., 1240.,
-     1305., 1378., 1459., 1550., 1653., 1771., 1907., 2066., 2254., 2480.,
-     2755., 3100., 3542., 4133., 4780., 4781., 5000., 5099., 5100., 5451.,
-     5452., 5635., 6199., 6888., 7749., 8856.,10330.,12400.,15500.,20660.,
-     31000.,34560.,35420.,41330.,49590.,61990.,82650.,124000.,145300. };
-  /**
-   * Cross sections for Xenon
-   */
-  const float SXe[NXe] =
-    {66.30, 66.30, 66.20, 65.72, 65.22, 64.69, 64.13, 63.53, 62.88, 62.19,
-     61.45, 60.67, 59.83, 58.94, 58.00, 57.01, 55.96, 54.87, 53.74, 52.55,
-     51.32, 50.05, 48.75, 47.40, 46.03, 44.62, 43.19, 41.73, 40.25, 38.76,
-     37.26, 35.75, 34.23, 32.71, 31.20, 29.69, 28.19, 26.71, 25.24, 23.79,
-     22.37, 20.98, 19.61, 18.28, 16.98, 15.72, 14.51, 13.33, 12.21, 11.13,
-     10.10, 9.124, 8.201, 7.332, 6.519, 5.762, 5.064, 4.425, 3.845, 3.406,
-     3.038, 2.727, 2.444, 2.205, 2.004, 1.855, 1.731, 1.656, 1.591, 1.560,
-     1.524, 1.519, 1.551, 1.673, 1.995, 2.658, 3.888, 6.009, 9.266, 11.97,
-     15.27, 18.75, 22.04, 24.71, 26.49, 27.07, 26.28, 24.11, 20.68, 16.31,
-     11.38, 9.637, 8.111, 6.783, 5.637, 4.656, 3.823, 3.126, 2.550, 2.082,
-     1.710, 1.422, 1.207, 1.056, .9588, .9066, .8914, .9058, .9429, .9964,
-     1.061, 1.131, 1.203, 1.271, 1.334, 1.388, 1.432, 1.462, 1.478, 1.479,
-     1.465, 1.436, 1.392, 1.336, 1.267, 1.190, 1.105, 1.017, .9275, .8416,
-     .7633, .7200, 4.300, 4.750, 3.650, 3.150, 2.800, 2.500, 2.250, 2.000,
-     1.800, 1.600, 1.849, 1.805, 1.732, 1.649, 1.558, 1.461, 1.358, 1.251,
-     1.141, 1.031, .9199, .8108, .7044, .6019, .5047, .4140, .3310, .2568,
-     .1927, .1397,.09911,.07193,.05560, .1578, .1408, .1338, .1882, .1584,
-     .1835, .1678, .1296,.09741,.07080,.04931,.03248,.01982,.01083,.00497,
-     .00166,.00666,.00625,.00419,.00261,.00146,.00069,.00024,.00016};
-  // Krypton values provided by Alexey.Boldyrev@cern.ch
-  const int   NKr = 487;     /**< Number of levels for Krypton */
-  /**
-   * Energy levels for Krypton
-   */
-  const float EKr[NKr] =
-    { 14.2, 14.2331, 14.4633, 14.6973, 14.935, 15.1765, 15.422, 15.6714, 15.9249, 16.1825, 16.4442, 16.7102,
-      16.9805, 17.2551, 17.5342, 17.8178, 18.106, 18.3989, 18.6964, 18.9988, 19.3061, 19.6184, 19.9357, 20.2582,
-      20.5858, 20.9188, 21.2571, 21.6009, 21.9503, 22.3053, 22.6661, 23.0327, 23.4053, 23.7838, 24.1685, 24.5594,
-      24.9566, 25.3603, 25.7705, 26.1873, 26.6109, 27.0413, 27.4786, 27.9231, 28.3747, 28.8337, 29.3, 29.7739,
-      30.2555, 30.7449, 31.2421, 31.7475, 32.2609, 32.7827, 33.313, 33.8518, 34.3993, 34.9557, 35.5211, 36.0956,
-      36.6794, 37.2727, 37.8755, 38.4882, 39.1107, 39.7432, 40.3861, 41.0393, 41.7031, 42.3776, 43.063, 43.7595,
-      44.4673, 45.1865, 45.9174, 46.66, 47.4147, 48.1816, 48.9609, 49.7528, 50.5576, 51.3753, 52.2062, 53.0506,
-      53.9087, 54.7806, 55.6667, 56.567, 57.482, 58.4117, 59.3564, 60.3165, 61.2921, 62.2834, 63.2908, 64.3145,
-      65.3547, 66.4118, 67.4859, 68.5775, 69.6867, 70.8138, 71.9591, 73.123, 74.3057, 75.5076, 76.7289, 77.9699,
-      79.231, 80.5125, 81.8147, 83.138, 84.4827, 85.8491, 87.2377, 88.6487, 90.0825, 91.5395, 93.0201, 93.7,
-      93.9, 94.5246, 96.0535, 97.6071, 99.1858, 100.79, 102.42, 104.077, 105.76, 107.471, 109.209, 110.975,
-      112.77, 114.594, 116.448, 118.331, 120.245, 122.19, 124.166, 126.175, 128.215, 130.289, 132.397, 134.538,
-      136.714, 138.925, 141.172, 143.456, 145.776, 148.134, 150.53, 152.964, 155.439, 157.953, 160.507, 163.103,
-      165.742, 168.422, 171.146, 173.915, 176.727, 179.586, 182.491, 185.442, 188.442, 191.489, 194.587, 197.734,
-      200.932, 204.182, 207.485, 210.84, 214.251, 217.716, 221.237, 224.816, 228.452, 232.147, 235.902, 239.717,
-      243.595, 247.535, 251.538, 255.607, 259.741, 263.942, 268.211, 272.549, 276.957, 281.437, 285.989, 290.615,
-      295.315, 300.092, 304.945, 309.878, 314.89, 319.983, 325.158, 330.418, 335.762, 341.192, 346.711, 352.319,
-      358.017, 363.808, 369.692, 375.672, 381.748, 387.922, 394.197, 400.573, 407.052, 413.635, 420.326, 427.124,
-      434.032, 441.052, 448.186, 455.435, 462.802, 470.287, 477.894, 485.623, 493.478, 501.459, 509.57, 517.812,
-      526.187, 534.698, 543.346, 552.134, 561.065, 570.139, 579.361, 588.732, 598.254, 607.93, 617.763, 627.755,
-      637.908, 648.226, 658.711, 669.365, 680.191, 691.193, 702.372, 713.733, 725.277, 737.008, 748.928, 761.042,
-      773.351, 785.859, 798.57, 811.486, 824.611, 837.949, 851.502, 865.274, 879.269, 893.491, 907.943, 922.628,
-      937.551, 952.715, 968.124, 983.783, 999.695, 1015.86, 1032.29, 1048.99, 1065.96, 1083.2, 1100.72, 1118.52,
-      1136.61, 1155, 1173.68, 1192.66, 1211.95, 1231.55, 1251.47, 1271.72, 1292.29, 1313.19, 1334.43, 1356.01,
-      1377.94, 1400.23, 1422.88, 1445.89, 1469.28, 1493.04, 1517.19, 1541.73, 1566.67, 1592.01, 1617.76, 1643.92,
-      1670.51, 1678.3, 1678.5, 1697.53, 1724.99, 1752.89, 1781.24, 1810.05, 1839.32, 1869.07, 1899.3, 1920.9,
-      1921.1, 1930.02, 1961.24, 1992.96, 2025.2, 2057.95, 2091.24, 2125.06, 2159.43, 2194.36, 2229.85, 2265.92,
-      2302.57, 2339.81, 2377.66, 2416.11, 2455.19, 2494.9, 2535.26, 2576.26, 2617.93, 2660.27, 2703.3, 2747.03,
-      2791.46, 2836.61, 2882.49, 2929.11, 2976.48, 3024.63, 3073.55, 3123.26, 3173.78, 3225.11, 3277.27, 3330.28,
-      3384.15, 3438.88, 3494.5, 3551.02, 3608.46, 3666.82, 3726.13, 3786.4, 3847.64, 3909.87, 3973.11, 4037.38,
-      4102.68, 4169.03, 4236.46, 4304.98, 4374.62, 4445.37, 4517.27, 4590.33, 4664.58, 4740.03, 4816.69, 4894.6,
-      4973.77, 5054.21, 5135.96, 5219.03, 5303.44, 5389.22, 5476.39, 5564.97, 5654.98, 5746.44, 5839.39, 5933.83,
-      6029.81, 6127.33, 6226.44, 6327.15, 6429.48, 6533.48, 6639.15, 6746.54, 6855.65, 6966.54, 7079.22, 7193.72,
-      7310.07, 7428.31, 7548.45, 7670.54, 7794.61, 7920.68, 8048.79, 8178.98, 8311.26, 8445.69, 8582.29, 8721.11,
-      8862.16, 9005.5, 9151.16, 9299.17, 9449.58, 9602.42, 9757.73, 9915.55, 10075.9, 10238.9, 10404.5, 10572.8,
-      10743.8, 10917.6, 11094.2, 11273.6, 11455.9, 11641.2, 11829.5, 12020.8, 12215.3, 12412.8, 12613.6, 12817.6,
-      13025, 13235.6, 13449.7, 13667.2, 13888.3, 14112.9, 14325.5, 14325.7, 14341.2, 14573.1, 14808.9, 15048.4,
-      15291.8, 15539.1, 15790.4, 16045.8, 16305.4, 16569.1, 16837.1, 17109.4, 17386.1, 17667.4, 17953.1, 18243.5,
-      18538.6, 18838.4, 19143.1, 19452.7, 19767.4, 20087.1, 20412, 20742.1, 21077.6, 21418.5, 21765, 22117,
-      22474.7, 22838.2, 23207.6, 23583, 23964.4, 24352, 24745.9, 25146.2, 25552.9, 25966.2, 26386.1, 26812.9,
-      27246.6, 27687.3, 28135.1, 28590.2, 29052.6, 29522.5, 30000.  };
-  /**
-   * Cross sections for Krypton
-   */
-  const float SKr[NKr] =
-    { 31.51, 31.76, 33.54, 35.41, 36.93, 38.44, 39.87, 4.59, 41.33, 42.09, 42.6, 42.66,
-      42.71, 42.77, 42.32, 41.7, 41.08, 4.49, 4.02, 39.55, 39.08, 38.61, 38.1,
-      37.59, 37.09, 36.58, 35.98, 35.4, 34.83, 34.27, 33.62, 32.81, 32.02, 31.25, 3.48,
-      29.31, 28.19, 27.11, 26.07, 25.07, 24.11, 23.19, 22.29, 21.37, 2.49, 19.64, 18.56,
-      17.41, 16.33, 15.32, 14.37, 13.48, 12.64, 11.86, 11.13, 1.44, 9.775, 9.063, 8.403,
-      7.791, 7.223, 6.697, 6.21, 5.757, 5.338, 4.949, 4.589, 4.255, 3.945, 3.643, 3.364,
-      3.107, 2.869, 2.65, 2.447, 2.26, 2.087, 1.927, 1.78, 1.643, 1.525, 1.418, 1.318,
-      1.226, 1.14, 1.059, .985, .9197, .8721, .8269, .7841, .7436, .7143, .6928, .672,
-      .6518, .6325, .6171, .6021, .5875, .5784, .5701, .5618, .5556, .5501, .5448, .5395,
-      .5369, .5367, .5365, .539, .5444, .5497, .5552, .5614, .5725, .7148, 4.555, 7.902,
-      1.15, 5.382, 4.964, 4.082, 3.357, 2.761, 2.017, 1.794, 1.596, 1.42, 1.489, 1.604,
-      1.728, 1.862, 2.006, 2.161, 2.328, 2.493, 2.661, 2.841, 3.034, 3.189, 3.335, 3.487,
-      3.646, 3.812, 3.96, 4.057, 4.157, 4.259, 4.363, 4.47, 4.58, 4.651, 4.714, 4.777,
-      4.842, 4.907, 4.973, 5.005, 5.025, 5.045, 5.065, 5.085, 5.105, 5.126, 5.14, 5.149,
-      5.158, 5.167, 5.176, 5.185, 5.178, 5.161, 5.145, 5.129, 5.113, 5.097, 5.081, 5.054,
-      5.014, 4.975, 4.936, 4.897, 4.858, 4.796, 4.703, 4.612, 4.522, 4.435, 4.348, 4.264,
-      4.181, 4.1, 4.02, 3.942, 3.866, 3.791, 3.717, 3.645, 3.574, 3.505, 3.437, 3.37,
-      3.305, 3.24, 3.178, 3.116, 3.055, 2.996, 2.938, 2.881, 2.81, 2.729, 2.649, 2.572,
-      2.497, 2.425, 2.354, 2.286, 2.22, 2.155, 2.092, 2.032, 1.973, 1.915, 1.86, 1.806,
-      1.753, 1.702, 1.65, 1.595, 1.541, 1.49, 1.44, 1.392, 1.345, 1.3, 1.257, 1.215,
-      1.174, 1.135, 1.097, 1.06, 1.025, .9905, .9579, .9266, .8962, .8669, .8385, .811,
-      .7845, .7588, .7326, .7065, .6813, .6571, .6336, .6064, .58, .5548, .5307, .5102,
-      .491, .4724, .4546, .4375, .4212, .4058, .3909, .3765, .3626, .3491, .3361, .3235,
-      .3115, .2999, .2887, .2779, .2675, .2576, .248, .2387, .2297, .2209, .2125, .2045,
-      .1967, .1892, .182, .1751, .1684, .162, .1558, .1496, .1437, .1381, .1326, .1274,
-      .1223, .1175, .1161, .65, .6334, .6106, .5886, .5673, .5469, .5272, .5081, .4898,
-      .4773, .5425, .5367, .5171, .4982, .4801, .4624, .4451, .4284, .4123, .3966, .3815,
-      .3669, .3528, .3391, .326, .3132, .301, .2891, .2777, .2667, .2561, .2459, .236,
-      .2265, .2174, .2086, .2002, .192, .1842, .1767, .1695, .1625, .1558, .1494, .1432,
-      .1373, .1316, .1261, .1209, .1158, .111, .1063, .1019, .09758, .09347, .08953, .08575,
-      .08213, .07865, .07532, .07212, .06906, .06612, .06331, .06061, .05802, .05555, .05317, .0509,
-      .04872, .04663, .04463, .04271, .04088, .03912, .03744, .03582, .03428, .0328, .03139, .03003,
-      .02874, .0275, .02631, .02517, .02408, .02304, .02204, .02109, .02018, .0193, .01846, .01766,
-      .0169, .01617, .01546, .01479, .01415, .01354, .01295, .01239, .01185, .01134, .01084, .01037,
-      .009924, .009493, .009081, .008687, .00831, .00795, .007605, .007275, .00696, .006658, .00637, .006094,
-      .00583, .005577, .005336, .005105, .004884, .004673, .004471, .004277, .004093, .003916, .003747, .003585,
-      .003431, .003283, .003141, .003006, .002876, .002753, .002634, .002529, .01811, .01806, .01734, .01665,
-      .01598, .01534, .01472, .01412, .01355, .013, .01247, .01195, .01146, .01099, .01053, .0101,
-      .009676, .009272, .008884, .008511, .008153, .00781, .00748, .007163, .006859, .006567, .006288, .006019,
-      .005762, .005515, .005278, .005051, .004833, .004625, .004425, .004233, .00405, .003874, .003705, .003544,
-      .003389, .003241, .0031, .002964, .002834, .002709, .00259, .002476  };
-  const int   NAr = 138;     /**< Number of levels for Argon */
-  /**
-   * Energy levels for Argon
-   */
-  const float EAr[NAr] =
-    {15.83 ,    15.89 ,    16.10 ,    16.31 ,    16.53 ,
-     16.75 ,    16.98 ,    17.22 ,    17.46 ,    17.71 ,
-     17.97 ,    18.23 ,    18.50 ,    18.78 ,    19.07 ,
-     19.37 ,    19.68 ,    20.00 ,    20.32 ,    20.66 ,
-     21.01 ,    21.38 ,    21.75 ,    22.14 ,    22.54 ,
-     22.96 ,    23.39 ,    23.84 ,    24.31 ,    24.80 ,
-     25.30 ,    25.83 ,    26.38 ,    26.95 ,    27.55 ,
-     28.18 ,    28.83 ,    29.52 ,    30.24 ,    30.99 ,
-     31.79 ,    32.63 ,    33.51 ,    34.44 ,    35.42 ,
-     36.46 ,    37.57 ,    38.74 ,    39.99 ,    41.33 ,
-     42.75 ,    44.28 ,    45.92 ,    47.68 ,    49.59 ,
-     51.66 ,    53.90 ,    56.35 ,    59.04 ,    61.99 ,
-     65.25 ,    68.88 ,    72.93 ,    77.49 ,    82.65 ,
-     88.56 ,    95.37 ,   103.30 ,   112.70 ,   124.00 ,
-    130.50 ,   137.80 ,   145.90 ,   155.00 ,   165.30 ,
-    177.10 ,   190.70 ,   206.60 ,   225.40 ,   245.00 ,
-    248.00 ,   258.30 ,   269.50 ,   281.80 ,   295.20 ,
-    310.00 ,   326.30 ,   344.40 ,   364.70 ,   387.40 ,
-    413.30 ,   442.80 ,   476.90 ,   516.60 ,   563.60 ,
-    619.90 ,   652.50 ,   688.80 ,   729.30 ,   774.90 ,
-    826.50 ,   885.60 ,   953.70 ,  1033.00 ,  1127.00 ,
-   1240.00 ,  1305.00 ,  1378.00 ,  1459.00 ,  1550.00 ,
-   1653.00 ,  1771.00 ,  1907.00 ,  2066.00 ,  2254.00 ,
-   2480.00 ,  2755.00 ,  3100.00 ,  3204.00 ,  3263.00 ,
-   3444.00 ,  3646.00 ,  3874.00 ,  4133.00 ,  4428.00 ,
-   4768.00 ,  5166.00 ,  5635.00 ,  6199.00 ,  6888.00 ,
-   7749.00 ,  8856.00 , 10330.00 , 12400.00 , 15500.00 ,
-  20660.00 , 31000.00 , 61990.00 };
-  /**
-   * Cross sections for Argon
-   */
-  const float SAr[NAr] =
-    { 29.2     , 29.5     , 30.3     , 31.1     , 31.8     ,
-      32.5     , 33.1     , 33.7     , 34.2     , 34.7     ,
-      35.1     , 35.5     , 35.8     , 36.1     , 36.3     ,
-      36.5     , 36.6     , 36.7     , 36.8     , 36.7     ,
-      36.7     , 36.5     , 36.3     , 36.1     , 35.7     ,
-      35.4     , 34.9     , 34.4     , 33.8     , 33.1     ,
-      32.3     , 31.4     , 30.5     , 29.5     , 28.3     ,
-      27.1     , 25.7     , 24.3     , 22.7     , 21.0     ,
-      19.1     , 17.1     , 15.0     , 12.8     , 10.3     ,
-      7.77     , 6.10     , 4.62     , 3.41     , 2.47     ,
-      1.77     , 1.30     , 1.03     , .914     , .916     ,
-      1.00     , 1.13     , 1.28     , 1.36     , 1.42     ,
-      1.45     , 1.48     , 1.48     , 1.47     , 1.45     ,
-      1.41     , 1.36     , 1.29     , 1.20     , 1.10     ,
-      1.05     , .987     , .923     , .856     , .785     ,
-      .709     , .630     , .547     , .461     , .381     ,
-      4.66     , 4.23     , 3.83     , 3.45     , 3.10     ,
-      2.76     , 2.45     , 2.16     , 1.89     , 1.64     ,
-      1.41     , 1.20     , 1.01     , .836     , .682     ,
-      .546     , .484     , .426     , .373     , .324     ,
-      .278     , .237     , .199     , .165     , .135     ,
-      .108     , .0955    , .0842    , .0736    , .0639    ,
-      .0549    , .0467    , .0393    , .0326    , .0266    ,
-      .0213    , .0166    , .0126    , .0117    , .0959    ,
-      .0827    , .0706    , .0598    , .0501    , .0414    ,
-      .0338    , .0271    , .0213    , .0164    , .0123    ,
-      .00889   , .00616   , .00403   , .00244   , .00132   ,
-      .000599  , .000196  , .000029  };
-  const int   NC = 98;    /**< Number of levels for Carbon */
-  /**
-   * Energy levels for Carbon
-   */
-  const float EC[NC] =
-    {10,    20,    30,    35,    40,    45,    50,    55,    60,    65,
-     70,    75,    80,    85,    90,    95,   100,   105,   110,   115,
-     120,   125,   130,   135,   140,   145,   150,   155,   160,   165,
-     170,   175,   180,   185,   190,   195,   200,   210,   220,   230,
-     240,   250,   260,   270,   280,   290,   300,   310,   320,   330,
-     340,   350,   360,   370,   380,   390,   400,   420,   440,   460,
-     480,   500,   520,   540,   560,   580,   600,   650,   700,   750,
-     800,   850,   900,   950,  1000,  1100,  1200,  1300,  1400,  1500,
-     1600,  1700,  1800,  1900,  2000,  2500,  3000,  3500,  4000,  4500,
-     5000,  5500,  6000,  8000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 30000};
-  /**
-   * Cross sections for Carbon
-   */
-  const float SC[NC] =
-    {14.0,  10.0,  5.78,  4.42,  3.44,  2.73,  2.21,  1.81,  1.51,  1.28,
-     1.09,  .940,  .820,  .720,  .630,  .560,  .500,  .451,  .407,  .369,
-     .336,  .307,  .281,  .259,  .238,  .220,  .204,  .190,  .176,  .164,
-     .154,  .144,  .135,  .126,  .119,  .112,  .105,  .094,  .084,  .075,
-     .068,  .061,  .056,  .051,  .046,  1.02,  .950,  .880,  .820,  .760,
-     .710,  .660,  .620,  .580,  .550,  .510,  .484,  .430,  .384,  .344,
-     .309,  .279,  .253,  .230,  .210,  .191,  .175,  .142,  .117,  .097,
-     .082,  .069,  .059,  .051, .0443, .0339, .0265, .0211, .0171, .0140,
-     .0116, .0097, .0082,  .007,  .006, .0031,.00179,.00112,.00075,.00052,
-     .00038,.000284,.000218,.88e-4,.46e-4,.16e-4,.86e-5,.506e-5};
-  const int NF = 98;       /**< Number of levels for Fluor */
-  /**
-   * Energy levels for Fluor
-   */
-  const float EF[NF] =
-    {13,    30,    35,    40,    45,    50,    55,    60,    65,    70,
-     75,    80,    85,    90,    95,   100,   105,   110,   115,   120,
-     125,   130,   135,   140,   145,   150,   155,   160,   165,   170,
-     175,   180,   185,   190,   195,   200,   210,   220,   230,   240,
-     250,   260,   270,   280,   290,   300,   310,   320,   330,   340,
-     350,   360,   370,   380,   390,   400,   420,   440,   460,   480,
-     500,   520,   540,   560,   580,   600,   650,   700,   750,   800,
-     850,   900,   950,  1000,  1100,  1200,  1300,  1400,  1500,  1600,
-     1700,  1800,  1900,  2000,  2500,  3000,  3500,  4000,  4500,  5000,
-     5500,  6000,  8000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 30000, 40000};
-  /**
-   * Cross sections for Fluor
-   */
-  const float SF[NF] =
-    {9.44,  9.44,  10.22, 9.37,  8.49,  7.64,  6.86,  6.15,  5.51,  4.95,
-     4.45,  4.01,  3.63,  3.28,  2.98,  2.71,  2.47,  2.26,  2.07,  1.90,
-     1.75,  1.61,  1.49,  1.37,  1.27,  1.18,  1.10,  1.02,  .960,  .890,
-     .840,  .780,  .740,  .690,  .650,  .610,  .540,  .487,  .437,  .394,
-     .356,  .323,  .294,  .268,  .246,  .226,  .208,  .191,  .177,  .164,
-     .152,  .142,  .132,  .123,  .115,  .108,  .095,  .084,  .075,  .067,
-     .060,  .055, .0494, .0450, .0411, .0376, .0306,  .444,  .375,  .319,
-     .274,  .238,  .207,  .182,  .142,  .113,  .092,  .075,  .063,  .053,
-     .0447, .0383, .033,  .0286, .0154, .0092, .0059,.00401,.00284,.00209,
-     .00158,.00122,.000468,.00024,.729e-4,.331e-4,.131e-4,.836e-5};
-  const int NO = 97;      /**< Number of levels for Oxygen */
-  /**
-   * Energy levels for Oxygen
-   */
-  const float EO[NO] =
-      {15,    30,    35,    40,    45,    50,    55,    60,    65,    70,
-       75,    80,    85,    90,    95,   100,   105,   110,   115,   120,
-      125,   130,   135,   140,   145,   150,   155,   160,   165,   170,
-      175,   180,   185,   190,   195,   200,   210,   220,   230,   240,
-      250,   260,   270,   280,   290,   300,   310,   320,   330,   340,
-      350,   360,   370,   380,   390,   400,   420,   440,   460,   480,
-      500,   520,   540,   560,   580,   600,   650,   700,   750,   800,
-      850,   900,   950,  1000,  1100,  1200,  1300,  1400,  1500,  1600,
-     1700,  1800,  1900,  2000,  2500,  3000,  3500,  4000,  4500,  5000,
-     5500,  6000,  8000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 30000};
-  /**
-   * Cross sections for Oxygen
-   */
-  const float SO[NO] =
-    {10.49, 10.49,  9.25,  8.04,  6.95,  6.00,  5.20,  4.52,  3.94,  3.45,
-      3.04,  2.69,  2.39,  2.13,  1.91,  1.71,  1.55,  1.40,  1.27,  1.16,
-      1.06, .9700, .8900, .8200, .7600, .7000, .6500, .6000, .5600, .5200,
-     .4880, .4570, .4280, .4020, .3770, .3550, .3160, .2820, .2530, .3940,
-     .2060, .1870, .1710, .1560, .1430, .1310, .1210, .1120, .1040, .0960,
-     .0890, .0830, .0780, .0730, .0680, .0640, .0560, .0500, .0446, .0400,
-     .0360, .0326, .5700, .5300, .4830, .4450, .3660, .3050, .2570, .2180,
-     .1870, .1610, .1400, .1230, .0950, .0760, .0610, .0499, .0413, .0346,
-     .0292, .0249, .0214, .0185, .0098, .0058, .0037, .0025,.00177,.00129,
-     .00097,.00075,.000302,.000154,.476e-4,.226e-4,.99e-5};
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetSimUtils/TRT_PAI_Process/src/TRT_PAI_physicsConstants.h b/InnerDetector/InDetSimUtils/TRT_PAI_Process/src/TRT_PAI_physicsConstants.h
deleted file mode 100755
index d63ea2bfdbaeffed548b02f78de558d7d94c15bc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetSimUtils/TRT_PAI_Process/src/TRT_PAI_physicsConstants.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#ifndef TRT_PAI_physicsConstants_h
-#define TRT_PAI_physicsConstants_h
- * Physics constants
- */
-namespace TRT_PAI_physicsConstants{
-  const double c          = 2.99792458e10;      /**< Light speed          */
-  const double Nav        = 6.02214e23;         /**< Avagadro constant    */
-  const double erg        = 1.60218e-12;        /**< 1 ev to erg {erg}    */
-  const double mb         = 1.e-18;             /**< 1mb to cm2           */
-  const double Me         = 9.10943e-28;        /**< Electron mass {g}    */
-  const double MeeV       = Me*(c*c)/erg;       /**< same in ev           */
-  const double MProtonMeV = 938.271998;         /**< Proton mass in MeV   */
-  const double Qe         = 4.80321e-10;        /**< Electron charge{ESU} */
-  const double r0         = Qe*Qe/Me/(c*c);     /**< electron radius{cm}  */
-  const double h          = 1.05457e-27;        /**< Plank constant{erg}  */
-  const double he         = h*c/erg;            /**< same in ev           */
-  const double invlog10   = 0.434294481903252;  /**< you guess...         */
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetSimUtils/TRT_PAI_Process/src/TRT_PAI_utils.h b/InnerDetector/InDetSimUtils/TRT_PAI_Process/src/TRT_PAI_utils.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 33a611ae9eb1e9f8a3c206288cb13c8e5fa8da03..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetSimUtils/TRT_PAI_Process/src/TRT_PAI_utils.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#ifndef TRT_PAI_utils_h
-#define TRT_PAI_utils_h
-#include <vector>
- * Utilities
- */
-namespace TRT_PAI_utils {
-  /**
-   * Interpolation function. From tabulated values of y vs x, it returns
-   * the interpolated y value corresponding to the input x value.
-   * @return @a y value from interpolation
-   * @param xval: @a x value for which we seek @a y value
-   * @param xtabulated: tabulated @a x values
-   * @param ytabulated: tabulated @a y values
-   * @author Pavel Nevski (adapted to C++ by T.Kittelmann and Mogens Dam)
-   */
-  float Interpolate(const float& xval,
-		    const std::vector<float>& xtabulated,
-		    const std::vector<float>& ytabulated);
-  inline float calculate_interpolation(const float& xval, const float& x1, const float& x2, const float& y1, const float& y2)
-  {
-    return y1+(y2-y1)*(xval-x1)/(x2-x1);
-  }
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArCellRec/src/LArHitInfo.h b/LArCalorimeter/LArCellRec/src/LArHitInfo.h
deleted file mode 100755
index aaef590274798394a1913cc5a5426188a9fbf579..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArCellRec/src/LArHitInfo.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include "LArSimEvent/LArHit.h"
-#include "CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescrElement.h"
-class LArHitInfo 
-  private: 
-    const LArHit * m_hit ;
-    std::vector<float> m_SIGMANOISE;
-    const CaloDetDescrElement * m_caloDDE ;
-    float m_Escale;
-    float m_Epart2Edep;
-  public: 
-    LArHitInfo():m_hit(0),m_SIGMANOISE(0),m_caloDDE(0),m_Escale(0.),
-      m_Epart2Edep(0.){}
-    LArHitInfo(const CaloDetDescrElement* caloDDE):m_hit(0),m_SIGMANOISE(0),m_caloDDE(caloDDE),
-      m_Escale(0.),m_Epart2Edep(0.)
-      {}
-    inline float energy() const {if (m_hit!=0) { return m_hit->energy() ;} else{return 0.;}}
-    inline float time()   const {if (m_hit!=0) { return m_hit->time();} else{return 0.;}}
-    inline const LArHit * hit() const {return m_hit ;}
-    inline std::vector<float> SIGMANOISE() const {return m_SIGMANOISE;}
-    inline const CaloDetDescrElement* caloDDE() const {return m_caloDDE;}  
-    inline float Escale() const {return m_Escale;}
-    inline float Epart2Edep() const {return m_Epart2Edep;}
-    inline bool hasBeenHit() const { if (m_hit==0) {return false;} else {return true;} }
-    inline void setHit(const LArHit* hit) 
-      {
-	m_hit=hit;
-      }
-    inline void setHasNotBeenHit() 
-      {
-	m_hit=0;
-      }
-    inline void setSIGMANOISE(const std::vector<float> & SIGMANOISE) 
-      {	
-	m_SIGMANOISE.clear();	
-	for(int i=0;i<3;++i) m_SIGMANOISE.push_back(SIGMANOISE[i]);
-      }
-    inline void setEscale(const float & Escale) 
-      {	
-	m_Escale=Escale;
-      }
-    inline void setCaloDDE(const CaloDetDescrElement* caloDDE) 
-      {	
-	m_caloDDE=caloDDE;
-      }
-    inline void setEpart2Edep(const float & Epart2Edep) 
-      {	
-	m_Epart2Edep=Epart2Edep;
-      }
-    void print() const
-      {
-	std::cout<<"Hit: e="<<m_hit->energy()<<" t="<<m_hit->time()<<std::endl;
-	if(m_SIGMANOISE.size()!=0)
-	  std::cout<<"SigmaNoise: "<<m_SIGMANOISE[2]<<"(HG) "
-		                   <<m_SIGMANOISE[1]<<"(MG) "
-	                           <<m_SIGMANOISE[0]<<"(LG) "
-		   <<std::endl;	
-      }
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArGeoModel/LArGeoAlgsNV/src/LArDetectorFactory.h b/LArCalorimeter/LArGeoModel/LArGeoAlgsNV/src/LArDetectorFactory.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 497b3e31760e5b1384eea6fb430ba747dec2be63..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArGeoModel/LArGeoAlgsNV/src/LArDetectorFactory.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
- * @file LArDetectorFactory.h
- *
- * @brief Declaration of LArDetectorFactory class
- *
- * $Id: LArDetectorFactory.h,v 1.4 2009-02-10 16:43:17 tsulaia Exp $
- */
-#ifndef LArGeo_LArDetectorFactory_h
-#define LArGeo_LArDetectorFactory_h
-#include "LArReadoutGeometry/LArDetectorManager.h"
-#include "GeoModelKernel/GeoVDetectorFactory.h"
-namespace LArGeo {
-  /** @class LArGeo::LArDetectorFactory
-      @brief LArDetectorFactory builds GeoModel description of LAr calorimeter by calling
-      relevant 'Construction' classes (Barrel, Endcap). It also builds readout geometry
-      description using LArReadoutGeometry objects.
-   */
-  class LArDetectorFactory : public GeoVDetectorFactory  {
-  public:
-    // Constructor:
-    LArDetectorFactory(int testbeam, bool fullGeo);
-    // Destructor:
-    virtual ~LArDetectorFactory();
-    // Creation of geometry:
-    virtual void create(GeoPhysVol* world);
-    // Access to the results:
-    virtual const LArDetectorManager* getDetectorManager() const;
-    // Set parameters:
-    void setBarrelSagging(bool flag)        {m_barrelSagging  = flag;}
-    void setBarrelCellVisLimit(int maxCell) {m_barrelVisLimit = maxCell;}
-    void setFCALVisLimit(int maxCell)       {m_fcalVisLimit   = maxCell;}
-    void setBuildBarrel(bool flag)          {m_buildBarrel = flag;}
-    void setBuildEndcap(bool flag)          {m_buildEndcap = flag;}
-  private:  
-    // Illegal operations:
-    const LArDetectorFactory & operator=(const LArDetectorFactory &right);
-    LArDetectorFactory(const LArDetectorFactory &right);
-    // The manager:
-    LArDetectorManager*       m_detectorManager;
-    bool                      m_barrelSagging;
-    int                       m_barrelVisLimit;
-    int                       m_fcalVisLimit;
-    bool                      m_buildBarrel;
-    bool                      m_buildEndcap;
-    int                       m_testbeam;
-    bool                       m_fullGeo;  // true->FULL, false->RECO
-  };
-} // namespace LArGeo
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArGeoModel/LArGeoH62002Algs/src/HECConstructionH62002.h b/LArCalorimeter/LArGeoModel/LArGeoH62002Algs/src/HECConstructionH62002.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 2ecc24066d00a4d9254d8cd327f72d59b1085492..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArGeoModel/LArGeoH62002Algs/src/HECConstructionH62002.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// HECConstructionH62002
-// Insert the LAr FCAL into a pre-defined mother volume.
-// Author: Joe Boudreau August 204
-#include "GeoModelKernel/GeoFullPhysVol.h"
-#include "GeoModelKernel/GeoPhysVol.h"
-// Forward declarations
-namespace LArGeo {
-  class HECConstructionH62002 
-  {
-  public:
-    // Constructor;
-    HECConstructionH62002();
-    // Destructor:
-    virtual ~HECConstructionH62002();
-    // Get the envelope containing this detector.
-    GeoVFullPhysVol* GetEnvelope();  // h6Phys is GeoVPhysVol   
-  private: 
-    // It is illegal to copy a HECConstructionH62002:
-    HECConstructionH62002 (const HECConstructionH62002 &);
-    // It is illegal to assign a HECConstructionH62002:
-    HECConstructionH62002 & operator= (const HECConstructionH62002 &);
-    // volumes that are private member variables:
-    GeoFullPhysVol*  m_h6Phys;
-    //static LArGeo::VDetectorParameters* m_parameters;
-    //static VDetectorParameters* HECConstructionH62002::m_parameters;
-  };
-}  // namespace LArGeo
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArGeoModel/LArGeoH62002Algs/src/LArDetectorFactoryH62002.h b/LArCalorimeter/LArGeoModel/LArGeoH62002Algs/src/LArDetectorFactoryH62002.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 55263d196e3d388328eaf1c138e31f9de4ad7b9f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArGeoModel/LArGeoH62002Algs/src/LArDetectorFactoryH62002.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#ifndef LArDetectorFactoryH62002_h
-#define LArDetectorFactoryH62002_h 1
-#include "GeoModelKernel/GeoVDetectorFactory.h"
-#include "LArReadoutGeometry/LArDetectorManager.h"
-class StoreGateSvc;
-class LArDetDescrManager;
-class LArMgrInitializer;
-namespace LArGeo {
-  class LArDetectorFactoryH62002 : public GeoVDetectorFactory  {
-  public:
-    // Constructor:
-    LArDetectorFactoryH62002(StoreGateSvc *pDetStore);
-    // Destructor:
-    ~LArDetectorFactoryH62002();
-    // Creation of geometry:
-    virtual void create(GeoPhysVol *world);
-    //
-    virtual const LArDetectorManager * getDetectorManager() const;
-    MsgStream *log ;
-  private:  
-    double m_cryoXpos;
-    double m_tableYpos;
-    void                getSimulationParameters();
-    // Illegal operations:
-    const LArDetectorFactoryH62002 & operator=(const LArDetectorFactoryH62002 &right);
-    LArDetectorFactoryH62002(const LArDetectorFactoryH62002 &right);
-    // The Detector
-    StoreGateSvc             *m_detectorStore;
-    // The manager:
-    LArDetectorManager       *m_detectorManager;
-  };
-} // namespace LArGeo
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArGeoModel/LArGeoH62004Algs/src/ExcluderConstructionH62004.h b/LArCalorimeter/LArGeoModel/LArGeoH62004Algs/src/ExcluderConstructionH62004.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 16041cf8cd4df03c1b180e8d7ff40b61f6a25de0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArGeoModel/LArGeoH62004Algs/src/ExcluderConstructionH62004.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#ifndef __ExcluderConstructionH62004_H__
-#define __ExcluderConstructionH62004_H__
-#include "GeoModelKernel/GeoFullPhysVol.h"
-#include "GeoModelKernel/GeoPhysVol.h"
-namespace LArGeo {
-   class ExcluderConstructionH62004 {
-   public:
-     ExcluderConstructionH62004(int which = 0);
-     virtual ~ExcluderConstructionH62004();
-     GeoVFullPhysVol*  GetEnvelope();
-   private:
-     int m_which;
-} // namespace LArGeo
-#endif // __ExcluderConstructionH62004_H__
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArGeoModel/LArGeoH62004Algs/src/HECConstructionH62004.h b/LArCalorimeter/LArGeoModel/LArGeoH62004Algs/src/HECConstructionH62004.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 31b1b097e2d9f99289047924783571b234fc9609..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArGeoModel/LArGeoH62004Algs/src/HECConstructionH62004.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// HECConstructionH62004
-#ifndef __HECConstructionH62004_H__
-#define __HECConstructionH62004_H__
-#include "GeoModelKernel/GeoFullPhysVol.h"
-#include "GeoModelKernel/GeoPhysVol.h"
-// Forward declarations
-namespace LArGeo {
-  class HECConstructionH62004 
-  {
-  public:
-    // Constructor;
-    HECConstructionH62004();
-    // Destructor:
-    virtual ~HECConstructionH62004();
-    // Get the envelope containing this detector.
-    GeoVFullPhysVol* GetEnvelope();  // h6Phys is GeoVPhysVol   
-  private: 
-    // It is illegal to copy a HECConstructionH62004:
-    HECConstructionH62004 (const HECConstructionH62004 &);
-    // It is illegal to assign a HECConstructionH62004:
-    HECConstructionH62004 & operator= (const HECConstructionH62004 &);
-    // volumes that are private member variables:
-    GeoFullPhysVol*  m_h6Phys;
-    //static LArGeo::VDetectorParameters* m_parameters;
-    //static VDetectorParameters* HECConstructionH62004::m_parameters;
-  };
-}  // namespace LArGeo
-#endif // __HECConstructionH62004_H__
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArGeoModel/LArGeoH62004Algs/src/LArDetectorFactoryH62004.h b/LArCalorimeter/LArGeoModel/LArGeoH62004Algs/src/LArDetectorFactoryH62004.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 28b9ad5ebf017f815dffa433c94eee2976f6541b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArGeoModel/LArGeoH62004Algs/src/LArDetectorFactoryH62004.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#ifndef LArDetectorFactoryH62004_h
-#define LArDetectorFactoryH62004_h 1
-#include "GeoModelKernel/GeoVDetectorFactory.h"
-#include "LArReadoutGeometry/LArDetectorManager.h"
-class StoreGateSvc;
-class LArDetDescrManager;
-class LArMgrInitializer;
-class CaloCell_ID;
-namespace LArGeo {
-  class LArDetectorFactoryH62004 : public GeoVDetectorFactory  {
-  public:
-    // Constructor:
-    LArDetectorFactoryH62004(StoreGateSvc *pDetStore);
-    // Destructor:
-    ~LArDetectorFactoryH62004();
-    // Creation of geometry:
-    virtual void create(GeoPhysVol *world);
-    //
-    virtual const LArDetectorManager * getDetectorManager() const;
-    // Additional creation of CaloDDE for ColdTC
-    StatusCode storeDDE();
-  private:  
-    double m_cryoXpos;
-    double m_tableYpos;
-    void                getSimulationParameters();
-    // Illegal operations:
-    const LArDetectorFactoryH62004 & operator=(const LArDetectorFactoryH62004 &right);
-    LArDetectorFactoryH62004(const LArDetectorFactoryH62004 &right);
-    // The Detector
-    StoreGateSvc             *m_detectorStore;
-    // The manager:
-    LArDetectorManager       *m_detectorManager;
-    // CaloCell_ID also needed
-    const CaloCell_ID        *m_cell_id;
-  };
-} // namespace LArGeo
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArGeoModel/LArGeoH62004Algs/src/ModulesConstructionH62004.h b/LArCalorimeter/LArGeoModel/LArGeoH62004Algs/src/ModulesConstructionH62004.h
deleted file mode 100755
index f1f736474283942d4bdf39b2b93308544ca1cc50..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArGeoModel/LArGeoH62004Algs/src/ModulesConstructionH62004.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include "GeoModelKernel/GeoFullPhysVol.h"
-#include "GeoModelKernel/GeoPhysVol.h"
-#include "GeoModelKernel/GeoLogVol.h"
-#include "StoreGate/DataHandle.h"
-#include "GeoModelInterfaces/StoredMaterialManager.h"
-class LArGeoTB2004Options;
-namespace LArGeo {
-#define NUM_LEAK 18
-   class ModulesConstructionH62004 {
-         public:
-            ModulesConstructionH62004();
-            virtual ~ModulesConstructionH62004();
-            GeoVFullPhysVol* GetEnvelope();
-         private:
-	    ModulesConstructionH62004 (const ModulesConstructionH62004 &);
-            ModulesConstructionH62004 & operator= (const ModulesConstructionH62004 &);
-           int GetID(int side, int dir, int calo);
-           GeoLogVol* construct(int side, int dir, int calo);
-           HepGeom::Transform3D position(int side, int dir, int calo);
-                        //  side = 0 - left, 1 - right
-                        //  dir  = 0 - side, 1 - up, 2 - back
-                        //  calo = 0 - EMEC, 1 - HEC1,  2 - HEC2, 3 - FCAL1
-                        //         4 - FCAL2, 5 - ColdTail
-	   GeoFullPhysVol*  m_ModulesPhys;
-	   StoreGateSvc * m_detectorStore;
-	   DataHandle<StoredMaterialManager> m_materialManager;
-	   const LArGeoTB2004Options      *m_Options;
-           static float s_dX[NUM_LEAK], s_dY[NUM_LEAK], s_dZ[NUM_LEAK];
-           static float s_shiftX[NUM_LEAK], s_shiftY[NUM_LEAK], s_shiftZ[NUM_LEAK];
-           static float s_angleX[NUM_LEAK], s_angleY[NUM_LEAK], s_angleZ[NUM_LEAK];
-           int m_fcalVisLimit;
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArGeoModel/LArGeoH62004Algs/src/WarmTCConstructionH62004.h b/LArCalorimeter/LArGeoModel/LArGeoH62004Algs/src/WarmTCConstructionH62004.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 239c6347b484038b8bebccdfa6b46e073f227617..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArGeoModel/LArGeoH62004Algs/src/WarmTCConstructionH62004.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// WarmTCConstructionH62004
-#ifndef __WarmTCConstructionH62004_H__
-#define __WarmTCConstructionH62004_H__
-#include "GeoModelKernel/GeoFullPhysVol.h"
-#include "GeoModelKernel/GeoPhysVol.h"
-#include "StoreGate/DataHandle.h"
-#include "GeoModelInterfaces/StoredMaterialManager.h"
-namespace LArGeo {
-  class WarmTCConstructionH62004 {
-        public:
-           WarmTCConstructionH62004();
-           virtual ~WarmTCConstructionH62004();
-	   GeoVFullPhysVol* GetEnvelope();
-        private:
-	   GeoFullPhysVol*  m_WarmTCPhys;
-	   StoreGateSvc * m_detectorStore;
-	   DataHandle<StoredMaterialManager> m_materialManager;
-  };
-#endif // __WarmTCConstructionH62004_H__
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArGeoModel/LArGeoTBEC/src/LArDetectorFactoryTBEC.h b/LArCalorimeter/LArGeoModel/LArGeoTBEC/src/LArDetectorFactoryTBEC.h
deleted file mode 100755
index e24a502b14af3ff9deeeb3619de323217a491872..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArGeoModel/LArGeoTBEC/src/LArDetectorFactoryTBEC.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#ifndef LArGeo_LArDetectorFactoryTBEC_h
-#define LArGeo_LArDetectorFactoryTBEC_h
-#include "GeoModelKernel/GeoVDetectorFactory.h"
-#include "LArReadoutGeometry/LArDetectorManager.h"
-namespace LArGeo {
-  class LArDetectorFactoryTBEC : public GeoVDetectorFactory  {
-  public:
-    // Constructor:
-    LArDetectorFactoryTBEC();
-    // Destructor:
-    virtual ~LArDetectorFactoryTBEC();
-    // Creation of geometry:
-    virtual void create(GeoPhysVol* world);
-    // Access to the results:
-    virtual const LArDetectorManager* getDetectorManager() const;
-    // Set parameters:
-    void setECVisLimit(int maxCell)       {m_ecVisLimit   = maxCell;}
-  private:  
-    // Illegal operations:
-    const LArDetectorFactoryTBEC & operator=(const LArDetectorFactoryTBEC &right);
-    LArDetectorFactoryTBEC(const LArDetectorFactoryTBEC &right);
-    // The manager:
-    LArDetectorManager*       m_detectorManager;
-    int                       m_ecVisLimit;
-  };
-} // namespace LArGeo
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArMonTools/src/LArOnlineIDStrHelper.icc b/LArCalorimeter/LArMonTools/src/LArOnlineIDStrHelper.icc
deleted file mode 100644
index 33f8d78e417e20f6233c4fb96385a9a25d936d14..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArMonTools/src/LArOnlineIDStrHelper.icc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,419 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include "LArIdentifier/LArOnlineID.h"
-#include "TAxis.h"
-template<class THist2D>
-inline StatusCode 
-LArOnlineIDStrHelper::definePartitionSummProp(THist2D* hist,bool HWNaming)
-// Define the labels for a TH2 with FT on Y axis
-// The name of the histogram should contain the name of
-// the partition
-// Typically used for summary TH2 : (FTs) vs (slots) (1 bin per FEB)
-// Beware: bins start at 1, feedthroughs start at 0
-  hist->SetMinimum(0);
-  hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Slot");
-  if (HWNaming) hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Half Crate");
-  else hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Feedthrough"); 
-  const unsigned nx(hist->GetNbinsX());
-  for (unsigned ix = 1;ix <= nx;ix++) (hist->GetXaxis())->SetBinLabel(ix,Form("%d",ix));
-  if (HWNaming){
-  std::string hName = hist->GetName();
-  if ( hName.find("BarrelA",0) != std::string::npos || 
-       hName.find("EMBA",0) != std::string::npos ){
-    int barrel_ec = 0;  // Barrel
-    int pos_neg = 1;    // A
-    for (int ft = 0; ft < 32; ++ft) {
-      HWIdentifier feedthroughID = m_LArOnlineIDHelper->feedthrough_Id(barrel_ec, pos_neg, ft);
-      std::string label = "I"+this->feedthroughOnly_str(feedthroughID, EXPERTS);
-      (hist->GetYaxis())->SetBinLabel(ft+1, label.c_str());
-    }
-  }
-  if ( hName.find("BarrelC",0) != std::string::npos || 
-       hName.find("EMBC",0) != std::string::npos ){
-    int barrel_ec = 0;  // Barrel
-    int pos_neg = 0;    // C
-    for (int ft = 0; ft < 32; ++ft) {
-      HWIdentifier feedthroughID = m_LArOnlineIDHelper->feedthrough_Id(barrel_ec, pos_neg, ft);
-      std::string label = "H"+this->feedthroughOnly_str(feedthroughID, EXPERTS);
-      (hist->GetYaxis())->SetBinLabel(ft+1, label.c_str());
-    }
-  }
-  if (hName.find("EndcapA",0) != std::string::npos || 
-      hName.find("EmecA",0) != std::string::npos ||
-      hName.find("EMECA",0) != std::string::npos ){
-    int barrel_ec = 1;  // Endcap
-    int pos_neg = 1;    // A
-    // select which feedthroughs to have labels for
-    int ftL[] = {0,1,4,5,6,7,8,11,12,15,16,19,20,23,24};  // 15 labels
-    for (int i = 0; i < 15; ++i) {
-      int ft = ftL[i];
-      HWIdentifier feedthroughID = m_LArOnlineIDHelper->feedthrough_Id(barrel_ec, pos_neg, ft);
-      std::string label = "A"+this->feedthroughOnly_str(feedthroughID, EXPERTS);
-      (hist->GetYaxis())->SetBinLabel(ft+1, label.c_str());
-    }
-  }
-  if (hName.find("HecA",0) != std::string::npos || 
-      hName.find("HECA",0) != std::string::npos){
-    int barrel_ec = 1;  // Endcap
-    int pos_neg = 1;    // A
-    // select which feedthroughs to have labels for
-    int ftL[] = {3,10,16,22};  // 4 labels
-    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
-      int ft = ftL[i];
-      HWIdentifier feedthroughID = m_LArOnlineIDHelper->feedthrough_Id(barrel_ec, pos_neg, ft);
-      std::string label = "A"+this->feedthroughOnly_str(feedthroughID, EXPERTS);
-      (hist->GetYaxis())->SetBinLabel(ft+1, label.c_str());
-    }
-  }
-  if (hName.find("FcalA",0) != std::string::npos 
-      || hName.find("FCALA",0) != std::string::npos){
-    int barrel_ec = 1;  // Endcap
-    int pos_neg = 1;    // A
-    int ft = 6;         // FCal only feedthrough
-    HWIdentifier feedthroughID = m_LArOnlineIDHelper->feedthrough_Id(barrel_ec, pos_neg, ft);
-    std::string label = "A"+this->feedthroughOnly_str(feedthroughID, EXPERTS);
-    (hist->GetYaxis())->SetBinLabel(ft+1, label.c_str());
-  }
-  if (hName.find("EndcapC",0) != std::string::npos || 
-      hName.find("EmecC",0) != std::string::npos ||
-      hName.find("EMECC",0) != std::string::npos ){
-    int barrel_ec = 1;  // Endcap
-    int pos_neg = 0;    // C
-    // select which feedthroughs to have labels for
-    int ftL[] = {0,1,4,5,6,7,8,11,12,15,16,19,20,23,24};  // 15 labels
-    for (int i = 0; i < 15; ++i) {
-      int ft = ftL[i];
-      HWIdentifier feedthroughID = m_LArOnlineIDHelper->feedthrough_Id(barrel_ec, pos_neg, ft);
-      std::string label = "C"+this->feedthroughOnly_str(feedthroughID, EXPERTS);
-      (hist->GetYaxis())->SetBinLabel(ft+1, label.c_str());
-    }
-  }
-  if (hName.find("HecC",0) != std::string::npos || 
-      hName.find("HECC",0) != std::string::npos){
-    int barrel_ec = 1;  // Endcap
-    int pos_neg = 0;    // C
-    // select which feedthroughs to have labels for
-    int ftL[] = {3,10,16,22};  // 4 labels
-    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
-      int ft = ftL[i];
-      HWIdentifier feedthroughID = m_LArOnlineIDHelper->feedthrough_Id(barrel_ec, pos_neg, ft);
-      std::string label = "C"+this->feedthroughOnly_str(feedthroughID, EXPERTS);
-      (hist->GetYaxis())->SetBinLabel(ft+1, label.c_str());
-    }
-  }
-  if (hName.find("FcalC",0) != std::string::npos ||
-      hName.find("FCALC",0) != std::string::npos){
-    int barrel_ec = 1;  // Endcap
-    int pos_neg = 0;    // C
-    int ft = 6;         // FCal only feedthrough
-    HWIdentifier feedthroughID = m_LArOnlineIDHelper->feedthrough_Id(barrel_ec, pos_neg, ft);
-    std::string label = "C"+this->feedthroughOnly_str(feedthroughID, EXPERTS);
-    (hist->GetYaxis())->SetBinLabel(ft+1, label.c_str());
-  }
-  }
-  (hist->GetYaxis())->SetLabelSize(0.045);
-  //Not supported in LWHists: (hist->GetYaxis())->SetTitleOffset(1.2);
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-template<class THist2D>
-inline StatusCode 
-LArOnlineIDStrHelper::definePartitionSummProp2(THist2D* hist,bool HWNaming)
-// Define the labels for a TH2 with FT+FEB on X axis
-// The name of the histogram should contain the name of
-// the partition
-// Typically used for TH2 (All FEBs) vs (Channels) (1 bin per channel)
-// Both slots and bins start at 1
-  hist->SetMinimum(0);
-  if (HWNaming) hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Half Crate(+Slot increasing)");
-  else hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Feedthrough(+Slot increasing)");
-  hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Channel");
-  std::string hName = hist->GetName();
-  if (hName.find("BarrelA",0) != std::string::npos ||
-      hName.find("EMBA",0) != std::string::npos ){
-    int barrel_ec = 0;  // Barrel
-    int pos_neg = 1;    // A
-    for (int ft = 0; ft < 32; ++ft) {
-      HWIdentifier feedthroughID = m_LArOnlineIDHelper->feedthrough_Id(barrel_ec, pos_neg, ft);
-      std::string label; 
-      if (HWNaming) label = "I"+this->feedthroughOnly_str(feedthroughID, EXPERTS);
-      else label = int_to_str(ft);
-      int bin = ft*14 + 1;  // feedthrough label on first slot of desired feedthroughs
-      (hist->GetXaxis())->SetBinLabel(bin, label.c_str());
-    }
-  }
-  if (hName.find("BarrelC",0) != std::string::npos ||
-      hName.find("EMBC",0) != std::string::npos ){
-    int barrel_ec = 0;  // Barrel
-    int pos_neg = 0;    // C
-    for (int ft = 0; ft < 32; ++ft) {
-      HWIdentifier feedthroughID = m_LArOnlineIDHelper->feedthrough_Id(barrel_ec, pos_neg, ft);
-      std::string label; 
-      if (HWNaming) label = "H"+this->feedthroughOnly_str(feedthroughID, EXPERTS);
-      else label = int_to_str(ft);
-      int bin = ft*14 + 1;  // feedthrough label on first slot of desired feedthroughs
-      (hist->GetXaxis())->SetBinLabel(bin, label.c_str());
-    }
-  }
-  if (hName.find("EndcapA",0) != std::string::npos || hName.find("EmecA",0) != std::string::npos
-      || hName.find("EMECA",0) != std::string::npos){
-    int barrel_ec = 1;  // Endcap
-    int pos_neg = 1;    // A
-    for (int ft = 0; ft < 25; ++ft) {
-      HWIdentifier feedthroughID = m_LArOnlineIDHelper->feedthrough_Id(barrel_ec, pos_neg, ft);
-      std::string label; 
-      if (HWNaming) label = "A"+this->feedthroughOnly_str(feedthroughID, EXPERTS);
-      else label = int_to_str(ft);
-      int bin = ft*15 + 1;  // feedthrough label on first slot of desired feedthroughs
-      (hist->GetXaxis())->SetBinLabel(bin, label.c_str());
-    }
-  }
-  if (hName.find("HecA",0) != std::string::npos || hName.find("HECA",0) != std::string::npos){
-    int barrel_ec = 1;  // Endcap
-    int pos_neg = 1;    // A
-    // select which feedthroughs to have labels for
-    int ftL[] = {3,10,16,22};  // 4 labels
-    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
-      int ft = ftL[i];
-      HWIdentifier feedthroughID = m_LArOnlineIDHelper->feedthrough_Id(barrel_ec, pos_neg, ft);
-      std::string label; 
-      if (HWNaming) label = "A"+this->feedthroughOnly_str(feedthroughID, EXPERTS);
-      else label = int_to_str(ft);
-      int bin = ft*15 + 1;  // feedthrough label on first slot of desired feedthroughs
-      (hist->GetXaxis())->SetBinLabel(bin, label.c_str());
-    }
-  }
-  if (hName.find("FcalA",0) != std::string::npos){
-    int barrel_ec = 1;  // Endcap
-    int pos_neg = 1;    // A
-    int ft = 6;         // FCal only feedthrough
-    HWIdentifier feedthroughID = m_LArOnlineIDHelper->feedthrough_Id(barrel_ec, pos_neg, ft);
-    std::string label; 
-    if (HWNaming) label = "A"+this->feedthroughOnly_str(feedthroughID, EXPERTS);
-    else label = int_to_str(ft);
-    int bin = ft*15 + 1;  // feedthrough label on first slot of desired feedthroughs
-    (hist->GetXaxis())->SetBinLabel(bin, label.c_str());
-  }
-  if (hName.find("EndcapC",0) != std::string::npos || 
-      hName.find("EmecC",0) != std::string::npos ||
-      hName.find("EMECC",0)!= std::string::npos) {
-    int barrel_ec = 1;  // Endcap
-    int pos_neg = 0;    // C
-    for (int ft = 0; ft < 25; ++ft) {
-      HWIdentifier feedthroughID = m_LArOnlineIDHelper->feedthrough_Id(barrel_ec, pos_neg, ft);
-      std::string label; 
-      if (HWNaming) label = "C"+this->feedthroughOnly_str(feedthroughID, EXPERTS);
-      else label = int_to_str(ft);
-      int bin = ft*15 + 1;  // feedthrough label on first slot of desired feedthroughs
-      (hist->GetXaxis())->SetBinLabel(bin, label.c_str());
-    }
-  }
-  if (hName.find("HecC",0) != std::string::npos || hName.find("HECC",0)!= std::string::npos ){
-    int barrel_ec = 1;  // Endcap
-    int pos_neg = 0;    // C
-    // select which feedthroughs to have labels for
-    int ftL[] = {3,10,16,22};  // 4 labels
-    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
-      int ft = ftL[i];
-      HWIdentifier feedthroughID = m_LArOnlineIDHelper->feedthrough_Id(barrel_ec, pos_neg, ft);
-      std::string label; 
-      if (HWNaming) label = "C"+this->feedthroughOnly_str(feedthroughID, EXPERTS);
-      else label = int_to_str(ft);
-      int bin = ft*15 + 1;  // feedthrough label on first slot of desired feedthroughs
-      (hist->GetXaxis())->SetBinLabel(bin, label.c_str());
-    }
-  }
-  if (hName.find("FcalC",0) != std::string::npos || hName.find("FCALC",0)!= std::string::npos ){
-    int barrel_ec = 1;  // Endcap
-    int pos_neg = 0;    // C
-    int ft = 6;         // FCal only feedthrough
-    HWIdentifier feedthroughID = m_LArOnlineIDHelper->feedthrough_Id(barrel_ec, pos_neg, ft);
-    std::string label; 
-    if (HWNaming) label = "C"+this->feedthroughOnly_str(feedthroughID, EXPERTS);
-    else label = int_to_str(ft);
-    int bin = ft*15 + 1;  // feedthrough label on first slot of desired feedthroughs
-    (hist->GetXaxis())->SetBinLabel(bin, label.c_str());
-  }
-  (hist->GetXaxis())->SetLabelSize(0.04);
-  //Not supported in LWHists: (hist->GetXaxis())->SetTitleOffset(1.5);
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-template<class Taxis>
-inline void
-LArOnlineIDStrHelper::setAxisBinLabelsFebs(Taxis* axis, HWIdentifier feedthroughID)
-  // labels are experts compact feb names for the desired feedthrough
-  int nSlots = (m_LArOnlineIDHelper->isEmBarrelOnline(feedthroughID)) ? 14 : 15;
-  int nBins = axis->GetNbins();
-  if (nSlots > nBins) nSlots = nBins;
-  bool changeAxis = false;
-  // loop over all febs and look for matching feedthrough
-  // slow, but ensures blank fields for unused slots
-  for (std::vector<HWIdentifier>::const_iterator p = m_LArOnlineIDHelper->feb_begin(); 
-       p != m_LArOnlineIDHelper->feb_end(); ++p) {
-    HWIdentifier febID = HWIdentifier(*p);
-    if (m_LArOnlineIDHelper->feedthrough_Id(febID) == feedthroughID) {
-      int slot = m_LArOnlineIDHelper->slot(febID);
-      if (slot <= nSlots) {
-        std::string label = this->febOnly_str(febID, EXPERTSCOMPACT);
-        axis->SetBinLabel(slot, label.c_str());  // slots and bins start at 1
-        changeAxis = true;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (changeAxis) {
-    axis->SetLabelSize(0.045);
-    //Not supported in LWHists: axis->SetTitleOffset(1.2);
-  }
-template<class Taxis>
-inline void
-LArOnlineIDStrHelper::setAxisBinLabelsAllFebs(Taxis* axis, const std::string& detector)
-  // set the axis bin labels of an all febs axis with feedthrough names
-  // see setAxisBinLabelsFeedthroughNames
-  this->setAxisBinLabelsFeedthroughNames(axis, detector, true);
-template<class Taxis>
-inline int LArOnlineIDStrHelper::findFixBin(Taxis*a,const double& x) const { return a->FindBin(x); }//LWHists never rebin (unless root backed)
-inline int LArOnlineIDStrHelper::findFixBin(TAxis*a,const double& x) const { return a->FindFixBin(x); }//Root specialisation
-template<class Taxis>
-inline void
-LArOnlineIDStrHelper::setAxisBinLabelsFeedthroughNames(Taxis* axis, const std::string& detector, bool allFebs)
-  // set the axis bin labels with feedthrough names
-  // for feedthrough axis: labels are feedthrough expert names associated to the relavant feedthroughs
-  // for all febs axis: labels are feedthrough expert names associated to the first relevant feb in a feedthrough
-  // works also for variable bin sizes
-  // possible detector strings (not case sensitive)
-  int nBins = axis->GetNbins();
-  std::string detStr = this->str_to_upper(detector);
-  int barrel_ec = -1 ; // invalid value
-  if (detStr == "BARRELA" || detStr == "EMBA" || detStr == "EMA" || 
-      detStr == "BARRELC" || detStr == "EMBC" || detStr == "EMC") {
-    barrel_ec = 0;  // Barrel
-    int pos_neg = (detStr == "BARRELA" || detStr == "EMBA" || detStr == "EMA") ? 1 : 0; // 0=C, 1=A
-    for (int ft = 0; ft < 32; ++ft) {
-      HWIdentifier feedthroughID = m_LArOnlineIDHelper->feedthrough_Id(barrel_ec, pos_neg, ft);
-      int x = (allFebs) ? ft*14 + 1 : ft; // allFebs: feedthrough label on first slot of desired feedthroughs
-      int bin = findFixBin(axis,x);
-      if (bin > 0 && bin <= nBins) {
-	std::string label = this->feedthroughOnly_str(feedthroughID, m_defaultNameType);
-	axis->SetBinLabel(bin, label.c_str());
-      }
-    }
-  } else if (detStr == "ENDCAPA" || detStr == "ENDCAPC") {
-    barrel_ec = 1;  // Endcap
-    int pos_neg = (detStr == "ENDCAPA") ? 1 : 0; // 0=C, 1=A
-    for (int ft = 0; ft < 25; ++ft) {
-      HWIdentifier feedthroughID = m_LArOnlineIDHelper->feedthrough_Id(barrel_ec, pos_neg, ft);
-      int x = (allFebs) ? ft*15 + 1 : ft; // allFebs: feedthrough label on first slot of desired feedthroughs
-      int bin = findFixBin(axis,x);
-      if (bin > 0 && bin <= nBins) {
-        std::string label = this->feedthroughOnly_str(feedthroughID, m_defaultNameType);
-        axis->SetBinLabel(bin, label.c_str());
-      }
-    }
-  } else if (detStr == "EMECA" || detStr == "ECA" || 
-             detStr == "EMECC" || detStr == "ECC") {
-    barrel_ec = 1;  // Endcap
-    int pos_neg = (detStr == "EMECA" || detStr == "ECA") ? 1 : 0; // 0=C, 1=A
-    for (int ft = 0; ft < 25; ++ft) {
-      // select which feedthroughs to have labels for
-      HWIdentifier feedthroughID = m_LArOnlineIDHelper->feedthrough_Id(barrel_ec, pos_neg, ft);
-      // emec standard or emec special or HEC feedthrough
-      // the first slot of all these feedthroughs is an EMEC slot
-      if (m_LArOnlineIDHelper->isEmEndcapOnline(feedthroughID) || m_LArOnlineIDHelper->isHecOnline(feedthroughID)) {   
-        int x = (allFebs) ? ft*15 + 1 : ft; // allFebs: feedthrough label on first slot of desired feedthroughs
-        int bin = findFixBin(axis,x);
-        if (bin > 0 && bin <= nBins) {
-          std::string label = this->feedthroughOnly_str(feedthroughID, m_defaultNameType);
-          axis->SetBinLabel(bin, label.c_str());
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  } else if (detStr == "HECA" || detStr == "HECC") {
-    barrel_ec = 1;  // Endcap
-    int pos_neg = (detStr == "HECA") ? 1 : 0; // 0=C, 1=A
-    for (int ft = 0; ft < 25; ++ft) {
-      // select which feedthroughs to have labels for
-      HWIdentifier feedthroughID = m_LArOnlineIDHelper->feedthrough_Id(barrel_ec, pos_neg, ft);
-      // only select HEC feedthroughs
-      if (m_LArOnlineIDHelper->isHecOnline(feedthroughID)) {
-        int x = (allFebs) ? ft*15 + 5 : ft; // allFebs: fifth slot of HEC feedthtoughs is first HEC feb
-        int bin = findFixBin(axis,x);
-        if (bin > 0 && bin <= nBins) {
-          std::string label = this->feedthroughOnly_str(feedthroughID, m_defaultNameType);
-          axis->SetBinLabel(bin, label.c_str());
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  } else if (detStr == "FCALA" || detStr == "FCALC") {
-    barrel_ec = 1;  // Endcap
-    int pos_neg = (detStr == "FCALA") ? 1 : 0; // 0=C, 1=A
-    int ft = 6;         // FCal only feedthrough
-    HWIdentifier feedthroughID = m_LArOnlineIDHelper->feedthrough_Id(barrel_ec, pos_neg, ft);
-    int x = (allFebs) ? ft*15 + 1 : ft; // allFebs: feedthrough label on first slot of desired feedthroughs
-    int bin = findFixBin(axis,x);
-    if (bin > 0 && bin <= nBins) {
-      std::string label = this->feedthroughOnly_str(feedthroughID, m_defaultNameType);
-      axis->SetBinLabel(bin, label.c_str());
-    }
-  }
-  if (barrel_ec >= 0) {
-    axis->SetLabelSize(0.045);
-    //axis->SetTitleOffset(1.2);
-  }
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArMonTools/src/SelectAllLArRawChannels.h b/LArCalorimeter/LArMonTools/src/SelectAllLArRawChannels.h
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index 0a04abe8040f87e29222b242358ddce8cd0e8347..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArMonTools/src/SelectAllLArRawChannels.h
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@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-//Dear emacs, this is -*-c++-*-
-//This construct is a TEMORARY solution to allow the clients of LArRawChannel to compile 
-//in 13.X.Y as well as in 14.0.0 despite of the schema evolution of LArRawChannelContainer
-//This file should go away as soon as the migration towards Rel 14 is finsihed.
-#include "LArRawEvent/LArRawChannelContainer.h"
-class SelectAllLArRawChannels {
- public:
-  SelectAllLArRawChannels(const LArRawChannelContainer* rc) : m_container(rc) {}
-  class const_iterator : public LArRawChannelContainer::const_iterator {
-  public:
-    const_iterator() : LArRawChannelContainer::const_iterator() {}
-    const_iterator(LArRawChannelContainer::const_iterator it) : LArRawChannelContainer::const_iterator(it) {}
-    const LArRawChannel* operator*() {return &(LArRawChannelContainer::const_iterator::operator*());}
-    const LArRawChannel operator->() {return (LArRawChannelContainer::const_iterator::operator*());}
-  };
-  const_iterator begin() 
-    { return const_iterator(m_container->begin()); }
-  const_iterator end() 
-    { return const_iterator(m_container->end()); }
- private:
-  const LArRawChannelContainer* m_container;
-#include "EventContainers/SelectAllObject.h" 
-typedef SelectAllObject<LArRawChannelContainer> SelectAllLArRawChannels; 
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/DerivationFramework/DerivationFrameworkCalo/src/CellsInCone.h b/PhysicsAnalysis/DerivationFramework/DerivationFrameworkCalo/src/CellsInCone.h
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index 62c14e916de0c596e96f4a42692f93875e0e1f53..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/DerivationFramework/DerivationFrameworkCalo/src/CellsInCone.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include "xAODCaloEvent/CaloClusterFwd.h"
-#include "xAODEgamma/EgammaFwd.h"
-class CaloCellContainer;
-namespace DerivationFramework {
-  namespace CellsInCone{
-    void egammaSelect(xAOD::CaloCluster* inputCl, const CaloCellContainer* inputcells, const xAOD::Egamma* eg, const double dr) ;
-  }
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/DerivationFramework/DerivationFrameworkJetEtMiss/share/LUT_mc12.root b/PhysicsAnalysis/DerivationFramework/DerivationFrameworkJetEtMiss/share/LUT_mc12.root
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b7e56fd2e79716162028fd474fed5a39242e6aa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/PhysicsAnalysis/DerivationFramework/DerivationFrameworkJetEtMiss/share/LUT_mc12.root and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/DerivationFramework/DerivationFrameworkTrigger/python/__init__.py b/PhysicsAnalysis/DerivationFramework/DerivationFrameworkTrigger/python/__init__.py
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index 74583d364ec2ca794156596c7254d9b234a940c6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/DerivationFramework/DerivationFrameworkTrigger/python/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
diff --git a/Projects/AnalysisTop/version.txt b/Projects/AnalysisTop/version.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b295a689e748195bd03e94e0343e70df461571d9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Projects/AnalysisTop/version.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Reconstruction/PFlow/PFlowUtils/src/ParticleFlowEventFilter_r207.h b/Reconstruction/PFlow/PFlowUtils/src/ParticleFlowEventFilter_r207.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f9b0463ed601ea68ec933e0809d13d8d9b375254..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/PFlow/PFlowUtils/src/ParticleFlowEventFilter_r207.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgorithm.h"
-class ParticleFlowEventFilter_r207 : public AthAlgorithm {
-  ParticleFlowEventFilter_r207(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
-  ~ParticleFlowEventFilter_r207() {}
-  StatusCode initialize();
-  StatusCode execute();
-  StatusCode finalize();
diff --git a/Reconstruction/egamma/egammaUtils/egammaUtils/CandidateMatchHelpers.h b/Reconstruction/egamma/egammaUtils/egammaUtils/CandidateMatchHelpers.h
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index ab929cbde11a05af5b22a67d7aa0ec01477f8457..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/egamma/egammaUtils/egammaUtils/CandidateMatchHelpers.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include <cmath>
-#include <iostream>
-namespace CandidateMatchHelpers{
-  double CorrectedEta(double clusterEta,double z_first,bool isEndCap);
-  double PhiROT(double Et,double Eta, int charge, double r_first ,bool isEndCap);
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Fatras/ISF_FatrasTools/src/HadIntProcessorParametric.h b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Fatras/ISF_FatrasTools/src/HadIntProcessorParametric.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 13513cf09571434ecef169b63eb00367d65e3a5c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Fatras/ISF_FatrasTools/src/HadIntProcessorParametric.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// HadIntProcessorParametric.h, (c) ATLAS Detector software
-#ifndef ISF_FATRASTOOLS_HadIntProcessorParametric_H
-#define ISF_FATRASTOOLS_HadIntProcessorParametric_H
-// GaudiKernel & Athena
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
-#include "AthenaKernel/IAtRndmGenSvc.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
-// Fatras
-#include "ISF_FatrasInterfaces/IHadronicInteractionProcessor.h"
-// Trk
-#include "TrkEventPrimitives/PropDirection.h"
-#include "TrkEventPrimitives/ParticleHypothesis.h"
-// ISF
-#include "ISF_Event/ITruthIncident.h"
-#include "ISF_Event/ISFParticleVector.h"
-// Barcode
-#include "BarcodeEvent/PhysicsProcessCode.h"
-class StoreGateSvc;
-class TTree;
-namespace Trk {
-  class Material;
-  class MaterialProperties;
-  class TrackingGeometry;
-  class ITrackingGeometrySvc;
-namespace ISF {
-  class IParticleBroker;
-  class ITruthSvc;    
-namespace iFatras {
-  class IPhysicsValidationTool;
-  /** @class HadIntProcessorParametric
-      Parametric implementation of nuclear interactions to be used
-      in Fatras. The parameterisation is gathered from Geant4.
-      @author Andreas.Salzburger@cern.ch, Carsten.Magass@cern.ch
-   */
-  class HadIntProcessorParametric : public extends<AthAlgTool, iFatras::IHadronicInteractionProcessor> {
-    public:      
-      /**AlgTool constructor for HadIntProcessorParametric*/
-      HadIntProcessorParametric(const std::string&,const std::string&,const IInterface*);
-      /**Destructor*/
-      virtual ~HadIntProcessorParametric();
-      /** AlgTool initailize method.*/
-      StatusCode initialize();
-      /** AlgTool finalize method */
-      StatusCode finalize();
-      /** interface for processing of the nuclear interactions */
-      bool hadronicInteraction(const Amg::Vector3D& position, const Amg::Vector3D& momentum, 
-			       double p, double E, double charge,
-                               const Trk::MaterialProperties& mprop, double pathCorrection,
-                               Trk::ParticleHypothesis particle=Trk::pion) const;
-      /** interface for processing of the presampled nuclear interaction */                           
-      bool recordHadState(double time, double p,
-			  const Amg::Vector3D& vertex,
-			  const Amg::Vector3D& particleDir,
-			  Trk::ParticleHypothesis particle ) const;
-      bool doHadronicInteraction(double time, const Amg::Vector3D& position, const Amg::Vector3D& momentum, 
-				 const Trk::Material* emat,
-				 Trk::ParticleHypothesis particle,
-				 bool processSecondaries) const;
-      ISF::ISFParticleVector doHadIntOnLayer(const ISF::ISFParticle* parent, double time,
-					     const Amg::Vector3D& position, const Amg::Vector3D& momentum, 
-					     const Trk::Material* emat,
-					     Trk::ParticleHypothesis particle) const;
-   private:
-      /** interface for calculation of absorption length */
-      double absorptionLength(const Trk::MaterialProperties* mat,
-            double p, double q, Trk::ParticleHypothesis particle=Trk::pion) const;
-      /** collect secondaries for layer material update */                           
-      ISF::ISFParticleVector getHadState(const ISF::ISFParticle* parent,
-					 double time, double p,
-					 const Amg::Vector3D& vertex,
-					 const Amg::Vector3D& particleDir,
-					 Trk::ParticleHypothesis particle ) const;
-       /** hadronic interaction setting */
-       double                       m_minimumHadOutEnergy;
-       double                       m_childMomParam;
-       bool                         m_cutChain;
-       bool                         m_hadIntFromX0;
-       double                       m_hadIntProbScale;
-       double                       m_minimumHadInitialEnergy;
-       /** ISF services & Tools */
-       ServiceHandle<ISF::IParticleBroker>  m_particleBroker;
-       ServiceHandle<ISF::ITruthSvc>        m_truthRecordSvc;
-       /** Random Generator service */
-       ServiceHandle<IAtRndmGenSvc>         m_rndGenSvc;
-       /** MCTruth process code for TruthIncidents created by this tool */
-       Barcode::PhysicsProcessCode          m_processCode;
-       /** Random engine  */        
-       CLHEP::HepRandomEngine*                     m_randomEngine;
-       std::string                          m_randomEngineName; //!< Name of the random number stream
-       /** struct of Particle Masses */
-       static Trk::ParticleMasses    s_particleMasses;
-       bool                          m_validationMode;
-       ToolHandle<IPhysicsValidationTool>  m_validationTool;
-       bool                          m_hadIntValidation;
-       std::string                   m_hadIntValidationTreeName;        //!< validation tree name - to be acessed by this from root
-       std::string                   m_hadIntValidationTreeDescription; //!< validation tree description - second argument in TTree
-       std::string                   m_hadIntValidationTreeFolder;      //!< stream/folder to for the TTree to be written out
-       TTree*                        m_hadIntValidationTree;            //!< Root Validation Tree
-       // ------ ntuple branches       
-       mutable float                 m_hadIntPointX;               //!< ntuple variable : hadronic interaction point x coordinate
-       mutable float                 m_hadIntPointY;               //!< ntuple variable : hadronic interaction point y coordinate
-       mutable float                 m_hadIntPointR;               //!< ntuple variable : hadronic interaction point r distance
-       mutable float                 m_hadIntPointZ;               //!< ntuple variable : hadronic interaction point z coordinate
-       mutable int                   m_hadIntMotherPdg;            //!< ntuple variable : hadronic interaction mother Pdg
-       mutable int                   m_hadIntMotherBarcode;         //!< ntuple variable : hadronic interaction mother barcode
-       mutable float                 m_hadIntMotherP;         //!< ntuple variable : hadronic interaction mother momentum
-       mutable float                 m_hadIntMotherPt;         //!< ntuple variable : hadronic interaction mother momentum
-       mutable float                 m_hadIntMotherPhi;            //!< ntuple variable : hadronic interaction mother phi
-       mutable float                 m_hadIntMotherEta;            //!< ntuple variable : hadronic interaction photon eta
-       mutable int                   m_hadIntChildren;             				//!< nutple variable : hadronic interaction children numbers
-       mutable float                 m_hadIntChildE;             				//!< nutple variable : hadronic interaction children total energy
-       mutable float                 m_hadIntChildP[MAXHADINTCHILDREN];     //!< nutple variable : hadronic interaction child Energy
-       mutable float                 m_hadIntChildPcms[MAXHADINTCHILDREN];     //!< nutple variable : hadronic interaction child Energy
-       mutable int                   m_hadIntChildPdg[MAXHADINTCHILDREN];        //!< nutple variable : hadronic interaction child Pdg
-       mutable float                 m_hadIntChildPhi[MAXHADINTCHILDREN];        //!< nutple variable : hadronic interaction child phi
-       mutable float                 m_hadIntChildEta[MAXHADINTCHILDREN];        //!< nutple variable : hadronic interaction child eta
-       mutable float                 m_hadIntChildTh[MAXHADINTCHILDREN];        //!< nutple variable : hadronic interaction child phi
-       mutable float                 m_hadIntChildThc[MAXHADINTCHILDREN];        //!< nutple variable : hadronic interaction child eta
-       mutable float                 m_hadIntChildDeltaPhi[MAXHADINTCHILDREN];   //!< nutple variable : hadronic interaction child delta phi
-       mutable float                 m_hadIntChildDeltaEta[MAXHADINTCHILDREN];   //!< nutple variable : hadronic interaction child delta eta
-   };
-#endif // ISF_FATRASTOOLS_HadIntProcessorParametric_H
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Fatras/ISF_FatrasTools/src/McEnergyLossUpdator.h b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Fatras/ISF_FatrasTools/src/McEnergyLossUpdator.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 6e5daefb938e10410b50d3baf871997afdd4bc68..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Fatras/ISF_FatrasTools/src/McEnergyLossUpdator.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// McEnergyLossUpdator.h, (c) ATLAS Detector software
-#ifndef ISF_Fatras_McEnergyLossUpdator_H
-#define ISF_Fatras_McEnergyLossUpdator_H
-// GaudiKernel & Athena
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
-#include "AthenaKernel/IAtRndmGenSvc.h"
-// Trk
-#include "TrkExInterfaces/IEnergyLossUpdator.h"
-#include "TrkEventPrimitives/PropDirection.h"
-#include "TrkEventPrimitives/ParticleHypothesis.h"
-namespace Trk{
-  class MaterialProperties;
-  class EnergyLoss;
-namespace iFatras{
-  /** @class McEnergyLossUpdator
-      Updator for a eloss of a track on a Trk::Layer, 
-      it extends the IEnergyLossUpdtor interface  
-      @author Tom.Atkinson@cern.ch, Andreas.Salzburger@cern.ch
-   */
-  class McEnergyLossUpdator : public extends<AthAlgTool, Trk::IEnergyLossUpdator> {
-  public:
-    /** Constructor with AlgTool parameters */
-    McEnergyLossUpdator( const std::string&, const std::string&, const IInterface* );
-    /** Destructor */
-    ~McEnergyLossUpdator();
-    /** AlgTool initialise method */
-    StatusCode initialize();
-    /** AlgTool finalise method */
-    StatusCode finalize();
-    /** IEnergyLossUpdator public method to compute dEdX */
-    double dEdX( const Trk::MaterialProperties& materialProperties,
-	               double momentum,
-	               Trk::ParticleHypothesis particleHypothesis = Trk::pion ) const override;
-    /** IEnergyLossUpdator public method to compute the mean and variance of the energy loss */
-    Trk::EnergyLoss* energyLoss( const Trk::MaterialProperties& materialProperties,
-                                 double momentum,
-                                 double pathCorrection,
-                                 Trk::PropDirection direction = Trk::alongMomentum,
-                                 Trk::ParticleHypothesis particleHypothesis = Trk::pion,
-                                 bool mpv=true, bool usePDGformula = false) const override;
-    /** Dummy methodes imposed by public interface - cleanup */
-    /** Method to recalculate Eloss values for the fit setting an elossFlag using as an input
-        the detailed Eloss information Calorimeter energy, error momentum and momentum error */ 
-    Trk::EnergyLoss* updateEnergyLoss( Trk::EnergyLoss*, double, double, double, double, int&) const override { return 0; }
-    /** Routine to calculate X0 and Eloss scale factors for the Calorimeter and Muon System */
-    void getX0ElossScales(int, double, double, double&, double& ) const override {}
-    /** Dummy methods end here */
-  private:
-    ToolHandle<IEnergyLossUpdator> m_energyLossUpdator;            //!< Pointer to the energy loss updator
-   int                            m_energyLossDistribution;       //!< include energy loss straggling or not ( 0 == none, 1 == gauss, 2 == landau)
-   /** Random Generator service  */
-   ServiceHandle<IAtRndmGenSvc>                 m_rndGenSvc;
-   /** Random engine  */
-   CLHEP::HepRandomEngine*                      m_randomEngine;
-   std::string                                  m_randomEngineName;         //!< Name of the random number stream
-   bool                                         m_usePDGformula;
-   static Trk::ParticleMasses    s_particleMasses;         //!< struct of Particle masses                                                        
-} // end iFatras namespace
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Fatras/ISF_FatrasTools/src/McMaterialEffectsEngine.h b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Fatras/ISF_FatrasTools/src/McMaterialEffectsEngine.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 85f0af7e70f0fed27bca3957a77673e250273489..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Fatras/ISF_FatrasTools/src/McMaterialEffectsEngine.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// McMaterialEffectsEngine.h, (c) ATLAS Detector software
-// GaudiKernel & Athena
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
-#include "AthenaKernel/IAtRndmGenSvc.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
-// Trk
-#include "TrkExInterfaces/IMaterialEffectsEngine.h"
-#include "TrkExInterfaces/IEnergyLossUpdator.h"
-#include "TrkExUtils/ExtrapolationCell.h"
-#include "TrkEventPrimitives/PropDirection.h"
-#include "TrkParameters/TrackParameters.h"
-#include "TrkExUtils/MaterialUpdateMode.h"
-#include "TrkEventPrimitives/PdgToParticleHypothesis.h"
-// ISF
-#include "ISF_Event/ITruthIncident.h"
-#include "ISF_Event/ISFParticleVector.h"
-// Barcode
-#include "BarcodeEvent/PhysicsProcessCode.h"
-class StoreGateSvc;
-namespace Trk{
-  class EnergyLoss;
-  class CylinderVolumeBounds;
-  class TrackingGeometry;
-  class ITrackingGeometrySvc;
-namespace ISF {
-  class IParticleBroker;
-  class ISFParticle;
-  class ITruthSvc;
-namespace iFatras {
-  class IPhysicsValidationTool;
-  class IEnergyLossSampler;
-  class IMultipleScatteringSampler;
-  class IHadronicInteractionProcessor;
-  class IPhotonConversionSampler; 
-  class IParticleDecayHelper;
-  class IProcessSamplingTool;
-  /** @class McMaterialEffectsEngine
-      Mc Material effects engine for charged and neutral (fast track simulation) used inside the ExtrapolatorEngine. It extends the IMaterialEffectsEngine.
-      The McMaterialEffectsEngine uses both an extended EnergyLossSampler
-      and the standard ATLAS MultipleScatteringSampler configured for the Gaussian-Mixture-Model.
-      @author Andreas.Salzburger@cern.ch, Noemi.Calace@cern.ch
-  */
-  class McMaterialEffectsEngine : public extends<AthAlgTool, Trk::IMaterialEffectsEngine> { 
-  public:      
-    /**AlgTool constructor for McMaterialEffectsEngine*/
-    McMaterialEffectsEngine(const std::string&,const std::string&,const IInterface*);
-    /**Destructor*/
-    virtual ~McMaterialEffectsEngine();
-    /** AlgTool initailize method.*/
-    StatusCode initialize();
-    /** AlgTool finalize method */
-    StatusCode finalize();
-    /** charged extrapolation */
-    virtual Trk::ExtrapolationCode handleMaterial(Trk::ExCellCharged& ecCharged,
-						  Trk::PropDirection dir=Trk::alongMomentum,
-						  Trk::MaterialUpdateStage matupstage=Trk::fullUpdate) const;
-    /** charged extrapolation */
-    virtual Trk::ExtrapolationCode handleMaterial(Trk::ExCellNeutral& ecNeutral,
-						  Trk::PropDirection dir= Trk::alongMomentum,
-						  Trk::MaterialUpdateStage matupstage=Trk::fullUpdate) const;
-  private:
-    template <class T> Trk::ExtrapolationCode handleMaterialT( Trk::ExtrapolationCell<T>& eCell,
-							       Trk::PropDirection dir=Trk::alongMomentum,
-							       Trk::MaterialUpdateStage matupstage=Trk::fullUpdate) const;
-    Trk::ExtrapolationCode processMaterialOnLayer(const ISF::ISFParticle* isp,
-				Trk::ExCellCharged& eCell,
-				Trk::PropDirection dir,
-				float& mFraction) const;
-    Trk::ExtrapolationCode processMaterialOnLayer(const ISF::ISFParticle* isp,
-				Trk::ExCellNeutral& eCell,
-				Trk::PropDirection dir,
-				float& mFraction) const;
-    void multipleScatteringUpdate(const Trk::TrackParameters& pars,
-				  AmgVector(5)& parameters,
-				  double simTheta, 
-				  double num_deltaPhi) const;
-    void recordBremPhoton(const ISF::ISFParticle* parent,
-			  double time,
-			  double pElectron,
-			  double gammaE,
-			  const Amg::Vector3D& vertex,
-			  Amg::Vector3D& particleDir,Trk::ParticleHypothesis  ) const; 
-    void recordBremPhotonLay(const ISF::ISFParticle* parent,
-			     double time,
-			     double pElectron,
-			     double gammaE,
-			     const Amg::Vector3D& vertex,
-			     Amg::Vector3D& particleDir,Trk::ParticleHypothesis, 
-			     Trk::PropDirection dir,float mFraction ) const; 
-    ISF::ISFParticle* bremPhoton(const ISF::ISFParticle* parent,
-				 double time,
-				 double pElectron,
-				 double gammaE,
-				 const Amg::Vector3D& vertex,
-				 Amg::Vector3D& particleDir, Trk::ParticleHypothesis ) const; 
-    void radiate(const ISF::ISFParticle* parent, AmgVector(5)& parm ,
-		 Trk::ExCellCharged& eCell, float pathlim, float mFr,Trk::PropDirection dir,float refX) const;
-    /** IProcessSamplig */
-    ToolHandle<IProcessSamplingTool>             m_samplingTool;
-    /** IEnergyLossSampler */
-    bool                                             m_eLoss;
-    ToolHandle<Trk::IEnergyLossUpdator>              m_eLossSampler;
-    /** Boolean switch for use of a dedicated eloss updator */
-    bool                                             m_dedicatedElectronSampler;     
-    /** Pointer to the energy loss sampler - electrons */
-    ToolHandle<iFatras::IEnergyLossSampler>          m_elEnergyLossSampler;          
-    /** IMultipleScatteringSampler */
-    bool                                             m_ms;
-    ToolHandle<iFatras::IMultipleScatteringSampler>  m_msSampler;
-    /** Particle Decay */
-    ToolHandle<IParticleDecayHelper>             m_particleDecayHelper; 
-    /** describe deflection parametric/do real deflection */
-    bool                                             m_parametricScattering;
-    /** use the relativistic hertz dipole for brem photon radiation */
-    bool                                             m_uniformHertzDipoleAngle;
-    /** MCTruth process code for TruthIncidents created by this tool */
-    Barcode::PhysicsProcessCode                      m_processCode;
-    /** Minimum momentum cut */
-    double                                           m_minimumMomentum;
-    /** Minimum momentum for brem photons */
-    double                                           m_minimumBremPhotonMomentum;
-    /** Create brem photons flag */
-    bool                                             m_createBremPhoton;
-    /** Switch to use bending correction */
-    bool                                             m_bendingCorrection;
-    /** Random Generator service  */
-    ServiceHandle<IAtRndmGenSvc>                     m_rndGenSvc;
-    /** Random engine  */
-    CLHEP::HepRandomEngine*                          m_randomEngine;
-    /** Name of the random number stream */
-    std::string                                      m_randomEngineName;                 
-    /** the tracking geometry owned by the navigator */
-    mutable const Trk::TrackingGeometry*             m_trackingGeometry;         
-    /** ToolHandle to the TrackingGeometrySvc */
-    ServiceHandle<Trk::ITrackingGeometrySvc>         m_trackingGeometrySvc;          
-    /** default name of the TrackingGeometry  */
-    std::string                                      m_trackingGeometryName;    
-    /** struct of Particle Masses */
-    Trk::ParticleMasses                              m_particleMasses;
-    Trk::PdgToParticleHypothesis                     m_pdgToParticleHypothesis;
-    /** Validation section */
-    bool                          m_validationMode;
-    ToolHandle<IPhysicsValidationTool>  m_validationTool;
-    ServiceHandle<ISF::IParticleBroker>              m_particleBroker;
-    ServiceHandle<ISF::ITruthSvc>                    m_truthRecordSvc;
-    /** useful for the angle calculation of the brem photon */ 
-    double                                           m_oneOverThree;
-    /** cache incoming particle */
-    mutable const ISF::ISFParticle*                  m_isp;
-    /** cache layer properties */
-    mutable const Trk::Layer*                       m_layer;
-    mutable const Trk::MaterialProperties*          m_matProp;           
-    mutable float                                   m_thicknessInX0;
-    mutable float                                   m_thicknessInL0;
-	double                                          m_projectionFactor;
-  };
-//!< define the templated function   
-#include "McMaterialEffectsEngine.icc" 
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Fatras/ISF_FatrasTools/src/McMaterialEffectsEngine.icc b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Fatras/ISF_FatrasTools/src/McMaterialEffectsEngine.icc
deleted file mode 100644
index 499610ea77e4290bfdd9518fe4139c181239225a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Fatras/ISF_FatrasTools/src/McMaterialEffectsEngine.icc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// McMaterialEffectsEngine.icc, (c) ATLAS Detector software
-#include "TrkExInterfaces/IMaterialEffectsEngine.h"
-#include "ISF_Event/ParticleClipboard.h"
-#include "TrkGeometry/Layer.h"
-#include <iostream>
-template <class T> Trk::ExtrapolationCode iFatras::McMaterialEffectsEngine::handleMaterialT( Trk::ExtrapolationCell<T>& eCell,
-	 	   			  						     Trk::PropDirection dir,
-											     Trk::MaterialUpdateStage matupstage) const 
-  // get parent particle
-  const ISF::ISFParticle *isp = ISF::ParticleClipboard::getInstance().getParticle();
-  // something is seriously wrong if there is no parent particle
-  assert(isp);
-  m_isp = isp;
-  // the Extrapolator made sure that the layer is the lead layer && the parameters are the lead parameters
-  m_layer = eCell.leadLayer;
-  if (m_layer && eCell.leadParameters) {
-     // path correction		     
-     double pathCorrection = m_layer->surfaceRepresentation().pathCorrection(eCell.leadParameters->position(),dir*(eCell.leadParameters->momentum()));
-     // the relative direction wrt with the layer
-     Trk::PropDirection rlDir = (pathCorrection > 0. ? Trk::alongMomentum : Trk::oppositeMomentum);
-     // multiply by the pre-and post-update factor
-     double mFactor = m_layer->layerMaterialProperties()->factor(rlDir, matupstage);
-     //EX_MSG_DEBUG(eCell.navigationStep, "Update", "char", "Update on layer with index " << m_layer->layerIndex().value() << " - corr factor = " << pathCorrection*mFactor); 
-     const Trk::MaterialProperties* materialProperties = m_layer->layerMaterialProperties()->fullMaterial(eCell.leadParameters->position());
-     if ( materialProperties && materialProperties->thicknessInX0()>0 ) {
-       m_matProp = materialProperties;
-       m_thicknessInX0 = mFactor*m_matProp->thicknessInX0();
-       m_thicknessInL0 = mFactor*m_matProp->thicknessInL0();
-       float mFraction=0.;   
-       return processMaterialOnLayer(isp,eCell,dir,mFraction);
-     }
-  }
-  return Trk::ExtrapolationCode::InProgress;
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Fatras/ISF_FatrasTools/src/MultipleScatteringSamplerGaussianMixture.h b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Fatras/ISF_FatrasTools/src/MultipleScatteringSamplerGaussianMixture.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 490d6eff49d83d692f922f36f40c79da93adeeea..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Fatras/ISF_FatrasTools/src/MultipleScatteringSamplerGaussianMixture.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// MultipleScatteringSamplerGaussianMixture.h, (c) ATLAS Detector software
-// Gaudi
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
-// Trk
-#include "ISF_FatrasInterfaces/IMultipleScatteringSampler.h"
-#include "TrkEventPrimitives/PropDirection.h"
-#include "TrkEventPrimitives/ParticleHypothesis.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
-#include "AthenaKernel/IAtRndmGenSvc.h"
-#include "CLHEP/Random/RandFlat.h"
-#include "GeoPrimitives/GeoPrimitives.h"
-#include "EventPrimitives/EventPrimitives.h"
-namespace Trk {
-  class MaterialProperties;
-namespace iFatras {
-  /**@class MultipleScatteringSamplerGaussianMixture
-     @author Noemi.Calace@cern.ch , Andreas.Salzburger@cern.ch
-  */
-  class MultipleScatteringSamplerGaussianMixture : public extends<AthAlgTool, IMultipleScatteringSampler> {
-  public:
-      /** AlgTool like constructor */
-      MultipleScatteringSamplerGaussianMixture(const std::string&,const std::string&,const IInterface*);
-      /**Virtual destructor*/
-      virtual ~MultipleScatteringSamplerGaussianMixture();
-      /** AlgTool initailize method.*/
-      StatusCode initialize();
-      /** AlgTool finalize method */
-      StatusCode finalize();
-      /** Calculate the sigma on theta introduced by multiple scattering,
-	  according to the RutherFord-Scott Formula           
-      */
-      double simTheta(const Trk::MaterialProperties& mat,
-		      double p,
-		      double pathcorrection,
-		      Trk::ParticleHypothesis particle=Trk::pion,
-		      double deltaE=0.) const;
-  private:
-      bool                  m_log_include;           //!< boolean switch to include log term  
-      bool                  m_optGaussianMixtureG4;  //!< modifies the Fruehwirth/Regler model to fit with G4
-      //========== used for Gaussian mixture model =================================================
-      /** Random Generator service  */
-      ServiceHandle<IAtRndmGenSvc>                 m_rndGenSvc;
-      /** Random engine  */
-      CLHEP::HepRandomEngine*                      m_randomEngine;
-      std::string                                  m_randomEngineName;                   //!< Name of the random number stream
-      static Trk::ParticleMasses s_particleMasses;        //!< struct of Particle masses
-      static double         s_main_RutherfordScott;  //!< main factor of Rutherford-Scott formula
-      static double         s_log_RutherfordScott;   //!< log factor of Rutherford-Scott formula
-      static double         s_main_RossiGreisen;     //!< main factor for Rossi-Greisen formula
-      static double         s_log_RossiGreisen;      //!< main factor for Rossi-Greisen formula
-      // ========= Gaussian mixture model Fruehwirth, Regler Nucl. Inst. Methods A 456(2001) =========
-      static double         s_gausMixSigma1_a0;     //!< Gaussian mixture model: Sigma parameter a0
-      static double         s_gausMixSigma1_a1;     //!< Gaussian mixture model: Sigma parameter a1
-      static double         s_gausMixSigma1_a2;     //!< Gaussian mixture model: Sigma parameter a2
-      static double         s_gausMixEpsilon_a0;     //!< Gaussian mixture model: Epsilon parameter a0
-      static double         s_gausMixEpsilon_a1;     //!< Gaussian mixture model: Epsilon parameter a1
-      static double         s_gausMixEpsilon_a2;     //!< Gaussian mixture model: Epsilon parameter a2
-      static double         s_gausMixEpsilon_b0;     //!< Gaussian mixture model: Epsilon parameter b0
-      static double         s_gausMixEpsilon_b1;     //!< Gaussian mixture model: Epsilon parameter b1
-      static double         s_gausMixEpsilon_b2;     //!< Gaussian mixture model: Epsilon parameter b2
-      static double 	    s_projectionFactor;	     //!< projection factor to scale the projected angle out of the plane
-    };
-} // end of namespace
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Fatras/ISF_FatrasTools/src/MultipleScatteringSamplerHighland.h b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Fatras/ISF_FatrasTools/src/MultipleScatteringSamplerHighland.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 48c3ad5e7f0d34e0cc6beace79c7677fa90f0ba2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Fatras/ISF_FatrasTools/src/MultipleScatteringSamplerHighland.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// MultipleScatteringSamplerHighland.h, (c) ATLAS Detector software
-// Gaudi
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
-// Trk
-#include "ISF_FatrasInterfaces/IMultipleScatteringSampler.h"
-#include "TrkEventPrimitives/PropDirection.h"
-#include "TrkEventPrimitives/ParticleHypothesis.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
-#include "AthenaKernel/IAtRndmGenSvc.h"
-#include "CLHEP/Random/RandFlat.h"
-#include "GeoPrimitives/GeoPrimitives.h"
-#include "EventPrimitives/EventPrimitives.h"
-namespace Trk {
-  class MaterialProperties;
-namespace iFatras {
-  /**@class MultipleScatteringSamplerHighland
-     The Formula used is the highland formula for the projected scattering angle :
-     @f$ \theta_{ms} = \frac{13.6MeV}{p}\cdot\sqrt{t/X_{0}}[1 + 0.038\ln(t/X_{0})] @f$
-     What is returned is the square of the expectation value of the deflection 
-     @f$ < (\theta_ms)^2 > = \sigma_ms^2 @f$
-     @author Noemi.Calace@cern.ch , Andreas.Salzburger@cern.ch
-  */
-  class MultipleScatteringSamplerHighland : public extends<AthAlgTool, IMultipleScatteringSampler> {
-  public:
-      /** AlgTool like constructor */
-      MultipleScatteringSamplerHighland(const std::string&,const std::string&,const IInterface*);
-      /**Virtual destructor*/
-      virtual ~MultipleScatteringSamplerHighland();
-      /** AlgTool initailize method.*/
-      StatusCode initialize();
-      /** AlgTool finalize method */
-      StatusCode finalize();
-      /** Calculate the theta introduced by multiple scattering,
-	  according to the RutherFord-Scott Formula           
-      */
-      double simTheta(const Trk::MaterialProperties& mat,
-		      double p,
-		      double pathcorrection,
-		      Trk::ParticleHypothesis particle=Trk::pion,
-		      double deltaE=0.) const;
-  private:
-      bool                  m_log_include;           //!< boolean switch to include log term  
-      /** Random Generator service  */
-      ServiceHandle<IAtRndmGenSvc>                 m_rndGenSvc;
-      /** Random engine  */
-      CLHEP::HepRandomEngine*                      m_randomEngine;
-      std::string                                  m_randomEngineName;                   //!< Name of the random number stream
-      static Trk::ParticleMasses s_particleMasses;        //!< struct of Particle masses
-      static double         s_main_RutherfordScott;  //!< main factor of Rutherford-Scott formula
-      static double         s_log_RutherfordScott;   //!< log factor of Rutherford-Scott formula
-      static double         s_main_RossiGreisen;     //!< main factor for Rossi-Greisen formula
-      static double         s_log_RossiGreisen;      //!< main factor for Rossi-Greisen formula
-      static double 	    s_projectionFactor;	     //!< projection factor to scale the projected angle out of the plane
-    };
-} // end of namespace
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Fatras/ISF_FatrasTools/src/ProcessSamplingTool.h b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Fatras/ISF_FatrasTools/src/ProcessSamplingTool.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 081bc73c3c71eedf9f4f82b284862c81c61c4e25..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Fatras/ISF_FatrasTools/src/ProcessSamplingTool.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// TransportTool.h, (c) ATLAS Detector software
-// Athena Base
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
-#include "AthenaKernel/IAtRndmGenSvc.h"
-#include "TrkExInterfaces/ITimedExtrapolator.h"
-// iFatras
-#include "ISF_FatrasInterfaces/IProcessSamplingTool.h"
-// Tracking
-#include "TrkEventPrimitives/PdgToParticleHypothesis.h"
-#include "TrkParameters/TrackParameters.h"
-#include "TrkEventPrimitives/ParticleHypothesis.h"
-namespace ISF {
-  class ITruthSvc;
-namespace iFatras 
-  class IHadronicInteractionProcessor;
-  class IPhotonConversionTool; 
-  class IParticleDecayHelper;
-  class IPhysicsValidationTool;
-  /** @class ProcessSamplingTool 
-      Fatras AlgTool to sample process and free path
-      @author Sharka Todorova Sarka.Todorova -at- cern.ch
-  */  
-  class ProcessSamplingTool : public extends<AthAlgTool, IProcessSamplingTool>
-  {
-  public:
-    /** Constructor */
-    ProcessSamplingTool(const std::string&,const std::string&,const IInterface*);
-    /** Destructor */
-    virtual ~ProcessSamplingTool ();
-    /** AlgTool initialize method */
-    virtual StatusCode initialize();
-    /** AlgTool finalize method */
-    virtual StatusCode finalize();
-    /** Process pre-sampling : to be moved into material updators eventually */
-    Trk::PathLimit sampleProcess(double mom, double charge, Trk::ParticleHypothesis pHypothesis) const;
-    /** Process simulation */
-    ISF::ISFParticleVector  interact(const ISF::ISFParticle* parent,
-				     Trk::ExCellCharged& eCell,
-				     const Trk::Material* mat) const;
-    ISF::ISFParticleVector  interact(const ISF::ISFParticle* parent,
-				     Trk::ExCellNeutral& eCell,
-				     const Trk::Material* mat) const;
-  private:
-     /** templated Tool retrieval - gives unique handling & look and feel */
-     template <class T> StatusCode retrieveTool(ToolHandle<T>& thandle){
-        if (!thandle.empty() && thandle.retrieve().isFailure()){
-              ATH_MSG_FATAL( "[ fatras setup ] Cannot retrieve " << thandle << ". Abort.");
-              return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-          } else
-              ATH_MSG_DEBUG("[ fatras setup ] Successfully retrieved " << thandle);
-              return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-     }
-    /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
-     *  Private members
-     *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-     /** Random Generator service  */
-     ServiceHandle<IAtRndmGenSvc>                 m_rndGenSvc;
-     CLHEP::HepRandomEngine*                      m_randomEngine;
-     std::string                                  m_randomEngineName;         //!< Name of the random number stream
-     /** Truth record */
-     ServiceHandle<ISF::ITruthSvc>                m_truthRecordSvc;
-     /** hadronic interaction */
-     bool                                         m_hadInt;
-     ToolHandle<IHadronicInteractionProcessor>    m_hadIntProcessor;
-     /** decay */
-     ToolHandle<IParticleDecayHelper>                 m_particleDecayer;
-      /** IPhotonConversionTool */
-     ToolHandle<iFatras::IPhotonConversionTool>   m_conversionTool;
-     Trk::ParticleMasses                          m_particleMasses;    //!< Struct of Particle masses
-     /** validation */
-     bool                                         m_validationMode;
-     ToolHandle<IPhysicsValidationTool>           m_validationTool;
-  }; 
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Fatras/ISF_FatrasTools/src/TransportEngine.h b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Fatras/ISF_FatrasTools/src/TransportEngine.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 62a7fcec020aeeafe28ee43b33468504d46c04c4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Fatras/ISF_FatrasTools/src/TransportEngine.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// TransportEngine.h, (c) ATLAS Detector software
-// Athena Base
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ITHistSvc.h"
-#include "AthenaKernel/IAtRndmGenSvc.h"
-#include "TrkExInterfaces/IExtrapolationEngine.h"
-#include "TrkExUtils/ExtrapolationCell.h"
-// ISF
-#include "ISF_Interfaces/IParticleProcessor.h"
-// Tracking
-#include "TrkEventPrimitives/PdgToParticleHypothesis.h"
-#include "TrkEventPrimitives/ParticleHypothesis.h"
-#include "TrkDetDescrUtils/GeometrySignature.h"
-class IIncidentSvc;
-namespace Trk {
-  class HitInfo;
-namespace ISF {
-  class ISFParticle;
-  class IParticleFilter;
-namespace iFatras 
-  class ISimHitCreator;    
-  class IParticleDecayHelper;
-  class IProcessSamplingTool;
-  class IPhysicsValidationTool;
-  /** @class TransportEngine 
-      NEW Fatras AlgTool to create a ISFParticle at a volume entry/exit
-      - Transport tool for new Extrapolation Engine
-      @author Noemi Calace -at- cern.ch, Andreas Salzburger -at cern.ch 
-  */  
-  class TransportEngine : public extends<AthAlgTool, ISF::IParticleProcessor>
-    {
-    public:
-      /** Constructor */
-      TransportEngine(const std::string&,const std::string&,const IInterface*);
-      /** Destructor */
-      virtual ~TransportEngine ();
-      /** AlgTool initialize method */
-      virtual StatusCode initialize();
-      /** AlgTool finalize method */
-      virtual StatusCode finalize();
-      /** Creates a new ParticleState from a given ParticleState, universal transport tool */
-      ISF::ISFParticle* process(const ISF::ISFParticle& isp );
-    private:
-      /** handle the return of the extrapolation */
-      ISF::ISFParticle* handleExtrapolationResult(const ISF::ISFParticle& isp,
-                                                  Trk::ExtrapolationCode eCode,
-                                                  const Amg::Vector3D& position,
-                                                  const Amg::Vector3D& momentum,
-						  double stime,
-						  Trk::GeometrySignature geoID);
-      /** templated Tool retrieval - gives unique handling & look and feel */
-      template <class T> StatusCode retrieveTool(ToolHandle<T>& thandle)
-      {
-        if (!thandle.empty() && thandle.retrieve().isFailure()){
-            ATH_MSG_FATAL( "[ fatras setup ] Cannot retrieve " << thandle << ". Abort.");
-            return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-        } else
-            ATH_MSG_DEBUG("[ fatras setup ] Successfully retrieved " << thandle);
-        return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-      }
-      /** prepare the ExtrapolationCell */ 
-      template <class CELL> void configureExtrapolationCell(CELL& cell,
-                                                            Trk::ParticleHypothesis pHypo,
-                                                            double pLimit,
-                                                            double x0Limit,
-                                                            double l0Limit);
-      /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
-       *  Private members
-       *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-      /** Random Generator service  */
-      ServiceHandle<IAtRndmGenSvc>                 m_rndGenSvc;
-      CLHEP::HepRandomEngine*                      m_randomEngine;
-      std::string                                  m_randomEngineName;         //!< Name of the random number stream
-      /** Particle Decay */
-      ToolHandle<IParticleDecayHelper>             m_particleDecayHelper; 
-      /** The SimHit Creation */
-      ToolHandle<ISimHitCreator>                   m_simHitCreatorID;
-      /** The Extrapolator setup */
-      ToolHandle<Trk::IExtrapolationEngine>        m_extrapolationEngine;     
-      /** Filtering setup & other ISF stuff*/
-      ToolHandle<ISF::IParticleFilter>             m_trackFilter;
-      ToolHandle<ISF::IParticleFilter>             m_neutralHadronFilter;
-      ToolHandle<ISF::IParticleFilter>             m_photonFilter;
-      ToolHandle<IProcessSamplingTool>             m_samplingTool;
-      Trk::PdgToParticleHypothesis                 m_pdgToParticleHypothesis;
-      Trk::ParticleMasses                          m_particleMasses;      //!< Struct of Particle masses
-      bool                                         m_validationMode;
-      ToolHandle<IPhysicsValidationTool>           m_validationTool;
-    }; 
-  template <class CELL> void TransportEngine::configureExtrapolationCell(CELL& ecc, 
-                                                                         Trk::ParticleHypothesis pHypo,
-                                                                         double pLimit,
-                                                                         double x0Limit,
-                                                                         double l0Limit)
-    {
-        // if it reaches the boundary - it has to stop there
-        ecc.addConfigurationMode(Trk::ExtrapolationMode::StopAtBoundary);
-        // set the particle hypothesis
-        ecc.setParticleHypothesis(pHypo);
-        // set the path limit - if needed
-        if (pLimit > 0){
-            // for decaying particles, sets the pathLimit how long they can freely travel before decay
-            ecc.addConfigurationMode(Trk::ExtrapolationMode::StopWithPathLimit);
-            ecc.pathLimit = pLimit;
-        }
-        // set the X0 material limit - if needed
-        if (x0Limit > 0){
-            // for neutrals this only applies to photons, set's the material limit until a conversion happens
-            ecc.addConfigurationMode(Trk::ExtrapolationMode::StopWithMaterialLimitL0);
-            ecc.materialLimitX0 = x0Limit;
-        }
-        // set the L0 material limit - if needed
-        if (l0Limit > 0){
-            // for hadrons, sets the material limit until a hadronic interaction happens
-            ecc.addConfigurationMode(Trk::ExtrapolationMode::StopWithMaterialLimitL0);
-            ecc.materialLimitL0 = l0Limit;
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Fatras/ISF_FatrasTools/src/TransportTool.h b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Fatras/ISF_FatrasTools/src/TransportTool.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 8c4f92f2ee228afb4b1665d24205648edcf2e173..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Fatras/ISF_FatrasTools/src/TransportTool.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// TransportTool.h, (c) ATLAS Detector software
-// Athena Base
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ITHistSvc.h"
-#include "AthenaKernel/IAtRndmGenSvc.h"
-#include "TrkExInterfaces/ITimedExtrapolator.h"
-// IFS
-#include "ISF_Interfaces/IParticleProcessor.h"
-// Tracking
-#include "TrkEventPrimitives/PdgToParticleHypothesis.h"
-#include "TrkParameters/TrackParameters.h"
-#include "TrkEventPrimitives/ParticleHypothesis.h"
-// ROOT forward declarations
-class TTree;
-class IIncidentSvc;
-//class AtlasDetectorID;
-namespace ISF {
-    class ISFParticle;
-    class IParticleHelper;
-    class IParticleFilter;
-namespace iFatras 
-  class IParticleDecayHelper;
-  class ISimHitCreator;    
-  class IPhysicsValidationTool;
-  class IProcessSamplingTool;
-  /** @class TransportTool 
-      Fatras AlgTool to create a ISFParticle at a volume entry/exit
-      - universal transport tool
-      @author Sharka Todorova Sarka.Todorova -at- cern.ch
-      @author Andreas.Salzburger -at- cern.ch
-  */  
-  class TransportTool : public extends<AthAlgTool, ISF::IParticleProcessor>
-  {
-  public:
-    /** Constructor */
-    TransportTool(const std::string&,const std::string&,const IInterface*);
-    /** Destructor */
-    virtual ~TransportTool ();
-    /** AlgTool initialize method */
-    virtual StatusCode initialize();
-    /** AlgTool finalize method */
-    virtual StatusCode finalize();
-    /** Creates a new ParticleState from a given ParticleState, universal transport tool */
-    ISF::ISFParticle* process(const ISF::ISFParticle& isp );
-  private:
-     /** templated Tool retrieval - gives unique handling & look and feel */
-     template <class T> StatusCode retrieveTool(ToolHandle<T>& thandle){
-        if (!thandle.empty() && thandle.retrieve().isFailure()){
-              ATH_MSG_FATAL( "[ fatras setup ] Cannot retrieve " << thandle << ". Abort.");
-              return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-          } else
-              ATH_MSG_DEBUG("[ fatras setup ] Successfully retrieved " << thandle);
-              return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-     }
-    /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
-     *  Private members
-     *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-     /** Random Generator service  */
-     ServiceHandle<IAtRndmGenSvc>                 m_rndGenSvc;
-     CLHEP::HepRandomEngine*                             m_randomEngine;
-     std::string                                  m_randomEngineName;         //!< Name of the random number stream
-    /** Validation output with histogram service */
-    bool                                                         m_validationOutput; //!< turn validation mode on/off
-    ToolHandle<IPhysicsValidationTool>                           m_validationTool;   //!< the ntuple
-    /** Particle Decay */
-    ToolHandle<IParticleDecayHelper>    m_particleDecayHelper;
-    /** The SimHit Creation */
-    ToolHandle<ISimHitCreator>          m_simHitCreatorID;
-    ToolHandle<ISimHitCreator>          m_simHitCreatorMS;
-    /** The Extrapolator setup */
-    ToolHandle<Trk::ITimedExtrapolator>      m_extrapolator;          
-    /** Filtering setup & other ISF stuff*/
-    ToolHandle<ISF::IParticleFilter>    m_trackFilter;
-    ToolHandle<ISF::IParticleFilter>    m_neutralHadronFilter;
-    ToolHandle<ISF::IParticleFilter>    m_photonFilter;
-    ToolHandle<ISF::IParticleHelper>    m_iparticleHelper;
-    ToolHandle<IProcessSamplingTool>    m_samplingTool;
-    //const AtlasDetectorID*              m_idHelper;     //*> hit type identification   
-    Trk::PdgToParticleHypothesis        m_pdgToParticleHypothesis;
-    Trk::ParticleMasses                 m_particleMasses;    //!< Struct of Particle masses
-    bool                                m_errorPropagation;    // error propagation for eloss validation
-    bool                                m_hitsOff;             // steering of sim hit production
-  }; 
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Fatras/ISF_FatrasToolsID/src/HitCreatorTRT.h b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Fatras/ISF_FatrasToolsID/src/HitCreatorTRT.h
deleted file mode 100755
index c3e400f6e16c49f81fdae9858cd4fab577d335bc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Fatras/ISF_FatrasToolsID/src/HitCreatorTRT.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// HitCreatorTRT.h, (c) ATLAS Detector software
-// Fatras
-#include "ISF_FatrasInterfaces/IHitCreator.h"
-// Gaudi
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
-#include "AthenaKernel/IAtRndmGenSvc.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/RndmGenerators.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IIncidentListener.h"
-// Trk
-#include "TrkParameters/TrackParameters.h"
-#include "CLHEP/Random/RandomEngine.h"
-// Identifier
-#include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
-// InDetSimEvent
-#include "InDetSimEvent/TRTUncompressedHitCollection.h"
-class ITRT_StrawStatusSummarySvc;
-class ITRT_DriftFunctionTool;
-class TRT_ID;
-class StoreGateSvc;
-namespace Trk {    
-    class ITRT_ElectronPidTool;
-namespace ISF {
-    class ISFParticle;
-namespace iFatras {
-  /** 
-   @class HitCreatorTRT
-   RIOOnTrack creation, starting from intersection on an active surface
-   @author Andreas.Salzburger -at- cern.ch 
-   */
-  class HitCreatorTRT : public extends<AthAlgTool, IHitCreator, IIncidentListener>
-  {
-    public:
-      /**Constructor */
-      HitCreatorTRT(const std::string&,const std::string&,const IInterface*);
-      /**Destructor*/
-      ~HitCreatorTRT();
-      /** AlgTool initailize method.*/
-      StatusCode initialize();
-      /** AlgTool finalize method */
-      StatusCode finalize();
-      /** handle for incident service */
-      void handle(const Incident& inc);
-      /** Return nothing --- record the hit to the SimHitSvc */
-      void createSimHit(const ISF::ISFParticle& isp, const Trk::TrackParameters& , double ) const;
-      /** Return the cluster on Track -- the PrepRawData is contained in this one */       
-      const ParametersROT* createHit(const ISF::ISFParticle&, const Trk::TrackParameters&  ) const { return 0; };
-      /** Return the cluster on Track -- the PrepRawData is contained in this one */       
-      const std::vector< ParametersROT >* createHits(const ISF::ISFParticle&, const ParametersLayer& ) const { return 0; }
-    private:
-      /* Incident Service */  
-      ServiceHandle<IIncidentSvc>         m_incidentSvc;
-      /*  SiHit collection and collection helper */
-      TRTUncompressedHitCollection             *m_hitColl;                  //!< the sim hit collection
-      std::string                               m_collectionName;           //!< name of the collection on storegate
-      /** Pointer to the random number generator service */
-      ServiceHandle<IAtRndmGenSvc>              m_randomSvc;                    //!< Random Svc  
-      std::string                               m_randomEngineName;             //!< Name of the random number stream
-      CLHEP::HepRandomEngine*                   m_randomEngine;                 //!< Random Engine 
-      std::string                               m_trtIdHelperName;              //!< where to find the SCT helper
-      const TRT_ID*                             m_trtIdHelper;                  //!< TRT ID helper 
-      ServiceHandle<ITRT_StrawStatusSummarySvc> m_trtStatusSummarySvc;          //!< Handle to TRT conditions service
-      bool                                      m_useConditionsSvc;
-  };
-} // end of namespace
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Fatras/ISF_FatrasToolsMS/src/SimHitCreatorMS.h b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Fatras/ISF_FatrasToolsMS/src/SimHitCreatorMS.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 79c4a3601da0701c82174d59a5b5f7bb7715d6b2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Fatras/ISF_FatrasToolsMS/src/SimHitCreatorMS.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// SimHitCreatorMS.h, (c) ATLAS Detector software
-// Athena & Gaudi includes
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
-#include "AthenaKernel/IAtRndmGenSvc.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IIncidentListener.h"
-// ISF includes
-#include "ISF_FatrasInterfaces/ISimHitCreator.h"
-//#include "ISF_FatrasInterfaces/IHitCreator.h"
-// Tracking includes
-#include "TrkParameters/TrackParameters.h"
-#include "TrkExInterfaces/ITimedExtrapolator.h"
-// Muon includes
-#include "MuonSimEvent/MDTSimHitCollection.h"
-#include "MuonSimEvent/RPCSimHitCollection.h"
-#include "MuonSimEvent/TGCSimHitCollection.h"
-#include "MuonSimEvent/CSCSimHitCollection.h"
-#include "MuonSimEvent/GenericMuonSimHitCollection.h"
-// Identifier
-#include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
-// Muon
-class MdtHitIdHelper;
-class RpcHitIdHelper;
-class CscHitIdHelper;
-class TgcHitIdHelper;
-class sTgcHitIdHelper;
-class MicromegasHitIdHelper;
-namespace MuonGM {
-  class MuonDetectorManager;
-namespace Muon {
-  class IMuonTGMeasTool;
-  class MuonIdHelperTool;
-namespace Trk {
-  class Layer;
-  class Track;
-  class TrackingGeometry;
-namespace ISF {
-    class ISFParticle;
-struct MM_SimIdToOfflineId;
-struct sTgcSimIdToOfflineId;
-namespace iFatras 
-   class IHitCreator;
-  /** @class SimHitCreatorMS 
-      A dedicated instance for Fatras sim hit creation
-      in the Muon System.
-      @author  Sharka Todorova <Sarka.Todorova@cern.ch>, 
-               Andreas Salzburger <Andreas.Salzburger@cern.ch>
-  */  
-  class SimHitCreatorMS : public extends<AthAlgTool, ISimHitCreator, IIncidentListener>
-    {
-    public:
-      SimHitCreatorMS(const std::string&,const std::string&,const IInterface*);
-       /** default destructor */
-      virtual ~SimHitCreatorMS ();
-       /** standard Athena-Algorithm method */
-      virtual StatusCode initialize();
-       /** standard Athena-Algorithm method */
-      virtual StatusCode finalize  ();
-      /** handle for incident service */
-      void handle(const Incident& inc);    
-       /** Loop over the hits and call the hit creator - also provide the ISF particle to register the barcode */
-      void createHits(const ISF::ISFParticle& isp, 
-                      const std::vector<Trk::HitInfo>& hits) const;
-    private:
-      /** Private HitCreate method - returns bool for a successful hit creation */       
-      bool createHit(const ISF::ISFParticle& isp, const Trk::Layer* , const Trk::TrackParameters*, Identifier, double, double, bool) const;
-      int  offIdToSimId(Identifier id) const;
-      /** Incident Service */  
-      ServiceHandle<IIncidentSvc>          m_incidentSvc;
-      /** Tool using the track creator per event */
-      ToolHandle<Trk::ITimedExtrapolator>       m_extrapolator;
-      /** Muon TrackingGeometry Measurement Tool */
-      ToolHandle<Muon::IMuonTGMeasTool>    m_measTool;
-      /* Hit collections and collection helpers */
-      MDTSimHitCollection                  *m_mdtSimHitCollection;
-      RPCSimHitCollection                  *m_rpcSimHitCollection;
-      TGCSimHitCollection                  *m_tgcSimHitCollection;
-      CSCSimHitCollection                  *m_cscSimHitCollection;
-      GenericMuonSimHitCollection          *m_mmSimHitCollection;
-      GenericMuonSimHitCollection          *m_stgcSimHitCollection;
-      std::string                          m_mdtCollectionName;
-      std::string                          m_rpcCollectionName;
-      std::string                          m_tgcCollectionName;
-      std::string                          m_cscCollectionName;
-      std::string                          m_mmCollectionName;
-      std::string                          m_stgcCollectionName;
-      /** Pointer to the random number generator service */
-      ServiceHandle<IAtRndmGenSvc>         m_randomSvc;                //!< Random Svc  
-      std::string                          m_randomEngineName;         //!< Name of the random number stream
-      CLHEP::HepRandomEngine*              m_randomEngine;             //!< Random Engine 
-      MdtHitIdHelper*                      m_mdtHitIdHelper;
-      RpcHitIdHelper*                      m_rpcHitIdHelper;
-      CscHitIdHelper*                      m_cscHitIdHelper;
-      TgcHitIdHelper*                      m_tgcHitIdHelper;
-      //sTgcHitIdHelper*                     m_sTgcHitIdHelper;
-      //MicromegasHitIdHelper*               m_mmHitIdHelper;
-      MM_SimIdToOfflineId*                 m_mmOffToSimId;
-      sTgcSimIdToOfflineId*                m_stgcOffToSimId;
-      ToolHandle<Muon::MuonIdHelperTool>   m_idHelperTool; //!< Muon ID helper tool
-      const MuonGM::MuonDetectorManager*   m_muonMgr;
-      double                               m_mdtSigmaDriftRadius;
-      mutable std::string                  m_stationName; 
-      bool                                 m_createAllMdtHits;      
-    }; 
-} // end of namespace
diff --git a/Simulation/Tests/SimExoticsTests/doc/packagedoc.h b/Simulation/Tests/SimExoticsTests/doc/packagedoc.h
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index 5ae768d111b9a29bd8a01f01515b2ce9ecde712e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Simulation/Tests/SimExoticsTests/doc/packagedoc.h
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-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
diff --git a/TestBeam/TBRec/src/TBAlgoSequencer.h b/TestBeam/TBRec/src/TBAlgoSequencer.h
deleted file mode 100755
index d21fcdf5dd80e486297b4d152639775d7351839e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/TestBeam/TBRec/src/TBAlgoSequencer.h
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@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-//                                                                           //
-// This algorithm controls event flow and reconstruction and monitoring      //
-// tasks.                                                                    //
-//                                                                           //
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgorithm.h"
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <map>
-class StoreGateSvc;
-class TBAlgoSequencer : public AthAlgorithm
-  typedef std::string             KeyType;
-  typedef std::vector<Algorithm*> AlgoStore;
-  typedef AlgoStore::iterator     AlgoIterator;
- public:
-  TBAlgoSequencer(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
-  ~TBAlgoSequencer();
-  StatusCode initialize();
-  StatusCode execute();
-  StatusCode finalize();
- private:
-  ////////////////
-  // Properties //
-  ////////////////
-  std::vector<std::string> m_subAlgoNames;
-  AlgoStore  m_subAlgos;
-  std::vector<std::string> m_algoNameStore;
-  bool m_timingOn;
-  ////////////////
-  // Statistics //
-  ////////////////
-  unsigned int m_eventPrintFreq;
-  unsigned int m_eventCounter;
-  unsigned int m_rejectCounter;
-  unsigned int m_rejectNoEvent;
-  std::map<std::string,unsigned int> m_rejectPattern;
-  std::map<std::string,unsigned int> m_acceptPattern;
diff --git a/TestBeam/TBRec/src/TBBeamQuality.h b/TestBeam/TBRec/src/TBBeamQuality.h
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index a6ad2f5be1e1a3a034285a88eaaf1c1f6031cf92..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/TestBeam/TBRec/src/TBBeamQuality.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-//#                                                   #
-//# File   : TBBeamQuality.h                          #
-//# Package: TBRec                                    #
-//#                                                   #
-//# Author : Marco Bieri <mbieri@sfu.ca>              #
-//#          based on TBEventStreamer                 #
-//# Last Modified: Nov 18/2004                        #
-/* The TBBeamQuality algorithm takes a particle type as input and returns a success or failurs based on different tests. The different tests are tools which run until a failure occurs. */
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgorithm.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
-class TBBeamQualityTool;
-#include <string>
-#include <map>
-#include <vector>
-class StoreGateSvc;
-class TBBeamQuality : public AthAlgorithm
- public:
-  TBBeamQuality(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pService);
-  virtual ~TBBeamQuality();
-  StatusCode initialize();
-  StatusCode execute();
-  StatusCode finalize();
- protected:
-  /* Properties*/
-  std::vector<std::string> m_bqparticle;  //particles to select
-//  std::vector<std::string> m_bqtoolNames;
-  ToolHandleArray<TBBeamQualityTool> m_bqtools;
-  // output maps
-  std::map<ToolHandle<TBBeamQualityTool>, unsigned int> m_bqacceptCounter;
-  std::map<ToolHandle<TBBeamQualityTool>, unsigned int> m_bqrejectCounter;
-  std::map<ToolHandle<TBBeamQualityTool>, unsigned int> m_bqtotalCounter;
diff --git a/TestBeam/TBRec/src/TBEventStreamer.h b/TestBeam/TBRec/src/TBEventStreamer.h
deleted file mode 100755
index be8ceb9729146ca1d6c73db29e8734464a2f618a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/TestBeam/TBRec/src/TBEventStreamer.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-/*! \brief event streamer algorithm
- *
- * The \c TBEventStreamer algorithm invokes a sequence of \c TBEventStreamer 
- * tools. This sequence is interrupted if a tool returns 
- * \c StatusCode::FAILURE. The algorithm keeps scores of success and failures.
- */
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgorithm.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <map>
-class TBEventStreamerTool;
-class StoreGateSvc;
-class TBEventStreamer : public AthAlgorithm
- public:
-  /*! \brief Algorithm constructor */
-  TBEventStreamer(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pService);
-  virtual ~TBEventStreamer();
-  virtual StatusCode initialize();
-  virtual StatusCode execute();
-  virtual StatusCode finalize();
- protected:
-//  std::vector<std::string> m_toolNames;
-//  std::vector<TBEventStreamerTool*> m_tools;
-  ToolHandleArray<TBEventStreamerTool> m_tools;
-  std::map<ToolHandle<TBEventStreamerTool>, unsigned int> m_acceptCounter;
-  std::map<ToolHandle<TBEventStreamerTool>, unsigned int> m_rejectCounter;
-  std::map<ToolHandle<TBEventStreamerTool>, unsigned int> m_invokeCounter;
diff --git a/TestBeam/TBRec/src/TBEventStreamerTool.h b/TestBeam/TBRec/src/TBEventStreamerTool.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 773b33ef1f16e7176f4e8a680ba20b978069caec..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/TestBeam/TBRec/src/TBEventStreamerTool.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
-#include <string>
-class StoreGateSvc;
-static const InterfaceID IID_TBEventStreamerTool("TBEventStreamerTool", 1 , 0);
-class TBEventStreamerTool : public AthAlgTool
- public:
-  TBEventStreamerTool(const std::string& name, const std::string& type,
-		      const IInterface* parent);
-  virtual ~TBEventStreamerTool();
-  virtual StatusCode accept() = 0;
-  virtual StatusCode reject();
-  virtual StatusCode initialize();
-  virtual StatusCode initializeTool();
-  static const InterfaceID& interfaceID() { return IID_TBEventStreamerTool;}
diff --git a/TestBeam/TBRec/src/TBMWPCRec.h b/TestBeam/TBRec/src/TBMWPCRec.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 537222981c1e114d726de8cd1075d7b5c1fff090..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/TestBeam/TBRec/src/TBMWPCRec.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-//                                                                           //
-// MWPC Reconstruction algorithm. Based on code for 2002 TestBeam            //
-// (see LArCnv/LArHECTBCnv/hectb/Alg_mwpc.cxx)                               //
-//  author : Pierre-Antoine Delsart                                          //
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgorithm.h"
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "TBEvent/TBMWPCCont.h"
-#include "TBEvent/TBMWPCRawCont.h"
-class StoreGateSvc;
-class TBMWPCRec : public AthAlgorithm
- public:
-  TBMWPCRec(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
-  ~TBMWPCRec();
-  StatusCode initialize();
-  StatusCode execute();
-  StatusCode finalize();
- private:
-  ////////////////
-  // Properties //
-  ////////////////
-  std::string m_SGkey,m_SGrecordkey;
-  //////////////////
-  // Calib consts //
-  //////////////////  
-  std::string m_mwpc_names[8];
-  std::vector<float> m_mwpc_wirestep;
-  std::vector<float> m_mwpc_halfsize;
-  std::vector<int> m_mwpc_invX;
-  std::vector<int> m_mwpc_invY;
diff --git a/TestBeam/TBRec/src/TBPhaseRec.h b/TestBeam/TBRec/src/TBPhaseRec.h
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index 3a8c2b746128d134d09e9a45d36e14fc71327914..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/TestBeam/TBRec/src/TBPhaseRec.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-/*! \brief reconstruction of a suitable event phase
- *
- * \author Michel Lefebvre <lefebvre@uvic.ca>
- * \date August 13, 2004
- *  
- * June 30, 2004 - implementation based on a first draft from Marco Delmastro
- */  
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgorithm.h"
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-class StoreGateSvc;
-class TBPhaseRec : public AthAlgorithm
- public:
-  TBPhaseRec(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
-  ~TBPhaseRec();
-  StatusCode initialize();
-  StatusCode execute();
-  StatusCode finalize();
-  StatusCode getnewcalib();
-  static const int unknown = -99999 ;
- private:
-  ////////////////
-  // Properties //
-  ////////////////
-  std::vector<std::string> m_tdcNames ;   // the TDC(s) with phase information
-  std::vector<float> m_tdcToTime;         // per TDC
-  std::vector<float> m_tdcwac;            // wrap around constants
-  std::vector<float> m_tdcMin;            // used only for choosing the best TDC if necessary
-  float m_delta;                          // ttc clock period
-  int m_timeBins;                         // number of time bins in a ttc period
-  std::string m_TBPhaseKey;               // key of the TBPhase object that TBPhaseRec tries to create
-  bool m_neverReturnFailure;              // controls when StatusCode::FAILURE can be issued in execute()
-  std::string m_calib_filename;
-  unsigned int m_runnumber;
-  float m_guardValue;                     // guard region cut
-  ///////////////////////////////
-  // member data and functions //
-  ///////////////////////////////
-  int m_nTDC ;
-  std::vector<int> m_tdcRaw;
-  std::vector<float> m_phaseReco;
-  float computePhase(int tdcIndex);
diff --git a/TestBeam/TBRec/src/TBTree_CaloClusterH6.h b/TestBeam/TBRec/src/TBTree_CaloClusterH6.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a132b01ceb1a4258bc2a6e126cd541c12da7f093..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/TestBeam/TBRec/src/TBTree_CaloClusterH6.h
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@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// TBTree_CaloClusterH6:
-// Make ROOT TTree for CaloClusters for H6 CBT
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgorithm.h"
-#include <TRandom.h>
-class StoreGateSvc;
-class TFile;
-class TTree;
-class CaloCell_ID;
-class CaloDetDescrManager;
-class CaloCluster;
-class IToolSvc;
-class ICaloNoiseTool;
-class LArDigitContainer;
-class ILArPedestal;
-class ILArADC2MeVTool;
-class LArCablingService;
-class TBTree_CaloClusterH6: public AthAlgorithm {
- public:    
-  TBTree_CaloClusterH6(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
-  virtual ~TBTree_CaloClusterH6();
-  StatusCode initialize();
-  StatusCode execute();
-  StatusCode finalize();
- private: 
-  void clear();
-  /** Get Xcryo and Ytable from a text file */
-  StatusCode getXcryoYtable(float &x, float &y, float &eBeam);
-  StatusCode getNoise(CaloCluster const * const cluster);
-  std::string m_suffix;
-  int m_nEvent;                     // counter
-  int m_nEventRejected;             // counter
-  int m_nEventAccepted;             // counter
-  int m_nEventRandomTrigger;        // counter
-  bool m_addNoise;
-  bool m_addMoments;
-  bool m_addGain;
-  bool m_addTime;
-  bool m_addQuality;
-  bool m_addBeamTrack;
-  bool m_addWTC;
-  bool m_useEMTBCluster;
-  bool m_first;             // First event flag
-  // Run header
-  int m_nRun;               /** Run number */
-  float m_beamMom;          /** Beam momentum */
-  float m_xCryo;            /** CryoX */
-  float m_yTable;           /** TableY */
-  float m_zCalo;            /** z-coordinate of the calorimeter surface
-                                at which beam coordinates calculated */
-  // Variables to be in the TTree
-  //--------------------------
-  // Event type
-  unsigned short m_evType;
-  // Parameters of the sum of clusters (TB particle)
-  float m_eTotal;
-  float m_etaTotal;
-  float m_phiTotal;
-  float m_eEME2;
-  float m_eEME3;
-  float m_eHEC0;
-  float m_eHEC1;
-  float m_eHEC2;
-  float m_eFCAL0;
-  float m_eFCAL1;
-  float m_eFCAL2;
-  // Claster parameters
-  int m_nClusters;
-  std::vector<int>* m_nCellCluster;
-  std::vector<float>* m_eCluster;
-  std::vector<float>* m_etaCluster; 
-  std::vector<float>* m_phiCluster; 
-  // Cluster moments
-  std::vector<float>* m_m1_eta;
-  std::vector<float>* m_m1_phi;
-  std::vector<float>* m_m2_r;
-  std::vector<float>* m_m2_lambda;
-  std::vector<float>* m_delta_phi;
-  std::vector<float>* m_delta_theta;
-  std::vector<float>* m_delta_alpha;
-  std::vector<float>* m_center_x;
-  std::vector<float>* m_center_y;
-  std::vector<float>* m_center_z;
-  std::vector<float>* m_center_lambda;
-  std::vector<float>* m_lateral;
-  std::vector<float>* m_longitudinal;
-  std::vector<float>* m_eng_frac_em;
-  std::vector<float>* m_eng_frac_max;
-  std::vector<float>* m_eng_frac_core;
-  std::vector<float>* m_m1_dens;
-  std::vector<float>* m_m2_dens;
-  // Cell parameters
-  int m_nCells;
-  std::vector<int>* m_cell_id;
-  std::vector<int>* m_cell_ind_cluster;
-  std::vector<float>* m_cell_energy;
-  std::vector<float>* m_cell_noise;
-  std::vector<int>* m_cell_gain;
-  std::vector<float>* m_cell_time;
-  std::vector<float>* m_cell_quality;
-  // Beam track parameters
-  float m_beam_coor_x;
-  float m_beam_coor_y;
-  float m_beam_chi2_x;
-  float m_beam_chi2_y;
-  float m_beam_intercept_x;
-  float m_beam_intercept_y;
-  float m_beam_slope_x;
-  float m_beam_slope_y;
-  // Warm TailCatcher data: one word per layer (6 layers at all)
-  std::vector<short>* m_wtcNOverflow;
-  std::vector<float>* m_wtcSignal;
-  // Names and pointers
-  std::string m_digitContainerName;
-  std::string m_caloCellContainerName;    // Cell container name
-  std::string m_clusterContainerName;     // Cluster container
-  std::string m_WTCContainerName;         // Warm TailCatcher
-  std::string m_noiseToolName;            // Noise tool name
-  std::string m_OFNoiseSuppToolName;      // Noise tool name for OFNoiseSupp
-  std::string m_TBTreeName;               // TBTree name
-  std::string m_rootfile_name;            // name of the ROOT file with TBTree
-  TFile* m_rootfile;                      // and its pointer
-  TTree* m_tree;                          // TBTree pointer
-  const CaloCell_ID* m_calo_id;
-  const CaloDetDescrManager* m_calo_dd_man; 
-  ICaloNoiseTool* m_noiseTool;
-  ICaloNoiseTool* m_OFNoiseSupp;
-  const ILArADC2MeVTool* m_adc2mevTool;
-  LArCablingService* m_larCablingSvc;
-  /** Text file containing xCryo and yTable */
-  std::string m_txtFileWithXY;
-  // Random generator
-  TRandom m_rndm;
diff --git a/TestBeam/TBRec/src/TBXMLWriter.h b/TestBeam/TBRec/src/TBXMLWriter.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 0ca2f0560c5e135d0f85d9dc0fb3bc90982e3dfe..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/TestBeam/TBRec/src/TBXMLWriter.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-/// \brief XML writer algorithm for 2004 event display
-/// The TBXMLWriter is an algorithm invoking writer tools and providing the
-/// general frame for an event XML file.
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgorithm.h"
-class StoreGateSvc;
-class TBXMLWriterToolBase;
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <map>
-class TBXMLWriter : public AthAlgorithm
- public:
-  /////////////////////////////////
-  // Constructors and Destructor //
-  /////////////////////////////////
-  /// \brief Algorithm constructor
-  TBXMLWriter(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
-  virtual ~TBXMLWriter();
-  ///////////////////////
-  // Algorithm Methods //
-  ///////////////////////
-  virtual StatusCode initialize();
-  virtual StatusCode execute();
-  virtual StatusCode finalize();
-  // tool support
-  const std::string&  getFileDir() const { return m_topDirectory; }
-  unsigned int getRunNumber()      const { return m_runNumber;    }
-  unsigned int getEventNumber()    const { return m_eventNumber;  }
-  bool handleBeginRun()            const { return m_beginRun;     }
- private: 
-  ////////////////
-  // Properties //
-  ////////////////
-  unsigned int m_outputFrequency;
-  unsigned int m_eventCounter;
-  std::vector<std::string> m_writerToolNames;
-  std::string m_topDirectory;
-  std::vector<TBXMLWriterToolBase*> m_writerTools;
-  ////////////
-  // Stores //
-  ////////////
-  std::map<std::string,unsigned int> m_toolAccept;
-  std::map<std::string,unsigned int> m_toolReject;
-  std::map<std::string,unsigned int> m_toolInvoke;
-  bool         m_beginRun;
-  unsigned int m_runNumber;
-  unsigned int m_eventNumber;
-  ///////////////
-  // Functions //
-  ///////////////
diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileGeoModel/src/TileGeoCutBuilder.h b/TileCalorimeter/TileGeoModel/src/TileGeoCutBuilder.h
deleted file mode 100755
index c98c9bc910370180bab310f23f4c5622d99c8f1c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/TileCalorimeter/TileGeoModel/src/TileGeoCutBuilder.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
- * @file TileGeoCutBuilder.h
- *
- * @brief Definition of TileGeoSectionBuioder class
- *
- * @author Sergey Baranov
- *
- */
-#include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
-#include "GeoModelInterfaces/StoredMaterialManager.h"
-class MsgStream;
-class GeoPhysVol;
-class TileDddbManager;
-class TileDetDescriptor;
-class TileDetDescrManager;
-class TileGeoCutBuilder   
- public:
-  /** Constructor */
-  TileGeoCutBuilder(DataHandle<StoredMaterialManager> & matManager,
-                    TileDddbManager* pDbManager,
-                    MsgStream * log);
-  /** Destructor */
-  ~TileGeoCutBuilder();
-  /** Section parameters are the following:
-      @param sec_number Number of sector
-      @param tile_rmax  Maximal radius 
-      @param rminb      Minimal radius 
-      @param dzglue     Glue gap along dZ
-      @param delta_phi  Delta Phi
-      @param zlen_itc2  Length for ITC2 only
-  */
-  void MakeCut(GeoPhysVol*&             mother,
-               int                      number);
-  void checking(std::string VolumeName, bool print, int level,
-                double X1, double X2, double Y1, double Y2, double Z); 
- private:
-  //DataHandle<StoredMaterialManager>     theMaterialManager;
-  MsgStream *                           m_log;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAnalysis/TrigAnalysisExamples/src/apps/TrigAnalysisExApp.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAnalysis/TrigAnalysisExamples/src/apps/TrigAnalysisExApp.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 2faa81ae7f231336426910e8168a0ed35af268c1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Trigger/TrigAnalysis/TrigAnalysisExamples/src/apps/TrigAnalysisExApp.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
- * TrigAnalysisApp.cxx
- * 2016 Ryan Mackenzie White <ryan.white@cern.ch>
- * Simple TEvent application for trigger analysis
- * Original implementation provided by W. Buttinger
- */
-#include "AthAnalysisBaseComps/AthAnalysisHelper.h" //tool creation and configuration
-#include "POOLRootAccess/TEvent.h" //event looping
-#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h" //for better working with tools
-#include "TrigDecisionTool/TrigDecisionTool.h"
-//ROOT includes
-#include "TString.h"
-#include "TSystem.h"
-#include <iostream>
-int main() {
-    IAppMgrUI* app = POOL::Init("POOLRootAccess/basic.opts"); //important to do this first, for MessageSvc to exist properly
-    // Open the input file:
-    TString fileName = "/afs/cern.ch/atlas/project/PAT/xAODs/r8565/valid2.410000.PowhegPythiaEvtGen_P2012_ttbar_hdamp172p5_nonallhad.recon.AOD.e4993_s2887_r8565/AOD.09534072._000257.pool.root.1";
-    ToolHandle<Trig::TrigDecisionTool> tdt("Trig::TrigDecisionTool/TrigDecisionTool");
-    //only need to set this property if using a FULL offline release (not analysis release)
-    std::vector<std::string> EDMLibraries = { "TrigSteeringEvent", "TrigMuonEvent",
-                      "TrigBphysicsEvent", "TrigCaloEvent",
-                      "TrigInDetEvent",
-                      "TrigParticle",      "TrigMissingEtEvent",
-                      "TrigDecisionEvent", "TrigMonitoringEvent",
-              "TrigTopoEvent" , "TrigCombinedEvent",
-                  "TrigMonitoringEventTPCnv",   "RecTPCnv",
-                      "TrigCaloEventTPCnv",
-                      "TrigDecisionEventTPCnv",     "TrigInDetEventTPCnv",
-                      "TrigMissingEtEventTPCnv",    "TrigMuonEventTPCnv",
-                      "TrigParticleTPCnv",          "TrigSteeringEventTPCnv",
-              "TrigTopoEventTPCnv",         "TrigCombinedEventTPCnv",
-              "tauEventTPCnvDict",          "RecTPCnvDict",
-              "TrigMonitoringEventTPCnvDict",
-              "OLD_RecTPCnvDict",
-                      "TrigCosmicEvent",
-                      "xAODCaloEvent", "xAODEgamma", "xAODTracking", "xAODMuon", "xAODTau", "xAODJet",
-                      "xAODTrigBphys", "xAODTrigMissingET", "xAODTrigEgamma", "xAODTrigMuon", "xAODTrigCalo",
-                      "xAODTrigMinBias", "xAODBTagging", "xAODTrigRinger",
-              "xAODHIEvent",
-                      "xAODCaloEventDict", "xAODEgammaDict", "xAODTrackingDict", "xAODMuonDict", "xAODTauDict", "xAODJetDict",
-                      "xAODTrigBphysDict", "xAODTrigMissingETDict", "xAODTrigEgammaDict", "xAODTrigMuonDict", "xAODTrigCaloDict",
-                      "xAODTrigMinBiasDict", "xAODBTaggingDict",
-                                                 "xAODHIEventDict"};
-    AAH::setProperty(tdt,"Navigation.Dlls",EDMLibraries);
-    POOL::TEvent::EReadMode mode = POOL::TEvent::kPOOLAccess; //use POOL mode for full offline release
-    POOL::TEvent::EReadMode mode = POOL::TEvent::kClassAccess; //use fast xAODRootAccess mode in analysis release
-    //loop over input file with POOL
-    POOL::TEvent evt(mode);
-    evt.readFrom( fileName );
-    evt.getEntry(0);
-    tdt.retrieve();
-    for(int i=0;i < 10 /*evt.getEntries()*/; i++) {
-        if( evt.getEntry(i) < 0) { std::cout << "Failed to read event " << i << std::endl; continue; }
-        std::cout << "HLT_.* decision = " << tdt->isPassed("HLT_.*") << std::endl;
-        auto cg = tdt->getChainGroup("HLT_.*");
-        //this only works in FULL offline release
-        auto feat = cg->features();
-        std::vector<Trig::Feature<xAOD::TrigMissingET> > metfeats = feat.elementFeature<xAOD::TrigMissingETContainer>();
-        std::cout << "found " << metfeats.size() << " met features" << std::endl;
-        for(auto& feat : metfeats) {
-            std::cout << "feature pointing to " << feat.cptr() << " ex: " << feat.cptr()->ex() << " ey:" << feat.cptr()->ey() << std::endl;
-        }
-        const std::string eltrigger="HLT_2e17_lhvloose_nod0";
-        std::cout << eltrigger << " passed: " << tdt->isPassed( eltrigger ) << std::endl;
-        // Features can be retrieved even when trigger fails
-        // The following condition returns the features for all TriggerElements, irregardless whether they are deactivated (i.e., the hypo fails)
-        auto fcel = tdt->features( eltrigger, TrigDefs::alsoDeactivateTEs );
-        //Retrieve the RoI descriptors for electron trigger
-        std::vector< Trig::Feature<TrigRoiDescriptor> > rois = fcel.elementFeature<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection>("initialRoI");
-        std::cout << "found " << rois.size() << " roi features" << std::endl;
-        for(auto& roi : rois) {
-            std::cout << "feature pointing to " << roi.cptr() << " eta: " << roi.cptr()->eta() << " phi:" << roi.cptr()->phi() << std::endl;
-        }
-        // Retrieve a vector of Trigger Element (TE) features, i.e. collect all the TEs that contain ElectronContainers
-        std::vector<Trig::Feature<xAOD::ElectronContainer> > vec = fcel.containerFeature<xAOD::ElectronContainer>("egamma_Electrons");
-        std::cout << "Electron trigger has " << vec.size() << " electron features " << std::endl;
-        for( const Trig::Feature<xAOD::ElectronContainer> feat : vec ) {
-            // With a TE, retrieve ancestors and activeState (did the hypo pass/fail?)
-            // Which step is active?
-            const xAOD::ElectronContainer *cont=feat.cptr();
-            for(const xAOD::Electron *e : *cont){
-                if(!e) 
-                    continue;
-                // Check whether the electron was selected by the hypothesis
-                std::cout << " eta: " << e->eta() << " phi: " << e->phi() << "et: " << e->e()/cosh(e->eta()) << std::endl;
-            }
-            std::cout << " L2Calo Active " <<  (tdt->ancestor<xAOD::TrigEMCluster>(feat.te(),"")).te()->getActiveState()  
-                    << " L2Electron Active " <<(tdt->ancestor<xAOD::TrigElectronContainer>(feat.te(),"")).te()->getActiveState()  
-                    << " EFCalo Active " << (tdt->ancestor<xAOD::CaloClusterContainer>(feat.te(),"")).te()->getActiveState() << std::endl; 
-        }
-        // Retrieve featues from L2 step
-        std::vector<Trig::Feature<xAOD::TrigElectronContainer> > vecl2 = fcel.containerFeature<xAOD::TrigElectronContainer>();
-        std::cout << "Electron trigger has " << vecl2.size() << " trig electron features " << std::endl;
-        for( const Trig::Feature<xAOD::TrigElectronContainer> feat : vecl2 ) {
-            // With a TE, retrieve ancestors and activeState (did the hypo pass/fail?)
-            // Which step is active?
-            const xAOD::TrigElectronContainer *cont=feat.cptr();
-            for(const xAOD::TrigElectron *e : *cont){
-                if(!e) 
-                    continue;
-                // Check whether the electron was selected by the hypothesis
-                std::cout << " eta: " << e->eta() << " phi: " << e->phi() << "e: " << e->e() << std::endl;
-            }
-            std::cout << " L2Calo Active " <<  (tdt->ancestor<xAOD::TrigEMCluster>(feat.te(),"")).te()->getActiveState() << std::endl;  
-        }
-        // Can also look at the combinations of the two rois 
-        std::cout << eltrigger << " has " << fcel.getCombinations().size() << " combinations, " 
-            << fcel.containerFeature<xAOD::ElectronContainer>().size() << " Electron features, " << std::endl;
-        for( const Trig::Combination comb : fcel.getCombinations()){ 
-            std::vector< Trig::Feature <xAOD::ElectronContainer> > elfeats = comb.containerFeature<xAOD::ElectronContainer>();
-            std::cout << "Combination has " << elfeats.size() << " Electron features " << std::endl;
-        }
-    }
-    app->finalize(); //optional trigger finalization of all services and tools created by the Gaudi Application
-    return 0;
diff --git a/docs/images/BeamPipe.gif b/docs/images/BeamPipe.gif
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index 018b18fdc96070a0c14f0a4e8ce7033732db5ac8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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index 83ce40540de2f44c169b532c43dc3e67dcbdd1e5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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index 2cf073c76221cd9707d231e3d206ee7e31a7b675..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/docs/images/CoolDozer.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/docs/images/CuboidVolumeBounds_decomp.gif b/docs/images/CuboidVolumeBounds_decomp.gif
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diff --git a/docs/images/DiscBounds.gif b/docs/images/DiscBounds.gif
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index 95904a97a6372e19e1380e58a560a27b2fbbe8dc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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diff --git a/docs/images/DoubleTrapezoidVolumeBounds_decom.gif b/docs/images/DoubleTrapezoidVolumeBounds_decom.gif
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index 0e8ddaac784cb1178e567fb0ce93ec19a3a157c7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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index 2473c33975c66304dd97e13bb0372dbd80d7a763..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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index cf1895acd6565067ba8e63aa0cdfa310ccfd3afb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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Binary files a/docs/images/ISCT_ConditionsSvc.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/docs/images/KalmanFilterStep.png b/docs/images/KalmanFilterStep.png
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index 291992195271dbb9d590c718b460240c2f51943a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/docs/images/KalmanFilterStep.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/docs/images/KalmanFitter_logic.fig b/docs/images/KalmanFitter_logic.fig
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--- a/docs/images/KalmanFitter_logic.fig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-#FIG 3.2
-1200 2
-2 2 0 3 0 31 50 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
-	 1050 750 3150 750 3150 1650 1050 1650 1050 750
-2 2 0 3 0 7 50 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
-	 4050 2850 6300 2850 6300 3750 4050 3750 4050 2850
-2 2 0 3 0 7 50 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
-	 4050 5550 6300 5550 6300 6450 4050 6450 4050 5550
-2 2 0 3 0 7 50 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
-	 4050 4200 6300 4200 6300 5100 4050 5100 4050 4200
-2 1 0 2 0 7 45 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
-	1 0 2.00 180.00 240.00
-	 2100 2400 2100 1650
-2 1 0 3 0 7 45 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
-	1 1 5.00 150.00 150.00
-	 3000 3300 4200 3300
-2 1 0 3 0 7 45 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
-	1 1 5.00 150.00 150.00
-	 3000 4650 4200 4650
-2 1 0 3 0 7 45 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
-	1 1 5.00 150.00 150.00
-	 3000 6000 4200 6000
-2 1 0 3 0 7 45 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
-	1 1 5.00 150.00 150.00
-	 6150 3525 10125 5925
-2 1 0 3 0 7 45 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
-	1 1 5.00 150.00 150.00
-	 6150 4575 8775 4575
-2 1 0 3 0 7 45 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
-	1 1 5.00 150.00 150.00
-	 6150 3000 7125 2700
-2 1 0 3 0 7 45 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 1 0 3
-	1 1 5.00 150.00 150.00
-	 6150 3225 7950 4200 8775 4200
-2 1 0 3 0 7 45 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 1 0 3
-	1 1 5.00 150.00 150.00
-	 6150 4875 9000 6300 10125 6300
-2 2 0 3 0 7 50 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
-	 1050 2400 3150 2400 3150 7350 1050 7350 1050 2400
-2 2 0 3 0 7 50 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
-	 6975 2250 9225 2250 9225 3150 6975 3150 6975 2250
-2 2 0 3 0 7 50 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
-	 8625 3900 10875 3900 10875 4800 8625 4800 8625 3900
-2 1 0 2 0 7 45 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
-	1 0 2.00 180.00 240.00
-	 9750 3900 9750 1650
-2 2 0 2 0 31 50 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
-	 6675 675 8475 675 8475 1650 6675 1650 6675 675
-2 2 1 2 0 7 45 0 -1 6.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
-	 6675 1950 12600 1950 12600 7350 6675 7350 6675 1950
-2 2 0 2 0 31 50 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
-	 10875 675 12675 675 12675 1650 10875 1650 10875 675
-2 2 0 2 0 31 50 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
-	 8850 675 10575 675 10575 1650 8850 1650 8850 675
-2 1 0 2 0 7 45 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
-	1 0 2.00 180.00 240.00
-	 11550 5625 11550 1650
-2 1 0 2 0 7 45 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
-	1 0 2.00 180.00 240.00
-	 7800 2250 7800 1650
-2 2 0 3 0 7 50 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
-	 10050 5625 12300 5625 12300 6525 10050 6525 10050 5625
-2 1 0 3 0 7 45 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 1 0 6
-	1 1 5.00 150.00 150.00
-	 3000 6900 3600 6900 3600 7725 600 7725 600 2700 1200 2700
-4 0 0 50 0 0 20 0.0000 4 255 1680 1275 3750 (all interfaces)\001
-4 0 0 50 0 16 20 0.0000 4 210 1635 1250 3150 KalmanFitter\001
-4 0 0 50 0 16 20 0.0000 4 270 1530 4350 6300 OutlierLogic\001
-4 0 0 50 0 16 20 0.0000 4 210 1635 4350 3600 KalmanFitter\001
-4 0 0 50 0 16 20 0.0000 4 210 975 4575 5925 Kalman\001
-4 0 0 50 0 16 20 0.0000 4 210 975 4575 4575 Kalman\001
-4 0 0 50 0 16 20 0.0000 4 210 1245 4575 4950 Smoother\001
-4 0 0 50 0 16 20 0.0000 4 210 1065 4650 3225 Forward\001
-4 0 0 50 0 16 20 0.0000 4 270 1305 1500 8025 (recursive)\001
-4 0 0 50 0 0 20 0.0000 4 195 1980 1125 1275 Trk::ITrackFitter\001
-4 0 0 50 0 16 20 0.0000 4 270 1695 10800 7200 tracking tools\001
-4 0 0 50 0 16 20 0.0000 4 210 1005 9675 7200 external\001
-4 0 0 50 0 16 20 0.0000 4 270 1785 7200 2625 RIO_OnTrack\001
-4 0 0 50 0 16 20 0.0000 4 210 960 7575 3000 Creator\001
-4 0 0 50 0 16 20 0.0000 4 270 1590 8925 4425 Extrapolator\001
-4 0 0 50 0 0 20 0.0000 4 255 1605 10950 1500 Trk::IUpdator\001
-4 0 0 50 0 0 20 0.0000 4 255 1650 6750 1050 Trk::IRIO_On\001
-4 0 0 50 0 0 20 0.0000 4 195 1560 6750 1425 TrackCreator\001
-4 0 0 50 0 0 20 0.0000 4 255 1545 8925 1425 IExtrapolator\001
-4 0 0 50 0 0 20 0.0000 4 195 570 8925 1050 Trk::\001
-4 0 0 50 0 1 18 0.0000 4 255 2055 3750 7425 if outlier logic fails\001
-4 0 0 50 0 1 18 0.0000 4 120 495 3300 3150 uses\001
-4 0 0 50 0 16 20 0.0000 4 270 2025 10125 6150 KalmanUpdator\001
-4 0 0 50 0 1 18 0.0000 4 120 495 3300 4500 uses\001
-4 0 0 50 0 1 18 0.0000 4 120 495 3300 5850 uses\001
-4 0 0 50 0 1 18 0.0000 4 120 495 6750 4950 uses\001
-4 0 0 50 0 1 18 0.0000 4 120 495 6750 3450 uses\001
diff --git a/docs/images/KalmanFitter_logic.png b/docs/images/KalmanFitter_logic.png
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index e3c0eafb641ffc24cab3bb350a88e3408323dc23..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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diff --git a/docs/images/KalmanPicture.png b/docs/images/KalmanPicture.png
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index c73bd98486051ffe6b40a48c40f6b77795dee1b0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/docs/images/KalmanPicture.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/docs/images/LayerR_Ring1.gif b/docs/images/LayerR_Ring1.gif
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