From aa62fef83ec2a79c0305479ee62bf6b9698c66ed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Frank Winklmeier <>
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2019 08:43:05 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Revert "Merge branch 'remove_old_calo' into 'master'"

This reverts merge request !21910
 .../TrigT2CaloCosmic/CMakeLists.txt           |   33 +
 .../TrigT2CaloCosmic/CosmicHadEnFex.h         |   47 +
 .../TrigT2CaloCosmic/CosmicSamp2Fex.h         |   73 +
 .../TrigT2CaloCosmic/T2CaloCosmic.h           |   77 +
 .../python/          |   91 +
 .../TrigT2CaloCosmic/python/       |    6 +
 .../TrigT2CaloCosmic/src/CosmicHadEnFex.cxx   |  181 ++
 .../TrigT2CaloCosmic/src/CosmicSamp2Fex.cxx   |  184 ++
 .../TrigT2CaloCosmic/src/T2CaloCosmic.cxx     |  270 +++
 .../components/TrigT2CaloCosmic_entries.cxx   |   16 +
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/CMakeLists.txt              |   57 +
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/EtaPhiSampleHash.h          |   69 +
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/GridsHandler.h              |   42 +
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/HashedTrig3Momentum.h       |   39 +
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/T2AllRoiUnpacking.h         |  233 +++
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloFastJet.h             |  148 ++
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJet.h   |   97 ++
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetBaseTool.h         |   58 +
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetCalibTool.h        |   77 +
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetConeTool.h         |   77 +
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetGridFromCells.h    |  118 ++
 .../T2CaloJetGridFromFEBHeader.h              |   87 +
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetGridFromLvl1Ppr.h  |   46 +
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloFullScanJet.h       |   95 +
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloJet.h |   82 +
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloJetCalibTool.h      |   68 +
 .../T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool.h             |   54 +
 .../T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool.h          |  128 ++
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1Tools.h   |  136 ++
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1ToolsDict.h             |   10 +
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1TowerCalibTool.h        |   69 +
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1Unpacking.h             |  116 ++
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/Trig3MomentumMerger.h       |   33 +
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/selection.xml |    3 +
 .../python/           |  126 ++
 .../python/             | 1541 +++++++++++++++++
 .../python/         |  630 +++++++
 .../share/       |  139 ++
 .../   |  181 ++
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/src/EtaPhiSampleHash.cxx    |   84 +
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/src/GridsHandler.cxx        |   72 +
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/src/HashedTrig3Momentum.cxx |   55 +
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2AllRoiUnpacking.cxx   |  496 ++++++
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloFastJet.cxx       |  824 +++++++++
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloJet.cxx           |  491 ++++++
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloJetBaseTool.cxx   |   61 +
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloJetCalibTool.cxx  |  422 +++++
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloJetConeTool.cxx   |  352 ++++
 .../src/T2CaloJetGridFromCells.cxx            |  443 +++++
 .../src/T2CaloJetGridFromFEBHeader.cxx        |  381 ++++
 .../src/T2CaloJetGridFromLvl1Ppr.cxx          |   92 +
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2L1CaloFullScanJet.cxx |  322 ++++
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2L1CaloJet.cxx         |  371 ++++
 .../src/T2L1CaloJetCalibTool.cxx              |  236 +++
 .../src/T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool.cxx       |   57 +
 .../src/T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool.cxx    |  568 ++++++
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2L1TowerCalibTool.cxx  |  255 +++
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2L1Unpacking.cxx       |  649 +++++++
 .../TrigT2CaloJet/src/Trig3MomentumMerger.cxx |  140 ++
 .../src/components/TrigT2CaloJet_entries.cxx  |   35 +
 .../TrigT2CaloTau/CMakeLists.txt              |   42 +
 .../TrigT2CaloTau/T2CalibrationTau.h          |   52 +
 .../TrigT2CaloTau/TrigT2CaloTau/T2CaloTau.h   |  144 ++
 .../TrigT2CaloTau/T2CaloTauErrorHandler.h     |   25 +
 .../TrigT2CaloTau/T2CaloTauErrorMon.h         |   53 +
 .../TrigT2CaloTau/TauAllCaloDRFex.h           |   90 +
 .../TrigT2CaloTau/doc/packagedoc.h            |   21 +
 .../python/             |  104 ++
 .../python/         |  109 ++
 .../TrigT2CaloTau/src/T2CaloTau.cxx           |  663 +++++++
 .../TrigT2CaloTau/src/TauAllCaloDRFex.cxx     | 1186 +++++++++++++
 .../src/components/TrigT2CaloTau_entries.cxx  |    7 +
 .../TrigT2CaloTileMon/CMakeLists.txt          |   36 +
 .../TrigT2CaloTileMon/T2CaloTileMon.h         |   76 +
 .../TrigT2CaloTileMon/TileMonHadEnFex.h       |   80 +
 .../TrigT2CaloTileMon/TrigT2TileJet.h         |   50 +
 .../TrigT2CaloTileMon/TrigT2Tower.h           |   80 +
 .../python/         |   36 +
 .../TrigT2CaloTileMon/src/T2CaloTileMon.cxx   |  156 ++
 .../TrigT2CaloTileMon/src/TileMonHadEnFex.cxx |  424 +++++
 .../TrigT2CaloTileMon/src/TrigT2TileJet.cxx   |   97 ++
 .../TrigT2CaloTileMon/src/TrigT2Tower.cxx     |  131 ++
 .../components/TrigT2CaloTileMon_entries.cxx  |    6 +
 83 files changed, 15611 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/CMakeLists.txt
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/TrigT2CaloCosmic/CosmicHadEnFex.h
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/TrigT2CaloCosmic/CosmicSamp2Fex.h
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/TrigT2CaloCosmic/T2CaloCosmic.h
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/python/
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/python/
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/src/CosmicHadEnFex.cxx
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/src/CosmicSamp2Fex.cxx
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/src/T2CaloCosmic.cxx
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/src/components/TrigT2CaloCosmic_entries.cxx
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/CMakeLists.txt
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/EtaPhiSampleHash.h
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/GridsHandler.h
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/HashedTrig3Momentum.h
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2AllRoiUnpacking.h
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloFastJet.h
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJet.h
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetBaseTool.h
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetCalibTool.h
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetConeTool.h
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetGridFromCells.h
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetGridFromFEBHeader.h
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetGridFromLvl1Ppr.h
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloFullScanJet.h
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloJet.h
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloJetCalibTool.h
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool.h
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool.h
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1Tools.h
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1ToolsDict.h
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1TowerCalibTool.h
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1Unpacking.h
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/Trig3MomentumMerger.h
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/selection.xml
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/python/
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/python/
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/python/
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/share/
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/share/
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/EtaPhiSampleHash.cxx
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/GridsHandler.cxx
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/HashedTrig3Momentum.cxx
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2AllRoiUnpacking.cxx
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloFastJet.cxx
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloJet.cxx
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloJetBaseTool.cxx
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloJetCalibTool.cxx
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloJetConeTool.cxx
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloJetGridFromCells.cxx
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloJetGridFromFEBHeader.cxx
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloJetGridFromLvl1Ppr.cxx
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2L1CaloFullScanJet.cxx
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2L1CaloJet.cxx
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2L1CaloJetCalibTool.cxx
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool.cxx
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool.cxx
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2L1TowerCalibTool.cxx
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2L1Unpacking.cxx
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/Trig3MomentumMerger.cxx
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/components/TrigT2CaloJet_entries.cxx
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/CMakeLists.txt
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/TrigT2CaloTau/T2CalibrationTau.h
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/TrigT2CaloTau/T2CaloTau.h
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/TrigT2CaloTau/T2CaloTauErrorHandler.h
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/TrigT2CaloTau/T2CaloTauErrorMon.h
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/TrigT2CaloTau/TauAllCaloDRFex.h
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/doc/packagedoc.h
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/python/
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/python/
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/src/T2CaloTau.cxx
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/src/TauAllCaloDRFex.cxx
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/src/components/TrigT2CaloTau_entries.cxx
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/CMakeLists.txt
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/TrigT2CaloTileMon/T2CaloTileMon.h
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/TrigT2CaloTileMon/TileMonHadEnFex.h
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/TrigT2CaloTileMon/TrigT2TileJet.h
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/TrigT2CaloTileMon/TrigT2Tower.h
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/python/
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/src/T2CaloTileMon.cxx
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/src/TileMonHadEnFex.cxx
 create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/src/TrigT2TileJet.cxx
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/src/TrigT2Tower.cxx
 create mode 100644 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/src/components/TrigT2CaloTileMon_entries.cxx

diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/CMakeLists.txt b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4991e6f18ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Package: TrigT2CaloCosmic
+# Declare the package name:
+atlas_subdir( TrigT2CaloCosmic )
+# Declare the package's dependencies:
+atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC
+                          DetectorDescription/IRegionSelector
+                          GaudiKernel
+                          Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCommon
+                          Trigger/TrigEvent/TrigCaloEvent
+                          Trigger/TrigEvent/TrigSteeringEvent
+                          PRIVATE
+                          Calorimeter/CaloGeoHelpers
+                          Calorimeter/CaloIdentifier
+                          Trigger/TrigT1/TrigT1Interfaces )
+# Component(s) in the package:
+atlas_add_library( TrigT2CaloCosmicLib
+                   src/*.cxx
+                   PUBLIC_HEADERS TrigT2CaloCosmic
+                   LINK_LIBRARIES IRegionSelector GaudiKernel TrigCaloEvent TrigSteeringEvent TrigT2CaloCommonLib
+                   PRIVATE_LINK_LIBRARIES CaloGeoHelpers CaloIdentifier TrigT1Interfaces )
+atlas_add_component( TrigT2CaloCosmic
+                     src/components/*.cxx
+                     LINK_LIBRARIES IRegionSelector GaudiKernel TrigT2CaloCommonLib TrigCaloEvent TrigSteeringEvent CaloGeoHelpers CaloIdentifier TrigT1Interfaces TrigT2CaloCosmicLib )
+# Install files from the package:
+atlas_install_python_modules( python/*.py )
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/TrigT2CaloCosmic/CosmicHadEnFex.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/TrigT2CaloCosmic/CosmicHadEnFex.h
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..ae55ad0e219
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/TrigT2CaloCosmic/CosmicHadEnFex.h
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+ NAME:     CosmicHadEnFex.h
+ PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic
+ AUTHOR:   D.O.Damazio
+ PURPOSE:  Based on Cluster position defined in the second
+           EM Calorimeter layer, calculates total Had cluster
+           energy.
+ *******************************************************************/
+#include "TrigT2CaloCommon/IAlgToolCalo.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/AlgTool.h"
+/** Feature extraction Tool for LVL2 Calo. Hadronic EndCaps
+	and Tile Calorimeter. All Samples */
+class CosmicHadEnFex: public IAlgToolCalo {
+  public:
+    /** Constructor */
+    CosmicHadEnFex(const std::string & type, const std::string & name, 
+                 const IInterface* parent);
+    /** Destructor */
+    virtual ~CosmicHadEnFex();
+    /** @brief execute feature extraction for the EM Calorimeter
+    *   second layer 
+    *   @param[out] rtrigEmCluster is the output cluster.
+    *   @param[in] eta/phi-min/max = RoI definition.
+    */
+    using IAlgToolCalo::execute;
+    StatusCode execute(TrigEMCluster &rtrigEmCluster,double etamin,
+			double etamax, double phimin, double phimax);
+   private:
+    float m_THR_1;
+    float m_THR_2;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/TrigT2CaloCosmic/CosmicSamp2Fex.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/TrigT2CaloCosmic/CosmicSamp2Fex.h
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..7833b89ca7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/TrigT2CaloCosmic/CosmicSamp2Fex.h
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+ NAME:     CosmicSamp2Fex.h
+ PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic
+ AUTHOR:   D.O. Damazio
+ PURPOSE:  Calculates energy weighted cluster position around
+	   hottest cell in RoI for LAr second layer.
+ *******************************************************************/
+#include "TrigT2CaloCommon/IAlgToolCalo.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/AlgTool.h"
+#include "IRegionSelector/IRoiDescriptor.h"
+/** Feature extraction Tool for LVL2 Calo. Second EM Calorimeter sample. */
+class CosmicSamp2Fex: public IAlgToolCalo {
+  public:
+    /** Constructor */
+    CosmicSamp2Fex(const std::string & type, const std::string & name, 
+                 const IInterface* parent);
+    /** Destructor */
+    virtual ~CosmicSamp2Fex();
+    /** @brief execute feature extraction for the EM Calorimeter
+    *	second layer 
+    *   @param[out] rtrigEmCluster is the output cluster.
+    *   @param[in] eta/phi-min/max = RoI definition.
+    */
+    using IAlgToolCalo::execute;
+    //    StatusCode execute(TrigEMCluster &rtrigEmCluster,double etamin,
+    //	  		     double etamax, double phimin, double phimax);
+    StatusCode execute(TrigEMCluster &rtrigEmCluster,
+		       const IRoiDescriptor& roi,
+		       const CaloDetDescrElement*& /*caloDDE*/);
+    /** Special initialize for Samp2 to include eta as a
+	trigger timer item monitored parameter. Important
+	to compare time performance as a function of cluster
+	position.
+    */
+    StatusCode initialize() {
+		// Very important to call base class initialize
+                if ( IAlgToolCalo::initialize().isFailure() ) {
+                	*(new MsgStream(AlgTool::msgSvc(), name()))
+			<< MSG::FATAL 
+			<< "Could not init base class IAlgTooCalo" << endmsg;
+                }
+                std::string basename(name().substr(25,5)+".");
+		if (m_timersvc) {
+                	m_timer[0]->propName(basename+"Eta");
+		}
+                return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+    }
+  private:
+    double etaSizeLArEMSamp2(const double eta, const int calo) const;
+    double phiSizeLArEMSamp2(const double eta, const int calo) const;
+    float m_THR_1;
+    float m_THR_2;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/TrigT2CaloCosmic/T2CaloCosmic.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/TrigT2CaloCosmic/T2CaloCosmic.h
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..944639bc794
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/TrigT2CaloCosmic/T2CaloCosmic.h
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+ NAME:     T2CaloCosmic.h
+ PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic
+ AUTHOR:   D.O. Damazio
+ PURPOSE:  Based on T2CaloBase works as main driver for the LVL2
+	   Calorimeter Cosmic Algorithm. Receives and decodes LVL1
+	   information (RoI position), creates the TrigEMCluster to
+	   be the output of LVL2 Calo with extracted features. Call
+	   IAlgToolCalos to perform FEX.
+ *******************************************************************/
+#include <string>
+#include "TrigT2CaloCommon/T2CaloBase.h"
+class IAlgToolCalo;
+class T2CaloEgammaMon;
+class MsgStream;
+class TrigEMCluster;
+/** Main LVL2 Algorithm. Processes LVL1 information, call FEX
+    IAlgToolCalos and produces the TrigEMCluster output. */
+class T2CaloCosmic: public T2CaloBase {
+  public:
+    /** Constructor */
+    T2CaloCosmic(const std::string & name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
+    /** Destructor */
+    ~T2CaloCosmic();
+    /** hltExecute will call FEX IAlgToolCalo::execute() to process RoI.
+	called by the Steering per EMRoI. */
+    HLT::ErrorCode hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* inputTE,
+			      HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE);
+    /** hltInitialize. Called by the Steering. */
+    HLT::ErrorCode hltInitialize();
+    /** hltFinalize. Called by the Steering. */
+    HLT::ErrorCode hltFinalize();
+  private:
+    /** Monitoring Tool */
+    // T2CaloEgammaMon* m_monitoring;
+    /** To support new monitoring. Values must be copied to
+	this monitored Cluster for each RoI. */
+    const TrigEMCluster* m_monitoredCluster;
+    /** To monitor rCore */
+    float m_rCore;
+    /** To monitor eRatio */
+    float m_eRatio;
+    /** Forced LVL1 eta */
+    float m_l1eta;
+    /** Forced LVL1 phi */
+    float m_l1phi;
+    // Properties:
+    std::string m_trigEmClusterKey;
+    /** Will monitoring be used or not */
+    //bool m_mon;
+    /** Coordinates to be used by the tools (in order by tool) */
+    std::vector<float> m_etamin;
+    std::vector<float> m_etamax;
+    std::vector<float> m_phimin;
+    std::vector<float> m_phimax;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/python/ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/python/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..0cae5c1d6b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+from TrigT2CaloCosmic.TrigT2CaloCosmicConf import CosmicSamp2Fex
+from TrigT2CaloCosmic.TrigT2CaloCosmicConf import CosmicHadEnFex
+from TrigT2CaloCosmic.TrigT2CaloCosmicConf import T2CaloCosmic
+#from TrigMonitorBase.TrigGenericMonitoringToolConfig import defineHistogram
+#from TrigMonitorBase.TrigGenericMonitoringToolConfig import TrigGenericMonitoringToolConfig
+#from AthenaCommon.Constants import VERBOSE,DEBUG
+class CosmicHadEnFex1(CosmicHadEnFex):
+      __slots__ = []
+      def __init__ (self, name="CosmicHadEnFex1"):
+        super(CosmicHadEnFex1,self).__init__(name)
+        self.THR_1=200
+class CosmicHadEnFex2(CosmicHadEnFex):
+      __slots__ = []
+      def __init__ (self, name="CosmicHadEnFex2"):
+        super(CosmicHadEnFex2,self).__init__(name)
+        self.THR_1=200
+class CosmicSamp2Fex1(CosmicSamp2Fex):
+      __slots__ = []
+      def __init__ (self, name="CosmicSamp2Fex1"):
+        super(CosmicSamp2Fex1,self).__init__(name)
+        self.THR_1=420
+class CosmicSamp2Fex2(CosmicSamp2Fex):
+      __slots__ = []
+      def __init__ (self, name="CosmicSamp2Fex2"):
+        super(CosmicSamp2Fex2,self).__init__(name)
+        self.THR_1=420
+class T2CaloCosmic_Cosmic (T2CaloCosmic):
+   __slots__ = []
+   def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloCosmic_Cosmic"): 
+       super(T2CaloCosmic_Cosmic, self).__init__(name)
+       # here put your customizations
+       self.IAlgToolList= [CosmicHadEnFex1(),
+                           CosmicHadEnFex2(),
+                           CosmicSamp2Fex1(),
+                           CosmicSamp2Fex2()]
+       #self.EtaMin=[0.2,0,0.2,-1.0]
+       #self.EtaMax=[ 0.6, 1.0, 0.6, 0]
+       self.EtaMin=[1.0, 0.1, 0.1, -0.1]
+       self.EtaMax=[ 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4 ]
+       self.PhiMin=[1.3, -1.8, 1.3, -1.8]
+       self.PhiMax=[1.8, -1.3, 1.8, -1.3]
+       self.EtaWidth = 0.5
+       self.PhiWidth = 0.5
+       self.TimerNtuple="T2CaloCosmic.T2CaEgtTot"
+       self.TrigEMClusterKey="T2CaloCosmic"
+#       self.Monitoring=False
+#       self.OutputLevel = DEBUG
+#       self.AthenaMonTools = [ TrigT2CaloCosmicValMonitoring(),
+#			 TrigT2CaloCosmicOnMonitoring() ]
+class T2CaloCosmic_Cosmic_NoHad (T2CaloCosmic):
+   __slots__ = []
+   def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloCosmic_Cosmic_NoHad"): 
+       super(T2CaloCosmic_Cosmic_NoHad, self).__init__(name)
+       # here put your customizations
+       self.IAlgToolList= [CosmicSamp2Fex()]
+       self.EtaWidth = 0.5
+       self.PhiWidth = 0.5
+       self.TimerNtuple="T2CaloCosmic.T2CaEgtTot"
+       self.TrigEMClusterKey="T2CaloTrigEMCluster"
+#       self.Monitoring=False
+#       self.OutputLevel = DEBUG
+#       self.AthenaMonTools = [ TrigT2CaloCosmicValMonitoring(),
+#			 TrigT2CaloCosmicOnMonitoring() ]
+class T2CaloCosmic_Cosmic_NoEm (T2CaloCosmic):
+   __slots__ = []
+   def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloCosmic_Cosmic_NoEm"): 
+       super(T2CaloCosmic_Cosmic_NoEm, self).__init__(name)
+       # here put your customizations
+       self.IAlgToolList= [CosmicHadEnFex()]
+       self.EtaWidth = 0.5
+       self.PhiWidth = 0.5
+       self.TimerNtuple="T2CaloCosmic.T2CaEgtTot"
+       self.TrigEMClusterKey="T2CaloTrigEMCluster"
+#       self.Monitoring=False
+#       self.OutputLevel = DEBUG
+#       self.AthenaMonTools = [ TrigT2CaloCosmicValMonitoring(),
+#			 TrigT2CaloCosmicOnMonitoring() ]
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/python/ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/python/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..0cbf9c602df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+__version__ = "1.0.0"
+__author__  = ""
+__all__     = [ "TrigT2CaloCosmicConfig" ]
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/src/CosmicHadEnFex.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/src/CosmicHadEnFex.cxx
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..35192b4467d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/src/CosmicHadEnFex.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// ********************************************************************
+// NAME:     CosmicHadEnFex.cxx
+// PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic
+// AUTHOR:   M.P. Casado
+// REFERENCES: Based on Trigger/TrigT2CaloCosmic/T2EmHadAlgorithm.cxx
+// ********************************************************************
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigEMCluster.h"
+#include "CaloGeoHelpers/CaloSampling.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloCosmic/CosmicHadEnFex.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloCommon/Calo_Def.h"
+CosmicHadEnFex::CosmicHadEnFex(const std::string & type, const std::string & name, 
+                   const IInterface* parent): IAlgToolCalo(type, name, parent),
+		   m_THR_1(400),m_THR_2(100)
+		   {
+	declareProperty("THR_1",m_THR_1);
+        declareProperty("THR_2",m_THR_2);
+	//#ifndef NDEBUG
+	// 1 -> CaloType HAD, 0 -> First Layer
+        m_geometry[0] = new T2Geometry(1,0);
+        // 1 -> CaloType HAD, 1 -> Second Layer
+        m_geometry[1] = new T2Geometry(1,1);
+        // 1 -> CaloType HAD, 2 -> Third Layer
+        m_geometry[2] = new T2Geometry(1,2);
+StatusCode CosmicHadEnFex::execute(TrigEMCluster &rtrigEmCluster,double etamin,
+		double etamax, double phimin, double phimax){
+	m_lardecoded=false;
+	m_tiledecoded=false;
+        // Time total AlgTool time
+        if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[0]->start();
+        // MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
+	if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) ATH_MSG_DEBUG("in execute(TrigEMCluster &)");
+  double deta = 0.;           // eta difference current cell - seed
+  double dphi = 0.;           // phi difference current cell - seed
+  CaloSampling::CaloSample samp;  
+  double energyEta = rtrigEmCluster.eta();
+  double energyPhi = rtrigEmCluster.phi();
+  rtrigEmCluster.set_ehad1(0.);
+  // Dump eta-phi strip ranges into arrays
+  // Define variables here so that their scope covers both the Tile and HEC loops
+  // Use arrays of length 3 since there is no samp 0 in the HAD calorimeters 
+  // this avoids wasting memory but makes the code slightly less clear
+  // Time Region Selector 
+  if (!m_timersvc.empty()) {
+	m_timer[1]->start();      
+	m_timer[1]->pause();      
+	m_timer[2]->start();      
+	m_timer[2]->pause();      
+	m_timer[3]->start();      
+	m_timer[3]->pause();      
+	m_timer[4]->start();      
+	m_timer[4]->pause();      
+  }
+  double seedEnergy = 0.;
+  double seedPhi    = 0;
+  double seedEta    = 999.;
+   // TILECAL Assuming no knowledge about first sample
+        // Time to access RegionSelector
+        if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[1]->resume();
+        // Region Selector, no sample needed
+        // Get detector offline ID's for Collections
+        m_data->RegionSelector(0,etamin,etamax,phimin,phimax,TILE);
+        if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[1]->pause();
+  for (unsigned int iR=0;iR<m_data->TileContSize();iR++) {
+        // Time to access Collection (and ByteStreamCnv ROBs)
+        if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[2]->resume();
+	// For the first sample you will create the containers
+	// For the others no
+        if ( m_data->LoadCollections(m_itBegin,m_itEnd,iR,!iR).isFailure() )
+                return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+	m_tiledecoded=true;
+	if ( m_saveCells ) IAlgToolCalo::storeCells();
+        // Finished to access Collection
+        if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[2]->pause();
+        // Algorithmic time
+        if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[3]->resume();
+   for(m_itt = m_itBegin;m_itt != m_itEnd; ++m_itt) { //loop over cells
+     //double etaCell = (*m_itt)->eta();
+     //double phiCell = (*m_itt)->phi();
+     //double energyCell = (*m_itt)->energy();
+    if ((*m_itt)->energy() > seedEnergy && (*m_itt)->energy() > m_THR_1) {
+        seedEnergy = (*m_itt)->energy();
+        seedEta    = (*m_itt)->eta();
+        seedPhi    = (*m_itt)->phi();
+    }
+    }
+    if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[3]->pause();
+    }
+  energyEta = seedEta;
+  energyPhi = seedPhi;
+  rtrigEmCluster.setEta(seedEta);
+  rtrigEmCluster.setPhi(seedPhi);
+  rtrigEmCluster.setEnergy(seedEnergy);
+  rtrigEmCluster.set_ehad1(0.);
+  rtrigEmCluster.set_e277(999);
+  rtrigEmCluster.set_e2tsts1(999);
+  for (unsigned int iR=0;iR<m_data->TileContSize();iR++) {
+        // Time to access Collection (and ByteStreamCnv ROBs)
+        if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[2]->resume();
+	// For the first sample you will create the containers
+	// For the others no
+        if ( m_data->LoadCollections(m_itBegin,m_itEnd,iR,!iR).isFailure() )
+                return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+        // Finished to access Collection
+        if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[2]->pause();
+        // Algorithmic time
+        if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[3]->resume();
+   for(m_itt = m_itBegin;m_itt != m_itEnd; ++m_itt) { //loop over cells
+    double etaCell = (*m_itt)->eta();
+    double phiCell = (*m_itt)->phi();
+    double energyCell = (*m_itt)->energy();
+    // find position of current cell w.r.t. seed
+    deta = fabs( etaCell - energyEta );
+    dphi = fabs( phiCell - energyPhi );
+    if ( dphi > M_PI ) dphi = 2.* M_PI - dphi;   // wrap 0 -> 6.28
+    // hadronic measurements: energy sum in 0.1*0.1
+    if ( deta <= 0.1  &&
+	 dphi <= 0.1  && energyCell>m_THR_2){ 
+      //samp = CaloSampling::getSampling(*(*m_itt));
+      samp = (*m_itt)->caloDDE()->getSampling();
+      rtrigEmCluster.setEnergy(samp, + energyCell);
+      rtrigEmCluster.setRawEnergy(samp,rtrigEmCluster.rawEnergy(samp) + energyCell);
+    }
+   } // end of loop over cells 
+   // Algorithmic time
+   if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[3]->pause();
+  } // End of loop over TileCal drawers
+	// Stop all timers
+        if (!m_timersvc.empty()){ 
+		m_timer[4]->stop();
+		m_timer[3]->stop();
+		m_timer[2]->stop();
+		m_timer[1]->stop();
+		m_timer[0]->stop();
+	}
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/src/CosmicSamp2Fex.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/src/CosmicSamp2Fex.cxx
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..985b61cc1a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/src/CosmicSamp2Fex.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// ********************************************************************
+// NAME:     CosmicSamp2Fex.cxx
+// PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic
+// AUTHOR:   M.P. Casado
+// ********************************************************************
+#include "CaloIdentifier/LArEM_ID.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigEMCluster.h"
+#include "CaloGeoHelpers/CaloSampling.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloCosmic/CosmicSamp2Fex.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloCommon/Calo_Def.h"
+CosmicSamp2Fex::CosmicSamp2Fex(const std::string & type, const std::string & name, 
+                   const IInterface* parent): IAlgToolCalo(type, name, parent)
+		   {
+	declareProperty("THR_1",m_THR_1 = 400.0);
+	declareProperty("THR_2",m_THR_2 = 100.0);
+	//#ifndef NDEBUG
+	// Create Geometry object
+        // 0 -> CaloType EM, 2 -> Second Layer
+	//        m_geometry[0] = new T2Geometry(0,2);
+	//#endif
+StatusCode CosmicSamp2Fex::execute(TrigEMCluster &rtrigEmCluster,
+				   const IRoiDescriptor& roi,
+				   const CaloDetDescrElement*& /*caloDDE*/) { 
+        m_lardecoded=false;
+	m_tiledecoded=false;
+	// Time total AlgTool time 
+	if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[0]->start();      
+	if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) 
+	  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("in execute(TrigEMCluster&)");
+	// Time to access RegionSelector
+	if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[1]->start();      
+	// Region Selector, sampling 2
+	int sampling = 2;
+	// Get detector offline ID's for Collections
+	m_data->RegionSelector(sampling, roi);
+	// Finished to access RegionSelector
+	if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[1]->stop();      
+	// Time to access Collection (and ByteStreamCnv ROBs)
+	if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[2]->start();      
+	if ( m_data->LoadCollections(m_iBegin,m_iEnd).isFailure() )
+		return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+	m_lardecoded=true;
+	if ( m_saveCells ) IAlgToolCalo::storeCells();
+	// Finished to access Collection
+	if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[2]->stop();      
+	// Algorithmic time
+	if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[3]->start();      
+        //double energyEta = 0.;
+        //double energyPhi = 0.;
+        // add these variables to take care of phi wrap-around
+        //double energyNegPhi = 0.; //SRA
+        //double energyNegPhiConv = 0.; //SRA
+        //double energyPosPhi = 0.; //SRA
+  // 1. Find seed cell (highest Et in ROI .. layer 2)
+  // 2. Find Et weighted eta, phi in 3*7 cell (layer 2) (photon + e id)
+  // 3. Find Et in cells of sizes 3*3, 3*7, 7*7 (layer 2 + strips)
+  //	    				        (3*7 for photon + e id)
+  // 4. Find cluster width in 3*5 cell, layer 2 (photon id, needs
+  //		 			         parabolic parametrisation)
+  // 5. Find strip energies and eta (2*5 window)
+  // 6. Find frac73 (photon id), (E1-E2)/(E1+E2) (e + photon id)
+  double seedEnergy = 0.; 
+  double seedPhi    = 0.;
+  double seedEta    = 999.;
+  //const LArEM_ID*   emID  = m_larMgr->getEM_ID();
+  for(m_it = m_iBegin;m_it != m_iEnd; ++m_it) {
+      if ((*m_it)->energy() > seedEnergy && (*m_it)->energy() > m_THR_1) {
+        seedEnergy = (*m_it)->energy();
+        seedEta    = (*m_it)->eta();
+        seedPhi    = (*m_it)->phi();
+      } 
+  }
+  for(m_it = m_iBegin;m_it != m_iEnd; ++m_it) {
+    double etaCell = (*m_it)->eta();
+    double phiCell = (*m_it)->phi();
+    double energyCell = (*m_it)->energy();
+    // find position of current cell w.r.t. seed
+    float deta = fabs( etaCell - seedEta );
+    float dphi = fabs( phiCell - seedPhi );
+    if ( dphi > M_PI ) dphi = 2.* M_PI - dphi;   // wrap 0 -> 6.28
+    // hadronic measurements: energy sum in 0.1*0.1
+    if ( deta <= 0.1  &&
+         dphi <= 0.1  && energyCell>m_THR_2){
+      //CaloSampling::CaloSample samp = CaloSampling::getSampling(*(*m_it));
+      CaloSampling::CaloSample samp = (*m_it)->caloDDE()->getSampling();
+      rtrigEmCluster.setEnergy(samp, + energyCell);
+      rtrigEmCluster.setRawEnergy(samp,rtrigEmCluster.rawEnergy(samp) + energyCell);
+    }
+  }
+  //double totalEnergy = 0;
+  //CaloSampling::CaloSample samp;
+	if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[3]->stop();      
+	// Save EMShowerMinimal time
+	if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[4]->start();      
+  // Update cluster Variables
+  rtrigEmCluster.set_e277(999);
+  rtrigEmCluster.set_e2tsts1(999);
+  rtrigEmCluster.setRawEnergy( seedEnergy );
+  rtrigEmCluster.setEnergy( seedEnergy );
+  rtrigEmCluster.setEta(seedEta);
+  rtrigEmCluster.setPhi(seedPhi);
+  rtrigEmCluster.setRawEta(seedEta);
+  rtrigEmCluster.setRawPhi(seedPhi);
+	// Finished save EMShowerMinimal time
+	if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[4]->stop();      
+	// Time total AlgTool time 
+	if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[0]->stop();      
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+double CosmicSamp2Fex::etaSizeLArEMSamp2(double cellEta, int calo) const{
+  double sizeEta;
+  if( calo == Calorimeter::EMBAR ){             
+      if ( fabs(cellEta) < 1.4 ){
+        sizeEta = 0.025;
+      }else{
+        sizeEta = 0.075;
+      }
+  } else {             
+      if ( fabs(cellEta) < 2.5 ){
+	sizeEta = 0.025;
+      } else{
+	sizeEta = 0.1;
+      }		
+  }
+  return sizeEta;
+double CosmicSamp2Fex::phiSizeLArEMSamp2(double cellEta, int calo) const{
+  double sizePhi;
+  if( calo == Calorimeter::EMBAR ){               
+    sizePhi = 0.025;
+  } else {             
+      if ( fabs(cellEta) < 2.5 ){
+	sizePhi = 0.025;
+      } else {
+	sizePhi = 0.1;
+      }		
+  }
+  return sizePhi;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/src/T2CaloCosmic.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/src/T2CaloCosmic.cxx
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..ea59fd90b94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/src/T2CaloCosmic.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// ********************************************************************
+// NAME:     T2CaloCosmic.cxx
+// PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic
+// AUTHOR:   D.O. Damazio
+// - Add variables for job option controlled region limits, set defaults
+//   to most likely values.
+// - Add function EtaPhiRange to return the maximum and minimum eta or phi
+//   values to use when calculating energy sums over a region  - R. Soluk
+// ********************************************************************
+#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/IToolSvc.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/StatusCode.h"
+#include "TrigT1Interfaces/RecEmTauRoI.h"
+#include "TrigSteeringEvent/TrigRoiDescriptor.h"
+#include "TrigSteeringEvent/PhiHelper.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigEMClusterContainer.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloCosmic/T2CaloCosmic.h"
+//#include "TrigT2CaloCosmic/T2CaloCosmicMon.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloCommon/IAlgToolCalo.h"
+class ISvcLocator;
+T2CaloCosmic::T2CaloCosmic(const std::string & name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator)
+  : T2CaloBase(name, pSvcLocator)
+    declareProperty("TrigEMClusterKey",m_trigEmClusterKey = "T2CaloTrigEMCluster");
+    declareProperty("L1ForceEta",m_l1eta = -10.0);
+    declareProperty("L1ForcePhi",m_l1phi = -10.0);
+    declareProperty("EtaMin",m_etamin);
+    declareProperty("EtaMax",m_etamax);
+    declareProperty("PhiMin",m_phimin);
+    declareProperty("PhiMax",m_phimax);
+HLT::ErrorCode T2CaloCosmic::hltInitialize()
+  // Support for new monitoring
+  declareMonitoredObject("Eta",
+			m_monitoredCluster,&TrigEMCluster::eta);
+  declareMonitoredObject("Phi",
+			m_monitoredCluster,&TrigEMCluster::phi);
+  declareMonitoredObject("Et",
+			m_monitoredCluster,&TrigEMCluster::et);
+  declareMonitoredObject("Had1Et",
+			m_monitoredCluster,&TrigEMCluster::ehad1);
+  declareMonitoredObject("weta2",
+			m_monitoredCluster,&TrigEMCluster::weta2);
+  // More complicated variables to be monitored
+  declareMonitoredVariable("Rcore", m_rCore );
+  declareMonitoredVariable("Eratio",m_eRatio);
+  return HLT::OK;
+HLT::ErrorCode T2CaloCosmic::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* inputTE,
+					HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE)
+  // Time total T2CaloCosmic execution time.
+  if ( m_timersvc ) m_timer[0]->start();
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG))
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("in execute()");
+  //bool status = false;
+  // Some debug output:
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) {
+    msg (MSG::DEBUG) << "outputTE->getId(): " << outputTE->getId() << endmsg;
+    msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "inputTE->getId(): " << inputTE->getId() << endmsg;
+  }
+  const TrigRoiDescriptor* roiDescriptor = 0;
+  HLT::ErrorCode hltStatus = getFeature(inputTE, roiDescriptor);
+  if ( hltStatus == HLT::OK ) {
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG)  << *roiDescriptor << endmsg;	
+  } else {
+    msg(MSG::WARNING) << " Failed to find RoiDescriptor " << endmsg;
+    return hltStatus;
+  }
+  // Some debug output:
+  msg(MSG::DEBUG)  << "Message to count events. LVL1 phi="
+		   << roiDescriptor->phi()
+		   << " & LVL1 eta="
+		   << roiDescriptor->eta()
+		   << endmsg;
+  // End LVL1 part
+  double etamin, etamax, phimin, phimax;
+  double eta, phi;
+  int roiword = roiDescriptor->roiWord();
+  //  if ( !m_trustRoiLimits ) { 
+  if ( (m_l1eta<-9.9)&&(m_l1phi<-9.9)){
+    eta = roiDescriptor->eta();
+    phi = roiDescriptor->phi();
+  }
+  else { 
+    eta = m_l1eta;
+    phi = HLT::wrapPhi(m_l1phi);
+  }
+  etamin = std::max(-2.5, eta - m_etaWidth);
+  etamax = std::min( 2.5, eta + m_etaWidth);
+  phimin = HLT::wrapPhi( phi - m_phiWidth);
+  phimax = HLT::wrapPhi( phi + m_phiWidth);
+  TrigRoiDescriptor* newroi = new TrigRoiDescriptor( eta, etamin, etamax, phi, phimin, phimax );
+  attachFeature( outputTE, newroi, "T2CaloCosmic" );
+  roiDescriptor = newroi;
+  //  }
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) {
+    msg(MSG::DEBUG)  << " etamin = "<< *roiDescriptor << endmsg;
+    //  (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << " etamin = "<< etamin << endmsg;
+    //  (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << " etamax = "<< etamax << endmsg;
+    //  (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << " phimin = "<< phimin << endmsg;
+    //  (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << " phimax = "<< phimax << endmsg;
+  }
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG))  msg(MSG::DEBUG)  << " Making TrigEMCluster "<< endmsg;
+  std::vector<xAOD::TrigEMCluster*> vec_clus;
+  std::cout << "m_emAlgTools.size() = " << m_emAlgTools.size() << std::endl;
+  // Ok, ignoring LVL1 and forcing a position
+  int counter=0;
+  ToolHandleArray<IAlgToolCalo>::iterator it = m_emAlgTools.begin();
+  if ( m_timersvc ) m_timer[1]->start();
+  for (; it < m_emAlgTools.end(); it++)  {
+  xAOD::TrigEMCluster* ptrigEmCluster = new xAOD::TrigEMCluster();
+  // It is a good idea to clear the energies
+  for(int i=0;i<MAXSIZE;i++)
+		ptrigEmCluster->setEnergy((CaloSampling::CaloSample )i,0.);
+  // Add RoI word to TrigEMCluster
+  (*ptrigEmCluster).setRoIword(roiword);
+  (*ptrigEmCluster).setEta1(10+counter);
+  etamin=m_etamin[counter];
+  etamax=m_etamax[counter];
+  phimin=m_phimin[counter];
+  phimax=m_phimax[counter];
+  //    if ((*it)->execute(*ptrigEmCluster,etamin,etamax,phimin,phimax).isFailure() ) {
+  if ((*it)->execute(*ptrigEmCluster,*roiDescriptor, caloDDENull).isFailure() ) {
+    ATH_MSG_WARNING("T2Calo AlgToolCosmic returned Failure");
+    return HLT::TOOL_FAILURE;
+  }
+  // If you do not have any hot cell in top or bottom, stop algo
+  if ( (counter==0 || counter==1) && (*ptrigEmCluster).energy()==0)
+	return HLT::OK; 
+  counter++;
+  vec_clus.push_back(ptrigEmCluster);
+  }
+  // support to new monitoring
+  m_rCore=0;
+  m_eRatio=0;
+  if ( ptrigEmCluster->e277()!=0 )
+	m_rCore =  ptrigEmCluster->e237()/ptrigEmCluster->e277();
+  if ( ptrigEmCluster->emaxs1()+ptrigEmCluster->e2tsts1() !=0){
+	m_eRatio  =  ptrigEmCluster->emaxs1()-ptrigEmCluster->e2tsts1();
+	m_eRatio /=  ptrigEmCluster->emaxs1()+ptrigEmCluster->e2tsts1();
+  }
+  if ( m_timersvc ) m_timer[1]->stop();
+  for(size_t i=0;i<vec_clus.size();i++){
+  xAOD::TrigEMCluster* ptrigEmCluster=vec_clus[i];
+  // Print out Cluster produced
+  msg(MSG::DEBUG)  << " Values of Cluster produced: "<< endmsg;
+  msg(MSG::DEBUG)  << " REGTEST: emEnergy = "<< (*ptrigEmCluster).energy() << endmsg;
+  msg(MSG::DEBUG)  << " REGTEST: hadEnergy = "<< (*ptrigEmCluster).ehad1() << endmsg;
+  msg(MSG::DEBUG)  << " REGTEST: rCore = " << ((*ptrigEmCluster).e237() )/ ((*ptrigEmCluster).e277()) << endmsg;
+  msg(MSG::DEBUG)  << " REGTEST: energyRatio = "
+		   << (((*ptrigEmCluster).emaxs1()-(*ptrigEmCluster).e2tsts1())/
+		       ((*ptrigEmCluster).emaxs1()+(*ptrigEmCluster).e2tsts1()))
+		   << endmsg;
+  msg(MSG::DEBUG)  << " REGTEST: clusterWidth = " << (*ptrigEmCluster).weta2() << endmsg;
+  msg(MSG::DEBUG)  << " REGTEST: frac73 = " << (*ptrigEmCluster).fracs1() << endmsg;
+  msg(MSG::DEBUG)  << " REGTEST: eta = "<< (*ptrigEmCluster).eta() << endmsg;
+  msg(MSG::DEBUG)  << " REGTEST: phi = "<< (*ptrigEmCluster).phi() << endmsg;
+  msg(MSG::DEBUG)  << " REGTEST: roiWord = " << (*ptrigEmCluster).RoIword() << endmsg;
+  // Fill monitoring hists:
+  if (m_mon)
+    if ( m_monitoring->fillT2CaloCosmicHists(ptrigEmCluster).isFailure() )
+	(*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << " Failled to Monitor" << endmsg;
+  std::string key = "";
+  hltStatus = recordAndAttachFeature(outputTE, ptrigEmCluster, key, "TrigT2CaloCosmic");
+  if (hltStatus != HLT::OK){
+    if(msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) ATH_MSG_ERROR("Write of TrigEMCluster into outputTE failed");
+    return hltStatus;
+  }
+  }
+  // Create a new RoiDescriptor with updated eta and phi.
+  // Note that the steering will propagate l1Id and roiId automatically
+  // so no need to set them.
+  TrigEMCluster* ptrigEmCluster = vec_clus[0];
+  TrigRoiDescriptor* newRoiDescriptor = 
+    new TrigRoiDescriptor(roiDescriptor->l1Id(), roiDescriptor->roiId(),
+			  ptrigEmCluster->eta(), ptrigEmCluster->phi());
+  hltStatus = attachFeature(outputTE,newRoiDescriptor,"TrigT2CaloCosmic");
+  if ( hltStatus != HLT::OK ) {
+     (*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << "Write of update TrigRoiDescriptor into outputTE failed"
+	   << endmsg;
+     return hltStatus;
+  }
+//#ifndef NDEBUG
+ //   (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "Recorded an RoiDescriptor "
+//	  << " phi " <<  newRoiDescriptor->phi0()
+//	  << " eta " << newRoiDescriptor->eta0() << endmsg;
+  // Some debug output:
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) {
+    msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "We assume success, set TE with Id "
+		    << outputTE->getId() << " active to signal positive result."
+		    << endmsg;
+  }
+  // Time total T2CaloCosmic execution time.
+  if ( m_timersvc ) m_timer[0]->stop();
+  return HLT::OK;
+HLT::ErrorCode T2CaloCosmic::hltFinalize(){
+  //  if ( msgLvl() <= MSG::INFO ) 
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) ATH_MSG_DEBUG("in finalize()");
+  return HLT::OK;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/src/components/TrigT2CaloCosmic_entries.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/src/components/TrigT2CaloCosmic_entries.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f6ffcb69cfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCosmic/src/components/TrigT2CaloCosmic_entries.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#include "TrigT2CaloCosmic/T2CaloCosmic.h"
+//#include "TrigT2CaloCosmic/T2CaloCosmicMon.h"
+//#include "TrigT2CaloCosmic/T2CaloCosmicSamp1.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloCosmic/CosmicSamp2Fex.h"
+//#include "TrigT2CaloCosmic/CosmicSamp1Fex.h"
+//#include "TrigT2CaloCosmic/CosmicEmEnFex.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloCosmic/CosmicHadEnFex.h"
+//DECLARE_COMPONENT( T2CaloCosmicSamp1 )
+//DECLARE_COMPONENT( CosmicSamp1Fex )
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/CMakeLists.txt b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..feea8bb7f8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# Package: TrigT2CaloJet
+# Declare the package name:
+atlas_subdir( TrigT2CaloJet )
+# Declare the package's dependencies:
+atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC
+                          Calorimeter/CaloInterface
+                          Calorimeter/CaloRec
+                          Control/AthContainers
+                          DetectorDescription/IRegionSelector
+                          GaudiKernel
+                          Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCommon
+                          Trigger/TrigEvent/TrigCaloEvent
+                          Trigger/TrigEvent/TrigParticle
+                          Trigger/TrigEvent/TrigSteeringEvent
+                          Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigInterfaces
+                          Trigger/TrigTools/TrigT2CaloCalibration
+                          Trigger/TrigTools/TrigTimeAlgs
+                          PRIVATE
+                          Calorimeter/CaloGeoHelpers
+                          Control/AthenaKernel
+                          Trigger/TrigT1/TrigT1CaloByteStream
+                          Trigger/TrigT1/TrigT1CaloEvent
+                          Trigger/TrigT1/TrigT1CaloToolInterfaces
+                          Trigger/TrigT1/TrigT1Interfaces )
+# External dependencies:
+find_package( Boost COMPONENTS filesystem thread system )
+find_package( FastJet )
+find_package( ROOT COMPONENTS Core Tree MathCore Hist RIO pthread )
+# Component(s) in the package:
+atlas_add_library( TrigT2CaloJetLib
+                   src/*.cxx
+                   PUBLIC_HEADERS TrigT2CaloJet
+                   LINK_LIBRARIES ${FASTJET_LIBRARIES} AthContainers IRegionSelector GaudiKernel TrigCaloEvent TrigParticle TrigSteeringEvent CaloRecLib TrigT2CaloCommonLib TrigInterfacesLib TrigT2CaloCalibrationLib TrigTimeAlgsLib TrigT1CaloEventLib
+                   PRIVATE_LINK_LIBRARIES ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} CaloGeoHelpers AthenaKernel TrigT1CaloToolInterfaces TrigT1Interfaces )
+atlas_add_component( TrigT2CaloJet
+                     src/components/*.cxx
+                     LINK_LIBRARIES ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${FASTJET_LIBRARIES} ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} CaloRecLib AthContainers IRegionSelector GaudiKernel TrigT2CaloCommonLib TrigCaloEvent TrigParticle TrigSteeringEvent TrigInterfacesLib TrigT2CaloCalibrationLib TrigTimeAlgsLib CaloGeoHelpers AthenaKernel TrigT1CaloEventLib TrigT1CaloToolInterfaces TrigT1Interfaces TrigT2CaloJetLib )
+atlas_add_dictionary( T2L1ToolsDict
+                      TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1ToolsDict.h
+                      TrigT2CaloJet/selection.xml
+                      LINK_LIBRARIES ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${FASTJET_LIBRARIES} ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} CaloRecLib AthContainers IRegionSelector GaudiKernel TrigT2CaloCommonLib TrigCaloEvent TrigParticle TrigSteeringEvent TrigInterfacesLib TrigT2CaloCalibrationLib TrigTimeAlgsLib CaloGeoHelpers AthenaKernel TrigT1CaloEventLib TrigT1CaloToolInterfaces TrigT1Interfaces TrigT2CaloJetLib )
+# Install files from the package:
+atlas_install_python_modules( python/*.py )
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/EtaPhiSampleHash.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/EtaPhiSampleHash.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..39f6c5b4ba4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/EtaPhiSampleHash.h
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/Trig3Momentum.h"  // needed for CaloSample (no fwd decl for enum)
+class HashedTrig3Momentum;
+  @brief Class providing a map hash <--> (eta,phi,CaloSample).
+  The function encoding (eta,phi,sample) into an int relies on a given
+  granularity in (eta,phi). All the points that fall in the same
+  'tile' have the same hash. Currently using this with granularity
+  (eta x phi) = (0.1 x 0.1). Phi values are recorded in [-pi,+pi). Use
+  'testEtaPhiSampleHash' to verify that it works also for your
+  granularity.
+  This is the encoding of the 32-bit word (assumes int is 32-bit):
+    31     25      16 15       6 5     0
+   +------+----------+----------+-------+
+   |unused|      phi |    eta   | sample|
+   +------+----------+----------+-------+
+ */
+class EtaPhiSampleHash {
+  static const u_short kMaxNetaBins = 1024; // 10 bits
+  static const u_short kMaxNphiBins = 1024; // 10 bits
+  static const u_short kMaxNsamples = 64;   //  6 bits
+  static const u_int kTenBits = (kMaxNetaBins-1);
+  static const u_int kSixBits = (kMaxNsamples-1);
+  // Generalized (i.e. non-int) const must be assigned in the cpp if gcc<4.4
+  static const double kMinEta;
+  static const double kMaxEta;
+  static const double kMinPhi;
+  static const double kMaxPhi;
+  EtaPhiSampleHash(const u_short &nEtaBins=100 /* 2*5.0/0.1*/,
+		 const u_short &nPhiBins=64  /* 2*pi /0.1*/,
+		 double minEta=kMinEta, double maxEta=kMaxEta,
+		 double minPhi=kMinPhi, double maxPhi=kMaxPhi);
+  u_int hash(const double &eta, const double &phi,
+	     const  CaloSampling::CaloSample &sample) const;
+  u_int hash(const Trig3Momentum &t3m) const;
+  u_int hash(const HashedTrig3Momentum &mg) const;
+  bool etaPhiSample(const u_int &hash, double &eta, double &phi,
+		    CaloSampling::CaloSample &sample) const;
+  void checkValues();
+  double m_minEta;
+  double m_maxEta;
+  double m_minPhi;
+  double m_maxPhi;
+  double m_dEta;
+  double m_dPhi;
+  double m_invDeta;
+  double m_invDphi;
+  u_short m_nEtaBins;
+  u_short m_nPhiBins;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/GridsHandler.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/GridsHandler.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..afb1ae2d65b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/GridsHandler.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  @brief Handles the separate grids for the different calorimeter compartments.
+  April 2012
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/Trig3Momentum.h"
+class HashedTrig3Momentum;
+typedef std::vector< HashedTrig3Momentum > Vmc;
+typedef std::map< const CaloSampling::CaloSample, Vmc > CsVmcMap;
+typedef std::pair<const CaloSampling::CaloSample, Vmc > CsVmcPair;
+typedef std::vector< Trig3Momentum > Vt3m;
+class GridsHandler {
+ public:
+  GridsHandler();
+  Vmc& grid(const CaloSampling::CaloSample &sample);
+  void clearAllGrids();
+  void appendAllGrids(Vt3m &output) const;
+ private:
+  CsVmcMap m_grids;
+  std::vector< CaloSampling::CaloSample > m_allSamples;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/HashedTrig3Momentum.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/HashedTrig3Momentum.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..754cb932645
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/HashedTrig3Momentum.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  @brief Trig3Momentum with a hash; allows to merge energies from several Trig3Momentum.
+  Eta and phi positions are computed as a weighted average of the
+  contributions from different locations in (eta,phi), where the
+  weight is abs(energy).
+  April 2012
+ */
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/Trig3Momentum.h"
+typedef unsigned short u_short;
+typedef unsigned u_int;
+class HashedTrig3Momentum : public Trig3Momentum {
+ public:
+  HashedTrig3Momentum();
+  HashedTrig3Momentum(const Trig3Momentum &t3m,
+		      const u_int &hash);
+  u_int hash() const {return m_hash;};
+  void addE(const double &eta, const double &phi, const double &energy);
+  void addE(const Trig3Momentum &t3m);
+  void reset();
+ private:
+  void updateWeightedCoord(const double &eta, const double &phi, const double &energy);
+ private:
+  u_int m_hash;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2AllRoiUnpacking.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2AllRoiUnpacking.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..14f644efa82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2AllRoiUnpacking.h
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// ********************************************************************
+// NAME:     T2AllRoiUnpacking.h
+// PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/T2AllRoiUnpacking
+// Description: Unpack several L2 calorimeter ROIs and store them in a single output grid.
+//              Used T2L1Unpacking (by Matthew Tamsett) as a template for this AllTEAlgo.
+// Updates:
+// Apr2012 (
+//         add the option to merge EM cells to a coarser granularity.
+// ********************************************************************
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/Trig3MomentumMerger.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetGridFromCells.h"
+#include "TrigInterfaces/AllTEAlgo.h"
+#include "TrigTimeAlgs/TrigTimerSvc.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
+#include <ostream>
+class ITrigTimerSvc;
+class TrigT2Jet;
+class Trig3Momentum;
+//class ITrigDataAccess;
+class T2AllRoiUnpacking: public HLT::AllTEAlgo {
+ public:
+  T2AllRoiUnpacking(const std::string & name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
+  ~T2AllRoiUnpacking();
+  HLT::ErrorCode hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT::TriggerElement*> >& input,
+                            unsigned int output);
+  HLT::ErrorCode hltInitialize();
+  HLT::ErrorCode hltFinalize();
+  //! N of elements initially allocated in the grid
+  /*! This is just a reasonable initial size for the vector (currently
+    using 2^13, which corresponds to ~10 ROI at low lumi after noise
+    suppr.). Also, this should be a static member (problems without
+    namespace?).
+   */
+  const size_t kAllocatedGridCells_;
+ private:
+  // functions
+  //! Process one trigger element
+  /*!
+    Cells are stored in m_grid, which should be allocated beforehand.
+    @param te TriggerElement to be processed
+    @param grid where the cells are stored
+   */
+  HLT::ErrorCode processTriggerElement(const HLT::TriggerElement *te,
+				       std::vector<Trig3Momentum> *grid);
+  bool initializeTimers(); //!< initialize the timers
+  bool initializeHelperTools(); //!< initialize tools
+  void resetTimers(); //!< reset the monitoring timers
+  bool inputIsValid(const std::vector<std::vector<HLT::TriggerElement*> >& input) const;
+  HLT::TriggerElement* setupOutputTe(unsigned int type_out) ; //!< prepare the output trigger element
+  void storeTimers(); //!< store timings in the monitoring variables
+  HLT::ErrorCode finalizeOutput(HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE); //! finalize the output TE (allocate TrigT2Jet and attach its grid)
+  void finalizeAccessories();  //!< finalize everything that's not the output
+  void determineOverlaps(const EtaPhiRectangle &l2Roi); //!< determine overlaps and store them in m_overlapRegions
+  // Properties:
+  std::string  m_jetOutputKey;
+  double m_roiEtaHalfWidth; //!< half width (in eta) of the L2 ROI that will be read out
+  double m_roiPhiHalfWidth; //!< half width (in phi) of the L2 ROI that will be read out
+  bool m_mergeEmCells;      //!< whether or not the EM cells shoud be merged
+  // non-configurable datamembers (see T2CaloJetGridFromCells.cxx for details)
+  std::vector<Trig3Momentum>  m_tmpGrid;  //!< tmp grid used to extract before merge
+  std::vector<int> m_ttEmSamplings;       //!< all possible EM samplings values
+  std::vector<int> m_ttHecSamplings;      //!< all possible HEC samplings values
+  int m_tileSampling;                     //!< tilecal sampling
+  bool m_prepare;                         //!< prepare T2CaloJetGridFromCells
+  Trig3MomentumMerger m_tmm;              //!< cell merger
+ protected:
+  ToolHandle< T2CaloJetGridFromCells > m_caloGridFromCellsTool;
+  bool m_retrievedGridTool;
+  std::vector<Trig3Momentum>* m_grid;
+  //! @f$ (\eta,\phi) @f$ regions that have been already processed
+  /*! This datamember is reset at each event */
+  std::vector< EtaPhiRectangle > m_processedRegions;
+  //! @f$ (\eta,\phi) @f$ regions that overlap with regions that have already been processed
+  /*! This datamember is reset at each TriggerElement */
+  std::vector< EtaPhiRectangle > m_overlapRegions;
+  /** For Logging, in all tools we should use (*m_log) to avoid recalling of the MsgStream all the time. */
+  MsgStream* m_log;
+  TrigTimer *m_cell_unpacking_timer; //!< unpacking time ('addCell' only)
+  TrigTimer *m_unpacking_timer;      //!< unpacking time (geometry, overlap, and 'addCell')
+  TrigTimer *m_RoI_timer;            //!< time required to set up the output TE ('addRoI')
+  TrigTimer *m_merge_timer;          //!< time required merge the EM cells ('mergeEmCells')
+  // output
+  TrigT2Jet     *m_jet;
+  // Monitored Variables
+  float               m_UnpckTime;      //!< see corresponding timer for details
+  float               m_cellUnpckTime;  //!< see corresponding timer for details
+  float               m_RoITime;        //!< see corresponding timer for details
+  float               m_mergeTime;      //!< see corresponding timer for details
+// helper classes
+/*! \brief A class describing a rectangle in @f$ \eta @f$, @f$ \phi @f$
+ *
+ * An EtaPhiRectangle object can be used to keep track of a rectangle
+ * in these coordinates. It is meant to be a simple object that takes
+ * care of the @f$ 2\pi @f$ ambigiuties and that can perform simple operations
+ * such as compute the overlap between two rectangles.  While the
+ * minimum and maximum @f$ \phi @f$ values can be provided in any range,
+ * internally all @f$ \phi angles @f$ are stored and handled within
+ * (@f$ -\pi @f$,@f$ +\pi @f$].
+ * Maybe at some point you could use TVector2.h (but they store x,y) or gsl::polar.
+ */
+//! \todo should probably define an EtaPhiPair instead of EtaPhiPoint...and use it everywhere
+typedef std::pair< double, double > EtaPhiPoint;
+class EtaPhiRectangle{
+ public:
+  //! default c'tor
+  EtaPhiRectangle():
+    m_etaMin(0.), m_etaMax(0.), m_etaCen(0.), m_etaHw(0.),
+    m_phiMin(0.), m_phiMax(0.), m_phiCen(0.), m_phiHw(0.),
+    m_wrapsAroundPi(false) {};
+  //! constructor: defined like this because these are usually the edges we get for an ROI
+  EtaPhiRectangle(const double &etaMin, const double &etaMax,
+		 const double &phiMin, const double &phiMax);
+  double area() const { return 2.0*m_etaHw*2.0*m_phiHw; };
+  double eta() const { return m_etaCen; };
+  double phi() const { return m_phiCen; };
+  double etaMin() const { return m_etaMin; };
+  double etaMax() const { return m_etaMax; };
+  double phiMin() const { return m_phiMin; };
+  double phiMax() const { return m_phiMax; };
+  double etaHalfWidth() const {return m_etaHw; };
+  double phiHalfWidth() const {return m_phiHw; };
+  //! determine whether a given point in (@f$ \eta @f$, @f$ \phi @f$) is inside this EtaPhiRectangle
+  bool contains(const EtaPhiPoint &point) const;
+  //! same as above, but less safe agaist eta-phi swap
+  bool contains(const double &eta, const double &phi) const { return contains(std::make_pair(eta,phi));};
+  //! determine whether two rectangles overlap
+  static double overlappingArea(const EtaPhiRectangle &lhs,
+				const EtaPhiRectangle &rhs);
+  //! compute the rectangle corresponding to the overlapping area
+  static EtaPhiRectangle overlappingRectangle(const EtaPhiRectangle &lhs,
+					     const EtaPhiRectangle &rhs);
+  //! convert any angle to its equivalent in ( @f$ -\pi @f$, @f$ +\pi @f$]
+  static double phi_mpi_pi(const double &val);
+  //! convert any angle to its equivalent in ( 0 , @f$ +2\pi @f$]
+  static double phi_zero_2pi(const double &val);
+  //! print the rectangle
+  void print(std::ostream& stream) const;
+ protected:
+  //! compute the location of the center of the rectangle
+  /*! In fact this method is initializing the internal representation
+    of the rectangle, with center, half width, etc.
+   */
+  void computeCenterCoord();
+ private:
+  double m_etaMin; //!< minimum eta
+  double m_etaMax; //!< maximum eta
+  double m_etaCen; //!< central eta
+  double m_etaHw;  //!< eta half width
+  double m_phiMin; //!< minimum phi
+  double m_phiMax; //!< maximum phi
+  double m_phiCen; //!< central phi
+  double m_phiHw;  //!< phi half width
+  bool m_wrapsAroundPi; //!< whether the rectangle crosses over @f$ \phi = \pi @f$
+}; // end EtaPhiRectangle
+std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& stream, const EtaPhiRectangle &epr);
+/*! \brief compute L2 roi boundaries
+Given a L1 ROI descriptor, compute the boundaries of a calorimeter
+L2 ROI. We want to the ROI dimensions (halfWidths) to be
+configurable, so we pass them in through the c'tor. The
+calculation is done accounting for upper boundaries, and treating
+for the FCAL in a special way.
+\param trd the L1 ROI descriptor
+\param etaHalfWidth desired half width in eta at L2 (usually 0.5)
+\param phiHalfWidth desired half width in phi at L2 (usually 0.5)
+class L2CaloRoiBoundsCalculator {
+ public:
+  L2CaloRoiBoundsCalculator(const TrigRoiDescriptor* trd,
+			    const double &etaHalfWidth,
+			    const double &phiHalfWidth);
+  double etaMin() const {return m_etaMin; } ;
+  double etaMax() const {return m_etaMax; } ;
+  double phiMin() const {return m_phiMin; } ;
+  double phiMax() const {return m_phiMax; } ;
+ private:
+  //! actually compute and store the bounds
+  void computeBounds(const TrigRoiDescriptor* trd,
+		     const double &etaHalfWidth,
+		     const double &phiHalfWidth);
+  double m_etaMin, m_etaMax;  //!< eta range
+  double m_phiMin, m_phiMax;  //!< phi range
+  double m_roiEtaLimit;       //!< a reasonable maximum in @f$ \eta @f$ (4.8, does not include FCAL)
+  double m_fcalEtaMin;	      //!< FCAL minumum @f$ \eta @f$ (3.0)
+  double m_fcalEtaMax;	      //!< FCAL maxumum @f$ \eta @f$ (5.0)
+  double m_minFcalEtaCenter;  //!< if the \eta center is above this (3.2), then we think it's FCAL
+}; // end L2CaloRoiBoundsCalculator
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloFastJet.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloFastJet.h
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index 00000000000..900db6ab578
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloFastJet.h
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// ********************************************************************
+// NAME:     T2CaloFastJet.h
+// PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet
+// AUTHOR:   Matthew Tamsett,
+// Description: Level 2 FastJet FEX algorithm.
+// ********************************************************************
+//#include "TrigInterfaces/FexAlgo.h"
+#include "TrigInterfaces/AllTEAlgo.h"
+#include "TrigTimeAlgs/TrigTimerSvc.h"
+#include "fastjet/JetDefinition.hh"
+#include "fastjet/AreaDefinition.hh"
+#include "fastjet/ClusterSequence.hh"
+#include "fastjet/ClusterSequenceArea.hh"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigT2Jet.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigT2JetContainer.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1Tools.h"
+namespace fastjet{
+    class PseudoJet;
+    class JetDefinition;
+    class AreaDefinition;
+    class ClusterSequence;
+    class ClusterSequenceArea;
+class ITrigTimerSvc;
+class TrigT2Jet;
+class T2CaloJetBaseTool;
+class T2L1Tools;
+//class T2CaloFastJet: public HLT::FexAlgo {    
+class T2CaloFastJet: public HLT::AllTEAlgo {    
+    public:
+        T2CaloFastJet(const std::string & name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
+        ~T2CaloFastJet();
+        //HLT::ErrorCode hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* inputTE,
+        //                                HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE);
+        HLT::ErrorCode hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT::TriggerElement*> >& input,
+                                  unsigned int output);
+        HLT::ErrorCode hltInitialize();
+        HLT::ErrorCode hltFinalize();
+    private:
+        // Properties:
+        std::string  m_jetInputKey;
+        std::string  m_jetOutputKey;
+        int          m_inputType;
+        int          m_outputType; 
+        int          m_secondOutputType; // this is used to set a different RoI word for the subsequent algorithm
+        double m_cellMinEnergy; //!< minimum cell energy required
+        // Tools
+        ToolHandleArray< T2CaloJetBaseTool > m_tools; // for calibration
+    protected: 
+        /** For Logging, in all tools we should use (*m_log) to avoid recalling of the MsgStream all the time. */
+        MsgStream* m_log;
+        ITrigTimerSvc *m_pTimerService;   // pointer to Timer Service
+        //TrigTimer     *m_total_timer;
+        TrigTimer     *m_unpack_timer;
+        TrigTimer     *m_fastjet_timer;
+        TrigTimer     *m_pu_subtraction_timer;
+        TrigTimer     *m_cleaning_timer;
+        TrigTimer     *m_calibration_timer;
+        TrigTimer     *m_RoI_timer;
+        // fast jet
+        double m_distanceParameter;
+        double m_pTmin;
+        std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> m_particles;
+        fastjet::JetDefinition * m_jet_def;
+        std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> m_jets;
+        std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> m_constituents;
+        fastjet::ClusterSequence* m_cluster_sequence;
+        // cleaning:
+        bool m_doCleaning;
+        bool m_doT2L1Cleaning; // L1.5 m_jets do not have provenance, quality or time defined so a simpler cleaning must be applied
+        float m_leadingCellFraction;
+        int m_cellQualityThresholdLAr;
+        std::vector<double> m_cellenergies;
+        // navigation
+        bool m_writeMultipleOutputTEs; 
+        /* Default behaviour is to write a single output TE with a vector of jets attached.
+         * This does not fit all use cases, so a switch is available which enables the writing of one output TE per jet.
+         */
+        // pileup subtraction switch
+        bool m_doPileupSubtraction;
+        //double m_pu_distanceParameter;
+        fastjet::JetDefinition * m_pu_jet_def;
+        fastjet::AreaDefinition * m_pu_area_def;
+        fastjet::ClusterSequenceArea* m_pu_cluster_sequence;
+        fastjet::ClusterSequenceArea* m_pu_area_cluster_sequence;
+        double m_rho;
+        double m_sigma;
+        double m_area;
+        // Monitored Variables
+        //float               m_TotalTime;      // The total time
+        float               m_UnpackTime;     // The time to unpack
+        float               m_FastJetTime;    // The time to run fast jet
+        float               m_puSubTime;      // The time to do pileup subtraction
+        float               m_CleaningTime;   // The time to clean the jets
+        float               m_CalibrationTime;// The time to calibrate the jets
+        float               m_RoITime;        // The RoI making time
+        int                 m_nGrid;          // The number of grid elements given
+        int                 m_nJets;          // The number of jets found
+        std::vector<double> m_et;             // transverse energy
+        std::vector<double> m_et_em;          // electromagnetic transverse energy
+        std::vector<double> m_et_had;         // hadronic transverse energy 
+        std::vector<double> m_e;              // energy
+        std::vector<double> m_e_em;           // electromagnetic energy
+        std::vector<double> m_e_had;          // hadronic energy 
+        std::vector<double> m_em_frac;        // electromagnetic fraction
+        std::vector<double> m_eta;            // eta
+        std::vector<double> m_phi;            // phi
+        std::vector<int>    m_nLeadingTowers; // number of leading towers
+        // outputs 
+        TrigT2Jet *m_jet;
+        // L1.5 tools
+        T2L1Tools m_t2l1_tools;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJet.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJet.h
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index 00000000000..afe6b3ce1d2
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+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// ********************************************************************
+// NAME:     T2CaloJet.h
+// PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet
+// AUTHOR:   Kyle Cranmer
+// Description: Level2 Jet algorithm.  Basically copied from L2 EM and
+// Tau algs with some cleanup.
+// ********************************************************************
+#include <string>
+#include "TrigT2CaloCommon/T2CaloBase.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigCaloCluster.h"
+class StoreGateSvc;
+//class TriggerElement;
+//class TrigRoiDescriptor;
+class T2CaloJetBaseTool;
+class TrigT2Jet;
+class T2CaloJet: public T2CaloBase {
+ public:
+  T2CaloJet(const std::string & name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
+  ~T2CaloJet();
+  HLT::ErrorCode hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* inputTE,
+			    HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE);
+  HLT::ErrorCode hltInitialize();
+  HLT::ErrorCode hltFinalize();
+ private:
+  //  double m_etamin, m_etamax, m_phimin, m_phimax;
+  //  TriggerElement* m_inputTE ;
+  //  TrigRoiDescriptor* m_roiDescriptor;
+  TrigT2Jet* m_jet;
+  TrigCaloCluster *m_layerInfo;
+  //std::vector<T2CaloJetBaseTool*> m_tools;
+  ToolHandleArray< T2CaloJetBaseTool > m_tools;
+  // Properties:
+  std::string               m_jetOutputKey;
+  std::string               m_clusterOutputKey;
+  //std::vector<std::string>  m_toolNames;
+  bool		      m_clearJetGrid;
+  bool                m_fillLayerInfo;
+  // Monitored Variables
+  double              m_dR;
+  double              m_e;     // total energy of the jet after calibration
+  double              m_et;
+  double              m_ehad0; // hadronic energy before calibration
+  double              m_eem0;  // electromagnetic energy before calibration
+  double              m_ethad0; // transverse energy : hadronic component before calibration
+  double              m_etem0;  // transverse energy : electromagnetic component before calibration
+  double              m_eta;
+  double              m_phi;
+  double              m_etaIDWidth;
+  double              m_phiIDWidth;
+  unsigned int m_conversionError;
+  unsigned int m_algorithmError;
+ protected:
+  std::vector<TrigTimer*> m_timer;
+  const TrigTimer *m_timeLArUnpck;
+  const TrigTimer *m_timeTileUnpck;
+  const TrigTimer *m_timeHECUnpck;
+ public:
+  inline TrigT2Jet* GetTrigT2Jet() const {return m_jet;}
+//inline TrigCaloCluster* GetTrigCaloCluster() const {return m_layerInfo;}
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetBaseTool.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetBaseTool.h
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index 00000000000..ea63bbc43f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetBaseTool.h
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+NAME:     T2CaloJetBaseTool.h
+PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet
+AUTHORS:  Kyle Cranmer <>
+CREATED:  November, 2005
+PURPOSE:  Base Tool for all T2CaloJet tools require
+          an T2CaloJet object as its input.  The derived
+          tool must implement an execute(TrigT2Jet*) method.
+class TrigT2Jet;
+#include "TrigT2CaloCommon/IAlgToolCalo.h"
+#include "TrigTimeAlgs/TrigTimerSvc.h"
+#include "IRegionSelector/IRoiDescriptor.h" 
+static const InterfaceID IID_T2CaloJetBaseTool("T2CaloJetBaseTool", 1, 0);
+class T2CaloJetBaseTool : public IAlgToolCalo
+ public:
+  T2CaloJetBaseTool(const std::string& type, const std::string& name,
+		    const IInterface* parent);
+  ~T2CaloJetBaseTool();
+  virtual StatusCode initialize();
+  using IAlgToolCalo::execute;
+  virtual StatusCode execute();
+  virtual StatusCode finalize();
+  //  virtual StatusCode execute(TrigT2Jet* jet,double etamin, double etamax, double phimin, double phimax);
+  virtual StatusCode execute(TrigT2Jet* jet, const IRoiDescriptor& roi,
+				const CaloDetDescrElement*& /*caloDDE*/);
+  virtual TrigTimer* getTimer(const std::string& /*name*/){ return 0;};
+  static const InterfaceID& interfaceID() { return  IID_T2CaloJetBaseTool; }
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetCalibTool.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetCalibTool.h
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index 00000000000..0201d2382de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetCalibTool.h
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+NAME:     T2CaloJetCalibTool.h
+PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet
+AUTHORS:  Patricia Conde Muino <>
+          Nuno Anjos <>
+CREATED:  May 2006
+PURPOSE: Calibration tool for LVL2 jets. 
+         It uses T2JESCalibTool / T2GSCalibTool / T2SamplingCalibTool 
+         from TrigTools/TrigT2CaloCalibration.
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetBaseTool.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloCalibration/IT2HadCalibTool.h"
+//#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigCaloCluster.h"
+class TrigT2Jet;
+class T2CaloJetCalibTool : public T2CaloJetBaseTool
+ public:
+  T2CaloJetCalibTool(const std::string& type, const std::string& name, 
+		    const IInterface* parent);
+  ~T2CaloJetCalibTool();
+  virtual StatusCode initialize();
+  using T2CaloJetBaseTool::execute;
+  virtual StatusCode execute();
+  virtual StatusCode finalize();
+  virtual StatusCode execute(TrigT2Jet* jet,double etamin, double etamax, double phimin, double phimax);
+ private:
+  MsgStream * m_log;
+  int m_outputLevel;
+  ToolHandle < IT2HadCalibTool >  m_t2JetCalibTool;
+  ToolHandle < IT2HadCalibTool >  m_t2JetCorrToolTile1;
+  ToolHandle < IT2HadCalibTool >  m_t2JetCorrToolFcal1;
+  ToolHandle < IT2HadCalibTool >  m_t2JetCorrToolEm3Bar;
+  ToolHandle < IT2HadCalibTool >  m_t2JetCorrToolHec0;
+  ToolHandle < IT2HadCalibTool >  m_t2JetCorrToolEm3Fwd;
+  ToolHandle < IT2HadCalibTool >  m_t2JetCorrToolPsBar;
+  bool m_useFEBJets;
+//bool m_fillLayerInfo;
+  bool m_doJetCalib;
+  bool m_doJetCorrTile1;
+  bool m_doJetCorrFcal1;
+  bool m_doJetCorrEm3Bar;
+  bool m_doJetCorrHec0;
+  bool m_doJetCorrEm3Fwd;
+  bool m_doJetCorrPsBar;
+//TrigCaloCluster *m_layer_info;
+// StatusCode calculateHadEMEnergy(TrigT2Jet* Jet, double *HadEnergy, double *EMEnergy);
+ StatusCode calculateLayerFracs(TrigT2Jet* Jet, double *fTile1, double *fFcal1, double *fEm3, double *fHec0, double *fPs);
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetConeTool.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetConeTool.h
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index 00000000000..a5818522849
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetConeTool.h
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+NAME:     T2CaloJetConeTool.h
+PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet
+AUTHORS:  Kyle Cranmer <>
+CREATED:  November, 2005
+PURPOSE: Cone Tool for all T2CaloJet.  Does simple cone alg after data
+         preparation.
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetBaseTool.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/AlgTool.h"
+#include "TrigTimeAlgs/TrigTimerSvc.h"
+class TrigT2Jet;
+class T2CaloJetConeTool : public T2CaloJetBaseTool
+ public:
+  T2CaloJetConeTool(const std::string& type, const std::string& name, 
+		    const IInterface* parent);
+  ~T2CaloJetConeTool();
+  virtual StatusCode initialize();
+  using T2CaloJetBaseTool::execute;
+  virtual StatusCode execute();
+  virtual StatusCode finalize();
+  //virtual StatusCode execute(TrigT2Jet* jet,double etamin, double etamax, double phimin, double phimax);
+  virtual StatusCode execute(TrigT2Jet* jet, const IRoiDescriptor& roi);
+  void coneIteration(TrigT2Jet* jet, int coneIter);
+ private:
+  int m_nIterations;  
+  double m_coneRadius;
+  //int niterations;
+  //double etot_jet;
+  //Cell check
+  int m_inCone, m_outCone, m_totalCell;
+  // cleaning:
+  int m_cellQualityThresholdLAr;
+  float m_leadingCellFraction;
+  std::vector<double> m_datav;
+  std::vector<double> m_range1;
+  std::vector<double> m_range2;
+  std::vector<int> m_ndiv;
+  std::vector<std::string> m_dataObject;
+  std::vector<std::string> m_dataaxis;
+  //New timers
+  ITrigTimerSvc *m_pTimerService;   // pointer to Timer Service
+  TrigTimer *m_fcal_timer;
+  TrigTimer *m_other_timer;
+  //FCal cone sizes
+  std::vector<double> m_fj_cone_sizes;
+  // cleaning:
+  std::vector<double> m_cellenergies;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetGridFromCells.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetGridFromCells.h
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index 00000000000..3ff3ff22a1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetGridFromCells.h
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+NAME:     T2CaloJetGridFromCells.h
+PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet
+AUTHORS:  Kyle Cranmer <>
+CREATED:  November, 2005
+PURPOSE: Data preparation from cells, uses the
+         TrigT2CaloCommon/CommonAccessTool
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetBaseTool.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/AlgTool.h"
+//#include "LArRecEvent/LArCellCollection.h"
+//#include "TileEvent/TileCellIDC.h"
+//#include "LArRecEvent/LArCellIDC.h"
+//#include "LArRawUtils/LArTT_Selector.h"
+//#include "TrigT2CaloCommon/LArCellCont.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloCommon/TrigDataAccess.h"
+#include "TrigTimeAlgs/TrigTimerSvc.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
+#include "CaloInterface/ICalorimeterNoiseTool.h"
+class TrigT2Jet;
+class Trig3Momentum;
+class ITrigDataAccess;
+class EtaPhiRectangle;
+class T2CaloJetGridFromCells : public T2CaloJetBaseTool
+ public:
+  T2CaloJetGridFromCells(const std::string& type, const std::string& name, 
+		    const IInterface* parent);
+  ~T2CaloJetGridFromCells();
+  virtual StatusCode initialize();
+  using T2CaloJetBaseTool::execute;
+  virtual StatusCode execute();
+  virtual StatusCode finalize();
+//  virtual StatusCode execute(TrigT2Jet* jet,double etamin, double etamax, 
+//			     double phimin, double phimax);
+  virtual StatusCode execute(TrigT2Jet * jet,const IRoiDescriptor& roi  );
+  virtual TrigTimer* getTimer(const std::string& name);
+  StatusCode addAllCells(double etamin, double etamax, 
+			 double phimin, double phimax,
+			 std::vector<Trig3Momentum>* grid);
+  StatusCode addLArCells(double etamin, double etamax, 
+			 double phimin, double phimax,
+			 std::vector<Trig3Momentum>* grid,
+			 DETID detectorID, int sampling,
+			 bool prepare);
+  StatusCode addTileCells(double etamin, double etamax, 
+			 double phimin, double phimax,
+			 std::vector<Trig3Momentum>* grid,
+			 DETID detectorID, int sampling,
+			 bool prepare);
+ //! set the regions to be skipped
+ void setForbiddenRegions(const std::vector< EtaPhiRectangle > &regions) { m_forbiddenRegions = regions; } ;
+ private:
+  bool isInVetoRegion(const double &eta, const double &phi);
+ private:
+  Trig3Momentum* m_gridElement;
+  // New way with TrigDataAccess doing BS conversion
+  // iterators to LArCells. Note the different type from the above
+  LArTT_Selector<LArCellCont>::const_iterator m_iBegin;
+  LArTT_Selector<LArCellCont>::const_iterator m_iEnd;
+  LArTT_Selector<LArCellCont>::const_iterator m_it;
+  TileCellCollection::const_iterator m_itBegin;
+  TileCellCollection::const_iterator m_itEnd;
+  TileCellCollection::const_iterator m_itt;
+  //int ncell_roi;
+  //int nnegcell_roi;
+  //double eem_roi;
+  //double etot_roi;
+  bool m_applyNoiseCut;
+  double m_noiseCutValue;
+  // cell based jet cleaning:
+  bool m_doHECcellQualityCleaning;
+  int m_cellQualityThresholdHEC;
+  ToolHandle<LArCablingLegacyService> m_cablingSvc;
+  ToolHandle<ICalorimeterNoiseTool> m_noiseTool;
+  std::vector< EtaPhiRectangle > m_forbiddenRegions; //!< regions to be skipped
+ protected:
+  ITrigTimerSvc* m_timerSvc;
+  /** Timer Items for the main algorithms. */
+  std::map<std::string, TrigTimer*> m_timers;
+  bool m_doTiming;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetGridFromFEBHeader.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetGridFromFEBHeader.h
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index 00000000000..cfc9eecd375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetGridFromFEBHeader.h
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+NAME:     T2CaloJetGridFromFEBHeader.h
+PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet
+AUTHORS:  Kyle Cranmer <>
+          Ignacio Aracena <>
+CREATED:  November, 2005
+PURPOSE: Data preparation from FEB Headers (Ex/Ey)
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetBaseTool.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/AlgTool.h"
+//#include "LArRecEvent/LArFebEnergyIDC.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloCommon/TrigDataAccess.h"
+#include "TrigTimeAlgs/TrigTimerSvc.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
+class TrigT2Jet;
+class Trig3Momentum;
+class ITrigDataAccess;
+class T2CaloJetGridFromFEBHeader : public T2CaloJetBaseTool
+ public:
+  T2CaloJetGridFromFEBHeader(const std::string& type, const std::string& name, 
+		    const IInterface* parent);
+  ~T2CaloJetGridFromFEBHeader();
+  virtual StatusCode initialize();
+  using T2CaloJetBaseTool::execute;
+  virtual StatusCode execute();
+  virtual StatusCode finalize();
+  virtual TrigTimer* getTimer(const std::string& name);
+  virtual StatusCode execute(TrigT2Jet* jet,double etamin, double etamax, double phimin, double phimax);
+  StatusCode addFebEnergies(double etamin, double etamax,
+                         double phimin, double phimax,
+                         std::vector<Trig3Momentum>* grid);
+  StatusCode addLArFebEnergy(double etamin, double etamax,
+                          double phimin, double phimax,
+                          std::vector<Trig3Momentum>* grid,
+                          DETID detectorID, int sampling,
+                          bool prepare);
+  StatusCode addTileCells(double etamin, double etamax,
+                          double phimin, double phimax,
+                          std::vector<Trig3Momentum>* grid,
+                          DETID detectorID, int sampling,
+                          bool prepare);
+ private:
+  //   ITrigDataAccess *m_data;
+   Trig3Momentum* m_gridElement;
+   std::vector<int>* m_usedfeb;
+   std::map<std::string, TrigTimer*> m_timers;
+   ITrigTimerSvc* m_timerSvc;
+   bool m_doTiming;
+  // New way with TrigDataAccess doing BS conversion
+  // iterators to LArFEBEnergy. Note the different type from the above
+  LArFebEnergyCollection::const_iterator m_iFebBegin;
+  LArFebEnergyCollection::const_iterator m_iFebEnd;
+  LArFebEnergyCollection::const_iterator m_Febit;
+  TileCellCollection::const_iterator m_itBegin;
+  TileCellCollection::const_iterator m_itEnd;
+  TileCellCollection::const_iterator m_itt;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetGridFromLvl1Ppr.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetGridFromLvl1Ppr.h
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..8e05ce47911
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetGridFromLvl1Ppr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+NAME:     T2CaloJetGridFromLvl1Ppr.h
+PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet
+AUTHORS:  Kyle Cranmer <>
+CREATED:  November, 2005
+PURPOSE: Data preparation tool from Lvl1 Trigger Towers (accessed via Lvl1 PPr Bytestream)
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetBaseTool.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/AlgTool.h"
+class TrigT2Jet;
+class Trig3Momentum;
+class T2CaloJetGridFromLvl1Ppr : public T2CaloJetBaseTool
+ public:
+  T2CaloJetGridFromLvl1Ppr(const std::string& type, const std::string& name, 
+		    const IInterface* parent);
+  ~T2CaloJetGridFromLvl1Ppr();
+  virtual StatusCode initialize();
+  using T2CaloJetBaseTool::execute;
+  virtual StatusCode execute();
+  virtual StatusCode finalize();
+  virtual StatusCode execute(TrigT2Jet* jet,double etamin, double etamax, double phimin, double phimax);
+  private:
+    Trig3Momentum* m_gridElement;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloFullScanJet.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloFullScanJet.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2c781d5f906
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloFullScanJet.h
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// ********************************************************************
+// NAME:     T2L1CaloFullScanJet.h
+// PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet
+// AUTHOR:   Matthew Tamsett
+// Description: Level2 Jet Full scan algorithm.  Based on L2 MET
+// ********************************************************************
+#ifndef TRIGT2CALOJET_T2L1CaloFullScanJet_H
+#define TRIGT2CALOJET_T2L1CaloFullScanJet_H
+#include "TrigInterfaces/AllTEAlgo.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloCommon/T2CaloBase.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool.h"
+class StoreGateSvc;
+class TrigT2Jet;
+class ITrigTimerSvc;
+namespace LVL1BS{
+  class ITrigT1CaloDataAccess;
+namespace LVL1{
+  class IL1JetTools;
+class T2L1CaloFullScanJet: public HLT::AllTEAlgo {
+ public:
+  T2L1CaloFullScanJet(const std::string & name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
+  ~T2L1CaloFullScanJet();
+  HLT::ErrorCode hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT::TriggerElement*> >& input,
+                            unsigned int output);
+  HLT::ErrorCode hltInitialize();
+  HLT::ErrorCode hltFinalize();
+ private:
+  const TrigT2Jet* m_jet;
+  DataVector<TrigT2Jet>* m_jets;
+  ToolHandleArray< T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool > m_tools;
+  // Properties:
+  std::string               m_jetOutputKey;
+  bool                      m_recordOutput;
+  // Monitored Variables
+  int                 m_nJets;          // The number of jets found
+  int                 m_nTowers;        // The number of trigger towers
+  float               m_UnpckTime;      // The unpacking time, includes L1 unpack + tower storage time
+  float               m_L1_UnpckTime;   // The L1 unpacking time
+  float               m_FastJetTime;    // The FastJet time
+  float               m_JetFindingTime; // The complete jet finding time
+  float               m_TotalTime;      // The total time
+  float               m_RoITime;        // The RoI making time
+  std::vector<double> m_e;              // energy
+  std::vector<double> m_et;             // transverse energy
+  std::vector<double> m_ehad;           // hadronic energy 
+  std::vector<double> m_eem;            // electromagnetic energy
+  std::vector<double> m_ethad;          // hadronic transverse energy 
+  std::vector<double> m_etem;           // electromagnetic transverse energy
+  std::vector<double> m_emfrac;         // electromagnetic fraction
+  std::vector<double> m_eta;            // eta
+  std::vector<double> m_phi;            // phi
+  std::vector<int>    m_nLeadingTowers; // number of leading towers
+  /** For Logging, in all tools we should use (*m_log) to avoid recalling of the MsgStream all the time. */
+  MsgStream* m_log;
+ protected:
+  std::vector<TrigTimer*> m_timer;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloJet.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloJet.h
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..50d1b428819
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloJet.h
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// ********************************************************************
+// NAME:     T2CaloJet.h
+// PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet
+// AUTHOR:   Kyle Cranmer
+// Description: Level2 Jet algorithm.  Basically copied from L2 EM and
+// Tau algs with some cleanup.
+// ********************************************************************
+#include <string>
+#include "TrigInterfaces/FexAlgo.h"
+#include "AthContainers/ConstDataVector.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
+class StoreGateSvc;
+class TrigT2Jet;
+namespace LVL1BS{
+  class ITrigT1CaloDataAccess;
+namespace LVL1{
+  class IL1JetTools;
+  class JetElement;
+class T2L1CaloJet: public HLT::FexAlgo {
+ public:
+  T2L1CaloJet(const std::string & name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
+  ~T2L1CaloJet();
+  HLT::ErrorCode hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* inputTE,
+			    HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE);
+  HLT::ErrorCode hltInitialize();
+  HLT::ErrorCode hltFinalize();
+ private:
+  TrigT2Jet* m_jet;
+  // Properties:
+  std::string               m_jetOutputKey;
+  // Monitored Variables
+  double              m_e;     // total energy of the jet after calibration
+  double              m_et;
+  //double              m_ehad0; // hadronic energy before calibration
+  //double              m_eem0;  // electromagnetic energy before calibration
+  double              m_eta;
+  double              m_phi;
+  /** For Logging, in all tools we should use (*m_log) to avoid recalling of the MsgStream all the time. */
+  MsgStream* m_log;
+ protected:
+  std::vector<TrigTimer*> m_timer;
+  ToolHandle< LVL1BS::ITrigT1CaloDataAccess > m_dataL1;
+  ToolHandle< LVL1::IL1JetTools > m_jetL1Tools;
+  ConstDataVector<DataVector<LVL1::JetElement> >* m_storedJEs;
+  bool m_retrievedJetTool;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloJetCalibTool.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloJetCalibTool.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8959104891f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloJetCalibTool.h
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+NAME:     T2L1CaloJetCalibTool.h
+PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet
+AUTHORS:  Matthew Tamsett <>, Carlos Sandoval <>
+CREATED:  December 2010
+PURPOSE: Calibration tool for L1 towers. 
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetBaseTool.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/AlgTool.h"
+#include "CaloRec/ToolWithConstantsMixin.h"
+class TrigT2Jet;
+class Trig3Momentum;
+class T2L1CaloJetCalibTool : public T2CaloJetBaseTool,
+                           public CaloRec::ToolWithConstantsMixin
+    public:
+        T2L1CaloJetCalibTool(const std::string& type, const std::string& name, 
+                           const IInterface* parent);
+        ~T2L1CaloJetCalibTool();
+        virtual StatusCode initialize();
+        using T2CaloJetBaseTool::execute;
+        virtual StatusCode execute();
+        virtual StatusCode finalize();
+        virtual StatusCode execute(TrigT2Jet* jet,double /*etamin*/, double /*etamax*/, double /*phimin*/, double /*phimax*/);
+        using AlgTool::setProperty;
+        virtual StatusCode setProperty (const std::string& propname,
+        const std::string& value);  
+        virtual StatusCode setProperty (const Property& p); 
+    protected:
+        /** For Logging, in all tools we should use (*m_log) to avoid recalling of the MsgStream all the time. */
+        MsgStream* m_log;
+        int GetEtaBin(double jet_eta);
+        double GetCalibFactor(int etabin, double energy);        
+        CaloRec::Array<2> m_CalibConstants;
+        // Bins
+        std::vector<double> m_eta_bin_lower_edges;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..36e9437485b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool.h
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+NAME:     T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool.h
+PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet
+AUTHORS:  Matthew Tamsett
+CREATED:  July, 2011
+PURPOSE:  Base Tool for all T2L1CaloJet tools that require
+          a vector of T2CaloJet objects as its input.  The derived
+          tool must implement an execute(vector<T2CaloJet*>) method.
+class TrigT2Jet;
+#include "TrigT2CaloCommon/IAlgToolCalo.h"
+#include "TrigTimeAlgs/TrigTimerSvc.h"
+static const InterfaceID IID_T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool("T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool", 1, 0);
+class T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool : public IAlgToolCalo
+ public:
+  T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool(const std::string& type, const std::string& name,
+		    const IInterface* parent);
+  ~T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool();
+  virtual StatusCode initialize();
+  using IAlgToolCalo::execute;
+  virtual StatusCode execute();
+  virtual StatusCode finalize();
+  virtual StatusCode execute(DataVector<TrigT2Jet>*, int&, float&, float&, float&, float&);
+  virtual TrigTimer* getTimer(const std::string& /*name*/){ return 0;};
+  static const InterfaceID& interfaceID() { return  IID_T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool; }
+#endif // TRIGT2CALOJET_T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..beb50ef75d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool.h
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+NAME:     T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool.h
+PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet
+AUTHORS:  Matthew Tamsett
+CREATED:  July, 2011
+PURPOSE:  FastJet Tool for all T2L1CaloJet tools that require
+          a vector of T2CaloJet objects as its input.  The derived
+          tool must implement an execute(vector<T2CaloJet*>) method.
+class TrigT2Jet;
+class ITrigTimerSvc;
+namespace LVL1BS{
+  class ITrigT1CaloDataAccess;
+namespace LVL1{
+  class IL1JetTools;
+  class JetElement;
+  class TriggerTower;
+namespace fastjet{
+    class PseudoJet;
+    class JetDefinition;
+    class ClusterSequence;
+// Extra tools for the RoI IDs
+namespace T2L1{
+    enum roi_types_enums {
+        NONE      = 0x01,  
+        L1SW8x8   = 0x02,  
+        A4TT      = 0x04,
+        A10TT     = 0x08,
+        A4JE      = 0x10,
+        A10JE     = 0x20,
+        UNKNOWN   = 0x40,
+        INPUT     = 0x10000,
+        OUTPUT    = 0x100,
+        BLANKWORD = 0x70000000
+    };
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/AlgTool.h"
+#include "TrigTimeAlgs/TrigTimerSvc.h"
+#include "fastjet/JetDefinition.hh"
+#include <vector>
+class T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool : public T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool
+ public:
+  T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool(const std::string& type, const std::string& name,
+		    const IInterface* parent);
+  ~T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool();
+  virtual StatusCode initialize();
+  using T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool::execute;
+  virtual StatusCode execute();
+  virtual StatusCode finalize();
+  virtual StatusCode execute(DataVector<TrigT2Jet>*, int&, float&, float&, float&, float&);
+ protected:
+  ToolHandle< LVL1BS::ITrigT1CaloDataAccess > m_dataL1;
+  double m_coneRadius;
+  double m_pTmin;
+  bool m_retrievedJetTool;
+  int m_inputType;
+  TrigT2Jet* m_jet;
+  std::vector<float> m_l1_tower_information;
+  double m_etaMin;
+  double m_etaMax;
+  double m_phiMin;
+  double m_phiMax;
+  bool m_fullScan;
+  ITrigTimerSvc *m_pTimerService;   // pointer to Timer Service
+  TrigTimer *m_total_timer;
+  TrigTimer *m_unpacking_timer;
+  TrigTimer *m_load_collection_timer;
+  TrigTimer *m_jet_finding_timer;
+  TrigTimer *m_fastjet_timer;
+  /** For Logging, in all tools we should use (*m_log) to avoid recalling of the MsgStream all the time. */
+  MsgStream* m_log;
+  bool m_doTriggerTowers; // bool to switch to trigger towers mode, default mode is Jet Elements
+  // fast jet
+  std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> m_particles;
+  fastjet::JetDefinition * m_jet_def;
+  //fastjet::ClusterSequence cs;
+  std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> m_jets;
+  std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> m_constituents;
+  // cleaning:
+  float m_leadingCellFraction;
+  std::vector<double> m_cellenergies;
+  // debug
+  bool m_doCleaning;
+  bool m_doJetFinding;
+#endif // TRIGT2CALOJET_T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1Tools.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1Tools.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..502e621bdef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1Tools.h
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// ********************************************************************
+// NAME:     T2L1Tools.h
+// PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet
+// AUTHOR:   Matthew Tamsett,
+// Description: Common tools and definitions for the L1.5 jet trigger
+// ********************************************************************
+# include "GaudiKernel/ClassID.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+class T2L1Tools{
+    public:
+        enum roi_types_enums {
+            NONE           = 0x01,  
+            L1SW8x8        = 0x02, 
+            L2CONE         = 0x03, 
+            A4TT           = 0x04,
+            A4TT_JES       = 0x05,
+            A4TT_TC        = 0x06,
+            A4TT_TC_JES    = 0x07,
+            A4TT_PU_SUB    = 0x08,
+            A10TT          = 0x09,
+            A4JE           = 0x10,
+            A4JE_JES       = 0x11,
+            A4JE_TC        = 0x12,
+            A4JE_TC_JES    = 0x13,
+            A4JE_PU_SUB    = 0x14,
+            A4CC           = 0x15,
+            A4CC_JES       = 0x16,
+            A10JE          = 0x20,
+            UNCALIBRATED   = 0x30, 
+            CALIBRATED     = 0x31, 
+            UNKNOWN        = 0x40,        
+            SET_INPUT      = 0x10000,
+            GET_INPUT      = 0x10000*255,
+            SET_OUTPUT     = 0x100,
+            GET_OUTPUT     = 0x100*255,
+            BLANKWORD      = 0x70000000
+        };
+        int MapStringToEnum(std::string name_string){        
+            std::map <std::string, int> L15NameMap;
+            L15NameMap["NONE"]         = NONE;
+            L15NameMap["L1SW8x8"]      = L1SW8x8;  
+            L15NameMap["L2CONE"]       = L2CONE;  
+            L15NameMap["A4TT"]         = A4TT;
+            L15NameMap["A4TT_JES"]     = A4TT_JES;
+            L15NameMap["A4TT_TC"]      = A4TT_TC;
+            L15NameMap["A4TT_TC_JES"]  = A4TT_TC_JES;
+            L15NameMap["A4TT_PU_SUB"]  = A4TT_PU_SUB;
+            L15NameMap["A10TT"]        = A10TT;
+            L15NameMap["A4JE"]         = A4JE;
+            L15NameMap["A4JE_JES"]     = A4JE_JES;
+            L15NameMap["A4JE_TC"]      = A4JE_TC;
+            L15NameMap["A4JE_TC_JES"]  = A4JE_TC_JES;
+            L15NameMap["A4JE_PU_SUB"]  = A4JE_PU_SUB;
+            L15NameMap["A10JE"]        = A10JE;
+            L15NameMap["A4CC"]         = A4CC;
+            L15NameMap["A4CC_JES"]     = A4CC_JES;
+            L15NameMap["CALIBRATED"]   = CALIBRATED; 
+            L15NameMap["UNCALIBRATED"] = UNCALIBRATED; 
+            std::map <std::string, int>::const_iterator mask_map_iterator = L15NameMap.find(name_string);
+            if (mask_map_iterator == L15NameMap.end()){
+                return UNKNOWN;
+            } else {
+                return mask_map_iterator->second;
+            }
+         }
+        std::string MapEnumToString(int enum_int){        
+            std::map <int, std::string> L15NameMap;
+            L15NameMap[NONE]         = "NONE";
+            L15NameMap[L1SW8x8]      = "L1SW8x8";  
+            L15NameMap[L2CONE]       = "L2CONE";  
+            L15NameMap[A4TT]         = "A4TT";
+            L15NameMap[A4TT_JES]     = "A4TT_JES";
+            L15NameMap[A4TT_TC]      = "A4TT_TC";
+            L15NameMap[A4TT_TC_JES]  = "A4TT_TC_JES";
+            L15NameMap[A4TT_PU_SUB]  = "A4TT_PU_SUB";
+            L15NameMap[A10TT]        = "A10TT";
+            L15NameMap[A4JE]         = "A4JE";
+            L15NameMap[A4JE_JES]     = "A4JE_JES";
+            L15NameMap[A4JE_TC]      = "A4JE_TC";
+            L15NameMap[A4JE_TC_JES]  = "A4JE_TC_JES";
+            L15NameMap[A4JE_PU_SUB]  = "A4JE_PU_SUB";
+            L15NameMap[A10JE]        = "A10JE";
+            L15NameMap[A4CC]         = "A4CC";
+            L15NameMap[A4CC_JES]     = "A4CC_JES";
+            L15NameMap[CALIBRATED]   = "CALIBRATED"; 
+            L15NameMap[UNCALIBRATED] = "UNCALIBRATED"; 
+            std::map <int, std::string>::const_iterator mask_map_iterator = L15NameMap.find(enum_int);
+            if (mask_map_iterator == L15NameMap.end()){
+                return "UNKNOWN";
+            } else {
+                return mask_map_iterator->second;
+            }
+        }
+        void RoIWordToStrings(int RoIWord, std::string & input_type_string, std::string & output_type_string, int & counter){             
+            if ( (RoIWord & BLANKWORD) == BLANKWORD) { // L1.5 jets
+                unsigned int output_enum =  (RoIWord >> 8) & 255 ;
+                unsigned int input_enum  =  (RoIWord >> 16) & 255 ;
+                input_type_string  = MapEnumToString(input_enum);
+                output_type_string  = MapEnumToString(output_enum);
+                counter = RoIWord & 255;
+            } else { // others, probably L2 jets
+                input_type_string = "NON_L15";
+                output_type_string = "L2CONE";
+                counter = 0;
+            }
+        }
+}; // end of class
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1ToolsDict.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1ToolsDict.h
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index 00000000000..45c7641f696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1ToolsDict.h
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1Tools.h"
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1TowerCalibTool.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1TowerCalibTool.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..695b0198783
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1TowerCalibTool.h
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+NAME:     T2L1TowerCalibTool.h
+PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet
+AUTHORS:  Matthew Tamsett <>, Carlos Sandoval <>
+CREATED:  December 2010
+PURPOSE: Calibration tool for L1 towers. 
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetBaseTool.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/AlgTool.h"
+#include "CaloRec/ToolWithConstantsMixin.h"
+class TrigT2Jet;
+class Trig3Momentum;
+class T2L1TowerCalibTool : public T2CaloJetBaseTool,
+                           public CaloRec::ToolWithConstantsMixin
+    public:
+        T2L1TowerCalibTool(const std::string& type, const std::string& name, 
+                           const IInterface* parent);
+        ~T2L1TowerCalibTool();
+        virtual StatusCode initialize();
+        using T2CaloJetBaseTool::execute;
+        virtual StatusCode execute();
+        virtual StatusCode finalize();
+        virtual StatusCode execute(TrigT2Jet* jet,double /*etamin*/, double /*etamax*/, double /*phimin*/, double /*phimax*/);
+        using AlgTool::setProperty;
+        virtual StatusCode setProperty (const std::string& propname,
+        const std::string& value);  
+        virtual StatusCode setProperty (const Property& p); 
+    protected:
+        /** For Logging, in all tools we should use (*m_log) to avoid recalling of the MsgStream all the time. */
+        MsgStream* m_log;
+        Trig3Momentum *m_grid_element;
+        int GetEtaBin(double jet_eta);
+        int GetPhiBin(double jet_phi);
+        int GetEtBin(double jet_et);
+        double GetEtaCalibFactor(int etabin, int phibin, int etbin);        
+        CaloRec::Array<2> m_CalibConstants;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1Unpacking.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1Unpacking.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..404196dc569
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1Unpacking.h
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// ********************************************************************
+// NAME:     T2L1Unpacking.h
+// PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet
+// AUTHOR:   Matthew Tamsett
+// Description: Unpack the L1Calo towers for use with L1.5
+// ********************************************************************
+#include "TrigInterfaces/AllTEAlgo.h"
+#include "TrigTimeAlgs/TrigTimerSvc.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloCommon/TrigDataAccess.h"
+class ITrigTimerSvc;
+class TrigT2Jet;
+class Trig3Momentum;
+class T2CaloJetBaseTool;
+namespace LVL1BS{
+    class ITrigT1CaloDataAccess;
+namespace LVL1{
+    class IL1JetTools;
+    class JetElement;
+    class TriggerTower;
+class T2L1Unpacking: public HLT::AllTEAlgo {
+    public:
+        T2L1Unpacking(const std::string & name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
+        ~T2L1Unpacking();
+        HLT::ErrorCode hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT::TriggerElement*> >& input,
+                                unsigned int output);
+        HLT::ErrorCode hltInitialize();
+        HLT::ErrorCode hltFinalize();
+        CaloSampling::CaloSample determineCaloSampling(double fabs_eta, bool isEM);
+        double determineTriggerTowerEta(double eta, bool isEM);
+    private:
+        // Properties:
+        std::string  m_jetOutputKey;
+        //int          m_outputType;   // record the type of output towers, e.g. calibrated, uncalibrated
+        //std::string  m_outputString; // mapped to enum in initalize, this should be changed so that its directly configured in the config
+        bool         m_doTriggerTowers; // bool to switch to trigger towers mode, default mode is Jet Elements
+        // Tools
+        ToolHandleArray< T2CaloJetBaseTool > m_tools; // for calibration
+    protected: 
+        /** For Logging, in all tools we should use (*m_log) to avoid recalling of the MsgStream all the time. */
+        MsgStream* m_log;
+        ITrigTimerSvc *m_pTimerService;   // pointer to Timer Service
+        //TrigTimer *m_total_timer;
+        TrigTimer *m_l1_unpacking_timer;
+        TrigTimer *m_unpacking_timer;
+        TrigTimer *m_calibration_timer;
+        TrigTimer *m_RoI_timer;
+        ToolHandle< LVL1BS::ITrigT1CaloDataAccess > m_dataL1;
+        bool m_retrievedJetTool;
+	/// no longer needed - the the RoiDescriptor directly !!
+        double m_etaMin;
+        double m_etaMax;
+        double m_phiMin;
+        double m_phiMax;
+        bool m_fullScan;
+        // output
+        TrigT2Jet     *m_jet;
+        Trig3Momentum *m_grid_element;
+        // Monitored Variables
+        float               m_UnpckTime;      // The total unpacking time
+        float               m_L1UnpckTime;    // The L1 unpacking time
+        float               m_CalibrationTime;// The time to calibrate the jets
+        //float               m_TotalTime;      // The total time
+        float               m_RoITime;        // The RoI making time
+        int                 m_nTowers;        // The number of towers found
+        int                 m_nEMTowers;      // The number of EM towers found
+        int                 m_nHADTowers;     // The number of HAD towers found
+        std::vector<double> m_et;             // transverse energy
+        std::vector<double> m_et_had;         // hadronic transverse energy 
+        std::vector<double> m_et_em;          // electromagnetic transverse energy
+        std::vector<double> m_eta;            // eta
+        std::vector<double> m_eta_em;         // eta of EM towers
+        std::vector<double> m_eta_had;        // eta of HAD towers
+        std::vector<double> m_phi;            // phi  
+        std::vector<double> m_phi_em;         // phi of EM towers  
+        std::vector<double> m_phi_had;        // phi of HAD towers
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/Trig3MomentumMerger.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/Trig3MomentumMerger.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7f60a0c817a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/Trig3MomentumMerger.h
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/GridsHandler.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/EtaPhiSampleHash.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/HashedTrig3Momentum.h"
+  @brief Merge Trig3Momentum to a finite granularity
+  Merge some input Trig3Momentum collection into an output
+  Trig3Momentum collection with a predefined granularity.
+  April 2012
+class Trig3MomentumMerger {
+ public:
+  Trig3MomentumMerger();
+  bool mergeCells(const Vt3m &input, Vt3m &output);
+ private:
+  unsigned int expectedLength(const Vt3m &input);
+ private:
+  EtaPhiSampleHash m_hashMap;
+  GridsHandler m_gridsHandler;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/selection.xml b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/selection.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b87b09fad7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/TrigT2CaloJet/selection.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  <class name="T2L1Tools" />
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/python/ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/python/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1c2ad9602e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+binEdgeDict = {}
+binEdgeDict[ 'L2FS_em_residual_factors_eta' ] = [-4.9, -4.0, -3.2, -2.5, -1.6, -0.8, 0.0, 0.8, 1.6, 2.5, 3.2, 4.0, 4.9]
+energyCorrDict= {}
+## L2FS EM scale residual corrections 
+# Matthew Tamsett <>
+# Rajivalochan Subramaniam <>
+# [i]: eta: -4.9, -4.0, -3.2, -2.5, -1.6, -0.8, 0.0, 0.8, 1.6, 2.5, 3.2, 4.0, 4.9
+## Jet energy calibration
+##   [0]+[1]*(log10(x)^-1)+[2]*(log10(x)^-1)^2+...
+energyCorrDict[ 'L2FS_em_residual_factors' ] = [
+    [1.50000e-01,   1.50000e-01, -7.56261e-01,  1.32880e-01,  0.0000e+00,   0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00], ## bin 0 -4.9< eta <-4.0
+    [-2.50000e-02, -2.50000e-02, -2.50000e-02, -2.50000e-02, -2.34682e-01 , 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00], ## bin 1 -4.0< eta <-3.2            
+    [-4.47860e-02,  1.91685e-01, -4.59624e-01,  0.0000e+00,   0.0000e+00 ,  0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00], ## bin 2 -3.2<eta -2.5
+    [6.03751e-02,  -9.63390e-02, -3.05565e-01,  0.0000e+00,   0.0000e+00,   0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00], ## bin 3  -2.5<eta<-1.6       
+    [-8.89929e-03,  2.22643e-02, -3.83097e-01,  0.0000e+00,   0.0000e+00,   0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00], ## bin 4 -1.6<eta<-0.8
+    [5.73233e-02,  -5.45971e-02, -3.30586e-01,  0.0000e+00,   0.0000e+00,   0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00], ## bin 5 -0.8<eta< 0
+    [5.73233e-02,  -5.45971e-02, -3.30586e-01,  0.0000e+00,   0.0000e+00,   0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00], ## bin 6  0.0<eta< 0.8
+    [-8.89929e-03,  2.22643e-02, -3.83097e-01,  0.0000e+00,   0.0000e+00,   0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00], ## bin 7  0.8<eta< 1.6
+    [6.03751e-02,  -9.63390e-02, -3.05565e-01,  0.0000e+00,   0.0000e+00,   0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00], ## bin 8  1.6<eta<2.5
+    [-4.47860e-02,  1.91685e-01, -4.59624e-01,  0.0000e+00,   0.0000e+00,   0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00], ## bin 9  2.5<eta<3.2
+    [-2.50000e-02, -2.50000e-02, -2.50000e-02, -2.50000e-02, -2.34682e-01 , 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00], ## bin 10 3.2< eta <4      
+    [1.50000e-01,   1.50000e-01, -7.56261e-01,  1.32880e-01,  0.0000e+00,   0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00], ## bin 11 4.0< eta<4.9
+## Jet element calibration
+energyCorrDict[ 'JE_factors' ] = [
+[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[1, 0.732649, 0.657187, 0.582351, 0.568978, 0.787708, 0.797072, 0.788461, 0.758857, 0.709569, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[0.963072, 0.917165, 0.858138, 0.788752, 0.790744, 0.934746, 0.899513, 0.890402, 0.871661, 0.793681, 0.807622, 0.94587, 0.922921, 0.903774, 0.894499, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[1.01831, 0.995006, 0.930382, 0.869178, 0.874385, 0.990226, 0.938528, 0.933349, 0.92158, 0.827567, 0.838162, 0.966597, 0.949608, 0.952079, 0.942151, 0.923921, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[1.04632, 1.0065, 0.998164, 0.943681, 0.991454, 1.01259, 0.989524, 0.975407, 0.954918, 0.853876, 0.870036, 0.97283, 0.96642, 0.968738, 0.963785, 0.954188, 0.909048, 1, 1, 0.758403, 1],
+[1.03808, 1.02677, 1.02914, 0.9612, 1.01392, 1.02696, 0.997101, 0.9781, 0.950607, 0.861182, 0.875115, 0.975573, 0.966072, 0.964686, 0.950734, 0.94877, 0.930003, 0.968884, 1, 0.673215, 1],
+[1.05728, 1.04072, 1.03521, 0.971556, 1.00436, 1.02207, 0.997667, 0.976948, 0.960568, 0.862825, 0.877273, 0.971429, 0.966273, 0.967753, 0.965021, 0.963443, 0.957007, 0.907368, 1, 0.777622, 1],
+[1.0335, 1.04651, 1.01774, 1.01502, 1.01123, 1.00854, 0.992301, 0.974068, 0.957547, 0.863424, 0.876279, 0.967542, 0.96582, 0.968138, 0.965577, 0.963099, 0.955318, 0.953505, 0.969231, 0.811548, 1],
+[1.05667, 1.07414, 1.12747, 1.17586, 1.0306, 1.05539, 1.04156, 1.0482, 1.01271, 1.00957, 0.986511, 1.00956, 1.00419, 0.997957, 0.990016, 0.980192, 0.972004, 0.964872, 0.969231, 0.841827, 1],
+[1.06822, 1.13373, 1.22308, 1.16611, 1.01388, 1.06828, 1.06539, 1.08269, 1.08061, 1.08864, 0.975235, 1.02304, 1.02052, 1.0031, 0.990162, 0.986197, 0.980423, 0.968884, 0.876923, 0.853859, 1],
+[1.088, 1.08228, 1.15033, 1.16992, 1.02095, 1.05037, 1.04923, 1.05511, 1.03741, 1.04549, 0.998608, 1.04065, 1.04638, 1.04287, 1.03978, 1.03551, 1.03327, 1.01964, 0.969231, 0.928778, 1],
+[1.06134, 1.07087, 1.13335, 1.1473, 1.01166, 1.05035, 1.03923, 1.05272, 1.03184, 1.02643, 0.985362, 1.03035, 1.03848, 1.03402, 1.03025, 1.02781, 1.02005, 1.01456, 1.04615, 0.947696, 1],
+[1.02439, 1.02975, 1.03728, 1.09439, 0.974983, 1.00738, 1.00662, 1.016, 0.999814, 0.975261, 0.958696, 0.999569, 1.00895, 1.00741, 1.00495, 1.00166, 0.999155, 0.993898, 0.992308, 0.97022, 1],
+[1.00698, 1.00495, 0.991761, 1.01249, 0.981476, 0.999528, 0.99939, 1.00238, 0.99601, 0.96414, 0.987203, 0.998647, 1.00389, 1.00354, 1.00338, 1.00247, 1.00239, 1.00077, 1.00879, 0.979493, 1],
+[1.01036, 1.00545, 1.0073, 1.01002, 0.986233, 1.00075, 1.00497, 0.997815, 0.999706, 0.982039, 1.00018, 1.00176, 1.00353, 1.0034, 1.00322, 1.00395, 1.00239, 1.00677, 0.995604, 1.00742, 1],
+[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[1.00326, 1.00893, 0.981908, 1.00688, 0.983689, 1.00378, 0.998563, 0.995499, 1.00682, 0.997098, 0.992604, 0.994677, 0.998323, 0.997436, 0.997583, 0.997269, 0.995517, 0.990071, 0.984615, 0.997593, 1],
+[1.00419, 0.99139, 0.988142, 0.989949, 0.987665, 0.993987, 0.995894, 0.989736, 0.987683, 0.984006, 0.99745, 0.991238, 0.99326, 0.992002, 0.9916, 0.992211, 0.988493, 0.989086, 0.982657, 0.995758, 1],
+[1.00033, 0.999973, 0.986212, 0.992648, 0.990341, 0.996469, 0.990997, 0.98742, 0.982071, 0.966529, 0.996929, 0.988278, 0.99071, 0.990932, 0.990534, 0.990377, 0.991391, 0.986356, 0.986982, 0.995863, 1],
+[0.997823, 0.997993, 0.996516, 0.980383, 0.973388, 0.988612, 0.992555, 0.990589, 0.98603, 0.955803, 0.982497, 0.985134, 0.989585, 0.989439, 0.98986, 0.987933, 0.988564, 0.983245, 0.988811, 0.975359, 1],
+[1.00145, 1.00299, 1.01761, 1.03578, 0.971403, 0.991637, 1.001, 0.996646, 0.978679, 0.98986, 0.961125, 0.985624, 0.993008, 0.991249, 0.98943, 0.986799, 0.987093, 0.976908, 1, 0.95216, 1],
+[1.02765, 1.05224, 1.08272, 1.12208, 0.995723, 1.0241, 1.02565, 1.0367, 1.01459, 1.03169, 0.985472, 1.02033, 1.02764, 1.02175, 1.01865, 1.01438, 1.00701, 1.01059, 0.976923, 0.938199, 1],
+[1.0787, 1.08527, 1.10586, 1.15524, 1.02656, 1.03945, 1.04886, 1.04752, 1.03223, 1.00483, 1.00023, 1.03519, 1.03736, 1.03311, 1.02905, 1.02496, 1.01955, 1.00925, 1.03077, 0.928851, 1],
+[1.05407, 1.07286, 1.14085, 1.13365, 1.00321, 1.04376, 1.04587, 1.05198, 1.04193, 1.05515, 0.976433, 1.01714, 1.01288, 0.994341, 0.979535, 0.976823, 0.978074, 0.949956, 0.923077, 0.837593, 1],
+[1.06226, 1.12014, 1.17891, 1.18049, 1.03381, 1.07113, 1.05943, 1.05496, 1.04184, 1.04432, 1.00074, 1.01669, 1.00968, 1.00158, 0.991343, 0.981698, 0.971028, 0.963456, 1, 0.853603, 1],
+[1.0421, 1.04362, 1.03215, 1.00733, 1.00688, 1.01012, 0.995392, 0.975134, 0.961122, 0.859542, 0.894761, 0.968768, 0.968193, 0.971021, 0.968925, 0.966411, 0.963923, 0.962293, 1, 0.810748, 1],
+[1.05884, 1.04375, 1.03846, 1.01044, 1.01915, 1.01851, 1.0016, 0.986813, 0.966459, 0.867083, 0.886514, 0.973076, 0.970679, 0.972459, 0.970648, 0.96881, 0.972509, 0.968884, 1, 0.774462, 1],
+[1.05683, 1.0476, 1.0008, 0.97346, 1.02024, 1.02595, 0.994583, 0.98965, 0.959866, 0.867563, 0.885586, 0.975321, 0.969133, 0.970606, 0.968159, 0.961191, 0.957472, 1, 1, 0.728722, 1],
+[1.0544, 1.021, 1.02373, 0.981706, 1.00512, 1.01978, 0.989929, 0.974602, 0.95836, 0.854214, 0.865464, 0.972314, 0.965047, 0.967045, 0.961512, 0.947749, 0.83201, 1, 1, 0.656396, 1],
+[1.0136, 0.986109, 0.94201, 0.874168, 0.89865, 0.987246, 0.936149, 0.93741, 0.92277, 0.831139, 0.848595, 0.973952, 0.952389, 0.952801, 0.940302, 0.93932, 1, 1, 1, 0.709617, 1],
+[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[0.957084, 0.91684, 0.85538, 0.78333, 0.773765, 0.931254, 0.895317, 0.88877, 0.877844, 0.796638, 0.797414, 0.944883, 0.920993, 0.903721, 0.774315, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[1, 0.832556, 0.698693, 0.639456, 0.692557, 0.777771, 0.792767, 0.849111, 0.708267, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
+## Trigger Towers
+energyCorrDict[ 'TT_factors' ] = [
+[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[1, 0.732649, 0.657187, 0.582351, 0.568978, 0.787708, 0.797072, 0.788461, 0.758857, 0.709569, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[0.963072, 0.917165, 0.858138, 0.788752, 0.790744, 0.934746, 0.899513, 0.890402, 0.871661, 0.793681, 0.807622, 0.94587, 0.922921, 0.903774, 0.894499, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[1.01831, 0.995006, 0.930382, 0.869178, 0.874385, 0.990226, 0.938528, 0.933349, 0.92158, 0.827567, 0.838162, 0.966597, 0.949608, 0.952079, 0.942151, 0.923921, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[1.04632, 1.0065, 0.998164, 0.943681, 0.991454, 1.01259, 0.989524, 0.975407, 0.954918, 0.853876, 0.870036, 0.97283, 0.96642, 0.968738, 0.963785, 0.954188, 0.909048, 1, 1, 0.758403, 1],
+[1.03808, 1.02677, 1.02914, 0.9612, 1.01392, 1.02696, 0.997101, 0.9781, 0.950607, 0.861182, 0.875115, 0.975573, 0.966072, 0.964686, 0.950734, 0.94877, 0.930003, 0.968884, 1, 0.673215, 1],
+[1.05728, 1.04072, 1.03521, 0.971556, 1.00436, 1.02207, 0.997667, 0.976948, 0.960568, 0.862825, 0.877273, 0.971429, 0.966273, 0.967753, 0.965021, 0.963443, 0.957007, 0.907368, 1, 0.777622, 1],
+[1.0335, 1.04651, 1.01774, 1.01502, 1.01123, 1.00854, 0.992301, 0.974068, 0.957547, 0.863424, 0.876279, 0.967542, 0.96582, 0.968138, 0.965577, 0.963099, 0.955318, 0.953505, 0.969231, 0.811548, 1],
+[1.05667, 1.07414, 1.12747, 1.17586, 1.0306, 1.05539, 1.04156, 1.0482, 1.01271, 1.00957, 0.986511, 1.00956, 1.00419, 0.997957, 0.990016, 0.980192, 0.972004, 0.964872, 0.969231, 0.841827, 1],
+[1.06822, 1.13373, 1.22308, 1.16611, 1.01388, 1.06828, 1.06539, 1.08269, 1.08061, 1.08864, 0.975235, 1.02304, 1.02052, 1.0031, 0.990162, 0.986197, 0.980423, 0.968884, 0.876923, 0.853859, 1],
+[1.088, 1.08228, 1.15033, 1.16992, 1.02095, 1.05037, 1.04923, 1.05511, 1.03741, 1.04549, 0.998608, 1.04065, 1.04638, 1.04287, 1.03978, 1.03551, 1.03327, 1.01964, 0.969231, 0.928778, 1],
+[1.06134, 1.07087, 1.13335, 1.1473, 1.01166, 1.05035, 1.03923, 1.05272, 1.03184, 1.02643, 0.985362, 1.03035, 1.03848, 1.03402, 1.03025, 1.02781, 1.02005, 1.01456, 1.04615, 0.947696, 1],
+[1.02439, 1.02975, 1.03728, 1.09439, 0.974983, 1.00738, 1.00662, 1.016, 0.999814, 0.975261, 0.958696, 0.999569, 1.00895, 1.00741, 1.00495, 1.00166, 0.999155, 0.993898, 0.992308, 0.97022, 1],
+[1.00698, 1.00495, 0.991761, 1.01249, 0.981476, 0.999528, 0.99939, 1.00238, 0.99601, 0.96414, 0.987203, 0.998647, 1.00389, 1.00354, 1.00338, 1.00247, 1.00239, 1.00077, 1.00879, 0.979493, 1],
+[1.01036, 1.00545, 1.0073, 1.01002, 0.986233, 1.00075, 1.00497, 0.997815, 0.999706, 0.982039, 1.00018, 1.00176, 1.00353, 1.0034, 1.00322, 1.00395, 1.00239, 1.00677, 0.995604, 1.00742, 1],
+[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[1.00326, 1.00893, 0.981908, 1.00688, 0.983689, 1.00378, 0.998563, 0.995499, 1.00682, 0.997098, 0.992604, 0.994677, 0.998323, 0.997436, 0.997583, 0.997269, 0.995517, 0.990071, 0.984615, 0.997593, 1],
+[1.00419, 0.99139, 0.988142, 0.989949, 0.987665, 0.993987, 0.995894, 0.989736, 0.987683, 0.984006, 0.99745, 0.991238, 0.99326, 0.992002, 0.9916, 0.992211, 0.988493, 0.989086, 0.982657, 0.995758, 1],
+[1.00033, 0.999973, 0.986212, 0.992648, 0.990341, 0.996469, 0.990997, 0.98742, 0.982071, 0.966529, 0.996929, 0.988278, 0.99071, 0.990932, 0.990534, 0.990377, 0.991391, 0.986356, 0.986982, 0.995863, 1],
+[0.997823, 0.997993, 0.996516, 0.980383, 0.973388, 0.988612, 0.992555, 0.990589, 0.98603, 0.955803, 0.982497, 0.985134, 0.989585, 0.989439, 0.98986, 0.987933, 0.988564, 0.983245, 0.988811, 0.975359, 1],
+[1.00145, 1.00299, 1.01761, 1.03578, 0.971403, 0.991637, 1.001, 0.996646, 0.978679, 0.98986, 0.961125, 0.985624, 0.993008, 0.991249, 0.98943, 0.986799, 0.987093, 0.976908, 1, 0.95216, 1],
+[1.02765, 1.05224, 1.08272, 1.12208, 0.995723, 1.0241, 1.02565, 1.0367, 1.01459, 1.03169, 0.985472, 1.02033, 1.02764, 1.02175, 1.01865, 1.01438, 1.00701, 1.01059, 0.976923, 0.938199, 1],
+[1.0787, 1.08527, 1.10586, 1.15524, 1.02656, 1.03945, 1.04886, 1.04752, 1.03223, 1.00483, 1.00023, 1.03519, 1.03736, 1.03311, 1.02905, 1.02496, 1.01955, 1.00925, 1.03077, 0.928851, 1],
+[1.05407, 1.07286, 1.14085, 1.13365, 1.00321, 1.04376, 1.04587, 1.05198, 1.04193, 1.05515, 0.976433, 1.01714, 1.01288, 0.994341, 0.979535, 0.976823, 0.978074, 0.949956, 0.923077, 0.837593, 1],
+[1.06226, 1.12014, 1.17891, 1.18049, 1.03381, 1.07113, 1.05943, 1.05496, 1.04184, 1.04432, 1.00074, 1.01669, 1.00968, 1.00158, 0.991343, 0.981698, 0.971028, 0.963456, 1, 0.853603, 1],
+[1.0421, 1.04362, 1.03215, 1.00733, 1.00688, 1.01012, 0.995392, 0.975134, 0.961122, 0.859542, 0.894761, 0.968768, 0.968193, 0.971021, 0.968925, 0.966411, 0.963923, 0.962293, 1, 0.810748, 1],
+[1.05884, 1.04375, 1.03846, 1.01044, 1.01915, 1.01851, 1.0016, 0.986813, 0.966459, 0.867083, 0.886514, 0.973076, 0.970679, 0.972459, 0.970648, 0.96881, 0.972509, 0.968884, 1, 0.774462, 1],
+[1.05683, 1.0476, 1.0008, 0.97346, 1.02024, 1.02595, 0.994583, 0.98965, 0.959866, 0.867563, 0.885586, 0.975321, 0.969133, 0.970606, 0.968159, 0.961191, 0.957472, 1, 1, 0.728722, 1],
+[1.0544, 1.021, 1.02373, 0.981706, 1.00512, 1.01978, 0.989929, 0.974602, 0.95836, 0.854214, 0.865464, 0.972314, 0.965047, 0.967045, 0.961512, 0.947749, 0.83201, 1, 1, 0.656396, 1],
+[1.0136, 0.986109, 0.94201, 0.874168, 0.89865, 0.987246, 0.936149, 0.93741, 0.92277, 0.831139, 0.848595, 0.973952, 0.952389, 0.952801, 0.940302, 0.93932, 1, 1, 1, 0.709617, 1],
+[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[0.957084, 0.91684, 0.85538, 0.78333, 0.773765, 0.931254, 0.895317, 0.88877, 0.877844, 0.796638, 0.797414, 0.944883, 0.920993, 0.903721, 0.774315, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[1, 0.832556, 0.698693, 0.639456, 0.692557, 0.777771, 0.792767, 0.849111, 0.708267, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/python/ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/python/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..0d6f6473dd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,1541 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+# Monitoring classes are loaded for each algorithm
+from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
+from TrigT2CaloJet.TrigT2CaloJetConf import T2CaloJetGridFromCells
+from TrigT2CaloJet.TrigT2CaloJetConf import T2CaloJetGridFromFEBHeader
+from TrigT2CaloJet.TrigT2CaloJetConf import T2CaloJetConeTool
+from TrigT2CaloJet.TrigT2CaloJetConf import T2CaloJetCalibTool
+from TrigT2CaloJet.TrigT2CaloJetConf import T2L1CaloJet
+from TrigT2CaloJet.TrigT2CaloJetConf import T2L1CaloFullScanJet
+from TrigT2CaloJet.TrigT2CaloJetConf import T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool
+from TrigT2CaloJet.TrigT2CaloJetConf import T2L1Unpacking
+from TrigT2CaloJet.TrigT2CaloJetConf import T2AllRoiUnpacking
+from TrigT2CaloJet.TrigT2CaloJetConf import T2CaloFastJet
+from TrigT2CaloJet.TrigT2CaloJetConf import T2CaloJet
+from TrigT2CaloJet.TrigT2CaloJetConf import T2L1TowerCalibTool
+from TrigT2CaloJet.TrigT2CaloJetConf import T2L1CaloJetCalibTool
+import TrigT2CaloJet.CalibrationFactorsL15 as CalibrationFactorsL15
+from TrigT2CaloCalibration.TrigT2CaloCalibrationConf import T2SampCalibTool
+from TrigT2CaloCalibration.TrigT2CaloCalibrationConf import T2JESCalibTool
+from TrigT2CaloCalibration.TrigT2CaloCalibrationConf import T2GSCalibTool
+#import JetCalibTools.EtaMassEnergyFactors        as EtaMassEnergyFactors
+#import JetCalibTools.Tile1FractionConstants      as Tile1FractionConstants
+#import JetCalibTools.HEC0FractionConstants       as HEC0FractionConstants
+#import JetCalibTools.EM3FractionConstants        as EM3FractionConstants
+#import JetCalibTools.FCAL1FractionConstants      as FCAL1FractionConstants
+#import JetCalibTools.PresamplerFractionConstants as PresamplerFractionConstants 
+from AthenaCommon.Constants import VERBOSE,DEBUG,INFO
+from AthenaPython import PyAthena # for L1.5 enums
+class  T2AllRoiUnpacking_test(T2AllRoiUnpacking):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__(self, name="T2AllRoiUnpacking_test", noisecut=2.):
+        super( T2AllRoiUnpacking_test, self ).__init__(name)        
+        from TrigT2CaloJet.TrigT2CaloJetMonitoring import T2AllRoiUnpackingTimeOnlineMonitoring, T2AllRoiUnpackingTimeValidationMonitoring
+        online = T2AllRoiUnpackingTimeOnlineMonitoring()
+        validation = T2AllRoiUnpackingTimeValidationMonitoring()
+        self.AthenaMonTools = [online, validation, ]
+        self.doTiming=True
+        from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
+        ToolSvc += T2CaloJetGridFromCells()
+        from CaloTools.CaloNoiseToolDefault import CaloNoiseToolDefault
+        theNoiseTool = CaloNoiseToolDefault()
+        ToolSvc += theNoiseTool
+        # add the tool used to get & fill the calorimeter cells
+        t2calojetgridfromcellsTool = T2CaloJetGridFromCells()
+        t2calojetgridfromcellsTool.doTiming = True
+        t2calojetgridfromcellsTool.doHECcellQualityCleaning = False
+        t2calojetgridfromcellsTool.applyNoiseCut = True  # should I set also the threshold? (default is 2.0)
+        t2calojetgridfromcellsTool.noiseTool = theNoiseTool
+        t2calojetgridfromcellsTool.applyNoiseCut = True
+        t2calojetgridfromcellsTool.noiseCutValue = noisecut
+        self.GridFromCellsTool = t2calojetgridfromcellsTool
+        # here put your customizations
+        self.L2RoiEtaHalfWidth = 0.5
+        self.L2RoiPhiHalfWidth = 0.5
+        #self.MergeEmCells=False #default True
+## L1.5 unpackers
+class T2L1Unpacking_Base (T2L1Unpacking):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        super( T2L1Unpacking_Base, self ).__init__(name)
+        from TrigT2CaloJet.TrigT2CaloJetMonitoring import TrigT2L1UnpackingValidationMonitoring, TrigT2L1UnpackingOnlineMonitoring, TrigT2L1UnpackingCosmicMonitoring
+        validation = TrigT2L1UnpackingValidationMonitoring()
+        online = TrigT2L1UnpackingOnlineMonitoring()
+        cosmic = TrigT2L1UnpackingCosmicMonitoring()
+        from TrigTimeMonitor.TrigTimeHistToolConfig import TrigTimeHistToolConfig
+        time = TrigTimeHistToolConfig("T2L1Unpacking_Time")
+        time.TimerHistLimits = [0,20]
+        self.doTiming=True
+        self.AthenaMonTools = [ validation, online, time, cosmic]
+class T2L1Unpacking_TT (T2L1Unpacking_Base):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__(self, name="T2L1Unpacking_TT"):
+        super( T2L1Unpacking_TT, self ).__init__(name)
+        # here put your customizations
+        self.doTriggerTowers = True
+class T2L1Unpacking_TT_TowerCalib (T2L1Unpacking_Base):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__(self, name="T2L1Unpacking_TT_TowerCalib"):
+        super( T2L1Unpacking_TT_TowerCalib, self ).__init__(name)      
+        # here put your customizations
+        self.doTriggerTowers = True        
+        # add in the calibration tool
+        t2l1towercalibtool = T2L1TowerCalibTool()
+        from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
+        ToolSvc += T2L1TowerCalibTool()
+        energyCorr = [ [ ] ]
+        energyCorr = CalibrationFactorsL15.energyCorrDict['TT_factors']
+        t2l1towercalibtool.Calib_Factors = str(energyCorr)
+        self.T2JetTools = [t2l1towercalibtool]        
+class T2L1Unpacking_JE (T2L1Unpacking_Base):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__(self, name="T2L1Unpacking_JE"):
+        super( T2L1Unpacking_JE, self ).__init__(name)
+        # here put your customizations
+        self.doTriggerTowers = False
+class T2L1Unpacking_JE_TowerCalib (T2L1Unpacking_Base):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__(self, name="T2L1Unpacking_JE_TowerCalib"):
+        super( T2L1Unpacking_JE_TowerCalib, self ).__init__(name)
+        # here put your customizations
+        self.doTriggerTowers = False  
+        # add in the calibration tool
+        t2l1towercalibtool = T2L1TowerCalibTool()
+        from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
+        ToolSvc += T2L1TowerCalibTool()
+        energyCorr = [ [ ] ]
+        energyCorr = CalibrationFactorsL15.energyCorrDict['JE_factors']
+        t2l1towercalibtool.Calib_Factors = str(energyCorr)
+        self.T2JetTools = [t2l1towercalibtool]        
+class T2CaloFastJet_CC (T2CaloFastJet):
+    "T2CaloFastJet FEX to be used with calorimeter cells"
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__(self, name="T2CaloFastJet_CC"):
+        super( T2CaloFastJet_CC, self ).__init__(name)
+        from TrigT2CaloJet.TrigT2CaloJetMonitoring import TrigT2CaloFastJetValidationMonitoring, TrigT2CaloFastJetOnlineMonitoring, TrigT2CaloFastJetCosmicMonitoring
+        validation = TrigT2CaloFastJetValidationMonitoring()
+        online = TrigT2CaloFastJetOnlineMonitoring()
+        cosmic = TrigT2CaloFastJetCosmicMonitoring()
+        from TrigTimeMonitor.TrigTimeHistToolConfig import TrigTimeHistToolConfig
+        time = TrigTimeHistToolConfig("T2CaloFastJet_CC_Time")
+        time.TimerHistLimits = [0,20]
+        self.doTiming=True
+        self.AthenaMonTools = [ validation, online, time, cosmic]
+        # here put your customizations
+        self.doCleaning = True
+        self.doT2L1Cleaning = False # do the regular cell-based cleaning
+        self.outputType = PyAthena.T2L1Tools.A4CC
+class T2CaloFastJet_CC_JESCalib (T2CaloFastJet_CC):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__(self, name="T2CaloFastJet_CC_JESCalib"):
+        super( T2CaloFastJet_CC_JESCalib, self ).__init__(name)
+        # here put your customizations
+        self.outputType = PyAthena.T2L1Tools.A4CC_JES
+        # add in the calibration tool
+        t2jescalibtool = T2JESCalibTool("T2JESCalibTool_Jet")
+        t2jescalibtool.MinEtCut = 1 
+        # Jet calibration factors
+        energyCorr = [ [ ] ]
+#        energyCorr = EtaMassEnergyFactors.energyCorrDict['AntiKt4TopoJets_EM'] # as a test, eventually we'll have our own constants
+        t2jescalibtool.JES_Factors = str(energyCorr)
+        t2calojetcalibtool = T2CaloJetCalibTool()
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCalibTool = t2jescalibtool
+        t2calojetcalibtool.doJetCalib = True
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolTile1  = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolFcal1  = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolEm3Bar = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolHec0   = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolEm3Fwd = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolPsBar  = t2jescalibtool #dummy config        
+        self.T2JetTools = [t2calojetcalibtool]
+class T2CaloFastJet_CC_JESCalib_L15 (T2CaloFastJet_CC_JESCalib):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__(self, name="T2CaloFastJet_CC_JESCalib_L15"):
+        super( T2CaloFastJet_CC_JESCalib_L15, self ).__init__(name)
+        # here put your customizations
+        self.inputType = PyAthena.T2L1Tools.A4TT
+class T2CaloFastJet_CC_JESCalib_L15had (T2CaloFastJet_CC_JESCalib):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__(self, name="T2CaloFastJet_CC_JESCalib_L15had"):
+        super( T2CaloFastJet_CC_JESCalib_L15had, self ).__init__(name)
+        # here put your customizations
+        self.inputType = PyAthena.T2L1Tools.A4TT_JES
+## L1.5 FastJet FEXes
+class T2CaloFastJet_Base (T2CaloFastJet):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        super( T2CaloFastJet_Base, self ).__init__(name)
+        from TrigT2CaloJet.TrigT2CaloJetMonitoring import TrigT2CaloFastJetValidationMonitoring, TrigT2CaloFastJetOnlineMonitoring, TrigT2CaloFastJetCosmicMonitoring
+        validation = TrigT2CaloFastJetValidationMonitoring()
+        online = TrigT2CaloFastJetOnlineMonitoring()
+        cosmic = TrigT2CaloFastJetCosmicMonitoring()
+        from TrigTimeMonitor.TrigTimeHistToolConfig import TrigTimeHistToolConfig
+        time = TrigTimeHistToolConfig("T2CaloFastJet_Time")
+        time.TimerHistLimits = [0,20]
+        self.doTiming=True
+        self.AthenaMonTools = [ validation, online, time, cosmic]
+# All non-multiple output TE algorithms should not be used with current L1.5 L2 interface
+#class T2CaloFastJet_a4JE (T2CaloFastJet_Base):
+    #__slots__ = []
+    #def __init__(self, name="T2CaloFastJet_a4JE"):
+        #super( T2CaloFastJet_a4JE, self ).__init__(name)
+        ## here put your customizations
+        #self.doCleaning = True
+        #self.doT2L1Cleaning = True
+        #self.outputType = PyAthena.T2L1Tools.A4JE
+#class T2CaloFastJet_a4JE_TowerCalib (T2CaloFastJet_Base):
+    #__slots__ = []
+    #def __init__(self, name="T2CaloFastJet_a4JE_TowerCalib"):
+        #super( T2CaloFastJet_a4JE_TowerCalib, self ).__init__(name)
+        ## here put your customizations
+        #self.doCleaning = True
+        #self.doT2L1Cleaning = True
+        #self.inputType  = PyAthena.T2L1Tools.CALIBRATED
+        #self.outputType = PyAthena.T2L1Tools.A4JE_TC
+#class T2CaloFastJet_a4JE_JESCalib (T2CaloFastJet_Base):
+    #__slots__ = []
+    #def __init__(self, name="T2CaloFastJet_a4JE_JESCalib"):
+        #super( T2CaloFastJet_a4JE_JESCalib, self ).__init__(name)
+        ## here put your customizations
+        #self.doCleaning = True
+        #self.doT2L1Cleaning = True
+        #self.outputType = PyAthena.T2L1Tools.A4JE_JES
+        ## add in the calibration tool
+        #t2jescalibtool = T2JESCalibTool("T2JESCalibTool_Jet")
+        #t2jescalibtool.MinEtCut = 1 
+        ## Jet calibration factors
+        #energyCorr = [ [ ] ]
+        #energyCorr = EtaMassEnergyFactors.energyCorrDict['AntiKt4TopoJets_EM'] # as a test, eventually we'll have our own constants
+        #t2jescalibtool.JES_Factors = str(energyCorr)
+        #t2calojetcalibtool = T2CaloJetCalibTool()
+        #t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCalibTool = t2jescalibtool
+        #t2calojetcalibtool.doJetCalib = True
+        #t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolTile1  = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        #t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolFcal1  = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        #t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolEm3Bar = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        #t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolHec0   = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        #t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolEm3Fwd = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        #t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolPsBar  = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        #self.T2JetTools = [t2calojetcalibtool]
+#class T2CaloFastJet_a4JE_TowerCalib_JESCalib (T2CaloFastJet_Base):
+    #__slots__ = []
+    #def __init__(self, name="T2CaloFastJet_a4JE_TowerCalib_JESCalib"):
+        #super( T2CaloFastJet_a4JE_TowerCalib_JESCalib, self ).__init__(name)
+        ## here put your customizations
+        #self.doCleaning = True
+        #self.doT2L1Cleaning = True
+        #self.inputType  = PyAthena.T2L1Tools.CALIBRATED
+        #self.outputType = PyAthena.T2L1Tools.A4JE_TC_JES
+        ## add in the calibration tool
+        #t2jescalibtool = T2JESCalibTool("T2JESCalibTool_Jet")
+        #t2jescalibtool.MinEtCut = 1 
+        ## Jet calibration factors
+        #energyCorr = [ [ ] ]
+        #energyCorr = EtaMassEnergyFactors.energyCorrDict['AntiKt4TopoJets_EM'] # as a test, eventually we'll have our own constants
+        #t2jescalibtool.JES_Factors = str(energyCorr)
+        #t2calojetcalibtool = T2CaloJetCalibTool()
+        #t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCalibTool = t2jescalibtool
+        #t2calojetcalibtool.doJetCalib = True
+        #t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolTile1  = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        #t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolFcal1  = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        #t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolEm3Bar = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        #t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolHec0   = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        #t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolEm3Fwd = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        #t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolPsBar  = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        #self.T2JetTools = [t2calojetcalibtool]
+#class T2CaloFastJet_a10JE (T2CaloFastJet_Base):
+    #__slots__ = []
+    #def __init__(self, name="T2CaloFastJet_a10JE"):
+        #super( T2CaloFastJet_a10JE, self ).__init__(name)
+        ## here put your customizations
+        #self.doCleaning = True
+        #self.doT2L1Cleaning = True
+        #self.distanceParameter = 1.0
+        #self.outputType = PyAthena.T2L1Tools.A10JE
+class T2CaloFastJet_a4JE (T2CaloFastJet_Base):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__(self, name="T2CaloFastJet_a4JE"):
+        super( T2CaloFastJet_a4JE, self ).__init__(name)
+        # here put your customizations
+        self.doCleaning = True
+        self.doT2L1Cleaning = True
+        self.outputType = PyAthena.T2L1Tools.A4JE
+        self.writeMultipleOutputTEs = True
+        self.secondOutputType = PyAthena.T2L1Tools.L2CONE
+class T2CaloFastJet_a10JE (T2CaloFastJet_Base):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__(self, name="T2CaloFastJet_a10JE"):
+        super( T2CaloFastJet_a10JE, self ).__init__(name)
+        # here put your customizations
+        self.doCleaning = True
+        self.doT2L1Cleaning = True
+        self.outputType = PyAthena.T2L1Tools.A10JE
+        self.distanceParameter = 1.0
+        self.writeMultipleOutputTEs = True
+        self.secondOutputType = PyAthena.T2L1Tools.L2CONE
+# All non-multiple output TE algorithms should not be used with current L1.5 L2 interface
+#class T2CaloFastJet_a4JE_PileupSubtraction (T2CaloFastJet_Base):
+    #__slots__ = []
+    #def __init__(self, name="T2CaloFastJet_a4JE_PileupSubtraction"):
+        #super( T2CaloFastJet_a4JE_PileupSubtraction, self ).__init__(name)
+        ## here put your customizations
+        #self.doCleaning = True
+        #self.doT2L1Cleaning = True
+        #self.outputType = PyAthena.T2L1Tools.A4JE_PU_SUB
+        #self.doPileupSubtraction = True
+#class T2CaloFastJet_a4TT (T2CaloFastJet_Base):
+    #__slots__ = []
+    #def __init__(self, name="T2CaloFastJet_a4TT"):
+        #super( T2CaloFastJet_a4TT, self ).__init__(name)
+        ## here put your customizations
+        #self.doCleaning = True
+        #self.doT2L1Cleaning = True
+        #self.outputType = PyAthena.T2L1Tools.A4TT
+#class T2CaloFastJet_a4TT_TowerCalib (T2CaloFastJet_Base):
+    #__slots__ = []
+    #def __init__(self, name="T2CaloFastJet_a4TT_TowerCalib"):
+        #super( T2CaloFastJet_a4TT_TowerCalib, self ).__init__(name)
+        ## here put your customizations
+        #self.doCleaning = True
+        #self.doT2L1Cleaning = True
+        #self.inputType  = PyAthena.T2L1Tools.CALIBRATED
+        #self.outputType = PyAthena.T2L1Tools.A4TT_TC
+#class T2CaloFastJet_a4TT_JESCalib (T2CaloFastJet_Base):
+    #__slots__ = []
+    #def __init__(self, name="T2CaloFastJet_a4TT_JESCalib"):
+        #super( T2CaloFastJet_a4TT_JESCalib, self ).__init__(name)
+        ## here put your customizations
+        #self.doCleaning = True
+        #self.doT2L1Cleaning = True
+        #self.outputType = PyAthena.T2L1Tools.A4TT_JES
+        ## add in the calibration tool
+        #t2jescalibtool = T2JESCalibTool("T2JESCalibTool_Jet")
+        #t2jescalibtool.MinEtCut = 1 
+        ## Jet calibration factors
+        #energyCorr = [ [ ] ]
+        #energyCorr = EtaMassEnergyFactors.energyCorrDict['AntiKt4TopoJets_EM'] # as a test, eventually we'll have our own constants
+        #t2jescalibtool.JES_Factors = str(energyCorr)
+        #t2calojetcalibtool = T2CaloJetCalibTool()
+        #t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCalibTool = t2jescalibtool
+        #t2calojetcalibtool.doJetCalib = True
+        #t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolTile1  = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        #t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolFcal1  = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        #t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolEm3Bar = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        #t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolHec0   = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        #t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolEm3Fwd = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        #t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolPsBar  = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        #self.T2JetTools = [t2calojetcalibtool]
+#class T2CaloFastJet_a4TT_TowerCalib_JESCalib (T2CaloFastJet_Base):
+    #__slots__ = []
+    #def __init__(self, name="T2CaloFastJet_a4TT_TowerCalib_JESCalib"):
+        #super( T2CaloFastJet_a4TT_TowerCalib_JESCalib, self ).__init__(name)
+        ## here put your customizations
+        #self.doCleaning = True
+        #self.doT2L1Cleaning = True
+        #self.inputType  = PyAthena.T2L1Tools.CALIBRATED
+        #self.outputType = PyAthena.T2L1Tools.A4TT_TC_JES
+        ## add in the calibration tool
+        #t2jescalibtool = T2JESCalibTool("T2JESCalibTool_Jet")
+        #t2jescalibtool.MinEtCut = 1 
+        ## Jet calibration factors
+        #energyCorr = [ [ ] ]
+        #energyCorr = EtaMassEnergyFactors.energyCorrDict['AntiKt4TopoJets_EM'] # as a test, eventually we'll have our own constants
+        #t2jescalibtool.JES_Factors = str(energyCorr)
+        #t2calojetcalibtool = T2CaloJetCalibTool()
+        #t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCalibTool = t2jescalibtool
+        #t2calojetcalibtool.doJetCalib = True
+        #t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolTile1  = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        #t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolFcal1  = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        #t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolEm3Bar = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        #t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolHec0   = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        #t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolEm3Fwd = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        #t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolPsBar  = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        #self.T2JetTools = [t2calojetcalibtool]
+#class T2CaloFastJet_a10TT (T2CaloFastJet_Base):
+    #__slots__ = []
+    #def __init__(self, name="T2CaloFastJet_a10TT"):
+        #super( T2CaloFastJet_a10TT, self ).__init__(name)
+        ## here put your customizations
+        #self.doCleaning = True
+        #self.doT2L1Cleaning = True
+        #self.distanceParameter = 1.0
+        #self.outputType = PyAthena.T2L1Tools.A10TT
+class T2CaloFastJet_a4TT (T2CaloFastJet_Base):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__(self, name="T2CaloFastJet_a4TT"):
+        super( T2CaloFastJet_a4TT, self ).__init__(name)
+        # here put your customizations
+        self.doCleaning = True
+        self.doT2L1Cleaning = True
+        self.outputType = PyAthena.T2L1Tools.A4TT
+        self.writeMultipleOutputTEs = True
+        self.secondOutputType = PyAthena.T2L1Tools.L2CONE
+class T2CaloFastJet_a10TT (T2CaloFastJet_Base):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__(self, name="T2CaloFastJet_a10TT"):
+        super( T2CaloFastJet_a10TT, self ).__init__(name)
+        # here put your customizations
+        self.doCleaning = True
+        self.doT2L1Cleaning = True
+        self.outputType = PyAthena.T2L1Tools.A10TT
+        self.distanceParameter = 1.0
+        self.writeMultipleOutputTEs = True
+        self.secondOutputType = PyAthena.T2L1Tools.L2CONE
+class T2CaloFastJet_a4TT_JESCalib (T2CaloFastJet_Base):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__(self, name="T2CaloFastJet_a4TT_JESCalib"):
+        super( T2CaloFastJet_a4TT_JESCalib, self ).__init__(name)
+        # here put your customizations
+        self.doCleaning = True
+        self.doT2L1Cleaning = True
+        self.outputType = PyAthena.T2L1Tools.A4TT_JES
+        self.pTmin = 10000. # here we could lower the pTmin cut so we can calibrate jets up.
+        # add in the calibration tool
+        t2l1calojetcalibtool = T2L1CaloJetCalibTool()
+        from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
+        ToolSvc += T2L1CaloJetCalibTool()
+        # Jet calibration factors
+        energyCorr = [ [ ] ]
+        energyCorr = CalibrationFactorsL15.energyCorrDict['L2FS_em_residual_factors'] ### DEBUG FACTORS replace with real ones
+        Eta_bins   = CalibrationFactorsL15.binEdgeDict['L2FS_em_residual_factors_eta'] 
+        t2l1calojetcalibtool.Calib_Factors = str(energyCorr)
+        t2l1calojetcalibtool.Eta_bin_edges = Eta_bins
+        assert len(Eta_bins)-1 == len(energyCorr), "T2CaloFastJet_a4TT_JESCalib eta bin length %i-1 != number of x bins in energy correction matrix %i"%(len(Eta_bins),len(energyCorr))
+        # add in the calibration tool
+        t2jescalibtool = T2JESCalibTool("T2JESCalibTool_Jet")
+        t2jescalibtool.MinEtCut = 1 
+        # Jet calibration factors
+        energyCorr = [ [ ] ]
+        #energyCorr = EtaMassEnergyFactors.energyCorrDict['AntiKt4TopoJets_EM'] # as a test, eventually we'll have our own constants
+        t2jescalibtool.JES_Factors = str(energyCorr)
+        t2calojetcalibtool = T2CaloJetCalibTool()
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCalibTool = t2jescalibtool
+        t2calojetcalibtool.doJetCalib = True
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolTile1  = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolFcal1  = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolEm3Bar = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolHec0   = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolEm3Fwd = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolPsBar  = t2jescalibtool #dummy config 
+        self.T2JetTools = [t2l1calojetcalibtool,t2calojetcalibtool]      
+        self.writeMultipleOutputTEs = True
+        self.secondOutputType = PyAthena.T2L1Tools.L2CONE
+#class T2CaloFastJet_a4TT_PileupSubtraction (T2CaloFastJet_Base):
+    #__slots__ = []
+    #def __init__(self, name="T2CaloFastJet_a4TT_PileupSubtraction"):
+        #super( T2CaloFastJet_a4TT_PileupSubtraction, self ).__init__(name)
+        ## here put your customizations
+        #self.doCleaning = True
+        #self.doT2L1Cleaning = True
+        #self.outputType = PyAthena.T2L1Tools.A4TT_PU_SUB
+        #self.doPileupSubtraction = True
+## depreciated L1.5 FEXes
+class T2L1CaloFullScanFastJet_JE_Jet (T2L1CaloFullScanJet):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__(self, name="T2L1CaloFullScanFastJet_JE_Jet"):
+        super( T2L1CaloFullScanFastJet_JE_Jet, self ).__init__(name)
+        from TrigT2CaloJet.TrigT2CaloJetMonitoring import TrigT2L1CaloJetValidationMonitoring, TrigT2L1CaloJetOnlineMonitoring, TrigT2L1CaloJetCosmicMonitoring
+        validation = TrigT2L1CaloJetValidationMonitoring()
+        online = TrigT2L1CaloJetOnlineMonitoring()
+        cosmic = TrigT2L1CaloJetCosmicMonitoring()
+        from TrigTimeMonitor.TrigTimeHistToolConfig import TrigTimeHistToolConfig
+        time = TrigTimeHistToolConfig("T2L1CaloFullScanJet_JE_Time")
+        time.TimerHistLimits = [0,20]
+        self.doTiming=True
+        self.AthenaMonTools = [ validation, online, time, cosmic]
+        # here put your customizations
+        t2l1fullscanfastjettool = T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool()
+        from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
+        ToolSvc += T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool()
+        t2l1fullscanfastjettool.coneRadius = 0.4        
+        t2l1fullscanfastjettool.doTriggerTowers = False
+        t2l1fullscanfastjettool.doCleaning = True
+        self.T2JetTools = [t2l1fullscanfastjettool]
+class T2L1CaloFullScanFastJet_TT_Jet (T2L1CaloFullScanJet):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__(self, name="T2L1CaloFullScanFastJet_TT_Jet"):
+        super( T2L1CaloFullScanFastJet_TT_Jet, self ).__init__(name)
+        from TrigT2CaloJet.TrigT2CaloJetMonitoring import TrigT2L1CaloJetValidationMonitoring, TrigT2L1CaloJetOnlineMonitoring, TrigT2L1CaloJetCosmicMonitoring
+        validation = TrigT2L1CaloJetValidationMonitoring()
+        online = TrigT2L1CaloJetOnlineMonitoring()
+        cosmic = TrigT2L1CaloJetCosmicMonitoring()
+        from TrigTimeMonitor.TrigTimeHistToolConfig import TrigTimeHistToolConfig
+        time = TrigTimeHistToolConfig("T2L1CaloFullScanJet_TT_Time")
+        time.TimerHistLimits = [0,20]
+        self.doTiming=True
+        self.AthenaMonTools = [ validation, online, time, cosmic]
+        # here put your customizations
+        t2l1fullscanfastjettool = T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool()
+        from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
+        ToolSvc += T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool()
+        t2l1fullscanfastjettool.coneRadius = 0.4        
+        t2l1fullscanfastjettool.doTriggerTowers = True
+        t2l1fullscanfastjettool.doCleaning   = True
+        t2l1fullscanfastjettool.doJetFinding = True
+        self.T2JetTools = [t2l1fullscanfastjettool]
+        # debug
+        self.recordOutput = True
+class T2L1CaloFullScanFastJet_10_TT_Jet (T2L1CaloFullScanJet):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__(self, name="T2L1CaloFullScanFastJet_10_TT_Jet"):
+        super( T2L1CaloFullScanFastJet_10_TT_Jet, self ).__init__(name)
+        from TrigT2CaloJet.TrigT2CaloJetMonitoring import TrigT2L1CaloJetValidationMonitoring, TrigT2L1CaloJetOnlineMonitoring, TrigT2L1CaloJetCosmicMonitoring
+        validation = TrigT2L1CaloJetValidationMonitoring()
+        online = TrigT2L1CaloJetOnlineMonitoring()
+        cosmic = TrigT2L1CaloJetCosmicMonitoring()
+        from TrigTimeMonitor.TrigTimeHistToolConfig import TrigTimeHistToolConfig
+        time = TrigTimeHistToolConfig("T2L1CaloFullScanJet_10_TT_Time")
+        time.TimerHistLimits = [0,20]
+        self.doTiming=True
+        self.AthenaMonTools = [ validation, online, time, cosmic]
+        # here put your customizations
+        t2l1fullscanfastjettool = T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool()
+        from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
+        ToolSvc += T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool()
+        t2l1fullscanfastjettool.coneRadius = 1.0      
+        t2l1fullscanfastjettool.doTriggerTowers = True
+        self.T2JetTools = [t2l1fullscanfastjettool]
+class T2L1CaloFullScanFastJet_10_JE_Jet (T2L1CaloFullScanJet):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__(self, name="T2L1CaloFullScanFastJet_10_JE_Jet"):
+        super( T2L1CaloFullScanFastJet_10_JE_Jet, self ).__init__(name)
+        from TrigT2CaloJet.TrigT2CaloJetMonitoring import TrigT2L1CaloJetValidationMonitoring, TrigT2L1CaloJetOnlineMonitoring, TrigT2L1CaloJetCosmicMonitoring
+        validation = TrigT2L1CaloJetValidationMonitoring()
+        online = TrigT2L1CaloJetOnlineMonitoring()
+        cosmic = TrigT2L1CaloJetCosmicMonitoring()
+        from TrigTimeMonitor.TrigTimeHistToolConfig import TrigTimeHistToolConfig
+        time = TrigTimeHistToolConfig("T2L1CaloFullScanJet_10_JE_Time")
+        time.TimerHistLimits = [0,20]
+        self.doTiming=True
+        self.AthenaMonTools = [ validation, online, time, cosmic]
+        # here put your customizations
+        t2l1fullscanfastjettool = T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool()
+        from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
+        ToolSvc += T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool()
+        t2l1fullscanfastjettool.coneRadius = 1.0      
+        t2l1fullscanfastjettool.doTriggerTowers = False
+        self.T2JetTools = [t2l1fullscanfastjettool]
+class T2L1CaloJet_Jet (T2L1CaloJet):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__(self, name="T2L1CaloJet_Jet"):
+        super( T2L1CaloJet_Jet, self ).__init__(name)
+        from TrigT2CaloJet.TrigT2CaloJetMonitoring import TrigT2VirtualL1CaloJetValidationMonitoring, TrigT2VirtualL1CaloJetOnlineMonitoring, TrigT2VirtualL1CaloJetCosmicMonitoring
+        validation = TrigT2VirtualL1CaloJetValidationMonitoring()
+        online = TrigT2VirtualL1CaloJetOnlineMonitoring()
+        cosmic = TrigT2VirtualL1CaloJetCosmicMonitoring()
+        from TrigTimeMonitor.TrigTimeHistToolConfig import TrigTimeHistToolConfig
+        time = TrigTimeHistToolConfig("T2L1CaloJet_Time")
+        time.TimerHistLimits = [0,20]
+        self.doTiming=True
+        self.AthenaMonTools = [ validation, online, time, cosmic]
+class T2CaloJetBase (T2CaloJet):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        super( T2CaloJetBase, self ).__init__(name)
+        from TrigT2CaloJet.TrigT2CaloJetMonitoring import TrigT2CaloJetValidationMonitoring, TrigT2CaloJetOnlineMonitoring, TrigT2CaloJetCosmicMonitoring, TrigT2CaloJetTimeMonitoring
+        validation = TrigT2CaloJetValidationMonitoring()
+        online = TrigT2CaloJetOnlineMonitoring()
+        cosmic = TrigT2CaloJetCosmicMonitoring()
+        timeUnp = TrigT2CaloJetTimeMonitoring()
+        from TrigTimeMonitor.TrigTimeHistToolConfig import TrigTimeHistToolConfig
+        time = TrigTimeHistToolConfig("T2CaloJet_Time")
+        self.AthenaMonTools = [ validation, online, time, timeUnp, cosmic]
+        # are these the correct widths for the jets ??
+        # really the best thing to do would be for T2CaloJet
+        # to determine the jet size *itself*, perhaps even on
+        # a jet-by-jet basis
+        self.EtaIDWidth = 0.2
+        self.PhiIDWidth = 0.2
+### Classes for non-calibrated L2 jets ####
+class T2CaloJet_Jet_noCalib (T2CaloJetBase):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_noCalib"):
+        super(T2CaloJet_Jet_noCalib, self).__init__(name)
+        # here put your customizations
+        t2calojetconetool = T2CaloJetConeTool()
+        t2calojetconetool.coneRadius = 0.4
+        t2calojetconetool.numberOfIterations = 3
+        t2calojetconetool.coneFJRadius=[1.0,0.7,0.4]
+        t2calojetconetool.cellQualityThresholdLAr = 4000
+        t2calojetconetool.leadingCellFraction = 0.9 
+        self.EtaWidth = 0.5
+        self.PhiWidth = 0.5
+        self.clearJetGrid = False
+        #self.OutputLevel = INFO
+        t2calojetgridfromcells = T2CaloJetGridFromCells()
+        t2calojetgridfromcells.doTiming = True
+        t2calojetgridfromcells.doHECcellQualityCleaning = False
+        self.jetOutputKey = "TrigT2CaloJet"
+        self.T2JetTools = [t2calojetgridfromcells,
+                           t2calojetconetool
+                           ]
+class T2CaloJet_Jet_noCalib_cellCleaning (T2CaloJet_Jet_noCalib):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_noCalib_cellCleaning"):
+        super(T2CaloJet_Jet_noCalib_cellCleaning, self).__init__(name)
+        t2calojetgridfromcells = T2CaloJetGridFromCells("T2CaloJetGridFromCells_cellCleaning")
+        t2calojetgridfromcells.doHECcellQualityCleaning = True
+        t2calojetgridfromcells.cellQualityThresholdHEC = 65535
+class T2CaloJet_Jet_noCalib_noiseCut (T2CaloJet_Jet_noCalib):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_noCalib_noiseCut",noisecut=2.):
+        mlog = logging.getLogger( 'T2CaloJet_Jet_noCalib_noiseCut:' )
+        try: 
+            from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
+            from CaloTools.CaloNoiseToolDefault import CaloNoiseToolDefault
+            theNoiseTool = CaloNoiseToolDefault()
+            ToolSvc += theNoiseTool
+            #cellTool.CaloNoiseTool=theCaloNoiseTool
+        except Exception:
+            mlog.error("could not get handle to CaloNoiseToolDefault")
+            print traceback.format_exc()
+            return False
+        super(T2CaloJet_Jet_noCalib_noiseCut, self).__init__(name)
+        #self.t2calojetgridfromcells = T2CaloJetGridFromCells()
+        self.T2JetTools[0].noiseTool = theNoiseTool
+        self.T2JetTools[0].applyNoiseCut = True
+        self.T2JetTools[0].noiseCutValue = noisecut
+### Classes for L2 jets calibrated with the offline JES correction ###
+class T2CaloJet_Jet_JESCalib (T2CaloJetBase):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_JESCalib"):
+        super(T2CaloJet_Jet_JESCalib, self).__init__(name)
+        # here put your customizations
+        t2calojetconetool = T2CaloJetConeTool()
+        t2calojetconetool.coneRadius = 0.4
+        t2calojetconetool.numberOfIterations = 3
+        t2calojetconetool.coneFJRadius=[1.0,0.7,0.4]
+        t2calojetconetool.cellQualityThresholdLAr = 4000
+        t2calojetconetool.leadingCellFraction = 0.9 
+        self.EtaWidth = 0.5
+        self.PhiWidth = 0.5
+        self.clearJetGrid = False
+        #self.OutputLevel = INFO
+        t2jescalibtool = T2JESCalibTool("T2JESCalibTool_Jet")
+        t2jescalibtool.MinEtCut = 1 
+        # Jet calibration factors
+        energyCorr = [ [ ] ]
+        #energyCorr = EtaMassEnergyFactors.energyCorrDict['AntiKt4TopoJets_EM']
+        t2jescalibtool.JES_Factors = str(energyCorr)
+        t2calojetcalibtool = T2CaloJetCalibTool()
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCalibTool = t2jescalibtool
+        t2calojetcalibtool.doJetCalib = True
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolTile1  = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolFcal1  = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolEm3Bar = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolHec0   = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolEm3Fwd = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolPsBar  = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        t2calojetgridfromcells = T2CaloJetGridFromCells()
+        t2calojetgridfromcells.doTiming = True
+        t2calojetgridfromcells.doHECcellQualityCleaning = False
+        self.jetOutputKey = "TrigT2CaloJet"
+        self.T2JetTools = [t2calojetgridfromcells,
+                           t2calojetconetool,
+                           t2calojetcalibtool]
+class T2CaloJet_Jet_JESCalib_cellCleaning (T2CaloJet_Jet_JESCalib):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_JESCalib_cellCleaning"):
+        t2calojetgridfromcells = T2CaloJetGridFromCells("T2CaloJetGridFromCells_cellCleaning")
+        t2calojetgridfromcells.doHECcellQualityCleaning = True
+        t2calojetgridfromcells.cellQualityThresholdHEC = 65535
+class T2CaloJet_Jet_JESCalib_noiseCut (T2CaloJet_Jet_JESCalib):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_JESCalib_noiseCut",noisecut=2.):
+        mlog = logging.getLogger( 'T2CaloJet_Jet_JESCalib_noiseCut:' )
+        try: 
+            from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
+            from CaloTools.CaloNoiseToolDefault import CaloNoiseToolDefault
+            theNoiseTool = CaloNoiseToolDefault()
+            ToolSvc += theNoiseTool
+            #cellTool.CaloNoiseTool=theCaloNoiseTool
+        except Exception:
+            mlog.error("could not get handle to CaloNoiseToolDefault")
+            print traceback.format_exc()
+            return False
+        super(T2CaloJet_Jet_JESCalib_noiseCut, self).__init__(name)
+        #self.t2calojetgridfromcells = T2CaloJetGridFromCells()
+        self.T2JetTools[0].noiseTool = theNoiseTool
+        self.T2JetTools[0].applyNoiseCut = True
+        self.T2JetTools[0].noiseCutValue = noisecut
+class T2CaloJet_Jet_JESCalib_writeLayers (T2CaloJet_Jet_JESCalib):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_JESCalib_writeLayers"):
+        super(T2CaloJet_Jet_JESCalib_writeLayers, self).__init__(name)
+        self.fillLayerInfo = True
+class T2CaloJet_Jet_JESCalib_cellCleaning_writeLayers (T2CaloJet_Jet_JESCalib_cellCleaning):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_JESCalib_cellCleaning_writeLayers"):
+        super(T2CaloJet_Jet_JESCalib_cellCleaning_writeLayers, self).__init__(name)
+        self.fillLayerInfo = True
+class T2CaloJet_Jet_JESCalib_noiseCut_writeLayers (T2CaloJet_Jet_JESCalib_noiseCut):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_JESCalib_noiseCut_writeLayers"):
+        super(T2CaloJet_Jet_JESCalib_noiseCut_writeLayers, self).__init__(name)
+        self.fillLayerInfo = True
+### Classes for jets calibrated with the offline GSC procedure ###
+class T2CaloJet_Jet_GSCalib (T2CaloJetBase):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_GSCalib"):
+        super(T2CaloJet_Jet_GSCalib, self).__init__(name)
+        # here put your customizations
+        t2calojetconetool = T2CaloJetConeTool()
+        t2calojetconetool.coneRadius = 0.4
+        t2calojetconetool.numberOfIterations = 3
+        t2calojetconetool.coneFJRadius=[1.0,0.7,0.4]
+        t2calojetconetool.cellQualityThresholdLAr = 4000
+        t2calojetconetool.leadingCellFraction = 0.9 
+        self.EtaWidth = 0.5
+        self.PhiWidth = 0.5
+        self.clearJetGrid = False
+        #self.OutputLevel = INFO
+        t2jescalibtool = T2JESCalibTool("T2JESCalibTool_Jet")
+        t2jescalibtool.MinEtCut = 1 
+        energyCorr = [ [ ] ]
+        #energyCorr = EtaMassEnergyFactors.energyCorrDict['AntiKt4TopoJets_EM']
+        t2jescalibtool.JES_Factors = str(energyCorr)
+        t2gscalibtooltile1 = T2GSCalibTool("T2GSCalibToolTile1_Jet")
+        etaFit        = []
+        etabins       = []
+        ptbins        = []
+        layerFracBins = []
+        #etaFit        = Tile1FractionConstants.tile1EtaFitDict['AntiKt4TopoJets']
+        #etabins       = Tile1FractionConstants.tile1EtaBinsDict['AntiKt4TopoJets']
+        #ptbins        = Tile1FractionConstants.tile1PtBinsDict['AntiKt4TopoJets']
+        #layerFracBins = Tile1FractionConstants.tile1LayerFracBinsDict['AntiKt4TopoJets']
+        t2gscalibtooltile1.CalibConstants  = str(etaFit)
+        t2gscalibtooltile1.EtaBins         = etabins
+        t2gscalibtooltile1.EtaMin          = -1.7
+        t2gscalibtooltile1.EtaMax          = 1.7
+        t2gscalibtooltile1.PtBins          = ptbins
+        t2gscalibtooltile1.PtMin           = 1000.0
+        t2gscalibtooltile1.JetPropertyBins = layerFracBins
+        t2gscalibtoolfcal1 = T2GSCalibTool("T2GSCalibToolFcal1_Jet")
+        etaFit        = []
+        etabins       = []
+        ptbins        = []
+        layerFracBins = []
+        #etaFit        = FCAL1FractionConstants.fcal1EtaFitDict['AntiKt4TopoJets']
+        #etabins       = FCAL1FractionConstants.fcal1EtaBinsDict['AntiKt4TopoJets']
+        #ptbins        = FCAL1FractionConstants.fcal1PtBinsDict['AntiKt4TopoJets']
+        #layerFracBins = FCAL1FractionConstants.fcal1LayerFracBinsDict['AntiKt4TopoJets']
+        t2gscalibtoolfcal1.CalibConstants  = str(etaFit)
+        t2gscalibtoolfcal1.EtaBins         = etabins
+        t2gscalibtoolfcal1.EtaMin          = -4.4
+        t2gscalibtoolfcal1.EtaGapMin       = -3.5
+        t2gscalibtoolfcal1.EtaGapMax       = 3.5
+        t2gscalibtoolfcal1.EtaMax          = 4.4
+        t2gscalibtoolfcal1.PtBins          = ptbins
+        t2gscalibtoolfcal1.PtMin           = 1000.0
+        t2gscalibtoolfcal1.JetPropertyBins = layerFracBins
+        t2gscalibtoolem3bar = T2GSCalibTool("T2GSCalibToolEm3Bar_Jet")
+        t2gscalibtoolem3fwd = T2GSCalibTool("T2GSCalibToolEm3Fwd_Jet")
+        etaFit        = []
+        etabins       = []
+        ptbins        = []
+        layerFracBins = []
+        #etaFit        = EM3FractionConstants.em3EtaFitDict['AntiKt4TopoJets']
+        #etabins       = EM3FractionConstants.em3EtaBinsDict['AntiKt4TopoJets']
+        #ptbins        = EM3FractionConstants.em3PtBinsDict['AntiKt4TopoJets']
+        #layerFracBins = EM3FractionConstants.em3LayerFracBinsDict['AntiKt4TopoJets']
+        t2gscalibtoolem3bar.CalibConstants  = str(etaFit)
+        t2gscalibtoolem3bar.EtaBins         = etabins
+        t2gscalibtoolem3bar.EtaMin          = -1.2
+        t2gscalibtoolem3bar.EtaMax          = 1.2
+        t2gscalibtoolem3bar.PtBins          = ptbins
+        t2gscalibtoolem3bar.PtMin           = 1000
+        t2gscalibtoolem3bar.JetPropertyBins = layerFracBins
+        t2gscalibtoolem3fwd.CalibConstants  = str(etaFit)
+        t2gscalibtoolem3fwd.EtaBins         = etabins
+        t2gscalibtoolem3fwd.EtaMin          = -3.0
+        t2gscalibtoolem3fwd.EtaGapMin       = -1.7
+        t2gscalibtoolem3fwd.EtaGapMax       = 1.7
+        t2gscalibtoolem3fwd.EtaMax          = 3.0
+        t2gscalibtoolem3fwd.PtBins          = ptbins
+        t2gscalibtoolem3fwd.PtMin           = 1000.0
+        t2gscalibtoolem3fwd.JetPropertyBins = layerFracBins
+        t2gscalibtoolhec0 = T2GSCalibTool("T2GSCalibToolHec0_Jet")
+        etaFit        = []
+        etabins       = []
+        ptbins        = []
+        layerFracBins = []
+        #etaFit        = HEC0FractionConstants.hec0EtaFitDict['AntiKt4TopoJets']
+        #etabins       = HEC0FractionConstants.hec0EtaBinsDict['AntiKt4TopoJets']
+        #ptbins        = HEC0FractionConstants.hec0PtBinsDict['AntiKt4TopoJets']
+        #layerFracBins = HEC0FractionConstants.hec0LayerFracBinsDict['AntiKt4TopoJets']
+        t2gscalibtoolhec0.CalibConstants  = str(etaFit)
+        t2gscalibtoolhec0.EtaBins         = etabins
+        t2gscalibtoolhec0.EtaMin          = -3.0
+        t2gscalibtoolhec0.EtaGapMin       = -1.4
+        t2gscalibtoolhec0.EtaGapMax       = 1.4
+        t2gscalibtoolhec0.EtaMax          = 3.0
+        t2gscalibtoolhec0.PtBins          = ptbins
+        t2gscalibtoolhec0.PtMin           = 1000.0
+        t2gscalibtoolhec0.JetPropertyBins = layerFracBins
+        t2gscalibtoolpsbar = T2GSCalibTool("T2GSCalibToolPsBar_Jet")
+        etaFit        = []
+        etabins       = []
+        ptbins        = []
+        layerFracBins = []
+        #etaFit        = PresamplerFractionConstants.presEtaFitDict['AntiKt4TopoJets']
+        #etabins       = PresamplerFractionConstants.presEtaBinsDict['AntiKt4TopoJets']
+        #ptbins        = PresamplerFractionConstants.presPtBinsDict['AntiKt4TopoJets']
+        #layerFracBins = PresamplerFractionConstants.presLayerFracBinsDict['AntiKt4TopoJets']
+        t2gscalibtoolpsbar.CalibConstants  = str(etaFit)
+        t2gscalibtoolpsbar.EtaBins         = etabins
+        t2gscalibtoolpsbar.EtaMin          = -1.7
+        t2gscalibtoolpsbar.EtaMax          = 1.7
+        t2gscalibtoolpsbar.PtBins          = ptbins
+        t2gscalibtoolpsbar.PtMin           = 1000.0
+        t2gscalibtoolpsbar.JetPropertyBins = layerFracBins
+        t2calojetcalibtool = T2CaloJetCalibTool()
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCalibTool      = t2jescalibtool
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolTile1  = t2gscalibtooltile1
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolFcal1  = t2gscalibtoolfcal1
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolEm3Bar = t2gscalibtoolem3bar
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolHec0   = t2gscalibtoolhec0
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolEm3Fwd = t2gscalibtoolem3fwd
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolPsBar  = t2gscalibtoolpsbar
+        t2calojetcalibtool.doJetCalib      = True
+        t2calojetcalibtool.doJetCorrTile1  = True
+        t2calojetcalibtool.doJetCorrFcal1  = True
+        t2calojetcalibtool.doJetCorrEm3Bar = True
+        t2calojetcalibtool.doJetCorrHec0   = True
+        t2calojetcalibtool.doJetCorrEm3Fwd = True
+        t2calojetcalibtool.doJetCorrPsBar  = True
+        t2calojetgridfromcells = T2CaloJetGridFromCells()
+        t2calojetgridfromcells.doTiming = True
+        t2calojetgridfromcells.doHECcellQualityCleaning = False
+        self.jetOutputKey = "TrigT2CaloJet"
+        self.jetOutputKey = "TrigT2Calo"
+        self.T2JetTools = [t2calojetgridfromcells,
+                           t2calojetconetool,
+                           t2calojetcalibtool]
+class T2CaloJet_Jet_GSCalib_cellCleaning (T2CaloJet_Jet_GSCalib):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_GSCalib_cellCleaning"):
+        t2calojetgridfromcells = T2CaloJetGridFromCells("T2CaloJetGridFromCells_cellCleaning")
+        t2calojetgridfromcells.doHECcellQualityCleaning = True
+        t2calojetgridfromcells.cellQualityThresholdHEC = 65535
+class T2CaloJet_Jet_GSCalib_noiseCut (T2CaloJet_Jet_GSCalib):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_GSCalib_noiseCut",noisecut=2.):
+        mlog = logging.getLogger( 'T2CaloJet_Jet_GSCalib_noiseCut:' )
+        try: 
+            from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
+            from CaloTools.CaloNoiseToolDefault import CaloNoiseToolDefault
+            theNoiseTool = CaloNoiseToolDefault()
+            ToolSvc += theNoiseTool
+            #cellTool.CaloNoiseTool=theCaloNoiseTool
+        except Exception:
+            mlog.error("could not get handle to CaloNoiseToolDefault")
+            print traceback.format_exc()
+            return False
+        super(T2CaloJet_Jet_GSCalib_noiseCut, self).__init__(name)
+        #self.t2calojetgridfromcells = T2CaloJetGridFromCells()
+        self.T2JetTools[0].noiseTool = theNoiseTool
+        self.T2JetTools[0].applyNoiseCut = True
+        self.T2JetTools[0].noiseCutValue = noisecut
+class T2CaloJet_Jet_GSCalib_writeLayers (T2CaloJet_Jet_GSCalib):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_GSCalib_writeLayers"):
+        super(T2CaloJet_Jet_GSCalib_writeLayers, self).__init__(name)
+        self.fillLayerInfo = True
+class T2CaloJet_Jet_GSCalib_cellCleaning_writeLayers (T2CaloJet_Jet_GSCalib_cellCleaning):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_GSCalib_cellCleaning_writeLayers"):
+        super(T2CaloJet_Jet_GSCalib_cellCleaning_writeLayers, self).__init__(name)
+        self.fillLayerInfo = True
+class T2CaloJet_Jet_GSCalib_noiseCut_writeLayers (T2CaloJet_Jet_GSCalib_noiseCut):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_GSCalib_noiseCut_writeLayers"):
+        super(T2CaloJet_Jet_GSCalib_noiseCut_writeLayers, self).__init__(name)
+        self.fillLayerInfo = True
+### Classes for jets calibrated with the dedicated sampling method ####
+class T2CaloJet_Jet_sampCalib (T2CaloJetBase):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_sampCalib"):
+        super(T2CaloJet_Jet_sampCalib, self).__init__(name)
+        # here put your customizations
+        t2calojetconetool = T2CaloJetConeTool()
+        t2calojetconetool.coneRadius = 0.4
+        t2calojetconetool.numberOfIterations = 3
+        t2calojetconetool.coneFJRadius=[1.0,0.7,0.4]
+        t2calojetconetool.cellQualityThresholdLAr = 4000
+        t2calojetconetool.leadingCellFraction = 0.9 
+        self.EtaWidth = 0.5
+        self.PhiWidth = 0.5
+        self.clearJetGrid = False
+        #self.OutputLevel = INFO
+        t2sampcalibtool = T2SampCalibTool("T2SampCalibTool_Jet")
+        t2sampcalibtool.MinEtCut = 1 
+        t2sampcalibtool.nEtaBin = 50
+        t2sampcalibtool.EtRegionLimit = 5000
+        #New database tag
+        t2sampcalibtool.CreateDbObject=False
+        t2sampcalibtool.ReadFromDB=True
+        L2CalibFolder = "/CALO/T2CaloCalib/T2CaloJetCalib"
+        L2CalibTag = "L2JetCalib-10TeV-Ideal-01"
+        from IOVDbSvc.CondDB import conddb
+        conddb.addFolder("CALO",L2CalibFolder+"<tag>"+L2CalibTag+"</tag>")
+        #############################################################
+        ## THESE VALUES ARE NOT USED !!!                            #
+        #############################################################
+        t2sampcalibtool.EtaReg=[0.0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,
+                                1.0,1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6,1.7,1.8,1.9,
+                                2.0,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5,2.6,2.7,2.8,2.9,
+                                3.0,3.1,3.2,3.3,3.4,3.5,3.6,3.7,3.8,3.9,
+                                4.0,4.1,4.2,4.3,4.4,4.5,4.6,4.7,4.8,4.9,5.0]
+        t2sampcalibtool.VECut=[ 1.0,      1.00500,  1.02006,  1.04534,  1.08107,
+                                1.12763,  1.18547,  1.25517,  1.33743,  1.43308,
+                                1.54308,  1.66852,  1.81065,  1.97091,  2.15090,
+                                2.35240,  2.57746,  2.82832,  3.10748,  3.41774,
+                                3.76220,  4.14432,  4.56790,  5.03722,  5.55694,
+                                6.13228,  6.76900,  7.47346,  8.25272,  9.11458,
+                               10.0677,  11.1215,  12.2866,  13.5748,  14.9987,
+                               16.5728,  18.3128,  20.2360,  22.3618,  24.7114,
+                               27.3082,  30.1784,  33.3507,  36.8567,  40.7316,
+                                1.0,      1.0,      1.0,      1.0,      1.0]
+        t2sampcalibtool.Weights=[
+        1.71736, -0.0775919, 1., 0.,
+	1.68115, -0.0298649, 1., 0.,
+        1.72263, -0.0820785, 1., 0.,
+        1.59158, -0.0349583, 1., 0.,
+        1.71384, -0.0825993, 1., 0.,
+        1.56296, -0.0334272, 1., 0.,
+	1.71196, -0.0823075, 1., 0.,
+        1.55044, -0.0300373, 1., 0.,
+        1.73526, -0.0858796, 1., 0.,
+        1.52924, -0.0275084, 1., 0.,
+        1.74496, -0.0858104, 1., 0.,
+        1.61094, -0.032966, 1., 0.,
+        1.77075, -0.0874956, 1., 0.,
+        1.69556, -0.0399038, 1., 0.,
+        1.85845, -0.100017, 1., 0.,
+        1.63193, -0.0292829, 1., 0.,
+        1.92108, -0.108746, 1., 0.,
+        1.60507, -0.0185852, 1., 0.,
+        1.90991, -0.109427, 1., 0.,
+        1.73985, -0.0214682, 1., 0.,
+        1.97429, -0.114934, 1., 0.,
+        1.49217, -0.0234559, 1., 0.,
+        1.97011, -0.117122, 1., 0.,
+        1.40092, -0.0201076, 1., 0.,
+        1.96164, -0.119639, 1., 0.,
+	1.63634, -0.0399844, 1., 0.,
+        1.95562, -0.11617, 1., 0.,
+        1.81431, -0.0515824, 1., 0.,
+        1.96964, -0.105079, 1., 0.,
+        1.86882, -0.0653143, 1., 0.,
+	2.0155, -0.146639, 1., 0.,
+        1.60657, -0.00444997, 1., 0.,
+        1.82239, -0.111195, 1., 0.,
+        1.69562, -0.0408746, 1., 0.,
+        1.78718, -0.107874, 1., 0.,
+        1.6367, -0.0480624, 1., 0.,
+        1.73745, -0.100309, 1., 0.,
+        1.54562, -0.0400314, 1., 0.,
+        1.70874, -0.0979269, 1., 0.,
+        1.53771, -0.0414734, 1., 0.,
+        1.68658, -0.0964409, 1., 0.,
+        1.53234, -0.037261, 1., 0.,
+        1.62871, -0.0876685, 1., 0.,
+        1.5901, -0.0464532, 1., 0.,
+        1.60288, -0.0850231, 1., 0.,
+        1.51135, -0.0319969, 1., 0.,
+        1.55495, -0.0760847, 1., 0.,
+        1.60024, -0.0493416, 1., 0.,
+        1.61099, -0.0871627, 1., 0.,
+	1.56848, -0.0372076, 1., 0.,
+        1.61012, -0.080997, 1., 0.,
+        1.51628, -0.031721, 1., 0.,
+        1.5527, -0.0745029, 1., 0.,
+        1.68515, -0.0610052, 1., 0.,
+	1.54251, -0.0749989, 1., 0.,
+        1.75605, -0.0614183, 1., 0.,
+        1.5972, -0.0847241, 1., 0.,
+        1.83407, -0.0712398, 1., 0.,
+        1.63888, -0.085407, 1., 0.,
+        2.15163, -0.111614, 1., 0.,
+        1.86924, -0.127399, 1., 0.,
+        2.04718, -0.021142, 1., 0.,
+        1.93682, -0.114535, 1., 0.,
+        2.42857, -0.0398346, 1., 0.,
+        2.05425, -0.0634181, 1., 0.,
+        2.31097, -0.17624, 1., 0.,
+        2.3425, -0.134324, 1., 0.,
+        1.25573, 0.0160847, 1., 0.,
+        2.22724, -0.190316, 1., 0.,
+        1.59135, -0.0403045, 1., 0.,
+        1.70013, -0.105121, 1., 0.,
+        2.18796, -0.184129, 1., 0.,
+        1.46967, -0.0542641, 1., 0.,
+	1.40854, -0.00397349, 1., 0.,
+        1.7066, -0.103722, 1., 0.,
+        2.02067, -0.133273, 1., 0.,
+        2.3121, -0.244998, 1., 0.,
+        -0.0145766, 0.362844, 1., 0.,
+	1.62273, -0.0687159, 1., 0.,
+        2.01868, -0.120886, 1., 0.,
+        1.07068, 0.0528097, 1., 0.,
+        3.34939, -0.412248, 1., 0.,
+        1.18681, 0.0214479, 1., 0.,
+        0.91684, 0.149364, 1., 0.,
+        0.377452, 0.214947, 1., 0.,
+        10.9671, -2.31455, 1., 0.,
+        2.77778, -0.372772, 1., 0.,
+        -6.52839, 2.00992, 1., 0.,
+        -5.04373, 1.62889, 1., 0.,
+        -9.22444, 2.66876, 1., 0.,
+        #46; Eta range [min,max]: [4.5,4.6]
+        #NEntries: 413
+        3.33217,-0.26788,1,0,
+        3.66022,-0.303515,1,0,
+        #47; Eta range [min,max]: [4.6,4.7]
+        #NEntries: 292
+        3.64624,-0.30498,1,0,
+        3.732,-0.297252,1,0,
+        #48; Eta range [min,max]: [4.7,4.8]
+        #NEntries: 207
+        5.74177,-0.587572,1,0,
+        6.30603,-0.649457,1,0,
+        #49; Eta range [min,max]: [4.8,4.9]
+        #NEntries: 100
+        6.00682,-0.589085,1,0,
+        16.6035,-2.09057,1,0,
+        #50; Eta range [min,max]: [4.9,5]
+        #NEntries: 4
+        1.42662,-0.0942826,1,0,
+        8.93293,-0.0674104,1,0
+        ]
+        t2calojetcalibtool = T2CaloJetCalibTool()
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCalibTool = t2sampcalibtool
+        t2calojetcalibtool.doJetCalib = True
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolTile1  = t2sampcalibtool #dummy config
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolFcal1  = t2sampcalibtool #dummy config
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolEm3Bar = t2sampcalibtool #dummy config
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolHec0   = t2sampcalibtool #dummy config
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolEm3Fwd = t2sampcalibtool #dummy config
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolPsBar  = t2sampcalibtool #dummy config
+        t2calojetgridfromcells = T2CaloJetGridFromCells()
+        t2calojetgridfromcells.doTiming = True
+        t2calojetgridfromcells.doHECcellQualityCleaning = False
+        self.jetOutputKey = "TrigT2CaloJet"
+        self.T2JetTools = [t2calojetgridfromcells,
+                           t2calojetconetool,
+                           t2calojetcalibtool]
+class T2CaloJet_Jet_sampCalib_cellCleaning (T2CaloJet_Jet_sampCalib):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_sampCalib_cellCleaning"):
+        t2calojetgridfromcells = T2CaloJetGridFromCells("T2CaloJetGridFromCells_cellCleaning")
+        t2calojetgridfromcells.doHECcellQualityCleaning = True
+        t2calojetgridfromcells.cellQualityThresholdHEC = 65535
+class T2CaloJet_Jet_sampCalib_noiseCut (T2CaloJet_Jet_sampCalib):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_sampCalib_noiseCut",noisecut=2.):
+        mlog = logging.getLogger( 'T2CaloJet_Jet_sampCalib_noiseCut:' )
+        try: 
+            from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
+            from CaloTools.CaloNoiseToolDefault import CaloNoiseToolDefault
+            theNoiseTool = CaloNoiseToolDefault()
+            ToolSvc += theNoiseTool
+            #cellTool.CaloNoiseTool=theCaloNoiseTool
+        except Exception:
+            mlog.error("could not get handle to CaloNoiseToolDefault")
+            print traceback.format_exc()
+            return False
+        super(T2CaloJet_Jet_sampCalib_noiseCut, self).__init__(name)
+        #self.t2calojetgridfromcells = T2CaloJetGridFromCells()
+        self.T2JetTools[0].noiseTool = theNoiseTool
+        self.T2JetTools[0].applyNoiseCut = True
+        self.T2JetTools[0].noiseCutValue = noisecut
+### Legacy classes: use only one calibration option, disallow the others ####
+if L2Calib=="JESCalib" :
+### Use L2 jets calibrated with offline JES correction ###
+    class T2CaloJet_Jet (T2CaloJet_Jet_JESCalib):
+        __slots__ = []
+        def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet"):
+            super(T2CaloJet_Jet, self).__init__(name)
+    class T2CaloJet_Jet_noise (T2CaloJet_Jet_JESCalib_noiseCut):
+        __slots__ = []
+        def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_noise"):
+            super(T2CaloJet_Jet_noise, self).__init__(name)
+    class T2CaloJet_Jet_cellCleaning (T2CaloJet_Jet_JESCalib_cellCleaning):
+        __slots__ = []
+        def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_cellCleaning"):
+            super(T2CaloJet_Jet_cellCleaning, self).__init__(name)
+    class T2CaloJet_Jet_L15 (T2CaloJet_Jet_JESCalib):
+        __slots__ = []
+        def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_L15"):
+            super(T2CaloJet_Jet_L15, self).__init__(name)
+            #self.jetOutputKey = "TrigT2CaloJet"
+elif L2Calib=="JESCalib_LayerInfo" :
+### Use L2 jets calibrated with offline JES correction and write Layer energy ###
+    class T2CaloJet_Jet (T2CaloJet_Jet_JESCalib_writeLayers):
+        __slots__ = []
+        def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet"):
+            super(T2CaloJet_Jet, self).__init__(name)
+    class T2CaloJet_Jet_noise (T2CaloJet_Jet_JESCalib_noiseCut_writeLayers):
+        __slots__ = []
+        def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_noise"):
+            super(T2CaloJet_Jet_noise, self).__init__(name)
+    class T2CaloJet_Jet_cellCleaning (T2CaloJet_Jet_JESCalib_cellCleaning_writeLayers):
+        __slots__ = []
+        def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_cellCleaning"):
+            super(T2CaloJet_Jet_cellCleaning, self).__init__(name)
+    class T2CaloJet_Jet_L15 (T2CaloJet_Jet_JESCalib_writeLayers):
+        __slots__ = []
+        def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_L15"):
+            super(T2CaloJet_Jet_L15, self).__init__(name)
+            #self.jetOutputKey = "TrigT2CaloJet"
+elif L2Calib=="GSCalib" :
+### Use L2 jets calibrated with offline GSC procedure ###
+    class T2CaloJet_Jet (T2CaloJet_Jet_GSCalib):
+        __slots__ = []
+        def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet"):
+            super(T2CaloJet_Jet, self).__init__(name)
+    class T2CaloJet_Jet_noise (T2CaloJet_Jet_GSCalib_noiseCut):
+        __slots__ = []
+        def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_noise"):
+            super(T2CaloJet_Jet_noise, self).__init__(name)
+    class T2CaloJet_Jet_cellCleaning (T2CaloJet_Jet_GSCalib_cellCleaning):
+        __slots__ = []
+        def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_cellCleaning"):
+            super(T2CaloJet_Jet_cellCleaning, self).__init__(name)
+    class T2CaloJet_Jet_L15 (T2CaloJet_Jet_GSCalib):
+        __slots__ = []
+        def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_L15"):
+            super(T2CaloJet_Jet_L15, self).__init__(name)
+            #self.jetOutputKey = "TrigT2CaloJet"
+elif L2Calib=="GSCalib_LayerInfo" :
+### Use L2 jets calibrated with offline GSC procedure and write Layer energy ###
+    class T2CaloJet_Jet (T2CaloJet_Jet_GSCalib_writeLayers):
+        __slots__ = []
+        def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet"):
+            super(T2CaloJet_Jet, self).__init__(name)
+    class T2CaloJet_Jet_noise (T2CaloJet_Jet_GSCalib_noiseCut_writeLayers):
+        __slots__ = []
+        def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_noise"):
+            super(T2CaloJet_Jet_noise, self).__init__(name)
+    class T2CaloJet_Jet_cellCleaning (T2CaloJet_Jet_GSCalib_cellCleaning_writeLayers):
+        __slots__ = []
+        def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_cellCleaning"):
+            super(T2CaloJet_Jet_cellCleaning, self).__init__(name)
+    class T2CaloJet_Jet_L15 (T2CaloJet_Jet_GSCalib_writeLayers):
+        __slots__ = []
+        def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_L15"):
+            super(T2CaloJet_Jet_L15, self).__init__(name)
+            #self.jetOutputKey = "TrigT2CaloJet"
+elif L2Calib=="sampCalib" :
+### Use L2 jets calibrated with dedicated sampling method ###
+    class T2CaloJet_Jet (T2CaloJet_Jet_sampCalib):
+        __slots__ = []
+        def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet"):
+            super(T2CaloJet_Jet, self).__init__(name)
+    class T2CaloJet_Jet_noise (T2CaloJet_Jet_sampCalib_noiseCut):
+        __slots__ = []
+        def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_noise"):
+            super(T2CaloJet_Jet_noise, self).__init__(name)
+    class T2CaloJet_Jet_cellCleaning (T2CaloJet_Jet_sampCalib_cellCleaning):
+        __slots__ = []
+        def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_cellCleaning"):
+            super(T2CaloJet_Jet_cellCleaning, self).__init__(name)
+    class T2CaloJet_Jet_L15 (T2CaloJet_Jet_sampCalib):
+        __slots__ = []
+        def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_L15"):
+            super(T2CaloJet_Jet_L15, self).__init__(name)
+            #self.jetOutputKey = "TrigT2CaloJet"
+### Use non-calibrated L2 jets 
+    class T2CaloJet_Jet (T2CaloJet_Jet_noCalib):
+        __slots__ = []
+        def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet"):
+            super(T2CaloJet_Jet, self).__init__(name)
+    class T2CaloJet_Jet_noise (T2CaloJet_Jet_noCalib_noiseCut):
+        __slots__ = []
+        def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_noise"):
+            super(T2CaloJet_Jet_noise, self).__init__(name)
+    class T2CaloJet_Jet_cellCleaning (T2CaloJet_Jet_noCalib_cellCleaning):
+        __slots__ = []
+        def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_cellCleaning"):
+            super(T2CaloJet_Jet_cellCleaning, self).__init__(name)
+    class T2CaloJet_Jet_L15 (T2CaloJet_Jet_noCalib):
+        __slots__ = []
+        def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Jet_L15"):
+            super(T2CaloJet_Jet_L15, self).__init__(name)
+            #self.jetOutputKey = "TrigT2CaloJet"
+### L2 Jets from Front-End Buffers ###
+class T2CaloJet_FEBJet (T2CaloJetBase):
+    __slots__ = []
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_FEBJet"):
+        super(T2CaloJet_FEBJet, self).__init__(name)
+        # here put your customizations
+        t2calojetconetool = T2CaloJetConeTool()
+        t2calojetconetool.coneRadius = 0.4
+        t2calojetconetool.numberOfIterations = 3
+        t2calojetconetool.coneFJRadius=[1.0,0.7,0.4]
+        self.EtaWidth = 0.5
+        self.PhiWidth = 0.5
+        self.clearJetGrid = False
+        #self.OutputLevel = INFO
+        t2sampcalibtool = T2SampCalibTool("T2SampCalibTool_Jet")
+        t2sampcalibtool.MinEtCut = 1 
+        t2sampcalibtool.nEtaBin = 50
+        t2sampcalibtool.EtRegionLimit = 5000
+        #New database tag
+        t2sampcalibtool.CreateDbObject=False
+        t2sampcalibtool.ReadFromDB=True
+        L2CalibFolder = "/CALO/T2CaloCalib/T2CaloJetCalib"
+        L2CalibTag = "L2JetCalib-10TeV-Ideal-01"
+        from IOVDbSvc.CondDB import conddb
+        conddb.addFolder("CALO",L2CalibFolder+"<tag>"+L2CalibTag+"</tag>")
+        #############################################################
+        ## THESE VALUES ARE NOT USED !!!                            #
+        #############################################################
+        t2sampcalibtool.EtaReg=[0.0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,
+                                1.0,1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6,1.7,1.8,1.9,
+                                2.0,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5,2.6,2.7,2.8,2.9,
+                                3.0,3.1,3.2,3.3,3.4,3.5,3.6,3.7,3.8,3.9,
+                                4.0,4.1,4.2,4.3,4.4,4.5,4.6,4.7,4.8,4.9,5.0]
+        t2sampcalibtool.VECut=[ 1.0,      1.00500,  1.02006,  1.04534,  1.08107,
+                                1.12763,  1.18547,  1.25517,  1.33743,  1.43308,
+                                1.54308,  1.66852,  1.81065,  1.97091,  2.15090,
+                                2.35240,  2.57746,  2.82832,  3.10748,  3.41774,
+                                3.76220,  4.14432,  4.56790,  5.03722,  5.55694,
+                                6.13228,  6.76900,  7.47346,  8.25272,  9.11458,
+                               10.0677,  11.1215,  12.2866,  13.5748,  14.9987,
+                               16.5728,  18.3128,  20.2360,  22.3618,  24.7114,
+                               27.3082,  30.1784,  33.3507,  36.8567,  40.7316,
+                                1.0,      1.0,      1.0,      1.0,      1.0]
+        t2sampcalibtool.Weights=[
+        1.71736, -0.0775919, 1., 0.,
+	1.68115, -0.0298649, 1., 0.,
+        1.72263, -0.0820785, 1., 0.,
+        1.59158, -0.0349583, 1., 0.,
+        1.71384, -0.0825993, 1., 0.,
+        1.56296, -0.0334272, 1., 0.,
+	1.71196, -0.0823075, 1., 0.,
+        1.55044, -0.0300373, 1., 0.,
+        1.73526, -0.0858796, 1., 0.,
+        1.52924, -0.0275084, 1., 0.,
+        1.74496, -0.0858104, 1., 0.,
+        1.61094, -0.032966, 1., 0.,
+        1.77075, -0.0874956, 1., 0.,
+        1.69556, -0.0399038, 1., 0.,
+        1.85845, -0.100017, 1., 0.,
+        1.63193, -0.0292829, 1., 0.,
+        1.92108, -0.108746, 1., 0.,
+        1.60507, -0.0185852, 1., 0.,
+        1.90991, -0.109427, 1., 0.,
+        1.73985, -0.0214682, 1., 0.,
+        1.97429, -0.114934, 1., 0.,
+        1.49217, -0.0234559, 1., 0.,
+        1.97011, -0.117122, 1., 0.,
+        1.40092, -0.0201076, 1., 0.,
+        1.96164, -0.119639, 1., 0.,
+	1.63634, -0.0399844, 1., 0.,
+        1.95562, -0.11617, 1., 0.,
+        1.81431, -0.0515824, 1., 0.,
+        1.96964, -0.105079, 1., 0.,
+        1.86882, -0.0653143, 1., 0.,
+	2.0155, -0.146639, 1., 0.,
+        1.60657, -0.00444997, 1., 0.,
+        1.82239, -0.111195, 1., 0.,
+        1.69562, -0.0408746, 1., 0.,
+        1.78718, -0.107874, 1., 0.,
+        1.6367, -0.0480624, 1., 0.,
+        1.73745, -0.100309, 1., 0.,
+        1.54562, -0.0400314, 1., 0.,
+        1.70874, -0.0979269, 1., 0.,
+        1.53771, -0.0414734, 1., 0.,
+        1.68658, -0.0964409, 1., 0.,
+        1.53234, -0.037261, 1., 0.,
+        1.62871, -0.0876685, 1., 0.,
+        1.5901, -0.0464532, 1., 0.,
+        1.60288, -0.0850231, 1., 0.,
+        1.51135, -0.0319969, 1., 0.,
+        1.55495, -0.0760847, 1., 0.,
+        1.60024, -0.0493416, 1., 0.,
+        1.61099, -0.0871627, 1., 0.,
+	1.56848, -0.0372076, 1., 0.,
+        1.61012, -0.080997, 1., 0.,
+        1.51628, -0.031721, 1., 0.,
+        1.5527, -0.0745029, 1., 0.,
+        1.68515, -0.0610052, 1., 0.,
+	1.54251, -0.0749989, 1., 0.,
+        1.75605, -0.0614183, 1., 0.,
+        1.5972, -0.0847241, 1., 0.,
+        1.83407, -0.0712398, 1., 0.,
+        1.63888, -0.085407, 1., 0.,
+        2.15163, -0.111614, 1., 0.,
+        1.86924, -0.127399, 1., 0.,
+        2.04718, -0.021142, 1., 0.,
+        1.93682, -0.114535, 1., 0.,
+        2.42857, -0.0398346, 1., 0.,
+        2.05425, -0.0634181, 1., 0.,
+        2.31097, -0.17624, 1., 0.,
+        2.3425, -0.134324, 1., 0.,
+        1.25573, 0.0160847, 1., 0.,
+        2.22724, -0.190316, 1., 0.,
+        1.59135, -0.0403045, 1., 0.,
+        1.70013, -0.105121, 1., 0.,
+        2.18796, -0.184129, 1., 0.,
+        1.46967, -0.0542641, 1., 0.,
+	1.40854, -0.00397349, 1., 0.,
+        1.7066, -0.103722, 1., 0.,
+        2.02067, -0.133273, 1., 0.,
+        2.3121, -0.244998, 1., 0.,
+        -0.0145766, 0.362844, 1., 0.,
+	1.62273, -0.0687159, 1., 0.,
+        2.01868, -0.120886, 1., 0.,
+        1.07068, 0.0528097, 1., 0.,
+        3.34939, -0.412248, 1., 0.,
+        1.18681, 0.0214479, 1., 0.,
+        0.91684, 0.149364, 1., 0.,
+        0.377452, 0.214947, 1., 0.,
+        10.9671, -2.31455, 1., 0.,
+        2.77778, -0.372772, 1., 0.,
+        -6.52839, 2.00992, 1., 0.,
+        -5.04373, 1.62889, 1., 0.,
+        -9.22444, 2.66876, 1., 0.,
+        #46; Eta range [min,max]: [4.5,4.6]
+        #NEntries: 413
+        3.33217,-0.26788,1,0,
+        3.66022,-0.303515,1,0,
+        #47; Eta range [min,max]: [4.6,4.7]
+        #NEntries: 292
+        3.64624,-0.30498,1,0,
+        3.732,-0.297252,1,0,
+        #48; Eta range [min,max]: [4.7,4.8]
+        #NEntries: 207
+        5.74177,-0.587572,1,0,
+        6.30603,-0.649457,1,0,
+        #49; Eta range [min,max]: [4.8,4.9]
+        #NEntries: 100
+        6.00682,-0.589085,1,0,
+        16.6035,-2.09057,1,0,
+        #50; Eta range [min,max]: [4.9,5]
+        #NEntries: 4
+        1.42662,-0.0942826,1,0,
+        8.93293,-0.0674104,1,0
+        ]
+        t2calojetcalibtool = T2CaloJetCalibTool()
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2SampCalibTool = t2sampcalibtool
+        t2calojetcalibtool.UseFebJets = True
+        t2calojetcalibtool.doJetCalib = False
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolTile1  = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolFcal1  = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolEm3Bar = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolHec0   = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolEm3Fwd = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        t2calojetcalibtool.T2JetCorrToolPsBar  = t2jescalibtool #dummy config
+        t2calojetgridfromfebs = T2CaloJetGridFromFEBHeader()
+        t2calojetgridfromfebs.doTiming = True
+        self.jetOutputKey = "TrigT2CaloFEBJet"
+        self.T2JetTools = [t2calojetgridfromfebs,
+                            t2calojetconetool,
+                            t2calojetcalibtool]
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/python/ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/python/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..1253f57a92e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,630 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+#Definitions of the monitoring classes  
+from TrigMonitorBase.TrigGenericMonitoringToolConfig import defineHistogram, TrigGenericMonitoringToolConfig 
+class TrigT2CaloJetValidationMonitoring(TrigGenericMonitoringToolConfig):
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Validation"):
+        super(TrigT2CaloJetValidationMonitoring, self).__init__(name)
+        self.defineTarget("Validation")
+# this target contains all the histograms necessary for validation
+        self.Histograms = [ defineHistogram('dR', type='TH1F', title="L2CaloJet FEX dR between roi and jet ;dR; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=-10., xmax=10.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('E', type='TH1F', title="L2CaloJet FEX E;E [MeV]; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Et', type='TH1F', title="L2CaloJet FEX Et;Et [MeV]; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eem', type='TH1F', title="L2CaloJet FEX Eem;Eem [MeV]; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Ehad', type='TH1F', title="L2CaloJet FEX Ehad;Ehad [MeV]; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta', type='TH1F', title="L2CaloJet FEX Eta;Eta; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi', type='TH1F', title="L2CaloJet FEX Phi;Phi; nevents", xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Phi', type='TH2F', title="L2CaloJet phi vs. eta;#eta;#phi", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=64, ymin=-3.1416, ymax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,E', type='TH2F', title="L2CaloJet ene vs. eta;#eta;ene [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,E', type='TH2F', title="L2CaloJet ene vs. phi;#phi;ene [MeV]", xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416, ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Eem', type='TH2F', title="L2CaloJet EM ene vs. eta;#eta;Eem [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Ehad', type='TH2F', title="L2CaloJet Had ene vs. eta;#eta;Ehad [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Etem', type='TH2F', title="L2CaloJet EM E_{T} vs. #eta;#eta;E_{T}^{em} [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Ethad', type='TH2F', title="L2CaloJet HAD E_{T} vs. #eta;#eta;E_{T}^{had} [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,Etem', type='TH2F', title="L2CaloJet EM E_{T} vs. #phi;#phi;E_{T}^{em} [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416, ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,Ethad', type='TH2F', title="L2CaloJet HAD E_{T} vs. #phi;#phi;E_{T}^{had} [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416, ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Et', type='TH2F', title="L2CaloJet Et vs. eta;#eta;Et [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,Et', type='TH2F', title="L2CaloJet Et vs. phi;#phi;Et [MeV]", xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416, ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('ConversionErrors' ,type='TH1F',title='Conversion Errors bit mask' ,xbins=10,xmin=0,xmax=10)]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('AlgorithmErrors', type='TH1F',title='Algorithm Errors bit mask' ,xbins=10,xmin=0,xmax=10)]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('Eta, ConversionErrors' ,type='TH2F',title='ConversionErrors vs Eta;#eta; Conversion Errors' ,ybins=6,ymin=0,ymax=6,xbins=100,xmin=-5.,xmax=5.)]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('Phi, ConversionErrors' ,type='TH2F',title='ConversionErrors vs Phi;#phi; Conversion Errors' ,ybins=6,ymin=0,ymax=6,xbins=64,xmin=-3.1416,xmax=3.1416)]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('Eta, AlgorithmErrors' ,type='TH2F',title='AlgorithmErrors vs Eta;#eta; AlgorithmErrors Errors' ,ybins=6,ymin=0,ymax=6,xbins=100,xmin=-5.,xmax=5.)]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('Phi, AlgorithmErrors' ,type='TH2F',title='AlgorithmErrors vs Phi;#phi; AlgorithmErrors Errors' ,ybins=6,ymin=0,ymax=6,xbins=64,xmin=-3.1416,xmax=3.1416)]
+class TrigT2CaloJetOnlineMonitoring(TrigGenericMonitoringToolConfig):
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Online"):
+        """ defines hisograms for online """
+        super(TrigT2CaloJetOnlineMonitoring, self).__init__(name)
+        self.defineTarget("Online")
+# right now this target has the same list of histograms as "Validation"
+        self.Histograms = [ defineHistogram('dR', type='TH1F', title="L2CaloJet FEX dR between roi and jet ;dR; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=-10., xmax=10.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('E', type='TH1F', title="L2CaloJet FEX E;E [MeV]; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Et', type='TH1F', title="L2CaloJet FEX Et;Et [MeV]; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eem', type='TH1F', title="L2CaloJet FEX Eem;Eem [MeV]; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Ehad', type='TH1F', title="L2CaloJet FEX Ehad;Ehad [MeV]; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta', type='TH1F', title="L2CaloJet FEX Eta;Eta; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi', type='TH1F', title="L2CaloJet FEX Phi;Phi; nevents", xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Phi', type='TH2F', title="L2CaloJet phi vs. eta;#eta;#phi", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=64, ymin=-3.1416, ymax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,E', type='TH2F', title="L2CaloJet ene vs. eta;#eta;ene [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,E', type='TH2F', title="L2CaloJet ene vs. phi;#phi;ene [MeV]", xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416, ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Eem', type='TH2F', title="L2CaloJet EM ene vs. eta;#eta;Eem [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Ehad', type='TH2F', title="L2CaloJet Had ene vs. eta;#eta;Ehad [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Etem', type='TH2F', title="L2CaloJet EM E_{T} vs. #eta;#eta;E_{T}^{em} [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Ethad', type='TH2F', title="L2CaloJet HAD E_{T} vs. #eta;#eta;E_{T}^{had} [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,Etem', type='TH2F', title="L2CaloJet EM E_{T} vs. #phi;#phi;E_{T}^{em} [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416, ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,Ethad', type='TH2F', title="L2CaloJet HAD E_{T} vs. #phi;#phi;E_{T}^{had} [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416, ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Et', type='TH2F', title="L2CaloJet Et vs. eta;#eta;Et [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,Et', type='TH2F', title="L2CaloJet Et vs. phi;#phi;Et [MeV]", xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416, ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('ConversionErrors' ,type='TH1F',title='Conversion Errors bit mask' ,xbins=10,xmin=0,xmax=10)]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('AlgorithmErrors', type='TH1F',title='Algorithm Errors bit mask' ,xbins=10,xmin=0,xmax=10)]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('Eta, ConversionErrors' ,type='TH2F',title='ConversionErrors vs Eta;#eta; Conversion Errors' ,ybins=6,ymin=0,ymax=6,xbins=100,xmin=-5.,xmax=5.)]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('Phi, ConversionErrors' ,type='TH2F',title='ConversionErrors vs Phi;#phi; Conversion Errors' ,ybins=6,ymin=0,ymax=6,xbins=64,xmin=-3.1416,xmax=3.1416)]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('Eta, AlgorithmErrors' ,type='TH2F',title='AlgorithmErrors vs Eta;#eta; AlgorithmErrors Errors' ,ybins=6,ymin=0,ymax=6,xbins=100,xmin=-5.,xmax=5.)]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('Phi, AlgorithmErrors' ,type='TH2F',title='AlgorithmErrors vs Phi;#phi; AlgorithmErrors Errors' ,ybins=6,ymin=0,ymax=6,xbins=64,xmin=-3.1416,xmax=3.1416)]
+class TrigT2CaloJetCosmicMonitoring(TrigGenericMonitoringToolConfig):
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_Cosmic"):
+        """ defines hisograms for online """
+        super(TrigT2CaloJetCosmicMonitoring, self).__init__(name)
+        self.defineTarget("Cosmic")
+# this target contains the same list of histograms as for "Online", but the axis range for plots of Et and etc. are smaller 
+        self.Histograms = [ defineHistogram('dR', type='TH1F', title="L2CaloJet FEX dR between roi and jet ;dR; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=-10., xmax=10.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('E', type='TH1F', title="L2CaloJet FEX E;E [MeV]; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=300000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Et', type='TH1F', title="L2CaloJet FEX Et;Et [MeV]; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=300000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eem', type='TH1F', title="L2CaloJet FEX Eem;Eem [MeV]; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=300000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Ehad', type='TH1F', title="L2CaloJet FEX Ehad;Ehad [MeV]; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=300000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta', type='TH1F', title="L2CaloJet FEX Eta;Eta; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi', type='TH1F', title="L2CaloJet FEX Phi;Phi; nevents", xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Phi', type='TH2F', title="L2CaloJet phi vs. eta;#eta;#phi", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=64, ymin=-3.1416, ymax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,E', type='TH2F', title="L2CaloJet ene vs. eta;#eta;ene [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=300000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,E', type='TH2F', title="L2CaloJet ene vs. phi;#phi;ene [MeV]", xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416, ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=300000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Eem', type='TH2F', title="L2CaloJet EM ene vs. eta;#eta;Eem [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=300000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Ehad', type='TH2F', title="L2CaloJet Had ene vs. eta;#eta;Ehad [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=300000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Etem', type='TH2F', title="L2CaloJet EM E_{T} vs. #eta;#eta;E_{T}^{em} [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Ethad', type='TH2F', title="L2CaloJet HAD E_{T} vs. #eta;#eta;E_{T}^{had} [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,Etem', type='TH2F', title="L2CaloJet EM E_{T} vs. #phi;#phi;E_{T}^{em} [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416, ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,Ethad', type='TH2F', title="L2CaloJet HAD E_{T} vs. #phi;#phi;E_{T}^{had} [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416, ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Et', type='TH2F', title="L2CaloJet Et vs. eta;#eta;Et [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,Et', type='TH2F', title="L2CaloJet Et vs. phi;#phi;Et [MeV]", xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416, ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('ConversionErrors' ,type='TH1F',title='Conversion Errors bit mask' ,xbins=10,xmin=0,xmax=10)]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('AlgorithmErrors', type='TH1F',title='Algorithm Errors bit mask' ,xbins=10,xmin=0,xmax=10)]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('Eta, ConversionErrors' ,type='TH2F',title='ConversionErrors vs Eta;#eta; Conversion Errors' ,ybins=6,ymin=0,ymax=6,xbins=100,xmin=-5.,xmax=5.)]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('Phi, ConversionErrors' ,type='TH2F',title='ConversionErrors vs Phi;#phi; Conversion Errors' ,ybins=6,ymin=0,ymax=6,xbins=64,xmin=-3.1416,xmax=3.1416)]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('Eta, AlgorithmErrors' ,type='TH2F',title='AlgorithmErrors vs Eta;#eta; AlgorithmErrors Errors' ,ybins=6,ymin=0,ymax=6,xbins=100,xmin=-5.,xmax=5.)]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('Phi, AlgorithmErrors' ,type='TH2F',title='AlgorithmErrors vs Phi;#phi; AlgorithmErrors Errors' ,ybins=6,ymin=0,ymax=6,xbins=64,xmin=-3.1416,xmax=3.1416)]
+class TrigT2CaloJetTimeMonitoring(TrigGenericMonitoringToolConfig):
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloJet_TimeUnpack"):
+        super(TrigT2CaloJetTimeMonitoring, self).__init__(name)
+        self.defineTarget("Time")
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('LArUnpck', type='TH1F', title="L2CaloJet Unpacking time (LAr)", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=50.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('TileUnpck', type='TH1F', title="L2CaloJet Unpacking time (Tile)", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=50.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('HECUnpck', type='TH1F', title="L2CaloJet Unpacking time (HEC)", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=50.) ]
+class TrigT2L1CaloJetValidationMonitoring(TrigGenericMonitoringToolConfig):
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2L1CaloJet_Validation"):
+        super(TrigT2L1CaloJetValidationMonitoring, self).__init__(name)
+        self.defineTarget("Validation")
+        # this target contains all the histograms necessary for validation
+        self.Histograms = [ defineHistogram('nJets', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet FEX number of jets;N; nevents", xbins=21, xmin=-.5, xmax=20.5) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('E', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet FEX E;E [MeV]; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Et', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet FEX Et;Et [MeV]; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eem', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet FEX Eem;Eem [MeV]; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Ehad', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet FEX Ehad;Ehad [MeV]; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nLeadingTowers', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet FEX nLeadingTowers;nLeadingTowers; nevents", xbins=21, xmin=-0.5, xmax=20.5) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Emf', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet FEX emf;EMF; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=-0.1, xmax=1.1) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet FEX Eta;Eta; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet FEX Phi;Phi; nevents", xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet number of L1 towers;number of L1 towers; nevents", xbins=101, xmin=-0.5, xmax=100.5) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('UnpckTime', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet Unpacking time; time [ms]; nevents", xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=200.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('L1_UnpckTime', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet L1 Unpacking time; time [ms]; nevents", xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=200.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('FastJetTime', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet FastJet time; time [ms]; nevents", xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=200.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('JetFindingTime', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet Jet finding time; time [ms]; nevents", xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=200.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('OverallTime', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet Total time; time [ms]; nevents", xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=200.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('RoITime', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet RoI making time; time [ms]; nevents", xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=200.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Phi', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet phi vs. eta;#eta;#phi", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=64, ymin=-3.1416, ymax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,E', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet ene vs. eta;#eta;ene [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,E', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet ene vs. phi;#phi;ene [MeV]", xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416, ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Eem', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet EM ene vs. eta;#eta;Eem [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Ehad', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet Had ene vs. eta;#eta;Ehad [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Etem', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet EM E_{T} vs. #eta;#eta;E_{T}^{em} [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Ethad', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet HAD E_{T} vs. #eta;#eta;E_{T}^{had} [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,Etem', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet EM E_{T} vs. #phi;#phi;E_{T}^{em} [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416, ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,Ethad', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet HAD E_{T} vs. #phi;#phi;E_{T}^{had} [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416, ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Et', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet Et vs. eta;#eta;Et [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,Et', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet Et vs. phi;#phi;Et [MeV]", xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416, ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers,UnpckTime',      type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet Unpack time vs. nTowers;nTowers;time [ms]",      xbins=101, xmin=0., xmax=500., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=200.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers,L1_UnpckTime',      type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet L1 Unpack time vs. nTowers;nTowers;time [ms]",      xbins=101, xmin=0., xmax=500., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=200.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers,FastJetTime', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet Jet finding time vs. nTowers;nTowers;time [ms]", xbins=101, xmin=0., xmax=500., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=200.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers,JetFindingTime', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet Jet finding time vs. nTowers;nTowers;time [ms]", xbins=101, xmin=0., xmax=500., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=200.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers,OverallTime', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet Total time vs. nTowers;nTowers;time [ms]", xbins=101, xmin=0., xmax=500., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=200.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers,RoITime', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet RoI making time vs. nTowers;nTowers;time [ms]", xbins=101, xmin=0., xmax=500., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=200.) ]
+        #self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('AlgorithmErrors', type='TH1F',title='Algorithm Errors bit mask' ,xbins=10,xmin=0,xmax=10)]
+        #self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('Eta, AlgorithmErrors' ,type='TH2F',title='AlgorithmErrors vs Eta;#eta; AlgorithmErrors Errors' ,ybins=6,ymin=0,ymax=6,xbins=100,xmin=-5.,xmax=5.)]
+        #self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('Phi, AlgorithmErrors' ,type='TH2F',title='AlgorithmErrors vs Phi;#phi; AlgorithmErrors Errors' ,ybins=6,ymin=0,ymax=6,xbins=64,xmin=-3.1416,xmax=3.1416)]
+class TrigT2L1CaloJetOnlineMonitoring(TrigGenericMonitoringToolConfig):
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2L1CaloJet_Online"):
+        """ defines hisograms for online """
+        super(TrigT2L1CaloJetOnlineMonitoring, self).__init__(name)
+        self.defineTarget("Online")
+        # right now this target has the same list of histograms as "Validation"
+        self.Histograms = [ defineHistogram('nJets', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet FEX number of jets;N; nevents", xbins=21, xmin=-.5, xmax=20.5) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('E', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet FEX E;E [MeV]; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Et', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet FEX Et;Et [MeV]; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eem', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet FEX Eem;Eem [MeV]; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Ehad', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet FEX Ehad;Ehad [MeV]; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nLeadingTowers', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet FEX nLeadingTowers;nLeadingTowers; nevents", xbins=21, xmin=-0.5, xmax=20.5) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Emf', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet FEX emf;EMF; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=-0.1, xmax=1.1) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet FEX Eta;Eta; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet FEX Phi;Phi; nevents", xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet number of L1 towers;number of L1 towers; nevents", xbins=101, xmin=-0.5, xmax=100.5) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('UnpckTime', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet Unpacking time; time [ms]; nevents", xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=200.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('L1_UnpckTime', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet L1 Unpacking time; time [ms]; nevents", xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=200.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('FastJetTime', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet FastJet time; time [ms]; nevents", xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=200.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('JetFindingTime', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet Jet finding time; time [ms]; nevents", xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=200.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('OverallTime', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet Total time; time [ms]; nevents", xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=200.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('RoITime', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet RoI making time; time [ms]; nevents", xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=200.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Phi', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet phi vs. eta;#eta;#phi", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=64, ymin=-3.1416, ymax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,E', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet ene vs. eta;#eta;ene [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,E', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet ene vs. phi;#phi;ene [MeV]", xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416, ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Eem', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet EM ene vs. eta;#eta;Eem [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Ehad', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet Had ene vs. eta;#eta;Ehad [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Etem', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet EM E_{T} vs. #eta;#eta;E_{T}^{em} [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Ethad', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet HAD E_{T} vs. #eta;#eta;E_{T}^{had} [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,Etem', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet EM E_{T} vs. #phi;#phi;E_{T}^{em} [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416, ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,Ethad', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet HAD E_{T} vs. #phi;#phi;E_{T}^{had} [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416, ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Et', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet Et vs. eta;#eta;Et [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,Et', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet Et vs. phi;#phi;Et [MeV]", xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416, ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers,UnpckTime',      type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet Unpack time vs. nTowers;nTowers;time [ms]",      xbins=101, xmin=0., xmax=500., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=200.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers,L1_UnpckTime',      type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet L1 Unpack time vs. nTowers;nTowers;time [ms]",      xbins=101, xmin=0., xmax=500., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=200.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers,FastJetTime', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet Jet finding time vs. nTowers;nTowers;time [ms]", xbins=101, xmin=0., xmax=500., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=200.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers,JetFindingTime', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet Jet finding time vs. nTowers;nTowers;time [ms]", xbins=101, xmin=0., xmax=500., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=200.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers,OverallTime', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet Total time vs. nTowers;nTowers;time [ms]", xbins=101, xmin=0., xmax=500., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=200.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers,RoITime', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet RoI making time vs. nTowers;nTowers;time [ms]", xbins=101, xmin=0., xmax=500., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=200.) ]
+        #self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('AlgorithmErrors', type='TH1F',title='Algorithm Errors bit mask' ,xbins=10,xmin=0,xmax=10)]
+        #self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('Eta, AlgorithmErrors' ,type='TH2F',title='AlgorithmErrors vs Eta;#eta; AlgorithmErrors Errors' ,ybins=6,ymin=0,ymax=6,xbins=100,xmin=-5.,xmax=5.)]
+        #self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('Phi, AlgorithmErrors' ,type='TH2F',title='AlgorithmErrors vs Phi;#phi; AlgorithmErrors Errors' ,ybins=6,ymin=0,ymax=6,xbins=64,xmin=-3.1416,xmax=3.1416)]
+class TrigT2L1CaloJetCosmicMonitoring(TrigGenericMonitoringToolConfig):
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2L1CaloJet_Cosmic"):
+        """ defines hisograms for online """
+        super(TrigT2L1CaloJetCosmicMonitoring, self).__init__(name)
+        self.defineTarget("Cosmic")
+    # this target contains the same list of histograms as for "Online", but the axis range for plots of Et and etc. are smaller 
+        self.Histograms = [ defineHistogram('nJets', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet FEX number of jets;N; nevents", xbins=21, xmin=-.5, xmax=20.5) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('E', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet FEX E;E [MeV]; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Et', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet FEX Et;Et [MeV]; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eem', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet FEX Eem;Eem [MeV]; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Ehad', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet FEX Ehad;Ehad [MeV]; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nLeadingTowers', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet FEX nLeadingTowers;nLeadingTowers; nevents", xbins=21, xmin=-0.5, xmax=20.5) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Emf', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet FEX emf;EMF; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=-0.1, xmax=1.1) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet FEX Eta;Eta; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet FEX Phi;Phi; nevents", xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet number of L1 towers;number of L1 towers; nevents", xbins=101, xmin=-0.5, xmax=100.5) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('UnpckTime', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet Unpacking time; time [ms]; nevents", xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=200.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('L1_UnpckTime', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet L1 Unpacking time; time [ms]; nevents", xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=200.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('FastJetTime', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet FastJet time; time [ms]; nevents", xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=200.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('JetFindingTime', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet Jet finding time; time [ms]; nevents", xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=200.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('OverallTime', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet Total time; time [ms]; nevents", xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=200.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('RoITime', type='TH1F', title="T2L1CaloJet RoI making time; time [ms]; nevents", xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=200.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Phi', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet phi vs. eta;#eta;#phi", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=64, ymin=-3.1416, ymax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,E', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet ene vs. eta;#eta;ene [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,E', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet ene vs. phi;#phi;ene [MeV]", xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416, ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Eem', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet EM ene vs. eta;#eta;Eem [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Ehad', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet Had ene vs. eta;#eta;Ehad [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Etem', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet EM E_{T} vs. #eta;#eta;E_{T}^{em} [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Ethad', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet HAD E_{T} vs. #eta;#eta;E_{T}^{had} [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,Etem', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet EM E_{T} vs. #phi;#phi;E_{T}^{em} [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416, ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,Ethad', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet HAD E_{T} vs. #phi;#phi;E_{T}^{had} [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416, ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Et', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet Et vs. eta;#eta;Et [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,Et', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet Et vs. phi;#phi;Et [MeV]", xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416, ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers,UnpckTime',      type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet Unpack time vs. nTowers;nTowers;time [ms]",      xbins=101, xmin=0., xmax=500., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=200.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers,L1_UnpckTime',      type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet L1 Unpack time vs. nTowers;nTowers;time [ms]",      xbins=101, xmin=0., xmax=500., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=200.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers,FastJetTime', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet Jet finding time vs. nTowers;nTowers;time [ms]", xbins=101, xmin=0., xmax=500., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=200.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers,JetFindingTime', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet Jet finding time vs. nTowers;nTowers;time [ms]", xbins=101, xmin=0., xmax=500., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=200.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers,OverallTime', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet Total time vs. nTowers;nTowers;time [ms]", xbins=101, xmin=0., xmax=500., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=200.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers,RoITime', type='TH2F', title="T2L1CaloJet RoI making time vs. nTowers;nTowers;time [ms]", xbins=101, xmin=0., xmax=500., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=200.) ]
+        #self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('AlgorithmErrors', type='TH1F',title='Algorithm Errors bit mask' ,xbins=10,xmin=0,xmax=10)]
+        #self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('Eta, AlgorithmErrors' ,type='TH2F',title='AlgorithmErrors vs Eta;#eta; AlgorithmErrors Errors' ,ybins=6,ymin=0,ymax=6,xbins=100,xmin=-5.,xmax=5.)]
+        #self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('Phi, AlgorithmErrors' ,type='TH2F',title='AlgorithmErrors vs Phi;#phi; AlgorithmErrors Errors' ,ybins=6,ymin=0,ymax=6,xbins=64,xmin=-3.1416,xmax=3.1416)]
+class TrigT2L1UnpackingValidationMonitoring(TrigGenericMonitoringToolConfig):
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2L1Unpacking_Validation"):
+        super(TrigT2L1UnpackingValidationMonitoring, self).__init__(name)
+        self.defineTarget("Validation")
+        # this target contains all the histograms necessary for validation
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers',        type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking number of L1 towers;number of L1 towers; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nEMTowers',      type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking number of L1 EM towers;number of L1 EM towers; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nHADTowers',     type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking number of L1 HAD towers;number of L1 HAD towers; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers_zoom',   type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking number of L1 towers;number of L1 towers; nevents", xbins=50, xmin=0., xmax=50.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nEMTowers_zoom', type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking number of L1 EM towers;number of L1 EM towers; nevents", xbins=50, xmin=0., xmax=50.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nHADTowers_zoom',type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking number of L1 HAD towers;number of L1 HAD towers; nevents", xbins=50, xmin=0., xmax=50.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Et',             type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking FEX Et;Et [MeV]; nevents",                         xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtEM',           type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking FEX Etem;EM Et [MeV]; nevents",                    xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtHAD',          type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking FEX Ethad;Had Et [MeV]; nevents",                  xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta',            type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking FEX Eta;Eta; nevents",                             xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtaEM',          type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking FEX EM Eta;EM Eta; nevents",                       xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtaHAD',         type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking FEX HAD Eta;HAD Eta; nevents",                     xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi',            type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking FEX Phi;Phi; nevents",                             xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('PhiEM',          type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking FEX EM Phi;EM Phi; nevents",                       xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('PhiHAD',         type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking FEX HAD Phi;HAD Phi; nevents",                     xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('L1UnpckTime',    type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking L1 unpacking time; time [ms]; nevents",            xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('UnpckTime',      type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking All unpacking time; time [ms]; nevents",           xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('CalibrationTime',type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking Calibration time; time [ms]; nevents",             xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('RoITime',        type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking RoI making time; time [ms]; nevents",              xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('TotalTime',    type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking Total time; time [ms]; nevents",                   xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Phi',        type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking phi vs. eta;#eta;#phi",                            xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,        ybins=64, ymin=-3.1416, ymax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtaEM,PhiEM',    type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking EM phi vs. eta;EM #eta;EM #phi",                   xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,        ybins=64, ymin=-3.1416, ymax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtaHAD,PhiHAD',  type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking HAD phi vs. eta;HAD #eta;HAD #phi",                xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,        ybins=64, ymin=-3.1416, ymax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Et',         type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking Et vs. eta;#eta;Et [MeV]",                         xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,        ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtaEM,EtEM',     type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking EM E_{T} vs. #eta;EM #eta;E_{T}^{em} [MeV]",       xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,        ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtaHAD,EtHAD',   type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking HAD E_{T} vs. #eta;HAD #eta;E_{T}^{had} [MeV]",    xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,        ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,Et',         type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking Et vs. phi;#phi;Et [MeV]",                         xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416, ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('PhiEM,EtEM',     type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking EM E_{T} vs. #phi;EM #phi;E_{T}^{em} [MeV]",       xbins=100, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416,ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('PhiHAD,EtHAD',   type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking HAD E_{T} vs. #phi;HAD #phi;E_{T}^{had} [MeV]",    xbins=100, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416,ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers,L1UnpckTime',     type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking L1 unpack time vs. nTowers;nTowers;time [ms]",         xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000.,   ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers,UnpckTime',       type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking All unpack time vs. nTowers;nTowers;time [ms]",        xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000.,   ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers,CalibrationTime', type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking Tower calibration time vs. nTowers;nTowers;time [ms]", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers,RoITime',         type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking RoI making time vs. nTowers;nTowers;time [ms]",        xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000.,   ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers,TotalTime',     type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking Total time vs. nTowers;nTowers;time [ms]",             xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000.,   ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+class TrigT2L1UnpackingOnlineMonitoring(TrigGenericMonitoringToolConfig):
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2L1Unpacking_Online"):
+        """ defines hisograms for online """
+        super(TrigT2L1UnpackingOnlineMonitoring, self).__init__(name)
+        self.defineTarget("Online")
+        # right now this target has the same list of histograms as "Validation"
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers',        type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking number of L1 towers;number of L1 towers; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nEMTowers',      type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking number of L1 EM towers;number of L1 EM towers; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nHADTowers',     type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking number of L1 HAD towers;number of L1 HAD towers; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers_zoom',   type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking number of L1 towers;number of L1 towers; nevents", xbins=50, xmin=0., xmax=50.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nEMTowers_zoom', type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking number of L1 EM towers;number of L1 EM towers; nevents", xbins=50, xmin=0., xmax=50.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nHADTowers_zoom',type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking number of L1 HAD towers;number of L1 HAD towers; nevents", xbins=50, xmin=0., xmax=50.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Et',             type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking FEX Et;Et [MeV]; nevents",                         xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtEM',           type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking FEX Etem;EM Et [MeV]; nevents",                    xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtHAD',          type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking FEX Ethad;Had Et [MeV]; nevents",                  xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta',            type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking FEX Eta;Eta; nevents",                             xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtaEM',          type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking FEX EM Eta;EM Eta; nevents",                       xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtaHAD',         type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking FEX HAD Eta;HAD Eta; nevents",                     xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi',            type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking FEX Phi;Phi; nevents",                             xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('PhiEM',          type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking FEX EM Phi;EM Phi; nevents",                       xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('PhiHAD',         type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking FEX HAD Phi;HAD Phi; nevents",                     xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('L1UnpckTime',    type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking L1 unpacking time; time [ms]; nevents",            xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('UnpckTime',      type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking All unpacking time; time [ms]; nevents",           xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('CalibrationTime',type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking Calibration time; time [ms]; nevents",             xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('RoITime',        type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking RoI making time; time [ms]; nevents",              xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('TotalTime',    type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking Total time; time [ms]; nevents",                   xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Phi',        type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking phi vs. eta;#eta;#phi",                            xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,        ybins=64, ymin=-3.1416, ymax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtaEM,PhiEM',    type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking EM phi vs. eta;EM #eta;EM #phi",                   xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,        ybins=64, ymin=-3.1416, ymax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtaHAD,PhiHAD',  type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking HAD phi vs. eta;HAD #eta;HAD #phi",                xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,        ybins=64, ymin=-3.1416, ymax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Et',         type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking Et vs. eta;#eta;Et [MeV]",                         xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,        ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtaEM,EtEM',     type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking EM E_{T} vs. #eta;EM #eta;E_{T}^{em} [MeV]",       xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,        ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtaHAD,EtHAD',   type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking HAD E_{T} vs. #eta;HAD #eta;E_{T}^{had} [MeV]",    xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,        ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,Et',         type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking Et vs. phi;#phi;Et [MeV]",                         xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416, ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('PhiEM,EtEM',     type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking EM E_{T} vs. #phi;EM #phi;E_{T}^{em} [MeV]",       xbins=100, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416,ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('PhiHAD,EtHAD',   type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking HAD E_{T} vs. #phi;HAD #phi;E_{T}^{had} [MeV]",    xbins=100, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416,ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers,L1UnpckTime',     type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking L1 unpack time vs. nTowers;nTowers;time [ms]",         xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000.,   ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers,UnpckTime',       type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking All unpack time vs. nTowers;nTowers;time [ms]",        xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000.,   ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers,CalibrationTime', type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking Tower calibration time vs. nTowers;nTowers;time [ms]", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers,RoITime',         type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking RoI making time vs. nTowers;nTowers;time [ms]",        xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000.,   ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers,TotalTime',     type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking Total time vs. nTowers;nTowers;time [ms]",             xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000.,   ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+class TrigT2L1UnpackingCosmicMonitoring(TrigGenericMonitoringToolConfig):
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2L1Unpacking_Cosmic"):
+        """ defines hisograms for online """
+        super(TrigT2L1UnpackingCosmicMonitoring, self).__init__(name)
+        self.defineTarget("Cosmic")
+        # this target contains the same list of histograms as for "Online", but the axis range for plots of Et and etc. are smaller 
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nEMTowers',      type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking number of L1 EM towers;number of L1 EM towers; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nHADTowers',     type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking number of L1 HAD towers;number of L1 HAD towers; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers',        type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking number of L1 towers;number of L1 towers; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers_zoom',   type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking number of L1 towers;number of L1 towers; nevents", xbins=50, xmin=0., xmax=50.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nEMTowers_zoom', type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking number of L1 EM towers;number of L1 EM towers; nevents", xbins=50, xmin=0., xmax=50.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nHADTowers_zoom',type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking number of L1 HAD towers;number of L1 HAD towers; nevents", xbins=50, xmin=0., xmax=50.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Et',             type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking FEX Et;Et [MeV]; nevents",                         xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtEM',           type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking FEX Etem;EM Et [MeV]; nevents",                    xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtHAD',          type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking FEX Ethad;Had Et [MeV]; nevents",                  xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta',            type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking FEX Eta;Eta; nevents",                             xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtaEM',          type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking FEX EM Eta;EM Eta; nevents",                       xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtaHAD',         type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking FEX HAD Eta;HAD Eta; nevents",                     xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi',            type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking FEX Phi;Phi; nevents",                             xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('PhiEM',          type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking FEX EM Phi;EM Phi; nevents",                       xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('PhiHAD',         type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking FEX HAD Phi;HAD Phi; nevents",                     xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('L1UnpckTime',    type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking L1 unpacking time; time [ms]; nevents",            xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('UnpckTime',      type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking All unpacking time; time [ms]; nevents",           xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('CalibrationTime',type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking Calibration time; time [ms]; nevents",             xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('RoITime',        type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking RoI making time; time [ms]; nevents",              xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('TotalTime',    type='TH1F', title="T2L1Unpacking Total time; time [ms]; nevents",                   xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Phi',        type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking phi vs. eta;#eta;#phi",                            xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,        ybins=64, ymin=-3.1416, ymax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtaEM,PhiEM',    type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking EM phi vs. eta;EM #eta;EM #phi",                   xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,        ybins=64, ymin=-3.1416, ymax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtaHAD,PhiHAD',  type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking HAD phi vs. eta;HAD #eta;HAD #phi",                xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,        ybins=64, ymin=-3.1416, ymax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Et',         type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking Et vs. eta;#eta;Et [MeV]",                         xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,        ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtaEM,EtEM',     type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking EM E_{T} vs. #eta;EM #eta;E_{T}^{em} [MeV]",       xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,        ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtaHAD,EtHAD',   type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking HAD E_{T} vs. #eta;HAD #eta;E_{T}^{had} [MeV]",    xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,        ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,Et',         type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking Et vs. phi;#phi;Et [MeV]",                         xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416, ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('PhiEM,EtEM',     type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking EM E_{T} vs. #phi;EM #phi;E_{T}^{em} [MeV]",       xbins=100, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416,ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('PhiHAD,EtHAD',   type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking HAD E_{T} vs. #phi;HAD #phi;E_{T}^{had} [MeV]",    xbins=100, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416,ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers,L1UnpckTime',     type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking L1 unpack time vs. nTowers;nTowers;time [ms]",         xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000.,   ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers,UnpckTime',       type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking All unpack time vs. nTowers;nTowers;time [ms]",        xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000.,   ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers,CalibrationTime', type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking Tower calibration time vs. nTowers;nTowers;time [ms]", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers,RoITime',         type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking RoI making time vs. nTowers;nTowers;time [ms]",        xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000.,   ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nTowers,TotalTime',     type='TH2F', title="T2L1Unpacking Total time vs. nTowers;nTowers;time [ms]",             xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000.,   ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+class TrigT2CaloFastJetValidationMonitoring(TrigGenericMonitoringToolConfig):
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloFastJet_Validation"):
+        super(TrigT2CaloFastJetValidationMonitoring, self).__init__(name)
+        self.defineTarget("Validation")
+        # this target contains all the histograms necessary for validation
+        self.Histograms = [  defineHistogram('nJets',           type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX number of jets;N;nevents",                xbins=21, xmin=-.5, xmax=20.5) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nGrid',           type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX number of inputs;N;nevents",              xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Et',              type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX Et;Et [MeV]; nevents",                    xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtEM',            type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX Et EM;Etem [MeV]; nevents",               xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtHAD',           type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX Et HAD;Ethad [MeV]; nevents",             xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('E',               type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX E;E [MeV]; nevents",                      xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EEM',             type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX Eem;Eem [MeV]; nevents",                  xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EHAD',            type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX Ehad;Ehad [MeV]; nevents",                xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nLeadingTowers',  type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX nLeadingTowers;nLeadingTowers; nevents",  xbins=21, xmin=-0.5, xmax=20.5) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Emf',             type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX emf;EMF; nevents",                        xbins=100, xmin=-0.1, xmax=1.1) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta',             type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX Eta;Eta; nevents",                        xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi',             type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX Phi;Phi; nevents",                        xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('UnpackTime',      type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet Unpacking time; time [ms]; nevents",          xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('FastJetTime',     type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FastJet time; time [ms]; nevents",            xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('puSubTime',       type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FastJet pu sub time; time [ms]; nevents",     xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('CleaningTime',    type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet Cleaning time; time [ms]; nevents",           xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('CalibrationTime', type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet Calibration time; time [ms]; nevents",        xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('RoITime',         type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet RoI making time; time [ms]; nevents",         xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('TotalTime',     type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet Total time; time [ms]; nevents",              xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Phi',         type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet phi vs. eta;#eta;#phi",                       xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,           ybins=64, ymin=-3.1416, ymax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Et',          type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet Et vs. eta;#eta;Et [MeV]",                    xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,           ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,EtEM',        type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet EM E_{T} vs. #eta;#eta;E_{T}^{em} [MeV]",     xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,           ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,EtHAD',       type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet HAD E_{T} vs. #eta;#eta;E_{T}^{had} [MeV]",   xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,           ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,E',           type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet ene vs. eta;#eta;ene [MeV]",                  xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,           ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,EEM',         type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet EM ene vs. eta;#eta;Eem [MeV]",               xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,           ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,EHAD',        type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet Had ene vs. eta;#eta;Ehad [MeV]",             xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,           ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,E',           type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet ene vs. phi;#phi;ene [MeV]",                  xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416,    ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,Et',          type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet Et vs. phi;#phi;Et [MeV]",                    xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416,    ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,EtEM',        type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet EM E_{T} vs. #phi;#phi;E_{T}^{em} [MeV]",     xbins=100, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416,   ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,EtHAD',       type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet HAD E_{T} vs. #phi;#phi;E_{T}^{had} [MeV]",   xbins=100, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416,   ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nGrid,UnpackTime',      type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet Unpack time vs. nGrid;nGrid;time [ms]",       xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nGrid,FastJetTime',     type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet Jet finding time vs. nGrid;nGrid;time [ms]",  xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nJets,FastJetTime',     type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet Jet finding time vs. nJets;nJets;time [ms]",  xbins=21, xmin=-.5, xmax=20.5, ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nGrid,puSubTime',       type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet pu subtraction time vs. nGrid;nGrid;time [ms]", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nJets,puSubTime',       type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet pu subtraction time vs. nJets;nJets;time [ms]", xbins=21, xmin=-.5, xmax=20.5, ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nGrid,CleaningTime',    type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet Jet cleaning time vs. nGrid;nGrid;time [ms]", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nJets,CleaningTime',    type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet Jet cleaning time vs. nJets;nJets;time [ms]", xbins=21, xmin=-.5, xmax=20.5, ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nJets,CalibrationTime', type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet Jet calibration time vs. nJets;nJets;time [ms]",xbins=21, xmin=-.5, xmax=20.5, ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nJets,RoITime',         type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet RoI making time vs. nJets;nJets;time [ms]",   xbins=21, xmin=-.5, xmax=20.5, ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nGrid,TotalTime',     type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet Total time vs. nGrid;nGrid;time [ms]",        xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nJets,TotalTime',     type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet Total time vs. nJets;nJets;time [ms]",        xbins=21, xmin=-.5, xmax=20.5, ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        #self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('AlgorithmErrors', type='TH1F',title='Algorithm Errors bit mask' ,xbins=10,xmin=0,xmax=10)]
+        #self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('Eta, AlgorithmErrors' ,type='TH2F',title='AlgorithmErrors vs Eta;#eta; AlgorithmErrors Errors' ,ybins=6,ymin=0,ymax=6,xbins=100,xmin=-5.,xmax=5.)]
+        #self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('Phi, AlgorithmErrors' ,type='TH2F',title='AlgorithmErrors vs Phi;#phi; AlgorithmErrors Errors' ,ybins=6,ymin=0,ymax=6,xbins=64,xmin=-3.1416,xmax=3.1416)]
+class TrigT2CaloFastJetOnlineMonitoring(TrigGenericMonitoringToolConfig):
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloFastJet_Online"):
+        super(TrigT2CaloFastJetOnlineMonitoring, self).__init__(name)
+        self.defineTarget("Online")
+        # this target contains all the histograms necessary for Online
+        self.Histograms = [  defineHistogram('nJets',           type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX number of jets;N;nevents",                xbins=21, xmin=-.5, xmax=20.5) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nGrid',           type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX number of inputs;N;nevents",              xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Et',              type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX Et;Et [MeV]; nevents",                    xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtEM',            type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX Et EM;Etem [MeV]; nevents",               xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtHAD',           type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX Et HAD;Ethad [MeV]; nevents",             xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('E',               type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX E;E [MeV]; nevents",                      xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EEM',             type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX Eem;Eem [MeV]; nevents",                  xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EHAD',            type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX Ehad;Ehad [MeV]; nevents",                xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nLeadingTowers',  type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX nLeadingTowers;nLeadingTowers; nevents",  xbins=21, xmin=-0.5, xmax=20.5) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Emf',             type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX emf;EMF; nevents",                        xbins=100, xmin=-0.1, xmax=1.1) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta',             type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX Eta;Eta; nevents",                        xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi',             type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX Phi;Phi; nevents",                        xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('UnpackTime',      type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet Unpacking time; time [ms]; nevents",          xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('FastJetTime',     type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FastJet time; time [ms]; nevents",            xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('puSubTime',       type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FastJet pu sub time; time [ms]; nevents",     xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('CleaningTime',    type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet Cleaning time; time [ms]; nevents",           xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('CalibrationTime', type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet Calibration time; time [ms]; nevents",        xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('RoITime',         type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet RoI making time; time [ms]; nevents",         xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('TotalTime',     type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet Total time; time [ms]; nevents",              xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Phi',         type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet phi vs. eta;#eta;#phi",                       xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,           ybins=64, ymin=-3.1416, ymax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Et',          type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet Et vs. eta;#eta;Et [MeV]",                    xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,           ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,EtEM',        type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet EM E_{T} vs. #eta;#eta;E_{T}^{em} [MeV]",     xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,           ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,EtHAD',       type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet HAD E_{T} vs. #eta;#eta;E_{T}^{had} [MeV]",   xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,           ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,E',           type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet ene vs. eta;#eta;ene [MeV]",                  xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,           ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,EEM',         type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet EM ene vs. eta;#eta;Eem [MeV]",               xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,           ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,EHAD',        type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet Had ene vs. eta;#eta;Ehad [MeV]",             xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,           ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,E',           type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet ene vs. phi;#phi;ene [MeV]",                  xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416,    ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,Et',          type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet Et vs. phi;#phi;Et [MeV]",                    xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416,    ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,EtEM',        type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet EM E_{T} vs. #phi;#phi;E_{T}^{em} [MeV]",     xbins=100, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416,   ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,EtHAD',       type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet HAD E_{T} vs. #phi;#phi;E_{T}^{had} [MeV]",   xbins=100, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416,   ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nGrid,UnpackTime',      type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet Unpack time vs. nGrid;nGrid;time [ms]",       xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nGrid,FastJetTime',     type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet Jet finding time vs. nGrid;nGrid;time [ms]",  xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nJets,FastJetTime',     type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet Jet finding time vs. nJets;nJets;time [ms]",  xbins=21, xmin=-.5, xmax=20.5, ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nGrid,puSubTime',       type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet pu subtraction time vs. nGrid;nGrid;time [ms]", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nJets,puSubTime',       type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet pu subtraction time vs. nJets;nJets;time [ms]", xbins=21, xmin=-.5, xmax=20.5, ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nGrid,CleaningTime',    type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet Jet cleaning time vs. nGrid;nGrid;time [ms]", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nJets,CleaningTime',    type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet Jet cleaning time vs. nJets;nJets;time [ms]", xbins=21, xmin=-.5, xmax=20.5, ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nJets,CalibrationTime', type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet Jet calibration time vs. nJets;nJets;time [ms]",xbins=21, xmin=-.5, xmax=20.5, ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nJets,RoITime',         type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet RoI making time vs. nJets;nJets;time [ms]",   xbins=21, xmin=-.5, xmax=20.5, ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nGrid,TotalTime',     type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet Total time vs. nGrid;nGrid;time [ms]",        xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nJets,TotalTime',     type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet Total time vs. nJets;nJets;time [ms]",        xbins=21, xmin=-.5, xmax=20.5, ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        #self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('AlgorithmErrors', type='TH1F',title='Algorithm Errors bit mask' ,xbins=10,xmin=0,xmax=10)]
+        #self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('Eta, AlgorithmErrors' ,type='TH2F',title='AlgorithmErrors vs Eta;#eta; AlgorithmErrors Errors' ,ybins=6,ymin=0,ymax=6,xbins=100,xmin=-5.,xmax=5.)]
+        #self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('Phi, AlgorithmErrors' ,type='TH2F',title='AlgorithmErrors vs Phi;#phi; AlgorithmErrors Errors' ,ybins=6,ymin=0,ymax=6,xbins=64,xmin=-3.1416,xmax=3.1416)]
+class TrigT2CaloFastJetCosmicMonitoring(TrigGenericMonitoringToolConfig):
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloFastJet_Cosmic"):
+        super(TrigT2CaloFastJetCosmicMonitoring, self).__init__(name)
+        self.defineTarget("Cosmic")
+        # this target contains all the histograms necessary for Cosmic
+        self.Histograms = [  defineHistogram('nJets',           type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX number of jets;N;nevents",                xbins=21, xmin=-.5, xmax=20.5) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nGrid',           type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX number of inputs;N;nevents",              xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Et',              type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX Et;Et [MeV]; nevents",                    xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtEM',            type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX Et EM;Etem [MeV]; nevents",               xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtHAD',           type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX Et HAD;Ethad [MeV]; nevents",             xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('E',               type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX E;E [MeV]; nevents",                      xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EEM',             type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX Eem;Eem [MeV]; nevents",                  xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EHAD',            type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX Ehad;Ehad [MeV]; nevents",                xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nLeadingTowers',  type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX nLeadingTowers;nLeadingTowers; nevents",  xbins=21, xmin=-0.5, xmax=20.5) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Emf',             type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX emf;EMF; nevents",                        xbins=100, xmin=-0.1, xmax=1.1) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta',             type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX Eta;Eta; nevents",                        xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi',             type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FEX Phi;Phi; nevents",                        xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('UnpackTime',      type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet Unpacking time; time [ms]; nevents",          xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('FastJetTime',     type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FastJet time; time [ms]; nevents",            xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('puSubTime',       type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet FastJet pu sub time; time [ms]; nevents",     xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('CleaningTime',    type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet Cleaning time; time [ms]; nevents",           xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('CalibrationTime', type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet Calibration time; time [ms]; nevents",        xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('RoITime',         type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet RoI making time; time [ms]; nevents",         xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('TotalTime',     type='TH1F', title="T2CaloFastJet Total time; time [ms]; nevents",              xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Phi',         type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet phi vs. eta;#eta;#phi",                       xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,           ybins=64, ymin=-3.1416, ymax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Et',          type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet Et vs. eta;#eta;Et [MeV]",                    xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,           ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,EtEM',        type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet EM E_{T} vs. #eta;#eta;E_{T}^{em} [MeV]",     xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,           ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,EtHAD',       type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet HAD E_{T} vs. #eta;#eta;E_{T}^{had} [MeV]",   xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,           ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,E',           type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet ene vs. eta;#eta;ene [MeV]",                  xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,           ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,EEM',         type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet EM ene vs. eta;#eta;Eem [MeV]",               xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,           ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,EHAD',        type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet Had ene vs. eta;#eta;Ehad [MeV]",             xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.,           ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,E',           type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet ene vs. phi;#phi;ene [MeV]",                  xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416,    ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,Et',          type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet Et vs. phi;#phi;Et [MeV]",                    xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416,    ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,EtEM',        type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet EM E_{T} vs. #phi;#phi;E_{T}^{em} [MeV]",     xbins=100, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416,   ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,EtHAD',       type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet HAD E_{T} vs. #phi;#phi;E_{T}^{had} [MeV]",   xbins=100, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416,   ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=100000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nGrid,UnpackTime',      type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet Unpack time vs. nGrid;nGrid;time [ms]",       xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nGrid,FastJetTime',     type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet Jet finding time vs. nGrid;nGrid;time [ms]",  xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nJets,FastJetTime',     type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet Jet finding time vs. nJets;nJets;time [ms]",  xbins=21, xmin=-.5, xmax=20.5, ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nGrid,puSubTime',       type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet pu subtraction time vs. nGrid;nGrid;time [ms]", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nJets,puSubTime',       type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet pu subtraction time vs. nJets;nJets;time [ms]", xbins=21, xmin=-.5, xmax=20.5, ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nGrid,CleaningTime',    type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet Jet cleaning time vs. nGrid;nGrid;time [ms]", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nJets,CleaningTime',    type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet Jet cleaning time vs. nJets;nJets;time [ms]", xbins=21, xmin=-.5, xmax=20.5, ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nJets,CalibrationTime', type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet Jet calibration time vs. nJets;nJets;time [ms]",xbins=21, xmin=-.5, xmax=20.5, ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nJets,RoITime',         type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet RoI making time vs. nJets;nJets;time [ms]",   xbins=21, xmin=-.5, xmax=20.5, ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nGrid,TotalTime',     type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet Total time vs. nGrid;nGrid;time [ms]",        xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000., ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('nJets,TotalTime',     type='TH2F', title="T2CaloFastJet Total time vs. nJets;nJets;time [ms]",        xbins=21, xmin=-.5, xmax=20.5, ybins=100, ymin=0., ymax=100.) ]
+        #self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('AlgorithmErrors', type='TH1F',title='Algorithm Errors bit mask' ,xbins=10,xmin=0,xmax=10)]
+        #self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('Eta, AlgorithmErrors' ,type='TH2F',title='AlgorithmErrors vs Eta;#eta; AlgorithmErrors Errors' ,ybins=6,ymin=0,ymax=6,xbins=100,xmin=-5.,xmax=5.)]
+        #self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('Phi, AlgorithmErrors' ,type='TH2F',title='AlgorithmErrors vs Phi;#phi; AlgorithmErrors Errors' ,ybins=6,ymin=0,ymax=6,xbins=64,xmin=-3.1416,xmax=3.1416)]
+class TrigT2VirtualL1CaloJetValidationMonitoring(TrigGenericMonitoringToolConfig):
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2VirtualL1CaloJet_Validation"):
+        super(TrigT2VirtualL1CaloJetValidationMonitoring, self).__init__(name)
+        self.defineTarget("Validation")
+# this target contains all the histograms necessary for validation
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('E', type='TH1F', title="T2VirtualL1CaloJet FEX E;E [MeV]; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Et', type='TH1F', title="T2VirtualL1CaloJet FEX Et;Et [MeV]; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta', type='TH1F', title="T2VirtualL1CaloJet FEX Eta;Eta; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi', type='TH1F', title="T2VirtualL1CaloJet FEX Phi;Phi; nevents", xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Phi', type='TH2F', title="T2VirtualL1CaloJet phi vs. eta;#eta;#phi", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=64, ymin=-3.1416, ymax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,E', type='TH2F', title="T2VirtualL1CaloJet ene vs. eta;#eta;ene [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,E', type='TH2F', title="T2VirtualL1CaloJet ene vs. phi;#phi;ene [MeV]", xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416, ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Et', type='TH2F', title="T2VirtualL1CaloJet Et vs. eta;#eta;Et [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,Et', type='TH2F', title="T2VirtualL1CaloJet Et vs. phi;#phi;Et [MeV]", xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416, ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        #self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('AlgorithmErrors', type='TH1F',title='Algorithm Errors bit mask' ,xbins=10,xmin=0,xmax=10)]
+        #self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('Eta, AlgorithmErrors' ,type='TH2F',title='AlgorithmErrors vs Eta;#eta; AlgorithmErrors Errors' ,ybins=6,ymin=0,ymax=6,xbins=100,xmin=-5.,xmax=5.)]
+        #self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('Phi, AlgorithmErrors' ,type='TH2F',title='AlgorithmErrors vs Phi;#phi; AlgorithmErrors Errors' ,ybins=6,ymin=0,ymax=6,xbins=64,xmin=-3.1416,xmax=3.1416)]
+class TrigT2VirtualL1CaloJetOnlineMonitoring(TrigGenericMonitoringToolConfig):
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2VirtualL1CaloJet_Online"):
+        """ defines hisograms for online """
+        super(TrigT2VirtualL1CaloJetOnlineMonitoring, self).__init__(name)
+        self.defineTarget("Online")
+# right now this target has the same list of histograms as "Validation"
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('E', type='TH1F', title="T2VirtualL1CaloJet FEX E;E [MeV]; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Et', type='TH1F', title="T2VirtualL1CaloJet FEX Et;Et [MeV]; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta', type='TH1F', title="T2VirtualL1CaloJet FEX Eta;Eta; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi', type='TH1F', title="T2VirtualL1CaloJet FEX Phi;Phi; nevents", xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Phi', type='TH2F', title="T2VirtualL1CaloJet phi vs. eta;#eta;#phi", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=64, ymin=-3.1416, ymax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,E', type='TH2F', title="T2VirtualL1CaloJet ene vs. eta;#eta;ene [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,E', type='TH2F', title="T2VirtualL1CaloJet ene vs. phi;#phi;ene [MeV]", xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416, ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Et', type='TH2F', title="T2VirtualL1CaloJet Et vs. eta;#eta;Et [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,Et', type='TH2F', title="T2VirtualL1CaloJet Et vs. phi;#phi;Et [MeV]", xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416, ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        #self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('AlgorithmErrors', type='TH1F',title='Algorithm Errors bit mask' ,xbins=10,xmin=0,xmax=10)]
+        #self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('Eta, AlgorithmErrors' ,type='TH2F',title='AlgorithmErrors vs Eta;#eta; AlgorithmErrors Errors' ,ybins=6,ymin=0,ymax=6,xbins=100,xmin=-5.,xmax=5.)]
+        #self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('Phi, AlgorithmErrors' ,type='TH2F',title='AlgorithmErrors vs Phi;#phi; AlgorithmErrors Errors' ,ybins=6,ymin=0,ymax=6,xbins=64,xmin=-3.1416,xmax=3.1416)]
+class TrigT2VirtualL1CaloJetCosmicMonitoring(TrigGenericMonitoringToolConfig):
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2VirtualL1CaloJet_Cosmic"):
+        """ defines hisograms for online """
+        super(TrigT2VirtualL1CaloJetCosmicMonitoring, self).__init__(name)
+        self.defineTarget("Cosmic")
+# this target contains the same list of histograms as for "Online", but the axis range for plots of Et and etc. are smaller 
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('E', type='TH1F', title="T2VirtualL1CaloJet FEX E;E [MeV]; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Et', type='TH1F', title="T2VirtualL1CaloJet FEX Et;Et [MeV]; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta', type='TH1F', title="T2VirtualL1CaloJet FEX Eta;Eta; nevents", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi', type='TH1F', title="T2VirtualL1CaloJet FEX Phi;Phi; nevents", xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Phi', type='TH2F', title="T2VirtualL1CaloJet phi vs. eta;#eta;#phi", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=64, ymin=-3.1416, ymax=3.1416) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,E', type='TH2F', title="T2VirtualL1CaloJet ene vs. eta;#eta;ene [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,E', type='TH2F', title="T2VirtualL1CaloJet ene vs. phi;#phi;ene [MeV]", xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416, ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta,Et', type='TH2F', title="T2VirtualL1CaloJet Et vs. eta;#eta;Et [MeV]", xbins=100, xmin=-5., xmax=5., ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi,Et', type='TH2F', title="T2VirtualL1CaloJet Et vs. phi;#phi;Et [MeV]", xbins=64, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416, ybins=100 , ymin=0., ymax=1000000.) ]
+        #self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('AlgorithmErrors', type='TH1F',title='Algorithm Errors bit mask' ,xbins=10,xmin=0,xmax=10)]
+        #self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('Eta, AlgorithmErrors' ,type='TH2F',title='AlgorithmErrors vs Eta;#eta; AlgorithmErrors Errors' ,ybins=6,ymin=0,ymax=6,xbins=100,xmin=-5.,xmax=5.)]
+        #self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram ('Phi, AlgorithmErrors' ,type='TH2F',title='AlgorithmErrors vs Phi;#phi; AlgorithmErrors Errors' ,ybins=6,ymin=0,ymax=6,xbins=64,xmin=-3.1416,xmax=3.1416)]
+# T2AllRoiUnpacking histograms    [begin]
+fexName = "T2AllRoiUnpacking"
+hUnpckTime = defineHistogram(varname='UnpckTime', type='TH1F',
+                             title='%s tot unpacking time; time [ms]'%fexName,
+                             xbins=40, xmin=0., xmax=40)
+hCellUnpckTime = defineHistogram(varname='CellUnpckTime', type='TH1F',
+                                 title='%s unpacking time (addCell only); time [ms]'%fexName,
+                                 xbins=50, xmin=0., xmax=10)
+hRoITime = defineHistogram(varname='RoITime', type='TH1F',
+                           title='%s time to setup output TE; time [ms]'%fexName,
+                           xbins=50, xmin=0., xmax=10)    
+hMergeTime = defineHistogram(varname='MergeTime', type='TH1F',
+                             title='%s time to merge the EM cells; time [ms]'%fexName,
+                             xbins=50, xmin=0., xmax=10)    
+hTotalTime = defineHistogram('TotalTime', type='TH1F',
+                             title='%s Total time; time [ms]; nevents'%fexName,
+                             xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=100.)
+# T2AllRoiUnpacking histograms    [end]
+class T2AllRoiUnpackingTimeOnlineMonitoring(TrigGenericMonitoringToolConfig):
+    def __init__ (self, name = "T2AllRoiUnpackingTimeOnlineMonitoring"):
+        super(T2AllRoiUnpackingTimeOnlineMonitoring, self).__init__(name)
+        self.defineTarget("Online")
+        self.Histograms = [hUnpckTime, hCellUnpckTime, hRoITime, hMergeTime, hTotalTime,]
+class T2AllRoiUnpackingTimeValidationMonitoring(TrigGenericMonitoringToolConfig):
+    def __init__ (self, name = "T2AllRoiUnpackingTimeValidationMonitoring"):
+        super(T2AllRoiUnpackingTimeValidationMonitoring, self).__init__(name)
+        self.defineTarget("Validation")
+        # validation can have additional histograms (online should be the minimal subset)
+        self.Histograms = [hUnpckTime, hCellUnpckTime, hRoITime, hMergeTime, hTotalTime,]
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/share/ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/share/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..85acbcdbc08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/share/
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+#  T2CaloJet options
+theApp.Dlls += [ "TrigT2CaloJet" ]
+include( "TrigT2CaloCommon/" )
+#T2CaloJet_g4_L2 = Algorithm( "T2CaloJet_g4_L2" )
+#T2CaloJet_g4_L2.OutputLevel = INFO
+#T2CaloJet_g4_L2.clearJetGrid = False
+# Set up default options (according to Osamu's talk at Trigger&Physics week, March)
+#  ROI half width in eta x phi: 0.7x0.7
+#  Number of iterations = 3
+#  Cone radius: R = 0.4
+#T2CaloJet_g4_L2.EtaWidth = 0.7 # Eta half width
+#T2CaloJet_g4_L2.PhiWidth = 0.7 # Phi half width
+#T2CaloJet_g4_L2.T2CaloJetConeTool.coneRadius = 0.4;
+#T2CaloJet_g4_L2.T2CaloJetConeTool.numberOfIterations = 3;
+# Monitoring
+#include( "TrigJetMonitoring/" )
+# Using CSC calibration.
+# Performance described in:
+#T2CaloJet_g4_L2.T2CaloJetCalibTool.CalibToolName = "T2SampCalibTool"
+#T2CaloJet_g4_L2.T2CaloJetCalibTool.T2SampCalibTool.nEtaBin = 44
+#T2CaloJet_g4_L2.T2CaloJetCalibTool.T2SampCalibTool.EtRegionLimit = 5000
+#T2CaloJet_g4_L2.T2CaloJetCalibTool.T2SampCalibTool.VECut=[20, 20.1001, 20.4013, 20.9068, 21.6214, 22.5525, 23.7093, 25.1034, 26.7487, 28.6617, 30.8616, 33.3704, 36.2131, 39.4183, 43.018, 47.0482, 51.5493, 56.5663, 62.1495, 68.3546, 75.2439, 82.8863, 91.3582, 100.744, 111.139, 122.646, 135.38, 149.469, 165.055, 182.292, 201.353, 222.43, 245.733, 271.495, 299.975, 331.456, 366.256, 404.72, 447.236, 494.227, 546.165, 603.569, 667.013, 737.134]
+#Schema of weights specification through jobO
+# i -> this is the number of eta bin                      #
+#m_wt[i][0][0],m_wt[i][0][1],m_wt[i][0][2],m_wt[i][0][3], #
+#m_wt[i][1][0],m_wt[i][1][1],m_wt[i][0][2],m_wt[i][1][3], #
+#1.51389, -0.0895586,  1., 0.,
+#1.72829, -0.0340167, 1., 0.,
+#1.49137, -0.0868803, 1., 0.,
+#1.70548, -0.0337713, 1., 0.,
+#1.4857, -0.0863495, 1., 0.,
+#1.72645, -0.0432542, 1., 0.,
+#1.47319, -0.0812488, 1., 0.,
+#1.74611, -0.0531648, 1., 0.,
+#1.48531, -0.0863878, 1., 0.,
+#1.72056, -0.0471587, 1., 0.,
+#1.48752, -0.084979, 1., 0.,
+#1.71981, -0.0444118, 1., 0.,
+#1.51808, -0.0926553, 1., 0.,
+#1.74622, -0.0519999, 1., 0.,
+#1.55659, -0.101366, 1., 0.,
+#1.71495, -0.01945, 1., 0.,
+#1.58541, -0.105946, 1., 0.,
+#1.8069, -0.0353912, 1., 0.,
+#1.58109, -0.104969, 1., 0.,
+#1.86016, -0.0246607, 1., 0.,
+#1.59103, -0.108539, 1., 0.,
+#1.61592, -0.0223561, 1., 0.,
+#1.56324, -0.102244, 1., 0.,
+#1.54431, -0.030708, 1., 0.,
+#1.56805, -0.110581, 1., 0.,
+#1.68662, -0.0425636, 1., 0.,
+#1.5175, -0.0904923, 1., 0.,
+#1.9283, -0.0795127, 1., 0.,
+#1.57129, -0.102665, 1., 0.,
+#1.75441, -0.0341709, 1., 0.,
+#1.45089, -0.108513, 1., 0.,
+#1.71627, -0.0184717, 1., 0.,
+#1.38183, -0.0832477, 1., 0.,
+#1.68205, -0.0600046, 1., 0.,
+#1.3759, -0.0820196, 1., 0.,
+#1.52486, -0.0399448, 1., 0.,
+#1.3698, -0.0820021, 1., 0.,
+#1.50279, -0.0339901, 1., 0.,
+#1.36276, -0.0791147, 1., 0.,
+#1.47426, -0.0298548, 1., 0.,
+#1.34213, -0.0787685, 1., 0.,
+#1.49542, -0.0335057, 1., 0.,
+#1.34028, -0.0808486, 1., 0.,
+#1.47619, -0.020763, 1., 0.,
+#1.29883, -0.0668448, 1., 0.,
+#1.4767, -0.0266885, 1., 0.,
+#1.3058, -0.0647559, 1., 0.,
+#1.56106, -0.055258, 1., 0.,
+#1.30474, -0.0660207, 1., 0.,
+#1.53641, -0.0402638, 1., 0.,
+#1.32559, -0.070272, 1., 0.,
+#1.52766, -0.0386046, 1., 0.,
+#1.27423, -0.0582557, 1., 0.,
+#1.57456, -0.0636291, 1., 0.,
+#1.27919, -0.0590284, 1., 0.,
+#1.61072, -0.0685855, 1., 0.,
+#1.32345, -0.0834648, 1., 0.,
+#1.62766, -0.0522781, 1., 0.,
+#1.33869, -0.0813973, 1., 0.,
+#1.84186, -0.0996512, 1., 0.,
+#1.43289, -0.116186, 1., 0.,
+#1.98947, -0.0398448, 1., 0.,
+#1.35306, -0.0829135, 1., 0.,
+#2.58078, -0.266127, 1., 0.,
+#1., 0., 1., 0.,
+#1., 0., 1., 0.,
+#1., 0., 1., 0.,
+#1., 0., 1., 0.,
+#1., 0., 1., 0.,
+#1., 0., 1., 0.,
+#1., 0., 1., 0.,
+#1., 0., 1., 0.,
+#1., 0., 1., 0.,
+#1., 0., 1., 0.,
+#1., 0., 1., 0.,
+#1., 0., 1., 0.,
+#1., 0., 1., 0.,
+#1., 0., 1., 0.,
+#1., 0., 1., 0.,
+#1., 0., 1., 0.,
+#1., 0., 1., 0.,
+#1., 0., 1., 0.,
+#1., 0., 1., 0.,
+#1., 0., 1., 0.,
+#1., 0., 1., 0.,
+#1., 0., 1., 0.,
+#1., 0., 1., 0.,
+#1., 0., 1., 0.,
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/share/ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/share/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..a34a7951f0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/share/
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+#  T2CaloJet options
+theApp.Dlls += [ "TrigT2CaloJet" ]
+include( "TrigT2CaloCommon/" )
+T2CaloJet_g4_L2 = Algorithm( "T2CaloJet_g4_L2" )
+T2CaloJet_g4_L2.OutputLevel = INFO
+T2CaloJet_g4_L2.clearJetGrid = False
+# Set up default options (according to Osamu's talk at Trigger&Physics week, March)
+#  ROI size in eta x phi: 0.7x0.7
+#  Number of iterations = 3
+#  Cone radius: R = 0.4
+T2CaloJet_g4_L2.EtaWidth = 0.35 # Eta half width
+T2CaloJet_g4_L2.PhiWidth = 0.35 # Phi half width
+T2CaloJet_g4_L2.T2CaloJetConeTool.coneRadius = 0.4;
+T2CaloJet_g4_L2.T2CaloJetConeTool.numberOfIterations = 3;
+# Adding calibration. 
+# Performance described in: 
+T2CaloJet_g4_L2.T2CaloJetCalibTool.CalibToolName = "T2SampCalibTool"
+T2CaloJet_g4_L2.T2CaloJetCalibTool.T2SampCalibTool.nEtaBin = 44
+T2CaloJet_g4_L2.T2CaloJetCalibTool.T2SampCalibTool.EtRegionLimit = 5000
+T2CaloJet_g4_L2.T2CaloJetCalibTool.T2SampCalibTool.VECut=[20, 20.1001, 20.4013, 20.9068, 21.6214, 22.5525, 23.7093, 25.1034, 26.7487, 28.6617, 30.8616, 33.3704, 36.2131, 39.4183, 43.018, 47.0482, 51.5493, 56.5663, 62.1495, 68.3546, 75.2439, 82.8863, 91.3582, 100.744, 111.139, 122.646, 135.38, 149.469, 165.055, 182.292, 201.353, 222.43, 245.733, 271.495, 299.975, 331.456, 366.256, 404.72, 447.236, 494.227, 546.165, 603.569, 667.013, 737.134]
+#Schema of weights specification through jobO
+# i -> this is the number of eta bin                      #
+#m_wt[i][0][0],m_wt[i][0][1],m_wt[i][0][2],m_wt[i][0][3], #
+#m_wt[i][1][0],m_wt[i][1][1],m_wt[i][0][2],m_wt[i][1][3], #
+1.48308, -0.0826528, 0.5, 0.5,
+1.42289, -0.0171067, 0.5, 0.5,
+1.45557, -0.0781768, 0.5, 0.5,
+1.44633, -0.027712, 0.5, 0.5,
+1.43856, -0.0751478, 0.5, 0.5,
+1.45253, -0.0306214, 0.5, 0.5,
+1.43498, -0.0718259, 0.5, 0.5,
+1.45168, -0.032742, 0.5, 0.5,
+1.43684, -0.0729862, 0.5, 0.5,
+1.49863, -0.048398, 0.5, 0.5,
+1.45232, -0.0772673, 0.5, 0.5,
+1.45768, -0.03347, 0.5, 0.5,
+1.47967, -0.0838591, 0.5, 0.5,
+1.43648, -0.0286997, 0.5, 0.5,
+1.50318, -0.0855062, 0.5, 0.5,
+1.50884, -0.0353893, 0.5, 0.5,
+1.52509, -0.0885095, 0.5, 0.5,
+1.52056, -0.032717, 0.5, 0.5,
+1.5283, -0.0951263, 0.5, 0.5,
+1.58505, -0.0175355, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.53577, -0.0941264, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.44049, -0.0297817, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.54731, -0.103539, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.26273, 0.009096, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.50927, -0.0939212, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.53218, -0.0516523, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.53583, -0.0924597, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.57429, -0.0390652, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.56737, -0.0848132, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.6557, -0.0695771, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.48189, -0.122748, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.63334, -0.00433293, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.3956, -0.0938853, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.65188, -0.0527244, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.39098, -0.0913043, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.50682, -0.0362353, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.3567, -0.0810333, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.47922, -0.0375228, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.33288, -0.0776533, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.47069, -0.0322596, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.29355, -0.067195, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.50526, -0.0458961, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.27226, -0.0561386, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.51188, -0.0578599, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.29132, -0.071984, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.41631, -0.0172732, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.29759, -0.0714317, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.50393, -0.0499248, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.27971, -0.0677093, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.47009, -0.036954, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.27665, -0.0625996, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.47138, -0.0381273, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.28796, -0.0642188, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.45072, -0.0414209, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.23851, -0.0422229, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.57495, -0.0825966, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.29582, -0.0643765, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.57768, -0.0887841, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.37418, -0.116019, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.69627, -0.0531049, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.3154, -0.0621647, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 2.28643, -0.265052, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 1.28765, -0.0955826, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 2.76714, -0.109484, 0.5, 0.5,
+ # Weights were not extracted for the forward calorimeters.
+ # don't apply any correction there:
+ 1., 0.  , 0.5, 0.5, 
+ 1., 0.  , 0.5, 0.5, 
+ 1., 0.  , 0.5, 0.5, 
+ 1., 0.  , 0.5, 0.5, 
+ 1., 0.  , 0.5, 0.5, 
+ 1., 0.  , 0.5, 0.5, 
+ 1., 0.  , 0.5, 0.5, 
+ 1., 0.  , 0.5, 0.5, 
+ 1., 0.  , 0.5, 0.5, 
+ 1., 0.  , 0.5, 0.5, 
+ 1., 0.  , 0.5, 0.5, 
+ 1., 0.  , 0.5, 0.5, 
+ 1., 0.  , 0.5, 0.5, 
+ 1., 0.  , 0.5, 0.5, 
+ 1., 0.  , 0.5, 0.5, 
+ 1., 0.  , 0.5, 0.5, 
+ 1., 0.  , 0.5, 0.5, 
+ 1., 0.  , 0.5, 0.5, 
+ 1., 0.  , 0.5, 0.5, 
+ 1., 0.  , 0.5, 0.5, 
+ 1., 0.  , 0.5, 0.5, 
+ 1., 0.  , 0.5, 0.5, 
+ 1., 0.  , 0.5, 0.5, 
+ 1., 0.  , 0.5, 0.5, 
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/EtaPhiSampleHash.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/EtaPhiSampleHash.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f13eeb5f7fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/EtaPhiSampleHash.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/EtaPhiSampleHash.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/HashedTrig3Momentum.h"
+#include "TVector2.h" // Phi_mpi_pi
+#include <iostream>
+#include <cmath>    // M_PI, fabs
+const double EtaPhiSampleHash::kMinEta = -5.0;
+const double EtaPhiSampleHash::kMaxEta = +5.0;
+const double EtaPhiSampleHash::kMinPhi = -M_PI;
+const double EtaPhiSampleHash::kMaxPhi = +M_PI;
+EtaPhiSampleHash::EtaPhiSampleHash(const u_short &nEtaBins, const u_short &nPhiBins,
+				   double minEta, double maxEta,
+				   double minPhi, double maxPhi):
+ m_minEta(minEta),
+ m_maxEta(maxEta),
+ m_minPhi(minPhi),
+ m_maxPhi(maxPhi),
+ m_nEtaBins(nEtaBins),
+ m_nPhiBins(nPhiBins)
+  checkValues();
+  m_dEta = (m_maxEta-m_minEta)/ static_cast<double>(m_nEtaBins);
+  m_dPhi = (m_maxPhi-m_minPhi)/ static_cast<double>(m_nPhiBins);
+  m_invDeta = 1.0/m_dEta;
+  m_invDphi = 1.0/m_dPhi;
+void EtaPhiSampleHash::checkValues()
+  using namespace std;
+  if(m_nEtaBins >= kMaxNetaBins)
+    cerr<<"EtaPhiSampleHash: number of eta bins too large"
+	<<" ("<<m_nEtaBins<<" >= "<<kMaxNetaBins<<")"<<endl;
+  if(m_nPhiBins >= kMaxNphiBins)
+    cerr<<"EtaPhiSampleHash: number of phi bins too large"
+	<<" ("<<m_nPhiBins<<" >= "<<kMaxNphiBins<<")"<<endl;
+u_int EtaPhiSampleHash::hash(const double &eta, const double &phi,
+			     const  CaloSampling::CaloSample &sample) const
+  double rPhi = TVector2::Phi_mpi_pi(phi);
+  if(eta<m_minEta || eta>m_maxEta || rPhi<m_minPhi || rPhi>m_maxPhi){
+    std::cerr<<"EtaPhiSampleHash::hash("<<eta<<", phi, "<<sample<<")"<<std::endl
+	     <<"out of bounds: returning 0"<<std::endl;
+    return 0;
+  }
+  return (sample & kSixBits) + 
+    ((int((eta-m_minEta)*m_invDeta) & kTenBits) <<  6) +
+    ((int((phi-m_minPhi)*m_invDphi) & kTenBits) << 16);
+u_int EtaPhiSampleHash::hash(const Trig3Momentum &t3m) const
+  return hash(t3m.eta(), t3m.phi(), t3m.caloSample());
+u_int EtaPhiSampleHash::hash(const HashedTrig3Momentum &htm) const
+  return hash(htm.eta(), htm.phi(), htm.caloSample());
+bool EtaPhiSampleHash::etaPhiSample(const u_int &hash, double &eta, double &phi,
+				    CaloSampling::CaloSample &sample) const
+  sample = static_cast< CaloSampling::CaloSample >(hash & kSixBits);
+  eta = m_minEta + m_dEta * ((hash >>  6) & kTenBits);
+  phi = m_minPhi + m_dPhi * ((hash >> 16) & kTenBits);
+  return true;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/GridsHandler.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/GridsHandler.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d0b6b70a2d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/GridsHandler.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/GridsHandler.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/HashedTrig3Momentum.h"
+#include <iostream>
+  using namespace std;
+  vector< CaloSampling::CaloSample > samples;
+  vector< size_t > defaultSizes;
+  // need to ajust the default sizes? (granularity ~0.1)
+  samples.push_back(CaloSampling::PreSamplerB); defaultSizes.push_back(128);
+  samples.push_back(CaloSampling::EMB1	     ); defaultSizes.push_back(128);
+  samples.push_back(CaloSampling::EMB2	     ); defaultSizes.push_back(128);
+  samples.push_back(CaloSampling::EMB3       ); defaultSizes.push_back(128);
+  samples.push_back(CaloSampling::PreSamplerE); defaultSizes.push_back(128);
+  samples.push_back(CaloSampling::EME1	     ); defaultSizes.push_back(128);
+  samples.push_back(CaloSampling::EME2	     ); defaultSizes.push_back(128);
+  samples.push_back(CaloSampling::EME3       ); defaultSizes.push_back(128);
+  samples.push_back(CaloSampling::HEC0	     ); defaultSizes.push_back(128);
+  samples.push_back(CaloSampling::HEC1	     ); defaultSizes.push_back(128);
+  samples.push_back(CaloSampling::HEC2	     ); defaultSizes.push_back(128);
+  samples.push_back(CaloSampling::HEC3       ); defaultSizes.push_back(128);
+  samples.push_back(CaloSampling::TileBar0   ); defaultSizes.push_back(128);
+  samples.push_back(CaloSampling::TileBar1   ); defaultSizes.push_back(128);
+  samples.push_back(CaloSampling::TileBar2   ); defaultSizes.push_back(128);
+  samples.push_back(CaloSampling::TileGap1   ); defaultSizes.push_back(128);
+  samples.push_back(CaloSampling::TileGap2   ); defaultSizes.push_back(128);
+  samples.push_back(CaloSampling::TileGap3   ); defaultSizes.push_back(128);
+  samples.push_back(CaloSampling::TileExt0   ); defaultSizes.push_back(128);
+  samples.push_back(CaloSampling::TileExt1   ); defaultSizes.push_back(128);
+  samples.push_back(CaloSampling::TileExt2   ); defaultSizes.push_back(128);
+  samples.push_back(CaloSampling::FCAL0	     ); defaultSizes.push_back(128);
+  samples.push_back(CaloSampling::FCAL1      ); defaultSizes.push_back(128);
+  samples.push_back(CaloSampling::FCAL2      ); defaultSizes.push_back(128);
+  samples.push_back(CaloSampling::Unknown    ); defaultSizes.push_back(128);
+  for(unsigned int iS=0; iS<samples.size(); iS++){
+    CaloSampling::CaloSample &sample = samples[iS];
+    m_grids[sample] = vector< HashedTrig3Momentum >(0);
+    m_grids[sample].reserve(defaultSizes[iS]);
+  } // end for(iS)
+  copy(samples.begin(), samples.end(),
+       back_inserter< vector< CaloSampling::CaloSample> >(m_allSamples));
+void clearGrid(CsVmcPair &map){ map.second.clear(); }
+void GridsHandler::clearAllGrids()
+  std::for_each(m_grids.begin(), m_grids.end(), clearGrid);
+Vmc& GridsHandler::grid(const CaloSampling::CaloSample &sample)
+  return m_grids[sample];
+void GridsHandler::appendAllGrids(Vt3m &output) const
+  for(CsVmcMap::const_iterator it=m_grids.begin(); it != m_grids.end(); ++it)
+    output.insert(output.end(), it->second.begin(), it->second.end());
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/HashedTrig3Momentum.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/HashedTrig3Momentum.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c657566a7f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/HashedTrig3Momentum.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/HashedTrig3Momentum.h"
+#include <cmath> // fabs
+HashedTrig3Momentum::HashedTrig3Momentum() : Trig3Momentum(), m_hash(0) {}
+HashedTrig3Momentum::HashedTrig3Momentum(const Trig3Momentum &t3m, const u_int &hash) :
+  Trig3Momentum(t3m), m_hash(hash)
+void HashedTrig3Momentum::addE(const double &eta, const double &phi,
+			       const double &energy)
+  //-dbg-using namespace std;
+  //-dbg-cout<<"adding ("<<eta<<", "<<phi<<", "<<energy<<") to "
+  //-dbg-    <<" ("<<eta_<<", "<<phi_<<", "<<ene_<<")"<<endl;
+  updateWeightedCoord(eta, phi, energy);
+  setE(e() + energy);
+  //-dbg-cout<<"now ("<<eta_<<", "<<phi_<<", "<<ene_<<")"<<endl;
+void HashedTrig3Momentum::reset()
+  m_hash = 0;
+  setE(0.);
+  setEta(0.);
+  setPhi(0.);
+void HashedTrig3Momentum::addE(const Trig3Momentum &t3m)
+  HashedTrig3Momentum::addE(t3m.eta(), t3m.phi(), t3m.e());
+void HashedTrig3Momentum::updateWeightedCoord(const double &etaVal,
+					      const double &phiVal,
+					      const double &energyVal)
+  double weightOld(fabs(e())), weightNew(fabs(energyVal));
+  double weightTot(weightOld+weightNew);
+  if(weightTot==0.0){
+    setEta(0.5*(eta() + etaVal));
+    setPhi(0.5*(phi() + phiVal));
+  } else {
+    double invWeightTot = 1.0 / weightTot;
+    setEta((eta()*weightOld + etaVal*weightNew) * invWeightTot);
+    setPhi((phi()*weightOld + phiVal*weightNew) * invWeightTot);
+  }
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2AllRoiUnpacking.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2AllRoiUnpacking.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6b9f64dc7ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2AllRoiUnpacking.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// ********************************************************************
+// NAME:     T2AllRoiUnpacking.cxx
+// PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/T2AllRoiUnpacking
+// AUTHOR:   Davide Gerbaudo,
+// Description: Unpack several L2 calorimeter ROIs and store them in a single output grid.
+//              Used T2L1Unpacking (by Matthew Tamsett) as a template for this AllTEAlgo.
+// ********************************************************************
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2AllRoiUnpacking.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/Trig3Momentum.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigT2Jet.h"
+#include "TrigSteeringEvent/TrigRoiDescriptor.h"
+#include <boost/assign/std/vector.hpp> // for 'operator+=()'
+#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+T2AllRoiUnpacking::T2AllRoiUnpacking(const std::string & name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator)
+  : HLT::AllTEAlgo(name, pSvcLocator),
+    kAllocatedGridCells_(8192),
+    m_jetOutputKey(""),
+    m_roiEtaHalfWidth(0.),
+    m_roiPhiHalfWidth(0.),
+    m_mergeEmCells(true),
+    m_tmpGrid(0),
+    m_ttEmSamplings(0),
+    m_ttHecSamplings(0),
+    m_tileSampling(0),
+    m_prepare(true),
+    m_tmm(),
+    m_caloGridFromCellsTool("T2CaloJetGridFromCells",0),
+    m_retrievedGridTool(false),
+    m_grid(0),
+    m_processedRegions(0),
+    m_overlapRegions(0),
+    m_log(0),
+    m_cell_unpacking_timer(0),
+    m_unpacking_timer(0),
+    m_RoI_timer(0),
+    m_merge_timer(0),
+    m_jet(0),
+    m_UnpckTime(0.),
+    m_cellUnpckTime(0.),
+    m_RoITime(0.),
+    m_mergeTime(0.)
+  // unpacking tool
+  // configurables
+  declareProperty("GridFromCellsTool", m_caloGridFromCellsTool, "tool used to unpack the grid");
+  declareProperty("L2RoiEtaHalfWidth", m_roiEtaHalfWidth = 1.0, "half width in eta of the L2 ROI");
+  declareProperty("L2RoiPhiHalfWidth", m_roiPhiHalfWidth = 1.0, "half width in phi of the L2 ROI");
+  declareProperty("jetOutputKey",      m_jetOutputKey = "T2L1Towers");
+  declareProperty("MergeEmCells",      m_mergeEmCells = true, "whether EM cells shoud be merged");
+  // monitoring
+  declareMonitoredVariable("UnpckTime",      m_UnpckTime);
+  declareMonitoredVariable("CellUnpckTime",  m_cellUnpckTime);
+  declareMonitoredVariable("RoITime",        m_RoITime);
+  declareMonitoredVariable("MergeTime",      m_mergeTime);
+HLT::ErrorCode T2AllRoiUnpacking::hltInitialize() {
+  m_log = new MsgStream(msgSvc(), name());
+  MsgStream &logStream = *m_log;
+  if(logStream.level() <= MSG::INFO)
+    logStream << MSG::INFO << " Initalizing FEX algorithm: " << name() << endmsg;
+  initializeTimers();    
+  initializeHelperTools();
+  return HLT::OK;
+// Just a functor that allows to use
+// T2AllRoiUnpacking::processTriggerElement within for_each
+// Right now I cannot use it because processTriggerElement is private.
+// Later on I will check whether it's safe to make it public...
+// DG Jan2012
+typedef std::vector<Trig3Momentum> Trig3MomentumVec;
+struct SingleTeProcessor :
+  public std::binary_function< T2AllRoiUnpacking, Trig3MomentumVec, HLT::ErrorCode> {
+  Trig3MomentumVec *grid_;
+  SingleTeProcessor(Trig3MomentumVec *grid):grid_(grid) {} ;
+  bool operator() (const T2AllRoiUnpacking &tu, const HLT::TriggerElement *te) {
+    return tu.processTriggerElement(te, grid_);
+  }
+HLT::ErrorCode T2AllRoiUnpacking::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT::TriggerElement*> >& tes_in,
+					     unsigned int type_out)
+  MsgStream &logStream = *m_log;
+  // since this is an AllTEAlgo, we have to call the monitoring ourselves:
+  beforeExecMonitors().ignore();
+  // setup what we need (variables and tools)
+  resetTimers();
+  if(!inputIsValid(tes_in)) return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::ABORT_CHAIN,HLT::Reason::USERDEF_1);
+  // if the input is valid, take _the_ TEVec and process it
+  const HLT::TEVec &tev = tes_in[0];
+  HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE(setupOutputTe(type_out));
+  if(m_unpacking_timer) m_unpacking_timer->start();
+  // N.B. the ownership of m_grid is passed on to m_jet, and then to outputTE (i.e. no need to delete) 
+  m_grid = new std::vector<Trig3Momentum>();
+  m_grid->reserve(kAllocatedGridCells_);
+  m_processedRegions.clear();
+  for(unsigned int iTe=0; iTe<tev.size(); iTe++){
+    const HLT::TriggerElement* inputTe = tev[iTe];
+    processTriggerElement(inputTe, m_grid);
+  } // end for(iTe)
+  if(m_unpacking_timer) m_unpacking_timer->stop();
+  logStream<<MSG::DEBUG
+	   <<"Processed "<<tev.size()<<" TriggerElements"
+	   <<" and filled the grid with "<<m_grid->size()<<" cells."
+	   <<endmsg;
+  // finalize the output and the monitoring variables
+  {
+    HLT::ErrorCode stat(finalizeOutput(outputTE));
+    if(stat!= HLT::OK) return stat;
+  }
+  finalizeAccessories();
+  // since this is an AllTEAlgo, we have to call the monitoring ourselves:
+  afterExecMonitors().ignore();
+  return HLT::OK;
+HLT::ErrorCode T2AllRoiUnpacking::hltFinalize()
+  MsgStream &logStream = *m_log;
+    if ( logStream.level() <= MSG::DEBUG )
+        logStream << MSG::DEBUG << "Finalizing T2AllRoiUnpacking FEX " << name() << endmsg;
+    delete m_log;
+    return HLT::OK;
+HLT::ErrorCode T2AllRoiUnpacking::processTriggerElement(const HLT::TriggerElement *te,
+							std::vector<Trig3Momentum>* grid) {
+  MsgStream &logStream = *m_log;
+  // sanity check on inputs
+  if(!te || !grid){
+    logStream<<MSG::ERROR
+	     <<"Invalid TriggerElement ("<<te<<") or grid ("<<grid<<") pointers"
+	     <<endmsg;
+    return HLT::ERROR;
+  } // end if(!te || !grid)
+  // get the (eta,phi) rectangles and overlaps
+  const TrigRoiDescriptor* roiDescriptor = 0;
+  HLT::ErrorCode hltStatus = getFeature(te, roiDescriptor);
+  if(HLT::OK != hltStatus){
+    logStream<<MSG::ERROR
+	     <<" Failed to find RoiDescriptor "<<endmsg;
+    return hltStatus;
+  } // end if(not OK)
+  L2CaloRoiBoundsCalculator bcalc(roiDescriptor, m_roiEtaHalfWidth, m_roiPhiHalfWidth);
+  EtaPhiRectangle l2Roi(bcalc.etaMin(), bcalc.etaMax(),
+		       bcalc.phiMin(), bcalc.phiMax());
+  // determine overlaps and avoid these regions for this TE
+  m_overlapRegions.clear();
+  determineOverlaps(l2Roi);
+  m_caloGridFromCellsTool->setForbiddenRegions(m_overlapRegions);
+  // unpack (see T2CaloJetGridFromCells::addAllCells for the various bits)
+  if(m_cell_unpacking_timer) m_cell_unpacking_timer->start();
+  double etaMin(l2Roi.etaMin()), etaMax(l2Roi.etaMax());
+  double phiMin(l2Roi.phiMin()), phiMax(l2Roi.phiMax());
+  StatusCode sc = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+  if(!m_mergeEmCells){
+    if(m_caloGridFromCellsTool->addAllCells(etaMin, etaMax,
+					    phiMin, phiMax,
+					    grid).isFailure())
+      sc = StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  } // end if not merge EM
+  else {
+    // merge EM
+    if(m_merge_timer) m_merge_timer->start();
+    m_tmpGrid.clear();
+    BOOST_FOREACH(int sampling, m_ttEmSamplings){
+      if(m_caloGridFromCellsTool->addLArCells(etaMin, etaMax, phiMin, phiMax,
+					      &m_tmpGrid,
+					      TTEM,
+					      sampling, m_prepare).isFailure())
+	sc = StatusCode::FAILURE;
+    }
+    m_tmm.mergeCells(m_tmpGrid, *grid);
+    if(m_merge_timer) m_merge_timer->stop();
+    // then just add HEC and Tile
+    BOOST_FOREACH(int sampling, m_ttHecSamplings){
+      if(m_caloGridFromCellsTool->addLArCells(etaMin, etaMax, phiMin, phiMax,
+					      grid,
+					      TTHEC,
+					      sampling, m_prepare).isFailure())
+	sc = StatusCode::FAILURE;
+    }
+    if(m_caloGridFromCellsTool->addTileCells(etaMin, etaMax, phiMin, phiMax,
+					     grid,
+					     TILE,
+					     m_tileSampling, m_prepare).isFailure())
+      sc = StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  } // end if(m_mergeEmCells)
+  if(m_cell_unpacking_timer) m_cell_unpacking_timer->stop();
+  if(sc.isFailure()){
+    if(logStream.level() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+      logStream<<MSG::DEBUG
+	       <<" Failure of addCells. Empty grid, or some missing cells! "<<endmsg;
+    return HLT::ERROR;
+  } // end if(isFailure)
+  m_processedRegions.push_back(l2Roi);
+  return HLT::OK;
+bool T2AllRoiUnpacking::initializeTimers(){
+  MsgStream &logStream = *m_log;
+  ITrigTimerSvc *pTimerService=0;
+  if( service( "TrigTimerSvc", pTimerService).isFailure()
+      || !pTimerService){
+    logStream<<MSG::ERROR
+	     <<name()<<": Unable to locate TrigTimer Service"
+	     <<endmsg;
+    return false;
+  }
+  logStream << MSG::DEBUG << " Adding timers" << endmsg;
+  //Add timers
+  m_cell_unpacking_timer = addTimer("cell_unpacking_time");
+  m_unpacking_timer    = addTimer("unpacking_time");
+  m_RoI_timer          = addTimer("RoI_time");
+  m_merge_timer        = addTimer("merge_time");
+  return true;
+bool T2AllRoiUnpacking::initializeHelperTools(){
+  using namespace boost::assign;
+  MsgStream &logStream = *m_log;
+  if ( m_caloGridFromCellsTool.retrieve().isFailure() ) {
+    logStream << MSG::ERROR << "Failed to retreive CaloGridFromCells tool: " << m_caloGridFromCellsTool << endmsg;
+    m_retrievedGridTool = false;
+    return false;
+  }
+  m_retrievedGridTool = true;
+  logStream << MSG::DEBUG << "Retrieved " << m_caloGridFromCellsTool << endmsg;
+  // not strictly 'helpers' but have to be initialized too
+  m_ttEmSamplings += 0,1,2,3;
+  m_ttHecSamplings += 0,1,2;
+  m_tmpGrid.reserve(kAllocatedGridCells_);
+  return true;
+void T2AllRoiUnpacking::resetTimers(){
+  if(m_cell_unpacking_timer) m_cell_unpacking_timer->reset();
+  if(m_unpacking_timer) m_unpacking_timer->reset();
+  if(m_RoI_timer) m_RoI_timer->reset();
+  if(m_merge_timer) m_merge_timer->reset();
+bool T2AllRoiUnpacking::inputIsValid(const std::vector<std::vector<HLT::TriggerElement*> >& input) const {
+  MsgStream &logStream = *m_log;
+  if(logStream.level() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+    logStream<< MSG::DEBUG << "T2AllRoiUnpacking "<<name()<<"\n"
+	     <<input.size()<<" input trigger elements for T2AllRoiUnpacking"
+	     <<endmsg;
+  // sanity check on the input
+  if(1!=input.size()){
+    logStream<<MSG::ERROR<<"T2AllRoiUnpacking "<<name()<<"\n"
+	     <<"Error! expected only one vector<TriggerElement> as input,\n"
+	     <<" that should contain the L1 jets."
+	     <<" (got "<<input.size()<<" vectors instead)\n"
+	     <<"Exiting hltExecute."
+	     <<endmsg;
+    return false;
+  } // end if(1!=input.size())
+  return true;
+HLT::TriggerElement* T2AllRoiUnpacking::setupOutputTe(unsigned int type_out) {
+  if(m_RoI_timer) m_RoI_timer->start();
+  HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE = addRoI(type_out, new TrigRoiDescriptor( true ) );
+  outputTE->setActiveState(true);
+  if(m_RoI_timer) m_RoI_timer->stop();
+  return outputTE;
+void T2AllRoiUnpacking::storeTimers(){
+  if(m_cell_unpacking_timer) m_cellUnpckTime = m_cell_unpacking_timer->elapsed();
+  if(m_unpacking_timer) m_UnpckTime = m_unpacking_timer->elapsed();
+  if(m_RoI_timer) m_RoITime = m_RoI_timer->elapsed();
+  if(m_merge_timer) m_mergeTime = m_merge_timer->elapsed();
+HLT::ErrorCode T2AllRoiUnpacking::finalizeOutput(HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE){
+  MsgStream &logStream = *m_log;
+  if(m_RoI_timer) m_RoI_timer->start();
+  // N.B. the ownership of m_jet is passed on to outputTE (i.e. no need to delete)
+  m_jet = new TrigT2Jet();
+  m_jet->setGrid(m_grid);
+  //HLT::ErrorCode stat = attachFeature(outputTE, outJets, m_jetOutputKey);
+  std::string key = "";
+  HLT::ErrorCode stat = recordAndAttachFeature(outputTE, m_jet, key, m_jetOutputKey);
+  if (stat != HLT::OK){
+    logStream<<MSG::ERROR
+	     <<" recording of TrigT2Jets into StoreGate failed"
+	     <<endmsg;
+    return stat;
+  }
+  if(m_RoI_timer) m_RoI_timer->stop();
+  if(logStream.level() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+    logStream<<MSG::DEBUG
+	     <<" Unpacking done. "<<name()
+	     <<endmsg;
+  return stat;
+void T2AllRoiUnpacking::finalizeAccessories(){
+  storeTimers();
+void T2AllRoiUnpacking::determineOverlaps(const EtaPhiRectangle &l2Roi)
+  for(unsigned int iR=0;
+      iR < m_processedRegions.size();
+      iR++){
+    const EtaPhiRectangle &previous = m_processedRegions[iR];
+    EtaPhiRectangle overlap(EtaPhiRectangle::overlappingRectangle(l2Roi,previous));
+    if (overlap.area()>0.) m_overlapRegions.push_back(overlap);
+  } // end for(iR)
+// M_PI is defined in cmath.
+EtaPhiRectangle::EtaPhiRectangle(const double &etaMin, const double &etaMax,
+			       const double &phiMin, const double &phiMax){
+  m_etaMin = etaMin;
+  m_etaMax = etaMax;
+  m_phiMin = phiMin;
+  m_phiMax = phiMax;
+  m_wrapsAroundPi = std::abs(m_phiMax-m_phiMin) > M_PI;
+  computeCenterCoord();
+bool EtaPhiRectangle::contains(const EtaPhiPoint &point) const {
+  return ((fabs(point.first - m_etaCen) < m_etaHw)
+	  && fabs(phi_mpi_pi(point.second - m_phiCen)) < m_phiHw);
+void EtaPhiRectangle::computeCenterCoord(){
+  m_etaCen = 0.5*(m_etaMin + m_etaMax);
+  // this takes care of the 2pi wrap
+  m_phiCen = atan2(sin(m_phiMin) + sin(m_phiMax),
+		  cos(m_phiMin) + cos(m_phiMax));
+  m_etaHw = 0.5*fabs(m_etaMax - m_etaMin);
+  m_phiHw = 0.5*fabs(phi_mpi_pi(m_phiMax - m_phiMin));
+double EtaPhiRectangle::phi_mpi_pi(const double &val) {
+  double value(val);
+  while(value <= -M_PI) value += 2.*M_PI;
+  while(value >  +M_PI) value -= 2.*M_PI;
+  return value;
+double EtaPhiRectangle::phi_zero_2pi(const double &val) {
+  double value(val);
+  while(value <= 0.     ) value += 2.*M_PI;
+  while(value >  2.*M_PI) value -= 2.*M_PI;
+  return value;
+double EtaPhiRectangle::overlappingArea(const EtaPhiRectangle &lhs,
+				       const EtaPhiRectangle &rhs) {
+  // this is duplicated...we should just use EtaPhiRectangle::overlappingRectangle().area()
+  double etaOverlap(0.), phiOverlap(0.);
+  double deltaEta12(fabs(lhs.eta() - rhs.eta()));
+  double totHalfEtaWidth(lhs.etaHalfWidth() + rhs.etaHalfWidth());
+  double deltaPhi12(fabs(phi_mpi_pi(lhs.phi() - rhs.phi())));
+  double totHalfPhiWidth(lhs.phiHalfWidth() + rhs.phiHalfWidth()); 
+  if (deltaEta12 < totHalfEtaWidth)
+    etaOverlap = totHalfEtaWidth - deltaEta12;
+  if (deltaPhi12 < totHalfPhiWidth)
+    phiOverlap = totHalfPhiWidth - deltaPhi12;
+  return etaOverlap * phiOverlap;
+EtaPhiRectangle EtaPhiRectangle::overlappingRectangle(const EtaPhiRectangle &lhs,
+						    const EtaPhiRectangle &rhs) {
+  double etaOverlap(0.), phiOverlap(0.);
+  double deltaEta12(fabs(lhs.eta() - rhs.eta()));
+  double totHalfEtaWidth(lhs.etaHalfWidth() + rhs.etaHalfWidth());
+  double deltaPhi12(fabs(phi_mpi_pi(lhs.phi() - rhs.phi())));
+  double totHalfPhiWidth(lhs.phiHalfWidth() + rhs.phiHalfWidth());
+  if (deltaEta12 < totHalfEtaWidth)
+    etaOverlap = totHalfEtaWidth - deltaEta12;
+  if (deltaPhi12 < totHalfPhiWidth)
+    phiOverlap = totHalfPhiWidth - deltaPhi12;
+  double etaAvg(0.5*(lhs.eta() + rhs.eta()));
+  double phiAvg(atan2(sin(lhs.phi()) + sin(rhs.phi()),
+		      cos(lhs.phi()) + cos(rhs.phi())));
+  EtaPhiRectangle res(etaAvg-0.5*etaOverlap, etaAvg+0.5*etaOverlap,
+		     phiAvg-0.5*phiOverlap, phiAvg+0.5*phiOverlap);
+  /*
+  using std::ofstream;
+  using std::endl;
+  ofstream outFile;
+  std::string fileName("overlap_check.txt");
+  string marker("");
+  if(res.area()>0.) marker = " <<<<<<<<<<<<< ";
+, std::ios::app);
+  outFile<<"Checking the overlap between "<<endl
+	 <<lhs<<endl<<rhs
+	 <<" result: "<<res<<" (area "<<res.area()
+	 <<" = "
+	 <<2.0*res.etaHalfWidth()<<" x "
+	 <<2.0*res.phiHalfWidth()<<")"
+	 <<marker<<endl;
+  outFile.close();
+  */
+  return   res;
+void EtaPhiRectangle::print(std::ostream& stream) const {
+  stream<<"eta ["<<m_etaMin<<", "<<m_etaMax<<"], phi ["<<m_phiMin<<", "<<m_phiMax<<"]";
+std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& stream, const EtaPhiRectangle &epr) {
+  epr.print(stream);
+  return stream;
+L2CaloRoiBoundsCalculator::L2CaloRoiBoundsCalculator(const TrigRoiDescriptor* trd,
+						     const double &etaHalfWidth,
+						     const double &phiHalfWidth):
+  m_etaMin(0.),
+  m_etaMax(0.),
+  m_phiMin(0.),
+  m_phiMax(0.),
+  m_roiEtaLimit(4.8),
+  m_fcalEtaMin(3.0),
+  m_fcalEtaMax(5.0),
+  m_minFcalEtaCenter(3.2) {
+  computeBounds(trd, etaHalfWidth, phiHalfWidth);
+void L2CaloRoiBoundsCalculator::computeBounds(const TrigRoiDescriptor* trd,
+					      const double &etaHalfWidth,
+					      const double &phiHalfWidth) {
+  if(!trd){
+    std::cerr<<"L2CaloRoiBoundsCalculator::computeBounds: invalid TrigRoiDescriptor ptr"<<std::endl;
+    return;
+  }
+  // DG Jan2012: I don't know why here they used (0, 2pi]...keeping it just for consistency
+  m_etaMin = std::max(-1.0 * m_roiEtaLimit, trd->eta() - etaHalfWidth);
+  m_etaMax = std::min( 1.0 * m_roiEtaLimit, trd->eta() + etaHalfWidth);
+  m_phiMin = EtaPhiRectangle::phi_zero_2pi(trd->phi() - phiHalfWidth);
+  m_phiMax = EtaPhiRectangle::phi_zero_2pi(trd->phi() + phiHalfWidth);
+  //Look at RoIs in FCal
+  if(fabs(trd->eta()) > m_minFcalEtaCenter){
+    if(trd->eta() < -m_minFcalEtaCenter){
+      m_etaMin = -m_fcalEtaMax;
+      m_etaMax = -m_fcalEtaMin;
+    }
+    if(trd->eta() > +m_minFcalEtaCenter){
+      m_etaMin = m_fcalEtaMin;
+      m_etaMax = m_fcalEtaMax;
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloFastJet.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloFastJet.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a85e73691fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloFastJet.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,824 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// ********************************************************************
+// NAME:     T2CaloFastJet.cxx
+// PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet
+// AUTHOR:   Matthew Tamsett,
+// Description: Level 2 FastJet FEX algorithm.
+// ********************************************************************
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloFastJet.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigT2Jet.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigT2JetContainer.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetBaseTool.h"
+#include "TrigSteeringEvent/TrigRoiDescriptor.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iterator>
+T2CaloFastJet::T2CaloFastJet(const std::string & name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator)
+  : HLT::AllTEAlgo(name, pSvcLocator),
+    m_cellMinEnergy(0.),
+    m_tools(this),
+    m_pTimerService(0),
+    //m_total_timer(0),
+    m_unpack_timer(0),
+    m_fastjet_timer(0),
+    m_pu_subtraction_timer(0),
+    m_cleaning_timer(0),
+    m_calibration_timer(0),
+    m_RoI_timer(0),
+    m_jet_def(0),
+    m_cluster_sequence(0),
+    m_pu_cluster_sequence(0),
+    m_pu_area_cluster_sequence(0),
+    m_jet(0)
+    // configurables
+    declareProperty("jetInputKey",             m_jetInputKey  = "T2L1Towers");
+    declareProperty("jetOutputKey",            m_jetOutputKey = "TrigT2CaloJet");
+    declareProperty("distanceParameter",       m_distanceParameter = 0.4);
+    declareProperty("pTmin",                   m_pTmin = 10000.);
+    declareProperty("inputType",               m_inputType = 1);
+    declareProperty("outputType",              m_outputType = 1);
+    declareProperty("T2JetTools",              m_tools, "list of Jet tools");
+    declareProperty("cellMinEnergy", m_cellMinEnergy=0.0);
+    // cleaning:
+    declareProperty("doCleaning",              m_doCleaning = false);
+    declareProperty("doT2L1Cleaning",          m_doT2L1Cleaning = true);
+    declareProperty("cellQualityThresholdLAr", m_cellQualityThresholdLAr = 4000);  
+    declareProperty("leadingCellFraction",     m_leadingCellFraction = 0.9);  // for jet cleaning, e.g.: n90 -> leadingCellFraction = 0.9
+    // navigation
+    declareProperty("writeMultipleOutputTEs",  m_writeMultipleOutputTEs = false);
+    declareProperty("secondOutputType",        m_secondOutputType = 0); 
+    // pileup subtraction
+    declareProperty("doPileupSubtraction",     m_doPileupSubtraction = false);
+    // monitoring
+    //declareMonitoredVariable("OverallTime",    m_TotalTime);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("UnpackTime",     m_UnpackTime);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("FastJetTime",    m_FastJetTime);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("puSubTime",      m_puSubTime);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("CleaningTime",   m_CleaningTime);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("CalibrationTime",m_CalibrationTime);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("RoITime",        m_RoITime);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("nJets",          m_nJets);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("nGrid",          m_nGrid);
+    declareMonitoredStdContainer("Et",         m_et);
+    declareMonitoredStdContainer("EtEM",       m_et_em);
+    declareMonitoredStdContainer("EtHAD",      m_et_had);
+    declareMonitoredStdContainer("E",          m_e);
+    declareMonitoredStdContainer("EEM",        m_e_em);
+    declareMonitoredStdContainer("EHAD",       m_e_had);
+    declareMonitoredStdContainer("Eta",        m_eta);
+    declareMonitoredStdContainer("Phi",        m_phi);
+    declareMonitoredStdContainer("Emf",        m_em_frac);
+    declareMonitoredStdContainer("nLeadingTowers", m_nLeadingTowers);
+HLT::ErrorCode T2CaloFastJet::hltInitialize()
+    m_log = new MsgStream(msgSvc(), name());
+    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::INFO){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::INFO << " Initalizing FEX algorithm: " << name() << endmsg;
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Options: " << endmsg;
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "   distanceParameter:       " << m_distanceParameter << endmsg;
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "   pTmin:                   " << m_pTmin << endmsg;
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "   doCleaning:              " << m_doCleaning << endmsg;
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "   doT2L1Cleaning:          " << m_doT2L1Cleaning << endmsg;
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "   leadingCellFraction:     " << m_leadingCellFraction << endmsg;
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "   cellQualityThresholdLAr: " << m_cellQualityThresholdLAr << endmsg;
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "   input type:              " << m_inputType << endmsg;
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "   output type:             " << m_outputType << endmsg;
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "   write multiple TEs:      " << m_writeMultipleOutputTEs << endmsg;
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "   secondary output type:   " << m_secondOutputType << endmsg;
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "   do pileup subtraction:   " << m_doPileupSubtraction << endmsg;
+    }
+    // initalise T2L1 helper tools
+    m_t2l1_tools = T2L1Tools();    
+    // Create helper tools
+    if ( m_tools.retrieve().isFailure() ) {
+        (*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << "Failed to retreive helper tools: " << m_tools << endmsg;
+    } else {
+        (*m_log) << MSG::INFO << "Retrieved " << m_tools << endmsg;
+    }    
+    // Initialize timing service
+    if( service( "TrigTimerSvc", m_pTimerService).isFailure() ) {
+        (*m_log) << MSG::WARNING << name() << ": Unable to locate TrigTimer Service" << endmsg;
+    } 
+    if (m_pTimerService){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Adding timers" << endmsg;
+        //Add timers
+        //m_total_timer          = addTimer("total_time");
+        m_unpack_timer         = addTimer("unpack_time");
+        m_fastjet_timer        = addTimer("fastjet_time");
+        m_pu_subtraction_timer = addTimer("pu_subtraction_time");
+        m_cleaning_timer       = addTimer("cleaing_time");
+        m_calibration_timer    = addTimer("calibration_time");
+        m_RoI_timer            = addTimer("roi_time");
+    }    
+    // initialise fast jet
+    m_particles.reserve(100);
+    m_constituents.reserve(100);
+    m_jets.reserve(100);
+    (*m_log) << MSG::INFO << "Setting up fastjet jet definition" << endmsg;
+    m_jet_def = new fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::antikt_algorithm, m_distanceParameter); // this should be made configurable in the future
+    // dummy call to fast jet so it's internal initalize methods are set (and we don't print the banner during execute)
+    (*m_log) << MSG::INFO << "Making dummy call to fast jet cluster sequence" << endmsg;
+    m_particles.clear();
+    m_cluster_sequence = new fastjet::ClusterSequence(m_particles, *m_jet_def);
+    delete m_cluster_sequence;
+    // pileup subtraction
+    if (m_doPileupSubtraction) {
+        (*m_log) << MSG::INFO << "Setting up fastjet pileup subtraction" << endmsg;
+        // define the jet algorithm
+        double ktRadius(0.4);
+        m_pu_jet_def = new fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::kt_algorithm,ktRadius,fastjet::E_scheme,fastjet::Best);
+         // define jet area algorithm
+        m_pu_area_def = new fastjet::AreaDefinition(fastjet::VoronoiAreaSpec(0.9));
+    }
+    // cleaning
+    m_cellenergies.reserve(100);
+    // monitored vectors
+    m_et.reserve(100);
+    m_et_em.reserve(100);
+    m_et_had.reserve(100);
+    m_e.reserve(100);
+    m_e_em.reserve(100);
+    m_e_had.reserve(100);
+    m_eta.reserve(100);
+    m_phi.reserve(100);
+    m_em_frac.reserve(100);
+    m_nLeadingTowers.reserve(100);
+    return HLT::OK;
+HLT::ErrorCode T2CaloFastJet::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT::TriggerElement*> >& tes_in,
+                                        unsigned int type_out)
+    // since this is an AllTEAlgo, we have to call the monitoring ourselves:
+    beforeExecMonitors().ignore();
+    // ==== pre-execute setup
+    if(doTiming()) {
+        //m_total_timer->reset();
+        m_unpack_timer->reset();
+        m_fastjet_timer->reset();
+        m_pu_subtraction_timer->reset();
+        m_cleaning_timer->reset();
+        m_calibration_timer->reset();
+        m_RoI_timer->reset();
+        //m_total_timer->start();
+    }
+    m_particles.clear();
+    m_constituents.clear();
+    m_jets.clear();
+    m_nJets = -99;
+    m_nGrid = -99;
+    //m_TotalTime = -99;
+    m_UnpackTime = -99;
+    m_FastJetTime = -99;
+    m_CleaningTime = -99;
+    m_CalibrationTime = -99;
+    m_RoITime = -99;
+    m_et.clear();
+    m_et_em.clear();
+    m_et_had.clear();
+    m_e.clear();
+    m_e_em.clear();
+    m_e_had.clear();
+    m_eta.clear();
+    m_phi.clear();
+    m_em_frac.clear();
+    m_nLeadingTowers.clear();  
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "================= Executing T2CaloFastJet FEX " << name() << endmsg;
+    }
+    // === get the input particles
+    //HLT::TriggerElement* seednode(0);
+    const TrigT2Jet* inputGrid(0);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << tes_in.size() << " input TEs found" << endmsg;        
+    }
+    // error check, we should only have a single input TE
+    if ( tes_in.size() != 1 ) {
+        msg() << MSG::WARNING << "Got more than one input TE" << endmsg;
+        afterExecMonitors().ignore();
+        return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::ABORT_CHAIN,  HLT::Reason::USERDEF_1); 
+    }
+    for ( unsigned type = 0; type < tes_in.size(); ++ type ) {
+        std::vector<HLT::TriggerElement*>& tes =;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+        if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "  - TE[" << type << "]: " << tes.size() << " sub TEs found" << endmsg;        
+        }
+        // error check, we should only have a single sub TE
+        if ( tes.size() != 1 ) {
+            msg() << MSG::WARNING << "Got more than one sub TE" << endmsg;
+            afterExecMonitors().ignore();
+            return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::ABORT_CHAIN,  HLT::Reason::USERDEF_1); 
+        }
+        for ( unsigned teIdx = 0; teIdx < tes.size(); ++teIdx ) {
+            HLT::ErrorCode ec = getFeature(, inputGrid, m_jetInputKey);
+            //seednode =;
+            if(ec!=HLT::OK) {
+                (*m_log) << MSG::WARNING << "Failed to get the input particles" << endmsg;
+                return ec;
+            }          
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+            if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+                (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "  - A total of " << inputGrid->grid()->size()  << " particles found in this TE" << endmsg;
+            }
+        } // end of loop on sub TEs
+    } // end of loop on TEs
+    const std::vector<Trig3Momentum>* grid = inputGrid->grid();
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+   if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "A total of " << grid->size()  << " particles are to be clustered" << endmsg;
+    }
+    // === Unpack the grid
+    if(doTiming()) m_unpack_timer->start();
+    std::vector<Trig3Momentum>::const_iterator begin_grid, begin_grid_fixed, end_grid;
+    begin_grid = grid->begin();
+    begin_grid_fixed = grid->begin();
+    end_grid = grid->end();  
+    int jet_counter = 0; 
+    for (; begin_grid != end_grid; ++begin_grid){
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+        if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){  
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Trig3Momentum["  << jet_counter
+                                   << "]: Et: "         << begin_grid->e()/cosh(begin_grid->eta())
+                                   << " MeV, eta: "     << begin_grid->eta() 
+                                   << ", phi: "         << begin_grid->phi() 
+                                   << ", sampling: "    << std::hex << begin_grid->caloSample() << std::dec << endmsg;
+        }
+        // now fill fast jet particles
+        double energy(begin_grid->e());
+        if(energy<m_cellMinEnergy) continue;
+        double eta(begin_grid->eta());
+        double phi(begin_grid->phi());
+        double transverse_energy = energy/cosh(eta);
+        double px = transverse_energy*cos(phi);
+        double py = transverse_energy*sin(phi);
+        double pz = transverse_energy*sinh(eta);
+        fastjet::PseudoJet pseudo_jet( px, py, pz, energy);
+        pseudo_jet.set_user_index(std::distance(begin_grid_fixed, begin_grid));
+        m_particles.push_back( pseudo_jet );
+        jet_counter++;
+    }
+    m_nGrid = grid->size();
+    if(doTiming()) m_unpack_timer->stop();
+    // === Run fast jet
+    if(doTiming()) m_fastjet_timer->start();
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG <<  "=== Performing jet finding " << endmsg;
+    }
+    // run the clustering, extract the jets
+    m_cluster_sequence = 0;   
+    m_pu_cluster_sequence = 0;     
+    if (m_doPileupSubtraction){           
+        m_pu_cluster_sequence = new fastjet::ClusterSequenceArea(m_particles, *m_jet_def, *m_pu_area_def);
+        m_jets = fastjet::sorted_by_pt(m_pu_cluster_sequence->inclusive_jets(m_pTmin)); // sorted by decreasing pt
+    } else {
+        m_cluster_sequence = new fastjet::ClusterSequence(m_particles, *m_jet_def);
+        m_jets = fastjet::sorted_by_pt(m_cluster_sequence->inclusive_jets(m_pTmin)); // sorted by decreasing pt
+    }
+    //std::reverse(m_jets.begin(),m_jets.end());  // sorted by increasing pt
+    m_nJets = m_jets.size();
+    if(doTiming()) m_fastjet_timer->stop();
+    // pileup subtraction
+    if(doTiming()) m_pu_subtraction_timer->start();
+    if (m_doPileupSubtraction){
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+        if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG <<  "=== Performing pileup subtraction jet finding " << endmsg;
+        }
+        m_pu_area_cluster_sequence = 0;
+        m_pu_area_cluster_sequence = new fastjet::ClusterSequenceArea(m_particles, *m_pu_jet_def, *m_pu_area_def);
+        // get rho in central eta range
+        m_rho = 0.;
+        m_sigma = 0.;
+        m_area = 0.;
+        fastjet::RangeDefinition etaRange(-2.,2.);
+        m_pu_area_cluster_sequence->get_median_rho_and_sigma(etaRange,false,m_rho,m_sigma,m_area);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+        if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG <<  "   completed pileup subtraction jet finding" << endmsg;
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG <<  "   median rho:   " << m_rho << endmsg;
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG <<  "   median sigma: " << m_sigma << endmsg;
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG <<  "   area:         " << m_area << endmsg;
+        }
+    }
+    if(doTiming()) m_pu_subtraction_timer->pause();
+    // === Store output
+    if(doTiming()) m_RoI_timer->start();
+    std::string key = "";
+    HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE = 0;
+    if (!m_writeMultipleOutputTEs){
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+        if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG <<  "Writing all jets to a single output TE" << endmsg;
+        }
+        outputTE = addRoI(type_out, new TrigRoiDescriptor(true)); // make a single output TE
+        outputTE->setActiveState(true);
+    } else {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+        if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG <<  "Writing each jet to it's own output TE" << endmsg;
+        }
+    }
+    int recorded_jet_counter = 0;
+    // inspect the output jets, compute some cleaning variables then store
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG <<  "Found "<< m_jets.size() << " jets " << endmsg;
+        if (m_jets.size()) (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG <<  "== Resultant jets " << endmsg;
+    }
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_jets.size(); ++i) {
+        if (m_doPileupSubtraction){
+            m_constituents = fastjet::sorted_by_pt(m_pu_cluster_sequence->constituents(m_jets[i]));
+        } else {
+            m_constituents = fastjet::sorted_by_pt(m_cluster_sequence->constituents(m_jets[i]));
+        }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+        if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+           (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "  fastjet jet [" << i 
+                    << "]: Et: "            << m_jets[i].e()/cosh(m_jets[i].eta()) 
+                    << " MeV, eta: "        << m_jets[i].eta() 
+                    << ", phi: "            << m_jets[i].phi_std() 
+                    << ", rapidity: "       << m_jets[i].rapidity() 
+                    << ", n consituents: "  << m_constituents.size() << endmsg;
+        }
+        // === pileup subtraction
+        if(doTiming()) m_pu_subtraction_timer->resume();
+        double et_offset = 0.;
+        double e_offset = 0.;
+        if (m_doPileupSubtraction){
+            double jet_area = m_pu_cluster_sequence->area(m_jets[i]);
+            et_offset = jet_area * m_rho;
+            e_offset = et_offset * cosh(m_jets[i].eta());
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+            if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+               (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "    - area: " << jet_area << ", offset (median m_rho * m_area): " << et_offset << endmsg;
+               (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "    - offset ET: " << (m_jets[i].e()/cosh(m_jets[i].eta())) - et_offset << ", e: " << m_jets[i].e()-e_offset << endmsg;
+            }
+        }
+        if(doTiming()) m_pu_subtraction_timer->stop();
+        // === cleaning 
+        if(doTiming()) m_cleaning_timer->start();
+        // taken from Tobias' L2 cleaning code in T2CaloJetConeTool
+        // initialize cleaning variables
+        int nLeadingCells = 0.;     // number of leading cells
+        double em_energy = 0.;        // EM energy
+        double had_energy = 0.;       // hadronic energy
+        double emf = -9.;             // fraction of jet energy in emc
+        double hecf = -9.;            // fraction of jet energy in hec
+        float jetQuality = -9.;      // quality of the jet
+        float jetTimeCells = -9.;    // jet time calculated from cells
+        // helper functions / variables for cleaning:
+        m_cellenergies.clear();
+        float HECEnergy = 0.;
+        float EinBadCells = 0.;
+        bool isTile = false;
+        bool isLAr = false;
+        bool qualityTimeIsDefined = false;
+        float totaltime = 0.;
+        float norm = 0.;
+        float cellNorm = 0.;
+        float totCellE = 0.;     // sum of energy in LAr cells with quality defined
+        double eTot=0, eta=0, phi=0, tmpE=0, eThresh=0, tmpPhi=0;
+        double tmpdPhi=0, dphi=0;
+        if (m_doCleaning) {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+            if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+               (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "  Computing cleaning variables "<< endmsg;
+            }
+            for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_constituents.size(); ++ii){
+                int grid_id = m_constituents[ii].user_index();
+                Trig3Momentum grid_element = grid->at(grid_id);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+                if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+                    (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "    - Constituent["<< ii
+                                           << "], grid id["     << grid_id
+                                           << "]: Et: "         << grid_element.e()/cosh(grid_element.eta())
+                                           << " MeV, eta: "     << grid_element.eta() 
+                                           << ", phi: "         << grid_element.phi() 
+                                           << ", sampling: "    << std::hex << grid_element.caloSample() << std::dec << endmsg;
+                    if (!m_doT2L1Cleaning){
+                        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "        provenance: " << grid_element.provenance()
+                                               << ", quality: "          << grid_element.quality()
+                                               << ", time: "             << grid_element.time() << endmsg;
+                    }
+                }
+                // reset flags:
+                isTile = false;
+                isLAr = false;
+                tmpE = grid_element.e();    
+                eTot += tmpE;     // maybe this should be Et weighted  
+                // Summ contribution to hadronic/EM energy:  
+                const CaloSampling::CaloSample s = grid_element.caloSample();
+                if( s == CaloSampling::PreSamplerB || s == CaloSampling::PreSamplerE || 
+                    s == CaloSampling::EMB1 || s == CaloSampling::EME1 || 
+                    s == CaloSampling::EMB2 || s == CaloSampling::EME2 || 
+                    s == CaloSampling::EMB3 || s == CaloSampling::EME3 ||
+                    s == CaloSampling::FCAL0){
+                    em_energy += tmpE;
+                    isLAr = true;  // for cleaning
+                }
+                if( s == CaloSampling::HEC0 || s ==  CaloSampling::HEC1|| 
+                    s == CaloSampling::HEC2 || s == CaloSampling::HEC3 || 
+                    s == CaloSampling::TileBar0 || s == CaloSampling::TileExt0 || 
+                    s == CaloSampling::TileBar1 || s == CaloSampling::TileExt1 || 
+                    s == CaloSampling::TileBar2 || s == CaloSampling::TileExt2 || 
+                    s == CaloSampling::TileGap1 || s == CaloSampling::TileGap2 || 
+                    s == CaloSampling::TileGap3 || s == CaloSampling::FCAL1 || 
+                    s == CaloSampling::FCAL2)
+                    had_energy += tmpE;
+                if (tmpE>0){ // threshold from job options?
+                    eThresh += tmpE;    
+                    eta += tmpE*grid_element.eta();
+                    tmpPhi = grid_element.phi();      
+                    tmpdPhi = tmpPhi - m_jets[i].phi_std();   // w.r.t Jet
+                    if (tmpdPhi > M_PI) tmpdPhi -= 2*M_PI;    
+                    if (tmpdPhi < -1*M_PI) tmpdPhi += 2*M_PI; 
+                    dphi += tmpE*tmpdPhi; // this needs the wrap-around check
+                }
+                // cleaning:
+                m_cellenergies.push_back( tmpE );
+                if(	s == CaloSampling::HEC0 || s == CaloSampling::HEC1 || 
+                    s == CaloSampling::HEC2 || s == CaloSampling::HEC3 ) {
+                    HECEnergy += tmpE;
+                    isLAr = true;
+                }
+                if( s == CaloSampling::FCAL1 || s == CaloSampling::FCAL2 ){
+                    isLAr = true;
+                }
+                if( s == CaloSampling::TileBar0 || s == CaloSampling::TileBar1 || 
+                    s == CaloSampling::TileBar2 || s == CaloSampling::TileGap1 ||
+                    s == CaloSampling::TileGap2 || s == CaloSampling::TileGap3 || 
+                    s == CaloSampling::TileExt0 || s == CaloSampling::TileExt1 || 
+                    s == CaloSampling::TileExt2 ) {
+                    isTile = true;
+                }
+                if (!m_doT2L1Cleaning){
+                    uint16_t cellprovenance = grid_element.provenance();
+                    // grab cell quality and cell time.
+                    uint16_t cellquality =  grid_element.quality();
+                    float celltime = grid_element.time();
+                    qualityTimeIsDefined = false;
+                    // check for tile
+                    if(isTile){
+                        // cells with bad quality are masked -> don't take tile into account
+                        //   for jet quality calculation.
+                        // provenance not set for tile cells. but time is defined.
+                        // timing:
+                        cellNorm = tmpE * tmpE;
+                        totaltime += cellNorm * celltime;
+                        norm += cellNorm;
+                    }
+                    // check for LAr. only take cells into accout which have time and quality defined
+                    if( (isLAr) && (cellprovenance & 0x2000) ){
+                        qualityTimeIsDefined = true;
+                        totCellE += tmpE;
+                        // timing:
+                        cellNorm = tmpE * tmpE;
+                        totaltime += cellNorm * celltime;
+                        norm += cellNorm;
+                    }
+                    if( (isLAr) && (qualityTimeIsDefined) && (cellquality > m_cellQualityThresholdLAr) ){
+                        EinBadCells += tmpE;
+                    }
+                } // end of non L1.5 cleaning
+            } // end loop over constituents 
+            // calculate the jet cleaning variables:
+            // -------------------------------------
+            if(eThresh != 0) {
+                eta /= eThresh;
+                phi = dphi/eThresh + m_jets[i].phi_std(); // recover absolute value
+                // phi must be between -pi and pi :
+                if(phi > M_PI) phi -= 2.0* M_PI;
+                if(phi < -1.0*M_PI) phi += 2.0*M_PI;
+            }         
+            // sort cell-energy vector. (most energetic cell at end of vector)
+            std::sort(m_cellenergies.begin(), m_cellenergies.end());
+            float sumE = 0.;
+            for(int k = m_cellenergies.size()-1; k > -1; k--){
+                sumE += m_cellenergies[k];
+                nLeadingCells++;
+                if(sumE > m_leadingCellFraction*eTot){
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            float DELTA = 0.001;     // distance to compare floats
+            if(fabs(eTot)>DELTA){
+                hecf = HECEnergy/eTot;
+                emf = em_energy/eTot;
+            }
+            if (!m_doT2L1Cleaning){
+                if(fabs(totCellE)>DELTA){
+                    jetQuality = EinBadCells/totCellE;
+                }
+                if(fabs(norm)>DELTA){
+                    jetTimeCells = totaltime/norm;
+                }  
+            }
+            // === cleaning completed
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+            if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+                (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "  - EM energy [MeV]:  " << em_energy  << ", (ET: " << em_energy/cosh(m_jets[i].eta())  << ")" << endmsg;
+                (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "  - HAD energy [MeV]: " << had_energy << ", (ET: " << had_energy/cosh(m_jets[i].eta()) << ")" << endmsg;
+                (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "  - n leading cells:  " << nLeadingCells << endmsg;
+                (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "  - EM fraction:      " << emf << endmsg;
+                (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "  - HEC fraction:     " << hecf << endmsg;
+                (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "  - Jet quality:      " << jetQuality << endmsg;
+                (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "  - Jet time:         " << jetTimeCells << endmsg;
+            }
+        } // end of cleaning
+        if(doTiming()) m_cleaning_timer->stop();
+        // Set properties
+        m_jet = new TrigT2Jet();
+        if (m_doPileupSubtraction){
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+            if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+                (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "  Recording with offset energy" << endmsg;
+            m_jet->setE(m_jets[i].e() - e_offset);
+        } else {
+            m_jet->setE(m_jets[i].e());
+        }
+        m_jet->setEta(m_jets[i].eta());
+        m_jet->setPhi(m_jets[i].phi_std());  
+        m_jet->setEem0(em_energy);
+        m_jet->setEhad0(had_energy);
+        // cleaning:
+        m_jet->setNLeadingCells(nLeadingCells);
+        m_jet->setHecf(hecf);
+        m_jet->setJetQuality(jetQuality);
+        m_jet->setEmf(emf);
+        m_jet->setJetTimeCells(jetTimeCells);     
+        // RoI word
+        m_jet->set_RoIword(m_t2l1_tools.BLANKWORD+m_t2l1_tools.SET_INPUT*m_inputType+m_t2l1_tools.SET_OUTPUT*m_outputType+i);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+        if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "  RoI word set to: " << m_jet->RoIword() << endmsg;
+        // === calibration 
+        if(doTiming()) m_calibration_timer->start();
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+        if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+           (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "  " << m_tools.size() << " calibration tools to be run"<< endmsg;
+        }
+        // do loop over tools
+        ToolHandleArray< T2CaloJetBaseTool >::iterator it = m_tools.begin(),
+        itToolEnd = m_tools.end();
+        int current=1;
+        for (; it != itToolEnd; ++it) {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+            if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+               (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "  Executing tool [" << current << "]"<< endmsg;
+            }
+            if ((*it)->execute(m_jet, TrigRoiDescriptor(true), caloDDENull ).isFailure()){    // the zeros are the unused eta phi coordinates used by many base tools to define the RoI region
+                msg() << MSG::WARNING << "T2CaloFastJet AlgToolJets returned Failure" << endmsg;
+                return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::ABORT_CHAIN,HLT::Reason::USERDEF_1);
+            }
+            current++;
+        }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+        if( (m_tools.size()>0) && ((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG) ){
+           (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "  calibrated jet [" << i 
+                    << "]: Et: "            << m_jet->et()
+                    << " MeV, eta: "        << m_jet->eta() 
+                    << ", phi: "            << m_jet->phi() 
+                    << endmsg;
+        }
+        if(doTiming()) m_calibration_timer->stop();
+        // === monitor
+        m_et.push_back( m_jet->et()); 
+        m_et_em.push_back( (m_jet->eem0()/cosh(m_jet->eta()))); 
+        m_et_had.push_back( (m_jet->ehad0()/cosh(m_jet->eta()))); 
+        m_e.push_back( m_jet->e()); 
+        m_e_em.push_back( m_jet->eem0()); 
+        m_e_had.push_back( m_jet->ehad0()); 
+        m_eta.push_back( m_jet->eta() ); 
+        m_phi.push_back( m_jet->phi() );
+        m_em_frac.push_back( m_jet->emf() ); 
+        m_nLeadingTowers.push_back( m_jet->nLeadingCells() );
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+        if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "  recording T2CaloJet["<<recorded_jet_counter<<"]"<<endmsg;
+        }
+        if (m_writeMultipleOutputTEs){
+            unsigned int secondary_roi_word = m_jet->RoIword();
+            if (m_secondOutputType != 0){
+                secondary_roi_word = m_t2l1_tools.BLANKWORD+m_t2l1_tools.SET_INPUT*m_outputType+m_t2l1_tools.SET_OUTPUT*m_secondOutputType+i;
+            } 
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+            if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+                (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "  preparing an output TE, using RoI word: " << secondary_roi_word <<endmsg;
+            }
+            // addRoI implementation
+            //outputTE = addRoI(type_out, m_jet->eta(), m_jet->phi()); // make an output TE
+            // alternative implementation
+            //outputTE = config()->getNavigation()->addNode(seednode,type_out);
+            //outputTE->setActiveState(true);
+            HLT::TriggerElement* initialTE = config()->getNavigation()->getInitialNode();
+            outputTE = config()->getNavigation()->addNode(initialTE,type_out);
+            outputTE->setActiveState(true);
+            // setup a trig RoI descriptor
+            unsigned int dummy_l1id = -9; // NO NO!!! THE L1ID IS AN UNSIGNED INT!!!!
+            int dummy_id = -9;            // NO NO!!! THE ID IS AN UNSIGNED INT!!!!
+            TrigRoiDescriptor* newRoiDescriptor = 
+	      new TrigRoiDescriptor(unsigned(secondary_roi_word), unsigned(dummy_l1id), unsigned(dummy_id), 
+				    m_jet->eta(), m_jet->eta(), m_jet->eta(),
+				    m_jet->phi(), m_jet->phi(), m_jet->phi()
+				    );
+	    /// HOW BIG IS THE ROI ???
+            HLT::ErrorCode hltStatus = attachFeature(outputTE, newRoiDescriptor, m_jetOutputKey);            
+            if ( hltStatus != HLT::OK ) {
+                (*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << "recording of RoiDescriptor into StoreGate failed" << endmsg;
+                return hltStatus;
+            }
+            hltStatus = recordAndAttachFeature(outputTE, m_jet, key, m_jetOutputKey);
+            if (hltStatus != HLT::OK){
+                (*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << "recording of TrigT2Jet into StoreGate failed" << endmsg;
+                return hltStatus;
+            }
+        } else {
+            HLT::ErrorCode hltStatus = recordAndAttachFeature(outputTE, m_jet, key, m_jetOutputKey);
+            if (hltStatus != HLT::OK){
+                (*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << "recording of TrigT2Jet into StoreGate failed" << endmsg;
+                return hltStatus;
+            }
+        }
+        recorded_jet_counter++;
+    }        
+    m_RoI_timer->stop();
+    // === post-execute admin
+    if (m_doPileupSubtraction){
+        delete m_pu_cluster_sequence; 
+        delete m_pu_area_cluster_sequence; 
+    } else {
+        delete m_cluster_sequence; 
+    }
+    if(doTiming()) {
+        //m_total_timer->stop();
+        m_UnpackTime = m_unpack_timer->elapsed();
+        m_FastJetTime = m_fastjet_timer->elapsed();
+        m_puSubTime = m_pu_subtraction_timer->elapsed();
+        m_CleaningTime = m_cleaning_timer->elapsed();
+        m_CalibrationTime = m_calibration_timer->elapsed();
+        m_RoITime = m_RoI_timer->elapsed();
+        //m_TotalTime = m_total_timer->elapsed();    
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+        if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Unpacking completed in      "     << m_unpack_timer->elapsed()         << " ms " << endmsg;
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "FastJet completed in        "     << m_fastjet_timer->elapsed()        << " ms " << endmsg;
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "PU subtraction completed in "     << m_pu_subtraction_timer->elapsed() << " ms " << endmsg;
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Cleaning completed in       "     << m_cleaning_timer->elapsed()       << " ms " << endmsg;
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Calibration completed in    "     << m_calibration_timer->elapsed()    << " ms " << endmsg;
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "RoI making completed in     "     << m_RoI_timer->elapsed()            << " ms " << endmsg;
+            //(*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "T2CaloFastJet completed in  "     << m_total_timer->elapsed()          << " ms " << endmsg;
+        }
+    }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG) (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "================= Finished T2CaloFastJet " << name() << endmsg;
+    // since this is an AllTEAlgo, we have to call the monitoring ourselves:
+    afterExecMonitors().ignore();
+    return HLT::OK;
+HLT::ErrorCode T2CaloFastJet::hltFinalize()
+    if ( (*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG )
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Finalizing T2CaloFastJet FEX " << name() << endmsg;
+    delete m_log;
+    m_particles.clear();
+    m_jets.clear();
+    m_constituents.clear();
+    m_et.clear();
+    m_et_em.clear();
+    m_et_had.clear();
+    m_e.clear();
+    m_e_em.clear();
+    m_e_had.clear();
+    m_eta.clear();
+    m_phi.clear();
+    m_em_frac.clear();
+    m_nLeadingTowers.clear();
+    if ( bool(m_jet_def) ){
+        delete m_jet_def;
+    }
+    if (m_doPileupSubtraction){
+        delete m_pu_jet_def;
+        delete m_pu_area_def;
+    }
+    return HLT::OK;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloJet.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloJet.cxx
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..7185627e56e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloJet.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// ********************************************************************
+// NAME:     T2CaloJet.cxx
+// PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet
+// AUTHOR:   Kyle Cranmer
+// ********************************************************************
+#include "GaudiKernel/IToolSvc.h"
+//#include "GaudiKernel/StatusCode.h"
+//#include "TrigT1Interfaces/RecEmTauRoI.h"
+#include "TrigT1Interfaces/TrigT1Interfaces_ClassDEF.h"
+#include "TrigSteeringEvent/TrigRoiDescriptor.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetBaseTool.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJet.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigT2Jet.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigT2JetContainer.h"
+#include "CaloGeoHelpers/CaloSampling.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloCommon/phiutils.h"
+#include <math.h>
+class ISvcLocator;
+T2CaloJet::T2CaloJet(const std::string & name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator)
+  : T2CaloBase(name, pSvcLocator),
+    m_jet(0),
+    m_layerInfo(0),
+    m_tools(this),
+    m_clearJetGrid(true),
+    m_fillLayerInfo(false),
+    m_timeLArUnpck(0),
+    m_timeTileUnpck(0),
+    m_timeHECUnpck(0)
+  declareProperty("jetOutputKey",m_jetOutputKey = "TrigT2CaloJet");
+  declareProperty("clusterOutputKey",m_clusterOutputKey = "TrigT2Calo");
+  //  declareProperty("T2JetTools", m_toolNames);
+  declareProperty("T2JetTools", m_tools, "list of Jet tools");
+  declareProperty("clearJetGrid",m_clearJetGrid = true);
+  declareProperty("fillLayerInfo",m_fillLayerInfo = false);
+  declareProperty("PhiIDWidth", m_phiIDWidth);
+  declareProperty("EtaIDWidth", m_etaIDWidth);
+  declareMonitoredVariable("dR",  m_dR);
+  declareMonitoredVariable("E",   m_e);
+  declareMonitoredVariable("Et",  m_et);
+  declareMonitoredVariable("Eem", m_eem0);
+  declareMonitoredVariable("Ehad",m_ehad0);
+  declareMonitoredVariable("Etem", m_etem0);
+  declareMonitoredVariable("Ethad",m_ethad0);
+  declareMonitoredVariable("Eta", m_eta);
+  declareMonitoredVariable("Phi", m_phi);
+  declareMonitoredVariable("ConversionErrors", m_conversionError);
+  declareMonitoredVariable("AlgorithmErrors", m_algorithmError);
+  m_roiEtaLimit = 4.8;
+HLT::ErrorCode T2CaloJet::hltInitialize()
+  if (timerSvc()) {
+    m_timer.push_back(addTimer("TimeTot"));
+  }
+  // Create helper tools
+  if ( m_tools.retrieve().isFailure() ) {
+    msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Failed to retreive helper tools: " << m_tools << endmsg;
+  } else {
+    msg() << MSG::INFO << "Retrieved " << m_tools << endmsg;
+  }
+  if (timerSvc()) {
+    ToolHandleArray< T2CaloJetBaseTool >::iterator itTool = m_tools.begin(),
+      itToolEnd = m_tools.end();
+    for (  ; itTool != itToolEnd; ++itTool ) {
+      if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+	msg() << MSG::DEBUG <<"Tool with name " << (*itTool).name()<< endmsg;
+      m_timer.push_back(addTimer((*itTool).name()));
+      if(((*itTool).name() == "T2CaloJetGridFromCells")||((*itTool).name() == "T2CaloJetGridFromFEBHeader")){
+	m_timeLArUnpck = (*itTool)->getTimer("LArUnpck");
+	if(m_timeLArUnpck !=0){
+	  declareMonitoredObject("LArUnpck",m_timeLArUnpck, 
+				 &TrigTimer::lastElapsed);
+	  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+	    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Found LArUnpck timer. Added to monitoring "
+		  << endmsg;
+	}
+	m_timeHECUnpck = (*itTool)->getTimer("HECUnpck");
+	if(m_timeHECUnpck !=0){
+	  declareMonitoredObject("HECUnpck",m_timeHECUnpck, 
+				 &TrigTimer::lastElapsed);
+	  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+	    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Found HECUnpck timer. Added to monitoring "
+		  << endmsg;
+	}
+	m_timeTileUnpck = (*itTool)->getTimer("TileUnpck");
+	if(m_timeTileUnpck !=0){
+	  declareMonitoredObject("TileUnpck",m_timeTileUnpck, 
+				 &TrigTimer::lastElapsed);
+	  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+	    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Found HECUnpck timer. Added to monitoring "
+		  << endmsg;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return HLT::OK;
+HLT::ErrorCode T2CaloJet::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* inputTE,
+				     HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE)
+  if(timerSvc()) m_timer[0]->start();
+  m_dR = -99;
+  m_e = -99;
+  m_et = -99;
+  m_eem0 = -99;
+  m_ehad0 = -99;
+  m_etem0 = -99;
+  m_ethad0 = -99;
+  m_eta = -99;
+  m_phi = -99;
+  m_conversionError=0;
+  m_algorithmError=0;
+  // Retrieve store.
+  // Very important!
+  //  m_storeGate = getStore(); // not needed anymore
+  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+     msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endmsg;
+  // Some debug output:
+  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG
+	  << "outputTE->getId(): "
+	  << outputTE->getId()
+	  << endmsg;
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG
+	  << "inputTE->getId(): "
+	  << inputTE->getId()
+	  << endmsg;
+  }
+  // Note: new TriggerElement has no label() anymore !
+  // =========================
+  //       retrieve RoI:
+  // =========================
+  const IRoiDescriptor* roiDescriptor = 0;
+  HLT::ErrorCode hltStatus;
+  const TrigRoiDescriptor* trigRoiDescriptor = 0;
+  hltStatus = getFeature(inputTE, trigRoiDescriptor);
+  roiDescriptor = trigRoiDescriptor;
+  if ( hltStatus == HLT::OK ) {
+    if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG  << *roiDescriptor << endmsg;
+  } else {
+    msg() <<  MSG::WARNING << " Failed to find RoiDescriptor " << endmsg;
+    return hltStatus;
+  }
+  // Some debug output:
+  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG  << "Message to count events. LVL1 phi="
+	  << roiDescriptor->phi()
+	  << " & LVL1 eta="
+	  << roiDescriptor->eta()
+	  << endmsg;
+  }
+  /*** obsolete 
+  // setup ROI bounds
+  double etamin = std::max(-1.0 * m_roiEtaLimit, roiDescriptor->eta0() - m_etaWidth);
+  double etamax = std::min( 1.0 * m_roiEtaLimit, roiDescriptor->eta0() + m_etaWidth);
+  double phimin = roiDescriptor->phi() - m_phiWidth;
+  double phimax = roiDescriptor->phi() + m_phiWidth;
+  while (phimin < 0) phimin += 2. * M_PI;
+  while (phimax > 2 * M_PI) phimax -= 2. * M_PI;
+  //Look at RoIs in FCal - to what end ??
+  if(fabs(roiDescriptor->eta())>3.2){
+    if(roiDescriptor->eta()<-3.2){
+      etamin = -m_fcalEtaMax;
+      etamax = -m_fcalEtaMin;
+    }
+    if(roiDescriptor->eta()>3.2){
+      etamin = m_fcalEtaMin;
+      etamax = m_fcalEtaMax;
+    }
+  }
+  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG  << " etamin = "<< etamin << endmsg;
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG  << " etamax = "<< etamax << endmsg;
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG  << " phimin = "<< phimin << endmsg;
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG  << " phimax = "<< phimax << endmsg;
+  }
+  ***/
+  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG  << " roi = "<< *roiDescriptor << endmsg;
+  }
+  // =========================
+  //       make Jet
+  // =========================
+  //  if(status) status = makeJet(outputTE);
+  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+     msg() << MSG::DEBUG  << " Making TrigT2Jet "<< endmsg;
+  m_jet = new TrigT2Jet();
+  // jetContainer was only retrieved from StoreGate ... but never used
+  //TrigT2JetContainer* jetContainer;
+  StatusCode sc;
+  if(!getStore()->transientContains<TrigT2JetContainer>(m_jetOutputKey)) {
+    if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+       msg() << MSG::DEBUG
+           <<" Create jetObjectMinimal container"
+           <<endmsg;
+    }
+    jetContainer = new TrigT2JetContainer();
+    sc = m_storeGate->record(jetContainer,m_jetOutputKey);
+    if (sc.isFailure())
+    {
+       msg() << MSG::ERROR
+           << "Could not record TrigT2JetContainer in TDS"
+           << endmsg;
+    }
+  }
+  else{
+      sc = m_storeGate->retrieve(jetContainer,m_jetOutputKey);
+      if(sc.isFailure()){
+       msg() << MSG::ERROR
+           << "Could not retrieve TrigT2JetContainer " << m_jetOutputKey
+           << "from SG. Exiting..."
+           << endmsg;
+       return false;
+      }
+  }
+  //jetContainer->push_back(m_jet);
+  // Add RoI word to Jet
+  m_jet->set_RoIword(roiDescriptor->roiWord());
+  // Set eta,phi
+  m_jet->setEta(roiDescriptor->eta());
+  m_jet->setPhi(roiDescriptor->phi());
+  // do loop over tools
+  ToolHandleArray< T2CaloJetBaseTool >::iterator it = m_tools.begin(),
+    itToolEnd = m_tools.end();
+  int courant=1;
+  uint32_t error = 0;
+  for (  ; it != itToolEnd; ++it ) {
+    if (timerSvc()) m_timer[courant]->start();
+    ///    if ((*it)->execute(m_jet, etamin, etamax, phimin, phimax).isFailure()){
+    if ((*it)->execute(m_jet, *roiDescriptor, caloDDENull ).isFailure()){
+      msg() << MSG::WARNING << "T2CaloJet AlgToolJets returned Failure" << endmsg;
+      return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::ABORT_CHAIN,HLT::Reason::USERDEF_1);
+    }
+    uint32_t in_error = (*it)->report_error();
+    if ( 0x0FFFFFFF & in_error ) m_conversionError++;
+    if ( 0xF0000000 & in_error ) m_algorithmError++;
+    error|=in_error;
+    if (timerSvc()) m_timer[courant]->stop();
+    courant++;
+  }
+  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+     msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " Values of T2CaloJet produced: " << endmsg;
+     msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: Jet eta = " << m_jet->eta() << endmsg;
+     msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: Jet phi = " << m_jet->phi() << endmsg;
+     msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: Jet energy = " << m_jet->e() << endmsg;
+  }
+  double phia=roiDescriptor->phi();
+  if(phia>M_PI) phia=phia-2*M_PI;
+  double phib=m_jet->phi();
+  if(phib>M_PI) phib=phib-2*M_PI;
+  double dphi= phia-phib;
+  if(dphi>M_PI) dphi-=2*M_PI;
+  if(dphi<-M_PI) dphi+=2*M_PI;
+  m_dR = sqrt( (roiDescriptor->eta()-m_jet->eta())*(roiDescriptor->eta()-m_jet->eta()) + dphi*dphi );
+  m_e = m_jet->e();
+  m_eta = m_jet->eta();
+  m_phi = m_jet->phi();
+  m_ehad0 = m_jet->ehad0();
+  m_ethad0 = m_ehad0/cosh(m_eta);
+  m_eem0 = m_jet->eem0();
+  m_etem0 = m_eem0/cosh(m_eta);
+  m_et = m_e/cosh(m_eta);
+  // should probably set the delete the jet's vector of Trig3Momentum
+  // here, and set pointer to 0.
+  //   std::string jetKey = key2keyStore::getKey(m_jet);
+  //   sc = m_storeGate->record( m_jet, jetKey, false, false );
+  //   if (sc.isFailure()){
+  //     msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Record of individual T2CaloJet into StoreGate failed" << endmsg;
+  //     return false;
+  //   };
+  std::string key = "";
+  hltStatus = recordAndAttachFeature(outputTE, m_jet, key, m_jetOutputKey);
+  if (hltStatus != HLT::OK) {
+    if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
+      msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Write of TrigT2Jet into outputTE failed"
+	    << endmsg;
+    }
+    return hltStatus;
+  }
+  // =========================
+  //   make TrigCaloCluster
+  // =========================
+  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+     msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "fillLayerInfo is set to "<< m_fillLayerInfo << endmsg;
+  }
+  if (m_fillLayerInfo) {
+    if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+       msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Making TrigCaloCluster "<< endmsg;
+    }
+    m_layerInfo = new TrigCaloCluster();
+    std::vector<Trig3Momentum>::iterator gridIt = m_jet->grid()->begin();
+    std::vector<Trig3Momentum>::iterator gridEnd = m_jet->grid()->end();
+    int nCells = 0;
+    double eLayer[CaloSampling::Unknown+1] = {0.0};//0 is CaloSampling::PreSamplerB, 24 is CaloSampling::Unknown
+    // Loop in the jet cells:
+    for (; gridIt != gridEnd; ++gridIt){
+      // consider only cells that are used in the cone:
+      if(! (*gridIt).inCone()) continue;
+      nCells++;
+      // get layer energy
+      const CaloSampling::CaloSample s = (*gridIt).caloSample();
+      double cellE = (*gridIt).e();  
+      eLayer[s] = eLayer[s] + cellE; 
+    }
+    // fill TrigCaloCluster
+    m_layerInfo->setRawEnergy(m_jet->eem0()+m_jet->ehad0());
+    m_layerInfo->setRawEt((m_jet->eem0()+m_jet->ehad0())/cosh(m_jet->eta()));
+    m_layerInfo->setRawEta(m_jet->eta());
+    m_layerInfo->setRawPhi(m_jet->phi());
+    m_layerInfo->setRoIword(m_jet->RoIword());
+    m_layerInfo->setNCells(nCells);
+    for (int iSample=CaloSampling::PreSamplerB; iSample<CaloSampling::Unknown; ++iSample){
+      const CaloSampling::CaloSample s = static_cast<CaloSampling::CaloSample> (iSample);
+      m_layerInfo->setRawEnergy(s,eLayer[s]);
+    }
+    if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " Values of TrigCaloCluster produced: " << endmsg;
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: Cluster raw eta = " << m_layerInfo->rawEta() << endmsg;
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: Cluster raw phi = " << m_layerInfo->rawPhi() << endmsg;
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: Cluster raw energy = " << m_layerInfo->rawEnergy() << endmsg;
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: Cluster nb. of cells = " << m_layerInfo->nCells() << endmsg;
+      double totalE=0;
+      for (int iSample=CaloSampling::PreSamplerB; iSample<=CaloSampling::Unknown; ++iSample){
+        const CaloSampling::CaloSample s = static_cast<CaloSampling::CaloSample> (iSample);
+        double layerE=m_layerInfo->rawEnergy(s);
+        totalE=totalE+layerE;
+        msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: Layer = " << iSample << " raw energy = " << layerE;
+      }
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: Total = " << totalE << endmsg;
+    }
+    // attach TrigCaloCluster
+    hltStatus = recordAndAttachFeature(outputTE, m_layerInfo, key, m_clusterOutputKey);
+    if (hltStatus != HLT::OK) {
+      if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
+        msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Write of TrigCaloCluster into outputTE failed"
+	      << endmsg;
+      }
+      return hltStatus;
+    }
+  }
+  // =========================
+  //       make OutputTE
+  // =========================
+  // Create a new RoiDescriptor with updated eta and phi.
+  // Note that the steering will propagate l1Id and roiId automatically
+  // so no need to set them.
+  // How big is the RoI ?????
+  TrigRoiDescriptor* newRoiDescriptor =
+    //new TrigRoiDescriptor(roiDescriptor->l1Id(), roiDescriptor->roiId(),
+    //		      m_jet->eta(), m_jet->phi());
+    new TrigRoiDescriptor(roiDescriptor->roiWord(), roiDescriptor->l1Id(), roiDescriptor->roiId(),
+			  m_jet->eta(), m_jet->eta()-m_etaIDWidth, m_jet->eta()+m_etaIDWidth,
+			  m_jet->phi(), 
+			  HLT::wrap_phi(m_jet->phi()-m_phiIDWidth), 
+			  HLT::wrap_phi(m_jet->phi()+m_phiIDWidth) ); 
+			  // We forward the roiWord to the EF (??)
+  hltStatus = attachFeature(outputTE, newRoiDescriptor, m_jetOutputKey);
+  if ( hltStatus != HLT::OK ) {
+    msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Write of update TrigRoiDescriptor into outputTE failed"
+	  << endmsg;
+    return hltStatus;
+  }
+  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG  << "Recorded an RoiDescriptor " << *newRoiDescriptor << endmsg;
+  }
+  // Some debug output:
+  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG
+	  << "We assume success, set TE with Id "
+	  << outputTE->getId()
+	  << " active to signal positive result."
+	  << endmsg;
+  }
+  if(m_clearJetGrid) m_jet->clearGrid();
+  if (timerSvc()) {
+    m_timer[0]->stop();
+  }  
+  return HLT::OK;
+HLT::ErrorCode T2CaloJet::hltFinalize()
+  if ( msgLvl() <= MSG::INFO )
+    msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endmsg;
+  return HLT::OK;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloJetBaseTool.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloJetBaseTool.cxx
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..3d1d006a8f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloJetBaseTool.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+NAME:     T2CaloJetBaseTool.cxx
+PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet
+AUTHORS:  Kyle Cranmer <>
+CREATED:  November, 2005
+PURPOSE:  Base Tool for all T2CaloJet tools that require
+          an T2CaloJet object as its input.  The derived
+          tool must implement an execute(T2CaloJet*) method.
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetBaseTool.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigT2Jet.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/IToolSvc.h"
+T2CaloJetBaseTool::T2CaloJetBaseTool(const std::string& type,
+				     const std::string& name,
+				     const IInterface* parent):
+  IAlgToolCalo(type, name, parent)
+    declareInterface<T2CaloJetBaseTool>( this );
+StatusCode T2CaloJetBaseTool::initialize()
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode T2CaloJetBaseTool::execute()
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+//StatusCode T2CaloJetBaseTool::execute(TrigT2Jet* jet,double etamin, double etamax, double phimin, double phimax)
+// StatusCode T2CaloJetBaseTool::execute(TrigT2Jet* /*jet*/,double /*etamin*/, double /*etamax*/, double /*phimin*/, double /*phimax*/)
+StatusCode T2CaloJetBaseTool::execute(TrigT2Jet* /* jet */, const IRoiDescriptor& /* roi */,
+			       const CaloDetDescrElement*& /*caloDDE*/ )
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode T2CaloJetBaseTool::finalize()
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloJetCalibTool.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloJetCalibTool.cxx
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..837153a85ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloJetCalibTool.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+NAME:     T2CaloJetCalibTool.cxx
+PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet
+AUTHORS:  Patricia Conde Muino <>
+          Nuno Anjos <>
+CREATED:  May 2006
+PURPOSE: Calibration tool for LVL2 jets.
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetCalibTool.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigT2Jet.h"
+#include "CaloGeoHelpers/CaloSampling.h"
+#include "AthenaKernel/Timeout.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/IToolSvc.h"
+//  Constructor
+T2CaloJetCalibTool::T2CaloJetCalibTool(const std::string& type,
+				       const std::string& name,
+				       const IInterface* parent):
+  T2CaloJetBaseTool(type, name, parent),
+  m_log(NULL),
+  m_outputLevel(0),
+  m_t2JetCalibTool ("T2JetCalibTool",this),
+  m_t2JetCorrToolTile1  ("T2JetCorrToolTile1" ,this),
+  m_t2JetCorrToolFcal1  ("T2JetCorrToolFcal1" ,this),
+  m_t2JetCorrToolEm3Bar ("T2JetCorrToolEm3Bar",this),
+  m_t2JetCorrToolHec0   ("T2JetCorrToolHec0"  ,this),
+  m_t2JetCorrToolEm3Fwd ("T2JetCorrToolEm3Fwd",this),
+  m_t2JetCorrToolPsBar  ("T2JetCorrToolPsBar" ,this)//,m_layer_info(0)
+  declareProperty("useFebJets",          m_useFEBJets      = false);
+//declareProperty("fillLayerInfo",       m_fillLayerInfo   = false);
+  declareProperty("doJetCalib",          m_doJetCalib      = false);
+  declareProperty("doJetCorrTile1",      m_doJetCorrTile1  = false);
+  declareProperty("doJetCorrFcal1",      m_doJetCorrFcal1  = false);
+  declareProperty("doJetCorrEm3Bar",     m_doJetCorrEm3Bar = false);
+  declareProperty("doJetCorrHec0",       m_doJetCorrHec0   = false);
+  declareProperty("doJetCorrEm3Fwd",     m_doJetCorrEm3Fwd = false);
+  declareProperty("doJetCorrPsBar",      m_doJetCorrPsBar  = false);
+  declareProperty("T2JetCalibTool",      m_t2JetCalibTool, "Tool for L2 jet trigger Jet calibration");
+  declareProperty("T2JetCorrToolTile1",  m_t2JetCorrToolTile1 , "Tool for L2 jet trigger Tile1 corr");
+  declareProperty("T2JetCorrToolFcal1",  m_t2JetCorrToolFcal1 , "Tool for L2 jet trigger Fcal1 corr");
+  declareProperty("T2JetCorrToolEm3Bar", m_t2JetCorrToolEm3Bar, "Tool for L2 jet trigger Em3Bar corr");
+  declareProperty("T2JetCorrToolHec0",   m_t2JetCorrToolHec0  , "Tool for L2 jet trigger Hec0 corr");
+  declareProperty("T2JetCorrToolEm3Fwd", m_t2JetCorrToolEm3Fwd, "Tool for L2 jet trigger Em3Fwd corr");
+  declareProperty("T2JetCorrToolPsBar",  m_t2JetCorrToolPsBar , "Tool for L2 jet trigger PsBar corr");
+//  Destructor
+//  Initialize:
+StatusCode T2CaloJetCalibTool::initialize() 
+  m_log = new MsgStream (msgSvc(), name());
+  m_outputLevel = msgSvc()->outputLevel( name() );
+  if(m_outputLevel <= MSG::DEBUG)
+     (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "  In initalize() " << endmsg;
+  StatusCode sc;
+  // Retrieve the jet calibration tool:
+  ATH_CHECK( m_t2JetCalibTool.retrieve(      DisableTool {!m_doJetCalib}  ));
+  // Retrieve the layer correction tools:
+  ATH_CHECK( m_t2JetCorrToolTile1.retrieve(  DisableTool {!m_doJetCorrTile1} ));
+  ATH_CHECK( m_t2JetCorrToolFcal1.retrieve(  DisableTool {!m_doJetCorrFcal1} ));
+  ATH_CHECK( m_t2JetCorrToolEm3Bar.retrieve( DisableTool {!m_doJetCorrEm3Bar} ));
+  ATH_CHECK( m_t2JetCorrToolHec0.retrieve(   DisableTool {!m_doJetCorrHec0} ));
+  ATH_CHECK( m_t2JetCorrToolEm3Fwd.retrieve( DisableTool {!m_doJetCorrEm3Fwd} ));
+  ATH_CHECK( m_t2JetCorrToolPsBar.retrieve(  DisableTool {!m_doJetCorrPsBar} ));
+  // from IAlgToolCalo
+  m_geometryTool.disable();
+  m_data.disable();
+//  if (m_fillLayerInfo) {
+//    m_layer_info = new TrigCaloCluster(); 
+//  }
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+//  Execute
+StatusCode T2CaloJetCalibTool::execute()
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+//  Finalize:
+StatusCode T2CaloJetCalibTool::finalize()
+  delete m_log;
+//  if (m_fillLayerInfo) {
+//    delete m_layer_info;
+//  }
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+//  Execute method of the tool. Apply energy correction to the jet.
+StatusCode T2CaloJetCalibTool::execute(TrigT2Jet* jet, double /*etamin*/, double /*etamax*/, double /*phimin*/, double /*phimax*/)
+  // reset error
+  m_error = 0x0;
+  // Calculate Hadronic and Electromagnetic transverse energies:
+//  double HadEn = 0, EMEn = 0;
+  double EMEn = jet->eem0();
+  double HadEn = jet->ehad0();
+  double jeta=jet->eta();
+//  sc = calculateHadEMEnergy(jet, &HadEn, &EMEn);
+//  if(sc.isFailure()){
+//    (*m_log) << MSG::WARNING << "It seems that the Had/EM energy was not properly calculated!" << endmsg;
+//  }
+//  if(m_outputLevel <= MSG::DEBUG){
+//    (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << " EM, Had energy components: " << EMEn << ", " 
+//             << HadEn << endmsg; 
+//  }
+  // Apply the calibration:
+  double corrEnergy=0;
+  if(m_doJetCalib){
+    if(!m_useFEBJets){
+      corrEnergy = m_t2JetCalibTool->c_energy(EMEn, HadEn, jeta);
+    } else {
+      corrEnergy = m_t2JetCalibTool->c_febenergy(EMEn, HadEn, jeta);
+    }
+    if(corrEnergy == 0 || corrEnergy!=corrEnergy){//corrEnergy!=corrEnergy checks for nan
+      if(m_outputLevel <= MSG::DEBUG){
+         (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG 
+                  << " JES Calibration failed. Jet energy is left uncalibrated: "
+                  << endmsg;
+      }
+      corrEnergy = EMEn+HadEn ;
+    } 
+  } else {
+    if(m_outputLevel <= MSG::DEBUG){
+         (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG 
+                  << " Calibration not applied. Jet energy is left uncalibrated: "
+                  << endmsg;
+    }
+    corrEnergy = EMEn+HadEn ;
+  } 
+  // Compute layer fractions:
+  double fTile1=0, fFcal1=0, fEm3=0, fHec0=0, fPs=0;
+  if( m_doJetCorrTile1  || 
+      m_doJetCorrHec0   || 
+      m_doJetCorrEm3Fwd || 
+      m_doJetCorrFcal1  || 
+      m_doJetCorrEm3Bar || 
+      m_doJetCorrPsBar//|| m_fillLayerInfo
+    ) {
+    if (calculateLayerFracs(jet, &fTile1, &fFcal1, &fEm3, &fHec0, &fPs).isFailure()){
+      (*m_log) << MSG::WARNING << "Layer Fractions not properly calculated!" << endmsg;
+    }
+    if(m_outputLevel <= MSG::DEBUG){
+      (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << " Uncorr Jet E = " <<  EMEn+HadEn
+                             << " Tile1 fraction = " << fTile1 
+                             << " Fcal1 fraction = " << fFcal1
+                             << " Em3 fraction = " << fEm3 
+                             << " Hec0 fraction = " << fHec0
+                             << " Ps fraction = " << fPs   
+                             << " Jet E before layer corr = " << corrEnergy << endmsg; 
+    }
+  }
+  // Apply layer corrections:
+  double response=1;
+  if(m_doJetCorrTile1) {
+    response = m_t2JetCorrToolTile1->c_energy(fTile1, corrEnergy, jeta);
+    if(response != 0 && response != 1 && response==response) corrEnergy = corrEnergy/response;
+    if(m_outputLevel <= MSG::DEBUG){
+      (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Tile1 response = " << response 
+                             << " corrected E = " << corrEnergy << endmsg; 
+    }
+  }
+  if(m_doJetCorrHec0) {
+    response = m_t2JetCorrToolHec0->c_energy(fHec0, corrEnergy, jeta);
+    if(response != 0 && response != 1 && response==response) corrEnergy = corrEnergy/response;
+    if(m_outputLevel <= MSG::DEBUG){
+      (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Hec0 response = " << response 
+                             << " corrected E = " << corrEnergy << endmsg; 
+    }
+  }
+  if(m_doJetCorrEm3Fwd) {
+    response = m_t2JetCorrToolEm3Fwd->c_energy(fEm3, corrEnergy, jeta);
+    if(response != 0 && response != 1 && response==response) corrEnergy = corrEnergy/response;
+    if(m_outputLevel <= MSG::DEBUG){
+      (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Em3Fwd response = " << response 
+                             << " corrected E = " << corrEnergy << endmsg; 
+    }
+  }
+  if(m_doJetCorrFcal1) {
+    response = m_t2JetCorrToolFcal1->c_energy(fFcal1, corrEnergy, jeta);
+    if(response != 0 && response != 1 && response==response) corrEnergy = corrEnergy/response;
+    if(m_outputLevel <= MSG::DEBUG){
+      (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Fcal1 response = " << response 
+                             << " corrected E = " << corrEnergy << endmsg; 
+    }
+  }
+  if(m_doJetCorrEm3Bar) {
+    response = m_t2JetCorrToolEm3Bar->c_energy(fEm3, corrEnergy, jeta);
+    if(response != 0 && response != 1 && response==response) corrEnergy = corrEnergy/response;
+    if(m_outputLevel <= MSG::DEBUG){
+      (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Em3Bar response = " << response 
+                             << " corrected E = " << corrEnergy << endmsg; 
+    }
+  }
+  if(m_doJetCorrPsBar) {
+    response = m_t2JetCorrToolPsBar->c_energy(fPs, corrEnergy, jeta);
+    if(response != 0 && response != 1 && response==response) corrEnergy = corrEnergy/response;
+    if(m_outputLevel <= MSG::DEBUG){
+      (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "PsBar response = " << response 
+                             << " corrected E = " << corrEnergy << endmsg; 
+    }
+  }
+  // Set jet energy:
+  jet->setE(corrEnergy);
+  if(m_outputLevel <= MSG::DEBUG){
+    (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << " Uncorrected E = " << EMEn+HadEn << ", Fully corrected E = " 
+             << corrEnergy << ", eta = " << jet->eta() << endmsg; 
+  }
+  if ( Athena::Timeout::instance().reached() ) {
+       (*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << "Timeout reached in T2CaloJetCalibTool" << endmsg;
+       return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+//  Calculate layer fractions of the jet energy:
+StatusCode T2CaloJetCalibTool::calculateLayerFracs(TrigT2Jet* jet, double *fTile1, double *fFcal1, double *fEm3, double *fHec0, double *fPs)
+   // Loop in the jet cells:
+  std::vector<Trig3Momentum>::iterator gridIt = jet->grid()->begin();
+  std::vector<Trig3Momentum>::iterator gridEnd = jet->grid()->end();
+  double eTile1=0, eFcal1=0, eEm3=0, eHec0=0, ePs= 0;
+  int nCells = 0;
+  for (; gridIt != gridEnd; ++gridIt){
+     // consider only cells that are used in the cone:
+    if(! (*gridIt).inCone()) continue;
+    nCells++;
+    const CaloSampling::CaloSample s = (*gridIt).caloSample();
+    double cellE = (*gridIt).e();  
+//    if (m_fillLayerInfo) {
+//      m_layer_info->setRawEnergy(s,cellE);
+//    }
+    switch ( s ) {
+      case CaloSampling::PreSamplerB:
+      case CaloSampling::PreSamplerE:
+         ePs += cellE;
+         break;
+      case CaloSampling::EMB3:
+      case CaloSampling::EME3:
+         eEm3 += cellE;
+         break;
+      case CaloSampling::FCAL0:
+         eFcal1 += cellE;
+         break;
+      case CaloSampling::HEC0:
+         eHec0 += cellE;
+         break;
+      case CaloSampling::TileBar0:
+      case CaloSampling::TileExt0:
+         eTile1 += cellE;
+         break;
+      default:
+         /* do nothing */
+         break;
+      }// end switch - Jet Sampling Layers
+  } // End of loop in cells;
+//  if (m_fillLayerInfo) {
+//    m_layer_info->setRawEnergy(jet->eem0()+jet->ehad0());
+//    m_layer_info->setRawEt((jet->eem0()+jet->ehad0())/cosh(jet->eta()));
+//    m_layer_info->setRawEta(jet->eta());
+//    m_layer_info->setRawPhi(jet->phi());
+//    m_layer_info->setRoIword(jet->RoIword());
+//    m_layer_info->setNCells(nCells);
+//  }
+  if ((jet->eem0()+jet->ehad0())!=0){
+    (*fTile1) = eTile1/(jet->eem0()+jet->ehad0());
+    (*fFcal1) = eFcal1/(jet->eem0()+jet->ehad0());
+    (*fEm3)   = eEm3  /(jet->eem0()+jet->ehad0());
+    (*fHec0)  = eHec0 /(jet->eem0()+jet->ehad0());
+    (*fPs)    = ePs   /(jet->eem0()+jet->ehad0());
+  } else {
+    (*fTile1) = 0;
+    (*fFcal1) = 0;
+    (*fEm3)   = 0;
+    (*fHec0)  = 0;
+    (*fPs)    = 0;
+  }
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+//  Calculate hadronic/Electromagnetic component of the jet energy:
+/*StatusCode T2CaloJetCalibTool::calculateHadEMEnergy(TrigT2Jet* jet, double *HadEnergy, double * EMEnergy)
+   // Loop in the jet cells:
+  std::vector<Trig3Momentum>::iterator gridIt = jet->grid()->begin();
+  std::vector<Trig3Momentum>::iterator gridEnd = jet->grid()->end();
+  (*HadEnergy) = 0;
+  (*EMEnergy) = 0;
+  for (; gridIt != gridEnd; ++gridIt){
+     // consider only cells that are used in the cone:
+    if(! (*gridIt).inCone()) continue;
+    const CaloSampling::CaloSample s = (*gridIt).caloSample();
+    double cellE = (*gridIt).e();  
+    switch ( s ) {
+      case CaloSampling::PreSamplerB:
+      case CaloSampling::PreSamplerE:
+      case CaloSampling::EMB1:
+      case CaloSampling::EMB2:
+      case CaloSampling::EMB3:
+      case CaloSampling::EME1:
+      case CaloSampling::EME2:
+      case CaloSampling::EME3:
+         (*EMEnergy) += cellE;
+         break;
+      case CaloSampling::HEC0:
+      case CaloSampling::HEC1:
+      case CaloSampling::HEC2:
+      case CaloSampling::HEC3:
+      case CaloSampling::TileBar0:
+      case CaloSampling::TileBar1:
+      case CaloSampling::TileBar2:
+      case CaloSampling::TileExt0:
+      case CaloSampling::TileExt1:
+      case CaloSampling::TileExt2:
+      case CaloSampling::TileGap1:
+      case CaloSampling::TileGap2:
+      case CaloSampling::TileGap3:
+      case CaloSampling::FCAL0:
+      case CaloSampling::FCAL1:
+      case CaloSampling::FCAL2:
+         (*HadEnergy) += cellE;
+         break;
+      case CaloSampling::Unknown:
+        (*m_log) << MSG::WARNING
+             << "Unknown CaloCell type "
+             << s
+             << endmsg;
+        break;
+      }// end switch - Jet Sampling Layers
+  } // End of loop in cells;
+   // Cross check that everything went fine:
+//  double eSum = (*HadEnergy)+(*EMEnergy);
+//  if( eSum != jet->e()){ 
+//    (*m_log) << MSG::WARNING << " HadEnergy+EMEnergy != jet->e() !!! HadEnergy, EMEnergy, eSum, jetEnergy =" 
+//             << (*HadEnergy) << ", " << (*EMEnergy) << ", " << eSum << ", " << jet->e() << endmsg;
+//    std::cout << eSum << ", " << jet->e() << std::endl;
+//    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+//  }
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloJetConeTool.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloJetConeTool.cxx
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..3970145a250
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloJetConeTool.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+NAME:     T2CaloJetConeTool.cxx
+PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet
+AUTHORS:  Kyle Cranmer <>
+CREATED:  November, 2005
+PURPOSE: Cone Tool for all T2CaloJet.  Does simple cone alg after data
+         preparation.
+#include <math.h>
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetConeTool.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigT2Jet.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/IToolSvc.h"
+#include "AthenaKernel/Timeout.h"
+#include <sstream>
+T2CaloJetConeTool::T2CaloJetConeTool(const std::string& type,
+				     const std::string& name,
+				     const IInterface* parent):
+  T2CaloJetBaseTool(type, name, parent),
+  m_inCone(0),
+  m_outCone(0),
+  m_totalCell(0),
+  m_pTimerService(NULL),
+  m_fcal_timer(NULL),
+  m_other_timer(NULL)
+  declareProperty("numberOfIterations", m_nIterations = 1);
+  declareProperty("coneRadius", m_coneRadius = 0.7);
+  declareProperty("coneFJRadius", m_fj_cone_sizes);
+  // cleaning:
+  declareProperty("cellQualityThresholdLAr", m_cellQualityThresholdLAr = 4000);   // for jet cleaning
+  declareProperty("leadingCellFraction", m_leadingCellFraction = 0.9);            // for jet cleaning, e.g.: n90 -> leadingCellFraction = 0.9
+StatusCode T2CaloJetConeTool::initialize() 
+  MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
+  // Initialize timing service
+  if( service( "TrigTimerSvc", m_pTimerService).isFailure() ) {
+    log << MSG::WARNING << name() << ": Unable to locate TrigTimer Service" 
+	<< endmsg;
+  } 
+  if (m_pTimerService){
+    //Add timers
+    m_fcal_timer = m_pTimerService->addItem("LVL2_FCal_Cone_Time");
+    m_other_timer = m_pTimerService->addItem("LVL2_Other_Cone_Time");
+  }
+  m_inCone=0;
+  m_outCone=0;
+  m_totalCell=0;
+  // cleaning:
+  m_cellenergies.reserve(8192);
+  // from IAlgToolCalo
+  m_geometryTool.disable();
+  m_data.disable();
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode T2CaloJetConeTool::execute()
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+//StatusCode T2CaloJetConeTool::execute(TrigT2Jet* jet,double etamin, double etamax, double phimin, double phimax)
+//StatusCode T2CaloJetConeTool::execute(TrigT2Jet* jet,double /*etamin*/, double /*etamax*/, double /*phimin*/, double /*phimax*/)
+StatusCode T2CaloJetConeTool::execute(TrigT2Jet* jet, const IRoiDescriptor& /*roi*/ )
+  MsgStream mLog(msgSvc(), name());
+  int outputLevel = msgSvc()->outputLevel( name() );
+  if(outputLevel <= MSG::DEBUG)
+     mLog << MSG::DEBUG << " executing T2CaloJetConeTool " << endmsg;
+  // reset error
+  m_error = 0x0;
+  // do cone iterations on jet. 
+  bool isFCal = fabs(jet->eta())>3.2 ? true : false;
+  if(isFCal){m_fcal_timer->start(); }
+  else{ m_other_timer->start(); }
+  for(int i=0; i<m_nIterations; i++){
+    this->coneIteration(jet,i);
+    if ( Athena::Timeout::instance().reached() ) {
+       mLog << MSG::ERROR << "Timeout reached in coneIteration" << endmsg;
+       return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+    }
+  }
+  if(isFCal){m_fcal_timer->stop(); }
+  else{ m_other_timer->stop(); }
+  if(m_fj_cone_sizes.size()==0||m_fj_cone_sizes.size()>3){
+    mLog << MSG::WARNING << "FJ cone sizes are incorrectly setup.  Using 1/7/4 technique." << endmsg;
+  }
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+void T2CaloJetConeTool::coneIteration(TrigT2Jet* jet, int coneIter) 
+  MsgStream mLog(msgSvc(), name());
+  std::vector<Trig3Momentum>* grid = jet->grid();
+  std::vector<Trig3Momentum>::iterator gridItr = grid->begin();
+  std::vector<Trig3Momentum>::iterator gridEnd = grid->end();
+  double coneR = m_coneRadius;
+  /////////////////////////
+  // FCal cone algorithm //
+  /////////////////////////
+  if(fabs(jet->eta())>3.2){
+    if(m_fj_cone_sizes.size()==0||m_fj_cone_sizes.size()>3){
+      mLog << MSG::DEBUG << "FJ cone sizes are incorrectly setup.  Using 1/7/4 technique." << endmsg;
+      // Cone 1.0/0.7/0.4 Technique
+      //  -Find inital seed looking at the full eta window
+      //  -Subsequent iterations reduce cone size to 0.7 then 0.4 (or default)
+      if(fabs(jet->eta())>3.2&&coneIter==0){
+	      coneR=1;
+      } else if(fabs(jet->eta())>3.2&&coneIter==1){
+	      coneR=0.7;
+      } 
+    } else {
+      coneR =;
+    }
+    mLog << MSG::DEBUG << "Iteration " << coneIter 
+	 << ", using cone size: " << coneR << endmsg;
+  }
+  double dEta = 0, dPhi=0;
+  //Check if in FCal, if so find most energetic cell
+  //double max_e(-999);
+  double max_eta = jet->eta();
+  double max_phi = jet->phi();
+  //Set jet eta & phi
+  jet->setEta(max_eta);
+  jet->setPhi(max_phi);
+  // activate cells in cone
+  for(; gridItr!=gridEnd; gridItr++){
+    dEta = fabs(jet->eta() - (*gridItr).eta());
+    dPhi = fabs(jet->phi() - (*gridItr).phi());
+    if (dPhi > M_PI) dPhi = 2*M_PI - dPhi;
+    if( dEta*dEta + dPhi*dPhi < coneR*coneR ) {
+      m_inCone++;
+      (*gridItr).setInCone(true);
+    } else {
+      (*gridItr).setInCone(false);
+      m_outCone++;
+    }
+    m_totalCell++;
+  }
+  // calculate e, eta, phi.
+  gridItr = grid->begin();
+  double eTot=0, eta=0, phi=0, tmpE=0, eThresh=0, tmpPhi=0;
+  double ehad=0, eem=0;
+  double tmpdPhi=0, dphi=0;
+  // cleaning:
+  // initialize cleaning variables
+  int nLeadingCells = 0;            // number of leading cells
+  float hecf = 0.;                  // fraction of jet energy in hec
+  float jetQuality = 0.;            // quality of the jet
+  float emf = 0.;                   // fraction of jet energy in emc
+  float jetTimeCells = 0.;          // jet time calculated from cells
+  // helper functions / variables for cleaning:
+  m_cellenergies.clear();
+  float HECEnergy = 0.;
+  float EinBadCells = 0.;
+	bool isTile = false;
+	bool isLAr = false;
+	bool qualityTimeIsDefined = false;
+	float totaltime = 0.;
+	float norm = 0.;
+	float cellNorm = 0.;
+	float totCellE = 0.;     // sum of energy in LAr cells with quality defined
+  for(; gridItr!=gridEnd; gridItr++){
+    if( !(gridItr->inCone()) ) continue;
+    // reset flags:
+    isTile = false;
+		isLAr = false;
+    tmpE = (*gridItr).e();    
+    eTot += tmpE;  // maybe this should be Et weighted  
+    // Summ contribution to hadronic/EM energy:  
+    const CaloSampling::CaloSample s = (*gridItr).caloSample();
+    if( s == CaloSampling::PreSamplerB || s == CaloSampling::PreSamplerE || 
+	   s == CaloSampling::EMB1 || s == CaloSampling::EME1 || 
+	   s == CaloSampling::EMB2 || s == CaloSampling::EME2 || 
+	   s == CaloSampling::EMB3 || s == CaloSampling::EME3 ||
+	   s == CaloSampling::FCAL0){
+	    eem += tmpE;
+	    isLAr = true;  // for cleaning
+	  }
+    if( s == CaloSampling::HEC0 || s ==  CaloSampling::HEC1|| 
+	   s == CaloSampling::HEC2 || s == CaloSampling::HEC3 || 
+	   s == CaloSampling::TileBar0 || s == CaloSampling::TileExt0 || 
+	   s == CaloSampling::TileBar1 || s == CaloSampling::TileExt1 || 
+	   s == CaloSampling::TileBar2 || s == CaloSampling::TileExt2 || 
+	   s == CaloSampling::TileGap1 || s == CaloSampling::TileGap2 || 
+	   s == CaloSampling::TileGap3 || s == CaloSampling::FCAL1 || 
+	   s == CaloSampling::FCAL2)
+	    ehad += tmpE;
+    if (tmpE>0){ // threshold from job options?
+      eThresh += tmpE;    
+      eta += tmpE*(*gridItr).eta();
+      tmpPhi = (*gridItr).phi();      
+      tmpdPhi = tmpPhi - jet->phi();   // w.r.t Jet
+      if (tmpdPhi > M_PI) tmpdPhi -= 2*M_PI;    
+      if (tmpdPhi < -1*M_PI) tmpdPhi += 2*M_PI; 
+      dphi += tmpE*tmpdPhi; // this needs the wrap-around check
+    }
+    // cleaning:
+    m_cellenergies.push_back( tmpE );
+    if(	s == CaloSampling::HEC0 || s == CaloSampling::HEC1 || 
+				s == CaloSampling::HEC2 || s == CaloSampling::HEC3 ) {
+        HECEnergy += tmpE;
+        isLAr = true;
+		}
+    if( s == CaloSampling::FCAL1 || s == CaloSampling::FCAL2 ){
+			isLAr = true;
+	  }
+    if( s == CaloSampling::TileBar0 || s == CaloSampling::TileBar1 || 
+        s == CaloSampling::TileBar2 || s == CaloSampling::TileGap1 ||
+        s == CaloSampling::TileGap2 || s == CaloSampling::TileGap3 || 
+        s == CaloSampling::TileExt0 || s == CaloSampling::TileExt1 || 
+        s == CaloSampling::TileExt2 ) {
+          isTile = true;
+    }
+    uint16_t cellprovenance = (*gridItr).provenance();
+    // grab cell quality and cell time.
+    uint16_t cellquality =  (*gridItr).quality();
+    float celltime = (*gridItr).time();
+    qualityTimeIsDefined = false;
+    // check for tile
+    if(isTile){
+      // cells with bad quality are masked -> don't take tile into account
+      //   for jet quality calculation.
+      // provenance not set for tile cells. but time is defined.
+      // timing:
+      cellNorm = tmpE * tmpE;
+      totaltime += cellNorm * celltime;
+      norm += cellNorm;
+    }
+    // check for LAr. only take cells into accout which have time and quality defined
+    if( (isLAr) && (cellprovenance & 0x2000) ){
+      qualityTimeIsDefined = true;
+      totCellE += tmpE;
+      // timing:
+      cellNorm = tmpE * tmpE;
+      totaltime += cellNorm * celltime;
+      norm += cellNorm;
+    }
+    if( (isLAr) && (qualityTimeIsDefined) && (cellquality > m_cellQualityThresholdLAr) ){
+      EinBadCells += tmpE;
+    }
+  } // end loop over cells
+  if(eThresh != 0) {
+    eta /= eThresh;
+    phi = dphi/eThresh + jet->phi(); // recover absolute value
+    // phi must be between -pi and pi :
+    if(phi > M_PI) phi -= 2.0* M_PI;
+    if(phi < -1.0*M_PI) phi += 2.0*M_PI;
+  }
+  // calculate the jet cleaning variables:
+  // -------------------------------------
+	// sort cell-energy vector. (most energetic cell at end of vector)
+	std::sort(m_cellenergies.begin(), m_cellenergies.end());
+	float sumE = 0.;
+	for(int k = m_cellenergies.size()-1; k > -1; k--){
+		sumE += m_cellenergies[k];
+		nLeadingCells++;
+		if(sumE > m_leadingCellFraction*eTot){
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	float DELTA = 0.001;     // distance to compare floats
+	if(fabs(eTot)>DELTA){
+		hecf = HECEnergy/eTot;
+		emf = eem/eTot;
+	}
+	if(fabs(totCellE)>DELTA){
+		jetQuality = EinBadCells/totCellE;
+	}
+	if(fabs(norm)>DELTA){
+		jetTimeCells = totaltime/norm;
+	}
+  jet->setE(eTot);
+  jet->setEem0(eem);
+  jet->setEhad0(ehad);
+  jet->setEta(eta);
+  jet->setPhi(phi);
+  // cleaning:
+  jet -> setNLeadingCells(nLeadingCells);
+  jet -> setHecf(hecf);
+  jet -> setJetQuality(jetQuality);
+	jet -> setEmf(emf);
+	jet -> setJetTimeCells(jetTimeCells);
+StatusCode T2CaloJetConeTool::finalize()
+  m_cellenergies.clear();
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloJetGridFromCells.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloJetGridFromCells.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7a795861b10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloJetGridFromCells.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+NAME:     T2CaloJetGridFromCells.cxx
+PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet
+AUTHORS:  Kyle Cranmer <>
+CREATED:  November, 2005
+PURPOSE: Data preparation from Cells
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetGridFromCells.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigT2Jet.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2AllRoiUnpacking.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/IToolSvc.h"
+// should use this, but needs fixes
+//#include "TrigT2CaloCommon/ITrigDataAccess.h" 
+// instead, use this one
+#include "TrigT2CaloCommon/TrigDataAccess.h"
+#include "AthenaKernel/Timeout.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <sstream>
+T2CaloJetGridFromCells::T2CaloJetGridFromCells(const std::string& type,
+				     const std::string& name,
+				     const IInterface* parent):
+  T2CaloJetBaseTool(type, name, parent),
+  m_noiseCutValue(2.) ,
+  m_cablingSvc("LArCablingLegacyService"),
+  m_noiseTool("CaloNoiseTool/CaloNoiseToolDefault"),
+  m_forbiddenRegions(0),
+  m_timerSvc(0)
+  declareProperty("doTiming", m_doTiming= false );
+  declareProperty("cablingSvc", m_cablingSvc, "cabling svc");
+  declareProperty("noiseTool", m_noiseTool, "handle for noise tool");
+  declareProperty("applyNoiseCut", m_applyNoiseCut = false);
+  declareProperty("noiseCutValue", m_noiseCutValue );
+  declareProperty("doHECcellQualityCleaning", m_doHECcellQualityCleaning = false); // switch for cell based jet cleaning
+  declareProperty("cellQualityThresholdHEC", m_cellQualityThresholdHEC = 65535);   // for cell based jet cleaning
+StatusCode T2CaloJetGridFromCells::initialize() 
+  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("  In initalize() ");
+  ATH_CHECK(m_data.retrieve());
+/// noise suppression
+  if(m_applyNoiseCut!=0){
+    ATH_CHECK( m_noiseTool.retrieve() );
+    ATH_CHECK( m_cablingSvc.retrieve() );
+  } else {
+    m_noiseTool.disable();
+    m_cablingSvc.disable();
+  }
+  // Retrieve timing service
+  if (m_doTiming) {
+    StatusCode sc = service("TrigTimerSvc", m_timerSvc);
+    if (sc.isFailure()) {
+      ATH_MSG_ERROR( "unable to locate timing service TrigTimerSvc."
+                     << " Setting doTiming = false!!! " );
+      m_timerSvc = 0;
+      m_doTiming=false;
+      //return sc;
+    }
+    else{
+      std::string prefix = name() + ":";
+     // Define now the timers:
+      std::string label = prefix+"LArUnpck";
+      TrigTimer *timer = m_timerSvc->addItem(label);
+      m_timers["LArUnpck"] = timer;
+      label =  prefix+"TileUnpck";
+      timer = m_timerSvc->addItem( label);
+      m_timers["TileUnpck"] = timer;
+      label =  prefix+"HECUnpck";
+      timer = m_timerSvc->addItem(label);
+      m_timers["HECUnpck"] = timer;
+    }
+  }
+  // from IAlgToolCalo
+  m_geometryTool.disable();
+  m_gridElement = new Trig3Momentum();
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+TrigTimer* T2CaloJetGridFromCells::getTimer(const std::string& timerName){ 
+  if (!m_doTiming ) return 0;
+  std::map<std::string, TrigTimer*>::const_iterator t = m_timers.find(timerName);
+  if (t == m_timers.end()) {
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " Timer " << timerName << " not found." );
+    return 0;
+  }
+  return (*t).second;
+StatusCode T2CaloJetGridFromCells::execute()
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+//StatusCode T2CaloJetGridFromCells::execute(TrigT2Jet
+//* jet,double etamin, double etamax, double phimin, double phimax)
+StatusCode T2CaloJetGridFromCells::execute(TrigT2Jet
+* jet,const IRoiDescriptor& roi  )
+  // reset error
+  m_error = 0x0;
+  // this method should use region selector to get cells and fill grid
+  // of Trig3Momentum.
+  // reset error
+  m_error = 0x0;
+  std::vector<Trig3Momentum>* grid = new std::vector<Trig3Momentum>();
+  grid->reserve(8000);
+  //m_gridElement = new Trig3Momentum();
+  // add all cells to grid
+  StatusCode sc = addAllCells(roi.etaMinus(),roi.etaPlus(), roi.phiMinus(), roi.phiPlus(), grid);
+  if(sc.isFailure()){
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " Failure of addAllCells. Empty grid! " );
+  }
+  //then set the grid in the jet.  do not delete anything.  Cleanup
+  //happens at the end of jet finding.
+  jet->setGrid(grid);
+  //delete m_gridElement;
+  //m_gridElement = 0;
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode T2CaloJetGridFromCells::addAllCells(double etamin, double etamax, 
+					    double phimin, double phimax,
+					    std::vector<Trig3Momentum>* grid)
+  //This could check job options for a list of samplings to consider.
+  //We may not want to use presampler or strips.
+  if(m_doTiming) getTimer("LArUnpck")->start();
+  //Now EM
+  if(addLArCells(etamin, etamax, phimin, phimax, grid, TTEM, 0, true).isFailure() ){
+    if(m_doTiming) getTimer("LArUnpck")->stop();
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  if(addLArCells(etamin, etamax, phimin, phimax, grid, TTEM, 1, true).isFailure() ) {
+    if(m_doTiming) getTimer("LArUnpck")->stop();
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  if(addLArCells(etamin, etamax, phimin, phimax, grid, TTEM, 2, true).isFailure() ) {
+    if(m_doTiming) getTimer("LArUnpck")->stop();
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  if(addLArCells(etamin, etamax, phimin, phimax, grid, TTEM, 3, true).isFailure() ) {
+    if(m_doTiming) getTimer("LArUnpck")->stop();
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  if(m_doTiming){
+    getTimer("LArUnpck")->stop();
+    getTimer("HECUnpck")->start();
+  }
+  //Now HEC
+  if(addLArCells(etamin, etamax, phimin, phimax, grid, TTHEC, 0, true).isFailure() ) {
+    if(m_doTiming) getTimer("HECUnpck")->stop();
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  if(addLArCells(etamin, etamax, phimin, phimax, grid, TTHEC, 1, true).isFailure() ) {
+    if(m_doTiming) getTimer("HECUnpck")->stop();
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  if(addLArCells(etamin, etamax, phimin, phimax, grid, TTHEC, 2, true).isFailure() ) {
+    if(m_doTiming) getTimer("HECUnpck")->stop();
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  if(addLArCells(etamin, etamax, phimin, phimax, grid, TTHEC, 3, true).isFailure() ) {
+    if(m_doTiming) getTimer("HECUnpck")->stop();
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  if(m_doTiming){
+    getTimer("HECUnpck")->stop();
+    getTimer("TileUnpck")->start();
+  }
+  //Now Tile
+  // only prepare for first sampling, because containers created then.
+  if(addTileCells(etamin, etamax, phimin, phimax, grid, TILE, 0, true).isFailure() ){
+    if(m_doTiming) getTimer("TileUnpck")->stop();
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  //Now FCAL
+  if(addLArCells(etamin, etamax, phimin, phimax, grid, FCALEM, 0, true).isFailure() )
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  if(addLArCells(etamin, etamax, phimin, phimax, grid, FCALHAD, 0, true).isFailure() )
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  if(addLArCells(etamin, etamax, phimin, phimax, grid, FCALHAD, 1, true).isFailure() )
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+/*  if(addTileCells(etamin, etamax, phimin, phimax, grid, TILE, 1, false).isFailure() )  {
+    if(m_doTiming) getTimer("TileUnpck")->stop();
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+    }
+  if(addTileCells(etamin, etamax, phimin, phimax, grid, TILE, 2, false).isFailure() ) {
+    if(m_doTiming) getTimer("TileUnpck")->stop();
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+    }*/
+  if(m_doTiming) getTimer("TileUnpck")->stop();
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode T2CaloJetGridFromCells::addLArCells(double etamin, double etamax, 
+					    double phimin, double phimax,
+					    std::vector<Trig3Momentum>* grid,
+					    DETID detectorID, int sampling,
+					    bool prepare)
+  // Get detector offline ID's for Collections
+  m_data->RegionSelector(sampling,etamin,etamax,phimin,phimax, detectorID);
+  // Prepare data, load collections
+  if ( m_data->LoadCollections(m_iBegin,m_iEnd, sampling, prepare).isFailure() ){
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  m_error|=m_data->report_error();
+  bool vetoRegions(m_forbiddenRegions.size() > 0);  
+  // Main Loop over cells
+  const LArCell* larcell;
+  for(m_it = m_iBegin;m_it != m_iEnd; ++m_it) {
+    // possibly do some noise thresholding
+    larcell = *m_it;
+    // possibly do some calibration
+    // may want sampling.  example:
+    CaloSampling::CaloSample samp;
+    //samp = CaloSampling::getSampling(*larcell);
+    samp = larcell->caloDDE()->getSampling();
+    // cell based cleaning:
+    // --------------------
+    // check if cell cleaning is requested and if the cell is in hec:
+    bool isHECandDoCleaning = false;
+    if(	m_doHECcellQualityCleaning && ( samp == CaloSampling::HEC0 || samp == CaloSampling::HEC1 || 
+				samp == CaloSampling::HEC2 || samp == CaloSampling::HEC3 ) ) {
+        isHECandDoCleaning = true;
+		}
+    // now test for cell quality
+    if( isHECandDoCleaning && larcell -> quality() >= m_cellQualityThresholdHEC ) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    // end (cell based) cleaning
+    // possibly do some tower building
+    double cellE = larcell->e();
+    if(m_applyNoiseCut){
+       double larnoise = m_noiseTool->getNoise(larcell,
+                                  ICalorimeterNoiseTool::TOTALNOISE);
+    //std::cout << "noise rms in LAr = " << larnoise << std::endl;
+       if(m_applyNoiseCut && fabs(cellE) < (m_noiseCutValue*larnoise)) continue;
+    }
+    double eta(larcell->eta());
+    double phi(larcell->phi());
+    if(vetoRegions && isInVetoRegion(eta, phi)) continue;
+    // for now fill grid elements like this
+//    gridElement =  new Trig3Momentum();
+    m_gridElement->setE(cellE);
+    m_gridElement->setEta(eta);
+    m_gridElement->setPhi(phi);
+    m_gridElement->setCaloSample(samp);
+    // jet cleaning:
+    m_gridElement->setProvenance( larcell -> provenance() );
+    m_gridElement->setQuality( larcell -> quality() );  
+    m_gridElement->setTime( larcell -> time() );
+    //push them back into the grid
+    grid->push_back(*m_gridElement);
+  }
+  if ( Athena::Timeout::instance().reached() ) {
+    ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Timeout reached in addLArCells " );
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode T2CaloJetGridFromCells::addTileCells(double etamin, double etamax, 
+					    double phimin, double phimax,
+					    std::vector<Trig3Momentum>* grid,
+					    DETID detectorID, int sampling,
+					    bool /*prepare*/)
+  // Get detector offline ID's for Collections
+  m_data->RegionSelector(sampling,etamin,etamax,phimin,phimax, detectorID);
+  // Prepare data, load collections
+  for( unsigned int iR=0; iR!=m_data->TileContSize();++iR ){
+    if ( m_data->LoadCollections(m_itBegin,m_itEnd, iR, !iR).isFailure() ){
+       return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+    }
+    m_error|=m_data->report_error();
+    bool vetoRegions(m_forbiddenRegions.size() > 0);    
+//    std::cout << "No of cells in Tile = " << m_data->TileContSize() << std::endl;
+  // Main Loop over cells
+    const TileCell* tilecell;
+    for(m_itt = m_itBegin;m_itt != m_itEnd; ++m_itt) {
+    tilecell = *m_itt;
+    // possibly do some noise thresholding
+    // possibly do some calibration
+    // may want sampling.  example:
+      CaloSampling::CaloSample samp;
+      //samp = CaloSampling::getSampling(*tilecell);
+      samp = tilecell->caloDDE()->getSampling();
+      double cellE = tilecell->e();
+//  do noise thresholding 
+      if(m_applyNoiseCut) {
+        double tilenoise = m_noiseTool->getNoise(tilecell,
+                                  ICalorimeterNoiseTool::TOTALNOISE);
+        if(m_applyNoiseCut && fabs(cellE) < (m_noiseCutValue*tilenoise)) continue;
+      }
+    // possibly do some tower building
+      double eta(tilecell->eta());
+      double phi(tilecell->phi());
+      if(vetoRegions && isInVetoRegion(eta, phi)) continue;
+    // for now fill grid elements like this
+//    gridElement =  new Trig3Momentum();
+      m_gridElement->setE(cellE);
+      m_gridElement->setEta(eta);
+      m_gridElement->setPhi(phi);
+      m_gridElement->setCaloSample(samp);
+      // jet cleaning:
+      m_gridElement->setProvenance( tilecell -> provenance() );
+      m_gridElement->setQuality( tilecell -> quality() );  
+      m_gridElement->setTime( tilecell -> time() );
+      //push them back into the grid
+      grid->push_back(*m_gridElement);
+    }
+    if ( Athena::Timeout::instance().reached() ) {
+      ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Timeout reached in addTileCells " );
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+    }
+  }
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode T2CaloJetGridFromCells::finalize()
+  delete m_gridElement;
+  m_gridElement = 0;
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+// Just a functor so that I can use EtaPhiRectangle::contains within a std algorithm.
+struct EtaPhiRectInsideChecker : public std::unary_function<EtaPhiRectangle, bool> {
+  double eta_, phi_;
+  EtaPhiRectInsideChecker(const double &eta, const double &phi): eta_(eta), phi_(phi) {} ;
+  bool operator() (const EtaPhiRectangle &r) const {
+    return r.contains(eta_, phi_);
+  }
+bool T2CaloJetGridFromCells::isInVetoRegion(const double &eta, const double &phi){
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("T2CaloJetGridFromCells::isInVetoRegion --DG-- checking"
+                <<" ("<<eta<<", "<<phi<<")"
+                <<" against "<<m_forbiddenRegions.size()<<" forbidden regions" );
+  return
+    m_forbiddenRegions.end() !=
+    std::find_if(m_forbiddenRegions.begin(),
+		 m_forbiddenRegions.end(),
+		 EtaPhiRectInsideChecker(eta,phi));
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloJetGridFromFEBHeader.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloJetGridFromFEBHeader.cxx
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..1039d73c23f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloJetGridFromFEBHeader.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+NAME:     T2CaloJetGridFromFEBHeader.cxx
+PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet
+AUTHORS:  Kyle Cranmer <>
+          Ignacio Aracena <>
+CREATED:  November, 2005
+PURPOSE: Data preparation from FEB Header (Ex,Ey,Ez)
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetGridFromFEBHeader.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigT2Jet.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/IToolSvc.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloCommon/TrigDataAccess.h"
+#include "AthenaKernel/Timeout.h"
+T2CaloJetGridFromFEBHeader::T2CaloJetGridFromFEBHeader(const std::string& type,
+				     const std::string& name,
+				     const IInterface* parent):
+  T2CaloJetBaseTool(type, name, parent),
+  m_gridElement(NULL),
+  m_usedfeb(NULL),
+  m_timerSvc(0)
+  declareProperty("doTiming", m_doTiming= false );
+StatusCode T2CaloJetGridFromFEBHeader::initialize() 
+  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("  In initalize() ");
+  ATH_CHECK( m_data.retrieve() );
+  // Retrieve timing service
+  if (m_doTiming) {
+    StatusCode sc = service("TrigTimerSvc", m_timerSvc);
+    if (sc.isFailure()) {
+      ATH_MSG_ERROR( "unable to locate timing service TrigTimerSvc."
+                     << " Setting doTiming = false!!! " );
+      m_timerSvc = 0;
+      m_doTiming=false;
+      //return sc;
+    }
+    else{
+      std::string prefix = name() + ":";
+     // Define now the timers:
+      std::string label = prefix+"LArUnpck";
+      TrigTimer *timer = m_timerSvc->addItem(label);
+      m_timers["LArUnpck"] = timer;
+      label =  prefix+"TileUnpck";
+      timer = m_timerSvc->addItem( label);
+      m_timers["TileUnpck"] = timer;
+      label =  prefix+"HECUnpck";
+      timer = m_timerSvc->addItem(label);
+      m_timers["HECUnpck"] = timer;
+    }
+  }
+  // from IAlgToolCalo
+  m_geometryTool.disable();
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+TrigTimer* T2CaloJetGridFromFEBHeader::getTimer(const std::string& timerName){
+  if (!m_doTiming ) return 0;
+  std::map<std::string, TrigTimer*>::const_iterator t = m_timers.find(timerName);
+  if (t == m_timers.end()) {
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" Timer " << timerName << " not found.");
+    return 0;
+  }
+  return (*t).second;
+StatusCode T2CaloJetGridFromFEBHeader::execute()
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode T2CaloJetGridFromFEBHeader::execute(TrigT2Jet
+* jet,double etamin, double etamax, double phimin, double phimax)
+  // Time total AlgTool time
+//  if (m_timersvc) m_timer[0]->start();
+  // this method should use region selector to get RODs, retrieve FEB
+  // Header, find eta for each FEB, and fill grid of Trig3Momentum.
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" executing T2CaloJetGridFromFEBHeader ");
+  std::vector<Trig3Momentum>* grid = new std::vector<Trig3Momentum>();
+  // now get ROD, FEB
+  // turn ex,ey to e,eta,phi
+  // possibly do some calibration
+  // possibly do some tower building
+  // now fill grid elements like this
+  m_gridElement =  new Trig3Momentum();
+  m_usedfeb = new std::vector<int>;
+/*  if (m_timersvc) m_timer[1]->start();
+  if (m_timersvc) m_timer[1]->pause();
+  if (m_timersvc) m_timer[2]->start();
+  if (m_timersvc) m_timer[2]->pause();
+  if (m_timersvc) m_timer[3]->start();
+  if (m_timersvc) m_timer[3]->pause();
+  if (m_timersvc) m_timer[4]->start();
+  if (m_timersvc) m_timer[4]->pause();
+  if (m_timersvc) m_timer[5]->start();*/
+  StatusCode sc = addFebEnergies(etamin, etamax, phimin, phimax, grid);
+  if(sc.isFailure()){
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" Failure of addFebEnergies. Empty grid! ");
+  }
+//  gridElement->setE(10000.);
+//  gridElement->setEta(1.);
+//  gridElement->setPhi(0.);
+  //push them back into the grid
+//  grid->push_back(*gridElement);
+  //then set the grid in the jet.  do not delete anything.  Cleanup
+  //happens at the end of jet finding.
+  jet->setGrid(grid);
+  delete m_gridElement;
+  m_gridElement = 0;
+  delete m_usedfeb;
+  m_usedfeb = 0;
+/*  if (m_timersvc) m_timer[5]->stop();
+  if (m_timersvc) m_timer[0]->stop();
+  if (m_timersvc) m_timer[1]->stop();
+  if (m_timersvc) m_timer[2]->stop();
+  if (m_timersvc) m_timer[3]->stop();
+  if (m_timersvc) m_timer[4]->stop();
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode T2CaloJetGridFromFEBHeader::addFebEnergies(double etamin, double etamax,
+                                                    double phimin, double phimax,
+                                                    std::vector<Trig3Momentum>* grid)
+  if(m_doTiming) getTimer("LArUnpck")->start();
+  if(addLArFebEnergy(etamin,etamax,phimin,phimax,grid,TTEM, 0, true).isFailure() ){
+    if(m_doTiming) getTimer("LArUnpck")->stop();
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  if(addLArFebEnergy(etamin,etamax,phimin,phimax,grid,TTEM, 1, true).isFailure() ){
+    if(m_doTiming) getTimer("LArUnpck")->stop();
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  if(addLArFebEnergy(etamin,etamax,phimin,phimax,grid,TTEM, 2, true).isFailure() ){
+    if(m_doTiming) getTimer("LArUnpck")->stop();
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  if(addLArFebEnergy(etamin,etamax,phimin,phimax,grid,TTEM, 3, true).isFailure() ){
+    if(m_doTiming) getTimer("LArUnpck")->stop();
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  if(m_doTiming){
+    getTimer("LArUnpck")->stop();
+    getTimer("HECUnpck")->start();
+  }
+  //Now HEC
+  // Do not need to loop over all the samplings when reading HEC FEBs
+  if(addLArFebEnergy(etamin, etamax, phimin, phimax, grid, TTHEC, 0, true).isFailure() ){
+    if(m_doTiming) getTimer("HECUnpck")->stop();
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+//  if(addLArFebEnergy(etamin, etamax, phimin, phimax, grid, TTHEC, 1, true).isFailure() )
+//    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+//  if(addLArFebEnergy(etamin, etamax, phimin, phimax, grid, TTHEC, 2, true).isFailure() )
+//    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+//Now FCAL
+  if(addLArFebEnergy(etamin, etamax, phimin, phimax, grid, FCALEM, 0, true).isFailure() )
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  //std::cout << "NOW TRY FCALHAD 0" << std::endl;
+  if(addLArFebEnergy(etamin, etamax, phimin, phimax, grid, FCALHAD, 0, true).isFailure() )
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  //std::cout << "NOW TRY FCALHAD 1" << std::endl;
+  if(addLArFebEnergy (etamin, etamax, phimin, phimax, grid, FCALHAD, 1, true).isFailure() )
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  if(m_doTiming){
+    getTimer("HECUnpck")->stop();
+    getTimer("TileUnpck")->start();
+  }
+  if(addTileCells(etamin, etamax, phimin, phimax, grid, TILE, 0, true).isFailure() ){
+    if(m_doTiming) getTimer("TileUnpck")->stop();
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+    if(m_doTiming) getTimer("TileUnpck")->stop();
+    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode T2CaloJetGridFromFEBHeader::addLArFebEnergy(double etamin, double etamax,
+                                                 double phimin, double phimax,
+                                                 std::vector<Trig3Momentum>* grid,
+                                                 DETID detectorID, int sampling,
+                                                 bool prepare)
+  // Time to access RegionSelector
+//  if (m_timersvc) m_timer[1]->resume();
+  m_data->RegionSelector(sampling,etamin,etamax,phimin,phimax,detectorID);
+//  if (m_timersvc) m_timer[1]->pause();
+  // Time to access Collection
+//  if (m_timersvc) m_timer[2]->resume();
+  if ( m_data->LoadCollections(m_iFebBegin,m_iFebEnd, sampling , prepare).isFailure() )
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+//  if (m_timersvc) m_timer[2]->pause();
+  // Algorithmic time
+//  if (m_timersvc) m_timer[4]->resume();
+  for(m_Febit=m_iFebBegin ;m_Febit!=m_iFebEnd; ++m_Febit){
+    bool used=false;
+    CaloSampling::CaloSample samp=CaloSampling::Unknown;
+    if(detectorID == TTHEC){
+      samp = CaloSampling::HEC0;
+    }
+    if(detectorID == TTEM){
+      int febid = (*m_Febit)->getFebId();
+      int idit = 0;
+      int iditend = m_usedfeb->size();
+      /* avoid double-counting of EM FEBs */
+      for(;idit!=iditend; ++idit){
+        if(febid == (*m_usedfeb)[idit] ){ 
+          used = true;
+          idit++;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      m_usedfeb->push_back(febid);
+      samp = CaloSampling::EMB1;
+ //     std::cout << "In the TTEM; E_tot = " << FebEnergy << std::endl;
+    }
+    if(!used ){
+      double FebEnergy = sqrt( ((*m_Febit)->getFebEx())*((*m_Febit)->getFebEx()) +
+                           ((*m_Febit)->getFebEy())*((*m_Febit)->getFebEy()) + 
+                           ((*m_Febit)->getFebEz())*((*m_Febit)->getFebEz()) );
+      double phi = atan2((*m_Febit)->getFebEy(),(*m_Febit)->getFebEx());
+      double eta = atanh((*m_Febit)->getFebEz()/FebEnergy);
+      m_gridElement->setE(FebEnergy);
+      m_gridElement->setEta(eta);
+      m_gridElement->setPhi(phi);
+      m_gridElement->setCaloSample(samp);
+      grid->push_back(*m_gridElement);
+    }
+  }
+  if ( Athena::Timeout::instance().reached() ) {
+    ATH_MSG_ERROR("Timeout reached in addLArFebEnergy");
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+//  if (m_timersvc) m_timer[4]->pause();
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode T2CaloJetGridFromFEBHeader::addTileCells(double etamin, double etamax,
+                                            double phimin, double phimax,
+                                            std::vector<Trig3Momentum>* grid,
+                                            DETID detectorID, int sampling,
+                                            bool /*prepare*/)
+  // Time to access RegionSelector
+//  if (m_timersvc) m_timer[1]->resume();
+  // Get detector offline ID's for Collections
+  m_data->RegionSelector(sampling,etamin,etamax,phimin,phimax, detectorID);
+//  if (m_timersvc) m_timer[1]->pause();
+  // Prepare data, load collections
+  for( unsigned int iR=0; iR!=m_data->TileContSize();++iR ){
+    // Time to access Collection
+//    if (m_timersvc) m_timer[3]->resume();
+    if ( m_data->LoadCollections(m_itBegin,m_itEnd, iR, !iR).isFailure() )
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+//    if (m_timersvc) m_timer[3]->pause();
+   // }
+    // Algorithmic time
+//    if (m_timersvc) m_timer[4]->resume();
+  // Main Loop over cells
+    for(m_itt = m_itBegin;m_itt != m_itEnd; ++m_itt) {
+    // possibly do some noise thresholding
+    // possibly do some calibration
+    // may want sampling.  example:
+    CaloSampling::CaloSample samp;
+    //samp = CaloSampling::getSampling(*(*m_itt));
+    samp = (*m_itt)->caloDDE()->getSampling();
+    // possibly do some tower building
+    // for now fill grid elements like this
+//    gridElement =  new Trig3Momentum();
+      m_gridElement->setE((*m_itt)->e());
+      m_gridElement->setEta((*m_itt)->eta());
+      m_gridElement->setPhi((*m_itt)->phi());
+      m_gridElement->setCaloSample(samp);
+    //push them back into the grid
+      grid->push_back(*m_gridElement);
+    }
+//    if (m_timersvc) m_timer[4]->pause();
+  }
+  if ( Athena::Timeout::instance().reached() ) {
+    ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Timeout reached in addTileCells " );
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode T2CaloJetGridFromFEBHeader::finalize()
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloJetGridFromLvl1Ppr.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloJetGridFromLvl1Ppr.cxx
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..0e89335a84d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2CaloJetGridFromLvl1Ppr.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+NAME:     T2CaloJetGridFromLvl1Ppr.cxx
+PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet
+AUTHORS:  Kyle Cranmer <>
+CREATED:  November, 2005
+PURPOSE: Data preparation from Lvl1 Calo
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetGridFromLvl1Ppr.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigT2Jet.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/IToolSvc.h"
+T2CaloJetGridFromLvl1Ppr::T2CaloJetGridFromLvl1Ppr(const std::string& type,
+				     const std::string& name,
+				     const IInterface* parent):
+  T2CaloJetBaseTool(type, name, parent), m_gridElement(0)
+StatusCode T2CaloJetGridFromLvl1Ppr::initialize() 
+  if ( !m_gridElement ) m_gridElement = new Trig3Momentum();
+  // from IAlgToolCalo
+  m_geometryTool.disable();
+  m_data.disable();
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode T2CaloJetGridFromLvl1Ppr::execute()
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+//StatusCode T2CaloJetGridFromLvl1Ppr::execute(TrigT2Jet
+//* jet,double etamin, double etamax, double phimin, double phimax)
+StatusCode T2CaloJetGridFromLvl1Ppr::execute(TrigT2Jet* jet,
+                                             double /*etamin*/,
+                                             double /*etamax*/,
+                                             double /*phimin*/, 
+                                             double /*phimax*/)
+  // this method should use region selector to get TriggerTowers from
+  // the Lvl1 PreProcessor.  Will require some chages to Region Selector
+  std::vector<Trig3Momentum>* grid = new std::vector<Trig3Momentum>();
+  // now get TT's
+  // possibly do some calibration
+  // now fill grid elements like this
+  Trig3Momentum* gridElement =  m_gridElement;
+  gridElement->setE(10000.);
+  gridElement->setEta(1.);
+  gridElement->setPhi(0.);
+  //push them back into the grid
+  grid->push_back(*gridElement);
+  //then set the grid in the jet.  do not delete anything.  Cleanup
+  //happens at the end of jet finding.
+  jet->setGrid(grid);
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode T2CaloJetGridFromLvl1Ppr::finalize()
+  if ( m_gridElement ) delete m_gridElement;
+  m_gridElement = 0;
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2L1CaloFullScanJet.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2L1CaloFullScanJet.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..750fde7e612
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2L1CaloFullScanJet.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// ********************************************************************
+// NAME:     T2L1CaloFullScanJet.cxx
+// PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet
+// AUTHOR:   Matthew Tamsett
+// ********************************************************************
+#include "GaudiKernel/IToolSvc.h"
+#include "TrigT1Interfaces/TrigT1Interfaces_ClassDEF.h"
+#include "TrigSteeringEvent/TrigRoiDescriptor.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigT2Jet.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigT2JetContainer.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloFullScanJet.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool.h"
+#include "TrigTimeAlgs/TrigTimer.h"
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <math.h>
+class ISvcLocator;
+T2L1CaloFullScanJet::T2L1CaloFullScanJet(const std::string & name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator)
+  : HLT::AllTEAlgo(name, pSvcLocator),
+    m_jets(0),
+    m_tools(this)
+{   declareProperty("T2JetTools",   m_tools, "L1.5 Full Scan Tools");
+    declareProperty("jetOutputKey", m_jetOutputKey = "TrigT2CaloJet");
+    // debug
+    declareProperty("recordOutput", m_recordOutput = true);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("nJets",          m_nJets);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("nTowers",        m_nTowers);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("UnpckTime",      m_UnpckTime);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("L1_UnpckTime",   m_L1_UnpckTime);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("FastJetTime",    m_FastJetTime);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("JetFindingTime", m_JetFindingTime);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("OverallTime",    m_TotalTime);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("RoITime",        m_RoITime);
+    declareMonitoredStdContainer("E",    m_e);
+    declareMonitoredStdContainer("Et",   m_et);
+    declareMonitoredStdContainer("Eem",  m_eem);
+    declareMonitoredStdContainer("Ehad", m_ehad);
+    declareMonitoredStdContainer("Etem", m_etem);
+    declareMonitoredStdContainer("Ethad",m_ethad);
+    declareMonitoredStdContainer("Eta",  m_eta);
+    declareMonitoredStdContainer("Phi",  m_phi);
+    declareMonitoredStdContainer("Emf",  m_emfrac);
+    declareMonitoredStdContainer("nLeadingTowers", m_nLeadingTowers);
+HLT::ErrorCode T2L1CaloFullScanJet::hltInitialize()
+    m_log = new MsgStream(msgSvc(), name());
+    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::INFO){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::INFO << " Initalizing FEX algorithm: " << name() << endmsg;
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Options: " << endmsg;
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "   jetOutputKey:     " << m_jetOutputKey << endmsg;
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "   recordOutput:     " << m_recordOutput << endmsg;
+    }
+    if (timerSvc()) {
+        m_timer.push_back(addTimer("TimeTot"));    
+        m_timer.push_back(addTimer("RoIMaking"));
+    }
+    if ( m_tools.retrieve().isFailure() ) {
+        (*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << "Failed to retreive helper tools: " << m_tools << endmsg;
+    } else {
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Retrieved l1.5 full scan tools: " << m_tools << endmsg;
+    }
+    // add timers for the tools
+    if (timerSvc()) {
+        ToolHandleArray< T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool >::iterator itTool = m_tools.begin(),
+        itToolEnd = m_tools.end();
+        for (  ; itTool != itToolEnd; ++itTool ) {
+            if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+                (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG <<"Tool with name " << (*itTool).name()<< endmsg;
+            m_timer.push_back(addTimer((*itTool).name()));
+        }
+    }
+    m_jets = new DataVector<TrigT2Jet>(SG::VIEW_ELEMENTS);
+    m_jets->reserve(100);
+    m_e.reserve(100);
+    m_et.reserve(100);
+    m_eem.reserve(100);
+    m_ehad.reserve(100);
+    m_etem.reserve(100);
+    m_ethad.reserve(100);
+    m_eta.reserve(100);
+    m_phi.reserve(100);
+    m_emfrac.reserve(100);
+    m_nLeadingTowers.reserve(100);
+    return HLT::OK;
+HLT::ErrorCode T2L1CaloFullScanJet::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT::TriggerElement*> >& /*tes_in*/,
+                                               unsigned int type_out)
+    // since this is an AllTEAlgo, we have to call the monitoring ourselves:
+    beforeExecMonitors().ignore();
+    if(timerSvc()) m_timer[0]->start();      
+    m_nJets = -99;
+    m_nTowers = -99;
+    m_UnpckTime = -99;
+    m_L1_UnpckTime = -99;
+    m_FastJetTime = -99;
+    m_JetFindingTime = -99;
+    m_TotalTime = -99;
+    m_RoITime = -99;
+    m_e.clear();
+    m_et.clear();
+    m_eem.clear();
+    m_ehad.clear();
+    m_etem.clear();
+    m_ethad.clear();
+    m_eta.clear();
+    m_phi.clear();
+    m_emfrac.clear();
+    m_nLeadingTowers.clear();
+    m_jets->clear();
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "================= Executing T2L1CaloFullScanJet FEX " << name() << endmsg;
+        //(*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "m_jetOutputKey: " << m_jetOutputKey << endmsg;
+    }
+    DataVector<TrigT2Jet>::const_iterator begin_jet, end_jet; // iterators for the produced jets
+    // ====== Run the tools
+    // do loop over tools
+    ToolHandleArray< T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool >::iterator itTool = m_tools.begin(),
+                                                          itToolEnd = m_tools.end();
+    int currant_tool=0;
+    //uint32_t error = 0;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Looping over tools vector" << endmsg;
+    }
+    for (  ; itTool != itToolEnd; ++itTool ) {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+        if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Running tool: [" << currant_tool+1 << "] of " << m_tools.size() << endmsg;
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Alg name: " << (*itTool)->name() << endmsg;
+        } 
+        if (timerSvc()) m_timer[currant_tool+2]->start(); // offset = number of other timers
+        if ((*itTool)->execute(m_jets,m_nTowers,m_L1_UnpckTime,m_UnpckTime,m_FastJetTime,m_JetFindingTime).isFailure()){
+            if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+                (*m_log) << MSG::WARNING << "T2L1CaloJet AlgTool returned Failure" << endmsg;
+            }
+            return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::ABORT_CHAIN,HLT::Reason::USERDEF_1);
+        }
+        //uint32_t in_error = (*itTool)->report_error();
+        //error|=in_error;
+        if (timerSvc()) m_timer[currant_tool+2]->stop();
+        currant_tool++;
+    }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "=== Finished jet finding" << endmsg;
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << " Towers unpacked:  " << m_nTowers << " in " << m_UnpckTime << " ms, of this L1 unpacking took "<< m_L1_UnpckTime << " ms" << endmsg;
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << " T2CaloJets found: " << m_jets->size() << " in " << m_JetFindingTime << " ms, of this FastJet took " << m_FastJetTime << " ms" << endmsg; 
+        if (m_UnpckTime > 50){
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << " That was a long time " << endmsg;
+        }
+        begin_jet = m_jets->begin();
+        end_jet = m_jets->end();        
+        int jet_counter = 0;
+        for (; begin_jet != end_jet; ++begin_jet){
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << " T2CaloJet["<<jet_counter
+                                   << "]: Et: " << (*begin_jet)->et() 
+                                   << " MeV, eta: " << (*begin_jet)->eta() 
+                                   << ", phi; " << (*begin_jet)->phi() << endmsg;
+            jet_counter++;
+        }
+    }
+    // ====== now monitor record and attach features
+    if(timerSvc()) m_timer[1]->start(); // start of RoI recording
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Monitoring, recording and attaching features" << endmsg;
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Using L2 output jet key = " << m_jetOutputKey << endmsg;
+    }
+    m_nJets = m_jets->size();
+    // store the final jets into an output TE. 
+    HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE = 0;
+    std::string key = "";
+    int recorded_jet_counter = 0;
+    if (m_recordOutput){        
+      outputTE = addRoI(type_out, new TrigRoiDescriptor(true));
+      outputTE->setActiveState(true);  
+    } else {
+        //outputTE->setActiveState(false);
+    }
+    begin_jet = m_jets->begin();
+    end_jet = m_jets->end();
+    for (; begin_jet != end_jet; ++begin_jet){
+        m_jet = (*begin_jet);
+        // Monitor
+        m_e.push_back( m_jet->e()); 
+        m_et.push_back( m_jet->et()); 
+        m_eta.push_back( m_jet->eta() ); 
+        m_phi.push_back( m_jet->phi() ); 
+        m_eem.push_back( m_jet->eem0()); 
+        m_ehad.push_back( m_jet->ehad0()); 
+        m_etem.push_back( (m_jet->eem0()/cosh(m_jet->eta()))); 
+        m_ethad.push_back( (m_jet->ehad0()/cosh(m_jet->eta()))); 
+        m_emfrac.push_back( m_jet->emf() ); 
+        m_nLeadingTowers.push_back( m_jet->nLeadingCells() );
+        if (m_recordOutput){
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+            if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+                (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << " recording T2CaloJet["<<recorded_jet_counter<<"]"<<endmsg;
+            }
+            // store each jet as we go along so they're in the standard T2JetContainer
+            HLT::ErrorCode hltStatus = recordAndAttachFeature(outputTE, m_jet, key, m_jetOutputKey);
+            if (hltStatus != HLT::OK){
+                (*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << "recording of TrigT2Jet into StoreGate failed" << endmsg;
+                return hltStatus;
+            }
+            recorded_jet_counter++;
+        }
+    }
+    if(timerSvc()) m_timer[1]->stop(); // end of RoI recording
+    if(timerSvc()) m_timer[0]->stop(); // end of execute    
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "RoI making time: " << m_timer[1]->elapsed() << " ms " << endmsg;
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Total time: " << m_timer[0]->elapsed() << " ms " << endmsg;
+        if (m_timer[0]->elapsed() > 50){
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "That was a long time " << endmsg;
+        }
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "================= Finished T2L1CaloFullScanJet FEX " << name() << endmsg;
+    }
+    m_TotalTime = m_timer[0]->elapsed();
+    m_RoITime = m_timer[1]->elapsed();
+    // since this is an AllTEAlgo, we have to call the monitoring ourselves:
+    afterExecMonitors().ignore();
+    return HLT::OK;
+HLT::ErrorCode T2L1CaloFullScanJet::hltFinalize()
+    if ( (*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG )
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Finalizing T2L1CaloFullScanJet FEX " << name() << endmsg;
+    m_jets->clear();
+    delete m_jets;
+    m_timer.clear();
+    m_e.clear();
+    m_et.clear();
+    m_eta.clear();
+    m_phi.clear();
+    m_eem.clear();
+    m_ehad.clear();
+    m_emfrac.clear();
+    m_nLeadingTowers.clear();
+    delete m_log;
+    return HLT::OK;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2L1CaloJet.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2L1CaloJet.cxx
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..be69e0b9a97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2L1CaloJet.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// ********************************************************************
+// NAME:     T2L1CaloJet.cxx
+// PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet
+// AUTHOR:   Denis Oliveira Damazio
+// ********************************************************************
+#include "GaudiKernel/IToolSvc.h"
+#include "TrigT1Interfaces/TrigT1Interfaces_ClassDEF.h"
+#include "TrigSteeringEvent/TrigRoiDescriptor.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigT2Jet.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigT2JetContainer.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloJet.h"
+#include "TrigT1CaloByteStream/ITrigT1CaloDataAccess.h"
+#include "TrigT1CaloToolInterfaces/IL1JetTools.h"
+#include "TrigTimeAlgs/TrigTimer.h"
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <math.h>
+class ISvcLocator;
+T2L1CaloJet::T2L1CaloJet(const std::string & name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator)
+  : HLT::FexAlgo(name, pSvcLocator),
+    m_jet(0),
+    m_log(NULL),
+    m_dataL1("LVL1BS__TrigT1CaloDataAccess/TrigT1CaloDataAccess",0),
+    m_jetL1Tools("LVL1::L1JetTools/L1JetTools",this),m_storedJEs(0),
+    m_retrievedJetTool(false)
+  declareProperty("TrigT1CaloDataAccess", m_dataL1, "L1 Calo Data Access");
+  declareProperty("L1JetTool", m_jetL1Tools, "L1 Calo Jet Algorithm");
+  declareProperty("jetOutputKey",m_jetOutputKey = "TrigT2L1CaloJet");
+  declareMonitoredVariable("E",   m_e);
+  declareMonitoredVariable("Et",  m_et);
+  declareMonitoredVariable("Eta", m_eta);
+  declareMonitoredVariable("Phi", m_phi);
+HLT::ErrorCode T2L1CaloJet::hltInitialize()
+  m_log = new MsgStream(msgSvc(), name());
+  if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+     (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << " Intializing: " << name() <<endmsg;
+  }
+  if (timerSvc()) {
+    m_timer.push_back(addTimer("TimeTot"));    
+    m_timer.push_back(addTimer("JEUnpacking"));
+    m_timer.push_back(addTimer("JEformsums"));    
+    m_timer.push_back(addTimer("RoIMaking"));
+  }
+  // Create helper tools
+  if ( m_dataL1.retrieve().isFailure() ) {
+    (*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << "Failed to retreive helper tools: " << m_dataL1 << endmsg;
+    m_retrievedJetTool = false;
+  } else {
+    m_retrievedJetTool = true;
+    (*m_log) << MSG::INFO << "Retrieved " << m_dataL1 << endmsg;
+  }
+  if ( m_jetL1Tools.retrieve().isFailure() ) {
+    (*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << "Failed to retreive helper tools: " << m_jetL1Tools << endmsg;
+  } else {
+    (*m_log) << MSG::INFO << "Retrieved " << m_jetL1Tools << endmsg;
+  }
+  m_storedJEs = new ConstDataVector<DataVector<LVL1::JetElement> >(SG::VIEW_ELEMENTS);
+  return HLT::OK;
+HLT::ErrorCode T2L1CaloJet::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* inputTE,
+				     HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE)
+  if(timerSvc()){
+      m_timer[0]->start();      
+  }
+  m_e = -99;
+  m_et = -99;
+  //m_eem0 = -99;
+  //m_ehad0 = -99;
+  m_eta = -99;
+  m_phi = -99;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+     (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << " Executing T2L1CaloJet FEX " << name() << endmsg;
+     (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "m_jetOutputKey: " << m_jetOutputKey << endmsg;
+     (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG
+              << "outputTE->getId(): "
+              << outputTE->getId() << endmsg;
+     (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG
+              << "inputTE->getId(): "
+              << inputTE->getId() << endmsg;
+  }
+  // Note: new TriggerElement has no label() anymore !
+  // =========================
+  //       retrieve RoI:
+  // =========================
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+     (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "getting RoI" << endmsg;
+  }
+  const TrigRoiDescriptor* roiDescriptor = 0;
+  HLT::ErrorCode hltStatus = getFeature(inputTE, roiDescriptor);
+  if ( hltStatus == HLT::OK ) {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+      (*m_log) << "got the roi descriptor" << endmsg;
+      (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << *roiDescriptor << endmsg;
+    }
+  } else {
+    (*m_log) <<  MSG::WARNING << " Failed to find RoiDescriptor " << endmsg;
+    return hltStatus;
+  }
+  // Some debug output:
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
+    (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "Inspect the LVL1 object; LVL1 phi="
+	  << roiDescriptor->phi()
+	  << ", LVL1 eta="
+	  << roiDescriptor->eta()
+	  << endmsg;
+  }
+  // =========================
+  //       make Jet
+  // =========================
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+     (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << " Making TrigT2Jet "<< endmsg;
+  }
+  m_jet = new TrigT2Jet();
+  // Add RoI word to Jet
+  m_jet->set_RoIword(roiDescriptor->roiWord());
+  // Set eta,phi
+  m_jet->setEta(roiDescriptor->eta());
+  m_jet->setPhi(roiDescriptor->phi());
+  if(timerSvc()) m_timer[1]->start(); // start of JE unpacking
+  int counter=0;
+  DataVector<LVL1::JetElement>::const_iterator begj, endj;
+  if ( m_retrievedJetTool ){
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+      if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "Loading the L1 data using ITrigT1CaloDataAccess tool, this loads the jet elements for the entire event"<< endmsg;
+      }
+      (m_dataL1->loadCollection(begj,endj)).ignore();
+  }
+  m_storedJEs->clear();
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+    (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "Looping over the jet elements"<< endmsg;
+  }
+  for(; begj!=endj;begj++){
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+        if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "JetElement["<<counter<<"]: ETs [GeV]: EM: "<< (*begj)->emEnergy()<<", HAD: "<< (*begj)->hadEnergy()<<", Total: "<<(*begj)->energy()<<", eta: "<<(*begj)->eta()<<", phi: "<<(*begj)->phi()<<endmsg;
+        }        
+        m_storedJEs->push_back(*begj);
+        counter++;
+  }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Stored L1 data as DataVector<LVL1::JetElement>* m_storedJEs" << endmsg;
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "A total of " << counter << " elements were retreived" << endmsg;
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "These will now be mapped onto a map of ints and LVL1::JetInput[s]" << endmsg;
+  }
+  std::map<int, LVL1::JetInput*> jetInputs;  // This will have to be cleared after being used
+  if (m_retrievedJetTool) {
+      m_jetL1Tools->mapJetInputs(m_storedJEs->asDataVector(), &jetInputs);
+  }
+  double roiPhi = (roiDescriptor)->phi();
+  if( roiPhi < 0 ) roiPhi += 2 * M_PI;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+      (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "RoI descriptor phi: "<<(roiDescriptor)->phi()<<", in L1 coordinates: "<<roiPhi<<endmsg;
+  }
+  if(timerSvc()) m_timer[1]->stop(); // end of JE unpacking
+  if(timerSvc()) m_timer[2]->start(); // start of jet finding
+  if ( m_retrievedJetTool ) {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+          if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+             (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Using m_jetL1Tools to 'formSums' at the roi descriptor coordinates, this reproduces the L1 Jet object"<<endmsg;
+          }
+          m_jetL1Tools->formSums( (roiDescriptor)->eta(), roiPhi, & jetInputs );
+          // now we must clear the map of jet inputs
+          std::map<int, LVL1::JetInput*> ::const_iterator begin_JetInputMap,
+                                                          end_JetInputMap;
+          begin_JetInputMap = jetInputs.begin();
+          end_JetInputMap = jetInputs.end();
+          for(; begin_JetInputMap!=end_JetInputMap;begin_JetInputMap++){
+              delete begin_JetInputMap->second;
+          }
+          m_jet->setEta( (roiDescriptor)->eta() );
+          // The L1 roiDescriptor phi0 can sometimes be == Pi which causes navigation errors
+          if ((roiDescriptor)->phi() >= M_PI){
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+              if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+                  (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "RoI descriptor phi >= M_PI, this causes issues with the creation of RoI descriptors: therefore setting phi to M_PI-0.001"<<endmsg;
+              }
+              m_jet->setPhi( M_PI-0.001 );
+              }
+          else{
+              m_jet->setPhi( (roiDescriptor)->phi() );
+          }
+          //m_jet->setPhi( (roiDescriptor)->phi() );
+          m_jet->setE ( m_jetL1Tools->ET8x8()*1e3*cosh((roiDescriptor)->eta()) );
+          //m_jet->setEem0 ( 0.0 );
+          //m_jet->setEhad0 ( 0.0 );
+  }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+     (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << " Values of T2L1CaloJet produced: " << endmsg;
+     (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: Jet eta = " << m_jet->eta() << endmsg;
+     (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: Jet phi = " << m_jet->phi() << endmsg;
+     (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: Jet energy = " << m_jet->e() << endmsg;
+     (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: Jet et = " << m_jet->et() << endmsg;
+  }
+  m_e = m_jet->e();
+  //m_ehad0 = m_jet->ehad0();
+  //m_eem0 = m_jet->eem0();
+  m_eta = m_jet->eta();
+  m_et = m_e/cosh(m_eta);
+  m_phi = m_jet->phi();
+  if(timerSvc()) m_timer[2]->stop(); // end of jet finding
+  if(timerSvc()) m_timer[3]->start(); // start of RoI creation
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+    (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Recording created features"<<endmsg;
+  }
+  std::string key = "";
+  hltStatus = recordAndAttachFeature(outputTE, m_jet, key, m_jetOutputKey);
+  if (hltStatus != HLT::OK) {
+    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
+      (*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << "Write of TrigT2Jet into outputTE failed"
+	    << endmsg;
+    }
+    return hltStatus;
+  }
+  // =========================
+  //       make OutputTE
+  // =========================
+  // Create a new RoiDescriptor with updated eta and phi.
+  // Note that the steering will propagate l1Id and roiId automatically
+  // so no need to set them.
+  // How big is theis RoI ?????
+  TrigRoiDescriptor* newRoiDescriptor =
+    new TrigRoiDescriptor(roiDescriptor->roiWord(), roiDescriptor->l1Id(), roiDescriptor->roiId(),
+			  m_jet->eta(), m_jet->eta(), m_jet->eta(), 
+			  m_jet->phi(), m_jet->phi(), m_jet->phi()
+			  ); // We forward the roiWord to the EF
+  hltStatus = attachFeature(outputTE, newRoiDescriptor, m_jetOutputKey);
+  if ( hltStatus != HLT::OK ) {
+    (*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << "Write of update TrigRoiDescriptor into outputTE failed"
+	  << endmsg;
+    return hltStatus;
+  }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
+    (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "Recorded an RoiDescriptor "
+	  << " phi " <<  newRoiDescriptor->phi()
+	  << " eta " << newRoiDescriptor->eta() << endmsg;
+    (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG
+	  << "We assume success, set TE with Id "
+	  << outputTE->getId()
+	  << " active to signal positive result."
+	  << endmsg;
+  }
+  if (timerSvc()) {
+    m_timer[3]->stop();// end of RoI creation
+    m_timer[0]->stop();// end of algorithm
+  }  
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+    (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << " Finished T2L1CaloJet FEX " << name() << endmsg;
+  }
+  return HLT::OK;
+HLT::ErrorCode T2L1CaloJet::hltFinalize()
+  m_storedJEs->clear();
+  delete m_storedJEs;
+  if ( (*m_log).level() <= MSG::INFO ){
+    (*m_log) << MSG::INFO << "Finalizing: " << name() << endmsg;
+  }
+  delete m_log;
+  return HLT::OK;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2L1CaloJetCalibTool.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2L1CaloJetCalibTool.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..79d9f082ad6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2L1CaloJetCalibTool.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+NAME:     T2L1CaloJetCalibTool.cxx
+PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet
+AUTHORS:  Matthew Tamsett <>
+CREATED:  June 2012
+PURPOSE: Calibration tool for L2FS jets. 
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloJetCalibTool.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/Trig3Momentum.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigT2Jet.h"
+#include "AthenaKernel/Timeout.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/IToolSvc.h"
+//  Constructor
+T2L1CaloJetCalibTool::T2L1CaloJetCalibTool(const std::string& type,
+                                           const std::string& name,
+                                           const IInterface* parent):
+                                           T2CaloJetBaseTool(type, name, parent)
+    declareInterface<T2L1CaloJetCalibTool>( this );
+    // configurables
+    declareConstant("Calib_Factors", m_CalibConstants); 
+    //declareProperty("Et_bin_edges",  m_et_bin_lower_edges); 
+    declareProperty("Eta_bin_edges", m_eta_bin_lower_edges); 
+    //declareConstant("Phi_bin_edges", m_phi_bin_lower_edges); 
+//  Destructor
+//  Initialize:
+StatusCode T2L1CaloJetCalibTool::initialize() 
+    m_log = new MsgStream(msgSvc(), name());   
+    (*m_log) << MSG::INFO << " Initalizing Tool: " << name () << endmsg;
+    if ( m_eta_bin_lower_edges.empty() ) { 
+        (*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << name() << ": No eta bin edges provided " << endmsg;
+        return StatusCode::FAILURE;        
+    } else { 
+        (*m_log) << MSG::INFO << " eta bin edges provided: " << m_eta_bin_lower_edges.size() << endmsg;
+        if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+            for  ( unsigned i=0 ; i<m_eta_bin_lower_edges.size() ; i++ ) {
+                (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG   << "    - bin[" << i << "] lower edge: " << m_eta_bin_lower_edges[i] << endmsg;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+//  Execute
+StatusCode T2L1CaloJetCalibTool::execute()
+    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode T2L1CaloJetCalibTool::execute(TrigT2Jet* jet, double /*etamin*/, double /*etamax*/, double /*phimin*/, double /*phimax*/)
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "===== Executing: T2L1CaloJetCalibTool " << name() << endmsg;
+    }
+    // === get the input jet
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){  
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG   << "  Initial TrigT2CaloJet Et: "  << jet->e()/cosh(jet->eta())
+                                 << " MeV, eta: "     << jet->eta() 
+                                 << ", phi: "         << jet->phi() 
+                                 << endmsg;
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG   << "    - EM Et: "    << jet->eem0()/cosh(jet->eta())
+                                 << " MeV, Had Et: "   << jet->ehad0()/cosh(jet->eta())
+                                 << " MeV, emf: "      << jet->emf() 
+                                 << endmsg;
+    }
+    // calibrate the jet
+    int eta_bin = GetEtaBin(jet->eta());
+    double transverse_energy = jet->e()/cosh(jet->eta());
+    double CalibFactor = GetCalibFactor(eta_bin,transverse_energy/1000.); 
+    double correction_factor = 1. / (1. + CalibFactor);
+    double em_correction_factor  = correction_factor;
+    double had_correction_factor = correction_factor;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "    - Eta Bin:                   " << eta_bin << endmsg;
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "    - CalibFactor:               " << CalibFactor << endmsg;
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "    - Multiplicative correction: " << correction_factor << endmsg;
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "    - em correction: "             << em_correction_factor << endmsg;
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "    - had correction: "            << had_correction_factor << endmsg;
+    }
+    double corrected_transverse_energy = (jet->e()/cosh(jet->eta()))*correction_factor;
+    double corrected_energy = corrected_transverse_energy*cosh(jet->eta() );      
+    jet->setE(corrected_energy);
+    double corrected_em_transverse_energy = (jet->eem0()/cosh(jet->eta()))*em_correction_factor;
+    double corrected_em_energy = corrected_em_transverse_energy*cosh(jet->eta() );    
+    jet->setEem0(corrected_em_energy);
+    double corrected_had_transverse_energy = (jet->ehad0()/cosh(jet->eta()))*had_correction_factor;
+    double corrected_had_energy = corrected_had_transverse_energy*cosh(jet->eta() );    
+    jet->setEhad0(corrected_had_energy);
+    double emf = 0;
+    if (corrected_em_transverse_energy){
+        emf = jet->eem0() / jet->e();
+    }
+    jet->setEmf(emf);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){  
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "  Calibrated TrigT2CaloJet: Et: "         << jet->e()/cosh(jet->eta())
+                               << " MeV, eta: "     << jet->eta() 
+                               << ", phi: "         << jet->phi()
+                               << endmsg;
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG   << "    - EM Et: "    << jet->eem0()/cosh(jet->eta())
+                                 << " MeV, Had Et: "   << jet->ehad0()/cosh(jet->eta())
+                                 << " MeV, emf: "      << jet->emf() 
+                                 << endmsg;
+    }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "===== Finished: T2L1CaloJetCalibTool " << name() << endmsg;
+    }
+    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+//  Finalize:
+StatusCode T2L1CaloJetCalibTool::finalize()
+  delete m_log;
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+//  Calibration tools:
+StatusCode T2L1CaloJetCalibTool::setProperty (const std::string& propname,
+                                                        const std::string& value)
+    StatusCode sc = AlgTool::setProperty (propname, value);
+    if (sc.isFailure()) return sc;
+    sc=CaloRec::ToolWithConstantsMixin::setProperty (propname, value);
+    if (sc.isFailure()) return sc;
+    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;  
+StatusCode T2L1CaloJetCalibTool::setProperty (const Property& p)
+    StatusCode sc=AlgTool::setProperty (p);
+    if (sc.isFailure()) return sc;
+    sc=CaloRec::ToolWithConstantsMixin::setProperty (p);
+    if (sc.isFailure()) return sc;
+    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+int T2L1CaloJetCalibTool::GetEtaBin(double jet_eta)
+    for  ( unsigned i=0 ; i<m_eta_bin_lower_edges.size(); i++ ) {
+        if (jet_eta < m_eta_bin_lower_edges[i]){
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+            if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){  
+               (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "      eta: "  << jet_eta
+                               << " < bin edge["   << i 
+                               << "]: "            << m_eta_bin_lower_edges[i]
+                               << endmsg;
+            }
+            return i-1;
+        }
+    }
+    if (jet_eta < 0)  return 0; 
+    return m_eta_bin_lower_edges.size()-1;
+double T2L1CaloJetCalibTool::GetCalibFactor(int etabin, double transverse_energy)
+    //up to 7 parameter for the pol-fit
+    unsigned Npar=7;
+    double logET=1./log10(transverse_energy);
+    double y=0;
+    for (unsigned i=0;i<Npar;++i)
+        y += m_CalibConstants[etabin][i]*pow(logET,i);
+    return y;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b67bd030f11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+NAME:     T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool.cxx
+PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet
+AUTHORS:  Matthew Tamsett <>
+CREATED:  July, 2011
+PURPOSE:  Base Tool for all T2L1CaloJetFullScan tools that require
+          a vector of T2CaloJet objects as its input.  The derived
+          tool must implement an execute(DataVector<T2CaloJet*>) method.
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigT2Jet.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/IToolSvc.h"
+T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool::T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool(const std::string& type,
+				     const std::string& name,
+				     const IInterface* parent):
+  IAlgToolCalo(type, name, parent)
+    declareInterface<T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool>( this );
+StatusCode T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool::initialize()
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool::execute()
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool::execute(DataVector<TrigT2Jet>* /*output jets*/,int& /*n_towers*/,float& /*L1 unpack time*/, float& /*all unpack time*/,float& /*fastjet time*/,float& /*all jet finding time*/)
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool::finalize()
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8bba44d7f6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+NAME:     T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool.cxx
+PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet
+AUTHORS:  Matthew Tamsett <>
+CREATED:  July, 2011
+PURPOSE:  FastJet Tool for full scan reconstruction of jets from Lvl-1
+          inputs.
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigT2Jet.h"
+#include "TrigT1CaloByteStream/ITrigT1CaloDataAccess.h"
+#include "TrigT1CaloToolInterfaces/IL1JetTools.h"
+#include "TrigT1CaloEvent/TriggerTower.h"
+#include "fastjet/ClusterSequence.hh"
+#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/IToolSvc.h"
+T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool::T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool(const std::string& type,
+                    const std::string& name,
+                    const IInterface* parent):
+    T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool(type, name, parent),
+    m_dataL1("LVL1BS__TrigT1CaloDataAccess/TrigT1CaloDataAccess",0),
+    m_jet(0),
+    m_total_timer(0),
+    m_unpacking_timer(0),
+    m_load_collection_timer(0),
+    m_jet_finding_timer(0),
+    m_jet_def(0)
+    declareInterface<T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool>( this );
+    // configurables
+    declareProperty("TrigT1CaloDataAccess", m_dataL1, "L1 Calo Data Access");
+    declareProperty("doTriggerTowers",      m_doTriggerTowers = false);      
+    declareProperty("coneRadius",           m_coneRadius = 0.4);
+    declareProperty("pTmin",                m_pTmin = 5000.);
+    declareProperty("inputType",            m_inputType = T2L1::NONE);
+    // cleaning:
+    declareProperty("doCleaning",           m_doCleaning = true);
+    declareProperty("leadingCellFraction",  m_leadingCellFraction = 0.9);  // for jet cleaning, e.g.: n90 -> leadingCellFraction = 0.9
+    // debug
+    declareProperty("doJetFinding",         m_doJetFinding = true);
+StatusCode T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool::initialize()
+    m_log = new MsgStream(msgSvc(), name());
+    (*m_log) << MSG::INFO << " Initalizing Tool: " << name () << endmsg;
+    (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Options: " << endmsg;
+    (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "   doTriggerTowers:     " << m_doTriggerTowers << endmsg;
+    (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "   coneRadius:          " << m_coneRadius << endmsg;
+    (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "   pTmin:               " << m_pTmin << endmsg;
+    (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "   inputType (hex):     " << std::hex << m_inputType << std::dec << endmsg;
+    (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "   doCleaning:          " << m_doCleaning << endmsg;
+    (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "   leadingCellFraction: " << m_leadingCellFraction << endmsg;
+    (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "   doJetFinding:        " << m_doJetFinding << endmsg;
+    // Initialize timing service
+    if( service( "TrigTimerSvc", m_pTimerService).isFailure() ) {
+        (*m_log) << MSG::WARNING << name() << ": Unable to locate TrigTimer Service" << endmsg;
+    } 
+    if (m_pTimerService){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << " Adding timers" << endmsg;
+        //Add timers
+        m_total_timer            = m_pTimerService->addItem("LVL1_5_total_time");
+        m_unpacking_timer        = m_pTimerService->addItem("LVL1_5_FS_unpacking_time");
+        m_load_collection_timer  = m_pTimerService->addItem("LVL1_5_FS_load_collection_time");
+        m_jet_finding_timer      = m_pTimerService->addItem("LVL1_5_FS_jet_finding_time");
+        m_fastjet_timer          = m_pTimerService->addItem("LVL1_5_FS_fastjet_time");
+    }
+    // Create helper tools
+    if ( m_dataL1.retrieve().isFailure() ) {
+        (*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << "Failed to retreive helper tools: " << m_dataL1 << endmsg;
+        m_retrievedJetTool = false;
+    } else {
+        m_retrievedJetTool = true;
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Retrieved " << m_dataL1 << endmsg;
+    }
+    // settings for Trigger tower retrieval
+    m_etaMin = -5.;
+    m_etaMax = 5.;
+    m_phiMin = 0.;
+    m_phiMax = 2 * M_PI;
+    m_fullScan = true; 
+    // initialise storage for l1 towers
+    m_l1_tower_information.reserve(1000);
+    m_cellenergies.reserve(100);
+    // initialise fast jet
+    m_particles.reserve(100);
+    m_constituents.reserve(100);
+    m_jets.reserve(100);
+    if (m_doJetFinding){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::INFO << " Setting up fastjet jet definition" << endmsg;
+        m_jet_def = new fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::antikt_algorithm, m_coneRadius);
+        // dummy call to fast jet so it's internal initalize methods are set (and we don't print the banner during execute)
+        (*m_log) << MSG::INFO << " Making dummy call to fast jet cluster sequence" << endmsg;
+        m_particles.clear();
+        fastjet::ClusterSequence* cs(0);
+        cs = new fastjet::ClusterSequence(m_particles, *m_jet_def);
+        delete cs;
+    }
+    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool::execute()
+    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool::execute(DataVector<TrigT2Jet>* output_t2_jets,int& n_towers,float& l1_unpack_time, float& all_unpack_time, float& fastjet_time, float& all_jet_finding_time)
+    m_total_timer->reset();
+    m_unpacking_timer->reset();
+    m_load_collection_timer->reset();
+    m_jet_finding_timer->reset();
+    m_fastjet_timer->reset();
+    m_total_timer->start();
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "===== Executing: T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool " << name() << endmsg;
+    }
+    // output_t2_jets->clear(); // this should be cleared when it arrives
+    m_particles.clear();
+    m_constituents.clear();
+    m_jets.clear();
+    m_l1_tower_information.clear(); 
+    m_cellenergies.clear();
+    n_towers = -9;
+    all_unpack_time = -9;
+    l1_unpack_time = -9;
+    fastjet_time = -9;
+    all_jet_finding_time = -9;
+    // === now fill the particles vector, this is different for jet elements and trigger towers
+    // eventually this could be split off into a seperate FEX to be reused by this, vl1 etc.
+    m_unpacking_timer->start();
+    int counter = 0;
+    if ( m_doTriggerTowers ){
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+        if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Trigger tower version" <<endmsg;
+        }
+        DataVector<LVL1::TriggerTower>::const_iterator tt_begj, tt_endj;
+        // now get TT's    
+        if ( m_retrievedJetTool ){
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+            if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+                (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG   << "Loading the L1 data using ITrigT1CaloDataAccess tool"<< endmsg;
+                (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG   << "Getting trigger towers using m_etaMin: " << m_etaMin 
+                         << ", etaMax: " << m_etaMax
+                         << ", phiMin: " << m_phiMin
+                         << ", phiMax: " << m_phiMax
+                         << ", full: "   << m_fullScan << endmsg;
+            }
+            m_load_collection_timer->start();
+            StatusCode sc = m_dataL1->loadCollection(tt_begj,tt_endj,m_etaMin,m_etaMax,m_phiMin,m_phiMax,m_fullScan);
+            if (sc.isFailure()) {
+                (*m_log) << MSG::WARNING << "Error accessing trigger tower data" << endmsg;
+                return sc;
+            }
+            m_load_collection_timer->stop();
+        }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+        if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "Loaded trigger towers in "<< m_load_collection_timer->elapsed() << " ms" << endmsg;
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "Looping over trigger towers"<< endmsg;
+        }
+        for(; tt_begj!=tt_endj;++tt_begj){
+            const LVL1::TriggerTower* TT = (*tt_begj);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+            if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+                (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "TriggerTower[" << counter
+                         << "]: ETs [GeV]: EM: " << TT->emEnergy()
+                         << ", HAD: "            << TT->hadEnergy()
+                         << ", eta: "            << TT->eta()
+                         << ", phi: "            << TT->phi() << endmsg;
+            }
+            // change to a more standard phi definition
+            float tt_phi = TT->phi();
+            if( tt_phi >= M_PI ) tt_phi -= 2 * M_PI;
+            float transverse_energy = (TT->emEnergy() + TT->hadEnergy())*1000.;
+            float cosh_eta = cosh(TT->eta());
+            float energy = transverse_energy*cosh_eta;
+            // possibly do some calibration
+            // now fill fast jet particles
+            float px = transverse_energy*cos(tt_phi);
+            float py = transverse_energy*sin(tt_phi);
+            float pz = transverse_energy*sinh(TT->eta());
+            if (m_doJetFinding){
+                if (transverse_energy > 0.99){ // some Jet Elements have zero energy (this may also be true for trigger towers), there is no need to give these to fastjet
+                    fastjet::PseudoJet pseudo_jet( px, py, pz, energy);
+                    pseudo_jet.set_user_index(counter);
+                    m_particles.push_back( pseudo_jet );
+                }
+                // now fill these into a vector of floats so we can construct cleaning variables later
+                if (m_doCleaning) {
+                    m_l1_tower_information.push_back(energy);
+                    m_l1_tower_information.push_back(TT->eta());
+                    m_l1_tower_information.push_back(TT->phi());
+                    m_l1_tower_information.push_back(TT->emEnergy()*cosh_eta*1000.);
+                    m_l1_tower_information.push_back(TT->hadEnergy()*cosh_eta*1000.);
+                }
+            }
+            counter++;
+        }
+    } else { // if we aren't running on trigger towers we use jet elements instead
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+        if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Jet element version" <<endmsg;
+        }
+        DataVector<LVL1::JetElement>::const_iterator je_begj, je_endj;
+        if ( m_retrievedJetTool ){
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+            if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+                (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "Loading the L1 data using ITrigT1CaloDataAccess tool, this loads the jet elements for the entire event"<< endmsg;
+            }
+            m_load_collection_timer->start();
+            StatusCode sc = m_dataL1->loadCollection(je_begj,je_endj);
+            if (sc.isFailure()) {
+                (*m_log) << MSG::WARNING << "Error accessing jet element data" << endmsg;
+                return sc;
+            }
+            m_load_collection_timer->stop();
+        }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+        if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "Loaded jet elements in "<< m_load_collection_timer->elapsed() << " ms" << endmsg;
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "Looping over the jet elements"<< endmsg;
+        }
+        for(; je_begj!=je_endj;++je_begj){
+            const LVL1::JetElement* JE = (*je_begj); 
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+            if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+               (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "JetElement[" << counter
+                        << "]: ETs [GeV]: EM: " << JE->emEnergy()
+                        << ", HAD: "            << JE->hadEnergy()
+                        << ", Total: "          << JE->energy()
+                        << ", eta: "            << JE->eta()
+                        << ", phi: "            << JE->phi() << endmsg;
+            }        
+            // change to a more standard phi definition
+            float je_phi = JE->phi();
+            if( je_phi >= M_PI ) je_phi -= 2 * M_PI;
+            float transverse_energy = JE->energy()*1000.;
+            float cosh_eta = cosh(JE->eta());
+            float energy = transverse_energy*cosh_eta;
+            // possibly do some calibration
+            // now fill fast jet particles
+            float px = transverse_energy*cos(je_phi);
+            float py = transverse_energy*sin(je_phi);
+            float pz = transverse_energy*sinh(JE->eta());
+            if (m_doJetFinding){
+                if (JE->energy() > 0.99){ // some Jet Elements have zero energy, there is no need to give these to fastjet
+                    fastjet::PseudoJet pseudo_jet( px, py, pz, energy);
+                    pseudo_jet.set_user_index(counter);
+                    m_particles.push_back( pseudo_jet );
+                }                   
+                // now fill these into a vector of floats so we can construct cleaning variables later
+                if (m_doCleaning) {
+                    m_l1_tower_information.push_back(energy);
+                    m_l1_tower_information.push_back(JE->eta());
+                    m_l1_tower_information.push_back(JE->phi());
+                    m_l1_tower_information.push_back(JE->emEnergy()*cosh_eta*1000.);
+                    m_l1_tower_information.push_back(JE->hadEnergy()*cosh_eta*1000.);
+                }
+            }
+            counter++;
+        }
+    } // end of particle creation step
+    m_unpacking_timer->stop();
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "A total of " << m_particles.size()  << " L1 particles are to be clustered" << endmsg;
+        if (m_doCleaning) { (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "A total of " << m_l1_tower_information.size()/5. << " are saved as L1 towers for the cleaning" << endmsg; }
+    }
+    // ===== now find the jets
+    m_jet_finding_timer->start();
+    if (m_doJetFinding){
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+        if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG <<  "Performing jet finding " << endmsg;
+        }
+        // run the clustering, extract the jets
+        m_fastjet_timer->start();
+        fastjet::ClusterSequence* cs(0);
+        cs = new fastjet::ClusterSequence(m_particles, *m_jet_def);
+        m_jets = fastjet::sorted_by_pt(cs->inclusive_jets(m_pTmin)); // sorted by increasing pt
+        m_fastjet_timer->stop();
+        std::reverse(m_jets.begin(),m_jets.end());  // sorted by decreasing pt
+        // inspect the output jets and make some cleaning variables
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+        if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG <<  "== Resultant jets " << endmsg;
+        }
+        for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_jets.size(); ++i) {
+            m_constituents = fastjet::sorted_by_pt(cs->constituents(m_jets[i]));
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+            if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+               (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << " fastjet jet " << i 
+                        << ": Et: "             << m_jets[i].e()/cosh(m_jets[i].eta()) 
+                        << " MeV, eta: "        << m_jets[i].eta() 
+                        << ", phi: "            << m_jets[i].phi_std() 
+                        << ", rapidity: "       << m_jets[i].rapidity() 
+                        << ", n constituents: "  << m_constituents.size() << endmsg;
+            }
+            int nLeadingCells = -9;
+            float em_energy = -9;
+            float em_frac = -9;
+            float had_energy = -9;
+            if (m_doCleaning) {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+                if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+                   (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "Computing cleaning variables "<< endmsg;
+                }
+                float total_energy = 0.;
+                //float had_frac = 0.;
+                em_energy = 0.;
+                em_frac = 0.;
+                had_energy = 0.;
+                //had_frac = 0.;
+                for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_constituents.size(); ++ii){
+                    int l1_id = m_constituents[ii].user_index();
+                    float energy =*5));
+                    float emEnergy =*5)+3);
+                    float hadEnergy =*5)+4);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+                    float eta =*5)+1);      
+                    float phi =*5)+2);
+                    float transverse_energy = energy / cosh(eta);
+                    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+                       (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "      constituent[" << std::setw(3) << ii 
+                         << "]: Et: "         << std::setw(8) << m_constituents[ii].e()/cosh(m_constituents[ii].eta()) 
+                         //<< " MeV (em,had) (" << std::setw(8) << emEnergy/cosh(eta)
+                         //<<","                << std::setw(8) << hadEnergy/cosh(eta)
+                         << ", eta: "         << std::setw(8) << m_constituents[ii].eta() 
+                         << ", phi: "         << std::setw(8) << m_constituents[ii].phi_std() 
+                         << ", rapidity: "    << std::setw(6) << m_constituents[ii].rapidity() 
+                         << ", user index: "  << std::setw(5) << m_constituents[ii].user_index() << endmsg;
+                       (*m_log) << MSG::VERBOSE << "  L1 tower[" << l1_id 
+                         << "]: Et: "          << transverse_energy
+                         << " GeV (em,had) ("  << emEnergy / cosh(eta)
+                         << ","                << hadEnergy / cosh(eta)
+                         << "), energy: "      << energy
+                         << ", eta: "          << eta 
+                         << ", phi: "          << phi << endmsg;
+                    }
+                    // cleaning:        
+                    total_energy+=energy;
+                    em_energy+=emEnergy;
+                    had_energy+=hadEnergy;      
+                    m_cellenergies.push_back( energy );  
+                }
+                if (total_energy > 0.){
+                    em_frac = em_energy / total_energy;
+                    //had_frac= had_energy / total_energy;
+                } 
+                // sort cell-energy vector. (most energetic cell at end of vector)
+                nLeadingCells = 0;
+                std::sort(m_cellenergies.begin(), m_cellenergies.end());
+                float running_energy_sum = 0.;
+                for(int k = m_cellenergies.size()-1; k > -1; --k){
+                    running_energy_sum += m_cellenergies[k];
+                    nLeadingCells++;
+                    if(running_energy_sum > m_leadingCellFraction*total_energy){
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+                if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+                   (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << " total Et: " << total_energy/cosh(m_jets[i].eta()) 
+                     << " MeV (em,had) ("   << em_energy/cosh(m_jets[i].eta()) 
+                     << ","                 << had_energy/cosh(m_jets[i].eta()) 
+                     << "), em frac: "      << em_frac 
+                     << ", had frac: "      << (total_energy ? had_energy / total_energy : 0)
+                     << ", nLeadingCells: " << nLeadingCells
+                     << endmsg;
+                }
+            }
+            // =========================
+            //  Record the final jet
+            // =========================
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+            if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+                 (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << " making TrigT2Jet "<< endmsg;
+            }
+            m_jet = new TrigT2Jet();
+            // Add RoI word to Jet
+            int outputType = T2L1::UNKNOWN;
+            if (m_doTriggerTowers){
+                if (m_coneRadius==0.4){ 
+                    outputType = T2L1::A4TT; 
+                } else if (m_coneRadius==1.0){
+                    outputType = T2L1::A10TT; 
+                } else {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+                    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+                        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << " unable to determine RoI type from m_coneRadius = " << m_coneRadius << ", setting output RoI type to UNKNOWN" << endmsg;
+                    outputType = T2L1::UNKNOWN;
+                }
+            } else {
+                if (m_coneRadius==0.4){ 
+                    outputType = T2L1::A4JE; 
+                } else if (m_coneRadius==1.0){
+                    outputType = T2L1::A10JE; 
+                } else {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+                    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+                        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << " unable to determine RoI type from m_coneRadius = " << m_coneRadius << ", setting output RoI type to UNKNOWN" << endmsg;
+                    outputType = T2L1::UNKNOWN;
+                }
+            }
+            m_jet->set_RoIword(T2L1::BLANKWORD+T2L1::INPUT*m_inputType+T2L1::OUTPUT*outputType+i);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+            if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+                (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << " RoI word set to: " << std::hex << m_jet->RoIword() << std::dec << endmsg;
+            // Set properties
+            m_jet->setE(m_jets[i].e());
+            m_jet->setEta(m_jets[i].eta());
+            m_jet->setPhi(m_jets[i].phi_std());    
+            m_jet->setEem0(em_energy);
+            m_jet->setEhad0(had_energy);
+            m_jet->setEmf(em_frac);
+            m_jet->setNLeadingCells(nLeadingCells);
+            // look at the jet produced
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+            if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::VERBOSE){
+               (*m_log) << MSG::VERBOSE << " Values of T2CaloJet produced: " << endmsg;
+               (*m_log) << MSG::VERBOSE << " REGTEST: Jet eta = " << m_jet->eta() << endmsg;
+               (*m_log) << MSG::VERBOSE << " REGTEST: Jet phi = " << m_jet->phi() << endmsg;
+               (*m_log) << MSG::VERBOSE << " REGTEST: Jet energy = " << m_jet->e() << endmsg;
+               (*m_log) << MSG::VERBOSE << " REGTEST: Jet et = " << m_jet->et() << endmsg;
+            }
+            output_t2_jets->push_back(m_jet);
+        } // end of loop on found jets
+        // delete the fast jet cluster sequence
+        delete cs;
+    }
+    m_jet_finding_timer->stop();
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG <<  "FastJet completed in "  << m_fastjet_timer->elapsed() << " ms " << endmsg;
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG <<  "Jet finding completed in "  << m_jet_finding_timer->elapsed() << " ms " << endmsg;
+    }
+    m_total_timer->stop();
+    // fill monitoring variables
+    n_towers = counter;
+    l1_unpack_time = m_load_collection_timer->elapsed();
+    all_unpack_time = m_unpacking_timer->elapsed();
+    fastjet_time = m_fastjet_timer->elapsed();
+    all_jet_finding_time = m_jet_finding_timer->elapsed();
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "================= Finished T2L1CaloFullScanFastJetTool " << name() << " in " << m_total_timer->elapsed() << " ms " << endmsg;
+    }
+    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool::finalize()
+    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << " Finalising: T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool " << name() << endmsg;
+    }
+    delete m_log;
+    m_particles.clear();
+    m_jets.clear();
+    m_constituents.clear();
+    m_l1_tower_information.clear();
+    m_cellenergies.clear();
+    if ( bool(m_jet_def) ){
+        delete m_jet_def;
+    }
+    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2L1TowerCalibTool.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2L1TowerCalibTool.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4ba90e3381a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2L1TowerCalibTool.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+NAME:     T2L1TowerCalibTool.cxx
+PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet
+AUTHORS:  Matthew Tamsett <>, Carlos Sandoval <>
+CREATED:  December 2011
+PURPOSE: Calibration tool for L1 towers. 
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1TowerCalibTool.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/Trig3Momentum.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigT2Jet.h"
+#include "AthenaKernel/Timeout.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/IToolSvc.h"
+//  Constructor
+T2L1TowerCalibTool::T2L1TowerCalibTool(const std::string& type,
+                                       const std::string& name,
+                                       const IInterface* parent):
+                                       T2CaloJetBaseTool(type, name, parent),
+                                       m_grid_element(0)
+    declareInterface<T2L1TowerCalibTool>( this );
+    // configurables
+    declareConstant("Calib_Factors", m_CalibConstants); 
+//  Destructor
+//  Initialize:
+StatusCode T2L1TowerCalibTool::initialize() 
+    m_log = new MsgStream(msgSvc(), name());   
+    (*m_log) << MSG::INFO << " Initalizing Tool: " << name () << endmsg;
+    // output
+    m_grid_element = new Trig3Momentum();
+    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+//  Execute
+StatusCode T2L1TowerCalibTool::execute()
+    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode T2L1TowerCalibTool::execute(TrigT2Jet* jet, double /*etamin*/, double /*etamax*/, double /*phimin*/, double /*phimax*/)
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "===== Executing: T2L1TowerCalibTool " << name() << endmsg;
+    }
+    // === get the input particles
+    std::vector<Trig3Momentum>* old_grid = jet->grid();
+    std::vector<Trig3Momentum>* new_grid = new std::vector<Trig3Momentum>();
+    new_grid->reserve(8000);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+   if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "A total of " << old_grid->size()  << " particles are to be calibrated" << endmsg;
+    }
+    // === Unpack the grid
+    std::vector<Trig3Momentum>::const_iterator begin_grid, end_grid; 
+    begin_grid = old_grid->begin();
+    end_grid = old_grid->end();  
+    int jet_counter = 0; 
+    for (; begin_grid != end_grid; ++begin_grid){
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+        if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::VERBOSE){  
+            (*m_log) << MSG::VERBOSE << "  Initial Trig3Momentum["  << jet_counter
+                                   << "]: Et: "         << begin_grid->e()/cosh(begin_grid->eta())
+                                   << " MeV, eta: "     << begin_grid->eta() 
+                                   << ", phi: "         << begin_grid->phi() 
+                                   << ", sampling: "    << std::hex << begin_grid->caloSample() << std::dec
+                                   << ", provenance: "  << begin_grid->provenance() << endmsg;
+        }
+        // calibrate the towers
+        double transverse_energy_uncorrected = begin_grid->e()/cosh(begin_grid->eta());
+        if (begin_grid->provenance()!=9999){
+            // If provenance is set then this tower has been split into its EM and HAD components for clustering.
+            // Calibration is currently based on the sum of energy, therefore we must recover the sum energy before 
+            // obtaining the calibration factor
+            double extra_energy = old_grid->at(begin_grid->provenance()).e()/cosh(begin_grid->eta());
+            transverse_energy_uncorrected = transverse_energy_uncorrected + extra_energy;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+            if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::VERBOSE){  
+                (*m_log) << MSG::VERBOSE << "    - EM + HAD ET:  "  << transverse_energy_uncorrected << endmsg;
+            }
+        }
+        int eta_bin = GetEtaBin(begin_grid->eta() );
+        int phi_bin = GetPhiBin(begin_grid->phi());
+        int et_bin = GetEtBin(transverse_energy_uncorrected);
+        double CalibFactor = GetEtaCalibFactor(eta_bin,phi_bin,et_bin); 
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+        if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::VERBOSE){
+            (*m_log) << MSG::VERBOSE << "    - Eta Bin:     " << eta_bin << endmsg;
+            (*m_log) << MSG::VERBOSE << "    - Phi Bin:     " << phi_bin << endmsg;
+            (*m_log) << MSG::VERBOSE << "    - Et Bin:      " << et_bin  << endmsg;
+            (*m_log) << MSG::VERBOSE << "    - CalibFactor: " << CalibFactor << endmsg;
+        }
+        double corrected_transverse_energy = (begin_grid->e()/cosh(begin_grid->eta()))*CalibFactor;
+        double corrected_energy = corrected_transverse_energy*cosh(begin_grid->eta() );
+        m_grid_element->setE(corrected_energy);
+        m_grid_element->setEta(begin_grid->eta());
+        m_grid_element->setPhi(begin_grid->phi());   
+        m_grid_element->setCaloSample(begin_grid->caloSample()); 
+        new_grid->push_back(*m_grid_element);     
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+        if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){  
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "  Calibrated Trig3Momentum["  << jet_counter
+                                   << "]: Et: "         << m_grid_element->e()/cosh(m_grid_element->eta())
+                                   << " MeV, eta: "     << m_grid_element->eta() 
+                                   << ", phi: "         << m_grid_element->phi() 
+                                   << ", sampling: "    << std::hex << m_grid_element->caloSample() << std::dec << endmsg;
+        }
+        jet_counter++;
+    }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+   if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "A total of " << new_grid->size()  << " particles were calibrated" << endmsg;
+    }
+    jet->setGrid(new_grid);
+    delete old_grid;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "===== Finished: T2L1TowerCalibTool " << name() << endmsg;
+    }
+    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+//  Finalize:
+StatusCode T2L1TowerCalibTool::finalize()
+  delete m_log;
+  delete m_grid_element;
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+//  Calibration tools:
+StatusCode T2L1TowerCalibTool::setProperty (const std::string& propname,
+                                                        const std::string& value)
+    StatusCode sc = AlgTool::setProperty (propname, value);
+    if (sc.isFailure()) return sc;
+    sc=CaloRec::ToolWithConstantsMixin::setProperty (propname, value);
+    if (sc.isFailure()) return sc;
+    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;  
+StatusCode T2L1TowerCalibTool::setProperty (const Property& p)
+    StatusCode sc=AlgTool::setProperty (p);
+    if (sc.isFailure()) return sc;
+    sc=CaloRec::ToolWithConstantsMixin::setProperty (p);
+    if (sc.isFailure()) return sc;
+    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+int T2L1TowerCalibTool::GetEtaBin(double jet_eta)
+    //45 eta bins
+    int ieta=int(((jet_eta*10)+45)/2);
+    // if (jet_eta<0) ieta-=1;
+    if ( ieta <  0 ) return 0;
+    if ( ieta > 43 ) return 44;
+    return ieta;
+int T2L1TowerCalibTool::GetPhiBin(double jet_phi)
+    //32 eta bins
+    int iphi=int(((jet_phi*10)+M_PI*10)/2);
+    // if (jet_eta<0) ieta-=1;
+    if ( iphi <  0 ) return 0;
+    if ( iphi > 31 ) return 31;
+    return iphi;
+int T2L1TowerCalibTool::GetEtBin(double jet_et)
+    //21 Et bins
+    int iet = int(log10(jet_et/1000.)*10-10);
+    if ( iet <  0 ) return 0;
+    if ( iet > 19 ) return 20;
+    return iet;
+double T2L1TowerCalibTool::GetEtaCalibFactor(int etabin, int /* phibin */, int etbin)
+    return m_CalibConstants[etabin][etbin];
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2L1Unpacking.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/T2L1Unpacking.cxx
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+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// ********************************************************************
+// NAME:     T2L1Unpacking.cxx
+// PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet
+// AUTHOR:   Matthew Tamsett,
+// Description: Level 1.5 unpacking FEX algorithm
+// ********************************************************************
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1Unpacking.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/Trig3Momentum.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigT2Jet.h"
+//#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigT2JetContainer.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetBaseTool.h"
+#include "TrigT1CaloByteStream/ITrigT1CaloDataAccess.h"
+#include "TrigT1CaloToolInterfaces/IL1JetTools.h"
+#include "TrigT1CaloEvent/TriggerTower.h"
+#include "TrigSteeringEvent/TrigRoiDescriptor.h"
+T2L1Unpacking::T2L1Unpacking(const std::string & name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator)
+  : HLT::AllTEAlgo(name, pSvcLocator),
+  m_tools(this),
+  //m_total_timer(0),
+  m_l1_unpacking_timer(0),
+  m_unpacking_timer(0),
+  m_calibration_timer(0),
+  m_RoI_timer(0),
+  m_dataL1("LVL1BS__TrigT1CaloDataAccess/TrigT1CaloDataAccess",0),
+  m_jet(0),
+  m_grid_element(0)
+    // configurables
+    declareProperty("TrigT1CaloDataAccess", m_dataL1, "L1 Calo Data Access");
+    declareProperty("jetOutputKey",         m_jetOutputKey = "T2L1Towers");
+    declareProperty("doTriggerTowers",      m_doTriggerTowers = false); 
+    declareProperty("T2JetTools",           m_tools, "list of Jet tools");
+    // monitoring
+    declareMonitoredVariable("L1UnpckTime",    m_L1UnpckTime);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("UnpckTime",      m_UnpckTime);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("CalibrationTime",m_CalibrationTime);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("RoITime",        m_RoITime);
+    //declareMonitoredVariable("OverallTime",    m_TotalTime);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("nTowers",        m_nTowers);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("nEMTowers",      m_nEMTowers);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("nHADTowers",     m_nHADTowers);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("nTowers_zoom",   m_nTowers);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("nEMTowers_zoom", m_nEMTowers);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("nHADTowers_zoom",m_nHADTowers);
+    declareMonitoredStdContainer("Et",         m_et);
+    declareMonitoredStdContainer("EtEM",       m_et_em);
+    declareMonitoredStdContainer("EtHAD",      m_et_had);
+    declareMonitoredStdContainer("Eta",        m_eta);
+    declareMonitoredStdContainer("EtaEM",      m_eta_em);
+    declareMonitoredStdContainer("EtaHAD",     m_eta_had);
+    declareMonitoredStdContainer("Phi",        m_phi);
+    declareMonitoredStdContainer("PhiEM",      m_phi_em);
+    declareMonitoredStdContainer("PhiHAD",     m_phi_had);
+HLT::ErrorCode T2L1Unpacking::hltInitialize()
+    m_log = new MsgStream(msgSvc(), name());
+    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::INFO){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::INFO << " Initalizing FEX algorithm: " << name() << endmsg;
+        //(*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Options: " << endmsg;
+    }
+   // Initialize timing service
+    if( service( "TrigTimerSvc", m_pTimerService).isFailure() ) {
+        (*m_log) << MSG::WARNING << name() << ": Unable to locate TrigTimer Service" << endmsg;
+    } 
+    if (m_pTimerService){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << " Adding timers" << endmsg;
+        //Add timers
+        //m_total_timer        = addTimer("total_time");
+        m_l1_unpacking_timer = addTimer("l1_unpacking_time");
+        m_unpacking_timer    = addTimer("unpacking_time");
+        m_calibration_timer  = addTimer("calibration_time");
+        m_RoI_timer          = addTimer("RoI_time");
+    }
+    // Create helper tools
+    if ( m_dataL1.retrieve().isFailure() ) {
+        (*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << "Failed to retreive helper tools: " << m_dataL1 << endmsg;
+        m_retrievedJetTool = false;
+    } else {
+        m_retrievedJetTool = true;
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Retrieved " << m_dataL1 << endmsg;
+    }
+    if ( m_tools.retrieve().isFailure() ) {
+        (*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << "Failed to retreive helper tools: " << m_tools << endmsg;
+    } else {
+        (*m_log) << MSG::INFO << "Retrieved " << m_tools << endmsg;
+    }
+    // settings for Trigger tower retrieval
+    m_etaMin = -5.;
+    m_etaMax = 5.;
+    m_phiMin = 0.;
+    m_phiMax = 2 * M_PI;
+    m_fullScan = true; 
+    /// aha! fullscan should be from -pi to pi
+    // output
+    m_grid_element = new Trig3Momentum();
+    return HLT::OK;
+HLT::ErrorCode T2L1Unpacking::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT::TriggerElement*> >& /*tes_in*/,
+                                               unsigned int type_out)
+    // since this is an AllTEAlgo, we have to call the monitoring ourselves:
+    beforeExecMonitors().ignore();
+    // ==== pre-execute setup
+    if(doTiming()) {
+        //m_total_timer->reset();
+        m_l1_unpacking_timer->reset();
+        m_unpacking_timer->reset();
+        m_calibration_timer->reset();
+        m_RoI_timer->reset();
+        //m_total_timer->start();
+    }
+    m_nTowers = -99;
+    m_nEMTowers = -99;
+    m_nHADTowers = -99;
+    m_UnpckTime = -99;
+    m_RoITime = -99;
+    //m_TotalTime = -99;
+    m_et.clear();
+    m_et_em.clear();
+    m_et_had.clear();
+    m_eta.clear();
+    m_eta_em.clear();
+    m_eta_had.clear();
+    m_phi.clear();
+    m_phi_em.clear();
+    m_phi_had.clear();
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "================= Executing T2L1Unpacking FEX " << name() << endmsg;
+    }
+    // === setup the output trigger element
+    if(doTiming()) m_RoI_timer->start();
+    TrigRoiDescriptor* roi = new TrigRoiDescriptor( true );
+    HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE = addRoI(type_out, roi  ); /// NB: a fullscan RoI !!!
+    outputTE->setActiveState(true); 
+    if(doTiming()) m_RoI_timer->stop();
+    if(doTiming()) m_unpacking_timer->start();
+    std::vector<Trig3Momentum>* grid = new std::vector<Trig3Momentum>();
+    grid->reserve(8000);
+    // === unpacking    
+    int counter = 0;
+    uint16_t tower_by_sampling_counter = 0;
+    int recorded_counter = 0;
+    int EM_recorded_counter = 0;
+    int HAD_recorded_counter = 0;
+    if ( m_doTriggerTowers ){
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+        if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Trigger tower version" <<endmsg;
+        }
+        // now get TT's    
+        DataVector<LVL1::TriggerTower>::const_iterator tt_begj, tt_endj;
+        if ( m_retrievedJetTool ){        
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+            if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+                (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG   << "Loading the L1 data using ITrigT1CaloDataAccess tool"<< endmsg;
+		(*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG   << "Getting trigger towers using "
+			 << " roi: " << *roi 
+		   //         << "  etaMin: " << m_etaMin 
+		   //         << ", etaMax: " << m_etaMax
+		   //         << ", phiMin: " << m_phiMin
+		   //         << ", phiMax: " << m_phiMax
+                         << ", full: "   << m_fullScan << endmsg;
+            }
+            if(doTiming()) m_l1_unpacking_timer->start();
+            StatusCode sc = m_dataL1->loadCollection( tt_begj, tt_endj, 
+						      roi->etaMinus(), roi->etaPlus(),
+						      roi->phiMinus(), roi->phiPlus(), roi->isFullscan() );
+            if(doTiming()) m_l1_unpacking_timer->stop();
+            if (sc.isFailure()) {
+                (*m_log) << MSG::WARNING << "Error accessing trigger tower data" << endmsg;
+                return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::ABORT_CHAIN,HLT::Reason::USERDEF_1);
+            }
+#ifndef NDEBUG     
+            if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+                (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "Loaded trigger towers in "<< m_l1_unpacking_timer->elapsed() << " ms" << endmsg;
+                (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "Looping over trigger towers"<< endmsg;
+            }
+        }
+        for(; tt_begj!=tt_endj;++tt_begj){
+            const LVL1::TriggerTower* TT = (*tt_begj);
+#ifndef NDEBUG   
+            if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+                (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "TriggerTower[" << counter
+                         << "]: ETs [GeV]: EM: " << TT->emEnergy()
+                         << ", HAD: "            << TT->hadEnergy()
+                         << ", eta: "            << TT->eta()
+                         << ", phi: "            << TT->phi() << endmsg;
+            }
+            counter++;
+            // To remove ambiguities due to degenerate distance measures we deform the calorimeter: 
+            // low eta, low phi cells are marginally closer together than high eta, high phi cells.
+            //
+            // It's best to use slightly different deformations for eta and phi.
+            // taken from recomendation 5. from here:
+            double tt_eta = TT->eta() + 1.000000e-6 * pow(TT->eta(),2);
+            double tt_phi = TT->phi() + 1.047198e-6 * pow(TT->phi(),2);            
+            // change to a more standard phi definition
+            if( tt_phi >= M_PI ) tt_phi -= 2 * M_PI;
+            double transverse_energy = (TT->emEnergy() + TT->hadEnergy())*1000.;
+            //double cosh_eta = cosh(tt_eta);
+            //double energy = transverse_energy*cosh_eta;
+            // possibly do some calibration
+            if (transverse_energy > 0.99){ // some Jet Elements have zero energy (this may also be true for trigger towers), there is no need to give these to fastjet
+                // Set properties, EM and HAD seperately
+                // EM
+                if (TT->emEnergy()){                 
+                    tower_by_sampling_counter++;
+                    double this_eta = determineTriggerTowerEta(tt_eta,true);
+                    double this_cosh_eta = cosh(this_eta);
+                    m_grid_element->setE((TT->emEnergy()*1000.)*this_cosh_eta);
+                    m_grid_element->setEta(this_eta); // map this eta to a physical eta
+                    m_grid_element->setPhi(tt_phi);    
+                    CaloSampling::CaloSample sampling = determineCaloSampling(fabs(tt_eta), true);
+                    m_grid_element->setCaloSample(sampling);
+                    if (TT->hadEnergy()){
+                        // record provenance of this jet 
+                        // in this context this means that if the tower was split into two we keep the index of its other half
+                        m_grid_element->setProvenance(tower_by_sampling_counter);
+                    } else {
+                        m_grid_element->setProvenance(uint16_t(9999));
+                    }
+                    grid->push_back(*m_grid_element);      
+                    EM_recorded_counter++;
+                    // Monitor
+                    m_et_em.push_back( TT->emEnergy()*1000. ); 
+                    m_eta_em.push_back( m_grid_element->eta() ); 
+                    m_phi_em.push_back( m_grid_element->phi() ); 
+                }
+                // HAD
+                if (TT->hadEnergy()){
+                    tower_by_sampling_counter++;
+                    double this_eta = determineTriggerTowerEta(tt_eta,false);
+                    double this_cosh_eta = cosh(this_eta);
+                    m_grid_element->setE((TT->hadEnergy()*1000.)*this_cosh_eta);
+                    m_grid_element->setEta(this_eta); // map this eta to a physical eta
+                    m_grid_element->setPhi(tt_phi);    
+                    CaloSampling::CaloSample sampling = determineCaloSampling(fabs(tt_eta), false);
+                    m_grid_element->setCaloSample(sampling);
+                    if (TT->emEnergy()){
+                        // record provenance of this jet
+                        // in this context this means that if the tower was split into two we keep the index of its other half
+                        m_grid_element->setProvenance(tower_by_sampling_counter-2);
+                    } else {
+                        m_grid_element->setProvenance(uint16_t(9999));
+                    }
+                    grid->push_back(*m_grid_element);      
+                    HAD_recorded_counter++;
+                    // Monitor
+                    m_et_had.push_back( TT->hadEnergy()*1000. ); 
+                    m_eta_had.push_back( m_grid_element->eta() ); 
+                    m_phi_had.push_back( m_grid_element->phi() ); 
+                }
+                // Monitor
+                recorded_counter++;
+                m_et.push_back( transverse_energy ); 
+                m_eta.push_back( tt_eta ); 
+                m_phi.push_back( tt_phi ); 
+            }
+        }
+    } else { // if we aren't running on trigger towers we use jet elements instead    
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+        if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Jet element version" <<endmsg;
+        }
+        DataVector<LVL1::JetElement>::const_iterator je_begj, je_endj;
+        if ( m_retrievedJetTool ){
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+            if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+                (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "Loading the L1 data using ITrigT1CaloDataAccess tool, this loads the jet elements for the entire event"<< endmsg;
+            }
+            if(doTiming()) m_l1_unpacking_timer->start();
+            StatusCode sc = m_dataL1->loadCollection(je_begj,je_endj);
+            if(doTiming()) m_l1_unpacking_timer->stop();
+            if (sc.isFailure()) {
+                (*m_log) << MSG::WARNING << "Error accessing jet element data" << endmsg;
+                return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::ABORT_CHAIN,HLT::Reason::USERDEF_1);
+            }
+#ifndef NDEBUG     
+            if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+                (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "Loaded jet elements in "<< m_l1_unpacking_timer->elapsed() << " ms" << endmsg;
+                (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "Looping over jet elements"<< endmsg;
+            }
+        }
+        for(; je_begj!=je_endj;++je_begj){
+            const LVL1::JetElement* JE = (*je_begj); 
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+            if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+               (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "JetElement[" << counter
+                        << "]: ETs [GeV]: EM: " << JE->emEnergy()
+                        << ", HAD: "            << JE->hadEnergy()
+                        << ", Total: "          << JE->energy()
+                        << ", eta: "            << JE->eta()
+                        << ", phi: "            << JE->phi() << endmsg;
+            }        
+            counter++;
+            // To remove ambiguities due to degenerate distance measures we deform the calorimeter: 
+            // low eta, low phi cells are marginally closer together than high eta, high phi cells.
+            //
+            // It's best to use slightly different deformations for eta and phi.
+            // taken from recomendation 5. from here:
+            double je_eta = JE->eta() + 1.000000e-6 * pow(JE->eta(),2);
+            double je_phi = JE->phi() + 1.047198e-6 * pow(JE->phi(),2);            
+            // change to a more standard phi definition
+            if( je_phi >= M_PI ) je_phi -= 2 * M_PI;
+            double transverse_energy = (JE->energy())*1000.;
+            double cosh_eta = cosh(je_eta);
+            //double energy = transverse_energy*cosh_eta;
+            // possibly do some calibration
+            if (transverse_energy > 0.99){ // some Jet Elements have zero energy, there is no need to give these to fastjet
+                // Set properties, EM and HAD seperately
+                // EM
+                if (JE->emEnergy()){
+                    tower_by_sampling_counter++;
+                    m_grid_element->setE((JE->emEnergy()*1000.)*cosh_eta);
+                    m_grid_element->setEta(je_eta);
+                    m_grid_element->setPhi(je_phi);    
+                    CaloSampling::CaloSample sampling = determineCaloSampling(fabs(je_eta), true);
+                    m_grid_element->setCaloSample(sampling);
+                    if (JE->hadEnergy()){
+                        // record provenance of this jet
+                        // in this context this means that if the tower was split into two we keep the index of its other half
+                        m_grid_element->setProvenance(tower_by_sampling_counter);
+                    } else {
+                        m_grid_element->setProvenance(uint16_t(9999));
+                    }
+                    grid->push_back(*m_grid_element);      
+                    EM_recorded_counter++;
+                    // Monitor
+                    m_et_em.push_back( JE->emEnergy()*1000. ); 
+                    m_eta_em.push_back( m_grid_element->eta() ); 
+                    m_phi_em.push_back( m_grid_element->phi() ); 
+                }
+                // HAD
+                if (JE->hadEnergy()){
+                    tower_by_sampling_counter++;
+                    m_grid_element->setE((JE->hadEnergy()*1000.)*cosh_eta);
+                    m_grid_element->setEta(je_eta);
+                    m_grid_element->setPhi(je_phi);   
+                    CaloSampling::CaloSample sampling = determineCaloSampling(fabs(je_eta), false);
+                    m_grid_element->setCaloSample(sampling); 
+                    if (JE->emEnergy()){
+                        // record provenance of this jet
+                        // in this context this means that if the tower was split into two we keep the index of its other half
+                        m_grid_element->setProvenance(tower_by_sampling_counter-2);
+                    } else {
+                        m_grid_element->setProvenance(uint16_t(9999));
+                    }
+                    grid->push_back(*m_grid_element);      
+                    HAD_recorded_counter++;
+                    // Monitor
+                    m_et_had.push_back( JE->hadEnergy()*1000. ); 
+                    m_eta_had.push_back( m_grid_element->eta() ); 
+                    m_phi_had.push_back( m_grid_element->phi() ); 
+                }
+                // Monitor
+                recorded_counter++;
+                m_et.push_back( transverse_energy ); 
+                m_eta.push_back( je_eta ); 
+                m_phi.push_back( je_phi ); 
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // monitor
+    //m_nTowers = outJets->size();
+    m_nTowers = recorded_counter;
+    m_nEMTowers = EM_recorded_counter;
+    m_nHADTowers = HAD_recorded_counter;
+    if(doTiming()) m_unpacking_timer->stop();
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "A total of " << grid->size()  << " L1 particles are to be clustered" << endmsg;
+    }
+    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::VERBOSE){        
+        std::vector<Trig3Momentum>::const_iterator begin_jet, end_jet; // iterators for the produced jets
+        begin_jet = grid->begin();
+        end_jet = grid->end();        
+        int jet_counter = 0;
+        for (; begin_jet != end_jet; ++begin_jet){
+            (*m_log) << MSG::VERBOSE << "Trig3Momentum["  <<jet_counter
+                                     << "]: Et: "         << begin_jet->e()/cosh(begin_jet->eta())
+                                     << " MeV, "
+                                     << "eta: "           << begin_jet->eta() 
+                                     << ", phi: "         << begin_jet->phi() 
+                                     << ", sampling: "    << std::hex << begin_jet->caloSample() << std::dec 
+                                     << ", provenance: "  << begin_jet->provenance() << endmsg;
+            jet_counter++;
+        }
+    }
+    if(doTiming()) m_RoI_timer->start();
+    m_jet = new TrigT2Jet();
+    m_jet->setGrid(grid);
+    //// RoI word
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "Making TrigT2Jet to save" << endmsg;
+    }
+    if(doTiming()) m_RoI_timer->pause();
+    // do loop over tools, e.g tower level correction tool
+    // === calibration 
+    if(doTiming()) m_calibration_timer->start();
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+       (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << m_tools.size() << " calibration tools to be run"<< endmsg;
+    }
+    ToolHandleArray< T2CaloJetBaseTool >::iterator it = m_tools.begin(),
+    itToolEnd = m_tools.end();
+    int current=1;
+    for (; it != itToolEnd; ++it) {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+        if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+           (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG  << "Executing tool [" << current << "]"<< endmsg;
+        }
+        if ((*it)->execute(m_jet, TrigRoiDescriptor(true), caloDDENull ).isFailure()){    // the zeros are the unused eta phi coordinates used by many base tools to define the RoI region
+            msg() << MSG::WARNING << "T2CaloFastJet AlgToolJets returned Failure" << endmsg;
+            return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::ABORT_CHAIN,HLT::Reason::USERDEF_1);
+        }
+        current++;
+    }
+    if(doTiming()) m_calibration_timer->stop();
+    // === finaly recored the output jet
+    if(doTiming()) m_RoI_timer->resume();
+    std::string key = "";
+    HLT::ErrorCode stat = recordAndAttachFeature(outputTE, m_jet, key, m_jetOutputKey);
+    if (stat != HLT::OK){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << "recording of TrigT2Jets into StoreGate failed" << endmsg;
+        return stat;
+    }
+    if(doTiming()) m_RoI_timer->stop();
+    // === post-execute admin
+    if(doTiming()) {
+        //m_total_timer->stop();
+        m_L1UnpckTime = m_l1_unpacking_timer->elapsed();
+        m_UnpckTime = m_unpacking_timer->elapsed();
+        m_RoITime = m_RoI_timer->elapsed();
+        //m_TotalTime = m_total_timer->elapsed();
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+        if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "L1 unpacking completed in  " << m_l1_unpacking_timer->elapsed() << " ms " << endmsg;
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "All unpacking completed in " << m_unpacking_timer->elapsed()    << " ms " << endmsg;
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Calibration completed in   " << m_calibration_timer->elapsed()  << " ms " << endmsg;
+            (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "RoI making completed in    " << m_RoI_timer->elapsed()          << " ms " << endmsg;
+            //(*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "T2L1Unpacking completed in " << m_total_timer->elapsed()        << " ms " << endmsg;
+        }
+    }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    if((*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG){
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "================= Finished T2L1Unpacking " << name() << endmsg;
+    }
+    // since this is an AllTEAlgo, we have to call the monitoring ourselves:
+    afterExecMonitors().ignore();
+    return HLT::OK;
+HLT::ErrorCode T2L1Unpacking::hltFinalize()
+    if ( (*m_log).level() <= MSG::DEBUG )
+        (*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Finalizing T2L1Unpacking FEX " << name() << endmsg;
+    m_et.clear();
+    m_et_em.clear();
+    m_et_had.clear();
+    m_eta.clear();
+    m_eta_em.clear();
+    m_eta_had.clear();
+    m_phi.clear();
+    m_phi_em.clear();
+    m_phi_had.clear();
+    delete m_grid_element;
+    m_grid_element = 0;
+    delete m_log;
+    return HLT::OK;
+double T2L1Unpacking::determineTriggerTowerEta(double eta, bool isEM)
+    /* 
+    Determines a more realistic eta coordinate for the forward trigger towers
+    The mapping used is:
+    * "EM"
+    ----
+    Tower "eta" :  -4.7  -4.3  -3.8  -3.4   3.4   3.8   4.3   4.7
+    Physical eta:  -4.45 -3.75 -3.35 -3.15  3.15  3.35  3.75  4.45
+    Module      :  FCAL1 FCAL1 FCAL1 FCAL1 FCAL1 FCAL1 FCAL1 FCAL1
+    * "Had":
+    ------
+    Tower "eta" :  -4.7  -4.3  -3.8  -3.4   3.4   3.8  4.3   4.7
+    Physical eta:  -4.2  -4.2  -3.4  -3.4   3.4   3.4  4.2   4.2
+    Module      :  FCAL2 FCAL3 FCAL2 FCAL3 FCAL2 FCAL3 FCAL2 FCAL3
+    You'll note that each L1 tower is either FCAL2 or FCAL3, not the sum of the two.
+    */
+    double fabs_eta = fabs(eta);
+    if (fabs_eta < 3.3) return eta; // for non-forward towers return eta
+    double sign_eta = 1;
+    if (eta < 0.) sign_eta = -1;
+    if (fabs_eta > 4.5){
+        if (isEM) return sign_eta*4.45;
+        return sign_eta*4.2;
+    } else if (fabs_eta > 4.1){
+        if (isEM) return sign_eta*3.75;
+        return sign_eta*4.2;
+    } else if (fabs_eta > 3.6){
+        if (isEM) return sign_eta*3.35;
+        return sign_eta*3.4;
+    } else {
+        if (isEM) return sign_eta*3.15;
+        return sign_eta*3.4;
+    }
+CaloSampling::CaloSample T2L1Unpacking::determineCaloSampling(double fabs_eta, bool isEM)
+    /*
+    Determine the calo sampling of trigger towers and jet elements based on their eta
+    For Trigger towers this mapping is
+        EM layer:  |eta| =  0  - 1.5   LArg EM Barrel
+                   |eta| = 1.4 - 3.2   LArg EM Endcap: note the overlap here
+        Had layer: |eta| =  0  - 0.9   Tile Long Barrel
+                   |eta| = 0.9 - 1.5   Tile Extended Barrel
+                   |eta| = 1.5 - 3.2   LArg Hadronic Endcap
+        FCAL:      anything above |eta| = 3.2
+    In addition, for jet elements:    
+        [em]  |eta| = 1.4-1.6 spans EMB+EMEC (1.5 in JE eta)
+        [had] |eta| = 0.8-1.0 partly tile barrel, partly extended barrel (0.9 in JE eta)
+              |eta| = 1.4-1.6 Tile-HEC transition (1.5 in JE eta)
+        [em?] |eta| =  2.4-2.7, i.e. the OW+IW boundary. (2.55 in JE eta)
+    As these are summed over layers we'll return the middle sampling
+    */
+    if (fabs_eta > 3.2) {                     // FCAL
+        if (isEM) return CaloSampling::FCAL0; // EM FCAL
+        return CaloSampling::FCAL1;           // HAD FCAL
+    } else if (isEM && (fabs_eta < 1.4)) {    // EM, cut at 1.4 assigns overlap region to the EME
+        return CaloSampling::EMB1;
+    } else if (isEM) {
+        return CaloSampling::EME1;
+    } else if (fabs_eta < 0.8) {              // HAD, cut at 0.8 assigns overlap region to TileExt
+        return CaloSampling::TileBar1;
+    } else if (fabs_eta < 1.4) {              // cut at 1.4 assigne overlap region to HEC
+        return CaloSampling::TileExt1;
+    } else {
+        return CaloSampling::HEC1;
+    }
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/Trig3MomentumMerger.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/Trig3MomentumMerger.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..daa54180b57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/Trig3MomentumMerger.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/Trig3MomentumMerger.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cmath>    // M_PI, fabs
+Trig3MomentumMerger::Trig3MomentumMerger() :
+m_hashMap(), m_gridsHandler()
+void resetCell(HashedTrig3Momentum &c)
+  c.reset();
+// match criterion to be used with find_if
+struct HashMatchCriterion
+  HashMatchCriterion(const u_int value, const EtaPhiSampleHash &hm):
+    hash_(value), m_hashMap(hm) {};
+  bool operator() (const HashedTrig3Momentum &cell) {
+    return hash_ == cell.hash();
+  };
+  u_int hash_;
+  EtaPhiSampleHash m_hashMap;
+// functor to be used with for_each
+struct CellMerger
+  CellMerger(const EtaPhiSampleHash &hm, GridsHandler &gridsHandler) :
+    hm_(hm), m_gridsHandler(gridsHandler) {}
+  void operator() (const Trig3Momentum &t3m) {
+    u_int hash(hm_.hash(t3m));
+    HashMatchCriterion hmc(hash, hm_);
+    Vmc &grid = m_gridsHandler.grid(t3m.caloSample());
+    Vmc::iterator mergeCell = find_if(grid.begin(), grid.end(), hmc);
+    if(mergeCell != grid.end()) mergeCell->addE(t3m);
+    else grid.push_back(HashedTrig3Momentum(t3m, hash));
+  }
+  EtaPhiSampleHash hm_;
+  GridsHandler &m_gridsHandler;
+bool Trig3MomentumMerger::mergeCells(const Vt3m &input, Vt3m &output)
+  m_gridsHandler.clearAllGrids();
+  CellMerger merger(m_hashMap, m_gridsHandler);
+  std::for_each(input.begin(), input.end(), merger);
+  m_gridsHandler.appendAllGrids(output);
+  return true;
+unsigned int Trig3MomentumMerger::expectedLength(const Vt3m &input)
+  // 4*4 b/c we should reduce the (eta,phi) granularity from 0.025x0.025 -> 0.1x0.1
+  unsigned int expectedRedFactor=4*4;
+  return input.size()/expectedRedFactor;
+void testEtaPhiSampleHash(){
+  using std::cout;
+  using std::endl;
+  double epsilon = 1.0e-9;
+  double eta = EtaPhiSampleHash::kMinEta + epsilon;
+  double phi = EtaPhiSampleHash::kMinPhi + epsilon;
+  double dEta(2.0*5.0/100.), dPhi(2.0*M_PI/64.);
+  const int nSamples = 25;
+  // drop this and use GridsHandler::allSamples_
+  CaloSampling::CaloSample samples[nSamples] = 
+    {
+       CaloSampling::PreSamplerB,
+       CaloSampling::EMB1,
+       CaloSampling::EMB2,
+       CaloSampling::EMB3,   
+       CaloSampling::PreSamplerE,
+       CaloSampling::EME1,
+       CaloSampling::EME2,
+       CaloSampling::EME3,     
+       CaloSampling::HEC0,
+       CaloSampling::HEC1,
+       CaloSampling::HEC2,
+       CaloSampling::HEC3,            
+       CaloSampling::TileBar0,
+       CaloSampling::TileBar1,
+       CaloSampling::TileBar2,      
+       CaloSampling::TileGap1,
+       CaloSampling::TileGap2,
+       CaloSampling::TileGap3,      
+       CaloSampling::TileExt0,
+       CaloSampling::TileExt1,
+       CaloSampling::TileExt2,      
+       CaloSampling::FCAL0,
+       CaloSampling::FCAL1,
+       CaloSampling::FCAL2,               
+       CaloSampling::Unknown
+    };
+  CaloSampling::CaloSample sample = CaloSampling::PreSamplerB;
+  EtaPhiSampleHash eph;
+  int iSample(0);
+  eta = EtaPhiSampleHash::kMinEta + epsilon;
+  while(eta<EtaPhiSampleHash::kMaxEta){
+    phi = EtaPhiSampleHash::kMinPhi + epsilon;
+    while(phi<EtaPhiSampleHash::kMaxPhi){
+      iSample = 0;
+      while(iSample<nSamples){
+	sample = samples[iSample];
+	u_int hash(eph.hash(eta,phi,sample));
+	cout<<"(eta, phi, sample) "
+	    <<"= ("<<eta<<", "<<phi<<", "<<sample<<")"
+	    <<" -> "<<hash<<endl;
+	double oEta(0.), oPhi(0.);
+	CaloSampling::CaloSample oSample(CaloSampling::Unknown);
+	eph.etaPhiSample(hash, oEta, oPhi, oSample);
+	if(fabs(eta-oEta)>dEta)
+	  cout<<"deltaEta("<<hash<<", "<<fabs(eta-oEta)<<")"
+	      <<" : in "<<eta<<" out "<<oEta<<endl;
+	if(fabs(phi-oPhi)>dPhi)
+	  cout<<"deltaPhi("<<hash<<", "<<fabs(phi-oPhi)<<")"
+	      <<" : in "<<phi<<" out "<<oPhi<<endl;
+	if(sample!=oSample)
+	  cout<<"sample("<<hash<<")"
+	      <<" : in "<<sample<<" out "<<oSample<<endl;
+	iSample++;
+      } // end while(iSample)
+      phi += dPhi;
+    } // end while(phi)
+    eta += dEta;
+  } // end while(eta)
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/components/TrigT2CaloJet_entries.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/components/TrigT2CaloJet_entries.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3fb3d02c56c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloJet/src/components/TrigT2CaloJet_entries.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJet.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloJet.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloFullScanJet.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1Unpacking.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/Trig3MomentumMerger.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2AllRoiUnpacking.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloFastJet.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetBaseTool.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetConeTool.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetCalibTool.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetGridFromCells.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetGridFromFEBHeader.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2CaloJetGridFromLvl1Ppr.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1TowerCalibTool.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloJet/T2L1CaloJetCalibTool.h"
+DECLARE_COMPONENT( T2CaloJetGridFromCells )
+DECLARE_COMPONENT( T2CaloJetGridFromLvl1Ppr )
+DECLARE_COMPONENT( T2L1CaloJetFullScanBaseTool )
+DECLARE_COMPONENT( T2L1CaloJetFullScanFastJetTool )
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/CMakeLists.txt b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3c3d84b5f7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Package: TrigT2CaloTau
+# Declare the package name:
+atlas_subdir( TrigT2CaloTau )
+# Declare the package's dependencies:
+atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC
+                          Calorimeter/CaloInterface
+                          GaudiKernel
+                          Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCommon
+                          Trigger/TrigEvent/TrigCaloEvent
+                          Trigger/TrigEvent/TrigSteeringEvent
+                          Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigInterfaces
+                          Trigger/TrigTools/TrigT2CaloCalibration
+                          PRIVATE
+                          Calorimeter/CaloEvent
+                          Calorimeter/CaloGeoHelpers
+                          Calorimeter/CaloIdentifier
+                          Control/AthenaKernel
+                          Trigger/TrigT1/TrigT1Interfaces )
+# External dependencies:
+find_package( ROOT COMPONENTS Core Tree MathCore Hist RIO pthread )
+# Component(s) in the package:
+atlas_add_library( TrigT2CaloTauLib
+                   src/*.cxx
+                   PUBLIC_HEADERS TrigT2CaloTau
+                   INCLUDE_DIRS ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS}
+                   LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} GaudiKernel TrigCaloEvent TrigSteeringEvent TrigT2CaloCommonLib TrigInterfacesLib TrigT2CaloCalibrationLib
+                   PRIVATE_LINK_LIBRARIES CaloEvent CaloGeoHelpers CaloIdentifier AthenaKernel TrigT1Interfaces )
+atlas_add_component( TrigT2CaloTau
+                     src/components/*.cxx
+                     INCLUDE_DIRS ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS}
+                     LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} GaudiKernel TrigT2CaloCommonLib TrigCaloEvent TrigSteeringEvent TrigInterfacesLib TrigT2CaloCalibrationLib CaloEvent CaloGeoHelpers CaloIdentifier AthenaKernel TrigT1Interfaces TrigT2CaloTauLib )
+# Install files from the package:
+atlas_install_python_modules( python/*.py )
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/TrigT2CaloTau/T2CalibrationTau.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/TrigT2CaloTau/T2CalibrationTau.h
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..8bad3b2b7a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/TrigT2CaloTau/T2CalibrationTau.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// ********************************************************************
+// NAME:     T2CalibrationTau.h
+// PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau
+// AUTHOR:   D.O. Damazio
+// Object only designed to understand cluster calibration
+// Should be used by EM and Tau people in the near future
+// It should be possible to introduce the calibration configuration
+// from a jobOption file. Not possible now.
+// ********************************************************************
+#include <vector>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "TrigT2CaloCommon/T2Calibration.h"
+class T2CalibrationTau : public T2Calibration {
+/** Constructor */
+	T2CalibrationTau() : T2Calibration(){}
+/** Destructor */
+	~T2CalibrationTau(){}
+        // The two methods of this class, initialize and Calib, are virtual 
+        // in the base class T2Calibration and implemented there as for the 
+        // moment calibration is the same for egamma/tau. For an specific 
+        // calibration override these methods.        
+	// In the initialize, one should provide a vector with the
+	// Eta limits (eg.: 0-2.5), the dimensions of the correction
+	// vector (eg: 2 100 - for 2 lines of one hundred constants - the
+	// first line is the eta of that bin and the second brings
+	// the calibration constant for that bin
+//	void initialize(const std::vector<float>& limit, const std::vector<int>&
+//		dimension, const std::vector<float>& correction);
+	// This, for a given cluster eta and energy (not being used yet),
+	// provides the calibration constant
+//	double Calib( const double ClusterEta, const double EnergyCluster);
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/TrigT2CaloTau/T2CaloTau.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/TrigT2CaloTau/T2CaloTau.h
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..f9dad2ab720
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+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/TrigT2CaloTau/T2CaloTau.h
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+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// ********************************************************************
+// NAME:     T2Calo.h
+// PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau
+// AUTHORS:   M.P. Casado
+// 	      C. Osuna
+// updates: 3/3/11 ccuenca, added new vars for monitoring
+// - Add new variables to allow job option control of eta/phi regions 
+//   used in each tool.  Also hardcode in eta ranges and granularities
+//   for all layers and add a new function so that tools can adjust the
+//   number of strips used in energy sums for changes in granularity.
+//   The goal is to try to sample a constant eta/phi area.   - R. Soluk 
+// ********************************************************************
+#include <string>
+#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
+#include "TrigInterfaces/FexAlgo.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloCommon/T2CaloBase.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloCalibration/IT2HadCalibTool.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloTau/T2CaloTauErrorMon.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigTauCluster.h"
+class StoreGateSvc;
+namespace HLT
+    class TriggerElement;
+class IAlgToolCalo;
+class T2CaloTau : public T2CaloBase
+    /** Constructor */
+    T2CaloTau(const std::string & name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
+    /** Destructor */
+    ~T2CaloTau();
+    /** HLT method to execute */
+    HLT::ErrorCode hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* inputTE, HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE);
+    /** HLT method to initialize */
+    HLT::ErrorCode hltInitialize();
+    /** HLT method to finalize */
+    HLT::ErrorCode hltFinalize();
+    // Properties:
+    /** SG key for TrigTauCluster*/
+    std::string m_trigTauClusterKey;
+    /** EMRadius variable for monitoring */
+    double m_EMRadius;
+    /** EMRadius3S variable for monitoring */
+    double m_EMRadius3S;
+    /** CaloRadius variable for monitoring */
+    double m_CaloRadius;
+    /** HadRad variable for monitoring */
+    double m_HadRad;
+    /** Isofrac variable for monitoring */
+    double m_IsoFrac    ;
+    /** stripWidth variable for monitoring*/
+    double m_StripWidth ;
+    /** Fraction of EM energy over total energy in a normal (dR<0.3) cone for monitoring */
+    double m_EMFraction;
+    /** Raw Et in wide 0.3 cone for monitoring */
+    double m_EtRawWide;
+    /** EM Energy in (dR<0.2) cone for monitoring */
+    double m_EMEnMedium;
+    /** HAD Energy in (dR<0.2) cone for monitoring */
+    double m_HADEnMedium;
+    /** EM Energy in (dR<0.1) cone for monitoring */
+    double m_EMEnNarrow;
+    /** HAD Energy in (dR<0.1) cone for monitoring */
+    double m_HADEnNarrow;
+    /** Raw Et in medium cone for monitoring */
+    double m_EtRawMedium;
+    /** Raw Et in medium cone for monitoring (EM Sampling 0) */
+    double m_EtRawMediumEM0;
+    /** Raw Et in medium cone for monitoring (EM Sampling 1) */
+    double m_EtRawMediumEM1;
+    /** Raw Et in medium cone for monitoring (EM Sampling 2) */
+    double m_EtRawMediumEM2;
+    /** Raw Et in medium cone for monitoring (EM Sampling 3) */
+    double m_EtRawMediumEM3;
+    /** Raw Et in medium cone for monitoring (Had Sampling 0) */
+    double m_EtRawMediumHad0;
+    /** Raw Et in medium cone for monitoring (Had Sampling 1) */
+    double m_EtRawMediumHad1;
+    /** Raw Et in medium cone for monitoring (Had Sampling 2) */
+    double m_EtRawMediumHad2;
+    /** EtRawNarrow/EtRawMedium */
+    double m_CoreFraction;
+    /** eta of seed of L1 ROI */
+    double m_EtaL1        ;
+    /** phi of seed of L1 ROI */
+    double m_PhiL1        ;
+    /** eta of seed of calo Cluster */
+    double m_Eta        ;
+    /** phi of seed of calo Cluster */
+    double m_Phi        ;
+    /** Difference in Eta at L2 and L1 for monitoring */
+    double m_dEtaL2Tau_RoI   ;
+    /** Difference in Phi at L2 and L1 for monitoring */
+    double m_dPhiL2Tau_RoI   ;
+    /** counter for conversion error */
+    unsigned int m_conversionError;
+    /** counter for algorithm error */
+    unsigned int m_algorithmError;
+    /** error monitoring of cluster quality */
+    std::vector<unsigned char> m_quality;
+    /** Should or not storeCells into a cell container attached to output RoI */
+    bool m_storeCells;
+    /** container pointer */
+    CaloCellContainer* m_Container;
+    /** option to update RoiDescriptor after execution (important for following trigger chain steps) */
+    bool        m_updateRoiDescriptor;
+    /** phi, eta EM width */
+    double m_phiWidthEM;
+    double m_etaWidthEM;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/TrigT2CaloTau/T2CaloTauErrorHandler.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/TrigT2CaloTau/T2CaloTauErrorHandler.h
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+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+namespace TAUCLUSTERROR {
+    /** enumerate tau-specific errors */
+      FAILPRESEED=31,
+      FAILSEED=30,
+      HADS1E0=11,
+      HADS2E0=10,
+      HADS3E0=9,
+      EMS0E0=15,
+      EMS1E0=14,
+      EMS2E0=13,
+      EMS3E0=12
+    };
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/TrigT2CaloTau/T2CaloTauErrorMon.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/TrigT2CaloTau/T2CaloTauErrorMon.h
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+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+#include "TrigT2CaloTau/T2CaloTauErrorHandler.h"
+namespace TAUCLUSTMON {
+    /** enumerate tau-specific errors for monitoring */
+    enum TAUCLUSTMON{
+      LARPROB=0,
+      TILEPROB=1,
+      ROBPROB=2,
+      RODPROB=3,
+      FAILSEED=4,
+      EMS0E0=6,
+      EMS1E0=7,
+      EMS2E0=8,
+      EMS3E0=9,
+      HADS1E0=10,
+      HADS2E0=11,
+      HADS3E0=12,
+      OTHERERRORS=13,
+      GOODCLUST=14,
+      ALLCLUST=15
+    };
+    bool GetClusterError(unsigned int bit,uint32_t error ) { return ((error >> bit)&0x1)!=0 ;}
+    void FillErrorMonitoring(uint32_t error, std::vector<unsigned char> * quality){
+      bool isError=false;
+      if ( 0x000000FF & error ) {isError=true; quality->push_back(LARPROB); }
+      if ( 0x0FFF0000 & error ) {isError=true; quality->push_back(TILEPROB); }
+      if ( 0x10000000 & error ) {isError=true; quality->push_back(ROBPROB); }
+      if ( 0x20000000 & error ) {isError=true; quality->push_back(RODPROB); }
+      if ( GetClusterError( TAUCLUSTERROR::FAILSEED    , error) ) {isError=true; quality->push_back(FAILSEED); }
+      if ( GetClusterError( TAUCLUSTERROR::FAILPRESEED , error) ) {isError=true; quality->push_back(FAILPRESEED); }
+      if ( GetClusterError( TAUCLUSTERROR::EMS0E0      , error) ) {isError=true; quality->push_back(EMS0E0); }
+      if ( GetClusterError( TAUCLUSTERROR::EMS1E0      , error) ) {isError=true; quality->push_back(EMS1E0); }
+      if ( GetClusterError( TAUCLUSTERROR::EMS2E0      , error) ) {isError=true; quality->push_back(EMS2E0); }
+      if ( GetClusterError( TAUCLUSTERROR::EMS3E0      , error) ) {isError=true; quality->push_back(EMS3E0); }
+      if ( GetClusterError( TAUCLUSTERROR::HADS1E0     , error) ) {isError=true; quality->push_back(HADS1E0); }
+      if ( GetClusterError( TAUCLUSTERROR::HADS2E0     , error) ) {isError=true; quality->push_back(HADS2E0); }
+      if ( GetClusterError( TAUCLUSTERROR::HADS3E0     , error) ) {isError=true; quality->push_back(HADS3E0); }
+      if (isError==false && error>0 ) {quality->push_back(OTHERERRORS); }
+    }
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/TrigT2CaloTau/TauAllCaloDRFex.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/TrigT2CaloTau/TauAllCaloDRFex.h
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/TrigT2CaloTau/TauAllCaloDRFex.h
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+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// ********************************************************************
+// NAME:     TauAllCaloDRFex.h
+// PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau
+// AUTHOR:   Olga Igonkina (Nikhef), Pilar Casado (IFAE), Mogens Dam (NBI)
+// CREATED: June-09
+// DESCRIPTION: Tool to compute calorimeter tau variables in EM and HAD
+// ********************************************************************
+#include "TrigT2CaloCommon/IAlgToolCalo.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/AlgTool.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigTauCluster.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloTau/T2CaloTauErrorHandler.h"
+#include "CaloInterface/ICalorimeterNoiseTool.h"
+class TauAllCaloDRFex : public IAlgToolCalo
+    /** Constructor */
+    TauAllCaloDRFex(const std::string& type, const std::string& name, const IInterface* parent);
+    /** virtual Destructor */
+    virtual ~TauAllCaloDRFex();
+    /** execute method of IAlgToolCalo */
+    using IAlgToolCalo::execute;
+    /** execute method */
+    /// take two roi descriptors into the shower
+    HLT::ErrorCode execute(TrigTauCluster &rtrigTauCluster, const IRoiDescriptor& roi,
+				const CaloDetDescrElement*& /*caloDDE*/);
+    //    HLT::ErrorCode execute(TrigTauCluster &rtrigTauCluster, double phiWidth, 
+    //                           double etaWidth, double phiWidthEM,
+    //                           double etaWidthEM, double RoIeta, double RoIphi);
+    //    HLT::ErrorCode execute(TrigTauCluster &rtrigTauCluster,double phiWidth, 
+    //         double etaWidth, double RoIeta, double RoIphi);
+    /** initialize function **/
+    StatusCode initialize();
+    /** Energy threshold for numStrips counting */
+    double m_stripEthr;  
+    /** dR cut for reconstruction of the seed */
+    double m_dRSeed;  
+    /** dR cut for full region, Wide (previously called Normal)  */
+    double m_dRConeWide;  
+    /** dR cut for Medium region (previously called Med)  */
+    double m_dRConeMedium;
+    /** dR cut for Narrow region (previously called Nar)  */
+    double m_dRConeNarrow;
+    /** Variable to control noise substraction  */
+    bool m_applyNoiseCut;
+    /** Number of sigmas for noise cut  */
+    double m_noiseNSigmaCut;
+    /** int for hecQualityCut */
+    int m_hecQualityCut;
+  /** choose default width: 0 Narrow, 1 Medium, 2 Wide (Normal) */
+    int m_defaultWidth;
+    /** Tool for noise substraction  */
+    ToolHandle<ICalorimeterNoiseTool> m_noiseTool;
+    double emRadiusAllSampl(const TrigTauClusterDetails* clusterDetails, int maxEmSamp=100);
+    double caloRadius(const TrigTauClusterDetails* clusterDetails);
+    double coreFraction(const TrigTauClusterDetails* clusterDetails);
+    double emFraction(const TrigTauCluster* ptrigTauCluster);
+    double hadRadius(const TrigTauClusterDetails* clusterDetails);
+    double calcEnergyPhi(double energyNegPhi, double energyPosPhi, double EnergyWidNegPhi, double EnergyWidPosPhi, double energyNegPhiConv);
+    bool getdR(double compPhi, double compEta, double etaCell, double phiCell, double dRCut, double& dR);
+    double getEMEnergy(const TrigTauClusterDetails* clusterDetails, int widthChoice);
+    double getHADEnergy(const TrigTauClusterDetails* clusterDetails, int widthChoice);
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/doc/packagedoc.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/doc/packagedoc.h
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+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/doc/packagedoc.h
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+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+@page TrigT2CaloTau_page 
+@author Carlos Osuna
+@author Stefania Xella
+@author M. Pilar Casado
+@author Olga Igonkina
+@section TrigT2CaloTau_TrigT2CaloTauOverview Overview
+This package is in charge of the calorimeter reconstruction in
+the trigger LVL2 for taus. It builds a set of shower shape variables
+to discriminate jet and taus.
+Deposited energy is available in 3 different window sizes for all sampling.
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/python/ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/python/
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index 00000000000..a53ce9b16fd
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+# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+# T2CaloTau Calibration Options
+from TrigT2CaloTau.TrigT2CaloTauConf import T2CaloTau, TauAllCaloDRFex
+from CaloTools.CaloNoiseToolDefault import CaloNoiseToolDefault
+from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
+from AthenaCommon.Constants import VERBOSE,DEBUG,INFO
+#Make changes to TauAllCaloDRFex parameters here:
+class TauAllCaloDRFexConfig (TauAllCaloDRFex):
+   __slots__ = []
+   def __init__ (self, name="TauAllCaloDRFexConfig",tdRNar=0.1,tdRMed=0.2,tdRWid=0.4,tdefWidth=2):
+       super(TauAllCaloDRFexConfig, self).__init__(name)
+       # here put your customizations
+       self.CaloNoiseTool  = theCaloNoiseTool
+       self.applyNoiseCut  = True
+       self.noiseNSigmaCut = 2.
+       self.hecQualityCut  = 0              
+       self.dRSeed         = 0.15
+       self.StripEthr      = 200.
+       self.defaultWidth   = tdefWidth #Sets which width size is saved for EMEnergy (0:Narrow,1:Medium,2:Wide)
+       self.dRConeNarrow   = tdRNar
+       self.dRConeMedium   = tdRMed
+       self.dRConeWide     = tdRWid
+## configurable class
+class T2CaloTau_Tau_custom (T2CaloTau):
+   __slots__ = []
+   def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloTau_Tau_custom"): 
+       super(T2CaloTau_Tau_custom, self).__init__(name)
+       self.EtaWidth = 0.4
+       self.PhiWidth = 0.4
+       self.EtaWidthForID = 0.3
+       self.PhiWidthForID = 0.3
+       tauAllCaloDRFex = TauAllCaloDRFexConfig()
+       self.IAlgToolList=[tauAllCaloDRFex]
+       self.TimerNtuple="T2CaloTau.T2CaTautTot"
+       self.TrigTauClusterKey = "T2CaloTrigTauCluster"
+#       monitoring part. To switch off do in topOption TriggerFlags.enableMonitoring = []
+       from TrigT2CaloTau.TrigT2CaloTauMonitoring import T2CaloTauValidationMonitoring, T2CaloTauOnlineMonitoring, T2CaloTauCosmicMonitoring 
+       validation = T2CaloTauValidationMonitoring()        
+       online     = T2CaloTauOnlineMonitoring()
+       cosmic     = T2CaloTauCosmicMonitoring()
+       from TrigTimeMonitor.TrigTimeHistToolConfig import TrigTimeHistToolConfig
+       time = TrigTimeHistToolConfig("Time")
+       self.AthenaMonTools = [ time, validation, online, cosmic ]
+## calo monitoring class
+class T2CaloTau_cells (T2CaloTau_Tau_custom):
+   __slots__ = []
+   def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloTau_cells"): 
+       super(T2CaloTau_cells, self).__init__(name)
+       # here put your customizations
+       self.IAlgToolList= [TauAllCaloDRFexConfig('tauAllCaloDRFexCells')]
+       # Save cells
+       for item in self.IAlgToolList:
+         item.SaveCellsInContainer=True
+         item.ThresholdKeepCells=-100000.
+         item.hecQualityCut=0
+         item.CaloNoiseTool=theCaloNoiseTool
+         item.applyNoiseCut=False
+         item.noiseNSigmaCut=2.
+       self.StoreCells=True
+       self.EtaWidth = 0.4
+       self.PhiWidth = 0.4
+       self.TimerNtuple="T2CaloTau.T2CaTautTot"
+       self.TrigTauClusterKey = "T2CaloTrigTauCluster"
+############### to be imported by the menu ###############
+# default class (2011)
+class T2CaloTau_Tau (T2CaloTau_Tau_custom):
+   __slots__ = []
+   #def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloTau_Tau"):
+   def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloTau_Tau"):
+      T2CaloTau_Tau_custom.__init__(self,name)
+      tauAllCaloDRFex = TauAllCaloDRFexConfig(tdRNar=0.1,tdRMed=0.2,tdRWid=0.4,tdefWidth=2) # use Wide (Nor in 2011), cone size 0.4
+      self.IAlgToolList=[tauAllCaloDRFex]
+# class for 2012: uses Medium cone size as default
+class T2CaloTau_Tau_Med (T2CaloTau_Tau_custom):
+   __slots__ = []
+   def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloTau_Tau_Med"):
+      T2CaloTau_Tau_custom.__init__(self,name)
+      tauAllCaloDRFex = TauAllCaloDRFexConfig(tdRNar=0.1,tdRMed=0.2,tdRWid=0.4,tdefWidth=1) # use Medium cone size (0.2) variables
+      self.IAlgToolList=[tauAllCaloDRFex]
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+# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+################# Validation, DQ checks
+from TrigMonitorBase.TrigGenericMonitoringToolConfig import defineHistogram, TrigGenericMonitoringToolConfig 
+# Set labels for error monitoring histogram. The order has to match with T2CaloTauErrorMon.h file! Number has to match with histo definition.
+errorlabels = 'LAr_Problem:Tile_Problem:N_ROBs<requested:empty_ROD_block:Fail_Seed:Fail_PreSeed:EM_S0_E0:EM_S1_E0:EM_S2_E0:EM_S3_E0:HAD_S1_E0:HAD_S2_E0:HAD_S3_E0:Other_Errors:Good_Clusters:All_Clusters'
+class T2CaloTauOnlineMonitoring(TrigGenericMonitoringToolConfig):
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloTauOnlineMonitoring"):
+        super(T2CaloTauOnlineMonitoring, self).__init__(name)
+        self.defineTarget("Online")
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EMRadius',     type='TH1F', title="L2CaloTau FEX EMRadius;EMRadius; nevents",                                                   xbins=100, xmin=-0.5, xmax=1.5) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EMRadius3S',   type='TH1F', title="L2CaloTau FEX EMRadius3S;EMRadius3S; nevents",                                               xbins=100, xmin=-0.5, xmax=1.5) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('HadRad',       type='TH1F', title="L2CaloTau FEX HadRad;HadRad; nevents",                                                       xbins=100, xmin=-0.5, xmax=1.5) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('CaloRadius',   type='TH1F', title="L2CaloTau FEX CaloRadius;CaloRadius; nevents",                                               xbins=100, xmin=-0.5, xmax=1.5) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('IsoFrac',      type='TH1F', title="L2CaloTau FEX IsoFrac;IsoFrac; nevents",                                                     xbins=80, xmin=-1.0, xmax=3.0) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('StripWidth',   type='TH1F', title="L2CaloTau FEX StripWidth;StripWidth; nevents",                                               xbins=70, xmin=-0.1, xmax=0.6) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EMFraction',   type='TH1F', title="L2CaloTau FEX EM Energy Fraction;EMFraction; nevents",                                       xbins=90, xmin=-0.6, xmax=1.2) ]
+        ##Medium: cone 0.2
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EMEnMedium',     type='TH1F', title="L2CaloTau FEX EMEnMedium in (dR<0.2) cone;EMEnMedium [MeV]; nevents",                            xbins=171, xmin=-13000, xmax=500000) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('HADEnMedium',    type='TH1F', title="L2CaloTau FEX HADEnMedium in (dR<0.2) cone;HADEnMedium [MeV]; nevents",                          xbins=171, xmin=-13000, xmax=500000) ]
+        ##Narrow: cone 0.1
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EMEnNarrow',   type='TH1F', title="L2CaloTau FEX EMEnNarrow in (dR<0.1) cone;EMEnNarrow [MeV]; nevents",                        xbins=171, xmin=-13000, xmax=500000) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('HADEnNarrow',  type='TH1F', title="L2CaloTau FEX HADEnNarrow in (dR<0.1) cone;HADEnNarrow [MeV]; nevents",                      xbins=171, xmin=-13000, xmax=500000) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtRawMedium',     type='TH1F', title="L2CaloTau FEX EtRaw in a medium (dR<0.2) cone;EtRawMedium [MeV]; nevents",                      xbins=171, xmin=-13000, xmax=500000) ] 
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtRawMediumEM0',  type='TH1F', title="L2CaloTau FEX EtRaw in a medium (dR<0.2) cone - Layer 0 of EM;EtRawMediumEM0 [MeV]; nevents",   xbins=171, xmin=-13000, xmax=500000) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtRawMediumEM1',  type='TH1F', title="L2CaloTau FEX EtRaw in a medium (dR<0.2) cone - Layer 1 of EM;EtRawMediumEM1 [MeV]; nevents",   xbins=171, xmin=-13000, xmax=500000) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtRawMediumEM2',  type='TH1F', title="L2CaloTau FEX EtRaw in a medium (dR<0.2) cone - Layer 2 of EM;EtRawMediumEM2 [MeV]; nevents",   xbins=171, xmin=-13000, xmax=500000) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtRawMediumEM3',  type='TH1F', title="L2CaloTau FEX EtRaw in a medium (dR<0.2) cone - Layer 3 of EM;EtRawMediumEM3 [MeV]; nevents",   xbins=171, xmin=-13000, xmax=500000) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtRawMediumHad0', type='TH1F', title="L2CaloTau FEX EtRaw in a medium (dR<0.2) cone - Layer 0 of Had;EtRawMediumHad0 [MeV]; nevents", xbins=171, xmin=-13000, xmax=500000) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtRawMediumHad1', type='TH1F', title="L2CaloTau FEX EtRaw in a medium (dR<0.2) cone - Layer 1 of Had;EtRawMediumHad1 [MeV]; nevents", xbins=171, xmin=-13000, xmax=500000) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtRawMediumHad2', type='TH1F', title="L2CaloTau FEX EtRaw in a medium (dR<0.2) cone - Layer 2 of Had;EtRawMediumHad2 [MeV]; nevents", xbins=171, xmin=-13000, xmax=500000) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('CoreFraction', type='TH1F', title="EtRawNarrow/EtRawMedium; Core Fraction; nevents",  xbins=70, xmin=-0.2, xmax=1.2) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtaL1, PhiL1', type='TH2F', title="L1 ROI Eta vs Phi in T2CaloTau FEX; #eta; #varphi; nevents",                                 xbins=51, xmin=-2.55, xmax=2.55,
+                                                                                                                                                                              ybins=65, ymin=-3.1415936-0.098174/2., ymax=3.1415936+0.098174/2.)]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtaL1',        type='TH1F', title="T2CaloTau L1 Eta; Eta; nevents",                                                             xbins=80, xmin=-4, xmax=4) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('PhiL1',        type='TH1F', title="T2CaloTau L1 Phi; Phi; nevents",                                                             xbins=65, xmin=-3.1415936-0.098174/2., xmax=3.1415936+0.098174/2.)]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta',          type='TH1F', title="T2CaloTau FEX Eta; Eta; nevents",                                                            xbins=80, xmin=-4, xmax=4) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi',          type='TH1F', title="T2CaloTau FEX Phi; Phi; nevents",                                                            xbins=65, xmin=-3.1415936-0.098174/2., xmax=3.1415936+0.098174/2.)]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('dEtaL2Tau_RoI, dPhiL2Tau_RoI', type='TH2F', title="dEta vs dPhi in L2CaloTau FEX; Delta-eta; Delta-phi",                        xbins=40 , xmin=-0.2, xmax=0.2,
+                                                                                                                                                                              ybins=40 , ymin=-0.2, ymax=0.2) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('ConversionErrors',type='TH1F',title='L2CaloTau Conversion Errors; # Errors; # Clusters',xbins=10,xmin=0,xmax=10)]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('AlgorithmErrors', type='TH1F',title='L2CaloTau Algorithm Errors; # Errors; # Clusters', xbins=10,xmin=0,xmax=10)]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Quality',         type='TH1I',title='L2CaloTau FEX Error bit mask; Error; # Clusters',  xbins=16,xmin=0,xmax=16,labels=errorlabels )]
+########## ##############################################################
+#  add validation specific histograms. 
+#  If you ever remove histograms from Online - move them into Validation
+class T2CaloTauValidationMonitoring(T2CaloTauOnlineMonitoring):
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloTauValidationMonitoring"):
+        super(T2CaloTauValidationMonitoring, self).__init__(name)
+        self.defineTarget("Validation")
+########## ##############################################################
+#  add cosmic specific histograms. 
+class T2CaloTauCosmicMonitoring(T2CaloTauOnlineMonitoring):
+    def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloTauCosmicMonitoring"):
+        super(T2CaloTauCosmicMonitoring, self).__init__(name)
+        self.defineTarget("Cosmic")
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EtaL2vsL1', type='TH1F', title="L2CaloTau FEX Eta_L2 - Eta_L1; dEta; nevents", xbins=40, xmin=-0.4, xmax=0.4) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('PhiL2vsL1', type='TH1F', title="L2CaloTau FEX Phi_L2 - Phi_L1; dPhi; nevents", xbins=40, xmin=-0.4, xmax=0.4) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EMFraction', type='TH1F', title="L2CaloTau FEX EM Energy Fraction;EMFraction; nevents",xbins=90, xmin=-0.6, xmax=1.2) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EMEnMedium', type='TH1F', title="L2CaloTau FEX EMEnMedium in (dR<0.3) cone;EMEnMedium [MeV]; nevents", xbins=54, xmin=-12000, xmax=150000) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('HADEnMedium', type='TH1F', title="L2CaloTau FEX HADEnMedium in (dR<0.3) cone;HADEnMedium [MeV]; nevents", xbins=54, xmin=-12000, xmax=150000) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('EMEnNarrow', type='TH1F', title="L2CaloTau FEX EMEnNarrow in (dR<0.1) cone;EMEnNarrow [MeV]; nevents", xbins=54, xmin=-12000, xmax=150000) ]
+        self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('HADEnNarrow', type='TH1F', title="L2CaloTau FEX HADEnNarrow in (dR<0.1) cone;HADEnNarrow [MeV]; nevents", xbins=54, xmin=-12000, xmax=150000) ]
+class TrigT2CaloTauTimeMonitoring(TrigGenericMonitoringToolConfig) :
+	   def __init__ (self, name="TrigT2CaloTauTimeMonitoring"):
+	      super(TrigT2CaloTauTimeMonitoring,self).__init__(name)
+	      self.defineTarget("Time")
+	      types_list=['Total','RegSel','BSCnv','Algor','SaveEM']
+	      tools_list=['ESamp2','ESamp1','EaEmEn','EHadEn']
+	      for tool in tools_list:
+	         for type in types_list:
+	             hist_title=tool+type
+	             thismax=1.0
+	             if ( (type.find("RegSel")>-1) or (type.find("SaveEM")>-1) ):
+	                thismax=0.2
+	             if ( (type.find("Algor")>-1) ):
+	                thismax=0.5
+	             self.Histograms+= [defineHistogram (hist_title,
+	                                            type='TH1F',title=hist_title
+	                                            ,xbins=40,xmin=0.0,xmax=thismax)]
+	      self.Histograms+= [defineHistogram ('TotalTime',
+	                                            type='TH1F',title=hist_title
+	                                            ,xbins=50,xmin=0.0,xmax=5)]
+	      self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta, TotalTime',
+	                type='TH2F', title="#eta vs. time", xbins=50, xmin=-2.5,
+	                xmax=2.5, ybins=50, ymin=0, ymax=5) ]
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/src/T2CaloTau.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/src/T2CaloTau.cxx
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..cc794e7f57c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/src/T2CaloTau.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,663 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// ********************************************************************
+// NAME:     T2CaloTau.cxx
+// PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau
+// AUTHOR:   M.P. Casado
+//           S.R. Armstrong
+// updates: 3/3/11 ccuenca, added new vars for monitoring
+// - Add variables for job option controlled region limits, set defaults
+//   to most likely values.
+// - Add function EtaPhiRange to return the maximum and minimum eta or phi
+//   values to use when calculating energy sums over a region  - R. Soluk
+// ********************************************************************
+#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/IToolSvc.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/StatusCode.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/ITHistSvc.h"
+#include "TrigT1Interfaces/RecEmTauRoI.h"
+#include "TrigT1Interfaces/TrigT1Interfaces_ClassDEF.h"
+#include "TrigSteeringEvent/TrigRoiDescriptor.h"                               
+#include "CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h"
+#include "CaloEvent/CaloClusterContainer.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigTauCluster.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigTauClusterDetails.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigTauClusterDetailsContainer.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloCommon/T2CaloBase.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloCommon/IAlgToolCalo.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloCommon/phiutils.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloTau/T2CaloTau.h"
+//#include <TH1F.h>
+#include "AthenaKernel/errorcheck.h"
+class ISvcLocator;
+T2CaloTau::T2CaloTau(const std::string & name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator) : T2CaloBase(name, pSvcLocator),
+    m_storeCells(false),
+    m_updateRoiDescriptor(false),
+    m_phiWidthEM(0.4), 
+    m_etaWidthEM(0.4)
+    //properties
+    declareProperty("TrigTauClusterKey",   m_trigTauClusterKey = "T2CaloTrigTauCluster");
+    declareProperty("StoreCells",          m_storeCells,"store cells in container attached to RoI");
+    declareProperty("updateRoiDescriptor", m_updateRoiDescriptor, "option to update RoiDescriptor after execution");
+    declareProperty("PhiWidthEM",          m_phiWidthEM, "phi width EM calo");
+    declareProperty("EtaWidthEM",          m_etaWidthEM, "eta width EM calo");
+    //Monitored variables
+    declareMonitoredVariable("EMRadius", m_EMRadius);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("EMRadius3S", m_EMRadius3S);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("CaloRadius", m_CaloRadius);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("HadRad", m_HadRad);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("IsoFrac", m_IsoFrac);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("StripWidth", m_StripWidth);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("EMFraction", m_EMFraction);
+    //Wide, cone 0.3 (Wide in TrigTauClusterDetails)
+    declareMonitoredVariable("EtRawWide", m_EtRawWide);
+    //Medium, cone 0.2 (Medium in TrigTauClusterDetails)
+    declareMonitoredVariable("EMEnMedium", m_EMEnMedium);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("HADEnMedium", m_HADEnMedium);
+    //Narrow, cone 0.1 (Narrow in TrigTauClusterDetails)
+    declareMonitoredVariable("EMEnNarrow", m_EMEnNarrow);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("HADEnNarrow", m_HADEnNarrow);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("EtRawMedium",     m_EtRawMedium);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("EtRawMediumEM0",  m_EtRawMediumEM0);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("EtRawMediumEM1",  m_EtRawMediumEM1);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("EtRawMediumEM2",  m_EtRawMediumEM2);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("EtRawMediumEM3",  m_EtRawMediumEM3);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("EtRawMediumHad0", m_EtRawMediumHad0);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("EtRawMediumHad1", m_EtRawMediumHad1);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("EtRawMediumHad2", m_EtRawMediumHad2);
+    //EtNarrow/EtWide ratio
+    declareMonitoredVariable("CoreFraction",     m_CoreFraction);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("EtaL1",            m_EtaL1);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("PhiL1",            m_PhiL1);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("Eta",              m_Eta);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("Phi",              m_Phi);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("dEtaL2Tau_RoI",    m_dEtaL2Tau_RoI);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("dPhiL2Tau_RoI",    m_dPhiL2Tau_RoI);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("ConversionErrors", m_conversionError);
+    declareMonitoredVariable("AlgorithmErrors",  m_algorithmError);
+    declareMonitoredStdContainer("Quality", m_quality);
+    m_Container = 0;
+HLT::ErrorCode T2CaloTau::hltInitialize()
+    //  MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
+    //  IToolSvc* toolSvc;
+    //  service("ToolSvc",toolSvc);
+    ToolHandleArray<IAlgToolCalo>::iterator it = m_emAlgTools.begin();
+    for(; it != m_emAlgTools.end(); ++it)
+    {
+        StatusCode sc = it->retrieve();
+        if(sc.isFailure())
+        {
+            msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Unable to initialize tool " << *it << endmsg;
+            return HLT::BAD_ALGO_CONFIG ;
+        }
+        if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+        {
+            msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "REGTEST: Created " << *it << " AlgTool" << endmsg;
+        }
+        (*it)->setCellContainerPointer(&m_Container);
+    }
+    if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+    {
+        if(m_updateRoiDescriptor)
+        {
+            msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "REGTEST: TrigRoiDescriptor will be updated " << endmsg;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "REGTEST: TrigRoiDescriptor will NOT be updated " << endmsg;
+        }
+    }
+    if(m_storeCells && msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+    {
+        msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "REGTEST: will store cells in output " << endmsg;
+    }
+    return HLT::OK;
+HLT::ErrorCode T2CaloTau::hltFinalize()
+    if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+    {
+        msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " hltFinalize is done" << endmsg;
+    }
+    return HLT::OK;
+HLT::ErrorCode T2CaloTau::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* inputTE, HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE)
+    // Time total T2Calo execution time.
+    if(timerSvc()) m_timer[0]->start();      
+    m_conversionError = 0;
+    m_algorithmError = 0;
+    // reset quality vector for monitoring
+    m_quality.clear();
+    m_EMRadius = -99.0;
+    m_EMRadius3S = -99.0;
+    m_CaloRadius = -99.0;
+    m_HadRad = -99.0;
+    m_IsoFrac = -99.0;
+    m_StripWidth = -99.0;
+    m_EMFraction = -99.0;
+    m_EtRawWide = -99.0;
+    m_EMEnMedium = -99.0;
+    m_HADEnMedium = -99.0;
+    m_EMEnNarrow = -99.0;
+    m_HADEnNarrow = -99.0;
+    m_EtRawMedium = -99.0;
+    m_EtRawMediumEM0 = -99.0;
+    m_EtRawMediumEM1 = -99.0;
+    m_EtRawMediumEM2 = -99.0;
+    m_EtRawMediumEM3 = -99.0;
+    m_EtRawMediumHad0 = -99.0;
+    m_EtRawMediumHad1 = -99.0;
+    m_EtRawMediumHad2 = -99.0;
+    m_CoreFraction = -99.0;
+    m_EtaL1 = -99.0;
+    m_PhiL1 = -99.0;
+    m_Eta = -99.0;
+    m_Phi = -99.0;
+    m_dEtaL2Tau_RoI = -99.0;
+    m_dPhiL2Tau_RoI = -99.0;  
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+    {
+        msg() << MSG::INFO << "in execute()" << endmsg;
+    }
+    // Some debug output:
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+    {
+        msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "output TE ID: " << outputTE->getId() << endmsg;
+    }
+    // Some debug output:
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+    {
+        msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "input TE ID: " << inputTE->getId() << endmsg;
+    }
+    const TrigRoiDescriptor* roiDescriptor = 0;
+    HLT::ErrorCode st = getFeature(inputTE, roiDescriptor);  
+    if(st == HLT::OK && roiDescriptor)
+    {
+#ifndef NDEBUG // Will not be executed in optimised build                               
+        if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+        {        
+            msg() << MSG::DEBUG  << " RoI id " << roiDescriptor->roiId() 
+                  << " LVL1 id " << roiDescriptor->l1Id() 
+		  << *roiDescriptor << endmsg;
+	    //                  << " located at   phi = " <<  roiDescriptor->phi0() 
+            //      << ", eta = " << roiDescriptor->eta0() << endmsg;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        msg() <<  MSG::WARNING << " Failed to find RoiDescriptor " << endmsg;
+        return HLT::ERROR;
+    }
+    // Some debug output:
+    if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+    {
+        msg() << MSG::DEBUG  << "Message to count events. LVL1 phi="
+              << roiDescriptor->phi()
+              << " & LVL1 eta="
+              << roiDescriptor->eta() << " " << roiDescriptor
+              << endmsg;
+    }
+    // End LVL1 part
+    //    double RoIeta = roiDescriptor->eta();
+    //    double RoIphi = roiDescriptor->phi();
+    const TrigTauClusterDetails * pDetails= new TrigTauClusterDetails();
+    std::string key = "";  
+    HLT::ErrorCode  hltstatusD = recordAndAttachFeature(outputTE, pDetails, key, "TrigT2CaloTauDetails");
+    if(hltstatusD != HLT::OK)
+    {
+        if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+        {
+            msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Write of TrigTauClusterDetails into outputTE failed" << endmsg;
+        }
+        return hltstatusD;
+    }
+    // retrieve TrigTauClusterDetails from the TE
+    ElementLink< TrigTauClusterDetailsContainer > ELDetails;
+    HLT::ErrorCode stat = getFeatureLink< TrigTauClusterDetailsContainer, TrigTauClusterDetails >( outputTE, ELDetails );
+    if(stat == HLT::OK && ELDetails.isValid())
+    {
+        if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+        { 
+            (*ELDetails)->print(msg()); 
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+        { 
+            msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Failed to get TrigTauClusterDetails" << endmsg; 
+        }
+        return HLT::MISSING_FEATURE;
+    }
+    TrigTauCluster* ptrigTauCluster = new TrigTauCluster(ELDetails.getStorableObjectPointer(), ELDetails.index(), 0.0, -10.0, -10.0, 0);
+    // Energies, EMRadius and other variables are initialized at the 
+    // TrigTauCluster creation time.
+    // Add RoI word to TrigTauCluster
+    ptrigTauCluster->setRoIword(roiDescriptor->roiWord());
+    // zeros the container per RoI
+    m_Container = 0;
+    HLT::ErrorCode ToolStat = HLT::OK; // define flag to monitor problems with tools without stopping the sequence.
+    /// generate the new roiDescriptor with the correct sizes
+    const TrigRoiDescriptor* roitmp = roiDescriptor; 
+    TrigRoiDescriptor roi( roitmp->eta(), roitmp->eta()-m_etaWidth, roitmp->eta()+m_etaWidth,
+			   roitmp->phi(), HLT::wrap_phi(roitmp->phi()-m_phiWidth), HLT::wrap_phi(roitmp->phi()+m_phiWidth) );
+    /// this isn't needed 
+    //  TrigRoiDescriptor* roiEM = new TrigRoiDescriptor( roitmp->eta(), roitmp->eta()-m_etaWidthEM, roitmp->eta()+m_etaWidthE<,
+    //	  					          roitmp->phi(), HLT::wrap_phi(roitmp->phi()-m_phiWidthEM), HLT::wrap_phi(roitmp->phi()+m_phiWidthEM) );
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Using RoIs " << roi << endmsg;
+    ToolHandleArray<IAlgToolCalo>::iterator it = m_emAlgTools.begin();
+    if(timerSvc()) m_timer[1]->start();
+    uint32_t error = 0;
+    for(; it < m_emAlgTools.end(); it++)
+    {
+        //        HLT::ErrorCode stat = (*it)->execute(*ptrigTauCluster, m_phiWidth, m_etaWidth, m_phiWidthEM, m_etaWidthEM, RoIeta, RoIphi);
+        //       HLT::ErrorCode stat = (*it)->execute(*ptrigTauCluster, *roi, *roiEM );
+        HLT::ErrorCode stat = (*it)->execute(*ptrigTauCluster, roi, caloDDENull );
+        if(stat.reason() == NEG_ENERGY_CLUSTER)
+        {
+            msg() << MSG::DEBUG << (*it)->name() << " Found a cluster with E~<=0. CONTINUE execution. " << endmsg;
+            // do not forget to delete trigTauCluster of attach it to storegate if return
+            // return  stat; // uncomment to avaid running on the remaining tools.
+            ToolStat = stat;
+        }
+        if(stat.reason() == NULL_ENERGY_SAMPLING)
+        {
+            msg() << MSG::DEBUG << (*it)->name() << " Found E==0 in this sampling. CONTINUE execution. " << endmsg;
+            // do not forget to delete trigTauCluster of attach it to storegate if return
+            // return  stat; // uncomment to avaid running on the remaining tools.
+            ToolStat = stat;
+            // since userdefined errors are not monitored (reason=continue)
+            // fill our own variable with T2CaloTau related errors
+        }
+        if(stat == HLT::TOOL_FAILURE)
+        {
+            msg() << MSG::WARNING << "T2CaloTau AlgTool " << (*it)->name() << "  returned Failure" << endmsg;
+            // if tool has returned this failure, then loadingCollection has failed and it
+            // does not make sense to keep this TrigTauCluster - we would not learn anything from it
+            delete ptrigTauCluster;
+            delete pDetails;	
+            return  stat;
+        }
+        uint32_t in_error = (*it)->report_error();
+        if(0x0FFF00FF & in_error) m_conversionError++;
+        if(0xF0000000 & in_error) m_algorithmError++;
+        error |= in_error;
+    }
+    // convert bits into fixed-size vector variable for error monitoring
+    TAUCLUSTMON::FillErrorMonitoring(error, &m_quality);
+    // Fill ALLCLUST bin for all clusters, so we can know the relative importance of each error with this normalization.
+    m_quality.push_back(TAUCLUSTMON::ALLCLUST);
+    // Fill GOODCLUST for clusters without errors
+    if(!error) m_quality.push_back(TAUCLUSTMON::GOODCLUST);
+    // OI  Now, ensure that phi is [-pi,pi] indepedent on what tools do...
+    while(ptrigTauCluster->phi() < -M_PI) ptrigTauCluster->setPhi(ptrigTauCluster->phi() + 2.0 * M_PI);
+    while(ptrigTauCluster->phi() >  M_PI) ptrigTauCluster->setPhi(ptrigTauCluster->phi() - 2.0 * M_PI);
+    // 
+    // Get L1 RoiDescriptor
+    const TrigRoiDescriptor* roiL1Descriptor = 0;
+    HLT::ErrorCode tmpStatus = getFeature( inputTE, roiL1Descriptor, "initialRoI" );
+    if(tmpStatus == HLT::OK && roiDescriptor){
+      if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {        
+	msg() << MSG::DEBUG  << " RoI id " << roiL1Descriptor->roiId() 
+	      << " LVL1 id " << roiL1Descriptor->l1Id() 
+	      << *roiL1Descriptor << endmsg;
+      }
+    } else {
+      msg() <<  MSG::WARNING << " Failed to find RoiDescriptor " << endmsg;
+      return HLT::ERROR;
+    }
+    //Fill monitored variables
+    const TrigTauClusterDetails* clusterDetails = ptrigTauCluster->clusterDetails();
+    const double coshEta = cosh(ptrigTauCluster->eta());
+    const double inv_coshEta = 1. / coshEta;
+    m_EMRadius    = clusterDetails->EMRadius(2);
+    m_EMRadius3S  = ptrigTauCluster->EMRadius3S();
+    m_CaloRadius  = ptrigTauCluster->CaloRadius();
+    m_HadRad      = ptrigTauCluster->HadRadius();
+    m_IsoFrac     = ptrigTauCluster->IsoFrac();
+    m_StripWidth  = ptrigTauCluster->stripWidth();
+    m_EMFraction  = ptrigTauCluster->EMFrac();
+    //wide: cone 0.3 -> wide at TrigTauClusterDetails
+    m_EtRawWide = (clusterDetails->EMenergyWide(0)
+                + clusterDetails->EMenergyWide(1)
+                + clusterDetails->EMenergyWide(2)
+                + clusterDetails->EMenergyWide(3)
+                + clusterDetails->HADenergyWide(0)
+                + clusterDetails->HADenergyWide(1)
+                + clusterDetails->HADenergyWide(2)) * inv_coshEta;
+    //medium: cone 0.2 -> medium at TrigTauClusterDetails. In previus version of the code, Wide instead of Medium
+    m_EMEnMedium = clusterDetails->EMenergyMedium(0)
+               + clusterDetails->EMenergyMedium(1)
+               + clusterDetails->EMenergyMedium(2)
+               + clusterDetails->EMenergyMedium(3); 
+    m_HADEnMedium = clusterDetails->HADenergyMedium(0)
+                + clusterDetails->HADenergyMedium(1)
+                + clusterDetails->HADenergyMedium(2);
+    //narrow: cone 0.1 -> narrow at TrigTauClusterDetails
+    m_EMEnNarrow = clusterDetails->EMenergyNarrow(0)
+                 + clusterDetails->EMenergyNarrow(1)
+                 + clusterDetails->EMenergyNarrow(2)
+                 + clusterDetails->EMenergyNarrow(3);
+    m_HADEnNarrow = clusterDetails->HADenergyNarrow(0)
+                  + clusterDetails->HADenergyNarrow(1)
+                  + clusterDetails->HADenergyNarrow(2);
+    m_EtRawMediumEM0 = clusterDetails->EMenergyMedium(0) * inv_coshEta;
+    m_EtRawMediumEM1 = clusterDetails->EMenergyMedium(1) * inv_coshEta;
+    m_EtRawMediumEM2 = clusterDetails->EMenergyMedium(2) * inv_coshEta;
+    m_EtRawMediumEM3 = clusterDetails->EMenergyMedium(3) * inv_coshEta;
+    m_EtRawMediumHad0 = clusterDetails->HADenergyMedium(0) * inv_coshEta;
+    m_EtRawMediumHad1 = clusterDetails->HADenergyMedium(1) * inv_coshEta;
+    m_EtRawMediumHad2 = clusterDetails->HADenergyMedium(2) * inv_coshEta;
+    m_EtRawMedium = m_EtRawMediumEM0 + m_EtRawMediumEM1 + m_EtRawMediumEM2 + m_EtRawMediumEM3 + m_EtRawMediumHad0 + m_EtRawMediumHad1 + m_EtRawMediumHad2;
+    m_CoreFraction = ptrigTauCluster->CoreFrac();
+    m_Eta = ptrigTauCluster->eta();
+    m_Phi = ptrigTauCluster->phi();
+    if(roiL1Descriptor)
+    {
+        m_EtaL1 = roiL1Descriptor->eta();
+        m_PhiL1 = roiL1Descriptor->phi();
+    }
+    m_dEtaL2Tau_RoI = m_Eta - m_EtaL1;
+    m_dPhiL2Tau_RoI = m_Phi - m_PhiL1;
+    //   m_dEtaL2Tau_RoI = ptrigTauCluster->eta() - roiL1Descriptor->eta0();
+    //   m_dPhiL2Tau_RoI = ptrigTauCluster->phi() - roiL1Descriptor->phi0();
+    if(m_dPhiL2Tau_RoI > M_PI)  m_dPhiL2Tau_RoI -= 2 * M_PI;
+    if(m_dPhiL2Tau_RoI < -M_PI) m_dPhiL2Tau_RoI += 2 * M_PI;
+    if(m_EtRawWide > 495000.) m_EtRawWide = 499000.;
+    if(m_EMEnMedium > 495000.) m_EMEnMedium = 499000.;
+    if(m_HADEnMedium > 495000.) m_HADEnMedium = 499000.;
+    if(m_EMEnNarrow > 495000.) m_EMEnNarrow = 499000.;
+    if(m_HADEnNarrow > 495000.) m_HADEnNarrow = 499000.;
+    if(m_EtRawMedium > 495000.) m_EtRawMedium = 499000.;
+    if(m_EtRawMediumEM0 > 495000.) m_EtRawMediumEM0 = 499000.;
+    if(m_EtRawMediumEM1 > 495000.) m_EtRawMediumEM1 = 499000.;
+    if(m_EtRawMediumEM2 > 495000.) m_EtRawMediumEM2 = 499000.;
+    if(m_EtRawMediumEM3 > 495000.) m_EtRawMediumEM3 = 499000.;
+    if(m_EtRawMediumHad0 > 495000.) m_EtRawMediumHad0 = 499000.;
+    if(m_EtRawMediumHad1 > 495000.) m_EtRawMediumHad1 = 499000.;
+    if(m_EtRawMediumHad2 > 495000.) m_EtRawMediumHad2 = 499000.;
+    // Cluster quality is a collection of possible errors
+    // No error => quality=0
+    ptrigTauCluster->setquality(error);
+    if(timerSvc()) m_timer[1]->stop();
+    if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+    {
+        // Print out Cluster produced
+        //    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "TEST-TEST-TEST-TEST" << endmsg;
+        msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: eta/phi = "<< m_Eta << "/" << m_Phi << endmsg;
+        //msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: etaL1/phiL1 = "<< m_EtaL1 << "/" << m_PhiL1 << endmsg;
+        msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: EMenergy0Narrow/Medium/Wide = "<< (*ptrigTauCluster).clusterDetails()->EMenergyNarrow(0) 
+              << "/" << (*ptrigTauCluster).clusterDetails()->EMenergyMedium(0) << "/" 
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).clusterDetails()->EMenergyWide(0) << endmsg;
+        msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: EMenergy1Narrow/Medium/Wide = "
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).clusterDetails()->EMenergyNarrow(1) << "/" 
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).clusterDetails()->EMenergyMedium(1) << "/"
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).clusterDetails()->EMenergyWide(1) << endmsg;
+        msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: EMenergy2Narrow/Medium/Wide = "
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).clusterDetails()->EMenergyNarrow(2) << "/"
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).clusterDetails()->EMenergyMedium(2) << "/" 
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).clusterDetails()->EMenergyWide(2) <<  endmsg;
+        msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: EMenergy3Narrow/Medium/Wide = "
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).clusterDetails()->EMenergyNarrow(3) << "/"
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).clusterDetails()->EMenergyMedium(3) << "/" 
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).clusterDetails()->EMenergyWide(3) << endmsg;
+        msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: HADenergy0Narrow/Medium/Wide = "
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).clusterDetails()->HADenergyNarrow(0) << "/" 
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).clusterDetails()->HADenergyMedium(0) << "/" 
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).clusterDetails()->HADenergyWide(0) << endmsg;
+        msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: HADenergy1Narrow/Medium/Wide = "
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).clusterDetails()->HADenergyNarrow(1) << "/" 
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).clusterDetails()->HADenergyMedium(1) << "/" 
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).clusterDetails()->HADenergyWide(1) << endmsg;
+        msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: HADenergy2Narrow/Medium/Wide = "
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).clusterDetails()->HADenergyNarrow(2) << "/" 
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).clusterDetails()->HADenergyMedium(2) << "/" 
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).clusterDetails()->HADenergyWide(2) << endmsg;
+        msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: EMRadius0/1/2/3 = "
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).clusterDetails()->EMRadius(0) << "/" 
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).clusterDetails()->EMRadius(1) << "/" 
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).clusterDetails()->EMRadius(2) << "/" 
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).clusterDetails()->EMRadius(3) << endmsg;
+        msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: HADRadius0/1/2 = "
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).clusterDetails()->HADRadius(0) << "/" 
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).clusterDetails()->HADRadius(1) << "/" 
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).clusterDetails()->HADRadius(2) << endmsg;
+        msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: EMenergyWidth0/1/2/3 = "
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).clusterDetails()->EMenergyWidth(0) << "/" 
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).clusterDetails()->EMenergyWidth(1) << "/" 
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).clusterDetails()->EMenergyWidth(2) << "/" 
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).clusterDetails()->EMenergyWidth(3) << endmsg;
+        msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: EMenergy/Hadenergy =  "
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).EMenergy() << "/" 
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).HADenergy() << "/" 
+              <<  endmsg;
+        msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: numStripCells/stripWidth/IsoFrac = "
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).numStripCells() << "/" 
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).stripWidth() << "/"
+              << m_IsoFrac << endmsg;
+        msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: RoIWord = "
+              << (*ptrigTauCluster).RoIword() << endmsg;
+    }  
+    //// From egamma. This is already done inside the tools for tau! but maybe would like to change at some point...
+    //  if ( error ) {
+    //    // Clustering failed. Transmit ahead L1
+    //    ptrigTauCluster->setEta(etaL1);
+    //    ptrigTauCluster->setPhi(phiL1);
+    //    ptrigTauCluster->setEnergy(0.0);
+    //  }
+    key = "";
+    HLT::ErrorCode hltstatus = recordAndAttachFeature(outputTE, ptrigTauCluster, key, "TrigT2CaloTau");
+    if(hltstatus != HLT::OK)
+    {
+        if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+        {
+            msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Write of TrigTauCluster into outputTE failed" << endmsg;
+        }
+        return hltstatus;
+    }
+    if(m_storeCells)
+    {
+        if(m_Container != 0)
+        {
+            HLT::ErrorCode hltstatus = recordAndAttachFeature(outputTE, m_Container, key, "TrigT2CaloTauCells");
+            if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+            {
+                msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " recorded " <<  m_Container->size() << " cells "<< endmsg;
+            }
+            if(hltstatus != HLT::OK)
+            {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+                if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+                {
+                    msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Write of TrigTauClusterCells into outputTE failed" << endmsg;
+                }
+                if(m_timersvc) m_timer[0]->stop();
+                return hltstatus;
+            }
+        } // End of if to check whether there is a container
+    } // End of if to check the option is ok
+    // Create a new RoiDescriptor with updated eta and phi.
+    // Note that the steering will propagate l1Id and roiId automatically
+    // so no need to set them.
+    if(m_updateRoiDescriptor)
+    {
+      /// what size should we create this roi with ??? 
+      /// use some new parameters
+      double eta = ptrigTauCluster->eta();
+      double phi = ptrigTauCluster->phi();
+      TrigRoiDescriptor* newRoiDescriptor   = new TrigRoiDescriptor( roiDescriptor->roiWord(), 
+								     roiDescriptor->l1Id(), 
+								     roiDescriptor->roiId(), 
+								     eta, eta-m_etaWidthForID, eta+m_etaWidthForID,
+								     phi, HLT::wrap_phi(phi-m_phiWidthForID), HLT::wrap_phi(phi+m_phiWidthForID) );
+      /// obsolete constructor 
+      //      TrigRoiDescriptor* newRoiDescriptor = new TrigRoiDescriptor(roiDescriptor->roiWord(), 
+      //								  roiDescriptor->l1Id(), 
+      //								  roiDescriptor->roiId(), 
+      //								  ptrigTauCluster->eta(), 
+      //								  ptrigTauCluster->phi());
+        if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+        {
+            msg() << MSG::DEBUG  << "Recorded an RoiDescriptor "
+                  << " phi " << newRoiDescriptor->phi()
+                  << " eta " << newRoiDescriptor->eta() << "  " << *newRoiDescriptor << endmsg;
+        }
+        hltstatus = attachFeature(outputTE, newRoiDescriptor, "TrigT2CaloTau"); 
+        if(hltstatus != HLT::OK)
+        {
+            if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+            {
+                msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Write of newRoiDescriptor into outputTE failed" << endmsg;
+            }
+            return hltstatus;
+        }
+    }
+    // Some debug output:
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+    {
+        msg() << MSG::DEBUG
+              << "We assume success, set TE with id "
+              << outputTE->getId()
+              << " active to signal positive result."
+              << endmsg;
+    }
+    // Time total T2CaloT2Calo execution time.
+    if(timerSvc()) m_timer[0]->stop();      
+    //return HLT::OK;
+    return ToolStat;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/src/TauAllCaloDRFex.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/src/TauAllCaloDRFex.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..460a3a0bb94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/src/TauAllCaloDRFex.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1186 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// ********************************************************************
+// NAME:     TauAllCaloDRFex.cxx
+// PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau
+// AUTHOR:   Olga Igonkina (Nikhef), M. Pilar Casado (IFAE), Mogens Dam (NBI)
+//           based on TauEmEnFex.cxx
+// CREATED: Jun-09
+// DESCRIPTION: Tool to compute LVL2 Calo tau variables at
+//              EM sampling 2
+// ********************************************************************
+#include "CaloIdentifier/LArEM_ID.h"
+#include "CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigTauCluster.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigTauClusterDetails.h"
+#include "CaloGeoHelpers/CaloSampling.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloTau/TauAllCaloDRFex.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloCommon/Calo_Def.h"
+#include "TrigSteeringEvent/Enums.h"
+TauAllCaloDRFex::TauAllCaloDRFex(const std::string& type, const std::string& name, const IInterface* parent) : IAlgToolCalo(type, name, parent)
+    declareProperty("StripEthr",      m_stripEthr);
+    declareProperty("dRSeed",         m_dRSeed,         "dR cut for reconstruction of the seed ");    
+    declareProperty("CaloNoiseTool",  m_noiseTool,      "Tool Handle for noise tool");
+    declareProperty("applyNoiseCut",  m_applyNoiseCut,  "swithch on/off noise suppression");
+    declareProperty("noiseNSigmaCut", m_noiseNSigmaCut, "number of sigmas for 2 sided noise substraction");
+    declareProperty("hecQualityCut",  m_hecQualityCut,  "Control for HEC Quality");
+    declareProperty("defaultWidth",   m_defaultWidth,   "default width to be saved");
+    declareProperty("dRConeNarrow",   m_dRConeNarrow,   "dR cut for full region (Narrow) ");
+    declareProperty("dRConeMedium",   m_dRConeMedium,   "dR cut for full region (Medium) ");
+    declareProperty("dRConeWide",     m_dRConeWide,     "dR cut for full region (Wide) ");
+    m_saveCells = false;
+StatusCode TauAllCaloDRFex::initialize()
+  StatusCode sc = IAlgToolCalo::initialize();
+  if( sc.isFailure() ) return sc;
+  msg()  << MSG::INFO << "REGTEST initialized with:" << endmsg;
+  msg()  << MSG::INFO << "REGTEST dRSeed="           << m_dRSeed         << endmsg;
+  msg()  << MSG::INFO << "REGTEST StripEthr="        << m_stripEthr      << endmsg;
+  msg()  << MSG::INFO << "REGTEST CaloNoiseTool="    << m_noiseTool      << endmsg;
+  msg()  << MSG::INFO << "REGTEST applyNoiseCut="    << m_applyNoiseCut  << endmsg;
+  msg()  << MSG::INFO << "REGTEST noiseNSigmaCut="   << m_noiseNSigmaCut << endmsg;
+  msg()  << MSG::INFO << "REGTEST hecQualityCut="    << m_hecQualityCut  << endmsg;
+  msg()  << MSG::INFO << "REGTEST defaultWidth="     << m_defaultWidth   << endmsg;
+  msg()  << MSG::INFO << "REGTEST dRConeNarrow="     << m_dRConeNarrow   << endmsg;
+  msg()  << MSG::INFO << "REGTEST dRConeMedium="     << m_dRConeMedium   << endmsg;
+  msg()  << MSG::INFO << "REGTEST dRConeWide="       << m_dRConeWide     << endmsg;
+  if(   m_saveCells && msg().level() <= MSG::DEBUG )
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "REGTEST: store cells with Et> " << m_cellkeepthr << endmsg;
+  if ( !m_timersvc.empty() )
+    {     
+      m_timer[0] = m_timersvc->addItem("T2CaloTau.Tools.Total");
+      m_timer[1] = m_timersvc->addItem("T2CaloTau.Tools.RegSel");
+      m_timer[2] = m_timersvc->addItem("T2CaloTau.Tools.DataPrep");
+      m_timer[3] = m_timersvc->addItem("T2CaloTau.Tools.Algorithmic");
+      m_timer[4] = m_timersvc->addItem("T2CaloTau.Tools.Saving");
+    }
+  // noise suppression
+  if(m_applyNoiseCut!=0)
+    {
+      if(m_noiseTool.retrieve().isFailure())
+        {
+          msg() << MSG::FATAL << "Unable to find CaloNoiseTool" << endmsg;
+          return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+        }
+    }
+  return sc;
+HLT::ErrorCode TauAllCaloDRFex::execute( TrigTauCluster &rtrigTauCluster,
+					 const IRoiDescriptor& roi,
+					 const CaloDetDescrElement*& /*caloDDE*/)
+  // Time total AlgTool time 
+  if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[0]->start();      
+  // reset error
+  m_error = 0x0;
+  //these aren't used:
+  //  phiWidthEM = 0.;
+  //  etaWidthEM = 0.;
+  //samplings
+  const unsigned int NSamplings = 7;
+  int samplings[NSamplings]     = {0,1,2,3,0,1,2};
+  // Time to access RegionSelector
+  if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[1]->start();      
+  if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[1]->pause();      
+  // Time to access Collection (and ByteStreamCnv ROBs)
+  if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[2]->start();      
+  if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[2]->pause();    
+  // Algorithmic time
+  if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[3]->start();      
+  double seedPhi = roi.phi();
+  double seedEta = roi.eta();
+  if (msg().level()<=MSG::DEBUG)
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " Seed position (L1) eta/phi=" << seedEta << "/" << seedPhi << endmsg;
+  double energyEta = 0.;
+  double energyPhi = 0.;
+  // Variables to take care of phi wrap-around
+  double energyNegPhi     = 0.; 
+  double energyNegPhiConv = 0.; 
+  double energyPosPhi     = 0.; 
+  double EnergyMediumPosPhi = 0;
+  double EnergyMediumNegPhi = 0;
+  //  double etamin = std::max(-2.5,RoIeta - etaWidth);
+  //  double etamax = std::min( 2.5,RoIeta + etaWidth);
+  //  double phimin = RoIphi - phiWidth;
+  //  double phimax = RoIphi + phiWidth;
+  //  while (phimin < 0) phimin += 2. * M_PI;
+  //  while (phimax > 2*M_PI) phimax -= 2. * M_PI;
+  //------------------ step 1 : clusterization -----------------------------------
+  // loop over all samplings 
+  if (msg().level()<=MSG::DEBUG)
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " Start clusterization "<< endmsg;
+  for(unsigned int is=0; is<NSamplings;++is)
+    {
+      if (msg().level()<=MSG::DEBUG)
+	msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "LAr sampling "<< samplings[is]<< endmsg;
+      if (!m_timersvc.empty()) { m_timer[3]->pause();  m_timer[1]->resume();}
+      //      m_data->RegionSelector(samplings[is], etamin, etamax, phimin, phimax, detectorID[is]);
+      m_data->RegionSelector(samplings[is], roi, detectorID[is]);
+      if (!m_timersvc.empty()) {m_timer[1]->pause();  m_timer[2]->resume(); }
+      if ( m_data->LoadCollections(m_iBegin,m_iEnd).isFailure() ){
+	if (msg().level()<=MSG::DEBUG)
+	  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " can not LoadCollections " << *m_iBegin << " " << *m_iEnd << endmsg;
+	return  HLT::TOOL_FAILURE; 
+      }
+      m_error|=m_data->report_error(); 
+      if (!m_timersvc.empty()){ m_timer[2]->pause();  m_timer[3]->resume(); }
+      for(m_it = m_iBegin;m_it != m_iEnd; ++m_it)
+	{
+	  const LArCell*  cell = *m_it;
+	  double etaCell = cell->eta();
+	  double phiCell = cell->phi();
+          double dR;
+          if( ! getdR(seedPhi, seedEta, etaCell, phiCell, m_dRSeed, dR) )
+              continue;
+	  float energyCell = cell->energy();
+	  if (m_applyNoiseCut) {
+	    double rms = m_noiseTool->getNoise(cell, ICalorimeterNoiseTool::TOTALNOISE);
+	    if ( fabs(energyCell) < m_noiseNSigmaCut * rms) 
+	      continue;
+	  }
+	  if (detectorID[is]==TTHEC) { 
+	    if (energyCell < -5e3) continue;
+	    if ((m_hecQualityCut!=0) && (((cell->quality())&0xffff) > m_hecQualityCut) ) continue;
+	  }
+	  energyEta += energyCell * etaCell ;
+	  if (phiCell > 0.){
+	    EnergyMediumPosPhi += energyCell;
+	    energyPosPhi       += energyCell * phiCell;
+	  } else {
+	    energyNegPhi       += energyCell * phiCell;
+	    energyNegPhiConv   += energyCell * (phiCell+2.0*M_PI);
+	    EnergyMediumNegPhi += energyCell;
+	  }
+	} // end of loop over EM sampling   
+    } // end loop over EM LAr
+  // Region Selector, no sample needed
+  // Get detector offline ID's for Collections
+  //  m_data->RegionSelector(0,etamin,etamax,phimin,phimax,TILE);
+  m_data->RegionSelector( 0, roi, TILE );
+  if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[1]->pause();
+  for (unsigned int iR=0;iR< m_data->TileContSize();iR++)
+    {
+      if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[2]->resume();
+      // For the first sample you will create the containers
+      // For the others no
+      if ( m_data->LoadCollections(m_itBegin,m_itEnd,iR,!iR).isFailure() ){
+	return  HLT::TOOL_FAILURE;
+      }
+      m_error|=m_data->report_error(); 
+      // Finished to access Collection
+      if (!m_timersvc.empty()) { m_timer[2]->pause(); m_timer[3]->resume(); }
+      for(m_itt = m_itBegin;m_itt != m_itEnd; ++m_itt)
+	{
+	  const CaloCell* cell = (*m_itt);
+	  double etaCell = cell->eta();
+	  double phiCell = cell->phi();
+          double dR;
+          if (! getdR(seedPhi, seedEta, etaCell, phiCell, m_dRSeed, dR) )
+              continue;
+	  float energyCell = cell->energy();
+	  if (m_applyNoiseCut) {
+	      if (! m_noiseTool->isEOverNSigma( cell, m_noiseNSigmaCut, 
+						ICalorimeterNoiseTool::MAXSYMMETRYHANDLING, 
+						ICalorimeterNoiseTool::TOTALNOISE) )
+                  continue;
+          }
+	  energyEta += energyCell * etaCell ;
+	  if (msg().level()<=MSG::DEBUG)
+	    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "take cell E="<<energyCell << " Eta/Phi="<<etaCell << "/"<<phiCell<< endmsg;
+	  if (phiCell > 0.){
+	    EnergyMediumPosPhi += energyCell;
+	    energyPosPhi +=energyCell * phiCell;
+	  } else {
+	    energyNegPhi +=energyCell * phiCell;
+	    energyNegPhiConv += energyCell * ( phiCell+2.0*M_PI);
+	    EnergyMediumNegPhi += energyCell;
+	  }
+	} // end of loop over Tile cells
+    } // end loop over Tile samplings
+  // End options for cluster position
+  //---------------- step 2 calculation of variables
+  HLT::ErrorCode StatError = HLT::OK; // define flag for cluster with negative energy or sampling with 0 energy.
+  // Phi wrap-around
+  if ( (EnergyMediumNegPhi + EnergyMediumPosPhi) > 0. ){           // dont divide by zero
+    energyEta /= (EnergyMediumNegPhi + EnergyMediumPosPhi) ;
+    energyPhi = calcEnergyPhi(energyNegPhi, energyPosPhi, EnergyMediumNegPhi, EnergyMediumPosPhi, energyNegPhiConv);
+  } else {
+    if (msg().level()<=MSG::DEBUG)
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG <<"REGTEST problems finding seed: negative energy = "<< EnergyMediumNegPhi + EnergyMediumPosPhi 
+	       <<" eta/phi = "<< energyEta<<" / "<<energyPhi <<" . Seed set to L1 direction: eta/phi = "
+	       <<roi.eta()<<" / "<<roi.phi()<<  endmsg;
+    energyEta = roi.eta() ; // if Cluster energy is null or negative, set L1 position
+    energyPhi = roi.phi() ;
+    StatError =  HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::CONTINUE, NEG_ENERGY_CLUSTER);
+  }
+  if (msg().level()<=MSG::DEBUG)
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG <<"REGTEST Pre-seed eta/phi " << seedEta<<"/"<<seedPhi << " => Cluster eta/phi = "<< energyEta << "/"<< energyPhi << endmsg;
+  while (energyPhi < -M_PI) energyPhi= energyPhi + 2. * M_PI;
+  while (energyPhi > M_PI)  energyPhi= energyPhi - 2. * M_PI;
+  float dPhiL1 = fabs(energyPhi - seedPhi);
+  if( dPhiL1 > M_PI ) dPhiL1 = 2*M_PI - dPhiL1;  
+  // If seed is too far from pre seed, means that something has happened, probably too small energy deposition
+  if ( fabs(energyEta - seedEta)> m_dRSeed || fabs(dPhiL1)> m_dRSeed){
+    if (msg().level()<=MSG::DEBUG)
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG <<"REGTEST problems finding seed: eta/phi = "<<energyEta<<" / "<<energyPhi
+	       <<" too far from L1 eta/phi = "<< seedEta<<" / "<<seedPhi 
+	       <<" . Energy = "<< EnergyMediumNegPhi + EnergyMediumPosPhi<<  endmsg;
+    energyEta=roi.eta();
+    energyPhi=roi.phi();
+    // this a similar case as above: energy is too small to calculate a good seed position. they should be monitored together.
+    StatError =  HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::CONTINUE, NEG_ENERGY_CLUSTER); 
+  }
+  const TrigTauClusterDetails* pDetailsConst = rtrigTauCluster.clusterDetails();
+  TrigTauClusterDetails* pDetails = const_cast<TrigTauClusterDetails*> (pDetailsConst); // why do not we have function for that, if needed?
+  if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[3]->pause();      
+  // Time to store cluster quantities
+  if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[4]->start();      
+  rtrigTauCluster.setEta(energyEta);
+  rtrigTauCluster.setPhi(energyPhi);
+  if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[4]->pause();      
+  if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[3]->resume();      
+  ClearClusterError(TAUCLUSTERROR::EMS0E0); // this bit might at some point be set by the common data access
+  ClearClusterError(TAUCLUSTERROR::EMS1E0); // this bit might at some point be set by the common data access
+  ClearClusterError(TAUCLUSTERROR::EMS2E0); // this bit might at some point be set by the common data access
+  ClearClusterError(TAUCLUSTERROR::EMS3E0); // this bit might at some point be set by the common data access
+  ClearClusterError(TAUCLUSTERROR::HADS1E0);  
+  ClearClusterError(TAUCLUSTERROR::HADS2E0);  
+  ClearClusterError(TAUCLUSTERROR::HADS3E0);  
+  if (msg().level()<=MSG::DEBUG)
+	msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " Start shape calculation "<< endmsg;
+  int    numStripCell           = 0;
+  int    numTotalCells          = 0;
+  int    nEmCellsNarrow         = 0;
+  int    nEmCellsMed            = 0;
+  int    nEmCellsWide           = 0;
+  int    nHadCellsNarrow[3]     = {0,0,0};
+  int    nHadCellsMed[3]        = {0,0,0};
+  int    nHadCellsWide [3]      = {0,0,0};
+  double emRadiusNarrow         = 0;
+  double emRadiusMed            = 0;
+  double emRadiusWide           = 0;
+  double hadRadiusNarrow[3]     = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
+  double hadRadiusMed[3]        = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
+  double hadRadiusWide[3]       = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
+  double emEnergyNarrow         = 0;
+  double emEnergyMed            = 0;
+  double emEnergyWide           = 0;
+  double hadEnergyNarrow[3]     = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
+  double hadEnergyMed[3]        = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
+  double hadEnergyWide[3]       = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
+  double emWeightEtaNarrow      = 0.0;
+  double emWeightEtaMed         = 0.0;
+  double emWeightEtaWide        = 0.0;
+  double hadWeightEtaNarrow[3]  = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
+  double hadWeightEtaMed[3]     = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
+  double hadWeightEtaWide[3]    = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
+  double emWeightEta2Narrow     = 0.0;
+  double emWeightEta2Med        = 0.0;
+  double emWeightEta2Wide       = 0.0;
+  double hadWeightEta2Narrow[3] = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
+  double hadWeightEta2Med[3]    = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
+  double hadWeightEta2Wide[3]   = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
+  //loop over LAr samplings
+  for(unsigned int is=0; is<NSamplings;++is){
+    emRadiusNarrow     = 0.;
+    emRadiusMed        = 0.;
+    emRadiusWide       = 0.;
+    nEmCellsNarrow     = 0;
+    nEmCellsMed        = 0;
+    nEmCellsWide       = 0;
+    emRadiusNarrow     = 0.;
+    emRadiusMed        = 0.;
+    emRadiusWide       = 0.;
+    emEnergyNarrow     = 0.;
+    emEnergyMed        = 0.;
+    emEnergyWide       = 0.;
+    emWeightEtaNarrow  = 0.;
+    emWeightEtaMed     = 0.;
+    emWeightEtaWide    = 0.;
+    emWeightEta2Narrow = 0.;
+    emWeightEta2Med    = 0.;
+    emWeightEta2Wide   = 0.;
+    //get data
+    if (!m_timersvc.empty()){ m_timer[3]->pause();  m_timer[1]->resume(); }
+    // m_data->RegionSelector(samplings[is],etamin,etamax,phimin,phimax,detectorID[is]);
+    m_data->RegionSelector( samplings[is], roi, detectorID[is] );
+    if (!m_timersvc.empty()) { m_timer[1]->pause(); m_timer[2]->resume(); }
+    if ( m_data->LoadCollections(m_iBegin,m_iEnd).isFailure() ){
+      if (msg().level()<=MSG::DEBUG)
+          msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " can not LoadCollections " << *m_iBegin << " " << *m_iEnd << endmsg;
+      return  HLT::TOOL_FAILURE; 
+    }
+    m_error|=m_data->report_error(); 
+    if (!m_timersvc.empty()){ m_timer[2]->pause();   m_timer[3]->resume(); }
+    if ( m_saveCells ){ 
+      m_data->storeCells(m_iBegin,m_iEnd,*m_CaloCellContPoint,m_cellkeepthr,100000);
+    } 
+    //loop over cells per sampling
+    for(m_it = m_iBegin;m_it != m_iEnd; ++m_it) {
+      const LArCell*  cell = *m_it;
+      double etaCell = cell->eta();
+      double phiCell = cell->phi();          
+      double dR      = 0.0;
+      //effectively applying the dR<m_dRConeWide cut
+      if ( !getdR(energyPhi, energyEta, etaCell, phiCell,m_dRConeWide , dR) ) continue;
+      float energyCell = cell->energy();
+      // Count cells
+      if ( is < 4 ) {
+        nEmCellsWide += 1;
+        if( dR < m_dRConeMedium ) {
+          nEmCellsMed += 1;
+          if( dR < m_dRConeNarrow )
+              nEmCellsNarrow += 1;
+        }
+      } else {
+        nHadCellsWide[samplings[is]] += 1;
+        if( dR < m_dRConeMedium ) {
+          nHadCellsMed[samplings[is]] += 1;
+          if( dR < m_dRConeNarrow )
+              nHadCellsNarrow[samplings[is]] += 1;
+        }
+      }        
+      //count n cells
+      numTotalCells = rtrigTauCluster.numTotCells();
+      numTotalCells = numTotalCells + 1;
+      rtrigTauCluster.setNumTotCells(numTotalCells);
+      //Noise subtraction
+      if (m_applyNoiseCut) {
+        double rms = m_noiseTool->getNoise(cell, ICalorimeterNoiseTool::TOTALNOISE);
+        if ( fabs(energyCell) < m_noiseNSigmaCut * rms) 
+          continue;
+      }
+      if (detectorID[is]==TTHEC) {
+        if (energyCell < -5e3) continue;
+        if ((m_hecQualityCut!=0) && (((cell->quality())&0xffff) > m_hecQualityCut) ) continue;
+      }           
+      if ( is < 4 ) {
+        emRadiusWide     += energyCell * dR;
+        emEnergyWide     += energyCell; 
+        emWeightEta2Wide += energyCell * etaCell * etaCell;
+        emWeightEtaWide  += energyCell * etaCell;
+      } else {
+        hadRadiusWide[samplings[is]]     += energyCell * dR;
+        hadEnergyWide[samplings[is]]     += energyCell; 
+        hadWeightEta2Wide[samplings[is]] += energyCell * etaCell * etaCell;
+        hadWeightEtaWide[samplings[is]]  += energyCell * etaCell;
+      }
+      if ( (is==1) && (energyCell > m_stripEthr ) ) numStripCell += 1;  
+      if( dR < m_dRConeMedium ) {
+	if( is < 4 ) {
+          emRadiusMed     += energyCell * dR; 
+          emEnergyMed     += energyCell;
+          emWeightEta2Med += energyCell * etaCell * etaCell;
+          emWeightEtaMed  += energyCell * etaCell;
+        } else {
+          hadRadiusMed[samplings[is]]     += energyCell * dR;
+          hadEnergyMed[samplings[is]]     += energyCell;
+          hadWeightEta2Med[samplings[is]] += energyCell * etaCell * etaCell;
+          hadWeightEtaMed[samplings[is]]  += energyCell * etaCell;
+        }
+        if( dR < m_dRConeNarrow ) {
+          if( is < 4 ) {
+            emRadiusNarrow     += energyCell * dR; 
+            emEnergyNarrow     += energyCell;
+            emWeightEta2Narrow += energyCell * etaCell * etaCell;
+            emWeightEtaNarrow  += energyCell * etaCell;
+          } else {
+            hadRadiusNarrow[samplings[is]]     += energyCell * dR;
+            hadEnergyNarrow[samplings[is]]     += energyCell;
+            hadWeightEta2Narrow[samplings[is]] += energyCell * etaCell * etaCell;
+            hadWeightEtaNarrow[samplings[is]]  += energyCell * etaCell;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    } // end of loop over cells  
+    //Set clusterWidth and emRadius for EM Samplings
+    if ( is < 4 ) {
+      double clusterWidthWide;
+      double clusterWidthMed;
+      double clusterWidthNarrow;
+      //Wide
+      if ( (emEnergyWide > 0.) && (nEmCellsWide > 0) ) {
+        clusterWidthWide = 
+            (emWeightEta2Wide/emEnergyWide) -
+            (emWeightEtaWide/emEnergyWide)*
+            (emWeightEtaWide/emEnergyWide);
+        clusterWidthWide > 0.? clusterWidthWide = 
+            sqrt(clusterWidthWide) : -99.;
+        emRadiusWide = emRadiusWide / emEnergyWide ;
+      } else { 
+        if(nEmCellsWide == 0) {
+          clusterWidthWide = 0.;
+          emRadiusWide     = 0. ;
+	  /// What is this code for?? why is it hardcoded with values like eta=1.8 ???
+          // if E==0 in a dR<0.3 region, probably means problems with unpacking.
+          if ((is < 4) && 
+              (samplings[is]==0) && 
+              ((fabs(energyEta) - m_dRConeWide) < (1.8 - (0.025/2) - 0.05) ) &&
+              ((fabs(roi.etaMinus())<(1.8-1e-7)) || (fabs(roi.etaPlus())<(1.8-1e-7)) ) 
+              ) {
+            SetClusterError(TAUCLUSTERROR::EMS0E0);
+            StatError =  HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::CONTINUE, NULL_ENERGY_SAMPLING);
+          }
+          if ((is < 4) && (samplings[is]==1)) {
+            SetClusterError(TAUCLUSTERROR::EMS1E0);
+            StatError =  HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::CONTINUE, NULL_ENERGY_SAMPLING);
+          }
+          if ((is < 4) && (samplings[is]==2)) {
+            SetClusterError(TAUCLUSTERROR::EMS2E0);
+            StatError =  HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::CONTINUE, NULL_ENERGY_SAMPLING);
+          } 
+          if ((is < 4) && (samplings[is]==3)) {
+            SetClusterError(TAUCLUSTERROR::EMS3E0);          
+            StatError =  HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::CONTINUE, NULL_ENERGY_SAMPLING);
+          }
+        }
+        else {
+          clusterWidthWide = -99.;
+          emRadiusWide     = -99.;
+        }
+      }
+      //Medium
+      if ( (emEnergyMed > 0.) && (nEmCellsMed > 0) ) {
+        clusterWidthMed = 
+	  (emWeightEta2Med/emEnergyMed) -
+	  (emWeightEtaMed/emEnergyMed)*
+	  (emWeightEtaMed/emEnergyMed);
+        clusterWidthMed > 0.? clusterWidthMed = 
+            sqrt(clusterWidthMed) : -99.;
+        emRadiusMed = emRadiusMed / emEnergyMed ;
+      } else { 
+        if( nEmCellsMed == 0 ) {
+          clusterWidthMed = 0.;
+          emRadiusMed     = 0. ;
+        } else {
+          clusterWidthMed = -99.;
+          emRadiusMed     = -99.;
+        }
+      }
+      //Narrow
+      if ( (emEnergyNarrow > 0.) && (nEmCellsNarrow > 0) ) {
+        clusterWidthNarrow = 
+	  (emWeightEta2Narrow/emEnergyNarrow) -
+	  (emWeightEtaNarrow /emEnergyNarrow)*
+	  (emWeightEtaNarrow /emEnergyNarrow);
+        clusterWidthNarrow > 0.? clusterWidthNarrow = 
+	  sqrt(clusterWidthNarrow) : -99.;
+        emRadiusNarrow = emRadiusNarrow / emEnergyNarrow ;
+      } else { 
+        if( nEmCellsNarrow == 0 ) {
+          clusterWidthNarrow = 0.;
+          emRadiusNarrow     = 0. ;
+	} else {
+          clusterWidthNarrow = -99.;
+          emRadiusNarrow     = -99.;
+        }
+      }
+      if (!m_timersvc.empty()){ m_timer[3]->pause();  m_timer[4]->resume(); }
+      float emRad     = -1.0;
+      float clusWidth = -1.0;
+      switch (m_defaultWidth) {
+      case 0:
+        emRad     = emRadiusNarrow;
+        clusWidth = clusterWidthNarrow;
+        break;
+      case 1:
+        emRad     = emRadiusMed;
+        clusWidth = clusterWidthMed;
+        break;
+      case 2:
+        emRad     = emRadiusWide;
+        clusWidth = clusterWidthWide;
+        break;
+      }
+      pDetails->setEMRadius      (samplings[is],emRad);
+      pDetails->setEMenergyWidth (samplings[is],clusWidth);
+      pDetails->setEMenergyNarrow(samplings[is],emEnergyNarrow);
+      pDetails->setEMenergyMedium(samplings[is],emEnergyMed);
+      pDetails->setEMenergyWide  (samplings[is],emEnergyWide);
+      //if samplings==2 in the first 4 samples
+      if (samplings[is]==2) {
+	if(emEnergyMed != 0) rtrigTauCluster.setIsoFrac( (emEnergyMed - emEnergyNarrow) / emEnergyMed );
+        else rtrigTauCluster.setIsoFrac(-99. );
+      }
+    } 
+    if (!m_timersvc.empty()){ m_timer[4]->pause();   m_timer[3]->resume(); }
+  } 
+  if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[3]->pause();      
+  if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[4]->resume();      
+  rtrigTauCluster.setNumStripCells    (numStripCell);
+  rtrigTauCluster.setStripWidthOffline(rtrigTauCluster.EMenergyWidth(1));
+  rtrigTauCluster.setStripWidth       (rtrigTauCluster.EMenergyWidth(2));
+  rtrigTauCluster.setEMRadius2        (rtrigTauCluster.EMRadius(2));
+  rtrigTauCluster.setEMenergy         (getEMEnergy(pDetails, m_defaultWidth) );
+  if (!m_timersvc.empty()){ m_timer[4]->pause(); m_timer[3]->resume(); }
+  if (!m_timersvc.empty()) { m_timer[3]->pause(); m_timer[1]->resume();}
+  //  m_data->RegionSelector(0,etamin,etamax,phimin,phimax,TILE);
+  m_data->RegionSelector( 0, roi, TILE );
+  if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[1]->pause();
+  // Tile energy
+  for (unsigned int iR=0; iR<m_data->TileContSize(); iR++) {
+    if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[2]->resume();
+    if ( m_data->LoadCollections(m_itBegin,m_itEnd,iR,!iR).isFailure() ){
+      return  HLT::TOOL_FAILURE;
+    }
+    m_error|=m_data->report_error(); 
+    if ( m_saveCells ){ 
+      m_data->storeCells(m_itBegin,m_itEnd,*m_CaloCellContPoint,m_cellkeepthr,100000); 
+    } 
+    if (!m_timersvc.empty()) { m_timer[2]->pause(); m_timer[3]->resume();}
+    //loop over tile cells
+    for(m_itt = m_itBegin;m_itt != m_itEnd; ++m_itt) {
+      const CaloCell*  cell = (*m_itt);
+      double etaCell = cell->eta();
+      double phiCell = cell->phi();
+      double dR      = 0.0;
+      if (!getdR(energyPhi, energyEta, etaCell, phiCell, m_dRConeWide, dR) )
+          continue;
+      float energyCell = cell->energy();
+      //samp = CaloSampling::getSampling(*cell);
+      //CaloSampling::CaloSample samp = CaloSampling::getSampling(*(*m_itt));
+      CaloSampling::CaloSample samp = (*m_itt)->caloDDE()->getSampling();
+      int idxsamp = -99;
+      if (CaloSampling::TileBar0 == samp ||
+	  CaloSampling::TileExt0 == samp) {
+	idxsamp = 0; 
+      } else if (CaloSampling::TileBar1 == samp ||
+		 CaloSampling::TileExt1 == samp) {
+	idxsamp = 1;
+      } else if (CaloSampling::TileBar2 == samp ||
+		 CaloSampling::TileExt2 == samp) {
+	idxsamp = 2;
+      }else continue;
+      // Count this cell
+      numTotalCells=rtrigTauCluster.numTotCells();
+      rtrigTauCluster.setNumTotCells(numTotalCells++);
+      // Count cells
+      nHadCellsWide[idxsamp] += 1;
+      if( dR < m_dRConeMedium ) {
+        nHadCellsMed[idxsamp] += 1;
+        if( dR < m_dRConeNarrow )
+            nHadCellsNarrow[idxsamp] += 1;
+      }
+      if (m_applyNoiseCut) {
+        if (! m_noiseTool->isEOverNSigma( cell, m_noiseNSigmaCut,
+                                          ICalorimeterNoiseTool::MAXSYMMETRYHANDLING,
+                                          ICalorimeterNoiseTool::TOTALNOISE) )
+            continue;
+      }
+      hadRadiusWide[idxsamp]     += energyCell * dR;
+      hadEnergyWide[idxsamp]     += energyCell;          
+      hadWeightEta2Wide[idxsamp] += energyCell * etaCell * etaCell;
+      hadWeightEtaWide[idxsamp]  += energyCell * etaCell;
+      if( dR < m_dRConeMedium ) {
+        hadRadiusMed[idxsamp]     += energyCell * dR;
+        hadEnergyMed[idxsamp]     += energyCell;
+        hadWeightEta2Med[idxsamp] += energyCell * etaCell * etaCell;
+        hadWeightEtaMed[idxsamp]  += energyCell * etaCell;
+        if( dR < m_dRConeNarrow ) {
+          hadRadiusNarrow[idxsamp]     += energyCell * dR;
+          hadEnergyNarrow[idxsamp]     += energyCell;
+          hadWeightEta2Narrow[idxsamp] += energyCell * etaCell * etaCell;
+          hadWeightEtaNarrow[idxsamp]  += energyCell * etaCell;
+	}
+      }
+    } // end loop over cells
+  } // end loop over collections
+  //Fix had variables
+  for(int sampling=0; sampling<3;++sampling){
+    // calculate cluster width in a region (Eta/Phi)StripsEM2Nor from jobO
+    // ??? ClearClusterError(TAUCLUSTERROR::EMS2E0); // this bit might at some point be set by the common data access
+    double clusterWidthWide;
+    double clusterWidthMed;
+    double clusterWidthNarrow;
+    //HadWide
+    if ( hadEnergyWide[sampling] > 0.  &&  nHadCellsWide[sampling] > 0 ) {
+      clusterWidthWide = 
+          (hadWeightEta2Wide[sampling]/hadEnergyWide[sampling]) -
+          (hadWeightEtaWide[sampling]/hadEnergyWide[sampling])*
+          (hadWeightEtaWide[sampling]/hadEnergyWide[sampling]);
+      clusterWidthWide > 0.? clusterWidthWide = 
+          sqrt(clusterWidthWide) : -99.;
+      hadRadiusWide[sampling] = hadRadiusWide[sampling] / hadEnergyWide[sampling] ;
+    } else {
+      if(nHadCellsWide[sampling] == 0) {
+        clusterWidthWide         = 0.;
+        hadRadiusWide[sampling]  = 0. ;
+        // if E==0 in a dR<0.3 region, probably means problems with unpacking.
+	if ( sampling==0)  SetClusterError(TAUCLUSTERROR::HADS1E0);
+	if ( sampling==1)  SetClusterError(TAUCLUSTERROR::HADS2E0);
+	if ( sampling==2)  SetClusterError(TAUCLUSTERROR::HADS3E0);
+        StatError =  HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::CONTINUE, NULL_ENERGY_SAMPLING);
+      } else {
+        clusterWidthWide         = -99.;
+        hadRadiusWide[sampling]  = -99.;
+      }
+    }
+    //HadMed
+    if ( hadEnergyMed[sampling] > 0.  &&  nHadCellsMed[sampling] > 0 ) {
+      clusterWidthMed = 
+          (hadWeightEta2Med[sampling]/hadEnergyMed[sampling]) -
+          (hadWeightEtaMed[sampling]/hadEnergyMed[sampling])*
+          (hadWeightEtaMed[sampling]/hadEnergyMed[sampling]);
+      clusterWidthMed > 0.? clusterWidthMed = 
+          sqrt(clusterWidthMed) : -99.;
+      hadRadiusMed[sampling] = hadRadiusMed[sampling] / hadEnergyMed[sampling] ;
+    } else {
+      if(nHadCellsMed[sampling] == 0) {
+        clusterWidthMed         = 0.;
+        hadRadiusMed[sampling]  = 0. ;
+      } else {
+        clusterWidthMed         = -99.;
+        hadRadiusMed[sampling]  = -99.;
+      }
+    }
+    //HadNarrow
+    if ( hadEnergyNarrow[sampling] > 0.  &&  nHadCellsNarrow[sampling] > 0 ) {
+      clusterWidthNarrow = 
+          (hadWeightEta2Narrow[sampling]/hadEnergyNarrow[sampling]) -
+          (hadWeightEtaNarrow[sampling]/hadEnergyNarrow[sampling])*
+          (hadWeightEtaNarrow[sampling]/hadEnergyNarrow[sampling]);
+      clusterWidthNarrow > 0.? clusterWidthNarrow = 
+          sqrt(clusterWidthNarrow) : -99.;
+      hadRadiusNarrow[sampling] = hadRadiusNarrow[sampling] / hadEnergyNarrow[sampling] ;
+    } else {
+      if(nHadCellsNarrow[sampling] == 0) {
+        clusterWidthNarrow         = 0.;
+        hadRadiusNarrow[sampling]  = 0. ;
+      } else {
+        clusterWidthNarrow         = -99.;
+        hadRadiusNarrow[sampling]  = -99.;
+      }
+    }
+    if (!m_timersvc.empty()) {m_timer[3]->pause();  m_timer[4]->resume(); }
+    //set values
+    float hadRad     = -1.0;
+    float clusWidth = -1.0;
+    switch (m_defaultWidth) {
+    case 0:
+      hadRad    = hadRadiusNarrow[sampling];
+      clusWidth = clusterWidthNarrow;
+      break;
+    case 1:
+      hadRad    = hadRadiusMed[sampling];
+      clusWidth = clusterWidthMed;
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      hadRad    = hadRadiusWide[sampling];
+      clusWidth = clusterWidthWide;
+      break;
+    }
+    pDetails->setHADRadius      (sampling,hadRad);
+    pDetails->setHADenergyWidth (sampling,clusWidth);
+    pDetails->setHADenergyNarrow(sampling,hadEnergyNarrow[sampling]);
+    pDetails->setHADenergyMedium(sampling,hadEnergyMed[sampling]);
+    pDetails->setHADenergyWide  (sampling,hadEnergyWide[sampling]);
+    if (!m_timersvc.empty()){ m_timer[4]->pause();  m_timer[3]->resume(); }
+  }
+  if (!m_timersvc.empty()){ m_timer[3]->pause();  m_timer[4]->resume();}
+  //set Raw and Had energy
+  rtrigTauCluster.setHADenergy( getHADEnergy(pDetails, m_defaultWidth) );
+  rtrigTauCluster.setRawEnergy( rtrigTauCluster.rawEnergy() + rtrigTauCluster.EMenergy() + rtrigTauCluster.HADenergy() );
+  if ( msg().level() <= MSG::DEBUG)
+      msg()<<MSG::DEBUG 
+              << "REGTEST  Record energy RawE" << rtrigTauCluster.rawEnergy() 
+              << "Had " << rtrigTauCluster.HADenergy() << endmsg;
+  if (!m_timersvc.empty()){ m_timer[4]->pause();  m_timer[3]->resume();}
+  //set Radius
+  float caloRad    = caloRadius(pDetails);
+  float emRadius3S = emRadiusAllSampl(pDetails, 3);
+  float coreFrac   = coreFraction(pDetails);
+  float emFrac     = emFraction(&rtrigTauCluster);
+  float hadRad     = hadRadius(pDetails);
+  if (!m_timersvc.empty()){ m_timer[3]->pause();  m_timer[4]->resume();}
+  rtrigTauCluster.setCaloRadius(caloRad);
+  rtrigTauCluster.setEMRadius3S(emRadius3S);
+  rtrigTauCluster.setCoreFrac(coreFrac);
+  rtrigTauCluster.setEMFrac(emFrac);
+  rtrigTauCluster.setHadRadius(hadRad);
+  if (!m_timersvc.empty()) {
+    m_timer[1]->stop(); 
+    m_timer[2]->stop(); 
+    m_timer[3]->stop();   
+    m_timer[4]->stop(); 
+    m_timer[0]->stop();      
+  }
+  //  return HLT::OK;
+  return StatError;
+double TauAllCaloDRFex::emRadiusAllSampl(const TrigTauClusterDetails* clusterDetails, int maxEmSamp)
+  double emRadAll = 0.0;
+  double totEn    = 0.0;
+  double emEnergy[4] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
+  for (int iS=0; iS<4 && iS < maxEmSamp; iS++) {
+    switch (m_defaultWidth) {
+    case 0:
+      emEnergy[iS] = clusterDetails->EMenergyNarrow(iS);
+      break;
+    case 1:
+      emEnergy[iS] = clusterDetails->EMenergyMedium(iS);
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      emEnergy[iS] = clusterDetails->EMenergyWide(iS);
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  for(int emSamp = 0; emSamp <= 3 && emSamp < maxEmSamp; emSamp++) {
+    if( emEnergy[emSamp] > 0.0 && fabs(clusterDetails->EMRadius(emSamp)) < 90.0) {
+      emRadAll += emEnergy[emSamp] * clusterDetails->EMRadius(emSamp);
+      totEn    += emEnergy[emSamp];
+    }
+  }
+  if (totEn > 0.0) {
+    return emRadAll / totEn;
+  }
+  return -99.0;
+double TauAllCaloDRFex::caloRadius(const TrigTauClusterDetails* clusterDetails)
+  double caloRad  = 0.0;
+  double totEn    = 0.0;
+  double emEnergy[4] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
+  double hadEnergy[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
+  for (int iS=0; iS<4; iS++) {
+    switch (m_defaultWidth) {
+    case 0:
+      emEnergy[iS] = clusterDetails->EMenergyNarrow(iS);
+      if (iS<3) 
+          hadEnergy[iS] = clusterDetails->HADenergyNarrow(iS);
+      break;
+    case 1:
+      emEnergy[iS] = clusterDetails->EMenergyMedium(iS);
+      if (iS<3) 
+          hadEnergy[iS] = clusterDetails->HADenergyMedium(iS);
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      emEnergy[iS] = clusterDetails->EMenergyWide(iS);
+      if (iS<3) 
+          hadEnergy[iS] = clusterDetails->HADenergyWide(iS);
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  for(int emSamp = 0; emSamp <= 3; emSamp++) {
+    if( emEnergy[emSamp] > 0.0  &&  fabs(clusterDetails->EMRadius(emSamp)) < 90.0) {
+      caloRad += emEnergy[emSamp] * clusterDetails->EMRadius(emSamp);
+      totEn   += emEnergy[emSamp];
+    }
+  }
+  for(int hadSamp = 0; hadSamp <= 2; hadSamp++) {
+    if( hadEnergy[hadSamp] > 0.0 && fabs(clusterDetails->HADRadius(hadSamp)) < 90.0) {
+      caloRad += hadEnergy[hadSamp] * clusterDetails->HADRadius(hadSamp);
+      totEn   += hadEnergy[hadSamp];
+    }
+  }
+  if(totEn > 0.0) {
+        return caloRad / totEn;
+  }
+  return -99.0;
+double TauAllCaloDRFex::hadRadius(const TrigTauClusterDetails* clusterDetails)
+  double hadRad = 0.0;
+  double totEn  = 0.0;
+  double hadEnergy[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
+  for (int iS=0; iS<3; iS++) {
+    switch (m_defaultWidth) {
+    case 0:
+      hadEnergy[iS] = clusterDetails->HADenergyNarrow(iS);
+      break;
+    case 1:
+      hadEnergy[iS] = clusterDetails->HADenergyMedium(iS);
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      hadEnergy[iS] = clusterDetails->HADenergyWide(iS);
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  for(int hadSamp = 0; hadSamp <= 2; hadSamp++) {
+    if(hadEnergy[hadSamp] > 0.0 && fabs(clusterDetails->HADRadius(hadSamp)) < 90.0) {
+      hadRad += hadEnergy[hadSamp] * clusterDetails->HADRadius(hadSamp);
+      totEn  += hadEnergy[hadSamp];
+    }
+  }
+  if(totEn > 0.0) {
+    return hadRad / totEn;
+  }
+  return -99.0;
+double TauAllCaloDRFex::coreFraction(const TrigTauClusterDetails* clusterDetails)
+    double ERawNarrow = (clusterDetails->EMenergyNarrow(0)
+                       + clusterDetails->EMenergyNarrow(1)
+                       + clusterDetails->EMenergyNarrow(2)
+                       + clusterDetails->EMenergyNarrow(3)
+                       + clusterDetails->HADenergyNarrow(0)
+                       + clusterDetails->HADenergyNarrow(1)
+                       + clusterDetails->HADenergyNarrow(2));
+    double ERawMedium = (clusterDetails->EMenergyMedium(0)
+                     + clusterDetails->EMenergyMedium(1)
+                     + clusterDetails->EMenergyMedium(2)
+                     + clusterDetails->EMenergyMedium(3)
+                     + clusterDetails->HADenergyMedium(0)
+                     + clusterDetails->HADenergyMedium(1)
+                     + clusterDetails->HADenergyMedium(2));
+    if(ERawMedium > 0.0) {
+      return ERawNarrow / ERawMedium;
+    }
+    return -99.0;  
+double TauAllCaloDRFex::emFraction(const TrigTauCluster* ptrigTauCluster)
+  float totEn = ptrigTauCluster->EMenergy() + ptrigTauCluster->HADenergy();
+  if(totEn != 0.0) {
+    return ptrigTauCluster->EMenergy() / totEn;
+  } 
+  return -99.0;
+double TauAllCaloDRFex::calcEnergyPhi(double energyNegPhi, double energyPosPhi, double EnergyMediumNegPhi, double EnergyMediumPosPhi, double energyNegPhiConv)
+  double AvgNegPhi = 0.;
+  double AvgPosPhi = 0.;
+  double energyPhi = 0.;
+    if (EnergyMediumNegPhi > 0. ){
+      AvgNegPhi = energyNegPhi / EnergyMediumNegPhi;
+    } else {
+      AvgNegPhi = -999.0;
+    }
+    if (EnergyMediumPosPhi > 0. ){
+      AvgPosPhi = energyPosPhi / EnergyMediumPosPhi;
+    } else {
+      AvgPosPhi = -999.0;
+    }
+    if (AvgPosPhi==-999.0) {
+      if (AvgNegPhi != -999.0) {
+        energyPhi = AvgNegPhi;
+      }
+    }
+    if (AvgNegPhi==-999.0) {
+      if (AvgPosPhi != -999.0) {
+        energyPhi = AvgPosPhi;
+      }
+    }
+    if (AvgNegPhi != -999.0 && AvgPosPhi != -999.0) {
+      if ( (AvgNegPhi > (-M_PI/2.0)) && (AvgPosPhi < (M_PI/2.0)) ) {
+        energyPhi = (energyNegPhi + energyPosPhi)/ 
+	  (EnergyMediumNegPhi + EnergyMediumPosPhi);
+      } else {
+        if ((AvgNegPhi < (-M_PI/2.0)) && (AvgPosPhi > (M_PI/2.0))) {
+          energyPhi = (energyNegPhiConv + energyPosPhi)/
+	    (EnergyMediumNegPhi + EnergyMediumPosPhi);
+          if (energyPhi > M_PI) {
+            energyPhi = energyPhi - 2*M_PI;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  return energyPhi;
+bool TauAllCaloDRFex::getdR(double compPhi, double compEta, double etaCell, double phiCell, double dRCut, double& dR)
+  float dEta = fabs(etaCell - compEta);
+  if( dEta > dRCut ) return false;
+  float dPhi = fabs(phiCell - compPhi);
+  if( dPhi > M_PI ) dPhi = 2*M_PI - dPhi;
+  if( dPhi > dRCut ) return false;
+  dR = std::sqrt(dEta*dEta + dPhi*dPhi);
+  if( dR > dRCut )  return false;
+  return true;
+double TauAllCaloDRFex::getEMEnergy(const TrigTauClusterDetails* clusterDetails, int widthChoice)
+  double EMEnergy;
+  switch (widthChoice)
+  {
+    case 0:
+       EMEnergy = (clusterDetails->EMenergyNarrow(0)+
+                   clusterDetails->EMenergyNarrow(1)+
+                   clusterDetails->EMenergyNarrow(2)+
+                   clusterDetails->EMenergyNarrow(3));
+       break;
+    case 1:
+       EMEnergy = (clusterDetails->EMenergyMedium(0)+
+                   clusterDetails->EMenergyMedium(1)+
+                   clusterDetails->EMenergyMedium(2)+
+                   clusterDetails->EMenergyMedium(3));
+       break;
+    case 2:
+       EMEnergy = (clusterDetails->EMenergyWide(0)+
+                   clusterDetails->EMenergyWide(1)+
+                   clusterDetails->EMenergyWide(2)+
+                   clusterDetails->EMenergyWide(3));
+       break;       
+    default:
+       EMEnergy = (clusterDetails->EMenergyNarrow(0)+
+                   clusterDetails->EMenergyNarrow(1)+
+                   clusterDetails->EMenergyNarrow(2)+
+                   clusterDetails->EMenergyNarrow(3));
+  }  
+  return EMEnergy;
+double TauAllCaloDRFex::getHADEnergy(const TrigTauClusterDetails* clusterDetails, int widthChoice)
+  double HADEnergy;
+  switch (widthChoice)
+  {
+    case 0:
+       HADEnergy = (clusterDetails->HADenergyNarrow(0)+
+                    clusterDetails->HADenergyNarrow(1)+
+                    clusterDetails->HADenergyNarrow(2));
+       break;
+    case 1:
+       HADEnergy = (clusterDetails->HADenergyMedium(0)+
+                    clusterDetails->HADenergyMedium(1)+
+                    clusterDetails->HADenergyMedium(2));
+       break;
+    case 2:
+       HADEnergy = (clusterDetails->HADenergyWide(0)+
+                    clusterDetails->HADenergyWide(1)+
+                    clusterDetails->HADenergyWide(2));
+       break;       
+    default:
+       HADEnergy = (clusterDetails->HADenergyNarrow(0)+
+                    clusterDetails->HADenergyNarrow(1)+
+                    clusterDetails->HADenergyNarrow(2));
+  }  
+  return HADEnergy;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/src/components/TrigT2CaloTau_entries.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/src/components/TrigT2CaloTau_entries.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4f403a0aa6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTau/src/components/TrigT2CaloTau_entries.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#include "TrigT2CaloTau/T2CaloTau.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloTau/TauAllCaloDRFex.h"
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/CMakeLists.txt b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ccf23c25f80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Package: TrigT2CaloTileMon
+# Declare the package name:
+atlas_subdir( TrigT2CaloTileMon )
+# Declare the package's dependencies:
+atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC
+                          GaudiKernel
+                          Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCommon
+                          Trigger/TrigEvent/TrigCaloEvent
+                          Trigger/TrigEvent/TrigSteeringEvent
+                          PRIVATE
+                          Calorimeter/CaloGeoHelpers
+                          Trigger/TrigT1/TrigT1Interfaces )
+# External dependencies:
+find_package( ROOT COMPONENTS Core Tree MathCore Hist RIO pthread )
+# Component(s) in the package:
+atlas_add_library( TrigT2CaloTileMonLib
+                   src/*.cxx
+                   PUBLIC_HEADERS TrigT2CaloTileMon
+                   INCLUDE_DIRS ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS}
+                   LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} GaudiKernel TrigCaloEvent TrigSteeringEvent TrigT2CaloCommonLib
+                   PRIVATE_LINK_LIBRARIES CaloGeoHelpers TrigT1Interfaces )
+atlas_add_component( TrigT2CaloTileMon
+                     src/components/*.cxx
+                     INCLUDE_DIRS ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS}
+                     LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} GaudiKernel TrigT2CaloCommonLib TrigCaloEvent TrigSteeringEvent CaloGeoHelpers TrigT1Interfaces TrigT2CaloTileMonLib )
+# Install files from the package:
+atlas_install_python_modules( python/*.py )
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/TrigT2CaloTileMon/T2CaloTileMon.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/TrigT2CaloTileMon/T2CaloTileMon.h
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..35564527824
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/TrigT2CaloTileMon/T2CaloTileMon.h
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+ NAME:     T2CaloTileMon.h
+ PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon
+ AUTHOR:   D.O. Damazion Jens Damaske
+ PURPOSE:  Based on T2CaloBase works as main driver for the LVL2
+      Calorimeter TileMon Algorithm. Receives and decodes LVL1
+      information (RoI position) and just makes some monitoring
+ *******************************************************************/
+#include <string>
+#include "TrigT2CaloCommon/T2CaloBase.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
+class IAlgToolCalo;
+class T2CaloEgammaMon;
+class MsgStream;
+class TrigEMCluster;
+class TrigT2TileJet;
+class TrigT2Tower;
+/** Main LVL2 Algorithm. Processes LVL1 information, call FEX
+    IAlgToolCalos and produces the TrigEMCluster output. */
+class T2CaloTileMon: public T2CaloBase {
+   public:
+      /** Constructor */
+      T2CaloTileMon(const std::string & name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
+      /** Destructor */
+      ~T2CaloTileMon();
+      /** hltExecute will call FEX IAlgToolCalo::execute() to process RoI.
+      called by the Steering per EMRoI. */
+      HLT::ErrorCode hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* inputTE,
+               HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE);
+      /** hltInitialize. Called by the Steering. */
+      HLT::ErrorCode hltInitialize();
+      /** hltFinalize. Called by the Steering. */
+      HLT::ErrorCode hltFinalize();
+   private:
+      /** To support new monitoring. Values must be copied to
+      this monitored Cluster for each RoI. */
+      //const TrigEMCluster* m_monitoredCluster;
+      /** To monitor rCore */
+      //float m_rCore;
+      /** To monitor eRatio */
+      //float m_eRatio;
+      /** Forced LVL1 eta */
+      float m_l1eta;
+      /** Forced LVL1 phi */
+      float m_l1phi;
+      //int m_index;
+      // Properties:
+      std::string m_trigEmClusterKey;
+      /** Will monitoring be used or not */
+      //bool m_mon;
+      /** Coordinates to be used by the tools (in order by tool) */
+      std::vector<float> m_etamin;
+      std::vector<float> m_etamax;
+      std::vector<float> m_phimin;
+      std::vector<float> m_phimax;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/TrigT2CaloTileMon/TileMonHadEnFex.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/TrigT2CaloTileMon/TileMonHadEnFex.h
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..86b74bca0f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/TrigT2CaloTileMon/TileMonHadEnFex.h
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+ NAME:     TileMonHadEnFex.h
+ PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon
+ AUTHOR:   D.O.Damazio
+ PURPOSE:  Based on Cluster position defined in the second
+           EM Calorimeter layer, calculates total Had cluster
+           energy.
+ *******************************************************************/
+#include "TrigT2CaloCommon/IAlgToolCalo.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/AlgTool.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/ITHistSvc.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/IIncidentSvc.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/IIncidentListener.h"
+#include "TH1.h"
+#include "TH2.h"
+/** Feature extraction Tool for LVL2 Calo. Hadronic EndCaps
+	and Tile Calorimeter. All Samples */
+class TileMonHadEnFex: public IAlgToolCalo, virtual public IIncidentListener
+   public:
+      TileMonHadEnFex(const std::string & type, const std::string & name,
+                  const IInterface* parent);
+      virtual ~TileMonHadEnFex();
+      using IAlgToolCalo::execute;
+      /** @brief execute feature extraction for the EM Calorimeter
+      *   second layer
+      *   @param[out] rtrigEmCluster is the output cluster.
+      *   @param[in] eta/phi-min/max = RoI definition.
+      */
+      StatusCode execute(TrigEMCluster &rtrigEmCluster,double etamin,
+            double etamax, double phimin, double phimax);
+      StatusCode initialize();
+      StatusCode finalize();
+      TH1*** hists(){ return m_hists; }
+      /** handle to init a new event */
+      void handle (const Incident& );
+      double logEnergy(double energy);
+//       void BinLogY(TH2* h);
+   private:
+      ServiceHandle<ITHistSvc> m_thistSvc;
+      float m_THR_1;
+      float m_THR_2;
+      float m_end_detec_eta;
+      float m_end_detec_phi;
+      float m_eta_division;
+      float m_phi_division;
+      float m_energyCell_Thr;
+      //Monitoring
+      TH1*** m_hists;
+      //TH1*** m_hist_TB0; //TileBar0
+      //TH1*** m_hist_TB1; //TileBar1
+      //TH1*** m_hist_TB2; //TileBar2
+      TH2F** m_2dhists;
+      TH2F** m_2dhists_TB0; //TileBar0
+      TH2F** m_2dhists_TB1; //TileBar1
+      TH2F** m_2dhists_TB2; //TileBar2
+      //TH2* m_mainHist;
+      std::string m_histPath;
+      bool m_configured;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/TrigT2CaloTileMon/TrigT2TileJet.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/TrigT2CaloTileMon/TrigT2TileJet.h
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..f2c2b311da4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/TrigT2CaloTileMon/TrigT2TileJet.h
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+ NAME:     TrigT2TileJet.h
+ PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon
+ AUTHOR:   Jens Damaske
+ *******************************************************************/
+// #include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigEMCluster.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/Trig3Momentum.h"
+/// #include "Trig3Momentum.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloTileMon/TrigT2Tower.h"
+/// #include "TrigT2Tower.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include <iostream>
+/** LVL2 Trigger TileJet Class */
+class TrigT2TileJet /* : public TrigEMCluster */
+   public:
+      // Default ctor/dtor.
+      void insertCell(const Trig3Momentum& newCell, MsgStream& log);
+      void searchTowerAndInsert( const Trig3Momentum& cell,  MsgStream& log, double etaShift = 0.0 );
+      /** find hottest Tower */
+      bool findHottestTower(TrigT2Tower &tower) const;
+      /** debugging */
+      void print(MsgStream& log) const;
+   private:
+      /** vector of TrigT2Tower elements that compose Jet */
+      std::vector<TrigT2Tower> m_towercollection;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/TrigT2CaloTileMon/TrigT2Tower.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/TrigT2CaloTileMon/TrigT2Tower.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..45a087ad918
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/TrigT2CaloTileMon/TrigT2Tower.h
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+ NAME:     TrigT2Tower.h
+ PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon
+ AUTHOR:   Jens Damaske
+ PURPOSE:  Compines 3 Trig3Momentum Objects to a Tower
+ *******************************************************************/
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/Trig3Momentum.h"
+/// #include "Trig3Momentum.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <cmath>
+   3 cells of type Trig3Momentum per tower
+   "cell.inCone is used as cell.inTower"
+class TrigT2Tower{
+   public:
+      /** Default Constructor */
+      TrigT2Tower();
+      TrigT2Tower(const Trig3Momentum& newCell, MsgStream& log, double etaShift=0.0);
+      // Get methods
+      /** Get the energy */
+      double e()      const {return m_e;  }
+      /** Get the eta position */
+      double eta()    const {return m_eta;  }
+      /** Get the phi position */
+      double phi()    const {return m_phi;  }
+      /** Return if tower consists of 3 cells */
+      bool isComplete() const {return m_full;  }
+      /** Check if newCell belongs to this tower */
+      bool isMember(const Trig3Momentum& newCell, MsgStream& log, double etaShift=0.0) const;
+      Trig3Momentum cell(int i) const {return m_cells[i];   }
+      // Set methods
+      /** Set energy */
+      void setE(double e)            {m_e = e;  }
+      /** Set eta */
+      void setEta(double eta)        {m_eta = eta;  }
+      /** Set phi */
+      void setPhi(double phi)        {m_phi = phi;  }
+      /** Flag if tower is full */
+      void setComplete(bool isComplete)    {m_full = isComplete;}
+      /** Insert cell */
+      bool insertCell(const Trig3Momentum& newCell, MsgStream& log);
+      // debugging
+      void print(MsgStream& log, MSG::Level level) const;
+   private:
+      /** Energy */
+      double m_e;
+      /** Eta */
+      double m_eta;
+      /** Phi */
+      double m_phi;
+      /** is full tower */
+      bool m_full;
+      /** tower cells one for each layer */
+      Trig3Momentum m_cells[3];
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/python/ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/python/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..6b30ec851ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+from TrigT2CaloTileMon.TrigT2CaloTileMonConf import TileMonHadEnFex
+from TrigT2CaloTileMon.TrigT2CaloTileMonConf import T2CaloTileMon
+#from TrigMonitorBase.TrigGenericMonitoringToolConfig import defineHistogram
+#from TrigMonitorBase.TrigGenericMonitoringToolConfig import TrigGenericMonitoringToolConfig
+#from AthenaCommon.Constants import VERBOSE,DEBUG
+class TileMonHadEnFex(TileMonHadEnFex):
+      __slots__ = []
+      def __init__ (self, name="TileMonHadEnFex"):
+        super(TileMonHadEnFex,self).__init__(name)
+        self.THR_1=100
+        self.HistogramsPath="/EXPERT/TileMonHadEnFex"
+class T2CaloCosmic_Cosmic (T2CaloTileMon):
+   __slots__ = []
+   def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloCosmic_Cosmic"): 
+       super(T2CaloTileMon, self).__init__(name)
+       # here put your customizations
+       self.IAlgToolList= [TileMonHadEnFex() ]
+       self.IAlgToolList[0].HistogramsPath= "/EXPERT/"
+       self.IAlgToolList[0].HistogramsPath+=name
+       self.doTiming=True
+class T2CaloTileMon_TileMon (T2CaloTileMon):
+   __slots__ = []
+   def __init__ (self, name="T2CaloTileMon_TileMon"): 
+       super(T2CaloTileMon, self).__init__(name)
+       # here put your customizations
+       self.IAlgToolList= [TileMonHadEnFex() ]
+       self.doTiming=True
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/src/T2CaloTileMon.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/src/T2CaloTileMon.cxx
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..dcf3165a410
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/src/T2CaloTileMon.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// ********************************************************************
+// NAME:     T2CaloTileMon.cxx
+// PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon
+// AUTHOR:   D.O. Damazio, Jens Damaske
+// - Add variables for job option controlled region limits, set defaults
+//   to most likely values.
+// - Add function EtaPhiRange to return the maximum and minimum eta or phi
+//   values to use when calculating energy sums over a region  - R. Soluk
+// ********************************************************************
+#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/IToolSvc.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/StatusCode.h"
+#include "TrigT1Interfaces/RecEmTauRoI.h"
+#include "TrigSteeringEvent/TrigRoiDescriptor.h"
+#include "TrigSteeringEvent/PhiHelper.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigEMClusterContainer.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloTileMon/TrigT2TileJet.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloTileMon/TrigT2Tower.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloTileMon/T2CaloTileMon.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloCommon/IAlgToolCalo.h"
+class ISvcLocator;
+T2CaloTileMon::T2CaloTileMon(const std::string & name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator) :
+               T2CaloBase(name, pSvcLocator)
+   declareProperty("TrigEMClusterKey",m_trigEmClusterKey = "T2CaloTrigEMCluster");
+   declareProperty("L1ForceEta",m_l1eta = -10.0);
+   declareProperty("L1ForcePhi",m_l1phi = -10.0);
+   declareProperty("EtaMin",m_etamin);
+   declareProperty("EtaMax",m_etamax);
+   declareProperty("PhiMin",m_phimin);
+   declareProperty("PhiMax",m_phimax);
+HLT::ErrorCode T2CaloTileMon::hltInitialize()
+   return HLT::OK;
+HLT::ErrorCode T2CaloTileMon::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* inputTE,
+					HLT::TriggerElement* /*outputTE*/)
+   // Time total T2CaloTileMon execution time.
+   if ( m_timersvc ) m_timer[0]->start();
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+   ATH_MSG_INFO( "in execute()"  );
+   const TrigRoiDescriptor* roiDescriptor = 0;
+   HLT::ErrorCode hltStatus = getFeature(inputTE, roiDescriptor);
+   if ( hltStatus == HLT::OK ) {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+     ATH_MSG_DEBUG( *roiDescriptor  );
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      ATH_MSG_WARNING( " Failed to find RoiDescriptor "  );
+      return hltStatus;
+   }
+   // End LVL1 part
+   double etamin, etamax, phimin, phimax;
+   if ( (m_l1eta<-9.9)&&(m_l1phi<-9.9)){
+      etamin = std::max(-2.5,roiDescriptor->eta() - m_etaWidth);
+      etamax = std::min( 2.5,roiDescriptor->eta() + m_etaWidth);
+      phimin = HLT::wrapPhi(roiDescriptor->phi() - m_phiWidth);
+      phimax = HLT::wrapPhi(roiDescriptor->phi() + m_phiWidth);
+   } else {
+      etamin = std::max(-2.5,m_l1eta - m_etaWidth);
+      etamax = std::min( 2.5,m_l1eta + m_etaWidth);
+      phimin = HLT::wrapPhi(m_l1phi - m_phiWidth);
+      phimax = HLT::wrapPhi(m_l1phi + m_phiWidth);
+   }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+   ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " etamin = "<< etamin  );
+   ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " etamax = "<< etamax  );
+   ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " phimin = "<< phimin  );
+   ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " phimax = "<< phimax  );
+   ///   TrigRoiDescriptor* newroi = new TrigRoiDescriptor( roiDescriptor->eta(), etamin, etamax, 
+   ///			                                   roiDescriptor->phi(), phimin, phimax ); 
+   ///   attachFeature( outputTE, newroi, "T2CaloTimeMon");
+   /// Tile RS shoudl map to it's own requirements niw - we can 
+   ///still use d-pi .. pi wrapping
+   const TrigRoiDescriptor newroi( roiDescriptor->eta(), etamin, etamax, 
+				   roiDescriptor->phi(), phimin, phimax ); 
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+   ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " Making TrigEMCluster " );
+   //std::vector<xAOD::TrigEMCluster*> vec_clus;
+   // Ok, ignoring LVL1 and forcing a position
+   ToolHandleArray<IAlgToolCalo>::iterator it = m_emAlgTools.begin();
+   if ( m_timersvc ) m_timer[1]->start();
+   //TrigEMCluster* ptrigEmCluster = new TrigT2TileJet();
+   xAOD::TrigEMCluster* ptrigEmCluster = new xAOD::TrigEMCluster();
+   for (; it < m_emAlgTools.end(); it++)
+   {
+     //      if ((*it)->execute(*ptrigEmCluster,etamin,etamax,phimin,phimax).isFailure() )
+     if ((*it)->execute(*ptrigEmCluster,newroi, caloDDENull).isFailure() )
+       {
+         ATH_MSG_WARNING( "T2Calo AlgToolTileMon returned Failure"  );
+         return HLT::TOOL_FAILURE;
+      }
+   }
+   delete ptrigEmCluster;  // in for loop will be destroyed automatically
+   if ( m_timersvc ) m_timer[1]->stop();
+   // Time total T2CaloTileMon execution time.
+   if ( m_timersvc ) m_timer[0]->stop();
+   return HLT::OK;
+HLT::ErrorCode T2CaloTileMon::hltFinalize(){
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    ATH_MSG_INFO( "in finalize()"  );
+   return HLT::OK;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/src/TileMonHadEnFex.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/src/TileMonHadEnFex.cxx
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..ec5551a799c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/src/TileMonHadEnFex.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// ********************************************************************
+// NAME:     TileMonHadEnFex.cxx
+// PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon
+// AUTHOR:   Jens Damaske
+// ********************************************************************
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigEMCluster.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloTileMon/TrigT2TileJet.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloTileMon/TrigT2Tower.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/Trig3Momentum.h"
+#include "CaloGeoHelpers/CaloSampling.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloTileMon/TileMonHadEnFex.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloCommon/Calo_Def.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include <TMath.h>
+#include <string>
+TileMonHadEnFex::TileMonHadEnFex(const std::string & type, const std::string & name,
+                                 const IInterface* parent) :
+               IAlgToolCalo(type, name, parent),
+               m_thistSvc("THistSvc/THistSvc","TileMonHadEnFex"),
+               m_THR_1(400),
+               m_THR_2(100),
+	       m_hists(NULL),
+	       //m_hist_TB0(NULL),
+	       //m_hist_TB1(NULL),
+	       //m_hist_TB2(NULL),
+	       m_2dhists(NULL),
+	       m_2dhists_TB0(NULL),
+	       m_2dhists_TB1(NULL),
+	       m_2dhists_TB2(NULL)
+	       //m_mainHist(NULL)
+   declareProperty("THistSvc",m_thistSvc,"THistSvc output");
+   declareProperty("HistogramsPath",m_histPath="/EXPERT/T2CaloTileMon");
+   declareProperty("THR_1",m_THR_1);
+   declareProperty("THR_2",m_THR_2);
+   m_end_detec_eta = 1.6;
+   m_end_detec_phi = M_PI;
+   m_eta_division =  0.1;
+   m_phi_division =  M_PI/32.;
+   m_energyCell_Thr =  0.01; //Threshold in Gev
+   m_configured=false;
+StatusCode TileMonHadEnFex::initialize(){ 
+   if ( IAlgToolCalo::initialize().isFailure() )
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   if ( m_thistSvc.retrieve().isFailure() )
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   IIncidentSvc* p_incSvc;
+   if ( service("IncidentSvc",p_incSvc, true).isFailure() ) {
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      p_incSvc->addListener(this, "BeginRun",100);
+   }
+   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+double TileMonHadEnFex::logEnergy(double energy)
+   energy = energy/1.e3; // energy in GeV
+   energy = TMath::Log(energy);
+   return energy;
+* @brief changes the Y-axis binning of a given histogram to a logarithmic scale
+* For a given histogram the Y-axis binning is changed form a linear to a logarithmic scale
+* Take care, that the axis minimum is > 0
+* @param[in]   h  pointer to the histogram
+// void TileMonHadEnFex::BinLogY(TH2* h)
+// {
+//    TAxis *axis = h->GetYaxis();
+//    int bins = axis->GetNbins();
+//    Axis_t min = axis->GetXmin();
+//    Axis_t max = axis->GetXmax();
+//    Axis_t width = (max - min) / bins;
+//    Axis_t *new_bins = new Axis_t[bins + 1];
+//    double logWidth = ( TMath::Log(max)-TMath::Log(min) ) / bins;
+// //    cout << "min:" << min << " max:" << max << " bins:" << bins << " logWidth:" << logWidth << endl;
+//    for (int i = 0; i <= bins; i++) {
+// //      cout << min + i * width << "\t";
+//       new_bins[i] = min*TMath::Exp(i * logWidth);
+// //      cout << new_bins[i] << endl;
+//    }
+//    axis->Set(bins, new_bins);
+//    delete new_bins;
+// }
+void TileMonHadEnFex::handle( const Incident& )
+   m_configured=false;
+   m_2dhists = new TH2F* [(int)floorf((2*m_end_detec_eta)/m_eta_division)];             //2D histo Et vs phi
+   m_2dhists_TB0 = new TH2F* [(int)floorf((2*m_end_detec_eta)/m_eta_division)];         //2D histo Et vs phi for TileBar0 and TileExt0
+   m_2dhists_TB1 = new TH2F* [(int)floorf((2*m_end_detec_eta)/m_eta_division)];         //2D histo Et vs phi for TileBar1 and TileExt1
+   m_2dhists_TB2 = new TH2F* [(int)floorf((2*m_end_detec_eta)/m_eta_division)];         //2D histo Et vs phi for TileBar2 and TileExt2
+   for(float eta=-m_end_detec_eta;eta<m_end_detec_eta;eta+=m_eta_division)
+   {
+      int hist_grid_eta=(int)floorf(((eta)+m_end_detec_eta)/m_eta_division);
+      char name_2dhist[60];
+      char name_2dhist_TB0[60];
+      char name_2dhist_TB1[60];
+      char name_2dhist_TB2[60];
+      char name_2dhist_toreg[100];
+      char name_2dhist_toreg_TB0[100];
+      char name_2dhist_toreg_TB1[100];
+      char name_2dhist_toreg_TB2[100];
+      float etaN = eta;
+      float epsilon = 0.00001;
+      sprintf(name_2dhist,"TowerMonitor_eta=%-2.1f_%-2.1f",etaN,etaN+m_eta_division); //Tower
+      if (etaN <= (-1.1 + epsilon) || etaN >= (1.0 - epsilon) ) //Extended Barrel - Cell
+      {
+         sprintf(name_2dhist_TB0,"TE0_CellMonitor_eta=%-2.1f_%-2.1f",etaN,etaN+m_eta_division);
+         sprintf(name_2dhist_TB1,"TE1_CellMonitor_eta=%-2.1f_%-2.1f",etaN,etaN+m_eta_division);
+         sprintf(name_2dhist_TB2,"TE2_CellMonitor_eta=%-2.1f_%-2.1f",etaN,etaN+m_eta_division);
+      }
+      else if( etaN > (-1.1 + epsilon) && etaN < (1.0 - epsilon) ) //Central Barrel - Cell
+      {
+         sprintf(name_2dhist_TB0,"TB0_CellMonitor_eta=%-2.1f_%-2.1f",etaN,etaN+m_eta_division);
+         sprintf(name_2dhist_TB1,"TB1_CellMonitor_eta=%-2.1f_%-2.1f",etaN,etaN+m_eta_division);
+         sprintf(name_2dhist_TB2,"TB2_CellMonitor_eta=%-2.1f_%-2.1f",etaN,etaN+m_eta_division);
+      }
+      sprintf(name_2dhist_toreg,"%s/TowerMonitor_n=%-2.1f",m_histPath.c_str(),etaN); //Tower
+      if (etaN <= (-1.1 + epsilon) || etaN >= (1.0 - epsilon) ) //Extended Barrel - Cell
+      {
+         sprintf(name_2dhist_toreg_TB0,"%s/TileExt0/TE0_CellMonitor_n=%-2.1f",m_histPath.c_str(),etaN);
+         sprintf(name_2dhist_toreg_TB1,"%s/TileExt1/TE1_CellMonitor_n=%-2.1f",m_histPath.c_str(),etaN);
+         sprintf(name_2dhist_toreg_TB2,"%s/TileExt2/TE2_CellMonitor_n=%-2.1f",m_histPath.c_str(),etaN);
+      }
+      else if( etaN > (-1.1 + epsilon) && etaN < (1.0 - epsilon) ) //Central Barrel - Cell
+      {
+         sprintf(name_2dhist_toreg_TB0,"%s/TileBar0/TB0_CellMonitor_n=%-2.1f",m_histPath.c_str(),etaN);
+         sprintf(name_2dhist_toreg_TB1,"%s/TileBar1/TB1_CellMonitor_n=%-2.1f",m_histPath.c_str(),etaN);
+         sprintf(name_2dhist_toreg_TB2,"%s/TileBar2/TB2_CellMonitor_n=%-2.1f",m_histPath.c_str(),etaN);
+      }
+      std::string str1 =name_2dhist;
+      std::string str2=name_2dhist_TB0;
+      std::string str3=name_2dhist_TB1;
+      std::string str4=name_2dhist_TB2;
+      std::string str5=name_2dhist_toreg;
+      std::string str6=name_2dhist_toreg_TB0;
+      std::string str7=name_2dhist_toreg_TB1;
+      std::string str8=name_2dhist_toreg_TB2;
+      std::string dot(".");
+      if ( str1.find(".") != std::string::npos ) str1.replace(str1.find("."),dot.length(),"_");
+      if ( str1.find(".") != std::string::npos ) str1.replace(str1.find("."),dot.length(),"_");
+      if ( str2.find(".") != std::string::npos ) str2.replace(str2.find("."),dot.length(),"_");
+      if ( str2.find(".") != std::string::npos ) str2.replace(str2.find("."),dot.length(),"_");
+      if ( str3.find(".") != std::string::npos ) str3.replace(str3.find("."),dot.length(),"_");
+      if ( str3.find(".") != std::string::npos ) str3.replace(str3.find("."),dot.length(),"_");
+      if ( str4.find(".") != std::string::npos ) str4.replace(str4.find("."),dot.length(),"_");
+      if ( str4.find(".") != std::string::npos ) str4.replace(str4.find("."),dot.length(),"_");
+      if ( str5.find(".") != std::string::npos ) str5.replace(str5.find("."),dot.length(),"_");
+      if ( str6.find(".") != std::string::npos ) str6.replace(str6.find("."),dot.length(),"_");
+      if ( str7.find(".") != std::string::npos ) str7.replace(str7.find("."),dot.length(),"_");
+      if ( str8.find(".") != std::string::npos ) str8.replace(str8.find("."),dot.length(),"_");
+      strcpy(name_2dhist,str1.c_str());
+      strcpy(name_2dhist_TB0,str2.c_str());
+      strcpy(name_2dhist_TB1,str3.c_str());
+      strcpy(name_2dhist_TB2,str4.c_str());
+      strcpy(name_2dhist_toreg,str5.c_str());
+      strcpy(name_2dhist_toreg_TB0,str6.c_str());
+      strcpy(name_2dhist_toreg_TB1,str7.c_str());
+      strcpy(name_2dhist_toreg_TB2,str8.c_str());
+      /**
+      * Energy range should be from 0.02GeV - 50GeV with a precision of 1%
+      * we insert tower energy as ln(energy), so we need an energy axis from -4 to 4 with 800 bins
+      */
+      m_2dhists[hist_grid_eta] = new TH2F(name_2dhist,name_2dhist,(int)floorf(2*m_end_detec_phi/m_phi_division),-m_end_detec_phi,m_end_detec_phi,800,-4.,4.);
+      m_2dhists[hist_grid_eta]->SetXTitle("#phi[#circ]");
+      m_2dhists[hist_grid_eta]->SetYTitle("ln(E_{T}) [GeV]");
+      m_2dhists_TB0[hist_grid_eta] = new TH2F(name_2dhist_TB0,name_2dhist_TB0,(int)floorf(2*m_end_detec_phi/m_phi_division),-m_end_detec_phi,m_end_detec_phi,800,-4.,4.);
+      m_2dhists_TB0[hist_grid_eta]->SetXTitle("#phi[#circ]");
+      m_2dhists_TB0[hist_grid_eta]->SetYTitle("ln(E_{T}) [GeV]");
+      m_2dhists_TB1[hist_grid_eta] = new TH2F(name_2dhist_TB1,name_2dhist_TB1,(int)floorf(2*m_end_detec_phi/m_phi_division),-m_end_detec_phi,m_end_detec_phi,800,-4.,4.);
+      m_2dhists_TB1[hist_grid_eta]->SetXTitle("#phi[#circ]");
+      m_2dhists_TB1[hist_grid_eta]->SetYTitle("ln(E_{T}) [GeV]");
+      m_2dhists_TB2[hist_grid_eta] = new TH2F(name_2dhist_TB2,name_2dhist_TB2,(int)floorf(2*m_end_detec_phi/m_phi_division),-m_end_detec_phi,m_end_detec_phi,800,-4.,4.);
+      m_2dhists_TB2[hist_grid_eta]->SetXTitle("#phi[#circ]");
+      m_2dhists_TB2[hist_grid_eta]->SetYTitle("ln(E_{T}) [GeV]");
+      if ( m_thistSvc->regHist(name_2dhist_toreg,m_2dhists[hist_grid_eta]).isFailure() )         msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Did not register hists" << endmsg; //return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+      if ( m_thistSvc->regHist(name_2dhist_toreg_TB0,m_2dhists_TB0[hist_grid_eta]).isFailure() ) msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Did not register hists" << endmsg; //return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+      if ( m_thistSvc->regHist(name_2dhist_toreg_TB1,m_2dhists_TB1[hist_grid_eta]).isFailure() ) msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Did not register hists" << endmsg; //return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+      if ( m_thistSvc->regHist(name_2dhist_toreg_TB2,m_2dhists_TB2[hist_grid_eta]).isFailure() ) msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Did not register hists" << endmsg; //return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   //    m_mainHist = new
+   //    TH2F("TT","TT",(int)floorf(2.*m_end_detec_eta/m_eta_division),-m_end_detec_eta,m_end_detec_eta,(int)floorf(2.*m_end_detec_phi/m_phi_division),-m_end_detec_phi,m_end_detec_phi);
+   //    if ( m_thistSvc->regHist("/NT/TT",m_mainHist).isFailure() ) {
+   // 	return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   //    }
+   if ( msg().level() <= MSG::DEBUG )
+     msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Histograms correctly allocated" << endmsg; //
+   m_configured=true;
+   //return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode TileMonHadEnFex::finalize(){
+// Don't delete histograms. ROOT takes care of this.
+  if ( msg().level() <= MSG::DEBUG )
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: HadEnFex:  call finalize()" << endmsg;
+//  for(float eta=-m_end_detec_eta;eta<m_end_detec_eta;eta+=m_eta_division){
+//    int hist_grid_eta=(int)floorf(((eta)+m_end_detec_eta)/m_eta_division);
+//    for(float phi=-m_end_detec_phi;phi<m_end_detec_phi;phi+=m_phi_division){
+//         int hist_grid_phi=(int)floorf(((phi)+m_end_detec_phi)/m_phi_division);
+//         if ( m_hists[hist_grid_eta][hist_grid_phi]->GetMean() != 0 )
+// 	std::cout << "eta : " << eta << " phi : " << phi << " " << 
+// 		hist_grid_eta << " " << hist_grid_phi << " " << 
+// 		m_hists[hist_grid_eta][hist_grid_phi]->GetMean() << std::endl;
+// 		m_mainHist->SetBinContent(hist_grid_eta,hist_grid_phi,
+// 			m_hists[hist_grid_eta][hist_grid_phi]->GetMean() );
+//    }
+//  }
+ return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode TileMonHadEnFex::execute(TrigEMCluster &/*rtrigEmCluster*/,double etamin,
+		double etamax, double phimin, double phimax)
+    if ( msg().level() <= MSG::DEBUG )
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: HadEnFex:  call execute()" << endmsg;
+  // If there was a problem in configuration, stop now
+  if ( !m_configured ) return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+        m_tiledecoded=false;
+        // Time total AlgTool time
+        if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[0]->start();
+        // MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+	if ( msg().level() <= MSG::DEBUG )
+	  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute(TrigEMCluster &)" << endmsg;
+  CaloSampling::CaloSample samp;  
+  if (!m_timersvc.empty()) {
+	m_timer[1]->start();      
+	m_timer[1]->pause();      
+	m_timer[2]->start();      
+	m_timer[2]->pause();      
+	m_timer[3]->start();      
+	m_timer[3]->pause();      
+	m_timer[4]->start();      
+	m_timer[4]->pause();      
+  }
+   // TILECAL Assuming no knowledge about first sample
+   // Time to access RegionSelector
+   if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[1]->resume();
+   /**
+      ToolHandle<ITrigDataAccess> m_data is an object that provides data access in a Region of Interest.
+      is inherited from "/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCommon/IAlgToolCalo.h"! See TrigT2CaloCommon/ITrigDataAccess.h for more details.
+      Region Selector, no sample needed
+      Get detector offline ID's for Collections
+   */
+   m_data->RegionSelector(0,etamin,etamax,phimin,phimax,TILE);
+   if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[1]->pause();
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+   if ( msg().level() <= MSG::DEBUG )
+     msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST:   TILE:  TileContSize()" << m_data->TileContSize() << endmsg;
+   TrigT2TileJet jet;
+   for (unsigned int iR=0;iR<m_data->TileContSize();iR++) { //loop over TileCal drawers
+        // Time to access Collection (and ByteStreamCnv ROBs)
+        if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[2]->resume();
+	// For the first sample you will create the containers
+	// For the others no
+        if ( m_data->LoadCollections(m_itBegin,m_itEnd,iR,!iR).isFailure() ) {
+	  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+	}
+	// Finished to access Collection
+        if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[2]->pause();
+        // Algorithmic time
+        if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[3]->resume();
+   // Each cell must contribute to only one histogram
+   for(m_itt = m_itBegin;m_itt != m_itEnd; ++m_itt) { //loop over cells
+//       CaloSampling::CaloSample samp;
+//       samp = CaloSampling::getSampling(*(*m_itt));
+//       double cellE = (*m_itt)->e();
+      const TileCell* tilecell = (*m_itt);
+      double etaCell = tilecell->eta();
+      double phiCell = tilecell->phi();
+      double energyCell = tilecell->energy();
+      //samp = CaloSampling::getSampling(*tilecell);
+      samp = tilecell->caloDDE()->getSampling();
+      // BAD CELLS
+//       if ( tilecell->badcell() ) std::cout << "JENSONBUTTON:  e:" << energyCell/1.e3 << ", eta:" << etaCell << ", phi:" << phiCell << ", samp:" << samp << " bad:" << tilecell->badcell() << std::endl;
+      // possibly do some tower building
+      // Energy Eta Phi Layer
+      Trig3Momentum tile_cell(energyCell,etaCell,phiCell,samp);
+      jet.insertCell(tile_cell, msg());
+   } // end of loop over cells
+   // Algorithmic time
+   if (!m_timersvc.empty()) m_timer[3]->pause();
+  } // End of loop over TileCal drawers
+   if ( msg().level()<MSG::DEBUG )
+   jet.print(msg());
+   TrigT2Tower hottest_tower;
+   jet.findHottestTower(hottest_tower);
+   // FILL HISTOS if at least one cell is set. if not RoI is not in Tile Barrel or Ext, Barrel and in consequence Hottest_tower would be emtpy
+   // Will get bias because of check for > 0.0 but can't be avoided because we take log(e)
+   if ( (hottest_tower.cell(0).inCone() || hottest_tower.cell(1).inCone() || hottest_tower.cell(2).inCone()) && hottest_tower.e() > 0.0 )
+   {
+   if ( msg().level() <= MSG::DEBUG ){
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: HOTTEST_TOWER:  print:" << endmsg;
+      hottest_tower.print(msg(),MSG::DEBUG);
+   }
+      // TOWER
+      int hist_grid_eta = (int) floorf( ((hottest_tower.eta()) + m_end_detec_eta)/m_eta_division);
+      m_2dhists[hist_grid_eta]->Fill((float)hottest_tower.phi(), logEnergy(hottest_tower.e()) );
+      if ( msg().level() <= MSG::DEBUG )
+        msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: HOTTEST_TOWER:  fill in histo: eta:" << hottest_tower.eta() << " phi:"<< (float)hottest_tower.phi() << " log(e):" << logEnergy(hottest_tower.e()) << endmsg;
+      // CELLS
+      if ( hottest_tower.cell(0).inCone() && hottest_tower.cell(0).e() > 0.0 )
+      {
+         m_2dhists_TB0[hist_grid_eta]->Fill((float)hottest_tower.cell(0).phi(), logEnergy(hottest_tower.cell(0).e()) );
+   	 if ( msg().level() <= MSG::DEBUG )
+   	     msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: HOTTEST_CELL_0:  fill in histo: eta:" << hottest_tower.cell(0).eta() << " phi:"<< (float)hottest_tower.cell(0).phi() << " log(e):" << logEnergy(hottest_tower.cell(0).e()) << endmsg;
+      }
+      if ( hottest_tower.cell(1).inCone() && hottest_tower.cell(1).e() > 0.0 )
+      {
+         m_2dhists_TB1[hist_grid_eta]->Fill((float)hottest_tower.cell(1).phi(), logEnergy(hottest_tower.cell(1).e()) );
+         if ( msg().level() <= MSG::DEBUG )
+  	     msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: HOTTEST_CELL_1:  fill in histo: eta:" << hottest_tower.cell(1).eta() << " phi:"<< (float)hottest_tower.cell(1).phi() << " log(e):" << logEnergy(hottest_tower.cell(1).e()) << endmsg;
+      }
+      if ( hottest_tower.cell(2).inCone() && hottest_tower.cell(2).e() > 0.0 )
+      {
+         // eta is different for layer 2
+         hist_grid_eta=(int)floorf( ((hottest_tower.cell(2).eta()) + m_end_detec_eta)/m_eta_division);
+         m_2dhists_TB2[hist_grid_eta]->Fill((float)hottest_tower.cell(2).phi(), logEnergy(hottest_tower.cell(2).e()) );
+         if ( msg().level() <= MSG::DEBUG )
+  	    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: HOTTEST_CELL_2:  fill in histo: eta:" << hottest_tower.cell(2).eta() << " phi:"<< (float)hottest_tower.cell(2).phi() << " log(e):" << logEnergy(hottest_tower.cell(2).e()) << endmsg;
+      }
+   }
+	// Stop all timers
+   if (!m_timersvc.empty()){ 
+		m_timer[4]->stop();
+		m_timer[3]->stop();
+		m_timer[2]->stop();
+		m_timer[1]->stop();
+		m_timer[0]->stop();
+	}
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/src/TrigT2TileJet.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/src/TrigT2TileJet.cxx
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..c173ee3da9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/src/TrigT2TileJet.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+#include "TrigT2CaloTileMon/TrigT2TileJet.h"
+/// #include "TrigT2TileJet.h"
+#include "TrigCaloEvent/Trig3Momentum.h"
+/// #include "Trig3Momentum.h"
+void TrigT2TileJet::insertCell(const Trig3Momentum& newCell, MsgStream& log)
+   if ( log.level() <= MSG::DEBUG ){
+   log << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST:     CELL: initial cell info:   eta:" << newCell.eta() << " phi:" << newCell.phi()
+             << " e:" << newCell.e() << " layer:" << newCell.caloSample() << endmsg;
+   }
+   if (
+         newCell.caloSample() == CaloSampling::TileBar0 ||
+         newCell.caloSample() == CaloSampling::TileBar1 ||
+         newCell.caloSample() == CaloSampling::TileBar2 ||
+         newCell.caloSample() == CaloSampling::TileExt0 ||
+         newCell.caloSample() == CaloSampling::TileExt1 ||
+         newCell.caloSample() == CaloSampling::TileExt2
+      )
+   {
+      // if cell in layer 2, cell size is 0.2 x 0.1
+      // make a copy of this cell and assign both two a tower
+      if (
+         newCell.caloSample() == CaloSampling::TileBar2 ||
+         newCell.caloSample() == CaloSampling::TileExt2
+         )
+      {
+         searchTowerAndInsert( newCell, log, -0.05 );
+         searchTowerAndInsert( newCell, log, +0.05 );
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         searchTowerAndInsert(newCell, log);
+      }
+   }
+void TrigT2TileJet::searchTowerAndInsert( const Trig3Momentum& cell, MsgStream& log, double etaShift )
+   bool flag = 0;
+   // walk through tower collection and look for an appropriate tower
+   for (TrigT2Tower& tt : m_towercollection)
+   {
+      if( tt.isMember(cell, log, etaShift) )
+      {
+         if( tt.insertCell(cell, log) )
+         {
+            // insert new Cell and end loop immediately
+            flag = 1;
+            break; // stop loop
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            log << MSG::WARNING << " REGTEST:     CELL: tried to insert Cell twice in a tower!" << endmsg;
+            flag=1; // do not insert in new tower
+            break;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   // tower not in collection yet, so create one
+   if ( !flag )
+   {
+     if ( log.level() <= MSG::DEBUG )
+     log << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST:     CELL:          insert in NEW tower" << endmsg;
+      m_towercollection.emplace_back( cell, log, etaShift );
+   }
+void TrigT2TileJet::print(MsgStream& log) const
+   log << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST: JET:  print jet:" << endmsg;
+   for (const TrigT2Tower& tt : m_towercollection)
+   {
+      tt.print(log,MSG::DEBUG);
+   }
+bool TrigT2TileJet::findHottestTower(TrigT2Tower &tower) const
+   tower.setE(0.);
+   for (const TrigT2Tower& tt : m_towercollection)
+   {
+      if ( tt.e() > tower.e() ) tower = tt;
+   }
+   if ( tower.e() > 0.0) return true;
+   else return false;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/src/TrigT2Tower.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/src/TrigT2Tower.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fb9fa8129f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/src/TrigT2Tower.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+ NAME:     TrigT2Tower.cxx
+ PACKAGE:  Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon
+ AUTHOR:   Jens Damaske
+ PURPOSE:  Combines 3 Trig3Momentum Objects to a Tower
+ *******************************************************************/
+#include "TrigT2CaloTileMon/TrigT2Tower.h"
+/// #include "TrigT2Tower.h"
+TrigT2Tower::TrigT2Tower(): m_eta(0.0), m_phi(0.0)
+   // flush tower
+   setComplete( 0 );
+   setE( 0. );
+   // flush all 3 cells
+   for( int i=0; i<3; i++ )
+   {
+      m_cells[i] = Trig3Momentum( 0., 0., 0., CaloSampling::Unknown);
+      m_cells[i].setInCone(0);
+   }
+/** insert first Cell everytime new tower is build */
+TrigT2Tower::TrigT2Tower(const Trig3Momentum& newCell, MsgStream& log, double etaShift): m_eta(0.0), m_phi(0.0)
+   // flush tower
+   setComplete( 0 );
+   setE( 0. );
+   // flush all 3 cells
+   for( int i=0; i<3; i++ )
+   {
+      m_cells[i] = Trig3Momentum( 0., 0., 0., CaloSampling::Unknown);
+      m_cells[i].setInCone(0);
+   }
+   // set tower position to first cell position
+   setEta( newCell.eta() + etaShift );
+   setPhi( newCell.phi() );
+   insertCell( newCell, log);
+bool TrigT2Tower::insertCell(const Trig3Momentum& cell, MsgStream& log)
+   if ( cell.caloSample() == CaloSampling::TileBar0 || cell.caloSample() == CaloSampling::TileExt0 )
+   {
+      if ( !m_cells[0].inCone() )
+      {
+         m_cells[0] = cell;
+         setE( e() + cell.e() );
+         m_cells[0].setInCone(1);
+      }
+      else return 0;
+   }
+   else if ( cell.caloSample() == CaloSampling::TileBar1 || cell.caloSample() == CaloSampling::TileExt1 )
+   {
+      if ( !m_cells[1].inCone() )
+      {
+         m_cells[1] = cell;
+         setE( e() + cell.e() );
+         m_cells[1].setInCone(1);
+      }
+      else return 0;
+   }
+   else if ( cell.caloSample() == CaloSampling::TileBar2 || cell.caloSample() == CaloSampling::TileExt2 )
+   {
+      if ( !m_cells[2].inCone() )
+      {
+         m_cells[2] = cell;
+         setE( e() + cell.e()/2. );
+         m_cells[2].setInCone(1);
+      }
+      else return 0;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      log << MSG::WARNING << " REGTEST:     CELL: is not in TILE. caloSample ID is: " << cell.caloSample() << endmsg;
+      return 0;
+   }
+   // is tower full now ??
+   int sum = 0;
+   for( int i=0; i<3; i++ )
+   {
+      if ( m_cells[i].inCone() ) sum++;
+   }
+   if ( sum == 3 ) setComplete(1);
+   return 1;
+// phi and eta is known up to 3 decimal
+bool TrigT2Tower::isMember(const Trig3Momentum& cell, MsgStream& log, double etaShift) const
+   double delta = 0.005;
+   if ( fabs(eta()-(cell.eta()+etaShift))<delta && fabs(phi()-cell.phi())<delta )
+   {
+     if ( log.level()<MSG::DEBUG )
+      log << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST:     CELL:          insert in EXISTING tower:   eta" << eta() << "   phi:" << phi() << endmsg;
+     return true;
+   }
+   return false;
+void TrigT2Tower::print(MsgStream& log, MSG::Level level) const
+   log << level << " REGTEST:   TOWER:  eta:" << eta() << " phi:" << phi() << " e:" << e() << endmsg;
+   for( int i=0; i<3; i++ )
+   {
+      if ( m_cells[i].inCone() )
+      {
+         log << level << " REGTEST:     CELL " << i << " :  eta:" <<  m_cells[i].eta() << " phi:" << m_cells[i].phi()
+                  << " e:" << m_cells[i].e() << endmsg;
+      }
+      else log << level << " REGTEST:     CELL " << i << " :  is NOT SET" << endmsg;
+   }
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/src/components/TrigT2CaloTileMon_entries.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/src/components/TrigT2CaloTileMon_entries.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9157c8f71a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloTileMon/src/components/TrigT2CaloTileMon_entries.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#include "TrigT2CaloTileMon/T2CaloTileMon.h"
+#include "TrigT2CaloTileMon/TileMonHadEnFex.h"