diff --git a/DetectorDescription/RegionSelector/python/RegSelConfig.py b/DetectorDescription/RegionSelector/python/RegSelConfig.py
index 0570abc3a029dc5267db9a982b1a122f2c1e38e8..68c76954ae1cf6896b981c8ce10c0c515e4e058d 100644
--- a/DetectorDescription/RegionSelector/python/RegSelConfig.py
+++ b/DetectorDescription/RegionSelector/python/RegSelConfig.py
@@ -33,6 +33,37 @@ def RegSelConfig( flags ):
     regSel.enableSCT = True
     regSel.enableTRT = True
+    # Setup RegSelSvc for muon detector based on RegSelSvcDefault.py
+    from MuonRegionSelector.MuonRegionSelectorConf import RPC_RegionSelectorTable
+    rpcTable = RPC_RegionSelectorTable(name = "RPC_RegionSelectorTable")
+    acc.addPublicTool( rpcTable )
+    from MuonRegionSelector.MuonRegionSelectorConf import MDT_RegionSelectorTable
+    mdtTable = MDT_RegionSelectorTable(name = "MDT_RegionSelectorTable")
+    acc.addPublicTool( mdtTable )
+    from MuonRegionSelector.MuonRegionSelectorConf import TGC_RegionSelectorTable
+    tgcTable = TGC_RegionSelectorTable(name = "TGC_RegionSelectorTable")
+    acc.addPublicTool( tgcTable )
+    from MuonRegionSelector.MuonRegionSelectorConf import CSC_RegionSelectorTable
+    cscTable = CSC_RegionSelectorTable(name = "CSC_RegionSelectorTable")
+    acc.addPublicTool( cscTable )
+    # ??? that is same puzzle of Calo, the RegSelSvc seems not to ahev such a property
+    # while it is set in:RegSelSvcDefault.py 
+    #regSel.RPC_RegionLUT_CreatorTool   = rpcTable
+    #regSel.MDT_RegionLUT_CreatorTool   = mdtTable
+    #regSel.TGC_RegionLUT_CreatorTool   = tgcTable
+    #regSel.CSC_RegionLUT_CreatorTool   = cscTable
+    regSel.enableMuon = True
+    regSel.enableRPC  = True
+    regSel.enableMDT  = True
+    regSel.enableTGC  = True
+    regSel.enableCSC  = True
+    regSel.enableMM   = False   
     from InDetRegionSelector.InDetRegionSelectorConf import SiRegionSelectorTable
     pixTable = SiRegionSelectorTable(name        = "PixelRegionSelectorTable",
                                      ManagerName = "Pixel",
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConfig/python/MuonBytestreamDecodeConfig.py b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConfig/python/MuonBytestreamDecodeConfig.py
index 64bd649a9beee70fbe516d98f1d96713a8c43f1f..84b698bf8cc69d640fb6873499ed20c484f0cfbd 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConfig/python/MuonBytestreamDecodeConfig.py
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConfig/python/MuonBytestreamDecodeConfig.py
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ def RpcBytestreamDecodeCfg(flags, forTrigger=False):
     from MuonRPC_CnvTools.MuonRPC_CnvToolsConf import Muon__RPC_RawDataProviderTool
     MuonRpcRawDataProviderTool = Muon__RPC_RawDataProviderTool(name    = "RPC_RawDataProviderTool",
                                                                Decoder = RPCRodDecoder )
+    acc.addPublicTool( MuonRpcRawDataProviderTool ) # This should be removed, but now defined as PublicTool at MuFastSteering 
     # Setup the RAW data provider algorithm
     from MuonByteStream.MuonByteStreamConf import Muon__RpcRawDataProvider
@@ -45,6 +46,109 @@ def RpcBytestreamDecodeCfg(flags, forTrigger=False):
     return acc, RpcRawDataProvider
+def TgcBytestreamDecodeCfg(flags, forTrigger=False):
+    acc = ComponentAccumulator()
+    # We need the TGC cabling to be setup
+    from MuonConfig.MuonCablingConfig import TGCCablingConfigCfg
+    acc.merge( TGCCablingConfigCfg(flags)[0] )
+    # Make sure muon geometry is configured
+    from MuonConfig.MuonGeometryConfig import MuonGeoModelCfg
+    acc.merge(MuonGeoModelCfg(flags)) 
+    # Setup the TGC ROD decoder
+    from MuonTGC_CnvTools.MuonTGC_CnvToolsConf import Muon__TGC_RodDecoderReadout
+    TGCRodDecoder = Muon__TGC_RodDecoderReadout(name = "TgcROD_Decoder")
+    # RAW data provider tool needs ROB data provider service (should be another Config function?)
+    from ByteStreamCnvSvcBase.ByteStreamCnvSvcBaseConf import ROBDataProviderSvc
+    robDPSvc = ROBDataProviderSvc()
+    acc.addService( robDPSvc )
+    # Setup the RAW data provider tool
+    from MuonTGC_CnvTools.MuonTGC_CnvToolsConf import Muon__TGC_RawDataProviderTool
+    MuonTgcRawDataProviderTool = Muon__TGC_RawDataProviderTool(name    = "TGC_RawDataProviderTool",
+                                                               Decoder = TGCRodDecoder )
+    acc.addPublicTool( MuonTgcRawDataProviderTool ) # This should be removed, but now defined as PublicTool at MuFastSteering 
+    # Setup the RAW data provider algorithm
+    from MuonByteStream.MuonByteStreamConf import Muon__TgcRawDataProvider
+    TgcRawDataProvider = Muon__TgcRawDataProvider(name         = "TgcRawDataProvider",
+                                                  ProviderTool = MuonTgcRawDataProviderTool )
+    return acc, TgcRawDataProvider
+def MdtBytestreamDecodeCfg(flags, forTrigger=False):
+    acc = ComponentAccumulator()
+    # We need the MDT cabling to be setup
+    from MuonConfig.MuonCablingConfig import MDTCablingConfigCfg
+    acc.merge( MDTCablingConfigCfg(flags)[0] )
+    from MuonConfig.MuonCalibConfig import MdtCalibrationSvcCfg
+    acc.merge( MdtCalibrationSvcCfg(flags)[0]  )
+    # Make sure muon geometry is configured
+    from MuonConfig.MuonGeometryConfig import MuonGeoModelCfg
+    acc.merge(MuonGeoModelCfg(flags)) 
+    # Setup the MDT ROD decoder
+    from MuonMDT_CnvTools.MuonMDT_CnvToolsConf import MdtROD_Decoder
+    MDTRodDecoder = MdtROD_Decoder(name	     = "MdtROD_Decoder" )
+    # RAW data provider tool needs ROB data provider service (should be another Config function?)
+    from ByteStreamCnvSvcBase.ByteStreamCnvSvcBaseConf import ROBDataProviderSvc
+    robDPSvc = ROBDataProviderSvc()
+    acc.addService( robDPSvc )
+    # Setup the RAW data provider tool
+    from MuonMDT_CnvTools.MuonMDT_CnvToolsConf import Muon__MDT_RawDataProviderTool
+    MuonMdtRawDataProviderTool = Muon__MDT_RawDataProviderTool(name    = "MDT_RawDataProviderTool",
+                                                               Decoder = MDTRodDecoder )
+    acc.addPublicTool( MuonMdtRawDataProviderTool ) # This should be removed, but now defined as PublicTool at MuFastSteering 
+    # Setup the RAW data provider algorithm
+    from MuonByteStream.MuonByteStreamConf import Muon__MdtRawDataProvider
+    MdtRawDataProvider = Muon__MdtRawDataProvider(name         = "MdtRawDataProvider",
+                                                  ProviderTool = MuonMdtRawDataProviderTool )
+    return acc, MdtRawDataProvider
+def CscBytestreamDecodeCfg(flags, forTrigger=False):
+    acc = ComponentAccumulator()
+    # We need the CSC cabling to be setup
+    from MuonConfig.MuonCablingConfig import CSCCablingConfigCfg # Not yet been prepared
+    acc.merge( CSCCablingConfigCfg(flags)[0] )
+    # Make sure muon geometry is configured
+    from MuonConfig.MuonGeometryConfig import MuonGeoModelCfg
+    acc.merge(MuonGeoModelCfg(flags)) 
+    # Setup the CSC ROD decoder
+    from MuonCSC_CnvTools.MuonCSC_CnvToolsConf import Muon__CscROD_Decoder
+    CSCRodDecoder = Muon__CscROD_Decoder(name	     = "CscROD_Decoder" )
+    # RAW data provider tool needs ROB data provider service (should be another Config function?)
+    from ByteStreamCnvSvcBase.ByteStreamCnvSvcBaseConf import ROBDataProviderSvc
+    robDPSvc = ROBDataProviderSvc()
+    acc.addService( robDPSvc )
+    # Setup the RAW data provider tool
+    from MuonCSC_CnvTools.MuonCSC_CnvToolsConf import Muon__CSC_RawDataProviderTool
+    MuonCscRawDataProviderTool = Muon__CSC_RawDataProviderTool(name    = "CSC_RawDataProviderTool",
+                                                               Decoder = CSCRodDecoder )
+    acc.addPublicTool( MuonCscRawDataProviderTool ) # This should be removed, but now defined as PublicTool at MuFastSteering 
+    # Setup the RAW data provider algorithm
+    from MuonByteStream.MuonByteStreamConf import Muon__CscRawDataProvider
+    CscRawDataProvider = Muon__CscRawDataProvider(name         = "CscRawDataProvider",
+                                                  ProviderTool = MuonCscRawDataProviderTool )
+    return acc, CscRawDataProvider
 if __name__=="__main__":
     # To run this, do e.g. 
     # python ../athena/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConfig/python/MuonBytestreamDecodeCfg.py
@@ -79,6 +183,21 @@ if __name__=="__main__":
     cfg.merge( rpcdecodingAcc )
     cfg.addEventAlgo( rpcdecodingAlg )
+    # Schedule Tgc data decoding - once mergeAll is working can simplify these lines
+    tgcdecodingAcc, tgcdecodingAlg = TgcBytestreamDecodeCfg( ConfigFlags ) 
+    cfg.merge( tgcdecodingAcc )
+    cfg.addEventAlgo( tgcdecodingAlg )
+    # Schedule Mdt data decoding - once mergeAll is working can simplify these lines
+    mdtdecodingAcc, mdtdecodingAlg = MdtBytestreamDecodeCfg( ConfigFlags ) 
+    cfg.merge( mdtdecodingAcc )
+    cfg.addEventAlgo( mdtdecodingAlg )
+    # Schedule Csc data decoding - once mergeAll is working can simplify these lines
+    cscdecodingAcc, cscdecodingAlg = CscBytestreamDecodeCfg( ConfigFlags ) 
+    cfg.merge( cscdecodingAcc )
+    cfg.addEventAlgo( cscdecodingAlg )
     # Need to add POOL converter  - may be a better way of doing this?
     from AthenaCommon import CfgMgr
     cfg.addService( CfgMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc() )
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConfig/python/MuonCablingConfig.py b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConfig/python/MuonCablingConfig.py
index 10e536543b942d47295b1f0230a1cf45097b3444..e3dc4028f6368978efcd3237c56efb1a6e0f4e97 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConfig/python/MuonCablingConfig.py
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConfig/python/MuonCablingConfig.py
@@ -71,6 +71,63 @@ def TGCCablingConfigCfg(flags):
     acc.merge(addFolders(flags, ['/TGC/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA','/TGC/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA'], 'TGC'))
     return acc, TGCCablingSvc
+# This should be checked by experts since I just wrote it based on 
+# athena/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonCnvExample/python/MuonCablingConfig.py
+def MDTCablingConfigCfg(flags):
+    acc = ComponentAccumulator()
+    acc.merge(MuonGeoModelCfg(flags)) 
+    from MuonMDT_Cabling.MuonMDT_CablingConf import MuonMDT_CablingAlg
+    MDTCablingAlg = MuonMDT_CablingAlg("MuonMDT_CablingAlg")
+    from MuonMDT_Cabling.MuonMDT_CablingConf import MuonMDT_CablingSvc
+    mdtCablingSvc = MuonMDT_CablingSvc()
+    mdtCablingSvc.UseOldCabling = False
+    mdtCablingSvc.ForcedUse = True
+    from MDT_CondCabling.MDT_CondCablingConf import MDTCablingDbTool
+    MDTCablingDbTool = MDTCablingDbTool()
+    from IOVDbSvc.IOVDbSvcConfig import addFolders
+    if flags.Input.isMC == True:
+        MDTCablingDbTool.MapFolders = "/MDT/Ofl/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA"
+        MDTCablingDbTool.MezzanineFolders  = "/MDT/Ofl/CABLING/MEZZANINE_SCHEMA"
+        MDTCablingAlg.MapFolders = "/MDT/Ofl/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA" 
+        MDTCablingAlg.MezzanineFolders    = "/MDT/Ofl/CABLING/MEZZANINE_SCHEMA" 
+        acc.merge( addFolders( flags, ["/MDT/Ofl/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA",
+                                           "/MDT/Ofl/CABLING/MEZZANINE_SCHEMA"], 'MDT_OFL', className="CondAttrListCollection") )
+    else:
+        MDTCablingDbTool.MapFolders = "/MDT/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA"
+        MDTCablingDbTool.MezzanineFolders  = "/MDT/CABLING/MEZZANINE_SCHEMA"
+        MDTCablingAlg.MapFolders = "/MDT/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA" 
+        MDTCablingAlg.MezzanineFolders    = "/MDT/CABLING/MEZZANINE_SCHEMA" 
+        acc.merge( addFolders( flags, ["/MDT/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA",
+                                           "/MDT/CABLING/MEZZANINE_SCHEMA"], 'MDT', className="CondAttrListCollection") )
+    acc.addCondAlgo( MDTCablingAlg )
+    acc.addPublicTool( MDTCablingDbTool )
+    mdtCablingSvc.DBTool = MDTCablingDbTool
+    acc.addService( mdtCablingSvc )
+    return acc, mdtCablingSvc
+# This should be checked by experts 
+def CSCCablingConfigCfg(flags):
+    acc = ComponentAccumulator()
+    acc.merge(MuonGeoModelCfg(flags)) 
+    from CSCcabling.CSCcablingConf import CSCcablingSvc
+    cscCablingSvc = CSCcablingSvc()
+    acc.addService( cscCablingSvc )
+    return acc, cscCablingSvc
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     from AthenaCommon.Configurable import Configurable
@@ -90,8 +147,14 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     result,svc = TGCCablingConfigCfg(ConfigFlags)
     acc.merge( result )
+    result,svc = MDTCablingConfigCfg(ConfigFlags)
+    acc.merge( result )
+    result,svc = CSCCablingConfigCfg(ConfigFlags)
+    acc.merge( result )
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConfig/python/MuonCalibConfig.py b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConfig/python/MuonCalibConfig.py
index 363c30482b193d57b68a308d7ec79d29651be96a..39850214cbb36af2c6d90012d831fa9ab25853c6 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConfig/python/MuonCalibConfig.py
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConfig/python/MuonCalibConfig.py
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
 # Based on : https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/blob/master/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonCnvExample/python/MuonCalibConfig.py
+from MuonCondSvc.MuonCondSvcConf import MuonCalib__CscCoolStrSvc
+from CscCalibTools.CscCalibToolsConf import CscCalibTool
 from MdtCalibSvc.MdtCalibSvcConf import MdtCalibrationDbSvc, MdtCalibrationSvc
 from MdtCalibDbCoolStrTool.MdtCalibDbCoolStrToolConf import MuonCalib__MdtCalibDbCoolStrTool
 from MuonCnvExample.MuonCnvUtils import mdtCalibWindowNumber, mdtCalibWindowName, specialAddFolderSplitOnline # TODO should maybe shift this elsewhere?
@@ -14,88 +16,7 @@ from MagFieldServices.MagFieldServicesConfig import MagneticFieldSvcCfg
 # CSC calibration
-# def setupCscCondDB():
-#     # Access to the CSC calibration database
-#     # Copied and modified from:
-#     # include( "CscCalibTools/CscCalibTool_jobOptions.py" )
-#     from MuonCondSvc.CscCondDB import cscCondDB
-#     ## Load Ped File
-#     if cscCalibFlags.CscPedFromLocalFile:
-#         cscCondDB.useLocalFile( True )     #All following "add" db folder commands are from local files
-#         cscCondDB.addPedFolder()    #<--- Adds pedestal and noise folders
-#         cscCondDB.useLocalFile( False )     #To make sure to stop refering to local sqlite DB file
-#     else:
-#         cscCondDB.addPedFolder()    #<--- Adds pedestal and noise folders
-#     ## Load Noise File
-#     if cscCalibFlags.CscNoiseFromLocalFile:
-#         cscCondDB.useLocalFile( True )     #All following "add" db folder commands are from local files
-#         cscCondDB.addNoiseFolder()    #<--- Adds pedestal and noise folders
-#         cscCondDB.useLocalFile( False )     #To make sure to stop refering to local sqlite DB file
-#     else:
-#         cscCondDB.addNoiseFolder()    #<--- Adds pedestal and noise folders
-#     ## Load PSlope File
-#     if cscCalibFlags.CscPSlopeFromLocalFile:
-#         cscCondDB.useLocalFile( True )     #All following "add" db folder commands are from local files
-#         cscCondDB.addPSlopeFolder()    #<--- Adds pedestal and noise folders
-#         cscCondDB.useLocalFile( False )     #To make sure to stop refering to local sqlite DB file
-#     else:
-#         cscCondDB.addPSlopeFolder()    #<--- Adds pedestal and noise folders
-#     ## Load Status File
-#     if cscCalibFlags.CscStatusFromLocalFile:
-#         cscCondDB.useLocalFile( True )     #All following "add" db folder commands are from local files
-#         cscCondDB.addStatusFolder()    #<--- Adds pedestal and noise folders
-#         cscCondDB.useLocalFile( False )     #To make sure to stop refering to local sqlite DB file
-#     else:
-#         cscCondDB.addStatusFolder()    #<--- Adds pedestal and noise folders
-#     ## Load Rms File
-#     if cscCalibFlags.CscRmsFromLocalFile:
-#         cscCondDB.useLocalFile( True )     #All following "add" db folder commands are from local files
-#         cscCondDB.addRmsFolder()    #<--- Adds pedestal and noise folders
-#         cscCondDB.useLocalFile( False )     #To make sure to stop refering to local sqlite DB file
-#     else:
-#         cscCondDB.addRmsFolder()    #<--- Adds pedestal and noise folders
-#     ## Load F001 File
-#     if cscCalibFlags.CscF001FromLocalFile:
-#         cscCondDB.useLocalFile( True )     #All following "add" db folder commands are from local files
-#         cscCondDB.addF001Folder()
-#         cscCondDB.useLocalFile( False )     #To make sure to stop refering to local sqlite DB file
-#     else:
-#         cscCondDB.addF001Folder()
-#     if not athenaCommonFlags.isOnline():
-#         log = logging.getLogger(__name__+".setupCscCondDB()")
-#         log.info("This is for OffLine so T0Base and T0Phase folders are added!!")
-#         ## Load T0Base File
-#         if cscCalibFlags.CscT0BaseFromLocalFile:
-#             cscCondDB.useLocalFile( True )     #All following "add" db folder commands are from local files
-#             cscCondDB.addT0BaseFolder()
-#             cscCondDB.useLocalFile( False )     #To make sure to stop refering to local sqlite DB file
-#         else:
-#             cscCondDB.addT0BaseFolder()
-#         ## Load T0Phase File
-#         if cscCalibFlags.CscT0PhaseFromLocalFile:
-#             cscCondDB.useLocalFile( True )     #All following "add" db folder commands are from local files
-#             cscCondDB.addT0PhaseFolder()
-#             cscCondDB.useLocalFile( False )     #To make sure to stop refering to local sqlite DB file
-#         else:
-#             cscCondDB.addT0PhaseFolder()
-#     #cscCondDB.addPedFolders()    #<--- Adds pedestal and noise folders
-#     #cscCondDB.addAllFolders()
-# # end of function setupCscCondDB()
-# #
 # def CscCalibTool(name,**kwargs):
 #     # setup condDB folders
 #     setupCscCondDB()
@@ -116,6 +37,323 @@ from MagFieldServices.MagFieldServicesConfig import MagneticFieldSvcCfg
 #         )
 #     #               timeOffset=46.825) + 25 SimHIT digit time
+def _setupCscCondDB( flags, name, key, dataType, cat, default, folder, database, useLocal, override="" ):
+    # The followng codes should be cleaned up by CSC experts, 
+    #   since they quate a few verses from the following two files
+    #   https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/blob/master/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonCnvExample/python/MuonCalibConfig.py
+    #   https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/blob/master/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConditions/MuonCondGeneral/MuonCondSvc/python/CscCondDB.py
+    acc = ComponentAccumulator()
+    # This need to adapt FolderSuffix variable
+    #fullSuffix = " <key>" + key + "</key> " + self.FolderSuffix
+    fullSuffix = " <key>" + key + "</key> "
+    oflFolderString = '/CSC/' + folder + fullSuffix
+    onlFolderString = '/CSC/ONL/' + folder + fullSuffix
+    if useLocal:
+        #assume when local, the folder will be in offline location. 
+        #Maybe add more options in future
+        acc.merge( addFolders( flags, oflFolderString, "LOCAL" ) )
+    elif database=='CSC':
+        acc.merge( addFoldersSplitOnline( flags, database, onlFolderString, oflFolderString ) )
+    elif database=='CSC_OFL':
+        acc.merge( addFolders( flags, oflFolderString, database ) )
+    else:
+        print "Failed to recognize database: " + database + " for parameter " + name
+        return acc 
+    if override:
+        if useLocal:
+            #assume when local, the folder will be in offline location. 
+            #Maybe add more options in future
+            overfolder = oflFolderString.split()[0] #Get folder without suffix
+        elif datebase=='CSC':
+            if flags.Common.isOnline:
+                overfolder = onlFolderString.split()[0] #Get folder without suffix
+            else:
+                overfolder = oflFolderString.split()[0] #Get folder without suffix
+        elif database=='CSC_OFL':
+            overfolder = oflFolderString.split()[0] #Get folder without suffix
+        else:
+            print "Failed to recognize database: " + database + " for parameter " + name
+            return acc
+        print "Overriding folder for " + name + "(" + overfolder + ") to " + override 
+        #acc.merge( addOverride( flags, overfolder, override ) )
+    return acc
+def CscCoolStrSvcCfg( flags ):
+    acc = ComponentAccumulator()
+    # used folders
+    pslopeFolder    = "PSLOPE"   # Pulser run gain
+    pedFolder       = "PED"      # Pedestals
+    noiseFolder     = "NOISE"    # Noise (Sigma from pedestal gaussian fit)
+    rmsFolder       = "RMS"      # Rms of pedestal histograms (not from fit)
+    f001Folder      = "FTHOLD"   # F001 threshold values
+    statusFolder    = "STAT"     # Status Bits
+    t0baseFolder    = "T0BASE"
+    t0phaseFolder   = "T0PHASE"
+    # unused folders
+    gainFolder      = "GAIN"
+    runSlopeFolder  = "RSLOPE"
+    tholdFolder     = "THOLD"
+    peaktFolder     = "PEAKT"
+    widthFolder     = "WIDTH"
+    sat1Folder      = "SAT1"
+    sat2Folder      = "SAT2"
+    # Set CscCoolStr Svc to prepare condDB for pedestal, noise and so on
+    CscCoolStrSvc = MuonCalib__CscCoolStrSvc()
+    acc.addService( CscCoolStrSvc )
+    # The followng codes should be cleaned up by CSC experts, 
+    #   since they quate a few verses from the following two files
+    #   https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/blob/master/MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonCnvExample/python/MuonCalibConfig.py
+    #   https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/blob/master/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConditions/MuonCondGeneral/MuonCondSvc/python/CscCondDB.py
+    # Adds pedestal and noise folders
+    if flags.Muon.Calib.CscPedFromLocalFile:
+        acc.merge(  _setupCscCondDB( flags, name="ped", key="CSC_PED", dataType="float", cat="CHANNEL", 
+                                     default="2048", folder=pedFolder, database="CSC", useLocal=True, override="" ) )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParNames.append( "ped" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParSGKeys.append( "CSC_PED" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParDataTypes.append( "float" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParCats.append( "CHANNEL" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParDefaults.append( "2048" )
+        if flags.Common.isOnline:
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParFolders.append('/CSC/ONL/' + pedFolder)
+        else:
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParFolders.append('/CSC/' + pedFolder)
+    else:
+        acc.merge(  _setupCscCondDB( flags, name="ped", key="CSC_PED", dataType="float", cat="CHANNEL", 
+                                     default="2048", folder=pedFolder, database="CSC", useLocal=False, override="" ) )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParNames.append( "ped" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParSGKeys.append( "CSC_PED" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParDataTypes.append( "float" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParCats.append( "CHANNEL" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParDefaults.append( "2048" )
+        if flags.Common.isOnline:
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParFolders.append('/CSC/ONL/' + pedFolder)
+        else:
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParFolders.append('/CSC/' + pedFolder)
+    # Load Noise File
+    if flags.Muon.Calib.CscNoiseFromLocalFile:
+        acc.merge(  _setupCscCondDB( flags, name="noise", key="CSC_NOISE", dataType="float", cat="CHANNEL", 
+                                     default="3.5", folder=noiseFolder, database="CSC", useLocal=True, override="" ) )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParNames.append( "noise" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParSGKeys.append( "CSC_NOISE" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParDataTypes.append( "float" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParCats.append( "CHANNEL" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParDefaults.append( "3.5" )
+        if flags.Common.isOnline:
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParFolders.append('/CSC/ONL/' + noiseFolder)
+        else:
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParFolders.append('/CSC/' + noiseFolder)
+    else:
+        acc.merge(  _setupCscCondDB( flags, name="noise", key="CSC_NOISE", dataType="float", cat="CHANNEL", 
+                                     default="3.5", folder=noiseFolder, database="CSC", useLocal=False, override="" ) )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParNames.append( "noise" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParSGKeys.append( "CSC_NOISE" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParDataTypes.append( "float" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParCats.append( "CHANNEL" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParDefaults.append( "3.5" )
+        if flags.Common.isOnline:
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParFolders.append('/CSC/ONL/' + noiseFolder)
+        else:
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParFolders.append('/CSC/' + noiseFolder)
+    ### Load PSlope File
+    if flags.Muon.Calib.CscPSlopeFromLocalFile:
+        acc.merge(  _setupCscCondDB( flags, name="pslope", key="CSC_PSLOPE", dataType="float", cat="CHANNEL", 
+                                     default="0.189", folder=pslopeFolder, database="CSC", useLocal=True, override="" ) )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParNames.append( "pslope" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParSGKeys.append( "CSC_PSLOPE" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParDataTypes.append( "float" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParCats.append( "CHANNEL" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParDefaults.append( "0.189" )
+        if flags.Common.isOnline:
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParFolders.append('/CSC/ONL/' + pslopeFolder)
+        else:
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParFolders.append('/CSC/' + pslopeFolder)
+    else:
+        acc.merge(  _setupCscCondDB( flags, name="pslope", key="CSC_PSLOPE", dataType="float", cat="CHANNEL", 
+                                     default="0.189", folder=pslopeFolder, database="CSC", useLocal=False, override="" ) )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParNames.append( "pslope" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParSGKeys.append( "CSC_PSLOPE" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParDataTypes.append( "float" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParCats.append( "CHANNEL" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParDefaults.append( "0.189" )
+        if flags.Common.isOnline:
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParFolders.append('/CSC/ONL/' + pslopeFolder)
+        else:
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParFolders.append('/CSC/' + pslopeFolder)
+    ## Load Status File
+    if flags.Muon.Calib.CscStatusFromLocalFile:
+        acc.merge(  _setupCscCondDB( flags, name="status", key="CSC_STAT", dataType="uint32_t", cat="CHANNEL", 
+                                     default="0", folder=statusFolder, database="CSC", useLocal=True, override="" ) )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParNames.append( "status" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParSGKeys.append( "CSC_STAT" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParDataTypes.append( "uint32_t" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParCats.append( "CHANNEL" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParDefaults.append( "0" )
+        if flags.Common.isOnline:
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParFolders.append('/CSC/ONL/' + statusFolder)
+        else:
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParFolders.append('/CSC/' + statusFolder)
+    else:
+        acc.merge(  _setupCscCondDB( flags, name="status", key="CSC_STAT", dataType="uint32_t", cat="CHANNEL", 
+                                     default="0", folder=statusFolder, database="CSC", useLocal=False, override="" ) )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParNames.append( "status" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParSGKeys.append( "CSC_STAT" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParDataTypes.append( "uint32_t" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParCats.append( "CHANNEL" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParDefaults.append( "0" )
+        if flags.Common.isOnline:
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParFolders.append('/CSC/ONL/' + statusFolder)
+        else:
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParFolders.append('/CSC/' + statusFolder)
+    ## Load Rms File
+    if flags.Muon.Calib.CscRmsFromLocalFile:
+        acc.merge(  _setupCscCondDB( flags, name="rms", key="CSC_RMS", dataType="float", cat="CHANNEL", 
+                                     default="2.56", folder=rmsFolder, database="CSC", useLocal=True, override="" ) )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParNames.append( "rms" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParSGKeys.append( "CSC_RMS" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParDataTypes.append( "float" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParCats.append( "CHANNEL" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParDefaults.append( "2.56" )
+        if flags.Common.isOnline:
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParFolders.append('/CSC/ONL/' + rmsFolder)
+        else:
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParFolders.append('/CSC/' + rmsFolder)
+    else:
+        acc.merge(  _setupCscCondDB( flags, name="rms", key="CSC_RMS", dataType="float", cat="CHANNEL", 
+                                     default="2.56", folder=rmsFolder, database="CSC", useLocal=False, override="" ) )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParNames.append( "rms" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParSGKeys.append( "CSC_RMS" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParDataTypes.append( "float" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParCats.append( "CHANNEL" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParDefaults.append( "2.56" )
+        if flags.Common.isOnline:
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParFolders.append('/CSC/ONL/' + rmsFolder)
+        else:
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParFolders.append('/CSC/' + rmsFolder)
+    ## Load F001 File
+    if flags.Muon.Calib.CscF001FromLocalFile:
+        acc.merge(  _setupCscCondDB( flags, name="f001", key="CSC_FTHOLD", dataType="float", cat="CHANNEL", 
+                                     default="0", folder=f001Folder, database="CSC", useLocal=True, override="" ) )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParNames.append( "f001" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParSGKeys.append( "CSC_FTHOLD" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParDataTypes.append( "float" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParCats.append( "CHANNEL" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParDefaults.append( "0" )
+        if flags.Common.isOnline:
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParFolders.append('/CSC/ONL/' + f001Folder)
+        else:
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParFolders.append('/CSC/' + f001Folder)
+    else:
+        acc.merge(  _setupCscCondDB( flags, name="f001", key="CSC_FTHOLD", dataType="float", cat="CHANNEL", 
+                                     default="0", folder=f001Folder, database="CSC", useLocal=False, override="" ) )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParNames.append( "f001" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParSGKeys.append( "CSC_FTHOLD" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParDataTypes.append( "float" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParCats.append( "CHANNEL" )
+        CscCoolStrSvc.ParDefaults.append( "0" )
+        if flags.Common.isOnline:
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParFolders.append('/CSC/ONL/' + f001Folder)
+        else:
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParFolders.append('/CSC/' + f001Folder)
+    # Offline only 
+    if not flags.Common.isOnline:
+        ## Load T0Base File
+        if flags.Muon.Calib.CscT0BaseFromLocalFile:
+            acc.merge(  _setupCscCondDB( flags, name="t0base", key="CSC_T0BASE", dataType="float", cat="CHANNEL", 
+                                         default="0", folder=t0baseFolder, database="CSC_OFL", useLocal=True, override="" ) )
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParNames.append( "t0base" )
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParSGKeys.append( "CSC_T0BASE" )
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParDataTypes.append( "float" )
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParCats.append( "CHANNEL" )
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParDefaults.append( "0" )
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParFolders.append('/CSC/' + t0baseFolder)
+        else:
+            acc.merge(  _setupCscCondDB( flags, name="t0base", key="CSC_T0BASE", dataType="float", cat="CHANNEL", 
+                                         default="0", folder=t0baseFolder, database="CSC_OFL", useLocal=False, override="" ) )
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParNames.append( "t0base" )
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParSGKeys.append( "CSC_T0BASE" )
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParDataTypes.append( "float" )
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParCats.append( "CHANNEL" )
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParDefaults.append( "0" )
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParFolders.append('/CSC/' + t0baseFolder)
+        ## Load T0Phase File
+        if flags.Muon.Calib.CscT0PhaseFromLocalFile:
+            acc.merge(  _setupCscCondDB( flags, name="t0phase", key="CSC_T0PHASE", dataType="float", cat="ASM", 
+                                         default="0", folder=t0phaseFolder, database="CSC_OFL", useLocal=True, override="" ) )
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParNames.append( "t0phase" )
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParSGKeys.append( "CSC_T0PHASE" )
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParDataTypes.append( "float" )
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParCats.append( "ASM" )
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParDefaults.append( "0" )
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParFolders.append('/CSC/' + t0phaseFolder)
+        else:
+            acc.merge(  _setupCscCondDB( flags, name="t0phase", key="CSC_T0PHASE", dataType="float", cat="ASM", 
+                                         default="0", folder=t0phaseFolder, database="CSC_OFL", useLocal=False, override="" ) )
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParNames.append( "t0phase" )
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParSGKeys.append( "CSC_T0PHASE" )
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParDataTypes.append( "float" )
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParCats.append( "ASM" )
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParDefaults.append( "0" )
+            CscCoolStrSvc.ParFolders.append('/CSC/' + t0phaseFolder)
+    return acc, CscCoolStrSvc
 # MDT calibration
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConfig/python/MuonRdoDecodeConfig.py b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConfig/python/MuonRdoDecodeConfig.py
index ca3d670956dd6705f242236f3bd429069ebb3e5b..aabf8d91e38689a7f6533071f562acb87eec9558 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConfig/python/MuonRdoDecodeConfig.py
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConfig/python/MuonRdoDecodeConfig.py
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ def RpcRDODecodeCfg(flags, forTrigger=False):
     # Get the RDO -> PRD tool
     from MuonRPC_CnvTools.MuonRPC_CnvToolsConf import Muon__RpcRdoToPrepDataTool
-    RpcRdoToRpcPrepDataTool = Muon__RpcRdoToPrepDataTool()
+    RpcRdoToRpcPrepDataTool = Muon__RpcRdoToPrepDataTool(name = "RpcRdoToRpcPrepDataTool")
+    acc.addPublicTool( RpcRdoToRpcPrepDataTool ) # This should be removed, but now defined as PublicTool at MuFastSteering 
     # Get the RDO -> PRD alorithm
     from MuonRdoToPrepData.MuonRdoToPrepDataConf import RpcRdoToRpcPrepData
@@ -36,6 +37,117 @@ def RpcRDODecodeCfg(flags, forTrigger=False):
     return acc, RpcRdoToRpcPrepData
+def TgcRDODecodeCfg(flags, forTrigger=False):
+    acc = ComponentAccumulator()
+    # We need the TGC cabling to be setup
+    from MuonConfig.MuonCablingConfig import TGCCablingConfigCfg
+    acc.merge( TGCCablingConfigCfg(flags)[0] )
+    # Make sure muon geometry is configured
+    from MuonConfig.MuonGeometryConfig import MuonGeoModelCfg
+    acc.merge(MuonGeoModelCfg(flags))
+    # Get the RDO -> PRD tool
+    from MuonTGC_CnvTools.MuonTGC_CnvToolsConf import Muon__TgcRdoToPrepDataTool
+    TgcRdoToTgcPrepDataTool = Muon__TgcRdoToPrepDataTool(name           = "TgcRdoToTgcPrepDataTool",
+                                                         useBStoRdoTool = True )
+    acc.addPublicTool( TgcRdoToTgcPrepDataTool ) # This should be removed, but now defined as PublicTool at MuFastSteering 
+    # Get the RDO -> PRD alorithm
+    from MuonRdoToPrepData.MuonRdoToPrepDataConf import TgcRdoToTgcPrepData
+    TgcRdoToTgcPrepData = TgcRdoToTgcPrepData(name          = "TgcRdoToTgcPrepData",
+                                              DecodingTool  = TgcRdoToTgcPrepDataTool,
+                                              PrintPrepData = False )
+    if forTrigger:
+        # Set the algorithm to RoI mode
+        TgcRdoToTgcPrepData.DoSeededDecoding = True
+        TgcRdoToTgcPrepData.RoIs = "MURoIs"
+    return acc, TgcRdoToTgcPrepData
+def MdtRDODecodeCfg(flags, forTrigger=False):
+    acc = ComponentAccumulator()
+    # We need the MDT cabling to be setup
+    from MuonConfig.MuonCablingConfig import MDTCablingConfigCfg
+    acc.merge( MDTCablingConfigCfg(flags)[0] )
+    from MuonConfig.MuonCalibConfig import MdtCalibrationSvcCfg
+    acc.merge( MdtCalibrationSvcCfg(flags)[0]  )
+    # Make sure muon geometry is configured
+    from MuonConfig.MuonGeometryConfig import MuonGeoModelCfg
+    acc.merge(MuonGeoModelCfg(flags))
+    # Get the RDO -> PRD tool
+    from MuonMDT_CnvTools.MuonMDT_CnvToolsConf import Muon__MdtRdoToPrepDataTool
+    MdtRdoToMdtPrepDataTool = Muon__MdtRdoToPrepDataTool(name = "MdtRdoToMdtPrepDataTool")
+    acc.addPublicTool( MdtRdoToMdtPrepDataTool ) # This should be removed, but now defined as PublicTool at MuFastSteering 
+    # Get the RDO -> PRD alorithm
+    from MuonRdoToPrepData.MuonRdoToPrepDataConf import MdtRdoToMdtPrepData
+    MdtRdoToMdtPrepData = MdtRdoToMdtPrepData(name          = "MdtRdoToMdtPrepData",
+                                              DecodingTool  = MdtRdoToMdtPrepDataTool,
+                                              PrintPrepData = False )
+    if forTrigger:
+        # Set the algorithm to RoI mode
+        MdtRdoToMdtPrepData.DoSeededDecoding = True
+        MdtRdoToMdtPrepData.RoIs = "MURoIs"
+    return acc, MdtRdoToMdtPrepData
+def CscRDODecodeCfg(flags, forTrigger=False):
+    acc = ComponentAccumulator()
+    # We need the CSC cabling to be setup
+    from MuonConfig.MuonCablingConfig import CSCCablingConfigCfg # Not yet been prepared
+    acc.merge( CSCCablingConfigCfg(flags)[0] )
+    from MuonConfig.MuonCalibConfig import CscCoolStrSvcCfg
+    acc.merge( CscCoolStrSvcCfg(flags)[0]  )
+    # Make sure muon geometry is configured
+    from MuonConfig.MuonGeometryConfig import MuonGeoModelCfg
+    acc.merge(MuonGeoModelCfg(flags))
+    # Get the RDO -> PRD tool
+    from MuonCSC_CnvTools.MuonCSC_CnvToolsConf import Muon__CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool
+    CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool = Muon__CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool(name           = "CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool",
+                                                            useBStoRdoTool = True )
+    acc.addPublicTool( CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool ) # This should be removed, but now defined as PublicTool at MuFastSteering 
+    # Get the RDO -> PRD alorithm
+    from MuonRdoToPrepData.MuonRdoToPrepDataConf import CscRdoToCscPrepData
+    CscRdoToCscPrepData = CscRdoToCscPrepData(name                    = "CscRdoToCscPrepData",
+                                              CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool = CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool,
+                                              PrintPrepData           = False )
+    if forTrigger:
+        # Set the algorithm to RoI mode
+        CscRdoToCscPrepData.DoSeededDecoding = True
+        CscRdoToCscPrepData.RoIs = "MURoIs"
+    return acc, CscRdoToCscPrepData
+def CscClusterBuildCfg(flags, forTrigger=False):
+    acc = ComponentAccumulator()
+    # Get cluster creator tool
+    from CscClusterization.CscClusterizationConf import CscThresholdClusterBuilderTool
+    CscClusterBuilderTool = CscThresholdClusterBuilderTool(name = "CscThesholdClusterBuilderTool" )
+    acc.addPublicTool( CscClusterBuilderTool ) # This should be removed, but now defined as PublicTool at MuFastSteering 
+    #CSC cluster building
+    from CscClusterization.CscClusterizationConf import CscThresholdClusterBuilder
+    CscClusterBuilder = CscThresholdClusterBuilder(name            = "CscThesholdClusterBuilder",
+                                                   cluster_builder = CscClusterBuilderTool ) 
+    return acc, CscClusterBuilder
 # This function runs the decoding on a data file
 def muonRdoDecodeTestData():
     from AthenaCommon.Configurable import Configurable
@@ -69,11 +181,43 @@ def muonRdoDecodeTestData():
     cfg.merge( rpcdecodingAcc )
     cfg.addEventAlgo( rpcdecodingAlg )
+    from MuonConfig.MuonBytestreamDecodeConfig import TgcBytestreamDecodeCfg
+    tgcdecodingAcc, tgcdecodingAlg = TgcBytestreamDecodeCfg( ConfigFlags ) 
+    cfg.merge( tgcdecodingAcc )
+    cfg.addEventAlgo( tgcdecodingAlg )
+    from MuonConfig.MuonBytestreamDecodeConfig import MdtBytestreamDecodeCfg
+    mdtdecodingAcc, mdtdecodingAlg = MdtBytestreamDecodeCfg( ConfigFlags ) 
+    cfg.merge( mdtdecodingAcc )
+    cfg.addEventAlgo( mdtdecodingAlg )
+    from MuonConfig.MuonBytestreamDecodeConfig import CscBytestreamDecodeCfg
+    cscdecodingAcc, cscdecodingAlg = CscBytestreamDecodeCfg( ConfigFlags ) 
+    cfg.merge( cscdecodingAcc )
+    cfg.addEventAlgo( cscdecodingAlg )
     # Schedule RDO conversion - can replace this with cfg.mergeAll once that is working
     rpcdecodingAcc, rpcdecodingAlg = RpcRDODecodeCfg( ConfigFlags )
+    tgcdecodingAcc, tgcdecodingAlg = TgcRDODecodeCfg( ConfigFlags )
+    cfg.merge(tgcdecodingAcc)
+    cfg.addEventAlgo(tgcdecodingAlg)
+    mdtdecodingAcc, mdtdecodingAlg = MdtRDODecodeCfg( ConfigFlags )
+    cfg.merge(mdtdecodingAcc)
+    cfg.addEventAlgo(mdtdecodingAlg)
+    cscdecodingAcc, cscdecodingAlg = CscRDODecodeCfg( ConfigFlags )
+    cfg.merge(cscdecodingAcc)
+    cfg.addEventAlgo(cscdecodingAlg)
+    cscbuildingAcc, cscbuildingAlg = CscClusterBuildCfg( ConfigFlags )
+    cfg.merge(cscbuildingAcc)
+    cfg.addEventAlgo(cscbuildingAlg)
     # Need to add POOL converter  - may be a better way of doing this?
     from AthenaCommon import CfgMgr
     cfg.addService( CfgMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc() )
@@ -111,10 +255,30 @@ def muonRdoDecodeTestMC():
     # Schedule RDO conversion - can replace this with cfg.mergeAll once that is working
+    # RPC decoding
     rpcdecodingAcc, rpcdecodingAlg = RpcRDODecodeCfg( ConfigFlags )
+    # TGC decoding
+    tgcdecodingAcc, tgcdecodingAlg = TgcRDODecodeCfg( ConfigFlags )
+    cfg.merge(tgcdecodingAcc)
+    cfg.addEventAlgo(tgcdecodingAlg)
+    # MDT decoding
+    mdtdecodingAcc, mdtdecodingAlg = MdtRDODecodeCfg( ConfigFlags )
+    cfg.merge(mdtdecodingAcc)
+    cfg.addEventAlgo(mdtdecodingAlg)
+    # CSC decoding
+    cscdecodingAcc, cscdecodingAlg = CscRDODecodeCfg( ConfigFlags )
+    cfg.merge(cscdecodingAcc)
+    cfg.addEventAlgo(cscdecodingAlg)
+    cscbuildingAcc, cscbuildingAlg = CscClusterBuildCfg( ConfigFlags )
+    cfg.merge(cscbuildingAcc)
+    cfg.addEventAlgo(cscbuildingAlg)
     log.info('Print Config')
@@ -129,3 +293,5 @@ if __name__=="__main__":
     # python ../athena/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConfig/python/MuonRdoDecodeConfig.py
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConfig/share/MuonDataDecodeTest.ref b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConfig/share/MuonDataDecodeTest.ref
index fd88cc1a691d2593cafa4338f62318db499cb5e1..860d20a79284d819c9dbcdc3f0de65c407816ba8 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConfig/share/MuonDataDecodeTest.ref
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConfig/share/MuonDataDecodeTest.ref
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+Py:Athena            INFO using release [WorkDir-22.0.1] [x86_64-slc6-gcc8-opt] [Unknown/Unknown] -- built on [2018-12-14T0406]
 Flag Name                                : Value
 Beam.BunchSpacing                        : 25
 Beam.Energy                              : [function]
@@ -9,6 +10,10 @@ Calo.Noise.useCaloNoiseLumi              : True
 Calo.TopoCluster.doTreatEnergyCutAsAbsol : False
 Calo.TopoCluster.doTwoGaussianNoise      : True
 Common.isOnline                          : False
+Concurrency.NumConcurrentEvents          : 0
+Concurrency.NumProcs                     : 0
+Concurrency.NumThreads                   : 0
+GeoModel.AtlasVersion                    : 'ATLAS-R2-2016-01-00-01'
 GeoModel.Layout                          : 'atlas'
 IOVDb.DatabaseInstance                   : [function]
 IOVDb.GlobalTag                          : 'CONDBR2-BLKPA-2018-13'
@@ -83,6 +88,10 @@ Output.ESDFileName                       : 'myESD.pool.root'
 Output.HITFileName                       : 'myHIT.pool.root'
 Output.RDOFileName                       : 'myROD.pool.root'
 Output.doESD                             : False
+Scheduler.CheckDependencies              : True
+Scheduler.ShowControlFlow                : False
+Scheduler.ShowDataDeps                   : False
+Scheduler.ShowDataFlow                   : False
 Trigger.AODEDMSet                        : []
 Trigger.EDMDecodingVersion               : 2
 Trigger.ESDEDMSet                        : []
@@ -93,6 +102,7 @@ Trigger.L1Decoder.forceEnableAllChains   : False
 Trigger.LVL1ConfigFile                   : [function]
 Trigger.LVL1TopoConfigFile               : [function]
 Trigger.OnlineCondTag                    : 'CONDBR2-HLTP-2016-01'
+Trigger.OnlineGeoTag                     : 'ATLAS-R2-2015-04-00-00'
 Trigger.calo.doOffsetCorrection          : True
 Trigger.dataTakingConditions             : 'FullTrigger'
 Trigger.doHLT                            : True
@@ -106,8 +116,9 @@ Trigger.egamma.pidVersion                : [function]
 Trigger.generateLVL1Config               : False
 Trigger.generateLVL1TopoConfig           : False
 Trigger.menu.combined                    : []
-Trigger.menu.egamma                      : []
-Trigger.menu.muons                       : []
+Trigger.menu.electron                    : []
+Trigger.menu.muon                        : []
+Trigger.menu.photon                      : []
 Trigger.menuVersion                      : [function]
 Trigger.muon.doEFRoIDrivenAccess         : False
 Trigger.run2Config                       : '2018'
@@ -223,6 +234,7 @@ Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component TagInfoMgr
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ToolSvc.Muon::MuonIdHelperTool
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ROBDataProviderSvc/ROBDataProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::RPC_RawDataProviderTool/RPC_RawDataProviderTool to the job
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
@@ -238,6 +250,7 @@ Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MuonRPC_CablingSvc/MuonRPC_Cabl
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ROBDataProviderSvc
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::MuonIdHelperTool/Muon::MuonIdHelperTool to the job
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component RPCCablingDbTool/RPCCablingDbTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::RPC_RawDataProviderTool/RPC_RawDataProviderTool to the job
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
@@ -261,35 +274,926 @@ Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersiste
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::MuonIdHelperTool/Muon::MuonIdHelperTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component LVL1TGC::TGCRecRoiSvc/LVL1TGC::TGCRecRoiSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TGCcablingServerSvc/TGCcablingServerSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component LVL1TGC::TGCRecRoiSvc/LVL1TGC::TGCRecRoiSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TGCcablingServerSvc/TGCcablingServerSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::MuonIdHelperTool/Muon::MuonIdHelperTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component TagInfoMgr
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component EventPersistencySvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::MuonIdHelperTool/Muon::MuonIdHelperTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc.MuonDetectorTool
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component DetDescrCnvSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component EventPersistencySvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component TagInfoMgr
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ToolSvc.Muon::MuonIdHelperTool
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ROBDataProviderSvc/ROBDataProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::TGC_RawDataProviderTool/TGC_RawDataProviderTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondInputLoader
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc.MuonDetectorTool
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component DetDescrCnvSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component EventPersistencySvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component TagInfoMgr
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component LVL1TGC::TGCRecRoiSvc/LVL1TGC::TGCRecRoiSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TGCcablingServerSvc/TGCcablingServerSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component IOVDbSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component PoolSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component DBReplicaSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ROBDataProviderSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ToolSvc.Muon::MuonIdHelperTool
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::TGC_RawDataProviderTool/TGC_RawDataProviderTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component TagInfoMgr
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component EventPersistencySvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::MuonIdHelperTool/Muon::MuonIdHelperTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::MuonIdHelperTool/Muon::MuonIdHelperTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component AthenaPoolCnvSvc/AthenaPoolCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component AthenaPoolCnvSvc/AthenaPoolCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component EventPersistencySvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MuonMDT_CablingAlg/MuonMDT_CablingAlg to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MDTCablingDbTool/MDTCablingDbTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MuonMDT_CablingSvc/MuonMDT_CablingSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MuonMDT_CablingAlg/MuonMDT_CablingAlg to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component AthenaPoolCnvSvc/AthenaPoolCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MuonMDT_CablingSvc/MuonMDT_CablingSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::MuonIdHelperTool/Muon::MuonIdHelperTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MDTCablingDbTool/MDTCablingDbTool to the job
+Py:Athena            INFO Importing MuonCnvExample.MuonCnvUtils
+Py:Athena            INFO Importing MagFieldServices.MagFieldServicesConfig
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component AthenaPoolCnvSvc/AthenaPoolCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondInputLoader
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component IOVDbSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component PoolSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component DBReplicaSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component AthenaPoolCnvSvc/AthenaPoolCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MagField::AtlasFieldSvc/AtlasFieldSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component AthenaPoolCnvSvc/AthenaPoolCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MagField::AtlasFieldSvc/AtlasFieldSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:IOVDbSvc.CondDB   DEBUG Loading basic services for CondDBSetup...
+Py:ConfigurableDb   DEBUG loading confDb files...
+Py:ConfigurableDb   DEBUG 	-loading [/afs/cern.ch/user/s/shhayash/workspace/GitFileSum/AthenaMTMigrationDirectory/GIT2018-11-12/build/x86_64-slc6-gcc8-opt/lib/libMagFieldServices.confdb]...
+Py:ConfigurableDb   DEBUG 	-loading [/afs/cern.ch/user/s/shhayash/workspace/GitFileSum/AthenaMTMigrationDirectory/GIT2018-11-12/build/x86_64-slc6-gcc8-opt/lib/libTrigUpgradeTest.confdb]...
+Py:ConfigurableDb   DEBUG 	-loading [/afs/cern.ch/user/s/shhayash/workspace/GitFileSum/AthenaMTMigrationDirectory/GIT2018-11-12/build/x86_64-slc6-gcc8-opt/lib/libRegionSelector.confdb]...
+Py:ConfigurableDb   DEBUG 	-loading [/afs/cern.ch/user/s/shhayash/workspace/GitFileSum/AthenaMTMigrationDirectory/GIT2018-11-12/build/x86_64-slc6-gcc8-opt/lib/WorkDir.confdb]...
+Py:ConfigurableDb   DEBUG 	-loading [/cvmfs/atlas-nightlies.cern.ch/repo/sw/master/2018-12-12T2353/GAUDI/22.0.1/InstallArea/x86_64-slc6-gcc8-opt/lib/Gaudi.confdb]...
+Py:ConfigurableDb   DEBUG 	-loading [/cvmfs/atlas-nightlies.cern.ch/repo/sw/master/2018-12-12T2353/Athena/22.0.1/InstallArea/x86_64-slc6-gcc8-opt/lib/Athena.confdb]...
+Py:ConfigurableDb   DEBUG loading confDb files... [DONE]
+Py:ConfigurableDb   DEBUG loaded 1102 confDb packages
+Py:ConfigurableDb    INFO Read module info for 5436 configurables from 6 genConfDb files
+Py:ConfigurableDb    INFO No duplicates have been found: that's good !
+Py:ConfigurableDb   DEBUG : Found configurable <class 'GaudiCoreSvc.GaudiCoreSvcConf.MessageSvc'> in module GaudiCoreSvc.GaudiCoreSvcConf
+Py:loadBasicAthenaPool   DEBUG Loading basic services for AthenaPool...
+Py:ConfigurableDb   DEBUG : Found configurable <class 'PoolSvc.PoolSvcConf.PoolSvc'> in module PoolSvc.PoolSvcConf
+Py:ConfigurableDb   DEBUG : Found configurable <class 'AthenaPoolCnvSvc.AthenaPoolCnvSvcConf.AthenaPoolCnvSvc'> in module AthenaPoolCnvSvc.AthenaPoolCnvSvcConf
+Py:ConfigurableDb   DEBUG : Found configurable <class 'SGComps.SGCompsConf.ProxyProviderSvc'> in module SGComps.SGCompsConf
+Py:ConfigurableDb   DEBUG : Found configurable <class 'AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf.MetaDataSvc'> in module AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf
+Py:ConfigurableDb   DEBUG : Found configurable <class 'StoreGate.StoreGateConf.StoreGateSvc'> in module StoreGate.StoreGateConf
+Py:loadBasicAthenaPool   DEBUG Loading basic services for AthenaPool... [DONE]
+Py:loadBasicIOVDb   DEBUG Loading basic services for IOVDbSvc...
+Py:ConfigurableDb   DEBUG : Found configurable <class 'SGComps.SGCompsConf.ProxyProviderSvc'> in module SGComps.SGCompsConf
+Py:Configurable     ERROR attempt to add a duplicate (ServiceManager.ProxyProviderSvc) ... dupe ignored
+Py:loadBasicEventInfoMgt   DEBUG Loading basic services for EventInfoMgt...
+EventInfoMgtInit: Got release version  Athena-22.0.1
+Py:Configurable     ERROR attempt to add a duplicate (ServiceManager.EventPersistencySvc) ... dupe ignored
+Py:ConfigurableDb   DEBUG : Found configurable <class 'SGComps.SGCompsConf.ProxyProviderSvc'> in module SGComps.SGCompsConf
+Py:Configurable     ERROR attempt to add a duplicate (ServiceManager.ProxyProviderSvc) ... dupe ignored
+Py:loadBasicEventInfoMgt   DEBUG Loading basic services for EventInfoMgt... [DONE]
+Py:loadBasicIOVDb   DEBUG Loading basic services for IOVDb... [DONE]
+Py:IOVDbSvc.CondDB    INFO Setting up conditions DB access to instance OFLP200
+Py:Configurable     ERROR attempt to add a duplicate (ServiceManager.PoolSvc) ... dupe ignored
+Py:IOVDbSvc.CondDB   DEBUG Loading basic services for CondDBSetup... [DONE]
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MuonCalib::MdtCalibDbCoolStrTool/MuonCalib::MdtCalibDbCoolStrTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MuonCalib::MdtCalibDbCoolStrTool/MuonCalib::MdtCalibDbCoolStrTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MdtCalibrationDbSvc/MdtCalibrationDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondInputLoader
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component IOVDbSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component PoolSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component DBReplicaSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MdtCalibrationDbSvc/MdtCalibrationDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MuonCalib::MdtCalibDbCoolStrTool/MuonCalib::MdtCalibDbCoolStrTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MdtCalibrationSvc/MdtCalibrationSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondInputLoader
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component IOVDbSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component PoolSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component DBReplicaSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component AthenaPoolCnvSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component EventPersistencySvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MagField::AtlasFieldSvc/AtlasFieldSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MdtCalibrationDbSvc/MdtCalibrationDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MdtCalibrationSvc/MdtCalibrationSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MuonCalib::MdtCalibDbCoolStrTool/MuonCalib::MdtCalibDbCoolStrTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component TagInfoMgr
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component EventPersistencySvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::MuonIdHelperTool/Muon::MuonIdHelperTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc.MuonDetectorTool
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component DetDescrCnvSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component EventPersistencySvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component TagInfoMgr
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ToolSvc.Muon::MuonIdHelperTool
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ROBDataProviderSvc/ROBDataProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::MDT_RawDataProviderTool/MDT_RawDataProviderTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondInputLoader
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MuonMDT_CablingAlg/MuonMDT_CablingAlg to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc.MuonDetectorTool
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component DetDescrCnvSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component EventPersistencySvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component TagInfoMgr
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component IOVDbSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component PoolSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component DBReplicaSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component AthenaPoolCnvSvc/AthenaPoolCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MuonMDT_CablingSvc/MuonMDT_CablingSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MagField::AtlasFieldSvc/AtlasFieldSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MdtCalibrationDbSvc/MdtCalibrationDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MdtCalibrationSvc/MdtCalibrationSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ROBDataProviderSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ToolSvc.Muon::MuonIdHelperTool
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MDTCablingDbTool/MDTCablingDbTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MuonCalib::MdtCalibDbCoolStrTool/MuonCalib::MdtCalibDbCoolStrTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::MDT_RawDataProviderTool/MDT_RawDataProviderTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component TagInfoMgr
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component EventPersistencySvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::MuonIdHelperTool/Muon::MuonIdHelperTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::MuonIdHelperTool/Muon::MuonIdHelperTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CSCcablingSvc/CSCcablingSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CSCcablingSvc/CSCcablingSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::MuonIdHelperTool/Muon::MuonIdHelperTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component TagInfoMgr
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component EventPersistencySvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::MuonIdHelperTool/Muon::MuonIdHelperTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc.MuonDetectorTool
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component DetDescrCnvSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component EventPersistencySvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component TagInfoMgr
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ToolSvc.Muon::MuonIdHelperTool
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ROBDataProviderSvc/ROBDataProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::CSC_RawDataProviderTool/CSC_RawDataProviderTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc.MuonDetectorTool
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component DetDescrCnvSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component EventPersistencySvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component TagInfoMgr
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CSCcablingSvc/CSCcablingSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ROBDataProviderSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ToolSvc.Muon::MuonIdHelperTool
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::CSC_RawDataProviderTool/CSC_RawDataProviderTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component TagInfoMgr
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component EventPersistencySvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::MuonIdHelperTool/Muon::MuonIdHelperTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::MuonIdHelperTool/Muon::MuonIdHelperTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component RPCcablingServerSvc/RPCcablingServerSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component RPCCablingDbTool/RPCCablingDbTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MuonRPC_CablingSvc/MuonRPC_CablingSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component RPCcablingServerSvc/RPCcablingServerSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MuonRPC_CablingSvc/MuonRPC_CablingSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::MuonIdHelperTool/Muon::MuonIdHelperTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component RPCCablingDbTool/RPCCablingDbTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component TagInfoMgr
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component EventPersistencySvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::MuonIdHelperTool/Muon::MuonIdHelperTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc.MuonDetectorTool
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component DetDescrCnvSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component EventPersistencySvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component TagInfoMgr
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ToolSvc.Muon::MuonIdHelperTool
+Py:ConfigurableDb   DEBUG : Found configurable <class 'MuonRPC_CnvTools.MuonRPC_CnvToolsConf.Muon__RpcRDO_Decoder'> in module MuonRPC_CnvTools.MuonRPC_CnvToolsConf
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::RpcRdoToPrepDataTool/RpcRdoToRpcPrepDataTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondInputLoader
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc.MuonDetectorTool
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component DetDescrCnvSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component EventPersistencySvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component TagInfoMgr
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component RPCcablingServerSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component IOVDbSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component PoolSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component DBReplicaSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component MuonRPC_CablingSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ToolSvc.Muon::MuonIdHelperTool
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ToolSvc.RPCCablingDbTool
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::RpcRdoToPrepDataTool/RpcRdoToRpcPrepDataTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component TagInfoMgr
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component EventPersistencySvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::MuonIdHelperTool/Muon::MuonIdHelperTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::MuonIdHelperTool/Muon::MuonIdHelperTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component LVL1TGC::TGCRecRoiSvc/LVL1TGC::TGCRecRoiSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TGCcablingServerSvc/TGCcablingServerSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component LVL1TGC::TGCRecRoiSvc/LVL1TGC::TGCRecRoiSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TGCcablingServerSvc/TGCcablingServerSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::MuonIdHelperTool/Muon::MuonIdHelperTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component TagInfoMgr
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component EventPersistencySvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::MuonIdHelperTool/Muon::MuonIdHelperTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc.MuonDetectorTool
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component DetDescrCnvSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component EventPersistencySvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component TagInfoMgr
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ToolSvc.Muon::MuonIdHelperTool
+Py:ConfigurableDb   DEBUG : Found configurable <class 'MuonTGC_CnvTools.MuonTGC_CnvToolsConf.Muon__TGC_RawDataProviderTool'> in module MuonTGC_CnvTools.MuonTGC_CnvToolsConf
+Py:ConfigurableDb   DEBUG : Found configurable <class 'MuonTGC_CnvTools.MuonTGC_CnvToolsConf.Muon__TGC_RodDecoderReadout'> in module MuonTGC_CnvTools.MuonTGC_CnvToolsConf
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::TgcRdoToPrepDataTool/TgcRdoToTgcPrepDataTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondInputLoader
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc.MuonDetectorTool
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component DetDescrCnvSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component EventPersistencySvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component TagInfoMgr
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component LVL1TGC::TGCRecRoiSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component TGCcablingServerSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component IOVDbSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component PoolSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component DBReplicaSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ToolSvc.Muon::MuonIdHelperTool
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::TgcRdoToPrepDataTool/TgcRdoToTgcPrepDataTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component TagInfoMgr
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component EventPersistencySvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::MuonIdHelperTool/Muon::MuonIdHelperTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::MuonIdHelperTool/Muon::MuonIdHelperTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component AthenaPoolCnvSvc/AthenaPoolCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component AthenaPoolCnvSvc/AthenaPoolCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component EventPersistencySvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MuonMDT_CablingAlg/MuonMDT_CablingAlg to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MDTCablingDbTool/MDTCablingDbTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MuonMDT_CablingSvc/MuonMDT_CablingSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MuonMDT_CablingAlg/MuonMDT_CablingAlg to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component AthenaPoolCnvSvc/AthenaPoolCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MuonMDT_CablingSvc/MuonMDT_CablingSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::MuonIdHelperTool/Muon::MuonIdHelperTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MDTCablingDbTool/MDTCablingDbTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component AthenaPoolCnvSvc/AthenaPoolCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondInputLoader
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component IOVDbSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component PoolSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component DBReplicaSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component AthenaPoolCnvSvc/AthenaPoolCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MagField::AtlasFieldSvc/AtlasFieldSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component AthenaPoolCnvSvc/AthenaPoolCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MagField::AtlasFieldSvc/AtlasFieldSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MuonCalib::MdtCalibDbCoolStrTool/MuonCalib::MdtCalibDbCoolStrTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MuonCalib::MdtCalibDbCoolStrTool/MuonCalib::MdtCalibDbCoolStrTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MdtCalibrationDbSvc/MdtCalibrationDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondInputLoader
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component IOVDbSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component PoolSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component DBReplicaSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MdtCalibrationDbSvc/MdtCalibrationDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MuonCalib::MdtCalibDbCoolStrTool/MuonCalib::MdtCalibDbCoolStrTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MdtCalibrationSvc/MdtCalibrationSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondInputLoader
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component IOVDbSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component PoolSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component DBReplicaSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component AthenaPoolCnvSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component EventPersistencySvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MagField::AtlasFieldSvc/AtlasFieldSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MdtCalibrationDbSvc/MdtCalibrationDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MdtCalibrationSvc/MdtCalibrationSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MuonCalib::MdtCalibDbCoolStrTool/MuonCalib::MdtCalibDbCoolStrTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component TagInfoMgr
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component EventPersistencySvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::MuonIdHelperTool/Muon::MuonIdHelperTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc.MuonDetectorTool
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component DetDescrCnvSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component EventPersistencySvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component TagInfoMgr
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ToolSvc.Muon::MuonIdHelperTool
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::MdtRdoToPrepDataTool/MdtRdoToMdtPrepDataTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondInputLoader
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component MuonMDT_CablingAlg
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc.MuonDetectorTool
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component DetDescrCnvSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component EventPersistencySvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component TagInfoMgr
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component IOVDbSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component PoolSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component DBReplicaSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component AthenaPoolCnvSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component MuonMDT_CablingSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component AtlasFieldSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component MdtCalibrationDbSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component MdtCalibrationSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ToolSvc.Muon::MuonIdHelperTool
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ToolSvc.MDTCablingDbTool
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ToolSvc.MuonCalib::MdtCalibDbCoolStrTool
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::MdtRdoToPrepDataTool/MdtRdoToMdtPrepDataTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component TagInfoMgr
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component EventPersistencySvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::MuonIdHelperTool/Muon::MuonIdHelperTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::MuonIdHelperTool/Muon::MuonIdHelperTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CSCcablingSvc/CSCcablingSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CSCcablingSvc/CSCcablingSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::MuonIdHelperTool/Muon::MuonIdHelperTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MuonCalib::CscCoolStrSvc/MuonCalib::CscCoolStrSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondInputLoader
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component IOVDbSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component PoolSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component DBReplicaSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondInputLoader
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component IOVDbSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component PoolSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component DBReplicaSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondInputLoader
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component IOVDbSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component PoolSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component DBReplicaSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondInputLoader
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component IOVDbSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component PoolSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component DBReplicaSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondInputLoader
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component IOVDbSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component PoolSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component DBReplicaSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondInputLoader
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component IOVDbSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component PoolSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component DBReplicaSvc
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
-Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
-Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component RPCCablingDbTool/RPCCablingDbTool to the job
-Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MuonRPC_CablingSvc/MuonRPC_CablingSvc to the job
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
-Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
-Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
-Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
-Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component ProxyProviderSvc/ProxyProviderSvc to the job
-Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component RPCcablingServerSvc/RPCcablingServerSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondInputLoader
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component IOVDbSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component PoolSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component DBReplicaSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondInputLoader/CondInputLoader to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MuonCalib::CscCoolStrSvc/MuonCalib::CscCoolStrSvc to the job
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc to the job
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component PoolSvc/PoolSvc to the job
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CondSvc/CondSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DBReplicaSvc/DBReplicaSvc to the job
-Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MuonRPC_CablingSvc/MuonRPC_CablingSvc to the job
-Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::MuonIdHelperTool/Muon::MuonIdHelperTool to the job
-Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component RPCCablingDbTool/RPCCablingDbTool to the job
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc to the job
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrCnvSvc to the job
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc to the job
@@ -314,6 +1218,11 @@ Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component EventPersi
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component TagInfoMgr
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ToolSvc.Muon::MuonIdHelperTool
+Py:ConfigurableDb   DEBUG : Found configurable <class 'MuonCSC_CnvTools.MuonCSC_CnvToolsConf.Muon__CscRDO_Decoder'> in module MuonCSC_CnvTools.MuonCSC_CnvToolsConf
+Py:ConfigurableDb   DEBUG : Found configurable <class 'CscCalibTools.CscCalibToolsConf.CscCalibTool'> in module CscCalibTools.CscCalibToolsConf
+Py:ConfigurableDb   DEBUG : Found configurable <class 'MuonCSC_CnvTools.MuonCSC_CnvToolsConf.Muon__CSC_RawDataProviderTool'> in module MuonCSC_CnvTools.MuonCSC_CnvToolsConf
+Py:ConfigurableDb   DEBUG : Found configurable <class 'MuonCSC_CnvTools.MuonCSC_CnvToolsConf.Muon__CscROD_Decoder'> in module MuonCSC_CnvTools.MuonCSC_CnvToolsConf
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool/CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool to the job
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondInputLoader
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc.MuonDetectorTool
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component GeoModelSvc
@@ -321,15 +1230,18 @@ Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component DetDescrCn
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component EventPersistencySvc
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component TagInfoMgr
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ProxyProviderSvc
-Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component RPCcablingServerSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CSCcablingSvc
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component MuonCalib::CscCoolStrSvc/MuonCalib::CscCoolStrSvc to the job
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component IOVDbSvc
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component PoolSvc
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component CondSvc
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component DBReplicaSvc
-Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component MuonRPC_CablingSvc
 Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ToolSvc.Muon::MuonIdHelperTool
-Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component ToolSvc.RPCCablingDbTool
-Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component AthenaPoolCnvSvc/AthenaPoolCnvSvc to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component Muon::CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool/CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CscThresholdClusterBuilderTool/CscThesholdClusterBuilderTool to the job
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Adding component CscThresholdClusterBuilderTool/CscThesholdClusterBuilderTool to the job
+Py:ConfigurableDb   DEBUG : Found configurable <class 'AthenaPoolCnvSvc.AthenaPoolCnvSvcConf.AthenaPoolCnvSvc'> in module AthenaPoolCnvSvc.AthenaPoolCnvSvcConf
+Py:ComponentAccumulator   DEBUG Reconciled configuration of component AthenaPoolCnvSvc
 Py:Athena            INFO Print Config
 Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO Event Inputs
 Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO set([])
@@ -346,21 +1258,29 @@ Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO /***** Algorithm AthSequencer/AthAlgSeq ********
 |-AuditRestart                            = False
 |-AuditStart                              = False
 |-AuditStop                               = False
+|-Cardinality                             = 1
 |-ContinueEventloopOnFPE                  = False
+|-DetStore                   @0x7fd9ed56f610 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
 |-Enable                                  = True
 |-ErrorCounter                            = 0
 |-ErrorMax                                = 1
+|-EvtStore                   @0x7fd9ed56f590 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
+|-ExtraInputs                @0x7fd9ebb06bd8 = []  (default: [])
+|-ExtraOutputs               @0x7fd9ebb06d88 = []  (default: [])
 |-FilterCircularDependencies              = True
 |-IgnoreFilterPassed                      = False
 |-IsIOBound                               = False
+|-Members                    @0x7fd9ebb069e0 = ['Muon::RpcRawDataProvider/RpcRawDataProvider', 'Muon::TgcRawDataProvider/TgcRawDataProvider', 'Muon::MdtRawDataProvider/MdtRawDataProvider', 'Muon::CscRawDataProvider/CscRawDataProvider', 'RpcRdoToRpcPrepData/RpcRdoToRpcPrepData', 'TgcRdoToTgcPrepData/TgcRdoToTgcPrepData', 'MdtRdoToMdtPrepData/MdtRdoToMdtPrepData', 'CscRdoToCscPrepData/CscRdoToCscPrepData', 'CscThresholdClusterBuilder/CscThesholdClusterBuilder']
 |                                            (default: [])
 |-ModeOR                                  = False
 |-MonitorService                          = 'MonitorSvc'
+|-NeededResources            @0x7fd9ebb06e60 = []  (default: [])
 |-OutputLevel                             = 0
 |-RegisterForContextService               = False
 |-Sequential                              = False
 |-StopOverride                            = False
 |-TimeOut                                 = 0.0
+|-Timeline                                = True
 |=/***** Algorithm Muon::RpcRawDataProvider/RpcRawDataProvider ***************************************
 | |-AuditAlgorithms                         = False
 | |-AuditBeginRun                           = False
@@ -372,17 +1292,26 @@ Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO /***** Algorithm AthSequencer/AthAlgSeq ********
 | |-AuditRestart                            = False
 | |-AuditStart                              = False
 | |-AuditStop                               = False
+| |-Cardinality                             = 1
+| |-DetStore                   @0x7fd9ec13cb50 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
 | |-DoSeededDecoding                        = False
 | |-Enable                                  = True
 | |-ErrorCounter                            = 0
 | |-ErrorMax                                = 1
+| |-EvtStore                   @0x7fd9ec13cad0 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
+| |-ExtraInputs                @0x7fd9ebba4098 = []  (default: [])
+| |-ExtraOutputs               @0x7fd9ebb06fc8 = []  (default: [])
 | |-FilterCircularDependencies              = True
 | |-IsIOBound                               = False
 | |-MonitorService                          = 'MonitorSvc'
+| |-NeededResources            @0x7fd9ebb06ef0 = []  (default: [])
 | |-OutputLevel                             = 0
+| |-ProviderTool               @0x7fd9ec183338 = PrivateToolHandle('Muon::RPC_RawDataProviderTool/RPC_RawDataProviderTool')
 | |                                            (default: 'Muon::RPC_RawDataProviderTool/RpcRawDataProviderTool')
+| |-RegionSelectionSvc         @0x7fd9ec13cbd0 = ServiceHandle('RegSelSvc')
 | |-RegisterForContextService               = False
 | |-RoIs                                    = 'StoreGateSvc+OutputRoIs'
+| |-Timeline                                = True
 | |=/***** Private AlgTool Muon::RPC_RawDataProviderTool/RpcRawDataProvider.RPC_RawDataProviderTool *****
 | | |-AuditFinalize                  = False
 | | |-AuditInitialize                = False
@@ -391,6 +1320,11 @@ Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO /***** Algorithm AthSequencer/AthAlgSeq ********
 | | |-AuditStart                     = False
 | | |-AuditStop                      = False
 | | |-AuditTools                     = False
+| | |-Decoder           @0x7fd9ec183430 = PrivateToolHandle('Muon::RpcROD_Decoder/RpcROD_Decoder')
+| | |-DetStore          @0x7fd9ec0db9d0 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
+| | |-EvtStore          @0x7fd9ec0dba10 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
+| | |-ExtraInputs       @0x7fd9ec125758 = []  (default: [])
+| | |-ExtraOutputs      @0x7fd9ec125878 = []  (default: [])
 | | |-MonitorService                 = 'MonitorSvc'
 | | |-OutputLevel                    = 0
 | | |-RPCSec                         = 'StoreGateSvc+RPC_SECTORLOGIC'
@@ -404,6 +1338,10 @@ Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO /***** Algorithm AthSequencer/AthAlgSeq ********
 | | | |-AuditStop                        = False
 | | | |-AuditTools                       = False
 | | | |-DataErrorPrintLimit              = 1000
+| | | |-DetStore            @0x7fd9ec0dbad0 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
+| | | |-EvtStore            @0x7fd9ec0dbb10 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
+| | | |-ExtraInputs         @0x7fd9ec125908 = []  (default: [])
+| | | |-ExtraOutputs        @0x7fd9ec1258c0 = []  (default: [])
 | | | |-MonitorService                   = 'MonitorSvc'
 | | | |-OutputLevel                      = 0
 | | | |-Sector13Data                     = False
@@ -411,6 +1349,197 @@ Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO /***** Algorithm AthSequencer/AthAlgSeq ********
 | | | \----- (End of Private AlgTool Muon::RpcROD_Decoder/RpcRawDataProvider.RPC_RawDataProviderTool.RpcROD_Decoder) -----
 | | \----- (End of Private AlgTool Muon::RPC_RawDataProviderTool/RpcRawDataProvider.RPC_RawDataProviderTool) -----
 | \----- (End of Algorithm Muon::RpcRawDataProvider/RpcRawDataProvider) ------------------------------
+|=/***** Algorithm Muon::TgcRawDataProvider/TgcRawDataProvider ***************************************
+| |-AuditAlgorithms                         = False
+| |-AuditBeginRun                           = False
+| |-AuditEndRun                             = False
+| |-AuditExecute                            = False
+| |-AuditFinalize                           = False
+| |-AuditInitialize                         = False
+| |-AuditReinitialize                       = False
+| |-AuditRestart                            = False
+| |-AuditStart                              = False
+| |-AuditStop                               = False
+| |-Cardinality                             = 1
+| |-DetStore                   @0x7fd9ec0d5b10 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
+| |-Enable                                  = True
+| |-ErrorCounter                            = 0
+| |-ErrorMax                                = 1
+| |-EvtStore                   @0x7fd9ec0d5a90 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
+| |-ExtraInputs                @0x7fd9ebba4248 = []  (default: [])
+| |-ExtraOutputs               @0x7fd9ebba4320 = []  (default: [])
+| |-FilterCircularDependencies              = True
+| |-IsIOBound                               = False
+| |-MonitorService                          = 'MonitorSvc'
+| |-NeededResources            @0x7fd9ebba4290 = []  (default: [])
+| |-OutputLevel                             = 0
+| |-ProviderTool               @0x7fd9ed3069b0 = PrivateToolHandle('Muon::TGC_RawDataProviderTool/TGC_RawDataProviderTool')
+| |                                            (default: 'Muon::TGC_RawDataProviderTool/TgcRawDataProviderTool')
+| |-RegisterForContextService               = False
+| |-Timeline                                = True
+| |=/***** Private AlgTool Muon::TGC_RawDataProviderTool/TgcRawDataProvider.TGC_RawDataProviderTool *****
+| | |-AuditFinalize                  = False
+| | |-AuditInitialize                = False
+| | |-AuditReinitialize              = False
+| | |-AuditRestart                   = False
+| | |-AuditStart                     = False
+| | |-AuditStop                      = False
+| | |-AuditTools                     = False
+| | |-Decoder           @0x7fd9ed306aa0 = PrivateToolHandle('Muon::TGC_RodDecoderReadout/TgcROD_Decoder')
+| | |                                   (default: 'Muon::TGC_RodDecoderReadout/TGC_RodDecoderReadout')
+| | |-DetStore          @0x7fd9ec10c1d0 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
+| | |-EvtStore          @0x7fd9ec10c210 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
+| | |-ExtraInputs       @0x7fd9ec07ff38 = []  (default: [])
+| | |-ExtraOutputs      @0x7fd9ec07fd88 = []  (default: [])
+| | |-MonitorService                 = 'MonitorSvc'
+| | |-OutputLevel                    = 0
+| | |-RdoLocation                    = 'StoreGateSvc+TGCRDO'
+| | |=/***** Private AlgTool Muon::TGC_RodDecoderReadout/TgcRawDataProvider.TGC_RawDataProviderTool.TgcROD_Decoder *****
+| | | |-AuditFinalize                  = False
+| | | |-AuditInitialize                = False
+| | | |-AuditReinitialize              = False
+| | | |-AuditRestart                   = False
+| | | |-AuditStart                     = False
+| | | |-AuditStop                      = False
+| | | |-AuditTools                     = False
+| | | |-DetStore          @0x7fd9ec10c2d0 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
+| | | |-EvtStore          @0x7fd9ec10c310 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
+| | | |-ExtraInputs       @0x7fd9ec07fbd8 = []  (default: [])
+| | | |-ExtraOutputs      @0x7fd9ec07fd40 = []  (default: [])
+| | | |-MonitorService                 = 'MonitorSvc'
+| | | |-OutputLevel                    = 0
+| | | |-ShowStatusWords                = False
+| | | |-SkipCoincidence                = False
+| | | \----- (End of Private AlgTool Muon::TGC_RodDecoderReadout/TgcRawDataProvider.TGC_RawDataProviderTool.TgcROD_Decoder) -----
+| | \----- (End of Private AlgTool Muon::TGC_RawDataProviderTool/TgcRawDataProvider.TGC_RawDataProviderTool) -----
+| \----- (End of Algorithm Muon::TgcRawDataProvider/TgcRawDataProvider) ------------------------------
+|=/***** Algorithm Muon::MdtRawDataProvider/MdtRawDataProvider ***************************************
+| |-AuditAlgorithms                         = False
+| |-AuditBeginRun                           = False
+| |-AuditEndRun                             = False
+| |-AuditExecute                            = False
+| |-AuditFinalize                           = False
+| |-AuditInitialize                         = False
+| |-AuditReinitialize                       = False
+| |-AuditRestart                            = False
+| |-AuditStart                              = False
+| |-AuditStop                               = False
+| |-Cardinality                             = 1
+| |-DetStore                   @0x7fd9ec0fed50 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
+| |-Enable                                  = True
+| |-ErrorCounter                            = 0
+| |-ErrorMax                                = 1
+| |-EvtStore                   @0x7fd9ec0fecd0 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
+| |-ExtraInputs                @0x7fd9ebba4368 = []  (default: [])
+| |-ExtraOutputs               @0x7fd9ebba43f8 = []  (default: [])
+| |-FilterCircularDependencies              = True
+| |-IsIOBound                               = False
+| |-MonitorService                          = 'MonitorSvc'
+| |-NeededResources            @0x7fd9ebba42d8 = []  (default: [])
+| |-OutputLevel                             = 0
+| |-ProviderTool               @0x7fd9ec183718 = PrivateToolHandle('Muon::MDT_RawDataProviderTool/MDT_RawDataProviderTool')
+| |                                            (default: 'Muon::MDT_RawDataProviderTool/MdtRawDataProviderTool')
+| |-RegisterForContextService               = False
+| |-Timeline                                = True
+| |=/***** Private AlgTool Muon::MDT_RawDataProviderTool/MdtRawDataProvider.MDT_RawDataProviderTool *****
+| | |-AuditFinalize                  = False
+| | |-AuditInitialize                = False
+| | |-AuditReinitialize              = False
+| | |-AuditRestart                   = False
+| | |-AuditStart                     = False
+| | |-AuditStop                      = False
+| | |-AuditTools                     = False
+| | |-Decoder           @0x7fd9ed306d70 = PrivateToolHandle('MdtROD_Decoder/MdtROD_Decoder')
+| | |-DetStore          @0x7fd9ebc19750 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
+| | |-EvtStore          @0x7fd9ebc19790 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
+| | |-ExtraInputs       @0x7fd9ebc11e60 = []  (default: [])
+| | |-ExtraOutputs      @0x7fd9ebc11cf8 = []  (default: [])
+| | |-MonitorService                 = 'MonitorSvc'
+| | |-OutputLevel                    = 0
+| | |-RdoLocation                    = 'StoreGateSvc+MDTCSM'
+| | |-ReadKey                        = 'ConditionStore+MuonMDT_CablingMap'
+| | |=/***** Private AlgTool MdtROD_Decoder/MdtRawDataProvider.MDT_RawDataProviderTool.MdtROD_Decoder *****
+| | | |-AuditFinalize                  = False
+| | | |-AuditInitialize                = False
+| | | |-AuditReinitialize              = False
+| | | |-AuditRestart                   = False
+| | | |-AuditStart                     = False
+| | | |-AuditStop                      = False
+| | | |-AuditTools                     = False
+| | | |-DetStore          @0x7fd9ebc19850 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
+| | | |-EvtStore          @0x7fd9ebc19890 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
+| | | |-ExtraInputs       @0x7fd9ebc11d88 = []  (default: [])
+| | | |-ExtraOutputs      @0x7fd9ebc11d40 = []  (default: [])
+| | | |-MonitorService                 = 'MonitorSvc'
+| | | |-OutputLevel                    = 0
+| | | |-ReadKey                        = 'ConditionStore+MuonMDT_CablingMap'
+| | | |-SpecialROBNumber               = -1
+| | | \----- (End of Private AlgTool MdtROD_Decoder/MdtRawDataProvider.MDT_RawDataProviderTool.MdtROD_Decoder) -----
+| | \----- (End of Private AlgTool Muon::MDT_RawDataProviderTool/MdtRawDataProvider.MDT_RawDataProviderTool) -----
+| \----- (End of Algorithm Muon::MdtRawDataProvider/MdtRawDataProvider) ------------------------------
+|=/***** Algorithm Muon::CscRawDataProvider/CscRawDataProvider ***************************************
+| |-AuditAlgorithms                         = False
+| |-AuditBeginRun                           = False
+| |-AuditEndRun                             = False
+| |-AuditExecute                            = False
+| |-AuditFinalize                           = False
+| |-AuditInitialize                         = False
+| |-AuditReinitialize                       = False
+| |-AuditRestart                            = False
+| |-AuditStart                              = False
+| |-AuditStop                               = False
+| |-Cardinality                             = 1
+| |-DetStore                   @0x7fd9ec12ae10 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
+| |-Enable                                  = True
+| |-ErrorCounter                            = 0
+| |-ErrorMax                                = 1
+| |-EvtStore                   @0x7fd9ec12ad50 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
+| |-ExtraInputs                @0x7fd9ebba4518 = []  (default: [])
+| |-ExtraOutputs               @0x7fd9ebba4488 = []  (default: [])
+| |-FilterCircularDependencies              = True
+| |-IsIOBound                               = False
+| |-MonitorService                          = 'MonitorSvc'
+| |-NeededResources            @0x7fd9ebba43b0 = []  (default: [])
+| |-OutputLevel                             = 0
+| |-ProviderTool               @0x7fd9ebf55050 = PrivateToolHandle('Muon::CSC_RawDataProviderTool/CSC_RawDataProviderTool')
+| |                                            (default: 'Muon::CSC_RawDataProviderTool/CscRawDataProviderTool')
+| |-RegisterForContextService               = False
+| |-Timeline                                = True
+| |=/***** Private AlgTool Muon::CSC_RawDataProviderTool/CscRawDataProvider.CSC_RawDataProviderTool *****
+| | |-AuditFinalize                  = False
+| | |-AuditInitialize                = False
+| | |-AuditReinitialize              = False
+| | |-AuditRestart                   = False
+| | |-AuditStart                     = False
+| | |-AuditStop                      = False
+| | |-AuditTools                     = False
+| | |-Decoder           @0x7fd9ebf55140 = PrivateToolHandle('Muon::CscROD_Decoder/CscROD_Decoder')
+| | |-DetStore          @0x7fd9ebbd9610 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
+| | |-EvtStore          @0x7fd9ebbd9650 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
+| | |-ExtraInputs       @0x7fd9ebbdd098 = []  (default: [])
+| | |-ExtraOutputs      @0x7fd9ebbdd050 = []  (default: [])
+| | |-MonitorService                 = 'MonitorSvc'
+| | |-OutputLevel                    = 0
+| | |-RdoLocation                    = 'StoreGateSvc+CSCRDO'
+| | |=/***** Private AlgTool Muon::CscROD_Decoder/CscRawDataProvider.CSC_RawDataProviderTool.CscROD_Decoder *****
+| | | |-AuditFinalize                  = False
+| | | |-AuditInitialize                = False
+| | | |-AuditReinitialize              = False
+| | | |-AuditRestart                   = False
+| | | |-AuditStart                     = False
+| | | |-AuditStop                      = False
+| | | |-AuditTools                     = False
+| | | |-DetStore          @0x7fd9ebbd9710 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
+| | | |-EvtStore          @0x7fd9ebbd9750 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
+| | | |-ExtraInputs       @0x7fd9ebbd1ea8 = []  (default: [])
+| | | |-ExtraOutputs      @0x7fd9ebbd1e60 = []  (default: [])
+| | | |-IsCosmics                      = False
+| | | |-IsOldCosmics                   = False
+| | | |-MonitorService                 = 'MonitorSvc'
+| | | |-OutputLevel                    = 0
+| | | \----- (End of Private AlgTool Muon::CscROD_Decoder/CscRawDataProvider.CSC_RawDataProviderTool.CscROD_Decoder) -----
+| | \----- (End of Private AlgTool Muon::CSC_RawDataProviderTool/CscRawDataProvider.CSC_RawDataProviderTool) -----
+| \----- (End of Algorithm Muon::CscRawDataProvider/CscRawDataProvider) ------------------------------
 |=/***** Algorithm RpcRdoToRpcPrepData/RpcRdoToRpcPrepData *******************************************
 | |-AuditAlgorithms                         = False
 | |-AuditBeginRun                           = False
@@ -422,20 +1551,30 @@ Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO /***** Algorithm AthSequencer/AthAlgSeq ********
 | |-AuditRestart                            = False
 | |-AuditStart                              = False
 | |-AuditStop                               = False
+| |-Cardinality                             = 1
+| |-DecodingTool               @0x7fd9ebbed050 = PrivateToolHandle('Muon::RpcRdoToPrepDataTool/RpcRdoToRpcPrepDataTool')
 | |                                            (default: 'Muon::RpcRdoToPrepDataTool/RpcRdoToPrepDataTool')
+| |-DetStore                   @0x7fd9ebb51250 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
 | |-DoSeededDecoding                        = False
 | |-Enable                                  = True
 | |-ErrorCounter                            = 0
 | |-ErrorMax                                = 1
+| |-EvtStore                   @0x7fd9ebb511d0 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
+| |-ExtraInputs                @0x7fd9ebba4128 = []  (default: [])
+| |-ExtraOutputs               @0x7fd9ebba45a8 = []  (default: [])
 | |-FilterCircularDependencies              = True
 | |-IsIOBound                               = False
 | |-MonitorService                          = 'MonitorSvc'
+| |-NeededResources            @0x7fd9ebba40e0 = []  (default: [])
 | |-OutputCollection                        = 'StoreGateSvc+RPC_Measurements'
 | |-OutputLevel                             = 0
 | |-PrintInputRdo                           = False
+| |-PrintPrepData              @0x7fd9ef673b20 = False  (default: False)
+| |-RegionSelectionSvc         @0x7fd9ebb512d0 = ServiceHandle('RegSelSvc')
 | |-RegisterForContextService               = False
 | |-RoIs                                    = 'StoreGateSvc+OutputRoIs'
-| |=/***** Private AlgTool Muon::RpcRdoToPrepDataTool/RpcRdoToRpcPrepData.Muon::RpcRdoToPrepDataTool *****
+| |-Timeline                                = True
+| |=/***** Private AlgTool Muon::RpcRdoToPrepDataTool/RpcRdoToRpcPrepData.RpcRdoToRpcPrepDataTool ******
 | | |-AuditFinalize                                   = False
 | | |-AuditInitialize                                 = False
 | | |-AuditReinitialize                               = False
@@ -444,11 +1583,16 @@ Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO /***** Algorithm AthSequencer/AthAlgSeq ********
 | | |-AuditStop                                       = False
 | | |-AuditTools                                      = False
 | | |-DecodeData                                      = True
+| | |-DetStore                           @0x7fd9ebb82410 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
+| | |-EvtStore                           @0x7fd9ebb82490 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
+| | |-ExtraInputs                        @0x7fd9ebbe47e8 = []  (default: [])
+| | |-ExtraOutputs                       @0x7fd9ebbe4998 = []  (default: [])
 | | |-InputCollection                                 = 'StoreGateSvc+RPC_triggerHits'
 | | |-MonitorService                                  = 'MonitorSvc'
 | | |-OutputCollection                                = 'StoreGateSvc+RPCPAD'
 | | |-OutputLevel                                     = 0
 | | |-RPCInfoFromDb                                   = False
+| | |-RdoDecoderTool                     @0x7fd9ebfb44b0 = PrivateToolHandle('Muon::RpcRDO_Decoder/Muon::RpcRDO_Decoder')
 | | |                                                    (default: 'Muon::RpcRDO_Decoder')
 | | |-TriggerOutputCollection                         = 'StoreGateSvc+RPC_Measurements'
 | | |-etaphi_coincidenceTime                          = 20.0
@@ -458,7 +1602,7 @@ Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO /***** Algorithm AthSequencer/AthAlgSeq ********
 | | |-reduceCablingOverlap                            = True
 | | |-solvePhiAmbiguities                             = True
 | | |-timeShift                                       = -12.5
-| | |=/***** Private AlgTool Muon::RpcRDO_Decoder/RpcRdoToRpcPrepData.Muon::RpcRdoToPrepDataTool.Muon::RpcRDO_Decoder *****
+| | |=/***** Private AlgTool Muon::RpcRDO_Decoder/RpcRdoToRpcPrepData.RpcRdoToRpcPrepDataTool.Muon::RpcRDO_Decoder *****
 | | | |-AuditFinalize                  = False
 | | | |-AuditInitialize                = False
 | | | |-AuditReinitialize              = False
@@ -466,31 +1610,406 @@ Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO /***** Algorithm AthSequencer/AthAlgSeq ********
 | | | |-AuditStart                     = False
 | | | |-AuditStop                      = False
 | | | |-AuditTools                     = False
+| | | |-DetStore          @0x7fd9ebb82510 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
+| | | |-EvtStore          @0x7fd9ebb82550 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
+| | | |-ExtraInputs       @0x7fd9ebbe4ab8 = []  (default: [])
+| | | |-ExtraOutputs      @0x7fd9ebbe4a70 = []  (default: [])
 | | | |-MonitorService                 = 'MonitorSvc'
 | | | |-OutputLevel                    = 0
-| | | \----- (End of Private AlgTool Muon::RpcRDO_Decoder/RpcRdoToRpcPrepData.Muon::RpcRdoToPrepDataTool.Muon::RpcRDO_Decoder) -----
-| | \----- (End of Private AlgTool Muon::RpcRdoToPrepDataTool/RpcRdoToRpcPrepData.Muon::RpcRdoToPrepDataTool) -----
+| | | \----- (End of Private AlgTool Muon::RpcRDO_Decoder/RpcRdoToRpcPrepData.RpcRdoToRpcPrepDataTool.Muon::RpcRDO_Decoder) -----
+| | \----- (End of Private AlgTool Muon::RpcRdoToPrepDataTool/RpcRdoToRpcPrepData.RpcRdoToRpcPrepDataTool) -----
 | \----- (End of Algorithm RpcRdoToRpcPrepData/RpcRdoToRpcPrepData) ----------------------------------
+|=/***** Algorithm TgcRdoToTgcPrepData/TgcRdoToTgcPrepData *******************************************
+| |-AuditAlgorithms                         = False
+| |-AuditBeginRun                           = False
+| |-AuditEndRun                             = False
+| |-AuditExecute                            = False
+| |-AuditFinalize                           = False
+| |-AuditInitialize                         = False
+| |-AuditReinitialize                       = False
+| |-AuditRestart                            = False
+| |-AuditStart                              = False
+| |-AuditStop                               = False
+| |-Cardinality                             = 1
+| |-DecodingTool               @0x7fd9ec3c4050 = PrivateToolHandle('Muon::TgcRdoToPrepDataTool/TgcRdoToTgcPrepDataTool')
+| |                                            (default: 'Muon::TgcRdoToPrepDataTool/TgcPrepDataProviderTool')
+| |-DetStore                   @0x7fd9ebb75150 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
+| |-DoSeededDecoding                        = False
+| |-Enable                                  = True
+| |-ErrorCounter                            = 0
+| |-ErrorMax                                = 1
+| |-EvtStore                   @0x7fd9ebb750d0 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
+| |-ExtraInputs                @0x7fd9ebba4440 = []  (default: [])
+| |-ExtraOutputs               @0x7fd9ebba45f0 = []  (default: [])
+| |-FilterCircularDependencies              = True
+| |-IsIOBound                               = False
+| |-MonitorService                          = 'MonitorSvc'
+| |-NeededResources            @0x7fd9ebba4638 = []  (default: [])
+| |-OutputCollection                        = 'StoreGateSvc+TGC_Measurements'
+| |-OutputLevel                             = 0
+| |-PrintInputRdo                           = False
+| |-PrintPrepData              @0x7fd9ef673b20 = False  (default: False)
+| |-RegionSelectorSvc          @0x7fd9ebb751d0 = ServiceHandle('RegSelSvc')
+| |-RegisterForContextService               = False
+| |-RoIs                                    = 'StoreGateSvc+OutputRoIs'
+| |-Setting                                 = 0
+| |-Timeline                                = True
+| |=/***** Private AlgTool Muon::TgcRdoToPrepDataTool/TgcRdoToTgcPrepData.TgcRdoToTgcPrepDataTool ******
+| | |-AuditFinalize                                        = False
+| | |-AuditInitialize                                      = False
+| | |-AuditReinitialize                                    = False
+| | |-AuditRestart                                         = False
+| | |-AuditStart                                           = False
+| | |-AuditStop                                            = False
+| | |-AuditTools                                           = False
+| | |-DecodeData                                           = True
+| | |-DetStore                                @0x7fd9ebb82750 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
+| | |-EvtStore                                @0x7fd9ebb827d0 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
+| | |-ExtraInputs                             @0x7fd9ebb8dea8 = []  (default: [])
+| | |-ExtraOutputs                            @0x7fd9ebb8dc68 = []  (default: [])
+| | |-FillCoinData                                         = True
+| | |-MonitorService                                       = 'MonitorSvc'
+| | |-OutputCoinCollection                                 = 'TrigT1CoinDataCollection'
+| | |-OutputCollection                                     = 'TGC_Measurements'
+| | |-OutputLevel                                          = 0
+| | |-RDOContainer                                         = 'StoreGateSvc+TGCRDO'
+| | |-RawDataProviderTool                     @0x7fd9ebf55230 = PrivateToolHandle('Muon::TGC_RawDataProviderTool/TGC_RawDataProviderTool')
+| | |-TGCHashIdOffset                                      = 26000
+| | |-dropPrdsWithZeroWidth                                = True
+| | |-outputCoinKey                           @0x7fd9ebb86878 = ['StoreGateSvc+dummy', 'StoreGateSvc+dummy', 'StoreGateSvc+dummy']
+| | |                                                         (default: ['StoreGateSvc+dummy', 'StoreGateSvc+dummy', 'StoreGateSvc+dummy'])
+| | |-prepDataKeys                            @0x7fd9ebb8db90 = ['StoreGateSvc+dummy', 'StoreGateSvc+dummy', 'StoreGateSvc+dummy', 'StoreGateSvc+dummy']
+| | |                                                         (default: ['StoreGateSvc+dummy', 'StoreGateSvc+dummy', 'StoreGateSvc+dummy', 'StoreGateSvc+dummy'])
+| | |-show_warning_level_invalid_A09_SSW6_hit              = False
+| | |-useBStoRdoTool                          @0x7fd9ef673b00 = True  (default: False)
+| | |=/***** Private AlgTool Muon::TGC_RawDataProviderTool/TgcRdoToTgcPrepData.TgcRdoToTgcPrepDataTool.TGC_RawDataProviderTool *****
+| | | |-AuditFinalize                  = False
+| | | |-AuditInitialize                = False
+| | | |-AuditReinitialize              = False
+| | | |-AuditRestart                   = False
+| | | |-AuditStart                     = False
+| | | |-AuditStop                      = False
+| | | |-AuditTools                     = False
+| | | |-Decoder           @0x7fd9ebf55410 = PrivateToolHandle('Muon::TGC_RodDecoderReadout/TGC_RodDecoderReadout')
+| | | |-DetStore          @0x7fd9ebb82790 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
+| | | |-EvtStore          @0x7fd9ebb82850 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
+| | | |-ExtraInputs       @0x7fd9ebb8d518 = []  (default: [])
+| | | |-ExtraOutputs      @0x7fd9ebb8d758 = []  (default: [])
+| | | |-MonitorService                 = 'MonitorSvc'
+| | | |-OutputLevel                    = 0
+| | | |-RdoLocation                    = 'StoreGateSvc+TGCRDO'
+| | | |=/***** Private AlgTool Muon::TGC_RodDecoderReadout/TgcRdoToTgcPrepData.TgcRdoToTgcPrepDataTool.TGC_RawDataProviderTool.TGC_RodDecoderReadout *****
+| | | | |-AuditFinalize                  = False
+| | | | |-AuditInitialize                = False
+| | | | |-AuditReinitialize              = False
+| | | | |-AuditRestart                   = False
+| | | | |-AuditStart                     = False
+| | | | |-AuditStop                      = False
+| | | | |-AuditTools                     = False
+| | | | |-DetStore          @0x7fd9ebb828d0 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
+| | | | |-EvtStore          @0x7fd9ebb82910 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
+| | | | |-ExtraInputs       @0x7fd9ebb8de18 = []  (default: [])
+| | | | |-ExtraOutputs      @0x7fd9ebb8df38 = []  (default: [])
+| | | | |-MonitorService                 = 'MonitorSvc'
+| | | | |-OutputLevel                    = 0
+| | | | |-ShowStatusWords                = False
+| | | | |-SkipCoincidence                = False
+| | | | \----- (End of Private AlgTool Muon::TGC_RodDecoderReadout/TgcRdoToTgcPrepData.TgcRdoToTgcPrepDataTool.TGC_RawDataProviderTool.TGC_RodDecoderReadout) -----
+| | | \----- (End of Private AlgTool Muon::TGC_RawDataProviderTool/TgcRdoToTgcPrepData.TgcRdoToTgcPrepDataTool.TGC_RawDataProviderTool) -----
+| | \----- (End of Private AlgTool Muon::TgcRdoToPrepDataTool/TgcRdoToTgcPrepData.TgcRdoToTgcPrepDataTool) -----
+| \----- (End of Algorithm TgcRdoToTgcPrepData/TgcRdoToTgcPrepData) ----------------------------------
+|=/***** Algorithm MdtRdoToMdtPrepData/MdtRdoToMdtPrepData *******************************************
+| |-AuditAlgorithms                         = False
+| |-AuditBeginRun                           = False
+| |-AuditEndRun                             = False
+| |-AuditExecute                            = False
+| |-AuditFinalize                           = False
+| |-AuditInitialize                         = False
+| |-AuditReinitialize                       = False
+| |-AuditRestart                            = False
+| |-AuditStart                              = False
+| |-AuditStop                               = False
+| |-Cardinality                             = 1
+| |-DecodingTool               @0x7fd9ef712890 = PrivateToolHandle('Muon::MdtRdoToPrepDataTool/MdtRdoToMdtPrepDataTool')
+| |                                            (default: 'Muon::MdtRdoToPrepDataTool/MdtPrepDataProviderTool')
+| |-DetStore                   @0x7fd9ebc07110 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
+| |-DoSeededDecoding                        = False
+| |-Enable                                  = True
+| |-ErrorCounter                            = 0
+| |-ErrorMax                                = 1
+| |-EvtStore                   @0x7fd9ebc07090 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
+| |-ExtraInputs                @0x7fd9ebba4830 = []  (default: [])
+| |-ExtraOutputs               @0x7fd9ebba47a0 = []  (default: [])
+| |-FilterCircularDependencies              = True
+| |-IsIOBound                               = False
+| |-MonitorService                          = 'MonitorSvc'
+| |-NeededResources            @0x7fd9ebba46c8 = []  (default: [])
+| |-OutputCollection                        = 'StoreGateSvc+MDT_DriftCircles'
+| |-OutputLevel                             = 0
+| |-PrintInputRdo                           = False
+| |-PrintPrepData              @0x7fd9ef673b20 = False  (default: False)
+| |-RegionSelectionSvc         @0x7fd9ebc07190 = ServiceHandle('RegSelSvc')
+| |-RegisterForContextService               = False
+| |-RoIs                                    = 'StoreGateSvc+OutputRoIs'
+| |-Timeline                                = True
+| |=/***** Private AlgTool Muon::MdtRdoToPrepDataTool/MdtRdoToMdtPrepData.MdtRdoToMdtPrepDataTool ******
+| | |-AuditFinalize                        = False
+| | |-AuditInitialize                      = False
+| | |-AuditReinitialize                    = False
+| | |-AuditRestart                         = False
+| | |-AuditStart                           = False
+| | |-AuditStop                            = False
+| | |-AuditTools                           = False
+| | |-CalibratePrepData                    = True
+| | |-DecodeData                           = True
+| | |-DetStore                @0x7fd9ebb82bd0 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
+| | |-DiscardSecondaryHitTwin              = False
+| | |-DoPropagationCorrection              = False
+| | |-DoTofCorrection                      = True
+| | |-EvtStore                @0x7fd9ebb82c10 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
+| | |-ExtraInputs             @0x7fd9ebb94ab8 = []  (default: [])
+| | |-ExtraOutputs            @0x7fd9ebb94950 = []  (default: [])
+| | |-MonitorService                       = 'MonitorSvc'
+| | |-OutputCollection                     = 'StoreGateSvc+MDT_DriftCircles'
+| | |-OutputLevel                          = 0
+| | |-RDOContainer                         = 'StoreGateSvc+MDTCSM'
+| | |-ReadKey                              = 'ConditionStore+MuonMDT_CablingMap'
+| | |-SortPrepData                         = False
+| | |-TimeWindowLowerBound                 = -1000000.0
+| | |-TimeWindowSetting                    = 2
+| | |-TimeWindowUpperBound                 = -1000000.0
+| | |-TwinCorrectSlewing                   = False
+| | |-Use1DPrepDataTwin                    = False
+| | |-UseAllBOLTwin                        = False
+| | |-UseTwin                              = True
+| | \----- (End of Private AlgTool Muon::MdtRdoToPrepDataTool/MdtRdoToMdtPrepData.MdtRdoToMdtPrepDataTool) -----
+| \----- (End of Algorithm MdtRdoToMdtPrepData/MdtRdoToMdtPrepData) ----------------------------------
+|=/***** Algorithm CscRdoToCscPrepData/CscRdoToCscPrepData *******************************************
+| |-AuditAlgorithms                         = False
+| |-AuditBeginRun                           = False
+| |-AuditEndRun                             = False
+| |-AuditExecute                            = False
+| |-AuditFinalize                           = False
+| |-AuditInitialize                         = False
+| |-AuditReinitialize                       = False
+| |-AuditRestart                            = False
+| |-AuditStart                              = False
+| |-AuditStop                               = False
+| |-Cardinality                             = 1
+| |-CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool    @0x7fd9ec040cb0 = PrivateToolHandle('Muon::CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool/CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool')
+| |                                            (default: 'Muon::CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool/CscRdoToPrepDataTool')
+| |-DetStore                   @0x7fd9ebbd9cd0 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
+| |-DoSeededDecoding                        = False
+| |-Enable                                  = True
+| |-ErrorCounter                            = 0
+| |-ErrorMax                                = 1
+| |-EvtStore                   @0x7fd9ebbd9fd0 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
+| |-ExtraInputs                @0x7fd9ebba4950 = []  (default: [])
+| |-ExtraOutputs               @0x7fd9ebba47e8 = []  (default: [])
+| |-FilterCircularDependencies              = True
+| |-IsIOBound                               = False
+| |-MonitorService                          = 'MonitorSvc'
+| |-NeededResources            @0x7fd9ebba48c0 = []  (default: [])
+| |-OutputCollection                        = 'StoreGateSvc+CSC_Measurements'
+| |-OutputLevel                             = 0
+| |-PrintInputRdo                           = False
+| |-PrintPrepData              @0x7fd9ef673b20 = False  (default: False)
+| |-RegionSelectionSvc         @0x7fd9ebbd9d50 = ServiceHandle('RegSelSvc')
+| |-RegisterForContextService               = False
+| |-RoIs                                    = 'StoreGateSvc+OutputRoIs'
+| |-Timeline                                = True
+| |=/***** Private AlgTool Muon::CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool/CscRdoToCscPrepData.CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool *****
+| | |-AuditFinalize                    = False
+| | |-AuditInitialize                  = False
+| | |-AuditReinitialize                = False
+| | |-AuditRestart                     = False
+| | |-AuditStart                       = False
+| | |-AuditStop                        = False
+| | |-AuditTools                       = False
+| | |-CSCHashIdOffset                  = 22000
+| | |-CscCalibTool        @0x7fd9ef732708 = PrivateToolHandle('CscCalibTool/CscCalibTool')
+| | |-CscRdoDecoderTool   @0x7fd9ebb9a138 = PrivateToolHandle('Muon::CscRDO_Decoder/CscRDO_Decoder')
+| | |-DecodeData                       = True
+| | |-DetStore            @0x7fd9ebb82ed0 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
+| | |-EvtStore            @0x7fd9ebb82fd0 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
+| | |-ExtraInputs         @0x7fd9ebb8e440 = []  (default: [])
+| | |-ExtraOutputs        @0x7fd9ebb8eef0 = []  (default: [])
+| | |-MonitorService                   = 'MonitorSvc'
+| | |-OutputCollection                 = 'StoreGateSvc+CSC_Measurements'
+| | |-OutputLevel                      = 0
+| | |-RDOContainer                     = 'StoreGateSvc+CSCRDO'
+| | |-RawDataProviderTool @0x7fd9ebf556e0 = PrivateToolHandle('Muon::CSC_RawDataProviderTool/CSC_RawDataProviderTool')
+| | |-useBStoRdoTool      @0x7fd9ef673b00 = True  (default: False)
+| | |=/***** Private AlgTool Muon::CSC_RawDataProviderTool/CscRdoToCscPrepData.CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool.CSC_RawDataProviderTool *****
+| | | |-AuditFinalize                  = False
+| | | |-AuditInitialize                = False
+| | | |-AuditReinitialize              = False
+| | | |-AuditRestart                   = False
+| | | |-AuditStart                     = False
+| | | |-AuditStop                      = False
+| | | |-AuditTools                     = False
+| | | |-Decoder           @0x7fd9ebf55aa0 = PrivateToolHandle('Muon::CscROD_Decoder/CscROD_Decoder')
+| | | |-DetStore          @0x7fd9ebb9e110 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
+| | | |-EvtStore          @0x7fd9ebb9e150 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
+| | | |-ExtraInputs       @0x7fd9ebb8aa28 = []  (default: [])
+| | | |-ExtraOutputs      @0x7fd9ebb8a998 = []  (default: [])
+| | | |-MonitorService                 = 'MonitorSvc'
+| | | |-OutputLevel                    = 0
+| | | |-RdoLocation                    = 'StoreGateSvc+CSCRDO'
+| | | |=/***** Private AlgTool Muon::CscROD_Decoder/CscRdoToCscPrepData.CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool.CSC_RawDataProviderTool.CscROD_Decoder *****
+| | | | |-AuditFinalize                  = False
+| | | | |-AuditInitialize                = False
+| | | | |-AuditReinitialize              = False
+| | | | |-AuditRestart                   = False
+| | | | |-AuditStart                     = False
+| | | | |-AuditStop                      = False
+| | | | |-AuditTools                     = False
+| | | | |-DetStore          @0x7fd9ebb9e1d0 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
+| | | | |-EvtStore          @0x7fd9ebb9e210 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
+| | | | |-ExtraInputs       @0x7fd9ebb97638 = []  (default: [])
+| | | | |-ExtraOutputs      @0x7fd9ebb975a8 = []  (default: [])
+| | | | |-IsCosmics                      = False
+| | | | |-IsOldCosmics                   = False
+| | | | |-MonitorService                 = 'MonitorSvc'
+| | | | |-OutputLevel                    = 0
+| | | | \----- (End of Private AlgTool Muon::CscROD_Decoder/CscRdoToCscPrepData.CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool.CSC_RawDataProviderTool.CscROD_Decoder) -----
+| | | \----- (End of Private AlgTool Muon::CSC_RawDataProviderTool/CscRdoToCscPrepData.CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool.CSC_RawDataProviderTool) -----
+| | |=/***** Private AlgTool CscCalibTool/CscRdoToCscPrepData.CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool.CscCalibTool *******
+| | | |-AuditFinalize                   = False
+| | | |-AuditInitialize                 = False
+| | | |-AuditReinitialize               = False
+| | | |-AuditRestart                    = False
+| | | |-AuditStart                      = False
+| | | |-AuditStop                       = False
+| | | |-AuditTools                      = False
+| | | |-DetStore           @0x7fd9ebb9e050 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
+| | | |-EvtStore           @0x7fd9ebb9e090 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
+| | | |-ExtraInputs        @0x7fd9ebb8e638 = []  (default: [])
+| | | |-ExtraOutputs       @0x7fd9ebb8e050 = []  (default: [])
+| | | |-IsOnline                        = True
+| | | |-Latency                         = 100.0
+| | | |-MonitorService                  = 'MonitorSvc'
+| | | |-NSamples                        = 4
+| | | |-Noise                           = 3.5
+| | | |-OutputLevel                     = 0
+| | | |-Pedestal                        = 2048.0
+| | | |-ReadFromDatabase                = True
+| | | |-Slope                           = 0.19
+| | | |-SlopeFromDatabase               = False
+| | | |-TimeOffsetRange                 = 1.0
+| | | |-Use2Samples                     = False
+| | | |-integrationNumber               = 12.0
+| | | |-integrationNumber2              = 11.66
+| | | |-samplingTime                    = 50.0
+| | | |-signalWidth                     = 14.4092
+| | | |-timeOffset                      = 46.825
+| | | \----- (End of Private AlgTool CscCalibTool/CscRdoToCscPrepData.CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool.CscCalibTool) -----
+| | |=/***** Private AlgTool Muon::CscRDO_Decoder/CscRdoToCscPrepData.CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool.CscRDO_Decoder *****
+| | | |-AuditFinalize                  = False
+| | | |-AuditInitialize                = False
+| | | |-AuditReinitialize              = False
+| | | |-AuditRestart                   = False
+| | | |-AuditStart                     = False
+| | | |-AuditStop                      = False
+| | | |-AuditTools                     = False
+| | | |-CscCalibTool      @0x7fd9ebb82f50 = PublicToolHandle('CscCalibTool')
+| | | |-DetStore          @0x7fd9ebb82f10 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
+| | | |-EvtStore          @0x7fd9ebb82f90 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
+| | | |-ExtraInputs       @0x7fd9ebb8e5a8 = []  (default: [])
+| | | |-ExtraOutputs      @0x7fd9ebb8ed88 = []  (default: [])
+| | | |-MonitorService                 = 'MonitorSvc'
+| | | |-OutputLevel                    = 0
+| | | \----- (End of Private AlgTool Muon::CscRDO_Decoder/CscRdoToCscPrepData.CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool.CscRDO_Decoder) -----
+| | \----- (End of Private AlgTool Muon::CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool/CscRdoToCscPrepData.CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool) -----
+| \----- (End of Algorithm CscRdoToCscPrepData/CscRdoToCscPrepData) ----------------------------------
+|=/***** Algorithm CscThresholdClusterBuilder/CscThesholdClusterBuilder ******************************
+| |-AuditAlgorithms                         = False
+| |-AuditBeginRun                           = False
+| |-AuditEndRun                             = False
+| |-AuditExecute                            = False
+| |-AuditFinalize                           = False
+| |-AuditInitialize                         = False
+| |-AuditReinitialize                       = False
+| |-AuditRestart                            = False
+| |-AuditStart                              = False
+| |-AuditStop                               = False
+| |-Cardinality                             = 1
+| |-DetStore                   @0x7fd9ebbc54d0 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
+| |-Enable                                  = True
+| |-ErrorCounter                            = 0
+| |-ErrorMax                                = 1
+| |-EvtStore                   @0x7fd9ebbc5450 = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
+| |-ExtraInputs                @0x7fd9ebba4998 = []  (default: [])
+| |-ExtraOutputs               @0x7fd9ebba49e0 = []  (default: [])
+| |-FilterCircularDependencies              = True
+| |-IsIOBound                               = False
+| |-MonitorService                          = 'MonitorSvc'
+| |-NeededResources            @0x7fd9ebba4a28 = []  (default: [])
+| |-OutputLevel                             = 0
+| |-RegisterForContextService               = False
+| |-Timeline                                = True
+| |-cluster_builder            @0x7fd9ebaf8dd0 = PublicToolHandle('CscThresholdClusterBuilderTool/CscThesholdClusterBuilderTool')
+| |                                            (default: 'CscThresholdClusterBuilderTool/CscThresholdClusterBuilderTool')
+| \----- (End of Algorithm CscThresholdClusterBuilder/CscThesholdClusterBuilder) ---------------------
 \----- (End of Algorithm AthSequencer/AthAlgSeq) ---------------------------------------------------
 Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO Condition Algorithms
-Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO ['CondInputLoader']
+Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO ['CondInputLoader', 'MuonMDT_CablingAlg']
 Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO Services
-Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO ['EventSelector', 'ByteStreamInputSvc', 'EventPersistencySvc', 'ByteStreamCnvSvc', 'ROBDataProviderSvc', 'ByteStreamAddressProviderSvc', 'MetaDataStore', 'InputMetaDataStore', 'MetaDataSvc', 'ProxyProviderSvc', 'ByteStreamAttListMetadataSvc', 'GeoModelSvc', 'DetDescrCnvSvc', 'TagInfoMgr', 'RPCcablingServerSvc', 'IOVDbSvc', 'PoolSvc', 'CondSvc', 'DBReplicaSvc', 'MuonRPC_CablingSvc', 'AthenaPoolCnvSvc']
+Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO ['EventSelector', 'ByteStreamInputSvc', 'EventPersistencySvc', 'ByteStreamCnvSvc', 'ROBDataProviderSvc', 'ByteStreamAddressProviderSvc', 'MetaDataStore', 'InputMetaDataStore', 'MetaDataSvc', 'ProxyProviderSvc', 'ByteStreamAttListMetadataSvc', 'GeoModelSvc', 'DetDescrCnvSvc', 'TagInfoMgr', 'RPCcablingServerSvc', 'IOVDbSvc', 'PoolSvc', 'CondSvc', 'DBReplicaSvc', 'MuonRPC_CablingSvc', 'LVL1TGC::TGCRecRoiSvc', 'TGCcablingServerSvc', 'AthenaPoolCnvSvc', 'MuonMDT_CablingSvc', 'AtlasFieldSvc', 'MdtCalibrationDbSvc', 'MdtCalibrationSvc', 'CSCcablingSvc', 'MuonCalib::CscCoolStrSvc']
 Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO Outputs
 Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO {}
+Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO Public Tools
+Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO [
+Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO   IOVDbMetaDataTool/IOVDbMetaDataTool,
+Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO   ByteStreamMetadataTool/ByteStreamMetadataTool,
+Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO   Muon::MuonIdHelperTool/Muon::MuonIdHelperTool,
+Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO   RPCCablingDbTool/RPCCablingDbTool,
+Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO   Muon::RPC_RawDataProviderTool/RPC_RawDataProviderTool,
+Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO   Muon::TGC_RawDataProviderTool/TGC_RawDataProviderTool,
+Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO   MDTCablingDbTool/MDTCablingDbTool,
+Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO   MuonCalib::MdtCalibDbCoolStrTool/MuonCalib::MdtCalibDbCoolStrTool,
+Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO   Muon::MDT_RawDataProviderTool/MDT_RawDataProviderTool,
+Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO   Muon::CSC_RawDataProviderTool/CSC_RawDataProviderTool,
+Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO   Muon::RpcRdoToPrepDataTool/RpcRdoToRpcPrepDataTool,
+Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO   Muon::TgcRdoToPrepDataTool/TgcRdoToTgcPrepDataTool,
+Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO   Muon::MdtRdoToPrepDataTool/MdtRdoToMdtPrepDataTool,
+Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO   Muon::CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool/CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool,
+Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO   CscThresholdClusterBuilderTool/CscThesholdClusterBuilderTool,
+Py:ComponentAccumulator    INFO ]
 Py:Athena            INFO Save Config
 JOs reading stage finished, launching Athena from pickle file
+Fri Dec 14 04:46:22 CET 2018
+Preloading tcmalloc_minimal.so
+Py:Athena            INFO using release [WorkDir-22.0.1] [x86_64-slc6-gcc8-opt] [Unknown/Unknown] -- built on [2018-12-14T0406]
+Py:Athena            INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Preparation.py"
+Py:Athena            INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Atlas.UnixStandardJob.py"
 Py:Athena            INFO executing ROOT6Setup
 Py:Athena            INFO configuring AthenaHive with [1] concurrent threads and [1] concurrent events
 Py:AlgScheduler      INFO setting up AvalancheSchedulerSvc/AvalancheSchedulerSvc with 1 threads
+Py:Athena            INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Execution.py"
 Py:Athena            INFO now loading MuonRdoDecode.pkl  ... 
+Py:ConfigurableDb    INFO Read module info for 5436 configurables from 6 genConfDb files
+Py:ConfigurableDb    INFO No duplicates have been found: that's good !
+[?1034hApplicationMgr       INFO Updating Gaudi::PluginService::SetDebug(level) to level= 'PluginDebugLevel':0
+ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS 
+                                                   Welcome to ApplicationMgr (GaudiCoreSvc v30r5)
+                                          running on lxplus056.cern.ch on Fri Dec 14 04:46:42 2018
+ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaServices
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
+ApplicationMgr                                     INFO Updating Gaudi::PluginService::SetDebug(level) to level= 'PluginDebugLevel':0
+Py:Athena            INFO including file "AthenaCommon/runbatch.py"
+StatusCodeSvc        INFO initialize
 AthDictLoaderSvc     INFO in initialize...
 AthDictLoaderSvc     INFO acquired Dso-registry
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3219 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
 CoreDumpSvc          INFO install f-a-t-a-l handler... (flag = -1)
 CoreDumpSvc          INFO Handling signals: 11(Segmentation fault) 7(Bus error) 4(Illegal instruction) 8(Floating point exception) 
+ByteStreamAddre...   INFO Initializing ByteStreamAddressProviderSvc - package version ByteStreamCnvSvcBase-00-00-00
+ROBDataProviderSvc   INFO Initializing ROBDataProviderSvc - package version ByteStreamCnvSvcBase-00-00-00
 ROBDataProviderSvc   INFO  ---> Filter out empty ROB fragments                               =  'filterEmptyROB':False
 ROBDataProviderSvc   INFO  ---> Filter out specific ROBs by Status Code: # ROBs = 0
 ROBDataProviderSvc   INFO  ---> Filter out Sub Detector ROBs by Status Code: # Sub Detectors = 0
@@ -505,6 +2024,10 @@ ByteStreamAddre...   INFO -- Will fill Store with id =  0
 PoolSvc              INFO io_register[PoolSvc](xmlcatalog_file:PoolFileCatalog.xml) [ok]
 PoolSvc              INFO Set connectionsvc retry/timeout/IDLE timeout to  'ConnectionRetrialPeriod':300/ 'ConnectionRetrialTimeOut':3600/ 'ConnectionTimeOut':5 seconds with connection cleanup disabled
 PoolSvc              INFO Frontier compression level set to 5
+DBReplicaSvc         INFO Frontier server at (serverurl=http://atlasfrontier-local.cern.ch:8000/atlr)(serverurl=http://atlasfrontier-ai.cern.ch:8000/atlr)(serverurl=http://lcgft-atlas.gridpp.rl.ac.uk:3128/frontierATLAS)(serverurl=http://ccfrontier.in2p3.fr:23128/ccin2p3-AtlasFrontier)(proxyurl=http://ca-proxy.cern.ch:3128)(proxyurl=http://ca-proxy-meyrin.cern.ch:3128)(proxyurl=http://ca-proxy-wigner.cern.ch:3128)(proxyurl=http://atlasbpfrontier.cern.ch:3127)(proxyurl=http://atlasbpfrontier.fnal.gov:3127) will be considered for COOL data
+DBReplicaSvc         INFO Read replica configuration from /cvmfs/atlas-nightlies.cern.ch/repo/sw/master/2018-12-12T2353/Athena/22.0.1/InstallArea/x86_64-slc6-gcc8-opt/share/dbreplica.config
+DBReplicaSvc         INFO Total of 10 servers found for host lxplus056.cern.ch [ATLF ATLAS_COOLPROD atlas_dd ATLAS_CONFIG INT8R INTR ATONR_COOL ATONR_CONF DEVDB11 ATLF ]
+DBReplicaSvc         INFO COOL SQLite replicas will be excluded if matching pattern /DBRelease/
 PoolSvc              INFO Successfully setup replica sorting algorithm
 PoolSvc              INFO Setting up APR FileCatalog and Streams
 PoolSvc              INFO Resolved path (via ATLAS_POOLCOND_PATH) is /cvmfs/atlas-condb.cern.ch/repo/conditions/poolcond/PoolFileCatalog.xml
@@ -513,20 +2036,60 @@ PoolSvc           WARNING Unable to locate catalog for apcfile:poolcond/PoolCat_
 PoolSvc           WARNING Unable to locate catalog for prfile:poolcond/PoolCat_comcond.xml check your ATLAS_POOLCOND_PATH and DATAPATH variables
 PoolSvc           WARNING Unable to locate catalog for apcfile:poolcond/PoolCat_comcond.xml check your ATLAS_POOLCOND_PATH and DATAPATH variables
 PoolSvc              INFO POOL WriteCatalog is xmlcatalog_file:PoolFileCatalog.xml
+DbSession            INFO     Open     DbSession    
+Domain[ROOT_All]     INFO >   Access   DbDomain     READ      [ROOT_All] 
 IOVDbSvc             INFO Opened read transaction for POOL PersistencySvc
 IOVDbSvc             INFO Only 5 POOL conditions files will be open at once
 IOVDbSvc             INFO Cache alignment will be done in 3 slices
 IOVDbSvc             INFO Global tag: CONDBR2-BLKPA-2018-13 set from joboptions
-IOVDbSvc             INFO Initialised with 2 connections and 4 folders
+IOVDbFolder          INFO Inputfile tag override disabled for /GLOBAL/BField/Maps
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Folder /GLOBAL/BField/Maps will be written to file metadata
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Initialised with 8 connections and 19 folders
 IOVDbSvc             INFO Service IOVDbSvc initialised successfully
-IOVDbSvc             INFO Opening COOL connection for COOLONL_RPC/CONDBR2
+MetaDataSvc          INFO Initializing MetaDataSvc - package version AthenaServices-00-00-00
+AthenaPoolCnvSvc     INFO Initializing AthenaPoolCnvSvc - package version AthenaPoolCnvSvc-00-00-00
+ToolSvc.ByteStr...   INFO Initializing ToolSvc.ByteStreamMetadataTool - package version ByteStreamCnvSvc-00-00-00
+MetaDataSvc          INFO Found MetaDataTools = PublicToolHandleArray(['IOVDbMetaDataTool/IOVDbMetaDataTool','ByteStreamMetadataTool/ByteStreamMetadataTool'])
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Opening COOL connection for COOLONL_MDT/CONDBR2
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3331 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 163 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 4229 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 129 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3031 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
 IOVSvc               INFO No IOVSvcTool associated with store "StoreGateSvc"
 IOVSvcTool           INFO IOVRanges will be checked at every Event
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Opening COOL connection for COOLONL_RPC/CONDBR2
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Disconnecting from COOLONL_MDT/CONDBR2
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Opening COOL connection for COOLOFL_MDT/CONDBR2
 IOVDbSvc             INFO Disconnecting from COOLONL_RPC/CONDBR2
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Opening COOL connection for COOLOFL_CSC/CONDBR2
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Disconnecting from COOLOFL_MDT/CONDBR2
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Opening COOL connection for COOLONL_GLOBAL/CONDBR2
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Disconnecting from COOLOFL_CSC/CONDBR2
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Opening COOL connection for COOLONL_TGC/CONDBR2
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Disconnecting from COOLONL_GLOBAL/CONDBR2
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Opening COOL connection for COOLOFL_DCS/CONDBR2
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Disconnecting from COOLONL_TGC/CONDBR2
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Disconnecting from COOLOFL_DCS/CONDBR2
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Added taginfo remove for /EXT/DCS/MAGNETS/SENSORDATA
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Added taginfo remove for /GLOBAL/BField/Maps
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Added taginfo remove for /MDT/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Added taginfo remove for /MDT/CABLING/MEZZANINE_SCHEMA
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Added taginfo remove for /MDT/RTBLOB
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Added taginfo remove for /MDT/T0BLOB
 IOVDbSvc             INFO Added taginfo remove for /RPC/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA
 IOVDbSvc             INFO Added taginfo remove for /RPC/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA_CORR
 IOVDbSvc             INFO Added taginfo remove for /RPC/TRIGGER/CM_THR_ETA
 IOVDbSvc             INFO Added taginfo remove for /RPC/TRIGGER/CM_THR_PHI
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Added taginfo remove for /TGC/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Added taginfo remove for /CSC/FTHOLD
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Added taginfo remove for /CSC/NOISE
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Added taginfo remove for /CSC/PED
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Added taginfo remove for /CSC/PSLOPE
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Added taginfo remove for /CSC/RMS
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Added taginfo remove for /CSC/STAT
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Added taginfo remove for /CSC/T0BASE
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Added taginfo remove for /CSC/T0PHASE
 DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  initializing 
 DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO Found DetectorStore service
 DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling proxies for detector managers 
@@ -573,6 +2136,10 @@ GeoModelSvc::RD...WARNING  Getting PixTBMatComponents with default tag
 GeoModelSvc::RD...WARNING  Getting PixTBMaterials with default tag
 GeoModelSvc::RD...WARNING  Getting InDetMatComponents with default tag
 GeoModelSvc::RD...WARNING  Getting InDetMaterials with default tag
+GeoModelSvc.Muo...   INFO create MuonDetectorTool - package version = MuonGeoModel-00-00-00
+GeoModelSvc.Muo...   INFO (from GeoModelSvc)    AtlasVersion = <ATLAS-R2-2016-01-00-01>  MuonVersion = <>
+GeoModelSvc.Muo...   INFO Keys for Muon Switches are  (key) ATLAS-R2-2016-01-00-01 (node) ATLAS
+GeoModelSvc.Muo...   INFO (from GeoModelSvc) in AtlasVersion = <ATLAS-R2-2016-01-00-01>  default MuonVersion is <MuonSpectrometer-R.08.01>
 GeoModelSvc.Muo...   INFO Properties have been set as follows: 
 GeoModelSvc.Muo...   INFO     LayoutName                     R
 GeoModelSvc.Muo...   INFO     IncludeCutouts                 0
@@ -592,6 +2159,7 @@ MuGM:MuonFactory     INFO Manager created for geometry version R.08.01 from DB M
 MuonGeoModel_MYSQL   INFO GeometryVersion set to <R.08.01>
 MuGM:MuonFactory     INFO Mysql helper class created here for geometry version R.08.01 from DB MuonVersion <MuonSpectrometer-R.08.01>
 EventPersistenc...   INFO Added successfully Conversion service:ByteStreamCnvSvc
+EventPersistenc...   INFO Added successfully Conversion service:AthenaPoolCnvSvc
 EventPersistenc...   INFO Added successfully Conversion service:DetDescrCnvSvc
 MDT_IDDetDescrCnv    INFO in createObj: creating a MdtIdHelper object in the detector store
 IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO in initialize
@@ -686,6 +2254,7 @@ AtlasDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - there are no MM entries in the dictionary!
 MuGM:MuonFactory     INFO MMIDHELPER retrieved from DetStore
 MuGM:MuonFactory     INFO  **************** MuonDetectorFactory001 ************************
 MuGM:MuonFactory     INFO  *** Start building the Muon Geometry Tree **********************
+MuGM:RDBReadAtlas    INFO Start retriving dbObjects with tag = <ATLAS-R2-2016-01-00-01> node <ATLAS>
 RDBAccessSvc      WARNING Could not get the tag for XtomoData node. Returning 0 pointer to IRDBQuery
 MuGM:RDBReadAtlas    INFO After getQuery XtomoData
 In DblQ00Xtomo(data)
@@ -715,6 +2284,7 @@ MuGM:ProcCutouts     INFO  Processing Cutouts DONE
 MuGM:RDBReadAtlas    INFO  ProcessTGCreadout - version 7 wirespacing 1.8
 MuGM:RDBReadAtlas    INFO Intermediate Objects built from primary numbers
 MuGM:MuonFactory     INFO  theMaterialManager retrieven successfully from the DetStore
+MuGM:MuonFactory     INFO MuonSystem description from OracleTag=<ATLAS-R2-2016-01-00-01> and node=<ATLAS>
 MuGM:MuonFactory     INFO  TreeTop added to the Manager
 MuGM:MuonFactory     INFO  Muon Layout R.08.01
 MuGM:MuonFactory     INFO Fine Clash Fixing disabled: (should be ON/OFF for Simulation/Reconstruction)
@@ -738,19 +2308,33 @@ MuGM:MuonFactory     INFO  *****************************************************
 MGM::MuonDetect...   INFO Init A/B Line Containers - done - size is respectively 1758/0
 MGM::MuonDetect...   INFO No Aline for CSC wire layers loaded 
-GeoModelSvc          INFO GeoModelSvc.MuonDetectorTool	 SZ= 42828Kb 	 Time = 0.89S
+GeoModelSvc          INFO GeoModelSvc.MuonDetectorTool	 SZ= 43852Kb 	 Time = 0.74S
 GeoModelSvc.Muo...   INFO CondAttrListCollection not found in the DetectorStore
 GeoModelSvc.Muo...   INFO Unable to register callback on CondAttrListCollection for any folder in the list 
 GeoModelSvc.Muo...   INFO This is OK unless you expect to read alignment and deformations from COOL 
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 1455 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO Initializing AthenaEventLoopMgr - package version AthenaServices-00-00-00
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 1735 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
 CondInputLoader      INFO Initializing CondInputLoader...
 CondInputLoader      INFO Adding base classes:
+  +  ( 'CondAttrListCollection' , 'ConditionStore+/EXT/DCS/MAGNETS/SENSORDATA' )   ->
+  +  ( 'CondAttrListCollection' , 'ConditionStore+/MDT/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA' )   ->
+  +  ( 'CondAttrListCollection' , 'ConditionStore+/MDT/CABLING/MEZZANINE_SCHEMA' )   ->
 CondInputLoader      INFO Will create WriteCondHandle dependencies for the following DataObjects:
+    +  ( 'CondAttrListCollection' , 'ConditionStore+/EXT/DCS/MAGNETS/SENSORDATA' ) 
+    +  ( 'CondAttrListCollection' , 'ConditionStore+/MDT/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA' ) 
+    +  ( 'CondAttrListCollection' , 'ConditionStore+/MDT/CABLING/MEZZANINE_SCHEMA' ) 
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 1007 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 743 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
 RpcRawDataProvider   INFO RpcRawDataProvider::initialize
 RpcRawDataProvider   INFO  'DoSeededDecoding':False
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 1693 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+MuonRPC_CablingSvc   INFO Initializing MuonRPC_CablingSvc - package version MuonRPC_Cabling-00-00-00
 ToolSvc.RPCCabl...   INFO Initializing - folders names are: conf /RPC/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA / corr /RPC/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA_CORR
 MuonRPC_CablingSvc   INFO RPCCablingDbTool retrieved with statusCode = SUCCESS with handle TheRpcCablingDbTool = PublicToolHandle('RPCCablingDbTool/RPCCablingDbTool')
 MuonRPC_CablingSvc   INFO Register call-back  against 2 folders listed below 
 MuonRPC_CablingSvc   INFO  Folder n. 1 </RPC/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA>     found in the DetStore
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 501 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
 MuonRPC_CablingSvc   INFO initMappingModel registered for call-back against folder </RPC/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA>
 MuonRPC_CablingSvc   INFO  Folder n. 2 </RPC/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA_CORR>     found in the DetStore
 MuonRPC_CablingSvc   INFO initMappingModel registered for call-back against folder </RPC/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA_CORR>
@@ -764,6 +2348,33 @@ RpcRawDataProvi...   INFO Retrieved tool Decoder = PrivateToolHandle('Muon::RpcR
 RpcRawDataProvi...   INFO Retrieved service ServiceHandle('ROBDataProviderSvc')
 RpcRawDataProvi...   INFO  Tool = RpcRawDataProvider.RPC_RawDataProviderTool is connected to JobOptionsSvc Service = JobOptionsSvc
 RpcRawDataProvi...   INFO initialize() successful in RpcRawDataProvider.RPC_RawDataProviderTool
+TgcRawDataProvider   INFO TgcRawDataProvider::initialize
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 872 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+TgcRawDataProvi...   INFO initialize() successful in TgcRawDataProvider.TGC_RawDataProviderTool.TgcROD_Decoder
+TgcRawDataProvi...   INFO Retrieved tool Decoder = PrivateToolHandle('Muon::TGC_RodDecoderReadout/TgcROD_Decoder')
+TgcRawDataProvi...   INFO Retrieved service ServiceHandle('ROBDataProviderSvc')
+TgcRawDataProvi...   INFO  Tool = TgcRawDataProvider.TGC_RawDataProviderTool is connected to JobOptionsSvc Service = JobOptionsSvc
+MuonTGC_CablingSvc   INFO for 1/12 sector initialize
+ToolSvc.TGCCabl...   INFO initialize
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 273 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+IOVSvcTool           INFO Still in initialize phase, not tiggering callback for MuonTGC_CablingSvc[0x29c20200]+219 bound to CondAttrListCollection[/TGC/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA]
+TgcRawDataProvi...   INFO initialize() successful in TgcRawDataProvider.TGC_RawDataProviderTool
+MdtRawDataProvider   INFO MdtRawDataProvider::initialize
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 746 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+MdtRawDataProvi...   INFO Retrieved service ServiceHandle('ROBDataProviderSvc')
+MdtRawDataProvi...   INFO Processing configuration for layouts with BME chambers.
+MdtRawDataProvi...   INFO Processing configuration for layouts with BMG chambers.
+MdtRawDataProvi...   INFO Retrieved tool Decoder = PrivateToolHandle('MdtROD_Decoder/MdtROD_Decoder')
+MdtRawDataProvi...   INFO  Tool = MdtRawDataProvider.MDT_RawDataProviderTool is connected to JobOptionsSvc Service = JobOptionsSvc
+MdtRawDataProvi...   INFO initialize() successful in MdtRawDataProvider.MDT_RawDataProviderTool
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 654 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+CscRawDataProvi...   INFO Retrieved service ServiceHandle('ROBDataProviderSvc')
+CscRawDataProvi...   INFO  Tool = CscRawDataProvider.CSC_RawDataProviderTool is connected to JobOptionsSvc Service = JobOptionsSvc
+CscRawDataProvi...   INFO Retrieved tool Decoder = PrivateToolHandle('Muon::CscROD_Decoder/CscROD_Decoder')
+CscRawDataProvi...   INFO The Muon Geometry version is R.08.01
+CscRawDataProvi...   INFO initialize() successful in CscRawDataProvider.CSC_RawDataProviderTool
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 53 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+RpcRdoToRpcPrep...   INFO package version = MuonRPC_CnvTools-00-00-00
 RpcRdoToRpcPrep...   INFO properties are 
 RpcRdoToRpcPrep...   INFO processingData                     0
 RpcRdoToRpcPrep...   INFO produceRpcCoinDatafromTriggerWords 1
@@ -774,8 +2385,47 @@ RpcRdoToRpcPrep...   INFO etaphi_coincidenceTime             20
 RpcRdoToRpcPrep...   INFO overlap_timeTolerance              10
 RpcRdoToRpcPrep...   INFO Correct prd time from cool db      0
 RpcRdoToRpcPrep...   INFO Rpc Cabling Svc name is dataLike
-RpcRdoToRpcPrep...   INFO Retrieved DecodingTool = PrivateToolHandle('Muon::RpcRdoToPrepDataTool/Muon::RpcRdoToPrepDataTool')
+RpcRdoToRpcPrep...   INFO Retrieved DecodingTool = PrivateToolHandle('Muon::RpcRdoToPrepDataTool/RpcRdoToRpcPrepDataTool')
+TgcRdoToTgcPrep...   INFO initialize() successful in TgcRdoToTgcPrepData.TgcRdoToTgcPrepDataTool.TGC_RawDataProviderTool.TGC_RodDecoderReadout
+TgcRdoToTgcPrep...   INFO Retrieved tool Decoder = PrivateToolHandle('Muon::TGC_RodDecoderReadout/TGC_RodDecoderReadout')
+TgcRdoToTgcPrep...   INFO Retrieved service ServiceHandle('ROBDataProviderSvc')
+TgcRdoToTgcPrep...   INFO  Tool = TgcRdoToTgcPrepData.TgcRdoToTgcPrepDataTool.TGC_RawDataProviderTool is connected to JobOptionsSvc Service = JobOptionsSvc
+TgcRdoToTgcPrep...   INFO initialize() successful in TgcRdoToTgcPrepData.TgcRdoToTgcPrepDataTool.TGC_RawDataProviderTool
+TgcRdoToTgcPrep...   INFO initialize() successful in TgcRdoToTgcPrepData.TgcRdoToTgcPrepDataTool
+TgcRdoToTgcPrep...   INFO Retrieved DecodingTool = PrivateToolHandle('Muon::TgcRdoToPrepDataTool/TgcRdoToTgcPrepDataTool')
+TgcRdoToTgcPrep...WARNING Implicit circular data dependency detected for id  ( 'TgcRdoContainer' , 'StoreGateSvc+TGCRDO' ) 
+MdtCalibrationSvc    INFO Processing configuration for layouts with BMG chambers.
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 194 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+AtlasFieldSvc        INFO initialize() ...
+AtlasFieldSvc        INFO maps will be chosen reading COOL folder /GLOBAL/BField/Maps
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 163 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+AtlasFieldSvc        INFO magnet currents will be read from COOL folder /EXT/DCS/MAGNETS/SENSORDATA
+AtlasFieldSvc        INFO Booked callback for /EXT/DCS/MAGNETS/SENSORDATA
+AtlasFieldSvc        INFO initialize() successful
+MdtRdoToMdtPrep...   INFO Processing configuration for layouts with BME chambers.
+MdtRdoToMdtPrep...   INFO Processing configuration for layouts with BMG chambers.
+MdtRdoToMdtPrep...   INFO Retrieved DecodingTool = PrivateToolHandle('Muon::MdtRdoToPrepDataTool/MdtRdoToMdtPrepDataTool')
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 60 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+CscRdoToCscPrep...   INFO The Geometry version is MuonSpectrometer-R.08.01
+CscRdoToCscPrep...   INFO Retrieved service ServiceHandle('ROBDataProviderSvc')
+CscRdoToCscPrep...   INFO  Tool = CscRdoToCscPrepData.CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool.CSC_RawDataProviderTool is connected to JobOptionsSvc Service = JobOptionsSvc
+CscRdoToCscPrep...   INFO Retrieved tool Decoder = PrivateToolHandle('Muon::CscROD_Decoder/CscROD_Decoder')
+CscRdoToCscPrep...   INFO The Muon Geometry version is R.08.01
+CscRdoToCscPrep...   INFO initialize() successful in CscRdoToCscPrepData.CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool.CSC_RawDataProviderTool
+MuonCalib::CscC...   INFO Initializing CscCoolStrSvc
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 179 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+IOVSvcTool           INFO Still in initialize phase, not tiggering callback for MuonCalib::CscCoolStrSvc[0x35567a00]+259 bound to CondAttrListCollection[CSC_PED]
+IOVSvcTool           INFO Still in initialize phase, not tiggering callback for MuonCalib::CscCoolStrSvc[0x35567a00]+259 bound to CondAttrListCollection[CSC_NOISE]
+IOVSvcTool           INFO Still in initialize phase, not tiggering callback for MuonCalib::CscCoolStrSvc[0x35567a00]+259 bound to CondAttrListCollection[CSC_PSLOPE]
+IOVSvcTool           INFO Still in initialize phase, not tiggering callback for MuonCalib::CscCoolStrSvc[0x35567a00]+259 bound to CondAttrListCollection[CSC_STAT]
+IOVSvcTool           INFO Still in initialize phase, not tiggering callback for MuonCalib::CscCoolStrSvc[0x35567a00]+259 bound to CondAttrListCollection[CSC_RMS]
+IOVSvcTool           INFO Still in initialize phase, not tiggering callback for MuonCalib::CscCoolStrSvc[0x35567a00]+259 bound to CondAttrListCollection[CSC_FTHOLD]
+IOVSvcTool           INFO Still in initialize phase, not tiggering callback for MuonCalib::CscCoolStrSvc[0x35567a00]+259 bound to CondAttrListCollection[CSC_T0BASE]
+IOVSvcTool           INFO Still in initialize phase, not tiggering callback for MuonCalib::CscCoolStrSvc[0x35567a00]+259 bound to CondAttrListCollection[CSC_T0PHASE]
+CscRdoToCscPrep...   INFO Retrieved CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool = PrivateToolHandle('Muon::CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool/CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool')
+CscRdoToCscPrep...WARNING Implicit circular data dependency detected for id  ( 'CscRawDataContainer' , 'StoreGateSvc+CSCRDO' ) 
 HistogramPersis...WARNING Histograms saving not required.
+EventSelector        INFO Initializing EventSelector - package version ByteStreamCnvSvc-00-00-00
 EventSelector     WARNING InputCollections not properly set, checking EventStorageInputSvc properties
 EventSelector        INFO Retrieved StoreGateSvc name of  '':StoreGateSvc
 EventSelector        INFO reinitialization...
@@ -787,10 +2437,15 @@ ToolSvc.Luminos...   INFO BunchLumisTool.empty() is TRUE, skipping...
 ToolSvc.Luminos...   INFO BunchGroupTool.empty() is TRUE, skipping...
 ToolSvc.Luminos...   INFO LBLBFolderName is empty, skipping...
 EventSelector        INFO Retrieved InputCollections from InputSvc
+ByteStreamInputSvc   INFO Initializing ByteStreamInputSvc - package version ByteStreamCnvSvc-00-00-00
 EventSelector        INFO reinitialization...
 AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO Setup EventSelector service EventSelector
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully
 ByteStreamInputSvc   INFO Picked valid file: /cvmfs/atlas-nightlies.cern.ch/repo/data/data-art/TrigP1Test/data17_13TeV.00327265.physics_EnhancedBias.merge.RAW._lb0100._SFO-1._0001.1
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 1156 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+CondInputLoader      INFO created CondCont<CondAttrListCollection> with key 'ConditionStore+/EXT/DCS/MAGNETS/SENSORDATA'
+CondInputLoader      INFO created CondCont<CondAttrListCollection> with key 'ConditionStore+/MDT/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA'
+CondInputLoader      INFO created CondCont<CondAttrListCollection> with key 'ConditionStore+/MDT/CABLING/MEZZANINE_SCHEMA'
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Started successfully
 EventInfoByteSt...   INFO UserType : RawEvent
 EventInfoByteSt...   INFO IsSimulation : 0
@@ -799,13 +2454,30 @@ EventInfoByteSt...   INFO IsCalibration : 0
 EventInfoByteSt...   INFO  EventContext not valid 
 AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  start of run 327265    <<<===
 EventPersistenc...   INFO Added successfully Conversion service:TagInfoMgr
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Opening COOL connection for COOLOFL_DCS/CONDBR2
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Disconnecting from COOLOFL_DCS/CONDBR2
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Opening COOL connection for COOLONL_GLOBAL/CONDBR2
+IOVDbFolder          INFO HVS tag CONDBR2-BLKPA-2018-13 resolved to BFieldMap-Run1-14m-v01 for folder /GLOBAL/BField/Maps
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Disconnecting from COOLONL_GLOBAL/CONDBR2
 IOVDbSvc             INFO Opening COOL connection for COOLONL_RPC/CONDBR2
-IOVDbSvc             INFO HVS tag CONDBR2-BLKPA-2018-13 resolved to RPCCablingMapSchema_2016_2017_01 for folder /RPC/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA
-IOVDbSvc             INFO HVS tag CONDBR2-BLKPA-2018-13 resolved to RPCCablingMapSchemaCorr_2016_2017_01 for folder /RPC/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA_CORR
-IOVDbSvc             INFO HVS tag CONDBR2-BLKPA-2018-13 resolved to RPCTriggerCMThrEta_RUN1-RUN2-HI-02 for folder /RPC/TRIGGER/CM_THR_ETA
-IOVDbSvc             INFO HVS tag CONDBR2-BLKPA-2018-13 resolved to RPCTriggerCMThrPhi_RUN1-RUN2-HI-02 for folder /RPC/TRIGGER/CM_THR_PHI
+IOVDbFolder          INFO HVS tag CONDBR2-BLKPA-2018-13 resolved to RPCCablingMapSchema_2016_2017_01 for folder /RPC/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA
+IOVDbFolder          INFO HVS tag CONDBR2-BLKPA-2018-13 resolved to RPCCablingMapSchemaCorr_2016_2017_01 for folder /RPC/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA_CORR
+IOVDbFolder          INFO HVS tag CONDBR2-BLKPA-2018-13 resolved to RPCTriggerCMThrEta_RUN1-RUN2-HI-02 for folder /RPC/TRIGGER/CM_THR_ETA
+IOVDbFolder          INFO HVS tag CONDBR2-BLKPA-2018-13 resolved to RPCTriggerCMThrPhi_RUN1-RUN2-HI-02 for folder /RPC/TRIGGER/CM_THR_PHI
 IOVDbSvc             INFO Disconnecting from COOLONL_RPC/CONDBR2
-EventPersistenc...   INFO Added successfully Conversion service:AthenaPoolCnvSvc
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Opening COOL connection for COOLONL_TGC/CONDBR2
+IOVDbFolder          INFO HVS tag CONDBR2-BLKPA-2018-13 resolved to TgcCablingMapschema-RUN2-20100908-ASD2PPONL for folder /TGC/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Disconnecting from COOLONL_TGC/CONDBR2
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Opening COOL connection for COOLOFL_CSC/CONDBR2
+IOVDbFolder          INFO HVS tag CONDBR2-BLKPA-2018-13 resolved to CscFthold-RUN2-BLK-UPD1-007-00 for folder /CSC/FTHOLD
+IOVDbFolder          INFO HVS tag CONDBR2-BLKPA-2018-13 resolved to CscNoise-RUN2-BLK-UPD1-007-00 for folder /CSC/NOISE
+IOVDbFolder          INFO HVS tag CONDBR2-BLKPA-2018-13 resolved to CscPed-RUN2-BLK-UPD1-007-00 for folder /CSC/PED
+IOVDbFolder          INFO HVS tag CONDBR2-BLKPA-2018-13 resolved to CscPslope-RUN2-BLK-UPD1-000-00 for folder /CSC/PSLOPE
+IOVDbFolder          INFO HVS tag CONDBR2-BLKPA-2018-13 resolved to CscRms-RUN2-BLK-UPD1-003-00 for folder /CSC/RMS
+IOVDbFolder          INFO HVS tag CONDBR2-BLKPA-2018-13 resolved to CscStat-RUN2-BLK-UPD1-008-00 for folder /CSC/STAT
+IOVDbFolder          INFO HVS tag CONDBR2-BLKPA-2018-13 resolved to CscT0base-RUN2-BLK-UPD1-001-00 for folder /CSC/T0BASE
+IOVDbFolder          INFO HVS tag CONDBR2-BLKPA-2018-13 resolved to CscT0phase-RUN2-BLK-UPD2-001-00 for folder /CSC/T0PHASE
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Disconnecting from COOLOFL_CSC/CONDBR2
 MuonRPC_CablingSvc   INFO initMappingModel has been called
 MuonRPC_CablingSvc   INFO ToolHandle in initMappingModel - <TheRpcCablingDbTool = PublicToolHandle('RPCCablingDbTool/RPCCablingDbTool')>
 MuonRPC_CablingSvc   INFO Retrieving cabling singleton; to create an empty one or to get the existing one
@@ -869,7 +2541,36 @@ positive sectors 48 - 63 ==>  1 26 13 21  6 17 12 15 11 17 12 21  6 26 13 22
 MuonRPC_CablingSvc   INFO buildOfflineOnlineMap
 MuonRPC_CablingSvc   INFO Applying FeetPadThresholds : 0,2,5
 MuonRPC_CablingSvc   INFO MuonRPC_CablingSvc initialized succesfully
+MuonTGC_CablingSvc   INFO updateCableASDToPP called
+ToolSvc.TGCCabl...   INFO loadTGCMap from DB
+ToolSvc.TGCCabl...   INFO CondAttrListCollection from DB folder have been obtained with size 1
+ToolSvc.TGCCabl...   INFO giveASD2PP_DIFF_12 (m_ASD2PP_DIFF_12 is not NULL)
+MdtCalibrationD...   INFO RtKey I=2 TubeKey I=2 
+AtlasFieldSvc        INFO reading magnetic field map filenames from COOL
+AtlasFieldSvc        INFO found map of type GlobalMap with soleCur=7730 toroCur=20400 (path file:MagneticFieldMaps/bfieldmap_7730_20400_14m.root)
+AtlasFieldSvc        INFO found map of type SolenoidMap with soleCur=7730 toroCur=0 (path file:MagneticFieldMaps/bfieldmap_7730_0_14m.root)
+AtlasFieldSvc        INFO found map of type ToroidMap with soleCur=0 toroCur=20400 (path file:MagneticFieldMaps/bfieldmap_0_20400_14m.root)
+AtlasFieldSvc        INFO no need to update map set
+AtlasFieldSvc        INFO Attempt 1 at reading currents from DCS (using channel name)
+AtlasFieldSvc        INFO Trying to read from DCS: [channel name, index, value] CentralSol_Current , 1 , 7729.99
+AtlasFieldSvc        INFO Trying to read from DCS: [channel name, index, value] CentralSol_SCurrent , 2 , 7730
+AtlasFieldSvc        INFO Trying to read from DCS: [channel name, index, value] Toroids_Current , 3 , 20399.9
+AtlasFieldSvc        INFO Trying to read from DCS: [channel name, index, value] Toroids_SCurrent , 4 , 20397.7
+AtlasFieldSvc        INFO Currents read from DCS: solenoid 7729.99 toroid 20399.9
+AtlasFieldSvc        INFO Initializing the field map (solenoidCurrent=7729.99 toroidCurrent=20399.9)
+AtlasFieldSvc        INFO reading the map from /cvmfs/atlas-nightlies.cern.ch/repo/sw/master/atlas/offline/ReleaseData/v20/MagneticFieldMaps/bfieldmap_7730_20400_14m.root
+AtlasFieldSvc        INFO Initialized the field map from /cvmfs/atlas-nightlies.cern.ch/repo/sw/master/atlas/offline/ReleaseData/v20/MagneticFieldMaps/bfieldmap_7730_20400_14m.root
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 616 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
 AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  start processing event #186525031, run #327265 0 events processed so far  <<<===
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Opening COOL connection for COOLONL_MDT/CONDBR2
+IOVDbFolder          INFO HVS tag CONDBR2-BLKPA-2018-13 resolved to MDTCablingMapSchema_BMG_01 for folder /MDT/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA
+IOVDbFolder          INFO HVS tag CONDBR2-BLKPA-2018-13 resolved to MDTCablingMezzanineSchema_M5-RUN2 for folder /MDT/CABLING/MEZZANINE_SCHEMA
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Disconnecting from COOLONL_MDT/CONDBR2
+MuonMDT_CablingAlg   INFO Size of CondAttrListCollection  ( 'CondAttrListCollection' , 'ConditionStore+/MDT/CABLING/MEZZANINE_SCHEMA' )  readCdoMez->size()= 24
+MuonMDT_CablingAlg   INFO Range of input is {[0,l:0] - [INVALID]}
+MuonMDT_CablingAlg   INFO Size of CondAttrListCollection  ( 'CondAttrListCollection' , 'ConditionStore+/MDT/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA' )  readCdoMap->size()= 2312
+MuonMDT_CablingAlg   INFO Range of input is {[327264,l:4294640031] - [327265,l:4294640030]}
+MuonMDT_CablingAlg   INFO recorded new MuonMDT_CablingMap with range {[327264,l:4294640031] - [327265,l:4294640030]} into Conditions Store
 AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  done processing event #186525031, run #327265 1 events processed so far  <<<===
 AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  start processing event #186524665, run #327265 1 events processed so far  <<<===
 AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  done processing event #186524665, run #327265 2 events processed so far  <<<===
@@ -911,12 +2612,44 @@ AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  start processing event #186580451, run #3272
 AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  done processing event #186580451, run #327265 20 events processed so far  <<<===
 Domain[ROOT_All]     INFO >   Deaccess DbDomain     READ      [ROOT_All] 
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
+IncidentProcAlg1     INFO Finalize
 CondInputLoader      INFO Finalizing CondInputLoader...
+IncidentProcAlg2     INFO Finalize
+AtlasFieldSvc        INFO finalize() successful
 EventInfoByteSt...   INFO finalize 
 IdDictDetDescrCnv    INFO in finalize
+IOVDbFolder          INFO Folder /EXT/DCS/MAGNETS/SENSORDATA (AttrListColl) db-read 1/2 objs/chan/bytes 4/4/20 ((     0.02 ))s
+IOVDbFolder          INFO Folder /GLOBAL/BField/Maps (AttrListColl) db-read 1/1 objs/chan/bytes 3/3/202 ((     0.05 ))s
+IOVDbFolder          INFO Folder /MDT/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA (AttrListColl) db-read 1/1 objs/chan/bytes 2312/2437/216520 ((     0.15 ))s
+IOVDbFolder          INFO Folder /MDT/CABLING/MEZZANINE_SCHEMA (AttrListColl) db-read 1/1 objs/chan/bytes 24/24/288 ((     0.05 ))s
+IOVDbFolder          INFO Folder /MDT/RTBLOB (AttrListColl) db-read 0/0 objs/chan/bytes 0/1186/0 ((     0.00 ))s
+IOVDbFolder          INFO Folder /MDT/T0BLOB (AttrListColl) db-read 0/0 objs/chan/bytes 0/1186/0 ((     0.00 ))s
+IOVDbFolder          INFO Folder /RPC/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA (AttrListColl) db-read 1/1 objs/chan/bytes 1/1/222235 ((     0.07 ))s
+IOVDbFolder          INFO Folder /RPC/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA_CORR (AttrListColl) db-read 1/1 objs/chan/bytes 1/1/29402 ((     0.05 ))s
+IOVDbFolder          INFO Folder /RPC/TRIGGER/CM_THR_ETA (AttrListColl) db-read 1/1 objs/chan/bytes 1613/1613/7562651 ((     0.17 ))s
+IOVDbFolder          INFO Folder /RPC/TRIGGER/CM_THR_PHI (AttrListColl) db-read 1/1 objs/chan/bytes 1612/1612/8096306 ((     0.15 ))s
+IOVDbFolder          INFO Folder /TGC/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA (AttrListColl) db-read 1/1 objs/chan/bytes 1/1/3704 ((     0.07 ))s
+IOVDbFolder          INFO Folder /CSC/FTHOLD (AttrListColl) db-read 1/1 objs/chan/bytes 32/32/322656 ((     0.07 ))s
+IOVDbFolder          INFO Folder /CSC/NOISE (AttrListColl) db-read 1/1 objs/chan/bytes 32/32/350062 ((     1.97 ))s
+IOVDbFolder          INFO Folder /CSC/PED (AttrListColl) db-read 1/1 objs/chan/bytes 32/32/411187 ((     0.16 ))s
+IOVDbFolder          INFO Folder /CSC/PSLOPE (AttrListColl) db-read 1/1 objs/chan/bytes 32/32/353376 ((     0.89 ))s
+IOVDbFolder          INFO Folder /CSC/RMS (AttrListColl) db-read 1/1 objs/chan/bytes 32/32/411395 ((     1.15 ))s
+IOVDbFolder          INFO Folder /CSC/STAT (AttrListColl) db-read 1/1 objs/chan/bytes 32/32/230496 ((     0.88 ))s
+IOVDbFolder          INFO Folder /CSC/T0BASE (AttrListColl) db-read 1/1 objs/chan/bytes 32/32/314380 ((     0.84 ))s
+IOVDbFolder          INFO Folder /CSC/T0PHASE (AttrListColl) db-read 1/1 objs/chan/bytes 32/32/3136 ((     0.05 ))s
+IOVDbSvc             INFO  bytes in ((      6.78 ))s
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Connection sqlite://;schema=mycool.db;dbname=CONDBR2 : nConnect: 0 nFolders: 0 ReadTime: ((     0.00 ))s
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Connection COOLONL_MDT/CONDBR2 : nConnect: 2 nFolders: 2 ReadTime: ((     0.20 ))s
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Connection COOLONL_RPC/CONDBR2 : nConnect: 2 nFolders: 4 ReadTime: ((     0.43 ))s
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Connection COOLOFL_MDT/CONDBR2 : nConnect: 1 nFolders: 2 ReadTime: ((     0.00 ))s
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Connection COOLOFL_CSC/CONDBR2 : nConnect: 2 nFolders: 8 ReadTime: ((     6.01 ))s
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Connection COOLONL_GLOBAL/CONDBR2 : nConnect: 2 nFolders: 1 ReadTime: ((     0.05 ))s
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Connection COOLONL_TGC/CONDBR2 : nConnect: 2 nFolders: 1 ReadTime: ((     0.07 ))s
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Connection COOLOFL_DCS/CONDBR2 : nConnect: 2 nFolders: 1 ReadTime: ((     0.02 ))s
 AthDictLoaderSvc     INFO in finalize...
 ToolSvc              INFO Removing all tools created by ToolSvc
 ToolSvc.ByteStr...   INFO in finalize()
+TgcRdoToTgcPrep...   INFO finalize(): input RDOs->output PRDs [Hit: 6807->6807, Tracklet: 28->28, TrackletEIFI: 692->692, HiPt: 4031->4031, SL: 3->3]
 RpcROD_Decoder:...   INFO  ============ FINAL RPC DATA FORMAT STAT. =========== 
 RpcROD_Decoder:...   INFO  RX Header Errors.............0
 RpcROD_Decoder:...   INFO  RX SubHeader Errors..........0
@@ -932,9 +2665,12 @@ RpcROD_Decoder:...   INFO  SL Footer Errors.............0
 RpcROD_Decoder:...   INFO  RX Footer Errors.............0
 RpcROD_Decoder:...   INFO  CRC8 check Failures..........0
 RpcROD_Decoder:...   INFO  ==================================================== 
+ToolSvc.TGCCabl...   INFO finalize
 *****Chrono*****     INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 *****Chrono*****     INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
 *****Chrono*****     INFO ****************************************************************************************************
+cObj_ALL             INFO Time User   : Tot=    0 [us] Ave/Min/Max=    0(+-    0)/    0/    0 [us] #= 18
+ChronoStatSvc        INFO Time User   : Tot=   10  [s]                                             #=  1
 *****Chrono*****     INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ChronoStatSvc.f...   INFO  Service finalized successfully 
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigL2MuonSA/TrigL2MuonSA/RpcDataPreparator.h b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigL2MuonSA/TrigL2MuonSA/RpcDataPreparator.h
index a8a0045a518f6866eda1c201ad52aabdee6040af..2e25d943ba6f3c7667cc8c0ca826c5fa9352535b 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigL2MuonSA/TrigL2MuonSA/RpcDataPreparator.h
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigL2MuonSA/TrigL2MuonSA/RpcDataPreparator.h
@@ -99,8 +99,6 @@ class RpcDataPreparator: public AthAlgTool
       // handles to the RoI driven data access
       ToolHandle<Muon::IMuonRawDataProviderTool> m_rawDataProviderTool;
       ToolHandle<Muon::IMuonRdoToPrepDataTool> m_rpcPrepDataProvider;
-      //ToolHandle<Muon::IMuonRdoToPrepDataTool> m_rpcPrepDataProvider {
-      // 	this, "RpcPrepDataProvider", "Muon::RpcRdoToPrepDataTool/RpcPrepDataProviderTool", ""};
       ToolHandle <Muon::MuonIdHelperTool>  m_idHelperTool;  //!< Pointer to concrete tool
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigL2MuonSA/src/MdtDataPreparator.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigL2MuonSA/src/MdtDataPreparator.cxx
index fc2898a5a19c15944a9f5aa70e1d7ed1607dd8e4..0326f9bfcb288a495277acb963688232704034dd 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigL2MuonSA/src/MdtDataPreparator.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigL2MuonSA/src/MdtDataPreparator.cxx
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ TrigL2MuonSA::MdtDataPreparator::MdtDataPreparator(const std::string& type,
    m_robDataProvider("ROBDataProviderSvc", name), 
-   m_mdtPrepDataProvider("Muon::MdtRdoToPrepDataTool/MdtPrepDataProviderTool"),   
+   m_mdtPrepDataProvider("Muon::MdtRdoToPrepDataTool/MdtPrepDataProviderTool"), 
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigL2MuonSA/src/MuFastDataPreparator.cxx b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigL2MuonSA/src/MuFastDataPreparator.cxx
index 72dec918e8ae461a29ad1aa4c103f9d36e88b336..0195b2becd8d61b84cfe645e3e5039d49a4f6f57 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigL2MuonSA/src/MuFastDataPreparator.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigL2MuonSA/src/MuFastDataPreparator.cxx
@@ -253,6 +253,8 @@ StatusCode TrigL2MuonSA::MuFastDataPreparator::prepareData(const LVL1::RecMuonRo
   m_recRPCRoiSvc->etaDimLow(roiEtaMinLow, roiEtaMaxLow);
   m_recRPCRoiSvc->etaDimHigh(roiEtaMinHigh, roiEtaMaxHigh);
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("nr of RPC hits=" << rpcHits.size());
   sc = m_rpcRoadDefiner->defineRoad(p_roi,
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/python/MuonMenuConfig.py b/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/python/MuonMenuConfig.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..52b31d13f6a68d54826bb3d4e8b2eacb7598f315
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/python/MuonMenuConfig.py
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+#  Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
+from AthenaCommon.Constants import INFO, DEBUG,VERBOSE
+### Output Name ###
+muFastInfo = "MuonL2SAInfo"
+# Get Rpc data decoder for MuFast data preparator 
+def RpcDataPreparatorCfg( flags, roisKey ):
+    acc = ComponentAccumulator()
+    # Get BS decoder 
+    from MuonConfig.MuonBytestreamDecodeConfig import RpcBytestreamDecodeCfg
+    rpcAcc, RpcRawDataProvider = RpcBytestreamDecodeCfg( flags, forTrigger=True )
+    RpcRawDataProvider.RoIs = roisKey
+    acc.merge( rpcAcc )
+    # Get BS->RDO convertor
+    from MuonConfig.MuonRdoDecodeConfig import RpcRDODecodeCfg    
+    rpcAcc, RpcRdoToRpcPrepData = RpcRDODecodeCfg( flags, forTrigger=True )
+    RpcRdoToRpcPrepData.RoIs = roisKey
+    acc.merge( rpcAcc )
+    # Set Rpc data preparator for MuFast data preparator
+    from TrigL2MuonSA.TrigL2MuonSAConf import TrigL2MuonSA__RpcDataPreparator
+    RpcDataPreparator = TrigL2MuonSA__RpcDataPreparator( RpcPrepDataProvider  = acc.getPublicTool( "RpcRdoToRpcPrepDataTool" ),
+                                                         RpcRawDataProvider   = acc.getPublicTool( "RPC_RawDataProviderTool" ),
+                                                         #DecodeBS = DetFlags.readRDOBS.RPC_on() ) # This should be used flags
+                                                         DecodeBS = True )
+    acc.addPublicTool( RpcDataPreparator ) # Now this is needed, but should be removed
+    return acc, RpcDataPreparator
+# Get Tgc data decoder for MuFast data preparator 
+def TgcDataPreparatorCfg( flags, roisKey ):
+    acc = ComponentAccumulator()
+    # Get BS decoder 
+    from MuonConfig.MuonBytestreamDecodeConfig import TgcBytestreamDecodeCfg
+    tgcAcc, TgcRawDataProvider = TgcBytestreamDecodeCfg( flags, forTrigger=True )
+    #TgcRawDataProvider.RoIs = roisKey
+    acc.merge( tgcAcc )
+    # Get BS->RDO convertor
+    from MuonConfig.MuonRdoDecodeConfig import TgcRDODecodeCfg    
+    tgcAcc, TgcRdoToTgcPrepData = TgcRDODecodeCfg( flags, forTrigger=True )
+    TgcRdoToTgcPrepData.RoIs = roisKey
+    acc.merge( tgcAcc )
+    # Set Tgc data preparator for MuFast data preparator
+    from TrigL2MuonSA.TrigL2MuonSAConf import TrigL2MuonSA__TgcDataPreparator
+    TgcDataPreparator = TrigL2MuonSA__TgcDataPreparator( TgcPrepDataProvider  = acc.getPublicTool( "TgcRdoToTgcPrepDataTool" ) )
+                                                         #DecodeBS = DetFlags.readRDOBS.TGC_on() ) # This should be used flags
+    acc.addPublicTool( TgcDataPreparator ) # This should be removed
+    return acc, TgcDataPreparator
+# Get Mdt data decoder for MuFast data preparator 
+def MdtDataPreparatorCfg( flags, roisKey ):
+    acc = ComponentAccumulator()
+    # Get BS decoder 
+    from MuonConfig.MuonBytestreamDecodeConfig import MdtBytestreamDecodeCfg
+    mdtAcc, MdtRawDataProvider = MdtBytestreamDecodeCfg( flags, forTrigger=True )
+    #MdtRawDataProvider.RoIs = roisKey
+    acc.merge( mdtAcc )
+    # Get BS->RDO convertor
+    from MuonConfig.MuonRdoDecodeConfig import MdtRDODecodeCfg    
+    mdtAcc, MdtRdoToMdtPrepData = MdtRDODecodeCfg( flags, forTrigger=True )
+    MdtRdoToMdtPrepData.RoIs = roisKey
+    acc.merge( mdtAcc )
+    # Set Mdt data preparator for MuFast data preparator
+    from TrigL2MuonSA.TrigL2MuonSAConf import TrigL2MuonSA__MdtDataPreparator
+    MdtDataPreparator = TrigL2MuonSA__MdtDataPreparator( MdtPrepDataProvider  = acc.getPublicTool( "MdtRdoToMdtPrepDataTool" ),
+                                                         MDT_RawDataProvider   = acc.getPublicTool( "MDT_RawDataProviderTool" ),
+                                                         #DecodeBS = DetFlags.readRDOBS.MDT_on() ) # This should be used flags
+                                                         DecodeBS = True )
+    acc.addPublicTool( MdtDataPreparator ) # This should be removed
+    return acc, MdtDataPreparator
+# Get Csc data decoder for MuFast data preparator 
+def CscDataPreparatorCfg( flags, roisKey ):
+    acc = ComponentAccumulator()
+    # Get BS decoder 
+    from MuonConfig.MuonBytestreamDecodeConfig import CscBytestreamDecodeCfg
+    cscAcc, CscRawDataProvider = CscBytestreamDecodeCfg( flags, forTrigger=True )
+    #CscRawDataProvider.RoIs = roisKey
+    acc.merge( cscAcc )
+    # Get BS->RDO convertor
+    from MuonConfig.MuonRdoDecodeConfig import CscRDODecodeCfg    
+    cscAcc, CscRdoToCscPrepData = CscRDODecodeCfg( flags, forTrigger=True )
+    CscRdoToCscPrepData.RoIs = roisKey
+    acc.merge( cscAcc )
+    # Get cluster builder
+    from MuonConfig.MuonRdoDecodeConfig import CscClusterBuildCfg
+    cscAcc, CscClusterBuilder = CscClusterBuildCfg( flags, forTrigger=True )
+    acc.merge( cscAcc )
+    # Set Csc data preparator for MuFast data preparator
+    from TrigL2MuonSA.TrigL2MuonSAConf import TrigL2MuonSA__CscDataPreparator
+    CscDataPreparator = TrigL2MuonSA__CscDataPreparator( CscPrepDataProvider  = acc.getPublicTool( "CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool" ),
+                                                         CscClusterProvider   = acc.getPublicTool( "CscThesholdClusterBuilderTool" ) )
+                                                         #DecodeBS = DetFlags.readRDOBS.CSC_on() ) # This should be used flags
+    acc.addPublicTool( CscDataPreparator ) # This should be removed
+    return acc, CscDataPreparator
+# Configure Reco alg of muFast step
+def muFastSteeringCfg( flags, roisKey ):
+    acc = ComponentAccumulator()
+    # Get RPC decoder
+    rpcAcc, RpcDataPreparator = RpcDataPreparatorCfg( flags, roisKey )
+    acc.merge( rpcAcc )
+    # Get TGC decoder
+    tgcAcc, TgcDataPreparator = TgcDataPreparatorCfg( flags, roisKey )
+    acc.merge( tgcAcc )
+    # Get MDT decoder
+    mdtAcc, MdtDataPreparator = MdtDataPreparatorCfg( flags, roisKey )
+    acc.merge( mdtAcc )
+    # Get CSC decoder
+    cscAcc, CscDataPreparator = CscDataPreparatorCfg( flags, roisKey )
+    acc.merge( cscAcc )
+    # Set MuFast data preparator
+    from TrigL2MuonSA.TrigL2MuonSAConf import TrigL2MuonSA__MuFastDataPreparator
+    MuFastDataPreparator = TrigL2MuonSA__MuFastDataPreparator( CSCDataPreparator = CscDataPreparator,
+                                                               MDTDataPreparator = MdtDataPreparator,
+                                                               RPCDataPreparator = RpcDataPreparator,
+                                                               TGCDataPreparator = TgcDataPreparator )
+    # Set Reco alg of muFast step
+    from TrigL2MuonSA.TrigL2MuonSAConf import MuFastSteering
+    muFastAlg = MuFastSteering( name                          = "MuFastSteering_Muon",
+                                DataPreparator                = MuFastDataPreparator,
+                                R_WIDTH_TGC_FAILED            = 200,
+                                R_WIDTH_RPC_FAILED            = 400,
+                                DoCalibrationStream           = False,
+                                USE_ROIBASEDACCESS_CSC        = True,
+                                RpcErrToDebugStream           = True,
+                                Timing                        = False,
+                                MonTool                       = "",
+                                # TriggerFlags.run2Config != '2016'
+                                UseEndcapInnerFromBarrel      = True, 
+                                # not 900 GeV
+                                WinPt                         = 6.0,
+                                Scale_Road_BarrelInner        = 1,
+                                Scale_Road_BarrelMiddle       = 1,
+                                Scale_Road_BarrelOuter        = 1 )  
+    return acc, muFastAlg
+def PtBarrelLUTSvcCfg( flags ):
+    acc = ComponentAccumulator()
+    from TrigL2MuonSA.TrigL2MuonSAConfig import PtBarrelLUTSvc
+    ptBarrelLUTSvc = PtBarrelLUTSvc()
+    acc.addService( ptBarrelLUTSvc )
+    return acc, ptBarrelLUTSvc
+def PtBarrelLUTSvcCfg_MC( flags ):
+    acc = ComponentAccumulator()
+    from TrigL2MuonSA.TrigL2MuonSAConfig import PtBarrelLUTSvc_MC
+    ptBarrelLUTSvc_MC = PtBarrelLUTSvc_MC() 
+    acc.addService( ptBarrelLUTSvc_MC )
+    return acc, ptBarrelLUTSvc_MC
+def PtEndcapLUTSvcCfg( flags ):
+    acc = ComponentAccumulator()
+    from TrigL2MuonSA.TrigL2MuonSAConfig import PtEndcapLUTSvc
+    ptEndcapLUTSvc = PtEndcapLUTSvc()
+    acc.addService( ptEndcapLUTSvc )
+    return acc, ptEndcapLUTSvc
+def PtEndcapLUTSvcCfg_MC( flags ):
+    acc = ComponentAccumulator()
+    from TrigL2MuonSA.TrigL2MuonSAConfig import PtEndcapLUTSvc_MC
+    ptEndcapLUTSvc_MC = PtEndcapLUTSvc_MC() 
+    acc.addService( ptEndcapLUTSvc_MC )
+    return acc, ptEndcapLUTSvc_MC
+def AlignmentBarrelLUTSvcCfg( flags ):
+    acc = ComponentAccumulator()
+    from TrigL2MuonSA.TrigL2MuonSAConfig import AlignmentBarrelLUTSvc
+    alignmentBarrelLUTSvc = AlignmentBarrelLUTSvc()
+    acc.addService( alignmentBarrelLUTSvc )
+    return acc, alignmentBarrelLUTSvc
+# In the future, above functions should be moved to TrigL2MuonSA package(?)
+def l2MuFastAlgCfg( flags, roisKey="MURoIs" ):
+    acc = ComponentAccumulator()
+    # Get Reco alg of muFast step
+    muFastAcc, muFastFex = muFastSteeringCfg( flags, roisKey )  
+    muFastFex.MuRoIs = roisKey
+    muFastFex.RecMuonRoI = "RecMURoIs"
+    muFastFex.MuonL2SAInfo = muFastInfo
+    muFastFex.forID = "forID"
+    muFastFex.forMS = "forMS"
+    muFastFex.OutputLevel = DEBUG
+    acc.merge( muFastAcc )   
+    # Get services of the Reco alg
+    acc.merge( PtBarrelLUTSvcCfg(flags)[0] )   
+    acc.merge( PtBarrelLUTSvcCfg_MC(flags)[0] )   
+    acc.merge( PtEndcapLUTSvcCfg(flags)[0] )   
+    acc.merge( PtEndcapLUTSvcCfg_MC(flags)[0] )   
+    acc.merge( AlignmentBarrelLUTSvcCfg(flags)[0] )
+    return acc, muFastFex
+def l2MuFastRecoCfg( flags ):
+    # Set EventViews for muFast step
+    from TriggerMenuMT.HLTMenuConfig.Menu.MenuComponents import InViewReco
+    reco = InViewReco("L2MuFastReco")
+    # Get Reco alg of muFast Step in order to set into the view
+    algAcc, alg = l2MuFastAlgCfg( flags, roisKey=reco.name+"RoIs")
+    reco.addRecoAlg( alg )
+    reco.merge( algAcc )
+    return reco
+def l2MuFastHypoCfg( flags, name="UNSPECIFIED", muFastInfo="UNSPECIFIED" ):
+    from TrigMuonHypo.TrigMuonHypoConf import TrigMufastHypoAlg
+    muFastHypo = TrigMufastHypoAlg( name )
+    muFastHypo.MuonL2SAInfoFromMuFastAlg = muFastInfo 
+    return muFastHypo
+def generateMuonsCfg( flags ):
+    acc = ComponentAccumulator()
+    from TriggerMenuMT.HLTMenuConfig.Menu.MenuComponents import MenuSequence, ChainStep, Chain, RecoFragmentsPool
+    # Set Hypo alg of muFast step
+    from TrigMuonHypo.TrigMuonHypoConf import TrigMufastHypoAlg
+    from TrigMuonHypo.testTrigMuonHypoConfig import TrigMufastHypoToolFromName
+    muFastHypo = TrigMufastHypoAlg("TrigL2MuFastHypo")
+    muFastHypo.MuonL2SAInfoFromMuFastAlg = muFastInfo
+    # Set Reco alg of muFast step
+    l2MuFastReco = RecoFragmentsPool.retrieve( l2MuFastRecoCfg, flags )
+    acc.merge( l2MuFastReco )
+    # Set muFast step
+    muFastSeq = MenuSequence( Sequence    = l2MuFastReco.sequence(),
+                              Maker       = l2MuFastReco.inputMaker(),
+                              Hypo        = muFastHypo,
+                              HypoToolGen = TrigMufastHypoToolFromName )
+    muFastStep = ChainStep("Muon_muFastStep1", [muFastSeq])
+    chains = [ Chain(c.split()[0], c.split()[1], [muFastStep]) for c in flags.Trigger.menu.muon ]
+    return acc, chains
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/share/NewJO.ref b/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/share/NewJO.ref
index e588126c958b2e63e63f8539822d0bdef62cd4d5..28f08664b9fa63d5c35b542d939fc63ac39ab758 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/share/NewJO.ref
+++ b/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/share/NewJO.ref
@@ -2,14 +2,20 @@ Storing config in the config newJOtest.pkl
 Py:Athena            INFO now loading newJOtest.pkl  ... 
 TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO Chains passing step (1st row events & 2nd row decision counts
 TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO Chain name                   L1,      AfterPS, [... steps ...], Output
-TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO All                           20        20        0         0         15        
-TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_e3_etcut                  20        20        15        0         15        
-TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_e3_etcut decisions                            44        0         
-TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_e5_etcut                  20        20        14        0         14        
-TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_e5_etcut decisions                            41        0         
-TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_e7_etcut                  20        20        8         0         8         
-TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_e7_etcut decisions                            13        0         
-TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_g10_etcut                 20        20        8         8         8         
-TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_g10_etcut decisions                           12        12        
-TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_g15_etcut                 20        20        5         8         8         
-TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_g15_etcut decisions                           6         12        
+TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO All                           20        20        0         0         15
+TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_e3_etcut                  20        20        15        0         15
+TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_e3_etcut decisions                            44        0
+TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_e5_etcut                  20        20        14        0         14
+TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_e5_etcut decisions                            41        0
+TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_e7_etcut                  20        20        8         0         8
+TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_e7_etcut decisions                            13        0
+TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_g10_etcut                 20        20        8         8         8
+TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_g10_etcut decisions                           12        12
+TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_g15_etcut                 20        20        5         8         8
+TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_g15_etcut decisions                           6         12
+TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu10                      20        20        1         0         1
+TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu10 decisions                                1         0
+TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu20                      20        20        0         0         0
+TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu20 decisions                                0         0
+TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu8                       20        20        1         0         1
+TrigSignatureMoniMT                                INFO HLT_mu8 decisions                                 1         0
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/test/test_newJO.sh b/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/test/test_newJO.sh
index c47e94566fcef18ca745b31e77999ce9e130e994..88a15a401b94f89d556b5faaa5dced6a12012967 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/test/test_newJO.sh
+++ b/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/test/test_newJO.sh
@@ -26,5 +26,5 @@ else
     echo "JOs reading stage finished, launching Athena from pickle file"
-    athena --evtMax=20 newJOtest.pkl
\ No newline at end of file
+    athena --skipEvents=30 --evtMax=20 newJOtest.pkl
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerJobOpts/python/MenuConfigFlags.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerJobOpts/python/MenuConfigFlags.py
index 06e94e3a8b6a93e237f5b95507b6b94f1931cffe..40f786a0a38761b862f98572daf041037a174f6f 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerJobOpts/python/MenuConfigFlags.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerJobOpts/python/MenuConfigFlags.py
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ def createMenuFlags():
     # each flag is translated to an independent reconstruction chain
     flags = AthConfigFlags()
-    flags.addFlag('Trigger.menu.muons', [])
+    #flags.addFlag('Trigger.menu.muons', [])
+    flags.addFlag('Trigger.menu.muon', [])
     flags.addFlag('Trigger.menu.electron', [])
     flags.addFlag('Trigger.menu.photon', [])
     flags.addFlag('Trigger.menu.combined', [])
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/LS2_v1_newJO.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/LS2_v1_newJO.py
index cc8b223a4ecefe6ca258506c3f996a753cf906f8..6b08ec6f0306d8a1dcafa403fa1ed6e3de2c5925 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/LS2_v1_newJO.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/LS2_v1_newJO.py
@@ -25,10 +25,11 @@ def setupMenu(flags):
-    # flags.Trigger.menu.muons = [
-    #     get_flag_item('mu20', 'L1_MU10', ['RATE:SingleMuon', 'BW:Muon']),
-    #     get_flag_item('mu8', 'L1_MU6', ['RATE:SingleMuon', 'BW:Muon'])
-    # ]
+    flags.Trigger.menu.muon = [
+        get_flag_item('HLT_mu20', 'L1_MU20', ['RATE:SingleMuon', 'BW:Muon']),
+        get_flag_item('HLT_mu10', 'L1_MU10', ['RATE:SingleMuon', 'BW:Muon']),
+        get_flag_item('HLT_mu8', 'L1_MU6', ['RATE:SingleMuon', 'BW:Muon'])
+    ]
     flags.Trigger.menu.electron = [
         get_flag_item('HLT_e3_etcut', 'L1_EM3', ['RATE:SingleElectron', 'BW:Electron']),
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Muon/generateMuon.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Muon/generateMuon.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aed530954f943490ab24842ac36ba0618334e8f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Muon/generateMuon.py
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+from TriggerMenuMT.HLTMenuConfig.Menu.MenuComponents import MenuSequence, ChainStep, Chain, RecoFragmentsPool, getChainStepName
+from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
+from TrigUpgradeTest.MuonMenuConfig import l2MuFastRecoCfg, l2MuFastHypoCfg
+from TrigMuonHypo.testTrigMuonHypoConfig import TrigMufastHypoToolFromName
+def generateChains( flags, chainDict ):
+    acc = ComponentAccumulator()
+    ### Set muon step1 ###
+    l2muFastHypo = RecoFragmentsPool.retrieve( l2MuFastHypoCfg,
+                                               flags,
+                                               name = "TrigL2MuFastHypo",
+                                               muFastInfo = "MuonL2SAInfo" )
+    l2muFastReco = RecoFragmentsPool.retrieve( l2MuFastRecoCfg, flags )
+    acc.merge( l2muFastReco )
+    l2muFastSequence = MenuSequence( Sequence = l2muFastReco.sequence(),
+                                     Maker = l2muFastReco.inputMaker(),
+                                     Hypo = l2muFastHypo, 
+                                     HypoToolGen = TrigMufastHypoToolFromName )
+    l2muFastStep = ChainStep( getChainStepName('Muon', 1), [l2muFastSequence] )
+    ### Set muon step2 ###
+    # Please set up L2muComb step here 
+    import pprint
+    pprint.pprint(chainDict)
+    chain = Chain( chainDict['chainName'], chainDict['L1item'], [ l2muFastStep ] )
+    return acc, chain