diff --git a/HLT/Trigger/TrigTransforms/TrigTransform/python/trigRecoExe.py b/HLT/Trigger/TrigTransforms/TrigTransform/python/trigRecoExe.py
index d334b1a5dab42e763c29c970b073c75e7f66ccf3..8092b546b682ac8702356b36c846bfb66266f914 100644
--- a/HLT/Trigger/TrigTransforms/TrigTransform/python/trigRecoExe.py
+++ b/HLT/Trigger/TrigTransforms/TrigTransform/python/trigRecoExe.py
@@ -361,14 +361,14 @@ class trigRecoExecutor(athenaExecutor):
                 msg.info('Single BS file found: will split (if requested) and rename file')
-                #TODO (ATR-20974) First check if we want to produce the COST BS output
-                #if 'COST' in self.conf.dataDictionary:
-                #    splitFailed = self._splitBSfile('Cost', matchedOutputFileNames[0],self.conf.dataDictionary['COST'].value[0])
-                #    if(splitFailed):
-                #        raise trfExceptions.TransformExecutionException(trfExit.nameToCode('TRF_OUTPUT_FILE_ERROR'),
-                #            'Did not produce any BS file when selecting stream with trigbs_extractStream.py in file')
-                # If a stream (not All) is selected then slim the output to the particular stream out of the original BS file with many streams
+                #First check if we want to produce the COST DRAW output
+                if 'DRAW_TRIGCOST' in self.conf.dataDictionary:
+                    splitFailed = self._splitBSfile('CostMonitoring', matchedOutputFileNames[0],self.conf.dataDictionary['DRAW_TRIGCOST'].value[0])
+                    if(splitFailed):
+                        raise trfExceptions.TransformExecutionException(trfExit.nameToCode('TRF_OUTPUT_FILE_ERROR'),
+                            'Did not produce any BS file when selecting CostMonitoring stream with trigbs_extractStream.py in file')
+                # If a stream (not All) is selected, then slim the orignal (many stream) BS output to the particular stream
                 if 'streamSelection' in self.conf.argdict and self.conf.argdict['streamSelection'].value != "All":
                     splitFailed = self._splitBSfile(self.conf.argdict['streamSelection'].value, matchedOutputFileNames[0], argInDict.value[0])
diff --git a/HLT/Trigger/TrigTransforms/TrigTransform/scripts/Trig_reco_tf.py b/HLT/Trigger/TrigTransforms/TrigTransform/scripts/Trig_reco_tf.py
index 43c2037e4b75e1d0101b0eb9d3057af1309bbd09..24448b4622a9ee024daf57f7c62798e1da19f48e 100755
--- a/HLT/Trigger/TrigTransforms/TrigTransform/scripts/Trig_reco_tf.py
+++ b/HLT/Trigger/TrigTransforms/TrigTransform/scripts/Trig_reco_tf.py
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ def getTransform():
                                      exe = 'setsid athenaHLT.py', 
                                      # setsid is needed to fix the process-group id of child processes to be the same as mother process; discussed in https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATR-20513 
                                      substep = 'b2r', tryDropAndReload = False,
-                                     inData = ['BS_RDO', 'RDO'], outData = ['BS', 'BS_TRIGCOST', 'HIST_HLTMON','HIST_DEBUGSTREAMMON'],
+                                     inData = ['BS_RDO', 'RDO'], outData = ['BS', 'DRAW_TRIGCOST', 'HIST_HLTMON','HIST_DEBUGSTREAMMON'],
                                      perfMonFile = 'ntuple_BSRDOtoRAW.pmon.gz',
                                      literalRunargs = ['writeBS = runArgs.writeBS',
                                                        'from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties as jps',
@@ -65,10 +65,11 @@ def getTransform():
     #runs in athena and will succeed if input BS file has costmon enabled
     executorSet.add(trigCostExecutor(name = 'RAWtoCOST', skeletonFile = 'TrigCostMonitor/readTrigCost.py',
                                      substep = 'r2c',
-                                     inData = ['BS_TRIGCOST'], outData = ['NTUP_TRIGCOST','NTUP_TRIGRATE','NTUP_TRIGEBWGHT'],
+                                     inData = ['DRAW_TRIGCOST'], outData = ['NTUP_TRIGCOST','NTUP_TRIGRATE','NTUP_TRIGEBWGHT'],
                                      perfMonFile = 'ntuple_RAWtoCOST.pmon.gz',
-                                     literalRunargs = ['BSRDOInput = runArgs.inputBSFile',
-                                                       'EvtMax = runArgs.maxEvents']))
+                                     literalRunargs = ['from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties as jps',
+                                                       'jps.AthenaCommonFlags.FilesInput.set_Value_and_Lock(runArgs.inputDRAW_TRIGCOSTFile)',
+                                                       'jps.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax.set_Value_and_Lock(runArgs.maxEvents)']))
     #add default reconstruction steps
     # eventually to be replaced by:
@@ -190,17 +191,14 @@ def addTrigCostArgs(parser):
     # Use arggroup to get these arguments in their own sub-section (of --help)
     parser.defineArgGroup('TrigCost', 'Specific options related to the trigger costmon steps in trigger reprocessings')
-    #without a outputBS_TRIGCOSTFile name specified then it will not be possible to run any further COST mon if the BS is slimmed to a specific stream
-    parser.add_argument('--outputBS_TRIGCOSTFile', nargs='+',
-                        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argBSFile, io='output', runarg=True, type='bs'),
-                        help='Output bytestream file of COST stream', group='TrigCost')
-    #input BS file for the TRIGCOST step (name just to be unique identifier)
-    parser.add_argument('--inputBS_TRIGCOSTFile', nargs='+',
-                        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argBSFile, io='input', runarg=True, type='bs'),
-                        help='Input bytestream file of COST stream', group='TrigCost')
-    #For prodsys to make sure uses inputBS_TRIGCOSTFile rather than inputBSFile when running the r2c step
-    parser.add_argument('--prodSysBSTRIGCOST', type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argBool, runarg=True),
-                        help='For prodsys to make sure uses inputBS_TRIGCOSTFile rather than inputBSFile when running the r2c step', group='TrigCost')
+    #without a outputDRAW_TRIGCOSTFile name specified then it will not be possible to run any further COST analysis if the BS is slimmed to a specific stream
+    parser.add_argument('--outputDRAW_TRIGCOSTFile', nargs='+',
+                        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argBSFile, io='output', runarg=True),
+                        help='Output bytestream file of CostMonitoring stream', group='TrigCost')
+    #input BS file for the TRIGCOST step (name just to be unique identifier for prodSys)
+    parser.add_argument('--inputDRAW_TRIGCOSTFile', nargs='+',
+                        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argBSFile, io='input', runarg=True),
+                        help='Input bytestream file of CostMonitoring stream', group='TrigCost')
     #NTUP_TRIG is used for COST monitoring - used in the reco release
     parser.add_argument('--outputNTUP_TRIGFile', nargs='+',
                         type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argHISTFile, io='output', runarg=True, countable=False),