diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopAnalysis/CMakeLists.txt b/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopAnalysis/CMakeLists.txt index 04ec018efe4934d35f6b7e094e6b83c9c6158c42..02591aab3d2c977048afa98fa63fa1c97fc0426d 100644 --- a/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopAnalysis/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopAnalysis/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,36 +1,11 @@ +# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration + # Declare the name of this package: atlas_subdir( TopAnalysis ) -# This package depends on other packages: -atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC - xAODCore - xAODRootAccess - xAODEgamma - xAODMuon - xAODJet - xAODMissingET - xAODCutFlow - xAODMetaData - AsgTools - AthContainers - PATInterfaces - TopCPTools - TopEventSelectionTools - TopConfiguration - TopCorrections - TopEvent - TopParticleLevel - TopPartons - TopObjectSelectionTools - TopSystematicObjectMaker - TopDataPreparation - #TopHLUpgrade - Tools/PathResolver - #FakeBkgTools - ) - -# This package uses ROOT: -find_package( ROOT REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Gpad Tree Hist RIO MathCore Graf ) +# External dependencies: +find_package( Boost COMPONENTS regex ) +find_package( ROOT REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core ) # Generate a CINT dictionary source file: atlas_add_root_dictionary( TopAnalysis _cintDictSource @@ -42,32 +17,33 @@ atlas_add_library( TopAnalysis Root/*.cxx Root/*.h Root/*.icc TopAnalysis/*.h TopAnalysis/*.icc TopAnalysis/*/*.h TopAnalysis/*/*.icc ${_cintDictSource} PUBLIC_HEADERS TopAnalysis - LINK_LIBRARIES xAODCore - xAODRootAccess - xAODEgamma - xAODMuon - xAODJet - xAODMissingET - xAODCutFlow - xAODMetaData + INCLUDE_DIRS ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS} + LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} + AsgMessagingLib AsgTools AthContainers - PATInterfaces - TopCPTools - TopEventSelectionTools TopConfiguration TopCorrections - TopEvent - TopParticleLevel - TopPartons - TopObjectSelectionTools - TopSystematicObjectMaker - TopDataPreparation - #TopHLUpgrade - PathResolver - #FakeBkgToolsLib - ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} - INCLUDE_DIRS ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) + TopEventSelectionTools + xAODCutFlow + xAODRootAccess + PRIVATE_INCLUDE_DIRS ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS} + PRIVATE_LINK_LIBRARIES ${Boost_LIBRARIES} + PATInterfaces + TopEvent + TopObjectSelectionTools + TopParticleLevel + TopPartons + xAODBTagging + xAODCore + xAODEgamma + xAODJet + xAODMetaData + xAODMissingET + xAODMuon + xAODTau + xAODTracking + xAODTruth ) # Install data files from the package: atlas_install_data( share/* ) @@ -78,59 +54,31 @@ atlas_install_scripts( scripts/* ) # Build the executables of the package: atlas_add_executable( top-xaod util/top-xaod.cxx - LINK_LIBRARIES xAODCore - xAODRootAccess - xAODEgamma - xAODMuon - xAODJet - xAODMissingET - xAODCutFlow - xAODMetaData - AsgTools - AthContainers - PATInterfaces + INCLUDE_DIRS ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS} + LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} + PathResolver + TopAnalysis TopCPTools - TopEventSelectionTools TopConfiguration TopCorrections + TopDataPreparation TopEvent + TopObjectSelectionTools TopParticleLevel TopPartons - TopObjectSelectionTools TopSystematicObjectMaker - TopDataPreparation - #TopHLUpgrade - PathResolver - ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} - TopAnalysis - #FakeBkgToolsLib - ) + xAODCore + xAODCutFlow + xAODRootAccess ) atlas_add_executable( top-tool-ftag util/top-tool-ftag.cxx - LINK_LIBRARIES xAODCore - xAODRootAccess - xAODEgamma - xAODMuon - xAODJet - xAODMissingET - xAODCutFlow - xAODMetaData - AsgTools - AthContainers - PATInterfaces + INCLUDE_DIRS ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS} + LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} + TopAnalysis TopCPTools - TopEventSelectionTools TopConfiguration TopCorrections TopEvent - TopParticleLevel - TopPartons TopObjectSelectionTools - TopSystematicObjectMaker - TopDataPreparation - #TopHLUpgrade - PathResolver - ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} - TopAnalysis ) - + xAODRootAccess ) diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopCPTools/CMakeLists.txt b/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopCPTools/CMakeLists.txt index 83394cfc539c73fd6f11952b4bbafdfff68dbf39..59fa7620ccfe43a8b27f1dae267b0e3c9dfbaa67 100644 --- a/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopCPTools/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopCPTools/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,117 +1,59 @@ +# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration + # Declare the name of this package: atlas_subdir( TopCPTools ) -# This package depends on other packages: -atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC - xAODRootAccess - AsgTools - AthContainers - PATCore - PATInterfaces - TrigBunchCrossingTool - TrigConfInterfaces - TrigConfxAOD - TrigDecisionTool - TriggerMatchingTool - TrigTauMatching - GoodRunsLists - EgammaAnalysisInterfaces - ElectronPhotonFourMomentumCorrection - ElectronPhotonSelectorTools - ElectronEfficiencyCorrection - ElectronPhotonShowerShapeFudgeTool - PhotonEfficiencyCorrection - MuonMomentumCorrections - MuonSelectorTools - MuonEfficiencyCorrections - TauAnalysisTools - CalibrationDataInterface - xAODBTaggingEfficiency - JetCalibTools - JetCPInterfaces - JetUncertainties - JetInterface - JetMomentTools - JetSelectorTools - METInterface - METUtilities - IsolationSelection - IsolationCorrections - PathResolver - TopConfiguration - TopEvent - PileupReweighting - AssociationUtils - JetJvtEfficiency - PMGTools - InDetTrackSelectionTool - InDetTrackSystematicsTools - #BoostedJetTaggers - FTagAnalysisInterfaces - MuonAnalysisInterfaces - #TriggerAnalysisInterfaces - #TrigGlobalEfficiencyCorrection - PMGAnalysisInterfaces - JetAnalysisInterfaces) - -# This package uses ROOT: -find_package( ROOT REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Gpad Tree Hist RIO MathCore Graf ) +# External depdendencies: +find_package( Boost ) # Build a library that other components can link against: atlas_add_library( TopCPTools Root/*.cxx Root/*.h Root/*.icc TopCPTools/*.h TopCPTools/*.icc TopCPTools/*/*.h TopCPTools/*/*.icc PUBLIC_HEADERS TopCPTools - LINK_LIBRARIES xAODRootAccess + LINK_LIBRARIES AsgAnalysisInterfaces AsgTools - AthContainers - PATCoreLib - PATInterfaces - TrigBunchCrossingTool - TrigConfInterfaces - TrigConfxAODLib - TrigDecisionToolLib - TriggerMatchingToolLib - TrigTauMatchingLib - GoodRunsListsLib + AssociationUtilsLib EgammaAnalysisInterfacesLib - ElectronPhotonFourMomentumCorrectionLib - ElectronPhotonSelectorToolsLib - ElectronEfficiencyCorrectionLib - ElectronPhotonShowerShapeFudgeToolLib - PhotonEfficiencyCorrectionLib - MuonMomentumCorrectionsLib - MuonSelectorToolsLib - MuonEfficiencyCorrectionsLib - TauAnalysisToolsLib - CalibrationDataInterfaceLib - xAODBTaggingEfficiencyLib - JetCalibToolsLib + FTagAnalysisInterfacesLib + InDetTrackSelectionToolLib + InDetTrackSystematicsToolsLib + IsolationCorrectionsLib + IsolationSelectionLib + JetAnalysisInterfacesLib JetCPInterfaces - JetUncertaintiesLib + JetCalibToolsLib JetInterface - JetMomentToolsLib JetSelectorToolsLib METInterface - METUtilitiesLib - IsolationSelectionLib - IsolationCorrectionsLib - PathResolver - TopConfiguration - TopEvent - PileupReweightingLib - AssociationUtilsLib - JetJvtEfficiencyLib + MuonAnalysisInterfacesLib + MuonMomentumCorrectionsLib + PMGAnalysisInterfacesLib PMGToolsLib - InDetTrackSelectionToolLib - InDetTrackSystematicsToolsLib - #BoostedJetTaggersLib - FTagAnalysisInterfacesLib - MuonAnalysisInterfacesLib - #TriggerAnalysisInterfacesLib - #TrigGlobalEfficiencyCorrectionLib - PMGAnalysisInterfacesLib - JetAnalysisInterfacesLib - ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} - INCLUDE_DIRS ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) - + TauAnalysisToolsLib + TopConfiguration + TrigConfInterfaces + TrigDecisionToolLib + TrigTauMatchingLib + TriggerMatchingToolLib + xAODBTaggingEfficiencyLib + PRIVATE_INCLUDE_DIRS ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS} + PRIVATE_LINK_LIBRARIES ${Boost_LIBRARIES} + ElectronEfficiencyCorrectionLib + ElectronPhotonFourMomentumCorrectionLib + ElectronPhotonSelectorToolsLib + ElectronPhotonShowerShapeFudgeToolLib + GoodRunsListsLib + JetJvtEfficiencyLib + JetMomentToolsLib + JetUncertaintiesLib + METUtilitiesLib + MuonEfficiencyCorrectionsLib + MuonSelectorToolsLib + PATCoreAcceptLib + PathResolver + PhotonEfficiencyCorrectionLib + PileupReweightingLib + TopEvent + TrigConfxAODLib + xAODBase ) diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopConfiguration/CMakeLists.txt b/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopConfiguration/CMakeLists.txt index cf7eef726ca3068f5aca1fea56babe848bdeba6d..001d73001cd1caff7256deb28181ff19fc17fe51 100644 --- a/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopConfiguration/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopConfiguration/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,18 +1,10 @@ +# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration + # Declare the name of this package: atlas_subdir( TopConfiguration ) -# This package depends on other packages: -atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC - xAODCore - Tools/PathResolver - TopDataPreparation - PATInterfaces ) - -# This package uses ROOT: -find_package( ROOT REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Gpad Tree Hist RIO MathCore Graf ) -find_package( Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS iostreams regex ) - -message( STATUS "${Boost_LIBRARIES}" ) +# External dependencies: +find_package( Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS iostreams ) # Generate a CINT dictionary source file: atlas_add_root_dictionary( TopConfiguration _cintDictSource @@ -24,14 +16,14 @@ atlas_add_library( TopConfiguration Root/*.cxx Root/*.h Root/*.icc TopConfiguration/*.h TopConfiguration/*.icc TopConfiguration/*/*.h TopConfiguration/*/*.icc ${_cintDictSource} PUBLIC_HEADERS TopConfiguration - LINK_LIBRARIES xAODCore + INCLUDE_DIRS ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS} + LINK_LIBRARIES ${Boost_LIBRARIES} + AsgMessagingLib + AsgTools PATInterfaces - PathResolver TopDataPreparation - ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} - ${Boost_LIBRARIES} - INCLUDE_DIRS ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS} - ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}) + xAODCore + PRIVATE_LINK_LIBRARIES PathResolver ) # Install data files from the package: atlas_install_data( share/* ) diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopCorrections/CMakeLists.txt b/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopCorrections/CMakeLists.txt index 9b933124d83e407b7a7a27f2c48fdf6b60c53218..eaf692520162c8d16ccbb08748b6836f86510501 100644 --- a/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopCorrections/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopCorrections/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,28 +1,11 @@ +# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration + # Declare the name of this package: atlas_subdir( TopCorrections ) -# This package depends on other packages: -atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC - xAODEgamma - xAODMuon - TopEvent - PileupReweighting - ElectronEfficiencyCorrection - TauAnalysisTools - JetJvtEfficiency - PhotonEfficiencyCorrection - PMGTools - PATInterfaces - FTagAnalysisInterfaces - MuonAnalysisInterfaces - TriggerAnalysisInterfaces - PMGAnalysisInterfaces - EgammaAnalysisInterfaces) - -# This package uses LHAPDF: +# External dependencies: find_package( Lhapdf ) -# This package uses ROOT: -find_package( ROOT REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Gpad Tree Hist RIO MathCore Graf ) +find_package( ROOT REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core ) # Add a ROOT dictionary atlas_add_root_dictionary( TopCorrections _cintDictSource @@ -34,25 +17,35 @@ atlas_add_library( TopCorrections Root/*.cxx Root/*.h Root/*.icc TopCorrections/*.h TopCorrections/*.icc TopCorrections/*/*.h TopCorrections/*/*.icc ${_cintDictSource} PUBLIC_HEADERS TopCorrections - LINK_LIBRARIES xAODEgamma - xAODMuon - TopEvent - PileupReweightingLib + INCLUDE_DIRS ${LHAPDF_INCLUDE_DIRS} + LINK_LIBRARIES ${LHAPDF_LIBRARIES} + AsgAnalysisInterfaces + AsgMessagingLib + AsgTools + AthContainers + EgammaAnalysisInterfacesLib ElectronEfficiencyCorrectionLib - TauAnalysisToolsLib - JetJvtEfficiencyLib - PhotonEfficiencyCorrectionLib + FTagAnalysisInterfacesLib + JetAnalysisInterfacesLib + MuonAnalysisInterfacesLib + PATInterfaces + PMGAnalysisInterfacesLib PMGToolsLib - PATInterfaces - FTagAnalysisInterfacesLib - MuonAnalysisInterfacesLib - #TriggerAnalysisInterfacesLib - PMGAnalysisInterfacesLib - EgammaAnalysisInterfacesLib - ${LHAPDF_LIBRARIES} - ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} - INCLUDE_DIRS ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS} - ${LHAPDF_INCLUDE_DIRS}) + TauAnalysisToolsLib + TopConfiguration + TopEvent + TriggerAnalysisInterfaces + xAODEgamma + xAODMuon + xAODTau + PRIVATE_INCLUDE_DIRS ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS} + PRIVATE_LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} + CalibrationDataInterfaceLib + PathResolver + xAODEventInfo + xAODJet + xAODRootAccess + xAODTruth ) # Install data files from the package: atlas_install_data( share/* ) diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopEventReconstructionTools/CMakeLists.txt b/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopEventReconstructionTools/CMakeLists.txt index 8eb186314d2ca1c9a3917b38a2695efba667647e..ec806ed61ac2a6fc116be3c8c1e121fbb5e27981 100644 --- a/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopEventReconstructionTools/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopEventReconstructionTools/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,15 +1,8 @@ +# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration + # Declare the name of this package: atlas_subdir( TopEventReconstructionTools ) -# This package depends on other packages: -atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC - xAODCore - AthContainers - AsgTools - TopEvent - TopEventSelectionTools - TopAnalysis ) - # This package uses ROOT: find_package( ROOT REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Gpad Tree Hist RIO Math MathMore MathCore Graf Minuit Minuit2 ) @@ -27,15 +20,20 @@ atlas_add_library( TopEventReconstructionTools Root/*.cxx Root/*.h Root/*.icc TopEventReconstructionTools/*.h TopEventReconstructionTools/*.icc TopEventReconstructionTools/*/*.h TopEventReconstructionTools/*/*.icc ${_cintDictSource} PUBLIC_HEADERS TopEventReconstructionTools - LINK_LIBRARIES xAODCore - AthContainers + INCLUDE_DIRS ${KLFITTER_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS} + LINK_LIBRARIES ${KLFITTER_LIBRARIES} + ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} AsgTools - TopEvent + FTagAnalysisInterfacesLib + TopConfiguration TopEventSelectionTools - TopAnalysis - ${KLFITTER_LIBRARIES} - ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} - INCLUDE_DIRS ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${KLFITTER_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) + TopParticleLevel + xAODJet + PRIVATE_LINK_LIBRARIES PathResolver + TopAnalysis + TopEvent + xAODCore + xAODTruth ) # Install data files from the package: atlas_install_data( share/* ) diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopEventSelectionTools/CMakeLists.txt b/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopEventSelectionTools/CMakeLists.txt index 9c4ed1d2e3606c99f09b24cd74ecdc3addd88dc3..6af3304873163912d6c0bb7cb3886bd7ba6c3c9c 100644 --- a/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopEventSelectionTools/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopEventSelectionTools/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,17 +1,8 @@ +# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration + # Declare the name of this package: atlas_subdir( TopEventSelectionTools ) -# This package depends on other packages: -atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC - EventLoop - AsgTools - JetInterface - TopEvent - TopCorrections - TopParticleLevel - TriggerAnalysisInterfaces - JetSelectorTools ) - # This package uses ROOT: find_package( ROOT REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Gpad Tree Hist RIO MathCore Graf ) @@ -25,15 +16,28 @@ atlas_add_library( TopEventSelectionTools Root/*.cxx Root/*.h Root/*.icc TopEventSelectionTools/*.h TopEventSelectionTools/*.icc TopEventSelectionTools/*/*.h TopEventSelectionTools/*/*.icc ${_cintDictSource} PUBLIC_HEADERS TopEventSelectionTools - LINK_LIBRARIES EventLoop + INCLUDE_DIRS ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS} + LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} + AsgMessagingLib AsgTools - JetInterface - TopEvent + FTagAnalysisInterfacesLib + JetInterface JetSelectorToolsLib + MuonAnalysisInterfacesLib + PMGAnalysisInterfacesLib + PMGToolsLib TopCorrections + TopEvent TopParticleLevel - JetSelectorToolsLib - ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} - INCLUDE_DIRS ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) + TriggerAnalysisInterfaces + PRIVATE_LINK_LIBRARIES EventLoop + PATInterfaces + TopConfiguration + xAODBTagging + xAODBase + xAODEgamma + xAODEventInfo + xAODJet + xAODMuon ) # Install data files from the package: atlas_install_data( share/* ) diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopExamples/CMakeLists.txt b/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopExamples/CMakeLists.txt index f4694ce281f46ea49f0b1877d4956b7a35ef5632..a21d9da1fc371573cef4cbe7e81bfa856ac73f3b 100644 --- a/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopExamples/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopExamples/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,41 +1,36 @@ +# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration + # Declare the name of this package: atlas_subdir( TopExamples ) -# This package depends on other packages: -atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC - AsgTools - xAODCore - xAODRootAccess - TopCPTools - TopCorrections - TopAnalysis - TopEvent - TopEventSelectionTools - TopEventReconstructionTools - TopConfiguration - PathResolver ) - -# This package uses ROOT: -find_package( ROOT REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Gpad Tree Hist RIO Math MathMore MathCore Graf Physics ) +find_package( ROOT REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Hist RIO Tree ) # Build a library that other components can link against: atlas_add_library( TopExamples Root/*.cxx Root/*.h Root/*.icc TopExamples/*.h TopExamples/*.icc TopExamples/*/*.h TopExamples/*/*.icc PUBLIC_HEADERS TopExamples + PRIVATE_INCLUDE_DIRS ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS} LINK_LIBRARIES AsgTools - xAODCore - xAODRootAccess + TopAnalysis TopCPTools TopCorrections - TopAnalysis TopEvent - TopEventSelectionTools TopEventReconstructionTools - TopConfiguration - PathResolver - ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} - INCLUDE_DIRS ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) + TopEventSelectionTools + PRIVATE_LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} + PathResolver + TopConfiguration + TopDataPreparation + xAODBTagging + xAODEgamma + xAODEventInfo + xAODJet + xAODMissingET + xAODMuon + xAODRootAccess + xAODTau + xAODTruth ) # Install the Python modules of the package: atlas_install_python_modules( python/*.py ) @@ -46,52 +41,37 @@ atlas_install_data( share/* ) # Build the executables of the package: atlas_add_executable( mini-to-flat util/mini-to-flat.cxx - LINK_LIBRARIES AsgTools - xAODCore - xAODRootAccess - TopCPTools - TopCorrections + INCLUDE_DIRS ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS} + LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} TopAnalysis - TopEvent - TopEventSelectionTools - TopEventReconstructionTools TopConfiguration - PathResolver - ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} - TopExamples ) + TopEvent + TopExamples + xAODCore + xAODRootAccess ) + atlas_add_executable( mini-xaod util/mini-xaod.cxx - LINK_LIBRARIES AsgTools - xAODCore - xAODRootAccess - TopCPTools - TopCorrections + INCLUDE_DIRS ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS} + LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} TopAnalysis TopEvent - TopEventSelectionTools - TopEventReconstructionTools - TopConfiguration - PathResolver - ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} - TopExamples ) + TopExamples + xAODCore + xAODRootAccess ) + atlas_add_executable( mini-to-plots util/mini-to-plots.cxx - LINK_LIBRARIES AsgTools - xAODCore - xAODRootAccess - TopCPTools - TopCorrections + INCLUDE_DIRS ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS} + LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} TopAnalysis TopEvent - TopEventSelectionTools - TopEventReconstructionTools - TopConfiguration - PathResolver - ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} - TopExamples ) + TopExamples + xAODRootAccess ) + atlas_add_executable( combineATOutputs util/combineATOutputs.cxx - LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} - TopExamples ) + INCLUDE_DIRS ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS} + LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} ) atlas_install_scripts( scripts/* ) diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopJetSubstructure/CMakeLists.txt b/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopJetSubstructure/CMakeLists.txt index cf1ffff012eeecb08c7e05b452ae3b92c4a2dd06..688d322836fb7b7b45bcabfd8f05f5aaaa3f8dda 100644 --- a/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopJetSubstructure/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopJetSubstructure/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,22 +1,10 @@ +# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration + # Declare the name of this package: atlas_subdir( TopJetSubstructure ) -# This package depends on other packages: -atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC - xAODPrimitives - xAODBase - GeoPrimitives - xAODCaloEvent - xAODJet - xAODBTagging - EventPrimitives - xAODTracking - CaloGeoHelpers - xAODEgamma) - - # This package uses ROOT: -find_package( ROOT REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Gpad Tree Hist RIO MathCore Graf ) +find_package( ROOT REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Physics ) # This package uses FastJet: find_package( FastJet ) @@ -27,20 +15,11 @@ atlas_add_library( TopJetSubstructure Root/*.cxx Root/*.h Root/*.icc TopJetSubstructure/*.h TopJetSubstructure/*.icc TopJetSubstructure/*/*.h TopJetSubstructure/*/*.icc PUBLIC_HEADERS TopJetSubstructure - LINK_LIBRARIES xAODPrimitives - xAODBase - GeoPrimitives - xAODCaloEvent - xAODJet - xAODBTagging - EventPrimitives - xAODTracking - CaloGeoHelpers - xAODEgamma + INCLUDE_DIRS ${FASTJET_INCLUDE_DIRS} + ${FASTJETCONTRIB_INCLUDE_DIRS} + ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS} + LINK_LIBRARIES ${FASTJET_LIBRARIES} + ${FASTJETCONTRIB_LIBRARIES} ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} - ${FASTJET_LIBRARIES} - ${FASTJETCONTRIB_LIBRARIES} - INCLUDE_DIRS ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS} - ${FASTJET_INCLUDE_DIRS} - ${FASTJETCONTRIB_INCLUDE_DIRS}) - + xAODEgamma + xAODJet ) diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopObjectSelectionTools/CMakeLists.txt b/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopObjectSelectionTools/CMakeLists.txt index 01859319de129ef871cf115eab56cb534f0e3509..713db11f8e6eebbbeba291ee1fd251ce3e340f46 100644 --- a/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopObjectSelectionTools/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopObjectSelectionTools/CMakeLists.txt @@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ atlas_add_library( TopObjectSelectionTools TopSystematicObjectMaker PRIVATE_INCLUDE_DIRS ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS} PRIVATE_LINK_LIBRARIES ${Boost_LIBRARIES} xAODEventInfo xAODMissingET - PATInterfaces FourMomUtils TopParticleLevel TopDataPreparation ) + AthContainers PATInterfaces FourMomUtils TopParticleLevel TopDataPreparation ) diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopParticleLevel/CMakeLists.txt b/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopParticleLevel/CMakeLists.txt index 4ca1c02bfcaacb1f8c85a17ed25befb1834bf5eb..a2accd3a9a95d883198de2f74d45d8c7bb9d3b1d 100644 --- a/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopParticleLevel/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopParticleLevel/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,29 +1,8 @@ +# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration + # Declare the name of this package: atlas_subdir( TopParticleLevel ) -# This package depends on other packages: -atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC - xAODBase - xAODTruth - xAODJet - xAODMissingET - xAODCore - xAODRootAccess - FourMomUtils - TopEvent - TopConfiguration - TopDataPreparation - TruthUtils - MCTruthClassifier - JetReclustering - JetSubStructureUtils - AsgTools - - ) - -# This package uses ROOT: -find_package( ROOT REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Gpad Tree Hist RIO MathCore Graf ) - # Need fast jet for the RC jet substructure code find_package( FastJet COMPONENTS fastjetplugins fastjettools ) find_package( FastJetContrib COMPONENTS EnergyCorrelator Nsubjettiness ) @@ -33,24 +12,25 @@ atlas_add_library( TopParticleLevel Root/*.cxx Root/*.h Root/*.icc TopParticleLevel/*.h TopParticleLevel/*.icc TopParticleLevel/*/*.h TopParticleLevel/*/*.icc PUBLIC_HEADERS TopParticleLevel - LINK_LIBRARIES + PRIVATE_INCLUDE_DIRS ${FASTJET_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${FASTJETCONTRIB_INCLUDE_DIRS} + LINK_LIBRARIES AsgMessagingLib + AsgTools + JetReclusteringLib + MCTruthClassifierLib + TopDataPreparation + TopEvent xAODBase - xAODTruth + xAODCore + xAODEventInfo xAODJet xAODMissingET - xAODCore + xAODMuon xAODRootAccess - FourMomUtils - TopEvent - TopConfiguration - TopDataPreparation - MCTruthClassifierLib - TruthUtils - JetReclusteringLib - JetSubStructureUtils - AsgTools - ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} - ${FASTJET_LIBRARIES} - ${FASTJETCONTRIB_LIBRARIES} - INCLUDE_DIRS ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) - + xAODTruth + PRIVATE_LINK_LIBRARIES ${FASTJET_LIBRARIES} + ${FASTJETCONTRIB_LIBRARIES} + AthContainers + FourMomUtils + JetSubStructureUtils + TopConfiguration + TruthUtils ) diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopPartons/CMakeLists.txt b/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopPartons/CMakeLists.txt index d434650d2ff0a1ce1a113b9238945a4efde170b1..960407e7c8ae21d7ca26f55ae6b846a926cda48d 100644 --- a/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopPartons/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopPartons/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,17 +1,10 @@ +# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration + # Declare the name of this package: atlas_subdir( TopPartons ) -# This package depends on other packages: -atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC - xAODCore - AthContainers - AthLinks - AsgTools - xAODTruth - TopConfiguration ) - # This package uses ROOT: -find_package( ROOT REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Gpad Tree Hist RIO MathCore TMVA Graf ) +find_package( ROOT REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Physics ) # Generate a CINT dictionary source file: atlas_add_root_dictionary( TopPartons _cintDictSource @@ -23,12 +16,10 @@ atlas_add_library( TopPartons Root/*.cxx Root/*.h Root/*.icc TopPartons/*.h TopPartons/*.icc TopPartons/*/*.h TopPartons/*/*.icc ${_cintDictSource} PUBLIC_HEADERS TopPartons - LINK_LIBRARIES xAODCore - AthContainers - AthLinks + INCLUDE_DIRS ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS} + LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} AsgTools + AthContainers + xAODCore xAODTruth - TopConfiguration - ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} - INCLUDE_DIRS ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) - + PRIVATE_LINK_LIBRARIES TopConfiguration ) diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopSystematicObjectMaker/CMakeLists.txt b/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopSystematicObjectMaker/CMakeLists.txt index 14c217e095d0a60ba4e50ada8c7545ba14bdeeea..bc8164ef7478d11c13c01e04046c0341b1e6c7b4 100644 --- a/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopSystematicObjectMaker/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopSystematicObjectMaker/CMakeLists.txt @@ -12,6 +12,6 @@ atlas_add_library( TopSystematicObjectMaker IsolationSelectionLib IsolationCorrectionsLib JetCalibToolsLib JetCPInterfaces JetInterface METInterface xAODEgamma xAODJet xAODTracking TopJetSubstructure MuonMomentumCorrectionsLib TauAnalysisToolsLib - PRIVATE_LINK_LIBRARIES AthContainers xAODBase xAODCore xAODEventInfo + PRIVATE_LINK_LIBRARIES AthContainers xAODBTagging xAODBase xAODCore xAODEventInfo xAODMissingET xAODMuon xAODTau TopConfiguration TopEvent InDetTrackSystematicsToolsLib METUtilitiesLib )