diff --git a/Generators/EvgenProdTools/share/G4particle_whitelist_Mesons.txt b/Generators/EvgenProdTools/share/G4particle_whitelist_Mesons.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7c72028787fb345967753044cc04fd85e79026e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/EvgenProdTools/share/G4particle_whitelist_Mesons.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+413   D_star(2010)+  2010.26 (MeV/c) meson D 0
+-413   D_star(2010)-  2010.26 (MeV/c) meson D 0
+423   D_star(2007)0  2006.85 (MeV/c) meson D 0
+-423   anti_D_star(2007)0  2006.85 (MeV/c) meson D 0
+10421   D0_star(2300)0  2300 (MeV/c) meson D 0
+-10421   anti_D0_star(2300)0  2300 (MeV/c) meson D 0
+10423   D1(2420)0  2420.8 (MeV/c) meson D 0
+-10423   anti_D1(2420)0  2420.8 (MeV/c) meson D 0
+425   D2_star(2460)0 2460.7 (MeV/c) meson D 0
+-425   anti_D2_star(2460)0  2460.7 (MeV/c) meson D 0
+415   D2_star(2460)+  2465.4 (MeV/c) meson D 0
+-415   D2_star(2460)-  2465.4 (MeV/c) meson D 0
+513   B_star0  5324.70  (MeV/c) meson B 0
+-513   anti_B_star0  5324.70  (MeV/c) meson B 0
+10523   B1(5721)+  5725.9  (MeV/c) meson B 0
+-10523   B1(5721)-  5725.9  (MeV/c) meson B 0
+10513   B1(5721)0  5726.1  (MeV/c) meson B 0
+-10513   anti_B1(5721)0  5726.1  (MeV/c) meson B 0
+525   B2_star(5747)+  5737.2  (MeV/c) meson B 0
+-525   B2_star(5747)-  5737.2  (MeV/c) meson B 0
+515   B2_star(5747)0  5739.5  (MeV/c) meson B 0
+-515   anti_B2_star(5747)0  5739.5  (MeV/c) meson B 0
diff --git a/Simulation/G4Atlas/G4AtlasApps/python/SimFlags.py b/Simulation/G4Atlas/G4AtlasApps/python/SimFlags.py
index 947384f9959cdcbf4578223c7c848172772e35a2..05755b1ec4b1675616be15ba46b817e1364a3465 100644
--- a/Simulation/G4Atlas/G4AtlasApps/python/SimFlags.py
+++ b/Simulation/G4Atlas/G4AtlasApps/python/SimFlags.py
@@ -788,6 +788,12 @@ class TruthService(JobProperty):
     allowedTypes = ['str']
     StoredValue  = 'ISF_TruthService'
+class ParticleSimWhiteList(JobProperty):
+    """Steering of ISF: set the ParticleSimWhiteList tool"""
+    statusOn     = True
+    allowedTypes = ['str']
+    StoredValue  = 'ISF_ParticleSimWhiteList'
 ## Definition and registration of the simulation flag container
 class SimFlags(JobPropertyContainer):
diff --git a/Simulation/G4Extensions/Mesons/CMakeLists.txt b/Simulation/G4Extensions/Mesons/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..34d859f51c3b4bb66e3c74849e4cce92b8025fba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Simulation/G4Extensions/Mesons/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Package: Mesons
+# Declare the package name:
+atlas_subdir( Mesons )
+# Declare the package's dependencies:
+atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC
+                          GaudiKernel
+                          PRIVATE
+                          Control/AthenaBaseComps
+                          Simulation/G4Atlas/G4AtlasInterfaces )
+# External dependencies:
+find_package( CLHEP )
+find_package( Geant4 )
+find_package( XercesC )
+# Component(s) in the package:
+atlas_add_component( Mesons
+                     src/*.cxx
+                     src/components/*.cxx
+                     LINK_LIBRARIES ${GEANT4_LIBRARIES} ${XERCESC_LIBRARIES} ${CLHEP_LIBRARIES} GaudiKernel AthenaBaseComps G4AtlasInterfaces )
+# Install files from the package:
+atlas_install_python_modules( python/*.py )
diff --git a/Simulation/G4Extensions/Mesons/python/MesonsConfig.py b/Simulation/G4Extensions/Mesons/python/MesonsConfig.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..55e04ef30b45967f3cee83eafc74229289ab654b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Simulation/G4Extensions/Mesons/python/MesonsConfig.py
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+from AthenaCommon import CfgMgr
+from Mesons.MesonsList import createMesonsList
+def getMesonsPhysicsTool(name="MesonsPhysicsTool", **kwargs):
+    kwargs.setdefault("OutputLevel", 1)
+    kwargs.setdefault("MesonsConfig", createMesonsList())
+    return CfgMgr.MesonsPhysicsTool(name, **kwargs)
diff --git a/Simulation/G4Extensions/Mesons/python/MesonsConfigDb.py b/Simulation/G4Extensions/Mesons/python/MesonsConfigDb.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..82a8975cc23128d213be8c08e62a4af5a24d61c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Simulation/G4Extensions/Mesons/python/MesonsConfigDb.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+from AthenaCommon.CfgGetter import addTool
+addTool("Mesons.MesonsConfig.getMesonsPhysicsTool"         , "MesonsPhysicsTool" )
diff --git a/Simulation/G4Extensions/Mesons/python/MesonsList.py b/Simulation/G4Extensions/Mesons/python/MesonsList.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..55eddc1b9ada9a65f60c2e3116ff6b17aa7c441a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Simulation/G4Extensions/Mesons/python/MesonsList.py
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+from AthenaCommon.SystemOfUnits import keV, MeV, ns
+Pythong configuration file for additional mesons.
+The 'mesons' dictionary holds variables related to particles
+and anti-particles are automatically created.
+Eventually everything is passed into a
+std::map<std::string, std::vector<double>> m_mesonsConfig C++
+object where G4ParticleDefinition pointers get created.
+mesons = {}
+## Additional D mesons
+# source:
+# http://pdg.lbl.gov/2019/tables/rpp2019-tab-mesons-charm.pdf
+    'D_star(2007)0' : {
+        'mass' : 2006.85 * MeV,
+        'width' : 2.1 * MeV,
+        'charge' : 0,
+        'spin' : 1,
+        'parity' : -1,
+        'PDG' : 423,
+        'lifetime' : 3.13e-13 * ns,
+    },
+    'D_star(2010)+' : {
+        'mass' : 2010.26 * MeV,
+        'width' : 83.4 * keV,
+        'charge' : 1,
+        'spin' : 1,
+        'parity' : -1,
+        'PDG' : 413,
+        'lifetime' : 7.892-12 * ns,
+    },
+    'D0_star(2300)0' : {
+        'mass' : 2300 * MeV,
+        'width' : 274 * MeV,
+        'charge' : 0,
+        'spin' : 0,
+        'parity' : +1,
+        'PDG' : 10421,
+        'lifetime' : 2.402-15 * ns,
+    },
+    'D1(2420)0' : {
+        'mass' : 2420.8 * MeV,
+        'width' : 31.7 * MeV,
+        'charge' : 0,
+        'spin' : 1,
+        'parity' : +1,
+        'PDG' : 10423,
+        'lifetime' : 2.076-14 * ns,
+    },
+    'D2_star(2460)0' : {
+        'mass' : 2460.7 * MeV,
+        'width' : 47.5 * MeV,
+        'charge' : 0,
+        'spin' : 2,
+        'parity' : +1,
+        'PDG' : 425,
+        'lifetime' : 1.386-14 * ns,
+    },
+    'D2_star(2460)+' : {
+        'mass' : 2465.4 * MeV,
+        'width' : 46.7 * MeV,
+        'charge' : 1,
+        'spin' : 2,
+        'parity' : +1,
+        'PDG' : 415,
+        'lifetime' : 1.409-14 * ns,
+    },
+## Additional B mesons
+# source:
+# http://pdg.lbl.gov/2019/tables/rpp2019-tab-mesons-bottom.pdf
+    'B_star0' : {
+        'mass' : 5324.70 * MeV,
+        'width' : 45 * MeV,
+        'charge' : 0,
+        'spin' : 1,
+        'parity' : -1,
+        'PDG' : 513,
+        'lifetime' : 1.463-14 * ns,
+    },
+    'B1(5721)+' : {
+        'mass' : 5725.9 * MeV,
+        'width' : 31 * MeV,
+        'charge' : 1,
+        'spin' : 1,
+        'parity' : +1,
+        'PDG' : 10523,
+        'lifetime' : 2.123e-14 * ns,
+    },
+    'B1(5721)0' : {
+        'mass' : 5726.1 * MeV,
+        'width' : 27.5 * MeV,
+        'charge' : 0,
+        'spin' : 1,
+        'parity' : +1,
+        'PDG' : 10513,
+        'lifetime' : 2.393-14 * ns,
+    },
+    'B2_star(5747)+' : {
+        'mass' : 5737.2 * MeV,
+        'width' : 20 * MeV,
+        'charge' : 1,
+        'spin' : 2,
+        'parity' : +1,
+        'PDG' : 525,
+        'lifetime' : 3.291-14 * ns,
+    },
+    'B2_star(5747)0' : {
+        'mass' : 5739.5 * MeV,
+        'width' : 24.2 * MeV,
+        'charge' : 0,
+        'spin' : 2,
+        'parity' : +1,
+        'PDG' : 515,
+        'lifetime' : 2.72-14 * ns,
+    },
+def createMesonsList():
+    """
+    Creates a compact object that holds configuration
+    for the MesonsPhysicsTool.
+    Gaudi cannot parse* nested std::map objects, so the 'mesons'
+    dictionary is converted into a
+      std::map< std::string, std::vector< double > >
+    object and ordering of values therefore important---
+    Rows are:
+        name
+        mass [MeV]
+        width [MeV]
+        charge
+        2*spin
+        parity
+        2*isospin3
+        PDG
+        lifetime [ns]
+    *: see Gaudi/GaudiKernel/GaudiKernel/Parsers.h
+    """
+    mesonsList = {}
+    for meson in mesons:
+        mesonProperties = mesons[meson]
+        # meson
+        mesonsList[meson] = (
+            mesonProperties['mass'],
+            mesonProperties['width'],
+            mesonProperties['charge'],
+            mesonProperties['spin'],
+            mesonProperties['parity'],
+           -1/2.,
+            mesonProperties['PDG'],
+            mesonProperties['lifetime'],
+        )
+        # anti-meson
+        antiName = "anti_" + meson
+        if meson[-1] == '+':
+            antiName = meson.replace('+', '-')
+        mesonsList[antiName] = (
+            mesonProperties['mass'],
+            mesonProperties['width'],
+           -mesonProperties['charge'],
+            mesonProperties['spin'],
+            mesonProperties['parity'],
+           +1/2.,
+           -mesonProperties['PDG'],
+            mesonProperties['lifetime'],
+        )
+    return mesonsList
diff --git a/Simulation/G4Extensions/Mesons/src/CustomMeson.cxx b/Simulation/G4Extensions/Mesons/src/CustomMeson.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..de75981b4ed24100ecf709ccac9e6b807028643a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Simulation/G4Extensions/Mesons/src/CustomMeson.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+#include "CustomMeson.hh"
+// ######################################################################
+// ###                           CustomMeson                          ###
+// ######################################################################
+CustomMeson::CustomMeson(const G4String &name, G4double mass, G4double width,
+                         G4int charge, G4double spin, G4int parity,
+                         G4int isospin3, G4int PDG, G4double lifetime,
+                         const G4String &subType)
+//    Arguments for constructor are as follows
+//               name             mass          width         charge
+//             2*spin           parity  C-conjugation
+//          2*Isospin       2*Isospin3       G-parity
+//               type    lepton number  baryon number   PDG encoding
+//             stable         lifetime    decay table
+//             shortlived      subType    anti_encoding
+  : G4ParticleDefinition( name,        mass,    width,    charge,
+                        2*spin,      parity,        0,
+                             1,  2*isospin3,        0,
+                       "meson",           0,        0,       PDG,
+                         false,    lifetime,     NULL,
+                         false,     subType) {}
diff --git a/Simulation/G4Extensions/Mesons/src/CustomMeson.hh b/Simulation/G4Extensions/Mesons/src/CustomMeson.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..93c6f042bcf6be15d85408f75457c9a81f25a474
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Simulation/G4Extensions/Mesons/src/CustomMeson.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+#ifndef CustomMeson_h
+#define CustomMeson_h 1
+#include "G4ParticleDefinition.hh"
+#include "globals.hh"
+// ######################################################################
+// ###                          CustomMeson                           ###
+// ######################################################################
+class CustomMeson : public G4ParticleDefinition {
+  public:
+    CustomMeson(const G4String &name, G4double mass, G4double width,
+                G4int charge, G4double spin, G4int parity, G4int isospin3,
+                G4int PDG, G4double lifetime, const G4String &subType);
+    virtual ~CustomMeson() {}
diff --git a/Simulation/G4Extensions/Mesons/src/MesonsPhysicsTool.cxx b/Simulation/G4Extensions/Mesons/src/MesonsPhysicsTool.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b9b314baa1bd72e0e0b6db6617973a5564f12737
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Simulation/G4Extensions/Mesons/src/MesonsPhysicsTool.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// Include files
+// local
+#include "MesonsPhysicsTool.h"
+#include "CustomMeson.hh"
+// Geant4 headers
+#include "G4MuIonisation.hh"
+#include "G4ProcessManager.hh"
+#include "G4Transportation.hh"
+#include "G4Version.hh"
+#include "G4hIonisation.hh"
+#include "G4hMultipleScattering.hh"
+// CLHEP headers
+#include "CLHEP/Units/SystemOfUnits.h"
+// Implementation file for class : MesonsPhysicsTool
+// 01-July-2019 : Miha Muskinja
+// Standard constructor, initializes variables
+MesonsPhysicsTool::MesonsPhysicsTool(const std::string &type,
+                                     const std::string &name,
+                                     const IInterface *parent)
+    : base_class(type, name, parent) {
+    declareProperty("MesonsConfig", m_mesonsConfig);
+// Destructor
+MesonsPhysicsTool::~MesonsPhysicsTool() {}
+// Initialize
+StatusCode MesonsPhysicsTool::initialize() {
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("initializing...");
+    this->SetPhysicsName(this->name());
+    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+// GetPhysicsOption
+MesonsPhysicsTool *MesonsPhysicsTool::GetPhysicsOption() { return this; }
+// ConstructParticle
+void MesonsPhysicsTool::ConstructParticle() {
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("ConstructParticle for the Mesons being run");
+    for (const auto& meson : m_mesonsConfig) {
+        /* Unpack the config:
+           values must be in the same order as in
+           the 'MesonsList.py' config file.
+        */
+        G4String name = meson.first;
+        G4double mass = meson.second[0];
+        G4double width = meson.second[1];
+        G4int charge = meson.second[2];
+        G4double spin = meson.second[3];
+        G4int parity = meson.second[4];
+        G4int isospin3 = meson.second[5];
+        G4int PDG = meson.second[6];
+        G4double lifetime = meson.second[7];
+        G4String subType = "meson";
+        if (name.find("D") == 0 || name.find("anti_D") == 0)
+            subType = "D";
+        else if (name.find("B") == 0 || name.find("anti_B") == 0)
+            subType = "B";
+        // debug printout
+        ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Constructing meson " << name);
+        ATH_MSG_DEBUG("  mass: " << mass);
+        ATH_MSG_DEBUG("  width: " << width);
+        ATH_MSG_DEBUG("  charge: " << charge);
+        ATH_MSG_DEBUG("  spin: " << spin);
+        ATH_MSG_DEBUG("  parity: " << parity);
+        ATH_MSG_DEBUG("  isospin3: " << isospin3);
+        ATH_MSG_DEBUG("  PDG: " << PDG);
+        ATH_MSG_DEBUG("  lifetime: " << lifetime);
+        ATH_MSG_DEBUG("  subType: " << subType);
+        // create the new meson
+        m_setOfMesons.insert(new CustomMeson(name, mass, width, charge, spin,
+                                             parity, isospin3, PDG, lifetime,
+                                             subType));
+    }
+// ConstructProcess
+void MesonsPhysicsTool::ConstructProcess() {
+    for (auto *meson : m_setOfMesons) {
+        if (meson->GetPDGCharge() != 0) {
+            ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Adding EM processes for "
+                          << meson->GetParticleName());
+            G4ProcessManager *proc = meson->GetProcessManager();
+            proc->AddProcess(new G4hMultipleScattering, -1, 1, 1);
+            proc->AddProcess(new G4hIonisation, -1, 2, 2);
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/Simulation/G4Extensions/Mesons/src/MesonsPhysicsTool.h b/Simulation/G4Extensions/Mesons/src/MesonsPhysicsTool.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a0017dc0f2dac6582896a8b740aa5d1742409c94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Simulation/G4Extensions/Mesons/src/MesonsPhysicsTool.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// Include files
+#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
+#include "G4AtlasInterfaces/IPhysicsOptionTool.h"
+#include "G4VPhysicsConstructor.hh"
+/** @class MesonsPhysicsTool MesonsPhysicsTool.h
+ * "G4AtlasInfrstructure/MesonsPhysicsTool.h"
+ *
+ *  Tool for the concrete implementation of a Physics List selection class
+ *
+ *  @author Miha Muskinja
+ *  @date   01-July-2019
+ */
+class MesonsPhysicsTool : public G4VPhysicsConstructor,
+                          public extends<AthAlgTool, IPhysicsOptionTool> {
+  public:
+    /// Standard constructor
+    MesonsPhysicsTool(const std::string &type, const std::string &name,
+                      const IInterface *parent);
+    virtual ~MesonsPhysicsTool(); ///< Destructor
+    /// Initialize method
+    virtual StatusCode initialize() override final;
+    virtual void ConstructParticle() override final;
+    virtual void ConstructProcess() override final;
+    /** Implements */
+    virtual MesonsPhysicsTool *GetPhysicsOption() override final;
+  protected:
+    /// a set of parameters for Meson building
+    std::map<std::string, std::vector<double>> m_mesonsConfig;
+    /// a set to hold the newly created mesons
+    std::set<G4ParticleDefinition *> m_setOfMesons;
diff --git a/Simulation/G4Extensions/Mesons/src/components/Mesons_entries.cxx b/Simulation/G4Extensions/Mesons/src/components/Mesons_entries.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..63253ea4d9d96e522aabf18316c06902d2e29f99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Simulation/G4Extensions/Mesons/src/components/Mesons_entries.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#include "../MesonsPhysicsTool.h"
+DECLARE_COMPONENT( MesonsPhysicsTool )
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Core/ISF_Services/python/ISF_ServicesConfig.py b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Core/ISF_Services/python/ISF_ServicesConfig.py
index af01d49c6cfbb9a8c5f9e03d11148288673306db..042c5e3930d3b108513128b4d6bad45b7710de1d 100644
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Core/ISF_Services/python/ISF_ServicesConfig.py
+++ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Core/ISF_Services/python/ISF_ServicesConfig.py
@@ -83,7 +83,8 @@ def getInputConverter(name="ISF_InputConverter", **kwargs):
 def getLongLivedInputConverter(name="ISF_LongLivedInputConverter", **kwargs):
-    kwargs.setdefault("GenParticleFilters"      , [ 'ISF_ParticleSimWhiteList',
+    from G4AtlasApps.SimFlags import simFlags
+    kwargs.setdefault("GenParticleFilters"      , [ simFlags.ParticleSimWhiteList.get_Value(),
                                                     'ISF_GenParticleInteractingFilter', ] )
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_HepMC/ISF_HepMC_Tools/python/ISF_HepMC_ToolsConfig.py b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_HepMC/ISF_HepMC_Tools/python/ISF_HepMC_ToolsConfig.py
index 0bc48a4f18a00d44bcbbc2380c735e50d8d536b5..8a738ad2bdc62c3a638eb4742aed560d11f3de06 100644
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_HepMC/ISF_HepMC_Tools/python/ISF_HepMC_ToolsConfig.py
+++ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_HepMC/ISF_HepMC_Tools/python/ISF_HepMC_ToolsConfig.py
@@ -26,6 +26,11 @@ def getParticleSimWhiteList(name="ISF_ParticleSimWhiteList", **kwargs):
     # GenParticleSimWhiteList
     return CfgMgr.ISF__GenParticleSimWhiteList(name, **kwargs)
+def getParticleSimWhiteList_LongLived(name="ISF_ParticleSimWhiteList_LongLived", **kwargs):
+    # GenParticleSimWhiteList_LongLived
+    kwargs.setdefault('WhiteLists' , ['G4particle_whitelist.txt', 'G4particle_whitelist_Mesons.txt'] )
+    return CfgMgr.ISF__GenParticleSimWhiteList(name, **kwargs)
 def getParticlePositionFilter(name="ISF_ParticlePositionFilter", **kwargs):
     # ParticlePositionFilter
     kwargs.setdefault('GeoIDService' , 'ISF_GeoIDSvc'    )
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_HepMC/ISF_HepMC_Tools/python/ISF_HepMC_ToolsConfigDb.py b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_HepMC/ISF_HepMC_Tools/python/ISF_HepMC_ToolsConfigDb.py
index 11046ab3af78960747d68475019761a7961c3cc6..97ddb380fa3f042538097aaf041c0ab000a6ffb9 100644
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_HepMC/ISF_HepMC_Tools/python/ISF_HepMC_ToolsConfigDb.py
+++ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_HepMC/ISF_HepMC_Tools/python/ISF_HepMC_ToolsConfigDb.py
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ from AthenaCommon.CfgGetter import addTool
 ## GenParticle Filters
 addTool("ISF_HepMC_Tools.ISF_HepMC_ToolsConfig.getParticleFinalStateFilter",          "ISF_ParticleFinalStateFilter")
 addTool("ISF_HepMC_Tools.ISF_HepMC_ToolsConfig.getParticleSimWhiteList",              "ISF_ParticleSimWhiteList")
+addTool("ISF_HepMC_Tools.ISF_HepMC_ToolsConfig.getParticleSimWhiteList_LongLived",    "ISF_ParticleSimWhiteList_LongLived")
 addTool("ISF_HepMC_Tools.ISF_HepMC_ToolsConfig.getParticlePositionFilterID",          "ISF_ParticlePositionFilterID")
 addTool("ISF_HepMC_Tools.ISF_HepMC_ToolsConfig.getParticlePositionFilterCalo",        "ISF_ParticlePositionFilterCalo")
 addTool("ISF_HepMC_Tools.ISF_HepMC_ToolsConfig.getParticlePositionFilterMS",          "ISF_ParticlePositionFilterMS")
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_HepMC/ISF_HepMC_Tools/src/GenParticleSimWhiteList.cxx b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_HepMC/ISF_HepMC_Tools/src/GenParticleSimWhiteList.cxx
index b75e219631f7d2008d607a59b8da5157d2587928..c4f80f888c733f34d8a403d8856b1517fdc2939e 100644
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_HepMC/ISF_HepMC_Tools/src/GenParticleSimWhiteList.cxx
+++ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_HepMC/ISF_HepMC_Tools/src/GenParticleSimWhiteList.cxx
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ ISF::GenParticleSimWhiteList::GenParticleSimWhiteList( const std::string& t,
   : base_class(t,n,p)
     // different options
-    declareProperty("WhiteList", m_whiteList="G4particle_whitelist.txt");
+    declareProperty("WhiteLists", m_whiteLists={"G4particle_whitelist.txt"});
     declareProperty("QuasiStableSim", m_qs=true);
@@ -40,27 +40,29 @@ StatusCode  ISF::GenParticleSimWhiteList::initialize()
     // Initialize the list
-    // Get the appropriate file handle
-    std::string resolvedFilename = PathResolver::find_file( m_whiteList , "DATAPATH" );
-    std::ifstream white_list;
-    white_list.open( resolvedFilename );
-    if (!white_list.is_open()){
-      ATH_MSG_ERROR("Could not find white list " << m_whiteList);
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+    for (auto &whiteList : m_whiteLists) {
+      // Get the appropriate file handle
+      std::string resolvedFilename = PathResolver::find_file( whiteList , "DATAPATH" );
+      std::ifstream white_list;
+      white_list.open( resolvedFilename );
+      if (!white_list.is_open()){
+        ATH_MSG_ERROR("Could not find white list " << whiteList);
+        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+      }
+      // Parse the list into the vector
+      std::string a_line;
+      char * pEnd;
+      while (!white_list.eof()){
+        getline( white_list , a_line );
+        long int pdg = strtol( a_line.c_str() , &pEnd , 10 );
+        m_pdgId.push_back(pdg);
+      }
+      // Sort the list for use later
+      std::sort( m_pdgId.begin() , m_pdgId.end() );
-    // Parse the list into the vector
-    std::string a_line;
-    char * pEnd;
-    while (!white_list.eof()){
-      getline( white_list , a_line );
-      long int pdg = strtol( a_line.c_str() , &pEnd , 10 );
-      m_pdgId.push_back(pdg);
-    }
-    // Sort the list for use later
-    std::sort( m_pdgId.begin() , m_pdgId.end() );
     // All done!
     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_HepMC/ISF_HepMC_Tools/src/GenParticleSimWhiteList.h b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_HepMC/ISF_HepMC_Tools/src/GenParticleSimWhiteList.h
index 2a5f8d257f274e7b12e7bc946db562e44d93d751..bcd25eebef1da8bf59e7b2571b9a84810a3919a0 100644
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_HepMC/ISF_HepMC_Tools/src/GenParticleSimWhiteList.h
+++ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_HepMC/ISF_HepMC_Tools/src/GenParticleSimWhiteList.h
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ namespace ISF {
       /** returns true if the the particle and all daughters are on the white list */
       bool pass(const HepMC::GenParticle& particle , std::vector<int> & used_vertices ) const;
-      std::string                       m_whiteList;            //!< The location of the white list
+      std::vector<std::string>          m_whiteLists;            //!< The location of the white lists
       std::vector<long int>             m_pdgId;                //!< Allowed PDG IDs
       bool                              m_qs;                   //!< Switch for quasi-stable particle simulation
diff --git a/Simulation/SimulationJobOptions/share/specialConfig/preInclude.Mesons.py b/Simulation/SimulationJobOptions/share/specialConfig/preInclude.Mesons.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..824b7ff3aa6b62abec06f45448b88ff0b37c9c5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Simulation/SimulationJobOptions/share/specialConfig/preInclude.Mesons.py
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# SimulationJobOptions/preInclude.Mesons.py
+# Miha Muskinja
+# Adds extra mesons to the Geant4 particle list. Mesons
+# are configured in Mesons.MesonsList module.
+## Add the physics tool for new mesons
+simFlags.PhysicsOptions += ['MesonsPhysicsTool']
+## Add the additional mesons to the white list
+from G4AtlasApps.SimFlags import SimFlags
+if hasattr(simFlags, 'ParticleSimWhiteList'):
+    SimFlags.ParticleSimWhiteList.set_Value_and_Lock('ISF_ParticleSimWhiteList_LongLived')