From d7b4117f88b9e79274f04111dbf9f729d67596d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Joao Gentil Mendes Saraiva <>
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2020 10:27:16 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Including TMDB container filling for RUN3

In RUN3 the TMDB container filling will use a single threshold for
cell D5, D6 and D5+D6 and code extended for this end. RUN2 container
filling is still in place and interchangeable from Athena job options
for tile cabling.
 .../TileSimAlgs/TileMuonReceiverDecision.h    |  19 +-
 .../share/      |  21 ++-
 .../src/TileMuonReceiverDecision.cxx          | 178 +++++++++++-------
 3 files changed, 136 insertions(+), 82 deletions(-)

diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileSimAlgs/TileSimAlgs/TileMuonReceiverDecision.h b/TileCalorimeter/TileSimAlgs/TileSimAlgs/TileMuonReceiverDecision.h
index f3fac3668a1..64baf270f8a 100644
--- a/TileCalorimeter/TileSimAlgs/TileSimAlgs/TileMuonReceiverDecision.h
+++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileSimAlgs/TileSimAlgs/TileMuonReceiverDecision.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
@@ -13,10 +13,13 @@
 // Properties (JobOption Parameters):
-//       MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD6Low        "Setting the lowest trigger threshold for cell D6 in MeV (Def=500 MeV)"
-//       MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD6andD5Low   "Setting the lowest trigger threshold for cell D5+D6 in MeV (Def=500 MeV)"
-//       MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD6High       "Setting the highest trigger threshold for cell D6 in MeV (Def=600 MeV)"
-//       MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD6andD5High  "Setting the highest trigger threshold for cell D5+D6 in MeV (Def=600 MeV)"
+//       MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD6Low        "(RUN2) Setting the lowest trigger threshold for cell D6 in MeV (Def=500 MeV)"
+//       MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD6andD5Low   "(RUN2) Setting the lowest trigger threshold for cell D5+D6 in MeV (Def=500 MeV)"
+//       MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD6High       "(RUN2) Setting the highest trigger threshold for cell D6 in MeV (Def=600 MeV)"
+//       MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD6andD5High  "(RUN2) Setting the highest trigger threshold for cell D5+D6 in MeV (Def=600 MeV)"
+//       MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD5           "(RUN3) Setting the single trigger threshold for cell D5 in MeV (Def=500 MeV)"
+//       MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD6           "(RUN3) Setting the single trigger threshold for cell D6 in MeV (Def=500 MeV)"
+//       MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD5andD6      "(RUN3) Setting the single trigger threshold for cell d5+D6 in MeV (Def=500 MeV)"
 //       SelectionCutForMatchedFilterQf        "Selection cut for the quality factor of the matched filters (NOT implemented)"
 //       TileMuonReceiverContainer             "Tile Calorimeter decision to TGC Sector Logic"
@@ -88,6 +91,9 @@ class TileMuonReceiverDecision: public AthAlgorithm {
   float m_threshold_d6_hi;
   float m_threshold_d5d6_lo;
   float m_threshold_d5d6_hi;
+  float m_threshold_d5;
+  float m_threshold_d6;
+  float m_threshold_d5d6;
   float m_selCutQf;
   ToolHandle<TileCondToolEmscale> m_tileToolEmscale{this,
@@ -98,9 +104,8 @@ class TileMuonReceiverDecision: public AthAlgorithm {
   ServiceHandle<TileCablingSvc> m_cablingSvc{ this,
       "TileCablingSvc", "TileCablingSvc", "The Tile cabling service"};
+  int m_runPeriod;
-  bool m_run2;
diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileSimAlgs/share/ b/TileCalorimeter/TileSimAlgs/share/
index 74e380ace93..62e4852da07 100644
--- a/TileCalorimeter/TileSimAlgs/share/
+++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileSimAlgs/share/
@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ topSequence = AlgSequence()
 #  Set up TilePulseForTileMuonReceiver
 from TileConditions.TileConditionsConf import TileCondToolNoiseSample
 topSequence += CfgMgr.TilePulseForTileMuonReceiver('TilePulseForTileMuonReceiver'
-#                                                   , OutputLevel = VERBOSE 
                                                    , IntegerDigits = not jobproperties.Digitization.PileUpPremixing()
                                                    , UseCoolPedestal = False
                                                    , UseCoolPulseShapes = True
@@ -58,12 +57,22 @@ if jobproperties.Digitization.PileUpPremixing and 'OverlayMT' in jobproperties.D
     from OverlayCommonAlgs.OverlayFlags import overlayFlags
     topSequence.TilePulseForTileMuonReceiver.MuonReceiverDigitsContainer = overlayFlags.bkgPrefix() + "MuRcvDigitsCnt"
+# Thresholds
 topSequence += CfgMgr.TileMuonReceiverDecision('TileMuonReceiverDecision'
-#                                                , OutputLevel = VERBOSE 
-						, MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD6Low = 500
-						, MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD6andD5Low = 500
-						, MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD6High = 600
-						, MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD6andD5High = 600)
+# run 2 thresholds
+                                                , MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD6Low = 500
+                                                , MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD6andD5Low = 500
+                                                , MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD6High = 600
+                                                , MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD6andD5High = 600
+# run 3 thresholds
+                                                , MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD5 = 500
+                                                , MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD6 = 500
+                                                , MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD5andD6 = 500)
 if jobproperties.Digitization.PileUpPremixing and 'OverlayMT' in jobproperties.Digitization.experimentalDigi():
     from OverlayCommonAlgs.OverlayFlags import overlayFlags
     topSequence.TileMuonReceiverDecision.TileMuonReceiverContainer = overlayFlags.bkgPrefix() + "TileMuRcvCnt"
diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileSimAlgs/src/TileMuonReceiverDecision.cxx b/TileCalorimeter/TileSimAlgs/src/TileMuonReceiverDecision.cxx
index d9aa54b142f..61b69fc66f7 100644
--- a/TileCalorimeter/TileSimAlgs/src/TileMuonReceiverDecision.cxx
+++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileSimAlgs/src/TileMuonReceiverDecision.cxx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
@@ -43,15 +43,18 @@ TileMuonReceiverDecision::TileMuonReceiverDecision(std::string name, ISvcLocator
-    m_run2(true)
+    m_runPeriod(0)
   // declare properties...
-  declareProperty( "MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD6Low"       , m_threshold_d6_lo   = 500. , "Setting the lowest trigger threshold for cell D6 in MeV (Def=500 MeV)");
-  declareProperty( "MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD6andD5Low"  , m_threshold_d5d6_lo = 500. , "Setting the lowest trigger threshold for cell D5+D6 in MeV (Def=500 MeV)");
-  declareProperty( "MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD6High"      , m_threshold_d6_hi   = 600. , "Setting the highest trigger threshold for cell D6 in MeV (Def=600 MeV)");
-  declareProperty( "MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD6andD5High" , m_threshold_d5d6_hi = 600. , "Setting the highest trigger threshold for cell D5+D6 in MeV (Def=600 MeV)");
-  declareProperty( "SelectionCutForMatchedFilterQf"       , m_selCutQf=0.              , "Selection cut for the quality factor of the matched filters");
-  declareProperty( "TileInfoName"                         , m_infoName = "TileInfo" );
+  declareProperty( "MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD6Low"       , m_threshold_d6_lo   = 500. , "(RUN2) Setting the lowest trigger threshold for cell D6 in MeV (Def=500 MeV)");
+  declareProperty( "MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD6andD5Low"  , m_threshold_d5d6_lo = 500. , "(RUN2) Setting the lowest trigger threshold for cell D5+D6 in MeV (Def=500 MeV)");
+  declareProperty( "MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD6High"      , m_threshold_d6_hi   = 600. , "(RUN2) Setting the highest trigger threshold for cell D6 in MeV (Def=600 MeV)");
+  declareProperty( "MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD6andD5High" , m_threshold_d5d6_hi = 600. , "(RUN2) Setting the highest trigger threshold for cell D5+D6 in MeV (Def=600 MeV)");
+  declareProperty( "MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD5"          , m_threshold_d5      = 500. , "(RUN3) Setting the single threshold for cell D5 during Run 3 in MeV (Def=500 MeV)");
+  declareProperty( "MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD6"          , m_threshold_d6      = 500. , "(RUN3) Setting the single threshold for cell D6 during Run 3 in MeV (Def=500 MeV)");
+  declareProperty( "MuonReceiverEneThreshCellD5andD6"     , m_threshold_d5d6    = 500. , "(RUN3) Setting the single threshold for cell D5+D6 during Run 3 in MeV (Def=500 MeV)");
+  declareProperty( "SelectionCutForMatchedFilterQf"       , m_selCutQf          =   0. , "n cut for the quality factor of the matched filters");
+  declareProperty( "TileInfoName"                         , m_infoName          = "TileInfo" );
@@ -62,10 +65,10 @@ StatusCode TileMuonReceiverDecision::initialize() {
   ATH_CHECK( m_cablingSvc.retrieve() );
   m_cablingService = m_cablingSvc->cablingService();
+  m_runPeriod = m_cablingService->runPeriod();
-  if (! m_cablingService->isRun2Cabling() ) {
-     ATH_MSG_INFO("TileMuonReceiverDecision should not be used for RUN1 simulations");
-     m_run2 = false;
+  if (m_runPeriod == 0) {
+     ATH_MSG_INFO("Stopping ... TileMuonReceiverDecision should not be used for RUN1 simulations");
      return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
   } else {
      ATH_MSG_INFO("Initializing TileMuonReceiverDecision");
@@ -78,22 +81,38 @@ StatusCode TileMuonReceiverDecision::initialize() {
-  ATH_CHECK( m_rawChannelContainerKey.initialize(m_run2));
-  ATH_CHECK( m_muonReceiverContainerKey.initialize(m_run2));
+  ATH_CHECK( m_rawChannelContainerKey.initialize(true));
+  ATH_CHECK( m_muonReceiverContainerKey.initialize(true));
   ATH_MSG_INFO("TileMuonReceiverDecision initialization completed" );
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
 StatusCode TileMuonReceiverDecision::execute() {
-  if (m_run2) {
-     ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "ATT: RUN2 settings TileMuonReceiverDecsionTool will run now" );
-     ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Executing TileMuonReceiverDecision" );
-  } else {
+  std::vector<float> thresholds;
+  if ( m_runPeriod == 0 ) {
      ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "ATT: RUN1 settings TileMuonReceiverDecision will end now" );
      return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+  if ( m_runPeriod == 2 ) {
+     ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "ATT: RUN2 settings TileMuonReceiverDecsionTool will run now" );
+     ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Executing TileMuonReceiverDecision" );
+     thresholds.push_back(m_threshold_d5d6_hi);
+     thresholds.push_back(m_threshold_d5d6_lo);
+     thresholds.push_back(m_threshold_d6_hi);
+     thresholds.push_back(m_threshold_d6_lo);
+  }
+  if ( m_runPeriod == 3 ) {
+     ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "ATT: RUN3 settings TileMuonReceiverDecsionTool will run now" );
+     ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Executing TileMuonReceiverDecision" );
+     thresholds.push_back(m_threshold_d5);
+     thresholds.push_back(m_threshold_d6);
+     thresholds.push_back(m_threshold_d5d6);
+  }
   // Get the container with the matched filter reconstructed raw channels in MeV
@@ -105,12 +124,6 @@ StatusCode TileMuonReceiverDecision::execute() {
   std::vector<bool>  tile2SL(4,false);
   std::vector<float> ene(2,0.0);
   std::vector<float> time(2,0.0);
-  std::vector<float> thresholds;
-  thresholds.push_back(m_threshold_d5d6_hi);
-  thresholds.push_back(m_threshold_d5d6_lo);
-  thresholds.push_back(m_threshold_d6_hi);
-  thresholds.push_back(m_threshold_d6_lo);
   // Create the container to store the decision from the algorithm
@@ -141,28 +154,31 @@ StatusCode TileMuonReceiverDecision::execute() {
     if (rawChannelCollection->empty()) continue;
-    int frag_id   = rawChannelCollection->identify();
-    int drawerIdx = TileCalibUtils::getDrawerIdxFromFragId(frag_id);
-    int ros       = frag_id>>8;
-    bool eb_ros   = ((ros == TileHWID::EXTBAR_POS) || (ros == TileHWID::EXTBAR_NEG));
-    int upperLim  = (eb_ros) ? nEBchan : nLBchan;
-    if (msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE)) {
-      int drawer = (frag_id&0xFF);
-      memset(energy_HLX,0,sizeof(energy_HLX));
-      memset(time_HLX,0,sizeof(time_HLX));
-      ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "(E.0.0) Frag_id: 0x"<< MSG::hex << frag_id << MSG::dec <<" ros: "<< ros <<" drawer: "<< drawer  );
-    }
+    float energy_d5   = 0.0;
     float energy_d6   = 0.0;
     float energy_d5d6 = 0.0;
+    float time_d5     = 0.0;
     float time_d6     = 0.0;
     float time_d5d6   = 0.0;
     int ich   = 0;
+    int jch5  = 0;
     int jch6  = 0;
     int jch56 = 0;
+    int  frag_id   = rawChannelCollection->identify();
+    int  drawerIdx = TileCalibUtils::getDrawerIdxFromFragId(frag_id);
+    int  ros       = frag_id>>8;
+    bool eb_ros    = ((ros == TileHWID::EXTBAR_POS) || (ros == TileHWID::EXTBAR_NEG));
+    int  upperLim  = (eb_ros) ? nEBchan : nLBchan;
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE)) {
+      int drawer = (frag_id&0xFF);
+      memset(energy_HLX,0,sizeof(energy_HLX));
+      memset(time_HLX,0,sizeof(time_HLX));
+      ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "(E.0.0) Frag_id: 0x"<< MSG::hex << frag_id << MSG::dec <<" ros: "<< ros <<" drawer: "<< drawer  );
+    }
     for (const TileRawChannel* rawChannel : *rawChannelCollection) {
@@ -199,6 +215,12 @@ StatusCode TileMuonReceiverDecision::execute() {
             time_d6   += time;
+          if ( TMDBchan==0 || TMDBchan==1 ) { /* choose d5 cell */
+            energy_d5 += energy;
+            time_d5   += time;
+            ++jch5;
+          }
         if (msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE)) {
           energy_HLX[EBIdCell[TMDBchan]] += energy;
@@ -213,7 +235,7 @@ StatusCode TileMuonReceiverDecision::execute() {
     if (msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE)) {
-      ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "(X.0.0)   Summary of the exteded results for HL-LHC: "  );
+      ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "(X.0.0)   Summary of the extended results for HL-LHC: "  );
       if ( eb_ros ) {
         ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "(X.1.0)     Energy  D-5 "<<energy_HLX[0]<<" D-6 "<<energy_HLX[1]<<" D-4 "<<energy_HLX[2] );
         ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "(X.2.0)     Time    D-5 "<<time_HLX[0]/2.<<" D-6 "<<time_HLX[1]/2.<<" D-4 "<<time_HLX[2]/2. );
@@ -222,64 +244,82 @@ StatusCode TileMuonReceiverDecision::execute() {
         ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "(X.2.0)     Time    D-0 "<<time_HLX[0]<<" D-1 "<<time_HLX[1]/2.<<" D-2 "<<time_HLX[2]/2.<<" D-3 "<<time_HLX[3]/2.<<" BC-8 "<<time_HLX[4]/2. );
-    if (jch56 == 0) { // neigher D5 nor D6 found - nothing to do
+    if (jch56 == 0) { // neither D5 nor D6 found - nothing to do
       ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "== NO trigger for this drawer " );
     if (jch56>1) {
       time_d5d6 /= jch56;
       if (jch6>1) time_d6 /= jch6;
+      if (jch5>1) time_d5 /= jch5;
-    // A. Above threshold (hi and lo) d5+d6 
+    // A. Above threshold(s)
+    // 		run2 dual (hi and lo) d5+d6
+    // 		run3 single d5+d6
     bool pass_d5d6_hi = (energy_d5d6>m_threshold_d5d6_hi);
     bool pass_d5d6_lo = (energy_d5d6>m_threshold_d5d6_lo);
-    //                    (hi and lo) d6
-    //
+    bool pass_d5d6    = (energy_d5d6>m_threshold_d5d6);
+    //          run2 dual (hi and lo) d6
+    //          run3 single d5 and d6
     bool pass_d6_hi = (energy_d6>m_threshold_d6_hi);
     bool pass_d6_lo = (energy_d6>m_threshold_d6_lo);
-    // B. Fill a vector with size 4 reproducing the 4-bit word with the structure HLHL:[d5+d6][d6]
-    //    vector at 0 (d56hi) is the most significant digit in the 4 bits output
-    //    vector at 3 (d6lo) is the least significant digit in the 4 bits output
+    bool pass_d5    = (energy_d5>m_threshold_d5);
+    bool pass_d6    = (energy_d6>m_threshold_d6);
+    // B.
+    //    (RUN2) Fill a vector with size 4 reproducing the 4-bit word with the structure HLHL:[d5+d6][d6][d5+d6][d6]
+    //           vector at 0 (d56hi) is the most significant digit in the 4 bits output
+    //           (...)
+    //           vector at 3 (d6lo) is the least significant digit in the 4 bits output
+    //    (RUN3) Fill a vector with size 4 reproducing the 4-bit word with the structure 0HHH:0[d5+d6][d6][d5]
+    //           vector at 0 set to 0
+    //           vector at 1 [d5+d6] result
+    //           vector at 2 [d6] result
+    //           vector at 3 [d5] result
+    // query for RUN2; if false it must be RUN3
-    tile2SL[0] = pass_d5d6_hi;
-    tile2SL[1] = (!pass_d5d6_hi && pass_d5d6_lo);
-    tile2SL[2] = pass_d6_hi;
-    tile2SL[3] = (!pass_d6_hi && pass_d6_lo);
+    if ( m_runPeriod == 2 ) tile2SL = { pass_d5d6_hi, (!pass_d5d6_hi && pass_d5d6_lo), pass_d6_hi, !pass_d6_hi && pass_d6_lo};
+    if ( m_runPeriod == 3 ) tile2SL = {            0,                       pass_d5d6,    pass_d6,                   pass_d5};
+    // tile2SL[0] = m_run2? pass_d5d6_hi : 0;
+    // tile2SL[1] = m_run2? (!pass_d5d6_hi && pass_d5d6_lo) : pass_d5d6;
+    // tile2SL[2] = m_run2? (pass_d6_hi) : pass_d6;
+    // tile2SL[3] = m_run2? (!pass_d6_hi && pass_d6_lo) : pass_d5;
     if (msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE)) {
-      ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "(E.2.0)   Summary: e(d5+d6)= " << energy_d5d6 << " e(d6)= " << energy_d6  );
-      ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "(E.3.0)   Thresholds: " << m_threshold_d5d6_lo << " " << m_threshold_d5d6_hi << " " << m_threshold_d6_lo << " " << m_threshold_d6_hi  );
-      ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "(E.4.0)   Checking which tresholds have been passed: d56 high " << pass_d5d6_hi << " d56 low " << pass_d5d6_lo << " d6 high " << pass_d6_hi << " d6 low " << pass_d6_lo  );
-      ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "(E.5.0)   Output to SL: " << tile2SL[0] << tile2SL[1] << tile2SL[2] << tile2SL[3]  );
+      if ( m_runPeriod == 2 ) {
+        ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "(E.2.0)   Summary: e(d5+d6)= " << energy_d5d6 << " e(d6)= " << energy_d6  );
+        ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "(E.3.0)   Thresholds: " << m_threshold_d5d6_lo << " " << m_threshold_d5d6_hi << " " << m_threshold_d6_lo << " " << m_threshold_d6_hi  );
+        ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "(E.4.0)   Check which thresholds were passed: d56 high " << pass_d5d6_hi << " d56 low " << pass_d5d6_lo << " d6 high " << pass_d6_hi << " d6 low " << pass_d6_lo  );
+        ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "(E.5.0)   Output to SL: " << tile2SL[0] << tile2SL[1] << tile2SL[2] << tile2SL[3]  );
+      }
+      if ( m_runPeriod == 3 ) {
+        ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "(E.2.0)   Summary: e(d5+d6)= " << energy_d5d6 << " e(d6)= " << energy_d6  << " e(d5)= " << energy_d5 );
+        ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "(E.3.0)   Thresholds: " << m_threshold_d5d6 << " " << m_threshold_d6 << " " << m_threshold_d5  );
+        ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "(E.4.0)   Check which thresholds were passed: d56 " << pass_d5d6 << " d6 " << pass_d6 << " d5 " << pass_d5 );
+        ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "(E.5.0)   Output to SL: " << tile2SL[0] << tile2SL[1] << tile2SL[2] << tile2SL[3]  );
+      }
     if (tile2SL[0] || tile2SL[1] || tile2SL[2] || tile2SL[3]) {
-      ene[0]  = energy_d5d6;
-      ene[1]  = energy_d6;
-      time[0] = time_d5d6;
-      time[1] = time_d6;
+      ene[0]  = energy_d5d6;    ene[1]  = energy_d6;
+      time[0] = time_d5d6  ;    time[1] = time_d6;
       std::unique_ptr<TileMuonReceiverObj> tileMuRcvObj = std::make_unique<TileMuonReceiverObj>(frag_id,ene,time,tile2SL);
     } else {
       ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "== NULL trigger not include in container " );
-  }
+  } // end loop over collection
   if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) {
     ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "== Print TileD decision container output to SL"  );
   ATH_MSG_DEBUG("TileMuonReceiverDecision execution completed" );
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;