diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/CMakeLists.txt b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b3ddcb9c00a2e57e04bbf1b1e7936f01a7c7bf3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-# Declare the package name:
-atlas_subdir( CaloTests )
-# External dependencies:
-find_package( AIDA )
-# Component(s) in the package:
-atlas_add_component( CaloTests
-                     src/*.cxx
-                     src/components/*.cxx
-                     INCLUDE_DIRS ${AIDA_INCLUDE_DIRS}
-                     LINK_LIBRARIES AtlasHepMCLib CaloDetDescrLib CaloIdentifier AthenaBaseComps StoreGateLib SGtests Identifier GaudiKernel CaloEvent CaloGeoHelpers CaloSimEvent AthenaKernel AtlasDetDescr GeneratorObjects LArIdentifier LArRawEvent LArRawUtilsLib LArSimEvent LArCablingLib )
-# Install files from the package:
-atlas_install_joboptions( share/*.py )
-atlas_install_runtime( test/CaloTests_TestConfiguration.xml share/*.C share/rttTest.css share/CaloTests_HistoComparison.txt share/*Checks.py )
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/CaloTests/Analysis.h b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/CaloTests/Analysis.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 70360b0d4cb4e8c3032e1d6187f42bc815067ce9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/CaloTests/Analysis.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// TheAnalysis.h
-#include <string>
-// Gaudi includes
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgorithm.h"
-#include "AIDA/IHistogram2D.h"
-#include "StoreGate/ReadHandleKey.h"
-#include "StoreGate/ReadHandleKeyArray.h"
-#include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
-#include "CaloIdentifier/CaloIdManager.h"
-#include "CaloIdentifier/LArID.h"
-#include "CaloIdentifier/CaloDM_ID.h"
-#include "CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescrManager.h"
-#include "LArElecCalib/ILArfSampl.h"
-#include "GeneratorObjects/McEventCollection.h"
-#include "LArSimEvent/LArHitContainer.h"
-#include "CaloEvent/CaloCellContainer.h"
-#include "LArRawEvent/LArRawChannelContainer.h"
-#include "CaloEvent/CaloClusterContainer.h"
-#include "CaloSimEvent/CaloCalibrationHitContainer.h"
-#include "LArCabling/LArOnOffIdMapping.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ITHistSvc.h"
-#include "TH1.h"
-#include "TTree.h"
-class LArDetDescrManager ;
-class ITriggerTime;
-namespace MyAnalysis {
-  class Analysis : public AthAlgorithm {
-  public:
-    //Gaudi style constructor and execution methods
-    /** Standard Athena-Algorithm Constructor */
-    Analysis(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
-    /** Default Destructor */
-    ~Analysis();
-    /** standard Athena-Algorithm method */
-    StatusCode          initialize();
-    /** standard Athena-Algorithm method */
-    StatusCode          execute();
-    /** standard Athena-Algorithm method */
-    StatusCode          finalize();
-    bool CheckLArIdentifier(int,int,int,int);
-    bool CheckDMIdentifier(int,int,int,int,int);
-  private:
-  //---------------------------------------------------
-  // Member variables
-  //---------------------------------------------------
-  ITHistSvc* m_thistSvc;
-  TH1D* m_hist_etraw_emb_s0;
-  TH1D* m_hist_etraw_emb_s1;
-  TH1D* m_hist_etraw_emb_s2;
-  TH1D* m_hist_etraw_emb_s3;
-  TH1D* m_hist_etraw_emec_s0;
-  TH1D* m_hist_etraw_emec_s1;
-  TH1D* m_hist_etraw_emec_s2;
-  TH1D* m_hist_etraw_emec_s3;
-  TH1D* m_hist_clusnoise;
-  TH1D* m_hist_clusnoise1;
-  TH1D* m_hist_clusnoise2;
-  TH1D* m_hist_clusnoise3;
-  TH1D* m_hist_ot;
-  TH1D* m_hist_ot_em;
-  TH1D* m_hist_ot_hec;
-  TH1D* m_hist_ot_fcal;
-  TH1D* m_hist_it;
-  TH1D* m_hist_it_em;
-  TH1D* m_hist_it_hec;
-  TH1D* m_hist_it_fcal;
-  TH1D* m_hist_hittime;
-  TH1D* m_hist_hitener;
-  TH1D* m_hist_nhitlar;
-  TH1D* m_hist_cal0;
-  TH1D* m_hist_cal1;
-  TH1D* m_hist_cal2;
-  TH1D* m_hist_cal3;
-  //---------------------------------------------------
-  // Parameters of this algorithm
-  //---------------------------------------------------
-  bool m_clusternoise;
-  bool m_check;
-  bool m_raw;
-  bool m_cluster;
-  bool m_cell;
-  bool m_hit;
-  bool m_calhit;
-  bool m_useTriggerTime;
-  bool m_doTruth;
-  SG::ReadHandleKey<McEventCollection> m_mcCollName { this, "MCColl", "GEN_AOD" };
-  SG::ReadHandleKeyArray<LArHitContainer> m_hitContainerNames { this, "HitContainers",
-                                                                {"LArHitEMB",
-                                                                 "LArHitEMEC",
-                                                                 "LArHitHEC",
-                                                                 "LArHitFCAL"} };
-  SG::ReadHandleKey<CaloCellContainer> m_caloCellName { this, "CaloCells", "AllCalo" };
-  SG::ReadHandleKey<LArRawChannelContainer> m_rawChannelName { this, "RawChannels", "LArRawChannels" };
-  SG::ReadHandleKeyArray<CaloCalibrationHitContainer> m_calibHitContainerNames
-    { this, "CalibHitContainers",
-      {"LArCalibrationHitActive",
-       "LArCalibrationHitDeadMaterial",
-       "LArCalibrationHitInactive",
-       "TileCalibHitActiveCell",
-       "TileCalibHitInactiveCell",
-       "TileCalibHitDeadMaterial"} };
-  SG::ReadHandleKey<CaloClusterContainer> m_cluster55Name { this, "Cluster55", "LArClusterEM" };
-  SG::ReadHandleKey<CaloClusterContainer> m_cluster55gamName { this, "Cluster55gam", "LArClusterEMgam" };
-  SG::ReadHandleKey<CaloClusterContainer> m_cluster35Name { this, "Cluster35", "LArClusterEM35" };
-  SG::ReadHandleKey<CaloClusterContainer> m_cluster35gamName { this, "Cluster35gam", "LArClusterEMgam35" };
-  SG::ReadHandleKey<CaloClusterContainer> m_cluster37Name { this, "Cluster37", "LArClusterEM37" };
-  SG::ReadHandleKey<CaloClusterContainer> m_cluster37gamName { this, "Cluster37gam", "LArClusterEMgam37" };
-  int m_nevt;
-  SG::ReadCondHandleKey<LArOnOffIdMapping> m_cablingKey{this,"CablingKey","LArOnOffIdMap","SG Key of LArOnOffIdMapping object"};
-  StringProperty m_triggerTimeToolName;
-  ITriggerTime* m_triggerTimeTool;
-  Identifier m_id;
-  const LArEM_ID*        m_larem_id;
-  const CaloDM_ID*       m_calodm_id;
-  // list of cell energies
-  struct CellInfo {
-       int bec;
-       int sampling;
-       double eta;
-       double phi;
-       double Ehit;
-       double Thit;
-       double Eraw;
-       double Ecell;
-       Identifier identifier;
-   };
-   std::vector<CellInfo> m_CellListEM; 
-   double m_nt_e;
-   double m_nt_eta;
-   double m_nt_phi;
-   double m_nt_e0;
-   double m_nt_e1;
-   double m_nt_e2;
-   double m_nt_e3;
-   double m_nt_c0;
-   double m_nt_c1;
-   double m_nt_c2;
-   double m_nt_c3;
-   double m_nt_hb0;
-   double m_nt_hb1;
-   double m_nt_hb2;
-   double m_nt_hb3;
-   double m_nt_he0;
-   double m_nt_he1;
-   double m_nt_he2;
-   double m_nt_he3;
-   double m_nt_tb0;
-   double m_nt_tb1;
-   double m_nt_tb2;
-   double m_nt_tb3;
-   double m_nt_eclus;
-   double m_nt_eclus0;
-   double m_nt_eclus1;
-   double m_nt_eclus2;
-   double m_nt_eclus3;
-   double m_nt_etaclus;
-   double m_nt_phiclus;
-   double m_nt_etaclus551;
-   double m_nt_etaclus552;
-   double m_nt_eclus35;
-   double m_nt_eclus37;
-   double m_nt_eclus350;
-   double m_nt_eclus351;
-   double m_nt_eclus352;
-   double m_nt_eclus353;
-   double m_nt_etaclus35;
-   double m_nt_etaclus351;
-   double m_nt_etaclus352;
-   double m_nt_etaclus371;
-   double m_nt_etaclus372;
-   double m_nt_eclusg;
-   double m_nt_etaclusg551;
-   double m_nt_etaclusg552;
-   double m_nt_eclusg35;
-   double m_nt_etaclusg351;
-   double m_nt_etaclusg352;
-   double m_nt_eclusg37;
-   double m_nt_etaclusg371;
-   double m_nt_etaclusg372;
-   double m_nt_eActEM;
-   double m_nt_eActNonEM;
-   double m_nt_eActEscaped;
-   double m_nt_eActInvisible;
-   double m_nt_eInactEM;
-   double m_nt_eInactNonEM;
-   double m_nt_eInactEscaped;
-   double m_nt_eInactInvisible;
-   double m_nt_eDeadEM;
-   double m_nt_eDeadNonEM;
-   double m_nt_eDeadEscaped;
-   double m_nt_eDeadInvisible;
-   double m_nt_eTile;
-   double m_nt_edead_1_0;
-   double m_nt_edead_1_1_0;
-   double m_nt_edead_1_1_1;
-   double m_nt_edead_1_1_2;
-   double m_nt_edead_1_1_3;
-   double m_nt_edead_1_1_4;
-   double m_nt_edead_1_1_5;
-   double m_nt_edead_1_1_6;
-   double m_nt_edead_1_1_7;
-   double m_nt_edead_1_2_0;
-   double m_nt_edead_1_2_1;
-   double m_nt_edead_1_2_2;
-   double m_nt_edead_1_2_3;
-   double m_nt_edead_1_2_4;
-   double m_nt_edead_1_2_5;
-   double m_nt_edead_1_3;
-   double m_nt_eleak;
-   double m_xconv;
-   double m_yconv;
-   double m_zconv;
-   double m_xvert;
-   double m_yvert;
-   double m_zvert;
-   TTree* m_ntuple;
-  };
-} // end of namespace bracket
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/CaloTests/Analysis.h.02may03 b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/CaloTests/Analysis.h.02may03
deleted file mode 100644
index 55861b161bddfd25081a2d90ff40140ab7c4c47e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/CaloTests/Analysis.h.02may03
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-// TheAnalysis.h
-#ifndef _Analysis_Analysis_H
-#define _Analysis_Analysis_H
-#include <string>
-// Gaudi includes
-#include "GaudiKernel/Algorithm.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IHistogramSvc.h"
-#include "AIDA/IHistogram1D.h"
-#include "AIDA/IHistogram2D.h"
-#include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
-namespace MyAnalysis {
-  class Analysis : public Algorithm {
-  public:
-    //Gaudi style constructor and execution methods
-    /** Standard Athena-Algorithm Constructor */
-    Analysis(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
-    /** Default Destructor */
-    ~Analysis();
-    /** standard Athena-Algorithm method */
-    StatusCode          initialize();
-    /** standard Athena-Algorithm method */
-    StatusCode          execute();
-    /** standard Athena-Algorithm method */
-    StatusCode          finalize();
-  private:
-  //---------------------------------------------------
-  // Member variables
-  //---------------------------------------------------
-  /** The StoreGate Service */
-  StoreGateSvc* m_sgSvc;
-  IHistogram1D* m_hist_muon;
-  IHistogram1D* m_hist_elec;
-  IHistogram2D* m_hist_map;
-  IHistogram2D* m_hist_map0;
-  IHistogram2D* m_hist_map1;
-  IHistogram2D* m_hist_map2;
-  IHistogram2D* m_hist_map3;
-  IHistogram2D* m_hist_map4;
-  IHistogram2D* m_hist_map5;
-  IHistogram2D* m_hist_map6;
-  IHistogram2D* m_hist_map7;
-  IHistogram1D* m_hist_hit0;
-  IHistogram1D* m_hist_hit1;
-  IHistogram1D* m_hist_hit2;
-  IHistogram1D* m_hist_hit3;
-  IHistogram1D* m_hist_mbe;
-  IHistogram1D* m_hist_mbe2;
-  IHistogram1D* m_hist_mbe3;
-  IHistogram1D* m_hist_cl1;
-  IHistogram1D* m_hist_cl2;
-  IHistogram1D* m_hist_cl3;
-  IHistogram1D* m_hist_cl4;
-  IHistogram1D* m_hist_nbcl;
-  IHistogram2D* m_hist_clet;
-  IHistogram2D* m_hist_clet2;
-  IHistogram2D* m_hist_time;
-  //---------------------------------------------------
-  // Parameters of this algorithm
-  //---------------------------------------------------
-  double m_ptMuonMin;   // Minimun pt muon
-  double m_ptElecMin;   // Minimun pt muon
-  int m_nevt;
-  };
-} // end of namespace bracket
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/CaloTests/AnalysisCal.h b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/CaloTests/AnalysisCal.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 87ce33ecf6091615b0bb540d8a01b6cdc36c07c2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/CaloTests/AnalysisCal.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// TheAnalysis.h
-#include <string>
-// Gaudi includes
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthReentrantAlgorithm.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/NTuple.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IHistogramSvc.h"
-#include "AIDA/IHistogram1D.h"
-#include "AIDA/IHistogram2D.h"
-#include "StoreGate/ReadHandleKey.h"
-#include "StoreGate/ReadHandleKeyArray.h"
-#include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
-#include "Identifier/IdContext.h"
-#include "GeneratorObjects/McEventCollection.h"
-#include "LArSimEvent/LArHitContainer.h"
-#include "CaloSimEvent/CaloCalibrationHitContainer.h"
-class LArDetDescrManager ;
-namespace MyAnalysisCal {
-  class AnalysisCal : public AthReentrantAlgorithm {
-  public:
-    //Gaudi style constructor and execution methods
-    /** Standard Athena-Algorithm Constructor */
-    AnalysisCal(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
-    /** Default Destructor */
-    virtual ~AnalysisCal();
-    /** standard Athena-Algorithm method */
-    virtual StatusCode          initialize() override;
-    /** standard Athena-Algorithm method */
-    virtual StatusCode          execute(const EventContext& ctx) const override;
-    /** standard Athena-Algorithm method */
-    virtual StatusCode          finalize() override;
-  private:
-    SG::ReadHandleKey<McEventCollection> m_mcCollName { this, "MCColl", "GEN_AOD" };
-    SG::ReadHandleKeyArray<LArHitContainer> m_hitContainerNames { this, "HitContainers",
-                                                                  {"LArHitEMB",
-                                                                   "LArHitEMEC",
-                                                                   "LArHitHEC",
-                                                                   "LArHitFCAL"} };
-    SG::ReadHandleKeyArray<CaloCalibrationHitContainer> m_calibHitContainerNames { this, "CalibHitContainers",
-                                                                  {"LArCalibrationHitActive",
-                                                                   "LArCalibrationHitDeadMaterial",
-                                                                   "LArCalibrationHitInactive"} };
-  };
-} // end of namespace bracket
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/CaloTests/CreateHits.h b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/CaloTests/CreateHits.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 563c1a9166f41ef84866522acd1e5a3b5fdf1e55..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/CaloTests/CreateHits.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#ifndef _Analysis_CreateHits_H
-#define _Analysis_CreateHits_H
-#include <string>
-// Gaudi includes
-#include "GaudiKernel/Algorithm.h"
-#include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
-#include "CaloIdentifier/LArEM_ID.h"
-namespace CreateHits {
-  class CreateHits : public Algorithm {
-  public:
-    //Gaudi style constructor and execution methods
-    /** Standard Athena-Algorithm Constructor */
-    CreateHits(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
-    /** Default Destructor */
-    ~CreateHits();
-    /** standard Athena-Algorithm method */
-    StatusCode          initialize();
-    /** standard Athena-Algorithm method */
-    StatusCode          execute();
-    /** standard Athena-Algorithm method */
-    StatusCode          finalize();
-  private:
-  //---------------------------------------------------
-  // Member variables
-  //---------------------------------------------------
-  /** The StoreGate Service */
-  StoreGateSvc* m_sgSvc;
-  StoreGateSvc* detStore;
-  const LArEM_ID*        m_larem_id;
-  int m_nevt;
-  };
-} // end of namespace bracket
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/doc/packagedoc.h b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/doc/packagedoc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 15eec8e8c93fd4895cda164680c4c711d98edb89..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/doc/packagedoc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-@page CaloTests_page CaloTests Package
-This package is used to test (RTT) the full chain in the calorimeter (simulation -> digitization -> reconstruction)
-@author Karim Bernardet bernardet@cppm.in2p3.fr
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_DigCTB.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_DigCTB.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 33ab076b9aed211aa92677edc6a73c0f7a889b96..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_DigCTB.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_HistoComparison.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_HistoComparison.py
deleted file mode 100644
index cf7dcc466cfc4cf5d9b40fea9bc68210c1e33a70..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_HistoComparison.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,482 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import os,commands,sys,logging
-import ROOT
-class myHist:
-    def __init__(self,histName,histComment,histBins,histMinX,histMaxX,histFormula,histCondForm):
-        self.histName=histName
-        self.histComment=histComment
-        self.histMinX=histMinX
-        self.histMaxX=histMaxX
-        self.histFormula=histFormula
-        self.histCondForm=histCondForm
-        self.histBins=histBins
-    def setHistName(self,name):
-        self.histName=name
-    def setHistComment(self,Comment):
-        self.histComment=Comment
-    def setHistFormula(self,form):
-        self.histFormula=form
-    def setHistCondForm(self,condform):
-        self.histCondForm=condform
-    def setHistName(self,minX):
-        self.HistMinx=minX
-    def setHistName(self,maxX):
-        self.histMaxX=maxX
-    def setHistBins(self,nbins):
-        self.histBins=nbins
-    def getHistName(self):
-        return self.histName
-    def getHistComment(self):
-        return self.histComment
-    def getHistMinX(self):
-        return self.histMinX
-    def getHistMaxX(self):
-        return self.histMaxX
-    def getHistBins(self):
-        return self.histBins
-    def getHistFormula(self):
-        return self.histFormula
-    def getHistCondForm(self):
-        return self.histCondForm
-class HistosComparison:
-    def __init__(self,log,logLevel):
-        if log=='':
-            self.logger = logging.getLogger('HistosComparison')
-            hdlr = logging.FileHandler('HistosComparison.log',"w")
-            formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
-            hdlr.setFormatter(formatter)
-            self.logger.addHandler(hdlr)
-            self.logger.setLevel(logLevel)
-        else:
-            self.logger = log
-        self.filePar="filePar"
-    def normH(self,m_hist):
-        if m_hist.GetEntries() != 0 :
-            scale = 1/m_hist.GetEntries()
-            m_hist.Scale(scale)
-        else:
-            self.logger.error("No entries in ",m_hist.GetTitle())
-    def getPar(self,name,par):
-        com="grep \"RTTParm_almostIdentical_"+name+"_"+par+"\"  "+self.filePar+ "| cut -d= -f2 | tail -n1"
-        print com
-        res,val=commands.getstatusoutput(com)
-        if val=="":
-            val="notfound"
-        if res!=0:
-            self.logger.error('Problem to get the par of '+name+' : '+max)
-            val="notfound"
-        return val       
-    def makeHist(self,ROOTntuple):
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetMarkerStyle(8)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetStatW(0.4)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetStatFontSize(0.12)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetLabelSize(0.06)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(111110)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetCanvasBorderMode(0)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetPadBorderMode(0)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetPadColor(0)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetCanvasColor(0)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleColor(0)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetStatColor(0)
-        # only 3 digits
-        ROOT.TGaxis.SetMaxDigits(3);
-        myCanvas = ROOT.TCanvas("myCanvas","Cluster",1)
-        myCanvas.Divide(2,8)
-        file=open('CaloTests_HistoComparison.txt','r')
-        hists=[]
-        n=0
-        for line in file:
-            i=+1
-            myCanvas.cd(n)
-            tmp=line.strip().split(',')
-            name2=""
-            for i in tmp[1]:
-                if i==' ':
-                    i='_'
-                if i=='(':
-                    i='z'
-                if i==')':
-                    i='z'
-                name2+=i
-            # check bin x
-            xmin=self.getPar(name2,"xmin")
-            if xmin=="notfound":
-                xmin=tmp[3]
-            xmax=self.getPar(name2,"xmax")
-            if xmax=="notfound":
-                xmax=tmp[4]
-            print "XMIN =", xmin
-            print "XMAX =", xmax
-            if len(tmp)==7:
-                h=myHist(tmp[0],tmp[1],tmp[2],xmin,xmax,tmp[5],tmp[6])
-            else:
-                h=myHist(tmp[0],tmp[1],tmp[2],xmin,xmax,tmp[5],'')
-            hists.append(h)
-        file.close()
-        rootFile = ROOT.TFile(ROOTntuple,'READ')
-        mytree = ROOT.gDirectory.Get('CollectionTree')
-        mytree.UseCurrentStyle()
-        hfile = ROOT.TFile("Cluster.hist","RECREATE","Clusters hist")
-        for h in hists:
-            self.logger.debug(h.getHistName(),',',h.getHistComment(),',',h.getHistBins(),',',h.getHistMinX(),',',h.getHistBins(),',',h.getHistMaxX())
-            m_h = ROOT.TH1F(h.getHistName(),h.getHistComment(),int(h.getHistBins()),float(h.getHistMinX()),float(h.getHistMaxX()))
-            mytree.Draw(h.getHistFormula(),h.getHistCondForm())
-            mytree.Draw(h.getHistFormula()+'>>'+h.getHistName(),h.getHistCondForm())
-            self.normH(m_h)
-            hfile.Write()
-        rootFile.Close()
-    def getFilePar(self):
-        com="grep RTTINFO MYRTTINFOS.txt | cut -d= -f2 | tail -n1"
-        res,testName=commands.getstatusoutput(com)
-        if res!=0 :
-            self.logger.error(testName)
-            return -1
-        nTestName=''
-        for i in testName:
-            if i !=' ':
-                nTestName+=i;
-        filePar=nTestName+".par";
-        com="wget http://cern.ch/CaloRTT/"+filePar;
-        print com
-        res,out=commands.getstatusoutput(com)
-        if res!=0 :
-            self.logger.error(out)
-            return -1
-        return filePar
-    def getFileRef(self):
-        com="grep RTTINFO MYRTTINFOS.txt | cut -d= -f2 | tail -n1"
-        res,testName=commands.getstatusoutput(com)
-        if res!=0 :
-            self.logger.error(testName)
-            return -1
-        nTestName=''
-        for i in testName:
-            if i !=' ':
-                nTestName+=i;
-        fileRef='ref'+nTestName+".hist"
-        com="wget http://cern.ch/CaloRTT/"+fileRef
-        res,out=commands.getstatusoutput(com)
-        if res!=0 :
-            self.logger.error(out)
-            return -1
-        return fileRef
-    def initHTMLDraw(self):
-        f=open("DrawHistos.html","w")
-        f.write("<html><head><title>Draw</title><link rel=\"StyleSheet\" href=\"rtt.css\" type=\"text/css\" /><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\"><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en\"></head>")
-        f.write("<body>")
-        f.close();
-    def closeHTMLDraw(self):
-        f=open("DrawHistos.html","a")
-        f.write("</body>")
-        f.write("</html>")
-    def initHTMLComparison(self):
-        f=open("Comparison.html","w")
-        f.write("<html><head><title>Draw</title><link rel=\"StyleSheet\" href=\"rtt.css\" type=\"text/css\" /><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\"><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en\"></head>")
-        f.write("<body>")
-        f.close();
-    def closeHTMLComparison(self):
-        f=open("Comparison.html","a")
-        f.write("</body>")
-        f.write("</html>")
-    def Draw(self,histFile):
-        self.initHTMLDraw()
-        file = ROOT.TFile(histFile)
-        for i in file.GetListOfKeys():
-            self.DrawHisto(i.ReadObj())
-        file.Close()
-        self.closeHTMLDraw()
-    def DrawHisto(self,hist):
-        f=open("DrawHistos.html","a")
-        tmp=hist.GetTitle()
-        name=""
-        for i in tmp:
-            if i==' ':
-                i='_'
-            if i=='(':
-                i='z'
-            if i==')':
-                i='z'
-            name+=i
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(ROOT.kFALSE)
-        can=ROOT.TCanvas()
-        hist.Draw()
-        legend=ROOT.TLegend(0.7,0.7,0.89,0.85)
-        legend.SetTextFont(72)
-        legend.SetTextSize(0.04)
-        legend.AddEntry(hist,"NEW","l")
-        legend.Draw()
-        can.Modified()
-        can.Update()
-        epsname=name+".eps"
-        gifname=name+".gif"
-        can.SaveAs(epsname)
-        com1='pstopnm -ppm -xborder 0 -yborder 0 -portrait '+epsname
-        com2='ppmtogif '+epsname+'001.ppm >'+gifname
-        os.system(com1)
-        os.system(com2)
-        f.write("<CENTER><BR>")
-        f.write("Name : "+hist.GetTitle()+'<BR>')
-        f.write("<BR>")
-        f.write("<TABLE border=1>")
-        f.write("<TR>")
-        f.write("<TD>Entries</TD>")
-        f.write("<TD>"+str(hist.GetEntries())+'</TD>')
-        f.write("</TR>")      
-        f.write("<TR>")
-        f.write("<TD>Mean</TD>")
-        f.write("<TD>"+str(hist.GetMean())+'</TD>')
-        f.write("</TR>")        
-        f.write("<TR>")
-        f.write("<TD>RMS</TD>")
-        f.write('<TD>'+str(hist.GetRMS())+'</TD>')
-        f.write("</TR>")       
-        f.write("</TABLE>")       
-        f.write("<IMG SRC=\""+gifname+'\"><BR>')
-        f.write('<HR><BR>')
-        f.close()
-    def almostIdentical(self,hist,refhist,filePar):
-        f=open("Comparison.html","a")
-        tmp=hist.GetTitle()
-        name=""
-        for i in tmp:
-            if i==' ':
-                i='_'
-            if i=='(':
-                i='z'
-            if i==')':
-                i='z'
-            name+=i
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(ROOT.kFALSE)
-        can=ROOT.TCanvas()
-        hist.SetLineColor(2)
-        hist.SetLineStyle(2)
-        hist.Draw()
-        if hist:
-            refhist.Draw("sames")
-        else:
-            refhist.Draw()
-        legend=ROOT.TLegend(0.7,0.7,0.89,0.85)
-        legend.SetTextFont(72)
-        legend.SetTextSize(0.04)
-        legend.AddEntry(hist,"NEW","l")
-        legend.AddEntry(refhist,"REF","l");
-        legend.Draw()
-        can.Modified()
-        can.Update()
-        epsname=name+".eps"
-        gifname=name+".gif"
-        can.SaveAs(epsname)
-        com1='pstopnm -ppm -xborder 0 -yborder 0 -portrait '+epsname
-        com2='ppmtogif '+epsname+'001.ppm >'+gifname
-        os.system(com1)
-        os.system(com2)
-        restxt=open('Comparison.txt','a')
-        f.write("<CENTER><BR>")
-        f.write("Name : "+hist.GetTitle()+'<BR>')
-        f.write("<BR>")
-        f.write("<TABLE border=1>")
-        f.write("<TR>")
-        f.write("<TD></TD>")
-        f.write("<TD>REF</TD>");
-        f.write("<TD>NEW</TD>")
-        f.write("</TR>")
-        f.write("<TD>Entries</TD>")
-        f.write("<TD>"+str(refhist.GetEntries())+'</TD>')
-        f.write("<TD>"+str(hist.GetEntries())+'</TD>')
-        f.write("</TR>")      
-        f.write("<TR>")
-        f.write("<TD>Mean</TD>")
-        f.write("<TD>"+str(refhist.GetMean())+'</TD>')
-        f.write("<TD>"+str(hist.GetMean())+'</TD>')
-        f.write("</TR>")        
-        f.write("<TR>")
-        f.write("<TD>RMS</TD>")
-        f.write('<TD>'+str(refhist.GetRMS())+'</TD>')
-        f.write('<TD>'+str(hist.GetRMS())+'</TD>')
-        f.write("</TR>")       
-        f.write("</TABLE>")       
-        f.write("<IMG SRC=\""+gifname+'\"><BR>')
-        com="grep \"RTTParm_almostIdentical_"+name+ " \"  "+filePar+ "| cut -d= -f2 | tail -n1"
-        res,max=commands.getstatusoutput(com)
-        if res!=0:
-            self.logger.error('Problem to the par of '+name+' : '+max)
-            return -1
-        dA=0.
-        A=0.
-        for k  in range(0,hist.GetNbinsX()+1):
-            dA += float(hist.GetBinContent(k) - refhist.GetBinContent(k))
-            A += hist.GetBinContent(k)
-        if (A > 0):
-            dA = dA / A;
-        restxt.write('&Sigma;(|&Delta;A|)/&Sigma;A is '+str(dA)+' (cut is '+str(max)+')\n')
-        f.write("<BR>")
-        f.write('&Sigma;(|&Delta;A|)/&Sigma;A is '+str(dA)+' (cut is '+str(max)+')\n')
-        f.write("<BR>")
-        if ( dA <= max ):
-            restxt.write("TEST OK\n")
-            restxt.write("###################################\n")
-            f.write("<font color=\"green\">TEST OK<BR></font>")
-            f.write("<HR>")
-            f.write("</CENTER><BR>")
-            f.close()
-            restxt.close()
-            return 0
-        else:
-            restxt.write("TEST FAILED\n")
-            restxt.write("###################################\n")
-            f.write("<font color=\"red\">TEST FAILED</font><BR>")
-            f.write("<HR>")
-            f.write("</CENTER><BR>")
-            f.close()
-            restxt.close()
-            return -1
-    def testHistogram(self,hists,refhists,compType,filePar):
-        self.logger.info('---- testHistogram '+str(hists.GetTitle())+' ----')
-        if compType == "almostIdentical":
-            res=self.almostIdentical(hists,refhists,filePar)
-            return res
-        else:
-            self.logger.error('Comp type not known')
-            return -1
-        return 0
-    def histComparison(self,hist,refhist,compType,filePar):
-        self.initHTMLComparison()
-        fhists = ROOT.TFile(hist); 
-        frefhists = ROOT.TFile(refhist);
-        if len(fhists.GetListOfKeys())!=len(frefhists.GetListOfKeys()):
-            self.logger.warning('the ref and new file doesnt contain the same number of histograms')
-            self.Draw('Cluster.hist')
-            return 0
-        if len(fhists.GetListOfKeys())==0:
-            self.logger.error('No histograms in the new file')
-            return -1
-        failed=[]
-        hists=[]
-        refHists=[]
-        for i in fhists.GetListOfKeys():
-            hists.append(i.ReadObj())
-        for i in frefhists.GetListOfKeys():
-            refHists.append(i.ReadObj())
-        for k in range(1,len(hists)):
-            if self.testHistogram(hists[k],refHists[k],compType,filePar)!=0:
-                failed.append(hists[k].GetName())
-                self.logger.error(hists[k].GetTitle()+' FAILED')
-            else:
-                self.logger.info(hists[k].GetTitle()+' OK')
-            self.logger.info('---- testHistogram DONE ----')
-            self.closeHTMLComparison()  
-        if len(failed)==0:
-            return 0
-        else:
-            return -1
-    def run(self):
-        self.filePar=self.getFilePar()
-        if self.filePar==-1:
-            self.logger.error('getFilePar() failed')
-            return -1
-        self.makeHist('ntuple.root')
-#        fileRef=self.getFileRef()
-#        if fileRef==-1:
-#            self.logger.warning('getFileRef() failed')
-#            self.logger.info('drawing the histos instead')
-        self.logger.info('Draw the histos')
-        self.Draw('Cluster.hist')
-        return 0
-        res=self.histComparison('Cluster.hist',fileRef,"almostIdentical");
-        return res
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_HistoComparison.txt b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_HistoComparison.txt
deleted file mode 100755
index 17959c75f4aea5959b58c9212496e0da550b7f0c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_HistoComparison.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-m_h1,Cluster E (GeV),50,0.,1000.,cl_pt*cosh(cl_eta)/1000
-m_h2,Cluster E (GeV) - barrel,50,0.,1000.,cl_pt*cosh(cl_eta)/1000,abs(cl_eta)<1.475
-m_h3,Cluster E (GeV) - endcap,50,0.,1000.,cl_pt*cosh(cl_eta)/1000,abs(cl_eta)>=1.475
-m_h4,Cluster eta,40,-2.5,2.5,cl_eta
-m_h5,Cluster phi,25,-7.,7.,cl_phi
-m_h6,number of clusters,6,-.5,5.5,cl_n
-m_h7,E frac. in Presampler - barrel,50,0.,1.,cl_E_PreSamplerB/(cl_E_PreSamplerB+cl_E_EMB1+cl_E_EMB2+cl_E_EMB3),abs(cl_eta)<1.475
-m_h8,E frac. in 1st samp. - barrel,50,0.,1.,cl_E_EMB1/(cl_E_PreSamplerB+cl_E_EMB1+cl_E_EMB2+cl_E_EMB3),abs(cl_eta)<1.475
-m_h9,E frac. in 2nd samp. - barrel,50,0.,1.,cl_E_EMB2/(cl_E_PreSamplerB+cl_E_EMB1+cl_E_EMB2+cl_E_EMB3),abs(cl_eta)<1.475
-m_h10,E frac. in 3rd samp. - barrel,50,0.,.1,cl_E_EMB3/(cl_E_PreSamplerB+cl_E_EMB1+cl_E_EMB2+cl_E_EMB3),abs(cl_eta)<1.475
-m_h11,E frac. in Presampler - endcap,50,0.,1.,cl_E_PreSamplerE/(cl_E_PreSamplerE+cl_E_EME1+cl_E_EME2+cl_E_EME3),abs(cl_eta)>=1.475 && abs(cl_eta)<=1.8
-m_h12,E frac. in 1st samp. - endcap,50,0.,1.,cl_E_EME1/(cl_E_PreSamplerE+cl_E_EME1+cl_E_EME2+cl_E_EME3),abs(cl_eta)>=1.475
-m_h13,E frac. in 2nd samp. - endcap,50,0.,1.,cl_E_EME2/(cl_E_PreSamplerE+cl_E_EME1+cl_E_EME2+cl_E_EME3),abs(cl_eta)>=1.475
-m_h14,E frac. in 3rd samp. - endcap,50,0.,0.1,cl_E_EME3/(cl_E_PreSamplerE+cl_E_EME1+cl_E_EME2+cl_E_EME3),abs(cl_eta)>=1.475
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Dig_misalign_singleE_50GeV.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Dig_misalign_singleE_50GeV.py
deleted file mode 100755
index b23285f5e1e18afe65cc77a5246722e3f3a5545e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Dig_misalign_singleE_50GeV.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# This is the configuration file to run ATLAS Digitization
-# AthenaCommon configuration
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties
-#for RTT test only : the input file is in the chain store or in the fallback directory 
-# Digitiziation and Pileup configuration
-from Digitization.DigitizationFlags import jobproperties
-# jobproperties.Digitization.doMinimumBias=True
-# jobproperties.Digitization.numberOfCollisions=2.3
-# jobproperties.Digitization.minBiasInputCols=["", "", "" ]
-# jobproperties.Digitization.doCavern=True
-# jobproperties.Digitization.cavernInputCols=["",""]
-jobproperties.Digitization.physicsList = 'QGSP_BERT'
-# DetFlags. Use to turn on/off individual subdetector or LVL1 trigger
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Dig_misalign_singlePhot_50GeV.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Dig_misalign_singlePhot_50GeV.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f6a8a63c4e7056fbbdc71b7d286b2bd49c246225..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Dig_misalign_singlePhot_50GeV.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# This is the configuration file to run ATLAS Digitization
-# AthenaCommon configuration
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties
-#for RTT test only : the input file is in the chain store or in the fallback directory 
-# Digitiziation and Pileup configuration
-from Digitization.DigitizationFlags import jobproperties
-# jobproperties.Digitization.doMinimumBias=True
-# jobproperties.Digitization.numberOfCollisions=2.3
-# jobproperties.Digitization.minBiasInputCols=["", "", "" ]
-# jobproperties.Digitization.doCavern=True
-# jobproperties.Digitization.cavernInputCols=["",""]
-jobproperties.Digitization.physicsList = 'QGSP_BERT'
-# DetFlags. Use to turn on/off individual subdetector or LVL1 trigger
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Dig_singleE_50GeV.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Dig_singleE_50GeV.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 9eaf856b6948f1844c3065cdcfaa0b1742b795b6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Dig_singleE_50GeV.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# This is the configuration file to run ATLAS Digitization
-# AthenaCommon configuration
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties
-#for RTT test only : the input file is in the chain store or in the fallback directory 
-# Digitiziation and Pileup configuration
-from Digitization.DigitizationFlags import jobproperties
-# jobproperties.Digitization.doMinimumBias=True
-# jobproperties.Digitization.numberOfCollisions=2.3
-# jobproperties.Digitization.minBiasInputCols=["", "", "" ]
-# jobproperties.Digitization.doCavern=True
-# jobproperties.Digitization.cavernInputCols=["",""]
-jobproperties.Digitization.physicsList = 'QGSP_BERT'
-# DetFlags. Use to turn on/off individual subdetector or LVL1 trigger
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Dig_singleE_5GeV.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Dig_singleE_5GeV.py
deleted file mode 100755
index b23285f5e1e18afe65cc77a5246722e3f3a5545e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Dig_singleE_5GeV.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# This is the configuration file to run ATLAS Digitization
-# AthenaCommon configuration
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties
-#for RTT test only : the input file is in the chain store or in the fallback directory 
-# Digitiziation and Pileup configuration
-from Digitization.DigitizationFlags import jobproperties
-# jobproperties.Digitization.doMinimumBias=True
-# jobproperties.Digitization.numberOfCollisions=2.3
-# jobproperties.Digitization.minBiasInputCols=["", "", "" ]
-# jobproperties.Digitization.doCavern=True
-# jobproperties.Digitization.cavernInputCols=["",""]
-jobproperties.Digitization.physicsList = 'QGSP_BERT'
-# DetFlags. Use to turn on/off individual subdetector or LVL1 trigger
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_misalign_singleChargedPi_100GeV_eta-5+5.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_misalign_singleChargedPi_100GeV_eta-5+5.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fdca3c059d784871d1328036e22626fdc631b9f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_misalign_singleChargedPi_100GeV_eta-5+5.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# This is the configuration file to run ATLAS Digitization
-# AthenaCommon configuration
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties
-#for RTT test only : the input file is in the chain store or in the fallback directory 
-# Digitiziation and Pileup configuration
-from Digitization.DigitizationFlags import jobproperties
-# jobproperties.Digitization.doMinimumBias=True
-# jobproperties.Digitization.numberOfCollisions=2.3
-# jobproperties.Digitization.minBiasInputCols=["", "", "" ]
-# jobproperties.Digitization.doCavern=True
-# jobproperties.Digitization.cavernInputCols=["",""]
-jobproperties.Digitization.physicsList = 'QGSP_BERT'
-# DetFlags. Use to turn on/off individual subdetector or LVL1 trigger
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_misalign_singleE_100GeV.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_misalign_singleE_100GeV.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 16d31ec2d182b080d4f995661f9a6c1e1fd15d32..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_misalign_singleE_100GeV.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# This is the configuration file to run ATLAS Digitization
-# AthenaCommon configuration
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties
-# Digitiziation and Pileup configuration
-from Digitization.DigitizationFlags import jobproperties
-# jobproperties.Digitization.doMinimumBias=True
-# jobproperties.Digitization.numberOfCollisions=2.3
-# jobproperties.Digitization.minBiasInputCols=["", "", "" ]
-# jobproperties.Digitization.doCavern=True
-# jobproperties.Digitization.cavernInputCols=["",""]
-jobproperties.Digitization.physicsList = 'QGSP_BERT'
-# DetFlags. Use to turn on/off individual subdetector or LVL1 trigger
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_misalign_singleE_50GeV.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_misalign_singleE_50GeV.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 16d31ec2d182b080d4f995661f9a6c1e1fd15d32..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_misalign_singleE_50GeV.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# This is the configuration file to run ATLAS Digitization
-# AthenaCommon configuration
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties
-# Digitiziation and Pileup configuration
-from Digitization.DigitizationFlags import jobproperties
-# jobproperties.Digitization.doMinimumBias=True
-# jobproperties.Digitization.numberOfCollisions=2.3
-# jobproperties.Digitization.minBiasInputCols=["", "", "" ]
-# jobproperties.Digitization.doCavern=True
-# jobproperties.Digitization.cavernInputCols=["",""]
-jobproperties.Digitization.physicsList = 'QGSP_BERT'
-# DetFlags. Use to turn on/off individual subdetector or LVL1 trigger
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_misalign_singlePhot_50GeV.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_misalign_singlePhot_50GeV.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 16d31ec2d182b080d4f995661f9a6c1e1fd15d32..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_misalign_singlePhot_50GeV.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# This is the configuration file to run ATLAS Digitization
-# AthenaCommon configuration
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties
-# Digitiziation and Pileup configuration
-from Digitization.DigitizationFlags import jobproperties
-# jobproperties.Digitization.doMinimumBias=True
-# jobproperties.Digitization.numberOfCollisions=2.3
-# jobproperties.Digitization.minBiasInputCols=["", "", "" ]
-# jobproperties.Digitization.doCavern=True
-# jobproperties.Digitization.cavernInputCols=["",""]
-jobproperties.Digitization.physicsList = 'QGSP_BERT'
-# DetFlags. Use to turn on/off individual subdetector or LVL1 trigger
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_misalign_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_misalign_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f6a8a63c4e7056fbbdc71b7d286b2bd49c246225..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_misalign_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# This is the configuration file to run ATLAS Digitization
-# AthenaCommon configuration
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties
-#for RTT test only : the input file is in the chain store or in the fallback directory 
-# Digitiziation and Pileup configuration
-from Digitization.DigitizationFlags import jobproperties
-# jobproperties.Digitization.doMinimumBias=True
-# jobproperties.Digitization.numberOfCollisions=2.3
-# jobproperties.Digitization.minBiasInputCols=["", "", "" ]
-# jobproperties.Digitization.doCavern=True
-# jobproperties.Digitization.cavernInputCols=["",""]
-jobproperties.Digitization.physicsList = 'QGSP_BERT'
-# DetFlags. Use to turn on/off individual subdetector or LVL1 trigger
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_singleChargedPi_100GeV_eta-5+5.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_singleChargedPi_100GeV_eta-5+5.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 06efadcb82f6bcc74b4df9779f51ffc1d0de9ef9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_singleChargedPi_100GeV_eta-5+5.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-# This is the configuration file to run ATLAS Digitization
-# AthenaCommon configuration
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties
-#for RTT test only : the input file is in the chain store or in the fallback directory 
-#for specified input file
-# Digitiziation and Pileup configuration
-from Digitization.DigitizationFlags import jobproperties
-# jobproperties.Digitization.doMinimumBias=True
-# jobproperties.Digitization.numberOfCollisions=2.3
-# jobproperties.Digitization.minBiasInputCols=["", "", "" ]
-# jobproperties.Digitization.doCavern=True
-# jobproperties.Digitization.cavernInputCols=["",""]
-# jobproperties.Digitization.physicsList = 'QGSP_BERT'
-from G4AtlasApps.SimFlags import SimFlags
-# DetFlags. Use to turn on/off individual subdetector or LVL1 trigger
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_singleE_100GeV.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_singleE_100GeV.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 16d31ec2d182b080d4f995661f9a6c1e1fd15d32..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_singleE_100GeV.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# This is the configuration file to run ATLAS Digitization
-# AthenaCommon configuration
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties
-# Digitiziation and Pileup configuration
-from Digitization.DigitizationFlags import jobproperties
-# jobproperties.Digitization.doMinimumBias=True
-# jobproperties.Digitization.numberOfCollisions=2.3
-# jobproperties.Digitization.minBiasInputCols=["", "", "" ]
-# jobproperties.Digitization.doCavern=True
-# jobproperties.Digitization.cavernInputCols=["",""]
-jobproperties.Digitization.physicsList = 'QGSP_BERT'
-# DetFlags. Use to turn on/off individual subdetector or LVL1 trigger
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_singleE_50GeV.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_singleE_50GeV.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 06efadcb82f6bcc74b4df9779f51ffc1d0de9ef9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_singleE_50GeV.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-# This is the configuration file to run ATLAS Digitization
-# AthenaCommon configuration
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties
-#for RTT test only : the input file is in the chain store or in the fallback directory 
-#for specified input file
-# Digitiziation and Pileup configuration
-from Digitization.DigitizationFlags import jobproperties
-# jobproperties.Digitization.doMinimumBias=True
-# jobproperties.Digitization.numberOfCollisions=2.3
-# jobproperties.Digitization.minBiasInputCols=["", "", "" ]
-# jobproperties.Digitization.doCavern=True
-# jobproperties.Digitization.cavernInputCols=["",""]
-# jobproperties.Digitization.physicsList = 'QGSP_BERT'
-from G4AtlasApps.SimFlags import SimFlags
-# DetFlags. Use to turn on/off individual subdetector or LVL1 trigger
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_singleE_5GeV.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_singleE_5GeV.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 06efadcb82f6bcc74b4df9779f51ffc1d0de9ef9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_singleE_5GeV.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-# This is the configuration file to run ATLAS Digitization
-# AthenaCommon configuration
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties
-#for RTT test only : the input file is in the chain store or in the fallback directory 
-#for specified input file
-# Digitiziation and Pileup configuration
-from Digitization.DigitizationFlags import jobproperties
-# jobproperties.Digitization.doMinimumBias=True
-# jobproperties.Digitization.numberOfCollisions=2.3
-# jobproperties.Digitization.minBiasInputCols=["", "", "" ]
-# jobproperties.Digitization.doCavern=True
-# jobproperties.Digitization.cavernInputCols=["",""]
-# jobproperties.Digitization.physicsList = 'QGSP_BERT'
-from G4AtlasApps.SimFlags import SimFlags
-# DetFlags. Use to turn on/off individual subdetector or LVL1 trigger
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_singlePhot_50GeV.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_singlePhot_50GeV.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 06efadcb82f6bcc74b4df9779f51ffc1d0de9ef9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_singlePhot_50GeV.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-# This is the configuration file to run ATLAS Digitization
-# AthenaCommon configuration
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties
-#for RTT test only : the input file is in the chain store or in the fallback directory 
-#for specified input file
-# Digitiziation and Pileup configuration
-from Digitization.DigitizationFlags import jobproperties
-# jobproperties.Digitization.doMinimumBias=True
-# jobproperties.Digitization.numberOfCollisions=2.3
-# jobproperties.Digitization.minBiasInputCols=["", "", "" ]
-# jobproperties.Digitization.doCavern=True
-# jobproperties.Digitization.cavernInputCols=["",""]
-# jobproperties.Digitization.physicsList = 'QGSP_BERT'
-from G4AtlasApps.SimFlags import SimFlags
-# DetFlags. Use to turn on/off individual subdetector or LVL1 trigger
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 06efadcb82f6bcc74b4df9779f51ffc1d0de9ef9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-# This is the configuration file to run ATLAS Digitization
-# AthenaCommon configuration
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties
-#for RTT test only : the input file is in the chain store or in the fallback directory 
-#for specified input file
-# Digitiziation and Pileup configuration
-from Digitization.DigitizationFlags import jobproperties
-# jobproperties.Digitization.doMinimumBias=True
-# jobproperties.Digitization.numberOfCollisions=2.3
-# jobproperties.Digitization.minBiasInputCols=["", "", "" ]
-# jobproperties.Digitization.doCavern=True
-# jobproperties.Digitization.cavernInputCols=["",""]
-# jobproperties.Digitization.physicsList = 'QGSP_BERT'
-from G4AtlasApps.SimFlags import SimFlags
-# DetFlags. Use to turn on/off individual subdetector or LVL1 trigger
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_misalign_singleChargedPi_100GeV_eta-5+5.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_misalign_singleChargedPi_100GeV_eta-5+5.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 750d7ce839c8699c0424bf243a6eb2ab110aeb27..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_misalign_singleChargedPi_100GeV_eta-5+5.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-#example of personal topOptions
-# to use it  
-# athena >! athena.log
-#  ( myTopOptions.py is defaulted through jobOptions.py soft link)
-# see RecExCommon/RecExCommon_flags.py for more available flags
-from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
-# AthenaCommon configuration
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties
-#for RTT test only : the input file is in the chain store or in the fallback directory 
-include ("RecExCommon/RecExCommon_flags.py")
-# Flags that are defined in python are best set here
-# switch off ID and muons
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import jobproperties
-# main jobOption
-include ("RecExCommon/RecExCommon_topOptions.py")
-#print memory usage for all events (in case of memory leak crash)
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-import os
-com="echo \"BEGIN_RTTINFO = Pi100GeV\">&MYRTTINFOS.txt"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_misalign_singleE_100GeV.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_misalign_singleE_100GeV.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 5e3346c16b1d913987a37ae872b6b988229e7ea9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_misalign_singleE_100GeV.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-#example of personal topOptions
-# to use it  
-# athena >! athena.log
-#  ( myTopOptions.py is defaulted through jobOptions.py soft link)
-# see RecExCommon/RecExCommon_flags.py for more available flags
-from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
-PoolRDOInput= ["Dig.pool.root"]
-include ("RecExCommon/RecExCommon_flags.py")
-# Flags that are defined in python are best set here
-# switch off ID and muons
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import jobproperties
-# main jobOption
-include ("RecExCommon/RecExCommon_topOptions.py")
-#print memory usage for all events (in case of memory leak crash)
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-import os
-com="echo \"BEGIN_RTTINFO = Electrons100GeVmis\">&MYRTTINFOS.txt"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_misalign_singleE_50GeV.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_misalign_singleE_50GeV.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 7d3570fd3ec872f3fd715a87e6f6e8ee9d992b7f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_misalign_singleE_50GeV.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#example of personal topOptions
-# to use it  
-# athena >! athena.log
-#  ( myTopOptions.py is defaulted through jobOptions.py soft link)
-# see RecExCommon/RecExCommon_flags.py for more available flags
-from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
-PoolRDOInput= ["Dig.pool.root"]
-include ("RecExCommon/RecExCommon_flags.py")
-# Flags that are defined in python are best set here
-# switch off ID and muons
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import jobproperties
-# main jobOption
-include ("RecExCommon/RecExCommon_topOptions.py")
-#print memory usage for all events (in case of memory leak crash)
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-import os
-com="echo \"BEGIN_RTTINFO = Electrons50GeVmis\">&MYRTTINFOS.txt"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_misalign_singlePhot_50GeV.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_misalign_singlePhot_50GeV.py
deleted file mode 100755
index d48df871903f516c41c8c7c06c83ee877653590e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_misalign_singlePhot_50GeV.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-#example of personal topOptions
-# to use it  
-# athena >! athena.log
-#  ( myTopOptions.py is defaulted through jobOptions.py soft link)
-# see RecExCommon/RecExCommon_flags.py for more available flags
-from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
-# number of event to process
-PoolRDOInput= ["Dig.pool.root"]
-include ("RecExCommon/RecExCommon_flags.py")
-# Flags that are defined in python are best set here
-# switch off ID and muons
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import jobproperties
-PoolRDOInput= ["Dig.pool.root"]
-# main jobOption
-include ("RecExCommon/RecExCommon_topOptions.py")
-#print memory usage for all events (in case of memory leak crash)
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-import os
-com="echo \"BEGIN_RTTINFO = Photons50GeVmis\">&MYRTTINFOS.txt"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_misalign_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_misalign_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d0e2143ee45b1622a85c1cab50978464bffb7369..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_misalign_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-#example of personal topOptions
-# to use it  
-# athena >! athena.log
-#  ( myTopOptions.py is defaulted through jobOptions.py soft link)
-# see RecExCommon/RecExCommon_flags.py for more available flags
-from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
-# AthenaCommon configuration
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties
-#for RTT test only : the input file is in the chain store or in the fallback directory 
-include ("RecExCommon/RecExCommon_flags.py")
-# Flags that are defined in python are best set here
-# switch off ID and muons
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import jobproperties
-# main jobOption
-include ("RecExCommon/RecExCommon_topOptions.py")
-#print memory usage for all events (in case of memory leak crash)
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-import os
-com="echo \"BEGIN_RTTINFO = Pi100GeV\">&MYRTTINFOS.txt"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_singleChargedPi_100GeV_eta-5+5.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_singleChargedPi_100GeV_eta-5+5.py
deleted file mode 100644
index df16f7b23fdfae35c47e3f5cca57ed5407845405..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_singleChargedPi_100GeV_eta-5+5.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-import os
-print ('Hostname :')
-print ('CPU infos :')
-os.system('cat /proc/cpuinfo')
-print ('MEM infos :')
-os.system('cat /proc/meminfo')
-#example of personal topOptions
-# to use it  
-# athena >! athena.log
-#  ( myTopOptions.py is defaulted through jobOptions.py soft link)
-# see RecExCommon/RecExCommon_flags.py for more available flags
-# readG3 and AllAlgs needs be set before the include, since several
-# secondary flags are configured according to that one
-# readG3=True # true if read g3 data
-# AllAlgs = False # if false, all algorithms are switched off by defaults 
-# doiPatRec = False
-# AthenaCommon configuration
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties
-#for RTT test only : the input file is in the chain store or in the fallback directory
-from RecExConfig.RecFlags  import rec
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags
-from RecExConfig.RecAlgsFlags import recAlgs
-from MuonRecExample.MuonRecFlags import muonRecFlags
-tuple_name = "ntuple.root"
-from RecExConfig.RecAlgsFlags import recAlgs
-from MuonRecExample.MuonRecFlags import muonRecFlags
-# number of event to process
-include ("RecExCond/RecExCommon_flags.py")
-# Flags that are defined in python are best set here
-# switch off ID and muons
-#from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
-# include my own algorithm(s)
-# include my own algorithm
-# UserAlgs=[ "MyPackage/MyAlgorithm_jobOptions.py" ] 
-# main jobOption
-include ("RecExCommon/RecExCommon_topOptions.py")
-# D3PDMaker calo block
-from D3PDMakerCoreComps.MakerAlg import *
-from CaloD3PDMaker.ClusterD3PDObject import *
-from CaloD3PDMaker.CaloCellD3PDObject import *
-from CaloD3PDMaker.CaloInfoD3PDObject import *
-# switch off?? LArDigit JT. 09.10.2012
-# from CaloD3PDMaker.LArDigitD3PDObject import *
-from EventCommonD3PDMaker.EventInfoD3PDObject import *
-alg = MakerAlg("caloD3PD", topSequence, file = tuple_name , D3PDSvc = 'D3PD::RootD3PDSvc')
-alg += EventInfoD3PDObject (1)
-# alg += AllCaloCellD3PDObject (10)
-#alg += SelCaloCellD3PDObject (Param)
-# alg += EMCellD3PDObject (10)
-# alg += HECCellD3PDObject (10)
-# alg += FCALCellD3PDObject (10)
-# alg += TileCellD3PDObject (10)
-alg += CaloInfoD3PDObject (1)
-alg += ClusterD3PDObject (2)
-# switch off LArDigitObj JT 09.10.2012
-#alg += LArDigitD3PDObject (2)
-#print memory usage for all events (in case of memory leak crash)
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-print 'BEGIN_RTTINFO = Pi100GeV'
-import os
-com="echo \"BEGIN_RTTINFO = Pi100GeV\">&MYRTTINFOS.txt"
-from PerfMonComps.PerfMonFlags import jobproperties
-jobproperties.PerfMonFlags.doMonitoring = True
-from PerfMonComps.JobOptCfg import PerfMonSvc
-svcMgr += PerfMonSvc()
-jobproperties.PerfMonFlags.doDetailedMonitoring = True
-import os
-os.system('get_files perfmon.py')
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_singleE_100GeV.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_singleE_100GeV.py
deleted file mode 100755
index b0a77302aa471f8d98136d3132ab1aabeb03fefc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_singleE_100GeV.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-#example of personal topOptions
-# to use it  
-# athena >! athena.log
-#  ( myTopOptions.py is defaulted through jobOptions.py soft link)
-# see RecExCommon/RecExCommon_flags.py for more available flags
-from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
-PoolRDOInput= ["Dig.pool.root"]
-include ("RecExCommon/RecExCommon_flags.py")
-# Flags that are defined in python are best set here
-# switch off ID and muons
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import jobproperties
-# main jobOption
-include ("RecExCommon/RecExCommon_topOptions.py")
-#print memory usage for all events (in case of memory leak crash)
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-import os
-com="echo \"BEGIN_RTTINFO = Electrons100GeV\">&MYRTTINFOS.txt"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_singleE_50GeV.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_singleE_50GeV.py
deleted file mode 100755
index b15f24cefec439d4ebbd1e81b2f1407b42332010..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_singleE_50GeV.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-import os
-print ('Hostname :')
-print ('CPU infos :')
-os.system('cat /proc/cpuinfo')
-print ('MEM infos :')
-os.system('cat /proc/meminfo')
-#example of personal topOptions
-# to use it  
-# athena >! athena.log
-#  ( myTopOptions.py is defaulted through jobOptions.py soft link)
-# see RecExCommon/RecExCommon_flags.py for more available flags
-# readG3 and AllAlgs needs be set before the include, since several
-# secondary flags are configured according to that one
-# readG3=True # true if read g3 data
-# AllAlgs = False # if false, all algorithms are switched off by defaults 
-# doiPatRec = False
-# AthenaCommon configuration
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties
-#for RTT test only : the input file is in the chain store or in the fallback directory
-from RecExConfig.RecFlags  import rec
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags
-from RecExConfig.RecAlgsFlags import recAlgs
-from MuonRecExample.MuonRecFlags import muonRecFlags
-tuple_name = "ntuple.root"
-from RecExConfig.RecAlgsFlags import recAlgs
-from MuonRecExample.MuonRecFlags import muonRecFlags
-# number of event to process
-include ("RecExCond/RecExCommon_flags.py")
-# Flags that are defined in python are best set here
-# switch off ID and muons
-#from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
-# include my own algorithm(s)
-# include my own algorithm
-# UserAlgs=[ "MyPackage/MyAlgorithm_jobOptions.py" ] 
-# main jobOption
-include ("RecExCommon/RecExCommon_topOptions.py")
-# D3PDMaker calo block
-from D3PDMakerCoreComps.MakerAlg import *
-from CaloD3PDMaker.ClusterD3PDObject import *
-from CaloD3PDMaker.CaloCellD3PDObject import *
-from CaloD3PDMaker.CaloInfoD3PDObject import *
-# switch off?? LArDigit JT. 09.10.2012
-# from CaloD3PDMaker.LArDigitD3PDObject import *
-from EventCommonD3PDMaker.EventInfoD3PDObject import *
-alg = MakerAlg("caloD3PD", topSequence, file = tuple_name , D3PDSvc = 'D3PD::RootD3PDSvc')
-alg += EventInfoD3PDObject (1)
-# alg += AllCaloCellD3PDObject (10)
-#alg += SelCaloCellD3PDObject (Param)
-# alg += EMCellD3PDObject (10)
-# alg += HECCellD3PDObject (10)
-# alg += FCALCellD3PDObject (10)
-# alg += TileCellD3PDObject (10)
-alg += CaloInfoD3PDObject (1)
-alg += ClusterD3PDObject (2)
-# switch off LArDigitObj JT 09.10.2012
-#alg += LArDigitD3PDObject (2)
-#print memory usage for all events (in case of memory leak crash)
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-print 'BEGIN_RTTINFO = Electrons50GeV'
-import os
-com="echo \"BEGIN_RTTINFO = Electrons50GeV\">&MYRTTINFOS.txt"
-from PerfMonComps.PerfMonFlags import jobproperties
-jobproperties.PerfMonFlags.doMonitoring = True
-from PerfMonComps.JobOptCfg import PerfMonSvc
-svcMgr += PerfMonSvc()
-jobproperties.PerfMonFlags.doDetailedMonitoring = True
-import os
-os.system('get_files perfmon.py')
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_singleE_5GeV.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_singleE_5GeV.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 05bd4d63a5ceb0f64225994159e215fd07d4ce08..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_singleE_5GeV.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-import os
-print ('Hostname :')
-print ('CPU infos :')
-os.system('cat /proc/cpuinfo')
-print ('MEM infos :')
-os.system('cat /proc/meminfo')
-#example of personal topOptions
-# to use it  
-# athena >! athena.log
-#  ( myTopOptions.py is defaulted through jobOptions.py soft link)
-# see RecExCommon/RecExCommon_flags.py for more available flags
-# readG3 and AllAlgs needs be set before the include, since several
-# secondary flags are configured according to that one
-# readG3=True # true if read g3 data
-# AllAlgs = False # if false, all algorithms are switched off by defaults 
-# doiPatRec = False
-# AthenaCommon configuration
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties
-#for RTT test only : the input file is in the chain store or in the fallback directory
-from RecExConfig.RecFlags  import rec
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags
-from RecExConfig.RecAlgsFlags import recAlgs
-from MuonRecExample.MuonRecFlags import muonRecFlags
-tuple_name = "ntuple.root"
-from RecExConfig.RecAlgsFlags import recAlgs
-from MuonRecExample.MuonRecFlags import muonRecFlags
-# number of event to process
-include ("RecExCond/RecExCommon_flags.py")
-# Flags that are defined in python are best set here
-# switch off ID and muons
-#from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
-# include my own algorithm(s)
-# include my own algorithm
-# UserAlgs=[ "MyPackage/MyAlgorithm_jobOptions.py" ] 
-# main jobOption
-include ("RecExCommon/RecExCommon_topOptions.py")
-# D3PDMaker calo block
-from D3PDMakerCoreComps.MakerAlg import *
-from CaloD3PDMaker.ClusterD3PDObject import *
-from CaloD3PDMaker.CaloCellD3PDObject import *
-from CaloD3PDMaker.CaloInfoD3PDObject import *
-# switch off?? LArDigit JT. 09.10.2012
-# from CaloD3PDMaker.LArDigitD3PDObject import *
-from EventCommonD3PDMaker.EventInfoD3PDObject import *
-alg = MakerAlg("caloD3PD", topSequence, file = tuple_name , D3PDSvc = 'D3PD::RootD3PDSvc')
-alg += EventInfoD3PDObject (1)
-# alg += AllCaloCellD3PDObject (10)
-#alg += SelCaloCellD3PDObject (Param)
-# alg += EMCellD3PDObject (10)
-# alg += HECCellD3PDObject (10)
-# alg += FCALCellD3PDObject (10)
-# alg += TileCellD3PDObject (10)
-alg += CaloInfoD3PDObject (1)
-alg += ClusterD3PDObject (2)
-# switch off LArDigitObj JT 09.10.2012
-#alg += LArDigitD3PDObject (2)
-#print memory usage for all events (in case of memory leak crash)
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-print 'BEGIN_RTTINFO = Electrons5GeV'
-import os
-com="echo \"BEGIN_RTTINFO = Electrons5GeV\">&MYRTTINFOS.txt"
-from PerfMonComps.PerfMonFlags import jobproperties
-jobproperties.PerfMonFlags.doMonitoring = True
-from PerfMonComps.JobOptCfg import PerfMonSvc
-svcMgr += PerfMonSvc()
-jobproperties.PerfMonFlags.doDetailedMonitoring = True
-import os
-os.system('get_files perfmon.py')
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_singlePhot_50GeV.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_singlePhot_50GeV.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 78e95c18dcc4dfcb3c1c63c4e9b4cf3f416e68e5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_singlePhot_50GeV.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-import os
-print ('Hostname :')
-print ('CPU infos :')
-os.system('cat /proc/cpuinfo')
-print ('MEM infos :')
-os.system('cat /proc/meminfo')
-#example of personal topOptions
-# to use it  
-# athena >! athena.log
-#  ( myTopOptions.py is defaulted through jobOptions.py soft link)
-# see RecExCommon/RecExCommon_flags.py for more available flags
-# readG3 and AllAlgs needs be set before the include, since several
-# secondary flags are configured according to that one
-# readG3=True # true if read g3 data
-# AllAlgs = False # if false, all algorithms are switched off by defaults 
-# doiPatRec = False
-# AthenaCommon configuration
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties
-#for RTT test only : the input file is in the chain store or in the fallback directory
-from RecExConfig.RecFlags  import rec
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags
-from RecExConfig.RecAlgsFlags import recAlgs
-from MuonRecExample.MuonRecFlags import muonRecFlags
-tuple_name = "ntuple.root"
-from RecExConfig.RecAlgsFlags import recAlgs
-from MuonRecExample.MuonRecFlags import muonRecFlags
-# number of event to process
-include ("RecExCond/RecExCommon_flags.py")
-# Flags that are defined in python are best set here
-# switch off ID and muons
-#from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
-# include my own algorithm(s)
-# include my own algorithm
-# UserAlgs=[ "MyPackage/MyAlgorithm_jobOptions.py" ] 
-# main jobOption
-include ("RecExCommon/RecExCommon_topOptions.py")
-# D3PDMaker calo block
-from D3PDMakerCoreComps.MakerAlg import *
-from CaloD3PDMaker.ClusterD3PDObject import *
-from CaloD3PDMaker.CaloCellD3PDObject import *
-from CaloD3PDMaker.CaloInfoD3PDObject import *
-# switch off?? LArDigit JT. 09.10.2012
-# from CaloD3PDMaker.LArDigitD3PDObject import *
-from EventCommonD3PDMaker.EventInfoD3PDObject import *
-alg = MakerAlg("caloD3PD", topSequence, file = tuple_name , D3PDSvc = 'D3PD::RootD3PDSvc')
-alg += EventInfoD3PDObject (1)
-# alg += AllCaloCellD3PDObject (10)
-#alg += SelCaloCellD3PDObject (Param)
-# alg += EMCellD3PDObject (10)
-# alg += HECCellD3PDObject (10)
-# alg += FCALCellD3PDObject (10)
-# alg += TileCellD3PDObject (10)
-alg += CaloInfoD3PDObject (1)
-alg += ClusterD3PDObject (2)
-# switch off LArDigitObj JT 09.10.2012
-#alg += LArDigitD3PDObject (2)
-#print memory usage for all events (in case of memory leak crash)
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-print 'BEGIN_RTTINFO = Photons50GeV'
-import os
-com="echo \"BEGIN_RTTINFO = Photons50GeV\">&MYRTTINFOS.txt"
-from PerfMonComps.PerfMonFlags import jobproperties
-jobproperties.PerfMonFlags.doMonitoring = True
-from PerfMonComps.JobOptCfg import PerfMonSvc
-svcMgr += PerfMonSvc()
-jobproperties.PerfMonFlags.doDetailedMonitoring = True
-import os
-os.system('get_files perfmon.py')
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5.py
deleted file mode 100644
index df16f7b23fdfae35c47e3f5cca57ed5407845405..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-import os
-print ('Hostname :')
-print ('CPU infos :')
-os.system('cat /proc/cpuinfo')
-print ('MEM infos :')
-os.system('cat /proc/meminfo')
-#example of personal topOptions
-# to use it  
-# athena >! athena.log
-#  ( myTopOptions.py is defaulted through jobOptions.py soft link)
-# see RecExCommon/RecExCommon_flags.py for more available flags
-# readG3 and AllAlgs needs be set before the include, since several
-# secondary flags are configured according to that one
-# readG3=True # true if read g3 data
-# AllAlgs = False # if false, all algorithms are switched off by defaults 
-# doiPatRec = False
-# AthenaCommon configuration
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties
-#for RTT test only : the input file is in the chain store or in the fallback directory
-from RecExConfig.RecFlags  import rec
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags
-from RecExConfig.RecAlgsFlags import recAlgs
-from MuonRecExample.MuonRecFlags import muonRecFlags
-tuple_name = "ntuple.root"
-from RecExConfig.RecAlgsFlags import recAlgs
-from MuonRecExample.MuonRecFlags import muonRecFlags
-# number of event to process
-include ("RecExCond/RecExCommon_flags.py")
-# Flags that are defined in python are best set here
-# switch off ID and muons
-#from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
-# include my own algorithm(s)
-# include my own algorithm
-# UserAlgs=[ "MyPackage/MyAlgorithm_jobOptions.py" ] 
-# main jobOption
-include ("RecExCommon/RecExCommon_topOptions.py")
-# D3PDMaker calo block
-from D3PDMakerCoreComps.MakerAlg import *
-from CaloD3PDMaker.ClusterD3PDObject import *
-from CaloD3PDMaker.CaloCellD3PDObject import *
-from CaloD3PDMaker.CaloInfoD3PDObject import *
-# switch off?? LArDigit JT. 09.10.2012
-# from CaloD3PDMaker.LArDigitD3PDObject import *
-from EventCommonD3PDMaker.EventInfoD3PDObject import *
-alg = MakerAlg("caloD3PD", topSequence, file = tuple_name , D3PDSvc = 'D3PD::RootD3PDSvc')
-alg += EventInfoD3PDObject (1)
-# alg += AllCaloCellD3PDObject (10)
-#alg += SelCaloCellD3PDObject (Param)
-# alg += EMCellD3PDObject (10)
-# alg += HECCellD3PDObject (10)
-# alg += FCALCellD3PDObject (10)
-# alg += TileCellD3PDObject (10)
-alg += CaloInfoD3PDObject (1)
-alg += ClusterD3PDObject (2)
-# switch off LArDigitObj JT 09.10.2012
-#alg += LArDigitD3PDObject (2)
-#print memory usage for all events (in case of memory leak crash)
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-print 'BEGIN_RTTINFO = Pi100GeV'
-import os
-com="echo \"BEGIN_RTTINFO = Pi100GeV\">&MYRTTINFOS.txt"
-from PerfMonComps.PerfMonFlags import jobproperties
-jobproperties.PerfMonFlags.doMonitoring = True
-from PerfMonComps.JobOptCfg import PerfMonSvc
-svcMgr += PerfMonSvc()
-jobproperties.PerfMonFlags.doDetailedMonitoring = True
-import os
-os.system('get_files perfmon.py')
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_misalign_singleChargedPi_100GeV_eta-5+5.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_misalign_singleChargedPi_100GeV_eta-5+5.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c703728fb10a29301c18a162e78a74dea8646072..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_misalign_singleChargedPi_100GeV_eta-5+5.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-# Job options file for Geant4 Simulations
-# Atlas simulation 
-## Algorithm sequence
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-topSeq = AlgSequence()
-#--- Detector flags -------------------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-#---- Global conditions tag -----------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
-globalflags.ConditionsTag = 'OFLCOND-SIM-BS7T-00'
-#--- AthenaCommon flags -----------------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags
-#--- AthenaCommon flags -----------------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags
-#--- Simulation -----------------------------------------
-from G4AtlasApps.SimFlags import SimFlags
-#bugs 73445 Comment #10
-# - uses single particle generator
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-spgorders = ['pdgcode: constant 211',
-             'vertX: constant 0.0',
-             'vertY: constant 0.0',
-             'vertZ: constant 0.0',
-             't: constant 0.0',
-             'eta: flat -5.0 5.0',
-             'phi: flat  0 6.28318',
-             'e: constant 100000']
-from ParticleGenerator.ParticleGeneratorConf import ParticleGenerator
-topSeq += ParticleGenerator()
-topSeq.ParticleGenerator.orders = sorted(spgorders)
-from AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf import AtRanluxGenSvc
-ServiceMgr += AtRanluxGenSvc()
-ServiceMgr.AtRanluxGenSvc.Seeds = ["SINGLE 2040160768 443921183"]
-#---  Output printout level ----------------------------------- 
-#output threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL)
-#you can override this for individual modules if necessary
-MessageSvc = Service( "MessageSvc" )
-MessageSvc.OutputLevel = 3
-## Populate alg sequence
-from AthenaCommon.CfgGetter import getAlgorithm
-topSeq += getAlgorithm("G4AtlasAlg",tryDefaultConfigurable=True)
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_misalign_singleE_100GeV.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_misalign_singleE_100GeV.py
deleted file mode 100755
index f9265d4d35ef716d2a255872d081c775de755c8e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_misalign_singleE_100GeV.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-# Job options file for Geant4 Simulations
-# Atlas simulation 
-## Algorithm sequence
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-topSeq = AlgSequence()
-#--- Detector flags -------------------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-#---- Global conditions tag -----------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
-globalflags.ConditionsTag = 'OFLCOND-SIM-BS7T-00'
-#--- AthenaCommon flags -----------------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags
-athenaCommonFlags.EvtMax =200
-#--- Simulation -----------------------------------------
-from G4AtlasApps.SimFlags import SimFlags
-# - uses single particle generator
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-spgorders = ['pdgcode: constant 11',
-             'vertX: constant 0.0',
-             'vertY: constant 0.0',
-             'vertZ: constant 0.0',
-             't: constant 0.0',
-             'eta: flat -3.0 3.0',
-             'phi: flat  0 6.28318',
-             'e: constant 100000']
-from ParticleGenerator.ParticleGeneratorConf import ParticleGenerator
-topSeq += ParticleGenerator()
-topSeq.ParticleGenerator.orders = sorted(spgorders)
-from AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf import AtRanluxGenSvc
-ServiceMgr += AtRanluxGenSvc()
-ServiceMgr.AtRanluxGenSvc.Seeds = ["SINGLE 2040160768 443921183"]
-#---  Output printout level ----------------------------------- 
-#output threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL)
-#you can override this for individual modules if necessary
-MessageSvc = Service( "MessageSvc" )
-MessageSvc.OutputLevel = 3
-## Populate alg sequence
-from AthenaCommon.CfgGetter import getAlgorithm
-topSeq += getAlgorithm("G4AtlasAlg",tryDefaultConfigurable=True)
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_misalign_singleE_50GeV.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_misalign_singleE_50GeV.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 33025d66fa8514b7b7340fa9f242694149658633..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_misalign_singleE_50GeV.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-# Job options file for Geant4 Simulations
-# Atlas simulation 
-## Algorithm sequence
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-topSeq = AlgSequence()
-#--- Detector flags -------------------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-#---- Global conditions tag -----------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
-globalflags.ConditionsTag = 'OFLCOND-SIM-BS7T-00'
-#--- AthenaCommon flags -----------------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags
-athenaCommonFlags.EvtMax =200
-#--- Simulation -----------------------------------------
-from G4AtlasApps.SimFlags import SimFlags
-# - uses single particle generator
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-spgorders = ['pdgcode: constant 11',
-             'vertX: constant 0.0',
-             'vertY: constant 0.0',
-             'vertZ: constant 0.0',
-             't: constant 0.0',
-             'eta: flat -3.0 3.0',
-             'phi: flat  0 6.28318',
-             'e: constant 50000']
-from ParticleGenerator.ParticleGeneratorConf import ParticleGenerator
-topSeq += ParticleGenerator()
-topSeq.ParticleGenerator.orders = sorted(spgorders)
-from AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf import AtRanluxGenSvc
-ServiceMgr += AtRanluxGenSvc()
-ServiceMgr.AtRanluxGenSvc.Seeds = ["SINGLE 2040160768 443921183"]
-#---  Output printout level ----------------------------------- 
-#output threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL)
-#you can override this for individual modules if necessary
-MessageSvc = Service( "MessageSvc" )
-MessageSvc.OutputLevel = 3
-## Populate alg sequence
-from AthenaCommon.CfgGetter import getAlgorithm
-topSeq += getAlgorithm("G4AtlasAlg",tryDefaultConfigurable=True)
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_misalign_singlePhot_50GeV.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_misalign_singlePhot_50GeV.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 4a9398c85274c052bf935ec3424a4b7a7dada6db..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_misalign_singlePhot_50GeV.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# Job options file for Geant4 Simulations
-# Atlas simulation 
-## Algorithm sequence
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-topSeq = AlgSequence()
-#--- Detector flags -------------------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-#---- Global conditions tag -----------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
-globalflags.ConditionsTag = 'OFLCOND-SIM-BS7T-00'
-#--- AthenaCommon flags -----------------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags
-athenaCommonFlags.EvtMax =200
-#--- Simulation -----------------------------------------
-from G4AtlasApps.SimFlags import SimFlags
-# - uses single particle generator
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-spgorders = ['pdgcode: constant 22',
-             'vertX: constant 0.0',
-             'vertY: constant 0.0',
-             'vertZ: constant 0.0',
-             't: constant 0.0',
-             'eta: flat -3.0 3.0',
-             'phi: flat  0 6.28318',
-             'e: constant 50000']
-from ParticleGenerator.ParticleGeneratorConf import ParticleGenerator
-topSeq += ParticleGenerator()
-topSeq.ParticleGenerator.orders = sorted(spgorders)
-from AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf import AtRanluxGenSvc
-ServiceMgr += AtRanluxGenSvc()
-ServiceMgr.AtRanluxGenSvc.Seeds = ["SINGLE 2040160768 443921183"]
-#---  Output printout level ----------------------------------- 
-#output threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL)
-#you can override this for individual modules if necessary
-MessageSvc = Service( "MessageSvc" )
-MessageSvc.OutputLevel = 3
-## Populate alg sequence
-from AthenaCommon.CfgGetter import getAlgorithm
-topSeq += getAlgorithm("G4AtlasAlg",tryDefaultConfigurable=True)
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_misalign_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_misalign_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f57a95021efa88698b5d87d417e539adb2e5fc38..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_misalign_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# Job options file for Geant4 Simulations
-# Atlas simulation 
-## Algorithm sequence
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-topSeq = AlgSequence()
-#--- Detector flags -------------------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-#---- Global conditions tag -----------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
-globalflags.ConditionsTag = 'OFLCOND-SIM-BS7T-00'
-#--- AthenaCommon flags -----------------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags
-#--- Simulation -----------------------------------------
-from G4AtlasApps.SimFlags import SimFlags
-#bugs 73445 Comment #10
-# - uses single particle generator
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-spgorders = ['pdgcode: constant 111',
-             'vertX: constant 0.0',
-             'vertY: constant 0.0',
-             'vertZ: constant 0.0',
-             't: constant 0.0',
-             'eta: flat -5.0 5.0',
-             'phi: flat  0 6.28318',
-             'e: constant 100000']
-from ParticleGenerator.ParticleGeneratorConf import ParticleGenerator
-topSeq += ParticleGenerator()
-topSeq.ParticleGenerator.orders = sorted(spgorders)
-from AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf import AtRanluxGenSvc
-ServiceMgr += AtRanluxGenSvc()
-ServiceMgr.AtRanluxGenSvc.Seeds = ["SINGLE 2040160768 443921183"]
-#---  Output printout level ----------------------------------- 
-#output threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL)
-#you can override this for individual modules if necessary
-MessageSvc = Service( "MessageSvc" )
-MessageSvc.OutputLevel = 3
-## Populate alg sequence
-from AthenaCommon.CfgGetter import getAlgorithm
-topSeq += getAlgorithm("G4AtlasAlg",tryDefaultConfigurable=True)
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_singleChargedPi_100GeV_eta-5+5.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_singleChargedPi_100GeV_eta-5+5.py
deleted file mode 100644
index bc107232916233cc5142812980dd86a0542d4c91..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_singleChargedPi_100GeV_eta-5+5.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-# Job options file for Geant4 Simulations
-# Atlas simulation 
-## Algorithm sequence
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-topSeq = AlgSequence()
-#--- Detector flags -------------------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-#---- Global conditions tag -----------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
-#globalflags.ConditionsTag = 'OFLCOND-SDR-BS7T-05-07'
-globalflags.ConditionsTag = 'OFLCOND-MC12-SDR-06'
-# AthenaCommon configuration
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags
-#for RTT test only : the input file is in the chain store or in the fallback directory 
-#--- Simulation -----------------------------------------
-from G4AtlasApps.SimFlags import SimFlags
-#bugs 73445 Comment #10
-# - uses single particle generator
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-spgorders = ['pdgcode: constant 211',
-             'vertX: constant 0.0',
-             'vertY: constant 0.0',
-             'vertZ: constant 0.0',
-             't: constant 0.0',
-             'eta: flat -5.0 5.0',
-             'phi: flat  0 6.28318',
-             'e: constant 100000']
-from ParticleGenerator.ParticleGeneratorConf import ParticleGenerator
-topSeq += ParticleGenerator()
-topSeq.ParticleGenerator.orders = sorted(spgorders)
-from AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf import AtRanluxGenSvc
-ServiceMgr += AtRanluxGenSvc()
-ServiceMgr.AtRanluxGenSvc.Seeds = ["SINGLE 2040160768 443921183"]
-#---  Output printout level ----------------------------------- 
-#output threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL)
-#you can override this for individual modules if necessary
-MessageSvc = Service( "MessageSvc" )
-MessageSvc.OutputLevel = 3
-## Populate alg sequence
-from AthenaCommon.CfgGetter import getAlgorithm
-topSeq += getAlgorithm("G4AtlasAlg",tryDefaultConfigurable=True)
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_singleE_100GeV.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_singleE_100GeV.py
deleted file mode 100755
index d46b5247c233e914b43589516923577db7e1d5a1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_singleE_100GeV.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-# Job options file for Geant4 Simulations
-# Atlas simulation 
-## Algorithm sequence
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-topSeq = AlgSequence()
-#--- Detector flags -------------------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-#---- Global conditions tag -----------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
-globalflags.ConditionsTag = 'OFLCOND-SIM-BS7T-00'
-#--- AthenaCommon flags -----------------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags
-athenaCommonFlags.EvtMax =200
-#--- Simulation -----------------------------------------
-from G4AtlasApps.SimFlags import SimFlags
-# - uses single particle generator
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-spgorders = ['pdgcode: constant 11',
-             'vertX: constant 0.0',
-             'vertY: constant 0.0',
-             'vertZ: constant 0.0',
-             't: constant 0.0',
-             'eta: flat -3.0 3.0',
-             'phi: flat  0 6.28318',
-             'e: constant 100000']
-from ParticleGenerator.ParticleGeneratorConf import ParticleGenerator
-topSeq += ParticleGenerator()
-topSeq.ParticleGenerator.orders = sorted(spgorders)
-from AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf import AtRanluxGenSvc
-ServiceMgr += AtRanluxGenSvc()
-ServiceMgr.AtRanluxGenSvc.Seeds = ["SINGLE 2040160768 443921183"]
-#---  Output printout level ----------------------------------- 
-#output threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL)
-#you can override this for individual modules if necessary
-MessageSvc = Service( "MessageSvc" )
-MessageSvc.OutputLevel = 3
-## Populate alg sequence
-from AthenaCommon.CfgGetter import getAlgorithm
-topSeq += getAlgorithm("G4AtlasAlg",tryDefaultConfigurable=True)
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_singleE_50GeV.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_singleE_50GeV.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 21f7ba66926a32e85cc1fe2d5b3a2e20593b2c57..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_singleE_50GeV.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-# Job options file for Geant4 Simulations
-# Atlas simulation 
-## Algorithm sequence
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-topSeq = AlgSequence()
-#--- Detector flags -------------------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-#---- Global conditions tag -----------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
-#globalflags.ConditionsTag = 'OFLCOND-SDR-BS7T-05-07'
-globalflags.ConditionsTag = 'OFLCOND-MC12-SDR-06'
-# AthenaCommon configuration
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags
-#for RTT test only : the input file is in the chain store or in the fallback directory 
-#--- Simulation -----------------------------------------
-from G4AtlasApps.SimFlags import SimFlags
-#bugs 73445 Comment #10
-# - uses single particle generator
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-spgorders = ['pdgcode: constant 11',
-             'vertX: constant 0.0',
-             'vertY: constant 0.0',
-             'vertZ: constant 0.0',
-             't: constant 0.0',
-             'eta: flat -3.0 3.0',
-             'phi: flat  0 6.28318',
-             'e: constant 50000']
-from ParticleGenerator.ParticleGeneratorConf import ParticleGenerator
-topSeq += ParticleGenerator()
-topSeq.ParticleGenerator.orders = sorted(spgorders)
-from AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf import AtRanluxGenSvc
-ServiceMgr += AtRanluxGenSvc()
-ServiceMgr.AtRanluxGenSvc.Seeds = ["SINGLE 2040160768 443921183"]
-#---  Output printout level ----------------------------------- 
-#output threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL)
-#you can override this for individual modules if necessary
-MessageSvc = Service( "MessageSvc" )
-MessageSvc.OutputLevel = 3
-## Populate alg sequence
-from AthenaCommon.CfgGetter import getAlgorithm
-topSeq += getAlgorithm("G4AtlasAlg",tryDefaultConfigurable=True)
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_singleE_5GeV.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_singleE_5GeV.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 01d085f35b9f6ada150f2f0c13407d9ffe78b6ea..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_singleE_5GeV.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-# Job options file for Geant4 Simulations
-# Atlas simulation 
-## Algorithm sequence
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-topSeq = AlgSequence()
-#--- Detector flags -------------------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-#---- Global conditions tag -----------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
-#globalflags.ConditionsTag = 'OFLCOND-SDR-BS7T-05-07'
-globalflags.ConditionsTag = 'OFLCOND-MC12-SDR-06'
-# AthenaCommon configuration
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags
-#for RTT test only : the input file is in the chain store or in the fallback directory 
-#--- Simulation -----------------------------------------
-from G4AtlasApps.SimFlags import SimFlags
-#bugs 73445 Comment #10
-# - uses single particle generator
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-spgorders = ['pdgcode: constant 11',
-             'vertX: constant 0.0',
-             'vertY: constant 0.0',
-             'vertZ: constant 0.0',
-             't: constant 0.0',
-             'eta: flat -3.0 3.0',
-             'phi: flat  0 6.28318',
-             'e: constant 5000']
-from ParticleGenerator.ParticleGeneratorConf import ParticleGenerator
-topSeq += ParticleGenerator()
-topSeq.ParticleGenerator.orders = sorted(spgorders)
-from AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf import AtRanluxGenSvc
-ServiceMgr += AtRanluxGenSvc()
-ServiceMgr.AtRanluxGenSvc.Seeds = ["SINGLE 2040160768 443921183"]
-#---  Output printout level ----------------------------------- 
-#output threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL)
-#you can override this for individual modules if necessary
-MessageSvc = Service( "MessageSvc" )
-MessageSvc.OutputLevel = 3
-## Populate alg sequence
-from AthenaCommon.CfgGetter import getAlgorithm
-topSeq += getAlgorithm("G4AtlasAlg",tryDefaultConfigurable=True)
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_singlePhot_50GeV.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_singlePhot_50GeV.py
deleted file mode 100755
index c937d3dddf482fb74c52be52a45212c332f341aa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_singlePhot_50GeV.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-# Job options file for Geant4 Simulations
-# Atlas simulation 
-## Algorithm sequence
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-topSeq = AlgSequence()
-#--- Detector flags -------------------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-#---- Global conditions tag -----------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
-#globalflags.ConditionsTag = 'OFLCOND-SDR-BS7T-05-07'
-globalflags.ConditionsTag = 'OFLCOND-MC12-SDR-06'
-# AthenaCommon configuration
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags
-#for RTT test only : the input file is in the chain store or in the fallback directory 
-#--- Simulation -----------------------------------------
-from G4AtlasApps.SimFlags import SimFlags
-#bugs 73445 Comment #10
-# - uses single particle generator
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-spgorders = ['pdgcode: constant 22',
-             'vertX: constant 0.0',
-             'vertY: constant 0.0',
-             'vertZ: constant 0.0',
-             't: constant 0.0',
-             'eta: flat -3.0 3.0',
-             'phi: flat  0 6.28318',
-             'e: constant 50000']
-from ParticleGenerator.ParticleGeneratorConf import ParticleGenerator
-topSeq += ParticleGenerator()
-topSeq.ParticleGenerator.orders = sorted(spgorders)
-from AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf import AtRanluxGenSvc
-ServiceMgr += AtRanluxGenSvc()
-ServiceMgr.AtRanluxGenSvc.Seeds = ["SINGLE 2040160768 443921183"]
-#---  Output printout level ----------------------------------- 
-#output threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL)
-#you can override this for individual modules if necessary
-MessageSvc = Service( "MessageSvc" )
-MessageSvc.OutputLevel = 3
-## Populate alg sequence
-from AthenaCommon.CfgGetter import getAlgorithm
-topSeq += getAlgorithm("G4AtlasAlg",tryDefaultConfigurable=True)
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 58f868a982e7c7c5d0cf303f650d1ffb54e9d39a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-# Job options file for Geant4 Simulations
-# Atlas simulation 
-## Algorithm sequence
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-topSeq = AlgSequence()
-#--- Detector flags -------------------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-#---- Global conditions tag -----------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
-#globalflags.ConditionsTag = 'OFLCOND-SDR-BS7T-05-07'
-globalflags.ConditionsTag = 'OFLCOND-MC12-SDR-06'
-# AthenaCommon configuration
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags
-#for RTT test only : the input file is in the chain store or in the fallback directory 
-#--- Simulation -----------------------------------------
-from G4AtlasApps.SimFlags import SimFlags
-#bugs 73445 Comment #10
-# - uses single particle generator
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-spgorders = ['pdgcode: constant 111',
-             'vertX: constant 0.0',
-             'vertY: constant 0.0',
-             'vertZ: constant 0.0',
-             't: constant 0.0',
-             'eta: flat -5.0 5.0',
-             'phi: flat  0 6.28318',
-             'e: constant 100000']
-from ParticleGenerator.ParticleGeneratorConf import ParticleGenerator
-topSeq += ParticleGenerator()
-topSeq.ParticleGenerator.orders = sorted(spgorders)
-from AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf import AtRanluxGenSvc
-ServiceMgr += AtRanluxGenSvc()
-ServiceMgr.AtRanluxGenSvc.Seeds = ["SINGLE 2040160768 443921183"]
-#---  Output printout level ----------------------------------- 
-#output threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL)
-#you can override this for individual modules if necessary
-MessageSvc = Service( "MessageSvc" )
-MessageSvc.OutputLevel = 3
-## Populate alg sequence
-from AthenaCommon.CfgGetter import getAlgorithm
-topSeq += getAlgorithm("G4AtlasAlg",tryDefaultConfigurable=True)
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Rec_misalign_singleE_50GeV.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Rec_misalign_singleE_50GeV.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 811ee67d63bcd586ae5c1fb075dbe9534258e3b3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Rec_misalign_singleE_50GeV.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-#example of personal topOptions
-# to use it  
-# athena >! athena.log
-#  ( myTopOptions.py is defaulted through jobOptions.py soft link)
-# see RecExCommon/RecExCommon_flags.py for more available flags
-from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
-# AthenaCommon configuration
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties
-#for RTT test only : the input file is in the chain store or in the fallback directory 
-include ("RecExCommon/RecExCommon_flags.py")
-# Flags that are defined in python are best set here
-# switch off ID and muons
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import jobproperties
-# main jobOption
-include ("RecExCommon/RecExCommon_topOptions.py")
-#print memory usage for all events (in case of memory leak crash)
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-import os
-com="echo \"BEGIN_RTTINFO = Electrons50GeVmis\">&MYRTTINFOS.txt"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Rec_misalign_singlePhot_50GeV.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Rec_misalign_singlePhot_50GeV.py
deleted file mode 100755
index d8db5092a31af850c3576355db2ffaa963bfc5f4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Rec_misalign_singlePhot_50GeV.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-#example of personal topOptions
-# to use it  
-# athena >! athena.log
-#  ( myTopOptions.py is defaulted through jobOptions.py soft link)
-# see RecExCommon/RecExCommon_flags.py for more available flags
-from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
-include ("RecExCommon/RecExCommon_flags.py")
-# Flags that are defined in python are best set here
-# switch off ID and muons
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import jobproperties
-PoolRDOInput= ["Dig.pool.root"]
-# main jobOption
-include ("RecExCommon/RecExCommon_topOptions.py")
-#print memory usage for all events (in case of memory leak crash)
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-import os
-com="echo \"BEGIN_RTTINFO = Photons50GeVmis\">&MYRTTINFOS.txt"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Rec_singleE_50GeV.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Rec_singleE_50GeV.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 42029a4038d0b981e509de97466998d5702fa0a5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Rec_singleE_50GeV.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-#example of personal topOptions
-# to use it  
-# athena >! athena.log
-#  ( myTopOptions.py is defaulted through jobOptions.py soft link)
-# see RecExCommon/RecExCommon_flags.py for more available flags
-from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
-# AthenaCommon configuration
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties
-#for RTT test only : the input file is in the chain store or in the fallback directory 
-include ("RecExCommon/RecExCommon_flags.py")
-# Flags that are defined in python are best set here
-# switch off ID and muons
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import jobproperties
-# main jobOption
-include ("RecExCommon/RecExCommon_topOptions.py")
-#print memory usage for all events (in case of memory leak crash)
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-import os
-com="echo \"BEGIN_RTTINFO = Electrons50GeV\">&MYRTTINFOS.txt"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Rec_singleE_5GeV.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Rec_singleE_5GeV.py
deleted file mode 100755
index e4b7d06a27d65f3a4cf7bb4130c6e7f166910950..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Rec_singleE_5GeV.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-#example of personal topOptions
-# to use it  
-# athena >! athena.log
-#  ( myTopOptions.py is defaulted through jobOptions.py soft link)
-# see RecExCommon/RecExCommon_flags.py for more available flags
-from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
-# AthenaCommon configuration
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties
-#for RTT test only : the input file is in the chain store or in the fallback directory 
-include ("RecExCommon/RecExCommon_flags.py")
-# Flags that are defined in python are best set here
-# switch off ID and muons
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import jobproperties
-# main jobOption
-include ("RecExCommon/RecExCommon_topOptions.py")
-#print memory usage for all events (in case of memory leak crash)
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-import os
-com="echo \"BEGIN_RTTINFO = Electrons5GeV\">&MYRTTINFOS.txt"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Sim_misalign_singleE_50GeV.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Sim_misalign_singleE_50GeV.py
deleted file mode 100755
index e67e45862cbcbe5e3ca73ef2dd60260b2698b6b5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Sim_misalign_singleE_50GeV.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-# Job options file for Geant4 Simulations
-# Atlas simulation 
-## Algorithm sequence
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-topSeq = AlgSequence()
-#--- Detector flags -------------------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-#---- Global conditions tag -----------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
-globalflags.ConditionsTag = 'OFLCOND-SIM-BS7T-00'
-#--- AthenaCommon flags -----------------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags
-#--- Simulation -----------------------------------------
-from G4AtlasApps.SimFlags import SimFlags
-#bugs 73445 Comment #10
-# - uses single particle generator
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-spgorders = ['pdgcode: constant 11',
-             'vertX: constant 0.0',
-             'vertY: constant 0.0',
-             'vertZ: constant 0.0',
-             't: constant 0.0',
-             'eta: flat -3.0 3.0',
-             'phi: flat  0 6.28318',
-             'e: constant 50000']
-from ParticleGenerator.ParticleGeneratorConf import ParticleGenerator
-topSeq += ParticleGenerator()
-topSeq.ParticleGenerator.orders = sorted(spgorders)
-from AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf import AtRanluxGenSvc
-ServiceMgr += AtRanluxGenSvc()
-ServiceMgr.AtRanluxGenSvc.Seeds = ["SINGLE 2040160768 443921183"]
-#---  Output printout level ----------------------------------- 
-#output threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL)
-#you can override this for individual modules if necessary
-MessageSvc = Service( "MessageSvc" )
-MessageSvc.OutputLevel = 3
-## Populate alg sequence
-from AthenaCommon.CfgGetter import getAlgorithm
-topSeq += getAlgorithm("G4AtlasAlg",tryDefaultConfigurable=True)
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Sim_misalign_singlePhot_50GeV.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Sim_misalign_singlePhot_50GeV.py
deleted file mode 100755
index a83a22714ad6826fc64f6768b59d718d9560a6d1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Sim_misalign_singlePhot_50GeV.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-# Job options file for Geant4 Simulations
-# Atlas simulation 
-## Algorithm sequence
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-topSeq = AlgSequence()
-#--- Detector flags -------------------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-#---- Global conditions tag -----------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
-globalflags.ConditionsTag = 'OFLCOND-SIM-BS7T-00'
-#--- AthenaCommon flags -----------------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags
-#--- Simulation -----------------------------------------
-from G4AtlasApps.SimFlags import SimFlags
-# - uses single particle generator
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-spgorders = ['pdgcode: constant 22',
-             'vertX: constant 0.0',
-             'vertY: constant 0.0',
-             'vertZ: constant 0.0',
-             't: constant 0.0',
-             'eta: flat -3.0 3.0',
-             'phi: flat  0 6.28318',
-             'e: constant 50000']
-from ParticleGenerator.ParticleGeneratorConf import ParticleGenerator
-topSeq += ParticleGenerator()
-topSeq.ParticleGenerator.orders = sorted(spgorders)
-from AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf import AtRanluxGenSvc
-ServiceMgr += AtRanluxGenSvc()
-ServiceMgr.AtRanluxGenSvc.Seeds = ["SINGLE 2040160768 443921183"]
-#---  Output printout level ----------------------------------- 
-#output threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL)
-#you can override this for individual modules if necessary
-MessageSvc = Service( "MessageSvc" )
-MessageSvc.OutputLevel = 3
-## Populate alg sequence
-from AthenaCommon.CfgGetter import getAlgorithm
-topSeq += getAlgorithm("G4AtlasAlg",tryDefaultConfigurable=True)
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Sim_singleE_50GeV.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Sim_singleE_50GeV.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 63b98c35a12c9e20aa4160dbb8a43ab3d10552c8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Sim_singleE_50GeV.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# Job options file for Geant4 Simulations
-# Atlas simulation 
-## Algorithm sequence
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-topSeq = AlgSequence()
-#--- Detector flags -------------------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-#---- Global conditions tag -----------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
-globalflags.ConditionsTag = 'OFLCOND-SIM-BS7T-00'
-#--- AthenaCommon flags -----------------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags
-#--- Simulation -----------------------------------------
-from G4AtlasApps.SimFlags import SimFlags
-#bugs 73445 Comment #10
-# - uses single particle generator
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-spgorders = ['pdgcode: constant 11',
-             'vertX: constant 0.0',
-             'vertY: constant 0.0',
-             'vertZ: constant 0.0',
-             't: constant 0.0',
-             'eta: flat -3.0 3.0',
-             'phi: flat  0 6.28318',
-             'e: constant 50000']
-from ParticleGenerator.ParticleGeneratorConf import ParticleGenerator
-topSeq += ParticleGenerator()
-topSeq.ParticleGenerator.orders = sorted(spgorders)
-from AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf import AtRanluxGenSvc
-ServiceMgr += AtRanluxGenSvc()
-ServiceMgr.AtRanluxGenSvc.Seeds = ["SINGLE 2040160768 443921183"]
-#---  Output printout level ----------------------------------- 
-#output threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL)
-#you can override this for individual modules if necessary
-MessageSvc = Service( "MessageSvc" )
-MessageSvc.OutputLevel = 3
-## Populate alg sequence
-from AthenaCommon.CfgGetter import getAlgorithm
-topSeq += getAlgorithm("G4AtlasAlg",tryDefaultConfigurable=True)
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Sim_singleE_5GeV.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Sim_singleE_5GeV.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 44c5bb7cbd3a9c18fec958f408b349c137bacd99..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_RTT_Sim_singleE_5GeV.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-# Job options file for Geant4 Simulations
-# Atlas simulation 
-## Algorithm sequence
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-topSeq = AlgSequence()
-#--- Detector flags -------------------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-#---- Global conditions tag -----------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
-globalflags.ConditionsTag = 'OFLCOND-SIM-BS7T-00'
-#--- AthenaCommon flags -----------------------------------------
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags
-#--- Simulation -----------------------------------------
-from G4AtlasApps.SimFlags import SimFlags
-#bugs 73445 Comment #10
-# - uses single particle generator
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-spgorders = ['pdgcode: constant 11',
-             'vertX: constant 0.0',
-             'vertY: constant 0.0',
-             'vertZ: constant 0.0',
-             't: constant 0.0',
-             'eta: flat -3.0 3.0',
-             'phi: flat  0 6.28318',
-             'e: constant 5000']
-from ParticleGenerator.ParticleGeneratorConf import ParticleGenerator
-topSeq += ParticleGenerator()
-topSeq.ParticleGenerator.orders = sorted(spgorders)
-from AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf import AtRanluxGenSvc
-ServiceMgr += AtRanluxGenSvc()
-ServiceMgr.AtRanluxGenSvc.Seeds = ["SINGLE 2040160768 443921183"]
-#---  Output printout level ----------------------------------- 
-#output threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL)
-#you can override this for individual modules if necessary
-MessageSvc = Service( "MessageSvc" )
-MessageSvc.OutputLevel = 3
-## Populate alg sequence
-from AthenaCommon.CfgGetter import getAlgorithm
-topSeq += getAlgorithm("G4AtlasAlg",tryDefaultConfigurable=True)
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_SimCTB.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_SimCTB.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bdfc2b45b658d775fb9da2b03789f65c6fb7d4f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_SimCTB.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_Truth.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_Truth.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ad2577b3c5f5fe10c0a677d003e81731aeeecadd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_Truth.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,700 +0,0 @@
-import os,commands,sys,logging
-import ROOT
-import time,math,cmath
-class CaloTests_Truth:
-    def __init__(self,log,logLevel):
-        if log=='':
-            self.logger = logging.getLogger('CaloTests_Truth')
-            hdlr = logging.FileHandler('CaloTests_Truth.log',"w")
-            formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
-            hdlr.setFormatter(formatter)
-            self.logger.addHandler(hdlr)
-            self.logger.setLevel(logLevel)
-        else:
-            self.logger = log
-    def getFilePar(self):
-        com="grep RTTINFO MYRTTINFOS.txt | cut -d= -f2 | tail -n1"
-        res,testName=commands.getstatusoutput(com)
-        if res!=0 :
-            self.logger.error(testName)
-            return -1
-        nTestName=''
-        for i in testName:
-            if i !=' ':
-                nTestName+=i;
-        filePar=nTestName+".par";
-        com="wget http://cern.ch/CaloRTT/"+filePar
-        res,out=commands.getstatusoutput(com)
-        if res!=0 :
-            self.logger.error(out)
-            return -1
-        return filePar
-    def initHTML(self):
-        f=open("CaloTests_Truth.html","w")
-        f.write("<html><head><title>Truth</title><link rel=\"StyleSheet\" href=\"rtt.css\" type=\"text/css\" /><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\"><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en\"></head>")
-        f.write("<body>")
-        f.close()
-        f=open("CaloTests_Truth.txt","w")
-        f.close()
-    def closeHTML(self):
-        f=open("CaloTests_Truth.html","a")
-        f.write("</body>")
-        f.write("</html>")
-    def mysign(self,val):
-        if val<0.:
-            return -1
-        else:
-            return 1
-    def saveHisto(self,hist,filePar,opt):
-        html= open('CaloTests_Truth.html','a')
-        txt= open("CaloTests_Truth.txt","a");
-        tmp=hist.GetTitle()
-        name=""
-        for i in tmp:
-            if i==' ':
-                i='_'
-            if i=='(':
-                i='z'
-            if i==')':
-                i='z'
-            name+=i
-        com='grep RTTParm_truth_'+name+ ' '+filePar +' | cut -d= -f2 | tail -n1'
-        res,max=commands.getstatusoutput(com)
-        if res!=0:
-            self.logger.error('Problem to the par of '+name+' : '+max)
-            return -1
-        can=ROOT.TCanvas()
-        # only 3 digits
-        ROOT.TGaxis.SetMaxDigits(3)
-        hist.SetLineColor(2)
-        hist.SetLineStyle(2)
-        hist.Draw(opt)
-        txt.write("################################\n");
-        txt.write("Name : "+str(hist.GetTitle())+'\n')
-        txt.write("Mean = "+str(hist.GetMean())+'\n')
-        txt.write("RMS = "+str(hist.GetRMS())+'\n')
-        try:
-            float(max)
-        except:
-            max=0
-        isOk=0
-        if math.fabs(float(hist.GetMean())) > float(max):
-            isOk=-1
-            txt.write("TEST FAILED (lim = "+str(max)+')\n')
-        else:
-            txt.write("TEST OK (lim = "+str(max)+')\n')
-        can.Modified()
-        can.Update()
-        epsname=name+".eps"
-        gifname=name+".gif"
-        can.SaveAs(epsname)
-        com1='pstopnm -ppm -xborder 0 -yborder 0 -portrait '+epsname
-        com2='ppmtogif '+epsname+'001.ppm >'+gifname
-        os.system(com1)
-        os.system(com2)
-        html.write("<CENTER><BR>")
-        html.write("<BR>")
-        html.write("<IMG SRC=\""+gifname+'\"><BR>');
-        html.write("<HR>")
-        if isOk == -1 :
-            html.write("<BR>")
-            html.write("<CENTER><font color=red>TEST FAILED (lim = "+str(max)+")</font></CENTER>")
-        else:
-            html.write("<BR>")
-            html.write("<CENTER><font color=green>TEST OK (lim = "+str(max)+")</font></CENTER>")
-            html.write("<BR>")
-        html.write("<HR>")
-        html.close()
-        txt.close()
-        return isOk
-    def doElectrons(self,filePar):
-        self.initHTML()
-        #f = ROOT.TFile('ntuple.root')
-        #f.cd('CollectionTree')
-        #mytree=ROOT.gDirectory.Get('CollectionTree')
-        ##################################
-        #os.system('ls data/*root.* > ntuples.txt')
-        os.system('ls ntuple.root > ntuples.txt')
-        f=open('ntuples.txt','r')
-        lines=f.readlines()
-        f.close()
-        chain = ROOT.TChain('CollectionTree')
-        for li in lines:
-            chain.Add('./'+li.strip())
-        mytree=chain
-        #################################
-        m_drmin  = ROOT.TH1F("m_drmin","drmin",100,-0.2,0.2)
-        m_h1   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h1","Energy resolution",100,-0.25,0.25)
-        m_h1.SetXTitle("(E_{t}(reco)-E_{t}(true))/E_{t}(true)")
-        m_h2   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h2","Phi resolution",100,-0.01,0.01)
-        m_h2.SetXTitle("#Phi resolution (rad)")
-        m_h3   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h3","Eta resolution in the barrel",100,-0.01,0.01)
-        m_h3.SetXTitle("#eta resolution")
-        m_h4   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h4","Eta resolution in the endcap",100,-0.01,0.01)
-        m_h4.SetXTitle("#eta resolution")
-        m_h5   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h5","Efficiency vs eta",50,-3,3)  
-        m_h5.SetXTitle("#eta")
-        m_tmp1   = ROOT.TH1F("m_tmp1","EtaGen",50,-3,3)
-        m_tmp2  = ROOT.TH1F("m_tmp2","cl_eta",50,-3,3) 
-        entries=mytree.GetEntriesFast()
-        for jentry in xrange( entries ):
-            ientry=mytree.LoadTree( jentry )
-            if ientry < 0 :
-                break
-            nb=mytree.GetEntry(jentry)
-            if nb<=0:
-                continue
-            nEvent = int(mytree.IEvent)
-            if nEvent<0:
-                continue
-            indEle=[]
-            iele=0
-            for ipart in range(0,mytree.NPar):
-                if abs((mytree.Type)[ipart])==11 and (mytree.GenStat)[ipart]==1 and (mytree.KMothNt)[ipart]==-1:
-                    indEle.append(ipart)
-                    m_tmp2.Fill((mytree.EtaGen)[indEle[iele]])
-                    iele+=1
-                    if iele>1:
-                        logger.info('two many electrons')
-                        return -1
-            nele=iele
-            # a quel cluster correspond quel electron ?
-            # je tourne sur ts les clusters de l ev
-            for ic in range(0,mytree.cl_nc): 
-                etacl = (mytree.cl_eta)[ic]
-                phicl = (mytree.cl_phi)[ic]
-                etcl  = (mytree.cl_et)[ic]
-                m_drmin.Fill((mytree.ZV)[0]);
-                etae = (mytree.EtaGen)[indEle[0]];
-                if math.fabs((mytree.cl_eta)[ic])>1.475 :
-                    etaclcor = cmath.asinh(cmath.sinh((mytree.cl_eta)[ic])*(1-(mytree.ZV)[mytree.IVPrimary]/(self.mysign((mytree.cl_eta)[ic])*3800.0)))
-                    phiclcor = (mytree.cl_phi)[ic]+(0.3*3800.0*(-(mytree.Type)[indEle[0]]/11.0)*self.mysign((mytree.cl_eta)[ic]))/((mytree.cl_et)[ic]*cmath.sinh((mytree.cl_eta)[ic]))
-                    m_h4.Fill((etaclcor-etae).real)
-                else:
-                    etaclcor = cmath.asinh(cmath.sinh((mytree.cl_eta)[ic])-(mytree.ZV)[mytree.IVPrimary]/1600.0)
-                    m_h3.Fill((etaclcor-etae).real)
-                    phiclcor = (mytree.cl_phi)[ic]+(0.3*1600.0*(-(mytree.Type)[indEle[0]]/11.0)/(mytree.cl_et)[ic])
-                phie = (mytree.PhiGen)[indEle[0]]
-                ete  = (mytree.PtGen)[indEle[0]]
-                try:
-                    m_h2.Fill(phiclcor.real-phie)
-                except:
-                    m_h2.Fill(phiclcor-phie)
-                m_h1.Fill((etcl-ete)/ete)
-                m_tmp1.Fill(etae)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit(1011)
-        m_h1.Fit("gaus")
-        m_h2.Fit("gaus")
-        m_h3.Fit("gaus")
-        m_h4.Fit("gaus")
-        res1=self.saveHisto(m_h1,filePar,'')
-        res2=self.saveHisto(m_h2,filePar,'')
-        res3=self.saveHisto(m_h3,filePar,'')
-        res4=self.saveHisto(m_h4,filePar,'')
-        m_h5.Divide(m_tmp1,m_tmp2,1,1,"B")
-	res5=self.saveHisto(m_h5,filePar,"E")
-        if res1==-1 or res2==-1 or res3==-1 or res4==-1 or res5==-1: 
-            return -1
-        else:
-            return 0
-    def doTop(self,filePar):
-        self.initHTML()
-        f = ROOT.TFile('ntuple.root')
-        #f.cd('CollectionTree')
-        mytree=ROOT.gDirectory.Get('CollectionTree')
-        m_drmin  = ROOT.TH1F("m_drmin","drmin",100,-0.2,0.2)
-        m_h1   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h1","Energy resolution",100,-0.25,0.25)
-        m_h1.SetXTitle("(E_{t}(reco)-E_{t}(true))/E_{t}(true)")
-        m_h2   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h2","Phi resolution",100,-0.01,0.01)
-        m_h2.SetXTitle("#Phi resolution (rad)")
-        m_h3   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h3","Eta resolution in the barrel",100,-0.01,0.01)
-        m_h3.SetXTitle("#eta resolution")
-        m_h4   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h4","Eta resolution in the endcap",100,-0.01,0.01)
-        m_h4.SetXTitle("#eta resolution")
-        m_h5   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h5","Efficiency vs eta",50,-3,3)  
-        m_h5.SetXTitle("#eta")
-        m_tmp1   = ROOT.TH1F("m_tmp1","EtaGen",50,-3,3)
-        m_tmp2  = ROOT.TH1F("m_tmp2","cl_eta",50,-3,3) 
-        entries=mytree.GetEntriesFast()
-        for jentry in xrange( entries ):
-            ientry=mytree.LoadTree( jentry )
-            if ientry < 0 :
-                break
-            nb=mytree.GetEntry(jentry)
-            if nb<=0:
-                continue
-            nEvent = int(mytree.IEvent)
-            if nEvent<0:
-                continue
-            indEle=[]
-            iele=0
-            for ipart in range(0,mytree.NPar):
-                if  abs((mytree.Type)[ipart])==11 and abs((mytree.Type)[(mytree.KMothNt)[ipart]])==24 :
-			#indEle[iele]=ipart
-                        indEle.append(ipart)
-			m_tmp2.Fill((mytree.EtaGen)[indEle[iele]])
-			iele=+1
-                        if iele>4:
-                            logger.info('two many electrons')
-                            return -1
-            nele=iele
-            # a quel cluster correspond quel electron ?
-            # je tourne sur ts les clusters de l ev
-            for ic in range(0,mytree.cl_nc): 
-                drmin = 9999.
-                im    = 0
-                # pour un cluster donne je tourne sur tous les electrons primaires trouves precedemment et je minimise dr pour savoir celui qui est le plus pres du cluster 
-                for iele in range(0,nele):
-                    deta = (mytree.EtaGen)[indEle[iele]] - (mytree.cl_eta)[ic];
-                    dphi = (mytree.PhiGen)[indEle[iele]] - (mytree.cl_phi)[ic];
-                    if dphi > math.pi: 
-                        dphi = math.fabs(dphi) - 2.*math.pi
-                    dr = math.sqrt(dphi*dphi + deta*deta)
-                    if dr < drmin:
-                        drmin = dr
-                        im    = iele
-                # l'electron matchant le cluster a l'indice im
-                m_drmin.Fill(drmin);
-                if drmin < 0.1  : 
-                    etacl = (mytree.cl_eta)[ic]
-                    phicl = (mytree.cl_phi)[ic]
-                    etcl  = (mytree.cl_et)[ic]
-                    etae = (mytree.EtaGen)[indEle[im]]
-                    if math.fabs((mytree.cl_eta)[ic])>1.475 :
-                        etaclcor = cmath.asinh(cmath.sinh((mytree.cl_eta)[ic])*(1-(mytree.ZV)[mytree.IVPrimary]/(self.mysign((mytree.cl_eta)[ic])*3800.0)));
-                        phiclcor = (mytree.cl_phi)[ic]+(0.3*3800*(-(mytree.Type)[indEle[im]]/11.0)*self.mysign((mytree.cl_eta)[ic]))/((mytree.cl_et)[ic]*cmath.sinh((mytree.cl_eta)[ic]));
-                        m_h4.Fill((etaclcor-etae).real)
-                    else:
-                        etaclcor = cmath.asinh(cmath.sinh((mytree.cl_eta)[ic])-(mytree.ZV)[mytree.IVPrimary]/1600.0)
-                        phiclcor = (mytree.cl_phi)[ic]+(0.3*1600.0*(-(mytree.Type)[indEle[im]]/11.0)/(mytree.cl_et)[ic])
-                        m_h3.Fill((etaclcor-etae).real)
-                    phie = (mytree.PhiGen)[indEle[im]]
-                    ete  = (mytree.PtGen)[indEle[im]]
-                    try:
-                        m_h2.Fill(phiclcor.real-phie)
-                    except:
-                        m_h2.Fill(phiclcor-phie)
-                    m_h1.Fill((etcl-ete)/ete)	 
-                    m_tmp1.Fill(etae)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit(1011)
-        m_h1.Fit("gaus")
-        m_h2.Fit("gaus")
-        m_h3.Fit("gaus")
-        m_h4.Fit("gaus")
-        res1=self.saveHisto(m_h1,filePar,'')
-        res2=self.saveHisto(m_h2,filePar,'')
-        res3=self.saveHisto(m_h3,filePar,'')
-        res4=self.saveHisto(m_h4,filePar,'')
-        m_h5.Divide(m_tmp1,m_tmp2,1,1,"B")
-	res5=self.saveHisto(m_h5,filePar,"E")
-        if res1==-1 or res2==-1 or res3==-1 or res4==-1 or res5==-1: 
-            return -1
-        else:
-            return 0
-    def doPhotons(self,filePar):
-        self.initHTML()
-        #f = ROOT.TFile('ntuple.root')
-        #f.cd('CollectionTree')
-        #mytree=ROOT.gDirectory.Get('CollectionTree')
-        ##################################
-        #os.system('ls photons/*root* > ntuples.txt')
-        os.system('ls ntuple.root > ntuples.txt')
-        f=open('ntuples.txt','r')
-        lines=f.readlines()
-        f.close()
-        chain = ROOT.TChain('CollectionTree')
-        for li in lines:
-            chain.Add('./'+li.strip())
-        mytree=chain
-        #################################
-        m_drmin  = ROOT.TH1F("m_drmin","drmin",100,-0.2,0.2)
-        m_h1   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h1","Energy resolution",100,-0.25,0.25)
-        m_h1.SetXTitle("(E_{t}(reco)-E_{t}(true))/E_{t}(true)")
-        m_h2   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h2","Phi resolution",100,-0.01,0.01)
-        m_h2.SetXTitle("#Phi resolution (rad)")
-        m_h3   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h3","Eta resolution in the barrel",100,-0.01,0.01)
-        m_h3.SetXTitle("#eta resolution")
-        m_h4   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h4","Eta resolution in the endcap",100,-0.01,0.01)
-        m_h4.SetXTitle("#eta resolution")
-        m_h5   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h5","Efficiency vs eta",50,-3,3)  
-        m_h5.SetXTitle("#eta")
-        m_tmp1   = ROOT.TH1F("m_tmp1","EtaGen",50,-3,3)
-        m_tmp2  = ROOT.TH1F("m_tmp2","cl_eta",50,-3,3) 
-        entries=mytree.GetEntriesFast()
-        for jentry in xrange( entries ):
-            ientry=mytree.LoadTree( jentry )
-            if ientry < 0 :
-                break
-            nb=mytree.GetEntry(jentry)
-            if nb<=0:
-                continue          
-            nEvent = int(mytree.IEvent)
-            if nEvent<0:
-                continue
-            dRmin = 999.
-            TheNearestCluster = -1
-            #print int(mytree.IEvent),int(mytree.cl_nc),len(mytree.PtGen)
-            if mytree.cl_nc==0 or len(mytree.PtGen)==0:
-                continue
-            for i in range(0,int(mytree.cl_nc)):
-                #print 'i=',i
-                dphi = 1000.
-                deta = 1000.
-                # resolution in energy
-                val=((mytree.cl_et)[i]-(mytree.PtGen)[0])/(mytree.PtGen)[0]
-                m_h1.Fill(val)        
-                # resolution in phi
-                if  (mytree.cl_phi)[i]-(mytree.PhiGen)[0] < 6: 
-                    dphi =((mytree.cl_phi)[i]-(mytree.PhiGen)[0])
-                    m_h2.Fill(dphi)
-                # resolution in eta barrel corrected by the z vertex spread
-                deta=0.
-                if  math.fabs((mytree.EtaGen)[0])<1.475:
-                    deta =(mytree.cl_eta)[i]-cmath.asinh(cmath.sinh((mytree.EtaGen)[0])+(mytree.ZV)[mytree.IVPrimary]/1600.)
-                    m_h3.Fill(deta.real)
-                elif math.fabs((mytree.EtaGen)[0])>= 1.475 :
-                    deta = (mytree.cl_eta)[i]-cmath.asinh(cmath.sinh((mytree.EtaGen)[0])/(1-self.mysign((mytree.EtaGen)[0])*(mytree.ZV)[mytree.IVPrimary]/3800.))
-                    m_h4.Fill(deta.real)
-                if (math.fabs(dphi) > math.pi):
-                    dphi = 2.0*math.pi - math.fabs(dphi)
-                dR = math.sqrt(deta.real*deta.real+dphi*dphi)
-                if dR < dRmin:
-                    dRmin = dR
-                    TheNearestCluster = i
-            m_tmp2.Fill((mytree.EtaGen)[0])
-            if TheNearestCluster >= 0 and dRmin < 0.1:
-                m_tmp1.Fill((mytree.EtaGen)[0])
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit(1011)
-        m_h1.Fit("gaus")
-        m_h2.Fit("gaus")
-        m_h3.Fit("gaus")
-        m_h4.Fit("gaus")
-        res1=self.saveHisto(m_h1,filePar,'')
-        res2=self.saveHisto(m_h2,filePar,'')
-        res3=self.saveHisto(m_h3,filePar,'')
-        res4=self.saveHisto(m_h4,filePar,'')
-        m_h5.Divide(m_tmp1,m_tmp2,1,1,"B")
-	res5=self.saveHisto(m_h5,filePar,"E")
-        if res1==-1 or res2==-1 or res3==-1 or res4==-1 or res5==-1: 
-            return -1
-        else:
-            return 0
-    def doPions(self,filePar):
-        self.initHTML()
-        #f = ROOT.TFile('ntuple.root')
-        #f.cd('CollectionTree')
-        #mytree=ROOT.gDirectory.Get('CollectionTree')
-        ##################################
-        #os.system('ls pions/*root* > ntuples.txt')
-        os.system('ls ntuple.root > ntuples.txt')
-        f=open('ntuples.txt','r')
-        lines=f.readlines()
-        f.close()
-        chain = ROOT.TChain('CollectionTree')
-        for li in lines:
-            chain.Add('./'+li.strip())
-        mytree=chain
-        #################################
-        m_drmin  = ROOT.TH1F("m_drmin","drmin",100,-0.2,0.2)
-        m_h1   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h1","Energy resolution",100,-0.5,0.5)
-        m_h1.SetXTitle("(p_{t}(reco)-p_{t}(true))/p_{t}(true)")
-        m_h2   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h2","Phi resolution",100,-0.08,0.08)
-        m_h2.SetXTitle("#Phi resolution (rad)")
-        m_h3   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h3","Eta resolution in the barrel",100,-0.1,0.1)
-        m_h3.SetXTitle("#eta resolution")
-        m_h4   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h4","Eta resolution in the endcap",100,-0.1,0.1)
-        m_h4.SetXTitle("#eta resolution")
-        m_h5   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h5","Efficiency vs eta",50,-3,3)  
-        m_h5.SetXTitle("#eta")
-        m_tmp1   = ROOT.TH1F("m_tmp1","EtaGen",50,-3,3)
-        m_tmp2  = ROOT.TH1F("m_tmp2","cl_eta",50,-3,3) 
-        entries=mytree.GetEntriesFast()
-        for jentry in xrange( entries ):
-            ientry=mytree.LoadTree( jentry )
-            if ientry < 0 :
-                break
-            nb=mytree.GetEntry(jentry)
-            if nb<=0:
-                continue
-            nEvent = int(mytree.IEvent)
-            if nEvent<0:
-                continue
-#            print 'nevent=',nEvent
-            indPi=[]
-            ipi=0
-#            print ' mytree.NPar=',mytree.NPar
-            for ipart in range(0,mytree.NPar):
-                if  (mytree.KMothNt)[ipart]<0 and (abs((mytree.Type)[ipart])==111 or abs((mytree.Type)[ipart])==211) :
-#                    print ' mother=',(mytree.KMothNt)[ipart]
-#                    print ' (mytree.Type)[ipart]=',(mytree.Type)[ipart]
-                    indPi.append(ipart)
-                    m_tmp2.Fill((mytree.EtaGen)[indPi[ipi]])
-                    ipi=ipi+1
-                    if ipi>4:
-                        logger.info('two many pions')
-                        return -1
-#            print 'ipi=',ipi
-            if ipi>0:
-#                print ' pion type=', abs((mytree.Type)[indPi[0]])
-#                print ' # of ConeH1TowerJets=', mytree.Cone7H1TowerJetsjetNum
-#                print ' # of ConeH1TopoJets=', mytree.Cone7H1TopoJetsjetNum
-                if abs((mytree.Type)[indPi[0]])==111:
-                    ncl=0
-#                    print ' mytree.cl_nc=',mytree.cl_nc
-                    for ic in range(0,mytree.cl_nc): 
-                        etacl = (mytree.cl_eta)[ic]
-                        phicl = (mytree.cl_phi)[ic]
-                        etcl  = (mytree.cl_et)[ic]
-                        ncl = ncl +1
-#                        print ' cluster etcl,etacl,phicl=',etcl,etacl,phicl
-#                        print ' gen et,etacl,phicl=',(mytree.PtGen)[0],(mytree.EtaGen)[0],(mytree.PhiGen)[0]
-                        etae = (mytree.EtaGen)[indPi[0]]
-                        if math.fabs((mytree.cl_eta)[ic])>1.475 :
-                            m_h4.Fill(etacl-etae)                   
-                        else:
-                            m_h3.Fill(etacl-etae)
-                        phie = (mytree.PhiGen)[indPi[0]]
-                        ete  = (mytree.PtGen)[indPi[0]]
-                        try:
-                            m_h2.Fill(phicl.real-phie)
-                        except:
-                            m_h2.Fill(phicl-phie)
-                        m_h1.Fill((etcl-ete)/ete)	 
-                        m_tmp1.Fill(etae)
-#                        print ' nclusters=',ncl
-                if abs((mytree.Type)[indPi[0]])==211 and mytree.Cone7H1TowerJetsjetNum>0 :
-#                if abs((mytree.Type)[indPi[0]])==211 and mytree.Cone7H1TopoJetsjetNum>0 :
-#                    print ' number of jets =', mytree.Cone7H1TopoJetsjetNum
-#                    print ' jet and topo gen e =',(mytree.jetEtCone7H1TopoJets)[0],(mytree.PtGen)[indPi[0]]
-#                    print ' jet and gen eta=',(mytree.jetEtaCone7H1TopoJets)[0],(mytree.EtaGen)[0]
-#                    print ' jet and gen phi=',(mytree.jetPhiCone7H1TopoJets)[0],(mytree.PhiGen)[0]
-#                    etajet = (mytree.jetEtaCone7H1TopoJets)[0]
-#                    phijet = (mytree.jetPhiCone7H1TopoJets)[0]
-#                    etjet  = (mytree.jetEtCone7H1TopoJets)[0]
-                    etajet = (mytree.jetEtaCone7H1TowerJets)[0]
-                    phijet = (mytree.jetPhiCone7H1TowerJets)[0]
-                    etjet  = (mytree.jetEtCone7H1TowerJets)[0]
-                    etae = (mytree.EtaGen)[indPi[0]]
-                    if abs(etajet)>1.475 :
-                        m_h4.Fill(etajet-etae)   
-                    else:
-                        m_h3.Fill(etajet-etae)
-                    phie = (mytree.PhiGen)[indPi[0]]
-                    ete  = (mytree.PtGen)[indPi[0]]
-                    try:
-                        m_h2.Fill(phijet.real-phie)
-                    except:
-                        m_h2.Fill(phijet-phie)
-                    m_h1.Fill((etjet-ete)/ete)	 
-                    m_tmp1.Fill(etae)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit(1011)
-        m_h1.Fit("gaus")
-        m_h2.Fit("gaus")
-        m_h3.Fit("gaus")
-        m_h4.Fit("gaus")
-        res1=self.saveHisto(m_h1,filePar,'')
-        res2=self.saveHisto(m_h2,filePar,'')
-        res3=self.saveHisto(m_h3,filePar,'')
-        res4=self.saveHisto(m_h4,filePar,'')
-        m_h5.Divide(m_tmp1,m_tmp2,1,1,"B")
-	res5=self.saveHisto(m_h5,filePar,"E")
-        if res1==-1 or res2==-1 or res3==-1 or res4==-1 or res5==-1: 
-            return -1
-        else:
-            return 0
-    def run(self):
-        ROOT.gROOT.Reset()
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetStatW(0.19)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetStatFontSize(0.03)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(111110)
-        filePar=self.getFilePar()
-        if filePar==-1:
-            self.logger.error('getFilePar() failed')
-            return
-        if filePar.find('Photons')>=0:
-            return self.doPhotons(filePar)
-        if filePar.find('Electrons')>=0:
-            return self.doElectrons(filePar)
-        if filePar.find('Top')>=0 or filePar.find('top')>=0:
-            return self.doTop(filePar)
-        if filePar.find('Pi')>=0:
-            return self.doPions(filePar)
-        # if filePar.find('Zee')>=0:
-        #    return self.doZee(filePar)
-        # if filePar.find('H2e2mu')>=0:
-        #    return self.doH2e2mu(filePar)
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_check.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_check.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 75780be1cfe1944d9aaa0dcfaac7455895e4428a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_check.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import os,commands,sys,logging
-import traceback,imp
-import CaloTests_HistoComparison
-import CaloTests_Truth
-import CaloTests_extractRec
-import CaloTests_checkAODESDcontent
-import CaloTests_memleak
-import addHTML
-logger = logging.getLogger('CaloTests_check')
-hdlr = logging.FileHandler('CaloTests_check.log',"w")
-formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
-com = "cat env.log|grep AtlasVersion | cut -d= -f2| tail -n1"
-com = "cat env.log|grep AtlasArea | cut -d= -f2| tail -n1"
-com="grep RTTINFO MYRTTINFOS.txt | cut -d= -f2 | tail -n1 | awk '{print $1}'"
-if res!=0 :
-    self.logger.error(testName.strip())
-    sys.exit(1)
-mod = imp.load_source("tests",name)
-import tests
-file = open('./checks.html','w')
-txt='<html><head><title>RTT results for '+testName.strip()+'</title><link rel=\"StyleSheet\" href=\"rtt.css\" type=\"text/css\" /><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\"><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en\"></head><body><center><h1>RTT results for '+testName.strip()+'</h1></center>'
-txt+='<center>'+'Branch : '+branch+'<br>'
-txt+='Release : '+release+'<br><br><br>'
-if tests.doHistoComparison==True:
-    txt+='<a href="DrawHistos.html">Histograms</a>'
-if tests.doTruth==True:
-    txt+='<br><a href="CaloTests_Truth.html">Truth plots</a>'
-if tests.docheckAODESDcontent==True:
-    txt+='<br><a href="ESDAOD.log">ESD and AOD dump (in some cases)</a>'
-if tests.doaddPlotElectronicNoise==True:
-    txt+='<br><a href="ElectronicNoise.html">Electronic noise</a>'
-logger.info('============= CHECKS BEGIN =================')
-# Comparison plots
-if tests.doHistoComparison:
-    logger.info('---- Histograms comparison ----')
-    try: 
-       a=CaloTests_HistoComparison.HistosComparison(logger,logging.info)
-       res=a.run()
-    except:
-       traceback.print_exc()
-       logger.error('execution of CaloTests_HistoComparison failed')
-       res=10
-    if res==0:
-        logger.info('Histograms comparison done successfully')
-    else:
-        logger.info('Histograms comparison failed')
-# Truth
-if tests.doTruth:
-    logger.info('---- CaloTests_Truth ----')
-    try:
-       a=CaloTests_Truth.CaloTests_Truth(logger,logging.INFO)
-       res=a.run()
-    except:
-       traceback.print_exc()
-       logger.error('execution of CaloTests_Truth failed')
-       res=10
-    if res==0:
-        logger.info('CaloTests_Truth done successfully')
-    else:
-        logger.info('CaloTests_Truth failed')
-# CPU time
-if tests.doextractRec:
-    logger.info('---- CPU time ----')
-    try: 
-       a=CaloTests_extractRec.CaloTests_extractRec(logger,logging.INFO)
-       res=a.run()
-    except:
-       traceback.print_exc()
-       logger.error('execution of CaloTests_extractRec failed')
-       res=10
-    if res==0:
-        logger.info('CaloTests_extractRec done successfully')
-    else:
-        logger.info('CaloTests_extractRec failed')
-# Memory leaks
-if tests.doMemLeak:
-    logger.info('---- Memory leak ----')
-    try:
-       a=CaloTests_memleak.CaloTests_memleak(logger,logging.INFO)
-       res=a.run()
-    except:
-       traceback.print_exc()
-       logger.error('execution of CaloTests_memleak failed')
-       res=10
-    if res==0:
-        logger.info('CaloTests_memLeak done successfully')
-    else:
-        logger.info('CaloTests_memLeak failed')
-# AOD, ESD size
-if tests.docheckAODESDcontent:
-    logger.info('---- checks of AOD, ESD ----')
-    try:
-       a=CaloTests_checkAODESDcontent.CaloTests_checkAODESDcontent(logger,logging.INFO)
-       res=a.run()
-    except:
-      traceback.print_exc()
-      logger.error('execution of CaloTests_checkAODESDcontent failed')
-      res=10
-    if res==0:
-        logger.info('CaloTests_checkAODESDcontent done successfully')
-    else:
-        logger.info('CaloTests_checkAODESDcontent failed')
-# add extra plots
-if tests.doaddPlotElectronicNoise==True:
-    logger.info('---- add plot of Electronic Noise ----')
-    try:
-       a=addHTML.addHTML(logger,logging.INFO,'plotAllCaloNoise13','ElectronicNoise')
-       res=a.run()
-    except:
-      traceback.print_exc()
-      logger.error('execution of addPlotElectronicNoise failed')
-      res=10
-    if res==0:
-        logger.info('addPlotElectronicNoise done successfully')
-    else:
-        logger.info('addPlotElectronicNoise failed')        
-logger.info('============= CHECKS END =================')
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_checkAODESDcontent.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_checkAODESDcontent.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c1077227c9078e3131147f200ff41e7076cab19..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_checkAODESDcontent.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-import commands,sys,os,logging
-class CaloTests_checkAODESDcontent:
-    def __init__(self,log,logLevel):
-        if log=='':
-            self.logger = logging.getLogger('AODESD')
-            hdlr = logging.FileHandler('checkAODESD.log',"w")
-            formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
-            hdlr.setFormatter(formatter)
-            self.logger.addHandler(hdlr)
-            self.logger.setLevel(logLevel)
-        else:
-            self.logger = log
-    def run(self):
-        res1,output=commands.getstatusoutput("./checkFile.py ESD.pool.root >& ESDAOD.log")
-        if res1!=0:
-            self.logger.error('problem to run checkFile.py on ESD.pool.root')
-        res2,output=commands.getstatusoutput("./checkFile.py AOD.pool.root >> ESDAOD.log")
-        if res2!=0:
-            self.logger.error('problem to run checkFile.py on AOD.pool.root')
-        if res1!=0 and res2!=0:
-            self.logger.error('no files to check')
-            return -1
-        com = "cat MYRTTINFOS.txt" + "|grep BEGIN_RTTINFO | cut -d= -f2| tail -n1"
-        res,testName=commands.getstatusoutput(com)
-        if res!=0:
-            self.logger.error(testName)
-            return -1
-        reflog='ref'+testName.strip()+'AODESD.log'
-        com='wget http://cern.ch/CaloRTT/'+reflog
-        res,out=commands.getstatusoutput(com)
-        if res!=0:
-            self.logger.error(out)
-            return -1
-        try:
-            f=open(log,'r')
-            fclose(log)
-        except:
-            self.logger.error(log+' not found')
-            return -1
-        keysList=[]
-        file = open(reflog,'r')
-        for line in file:
-            t=line.split()
-            if len(t)==8 and t[1]=='kb' and t[3]=='kb' and t[5]=='kb':
-                keysList.append(t[7])
-        file.close()
-        for k in keysList:
-            com1='grep '+k+' '+log+' | grep -v Tree'
-            res1,out1=commands.getstatusoutput(com1)
-            if res1!=0:
-                self.logger.warning(k+' NOT FOUND')
-                continue
-            tmpNew=out1.split()
-            com2='grep '+k+' '+reflog+' | grep -v Tree'
-            res2,out2=commands.getstatusoutput(com2)
-            if res2!=0:
-                continue
-            tmpRef=out2.split()
-            if float(tmpNew[4]) > float(tmpRef[4]):
-                self.logger.warning(k +' is higher : '+'NEW='+tmpNew[4]+'/'+'REF='+tmpRef[4]+' (kb)')
-        return 0
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_extractRec.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_extractRec.py
deleted file mode 100644
index af6c491579bb87894d552d0ebf11da59eea12b38..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_extractRec.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,510 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import os, sys, commands,getopt, datetime
-import stat,logging
-class CaloTests_extractRec:
-    def __init__(self,log,logLevel):   
-        self.loggerAlert = logging.getLogger('Alert')
-        self.hdlrAlert = logging.FileHandler('Alert.txt',"w")
-        formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
-        self.hdlrAlert.setFormatter(formatter)
-        self.loggerAlert.addHandler(self.hdlrAlert)
-        self.loggerAlert.setLevel(logLevel)
-        if log=='':
-            self.loggerInfo = logging.getLogger('Info')
-            self.hdlrInfo = logging.FileHandler('Info.txt',"w")
-            formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
-            self.hdlrInfo.setFormatter(formatter)
-            self.loggerInfo.addHandler(self.hdlrInfo)
-            self.loggerInfo.setLevel(logLevel)
-        else:
-            self.loggerInfo = log
-        self.tests=["Photons_calib0_csc11_007062_singlepart_gamma_E50","Electrons_calib0_csc11_007070_singlepart_e_E5","Photons_calib0_csc11_007080_singlepart_gamma_E5","Photons_calib0_csc11_007085_singlepart_gamma_E500","top_calib1_csc11_005200_T1_McAtNlo_Jimmy","Electrons_calib1_csc11_007061_singlepart_e_E100","Photons_calib1_csc11_007063_singlepart_gamma_E100"]
-        # from auditors svc
-        self.CaloList=['LAr37ClusterMaker','LAr33ClusterMake','LArSWClusterMaker','LAr35ClusterMaker','CBNT_TileCell','CaloSWClusterMaker','CBNT_CaloCluster','CBNT_CaloCluster37','CBNT_CaloInfo','CBNT_CaloCluster35','CaloCellMaker','CaloTopoClusterMaker','TruthCone4Jets','TruthConeJets','CBNT_LArCell','CaloCell2TopoClusterMapper','EMTopoClusterMaker','TruthKtJets','TowerMaker','KtJets','ConeJets','Cone4Jets','METAlg']
-        # from personal chronosvc
-        self.extraCaloList=['CmbTowerBldr.TileCmbTwrBldr','CaloCellMaker_CaloCellContainerChecke','CaloCellMaker_CaloCellContainerFinali','CmbTowerBldr.FCalCmbTwrBldr','CaloCellMaker_LArCellBuilderLAr','CaloCellMaker_TileCellBuilder','CmbTowerBldr.LArCmbTwrBldr','TowerMaker.LArTowerBuilder','CmbTowerBldr.LArCmbTwrBldrChronoCellLoop','CmbTowerBldr.LArCmbTwrBldrChronobuild','TowerMaker.LArTowerBuilderChronobuild','TowerMaker.LArTowerBuilderChronoCellLoop']
-        self.debugLevel=0
-        # in sec
-        self.diffTime=0.05
-        #self.emails=['bernardet@cppm.in2p3.fr']
-        self.emails=[]
-        self.wwwemails="http://cern.ch/CaloRTT/CaloRecEx_mails2.txt"
-        self.testName="CaloRecEx"
-        # if type = 1 use of the list above for the algo
-        self.type=0
-        self.typePerso=0
-        # Size of RDO.pool.root = XXX ko         
-        # release, time info
-        self.release=""
-        self.branch=""
-        self.date=""
-        self.mailSubjectProblem=""
-        self.mailSubjectReport=""
-        #self.switchoffRTTpart=True
-        #####################
-        self.alertMess=""
-        self.alertMessOk=False
-        self.alertReportOk=True
-        self.checkFile=0
-####  CPU Time
-    def extractCPUTimeInitializeAll(self,file,type):
-        tmp=[]
-        if type !=1:
-            com="grep \"Time User\" " + file + " | grep initi"
-            self.loggerInfo.debug(com)
-            res=commands.getoutput(com)
-            tmp= res.splitlines() 
-        else:
-            for i in self.CaloList:
-                com="grep \"Time User\" " + file + " | grep \"\<" +i+":initi\""
-                self.loggerInfo.debug(com)
-                res=commands.getoutput(com)
-                tmp += res.splitlines()
-        return tmp
-    def extractCPUTimeInitializeAlgo(self,file, algo):
-        com="grep \"Time User\" " + file + " | grep initi" + " | grep  " + algo +" | awk '{print $7" "$8}' "
-        self.loggerInfo.debug(com)
-        res=commands.getoutput(com)    
-        res2= res.splitlines() 
-        return res2
-    def extractCPUTimeExecuteAll(self,file,type):
-        tmp=[]
-        if type !=1:
-            com="grep \"Time User\" " + file + " | grep execute"
-            self.loggerInfo.debug(com)
-            res=commands.getoutput(com)    
-            tmp= res.splitlines() 
-        else:
-            for i in self.CaloList:
-                com="grep \"Time User\" " + file + " | grep \"\<" +i
-                self.loggerInfo.debug(com)
-                res=commands.getoutput(com)
-                tmp += res.splitlines()
-        return tmp
-# pour les algo perso, ajouter un espace apres le nom de l algo pour le grep sinon pb en cas de noms du genre : AlgoPerso,AlgoPerso2 ...
-    def extractCPUTimeExecutePersoAll(self,file,type):
-        tmp=[]
-        if type !=1:
-            com="grep \"Time User\" " + file + " | grep -v execute| grep -v initialize | grep -v finalize"
-            self.loggerInfo.debug(com)
-            res=commands.getoutput(com)    
-            tmp= res.splitlines() 
-        else:
-            for i in self.extraCaloList:
-                com="grep \"Time User\" " + file + " | grep '" +i+" '" 
-                self.loggerInfo.debug(com)
-                res=commands.getoutput(com)
-                tmp += res.splitlines()
-        return tmp
-    def extractCPUTimeExecuteAlgo(self,file, algo):
-        com="grep \"Time User\" " + file + " | grep  '\<" + algo +"' | awk '{print $7" "$8}' "
-        self.loggerInfo.debug(com)
-        res=commands.getoutput(com)    
-        res2= res.splitlines() 
-        return res2
-    def extractCPUTimeExecutePersoAlgo(self,file, algo):
-        com="grep \"Time User\" " + file + " | grep  '\<" + algo +" ' | awk '{print $7" "$8}' "
-        self.loggerInfo.debug(com)
-        res=commands.getoutput(com)
-        self.loggerInfo.debug(res)
-        res2= res.splitlines() 
-        return res2
-    def extractNbEventsExecuteAlgo(self,file, algo):
-        com="grep \"Time User\" " + file + " | grep  '\<" + algo +"'| cut -d\# -f 2 | cut -d = -f 2 "
-        self.loggerInfo.debug(com)
-        res=commands.getoutput(com)    
-        res2= res.splitlines() 
-        return res2
-    def extractNbEventsExecutePersoAlgo(self,file, algo):
-        com="grep \"Time User\" " + file + " | grep  '\<" + algo +" '| cut -d\# -f 2 | cut -d = -f 2 "
-        self.loggerInfo.debug(com)
-        res=commands.getoutput(com)    
-        res2= res.splitlines() 
-        return res2
-    def getNbEvents(self,file):
-        com="grep \"INFO Total Virtual memory\" " + file +" | wc -l"
-        self.loggerInfo.debug(com)
-        res=commands.getoutput(com)    
-        res2= res.splitlines() 
-        return res2
-    def compareCPUTimeInitialize(self,file,reffile,type):
-        # 
-        CPUTimeRef=[]
-        alg=[]
-        CPUTimeRef=self.extractCPUTimeInitializeAll(reffile,type)
-        for i in CPUTimeRef:
-            t=i.lstrip()
-            tmp=t.split(" ")
-            alg.append(tmp[0])
-        #print alg
-        for j in alg:
-            tref=self.extractCPUTimeInitializeAlgo(reffile,str(j))
-            tnew=self.extractCPUTimeInitializeAlgo(file,str(j))
-            if len(tnew)==0:
-                    mess=j+" not found in " + file
-                    self.loggerInfo.info(mess)
-                    continue
-            #print j,tref,tnew
-            trefUnity=self.CPUTimeUnity(str(tref[0]))
-            tnewUnity=self.CPUTimeUnity(str(tnew[0]))
-            #print j,trefUnity,tnewUnity
-            ttnew=tnew[0].split('[')
-            ttref=tref[0].split('[')
-            ttref2=self.convertCPUTime(float(ttref[0]),trefUnity)      
-            ttnew2=self.convertCPUTime(float(ttnew[0]),tnewUnity)
-            #print j,ttref2,ttnew2
-            if ttnew2-ttref2 > self.diffTime:
-                mess="WARNING : "+j+" REF : "+str(ttref[0])+self.CPUTimeUnity(str(tref[0]))+" NOW : "+str(ttnew[0])+self.CPUTimeUnity(str(tnew[0]))
-                self.loggerInfo.info(mess)
-                self.loggerAlert.info(mess)
-            else:
-                mess="GOOD : "+j+" REF : "+str(ttref[0])+self.CPUTimeUnity(str(tref[0]))+" NOW : "+str(ttnew[0])+self.CPUTimeUnity(str(tref[0]))
-                self.loggerInfo.info(mess)
-        return
-    def convertCPUTime(self,time,unity):
-        if unity=="min":
-            return time*60
-        elif unity=="ms": 
-            return time*0.001
-        elif unity=="us":
-            return time*0.000001
-        else:
-            return time
-    def CPUTimeUnity(self,string):
-        tmp=string.split('[')
-        tmp2=tmp[1].split(']')
-        return tmp2[0]
-    def compareCPUTimeExecute(self,file,reffile,type):
-        # 
-        CPUTimeRef=[]
-        alg=[]
-        CPUTimeRef=self.extractCPUTimeExecuteAll(reffile,type)
-        for i in CPUTimeRef:
-            t=i.lstrip()
-            tmp=t.split(" ")
-            alg.append(tmp[0])
-        for j in alg: 
-                tref=self.extractCPUTimeExecuteAlgo(reffile,str(j))
-                nbEvtRef=self.extractNbEventsExecuteAlgo(reffile,str(j))
-                tnew=self.extractCPUTimeExecuteAlgo(file,str(j))
-                nbEvtNew=self.extractNbEventsExecuteAlgo(file,str(j))
-                #print j," ", tref,"  ",tnew
-                #print 'KARIM2 ',j," ",nbEvtRef ,"  ",nbEvtNew
-                if len(tnew)==0:
-                    mess=j+" not found in " + file
-                    self.loggerInfo.info(mess)
-                    continue
-                # convert en secondes
-                trefUnity=self.CPUTimeUnity(str(tref[0]))
-                tnewUnity=self.CPUTimeUnity(str(tnew[0]))
-                ttnew=tnew[0].split('[')
-                ttref=tref[0].split('[')
-                ttref2=self.convertCPUTime(float(ttref[0]),trefUnity)      
-                ttnew2=self.convertCPUTime(float(ttnew[0]),tnewUnity)
-                if int(nbEvtRef[0])>0:
-                    normtref=float(ttref2)/float(nbEvtRef[0])
-                else:
-                    self.loggerInfo.warning("Ref "+j+" "+nbEvtRef[0])
-                if int(nbEvtNew[0])>0:
-                    normtnew=float(ttnew2)/float(nbEvtNew[0])
-                else:
-                    self.loggerInfo.warning("New "+j+" "+nbEvtNew[0])
-                if int(nbEvtRef[0])>0 and int(nbEvtNew[0])>0: 
-                    if normtnew-normtref > self.diffTime:
-                        mess="WARNING : "+j+" REF : "+str(normtref)+" s "+" NOW : "+str(normtnew)+" s "+ "  (per event)"
-                        self.loggerInfo.info(mess)
-                        # alert
-                        self.loggerAlert.info(mess)
-                    else:
-                        mess="GOOD : "+j+" REF : "+str(normtref)+" s "+" NOW : "+str(normtnew)+" s"+" (per event)"
-                        self.loggerInfo.info(mess)
-                else:
-                   mess="WARNING : can not check "+j
-                   self.loggerInfo.info(mess) 
-        return
-    def compareCPUTimeExecutePerso(self,file,reffile,type):
-        # 
-        CPUTimeRef=[]
-        alg=[]
-        #CPUTimeRef=self.extractCPUTimeExecutePersoAll(reffile,type)
-        CPUTimeRef=self.extractCPUTimeExecutePersoAll(file,type)
-        for i in CPUTimeRef:
-            t=i.lstrip()
-            tmp=t.split(" ")
-            alg.append(tmp[0])
-        for j in alg: 
-                tref=self.extractCPUTimeExecutePersoAlgo(reffile,str(j))
-                nbEvtRef=self.extractNbEventsExecutePersoAlgo(reffile,str(j))
-                tnew=self.extractCPUTimeExecutePersoAlgo(file,str(j))
-                nbEvtNew=self.extractNbEventsExecutePersoAlgo(file,str(j))
-                isok=1
-                if len(tnew)==0:
-                    mess=j+" not found in " + file
-                    self.loggerInfo.info(mess)
-                    tmp=tref[0].split('[')
-                    mess=j+" REF : "+str(tmp[0])+self.CPUTimeUnity(str(tref[0]))
-                    self.loggerInfo.info(mess)
-                    isok=0
-                if len(tref)==0:
-                    mess=j+" not found in " + reffile
-                    self.loggerInfo.info(mess)
-                    tmp=tnew[0].split('[')
-                    mess=j+ " NEW : "+str(tmp[0])+self.CPUTimeUnity(str(tnew[0]))
-                    self.loggerInfo.info(mess)
-                    isok=0
-                if isok==0:
-                    continue
-                # print j," ", tref,"  ",tnew
-                # print j," ",nbEvtRefb ,"  ",nbEvtNewb
-                # convert en secondes
-                trefUnity=self.CPUTimeUnity(str(tref[0]))
-                tnewUnity=self.CPUTimeUnity(str(tnew[0]))
-                ttnew=tnew[0].split('[')
-                ttref=tref[0].split('[')
-                ttref2=self.convertCPUTime(float(ttref[0]),trefUnity)      
-                ttnew2=self.convertCPUTime(float(ttnew[0]),tnewUnity)
-                normtref=float(ttref2)/float(nbEvtRef[0])
-                normtnew=float(ttnew2)/float(nbEvtNew[0])
-                if normtnew - normtref > self.diffTime:
-                    mess="WARNING : "+j+" REF : "+str(normtref)+" s "+" NOW : "+str(normtnew)+" s "+ "  (per event)"
-                    self.loggerInfo.info(mess)
-                    self.loggerAlert.info(mess)
-                else:
-                    mess="GOOD : "+j+" REF : "+str(normtref)+" s "+" NOW : "+str(normtnew)+" s"+" (per event)"
-                    self.loggerInfo.info(mess)
-        return
-    def logExtract(self,file,chain):
-        com="egrep \""+chain + "\"  "  + file
-        self.loggerInfo.debug(com)
-        res=commands.getoutput(com)    
-        res2= res.splitlines() 
-        return res2
-    def extractLog(self,log):
-        com="wc -l "+log +" | awk '{print $1}'"
-        res=commands.getoutput(com)    
-        res2=res.splitlines()
-        nbAllLines=int(res2[0])
-        #print nbAllLines
-        com="grep ^BEGIN_RTTINFO "+log
-        res=commands.getoutput(com)    
-        res2=res.splitlines()
-        names=[]
-        for i in res2:
-            name=i.split('=')
-            name[1]=name[1].strip()
-            names.append(name[1])
-        for i in range(len(names)):
-            #print i,names[i]
-            #com="grep -n BEGIN_RTTINFO="+names[i]+" "+log+" | cut -d: -f1"
-            com="grep -n \"^BEGIN_RTTINFO = "+names[i]+"\" "+log+"| cut -d: -f1"
-            n1=commands.getoutput(com)
-            try:
-                #com="grep -n BEGIN_RTTINFO="+names[i+1]+" "+log+" | cut -d: -f1"
-                com="grep -n \"^BEGIN_RTTINFO = "+names[i+1]+"\" "+log+"| cut -d: -f1"
-                n2=commands.getoutput(com)
-            except:
-                n2=nbAllLines
-            nblines=int(n2)-int(n1)-1
-            #print nblines
-            newlog='./'+names[i]+".log"
-            #com="grep -A"+str(nblines)+" BEGIN_RTTINFO="+names[i]+" "+log +" >"+newlog
-            com="grep -A"+str(nblines)+" \"^BEGIN_RTTINFO = "+names[i]+"\" "+log +" >"+newlog
-            os.system(com)
-        return names
-    def run(self):
-        log=commands.getoutput("ls Calo*Ex_RTT*_log")
-        names=self.extractLog(log)
-        print names
-        for test in names:
-            com="rm "+"./resultats.txt"
-            commands.getoutput(com)    
-            com = "cat MYRTTINFOS.txt|grep BEGIN_RTTINFO | cut -d= -f2| tail -n1"
-            jobopt=commands.getoutput(com)
-            self.loggerInfo.info('Test name : '+jobopt)
-            found=0
-            for opt in self.tests:
-                if opt==jobopt.strip():
-                    found=1
-                    break	
-            if found==0:
-                self.loggerInfo.info("test not in dict !!!")
-                return -1
-            self.reflog='ref'+jobopt.strip()+'.log'
-            com='wget http://cern.ch/CaloRTT/'+self.reflog
-            print com
-            os.system(com)
-            try:
-                file = open(self.reflog)
-                file.close()
-            except IOError:
-                self.loggerInfo.info(self.reflog+' not found')
-                return -1
-            # date
-            self.date=str(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %X"))
-            self.loggerInfo.info(self.date)
-            com = "cat env.log|grep AtlasVersion | cut -d= -f2| tail -n1"
-            self.release=commands.getoutput(com)
-            self.branch="Dev"
-            self.mailSubjectProblem="\"[RTT test, "+jobopt+","+self.branch+","+self.release+"]:CaloTests_extractRec problem \""
-            self.mailSubjectReport="\"[RTT test, "+jobopt+","+self.branch+","+self.release+"]:CaloTests_extractRec report \""
-            mess="Reference log = " + self.reflog
-            self.loggerInfo.info(mess)
-            mess="Log to check = "+log
-            self.loggerInfo.info(mess)
-            self.loggerInfo.info("********************************")
-            self.loggerInfo.info("CHECK STATUSCODE")
-            res=self.logExtract(log,"\|*\| lib*")
-            for i in res:
-                self.loggerInfo.info(str(i))     
-            self.loggerInfo.info("********************************")
-            ## self.loggerInfo.info("********************************")
-##             self.loggerInfo.info("CHECK WARNING")
-##             res=self.logExtract(log," WARNING ")
-##             for i in res:
-##                 self.loggerInfo.info(str(i))     
-##             self.loggerInfo.info("********************************")
-##             self.loggerInfo.info("********************************")
-##             self.loggerInfo.info("CHECK ERROR")
-##             res=self.logExtract(log," ERROR ")
-##             for i in res:
-##                 self.loggerInfo.info(str(i))     
-##             self.loggerInfo.info("********************************")
-            self.loggerInfo.info("********************************")
-            self.loggerInfo.info("CHECK INITIALIZE TIME")
-            self.compareCPUTimeInitialize(log,self.reflog,self.type)
-            self.loggerInfo.info("********************************")
-            self.loggerInfo.info("CHECK EXECUTE TIME")
-            self.compareCPUTimeExecute(log,self.reflog,self.type)
-            self.compareCPUTimeExecutePerso(log,self.reflog,self.typePerso)
-            self.loggerInfo.info("********************************")
-            return 0
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_memleak.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_memleak.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 588e25146448fe3f5c08dc30bbec89151d06740e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_memleak.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-import commands,sys,os,logging
-class CaloTests_memleak:
-    def __init__(self,log,logLevel):
-        if log=='':
-            self.logger = logging.getLogger('CaloTests_memleak')
-            hdlr = logging.FileHandler('CaloTests_memleak.log',"w")
-            formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
-            hdlr.setFormatter(formatter)
-            self.logger.addHandler(hdlr)
-            self.logger.setLevel(logLevel)
-        else:
-            self.logger = log
-    def run(self):
-        log=commands.getoutput("ls Calo*RTT*_log")
-        try:
-            f=open(log,'r')
-            f.close()
-        except:
-            self.logger.error(log+' not found')
-            return -1
-        com='grep \"only second half of the job\" '+log+'| grep INFO'
-        res,out=commands.getstatusoutput(com)
-        if res!=0:
-            self.logger.error(out)
-            return -1
-        tmp=out.split('only second half of the job:')
-        tmp2=tmp[1].strip().split('MByte/event')
-        if float(tmp2[0].strip())>0.1:
-            self.logger.warning('MEM LEAK ! :'+tmp[1].strip())
-            return -1
-        return 0
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_noise.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_noise.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e0a52951b3b10005ab4e4c25b816d857d8aa026..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_noise.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-import commands
-res=commands.getoutput('ls CaloTests_GeomTag*.txt')
-f = open(res)
-print "The geometry is ", THE_GEOMETRY[0]
-AllAlgs = False # if false, all algorithms ae switched off by defaults
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import GlobalFlags
-GlobalFlags.Luminosity.set_zero() # or set_high()
-doWriteESD = False
-doWriteAOD = False
-doWriteTAG = False
-doAOD = False
-doTruth = True
-doCaloNoise = True
-doCaloTopoCluster = True
-doTopoClusterCBNT = True
-include ("RecExCommon/RecExCommon_flags.py")
-from CaloRec.CaloTopoClusterFlags import jobproperties
-# switch off useless detectors
-include ("RecExCommon/RecExCommon_topOptions.py")
-EventSelector.InputCollections = [ "Dig.pool.root" ]
-from CaloRec.CaloRecConf import CaloTopoClusterMaker, CaloTopoClusterSplitter
-TopoMaker = CaloTopoClusterMaker("TopoMaker")
-TopoMaker.NeighborThresholdOnEorAbsEinSigma =    -1
-TopoMaker.SeedThresholdOnEorAbsEinSigma  =    -1
-TopoSplitter = CaloTopoClusterSplitter("TopoSplitter")
-TopoSplitter.EnergyCut = 100*GeV
-TopoSplitter.ShareBorderCells = False
-theCBNT_CaloClusterTopo = CBNTAA_CaloCluster( "CBNT_CaloClusterTopo" )
-theCBNT_CaloClusterTopo.AddCellDetails = TRUE
-theCBNT_CaloClusterTopo.MaxCell = 200000
-theCBNT_CaloClusterTopo.Suffix = "_topo"
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_plotAllCaloNoise13.C b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_plotAllCaloNoise13.C
deleted file mode 100644
index 37028a7440111ef644817f9fc7280775493269aa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_plotAllCaloNoise13.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-void CaloTests_plotAllCaloNoise13(char * fname = "ntuple_elecnoise.root", int iMode=0) {
-  ifstream ifile(fname,ios::in);
-      if ( ifile.fail() )
-	{
-	  std::cout << fname << " not found !" << std::endl;
-	  continue;
-	}
-      ifile.close();
-  TFile * f = new TFile(fname);
-  TCanvas * c0 = new TCanvas();
-  gPad->SetLogy();
-  gPad->SetGridx();
-  gPad->SetGridy();
-  TTree *allCaloNoises = (TTree *)f->Get("CollectionTree");
-  allCaloNoises->SetMarkerSize(0.7);
-  gStyle->SetOptTitle(0);
-  gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
-  TH2F *base;
-  if ( iMode == 0 ) {
-    //    base = new TH2F("base","base",100,-5,5.,1000,2.,3000.);
-    base = new TH2F("base","base",100,-5,5.,1000,1.,1000.);
-    base->SetYTitle("Electronics Noise (MeV)");
-  }
-  else if (iMode == 1 ) {
-    base = new TH2F("base","base",100,-5,5.,1000,1.,40000.);
-    base->SetYTitle("Pile-Up Noise (MeV)");  
-  }
-  else {
-    base = new TH2F("base","base",100,-5,5.,1000,1e4,1e9);
-    base->SetYTitle("Cell Volume (mm^{3})");  
-  }
-  base->SetXTitle("#eta");
-  base->Draw();
-  TLegend * tla;
-  if ( iMode != 2 ) 
-    tla = new TLegend(0.1,0.1,0.2,0.4);
-  else
-    tla = new TLegend(0.1,0.5,0.2,0.9);
-  tla->SetFillColor(10);
-  tla->SetBorderSize(1);
-  TLegend * tlb;
-  if ( iMode == 0 ) 
-    tlb = new TLegend(0.8,0.1,0.9,0.4);
-  else if ( iMode == 1) 
-    tlb = new TLegend(0.8,0.4-4./7.*0.3,0.9,0.4);
-  else
-    tlb = new TLegend(0.8,0.5,0.9,0.9);
-  tlb->SetFillColor(10);
-  tlb->SetBorderSize(1);
-  c0->Modified();
-  c0->Update();
-  float iColor=45,dColor=8;
-  allCaloNoises->SetMarkerColor(iColor+=dColor);
-  allCaloNoises->SetMarkerStyle(20);
-  if ( iMode == 0 ) 
-    allCaloNoises->Draw("cellnoise_topo:celleta_topo>>fcal1","cell_calo_topo==2&&cell_samp_topo==1&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-  else if ( iMode == 1 ) 
-    allCaloNoises->Draw("sqrt(pow(celltotnoise_topo,2)-pow(cellnoise_topo,2)):celleta_topo>>fcal1","cell_calo_topo==2&&cell_samp_topo==1&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-  else 
-    allCaloNoises->Draw("cellvol_topo:celleta_topo>>fcal1","cell_calo_topo==2&&cell_samp_topo==1&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-  c0->Modified();
-  c0->Update();
-  tla->AddEntry(fcal1,"FCal1","p");
-  allCaloNoises->SetMarkerColor(iColor+=dColor);
-  allCaloNoises->SetMarkerStyle(21);
-  if ( iMode == 0 ) 
-    allCaloNoises->Draw("cellnoise_topo:celleta_topo>>fcal2","cell_calo_topo==2&&cell_samp_topo==2&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-  else if ( iMode == 1 ) 
-    allCaloNoises->Draw("sqrt(pow(celltotnoise_topo,2)-pow(cellnoise_topo,2)):celleta_topo>>fcal2","cell_calo_topo==2&&cell_samp_topo==2&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-  else 
-    allCaloNoises->Draw("cellvol_topo:celleta_topo>>fcal2","cell_calo_topo==2&&cell_samp_topo==2&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-  c0->Modified();
-  c0->Update();
-  tla->AddEntry(fcal2,"FCal2","p");
-  allCaloNoises->SetMarkerColor(iColor+=dColor);
-  allCaloNoises->SetMarkerStyle(22);
-  if ( iMode == 0 ) 
-    allCaloNoises->Draw("cellnoise_topo:celleta_topo>>fcal3","cell_calo_topo==2&&cell_samp_topo==3&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-  else if ( iMode == 1 ) 
-    allCaloNoises->Draw("sqrt(pow(celltotnoise_topo,2)-pow(cellnoise_topo,2)):celleta_topo>>fcal3","cell_calo_topo==2&&cell_samp_topo==3&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-  else 
-    allCaloNoises->Draw("cellvol_topo:celleta_topo>>fcal3","cell_calo_topo==2&&cell_samp_topo==3&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-  c0->Modified();
-  c0->Update();
-  tla->AddEntry(fcal3,"FCal3","p");
-  iColor = 65;
-  allCaloNoises->SetMarkerColor(iColor+=dColor);
-  allCaloNoises->SetMarkerStyle(20);
-  if ( iMode == 0 ) 
-    allCaloNoises->Draw("cellnoise_topo:celleta_topo>>hec1","cell_calo_topo==1&&cell_samp_topo==0&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-  else if ( iMode == 1 ) 
-    allCaloNoises->Draw("sqrt(pow(celltotnoise_topo,2)-pow(cellnoise_topo,2)):celleta_topo>>hec1","cell_calo_topo==1&&cell_samp_topo==0&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-  else 
-    allCaloNoises->Draw("cellvol_topo:celleta_topo>>hec1","cell_calo_topo==1&&cell_samp_topo==0&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-  c0->Modified();
-  c0->Update();
-  tla->AddEntry(hec1,"HEC1","p");
-  allCaloNoises->SetMarkerColor(iColor+=dColor);
-  allCaloNoises->SetMarkerStyle(21);
-  if ( iMode == 0 ) 
-    allCaloNoises->Draw("cellnoise_topo:celleta_topo>>hec2","cell_calo_topo==1&&cell_samp_topo==1&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-  else if ( iMode == 1 ) 
-    allCaloNoises->Draw("sqrt(pow(celltotnoise_topo,2)-pow(cellnoise_topo,2)):celleta_topo>>hec2","cell_calo_topo==1&&cell_samp_topo==1&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-  else 
-    allCaloNoises->Draw("cellvol_topo:celleta_topo>>hec2","cell_calo_topo==1&&cell_samp_topo==1&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-  c0->Modified();
-  c0->Update();
-  tla->AddEntry(hec2,"HEC2","p");
-  allCaloNoises->SetMarkerColor(iColor+=dColor);
-  allCaloNoises->SetMarkerStyle(22);
-  if ( iMode == 0 ) 
-    allCaloNoises->Draw("cellnoise_topo:celleta_topo>>hec3","cell_calo_topo==1&&cell_samp_topo==2&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-  else if ( iMode == 1 ) 
-    allCaloNoises->Draw("sqrt(pow(celltotnoise_topo,2)-pow(cellnoise_topo,2)):celleta_topo>>hec3","cell_calo_topo==1&&cell_samp_topo==2&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-  else 
-    allCaloNoises->Draw("cellvol_topo:celleta_topo>>hec3","cell_calo_topo==1&&cell_samp_topo==2&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-  c0->Modified();
-  c0->Update();
-  tla->AddEntry(hec3,"HEC3","p");
-  allCaloNoises->SetMarkerColor(iColor+=dColor);
-  allCaloNoises->SetMarkerStyle(23);
-  if ( iMode == 0 ) 
-    allCaloNoises->Draw("cellnoise_topo:celleta_topo>>hec4","cell_calo_topo==1&&cell_samp_topo==3&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-  else if ( iMode == 1 ) 
-    allCaloNoises->Draw("sqrt(pow(celltotnoise_topo,2)-pow(cellnoise_topo,2)):celleta_topo>>hec4","cell_calo_topo==1&&cell_samp_topo==3&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-  else 
-    allCaloNoises->Draw("cellvol_topo:celleta_topo>>hec4","cell_calo_topo==1&&cell_samp_topo==3&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-  c0->Modified();
-  c0->Update();
-  tla->AddEntry(hec4,"HEC4","p");
-  iColor = 55;
-  allCaloNoises->SetMarkerColor(iColor+=dColor);
-  allCaloNoises->SetMarkerStyle(20);
-  if ( iMode == 0 ) 
-    allCaloNoises->Draw("cellnoise_topo:celleta_topo>>em0","cell_calo_topo==0&&cell_samp_topo==0&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-  else if ( iMode == 1 ) 
-    allCaloNoises->Draw("sqrt(pow(celltotnoise_topo,2)-pow(cellnoise_topo,2)):celleta_topo>>em0","cell_calo_topo==0&&cell_samp_topo==0&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-  else 
-    allCaloNoises->Draw("cellvol_topo:celleta_topo>>em0","cell_calo_topo==0&&cell_samp_topo==0&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-  c0->Modified();
-  c0->Update();
-  tlb->AddEntry(em0,"PS","p");
-  allCaloNoises->SetMarkerColor(iColor+=dColor);
-  allCaloNoises->SetMarkerStyle(21);
-  if ( iMode == 0 ) 
-    allCaloNoises->Draw("cellnoise_topo:celleta_topo>>em1","cell_calo_topo==0&&cell_samp_topo==1&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-  else if ( iMode == 1 ) 
-    allCaloNoises->Draw("sqrt(pow(celltotnoise_topo,2)-pow(cellnoise_topo,2)):celleta_topo>>em1","cell_calo_topo==0&&cell_samp_topo==1&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-  else 
-    allCaloNoises->Draw("cellvol_topo:celleta_topo>>em1","cell_calo_topo==0&&cell_samp_topo==1&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-  c0->Modified();
-  c0->Update();
-  tlb->AddEntry(em1,"EM1","p");
-  allCaloNoises->SetMarkerColor(iColor+=dColor);
-  allCaloNoises->SetMarkerStyle(22);
-  if ( iMode == 0 ) 
-    allCaloNoises->Draw("cellnoise_topo:celleta_topo>>em2","cell_calo_topo==0&&cell_samp_topo==2&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-  else if ( iMode == 1 ) 
-    allCaloNoises->Draw("sqrt(pow(celltotnoise_topo,2)-pow(cellnoise_topo,2)):celleta_topo>>em2","cell_calo_topo==0&&cell_samp_topo==2&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-  else 
-    allCaloNoises->Draw("cellvol_topo:celleta_topo>>em2","cell_calo_topo==0&&cell_samp_topo==2&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-  c0->Modified();
-  c0->Update();
-  tlb->AddEntry(em2,"EM2","p");
-  allCaloNoises->SetMarkerColor(iColor+=dColor);
-  allCaloNoises->SetMarkerStyle(23);
-  if ( iMode == 0 ) 
-    allCaloNoises->Draw("cellnoise_topo:celleta_topo>>em3","cell_calo_topo==0&&cell_samp_topo==3&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-  else if ( iMode == 1 ) 
-    allCaloNoises->Draw("sqrt(pow(celltotnoise_topo,2)-pow(cellnoise_topo,2)):celleta_topo>>em3","cell_calo_topo==0&&cell_samp_topo==3&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-  else 
-    allCaloNoises->Draw("cellvol_topo:celleta_topo>>em3","cell_calo_topo==0&&cell_samp_topo==3&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-  c0->Modified();
-  c0->Update();
-  tlb->AddEntry(em3,"EM3","p");
-  if ( iMode != 1) {
-    iColor = 75;
-    allCaloNoises->SetMarkerColor(iColor+=dColor);
-    allCaloNoises->SetMarkerStyle(20);
-    if ( iMode == 0 )
-      allCaloNoises->Draw("cellnoise_topo:celleta_topo>>tile1","cell_calo_topo==3&&cell_samp_topo==0&&cell_ireg_topo<3&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-    else
-      allCaloNoises->Draw("cellvol_topo:celleta_topo>>tile1","cell_calo_topo==3&&cell_samp_topo==0&&cell_ireg_topo<3&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-    c0->Modified();
-    c0->Update();
-    tlb->AddEntry(tile1,"Tile1","p");
-    allCaloNoises->SetMarkerColor(iColor+=dColor);
-    allCaloNoises->SetMarkerStyle(21);
-    if ( iMode == 0 )
-      allCaloNoises->Draw("cellnoise_topo:celleta_topo>>tile2","cell_calo_topo==3&&cell_samp_topo==1&&cell_ireg_topo<3&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-    else
-      allCaloNoises->Draw("cellvol_topo:celleta_topo>>tile2","cell_calo_topo==3&&cell_samp_topo==1&&cell_ireg_topo<3&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-    c0->Modified();
-    c0->Update();
-    tlb->AddEntry(tile2,"Tile2","p");
-    allCaloNoises->SetMarkerColor(iColor+=dColor);
-    allCaloNoises->SetMarkerStyle(22);
-    if ( iMode == 0 )
-      allCaloNoises->Draw("cellnoise_topo:celleta_topo>>tile3","cell_calo_topo==3&&cell_samp_topo==2&&cell_ireg_topo<3&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-    else
-      allCaloNoises->Draw("cellvol_topo:celleta_topo>>tile3","cell_calo_topo==3&&cell_samp_topo==2&&cell_ireg_topo<3&&cell_iphi_topo==0","same");
-    c0->Modified();
-    c0->Update();
-    tlb->AddEntry(tile3,"Tile3","p");
-  }
-  tla->Draw();
-  tlb->Draw();
-  TString name="plotAllCaloNoise13.gif";
-  c0 -> SaveAs(name);
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_runMacros2.C b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_runMacros2.C
deleted file mode 100644
index eab050fa2ae52bdbc15b6acd12193ac771fb58d8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_runMacros2.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#include "TSystem.h"
-void CaloTests_runMacros2()
-  int nbTests=2;
-  string macros[]={"CaloTests_runPython2.C","CaloTests_plotAllCaloNoise13.C"};
-  ofstream chkfile("CaloTests_runMacros2.txt",ios::out);	
-  for(int i=0;i<nbTests;i++)
-    {
-      string com;
-      chkfile << "Run " << macros[i] << std::endl;
-      com="root.exe -b -q "+macros[i];
-      gSystem->Exec(com.c_str());
-      chkfile << "Run " << macros[i] << " Done." << std::endl;
-    }
-  chkfile.close();
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_runPython2.C b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_runPython2.C
deleted file mode 100644
index 34cc1d1703036826cadfc1df67ebe92417d57457..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_runPython2.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-#include "TSystem.h"
-void CaloTests_runPython2()
-  int nbTests=1;
-  string macros[]={"CaloTests_check.py"};
-  ofstream chkfile("CaloTests_runPython2.txt",ios::out);	
-  std::cout << "LD_LIBRARY_PATH is " << gSystem->Getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH") << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "PATH is " << gSystem->Getenv("PATH") << std::endl;
-  for(int i=0;i<nbTests;i++)
-    {
-      string com;
-      chkfile << "Run " << macros[i] << std::endl;
-      com="python "+macros[i];
-      gSystem->Exec(com.c_str());
-      chkfile << "Run " << macros[i] << " Done." << std::endl;
-    }
-  chkfile.close();
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_testnoise.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_testnoise.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fe841ae1ce25d2876a7f576976542859e08f975..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/CaloTests_testnoise.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-# Job options file to run Digitization
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import GlobalFlags
-include( "PartPropSvc/PartPropSvc.py" )
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
-import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.ReadAthenaPool
-#ServiceMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = [ "/afs/cern.ch/atlas/offline/data/testfile/calib1_csc11.007234.singlepart_mu200.simul.HITS.v12000301_tid003123._00001.pool.root" ]
-ServiceMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = [ "castor:/castor/cern.ch/grid/atlas/dq2/valid3_mc12/HITS/valid3_mc12.007063.singlepart_gamma_E100.simul.HITS.v13001001_tid011905/HITS.011905._00082.pool.root.1" ]
-# the Tile, LAr and Calo detector description package
-DetDescrVersion = "ATLAS-CSC-01-00-00" 
-include( "DetDescrDictionary/DetDescrDictionaryDict_joboptions.py" )
-include ("AtlasGeoModel/SetGeometryVersion.py")
-include( "AtlasGeoModel/GeoModelInit.py" )
-include( "TileConditions/TileConditions_jobOptions.py" )
-include( "CaloIdCnv/CaloIdCnv_joboptions.py" )
-include( "TileIdCnv/TileIdCnv_jobOptions.py" )
-include( "LArDetMgrDetDescrCnv/LArDetMgrDetDescrCnv_joboptions.py" )
-#force alignment to use ideal one
-IOVDbSvc = Service( "IOVDbSvc" )
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence 
-topSequence = AlgSequence()
-from CaloTests.CaloTestsConf import MyAnalysis__Analysis
-topSequence += MyAnalysis__Analysis()
-Analysis.LoopRaw = FALSE
-Analysis.Check = FALSE
-Analysis.LoopHit = TRUE
-Analysis.LoopCalHit = FALSE
-Analysis.LoopCluster = FALSE
-Analysis.LoopCell = FALSE
-Analysis.UseTriggerTime = FALSE;
-# Analysis.TriggerTimeToolName = "CosmicTriggerTimeTool"
-# Set output level threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
-MessageSvc = Service( "MessageSvc" )
-MessageSvc.OutputLevel      = VERBOSE
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-THistSvc = Service ( "THistSvc" )
-THistSvc.Output  = ["file1 DATAFILE='test.root' OPT='RECREATE'"];
-# Event related parameters
-# Number of events to be processed (default is 10)
-theApp.EvtMax = -1
-theApp.EvtSel = "EventSelector"
-# Use auditors
-theApp.Dlls += [ "GaudiAud" ]
-# write out a summary of the time spent
-theAuditorSvc = AuditorSvc()
-theAuditorSvc.Auditors  += [ "ChronoAuditor"]
-theAuditorSvc.Auditors  += [ "MemStatAuditor" ]
-MemStatAuditor = theAuditorSvc.auditor( "MemStatAuditor" )
-MemStatAuditor.OutputLevel = INFO
-MessageSvc = Service( "MessageSvc" )
-MessageSvc.infoLimit  = 100000000
-MessageSvc.OutputLevel = INFO
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/DrawHists.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/DrawHists.py
deleted file mode 100755
index d9bb9e5f63a7faa41291113436f1ab8eeb6de973..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/DrawHists.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import os,commands,sys,logging
-import ROOT
-class myHist:
-    def __init__(self,histName,histComment,histBins,histMinX,histMaxX,histFormula,histCondForm):
-        self.histName=histName
-        self.histComment=histComment
-        self.histMinX=histMinX
-        self.histMaxX=histMaxX
-        self.histFormula=histFormula
-        self.histCondForm=histCondForm
-        self.histBins=histBins
-    def setHistName(self,name):
-        self.histName=name
-    def setHistComment(self,Comment):
-        self.histComment=Comment
-    def setHistFormula(self,form):
-        self.histFormula=form
-    def setHistCondForm(self,condform):
-        self.histCondForm=condform
-    def setHistName(self,minX):
-        self.HistMinx=minX
-    def setHistName(self,maxX):
-        self.histMaxX=maxX
-    def setHistBins(self,nbins):
-        self.histBins=nbins
-    def getHistName(self):
-        return self.histName
-    def getHistComment(self):
-        return self.histComment
-    def getHistMinX(self):
-        return self.histMinX
-    def getHistMaxX(self):
-        return self.histMaxX
-    def getHistBins(self):
-        return self.histBins
-    def getHistFormula(self):
-        return self.histFormula
-    def getHistCondForm(self):
-        return self.histCondForm
-class DrawHists:
-    def __init__(self,log,logLevel):
-        if log=='':
-            self.logger = logging.getLogger('DrawHists')
-            hdlr = logging.FileHandler('DrawHists.log',"w")
-            formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
-            hdlr.setFormatter(formatter)
-            self.logger.addHandler(hdlr)
-            self.logger.setLevel(logLevel)
-        else:
-            self.logger = log
-    def normH(self,m_hist):
-        if m_hist.GetEntries() != 0 :
-            scale = 1/m_hist.GetEntries()
-            m_hist.Scale(scale)
-        else:
-            self.logger.error("No entries in ",m_hist.GetTitle())
-    def makeHist(self,ROOTntuple):
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetMarkerStyle(8)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetStatW(0.4)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetStatFontSize(0.12)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetLabelSize(0.06)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(111110)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetCanvasBorderMode(0)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetPadBorderMode(0)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetPadColor(0)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetCanvasColor(0)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleColor(0)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetStatColor(0)
-        # only 3 digits
-        ROOT.TGaxis.SetMaxDigits(3);
-        myCanvas = ROOT.TCanvas("myCanvas","Cluster",1)
-        myCanvas.Divide(2,8)
-        file=open('DrawHists.txt','r')
-        hists=[]
-        n=0
-        for line in file:
-            i=+1
-            myCanvas.cd(n)
-            tmp=line.strip().split(',')
-            if len(tmp)==7:
-                h=myHist(tmp[0],tmp[1],tmp[2],tmp[3],tmp[4],tmp[5],tmp[6])
-            else:
-                h=myHist(tmp[0],tmp[1],tmp[2],tmp[3],tmp[4],tmp[5],'')
-            hists.append(h)
-        file.close()
-        rootFile = ROOT.TFile(ROOTntuple,'READ')
-        mytree = ROOT.gDirectory.Get('m_ntuple')
-        mytree.UseCurrentStyle()
-        hfile = ROOT.TFile("Cluster.hist","RECREATE","Clusters hist")
-        for h in hists:
-            #self.logger.debug(h.getHistName(),',',h.getHistComment(),',',h.getHistBins(),',',h.getHistMinX(),',',h.getHistBins(),',',h.getHistMaxX())
-            m_h = ROOT.TH1F(h.getHistName(),h.getHistComment(),int(h.getHistBins()),float(h.getHistMinX()),float(h.getHistMaxX()))
-            mytree.Draw(h.getHistFormula(),h.getHistCondForm())
-            mytree.Draw(h.getHistFormula()+'>>'+h.getHistName(),h.getHistCondForm())
-            self.normH(m_h)
-            hfile.Write()
-        rootFile.Close()
-    def initHTMLDraw(self):
-        f=open("DrawHistos.html","w")
-        f.write("<html><head><title>Draw</title><link rel=\"StyleSheet\" href=\"rtt.css\" type=\"text/css\" /><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\"><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en\"></head>")
-        f.write("<body>")
-        f.close();
-    def closeHTMLDraw(self):
-        f=open("DrawHistos.html","a")
-        f.write("</body>")
-        f.write("</html>")
-    def Draw(self,histFile):
-        self.initHTMLDraw()
-        file = ROOT.TFile(histFile)
-        for i in file.GetListOfKeys():
-            self.DrawHisto(i.ReadObj())
-        file.Close()
-        self.closeHTMLDraw()
-    def Draw2(self,histFile):
-        file = ROOT.TFile(histFile)
-        mytree = ROOT.gDirectory.Get('analysis')
-        for i in mytree.GetListOfKeys():
-           self.DrawHisto(i.ReadObj()) 
-        file.Close()
-    def DrawHisto(self,hist):
-        f=open("DrawHistos.html","a")
-        tmp=hist.GetTitle()
-        name=""
-        for i in tmp:
-            if i==' ':
-                i='_'
-            if i=='(':
-                i='z'
-            if i==')':
-                i='z'
-            name+=i
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(ROOT.kFALSE)
-        can=ROOT.TCanvas()
-        hist.Draw()
-        legend=ROOT.TLegend(0.7,0.7,0.89,0.85)
-        legend.SetTextFont(72)
-        legend.SetTextSize(0.04)
-        legend.AddEntry(hist,"NEW","l")
-        legend.Draw()
-        can.Modified()
-        can.Update()
-        epsname=name+".eps"
-        gifname=name+".gif"
-        can.SaveAs(epsname)
-        com1='pstopnm -ppm -xborder 0 -yborder 0 -portrait '+epsname
-        com2='ppmtogif '+epsname+'001.ppm >'+gifname
-        os.system(com1)
-        os.system(com2)
-        f.write("<CENTER><BR>")
-        f.write("Name : "+hist.GetTitle()+'<BR>')
-        f.write("<BR>")
-        f.write("<TABLE border=1>")
-        f.write("<TR>")
-        f.write("<TD>Entries</TD>")
-        f.write("<TD>"+str(hist.GetEntries())+'</TD>')
-        f.write("</TR>")      
-        f.write("<TR>")
-        f.write("<TD>Mean</TD>")
-        f.write("<TD>"+str(hist.GetMean())+'</TD>')
-        f.write("</TR>")        
-        f.write("<TR>")
-        f.write("<TD>RMS</TD>")
-        f.write('<TD>'+str(hist.GetRMS())+'</TD>')
-        f.write("</TR>")       
-        f.write("</TABLE>")       
-        f.write("<IMG SRC=\""+gifname+'\"><BR>')
-        f.write('<HR><BR>')
-        f.close()
-    def run(self):
-        #self.makeHist('test.root')
-        #res=self.Draw("Cluster.hist");
-        res=self.Draw2("test.root");
-        return res
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/DrawHists.txt b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/DrawHists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fe1fd8007efa3f7668821524f4772182a1f0a14..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/DrawHists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/Electrons100GeVChecks.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/Electrons100GeVChecks.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a4a30cde27430f73b8d6803aee8e79d98962d6d9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/Electrons100GeVChecks.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/Electrons100GeVmisChecks.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/Electrons100GeVmisChecks.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a4a30cde27430f73b8d6803aee8e79d98962d6d9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/Electrons100GeVmisChecks.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/Electrons50GeVChecks.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/Electrons50GeVChecks.py
deleted file mode 100644
index dbf8b9b2c01c598ea27e0d6e517428865c79fecb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/Electrons50GeVChecks.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/Electrons50GeVmisChecks.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/Electrons50GeVmisChecks.py
deleted file mode 100644
index dbf8b9b2c01c598ea27e0d6e517428865c79fecb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/Electrons50GeVmisChecks.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/Electrons5GeVChecks.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/Electrons5GeVChecks.py
deleted file mode 100644
index dbf8b9b2c01c598ea27e0d6e517428865c79fecb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/Electrons5GeVChecks.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/HistoComparison.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/HistoComparison.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 1fe7632dde3a78eb324691a29681c1cb2924859b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/HistoComparison.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,481 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import os,commands,sys,logging
-import ROOT
-class myHist:
-    def __init__(self,histName,histComment,histBins,histMinX,histMaxX,histFormula,histCondForm):
-        self.histName=histName
-        self.histComment=histComment
-        self.histMinX=histMinX
-        self.histMaxX=histMaxX
-        self.histFormula=histFormula
-        self.histCondForm=histCondForm
-        self.histBins=histBins
-    def setHistName(self,name):
-        self.histName=name
-    def setHistComment(self,Comment):
-        self.histComment=Comment
-    def setHistFormula(self,form):
-        self.histFormula=form
-    def setHistCondForm(self,condform):
-        self.histCondForm=condform
-    def setHistName(self,minX):
-        self.HistMinx=minX
-    def setHistName(self,maxX):
-        self.histMaxX=maxX
-    def setHistBins(self,nbins):
-        self.histBins=nbins
-    def getHistName(self):
-        return self.histName
-    def getHistComment(self):
-        return self.histComment
-    def getHistMinX(self):
-        return self.histMinX
-    def getHistMaxX(self):
-        return self.histMaxX
-    def getHistBins(self):
-        return self.histBins
-    def getHistFormula(self):
-        return self.histFormula
-    def getHistCondForm(self):
-        return self.histCondForm
-class HistosComparison:
-    def __init__(self,log,logLevel):
-        if log=='':
-            self.logger = logging.getLogger('HistosComparison')
-            hdlr = logging.FileHandler('HistosComparison.log',"w")
-            formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
-            hdlr.setFormatter(formatter)
-            self.logger.addHandler(hdlr)
-            self.logger.setLevel(logLevel)
-        else:
-            self.logger = log
-        self.filePar="filePar"
-    def normH(self,m_hist):
-        if m_hist.GetEntries() != 0 :
-            scale = 1/m_hist.GetEntries()
-            m_hist.Scale(scale)
-        else:
-            self.logger.error("No entries in ",m_hist.GetTitle())
-    def getPar(self,name,par):
-        com="grep \"RTTParm_almostIdentical_"+name+"_"+par+"\"  "+self.filePar+ "| cut -d= -f2 | tail -n1"
-        print com
-        res,val=commands.getstatusoutput(com)
-        if val=="":
-            val="notfound"
-        if res!=0:
-            self.logger.error('Problem to get the par of '+name+' : '+max)
-            val="notfound"
-        return val       
-    def makeHist(self,ROOTntuple):
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetMarkerStyle(8)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetStatW(0.4)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetStatFontSize(0.12)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetLabelSize(0.06)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(111110)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetCanvasBorderMode(0)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetPadBorderMode(0)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetPadColor(0)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetCanvasColor(0)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleColor(0)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetStatColor(0)
-        # only 3 digits
-        ROOT.TGaxis.SetMaxDigits(3);
-        myCanvas = ROOT.TCanvas("myCanvas","Cluster",1)
-        myCanvas.Divide(2,8)
-        file=open('HistoComparison.txt','r')
-        hists=[]
-        n=0
-        for line in file:
-            i=+1
-            myCanvas.cd(n)
-            tmp=line.strip().split(',')
-            name2=""
-            for i in tmp[1]:
-                if i==' ':
-                    i='_'
-                if i=='(':
-                    i='z'
-                if i==')':
-                    i='z'
-                name2+=i
-            # check bin x
-            xmin=self.getPar(name2,"xmin")
-            if xmin=="notfound":
-                xmin=tmp[3]
-            xmax=self.getPar(name2,"xmax")
-            if xmax=="notfound":
-                xmax=tmp[4]
-            print "XMIN =", xmin
-            print "XMAX =", xmax
-            if len(tmp)==7:
-                h=myHist(tmp[0],tmp[1],tmp[2],xmin,xmax,tmp[5],tmp[6])
-            else:
-                h=myHist(tmp[0],tmp[1],tmp[2],xmin,xmax,tmp[5],'')
-            hists.append(h)
-        file.close()
-        rootFile = ROOT.TFile(ROOTntuple,'READ')
-        mytree = ROOT.gDirectory.Get('CollectionTree')
-        mytree.UseCurrentStyle()
-        hfile = ROOT.TFile("Cluster.hist","RECREATE","Clusters hist")
-        for h in hists:
-            self.logger.debug(h.getHistName(),',',h.getHistComment(),',',h.getHistBins(),',',h.getHistMinX(),',',h.getHistBins(),',',h.getHistMaxX())
-            m_h = ROOT.TH1F(h.getHistName(),h.getHistComment(),int(h.getHistBins()),float(h.getHistMinX()),float(h.getHistMaxX()))
-            mytree.Draw(h.getHistFormula(),h.getHistCondForm())
-            mytree.Draw(h.getHistFormula()+'>>'+h.getHistName(),h.getHistCondForm())
-            self.normH(m_h)
-            hfile.Write()
-        rootFile.Close()
-    def getFilePar(self):
-        com="grep RTTINFO MYRTTINFOS.txt | cut -d= -f2 | tail -n1"
-        res,testName=commands.getstatusoutput(com)
-        if res!=0 :
-            self.logger.error(testName)
-            return -1
-        nTestName=''
-        for i in testName:
-            if i !=' ':
-                nTestName+=i;
-        filePar=nTestName+".par";
-        com="wget http://cern.ch/CaloRTT/"+filePar;
-        print com
-        res,out=commands.getstatusoutput(com)
-        if res!=0 :
-            self.logger.error(out)
-            return -1
-        return filePar
-    def getFileRef(self):
-        com="grep RTTINFO MYRTTINFOS.txt | cut -d= -f2 | tail -n1"
-        res,testName=commands.getstatusoutput(com)
-        if res!=0 :
-            self.logger.error(testName)
-            return -1
-        nTestName=''
-        for i in testName:
-            if i !=' ':
-                nTestName+=i;
-        fileRef='ref'+nTestName+".hist"
-        com="wget http://cern.ch/CaloRTT/"+fileRef
-        res,out=commands.getstatusoutput(com)
-        if res!=0 :
-            self.logger.error(out)
-            return -1
-        return fileRef
-    def initHTMLDraw(self):
-        f=open("DrawHistos.html","w")
-        f.write("<html><head><title>Draw</title><link rel=\"StyleSheet\" href=\"rtt.css\" type=\"text/css\" /><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\"><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en\"></head>")
-        f.write("<body>")
-        f.close();
-    def closeHTMLDraw(self):
-        f=open("DrawHistos.html","a")
-        f.write("</body>")
-        f.write("</html>")
-    def initHTMLComparison(self):
-        f=open("Comparison.html","w")
-        f.write("<html><head><title>Draw</title><link rel=\"StyleSheet\" href=\"rtt.css\" type=\"text/css\" /><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\"><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en\"></head>")
-        f.write("<body>")
-        f.close();
-    def closeHTMLComparison(self):
-        f=open("Comparison.html","a")
-        f.write("</body>")
-        f.write("</html>")
-    def Draw(self,histFile):
-        self.initHTMLDraw()
-        file = ROOT.TFile(histFile)
-        for i in file.GetListOfKeys():
-            self.DrawHisto(i.ReadObj())
-        file.Close()
-        self.closeHTMLDraw()
-    def DrawHisto(self,hist):
-        f=open("DrawHistos.html","a")
-        tmp=hist.GetTitle()
-        name=""
-        for i in tmp:
-            if i==' ':
-                i='_'
-            if i=='(':
-                i='z'
-            if i==')':
-                i='z'
-            name+=i
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(ROOT.kFALSE)
-        can=ROOT.TCanvas()
-        hist.Draw()
-        legend=ROOT.TLegend(0.7,0.7,0.89,0.85)
-        legend.SetTextFont(72)
-        legend.SetTextSize(0.04)
-        legend.AddEntry(hist,"NEW","l")
-        legend.Draw()
-        can.Modified()
-        can.Update()
-        epsname=name+".eps"
-        gifname=name+".gif"
-        can.SaveAs(epsname)
-        com1='pstopnm -ppm -xborder 0 -yborder 0 -portrait '+epsname
-        com2='ppmtogif '+epsname+'001.ppm >'+gifname
-        os.system(com1)
-        os.system(com2)
-        f.write("<CENTER><BR>")
-        f.write("Name : "+hist.GetTitle()+'<BR>')
-        f.write("<BR>")
-        f.write("<TABLE border=1>")
-        f.write("<TR>")
-        f.write("<TD>Entries</TD>")
-        f.write("<TD>"+str(hist.GetEntries())+'</TD>')
-        f.write("</TR>")      
-        f.write("<TR>")
-        f.write("<TD>Mean</TD>")
-        f.write("<TD>"+str(hist.GetMean())+'</TD>')
-        f.write("</TR>")        
-        f.write("<TR>")
-        f.write("<TD>RMS</TD>")
-        f.write('<TD>'+str(hist.GetRMS())+'</TD>')
-        f.write("</TR>")       
-        f.write("</TABLE>")       
-        f.write("<IMG SRC=\""+gifname+'\"><BR>')
-        f.write('<HR><BR>')
-        f.close()
-    def almostIdentical(self,hist,refhist,filePar):
-        f=open("Comparison.html","a")
-        tmp=hist.GetTitle()
-        name=""
-        for i in tmp:
-            if i==' ':
-                i='_'
-            if i=='(':
-                i='z'
-            if i==')':
-                i='z'
-            name+=i
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(ROOT.kFALSE)
-        can=ROOT.TCanvas()
-        hist.SetLineColor(2)
-        hist.SetLineStyle(2)
-        hist.Draw()
-        if hist:
-            refhist.Draw("sames")
-        else:
-            refhist.Draw()
-        legend=ROOT.TLegend(0.7,0.7,0.89,0.85)
-        legend.SetTextFont(72)
-        legend.SetTextSize(0.04)
-        legend.AddEntry(hist,"NEW","l")
-        legend.AddEntry(refhist,"REF","l");
-        legend.Draw()
-        can.Modified()
-        can.Update()
-        epsname=name+".eps"
-        gifname=name+".gif"
-        can.SaveAs(epsname)
-        com1='pstopnm -ppm -xborder 0 -yborder 0 -portrait '+epsname
-        com2='ppmtogif '+epsname+'001.ppm >'+gifname
-        os.system(com1)
-        os.system(com2)
-        restxt=open('Comparison.txt','a')
-        f.write("<CENTER><BR>")
-        f.write("Name : "+hist.GetTitle()+'<BR>')
-        f.write("<BR>")
-        f.write("<TABLE border=1>")
-        f.write("<TR>")
-        f.write("<TD></TD>")
-        f.write("<TD>REF</TD>");
-        f.write("<TD>NEW</TD>")
-        f.write("</TR>")
-        f.write("<TD>Entries</TD>")
-        f.write("<TD>"+str(refhist.GetEntries())+'</TD>')
-        f.write("<TD>"+str(hist.GetEntries())+'</TD>')
-        f.write("</TR>")      
-        f.write("<TR>")
-        f.write("<TD>Mean</TD>")
-        f.write("<TD>"+str(refhist.GetMean())+'</TD>')
-        f.write("<TD>"+str(hist.GetMean())+'</TD>')
-        f.write("</TR>")        
-        f.write("<TR>")
-        f.write("<TD>RMS</TD>")
-        f.write('<TD>'+str(refhist.GetRMS())+'</TD>')
-        f.write('<TD>'+str(hist.GetRMS())+'</TD>')
-        f.write("</TR>")       
-        f.write("</TABLE>")       
-        f.write("<IMG SRC=\""+gifname+'\"><BR>')
-        com="grep \"RTTParm_almostIdentical_"+name+ " \"  "+filePar+ "| cut -d= -f2 | tail -n1"
-        res,max=commands.getstatusoutput(com)
-        if res!=0:
-            self.logger.error('Problem to the par of '+name+' : '+max)
-            return -1
-        dA=0.
-        A=0.
-        for k  in range(0,hist.GetNbinsX()+1):
-            dA += float(hist.GetBinContent(k) - refhist.GetBinContent(k))
-            A += hist.GetBinContent(k)
-        if (A > 0):
-            dA = dA / A;
-        restxt.write('&Sigma;(|&Delta;A|)/&Sigma;A is '+str(dA)+' (cut is '+str(max)+')\n')
-        f.write("<BR>")
-        f.write('&Sigma;(|&Delta;A|)/&Sigma;A is '+str(dA)+' (cut is '+str(max)+')\n')
-        f.write("<BR>")
-        if ( dA <= max ):
-            restxt.write("TEST OK\n")
-            restxt.write("###################################\n")
-            f.write("<font color=\"green\">TEST OK<BR></font>")
-            f.write("<HR>")
-            f.write("</CENTER><BR>")
-            f.close()
-            restxt.close()
-            return 0
-        else:
-            restxt.write("TEST FAILED\n")
-            restxt.write("###################################\n")
-            f.write("<font color=\"red\">TEST FAILED</font><BR>")
-            f.write("<HR>")
-            f.write("</CENTER><BR>")
-            f.close()
-            restxt.close()
-            return -1
-    def testHistogram(self,hists,refhists,compType,filePar):
-        self.logger.info('---- testHistogram '+str(hists.GetTitle())+' ----')
-        if compType == "almostIdentical":
-            res=self.almostIdentical(hists,refhists,filePar)
-            return res
-        else:
-            self.logger.error('Comp type not known')
-            return -1
-        return 0
-    def histComparison(self,hist,refhist,compType,filePar):
-        self.initHTMLComparison()
-        fhists = ROOT.TFile(hist); 
-        frefhists = ROOT.TFile(refhist);
-        if len(fhists.GetListOfKeys())!=len(frefhists.GetListOfKeys()):
-            self.logger.warning('the ref and new file doesnt contain the same number of histograms')
-            self.Draw('Cluster.hist')
-            return 0
-        if len(fhists.GetListOfKeys())==0:
-            self.logger.error('No histograms in the new file')
-            return -1
-        failed=[]
-        hists=[]
-        refHists=[]
-        for i in fhists.GetListOfKeys():
-            hists.append(i.ReadObj())
-        for i in frefhists.GetListOfKeys():
-            refHists.append(i.ReadObj())
-        for k in range(1,len(hists)):
-            if self.testHistogram(hists[k],refHists[k],compType,filePar)!=0:
-                failed.append(hists[k].GetName())
-                self.logger.error(hists[k].GetTitle()+' FAILED')
-            else:
-                self.logger.info(hists[k].GetTitle()+' OK')
-            self.logger.info('---- testHistogram DONE ----')
-            self.closeHTMLComparison()  
-        if len(failed)==0:
-            return 0
-        else:
-            return -1
-    def run(self):
-        self.filePar=self.getFilePar()
-        if self.filePar==-1:
-            self.logger.error('getFilePar() failed')
-            return -1
-        self.makeHist('ntuple.root')
-        fileRef=self.getFileRef()
-        if fileRef==-1:
-            self.logger.warning('getFileRef() failed')
-            self.logger.info('drawing the histos instead')
-            self.Draw('Cluster.hist')
-            return 0
-        res=self.histComparison('Cluster.hist',fileRef,"almostIdentical");
-        return res
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/HistoComparison.txt b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/HistoComparison.txt
deleted file mode 100755
index ae390019addb9c80f2b6ee0ceda5e9c2ed5b3afc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/HistoComparison.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-m_h1,Cluster E (GeV),50,0.,1000.,cl_et*cosh(cl_eta)/1000
-m_h2,Cluster E (GeV) - barrel,50,0.,1000.,cl_et*cosh(cl_eta)/1000,abs(cl_eta)<1.475
-m_h3,Cluster E (GeV) - endcap,50,0.,1000.,cl_et*cosh(cl_eta)/1000,abs(cl_eta)>=1.475
-m_h4,Cluster eta,40,-2.5,2.5,cl_eta
-m_h5,Cluster phi,25,-7.,7.,cl_phi
-m_h6,number of clusters,6,-.5,5.5,cl_nc
-m_h7,E frac. in Presampler - barrel,50,0.,1.,cl_eemb0/(cl_eemb0+cl_eemb1+cl_eemb2+cl_eemb3),abs(cl_eta)<1.475
-m_h8,E frac. in 1st samp. - barrel,50,0.,1.,cl_eemb1/(cl_eemb0+cl_eemb1+cl_eemb2+cl_eemb3),abs(cl_eta)<1.475
-m_h9,E frac. in 2nd samp. - barrel,50,0.,1.,cl_eemb2/(cl_eemb0+cl_eemb1+cl_eemb2+cl_eemb3),abs(cl_eta)<1.475
-m_h10,E frac. in 3rd samp. - barrel,50,0.,.1,cl_eemb3/(cl_eemb0+cl_eemb1+cl_eemb2+cl_eemb3),abs(cl_eta)<1.475
-m_h11,E frac. in Presampler - endcap,50,0.,1.,cl_eeme0/(cl_eeme0+cl_eeme1+cl_eeme2+cl_eeme3),abs(cl_eta)>=1.475 && abs(cl_eta)<=1.8
-m_h12,E frac. in 1st samp. - endcap,50,0.,1.,cl_eeme1/(cl_eeme0+cl_eeme1+cl_eeme2+cl_eeme3),abs(cl_eta)>=1.475
-m_h13,E frac. in 2nd samp. - endcap,50,0.,1.,cl_eeme2/(cl_eeme0+cl_eeme1+cl_eeme2+cl_eeme3),abs(cl_eta)>=1.475
-m_h14,E frac. in 3rd samp. - endcap,50,0.,0.1,cl_eeme3/(cl_eeme0+cl_eeme1+cl_eeme2+cl_eeme3),abs(cl_eta)>=1.475
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/Photons50GeVChecks.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/Photons50GeVChecks.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d7072ea8a91dd369b8d52008f634db6414b73ea5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/Photons50GeVChecks.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/Photons50GeVmisChecks.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/Photons50GeVmisChecks.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d7072ea8a91dd369b8d52008f634db6414b73ea5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/Photons50GeVmisChecks.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/Pi100GeVChecks.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/Pi100GeVChecks.py
deleted file mode 100644
index dbf8b9b2c01c598ea27e0d6e517428865c79fecb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/Pi100GeVChecks.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/Truth.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/Truth.py
deleted file mode 100755
index b45380558ba7458ca7c362bbd9420f5a5bfd572f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/Truth.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,696 +0,0 @@
-import os,commands,sys,logging
-import ROOT
-import time,math,cmath
-class Truth:
-    def __init__(self,log,logLevel):
-        if log=='':
-            self.logger = logging.getLogger('Truth')
-            hdlr = logging.FileHandler('Truth.log',"w")
-            formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
-            hdlr.setFormatter(formatter)
-            self.logger.addHandler(hdlr)
-            self.logger.setLevel(logLevel)
-        else:
-            self.logger = log
-    def getFilePar(self):
-        com="grep RTTINFO MYRTTINFOS.txt | cut -d= -f2 | tail -n1"
-        res,testName=commands.getstatusoutput(com)
-        if res!=0 :
-            self.logger.error(testName)
-            return -1
-        nTestName=''
-        for i in testName:
-            if i !=' ':
-                nTestName+=i;
-        filePar=nTestName+".par";
-        com="wget http://cern.ch/CaloRTT/"+filePar
-        res,out=commands.getstatusoutput(com)
-        if res!=0 :
-            self.logger.error(out)
-            return -1
-        return filePar
-    def initHTML(self):
-        f=open("Truth.html","w")
-        f.write("<html><head><title>Truth</title><link rel=\"StyleSheet\" href=\"rtt.css\" type=\"text/css\" /><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\"><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en\"></head>")
-        f.write("<body>")
-        f.close()
-        f=open("Truth.txt","w")
-        f.close()
-    def closeHTML(self):
-        f=open("Truth.html","a")
-        f.write("</body>")
-        f.write("</html>")
-    def mysign(self,val):
-        if val<0.:
-            return -1
-        else:
-            return 1
-    def saveHisto(self,hist,filePar,opt):
-        html= open('Truth.html','a')
-        txt= open("Truth.txt","a");
-        tmp=hist.GetTitle()
-        name=""
-        for i in tmp:
-            if i==' ':
-                i='_'
-            if i=='(':
-                i='z'
-            if i==')':
-                i='z'
-            name+=i
-        com='grep RTTParm_truth_'+name+ ' '+filePar +' | cut -d= -f2 | tail -n1'
-        res,max=commands.getstatusoutput(com)
-        if res!=0:
-            self.logger.error('Problem to the par of '+name+' : '+max)
-            return -1
-        can=ROOT.TCanvas()
-        # only 3 digits
-        ROOT.TGaxis.SetMaxDigits(3)
-        hist.SetLineColor(2)
-        hist.SetLineStyle(2)
-        hist.Draw(opt)
-        txt.write("################################\n");
-        txt.write("Name : "+str(hist.GetTitle())+'\n')
-        txt.write("Mean = "+str(hist.GetMean())+'\n')
-        txt.write("RMS = "+str(hist.GetRMS())+'\n')
-        try:
-            float(max)
-        except:
-            max=0
-        isOk=0
-        if math.fabs(float(hist.GetMean())) > float(max):
-            isOk=-1
-            txt.write("TEST FAILED (lim = "+str(max)+')\n')
-        else:
-            txt.write("TEST OK (lim = "+str(max)+')\n')
-        can.Modified()
-        can.Update()
-        epsname=name+".eps"
-        gifname=name+".gif"
-        can.SaveAs(epsname)
-        com1='pstopnm -ppm -xborder 0 -yborder 0 -portrait '+epsname
-        com2='ppmtogif '+epsname+'001.ppm >'+gifname
-        os.system(com1)
-        os.system(com2)
-        html.write("<CENTER><BR>")
-        html.write("<BR>")
-        html.write("<IMG SRC=\""+gifname+'\"><BR>');
-        html.write("<HR>")
-        if isOk == -1 :
-            html.write("<BR>")
-            html.write("<CENTER><font color=red>TEST FAILED (lim = "+str(max)+")</font></CENTER>")
-        else:
-            html.write("<BR>")
-            html.write("<CENTER><font color=green>TEST OK (lim = "+str(max)+")</font></CENTER>")
-            html.write("<BR>")
-        html.write("<HR>")
-        html.close()
-        txt.close()
-        return isOk
-    def doElectrons(self,filePar):
-        self.initHTML()
-        #f = ROOT.TFile('ntuple.root')
-        #f.cd('CollectionTree')
-        #mytree=ROOT.gDirectory.Get('CollectionTree')
-        ##################################
-        #os.system('ls data/*root.* > ntuples.txt')
-        os.system('ls ntuple.root > ntuples.txt')
-        f=open('ntuples.txt','r')
-        lines=f.readlines()
-        f.close()
-        chain = ROOT.TChain('CollectionTree')
-        for li in lines:
-            chain.Add('./'+li.strip())
-        mytree=chain
-        #################################
-        m_drmin  = ROOT.TH1F("m_drmin","drmin",100,-0.2,0.2)
-        m_h1   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h1","Energy resolution",100,-0.25,0.25)
-        m_h1.SetXTitle("(E_{t}(reco)-E_{t}(true))/E_{t}(true)")
-        m_h2   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h2","Phi resolution",100,-0.01,0.01)
-        m_h2.SetXTitle("#Phi resolution (rad)")
-        m_h3   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h3","Eta resolution in the barrel",100,-0.01,0.01)
-        m_h3.SetXTitle("#eta resolution")
-        m_h4   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h4","Eta resolution in the endcap",100,-0.01,0.01)
-        m_h4.SetXTitle("#eta resolution")
-        m_h5   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h5","Efficiency vs eta",50,-3,3)  
-        m_h5.SetXTitle("#eta")
-        m_tmp1   = ROOT.TH1F("m_tmp1","EtaGen",50,-3,3)
-        m_tmp2  = ROOT.TH1F("m_tmp2","cl_eta",50,-3,3) 
-        entries=mytree.GetEntriesFast()
-        for jentry in xrange( entries ):
-            ientry=mytree.LoadTree( jentry )
-            if ientry < 0 :
-                break
-            nb=mytree.GetEntry(jentry)
-            if nb<=0:
-                continue
-            nEvent = int(mytree.IEvent)
-            if nEvent<0:
-                continue
-            indEle=[]
-            iele=0
-            for ipart in range(0,mytree.NPar):
-                if abs((mytree.Type)[ipart])==11 and (mytree.GenStat)[ipart]==1 and (mytree.KMothNt)[ipart]==-1:
-                    indEle.append(ipart)
-                    m_tmp2.Fill((mytree.EtaGen)[indEle[iele]])
-                    iele+=1
-                    if iele>1:
-                        logger.info('two many electrons')
-                        return -1
-            nele=iele
-            # a quel cluster correspond quel electron ?
-            # je tourne sur ts les clusters de l ev
-            for ic in range(0,mytree.cl_nc): 
-                etacl = (mytree.cl_eta)[ic]
-                phicl = (mytree.cl_phi)[ic]
-                etcl  = (mytree.cl_et)[ic]
-                m_drmin.Fill((mytree.ZV)[0]);
-                etae = (mytree.EtaGen)[indEle[0]];
-                if math.fabs((mytree.cl_eta)[ic])>1.475 :
-                    etaclcor = cmath.asinh(cmath.sinh((mytree.cl_eta)[ic])*(1-(mytree.ZV)[mytree.IVPrimary]/(self.mysign((mytree.cl_eta)[ic])*3800.0)))
-                    phiclcor = (mytree.cl_phi)[ic]+(0.3*3800.0*(-(mytree.Type)[indEle[0]]/11.0)*self.mysign((mytree.cl_eta)[ic]))/((mytree.cl_et)[ic]*cmath.sinh((mytree.cl_eta)[ic]))
-                    m_h4.Fill((etaclcor-etae).real)
-                else:
-                    etaclcor = cmath.asinh(cmath.sinh((mytree.cl_eta)[ic])-(mytree.ZV)[mytree.IVPrimary]/1600.0)
-                    m_h3.Fill((etaclcor-etae).real)
-                    phiclcor = (mytree.cl_phi)[ic]+(0.3*1600.0*(-(mytree.Type)[indEle[0]]/11.0)/(mytree.cl_et)[ic])
-                phie = (mytree.PhiGen)[indEle[0]]
-                ete  = (mytree.PtGen)[indEle[0]]
-                try:
-                    m_h2.Fill(phiclcor.real-phie)
-                except:
-                    m_h2.Fill(phiclcor-phie)
-                m_h1.Fill((etcl-ete)/ete)
-                m_tmp1.Fill(etae)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit(1011)
-        m_h1.Fit("gaus")
-        m_h2.Fit("gaus")
-        m_h3.Fit("gaus")
-        m_h4.Fit("gaus")
-        res1=self.saveHisto(m_h1,filePar,'')
-        res2=self.saveHisto(m_h2,filePar,'')
-        res3=self.saveHisto(m_h3,filePar,'')
-        res4=self.saveHisto(m_h4,filePar,'')
-        m_h5.Divide(m_tmp1,m_tmp2,1,1,"B")
-	res5=self.saveHisto(m_h5,filePar,"E")
-        if res1==-1 or res2==-1 or res3==-1 or res4==-1 or res5==-1: 
-            return -1
-        else:
-            return 0
-    def doTop(self,filePar):
-        self.initHTML()
-        f = ROOT.TFile('ntuple.root')
-        #f.cd('CollectionTree')
-        mytree=ROOT.gDirectory.Get('CollectionTree')
-        m_drmin  = ROOT.TH1F("m_drmin","drmin",100,-0.2,0.2)
-        m_h1   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h1","Energy resolution",100,-0.25,0.25)
-        m_h1.SetXTitle("(E_{t}(reco)-E_{t}(true))/E_{t}(true)")
-        m_h2   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h2","Phi resolution",100,-0.01,0.01)
-        m_h2.SetXTitle("#Phi resolution (rad)")
-        m_h3   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h3","Eta resolution in the barrel",100,-0.01,0.01)
-        m_h3.SetXTitle("#eta resolution")
-        m_h4   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h4","Eta resolution in the endcap",100,-0.01,0.01)
-        m_h4.SetXTitle("#eta resolution")
-        m_h5   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h5","Efficiency vs eta",50,-3,3)  
-        m_h5.SetXTitle("#eta")
-        m_tmp1   = ROOT.TH1F("m_tmp1","EtaGen",50,-3,3)
-        m_tmp2  = ROOT.TH1F("m_tmp2","cl_eta",50,-3,3) 
-        entries=mytree.GetEntriesFast()
-        for jentry in xrange( entries ):
-            ientry=mytree.LoadTree( jentry )
-            if ientry < 0 :
-                break
-            nb=mytree.GetEntry(jentry)
-            if nb<=0:
-                continue
-            nEvent = int(mytree.IEvent)
-            if nEvent<0:
-                continue
-            indEle=[]
-            iele=0
-            for ipart in range(0,mytree.NPar):
-                if  abs((mytree.Type)[ipart])==11 and abs((mytree.Type)[(mytree.KMothNt)[ipart]])==24 :
-			#indEle[iele]=ipart
-                        indEle.append(ipart)
-			m_tmp2.Fill((mytree.EtaGen)[indEle[iele]])
-			iele=+1
-                        if iele>4:
-                            logger.info('two many electrons')
-                            return -1
-            nele=iele
-            # a quel cluster correspond quel electron ?
-            # je tourne sur ts les clusters de l ev
-            for ic in range(0,mytree.cl_nc): 
-                drmin = 9999.
-                im    = 0
-                # pour un cluster donne je tourne sur tous les electrons primaires trouves precedemment et je minimise dr pour savoir celui qui est le plus pres du cluster 
-                for iele in range(0,nele):
-                    deta = (mytree.EtaGen)[indEle[iele]] - (mytree.cl_eta)[ic];
-                    dphi = (mytree.PhiGen)[indEle[iele]] - (mytree.cl_phi)[ic];
-                    if dphi > math.pi: 
-                        dphi = math.fabs(dphi) - 2.*math.pi
-                    dr = math.sqrt(dphi*dphi + deta*deta)
-                    if dr < drmin:
-                        drmin = dr
-                        im    = iele
-                # l'electron matchant le cluster a l'indice im
-                m_drmin.Fill(drmin);
-                if drmin < 0.1  : 
-                    etacl = (mytree.cl_eta)[ic]
-                    phicl = (mytree.cl_phi)[ic]
-                    etcl  = (mytree.cl_et)[ic]
-                    etae = (mytree.EtaGen)[indEle[im]]
-                    if math.fabs((mytree.cl_eta)[ic])>1.475 :
-                        etaclcor = cmath.asinh(cmath.sinh((mytree.cl_eta)[ic])*(1-(mytree.ZV)[mytree.IVPrimary]/(self.mysign((mytree.cl_eta)[ic])*3800.0)));
-                        phiclcor = (mytree.cl_phi)[ic]+(0.3*3800*(-(mytree.Type)[indEle[im]]/11.0)*self.mysign((mytree.cl_eta)[ic]))/((mytree.cl_et)[ic]*cmath.sinh((mytree.cl_eta)[ic]));
-                        m_h4.Fill((etaclcor-etae).real)
-                    else:
-                        etaclcor = cmath.asinh(cmath.sinh((mytree.cl_eta)[ic])-(mytree.ZV)[mytree.IVPrimary]/1600.0)
-                        phiclcor = (mytree.cl_phi)[ic]+(0.3*1600.0*(-(mytree.Type)[indEle[im]]/11.0)/(mytree.cl_et)[ic])
-                        m_h3.Fill((etaclcor-etae).real)
-                    phie = (mytree.PhiGen)[indEle[im]]
-                    ete  = (mytree.PtGen)[indEle[im]]
-                    try:
-                        m_h2.Fill(phiclcor.real-phie)
-                    except:
-                        m_h2.Fill(phiclcor-phie)
-                    m_h1.Fill((etcl-ete)/ete)	 
-                    m_tmp1.Fill(etae)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit(1011)
-        m_h1.Fit("gaus")
-        m_h2.Fit("gaus")
-        m_h3.Fit("gaus")
-        m_h4.Fit("gaus")
-        res1=self.saveHisto(m_h1,filePar,'')
-        res2=self.saveHisto(m_h2,filePar,'')
-        res3=self.saveHisto(m_h3,filePar,'')
-        res4=self.saveHisto(m_h4,filePar,'')
-        m_h5.Divide(m_tmp1,m_tmp2,1,1,"B")
-	res5=self.saveHisto(m_h5,filePar,"E")
-        if res1==-1 or res2==-1 or res3==-1 or res4==-1 or res5==-1: 
-            return -1
-        else:
-            return 0
-    def doPhotons(self,filePar):
-        self.initHTML()
-        #f = ROOT.TFile('ntuple.root')
-        #f.cd('CollectionTree')
-        #mytree=ROOT.gDirectory.Get('CollectionTree')
-        ##################################
-        #os.system('ls photons/*root* > ntuples.txt')
-        os.system('ls ntuple.root > ntuples.txt')
-        f=open('ntuples.txt','r')
-        lines=f.readlines()
-        f.close()
-        chain = ROOT.TChain('CollectionTree')
-        for li in lines:
-            chain.Add('./'+li.strip())
-        mytree=chain
-        #################################
-        m_drmin  = ROOT.TH1F("m_drmin","drmin",100,-0.2,0.2)
-        m_h1   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h1","Energy resolution",100,-0.25,0.25)
-        m_h1.SetXTitle("(E_{t}(reco)-E_{t}(true))/E_{t}(true)")
-        m_h2   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h2","Phi resolution",100,-0.01,0.01)
-        m_h2.SetXTitle("#Phi resolution (rad)")
-        m_h3   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h3","Eta resolution in the barrel",100,-0.01,0.01)
-        m_h3.SetXTitle("#eta resolution")
-        m_h4   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h4","Eta resolution in the endcap",100,-0.01,0.01)
-        m_h4.SetXTitle("#eta resolution")
-        m_h5   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h5","Efficiency vs eta",50,-3,3)  
-        m_h5.SetXTitle("#eta")
-        m_tmp1   = ROOT.TH1F("m_tmp1","EtaGen",50,-3,3)
-        m_tmp2  = ROOT.TH1F("m_tmp2","cl_eta",50,-3,3) 
-        entries=mytree.GetEntriesFast()
-        for jentry in xrange( entries ):
-            ientry=mytree.LoadTree( jentry )
-            if ientry < 0 :
-                break
-            nb=mytree.GetEntry(jentry)
-            if nb<=0:
-                continue          
-            nEvent = int(mytree.IEvent)
-            if nEvent<0:
-                continue
-            dRmin = 999.
-            TheNearestCluster = -1
-            #print int(mytree.IEvent),int(mytree.cl_nc),len(mytree.PtGen)
-            if mytree.cl_nc==0 or len(mytree.PtGen)==0:
-                continue
-            for i in range(0,int(mytree.cl_nc)):
-                #print 'i=',i
-                dphi = 1000.
-                deta = 1000.
-                # resolution in energy
-                val=((mytree.cl_et)[i]-(mytree.PtGen)[0])/(mytree.PtGen)[0]
-                m_h1.Fill(val)        
-                # resolution in phi
-                if  (mytree.cl_phi)[i]-(mytree.PhiGen)[0] < 6: 
-                    dphi =((mytree.cl_phi)[i]-(mytree.PhiGen)[0])
-                    m_h2.Fill(dphi)
-                # resolution in eta barrel corrected by the z vertex spread
-                deta=0.
-                if  math.fabs((mytree.EtaGen)[0])<1.475:
-                    deta =(mytree.cl_eta)[i]-cmath.asinh(cmath.sinh((mytree.EtaGen)[0])+(mytree.ZV)[mytree.IVPrimary]/1600.)
-                    m_h3.Fill(deta.real)
-                elif math.fabs((mytree.EtaGen)[0])>= 1.475 :
-                    deta = (mytree.cl_eta)[i]-cmath.asinh(cmath.sinh((mytree.EtaGen)[0])/(1-self.mysign((mytree.EtaGen)[0])*(mytree.ZV)[mytree.IVPrimary]/3800.))
-                    m_h4.Fill(deta.real)
-                if (math.fabs(dphi) > math.pi):
-                    dphi = 2.0*math.pi - math.fabs(dphi)
-                dR = math.sqrt(deta.real*deta.real+dphi*dphi)
-                if dR < dRmin:
-                    dRmin = dR
-                    TheNearestCluster = i
-            m_tmp2.Fill((mytree.EtaGen)[0])
-            if TheNearestCluster >= 0 and dRmin < 0.1:
-                m_tmp1.Fill((mytree.EtaGen)[0])
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit(1011)
-        m_h1.Fit("gaus")
-        m_h2.Fit("gaus")
-        m_h3.Fit("gaus")
-        m_h4.Fit("gaus")
-        res1=self.saveHisto(m_h1,filePar,'')
-        res2=self.saveHisto(m_h2,filePar,'')
-        res3=self.saveHisto(m_h3,filePar,'')
-        res4=self.saveHisto(m_h4,filePar,'')
-        m_h5.Divide(m_tmp1,m_tmp2,1,1,"B")
-	res5=self.saveHisto(m_h5,filePar,"E")
-        if res1==-1 or res2==-1 or res3==-1 or res4==-1 or res5==-1: 
-            return -1
-        else:
-            return 0
-    def doPions(self,filePar):
-        self.initHTML()
-        #f = ROOT.TFile('ntuple.root')
-        #f.cd('CollectionTree')
-        #mytree=ROOT.gDirectory.Get('CollectionTree')
-        ##################################
-        #os.system('ls pions/*root* > ntuples.txt')
-        os.system('ls ntuple.root > ntuples.txt')
-        f=open('ntuples.txt','r')
-        lines=f.readlines()
-        f.close()
-        chain = ROOT.TChain('CollectionTree')
-        for li in lines:
-            chain.Add('./'+li.strip())
-        mytree=chain
-        #################################
-        m_drmin  = ROOT.TH1F("m_drmin","drmin",100,-0.2,0.2)
-        m_h1   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h1","Energy resolution",100,-0.5,0.5)
-        m_h1.SetXTitle("(p_{t}(reco)-p_{t}(true))/p_{t}(true)")
-        m_h2   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h2","Phi resolution",100,-0.08,0.08)
-        m_h2.SetXTitle("#Phi resolution (rad)")
-        m_h3   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h3","Eta resolution in the barrel",100,-0.1,0.1)
-        m_h3.SetXTitle("#eta resolution")
-        m_h4   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h4","Eta resolution in the endcap",100,-0.1,0.1)
-        m_h4.SetXTitle("#eta resolution")
-        m_h5   = ROOT.TH1F("m_h5","Efficiency vs eta",50,-3,3)  
-        m_h5.SetXTitle("#eta")
-        m_tmp1   = ROOT.TH1F("m_tmp1","EtaGen",50,-3,3)
-        m_tmp2  = ROOT.TH1F("m_tmp2","cl_eta",50,-3,3) 
-        entries=mytree.GetEntriesFast()
-        for jentry in xrange( entries ):
-            ientry=mytree.LoadTree( jentry )
-            if ientry < 0 :
-                break
-            nb=mytree.GetEntry(jentry)
-            if nb<=0:
-                continue
-            nEvent = int(mytree.IEvent)
-            if nEvent<0:
-                continue
-#            print 'nevent=',nEvent
-            indPi=[]
-            ipi=0
-#            print ' mytree.NPar=',mytree.NPar
-            for ipart in range(0,mytree.NPar):
-                if  (mytree.KMothNt)[ipart]<0 and (abs((mytree.Type)[ipart])==111 or abs((mytree.Type)[ipart])==211) :
-#                    print ' mother=',(mytree.KMothNt)[ipart]
-#                    print ' (mytree.Type)[ipart]=',(mytree.Type)[ipart]
-                    indPi.append(ipart)
-                    m_tmp2.Fill((mytree.EtaGen)[indPi[ipi]])
-                    ipi=ipi+1
-                    if ipi>4:
-                        logger.info('two many pions')
-                        return -1
-#            print 'ipi=',ipi
-            if ipi>0:
-#                print ' pion type=', abs((mytree.Type)[indPi[0]])
-#                print ' # of ConeH1TowerJets=', mytree.Cone7H1TowerJetsjetNum
-#                print ' # of ConeH1TopoJets=', mytree.Cone7H1TopoJetsjetNum
-                if abs((mytree.Type)[indPi[0]])==111:
-                    ncl=0
-#                    print ' mytree.cl_nc=',mytree.cl_nc
-                    for ic in range(0,mytree.cl_nc): 
-                        etacl = (mytree.cl_eta)[ic]
-                        phicl = (mytree.cl_phi)[ic]
-                        etcl  = (mytree.cl_et)[ic]
-                        ncl = ncl +1
-#                        print ' cluster etcl,etacl,phicl=',etcl,etacl,phicl
-#                        print ' gen et,etacl,phicl=',(mytree.PtGen)[0],(mytree.EtaGen)[0],(mytree.PhiGen)[0]
-                        etae = (mytree.EtaGen)[indPi[0]]
-                        if math.fabs((mytree.cl_eta)[ic])>1.475 :
-                            m_h4.Fill(etacl-etae)                   
-                        else:
-                            m_h3.Fill(etacl-etae)
-                        phie = (mytree.PhiGen)[indPi[0]]
-                        ete  = (mytree.PtGen)[indPi[0]]
-                        try:
-                            m_h2.Fill(phicl.real-phie)
-                        except:
-                            m_h2.Fill(phicl-phie)
-                        m_h1.Fill((etcl-ete)/ete)	 
-                        m_tmp1.Fill(etae)
-#                        print ' nclusters=',ncl
-#                if abs((mytree.Type)[indPi[0]])==211 and mytree.Cone7H1TowerJetsjetNum>0 :
-                if abs((mytree.Type)[indPi[0]])==211 and mytree.Cone7H1TopoJetsjetNum>0 :
-#                    print ' number of jets =', mytree.Cone7H1TopoJetsjetNum
-#                    print ' jet and topo gen e =',(mytree.jetEtCone7H1TopoJets)[0],(mytree.PtGen)[indPi[0]]
-#                    print ' jet and gen eta=',(mytree.jetEtaCone7H1TopoJets)[0],(mytree.EtaGen)[0]
-#                    print ' jet and gen phi=',(mytree.jetPhiCone7H1TopoJets)[0],(mytree.PhiGen)[0]
-                    etajet = (mytree.jetEtaCone7H1TopoJets)[0]
-                    phijet = (mytree.jetPhiCone7H1TopoJets)[0]
-                    etjet  = (mytree.jetEtCone7H1TopoJets)[0]
-                    etae = (mytree.EtaGen)[indPi[0]]
-                    if abs(etajet)>1.475 :
-                        m_h4.Fill(etajet-etae)   
-                    else:
-                        m_h3.Fill(etajet-etae)
-                    phie = (mytree.PhiGen)[indPi[0]]
-                    ete  = (mytree.PtGen)[indPi[0]]
-                    try:
-                        m_h2.Fill(phijet.real-phie)
-                    except:
-                        m_h2.Fill(phijet-phie)
-                    m_h1.Fill((etjet-ete)/ete)	 
-                    m_tmp1.Fill(etae)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit(1011)
-        m_h1.Fit("gaus")
-        m_h2.Fit("gaus")
-        m_h3.Fit("gaus")
-        m_h4.Fit("gaus")
-        res1=self.saveHisto(m_h1,filePar,'')
-        res2=self.saveHisto(m_h2,filePar,'')
-        res3=self.saveHisto(m_h3,filePar,'')
-        res4=self.saveHisto(m_h4,filePar,'')
-        m_h5.Divide(m_tmp1,m_tmp2,1,1,"B")
-	res5=self.saveHisto(m_h5,filePar,"E")
-        if res1==-1 or res2==-1 or res3==-1 or res4==-1 or res5==-1: 
-            return -1
-        else:
-            return 0
-    def run(self):
-        ROOT.gROOT.Reset()
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetStatW(0.19)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetStatFontSize(0.03)
-        ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(111110)
-        filePar=self.getFilePar()
-        if filePar==-1:
-            self.logger.error('getFilePar() failed')
-            return
-        if filePar.find('Photons')>=0:
-            return self.doPhotons(filePar)
-        if filePar.find('Electrons')>=0:
-            return self.doElectrons(filePar)
-        if filePar.find('Top')>=0 or filePar.find('top')>=0:
-            return self.doTop(filePar)
-        if filePar.find('Pi')>=0:
-            return self.doPions(filePar)
-        # if filePar.find('Zee')>=0:
-        #    return self.doZee(filePar)
-        # if filePar.find('H2e2mu')>=0:
-        #    return self.doH2e2mu(filePar)
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/addHTML.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/addHTML.py
deleted file mode 100755
index af862a3e473daee5ed9a16c5e8e86b593ed2213b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/addHTML.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-import commands,sys,os,logging
-class addHTML:
-    def __init__(self,log,logLevel,plotname,filename):
-        self.filename=filename
-        self.plotname=plotname
-        if log=='':
-            self.logger = logging.getLogger('addHTML')
-            hdlr = logging.FileHandler('addHTML.log',"w")
-            formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
-            hdlr.setFormatter(formatter)
-            self.logger.addHandler(hdlr)
-            self.logger.setLevel(logLevel)
-        else:
-            self.logger = log
-    def run(self):
-        file = open('./'+self.filename+'.html','w')
-        txt='<html><head><link rel=\"StyleSheet\" href=\"rtt.css\" type=\"text/css\" /><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\"><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en\"></head><body>'
-        txt+='<br><br><br><br>'
-        txt+='<img src=\"'+self.plotname+'.gif\">'+'</center></body></html>'
-        file.write(txt)
-        file.close()
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/check.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/check.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 9bf69beda68589a242c155df25115d95611ac4c1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/check.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import os,commands,sys,logging
-import traceback,imp
-import HistoComparison
-import Truth
-import extractRec
-import checkAODESDcontent
-import memleak
-import addHTML
-logger = logging.getLogger('check')
-hdlr = logging.FileHandler('check.log',"w")
-formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
-com = "cat env.log|grep AtlasVersion | cut -d= -f2| tail -n1"
-com = "cat env.log|grep AtlasArea | cut -d= -f2| tail -n1"
-com="grep RTTINFO MYRTTINFOS.txt | cut -d= -f2 | tail -n1 | awk '{print $1}'"
-if res!=0 :
-    self.logger.error(testName.strip())
-    sys.exit(1)
-mod = imp.load_source("tests",name)
-import tests
-file = open('./checks.html','w')
-txt='<html><head><title>RTT results for '+testName.strip()+'</title><link rel=\"StyleSheet\" href=\"rtt.css\" type=\"text/css\" /><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\"><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en\"></head><body><center><h1>RTT results for '+testName.strip()+'</h1></center>'
-txt+='<center>'+'Branch : '+branch+'<br>'
-txt+='Release : '+release+'<br><br><br>'
-if tests.doHistoComparison==True:
-    txt+='<a href="DrawHistos.html">Histograms</a>'
-if tests.doTruth==True:
-    txt+='<br><a href="Truth.html">Truth plots</a>'
-if tests.docheckAODESDcontent==True:
-    txt+='<br><a href="ESDAOD.log">ESD and AOD dump (in some cases)</a>'
-if tests.doaddPlotElectronicNoise==True:
-    txt+='<br><a href="ElectronicNoise.html">Electronic noise</a>'
-logger.info('============= CHECKS BEGIN =================')
-# Comparison plots
-if tests.doHistoComparison:
-    logger.info('---- Histograms comparison ----')
-    try: 
-       a=HistoComparison.HistosComparison(logger,logging.info)
-       res=a.run()
-    except:
-       traceback.print_exc()
-       logger.error('execution of HistoComparison failed')
-       res=10
-    if res==0:
-        logger.info('Histograms comparison done successfully')
-    else:
-        logger.info('Histograms comparison failed')
-# Truth
-if tests.doTruth:
-    logger.info('---- Truth ----')
-    try:
-       a=Truth.Truth(logger,logging.INFO)
-       res=a.run()
-    except:
-       traceback.print_exc()
-       logger.error('execution of Truth failed')
-       res=10
-    if res==0:
-        logger.info('Truth done successfully')
-    else:
-        logger.info('Truth failed')
-# CPU time
-if tests.doextractRec:
-    logger.info('---- CPU time ----')
-    try: 
-       a=extractRec.extractRec(logger,logging.INFO)
-       res=a.run()
-    except:
-       traceback.print_exc()
-       logger.error('execution of extractRec failed')
-       res=10
-    if res==0:
-        logger.info('extractRec done successfully')
-    else:
-        logger.info('extractRec failed')
-# Memory leaks
-if tests.doMemLeak:
-    logger.info('---- Memory leak ----')
-    try:
-       a=memleak.memleak(logger,logging.INFO)
-       res=a.run()
-    except:
-       traceback.print_exc()
-       logger.error('execution of memleak failed')
-       res=10
-    if res==0:
-        logger.info('MemLeak done successfully')
-    else:
-        logger.info('MemLeak failed')
-# AOD, ESD size
-if tests.docheckAODESDcontent:
-    logger.info('---- checks of AOD, ESD ----')
-    try:
-       a=checkAODESDcontent.checkAODESDcontent(logger,logging.INFO)
-       res=a.run()
-    except:
-      traceback.print_exc()
-      logger.error('execution of checkAODESDcontent failed')
-      res=10
-    if res==0:
-        logger.info('checkAODESDcontent done successfully')
-    else:
-        logger.info('checkAODESDcontent failed')
-# add extra plots
-if tests.doaddPlotElectronicNoise==True:
-    logger.info('---- add plot of Electronic Noise ----')
-    try:
-       a=addHTML.addHTML(logger,logging.INFO,'plotAllCaloNoise13','ElectronicNoise')
-       res=a.run()
-    except:
-      traceback.print_exc()
-      logger.error('execution of addPlotElectronicNoise failed')
-      res=10
-    if res==0:
-        logger.info('addPlotElectronicNoise done successfully')
-    else:
-        logger.info('addPlotElectronicNoise failed')        
-logger.info('============= CHECKS END =================')
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/checkAODESDcontent.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/checkAODESDcontent.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 397e14a6a62aaca6c1fedeeddfc939f604d76200..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/checkAODESDcontent.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-import commands,sys,os,logging
-class checkAODESDcontent:
-    def __init__(self,log,logLevel):
-        if log=='':
-            self.logger = logging.getLogger('AODESD')
-            hdlr = logging.FileHandler('checkAODESD.log',"w")
-            formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
-            hdlr.setFormatter(formatter)
-            self.logger.addHandler(hdlr)
-            self.logger.setLevel(logLevel)
-        else:
-            self.logger = log
-    def run(self):
-        res1,output=commands.getstatusoutput("./checkFile.py ESD.pool.root >& ESDAOD.log")
-        if res1!=0:
-            self.logger.error('problem to run checkFile.py on ESD.pool.root')
-        res2,output=commands.getstatusoutput("./checkFile.py AOD.pool.root >> ESDAOD.log")
-        if res2!=0:
-            self.logger.error('problem to run checkFile.py on AOD.pool.root')
-        if res1!=0 and res2!=0:
-            self.logger.error('no files to check')
-            return -1
-        com = "cat MYRTTINFOS.txt" + "|grep BEGIN_RTTINFO | cut -d= -f2| tail -n1"
-        res,testName=commands.getstatusoutput(com)
-        if res!=0:
-            self.logger.error(testName)
-            return -1
-        reflog='ref'+testName.strip()+'AODESD.log'
-        com='wget http://cern.ch/CaloRTT/'+reflog
-        res,out=commands.getstatusoutput(com)
-        if res!=0:
-            self.logger.error(out)
-            return -1
-        try:
-            f=open(log,'r')
-            fclose(log)
-        except:
-            self.logger.error(log+' not found')
-            return -1
-        keysList=[]
-        file = open(reflog,'r')
-        for line in file:
-            t=line.split()
-            if len(t)==8 and t[1]=='kb' and t[3]=='kb' and t[5]=='kb':
-                keysList.append(t[7])
-        file.close()
-        for k in keysList:
-            com1='grep '+k+' '+log+' | grep -v Tree'
-            res1,out1=commands.getstatusoutput(com1)
-            if res1!=0:
-                self.logger.warning(k+' NOT FOUND')
-                continue
-            tmpNew=out1.split()
-            com2='grep '+k+' '+reflog+' | grep -v Tree'
-            res2,out2=commands.getstatusoutput(com2)
-            if res2!=0:
-                continue
-            tmpRef=out2.split()
-            if float(tmpNew[4]) > float(tmpRef[4]):
-                self.logger.warning(k +' is higher : '+'NEW='+tmpNew[4]+'/'+'REF='+tmpRef[4]+' (kb)')
-        return 0
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/checkT.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/checkT.py
deleted file mode 100755
index dcd9be46f0606747ad97752b1b009b2f4bf067f7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/checkT.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import os,commands,sys,logging
-import traceback,imp
-import HistoComparison
-import Truth
-import extractRec
-import checkAODESDcontent
-import memleak
-import addHTML
-logger = logging.getLogger('checkT')
-hdlr = logging.FileHandler('checkT.log',"w")
-formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
-com = "cat env.log|grep AtlasVersion | cut -d= -f2| tail -n1"
-com = "cat env.log|grep AtlasArea | cut -d= -f2| tail -n1"
-com="grep RTTINFO MYRTTINFOS.txt | cut -d= -f2 | tail -n1 | awk '{print $1}'"
-if res!=0 :
-    self.logger.error(testName.strip())
-    sys.exit(1)
-mod = imp.load_source("tests",name)
-import tests
-file = open('./checks.html','w')
-txt='<html><head><title>RTT results for '+testName.strip()+'</title><link rel=\"StyleSheet\" href=\"rtt.css\" type=\"text/css\" /><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\"><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en\"></head><body><center><h1>RTT results for '+testName.strip()+'</h1></center>'
-txt+='<center>'+'Branch : '+branch+'<br>'
-txt+='Release : '+release+'<br><br><br>'
-if tests.doHistoComparison==True:
-    txt+='<a href="DrawHistos.html">Histograms</a>'
-if tests.doTruth==True:
-    txt+='<br><a href="Truth.html">Truth plots</a>'
-if tests.docheckAODESDcontent==True:
-    txt+='<br><a href="ESDAOD.log">ESD and AOD dump (in some cases)</a>'
-if tests.doaddPlotElectronicNoise==True:
-    txt+='<br><a href="ElectronicNoise.html">Electronic noise</a>'
-logger.info('============= CHECKS BEGIN =================')
-# Comparison plots
-if tests.doHistoComparison:
-    logger.info('---- Histograms comparison ----')
-    try: 
-       a=HistoComparison.HistosComparison(logger,logging.info)
-       res=a.run()
-    except:
-       traceback.print_exc()
-       logger.error('execution of HistoComparison failed')
-       res=10
-    if res==0:
-        logger.info('Histograms comparison done successfully')
-    else:
-        logger.info('Histograms comparison failed')
-# Truth
-if tests.doTruth:
-    logger.info('---- Truth ----')
-    try:
-       a=Truth.Truth(logger,logging.INFO)
-       res=a.run()
-    except:
-       traceback.print_exc()
-       logger.error('execution of Truth failed')
-       res=10
-    if res==0:
-        logger.info('Truth done successfully')
-    else:
-        logger.info('Truth failed')
-# CPU time
-if tests.doextractRec:
-    logger.info('---- CPU time ----')
-    try: 
-       a=extractRec.extractRec(logger,logging.INFO)
-       res=a.run()
-    except:
-       traceback.print_exc()
-       logger.error('execution of extractRec failed')
-       res=10
-    if res==0:
-        logger.info('extractRec done successfully')
-    else:
-        logger.info('extractRec failed')
-# Memory leaks
-if tests.doMemLeak:
-    logger.info('---- Memory leak ----')
-    try:
-       a=memleak.memleak(logger,logging.INFO)
-       res=a.run()
-    except:
-       traceback.print_exc()
-       logger.error('execution of memleak failed')
-       res=10
-    if res==0:
-        logger.info('MemLeak done successfully')
-    else:
-        logger.info('MemLeak failed')
-# AOD, ESD size
-if tests.docheckAODESDcontent:
-    logger.info('---- checks of AOD, ESD ----')
-    try:
-       a=checkAODESDcontent.checkAODESDcontent(logger,logging.INFO)
-       res=a.run()
-    except:
-      traceback.print_exc()
-      logger.error('execution of checkAODESDcontent failed')
-      res=10
-    if res==0:
-        logger.info('checkAODESDcontent done successfully')
-    else:
-        logger.info('checkAODESDcontent failed')
-# add extra plots
-if tests.doaddPlotElectronicNoise==True:
-    logger.info('---- add plot of Electronic Noise ----')
-    try:
-       a=addHTML.addHTML(logger,logging.INFO,'plotAllCaloNoise13','ElectronicNoise')
-       res=a.run()
-    except:
-      traceback.print_exc()
-      logger.error('execution of addPlotElectronicNoise failed')
-      res=10
-    if res==0:
-        logger.info('addPlotElectronicNoise done successfully')
-    else:
-        logger.info('addPlotElectronicNoise failed')        
-logger.info('============= CHECKS END =================')
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/extractRec.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/extractRec.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 4064db3fa8abfab510c4b474dba195db2c5b39a1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/extractRec.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,510 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import os, sys, commands,getopt, datetime
-import stat,logging
-class extractRec:
-    def __init__(self,log,logLevel):   
-        self.loggerAlert = logging.getLogger('Alert')
-        self.hdlrAlert = logging.FileHandler('Alert.txt',"w")
-        formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
-        self.hdlrAlert.setFormatter(formatter)
-        self.loggerAlert.addHandler(self.hdlrAlert)
-        self.loggerAlert.setLevel(logLevel)
-        if log=='':
-            self.loggerInfo = logging.getLogger('Info')
-            self.hdlrInfo = logging.FileHandler('Info.txt',"w")
-            formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
-            self.hdlrInfo.setFormatter(formatter)
-            self.loggerInfo.addHandler(self.hdlrInfo)
-            self.loggerInfo.setLevel(logLevel)
-        else:
-            self.loggerInfo = log
-        self.tests=["Photons_calib0_csc11_007062_singlepart_gamma_E50","Electrons_calib0_csc11_007070_singlepart_e_E5","Photons_calib0_csc11_007080_singlepart_gamma_E5","Photons_calib0_csc11_007085_singlepart_gamma_E500","top_calib1_csc11_005200_T1_McAtNlo_Jimmy","Electrons_calib1_csc11_007061_singlepart_e_E100","Photons_calib1_csc11_007063_singlepart_gamma_E100"]
-        # from auditors svc
-        self.CaloList=['LAr37ClusterMaker','LAr33ClusterMake','LArSWClusterMaker','LAr35ClusterMaker','CBNT_TileCell','CaloSWClusterMaker','CBNT_CaloCluster','CBNT_CaloCluster37','CBNT_CaloInfo','CBNT_CaloCluster35','CaloCellMaker','CaloTopoClusterMaker','TruthCone4Jets','TruthConeJets','CBNT_LArCell','CaloCell2TopoClusterMapper','EMTopoClusterMaker','TruthKtJets','TowerMaker','KtJets','ConeJets','Cone4Jets','METAlg']
-        # from personal chronosvc
-        self.extraCaloList=['CmbTowerBldr.TileCmbTwrBldr','CaloCellMaker_CaloCellContainerChecke','CaloCellMaker_CaloCellContainerFinali','CmbTowerBldr.FCalCmbTwrBldr','CaloCellMaker_LArCellBuilderLAr','CaloCellMaker_TileCellBuilder','CmbTowerBldr.LArCmbTwrBldr','TowerMaker.LArTowerBuilder','CmbTowerBldr.LArCmbTwrBldrChronoCellLoop','CmbTowerBldr.LArCmbTwrBldrChronobuild','TowerMaker.LArTowerBuilderChronobuild','TowerMaker.LArTowerBuilderChronoCellLoop']
-        self.debugLevel=0
-        # in sec
-        self.diffTime=0.05
-        #self.emails=['bernardet@cppm.in2p3.fr']
-        self.emails=[]
-        self.wwwemails="http://cern.ch/CaloRTT/CaloRecEx_mails2.txt"
-        self.testName="CaloRecEx"
-        # if type = 1 use of the list above for the algo
-        self.type=0
-        self.typePerso=0
-        # Size of RDO.pool.root = XXX ko         
-        # release, time info
-        self.release=""
-        self.branch=""
-        self.date=""
-        self.mailSubjectProblem=""
-        self.mailSubjectReport=""
-        #self.switchoffRTTpart=True
-        #####################
-        self.alertMess=""
-        self.alertMessOk=False
-        self.alertReportOk=True
-        self.checkFile=0
-####  CPU Time
-    def extractCPUTimeInitializeAll(self,file,type):
-        tmp=[]
-        if type !=1:
-            com="grep \"Time User\" " + file + " | grep initi"
-            self.loggerInfo.debug(com)
-            res=commands.getoutput(com)
-            tmp= res.splitlines() 
-        else:
-            for i in self.CaloList:
-                com="grep \"Time User\" " + file + " | grep \"\<" +i+":initi\""
-                self.loggerInfo.debug(com)
-                res=commands.getoutput(com)
-                tmp += res.splitlines()
-        return tmp
-    def extractCPUTimeInitializeAlgo(self,file, algo):
-        com="grep \"Time User\" " + file + " | grep initi" + " | grep  " + algo +" | awk '{print $7" "$8}' "
-        self.loggerInfo.debug(com)
-        res=commands.getoutput(com)    
-        res2= res.splitlines() 
-        return res2
-    def extractCPUTimeExecuteAll(self,file,type):
-        tmp=[]
-        if type !=1:
-            com="grep \"Time User\" " + file + " | grep execute"
-            self.loggerInfo.debug(com)
-            res=commands.getoutput(com)    
-            tmp= res.splitlines() 
-        else:
-            for i in self.CaloList:
-                com="grep \"Time User\" " + file + " | grep \"\<" +i
-                self.loggerInfo.debug(com)
-                res=commands.getoutput(com)
-                tmp += res.splitlines()
-        return tmp
-# pour les algo perso, ajouter un espace apres le nom de l algo pour le grep sinon pb en cas de noms du genre : AlgoPerso,AlgoPerso2 ...
-    def extractCPUTimeExecutePersoAll(self,file,type):
-        tmp=[]
-        if type !=1:
-            com="grep \"Time User\" " + file + " | grep -v execute| grep -v initialize | grep -v finalize"
-            self.loggerInfo.debug(com)
-            res=commands.getoutput(com)    
-            tmp= res.splitlines() 
-        else:
-            for i in self.extraCaloList:
-                com="grep \"Time User\" " + file + " | grep '" +i+" '" 
-                self.loggerInfo.debug(com)
-                res=commands.getoutput(com)
-                tmp += res.splitlines()
-        return tmp
-    def extractCPUTimeExecuteAlgo(self,file, algo):
-        com="grep \"Time User\" " + file + " | grep  '\<" + algo +"' | awk '{print $7" "$8}' "
-        self.loggerInfo.debug(com)
-        res=commands.getoutput(com)    
-        res2= res.splitlines() 
-        return res2
-    def extractCPUTimeExecutePersoAlgo(self,file, algo):
-        com="grep \"Time User\" " + file + " | grep  '\<" + algo +" ' | awk '{print $7" "$8}' "
-        self.loggerInfo.debug(com)
-        res=commands.getoutput(com)
-        self.loggerInfo.debug(res)
-        res2= res.splitlines() 
-        return res2
-    def extractNbEventsExecuteAlgo(self,file, algo):
-        com="grep \"Time User\" " + file + " | grep  '\<" + algo +"'| cut -d\# -f 2 | cut -d = -f 2 "
-        self.loggerInfo.debug(com)
-        res=commands.getoutput(com)    
-        res2= res.splitlines() 
-        return res2
-    def extractNbEventsExecutePersoAlgo(self,file, algo):
-        com="grep \"Time User\" " + file + " | grep  '\<" + algo +" '| cut -d\# -f 2 | cut -d = -f 2 "
-        self.loggerInfo.debug(com)
-        res=commands.getoutput(com)    
-        res2= res.splitlines() 
-        return res2
-    def getNbEvents(self,file):
-        com="grep \"INFO Total Virtual memory\" " + file +" | wc -l"
-        self.loggerInfo.debug(com)
-        res=commands.getoutput(com)    
-        res2= res.splitlines() 
-        return res2
-    def compareCPUTimeInitialize(self,file,reffile,type):
-        # 
-        CPUTimeRef=[]
-        alg=[]
-        CPUTimeRef=self.extractCPUTimeInitializeAll(reffile,type)
-        for i in CPUTimeRef:
-            t=i.lstrip()
-            tmp=t.split(" ")
-            alg.append(tmp[0])
-        #print alg
-        for j in alg:
-            tref=self.extractCPUTimeInitializeAlgo(reffile,str(j))
-            tnew=self.extractCPUTimeInitializeAlgo(file,str(j))
-            if len(tnew)==0:
-                    mess=j+" not found in " + file
-                    self.loggerInfo.info(mess)
-                    continue
-            #print j,tref,tnew
-            trefUnity=self.CPUTimeUnity(str(tref[0]))
-            tnewUnity=self.CPUTimeUnity(str(tnew[0]))
-            #print j,trefUnity,tnewUnity
-            ttnew=tnew[0].split('[')
-            ttref=tref[0].split('[')
-            ttref2=self.convertCPUTime(float(ttref[0]),trefUnity)      
-            ttnew2=self.convertCPUTime(float(ttnew[0]),tnewUnity)
-            #print j,ttref2,ttnew2
-            if ttnew2-ttref2 > self.diffTime:
-                mess="WARNING : "+j+" REF : "+str(ttref[0])+self.CPUTimeUnity(str(tref[0]))+" NOW : "+str(ttnew[0])+self.CPUTimeUnity(str(tnew[0]))
-                self.loggerInfo.info(mess)
-                self.loggerAlert.info(mess)
-            else:
-                mess="GOOD : "+j+" REF : "+str(ttref[0])+self.CPUTimeUnity(str(tref[0]))+" NOW : "+str(ttnew[0])+self.CPUTimeUnity(str(tref[0]))
-                self.loggerInfo.info(mess)
-        return
-    def convertCPUTime(self,time,unity):
-        if unity=="min":
-            return time*60
-        elif unity=="ms": 
-            return time*0.001
-        elif unity=="us":
-            return time*0.000001
-        else:
-            return time
-    def CPUTimeUnity(self,string):
-        tmp=string.split('[')
-        tmp2=tmp[1].split(']')
-        return tmp2[0]
-    def compareCPUTimeExecute(self,file,reffile,type):
-        # 
-        CPUTimeRef=[]
-        alg=[]
-        CPUTimeRef=self.extractCPUTimeExecuteAll(reffile,type)
-        for i in CPUTimeRef:
-            t=i.lstrip()
-            tmp=t.split(" ")
-            alg.append(tmp[0])
-        for j in alg: 
-                tref=self.extractCPUTimeExecuteAlgo(reffile,str(j))
-                nbEvtRef=self.extractNbEventsExecuteAlgo(reffile,str(j))
-                tnew=self.extractCPUTimeExecuteAlgo(file,str(j))
-                nbEvtNew=self.extractNbEventsExecuteAlgo(file,str(j))
-                #print j," ", tref,"  ",tnew
-                #print 'KARIM2 ',j," ",nbEvtRef ,"  ",nbEvtNew
-                if len(tnew)==0:
-                    mess=j+" not found in " + file
-                    self.loggerInfo.info(mess)
-                    continue
-                # convert en secondes
-                trefUnity=self.CPUTimeUnity(str(tref[0]))
-                tnewUnity=self.CPUTimeUnity(str(tnew[0]))
-                ttnew=tnew[0].split('[')
-                ttref=tref[0].split('[')
-                ttref2=self.convertCPUTime(float(ttref[0]),trefUnity)      
-                ttnew2=self.convertCPUTime(float(ttnew[0]),tnewUnity)
-                if int(nbEvtRef[0])>0:
-                    normtref=float(ttref2)/float(nbEvtRef[0])
-                else:
-                    self.loggerInfo.warning("Ref "+j+" "+nbEvtRef[0])
-                if int(nbEvtNew[0])>0:
-                    normtnew=float(ttnew2)/float(nbEvtNew[0])
-                else:
-                    self.loggerInfo.warning("New "+j+" "+nbEvtNew[0])
-                if int(nbEvtRef[0])>0 and int(nbEvtNew[0])>0: 
-                    if normtnew-normtref > self.diffTime:
-                        mess="WARNING : "+j+" REF : "+str(normtref)+" s "+" NOW : "+str(normtnew)+" s "+ "  (per event)"
-                        self.loggerInfo.info(mess)
-                        # alert
-                        self.loggerAlert.info(mess)
-                    else:
-                        mess="GOOD : "+j+" REF : "+str(normtref)+" s "+" NOW : "+str(normtnew)+" s"+" (per event)"
-                        self.loggerInfo.info(mess)
-                else:
-                   mess="WARNING : can not check "+j
-                   self.loggerInfo.info(mess) 
-        return
-    def compareCPUTimeExecutePerso(self,file,reffile,type):
-        # 
-        CPUTimeRef=[]
-        alg=[]
-        #CPUTimeRef=self.extractCPUTimeExecutePersoAll(reffile,type)
-        CPUTimeRef=self.extractCPUTimeExecutePersoAll(file,type)
-        for i in CPUTimeRef:
-            t=i.lstrip()
-            tmp=t.split(" ")
-            alg.append(tmp[0])
-        for j in alg: 
-                tref=self.extractCPUTimeExecutePersoAlgo(reffile,str(j))
-                nbEvtRef=self.extractNbEventsExecutePersoAlgo(reffile,str(j))
-                tnew=self.extractCPUTimeExecutePersoAlgo(file,str(j))
-                nbEvtNew=self.extractNbEventsExecutePersoAlgo(file,str(j))
-                isok=1
-                if len(tnew)==0:
-                    mess=j+" not found in " + file
-                    self.loggerInfo.info(mess)
-                    tmp=tref[0].split('[')
-                    mess=j+" REF : "+str(tmp[0])+self.CPUTimeUnity(str(tref[0]))
-                    self.loggerInfo.info(mess)
-                    isok=0
-                if len(tref)==0:
-                    mess=j+" not found in " + reffile
-                    self.loggerInfo.info(mess)
-                    tmp=tnew[0].split('[')
-                    mess=j+ " NEW : "+str(tmp[0])+self.CPUTimeUnity(str(tnew[0]))
-                    self.loggerInfo.info(mess)
-                    isok=0
-                if isok==0:
-                    continue
-                # print j," ", tref,"  ",tnew
-                # print j," ",nbEvtRefb ,"  ",nbEvtNewb
-                # convert en secondes
-                trefUnity=self.CPUTimeUnity(str(tref[0]))
-                tnewUnity=self.CPUTimeUnity(str(tnew[0]))
-                ttnew=tnew[0].split('[')
-                ttref=tref[0].split('[')
-                ttref2=self.convertCPUTime(float(ttref[0]),trefUnity)      
-                ttnew2=self.convertCPUTime(float(ttnew[0]),tnewUnity)
-                normtref=float(ttref2)/float(nbEvtRef[0])
-                normtnew=float(ttnew2)/float(nbEvtNew[0])
-                if normtnew - normtref > self.diffTime:
-                    mess="WARNING : "+j+" REF : "+str(normtref)+" s "+" NOW : "+str(normtnew)+" s "+ "  (per event)"
-                    self.loggerInfo.info(mess)
-                    self.loggerAlert.info(mess)
-                else:
-                    mess="GOOD : "+j+" REF : "+str(normtref)+" s "+" NOW : "+str(normtnew)+" s"+" (per event)"
-                    self.loggerInfo.info(mess)
-        return
-    def logExtract(self,file,chain):
-        com="egrep \""+chain + "\"  "  + file
-        self.loggerInfo.debug(com)
-        res=commands.getoutput(com)    
-        res2= res.splitlines() 
-        return res2
-    def extractLog(self,log):
-        com="wc -l "+log +" | awk '{print $1}'"
-        res=commands.getoutput(com)    
-        res2=res.splitlines()
-        nbAllLines=int(res2[0])
-        #print nbAllLines
-        com="grep ^BEGIN_RTTINFO "+log
-        res=commands.getoutput(com)    
-        res2=res.splitlines()
-        names=[]
-        for i in res2:
-            name=i.split('=')
-            name[1]=name[1].strip()
-            names.append(name[1])
-        for i in range(len(names)):
-            #print i,names[i]
-            #com="grep -n BEGIN_RTTINFO="+names[i]+" "+log+" | cut -d: -f1"
-            com="grep -n \"^BEGIN_RTTINFO = "+names[i]+"\" "+log+"| cut -d: -f1"
-            n1=commands.getoutput(com)
-            try:
-                #com="grep -n BEGIN_RTTINFO="+names[i+1]+" "+log+" | cut -d: -f1"
-                com="grep -n \"^BEGIN_RTTINFO = "+names[i+1]+"\" "+log+"| cut -d: -f1"
-                n2=commands.getoutput(com)
-            except:
-                n2=nbAllLines
-            nblines=int(n2)-int(n1)-1
-            #print nblines
-            newlog='./'+names[i]+".log"
-            #com="grep -A"+str(nblines)+" BEGIN_RTTINFO="+names[i]+" "+log +" >"+newlog
-            com="grep -A"+str(nblines)+" \"^BEGIN_RTTINFO = "+names[i]+"\" "+log +" >"+newlog
-            os.system(com)
-        return names
-    def run(self):
-        log=commands.getoutput("ls Calo*Ex_RTT*_log")
-        names=self.extractLog(log)
-        print names
-        for test in names:
-            com="rm "+"./resultats.txt"
-            commands.getoutput(com)    
-            com = "cat MYRTTINFOS.txt|grep BEGIN_RTTINFO | cut -d= -f2| tail -n1"
-            jobopt=commands.getoutput(com)
-            self.loggerInfo.info('Test name : '+jobopt)
-            found=0
-            for opt in self.tests:
-                if opt==jobopt.strip():
-                    found=1
-                    break	
-            if found==0:
-                self.loggerInfo.info("test not in dict !!!")
-                return -1
-            self.reflog='ref'+jobopt.strip()+'.log'
-            com='wget http://cern.ch/CaloRTT/'+self.reflog
-            print com
-            os.system(com)
-            try:
-                file = open(self.reflog)
-                file.close()
-            except IOError:
-                self.loggerInfo.info(self.reflog+' not found')
-                return -1
-            # date
-            self.date=str(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %X"))
-            self.loggerInfo.info(self.date)
-            com = "cat env.log|grep AtlasVersion | cut -d= -f2| tail -n1"
-            self.release=commands.getoutput(com)
-            self.branch="Dev"
-            self.mailSubjectProblem="\"[RTT test, "+jobopt+","+self.branch+","+self.release+"] : extractRec problem \""
-            self.mailSubjectReport="\"[RTT test, "+jobopt+","+self.branch+","+self.release+"] : extractRec report \""
-            mess="Reference log = " + self.reflog
-            self.loggerInfo.info(mess)
-            mess="Log to check = "+log
-            self.loggerInfo.info(mess)
-            self.loggerInfo.info("********************************")
-            self.loggerInfo.info("CHECK STATUSCODE")
-            res=self.logExtract(log,"\|*\| lib*")
-            for i in res:
-                self.loggerInfo.info(str(i))     
-            self.loggerInfo.info("********************************")
-            ## self.loggerInfo.info("********************************")
-##             self.loggerInfo.info("CHECK WARNING")
-##             res=self.logExtract(log," WARNING ")
-##             for i in res:
-##                 self.loggerInfo.info(str(i))     
-##             self.loggerInfo.info("********************************")
-##             self.loggerInfo.info("********************************")
-##             self.loggerInfo.info("CHECK ERROR")
-##             res=self.logExtract(log," ERROR ")
-##             for i in res:
-##                 self.loggerInfo.info(str(i))     
-##             self.loggerInfo.info("********************************")
-            self.loggerInfo.info("********************************")
-            self.loggerInfo.info("CHECK INITIALIZE TIME")
-            self.compareCPUTimeInitialize(log,self.reflog,self.type)
-            self.loggerInfo.info("********************************")
-            self.loggerInfo.info("CHECK EXECUTE TIME")
-            self.compareCPUTimeExecute(log,self.reflog,self.type)
-            self.compareCPUTimeExecutePerso(log,self.reflog,self.typePerso)
-            self.loggerInfo.info("********************************")
-            return 0
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/memleak.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/memleak.py
deleted file mode 100755
index ad335a76199b67069ffe86543e5e4fd4ae3bae8d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/memleak.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-import commands,sys,os,logging
-class memleak:
-    def __init__(self,log,logLevel):
-        if log=='':
-            self.logger = logging.getLogger('memleak')
-            hdlr = logging.FileHandler('memleak.log',"w")
-            formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
-            hdlr.setFormatter(formatter)
-            self.logger.addHandler(hdlr)
-            self.logger.setLevel(logLevel)
-        else:
-            self.logger = log
-    def run(self):
-        log=commands.getoutput("ls Calo*RTT*_log")
-        try:
-            f=open(log,'r')
-            f.close()
-        except:
-            self.logger.error(log+' not found')
-            return -1
-        com='grep \"only second half of the job\" '+log+'| grep INFO'
-        res,out=commands.getstatusoutput(com)
-        if res!=0:
-            self.logger.error(out)
-            return -1
-        tmp=out.split('only second half of the job:')
-        tmp2=tmp[1].strip().split('MByte/event')
-        if float(tmp2[0].strip())>0.1:
-            self.logger.warning('MEM LEAK ! :'+tmp[1].strip())
-            return -1
-        return 0
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/rttTest.css b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/rttTest.css
deleted file mode 100755
index 544477ef82f4032d26c624ff12cd8bbf167c060f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/rttTest.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1308 +0,0 @@
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-/* If someone has enough insight or time to spare, please
-create a div based solution instead of tables */
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-*	TOC
-*	---------------------------------- */
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-	Other styles
-	-----------------------------------------------------------	*/
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-/*	-----------------------------------------------------------
-	Search results
-	styles and overridden styles used in search.pattern.tmpl
-	-----------------------------------------------------------	*/
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-/*	-----------------------------------------------------------
-	View
-	styles and overridden styles used in twiki.pattern.tmpl and view.pattern.tmpl
-	-----------------------------------------------------------	*/
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-/*	-----------------------------------------------------------
-	Pages that are not view
-	-----------------------------------------------------------	*/
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-/*	-----------------------------------------------------------
-	Edit
-	styles and overridden styles used in edit.pattern.tmpl
-	-----------------------------------------------------------	*/
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-/*	-----------------------------------------------------------
-	Preview
-	styles and overridden styles used in preview.pattern.tmpl
-	-----------------------------------------------------------	*/
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-/*	-----------------------------------------------------------
-	Attach
-	styles and overridden styles used in attach.pattern.tmpl
-	-----------------------------------------------------------	*/
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-.twikiAttachPage .twikiTopic {
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-/*	-----------------------------------------------------------
-	ChangeForm
-	styles and overridden styles used in attach.pattern.tmpl
-	-----------------------------------------------------------	*/
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-	Rename
-	styles and overridden styles used in rename.pattern.tmpl
-	-----------------------------------------------------------	*/
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-/*	-----------------------------------------------------------
-	Diff
-	styles and overridden styles used in rdiff.pattern.tmpl
-	-----------------------------------------------------------	*/
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-/*	-----------------------------------------------------------
-	Print
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-	-----------------------------------------------------------	*/
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-	Plain
-	styles and overridden styles used in plain.pattern.tmpl
-	-----------------------------------------------------------	*/
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-	padding-bottom:2em;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/runMacros2T.C b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/runMacros2T.C
deleted file mode 100755
index 183cd12b0ab0699e5ae449f8a8f379ed2afb9d94..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/runMacros2T.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#include "TSystem.h"
-void runMacros2T()
-  int nbTests=2;
-  string macros[]={"runPython2T.C","CaloTests_plotAllCaloNoise13.C"};
-  ofstream chkfile("runMacros2T.txt",ios::out);	
-  for(int i=0;i<nbTests;i++)
-    {
-      string com;
-      chkfile << "Run " << macros[i] << std::endl;
-      com="root.exe -b -q "+macros[i];
-      gSystem->Exec(com.c_str());
-      chkfile << "Run " << macros[i] << " Done." << std::endl;
-    }
-  chkfile.close();
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/runMacros2Test.C b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/runMacros2Test.C
deleted file mode 100755
index e346f7b26f772779f6909b2df5ef897a94d1b623..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/runMacros2Test.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-#include "TSystem.h"
-// conflicts with runMacros2 from CaloRecEx
-void runMacros2Test()
-  int nbTests=2;
-  string macros[]={"runPython2.C","CaloTests_plotAllCaloNoise13.C"};
-  ofstream chkfile("runMacros2.txt",ios::out);	
-  for(int i=0;i<nbTests;i++)
-    {
-      string com;
-      chkfile << "Run " << macros[i] << std::endl;
-      com="root.exe -b -q "+macros[i];
-      gSystem->Exec(com.c_str());
-      chkfile << "Run " << macros[i] << " Done." << std::endl;
-    }
-  chkfile.close();
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/runPython2T.C b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/runPython2T.C
deleted file mode 100755
index 906f048dbd435e3946a266ec5ff704053ec91b29..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/runPython2T.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-#include "TSystem.h"
-void runPython2T()
-  int nbTests=1;
-  string macros[]={"checkT.py"};
-  ofstream chkfile("runPython2T.txt",ios::out);	
-  std::cout << "LD_LIBRARY_PATH is " << gSystem->Getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH") << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "PATH is " << gSystem->Getenv("PATH") << std::endl;
-  for(int i=0;i<nbTests;i++)
-    {
-      string com;
-      chkfile << "Run " << macros[i] << std::endl;
-      com="python "+macros[i];
-      gSystem->Exec(com.c_str());
-      chkfile << "Run " << macros[i] << " Done." << std::endl;
-    }
-  chkfile.close();
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/runPython2Test.C b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/runPython2Test.C
deleted file mode 100755
index 99554df559129c8c58fb304606da12f0a3efb961..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/runPython2Test.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#include "TSystem.h"
-// conflicts with runPython2 from CaloRecEx
-void runPython2()
-  int nbTests=1;
-  string macros[]={"check.py"};
-  ofstream chkfile("runPython2.txt",ios::out);	
-  std::cout << "LD_LIBRARY_PATH is " << gSystem->Getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH") << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "PATH is " << gSystem->Getenv("PATH") << std::endl;
-  for(int i=0;i<nbTests;i++)
-    {
-      string com;
-      chkfile << "Run " << macros[i] << std::endl;
-      com="python "+macros[i];
-      gSystem->Exec(com.c_str());
-      chkfile << "Run " << macros[i] << " Done." << std::endl;
-    }
-  chkfile.close();
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/test_noise.py b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/test_noise.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b309d7a39e587890da18d3c1229b6503da0235b4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/test_noise.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-# Job options file to run Digitization
-from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import GlobalFlags
-include( "PartPropSvc/PartPropSvc.py" )
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
-import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.ReadAthenaPool
-ServiceMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = [ "/afs/cern.ch/atlas/offline/data/testfile/calib1_csc11.007234.singlepart_mu200.simul.HITS.v12000301_tid003123._00001.pool.root" ]
-# the Tile, LAr and Calo detector description package
-DetDescrVersion = "ATLAS-CSC-01-02-00" 
-include( "DetDescrDictionary/DetDescrDictionaryDict_joboptions.py" )
-include ("AtlasGeoModel/SetGeometryVersion.py")
-include( "AtlasGeoModel/GeoModelInit.py" )
-include( "TileConditions/TileConditions_jobOptions.py" )
-include( "CaloIdCnv/CaloIdCnv_joboptions.py" )
-include( "TileIdCnv/TileIdCnv_jobOptions.py" )
-include( "LArDetMgrDetDescrCnv/LArDetMgrDetDescrCnv_joboptions.py" )
-#force alignment to use ideal one
-IOVDbSvc = Service( "IOVDbSvc" )
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence 
-topSequence = AlgSequence()
-from MyAnalysis.MyAnalysisConf import MyAnalysis__Analysis
-topSequence += MyAnalysis__Analysis()
-Analysis.LoopRaw = FALSE
-Analysis.Check = FALSE
-Analysis.LoopHit = TRUE
-Analysis.LoopCalHit = FALSE
-Analysis.LoopCluster = FALSE
-Analysis.LoopCell = FALSE
-Analysis.UseTriggerTime = FALSE;
-# Analysis.TriggerTimeToolName = "CosmicTriggerTimeTool"
-# Set output level threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
-MessageSvc = Service( "MessageSvc" )
-MessageSvc.OutputLevel      = VERBOSE
-MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-THistSvc = Service ( "THistSvc" )
-THistSvc.Output  = ["file1 DATAFILE='test.root' OPT='RECREATE'"];
-# Event related parameters
-# Number of events to be processed (default is 10)
-theApp.EvtMax = 1
-theApp.EvtSel = "EventSelector"
-# Use auditors
-theApp.Dlls += [ "GaudiAud" ]
-# write out a summary of the time spent
-theAuditorSvc = AuditorSvc()
-theAuditorSvc.Auditors  += [ "ChronoAuditor"]
-theAuditorSvc.Auditors  += [ "MemStatAuditor" ]
-MemStatAuditor = theAuditorSvc.auditor( "MemStatAuditor" )
-MemStatAuditor.OutputLevel = INFO
-MessageSvc = Service( "MessageSvc" )
-MessageSvc.infoLimit  = 100000000
-MessageSvc.OutputLevel = VERBOSE
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/updatejo.sh b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/updatejo.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 880f733a82f1a821d66ae5e88c6ff86d514b4d91..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/share/updatejo.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-for jo in $(ls CaloTests*Dig*py)
-echo "doing $jo"
-sed "s/#DetFlags.LVL1_setOff()/DetFlags.LVL1_setOff()/g" $jo > tmp
-mv tmp $jo
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/src/CreateHits.cxx.test b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/src/CreateHits.cxx.test
deleted file mode 100644
index ef5d33b8907b0da4e11b25c149bd5774777628e4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/src/CreateHits.cxx.test
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-#include "MyAnalysis/CreateHits.h"
-#include "Gaudi/Property.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/NTuple.h"
-#include "LArSimEvent/LArHit.h"
-#include "LArSimEvent/LArHitContainer.h"
-#include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
-#include "CaloIdentifier/CaloIdManager.h"
-namespace CreateHits {
-  //Constructor
-  CreateHits::CreateHits(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator):
-    Algorithm(name,pSvcLocator){
-  }
-  //__________________________________________________________________________
-  //Destructor
-  CreateHits::~CreateHits()
-  {
-    MsgStream log( messageService(), name() ) ;
-    log << MSG::DEBUG << "CreateHits destructor called" << endmsg;
-  }
-  //__________________________________________________________________________
-  StatusCode CreateHits::initialize()
-  {
-    MsgStream log( messageService(), name() );
-    log << MSG::DEBUG <<"CreateHits initialize()" << endmsg;
-    StatusCode sc;
-    // Get the StoreGateSvc
-    sc = service("StoreGateSvc", m_sgSvc);
-    if (sc.isFailure()) {
-      log << MSG::ALWAYS << "No StoreGate!!!!!!!" << endmsg;
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    sc = service ( "DetectorStore" , detStore ) ;
-    if (sc.isFailure()) 
-    {
-      log    << MSG::ERROR
-             << "Unable to access pointer to DetectorStore"
-             << endmsg;
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-  //retrieve ID helpers
-    const DataHandle<CaloIdManager> caloIdMgr;
-    sc = detStore->retrieve(caloIdMgr);
-    if (sc.isFailure()) {
-       log << MSG::ERROR
-           << "Unable to retrieve CaloIdManager from DetectoreStore"
-           << endmsg; 
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }   
-    m_larem_id   = caloIdMgr->getEM_ID();
-    m_nevt=0;
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS; 
-  }
-  //__________________________________________________________________________
-  StatusCode CreateHits::finalize()
-  {
-    MsgStream log( messageService(), name() );
-    log << MSG::DEBUG <<"CreateHits finalize()" << endmsg;
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS; 
-  }
-  //__________________________________________________________________________
-  StatusCode CreateHits::execute()
-  {
-    //.............................................
-    MsgStream log( messageService(), name() );
-    log << MSG::DEBUG << "CreateHits execute()" << endmsg;
-    StatusCode sc;
-    LArHitContainer * HitContainer = new LArHitContainer();
-    if (!HitContainer) {
-       log << MSG::ERROR << "cannot crete Hit container " << endmsg;
-       return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    sc = m_sgSvc->record(HitContainer,"LArHitEMB");
-    if (sc.isFailure()) {
-      log << MSG::ERROR << "cannot record hit container in storegate " << endmsg;
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-// loop over hits to create
-    for(int i=0;i<60;i++) {
-       int bec=1;
-       int sampling=2;
-       int region=0;
-       int eta=10;
-       int phi=i;
-       double energy=10000.;
-       double time=0.5*(((double)i) - 30.);
-       Identifier id = m_larem_id->channel_id(bec,sampling,region,eta,phi);
-       LArHit * hit = new LArHit(id,energy,time);
-       HitContainer->push_back(hit);
-    }
-    sc = m_sgSvc->setConst(HitContainer);
-    if (sc.isFailure()) {
-      log << MSG::ERROR << "cannot lock hit container " << endmsg;
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
- }
-} // end of namespace bracket
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/src/MyAnalysis.cxx b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/src/MyAnalysis.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index c00338a04af68add8ae083739f09ed357973606a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/src/MyAnalysis.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1443 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include "CaloTests/Analysis.h"
-#include "Gaudi/Property.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/NTuple.h"
-#include "AtlasDetDescr/AtlasDetectorID.h"
-#include "CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescrElement.h"
-#include "CaloIdentifier/LArID.h"
-#include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
-#include "Identifier/IdentifierHash.h"
-#include "LArSimEvent/LArHit.h"
-#include "LArSimEvent/LArHitContainer.h"
-#include "CaloSimEvent/CaloCalibrationHit.h"
-#include "CaloSimEvent/CaloCalibrationHitContainer.h"
-#include "CaloEvent/CaloCell.h"
-#include "CaloEvent/CaloCellContainer.h"
-#include "CaloGeoHelpers/CaloSampling.h"
-#include "CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h"
-#include "CaloEvent/CaloClusterContainer.h"
-#include "LArRawEvent/LArRawChannel.h"
-#include "LArRawEvent/LArRawChannelContainer.h"
-#include "LArRawUtils/LArRawDetSelector.h"
-#include "LArIdentifier/LArOnlineID.h"
-#include "GeneratorObjects/McEventCollection.h"
-#include "StoreGate/ReadHandle.h"
-#include "AtlasHepMC/GenEvent.h"
-#include "AtlasHepMC/GenParticle.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IToolSvc.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ListItem.h"
-#include "AthenaKernel/ITriggerTime.h"
-namespace MyAnalysis {
-  //Constructor
-  Analysis:: Analysis(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator):
-    AthAlgorithm(name,pSvcLocator),
-    m_thistSvc(nullptr),
-    m_hist_etraw_emb_s0(nullptr),
-    m_hist_etraw_emb_s1(nullptr),
-    m_hist_etraw_emb_s2(nullptr),
-    m_hist_etraw_emb_s3(nullptr),
-    m_hist_etraw_emec_s0(nullptr),
-    m_hist_etraw_emec_s1(nullptr),
-    m_hist_etraw_emec_s2(nullptr),
-    m_hist_etraw_emec_s3(nullptr),
-    m_hist_clusnoise(nullptr),
-    m_hist_clusnoise1(nullptr),
-    m_hist_clusnoise2(nullptr),
-    m_hist_clusnoise3(nullptr),
-    m_hist_ot(nullptr),
-    m_hist_ot_em(nullptr),
-    m_hist_ot_hec(nullptr),
-    m_hist_ot_fcal(nullptr),
-    m_hist_it(nullptr),
-    m_hist_it_em(nullptr),
-    m_hist_it_hec(nullptr),
-    m_hist_it_fcal(nullptr),
-    m_hist_hittime(nullptr),
-    m_hist_hitener(nullptr),
-    m_hist_nhitlar(nullptr),
-    m_hist_cal0(nullptr),
-    m_hist_cal1(nullptr),
-    m_hist_cal2(nullptr),
-    m_hist_cal3(nullptr),
-    m_triggerTimeTool(nullptr),
-    m_larem_id(nullptr),
-    m_calodm_id(nullptr),
-    m_ntuple(nullptr)
-  {
-    m_clusternoise=false;
-    m_raw=false;
-    m_check=false;
-    m_cell=false;
-    m_hit=true;
-    m_calhit=false;
-    m_cluster=false;
-    m_useTriggerTime    = false;
-    m_doTruth=true;
-    m_nevt = 0;
-    m_nt_e = 0;
-    m_nt_eta = 0;
-    m_nt_phi = 0;
-    m_nt_e0 = 0;
-    m_nt_e1 = 0;
-    m_nt_e2 = 0;
-    m_nt_e3 = 0;
-    m_nt_c0 = 0;
-    m_nt_c1 = 0;
-    m_nt_c2 = 0;
-    m_nt_c3 = 0;
-    m_nt_hb0 = 0;
-    m_nt_hb1 = 0;
-    m_nt_hb2 = 0;
-    m_nt_hb3 = 0;
-    m_nt_he0 = 0;
-    m_nt_he1 = 0;
-    m_nt_he2 = 0;
-    m_nt_he3 = 0;
-    m_nt_tb0 = 0;
-    m_nt_tb1 = 0;
-    m_nt_tb2 = 0;
-    m_nt_tb3 = 0;
-    m_nt_eclus = 0;
-    m_nt_eclus0 = 0;
-    m_nt_eclus1 = 0;
-    m_nt_eclus2 = 0;
-    m_nt_eclus3 = 0;
-    m_nt_etaclus = 0;
-    m_nt_phiclus = 0;
-    m_nt_etaclus551 = 0;
-    m_nt_etaclus552 = 0;
-    m_nt_eclus35 = 0;
-    m_nt_eclus37 = 0;
-    m_nt_eclus350 = 0;
-    m_nt_eclus351 = 0;
-    m_nt_eclus352 = 0;
-    m_nt_eclus353 = 0;
-    m_nt_etaclus35 = 0;
-    m_nt_etaclus351 = 0;
-    m_nt_etaclus352 = 0;
-    m_nt_etaclus371 = 0;
-    m_nt_etaclus372 = 0;
-    m_nt_eclusg = 0;
-    m_nt_etaclusg551 = 0;
-    m_nt_etaclusg552 = 0;
-    m_nt_eclusg35 = 0;
-    m_nt_etaclusg351 = 0;
-    m_nt_etaclusg352 = 0;
-    m_nt_eclusg37 = 0;
-    m_nt_etaclusg371 = 0;
-    m_nt_etaclusg372 = 0;
-    m_nt_eActEM = 0;
-    m_nt_eActNonEM = 0;
-    m_nt_eActEscaped = 0;
-    m_nt_eActInvisible = 0;
-    m_nt_eInactEM = 0;
-    m_nt_eInactNonEM = 0;
-    m_nt_eInactEscaped = 0;
-    m_nt_eInactInvisible = 0;
-    m_nt_eDeadEM = 0;
-    m_nt_eDeadNonEM = 0;
-    m_nt_eDeadEscaped = 0;
-    m_nt_eDeadInvisible = 0;
-    m_nt_eTile = 0;
-    m_nt_edead_1_0 = 0;
-    m_nt_edead_1_1_0 = 0;
-    m_nt_edead_1_1_1 = 0;
-    m_nt_edead_1_1_2 = 0;
-    m_nt_edead_1_1_3 = 0;
-    m_nt_edead_1_1_4 = 0;
-    m_nt_edead_1_1_5 = 0;
-    m_nt_edead_1_1_6 = 0;
-    m_nt_edead_1_1_7 = 0;
-    m_nt_edead_1_2_0 = 0;
-    m_nt_edead_1_2_1 = 0;
-    m_nt_edead_1_2_2 = 0;
-    m_nt_edead_1_2_3 = 0;
-    m_nt_edead_1_2_4 = 0;
-    m_nt_edead_1_2_5 = 0;
-    m_nt_edead_1_3 = 0;
-    m_nt_eleak = 0;
-    m_xconv = 0;
-    m_yconv = 0;
-    m_zconv = 0;
-    m_xvert = 0;
-    m_yvert = 0;
-    m_zvert = 0;
-    declareProperty("ClusterNoise",m_clusternoise);
-    declareProperty("Check",m_check);
-    declareProperty("LoopRaw",m_raw);
-    declareProperty("LoopHit",m_hit);
-    declareProperty("LoopCalHit",m_calhit);
-    declareProperty("LoopCell",m_cell);
-    declareProperty("LoopCluster",m_cluster);
-    declareProperty("UseTriggerTime",m_useTriggerTime);
-    declareProperty("TriggerTimeToolName",m_triggerTimeToolName);
-    declareProperty("DoTruth",m_doTruth);
-  }
-  //__________________________________________________________________________
-  //Destructor
-  Analysis::~Analysis()
-  {
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Analysis destructor called"  );
-  }
-  //__________________________________________________________________________
-  StatusCode Analysis::initialize()
-  {
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Analysis initialize()"  );
-    //retrieve ID helpers 
-    const CaloIdManager* mgr = nullptr;
-    ATH_CHECK( detStore()->retrieve( mgr ) );
-    m_larem_id   = mgr->getEM_ID();
-    m_calodm_id  = mgr->getDM_ID();
-//  retrieve CaloDetDescrMgr 
-    const CaloDetDescrManager* calodetdescrmgr = nullptr;
-    ATH_CHECK( detStore()->retrieve(calodetdescrmgr) );
-// initialize hit list
-    if (m_check) {
-       int ncellem=m_larem_id->channel_hash_max();
-       CellInfo cell0;
-       cell0.bec=0;
-       cell0.sampling=0;
-       cell0.eta=0.; 
-       cell0.phi=0.; 
-       cell0.Ehit=-9999.;
-       cell0.Thit=-9999.;
-       cell0.Eraw=-9999.;
-       cell0.Ecell=-9999.;
-       cell0.identifier=0;
-       m_CellListEM.resize(ncellem,cell0);
-       const CaloDetDescrElement* calodde=nullptr;
-       for (int i=0;i<ncellem;i++){
-         IdentifierHash idHash=i;
-         Identifier id=m_larem_id->channel_id(idHash);
-         int BvsEC=abs(m_larem_id->barrel_ec(id));
-         int calotype;
-         if (BvsEC == 1) calotype=0;
-         else calotype=1;
-         CellInfo mycell;
-         mycell.bec=calotype;
-         mycell.sampling= m_larem_id->sampling(id);
-         calodde = calodetdescrmgr->get_element(id);
-         mycell.eta=calodde->eta();
-         mycell.phi=calodde->phi();
-         mycell.Ehit=-9999.;
-         mycell.Thit=-9999.;
-         mycell.Eraw=-9999.;
-         mycell.Ecell=-9999.;
-         mycell.identifier=id;
-         m_CellListEM[idHash]=mycell;
-       }
-    }   // m_check
-    ATH_CHECK( m_cablingKey.initialize() );
-    ATH_CHECK( service("THistSvc",m_thistSvc) );
-    ATH_MSG_INFO( " retrieved THistSvc" );
-    StatusCode sc;
-    m_hist_etraw_emb_s0 = new TH1D("m_hist_etraw_emb_s0","E EMB S0",4000,-100.,100.);
-    sc = m_thistSvc->regHist("/file1/analysis/m_hist_etraw_emb_s0",m_hist_etraw_emb_s0);
-    m_hist_etraw_emb_s1 =  new TH1D("m_hist_etraw_emb_s1","E EMB S1",4000,-100.,100.);
-    sc = m_thistSvc->regHist("/file1/analysis/m_hist_etraw_emb_s1",m_hist_etraw_emb_s1);
-    m_hist_etraw_emb_s2 =  new TH1D("m_hist_etraw_emb_s2","E EMB S2",4000,-100.,100.);
-    sc = m_thistSvc->regHist("/file1/analysis/m_hist_etraw_emb_s2",m_hist_etraw_emb_s2);
-    m_hist_etraw_emb_s3 = new TH1D("m_hist_etraw_emb_s3","E EMB S3",4000,-100.,100.);
-    sc = m_thistSvc->regHist("/file1/analysis/m_hist_etraw_emb_s3",m_hist_etraw_emb_s3);
-    m_hist_etraw_emec_s0 = new TH1D("m_hist_etraw_emec_s0","E EMEC S0",4000,-400.,400.);
-    sc = m_thistSvc->regHist("/file1/analysis/m_hist_etraw_emec_s0",m_hist_etraw_emec_s0);
-    m_hist_etraw_emec_s1 = new TH1D("m_hist_etraw_emec_s1","E EMEC S1",4000,-100.,100.);
-    sc = m_thistSvc->regHist("/file1/analysis/m_hist_etraw_emec_s1",m_hist_etraw_emec_s1);
-    m_hist_etraw_emec_s2 = new TH1D("m_hist_etraw_emec_s2","E EMEC S2",4000,-100.,100.);
-    sc = m_thistSvc->regHist("/file1/analysis/m_hist_etraw_emec_s2",m_hist_etraw_emec_s2);
-    m_hist_etraw_emec_s3 = new TH1D("m_hist_etraw_emec_s3","E EMEC S3",4000,-100.,100.);
-    sc = m_thistSvc->regHist("/file1/analysis/m_hist_etraw_emec_s3",m_hist_etraw_emec_s3);
-    m_hist_clusnoise = new TH1D("m_hist_clusnoise","Et in 5*3 EMB",400,-2000.,2000.);
-    sc = m_thistSvc->regHist("/file1/analysis/m_hist_clusnoise",m_hist_clusnoise);
-    m_hist_clusnoise1 = new TH1D("m_hist_clusnoise1","Et in 5*3 0-0.5",400,-2000.,2000.);
-    sc = m_thistSvc->regHist("/file1/analysis/m_hist_clusnoise1",m_hist_clusnoise1);
-    m_hist_clusnoise2 = new TH1D("m_hist_clusnoise2","Et in 5*3 0.5-1.",400,-2000.,2000.);
-    sc = m_thistSvc->regHist("/file1/analysis/m_hist_clusnoise2",m_hist_clusnoise2);
-    m_hist_clusnoise3 = new TH1D("m_hist_clusnoise3","Et in 5*3 1-1.4",400,-2000.,2000.);
-    sc = m_thistSvc->regHist("/file1/analysis/m_hist_clusnoise3",m_hist_clusnoise3);
-    m_hist_ot = new TH1D("m_hist_ot","E OT Larhit ",2000,0.,100.);
-    sc = m_thistSvc->regHist("/file1/analysis/m_hist_ot",m_hist_ot);
-    m_hist_ot_em = new TH1D("m_hist_ot_em","E EM OT Larhit ",2000,0.,100.);
-    sc = m_thistSvc->regHist("/file1/analysis/m_hist_ot_em",m_hist_ot_em);
-    m_hist_ot_hec = new TH1D("m_hist_ot_hec","E HEC OT Larhit ",2000,0.,100.);
-    sc = m_thistSvc->regHist("/file1/analysis/m_hist_ot_hec",m_hist_ot_hec);
-    m_hist_ot_fcal = new TH1D("m_hist_ot_fcal","E FCAL OT Larhit ",2000,0.,100.);
-    sc = m_thistSvc->regHist("/file1/analysis/m_hist_ot_fcal",m_hist_ot_fcal);
-    m_hist_it = new TH1D("m_hist_it","E IT Larhit ",2000,0.,100.);
-    sc = m_thistSvc->regHist("/file1/analysis/m_hist_it",m_hist_it);
-    m_hist_it_em = new TH1D("m_hist_it_em","E EM IT Larhit ",2000,0.,100.);
-    sc = m_thistSvc->regHist("/file1/analysis/m_hist_it_em",m_hist_it_em);
-    m_hist_it_hec = new TH1D("m_hist_it_hec","E HEC IT Larhit ",2000,0.,100.);
-    sc = m_thistSvc->regHist("/file1/analysis/m_hist_it_hec",m_hist_it_hec);
-    m_hist_it_fcal = new TH1D("m_hist_it_fcal","E FCAL IT Larhit ",2000,0.,100.);
-    sc = m_thistSvc->regHist("/file1/analysis/m_hist_it_fcal",m_hist_it_fcal);
-    m_hist_hittime = new TH1D("m_hist_hittime","Hit time",200,0.,200.);
-    sc = m_thistSvc->regHist("/file1/analysis/m_hist_hittime",m_hist_hittime);
-    m_hist_hitener = new TH1D("m_hist_hitener","Hit Ener",500,0.,100.);
-    sc = m_thistSvc->regHist("/file1/analysis/m_hist_hitener",m_hist_hitener);
-    m_hist_nhitlar = new TH1D("m_hist_nhitlar","Nhits LAr",1000,0.,100000.);
-    sc = m_thistSvc->regHist("/file1/analysis/m_hist_nhitlar",m_hist_nhitlar);
-    m_hist_cal0 =  new TH1D("m_hist_cal0","Energy EM ",100,0.,10000.);
-    sc = m_thistSvc->regHist("/file1/analysis/m_hist_cal0",m_hist_cal0);
-    m_hist_cal1 = new TH1D("m_hist_cal1","Energy NonEM ",100,0.,10000.);
-    sc = m_thistSvc->regHist("/file1/analysis/m_hist_cal1",m_hist_cal1);
-    m_hist_cal2 = new TH1D("m_hist_cal2","Energy Invisible ",100,0.,10000.);
-    sc = m_thistSvc->regHist("/file1/analysis/m_hist_cal2",m_hist_cal2);
-    m_hist_cal3 = new TH1D("m_hist_cal3","Energy Escaped ",100,0.,10000.);
-    sc = m_thistSvc->regHist("/file1/analysis/m_hist_cal3",m_hist_cal3);
-    m_ntuple = new TTree("m_ntuple","my ntuple");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("etrue",&m_nt_e,"etrue/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("eta",&m_nt_eta,"eta/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("phi",&m_nt_phi,"phi/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("eraw0",&m_nt_e0,"eraw0/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("eraw1",&m_nt_e1,"eraw1/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("eraw2",&m_nt_e2,"eraw2/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("eraw3",&m_nt_e3,"eraw3/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("ecell0",&m_nt_c0,"ecell0/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("ecell1",&m_nt_c1,"ecell1/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("ecell2",&m_nt_c2,"ecell2/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("ecell3",&m_nt_c3,"ecell3/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("ehitb0",&m_nt_hb0,"ehitb0/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("ehitb1",&m_nt_hb1,"ehitb1/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("ehitb2",&m_nt_hb2,"ehitb2/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("ehitb3",&m_nt_hb3,"ehitb3/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("ehite0",&m_nt_he0,"ehite0/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("ehite1",&m_nt_he1,"ehite1/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("ehite2",&m_nt_he2,"ehite2/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("ehite3",&m_nt_he3,"ehite3/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("timeb0",&m_nt_tb0,"timeb0/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("timeb1",&m_nt_tb1,"timeb1/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("timeb2",&m_nt_tb2,"timeb2/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("timeb3",&m_nt_tb3,"timeb3/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("eclus",&m_nt_eclus,"eclus/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("eclus0",&m_nt_eclus0,"eclus0/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("eclus1",&m_nt_eclus1,"eclus1/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("eclus2",&m_nt_eclus2,"eclus2/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("eclus3",&m_nt_eclus3,"eclus3/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("etaclus",&m_nt_etaclus,"etaclus/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("phiclus",&m_nt_phiclus,"phiclus/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("etaclus551",&m_nt_etaclus551,"etaclus551/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("etaclus552",&m_nt_etaclus552,"etaclus552/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("eclus35",&m_nt_eclus35,"eclus35/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("eclus350",&m_nt_eclus350,"eclus350/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("eclus351",&m_nt_eclus351,"eclus351/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("eclus352",&m_nt_eclus352,"eclus352/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("eclus353",&m_nt_eclus353,"eclus353/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("etaclus35",&m_nt_etaclus35,"etaclus35/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("etaclus351",&m_nt_etaclus351,"etaclus351/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("etaclus352",&m_nt_etaclus352,"etaclus352/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("eclus37",&m_nt_eclus37,"eclus37/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("etaclus371",&m_nt_etaclus371,"etaclus371/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("etaclus372",&m_nt_etaclus372,"etaclus372/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("eclusg",&m_nt_eclusg,"eclusg/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("etaclusg551",&m_nt_etaclusg551,"etaclusg551/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("etaclusg552",&m_nt_etaclusg552,"etaclusg552/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("eclusg35",&m_nt_eclusg35,"eclusg35/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("etaclusg351",&m_nt_etaclusg351,"etaclusg351/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("etaclusg352",&m_nt_etaclusg352,"etaclusg352/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("eclusg37",&m_nt_eclusg37,"eclusg37/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("etaclusg371",&m_nt_etaclusg371,"etaclusg371/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("etaclusg372",&m_nt_etaclusg372,"etaclusg372/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("eActEM",&m_nt_eActEM,"eActEM/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("eActNonEM",&m_nt_eActNonEM,"eActNonEM/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("eActInvisible",&m_nt_eActInvisible,"eActInvisible/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("eActEscaped",&m_nt_eActEscaped,"eActEscaped/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("eInactEM",&m_nt_eInactEM,"eInactEM/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("eInactNonEM",&m_nt_eInactNonEM,"eInactNonEM/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("eInactInvisible",&m_nt_eInactInvisible,"eInactInvisible/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("eInactEscaped",&m_nt_eInactEscaped,"eInactEscaped/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("eDeadEM",&m_nt_eDeadEM,"eDeadEM/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("eDeadNonEM",&m_nt_eDeadNonEM,"eDeadNonEM/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("eDeadInvisible",&m_nt_eDeadInvisible,"eDeadInvisible/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("eDeadEscaped",&m_nt_eDeadEscaped,"eDeadEscaped/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("eTileCal",&m_nt_eTile,"eTileCal/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("edead_1_0",&m_nt_edead_1_0,"edead_1_0/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("edead_1_1_0",&m_nt_edead_1_1_0,"edead_1_1_0/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("edead_1_1_1",&m_nt_edead_1_1_1,"edead_1_1_1/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("edead_1_1_2",&m_nt_edead_1_1_2,"edead_1_1_2/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("edead_1_1_3",&m_nt_edead_1_1_3,"edead_1_1_3/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("edead_1_1_4",&m_nt_edead_1_1_4,"edead_1_1_4/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("edead_1_1_5",&m_nt_edead_1_1_5,"edead_1_1_5/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("edead_1_1_6",&m_nt_edead_1_1_6,"edead_1_1_6/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("edead_1_1_7",&m_nt_edead_1_1_7,"edead_1_1_7/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("edead_1_2_0",&m_nt_edead_1_2_0,"edead_1_2_0/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("edead_1_2_1",&m_nt_edead_1_2_1,"edead_1_2_1/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("edead_1_2_2",&m_nt_edead_1_2_2,"edead_1_2_2/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("edead_1_2_3",&m_nt_edead_1_2_3,"edead_1_2_3/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("edead_1_2_4",&m_nt_edead_1_2_4,"edead_1_2_4/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("edead_1_2_5",&m_nt_edead_1_2_5,"edead_1_2_5/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("edead_1_3",&m_nt_edead_1_3,"edead_1_3/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("eleak",&m_nt_eleak,"eleak/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("xconv",&m_xconv,"xconv/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("yconv",&m_yconv,"yconv/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("zconv",&m_zconv,"zconv/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("xvert",&m_xvert,"xvert/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("yvert",&m_yvert,"yvert/D");
-    m_ntuple->Branch("zvert",&m_zvert,"zvert/D");
-    sc = m_thistSvc->regTree("/file1/analysis",m_ntuple);
-    ATH_MSG_INFO( " histos booked and registred "  );
-    ATH_MSG_INFO("size of LArHit " << sizeof(LArHit)  );
-  if (m_useTriggerTime) {
-     IToolSvc* p_toolSvc = nullptr;
-     sc = service("ToolSvc", p_toolSvc);
-     IAlgTool* algtool;
-     ListItem theTool(m_triggerTimeToolName.value());
-     sc = p_toolSvc->retrieveTool(theTool.type(), theTool.name(),algtool);
-     if (sc.isFailure()) {
-       ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Unable to find tool for " << m_triggerTimeToolName.value()  );
-        m_triggerTimeTool = nullptr;
-     }
-     else {
-        m_triggerTimeTool=dynamic_cast<ITriggerTime*>(algtool);
-        ATH_MSG_INFO( "retrieved TriggerTime tool: "
-                      << m_triggerTimeToolName.value()  );
-     }
-  }
-    m_nevt=0;
-    ATH_CHECK( m_mcCollName.initialize() );
-    ATH_CHECK( m_hitContainerNames.initialize (m_hit) );
-    ATH_CHECK( m_caloCellName.initialize (m_cell) );
-    ATH_CHECK( m_rawChannelName.initialize (m_raw) );
-    ATH_CHECK( m_calibHitContainerNames.initialize (m_calhit) );
-    ATH_CHECK( m_cluster55Name.initialize (m_cluster) );
-    ATH_CHECK( m_cluster55gamName.initialize (m_cluster) );
-    ATH_CHECK( m_cluster35Name.initialize (m_cluster) );
-    ATH_CHECK( m_cluster35gamName.initialize (m_cluster) );
-    ATH_CHECK( m_cluster37Name.initialize (m_cluster) );
-    ATH_CHECK( m_cluster37gamName.initialize (m_cluster) );
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS; 
-  }
-  //__________________________________________________________________________
-  StatusCode Analysis::finalize()
-  {
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Analysis finalize()"  );
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS; 
-  }
-  //__________________________________________________________________________
-  StatusCode Analysis::execute()
-  {
-    const EventContext& ctx = getContext();
-    //.............................................
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Analysis execute()"  );
-//    m_lar_dd_man = LArDetDescrManager::instance();
-//    const AtlasDetectorID* atlasID = m_lar_dd_man->get_em_id();
-    m_id = m_larem_id->lar_em();
-   m_nevt++;
-   if (m_nevt==-1) {
-    std::cout << "retrieving fsampl from detStore " << std::endl;
-    const ILArfSampl*    dd_fSampl = nullptr;
-    ATH_CHECK( detStore()->retrieve(dd_fSampl) );
-    int ncell=m_CellListEM.size();
-    std::cout << " start loop over cells " << std::endl;
-    for (int i=0;i<ncell;i++) {
-       Identifier id= m_CellListEM[i].identifier;
-       int isamp=m_larem_id->sampling(id);
-       int ieta=m_larem_id->eta(id);
-       int region=m_larem_id->region(id);
-       int iphi=m_larem_id->phi(id);       
-       int BvsEC=m_larem_id->barrel_ec(id);
-       if (BvsEC > 0 && iphi==0) {
-           float SF= dd_fSampl->FSAMPL(id);
-           std::cout << "** sampling fraction " << BvsEC << " " <<
-             isamp <<  " " << region <<
-             " " << ieta << " " << SF << std::endl;
-       }
-    }
-   }
-   if ((m_nevt%100)==1)
-     ATH_MSG_INFO( " ***** Event " << m_nevt  );
-// reset E list to 0
-   if (m_check) {
-    int ncell=m_CellListEM.size();
-    for(int i=0;i<ncell;i++) {
-       m_CellListEM[i].Ehit=0.;
-       m_CellListEM[i].Thit=0.;
-       m_CellListEM[i].Eraw=-9999.;
-       m_CellListEM[i].Ecell=-9999.;
-    }
-   }
-// get trigger time
-   double trigtime=0;
-   if (m_useTriggerTime && m_triggerTimeTool) {
-     trigtime = m_triggerTimeTool->time();
-     std::cout  << "Trigger time used : " << trigtime << std::endl;
-   }
-// Loop over LAr hits
-  double etot_hit_b[4] = {0.,0.,0.,0.};
-  double etot_hit_e[4] = {0.,0.,0.,0.};
-  double hit_max_e[4] = {0.,0.,0.,0.};
-  double time_max_cell[4]  = {0.,0.,0.,0.};
-  int nhit_tot=0;
-  int nhit_ot=0;
-  if (m_hit) {
-    for (const SG::ReadHandleKey<LArHitContainer>& k : m_hitContainerNames) {
-      SG::ReadHandle<LArHitContainer> hit_container (k, ctx);
-      int ihit = 0;
-      for (const LArHit* hit : *hit_container) {
-        ihit++;
-        nhit_tot++;
-        m_hist_hittime->Fill(hit->time());
-        m_hist_hitener->Fill(hit->energy());
-        if (hit->time() > 2.5) {
-//          if (hit->time() > 25.) {
-          m_hist_ot->Fill(hit->energy());
-          nhit_ot++;
-          if (m_larem_id->is_lar_em(hit->cellID()))
-            m_hist_ot_em->Fill(hit->energy());
-          if (m_larem_id->is_lar_hec(hit->cellID()))
-            m_hist_ot_hec->Fill(hit->energy());
-          if (m_larem_id->is_lar_fcal(hit->cellID()))
-            m_hist_ot_fcal->Fill(hit->energy());
-        } else {
-          m_hist_it->Fill(hit->energy());
-          if (m_larem_id->is_lar_em(hit->cellID()))
-            m_hist_it_em->Fill(hit->energy());
-          if (m_larem_id->is_lar_hec(hit->cellID()))
-            m_hist_it_hec->Fill(hit->energy());
-          if (m_larem_id->is_lar_fcal(hit->cellID()))
-            m_hist_it_fcal->Fill(hit->energy());
-        }
-        Identifier cellID=hit->cellID();
-        if (m_larem_id->is_lar_em(cellID)) {
-// fill list
-          if (m_check) {
-            IdentifierHash idHash=0;
-            idHash = m_larem_id->channel_hash(cellID);
-            double hit_time = hit->time() - trigtime;
-            if (std::fabs(hit_time)<25.) {
-              m_CellListEM[idHash].Ehit += hit->energy();
-              m_CellListEM[idHash].Thit += hit->energy()*hit_time;
-            }
-          }
-          int sampl = m_larem_id->sampling(cellID);
-// barrel vs EndCap
-          if (abs(m_larem_id->barrel_ec(cellID))==1) {
-            etot_hit_b[sampl]+=hit->energy();
-            if (hit->energy() > hit_max_e[sampl]) {
-              hit_max_e[sampl]=hit->energy();
-              time_max_cell[sampl]=hit->time();
-            }
-          }
-          else
-            etot_hit_e[sampl]+=hit->energy();
-          if (std::fabs(hit->energy())>1000.)  {
-            ATH_MSG_INFO( " Hit  " << m_larem_id->show_to_string(cellID)
-                          << " ieta/iphi/isampl/E/t " << m_larem_id->eta(cellID) 
-                          << " " << m_larem_id->phi(cellID) << " " << 
-                          m_larem_id->sampling(cellID) << " " << hit->energy() 
-                          << " " << hit->time()  );
-          }
-        }     // lar_em
-      }        // loop over hits
-      ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " number of hits found " << ihit  );
-    }             // loop over hit containers
-//   log << MSG::INFO << " Total number of LAr hits " << nhit_tot << " "
-//                  << nhit_ot << endmsg;
-   double xhit = (double) nhit_tot;
-   m_hist_nhitlar->Fill(xhit);
- }    //  m_hit true
-//   std::cout << " EtotPS " << etot_hit_b[0] << std::endl;
-// tmp
-//   if (nhit_tot==0) return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-// loop over generated particles
-      SG::ReadHandle<McEventCollection> mcCollptr (m_mcCollName);
-      double e_true=0.;
-      double eta_true=-999.;
-      double phi_true=-999.;
-      int nn=0;
-      if (m_doTruth) {
-         McEventCollection::const_iterator itr;
-         for (itr = mcCollptr->begin(); itr!=mcCollptr->end(); ++itr) 
-         {
-          for (auto part: *(*itr))
-          {
-           if(  (std::abs(part->pdg_id())==11 || part->pdg_id()==22 || part->pdg_id()==13
-                || (std::abs(part->pdg_id())==211) )
-                && part->momentum().e()> 5000.)
-           {
-             nn++;
-             if (nn==1) {
-               e_true = part->momentum().e();
-               eta_true = part->momentum().pseudoRapidity();
-               phi_true = part->momentum().phi();
-               ATH_MSG_INFO( " true particle found " << part->pdg_id() << " " <<
-                             e_true << " " << eta_true << " " << phi_true  );
-               auto vertex = part->end_vertex();
-               if (vertex) {
-                  m_xconv = vertex->position().x();
-                  m_yconv = vertex->position().y();
-                  m_zconv = vertex->position().z();
-               }
-               else {
-                  m_xconv=9999.;
-                  m_yconv=9999.;
-                  m_zconv=9999.;
-               }
-               vertex = part->production_vertex();
-               if (vertex) { 
-                  m_xvert = vertex->position().x();
-                  m_yvert = vertex->position().y();
-                  m_zvert = vertex->position().z();
-               }
-               else {
-                  m_xvert=9999.;
-                  m_yvert=9999.;
-                  m_zvert=9999.;
-               }
-             }
-           } // e or gamma found
-          }  // loop over particle
-         }   // loop over mcCollptr
-      }    // doTruth
-// Loop over CaloCells
-  double etot_cell[4]={0.,0.,0.,0.};
-  if (m_cell) {
-    SG::ReadHandle<CaloCellContainer> cell_container (m_caloCellName, ctx);
-    for (const CaloCell* cell : *cell_container) {
-      Identifier cellID = cell->ID();
-      double energy=  cell->energy();
-      // fill list
-      if (m_larem_id->is_lar_em(cellID)) {
-        if (m_check) {
-          IdentifierHash idHash=0;
-          idHash = m_larem_id->channel_hash(cellID);
-          m_CellListEM[idHash].Ecell = energy;
-        }
-        int sampl=m_larem_id->sampling(cellID);
-        etot_cell[sampl]+=energy;
-      }
-      if (fabs(energy)>1000.) {
-        double eta = cell->eta();
-        double phi = cell->phi();
-        double eta0 = cell->caloDDE()->eta_raw();
-        double phi0 = cell->caloDDE()->phi_raw();
-        ATH_MSG_INFO( "Cell " << m_larem_id->show_to_string(cellID)
-                      << " eta/phi/energy " << eta << " " << eta0 << " " << phi << " "
-                      << phi0 << " " << energy  );
-      }
-      int sampling = cell->caloDDE()->getSampling();
-      if (sampling==CaloCell_ID::TileGap3) std::cout << "   *** found tile gap cells in cell list" << std::endl;
-    }
-  }     // m_cell
-  SG::ReadCondHandle<LArOnOffIdMapping> cablingHdl{m_cablingKey};
-  const LArOnOffIdMapping* cabling{*cablingHdl};
-  double etot_raw[4]={0.,0.,0.,0.};
-  if (m_raw && cabling) {
-// Loop over LArRawChannel
-    int nraw=0;
-    SG::ReadHandle<LArRawChannelContainer> rawchannel_container(m_rawChannelName, ctx);
-    ATH_MSG_INFO( "*** Stat loop over LArRawChannel in Myanalysis"  );
-    LArRawDetSelector  selObj;
-    selObj.setDet(m_id);
-    for (const LArRawChannel& hit : *rawchannel_container) {
-       nraw++;
-       if (!selObj.select(&hit)) continue; 
-       double energy=(double)hit.energy();  //  energy in MeV from RawChannel
-       const HWIdentifier ch_id = hit.channelID();
-       Identifier  cellID =
-        cabling->cnvToIdentifier(ch_id);
-// fill list
-       if (m_larem_id->is_lar_em(cellID)) {
-        if (m_check) {
-         IdentifierHash idHash=0;
-         idHash = m_larem_id->channel_hash(cellID);
-         m_CellListEM[idHash].Eraw = energy;
-        }
-        int sampl=m_larem_id->sampling(cellID);
-//GU only barrel
-//        if (abs(m_larem_id->barrel_ec(cellID))==1) {
-          etot_raw[sampl]+=energy;
-//        }
-       }
-       if (std::fabs(energy)>10000. && m_larem_id->is_lar_em(cellID) ) {
-        double time=(double)hit.time();      // time in ps from RawChannel
-        double chi2=(double)hit.quality();   // chi2 from RawChannel
-        ATH_MSG_INFO( " RawChannel ieta/iphi/isampl/E/t" 
-                      << " " << m_larem_id->eta(cellID)
-                      << " " << m_larem_id->phi(cellID) 
-                      << " " << m_larem_id->sampling(cellID) 
-                      << " " << energy << " " << time << " " << chi2  );
-       }
-    }
-    ATH_MSG_INFO( "number of EM raw Channels " << nraw  );
-  }  
-// loop over Calibration Hits
-  double etot_cal=0;
-  double eTile=0;
-  double ecal[4]={0.,0.,0.,0.};
-  double eAct[4]={0.,0.,0.,0.};
-  double eInact[4]={0.,0.,0.,0.};
-  double eDead[4]={0.,0.,0.,0.};
-  double edead_1_0 =0;
-  double edead_1_1_0=0;
-  double edead_1_1_1=0;
-  double edead_1_1_2=0;
-  double edead_1_1_3=0;
-  double edead_1_1_4=0;
-  double edead_1_1_5=0;
-  double edead_1_1_6=0;
-  double edead_1_1_7=0;
-  double edead_1_2_0=0;
-  double edead_1_2_1=0;
-  double edead_1_2_2=0;
-  double edead_1_2_3=0;
-  double edead_1_2_4=0;
-  double edead_1_2_5=0;
-  double edead_1_3 = 0;
-  double eleak = 0.;
-  if (m_calhit)  {
-    ATH_MSG_INFO( "CalibrationHitContainer.size " 
-                  << m_calibHitContainerNames.size()  );
-    for (const SG::ReadHandleKey<CaloCalibrationHitContainer>& k : m_calibHitContainerNames)
-    {
-      SG::ReadHandle<CaloCalibrationHitContainer> calocalibrationhit_container(k, ctx);
-      int ihit = 0;
-      for (const CaloCalibrationHit* calibhit : *calocalibrationhit_container)
-      {
-          ihit++;
-          nhit_tot++;
-          etot_cal = etot_cal + calibhit->energyTotal();
-          ecal[0]=ecal[0] + calibhit->energyEM();
-          ecal[1]=ecal[1] + calibhit->energyNonEM();
-          ecal[2]=ecal[2] + calibhit->energyInvisible();
-          ecal[3]=ecal[3] + calibhit->energyEscaped();
-          if (k.key() == "LArCalibrationHitActive") {
-            eAct[0]  += calibhit->energyEM();
-            eAct[1]  += calibhit->energyNonEM();
-            eAct[2]  += calibhit->energyInvisible();
-            eAct[3]  += calibhit->energyEscaped();
-          }
-          if (k.key() == "LArCalibrationHitInactive") {
-            eInact[0]  += calibhit->energyEM();
-            eInact[1]  += calibhit->energyNonEM();
-            eInact[2]  += calibhit->energyInvisible();
-            eInact[3]  += calibhit->energyEscaped();
-          }
-          if (k.key() == "LArCalibrationHitDeadMaterial") {
-            eDead[0]  += calibhit->energyEM();
-            eDead[1]  += calibhit->energyNonEM();
-            eDead[2]  += calibhit->energyInvisible();
-            eDead[3]  += calibhit->energyEscaped();
-          }
-          if (k.key() == "TileCalibHitActiveCell" ||
-              k.key() == "TileCalibHitInactiveCell")
-          {
-            eTile+= calibhit->energyTotal();
-          }
-          Identifier id = calibhit->cellID();
-          if (m_larem_id->is_lar_em(id) && abs(m_larem_id->barrel_ec(id))==1) {
-             int is = m_larem_id->sampling(id);
-             int ir = m_larem_id->region(id);
-             int ie = m_larem_id->eta(id);
-             int ip = m_larem_id->phi(id);
-             if (!CheckLArIdentifier(is,ir,ie,ip)) {
-               std::cout << "Bad LAr identifier " << is << " " << ir << " " <<ie << " " << ip << std::endl;
-             }
-          }
-// escaped energy => leakage
-          eleak += calibhit->energyEscaped();
-          if (calibhit->energyEscaped() > 0.) {
-            std::cout << " Escaped energy found Identifier= " << m_larem_id->show_to_string(id) << "  Energy = " << calibhit->energyEscaped() << std::endl;
-          }
-//          if (iHitContainer==1) {
-//             std::cout << " DM identifier lar? " << m_calodm_id->is_lar_dm(id)  << " " << m_calodm_id->is_lar(id)
-//             << " Tile? " << m_calodm_id->is_tile_dm(id)  << " " << m_calodm_id->is_tile(id)
-//             << " pos_neg " << m_calodm_id->pos_neg_z(id) 
-//             << " type    " << m_calodm_id->dmat(id)
-//             << " sampling " << m_calodm_id->sampling(id)
-//             << " region   " << m_calodm_id->region(id) 
-//             << " eta      " << m_calodm_id->eta(id)
-//             << " phi      " << m_calodm_id->phi(id)  << std::endl;
-//          }
-// tile DM => leakage
-          if (m_calodm_id->is_tile_dm(id) ) 
-            eleak += (calibhit->energyEM()+calibhit->energyNonEM()+calibhit->energyInvisible());
-          if (m_calodm_id->is_lar_dm(id) ) {
-             int it = m_calodm_id->dmat(id);
-             int is = m_calodm_id->sampling(id);
-             int ir = m_calodm_id->region(id);
-             int ie = m_calodm_id->eta(id);
-             int ip = m_calodm_id->phi(id);
-             if (!CheckDMIdentifier(it,is,ir,ie,ip)) {
-               std::cout << "Bad DM identifier " << it << " " << is << " " << ir << " " <<ie << " " << ip << std::endl;
-             }
-             if (it==1 && is==0) edead_1_0 += (calibhit->energyEM()+calibhit->energyNonEM());
-             if (it==1 && is==1 && ir==0) edead_1_1_0 += (calibhit->energyEM()+calibhit->energyNonEM());
-             if (it==1 && is==1 && ir==1) edead_1_1_1 += (calibhit->energyEM()+calibhit->energyNonEM());
-             if (it==1 && is==1 && ir==2) edead_1_1_2 += (calibhit->energyEM()+calibhit->energyNonEM());
-             if (it==1 && is==1 && ir==3) edead_1_1_3 += (calibhit->energyEM()+calibhit->energyNonEM());
-             if (it==1 && is==1 && ir==4) edead_1_1_4 += (calibhit->energyEM()+calibhit->energyNonEM());
-             if (it==1 && is==1 && ir==5) edead_1_1_5 += (calibhit->energyEM()+calibhit->energyNonEM());
-             if (it==1 && is==1 && ir==6) edead_1_1_6 += (calibhit->energyEM()+calibhit->energyNonEM());
-             if (it==1 && is==1 && ir==7) edead_1_1_7 += (calibhit->energyEM()+calibhit->energyNonEM());
-             if (it==1 && is==2 && ir==0) edead_1_2_0 += (calibhit->energyEM()+calibhit->energyNonEM());
-             if (it==1 && is==2 && ir==1) edead_1_2_1 += (calibhit->energyEM()+calibhit->energyNonEM());
-             if (it==1 && is==2 && ir==2) edead_1_2_2 += (calibhit->energyEM()+calibhit->energyNonEM());
-             if (it==1 && is==2 && ir==3) edead_1_2_3 += (calibhit->energyEM()+calibhit->energyNonEM());
-             if (it==1 && is==2 && ir==4) edead_1_2_4 += (calibhit->energyEM()+calibhit->energyNonEM());
-             if (it==1 && is==2 && ir==5) edead_1_2_5 += (calibhit->energyEM()+calibhit->energyNonEM());
-             if (it==1 && is==3) edead_1_3 += (calibhit->energyEM()+calibhit->energyNonEM());
-//LAr DM sampling0/region0 && sampling2 => leakage
-             if (it==1 && is==0 && ir==0) 
-               eleak += (calibhit->energyEM()+calibhit->energyNonEM()+calibhit->energyInvisible());
-             if (it==1 && is==2)
-                eleak += (calibhit->energyEM()+calibhit->energyNonEM()+calibhit->energyInvisible());
-          }
-        }     // loop over hits
-    }         // loop over calo calibration hit containers
-    ATH_MSG_INFO( "Etot calibration hits " << etot_cal    
-                  << " " << ecal[0] << " " << ecal[1] << " " << ecal[2] << " " << ecal[3]
-                  );
-    m_hist_cal0->Fill(ecal[0]);
-    m_hist_cal1->Fill(ecal[1]);
-    m_hist_cal2->Fill(ecal[2]);
-    m_hist_cal3->Fill(ecal[3]);
-  }   // m_calhit true
-// loop over cells and compare energies
-  if (m_check) {
-   int ncell=m_CellListEM.size();
-   for (int i=0;i<ncell;i++) {
-    double ehit=m_CellListEM[i].Ehit; 
-    double thit=m_CellListEM[i].Thit;
-    double eraw=m_CellListEM[i].Eraw; 
-    double ecell=m_CellListEM[i].Ecell; 
-    int sampling=m_CellListEM[i].sampling;
-    int calotype=m_CellListEM[i].bec;
-    double eta=fabs(m_CellListEM[i].eta);
-    if ((ehit > 10000. || eraw > 60000.) && calotype==0)  {    // 20 MeV cut
-      ATH_MSG_INFO( "calo/samp/eta " << calotype << " " << sampling << " " << eta
-                    << " energies Hit/Raw/Cell " << ehit << " " << eraw << " " << ecell << " " << thit  );
-    }   // cut on Ehit
-//    double et = eraw/cosh(eta);
-    if (ehit < 0.0001) {  // no true energy in this cell
-     if (sampling==0) {
-      if (calotype==0) m_hist_etraw_emb_s0->Fill(eraw);
-      else             m_hist_etraw_emec_s0->Fill(eraw);
-     }
-     if (sampling==1) {
-      if (calotype==0) m_hist_etraw_emb_s1->Fill(eraw);
-      else             m_hist_etraw_emec_s1->Fill(eraw);
-     }
-     if (sampling==2) {
-      if (calotype==0) m_hist_etraw_emb_s2->Fill(eraw);
-      else             m_hist_etraw_emec_s2->Fill(eraw);
-     }
-     if (sampling==3) {
-      if (calotype==0) m_hist_etraw_emb_s3->Fill(eraw);
-      else             m_hist_etraw_emec_s3->Fill(eraw);
-     }
-    }
-   }      // loop over cells
-  }
-// build pseudo cluster 3*5 in middle, 1*1 in strip and presampler
-  if (m_clusternoise) {
-  std::cout << "start loop over pseudo clusters " << std::endl;
-  for (int iside=-1;iside<=1;iside+=2) {
-   for (int ieta=1;ieta<56;ieta++) {
-    for (int iphi=0;iphi<255;iphi++) {
-     double eta=0.025*((double)ieta);
-     double sume=0;
-     int ireg=0;
-     int sampling;
-// sampling 2
-     sampling=2;
-     for (int jeta=ieta-1;jeta<=ieta+1;jeta++) {
-      for (int jphi=iphi-2;jphi<=iphi+2;jphi++) {
-       int kphi=jphi;
-       if (jphi>255) kphi=jphi-255;
-       if (jphi<0) kphi=jphi+255;
-// build identifier and find hash id
-       Identifier myid = m_larem_id->channel_id(iside,sampling,ireg,jeta,kphi);
-       IdentifierHash hid = m_larem_id->channel_hash(myid);
-       if (/*hid>=0 &&*/ hid < m_CellListEM.size())
-         sume+=m_CellListEM[hid].Ecell;
-      }
-     }
-// sampling 1
-     sampling=1;
-     int ietas1=ieta*8;
-     int ietas2=ietas1+8;
-     int jphi=iphi/4; 
-     for (int jeta=ietas1;jeta<ietas2;jeta++) {
-      Identifier myid = m_larem_id->channel_id(iside,sampling,ireg,jeta,jphi);
-      IdentifierHash hid = m_larem_id->channel_hash(myid);
-      if (/*hid>=0 &&*/ hid < m_CellListEM.size())
-         sume+=m_CellListEM[hid].Ecell;
-     }
-// sampling 0
-     sampling=0;
-     int jeta=ieta;
-     jphi=iphi/4;
-     Identifier myid = m_larem_id->channel_id(iside,sampling,ireg,jeta,jphi);
-     IdentifierHash hid = m_larem_id->channel_hash(myid);
-     if (/*hid>=0 &&*/ hid < m_CellListEM.size())
-       sume+=m_CellListEM[hid].Ecell;
-// goes to Et
-     sume = sume/cosh(eta);
-     m_hist_clusnoise->Fill(sume);
-     if (eta<0.5) m_hist_clusnoise1->Fill(sume);
-     else if(eta<1.0) m_hist_clusnoise2->Fill(sume);
-     else m_hist_clusnoise3->Fill(sume);
-    }
-    std::cout << "end loop over phi" << std::endl;
-   }
-  }
-  }  // m_clusternoise
-// check cluster
-  m_nt_eclus=0.;
-  m_nt_eclus0 = 0;                                        
-  m_nt_eclus1 = 0.;
-  m_nt_eclus2 = 0.;
-  m_nt_eclus3 = 0.;
-  m_nt_etaclus = 0.;
-  m_nt_phiclus = 0.;
-  m_nt_eclus35 = 0.,
-  m_nt_eclus37 = 0.,
-  m_nt_etaclus35 = 0.;
-  m_nt_etaclus351 = 0.;
-  m_nt_eclusg=0;
-  m_nt_eclusg35=0;
-  m_nt_eclusg37=0;
-  if (m_cluster) {
-// 5x5
-    {
-      SG::ReadHandle<CaloClusterContainer> cluster_container (m_cluster55Name, ctx);
-      ATH_MSG_INFO( " start loop over clusters "  );
-      for (const CaloCluster* clus : *cluster_container) {
-//       clus->print();
-         ATH_MSG_INFO( " **** Cluster E   " << clus->energy() << "  Et=" 
-                       << clus->et() << " " 
-                       << " eta/phi " << clus->eta() << " " << clus->phi() 
-                       << " phi2nd " << clus->phiSample(CaloSampling::EMB2)  );
-         m_nt_eclus=clus->energy();
-         m_nt_eclus0 = clus->eSample(CaloSampling::PreSamplerB);
-         m_nt_eclus1 = clus->eSample(CaloSampling::EMB1);
-         m_nt_eclus2 = clus->eSample(CaloSampling::EMB2);
-         m_nt_eclus3 = clus->eSample(CaloSampling::EMB3);
-         m_nt_etaclus = clus->eta();
-         m_nt_phiclus = clus->phi();
-         if (std::fabs(m_nt_etaclus)<1.475) {
-           m_nt_etaclus551 = clus->etaSample(CaloSampling::EMB1);
-           m_nt_etaclus552 = clus->etaSample(CaloSampling::EMB2);
-         } else {
-           m_nt_etaclus551 = clus->etaSample(CaloSampling::EME1);
-           m_nt_etaclus552 = clus->etaSample(CaloSampling::EME2);
-         }
-// for clusters in the crack, loop over the cells
-        std::cout << " * start loop over cells " << std::endl;
-        if (std::fabs(m_nt_etaclus)>1.45 && std::fabs(m_nt_etaclus)<1.55) {
-           CaloCluster::cell_iterator cellIter    = clus->cell_begin();
-           CaloCluster::cell_iterator cellIterEnd = clus->cell_end();
-           for( ;cellIter!=cellIterEnd;cellIter++) {
-             const CaloCell* cell = (*cellIter);
-             int sampling = cell->caloDDE()->getSampling();
-             std::cout << " sampling " << sampling << std::endl;
-             if (sampling==CaloCell_ID::TileGap3) std::cout << "   *** found tile gap " << std::endl;
-           }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-// 5x5 photons
-    {   
-      SG::ReadHandle<CaloClusterContainer> cluster_container (m_cluster55gamName, ctx);
-      ATH_MSG_INFO( " start loop over gamma 5x5 clusters "  );
-      for (const CaloCluster* clus : *cluster_container) {
-//       clus->print();
-         m_nt_eclusg = clus->energy();
-         ATH_MSG_INFO( " **** Cluster E   " << clus->energy() << "  Et="
-                       << clus->et() << " " 
-                       << " eta/phi " << clus->eta() << " " << clus->phi()  
-                       << " phi2nd " << clus->phiSample(CaloSampling::EMB2)  );
-          if (std::fabs(clus->eta())<1.475) {
-           m_nt_etaclusg551 =  clus->etaSample(CaloSampling::EMB1);
-           m_nt_etaclusg552 =  clus->etaSample(CaloSampling::EMB2);
-          } else {
-           m_nt_etaclusg551 =  clus->etaSample(CaloSampling::EME1);
-           m_nt_etaclusg552 =  clus->etaSample(CaloSampling::EME2);
-          } 
-      }
-    }
-// 3x5
-    {   
-      SG::ReadHandle<CaloClusterContainer> cluster_container (m_cluster35Name, ctx);
-      ATH_MSG_INFO( " start loop over clusters "  );
-      for (const CaloCluster* clus : *cluster_container) {
-       ATH_MSG_INFO( " **** Cluster E35 " << clus->energy() << "  Et=" 
-                     << clus->et() << " " 
-                     << " eta/phi " << clus->eta() << " " << clus->phi()  );
-       m_nt_eclus35 = clus->energy();
-       m_nt_eclus350 = clus->eSample(CaloSampling::PreSamplerB);
-       m_nt_eclus351 = clus->eSample(CaloSampling::EMB1);
-       m_nt_eclus352 = clus->eSample(CaloSampling::EMB2);
-       m_nt_eclus353 = clus->eSample(CaloSampling::EMB3);
-       m_nt_etaclus35 = clus->eta();
-       if (std::fabs(m_nt_etaclus35)<1.475) {
-        m_nt_etaclus351 = clus->etaSample(CaloSampling::EMB1);
-        m_nt_etaclus352 = clus->etaSample(CaloSampling::EMB2);
-       } else {
-        m_nt_etaclus351 = clus->etaSample(CaloSampling::EME1);
-        m_nt_etaclus352 = clus->etaSample(CaloSampling::EME2);
-       }
-      }
-    }
-// 3x5 photons
-    {  
-      SG::ReadHandle<CaloClusterContainer> cluster_container (m_cluster35gamName, ctx);
-      ATH_MSG_INFO( " start loop over clusters "  );
-      for (const CaloCluster* clus : *cluster_container) {
-       ATH_MSG_INFO( " **** Cluster E35 " << clus->energy() << "  Et="
-                     << clus->et() << " "
-                     << " eta/phi " << clus->eta() << " " << clus->phi()  );
-       m_nt_eclusg35 = clus->energy();
-       if (std::fabs(clus->eta())<1.475) {
-        m_nt_etaclusg351 = clus->etaSample(CaloSampling::EMB1);
-        m_nt_etaclusg352 = clus->etaSample(CaloSampling::EMB2);
-        std::cout << " etaclusg351 " << m_nt_etaclusg351 << std::endl;
-       } else {
-        m_nt_etaclusg351 = clus->etaSample(CaloSampling::EME1);
-        m_nt_etaclusg352 = clus->etaSample(CaloSampling::EME2);
-       }
-      }
-    }
-// 3x7
-    {   
-      SG::ReadHandle<CaloClusterContainer> cluster_container (m_cluster37Name, ctx);
-      ATH_MSG_INFO( " start loop over clusters "  );
-      for (const CaloCluster* clus : *cluster_container) {
-       ATH_MSG_INFO( " **** Cluster E37 " << clus->energy() << "  Et=" 
-                     << clus->et() << " " 
-                     << " eta/phi " << clus->eta() << " " << clus->phi()  );
-        m_nt_eclus37 = clus->energy();
-        if (std::fabs(clus->eta())<1.475) {
-          m_nt_etaclus371 = clus->etaSample(CaloSampling::EMB1);
-          m_nt_etaclus372 = clus->etaSample(CaloSampling::EMB2);
-        } else {
-          m_nt_etaclus371 = clus->etaSample(CaloSampling::EME1);
-          m_nt_etaclus372 = clus->etaSample(CaloSampling::EME2);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-// 3x7 gam
-    {
-      SG::ReadHandle<CaloClusterContainer> cluster_container (m_cluster37gamName, ctx);
-      ATH_MSG_INFO( " start loop over clusters "  );
-      for (const CaloCluster* clus : *cluster_container) {
-       ATH_MSG_INFO( " **** Cluster E37 " << clus->energy() << "  Et="
-                     << clus->et() << " "
-                     << " eta/phi " << clus->eta() << " " << clus->phi()  );
-        m_nt_eclusg37 = clus->energy();
-        if (std::fabs(clus->eta())<1.475) {
-          m_nt_etaclusg371 = clus->etaSample(CaloSampling::EMB1);
-          m_nt_etaclusg372 = clus->etaSample(CaloSampling::EMB2);
-        } else {
-          m_nt_etaclusg371 = clus->etaSample(CaloSampling::EME1);
-          m_nt_etaclusg372 = clus->etaSample(CaloSampling::EME2);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }     // m_cluster
-// fill ntuple
-  m_nt_e=e_true;
-  m_nt_eta=eta_true;
-  m_nt_phi=phi_true;
-  m_nt_e0=etot_raw[0];
-  m_nt_e1=etot_raw[1];
-  m_nt_e2=etot_raw[2];
-  m_nt_e3=etot_raw[3];
-  m_nt_c0=etot_cell[0];
-  m_nt_c1=etot_cell[1];
-  m_nt_c2=etot_cell[2];
-  m_nt_c3=etot_cell[3];
-  m_nt_hb0=etot_hit_b[0];
-  m_nt_hb1=etot_hit_b[1];
-  m_nt_hb2=etot_hit_b[2];
-  m_nt_hb3=etot_hit_b[3];
-  m_nt_he0=etot_hit_e[0];
-  m_nt_he1=etot_hit_e[1];
-  m_nt_he2=etot_hit_e[2];
-  m_nt_he3=etot_hit_e[3];
-  m_nt_tb0=time_max_cell[0];
-  m_nt_tb1=time_max_cell[1];
-  m_nt_tb2=time_max_cell[2];
-  m_nt_tb3=time_max_cell[3];
-  m_nt_eActEM = eAct[0];
-  m_nt_eActNonEM = eAct[1];
-  m_nt_eActInvisible = eAct[2];
-  m_nt_eActEscaped = eAct[3];
-  m_nt_eInactEM = eInact[0];
-  m_nt_eInactNonEM = eInact[1];
-  m_nt_eInactInvisible = eInact[2];
-  m_nt_eInactEscaped = eInact[3];
-  m_nt_eDeadEM = eDead[0];
-  m_nt_eDeadNonEM = eDead[1];
-  m_nt_eDeadInvisible = eDead[2];
-  m_nt_eDeadEscaped = eDead[3];
-  m_nt_eTile = eTile;
-  m_nt_edead_1_0 = edead_1_0;
-  m_nt_edead_1_1_0 = edead_1_1_0;
-  m_nt_edead_1_1_1 = edead_1_1_1;
-  m_nt_edead_1_1_2 = edead_1_1_2;
-  m_nt_edead_1_1_3 = edead_1_1_3;
-  m_nt_edead_1_1_4 = edead_1_1_4;
-  m_nt_edead_1_1_5 = edead_1_1_5;
-  m_nt_edead_1_1_6 = edead_1_1_6;
-  m_nt_edead_1_1_7 = edead_1_1_7;
-  m_nt_edead_1_2_0 = edead_1_2_0;
-  m_nt_edead_1_2_1 = edead_1_2_1;
-  m_nt_edead_1_2_2 = edead_1_2_2;
-  m_nt_edead_1_2_3 = edead_1_2_3;
-  m_nt_edead_1_2_4 = edead_1_2_4;
-  m_nt_edead_1_2_5 = edead_1_2_5;
-  m_nt_edead_1_3 = edead_1_3;
-  m_nt_eleak = eleak;
-  m_ntuple->Fill();
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
- }
-bool Analysis::CheckLArIdentifier(int sampling, int region, int eta, int phi)
-  if (sampling<0 || sampling >3) return false;
-  if (sampling==0) {
-    if (region!=0) return false;
-    if (eta<0 || eta>60) return false;
-    if (phi<0 || phi>63) return false;
-  }
-  if (sampling==1) {
-    if (region<0 || region >1) return false;
-    if (region==0) {
-       if (eta<1 || eta>447) return false;
-       if (phi<0 || phi>63) return false;
-    }
-    if (region==1) {
-       if (eta<0 || eta>2) return false;
-       if (phi<0 || phi>255) return false;
-    }
-  }
-  if (sampling==2) {
-    if (region<0 || region >1) return false;
-    if (region==0) {
-        if (eta<0 || eta>55) return false;
-        if (phi<0 || phi>255) return false;
-     }
-     if (region==1) {
-        if (eta!=0) return false;
-        if (phi<0 || phi>255) return false;
-     }
-  }
-  if (sampling==3) {
-     if (region !=0) return false;
-     if (eta<0 || eta>26) return false;
-     if (phi<0 || phi>255) return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-bool Analysis::CheckDMIdentifier(int type, int sampling, int region, int eta, int phi)
- if (type <1 || type > 2) return false;
- if (type==1) { 
-    if (sampling<0 || sampling>3) return false;
-     if (sampling==0) {
-        if (region <0 || region >5) return false;
-        if (phi<0 || phi>63) return false;
-        if (eta<0 || eta>49) return false;
-     }
-    if (sampling==1) {
-       if (region<0 || region>7) return false;
-       if (phi<0 || phi>63) return false;
-       if (region==0) {
-         if (eta<0 || eta>14) return false;
-       }
-       if (region==1) {
-         if (eta<0 || eta>14) return false;
-       }
-       if (region==2) {
-         if (eta<0 || eta>15) return false;
-       }
-       if (region==3) {
-// valid range goes up to eta=1.6 in bin of 0.1 => etamax=15
-          if (eta<0 || eta>15) return false;
-       }
-       if (region==4) {
-          if (eta !=0) return false;
-       }
-       if (region==5) {
-         if (eta<0 || eta>2) return false;
-       }
-       if (region==6) {
-         if (eta<0 || eta>18) return false;
-       }
-       if (region==7) {
-         if (eta<0 || eta>17) return false;
-       }
-    }
-    if (sampling==2) {
-       if (region <0 || region>5  ) return false;
-       if (phi<0 || phi>63) return false;
-       if (region==0){
-          if (eta<0 || eta>9) return false;
-       }
-       if (region==2) {
-          if (eta<0 || eta>4) return false;
-       }
-       if (region==3) {
-         if (eta<0 || eta>17) return false;
-       }
-       if (region==4) {
-         if (eta<0 || eta>17) return false;
-       }
-       if (region==5) {
-         if (eta<0 || eta>6) return false;
-       }
-    }
-    if (sampling==3) {
-      if (region<0 || region>2) return false;
-      if (region==0) {
-        if (eta<0 || eta>32) return false;
-        if (phi<0 || phi>63) return false;
-      }
-      if (region==1) {
-        if (eta<0 || eta>14) return false;
-        if (phi<0 || phi>63) return false;
-      }
-      if (region==2) {
-        if (eta !=0) return false;
-        if (phi !=0) return false;
-      }
-    }
- }  
- if (type==2) {
-    if (sampling<0 || sampling >3) return false;
-    if (sampling==0) {
-      if (region<0 || region>5) return false;
-      if (region==0) {
-         if (eta !=0) return false;
-         if (phi<0 || phi>63) return false;
-      }
-      if (region==1) {
-         if (eta !=0) return false;
-         if (phi<0 || phi>63) return false;
-      }
-      if (region==2) {
-         if (eta<0 || eta>9) return false;
-         if (phi<0 || phi>31) return false;
-      }
-      if (region==3) {
-         if (eta<0 || eta>3) return false;
-         if (phi<0 || phi>31) return false;
-      }
-      if (region==4) {
-         if (eta!=0) return false;
-         if (phi<0 || phi>63) return false;
-      }
-      if (region==5) {
-         if (eta<0 || eta > 19) return false;
-         if (phi<0 || phi>63) return false;
-      }
-   }
-   if (sampling==1) {
-     if (region<0 || region>5) return false;
-      if (region==0) {
-         if (eta !=0) return false;
-         if (phi<0 || phi>63) return false;
-      }
-      if (region==1) {
-         if (eta !=0) return false;
-         if (phi<0 || phi>63) return false;
-      }
-      if (region==2) {
-         if (eta<0 || eta>9) return false;
-         if (phi<0 || phi>31) return false;
-      }
-      if (region==3) {
-         if (eta<0 || eta>3) return false;
-         if (phi<0 || phi>31) return false;
-      }
-      if (region==4) {
-         if (eta!=0) return false;
-         if (phi<0 || phi>63) return false;
-      }
-      if (region==5) {
-         if (eta<0 || eta > 19) return false;
-         if (phi<0 || phi>63) return false;
-      }
-   }
-   if (sampling==2) {
-     if (region<0 || region>5) return false;
-      if (region==0) {
-         if (eta !=0) return false;
-         if (phi<0 || phi>63) return false;
-      }
-      if (region==1) {
-         if (eta !=0) return false;
-         if (phi<0 || phi>63) return false;
-      }
-      if (region==2) {
-         if (eta<0 || eta>9) return false;
-         if (phi<0 || phi>31) return false;
-      }
-      if (region==3) {
-         if (eta<0 || eta>3) return false;
-         if (phi<0 || phi>31) return false;
-      }
-      if (region==4) {
-         if (eta!=0) return false;
-         if (phi<0 || phi>63) return false;
-      }
-      if (region==5) {
-         if (eta<0 || eta > 19) return false;
-         if (phi<0 || phi>63) return false;
-      }
-   }
-   if (sampling==3) {
-    if (region<0 || region>5) return false;
-      if (region==0) {
-         if (eta !=0) return false;
-         if (phi<0 || phi>63) return false;
-      }
-      if (region==1) {
-         if (eta !=0) return false;
-         if (phi<0 || phi>63) return false;
-      }
-      if (region==2) {
-         if (eta<0 || eta>9) return false;
-         if (phi<0 || phi>31) return false;
-      }
-      if (region==3) {
-         if (eta<0 || eta>3) return false;
-         if (phi<0 || phi>31) return false;
-      }
-      if (region==4) {
-         if (eta!=0) return false;
-         if (phi<0 || phi>63) return false;
-      }
-      if (region==5) {
-         if (eta<0 || eta > 19) return false;
-         if (phi<0 || phi>63) return false;
-      }
-   }
- } 
- return true;
-} // end of namespace bracket
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/src/MyAnalysis.cxx.createLarHits b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/src/MyAnalysis.cxx.createLarHits
deleted file mode 100644
index c9bbdb1baa814c4965d69d998c173587c53457d9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/src/MyAnalysis.cxx.createLarHits
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-#include "MyAnalysis/Analysis.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IHistogramSvc.h"
-#include "AIDA/IHistogram1D.h"
-#include "LArSimEvent/LArHit.h"
-#include "LArSimEvent/LArHitContainer.h"
-#include "LArRawEvent/LArRawChannel.h"
-#include "LArRawEvent/LArRawChannelContainer.h"
-namespace MyAnalysis {
-  //Constructor
-  Analysis:: Analysis(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator):
-    Algorithm(name,pSvcLocator){
-  }
-  //__________________________________________________________________________
-  //Destructor
-  Analysis::~Analysis()
-  {
-    MsgStream log( messageService(), name() ) ;
-    log << MSG::DEBUG << "Analysis destructor called" << endmsg;
-  }
-  //__________________________________________________________________________
-  StatusCode Analysis::initialize()
-  {
-    MsgStream log( messageService(), name() );
-    log << MSG::DEBUG <<"Analysis initialize()" << endmsg;
-    // Get the StoreGateSvc
-    if (service("StoreGateSvc", m_sgSvc).isFailure()) {
-      log << MSG::ALWAYS << "No StoreGate!!!!!!!" << endmsg;
-    }
-     m_nevt=0;
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS; 
-  }
-  //__________________________________________________________________________
-  StatusCode Analysis::finalize()
-  {
-    MsgStream log( messageService(), name() );
-    log << MSG::DEBUG <<"Analysis finalize()" << endmsg;
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS; 
-  }
-  //__________________________________________________________________________
-  StatusCode Analysis::execute()
-  {
-    //.............................................
-    MsgStream log( messageService(), name() );
-    log << MSG::DEBUG << "Analysis execute()" << endmsg;
-   m_nevt++;
-   log << MSG::INFO << " ***** Event " << m_nevt << endmsg;
-// Loop over LAr hits
-  std::vector <std::string> m_HitContainer;
-  log << MSG::INFO <<"size of LArHit " << sizeof(LArHit) << endmsg;
-  log << MSG::INFO <<"size of LArRaw " << sizeof(LArRawChannel) << endmsg;
-  log << MSG::INFO <<"size of int    " << sizeof(int) << endmsg;
-  log << MSG::INFO <<"size of float  " << sizeof(float) << endmsg;
-  log << MSG::INFO <<"size of double " << sizeof(double) << endmsg;
-  log << MSG::INFO <<"size of Indentifier " << sizeof(Identifier) << endmsg;
-  Identifier my_identifier;
-  m_HitContainer.push_back("LArHitEMB");
-  m_HitContainer.push_back("LArHitEMEC");
-  m_HitContainer.push_back("LArHitHEC");
-  m_HitContainer.push_back("LArHitFCAL");
-  unsigned int iHitContainer;
-  log << MSG::INFO << "m_HitContainer.size " << m_HitContainer.size() << endmsg;
-  for (iHitContainer=0;iHitContainer<m_HitContainer.size();iHitContainer++)
-  {
-    const LArHitContainer* hit_container ;
-    if(m_sgSvc->retrieve(hit_container,m_HitContainer[iHitContainer])
-      .isFailure()) {
-      log << MSG::INFO << " cannot retrieve hit container " << endmsg;
-    }  else
-    {
-       int ihit = 0;
-       LArHitContainer::const_iterator hititer;
-       for(hititer=hit_container->begin();
-           hititer != hit_container->end();hititer++)
-       {
-          ihit++;
-          LArHit* hit = (*hititer);
-          if (ihit==1) my_identifier = hit->cellID();
-          if (hit->energy() > 1.0) {
-    //         log << MSG::INFO << hit->energy() << " " 
-    //                          << hit->time()   << " " 
-    //                          << hit->cellID() << endmsg;
-          }
-       }
-     log << MSG::INFO << " number of hits found " << ihit << endmsg;
-    }
-  }
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-  int i;
-  double energy=1.0;
-  double time=0.;
-  LArHitContainer* mycontainer = new LArHitContainer();
-  LArHit* newhit;
-  if (m_sgSvc->record(mycontainer,"testLArHit").isFailure()) {
-   log << MSG::INFO << "failed to record testLArHit" << endmsg;
-   return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  int Nbhits = 1000000;
-  log << MSG::INFO << " *** before creating " << Nbhits << endmsg;
-  int id = getpid();
-  char str[256];
-  sprintf(str,"cat /proc/%d/status | grep VmSize | awk '{print($2)}' \n",id);
-  std::cout << "vmSize" << std::endl;
-  system(str);
-  for (i=0;i<Nbhits;i++) {
-    energy+=0.011;
-    time+=0.025;
-    newhit = new LArHit(my_identifier,energy,time);
-    mycontainer->push_back(newhit);
-  }
-  log << MSG::INFO << " *** after  creating " << Nbhits << endmsg;
-  std::cout << "vmSize" << std::endl;
-  system(str);
-// LarRawChannel
-  LArRawChannelCollection* rawcontainer = new LArRawChannelCollection();
-  LArRawChannel* rawchannel;
-  if (m_sgSvc->record(rawcontainer,"testLArRaw").isFailure()) {
-     log << MSG::INFO << "failed to record testLArRaw" << endmsg;
-     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  log << MSG::INFO << " *** before creating Raw" << Nbhits << endmsg; 
-  std::cout << "vmSize" << std::endl;
-  system(str);
-  for (i=0;i<Nbhits;i++) {
-      rawchannel = new LArRawChannel();
-      rawcontainer->push_back(rawchannel);
-  }
-  log << MSG::INFO << " *** after  creating " << Nbhits << endmsg;
-  std::cout << "vmSize" << std::endl;
-  system(str);
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
- }
-} // end of namespace bracket
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/src/MyAnalysis.cxx.read b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/src/MyAnalysis.cxx.read
deleted file mode 100644
index 389b508a33d9808614a60c06f46831c102b3833b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/src/MyAnalysis.cxx.read
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,404 +0,0 @@
-#include "MyAnalysis/Analysis.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IHistogramSvc.h"
-#include "AIDA/IHistogram1D.h"
-#include "AtlasDetDescr/AtlasDetectorID.h"
-#include "CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescrElement.h"
-#include "LArIdentifier/LArID.h"
-#include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
-#include "Identifier/IdentifierHash.h"
-#include "Identifier/IdContext.h"
-#include "LArDetDescr/LArDetDescriptor.h"
-#include "LArDetDescr/LArDetDescrManager.h"
-#include "LArSimEvent/LArHit.h"
-#include "LArSimEvent/LArHitContainer.h"
-#include "LArRecEvent/LArCell.h"
-#include "LArRecEvent/LArCellContainer.h"
-#include "LArRecEvent/LArCluster.h"
-#include "LArRecEvent/LArClusterContainer.h"
-#include "LArRawEvent/LArRawChannel.h"
-#include "LArRawEvent/LArRawChannelContainer.h"
-#include "LArRawUtils/LArRawDetSelector.h"
-namespace MyAnalysis {
-  //Constructor
-  Analysis:: Analysis(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator):
-    Algorithm(name,pSvcLocator){
-  }
-  //__________________________________________________________________________
-  //Destructor
-  Analysis::~Analysis()
-  {
-    MsgStream log( messageService(), name() ) ;
-    log << MSG::DEBUG << "Analysis destructor called" << endmsg;
-  }
-  //__________________________________________________________________________
-  StatusCode Analysis::initialize()
-  {
-    MsgStream log( messageService(), name() );
-    log << MSG::DEBUG <<"Analysis initialize()" << endmsg;
-    // Get the StoreGateSvc
-    if (service("StoreGateSvc", m_sgSvc).isFailure()) {
-      log << MSG::ALWAYS << "No StoreGate!!!!!!!" << endmsg;
-    }
-// Book histos
-    m_hist_celle = 
-     histoSvc()->book("/stat/athena/",2001,"Cell energy",500,0.,2.);
-    m_hist_map  =
-     histoSvc()->book("/stat/athena/",2003,"phi vs eta cells",10,-2.5,2.5,10,0.,6.283185);
-    m_hist_map0  =
-     histoSvc()->book("/stat/athena/",2004,"phi vs eta samp0",10,-2.5,2.5,10,0.,6.283185);
-    m_hist_map1  =
-     histoSvc()->book("/stat/athena/",2005,"phi vs eta samp1",10,-2.5,2.5,10,0.,6.283185);
-    m_hist_map2  =
-     histoSvc()->book("/stat/athena/",2006,"phi vs eta samp2",10,-2.5,2.5,10,0.,6.283185);
-    m_hist_map3  =
-     histoSvc()->book("/stat/athena/",2007,"phi vs eta samp3",10,-2.5,2.5,10,0.,6.283185);
-    m_hist_map4  =
-     histoSvc()->book("/stat/athena/",2008,"phi vs eta samp0 EC",10,-2.5,2.5,10,0.,6.283185);
-    m_hist_map5  =
-     histoSvc()->book("/stat/athena/",2009,"phi vs eta samp1 EC",10,-2.5,2.5,10,0.,6.283185);
-    m_hist_map6  =
-     histoSvc()->book("/stat/athena/",2010,"phi vs eta samp2 EC",10,-2.5,2.5,10,0.,6.283185);
-    m_hist_map7  =
-     histoSvc()->book("/stat/athena/",2011,"phi vs eta samp3 EC",10,-2.5,2.5,10,0.,6.283185);
-     m_hist_rawe =
-     histoSvc()->book("/stat/athena/",2100,"Raw Channel Energy",500,0.,2.);
-     m_hist_hit0 =
-      histoSvc()->book("/stat/athena/",2900,"Nhits EMB",100,0.,5000.);
-     m_hist_hit1 =
-      histoSvc()->book("/stat/athena/",2901,"Nhits EMEC",100,0.,5000.);
-     m_hist_hit2 =
-      histoSvc()->book("/stat/athena/",2902,"Nhits HEC",100,0.,5000.);
-     m_hist_hit3 =
-      histoSvc()->book("/stat/athena/",2903,"Nhits FCAL",100,0.,5000.);
-     m_hist_mbe=
-       histoSvc()->book("/stat/athena/",2999,"Hit E",500,0.,2.);
-     m_hist_mbe2=
-       histoSvc()->book("/stat/athena/",2998,"Hit E cut 0.1",100,0.,2.);
-     m_hist_mbe3=
-       histoSvc()->book("/stat/athena/",2997,"Hit E cut 0.4",100,0.,2.);
-     m_hist_b0=
-      histoSvc()->book("/stat/athena/",3000,"Cell/hit b0",10,0.,1.5,100,0.,20.);
-     m_hist_b1=
-      histoSvc()->book("/stat/athena/",3001,"Cell/hit b1",10,0.,1.5,100,0.,20.);
-     m_hist_b2=
-      histoSvc()->book("/stat/athena/",3002,"Cell/hit b2",10,0.,1.5,100,0.,20.);
-     m_hist_b3=
-      histoSvc()->book("/stat/athena/",3003,"Cell/hit b3",10,0.,1.5,100,0.,20.);
-     m_hist_e0=
-      histoSvc()->book("/stat/athena/",3100,"Cell/hit e0",10,1.2,2.5,100,0.,50.);
-     m_hist_e1=
-      histoSvc()->book("/stat/athena/",3101,"Cell/hit e1",10,1.2,2.5,100,0.,50.);
-     m_hist_e2=
-      histoSvc()->book("/stat/athena/",3102,"Cell/hit e2",10,1.2,2.5,100,0.,50.);
-     m_hist_e3=
-      histoSvc()->book("/stat/athena/",3103,"Cell/hit e3",10,1.2,2.5,100,0.,50.);
-     m_hist_noib0 =
-      histoSvc()->book("/stat/athena/",4000,"Cell noise b0",100,-0.3,0.3);
-     m_hist_noib1 =
-      histoSvc()->book("/stat/athena/",4001,"Cell noise b0",100,-0.3,0.3);
-     m_hist_noib2 =
-      histoSvc()->book("/stat/athena/",4002,"Cell noise b2",100,-0.3,0.3);
-     m_hist_noib3 =
-      histoSvc()->book("/stat/athena/",4003,"Cell noise b3",100,-0.3,0.3);
-     m_hist_noie0 =
-      histoSvc()->book("/stat/athena/",4100,"Cell noise b0",100,-0.3,0.3);
-     m_hist_noie1 =
-      histoSvc()->book("/stat/athena/",4101,"Cell noise b0",100,-0.3,0.3);
-     m_hist_noie2 =
-      histoSvc()->book("/stat/athena/",4102,"Cell noise b2",100,-0.3,0.3);
-     m_hist_noie3 =
-      histoSvc()->book("/stat/athena/",4103,"Cell noise b3",100,-0.3,0.3);
-     m_lar_dd_man = LArDetDescrManager::instance();
-     const AtlasDetectorID* atlasId = m_lar_dd_man->get_em_id();
-     m_id = atlasId->lar_em();
-// initialize hit list
-     std::vector <CaloDetDescrElement*>::const_iterator itrDDE,  itrEndDDE;
-     int m_ncellem=m_lar_dd_man->em_element_size();
-     CellInfo cell0;
-     cell0.bec=0;
-     cell0.sampling=0;
-     cell0.eta=0.; 
-     cell0.phi=0.; 
-     cell0.Ehit=-9999.;
-     cell0.Eraw=-9999.;
-     cell0.Ecell=-9999.;
-     CellListEM.resize(m_ncellem,cell0);
-     itrDDE    = m_lar_dd_man->em_element_begin();
-     itrEndDDE = m_lar_dd_man->em_element_end();
-     m_idContext = m_lar_dd_man->get_em_id()->channel_context();
-     for (;itrDDE!=itrEndDDE;++itrDDE){
-       CaloDetDescrElement* caloDDE = (*itrDDE);
-       if (caloDDE==0) {
-          std::cout << "hole detected calo num EM " << std::endl;
-          continue;
-       }
-       IdentifierHash idHash=0;
-       Identifier id=caloDDE->identify() ;
-       int iOK= atlasId->get_hash(id,idHash,&m_idContext);
-       if (iOK!=0) {
-          std::cout << " calodde: cannot make hash from "
-                    << atlasId->show_to_string(id) << std::endl;
-       }
-       else {
-          int BvsEC=abs(m_lar_dd_man->get_em_id()->barrel_ec(id));
-          int calotype;
-          if (BvsEC == 1) calotype=0;
-          else calotype=1;
-          CellInfo mycell;
-          mycell.bec=calotype;
-          mycell.sampling= m_lar_dd_man->get_em_id()->sampling(id);
-          mycell.eta=caloDDE->eta();
-          mycell.phi=caloDDE->phi();
-          mycell.Ehit=-9999.;
-          mycell.Eraw=-9999.;
-          mycell.Ecell=-9999.;
-          CellListEM[idHash]=mycell;
-       }
-     }        
-     m_nevt=0;
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS; 
-  }
-  //__________________________________________________________________________
-  StatusCode Analysis::finalize()
-  {
-    MsgStream log( messageService(), name() );
-    log << MSG::DEBUG <<"Analysis finalize()" << endmsg;
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS; 
-  }
-  //__________________________________________________________________________
-  StatusCode Analysis::execute()
-  {
-    //.............................................
-    MsgStream log( messageService(), name() );
-    log << MSG::DEBUG << "Analysis execute()" << endmsg;
-   m_nevt++;
-   const AtlasDetectorID* atlasID = m_lar_dd_man->get_em_id();
-   log << MSG::INFO << " ***** Event " << m_nevt << endmsg;
-// reset E list to 0
-   int ncell=CellListEM.size();
-   int i;
-   for(i=0;i<ncell;i++) {
-       CellListEM[i].Ehit=-9999.;
-       CellListEM[i].Eraw=-9999.;
-       CellListEM[i].Ecell=-9999.;
-   }
-// Loop over LArCells
-  const LArCellContainer* cell_container;
-  if(m_sgSvc->retrieve(cell_container,"LArEM").isFailure())
-  {
-    log << MSG::INFO
-        << " Could not get pointer to Cell Container " 
-        << endmsg;
-  } else
-  {
-   LArCellContainer::const_iterator first_cell = cell_container->begin();
-   LArCellContainer::const_iterator end_cell   = cell_container->end();
-   log << MSG::INFO << "*** Stat loop over LArCells in Myanalysis" << endmsg;
-   for (; first_cell != end_cell; ++first_cell)
-   {
-       Identifier cellID = (*first_cell)->ID();
-       double eta = (*first_cell)->eta();
-       double phi = (*first_cell)->phi();
-       double et  = (*first_cell)->et();
-       double energy=  (*first_cell)->energy();
-       m_hist_celle->fill(energy);
-       m_hist_map->fill(eta,phi,et);
-       int isamp=CaloSampling::getSampling(**first_cell);
-       if (isamp==0) m_hist_map0->fill(eta,phi,et);
-       if (isamp==1) m_hist_map1->fill(eta,phi,et);
-       if (isamp==2) m_hist_map2->fill(eta,phi,et);
-       if (isamp==3) m_hist_map3->fill(eta,phi,et);
-       if (isamp==4) m_hist_map4->fill(eta,phi,et);
-       if (isamp==5) m_hist_map5->fill(eta,phi,et);
-       if (isamp==6) m_hist_map6->fill(eta,phi,et);
-       if (isamp==7) m_hist_map7->fill(eta,phi,et);
-// fill list
-       if (atlasID->is_lar_em(cellID)) {
-        IdentifierHash idHash=0;
-        int iOK= atlasID->get_hash(cellID,idHash,&m_idContext);
-        if (iOK==0) CellListEM[idHash].Ecell = energy;
-       }
-   }
-  } 
-// Loop over LArRawChannel
-  const LArRawChannelContainer* rawchannel_container;
-  if(m_sgSvc->retrieve(rawchannel_container,"LArRawChannels").isFailure())
-  {
-    log << MSG::INFO
-        << " Could not get  LArRawChannel container"
-        << endmsg;
-  } else
-  {
-   log << MSG::INFO 
-       << "*** Stat loop over LArRawChannel in Myanalysis" << endmsg;
-   LArRawDetSelector  selObj(rawchannel_container) ;
-   selObj.setDet(m_id);
-   LArRawDetSelector::const_iterator f_cell =
-                                 selObj.begin();
-   LArRawDetSelector::const_iterator l_cell =
-                                 selObj.end();
-   for (; f_cell != l_cell; ++f_cell)
-   {
-     const LArRawChannel* hit = (*f_cell) ;
-     double energy=hit->energy();            //  energy in MeV from RawChannem
-     m_hist_rawe->fill(energy);
-     LArSignalChannelID ch_id = hit->channelID();
-     ILArSignalChannelService * cablingService =
-        LArCablingService::getInstance();
-     Identifier  cellID =
-        cablingService->cnvToIdentifier(ch_id);
-// fill list
-     if (atlasID->is_lar_em(cellID)) {
-        IdentifierHash idHash=0;
-        int iOK= atlasID->get_hash(cellID,idHash,&m_idContext);
-        if (iOK==0) CellListEM[idHash].Eraw = energy;
-     }
-   }
-  }
-// Loop over LAr hits
-  std::vector <std::string> m_HitContainer;
-  m_HitContainer.push_back("LArHitEMB");
-  m_HitContainer.push_back("LArHitEMEC");
-//  m_HitContainer.push_back("LArHitHEC");
-//  m_HitContainer.push_back("LArHitFCAL");
-  unsigned int iHitContainer;
-  log << MSG::INFO << "m_HitContainer.size " << m_HitContainer.size() << endmsg;
-  for (iHitContainer=0;iHitContainer<m_HitContainer.size();iHitContainer++)
-  {
-    const LArHitContainer* hit_container ;
-    if(m_sgSvc->retrieve(hit_container,m_HitContainer[iHitContainer])
-      .isFailure()) {
-      log << MSG::INFO << " cannot retrieve hit container " << endmsg;
-    }  else
-    {
-       int ihit = 0;
-       LArHitContainer::const_iterator hititer;
-       for(hititer=hit_container->begin();
-           hititer != hit_container->end();hititer++)
-       {
-          ihit++;
-          LArHit* hit = (*hititer);
-          m_hist_mbe->fill(hit->energy());
-          if (hit->energy()>0.0001) m_hist_mbe2->fill(hit->energy());
-          if (hit->energy()>0.0004) m_hist_mbe3->fill(hit->energy());
-// fill list
-          Identifier cellID=hit->cellID();
-          if (atlasID->is_lar_em(cellID)) {
-           IdentifierHash idHash=0;
-           int iOK= atlasID->get_hash(cellID,idHash,&m_idContext);
-           if (iOK==0) CellListEM[idHash].Ehit = hit->energy();
-          }
-       }
-     log << MSG::INFO << " number of hits found " << ihit << endmsg;
-     double xhit = (double) ihit;
-     if (iHitContainer==0) m_hist_hit0->fill(xhit);
-     if (iHitContainer==1) m_hist_hit1->fill(xhit);
-     if (iHitContainer==2) m_hist_hit2->fill(xhit);
-     if (iHitContainer==3) m_hist_hit3->fill(xhit);
-    }
-  }
-// loop over cell and compare energies
-  ncell=CellListEM.size();
-  for (i=0;i<ncell;i++) {
-    double ehit=CellListEM[i].Ehit; 
-    double eraw=CellListEM[i].Eraw; 
-    double ecell=CellListEM[i].Ecell; 
-    int sampling=CellListEM[i].sampling;
-    int calotype=CellListEM[i].bec;
-    double eta=fabs(CellListEM[i].eta);
-    if (ehit > 100.)  {    // 100 MeV cut
-//    if (eraw>-999. || ehit >-999. || ecell > -999. ) {
-     std::cout << "calo/samp " << calotype << " " << sampling 
-     << " energies " << ehit << " " << eraw << " " << ecell << std::endl;
-     if (ehit > 0.001) {
-      if(calotype==0) {
-       if (sampling==0) m_hist_b0->fill(eta,ecell/ehit);
-       if (sampling==1) m_hist_b1->fill(eta,ecell/ehit);
-       if (sampling==2) m_hist_b2->fill(eta,ecell/ehit);
-       if (sampling==3) m_hist_b3->fill(eta,ecell/ehit);
-      }else {
-       if (sampling==0) m_hist_e0->fill(eta,ecell/ehit);
-       if (sampling==1) m_hist_e1->fill(eta,ecell/ehit);
-       if (sampling==2) m_hist_e2->fill(eta,ecell/ehit);
-       if (sampling==3) m_hist_e3->fill(eta,ecell/ehit);
-      }  // barrel vs EC
-     }   // cut on Ehit
-     if (ehit < -999.) {    // cell with no hit => only noise
-      if(calotype==0) {
-       if (sampling==0) m_hist_noib0->fill(ecell);
-       if (sampling==1) m_hist_noib1->fill(ecell);
-       if (sampling==2) m_hist_noib2->fill(ecell);
-       if (sampling==3) m_hist_noib3->fill(ecell);
-      }else {
-       if (sampling==0) m_hist_noie0->fill(ecell);
-       if (sampling==1) m_hist_noie1->fill(ecell);
-       if (sampling==2) m_hist_noie2->fill(ecell);
-       if (sampling==3) m_hist_noie3->fill(ecell);
-      }  // barrel vs EC
-     }
-    }    // cut on OR of energies
-  }      // loop over cells
-// check cluster
-  const LArClusterContainer* cluster_container;
-  if(m_sgSvc->retrieve(cluster_container,"LArClusterEM")
-      .isFailure()) {
-      log << MSG::INFO << " cannot retrieve cluster container " << endmsg;
-  }  
-  else
-  {   
-    LArClusterContainer::const_iterator clus_iter;
-    for(clus_iter=cluster_container->begin();
-        clus_iter != cluster_container->end();clus_iter++)
-    {
-       LArCluster* clus = (*clus_iter);
-       std::cout << " **** Cluster Et " << clus->et() << std::endl;
-    }
-  }
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
- }
-} // end of namespace bracket
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/src/MyAnalysis.cxx.save b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/src/MyAnalysis.cxx.save
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e16eb9f6e924f0db69847ea9dfd72f02eff1fa8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/src/MyAnalysis.cxx.save
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-#include "MyAnalysis/Analysis.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
-#include "AtlasDetDescr/AtlasDetectorID.h"
-#include "CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescrElement.h"
-#include "LArIdentifier/LArID.h"
-#include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
-#include "Identifier/IdentifierHash.h"
-#include "Identifier/IdContext.h"
-#include "LArDetDescr/LArDetDescriptor.h"
-#include "LArDetDescr/LArDetDescrManager.h"
-#include "LArSimEvent/LArHit.h"
-#include "LArSimEvent/LArHitContainer.h"
-#include "LArRecEvent/LArCell.h"
-#include "LArRecEvent/LArCellContainer.h"
-#include "LArRecEvent/LArCluster.h"
-#include "LArRecEvent/LArClusterContainer.h"
-#include "LArRawEvent/LArRawChannel.h"
-#include "LArRawEvent/LArRawChannelContainer.h"
-#include "LArRawUtils/LArRawDetSelector.h"
-namespace MyAnalysis {
-  //Constructor
-  Analysis:: Analysis(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator):
-    Algorithm(name,pSvcLocator){
-  }
-  //__________________________________________________________________________
-  //Destructor
-  Analysis::~Analysis()
-  {
-    MsgStream log( messageService(), name() ) ;
-    log << MSG::DEBUG << "Analysis destructor called" << endmsg;
-  }
-  //__________________________________________________________________________
-  StatusCode Analysis::initialize()
-  {
-    MsgStream log( messageService(), name() );
-    log << MSG::INFO <<"Analysis initialize()" << endmsg;
-    // Get the StoreGateSvc
-    if (service("StoreGateSvc", m_sgSvc).isFailure()) {
-      log << MSG::ALWAYS << "No StoreGate!!!!!!!" << endmsg;
-    }
-     m_lar_dd_man = LArDetDescrManager::instance();
-     const AtlasDetectorID* atlasId = m_lar_dd_man->get_em_id();
-     m_id = atlasId->lar_em();
-     log << MSG::INFO << " end of initialization" << endmsg;
-     m_nevt=0;
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS; 
-  }
-  //__________________________________________________________________________
-  StatusCode Analysis::finalize()
-  {
-    MsgStream log( messageService(), name() );
-    log << MSG::DEBUG <<"Analysis finalize()" << endmsg;
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS; 
-  }
-  //__________________________________________________________________________
-  StatusCode Analysis::execute()
-  {
-    //.............................................
-    MsgStream log( messageService(), name() );
-    log << MSG::INFO << "Analysis execute()" << endmsg;
-   m_nevt++;
-   log << MSG::INFO << " ***** Event " << m_nevt << endmsg;
-// Loop over LArCells
-  int nc=0;
-  const LArCellContainer* cell_container;
-  if(m_sgSvc->retrieve(cell_container,"LArEM").isFailure())
-  {
-    log << MSG::INFO
-        << " Could not get pointer to Cell Container " 
-        << endmsg;
-  } else
-  {
-   LArCellContainer::const_iterator first_cell = cell_container->begin();
-   LArCellContainer::const_iterator end_cell   = cell_container->end();
-   log << MSG::INFO << "*** Start loop over LArCells in Myanalysis" << endmsg;
-   for (; first_cell != end_cell; ++first_cell)
-   {
-       nc++;
-       Identifier cellID = (*first_cell)->ID();
-       double eta = (*first_cell)->eta();
-       double phi = (*first_cell)->phi();
-       double et  = (*first_cell)->et();
-       double energy=  (*first_cell)->energy();
-   }
-  } 
-  log << MSG::INFO << " === Number of Cells " << nc << endmsg;
-// Loop over LArRawChannel
-  int nraw=0;
-  const LArRawChannelContainer* rawchannel_container;
-  if(m_sgSvc->retrieve(rawchannel_container,"LArRawChannels").isFailure())
-  {
-    log << MSG::INFO
-        << " Could not get  LArRawChannel container"
-        << endmsg;
-  } else
-  {
-   log << MSG::INFO 
-       << "*** Start loop over LArRawChannel in Myanalysis" << endmsg;
-   LArRawDetSelector  selObj(rawchannel_container) ;
-   selObj.setDet(m_id);
-   LArRawDetSelector::const_iterator f_cell =
-                                 selObj.begin();
-   LArRawDetSelector::const_iterator l_cell =
-                                 selObj.end();
-   for (; f_cell != l_cell; ++f_cell)
-   {
-     const LArRawChannel* hit = (*f_cell) ;
-     double energy=hit->energy();            //  energy in MeV from RawChannem
-     nraw++;
-   }
-  }
-  log << MSG::INFO << " == Number Raw Channels " << nraw << endmsg;
-// Loop over LAr hits
-  int nh=0;
-  std::vector <std::string> m_HitContainer;
-  m_HitContainer.push_back("LArHitEMB");
-  m_HitContainer.push_back("LArHitEMEC");
-  m_HitContainer.push_back("LArHitHEC");
-  m_HitContainer.push_back("LArHitFCAL");
-  unsigned int iHitContainer;
-  log << MSG::INFO << "m_HitContainer.size " << m_HitContainer.size() << endmsg;
-  for (iHitContainer=0;iHitContainer<m_HitContainer.size();iHitContainer++)
-  {
-    const LArHitContainer* hit_container ;
-    if(m_sgSvc->retrieve(hit_container,m_HitContainer[iHitContainer])
-      .isFailure()) {
-      log << MSG::INFO << " cannot retrieve hit container " << endmsg;
-    }  else
-    {
-       int ihit = 0;
-       LArHitContainer::const_iterator hititer;
-       for(hititer=hit_container->begin();
-           hititer != hit_container->end();hititer++)
-       {
-          nh++;
-          ihit++;
-          LArHit* hit = (*hititer);
-       }
-     log << MSG::INFO << " number of hits found " << ihit << endmsg;
-     double xhit = (double) ihit;
-    }
-  }
-  log << MSG::INFO << " == Number of hits " << nh << endmsg;
-// check cluster
-  const LArClusterContainer* cluster_container;
-  if(m_sgSvc->retrieve(cluster_container,"LArClusterEM")
-      .isFailure()) {
-      log << MSG::INFO << " cannot retrieve cluster container " << endmsg;
-  }  
-  else
-  {   
-    LArClusterContainer::const_iterator clus_iter;
-    for(clus_iter=cluster_container->begin();
-        clus_iter != cluster_container->end();clus_iter++)
-    {
-       LArCluster* clus = (*clus_iter);
-       std::cout << " **** Cluster Et " << clus->et() << std::endl;
-    }
-  }
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
- }
-} // end of namespace bracket
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/src/MyAnalysisCal.cxx b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/src/MyAnalysisCal.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index c869448e2b44b033cca6513c5eed427d44fc0462..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/src/MyAnalysisCal.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include "CaloTests/AnalysisCal.h"
-#include "Gaudi/Property.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/NTuple.h"
-#include "LArSimEvent/LArHit.h"
-#include "LArSimEvent/LArHitContainer.h"
-#include "CaloSimEvent/CaloCalibrationHit.h"
-#include "CaloSimEvent/CaloCalibrationHitContainer.h"
-#include "GeneratorObjects/McEventCollection.h"
-#include "StoreGate/ReadHandle.h"
-#include "AtlasHepMC/GenEvent.h"
-#include "AtlasHepMC/GenParticle.h"
-namespace MyAnalysisCal {
-  //Constructor
-  AnalysisCal::AnalysisCal(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator):
-    AthReentrantAlgorithm(name,pSvcLocator)
-    //m_nevt(0)
-  {
-  }
-  //__________________________________________________________________________
-  //Destructor
-  AnalysisCal::~AnalysisCal()
-  {
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "AnalysisCal destructor called"  );
-  }
-  //__________________________________________________________________________
-  StatusCode AnalysisCal::initialize()
-  {
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Analysiscal initialize()"  );
-    ATH_CHECK( m_mcCollName.initialize() );
-    ATH_CHECK( m_hitContainerNames.initialize() );
-    ATH_CHECK( m_calibHitContainerNames.initialize() );
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS; 
-  }
-  //__________________________________________________________________________
-  StatusCode AnalysisCal::finalize()
-  {
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("AnalysisCal finalize()"  );
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS; 
-  }
-  //__________________________________________________________________________
-  StatusCode AnalysisCal::execute (const EventContext& ctx) const
-  {
-    //.............................................
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "AnalysisCal execute()"  );
-// loop over generated particles
-      SG::ReadHandle<McEventCollection> mcCollptr (m_mcCollName, ctx);
-      double e_true=0.;
-      double eta_true=-999.;
-      double phi_true=-999.;
-      {
-       McEventCollection::const_iterator itr;
-       for (itr = mcCollptr->begin(); itr!=mcCollptr->end(); ++itr) {
-        for (auto part: **itr )
-       {
-         if(  (std::abs(part->pdg_id())==11 || part->pdg_id()==22)&& part->momentum().e()> 5000.)
-         {
-          e_true = part->momentum().e();
-          eta_true = part->momentum().pseudoRapidity();
-          phi_true = part->momentum().phi();
-          ATH_MSG_INFO( " true particle found " << part->pdg_id() << " " <<e_true << " " << eta_true << " " << phi_true  );
-         } // e or gamma found
-        }  // loop over particle
-       }   // loop over mcCollptr
-      }
-// Loop over LAr hits
-  int nhit_tot=0;
-  double etot_hit=0.;
-  for (const SG::ReadHandleKey<LArHitContainer>& k : m_hitContainerNames) {
-    SG::ReadHandle<LArHitContainer> hit_container (k, ctx);
-    for (const LArHit* hit : *hit_container) {
-      etot_hit += hit->energy();
-      nhit_tot++;
-    }
-  }
-  ATH_MSG_INFO( " Total number of LAr hits " << nhit_tot  );
-  ATH_MSG_INFO( " Etot LAr hits            " << etot_hit  );
-// loop over Calibration Hits
-  double etot_cal=0;
-  nhit_tot=0;
-  for (const SG::ReadHandleKey<CaloCalibrationHitContainer>& k : m_calibHitContainerNames)
-  {
-    SG::ReadHandle<CaloCalibrationHitContainer> calocalibrationhit_container (k, ctx);
-    for (const CaloCalibrationHit* calibhit : *calocalibrationhit_container) {
-      nhit_tot++;
-      etot_cal = etot_cal + calibhit->energyTotal();
-    }
-  }
-  ATH_MSG_INFO( " Total number of calibration hits " << nhit_tot  );
-  ATH_MSG_INFO( " Etot calibration hits            " << etot_cal  );
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
- }
-} // end of namespace bracket
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/src/components/CaloTests_entries.cxx b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/src/components/CaloTests_entries.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index fcd1ff7b2e06b3094b6c83bcb3ec8683f807c7e9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/src/components/CaloTests_entries.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-#include "CaloTests/Analysis.h"
-#include "CaloTests/AnalysisCal.h"
-DECLARE_COMPONENT( MyAnalysis::Analysis )
-DECLARE_COMPONENT( MyAnalysisCal::AnalysisCal )
diff --git a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/test/CaloTests_TestConfiguration.xml b/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/test/CaloTests_TestConfiguration.xml
deleted file mode 100755
index ecc7dcaf47177e550f11a761d7aa7ba9a26ec4a2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests/test/CaloTests_TestConfiguration.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,483 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<!DOCTYPE unifiedTestConfiguration SYSTEM "http://www.hep.ucl.ac.uk/atlas/AtlasTesting/DTD/unifiedTestConfiguration.dtd">
-   <kv/>		
-   <rtt xmlns="http://www.hep.ucl.ac.uk/atlas/AtlasTesting/rtt">
-<rttContactPerson>Emmanuel Le Guirriec</rttContactPerson>
-      <jobList>
-     <displayClass>OfflineValidation</displayClass>
-     <displayComponent>Det-LAr</displayComponent>
-	 <!-- TOP CHAIN -->	 
-         <chainName>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5</chainName>         
-         <sequential> 
-         <!-- SIMULATION -->
-	 <chainElement> 
-	        <athena userJobId="FullChain_Sim_singlePi0_100GeV_eta">
-                <doc>single Pi0 100GeV,See CaloTests_GeomTag*txt for the used geometry,https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Atlas/CaloIntegration</doc>
-		<displayName>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5</displayName>
-                <commandLineFlags>
-                jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=20;jp.AthenaCommonFlags.PoolHitsOutput="Chain.Sim_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5.pool.root"
-                </commandLineFlags>
-                <options>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5.py</options>
-	        <package>Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests</package>
-                <group>CaloTestsAANT</group>
-		<queue>medium</queue> 
-		<athenaCommonFlags/>
-                </athena>
-                <chainfileout>Chain.Sim_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5.pool.root</chainfileout>
-         </chainElement>  
-         <!-- DIGITIZATION -->
-         <chainElement>	
-	        <athena userJobId="FullChain_Dig_singlePi0_100GeV_eta">
-                <doc>single Pi0 100GeV,See CaloTests_GeomTag*txt for the used geometry,https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Atlas/CaloIntegration</doc>
-		<displayName>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5</displayName>
-                <commandLineFlags>
-                jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=-1;jp.AthenaCommonFlags.PoolRDOOutput="Chain.Dig_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5.pool.root"
-                </commandLineFlags> 	        
-                <options>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5.py</options>
-                <package>Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests</package>
-                <group>CaloTestsAANT</group>
-		<queue>medium</queue>
-                <chaindataset_info>
-		 <dc2 />
-                 <chaindatasetName>Chain.Sim_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5.pool.root</chaindatasetName>
-		 <!-- If the file on the previous line is not in the chain store, then use the following fallback file. -->
-                 <dataset_info>
-                     <dc2 />
-                     <datasetName>/afs/cern.ch/atlas/project/lar/calo_data/rtt/fallback/Chain.Sim_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5.pool.root</datasetName>
-                 </dataset_info>
-                </chaindataset_info>
-		<athenaCommonFlags/>
-                </athena>
-                <chainfileout>Chain.Dig_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5.pool.root</chainfileout>
-          </chainElement>
-         <!-- RECONSTRUCTION -->
-	  <chainElement>	
-	        <athena userJobId="FullChain_Rec_singlePi0_100GeV_eta">
-                <doc>single Pi0 100GeV,See CaloTests_GeomTag*txt for the used geometry,https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Atlas/CaloIntegration</doc>
-		<displayName>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5</displayName>
-                <commandLineFlags>
-	        jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=-1;
-                </commandLineFlags>
-                <options>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5.py</options>
-                <package>Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests</package>
-                <group>CaloTestsAANT</group>
-		<queue>medium</queue>
-                <chaindataset_info> 
-                 <dc2 />
-                 <chaindatasetName>Chain.Dig_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5.pool.root</chaindatasetName>           
-		 <!-- If the file on the previous line is not in the chain store, then use the following fallback file. -->
-                 <dataset_info>
-                     <dc2 />
-                     <datasetName>/afs/cern.ch/atlas/project/lar/calo_data/rtt/fallback/Chain.Dig_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5.pool.root</datasetName>
-                 </dataset_info>
-                </chaindataset_info>
-                <testToRemove>
-                <jobGroupName>RTT:Top</jobGroupName>
-                <testidentifier>CheckFileRunner0</testidentifier>
-                </testToRemove>
-		<athenaCommonFlags/>
-                </athena>
-          </chainElement>   
-          </sequential>
-	 <!-- TOP CHAIN -->	 
-         <chainName>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_singleChargedPi_100GeV_eta-5+5</chainName>         
-         <sequential> 
-         <!-- SIMULATION -->
-	 <chainElement> 
-	        <athena userJobId="FullChain_Sim_singleChargedPi_100GeV_eta">
-                <doc>single charged Pi 100GeV,See CaloTests_GeomTag*txt for the used geometry,https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Atlas/CaloIntegration</doc>
-		<displayName>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_singleChargedPi_100GeV_eta-5+5</displayName>
-                <commandLineFlags>
-                jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=20;jp.AthenaCommonFlags.PoolHitsOutput="Chain.Sim_singleChargedPi_100GeV_eta-5+5.pool.root"
-                </commandLineFlags>
-                <options>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5.py</options>
-	        <package>Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests</package>
-                <group>CaloTestsAANT</group>
-		<queue>medium</queue> 
-		<athenaCommonFlags/>
-                </athena>
-                <chainfileout>Chain.Sim_singleChargedPi_100GeV_eta-5+5.pool.root</chainfileout>
-         </chainElement>  
-         <!-- DIGITIZATION -->
-         <chainElement>	
-	        <athena userJobId="FullChain_Dig_singleChargedPi_100GeV_eta">
-                <doc>single Pi0 100GeV,See CaloTests_GeomTag*txt for the used geometry,https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Atlas/CaloIntegration</doc>
-		<displayName>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_singleChargedPi_100GeV_eta-5+5</displayName>
-                <commandLineFlags>
-                jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=-1;jp.AthenaCommonFlags.PoolRDOOutput="Chain.Dig_singleChargedPi_100GeV_eta-5+5.pool.root"
-                </commandLineFlags> 	        
-                <options>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_singlePi0_100GeV_eta-5+5.py</options>
-                <package>Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests</package>
-                <group>CaloTestsAANT</group>
-		<queue>medium</queue>
-                <chaindataset_info>
-		 <dc2 />
-                 <chaindatasetName>Chain.Sim_singleChargedPi_100GeV_eta-5+5.pool.root</chaindatasetName>
-		 <!-- If the file on the previous line is not in the chain store, then use the following fallback file. -->
-                 <dataset_info>
-                     <dc2 />
-                     <datasetName>/afs/cern.ch/atlas/project/lar/calo_data/rtt/fallback/Chain.Sim_singleChargedPi_100GeV_eta-5+5.pool.root</datasetName>
-                 </dataset_info>
-                </chaindataset_info>
-		<athenaCommonFlags/>
-                </athena>
-                <chainfileout>Chain.Dig_singleChargedPi_100GeV_eta-5+5.pool.root</chainfileout>
-          </chainElement>
-         <!-- RECONSTRUCTION -->
-	  <chainElement>	
-	        <athena userJobId="FullChain_Rec_singleChargedPi_100GeV_eta">
-                <doc>single Charged Pi 100GeV,See CaloTests_GeomTag*txt for the used geometry,https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Atlas/CaloIntegration</doc>
-		<displayName>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_singleChargedPi_100GeV_eta-5+5</displayName>
-                <commandLineFlags>
-	        jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=-1;
-                </commandLineFlags>
-                <options>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_singleChargedPi_100GeV_eta-5+5.py</options>
-                <package>Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests</package>
-                <group>CaloTestsAANT</group>
-		<queue>medium</queue>
-                <chaindataset_info> 
-                 <dc2 />
-                 <chaindatasetName>Chain.Dig_singleChargedPi_100GeV_eta-5+5.pool.root</chaindatasetName>           
-		 <!-- If the file on the previous line is not in the chain store, then use the following fallback file. -->
-                 <dataset_info>
-                     <dc2 />
-                     <datasetName>/afs/cern.ch/atlas/project/lar/calo_data/rtt/fallback/Chain.Dig_singleChargedPi_100GeV_eta-5+5.pool.root</datasetName>
-                 </dataset_info>
-                </chaindataset_info>
-                <testToRemove>
-                <jobGroupName>RTT:Top</jobGroupName>
-                <testidentifier>CheckFileRunner0</testidentifier>
-                </testToRemove>
-		<athenaCommonFlags/>
-                </athena>
-          </chainElement>   
-          </sequential>
-	 <!-- TOP CHAIN -->	 
-         <chainName>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_singleE_5GeV</chainName>         
-         <sequential> 
-         <!-- SIMULATION -->
-	 <chainElement> 
-	        <athena userJobId="FullChain_Sim_singleE_5GeV">
-                <doc>single electrons 5GeV,See CaloTests_GeomTag*txt for the used geometry,https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Atlas/CaloIntegration</doc>
-		<displayName>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_singleE_5GeV</displayName>
-                <commandLineFlags>
-                jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=20;jp.AthenaCommonFlags.PoolHitsOutput="Chain.Sim_singleE_5GeV.pool.root"
-                </commandLineFlags>
-                <options>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_singleE_5GeV.py</options>
-	        <package>Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests</package>
-                <group>CaloTestsAANT</group>
-		<queue>medium</queue> 
-		<athenaCommonFlags/>
-                </athena>
-                <chainfileout>Chain.Sim_singleE_5GeV.pool.root</chainfileout>
-         </chainElement>  
-         <!-- DIGITIZATION -->
-         <chainElement>	
-	        <athena userJobId="FullChain_Dig_singleE_5GeV">
-                <doc>Dig_singleE_5GeV</doc>
-		<displayName>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_singleE_5GeV</displayName>
-                <commandLineFlags>
-                jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=-1;jp.AthenaCommonFlags.PoolRDOOutput="Chain.Dig_singleE_5GeV.pool.root"
-                </commandLineFlags> 	        
-                <options>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_singleE_5GeV.py</options>
-                <package>Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests</package>
-                <group>CaloTestsAANT</group>
-		<queue>medium</queue>
-                <chaindataset_info>
-		 <dc2 />
-                 <chaindatasetName>Chain.Sim_singleE_5GeV.pool.root</chaindatasetName>
-		 <!-- If the file on the previous line is not in the chain store, then use the following fallback file. -->
-                 <dataset_info>
-                     <dc2 />
-                     <datasetName>/afs/cern.ch/atlas/project/lar/calo_data/rtt/fallback/Chain.Sim_singleE_5GeV.pool.root</datasetName>
-                 </dataset_info>
-                </chaindataset_info>
-		<athenaCommonFlags/>
-                </athena>
-                <chainfileout>Chain.Dig_singleE_5GeV.pool.root</chainfileout>
-          </chainElement>
-         <!-- RECONSTRUCTION -->
-	  <chainElement>	
-	        <athena userJobId="FullChain_Rec_singleE_5GeV">
-                <doc>Rec_singleE_5GeV</doc>
-		<displayName>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_singleE_5GeV</displayName>
-                <commandLineFlags>
-	        jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=-1;
-                </commandLineFlags>
-                <options>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_singleE_5GeV.py</options>
-                <package>Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests</package>
-                <group>CaloTestsAANT</group>
-		<queue>medium</queue>
-                <chaindataset_info> 
-                 <dc2 />
-                 <chaindatasetName>Chain.Dig_singleE_5GeV.pool.root</chaindatasetName>           
-		 <!-- If the file on the previous line is not in the chain store, then use the following fallback file. -->
-                 <dataset_info>
-                     <dc2 />
-                     <datasetName>/afs/cern.ch/atlas/project/lar/calo_data/rtt/fallback/Chain.Dig_singleE_5GeV.pool.root</datasetName>
-                 </dataset_info>
-                </chaindataset_info>
-                <testToRemove>
-                <jobGroupName>RTT:Top</jobGroupName>
-                <testidentifier>CheckFileRunner0</testidentifier>
-                </testToRemove>
-		<athenaCommonFlags/>
-                </athena>
-          </chainElement>   
-          </sequential>
-	 <!-- TOP CHAIN -->	 
-         <chainName>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_singleE_50GeV</chainName>         
-         <sequential> 
-         <!-- SIMULATION -->
-	 <chainElement>                
-	       <athena userJobId="FullChain_Sim_singleE_50GeV"> 
-                <doc>single electrons 50GeV,See CaloTests_GeomTag*txt for the used geometry,https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Atlas/CaloIntegration</doc>
-		<displayName>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_singleE_50GeV</displayName>
-                <commandLineFlags>
-                jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=20;jp.AthenaCommonFlags.PoolHitsOutput="Chain.Sim_singleE_50GeV.pool.root"
-                </commandLineFlags>
-                <options>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_singleE_50GeV.py</options>
-	        <package>Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests</package>
-                <group>CaloTestsAANT</group>
-		<queue>medium</queue>
-		<athenaCommonFlags/>
-                </athena>
-                <chainfileout>Chain.Sim_singleE_50GeV.pool.root</chainfileout>
-         </chainElement>  
-         <!-- DIGITIZATION -->
-         <chainElement>
-	 	<athena userJobId="FullChain_Dig_singleE_50GeV">
-                <doc>Dig_singleE_5GeV</doc>
-		<displayName>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_singleE_50GeV</displayName>
-                <commandLineFlags>
-                jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=-1;jp.AthenaCommonFlags.PoolRDOOutput="Chain.Dig_singleE_50GeV.pool.root"
-                </commandLineFlags> 	        
-                <options>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_singleE_50GeV.py</options>
-                <package>Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests</package>
-                <group>CaloTestsAANT</group>
-		<queue>medium</queue>
-                <chaindataset_info>
-		 <dc2 />
-                 <chaindatasetName>Chain.Sim_singleE_50GeV.pool.root</chaindatasetName>
-		 <!-- If the file on the previous line is not in the chain store, then use the following fallback file. -->
-                 <dataset_info>
-                     <dc2 />
-                     <datasetName>/afs/cern.ch/atlas/project/lar/calo_data/rtt/fallback/Chain.Sim_singleE_50GeV.pool.root</datasetName>
-                 </dataset_info>
-                </chaindataset_info>
-		<athenaCommonFlags/>
-                </athena>
-                <chainfileout>Chain.Dig_singleE_50GeV.pool.root</chainfileout>
-          </chainElement>
-         <!-- RECONSTRUCTION -->
-	  <chainElement>	
-	 	<athena userJobId="FullChain_Rec_singleE_50GeV">
-                <doc>Rec_singleE_50GeV</doc>
-		<displayName>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_singleE_50GeV</displayName>
-                <commandLineFlags>
-	        jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=-1;
-                </commandLineFlags>
-                <options>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_singleE_50GeV.py</options>
-                <package>Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests</package>
-                <group>CaloTestsAANT</group>
-		<queue>medium</queue>
-                <chaindataset_info> 
-                 <dc2 />
-                 <chaindatasetName>Chain.Dig_singleE_50GeV.pool.root</chaindatasetName>           
-		 <!-- If the file on the previous line is not in the chain store, then use the following fallback file. -->
-                 <dataset_info>
-                     <dc2 />
-                     <datasetName>/afs/cern.ch/atlas/project/lar/calo_data/rtt/fallback/Chain.Dig_singleE_50GeV.pool.root</datasetName>
-                 </dataset_info>
-                </chaindataset_info>
-                <testToRemove>
-                <jobGroupName>RTT:Top</jobGroupName>
-                <testidentifier>CheckFileRunner0</testidentifier>
-                </testToRemove>
-		<athenaCommonFlags/>
-                </athena>
-          </chainElement>   
-          </sequential>
-	 <!-- TOP CHAIN -->	 
-         <chainName>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_singlePhot_50GeV</chainName>         
-         <sequential> 
-         <!-- SIMULATION -->
-	 <chainElement>                
-	        <athena userJobId="FullChain_Sim_singlePhot_50GeV">
-                <doc>single electrons 50GeV,See CaloTests_GeomTag*txt for the used geometry,https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Atlas/CaloIntegration</doc>
-		<displayName>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_singlePhot_50GeV</displayName>
-                <commandLineFlags>
-                jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=20;jp.AthenaCommonFlags.PoolHitsOutput="Chain.Sim_singlePhot_50GeV.pool.root"
-                </commandLineFlags>
-                <options>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Sim_singlePhot_50GeV.py</options>
-	        <package>Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests</package>
-                <group>CaloTestsAANT</group>
-		<queue>medium</queue> 
-		<athenaCommonFlags/>
-                </athena>
-                <chainfileout>Chain.Sim_singlePhot_50GeV.pool.root</chainfileout>
-         </chainElement>  
-         <!-- DIGITIZATION -->
-         <chainElement>	
-		<athena userJobId="FullChain_Dig_singlePhot_50GeV">
-                <doc>Dig_singleE_5GeV</doc>
-		<displayName>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_singlePhot_50GeV</displayName>
-                <commandLineFlags>
-                jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=-1;jp.AthenaCommonFlags.PoolRDOOutput="Chain.Dig_singlePhot_50GeV.pool.root"
-                </commandLineFlags> 	        
-                <options>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Dig_singlePhot_50GeV.py</options>
-                <package>Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests</package>
-                <group>CaloTestsAANT</group>
-		<queue>medium</queue>
-                <chaindataset_info>
-		 <dc2 />
-                 <chaindatasetName>Chain.Sim_singlePhot_50GeV.pool.root</chaindatasetName>
-		 <!-- If the file on the previous line is not in the chain store, then use the following fallback file. -->
-                 <dataset_info>
-                     <dc2 />
-                     <datasetName>/afs/cern.ch/atlas/project/lar/calo_data/rtt/fallback/Chain.Sim_singlePhot_50GeV.pool.root</datasetName>
-                 </dataset_info>
-                </chaindataset_info>
-		<athenaCommonFlags/>
-                </athena>
-                <chainfileout>Chain.Dig_singlePhot_50GeV.pool.root</chainfileout>
-          </chainElement>
-         <!-- RECONSTRUCTION -->
-	  <chainElement>	
-		<athena userJobId="FullChain_Rec_singlePhot_50GeV">
-                <doc>Rec_singlePhot_50GeV</doc>
-		<displayName>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_singlePhot_50GeV</displayName>
-                <commandLineFlags>
-	        jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=-1;
-                </commandLineFlags>
-                <options>CaloTests_RTT_FullChain_Rec_singlePhot_50GeV.py</options>
-                <package>Calorimeter/CaloExample/CaloTests</package>
-                <group>CaloTestsAANT</group>
-		<queue>medium</queue>
-                <chaindataset_info> 
-                 <dc2 />
-                 <chaindatasetName>Chain.Dig_singlePhot_50GeV.pool.root</chaindatasetName>           
-		 <!-- If the file on the previous line is not in the chain store, then use the following fallback file. -->
-                 <dataset_info>
-                     <dc2 />
-                     <datasetName>/afs/cern.ch/atlas/project/lar/calo_data/rtt/fallback/Chain.Dig_singlePhot_50GeV.pool.root</datasetName>
-                 </dataset_info>
-                </chaindataset_info>
-                <testToRemove>
-                <jobGroupName>RTT:Top</jobGroupName>
-                <testidentifier>CheckFileRunner0</testidentifier>
-                </testToRemove>
-		<athenaCommonFlags/>
-                </athena>
-          </chainElement> 
-          </sequential>
-      </jobList>
-      <jobGroups>
-<jobGroup name="CaloTestsAANT" parent="RTT:Athena">
-               <keepFilePattern>*.root</keepFilePattern>
-               <keepFilePattern>*.hist</keepFilePattern>
-               <keepFilePattern>*.ps</keepFilePattern>
-               <keepFilePattern>*.txt</keepFilePattern>
-               <keepFilePattern>*.gif</keepFilePattern>
-               <keepFilePattern>*.html</keepFilePattern>
-               <keepFilePattern>*.log</keepFilePattern>
-               <keepFilePattern>rtt.css</keepFilePattern>
-               <keepFilePattern displayColor="green">checks.html</keepFilePattern>
-               <auxFilePattern>CaloTests*.C</auxFilePattern>
-               <auxFilePattern>CaloTests_runMacro*.C</auxFilePattern>
-               <auxFilePattern>CaloTests_runPython2.C</auxFilePattern>
-               <auxFilePattern>rtt.css</auxFilePattern>
-               <auxFilePattern>CaloTests_HistoComparison.txt</auxFilePattern>
-               <auxFilePattern>CaloTests_check.py</auxFilePattern>
-               <auxFilePattern>CaloTests_HistoComparison.py</auxFilePattern>
-               <auxFilePattern>CaloTests_Truth.py</auxFilePattern>
-               <auxFilePattern>CaloTests_memleak.py</auxFilePattern>
-               <auxFilePattern>CaloTests_checkAODESDcontent.py</auxFilePattern>
-               <auxFilePattern>CaloTests_extractRec.py</auxFilePattern>
-            <auxFilePattern>*Checks.py</auxFilePattern> 
-                <auxFilePattern>addHTML.py </auxFilePattern>                                                                
-   <action>
-            <modulename>RttLibraryTools</modulename>
-            <testname>ROOTMacroRunner</testname>
-            <arg>
-               <argname>macro</argname>
-               <argvalue>CaloTests_runMacros2.C</argvalue>
-            </arg>
-         </action>
-  </jobGroup>    
-      </jobGroups>
-   </rtt>