diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/ISCTRawDataProviderTool.h b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/ISCTRawDataProviderTool.h
index a3c7486deca07754de158839b17113e415b9480c..8bb1f460072f012944623bcf236ef1fb05a74f4b 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/ISCTRawDataProviderTool.h
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/ISCTRawDataProviderTool.h
@@ -2,6 +2,12 @@
   Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+ * @file SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/ISCTRawContByteStreamTool.h
+ * 
+ * Athena Algorithm Tool to fill Collections of SCT RDO Containers.
+ */
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/ISCT_RodDecoder.h b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/ISCT_RodDecoder.h
index 0fd05400e0f5d9501f1da41738f0b668adc6247d..7bfc875ad40fba8b2ceef6ba4cf90f5fa8ca1f57 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/ISCT_RodDecoder.h
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/ISCT_RodDecoder.h
@@ -3,46 +3,43 @@
- *      @file header for SCT_RodDecoder Class
- *      AlgTool class to decode ROB bytestream data into RDO
- *      @author: Kondo.Gnanvo@cern.ch, Maria.Jose.Costa@cern.ch
- *      @current developer: Kondo Gnanvo, QMUL (London), august 2005
+ * @file SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/ISCT_RodDecoder.h
+ * @author Kondo.Gnanvo@cern.ch, Maria.Jose.Costa@cern.ch
+ *
+ * AlgTool class to decode ROB bytestream data into RDO
-#include <vector>
 #include "GaudiKernel/IAlgTool.h"
-//Cannot fwd declare SCT_RDO_Container due to typedef in that file 
 #include "InDetRawData/SCT_RDO_Container.h"
-//Cannot fwd declare RawEvent, due to typedef in the .h. Needed for OFFLINE_FRAGMENTS_NAMESPACE::ROBFragment
 #include "ByteStreamData/RawEvent.h"
 #include "InDetByteStreamErrors/InDetBSErrContainer.h"
 #include "InDetByteStreamErrors/SCT_ByteStreamFractionContainer.h"
-class StatusCode;
+#include <vector>
+class StatusCode;
 class IdentifierHash;
-class ISCT_RodDecoder : virtual public IAlgTool {
+class ISCT_RodDecoder : virtual public IAlgTool 
-  /** destructor  */
-  virtual ~ISCT_RodDecoder() = default;
-  /// Creates the InterfaceID and interfaceID() method
+  /** Creates the InterfaceID and interfaceID() method */
   DeclareInterfaceID(ISCT_RodDecoder, 1, 0);
-  /** @brief Decode the rob data fragment and fill the collection SCT_RDO_Collection 
-   *  with the RDO built by the makeRDO(..) method
-   **/
+  /** Destructor */
+  virtual ~ISCT_RodDecoder() = default;
+  /** Fill Collection method */
   virtual StatusCode fillCollection(const OFFLINE_FRAGMENTS_NAMESPACE::ROBFragment&,
                                     InDetBSErrContainer* errs,
                                     SCT_ByteStreamFractionContainer* bsFracCont,
-                                    const std::vector<IdentifierHash>* vec=nullptr) const = 0;
+                                    const std::vector<IdentifierHash>* vecHash = nullptr) const = 0;
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/ISCT_RodEncoder.h b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/ISCT_RodEncoder.h
index 82753ac509fe1ca35ec7e5c81d221e4fd793b5ac..6af6148e4d061face08f74259f24b76948dc73e2 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/ISCT_RodEncoder.h
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/ISCT_RodEncoder.h
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
  * @file SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/ISCT_RodEncoder.h
- * @author: Nick Barlow (nbarlow@mail.cern.ch, Kondo.Gnanvo@cern.ch)
+ * @author Nick Barlow (nbarlow@mail.cern.ch, Kondo.Gnanvo@cern.ch)
  * @date 21 June 2007 (SCT_RodEncoder turned into An AlgTool)
  * This class provides conversion from SCT RDO to ROD format ByteStream.
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/src/SCTRawContByteStreamCnv.h b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/src/SCTRawContByteStreamCnv.h
index e76034ace697ef7423dc727bf2d583dc36c5dbb2..647193cfb1ea25dc32b95958c65feaf9739861b0 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/src/SCTRawContByteStreamCnv.h
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/src/SCTRawContByteStreamCnv.h
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ class SCTRawContByteStreamCnv : public Converter
    * Uses SCT RawContByteStreamTool to convert Raw Data to ByteStream.
-   * @param pDataObject Pointer to data object
-   * @param pOpaqueAddress Opaque address to object
+   * @param pDataObject Pointer to data object.
+   * @param pOpaqueAddress Opaque address to object.
   virtual StatusCode createRep(DataObject* pDataObject, IOpaqueAddress*& pOpaqueAddress) override;
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/src/SCTRawContByteStreamTool.h b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/src/SCTRawContByteStreamTool.h
index 130a2a5ae1ea7b244c04c1657ee77d6aee5714ac..b667e3b37b9414b2ba298399645f659eabdf503f 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/src/SCTRawContByteStreamTool.h
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/src/SCTRawContByteStreamTool.h
@@ -2,12 +2,6 @@
   Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
- * @file SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/SCTRawContByteStreamTool.h
- * @author Hong Ma
- * @date October 2002
- */
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/src/SCT_RodDecoder.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/src/SCT_RodDecoder.cxx
index e850106a7a6553d13d46b920d5019de9bff0554e..82cf6390393cb8f186a5d24d4907bf93ae0bff46 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/src/SCT_RodDecoder.cxx
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/src/SCT_RodDecoder.cxx
@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@
 #include "SCT_RodDecoder.h"
 #include "ByteStreamData/RawEvent.h"
 #include "InDetIdentifier/SCT_ID.h"
 #include "InDetReadoutGeometry/SCT_DetectorManager.h"
 #include "InDetReadoutGeometry/SiDetectorElement.h"
 #include "InDetReadoutGeometry/SiDetectorElementCollection.h"
+#include "Identifier/IdentifierHash.h"
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <deque>
 #include <utility>
@@ -21,54 +21,58 @@ union RawWord {
   uint16_t word16[2];
-(const std::string& type, const std::string& name,const IInterface* parent) :
+// Constructor
+SCT_RodDecoder::SCT_RodDecoder(const std::string& type, const std::string& name,
+                               const IInterface* parent) :
   base_class(type, name, parent),
-  m_sct_id{nullptr},
+  m_sctID{nullptr},
-  m_headnumber{0},
-  m_trailnumber{0},
-  m_head_error_bcid{0},
-  m_head_error_lvl1id{0},
-  m_head_error_timeout{0},
-  m_head_error_formatter{0},
-  m_head_error_preamb{0},
-  m_trail_error_overflow{0},
-  m_trail_error_limit{0},
-  m_trail_error_bit{0},
-  m_config_data_bit{0},
-  m_flag_error_bit{0},
-  m_cond_hit1_error{0},
-  m_cond_hit2_error{0},
-  m_chip_number_error{0},
-  m_unknown_data_format{0},
+  m_headNumber{0},
+  m_trailerNumber{0},
+  m_headErrorBCID{0},
+  m_headErrorLvl1ID{0},
+  m_headErrorTimeout{0},
+  m_headErrorFormatter{0},
+  m_headErrorPreamble{0},
+  m_trailerErrorOverflow{0},
+  m_trailerErrorLimit{0},
+  m_trailerErrorBit{0},
+  m_configDataBit{0},
+  m_flagErrorBit{0},
+  m_condHit1Error{0},
+  m_condHit2Error{0},
+  m_chipNumberError{0},
+  m_unknownDataFormat{0},
-  m_RODClockErrorNumber{0},
+  m_rodClockErrorNumber{0},
-  m_numUnknownOfflineId{0},
+  m_numUnknownOfflineID{0},
-StatusCode SCT_RodDecoder::initialize() {
+// Initialize
+StatusCode SCT_RodDecoder::initialize() 
-  /** Retrieve cabling tool */
+  // Retrieve cabling tool
   ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Retrieved tool " << m_cabling);
-  ATH_CHECK(detStore()->retrieve(m_sct_id,"SCT_ID"));
-  m_cntx_sct = m_sct_id->wafer_context();
-  m_swapPhiReadoutDirection.resize(m_sct_id->wafer_hash_max(), false);
+  ATH_CHECK(detStore()->retrieve(m_sctID,"SCT_ID"));
+  m_contextSCT = m_sctID->wafer_context();
+  m_swapPhiReadoutDirection.resize(m_sctID->wafer_hash_max(), false);
@@ -77,10 +81,11 @@ StatusCode SCT_RodDecoder::initialize() {
   // Since this is access to SiDetectorElement during initialization,
   // condition object of SiDetectorElementCollection is not accessible.
   // SCT_DetectorManager has to be used.
-  const InDetDD::SCT_DetectorManager* detManager{nullptr};
-  ATH_CHECK(detStore()->retrieve(detManager, "SCT"));
-  const InDetDD::SiDetectorElementCollection* elements{detManager->getDetectorElementCollection()};
-  for (const InDetDD::SiDetectorElement* element: *elements) {
+  const InDetDD::SCT_DetectorManager* sctDetManager{nullptr};
+  ATH_CHECK(detStore()->retrieve(sctDetManager, "SCT"));
+  const InDetDD::SiDetectorElementCollection* sctDetElementColl{sctDetManager->getDetectorElementCollection()};
+  for (const InDetDD::SiDetectorElement* element: *sctDetElementColl) {
     if (element->swapPhiReadoutDirection()) {
       m_swapPhiReadoutDirection[element->identifyHash()] = true;
@@ -89,42 +94,105 @@ StatusCode SCT_RodDecoder::initialize() {
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-SCT_RodDecoder::finalize() {
+// Finalize
+StatusCode SCT_RodDecoder::finalize() 
+  // Print out summaries of data and errors decoded
+  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: " << m_headNumber  <<" link headers found");
+  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: " << m_trailerNumber << " link trailers found");
+  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT decoding bytestream summary: " 
+               << m_singleCondHitNumber << " single strips with hit in condensed mode");
+  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT decoding bytestream summary: " 
+               << m_pairedCondHitNumber << " paired strips with hit in condensed mode");
+  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT decoding bytestream summary: " 
+               << m_firstExpHitNumber   << " first strips with hit in expanded mode");
+  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT decoding bytestream summary: " 
+               << m_evenExpHitNumber    << " consecutive paired strips with hit in expanded mode");
+  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT decoding bytestream summary: " 
+               << m_lastExpHitNumber    << " last consecutive strips with hit in expanded mode");
+  if (m_headErrorBCID > 0) {
+     ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: header-> "          
+                  << m_headErrorLvl1ID    << " LVL1d errors found");
+  }
+  if (m_headErrorTimeout > 0) {
+     ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: header-> "          
+                  << m_headErrorTimeout   << " timeout errors found");
+  }
+  if (m_headErrorFormatter > 0) {
+     ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: header-> "          
+                  << m_headErrorFormatter << " formatter errors found");
+  }
+  if (m_headErrorPreamble > 0) {
+     ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: header-> "          
+                  << m_headErrorPreamble  << " preamble errors found");
+  }
+  if (m_maskedLinkNumber > 0) {
+     ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: header-> "          
+                  << m_maskedLinkNumber   << " masked links found");
+  }
+  if (m_trailerErrorOverflow > 0) {
+     ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: trailer-> "         
+                  << m_trailerErrorOverflow << " trailer data overflow errors found");
+  }
+  if (m_trailerErrorLimit > 0) {
+     ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: trailer-> "         
+                  << m_trailerErrorLimit    << " header trailer limit errors found");
+  }
+  if (m_trailerErrorBit > 0) {
+     ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: trailer-> "         
+                  << m_trailerErrorBit      << " trailer bit errors found");
+  }
+  if (m_configDataBit > 0) {
+     ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: raw Data-> "        
+                  << m_configDataBit << " raw data found: Config data mode");
+  }
+  if (m_flagErrorBit > 0) {
+     ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: flag-> "              
+                  << m_flagErrorBit << " module link flag bit errors found");
+  }
-  /** print out summaries of data and errors decoded */
-  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: " << m_headnumber  <<" link headers found");
-  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT decoding bytestream summary: " << m_singleCondHitNumber << " single strips with hit in condensed mode");
-  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT decoding bytestream summary: " << m_pairedCondHitNumber << " paired strips with hit in condensed mode");
-  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT decoding bytestream summary: " << m_firstExpHitNumber << " first strips with hit in expanded mode");
-  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT decoding bytestream summary: " << m_evenExpHitNumber << " consecutive paired strips with hit in expanded mode");
-  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT decoding bytestream summary: " << m_lastExpHitNumber << " last consecutive strip with hit in expanded mode");
-  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: " << m_trailnumber << " link trailers found");
-  if (m_head_error_bcid > 0)      ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: header-> "       << m_head_error_lvl1id << " LVL1d errors found");
-  if (m_head_error_timeout > 0)   ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: header-> "       << m_head_error_timeout << " timeout errors found");
-  if (m_head_error_formatter > 0) ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: header-> "       << m_head_error_formatter << " formatter errors found");
-  if (m_head_error_preamb > 0)    ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: header-> "       << m_head_error_preamb << " preamble errors found");
-  if (m_maskedLinkNumber > 0)     ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: header-> "       << m_maskedLinkNumber << " masked links found");
-  if (m_trail_error_overflow > 0) ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: trailer-> "      << m_trail_error_overflow << " trailer data overflow errors found");
-  if (m_trail_error_limit > 0)    ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: trailer-> "      << m_trail_error_limit << " header trailer limit errors found");
-  if (m_trail_error_bit > 0)      ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: trailer-> "      << m_trail_error_bit << " trailer bit errors found");
-  if (m_config_data_bit > 0)      ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: raw Data-> "     << m_config_data_bit << " raw data found: Config data mode");
-  if (m_flag_error_bit > 0)       ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: flag-> "         << m_flag_error_bit << " module link flag bit errors found");
-  if (m_cond_hit1_error > 0)      ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: hit-> "          << m_cond_hit1_error << " 1st hit error found in condensed mode");
-  if (m_cond_hit2_error > 0)      ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: hit-> "          << m_cond_hit2_error << " 2nd hit error found in condensed mode");
-  if (m_chip_number_error > 0)    ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: hit-> "          << m_chip_number_error << " Chip number > 5 error found");
-  if (m_unknown_data_format > 0)  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: unknown data-> " << m_unknown_data_format << " Unknown data format found");
-  if (m_RODClockErrorNumber > 0)  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: ROD status word-> " << m_RODClockErrorNumber << " ROD clock errors found");
-  if (m_maskedRODNumber > 0)      ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: ROB status word-> " << m_maskedRODNumber << " masked RODs found");
-  if (m_truncatedRODNumber > 0)   ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: ROB status word-> " << m_truncatedRODNumber << " truncated ROBFragments");
+  if (m_condHit1Error > 0) {
+     ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: hit-> "             
+                  << m_condHit1Error   << " 1st hit error found in condensed mode");
+  }
+  if (m_condHit2Error > 0) {
+     ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: hit-> "             
+                  << m_condHit2Error   << " 2nd hit error found in condensed mode");
+  }
+  if (m_chipNumberError > 0) {
+     ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: hit-> "               
+                  << m_chipNumberError << " Chip number > 5 error found");
+  }
+  if (m_unknownDataFormat > 0) {
+     ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: unknown data-> "    
+                  << m_unknownDataFormat << " Unknown data format found");
+  }
+  if (m_rodClockErrorNumber > 0) {
+     ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: ROD status word-> " 
+                  << m_rodClockErrorNumber << " ROD clock errors found");
+  }
+  if (m_maskedRODNumber > 0) {
+     ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: ROB status word-> " 
+                  << m_maskedRODNumber     << " masked RODs found");
+  }
+  if (m_truncatedRODNumber > 0) {
+     ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: ROB status word-> " 
+                  << m_truncatedRODNumber  << " truncated ROBFragments");
+  }
   ATH_MSG_INFO("Number of SCT hits in ByteStream-> " << m_nHits);
   ATH_MSG_INFO("Number of SCT RDOs created->       " << m_nRDOs);
   if (m_numMissingLinkHeader > 0) ATH_MSG_WARNING("SCT Missing Link Headers found " << m_numMissingLinkHeader);
-  if (m_numUnknownOfflineId  > 0) ATH_MSG_WARNING("SCT unknown onlineId found " << m_numUnknownOfflineId);
+  if (m_numUnknownOfflineID  > 0) ATH_MSG_WARNING("SCT unknown onlineIDs found "     << m_numUnknownOfflineID);
@@ -132,134 +200,133 @@ SCT_RodDecoder::finalize() {
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+// fillCollection method
-SCT_RodDecoder::fillCollection(const OFFLINE_FRAGMENTS_NAMESPACE::ROBFragment& robFrag,
-                               ISCT_RDO_Container& rdoIdc,
-                               InDetBSErrContainer* errs,
-                               SCT_ByteStreamFractionContainer* bsFracCont,
-                               const std::vector<IdentifierHash>* vecHash) const
+StatusCode SCT_RodDecoder::fillCollection(const OFFLINE_FRAGMENTS_NAMESPACE::ROBFragment& robFrag,
+                                          ISCT_RDO_Container& rdoIDCont,
+                                          InDetBSErrContainer* errs,
+                                          SCT_ByteStreamFractionContainer* bsFracCont,
+                                          const std::vector<IdentifierHash>* vecHash) const
-  const uint32_t robid{robFrag.rod_source_id()};
-  /**determine whether this data was generated using the ROD simulator */
-  const uint32_t rod_datatype{robFrag.rod_detev_type()};
-  const bool rodSimulatedData{static_cast<bool>((rod_datatype >> 20) & 1)};
-  if (bsFracCont) bsFracCont->insert(SCT_ByteStreamFractionContainer::SimulatedData, robid, rodSimulatedData);
-  if (rodSimulatedData) addRODError(robid, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::RODSimulatedData, errs);
+  const uint32_t robID{robFrag.rod_source_id()};
+  // Determine whether this data was generated using the ROD simulator
+  const uint32_t rodDataType{robFrag.rod_detev_type()};
+  const bool rodSimulatedData{static_cast<bool>((rodDataType >> 20) & 1)};
+  if (bsFracCont) {
+     bsFracCont->insert(SCT_ByteStreamFractionContainer::SimulatedData, robID, rodSimulatedData);
+  }
+  if (rodSimulatedData) addRODError(robID, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::RODSimulatedData, errs);
-  /** look for the bit that denotes "Super-condensed" mode.*/
-  const bool superCondensedMode{static_cast<bool>((rod_datatype >> 21) & 1)};
-  if (bsFracCont) bsFracCont->insert(SCT_ByteStreamFractionContainer::SuperCondensedMode, robid, superCondensedMode);
+  // Look for the bit that denotes "Super-condensed" mode
+  const bool superCondensedMode{static_cast<bool>((rodDataType >> 21) & 1)};
+  if (bsFracCont) {
+     bsFracCont->insert(SCT_ByteStreamFractionContainer::SuperCondensedMode, robID, superCondensedMode);
+  }
   bool condensedMode{true};
   int strip{0};
-  int oldstrip{-1};
-  int oldside{-1};
+  int oldStrip{-1};
+  int oldSide{-1};
   int chip{0};
   int side{0};
   int nStripsInWord{0};
-  int linkNb{0};
-  uint32_t onlineId{0};
-  int tbin{0};
+  int linkNumber{0};
+  uint32_t onlineID{0};
+  int timeBin{0};
   int groupSize{0};
   bool saved[768*2]{false};
-  int ABCerror{0};
-  int wordcount{-1};
+  int abcError{0};
+  int wordCount{-1};
   RawWord robData;
   int n;
-  int ERRORS{0}; /** encodes the errors on the header
-                  * bit 4: error in condensed mode 1st hit
-                  * bit 5: error in condensed mode 2nd hit
-                  */
+  int errors{0}; // Encodes the errors on the header (bit 4: error in condensed mode 1st hit, bit 5: error in condensed mode 2nd hit)
-  /** These are for the trigger */
+  // These are for the trigger
   CacheHelper cache;
   cache.vecHash = vecHash;
-  IdentifierHash currentLinkIdHash;
+  IdentifierHash currentLinkIDHash;
   std::vector<int> errorHit;
   StatusCode sc{StatusCode::SUCCESS};
-  /// look at ROB status word ////////////////////////
+  // Look at ROB status word
   if (robFrag.nstatus()!=0) {
-    const uint32_t* rob_status;
-    robFrag.status(rob_status);
-    if ((*rob_status)!=0) {
-      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("ROB status word for robid " << std::hex << robid << " is non-zero " << (*rob_status) << std::dec);
-      /// first store generic "ROBFragmentError" error type..
-      addRODError(robid, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ROBFragmentError, errs);
+    const uint32_t* robStatus;
+    robFrag.status(robStatus);
+    if ((*robStatus)!=0) {
+      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("ROB status word for robID " << std::hex << robID 
+                    << " is non-zero " << (*robStatus) << std::dec);
+      // First store generic "ROBFragmentError" error type.
+      addRODError(robID, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ROBFragmentError, errs);
       sc = StatusCode::RECOVERABLE;
-      /// now look for specific problems, e.g. truncated or masked-off RODs
-      if (((*rob_status) >> 27) & 0x1) {
-        ATH_MSG_DEBUG("ROB status word for robid " << std::hex << robid << std::dec << " indicates data truncation.");
-        addRODError(robid, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::TruncatedROD, errs);
+      // Now look for specific problems, e.g. truncated or masked-off RODs
+      if (((*robStatus) >> 27) & 0x1) {
+        ATH_MSG_DEBUG("ROB status word for robID " << std::hex << robID 
+                      << std::dec << " indicates data truncation.");
+        addRODError(robID, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::TruncatedROD, errs);
         return sc;
-      if ((((*rob_status) >> 29) & 0x1) or (((*rob_status) >> 31) & 0x1)) {
-        ATH_MSG_DEBUG("ROB status word for robid " << std::hex << robid << std::dec << " indicates resource was masked off.");
-        addRODError(robid, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::MaskedROD, errs);
+      if ((((*robStatus) >> 29) & 0x1) or (((*robStatus) >> 31) & 0x1)) {
+        ATH_MSG_DEBUG("ROB status word for robID " << std::hex << robID 
+                      << std::dec << " indicates resource was masked off.");
+        addRODError(robID, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::MaskedROD, errs);
         return sc;
-  /// look at ROD status words /////////
-  const long unsigned int vRodStatusSize{robFrag.rod_nstatus()};
-  robFrag.rod_status(vRodStatus);
-  for (long unsigned int j{0}; j<vRodStatusSize; j++) {
-    const uint32_t statusWord{vRodStatus[j]};
-    /** check for clock errors in second ROD status word */
-    if (j==1) {
+  // Look at ROD status words
+  const long unsigned int vecRODStatusSize{robFrag.rod_nstatus()};
+  robFrag.rod_status(vecRODStatus);
+  for (long unsigned int i{0}; i<vecRODStatusSize; i++) {
+    const uint32_t statusWord{vecRODStatus[i]};
+    // Check for clock errors in second ROD status word
+    if (i==1) {
       const int timClockError{static_cast<int>((statusWord >> 16) & 0x1)};
       const int bocClockError{static_cast<int>((statusWord >> 17) & 0x1)};
       if (timClockError or bocClockError) {
         ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" Clock error in ROD status word: " << timClockError << " " << bocClockError);
-        addRODError(robid, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::RODClockError, errs);
-        m_RODClockErrorNumber++;
+        addRODError(robID, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::RODClockError, errs);
+        m_rodClockErrorNumber++;
-      /** look at bits 20-23 for DCS HV */
+      // Look at bits 20-23 for DCS HV
       const int hvBits{static_cast<int>((statusWord >> 20) & 0xf)};
       const bool hvOn{hvBits==0xf};
-      if (bsFracCont) bsFracCont->insert(SCT_ByteStreamFractionContainer::HVOn, robid, hvOn);
+      if (bsFracCont) bsFracCont->insert(SCT_ByteStreamFractionContainer::HVOn, robID, hvOn);
-  /** now look at the data words */
+  // Now look at the data words
   bool foundHeader{false};
-  const unsigned long int vRobDataSize{robFrag.rod_ndata()};
-  robFrag.rod_data(vRobData);
+  const unsigned long int vecROBDataSize{robFrag.rod_ndata()};
+  robFrag.rod_data(vecROBData);
-  for (unsigned long int i{0}; i<vRobDataSize; i++) {
-    wordcount++;
-    robData.word32 = vRobData[i];
-    /** the data is 16-bits wide packed to a 32-bit word (rob_it1). So we unpack it here. */
-    uint16_t d[2];
-    d[1] = robData.word16[0];
-    d[0] = robData.word16[1];
+  for (unsigned long int i{0}; i<vecROBDataSize; i++) {
+    wordCount++;
+    robData.word32 = vecROBData[i];
+    // The data is 16-bits wide packed to a 32-bit word (rob_it1). So we unpack it here.
+    uint16_t data16[2];
+    data16[1] = robData.word16[0];
+    data16[0] = robData.word16[1];
     for (n=0; n<2; n++) {
-      ///---------------------------------------------------------------------
-      /// hit element
-      ///---------------------------------------------------------------------
-      if (d[n]&0x8000) {
+      // Hit element
+      if (data16[n]&0x8000) {
         if (not foundHeader) {
-          ATH_MSG_INFO(" Missing link header in ROD " << std::hex << robid << std::dec);
-          addRODError(robid, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::MissingLinkHeaderError, errs);
+          ATH_MSG_INFO(" Missing link header in ROD " << std::hex << robID << std::dec);
+          addRODError(robID, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::MissingLinkHeaderError, errs);
           sc = StatusCode::RECOVERABLE;
@@ -267,166 +334,172 @@ SCT_RodDecoder::fillCollection(const OFFLINE_FRAGMENTS_NAMESPACE::ROBFragment& r
         if (superCondensedMode) {
-          /** super-condensed mode
-           *  chip info : 4 bits  d[n]>>11)0xF
-           *  chip number == (d[n]>>11)&0x7 and chip side == (d[n]>>14)&0x1
-           *  For example if d[n]>>11)0xF = 0101 => chip5 or chip5 on side0, d[n]>>11)0xF = 1101 => chip13 or chip5 on side1
-           */
-          chip = ((d[n]>>11)&0x7); 
-          side = ((d[n]>>14)&0x1);
-          strip = chip*128 + ((d[n]>>4)&0x7F);
-          tbin = 0x2; /** assuming tbin is 010 in super-condensed mode */
-          nStripsInWord = (d[n]&0xf)+1;
+          // Super-condensed mode:
+          // Chip info: 4 bits  data16[n]>>11)0xF
+          // Chip number == (data16[n]>>11)&0x7
+          // Chip side == (data16[n]>>14)&0x1
+          // For example if data16[n]>>11)0xF = 0101 => chip5 or chip5 on side0, data16[n]>>11)0xF = 1101 => chip13 or chip5 on side1
+          chip = ((data16[n]>>11)&0x7); 
+          side = ((data16[n]>>14)&0x1);
+          strip = chip*128 + ((data16[n]>>4)&0x7F);
+          timeBin = 0x2; // Assuming timeBin is 010 in super-condensed mode
+          nStripsInWord = (data16[n]&0xf)+1;
           if (chip>5) {
-            ATH_MSG_DEBUG("    Hit super-condensed : xxx Chip number = " << chip << " > 5 " << " for hit " << std::hex << d[n]);
-            m_chip_number_error++;
-            addSingleError(currentLinkIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
+            ATH_MSG_DEBUG("    Hit super-condensed : xxx Chip number = " << chip << " > 5 " << " for hit " 
+                          << std::hex << data16[n]);
+            m_chipNumberError++;
+            addSingleError(currentLinkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
-          /**------------ Search for redundancy only for the master chip */
-          if ((side==1) and ((linkNb%2)==0)) {
-            if (((strip!=oldstrip) or (side!=oldside)) and (groupSize>0)) { /** if it is a new cluster,
-                                                                             * make RDO with the previous cluster */
-              const int rdoMade{makeRDO(oldstrip, groupSize, tbin, onlineId, ERRORS, rdoIdc, cache, errorHit)};
+          // Search for redundancy only for the master chip
+          if ((side==1) and ((linkNumber%2)==0)) {
+            if (((strip!=oldStrip) or (side!=oldSide)) and (groupSize>0)) { 
+              // If it is a new cluster, make RDO with the previous cluster
+              const int rdoMade{makeRDO(oldStrip, groupSize, timeBin, onlineID, errors, rdoIDCont, cache, errorHit)};
               if (rdoMade == -1) {
-                addSingleError(currentLinkIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
-              } else {
-                saved[oldside*768+oldstrip] = rdoMade; 
+                addSingleError(currentLinkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
+              } 
+              else {
+                saved[oldSide*768+oldStrip] = rdoMade; 
-              oldstrip = strip;
-              oldside = side;
+              oldStrip = strip;
+              oldSide = side;
               groupSize = 0;
-            linkNb++;
+            linkNumber++;
-          if ((side==0) and ((linkNb%2)!=0)) {
-            if (((strip!=oldstrip) or (side!=oldside)) and (groupSize>0)) { /** if it is a new cluster,
-                                                                             * make RDO with the previous cluster */
-              const int rdoMade{makeRDO(oldstrip, groupSize, tbin, onlineId, ERRORS, rdoIdc, cache, errorHit)};
+          if ((side==0) and ((linkNumber%2)!=0)) {
+            if (((strip!=oldStrip) or (side!=oldSide)) and (groupSize>0)) { 
+              // If it is a new cluster, make RDO with the previous cluster
+              const int rdoMade{makeRDO(oldStrip, groupSize, timeBin, onlineID, errors, rdoIDCont, cache, errorHit)};
               if (rdoMade == -1) {
-                addSingleError(currentLinkIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
-              } else {
-                saved[oldside*768+oldstrip] = rdoMade; 
+                addSingleError(currentLinkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
+              } 
+              else {
+                saved[oldSide*768+oldStrip] = rdoMade; 
-              oldstrip = strip;
-              oldside = side;
+              oldStrip = strip;
+              oldSide = side;
               groupSize = 0;
-            linkNb--;
+            linkNumber--;
-          onlineId = ((robid & 0xFFFFFF)|(linkNb << 24));
+          onlineID = ((robID & 0xFFFFFF)|(linkNumber << 24));
           if (groupSize == 0)  {
-            oldstrip = strip; /** if it's the first super-condensed word */
-            oldside = side;
+            oldStrip = strip; // If it's the first super-condensed word
+            oldSide = side;
-          if ((strip!=oldstrip) or (side!=oldside)) {
-            /** if it is a new cluster,
-             * make RDO with the previous cluster */
-            const int rdoMade{makeRDO(oldstrip, groupSize, tbin, onlineId, ERRORS, rdoIdc, cache, errorHit)};
+          if ((strip!=oldStrip) or (side!=oldSide)) {
+            // If it is a new cluster, make RDO with the previous cluster
+            const int rdoMade{makeRDO(oldStrip, groupSize, timeBin, onlineID, errors, rdoIDCont, cache, errorHit)};
             if (rdoMade == -1) {
-              addSingleError(currentLinkIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
-            } else {
-              saved[oldside*768+oldstrip] = rdoMade; 
+              addSingleError(currentLinkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
+            } 
+            else {
+              saved[oldSide*768+oldStrip] = rdoMade; 
-            oldstrip = strip;
-            oldside = side;
+            oldStrip = strip;
+            oldSide = side;
             groupSize = 0;
           groupSize+=nStripsInWord; // Split clusters have the same strip number.
-        } else if (condensedMode) {
-          /** condensed mode
-           *  chip info : 4 bits  d[n]>>11)0xF
-           *  chip number == (d[n]>>11)&0x7 and chip side == (d[n]>>14)&0x1
-           *  For example if d[n]>>11)0xF = 0101 => chip5 or chip5 on side0, d[n]>>11)0xF = 1101 => chip13 or chip5 on side1
-           */
-          chip = ((d[n]>>11)&0x7); 
-          side = ((d[n]>>14)&0x1);
-          strip = chip*128 + ((d[n]>>4)&0x7F);
-          tbin = 0x2; /** assuming tbin is 010 in condensed mode */
+        } 
+        else if (condensedMode) {
+          // Super-condensed mode:
+          // Chip info: 4 bits  data16[n]>>11)0xF
+          // Chip number == (data16[n]>>11)&0x7
+          // Chip side == (data16[n]>>14)&0x1
+          // For example if data16[n]>>11)0xF = 0101 => chip5 or chip5 on side0, data16[n]>>11)0xF = 1101 => chip13 or chip5 on side1
+          chip = ((data16[n]>>11)&0x7); 
+          side = ((data16[n]>>14)&0x1);
+          strip = chip*128 + ((data16[n]>>4)&0x7F);
+          timeBin = 0x2; // Assuming timeBin is 010 in condensed mode
           if (chip>5) {
-            ATH_MSG_DEBUG("    Hit condensed : xxx Chip number = " << chip << " > 5 " << " for hit " << std::hex << d[n]);
-            m_chip_number_error++;
-            addSingleError(currentLinkIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
+            ATH_MSG_DEBUG("    Hit condensed : xxx Chip number = " << chip << " > 5 " << " for hit " 
+                          << std::hex << data16[n]);
+            m_chipNumberError++;
+            addSingleError(currentLinkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
-          /**------------ Search for redundancy only for the master chip */
-          if ((side==1) and ((linkNb%2)==0)) {
-            if (((strip!=oldstrip) or (side!=oldside)) and (groupSize>0)) { /** if it is a new cluster,
-                                                                             * make RDO with the previous cluster */
-              const int rdoMade{makeRDO(oldstrip, groupSize, tbin, onlineId, ERRORS, rdoIdc, cache, errorHit)};
+          // Search for redundancy only for the master chip
+          if ((side==1) and ((linkNumber%2)==0)) {
+            if (((strip!=oldStrip) or (side!=oldSide)) and (groupSize>0)) {
+              // If it is a new cluster, make RDO with the previous cluster
+              const int rdoMade{makeRDO(oldStrip, groupSize, timeBin, onlineID, errors, rdoIDCont, cache, errorHit)};
               if (rdoMade == -1) {
-                addSingleError(currentLinkIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
-              } else {
-                saved[oldside*768+oldstrip] = rdoMade; 
+                addSingleError(currentLinkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
+              } 
+              else {
+                saved[oldSide*768+oldStrip] = rdoMade; 
-              oldstrip = strip;
-              oldside = side;
+              oldStrip = strip;
+              oldSide = side;
               groupSize = 0;
-            linkNb++;
+            linkNumber++;
-          if ((side==0) and ((linkNb%2)!=0)) {
-            if (((strip!=oldstrip) or (side!=oldside)) and (groupSize>0)) { /** if it is a new cluster,
-                                                                             * make RDO with the previous cluster */
-              const int rdoMade{makeRDO(oldstrip, groupSize, tbin, onlineId, ERRORS, rdoIdc, cache, errorHit)};
+          if ((side==0) and ((linkNumber%2)!=0)) {
+            if (((strip!=oldStrip) or (side!=oldSide)) and (groupSize>0)) { 
+              // If it is a new cluster, make RDO with the previous cluster
+              const int rdoMade{makeRDO(oldStrip, groupSize, timeBin, onlineID, errors, rdoIDCont, cache, errorHit)};
               if (rdoMade == -1) {
-                addSingleError(currentLinkIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
-              } else {
-                saved[oldside*768+oldstrip] = rdoMade; 
+                addSingleError(currentLinkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
+              } 
+              else {
+                saved[oldSide*768+oldStrip] = rdoMade; 
-              oldstrip = strip;
-              oldside = side;
+              oldStrip = strip;
+              oldSide = side;
               groupSize = 0;
-            linkNb--;
+            linkNumber--;
-          onlineId = ((robid & 0xFFFFFF)|(linkNb << 24));
+          onlineID = ((robID & 0xFFFFFF)|(linkNumber << 24));
           if (groupSize == 0)  {
-            oldstrip = strip; /** if it's the first condensed word */
-            oldside = side;
+            oldStrip = strip; // If it's the first condensed word
+            oldSide = side;
-          if (not (d[n]&0x1)) { /** 1-hit */
+          if (not (data16[n]&0x1)) { // 1-hit
-            if ((strip!=oldstrip) or (side!=oldside)) {
-              /** if it is a new cluster,
-               * make RDO with the previous cluster */
-              const int rdoMade{makeRDO(oldstrip, groupSize, tbin, onlineId, ERRORS, rdoIdc, cache, errorHit)};
+            if ((strip!=oldStrip) or (side!=oldSide)) {
+              // If it is a new cluster, make RDO with the previous cluster
+              const int rdoMade{makeRDO(oldStrip, groupSize, timeBin, onlineID, errors, rdoIDCont, cache, errorHit)};
               if (rdoMade == -1) {
-                addSingleError(currentLinkIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
-              } else {
-                saved[oldside*768+oldstrip] = rdoMade; 
+                addSingleError(currentLinkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
+              } 
+              else {
+                saved[oldSide*768+oldStrip] = rdoMade; 
-              oldstrip = strip;
-              oldside = side;
+              oldStrip = strip;
+              oldSide = side;
               groupSize = 0;
-            if (d[n]&0x4) { /** Error in the hit */
-              ATH_MSG_DEBUG("    Hit condensed : xxx ERROR in 1-hit " << std::hex << d[n]);
+            if (data16[n]&0x4) { // Error in the hit
+              ATH_MSG_DEBUG("    Hit condensed : xxx ERROR in 1-hit " << std::hex << data16[n]);
-              ERRORS = (ERRORS | 0x10);
-              m_cond_hit1_error++;
+              errors = (errors | 0x10);
+              m_condHit1Error++;
             groupSize = (groupSize>=2 ? groupSize : 1);
-          } else { /** 2-hits */
+          } 
+          else { // 2-hits
             if (strip > 767) {
-              addSingleError(currentLinkIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
+              addSingleError(currentLinkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
               ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Condensed mode - strip number out of range");
@@ -434,79 +507,81 @@ SCT_RodDecoder::fillCollection(const OFFLINE_FRAGMENTS_NAMESPACE::ROBFragment& r
-            if ((strip!=oldstrip) or (side!=oldside)) { /** if it is a new cluster,
-                                                         * make RDO with the previous cluster 
-                                                         */
-              const int rdoMade{makeRDO(oldstrip, groupSize, tbin, onlineId, ERRORS, rdoIdc, cache, errorHit)};
+            if ((strip!=oldStrip) or (side!=oldSide)) {
+              // If it is a new cluster, make RDO with the previous cluster
+              const int rdoMade{makeRDO(oldStrip, groupSize, timeBin, onlineID, errors, rdoIDCont, cache, errorHit)};
               if (rdoMade == -1) {
-                addSingleError(currentLinkIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
-              } else {
-                saved[oldside*768+oldstrip] = rdoMade; 
+                addSingleError(currentLinkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
+              } 
+              else {
+                saved[oldSide*768+oldStrip] = rdoMade; 
-              oldstrip = strip;
-              oldside = side;
+              oldStrip = strip;
+              oldSide = side;
               groupSize = 0;
-            if (d[n]&0x4) { /** Error in the first hit */
-              ATH_MSG_DEBUG("    Hit condensed : xxx ERROR in 1st hit" << std::hex << d[n]);
+            if (data16[n]&0x4) { // Error in the first hit
+              ATH_MSG_DEBUG("    Hit condensed : xxx ERROR in 1st hit" << std::hex << data16[n]);
-              m_cond_hit1_error++;
-              ERRORS = (ERRORS | 0x10);
+              m_condHit1Error++;
+              errors = (errors | 0x10);
-            if (d[n]&0x8) { /** Error in the second hit */
-              ATH_MSG_DEBUG("    Hit condensed : xxx ERROR in 2nd hit" << std::hex << d[n]);
+            if (data16[n]&0x8) { // Error in the second hit
+              ATH_MSG_DEBUG("    Hit condensed : xxx ERROR in 2nd hit" << std::hex << data16[n]);
-              m_cond_hit2_error++;
-              ERRORS = (ERRORS | 0x20);
+              m_condHit2Error++;
+              errors = (errors | 0x20);
             groupSize = 2;
-        } else {
-          /** Expanded mode
-           * chip info from the first word of expanded cluster : 4 bits  d[n]>>11)0xF
-           * chip number == (d[n]>>11)&0x7 and chip side == (d[n]>>14)&0x1
-           * For example if d[n]>>11)0xF = 0101 => chip5 or chip5 on side0, d[n]>>11)0xF = 1101 => chip13 or chip5 on side1
-           */
-          if (not (d[n]&0x8)) {  /** 1st hit cluster expanded */
+        } 
+        else {
+          // Expanded mode:
+          // Chip info from the first word of expanded cluster : 4 bits  data16[n]>>11)0xF
+          // Chip number == (data16[n]>>11)&0x7 
+          // Chip side == (data16[n]>>14)&0x1
+          // For example if data16[n]>>11)0xF = 0101 => chip5 or chip5 on side0, data16[n]>>11)0xF = 1101 => chip13 or chip5 on side1
+          if (not (data16[n]&0x8)) {  // 1st hit cluster expanded
-            chip = ((d[n]>>11)&0x7);  
-            side = ((d[n]>>14)&0x1);
-            strip = chip*128 + ((d[n]>>4)&0x7F);
-            tbin = d[n]&0x7; /** Real way for obtaining tbin info */
+            chip = ((data16[n]>>11)&0x7);  
+            side = ((data16[n]>>14)&0x1);
+            strip = chip*128 + ((data16[n]>>4)&0x7F);
+            timeBin = data16[n]&0x7; // Real way for obtaining timeBin info
             if (chip>5) {
               ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Expanded hit: First hit xxx ERROR chip Nb = " << chip << " > 5");   
-              m_chip_number_error++;
-              addSingleError(currentLinkIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
+              m_chipNumberError++;
+              addSingleError(currentLinkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
-            /** -------------- Search for redundancy only for the master chip */
-            if ((side==1) and ((linkNb%2)==0))  {
-              linkNb++;
+            // Search for redundancy only for the master chip
+            if ((side==1) and ((linkNumber%2)==0))  {
+              linkNumber++;
-            if ((side==0) and ((linkNb%2)!=0)) {
-              linkNb--;
+            if ((side==0) and ((linkNumber%2)!=0)) {
+              linkNumber--;
-            onlineId = ((robid & 0xFFFFFF) | (linkNb << 24)); 
+            onlineID = ((robID & 0xFFFFFF) | (linkNumber << 24)); 
             groupSize =  1;
-            const int rdoMade{makeRDO(strip, groupSize, tbin, onlineId, ERRORS, rdoIdc, cache, errorHit)};
+            const int rdoMade{makeRDO(strip, groupSize, timeBin, onlineID, errors, rdoIDCont, cache, errorHit)};
             if (rdoMade == -1) {
-              addSingleError(currentLinkIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
-            } else {
+              addSingleError(currentLinkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
+            } 
+            else {
               saved[side*768+strip] = rdoMade; 
             groupSize = 0;
-          } else { /** next hits cluster expanded */
-            if (d[n]&0x80) { /** paired hits */
+          } 
+          else { // Next hits cluster expanded
+            if (data16[n]&0x80) { // Paired hits
               if (strip > 767) {
-                addSingleError(currentLinkIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
+                addSingleError(currentLinkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
                 ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Expanded mode - strip number out of range");
@@ -514,182 +589,181 @@ SCT_RodDecoder::fillCollection(const OFFLINE_FRAGMENTS_NAMESPACE::ROBFragment& r
               if (chip>5) {
                 ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Expanded Hit: paired hits xxx ERROR chip Nb = " << chip << " > 5");  
-                m_chip_number_error++;
-                addSingleError(currentLinkIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
+                m_chipNumberError++;
+                addSingleError(currentLinkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
-              /** first hit from the pair  */
+              // First hit from the pair
-              tbin = d[n]&0x7;
+              timeBin = data16[n]&0x7;
               groupSize = 1;
-              const int rdoMade1{makeRDO(strip, groupSize, tbin, onlineId, ERRORS, rdoIdc, cache, errorHit)};
+              const int rdoMade1{makeRDO(strip, groupSize, timeBin, onlineID, errors, rdoIDCont, cache, errorHit)};
               if (rdoMade1 == -1) {
-                addSingleError(currentLinkIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
-              } else {
+                addSingleError(currentLinkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
+              } 
+              else {
                 saved[side*768+strip] = rdoMade1;
-              /** second hit from the pair */
+              // Second hit from the pair
-              tbin = ((d[n] >> 4) & 0x7);
-              const int rdoMade2{makeRDO(strip, groupSize, tbin, onlineId, ERRORS, rdoIdc, cache, errorHit)};
+              timeBin = ((data16[n] >> 4) & 0x7);
+              const int rdoMade2{makeRDO(strip, groupSize, timeBin, onlineID, errors, rdoIDCont, cache, errorHit)};
               if (rdoMade2 == -1) {
-                addSingleError(currentLinkIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
-              } else {
+                addSingleError(currentLinkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
+              } 
+              else {
                 saved[side*768+strip] = rdoMade2;
               groupSize = 0;
-            } else {  /** Last hit of the cluster */
+            } 
+            else { // Last hit of the cluster
               if (chip>5) {
                 ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Expanded Hit: last hit xxx ERROR chip Nb = " << chip << " > 5");  
-                m_chip_number_error++;
-                addSingleError(currentLinkIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
+                m_chipNumberError++;
+                addSingleError(currentLinkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
-              tbin = (d[n]&0x7);
+              timeBin = (data16[n]&0x7);
               groupSize = 1;
-              const int rdoMade{makeRDO(strip, groupSize, tbin, onlineId, ERRORS, rdoIdc, cache, errorHit)};
+              const int rdoMade{makeRDO(strip, groupSize, timeBin, onlineID, errors, rdoIDCont, cache, errorHit)};
               if (rdoMade == -1) {
-                addSingleError(currentLinkIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
-              } else {
+                addSingleError(currentLinkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
+              } 
+              else {
                 saved[side*768+strip] = rdoMade; 
               groupSize = 0; 
-        } // end expanded mode
-      }// end of hit element
+        } // End expanded mode
+      } // End of hit element
-      ///---------------------------------------------------------------------
-      /// Header
-      ///---------------------------------------------------------------------
-      else if (((d[n]>>13)&0x7) == 0x1) {
+      // Header
+      else if (((data16[n]>>13)&0x7) == 0x1) {
-        m_headnumber++;
-        if (saved[side*768+strip]==false and oldstrip>=0) {
-          const int rdoMade{makeRDO(strip, groupSize, tbin, onlineId, ERRORS, rdoIdc, cache, errorHit)};
+        m_headNumber++;
+        if (saved[side*768+strip]==false and oldStrip>=0) {
+          const int rdoMade{makeRDO(strip, groupSize, timeBin, onlineID, errors, rdoIDCont, cache, errorHit)}; 
           if (rdoMade == -1) {
-            addSingleError(currentLinkIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
-          } else {
+            addSingleError(currentLinkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
+          } 
+          else {
             saved[side*768+strip] = rdoMade; 
-        /** Everything is set to default for a new hunt of RDO */
+        // Everything is set to default for a new hunt of RDO
         strip =0;
-        oldstrip = -1;
-        oldside = -1;
+        oldStrip = -1;
+        oldSide = -1;
         groupSize = 0;
-        ERRORS = 0;
+        errors = 0;
-        /** Link Number (or stream) in the ROD fragment */
-        const int rodlinkNb{static_cast<int>(d[n] & 0x7F)};
+        // Link Number (or stream) in the ROD fragment
+        const int rodlinkNumber{static_cast<int>(data16[n] & 0x7F)};
-        /** This is the real calculation for the offline  */
-        linkNb = (((rodlinkNb >>4)&0x7)*12+(rodlinkNb &0xF));
-        onlineId = ((robid & 0xFFFFFF)|(linkNb << 24));     
-        if ((onlineId ==0) or (linkNb > 95)) {
-          addSingleError(currentLinkIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
+        // This is the real calculation for the offline
+        linkNumber = (((rodlinkNumber >>4)&0x7)*12+(rodlinkNumber &0xF));
+        onlineID = ((robID & 0xFFFFFF)|(linkNumber << 24));     
+        if ((onlineID ==0) or (linkNumber > 95)) {
+          addSingleError(currentLinkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
-          ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Header: xxx Link nb out of range (skipping following data)" << std::dec << linkNb);
+          ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Header: xxx Link number out of range (skipping following data)" 
+                        << std::dec << linkNumber);
-        } else {
-          currentLinkIdHash = m_cabling->getHashFromOnlineId(onlineId);
+        } 
+        else {
+          currentLinkIDHash = m_cabling->getHashFromOnlineId(onlineID);
-        /// look for masked off links - bit 7
-        if (d[n] >> 7 & 0x1) {
-          ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Masked link " << onlineId << " " << currentLinkIdHash);
-          //no counter increment here, is that correct? (sar)
-          addSingleError(currentLinkIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::MaskedLink, errs);
+        // Look for masked off links - bit 7
+        if (data16[n] >> 7 & 0x1) {
+          ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Masked link " << onlineID << " " << currentLinkIDHash);
+          addSingleError(currentLinkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::MaskedLink, errs);
-        if (d[n]&0x800) {
-          ATH_MSG_DEBUG("    Header: xxx TimeOut Error " << currentLinkIdHash);
-          m_head_error_timeout++;
-          addSingleError(currentLinkIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::TimeOutError, errs);
+        if (data16[n]&0x800) {
+          ATH_MSG_DEBUG("    Header: xxx TimeOut Error " << currentLinkIDHash);
+          m_headErrorTimeout++;
+          addSingleError(currentLinkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::TimeOutError, errs);
-        if (d[n]&0x1000) {
-          ATH_MSG_DEBUG("    Header: xxx Preamble Error " << currentLinkIdHash);
-          m_head_error_preamb++;
-          addSingleError(currentLinkIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::PreambleError, errs);
+        if (data16[n]&0x1000) {
+          ATH_MSG_DEBUG("    Header: xxx Preamble Error " << currentLinkIDHash);
+          m_headErrorPreamble++;
+          addSingleError(currentLinkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::PreambleError, errs);
-        if (d[n]&0x400) {
-          ATH_MSG_DEBUG("    Header: xxx LVL1 ID Error " << currentLinkIdHash);
-          m_head_error_lvl1id++;
-          addSingleError(currentLinkIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::LVL1IDError, errs);
+        if (data16[n]&0x400) {
+          ATH_MSG_DEBUG("    Header: xxx LVL1 ID Error " << currentLinkIDHash);
+          m_headErrorLvl1ID++;
+          addSingleError(currentLinkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::LVL1IDError, errs);
-        if (d[n]&0x200) {
-          ATH_MSG_DEBUG("    Header: xxx BCID Error " << currentLinkIdHash);
-          m_head_error_bcid++;
-          addSingleError(currentLinkIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::BCIDError, errs);
+        if (data16[n]&0x200) {
+          ATH_MSG_DEBUG("    Header: xxx BCID Error " << currentLinkIDHash);
+          m_headErrorBCID++;
+          addSingleError(currentLinkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::BCIDError, errs);
-        if ((d[n]&0xF) > 11) {
-          ATH_MSG_DEBUG("    Header: xxx Error in formatter " << currentLinkIdHash);
-          m_head_error_formatter++;
-          addSingleError(currentLinkIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::FormatterError, errs);
+        if ((data16[n]&0xF) > 11) {
+          ATH_MSG_DEBUG("    Header: xxx Error in formatter " << currentLinkIDHash);
+          m_headErrorFormatter++;
+          addSingleError(currentLinkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::FormatterError, errs);
-        condensedMode = static_cast<bool>(d[n]&0x100);
+        condensedMode = static_cast<bool>(data16[n]&0x100);
-      } // end header
+      } // End header
-      ///---------------------------------------------------------------------
-      /// trailer
-      ///---------------------------------------------------------------------
-      else if (((d[n]>>13)&0x7) == 0x2) {
+      // Trailer
+      else if (((data16[n]>>13)&0x7) == 0x2) {
-        m_trailnumber++;
-        //ErrorTrailer = false;
+        m_trailerNumber++;
-        if (d[n]&0x1000) {
-          //ErrorTrailer = true;
-          ATH_MSG_DEBUG("    Trailer: xxx Trailer ERROR " << std::hex << d[n]);
-          m_trail_error_bit++;
-          addSingleError(currentLinkIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::TrailerError, errs);
+        if (data16[n]&0x1000) {
+          ATH_MSG_DEBUG("    Trailer: xxx Trailer ERROR " << std::hex << data16[n]);
+          m_trailerErrorBit++;
+          addSingleError(currentLinkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::TrailerError, errs);
-        if (d[n]&0x800) {
-          //ErrorTrailer = true;
-          /** no data should appear between header and trailer
-              See 1.2.2 Formatter FPGA - Serial Data Decoding and Formatting of
-              http://www-eng.lbl.gov/~jmjoseph/Atlas-SiROD/Manuals/usersManual-v164.pdf */
-          ATH_MSG_DEBUG("    Trailer: xxx Header-Trailer limit ERROR " << std::hex << d[n]);
-          m_trail_error_limit++;
-          addSingleError(currentLinkIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::HeaderTrailerLimitError, errs);
+        if (data16[n]&0x800) {
+          // No data should appear between header and trailer
+          // See 1.2.2 Formatter FPGA - Serial Data Decoding and Formatting of
+          // http://www-eng.lbl.gov/~jmjoseph/Atlas-SiROD/Manuals/usersManual-v164.pdf
+          ATH_MSG_DEBUG("    Trailer: xxx Header-Trailer limit ERROR " << std::hex << data16[n]);
+          m_trailerErrorLimit++;
+          addSingleError(currentLinkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::HeaderTrailerLimitError, errs);
-        if (d[n]&0x400) {
-          //ErrorTrailer = true; /** not sure if there are hit elements before (probably yes but in principle they are fine) */
-          ATH_MSG_DEBUG("    Trailer: xxx Data Overflow ERROR " << std::hex << d[n]);
-          m_trail_error_overflow++;
-          addSingleError(currentLinkIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::TrailerOverflowError, errs);
+        if (data16[n]&0x400) {
+          // Not sure if there are hit elements before (probably yes but in principle they are fine)
+          ATH_MSG_DEBUG("    Trailer: xxx Data Overflow ERROR " << std::hex << data16[n]);
+          m_trailerErrorOverflow++;
+          addSingleError(currentLinkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::TrailerOverflowError, errs);
-        if (d[n] & 0xF) {
-          // fisrt temporarily masked chip information
+        if (data16[n] & 0xF) {
+          // First temporarily masked chip information
           // 0 means no masked chip (always has been 0 until April 2017)
           // If Rx redundacy is not used, 
@@ -709,274 +783,289 @@ SCT_RodDecoder::fillCollection(const OFFLINE_FRAGMENTS_NAMESPACE::ROBFragment& r
           // 6 means chip 5 is temporarily masked. 
           // 7 means chips 6-11, 0-5 are temporarily masked. 
           // 12 means chips 11, 0-5 are temporarily masked. 
-          setFirstTempMaskedChip(currentLinkIdHash, (d[n] & 0xF), errs);
+          setFirstTempMaskedChip(currentLinkIDHash, (data16[n] & 0xF), errs);
-      ///---------------------------------------------------------------------
-      /// FlaggedABCD error
-      /// 000xxxxxxFFFFEEE
-      /// 000: FlaggedABCD error: xxxxxxx not used, FFFF: chip, EEE: error code
-      ///---------------------------------------------------------------------
-      else if (((d[n]>>13)&0x7) == 0x0) {
-        chip = ((d[n]>>3)&0xF);
-        ABCerror = d[n]&0x7; 
-        /** no data should appear for that chip but how do we 
-         * want to transmit this information ? */
-        IdentifierHash flagIdHash{0};
-        if (onlineId == 0) {
-          addSingleError(currentLinkIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
+      // FlaggedABCD error
+      // 000xxxxxxFFFFEEE
+      // 000: FlaggedABCD error: xxxxxxx not used, FFFF: chip, EEE: error code
+      else if (((data16[n]>>13)&0x7) == 0x0) {
+        chip = ((data16[n]>>3)&0xF);
+        abcError = data16[n]&0x7; 
+        // No data should appear for that chip but how do we want to transmit this information?
+        IdentifierHash flagIDHash{0};
+        if (onlineID == 0) {
+          addSingleError(currentLinkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
-        } else {
-          flagIdHash = m_cabling->getHashFromOnlineId(onlineId);
+        } 
+        else {
+          flagIDHash = m_cabling->getHashFromOnlineId(onlineID);
-        ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" xxx Flagged ABCD ERROR in chip " << chip << " Error code ABCerror " << ABCerror << " Link Nb (or Stream) "<<linkNb);
-        m_flag_error_bit++;
+        ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" xxx Flagged ABCD ERROR in chip " << chip
+                      << " Error code abcError " << abcError << " Link Number (or Stream) "<<linkNumber);
+        m_flagErrorBit++;
         // Error code of ABCD error should be 1, 2, 4 or 7.
-        if (ABCerror!=0x1 and ABCerror!=0x2 and ABCerror!=0x4 and ABCerror!=0x7) {
-          ATH_MSG_DEBUG("ABCD error has an invalid error code " << ABCerror <<
-                        " the 16-bit word is 0x" << std::hex << d[n] << std::dec << " for hash " << flagIdHash);
-          addSingleError(flagIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Invalid, errs);
-        } else {
+        if (abcError!=0x1 and abcError!=0x2 and abcError!=0x4 and abcError!=0x7) {
+          ATH_MSG_DEBUG("ABCD error has an invalid error code " << abcError 
+                        << " the 16-bit word is 0x" << std::hex << data16[n] << std::dec 
+                        << " for hash " << flagIDHash);
+          addSingleError(flagIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Invalid, errs);
+        } 
+        else {
           // Chip is 4 bits. The highest bit 3 represents side. Chip 0-5 on side 0 and chip 8-13 on side 1.
-          const unsigned int side_ABCDError{static_cast<unsigned int>(chip/8)};
-          if (flagIdHash.value()%2!=side_ABCDError) {
+          const unsigned int sideABCDError{static_cast<unsigned int>(chip/8)};
+          if (flagIDHash.value()%2!=sideABCDError) {
             // If the sides from the ABCD error and online ID are different,
             // the module is expected to read side 0 via link 1 and side 1 and via link 0.
             // Hash Id is flipped.
-            ATH_MSG_DEBUG("ABCD error and online ID have different side information for hash " << flagIdHash << ". " <<
-                          side_ABCDError << " from ABCD error and " << flagIdHash.value()%2 << " from online ID");
-            flagIdHash = (flagIdHash.value()/2)*2+side_ABCDError;
+            ATH_MSG_DEBUG("ABCD error and online ID have different side information for hash " << flagIDHash << ". "
+                          << sideABCDError << " from ABCD error and " << flagIDHash.value()%2 << " from online ID");
+            flagIDHash = (flagIDHash.value()/2)*2+sideABCDError;
           // Chip should be 0-5 or 8-13.
           if (chip%8>=6) {
-            ATH_MSG_DEBUG("ABCD error has an invalid chip 0x" << std::hex << chip << std::dec <<
-                          " the 16-bit word is 0x" << std::hex << d[n] << std::dec <<
-                          " for hash " << flagIdHash.value());
-            addSingleError(flagIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Invalid, errs);
-          } else {
-            if (     ABCerror==0x1) addSingleError(flagIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Error1, errs);
-            else if (ABCerror==0x2) addSingleError(flagIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Error2, errs);
-            else if (ABCerror==0x4) addSingleError(flagIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Error4, errs);
-            else if (ABCerror==0x7) addSingleError(flagIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Error7, errs);
-            if (     chip%8==0) addSingleError(flagIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Chip0, errs);
-            else if (chip%8==1) addSingleError(flagIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Chip1, errs);
-            else if (chip%8==2) addSingleError(flagIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Chip2, errs);
-            else if (chip%8==3) addSingleError(flagIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Chip3, errs);
-            else if (chip%8==4) addSingleError(flagIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Chip4, errs);
-            else if (chip%8==5) addSingleError(flagIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Chip5, errs);
+            ATH_MSG_DEBUG("ABCD error has an invalid chip 0x" << std::hex << chip << std::dec
+                          << " the 16-bit word is 0x" << std::hex << data16[n] << std::dec
+                          << " for hash " << flagIDHash.value());
+            addSingleError(flagIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Invalid, errs);
+          } 
+          else {
+            if (     abcError==0x1) addSingleError(flagIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Error1, errs);
+            else if (abcError==0x2) addSingleError(flagIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Error2, errs);
+            else if (abcError==0x4) addSingleError(flagIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Error4, errs);
+            else if (abcError==0x7) addSingleError(flagIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Error7, errs);
+            if (     chip%8==0) addSingleError(flagIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Chip0, errs);
+            else if (chip%8==1) addSingleError(flagIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Chip1, errs);
+            else if (chip%8==2) addSingleError(flagIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Chip2, errs);
+            else if (chip%8==3) addSingleError(flagIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Chip3, errs);
+            else if (chip%8==4) addSingleError(flagIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Chip4, errs);
+            else if (chip%8==5) addSingleError(flagIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Chip5, errs);
-        addSingleError(flagIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError, errs);
+        addSingleError(flagIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError, errs);
-      } else if (((d[n]>>13)&0x7) == 0x3) {
-        ///---------------------------------------------------------------------
-        /// Raw Data
-        ///---------------------------------------------------------------------
-        IdentifierHash rawIdHash{0};
-        if (onlineId == 0) {
-          addSingleError(currentLinkIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
+      } 
+      else if (((data16[n]>>13)&0x7) == 0x3) {
+        // Raw Data
+        IdentifierHash rawIDHash{0};
+        if (onlineID == 0) {
+          addSingleError(currentLinkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
-        } else {
-          rawIdHash = m_cabling->getHashFromOnlineId(onlineId);
+        } 
+        else {
+          rawIDHash = m_cabling->getHashFromOnlineId(onlineID);
-        ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" xxx Raw Data Mode " << std::hex << d[n] << std::dec << ": Config Data Mode ");
-        /** too many errors in the BS for the ROD to decode the data */
-        m_config_data_bit++;
-        addSingleError(rawIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::RawError, errs);
+        ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" xxx Raw Data Mode " << std::hex << data16[n] << std::dec << ": Config Data Mode ");
+        // Too many errors in the BS for the ROD to decode the data
+        m_configDataBit++;
+        addSingleError(rawIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::RawError, errs);
-      } else {
+      } 
+      else {
         ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Data word format unknown ");
-        m_unknown_data_format++;
-        addSingleError(currentLinkIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
+        m_unknownDataFormat++;
+        addSingleError(currentLinkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
-    } //end of 16-bit word loop
-  }   //end of 32-bit word loop
+    } // End of 16-bit word loop
+  } // End of 32-bit word loop
-  /** create RDO of the last ink or stream of the event */
-  if (saved[side*768+strip]==false and oldstrip>=0) {
-    const int rdoMade{makeRDO(strip, groupSize, tbin, onlineId, ERRORS, rdoIdc, cache, errorHit)};
+  // Create RDO of the last ink or stream of the event
+  if (saved[side*768+strip]==false and oldStrip>=0) {
+    const int rdoMade{makeRDO(strip, groupSize, timeBin, onlineID, errors, rdoIDCont, cache, errorHit)};
     if (rdoMade == -1) {
-      addSingleError(currentLinkIdHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
-    } else {
+      addSingleError(currentLinkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs);
+    } 
+    else {
       saved[side*768+strip] = rdoMade; 
-  if (bsFracCont) bsFracCont->insert(SCT_ByteStreamFractionContainer::CondensedMode, robid, condensedMode);
+  if (bsFracCont) bsFracCont->insert(SCT_ByteStreamFractionContainer::CondensedMode, robID, condensedMode);
   if (sc.isFailure()) ATH_MSG_DEBUG("One or more ByteStream errors found ");
   return sc;
-/** makeRDO has 3 possible return values: 
- *          1 if RDO was successfully created,
- *          0 if collection was deliberately skipped (for trigger)
- *         -1 if there was an error in the decoding - will be passed
- *            on as StatusCode::RECOVERABLE by fillCollection().
- */
-int SCT_RodDecoder::makeRDO(int strip, int groupSize, int tbin, uint32_t onlineId, int ERRORS,
-                            ISCT_RDO_Container& rdoIdc,
+// makeRDO method
+int SCT_RodDecoder::makeRDO(int strip, int groupSize, int timeBin, uint32_t onlineID, int errors,
+                            ISCT_RDO_Container& rdoIDCont,
                             CacheHelper& cache,
                             const std::vector<int>& errorHit) const
-  if (onlineId == 0x0) {
+  if (onlineID == 0x0) {
     ATH_MSG_WARNING("No link header found, possibly corrupt ByteStream.  Will not try to make RDO");
     return -1;
-  /** get offlineId from the link number and ROB number */
-  const IdentifierHash idCollHash{m_cabling->getHashFromOnlineId(onlineId)};
-  if (not idCollHash.is_valid()) {
-    m_numUnknownOfflineId++;
+  // Get offlineId from the link number and ROB number
+  const IdentifierHash collIDHash{m_cabling->getHashFromOnlineId(onlineID)};
+  if (not collIDHash.is_valid()) {
+    m_numUnknownOfflineID++;
     ATH_MSG_ERROR("Unknown OfflineId for OnlineId -> cannot create RDO");
-    ATH_MSG_WARNING("Unknown OfflineId for OnlineId " << std::hex << onlineId << " -> cannot create RDO" << std::dec);
+    ATH_MSG_WARNING("Unknown OfflineId for OnlineId " << std::hex << onlineID  
+                    << " -> cannot create RDO" << std::dec);
     return -1;
   if (((strip & 0x7f) + (groupSize-1) > 127) or (strip<0) or (strip>767)) {
-    ATH_MSG_WARNING("Cluster with " << groupSize << " strips, starting at strip " << strip << " in collection " << idCollHash << " out of range. Will not make RDO");
+    ATH_MSG_WARNING("Cluster with " << groupSize << " strips, starting at strip " << strip
+                    << " in collection " << collIDHash << " out of range. Will not make RDO");
     return -1;
-  /** this option is for the trigger, if there is a vecHash* given, test it ! */
+  // This option is for the trigger, if there is a vecHash* given, test it!
   if (cache.vecHash) {
-    if (idCollHash == cache.skipHash) {
+    if (collIDHash == cache.skipHash) {
       ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Collection for Hash not to be decoded, skip");
       return 0;
-    } else if (idCollHash != cache.lastHash) {
-      cache.lastHash = idCollHash;
-      /** maybe the new hash is not in the list, so test it */
-      std::vector<IdentifierHash>::const_iterator p{find(cache.vecHash->begin(), cache.vecHash->end(), idCollHash)};
-      if (p == cache.vecHash->end()) {
+    } 
+    else if (collIDHash != cache.lastHash) {
+      cache.lastHash = collIDHash;
+      // Maybe the new hash is not in the list, so test it
+      std::vector<IdentifierHash>::const_iterator hashIDIterator{find(cache.vecHash->begin(), 
+                                                                      cache.vecHash->end(), 
+                                                                      collIDHash)};
+      if (hashIDIterator == cache.vecHash->end()) {
         ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Collection for Hash not to be decoded, skip");
-        /** remember this one, so that we do not find(...) forever */
-        cache.skipHash = idCollHash;
+        // Remember this one, so that we do not find(...) forever
+        cache.skipHash = collIDHash;
         return 0;
-  if(rdoIdc.hasExternalCache() and rdoIdc.tryFetch(idCollHash)){
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Hash already in collection - cache hit " << idCollHash);
+  if(rdoIDCont.hasExternalCache() and rdoIDCont.tryFetch(collIDHash)){
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Hash already in collection - cache hit " << collIDHash);
     return 0;
-  /** see if strips go from 0 to 767 or vice versa */
-  if (m_swapPhiReadoutDirection[idCollHash]) {
+  // See if strips go from 0 to 767 or vice versa
+  if (m_swapPhiReadoutDirection[collIDHash]) {
     strip = 767 - strip;
     strip = strip-(groupSize-1);
-  /** get identifier from the hash, this is not nice */
-  const Identifier idColl{m_sct_id->wafer_id(idCollHash)};
-  const Identifier iddigit{m_sct_id->strip_id(idColl, strip)};
-  if (not m_sct_id->is_sct(iddigit)) {
+  // Get identifier from the hash, this is not nice
+  const Identifier collID{m_sctID->wafer_id(collIDHash)};
+  const Identifier digitID{m_sctID->strip_id(collID, strip)};
+  if (not m_sctID->is_sct(digitID)) {
     ATH_MSG_WARNING("Cluster with invalid Identifier. Will not make RDO");
     return -1;
-  const unsigned int rawDataWord{static_cast<unsigned int>(groupSize | (strip << 11) | (tbin <<22) | (ERRORS << 25))};
-  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Output Raw Data " << std::hex << " Coll " << idColl.getString() << ":-> " << m_sct_id->print_to_string(iddigit) << std::dec);
+  const unsigned int rawDataWord{static_cast<unsigned int>(groupSize | (strip << 11) | (timeBin <<22) | (errors << 25))};
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Output Raw Data " << std::hex << " Coll " << collID.getString()
+                << ":-> " << m_sctID->print_to_string(digitID) << std::dec);
-  SCT_RDO_Collection* col{nullptr};
-  ATH_CHECK(rdoIdc.naughtyRetrieve(idCollHash, col), 0); // Returns null if not present
+  SCT_RDO_Collection* sctRDOColl{nullptr};
+  ATH_CHECK(rdoIDCont.naughtyRetrieve(collIDHash, sctRDOColl), 0); // Returns null if not present
-  if (col==nullptr) {
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" Collection ID = " << idCollHash << " does not exist, create it ");
-    /** create new collection */   
-    col = new SCT_RDO_Collection(idCollHash);
-    col->setIdentifier(idColl);
-    StatusCode sc{rdoIdc.addCollection(col, idCollHash)};
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Adding " << idCollHash);
+  if (sctRDOColl==nullptr) {
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" Collection ID = " << collIDHash << " does not exist, create it ");
+    // Create new collection
+    sctRDOColl = new SCT_RDO_Collection(collIDHash);
+    sctRDOColl->setIdentifier(collID);
+    StatusCode sc{rdoIDCont.addCollection(sctRDOColl, collIDHash)};
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Adding " << collIDHash);
     if (sc.isFailure()){
       ATH_MSG_ERROR("failed to add SCT RDO collection to container");
-  /** Now the Collection is there for sure. Create RDO and push it
-   * into Collection. 
-   */
+  // Now the Collection is there for sure. Create RDO and push it into Collection.  
-  col->push_back(std::make_unique<SCT3_RawData>(iddigit, rawDataWord, &errorHit));
+  sctRDOColl->push_back(std::make_unique<SCT3_RawData>(digitID, rawDataWord, &errorHit));
   return 1;
-SCT_RodDecoder::addRODError(uint32_t rodid, int errorType,
-                            InDetBSErrContainer* errs) const
+// addRODError method
+void SCT_RodDecoder::addRODError(uint32_t rodID, int errorType,
+                                 InDetBSErrContainer* errs) const
-  std::vector<IdentifierHash> idHashes;
-  m_cabling->getHashesForRod(idHashes, rodid);
-  for (const IdentifierHash& hash: idHashes) {
+  std::vector<IdentifierHash> hashIDs;
+  m_cabling->getHashesForRod(hashIDs, rodID);
+  for (const IdentifierHash& hash: hashIDs) {
     addSingleError(hash, errorType, errs);
-SCT_RodDecoder::addSingleError(const IdentifierHash& idHash,
-                               int bsErrorType,
-                               InDetBSErrContainer* errs) const
+// addSingleError method
+bool SCT_RodDecoder::addSingleError(const IdentifierHash& hashID,
+                                    int bsErrorType,
+                                    InDetBSErrContainer* errs) const
-  const bool ok{idHash.is_valid() and errs!=nullptr};
+  const bool ok{hashID.is_valid() and errs!=nullptr};
   if (ok) {
-    errs->push_back(std::make_unique<std::pair<IdentifierHash, int> >(idHash, bsErrorType));
+    errs->push_back(std::make_unique<std::pair<IdentifierHash, int> >(hashID, bsErrorType));
   return ok;
-SCT_RodDecoder::setFirstTempMaskedChip(const IdentifierHash& hashId, unsigned int firstTempMaskedChip, InDetBSErrContainer* errs) const {
-  if (not hashId.is_valid()) {
-    ATH_MSG_INFO("setFirstTempMaskedChip hashId " << hashId << " is invalid.");
+// setFirstTempMaskedChip method
+void SCT_RodDecoder::setFirstTempMaskedChip(const IdentifierHash& hashID, 
+                                            unsigned int firstTempMaskedChip, 
+                                            InDetBSErrContainer* errs) const 
+  if (not hashID.is_valid()) {
+    ATH_MSG_INFO("setFirstTempMaskedChip hashID " << hashID << " is invalid.");
   if (firstTempMaskedChip==0) {
-    ATH_MSG_WARNING("setFirstTempMaskedChip: firstTempMaskedChip should be greater than 0. firstTempMaskedChip is " << firstTempMaskedChip);
+    ATH_MSG_WARNING("setFirstTempMaskedChip: firstTempMaskedChip should be greater than 0. firstTempMaskedChip is " 
+                    << firstTempMaskedChip);
   // wafer hash -> wafer id -> module id -> wafer hash on side-0, wafer hash on side-1
-  const Identifier wafId{m_sct_id->wafer_id(hashId)};
-  const Identifier moduleId{m_sct_id->module_id(wafId)};
+  const Identifier waferID{m_sctID->wafer_id(hashID)};
+  const Identifier moduleID{m_sctID->module_id(waferID)};
   // Side 0
-  IdentifierHash hash_side0;
-  m_sct_id->get_hash(moduleId, hash_side0, &m_cntx_sct);
-  unsigned int firstTempMaskedChip_side0{0};
-  if (hashId==hash_side0) firstTempMaskedChip_side0 = firstTempMaskedChip;
+  IdentifierHash hashSide0;
+  m_sctID->get_hash(moduleID, hashSide0, &m_contextSCT);
+  unsigned int firstTempMaskedChipSide0{0};
+  if (hashID==hashSide0) firstTempMaskedChipSide0 = firstTempMaskedChip;
   // Side 1
-  IdentifierHash hash_side1;
-  m_sct_id->get_other_side(hash_side0, hash_side1);
-  unsigned int firstTempMaskedChip_side1{0};
-  if (hashId==hash_side1) firstTempMaskedChip_side1 = firstTempMaskedChip;
+  IdentifierHash hashSide1;
+  m_sctID->get_other_side(hashSide0, hashSide1);
+  unsigned int firstTempMaskedChipSide1{0};
+  if (hashID==hashSide1) firstTempMaskedChipSide1 = firstTempMaskedChip;
   int type{0};
   // Check if Rx redundancy is used or not in this module
-  const std::pair<bool, bool> badLinks{m_configTool->badLinks(hashId)};
+  const std::pair<bool, bool> badLinks{m_configTool->badLinks(hashID)};
   if (badLinks.first xor badLinks.second) {
     // Rx redundancy is used in this module.
     if (badLinks.first and not badLinks.second) {
       // link-1 is broken
       type = 1;
-    } else if (badLinks.second and not badLinks.first) {
+    } 
+    else if (badLinks.second and not badLinks.first) {
       // link-0 is broken
       type = 2;
-    } else if (badLinks.first and badLinks.second) {
-      // both link-0 and link-1 are working
+    } 
+    else if (badLinks.first and badLinks.second) {
+      // Both link-0 and link-1 are working
       ATH_MSG_WARNING("setFirstTempMaskedChip: Both link-0 and link-1 are working. But Rx redundancy is used... Why?");
-    } else {
-      // both link-0 and link-1 are broken
+    } 
+    else {
+      // Both link-0 and link-1 are broken
       ATH_MSG_WARNING("setFirstTempMaskedChip: Both link-0 and link-1 are broken. But data are coming... Why?");
@@ -987,7 +1076,7 @@ SCT_RodDecoder::setFirstTempMaskedChip(const IdentifierHash& hashId, unsigned in
   // modified0 and modified1 functions of SCT_ReadoutTool.cxx and
   // Table 3.8 of CERN-THESIS-2008-001 https://cds.cern.ch/record/1078223
   // However, there are two exceptions of the exceptions.
-  const unsigned long long fullSerialNumber{m_cabling->getSerialNumberFromHash(hashId).to_ulonglong()};
+  const unsigned long long fullSerialNumber{m_cabling->getSerialNumberFromHash(hashID).to_ulonglong()};
   if (// Readout through link-0
       fullSerialNumber==20220170200183 or // hash=4662 bec=0 layer=2 eta= 6 phi=39
       fullSerialNumber==20220330200606 or // hash=5032 bec=0 layer=3 eta=-2 phi= 7
@@ -1032,7 +1121,7 @@ SCT_RodDecoder::setFirstTempMaskedChip(const IdentifierHash& hashId, unsigned in
   if (type==0) {
-    // both link-0 and link-1 are working
+    // Both link-0 and link-1 are working
     // Chips 0-5 are on side 0 and chips 6-11 are on side 1.
     // Normally, modules send hits on side 0 via link-0 and side 1 via link-1.
@@ -1044,43 +1133,44 @@ SCT_RodDecoder::setFirstTempMaskedChip(const IdentifierHash& hashId, unsigned in
     // side 1 via link-0. If the first masked chip value on side 1 (0) is
     // between 1 to 6 (7 to 12), it indicates the module is a special one.
     // In that case, information is swapped.
-    if ((6<firstTempMaskedChip_side0 and firstTempMaskedChip_side0<=12) or
-        (0<firstTempMaskedChip_side1 and firstTempMaskedChip_side1<= 6)) {
-      const unsigned int swapFirstTempMaskedChip_side0{firstTempMaskedChip_side0};
-      firstTempMaskedChip_side0 = firstTempMaskedChip_side1;
-      firstTempMaskedChip_side1 = swapFirstTempMaskedChip_side0;
+    if ((6<firstTempMaskedChipSide0 and firstTempMaskedChipSide0<=12) or
+        (0<firstTempMaskedChipSide1 and firstTempMaskedChipSide1<= 6)) {
+      const unsigned int swapFirstTempMaskedChipSide0{firstTempMaskedChipSide0};
+      firstTempMaskedChipSide0 = firstTempMaskedChipSide1;
+      firstTempMaskedChipSide1 = swapFirstTempMaskedChipSide0;
-    if (firstTempMaskedChip_side0>0) {
-      for (unsigned int iChip{firstTempMaskedChip_side0-1}; iChip<6; iChip++) {
-        addSingleError(hash_side0, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::TempMaskedChip0+iChip, errs);
+    if (firstTempMaskedChipSide0>0) {
+      for (unsigned int iChip{firstTempMaskedChipSide0-1}; iChip<6; iChip++) {
+        addSingleError(hashSide0, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::TempMaskedChip0+iChip, errs);
-    if (firstTempMaskedChip_side1>6) {
-      for (unsigned int iChip{firstTempMaskedChip_side1-1}; iChip<12; iChip++) {
-        addSingleError(hash_side1, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::TempMaskedChip0+iChip-6, errs);
+    if (firstTempMaskedChipSide1>6) {
+      for (unsigned int iChip{firstTempMaskedChipSide1-1}; iChip<12; iChip++) {
+        addSingleError(hashSide1, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::TempMaskedChip0+iChip-6, errs);
-  } else {
+  } 
+  else {
     // type=1, 2, 3, 4: cases using Rx redundancy
     bool toBeMasked{false};
     for (int iChip{0}; iChip<12; iChip++) {
       int jChip{chipOrder[type][iChip]};
       if (jChip==static_cast<int>(firstTempMaskedChip-1)) toBeMasked = true;
       if (toBeMasked) {
-        if (jChip<6) addSingleError(hash_side0, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::TempMaskedChip0+jChip, errs);
-        else         addSingleError(hash_side1, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::TempMaskedChip0+jChip-6, errs);
+        if (jChip<6) addSingleError(hashSide0, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::TempMaskedChip0+jChip, errs);
+        else         addSingleError(hashSide1, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::TempMaskedChip0+jChip-6, errs);
-  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("setFirstTempMaskedChip Hash " << hashId
-                  << " SerialNumber " << m_cabling->getSerialNumberFromHash(hashId).str()
-                  << " moduleId " << moduleId
-                  << " barrel_ec " << m_sct_id->barrel_ec(wafId)
-                  << " layer_disk " << m_sct_id->layer_disk(wafId)
-                  << " eta_module " << m_sct_id->eta_module(wafId)
-                  << " phi_module " << m_sct_id->phi_module(wafId)
-                  << " side " << m_sct_id->side(wafId)
+  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("setFirstTempMaskedChip Hash " << hashID
+                  << " SerialNumber " << m_cabling->getSerialNumberFromHash(hashID).str()
+                  << " moduleID " << moduleID
+                  << " barrel_ec " << m_sctID->barrel_ec(waferID)
+                  << " layer_disk " << m_sctID->layer_disk(waferID)
+                  << " eta_module " << m_sctID->eta_module(waferID)
+                  << " phi_module " << m_sctID->phi_module(waferID)
+                  << " side " << m_sctID->side(waferID)
                   << " firstTempMaskedChip " << firstTempMaskedChip);
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/src/SCT_RodDecoder.h b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/src/SCT_RodDecoder.h
index 796dc65ff3b856fda21d639330a92fdbb90d6d80..4d9b6b1ce53e06439866592a6ad6b41e2635ebcd 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/src/SCT_RodDecoder.h
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/src/SCT_RodDecoder.h
@@ -2,130 +2,241 @@
   Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
- *      @file header for SCT_RodDecoder Class
- *      AlgTool class to decode ROB bytestream data into RDO
- *      @author: Kondo.Gnanvo@cern.ch, Maria.Jose.Costa@cern.ch
- *      @current developer: Kondo Gnanvo, QMUL (London), august 2005
- */
 #include "SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/ISCT_RodDecoder.h"
 #include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
-#include "Identifier/IdContext.h"
-#include "Identifier/IdentifierHash.h"
 #include "InDetByteStreamErrors/InDetBSErrContainer.h"
-#include "SCT_Cabling/ISCT_CablingTool.h"
 #include "SCT_ConditionsData/SCT_ByteStreamErrors.h"
+#include "SCT_Cabling/ISCT_CablingTool.h"
 #include "SCT_ConditionsTools/ISCT_ConfigurationConditionsTool.h"
+#include "Identifier/IdContext.h"
 #include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
 #include <atomic>
 #include <cstdint>
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
+class IdentifierHash;
 class SCT_ID;
-/** @class SCT_RodDecoder
- *  @brief AlgTool which decodes the SCT binary format to create RDOs
- *  also inserts them to the collection.
- *  This tool is used by the SCTRawCollByteStreamTool
- **/
+ * @class SCT_RodDecoder
+ *
+ * @brief Athena Algorithm Tool to decode the SCT binary format to create RDOs and inserts them to the collection.
+ *
+ * This tool is used by the SCTRawCollByteStreamTool.
+ */
 class SCT_RodDecoder : public extends<AthAlgTool, ISCT_RodDecoder>
-  struct CacheHelper{//temp object to help with trigger caching
+  /** Temp object to help with trigger caching. */
+  struct CacheHelper{
     IdentifierHash skipHash, lastHash;
     const std::vector<IdentifierHash>* vecHash;
-  //@name Usual AlgTool methods
-  //@{
-  /** constructor*/
+  /** Constructor */
   SCT_RodDecoder(const std::string& type, const std::string& name, const IInterface* parent);
-  /** destructor  */
+  /** Destructor */
   virtual ~SCT_RodDecoder() = default;
-  /** AlgTool initialize */
+  /** Initialize */
   virtual StatusCode initialize() override;
-  /** AlgTool finalize*/
+  /** Finalize */
   virtual StatusCode finalize() override;
-  /** @brief Decode the rob data fragment and fill the collection SCT_RDO_Collection 
-   *  with the RDO built by the makeRDO(..) method
+  /** 
+   * @brief Fill SCT RDO Collection with decoded ROB data
+   *
+   * Decode the rob data fragment and fill the collection SCT_RDO_Collection with the RDO built by the makeRDO(..) method.
    * rdoIdc, errs, and bsFracCont are updated based on robFrag and vecHash.
-   **/
+   *
+   * @param robFrag ROB fragment.
+   * @param rdoIDCont RDO ID Container to be filled.
+   * @param errs Byte stream error container.
+   * @param bsFracCont Byte stream fraction container.
+   * @param vecHash Vector of hashes.
+   */
   virtual StatusCode fillCollection(const OFFLINE_FRAGMENTS_NAMESPACE::ROBFragment& robFrag,
-                                    ISCT_RDO_Container& rdoIdc,
+                                    ISCT_RDO_Container& rdoIDCont,
                                     InDetBSErrContainer* errs,
                                     SCT_ByteStreamFractionContainer* bsFracCont,
                                     const std::vector<IdentifierHash>* vecHash = nullptr) const override;
-  /// method that builds the RawData RDO and add it to the collection 
-  /// rdoIdc and cache are updated based on other arguments
-  int makeRDO(int strip, int groupSize, int tbin,
-              uint32_t onlineId, int ERRORS,
-              ISCT_RDO_Container& rdoIdc,
+  /**
+   * @brief Builds RawData RDO and adds to RDO container
+   *
+   * Method that builds the RawData RDO and add it to the collection rdoIdc and cache are 
+   * updated based on other arguments. 
+   * Method has 3 possible return values:
+   *   1 if RDO was successfully created
+   *   0 if collection was deliberately skipped (for trigger)
+   *  -1 if there was an error in the decoding - will be passed on as StatusCode::RECOVERABLE by fillCollection()
+   *
+   * @param strip Strip number info from the RDO.
+   * @param groupSize Group size info from the RDO.
+   * @param timeBin Time bin info for RDO.
+   * @param onlineID Online Identifier from the RDO.
+   * @param errors Error info.
+   * @param rdoIDCont RDO ID Container to be filled.
+   * @param cache Cache.
+   * @param errorHit Hit error info.
+   */
+  int makeRDO(int strip, int groupSize, int timeBin,
+              uint32_t onlineID, int errors,
+              ISCT_RDO_Container& rdoIDCont,
               CacheHelper& cache,
               const std::vector<int>& errorHit) const;
-  /// add an error for each wafer in a problematic ROD.
-  void addRODError(uint32_t rodid, int errorType,
+  /**
+   * @brief Add an error for each wafer in the problematic ROD
+   *
+   * @param rodID Identifer of ROD.
+   * @param errorType Error type info.
+   * @param errs Byte stream error container.
+   */
+  void addRODError(uint32_t rodID, int errorType,
                    InDetBSErrContainer* errs) const;
-  bool addSingleError(const IdentifierHash& idHash,
+  /**
+   * @brief Add single eror
+   *
+   * @param hashID Identifier for hash.
+   * @param bsErrorType Byte Stream error type info.
+   * @param errs Byte stream error container.
+   */
+  bool addSingleError(const IdentifierHash& hashID,
                       int bsErrorType,
                       InDetBSErrContainer* errs) const;
-  /** Set first temporarily masked chip information from byte stream trailer */
-  void setFirstTempMaskedChip(const IdentifierHash& hashId, unsigned int firstTempMaskedChip, InDetBSErrContainer* errs) const;
-  const SCT_ID* m_sct_id;
-  IdContext m_cntx_sct;
-  ToolHandle<ISCT_CablingTool> m_cabling{this, "SCT_CablingTool", "SCT_CablingTool", "Tool to retrieve SCT Cabling"};
-  ToolHandle<ISCT_ConfigurationConditionsTool> m_configTool{this, "ConfigTool",
-      "SCT_ConfigurationConditionsTool/InDetSCT_ConfigurationConditionsTool", "Tool to retrieve SCT Configuration Tool"};
-  /** Summary of the decoding process */
-  mutable std::atomic_uint m_singleCondHitNumber;   //!< Total number of single hit decoded in condensed mode
-  mutable std::atomic_uint m_pairedCondHitNumber;   //!< Total number of paired hit decoded in condensed mode
-  mutable std::atomic_uint m_firstExpHitNumber;     //!< Total number of first hit decoded in expanded mode
-  mutable std::atomic_uint m_evenExpHitNumber;      //!< Total number of paired hit decoded in expanded mode
-  mutable std::atomic_uint m_lastExpHitNumber;      //!< Total number of last hit decoded in expanded mode
-  mutable std::atomic_uint m_headnumber;            //!< Total number of decoded header data
-  mutable std::atomic_uint m_trailnumber;           //!< Total number of decoded trailer data
-  mutable std::atomic_uint m_head_error_bcid;       //!< Total number of bcid error in the header data
-  mutable std::atomic_uint m_head_error_lvl1id;     //!< Total number of lvl1id error in the header data
-  mutable std::atomic_uint m_head_error_timeout;    //!< Total number of timeout error in the header data
-  mutable std::atomic_uint m_head_error_formatter;  //!< Total number of formatter error in the header data
-  mutable std::atomic_uint m_head_error_preamb;     //!< Total number of preamble error in the header data
-  mutable std::atomic_uint m_trail_error_overflow;  //!< Total number of overflow error in the trailer data
-  mutable std::atomic_uint m_trail_error_limit;     //!< Total number of header trailer limit error in the trailer data
-  mutable std::atomic_uint m_trail_error_bit;       //!< Total number of trailer bit error
-  mutable std::atomic_uint m_config_data_bit;       //!< Total number of configuration data
-  mutable std::atomic_uint m_flag_error_bit;        //!< Total number of flag error data
-  mutable std::atomic_uint m_cond_hit1_error;       //!< Total number of first hit data error
-  mutable std::atomic_uint m_cond_hit2_error;       //!< Total number second hit data errors
-  mutable std::atomic_uint m_chip_number_error;     //!< Total number of chip number error
-  mutable std::atomic_uint m_unknown_data_format;   //!< Total number of unknown data format
+  /**
+   * @brief Set first temporarily masked chip information from byte stream trailer
+   *
+   * @param hashID Identifier for hash.
+   * @param firstTempMaskedChip  Firt temporarily masked chip info.
+   * @param errs Byte stream error container.
+   */
+  void setFirstTempMaskedChip(const IdentifierHash& hashID, 
+                              unsigned int firstTempMaskedChip, 
+                              InDetBSErrContainer* errs) const;
+  /** Identifier helper class for the SCT subdetector that creates compact Identifier objects and 
+      IdentifierHash or hash IDs. Also allows decoding of these IDs. */
+  const SCT_ID* m_sctID;
+  /** "Context" of an expanded identifier (ExpandedIdentifier) for compact or 
+      hash versions (Identifier32 or IdentifierHash) */
+  IdContext m_contextSCT;
+  /** Providing mappings of online and offline identifiers and also serial numbers. */
+  ToolHandle<ISCT_CablingTool> m_cabling{this, 
+                                         "SCT_CablingTool", 
+                                         "SCT_CablingTool", 
+                                         "Tool to retrieve SCT Cabling"};
+  /** Service that keeps track of configuration conditions. */
+  ToolHandle<ISCT_ConfigurationConditionsTool> m_configTool{this, 
+                                                            "ConfigTool",
+                                                            "SCT_ConfigurationConditionsTool/InDetSCT_ConfigurationConditionsTool", 
+                                                            "Tool to retrieve SCT Configuration Tool"};
+  /** Total number of single strips with hit decoded in condensed mode */
+  mutable std::atomic_uint m_singleCondHitNumber;   
+  /** Total number of paired strips with hit decoded in condensed mode */
+  mutable std::atomic_uint m_pairedCondHitNumber;  
+  /** Total number of first strips with hit decoded in expanded mode */
+  mutable std::atomic_uint m_firstExpHitNumber;   
+  /** Total number of consecutive paired strips with hit decoded in expanded mode */
+  mutable std::atomic_uint m_evenExpHitNumber;   
+  /** Total number of last consecutive strips with hit decoded in expanded mode */
+  mutable std::atomic_uint m_lastExpHitNumber;  
+  /** Total number of decoded header data */
+  mutable std::atomic_uint m_headNumber;       
+  /** Total number of decoded trailer data */
+  mutable std::atomic_uint m_trailerNumber;   
+  /** Total number of BCID errors in the header data */
+  mutable std::atomic_uint m_headErrorBCID;  
+  /** Total number of Lvl1ID errors in the header data */
+  mutable std::atomic_uint m_headErrorLvl1ID; 
+  /** Total number of timeout errors in the header data */
+  mutable std::atomic_uint m_headErrorTimeout;    
+  /** Total number of formatter errors in the header data */
+  mutable std::atomic_uint m_headErrorFormatter;  
+  /** Total number of preamble errors in the header data */
+  mutable std::atomic_uint m_headErrorPreamble;  
+  /** Total number of overflow errors in the trailer data */
+  mutable std::atomic_uint m_trailerErrorOverflow; 
+  /** Total number of header trailer limit errors in the trailer data */
+  mutable std::atomic_uint m_trailerErrorLimit;   
+  /** Total number of trailer bit errors */
+  mutable std::atomic_uint m_trailerErrorBit;    
+  /** Total number of configuration data for raw data */
+  mutable std::atomic_uint m_configDataBit;     
+  /** Total number of flag error data */
+  mutable std::atomic_uint m_flagErrorBit;     
+  /** Total number of first hit data errors */
+  mutable std::atomic_uint m_condHit1Error;   
+  /** Total number second hit data errors */
+  mutable std::atomic_uint m_condHit2Error;  
+  /** Total number of chip number errors */
+  mutable std::atomic_uint m_chipNumberError;  
+  /** Total number of unknown data formats */
+  mutable std::atomic_uint m_unknownDataFormat; 
+  /** Total number of SCT hits in ByteStream */
   mutable std::atomic_uint m_nHits;
+  /** Total number of SCT RDOs created */
   mutable std::atomic_uint m_nRDOs;
+  /** Total number of masked links in the header data */
   mutable std::atomic_uint m_maskedLinkNumber;
+  /** Total number of masked RDOs */
   mutable std::atomic_uint m_maskedRODNumber;
-  mutable std::atomic_uint m_RODClockErrorNumber;
+  /** Total number of ROD clock errors */
+  mutable std::atomic_uint m_rodClockErrorNumber;
+  /** Total number of truncated ROBFragments */
   mutable std::atomic_uint m_truncatedRODNumber;
+  /** Total number of missing link headers */
   mutable std::atomic_uint m_numMissingLinkHeader;
-  mutable std::atomic_uint m_numUnknownOfflineId;
+  /** Total number of SCT unknown online IDs */
+  mutable std::atomic_uint m_numUnknownOfflineID;
+  /** Swap phi readout direction */
   std::vector<bool> m_swapPhiReadoutDirection;
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/src/SCT_RodEncoder.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/src/SCT_RodEncoder.cxx
index 72d88f32712240a84871a4ff925545b85eb29d8e..88b7b11051486bead34a6e4f37ef59a8ebd3ce55 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/src/SCT_RodEncoder.cxx
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/src/SCT_RodEncoder.cxx
@@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ namespace { // Anonymous namespace
 // Constructor
-SCT_RodEncoder::SCT_RodEncoder(const std::string& type, const std::string& name, const IInterface* parent) : 
+SCT_RodEncoder::SCT_RodEncoder(const std::string& type, const std::string& name, 
+                               const IInterface* parent) : 
   base_class(type, name, parent),
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/src/SCT_RodEncoder.h b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/src/SCT_RodEncoder.h
index 97795431a92d0e3a751953f4ab6190aa6ab47d69..1d9896fb44b2f2806e849cbbd6557d87d063fbd3 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/src/SCT_RodEncoder.h
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/src/SCT_RodEncoder.h
@@ -1,14 +1,6 @@
   Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
- * @file SCT_RodEncoder.h
- * @author: Nick Barlow (nbarlow@mail.cern.ch, Kondo.Gnanvo@cern.ch)
- * @date 21 June 2007 (SCT_RodEncoder turned into An AlgTool)
- * 
- * This class provides conversion from SCT RDO to ROD format ByteStream.
- */
@@ -96,9 +88,9 @@ class SCT_RodEncoder : public extends<AthAlgTool, ISCT_RodEncoder>
    * @param vecTimeBins Vector of time bins for RDOs.
    * @param vec16Words Vector of 16 bit words to filled from encoded RDO data.
-   * @param rdo RDO raw data object to be encoded
-   * @param groupSize Group size info from the RDO
-   * @param strip Strip number info from the RDO
+   * @param rdo RDO raw data object to be encoded.
+   * @param groupSize Group size info from the RDO.
+   * @param strip Strip number info from the RDO.
   void encodeData(const std::vector<int>& vecTimeBins, std::vector<uint16_t>& vec16Words, 
                   const SCT_RDORawData* rdo, const int& groupSize, const int& strip) const;
@@ -109,11 +101,10 @@ class SCT_RodEncoder : public extends<AthAlgTool, ISCT_RodEncoder>
    * Method us used by private method encodeData(...).
    * @param vec16Words Vector containing 16 bit words.
-   * @param vec32Words Vector for 32 bit words to be packed
+   * @param vec32Words Vector for 32 bit words to be packed.
   void packFragments(std::vector<uint16_t>& vec16Words, std::vector<uint32_t>& vec32Words) const;
-  /// from 16 bits array to 32 bit array   
    * @breif Method to set pairs of 16 bit words to a 32 bit word.
@@ -160,7 +151,7 @@ class SCT_RodEncoder : public extends<AthAlgTool, ISCT_RodEncoder>
   /** Add trailers with errors for ROB to the vector of 16 bit words. */
   void addTrailersWithErrors(const uint32_t& robID, const std::set<IdentifierHash>* errors, 
-                             const ErrorWords& errType, std::vector<uint16_t>& vec16dDta) const;
+                             const ErrorWords& errType, std::vector<uint16_t>& vec16Data) const;
   /** Add specific errors for ROB to the vector of 16 bit words. */
   void addSpecificErrors(const uint32_t& robID, const std::set<IdentifierHash>* errors, 
@@ -177,6 +168,7 @@ class SCT_RodEncoder : public extends<AthAlgTool, ISCT_RodEncoder>
                                          "Tool to retrieve SCT Cabling"};
   /** Identifier helper class for the SCT subdetector that creates compact Identifier objects and 
       IdentifierHash or hash IDs. Also allows decoding of these IDs. */
   const SCT_ID* m_sctID;