theApp.EvtMax=-1 #says how many events to run over. Set to -1 for all events #import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.ReadAthenaPool #sets up reading of POOL files (e.g. xAODs) import AthenaRootComps.ReadAthenaxAODHybrid svcMgr.EventSelector.AccessMode=1 #use class access mode ... I know it's wrong, but it should be ok just for the EventInfo information from glob import glob defFile = os.environ.get ('ASG_TEST_FILE_MC', '/afs/') svcMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections=glob( vars().get("FILES",defFile).strip() ) if len(svcMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections)==0: print("WARNING >>>>>>>>>> NO INPUT FILES PROVIDED/FOUND FROM: %s ... this will produce a failure unless you are sending this job to the grid <<<<<<<<<<<<" % vars().get("FILES","/afs/").strip()) #instantiate a tool without a config file, so that it's in config file making mode ... ToolSvc += CfgMgr.CP__PileupReweightingTool("auto",ConfigFiles=[],LumiCalcFiles=[],DataScaleFactor=1.0,DataScaleFactorUP=0.,DataScaleFactorDOWN=0.) #need to configure the weighttool to use TruthEvents, because of ATLASSIM-2989 bug in 20.7 ToolSvc += CfgMgr.McEventWeight("MyWeights",UseTruthEvents=True) = ToolSvc.MyWeights algseq = CfgMgr.AthSequencer("AthAlgSeq") #gets the main AthSequencer algseq += CfgMgr.CP__PileupReweightingProvider(ConfigOutputStream="METADATA", #adds an instance of your alg to it include("AthAnalysisBaseComps/") #Optional include to suppress as much athena output as possible svcMgr += CfgMgr.THistSvc() svcMgr.THistSvc.Output += ["METADATA DATAFILE='my.prw.root' OPT='RECREATE'"] #use on the grid like this: #pathena PileupReweighting/ --inDS="etc/,etc/,etc/" --outDS="user.whatever.myprw/" --extOutFile="auto.prw.root"