  Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
#include "IOVSvc/CondSvc.h"
#include "AthenaKernel/CondCont.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/EventIDBase.h"
#include "AthenaKernel/StoreID.h"
#include "AthenaKernel/BaseInfo.h"


CondSvc::CondSvc( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svcLoc ):
  m_sgs("StoreGateSvc/ConditionStore", name)


CondSvc::~CondSvc() {


CondSvc::initialize() {

  // Initialise mother class in order to print DEBUG messages during initialize()
  StatusCode sc(AthService::initialize());
  msg().setLevel( m_outputLevel.value() );

  if (!sc.isSuccess()) {
    warning () << "Base class could not be initialized" << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;

  if (!m_sgs.isValid()) {
    error() << "could not get ConditionStore" << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;

  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;


// void
// CondSvc::dump() const {

//   std::ostringstream ost;
//   dump(ost);

//   info() << ost.str() << endmsg;

// }


CondSvc::dump(std::ostream& ost) const {

  std::lock_guard<mutex_t> lock(m_lock);

  ost << "CondSvc::dump()";

  ost << "\ndumping id->alg map\n";
  for (const auto& ent : m_idMap) {
    ost << std::endl << " + " << ent.first << " : ";
    for (const auto& a : ent.second) {
      ost << " " << a->name();

  ost << "\n\ndumping alg->id map\n";
  for (const auto& ent : m_algMap) {
    ost << std::endl << " + " << ent.first->name() << " : ";
    for (const auto& a : ent.second) {
      ost << " " << a;
  ost << "\n\ndumping ConditionStore:\n\n";

  SG::ConstIterator<CondContBase> cib,cie;
  if (m_sgs->retrieve(cib,cie).isSuccess()) {
    while (cib != cie) {
      ost << " + ";

  ost << "\n";


CondSvc::finalize() {
  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "CondSvc::finalize()" );
  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;

CondSvc::stop() {

  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "CondSvc::stop()" );

  if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) {
    std::ostringstream ost;
    ATH_MSG_DEBUG( ost.str() );

  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;



CondSvc::regHandle(IAlgorithm* alg, const Gaudi::DataHandle& dh) {

  std::lock_guard<mutex_t> lock(m_lock);
  return regHandle_i(alg, dh);



// separate implementation to avoid the use of a recursive mutex
CondSvc::regHandle_i(IAlgorithm* alg, const Gaudi::DataHandle& dh) {

  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "regHandle: alg: " << alg->name() << "  id: "
                 << dh.fullKey() );

  if (dh.mode() != Gaudi::DataHandle::Writer) {
    info() << dh.fullKey() << " is a ReadHandle. no need to register"
           << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;

  id_map_t::iterator itd2 = m_idMap.find(dh.fullKey());
  if (itd2 != m_idMap.end()) {
    IAlgorithm *ia = *(itd2->second.begin());
    if (ia->name() != alg->name()) {
      error() << "WriteCondHandle " << dh.fullKey() 
              << " is already registered against a different Algorithm " 
              << ia->name()
              << ". This is not allowed."
              << endmsg;
      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
    // FIXME : so why is it a set<IAlgorithm*> ??

  //  m_keyMap[key] = dh.fullKey();

  m_condIDs.emplace( dh.fullKey() );

  //  id_map_t::iterator itd2 = m_idMap.find(dh.fullKey());
  if (itd2 != m_idMap.end()) {
    itd2->second.insert( alg );
  } else {
    m_idMap[dh.fullKey()] = IAlgHashSet { alg };

  alg_map_t::iterator ita2 = m_algMap.find(alg);
  if (ita2 != m_algMap.end()) {
    ita2->second.insert( dh.fullKey() );
  } else {
    m_algMap[alg] = DataObjIDColl { dh.fullKey() };

  StatusCode sc(StatusCode::SUCCESS);

  CLID clid = dh.fullKey().clid();
  const SG::BaseInfoBase* bib = SG::BaseInfoBase::find( clid );
  if ( bib ) {
    for (CLID clid2 : bib->get_bases()) {
      if (clid2 != clid) {
        SG::VarHandleKey vhk(clid2,dh.objKey(),Gaudi::DataHandle::Writer,
        if (regHandle_i(alg, vhk).isFailure()) {
          sc = StatusCode::FAILURE;

  return sc;



CondSvc::getInvalidIDs(const EventContext& ctx, DataObjIDColl& invalidIDs) {
  std::lock_guard<mutex_t> lock(m_lock);

  EventIDBase now(ctx.eventID());

  std::ostringstream ost;
  ost << "getInvalidIDS " << ctx.eventID() 
      << ": retrieving all ConstIterator<CondContBase>";
  SG::ConstIterator<CondContBase> cib, cie;
  if (m_sgs->retrieve(cib,cie).isSuccess()) {
    while(cib != cie) {
      ost << std::endl << "  + " << cib.key() << "  " << cib->valid(now) 
          << "  id: "  << cib->id();
      if (! (cib->valid(now)) ) {
        invalidIDs.insert( cib->id() );

  } else {
    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("ConditionStore is empty");
    return false;

  ost << std::endl << "  -> found " << invalidIDs.size() << " invalid IDs";

  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( ost.str() );

  return true;


CondSvc::getIDValidity(const EventContext& ctx, DataObjIDColl& validIDs,
                       DataObjIDColl& invalidIDs) {
  std::lock_guard<mutex_t> lock(m_lock);

  EventIDBase now(ctx.eventID());

  std::ostringstream ost;
  ost << "getValidIDS " << ctx.eventID() 
      << ": retrieving all ConstIterator<CondContBase>";
  SG::ConstIterator<CondContBase> cib, cie;
  if (m_sgs->retrieve(cib,cie).isSuccess()) {
    while(cib != cie) {
      ost << std::endl << "  + " << cib.key() << "  v: " << cib->valid(now) 
          << "  id: "  << cib->id();
      if ( cib->valid(now) ) {
        validIDs.insert( cib->id() );
      } else {
        invalidIDs.insert( cib->id() );

  } else {
    ATH_MSG_DEBUG( ost.str() );
    ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Condition store empty." );
    return false;

  ost  << std::endl << "  -> found " << validIDs.size() << " valid, "
       << invalidIDs.size() << " invalid IDs";

  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( ost.str() );

  return true;


CondSvc::getValidIDs(const EventContext& ctx, DataObjIDColl& validIDs) {
  std::lock_guard<mutex_t> lock(m_lock);

  EventIDBase now(ctx.eventID());

  std::ostringstream ost;
  ost << "getValidIDS " << ctx.eventID() 
      << ": retrieving all ConstIterator<CondContBase>";
  SG::ConstIterator<CondContBase> cib, cie;
  if (m_sgs->retrieve(cib,cie).isSuccess()) {
    while(cib != cie) {
      ost << std::endl << "  + " << cib.key() << "  v: " << cib->valid(now) 
          << "  id: "  << cib->id();
      if ( cib->valid(now) ) {
        validIDs.insert( cib->id() );

  } else {
    ATH_MSG_DEBUG( ost.str() );
    ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Condition store empty." );
    return false;

  ost  << std::endl << "  -> found " << validIDs.size() << " valid IDs";

  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( ost.str() );

  return true;


CondSvc::isValidID(const EventContext& ctx, const DataObjID& id) const {
  std::lock_guard<mutex_t> lock(m_lock);

  EventIDBase now(ctx.eventID());

  // FIXME: this is ugly, but we need to strip out the name of the store.
  std::string sk = id.key();
  if (sk.find(StoreID::storeName(StoreID::CONDITION_STORE)) == 0) {

  if (m_sgs->contains<CondContBase>( sk ) ) {
    CondContBase *cib;
    if (m_sgs->retrieve(cib, sk).isSuccess()) {
      ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("CondSvc::isValidID:  now: " << ctx.eventID() << "  id : " 
                    << id << (cib->valid(now) ? ": T" : ": F") );
      return cib->valid(now);

  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("CondSvc::isValidID:  now: " << ctx.eventID() << "  id: " 
                << id << " : F");
  return false;



CondSvc::isRegistered(const DataObjID& id) const {

  return (m_condIDs.find(id) != m_condIDs.end());



CondSvc::isRegistered(IAlgorithm* ialg) const {

  return (m_condAlgs.find(ialg) != m_condAlgs.end());



const DataObjIDColl&
CondSvc::conditionIDs() const {

  return m_condIDs;
