diff --git a/src/controls.h b/src/controls.h
index 3025226c14e5f8168647b0d2576b35e220878375..fd7a947964c5110d240cd1fc2e93609d47f74c68 100644
--- a/src/controls.h
+++ b/src/controls.h
@@ -13,8 +13,5 @@ struct ctrl {
   uint64_t max_file_size;
   int packets_per_report;
   int n_orbits_per_dma_packet;
-  std::atomic<uint32_t> orbit_trailer_error_count;
-  std::atomic<uint64_t> packet_count;
-  std::atomic<uint64_t> excessOrbitsPerPacketCount;
diff --git a/src/processor.cc b/src/processor.cc
index 9d5b37f955254e96408dd00e1c74dffdcb0ad823..f2acecd074d727984444e9e4903d8603cafdac36 100644
--- a/src/processor.cc
+++ b/src/processor.cc
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
 #include <vector>
 #include <algorithm>
+// Definition of the static member stats
+StreamProcessor::Statistics StreamProcessor::stats;
 StreamProcessor::StreamProcessor(size_t max_size_, bool doZS_, ProcessorType processorType_, uint32_t nOrbitsPerDMAPacket_, uint32_t prescaleFactor_, ctrl& control_) :
@@ -15,8 +18,8 @@ StreamProcessor::StreamProcessor(size_t max_size_, bool doZS_, ProcessorType pro
- 	control(control_)
+	control(control_)
 	LOG(TRACE) << "Created transform filter at " << static_cast<void*>(this);
 	myfile.open ("example.txt");
@@ -44,10 +47,31 @@ StreamProcessor::~StreamProcessor(){
 bool StreamProcessor::CheckFrameMultBlock(size_t inputSize){
 	int bsize = sizeof(blockMuon);
-	if((inputSize-nOrbitsPerDMAPacket*constants::orbit_trailer_size - 32*nOrbitsPerDMAPacket -32)%bsize!=0){
+	if ((inputSize-nOrbitsPerDMAPacket*constants::orbit_trailer_size - 32*nOrbitsPerDMAPacket -32)%bsize!=0){
+		stats.n_consistent_sized_packets = 0;
+		stats.packet_skipped_inconsistent_size++;
+		if (( stats.packet_skipped_inconsistent_size++ == 1) ||
+		((stats.packet_skipped_inconsistent_size < 100) && (stats.packet_skipped_inconsistent_size%10 == 0)) ||
+		((stats.packet_skipped_inconsistent_size < 1000) && (stats.packet_skipped_inconsistent_size%100 == 0)) ||
+		((stats.packet_skipped_inconsistent_size < 10000) && (stats.packet_skipped_inconsistent_size%1000 == 0)) ||
+		(stats.packet_skipped_inconsistent_size%10000 == 0)) {
+			LOG(WARNING) << "Frame size not a multiple of block size after headers and trailers have been subtracted. Counted " << stats.packet_skipped_inconsistent_size << " packets skipped.";
+		}
+		if (control.verbosity != 0){
 			<< "Frame size not a multiple of block size after orbit headers (32B*nOrbitsPerPacket), orbit trailers (544B*nOrbitsPerPacket), and packet trailer (32B) have been subtracted. \n Frame size = " << inputSize << ", block size = " << bsize << ", packet will be skipped";
+    		}
 		return false;
+	} else {
+		stats.n_consistent_sized_packets++;
+		if (stats.n_consistent_sized_packets == 6000000){ // every ~10 mins
+			LOG(WARNING) << "Resetting packet_skipped_inconsistent_size counter to 0 after 6000000M consistnent packets. Count was at "<< stats.packet_skipped_inconsistent_size;
+			stats.packet_skipped_inconsistent_size = 0;
+		}
 	return true;
@@ -59,9 +83,9 @@ std::vector<unsigned int> StreamProcessor::CountBX(Slice& input, char* rd_ptr, b
 	rd_ptr += 32; // +32 to account for orbit header
 	std::vector<unsigned int> bx_vect;
 	trailerError = false;
-	while( rd_ptr != input.end()){
+	while ( rd_ptr != input.end()){
 		blockMuon *bl = reinterpret_cast<blockMuon*>(rd_ptr);
-		if(bl->orbit[0]==constants::beefdead){ // found orbit trailer
+		if (bl->orbit[0]==constants::beefdead){ // found orbit trailer
 			orbit_trailer *ot = (orbit_trailer*)(rd_ptr);
 			for (unsigned int k = 0; k < (14*8); k++){ // 14*8 = 14 frames, 8 links of orbit trailer containing BX hitmap
 				bit_check(&bx_vect, ot->bx_map[k], (k*32 + 1));// +1 added to account for BX counting starting at 1
@@ -95,7 +119,7 @@ StreamProcessor::fillOrbitMetadata StreamProcessor::FillOrbitCalo(std::vector<un
 	uint32_t orbit = uint32_t{orbit_header.first};
 	while(relbx < bx_vect.size()){ //total number of non-empty BXs in orbit is given by bx_vect.size()
 		blockCalo *bl = reinterpret_cast<blockCalo*>(rd_ptr);
-		if(bl->calo0[0]==constants::beefdead){break;} // orbit trailer has been reached, end of orbit data
+		if (bl->calo0[0]==constants::beefdead){break;} // orbit trailer has been reached, end of orbit data
 		uint32_t bx = uint32_t{bx_vect[relbx]};
 		uint32_t orbit_ = uint32_t{orbit_header.first};
 		if (bx > 3554){orbit_--;} //fix for the fact that bx 3555 - 3564 are from the previous orbit
@@ -131,21 +155,21 @@ uint32_t StreamProcessor::FillBril(char* rd_ptr, char* wr_ptr, char* end_ptr){
 	//BrilHistoQueue<std::array<uint32_t, constants::NBXPerOrbit + constants::NFramesInHistoHeader>> BrilQueue;	
-	while( (rd_ptr != end_ptr) && (histo_i < NHistosPerPacket)){
+	while ( (rd_ptr != end_ptr) && (histo_i < NHistosPerPacket)){
 		brilFrame *fr = reinterpret_cast<brilFrame*>(rd_ptr);
-		if(fr->word == constants::bril_header){
+		if (fr->word == constants::bril_header){
 			rd_ptr += 32;
 			histo_word_i = 0;
-		if(histo_i == 0){continue;} // Currently appears to be a bug where first histogram of packet is truncated, need to understand and fix, for now skip
+		if (histo_i == 0){continue;} // Currently appears to be a bug where first histogram of packet is truncated, need to understand and fix, for now skip
-		if(histo_word_i < constants::NFramesInHistoHeader){
+		if (histo_word_i < constants::NFramesInHistoHeader){
 			histo_arr[histo_i][histo_word_i] = (fr->word >> 0) & 0xffffffff;
-		}else{
+		} else {
 			histo_arr[histo_i][(histo_word_i*2) - constants::NFramesInHistoHeader ] = (fr->word >> 0) & 0xffff;
 			histo_arr[histo_i][(histo_word_i*2) + 1 - constants::NFramesInHistoHeader] = (fr->word >> 16) & 0xffff;
@@ -156,7 +180,7 @@ uint32_t StreamProcessor::FillBril(char* rd_ptr, char* wr_ptr, char* end_ptr){
 		uint32_t packed_size = sizeof(uint32_t)*NHistosPerPacket*(constants::NBXPerOrbit + constants::NFramesInHistoHeader);
 		memcpy(wr_ptr,(char*)&histo_arr,packed_size); wr_ptr+=packed_size;
-		for(std::array<uint32_t, constants::NBXPerOrbit + constants::NFramesInHistoHeader> & hist : histo_arr){
+		for (std::array<uint32_t, constants::NBXPerOrbit + constants::NFramesInHistoHeader> & hist : histo_arr){
@@ -170,18 +194,18 @@ StreamProcessor::fillOrbitMetadata StreamProcessor::FillOrbitMuon(std::vector<un
 	uint32_t orbit = uint32_t{orbit_header.first};
 	uint32_t relbx = uint32_t{0};
 	uint32_t counts = uint32_t{0};
-	while(relbx < bx_vect.size()){ //total number of non-empty BXs in orbit is given by bx_vect.size()
+	while (relbx < bx_vect.size()){ //total number of non-empty BXs in orbit is given by bx_vect.size()
 		blockMuon *bl = reinterpret_cast<blockMuon*>(rd_ptr);
-		if(bl->orbit[0]==constants::beefdead){break;} // orbit trailer has been reached, end of orbit data
+		if (bl->orbit[0]==constants::beefdead){ break; } // orbit trailer has been reached, end of orbit data
 		int mAcount = 0;
 		int mBcount = 0;
 		bool AblocksOn[8];
 		bool BblocksOn[8];
 		uint32_t bx = uint32_t {bx_vect[relbx]};
 		if (bx > 3554){orbit--;} //fix for the fact that bx 3555 - 3564 are from the previous orbit
-		for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
+		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
 			uint32_t bxA = (bl->bx[i] >> shifts::bx) & masks::bx;
-		        if((bxA != bx) &&  (i == 0) && (bx<3555) && control.verbosity){ //only prints warning when BX < 3555 i.e from the same orbit
+		        if ((bxA != bx) &&  (i == 0) && (bx<3555) && control.verbosity){ //only prints warning when BX < 3555 i.e from the same orbit
 				LOG(WARNING) << "BX mismatch, uGMT data word BX = " << std::hex << bxA <<
 				", BX extracted from trailer = "<< bx << ", orbitN is " << std::dec << orbit;
@@ -189,18 +213,18 @@ StreamProcessor::fillOrbitMetadata StreamProcessor::FillOrbitMuon(std::vector<un
 			uint32_t pt = uint32_t{(bl->mu1f[i] >> shifts::pt) & masks::pt};
 			AblocksOn[i]=((pt>0) || (doZS==0));
-			if((pt>0) || (doZS==0)){
+			if ((pt>0) || (doZS==0)){
 			pt = (bl->mu2f[i] >> shifts::pt) & masks::pt;
 			BblocksOn[i]=((pt>0) || (doZS==0));
-			if((pt>0) || (doZS==0)){
+			if ((pt>0) || (doZS==0)){
 		uint32_t bxcount = std::max(mAcount,mBcount);
-		if(bxcount == 0) {
+		if (bxcount == 0) {
 			LOG(WARNING) << '#' << nbPackets << ": Detected a bx with zero muons, this should not happen. Packet is skipped."; 
@@ -214,8 +238,8 @@ StreamProcessor::fillOrbitMetadata StreamProcessor::FillOrbitMuon(std::vector<un
 		memcpy(wr_ptr,(char*)&header,4); wr_ptr+=4;
 		memcpy(wr_ptr,(char*)&bx,4); wr_ptr+=4;
 		memcpy(wr_ptr,(char*)&orbit,4); wr_ptr+=4;
-		for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
-			if(AblocksOn[i]){
+		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
+			if (AblocksOn[i]){
 				memcpy(wr_ptr,(char*)&bl->mu1f[i],4); wr_ptr+=4;
 				memcpy(wr_ptr,(char*)&bl->mu1s[i],4); wr_ptr+=4;
 				// next creating mu.extra which is a copy of bl->bx with a change to the first bit		
@@ -223,8 +247,8 @@ StreamProcessor::fillOrbitMetadata StreamProcessor::FillOrbitMuon(std::vector<un
-		for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
-			if(BblocksOn[i]){
+		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
+			if (BblocksOn[i]){
 				memcpy(wr_ptr,(char*)&bl->mu2f[i],4); wr_ptr+=4;
 				memcpy(wr_ptr,(char*)&bl->mu2s[i],4); wr_ptr+=4;
 				// next creating mu.extra which is a copy of bl->bx with a change to the first bit		
@@ -243,11 +267,11 @@ StreamProcessor::fillOrbitMetadata StreamProcessor::FillOrbitMuon(std::vector<un
 void StreamProcessor::process(Slice& input, Slice& out)
-	control.packet_count++;
+	stats.packet_count++;
 	//Implement prescale - only for CALO
 	if ((processorType == ProcessorType::CALO) && (prescaleFactor!=0)) {
-		if(control.packet_count%prescaleFactor != 0){return;}
+		if (stats.packet_count%prescaleFactor != 0){return;}
 	char* rd_ptr = input.begin();
@@ -264,7 +288,7 @@ void StreamProcessor::process(Slice& input, Slice& out)
-	if(processorType == ProcessorType::BRIL){
+	if (processorType == ProcessorType::BRIL){
 		counts = FillBril(rd_ptr, wr_ptr, end_ptr);
 		out.set_end(out.begin() + counts);
@@ -278,8 +302,8 @@ void StreamProcessor::process(Slice& input, Slice& out)
 		bool trailerError = false;
 		bx_vect = CountBX(input, rd_ptr, trailerError);	
 		if(trailerError == true){
-			control.orbit_trailer_error_count++;
-			LOG(WARNING) << "Orbit trailer error: orbit trailer not found before end of data packet. Packet will be skipped. Orbit trailer error count = " << control.orbit_trailer_error_count;
+			stats.orbit_trailer_error_count++;
+			LOG(WARNING) << "Orbit trailer error: orbit trailer not found before end of data packet. Packet will be skipped. Orbit trailer error count = " << stats.orbit_trailer_error_count;
 		std::sort(bx_vect.begin(), bx_vect.end());
@@ -288,7 +312,7 @@ void StreamProcessor::process(Slice& input, Slice& out)
 			orbitCount = meta.counts;
 			wr_ptr+= orbitCount*12 + 12*bx_vect.size(); // 12 bytes for each muon/count then 12 bytes for each bx header
-		}else if (processorType == ProcessorType::CALO){
+		} else if (processorType == ProcessorType::CALO){
 			meta = FillOrbitCalo(bx_vect, rd_ptr, wr_ptr);				
 			orbitCount = meta.counts;
@@ -296,37 +320,37 @@ void StreamProcessor::process(Slice& input, Slice& out)
 			// Note 7 data words per link because we have the "link number" word + 6 words from calo L2 
 			wr_ptr+= 4*((8*7) + 3)*bx_vect.size(); 
-		}else{
+		} else {
                         LOG(ERROR) << "UNKNOWN PROCESSOR_TYPE, EXITING";
     			throw std::invalid_argument("ERROR: PROCESSOR_TYPE NOT RECOGNISED");
 		rd_ptr+= 32 + bx_vect.size()*sizeof(blockMuon) + constants::orbit_trailer_size; // 32 for orbit header, + nBXs + orbit trailer
 		counts += orbitCount;
-		if(firstOrbit){
+		if (firstOrbit){
 		firstOrbit = false;
-		if(rd_ptr < input.end()){
+		if (rd_ptr < input.end()){
 			uint32_t *dma_trailer_word = (uint32_t*)(rd_ptr);
-			if( *dma_trailer_word == constants::deadbeef){
+			if ( *dma_trailer_word == constants::deadbeef){
 				endofpacket = true;
-			if(orbit_per_packet_count > nOrbitsPerDMAPacket){                        
-				if(control.verbosity){
+			if (orbit_per_packet_count > nOrbitsPerDMAPacket){                        
+				if (control.verbosity){
 					LOG(WARNING) << "expected DMA trailer word deadbeef, found " 
 					<< std::hex << *dma_trailer_word << ". Orbits per packet count " 
 					<< orbit_per_packet_count  << ", > expected, (" << nOrbitsPerDMAPacket <<") skipping packet.";
-				control.excessOrbitsPerPacketCount++;
-				if(control.excessOrbitsPerPacketCount%10000 == 0){
-					LOG(WARNING) << "count of packets with excess # orbits " << control.excessOrbitsPerPacketCount;
+				stats.excess_orbits_per_packet_count++;
+				if (stats.excess_orbits_per_packet_count%10000 == 0){
+					LOG(WARNING) << "count of packets with excess # orbits " << stats.excess_orbits_per_packet_count;
diff --git a/src/processor.h b/src/processor.h
index 5b9bf0623cee28dd60ee402855d6ecb209e1b218..8fef3c73dc7b7b99abcb212eb407308a1d942ffe 100644
--- a/src/processor.h
+++ b/src/processor.h
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
 class Slice;
 class StreamProcessor: public tbb::filter {
   static BrilHistoQueue<std::array<uint32_t, constants::NBXPerOrbit + constants::NFramesInHistoHeader>> BrilQueue;
@@ -44,6 +43,23 @@ private:
   uint32_t nOrbitsPerDMAPacket;
   uint32_t prescaleFactor;
   ctrl& control;
+ public:
+  static class Statistics {
+   public:
+    Statistics()
+        : orbit_trailer_error_count(0),
+          packet_count(0),
+          excess_orbits_per_packet_count(0),
+          packet_skipped_inconsistent_size(0),
+          n_consistent_sized_packets(0) {}
+    std::atomic<uint32_t> orbit_trailer_error_count;
+    std::atomic<uint64_t> packet_count;
+    std::atomic<uint64_t> excess_orbits_per_packet_count;
+    std::atomic<uint64_t> packet_skipped_inconsistent_size;
+    std::atomic<uint64_t> n_consistent_sized_packets;
+  } stats;
diff --git a/src/scdaq.cc b/src/scdaq.cc
index 59d6a95d4c164c0603656e3ed088adc112effcbd..6bba17daf37a86ea5a7c782231c78e98164d6169 100644
--- a/src/scdaq.cc
+++ b/src/scdaq.cc
@@ -156,15 +156,12 @@ if(argc < 2){
     control.running = false;
     control.run_number = 0;
-    control.orbit_trailer_error_count = 0;
-    control.packet_count = 0;
     control.max_file_size = conf.getOutputMaxFileSize();//in Bytes
     control.packets_per_report = conf.getPacketsPerReport();
     control.output_force_write = conf.getOutputForceWrite();
-    control.n_orbits_per_dma_packet = conf.getNOrbitsPerDMAPacket();
     control.verbosity = conf.getVerbosity();
-    control.excessOrbitsPerPacketCount = 0;
+    control.n_orbits_per_dma_packet = conf.getNOrbitsPerDMAPacket();
     // Firmware needs at least 1MB buffer for DMA
     if (conf.getDmaPacketBufferSize() < 1024*1024) {
       LOG(ERROR) << "dma_packet_buffer_size must be at least 1048576 bytes (1MB), but " << conf.getDmaPacketBufferSize() << " bytes was given. Check the configuration file.";
diff --git a/test/config/scdaq-calo.conf b/test/config/scdaq-calo.conf
index e31dfa2072bc7bf862f70052b8475676fd22ff31..534020238e1716bead82ce9eb0151b6b7f42e318 100644
--- a/test/config/scdaq-calo.conf
+++ b/test/config/scdaq-calo.conf
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 #   "filedma"   for reading from file and simulating DMA
 #   "micronDMA" for PICO driver
 # Settings for Micron board only
diff --git a/test/config/scdaq-gmt.conf b/test/config/scdaq-gmt.conf
index 8e0b525fa66d2621680352a177916095cc53e807..e520b3ee25b36cea1526f1d7d8fdc3f62159e0b1 100644
--- a/test/config/scdaq-gmt.conf
+++ b/test/config/scdaq-gmt.conf
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ quality_cut:12
 # verbosity level, currently supports 0 and 1
 # N orbits to store to each file
 # Configured to store fixed number of orbits per file when nOrbitsPerFile > 1