diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/CMakeLists.txt b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c87cc8aec73a8cd8d66c32ca55d884515c0bf70f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-# Declare the package name:
-atlas_subdir( PyAthenaTests )
-# Install files from the package:
-atlas_install_python_modules( python/*.py POST_BUILD_CMD ${ATLAS_FLAKE8} )
-atlas_install_joboptions( share/*.py )
-atlas_install_runtime( test/*.ref )
-atlas_install_scripts( test/*.py )
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/python/Lib.py b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/python/Lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d53a686e76072dff1396fe4ec42e52ee6ecc4dce..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/python/Lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,711 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-# @file: PyAthenaTests/python/Lib.py
-# @purpose: a set of Py-components to test pyathena
-# @author: Sebastien Binet <binet@cern.ch>
-__version__ = "$Revision: 1.10 $"
-import AthenaCommon.SystemOfUnits as Units
-from AthenaPython import PyAthena
-StatusCode = PyAthena.StatusCode
-from AthenaPython.Bindings import _clid_typename_aliases
-_clid_typename_aliases['DataVector<AthExParticle>' ] = 'AthExParticles'
-_clid_typename_aliases['DataVector<AthExIParticle>'] = 'AthExIParticles'
-def _gen_dv_typedef(elem_type):
-    if not hasattr(PyAthena, '%ss'%elem_type):
-        dv = getattr(PyAthena, 'DataVector< %s >'%elem_type)
-        setattr(PyAthena, '%ss'%elem_type, dv)
-    return getattr(PyAthena, '%ss'%elem_type)
-class PyRecord( PyAthena.Alg ):
-    """A simple python algorithm to record data into storegate
-    """
-    def __init__(self, name = "PyRecord", **kw):
-        ## init base class
-        kw['name'] = name
-        super(PyRecord,self).__init__(**kw)
-        self.particles   = kw.get('particles',   "Particles")
-        self.decay       = kw.get('decay',       "TwoBodyDecay")
-        self.elephantino = kw.get('elephantino', "PinkElephantino")
-        self.sg = None
-        return
-    def initialize(self):
-        _info = self.msg.info
-        _info( "initializing %s", self.name() )
-        ## storegate
-        self.sg = PyAthena.StoreGate.pointer("StoreGateSvc")
-        if not self.sg:
-            self.msg.error("could not retrieve storegatesvc !")
-            return StatusCode.Failure
-        ## hack to load clids...
-        from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
-        theApp.Dlls += ['AthExThinningAlgs',
-                        'AthExThinningEvent',
-                        'AthExThinningPoolCnv']
-        ## Datavector stuff
-##         assert _gen_dv_typedef('AthExParticle') is not None
-##         assert _gen_dv_typedef('AthExIParticle') is not None
-##         import ctypes
-##         ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary ('libAthExThinningAlgs.so')
-        return StatusCode.Success
-    def execute(self):
-        _info = self.msg.info
-        _err  = self.msg.error
-        _record = self.sg.record
-        _info( "executing %s...", self.name() )
-        allGood = True
-        particles = PyAthena.AthExParticles()
-        ## fill-in particles:
-        for i in range(10):
-            particles.push_back( PyAthena.AthExParticle(i,i,i,i) )
-        if _record(particles, self.particles) != StatusCode.Success:
-            _err('could not record particles at [%s]', self.particles)
-            allGood = False
-            pass
-        iparticles = PyAthena.AthExIParticles()
-#        self.sg['I%s'%self.particles] = iparticles
-        if _record(iparticles, 'I%s'%self.particles) != StatusCode.Success:
-            _err('could not record iparticles at [I%s]', self.particles)
-            allGood = False
-            pass
-        decay = PyAthena.AthExDecay()
-        if _record(decay, self.decay) != StatusCode.Success:
-            _err('could not record decay at [%s]', self.decay)
-            allGood = False
-            pass
-        ele = PyAthena.AthExElephantino()
-        if _record(ele, self.elephantino) != StatusCode.Success:
-            _err('could not record elephantino at [%s]', self.elephantino)
-            allGood = False
-            pass
-        _info('all good: %s', allGood)
-        if allGood:
-            return StatusCode.Success
-        return StatusCode.Failure
-    def finalize(self):
-        self.msg.info( "finalizing %s...", self.name() )
-        return StatusCode.Success
-    pass # PyRecord
-class PyRetrieve( PyAthena.Alg ):
-    """A simple python algorithm to retrieve data from storegate
-    """
-    def __init__(self, name = "PyRetrieve", **kw):
-        ## init base class
-        kw['name'] = name
-        super(PyRetrieve,self).__init__(**kw)
-        self.particles   = kw.get('particles',   "Particles")
-        self.decay       = kw.get('decay',       "TwoBodyDecay")
-        self.elephantino = kw.get('elephantino', "PinkElephantino")
-        ## handle to event store
-        self.sg = None
-        return
-    def initialize(self):
-        self.msg.info( "initializing %s", self.name() )
-        ## storegate
-        self.sg = PyAthena.StoreGate.pointer("StoreGateSvc")
-        if not self.sg:
-            self.msg.error('could not retrieve event store')
-            return StatusCode.Failure
-        ## hack to load clids...
-        from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
-        theApp.Dlls += ['AthExThinningAlgs',
-                        'AthExThinningEvent',
-                        'AthExThinningPoolCnv']
-        ## Datavector stuff
-##         assert _gen_dv_typedef('AthExParticle') is not None
-##         assert _gen_dv_typedef('AthExIParticle') is not None
-        return StatusCode.Success
-    def execute(self):
-        _retrieve = self.sg.retrieve
-        _err  = self.msg.error
-        _info = self.msg.info
-        _info( "executing %s...", self.name() )
-        allGood = True
-        particles = _retrieve("AthExParticles", self.particles)
-        if particles is None:
-            _err("Could not fetch particles at [%s] !!", self.particles)
-            allGood = False
-            pass
-        assert len(particles) == 10
-        for idx,p in enumerate(particles):
-            assert p.px() == float(idx)
-            assert p.py() == float(idx)
-            assert p.pz() == float(idx)
-            assert p.e()  == float(idx)
-        iparticles = _retrieve("AthExIParticles", 'I%s'%self.particles)
-        if iparticles is None:
-            _err("Could not fetch iparticles at [I%s] !!", self.particles)
-            allGood = False
-            pass
-        assert len(iparticles) == 0
-        decay = _retrieve("AthExDecay", self.decay)
-        if decay is None:
-            _err("Could not fetch Decay at [%s] !!", self.decay)
-            allGood = False
-            pass
-        elephantino = _retrieve("AthExElephantino", self.elephantino)
-        if elephantino is None:
-            _err("Could not fetch Elephantino at [%s] !!", self.elephantino)
-            allGood = False
-            pass
-        _info('all good: %s', allGood)
-        if allGood: return StatusCode.Success
-        return StatusCode.Failure
-    def finalize(self):
-        self.msg.info( "finalizing %s...", self.name() )
-        return StatusCode.Success
-    pass # PyRetrieve
-### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-import os
-class TrigDecTestAlg (PyAthena.Alg):
-    'Dummy algorithm testing accessing to HLT informations'
-    def __init__(self, name='TrigDecTestAlg', **kw):
-        ## init base class
-        kw['name'] = name
-        super(TrigDecTestAlg, self).__init__(**kw)
-        ## properties and data members
-        self.filename = kw.get('filename', 'trig_passed_evts.ascii')
-        self.trigDec = None
-        return
-    def initialize(self):
-        self.msg.info('==> initialize...')
-        self.trigDec = PyAthena.py_tool('Trig::TrigDecisionTool')
-        if not self.trigDec:
-            self.msg.error('could not retrieve TrigDecisionTool !')
-            return StatusCode.Failure
-        ## fix-up HLT::Chain
-        def _str_hlt_chain(c):
-            """helper function to make a HLT::Chain printable"""
-            return "Counter = %r success (raw) = %r pass-through = %r "\
-                   "prescaled = %r lastActiveStep = %r \tname = %r" % \
-                   (c.getChainCounter(),
-                    bool(c.chainPassedRaw()),
-                    bool(c.isPassedThrough()),
-                    bool(c.isPrescaled()),
-                    c.getChainStep(),
-                    c.getChainName())
-        PyAthena.HLT.Chain.__str__ = _str_hlt_chain
-        del _str_hlt_chain
-        self.sg = PyAthena.py_svc('StoreGateSvc')
-        if not self.sg:
-            self.msg.error('could not retrieve event store !')
-            return StatusCode.Failure
-        self._passed_evts = open(self.filename, 'w')
-        return StatusCode.Success
-    def execute(self):
-        _info = self.msg.info
-        _info('==> execute...')
-        self.setFilterPassed(False)
-        evid = self.sg.retrieve('EventInfo', 'McEventInfo').event_ID()
-        ef_state = bool(self.trigDec.isPassed("EF_.*"))
-        _info('Pass state EF = %r', ef_state)
-        # test L2_e25i ?
-        n = "L2_e25i"
-        passed = bool(self.trigDec.isPassed(n))
-        if not passed:
-            _info("chain %s: passed: %s",n, passed)
-#            _info('== FAILED ==')
-        else:
-            _info("chain %s: passed: %s",n, passed)
-            _info('== SUCCESS ==')
-            # this is mainly for regression test purposes
-            evid = "[%s/%s]" % (evid.run_number(),
-                                evid.event_number())
-            self._passed_evts.write(evid+os.linesep)
-            #_info('filter passed for %s',evid)
-        self.setFilterPassed(passed)
-        return StatusCode.Success
-    def finalize(self):
-        self.msg.info('==> finalize...')
-        self._passed_evts.flush()
-        self._passed_evts.close()
-        return StatusCode.Success
-    pass # class TrigDecTestAlg
-### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class PyFilterAlg (PyAthena.Alg):
-    'Dummy algorithm filtering out one event out of 2'
-    def __init__(self, name='PyFilterAlg', **kw):
-        ## init base class
-        kw['name'] = name
-        super(PyFilterAlg, self).__init__(**kw)
-        ## properties and data members
-        self.filename = kw.get('filename', 'evtlist.ascii')
-        self.evtinfo  = kw.get('evtinfo',  'EventInfo')
-        return
-    def initialize(self):
-        self.msg.info('==> initialize...')
-        self.sg = PyAthena.py_svc('StoreGateSvc')
-        if not self.sg:
-            self.msg.error('could not retrieve event store !')
-            return StatusCode.Failure
-        self._evts = open(self.filename, 'w')
-        self._evtcnt = 0
-        return StatusCode.Success
-    def execute(self):
-        self.setFilterPassed(False)
-        _info = self.msg.info
-        _info('==> execute...')
-        evid = self.sg.retrieve('EventInfo', self.evtinfo).event_ID()
-        evid = "[%s/%s]" % (evid.run_number(), evid.event_number())
-        _info('[run/evt]: %s',evid)
-        if self._evtcnt%2 == 0:
-            self._evts.write(evid+os.linesep)
-            self.setFilterPassed(True)
-        self._evtcnt += 1
-        return StatusCode.Success
-    def finalize(self):
-        self.msg.info('==> finalize...')
-        self.msg.info('analyzed [%i] events', self._evtcnt)
-        self._evts.flush()
-        self._evts.close()
-        return StatusCode.Success
-    pass # class PyFilterAlg
-### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class EventInfoDumper (PyAthena.Alg):
-    'Dummy algorithm logging out run_nbr/evt_nbr'
-    def __init__(self, name='EventInfoDumper', **kw):
-        ## init base class
-        kw['name'] = name
-        super(EventInfoDumper, self).__init__(**kw)
-        ## properties and data members
-        self.filename = kw.get('filename', 'evtlist.ascii')
-        self.evtinfo  = kw.get('evtinfo',  'EventInfo')
-        return
-    def initialize(self):
-        self.msg.info('==> initialize...')
-        self.sg = PyAthena.py_svc('StoreGateSvc')
-        if not self.sg:
-            self.msg.error('could not retrieve event store !')
-            return StatusCode.Failure
-        self._evts = open(self.filename, 'w')
-        return StatusCode.Success
-    def execute(self):
-        _info = self.msg.info
-        _info('==> execute...')
-        evid = self.sg.retrieve('EventInfo', self.evtinfo).event_ID()
-        evid = "[%s/%s]" % (evid.run_number(), evid.event_number())
-        _info('[run/evt]: %s',evid)
-        self._evts.write(evid+os.linesep)
-        return StatusCode.Success
-    def finalize(self):
-        self.msg.info('==> finalize...')
-        self._evts.flush()
-        self._evts.close()
-        return StatusCode.Success
-    pass # class EventInfoDumper
-### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class McDump(PyAthena.Alg):
-    """A python algorithm to inspect McEventCollections
-    """
-    def __init__(self, name="McDump", **kw):
-        ## init the base class
-        kw['name'] = name
-        super(McDump,self).__init__(**kw)
-        ## provide default values for properties
-        self.mcName = kw.get('mcName', 'GEN_EVENT')
-        return
-    def initialize(self):
-        self.msg.info('initializing...')
-        self.sg = PyAthena.py_svc('StoreGateSvc')
-        if not self.sg:
-            self.msg.error('Could not retrieve StoreGateSvc !')
-            return StatusCode.Failure
-        self.msg.info('Dumping configuration:')
-        self.msg.info('McEventCollection key: %s', self.mcName)
-        return StatusCode.Success
-    def execute(self):
-        _info = self.msg.info
-        _info('running execute...')
-        _info('retrieve [%s/%s]', 'McEventCollection', self.mcName)
-        mc = self.sg.retrieve('McEventCollection', self.mcName)
-        if not mc:
-            self.msg.warning(
-                'Could not retrieve McEventCollection at [%s]',
-                self.mcName
-                )
-            return StatusCode.Recoverable
-        if len(mc) <= 0:
-            self.msg.info('No GenEvent in "%s"!', self.mcName)
-        _info('number of GenEvents: %i', len(mc))
-        evt = mc[0]
-        _info('number of GenParticles: %i', evt.particles_size())
-        _info('number of GenVertices:  %i', evt.vertices_size())
-        return StatusCode.Success
-    def finalize(self):
-        self.msg.info('finalizing...')
-        return StatusCode.Success
-    pass # class McDump
-### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class Thinner(PyAthena.Alg):
-    """A python algorithm to thin containers
-    """
-    def __init__(self, name="Thinner", **kw):
-        ## init the base class
-        kw['name'] = name
-        super(Thinner,self).__init__(**kw)
-        ## provide default values for properties
-        self.coll_type = kw.get('coll_type',  'JetCollection')
-        self.coll_name = kw.get('coll_name',  'AtlfastJetContainer')
-        self.filter_fct= kw.get('filter_fct', lambda x: x.e() > 40.*Units.GeV)
-        return
-    def initialize(self):
-        self.msg.info('initializing...')
-        self.sg = PyAthena.py_svc('StoreGateSvc')
-        if not self.sg:
-            self.msg.error('Could not retrieve StoreGateSvc !')
-            return StatusCode.Failure
-        self.msg.info('Dumping configuration:')
-        self.msg.info('Container type: %s', self.coll_type)
-        self.msg.info('Container key:  %s', self.coll_name)
-        self.msg.info('Filter: %r',         self.filter_fct.__name__)
-        return StatusCode.Success
-    def execute(self):
-        _info = self.msg.info
-        _info('running execute...')
-        _info('retrieve [%s/%s]', self.coll_type, self.coll_name)
-        cont = self.sg.retrieve(self.coll_type, self.coll_name)
-        if not cont:
-            self.msg.warning(
-                'Could not retrieve %s at [%s]',
-                self.coll_type,
-                self.coll_name
-                )
-            return StatusCode.Recoverable
-        if len(cont) <= 0:
-            self.msg.info('Container "%s/%s" is empty',
-                          self.coll_type, self.coll_name)
-        _info('number of elements before thinning: %i', len(cont))
-        predicate = self.filter_fct
-        mask = [ predicate(element) for element in cont ]
-        ## apply thinning:
-        if not (self.thinSvc.filter(cont, mask) == StatusCode.Success):
-            self.msg.error("Could not apply thinning !")
-            return StatusCode.Failure
-        _info('number of elements after  thinning: %i',
-              len([m for m in mask if m]))
-        return StatusCode.Success
-    def finalize(self):
-        self.msg.info('finalizing...')
-        return StatusCode.Success
-    pass # class Thinner
-### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-from math import log10
-## helper function to turn a pair of (c++) iterators into
-## a valid python iterator (stolen from Scott)
-def toiter(beg,end):
-    while beg != end:
-        yield beg.__deref__()
-        beg.__preinc__()
-    return
-## FIXME: 'temporary' patch to work around missing dict.
-## for 'CaloCluster::MomentStoreIter'
-class _patch:
-    @staticmethod
-    def CaloClusterMoments():
-        import ROOT
-        return [
-            ROOT.CaloClusterMoment.FIRST_PHI,
-            ROOT.CaloClusterMoment.FIRST_ETA,
-            ROOT.CaloClusterMoment.SECOND_R,
-            ROOT.CaloClusterMoment.SECOND_LAMBDA,
-            ROOT.CaloClusterMoment.DELTA_PHI,
-            ROOT.CaloClusterMoment.DELTA_THETA,
-            ROOT.CaloClusterMoment.DELTA_ALPHA,
-            ROOT.CaloClusterMoment.CENTER_X,
-            ROOT.CaloClusterMoment.CENTER_Y,
-            ROOT.CaloClusterMoment.CENTER_Z,
-            ROOT.CaloClusterMoment.CENTER_LAMBDA,
-            ROOT.CaloClusterMoment.LATERAL,
-            ROOT.CaloClusterMoment.LONGITUDINAL,
-            ROOT.CaloClusterMoment.ENG_FRAC_EM,
-            ROOT.CaloClusterMoment.ENG_FRAC_MAX,
-            ROOT.CaloClusterMoment.ENG_FRAC_CORE,
-            ROOT.CaloClusterMoment.FIRST_ENG_DENS,
-            ROOT.CaloClusterMoment.SECOND_ENG_DENS,
-            ROOT.CaloClusterMoment.ISOLATION,
-            ]
-class ClusterExAlg(PyAthena.Alg):
-    """example on how to use Calo-stuff in PyAthena
-    """
-    def __init__(self, name='ClusterExAlg', **kw):
-        # base init
-        kw['name'] = name
-        super(ClusterExAlg, self).__init__(**kw)
-        # sg key for clusters
-        self.clustersName = kw.get('Clusters', 'CaloCalTopoCluster')
-        self.hsvc = None # handle to histo svc
-        self.sg   = None # handle to storegate
-        return
-    def initialize(self):
-        _info = self.msg.info
-        _info('==> initialize')
-        self.hsvc = PyAthena.py_svc('THistSvc')
-        if not self.hsvc:
-            self.msg.error('could not retrieve THistSvc')
-            return StatusCode.Failure
-        self.sg = PyAthena.py_svc('StoreGateSvc')
-        if not self.sg:
-            self.msg.error('could not retrieve event store')
-            return StatusCode.Failure
-        _info('reading clusters from [%r]', self.clustersName)
-        # registering histograms
-        import ROOT
-        hsvc = self.hsvc
-        hsvc['/py/clusE']   = ROOT.TH1F('clusE',   'clusE',   100, -4.0, 6.0)
-        hsvc['/py/clusEta'] = ROOT.TH1F('clusEta', 'clusEta', 220, -5.5, 5.5)
-        self._evtNbr = -1
-        return StatusCode.Success
-    def execute(self):
-        _info = self.msg.info
-        _info('==> execute')
-        self._evtNbr += 1
-        # retrieve clusters
-        clusters = self.sg.retrieve('CaloClusterContainer', self.clustersName)
-        if not clusters:
-            self.msg.warning('could not retrieve clusters at [%r]',
-                             self.clustersName)
-            return StatusCode.Recoverable
-        _info('event #%i has %3i clusters', self._evtNbr, len(clusters))
-        _clusE   = self.hsvc['/py/clusE'].Fill
-        _clusEta = self.hsvc['/py/clusEta'].Fill
-        from ROOT import CaloClusterMoment  # noqa: F401
-        from ROOT import Double as RDouble
-        for i,cluster in enumerate(clusters):
-            ene = cluster.e()
-            if   ene < -1.: ene = -log10(-ene)
-            elif ene >  1.: ene =  log10( ene)
-            else:           ene = 0.
-            _clusE(ene)
-            _clusEta(cluster.eta())
-            if i%100 != 0:
-                continue
-            _info('cluster #%3i has energy %8.3f',i, ene)
-            ## FIXME: missing dictionary for 'CaloCluster::MomentStoreIter'
-##             for moment in toiter(cluster.beginMoment(useLink=False),
-##                                  cluster.endMoment  (useLink=False)):
-            for m in _patch.CaloClusterMoments():
-                moment = RDouble(0.)
-                if cluster.retrieveMoment(m, moment, useLink=False):
-                    _info('cluster #%3i has moment #%3i with value %8.3f',
-                          i, m, moment)
-            pass # loop over clusters
-        return StatusCode.Success
-    def finalize(self):
-        _info = self.msg.info
-        _info('==> finalize')
-        clusE   = self.hsvc['/py/clusE']
-        clusEta = self.hsvc['/py/clusEta']
-        _info('=== analyzed [%i] events ===', self._evtNbr)
-        _info(' <cluster ene> = %8.3f MeV', clusE.GetMean())
-        _info('          rms  = %8.3f MeV', clusE.GetRMS() )
-        _info(' <cluster eta> = %8.3f', clusEta.GetMean())
-        _info('          rms  = %8.3f', clusEta.GetRMS ())
-        return StatusCode.Success
-    pass # ClusterExAlg
-### reading clusters, but with Ares -------------------------------------------
-class AresClusterExAlg(PyAthena.Alg):
-    """an example on how to do calo-stuff in PyAthena/Ares"""
-    def __init__(self, name='AresClusterExAlg', **kw):
-        # base init
-        kw['name'] = name
-        super(AresClusterExAlg, self).__init__(**kw)
-        # sg key for clusters
-        self.clustersName = kw.get('Clusters', 'CaloCalTopoCluster')
-        self.hsvc = None # handle to histo svc
-        self.sg   = None # handle to storegate
-        self.ares = None # handle to the AresEvtSvc
-        return
-    def initialize(self):
-        _info = self.msg.info
-        _info('==> initialize')
-        self.hsvc = PyAthena.py_svc('THistSvc')
-        if not self.hsvc:
-            self.msg.error('could not retrieve THistSvc')
-            return StatusCode.Failure
-        self.sg = PyAthena.py_svc('StoreGateSvc')
-        if not self.sg:
-            self.msg.error('could not retrieve event store')
-            return StatusCode.Failure
-        _info('reading clusters from [%r]', self.clustersName)
-        # registering histograms
-        import ROOT
-        hsvc = self.hsvc
-        hsvc['/py/clusE']   = ROOT.TH1F('clusE',   'clusE',   100, -4.0, 6.0)
-        hsvc['/py/clusEta'] = ROOT.TH1F('clusEta', 'clusEta', 220, -5.5, 5.5)
-        self.ares = self.hsvc['/temp/TTreeStream/CollectionTree_trans']
-        self._evtNbr = -1
-        return StatusCode.Success
-    def execute(self):
-        _info = self.msg.info
-        _info('==> execute')
-        self._evtNbr += 1
-        # retrieve clusters
-        clusters = getattr(self.ares, self.clustersName)
-        if not clusters:
-            self.msg.warning('could not retrieve clusters at [%r]',
-                             self.clustersName)
-            return StatusCode.Recoverable
-        _info('event #%i has %3i clusters', self._evtNbr, len(clusters))
-        _clusE   = self.hsvc['/py/clusE'].Fill
-        _clusEta = self.hsvc['/py/clusEta'].Fill
-        from ROOT import CaloClusterMoment  # noqa: F401
-        from ROOT import Double as RDouble
-        for i,cluster in enumerate(clusters):
-            ene = cluster.e()
-            if   ene < -1.: ene = -log10(-ene)
-            elif ene >  1.: ene =  log10( ene)
-            else:           ene = 0.
-            _clusE(ene)
-            _clusEta(cluster.eta())
-            if i%100 != 0:
-                continue
-            _info('cluster #%3i has energy %8.3f',i, ene)
-            ## FIXME: missing dictionary for 'CaloCluster::MomentStoreIter'
-##             for moment in toiter(cluster.beginMoment(useLink=False),
-##                                  cluster.endMoment  (useLink=False)):
-            for m in _patch.CaloClusterMoments():
-                moment = RDouble(0.)
-                if cluster.retrieveMoment(m, moment, useLink=False):
-                    _info('cluster #%3i has moment #%3i with value %8.3f',
-                          i, m, moment)
-            pass # loop over clusters
-        return StatusCode.Success
-    def finalize(self):
-        _info = self.msg.info
-        _info('==> finalize')
-        clusE   = self.hsvc['/py/clusE']
-        clusEta = self.hsvc['/py/clusEta']
-        _info('=== analyzed [%i] events ===', self._evtNbr)
-        _info(' <cluster ene> = %8.3f MeV', clusE.GetMean())
-        _info('          rms  = %8.3f MeV', clusE.GetRMS() )
-        _info(' <cluster eta> = %8.3f', clusEta.GetMean())
-        _info('          rms  = %8.3f', clusEta.GetRMS ())
-        return StatusCode.Success
-    pass # AresClusterExAlg
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/python/__init__.py b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/python/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a424a0eab3afbf747fed653d1e0ead50e4286b8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/python/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-# hook for the PyAthenaTests py-module
-__doc__ = """PyAthenaTests holds a set of python classes to test the
-functionalities of PyAthena"""
-__author__ = "Sebastien Binet <binet@cern.ch>"
-__version__ = "$Revision: $"
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/python/my_new_execute.py b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/python/my_new_execute.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c99668155097ed8b0143e30d6da5695387de597f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/python/my_new_execute.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-from math import log10
-from PyAthenaTests.Lib import _patch
-from AthenaPython import PyAthena
-StatusCode = PyAthena.StatusCode
-def new_execute(self):
-    """a new execute method, making use of new data members"""
-    ### the old part #########################################
-    _info = self.msg.info
-    _info('==> execute')
-    self._evtNbr += 1
-    # retrieve clusters
-    clusters = self.sg.retrieve('CaloClusterContainer', self.clustersName)
-    if not clusters:
-        self.msg.warning('could not retrieve clusters at [%r]',
-                         self.clustersName)
-        return StatusCode.Recoverable
-    _info('event #%i has %3i clusters', self._evtNbr, len(clusters))
-    _clusE   = self.hsvc['/py/clusE'].Fill
-    _clusEta = self.hsvc['/py/clusEta'].Fill
-    from ROOT import CaloClusterMoment  # noqa: F401
-    from ROOT import Double as RDouble
-    for i,cluster in enumerate(clusters):
-        ene = cluster.e()
-        if   ene < -1.: ene = -log10(-ene)
-        elif ene >  1.: ene =  log10( ene)
-        else:           ene = 0.
-    ######################## NEW PART ########################
-        if ene < self._ene_cut:
-            # skip that cluster
-            continue
-        _clusE(ene, self._ene_weight)
-    ######################## go one with OLD part ############
-        _clusEta(cluster.eta())
-        if i%100 != 0:
-            continue
-        _info('cluster #%3i has energy %8.3f',i, ene)
-        for m in _patch.CaloClusterMoments():
-            moment = RDouble(0.)
-            if cluster.retrieveMoment(m, moment, useLink=False):
-                _info('cluster #%3i has moment #%3i with value %8.3f',
-                      i, m, moment)
-        pass # loop over clusters
-    return StatusCode.Success
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/share/ares_clusters_jobOptions.py b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/share/ares_clusters_jobOptions.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 382dd24c9237e7c91f07c109bb6d6245deaa5622..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/share/ares_clusters_jobOptions.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-## job options file to steer the cluster example, using ares
-if not 'EVTMAX' in dir():
-    EVTMAX=5
-if not 'INPUT' in dir():
-    INPUT = [ # a "reference" file from FCT
-        'root://eosatlas.cern.ch//eos/atlas/user/b/binet/reffiles/14.1.0.x'\
-        '/AllBasicSamples.AOD.pool.root'
-        ]
-    #INPUT = ['AOD.pool.root']
-if not 'TUPLEOUT' in dir():
-    TUPLEOUT = 'ares_pyclusters.root'
-    pass
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp, ServiceMgr as svcMgr
-## setup application for reading POOL files via Ares
-import AthenaRootComps.ReadAres
-svcMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = INPUT
-svcMgr.EventSelector.TupleName = 'CollectionTree'
-## events to process
-theApp.EvtMax = EVTMAX
-## setup the histo svc
-##  - register an output stream id 'py'
-##  - associate an output file
-svcMgr += CfgMgr.THistSvc()
-svcMgr.THistSvc.Output = [
-    ]
-## alg sequence creation
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-job = AlgSequence()
-## schedule the algorithm
-from PyAthenaTests.Lib import AresClusterExAlg as ClusterExAlg
-job += ClusterExAlg('ClusterExAlg')
-## ease interactive prompt, if any
-##  => a no-op if the event loop is actually a batch-like
-#import AthenaPython.Helpers as IPyAthena
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/share/pyathena_basic_record_retrieve.py b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/share/pyathena_basic_record_retrieve.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fede1ae00edea44a7555a4a8316faa2028847a48..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/share/pyathena_basic_record_retrieve.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-## steer basic test of record/retrieve
-if not 'EVTMAX' in dir():
-    EVTMAX=1
-if not 'OUTPUT' in dir():
-    OUTPUT = 'my.pydata.pool'
-    pass
-# basic configuration
-import AthenaCommon.Constants as Lvl
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp, ServiceMgr as svcMgr
-# job sequence
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-job = AlgSequence()
-from PyAthenaTests.Lib import PyRetrieve, PyRecord
-job += PyRecord   ('record_test')
-job += PyRetrieve ('retrieve_test')
-theApp.EvtMax = EVTMAX
-# POOL Persistency
-import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.WriteAthenaPool
-job += CfgMgr.AthenaOutputStream("OutStream",
-                                  WritingTool="AthenaOutputStreamTool")
-outStream = job.OutStream
-outStream.ItemList = [
-    "EventInfo#*",
-    "AthExParticles#*",
-    "AthExDecay#*",
-    "AthExElephantino#*",
-    ]
-# Stream's output file
-outStream.OutputFile = OUTPUT
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/share/pyclusters_jobOptions.py b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/share/pyclusters_jobOptions.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b179fd43d478796fe018d555bc346057241cf0a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/share/pyclusters_jobOptions.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-## job options file to steer the cluster example
-if not 'EVTMAX' in dir():
-    EVTMAX=5
-if not 'INPUT' in dir():
-    INPUT = [ # a "reference" file from FCT
-        'root://eosatlas.cern.ch//eos/atlas/user/b/binet/reffiles/14.1.0.x'\
-        '/AllBasicSamples.AOD.pool.root'
-        ]
-    #INPUT = ['AOD.pool.root']
-if not 'TUPLEOUT' in dir():
-    TUPLEOUT = 'pyathena_pyclusters.root'
-    pass
-## setup application for reading POOL files
-import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.ReadAthenaPool
-svcMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = INPUT
-## events to process
-theApp.EvtMax = EVTMAX
-## setup the histo svc
-##  - register an output stream id 'py'
-##  - associate an output file
-svcMgr += CfgMgr.THistSvc()
-svcMgr.THistSvc.Output = [
-    ]
-## alg sequence creation
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-job = AlgSequence()
-## schedule the algorithm
-from PyAthenaTests.Lib import ClusterExAlg
-job += ClusterExAlg()
-## ease interactive prompt, if any
-##  => a no-op if the event loop is actually a batch-like
-#import AthenaPython.Helpers as IPyAthena
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/share/pyevtinfo_jobOptions.py b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/share/pyevtinfo_jobOptions.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 528426b21572561eca17728948b4f6549038e8df..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/share/pyevtinfo_jobOptions.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-## @file PyAthenaTests/share/pyevtinfo_jobOptions.py
-## @brief read a POOL file and dump/print out run and event numbers
-if not 'EVTMAX' in dir():
-    EVTMAX=-1
-if not 'INPUT' in dir():
-    INPUT = [
-    'filtered.pool',
-    ]
-if not 'ASCIILOG' in dir():
-    ASCIILOG = 'evtlist.ascii'
-## import the SI units
-import AthenaCommon.SystemOfUnits as Units
-## setup the Athena application to read-in POOL files
-import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.ReadAthenaPool
-## now the appropriate EventSelector has been added and
-## configured to the list of services
-##  --> tell this service which file to read-in
-svcMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = INPUT
-## get a handle on the sequence of algorithms to be run
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-job = AlgSequence()
-## import my algorithm and add it to the list of algorithms to be run
-from PyAthenaTests.Lib import EventInfoDumper
-job += EventInfoDumper(OutputLevel = INFO)
-job.EventInfoDumper.evtinfo = 'ByteStreamEventInfo'
-job.EventInfoDumper.filename = ASCIILOG
-## get a handle on the application manager
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
-## read over all events from the input file(s)
-theApp.EvtMax = EVTMAX
-## EOF ##
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/share/pyfilter_stream_jobOptions.py b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/share/pyfilter_stream_jobOptions.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 86a315f9a4f96fb876a1a373f937f054437cd754..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/share/pyfilter_stream_jobOptions.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-## @file PyAthenaTests/share/pyfilter_stream_jobOptions.py
-## @brief read a POOL file and dump/print out run and event numbers and filter
-##          out one event out of 2
-if not 'EVTMAX' in dir():
-    EVTMAX=-1
-if not 'INPUT' in dir():
-    INPUT = [ # a RIG "reference" file
-        '/afs/cern.ch/atlas/project/rig/referencefiles/dataStreams_ESD.AOD_50Events/data10_7TeV.00167607.physics_JetTauEtmiss.recon.ESD.f298._lb0087._SFO-4._0001.1_50Events_rel.'
-        ]
-    #INPUT = ['filtered.pool',]
-if not 'OUTPUT' in dir():
-    OUTPUT = 'pyathena_basic_filtered.pool'
-if not 'ASCIILOG' in dir():
-    ASCIILOG = 'evtlist.ascii'
-import AthenaCommon.Constants as Lvl
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp, ToolSvc as toolSvc, ServiceMgr as svcMgr
-# configure application for reading POOL files
-import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.ReadAthenaPool
-svcMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = INPUT
-theApp.EvtMax = EVTMAX
-# sequence of top algs
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-job = AlgSequence()
-from PyAthenaTests.Lib import PyFilterAlg
-job += PyFilterAlg(evtinfo='ByteStreamEventInfo')
-job.PyFilterAlg.filename = ASCIILOG
-## configure the job to write out POOL files
-import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.WriteAthenaPool
-## create an output stream
-job += CfgMgr.AthenaOutputStream(
-    'OutStream',
-    WritingTool = "AthenaOutputStreamTool"
-    )
-# Copy everything from the input and must force reading of all input
-# objects
-job.OutStream.OutputFile = OUTPUT
-job.OutStream.ItemList   = ['EventInfo#*']
-job.OutStream.AcceptAlgs = [job.PyFilterAlg.getName()]
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/share/pythin_mctruth_jobOptions.py b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/share/pythin_mctruth_jobOptions.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d75b4bafa7b4b0cb197173c87fc847b6d5f5c9f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/share/pythin_mctruth_jobOptions.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-## @file PyAthenaTests/share/pythin_mctruth_jobOptions.py
-## @brief read an AOD POOL file and slim the truth
-if not 'EVTMAX' in dir():
-    EVTMAX=-1
-if not 'INPUT' in dir():
-    INPUT = [
-        'root://eosatlas.cern.ch//eos/atlas/user/b/binet/reffiles/14.1.0.x'\
-        '/AllBasicSamples.AOD.pool.root'
-        ]
-if not 'OUTPUT' in dir():
-    OUTPUT='slimmed_truth.aod.pool'
-## import the SI units
-import AthenaCommon.SystemOfUnits as Units
-## setup the Athena application to read-in POOL files
-import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.ReadAthenaPool
-## now the appropriate EventSelector has been added and
-## configured to the list of services
-##  --> tell this service which file to read-in
-svcMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = INPUT
-## get a handle on the sequence of algorithms to be run
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-job = AlgSequence()
-## slim the truth
-from McParticleAlgs.JobOptCfg import createMcAodBuilder as McDpdBuilder
-job += McDpdBuilder(
-    name = 'McDpdBuilder',
-    inMcEvtCollection='GEN_AOD',
-    outMcEvtCollection='GEN_DPD',
-    outTruthParticles ='SpclMC_DPD',
-    doTruthEtIsolations=True,
-    filterTool=CfgMgr.OldSpclMcFilterTool(IncludeSimul=False,
-                                          IncludePartonShowers=False,
-                                          ptGammaMin = 5.*Units.GeV)
-    )
-# add a few mc-dumpers
-from PyAthenaTests.Lib import McDump
-job += McDump('mc_aod_dumper',mcName='GEN_AOD')
-job += McDump('mc_dpd_dumper',mcName='GEN_DPD')
-## get a handle on the application manager
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
-## read over some events from the input file(s)
-theApp.EvtMax = EVTMAX
-## configure the job to write out POOL files
-import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.WriteAthenaPool
-## create an output stream
-job += CfgMgr.AthenaOutputStream(
-    'OutStream',
-    WritingTool = "AthenaOutputStreamTool"
-    )
-job.OutStream.TakeItemsFromInput = False
-job.OutStream.OutputFile         = OUTPUT
-job.OutStream.ItemList = [ 'EventInfo#*',
-                           'McEventCollection#GEN_DPD',
-                           'TruthParticleContainer#SpclMC_DPD', 
-                           "TruthEtIsolationsContainer#TruthEtIsol_GEN_DPD" ]
-## EOF ##
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/share/pytrigdec_jobOptions.py b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/share/pytrigdec_jobOptions.py
deleted file mode 100644
index edee69ba4171c27ad8562b22983a58a96218bed7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/share/pytrigdec_jobOptions.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-## testing trig-decision tool
-if not 'INPUT' in dir():
-    INPUT = [ # a "reference" file from FCT
-        'root://eosatlas.cern.ch//eos/atlas/user/b/binet/reffiles/14.1.0.x'\
-        '/AllBasicSamples.AOD.pool.root'
-        ]
-    #INPUT = ['AOD.pool.root']
-if not 'EVTMAX' in dir():
-    EVTMAX=-1
-if not 'OUTPUT' in dir():
-    OUTPUT='trig_filtered.pool'
-if not 'ASCIILOG' in dir():
-    ASCIILOG='trig_passed_evts.ascii'
-import AthenaCommon.Constants as Lvl
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp, ToolSvc as toolSvc, ServiceMgr as svcMgr
-## detector description version
-# configure application for reading POOL files
-import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.ReadAthenaPool
-svcMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = INPUT
-theApp.EvtMax = EVTMAX
-# sequence of top algs
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-job = AlgSequence()
-from PyAthenaTests.Lib import TrigDecTestAlg
-job += TrigDecTestAlg(OutputLevel=Lvl.DEBUG)
-job.TrigDecTestAlg.filename = ASCIILOG
-## trigger configuration service
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import GlobalFlags
-import IOVDbSvc.IOVDb 
-from IOVDbSvc.CondDB import conddb
-conddb.addFolder("TRIGGER","/TRIGGER/HLT/Menu <tag>HEAD</tag>") 
-conddb.addFolder("TRIGGER","/TRIGGER/HLT/HltConfigKeys <tag>HEAD</tag>")
-conddb.addFolder("TRIGGER","/TRIGGER/LVL1/Lvl1ConfigKey <tag>HEAD</tag>")
-conddb.addFolder("TRIGGER","/TRIGGER/LVL1/Menu <tag>HEAD</tag>")
-conddb.addFolder("TRIGGER","/TRIGGER/LVL1/Prescales <tag>HEAD</tag>")
-## set up trigger decision tool
-tdt = CfgMgr.Trig__TrigDecisionTool(OutputLevel=Lvl.INFO)
-toolSvc += tdt
-from RecExConfig.RecFlags  import rec
-from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerFlags import TriggerFlags
-TriggerFlags.doTriggerConfigOnly = True
-## setup configuration service
-from TrigConfigSvc.TrigConfigSvcConfig import DSConfigSvc, SetupTrigConfigSvc
-dscfg = DSConfigSvc()
-svcMgr += dscfg
-trigcfg = SetupTrigConfigSvc()
-#svcMgr += trigcfg
-#theApp.ReflexPluginDebugLevel = 1000
-## configure the job to write out POOL files
-import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.WriteAthenaPool
-## create an output stream
-job += CfgMgr.AthenaOutputStream(
-    'OutStream',
-    WritingTool = "AthenaOutputStreamTool"
-    )
-# Copy everything from the input and must force reading of all input
-# objects
-job.OutStream.OutputFile = OUTPUT
-job.OutStream.ItemList   = ['EventInfo#*']
-job.OutStream.AcceptAlgs = [job.TrigDecTestAlg.getName()]
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/PyAthenaTests.xml b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/PyAthenaTests.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 84db819d5f3ab5c0c1c5bf1d200c24dc4460f5fc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/PyAthenaTests.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-   <TEST name="test_pyathena_base" type="script" suite="PyAthena">
-      <package_atn>AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests</package_atn>
-      <options_atn>utest_pyathena_base.py</options_atn>
-      <timelimit>10</timelimit>
-      <author> Sebastien Binet </author>
-      <mailto> binet@cern.ch</mailto>
-      <expectations>
-         <successMessage>OK</successMessage>
-         <returnValue>0</returnValue>
-      </expectations>
-   </TEST>
-   <!-- <TEST name="test_pyathena_thinner" type="script" suite="PyAthena"> -->
-   <!--    <package_atn>AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests</package_atn> -->
-   <!--    <options_atn>utest_pyathena_pythinner.py</options_atn> -->
-   <!--    <timelimit>40</timelimit> -->
-   <!--    <author> Sebastien Binet </author> -->
-   <!--    <mailto> binet@cern.ch</mailto> -->
-   <!--    <expectations> -->
-   <!--       <successMessage>OK</successMessage> -->
-   <!--       <returnValue>0</returnValue> -->
-   <!--    </expectations> -->
-   <!-- </TEST> -->
-   <!-- <TEST name="test_pyathena_trigdec" type="script" suite="PyAthena"> -->
-   <!--    <package_atn>AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests</package_atn> -->
-   <!--    <options_atn>utest_pyathena_pytrigdec.py</options_atn> -->
-   <!--    <timelimit>10</timelimit> -->
-   <!--    <author> Sebastien Binet </author> -->
-   <!--    <mailto> binet@cern.ch</mailto> -->
-   <!--    <expectations> -->
-   <!--       <successMessage>OK</successMessage> -->
-   <!--       <returnValue>0</returnValue> -->
-   <!--    </expectations> -->
-   <!-- </TEST> -->
-   <!-- <TEST name="test_pyathena_clusters" type="script" suite="PyAthena"> -->
-   <!--    <package_atn>AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests</package_atn> -->
-   <!--    <options_atn>utest_pyathena_pyclusters.py</options_atn> -->
-   <!--    <timelimit>10</timelimit> -->
-   <!--    <author> Sebastien Binet </author> -->
-   <!--    <mailto> binet@cern.ch</mailto> -->
-   <!--    <expectations> -->
-   <!--       <successMessage>OK</successMessage> -->
-   <!--       <returnValue>0</returnValue> -->
-   <!--    </expectations> -->
-   <!-- </TEST> -->
-   <!-- <TEST name="test_pyathena_pyfdr" type="script" suite="PyAthena"> -->
-   <!--    <package_atn>AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests</package_atn> -->
-   <!--    <options_atn>utest_pyathena_pyfdr.py</options_atn> -->
-   <!--    <timelimit>10</timelimit> -->
-   <!--    <author> Sebastien Binet </author> -->
-   <!--    <mailto> binet@cern.ch</mailto> -->
-   <!--    <expectations> -->
-   <!--       <successMessage>OK</successMessage> -->
-   <!--       <returnValue>0</returnValue> -->
-   <!--    </expectations> -->
-   <!-- </TEST> -->
-   <!-- <TEST name="pyutils.athfile" type="script" suite="pyutils"> -->
-   <!--    <package_atn>AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests</package_atn> -->
-   <!--    <options_atn>python -c 'import PyUtils.AthFile.tests as af; af.main()'</options_atn> -->
-   <!--    <timelimit>50</timelimit> -->
-   <!--    <author> Sebastien Binet </author> -->
-   <!--    <mailto> binet@cern.ch </mailto> -->
-   <!--    <expectations> -->
-   <!--       <successMessage>OK</successMessage> -->
-   <!--       <returnValue>0</returnValue> -->
-   <!--    </expectations> -->
-   <!-- </TEST> -->
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_basic_record_retrieve.ref b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_basic_record_retrieve.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d606bba43bf5815f9211edfa3007a0e1920df0f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_basic_record_retrieve.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-Py:record_test       INFO initializing record_test
-Py:retrieve_test     INFO initializing retrieve_test
-Py:record_test       INFO executing record_test...
-Py:record_test       INFO all good: True
-Py:retrieve_test     INFO executing retrieve_test...
-Py:retrieve_test     INFO all good: True
-Py:record_test       INFO finalizing record_test...
-Py:retrieve_test     INFO finalizing retrieve_test...
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pyclusters_rel140100.ref b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pyclusters_rel140100.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ea5ae933d5376b741cf3f1cf2655f604eeee2f0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pyclusters_rel140100.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO ==> initialize
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO reading clusters from ['CaloCalTopoCluster']
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO ==> execute
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO event #0 has 475 clusters
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has energy    6.087
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #201 with value 1112.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #202 with value 8960.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #501 with value  219.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #601 with value    0.490
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #602 with value    0.539
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #702 with value    0.562
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #804 with value    1.016
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #806 with value    0.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has energy    4.201
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #201 with value 2752.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #202 with value 62464.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #501 with value  620.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #601 with value    0.801
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #602 with value    0.957
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #702 with value    0.165
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #804 with value    0.002
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #806 with value    0.221
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has energy    3.900
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #201 with value 1200.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #202 with value 1464.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #501 with value  225.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #601 with value    0.676
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #602 with value    0.322
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #702 with value    0.158
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #804 with value    0.002
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #806 with value    0.301
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has energy    3.104
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #201 with value  644.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #202 with value 38144.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #501 with value  296.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #601 with value    0.602
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #602 with value    0.395
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #702 with value    0.134
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #804 with value    0.001
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #806 with value    0.746
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #400 has energy    2.676
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #400 has moment #201 with value  724.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #400 has moment #202 with value 11584.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #400 has moment #501 with value  272.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #400 has moment #601 with value    0.543
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #400 has moment #602 with value    0.605
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #400 has moment #702 with value    0.264
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #400 has moment #804 with value    0.001
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #400 has moment #806 with value    0.938
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO ==> execute
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO event #1 has 431 clusters
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has energy    4.475
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #201 with value 5472.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #202 with value 247808.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #501 with value  692.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #601 with value    0.863
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #602 with value    0.570
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #702 with value    0.418
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #804 with value    0.002
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #806 with value    0.387
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has energy    3.614
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #201 with value 5216.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #202 with value 51456.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #501 with value  446.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #601 with value    0.891
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #602 with value    0.812
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #702 with value    0.109
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #804 with value    0.001
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #806 with value    0.660
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has energy    3.364
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #201 with value 1232.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #202 with value 1616.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #501 with value  206.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #601 with value    0.467
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #602 with value    0.177
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #702 with value    0.629
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #804 with value    0.001
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #806 with value    0.064
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has energy    2.916
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #201 with value  860.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #202 with value 8768.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #501 with value  165.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #601 with value    0.445
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #602 with value    0.342
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #702 with value    0.439
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #804 with value    0.001
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #806 with value    1.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #400 has energy    2.145
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #400 has moment #201 with value 1168.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #400 has moment #202 with value 8704.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #400 has moment #501 with value  113.500
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #400 has moment #601 with value    0.590
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #400 has moment #602 with value    0.455
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #400 has moment #702 with value    0.264
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #400 has moment #804 with value    0.001
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #400 has moment #806 with value    1.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO ==> execute
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO event #2 has 505 clusters
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has energy    5.016
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #201 with value 4928.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #202 with value 49664.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #501 with value  229.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #601 with value    0.930
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #602 with value    0.945
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #702 with value    0.119
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #804 with value    0.005
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #806 with value    0.049
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has energy    3.030
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #201 with value 2064.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #202 with value 8896.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #501 with value  302.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #601 with value    0.660
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #602 with value    0.613
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #702 with value    0.279
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #804 with value    0.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #806 with value    1.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has energy    2.738
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #201 with value 5280.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #202 with value 1168.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #501 with value  225.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #601 with value    0.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #602 with value    0.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #702 with value    0.961
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #804 with value    0.001
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #806 with value    0.750
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has energy    3.015
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #201 with value 1176.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #202 with value 4800.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #501 with value  246.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #601 with value    0.648
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #602 with value    0.566
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #702 with value    0.199
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #804 with value    0.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #806 with value    0.906
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #400 has energy    2.340
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #400 has moment #201 with value 4544.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #400 has moment #202 with value 44288.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #400 has moment #501 with value 1024.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #400 has moment #601 with value    0.789
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #400 has moment #602 with value    0.283
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #400 has moment #702 with value    0.465
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #400 has moment #804 with value    0.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #400 has moment #806 with value    0.766
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #500 has energy   -2.099
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #500 has moment #201 with value 5056.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #500 has moment #202 with value 5280.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #500 has moment #501 with value   53.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #500 has moment #601 with value    0.523
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #500 has moment #602 with value    0.379
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #500 has moment #702 with value    0.586
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #500 has moment #804 with value    0.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #500 has moment #806 with value    1.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO ==> execute
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO event #3 has 349 clusters
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has energy    4.824
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #201 with value 1416.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #202 with value 12672.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #501 with value  218.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #601 with value    0.559
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #602 with value    0.637
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #702 with value    0.346
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #804 with value    0.030
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #806 with value    0.879
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has energy    4.052
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #201 with value  820.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #202 with value 17792.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #501 with value  251.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #601 with value    0.471
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #602 with value    0.793
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #702 with value    0.281
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #804 with value    0.003
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #806 with value    0.297
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has energy    3.466
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #201 with value  968.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #202 with value 13632.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #501 with value 1208.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #601 with value    0.586
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #602 with value    0.785
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #702 with value    0.201
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #804 with value    0.001
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #806 with value    0.402
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has energy    3.033
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #201 with value  672.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #202 with value 15808.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #501 with value  280.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #601 with value    0.451
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #602 with value    0.547
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #702 with value    0.285
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #804 with value    0.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #806 with value    0.195
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO ==> execute
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO event #4 has 358 clusters
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has energy    5.157
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #201 with value 9344.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #202 with value 236544.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #501 with value  660.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #601 with value    0.957
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #602 with value    0.785
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #702 with value    0.196
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #804 with value    0.007
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #  0 has moment #806 with value    0.738
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has energy    4.261
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #201 with value  306.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #202 with value 16640.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #501 with value    0.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #601 with value    0.271
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #602 with value    0.797
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #702 with value    0.248
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #804 with value    0.028
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #100 has moment #806 with value    0.002
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has energy    3.973
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #201 with value  418.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #202 with value 113152.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #501 with value  540.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #601 with value    0.346
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #602 with value    0.934
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #702 with value    0.208
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #804 with value    0.006
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #200 has moment #806 with value    0.216
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has energy    3.093
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #201 with value 1272.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #202 with value 48896.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #501 with value  700.000
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #601 with value    0.637
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #602 with value    0.930
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #702 with value    0.203
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #804 with value    0.001
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO cluster #300 has moment #806 with value    0.277
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO ==> finalize
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO === analyzed [4] events ===
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO  <cluster ene> =    2.970 MeV
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO           rms  =    1.261 MeV
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO  <cluster eta> =   -0.058
-Py:ClusterExAlg      INFO           rms  =    2.400
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pyfdr_aodtodpd_rel140100.ref b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pyfdr_aodtodpd_rel140100.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index d55e5a0ff1873a56c74c365ae86794f5165545dc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pyfdr_aodtodpd_rel140100.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
-Py:MuonRec           INFO Changing default applyResilience = True
-Py:MuonRec           INFO Changing default doTGC_rawdataROD = False
-Py:MuonRec           INFO Changing default useTGCPriorNextBC = False
-Py:MuonRec           INFO Changing default Mode = 'trackNtuple'
-Py:MuonRec           INFO DetFlags.writeRIOPool.MDT_setOn()
-Py:MuonRec           INFO DetFlags.writeRIOPool.RPC_setOn()
-Py:MuonRec           INFO DetFlags.writeRIOPool.CSC_setOn()
-Py:MuonRec           INFO DetFlags.writeRIOPool.TGC_setOn()
-Py:IOVDbSvc.CondDB    INFO Setting up conditions DB access to instance OFLP200
-Py:TileInfoConf.     INFO Adding TileCablingSvc to ServiceMgr
-Py:TileInfoConf.     INFO Adding default TileBadChanTool to ToolSvc
-Py:TileInfoConf.     INFO Adding default TileCondToolOfc to ToolSvc
-Py:TileInfoConf.     INFO Adding default TileCondToolEmscale to ToolSvc
-Py:TileInfoConf.     INFO Adding default TileCondToolNoiseSample to ToolSvc
-Py:TileInfoConf.     INFO Adding default TileCondToolTiming to ToolSvc
-Py:TileInfoConf.     INFO Adding default TileCondToolPulseShape to ToolSvc
-Py:TileConditions_jobOptions.py    INFO Adjusting TileInfo for 7 samples
-Py:TileConditions_jobOptions.py    INFO setting up COOL for TileCal conditions data
-Py:TileInfoConf.     INFO Changing default TileBadChanTool configuration to COOL source
-Py:TileInfoConf.     INFO Changing default TileCondToolEmscale configuration to COOL source
-Py:IOVDbSvc.CondDB    INFO Ignoring additional request for folder /TILE/OFL02/CALIB/CIS/FIT/LIN
-Py:IOVDbSvc.CondDB    INFO Ignoring additional request for folder /TILE/OFL02/CALIB/LAS/LIN
-Py:IOVDbSvc.CondDB    INFO Ignoring additional request for folder /TILE/OFL02/CALIB/CES
-Py:IOVDbSvc.CondDB    INFO Ignoring additional request for folder /TILE/OFL02/CALIB/EMS
-Py:TileInfoConf.     INFO Changing default TileCondToolNoiseSample configuration to COOL source
-Py:TileInfoConf.     INFO Changing default TileCondToolTiming configuration to COOL source
-Py:TileInfoConf.     INFO Changing default TileCondToolPulseShape configuration to COOL source
-Py:TileConditions_jobOptions.py    INFO Adjusting TileInfo to return cell noise for Opt.Filter without iterations
-Py:JobPropertyContainer::    INFO  setting folder /LAR/ElecCalibMC with tag LARElecCalibMC-CSC02-J-QGSP_BERT
-Py:JobPropertyContainer::    INFO  setting folder /LAR/Identifier/OnOffIdAtlas with tag OnOffIdAtlas-012
-Py:JobPropertyContainer::    INFO  setting folder /LAR/Identifier/FebRodAtlas with tag FebRodAtlas-005
-Py:JetGetters        INFO  Building jetgetter for Kt4LCTopoGetter  disabling=False
-Py:JetGetters        INFO  input = LCTopo
-Py:Configured::existingOutput:Kt4LCTopoGetter:    INFO one object not in output JetCollection:
-Py:Configured::existingOutput:Kt4LCTopoGetter:    INFO No output objects already available. Continue.
-Py:Kt4LCTopoGetter::configure :    INFO  Recorded JetKeyDescriptor with key JetKeyMap
-Py:Kt4LCTopoGetter::configure :    INFO  now adding to topSequence
-Py:Kt4LCTopoGetter::configure :    INFO scheduled to output {'JetCollection': 'Kt4LCTopoJets'}
-Py:Configured::__init__:Kt4LCTopoGetter:    INFO Configured/Enabled
-Py:JetGetters        INFO  Building jetgetter for Kt4TruthGetter  disabling=False
-Py:JetGetters        INFO  input = Truth
-Py:Configured::existingOutput:InputTruthJetGetter_AOD:    INFO one object not in output TruthParticleContainer:SpclMC
-Py:Configured::existingOutput:InputTruthJetGetter_AOD:    INFO No output objects already available. Continue.
-Py:InputTruthJetGetter::configure :    INFO scheduled to output {'TruthParticleContainer': 'SpclMC'}
-Py:InputTruthJetGetter::configure :    INFO for AOD
-Py:InputTruthJetGetter::configure :    INFO RDO True
-Py:InputTruthJetGetter::configure :    INFO ESD False
-Py:InputTruthJetGetter::configure :    INFO AOD False
-Py:Configured::__init__:InputTruthJetGetter_AOD:    INFO Configured/Enabled
-Py:Configured::existingOutput:Kt4TruthGetter:    INFO one object not in output JetCollection:
-Py:Configured::existingOutput:Kt4TruthGetter:    INFO No output objects already available. Continue.
-Py:Kt4TruthGetter::configure :    INFO  now adding to topSequence
-Py:Kt4TruthGetter::configure :    INFO scheduled to output {'JetCollection': 'Kt4TruthJets'}
-Py:Configured::__init__:Kt4TruthGetter:    INFO Configured/Enabled
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO ==> initializing [ttbarFilter]...
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Lepton MinEt:   20.0 GeV/c
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Lepton MaxEta:  2.5
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jets MinEt:     20.0 GeV/c
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jets MaxEta:    2.5
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Min Missing Et: 20.0 GeV/c
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 33561.772    0.885    1.169 30326.694    0.897    1.166
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event passed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO thinning clusters...
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO thinning tracks...
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO completed filtering
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 42751.141   -1.079    2.281 27304.343   -1.137    2.362
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 57827.490   -0.591    0.761 56709.507   -0.611    0.757
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 44217.774   -0.947   -1.429 42423.044   -0.964   -1.416
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 31942.524    0.818   -1.346 32068.786    0.823   -1.331
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event passed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO thinning clusters...
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO thinning tracks...
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO completed filtering
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 59387.343   -0.986   -0.995 54488.915   -0.995   -0.982
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event passed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO thinning clusters...
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO thinning tracks...
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO completed filtering
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 18511.101   -0.933   -1.459 13364.035   -0.942   -1.520
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event passed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO thinning clusters...
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO thinning tracks...
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO completed filtering
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 30097.736   -2.342    0.515 16152.500   -2.408    0.540
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 78207.893    0.135    2.893 78408.174    0.129    2.899
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 59717.217    0.634   -1.906 58913.964    0.642   -1.900
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event passed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO thinning clusters...
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO thinning tracks...
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO completed filtering
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 14790.006   -0.479   -1.735 11686.177   -0.475   -1.710
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 53106.939   -1.534    1.741 47229.998   -1.542    1.748
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event passed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO thinning clusters...
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO thinning tracks...
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO completed filtering
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 151470.658   -0.697    2.328 151243.239   -0.698    2.340
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event passed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO thinning clusters...
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO thinning tracks...
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO completed filtering
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 8896.505    0.041   -0.601 8922.597    0.089   -0.648
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 104570.707   -0.666    2.732 98406.124   -0.682    2.747
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 44471.180    0.669    0.040 42744.401    0.649    0.013
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 39616.376   -2.254    1.633 37156.120   -2.268    1.635
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 57834.891   -0.719    2.427 57128.713   -0.737    2.448
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event passed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO thinning clusters...
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO thinning tracks...
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO completed filtering
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 28373.040   -1.048    2.935 27529.443   -1.051    2.931
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 43574.496   -1.752    1.945 38761.179   -1.746    1.960
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 44448.225    1.629   -2.150 39589.636    1.648   -2.156
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event passed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO thinning clusters...
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO thinning tracks...
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO completed filtering
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 19875.305    0.513   -0.250 10995.813    0.515   -0.237
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 74490.744    0.970   -0.259 74993.130    0.948   -0.273
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 30599.000   -1.016   -0.739 15422.366   -1.017   -0.755
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event passed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO thinning clusters...
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO thinning tracks...
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO completed filtering
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 52516.203    2.082   -1.724 48875.980    2.079   -1.725
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 61514.531    0.043   -2.497 60913.107    0.034   -2.486
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 24641.124    0.695   -1.327 20923.247    0.670   -1.391
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 24486.380   -0.903   -0.417 25094.879   -0.835   -0.401
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 8549.036   -1.918   -0.122 6824.005   -1.832   -0.159
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 81928.865    1.518   -0.728 73917.058    1.509   -0.716
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 25284.025   -0.279    1.921 25010.365   -0.304    1.902
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 44102.869   -0.630   -2.013 43407.325   -0.637   -2.020
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 44392.339   -1.276    1.338 44916.352   -1.286    1.364
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 16916.502   -2.196    0.219 16186.846   -2.173    0.205
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 19378.467   -1.130   -2.581 18646.990   -1.060   -2.545
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 49510.217    0.269   -1.131 47642.120    0.293   -1.139
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 28296.564   -0.337   -1.417 22696.710   -0.311   -1.345
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 15518.713   -0.180    1.328 15445.394   -0.144    1.299
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 48932.272   -0.125   -1.373 45194.812   -0.109   -1.365
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 34176.411    1.199    1.329 32262.932    1.218    1.314
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 27042.764    0.128    1.077 22934.098    0.110    1.050
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 18887.757    0.202   -2.672 17980.025    0.228   -2.710
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 62220.654   -1.916   -2.917 60428.619   -1.888   -2.941
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 37793.324   -0.359    0.423 37212.773   -0.371    0.420
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 16136.491   -0.610   -1.936 11644.649   -0.564   -1.998
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 34218.122    1.419   -1.803 27981.975    1.402   -1.790
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 26811.968   -1.016    0.993 25350.278   -1.045    0.968
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 52019.267   -1.197   -1.048 47860.833   -1.225   -1.072
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 24230.132   -0.955   -0.258 21412.998   -0.982   -0.255
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 21524.957    0.153   -2.268 14323.796    0.155   -2.328
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 34249.228    1.073    2.299 32376.951    1.082    2.283
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 52401.886   -0.511    2.418 52600.081   -0.495    2.433
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 43238.464   -0.373   -0.717 38106.337   -0.329   -0.706
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 30724.523   -0.590    1.510 30695.417   -0.593    1.518
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 22946.164    1.800   -1.528 20399.668    1.797   -1.562
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 48371.154    0.221   -2.520 48140.319    0.197   -2.517
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 50257.290   -0.133   -0.450 42748.026   -0.145   -0.464
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 54183.530   -1.881   -0.884 53623.403   -1.891   -0.892
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 41745.558   -2.072    2.508 39815.209   -2.076    2.508
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 17106.004   -1.036    0.827 15216.870   -1.049    0.845
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 9769.921   -0.867    2.771 9459.463   -0.881    2.726
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 10471.303   -1.846    0.530 8406.957   -1.845    0.557
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 37123.243   -0.176   -2.781 35629.324   -0.192   -2.784
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 37194.455    0.066   -0.977 37563.450    0.058   -0.993
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 13195.065    2.102    1.917 11168.374    2.123    1.940
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 28738.165   -0.497    0.680 28172.183   -0.537    0.671
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 22045.282    2.097   -0.653 21540.628    2.115   -0.651
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 31914.090    0.990    0.379 31919.244    0.982    0.369
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 22333.595   -0.012    2.487 23013.782   -0.020    2.506
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 20066.085   -0.419   -2.929 11417.231   -0.447   -2.990
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 57836.716    1.074   -2.498 57485.561    1.039   -2.498
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 37896.034    1.786    1.441 32388.205    1.756    1.446
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 48442.175   -1.082   -2.189 48924.012   -1.064   -2.190
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 37325.262   -1.911    1.072 36453.793   -1.909    1.085
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 26976.527   -1.622    0.571 23707.275   -1.624    0.554
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 8760.772   -1.172   -1.600 9233.268   -1.160   -1.548
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 51024.341    0.822   -1.773 51347.262    0.847   -1.760
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 25006.738   -0.859    2.449 25806.636   -0.833    2.433
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 54274.825    0.480   -1.118 54032.101    0.492   -1.104
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 30056.534    1.311   -1.850 27422.151    1.312   -1.837
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 35469.808    0.378    3.109 35527.181    0.396    3.104
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 46147.842   -0.525    0.063 39896.546   -0.507    0.085
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 18203.955   -0.194    0.341 18151.014   -0.174    0.362
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 13752.931    1.115   -2.633 14004.338    1.126   -2.670
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 60326.549   -0.545   -1.599 57729.869   -0.556   -1.595
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 27685.344   -0.968   -1.385 25918.177   -0.987   -1.371
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 29589.865   -2.246    0.946 29030.329   -2.233    0.936
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 31127.807   -1.094    0.612 32010.533   -1.069    0.614
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 28564.787   -1.720   -2.495 28641.091   -1.701   -2.496
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO Jet match: 7614.984   -0.769   -0.198 6878.065   -0.726   -0.167
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO event failed semileptonic ttbar filter
-Py:ttbarFilter       INFO ==> finalize...
-Py:Athena            INFO leaving with code 0: "successful run"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pyfdr_truthslimming_rel140100.ref b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pyfdr_truthslimming_rel140100.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a8887fb1219b0df77bb0a4f10ec71d2f299697c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pyfdr_truthslimming_rel140100.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-Py:mc_aod_dumper     INFO initializing...
-Py:mc_aod_dumper     INFO Dumping configuration:
-Py:mc_aod_dumper     INFO McEventCollection key: GEN_AOD
-Py:mc_dpd_dumper     INFO initializing...
-Py:mc_dpd_dumper     INFO Dumping configuration:
-Py:mc_dpd_dumper     INFO McEventCollection key: GEN_DPD
-Py:mc_aod_dumper     INFO running execute...
-Py:mc_aod_dumper     INFO retrieve [McEventCollection/GEN_AOD]
-Py:mc_aod_dumper     INFO number of GenEvents: 1
-Py:mc_aod_dumper     INFO number of GenParticles: 2704
-Py:mc_aod_dumper     INFO number of GenVertices:  1055
-Py:mc_dpd_dumper     INFO running execute...
-Py:mc_dpd_dumper     INFO retrieve [McEventCollection/GEN_DPD]
-Py:mc_dpd_dumper     INFO number of GenEvents: 1
-Py:mc_dpd_dumper     INFO number of GenParticles: 409
-Py:mc_dpd_dumper     INFO number of GenVertices:  283
-Py:mc_aod_dumper     INFO running execute...
-Py:mc_aod_dumper     INFO retrieve [McEventCollection/GEN_AOD]
-Py:mc_aod_dumper     INFO number of GenEvents: 1
-Py:mc_aod_dumper     INFO number of GenParticles: 2215
-Py:mc_aod_dumper     INFO number of GenVertices:  859
-Py:mc_dpd_dumper     INFO running execute...
-Py:mc_dpd_dumper     INFO retrieve [McEventCollection/GEN_DPD]
-Py:mc_dpd_dumper     INFO number of GenEvents: 1
-Py:mc_dpd_dumper     INFO number of GenParticles: 322
-Py:mc_dpd_dumper     INFO number of GenVertices:  237
-Py:mc_aod_dumper     INFO running execute...
-Py:mc_aod_dumper     INFO retrieve [McEventCollection/GEN_AOD]
-Py:mc_aod_dumper     INFO number of GenEvents: 1
-Py:mc_aod_dumper     INFO number of GenParticles: 2952
-Py:mc_aod_dumper     INFO number of GenVertices:  1149
-Py:mc_dpd_dumper     INFO running execute...
-Py:mc_dpd_dumper     INFO retrieve [McEventCollection/GEN_DPD]
-Py:mc_dpd_dumper     INFO number of GenEvents: 1
-Py:mc_dpd_dumper     INFO number of GenParticles: 359
-Py:mc_dpd_dumper     INFO number of GenVertices:  260
-Py:mc_aod_dumper     INFO running execute...
-Py:mc_aod_dumper     INFO retrieve [McEventCollection/GEN_AOD]
-Py:mc_aod_dumper     INFO number of GenEvents: 1
-Py:mc_aod_dumper     INFO number of GenParticles: 1655
-Py:mc_aod_dumper     INFO number of GenVertices:  693
-Py:mc_dpd_dumper     INFO running execute...
-Py:mc_dpd_dumper     INFO retrieve [McEventCollection/GEN_DPD]
-Py:mc_dpd_dumper     INFO number of GenEvents: 1
-Py:mc_dpd_dumper     INFO number of GenParticles: 287
-Py:mc_dpd_dumper     INFO number of GenVertices:  186
-Py:mc_aod_dumper     INFO running execute...
-Py:mc_aod_dumper     INFO retrieve [McEventCollection/GEN_AOD]
-Py:mc_aod_dumper     INFO number of GenEvents: 1
-Py:mc_aod_dumper     INFO number of GenParticles: 1692
-Py:mc_aod_dumper     INFO number of GenVertices:  704
-Py:mc_dpd_dumper     INFO running execute...
-Py:mc_dpd_dumper     INFO retrieve [McEventCollection/GEN_DPD]
-Py:mc_dpd_dumper     INFO number of GenEvents: 1
-Py:mc_dpd_dumper     INFO number of GenParticles: 250
-Py:mc_dpd_dumper     INFO number of GenVertices:  185
-Py:mc_aod_dumper     INFO finalizing...
-Py:mc_dpd_dumper     INFO finalizing...
-Py:Athena            INFO leaving with code 0: "successful run"
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_atlfast_rel13.ref b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_atlfast_rel13.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index b497a0f01cf73c228cad455b350288cb0531d699..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_atlfast_rel13.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-Py:Thinner           INFO initializing...
-Py:Thinner           INFO Dumping configuration:
-Py:Thinner           INFO Container type: JetCollection
-Py:Thinner           INFO Container key:  AtlfastJetContainer
-Py:Thinner           INFO Filter: '<lambda>'
-Py:Thinner           INFO running execute...
-Py:Thinner           INFO retrieve [JetCollection/AtlfastJetContainer]
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements before thinning: 2
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements after  thinning: 2
-Py:Thinner           INFO running execute...
-Py:Thinner           INFO retrieve [JetCollection/AtlfastJetContainer]
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements before thinning: 4
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements after  thinning: 4
-Py:Thinner           INFO running execute...
-Py:Thinner           INFO retrieve [JetCollection/AtlfastJetContainer]
-Py:Thinner           INFO Container "JetCollection/AtlfastJetContainer" is empty
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements before thinning: 0
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements after  thinning: 0
-Py:Thinner           INFO running execute...
-Py:Thinner           INFO retrieve [JetCollection/AtlfastJetContainer]
-Py:Thinner           INFO Container "JetCollection/AtlfastJetContainer" is empty
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements before thinning: 0
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements after  thinning: 0
-Py:Thinner           INFO running execute...
-Py:Thinner           INFO retrieve [JetCollection/AtlfastJetContainer]
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements before thinning: 2
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements after  thinning: 1
-Py:Thinner           INFO running execute...
-Py:Thinner           INFO retrieve [JetCollection/AtlfastJetContainer]
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements before thinning: 6
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements after  thinning: 5
-Py:Thinner           INFO running execute...
-Py:Thinner           INFO retrieve [JetCollection/AtlfastJetContainer]
-Py:Thinner           INFO Container "JetCollection/AtlfastJetContainer" is empty
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements before thinning: 0
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements after  thinning: 0
-Py:Thinner           INFO running execute...
-Py:Thinner           INFO retrieve [JetCollection/AtlfastJetContainer]
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements before thinning: 5
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements after  thinning: 2
-Py:Thinner           INFO running execute...
-Py:Thinner           INFO retrieve [JetCollection/AtlfastJetContainer]
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements before thinning: 2
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements after  thinning: 0
-Py:Thinner           INFO running execute...
-Py:Thinner           INFO retrieve [JetCollection/AtlfastJetContainer]
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements before thinning: 1
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements after  thinning: 1
-Py:Thinner           INFO finalizing...
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_atlfast_rel140100.ref b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_atlfast_rel140100.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index be8de2354466daa9172bc9d8a741f0e6f6be306f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_atlfast_rel140100.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-Py:Thinner           INFO initializing...
-Py:Thinner           INFO Dumping configuration:
-Py:Thinner           INFO Container type: JetCollection
-Py:Thinner           INFO Container key:  AtlfastJetContainer
-Py:Thinner           INFO Filter: '<lambda>'
-Py:Thinner           INFO running execute...
-Py:Thinner           INFO retrieve [JetCollection/AtlfastJetContainer]
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements before thinning: 8
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements after  thinning: 8
-Py:Thinner           INFO running execute...
-Py:Thinner           INFO retrieve [JetCollection/AtlfastJetContainer]
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements before thinning: 7
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements after  thinning: 6
-Py:Thinner           INFO running execute...
-Py:Thinner           INFO retrieve [JetCollection/AtlfastJetContainer]
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements before thinning: 2
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements after  thinning: 2
-Py:Thinner           INFO running execute...
-Py:Thinner           INFO retrieve [JetCollection/AtlfastJetContainer]
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements before thinning: 4
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements after  thinning: 4
-Py:Thinner           INFO running execute...
-Py:Thinner           INFO retrieve [JetCollection/AtlfastJetContainer]
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements before thinning: 4
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements after  thinning: 3
-Py:Thinner           INFO running execute...
-Py:Thinner           INFO retrieve [JetCollection/AtlfastJetContainer]
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements before thinning: 6
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements after  thinning: 5
-Py:Thinner           INFO running execute...
-Py:Thinner           INFO retrieve [JetCollection/AtlfastJetContainer]
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements before thinning: 7
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements after  thinning: 6
-Py:Thinner           INFO running execute...
-Py:Thinner           INFO retrieve [JetCollection/AtlfastJetContainer]
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements before thinning: 6
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements after  thinning: 3
-Py:Thinner           INFO running execute...
-Py:Thinner           INFO retrieve [JetCollection/AtlfastJetContainer]
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements before thinning: 10
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements after  thinning: 10
-Py:Thinner           INFO running execute...
-Py:Thinner           INFO retrieve [JetCollection/AtlfastJetContainer]
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements before thinning: 7
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements after  thinning: 6
-Py:Thinner           INFO finalizing...
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_basic_thinning.ref b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_basic_thinning.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index fa552aa7cb1646602ed3743c72d355e94711b86f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_basic_thinning.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-Py:thinner           INFO initializing...
-Py:thinner           INFO Dumping configuration:
-Py:thinner           INFO Container type: AthExParticles
-Py:thinner           INFO Container key:  Particles_basic
-Py:thinner           INFO Filter: '<lambda>'
-Py:thinner           INFO running execute...
-Py:thinner           INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_basic]
-Py:thinner           INFO number of elements before thinning: 10
-Py:thinner           INFO number of elements after  thinning: 5
-Py:thinner           INFO running execute...
-Py:thinner           INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_basic]
-Py:thinner           INFO number of elements before thinning: 10
-Py:thinner           INFO number of elements after  thinning: 5
-Py:thinner           INFO running execute...
-Py:thinner           INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_basic]
-Py:thinner           INFO number of elements before thinning: 10
-Py:thinner           INFO number of elements after  thinning: 5
-Py:thinner           INFO running execute...
-Py:thinner           INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_basic]
-Py:thinner           INFO number of elements before thinning: 10
-Py:thinner           INFO number of elements after  thinning: 5
-Py:thinner           INFO running execute...
-Py:thinner           INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_basic]
-Py:thinner           INFO number of elements before thinning: 10
-Py:thinner           INFO number of elements after  thinning: 5
-Py:thinner           INFO finalizing...
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_multistream_check_thin0.ref b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_multistream_check_thin0.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index ace9bc8853b6271294f258b85dd698e14f6c96ce..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_multistream_check_thin0.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO initializing...
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO Dumping configuration:
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO Container type: AthExParticles
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO Container key:  Particles_0
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO initializing...
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO Dumping configuration:
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO Container type: AthExParticles
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO Container key:  Particles_1
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_0]
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO number of elements : 5
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][0]: 30000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][1]: 50000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][2]: 70000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][3]: 90000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][4]: 110000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_1]
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO number of elements : 10
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][0]: 20000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][1]: 30000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][2]: 40000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][3]: 50000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][4]: 60000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][5]: 70000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][6]: 80000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][7]: 90000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][8]: 100000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][9]: 110000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_0]
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO number of elements : 5
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][0]: 30000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][1]: 50000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][2]: 70000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][3]: 90000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][4]: 110000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_1]
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO number of elements : 10
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][0]: 20000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][1]: 30000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][2]: 40000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][3]: 50000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][4]: 60000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][5]: 70000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][6]: 80000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][7]: 90000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][8]: 100000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][9]: 110000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_0]
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO number of elements : 5
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][0]: 30000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][1]: 50000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][2]: 70000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][3]: 90000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][4]: 110000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_1]
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO number of elements : 10
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][0]: 20000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][1]: 30000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][2]: 40000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][3]: 50000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][4]: 60000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][5]: 70000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][6]: 80000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][7]: 90000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][8]: 100000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][9]: 110000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_0]
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO number of elements : 5
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][0]: 30000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][1]: 50000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][2]: 70000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][3]: 90000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][4]: 110000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_1]
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO number of elements : 10
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][0]: 20000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][1]: 30000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][2]: 40000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][3]: 50000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][4]: 60000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][5]: 70000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][6]: 80000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][7]: 90000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][8]: 100000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][9]: 110000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_0]
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO number of elements : 5
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][0]: 30000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][1]: 50000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][2]: 70000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][3]: 90000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][4]: 110000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_1]
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO number of elements : 10
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][0]: 20000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][1]: 30000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][2]: 40000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][3]: 50000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][4]: 60000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][5]: 70000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][6]: 80000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][7]: 90000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][8]: 100000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][9]: 110000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO finalizing...
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO finalizing...
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_multistream_check_thin1.ref b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_multistream_check_thin1.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 691bfe23b539f540be65b3cfe247ca78d60e11f5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_multistream_check_thin1.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO initializing...
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO Dumping configuration:
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO Container type: AthExParticles
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO Container key:  Particles_0
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO initializing...
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO Dumping configuration:
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO Container type: AthExParticles
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO Container key:  Particles_1
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_0]
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO number of elements : 10
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][0]: 20000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][1]: 30000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][2]: 40000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][3]: 50000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][4]: 60000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][5]: 70000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][6]: 80000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][7]: 90000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][8]: 100000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][9]: 110000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_1]
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO number of elements : 5
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][0]: 20000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][1]: 40000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][2]: 60000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][3]: 80000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][4]: 100000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_0]
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO number of elements : 10
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][0]: 20000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][1]: 30000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][2]: 40000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][3]: 50000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][4]: 60000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][5]: 70000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][6]: 80000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][7]: 90000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][8]: 100000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][9]: 110000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_1]
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO number of elements : 5
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][0]: 20000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][1]: 40000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][2]: 60000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][3]: 80000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][4]: 100000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_0]
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO number of elements : 10
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][0]: 20000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][1]: 30000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][2]: 40000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][3]: 50000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][4]: 60000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][5]: 70000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][6]: 80000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][7]: 90000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][8]: 100000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][9]: 110000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_1]
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO number of elements : 5
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][0]: 20000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][1]: 40000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][2]: 60000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][3]: 80000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][4]: 100000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_0]
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO number of elements : 10
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][0]: 20000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][1]: 30000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][2]: 40000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][3]: 50000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][4]: 60000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][5]: 70000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][6]: 80000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][7]: 90000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][8]: 100000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][9]: 110000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_1]
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO number of elements : 5
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][0]: 20000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][1]: 40000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][2]: 60000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][3]: 80000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][4]: 100000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_0]
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO number of elements : 10
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][0]: 20000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][1]: 30000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][2]: 40000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][3]: 50000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][4]: 60000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][5]: 70000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][6]: 80000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][7]: 90000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][8]: 100000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][9]: 110000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_1]
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO number of elements : 5
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][0]: 20000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][1]: 40000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][2]: 60000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][3]: 80000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][4]: 100000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO finalizing...
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO finalizing...
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_multistream_check_thin2.ref b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_multistream_check_thin2.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 5eb6159c13d8408a95351404db026962372afbd7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_multistream_check_thin2.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO initializing...
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO Dumping configuration:
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO Container type: AthExParticles
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO Container key:  Particles_0
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO initializing...
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO Dumping configuration:
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO Container type: AthExParticles
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO Container key:  Particles_1
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_0]
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO number of elements : 10
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][0]: 20000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][1]: 30000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][2]: 40000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][3]: 50000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][4]: 60000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][5]: 70000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][6]: 80000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][7]: 90000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][8]: 100000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][9]: 110000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_1]
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO number of elements : 10
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][0]: 20000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][1]: 30000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][2]: 40000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][3]: 50000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][4]: 60000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][5]: 70000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][6]: 80000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][7]: 90000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][8]: 100000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][9]: 110000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_0]
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO number of elements : 10
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][0]: 20000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][1]: 30000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][2]: 40000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][3]: 50000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][4]: 60000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][5]: 70000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][6]: 80000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][7]: 90000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][8]: 100000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][9]: 110000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_1]
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO number of elements : 10
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][0]: 20000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][1]: 30000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][2]: 40000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][3]: 50000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][4]: 60000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][5]: 70000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][6]: 80000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][7]: 90000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][8]: 100000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][9]: 110000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_0]
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO number of elements : 10
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][0]: 20000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][1]: 30000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][2]: 40000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][3]: 50000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][4]: 60000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][5]: 70000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][6]: 80000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][7]: 90000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][8]: 100000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][9]: 110000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_1]
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO number of elements : 10
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][0]: 20000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][1]: 30000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][2]: 40000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][3]: 50000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][4]: 60000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][5]: 70000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][6]: 80000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][7]: 90000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][8]: 100000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][9]: 110000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_0]
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO number of elements : 10
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][0]: 20000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][1]: 30000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][2]: 40000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][3]: 50000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][4]: 60000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][5]: 70000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][6]: 80000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][7]: 90000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][8]: 100000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][9]: 110000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_1]
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO number of elements : 10
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][0]: 20000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][1]: 30000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][2]: 40000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][3]: 50000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][4]: 60000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][5]: 70000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][6]: 80000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][7]: 90000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][8]: 100000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][9]: 110000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_0]
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO number of elements : 10
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][0]: 20000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][1]: 30000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][2]: 40000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][3]: 50000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][4]: 60000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][5]: 70000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][6]: 80000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][7]: 90000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][8]: 100000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO [Particles_0][9]: 110000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_1]
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO number of elements : 10
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][0]: 20000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][1]: 30000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000 20000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][2]: 40000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000 30000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][3]: 50000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000 40000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][4]: 60000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000 50000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][5]: 70000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000 60000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][6]: 80000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000 70000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][7]: 90000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000 80000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][8]: 100000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000 90000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO [Particles_1][9]: 110000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000
-Py:thin_checker_0    INFO finalizing...
-Py:thin_checker_1    INFO finalizing...
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_multistream_thinning.ref b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_multistream_thinning.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 93728416a8d9fe3aebb0ed985f685707f5cdf1ca..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_multistream_thinning.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-Py:thinner_0         INFO initializing...
-Py:thinner_0         INFO Dumping configuration:
-Py:thinner_0         INFO Container type: AthExParticles
-Py:thinner_0         INFO Container key:  Particles_0
-Py:thinner_0         INFO Filter: '<lambda>'
-Py:thinner_1         INFO initializing...
-Py:thinner_1         INFO Dumping configuration:
-Py:thinner_1         INFO Container type: AthExParticles
-Py:thinner_1         INFO Container key:  Particles_1
-Py:thinner_1         INFO Filter: '<lambda>'
-Py:thinner_0         INFO running execute...
-Py:thinner_0         INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_0]
-Py:thinner_0         INFO number of elements before thinning: 10
-Py:thinner_0         INFO number of elements after  thinning: 5
-Py:thinner_1         INFO running execute...
-Py:thinner_1         INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_1]
-Py:thinner_1         INFO number of elements before thinning: 10
-Py:thinner_1         INFO number of elements after  thinning: 5
-Py:thinner_0         INFO running execute...
-Py:thinner_0         INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_0]
-Py:thinner_0         INFO number of elements before thinning: 10
-Py:thinner_0         INFO number of elements after  thinning: 5
-Py:thinner_1         INFO running execute...
-Py:thinner_1         INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_1]
-Py:thinner_1         INFO number of elements before thinning: 10
-Py:thinner_1         INFO number of elements after  thinning: 5
-Py:thinner_0         INFO running execute...
-Py:thinner_0         INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_0]
-Py:thinner_0         INFO number of elements before thinning: 10
-Py:thinner_0         INFO number of elements after  thinning: 5
-Py:thinner_1         INFO running execute...
-Py:thinner_1         INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_1]
-Py:thinner_1         INFO number of elements before thinning: 10
-Py:thinner_1         INFO number of elements after  thinning: 5
-Py:thinner_0         INFO running execute...
-Py:thinner_0         INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_0]
-Py:thinner_0         INFO number of elements before thinning: 10
-Py:thinner_0         INFO number of elements after  thinning: 5
-Py:thinner_1         INFO running execute...
-Py:thinner_1         INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_1]
-Py:thinner_1         INFO number of elements before thinning: 10
-Py:thinner_1         INFO number of elements after  thinning: 5
-Py:thinner_0         INFO running execute...
-Py:thinner_0         INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_0]
-Py:thinner_0         INFO number of elements before thinning: 10
-Py:thinner_0         INFO number of elements after  thinning: 5
-Py:thinner_1         INFO running execute...
-Py:thinner_1         INFO retrieve [AthExParticles/Particles_1]
-Py:thinner_1         INFO number of elements before thinning: 10
-Py:thinner_1         INFO number of elements after  thinning: 5
-Py:thinner_0         INFO finalizing...
-Py:thinner_1         INFO finalizing...
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_reco-aod_eles_rel140100.ref b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_reco-aod_eles_rel140100.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index a19bfcd4c489d1eb7a30407577f73fed2757a553..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_reco-aod_eles_rel140100.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-Py:thin_eles         INFO initializing...
-Py:thin_eles         INFO Dumping configuration:
-Py:thin_eles         INFO Container type: ElectronContainer
-Py:thin_eles         INFO Container key:  ElectronAODCollection
-Py:thin_eles         INFO Filter: '<lambda>'
-Py:thin_eles         INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_eles         INFO retrieve [ElectronContainer/ElectronAODCollection]
-Py:thin_eles         INFO number of elements before thinning: 17
-Py:thin_eles         INFO number of elements after  thinning: 4
-Py:thin_eles         INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_eles         INFO retrieve [ElectronContainer/ElectronAODCollection]
-Py:thin_eles         INFO number of elements before thinning: 7
-Py:thin_eles         INFO number of elements after  thinning: 0
-Py:thin_eles         INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_eles         INFO retrieve [ElectronContainer/ElectronAODCollection]
-Py:thin_eles         INFO number of elements before thinning: 8
-Py:thin_eles         INFO number of elements after  thinning: 6
-Py:thin_eles         INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_eles         INFO retrieve [ElectronContainer/ElectronAODCollection]
-Py:thin_eles         INFO number of elements before thinning: 8
-Py:thin_eles         INFO number of elements after  thinning: 2
-Py:thin_eles         INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_eles         INFO retrieve [ElectronContainer/ElectronAODCollection]
-Py:thin_eles         INFO number of elements before thinning: 4
-Py:thin_eles         INFO number of elements after  thinning: 1
-Py:thin_eles         INFO finalizing...
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_reco-aod_muons_rel140100.ref b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_reco-aod_muons_rel140100.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 93877d613a7d698d14e484566c4add3636a6013f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_reco-aod_muons_rel140100.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-Py:thin_muons        INFO initializing...
-Py:thin_muons        INFO Dumping configuration:
-Py:thin_muons        INFO Container type: Analysis::MuonContainer
-Py:thin_muons        INFO Container key:  MuidMuonCollection
-Py:thin_muons        INFO Filter: '<lambda>'
-Py:thin_muons        INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_muons        INFO retrieve [Analysis::MuonContainer/MuidMuonCollection]
-Py:thin_muons        INFO number of elements before thinning: 2
-Py:thin_muons        INFO number of elements after  thinning: 0
-Py:thin_muons        INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_muons        INFO retrieve [Analysis::MuonContainer/MuidMuonCollection]
-Py:thin_muons        INFO Container "Analysis::MuonContainer/MuidMuonCollection" is empty
-Py:thin_muons        INFO number of elements before thinning: 0
-Py:thin_muons        INFO number of elements after  thinning: 0
-Py:thin_muons        INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_muons        INFO retrieve [Analysis::MuonContainer/MuidMuonCollection]
-Py:thin_muons        INFO number of elements before thinning: 1
-Py:thin_muons        INFO number of elements after  thinning: 1
-Py:thin_muons        INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_muons        INFO retrieve [Analysis::MuonContainer/MuidMuonCollection]
-Py:thin_muons        INFO Container "Analysis::MuonContainer/MuidMuonCollection" is empty
-Py:thin_muons        INFO number of elements before thinning: 0
-Py:thin_muons        INFO number of elements after  thinning: 0
-Py:thin_muons        INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_muons        INFO retrieve [Analysis::MuonContainer/MuidMuonCollection]
-Py:thin_muons        INFO number of elements before thinning: 1
-Py:thin_muons        INFO number of elements after  thinning: 0
-Py:thin_muons        INFO finalizing...
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_reco-aod_photons_rel140100.ref b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_reco-aod_photons_rel140100.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f784f6b2520a92b345ab5eba795b5b84b074348..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_reco-aod_photons_rel140100.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-Py:thin_photons      INFO initializing...
-Py:thin_photons      INFO Dumping configuration:
-Py:thin_photons      INFO Container type: PhotonContainer
-Py:thin_photons      INFO Container key:  PhotonAODCollection
-Py:thin_photons      INFO Filter: '<lambda>'
-Py:thin_photons      INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_photons      INFO retrieve [PhotonContainer/PhotonAODCollection]
-Py:thin_photons      INFO number of elements before thinning: 2
-Py:thin_photons      INFO number of elements after  thinning: 0
-Py:thin_photons      INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_photons      INFO retrieve [PhotonContainer/PhotonAODCollection]
-Py:thin_photons      INFO number of elements before thinning: 2
-Py:thin_photons      INFO number of elements after  thinning: 0
-Py:thin_photons      INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_photons      INFO retrieve [PhotonContainer/PhotonAODCollection]
-Py:thin_photons      INFO Container "PhotonContainer/PhotonAODCollection" is empty
-Py:thin_photons      INFO number of elements before thinning: 0
-Py:thin_photons      INFO number of elements after  thinning: 0
-Py:thin_photons      INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_photons      INFO retrieve [PhotonContainer/PhotonAODCollection]
-Py:thin_photons      INFO number of elements before thinning: 1
-Py:thin_photons      INFO number of elements after  thinning: 0
-Py:thin_photons      INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_photons      INFO retrieve [PhotonContainer/PhotonAODCollection]
-Py:thin_photons      INFO number of elements before thinning: 2
-Py:thin_photons      INFO number of elements after  thinning: 0
-Py:thin_photons      INFO finalizing...
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_reco-aod_taus_rel140100.ref b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_reco-aod_taus_rel140100.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 690667127efee2d4fb7b5a59a6ff342d9458a6d4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_reco-aod_taus_rel140100.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-Py:thin_taus         INFO initializing...
-Py:thin_taus         INFO Dumping configuration:
-Py:thin_taus         INFO Container type: Analysis::TauJetContainer
-Py:thin_taus         INFO Container key:  TauRecContainer
-Py:thin_taus         INFO Filter: '<lambda>'
-Py:thin_taus         INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_taus         INFO retrieve [Analysis::TauJetContainer/TauRecContainer]
-Py:thin_taus         INFO number of elements before thinning: 8
-Py:thin_taus         INFO number of elements after  thinning: 5
-Py:thin_taus         INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_taus         INFO retrieve [Analysis::TauJetContainer/TauRecContainer]
-Py:thin_taus         INFO number of elements before thinning: 7
-Py:thin_taus         INFO number of elements after  thinning: 5
-Py:thin_taus         INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_taus         INFO retrieve [Analysis::TauJetContainer/TauRecContainer]
-Py:thin_taus         INFO number of elements before thinning: 4
-Py:thin_taus         INFO number of elements after  thinning: 3
-Py:thin_taus         INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_taus         INFO retrieve [Analysis::TauJetContainer/TauRecContainer]
-Py:thin_taus         INFO number of elements before thinning: 5
-Py:thin_taus         INFO number of elements after  thinning: 5
-Py:thin_taus         INFO running execute...
-Py:thin_taus         INFO retrieve [Analysis::TauJetContainer/TauRecContainer]
-Py:thin_taus         INFO number of elements before thinning: 5
-Py:thin_taus         INFO number of elements after  thinning: 4
-Py:thin_taus         INFO finalizing...
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_reco-esd_calocells_rel140100.ref b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_reco-esd_calocells_rel140100.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ba8281f43e741481ef6fbaaff65e3bc5c15fba7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_pythinner_reco-esd_calocells_rel140100.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-Py:Thinner           INFO initializing...
-Py:Thinner           INFO Dumping configuration:
-Py:Thinner           INFO Container type: CaloCellContainer
-Py:Thinner           INFO Container key:  AllCalo
-Py:Thinner           INFO Filter: 'filter_fct'
-Py:Thinner           INFO running execute...
-Py:Thinner           INFO retrieve [CaloCellContainer/AllCalo]
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements before thinning: 187652
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements after  thinning: 93826
-Py:Thinner           INFO running execute...
-Py:Thinner           INFO retrieve [CaloCellContainer/AllCalo]
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements before thinning: 187652
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements after  thinning: 93826
-Py:Thinner           INFO running execute...
-Py:Thinner           INFO retrieve [CaloCellContainer/AllCalo]
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements before thinning: 187652
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements after  thinning: 93826
-Py:Thinner           INFO running execute...
-Py:Thinner           INFO retrieve [CaloCellContainer/AllCalo]
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements before thinning: 187652
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements after  thinning: 93826
-Py:Thinner           INFO running execute...
-Py:Thinner           INFO retrieve [CaloCellContainer/AllCalo]
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements before thinning: 187652
-Py:Thinner           INFO number of elements after  thinning: 93826
-Py:Thinner           INFO finalizing...
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_trigdectool_rel140100.ref b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_trigdectool_rel140100.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index ad8956845f93c22bdc53f4fcfcf020fc4aca509b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_trigdectool_rel140100.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO ==> initialize...
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO ==> execute...
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO Pass state EF = True
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO chain L2_e25i: passed: True
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO == SUCCESS ==
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO ==> execute...
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO Pass state EF = True
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO chain L2_e25i: passed: False
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO ==> execute...
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO Pass state EF = True
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO chain L2_e25i: passed: False
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO ==> execute...
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO Pass state EF = True
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO chain L2_e25i: passed: True
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO == SUCCESS ==
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO ==> execute...
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO Pass state EF = True
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO chain L2_e25i: passed: False
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO ==> execute...
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO Pass state EF = True
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO chain L2_e25i: passed: False
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO ==> execute...
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO Pass state EF = True
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO chain L2_e25i: passed: True
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO == SUCCESS ==
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO ==> execute...
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO Pass state EF = True
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO chain L2_e25i: passed: False
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO ==> execute...
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO Pass state EF = True
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO chain L2_e25i: passed: False
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO ==> execute...
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO Pass state EF = True
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO chain L2_e25i: passed: False
-Py:TrigDecTestAlg    INFO ==> finalize...
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_utest.py b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_utest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9619092388ce963deeb31c80d33e18f6635bc9ae..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathena_utest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-# @purpose gather some helpers...
-import unittest
-import tempfile, os, commands, atexit, shutil
-### helper methods ------------------------------------------------------------
-def safe_remove(fname):
-    if os.path.exists(fname) and \
-       (os.path.isfile(fname) or os.path.islink(fname)):
-        atexit.register(os.unlink, fname)
-## For compatibility with ATN tests
-from TestTools.iobench import workDir
-def installRefFiles( fileNames, quiet=True ):
-    for refFile in fileNames:
-        for fileName in [ refFile, workDir(refFile) ]:
-            if os.path.exists(fileName):
-                os.remove(fileName)
-        sc,out = commands.getstatusoutput( "get_files %s" % refFile )
-        if sc != 0:
-            print "## ERROR: could not retrieve [%s]" % refFile
-            print "## reason:\n",out
-            continue
-        if os.path.exists(refFile) and \
-           os.path.exists(workDir(refFile)) and \
-           os.path.samefile( refFile, workDir(refFile) ):
-            if not quiet:
-                print " -%s" % workDir(refFile)
-            continue
-        try:
-            shutil.move(refFile, workDir(refFile))
-            if not quiet:
-                print " -%s" % workDir(refFile)
-        except OSError,err:
-            print "## ERROR: could not install [%s] into [%s]" %\
-                  ( refFile, workDir(refFile) )
-            print "## reason:\n",err
-            continue
-    return
-def _make_jobo(job):
-    jobo = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.py')
-    jobo.writelines([l.strip()+os.linesep for l in job.splitlines()])
-    jobo.flush()
-    return jobo
-def _run_jobo(self, job):
-    jobo = _make_jobo(job)
-    cmd = ' '.join([self.app, jobo.name])
-    sc,out = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
-    self.failUnless(sc==0, 'problem running jobo:\n%s'%out)
-    jobo.close()
-    return out
-### capture the usual setUp/tearDown
-class PyAthenaTestCase (unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp (self):
-        # base class setUp
-        super(PyAthenaTestCase,self).setUp()
-        sc, self.app = commands.getstatusoutput('which athena.py')
-        self.failUnless(sc==0, 'could not find \'athena.py\' !')
-    _run_jobo = _run_jobo
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathenatests_base.ref b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathenatests_base.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 840bac31ebaa95637115e479c449725ce2fd5a98..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathenatests_base.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-Py:Athena            INFO executing ROOT6Setup
-Py:MySvc             INFO ==> initializing [MySvc]...
-Py:MySvc             INFO cnt: 0
-Py:alg1              INFO ==> initializing [alg1]...
-Py:alg1              INFO eta: 2.5
-Py:alg1              INFO pt:  42.0
-Py:alg1              INFO px:  10000.0
-Py:alg1_mytool       INFO ==> initializing [alg1_mytool]...
-Py:alg1_mytool       INFO cnt: 0
-Py:alg1              INFO tool:1 'alg1_mytool'
-Py:alg2              INFO ==> initializing [alg2]...
-Py:alg2              INFO eta: 5.1
-Py:alg2              INFO pt:  20000.0
-Py:alg2              INFO px:  10000.0
-Py:alg2_mytool       INFO ==> initializing [alg2_mytool]...
-Py:alg2_mytool       INFO cnt: 0
-Py:alg2              INFO tool:1 'alg2_mytool'
-Py:alg3              INFO ==> initializing [alg3]...
-Py:alg3              INFO eta: 5.1
-Py:alg3              INFO pt:  20000.0
-Py:alg3              INFO px:  10000.0
-Py:alg3_mytool       INFO ==> initializing [alg3_mytool]...
-Py:alg3_mytool       INFO cnt: 0
-Py:alg3              INFO tool:1 'alg3_mytool'
-Py:MyAlg             INFO ==> initializing [MyAlg]...
-Py:MyAlg             INFO eta: 5.2
-Py:MyAlg             INFO pt:  40000.0
-Py:MyAlg             INFO px:  20000.0
-Py:MyAlg.mytool      INFO ==> initializing [MyAlg.mytool]...
-Py:MyAlg.mytool      INFO cnt: 30
-Py:MyAlg             INFO tool:31 'MyAlg.mytool'
-Py:seqalg1           INFO ==> initializing [seqalg1]...
-Py:seqalg1           INFO eta: 2.5
-Py:seqalg1           INFO pt:  40000.0
-Py:seqalg1           INFO px:  10000.0
-Py:seqalg1_mytool    INFO ==> initializing [seqalg1_mytool]...
-Py:seqalg1_mytool    INFO cnt: 0
-Py:seqalg1           INFO tool:1 'seqalg1_mytool'
-Py:seqalg2           INFO ==> initializing [seqalg2]...
-Py:seqalg2           INFO eta: 2.5
-Py:seqalg2           INFO pt:  40000.0
-Py:seqalg2           INFO px:  10000.0
-Py:seqalg2_mytool    INFO ==> initializing [seqalg2_mytool]...
-Py:seqalg2_mytool    INFO cnt: 0
-Py:seqalg2           INFO tool:1 'seqalg2_mytool'
-Py:seqalg3           INFO ==> initializing [seqalg3]...
-Py:seqalg3           INFO eta: 2.5
-Py:seqalg3           INFO pt:  40000.0
-Py:seqalg3           INFO px:  10000.0
-Py:seqalg3_mytool    INFO ==> initializing [seqalg3_mytool]...
-Py:seqalg3_mytool    INFO cnt: 0
-Py:seqalg3           INFO tool:1 'seqalg3_mytool'
-Py:sub1alg1          INFO ==> initializing [sub1alg1]...
-Py:sub1alg1          INFO eta: 2.5
-Py:sub1alg1          INFO pt:  40000.0
-Py:sub1alg1          INFO px:  10000.0
-Py:sub1alg1_mytool    INFO ==> initializing [sub1alg1_mytool]...
-Py:sub1alg1_mytool    INFO cnt: 0
-Py:sub1alg1          INFO tool:1 'sub1alg1_mytool'
-Py:sub1alg2          INFO ==> initializing [sub1alg2]...
-Py:sub1alg2          INFO eta: 2.5
-Py:sub1alg2          INFO pt:  40000.0
-Py:sub1alg2          INFO px:  10000.0
-Py:sub1alg2_mytool    INFO ==> initializing [sub1alg2_mytool]...
-Py:sub1alg2_mytool    INFO cnt: 0
-Py:sub1alg2          INFO tool:1 'sub1alg2_mytool'
-Py:sub1alg3          INFO ==> initializing [sub1alg3]...
-Py:sub1alg3          INFO eta: 2.5
-Py:sub1alg3          INFO pt:  40000.0
-Py:sub1alg3          INFO px:  10000.0
-Py:sub1alg3_mytool    INFO ==> initializing [sub1alg3_mytool]...
-Py:sub1alg3_mytool    INFO cnt: 0
-Py:sub1alg3          INFO tool:1 'sub1alg3_mytool'
-Py:sub2alg1          INFO ==> initializing [sub2alg1]...
-Py:sub2alg1          INFO eta: 2.5
-Py:sub2alg1          INFO pt:  40000.0
-Py:sub2alg1          INFO px:  10000.0
-Py:sub2alg1_mytool    INFO ==> initializing [sub2alg1_mytool]...
-Py:sub2alg1_mytool    INFO cnt: 0
-Py:sub2alg1          INFO tool:1 'sub2alg1_mytool'
-Py:sub2alg2          INFO ==> initializing [sub2alg2]...
-Py:sub2alg2          INFO eta: 2.5
-Py:sub2alg2          INFO pt:  40000.0
-Py:sub2alg2          INFO px:  10000.0
-Py:sub2alg2_mytool    INFO ==> initializing [sub2alg2_mytool]...
-Py:sub2alg2_mytool    INFO cnt: 0
-Py:sub2alg2          INFO tool:1 'sub2alg2_mytool'
-Py:sub2alg3          INFO ==> initializing [sub2alg3]...
-Py:sub2alg3          INFO eta: 2.5
-Py:sub2alg3          INFO pt:  40000.0
-Py:sub2alg3          INFO px:  10000.0
-Py:sub2alg3_mytool    INFO ==> initializing [sub2alg3_mytool]...
-Py:sub2alg3_mytool    INFO cnt: 0
-Py:sub2alg3          INFO tool:1 'sub2alg3_mytool'
-Py:alg1              INFO ==> execute...
-Py:alg1              INFO hasattr('_cppHandle'): True
-Py:alg1              INFO has passed filter: True
-Py:alg2              INFO ==> execute...
-Py:alg2              INFO hasattr('_cppHandle'): True
-Py:alg2              INFO has passed filter: True
-Py:alg3              INFO ==> execute...
-Py:alg3              INFO hasattr('_cppHandle'): True
-Py:alg3              INFO has passed filter: True
-Py:MyAlg             INFO ==> execute...
-Py:MyAlg             INFO hasattr('_cppHandle'): True
-Py:MyAlg             INFO has passed filter: True
-Py:seqalg1           INFO ==> execute...
-Py:seqalg1           INFO hasattr('_cppHandle'): True
-Py:seqalg1           INFO has passed filter: True
-Py:seqalg2           INFO ==> execute...
-Py:seqalg2           INFO hasattr('_cppHandle'): True
-Py:seqalg2           INFO has passed filter: False
-Py:sub1alg1          INFO ==> execute...
-Py:sub1alg1          INFO hasattr('_cppHandle'): True
-Py:sub1alg1          INFO has passed filter: True
-Py:sub1alg2          INFO ==> execute...
-Py:sub1alg2          INFO hasattr('_cppHandle'): True
-Py:sub1alg2          INFO has passed filter: False
-Py:alg1              INFO ==> execute...
-Py:alg1              INFO hasattr('_cppHandle'): True
-Py:alg1              INFO has passed filter: True
-Py:alg2              INFO ==> execute...
-Py:alg2              INFO hasattr('_cppHandle'): True
-Py:alg2              INFO has passed filter: True
-Py:alg3              INFO ==> execute...
-Py:alg3              INFO hasattr('_cppHandle'): True
-Py:alg3              INFO has passed filter: True
-Py:MyAlg             INFO ==> execute...
-Py:MyAlg             INFO hasattr('_cppHandle'): True
-Py:MyAlg             INFO has passed filter: True
-Py:seqalg1           INFO ==> execute...
-Py:seqalg1           INFO hasattr('_cppHandle'): True
-Py:seqalg1           INFO has passed filter: True
-Py:seqalg2           INFO ==> execute...
-Py:seqalg2           INFO hasattr('_cppHandle'): True
-Py:seqalg2           INFO has passed filter: False
-Py:sub1alg1          INFO ==> execute...
-Py:sub1alg1          INFO hasattr('_cppHandle'): True
-Py:sub1alg1          INFO has passed filter: True
-Py:sub1alg2          INFO ==> execute...
-Py:sub1alg2          INFO hasattr('_cppHandle'): True
-Py:sub1alg2          INFO has passed filter: False
-Py:alg1              INFO ==> finalize...
-Py:alg2              INFO ==> finalize...
-Py:alg3              INFO ==> finalize...
-Py:MyAlg             INFO ==> finalize...
-Py:seqalg1           INFO ==> finalize...
-Py:seqalg2           INFO ==> finalize...
-Py:seqalg3           INFO ==> finalize...
-Py:sub1alg1          INFO ==> finalize...
-Py:sub1alg2          INFO ==> finalize...
-Py:sub1alg3          INFO ==> finalize...
-Py:sub2alg1          INFO ==> finalize...
-Py:sub2alg2          INFO ==> finalize...
-Py:sub2alg3          INFO ==> finalize...
-Py:MySvc             INFO ==> finalize...
-Py:MySvc             INFO cnt: 0
-Py:Athena            INFO leaving with code 0: "successful run"
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathenatests_histreader.ref b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathenatests_histreader.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index f20b7b5df7fdf4a5b957fa723aacaa00ce0acfce..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathenatests_histreader.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-Py:PyHistReader      INFO ==> initialize...
-Py:PyHistReader      INFO  -gauss1d             : 20000 <mean>=  -0.010 rms=  14.952
-Py:PyHistReader      INFO  -gauss2d             : 20000 <mean>=   0.066 rms=  14.884
-Py:PyHistReader      INFO  -gauss3d             : 20000 <mean>=  -0.177 rms=  14.905
-Py:PyHistReader      INFO  -profile             : 0 <mean>=   0.000 rms=   0.000
-Py:PyHistReader      INFO  -tree1               : 1000
-Py:PyHistReader      INFO ==> execute...
-Py:PyHistReader      INFO ==> finalize...
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathenatests_histwriter.ref b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathenatests_histwriter.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index ba045db4cb58c81bb773657faec672bbf976f3d5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/pyathenatests_histwriter.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO ==> initialize...
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO ==> execute...
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO ==> execute...
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO ==> execute...
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO ==> execute...
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO ==> execute...
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO ==> execute...
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO ==> execute...
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO ==> execute...
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO ==> execute...
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO ==> execute...
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO ==> execute...
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO ==> execute...
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO ==> execute...
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO ==> execute...
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO ==> execute...
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO ==> execute...
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO ==> execute...
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO ==> execute...
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO ==> execute...
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO ==> execute...
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO ==> finalize...
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO ====================
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO  - histo ['/temp/h1']
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO  entries = 20
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO     mean =   47.263
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO     rms  =   32.046
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO ====================
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO  - histo ['/temp/other/h1a']
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO  entries = 40
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO     mean =   47.263
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO     rms  =   32.046
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO ====================
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO  - histo ['/new/hists/h1']
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO  entries = 60
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO     mean =   47.263
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO     rms  =   32.046
-Py:PyHistWriter      INFO ====================
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/utest_pyathena_base.py b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/utest_pyathena_base.py
deleted file mode 100755
index fbd9eb254ad6a7981a93337f4dd93f28cee90fdb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/utest_pyathena_base.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-# @author: Sebastien Binet <binet@cern.ch>
-"""Unit tests for verifying the proper working of basic functionalities of
-import unittest, sys, atexit, os, commands, tempfile, re, difflib
-### data ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-__version__ = "$Revision: 1.10 $"
-__author__  = "Sebastien Binet <binet@cern.cn>"
-from pyathena_utest import *
-### basic functionalities -----------------------------------------------------
-class PyAthenaBase (PyAthenaTestCase):
-    """basic functionalities"""
-    def test1_base_tests (self):
-        """base tests"""
-        installRefFiles( ['pyathenatests_base.ref'] )
-        out = self._run_jobo("""include('AthenaPython/test_pyathena.py')""")
-        out_file = open(workDir('pyathenatests_base.log'), 'w')
-        out_file.writelines( [l for l in out] )
-        out_file.flush()
-        out_for_diff = [
-            l.strip() for l in out.splitlines()
-            if re.match('^Py:.', l) and
-            not re.match('^Py:ConfigurableDb.',l) and
-            not re.match('^Py:Athena.*? including file',l) and
-            not re.match('^Py:Athena.*? INFO using release', l) and
-            # disable MyNameAuditor as it captures too many
-            # string and component changes
-            not re.match('^Py:MyNameAuditor.', l) ]
-        ref_file = []
-        for l in open(workDir('pyathenatests_base.ref'),'r'):
-            ref_file.append(l.strip())
-        diff = difflib.unified_diff(out_for_diff, ref_file)
-        diff = os.linesep.join( [d for d in diff] )
-        self.failUnless(diff=='', diff)
-        ## delete files if all good
-        safe_remove(out_file.name)
-        return
-    def test2_hist_write (self):
-        """test writing histos and tuples w/ py-THistSvc"""
-        installRefFiles( ['pyathenatests_histwriter.ref'] )
-        out = self._run_jobo("""
-        ## http://docs.python.org/lib/module-random.html
-        ## initialize the pseudo-random numbers generator with a (dummy) seed
-        _seed = 1234567890
-        from random import seed as _init_seed
-        _init_seed(_seed)
-        ## real jobo
-        include ('AthenaPython/test_pyhistsvc_write.py')
-        """)
-        out_file = open(workDir('pyathenatests_histwriter.log'), 'w')
-        out_file.writelines( [l for l in out] )
-        out_file.flush()
-        out_for_diff = [ l.strip() for l in out.splitlines()
-                         if re.match('^Py:PyHistWriter.', l) ]
-        ref_file = []
-        for l in open(workDir('pyathenatests_histwriter.ref'),'r'):
-            ref_file.append(l.strip())
-        diff = difflib.unified_diff(out_for_diff, ref_file)
-        diff = os.linesep.join( [d for d in diff] )
-        self.failUnless(diff=='', diff)
-        ## delete files if all good
-        safe_remove(out_file.name)
-        return
-    def test3_hist_read (self):
-        """test reading histos and tuples w/ py-THistSvc"""
-        installRefFiles( ['pyathenatests_histreader.ref'] )
-        out = self._run_jobo("""
-        include ('AthenaPython/test_pyhistsvc_read.py')
-        """)
-        out_file = open(workDir('pyathenatests_histreader.log'), 'w')
-        out_file.writelines( [l for l in out] )
-        out_file.flush()
-        out_for_diff = [ l.strip() for l in out.splitlines()
-                         if re.match('^Py:PyHistReader.', l) ]
-        ref_file = []
-        for l in open(workDir('pyathenatests_histreader.ref'),'r'):
-            ref_file.append(l.strip())
-        diff = difflib.unified_diff(out_for_diff, ref_file)
-        diff = os.linesep.join( [d for d in diff] )
-        self.failUnless(diff=='', diff)
-        ## delete files if all good
-        safe_remove(out_file.name)
-        safe_remove('tuple1.root')
-        safe_remove('tuple2.root')
-        safe_remove('tuple3.root')
-        return
-    def test4_basic_record_retrieve (self):
-        """test basic record/retrieve with py-StoreGateSvc"""
-        installRefFiles( ['pyathena_basic_record_retrieve.ref'] )
-        output_pool_file = workDir('basic_record_retrieve.out.pool')
-        out = self._run_jobo("""
-        OUTPUT='%(OUTPUT)s'
-        include ('PyAthenaTests/pyathena_basic_record_retrieve.py')
-        """ % { 'OUTPUT' : output_pool_file }
-        )
-        self.failUnless(os.path.exists(output_pool_file))
-        out_file = open(workDir('pyathena_basic_record_retrieve.log'), 'w')
-        out_file.writelines( [l for l in out] )
-        out_file.flush()
-        out_for_diff = [ l.strip() for l in out.splitlines()
-                         if re.match('^Py:re.', l) ]
-        ref_file = []
-        for l in open(workDir('pyathena_basic_record_retrieve.ref'),'r'):
-            ref_file.append(l.strip())
-        diff = difflib.unified_diff(out_for_diff, ref_file)
-        diff = os.linesep.join( [d for d in diff] )
-        self.failUnless(diff=='', diff)
-        ## delete files if all good
-        safe_remove(out_file.name)
-        safe_remove(output_pool_file)
-        return
-    def test5_stream_filter (self):
-        """test that filtering stream works"""
-        input_pool = [
-            '/afs/cern.ch/atlas/project/rig/referencefiles/dataStreams_ESD.AOD_50Events/data10_7TeV.00167607.physics_JetTauEtmiss.recon.ESD.f298._lb0087._SFO-4._0001.1_50Events_rel.'
-            ]
-        output_pool_file = workDir('pyathena_basic_filtered_rel140100.pool')
-        basic_asciilog = workDir('basic_passed_evts.ascii')
-        out = self._run_jobo("""
-        EVTMAX=-1;
-        INPUT=%(INPUT)s
-        OUTPUT='%(OUTPUT)s'
-        ASCIILOG='%(ASCIILOG)s'
-        include('PyAthenaTests/pyfilter_stream_jobOptions.py')
-        """ % { 'INPUT' :input_pool,
-                'OUTPUT':output_pool_file,
-                'ASCIILOG' : basic_asciilog
-                } )
-        self.failUnless(os.path.exists(output_pool_file))
-        self.failUnless(os.path.exists(basic_asciilog))
-        # now run the eventinfo dumper alg
-        input_pool = [ output_pool_file ]
-        asciilog   = workDir('evtlist.ascii')
-        out = self._run_jobo("""
-        EVTMAX=-1
-        INPUT=%(INPUT)s
-        ASCIILOG='%(ASCIILOG)s'
-        include ('PyAthenaTests/pyevtinfo_jobOptions.py')
-        """ % { 'INPUT' : input_pool,
-                'ASCIILOG' : asciilog
-                })
-        self.failUnless(os.path.exists(asciilog))
-        ref_file = [ l.strip() for l in open(basic_asciilog,'r') ]
-        evt_file = [ l.strip() for l in open(asciilog, 'r') ]
-        diff = difflib.unified_diff(evt_file, ref_file)
-        diff = os.linesep.join( [d for d in diff] )
-        self.failUnless(diff=='', diff)
-        ## delete files if all good
-        safe_remove(output_pool_file)
-        safe_remove(basic_asciilog)
-        safe_remove(asciilog)
-        return
-## actual test run
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-   loader = unittest.TestLoader()
-   testSuite = loader.loadTestsFromModule( sys.modules[ __name__ ] )
-   runner = unittest.TextTestRunner( verbosity = 2 )
-   result = not runner.run( testSuite ).wasSuccessful()
- # don't want to depend on gaudimodule
-   assert( not 'gaudimodule' in sys.modules )
-   sys.exit( result )
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/utest_pyathena_pyclusters.py b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/utest_pyathena_pyclusters.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 7fead6e55b8056b48db18b3b010c1c2d80736151..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/utest_pyathena_pyclusters.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-# @author: Sebastien Binet <binet@cern.ch>
-"""Unit tests for verifying the proper working of inspecting clusters in
-import unittest, sys, atexit, os, commands, tempfile, re, difflib
-### data ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-__version__ = "$Revision: 1.5 $"
-__author__  = "Sebastien Binet <binet@cern.cn>"
-from pyathena_utest import *
-### running over clusters -----------------------------------------------------
-class PyClustersTest (PyAthenaTestCase):
-    """Running over clusters"""
-    def test1_batch_clusters_in_release_140100_data (self):
-        """batch clusters in release 14.1.0.x data"""
-        installRefFiles(['pyathena_pyclusters_rel140100.ref'])
-        input_pool = [
-            'root://eosatlas.cern.ch//eos/atlas/user/b/binet/reffiles/14.1.0.x'\
-            '/AllBasicSamples.AOD.pool.root'
-            ]
-        output_root_file = workDir('pyathena_pyclusters_rel140100.pool')
-        out = self._run_jobo(
-        """
-        EVTMAX=5;
-        INPUT=%(INPUT)s
-        TUPLEOUT='%(OUTPUT)s'
-        include('PyAthenaTests/pyclusters_jobOptions.py')
-        """ % { 'INPUT' :input_pool,
-                'OUTPUT':output_root_file,
-                }
-        )
-        out_file = open(workDir('pyathena_pyclusters_rel140100.log'), 'w')
-        out_file.writelines( [l for l in out] )
-        out_file.flush()
-        out_for_diff = [ l.strip() for l in out.splitlines()
-                         if re.match('^Py:ClusterExAlg .', l) ]
-        ref_file = []
-        for l in open(workDir('pyathena_pyclusters_rel140100.ref'),'r'):
-            ref_file.append(l.strip())
-        diff = difflib.unified_diff(out_for_diff, ref_file)
-        diff = os.linesep.join( [d for d in diff] )
-        self.failUnless(diff=='', diff)
-        ## delete files if all good
-        safe_remove(output_root_file)
-        safe_remove(out_file.name)
-        return
-    def test2_ares_batch_clusters_in_release_140100_data (self):
-        """batch clusters in release 14.1.0.x data (via Ares)"""
-        return
-        ## note: same ref-file than for test1
-        installRefFiles(['pyathena_pyclusters_rel140100.ref'])
-        input_pool = [
-            'root://eosatlas.cern.ch//eos/atlas/user/b/binet/reffiles/14.1.0.x'\
-            '/AllBasicSamples.AOD.pool.root'
-            ]
-        output_root_file = workDir('ares_pyclusters_rel140100.pool')
-        out = self._run_jobo(
-        """
-        EVTMAX=5;
-        INPUT=%(INPUT)s
-        TUPLEOUT='%(OUTPUT)s'
-        include('PyAthenaTests/ares_clusters_jobOptions.py')
-        """ % { 'INPUT' :input_pool,
-                'OUTPUT':output_root_file,
-                }
-        )
-        out_file = open(workDir('ares_pyclusters_rel140100.log'), 'w')
-        out_file.writelines( [l for l in out] )
-        out_file.flush()
-        out_for_diff = [ l.strip() for l in out.splitlines()
-                         if re.match('^Py:ClusterExAlg .', l) ]
-        ref_file = []
-        for l in open(workDir('pyathena_pyclusters_rel140100.ref'),'r'):
-            ref_file.append(l.strip())
-        diff = difflib.unified_diff(out_for_diff, ref_file)
-        diff = os.linesep.join( [d for d in diff] )
-        self.failUnless(diff=='', diff)
-        ## delete files if all good
-        safe_remove(output_root_file)
-        safe_remove(out_file.name)
-        return
-## actual test run
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-   loader = unittest.TestLoader()
-   testSuite = loader.loadTestsFromModule( sys.modules[ __name__ ] )
-   runner = unittest.TextTestRunner( verbosity = 2 )
-   result = not runner.run( testSuite ).wasSuccessful()
- # don't want to depend on gaudimodule
-   assert( not 'gaudimodule' in sys.modules )
-   sys.exit( result )
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/utest_pyathena_pyfdr.py b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/utest_pyathena_pyfdr.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 954222007da7e6312d4a47b1aef8923e327ddde3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/utest_pyathena_pyfdr.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-# @author: Sebastien Binet <binet@cern.ch>
-"""Unit tests for verifying the proper working of various FDR jobo examples
-via PyAthena"""
-import unittest, sys, atexit, os, commands, tempfile, re, difflib
-### data ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-__version__ = "$Revision: 1.5 $"
-__author__  = "Sebastien Binet <binet@cern.cn>"
-from pyathena_utest import *
-### basic FDR tests -----------------------------------------------------------
-class PyBasicFdrTests (PyAthenaTestCase):
-    """Basic tests for py-FDR"""
-    def test1_pyfdr_aodtodpd_on_release_140100_data (self):
-        """testing aodtodpd jobo on release 14.1.0.x data"""
-        installRefFiles( ['pyathena_pyfdr_aodtodpd_rel140100.ref'] )
-        input_pool = [
-            'root://eosatlas.cern.ch//eos/atlas/user/b/binet/reffiles/14.1.0.x'\
-            '/AllBasicSamples.AOD.pool.root'
-            ]
-        output_pool_file = workDir('pyathena_pyfdr_aodtodpd_rel140100.pool')
-        out = self._run_jobo(
-        """
-        EVTMAX=-1;
-        OUTPUT='%(OUTPUT)s'
-        include('DPDUtils/aodtodpd.py')
-        svcMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = %(INPUT)r
-        StreamDPD.OutputFile = OUTPUT
-        svcMgr.GeoModelSvc.AtlasVersion = 'ATLAS-CSC-05-01-00'
-        """ % { 'INPUT' : input_pool,
-                'OUTPUT': output_pool_file,
-                }
-        )
-        self.failUnless(os.path.exists(output_pool_file))
-        out_file = open(workDir('pyathena_pyfdr_aodtodpd_rel140100.log'), 'w')
-        out_file.writelines( [l for l in out] )
-        out_file.flush()
-        out_for_diff = [ l.strip() for l in out.splitlines()
-                         if  re.match('^Py:.', l) and
-                         not re.match('^Py:ConfigurableDb.',l) and
-                         not re.match('^Py:Athena.*? INFO including.', l) ]
-        ref_file = []
-        for l in open(workDir('pyathena_pyfdr_aodtodpd_rel140100.ref'),'r'):
-            ref_file.append(l.strip())
-        diff = difflib.unified_diff(out_for_diff, ref_file)
-        diff = os.linesep.join( [d for d in diff] )
-        self.failUnless(diff=='', diff)
-        ## delete files if all good
-        safe_remove(output_pool_file)
-        safe_remove(out_file.name)
-        return
-    def test2_thin_mctruth_release_140100_data (self):
-        """thinning/slimming of mctruth (release 14.1.0.x data)"""
-        installRefFiles( ['pyathena_pyfdr_truthslimming_rel140100.ref'] )
-        input_pool = [
-            'root://eosatlas.cern.ch//eos/atlas/user/b/binet/reffiles/14.1.0.x'\
-            '/AllBasicSamples.AOD.pool.root'
-            ]
-        output_pool_file = workDir('pyathena_pyfdr_truthslimming_rel140100.pool')
-        out = self._run_jobo(
-        """
-        EVTMAX=5;
-        INPUT=%(INPUT)r
-        OUTPUT='%(OUTPUT)s'
-        include('PyAthenaTests/pythin_mctruth_jobOptions.py')
-        """ % { 'INPUT' : input_pool,
-                'OUTPUT':output_pool_file})
-        out_file = open(workDir('pyathena_pyfdr_truthslimming_rel140100.log'),
-                        'w')
-        out_file.writelines( [l for l in out] )
-        out_file.flush()
-        out_for_diff = [ l.strip() for l in out.splitlines()
-                         if re.match('^Py:mc_.*?_dumper.', l) ]
-        ref_file = []
-        for l in open(workDir('pyathena_pyfdr_truthslimming_rel140100.ref'),'r'):
-            ref_file.append(l.strip())
-        diff = difflib.unified_diff(out_for_diff, ref_file)
-        diff = os.linesep.join( [d for d in diff] )
-        self.failUnless(diff=='', diff)
-        ## delete files if all good
-        safe_remove(output_pool_file)
-        safe_remove(out_file.name)
-        return
-    pass # PyBasicFdrTests
-## actual test run
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-   loader = unittest.TestLoader()
-   testSuite = loader.loadTestsFromModule( sys.modules[ __name__ ] )
-   runner = unittest.TextTestRunner( verbosity = 2 )
-   result = not runner.run( testSuite ).wasSuccessful()
- # don't want to depend on gaudimodule
-   assert( not 'gaudimodule' in sys.modules )
-   sys.exit( result )
diff --git a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/utest_pyathena_pytrigdec.py b/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/utest_pyathena_pytrigdec.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 0f27db3d42d581f348db888970a17089568124f9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/PyAthenaTests/test/utest_pyathena_pytrigdec.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-# @author: Sebastien Binet <binet@cern.ch>
-"""Unit tests for verifying the proper working of trigdectool via PyAthena"""
-import unittest, sys, atexit, os, commands, tempfile, re, difflib
-### data ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-__version__ = "$Revision: 1.5 $"
-__author__  = "Sebastien Binet <binet@cern.cn>"
-from pyathena_utest import *
-### running trig decision tool ------------------------------------------------
-class PyTrigDecisionTool (PyAthenaTestCase):
-    """running trigdecision tool from pyathena"""
-    def test1_trigdectool_on_release_140100_data (self):
-        """trigdectool on release 14.1.0.x data"""
-        installRefFiles( ['pyathena_trigdectool_rel140100.ref'] )
-        input_pool = [
-            'root://eosatlas.cern.ch//eos/atlas/user/b/binet/reffiles/14.1.0.x'\
-            '/AllBasicSamples.AOD.pool.root'
-            ]
-        output_pool_file = 'pyathena_pytrigdectool_rel140100.pool'
-        asciilog = 'trig_passed_evts.ascii'
-        out = self._run_jobo(
-        """
-        EVTMAX=10;
-        INPUT=%(INPUT)s
-        OUTPUT='%(OUTPUT)s'
-        ASCIILOG='%(ASCIILOG)s'
-        include('PyAthenaTests/pytrigdec_jobOptions.py')
-        """ % { 'INPUT' :input_pool,
-                'OUTPUT':output_pool_file,
-                'ASCIILOG': asciilog
-                }
-        )
-        out_file = open(workDir('pyathena_trigdectool_rel140100.log'), 'w')
-        out_file.writelines( [l for l in out] )
-        out_file.flush()
-        out_for_diff = [ l.strip() for l in out.splitlines()
-                         if re.match('^Py:TrigDecTestAlg .', l) ]
-        ref_file = []
-        for l in open(workDir('pyathena_trigdectool_rel140100.ref'),'r'):
-            ref_file.append(l.strip())
-        diff = difflib.unified_diff(out_for_diff, ref_file)
-        diff = os.linesep.join( [d for d in diff] )
-        self.failUnless(diff=='', diff)
-        ## delete files if all good
-        safe_remove(output_pool_file)
-        safe_remove(out_file.name)
-        safe_remove(asciilog)
-        return
-## actual test run
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-   loader = unittest.TestLoader()
-   testSuite = loader.loadTestsFromModule( sys.modules[ __name__ ] )
-   runner = unittest.TextTestRunner( verbosity = 2 )
-   result = not runner.run( testSuite ).wasSuccessful()
- # don't want to depend on gaudimodule
-   assert( not 'gaudimodule' in sys.modules )
-   sys.exit( result )