From f7e82adcc357beecad924e92db52423e18e2ea12 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Atlas-Software Librarian <>
Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2016 17:18:03 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] 'CMakeLists.txt' (InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool-00-00-09)

        * Tagging InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool-00-00-09.
	* cmt/requirements: checkreq fixes.
        * Tagging InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool-00-00-08.
	* Remove #define private.
	* Add unit tests.

        * Tagging InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool-00-00-07.
	* Add regression test for reading old data file.
 .../InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/CMakeLists.txt   |  57 ++++
 .../InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/cmt/requirements |  19 ++
 .../share/BCM_RDO_CollectionCnv_p0_test.ref   |   1 +
 .../share/BCM_RDO_ContainerCnv_p0_test.ref    |   1 +
 .../share/BCM_RawDataCnv_p0_test.ref          |   1 +
 .../share/ESD-          | 232 +++++++++++++++
 .../InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool_20.1.7.2.ref     | 273 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../ |  14 +
 .../src/BCM_RDO_CollectionCnv_p0.cxx          |   9 +-
 .../src/BCM_RawDataCnv_p0.cxx                 |  12 +-
 .../test/BCM_RDO_CollectionCnv_p0_test.cxx    |  70 +++++
 .../test/BCM_RDO_ContainerCnv_p0_test.cxx     |  86 ++++++
 .../test/BCM_RawDataCnv_p0_test.cxx           |  55 ++++
 .../test/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool.xml         |  16 +
 14 files changed, 830 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/CMakeLists.txt
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/share/BCM_RDO_CollectionCnv_p0_test.ref
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/share/BCM_RDO_ContainerCnv_p0_test.ref
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/share/BCM_RawDataCnv_p0_test.ref
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/share/ESD-
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/share/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool_20.1.7.2.ref
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/share/
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/test/BCM_RDO_CollectionCnv_p0_test.cxx
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/test/BCM_RDO_ContainerCnv_p0_test.cxx
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/test/BCM_RawDataCnv_p0_test.cxx
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/test/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool.xml

diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/CMakeLists.txt b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bf3f8f1d84a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# Package: InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool
+# Declare the package name:
+atlas_subdir( InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool )
+# Declare the package's dependencies:
+atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC
+                          Database/AthenaPOOL/AthenaPoolUtilities
+                          PRIVATE
+                          AtlasTest/TestTools
+                          Control/CxxUtils
+                          Control/StoreGate
+                          Database/AthenaPOOL/AthenaPoolCnvSvc
+                          Database/AtlasSealCLHEP
+                          GaudiKernel
+                          InnerDetector/InDetRawEvent/InDetBCM_RawData )
+# External dependencies:
+find_package( ROOT COMPONENTS Core Tree MathCore Hist RIO pthread )
+# Component(s) in the package:
+atlas_add_poolcnv_library( InDetBCM_EventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
+                           src/*.cxx
+                           FILES InDetBCM_RawData/BCM_RDO_Container.h
+                           INCLUDE_DIRS ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS}
+                           LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} AthenaPoolUtilities TestTools CxxUtils StoreGateLib SGtests AthenaPoolCnvSvcLib AtlasSealCLHEP GaudiKernel InDetBCM_RawData )
+atlas_add_dictionary( InDetBCM_EventAthenaPoolCnvDict
+                      InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPoolCnvDict.h
+                      InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/selection.xml
+                      INCLUDE_DIRS ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS}
+                      LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} AthenaPoolUtilities TestTools CxxUtils StoreGateLib SGtests AthenaPoolCnvSvcLib AtlasSealCLHEP GaudiKernel InDetBCM_RawData )
+atlas_add_test( BCM_RawDataCnv_p0_test
+                SOURCES
+                test/BCM_RawDataCnv_p0_test.cxx
+                LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} AthenaPoolUtilities TestTools CxxUtils StoreGateLib SGtests AthenaPoolCnvSvcLib AtlasSealCLHEP GaudiKernel InDetBCM_RawData )
+atlas_add_test( BCM_RDO_CollectionCnv_p0_test
+                SOURCES
+                test/BCM_RDO_CollectionCnv_p0_test.cxx
+                LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} AthenaPoolUtilities TestTools CxxUtils StoreGateLib SGtests AthenaPoolCnvSvcLib AtlasSealCLHEP GaudiKernel InDetBCM_RawData )
+atlas_add_test( BCM_RDO_ContainerCnv_p0_test
+                SOURCES
+                test/BCM_RDO_ContainerCnv_p0_test.cxx
+                LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} AthenaPoolUtilities TestTools CxxUtils StoreGateLib SGtests AthenaPoolCnvSvcLib AtlasSealCLHEP GaudiKernel InDetBCM_RawData )
+# Install files from the package:
+atlas_install_headers( InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool )
+atlas_install_joboptions( share/*.py )
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/cmt/requirements b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/cmt/requirements
index 0ea3e1bd220..c1d0a3aa11c 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/cmt/requirements
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/cmt/requirements
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ use AtlasReflex          AtlasReflex-*             External
 use InDetBCM_RawData     InDetBCM_RawData-*        InnerDetector/InDetRawEvent
 use GaudiInterface 	 GaudiInterface-*          External
+use CxxUtils             CxxUtils-*                Control
 use StoreGate 		 StoreGate-*               Control
 use AthenaPoolCnvSvc     AthenaPoolCnvSvc-*        Database/AthenaPOOL
 use AtlasSealCLHEP       AtlasSealCLHEP-*          Database
@@ -21,3 +22,21 @@ macro_append InDetBCM_EventAthenaPoolPoolCnv_shlibflags "$(InDetBCM_EventAthenaP
 macro_append InDetBCM_EventAthenaPoolPoolCnvGen_dependencies " InDetBCM_EventAthenaPoolCnvDict "
 apply_pattern lcgdict dict=InDetBCM_EventAthenaPoolCnv  selectionfile=selection.xml headerfiles="../InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPoolCnvDict.h" 
+apply_pattern declare_joboptions files="*.py"
+use TestTools            TestTools-*                AtlasTest
+apply_pattern UnitTest_run unit_test=BCM_RawDataCnv_p0
+apply_pattern UnitTest_run unit_test=BCM_RDO_CollectionCnv_p0
+apply_pattern UnitTest_run unit_test=BCM_RDO_ContainerCnv_p0
+apply_pattern athenarun_test \
+   name="InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool_20.1.7.2" \
+   options="InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/" \
+   pre_script="${ATHENAPOOLUTILITIESROOT}/share/ InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool_20.1.7.2" \
+   post_script="${ATHENAPOOLUTILITIESROOT}/share/ InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool_20.1.7.2"
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/share/BCM_RDO_CollectionCnv_p0_test.ref b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/share/BCM_RDO_CollectionCnv_p0_test.ref
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a5bce3fd256
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/share/BCM_RDO_CollectionCnv_p0_test.ref
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/share/BCM_RDO_ContainerCnv_p0_test.ref b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/share/BCM_RDO_ContainerCnv_p0_test.ref
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a5bce3fd256
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/share/BCM_RDO_ContainerCnv_p0_test.ref
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/share/BCM_RawDataCnv_p0_test.ref b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/share/BCM_RawDataCnv_p0_test.ref
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a5bce3fd256
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/share/BCM_RawDataCnv_p0_test.ref
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/share/ESD- b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/share/ESD-
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..af2aa5486be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/share/ESD-
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+Event index 0
+--> BCM_CompactDOs
+   0 [ 12938 0 ]
+   0 [ 3774 0 ]
+--> BCM_RDOs
+   0 [ 0 0 ]
+   8 [ 8 0 ]
+   1 [ 1 0 ]
+   9 [ 9 0 ]
+   2 [ 2 0 ]
+   10 [ 12938 0 ]
+   3 [ 3 0 ]
+   11 [ 11 0 ]
+   4 [ 4 0 ]
+   12 [ 12 0 ]
+   5 [ 5 0 ]
+   13 [ 13 0 ]
+   6 [ 6 0 ]
+   14 [ 3774 0 ]
+   7 [ 7 0 ]
+   15 [ 15 0 ]
+Event index 1
+--> BCM_CompactDOs
+--> BCM_RDOs
+   0 [ 0 0 ]
+   8 [ 8 0 ]
+   1 [ 1 0 ]
+   9 [ 9 0 ]
+   2 [ 2 0 ]
+   10 [ 10 0 ]
+   3 [ 3 0 ]
+   11 [ 11 0 ]
+   4 [ 4 0 ]
+   12 [ 12 0 ]
+   5 [ 5 0 ]
+   13 [ 13 0 ]
+   6 [ 6 0 ]
+   14 [ 14 0 ]
+   7 [ 7 0 ]
+   15 [ 15 0 ]
+Event index 2
+--> BCM_CompactDOs
+   0 [ 15992 0 ]
+   0 [ 13965 0 ]
+   0 [ 17006 0 ]
+   0 [ 14975 0 ]
+--> BCM_RDOs
+   0 [ 0 0 ]
+   8 [ 15992 0 ]
+   1 [ 1 0 ]
+   9 [ 9 0 ]
+   2 [ 2 0 ]
+   10 [ 10 0 ]
+   3 [ 3 0 ]
+   11 [ 11 0 ]
+   4 [ 4 0 ]
+   12 [ 12 0 ]
+   5 [ 5 0 ]
+   13 [ 13965 0 ]
+   6 [ 6 0 ]
+   14 [ 17006 0 ]
+   7 [ 7 0 ]
+   15 [ 14975 0 ]
+Event index 3
+--> BCM_CompactDOs
+   0 [ 13966 0 ]
+--> BCM_RDOs
+   0 [ 0 0 ]
+   8 [ 8 0 ]
+   1 [ 1 0 ]
+   9 [ 9 0 ]
+   2 [ 2 0 ]
+   10 [ 10 0 ]
+   3 [ 3 0 ]
+   11 [ 11 0 ]
+   4 [ 4 0 ]
+   12 [ 12 0 ]
+   5 [ 5 0 ]
+   13 [ 13 0 ]
+   6 [ 6 0 ]
+   14 [ 13966 0 ]
+   7 [ 7 0 ]
+   15 [ 15 0 ]
+Event index 4
+--> BCM_CompactDOs
+   0 [ 11897 0 ]
+   0 [ 13947 0 ]
+--> BCM_RDOs
+   0 [ 0 0 ]
+   8 [ 8 0 ]
+   1 [ 1 0 ]
+   9 [ 11897 0 ]
+   2 [ 2 0 ]
+   10 [ 10 0 ]
+   3 [ 3 0 ]
+   11 [ 13947 0 ]
+   4 [ 4 0 ]
+   12 [ 12 0 ]
+   5 [ 5 0 ]
+   13 [ 13 0 ]
+   6 [ 6 0 ]
+   14 [ 14 0 ]
+   7 [ 7 0 ]
+   15 [ 15 0 ]
+Event index 5
+--> BCM_CompactDOs
+--> BCM_RDOs
+   0 [ 0 0 ]
+   8 [ 8 0 ]
+   1 [ 1 0 ]
+   9 [ 9 0 ]
+   2 [ 2 0 ]
+   10 [ 10 0 ]
+   3 [ 3 0 ]
+   11 [ 11 0 ]
+   4 [ 4 0 ]
+   12 [ 12 0 ]
+   5 [ 5 0 ]
+   13 [ 13 0 ]
+   6 [ 6 0 ]
+   14 [ 14 0 ]
+   7 [ 7 0 ]
+   15 [ 15 0 ]
+Event index 6
+--> BCM_CompactDOs
+   0 [ 17017 0 ]
+   0 [ 11917 0 ]
+   0 [ 13967 0 ]
+--> BCM_RDOs
+   0 [ 0 0 ]
+   8 [ 8 0 ]
+   1 [ 1 0 ]
+   9 [ 17017 0 ]
+   2 [ 2 0 ]
+   10 [ 10 0 ]
+   3 [ 3 0 ]
+   11 [ 11 0 ]
+   4 [ 4 0 ]
+   12 [ 12 0 ]
+   5 [ 5 0 ]
+   13 [ 11917 0 ]
+   6 [ 6 0 ]
+   14 [ 14 0 ]
+   7 [ 7 0 ]
+   15 [ 13967 0 ]
+Event index 7
+--> BCM_CompactDOs
+   0 [ 2737 0 ]
+   0 [ 19033 0 ]
+--> BCM_RDOs
+   0 [ 0 0 ]
+   8 [ 8 0 ]
+   1 [ 2737 0 ]
+   9 [ 19033 0 ]
+   2 [ 2 0 ]
+   10 [ 10 0 ]
+   3 [ 3 0 ]
+   11 [ 11 0 ]
+   4 [ 4 0 ]
+   12 [ 12 0 ]
+   5 [ 5 0 ]
+   13 [ 13 0 ]
+   6 [ 6 0 ]
+   14 [ 14 0 ]
+   7 [ 7 0 ]
+   15 [ 15 0 ]
+Event index 8
+--> BCM_CompactDOs
+   0 [ 13960 0 ]
+   0 [ 1933 0 ]
+   0 [ 9078 0 ]
+   0 [ 1870 0 ]
+   0 [ 17007 0 ]
+--> BCM_RDOs
+   0 [ 0 0 ]
+   8 [ 13960 0 ]
+   1 [ 1 0 ]
+   9 [ 9 0 ]
+   2 [ 2 0 ]
+   10 [ 10 0 ]
+   3 [ 3 0 ]
+   11 [ 11 0 ]
+   4 [ 4 0 ]
+   12 [ 12 0 ]
+   5 [ 5 0 ]
+   13 [ 1933 0 ]
+   6 [ 9078 0 ]
+   14 [ 1870 0 ]
+   7 [ 7 0 ]
+   15 [ 17007 0 ]
+Event index 9
+--> BCM_CompactDOs
+   0 [ 17016 0 ]
+   0 [ 15994 0 ]
+   0 [ 18047 0 ]
+--> BCM_RDOs
+   0 [ 0 0 ]
+   8 [ 17016 0 ]
+   1 [ 1 0 ]
+   9 [ 9 0 ]
+   2 [ 2 0 ]
+   10 [ 15994 0 ]
+   3 [ 3 0 ]
+   11 [ 11 0 ]
+   4 [ 4 0 ]
+   12 [ 12 0 ]
+   5 [ 5 0 ]
+   13 [ 13 0 ]
+   6 [ 6 0 ]
+   14 [ 14 0 ]
+   7 [ 7 0 ]
+   15 [ 18047 0 ]
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/share/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool_20.1.7.2.ref b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/share/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool_20.1.7.2.ref
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..55af62d2a45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/share/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool_20.1.7.2.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+Thu Mar  3 16:02:25 CET 2016
+Py:Athena            INFO including file "AthenaCommon/"
+Py:Athena            INFO using release [AtlasOffline-21.0.0] [x86_64-slc6-gcc49-dbg] [21.X.Y-VAL/rel_4] -- built on [2016-03-02 22:40]
+Py:Athena            INFO including file "AthenaCommon/"
+Py:Athena            INFO including file "AthenaCommon/"
+Warning in <TInterpreter::ReadRootmapFile>: class  CaloSampling found in  is already in 
+Py:Athena            INFO executing ROOT6Setup
+[?1034hPy:Athena            INFO including file "AthenaCommon/"
+Py:Athena            INFO including file "InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/"
+Py:Athena            INFO including file "AthenaPoolUtilities/"
+Py:ConfigurableDb    INFO Read module info for 4906 configurables from 10 genConfDb files
+Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING Found 1 duplicates among the 10 genConfDb files :
+Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING --------------------------------------------------
+Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING   -<component name>: <module> - [ <duplicates> ]
+Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING --------------------------------------------------
+Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING   -TrigHLTJetHypo: TrigHLTJetHypo.TrigHLTJetHypoConf - ['TrigJetHypo.TrigJetHypoConf']
+Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING Fix your cmt/requirements file !!
+Py:Athena            INFO including file "IdDictDetDescrCnv/"
+EventInfoMgtInit: Got release version  AtlasOffline-rel_4
+Py:IOVDbSvc.CondDB    INFO Setting up conditions DB access to instance OFLP200
+Data source lookup using /afs/ file
+Py:Athena            INFO including file "AthenaCommon/"
+ApplicationMgr       INFO Updating Gaudi::PluginService::SetDebug(level) to level=0
+ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS 
+                                                   Welcome to ApplicationMgr (GaudiCoreSvc v3r4)
+                                          running on on Thu Mar  3 16:03:21 2016
+ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaServices
+ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
+ApplicationMgr       INFO Updating Gaudi::PluginService::SetDebug(level) to level=0
+StatusCodeSvc        INFO initialize
+JobIDSvc             INFO Initializing JobIDSvc - package version AthenaServices-01-60-01
+AthDictLoaderSvc     INFO in initialize...
+AthDictLoaderSvc     INFO acquired Dso-registry
+ClassIDSvc           INFO Initializing ClassIDSvc - package version CLIDComps-00-06-18-03
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 4694 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+ChronoStatSvc        INFO  Number of skipped events for MemStat-1
+CoreDumpSvc          INFO install f-a-t-a-l handler... (flag = -1)
+CoreDumpSvc          INFO Handling signals: 11(Segmentation fault) 7(Bus error) 4(Illegal instruction) 8(Floating point exception) 
+DetectorStore        INFO Initializing DetectorStore - package version StoreGate-03-06-28
+MetaDataSvc          INFO Initializing MetaDataSvc - package version AthenaServices-01-60-01
+InputMetaDataStore   INFO Initializing InputMetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-03-06-28
+MetaDataStore        INFO Initializing MetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-03-06-28
+AthenaPoolCnvSvc     INFO Initializing AthenaPoolCnvSvc - package version AthenaPoolCnvSvc-00-28-12
+PoolSvc              INFO Initializing PoolSvc - package version PoolSvc-00-25-00
+PoolSvc              INFO io_register[PoolSvc](xmlcatalog_file:PoolFileCatalog.xml) [ok]
+PoolSvc              INFO Set connectionsvc retry/timeout/IDLE timeout to  'ConnectionRetrialPeriod':300/ 'ConnectionRetrialTimeOut':3600/ 'ConnectionTimeOut':5 seconds with connection cleanup disabled
+PoolSvc              INFO Frontier compression level set to 5
+DBReplicaSvc         INFO Frontier server at (serverurl= will be considered for COOL data
+DBReplicaSvc         INFO Read replica configuration from /afs/
+DBReplicaSvc         INFO Total of 10 servers found for host [ATLF ATLAS_COOLPROD atlas_dd ATLAS_CONFIG INT8R INTR ATONR_COOL ATONR_CONF DEVDB11 ATLF ]
+PoolSvc              INFO Successfully setup replica sorting algorithm
+PoolSvc              INFO Re-initializing PoolSvc
+PoolSvc              INFO Resolved path (via DATAPATH) is /afs/
+PoolSvc              INFO Resolved path (via ATLAS_POOLCOND_PATH) is /afs/
+PoolSvc              INFO POOL WriteCatalog is xmlcatalog_file:PoolFileCatalog.xml
+XMLFileCatalog Info Connecting to the catalog
+PoolXMLFileCatalog Info Xerces-c initialization Number 0
+XMLFileCatalog Info Connecting to the catalog
+XMLFileCatalog Info Connecting to the catalog
+PoolXMLFileCatalog Info File PoolFileCatalog.xml does not exist, a new one is created
+PoolXMLFileCatalog Info Read-only filesystem
+PoolXMLFileCatalog Info Read-only filesystem
+EventSelector        INFO Initializing EventSelector - package version EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-19-04
+TagMetaDataStore     INFO Initializing TagMetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-03-06-28
+EventSelector        INFO reinitialization...
+EventSelector        INFO EventSelection with query 
+PoolSvc              INFO File is not in Catalog! Attempt to open it anyway.
+RootCollection Info Opening Collection File /afs/ in mode: READ
+TClass::Init:0: RuntimeWarning: no dictionary for class CosmicMuonCollection_tlp1 is available
+TClass::Init:0: RuntimeWarning: no dictionary for class MdtTrackSegmentCollection_p2 is available
+TClass::Init:0: RuntimeWarning: no dictionary for class CosmicMuonCollection_p1 is available
+RootCollection Info File /afs/ opened
+PoolSvc              INFO File is not in Catalog! Attempt to open it anyway.
+PoolSvc              INFO Failed to open container to check POOL collection - trying.
+DbSession Info     Open     DbSession    
+Domain[ROOT_All] Info >   Access   DbDomain     READ      [ROOT_All] 
+Domain[ROOT_All] Info ->  Access   DbDatabase   READ      [ROOT_All] 61EF9A6E-73FC-5F4B-F284-1F9FB2DD4FE6
+Domain[ROOT_All] Info                           /afs/ Success /afs/ File version:53425
+/afs/ Info Database being retired...
+Domain[ROOT_All] Info ->  Deaccess DbDatabase   READ      [ROOT_All] 61EF9A6E-73FC-5F4B-F284-1F9FB2DD4FE6
+Domain[ROOT_All] Info >   Deaccess DbDomain     READ      [ROOT_All] 
+DbSession Info     Open     DbSession    
+Domain[ROOT_All] Info >   Access   DbDomain     READ      [ROOT_All] 
+Domain[ROOT_All] Info ->  Access   DbDatabase   READ      [ROOT_All] B844C45F-3B55-3444-8A2D-5093FBECF354
+Domain[ROOT_All] Info                           /afs/ Success /afs/ File version:53425
+ImplicitCollection Info Opened the implicit collection with connection string "PFN:/afs/"
+ImplicitCollection Info and a name "POOLContainer(DataHeader)"
+PoolSvc              INFO Failed to find container MetaDataHdrDataHeader to get Token.
+EventPersistenc...   INFO Added successfully Conversion service:AthenaPoolCnvSvc
+AthenaPoolAddre...   INFO Initializing AthenaPoolAddressProviderSvc - package version EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-19-04
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Opened read transaction for POOL PersistencySvc
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Only 5 POOL conditions files will be open at once
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Cache alignment will be done in 3 slices
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Read from meta data only for folder /TagInfo
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Initialised with 1 connections and 1 folders
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Service IOVDbSvc initialised successfully
+ProxyProviderSvc     INFO Initializing ProxyProviderSvc - package version SGComps-00-02-06
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Folder /TagInfo will be taken from file metadata
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Found 15 metadata containers in input file, 1 will be used
+IOVSvc               INFO No IOVSvcTool associated with store "StoreGateSvc"
+StoreGateSvc         INFO Initializing StoreGateSvc - package version StoreGate-03-06-28
+IOVSvcTool           INFO IOVRanges will be checked at every Event
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Added taginfo remove for /TagInfo
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  initializing 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO Found DetectorStore service
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling proxies for detector managers 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloTTMgr with CLID 117659265 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloMgr with CLID 4548337 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloSuperCellMgr with CLID 241807251 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloIdManager with CLID 125856940 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArIdManager with CLID 79554919 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for IdDict with CLID 2411 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for AtlasID with CLID 164875623 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for PixelID with CLID 2516 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for SCT_ID with CLID 2517 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TRT_ID with CLID 2518 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for SiliconID with CLID 129452393 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArEM_ID with CLID 163583365 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArEM_SuperCell_ID with CLID 99488227 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArHEC_ID with CLID 3870484 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArHEC_SuperCell_ID with CLID 254277678 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArFCAL_ID with CLID 45738051 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArFCAL_SuperCell_ID with CLID 12829437 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArMiniFCAL_ID with CLID 79264204 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArOnlineID with CLID 158698068 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TTOnlineID with CLID 38321944 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArOnline_SuperCellID with CLID 115600394 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArHVLineID with CLID 27863673 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArElectrodeID with CLID 80757351 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TileID with CLID 2901 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for Tile_SuperCell_ID with CLID 49557789 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TileHWID with CLID 2902 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TileTBID with CLID 2903 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for MDTIDHELPER with CLID 4170 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CSCIDHELPER with CLID 4171 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for RPCIDHELPER with CLID 4172 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TGCIDHELPER with CLID 4173 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for STGCIDHELPER with CLID 4174 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for MMIDHELPER with CLID 4175 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloLVL1_ID with CLID 108133391 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloCell_ID with CLID 123500438 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloCell_SuperCell_ID with CLID 128365736 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloDM_ID with CLID 167756483 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for ZdcID with CLID 190591643 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+GeoModelSvc          INFO Retrieved DetectorTools = PrivateToolHandleArray([])
+CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Re-ordering 3 replicas using installed algorithm
+CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Sorting algorithm selected 4 replicas
+CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Warning Failed to connect to service geomDB/geomDB_sqlite (coral::Exception): 'CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Connection::connect" from "/afs/ is not writable" )' - do NOT retry
+CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Connection to service "geomDB/geomDB_sqlite" with connectionID=C#3 will be disconnected
+CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Warning Failure while attempting to connect to "sqlite_file:geomDB/geomDB_sqlite": CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Connection::connect" from "/afs/ is not writable" )
+CORAL/RelationalPlugins/frontier Info The current compresion level is 5
+CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info New connection to service "ATLF/()" with connectionID=C#4 has been connected
+CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info New user session with sessionID=S#2(C#4.s#1) started on connectionID=C#4 to service "ATLF/()" for user "" in read-only mode
+CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info User session with sessionID=S#2(C#4.s#1) will be ended on connectionID=C#4
+CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Connection to service "ATLF/()" with connectionID=C#4 will be disconnected
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 10405 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO Initializing AthenaEventLoopMgr - package version AthenaServices-01-60-01
+AthMasterSeq         INFO Member list: AthSequencer/AthAlgSeq, AthSequencer/AthOutSeq, AthSequencer/AthRegSeq
+AthAlgSeq            INFO Member list: PyAthena::Alg/dumper
+PyComponentMgr       INFO Initializing PyComponentMgr...
+dumper               INFO Initializing dumper...
+HistogramPersis...WARNING Histograms saving not required.
+AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO Setup EventSelector service EventSelector
+ActiveStoreSvc       INFO Initializing ActiveStoreSvc - package version StoreGate-03-06-28
+ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully
+InputMetaDataStore   INFO Start InputMetaDataStore
+MetaDataStore        INFO Start MetaDataStore
+TagMetaDataStore     INFO Start TagMetaDataStore
+/afs/ Info Database being retired...
+Domain[ROOT_All] Info ->  Deaccess DbDatabase   READ      [ROOT_All] B844C45F-3B55-3444-8A2D-5093FBECF354
+Domain[ROOT_All] Info >   Deaccess DbDomain     READ      [ROOT_All] 
+RootCollection Info Opening Collection File /afs/ in mode: READ
+RootCollection Info File /afs/ opened
+DbSession Info     Open     DbSession    
+Domain[ROOT_All] Info >   Access   DbDomain     READ      [ROOT_All] 
+Domain[ROOT_All] Info ->  Access   DbDatabase   READ      [ROOT_All] B844C45F-3B55-3444-8A2D-5093FBECF354
+Domain[ROOT_All] Info                           /afs/ Success /afs/ File version:53425
+ImplicitCollection Info Opened the implicit collection with connection string "PFN:/afs/"
+ImplicitCollection Info and a name "POOLContainer(DataHeader)"
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 689 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+StoreGateSvc         INFO Start StoreGateSvc
+DetectorStore        INFO Start DetectorStore
+ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Started successfully
+PoolSvc              INFO Failed to find container MetaDataHdrDataHeader to get Token.
+AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  start of run 189751    <<<===
+EventPersistenc...   INFO Added successfully Conversion service:DetDescrCnvSvc
+EventPersistenc...   INFO Added successfully Conversion service:TagInfoMgr
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Global tag: OFLCOND-SDR-BS7T-05-24 set from input file
+GeoModelSvc       WARNING *** *** Geometry configured through jobOptions does not match TagInfo tags! *** ***
+GeoModelSvc          INFO ** Job Option configuration: 
+GeoModelSvc          INFO * ATLAS tag: ATLAS-GEO-10-00-00
+GeoModelSvc          INFO * InDet tag: 
+GeoModelSvc          INFO * Pixel tag: 
+GeoModelSvc          INFO * SCT   tag: 
+GeoModelSvc          INFO * TRT   tag: 
+GeoModelSvc          INFO * LAr   tag: 
+GeoModelSvc          INFO * Tile  tag: 
+GeoModelSvc          INFO * Muon  tag: 
+GeoModelSvc          INFO * Calo  tag: 
+GeoModelSvc          INFO * MagField  tag: 
+GeoModelSvc          INFO * CavernInfra  tag: 
+GeoModelSvc          INFO * ForwardDetectors  tag: 
+GeoModelSvc          INFO ** TAG INFO configuration: 
+GeoModelSvc          INFO * ATLAS tag: ATLAS-GEO-18-01-01
+AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  start processing event #35002, run #189751 0 events processed so far  <<<===
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 36 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 15 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  done processing event #35002, run #189751 1 events processed so far  <<<===
+AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  start processing event #35003, run #189751 1 events processed so far  <<<===
+AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  done processing event #35003, run #189751 2 events processed so far  <<<===
+AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  start processing event #35004, run #189751 2 events processed so far  <<<===
+AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  done processing event #35004, run #189751 3 events processed so far  <<<===
+AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  start processing event #35005, run #189751 3 events processed so far  <<<===
+AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  done processing event #35005, run #189751 4 events processed so far  <<<===
+AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  start processing event #35006, run #189751 4 events processed so far  <<<===
+AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  done processing event #35006, run #189751 5 events processed so far  <<<===
+AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  start processing event #35007, run #189751 5 events processed so far  <<<===
+AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  done processing event #35007, run #189751 6 events processed so far  <<<===
+AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  start processing event #35008, run #189751 6 events processed so far  <<<===
+AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  done processing event #35008, run #189751 7 events processed so far  <<<===
+AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  start processing event #35009, run #189751 7 events processed so far  <<<===
+AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  done processing event #35009, run #189751 8 events processed so far  <<<===
+AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  start processing event #35010, run #189751 8 events processed so far  <<<===
+AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  done processing event #35010, run #189751 9 events processed so far  <<<===
+AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  start processing event #35011, run #189751 9 events processed so far  <<<===
+AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO   ===>>>  done processing event #35011, run #189751 10 events processed so far  <<<===
+/afs/ Info Database being retired...
+Domain[ROOT_All] Info ->  Deaccess DbDatabase   READ      [ROOT_All] B844C45F-3B55-3444-8A2D-5093FBECF354
+Domain[ROOT_All] Info >   Deaccess DbDomain     READ      [ROOT_All] 
+AthenaEventLoopMgr   INFO No more events in event selection 
+DetectorStore        INFO Stop DetectorStore
+StoreGateSvc         INFO Stop StoreGateSvc
+StoreGateSvc         INFO stop: setting service priority to 101 so that event stores get finalized and cleared before other stores
+TagMetaDataStore     INFO Stop TagMetaDataStore
+MetaDataStore        INFO Stop MetaDataStore
+InputMetaDataStore   INFO Stop InputMetaDataStore
+ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
+dumper               INFO Finalizing dumper...
+AthAlgSeq            INFO Finalizing AthAlgSeq...
+AthOutSeq            INFO Finalizing AthOutSeq...
+AthRegSeq            INFO Finalizing AthRegSeq...
+AthMasterSeq         INFO Finalizing AthMasterSeq...
+StoreGateSvc         INFO Finalizing StoreGateSvc - package version StoreGate-03-06-28
+PyComponentMgr       INFO Finalizing PyComponentMgr...
+DetectorStore        INFO Finalizing DetectorStore - package version StoreGate-03-06-28
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Folder /TagInfo (AttrListColl) db-read 0/2 objs/chan/bytes 2/0/0 ((     0.00 ))s
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Total payload read from COOL: 0 bytes in ((      0.00 ))s
+IOVDbSvc             INFO Connection sqlite://;schema=mycool.db;dbname=OFLP200 : nConnect: 0 nFolders: 0 ReadTime: ((     0.00 ))s
+TagMetaDataStore     INFO Finalizing TagMetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-03-06-28
+PoolSvc              INFO I/O finalization...
+XMLFileCatalog Info Updating the catalog
+PoolXMLFileCatalog Info XercesC termination number 0
+MetaDataStore        INFO Finalizing MetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-03-06-28
+InputMetaDataStore   INFO Finalizing InputMetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-03-06-28
+AthDictLoaderSvc     INFO in finalize...
+ToolSvc              INFO Removing all tools created by ToolSvc
+*****Chrono*****     INFO ****************************************************************************************************
+*****Chrono*****     INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
+*****Chrono*****     INFO ****************************************************************************************************
+AthenaSealSvc::...   INFO Time User   : Tot=    0 [us]                                             #=  1
+ChronoStatSvc        INFO Time User   : Tot= 15.7  [s]                                             #=  1
+*****Chrono*****     INFO ****************************************************************************************************
+ChronoStatSvc.f...   INFO  Service finalized successfully 
+ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
+ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully
+Py:Athena            INFO leaving with code 0: "successful run"
+CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Deleting the ConnectionPool
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/share/ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/share/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3b45e70cf5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/share/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+infile = 'esd/ESD-'
+keys = [
+    #BCM_RDO_Container_p0
+    'BCM_CompactDOs',
+    'BCM_RDOs',
+         ]
+from AthenaCommon.JobProperties import jobproperties
+jobproperties.Global.DetDescrVersion = 'ATLAS-GEO-10-00-00'
+noMuon = True
+noID = True
+include ('AthenaPoolUtilities/')
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/src/BCM_RDO_CollectionCnv_p0.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/src/BCM_RDO_CollectionCnv_p0.cxx
index 80e2f7fab97..743fb396b4c 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/src/BCM_RDO_CollectionCnv_p0.cxx
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/src/BCM_RDO_CollectionCnv_p0.cxx
@@ -2,12 +2,7 @@
   Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#define private public
-#define protected public
 #include "InDetBCM_RawData/BCM_RDO_Collection.h"
-#undef private
-#undef protected
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include "BCM_RDO_CollectionCnv_p0.h"
@@ -16,7 +11,7 @@ void BCM_RDO_CollectionCnv_p0::persToTrans(const BCM_RDO_Collection_p0* persColl
   if (log.level()<=MSG::DEBUG) log << MSG::DEBUG << "In BCM_RDO_CollectionCnv_p0::persToTrans" << endreq;
   BCM_RDO_CollectionCnv_p0_basetype::persToTrans(persColl, transColl, log);
-  transColl->m_chanId = persColl->m_chanId;
+  transColl->setChannel (persColl->m_chanId);
 void BCM_RDO_CollectionCnv_p0::transToPers(const BCM_RDO_Collection* transColl, BCM_RDO_Collection_p0* persColl, MsgStream &log) { 
@@ -24,6 +19,6 @@ void BCM_RDO_CollectionCnv_p0::transToPers(const BCM_RDO_Collection* transColl,
   if (log.level()<=MSG::DEBUG) log << MSG::DEBUG << "In BCM_RDO_CollectionCnv_p0::transToPers" << endreq;
   BCM_RDO_CollectionCnv_p0_basetype::transToPers(transColl, persColl, log);
-  persColl->m_chanId = transColl->m_chanId;
+  persColl->m_chanId = transColl->getChannel();
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/src/BCM_RawDataCnv_p0.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/src/BCM_RawDataCnv_p0.cxx
index 3de55b3fc37..0f14cd08db0 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/src/BCM_RawDataCnv_p0.cxx
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/src/BCM_RawDataCnv_p0.cxx
@@ -2,23 +2,17 @@
   Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#define private public
-#define protected public
 #include "InDetBCM_RawData/BCM_RawData.h"
-#undef private
-#undef protected
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include "BCM_RawDataCnv_p0.h"
 void BCM_RawDataCnv_p0::persToTrans(const BCM_RawData_p0* persObj, BCM_RawData* transObj, MsgStream &log) {
   if (log.level()<=MSG::DEBUG) log << MSG::DEBUG << "In BCM_RawDataCnv_p0:persToTrans" << endreq;
-  transObj->m_word1 = persObj->m_word1;
-  transObj->m_word2 = persObj->m_word2;
+  *transObj = BCM_RawData (persObj->m_word1, persObj->m_word2);
 void BCM_RawDataCnv_p0::transToPers(const BCM_RawData* transObj, BCM_RawData_p0* persObj, MsgStream &log) {
   if (log.level()<=MSG::DEBUG) log << MSG::DEBUG << "In BCM_RawDataCnv_p0:transToPers" << endreq;
-  persObj->m_word1 = transObj->m_word1;
-  persObj->m_word2 = transObj->m_word2;
+  persObj->m_word1 = transObj->getWord1();
+  persObj->m_word2 = transObj->getWord2();
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/test/BCM_RDO_CollectionCnv_p0_test.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/test/BCM_RDO_CollectionCnv_p0_test.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..beddfe431b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/test/BCM_RDO_CollectionCnv_p0_test.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// $Id$
+ * @file InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/test/BCM_RDO_CollectionCnv_p0_test.cxx
+ * @author scott snyder <>
+ * @date Feb, 2016
+ * @brief Tests for BCM_RDO_CollectionCnv_p0.
+ */
+#undef NDEBUG
+#include "../src/BCM_RDO_CollectionCnv_p0.cxx"
+#include "../src/BCM_RawDataCnv_p0.cxx"
+#include <cassert>
+#include <iostream>
+void compare (const BCM_RawData& p1,
+              const BCM_RawData& p2)
+  assert (p1.getWord1() == p2.getWord1());
+  assert (p1.getWord2() == p2.getWord2());
+void compare (const BCM_RDO_Collection& p1,
+              const BCM_RDO_Collection& p2)
+  assert (p1.getChannel() == p2.getChannel());
+  assert (p1.size() == p2.size());
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < p1.size(); i++)
+    compare (*p1[i], *p2[i]);
+void testit (const BCM_RDO_Collection& trans1)
+  MsgStream log (0, "test");
+  BCM_RDO_CollectionCnv_p0 cnv;
+  BCM_RDO_Collection_p0 pers;
+  cnv.transToPers (&trans1, &pers, log);
+  BCM_RDO_Collection trans2;
+  cnv.persToTrans (&pers, &trans2, log);
+  compare (trans1, trans2);
+void test1()
+  std::cout << "test1\n";
+  BCM_RDO_Collection trans1 (543);
+  for (int i=0; i < 10; i++) {
+    int o = i*100;
+    trans1.push_back (new BCM_RawData (123+o, 234+o));
+  }
+  testit (trans1);
+int main()
+  test1();
+  return 0;
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/test/BCM_RDO_ContainerCnv_p0_test.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/test/BCM_RDO_ContainerCnv_p0_test.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f019ab8d9d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/test/BCM_RDO_ContainerCnv_p0_test.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// $Id$
+ * @file InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/test/BCM_RDO_ContainerCnv_p0_test.cxx
+ * @author scott snyder <>
+ * @date Feb, 2016
+ * @brief Tests for BCM_RDO_ContainerCnv_p0.
+ */
+#undef NDEBUG
+#include "../src/BCM_RDO_ContainerCnv_p0.cxx"
+#include "../src/BCM_RDO_CollectionCnv_p0.cxx"
+#include "../src/BCM_RawDataCnv_p0.cxx"
+#include "CxxUtils/make_unique.h"
+#include <cassert>
+#include <iostream>
+void compare (const BCM_RawData& p1,
+              const BCM_RawData& p2)
+  assert (p1.getWord1() == p2.getWord1());
+  assert (p1.getWord2() == p2.getWord2());
+void compare (const BCM_RDO_Collection& p1,
+              const BCM_RDO_Collection& p2)
+  assert (p1.getChannel() == p2.getChannel());
+  assert (p1.size() == p2.size());
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < p1.size(); i++)
+    compare (*p1[i], *p2[i]);
+void compare (const BCM_RDO_Container& p1,
+              const BCM_RDO_Container& p2)
+  assert (p1.size() == p2.size());
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < p1.size(); i++)
+    compare (*p1[i], *p2[i]);
+void testit (const BCM_RDO_Container& trans1)
+  MsgStream log (0, "test");
+  BCM_RDO_ContainerCnv_p0 cnv;
+  BCM_RDO_Container_p0 pers;
+  cnv.transToPers (&trans1, &pers, log);
+  BCM_RDO_Container trans2;
+  cnv.persToTrans (&pers, &trans2, log);
+  compare (trans1, trans2);
+void test1()
+  std::cout << "test1\n";
+  BCM_RDO_Container trans1;
+  for (int i=0; i < 10; i++) {
+    int o1 = i*100;
+    auto coll = CxxUtils::make_unique<BCM_RDO_Collection> (543+o1);
+    for (int j=0; j<i; j++) {
+      int o2 = o1 + j*20;
+      coll->push_back (new BCM_RawData (123+o2, 234+o2));
+    }
+    trans1.push_back (std::move(coll));
+  }
+  testit (trans1);
+int main()
+  test1();
+  return 0;
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/test/BCM_RawDataCnv_p0_test.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/test/BCM_RawDataCnv_p0_test.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1b839d17415
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/test/BCM_RawDataCnv_p0_test.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// $Id$
+ * @file InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/test/BCM_RawDataCnv_p0_test.cxx
+ * @author scott snyder <>
+ * @date Feb, 2016
+ * @brief Tests for BCM_RawDataCnv_p0.
+ */
+#undef NDEBUG
+#include "../src/BCM_RawDataCnv_p0.cxx"
+#include <cassert>
+#include <iostream>
+void compare (const BCM_RawData& p1,
+              const BCM_RawData& p2)
+  assert (p1.getWord1() == p2.getWord1());
+  assert (p1.getWord2() == p2.getWord2());
+void testit (const BCM_RawData& trans1)
+  MsgStream log (0, "test");
+  BCM_RawDataCnv_p0 cnv;
+  BCM_RawData_p0 pers;
+  cnv.transToPers (&trans1, &pers, log);
+  BCM_RawData trans2;
+  cnv.persToTrans (&pers, &trans2, log);
+  compare (trans1, trans2);
+void test1()
+  std::cout << "test1\n";
+  BCM_RawData trans1 (123, 654);
+  testit (trans1);
+int main()
+  test1();
+  return 0;
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/test/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool.xml b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/test/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2b4074e8ce7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool/test/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+   <TEST name="InDetBCM_EventAthenaPoolTests" type="makecheck">
+      <package>InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool</package>
+      <timelimit>20</timelimit>
+      <author> scott snyder </author>
+      <mailto> </mailto>
+      <expectations>
+         <errorMessage>Athena exited abnormally</errorMessage>
+         <errorMessage>differ</errorMessage>
+         <warningMessage> # WARNING_MESSAGE :> ERROR</warningMessage>
+         <successMessage>check ok</successMessage>
+         <returnValue>0</returnValue>
+      </expectations>
+   </TEST>