diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/CMakeLists.txt b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b5346549a3c5a0677fde48ebb8d8b4657bd68f58 --- /dev/null +++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +################################################################################ +# Package: TileEventAthenaPool +################################################################################ + +# Declare the package name: +atlas_subdir( TileEventAthenaPool ) + +# Declare the package's dependencies: +atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC + Database/AthenaPOOL/AthenaPoolUtilities + PRIVATE + AtlasTest/TestTools + Calorimeter/CaloDetDescr + Calorimeter/CaloIdentifier + Control/StoreGate + Database/AthenaPOOL/AthenaPoolCnvSvc + GaudiKernel + TileCalorimeter/TileEvent + TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileTPCnv ) + +# Component(s) in the package: +atlas_add_poolcnv_library( TileEventAthenaPoolPoolCnv + src/*.cxx + FILES TileEvent/TileHitContainer.h TileEvent/TileDigitsContainer.h TileEvent/TileRawChannelContainer.h TileEvent/TileBeamElemContainer.h TileEvent/TileCellContainer.h TileEvent/TileMuContainer.h TileEvent/TileL2Container.h TileEvent/TileTTL1Container.h TileEvent/TileTriggerContainer.h TileEvent/TileCosmicMuonContainer.h TileEvent/TileCosmicMuon.h TileEvent/TileMuonReceiverContainer.h + LINK_LIBRARIES AthenaPoolUtilities CaloDetDescrLib CaloIdentifier StoreGateLib SGtests AthenaPoolCnvSvcLib GaudiKernel TileEvent TileTPCnv ) + +# Install files from the package: +atlas_install_headers( TileEventAthenaPool ) +atlas_install_joboptions( share/*.py ) + diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/cmt/requirements b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/cmt/requirements index 39bfa16792efc00155842528352bd380e3ab73f3..dd650f865b644a77a7d9f39c5475af42a7ddcd30 100755 --- a/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/cmt/requirements +++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/cmt/requirements @@ -24,3 +24,22 @@ apply_pattern poolcnv files="-s=${TileEvent_root}/TileEvent TileHitContainer.h T macro_append TileEventAthenaPoolPoolCnv_shlibflags "$(TileEventAthenaPool_dict_linkopts)" +apply_pattern declare_joboptions files="*.py" + + +private +use TestTools TestTools-* AtlasTest -no_auto_imports + + +apply_pattern athenarun_test \ + name="TileTPCnv_15.6.4" \ + options="TileEventAthenaPool/TileTPCnv_15.6.4_test.py" \ + pre_script="${ATHENAPOOLUTILITIESROOT}/share/pre_tpcnvtest.sh TileTPCnv_15.6.4" \ + post_script="${ATHENAPOOLUTILITIESROOT}/share/post_tpcnvtest.sh TileTPCnv_15.6.4" + + +apply_pattern athenarun_test \ + name="TileTPCnv_20.1.7.2" \ + options="TileEventAthenaPool/TileTPCnv_20.1.7.2_test.py" \ + pre_script="${ATHENAPOOLUTILITIESROOT}/share/pre_tpcnvtest.sh TileTPCnv_20.1.7.2" \ + post_script="${ATHENAPOOLUTILITIESROOT}/share/post_tpcnvtest.sh TileTPCnv_20.1.7.2" diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/share/TileTPCnv_15.6.4.ref b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/share/TileTPCnv_15.6.4.ref new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a1647fefb61abc9cfec557a8dba0d77ed7077756 --- /dev/null +++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/share/TileTPCnv_15.6.4.ref @@ -0,0 +1,554 @@ +Sat Jan 23 05:50:42 CET 2016 +Preloading tcmalloc_minimal.so +Py:Athena INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Preparation.py" +Py:Athena INFO using release [AtlasOffline-21.0.0] [x86_64-slc6-gcc49-dbg] [21.X.Y-VAL/rel_4] -- built on [2016-01-20 22:40] +Py:Athena INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Bootstrap.py" +Py:Athena INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Atlas.UnixStandardJob.py" +Warning in <TInterpreter::ReadRootmapFile>: class CaloSampling found in CaloEventDict.so is already in libISF_FastCaloSimParametrizationLib.so +Py:Athena INFO executing ROOT6Setup +[?1034hPy:Athena INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Execution.py" +Py:Athena INFO including file "TileEventAthenaPool/TileTPCnv_15.6.4_test.py" +Py:Athena INFO including file "AthenaPoolUtilities/TPCnvTest.py" +Py:ConfigurableDb INFO Read module info for 4918 configurables from 10 genConfDb files +Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING Found 4 duplicates among the 10 genConfDb files : +Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING -------------------------------------------------- +Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING -<component name>: <module> - [ <duplicates> ] +Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING -------------------------------------------------- +Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING -DerivationFramework__JetCaloClusterThinning: DerivationFrameworkEGamma.DerivationFrameworkEGammaConf - ['DerivationFrameworkCalo.DerivationFrameworkCaloConf'] +Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING -DerivationFramework__CellDecorator: DerivationFrameworkEGamma.DerivationFrameworkEGammaConf - ['DerivationFrameworkCalo.DerivationFrameworkCaloConf'] +Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING -DerivationFramework__CaloClusterThinning: DerivationFrameworkEGamma.DerivationFrameworkEGammaConf - ['DerivationFrameworkCalo.DerivationFrameworkCaloConf'] +Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING -DerivationFramework__MaxCellDecorator: DerivationFrameworkEGamma.DerivationFrameworkEGammaConf - ['DerivationFrameworkCalo.DerivationFrameworkCaloConf'] +Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING Fix your cmt/requirements file !! +Py:Athena INFO including file "IdDictDetDescrCnv/IdDictDetDescrCnv_joboptions.py" +EventInfoMgtInit: Got release version AtlasOffline-rel_4 +Py:IOVDbSvc.CondDB INFO Setting up conditions DB access to instance OFLP200 +Data source lookup using /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/devval/AtlasCore/rel_4/InstallArea/XML/AtlasAuthentication/dblookup.xml file +Py:TileInfoConf. INFO Adding TileCablingSvc to ServiceMgr +Py:TileInfoConf. INFO Adding default TileBadChanTool to ToolSvc +Py:TileInfoConf. INFO Adding default TileCondToolOfc to ToolSvc +Py:TileInfoConf. INFO Adding default TileCondToolEmscale to ToolSvc +Py:TileInfoConf. INFO Adding default TileCondToolNoiseSample to ToolSvc +Py:TileInfoConf. INFO Adding default TileCondToolTiming to ToolSvc +Py:Athena INFO including file "AthenaCommon/runbatch.py" +ApplicationMgr INFO Updating Gaudi::PluginService::SetDebug(level) to level=0 +ApplicationMgr SUCCESS +==================================================================================================================================== + Welcome to ApplicationMgr (GaudiCoreSvc v3r4) + running on lxplus0075.cern.ch on Sat Jan 23 05:51:24 2016 +==================================================================================================================================== +ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaServices +ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Configured successfully +ApplicationMgr INFO Updating Gaudi::PluginService::SetDebug(level) to level=0 +StatusCodeSvc INFO initialize +JobIDSvc INFO Initializing JobIDSvc - package version AthenaServices-01-59-49 +AthDictLoaderSvc INFO in initialize... +AthDictLoaderSvc INFO acquired Dso-registry +ClassIDSvc INFO Initializing ClassIDSvc - package version CLIDComps-00-06-18 +ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 5776 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL +ChronoStatSvc INFO Number of skipped events for MemStat-1 +CoreDumpSvc INFO install f-a-t-a-l handler... (flag = -1) +CoreDumpSvc INFO Handling signals: 11(Segmentation fault) 7(Bus error) 4(Illegal instruction) 8(Floating point exception) +DetectorStore INFO Initializing DetectorStore - package version StoreGate-03-06-18 +MetaDataSvc INFO Initializing MetaDataSvc - package version AthenaServices-01-59-49 +InputMetaDataStore INFO Initializing InputMetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-03-06-18 +MetaDataStore INFO Initializing MetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-03-06-18 +AthenaPoolCnvSvc INFO Initializing AthenaPoolCnvSvc - package version AthenaPoolCnvSvc-00-28-04 +PoolSvc INFO Initializing PoolSvc - package version PoolSvc-00-25-00 +PoolSvc INFO io_register[PoolSvc](xmlcatalog_file:PoolFileCatalog.xml) [ok] +PoolSvc INFO Set connectionsvc retry/timeout/IDLE timeout to 'ConnectionRetrialPeriod':300/ 'ConnectionRetrialTimeOut':3600/ 'ConnectionTimeOut':5 seconds with connection cleanup disabled +PoolSvc INFO Frontier compression level set to 5 +DBReplicaSvc INFO Frontier server at (serverurl=http://atlasfrontier-ai.cern.ch:8000/atlr)(serverurl=http://aiatlas036.cern.ch:8000/atlr)(serverurl=http://aiatlas034.cern.ch:8000/atlr)(serverurl=http://ccfrontier.in2p3.fr:23128/ccin2p3-AtlasFrontier)(serverurl=http://ccsqfatlasli02.in2p3.fr:23128/ccin2p3-AtlasFrontier)(serverurl=http://ccsqfatlasli01.in2p3.fr:23128/ccin2p3-AtlasFrontier)(proxyurl=http://ca-proxy.cern.ch:3128)(proxyurl=http://ca18.cern.ch:3128)(proxyurl=http://ca17.cern.ch:3128)(proxyurl=http://atlast0fsquid.cern.ch:3128)(proxyurl=http://atlassquid1.cern.ch:3128)(proxyurl=http://atlassquid2.cern.ch:3128)(proxyurl=http://atlassquid4.cern.ch:3128) will be considered for COOL data +DBReplicaSvc INFO Read replica configuration from /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/devval/AtlasCore/rel_4/InstallArea/share/dbreplica.config +DBReplicaSvc INFO Total of 10 servers found for host lxplus0075.cern.ch [ATLF ATLAS_COOLPROD atlas_dd ATLAS_CONFIG INT8R INTR ATONR_COOL ATONR_CONF DEVDB11 ATLF ] +PoolSvc INFO Successfully setup replica sorting algorithm +PoolSvc INFO Re-initializing PoolSvc +PoolSvc INFO Resolved path (via DATAPATH) is /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/devval/AtlasCore/rel_4/InstallArea/share/poolcond/PoolCat_oflcond.xml +PoolSvc INFO Resolved path (via ATLAS_POOLCOND_PATH) is /afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/catalogue/poolcond/PoolCat_oflcond.xml +PoolSvc INFO POOL WriteCatalog is xmlcatalog_file:PoolFileCatalog.xml +XMLFileCatalog Info Connecting to the catalog +PoolXMLFileCatalog Info Xerces-c initialization Number 0 +XMLFileCatalog Info Connecting to the catalog +XMLFileCatalog Info Connecting to the catalog +PoolXMLFileCatalog Info File PoolFileCatalog.xml does not exist, a new one is created +PoolXMLFileCatalog Info Read-only filesystem +PoolXMLFileCatalog Info Read-only filesystem +EventSelector INFO Initializing EventSelector - package version EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-19-02 +TagMetaDataStore INFO Initializing TagMetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-03-06-18 +EventSelector INFO reinitialization... +EventSelector INFO EventSelection with query +PoolSvc INFO File is not in Catalog! Attempt to open it anyway. +RootCollection Info Opening Collection File /afs/cern.ch/atlas/maxidisk/d33/referencefiles/esd/ESD-15.6.4.pool.root in mode: READ +TClass::Init:0: RuntimeWarning: no dictionary for class CosmicMuonCollection_tlp1 is available +TClass::Init:0: RuntimeWarning: no dictionary for class CosmicMuonCollection_p1 is available +TClass::Init:0: RuntimeWarning: no dictionary for class CosmicMuon_p1 is available +TClass::Init:0: RuntimeWarning: no dictionary for class MdtTrackSegmentCollection_tlp1 is available +TClass::Init:0: RuntimeWarning: no dictionary for class MdtTrackSegmentCollection_p1 is available +TClass::Init:0: RuntimeWarning: no dictionary for class MdtTrackSegment_p1 is available +RootCollection Info File /afs/cern.ch/atlas/maxidisk/d33/referencefiles/esd/ESD-15.6.4.pool.root opened +PoolSvc INFO File is not in Catalog! Attempt to open it anyway. +PoolSvc INFO Failed to open container to check POOL collection - trying. +DbSession Info Open DbSession +Domain[ROOT_All] Info > Access DbDomain READ [ROOT_All] +Domain[ROOT_All] Info -> Access DbDatabase READ [ROOT_All] BF06144B-589E-0AB9-5C4E-C8CAB6781990 +Domain[ROOT_All] Info /afs/cern.ch/atlas/maxidisk/d33/referencefiles/esd/ESD-15.6.4.pool.root +RootDatabase.open Success /afs/cern.ch/atlas/maxidisk/d33/referencefiles/esd/ESD-15.6.4.pool.root File version:52200 +/afs/cern.ch/atlas/maxidisk/d33/referencefiles/esd/ESD-15.6.4.pool.root Info Database being retired... +Domain[ROOT_All] Info -> Deaccess DbDatabase READ [ROOT_All] BF06144B-589E-0AB9-5C4E-C8CAB6781990 +Domain[ROOT_All] Info > Deaccess DbDomain READ [ROOT_All] +DbSession Info Open DbSession +Domain[ROOT_All] Info > Access DbDomain READ [ROOT_All] +Domain[ROOT_All] Info -> Access DbDatabase READ [ROOT_All] 107DFAEC-D8C7-DE11-916A-000423D98A24 +Domain[ROOT_All] Info /afs/cern.ch/atlas/maxidisk/d33/referencefiles/esd/ESD-15.6.4.pool.root +RootDatabase.open Success /afs/cern.ch/atlas/maxidisk/d33/referencefiles/esd/ESD-15.6.4.pool.root File version:52200 +PoolSvc INFO File is not in Catalog! Attempt to open it anyway. +ImplicitCollection Info Opened the implicit collection with connection string "PFN:/afs/cern.ch/atlas/maxidisk/d33/referencefiles/esd/ESD-15.6.4.pool.root" +ImplicitCollection Info and a name "POOLContainer_DataHeader" +PoolSvc INFO Failed to find container MetaDataHdr(DataHeader) to get Token. +PoolSvc INFO Failed to find container MetaDataHdr(DataHeader) to get Token. +EventPersistenc... INFO Added successfully Conversion service:AthenaPoolCnvSvc +AthenaPoolAddre... INFO Initializing AthenaPoolAddressProviderSvc - package version EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-19-02 +IOVDbSvc INFO Opened read transaction for POOL PersistencySvc +IOVDbSvc INFO Only 5 POOL conditions files will be open at once +IOVDbSvc INFO Cache alignment will be done in 3 slices +IOVDbSvc INFO Read from meta data only for folder /TagInfo +IOVDbSvc INFO Initialised with 2 connections and 3 folders +IOVDbSvc INFO Service IOVDbSvc initialised successfully +ProxyProviderSvc INFO Initializing ProxyProviderSvc - package version SGComps-00-02-04 +IOVDbSvc INFO Folder /TagInfo will be taken from file metadata +IOVDbSvc INFO Found 15 metadata containers in input file, 1 will be used +IOVSvc INFO No IOVSvcTool associated with store "StoreGateSvc" +StoreGateSvc INFO Initializing StoreGateSvc - package version StoreGate-03-06-18 +IOVSvcTool INFO IOVRanges will be checked at every Event +IOVDbSvc INFO Opening COOL connection for COOLOFL_LAR/OFLP200 +CoralApplication Info Create a cool::CoralApplication... +CoralApplication Info Create a new own CORAL connection service +CoralApplication Info Create the COOL database service +RalDatabaseSvc Info Instantiate the RalDatabaseSvc +CoralApplication Info Create a cool::CoralApplication... DONE +RalSessionMgr Info Instantiate a R/O RalSessionMgr for 'COOLOFL_LAR/OFLP200' +RalSessionMgr Info Connect to the database server +RalSessionMgr Warning Use COOL_DISABLE_CORALCONNECTIONPOOLCLEANUP +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info ConnectionServiceConfiguration::setConnectionTimeOut 0 +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Re-ordering 3 replicas using installed algorithm +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Sorting algorithm selected 4 replicas +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Warning Failed to connect to service sqlite200/ALLP200.db (coral::Exception): 'CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Connection::connect" from "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/run/TileTPCnv_15.6.4-x86_64-slc6-gcc49-dbg/sqlite200 is not writable" )' - do NOT retry +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Connection to service "sqlite200/ALLP200.db" with connectionID=C#3 will be disconnected +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Warning Failure while attempting to connect to "sqlite_file:sqlite200/ALLP200.db": CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Connection::connect" from "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/run/TileTPCnv_15.6.4-x86_64-slc6-gcc49-dbg/sqlite200 is not writable" ) +CORAL/RelationalPlugins/frontier Info The current compresion level is 5 +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info New connection to service "ATLF/()" with connectionID=C#4 has been connected +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info New user session with sessionID=S#2(C#4.s#1) started on connectionID=C#4 to service "ATLF/()" for user "" in read-only mode +RalSessionMgr Info Start a read-only transaction active for the duration of the database connection +RelationalDatabase Info Instantiate a R/O RalDatabase for 'COOLOFL_LAR/OFLP200' +RelationalDatabase Info Release number backward compatibility - NO SCHEMA EVOLUTION REQUIRED: database with OLDER release number 2.7.0 will be opened using CURRENT client release number 3.1.0 +IOVDbSvc INFO Disconnecting from COOLOFL_LAR/OFLP200 +RalSessionMgr Info Commit the read-only transaction active for the duration of the database connection +RalSessionMgr Info Disconnect from the database server +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info User session with sessionID=S#2(C#4.s#1) will be ended on connectionID=C#4 +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Connection to service "ATLF/()" with connectionID=C#4 will be disconnected +RelationalDatabase Info Delete the RalDatabase for 'COOLOFL_LAR/OFLP200' +RalSessionMgr Info Delete the RalSessionMgr for 'COOLOFL_LAR/OFLP200' +IOVDbSvc INFO Added taginfo remove for /TagInfo +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO initializing +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO Found DetectorStore service +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling proxies for detector managers +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for CaloTTMgr with CLID 117659265 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for CaloMgr with CLID 4548337 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for CaloSuperCellMgr with CLID 241807251 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for CaloIdManager with CLID 125856940 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for LArIdManager with CLID 79554919 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for IdDict with CLID 2411 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for AtlasID with CLID 164875623 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for PixelID with CLID 2516 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for SCT_ID with CLID 2517 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for TRT_ID with CLID 2518 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for SiliconID with CLID 129452393 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for LArEM_ID with CLID 163583365 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for LArEM_SuperCell_ID with CLID 99488227 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for LArHEC_ID with CLID 3870484 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for LArHEC_SuperCell_ID with CLID 254277678 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for LArFCAL_ID with CLID 45738051 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for LArFCAL_SuperCell_ID with CLID 12829437 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for LArMiniFCAL_ID with CLID 79264204 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for LArOnlineID with CLID 158698068 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for TTOnlineID with CLID 38321944 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for LArOnline_SuperCellID with CLID 115600394 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for LArHVLineID with CLID 27863673 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for LArElectrodeID with CLID 80757351 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for TileID with CLID 2901 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for Tile_SuperCell_ID with CLID 49557789 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for TileHWID with CLID 2902 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for TileTBID with CLID 2903 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for MDTIDHELPER with CLID 4170 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for CSCIDHELPER with CLID 4171 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for RPCIDHELPER with CLID 4172 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for TGCIDHELPER with CLID 4173 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for STGCIDHELPER with CLID 4174 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for MMIDHELPER with CLID 4175 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for CaloLVL1_ID with CLID 108133391 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for CaloCell_ID with CLID 123500438 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for CaloCell_SuperCell_ID with CLID 128365736 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for CaloDM_ID with CLID 167756483 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for ZdcID with CLID 190591643 and storage type 68 to detector store +GeoModelSvc INFO Retrieved DetectorTools = PrivateToolHandleArray(['LArDetectorToolNV/LArDetectorToolNV','TileDetectorTool/TileDetectorTool']) +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Re-ordering 3 replicas using installed algorithm +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Sorting algorithm selected 4 replicas +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Warning Failed to connect to service geomDB/geomDB_sqlite (coral::Exception): 'CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Connection::connect" from "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/run/TileTPCnv_15.6.4-x86_64-slc6-gcc49-dbg/geomDB is not writable" )' - do NOT retry +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Connection to service "geomDB/geomDB_sqlite" with connectionID=C#5 will be disconnected +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Warning Failure while attempting to connect to "sqlite_file:geomDB/geomDB_sqlite": CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Connection::connect" from "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/run/TileTPCnv_15.6.4-x86_64-slc6-gcc49-dbg/geomDB is not writable" ) +CORAL/RelationalPlugins/frontier Info The current compresion level is 5 +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info New connection to service "ATLF/()" with connectionID=C#6 has been connected +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info New user session with sessionID=S#3(C#6.s#1) started on connectionID=C#6 to service "ATLF/()" for user "" in read-only mode +GeoModelSvc.LAr... INFO Keys for LAr are ATLAS-GEO-10-00-00 ATLAS +GeoModelSvc.LAr... INFO Building LAr version LAr-Revised-06 while ATLAS version is ATLAS-GEO-10-00-00 +GeoModelSvc.LAr... INFO LAr Geometry Options: +GeoModelSvc.LAr... INFO Sagging = false +GeoModelSvc.LAr... INFO Barrel = ON +GeoModelSvc.LAr... INFO Endcap = ON +LAr::DetectorFa... INFO old description withut bold in the geometry database +LAr::DetectorFa... INFO old coil bumper description +BarrelConstruction INFO Getting primary numbers for ATLAS, ATLAS-GEO-10-00-00 +BarrelConstruction INFO Makes detailed absorber sandwich ? 0 0 +BarrelConstruction INFO Use sagging in geometry ? 0 +EventPersistenc... INFO Added successfully Conversion service:DetDescrCnvSvc +ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 13250 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL +CaloIDHelper_ID... INFO in createObj: creating a TileTBID helper object in the detector store +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO in initialize +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO in createObj: creating a IdDictManager object in the detector store +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO IdDictName: IdDictParser/ATLAS_IDS.xml +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Reading InnerDetector IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictInnerDetector.xml +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Reading LArCalorimeter IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictLArCalorimeter_DC3-05-Comm-01.xml +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Reading TileCalorimeter IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictTileCalorimeter.xml +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Reading Calorimeter IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictCalorimeter_L1Onl.xml +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Reading MuonSpectrometer IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictMuonSpectrometer_R.01.xml +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Reading ForwardDetectors IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictForwardDetectors.xml +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Found id dicts: +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Using dictionary tag: destaged_layout +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Dictionary ATLAS version default DetDescr tag (using default) file +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Dictionary Calorimeter version default DetDescr tag CaloIdentifier-LVL1-02 file IdDictParser/IdDictCalorimeter_L1Onl.xml +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Dictionary ForwardDetectors version default DetDescr tag ForDetIdentifier-00 file IdDictParser/IdDictForwardDetectors.xml +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Dictionary InnerDetector version default DetDescr tag InDetIdentifier-05 file IdDictParser/IdDictInnerDetector.xml +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Dictionary LArCalorimeter version fullAtlas DetDescr tag LArIdentifier-DC3-05-Comm file IdDictParser/IdDictLArCalorimeter_DC3-05-Comm-01.xml +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Dictionary LArElectrode version fullAtlas DetDescr tag (using default) file +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Dictionary LArHighVoltage version fullAtlas DetDescr tag (using default) file +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Dictionary MuonSpectrometer version R.01 DetDescr tag MuonIdentifier-02 file IdDictParser/IdDictMuonSpectrometer_R.01.xml +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Dictionary TileCalorimeter version fullAtlasAndTestBeam DetDescr tag TileIdentifier-00 file IdDictParser/IdDictTileCalorimeter.xml +TileTBID INFO initialize_from_dictionary +AtlasDetectorID INFO initialize_from_dictionary - OK +EndcapDMConstru... INFO Start building EC electronics geometry +EndcapDMConstru... INFO Skip building EC electronics. Database flag not set +EndcapDMConstru... INFO Start building EC electronics geometry +EndcapDMConstru... INFO Skip building EC electronics. Database flag not set +GeoModelSvc INFO GeoModelSvc.LArDetectorToolNV SZ= 45336Kb Time = 2.47S +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Entering TileDetectorTool::create() +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO TileDddbManager: m_tag = ATLAS-GEO-10-00-00 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO TileDddbManager: n_tiglob = 5 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO TileDddbManager: n_timod = 320 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO TileDddbManager: n_cuts = 9 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO TileDddbManager: n_saddle = 1 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO TileDddbManager: n_tilb = 19 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO TileDddbManager: n_tileSwitches = 1 +ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 105 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL +CaloIDHelper_ID... INFO in createObj: creating a TileID helper object in the detector store +AtlasDetectorID INFO initialize_from_dictionary - OK +TileNeighbour INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/devval/AtlasConditions/rel_4/InstallArea/share/TileNeighbour_reduced.txt +CaloIDHelper_ID... INFO in createObj: creating a CaloCell_ID helper object in the detector store +CaloIDHelper_ID... INFO in createObj: creating a LArEM_ID helper object in the detector store +AtlasDetectorID INFO initialize_from_dictionary - OK +CaloIDHelper_ID... INFO in createObj: creating a LArHEC_ID helper object in the detector store +AtlasDetectorID INFO initialize_from_dictionary - OK +CaloIDHelper_ID... INFO in createObj: creating a LArFCAL_ID helper object in the detector store +AtlasDetectorID INFO initialize_from_dictionary - OK +LArFCAL_Base_ID INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/devval/AtlasConditions/rel_4/InstallArea/share/FCal2DNeighbors-DC3-05-Comm-01.txt +LArFCAL_Base_ID INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/devval/AtlasConditions/rel_4/InstallArea/share/FCal3DNeighborsNext-DC3-05-Comm-01.txt +LArFCAL_Base_ID INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/devval/AtlasConditions/rel_4/InstallArea/share/FCal3DNeighborsPrev-DC3-05-Comm-01.txt +CaloIDHelper_ID... INFO in createObj: creating a LArMiniFCAL_ID helper object in the detector store +AtlasDetectorID INFO initialize_from_dictionary - OK +LArMiniFCAL_ID INFO initialize_from_dict - LArCalorimeter dictionary does NOT contain miniFCAL description. Unable to initialize LArMiniFCAL_ID. +AtlasDetectorID INFO initialize_from_dictionary - OK +TileHWIDDetDesc... INFO in createObj: creating a TileHWID helper object in the detector store +TileHWID INFO initialize_from_dictionary +AtlasDetectorID INFO initialize_from_dictionary - OK +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO U-shape parameter from database is: 0 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Entering TileAtlasFactory::create() +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Tile Geometry with Saddle supports, starting from TileCal-CSC-02 xxx +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO => New BFingerLengthPos 430.5 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO => New BFingerLengthNeg 420.5 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Positioning barrel with translation 0 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Positioning positive barrel finger with translation 3035.25 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Positioning negative barrel finger with translation -3030.25 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Positioning positive ext.barrel with translation 4854.75 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Positioning positive ext.barrel finger with translation ztrans= 6338.5 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Positioning positive ext.barrel saddle with translation ztrans= 6192.5 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Positive ITC envelope parameters: PLUG1 Rmin= 3438.85 Rmax= 4250 dzITC1= 154.5 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO PLUG2 Rmin= 2988.85 Rmax= 3440 dzITC2= 47.425 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Positioning positive ITC with translation 3405 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Positioning positive Gap with translation 3548.5 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Positioning positive Crack with translation 3536 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Positioning negative ext.barrel with translation ztrans -4854.75 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Positioning negative ext.barrel finger with translation ztrans= -6338.5 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Positioning negative ext.barrel saddle with translation ztrans= -6192.5 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Negative ITC envelope parameters: PLUG1 Rmin= 3438.85 Rmax= 4250 dzITC1= 154.5 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO PLUG2 Rmin= 2988.85 Rmax= 3440 dzITC2= 47.425 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Positioning negative ITC with translation -3405 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Positioning negative Gap with translation -3548.5 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Positioning negative Crack with translation -3536 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Global positioning of barrel with rotation (0,0,0)) and translation (0,0,0) CLHEP::cm +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Global positioning of positive ext.barrel with rotation (0,0,0)) and translation (0,0,0) CLHEP::cm +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Global positioning of negative ext.barrel with rotation (0,0,0)) and translation (0,0,1) CLHEP::cm +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO TileDetDescrManager: entering create_elements() +GeoModelSvc INFO GeoModelSvc.TileDetectorTool SZ= 15956Kb Time = 0.82S +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info User session with sessionID=S#3(C#6.s#1) will be ended on connectionID=C#6 +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Connection to service "ATLF/()" with connectionID=C#6 will be disconnected +ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 6 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL +ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 60 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL +TileInfoLoader INFO Initializing....TileInfoLoader +TileInfoLoader INFO TileInfoLoader in geoInit() ... +TileInfoLoader INFO New ATLAS geometry detected: ATLAS-GEO-10-00-00 (100000) +TileInfoLoader INFO Changing TTL1 calib from 4.1 to 6.9 +TileInfoLoader INFO Changing TTL1 noise sigma from 2.5 to 2.8 +TileInfoLoader INFO ATLAS geometry 100000 < 180000 - use old default sampling fraction +TileInfoLoader INFO If you want to override old default, put negative value in jobOptions +TileInfoLoader INFO ATLAS geometry 100000 < 140000 - disabling special sampling fractions for gap/crack scin +TileInfoLoader INFO Sampling fraction for normal cells 1/34.3 +TileInfoLoader INFO Sampling fraction for special C10 cells 1/34.3 +TileInfoLoader INFO Sampling fraction for E1 cells 1/75 +TileInfoLoader INFO Sampling fraction for E2 cells 1/75 +TileInfoLoader INFO Sampling fraction for E3 cells 1/75 +TileInfoLoader INFO Sampling fraction for E4 cells 1/75 +TileInfoLoader INFO Sampling fraction for E4' cells 1/75 +TileInfoLoader INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/InstallArea/share/pulsehi_physics.dat +TileInfoLoader INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/InstallArea/share/pulselo_physics.dat +TileInfoLoader INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/InstallArea/share/pulse_adder_tower_physics.dat +TileInfoLoader INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/InstallArea/share/pulse_adder_muonRcv_physics.dat +TileInfoLoader INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/InstallArea/share/pulse_adder_muon_physics.dat +CaloIDHelper_ID... INFO in createObj: creating a CaloLVL1_ID helper object in the detector store +CaloLVL1_ID INFO initialize_from_dictionary +AtlasDetectorID INFO initialize_from_dictionary - OK +TileCablingSvc INFO RUN1 ATLAS geometry detected: ATLAS-GEO-10-00-00 +TileCablingSvc INFO Setting Cabling type to 2 +ToolSvc.TileCon... INFO Creating TileCondProxyFile(ToolSvc.TileCondToolEmscale.TileCondProxyFile_OflCisLin) for ASCII file name: "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/InstallArea/share/TileDefault.cisFitLin" +ToolSvc.TileCon... INFO Creating TileCondProxyFile(ToolSvc.TileCondToolEmscale.TileCondProxyFile_OflCisNln) for ASCII file name: "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/InstallArea/share/TileDefault.cisFitNln" +ToolSvc.TileCon... INFO Creating TileCondProxyFile(ToolSvc.TileCondToolEmscale.TileCondProxyFile_OflLasLin) for ASCII file name: "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/InstallArea/share/TileDefault.lasLin" +ToolSvc.TileCon... INFO Creating TileCondProxyFile(ToolSvc.TileCondToolEmscale.TileCondProxyFile_OflLasNln) for ASCII file name: "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/InstallArea/share/TileDefault.lasNln" +ToolSvc.TileCon... INFO Creating TileCondProxyFile(ToolSvc.TileCondToolEmscale.TileCondProxyFile_OflCes) for ASCII file name: "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/InstallArea/share/TileDefault.ces" +ToolSvc.TileCon... INFO Creating TileCondProxyFile(ToolSvc.TileCondToolEmscale.TileCondProxyFile_OflEms) for ASCII file name: "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/InstallArea/share/TileDefault.ems" +ToolSvc.TileCon... INFO Creating TileCondProxyFile(ToolSvc.TileCondToolEmscale.TileCondProxyFile_OflLasFib) for ASCII file name: "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/InstallArea/share/TileDefault.lasFib" +ToolSvc.TileCon... INFO ProxyOflLasFib is set up and can be used +ToolSvc.TileCon... INFO Loading of online calibration folders not requested, since OnlCacheUnit=Invalid +ToolSvc.TileCon... INFO Creating TileCondProxyFile(ToolSvc.TileCondToolNoiseSample.TileCondProxyFile_NoiseSample) for ASCII file name: "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/InstallArea/share/TileDefault.ped" +ToolSvc.TileCon... INFO Creating TileCondProxyFile(ToolSvc.TileCondToolTiming.TileCondProxyFile_AdcOffset) for ASCII file name: "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/InstallArea/share/TileDefault.tcphy" +ToolSvc.TileCon... INFO TileCondToolTiming::recache() has been triggered by: 'ASCII files' +TileInfoLoader INFO Placed TileInfo object in the detector store. +CaloMgrDetDescrCnv INFO in createObj: creating a Calo Detector Manager object in the detector store +CaloIdMgrDetDes... INFO in createObj: creating a CaloDescrManager object in the detector store +ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 60 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL +CaloIDHelper_ID... INFO in createObj: creating a CaloDM_ID helper object in the detector store +CaloDM_ID INFO initialize_from_dictionary +AtlasDetectorID INFO initialize_from_dictionary - OK +CaloIDHelper_ID... INFO in createObj: creating a TTOnlineID helper object in the detector store +TTOnlineID INFO initialize_from_dictionary +AtlasDetectorID INFO initialize_from_dictionary - OK +CaloIDHelper_ID... INFO in createObj: creating a CaloCell_SuperCell_ID helper object in the detector store +CaloIDHelper_ID... INFO in createObj: creating a LArEM_SuperCell_ID helper object in the detector store +AtlasDetectorID INFO initialize_from_dictionary - OK +CaloIDHelper_ID... INFO in createObj: creating a LArHEC_SuperCell_ID helper object in the detector store +AtlasDetectorID INFO initialize_from_dictionary - OK +CaloIDHelper_ID... INFO in createObj: creating a LArFCAL_SuperCell_ID helper object in the detector store +AtlasDetectorID INFO initialize_from_dictionary - OK +LArFCAL_Base_ID INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/devval/AtlasConditions/rel_4/InstallArea/share/FCalSuperCells2DNeighborsNew-April2014.txt +LArFCAL_Base_ID INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/devval/AtlasConditions/rel_4/InstallArea/share/FCalSuperCells3DNeighborsNextNew-April2014.txt +LArFCAL_Base_ID INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/devval/AtlasConditions/rel_4/InstallArea/share/FCalSuperCells3DNeighborsPrevNew-April2014.txt +CaloIDHelper_ID... INFO in createObj: creating a Tile_SuperCell_ID helper object in the detector store +AtlasDetectorID INFO initialize_from_dictionary - OK +TileNeighbour INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/devval/AtlasConditions/rel_4/InstallArea/share/TileSuperCellNeighbour.txt +AtlasDetectorID INFO initialize_from_dictionary - OK +CaloIdMgrDetDes... INFO Finished +CaloIdMgrDetDes... INFO Initializing CaloIdMgr from values in CaloIdMgrDetDescrCnv +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Re-ordering 3 replicas using installed algorithm +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Sorting algorithm selected 4 replicas +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Warning Failed to connect to service geomDB/geomDB_sqlite (coral::Exception): 'CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Connection::connect" from "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/run/TileTPCnv_15.6.4-x86_64-slc6-gcc49-dbg/geomDB is not writable" )' - do NOT retry +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Connection to service "geomDB/geomDB_sqlite" with connectionID=C#7 will be disconnected +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Warning Failure while attempting to connect to "sqlite_file:geomDB/geomDB_sqlite": CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Connection::connect" from "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/run/TileTPCnv_15.6.4-x86_64-slc6-gcc49-dbg/geomDB is not writable" ) +CORAL/RelationalPlugins/frontier Info The current compresion level is 5 +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info New connection to service "ATLF/()" with connectionID=C#8 has been connected +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info New user session with sessionID=S#4(C#8.s#1) started on connectionID=C#8 to service "ATLF/()" for user "" in read-only mode +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info User session with sessionID=S#4(C#8.s#1) will be ended on connectionID=C#8 +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Connection to service "ATLF/()" with connectionID=C#8 will be disconnected +ToolSvc.TileBad... INFO Creating TileCondProxyFile(ToolSvc.TileBadChanTool.TileCondProxyFile_OnlBch) for ASCII file name: "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/InstallArea/share/TileDefault.onlBch" +ToolSvc.TileBad... INFO Creating TileCondProxyFile(ToolSvc.TileBadChanTool.TileCondProxyFile_OflBch) for ASCII file name: "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/InstallArea/share/TileDefault.oflBch" +ToolSvc.TileBad... INFO ProxyOnlBch and ProxyOflBch will be used for bad channel status +ToolSvc.TileBad... INFO TileBadChanTool::recache() has been triggered by: 'ASCII files' +ToolSvc.TileBad... INFO No TileBchStatus::isBad() definition found in DB, using defaults +ToolSvc.TileBad... INFO No TileBchStatus::isNoisy() definition found in DB, using defaults +ToolSvc.TileBad... INFO No TileBchStatus::isNoGainL1() definition found in DB, using defaults +ToolSvc.TileBad... INFO No TileBchStatus::isBadTiming() definition found in DB, using defaults +ToolSvc.TileBad... INFO TileBchStatus::isBad() is defined by: ADC masked (unspecified); ADC dead; Very large HF noise; No data; Wrong DSP configuration; Severe stuck bit; Severe data corruption; Channel masked (unspecified); No PMT connected; No HV; Wrong HV; Online ADC masked (unspecified); +ToolSvc.TileBad... INFO TileBchStatus::isNoisy() is defined by: Large HF noise; Correlated noise; Large LF noise; +ToolSvc.TileBad... INFO TileBchStatus::isNoGainL1() is defined by: ADC dead; No PMT connected; No HV; Channel masked for LV1 (unspecified); LV1 channel no gain; LV1 channel noisy; <no description available>; +ToolSvc.TileBad... INFO TileBchStatus::isBadTiming() is defined by: Bad timing; Online bad timing; +ToolSvc.TileBad... INFO No drawer trips probabilities found in DB +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO Initializing AthenaEventLoopMgr - package version AthenaServices-01-59-49 +AthMasterSeq INFO Member list: AthSequencer/AthAlgSeq, AthSequencer/AthOutSeq, AthSequencer/AthRegSeq +AthAlgSeq INFO Member list: PyAthena::Alg/dumper +PyComponentMgr INFO Initializing PyComponentMgr... +dumper INFO Initializing dumper... +HistogramPersis...WARNING Histograms saving not required. +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO Setup EventSelector service EventSelector +ActiveStoreSvc INFO Initializing ActiveStoreSvc - package version StoreGate-03-06-18 +ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully +InputMetaDataStore INFO Start InputMetaDataStore +MetaDataStore INFO Start MetaDataStore +TagMetaDataStore INFO Start TagMetaDataStore +/afs/cern.ch/atlas/maxidisk/d33/referencefiles/esd/ESD-15.6.4.pool.root Info Database being retired... +Domain[ROOT_All] Info -> Deaccess DbDatabase READ [ROOT_All] 107DFAEC-D8C7-DE11-916A-000423D98A24 +Domain[ROOT_All] Info > Deaccess DbDomain READ [ROOT_All] +RootCollection Info Opening Collection File /afs/cern.ch/atlas/maxidisk/d33/referencefiles/esd/ESD-15.6.4.pool.root in mode: READ +RootCollection Info File /afs/cern.ch/atlas/maxidisk/d33/referencefiles/esd/ESD-15.6.4.pool.root opened +DbSession Info Open DbSession +Domain[ROOT_All] Info > Access DbDomain READ [ROOT_All] +Domain[ROOT_All] Info -> Access DbDatabase READ [ROOT_All] 107DFAEC-D8C7-DE11-916A-000423D98A24 +Domain[ROOT_All] Info /afs/cern.ch/atlas/maxidisk/d33/referencefiles/esd/ESD-15.6.4.pool.root +RootDatabase.open Success /afs/cern.ch/atlas/maxidisk/d33/referencefiles/esd/ESD-15.6.4.pool.root File version:52200 +PoolSvc INFO Failed to find container POOLContainer(DataHeader) to create POOL collection. +ImplicitCollection Info Opened the implicit collection with connection string "PFN:/afs/cern.ch/atlas/maxidisk/d33/referencefiles/esd/ESD-15.6.4.pool.root" +ImplicitCollection Info and a name "POOLContainer_DataHeader" +ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 689 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL +StoreGateSvc INFO Start StoreGateSvc +DetectorStore INFO Start DetectorStore +ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Started successfully +PoolSvc INFO Failed to find container MetaDataHdr(DataHeader) to get Token. +PoolSvc INFO Failed to find container MetaDataHdr(DataHeader) to get Token. +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start of run 5200 <<<=== +EventPersistenc... INFO Added successfully Conversion service:TagInfoMgr +IOVDbSvc INFO Global tag: OFLCOND-SIM-00-00-00 set from input file +IOVDbSvc INFO Opening COOL connection for COOLOFL_LAR/OFLP200 +RalSessionMgr Info Instantiate a R/O RalSessionMgr for 'COOLOFL_LAR/OFLP200' +RalSessionMgr Info Connect to the database server +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Re-ordering 3 replicas using installed algorithm +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Sorting algorithm selected 4 replicas +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Warning Failed to connect to service sqlite200/ALLP200.db (coral::Exception): 'CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Connection::connect" from "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/run/TileTPCnv_15.6.4-x86_64-slc6-gcc49-dbg/sqlite200 is not writable" )' - do NOT retry +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Connection to service "sqlite200/ALLP200.db" with connectionID=C#9 will be disconnected +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Warning Failure while attempting to connect to "sqlite_file:sqlite200/ALLP200.db": CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Connection::connect" from "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/run/TileTPCnv_15.6.4-x86_64-slc6-gcc49-dbg/sqlite200 is not writable" ) +CORAL/RelationalPlugins/frontier Info The current compresion level is 5 +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info New connection to service "ATLF/()" with connectionID=C#10 has been connected +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info New user session with sessionID=S#5(C#10.s#1) started on connectionID=C#10 to service "ATLF/()" for user "" in read-only mode +RalSessionMgr Info Start a read-only transaction active for the duration of the database connection +RelationalDatabase Info Instantiate a R/O RalDatabase for 'COOLOFL_LAR/OFLP200' +RelationalDatabase Info Release number backward compatibility - NO SCHEMA EVOLUTION REQUIRED: database with OLDER release number 2.7.0 will be opened using CURRENT client release number 3.1.0 +IOVDbSvc INFO HVS tag OFLCOND-SIM-00-00-00 resolved to LARAlign_CSC_00 for folder /LAR/Align +IOVDbSvc INFO HVS tag OFLCOND-SIM-00-00-00 resolved to LArCellPositionShift-ideal for folder /LAR/LArCellPositionShift +IOVDbSvc INFO Disconnecting from COOLOFL_LAR/OFLP200 +RalSessionMgr Info Commit the read-only transaction active for the duration of the database connection +RalSessionMgr Info Disconnect from the database server +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info User session with sessionID=S#5(C#10.s#1) will be ended on connectionID=C#10 +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Connection to service "ATLF/()" with connectionID=C#10 will be disconnected +RelationalDatabase Info Delete the RalDatabase for 'COOLOFL_LAR/OFLP200' +RalSessionMgr Info Delete the RalSessionMgr for 'COOLOFL_LAR/OFLP200' +DbSession Info Open DbSession +Domain[ROOT_All] Info > Access DbDomain READ [ROOT_All] +Domain[ROOT_All] Info -> Access DbDatabase READ [ROOT_All] E01BD448-BF95-DB11-983E-0015C5098AA3 +Domain[ROOT_All] Info /afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/vol0/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000._0058.pool.root +RootDatabase.open Success /afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/vol0/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000._0058.pool.root File version:51304 +GeoModelSvc WARNING *** *** Geometry configured through jobOptions does not match TagInfo tags! *** *** +GeoModelSvc INFO ** Job Option configuration: +GeoModelSvc INFO * ATLAS tag: ATLAS-GEO-10-00-00 +GeoModelSvc INFO * InDet tag: +GeoModelSvc INFO * Pixel tag: +GeoModelSvc INFO * SCT tag: +GeoModelSvc INFO * TRT tag: +GeoModelSvc INFO * LAr tag: +GeoModelSvc INFO * Tile tag: +GeoModelSvc INFO * Muon tag: +GeoModelSvc INFO * Calo tag: +GeoModelSvc INFO * MagField tag: +GeoModelSvc INFO * CavernInfra tag: +GeoModelSvc INFO * ForwardDetectors tag: +GeoModelSvc INFO ** TAG INFO configuration: +GeoModelSvc INFO * ATLAS tag: ATLAS-GEO-02-01-00 +Domain[ROOT_All] Info -> Access DbDatabase READ [ROOT_All] 8667C6F2-1559-DE11-A611-000423D9A21A +Domain[ROOT_All] Info /afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/vol0/cond08_mc.000003.gen.COND/cond08_mc.000003.gen.COND._0064.pool.root +RootDatabase.open Success /afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/vol0/cond08_mc.000003.gen.COND/cond08_mc.000003.gen.COND._0064.pool.root File version:52200 +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #30002, run #5200 0 events processed so far <<<=== +ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 275 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL +ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 291 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL +ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 21 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #30002, run #5200 1 events processed so far <<<=== +/afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/vol0/cond08_mc.000003.gen.COND/cond08_mc.000003.gen.COND._0064.pool.root Info Database being retired... +Domain[ROOT_All] Info -> Deaccess DbDatabase READ [ROOT_All] 8667C6F2-1559-DE11-A611-000423D9A21A +/afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/vol0/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000/oflcond.000002.conditions.simul.pool.v0000._0058.pool.root Info Database being retired... +Domain[ROOT_All] Info -> Deaccess DbDatabase READ [ROOT_All] E01BD448-BF95-DB11-983E-0015C5098AA3 +Domain[ROOT_All] Info > Deaccess DbDomain READ [ROOT_All] +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #30004, run #5200 1 events processed so far <<<=== +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #30004, run #5200 2 events processed so far <<<=== +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #30009, run #5200 2 events processed so far <<<=== +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #30009, run #5200 3 events processed so far <<<=== +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #30010, run #5200 3 events processed so far <<<=== +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #30010, run #5200 4 events processed so far <<<=== +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #30012, run #5200 4 events processed so far <<<=== +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #30012, run #5200 5 events processed so far <<<=== +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #30013, run #5200 5 events processed so far <<<=== +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #30013, run #5200 6 events processed so far <<<=== +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #30014, run #5200 6 events processed so far <<<=== +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #30014, run #5200 7 events processed so far <<<=== +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #30018, run #5200 7 events processed so far <<<=== +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #30018, run #5200 8 events processed so far <<<=== +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #30020, run #5200 8 events processed so far <<<=== +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #30020, run #5200 9 events processed so far <<<=== +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #30022, run #5200 9 events processed so far <<<=== +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #30022, run #5200 10 events processed so far <<<=== +/afs/cern.ch/atlas/maxidisk/d33/referencefiles/esd/ESD-15.6.4.pool.root Info Database being retired... +Domain[ROOT_All] Info -> Deaccess DbDatabase READ [ROOT_All] 107DFAEC-D8C7-DE11-916A-000423D98A24 +Domain[ROOT_All] Info > Deaccess DbDomain READ [ROOT_All] +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO No more events in event selection +TileInfoLoader INFO Handling EndRun incident +TileInfoLoader INFO Removed TileInfo object from detector store. +DetectorStore INFO Stop DetectorStore +StoreGateSvc INFO Stop StoreGateSvc +StoreGateSvc INFO stop: setting service priority to 101 so that event stores get finalized and cleared before other stores +TagMetaDataStore INFO Stop TagMetaDataStore +MetaDataStore INFO Stop MetaDataStore +InputMetaDataStore INFO Stop InputMetaDataStore +ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully +dumper INFO Finalizing dumper... +AthAlgSeq INFO Finalizing AthAlgSeq... +AthOutSeq INFO Finalizing AthOutSeq... +AthRegSeq INFO Finalizing AthRegSeq... +AthMasterSeq INFO Finalizing AthMasterSeq... +StoreGateSvc INFO Finalizing StoreGateSvc - package version StoreGate-03-06-18 +PyComponentMgr INFO Finalizing PyComponentMgr... +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO in finalize +DetectorStore INFO Finalizing DetectorStore - package version StoreGate-03-06-18 +IOVDbSvc INFO Folder /LAR/Align (PoolRef) db-read 1/1 objs/chan/bytes 1/1/168 (( 0.76 ))s +IOVDbSvc INFO Folder /TagInfo (AttrListColl) db-read 0/2 objs/chan/bytes 2/0/0 (( 0.00 ))s +IOVDbSvc INFO Folder /LAR/LArCellPositionShift (PoolRef) db-read 1/1 objs/chan/bytes 1/1/195 (( 0.38 ))s +IOVDbSvc INFO Total payload read from COOL: 363 bytes in (( 1.14 ))s +IOVDbSvc INFO Connection sqlite://;schema=mycool.db;dbname=OFLP200 : nConnect: 0 nFolders: 0 ReadTime: (( 0.00 ))s +IOVDbSvc INFO Connection COOLOFL_LAR/OFLP200 : nConnect: 2 nFolders: 2 ReadTime: (( 1.14 ))s +TagMetaDataStore INFO Finalizing TagMetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-03-06-18 +PoolSvc INFO I/O finalization... +XMLFileCatalog Info Updating the catalog +PoolXMLFileCatalog Info XercesC termination number 0 +MetaDataStore INFO Finalizing MetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-03-06-18 +InputMetaDataStore INFO Finalizing InputMetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-03-06-18 +TileInfoLoader INFO TileInfoLoader::finalize() +AthDictLoaderSvc INFO in finalize... +ToolSvc INFO Removing all tools created by ToolSvc +*****Chrono***** INFO **************************************************************************************************** +*****Chrono***** INFO The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered) +*****Chrono***** INFO **************************************************************************************************** +AthenaSealSvc::... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 +ChronoStatSvc INFO Time User : Tot= 23.2 [s] #= 1 +*****Chrono***** INFO **************************************************************************************************** +ChronoStatSvc.f... INFO Service finalized successfully +ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully +ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully +Py:Athena INFO leaving with code 0: "successful run" +CoralApplication Info Delete the COOL CoralApplication... +CoralApplication Info Delete the COOL database service +RalDatabaseSvc Info Delete the RalDatabaseSvc... +RalDatabaseSvc Info Purge the connection pool +RalDatabaseSvc Info Reset the ICS pointer +RalDatabaseSvc Info Delete the RalDatabaseSvc... DONE +CoralApplication Info Delete the CORAL connection service +CoralApplication Info Delete the COOL CoralApplication... DONE +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Deleting the ConnectionPool diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/share/TileTPCnv_15.6.4_test.py b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/share/TileTPCnv_15.6.4_test.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d340bbe267755358bfcc75eea982b7b21d6d27de --- /dev/null +++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/share/TileTPCnv_15.6.4_test.py @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +infile = 'esd/ESD-15.6.4.pool.root' +keys = [ + #TileL2Container_p1 + 'TileL2Cnt', + + #TileMuContainer_p1 + 'TileMuObj', + + #TileTTL1Container_p1 + 'TileTTL1MBTS', + ] + +from AthenaCommon.JobProperties import jobproperties +jobproperties.Global.DetDescrVersion = 'ATLAS-GEO-10-00-00' + +from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags +DetFlags.detdescr.Calo_setOn() +noMuon = True +noID = True + +include ('AthenaPoolUtilities/TPCnvTest.py') + +from TileConditions.TileInfoConfigurator import TileInfoConfigurator +tileInfoConfigurator = TileInfoConfigurator() + diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/share/TileTPCnv_20.1.7.2.ref b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/share/TileTPCnv_20.1.7.2.ref new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..903a0587a2e7eae1792aae1e23e33aa400ca1da7 --- /dev/null +++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/share/TileTPCnv_20.1.7.2.ref @@ -0,0 +1,547 @@ +Sat Jan 23 05:27:33 CET 2016 +Preloading tcmalloc_minimal.so +Py:Athena INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Preparation.py" +Py:Athena INFO using release [AtlasOffline-21.0.0] [x86_64-slc6-gcc49-dbg] [21.X.Y-VAL/rel_4] -- built on [2016-01-20 22:40] +Py:Athena INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Bootstrap.py" +Py:Athena INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Atlas.UnixStandardJob.py" +Warning in <TInterpreter::ReadRootmapFile>: class CaloSampling found in CaloEventDict.so is already in libISF_FastCaloSimParametrizationLib.so +Py:Athena INFO executing ROOT6Setup +[?1034hPy:Athena INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Execution.py" +Py:Athena INFO including file "TileEventAthenaPool/TileTPCnv_20.1.7.2_test.py" +Py:Athena INFO including file "AthenaPoolUtilities/TPCnvTest.py" +Py:ConfigurableDb INFO Read module info for 4918 configurables from 10 genConfDb files +Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING Found 4 duplicates among the 10 genConfDb files : +Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING -------------------------------------------------- +Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING -<component name>: <module> - [ <duplicates> ] +Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING -------------------------------------------------- +Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING -DerivationFramework__JetCaloClusterThinning: DerivationFrameworkEGamma.DerivationFrameworkEGammaConf - ['DerivationFrameworkCalo.DerivationFrameworkCaloConf'] +Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING -DerivationFramework__CellDecorator: DerivationFrameworkEGamma.DerivationFrameworkEGammaConf - ['DerivationFrameworkCalo.DerivationFrameworkCaloConf'] +Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING -DerivationFramework__CaloClusterThinning: DerivationFrameworkEGamma.DerivationFrameworkEGammaConf - ['DerivationFrameworkCalo.DerivationFrameworkCaloConf'] +Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING -DerivationFramework__MaxCellDecorator: DerivationFrameworkEGamma.DerivationFrameworkEGammaConf - ['DerivationFrameworkCalo.DerivationFrameworkCaloConf'] +Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING Fix your cmt/requirements file !! +Py:Athena INFO including file "IdDictDetDescrCnv/IdDictDetDescrCnv_joboptions.py" +EventInfoMgtInit: Got release version AtlasOffline-rel_4 +Py:IOVDbSvc.CondDB INFO Setting up conditions DB access to instance OFLP200 +Data source lookup using /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/devval/AtlasCore/rel_4/InstallArea/XML/AtlasAuthentication/dblookup.xml file +Py:TileInfoConf. INFO Adding TileCablingSvc to ServiceMgr +Py:TileInfoConf. INFO Adding default TileBadChanTool to ToolSvc +Py:TileInfoConf. INFO Adding default TileCondToolOfc to ToolSvc +Py:TileInfoConf. INFO Adding default TileCondToolEmscale to ToolSvc +Py:TileInfoConf. INFO Adding default TileCondToolNoiseSample to ToolSvc +Py:TileInfoConf. INFO Adding default TileCondToolTiming to ToolSvc +Py:Athena INFO including file "AthenaCommon/runbatch.py" +ApplicationMgr INFO Updating Gaudi::PluginService::SetDebug(level) to level=0 +ApplicationMgr SUCCESS +==================================================================================================================================== + Welcome to ApplicationMgr (GaudiCoreSvc v3r4) + running on lxplus0075.cern.ch on Sat Jan 23 05:28:20 2016 +==================================================================================================================================== +ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaServices +ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Configured successfully +ApplicationMgr INFO Updating Gaudi::PluginService::SetDebug(level) to level=0 +StatusCodeSvc INFO initialize +JobIDSvc INFO Initializing JobIDSvc - package version AthenaServices-01-59-49 +AthDictLoaderSvc INFO in initialize... +AthDictLoaderSvc INFO acquired Dso-registry +ClassIDSvc INFO Initializing ClassIDSvc - package version CLIDComps-00-06-18 +ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 5776 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL +ChronoStatSvc INFO Number of skipped events for MemStat-1 +CoreDumpSvc INFO install f-a-t-a-l handler... (flag = -1) +CoreDumpSvc INFO Handling signals: 11(Segmentation fault) 7(Bus error) 4(Illegal instruction) 8(Floating point exception) +DetectorStore INFO Initializing DetectorStore - package version StoreGate-03-06-18 +MetaDataSvc INFO Initializing MetaDataSvc - package version AthenaServices-01-59-49 +InputMetaDataStore INFO Initializing InputMetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-03-06-18 +MetaDataStore INFO Initializing MetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-03-06-18 +AthenaPoolCnvSvc INFO Initializing AthenaPoolCnvSvc - package version AthenaPoolCnvSvc-00-28-04 +PoolSvc INFO Initializing PoolSvc - package version PoolSvc-00-25-00 +PoolSvc INFO io_register[PoolSvc](xmlcatalog_file:PoolFileCatalog.xml) [ok] +PoolSvc INFO Set connectionsvc retry/timeout/IDLE timeout to 'ConnectionRetrialPeriod':300/ 'ConnectionRetrialTimeOut':3600/ 'ConnectionTimeOut':5 seconds with connection cleanup disabled +PoolSvc INFO Frontier compression level set to 5 +DBReplicaSvc INFO Frontier server at (serverurl=http://atlasfrontier-ai.cern.ch:8000/atlr)(serverurl=http://aiatlas036.cern.ch:8000/atlr)(serverurl=http://aiatlas034.cern.ch:8000/atlr)(serverurl=http://ccfrontier.in2p3.fr:23128/ccin2p3-AtlasFrontier)(serverurl=http://ccsqfatlasli02.in2p3.fr:23128/ccin2p3-AtlasFrontier)(serverurl=http://ccsqfatlasli01.in2p3.fr:23128/ccin2p3-AtlasFrontier)(proxyurl=http://ca-proxy.cern.ch:3128)(proxyurl=http://ca18.cern.ch:3128)(proxyurl=http://ca17.cern.ch:3128)(proxyurl=http://atlast0fsquid.cern.ch:3128)(proxyurl=http://atlassquid1.cern.ch:3128)(proxyurl=http://atlassquid2.cern.ch:3128)(proxyurl=http://atlassquid4.cern.ch:3128) will be considered for COOL data +DBReplicaSvc INFO Read replica configuration from /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/devval/AtlasCore/rel_4/InstallArea/share/dbreplica.config +DBReplicaSvc INFO Total of 10 servers found for host lxplus0075.cern.ch [ATLF ATLAS_COOLPROD atlas_dd ATLAS_CONFIG INT8R INTR ATONR_COOL ATONR_CONF DEVDB11 ATLF ] +PoolSvc INFO Successfully setup replica sorting algorithm +PoolSvc INFO Re-initializing PoolSvc +PoolSvc INFO Resolved path (via DATAPATH) is /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/devval/AtlasCore/rel_4/InstallArea/share/poolcond/PoolCat_oflcond.xml +PoolSvc INFO Resolved path (via ATLAS_POOLCOND_PATH) is /afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/catalogue/poolcond/PoolCat_oflcond.xml +PoolSvc INFO POOL WriteCatalog is xmlcatalog_file:PoolFileCatalog.xml +XMLFileCatalog Info Connecting to the catalog +PoolXMLFileCatalog Info Xerces-c initialization Number 0 +XMLFileCatalog Info Connecting to the catalog +XMLFileCatalog Info Connecting to the catalog +PoolXMLFileCatalog Info File PoolFileCatalog.xml does not exist, a new one is created +PoolXMLFileCatalog Info Read-only filesystem +PoolXMLFileCatalog Info Read-only filesystem +EventSelector INFO Initializing EventSelector - package version EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-19-02 +TagMetaDataStore INFO Initializing TagMetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-03-06-18 +EventSelector INFO reinitialization... +EventSelector INFO EventSelection with query +PoolSvc INFO File is not in Catalog! Attempt to open it anyway. +RootCollection Info Opening Collection File /afs/cern.ch/atlas/maxidisk/d33/referencefiles/esd/ESD- in mode: READ +TClass::Init:0: RuntimeWarning: no dictionary for class CosmicMuonCollection_tlp1 is available +TClass::Init:0: RuntimeWarning: no dictionary for class MdtTrackSegmentCollection_p2 is available +TClass::Init:0: RuntimeWarning: no dictionary for class CosmicMuonCollection_p1 is available +RootCollection Info File /afs/cern.ch/atlas/maxidisk/d33/referencefiles/esd/ESD- opened +PoolSvc INFO File is not in Catalog! Attempt to open it anyway. +PoolSvc INFO Failed to open container to check POOL collection - trying. +DbSession Info Open DbSession +Domain[ROOT_All] Info > Access DbDomain READ [ROOT_All] +Domain[ROOT_All] Info -> Access DbDatabase READ [ROOT_All] 61EF9A6E-73FC-5F4B-F284-1F9FB2DD4FE6 +Domain[ROOT_All] Info /afs/cern.ch/atlas/maxidisk/d33/referencefiles/esd/ESD- +RootDatabase.open Success /afs/cern.ch/atlas/maxidisk/d33/referencefiles/esd/ESD- File version:53425 +/afs/cern.ch/atlas/maxidisk/d33/referencefiles/esd/ESD- Info Database being retired... +Domain[ROOT_All] Info -> Deaccess DbDatabase READ [ROOT_All] 61EF9A6E-73FC-5F4B-F284-1F9FB2DD4FE6 +Domain[ROOT_All] Info > Deaccess DbDomain READ [ROOT_All] +DbSession Info Open DbSession +Domain[ROOT_All] Info > Access DbDomain READ [ROOT_All] +Domain[ROOT_All] Info -> Access DbDatabase READ [ROOT_All] B844C45F-3B55-3444-8A2D-5093FBECF354 +Domain[ROOT_All] Info /afs/cern.ch/atlas/maxidisk/d33/referencefiles/esd/ESD- +RootDatabase.open Success /afs/cern.ch/atlas/maxidisk/d33/referencefiles/esd/ESD- File version:53425 +ImplicitCollection Info Opened the implicit collection with connection string "PFN:/afs/cern.ch/atlas/maxidisk/d33/referencefiles/esd/ESD-" +ImplicitCollection Info and a name "POOLContainer(DataHeader)" +PoolSvc INFO Failed to find container MetaDataHdrDataHeader to get Token. +EventPersistenc... INFO Added successfully Conversion service:AthenaPoolCnvSvc +AthenaPoolAddre... INFO Initializing AthenaPoolAddressProviderSvc - package version EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-19-02 +IOVDbSvc INFO Opened read transaction for POOL PersistencySvc +IOVDbSvc INFO Only 5 POOL conditions files will be open at once +IOVDbSvc INFO Cache alignment will be done in 3 slices +IOVDbSvc INFO Read from meta data only for folder /TagInfo +IOVDbSvc INFO Initialised with 2 connections and 3 folders +IOVDbSvc INFO Service IOVDbSvc initialised successfully +ProxyProviderSvc INFO Initializing ProxyProviderSvc - package version SGComps-00-02-04 +IOVDbSvc INFO Folder /TagInfo will be taken from file metadata +IOVDbSvc INFO Found 15 metadata containers in input file, 1 will be used +IOVSvc INFO No IOVSvcTool associated with store "StoreGateSvc" +StoreGateSvc INFO Initializing StoreGateSvc - package version StoreGate-03-06-18 +IOVSvcTool INFO IOVRanges will be checked at every Event +IOVDbSvc INFO Opening COOL connection for COOLOFL_LAR/OFLP200 +CoralApplication Info Create a cool::CoralApplication... +CoralApplication Info Create a new own CORAL connection service +CoralApplication Info Create the COOL database service +RalDatabaseSvc Info Instantiate the RalDatabaseSvc +CoralApplication Info Create a cool::CoralApplication... DONE +RalSessionMgr Info Instantiate a R/O RalSessionMgr for 'COOLOFL_LAR/OFLP200' +RalSessionMgr Info Connect to the database server +RalSessionMgr Warning Use COOL_DISABLE_CORALCONNECTIONPOOLCLEANUP +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info ConnectionServiceConfiguration::setConnectionTimeOut 0 +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Re-ordering 3 replicas using installed algorithm +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Sorting algorithm selected 4 replicas +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Warning Failed to connect to service sqlite200/ALLP200.db (coral::Exception): 'CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Connection::connect" from "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/run/TileTPCnv_20.1.7.2-x86_64-slc6-gcc49-dbg/sqlite200 is not writable" )' - do NOT retry +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Connection to service "sqlite200/ALLP200.db" with connectionID=C#3 will be disconnected +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Warning Failure while attempting to connect to "sqlite_file:sqlite200/ALLP200.db": CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Connection::connect" from "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/run/TileTPCnv_20.1.7.2-x86_64-slc6-gcc49-dbg/sqlite200 is not writable" ) +CORAL/RelationalPlugins/frontier Info The current compresion level is 5 +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info New connection to service "ATLF/()" with connectionID=C#4 has been connected +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info New user session with sessionID=S#2(C#4.s#1) started on connectionID=C#4 to service "ATLF/()" for user "" in read-only mode +RalSessionMgr Info Start a read-only transaction active for the duration of the database connection +RelationalDatabase Info Instantiate a R/O RalDatabase for 'COOLOFL_LAR/OFLP200' +RelationalDatabase Info Release number backward compatibility - NO SCHEMA EVOLUTION REQUIRED: database with OLDER release number 2.7.0 will be opened using CURRENT client release number 3.1.0 +IOVDbSvc INFO Disconnecting from COOLOFL_LAR/OFLP200 +RalSessionMgr Info Commit the read-only transaction active for the duration of the database connection +RalSessionMgr Info Disconnect from the database server +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info User session with sessionID=S#2(C#4.s#1) will be ended on connectionID=C#4 +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Connection to service "ATLF/()" with connectionID=C#4 will be disconnected +RelationalDatabase Info Delete the RalDatabase for 'COOLOFL_LAR/OFLP200' +RalSessionMgr Info Delete the RalSessionMgr for 'COOLOFL_LAR/OFLP200' +IOVDbSvc INFO Added taginfo remove for /TagInfo +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO initializing +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO Found DetectorStore service +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling proxies for detector managers +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for CaloTTMgr with CLID 117659265 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for CaloMgr with CLID 4548337 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for CaloSuperCellMgr with CLID 241807251 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for CaloIdManager with CLID 125856940 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for LArIdManager with CLID 79554919 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for IdDict with CLID 2411 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for AtlasID with CLID 164875623 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for PixelID with CLID 2516 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for SCT_ID with CLID 2517 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for TRT_ID with CLID 2518 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for SiliconID with CLID 129452393 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for LArEM_ID with CLID 163583365 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for LArEM_SuperCell_ID with CLID 99488227 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for LArHEC_ID with CLID 3870484 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for LArHEC_SuperCell_ID with CLID 254277678 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for LArFCAL_ID with CLID 45738051 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for LArFCAL_SuperCell_ID with CLID 12829437 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for LArMiniFCAL_ID with CLID 79264204 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for LArOnlineID with CLID 158698068 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for TTOnlineID with CLID 38321944 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for LArOnline_SuperCellID with CLID 115600394 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for LArHVLineID with CLID 27863673 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for LArElectrodeID with CLID 80757351 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for TileID with CLID 2901 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for Tile_SuperCell_ID with CLID 49557789 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for TileHWID with CLID 2902 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for TileTBID with CLID 2903 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for MDTIDHELPER with CLID 4170 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for CSCIDHELPER with CLID 4171 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for RPCIDHELPER with CLID 4172 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for TGCIDHELPER with CLID 4173 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for STGCIDHELPER with CLID 4174 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for MMIDHELPER with CLID 4175 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for CaloLVL1_ID with CLID 108133391 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for CaloCell_ID with CLID 123500438 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for CaloCell_SuperCell_ID with CLID 128365736 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for CaloDM_ID with CLID 167756483 and storage type 68 to detector store +DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for ZdcID with CLID 190591643 and storage type 68 to detector store +GeoModelSvc INFO Retrieved DetectorTools = PrivateToolHandleArray(['LArDetectorToolNV/LArDetectorToolNV','TileDetectorTool/TileDetectorTool']) +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Re-ordering 3 replicas using installed algorithm +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Sorting algorithm selected 4 replicas +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Warning Failed to connect to service geomDB/geomDB_sqlite (coral::Exception): 'CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Connection::connect" from "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/run/TileTPCnv_20.1.7.2-x86_64-slc6-gcc49-dbg/geomDB is not writable" )' - do NOT retry +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Connection to service "geomDB/geomDB_sqlite" with connectionID=C#5 will be disconnected +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Warning Failure while attempting to connect to "sqlite_file:geomDB/geomDB_sqlite": CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Connection::connect" from "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/run/TileTPCnv_20.1.7.2-x86_64-slc6-gcc49-dbg/geomDB is not writable" ) +CORAL/RelationalPlugins/frontier Info The current compresion level is 5 +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info New connection to service "ATLF/()" with connectionID=C#6 has been connected +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info New user session with sessionID=S#3(C#6.s#1) started on connectionID=C#6 to service "ATLF/()" for user "" in read-only mode +GeoModelSvc.LAr... INFO Keys for LAr are ATLAS-GEO-10-00-00 ATLAS +GeoModelSvc.LAr... INFO Building LAr version LAr-Revised-06 while ATLAS version is ATLAS-GEO-10-00-00 +GeoModelSvc.LAr... INFO LAr Geometry Options: +GeoModelSvc.LAr... INFO Sagging = false +GeoModelSvc.LAr... INFO Barrel = ON +GeoModelSvc.LAr... INFO Endcap = ON +LAr::DetectorFa... INFO old description withut bold in the geometry database +LAr::DetectorFa... INFO old coil bumper description +BarrelConstruction INFO Getting primary numbers for ATLAS, ATLAS-GEO-10-00-00 +BarrelConstruction INFO Makes detailed absorber sandwich ? 0 0 +BarrelConstruction INFO Use sagging in geometry ? 0 +EventPersistenc... INFO Added successfully Conversion service:DetDescrCnvSvc +ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 11395 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL +CaloIDHelper_ID... INFO in createObj: creating a TileTBID helper object in the detector store +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO in initialize +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO in createObj: creating a IdDictManager object in the detector store +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO IdDictName: IdDictParser/ATLAS_IDS.xml +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Reading InnerDetector IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictInnerDetector.xml +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Reading LArCalorimeter IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictLArCalorimeter_DC3-05-Comm-01.xml +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Reading TileCalorimeter IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictTileCalorimeter.xml +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Reading Calorimeter IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictCalorimeter_L1Onl.xml +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Reading MuonSpectrometer IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictMuonSpectrometer_R.01.xml +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Reading ForwardDetectors IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictForwardDetectors.xml +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Found id dicts: +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Using dictionary tag: destaged_layout +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Dictionary ATLAS version default DetDescr tag (using default) file +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Dictionary Calorimeter version default DetDescr tag CaloIdentifier-LVL1-02 file IdDictParser/IdDictCalorimeter_L1Onl.xml +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Dictionary ForwardDetectors version default DetDescr tag ForDetIdentifier-00 file IdDictParser/IdDictForwardDetectors.xml +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Dictionary InnerDetector version default DetDescr tag InDetIdentifier-05 file IdDictParser/IdDictInnerDetector.xml +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Dictionary LArCalorimeter version fullAtlas DetDescr tag LArIdentifier-DC3-05-Comm file IdDictParser/IdDictLArCalorimeter_DC3-05-Comm-01.xml +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Dictionary LArElectrode version fullAtlas DetDescr tag (using default) file +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Dictionary LArHighVoltage version fullAtlas DetDescr tag (using default) file +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Dictionary MuonSpectrometer version R.01 DetDescr tag MuonIdentifier-02 file IdDictParser/IdDictMuonSpectrometer_R.01.xml +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Dictionary TileCalorimeter version fullAtlasAndTestBeam DetDescr tag TileIdentifier-00 file IdDictParser/IdDictTileCalorimeter.xml +TileTBID INFO initialize_from_dictionary +AtlasDetectorID INFO initialize_from_dictionary - OK +EndcapDMConstru... INFO Start building EC electronics geometry +EndcapDMConstru... INFO Skip building EC electronics. Database flag not set +EndcapDMConstru... INFO Start building EC electronics geometry +EndcapDMConstru... INFO Skip building EC electronics. Database flag not set +GeoModelSvc INFO GeoModelSvc.LArDetectorToolNV SZ= 50456Kb Time = 2.44S +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Entering TileDetectorTool::create() +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO TileDddbManager: m_tag = ATLAS-GEO-10-00-00 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO TileDddbManager: n_tiglob = 5 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO TileDddbManager: n_timod = 320 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO TileDddbManager: n_cuts = 9 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO TileDddbManager: n_saddle = 1 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO TileDddbManager: n_tilb = 19 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO TileDddbManager: n_tileSwitches = 1 +ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 105 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL +CaloIDHelper_ID... INFO in createObj: creating a TileID helper object in the detector store +AtlasDetectorID INFO initialize_from_dictionary - OK +TileNeighbour INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/devval/AtlasConditions/rel_4/InstallArea/share/TileNeighbour_reduced.txt +CaloIDHelper_ID... INFO in createObj: creating a CaloCell_ID helper object in the detector store +CaloIDHelper_ID... INFO in createObj: creating a LArEM_ID helper object in the detector store +AtlasDetectorID INFO initialize_from_dictionary - OK +CaloIDHelper_ID... INFO in createObj: creating a LArHEC_ID helper object in the detector store +AtlasDetectorID INFO initialize_from_dictionary - OK +CaloIDHelper_ID... INFO in createObj: creating a LArFCAL_ID helper object in the detector store +AtlasDetectorID INFO initialize_from_dictionary - OK +LArFCAL_Base_ID INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/devval/AtlasConditions/rel_4/InstallArea/share/FCal2DNeighbors-DC3-05-Comm-01.txt +LArFCAL_Base_ID INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/devval/AtlasConditions/rel_4/InstallArea/share/FCal3DNeighborsNext-DC3-05-Comm-01.txt +LArFCAL_Base_ID INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/devval/AtlasConditions/rel_4/InstallArea/share/FCal3DNeighborsPrev-DC3-05-Comm-01.txt +CaloIDHelper_ID... INFO in createObj: creating a LArMiniFCAL_ID helper object in the detector store +AtlasDetectorID INFO initialize_from_dictionary - OK +LArMiniFCAL_ID INFO initialize_from_dict - LArCalorimeter dictionary does NOT contain miniFCAL description. Unable to initialize LArMiniFCAL_ID. +AtlasDetectorID INFO initialize_from_dictionary - OK +TileHWIDDetDesc... INFO in createObj: creating a TileHWID helper object in the detector store +TileHWID INFO initialize_from_dictionary +AtlasDetectorID INFO initialize_from_dictionary - OK +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO U-shape parameter from database is: 0 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Entering TileAtlasFactory::create() +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Tile Geometry with Saddle supports, starting from TileCal-CSC-02 xxx +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO => New BFingerLengthPos 430.5 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO => New BFingerLengthNeg 420.5 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Positioning barrel with translation 0 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Positioning positive barrel finger with translation 3035.25 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Positioning negative barrel finger with translation -3030.25 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Positioning positive ext.barrel with translation 4854.75 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Positioning positive ext.barrel finger with translation ztrans= 6338.5 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Positioning positive ext.barrel saddle with translation ztrans= 6192.5 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Positive ITC envelope parameters: PLUG1 Rmin= 3438.85 Rmax= 4250 dzITC1= 154.5 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO PLUG2 Rmin= 2988.85 Rmax= 3440 dzITC2= 47.425 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Positioning positive ITC with translation 3405 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Positioning positive Gap with translation 3548.5 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Positioning positive Crack with translation 3536 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Positioning negative ext.barrel with translation ztrans -4854.75 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Positioning negative ext.barrel finger with translation ztrans= -6338.5 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Positioning negative ext.barrel saddle with translation ztrans= -6192.5 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Negative ITC envelope parameters: PLUG1 Rmin= 3438.85 Rmax= 4250 dzITC1= 154.5 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO PLUG2 Rmin= 2988.85 Rmax= 3440 dzITC2= 47.425 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Positioning negative ITC with translation -3405 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Positioning negative Gap with translation -3548.5 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Positioning negative Crack with translation -3536 +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Global positioning of barrel with rotation (0,0,0)) and translation (0,0,0) CLHEP::cm +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Global positioning of positive ext.barrel with rotation (0,0,0)) and translation (0,0,0) CLHEP::cm +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO Global positioning of negative ext.barrel with rotation (0,0,0)) and translation (0,0,1) CLHEP::cm +GeoModelSvc.Til... INFO TileDetDescrManager: entering create_elements() +GeoModelSvc INFO GeoModelSvc.TileDetectorTool SZ= 14932Kb Time = 0.79S +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info User session with sessionID=S#3(C#6.s#1) will be ended on connectionID=C#6 +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Connection to service "ATLF/()" with connectionID=C#6 will be disconnected +ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 6 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL +ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 60 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL +TileInfoLoader INFO Initializing....TileInfoLoader +TileInfoLoader INFO TileInfoLoader in geoInit() ... +TileInfoLoader INFO New ATLAS geometry detected: ATLAS-GEO-10-00-00 (100000) +TileInfoLoader INFO Changing TTL1 calib from 4.1 to 6.9 +TileInfoLoader INFO Changing TTL1 noise sigma from 2.5 to 2.8 +TileInfoLoader INFO ATLAS geometry 100000 < 180000 - use old default sampling fraction +TileInfoLoader INFO If you want to override old default, put negative value in jobOptions +TileInfoLoader INFO ATLAS geometry 100000 < 140000 - disabling special sampling fractions for gap/crack scin +TileInfoLoader INFO Sampling fraction for normal cells 1/34.3 +TileInfoLoader INFO Sampling fraction for special C10 cells 1/34.3 +TileInfoLoader INFO Sampling fraction for E1 cells 1/75 +TileInfoLoader INFO Sampling fraction for E2 cells 1/75 +TileInfoLoader INFO Sampling fraction for E3 cells 1/75 +TileInfoLoader INFO Sampling fraction for E4 cells 1/75 +TileInfoLoader INFO Sampling fraction for E4' cells 1/75 +TileInfoLoader INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/InstallArea/share/pulsehi_physics.dat +TileInfoLoader INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/InstallArea/share/pulselo_physics.dat +TileInfoLoader INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/InstallArea/share/pulse_adder_tower_physics.dat +TileInfoLoader INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/InstallArea/share/pulse_adder_muonRcv_physics.dat +TileInfoLoader INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/InstallArea/share/pulse_adder_muon_physics.dat +CaloIDHelper_ID... INFO in createObj: creating a CaloLVL1_ID helper object in the detector store +CaloLVL1_ID INFO initialize_from_dictionary +AtlasDetectorID INFO initialize_from_dictionary - OK +TileCablingSvc INFO RUN1 ATLAS geometry detected: ATLAS-GEO-10-00-00 +TileCablingSvc INFO Setting Cabling type to 2 +ToolSvc.TileCon... INFO Creating TileCondProxyFile(ToolSvc.TileCondToolEmscale.TileCondProxyFile_OflCisLin) for ASCII file name: "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/InstallArea/share/TileDefault.cisFitLin" +ToolSvc.TileCon... INFO Creating TileCondProxyFile(ToolSvc.TileCondToolEmscale.TileCondProxyFile_OflCisNln) for ASCII file name: "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/InstallArea/share/TileDefault.cisFitNln" +ToolSvc.TileCon... INFO Creating TileCondProxyFile(ToolSvc.TileCondToolEmscale.TileCondProxyFile_OflLasLin) for ASCII file name: "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/InstallArea/share/TileDefault.lasLin" +ToolSvc.TileCon... INFO Creating TileCondProxyFile(ToolSvc.TileCondToolEmscale.TileCondProxyFile_OflLasNln) for ASCII file name: "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/InstallArea/share/TileDefault.lasNln" +ToolSvc.TileCon... INFO Creating TileCondProxyFile(ToolSvc.TileCondToolEmscale.TileCondProxyFile_OflCes) for ASCII file name: "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/InstallArea/share/TileDefault.ces" +ToolSvc.TileCon... INFO Creating TileCondProxyFile(ToolSvc.TileCondToolEmscale.TileCondProxyFile_OflEms) for ASCII file name: "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/InstallArea/share/TileDefault.ems" +ToolSvc.TileCon... INFO Creating TileCondProxyFile(ToolSvc.TileCondToolEmscale.TileCondProxyFile_OflLasFib) for ASCII file name: "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/InstallArea/share/TileDefault.lasFib" +ToolSvc.TileCon... INFO ProxyOflLasFib is set up and can be used +ToolSvc.TileCon... INFO Loading of online calibration folders not requested, since OnlCacheUnit=Invalid +ToolSvc.TileCon... INFO Creating TileCondProxyFile(ToolSvc.TileCondToolNoiseSample.TileCondProxyFile_NoiseSample) for ASCII file name: "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/InstallArea/share/TileDefault.ped" +ToolSvc.TileCon... INFO Creating TileCondProxyFile(ToolSvc.TileCondToolTiming.TileCondProxyFile_AdcOffset) for ASCII file name: "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/InstallArea/share/TileDefault.tcphy" +ToolSvc.TileCon... INFO TileCondToolTiming::recache() has been triggered by: 'ASCII files' +TileInfoLoader INFO Placed TileInfo object in the detector store. +CaloMgrDetDescrCnv INFO in createObj: creating a Calo Detector Manager object in the detector store +CaloIdMgrDetDes... INFO in createObj: creating a CaloDescrManager object in the detector store +ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 60 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL +CaloIDHelper_ID... INFO in createObj: creating a CaloDM_ID helper object in the detector store +CaloDM_ID INFO initialize_from_dictionary +AtlasDetectorID INFO initialize_from_dictionary - OK +CaloIDHelper_ID... INFO in createObj: creating a TTOnlineID helper object in the detector store +TTOnlineID INFO initialize_from_dictionary +AtlasDetectorID INFO initialize_from_dictionary - OK +CaloIDHelper_ID... INFO in createObj: creating a CaloCell_SuperCell_ID helper object in the detector store +CaloIDHelper_ID... INFO in createObj: creating a LArEM_SuperCell_ID helper object in the detector store +AtlasDetectorID INFO initialize_from_dictionary - OK +CaloIDHelper_ID... INFO in createObj: creating a LArHEC_SuperCell_ID helper object in the detector store +AtlasDetectorID INFO initialize_from_dictionary - OK +CaloIDHelper_ID... INFO in createObj: creating a LArFCAL_SuperCell_ID helper object in the detector store +AtlasDetectorID INFO initialize_from_dictionary - OK +LArFCAL_Base_ID INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/devval/AtlasConditions/rel_4/InstallArea/share/FCalSuperCells2DNeighborsNew-April2014.txt +LArFCAL_Base_ID INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/devval/AtlasConditions/rel_4/InstallArea/share/FCalSuperCells3DNeighborsNextNew-April2014.txt +LArFCAL_Base_ID INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/devval/AtlasConditions/rel_4/InstallArea/share/FCalSuperCells3DNeighborsPrevNew-April2014.txt +CaloIDHelper_ID... INFO in createObj: creating a Tile_SuperCell_ID helper object in the detector store +AtlasDetectorID INFO initialize_from_dictionary - OK +TileNeighbour INFO Reading file /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/devval/AtlasConditions/rel_4/InstallArea/share/TileSuperCellNeighbour.txt +AtlasDetectorID INFO initialize_from_dictionary - OK +CaloIdMgrDetDes... INFO Finished +CaloIdMgrDetDes... INFO Initializing CaloIdMgr from values in CaloIdMgrDetDescrCnv +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Re-ordering 3 replicas using installed algorithm +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Sorting algorithm selected 4 replicas +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Warning Failed to connect to service geomDB/geomDB_sqlite (coral::Exception): 'CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Connection::connect" from "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/run/TileTPCnv_20.1.7.2-x86_64-slc6-gcc49-dbg/geomDB is not writable" )' - do NOT retry +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Connection to service "geomDB/geomDB_sqlite" with connectionID=C#7 will be disconnected +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Warning Failure while attempting to connect to "sqlite_file:geomDB/geomDB_sqlite": CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Connection::connect" from "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/run/TileTPCnv_20.1.7.2-x86_64-slc6-gcc49-dbg/geomDB is not writable" ) +CORAL/RelationalPlugins/frontier Info The current compresion level is 5 +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info New connection to service "ATLF/()" with connectionID=C#8 has been connected +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info New user session with sessionID=S#4(C#8.s#1) started on connectionID=C#8 to service "ATLF/()" for user "" in read-only mode +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info User session with sessionID=S#4(C#8.s#1) will be ended on connectionID=C#8 +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Connection to service "ATLF/()" with connectionID=C#8 will be disconnected +ToolSvc.TileBad... INFO Creating TileCondProxyFile(ToolSvc.TileBadChanTool.TileCondProxyFile_OnlBch) for ASCII file name: "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/InstallArea/share/TileDefault.onlBch" +ToolSvc.TileBad... INFO Creating TileCondProxyFile(ToolSvc.TileBadChanTool.TileCondProxyFile_OflBch) for ASCII file name: "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/InstallArea/share/TileDefault.oflBch" +ToolSvc.TileBad... INFO ProxyOnlBch and ProxyOflBch will be used for bad channel status +ToolSvc.TileBad... INFO TileBadChanTool::recache() has been triggered by: 'ASCII files' +ToolSvc.TileBad... INFO No TileBchStatus::isBad() definition found in DB, using defaults +ToolSvc.TileBad... INFO No TileBchStatus::isNoisy() definition found in DB, using defaults +ToolSvc.TileBad... INFO No TileBchStatus::isNoGainL1() definition found in DB, using defaults +ToolSvc.TileBad... INFO No TileBchStatus::isBadTiming() definition found in DB, using defaults +ToolSvc.TileBad... INFO TileBchStatus::isBad() is defined by: ADC masked (unspecified); ADC dead; Very large HF noise; No data; Wrong DSP configuration; Severe stuck bit; Severe data corruption; Channel masked (unspecified); No PMT connected; No HV; Wrong HV; Online ADC masked (unspecified); +ToolSvc.TileBad... INFO TileBchStatus::isNoisy() is defined by: Large HF noise; Correlated noise; Large LF noise; +ToolSvc.TileBad... INFO TileBchStatus::isNoGainL1() is defined by: ADC dead; No PMT connected; No HV; Channel masked for LV1 (unspecified); LV1 channel no gain; LV1 channel noisy; <no description available>; +ToolSvc.TileBad... INFO TileBchStatus::isBadTiming() is defined by: Bad timing; Online bad timing; +ToolSvc.TileBad... INFO No drawer trips probabilities found in DB +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO Initializing AthenaEventLoopMgr - package version AthenaServices-01-59-49 +AthMasterSeq INFO Member list: AthSequencer/AthAlgSeq, AthSequencer/AthOutSeq, AthSequencer/AthRegSeq +AthAlgSeq INFO Member list: PyAthena::Alg/dumper +PyComponentMgr INFO Initializing PyComponentMgr... +dumper INFO Initializing dumper... +HistogramPersis...WARNING Histograms saving not required. +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO Setup EventSelector service EventSelector +ActiveStoreSvc INFO Initializing ActiveStoreSvc - package version StoreGate-03-06-18 +ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully +InputMetaDataStore INFO Start InputMetaDataStore +MetaDataStore INFO Start MetaDataStore +TagMetaDataStore INFO Start TagMetaDataStore +/afs/cern.ch/atlas/maxidisk/d33/referencefiles/esd/ESD- Info Database being retired... +Domain[ROOT_All] Info -> Deaccess DbDatabase READ [ROOT_All] B844C45F-3B55-3444-8A2D-5093FBECF354 +Domain[ROOT_All] Info > Deaccess DbDomain READ [ROOT_All] +RootCollection Info Opening Collection File /afs/cern.ch/atlas/maxidisk/d33/referencefiles/esd/ESD- in mode: READ +RootCollection Info File /afs/cern.ch/atlas/maxidisk/d33/referencefiles/esd/ESD- opened +DbSession Info Open DbSession +Domain[ROOT_All] Info > Access DbDomain READ [ROOT_All] +Domain[ROOT_All] Info -> Access DbDatabase READ [ROOT_All] B844C45F-3B55-3444-8A2D-5093FBECF354 +Domain[ROOT_All] Info /afs/cern.ch/atlas/maxidisk/d33/referencefiles/esd/ESD- +RootDatabase.open Success /afs/cern.ch/atlas/maxidisk/d33/referencefiles/esd/ESD- File version:53425 +ImplicitCollection Info Opened the implicit collection with connection string "PFN:/afs/cern.ch/atlas/maxidisk/d33/referencefiles/esd/ESD-" +ImplicitCollection Info and a name "POOLContainer(DataHeader)" +ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 689 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL +StoreGateSvc INFO Start StoreGateSvc +DetectorStore INFO Start DetectorStore +ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Started successfully +PoolSvc INFO Failed to find container MetaDataHdrDataHeader to get Token. +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start of run 189751 <<<=== +EventPersistenc... INFO Added successfully Conversion service:TagInfoMgr +IOVDbSvc INFO Global tag: OFLCOND-SDR-BS7T-05-24 set from input file +IOVDbSvc INFO Opening COOL connection for COOLOFL_LAR/OFLP200 +RalSessionMgr Info Instantiate a R/O RalSessionMgr for 'COOLOFL_LAR/OFLP200' +RalSessionMgr Info Connect to the database server +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Re-ordering 3 replicas using installed algorithm +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Sorting algorithm selected 4 replicas +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Warning Failed to connect to service sqlite200/ALLP200.db (coral::Exception): 'CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Connection::connect" from "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/run/TileTPCnv_20.1.7.2-x86_64-slc6-gcc49-dbg/sqlite200 is not writable" )' - do NOT retry +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Connection to service "sqlite200/ALLP200.db" with connectionID=C#9 will be disconnected +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Warning Failure while attempting to connect to "sqlite_file:sqlite200/ALLP200.db": CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Connection::connect" from "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/ssnyder/atlas-work3d/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/run/TileTPCnv_20.1.7.2-x86_64-slc6-gcc49-dbg/sqlite200 is not writable" ) +CORAL/RelationalPlugins/frontier Info The current compresion level is 5 +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info New connection to service "ATLF/()" with connectionID=C#10 has been connected +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info New user session with sessionID=S#5(C#10.s#1) started on connectionID=C#10 to service "ATLF/()" for user "" in read-only mode +RalSessionMgr Info Start a read-only transaction active for the duration of the database connection +RelationalDatabase Info Instantiate a R/O RalDatabase for 'COOLOFL_LAR/OFLP200' +RelationalDatabase Info Release number backward compatibility - NO SCHEMA EVOLUTION REQUIRED: database with OLDER release number 2.7.0 will be opened using CURRENT client release number 3.1.0 +IOVDbSvc INFO HVS tag OFLCOND-SDR-BS7T-05-24 resolved to LARAlign-mc11-00 for folder /LAR/Align +IOVDbSvc INFO HVS tag OFLCOND-SDR-BS7T-05-24 resolved to LArCellPositionShift-ideal for folder /LAR/LArCellPositionShift +IOVDbSvc INFO Disconnecting from COOLOFL_LAR/OFLP200 +RalSessionMgr Info Commit the read-only transaction active for the duration of the database connection +RalSessionMgr Info Disconnect from the database server +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info User session with sessionID=S#5(C#10.s#1) will be ended on connectionID=C#10 +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Connection to service "ATLF/()" with connectionID=C#10 will be disconnected +RelationalDatabase Info Delete the RalDatabase for 'COOLOFL_LAR/OFLP200' +RalSessionMgr Info Delete the RalSessionMgr for 'COOLOFL_LAR/OFLP200' +DbSession Info Open DbSession +Domain[ROOT_All] Info > Access DbDomain READ [ROOT_All] +Domain[ROOT_All] Info -> Access DbDatabase READ [ROOT_All] 06C9EAE8-6F5B-E011-BAAA-003048F0E7AC +Domain[ROOT_All] Info /afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/vol0/cond09_mc.000029.gen.COND/cond09_mc.000029.gen.COND._0002.pool.root +RootDatabase.open Success /afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/vol0/cond09_mc.000029.gen.COND/cond09_mc.000029.gen.COND._0002.pool.root File version:52200 +GeoModelSvc WARNING *** *** Geometry configured through jobOptions does not match TagInfo tags! *** *** +GeoModelSvc INFO ** Job Option configuration: +GeoModelSvc INFO * ATLAS tag: ATLAS-GEO-10-00-00 +GeoModelSvc INFO * InDet tag: +GeoModelSvc INFO * Pixel tag: +GeoModelSvc INFO * SCT tag: +GeoModelSvc INFO * TRT tag: +GeoModelSvc INFO * LAr tag: +GeoModelSvc INFO * Tile tag: +GeoModelSvc INFO * Muon tag: +GeoModelSvc INFO * Calo tag: +GeoModelSvc INFO * MagField tag: +GeoModelSvc INFO * CavernInfra tag: +GeoModelSvc INFO * ForwardDetectors tag: +GeoModelSvc INFO ** TAG INFO configuration: +GeoModelSvc INFO * ATLAS tag: ATLAS-GEO-18-01-01 +Domain[ROOT_All] Info -> Access DbDatabase READ [ROOT_All] 8667C6F2-1559-DE11-A611-000423D9A21A +Domain[ROOT_All] Info /afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/vol0/cond08_mc.000003.gen.COND/cond08_mc.000003.gen.COND._0064.pool.root +RootDatabase.open Success /afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/vol0/cond08_mc.000003.gen.COND/cond08_mc.000003.gen.COND._0064.pool.root File version:52200 +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #35002, run #189751 0 events processed so far <<<=== +ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 273 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL +ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 291 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL +ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 21 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #35002, run #189751 1 events processed so far <<<=== +/afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/vol0/cond09_mc.000029.gen.COND/cond09_mc.000029.gen.COND._0002.pool.root Info Database being retired... +Domain[ROOT_All] Info -> Deaccess DbDatabase READ [ROOT_All] 06C9EAE8-6F5B-E011-BAAA-003048F0E7AC +/afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/vol0/cond08_mc.000003.gen.COND/cond08_mc.000003.gen.COND._0064.pool.root Info Database being retired... +Domain[ROOT_All] Info -> Deaccess DbDatabase READ [ROOT_All] 8667C6F2-1559-DE11-A611-000423D9A21A +Domain[ROOT_All] Info > Deaccess DbDomain READ [ROOT_All] +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #35003, run #189751 1 events processed so far <<<=== +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #35003, run #189751 2 events processed so far <<<=== +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #35004, run #189751 2 events processed so far <<<=== +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #35004, run #189751 3 events processed so far <<<=== +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #35005, run #189751 3 events processed so far <<<=== +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #35005, run #189751 4 events processed so far <<<=== +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #35006, run #189751 4 events processed so far <<<=== +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #35006, run #189751 5 events processed so far <<<=== +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #35007, run #189751 5 events processed so far <<<=== +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #35007, run #189751 6 events processed so far <<<=== +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #35008, run #189751 6 events processed so far <<<=== +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #35008, run #189751 7 events processed so far <<<=== +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #35009, run #189751 7 events processed so far <<<=== +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #35009, run #189751 8 events processed so far <<<=== +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #35010, run #189751 8 events processed so far <<<=== +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #35010, run #189751 9 events processed so far <<<=== +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #35011, run #189751 9 events processed so far <<<=== +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #35011, run #189751 10 events processed so far <<<=== +/afs/cern.ch/atlas/maxidisk/d33/referencefiles/esd/ESD- Info Database being retired... +Domain[ROOT_All] Info -> Deaccess DbDatabase READ [ROOT_All] B844C45F-3B55-3444-8A2D-5093FBECF354 +Domain[ROOT_All] Info > Deaccess DbDomain READ [ROOT_All] +AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO No more events in event selection +TileInfoLoader INFO Handling EndRun incident +TileInfoLoader INFO Removed TileInfo object from detector store. +DetectorStore INFO Stop DetectorStore +StoreGateSvc INFO Stop StoreGateSvc +StoreGateSvc INFO stop: setting service priority to 101 so that event stores get finalized and cleared before other stores +TagMetaDataStore INFO Stop TagMetaDataStore +MetaDataStore INFO Stop MetaDataStore +InputMetaDataStore INFO Stop InputMetaDataStore +ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully +dumper INFO Finalizing dumper... +AthAlgSeq INFO Finalizing AthAlgSeq... +AthOutSeq INFO Finalizing AthOutSeq... +AthRegSeq INFO Finalizing AthRegSeq... +AthMasterSeq INFO Finalizing AthMasterSeq... +StoreGateSvc INFO Finalizing StoreGateSvc - package version StoreGate-03-06-18 +PyComponentMgr INFO Finalizing PyComponentMgr... +IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO in finalize +DetectorStore INFO Finalizing DetectorStore - package version StoreGate-03-06-18 +IOVDbSvc INFO Folder /LAR/Align (PoolRef) db-read 1/1 objs/chan/bytes 1/1/170 (( 0.29 ))s +IOVDbSvc INFO Folder /TagInfo (AttrListColl) db-read 0/2 objs/chan/bytes 2/0/0 (( 0.00 ))s +IOVDbSvc INFO Folder /LAR/LArCellPositionShift (PoolRef) db-read 1/1 objs/chan/bytes 1/1/195 (( 0.19 ))s +IOVDbSvc INFO Total payload read from COOL: 365 bytes in (( 0.49 ))s +IOVDbSvc INFO Connection sqlite://;schema=mycool.db;dbname=OFLP200 : nConnect: 0 nFolders: 0 ReadTime: (( 0.00 ))s +IOVDbSvc INFO Connection COOLOFL_LAR/OFLP200 : nConnect: 2 nFolders: 2 ReadTime: (( 0.49 ))s +TagMetaDataStore INFO Finalizing TagMetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-03-06-18 +PoolSvc INFO I/O finalization... +XMLFileCatalog Info Updating the catalog +PoolXMLFileCatalog Info XercesC termination number 0 +MetaDataStore INFO Finalizing MetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-03-06-18 +InputMetaDataStore INFO Finalizing InputMetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-03-06-18 +TileInfoLoader INFO TileInfoLoader::finalize() +AthDictLoaderSvc INFO in finalize... +ToolSvc INFO Removing all tools created by ToolSvc +*****Chrono***** INFO **************************************************************************************************** +*****Chrono***** INFO The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered) +*****Chrono***** INFO **************************************************************************************************** +AthenaSealSvc::... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 +ChronoStatSvc INFO Time User : Tot= 26.2 [s] #= 1 +*****Chrono***** INFO **************************************************************************************************** +ChronoStatSvc.f... INFO Service finalized successfully +ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully +ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully +Py:Athena INFO leaving with code 0: "successful run" +CoralApplication Info Delete the COOL CoralApplication... +CoralApplication Info Delete the COOL database service +RalDatabaseSvc Info Delete the RalDatabaseSvc... +RalDatabaseSvc Info Purge the connection pool +RalDatabaseSvc Info Reset the ICS pointer +RalDatabaseSvc Info Delete the RalDatabaseSvc... DONE +CoralApplication Info Delete the CORAL connection service +CoralApplication Info Delete the COOL CoralApplication... DONE +CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Deleting the ConnectionPool diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/share/TileTPCnv_20.1.7.2_test.py b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/share/TileTPCnv_20.1.7.2_test.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dd29fce58b041a7597074e9810602f815eba93db --- /dev/null +++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/share/TileTPCnv_20.1.7.2_test.py @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +infile = 'esd/ESD-' +keys = [ + #TileDigitsContainer_p1 + 'TileDigitsFlt', + + #TileL2Container_p2 + 'TileL2Cnt', + + #TileMuContainer_p1 + 'TileMuObj', + + #TileTTL1Container_p1 + 'TileTTL1MBTS', + ] + +from AthenaCommon.JobProperties import jobproperties +jobproperties.Global.DetDescrVersion = 'ATLAS-GEO-10-00-00' + +from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags +DetFlags.detdescr.Calo_setOn() +noMuon = True +noID = True + +include ('AthenaPoolUtilities/TPCnvTest.py') + +from TileConditions.TileInfoConfigurator import TileInfoConfigurator +tileInfoConfigurator = TileInfoConfigurator() + diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/src/TileCellContainerCnv.cxx b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/src/TileCellContainerCnv.cxx index debe78f29d6086eb74389640e5505e7a53160160..57ae8d19cdc987509bb7778a08d2ef249da2439c 100755 --- a/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/src/TileCellContainerCnv.cxx +++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/src/TileCellContainerCnv.cxx @@ -74,9 +74,9 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::initialize() // log << MSG::FATAL << "No TileTBID helper" << endreq; // return StatusCode::FAILURE; } else { - for (int side=0; side<nSide; ++side) { - for (int phi=0; phi<nPhi; ++phi) { - for (int eta=0; eta<nEta; ++eta) { + for (int side=0; side<NSIDE; ++side) { + for (int phi=0; phi<NPHI; ++phi) { + for (int eta=0; eta<NETA; ++eta) { m_id[cell_index(side,phi,eta)] = m_tileTBID->channel_id((side>0)?1:-1,phi,eta); } } @@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::initialize() log << MSG::WARNING << "Unable to retrieve MbtsDetDescrManager from DetectorStore" << endreq; memset(m_dde,0,sizeof(m_dde)); } else { - for (int side=0; side<nSide; ++side) { - for (int phi=0; phi<nPhi; ++phi) { - for (int eta=0; eta<nEta; ++eta) { + for (int side=0; side<NSIDE; ++side) { + for (int phi=0; phi<NPHI; ++phi) { + for (int eta=0; eta<NETA; ++eta) { m_dde[cell_index(side,phi,eta)] = m_mbtsMgr->get_element(m_id[cell_index(side,phi,eta)]); } } @@ -113,9 +113,9 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::initialize() void TileCellContainerCnv::initIdToIndex() { - for (int side=0; side<nSide; ++side) { - for (int phi=0; phi<nPhi; ++phi) { - for (int eta=0; eta<nEta; ++eta) { + for (int side=0; side<NSIDE; ++side) { + for (int phi=0; phi<NPHI; ++phi) { + for (int eta=0; eta<NETA; ++eta) { m_id[cell_index(side,phi,eta)] = (Identifier)cell_index(side,phi,eta); } } @@ -135,14 +135,14 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::transToPers(TileCellContainer* cont, TileCellVe if ( m_vecCellAll.find(name) == m_vecCellAll.end()) { m_vecCellAll.insert(std::pair<std::string,TileCellVec>(name,TileCellVec())); } - TileCellVec & m_vecCell = m_vecCellAll[name]; + TileCellVec & vecCell = m_vecCellAll[name]; if (lDebug) log << MSG::DEBUG << "storing TileCells from " << name << " in POOL" << endreq; // Clear vector from previous write - m_vecCell.clear(); + vecCell.clear(); - m_vecCell.push_back(m_version); + vecCell.push_back(m_version); int nMBTSfound=0; std::vector<const TileCell *> allCells; @@ -165,9 +165,9 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::transToPers(TileCellContainer* cont, TileCellVe unsigned int qua = std::max(0, std::min(0xFF, (int)cell->qual1())); unsigned int gai = std::max(0, std::min(0xFF, 0x80 + (int)(cell->gain()))); unsigned int tqg = (tim<<16) | (qua<<8) | gai; - m_vecCell.push_back(id); - m_vecCell.push_back((unsigned int)ene); - m_vecCell.push_back(tqg); + vecCell.push_back(id); + vecCell.push_back((unsigned int)ene); + vecCell.push_back(tqg); if (lVerbose) log << MSG::VERBOSE << "packing cell in three words " << MSG::hex << id << " " << ene << " " << tqg << MSG::dec << endreq; @@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::transToPers(TileCellContainer* cont, TileCellVe case 2: // 1 or 2 words for MBTS cells, 3 words for others, energy scale factor is 1000, time scale factor is 100 // prepare vector with all cells first, expect at least 32 MBTS cells - allCells.resize(nCellMBTS); + allCells.resize(NCELLMBTS); for (TileCellContainer::const_iterator it = cont->begin(); it != cont->end(); ++it) { const TileCell* cell = *it; Identifier id = cell->ID(); @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::transToPers(TileCellContainer* cont, TileCellVe int phi = m_tileTBID->module(id); int eta = m_tileTBID->channel(id); int ind = cell_index(side,phi,eta); - if (eta<nEta && phi<nPhi && ind < nCellMBTS) { + if (eta<NETA && phi<NPHI && ind < NCELLMBTS) { allCells[ind] = cell; ++nMBTSfound; } else { @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::transToPers(TileCellContainer* cont, TileCellVe // save first 32 cells (MBTS) without identifiers, 2 words per cell, put zeros for empty cells // if MBTS energy is in pCb, then LSB corresponds to 1/12 ADC count of high gain - for (int ind=0; ind<nCellMBTS; ++ind) { + for (int ind=0; ind<NCELLMBTS; ++ind) { int energy = 0; int time = 0; int quality= 0; @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::transToPers(TileCellContainer* cont, TileCellVe unsigned int qua = std::max(0, std::min(0xFF, quality)); // 8 bits for quality unsigned int gai = m_gainIndex[-gain]; unsigned int gqe = (gai << 28) | (qua<<20) | ene; // upper most bit is always 1 here - m_vecCell.push_back(gqe); + vecCell.push_back(gqe); if (lVerbose) log << MSG::VERBOSE << "packing cell " << ind << " in one word " @@ -253,8 +253,8 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::transToPers(TileCellContainer* cont, TileCellVe unsigned int qua = std::max(0, std::min(0xFF, quality)); // 8 bits for quality unsigned int gai = std::max(0, std::min(0xFF, 0x80 + gain)); unsigned int tqg = (tim<<16) | (qua<<8) | gai; - m_vecCell.push_back(ene); - m_vecCell.push_back(tqg); + vecCell.push_back(ene); + vecCell.push_back(tqg); if (lVerbose) log << MSG::VERBOSE << "packing cell " << ind << " in two words " @@ -264,11 +264,11 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::transToPers(TileCellContainer* cont, TileCellVe } else { - m_vecCell[0] = 1; // no MBTS found - use version 1 for packing + vecCell[0] = 1; // no MBTS found - use version 1 for packing } // keep all other cells (if any) with identifiers, 3 words per cell - for (unsigned int ind=nCellMBTS; ind<allCells.size(); ++ind) { + for (unsigned int ind=NCELLMBTS; ind<allCells.size(); ++ind) { const TileCell* cell = allCells[ind]; @@ -287,9 +287,9 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::transToPers(TileCellContainer* cont, TileCellVe unsigned int qua = std::max(0, std::min(0xFF, (int)cell->qual1())); unsigned int gai = std::max(0, std::min(0xFF, 0x80 + (int)(cell->gain()))); unsigned int tqg = (tim<<16) | (qua<<8) | gai; - m_vecCell.push_back(id); - m_vecCell.push_back((unsigned int)ene); - m_vecCell.push_back(tqg); + vecCell.push_back(id); + vecCell.push_back((unsigned int)ene); + vecCell.push_back(tqg); if (lVerbose) log << MSG::VERBOSE << "packing cell " << ind << " in three words " @@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::transToPers(TileCellContainer* cont, TileCellVe } if (lDebug) log << MSG::DEBUG << "Storing data vector of size " << m_vecCellAll[name].size() << " with version " << m_vecCellAll[name][0] << endreq; - persObj = &m_vecCell; + persObj = &vecCell; return StatusCode::SUCCESS; } @@ -338,8 +338,8 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::persToTrans(TileCellContainer*& cont, TileCellV int ene = (int)(*it++); unsigned int tqg = *it++; - float ener = ene/1000.; - float time = ((int)(tqg>>16) - 0x8000 ) / 100.; + float ener = ene*1e-3; + float time = ((int)(tqg>>16) - 0x8000 ) * 0.01; uint16_t qual = ((tqg>>8) & 0xFF); uint16_t qbit = TileCell::MASK_CMPC | TileCell::MASK_TIME; int gain = (int)(tqg & 0xFF) - 0x80; @@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::persToTrans(TileCellContainer*& cont, TileCellV if (lVerbose) log << MSG::VERBOSE << "reading cell " << iCell << " "; - if (iCell < nCellMBTS) { // first 32 cells are MBTS cells without identifier + if (iCell < NCELLMBTS) { // first 32 cells are MBTS cells without identifier id = m_id[iCell]; // identifier is taken from array dde = m_dde[iCell]; // mbtsDDE is taken from array @@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::persToTrans(TileCellContainer*& cont, TileCellV log << endreq; time = 0.0; // time was zero and it was not saved - ener = ((ene & 0xFFFFF) - 0x10000) / 1000.; + ener = ((ene & 0xFFFFF) - 0x10000) * 1e-3; qual = ((ene>>20) & 0xFF); gain = m_gain[((ene>>28) & 0x7)]; // gain is taken from array @@ -398,8 +398,8 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::persToTrans(TileCellContainer*& cont, TileCellV if (lVerbose) log << MSG::hex << tqg << MSG::dec << endreq; - ener = (ene - 0x40000000) / 1000.; - time = ((int)(tqg>>16) - 0x8000 ) / 100.; + ener = (ene - 0x40000000) * 1e-3; + time = ((int)(tqg>>16) - 0x8000 ) * 0.01; qual = ((tqg>>8) & 0xFF); gain = (int)(tqg & 0xFF) - 0x80; } @@ -414,8 +414,8 @@ StatusCode TileCellContainerCnv::persToTrans(TileCellContainer*& cont, TileCellV log << MSG::hex << id << MSG::dec << " " << ene << " " << MSG::hex << tqg << MSG::dec << endreq; - ener = ene/1000.; - time = ((int)(tqg>>16) - 0x8000 ) / 100.; + ener = ene*1e-3; + time = ((int)(tqg>>16) - 0x8000 ) * 0.01; qual = ((tqg>>8) & 0xFF); gain = (int)(tqg & 0xFF) - 0x80; } diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/src/TileCellContainerCnv.h b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/src/TileCellContainerCnv.h index a63a4d0881dedab1de216ac5242200e17845f4c9..94c4fae593e26f82dca23badfaed993d188f0315 100755 --- a/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/src/TileCellContainerCnv.h +++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/src/TileCellContainerCnv.h @@ -39,16 +39,16 @@ private: int m_version; - static const int nSide = 2; - static const int nPhi = 8; - static const int nEta = 2; - static const int nCellMBTS = nSide*nPhi*nEta; + static const int NSIDE = 2; + static const int NPHI = 8; + static const int NETA = 2; + static const int NCELLMBTS = NSIDE*NPHI*NETA; - inline int cell_index(int side, int phi, int eta) const { return (side*nPhi+phi)*nEta+eta; } + inline int cell_index(int side, int phi, int eta) const { return (side*NPHI+phi)*NETA+eta; } void initIdToIndex(); - Identifier m_id[nCellMBTS]; - CaloDetDescrElement * m_dde[nCellMBTS]; + Identifier m_id[NCELLMBTS]; + CaloDetDescrElement * m_dde[NCELLMBTS]; int m_gainIndex[17]; int m_gain[8]; diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/test/TileEventAthenaPool.xml b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/test/TileEventAthenaPool.xml new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b847239d64cae749c3c6ac73feb1e99c8b1f548a --- /dev/null +++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool/test/TileEventAthenaPool.xml @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<atn> + <TEST name="TileEventAthenaPoolTests" type="makecheck"> + <package>TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool</package> + <timelimit>20</timelimit> + <author> scott snyder </author> + <mailto> snyder@bnl.gov </mailto> + <expectations> + <errorMessage>Athena exited abnormally</errorMessage> + <errorMessage>differ</errorMessage> + <warningMessage> # WARNING_MESSAGE : post.sh> ERROR</warningMessage> + <successMessage>check ok</successMessage> + <returnValue>0</returnValue> + </expectations> + </TEST> +</atn>