diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/CMakeLists.txt b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..51ce129f102e3cb17a503c5a5165da77036283c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# Package: TileByteStream
+# Declare the package name:
+atlas_subdir( TileByteStream )
+# Declare the package's dependencies:
+atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC
+                          Control/AthenaBaseComps
+                          Control/AthenaKernel
+                          Event/ByteStreamCnvSvcBase
+                          Event/ByteStreamData
+                          GaudiKernel
+                          TileCalorimeter/TileEvent
+                          TileCalorimeter/TileIdentifier
+                          PRIVATE
+                          Calorimeter/CaloDetDescr
+                          Calorimeter/CaloIdentifier
+                          Control/CLIDSvc
+                          Control/SGTools
+                          Control/StoreGate
+                          Event/ByteStreamCnvSvc
+                          TileCalorimeter/TileCalib/TileCalibBlobObjs
+                          TileCalorimeter/TileConditions
+                          TileCalorimeter/TileDetDescr
+                          TileCalorimeter/TileL2Algs
+                          TileCalorimeter/TileRecUtils )
+# External dependencies:
+find_package( tdaq-common )
+# Component(s) in the package:
+atlas_add_library( TileByteStreamLib
+                   src/Tile*.cxx
+                   PUBLIC_HEADERS TileByteStream
+                   LINK_LIBRARIES ${TDAQ-COMMON_LIBRARIES} AthenaBaseComps AthenaKernel ByteStreamData GaudiKernel TileEvent TileIdentifier ByteStreamCnvSvcBaseLib ByteStreamData_test CaloDetDescrLib StoreGateLib SGtests ByteStreamCnvSvcLib TileConditionsLib TileL2AlgsLib TileRecUtilsLib
+                   PRIVATE_LINK_LIBRARIES CaloIdentifier SGTools TileCalibBlobObjs TileDetDescr )
+atlas_add_component( TileByteStream
+                     src/components/*.cxx
+                     LINK_LIBRARIES ${TDAQ-COMMON_LIBRARIES} AthenaBaseComps AthenaKernel ByteStreamCnvSvcBaseLib ByteStreamData ByteStreamData_test GaudiKernel TileEvent TileIdentifier CaloDetDescrLib CaloIdentifier SGTools StoreGateLib SGtests ByteStreamCnvSvcLib TileCalibBlobObjs TileConditionsLib TileDetDescr TileL2AlgsLib TileRecUtilsLib TileByteStreamLib )
+# Install files from the package:
+atlas_install_joboptions( share/*.py )
diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/TileByteStream/TileMuRcvContByteStreamTool.h b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/TileByteStream/TileMuRcvContByteStreamTool.h
index 96ae77313509fbf98fd9baf1362a40a203891703..f4686d3e5dec5e3a45d2eaf35c1b4d1cb55aa8ed 100755
--- a/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/TileByteStream/TileMuRcvContByteStreamTool.h
+++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/TileByteStream/TileMuRcvContByteStreamTool.h
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class TileMuRcvContByteStreamTool: public AthAlgTool {
   TileHid2RESrcID m_hid2re; 
-  bool m_verbose;
+  //bool m_verbose;
   FullEventAssembler<TileHid2RESrcID> m_fea;
diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/TileByteStream/TileROD_Decoder.h b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/TileByteStream/TileROD_Decoder.h
index 8ba0337f93e71a536a342372140bbd28cf520aad..b999abf2d0fc3c4e8200bec623d42db26faa8961 100755
--- a/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/TileByteStream/TileROD_Decoder.h
+++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/TileByteStream/TileROD_Decoder.h
@@ -167,7 +167,14 @@ class TileROD_Decoder: public AthAlgTool {
+    void setUseFrag0 (bool f) { m_useFrag0 = f; }
+    void setUseFrag1 (bool f) { m_useFrag1 = f; }
+    void setUseFrag4 (bool f) { m_useFrag4 = f; }
+    void setUseFrag5Raw (bool f) { m_useFrag5Raw = f; }
+    void setUseFrag5Reco (bool f) { m_useFrag5Reco = f; }
+    friend class TileHid2RESrcID;
     typedef std::vector<TileCell *> pCellVec;
     typedef std::vector<TileDigits *> pDigiVec;
diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/TileByteStream/TileRawChannel2Bytes.h b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/TileByteStream/TileRawChannel2Bytes.h
index 2cbd0395315b9485b6a6500a6f2fa826ec125cfe..90a0d3dd18c06ddb577daeb12d3317f3c6a8badf 100755
--- a/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/TileByteStream/TileRawChannel2Bytes.h
+++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/TileByteStream/TileRawChannel2Bytes.h
@@ -94,21 +94,21 @@ inline int TileRawChannel2Bytes::gain(short s) const {
 inline float TileRawChannel2Bytes::amplitude(short s) const {
   // s >>= AMPLITUDE_SHIFT;
+  float a = (s & AMPLITUDE_RANGE) * (1./AMPLITUDE_FACTOR);
   if (s & AMPLITUDE_SIGN) a = -a;
   return a;
 inline float TileRawChannel2Bytes::time(short s) const {
   // s >>= TIME_SHIFT;
-  float t = (s & TIME_RANGE) / TIME_FACTOR;
+  float t = (s & TIME_RANGE) * (1./TIME_FACTOR);
   if (s & TIME_SIGN) t = -t;
   return t;
 inline float TileRawChannel2Bytes::quality(short s) const {
   // s >>= QUALITY_SHIFT;
-  float q = (s & QUALITY_RANGE) / QUALITY_FACTOR;
+  float q = (s & QUALITY_RANGE) * (1./QUALITY_FACTOR);
   if (s & QUALITY_SIGN) q = -q;
   return q;
diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/TileByteStream/TileRawChannel2Bytes2.h b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/TileByteStream/TileRawChannel2Bytes2.h
index 21c49b0eec98aec743812349e06f89f52fafeeb3..8dfda514d1de5ce0f51aea5147d72fbd77df5a4c 100755
--- a/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/TileByteStream/TileRawChannel2Bytes2.h
+++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/TileByteStream/TileRawChannel2Bytes2.h
@@ -96,18 +96,18 @@ inline int TileRawChannel2Bytes2::gain(unsigned int w) const {
 inline float TileRawChannel2Bytes2::amplitude(unsigned int w) const {
   return a;
 inline float TileRawChannel2Bytes2::time(unsigned int w) const {
-  float t = ((w >> TIME_SHIFT2) & TIME_RANGE2) / TIME_FACTOR2 - TIME_OFFSET2;
+  float t = ((w >> TIME_SHIFT2) & TIME_RANGE2) * (1./TIME_FACTOR2) - TIME_OFFSET2;
   return t;
 inline float TileRawChannel2Bytes2::quality(unsigned int w) const {
   return q;
diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/TileByteStream/TileRawChannel2Bytes4.h b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/TileByteStream/TileRawChannel2Bytes4.h
index 884c81c42a1524bd8010629676218b8036b5a8e3..95596c7b7dfa1daee712004f6998fe1cf1549310 100755
--- a/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/TileByteStream/TileRawChannel2Bytes4.h
+++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/TileByteStream/TileRawChannel2Bytes4.h
@@ -119,12 +119,12 @@ inline float TileRawChannel2Bytes4::amplitude(unsigned int w) const {
 inline float TileRawChannel2Bytes4::time(unsigned int w) const {
-  float t = (((w >> TIME_SHIFT4) & TIME_RANGE4) - TIME_OFFSET4) / TIME_FACTOR4;
+  float t = (((w >> TIME_SHIFT4) & TIME_RANGE4) - TIME_OFFSET4) * (1./TIME_FACTOR4);
   return t;
 inline float TileRawChannel2Bytes4::quality(unsigned int w) const {
   return q;
diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/src/TileCellCont.cxx b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/src/TileCellCont.cxx
index 8f515ab48fa3ee7e6fdffaa2b90f35eb6af89200..e1a61870e1923a4b5f66e9e9d87e7722e411ded7 100755
--- a/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/src/TileCellCont.cxx
+++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/src/TileCellCont.cxx
@@ -25,8 +25,7 @@
 typedef std::pair<int, int> int_pair;
-bool sort_pred(const int_pair& left, const int_pair& right)
+bool sort_pred(const int_pair& left, const int_pair& right) {
   return left.second < right.second;
@@ -34,37 +33,35 @@ TileCellCont::TileCellCont()
   : m_it(0)
   , m_event(0)
   , m_MBTS(0)
-  , m_MBTS_channel(0)
+  , m_MBTS_channel(0) {
-TileCellCont::initialize() {
+StatusCode TileCellCont::initialize() {
 #ifndef NDEBUG
   std::cout << "TileCellCont\t\t DEBUG \t constructor" << std::endl;
-  ISvcLocator* svcLoc = Gaudi::svcLocator( );
+  ISvcLocator* svcLoc = Gaudi::svcLocator();
   StoreGateSvc* detStore = 0;
-  if(svcLoc->service("DetectorStore", detStore).isFailure()){
+  if (svcLoc->service("DetectorStore", detStore).isFailure()) {
     std::cout << "Could not locate DetectorStore" << std::endl;
     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
   // Get the TileID helper from the detector store
   const TileID* tileID;
-  if( detStore->retrieve(tileID, "TileID").isFailure()){
+  if (detStore->retrieve(tileID, "TileID").isFailure()) {
     std::cout << "Could not get TileID helper !" << std::endl;
     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  } 
+  }
   // Get the TileHWID helper from the detector store
   const TileHWID* tileHWID;
-  if( detStore->retrieve(tileHWID, "TileHWID").isFailure()){
+  if (detStore->retrieve(tileHWID, "TileHWID").isFailure()) {
     std::cout << "Could not get TileHWID helper !" << std::endl;
     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  } 
+  }
   // Get pointer to TileDetDescrManager
   const TileDetDescrManager* tileMgr;
@@ -80,15 +77,15 @@ TileCellCont::initialize() {
     mbtsMgr = 0;
-  ToolHandle<ITileBadChanTool> m_masker("TileBadChanTool");
-  if(m_masker.retrieve().isFailure()){
-      std::cout << "TileCellCont:initialize ERROR: Can not retrieve TileBadChanTool" << std::endl;
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  ToolHandle<ITileBadChanTool> badChanTool("TileBadChanTool");
+  if (badChanTool.retrieve().isFailure()) {
+    std::cout << "TileCellCont:initialize ERROR: Can not retrieve TileBadChanTool" << std::endl;
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  if ( (m_masker->initialize()).isFailure() ) {
-         std::cout << "TileCellCont:initialize ERROR: Can not initialize TileBadChanTool" << std::endl;
-         return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  if ((badChanTool->initialize()).isFailure()) {
+    std::cout << "TileCellCont:initialize ERROR: Can not initialize TileBadChanTool" << std::endl;
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
   // Get pointer to TileCablingService
@@ -97,99 +94,97 @@ TileCellCont::initialize() {
-  int mbts_count=0;
-  int ID_of_Col=0;
-  TileHid2RESrcID src( tileHWID );
-  m_MBTS = new TileCellCollection(ID_of_Col,SG::OWN_ELEMENTS);
-  for(int section=1; section<=4; ++section){
-    for(int drawer=0; drawer<64; ++drawer){
-      int frag=tileHWID->frag(section,drawer);
-      m_mapMBTS[frag]=0xFFFF;
+  int mbts_count = 0;
+  int ID_of_Col = 0;
+  TileHid2RESrcID src(tileHWID);
+  m_MBTS = new TileCellCollection(ID_of_Col, SG::OWN_ELEMENTS);
+  for (int section = 1; section <= 4; ++section) {
+    for (int drawer = 0; drawer < 64; ++drawer) {
+      int frag = tileHWID->frag(section, drawer);
+      m_mapMBTS[frag] = 0xFFFF;
       // One event number per collection
       // Tries to find the TileRawChannel -> TileCell correpondence
-      int index,pmt,cell_hash;
-      std::vector<int> Rw2Pmt;   Rw2Pmt.resize(48,-1);
-      std::vector<int> Rw2Cell; Rw2Cell.resize(48,-1);
+      int index, pmt, cell_hash;
+      std::vector<int> Rw2Pmt;
+      Rw2Pmt.resize(48, -1);
+      std::vector<int> Rw2Cell;
+      Rw2Cell.resize(48, -1);
       std::vector<int_pair> tmp;
-      bool one_good=false;
-      for(int channel=0; channel<48; ++channel){
-        HWIdentifier channelID = tileHWID->channel_id(section,drawer,channel);
-        Identifier cell_id = cabling->h2s_cell_id_index(channelID,index,pmt);
-        if (index==-2) { // MBTS cell, only one per drawer
+      bool one_good = false;
+      for (int channel = 0; channel < 48; ++channel) {
+        HWIdentifier channelID = tileHWID->channel_id(section, drawer, channel);
+        Identifier cell_id = cabling->h2s_cell_id_index(channelID, index, pmt);
+        if (index == -2) { // MBTS cell, only one per drawer
-          m_mbts_IDs.push_back(((section-1)*64+drawer));
+          m_mbts_IDs.push_back(((section - 1) * 64 + drawer));
           CaloDetDescrElement * caloDDE = (mbtsMgr) ? mbtsMgr->get_element(cell_id) : NULL;
-          TileCell* myMBTSCell = new TileCell(caloDDE,cell_id,0.0,0.0,0,0,CaloGain::TILEONELOW);
+          TileCell* myMBTSCell = new TileCell(caloDDE, cell_id, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, CaloGain::TILEONELOW);
-          m_mapMBTS[frag]=mbts_count;
+          m_mapMBTS[frag] = mbts_count;
-          m_MBTS_channel=channel;
+          m_MBTS_channel = channel;
         } else if (index >= 0) { // normal cell
-          one_good = one_good || (!m_masker->getChannelStatus(channelID).isBad());
-          Rw2Pmt[channel]=pmt;
+          one_good = one_good || (!badChanTool->getChannelStatus(channelID).isBad());
+          Rw2Pmt[channel] = pmt;
           if (channel > 0 || section != 2) { // ignoring D0 (first channel) in negative barrel 
             cell_hash = tileID->cell_hash(cell_id);
-            tmp.push_back(int_pair(channel,cell_hash));
+            tmp.push_back(int_pair(channel, cell_hash));
       } // End of for over TileRawChannel
       // create new cell collection which will own all elements
-      TileCellCollection* newColl = new TileCellCollection(frag,SG::OWN_ELEMENTS);
+      TileCellCollection* newColl = new TileCellCollection(frag, SG::OWN_ELEMENTS);
-      if ( !one_good ) m_masked.push_back(frag);
+      if (!one_good) m_masked.push_back(frag);
       // sort index according to cell hash and put it in Rw2Cell vector
       // create TileCells in appropriate order and put them in newColl
       if (tmp.size() > 0) {
         std::sort(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), sort_pred); // sort according to cell hash index
-        index=-1; cell_hash=-1;
-        for(unsigned int i=0; i<tmp.size(); ++i) {
+        index = -1;
+        cell_hash = -1;
+        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tmp.size(); ++i) {
           if (cell_hash != tmp[i].second) {
             cell_hash = tmp[i].second;
-            CaloDetDescrElement * caloDDE = tileMgr->get_cell_element((IdentifierHash)cell_hash);
-            TileCell * pCell = new TileCell(caloDDE,0.0,0.0,0,0,CaloGain::TILELOWLOW);
+            CaloDetDescrElement * caloDDE = tileMgr->get_cell_element((IdentifierHash) cell_hash);
+            TileCell * pCell = new TileCell(caloDDE, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, CaloGain::TILELOWLOW);
-          Rw2Cell[tmp[i].first]=index;
+          Rw2Cell[tmp[i].first] = index;
-      if (drawer == 0 || section==3 || section==4 ){
+      if (drawer == 0 || section == 3 || section == 4) {
 #ifndef NDEBUG
-	int idxraw = 0;
-	for(std::vector<int>::iterator i=Rw2Cell.begin(); i!=Rw2Cell.end(); ++i){
-          if ( (*i) != -1 )
-            std::cout << "Channel : " << idxraw++ << 
-              " connected to cell " << (*i) << std::endl;
-	}
+        int idxraw = 0;
+        for (std::vector<int>::iterator i = Rw2Cell.begin(); i != Rw2Cell.end(); ++i) {
+          if ((*i) != -1) std::cout << "Channel : " << idxraw++ << " connected to cell " << (*i) << std::endl;
+        }
-	// One needs to keep track of Rw2Cell
-          for(std::vector<int>::iterator i=Rw2Cell.begin();i!=Rw2Cell.end();++i)
-            m_Rw2Cell[section-1].push_back(*i);
-          for(std::vector<int>::iterator i=Rw2Pmt.begin();i!=Rw2Pmt.end();++i)
-            m_Rw2Pmt[section-1].push_back(*i);
+        // One needs to keep track of Rw2Cell
+        for (std::vector<int>::iterator i = Rw2Cell.begin(); i != Rw2Cell.end(); ++i)
+          m_Rw2Cell[section - 1].push_back(*i);
+        for (std::vector<int>::iterator i = Rw2Pmt.begin(); i != Rw2Pmt.end(); ++i)
+          m_Rw2Pmt[section - 1].push_back(*i);
       } // End of if first drawer of Barrel or Ext
     } // end of drawer for
   } // end of section for
 #ifndef NDEBUG
   std::cout << "Number of RODs is : " << m_mbts_rods.size() << std::endl;
-  for(unsigned int k=0;k<m_mbts_rods.size();k++)
-       std::cout << " MBTS RODs : " << m_mbts_rods[k] << std::endl;
+  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < m_mbts_rods.size(); k++)
+    std::cout << " MBTS RODs : " << m_mbts_rods[k] << std::endl;
 #ifndef NDEBUG
-  for(int i=0; i<m_hash.max(); ++i){
-    std::cout << "TileCellCont\t\t DEBUG \t" 
-              << i << " " << std::hex << m_hash.identifier(i) << std::dec 
-              << std::endl;
-              // A collection per ROD/ROB/HashId
+  for (int i = 0; i < m_hash.max(); ++i) {
+    std::cout << "TileCellCont\t\t DEBUG \t" << i << " " << std::hex << m_hash.identifier(i) << std::dec << std::endl;
+    // A collection per ROD/ROB/HashId
   } // end of for id
   m_it = new std::vector<TileCellCollection*>::const_iterator();
@@ -199,39 +194,39 @@ TileCellCont::initialize() {
 // This WILL NOT trigger BSCNV. This assumes BSCNV was done before
 const std::vector<TileCellCollection*>::const_iterator&
-TileCellCont::find(const unsigned int& rodid) const{
-  *m_it = (std::vector<TileCellCollection*>::const_iterator)((*this).begin()+rodid);
+TileCellCont::find(const unsigned int& rodid) const {
+  *m_it = (std::vector<TileCellCollection*>::const_iterator) ((*this).begin() + rodid);
   return *m_it;
-	// delete the pointer to collection
-	delete m_it;
-	// Delete m_RwCells
-	for(int i=0;i<4;i++) m_Rw2Cell[i].clear();
-	for(int i=0;i<4;i++) m_Rw2Pmt[i].clear();
-	// Delete Collections and cells
-	for(unsigned int i=0; i<this->size(); i++){
-		// Delete collections. Own cells -> also destroyed
-		delete ((TileCellCollection*)((*this)[i]));
-	}
-	// Destroy also MBTS collection
-        delete m_MBTS;
-        m_mapMBTS.clear();
-        m_mbts_rods.clear();
-        m_mbts_IDs.clear();
-        m_masked.clear();
-	this->clear();
-  	return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode TileCellCont::finalize() {
+  // delete the pointer to collection
+  delete m_it;
+  // Delete m_RwCells
+  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+    m_Rw2Cell[i].clear();
+  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+    m_Rw2Pmt[i].clear();
+  // Delete Collections and cells
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->size(); i++) {
+    // Delete collections. Own cells -> also destroyed
+    delete ((TileCellCollection*) ((*this)[i]));
+  }
+  // Destroy also MBTS collection
+  delete m_MBTS;
+  m_mapMBTS.clear();
+  m_mbts_rods.clear();
+  m_mbts_IDs.clear();
+  m_masked.clear();
+  this->clear();
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-unsigned int
-TileCellCont::find_rod(const unsigned int& rodid) const{
+unsigned int TileCellCont::find_rod(const unsigned int& rodid) const {
   unsigned int rodidx = m_hash.identifier(rodid);
   return rodidx;
diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/src/TileHid2RESrcID.cxx b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/src/TileHid2RESrcID.cxx
index 96dc05f3228a84953fe403626b8e30b563aa2df3..65d12c8735bc8bffdc4593c04baa925ea67524b1 100755
--- a/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/src/TileHid2RESrcID.cxx
+++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/src/TileHid2RESrcID.cxx
@@ -5,14 +5,9 @@
 #include <iostream>
 #include <cassert>
-#define protected public
-#define private public
 #include "TileByteStream/TileROD_Decoder.h" 
 #include "TileRecUtils/TileRawChannelBuilder.h"
 #include "TileRecUtils/TileCellBuilder.h"
-#undef protected
-#undef private
 #include "TileByteStream/TileHid2RESrcID.h" 
 #include "TileIdentifier/TileHWID.h"
 #include "TileIdentifier/TileTBFrag.h"
@@ -305,9 +300,9 @@ void TileHid2RESrcID::setROD2ROBmap (const eformat::FullEventFragment<const uint
     int unit = flags5 >> 14;
     if (nDataFrag[0]+nDataFrag[1]==0) {
-      rodDecoder->m_useFrag0 = false;
-      rodDecoder->m_useFrag1 = false;
-      rodDecoder->m_useFrag5Raw = true;
+      rodDecoder->setUseFrag0 (false);
+      rodDecoder->setUseFrag1 (false);
+      rodDecoder->setUseFrag5Raw (true);
       log << MSG::INFO << "Setting TileROD_Decoder->useFrag5Raw to true, unit is " << unit << endreq;
       std::vector<int>::const_iterator itr=fragIDs.begin();
       std::vector<int>::const_iterator end=fragIDs.end();
@@ -319,8 +314,8 @@ void TileHid2RESrcID::setROD2ROBmap (const eformat::FullEventFragment<const uint
     if (nDataFrag[2]+nDataFrag[3]+nDataFrag[4]==0) {
-      rodDecoder->m_useFrag4 = false;
-      rodDecoder->m_useFrag5Reco = true;
+      rodDecoder->setUseFrag4 (false);
+      rodDecoder->setUseFrag5Reco (true);
       log << MSG::INFO << "Setting TileROD_Decoder->useFrag5Reco to true, unit is " << unit << endreq;
     if (toolSvc->releaseTool(rodDecoder).isFailure()) 
@@ -359,10 +354,15 @@ void TileHid2RESrcID::setROD2ROBmap (const eformat::FullEventFragment<const uint
+    const Property& rawChannelCnt_prop = cellBuilder->getProperty ("TileRawChannelContainer");
+    const Property& dspRawChannelContainer_prop = cellBuilder->getProperty ("TileDSPRawChannelContainer");
+    const PropertyWithValue<bool>& mergeChannels_prop =
+      dynamic_cast<const PropertyWithValue<bool>&> (cellBuilder->getProperty ("mergeChannels"));
     // Get any RawChannel Builder
     if (debug)
       log << MSG::DEBUG << " looking for TileRawChannelBuilder tool which provides container with name " 
-          << cellBuilder->m_rawChannelContainer << endreq;
+          << rawChannelCnt_prop.toString() << endreq;
     TileRawChannelBuilder* channelBuilder=0;
     std::string toolType[6] = { "TileRawChannelBuilderOpt2Filter", "TileRawChannelBuilderOptFilter",
                                 "TileRawChannelBuilderFitFilter", "TileRawChannelBuilderFitFilterCool", 
@@ -379,8 +379,8 @@ void TileHid2RESrcID::setROD2ROBmap (const eformat::FullEventFragment<const uint
             log << MSG::DEBUG << " full name " << toolName[j] << " - using " << name << endreq;
           if (toolSvc->retrieveTool(name,channelBuilder).isSuccess()) {
             if (debug)
-              log << MSG::DEBUG << " it provides " << channelBuilder->m_TileRawChannelContainerID << endreq;
-            if (cellBuilder->m_rawChannelContainer == channelBuilder->m_TileRawChannelContainerID) {
+              log << MSG::DEBUG << " it provides " << channelBuilder->getTileRawChannelContainerID() << endreq;
+            if (rawChannelCnt_prop.toString() == channelBuilder->getTileRawChannelContainerID()) {
             } else {
               if (toolSvc->releaseTool(channelBuilder).isFailure()) 
@@ -394,14 +394,17 @@ void TileHid2RESrcID::setROD2ROBmap (const eformat::FullEventFragment<const uint
     if (do_merge) { // frag1 in the data - should merge offline and dsp reco
-      if (cellBuilder->m_rawChannelContainer != cellBuilder->m_dspRawChannelContainer &&
-          !cellBuilder->m_mergeChannels) {
+      if (rawChannelCnt_prop.toString() != dspRawChannelContainer_prop.toString() &&
+          !mergeChannels_prop.value()) {
         if (nDataFrag[1] > 0) 
           log << MSG::INFO << "TileHid2RESrcID: only frag1 digi found, changing properties for TileCellBuilder";
           log << MSG::INFO << "TileHid2RESrcID: no TileCal digits found, but still changing properties for TileCellBuilder";
         log << " mergeChannels=True" << endreq;
-        cellBuilder->m_mergeChannels=true;
+        sc=cellBuilder->setProperty ("mergeChannels", true);
+        if (sc.isFailure()) {
+          log << MSG::ERROR << "Failed to set mergeChannels property in TileCellBuilder" << endreq;
+        }
         if (channelBuilder && cellBuilder->m_noiseFilterTools.size() != channelBuilder->m_noiseFilterTools.size()) {
           log << MSG::INFO << " and number of NoiseFilterTools from " 
               << cellBuilder->m_noiseFilterTools.size() << " to " << channelBuilder->m_noiseFilterTools.size() 
@@ -419,11 +422,14 @@ void TileHid2RESrcID::setROD2ROBmap (const eformat::FullEventFragment<const uint
     } else { // neither frag0 nor frag1 in the data 
       // make sure that we read raw channels from BS, because offline reco will not work without digits anyhow
-      if (cellBuilder->m_rawChannelContainer != cellBuilder->m_dspRawChannelContainer) {
+      if (rawChannelCnt_prop.toString() != dspRawChannelContainer_prop.toString()) {
         log << MSG::INFO << "TileHid2RESrcID: no digi frags found, changing properties for TileCellBuilder";
-        log << " TileRawChannelContainer='" << cellBuilder->m_dspRawChannelContainer 
-            << "' instead of '" << cellBuilder->m_rawChannelContainer << "'";
-        cellBuilder->m_rawChannelContainer = cellBuilder->m_dspRawChannelContainer;
+        log << " TileRawChannelContainer='" << dspRawChannelContainer_prop.toString() 
+            << "' instead of '" << rawChannelCnt_prop.toString() << "'";
+        sc=cellBuilder->setProperty ("TileRawChannelContainer",dspRawChannelContainer_prop.toString());
+        if (sc.isFailure()) {
+          log << MSG::ERROR << "Failed to set TileRawChannelContainer property in TileCellBuilder" << endreq;
+        }
         flags = (flags>>8) & 0x3; // this is number of iterations
         if (flags == 0) { // no iterations - assume best phase was used, just need amplitude correction
           log << " and correctAmplitude=True";
diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/src/TileMuRcvContByteStreamTool.cxx b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/src/TileMuRcvContByteStreamTool.cxx
index 781987aefa92b0381bafc59049f7f97b8bd1f5f2..272994dbac8c94952965a3c2948b0e53155e4ba3 100755
--- a/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/src/TileMuRcvContByteStreamTool.cxx
+++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/src/TileMuRcvContByteStreamTool.cxx
@@ -44,8 +44,9 @@ const InterfaceID& TileMuRcvContByteStreamTool::interfaceID() {
 TileMuRcvContByteStreamTool::TileMuRcvContByteStreamTool(const std::string& type, const std::string& name,
     const IInterface* parent)
-    : AthAlgTool(type, name, parent), 
-      m_verbose(false) 
+  : AthAlgTool(type, name, parent)
+  , m_tileHWID(0)
+    //, m_verbose(false)
@@ -96,8 +97,8 @@ StatusCode TileMuRcvContByteStreamTool::convert(TileMuonReceiverContainer* cont,
       frag_id = (*it_cont)->identify();
       reid = m_hid2re.getRodTileMuRcvID(frag_id);
-      const TileMuonReceiverObj* m_tileMuRcv = *it_cont;	
-      mapEncoder[reid].addTileMuRcvObj(m_tileMuRcv);
+      const TileMuonReceiverObj* tileMuRcv = *it_cont;	
+      mapEncoder[reid].addTileMuRcvObj(tileMuRcv);
   ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " Number of TileMuonReceiverObj objects counted " << n << " out of the possible " << cont->size()-1 ); 
diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/src/TileOFC.cxx b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/src/TileOFC.cxx
index 5dd232af93d6061996e1d715778c11cd8bac33ce..219e60c20d6ffd237e88fbeceafa44660d5d0da4 100644
--- a/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/src/TileOFC.cxx
+++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/src/TileOFC.cxx
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ void Double2Int_calib( double calib, unsigned int &scale, unsigned int &offset,
   // Get Scale
   scale = 0;
   double max = fabs(calib);
-  if (max!=0) scale = (unsigned int) truncf(log((pow(2.,NumberBits)-1.)/max)/log(2.));
+  if (max!=0) scale = (unsigned int) truncf(log((pow(2.,NumberBits)-1.)/max)*(1./log(2.)));
   // Convert to integer 
   offset = (unsigned int) roundf(calib*pow(2.,(int)scale));
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ void Double2Int_ofc( int w_off_size, vector<double> w_off, vector<int> &w_dsp, i
   // Get Scale at Maximum
   scale = 0;
-  if (max!=0) scale = (int) truncf(log((pow(2.,NumberBits)-1.)/max)/log(2.));
+  if (max!=0) scale = (int) truncf(log((pow(2.,NumberBits)-1.)/max)*(1./log(2.)));
   // Convert to Integer the weights and the sum
   for (int i=0; i<w_off_size; i++)  w_dsp.push_back( (int) roundf(w_off[i]*pow(2.,scale)) );
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ bool ConvertOFC( vector<vector<vector<vector<double> > > > w_off, vector<vector<
   float dsp_step = 1. ;
   float dsp_min_phase = -100.;
   float dsp_max_phase = -dsp_min_phase;
-  int   dsp_phases    = (int) roundf( (dsp_max_phase - dsp_min_phase)/dsp_step +1. );
+  int   dsp_phases    = (int) roundf( (dsp_max_phase - dsp_min_phase)*(1./dsp_step) +1. );
   if (1)
@@ -107,10 +107,10 @@ bool ConvertOFC( vector<vector<vector<vector<double> > > > w_off, vector<vector<
   // Number of phases and step of the offline Opt. filte constants
-  float off_step = 0.1;
+  const float off_step = 0.1;
   float off_min_phase = -100.;
   float off_max_phase = -off_min_phase;
-  int   off_phases    = (int) roundf( (off_max_phase - off_min_phase)/off_step + 1. );
+  int   off_phases    = (int) roundf( (off_max_phase - off_min_phase)*(1./off_step) + 1. );
   if (verbose)
       cout<<"----- OFFLINE -----"<<endl;
@@ -200,10 +200,11 @@ bool ConvertOFC( vector<vector<vector<vector<double> > > > w_off, vector<vector<
   float current_phase;
   // bln
+  const float inv_off_step = 1. / off_step;
   for (int i=0; i<dsp_phases; i++){
     current_phase = dsp_min_phase + i*dsp_step;
-    index = (int) roundf((current_phase - off_min_phase)/off_step);
+    index = (int) roundf((current_phase - off_min_phase)*inv_off_step);
     if (verbose) cout<<"["<<index<<"]: Phase "<<current_phase<<" ns"<<endl;
     for (int is=0; is<nsamples; is++)
diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/src/TileROD_Decoder.cxx b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/src/TileROD_Decoder.cxx
index d65a4717c3f67bde7097c1693ff12ca523ac57e7..c99ebd63abc37128af2f2d78cbe99d78d70260b6 100755
--- a/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/src/TileROD_Decoder.cxx
+++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileByteStream/src/TileROD_Decoder.cxx
@@ -2,12 +2,7 @@
   Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// small hack to enable datapool usage
-#define private public
-#define protected public
 #include "TileEvent/TileCell.h"
-#undef private
-#undef protected
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <iomanip>
@@ -103,8 +98,8 @@ TileROD_Decoder::TileROD_Decoder(const std::string& type, const std::string& nam
 void TileROD_Decoder::updateAmpThreshold(float ampMinThresh) {
   m_ampMinThresh = ampMinThresh;
-  m_ampMinThresh_pC = m_ampMinThresh * 12.5 / 1023.;
-  m_ampMinThresh_MeV = m_ampMinThresh * 12.5 / 1023. / 1.05 * 1000.;
+  m_ampMinThresh_pC = m_ampMinThresh * (12.5 / 1023.);
+  m_ampMinThresh_MeV = m_ampMinThresh * (12.5 / 1023. / 1.05 * 1000.);
 /** destructor
@@ -1859,9 +1854,9 @@ void TileROD_Decoder::unpack_frag16(uint32_t version, const uint32_t* p,
   rmsPed_diode1 = *pData & 0xFFFF;
   meanPed_diode1 = (*pData >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
-  MeanPed_diode1 = static_cast<double>(meanPed_diode1) / 10;
+  MeanPed_diode1 = static_cast<double>(meanPed_diode1) * 0.1;
-  RmsPed_diode1 = static_cast<double>(rmsPed_diode1) / 100;
+  RmsPed_diode1 = static_cast<double>(rmsPed_diode1) * 0.01;
@@ -1874,9 +1869,9 @@ void TileROD_Decoder::unpack_frag16(uint32_t version, const uint32_t* p,
   rmsPed_diode2 = *pData & 0xFFFF;
   meanPed_diode2 = (*pData >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
-  MeanPed_diode2 = static_cast<double>(meanPed_diode2) / 10;
+  MeanPed_diode2 = static_cast<double>(meanPed_diode2) * 0.1;
-  RmsPed_diode2 = static_cast<double>(rmsPed_diode2) / 100;
+  RmsPed_diode2 = static_cast<double>(rmsPed_diode2) * 0.01;
@@ -1889,9 +1884,9 @@ void TileROD_Decoder::unpack_frag16(uint32_t version, const uint32_t* p,
   rmsPed_diode3 = *pData & 0xFFFF;
   meanPed_diode3 = (*pData >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
-  MeanPed_diode3 = static_cast<double>(meanPed_diode3) / 10;
+  MeanPed_diode3 = static_cast<double>(meanPed_diode3) * 0.1;
-  RmsPed_diode3 = static_cast<double>(rmsPed_diode3) / 100;
+  RmsPed_diode3 = static_cast<double>(rmsPed_diode3) * 0.01;
@@ -1904,9 +1899,9 @@ void TileROD_Decoder::unpack_frag16(uint32_t version, const uint32_t* p,
   rmsPed_diode4 = *pData & 0xFFFF;
   meanPed_diode4 = (*pData >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
-  MeanPed_diode4 = static_cast<double>(meanPed_diode4) / 10;
+  MeanPed_diode4 = static_cast<double>(meanPed_diode4) * 0.1;
-  RmsPed_diode4 = static_cast<double>(rmsPed_diode4) / 100;
+  RmsPed_diode4 = static_cast<double>(rmsPed_diode4) * 0.01;
@@ -1919,9 +1914,9 @@ void TileROD_Decoder::unpack_frag16(uint32_t version, const uint32_t* p,
   rmsPed_pmt1 = *pData & 0xFFFF;
   meanPed_pmt1 = (*pData >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
-  MeanPed_pmt1 = static_cast<double>(meanPed_pmt1) / 10;
+  MeanPed_pmt1 = static_cast<double>(meanPed_pmt1) * 0.1;
-  RmsPed_pmt1 = static_cast<double>(rmsPed_pmt1) / 100;
+  RmsPed_pmt1 = static_cast<double>(rmsPed_pmt1) * 0.01;
@@ -1934,9 +1929,9 @@ void TileROD_Decoder::unpack_frag16(uint32_t version, const uint32_t* p,
   rmsPed_pmt2 = *pData & 0xFFFF;
   meanPed_pmt2 = (*pData >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
-  MeanPed_pmt2 = static_cast<double>(meanPed_pmt2) / 10;
+  MeanPed_pmt2 = static_cast<double>(meanPed_pmt2) * 0.1;
-  RmsPed_pmt2 = static_cast<double>(rmsPed_pmt2) / 100;
+  RmsPed_pmt2 = static_cast<double>(rmsPed_pmt2) * 0.01;
@@ -1956,9 +1951,9 @@ void TileROD_Decoder::unpack_frag16(uint32_t version, const uint32_t* p,
   rmsAlpha_diode1 = *pData & 0xFFFF;
   meanAlpha_diode1 = (*pData >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
-  MeanAlpha_diode1 = static_cast<double>(meanAlpha_diode1) / 10;
+  MeanAlpha_diode1 = static_cast<double>(meanAlpha_diode1) * 0.1;
-  RmsAlpha_diode1 = static_cast<double>(rmsAlpha_diode1) / 100;
+  RmsAlpha_diode1 = static_cast<double>(rmsAlpha_diode1) * 0.01;
@@ -1971,9 +1966,9 @@ void TileROD_Decoder::unpack_frag16(uint32_t version, const uint32_t* p,
   rmsAlpha_diode2 = *pData & 0xFFFF;
   meanAlpha_diode2 = (*pData >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
-  MeanAlpha_diode2 = static_cast<float>(meanAlpha_diode2) / 10;
+  MeanAlpha_diode2 = static_cast<float>(meanAlpha_diode2) * 0.1;
-  RmsAlpha_diode2 = static_cast<float>(rmsAlpha_diode2) / 100;
+  RmsAlpha_diode2 = static_cast<float>(rmsAlpha_diode2) * 0.01;
@@ -1988,9 +1983,9 @@ void TileROD_Decoder::unpack_frag16(uint32_t version, const uint32_t* p,
   rmsAlpha_diode3 = *pData & 0xFFFF;
   meanAlpha_diode3 = (*pData >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
-  MeanAlpha_diode3 = static_cast<double>(meanAlpha_diode3) / 10;
+  MeanAlpha_diode3 = static_cast<double>(meanAlpha_diode3) * 0.1;
-  RmsAlpha_diode3 = static_cast<double>(rmsAlpha_diode3) / 100;
+  RmsAlpha_diode3 = static_cast<double>(rmsAlpha_diode3) * 0.01;
@@ -2003,9 +1998,9 @@ void TileROD_Decoder::unpack_frag16(uint32_t version, const uint32_t* p,
   rmsAlpha_diode4 = *pData & 0xFFFF;
   meanAlpha_diode4 = (*pData >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
-  MeanAlpha_diode4 = static_cast<double>(meanAlpha_diode4) / 10;
+  MeanAlpha_diode4 = static_cast<double>(meanAlpha_diode4) * 0.1;
-  RmsAlpha_diode4 = static_cast<double>(rmsAlpha_diode4) / 100;
+  RmsAlpha_diode4 = static_cast<double>(rmsAlpha_diode4) * 0.01;
@@ -2091,7 +2086,7 @@ void TileROD_Decoder::unpack_frag16(uint32_t version, const uint32_t* p,
   diodeTemp = *pData & 0xFFF;
   seconds1 = (*pData >> 12) & 0xFFFFF;
-  DiodeTemp = static_cast<double>(diodeTemp) / 10;
+  DiodeTemp = static_cast<double>(diodeTemp) * 0.1;
@@ -2103,7 +2098,7 @@ void TileROD_Decoder::unpack_frag16(uint32_t version, const uint32_t* p,
   boxTemp = *pData & 0xFFF;
   seconds2 = (*pData >> 12) & 0xFFFFF;
-  BoxTemp = static_cast<double>(boxTemp) / 10;
+  BoxTemp = static_cast<double>(boxTemp) * 0.1;
@@ -2115,7 +2110,7 @@ void TileROD_Decoder::unpack_frag16(uint32_t version, const uint32_t* p,
   hum = *pData & 0xFFF;
   seconds3 = (*pData >> 12) & 0xFFFFF;
-  Hum = static_cast<double>(hum) / 10;
+  Hum = static_cast<double>(hum) * 0.1;
@@ -2127,7 +2122,7 @@ void TileROD_Decoder::unpack_frag16(uint32_t version, const uint32_t* p,
   gasFlow = *pData & 0xFFF;
   seconds4 = (*pData >> 12) & 0xFFFFF;
-  GasFlow = static_cast<double>(gasFlow) / 10;
+  GasFlow = static_cast<double>(gasFlow) * 0.1;
@@ -2228,7 +2223,7 @@ void TileROD_Decoder::unpack_frag17(uint32_t /* version */, const uint32_t* p,
   // TDC word immediately after ADC words
-  // aa aa bb bb    aaaa = TDC N°1    bbbb = TDC N°0
+  // aa aa bb bb    aaaa = TDC N1    bbbb = TDC N0
   int TDC0 = (*word) & 0xFFFF;
   int TDC1 = (*word) >> 16;
@@ -2768,12 +2763,12 @@ void TileROD_Decoder::fillCollectionL2(const ROBData * rob, TileL2Container & v)
 void TileROD_Decoder::fillCollectionL2ROS(const ROBData * rob, TileL2Container & v) {
   uint32_t size = data_size(rob);
   const uint32_t * p = get_data(rob);
-  const uint32_t m_ROB_to_decode = ((*p) & 0xFFFF); // Multiply by two
-  const uint32_t m_virtualROBJump = ((*p) >> 16) >> 2; // Divide by four (four drawer-1ROB)
-  if (size < m_ROB_to_decode * m_virtualROBJump + 1) {
+  const uint32_t ROB_to_decode = ((*p) & 0xFFFF); // Multiply by two
+  const uint32_t virtualROBJump = ((*p) >> 16) >> 2; // Divide by four (four drawer-1ROB)
+  if (size < ROB_to_decode * virtualROBJump + 1) {
     ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Declared size =" << size
-                  << "; m_virtualROBJump=" << m_virtualROBJump
-                  << "; m_ROB_to_decode=" << m_ROB_to_decode );
+                  << "; virtualROBJump=" << virtualROBJump
+                  << "; ROB_to_decode=" << ROB_to_decode );
   p++; // Jump first word
@@ -2782,8 +2777,8 @@ void TileROD_Decoder::fillCollectionL2ROS(const ROBData * rob, TileL2Container &
   uint32_t idAndType;
   int frag, hash, unit;
-  for (size_t irob = 0; irob < m_ROB_to_decode; ++irob) {
-    for (size_t drawInRob = 0; drawInRob < m_virtualROBJump; ++drawInRob) {
+  for (size_t irob = 0; irob < ROB_to_decode; ++irob) {
+    for (size_t drawInRob = 0; drawInRob < virtualROBJump; ++drawInRob) {
       idAndType = *(p++);
       frag = idAndType & 0xFFF;
@@ -3235,7 +3230,7 @@ void TileROD_Decoder::make_copyHLT(pFRwChVec & pChannel, TileCellCollection & v,
       pCell->addEnergy(0., 1-m_Rw2Pmt[sec][5], 1);
-    if (m_MBTS != NULL) {
+    if (m_MBTS != NULL && MBTS_chan >= 0) {
       unsigned int idx = m_mapMBTS[frag_id];
       if (idx < (*m_MBTS).size()) { // MBTS present (always last channel)
         TileCell* pCell = (*m_MBTS)[idx];
@@ -3919,10 +3914,10 @@ StatusCode TileROD_Decoder::convertTMDBDecision(const RawEvent* re, TileMuonRece
     //eformat::helper::SourceIdentifier id = eformat::helper::SourceIdentifier(robFrag.source_id());
     uint32_t sourceid = robFrag.source_id();
-    uint32_t modid = sourceid>>16;
+    uint32_t modid = sourceid >> 16;
     //msg(MSG::VERBOSE) <<MSG::hex<<" sourceId: 0x"<< robFrag.source_id() <<MSG::dec<< endmsg;
-    if ( (modid==0x51 || modid==0x52 || modid==0x53 || modid==0x54) && sourceid&0xf00 ) {
+    if ((modid == 0x51 || modid == 0x52 || modid == 0x53 || modid == 0x54) && (sourceid & 0xf00)) {
       fillContainer_TileMuRcv_Decision(&robFrag, *tileMuRcv);
@@ -3951,43 +3946,53 @@ void TileROD_Decoder::fillContainer_TileMuRcv_Decision(const ROBData* rob ,TileM
   std::vector<const uint32_t *> pFragTmdb;
   m_sizeOverhead = 3;
-  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " Trying DECODER over source ID: " <<MSG::hex<< " 0x" << sourceid <<MSG::dec<< " full fragment size " << size );
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " Trying DECODER over source ID: " << MSG::hex
+                << " 0x" << sourceid << MSG::dec
+                << " full fragment size " << size );
   while ( wc < size ) { // iterator over all words in a ROD
     // first word is the start of the tile subfragment in v3format it is 0xff1234ff
     if ((*p) == 0xff1234ff)  b_sof=true;
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " start of sub-fragment word : " <<MSG::hex<< (*p) <<MSG::dec<< " false/true : " << b_sof );
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " start of sub-fragment word : " << MSG::hex << (*p) << MSG::dec << " false/true : " << b_sof );
     if (b_sof) {
       // second word is frag size
-      sfrag_size    = *(p+1);
+      sfrag_size = *(p + 1);
       // third word is frag version [31-16] and type [15-0]
-      sfrag_version = *(p+2) & 0xFFFF;
-      sfrag_type    = *(p+2) >> 16;
-      b_sof=false;
+      sfrag_version = *(p + 2) & 0xFFFF;
+      sfrag_type = *(p + 2) >> 16;
+      b_sof = false;
     // for tmdb we will start to have three sub-fragments ordered as 0x40 0x41 0x42
     // we investigate if there are any of type 0x40,0x41 before going on 0x42
     // like this the loop is faster since we can access the size of this two sub-fragments
-    if (sfrag_type==0x40) {
-      ATH_MSG_DEBUG(MSG::hex<<" DECODER sub-fragment VERSION="<<sfrag_version<<" TYPE="<<sfrag_type<<MSG::dec<<" SIZE="<<sfrag_size<<" FOUND! Keep on looking for 0x42.");
+    if (sfrag_type == 0x40) {
+      ATH_MSG_DEBUG( MSG::hex << " DECODER sub-fragment VERSION=" << sfrag_version
+                    << " TYPE=" << sfrag_type << MSG::dec
+                    << " SIZE=" << sfrag_size
+                    << " FOUND! Keep on looking for 0x42.");
       offset = sfrag_size;
       wc += offset;
-      p  += offset;
-    } else if (sfrag_type==0x41) {
-      ATH_MSG_DEBUG(MSG::hex<<" DECODER sub-fragment VERSION="<<sfrag_version<<" TYPE="<<sfrag_type<<MSG::dec<<" SIZE="<<sfrag_size<<" FOUND! Keep on looking for 0x42.");
+      p += offset;
+    } else if (sfrag_type == 0x41) {
+      ATH_MSG_DEBUG( MSG::hex << " DECODER sub-fragment VERSION=" << sfrag_version
+                    << " TYPE=" << sfrag_type << MSG::dec
+                    <<" SIZE=" << sfrag_size
+                    << " FOUND! Keep on looking for 0x42.");
       offset = sfrag_size;
       wc += offset;
-      p  += offset;
-    } else if (sfrag_type==0x42) {
+      p += offset;
+    } else if (sfrag_type == 0x42) {
       b_deciTmdb = true;
-      ATH_MSG_DEBUG(MSG::hex<<" DECODER sub-fragment VERSION="<<sfrag_version<<" TYPE="<<sfrag_type<<MSG::dec<<" SIZE="<<sfrag_size<<" FOUND!" );
-      wc+=size-wc;
-      p+=3;
+      ATH_MSG_DEBUG( MSG::hex << " DECODER sub-fragment VERSION=" << sfrag_version
+                    << " TYPE=" << sfrag_type << MSG::dec
+                    << " SIZE=" <<sfrag_size << " FOUND!");
+      wc += size - wc;
+      p += 3;
     } else {
-     ++p ;
-     ++wc;
+      ++p;
+      ++wc;
   // the TMDB result    0x42
@@ -3997,17 +4002,18 @@ void TileROD_Decoder::fillContainer_TileMuRcv_Decision(const ROBData* rob ,TileM
-void TileROD_Decoder::unpack_frag40( uint32_t collid, uint32_t version, const uint32_t* p, int datasize, TileDigitsCollection &coll ){
+void TileROD_Decoder::unpack_frag40(uint32_t collid, uint32_t version, const uint32_t* p, int datasize,
+    TileDigitsCollection &coll) {
-  int ros=(collid>>8);
-  int drawer=collid&0xff;
-  HWIdentifier drawerID = m_tileHWID->drawer_id(ros,drawer);
+  int ros = (collid >> 8);
+  int drawer = collid & 0xff;
+  HWIdentifier drawerID = m_tileHWID->drawer_id(ros, drawer);
   int nsamp = 7; // assume fixed number of samples for the moment
-  int nmod = (ros>2)?8:4; // we have 8 modules per fragment in ext.barrel, 4 modules in barrel
+  int nmod = (ros > 2) ? 8 : 4; // we have 8 modules per fragment in ext.barrel, 4 modules in barrel
   int nchan = 4 * datasize / nmod / nsamp; // factor 4 because in one 32-bit word we have 4 samples
-  int nsamp1 = nsamp-1;
+  int nsamp1 = nsamp - 1;
   std::vector<float> digits(nsamp);
   // Each 32 bit word is made of four 8-bit words each a ADC of a sample like
@@ -4018,13 +4024,13 @@ void TileROD_Decoder::unpack_frag40( uint32_t collid, uint32_t version, const ui
   // Note that order of samples is inversed with respect to time line, 
   // i.e. first sample from data should go to the last sample in TileDigits vector
-  int wpos=(collid%nmod)*nchan; // location of first sample for given channel in given module
-  int jump = nchan*nmod; // distance between samples for one channel in number of bytes
+  int wpos = (collid % nmod) * nchan; // location of first sample for given channel in given module
+  int jump = nchan * nmod; // distance between samples for one channel in number of bytes
   const unsigned char * adc = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(p);
-  for (int i=0; i<nchan; ++i) {
-    for (int j=0; j<nsamp; ++j) {
-      digits[nsamp1-j] = adc[wpos+jump*j];
+  for (int i = 0; i < nchan; ++i) {
+    for (int j = 0; j < nsamp; ++j) {
+      digits[nsamp1 - j] = adc[wpos + jump * j];
     HWIdentifier adcID = m_tileHWID->adc_id(drawerID, i, TileID::LOWGAIN);
@@ -4033,21 +4039,23 @@ void TileROD_Decoder::unpack_frag40( uint32_t collid, uint32_t version, const ui
   if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) {
-    msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "TileROD_Decoder::unpack_frag40  frag: 0x"
-                    <<MSG::hex<<collid<<MSG::dec<<" version: "<<version << endreq;
-    int pos=coll.size()-nchan;
-    const char * strchannel[5] = {" d5L "," d5R "," d6L "," d6R "," xxx "};
-    for (int i=0;i<nchan;++i) {
-      const std::vector<float> & sample = coll.at(pos+i)->samples();
+    msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "TileROD_Decoder::unpack_frag40  frag: 0x" << MSG::hex << collid << MSG::dec
+                    << " version: " << version << endmsg;
+    int pos = coll.size() - nchan;
+    const char * strchannel[5] = { " d5L ", " d5R ", " d6L ", " d6R ", " xxx " };
+    for (int i = 0; i < nchan; ++i) {
+      const std::vector<float> & sample = coll.at(pos + i)->samples();
       std::stringstream ss;
       for (const auto & val : sample) {
-        ss<<std::setw(5)<<int(val);
+        ss << std::setw(5) << int(val);
-      msg(MSG::DEBUG) << " ros:" << ros << " drawer:" << drawer <<" ch:" << i
-                      << strchannel[std::min(i,4)] << ss.str() << endreq;
+      msg(MSG::DEBUG) << " ros:" << ros
+                      << " drawer:" << drawer
+                      << " ch:" << i << strchannel[std::min(i, 4)] << ss.str() << endmsg;
@@ -4061,7 +4069,7 @@ void TileROD_Decoder::unpack_frag41( uint32_t collid, uint32_t version, const ui
   int nmod = (ros>2)?8:4; // we have 8 modules per fragment in ext.barrel, 4 modules in barrel
   int nchan = datasize / nmod;
-  int wpos=(collid%nmod)*nchan;
+  int wpos = (collid % nmod) * nchan;
   if (version == 0) {
@@ -4075,10 +4083,10 @@ void TileROD_Decoder::unpack_frag41( uint32_t collid, uint32_t version, const ui
     // Each 4 words respect a module. 
     const int32_t * pp = reinterpret_cast<const int32_t *>(p);
-    pp+=wpos;
-    for (int i=0; i<nchan; ++i) {
+    pp += wpos;
+    for (int i = 0; i < nchan; ++i) {
       HWIdentifier adcID = m_tileHWID->adc_id(drawerID, i, TileID::LOWGAIN);
-      TileRawChannel *rctmp = new TileRawChannel(adcID,(*pp)*calFactorADC2MeV,0.,0.);
+      TileRawChannel *rctmp = new TileRawChannel(adcID, (*pp) * calFactorADC2MeV, 0., 0.);
@@ -4092,27 +4100,29 @@ void TileROD_Decoder::unpack_frag41( uint32_t collid, uint32_t version, const ui
     // Each 2 words respect a module. 
-    nchan*=2; // change number of channels calculated before assuming 16 bits for channel
+    nchan *= 2; // change number of channels calculated before assuming 16 bits for channel
     const int16_t * pp = reinterpret_cast<const int16_t *>(p);
-    pp+=wpos;
-    for (int i=0; i<nchan; ++i) {
+    pp += wpos;
+    for (int i = 0; i < nchan; ++i) {
       HWIdentifier adcID = m_tileHWID->adc_id(drawerID, i, TileID::LOWGAIN);
-      TileRawChannel *rctmp = new TileRawChannel(adcID,(*pp)*calFactorADC2MeV,0.,0.);
+      TileRawChannel *rctmp = new TileRawChannel(adcID, (*pp) * calFactorADC2MeV, 0., 0.);
   if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) {
-    msg(MSG::DEBUG) << " TileROD_Decoder::unpack_frag41  frag: 0x"
-                    <<MSG::hex<<collid<<MSG::dec<<" version: "<<version << endreq;
-    int nbits=(version==0)?32:16;
-    msg(MSG::DEBUG) << " position of " << nbits << "-bit word inside sub-fragment 0x41: " << wpos << endreq;
-    int pos=coll.size()-nchan;
-    const char * strchannel[5] = {" d5L "," d5R "," d6L "," d6R "," xxx "};
-    for (int i=0;i<nchan;++i) {
-        msg(MSG::DEBUG) << " ros:" << ros << " drawer:" << drawer <<" ch:" << i
-                        << strchannel[std::min(i,4)] << coll.at(pos+i)->amplitude() << endreq;
+    msg(MSG::DEBUG) << " TileROD_Decoder::unpack_frag41  frag: 0x" << MSG::hex << collid << MSG::dec
+                    << " version: " << version << endmsg;
+    int nbits = (version == 0) ? 32 : 16;
+    msg(MSG::DEBUG) << " position of " << nbits << "-bit word inside sub-fragment 0x41: " << wpos << endmsg;
+    int pos = coll.size() - nchan;
+    const char * strchannel[5] = { " d5L ", " d5R ", " d6L ", " d6R ", " xxx " };
+    for (int i = 0; i < nchan; ++i) {
+      msg(MSG::DEBUG) << " ros:" << ros
+                      << " drawer:" << drawer
+                      << " ch:" << i << strchannel[std::min(i, 4)] << coll.at(pos + i)->amplitude() << endmsg;
@@ -4139,33 +4149,45 @@ void TileROD_Decoder::unpack_frag42( uint32_t sourceid, uint32_t version, const
   // bit-1        .
   // bit-0 -> result.at(3)
-  int drawer = ((sourceid & 0xf0000) >> 8) | ((sourceid & 0x0000f) << 3);
-  uint32_t word = (datasize>1) ? (p[1]<<20) | ((p[0]>>8) & 0xff000) | ((p[0]>>4) & 0xfff) : 0 ;
-  std::vector<bool> result(4);
+  int nbit,nmod;
+  uint32_t word;
+  int drawer = (sourceid & 0xf0000) >> 8; // get ROS number from source ID
+  if (drawer<0x300) { // barrel
+    nbit = 4;
+    nmod = 4;
+    drawer |= ((sourceid & 0x0000f) << 2);
+    word = (datasize > 0) ? p[0] : 0; // just use first word, although expect all zeros for the moment
+  } else {
+    nbit = 4;
+    nmod = 8;
+    drawer |= ((sourceid & 0x0000f) << 3);
+    word = (datasize > 1) ? (p[1] << 20) | ((p[0] >> 8) & 0xff000) | ((p[0] >> 4) & 0xfff) : 0;
+  }
-  for (int j=0; j<8; ++j) { // loop over 8 modules
-    for (int k=0; k<4; ++k) { // loop over 4 bits of one module
-      result[3-k] = ((word&1) != 0);
+  std::vector<bool> result(nbit);
+  for (int j = 0; j < nmod; ++j) { // loop over modules
+    for (int k = nbit-1; k >= 0; --k) { // loop over bits of one module in inversed order
+      result[k] = ((word & 1) != 0);
       word >>= 1;
-    TileMuonReceiverObj * obj = new TileMuonReceiverObj(drawer,result);
+    TileMuonReceiverObj * obj = new TileMuonReceiverObj(drawer, result);
   if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) {
-    msg(MSG::DEBUG) << " TileROD_Decoder::unpack_frag42  source ID: 0x"
-                    <<MSG::hex<<sourceid<<MSG::dec<<" version: "<<version << endreq;
-    for (size_t j=v.size()-8; j<v.size(); ++j) {
+    msg(MSG::DEBUG) << " TileROD_Decoder::unpack_frag42  source ID: 0x" << MSG::hex << sourceid << MSG::dec
+                    << " version: " << version << endmsg;
+    for (size_t j = v.size() - nmod; j < v.size(); ++j) {
       const std::vector<bool> & r = v[j]->GetDecision();
       std::stringstream ss;
       for (const auto & val : r) {
-        ss<<std::setw(2)<<val;
+        ss << std::setw(2) << val;
-      msg(MSG::DEBUG) << MSG::hex<<"0x"<<v[j]->GetID() <<MSG::dec
-                      << ss.str() << endreq;
+      msg(MSG::DEBUG) << MSG::hex << "0x" << v[j]->GetID() << MSG::dec << ss.str() << endmsg;