diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetCalibAlgs/SCT_CalibAlgs/SCT_CalibAlgs/SCTCalib.h b/InnerDetector/InDetCalibAlgs/SCT_CalibAlgs/SCT_CalibAlgs/SCTCalib.h
index a4853134ade30c8360ede11376fc5fd6b3619260..8d603c8f91622fdc08412bfce6995e50741d12af 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetCalibAlgs/SCT_CalibAlgs/SCT_CalibAlgs/SCTCalib.h
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetCalibAlgs/SCT_CalibAlgs/SCT_CalibAlgs/SCTCalib.h
@@ -388,6 +388,9 @@ class SCTCalib : public AthAlgorithm {
         getStripList( const std::set<Identifier>& stripIdList ) const;
+        std::set<Identifier>
+        getOverlapStripList( const std::set<Identifier>& stripAllIdList, const std::set<Identifier>& stripRefIdList ) const;
         noisyStripsToXml( const std::map< Identifier, std::set<Identifier> >& moduleList, const std::string& badStripsFile ) const;
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetCalibAlgs/SCT_CalibAlgs/python/runSelector.py b/InnerDetector/InDetCalibAlgs/SCT_CalibAlgs/python/runSelector.py
index 8fc48db9efb9d6e783ff0d0eebd3449d23dc3559..dc2aa23b93c266c82bf5eb626e6c3607b1e4936d 100755
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetCalibAlgs/SCT_CalibAlgs/python/runSelector.py
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetCalibAlgs/SCT_CalibAlgs/python/runSelector.py
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ def main( runNum = None, procType = None, forceSkipQueue = 0, Stream = None ):
                 if 'Project tag:' in line and runPro=='':
                     runPro = line.split('\'')[1]
                 if runNum!='' and runPro!='':
-                    if 'data17_cos' in runPro or 'data17_13TeV' in runPro or 'data17_hi' in runPro:
+                    if 'data17_cos' in runPro or 'data17_13TeV' in runPro or 'data17_5TeV' in runPro or 'data17_900GeV' in runPro or 'data17_hi' in runPro:
                         runDict[runNum] = runPro
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetCalibAlgs/SCT_CalibAlgs/src/SCTCalib.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetCalibAlgs/SCT_CalibAlgs/src/SCTCalib.cxx
index a70d07fe6aedbffaf872c22e8f0c326789f7d386..52502fcb9d521ef45523f640f1a702eb6b588c08 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetCalibAlgs/SCT_CalibAlgs/src/SCTCalib.cxx
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetCalibAlgs/SCT_CalibAlgs/src/SCTCalib.cxx
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ const std::string shortNames[] = { "EndCapC", "Barrel", "EndCapA" };
 const std::string detectorPaths[] = { "SCTEC", "SCTB", "SCTEA" };
 bool areConsecutiveIntervals(const std::pair<int, int> &i1, const std::pair<int, int> &i2, const int withinLimits) {
-    return i1.second <= (i2.first + withinLimits);
+   return i1.second <= (i2.first + withinLimits);
@@ -84,69 +84,69 @@ const std::string xmlHeader("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>");
 const std::string linefeed("\n");
 associateStylesheet(const std::string &stylesheetName) {
-    return std::string("<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"")+stylesheetName+"\"?>";
+   return std::string("<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"")+stylesheetName+"\"?>";
 template <class T>
 xmlPartData(const Bec bec, const int layer, const int eta, const std::string & dataName, const T data) {
-    //agrohsje added spaces for proper output format
-    ostringstream os;
-    const std::string thisPart=shortNames[bec2Index(bec)];
-    os<<"    <parts>"<<endl
-      <<"    "<<xmlValue("part",thisPart)<<endl
-      <<"    "<<xmlValue("layer", layer)<<endl
-      <<"    ";
-    std::string barrelEtaXml=xmlValue("eta", "all");
-    std::string endcapEtaXml=xmlValue("eta",eta);
-    if(bec==BARREL) os<<barrelEtaXml;
-    else            os<<endcapEtaXml;
-    os<<endl
-      <<"    "<<xmlValue(dataName, data)<<endl
-      <<"    </parts>"<<endl;
-    return os.str();
+   //agrohsje added spaces for proper output format
+   ostringstream os;
+   const std::string thisPart=shortNames[bec2Index(bec)];
+   os<<"    <parts>"<<endl
+     <<"    "<<xmlValue("part",thisPart)<<endl
+     <<"    "<<xmlValue("layer", layer)<<endl
+     <<"    ";
+   std::string barrelEtaXml=xmlValue("eta", "all");
+   std::string endcapEtaXml=xmlValue("eta",eta);
+   if(bec==BARREL) os<<barrelEtaXml;
+   else            os<<endcapEtaXml;
+   os<<endl
+     <<"    "<<xmlValue(dataName, data)<<endl
+     <<"    </parts>"<<endl;
+   return os.str();
 template <class T>
 xmlModuleData(const Bec bec, const int layer, const int side, const int phi, const int eta, const std::string & dataName, const T data, const std::string & serial,const std::string & listOfErrors) {
-    //xmlModuleData(const Bec bec, const int layer, const int side, const int phi, const int eta, const std::string & dataName, const T data, const std::string & serial, const ostringstream listOfErrors){
-    //agasconb added to generate BSErrors file for individual modules
-    ostringstream os;
-    os<<"    <module>"<<endl
-      <<"    "<<xmlValue("SN", serial)<<endl;
-    if (bec==ENDCAP_C)
-        os<<"    "<<xmlValue("barrel_endcap","-2")<<endl;
-    else if (bec==BARREL)
-        os<<"    "<<xmlValue("barrel_endcap","0")<<endl;
-    else if (bec==ENDCAP_A)
-        os<<"    "<<xmlValue("barrel_endcap","2")<<endl;
-    os<<"    "<<xmlValue("layer", layer)<<endl
-      <<"    "<<xmlValue("side", side)<<endl
-      <<"    "<<xmlValue("eta", eta)<<endl
-      <<"    "<<xmlValue("phi", phi)<<endl
-      <<"    "<<xmlValue(dataName, data)<<endl;
-    os<<listOfErrors;
-    os<<"    </module>"<<endl;
-    return os.str();
+   //xmlModuleData(const Bec bec, const int layer, const int side, const int phi, const int eta, const std::string & dataName, const T data, const std::string & serial, const ostringstream listOfErrors){
+   //agasconb added to generate BSErrors file for individual modules
+   ostringstream os;
+   os<<"    <module>"<<endl
+     <<"    "<<xmlValue("SN", serial)<<endl;
+   if (bec==ENDCAP_C)
+      os<<"    "<<xmlValue("barrel_endcap","-2")<<endl;
+   else if (bec==BARREL)
+      os<<"    "<<xmlValue("barrel_endcap","0")<<endl;
+   else if (bec==ENDCAP_A)
+      os<<"    "<<xmlValue("barrel_endcap","2")<<endl;
+   os<<"    "<<xmlValue("layer", layer)<<endl
+     <<"    "<<xmlValue("side", side)<<endl
+     <<"    "<<xmlValue("eta", eta)<<endl
+     <<"    "<<xmlValue("phi", phi)<<endl
+     <<"    "<<xmlValue(dataName, data)<<endl;
+   os<<listOfErrors;
+   os<<"    </module>"<<endl;
+   return os.str();
 normalizeList( const std::string& strList ) {
-    std::string str = strList;
-    if ( !str.empty() ) {
-        //--- Remove 1st & last space
-        str = str.substr( 1, str.length()-2 );
-        //--- Replace double space to single space
-        std::string strSingleSpace = " ";
-        std::string strDoubleSpace = "  ";
-        std::string::size_type pos = 0;
-        while( pos =str.find( strDoubleSpace, pos), pos != std::string::npos ) {
-            str.erase( pos, strSingleSpace.length() );
-            pos += strSingleSpace.length();
-        }
-    }
-    return str;
+   std::string str = strList;
+   if ( !str.empty() ) {
+      //--- Remove 1st & last space
+      str = str.substr( 1, str.length()-2 );
+      //--- Replace double space to single space
+      std::string strSingleSpace = " ";
+      std::string strDoubleSpace = "  ";
+      std::string::size_type pos = 0;
+      while( pos =str.find( strDoubleSpace, pos), pos != std::string::npos ) {
+         str.erase( pos, strSingleSpace.length() );
+         pos += strSingleSpace.length();
+      }
+   }
+   return str;
@@ -155,150 +155,150 @@ normalizeList( const std::string& strList ) {
 SCTCalib::SCTCalib( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator ) :
-    AthAlgorithm( name, pSvcLocator ),
-    p_sgSvc                     ("StoreGateSvc",name),
-    m_thistSvc(0),
-    m_pSCTHelper(0),
-    m_pManager(0),
-    m_pCalibWriteSvc            ("SCTCalibWriteSvc",name),
-    m_DCSConditionsSvc          ("SCT_DCSConditionsSvc",name),
-    m_ConfigurationConditionsSvc("SCT_ConfigurationConditionsSvc",name),
-    m_ReadCalibDataSvc          ("SCT_ReadCalibDataSvc",name),
-    m_MajorityConditionsSvc     ("SCT_MajorityConditionsSvc",name),
-    m_CablingSvc                ("SCT_CablingSvc",name),
-    m_calibHitmapSvc            ("SCT_CalibHitmapSvc",name),
-    m_calibBsErrSvc             ("SCT_CalibBsErrorSvc",name),
-    m_calibLbSvc                ("SCT_CalibLbSvc",name),
-    m_calibModuleListSvc        ("SCT_CalibModuleListSvc",name),
-    m_calibEvtInfoSvc           ("SCT_CalibEventInfo",name),
-    m_numOfEventsProcessed(0),
-    m_numOfLBsProcessed(0),
-    m_absolutetriplimit(0),
-    m_relativetriplimit(0),
-    m_numberOfEventsHist(0),
-    m_inputHist(0),
-    /* m_readHist(false), */
-    m_MAXHASH(0) {
-    declareProperty( "RunNumber",                 m_runNumber );
-    declareProperty( "RunStartTime",              m_runStartTime );
-    declareProperty( "RunEndTime",                m_runEndTime );
-    declareProperty( "LBMax",                     m_LBMax = "1000");
-    declareProperty( "UseDCS",                    m_useDCS                     = false );
-    declareProperty( "UseConfiguration",          m_useConfiguration           = true );
-    declareProperty( "UseCalibration",            m_useCalibration             = true );
-    declareProperty( "UseMajority",               m_useMajority                = true );
-    declareProperty( "UseBSError",                m_useBSError                 = false );
-    declareProperty( "InputBS",                   m_input_bs );
-    declareProperty( "InputHist",                 m_input_hist );
-    declareProperty( "ReadBS",                    m_readBS                     = false );
-    declareProperty( "HistBefore2010",            m_histBefore2010             = false );
-    declareProperty( "DoHitMaps",                 m_doHitMaps                  = true );
-    declareProperty( "LbsPerWindow",              m_nLbsMerged                  = 20 );
-    //  declareProperty( "EventsPerWindow",           m_eventsPerWindow            = 10000 );
-    declareProperty( "ReadHitMaps",               m_readHitMaps                = false );
-    declareProperty( "DoBSErrors",                m_doBSErrors                 = false );
-    declareProperty( "DoNoisyStrip",              m_doNoisyStrip               = true );
-    declareProperty( "DoNoisyLB",                 m_doNoisyLB                  = true );
-    declareProperty( "DoHV",                      m_doHV                       = false );
-    declareProperty( "DoDeadStrip",               m_doDeadStrip                = false );
-    declareProperty( "DoDeadChip",                m_doDeadChip                 = false );
-    declareProperty( "DoNoiseOccupancy",          m_doNoiseOccupancy           = false );
-    declareProperty( "DoRawOccupancy",            m_doRawOccupancy             = false );
-    declareProperty( "DoEfficiency",              m_doEfficiency               = false );
-    declareProperty( "DoBSErrorDB",               m_doBSErrorDB                = false );
-    declareProperty( "DoLorentzAngle",            m_doLorentzAngle             = false );
-    declareProperty( "WriteToCool",               m_writeToCool                = true );
-    //reinstated 21 May
-    declareProperty( "NoisyUpdate",                m_noisyUpdate               = true );
-    declareProperty( "NoisyUploadTest",            m_noisyUploadTest           = true );
-    declareProperty( "NoisyModuleAverageInDB",     m_noisyModuleAverageInDB    = -1. );
-    declareProperty( "NoisyStripLastRunInDB",      m_noisyStripLastRunInDB     = -999 );
-    declareProperty( "NoisyStripAverageInDB",      m_noisyStripAverageInDB     = -999. );
-    declareProperty( "NoisyModuleList",            m_noisyModuleList           = 200 );
-    declareProperty( "NoisyModuleDiff",            m_noisyModuleDiff           = 0.200 );
-    declareProperty( "NoisyStripDiff",             m_noisyStripDiff            = 128. );
-    declareProperty( "NoisyMinStat",              m_noisyMinStat               = 50000 );
-    declareProperty( "NoisyStripAll",             m_noisyStripAll              = true );
-    declareProperty( "NoisyStripThrDef",          m_noisyStripThrDef           = true );
-    declareProperty( "NoisyStripThrOffline",      m_noisyStripThrOffline       = 1.500E-2 );
-    declareProperty( "NoisyStripThrOnline",       m_noisyStripThrOnline        = 1.500E-3 );
-    declareProperty( "NoisyWaferFinder",          m_noisyWaferFinder           = true );
-    declareProperty( "NoisyWaferWrite",           m_noisyWaferWrite            = true );
-    declareProperty( "NoisyWaferAllStrips",       m_noisyWaferAllStrips        = true );
-    declareProperty( "NoisyWaferThrBarrel",       m_noisyWaferThrBarrel        = 1.000E-4 );
-    declareProperty( "NoisyWaferThrECA",          m_noisyWaferThrECA           = 1.000E-4 );
-    declareProperty( "NoisyWaferThrECC",          m_noisyWaferThrECC           = 1.000E-4 );
-    declareProperty( "NoisyWaferFraction",        m_noisyWaferFraction         = 0.500 );
-    declareProperty( "NoisyChipFraction",         m_noisyChipFraction          = 0.500 );
-    declareProperty( "HVBinWidth",                m_maxtbins                   = 5 );
-    declareProperty( "HVQlength",                 m_maxq                       = 100 );
-    declareProperty( "HVAbsTripLimit",            m_absolutetriplimit          = 5. );
-    declareProperty( "HVRelTripLimit",            m_relativetriplimit          = 4. );
-    declareProperty( "OutputLowHits",             m_outputlowhits              = false );
-    declareProperty( "LowHitsCut",                m_lowHitCut                  = 100 );
-    declareProperty( "DeadStripMinStat",          m_deadStripMinStat           = 200000 );
-    declareProperty( "DeadStripMinStatBusy",      m_deadStripMinStatBusy       = 1600000 );
-    declareProperty( "DeadChipMinStat",           m_deadChipMinStat            = 200000 );
-    declareProperty( "DeadStripSignificance",     m_deadStripSignificance      = 10 );
-    declareProperty( "DeadChipSignificance",      m_deadChipSignificance       = 10 );
-    declareProperty( "BusyThr4DeadFinding",       m_busyThr4DeadFinding        = 1E-4 );
-    declareProperty( "NoisyThr4DeadFinding",      m_noisyThr4DeadFinding       = 1.500E-3 );
-    declareProperty( "DeadChipUploadTest",        m_deadChipUploadTest         = true );
-    declareProperty( "DeadStripUploadTest",       m_deadStripUploadTest        = true );
-    declareProperty( "NoiseOccupancyTriggerAware",m_noiseOccupancyTriggerAware = true );
-    declareProperty( "NoiseOccupancyMinStat",     m_noiseOccupancyMinStat      = 50000 );
-    declareProperty( "RawOccupancyMinStat",       m_rawOccupancyMinStat        = 50000 );
-    declareProperty( "EfficiencyMinStat",         m_efficiencyMinStat          = 50000 );
-    declareProperty( "BSErrorDBMinStat",          m_BSErrorDBMinStat           = 50000 );
-    declareProperty( "LorentzAngleMinStat",       m_LorentzAngleMinStat        = 50000 );
-    declareProperty( "LorentzAngleDebugMode",     m_LorentzAngleDebugMode      = true );
-    declareProperty( "TagID4NoisyStrips",         m_tagID4NoisyStrips          = "SctDerivedMonitoring-001-00" );
-    declareProperty( "TagID4DeadStrips",          m_tagID4DeadStrips           = "SctDerivedDeadStrips-001-00" );
-    declareProperty( "TagID4DeadChips",           m_tagID4DeadChips            = "SctDerivedDeadChips-001-00" );
-    declareProperty( "TagID4NoiseOccupancy",      m_tagID4NoiseOccupancy       = "SctDerivedNoiseOccupancy-001-00" );
-    declareProperty( "TagID4RawOccupancy",        m_tagID4RawOccupancy         = "SctDerivedRawOccupancy-001-00" );
-    declareProperty( "TagID4Efficiency",          m_tagID4Efficiency           = "SctDerivedEfficiency-001-00" );
-    declareProperty( "TagID4BSErrors",            m_tagID4BSErrors             = "SctDerivedBSErrors-000-00" );
-    declareProperty( "TagID4LorentzAngle",        m_tagID4LorentzAngle         = "SctDerivedLorentzAngle-000-00" );
-    declareProperty( "BadStripsAllFile",          m_badStripsAllFile           = "BadStripsAllFile.xml" );
-    declareProperty( "BadStripsNewFile",          m_badStripsNewFile           = "BadStripsNewFile.xml" );
-    declareProperty( "BadStripsSummaryFile",      m_badStripsSummaryFile       = "BadStripsSummaryFile.xml" );
-    declareProperty( "BadModulesFile",            m_badModulesFile             = "BadModulesFile.xml" );
-    declareProperty( "DeadStripsFile",            m_deadStripsFile             = "DeadStripsFile.xml" );
-    declareProperty( "DeadChipsFile",             m_deadChipsFile              = "DeadChipsFile.xml" );
-    declareProperty( "DeadSummaryFile",           m_deadSummaryFile            = "DeadSummaryFile.xml" );
-    declareProperty( "NoiseOccupancyFile",        m_noiseOccupancyFile         = "NoiseOccupancyFile.xml" );
-    declareProperty( "NoiseOccupancySummaryFile", m_noiseOccupancySummaryFile  = "NoiseOccupancySummaryFile.xml" );
-    declareProperty( "RawOccupancySummaryFile",   m_rawOccupancySummaryFile    = "RawOccupancySummaryFile.xml" );
-    declareProperty( "EfficiencySummaryFile",     m_efficiencySummaryFile      = "EfficiencySummaryFile.xml" );
-    declareProperty( "EfficiencyModuleFile",      m_efficiencyModuleFile       = "EfficiencyModuleSummary.xml" );
-    declareProperty( "BSErrorSummaryFile",        m_BSErrorSummaryFile         = "BSErrorSummaryFile.xml" );
-    declareProperty( "BSErrorModuleFile",         m_BSErrorModuleFile          = "BSErrorModuleSummary.xml" );
-    declareProperty( "LorentzAngleFile",          m_LorentzAngleFile           = "LorentzAngleFile.xml" );
-    declareProperty( "LorentzAngleSummaryFile",   m_LorentzAngleSummaryFile    = "LorentzAngleSummaryFile.xml" );
-    m_evt            = 0;
-    m_numberOfEvents = 0;
-    m_eventCounter   = 0;
-    m_maxentry       = 0;
-    m_timeStampBegin = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
-    m_timeStampEnd   = -999;
-    m_LBBegin        = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
-    m_LBEnd          = -999;
-    m_LBRange        = -999;
-    //--- for HV trip
-    m_phvtripFirstTime = 2000000000;
-    m_phvtripPrevTime  = 0;
-    m_readHIST = m_doNoiseOccupancy || m_doRawOccupancy || m_doEfficiency || m_doBSErrorDB || m_doLorentzAngle;
+   AthAlgorithm( name, pSvcLocator ),
+   p_sgSvc                     ("StoreGateSvc",name),
+   m_thistSvc(0),
+   m_pSCTHelper(0),
+   m_pManager(0),
+   m_pCalibWriteSvc            ("SCTCalibWriteSvc",name),
+   m_DCSConditionsSvc          ("SCT_DCSConditionsSvc",name),
+   m_ConfigurationConditionsSvc("SCT_ConfigurationConditionsSvc",name),
+   m_ReadCalibDataSvc          ("SCT_ReadCalibDataSvc",name),
+   m_MajorityConditionsSvc     ("SCT_MajorityConditionsSvc",name),
+   m_CablingSvc                ("SCT_CablingSvc",name),
+   m_calibHitmapSvc            ("SCT_CalibHitmapSvc",name),
+   m_calibBsErrSvc             ("SCT_CalibBsErrorSvc",name),
+   m_calibLbSvc                ("SCT_CalibLbSvc",name),
+   m_calibModuleListSvc        ("SCT_CalibModuleListSvc",name),
+   m_calibEvtInfoSvc           ("SCT_CalibEventInfo",name),
+   m_numOfEventsProcessed(0),
+   m_numOfLBsProcessed(0),
+   m_absolutetriplimit(0),
+   m_relativetriplimit(0),
+   m_numberOfEventsHist(0),
+   m_inputHist(0),
+   /* m_readHist(false), */
+   m_MAXHASH(0) {
+   declareProperty( "RunNumber",                 m_runNumber );
+   declareProperty( "RunStartTime",              m_runStartTime );
+   declareProperty( "RunEndTime",                m_runEndTime );
+   declareProperty( "LBMax",                     m_LBMax = "1000");
+   declareProperty( "UseDCS",                    m_useDCS                     = false );
+   declareProperty( "UseConfiguration",          m_useConfiguration           = true );
+   declareProperty( "UseCalibration",            m_useCalibration             = true );
+   declareProperty( "UseMajority",               m_useMajority                = true );
+   declareProperty( "UseBSError",                m_useBSError                 = false );
+   declareProperty( "InputBS",                   m_input_bs );
+   declareProperty( "InputHist",                 m_input_hist );
+   declareProperty( "ReadBS",                    m_readBS                     = false );
+   declareProperty( "HistBefore2010",            m_histBefore2010             = false );
+   declareProperty( "DoHitMaps",                 m_doHitMaps                  = true );
+   declareProperty( "LbsPerWindow",              m_nLbsMerged                  = 20 );
+   //  declareProperty( "EventsPerWindow",           m_eventsPerWindow            = 10000 );
+   declareProperty( "ReadHitMaps",               m_readHitMaps                = false );
+   declareProperty( "DoBSErrors",                m_doBSErrors                 = false );
+   declareProperty( "DoNoisyStrip",              m_doNoisyStrip               = true );
+   declareProperty( "DoNoisyLB",                 m_doNoisyLB                  = true );
+   declareProperty( "DoHV",                      m_doHV                       = false );
+   declareProperty( "DoDeadStrip",               m_doDeadStrip                = false );
+   declareProperty( "DoDeadChip",                m_doDeadChip                 = false );
+   declareProperty( "DoNoiseOccupancy",          m_doNoiseOccupancy           = false );
+   declareProperty( "DoRawOccupancy",            m_doRawOccupancy             = false );
+   declareProperty( "DoEfficiency",              m_doEfficiency               = false );
+   declareProperty( "DoBSErrorDB",               m_doBSErrorDB                = false );
+   declareProperty( "DoLorentzAngle",            m_doLorentzAngle             = false );
+   declareProperty( "WriteToCool",               m_writeToCool                = true );
+   //reinstated 21 May
+   declareProperty( "NoisyUpdate",                m_noisyUpdate               = true );
+   declareProperty( "NoisyUploadTest",            m_noisyUploadTest           = true );
+   declareProperty( "NoisyModuleAverageInDB",     m_noisyModuleAverageInDB    = -1. );
+   declareProperty( "NoisyStripLastRunInDB",      m_noisyStripLastRunInDB     = -999 );
+   declareProperty( "NoisyStripAverageInDB",      m_noisyStripAverageInDB     = -999. );
+   declareProperty( "NoisyModuleList",            m_noisyModuleList           = 200 );
+   declareProperty( "NoisyModuleDiff",            m_noisyModuleDiff           = 0.200 );
+   declareProperty( "NoisyStripDiff",             m_noisyStripDiff            = 128. );
+   declareProperty( "NoisyMinStat",              m_noisyMinStat               = 50000 );
+   declareProperty( "NoisyStripAll",             m_noisyStripAll              = true );
+   declareProperty( "NoisyStripThrDef",          m_noisyStripThrDef           = true );
+   declareProperty( "NoisyStripThrOffline",      m_noisyStripThrOffline       = 1.500E-2 );
+   declareProperty( "NoisyStripThrOnline",       m_noisyStripThrOnline        = 1.500E-3 );
+   declareProperty( "NoisyWaferFinder",          m_noisyWaferFinder           = true );
+   declareProperty( "NoisyWaferWrite",           m_noisyWaferWrite            = true );
+   declareProperty( "NoisyWaferAllStrips",       m_noisyWaferAllStrips        = true );
+   declareProperty( "NoisyWaferThrBarrel",       m_noisyWaferThrBarrel        = 1.000E-4 );
+   declareProperty( "NoisyWaferThrECA",          m_noisyWaferThrECA           = 1.000E-4 );
+   declareProperty( "NoisyWaferThrECC",          m_noisyWaferThrECC           = 1.000E-4 );
+   declareProperty( "NoisyWaferFraction",        m_noisyWaferFraction         = 0.500 );
+   declareProperty( "NoisyChipFraction",         m_noisyChipFraction          = 0.500 );
+   declareProperty( "HVBinWidth",                m_maxtbins                   = 5 );
+   declareProperty( "HVQlength",                 m_maxq                       = 100 );
+   declareProperty( "HVAbsTripLimit",            m_absolutetriplimit          = 5. );
+   declareProperty( "HVRelTripLimit",            m_relativetriplimit          = 4. );
+   declareProperty( "OutputLowHits",             m_outputlowhits              = false );
+   declareProperty( "LowHitsCut",                m_lowHitCut                  = 100 );
+   declareProperty( "DeadStripMinStat",          m_deadStripMinStat           = 200000 );
+   declareProperty( "DeadStripMinStatBusy",      m_deadStripMinStatBusy       = 1600000 );
+   declareProperty( "DeadChipMinStat",           m_deadChipMinStat            = 200000 );
+   declareProperty( "DeadStripSignificance",     m_deadStripSignificance      = 10 );
+   declareProperty( "DeadChipSignificance",      m_deadChipSignificance       = 10 );
+   declareProperty( "BusyThr4DeadFinding",       m_busyThr4DeadFinding        = 1E-4 );
+   declareProperty( "NoisyThr4DeadFinding",      m_noisyThr4DeadFinding       = 1.500E-3 );
+   declareProperty( "DeadChipUploadTest",        m_deadChipUploadTest         = true );
+   declareProperty( "DeadStripUploadTest",       m_deadStripUploadTest        = true );
+   declareProperty( "NoiseOccupancyTriggerAware",m_noiseOccupancyTriggerAware = true );
+   declareProperty( "NoiseOccupancyMinStat",     m_noiseOccupancyMinStat      = 50000 );
+   declareProperty( "RawOccupancyMinStat",       m_rawOccupancyMinStat        = 50000 );
+   declareProperty( "EfficiencyMinStat",         m_efficiencyMinStat          = 50000 );
+   declareProperty( "BSErrorDBMinStat",          m_BSErrorDBMinStat           = 50000 );
+   declareProperty( "LorentzAngleMinStat",       m_LorentzAngleMinStat        = 50000 );
+   declareProperty( "LorentzAngleDebugMode",     m_LorentzAngleDebugMode      = true );
+   declareProperty( "TagID4NoisyStrips",         m_tagID4NoisyStrips          = "SctDerivedMonitoring-001-00" );
+   declareProperty( "TagID4DeadStrips",          m_tagID4DeadStrips           = "SctDerivedDeadStrips-001-00" );
+   declareProperty( "TagID4DeadChips",           m_tagID4DeadChips            = "SctDerivedDeadChips-001-00" );
+   declareProperty( "TagID4NoiseOccupancy",      m_tagID4NoiseOccupancy       = "SctDerivedNoiseOccupancy-001-00" );
+   declareProperty( "TagID4RawOccupancy",        m_tagID4RawOccupancy         = "SctDerivedRawOccupancy-001-00" );
+   declareProperty( "TagID4Efficiency",          m_tagID4Efficiency           = "SctDerivedEfficiency-001-00" );
+   declareProperty( "TagID4BSErrors",            m_tagID4BSErrors             = "SctDerivedBSErrors-000-00" );
+   declareProperty( "TagID4LorentzAngle",        m_tagID4LorentzAngle         = "SctDerivedLorentzAngle-000-00" );
+   declareProperty( "BadStripsAllFile",          m_badStripsAllFile           = "BadStripsAllFile.xml" );
+   declareProperty( "BadStripsNewFile",          m_badStripsNewFile           = "BadStripsNewFile.xml" );
+   declareProperty( "BadStripsSummaryFile",      m_badStripsSummaryFile       = "BadStripsSummaryFile.xml" );
+   declareProperty( "BadModulesFile",            m_badModulesFile             = "BadModulesFile.xml" );
+   declareProperty( "DeadStripsFile",            m_deadStripsFile             = "DeadStripsFile.xml" );
+   declareProperty( "DeadChipsFile",             m_deadChipsFile              = "DeadChipsFile.xml" );
+   declareProperty( "DeadSummaryFile",           m_deadSummaryFile            = "DeadSummaryFile.xml" );
+   declareProperty( "NoiseOccupancyFile",        m_noiseOccupancyFile         = "NoiseOccupancyFile.xml" );
+   declareProperty( "NoiseOccupancySummaryFile", m_noiseOccupancySummaryFile  = "NoiseOccupancySummaryFile.xml" );
+   declareProperty( "RawOccupancySummaryFile",   m_rawOccupancySummaryFile    = "RawOccupancySummaryFile.xml" );
+   declareProperty( "EfficiencySummaryFile",     m_efficiencySummaryFile      = "EfficiencySummaryFile.xml" );
+   declareProperty( "EfficiencyModuleFile",      m_efficiencyModuleFile       = "EfficiencyModuleSummary.xml" );
+   declareProperty( "BSErrorSummaryFile",        m_BSErrorSummaryFile         = "BSErrorSummaryFile.xml" );
+   declareProperty( "BSErrorModuleFile",         m_BSErrorModuleFile          = "BSErrorModuleSummary.xml" );
+   declareProperty( "LorentzAngleFile",          m_LorentzAngleFile           = "LorentzAngleFile.xml" );
+   declareProperty( "LorentzAngleSummaryFile",   m_LorentzAngleSummaryFile    = "LorentzAngleSummaryFile.xml" );
+   m_evt            = 0;
+   m_numberOfEvents = 0;
+   m_eventCounter   = 0;
+   m_maxentry       = 0;
+   m_timeStampBegin = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
+   m_timeStampEnd   = -999;
+   m_LBBegin        = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
+   m_LBEnd          = -999;
+   m_LBRange        = -999;
+   //--- for HV trip
+   m_phvtripFirstTime = 2000000000;
+   m_phvtripPrevTime  = 0;
+   m_readHIST = m_doNoiseOccupancy || m_doRawOccupancy || m_doEfficiency || m_doBSErrorDB || m_doLorentzAngle;
@@ -307,176 +307,176 @@ SCTCalib::SCTCalib( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator ) :
 SCTCalib::~SCTCalib() {
-    //nop
+   //nop
 // Initialization
 StatusCode SCTCalib::initialize() {
-    if ( service( "THistSvc", m_thistSvc ).isFailure() ) return msg( MSG::ERROR) << "Unable to retrieve pointer to THistSvc" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    if ( detStore()->retrieve( m_pSCTHelper, "SCT_ID").isFailure()) return msg( MSG::ERROR) << "Unable to retrieve SCTHelper" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    //
-    m_MAXHASH=m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash_max();
-    m_waferItrBegin  = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_begin();
-    m_waferItrEnd  = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_end();
-    //
-    if ( detStore()->retrieve( m_pManager, "SCT").isFailure() ) return msg( MSG::ERROR) << "Unable to retrieve SCTManager" << endmsg,StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    if ( not retrievedService(m_pCalibWriteSvc)) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    if ( m_doHV) msg( MSG::FATAL ) << "Not yet properly implemented and tested!" << endmsg;
-    if ( !m_useDCS ) {
-        ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "DCSConditionsSvc was removed in initialization" );
-        if ( m_doHV ) {
-            ATH_MSG_ERROR( "DCSConditionsSvc has to be initialized for HvSvc" );
-            return StatusCode::FAILURE ;
-        }
-    } else {
-        if (not retrievedService(m_DCSConditionsSvc)) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    if ( !m_useConfiguration ) {
-        ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "ConfigurationConditionsSvc was removed in initialization" );
-    } else {
-        if (not retrievedService(m_ConfigurationConditionsSvc)) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    if ( !m_useCalibration ) {
-        ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "ReadCalibDataSvc was removed in initialization" );
-    } else {
-        if (not retrievedService(m_ReadCalibDataSvc)) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    if ( !m_useMajority ) {
-        ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "MajorityConditionsSvc was removed in initialization" );
-    } else {
-        if ( not retrievedService(m_MajorityConditionsSvc)) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    if ( not retrievedService(m_calibHitmapSvc)) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    if ( not retrievedService(m_calibModuleListSvc)) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    if ( not retrievedService(m_calibEvtInfoSvc)) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    if ( !m_useBSError ) {
-        ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "ByteStreamErrorsSvc was removed in initialization" );
-    } else {
-        if ( not retrievedService(m_calibBsErrSvc)) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    if ( not retrievedService(m_calibLbSvc) ) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    if ( not retrievedService(m_CablingSvc)) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    //--- LB range
-    try {
-        m_LBRange = std::stoi( m_LBMax );
-        ISCT_CalibHistoSvc::setNumberOfLb(m_LBRange);
-    } catch (...) {
-        ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Couldn't cast m_LBMax=\""<< m_LBMax <<"\" to m_LBRange...");
-        m_LBRange = 0;
-    }
-    ISCT_CalibHistoSvc::setLbToMerge(m_nLbsMerged);
-    m_readHIST = m_doNoiseOccupancy || m_doRawOccupancy || m_doEfficiency || m_doBSErrorDB || m_doLorentzAngle;
-    if ( m_readBS  && m_readHIST ) {
-        ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Both BS and HIST are set to be read. Choose either of BS or HIST." );
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    //--- Open BS
-    if ( m_readBS ) {
-        ATH_MSG_INFO( "------------> Reading from ByteStream <-------------");
-        m_calibEvtInfoSvc->setSource("BS");
-    }
-    //--- Open HIST
-    if ( m_readHIST ) {
-        ATH_MSG_INFO( "------------> Reading from HIST <-------------" );
-        m_calibEvtInfoSvc->setSource("HIST");
-        //--- List of HIST
-        std::string hist("");
-        std::vector<std::string> histCollection = m_input_hist.value();
-        ATH_MSG_INFO( "The input histogram name is : " << m_input_hist );
-        if (not histCollection.empty()) {
-            hist=histCollection.back();
-            if (histCollection.size() > 1) msg( MSG::WARNING ) << "The Histogram collection contains more than one histogram; using the last one."<< endmsg;
-        } else {
-            msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "The input histogram collection property is empty"<< endmsg;
-            return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-        }
-        //in case of DeadStrip or DeadChip, change open from EOS to
-        //copy and open locally. Delete the file after processing
-        m_inputHist = TFile::Open( hist.c_str() );
-        ATH_MSG_INFO( "opening HIST file : " << hist.c_str() );
-        cout<< "opening HIST file : " << hist.c_str()<<endl;
-        if(m_inputHist) {
-            //--- Check run number
-            const std::string os=std::to_string((int)m_runNumber);
-            ATH_MSG_INFO( "Getting HIST directory : " << (int)m_runNumber );
-            if ( not m_inputHist->GetDirectory( "/run_"+TString(os) ) ) return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "RunNumber in HIST is inconsistent with jobO : " << os << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE ;
-            ATH_MSG_INFO( "Getting Number of events: " << m_calibEvtInfoSvc->counter() );
-            //--- Read number of events : Get an entry of "tier0ESD" in "/GLOBAL/DQTDataFlow/events_lb"
-            std::string osHist= std::string( "/run_") + std::to_string((int)m_runNumber)+"/GLOBAL/DQTDataFlow/events_lb";
-            TH1I* hist_events = (TH1I *) m_inputHist->Get( osHist.c_str() );
-            m_numberOfEventsHist = hist_events->GetBinContent( 6 ); // Entry in "tier0ESD"
-            if ( hist_events->GetBinContent( 4 ) > m_numberOfEventsHist) m_numberOfEventsHist = hist_events->GetBinContent( 4 ); // Entry in "tier0"
-            //m_numberOfEventsHist = 13902;
-        } else {
-            ATH_MSG_WARNING( "can not open HIST : " << hist.c_str() );
-        }
-        ATH_MSG_INFO( "Initialization of TimeStamp/LB, taken from runInfo.txt" );
-        //--- Initialization of TimeStamp/LB, taken from runInfo.txt
-        m_calibEvtInfoSvc->setSource("HIST");
-        m_calibEvtInfoSvc->setTimeStamp(m_runStartTime,m_runEndTime);
-        m_calibEvtInfoSvc->setRunNumber(m_runNumber);
-    }
-    //--- Booking histograms for hitmaps
-    if ( m_doHitMaps ) m_calibHitmapSvc->book();
-    //--- Reading histograms for hitmaps
-    if ( ( not m_doHitMaps && not m_doNoisyLB) && m_readHitMaps) {
-        m_calibEvtInfoSvc->setSource("HIST");
-        m_calibHitmapSvc->read("./SCTHitMaps.root");
-        m_numberOfEventsHist = m_calibHitmapSvc->size();
-        m_calibEvtInfoSvc->setTimeStamp(m_runStartTime,m_runEndTime);
-        m_calibEvtInfoSvc->setRunNumber(m_runNumber);
-        m_calibLbSvc->read("./SCTLB.root");
-    }
-    //--- Booking histograms for BSErrors
-    if ( m_doBSErrors ) m_calibBsErrSvc->book();
-    //--- Hit-vs-LB for LBs in noisy links/chips
-    if ( m_doNoisyLB ) m_calibLbSvc->book();
-    //--- Check statistics for NoiseOccupancy
-    if ( m_doNoiseOccupancy and notEnoughStatistics(m_noiseOccupancyMinStat, m_numberOfEventsHist)) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    //--- Check statistics for RawOccupancy
-    if ( m_doRawOccupancy and notEnoughStatistics(m_rawOccupancyMinStat,m_numberOfEventsHist)) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    //--- Check statistics for Efficiency
-    if ( m_doEfficiency and notEnoughStatistics(m_efficiencyMinStat,m_numberOfEventsHist)) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    //--- Check statistics for BSError
-    if ( m_doBSErrorDB and notEnoughStatistics(m_BSErrorDBMinStat, m_numberOfEventsHist )) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    //--- Check statistics for LorentzAngle
-    if ( m_doLorentzAngle and notEnoughStatistics(m_LorentzAngleMinStat, m_numberOfEventsHist)) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    //
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+   if ( service( "THistSvc", m_thistSvc ).isFailure() ) return msg( MSG::ERROR) << "Unable to retrieve pointer to THistSvc" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   if ( detStore()->retrieve( m_pSCTHelper, "SCT_ID").isFailure()) return msg( MSG::ERROR) << "Unable to retrieve SCTHelper" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   //
+   m_MAXHASH=m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash_max();
+   m_waferItrBegin  = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_begin();
+   m_waferItrEnd  = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_end();
+   //
+   if ( detStore()->retrieve( m_pManager, "SCT").isFailure() ) return msg( MSG::ERROR) << "Unable to retrieve SCTManager" << endmsg,StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   if ( not retrievedService(m_pCalibWriteSvc)) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   if ( m_doHV) msg( MSG::FATAL ) << "Not yet properly implemented and tested!" << endmsg;
+   if ( !m_useDCS ) {
+      ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "DCSConditionsSvc was removed in initialization" );
+      if ( m_doHV ) {
+         ATH_MSG_ERROR( "DCSConditionsSvc has to be initialized for HvSvc" );
+         return StatusCode::FAILURE ;
+      }
+   } else {
+      if (not retrievedService(m_DCSConditionsSvc)) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   if ( !m_useConfiguration ) {
+      ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "ConfigurationConditionsSvc was removed in initialization" );
+   } else {
+      if (not retrievedService(m_ConfigurationConditionsSvc)) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   if ( !m_useCalibration ) {
+      ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "ReadCalibDataSvc was removed in initialization" );
+   } else {
+      if (not retrievedService(m_ReadCalibDataSvc)) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   if ( !m_useMajority ) {
+      ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "MajorityConditionsSvc was removed in initialization" );
+   } else {
+      if ( not retrievedService(m_MajorityConditionsSvc)) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   if ( not retrievedService(m_calibHitmapSvc)) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   if ( not retrievedService(m_calibModuleListSvc)) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   if ( not retrievedService(m_calibEvtInfoSvc)) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   if ( !m_useBSError ) {
+      ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "ByteStreamErrorsSvc was removed in initialization" );
+   } else {
+      if ( not retrievedService(m_calibBsErrSvc)) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   if ( not retrievedService(m_calibLbSvc) ) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   if ( not retrievedService(m_CablingSvc)) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   //--- LB range
+   try {
+      m_LBRange = std::stoi( m_LBMax );
+      ISCT_CalibHistoSvc::setNumberOfLb(m_LBRange);
+   } catch (...) {
+      ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Couldn't cast m_LBMax=\""<< m_LBMax <<"\" to m_LBRange...");
+      m_LBRange = 0;
+   }
+   ISCT_CalibHistoSvc::setLbToMerge(m_nLbsMerged);
+   m_readHIST = m_doNoiseOccupancy || m_doRawOccupancy || m_doEfficiency || m_doBSErrorDB || m_doLorentzAngle;
+   if ( m_readBS  && m_readHIST ) {
+      ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Both BS and HIST are set to be read. Choose either of BS or HIST." );
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   //--- Open BS
+   if ( m_readBS ) {
+      ATH_MSG_INFO( "------------> Reading from ByteStream <-------------");
+      m_calibEvtInfoSvc->setSource("BS");
+   }
+   //--- Open HIST
+   if ( m_readHIST ) {
+      ATH_MSG_INFO( "------------> Reading from HIST <-------------" );
+      m_calibEvtInfoSvc->setSource("HIST");
+      //--- List of HIST
+      std::string hist("");
+      std::vector<std::string> histCollection = m_input_hist.value();
+      ATH_MSG_INFO( "The input histogram name is : " << m_input_hist );
+      if (not histCollection.empty()) {
+         hist=histCollection.back();
+         if (histCollection.size() > 1) msg( MSG::WARNING ) << "The Histogram collection contains more than one histogram; using the last one."<< endmsg;
+      } else {
+         msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "The input histogram collection property is empty"<< endmsg;
+         return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+      }
+      //in case of DeadStrip or DeadChip, change open from EOS to
+      //copy and open locally. Delete the file after processing
+      m_inputHist = TFile::Open( hist.c_str() );
+      ATH_MSG_INFO( "opening HIST file : " << hist.c_str() );
+      cout<< "opening HIST file : " << hist.c_str()<<endl;
+      if(m_inputHist) {
+         //--- Check run number
+         const std::string os=std::to_string((int)m_runNumber);
+         ATH_MSG_INFO( "Getting HIST directory : " << (int)m_runNumber );
+         if ( not m_inputHist->GetDirectory( "/run_"+TString(os) ) ) return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "RunNumber in HIST is inconsistent with jobO : " << os << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE ;
+         ATH_MSG_INFO( "Getting Number of events: " << m_calibEvtInfoSvc->counter() );
+         //--- Read number of events : Get an entry of "tier0ESD" in "/GLOBAL/DQTDataFlow/events_lb"
+         std::string osHist= std::string( "/run_") + std::to_string((int)m_runNumber)+"/GLOBAL/DQTDataFlow/events_lb";
+         TH1I* hist_events = (TH1I *) m_inputHist->Get( osHist.c_str() );
+         m_numberOfEventsHist = hist_events->GetBinContent( 6 ); // Entry in "tier0ESD"
+         if ( hist_events->GetBinContent( 4 ) > m_numberOfEventsHist) m_numberOfEventsHist = hist_events->GetBinContent( 4 ); // Entry in "tier0"
+         //m_numberOfEventsHist = 13902;
+      } else {
+         ATH_MSG_WARNING( "can not open HIST : " << hist.c_str() );
+      }
+      ATH_MSG_INFO( "Initialization of TimeStamp/LB, taken from runInfo.txt" );
+      //--- Initialization of TimeStamp/LB, taken from runInfo.txt
+      m_calibEvtInfoSvc->setSource("HIST");
+      m_calibEvtInfoSvc->setTimeStamp(m_runStartTime,m_runEndTime);
+      m_calibEvtInfoSvc->setRunNumber(m_runNumber);
+   }
+   //--- Booking histograms for hitmaps
+   if ( m_doHitMaps ) m_calibHitmapSvc->book();
+   //--- Reading histograms for hitmaps
+   if ( ( not m_doHitMaps && not m_doNoisyLB) && m_readHitMaps) {
+      m_calibEvtInfoSvc->setSource("HIST");
+      m_calibHitmapSvc->read("./SCTHitMaps.root");
+      m_numberOfEventsHist = m_calibHitmapSvc->size();
+      m_calibEvtInfoSvc->setTimeStamp(m_runStartTime,m_runEndTime);
+      m_calibEvtInfoSvc->setRunNumber(m_runNumber);
+      m_calibLbSvc->read("./SCTLB.root");
+   }
+   //--- Booking histograms for BSErrors
+   if ( m_doBSErrors ) m_calibBsErrSvc->book();
+   //--- Hit-vs-LB for LBs in noisy links/chips
+   if ( m_doNoisyLB ) m_calibLbSvc->book();
+   //--- Check statistics for NoiseOccupancy
+   if ( m_doNoiseOccupancy and notEnoughStatistics(m_noiseOccupancyMinStat, m_numberOfEventsHist)) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   //--- Check statistics for RawOccupancy
+   if ( m_doRawOccupancy and notEnoughStatistics(m_rawOccupancyMinStat,m_numberOfEventsHist)) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   //--- Check statistics for Efficiency
+   if ( m_doEfficiency and notEnoughStatistics(m_efficiencyMinStat,m_numberOfEventsHist)) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   //--- Check statistics for BSError
+   if ( m_doBSErrorDB and notEnoughStatistics(m_BSErrorDBMinStat, m_numberOfEventsHist )) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   //--- Check statistics for LorentzAngle
+   if ( m_doLorentzAngle and notEnoughStatistics(m_LorentzAngleMinStat, m_numberOfEventsHist)) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   //
+   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
 SCTCalib::notEnoughStatistics(const int required, const int obtained, const std::string & histogramName) {
-    if (obtained<required) {
-        msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Number of events in "<<histogramName<<": "<<obtained<<" is less than the required minimum number of events " <<required<< endmsg;
-        return true;
-    }
-    return false;
+   if (obtained<required) {
+      msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Number of events in "<<histogramName<<": "<<obtained<<" is less than the required minimum number of events " <<required<< endmsg;
+      return true;
+   }
+   return false;
@@ -484,16 +484,16 @@ SCTCalib::notEnoughStatistics(const int required, const int obtained, const std:
 StatusCode SCTCalib::beginRun() {
-    ATH_MSG_INFO ("----- in beginRun() -----" );
-    //--- Check if configuration data is available or not
-    if ( m_useConfiguration and ( m_doNoisyStrip or m_doDeadStrip or m_doDeadChip ) ) {
-        if ( not m_ConfigurationConditionsSvc->filled() ) return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Configuration data is not available" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    //--- Check if calibration data is available or not
-    if ( m_useCalibration and m_doNoisyStrip ) {
-        if ( not m_ReadCalibDataSvc->filled() ) return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Calibration data is not available" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+   ATH_MSG_INFO ("----- in beginRun() -----" );
+   //--- Check if configuration data is available or not
+   if ( m_useConfiguration and ( m_doNoisyStrip or m_doDeadStrip or m_doDeadChip ) ) {
+      if ( not m_ConfigurationConditionsSvc->filled() ) return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Configuration data is not available" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   //--- Check if calibration data is available or not
+   if ( m_useCalibration and m_doNoisyStrip ) {
+      if ( not m_ReadCalibDataSvc->filled() ) return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Calibration data is not available" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -502,20 +502,20 @@ StatusCode SCTCalib::beginRun() {
 StatusCode SCTCalib::execute() {
-    const bool majorityIsGoodOrUnused=( m_useMajority and m_MajorityConditionsSvc->isGood() ) or !m_useMajority;
-    //--- Fill histograms for (1) Number of events and (2) Hitmaps
-    if ( m_doHitMaps  and majorityIsGoodOrUnused ) m_calibHitmapSvc->fill(m_readBS);
+   const bool majorityIsGoodOrUnused=( m_useMajority and m_MajorityConditionsSvc->isGood() ) or !m_useMajority;
+   //--- Fill histograms for (1) Number of events and (2) Hitmaps
+   if ( m_doHitMaps  and majorityIsGoodOrUnused ) m_calibHitmapSvc->fill(m_readBS);
-    //--- Fill histograms for (1) Number of events and (2) Hits as a function of LB
-    if ( m_doNoisyLB and majorityIsGoodOrUnused ) m_calibLbSvc->fill(m_readBS);
+   //--- Fill histograms for (1) Number of events and (2) Hits as a function of LB
+   if ( m_doNoisyLB and majorityIsGoodOrUnused ) m_calibLbSvc->fill(m_readBS);
-    //--- Fill histograms for (1) Number of events and (2) BSErrors
-    if ( m_doBSErrors ) m_calibBsErrSvc->fill(m_readBS);
+   //--- Fill histograms for (1) Number of events and (2) BSErrors
+   if ( m_doBSErrors ) m_calibBsErrSvc->fill(m_readBS);
-    //--- Increment event counter : to be ready for the next event loop
-    m_calibEvtInfoSvc->incrementCounter();
+   //--- Increment event counter : to be ready for the next event loop
+   m_calibEvtInfoSvc->incrementCounter();
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -523,87 +523,89 @@ StatusCode SCTCalib::execute() {
 StatusCode SCTCalib::endRun() {
-    ATH_MSG_INFO( "----- in endRun() ----- " );
-    //--- Number of events processed
-    m_numberOfEvents = (m_readHIST || (!m_doHitMaps && m_readHitMaps)) ? m_numberOfEventsHist : m_calibEvtInfoSvc->counter();
-    m_calibEvtInfoSvc->getTimeStamps(m_utcBegin,m_utcEnd);
-    //  if ( m_doNoisyLB ) m_calibLbSvc->binHistograms(m_nLbsMerged);
-    //--- IOV range defined by RunNumber and LB
-    unsigned int beginRun = (int) m_runNumber;
-    unsigned int endRun   = (int) m_runNumber;
-    unsigned int beginLB  = IOVTime::MINEVENT;
-    unsigned int endLB    = IOVTime::MAXEVENT;
-    m_iovStart.setRunEvent( (unsigned long) beginRun, (unsigned long) beginLB );
-    m_iovStop.setRunEvent( (unsigned long) endRun, (unsigned long) endLB );
-    //--- Find noisy strips from hitmaps
-    const bool doNoisyStripAnalysis = ( ( !m_doHitMaps && m_readHitMaps ) || !m_readHitMaps ) && m_doNoisyStrip;
-    if ( doNoisyStripAnalysis and getNoisyStrip().isFailure() ) return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Failed to run getNoisyStrip()" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    //--- Upload hv
-    if ( m_doHV ) {
-        m_gofile.open(m_badModulesFile.c_str(),std::ios::out);
-        if (not m_gofile and msgLvl(MSG::ERROR)) msg(MSG::ERROR)<<"Problem opening "<<m_badModulesFile<< endmsg;
-        //
-        XmlHeader myXml(m_gofile);
-        XmlStreamer root("modules", m_gofile);
-        SCT_ID::const_id_iterator waferItr  = m_waferItrBegin;
-        const unsigned int onlyDummy(1);
-        pair<int, int> timeInterval(0,0);
-        pair<int, int> lbRange(0,0);
-        const int withinLimits(m_maxtbins);
-        //
-        for( ; waferItr not_eq m_waferItrEnd; ++waferItr ) {
-            const Identifier waferId=*waferItr ;
-            IdentifierHash   waferHash = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash( waferId );
-            const vector< pair<int,int> > & tvec= m_summarytrips.at((int)waferHash);
-            const vector< pair<int,int> > & tlbn= m_summarytripslb.at((int)waferHash);
-            //tvec is a pair of times in general, although the very first one is a dummy
-            const unsigned int numberOfElements=tvec.size();
-            if (numberOfElements > onlyDummy) {
-                //only care if something happened in this module
-                timeInterval=tvec.at(1);
-                lbRange=tlbn.at(1);
-                for (unsigned int itrip(2); itrip != numberOfElements; ++itrip) { //skip 0 since that is just the dummy pair.
-                    if (areConsecutiveIntervals(tvec[itrip],timeInterval,withinLimits)) {
-                        timeInterval.second  =  tvec.at(itrip).second;
-                        lbRange.second = tlbn.at(itrip).second;
-                    } else {
-                        //not consecutive, so first print out the old one
-                        doHVPrintXML(timeInterval,lbRange,waferId);
-                        timeInterval =  tvec.at(itrip);
-                        lbRange =  tlbn.at(itrip);
-                    }
-                } // end loop over times
-                doHVPrintXML(timeInterval,lbRange,waferId );
-            }
-        } // end loop over wafers
-    }
-    //--- Find dead strips/chips from hitmaps
-    if ( (m_doDeadStrip or m_doDeadChip ) and getDeadStrip().isFailure() ) return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Failed to run getDeadStrip()" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE ;
-    //--- Upload noise occupancy
-    if ( m_doNoiseOccupancy  and getNoiseOccupancy().isFailure() ) return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Failed to run getNoiseOccupancy()" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    //--- Upload raw occupancy
-    if ( m_doRawOccupancy and getRawOccupancy().isFailure() ) return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Failed to run getRawOccupancy()" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    //--- Upload efficiency
-    if ( m_doEfficiency and getEfficiency().isFailure() ) return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Failed to run getEfficiency()" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    //--- Upload ByteStream Errors
-    if ( m_doBSErrorDB and getBSErrors().isFailure() ) return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Failed to run getBSErrors()" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    //--- Upload Lorentz Angle
-    if ( m_doLorentzAngle  and getLorentzAngle().isFailure() ) return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Failed to run getLorentzAngle()" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    //--- Close HIST
-    if ( m_readHIST ) m_inputHist->Close();
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+   ATH_MSG_INFO( "----- in endRun() ----- " );
+   //--- Number of events processed
+   m_numberOfEvents = (m_readHIST || (!m_doHitMaps && m_readHitMaps)) ? m_numberOfEventsHist : m_calibEvtInfoSvc->counter();
+   m_calibEvtInfoSvc->getTimeStamps(m_utcBegin,m_utcEnd);
+   //  if ( m_doNoisyLB ) m_calibLbSvc->binHistograms(m_nLbsMerged);
+   //--- IOV range defined by RunNumber and LB
+   unsigned int beginRun = (int) m_runNumber;
+   unsigned int endRun   = (int) m_runNumber;
+   unsigned int beginLB  = IOVTime::MINEVENT;
+   unsigned int endLB    = IOVTime::MAXEVENT;
+   m_iovStart.setRunEvent( (unsigned long) beginRun, (unsigned long) beginLB );
+   m_iovStop.setRunEvent( (unsigned long) endRun, (unsigned long) endLB );
+   //msg(MSG::INFO)<< "----- in endRun() ----- " << beginRun << " " << beginLB << " "  << endRun << " " << endLB << endmsg;
+   //--- Find noisy strips from hitmaps
+   const bool doNoisyStripAnalysis = ( ( !m_doHitMaps && m_readHitMaps ) || !m_readHitMaps ) && m_doNoisyStrip;
+   if ( doNoisyStripAnalysis and getNoisyStrip().isFailure() ) return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Failed to run getNoisyStrip()" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   //--- Upload hv
+   if ( m_doHV ) {
+      m_gofile.open(m_badModulesFile.c_str(),std::ios::out);
+      if (not m_gofile and msgLvl(MSG::ERROR)) msg(MSG::ERROR)<<"Problem opening "<<m_badModulesFile<< endmsg;
+      //
+      XmlHeader myXml(m_gofile);
+      XmlStreamer root("modules", m_gofile);
+      SCT_ID::const_id_iterator waferItr  = m_waferItrBegin;
+      const unsigned int onlyDummy(1);
+      pair<int, int> timeInterval(0,0);
+      pair<int, int> lbRange(0,0);
+      const int withinLimits(m_maxtbins);
+      //
+      for( ; waferItr not_eq m_waferItrEnd; ++waferItr ) {
+         const Identifier waferId=*waferItr ;
+         IdentifierHash   waferHash = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash( waferId );
+         const vector< pair<int,int> > & tvec= m_summarytrips.at((int)waferHash);
+         const vector< pair<int,int> > & tlbn= m_summarytripslb.at((int)waferHash);
+         //tvec is a pair of times in general, although the very first one is a dummy
+         const unsigned int numberOfElements=tvec.size();
+         if (numberOfElements > onlyDummy) {
+            //only care if something happened in this module
+            timeInterval=tvec.at(1);
+            lbRange=tlbn.at(1);
+            for (unsigned int itrip(2); itrip != numberOfElements; ++itrip) { //skip 0 since that is just the dummy pair.
+               if (areConsecutiveIntervals(tvec[itrip],timeInterval,withinLimits)) {
+                  timeInterval.second  =  tvec.at(itrip).second;
+                  lbRange.second = tlbn.at(itrip).second;
+               } else {
+                  //not consecutive, so first print out the old one
+                  doHVPrintXML(timeInterval,lbRange,waferId);
+                  timeInterval =  tvec.at(itrip);
+                  lbRange =  tlbn.at(itrip);
+               }
+            } // end loop over times
+            doHVPrintXML(timeInterval,lbRange,waferId );
+         }
+      } // end loop over wafers
+   }
+   //--- Find dead strips/chips from hitmaps
+   if ( (m_doDeadStrip or m_doDeadChip ) and getDeadStrip().isFailure() ) return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Failed to run getDeadStrip()" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE ;
+   //--- Upload noise occupancy
+   if ( m_doNoiseOccupancy  and getNoiseOccupancy().isFailure() ) return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Failed to run getNoiseOccupancy()" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   //--- Upload raw occupancy
+   if ( m_doRawOccupancy and getRawOccupancy().isFailure() ) return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Failed to run getRawOccupancy()" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   //--- Upload efficiency
+   if ( m_doEfficiency and getEfficiency().isFailure() ) return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Failed to run getEfficiency()" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   //--- Upload ByteStream Errors
+   if ( m_doBSErrorDB and getBSErrors().isFailure() ) return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Failed to run getBSErrors()" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   //--- Upload Lorentz Angle
+   if ( m_doLorentzAngle  and getLorentzAngle().isFailure() ) return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Failed to run getLorentzAngle()" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   //--- Close HIST
+   if ( m_readHIST ) m_inputHist->Close();
+   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -612,10 +614,10 @@ StatusCode SCTCalib::endRun() {
 StatusCode SCTCalib::finalize() {
-    msg( MSG::INFO ) << "----- in finalize() ----- " << endmsg;
+   msg( MSG::INFO ) << "----- in finalize() ----- " << endmsg;
-    msg( MSG::INFO ) << "Thank-you for using SCT_CalibAlgs, version "<<PACKAGE_VERSION << endmsg;
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+   msg( MSG::INFO ) << "Thank-you for using SCT_CalibAlgs, version "<<PACKAGE_VERSION << endmsg;
+   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -624,35 +626,35 @@ StatusCode SCTCalib::finalize() {
 /// Prints XML file for hv modules
 StatusCode SCTCalib::doHVPrintXML(const std::pair<int, int> & timeInterval, const std::pair<int,int> & lbRange, Identifier waferId) {
-    const IdentifierHash   waferHash = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash( waferId );
-    const SCT_SerialNumber sn        = m_CablingSvc->getSerialNumberFromHash( waferHash );
-    XmlStreamer mod("module", m_gofile);
-    {
-        XmlStreamer v("value","name","SN", m_gofile);
-        m_gofile<<sn.str();
-    }
-    {
-        XmlStreamer v("value", "name", "BecLayerPhiEta", m_gofile);
-        m_gofile<< formatPosition(waferId, m_pSCTHelper,".",false);
-    }
-    {
-        XmlStreamer v("value","name", "StartTime", m_gofile);
-        m_gofile<<timeInterval.first;
-    }
-    {
-        XmlStreamer v("value","name","EndTime",m_gofile);
-        m_gofile<< timeInterval.second;
-    }
-    {
-        XmlStreamer v("value","name", "StartLBN", m_gofile);
-        m_gofile<<lbRange.first;
-    }
-    {
-        XmlStreamer v("value","name","EndLBN",m_gofile);
-        m_gofile<< lbRange.second;
-    }
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+   const IdentifierHash   waferHash = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash( waferId );
+   const SCT_SerialNumber sn        = m_CablingSvc->getSerialNumberFromHash( waferHash );
+   XmlStreamer mod("module", m_gofile);
+   {
+      XmlStreamer v("value","name","SN", m_gofile);
+      m_gofile<<sn.str();
+   }
+   {
+      XmlStreamer v("value", "name", "BecLayerPhiEta", m_gofile);
+      m_gofile<< formatPosition(waferId, m_pSCTHelper,".",false);
+   }
+   {
+      XmlStreamer v("value","name", "StartTime", m_gofile);
+      m_gofile<<timeInterval.first;
+   }
+   {
+      XmlStreamer v("value","name","EndTime",m_gofile);
+      m_gofile<< timeInterval.second;
+   }
+   {
+      XmlStreamer v("value","name", "StartLBN", m_gofile);
+      m_gofile<<lbRange.first;
+   }
+   {
+      XmlStreamer v("value","name","EndLBN",m_gofile);
+      m_gofile<< lbRange.second;
+   }
+   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -660,111 +662,114 @@ StatusCode SCTCalib::doHVPrintXML(const std::pair<int, int> & timeInterval, cons
 /// Find noisy strips from hitmaps and write out into xml/db formats
 StatusCode SCTCalib::getNoisyStrip() {
-    enum Categories {ALL, NEW, REF, N_CATEGORIES};
-    //--- Check statistics
-    //msg( MSG::INFO ) << m_calibEvtInfoSvc->counter() << "   " <<m_calibHitmapSvc->size() << endmsg;
-    //int numOfEventsProcessed=m_calibEvtInfoSvc->counter();
-    m_numOfEventsProcessed=m_calibHitmapSvc->size();
-    //sroe: This looks like a bug, so I change the code here
-    // if ( noisyStripsToSummaryXmlFake( m_badStripsSummaryFile ).isFailure() ) {
-    //   msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not write XML file" << endmsg;
-    //   return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    // }
-    // if (m_numOfEventsProcessed < (int) m_noisyMinStat ) {
-    //   msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "in getNoisyStrip() : Number of events processed "    << m_numOfEventsProcessed //original was just m_numberOfEvents
-    //                     << " is less than the required minimum number of events " << (int) m_noisyMinStat  << endmsg;
-    //   return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    // }
-    ATH_MSG_INFO( "----- in getNoisyStrip() ----- " );
-    //--- Number of LBs processed
-    m_numOfLBsProcessed = 0;
-    for ( int iLB = 0; iLB != m_LBRange; ++iLB ) {
-        if ( m_calibLbSvc and m_calibLbSvc->getNumberOfEventsInBin( iLB + 1 ) > 0 ) ++m_numOfLBsProcessed;
-    }
-    //--- Choice of threshold
-    //three module lists: all, new, ref
-    typedef std::map< Identifier, std::set<Identifier> > ModuleList_t;
-    ModuleList_t moduleLists[N_CATEGORIES];
-    //Reading data from COOL
-    // original code switched on this :if (m_noisyUpdate)
-    if (m_calibModuleListSvc->readModuleList(moduleLists[REF]).isFailure()) return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not read moduleList" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    //two bad strip lists: all, new
-    typedef std::set<Identifier> StripList_t;
-    StripList_t stripIdLists[2];
-    //--- Loop over wafers
-    SCT_ID::const_id_iterator waferItr  = m_waferItrBegin;
-    SCT_ID::const_id_iterator waferItrE = m_waferItrEnd;
-    int numNoisyWafers(0);
-    for( ; waferItr not_eq waferItrE; ++waferItr ) {
-        //--- Identifier/SN
-        Identifier       waferId   = *waferItr;
-        Identifier       moduleId  = m_pSCTHelper->module_id( waferId );
-        //--- Initialization in *module*
-        if ( m_pSCTHelper->side( waferId ) == 0 ) {
-            stripIdLists[ALL].clear();
-            stripIdLists[NEW].clear();
-        }
-        std::pair<int, bool> noisy=getNumNoisyStrips(waferId);
-        const int  numNoisyStripsInWafer=noisy.first;
-        const bool isNoisyWafer=noisy.second;
-        if (numNoisyStripsInWafer!=0) {
-            if ( m_noisyWaferFinder && isNoisyWafer ) { //in noisy wafer
-                ++numNoisyWafers;
-                if (not m_noisyWaferWrite) break;
-                if (m_noisyWaferAllStrips) { //write out all strips
-                    if ( addStripsToList( waferId, stripIdLists[ALL], false, false ).isFailure() or  addStripsToList( waferId, stripIdLists[NEW], false, true ).isFailure() ) {
-                        return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not add stripIds to the list" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                } else {
-                    //only noisy strips in noisy wafer
-                    if ( addStripsToList( waferId, stripIdLists[ALL], true, false ).isFailure() or addStripsToList( waferId, stripIdLists[NEW], true, true  ).isFailure() ) {
-                        return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not add stripIds to the list" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
-                    }
-                }
-            } else { // not in noisy wafer
-                if ( addStripsToList( waferId, stripIdLists[ALL], true, false ).isFailure() or addStripsToList( waferId, stripIdLists[NEW], true, true  ).isFailure() ) {
-                    return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not add stripIds to the list" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
-                }
+   enum Categories {ALL, NEW, REF, N_CATEGORIES};
+   //--- Check statistics
+   //msg( MSG::INFO ) << m_calibEvtInfoSvc->counter() << "   " <<m_calibHitmapSvc->size() << endmsg;
+   //int numOfEventsProcessed=m_calibEvtInfoSvc->counter();
+   m_numOfEventsProcessed=m_calibHitmapSvc->size();
+   //sroe: This looks like a bug, so I change the code here
+   // if ( noisyStripsToSummaryXmlFake( m_badStripsSummaryFile ).isFailure() ) {
+   //   msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not write XML file" << endmsg;
+   //   return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   // }
+   // if (m_numOfEventsProcessed < (int) m_noisyMinStat ) {
+   //   msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "in getNoisyStrip() : Number of events processed "    << m_numOfEventsProcessed //original was just m_numberOfEvents
+   //                     << " is less than the required minimum number of events " << (int) m_noisyMinStat  << endmsg;
+   //   return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   // }
+   ATH_MSG_INFO( "----- in getNoisyStrip() ----- " );
+   //--- Number of LBs processed
+   m_numOfLBsProcessed = 0;
+   for ( int iLB = 0; iLB != m_LBRange; ++iLB ) {
+      if ( m_calibLbSvc and m_calibLbSvc->getNumberOfEventsInBin( iLB + 1 ) > 0 ) ++m_numOfLBsProcessed;
+   }
+   //--- Choice of threshold
+   //three module lists: all, new, ref
+   typedef std::map< Identifier, std::set<Identifier> > ModuleList_t;
+   ModuleList_t moduleLists[N_CATEGORIES];
+   //Reading data from COOL
+   // original code switched on this :if (m_noisyUpdate)
+   if (m_calibModuleListSvc->readModuleList(moduleLists[REF]).isFailure()) return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not read moduleList" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   //two bad strip lists: all, new
+   typedef std::set<Identifier> StripList_t;
+   StripList_t stripIdLists[2];
+   //--- Loop over wafers
+   SCT_ID::const_id_iterator waferItr  = m_waferItrBegin;
+   SCT_ID::const_id_iterator waferItrE = m_waferItrEnd;
+   int numNoisyWafers(0);
+   for( ; waferItr not_eq waferItrE; ++waferItr ) {
+      //--- Identifier/SN
+      Identifier       waferId   = *waferItr;
+      Identifier       moduleId  = m_pSCTHelper->module_id( waferId );
+      //--- Initialization in *module*
+      if ( m_pSCTHelper->side( waferId ) == 0 ) {
+         stripIdLists[ALL].clear();
+         stripIdLists[NEW].clear();
+      }
+      std::pair<int, bool> noisy=getNumNoisyStrips(waferId);
+      const int  numNoisyStripsInWafer=noisy.first;
+      const bool isNoisyWafer=noisy.second;
+      if (numNoisyStripsInWafer!=0) {
+         if ( m_noisyWaferFinder && isNoisyWafer ) { //in noisy wafer
+            ++numNoisyWafers;
+            if (not m_noisyWaferWrite) break;
+            if (m_noisyWaferAllStrips) { //write out all strips
+               //if ( addStripsToList( waferId, stripIdLists[ALL], false, false ).isFailure() or  addStripsToList( waferId, stripIdLists[NEW], false, true ).isFailure() ) {
+               if ( addStripsToList( waferId, stripIdLists[ALL], false, false ).isFailure() ) {
+                  return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not add stripIds to the list" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
+               }
+               break;
+            } else {
+               //only noisy strips in noisy wafer
+               //if ( addStripsToList( waferId, stripIdLists[ALL], true, false ).isFailure() or addStripsToList( waferId, stripIdLists[NEW], true, true  ).isFailure() ) {
+               if ( addStripsToList( waferId, stripIdLists[ALL], true, false ).isFailure() ) {
+                  return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not add stripIds to the list" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
+               }
-        }//endif numnoisystrips!=0
-        //--- Create objects for a module
-        if ( m_pSCTHelper->side( waferId ) == 1 ) {
-            if ( !stripIdLists[ALL].empty() ) moduleLists[ALL].insert( map< Identifier, std::set<Identifier> >::value_type( moduleId, stripIdLists[ALL] ) );
-            if ( !stripIdLists[NEW].empty() ) moduleLists[NEW].insert( map< Identifier, std::set<Identifier> >::value_type( moduleId, stripIdLists[NEW] ) );
-        }
-    }//end loop over wafers
-    //--- Local sqlite files here
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "------ Before writing into COOL ------" );
-    if ( m_writeToCool ) {
-        if ( writeModuleListToCool( moduleLists[ALL], moduleLists[NEW], moduleLists[REF] ).isFailure() ) {
-            msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not write NoisyStrips into COOL" << endmsg;
-            return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-        }
-    }
-    //--- XML outputs
-    if ( noisyStripsToXml( moduleLists[ALL], m_badStripsAllFile ).isFailure() ) {
-        msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not write XML file" << endmsg;
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    if ( noisyStripsToXml( moduleLists[NEW], m_badStripsNewFile ).isFailure() ) {
-        msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not write XML file" << endmsg;
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    if ( noisyStripsToSummaryXml( moduleLists[ALL], moduleLists[NEW], moduleLists[REF], m_badStripsSummaryFile ).isFailure() ) {
-        msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not write XML file" << endmsg;
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+         } else { // not in noisy wafer
+            //if ( addStripsToList( waferId, stripIdLists[ALL], true, false ).isFailure() or addStripsToList( waferId, stripIdLists[NEW], true, true  ).isFailure() ) {
+            if ( addStripsToList( waferId, stripIdLists[ALL], true, false ).isFailure() ) {
+               return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not add stripIds to the list" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
+            }
+         }
+      }//endif numnoisystrips!=0
+      //--- Create objects for a module
+      if ( m_pSCTHelper->side( waferId ) == 1 ) {
+         if ( !stripIdLists[ALL].empty() ) moduleLists[ALL].insert( map< Identifier, std::set<Identifier> >::value_type( moduleId, stripIdLists[ALL] ) );
+         if ( !stripIdLists[NEW].empty() ) moduleLists[NEW].insert( map< Identifier, std::set<Identifier> >::value_type( moduleId, stripIdLists[NEW] ) );
+      }
+   }//end loop over wafers
+   //--- Local sqlite files here
+   ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "------ Before writing into COOL ------" );
+   if ( m_writeToCool ) {
+      if ( writeModuleListToCool( moduleLists[ALL], moduleLists[NEW], moduleLists[REF] ).isFailure() ) {
+         msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not write NoisyStrips into COOL" << endmsg;
+         return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+      }
+   }
+   //--- XML outputs
+   if ( noisyStripsToXml( moduleLists[ALL], m_badStripsAllFile ).isFailure() ) {
+      msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not write XML file" << endmsg;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   if ( noisyStripsToXml( moduleLists[NEW], m_badStripsNewFile ).isFailure() ) {
+      msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not write XML file" << endmsg;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   if ( noisyStripsToSummaryXml( moduleLists[ALL], moduleLists[NEW], moduleLists[REF], m_badStripsSummaryFile ).isFailure() ) {
+      msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not write XML file" << endmsg;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -773,487 +778,487 @@ StatusCode SCTCalib::getNoisyStrip() {
 //                           SCTCalib :: getDeadStrip
 StatusCode SCTCalib::getDeadStrip() {
-    //Function to identify and print out the dead strips.
-    ATH_MSG_INFO( "getDeadStrip() called" );
-    // Bad Mods
-    std::set<Identifier>* badMods = m_ConfigurationConditionsSvc->badModules();
-    std::set<Identifier>::const_iterator ModItr(badMods->begin());
-    std::set<Identifier>::const_iterator ModEnd(badMods->end());
-    // Bad links
-    std::map<Identifier, std::pair<bool, bool> >* badLinks = m_ConfigurationConditionsSvc->badLinks();
-    std::map<Identifier, std::pair<bool, bool> >::const_iterator linkItr(badLinks->begin());
-    std::map<Identifier, std::pair<bool, bool> >::const_iterator linkEnd(badLinks->end());
-    // Bad chips
-    std::map<Identifier, unsigned int>* badChips = m_ConfigurationConditionsSvc->badChips();
-    std::map<Identifier, unsigned int>::const_iterator chipItr(badChips->begin());
-    std::map<Identifier, unsigned int>::const_iterator chipEnd(badChips->end());
-    // Bad strips (w/o bad modules and chips)
-    std::set<Identifier> badStripsExclusive;
-    m_ConfigurationConditionsSvc->badStrips(badStripsExclusive, true, true);
-    //std::set<Identifier>::const_iterator stripItr(badStripsExclusive.begin());
-    std::set<Identifier>::const_iterator stripEnd(badStripsExclusive.end());
-    //To get #(Enabled Modules)
-    int numEnabledModules_B[n_barrels]= {n_phiBinsB0*n_etaInBarrel,n_phiBinsB1*n_etaInBarrel,n_phiBinsB2*n_etaInBarrel,n_phiBinsB3*n_etaInBarrel};
-    int numEnabledModules_EC[n_disks][n_etaBinsEC]= { {0}, {0} };
-    for(int i=0; i<n_disks; i++)
-        for(int j=0; j<n_etaBinsEC; j++)
-            if(!((i==0&&j==2)||(i==6&&j==2)||(i==7&&j==2)||(i==8&&j==1)||(i==8&&j==2)))
-                numEnabledModules_EC[i][j] = j==0 ? n_phiBinsECOuter*2 : n_phiBinsECMiddle*2;
-    for(; ModItr!=ModEnd; ++ModItr) {
-        Identifier moduleId = *ModItr;
-        if(m_pSCTHelper->barrel_ec(moduleId)==BARREL) numEnabledModules_B[m_pSCTHelper->layer_disk(moduleId)]--;
-        else numEnabledModules_EC[m_pSCTHelper->layer_disk(moduleId)][m_pSCTHelper->eta_module(moduleId)]--;
-    }
-    //calculate meanOccupancy of layer etc...
-    double meanOccupancy_Barrel[n_barrels]= {0};
-    double meanOccupancy_EC[n_disks][n_etaBinsEC]= { {0}, {0} };
-    SCT_ID::const_id_iterator waferItr  = m_waferItrBegin;
-    SCT_ID::const_id_iterator waferItrE = m_waferItrEnd;
-    for( ; waferItr != waferItrE; ++waferItr ) {
-        Identifier     waferId   = *waferItr;
-        //    Identifier     moduleId  = m_pSCTHelper->module_id(waferId);
-        IdentifierHash waferHash = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash(waferId);
-        for(int j=0; j<n_stripPerChip*n_chipPerSide; j++) {
-            double n_hits = m_calibHitmapSvc->getBinForHistogramIndex( j+1 , (int) waferHash);
-            if(n_hits/m_numberOfEvents<m_noisyThr4DeadFinding) {
-                if(m_pSCTHelper->barrel_ec(waferId)==BARREL) {
-                    meanOccupancy_Barrel[m_pSCTHelper->layer_disk(waferId)]+=m_calibHitmapSvc->getBinForHistogramIndex( j+1 , (int) waferHash);
-                } else {
-                    meanOccupancy_EC[m_pSCTHelper->layer_disk(waferId)][m_pSCTHelper->eta_module(waferId)]+=m_calibHitmapSvc->getBinForHistogramIndex( j+1 , (int) waferHash);
-                }
+   //Function to identify and print out the dead strips.
+   ATH_MSG_INFO( "getDeadStrip() called" );
+   // Bad Mods
+   std::set<Identifier>* badMods = m_ConfigurationConditionsSvc->badModules();
+   std::set<Identifier>::const_iterator ModItr(badMods->begin());
+   std::set<Identifier>::const_iterator ModEnd(badMods->end());
+   // Bad links
+   std::map<Identifier, std::pair<bool, bool> >* badLinks = m_ConfigurationConditionsSvc->badLinks();
+   std::map<Identifier, std::pair<bool, bool> >::const_iterator linkItr(badLinks->begin());
+   std::map<Identifier, std::pair<bool, bool> >::const_iterator linkEnd(badLinks->end());
+   // Bad chips
+   std::map<Identifier, unsigned int>* badChips = m_ConfigurationConditionsSvc->badChips();
+   std::map<Identifier, unsigned int>::const_iterator chipItr(badChips->begin());
+   std::map<Identifier, unsigned int>::const_iterator chipEnd(badChips->end());
+   // Bad strips (w/o bad modules and chips)
+   std::set<Identifier> badStripsExclusive;
+   m_ConfigurationConditionsSvc->badStrips(badStripsExclusive, true, true);
+   //std::set<Identifier>::const_iterator stripItr(badStripsExclusive.begin());
+   std::set<Identifier>::const_iterator stripEnd(badStripsExclusive.end());
+   //To get #(Enabled Modules)
+   int numEnabledModules_B[n_barrels]= {n_phiBinsB0*n_etaInBarrel,n_phiBinsB1*n_etaInBarrel,n_phiBinsB2*n_etaInBarrel,n_phiBinsB3*n_etaInBarrel};
+   int numEnabledModules_EC[n_disks][n_etaBinsEC]= { {0}, {0} };
+   for(int i=0; i<n_disks; i++)
+      for(int j=0; j<n_etaBinsEC; j++)
+         if(!((i==0&&j==2)||(i==6&&j==2)||(i==7&&j==2)||(i==8&&j==1)||(i==8&&j==2)))
+            numEnabledModules_EC[i][j] = j==0 ? n_phiBinsECOuter*2 : n_phiBinsECMiddle*2;
+   for(; ModItr!=ModEnd; ++ModItr) {
+      Identifier moduleId = *ModItr;
+      if(m_pSCTHelper->barrel_ec(moduleId)==BARREL) numEnabledModules_B[m_pSCTHelper->layer_disk(moduleId)]--;
+      else numEnabledModules_EC[m_pSCTHelper->layer_disk(moduleId)][m_pSCTHelper->eta_module(moduleId)]--;
+   }
+   //calculate meanOccupancy of layer etc...
+   double meanOccupancy_Barrel[n_barrels]= {0};
+   double meanOccupancy_EC[n_disks][n_etaBinsEC]= { {0}, {0} };
+   SCT_ID::const_id_iterator waferItr  = m_waferItrBegin;
+   SCT_ID::const_id_iterator waferItrE = m_waferItrEnd;
+   for( ; waferItr != waferItrE; ++waferItr ) {
+      Identifier     waferId   = *waferItr;
+      //    Identifier     moduleId  = m_pSCTHelper->module_id(waferId);
+      IdentifierHash waferHash = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash(waferId);
+      for(int j=0; j<n_stripPerChip*n_chipPerSide; j++) {
+         double n_hits = m_calibHitmapSvc->getBinForHistogramIndex( j+1, (int) waferHash);
+         if(n_hits/m_numberOfEvents<m_noisyThr4DeadFinding) {
+            if(m_pSCTHelper->barrel_ec(waferId)==BARREL) {
+               meanOccupancy_Barrel[m_pSCTHelper->layer_disk(waferId)]+=m_calibHitmapSvc->getBinForHistogramIndex( j+1, (int) waferHash);
+            } else {
+               meanOccupancy_EC[m_pSCTHelper->layer_disk(waferId)][m_pSCTHelper->eta_module(waferId)]+=m_calibHitmapSvc->getBinForHistogramIndex( j+1, (int) waferHash);
-        }
-    }
-    for(int i=0; i<n_barrels; i++) {
-        meanOccupancy_Barrel[i]/=(double)(m_numberOfEvents*nbins*2*numEnabledModules_B[i]);
-        if(msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO)<<"Barrel : layer="<<i<<", meanOccupancy="<<meanOccupancy_Barrel[i]<<", #enabledModule="<<numEnabledModules_B[i]<<endmsg;
-    }
-    for(int i=0; i<n_disks; i++) {
-        for(int j=0; j<n_etaBinsEC; j++) {
-            if(numEnabledModules_EC[i][j]!=0) {
-                meanOccupancy_EC[i][j]/=(double)(m_numberOfEvents*nbins*2*numEnabledModules_EC[i][j]);
-                if(msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO)<<"EndCap : disk="<<i<<", eta="<<j<<", meanOccupancy="<<meanOccupancy_EC[i][j]<<", #enabledModule="<<numEnabledModules_EC[i][j]<<endmsg;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   for(int i=0; i<n_barrels; i++) {
+      meanOccupancy_Barrel[i]/=(double)(m_numberOfEvents*nbins*2*numEnabledModules_B[i]);
+      if(msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO)<<"Barrel : layer="<<i<<", meanOccupancy="<<meanOccupancy_Barrel[i]<<", #enabledModule="<<numEnabledModules_B[i]<<endmsg;
+   }
+   for(int i=0; i<n_disks; i++) {
+      for(int j=0; j<n_etaBinsEC; j++) {
+         if(numEnabledModules_EC[i][j]!=0) {
+            meanOccupancy_EC[i][j]/=(double)(m_numberOfEvents*nbins*2*numEnabledModules_EC[i][j]);
+            if(msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO)<<"EndCap : disk="<<i<<", eta="<<j<<", meanOccupancy="<<meanOccupancy_EC[i][j]<<", #enabledModule="<<numEnabledModules_EC[i][j]<<endmsg;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   bool busyStream = meanOccupancy_Barrel[3]>m_busyThr4DeadFinding ? true : false;
+   unsigned int minStat = busyStream ? (unsigned int)m_deadStripMinStatBusy : (unsigned int)m_deadStripMinStat;
+   if(m_doDeadStrip && m_numberOfEvents<minStat) {
+      if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING))
+         msg(MSG::WARNING)<<"required minimum statistics is "<<minStat/1E3<<"k events for DeadStrip search with this stream"<<endmsg;
+      m_doDeadStrip = false;
+   }
+   if(m_doDeadChip && m_numberOfEvents<m_deadChipMinStat) {
+      if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg(MSG::WARNING)<<"required minimum statistics is "<<(unsigned int)m_deadChipMinStat<<" events for DeadChip search"<<endmsg;
+      m_doDeadChip = false;
+   }
+   if(m_doDeadStrip==false && m_doDeadChip==false) {
+      msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Number of events "  << m_numberOfEvents<< " is less than the required minimum number of events... exit getDeadStrip()" << endmsg;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   //create XML files
+   if(m_doDeadStrip) {
+      if(openXML4DB(m_outDeadStrips, "DeadStrip", m_tagID4DeadStrips.c_str(), m_iovStart, m_iovStop).isFailure()) {
+         msg(MSG::ERROR)<<"Problem opening "<<m_deadStripsFile<<endmsg;
+         return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+      }
+   }
+   if(m_doDeadChip) {
+      if(openXML4DB(m_outDeadChips, "DeadChip", m_tagID4DeadChips.c_str(), m_iovStart, m_iovStop).isFailure()) {
+         msg(MSG::ERROR)<<"Problem opening "<<m_deadChipsFile<<endmsg;
+         return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+      }
+   }
+   //Dead identification
+   bool hasDeadStrip=false;
+   bool hasDeadChip=false;
+   bool isNoHitLink=false;
+   bool isDead=false;
+   bool beforeIsDead=false;
+   int n_deadStrip=0;
+   int n_deadChip=0;
+   int n_deadLink=0;
+   int n_deadModule=0;
+   int n_checkedChip=0;
+   int beginDead=0;
+   int endDead=0;
+   std::string defectStrip;
+   std::string defectChip;
+   std::ostringstream summaryList;
+   defectStrip.erase();
+   defectChip.erase();
+   const double deadStripDefinition = ROOT::Math::gaussian_cdf_c(m_deadStripSignificance);
+   const double deadChipDefinition = ROOT::Math::gaussian_cdf_c(m_deadChipSignificance);
+   //--- Loop over wafers
+   waferItr = m_waferItrBegin;
+   for( ; waferItr != m_waferItrEnd; ++waferItr ) {
+      Identifier     waferId   = *waferItr;
+      Identifier     moduleId  = m_pSCTHelper->module_id(waferId);
+      IdentifierHash waferHash = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash(waferId);
+      bool disabledChip[n_chipPerModule]= {false};
+      unsigned int disabledChipFlag=0;
+      double numHitsInStrip[n_stripPerChip*n_chipPerSide]= {0};
+      double numHitsInChip[n_chipPerSide]= {0};
+      double totalHitsInWafer=0;
+      int n_noisyStrip=0;
+      int n_noHitsStrip=0;
+      int n_disabledStrip=0;
+      int n_disabledInChip[n_chipPerSide]= {0};
+      //initialize
+      int side = m_pSCTHelper->side(waferId);
+      if(side==0) {
+         isDead=false;
+         beforeIsDead=false;
+         beginDead=0;
+         endDead=0;
+         defectStrip.erase();
+         defectChip.erase();
+      }
+      //check if module/link is disabled or not
+      bool disabled=false;
+      if(badMods->find(moduleId)!=badMods->end()) disabled=true;
+      linkItr=badLinks->find(moduleId);
+      if(linkItr!=linkEnd) {
+         std::pair<bool, bool> status = (*linkItr).second;
+         if((side==0 && status.first==true) || (side==1 && status.second==true)) disabled=true;
+      }
+      //check BS Error
+      bool hasBSError=false;
+      if(m_calibBsErrSvc->size((int)waferHash)>0) hasBSError=true;
+      if(disabled || hasBSError) { //goto WRITE_DB; //<-- who ever put this in should be shot; http://xkcd.com/292/
+         if(side==1) {
+            //write to DB & .xml.
+            if(defectChip==" 0-5  6-11 ") {
+               n_deadModule++;
+            } else if(defectChip==" 0-5 " || defectChip==" 6-11 ") {
+               n_deadLink++;
-        }
-    }
-    bool busyStream = meanOccupancy_Barrel[3]>m_busyThr4DeadFinding ? true : false;
-    unsigned int minStat = busyStream ? (unsigned int)m_deadStripMinStatBusy : (unsigned int)m_deadStripMinStat;
-    if(m_doDeadStrip && m_numberOfEvents<minStat) {
-        if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING))
-            msg(MSG::WARNING)<<"required minimum statistics is "<<minStat/1E3<<"k events for DeadStrip search with this stream"<<endmsg;
-        m_doDeadStrip = false;
-    }
-    if(m_doDeadChip && m_numberOfEvents<m_deadChipMinStat) {
-        if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg(MSG::WARNING)<<"required minimum statistics is "<<(unsigned int)m_deadChipMinStat<<" events for DeadChip search"<<endmsg;
-        m_doDeadChip = false;
-    }
-    if(m_doDeadStrip==false && m_doDeadChip==false) {
-        msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Number of events "  << m_numberOfEvents<< " is less than the required minimum number of events... exit getDeadStrip()" << endmsg;
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    //create XML files
-    if(m_doDeadStrip) {
-        if(openXML4DB(m_outDeadStrips, "DeadStrip", m_tagID4DeadStrips.c_str(), m_iovStart, m_iovStop).isFailure()) {
-            msg(MSG::ERROR)<<"Problem opening "<<m_deadStripsFile<<endmsg;
-            return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-        }
-    }
-    if(m_doDeadChip) {
-        if(openXML4DB(m_outDeadChips, "DeadChip", m_tagID4DeadChips.c_str(), m_iovStart, m_iovStop).isFailure()) {
-            msg(MSG::ERROR)<<"Problem opening "<<m_deadChipsFile<<endmsg;
-            return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-        }
-    }
-    //Dead identification
-    bool hasDeadStrip=false;
-    bool hasDeadChip=false;
-    bool isNoHitLink=false;
-    bool isDead=false;
-    bool beforeIsDead=false;
-    int n_deadStrip=0;
-    int n_deadChip=0;
-    int n_deadLink=0;
-    int n_deadModule=0;
-    int n_checkedChip=0;
-    int beginDead=0;
-    int endDead=0;
-    std::string defectStrip;
-    std::string defectChip;
-    std::ostringstream summaryList;
-    defectStrip.erase();
-    defectChip.erase();
-    const double deadStripDefinition = ROOT::Math::gaussian_cdf_c(m_deadStripSignificance);
-    const double deadChipDefinition = ROOT::Math::gaussian_cdf_c(m_deadChipSignificance);
-    //--- Loop over wafers
-    waferItr = m_waferItrBegin;
-    for( ; waferItr != m_waferItrEnd; ++waferItr ) {
-        Identifier     waferId   = *waferItr;
-        Identifier     moduleId  = m_pSCTHelper->module_id(waferId);
-        IdentifierHash waferHash = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash(waferId);
-        bool disabledChip[n_chipPerModule]= {false};
-        unsigned int disabledChipFlag=0;
-        double numHitsInStrip[n_stripPerChip*n_chipPerSide]= {0};
-        double numHitsInChip[n_chipPerSide]= {0};
-        double totalHitsInWafer=0;
-        int n_noisyStrip=0;
-        int n_noHitsStrip=0;
-        int n_disabledStrip=0;
-        int n_disabledInChip[n_chipPerSide]= {0};
-        //initialize
-        int side = m_pSCTHelper->side(waferId);
-        if(side==0) {
-            isDead=false;
-            beforeIsDead=false;
-            beginDead=0;
-            endDead=0;
-            defectStrip.erase();
-            defectChip.erase();
-        }
-        //check if module/link is disabled or not
-        bool disabled=false;
-        if(badMods->find(moduleId)!=badMods->end()) disabled=true;
-        linkItr=badLinks->find(moduleId);
-        if(linkItr!=linkEnd) {
-            std::pair<bool, bool> status = (*linkItr).second;
-            if((side==0 && status.first==true) || (side==1 && status.second==true)) disabled=true;
-        }
-        //check BS Error
-        bool hasBSError=false;
-        if(m_calibBsErrSvc->size((int)waferHash)>0) hasBSError=true;
-        if(disabled || hasBSError) { //goto WRITE_DB; //<-- who ever put this in should be shot; http://xkcd.com/292/
-            if(side==1) {
-                //write to DB & .xml.
-                if(defectChip==" 0-5  6-11 ") {
-                    n_deadModule++;
-                } else if(defectChip==" 0-5 " || defectChip==" 6-11 ") {
-                    n_deadLink++;
-                }
-                if(!(defectStrip.empty()) || !(defectChip.empty())) {
-                    if (addToSummaryStr(summaryList, waferId, "DEAD", defectStrip.c_str(), defectChip.c_str()).isFailure()) {
-                        return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not add dead strips to the summary" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
-                    }
-                }
-                if(!(defectStrip.empty())) {
-                    if(m_writeToCool) {
-                        if (m_pCalibWriteSvc->createListStrip(moduleId,m_pSCTHelper,10000,"DEAD",m_deadStripSignificance,defectStrip).isFailure())
-                            return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not create list" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
-                    }
-                    if (addToXML4DB(m_outDeadStrips, waferId, "DEAD", m_deadStripSignificance, defectStrip.c_str()).isFailure())
-                        return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not add dead strips to the summary" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
-                    hasDeadStrip=true;
-                }
-                if(!(defectChip.empty())) {
-                    if(m_writeToCool) {
-                        if ( m_pCalibWriteSvc->createListChip(moduleId,m_pSCTHelper,10000,"DEAD",m_deadChipSignificance,defectChip).isFailure())
-                            return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not create list" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
-                    }
-                    if (addToXML4DB(m_outDeadChips, waferId, "DEAD", m_deadChipSignificance, defectChip.c_str()).isFailure())
-                        return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not add dead chips to the summary" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
-                    hasDeadChip=true;
-                }
+            if(!(defectStrip.empty()) || !(defectChip.empty())) {
+               if (addToSummaryStr(summaryList, waferId, "DEAD", defectStrip.c_str(), defectChip.c_str()).isFailure()) {
+                  return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not add dead strips to the summary" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
+               }
-            continue;
-        }
-        //retrieving info of chip status
-        chipItr=badChips->find(moduleId);
-        if(chipItr!=chipEnd) disabledChipFlag = (*chipItr).second;
-        for (unsigned int i(0); i<n_chipPerModule; i++)
-            disabledChip[i] = ((disabledChipFlag & (1<<i)) != 0);
-        //retrieving #hits in each strip
-        for(int j=0; j<n_stripPerChip*n_chipPerSide; j++) {
-            const InDetDD::SiDetectorElement* pElement = m_pManager->getDetectorElement(waferHash);
-            bool swap=(pElement->swapPhiReadoutDirection()) ? true : false;
-            int chipNum=0;
-            if(side==0) chipNum = swap ? 5-j/n_stripPerChip : j/n_stripPerChip;
-            else chipNum = swap ? 11-j/n_stripPerChip : 6+j/n_stripPerChip;
-            int stripNum = swap ? 767-j : j;
-            Identifier stripId = m_pSCTHelper->strip_id(waferId,j);
-            numHitsInStrip[stripNum] = m_calibHitmapSvc->getBinForHistogramIndex( j+1 , (int) waferHash);
-            bool misMatch=false;
-            double n_hitsInDisable=numHitsInStrip[stripNum];
-            if(((disabledChipFlag & (1<<chipNum))!=0) || badStripsExclusive.find(stripId)!=stripEnd) {
-                if(numHitsInStrip[stripNum]!=0) misMatch = true;
-                numHitsInStrip[stripNum] = -99;
+            if(!(defectStrip.empty())) {
+               if(m_writeToCool) {
+                  if (m_pCalibWriteSvc->createListStrip(moduleId,m_pSCTHelper,10000,"DEAD",m_deadStripSignificance,defectStrip).isFailure())
+                     return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not create list" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
+               }
+               if (addToXML4DB(m_outDeadStrips, waferId, "DEAD", m_deadStripSignificance, defectStrip.c_str()).isFailure())
+                  return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not add dead strips to the summary" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
+               hasDeadStrip=true;
+            }
+            if(!(defectChip.empty())) {
+               if(m_writeToCool) {
+                  if ( m_pCalibWriteSvc->createListChip(moduleId,m_pSCTHelper,10000,"DEAD",m_deadChipSignificance,defectChip).isFailure())
+                     return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not create list" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
+               }
+               if (addToXML4DB(m_outDeadChips, waferId, "DEAD", m_deadChipSignificance, defectChip.c_str()).isFailure())
+                  return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not add dead chips to the summary" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
+               hasDeadChip=true;
-            if(misMatch) {
-                if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) {
-                    msg(MSG::WARNING)<<"hits in disabled Strip : "
-                                     <<"n_hits="<<n_hitsInDisable<<", "
-                                     <<"bec="<<m_pSCTHelper->barrel_ec(stripId)<<", "
-                                     <<"layer="<<m_pSCTHelper->layer_disk(stripId)<<", "
-                                     <<"phi="<<m_pSCTHelper->phi_module(stripId)<<", "
-                                     <<"eta="<<m_pSCTHelper->eta_module(stripId)<<", "
-                                     <<"side="<<m_pSCTHelper->side(stripId)<<", "
-                                     <<"strip="<<m_pSCTHelper->strip(stripId)<<endmsg;
-                }
+         }
+         continue;
+      }
+      //retrieving info of chip status
+      chipItr=badChips->find(moduleId);
+      if(chipItr!=chipEnd) disabledChipFlag = (*chipItr).second;
+      for (unsigned int i(0); i<n_chipPerModule; i++)
+         disabledChip[i] = ((disabledChipFlag & (1<<i)) != 0);
+      //retrieving #hits in each strip
+      for(int j=0; j<n_stripPerChip*n_chipPerSide; j++) {
+         const InDetDD::SiDetectorElement* pElement = m_pManager->getDetectorElement(waferHash);
+         bool swap=(pElement->swapPhiReadoutDirection()) ? true : false;
+         int chipNum=0;
+         if(side==0) chipNum = swap ? 5-j/n_stripPerChip : j/n_stripPerChip;
+         else chipNum = swap ? 11-j/n_stripPerChip : 6+j/n_stripPerChip;
+         int stripNum = swap ? 767-j : j;
+         Identifier stripId = m_pSCTHelper->strip_id(waferId,j);
+         numHitsInStrip[stripNum] = m_calibHitmapSvc->getBinForHistogramIndex( j+1, (int) waferHash);
+         bool misMatch=false;
+         double n_hitsInDisable=numHitsInStrip[stripNum];
+         if(((disabledChipFlag & (1<<chipNum))!=0) || badStripsExclusive.find(stripId)!=stripEnd) {
+            if(numHitsInStrip[stripNum]!=0) misMatch = true;
+            numHitsInStrip[stripNum] = -99;
+         }
+         if(misMatch) {
+            if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) {
+               msg(MSG::WARNING)<<"hits in disabled Strip : "
+                                <<"n_hits="<<n_hitsInDisable<<", "
+                                <<"bec="<<m_pSCTHelper->barrel_ec(stripId)<<", "
+                                <<"layer="<<m_pSCTHelper->layer_disk(stripId)<<", "
+                                <<"phi="<<m_pSCTHelper->phi_module(stripId)<<", "
+                                <<"eta="<<m_pSCTHelper->eta_module(stripId)<<", "
+                                <<"side="<<m_pSCTHelper->side(stripId)<<", "
+                                <<"strip="<<m_pSCTHelper->strip(stripId)<<endmsg;
+         }
+         if(numHitsInStrip[stripNum]==0) {
+            n_noHitsStrip++;
+            msg(MSG::DEBUG)<<"nohit strip : barrel_ec="<<m_pSCTHelper->barrel_ec(stripId)
+                           <<", layer="<<m_pSCTHelper->layer_disk(stripId)<<", phi="<<m_pSCTHelper->phi_module(stripId)
+                           <<", eta="<<m_pSCTHelper->eta_module(stripId)<<", side="<<m_pSCTHelper->side(stripId)
+                           <<", strip=offline"<<m_pSCTHelper->strip(stripId)<<endmsg;
+         } else if(numHitsInStrip[stripNum]==-99) {
+            n_disabledStrip++;
+            n_disabledInChip[stripNum/n_stripPerChip]++;
+            msg(MSG::DEBUG)<<"disabled strip : barrel_ec="<<m_pSCTHelper->barrel_ec(stripId)
+                           <<", layer="<<m_pSCTHelper->layer_disk(stripId)<<", phi="<<m_pSCTHelper->phi_module(stripId)
+                           <<", eta="<<m_pSCTHelper->eta_module(stripId)<<", side="<<m_pSCTHelper->side(stripId)
+                           <<", strip=offline"<<m_pSCTHelper->strip(stripId)<<endmsg;
+         } else if(numHitsInStrip[stripNum]/m_numberOfEvents>m_noisyThr4DeadFinding) {
+            n_noisyStrip++;
+         } else {
+            totalHitsInWafer+=numHitsInStrip[stripNum];
+         }
+      }//end strip loop
+      if(n_disabledStrip==768) {
+         if(side==1) {
+            //write to DB & .xml.
+            if(defectChip==" 0-5  6-11 ") {
+               n_deadModule++;
+            } else if(defectChip==" 0-5 " || defectChip==" 6-11 ") {
+               n_deadLink++;
+            }
+            if(!(defectStrip.empty()) || !(defectChip.empty())) {
+               if (addToSummaryStr(summaryList, waferId, "DEAD", defectStrip.c_str(), defectChip.c_str()).isFailure())
+                  return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not add dead strips to the summary" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
-            if(numHitsInStrip[stripNum]==0) {
-                n_noHitsStrip++;
-                msg(MSG::DEBUG)<<"nohit strip : barrel_ec="<<m_pSCTHelper->barrel_ec(stripId)
-                               <<", layer="<<m_pSCTHelper->layer_disk(stripId)<<", phi="<<m_pSCTHelper->phi_module(stripId)
-                               <<", eta="<<m_pSCTHelper->eta_module(stripId)<<", side="<<m_pSCTHelper->side(stripId)
-                               <<", strip=offline"<<m_pSCTHelper->strip(stripId)<<endmsg;
-            } else if(numHitsInStrip[stripNum]==-99) {
-                n_disabledStrip++;
-                n_disabledInChip[stripNum/n_stripPerChip]++;
-                msg(MSG::DEBUG)<<"disabled strip : barrel_ec="<<m_pSCTHelper->barrel_ec(stripId)
-                               <<", layer="<<m_pSCTHelper->layer_disk(stripId)<<", phi="<<m_pSCTHelper->phi_module(stripId)
-                               <<", eta="<<m_pSCTHelper->eta_module(stripId)<<", side="<<m_pSCTHelper->side(stripId)
-                               <<", strip=offline"<<m_pSCTHelper->strip(stripId)<<endmsg;
-            } else if(numHitsInStrip[stripNum]/m_numberOfEvents>m_noisyThr4DeadFinding) {
-                n_noisyStrip++;
-            } else {
-                totalHitsInWafer+=numHitsInStrip[stripNum];
-        }//end strip loop
+            if(!(defectStrip.empty())) {
+               if(m_writeToCool) {
+                  if (m_pCalibWriteSvc->createListStrip(moduleId,m_pSCTHelper,10000,"DEAD",m_deadStripSignificance,defectStrip).isFailure())
+                     return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not create strip list" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
+               }
+               if (addToXML4DB(m_outDeadStrips, waferId, "DEAD", m_deadStripSignificance, defectStrip.c_str()).isFailure())
+                  return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not add xml strip list" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
+               hasDeadStrip=true;
-        if(n_disabledStrip==768) {
-            if(side==1) {
-                //write to DB & .xml.
-                if(defectChip==" 0-5  6-11 ") {
-                    n_deadModule++;
-                } else if(defectChip==" 0-5 " || defectChip==" 6-11 ") {
-                    n_deadLink++;
-                }
-                if(!(defectStrip.empty()) || !(defectChip.empty())) {
-                    if (addToSummaryStr(summaryList, waferId, "DEAD", defectStrip.c_str(), defectChip.c_str()).isFailure())
-                        return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not add dead strips to the summary" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
-                }
-                if(!(defectStrip.empty())) {
-                    if(m_writeToCool) {
-                        if (m_pCalibWriteSvc->createListStrip(moduleId,m_pSCTHelper,10000,"DEAD",m_deadStripSignificance,defectStrip).isFailure())
-                            return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not create strip list" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
-                    }
-                    if (addToXML4DB(m_outDeadStrips, waferId, "DEAD", m_deadStripSignificance, defectStrip.c_str()).isFailure())
-                        return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not add xml strip list" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
-                    hasDeadStrip=true;
-                }
-                if(!(defectChip.empty())) {
-                    if(m_writeToCool) {
-                        if (m_pCalibWriteSvc->createListChip(moduleId,m_pSCTHelper,10000,"DEAD",m_deadChipSignificance,defectChip).isFailure())
-                            return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not create strip list" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
-                    }
-                    if (addToXML4DB(m_outDeadChips, waferId, "DEAD", m_deadChipSignificance, defectChip.c_str()).isFailure())
-                        return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not add xml chip list" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
-                    hasDeadChip=true;
-                }
-            continue;
+            if(!(defectChip.empty())) {
+               if(m_writeToCool) {
+                  if (m_pCalibWriteSvc->createListChip(moduleId,m_pSCTHelper,10000,"DEAD",m_deadChipSignificance,defectChip).isFailure())
+                     return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not create strip list" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
+               }
-        }
-        isNoHitLink=false;
-        if(n_noHitsStrip+n_disabledStrip==768) {
-            n_checkedChip+=n_chipPerSide;
-            isNoHitLink=true;
-            double meanOccu=0;
-            if(m_pSCTHelper->barrel_ec(waferId)==BARREL) meanOccu=meanOccupancy_Barrel[m_pSCTHelper->layer_disk(waferId)];
-            else meanOccu=meanOccupancy_EC[m_pSCTHelper->layer_disk(waferId)][m_pSCTHelper->eta_module(waferId)];
-            double sum_binomial = ROOT::Math::binomial_cdf(0, meanOccu, m_numberOfEvents*n_stripPerChip*n_chipPerSide);
-            if(sum_binomial<deadChipDefinition) {
-                if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO)<<"DEADLINK : "<<moduleId<<", side="<<side<<endmsg;
-                n_deadChip+=n_chipPerSide;
-                //For DeadStrip
-                if(m_doDeadStrip) {
-                    if(side==0) beginDead=0, endDead=767;
-                    else beginDead=768, endDead=1535;
-                    defectStrip = m_pCalibWriteSvc->addDefect(defectStrip,beginDead,endDead);
-                }
-                //For DeadChip
-                if(m_doDeadChip) {
-                    if(side==0) beginDead=0, endDead=5;
-                    else beginDead=6, endDead=11;
-                    defectChip = m_pCalibWriteSvc->addDefect(defectChip,beginDead,endDead);
-                }
-                if(side==1) {
-                    //write to DB & .xml.
-                    if(defectChip==" 0-5  6-11 ") {
-                        n_deadModule++;
-                    } else if(defectChip==" 0-5 " || defectChip==" 6-11 ") {
-                        n_deadLink++;
-                    }
-                    if(!(defectStrip.empty()) || !(defectChip.empty())) {
-                        if (addToSummaryStr(summaryList, waferId, "DEAD", defectStrip.c_str(), defectChip.c_str()).isFailure())
-                            return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not add dead strips to the summary" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
-                    }
-                    if(!(defectStrip.empty())) {
-                        if(m_writeToCool) {
-                            if (m_pCalibWriteSvc->createListStrip(moduleId,m_pSCTHelper,10000,"DEAD",m_deadStripSignificance,defectStrip).isFailure())
-                                return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not create strip list" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
-                        }
+               if (addToXML4DB(m_outDeadChips, waferId, "DEAD", m_deadChipSignificance, defectChip.c_str()).isFailure())
+                  return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not add xml chip list" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
-                        if (addToXML4DB(m_outDeadStrips, waferId, "DEAD", m_deadStripSignificance, defectStrip.c_str()).isFailure())
-                            return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not add xml strip list" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
+               hasDeadChip=true;
-                        hasDeadStrip=true;
+            }
+         }
+         continue;
-                    }
+      }
-                    if(!(defectChip.empty())) {
-                        if(m_writeToCool) {
-                            if ( m_pCalibWriteSvc->createListChip(moduleId,m_pSCTHelper,10000,"DEAD",m_deadChipSignificance,defectChip).isFailure())
-                                return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not create chip list" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
-                        }
+      isNoHitLink=false;
+      if(n_noHitsStrip+n_disabledStrip==768) {
+         n_checkedChip+=n_chipPerSide;
+         isNoHitLink=true;
-                        if (addToXML4DB(m_outDeadChips, waferId, "DEAD", m_deadChipSignificance, defectChip.c_str()).isFailure())
-                            return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not add xml chip list" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
+         double meanOccu=0;
+         if(m_pSCTHelper->barrel_ec(waferId)==BARREL) meanOccu=meanOccupancy_Barrel[m_pSCTHelper->layer_disk(waferId)];
+         else meanOccu=meanOccupancy_EC[m_pSCTHelper->layer_disk(waferId)][m_pSCTHelper->eta_module(waferId)];
+         double sum_binomial = ROOT::Math::binomial_cdf(0, meanOccu, m_numberOfEvents*n_stripPerChip*n_chipPerSide);
-                        hasDeadChip=true;
+         if(sum_binomial<deadChipDefinition) {
+            if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO)<<"DEADLINK : "<<moduleId<<", side="<<side<<endmsg;
+            n_deadChip+=n_chipPerSide;
-                    }
-                }
-                continue;
-            }
-        }//end DeadLink
-        if(n_noHitsStrip>0) {
-            int n_deadStripInWafer=0;
-            int n_deadChipInWafer=0;
-            double n_effectiveEvents=0;
-            if(busyStream) n_effectiveEvents = m_numberOfEvents*(n_stripPerChip*n_chipPerSide-n_disabledStrip-n_noisyStrip-n_noHitsStrip);
-            else n_effectiveEvents = m_numberOfEvents*(n_stripPerChip*n_chipPerSide-n_disabledStrip-n_noisyStrip);
-            //First, check DeadChip
-            double meanOccupancy = totalHitsInWafer/n_effectiveEvents;
-            for(int j=0; j<n_stripPerChip*n_chipPerSide; j++)
-                if(numHitsInStrip[j]>0) numHitsInChip[j/n_stripPerChip] += numHitsInStrip[j];
-            for(int j=0; j<n_chipPerSide; j++) {
-                isDead=false;
-                int chipNum = side==0 ? j : j+6;
-                if(numHitsInChip[j]==0 && !disabledChip[chipNum]) {
-                    if(!isNoHitLink) n_checkedChip++;
-                    double sum_binomial = ROOT::Math::binomial_cdf(0, meanOccupancy, m_numberOfEvents*(n_stripPerChip-n_disabledInChip[j]));
-                    if(sum_binomial<deadChipDefinition) {
-                        if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO)<<"DEADCHIP : "<<moduleId<<", side="<<side
-                                                                 <<", chip(online)="<<(side==0 ? j : j+n_chipPerSide)<<endmsg;
-                        isDead=true;
-                        n_deadChip++;
-                        n_deadChipInWafer++;
-                        endDead = side==0 ? j : j+n_chipPerSide;
-                        if(!beforeIsDead) beginDead = side==0 ? j : j+n_chipPerSide;
-                    }
-                }
-                if(m_doDeadChip) {
-                    if((beforeIsDead && !isDead) || (j==5 && isDead)) defectChip = m_pCalibWriteSvc->addDefect(defectChip,beginDead,endDead);
-                }
-                beforeIsDead = isDead;
-            }//end chip loop
-            //Second, check DeadStrip
+            //For DeadStrip
             if(m_doDeadStrip) {
-                double meanOccExceptDeadChip=totalHitsInWafer/(n_effectiveEvents-n_stripPerChip*n_deadChipInWafer);
-                double numHitsInStripOnlineOrder[n_stripPerChip*n_chipPerSide]= {0};
-                for(int j=0; j<n_stripPerChip*n_chipPerSide; j++) {
-                    numHitsInStripOnlineOrder[j] = side==0 ? numHitsInStrip[j] : numHitsInStrip[n_stripPerChip*n_chipPerSide-j];
-                    isDead=false;
-                    if(numHitsInStripOnlineOrder[j]==0) {
-                        double sum_binomial = ROOT::Math::binomial_cdf(0, meanOccExceptDeadChip, m_numberOfEvents);
-                        if(sum_binomial<deadStripDefinition) {
-                            if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO)<<"DEADSTRIP : "<<moduleId<<", side="<<side<<", strip(offline)="<<j<<endmsg;
-                            isDead=true;
-                            n_deadStrip++;
-                            n_deadStripInWafer++;
-                            endDead = side==0 ? j : j+n_stripPerChip*n_chipPerSide;
-                            if(!beforeIsDead) beginDead = side==0 ? j : j+n_stripPerChip*n_chipPerSide;
-                        }
-                    }
+               if(side==0) beginDead=0, endDead=767;
+               else beginDead=768, endDead=1535;
+               defectStrip = m_pCalibWriteSvc->addDefect(defectStrip,beginDead,endDead);
+            }
-                    if(m_doDeadStrip) {
-                        if((beforeIsDead && !isDead) || (j==5 && isDead)) defectStrip = m_pCalibWriteSvc->addDefect(defectStrip,beginDead,endDead);
-                    }
-                    beforeIsDead = isDead;
-                }
+            //For DeadChip
+            if(m_doDeadChip) {
+               if(side==0) beginDead=0, endDead=5;
+               else beginDead=6, endDead=11;
+               defectChip = m_pCalibWriteSvc->addDefect(defectChip,beginDead,endDead);
-        }
-        //go to next wafer itr
-    }//Wafer Loop end
+            if(side==1) {
+               //write to DB & .xml.
+               if(defectChip==" 0-5  6-11 ") {
+                  n_deadModule++;
+               } else if(defectChip==" 0-5 " || defectChip==" 6-11 ") {
+                  n_deadLink++;
+               }
+               if(!(defectStrip.empty()) || !(defectChip.empty())) {
+                  if (addToSummaryStr(summaryList, waferId, "DEAD", defectStrip.c_str(), defectChip.c_str()).isFailure())
+                     return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not add dead strips to the summary" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    //Close Files
-    if(m_doDeadStrip) {
-        msg(MSG::INFO)<<"total #DeadStrip : "<<n_deadStrip<<endmsg;
-        if(closeXML4DB(m_outDeadStrips).isFailure()) {
-            msg(MSG::ERROR)<<"Problem closing "<<m_deadStripsFile<<endmsg;
-            return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-        }
-    }
-    if(m_doDeadChip) {
-        msg(MSG::INFO)<<"total #DeadChip : "<<n_deadChip<<", #noHitChip : "<<n_checkedChip<<endmsg;
-        if(closeXML4DB(m_outDeadChips).isFailure()) {
-            msg(MSG::ERROR)<<"Problem closing "<<m_deadChipsFile<<endmsg;
-            return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-        }
-    }
-    //Making Summary File
-    if(openXML4DeadSummary(m_outDeadSummary, "DEAD", n_deadModule, n_deadLink, n_deadChip, n_deadStrip).isFailure()) {
-        msg(MSG::ERROR)<<"Problem opening "<<m_deadSummaryFile<<endmsg;
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    if(wrapUpXML4Summary(m_outDeadSummary, "DEAD", summaryList).isFailure()) {
-        msg(MSG::ERROR)<<"Problem closing "<<m_deadSummaryFile<<endmsg;
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    if( m_writeToCool ) {
-        if(m_doDeadStrip && hasDeadStrip) {
-            if ( m_pCalibWriteSvc->wrapUpDeadStrips().isFailure() ) {
-                msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not get DeadStrips Info" << endmsg;
-                return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+               }
+               if(!(defectStrip.empty())) {
+                  if(m_writeToCool) {
+                     if (m_pCalibWriteSvc->createListStrip(moduleId,m_pSCTHelper,10000,"DEAD",m_deadStripSignificance,defectStrip).isFailure())
+                        return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not create strip list" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
+                  }
+                  if (addToXML4DB(m_outDeadStrips, waferId, "DEAD", m_deadStripSignificance, defectStrip.c_str()).isFailure())
+                     return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not add xml strip list" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
+                  hasDeadStrip=true;
+               }
+               if(!(defectChip.empty())) {
+                  if(m_writeToCool) {
+                     if ( m_pCalibWriteSvc->createListChip(moduleId,m_pSCTHelper,10000,"DEAD",m_deadChipSignificance,defectChip).isFailure())
+                        return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not create chip list" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
+                  }
+                  if (addToXML4DB(m_outDeadChips, waferId, "DEAD", m_deadChipSignificance, defectChip.c_str()).isFailure())
+                     return msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not add xml chip list" << endmsg, StatusCode::FAILURE;
+                  hasDeadChip=true;
+               }
-        }
-        if(m_doDeadChip && hasDeadChip) {
-            if ( m_pCalibWriteSvc->wrapUpDeadChips().isFailure() ) {
-                msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not get DeadChips Info" << endmsg;
-                return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+            continue;
+         }
+      }//end DeadLink
+      if(n_noHitsStrip>0) {
+         int n_deadStripInWafer=0;
+         int n_deadChipInWafer=0;
+         double n_effectiveEvents=0;
+         if(busyStream) n_effectiveEvents = m_numberOfEvents*(n_stripPerChip*n_chipPerSide-n_disabledStrip-n_noisyStrip-n_noHitsStrip);
+         else n_effectiveEvents = m_numberOfEvents*(n_stripPerChip*n_chipPerSide-n_disabledStrip-n_noisyStrip);
+         //First, check DeadChip
+         double meanOccupancy = totalHitsInWafer/n_effectiveEvents;
+         for(int j=0; j<n_stripPerChip*n_chipPerSide; j++)
+            if(numHitsInStrip[j]>0) numHitsInChip[j/n_stripPerChip] += numHitsInStrip[j];
+         for(int j=0; j<n_chipPerSide; j++) {
+            isDead=false;
+            int chipNum = side==0 ? j : j+6;
+            if(numHitsInChip[j]==0 && !disabledChip[chipNum]) {
+               if(!isNoHitLink) n_checkedChip++;
+               double sum_binomial = ROOT::Math::binomial_cdf(0, meanOccupancy, m_numberOfEvents*(n_stripPerChip-n_disabledInChip[j]));
+               if(sum_binomial<deadChipDefinition) {
+                  if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO)<<"DEADCHIP : "<<moduleId<<", side="<<side
+                                                          <<", chip(online)="<<(side==0 ? j : j+n_chipPerSide)<<endmsg;
+                  isDead=true;
+                  n_deadChip++;
+                  n_deadChipInWafer++;
+                  endDead = side==0 ? j : j+n_chipPerSide;
+                  if(!beforeIsDead) beginDead = side==0 ? j : j+n_chipPerSide;
+               }
-        }
-    }
-    msg(MSG::INFO)<<"END HERE"<<endmsg;
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+            if(m_doDeadChip) {
+               if((beforeIsDead && !isDead) || (j==5 && isDead)) defectChip = m_pCalibWriteSvc->addDefect(defectChip,beginDead,endDead);
+            }
+            beforeIsDead = isDead;
+         }//end chip loop
+         //Second, check DeadStrip
+         if(m_doDeadStrip) {
+            double meanOccExceptDeadChip=totalHitsInWafer/(n_effectiveEvents-n_stripPerChip*n_deadChipInWafer);
+            double numHitsInStripOnlineOrder[n_stripPerChip*n_chipPerSide]= {0};
+            for(int j=0; j<n_stripPerChip*n_chipPerSide; j++) {
+               numHitsInStripOnlineOrder[j] = side==0 ? numHitsInStrip[j] : numHitsInStrip[n_stripPerChip*n_chipPerSide-j];
+               isDead=false;
+               if(numHitsInStripOnlineOrder[j]==0) {
+                  double sum_binomial = ROOT::Math::binomial_cdf(0, meanOccExceptDeadChip, m_numberOfEvents);
+                  if(sum_binomial<deadStripDefinition) {
+                     if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO)<<"DEADSTRIP : "<<moduleId<<", side="<<side<<", strip(offline)="<<j<<endmsg;
+                     isDead=true;
+                     n_deadStrip++;
+                     n_deadStripInWafer++;
+                     endDead = side==0 ? j : j+n_stripPerChip*n_chipPerSide;
+                     if(!beforeIsDead) beginDead = side==0 ? j : j+n_stripPerChip*n_chipPerSide;
+                  }
+               }
+               if(m_doDeadStrip) {
+                  if((beforeIsDead && !isDead) || (j==5 && isDead)) defectStrip = m_pCalibWriteSvc->addDefect(defectStrip,beginDead,endDead);
+               }
+               beforeIsDead = isDead;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      //go to next wafer itr
+   }//Wafer Loop end
+   //Close Files
+   if(m_doDeadStrip) {
+      msg(MSG::INFO)<<"total #DeadStrip : "<<n_deadStrip<<endmsg;
+      if(closeXML4DB(m_outDeadStrips).isFailure()) {
+         msg(MSG::ERROR)<<"Problem closing "<<m_deadStripsFile<<endmsg;
+         return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+      }
+   }
+   if(m_doDeadChip) {
+      msg(MSG::INFO)<<"total #DeadChip : "<<n_deadChip<<", #noHitChip : "<<n_checkedChip<<endmsg;
+      if(closeXML4DB(m_outDeadChips).isFailure()) {
+         msg(MSG::ERROR)<<"Problem closing "<<m_deadChipsFile<<endmsg;
+         return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+      }
+   }
+   //Making Summary File
+   if(openXML4DeadSummary(m_outDeadSummary, "DEAD", n_deadModule, n_deadLink, n_deadChip, n_deadStrip).isFailure()) {
+      msg(MSG::ERROR)<<"Problem opening "<<m_deadSummaryFile<<endmsg;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   if(wrapUpXML4Summary(m_outDeadSummary, "DEAD", summaryList).isFailure()) {
+      msg(MSG::ERROR)<<"Problem closing "<<m_deadSummaryFile<<endmsg;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   if( m_writeToCool ) {
+      if(m_doDeadStrip && hasDeadStrip) {
+         if ( m_pCalibWriteSvc->wrapUpDeadStrips().isFailure() ) {
+            msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not get DeadStrips Info" << endmsg;
+            return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+         }
+      }
+      if(m_doDeadChip && hasDeadChip) {
+         if ( m_pCalibWriteSvc->wrapUpDeadChips().isFailure() ) {
+            msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not get DeadChips Info" << endmsg;
+            return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   msg(MSG::INFO)<<"END HERE"<<endmsg;
+   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -1264,214 +1269,214 @@ StatusCode SCTCalib::getDeadStrip() {
 StatusCode SCTCalib::getNoiseOccupancy()
-    msg( MSG::INFO ) << "----- in getNoiseOccupancy() -----" << endmsg;
-    //--- Initialization
-    int n_phiBinsBarrel[ n_barrels ] = { n_phiBinsB0, n_phiBinsB1, n_phiBinsB2, n_phiBinsB3 };
-    int n_phiBinsEndcap[ n_disks ][ n_etaBinsEC ] = { { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle,                0 },
-        { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
-        { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
-        { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
-        { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
-        { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
-        { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle,                0 },
-        { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle,                0 },
-        { n_phiBinsECOuter,                 0,                0 }
-    };
-    double meanNO_Barrel[ n_barrels ] = { 0 };
-    double meanNO_ECA[ n_disks ][ n_etaBinsEC ] = { {0}, {0} };
-    double meanNO_ECC[ n_disks ][ n_etaBinsEC ] = { {0}, {0} };
-    //--- RunNumber
-    std::ostringstream runnum;
-    runnum << (int) m_runNumber;
-    //--- Directory in HIST
-    std::string stem;
-    //--- EndcapC
-    stem = "/run_" + runnum.str() + "/SCT/SCTEC/Noise/";
-    m_pnoiseoccupancymapHistoVectorECm.clear();
-    for ( int iDisk = 0; iDisk < n_disks ; ++iDisk ) {
-        for ( int iSide = 0; iSide < 2; ++iSide ) {
-            ostringstream streamHist;
-            streamHist << "noiseoccupancymap";
-            if ( m_noiseOccupancyTriggerAware ) streamHist << "trigger";
-            streamHist << "ECm_" << iDisk << "_" << iSide;
-            std::string histName = stem + streamHist.str();
-            TProfile2D* hist_tmp = (TProfile2D *) m_inputHist->Get( histName.c_str() );
-            m_pnoiseoccupancymapHistoVectorECm.push_back( hist_tmp );
-        }
-    }
-    //--- Barrel
-    stem = "/run_" + runnum.str() + "/SCT/SCTB/Noise/";
-    m_pnoiseoccupancymapHistoVector.clear();
-    for ( int iLayer = 0; iLayer < n_barrels ; ++iLayer ) {
-        for ( int iSide = 0; iSide < 2; ++iSide ) {
-            ostringstream streamHist;
-            streamHist << "noiseoccupancymap";
-            if ( m_noiseOccupancyTriggerAware ) streamHist << "trigger";
-            streamHist << "_" << iLayer << "_" << iSide;
-            std::string histName = stem + streamHist.str();
-            TProfile2D* hist_tmp = (TProfile2D *) m_inputHist->Get( histName.c_str() );
-            m_pnoiseoccupancymapHistoVector.push_back( hist_tmp );
-        }
-    }
-    //--- EndcapA
-    stem = "/run_" + runnum.str() + "/SCT/SCTEA/Noise/";
-    m_pnoiseoccupancymapHistoVectorECp.clear();
-    for ( int iDisk = 0; iDisk < n_disks ; ++iDisk ) {
-        for ( int iSide = 0; iSide < 2; ++iSide ) {
-            ostringstream streamHist;
-            streamHist << "noiseoccupancymap";
-            if ( m_noiseOccupancyTriggerAware ) streamHist << "trigger";
-            streamHist << "ECp_" << iDisk << "_" << iSide;
-            std::string histName = stem + streamHist.str();
-            TProfile2D* hist_tmp = (TProfile2D *) m_inputHist->Get( histName.c_str() );
-            m_pnoiseoccupancymapHistoVectorECp.push_back( hist_tmp );
-        }
-    }
-    //--- XML file
-    const char* outputNoiseOccupancyFileName = m_noiseOccupancyFile.c_str();
-    ofstream outFile( outputNoiseOccupancyFileName, std::ios::out );
-    if ( !outFile.good() ) {
-        msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to open NoiseOccupancyFile : " << outputNoiseOccupancyFileName << endmsg;
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    //--- Header for XML outputs
-    ostringstream osHeader;
-    osHeader << "<channels server=\"ATLAS_COOLPROD\" schema=\"ATLAS_COOLOFL_SCT\" dbname=\"MONP200\" folder=\"SCT/Derived/NoiseOccupancy\" "
-             << "since=\""   << m_iovStart.re_time()   << "\" "
-             << "until=\""   << m_iovStop.re_time()    << "\" "
-             << "tag=\""     << m_tagID4NoiseOccupancy << "\" "
-             << "version=\"" << "multi\">"<< endl;
-    outFile << osHeader.str();
-    //--- EndcapC
-    for ( int iDisk = 0; iDisk < n_disks ; ++iDisk ) {
-        for ( int iSide = 0; iSide < 2; ++iSide ) {
-            for ( int iEta = 0; iEta < n_etaBinsEC; ++iEta ) {
-                for ( int iPhi = 0; iPhi < n_phiBinsEndcap[iDisk][iEta]; ++iPhi ) {
-                    Identifier waferId = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_id( ENDCAP_C, iDisk, iPhi, iEta, iSide );
-                    float occupancy = m_pnoiseoccupancymapHistoVectorECm[ 2*iDisk + iSide ]->GetBinContent( iEta+1, iPhi+1 );
-                    occupancy /= float( ntimeBins );
-                    occupancy /= 1E5;
-                    //--- For calculating average Noise Occupancy
-                    meanNO_ECC[iDisk][iEta]+=occupancy;
-                    //outFile << outFile << xmlChannelNoiseOccDataString(waferId, occupancy)<<endl;
-                    IdentifierHash   waferHash = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash( waferId );
-                    SCT_SerialNumber sn        = m_CablingSvc->getSerialNumberFromHash( waferHash );
-                    outFile << xmlChannelNoiseOccDataString(waferId, occupancy, sn)<<endl;
-                    //--- DB output
-                    if ( m_writeToCool ) {
-                        if ( m_pCalibWriteSvc->createListNO( waferId, m_pSCTHelper, 10000, occupancy ).isFailure() ) {
-                            msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to run createListNO" << endmsg;
-                            return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    //--- Barrel
-    for ( int iLayer = 0; iLayer < n_barrels; ++iLayer ) {
-        for ( int iSide = 0; iSide < 2; ++iSide ) {
-            for ( int iEta = 0; iEta < n_etaBins; ++iEta ) {
-                if ( iEta-6 == 0 ) continue;
-                for ( int iPhi = 0; iPhi < n_phiBinsBarrel[iLayer]; ++iPhi ) {
-                    Identifier waferId = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_id( BARREL, iLayer, iPhi, iEta-6, iSide );
-                    float occupancy = m_pnoiseoccupancymapHistoVector[ 2*iLayer + iSide ]->GetBinContent( iEta+1, iPhi+1 );
-                    occupancy /= float( ntimeBins );
-                    occupancy /= 1E5;
-                    //--- For calculating average Noise Occupancy
-                    meanNO_Barrel[iLayer]+=occupancy;
-                    IdentifierHash   waferHash = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash( waferId );
-                    SCT_SerialNumber sn        = m_CablingSvc->getSerialNumberFromHash( waferHash );
-                    outFile << xmlChannelNoiseOccDataString(waferId, occupancy, sn)<<endl;
-                    //--- DB output
-                    if ( m_writeToCool ) {
-                        if ( m_pCalibWriteSvc->createListNO( waferId, m_pSCTHelper, 10000, occupancy ).isFailure() ) {
-                            msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to run createListNO" << endmsg;
-                            return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
+   msg( MSG::INFO ) << "----- in getNoiseOccupancy() -----" << endmsg;
+   //--- Initialization
+   int n_phiBinsBarrel[ n_barrels ] = { n_phiBinsB0, n_phiBinsB1, n_phiBinsB2, n_phiBinsB3 };
+   int n_phiBinsEndcap[ n_disks ][ n_etaBinsEC ] = { { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle,                0 },
+      { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
+      { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
+      { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
+      { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
+      { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
+      { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle,                0 },
+      { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle,                0 },
+      { n_phiBinsECOuter,                 0,                0 }
+   };
+   double meanNO_Barrel[ n_barrels ] = { 0 };
+   double meanNO_ECA[ n_disks ][ n_etaBinsEC ] = { {0}, {0} };
+   double meanNO_ECC[ n_disks ][ n_etaBinsEC ] = { {0}, {0} };
+   //--- RunNumber
+   std::ostringstream runnum;
+   runnum << (int) m_runNumber;
+   //--- Directory in HIST
+   std::string stem;
+   //--- EndcapC
+   stem = "/run_" + runnum.str() + "/SCT/SCTEC/Noise/";
+   m_pnoiseoccupancymapHistoVectorECm.clear();
+   for ( int iDisk = 0; iDisk < n_disks ; ++iDisk ) {
+      for ( int iSide = 0; iSide < 2; ++iSide ) {
+         ostringstream streamHist;
+         streamHist << "noiseoccupancymap";
+         if ( m_noiseOccupancyTriggerAware ) streamHist << "trigger";
+         streamHist << "ECm_" << iDisk << "_" << iSide;
+         std::string histName = stem + streamHist.str();
+         TProfile2D* hist_tmp = (TProfile2D *) m_inputHist->Get( histName.c_str() );
+         m_pnoiseoccupancymapHistoVectorECm.push_back( hist_tmp );
+      }
+   }
+   //--- Barrel
+   stem = "/run_" + runnum.str() + "/SCT/SCTB/Noise/";
+   m_pnoiseoccupancymapHistoVector.clear();
+   for ( int iLayer = 0; iLayer < n_barrels ; ++iLayer ) {
+      for ( int iSide = 0; iSide < 2; ++iSide ) {
+         ostringstream streamHist;
+         streamHist << "noiseoccupancymap";
+         if ( m_noiseOccupancyTriggerAware ) streamHist << "trigger";
+         streamHist << "_" << iLayer << "_" << iSide;
+         std::string histName = stem + streamHist.str();
+         TProfile2D* hist_tmp = (TProfile2D *) m_inputHist->Get( histName.c_str() );
+         m_pnoiseoccupancymapHistoVector.push_back( hist_tmp );
+      }
+   }
+   //--- EndcapA
+   stem = "/run_" + runnum.str() + "/SCT/SCTEA/Noise/";
+   m_pnoiseoccupancymapHistoVectorECp.clear();
+   for ( int iDisk = 0; iDisk < n_disks ; ++iDisk ) {
+      for ( int iSide = 0; iSide < 2; ++iSide ) {
+         ostringstream streamHist;
+         streamHist << "noiseoccupancymap";
+         if ( m_noiseOccupancyTriggerAware ) streamHist << "trigger";
+         streamHist << "ECp_" << iDisk << "_" << iSide;
+         std::string histName = stem + streamHist.str();
+         TProfile2D* hist_tmp = (TProfile2D *) m_inputHist->Get( histName.c_str() );
+         m_pnoiseoccupancymapHistoVectorECp.push_back( hist_tmp );
+      }
+   }
+   //--- XML file
+   const char* outputNoiseOccupancyFileName = m_noiseOccupancyFile.c_str();
+   ofstream outFile( outputNoiseOccupancyFileName, std::ios::out );
+   if ( !outFile.good() ) {
+      msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to open NoiseOccupancyFile : " << outputNoiseOccupancyFileName << endmsg;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   //--- Header for XML outputs
+   ostringstream osHeader;
+   osHeader << "<channels server=\"ATLAS_COOLPROD\" schema=\"ATLAS_COOLOFL_SCT\" dbname=\"MONP200\" folder=\"SCT/Derived/NoiseOccupancy\" "
+            << "since=\""   << m_iovStart.re_time()   << "\" "
+            << "until=\""   << m_iovStop.re_time()    << "\" "
+            << "tag=\""     << m_tagID4NoiseOccupancy << "\" "
+            << "version=\"" << "multi\">"<< endl;
+   outFile << osHeader.str();
+   //--- EndcapC
+   for ( int iDisk = 0; iDisk < n_disks ; ++iDisk ) {
+      for ( int iSide = 0; iSide < 2; ++iSide ) {
+         for ( int iEta = 0; iEta < n_etaBinsEC; ++iEta ) {
+            for ( int iPhi = 0; iPhi < n_phiBinsEndcap[iDisk][iEta]; ++iPhi ) {
+               Identifier waferId = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_id( ENDCAP_C, iDisk, iPhi, iEta, iSide );
+               float occupancy = m_pnoiseoccupancymapHistoVectorECm[ 2*iDisk + iSide ]->GetBinContent( iEta+1, iPhi+1 );
+               occupancy /= float( ntimeBins );
+               occupancy /= 1E5;
+               //--- For calculating average Noise Occupancy
+               meanNO_ECC[iDisk][iEta]+=occupancy;
+               //outFile << outFile << xmlChannelNoiseOccDataString(waferId, occupancy)<<endl;
+               IdentifierHash   waferHash = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash( waferId );
+               SCT_SerialNumber sn        = m_CablingSvc->getSerialNumberFromHash( waferHash );
+               outFile << xmlChannelNoiseOccDataString(waferId, occupancy, sn)<<endl;
+               //--- DB output
+               if ( m_writeToCool ) {
+                  if ( m_pCalibWriteSvc->createListNO( waferId, m_pSCTHelper, 10000, occupancy ).isFailure() ) {
+                     msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to run createListNO" << endmsg;
+                     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+                  }
+               }
-        }
-    }
-    //--- EndcapA
-    for ( int iDisk = 0; iDisk < n_disks ; ++iDisk ) {
-        for ( int iSide = 0; iSide < 2; ++iSide ) {
-            for ( int iEta = 0; iEta < n_etaBinsEC; ++iEta ) {
-                for ( int iPhi = 0; iPhi < n_phiBinsEndcap[iDisk][iEta]; ++iPhi ) {
-                    Identifier waferId = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_id( ENDCAP_A, iDisk, iPhi, iEta, iSide );
-                    float occupancy = m_pnoiseoccupancymapHistoVectorECp[ 2*iDisk + iSide ]->GetBinContent( iEta+1, iPhi+1 );
-                    occupancy /= float( ntimeBins );
-                    occupancy /= 1E5;
-                    //--- For calculating average Noise Occupancy
-                    meanNO_ECA[iDisk][iEta]+=occupancy;
-                    IdentifierHash   waferHash = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash( waferId );
-                    SCT_SerialNumber sn        = m_CablingSvc->getSerialNumberFromHash( waferHash );
-                    outFile << xmlChannelNoiseOccDataString(waferId, occupancy, sn)<<endl;
-                    //--- DB output
-                    if ( m_writeToCool ) {
-                        if ( m_pCalibWriteSvc->createListNO( waferId, m_pSCTHelper, 10000, occupancy ).isFailure() ) {
-                            msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to run createListNO" << endmsg;
-                            return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    //--- Tail of XML outputs
-    outFile << "</channels>" << endl;
-    //--- Summary XML output
-    ostringstream summaryList;
-    for( int i = 0; i < n_disks; ++i ) {
-        for(int j = 0; j < n_etaBinsEC; ++j ) {
-            if( n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j] != 0 ) {
-                meanNO_ECC[i][j] /= (n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j]*2);
-                summaryList<<xmlPartData(ENDCAP_C, i, j, "meanNO",meanNO_ECC[i][j]);
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   //--- Barrel
+   for ( int iLayer = 0; iLayer < n_barrels; ++iLayer ) {
+      for ( int iSide = 0; iSide < 2; ++iSide ) {
+         for ( int iEta = 0; iEta < n_etaBins; ++iEta ) {
+            if ( iEta-6 == 0 ) continue;
+            for ( int iPhi = 0; iPhi < n_phiBinsBarrel[iLayer]; ++iPhi ) {
+               Identifier waferId = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_id( BARREL, iLayer, iPhi, iEta-6, iSide );
+               float occupancy = m_pnoiseoccupancymapHistoVector[ 2*iLayer + iSide ]->GetBinContent( iEta+1, iPhi+1 );
+               occupancy /= float( ntimeBins );
+               occupancy /= 1E5;
+               //--- For calculating average Noise Occupancy
+               meanNO_Barrel[iLayer]+=occupancy;
+               IdentifierHash   waferHash = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash( waferId );
+               SCT_SerialNumber sn        = m_CablingSvc->getSerialNumberFromHash( waferHash );
+               outFile << xmlChannelNoiseOccDataString(waferId, occupancy, sn)<<endl;
+               //--- DB output
+               if ( m_writeToCool ) {
+                  if ( m_pCalibWriteSvc->createListNO( waferId, m_pSCTHelper, 10000, occupancy ).isFailure() ) {
+                     msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to run createListNO" << endmsg;
+                     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+                  }
+               }
-        }
-    }
-    for( int i = 0; i < n_barrels; ++i ) {
-        meanNO_Barrel[i] /= (n_phiBinsBarrel[i]*n_etaInBarrel*2);
-        summaryList<<xmlPartData(BARREL, i, 0, "meanNO",meanNO_Barrel[i] );
-    }
-    for( int i = 0; i < n_disks; ++i ) {
-        for( int j = 0; j < n_etaBinsEC; ++j ) {
-            if( n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j] != 0 ) {
-                meanNO_ECA[i][j] /= (n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j]*2);
-                summaryList<<xmlPartData(ENDCAP_A, i, j, "meanNO",meanNO_ECA[i][j]);
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   //--- EndcapA
+   for ( int iDisk = 0; iDisk < n_disks ; ++iDisk ) {
+      for ( int iSide = 0; iSide < 2; ++iSide ) {
+         for ( int iEta = 0; iEta < n_etaBinsEC; ++iEta ) {
+            for ( int iPhi = 0; iPhi < n_phiBinsEndcap[iDisk][iEta]; ++iPhi ) {
+               Identifier waferId = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_id( ENDCAP_A, iDisk, iPhi, iEta, iSide );
+               float occupancy = m_pnoiseoccupancymapHistoVectorECp[ 2*iDisk + iSide ]->GetBinContent( iEta+1, iPhi+1 );
+               occupancy /= float( ntimeBins );
+               occupancy /= 1E5;
+               //--- For calculating average Noise Occupancy
+               meanNO_ECA[iDisk][iEta]+=occupancy;
+               IdentifierHash   waferHash = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash( waferId );
+               SCT_SerialNumber sn        = m_CablingSvc->getSerialNumberFromHash( waferHash );
+               outFile << xmlChannelNoiseOccDataString(waferId, occupancy, sn)<<endl;
+               //--- DB output
+               if ( m_writeToCool ) {
+                  if ( m_pCalibWriteSvc->createListNO( waferId, m_pSCTHelper, 10000, occupancy ).isFailure() ) {
+                     msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to run createListNO" << endmsg;
+                     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+                  }
+               }
-        }
-    }
-    if( openXML4MonSummary( m_outNOSummary, "NoiseOccupancy" ).isFailure() ) {
-        msg( MSG::ERROR )<< "Problem in opening NoiseOccupancy file" << endmsg;
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    if( wrapUpXML4Summary( m_outNOSummary, "NoiseOccupancy", summaryList ).isFailure() ) {
-        msg( MSG::ERROR )<< "Problem in closing NoiseOccupancy file" << endmsg;
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    //--- DB output
-    if( m_writeToCool ) {
-        if ( m_pCalibWriteSvc->wrapUpNoiseOccupancy().isFailure() ) {
-            msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not get NoiseOccupancy" << endmsg;
-            return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-        }
-    }
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   //--- Tail of XML outputs
+   outFile << "</channels>" << endl;
+   //--- Summary XML output
+   ostringstream summaryList;
+   for( int i = 0; i < n_disks; ++i ) {
+      for(int j = 0; j < n_etaBinsEC; ++j ) {
+         if( n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j] != 0 ) {
+            meanNO_ECC[i][j] /= (n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j]*2);
+            summaryList<<xmlPartData(ENDCAP_C, i, j, "meanNO",meanNO_ECC[i][j]);
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   for( int i = 0; i < n_barrels; ++i ) {
+      meanNO_Barrel[i] /= (n_phiBinsBarrel[i]*n_etaInBarrel*2);
+      summaryList<<xmlPartData(BARREL, i, 0, "meanNO",meanNO_Barrel[i] );
+   }
+   for( int i = 0; i < n_disks; ++i ) {
+      for( int j = 0; j < n_etaBinsEC; ++j ) {
+         if( n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j] != 0 ) {
+            meanNO_ECA[i][j] /= (n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j]*2);
+            summaryList<<xmlPartData(ENDCAP_A, i, j, "meanNO",meanNO_ECA[i][j]);
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   if( openXML4MonSummary( m_outNOSummary, "NoiseOccupancy" ).isFailure() ) {
+      msg( MSG::ERROR )<< "Problem in opening NoiseOccupancy file" << endmsg;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   if( wrapUpXML4Summary( m_outNOSummary, "NoiseOccupancy", summaryList ).isFailure() ) {
+      msg( MSG::ERROR )<< "Problem in closing NoiseOccupancy file" << endmsg;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   //--- DB output
+   if( m_writeToCool ) {
+      if ( m_pCalibWriteSvc->wrapUpNoiseOccupancy().isFailure() ) {
+         msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not get NoiseOccupancy" << endmsg;
+         return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+      }
+   }
+   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -1482,143 +1487,143 @@ StatusCode SCTCalib::getNoiseOccupancy()
 StatusCode SCTCalib::getRawOccupancy()
-    msg( MSG::INFO ) << "----- in getRawOccupancy() -----" << endmsg;
-    //--- Initialization
-    int n_phiBinsBarrel[ n_barrels ] = { n_phiBinsB0, n_phiBinsB1, n_phiBinsB2, n_phiBinsB3 };
-    int n_phiBinsEndcap[ n_disks ][ n_etaBinsEC ] = { { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle,                0 },
-        { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
-        { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
-        { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
-        { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
-        { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
-        { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle,                0 },
-        { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle,                0 },
-        { n_phiBinsECOuter,                 0,                0 }
-    };
-    double meanRO_Barrel[ n_barrels ] = { 0 };
-    double meanRO_ECA[ n_disks ][ n_etaBinsEC ] = { {0}, {0} };
-    double meanRO_ECC[ n_disks ][ n_etaBinsEC ] = { {0}, {0} };
-    //--- RunNumber
-    std::ostringstream runnum;
-    runnum << (int) m_runNumber;
-    //--- Directory in HIST
-    std::vector< std::pair<std::string, int> > EC_stems;
-    EC_stems.clear();
-    std::pair<std::string, int> stem_C("/run_" + runnum.str() + "/SCT/SCTEC/hits/", ENDCAP_C);
-    std::pair<std::string, int> stem_A("/run_" + runnum.str() + "/SCT/SCTEA/hits/", ENDCAP_A);
-    EC_stems.push_back(stem_C);
-    EC_stems.push_back(stem_A);
-    std::vector< std::pair<std::string, int> >::iterator stemItr=EC_stems.begin();
-    //--- Endcaps
-    for(stemItr=EC_stems.begin(); stemItr!=EC_stems.end(); stemItr++) {
-        for(int iDisk=0; iDisk<n_disks; ++iDisk)
-            for(int iSide=0; iSide<2; ++iSide)
-                for(int iEta=0; iEta<n_etaBinsEC; ++iEta)
-                    for(int iPhi=0; iPhi<n_phiBinsEndcap[iDisk][iEta]; ++iPhi) {
-                        Identifier waferId = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_id( (*stemItr).second, iDisk, iPhi, iEta, iSide );
-                        std::string detector_part;
-                        detector_part.erase();
-                        if(m_histBefore2010) {
-                            if( (*stemItr).second==ENDCAP_C ) detector_part = "ECm_hitsmap";
-                            else detector_part = "ECp_hitsmap";
-                        } else {
-                            if( (*stemItr).second==ENDCAP_C ) detector_part = "hitsmapECm";
-                            else detector_part = "hitsmapECp";
-                        }
-                        ostringstream streamHist;
-                        streamHist << detector_part << "_" << iDisk << "_" << iSide;
-                        std::string hitsmapname = stemItr->first + streamHist.str();
-                        TH2D* hist_tmp = (TH2D*) m_inputHist->Get( hitsmapname.c_str() );
-                        unsigned long long n_hits = (unsigned long long)hist_tmp->GetBinContent( iEta+1, iPhi+1 );
-                        float raw_occu = 0;
-                        if(m_numberOfEvents!=0) {
-                            raw_occu = float(n_hits)/(m_numberOfEvents*n_chipPerSide*n_stripPerChip);
-                            //--- For calculating average Raw Occupancy
-                            if (stemItr->second==ENDCAP_C ) meanRO_ECC[iDisk][iEta]+=(double)raw_occu;
-                            else if( stemItr->second==ENDCAP_A ) meanRO_ECA[iDisk][iEta]+=(double)raw_occu;
-                        }
-                        //--- DB writing
-                        if( m_writeToCool ) {
-                            if( m_pCalibWriteSvc->createListRawOccu(waferId, m_pSCTHelper, m_numberOfEvents, raw_occu).isFailure() ) {
-                                msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to run createListRawOccu" << endmsg;
-                                return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-    }
-    //--- Barrel
-    for(int iLayer=0; iLayer<n_barrels; ++iLayer)
-        for(int iSide=0; iSide<2; ++iSide)
-            for(int iEta=0; iEta<n_etaBins; ++iEta) {
-                if(iEta-6==0) continue;
-                for(int iPhi=0; iPhi<n_phiBinsBarrel[iLayer]; ++iPhi) {
-                    Identifier waferId = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_id( BARREL, iLayer, iPhi, iEta-6, iSide );
-                    ostringstream streamHist;
-                    streamHist << iLayer << "_" << iSide;
-                    std::string hitsmapname = "/run_" + runnum.str() + "/SCT/SCTB/hits/hitsmap_" + streamHist.str();
-                    TH2D* hist_tmp = (TH2D*) m_inputHist->Get( hitsmapname.c_str() );
-                    unsigned long long n_hits = (unsigned long long) hist_tmp->GetBinContent( iEta+1, iPhi+1 );
-                    float raw_occu = 0;
-                    if(m_numberOfEvents!=0) {
-                        raw_occu = float(n_hits)/(m_numberOfEvents*n_chipPerSide*n_stripPerChip);
-                        //--- For calculating average Raw Occupancy
-                        meanRO_Barrel[iLayer]+=(double)raw_occu;
-                    }
-                    //--- DB writing
-                    if( m_writeToCool ) {
-                        if( m_pCalibWriteSvc->createListRawOccu(waferId, m_pSCTHelper, m_numberOfEvents, raw_occu).isFailure() ) {
-                            msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to run createListRawOccu" << endmsg;
-                            return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-    //--- Summary XML output
-    ostringstream summaryList;
-    for( int i = 0; i < n_disks; ++i ) {
-        for( int j = 0; j < n_etaBinsEC; ++j ) {
-            if( n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j] != 0 ) {
-                meanRO_ECC[i][j] /= (n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j]*2);
-                summaryList<<xmlPartData(ENDCAP_C, i, j, "meanRO",meanRO_ECC[i][j]);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    for( int i = 0; i < n_barrels; ++i ) {
-        meanRO_Barrel[i] /= (n_phiBinsBarrel[i]*n_etaInBarrel*2);
-        summaryList<<xmlPartData(BARREL, i, 0, "meanRO",meanRO_Barrel[i]);
-    }
-    for( int i = 0; i < n_disks; ++i ) {
-        for( int j = 0; j < n_etaBinsEC; ++j ) {
-            if( n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j] != 0 ) {
-                meanRO_ECA[i][j] /= (n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j]*2);
-                summaryList<<xmlPartData(ENDCAP_A, i, j, "meanRO",meanRO_ECA[i][j]);
+   msg( MSG::INFO ) << "----- in getRawOccupancy() -----" << endmsg;
+   //--- Initialization
+   int n_phiBinsBarrel[ n_barrels ] = { n_phiBinsB0, n_phiBinsB1, n_phiBinsB2, n_phiBinsB3 };
+   int n_phiBinsEndcap[ n_disks ][ n_etaBinsEC ] = { { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle,                0 },
+      { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
+      { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
+      { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
+      { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
+      { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
+      { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle,                0 },
+      { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle,                0 },
+      { n_phiBinsECOuter,                 0,                0 }
+   };
+   double meanRO_Barrel[ n_barrels ] = { 0 };
+   double meanRO_ECA[ n_disks ][ n_etaBinsEC ] = { {0}, {0} };
+   double meanRO_ECC[ n_disks ][ n_etaBinsEC ] = { {0}, {0} };
+   //--- RunNumber
+   std::ostringstream runnum;
+   runnum << (int) m_runNumber;
+   //--- Directory in HIST
+   std::vector< std::pair<std::string, int> > EC_stems;
+   EC_stems.clear();
+   std::pair<std::string, int> stem_C("/run_" + runnum.str() + "/SCT/SCTEC/hits/", ENDCAP_C);
+   std::pair<std::string, int> stem_A("/run_" + runnum.str() + "/SCT/SCTEA/hits/", ENDCAP_A);
+   EC_stems.push_back(stem_C);
+   EC_stems.push_back(stem_A);
+   std::vector< std::pair<std::string, int> >::iterator stemItr=EC_stems.begin();
+   //--- Endcaps
+   for(stemItr=EC_stems.begin(); stemItr!=EC_stems.end(); stemItr++) {
+      for(int iDisk=0; iDisk<n_disks; ++iDisk)
+         for(int iSide=0; iSide<2; ++iSide)
+            for(int iEta=0; iEta<n_etaBinsEC; ++iEta)
+               for(int iPhi=0; iPhi<n_phiBinsEndcap[iDisk][iEta]; ++iPhi) {
+                  Identifier waferId = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_id( (*stemItr).second, iDisk, iPhi, iEta, iSide );
+                  std::string detector_part;
+                  detector_part.erase();
+                  if(m_histBefore2010) {
+                     if( (*stemItr).second==ENDCAP_C ) detector_part = "ECm_hitsmap";
+                     else detector_part = "ECp_hitsmap";
+                  } else {
+                     if( (*stemItr).second==ENDCAP_C ) detector_part = "hitsmapECm";
+                     else detector_part = "hitsmapECp";
+                  }
+                  ostringstream streamHist;
+                  streamHist << detector_part << "_" << iDisk << "_" << iSide;
+                  std::string hitsmapname = stemItr->first + streamHist.str();
+                  TH2D* hist_tmp = (TH2D*) m_inputHist->Get( hitsmapname.c_str() );
+                  unsigned long long n_hits = (unsigned long long)hist_tmp->GetBinContent( iEta+1, iPhi+1 );
+                  float raw_occu = 0;
+                  if(m_numberOfEvents!=0) {
+                     raw_occu = float(n_hits)/(m_numberOfEvents*n_chipPerSide*n_stripPerChip);
+                     //--- For calculating average Raw Occupancy
+                     if (stemItr->second==ENDCAP_C ) meanRO_ECC[iDisk][iEta]+=(double)raw_occu;
+                     else if( stemItr->second==ENDCAP_A ) meanRO_ECA[iDisk][iEta]+=(double)raw_occu;
+                  }
+                  //--- DB writing
+                  if( m_writeToCool ) {
+                     if( m_pCalibWriteSvc->createListRawOccu(waferId, m_pSCTHelper, m_numberOfEvents, raw_occu).isFailure() ) {
+                        msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to run createListRawOccu" << endmsg;
+                        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+                     }
+                  }
+               }
+   }
+   //--- Barrel
+   for(int iLayer=0; iLayer<n_barrels; ++iLayer)
+      for(int iSide=0; iSide<2; ++iSide)
+         for(int iEta=0; iEta<n_etaBins; ++iEta) {
+            if(iEta-6==0) continue;
+            for(int iPhi=0; iPhi<n_phiBinsBarrel[iLayer]; ++iPhi) {
+               Identifier waferId = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_id( BARREL, iLayer, iPhi, iEta-6, iSide );
+               ostringstream streamHist;
+               streamHist << iLayer << "_" << iSide;
+               std::string hitsmapname = "/run_" + runnum.str() + "/SCT/SCTB/hits/hitsmap_" + streamHist.str();
+               TH2D* hist_tmp = (TH2D*) m_inputHist->Get( hitsmapname.c_str() );
+               unsigned long long n_hits = (unsigned long long) hist_tmp->GetBinContent( iEta+1, iPhi+1 );
+               float raw_occu = 0;
+               if(m_numberOfEvents!=0) {
+                  raw_occu = float(n_hits)/(m_numberOfEvents*n_chipPerSide*n_stripPerChip);
+                  //--- For calculating average Raw Occupancy
+                  meanRO_Barrel[iLayer]+=(double)raw_occu;
+               }
+               //--- DB writing
+               if( m_writeToCool ) {
+                  if( m_pCalibWriteSvc->createListRawOccu(waferId, m_pSCTHelper, m_numberOfEvents, raw_occu).isFailure() ) {
+                     msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to run createListRawOccu" << endmsg;
+                     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+                  }
+               }
-        }
-    }
-    if( openXML4MonSummary( m_outROSummary, "RawOccupancy" ).isFailure() ) {
-        msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Problem in opening RawOccupancy file" << endmsg;
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    if( wrapUpXML4Summary( m_outROSummary, "RawOccupancy", summaryList ).isFailure() ) {
-        msg( MSG::ERROR )<< "Problem in closing RawOccupancy file " << endmsg;
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    //--- DB output
-    if( m_writeToCool ) {
-        if ( m_pCalibWriteSvc->wrapUpRawOccupancy().isFailure() ) {
-            msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not get RawOccupancy" << endmsg;
-            return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-        }
-    }
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+         }
+   //--- Summary XML output
+   ostringstream summaryList;
+   for( int i = 0; i < n_disks; ++i ) {
+      for( int j = 0; j < n_etaBinsEC; ++j ) {
+         if( n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j] != 0 ) {
+            meanRO_ECC[i][j] /= (n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j]*2);
+            summaryList<<xmlPartData(ENDCAP_C, i, j, "meanRO",meanRO_ECC[i][j]);
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   for( int i = 0; i < n_barrels; ++i ) {
+      meanRO_Barrel[i] /= (n_phiBinsBarrel[i]*n_etaInBarrel*2);
+      summaryList<<xmlPartData(BARREL, i, 0, "meanRO",meanRO_Barrel[i]);
+   }
+   for( int i = 0; i < n_disks; ++i ) {
+      for( int j = 0; j < n_etaBinsEC; ++j ) {
+         if( n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j] != 0 ) {
+            meanRO_ECA[i][j] /= (n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j]*2);
+            summaryList<<xmlPartData(ENDCAP_A, i, j, "meanRO",meanRO_ECA[i][j]);
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   if( openXML4MonSummary( m_outROSummary, "RawOccupancy" ).isFailure() ) {
+      msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Problem in opening RawOccupancy file" << endmsg;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   if( wrapUpXML4Summary( m_outROSummary, "RawOccupancy", summaryList ).isFailure() ) {
+      msg( MSG::ERROR )<< "Problem in closing RawOccupancy file " << endmsg;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   //--- DB output
+   if( m_writeToCool ) {
+      if ( m_pCalibWriteSvc->wrapUpRawOccupancy().isFailure() ) {
+         msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not get RawOccupancy" << endmsg;
+         return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+      }
+   }
+   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -1628,188 +1633,188 @@ StatusCode SCTCalib::getRawOccupancy()
 StatusCode SCTCalib::getEfficiency() {
-    msg(MSG::INFO) << "----- in getEfficiency() -----" << endmsg;
-    //--- Initialization
-    int n_phiBinsBarrel[ n_barrels ] = { n_phiBinsB0, n_phiBinsB1, n_phiBinsB2, n_phiBinsB3 };
-    int n_phiBinsEndcap[ n_disks ][ n_etaBinsEC ] = { { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle,                0 },
-        { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
-        { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
-        { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
-        { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
-        { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
-        { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle,                0 },
-        { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle,                0 },
-        { n_phiBinsECOuter,                 0,                0 }
-    };
-    double meanEff_Barrel[ n_barrels ] = { 0 };
-    double meanEff_ECA[ n_disks ][ n_etaBinsEC ] = { {0}, {0} };
-    double meanEff_ECC[ n_disks ][ n_etaBinsEC ] = { {0}, {0} };
-    //--- RunNumber
-    std::ostringstream runnum;
-    runnum << (int) m_runNumber;
-    //--- Directory in HIST
-    std::vector< std::pair<std::string, int> > EC_stems;
-    EC_stems.clear();
-    std::pair<std::string, int> stem_C("/run_" + runnum.str() + "/SCT/SCTEC/eff/", ENDCAP_C);
-    std::pair<std::string, int> stem_A("/run_" + runnum.str() + "/SCT/SCTEA/eff/", ENDCAP_A);
-    EC_stems.push_back(stem_C);
-    EC_stems.push_back(stem_A);
-    std::vector< std::pair<std::string, int> >::iterator stemItr=EC_stems.begin();
-    //--- XML file
-    // if( openXML4MonSummary( m_outEffSummary, "EfficiencyModule" ).isFailure() ) {
-    //   msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Problem in opening " << m_outEffSummary << endmsg;
-    //   return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    // }
-    const char* outputEfficiencyFileName = m_efficiencyModuleFile.c_str();
-    ofstream outFile( outputEfficiencyFileName, std::ios::out );
-    if ( !outFile.good() ) {
-        msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to open EfficiencyFile : " << outputEfficiencyFileName << endmsg;
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    std::string xslName="EfficiencyInfo.xsl";
-    outFile << xmlHeader<< linefeed<< associateStylesheet(xslName) << linefeed<< "<run>"<< endl;
-    outFile << xmlValue("RunNumber",  (int)m_runNumber                  ) << linefeed
-            << xmlValue("StartTime",  m_utcBegin                        ) << linefeed
-            << xmlValue("EndTime",  m_utcEnd                            ) << linefeed
-            << xmlValue("Duration",  m_calibEvtInfoSvc->duration()      ) << linefeed
-            << xmlValue("LB",  m_LBRange                                ) << linefeed
-            << xmlValue("Events",  m_numberOfEvents                     ) << linefeed
-            << "  <modules>"<< endl;
-    // //--- Header for XML outputs
-    // ostringstream osHeader;
-    // osHeader << "<channels server=\"ATLAS_COOLPROD\" schema=\"ATLAS_COOLOFL_SCT\" dbname=\"CONDBR2\" folder=\"SCT/Derived/Efficiency\" "
-    //          << "since=\""   << m_iovStart.re_time()   << "\" "
-    //          << "until=\""   << m_iovStop.re_time()    << "\" "
-    //          << "tag=\""     << m_tagID4Efficiency << "\" "
-    //          << "version=\"" << "multi\">"<< endl;
-    // outFile << osHeader.str();
-    //--- Endcaps
-    for(stemItr=EC_stems.begin(); stemItr!=EC_stems.end(); stemItr++) {
-        for(int iDisk=0; iDisk<n_disks; ++iDisk)
-            for(int iSide=0; iSide<2; ++iSide)
-                for(int iEta=0; iEta<n_etaBinsEC; ++iEta)
-                    for(int iPhi=0; iPhi<n_phiBinsEndcap[iDisk][iEta]; ++iPhi) {
-                        Identifier waferId = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_id( (*stemItr).second, iDisk, iPhi, iEta, iSide );
-                        std::string detector_part;
-                        detector_part.erase();
-                        ostringstream streamProf;
-                        if( (*stemItr).second==ENDCAP_C ) {
-                            detector_part = "m_eff";
-                            streamProf << detector_part << "_" << iDisk << "_" << iSide;
-                        } else {
-                            detector_part = "p_eff";
-                            streamProf << detector_part << "_" << iDisk << "_" << iSide;
-                        }
-                        std::string effmapname = stemItr->first + streamProf.str();
-                        TProfile2D* prof_tmp = (TProfile2D*) m_inputHist->Get( effmapname.c_str() );
-                        int global_bin = prof_tmp->GetBin( iEta+1, iPhi+1 );
-                        float eff = (float)prof_tmp->GetBinContent( global_bin );
-                        unsigned long long eff_entry = (unsigned long long)prof_tmp->GetBinEntries( global_bin );
-                        //--- For calculating average Efficiency
-                        if( stemItr->second==ENDCAP_C ) meanEff_ECC[iDisk][iEta]+=(double)eff;
-                        else if( stemItr->second==ENDCAP_A ) meanEff_ECA[iDisk][iEta]+=(double)eff;
-                        //--- For Efficiency _not_ averaged over modules
-                        IdentifierHash   waferHash = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash( waferId );
-                        SCT_SerialNumber sn        = m_CablingSvc->getSerialNumberFromHash( waferHash );
-                        outFile << xmlChannelEfficiencyDataString(waferId, eff, sn)<<endl;
-                        //--- DB writing
-                        if( m_writeToCool ) {
-                            if( m_pCalibWriteSvc->createListEff(waferId, m_pSCTHelper, eff_entry, eff).isFailure() ) {
-                                msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to run createListEff" << endmsg;
-                                return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-    }
-    //--- Barrel
-    for(int iLayer=0; iLayer<n_barrels; ++iLayer)
-        for(int iSide=0; iSide<2; ++iSide)
-            for(int iEta=0; iEta<n_etaBins; ++iEta) {
-                if(iEta-6==0) continue;
-                for(int iPhi=0; iPhi<n_phiBinsBarrel[iLayer]; ++iPhi) {
-                    Identifier waferId = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_id( BARREL, iLayer, iPhi, iEta-6, iSide );
-                    ostringstream streamProf;
-                    streamProf << iLayer << "_" << iSide;
-                    std::string effmapname = "/run_" + runnum.str() + "/SCT/SCTB/eff/eff_" + streamProf.str();
-                    TProfile2D* prof_tmp = (TProfile2D*) m_inputHist->Get( effmapname.c_str() );
-                    int global_bin = prof_tmp->GetBin( iEta+1, iPhi+1 );
-                    float eff = (float)prof_tmp->GetBinContent( global_bin );
-                    unsigned long long eff_entry = (unsigned long long)prof_tmp->GetBinEntries( global_bin );
-                    //--- For calculating average Efficiency
-                    meanEff_Barrel[iLayer]+=(double)eff;
-                    //--- For Efficiency _not_ averaged over modules
-                    IdentifierHash   waferHash = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash( waferId );
-                    SCT_SerialNumber sn        = m_CablingSvc->getSerialNumberFromHash( waferHash );
-                    outFile << xmlChannelEfficiencyDataString(waferId, eff, sn)<<endl;
-                    //--- DB writing
-                    if( m_writeToCool ) {
-                        if( m_pCalibWriteSvc->createListEff(waferId, m_pSCTHelper, eff_entry, eff).isFailure() ) {
-                            msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to run createListEff" << endmsg;
-                            return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-    //--- Tail of XML outputs
-    //  outFile << "</channels>" << endl;
-    outFile << "  </modules>" << endl;
-    outFile << "</run>" << endl;
-    //--- Summary XML output
-    ostringstream summaryList;
-    for( int i = 0; i < n_disks; ++i ) {
-        for( int j = 0; j < n_etaBinsEC; ++j ) {
-            if( n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j] != 0 ) {
-                meanEff_ECC[i][j] /= (n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j]*2);
-                summaryList<<xmlPartData(ENDCAP_C, i, j, "meanEff",meanEff_ECC[i][j]);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    for( int i = 0; i < n_barrels; ++i ) {
-        meanEff_Barrel[i] /= (n_phiBinsBarrel[i]*n_etaInBarrel*2);
-        summaryList<<xmlPartData(BARREL, i, 0, "meanEff",meanEff_Barrel[i]);
-    }
-    for( int i = 0; i < n_disks; ++i ) {
-        for( int j = 0; j < n_etaBinsEC; ++j ) {
-            if( n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j] != 0 ) {
-                meanEff_ECA[i][j] /= (n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j]*2);
-                summaryList<<xmlPartData(ENDCAP_A, i, j, "meanEff",meanEff_ECA[i][j]);
+   msg(MSG::INFO) << "----- in getEfficiency() -----" << endmsg;
+   //--- Initialization
+   int n_phiBinsBarrel[ n_barrels ] = { n_phiBinsB0, n_phiBinsB1, n_phiBinsB2, n_phiBinsB3 };
+   int n_phiBinsEndcap[ n_disks ][ n_etaBinsEC ] = { { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle,                0 },
+      { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
+      { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
+      { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
+      { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
+      { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
+      { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle,                0 },
+      { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle,                0 },
+      { n_phiBinsECOuter,                 0,                0 }
+   };
+   double meanEff_Barrel[ n_barrels ] = { 0 };
+   double meanEff_ECA[ n_disks ][ n_etaBinsEC ] = { {0}, {0} };
+   double meanEff_ECC[ n_disks ][ n_etaBinsEC ] = { {0}, {0} };
+   //--- RunNumber
+   std::ostringstream runnum;
+   runnum << (int) m_runNumber;
+   //--- Directory in HIST
+   std::vector< std::pair<std::string, int> > EC_stems;
+   EC_stems.clear();
+   std::pair<std::string, int> stem_C("/run_" + runnum.str() + "/SCT/SCTEC/eff/", ENDCAP_C);
+   std::pair<std::string, int> stem_A("/run_" + runnum.str() + "/SCT/SCTEA/eff/", ENDCAP_A);
+   EC_stems.push_back(stem_C);
+   EC_stems.push_back(stem_A);
+   std::vector< std::pair<std::string, int> >::iterator stemItr=EC_stems.begin();
+   //--- XML file
+   // if( openXML4MonSummary( m_outEffSummary, "EfficiencyModule" ).isFailure() ) {
+   //   msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Problem in opening " << m_outEffSummary << endmsg;
+   //   return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   // }
+   const char* outputEfficiencyFileName = m_efficiencyModuleFile.c_str();
+   ofstream outFile( outputEfficiencyFileName, std::ios::out );
+   if ( !outFile.good() ) {
+      msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to open EfficiencyFile : " << outputEfficiencyFileName << endmsg;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   std::string xslName="EfficiencyInfo.xsl";
+   outFile << xmlHeader<< linefeed<< associateStylesheet(xslName) << linefeed<< "<run>"<< endl;
+   outFile << xmlValue("RunNumber",  (int)m_runNumber                  ) << linefeed
+           << xmlValue("StartTime",  m_utcBegin                        ) << linefeed
+           << xmlValue("EndTime",  m_utcEnd                            ) << linefeed
+           << xmlValue("Duration",  m_calibEvtInfoSvc->duration()      ) << linefeed
+           << xmlValue("LB",  m_LBRange                                ) << linefeed
+           << xmlValue("Events",  m_numberOfEvents                     ) << linefeed
+           << "  <modules>"<< endl;
+   // //--- Header for XML outputs
+   // ostringstream osHeader;
+   // osHeader << "<channels server=\"ATLAS_COOLPROD\" schema=\"ATLAS_COOLOFL_SCT\" dbname=\"CONDBR2\" folder=\"SCT/Derived/Efficiency\" "
+   //          << "since=\""   << m_iovStart.re_time()   << "\" "
+   //          << "until=\""   << m_iovStop.re_time()    << "\" "
+   //          << "tag=\""     << m_tagID4Efficiency << "\" "
+   //          << "version=\"" << "multi\">"<< endl;
+   // outFile << osHeader.str();
+   //--- Endcaps
+   for(stemItr=EC_stems.begin(); stemItr!=EC_stems.end(); stemItr++) {
+      for(int iDisk=0; iDisk<n_disks; ++iDisk)
+         for(int iSide=0; iSide<2; ++iSide)
+            for(int iEta=0; iEta<n_etaBinsEC; ++iEta)
+               for(int iPhi=0; iPhi<n_phiBinsEndcap[iDisk][iEta]; ++iPhi) {
+                  Identifier waferId = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_id( (*stemItr).second, iDisk, iPhi, iEta, iSide );
+                  std::string detector_part;
+                  detector_part.erase();
+                  ostringstream streamProf;
+                  if( (*stemItr).second==ENDCAP_C ) {
+                     detector_part = "m_eff";
+                     streamProf << detector_part << "_" << iDisk << "_" << iSide;
+                  } else {
+                     detector_part = "p_eff";
+                     streamProf << detector_part << "_" << iDisk << "_" << iSide;
+                  }
+                  std::string effmapname = stemItr->first + streamProf.str();
+                  TProfile2D* prof_tmp = (TProfile2D*) m_inputHist->Get( effmapname.c_str() );
+                  int global_bin = prof_tmp->GetBin( iEta+1, iPhi+1 );
+                  float eff = (float)prof_tmp->GetBinContent( global_bin );
+                  unsigned long long eff_entry = (unsigned long long)prof_tmp->GetBinEntries( global_bin );
+                  //--- For calculating average Efficiency
+                  if( stemItr->second==ENDCAP_C ) meanEff_ECC[iDisk][iEta]+=(double)eff;
+                  else if( stemItr->second==ENDCAP_A ) meanEff_ECA[iDisk][iEta]+=(double)eff;
+                  //--- For Efficiency _not_ averaged over modules
+                  IdentifierHash   waferHash = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash( waferId );
+                  SCT_SerialNumber sn        = m_CablingSvc->getSerialNumberFromHash( waferHash );
+                  outFile << xmlChannelEfficiencyDataString(waferId, eff, sn)<<endl;
+                  //--- DB writing
+                  if( m_writeToCool ) {
+                     if( m_pCalibWriteSvc->createListEff(waferId, m_pSCTHelper, eff_entry, eff).isFailure() ) {
+                        msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to run createListEff" << endmsg;
+                        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+                     }
+                  }
+               }
+   }
+   //--- Barrel
+   for(int iLayer=0; iLayer<n_barrels; ++iLayer)
+      for(int iSide=0; iSide<2; ++iSide)
+         for(int iEta=0; iEta<n_etaBins; ++iEta) {
+            if(iEta-6==0) continue;
+            for(int iPhi=0; iPhi<n_phiBinsBarrel[iLayer]; ++iPhi) {
+               Identifier waferId = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_id( BARREL, iLayer, iPhi, iEta-6, iSide );
+               ostringstream streamProf;
+               streamProf << iLayer << "_" << iSide;
+               std::string effmapname = "/run_" + runnum.str() + "/SCT/SCTB/eff/eff_" + streamProf.str();
+               TProfile2D* prof_tmp = (TProfile2D*) m_inputHist->Get( effmapname.c_str() );
+               int global_bin = prof_tmp->GetBin( iEta+1, iPhi+1 );
+               float eff = (float)prof_tmp->GetBinContent( global_bin );
+               unsigned long long eff_entry = (unsigned long long)prof_tmp->GetBinEntries( global_bin );
+               //--- For calculating average Efficiency
+               meanEff_Barrel[iLayer]+=(double)eff;
+               //--- For Efficiency _not_ averaged over modules
+               IdentifierHash   waferHash = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash( waferId );
+               SCT_SerialNumber sn        = m_CablingSvc->getSerialNumberFromHash( waferHash );
+               outFile << xmlChannelEfficiencyDataString(waferId, eff, sn)<<endl;
+               //--- DB writing
+               if( m_writeToCool ) {
+                  if( m_pCalibWriteSvc->createListEff(waferId, m_pSCTHelper, eff_entry, eff).isFailure() ) {
+                     msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to run createListEff" << endmsg;
+                     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+                  }
+               }
-        }
-    }
-    if( openXML4MonSummary( m_outEffSummary, "Efficiency" ).isFailure() ) {
-        msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Problem in opening Efficiency file" << endmsg;
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    if( wrapUpXML4Summary( m_outEffSummary, "Efficiency", summaryList ).isFailure() ) {
-        msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Problem in closing Efficiency file " <<endmsg;
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    //--- DB output
-    if( m_writeToCool ) {
-        if ( m_pCalibWriteSvc->wrapUpEfficiency().isFailure() ) {
-            msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not get Efficiency" << endmsg;
-            return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-        }
-    }
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+         }
+   //--- Tail of XML outputs
+   //  outFile << "</channels>" << endl;
+   outFile << "  </modules>" << endl;
+   outFile << "</run>" << endl;
+   //--- Summary XML output
+   ostringstream summaryList;
+   for( int i = 0; i < n_disks; ++i ) {
+      for( int j = 0; j < n_etaBinsEC; ++j ) {
+         if( n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j] != 0 ) {
+            meanEff_ECC[i][j] /= (n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j]*2);
+            summaryList<<xmlPartData(ENDCAP_C, i, j, "meanEff",meanEff_ECC[i][j]);
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   for( int i = 0; i < n_barrels; ++i ) {
+      meanEff_Barrel[i] /= (n_phiBinsBarrel[i]*n_etaInBarrel*2);
+      summaryList<<xmlPartData(BARREL, i, 0, "meanEff",meanEff_Barrel[i]);
+   }
+   for( int i = 0; i < n_disks; ++i ) {
+      for( int j = 0; j < n_etaBinsEC; ++j ) {
+         if( n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j] != 0 ) {
+            meanEff_ECA[i][j] /= (n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j]*2);
+            summaryList<<xmlPartData(ENDCAP_A, i, j, "meanEff",meanEff_ECA[i][j]);
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   if( openXML4MonSummary( m_outEffSummary, "Efficiency" ).isFailure() ) {
+      msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Problem in opening Efficiency file" << endmsg;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   if( wrapUpXML4Summary( m_outEffSummary, "Efficiency", summaryList ).isFailure() ) {
+      msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Problem in closing Efficiency file " <<endmsg;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   //--- DB output
+   if( m_writeToCool ) {
+      if ( m_pCalibWriteSvc->wrapUpEfficiency().isFailure() ) {
+         msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not get Efficiency" << endmsg;
+         return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+      }
+   }
+   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -1819,352 +1824,361 @@ StatusCode SCTCalib::getEfficiency() {
 StatusCode SCTCalib::getBSErrors() {
-    msg( MSG::INFO ) << "----- in getBSErrors() -----" << endmsg;
-    //--- Initialization
-    int n_phiBinsBarrel[ n_barrels ] = { n_phiBinsB0, n_phiBinsB1, n_phiBinsB2, n_phiBinsB3 };
-    int n_phiBinsEndcap[ n_disks ][ n_etaBinsEC ] = { { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle,                0 },
-        { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
-        { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
-        { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
-        { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
-        { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
-        { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle,                0 },
-        { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle,                0 },
-        { n_phiBinsECOuter,                 0,                0 }
-    };
-    unsigned long long nErrLink_Barrel[ n_barrels ] = { 0 };
-    unsigned long long nErrLink_ECA[ n_disks ][ n_etaBinsEC ] = { {0}, {0} };
-    unsigned long long nErrLink_ECC[ n_disks ][ n_etaBinsEC ] = { {0}, {0} };
-    unsigned long long nErrLink_Barrel_module[ n_barrels ][ 2 ][ n_etaBins ][ n_phiBinsB3 ] = {{{{0}}}};
-    unsigned long long nErrLink_ECA_module[ n_disks ][2][ n_etaBinsEC ][n_phiBinsECOuter] = {{{{0}}}};
-    unsigned long long nErrLink_ECC_module[ n_disks ][2][ n_etaBinsEC ][n_phiBinsECOuter] = {{{{0}}}};
-    std::string nErrLink_Barrel_module_serial[ n_barrels ][ 2 ][ n_etaBins ][ n_phiBinsB3 ];
-    std::string nErrLink_ECA_module_serial[ n_disks ][2][ n_etaBinsEC ][n_phiBinsECOuter];
-    std::string nErrLink_ECC_module_serial[ n_disks ][2][ n_etaBinsEC ][n_phiBinsECOuter];
-    unsigned long long nErrs_Barrel_module[ n_barrels ][ 2 ][ n_etaBins ][ n_phiBinsB3 ][ 15 ] = {{{{{0}}}}};
-    unsigned long long nErrs_ECA_module[ n_disks ][2][ n_etaBinsEC ][n_phiBinsECOuter][ 15 ]   = {{{{{0}}}}};
-    unsigned long long nErrs_ECC_module[ n_disks ][2][ n_etaBinsEC ][n_phiBinsECOuter][ 15 ]   = {{{{{0}}}}};
-    //--- RunNumber
-    std::ostringstream runnum;
-    runnum << (int) m_runNumber;
-    //--- ErrorList
-    typedef std::map< int, std::string > IntStringMap;
-    IntStringMap ErrMap_C, ErrMap;
-    const int numberOfErrorTypes(12);
-    boost::array<std::string, numberOfErrorTypes> errorNames= {{
-            "BSParse","TimeOut", "BCID","LVL1ID", "Preamble", "Formatter",
-            "ABCD","Raw", "MaskedLink", "RODClock",
-            "TruncROD", (m_histBefore2010?"ROBFragment":"ROBFrag" )
-        }
-    };
-    //
-    boost::array<std::string, numberOfErrorTypes> errorNames_C= {{
-            "BSParse","TimeOut","BCID","LVL1ID", "Preamble", "Formatter",
-            "ABCD","Raw", (m_histBefore2010?"TmaskedLinks":"MaskedLink"), "RODClock",
-            "TruncROD", (m_histBefore2010?"ROBFragment":"ROBFrag" )
-        }
-    };
-    boost::array<int, numberOfErrorTypes> errorValues= {{0,1,2,3,4,5,9,10,11,12,13,14}};
-    //should do compile time check to ensure the sizes are equal.
-    ErrMap_C.clear();
-    for (int indx(0); indx!=numberOfErrorTypes; ++indx) {
-        ErrMap_C.insert(make_pair(errorValues[indx],errorNames_C[indx]));
-    }
-    ErrMap.clear();
-    for (int indx(0); indx!=numberOfErrorTypes; ++indx) {
-        ErrMap.insert(make_pair(errorValues[indx],errorNames[indx]));
-    }
-    //--- Directory in HIST
-    const int N_ENDCAPS(2);
-    boost::array<std::string, N_ENDCAPS> detectorStems= {{"/run_" + runnum.str() + "/SCT/SCTEC/errors/",  "/run_" + runnum.str() + "/SCT/SCTEA/errors/"}}; //barrel stem unused here
-    boost::array<IntStringMap::iterator, N_ENDCAPS> detectorIterators= {{ErrMap_C.begin(), ErrMap.begin()}};
-    boost::array<std::string, N_ENDCAPS> detectorParts= {{"ECm",  "ECp"}};
-    std::string defecttype("");
-    std::string n_defect("");
-    int n_errorLink = 0;
-    //--- Endcaps
-    for(int stemIndex=0; stemIndex!=N_ENDCAPS; ++stemIndex) {
-        // fix agrohsje const int thisBec=(2 * stemIndex) - 2; //map 0, 1 onto -2, 2
-        const int thisBec=(4 * stemIndex) - 2; //map 0, 1 onto -2, 2
-        const std::string detector_part=detectorParts[stemIndex];
-        for(int iDisk=0; iDisk<n_disks; ++iDisk) {
-            for(int iSide=0; iSide<2; ++iSide) {
-                for(int iEta=0; iEta<n_etaBinsEC; ++iEta) {
-                    for(int iPhi=0; iPhi<n_phiBinsEndcap[iDisk][iEta]; ++iPhi) {
-                        defecttype.erase();
-                        n_defect.erase();
-                        ostringstream osErrorList;
-                        ostringstream osProbList;
-                        Identifier waferId = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_id( thisBec, iDisk, iPhi, iEta, iSide );
-                        IdentifierHash   waferHash = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash( waferId );
-                        SCT_SerialNumber sn        = m_CablingSvc->getSerialNumberFromHash( waferHash );
-                        if( thisBec==ENDCAP_C )
-                            nErrLink_ECC_module_serial[iDisk][iSide][iEta][iPhi]=sn.str();
-                        else if( thisBec==ENDCAP_A )
-                            nErrLink_ECA_module_serial[iDisk][iSide][iEta][iPhi]=sn.str();
-                        IntStringMap::iterator errItr=detectorIterators[stemIndex];
-                        for ( int iType = 0; iType < n_BSErrorType; ++iType ) {
-                            float errorProb = 0.;
-                            unsigned long long n_errors = 0;
-                            if ( iType == errItr->first ) {
-                                ostringstream streamHist;
-                                //temporal fix: folder and histogram names should be Preamble
-                                streamHist << errItr->second << "Errs" << "_" << iDisk << "_" << iSide;
-                                //		    streamHist << "T" << errItr->second << "Errs" << detector_part << "_" << iDisk << "_" << iSide;
-                                std::string folder = errItr->second+std::string("/");
-                                //histogram might or might not be inside a folder with the same name
-                                std::string profname = detectorStems[stemIndex] + folder +streamHist.str();
-                                std::string profnameShort = detectorStems[stemIndex] + streamHist.str();
-                                TProfile2D* prof_tmp = (TProfile2D*) m_inputHist->Get( profname.c_str() );
-                                if(prof_tmp ==NULL) {
-                                    prof_tmp = (TProfile2D*) m_inputHist->Get( profnameShort.c_str() );
-                                }
-                                if(prof_tmp ==NULL) {
-                                    msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to get profile for BSErrorsDB : " << profname << endmsg;
-                                    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-                                }
-                                n_errors = (unsigned long long)prof_tmp->GetBinContent( iEta+1, iPhi+1 );
-                                //		    unsigned long long n_errors = (unsigned long long)prof_tmp->GetBinContent( iEta+1, iPhi+1 );
-                                if(n_errors!=0) {
-                                    defecttype = m_pCalibWriteSvc->addNumber( defecttype, errItr->first );
-                                    n_defect = m_pCalibWriteSvc->addNumber( n_defect, n_errors );
-                                    errorProb = (float) n_errors / (float) m_numberOfEvents;
-                                    nErrs_ECC_module[iDisk][iSide][iEta][iPhi][errItr->first] = n_errors;
-                                    if( thisBec==ENDCAP_C ) {
-                                        nErrLink_ECC_module[iDisk][iSide][iEta][iPhi]+=n_errors;
-                                    }
-                                    else if( thisBec==ENDCAP_A ) {
-                                        nErrLink_ECA_module[iDisk][iSide][iEta][iPhi]+=n_errors;
-                                    }
-                                }//end if(n_errors!=0)
-                                ++errItr;
-                            }//end if( iType == (*errItr).first )
-                            osErrorList << n_errors;
-                            osProbList << errorProb;
-                            if ( iType != n_BSErrorType-1 ) {
-                                osErrorList << " ";
-                                osProbList << " ";
-                            }
-                        }//end ErrorType Loop
-                        //--- DB writing
-                        if(!(defecttype.empty())) {
-                            n_errorLink++;
-                            if( thisBec==ENDCAP_C ) {
-                                nErrLink_ECC[iDisk][iEta]++;
-                            }
-                            else if( thisBec==ENDCAP_A ) {
-                                nErrLink_ECA[iDisk][iEta]++;
-                            }
-                            if( m_writeToCool ) {
-                                if( m_pCalibWriteSvc->createListBSErr(waferId, m_pSCTHelper, m_numberOfEvents, osErrorList.str(),osProbList.str()).isFailure() ) {
-                                    msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to run createListBSError" << endmsg;
-                                    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-                                }
-                            }
+   msg( MSG::INFO ) << "----- in getBSErrors() -----" << endmsg;
+   //--- Initialization
+   int n_phiBinsBarrel[ n_barrels ] = { n_phiBinsB0, n_phiBinsB1, n_phiBinsB2, n_phiBinsB3 };
+   int n_phiBinsEndcap[ n_disks ][ n_etaBinsEC ] = { { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle,                0 },
+      { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
+      { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
+      { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
+      { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
+      { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle, n_phiBinsECShort },
+      { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle,                0 },
+      { n_phiBinsECOuter, n_phiBinsECMiddle,                0 },
+      { n_phiBinsECOuter,                 0,                0 }
+   };
+   unsigned long long nErrLink_Barrel[ n_barrels ] = { 0 };
+   unsigned long long nErrLink_ECA[ n_disks ][ n_etaBinsEC ] = { {0}, {0} };
+   unsigned long long nErrLink_ECC[ n_disks ][ n_etaBinsEC ] = { {0}, {0} };
+   unsigned long long nErrLink_Barrel_module[ n_barrels ][ 2 ][ n_etaBins ][ n_phiBinsB3 ] = {{{{0}}}};
+   unsigned long long nErrLink_ECA_module[ n_disks ][2][ n_etaBinsEC ][n_phiBinsECOuter] = {{{{0}}}};
+   unsigned long long nErrLink_ECC_module[ n_disks ][2][ n_etaBinsEC ][n_phiBinsECOuter] = {{{{0}}}};
+   std::string nErrLink_Barrel_module_serial[ n_barrels ][ 2 ][ n_etaBins ][ n_phiBinsB3 ];
+   std::string nErrLink_ECA_module_serial[ n_disks ][2][ n_etaBinsEC ][n_phiBinsECOuter];
+   std::string nErrLink_ECC_module_serial[ n_disks ][2][ n_etaBinsEC ][n_phiBinsECOuter];
+   unsigned long long nErrs_Barrel_module[ n_barrels ][ 2 ][ n_etaBins ][ n_phiBinsB3 ][ 15 ] = {{{{{0}}}}};
+   unsigned long long nErrs_ECA_module[ n_disks ][2][ n_etaBinsEC ][n_phiBinsECOuter][ 15 ]   = {{{{{0}}}}};
+   unsigned long long nErrs_ECC_module[ n_disks ][2][ n_etaBinsEC ][n_phiBinsECOuter][ 15 ]   = {{{{{0}}}}};
+   //--- RunNumber
+   std::ostringstream runnum;
+   runnum << (int) m_runNumber;
+   //--- ErrorList
+   typedef std::map< int, std::string > IntStringMap;
+   IntStringMap ErrMap_C, ErrMap;
+   const int numberOfErrorTypes(12);
+   boost::array<std::string, numberOfErrorTypes> errorNames= {{
+         "BSParse","TimeOut", "BCID","LVL1ID", "Preamble", "Formatter",
+         "ABCD","Raw", "MaskedLink", "RODClock",
+         "TruncROD", (m_histBefore2010?"ROBFragment":"ROBFrag" )
+      }
+   };
+   //
+   boost::array<std::string, numberOfErrorTypes> errorNames_C= {{
+         "BSParse","TimeOut","BCID","LVL1ID", "Preamble", "Formatter",
+         "ABCD","Raw", (m_histBefore2010?"TmaskedLinks":"MaskedLink"), "RODClock",
+         "TruncROD", (m_histBefore2010?"ROBFragment":"ROBFrag" )
+      }
+   };
+   boost::array<int, numberOfErrorTypes> errorValues= {{0,1,2,3,4,5,9,10,11,12,13,14}};
+   //should do compile time check to ensure the sizes are equal.
+   ErrMap_C.clear();
+   for (int indx(0); indx!=numberOfErrorTypes; ++indx) {
+      ErrMap_C.insert(make_pair(errorValues[indx],errorNames_C[indx]));
+   }
+   ErrMap.clear();
+   for (int indx(0); indx!=numberOfErrorTypes; ++indx) {
+      ErrMap.insert(make_pair(errorValues[indx],errorNames[indx]));
+   }
+   //--- Directory in HIST
+   const int N_ENDCAPS(2);
+   boost::array<std::string, N_ENDCAPS> detectorStems= {{"/run_" + runnum.str() + "/SCT/SCTEC/errors/",  "/run_" + runnum.str() + "/SCT/SCTEA/errors/"}}; //barrel stem unused here
+   boost::array<IntStringMap::iterator, N_ENDCAPS> detectorIterators= {{ErrMap_C.begin(), ErrMap.begin()}};
+   boost::array<std::string, N_ENDCAPS> detectorParts= {{"ECm",  "ECp"}};
+   std::string defecttype("");
+   std::string n_defect("");
+   int n_errorLink = 0;
+   //--- Endcaps
+   for(int stemIndex=0; stemIndex!=N_ENDCAPS; ++stemIndex) {
+      // fix agrohsje const int thisBec=(2 * stemIndex) - 2; //map 0, 1 onto -2, 2
+      const int thisBec=(4 * stemIndex) - 2; //map 0, 1 onto -2, 2
+      const std::string detector_part=detectorParts[stemIndex];
+      for(int iDisk=0; iDisk<n_disks; ++iDisk) {
+         for(int iSide=0; iSide<2; ++iSide) {
+            for(int iEta=0; iEta<n_etaBinsEC; ++iEta) {
+               for(int iPhi=0; iPhi<n_phiBinsEndcap[iDisk][iEta]; ++iPhi) {
+                  defecttype.erase();
+                  n_defect.erase();
+                  ostringstream osErrorList;
+                  ostringstream osProbList;
+                  Identifier waferId = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_id( thisBec, iDisk, iPhi, iEta, iSide );
+                  IdentifierHash   waferHash = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash( waferId );
+                  SCT_SerialNumber sn        = m_CablingSvc->getSerialNumberFromHash( waferHash );
+                  if( thisBec==ENDCAP_C )
+                     nErrLink_ECC_module_serial[iDisk][iSide][iEta][iPhi]=sn.str();
+                  else if( thisBec==ENDCAP_A )
+                     nErrLink_ECA_module_serial[iDisk][iSide][iEta][iPhi]=sn.str();
+                  IntStringMap::iterator errItr=detectorIterators[stemIndex];
+                  for ( int iType = 0; iType < n_BSErrorType; ++iType ) {
+                     float errorProb = 0.;
+                     unsigned long long n_errors = 0;
+                     if ( iType == errItr->first ) {
+                        ostringstream streamHist;
+                        ostringstream streamHistAlt; 
+                        //temporal fix: folder and histogram names should be Preamble
+                        streamHist << errItr->second << "Errs" << "_" << iDisk << "_" << iSide;
+                        streamHistAlt << "T" << errItr->second << "Errs" << detector_part << "_" << iDisk << "_" << iSide; 
+                        std::string folder = errItr->second+std::string("/");
+                        //histogram might or might not be inside a folder with the same name
+                        std::string profname = detectorStems[stemIndex] + folder +streamHist.str();
+                        std::string profnameShort = detectorStems[stemIndex] + streamHist.str();
+                        std::string profnameAlt = detectorStems[stemIndex] + folder +streamHistAlt.str();
+                        std::string profnameAltShort = detectorStems[stemIndex] + streamHistAlt.str();
+                        TProfile2D* prof_tmp = (TProfile2D*) m_inputHist->Get( profname.c_str() );
+                        if(prof_tmp ==NULL) {
+                           prof_tmp = (TProfile2D*) m_inputHist->Get( profnameShort.c_str() );
-                    }// end of for iPhi
-                }//implicit end of iEta
-            }//implicit end of iside
-        }//implicit end of iDisk
-    }//end of stemIndex loop
-    //--- Barrel
-    for(int iLayer=0; iLayer<n_barrels; ++iLayer)
-        for(int iSide=0; iSide<2; ++iSide)
-            for(int iEta=0; iEta<n_etaBins; ++iEta) {
-                if(iEta-6==0) continue;
-                for(int iPhi=0; iPhi<n_phiBinsBarrel[iLayer]; ++iPhi) {
-                    defecttype.erase();
-                    n_defect.erase();
-                    ostringstream osErrorList;//agrohsje
-                    ostringstream osProbList;
-                    Identifier waferId = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_id( BARREL, iLayer, iPhi, iEta-6, iSide );
-                    IdentifierHash   waferHash = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash( waferId );
-                    SCT_SerialNumber sn        = m_CablingSvc->getSerialNumberFromHash( waferHash );
-                    nErrLink_Barrel_module_serial[iLayer][iSide][iEta][iPhi] = sn.str();
-                    IntStringMap::iterator errItr=ErrMap.begin();
-                    for ( int iType = 0; iType < n_BSErrorType; ++iType ) {
-                        float errorProb = 0.;
-                        unsigned long long n_errors = 0;
-                        if ( iType == errItr->first ) {
-                            ostringstream streamHist;
-                            streamHist << "T" << errItr->second << "Errs" << "_" << iLayer << "_" << iSide;
-                            //histogram might or might not be inside a folder with the same name
-                            std::string folder = errItr->second+std::string("/");
-                            std::string profname = "/run_" + runnum.str() + "/SCT/SCTB/errors/" + folder + streamHist.str();
-                            std::string profnameShort = "/run_" + runnum.str() + "/SCT/SCTB/errors/" + streamHist.str();
-                            TProfile2D* prof_tmp = (TProfile2D*) m_inputHist->Get( profname.c_str() );
-                            if(prof_tmp ==NULL) {
-                                prof_tmp = (TProfile2D*) m_inputHist->Get( profnameShort.c_str() );
-                            }
-                            if(prof_tmp ==NULL) {
-                                msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to get profile for BSErrorsDB : " << profname << endmsg;
-                                return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-                            }
-                            n_errors = (unsigned long long)prof_tmp->GetBinContent( iEta+1, iPhi+1 );
-                            //		  unsigned long long n_errors = (unsigned long long)prof_tmp->GetBinContent( iEta+1, iPhi+1 );
-                            if(n_errors!=0) {
-                                defecttype = m_pCalibWriteSvc->addNumber( defecttype, errItr->first );
-                                n_defect = m_pCalibWriteSvc->addNumber( n_defect, n_errors );
-                                errorProb = (float) n_errors / (float) m_numberOfEvents;
-                                nErrs_Barrel_module[iLayer][iSide][iEta][iPhi][errItr->first] = n_errors;
-                                nErrLink_Barrel_module[iLayer][iSide][iEta][iPhi]+=n_errors;
-                            }//end if(n_errors!=0)
-                            ++errItr;
-                        }//end if( iType == (*errItr).first )
-                        osErrorList << n_errors;
-                        osProbList << errorProb;
-                        if ( iType != n_BSErrorType-1 ) {
-                            osErrorList << " ";
-                            osProbList << " ";
+                        if(prof_tmp ==NULL) {
+                           prof_tmp = (TProfile2D*) m_inputHist->Get( profnameAlt.c_str() );
+                        } 
+                        if(prof_tmp ==NULL) {
+                           prof_tmp = (TProfile2D*) m_inputHist->Get( profnameAltShort.c_str() );
+                        } 
+                        if(prof_tmp ==NULL) {
+                           msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to get profile for BSErrorsDB : " << profname << endmsg;
+                           return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-                    }   //end ErrorType Loop
-                    //--- DB writing
-                    if(!(defecttype.empty())) {
-                        n_errorLink++;
-                        nErrLink_Barrel[iLayer]++;
-                        if( m_writeToCool ) {
-                            if( m_pCalibWriteSvc->createListBSErr(waferId, m_pSCTHelper, m_numberOfEvents, osErrorList.str(), osProbList.str()).isFailure() ) {
-                                msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to run createListBSError" << endmsg;
-                                return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-                            }//end of if m_pCalib
-                        }//end of if m_writeToCool
-                    } //end of if defecttype empty
-                }//end of for iPhi
-            }//endof for iEta, implicit end of for iSide and iLayer
-    msg( MSG::INFO ) << "#Links which send BSError : " << n_errorLink << endmsg;
-    //--- Summary XML output
-    ostringstream summaryList;
-    for( int i = 0; i < n_disks; ++i ) {
-        for( int j = 0; j < n_etaBinsEC; ++j ) {
-            if( n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j] != 0 ) {
-                summaryList<<xmlPartData(ENDCAP_C, i, j, "nErrLink", nErrLink_ECC[i][j]);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    for( int i = 0; i < n_barrels; ++i ) {
-        summaryList<<xmlPartData(BARREL, i, 0, "nErrLink", nErrLink_Barrel[i]);
-    }
-    for( int i = 0; i < n_disks; ++i ) {
-        for( int j = 0; j < n_etaBinsEC; ++j ) {
-            if( n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j] != 0 ) {
-                summaryList<<xmlPartData(ENDCAP_A, i, j, "nErrLink", nErrLink_ECA[i][j]);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if( openXML4MonSummary( m_outBSErrSummary, "BSErrors" ).isFailure() ) {
-        msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Problem in opening BSErrors file" << endmsg;
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    if( wrapUpXML4Summary( m_outBSErrSummary, "BSErrors", summaryList ).isFailure() ) {
-        msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Problem in closing BSErrors file" <<endmsg;
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    //module XML output
-    //agascon 06.02.2015
-    ostringstream moduleList;
-    std::string serial;
-    for( int i = 0; i < n_disks; ++i ) {
-        for( int j = 0; j < n_etaBinsEC; ++j ) {
-            if( n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j] != 0 ) {
-                for ( int k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
-                    for ( int l = 0; l < n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j]; l++) {
-                        serial = nErrLink_ECC_module_serial[i][k][j][l];
-                        //fill ostringstream with number of error of each type for one particular module
-                        ostringstream errList;
-                        for ( int errCount = 0; errCount < numberOfErrorTypes; errCount++) {
-                            int type = errorValues[errCount]; //
-                            errList<<"    "<<xmlValue(ErrMap[type] , nErrs_ECC_module[i][k][j][l][type])<<endl;
+                        n_errors = (unsigned long long)prof_tmp->GetBinContent( iEta+1, iPhi+1 );
+                        //		    unsigned long long n_errors = (unsigned long long)prof_tmp->GetBinContent( iEta+1, iPhi+1 );
+                        if(n_errors!=0) {
+                           defecttype = m_pCalibWriteSvc->addNumber( defecttype, errItr->first );
+                           n_defect = m_pCalibWriteSvc->addNumber( n_defect, n_errors );
+                           errorProb = (float) n_errors / (float) m_numberOfEvents;
+                           nErrs_ECC_module[iDisk][iSide][iEta][iPhi][errItr->first] = n_errors;
+                           if( thisBec==ENDCAP_C ) {
+                              nErrLink_ECC_module[iDisk][iSide][iEta][iPhi]+=n_errors;
+                           }
+                           else if( thisBec==ENDCAP_A ) {
+                              nErrLink_ECA_module[iDisk][iSide][iEta][iPhi]+=n_errors;
+                           }
+                        }//end if(n_errors!=0)
+                        ++errItr;
+                     }//end if( iType == (*errItr).first )
+                     osErrorList << n_errors;
+                     osProbList << errorProb;
+                     if ( iType != n_BSErrorType-1 ) {
+                        osErrorList << " ";
+                        osProbList << " ";
+                     }
+                  }//end ErrorType Loop
+                  //--- DB writing
+                  if(!(defecttype.empty())) {
+                     n_errorLink++;
+                     if( thisBec==ENDCAP_C ) {
+                        nErrLink_ECC[iDisk][iEta]++;
+                     }
+                     else if( thisBec==ENDCAP_A ) {
+                        nErrLink_ECA[iDisk][iEta]++;
+                     }
+                     if( m_writeToCool ) {
+                        if( m_pCalibWriteSvc->createListBSErr(waferId, m_pSCTHelper, m_numberOfEvents, osErrorList.str(),osProbList.str()).isFailure() ) {
+                           msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to run createListBSError" << endmsg;
+                           return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-                        moduleList<<xmlModuleData(ENDCAP_C, i, k, j, l, "nErrors", nErrLink_ECC_module[i][k][j][l], serial, errList.str());
-                        //		      moduleList<<xmlModuleData(ENDCAP_C, i, k, j, l, "nErrLink", nErrLink_ECC_module[i][k][j][l], serial, errList);
-                    }
-                }
+                     }
+                  }
+               }// end of for iPhi
+            }//implicit end of iEta
+         }//implicit end of iside
+      }//implicit end of iDisk
+   }//end of stemIndex loop
+   //--- Barrel
+   for(int iLayer=0; iLayer<n_barrels; ++iLayer)
+      for(int iSide=0; iSide<2; ++iSide)
+         for(int iEta=0; iEta<n_etaBins; ++iEta) {
+            if(iEta-6==0) continue;
+            for(int iPhi=0; iPhi<n_phiBinsBarrel[iLayer]; ++iPhi) {
+               defecttype.erase();
+               n_defect.erase();
+               ostringstream osErrorList;//agrohsje
+               ostringstream osProbList;
+               Identifier waferId = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_id( BARREL, iLayer, iPhi, iEta-6, iSide );
+               IdentifierHash   waferHash = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash( waferId );
+               SCT_SerialNumber sn        = m_CablingSvc->getSerialNumberFromHash( waferHash );
+               nErrLink_Barrel_module_serial[iLayer][iSide][iEta][iPhi] = sn.str();
+               IntStringMap::iterator errItr=ErrMap.begin();
+               for ( int iType = 0; iType < n_BSErrorType; ++iType ) {
+                  float errorProb = 0.;
+                  unsigned long long n_errors = 0;
+                  if ( iType == errItr->first ) {
+                     ostringstream streamHist;
+                     streamHist << "T" << errItr->second << "Errs" << "_" << iLayer << "_" << iSide;
+                     //histogram might or might not be inside a folder with the same name
+                     std::string folder = errItr->second+std::string("/");
+                     std::string profname = "/run_" + runnum.str() + "/SCT/SCTB/errors/" + folder + streamHist.str();
+                     std::string profnameShort = "/run_" + runnum.str() + "/SCT/SCTB/errors/" + streamHist.str();
+                     TProfile2D* prof_tmp = (TProfile2D*) m_inputHist->Get( profname.c_str() );
+                     if(prof_tmp ==NULL) {
+                        prof_tmp = (TProfile2D*) m_inputHist->Get( profnameShort.c_str() );
+                     }
+                     if(prof_tmp ==NULL) {
+                        msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to get profile for BSErrorsDB : " << profname << endmsg;
+                        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+                     }
+                     n_errors = (unsigned long long)prof_tmp->GetBinContent( iEta+1, iPhi+1 );
+                     //		  unsigned long long n_errors = (unsigned long long)prof_tmp->GetBinContent( iEta+1, iPhi+1 );
+                     if(n_errors!=0) {
+                        defecttype = m_pCalibWriteSvc->addNumber( defecttype, errItr->first );
+                        n_defect = m_pCalibWriteSvc->addNumber( n_defect, n_errors );
+                        errorProb = (float) n_errors / (float) m_numberOfEvents;
+                        nErrs_Barrel_module[iLayer][iSide][iEta][iPhi][errItr->first] = n_errors;
+                        nErrLink_Barrel_module[iLayer][iSide][iEta][iPhi]+=n_errors;
+                     }//end if(n_errors!=0)
+                     ++errItr;
+                  }//end if( iType == (*errItr).first )
+                  osErrorList << n_errors;
+                  osProbList << errorProb;
+                  if ( iType != n_BSErrorType-1 ) {
+                     osErrorList << " ";
+                     osProbList << " ";
+                  }
+               }   //end ErrorType Loop
+               //--- DB writing
+               if(!(defecttype.empty())) {
+                  n_errorLink++;
+                  nErrLink_Barrel[iLayer]++;
+                  if( m_writeToCool ) {
+                     if( m_pCalibWriteSvc->createListBSErr(waferId, m_pSCTHelper, m_numberOfEvents, osErrorList.str(), osProbList.str()).isFailure() ) {
+                        msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to run createListBSError" << endmsg;
+                        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+                     }//end of if m_pCalib
+                  }//end of if m_writeToCool
+               } //end of if defecttype empty
+            }//end of for iPhi
+         }//endof for iEta, implicit end of for iSide and iLayer
+   msg( MSG::INFO ) << "#Links which send BSError : " << n_errorLink << endmsg;
+   //--- Summary XML output
+   ostringstream summaryList;
+   for( int i = 0; i < n_disks; ++i ) {
+      for( int j = 0; j < n_etaBinsEC; ++j ) {
+         if( n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j] != 0 ) {
+            summaryList<<xmlPartData(ENDCAP_C, i, j, "nErrLink", nErrLink_ECC[i][j]);
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   for( int i = 0; i < n_barrels; ++i ) {
+      summaryList<<xmlPartData(BARREL, i, 0, "nErrLink", nErrLink_Barrel[i]);
+   }
+   for( int i = 0; i < n_disks; ++i ) {
+      for( int j = 0; j < n_etaBinsEC; ++j ) {
+         if( n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j] != 0 ) {
+            summaryList<<xmlPartData(ENDCAP_A, i, j, "nErrLink", nErrLink_ECA[i][j]);
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   if( openXML4MonSummary( m_outBSErrSummary, "BSErrors" ).isFailure() ) {
+      msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Problem in opening BSErrors file" << endmsg;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   if( wrapUpXML4Summary( m_outBSErrSummary, "BSErrors", summaryList ).isFailure() ) {
+      msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Problem in closing BSErrors file" <<endmsg;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   //module XML output
+   //agascon 06.02.2015
+   ostringstream moduleList;
+   std::string serial;
+   for( int i = 0; i < n_disks; ++i ) {
+      for( int j = 0; j < n_etaBinsEC; ++j ) {
+         if( n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j] != 0 ) {
+            for ( int k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
+               for ( int l = 0; l < n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j]; l++) {
+                  serial = nErrLink_ECC_module_serial[i][k][j][l];
+                  //fill ostringstream with number of error of each type for one particular module
+                  ostringstream errList;
+                  for ( int errCount = 0; errCount < numberOfErrorTypes; errCount++) {
+                     int type = errorValues[errCount]; //
+                     errList<<"    "<<xmlValue(ErrMap[type], nErrs_ECC_module[i][k][j][l][type])<<endl;
+                  }
+                  moduleList<<xmlModuleData(ENDCAP_C, i, k, j, l, "nErrors", nErrLink_ECC_module[i][k][j][l], serial, errList.str());
+                  //		      moduleList<<xmlModuleData(ENDCAP_C, i, k, j, l, "nErrLink", nErrLink_ECC_module[i][k][j][l], serial, errList);
+               }
-        }
-    }
+         }
+      }
+   }
-    for( int i = 0; i < n_barrels; i++ ) {
-        for ( int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
-            for ( int k = 0; k < n_etaBins; k++) {
-                for ( int l = 0; l < n_phiBinsBarrel[i] ; l++) {
-                    serial = nErrLink_Barrel_module_serial[i][j][k][l];
+   for( int i = 0; i < n_barrels; i++ ) {
+      for ( int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
+         for ( int k = 0; k < n_etaBins; k++) {
+            for ( int l = 0; l < n_phiBinsBarrel[i] ; l++) {
+               serial = nErrLink_Barrel_module_serial[i][j][k][l];
-                    ostringstream errList;
-                    for ( int errCount = 0; errCount < numberOfErrorTypes; errCount++) {
-                        int type = errorValues[errCount]; //
-                        errList<<"    "<<xmlValue(ErrMap[type] , nErrs_Barrel_module[i][j][k][l][type])<<endl;
-                    }
+               ostringstream errList;
+               for ( int errCount = 0; errCount < numberOfErrorTypes; errCount++) {
+                  int type = errorValues[errCount]; //
+                  errList<<"    "<<xmlValue(ErrMap[type], nErrs_Barrel_module[i][j][k][l][type])<<endl;
+               }
-                    moduleList<<xmlModuleData(BARREL, i, j, k, l, "nErrors", nErrLink_Barrel_module[i][j][k][l], serial, errList.str());
-                }
+               moduleList<<xmlModuleData(BARREL, i, j, k, l, "nErrors", nErrLink_Barrel_module[i][j][k][l], serial, errList.str());
-        }
-    }
-    for( int i = 0; i < n_disks; ++i ) {
-        for( int j = 0; j < n_etaBinsEC; ++j ) {
-            if( n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j] != 0 ) {
-                for ( int k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
-                    for ( int l = 0; l < n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j]; l++) {
-                        serial = nErrLink_ECA_module_serial[i][k][j][l];
-                        ostringstream errList;
-                        for ( int errCount = 0; errCount < numberOfErrorTypes; errCount++) {
-                            int type = errorValues[errCount]; //
-                            errList<<"    "<<xmlValue(ErrMap[type] , nErrs_ECA_module[i][k][j][l][type])<<endl;
-                        }
-                        moduleList<<xmlModuleData(ENDCAP_A, i, k, j, l, "nErrors", nErrLink_ECA_module[i][k][j][l], serial, errList.str());
-                    }
-                }
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   for( int i = 0; i < n_disks; ++i ) {
+      for( int j = 0; j < n_etaBinsEC; ++j ) {
+         if( n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j] != 0 ) {
+            for ( int k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
+               for ( int l = 0; l < n_phiBinsEndcap[i][j]; l++) {
+                  serial = nErrLink_ECA_module_serial[i][k][j][l];
+                  ostringstream errList;
+                  for ( int errCount = 0; errCount < numberOfErrorTypes; errCount++) {
+                     int type = errorValues[errCount]; //
+                     errList<<"    "<<xmlValue(ErrMap[type], nErrs_ECA_module[i][k][j][l][type])<<endl;
+                  }
+                  moduleList<<xmlModuleData(ENDCAP_A, i, k, j, l, "nErrors", nErrLink_ECA_module[i][k][j][l], serial, errList.str());
+               }
-        }
-    }
-    if( openXML4MonSummary( m_outBSErrModule, "BSErrorsModule" ).isFailure() ) {
-        msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Problem in opening BSErrorsModule file" << endmsg;
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    if( wrapUpXML4Summary( m_outBSErrModule, "BSErrors", moduleList ).isFailure() ) {
-        msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Problem in closing BSErrors file" <<endmsg;
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    //--- DB output
-    if( m_writeToCool ) {
-        if ( m_pCalibWriteSvc->wrapUpBSErrors().isFailure() ) {
-            msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not get ByteStream Errors" << endmsg;
-            return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-        }
-    }
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   if( openXML4MonSummary( m_outBSErrModule, "BSErrorsModule" ).isFailure() ) {
+      msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Problem in opening BSErrorsModule file" << endmsg;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   if( wrapUpXML4Summary( m_outBSErrModule, "BSErrors", moduleList ).isFailure() ) {
+      msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Problem in closing BSErrors file" <<endmsg;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   //--- DB output
+   if( m_writeToCool ) {
+      if ( m_pCalibWriteSvc->wrapUpBSErrors().isFailure() ) {
+         msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not get ByteStream Errors" << endmsg;
+         return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+      }
+   }
+   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -2174,324 +2188,324 @@ StatusCode SCTCalib::getBSErrors() {
 StatusCode SCTCalib::getLorentzAngle() {
-    msg( MSG::INFO ) << "----- in getLorentzAngle() -----" << endmsg;
-    //--- Initialization
-    float A_BarrelSide[ n_barrels ][ 2 ][ 2 ] = { {{0},{0}}, {{0},{0}} };
-    float LA_BarrelSide[ n_barrels ][ 2 ][ 2 ] = { {{0},{0}}, {{0},{0}} };
-    float B_BarrelSide[ n_barrels ][ 2 ][ 2 ] = { {{0},{0}}, {{0},{0}} };
-    float Sigma_BarrelSide[ n_barrels ][ 2 ][ 2 ] = { {{0},{0}}, {{0},{0}} };
-    float Err_A_BarrelSide[ n_barrels ][ 2 ][ 2 ] = { {{0},{0}}, {{0},{0}} };
-    float Err_LA_BarrelSide[ n_barrels ][ 2 ][ 2 ] = { {{0},{0}}, {{0},{0}} };
-    float Err_B_BarrelSide[ n_barrels ][ 2 ][ 2 ] = { {{0},{0}}, {{0},{0}} };
-    float Err_Sigma_BarrelSide[ n_barrels ][ 2 ][ 2 ] = { {{0},{0}}, {{0},{0}} };
-    float MCW_BarrelSide[ n_barrels ][ 2 ][ 2 ] = { {{0},{0}}, {{0},{0}} };
-    float Err_MCW_BarrelSide[ n_barrels ][ 2 ][ 2 ] = { {{0},{0}}, {{0},{0}} };
-    float Chisq_BarrelSide[ n_barrels ][ 2 ][ 2 ] = { {{0},{0}}, {{0},{0}} };
-    string DBUploadFlag = "G";  // fit status flag
-    string module[2]= {"100","111"};
-    int moduleint[2]= {100,111};
-    int FitFlag[ n_barrels ][ 2 ][ 2 ] = { {{0},{0}}, {{0},{0}} };  // fit status flag
-    TFile *fitFile;
-    //--- RunNumber
-    std::ostringstream runnum;
-    runnum << (int) m_runNumber;
-    //--- Directory in HIST
-    std::string stem;
-    //--- Barrel
-    stem = "/run_" + runnum.str() + "/SCT/GENERAL/lorentz/";
-    m_h_phiVsNstripsSideHistoVector.clear();
-    for ( int iLayer = 0; iLayer < n_barrels ; ++iLayer ) {
-        for ( int iSide = 0; iSide < 2; ++iSide ) {
-            for ( int iModule = 0; iModule < 2; ++iModule ) {
-                ostringstream streamHist;
-                streamHist << "h_phiVsNstrips_" << module[iModule] << "_" << iLayer << "Side" << iSide;
-                std::string  histName = stem + streamHist.str();
-                cout<<histName<<endl;
-                TProfile* hist_tmp = (TProfile *) m_inputHist->Get( histName.c_str() );
-                if(hist_tmp ==NULL) {
-                    msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to get histogram for LorentzAngle : " << histName << endmsg;
-                    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-                }
-                m_h_phiVsNstripsSideHistoVector.push_back( hist_tmp );
+   msg( MSG::INFO ) << "----- in getLorentzAngle() -----" << endmsg;
+   //--- Initialization
+   float A_BarrelSide[ n_barrels ][ 2 ][ 2 ] = { {{0},{0}}, {{0},{0}} };
+   float LA_BarrelSide[ n_barrels ][ 2 ][ 2 ] = { {{0},{0}}, {{0},{0}} };
+   float B_BarrelSide[ n_barrels ][ 2 ][ 2 ] = { {{0},{0}}, {{0},{0}} };
+   float Sigma_BarrelSide[ n_barrels ][ 2 ][ 2 ] = { {{0},{0}}, {{0},{0}} };
+   float Err_A_BarrelSide[ n_barrels ][ 2 ][ 2 ] = { {{0},{0}}, {{0},{0}} };
+   float Err_LA_BarrelSide[ n_barrels ][ 2 ][ 2 ] = { {{0},{0}}, {{0},{0}} };
+   float Err_B_BarrelSide[ n_barrels ][ 2 ][ 2 ] = { {{0},{0}}, {{0},{0}} };
+   float Err_Sigma_BarrelSide[ n_barrels ][ 2 ][ 2 ] = { {{0},{0}}, {{0},{0}} };
+   float MCW_BarrelSide[ n_barrels ][ 2 ][ 2 ] = { {{0},{0}}, {{0},{0}} };
+   float Err_MCW_BarrelSide[ n_barrels ][ 2 ][ 2 ] = { {{0},{0}}, {{0},{0}} };
+   float Chisq_BarrelSide[ n_barrels ][ 2 ][ 2 ] = { {{0},{0}}, {{0},{0}} };
+   string DBUploadFlag = "G";  // fit status flag
+   string module[2]= {"100","111"};
+   int moduleint[2]= {100,111};
+   int FitFlag[ n_barrels ][ 2 ][ 2 ] = { {{0},{0}}, {{0},{0}} };  // fit status flag
+   TFile *fitFile;
+   //--- RunNumber
+   std::ostringstream runnum;
+   runnum << (int) m_runNumber;
+   //--- Directory in HIST
+   std::string stem;
+   //--- Barrel
+   stem = "/run_" + runnum.str() + "/SCT/GENERAL/lorentz/";
+   m_h_phiVsNstripsSideHistoVector.clear();
+   for ( int iLayer = 0; iLayer < n_barrels ; ++iLayer ) {
+      for ( int iSide = 0; iSide < 2; ++iSide ) {
+         for ( int iModule = 0; iModule < 2; ++iModule ) {
+            ostringstream streamHist;
+            streamHist << "h_phiVsNstrips_" << module[iModule] << "_" << iLayer << "Side" << iSide;
+            std::string  histName = stem + streamHist.str();
+            cout<<histName<<endl;
+            TProfile* hist_tmp = (TProfile *) m_inputHist->Get( histName.c_str() );
+            if(hist_tmp ==NULL) {
+               msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to get histogram for LorentzAngle : " << histName << endmsg;
+               return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-        }
-    }
-    //--- XML file
-    const char* outputLorentzAngleFileName = m_LorentzAngleFile.c_str();
-    ofstream outFile( outputLorentzAngleFileName, std::ios::out );
-    if ( !outFile.good() ) {
-        msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to open LorentzAngleFile : " << outputLorentzAngleFileName << endmsg;
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    //--- Header for XML outputs
-    ostringstream osHeader;
-    osHeader << "<folder>"<< endl;
-    outFile << osHeader.str();
-    fitFile = new TFile("FittingDebugFile.root","RECREATE");
-    //--- Barrel
-    for ( int iLayer = 0; iLayer < n_barrels; ++iLayer ) {
-        for ( int iSide = 0; iSide < 2; ++iSide ) {
-            for ( int iModule = 0; iModule < 2; ++iModule ) {
-                if (iLayer==1 && iModule==0) continue; // Layer 1 doesn't contain 100 modules
-                msg( MSG::INFO ) << "LorentzAngle fit start : " << 4*iLayer + iSide +1 + iModule << " / 16" << endmsg;
-                Int_t fitResult;
-                Double_t par[4],err_par[4];
-                TF1 *LAfit = new TF1("LAfit", LA_func, -9., 2.,4 );
-                ostringstream streamFile;
-                streamFile << "h_phiVsNstrips_" << module[iModule] << "_" << iLayer << "Side" << iSide;
-                LAfit->SetParLimits(3, 0.1, 50.);
-                LAfit->SetParNames("a","LA","b","sigma");
-                LAfit->SetParameters(1.,-5.,1.13,2.);
-                fitResult = m_h_phiVsNstripsSideHistoVector[ 4*iLayer + 2*iSide +iModule ] -> Fit("LAfit", "E" , "" ,-9.,2.);
-                LAfit->GetParameters(par);
-                err_par[0]=LAfit->GetParError(0);
-                err_par[1]=LAfit->GetParError(1);
-                err_par[2]=LAfit->GetParError(2);
-                err_par[3]=LAfit->GetParError(3);
-                //DEBUG MODE
-                if ( m_LorentzAngleDebugMode  ) {
-                    ostringstream streamFileTmp;
-                    streamFileTmp << "h_phiVsNstrips_" << module[iModule] << "_" << iLayer << "Side" << iSide << "_First_Fit";
-                    std::string dn = streamFile.str();
-                    std::string tmp_hn = streamFileTmp.str();
-                    const char* dir_name = dn.c_str();
-                    const char* histo_name = tmp_hn.c_str();
-                    fitFile->cd();
-                    fitFile->mkdir(dir_name);            //Creating Directories
-                    fitFile->cd(dir_name);
-                    m_h_phiVsNstripsSideHistoVector[ 4*iLayer + 2*iSide +iModule] -> SetName(histo_name);
-                    m_h_phiVsNstripsSideHistoVector[ 4*iLayer + 2*iSide +iModule] -> Write();
-                    msg( MSG::INFO ) << "-------:Directory Name: " << dir_name << "--------" << endmsg;
-                }
-                if( fitResult != 0 ) {
-                    msg( MSG::INFO ) << "Try to use parabola Fit to determine initial value!" << endmsg;
-                    TF1 *parafit = new TF1("parafit", "[0]*(x-[1])*(x-[1])+[2]", -9., 2. );
-                    msg( MSG::INFO ) << "LorentzAngle 2nd para fit start : " << 4*iLayer + iSide +1 + iModule << " / 16" << endmsg;
-                    parafit->SetParameters(par[0],par[1],LAfit->Eval(par[1],0,0,0));
-                    m_h_phiVsNstripsSideHistoVector[ 4*iLayer + 2*iSide +iModule ] -> Fit("parafit", "R" , "" ,-9.,2.);
-                    msg( MSG::INFO ) << "LorentzAngle 2nd pre fit start : " << 4*iLayer + iSide +1 + iModule << " / 16" << endmsg;
-                    par[1]=parafit->GetParameter(1);
-                    LAfit->SetParameters(par[0],par[1],par[2],par[3]);
-                    LAfit->SetParLimits(1,par[1],par[1]);
-                    m_h_phiVsNstripsSideHistoVector[ 4*iLayer + 2*iSide +iModule] -> Fit("LAfit", "R" , "" ,-9.,2.);
-                    LAfit->GetParameters(par);
-                    LAfit->SetParLimits(1, -90., 90.);
-                    LAfit->SetParameters(par[0],par[1],par[2],par[3]);
-                    msg( MSG::INFO ) << "LorentzAngle 2nd main fit start : " << 4*iLayer + iSide +1 + iModule << " / 16" << endmsg;
-                    fitResult = m_h_phiVsNstripsSideHistoVector[ 4*iLayer + 2*iSide +iModule] -> Fit("LAfit", "E" , "" ,-9.,2.);
-                    LAfit->GetParameters(par);
-                    if ( m_LorentzAngleDebugMode  ) {
-                        ostringstream streamFileTmp;
-                        streamFileTmp << "h_phiVsNstrips_" << module[iModule] << "_" << iLayer << "Side" << iSide << "Second_Fit";
-                        std::string tmp_hn = streamFileTmp.str();
-                        const char* histo_name = tmp_hn.c_str();
-                        m_h_phiVsNstripsSideHistoVector[ 4*iLayer + 2*iSide +iModule] -> SetName(histo_name);
-                        m_h_phiVsNstripsSideHistoVector[ 4*iLayer + 2*iSide +iModule] -> Write();
-                    }
-                }
-                if( fitResult != 0 ) {
-                    msg( MSG::INFO ) << "Try to fix one parameter sigma=2.0 to determine other initial value!" << endmsg;
-                    msg( MSG::INFO ) << "LorentzAngle 3rd pre fit start : " << 4*iLayer + iSide +1+ iModule << " / 16" << endmsg;
-                    LAfit->SetParameters(par[0],par[1],par[2],2.);
-                    LAfit->SetParLimits(3,2.,2.);
-                    m_h_phiVsNstripsSideHistoVector[ 4*iLayer + 2*iSide +iModule] -> Fit("LAfit", "R" , "" ,-9.,2.);
-                    LAfit->GetParameters(par);
-                    LAfit->SetParLimits(3, 0., 50.);
-                    LAfit->SetParameters(par[0],par[1],par[2],par[3]);
-                    msg( MSG::INFO ) << "LorentzAngle 3rd main fit start : " << 4*iLayer + iSide +1 +iModule<< " / 16" << endmsg;
-                    fitResult = m_h_phiVsNstripsSideHistoVector[ 4*iLayer + 2*iSide +iModule] -> Fit("LAfit", "E" , "" ,-9.,2.);
-                    LAfit->GetParameters(par);
-                    if ( m_LorentzAngleDebugMode  ) {
-                        ostringstream streamFileTmp;
-                        streamFileTmp << "h_phiVsNstrips_" << module[iModule] << "_" << iLayer << "Side" << iSide << "Third_Fit";
-                        std::string tmp_hn = streamFileTmp.str();
-                        const char* histo_name = tmp_hn.c_str();
-                        m_h_phiVsNstripsSideHistoVector[ 4*iLayer + 2*iSide +iModule] -> SetName(histo_name);
-                        m_h_phiVsNstripsSideHistoVector[ 4*iLayer + 2*iSide +iModule] -> Write();
-                    }
-                }
-                if ( fitResult == 0 ) {
-                    FitFlag[iLayer][iSide][iModule]= 1;
-                } else {
-                    DBUploadFlag="R";
-                    FitFlag[iLayer][iSide][iModule]= 0;
-                    msg( MSG::WARNING ) << "Fit Failed! Unable to get LorentzAngle" << endmsg;
-                }
-                double A      = par[0];
-                double LA     = par[1];                // Lorentz Angle
-                double B      = par[2];
-                double sigma  = par[3];
-                double err_A      = err_par[0];
-                double err_LA     = err_par[1];                // Lorentz Angle
-                double err_B      = err_par[2];
-                double err_sigma  = err_par[3];
-                float MCW     = LAfit->Eval(LA,0,0,0); //Min-cluster-width
-                float err_MCW     = LAfit->Eval(fabs(err_par[1]),0,0,0); //Min-cluster-width
-                //      float lorentz = fabs(LA);
-                A_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]= A;
-                LA_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]=LA;
-                B_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]=B;
-                Sigma_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]=sigma;
-                Err_A_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]= err_A;
-                Err_LA_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]=err_LA;
-                Err_B_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]=err_B;
-                Err_Sigma_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]=err_sigma;
-                MCW_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]=MCW;
-                Err_MCW_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]=err_MCW;
-                Chisq_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]=LAfit->GetChisquare();
+            m_h_phiVsNstripsSideHistoVector.push_back( hist_tmp );
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   //--- XML file
+   const char* outputLorentzAngleFileName = m_LorentzAngleFile.c_str();
+   ofstream outFile( outputLorentzAngleFileName, std::ios::out );
+   if ( !outFile.good() ) {
+      msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to open LorentzAngleFile : " << outputLorentzAngleFileName << endmsg;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   //--- Header for XML outputs
+   ostringstream osHeader;
+   osHeader << "<folder>"<< endl;
+   outFile << osHeader.str();
+   fitFile = new TFile("FittingDebugFile.root","RECREATE");
+   //--- Barrel
+   for ( int iLayer = 0; iLayer < n_barrels; ++iLayer ) {
+      for ( int iSide = 0; iSide < 2; ++iSide ) {
+         for ( int iModule = 0; iModule < 2; ++iModule ) {
+            if (iLayer==1 && iModule==0) continue; // Layer 1 doesn't contain 100 modules
+            msg( MSG::INFO ) << "LorentzAngle fit start : " << 4*iLayer + iSide +1 + iModule << " / 16" << endmsg;
+            Int_t fitResult;
+            Double_t par[4],err_par[4];
+            TF1 *LAfit = new TF1("LAfit", LA_func, -9., 2.,4 );
+            ostringstream streamFile;
+            streamFile << "h_phiVsNstrips_" << module[iModule] << "_" << iLayer << "Side" << iSide;
+            LAfit->SetParLimits(3, 0.1, 50.);
+            LAfit->SetParNames("a","LA","b","sigma");
+            LAfit->SetParameters(1.,-5.,1.13,2.);
+            fitResult = m_h_phiVsNstripsSideHistoVector[ 4*iLayer + 2*iSide +iModule ] -> Fit("LAfit", "E", "",-9.,2.);
+            LAfit->GetParameters(par);
+            err_par[0]=LAfit->GetParError(0);
+            err_par[1]=LAfit->GetParError(1);
+            err_par[2]=LAfit->GetParError(2);
+            err_par[3]=LAfit->GetParError(3);
+            //DEBUG MODE
+            if ( m_LorentzAngleDebugMode  ) {
+               ostringstream streamFileTmp;
+               streamFileTmp << "h_phiVsNstrips_" << module[iModule] << "_" << iLayer << "Side" << iSide << "_First_Fit";
+               std::string dn = streamFile.str();
+               std::string tmp_hn = streamFileTmp.str();
+               const char* dir_name = dn.c_str();
+               const char* histo_name = tmp_hn.c_str();
+               fitFile->cd();
+               fitFile->mkdir(dir_name);            //Creating Directories
+               fitFile->cd(dir_name);
+               m_h_phiVsNstripsSideHistoVector[ 4*iLayer + 2*iSide +iModule] -> SetName(histo_name);
+               m_h_phiVsNstripsSideHistoVector[ 4*iLayer + 2*iSide +iModule] -> Write();
+               msg( MSG::INFO ) << "-------:Directory Name: " << dir_name << "--------" << endmsg;
+            }
+            if( fitResult != 0 ) {
+               msg( MSG::INFO ) << "Try to use parabola Fit to determine initial value!" << endmsg;
+               TF1 *parafit = new TF1("parafit", "[0]*(x-[1])*(x-[1])+[2]", -9., 2. );
+               msg( MSG::INFO ) << "LorentzAngle 2nd para fit start : " << 4*iLayer + iSide +1 + iModule << " / 16" << endmsg;
+               parafit->SetParameters(par[0],par[1],LAfit->Eval(par[1],0,0,0));
+               m_h_phiVsNstripsSideHistoVector[ 4*iLayer + 2*iSide +iModule ] -> Fit("parafit", "R", "",-9.,2.);
+               msg( MSG::INFO ) << "LorentzAngle 2nd pre fit start : " << 4*iLayer + iSide +1 + iModule << " / 16" << endmsg;
+               par[1]=parafit->GetParameter(1);
+               LAfit->SetParameters(par[0],par[1],par[2],par[3]);
+               LAfit->SetParLimits(1,par[1],par[1]);
+               m_h_phiVsNstripsSideHistoVector[ 4*iLayer + 2*iSide +iModule] -> Fit("LAfit", "R", "",-9.,2.);
+               LAfit->GetParameters(par);
+               LAfit->SetParLimits(1, -90., 90.);
+               LAfit->SetParameters(par[0],par[1],par[2],par[3]);
+               msg( MSG::INFO ) << "LorentzAngle 2nd main fit start : " << 4*iLayer + iSide +1 + iModule << " / 16" << endmsg;
+               fitResult = m_h_phiVsNstripsSideHistoVector[ 4*iLayer + 2*iSide +iModule] -> Fit("LAfit", "E", "",-9.,2.);
+               LAfit->GetParameters(par);
+               if ( m_LorentzAngleDebugMode  ) {
+                  ostringstream streamFileTmp;
+                  streamFileTmp << "h_phiVsNstrips_" << module[iModule] << "_" << iLayer << "Side" << iSide << "Second_Fit";
+                  std::string tmp_hn = streamFileTmp.str();
+                  const char* histo_name = tmp_hn.c_str();
+                  m_h_phiVsNstripsSideHistoVector[ 4*iLayer + 2*iSide +iModule] -> SetName(histo_name);
+                  m_h_phiVsNstripsSideHistoVector[ 4*iLayer + 2*iSide +iModule] -> Write();
+               }
-        }
-    }
-    if ( m_LorentzAngleDebugMode ) {
-        fitFile->Close();
-    }
-    for ( int iLayer = 0; iLayer < n_barrels; ++iLayer ) {
-        for ( int iSide = 0; iSide < 2; ++iSide ) {
-            for ( int iModule = 0; iModule < 2; ++iModule ) {
-                Identifier waferId = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_id( BARREL, iLayer, 0, 0, iSide );
-                int ch = 0;
-                outFile << "<folderDefinition folder=\"SCT/Derived/LorentzAngleRun2_v2\" version=\"multi\">"         << linefeed
-                        << "  <folderDescription>" << linefeed
-                        << "     <timeStamp>run-lumi</timeStamp>" << linefeed
-                        << "     <addrHeader>" << linefeed
-                        << "        <address_header service_type=\"71\" clid=\"1238547719\">" << linefeed
-                        << "     </addrHeader>" << linefeed
-                        << "     <typeName>CondAttrListCollection</typeName>" << linefeed
-                        << "  </folderDescription>" << linefeed
-                        << "  <payloadDescription>" << linefeed
-                        << "    <payloadType name=\"moduleType\">"          <<  moduleint[iModule]  << "</payloadType>" << linefeed
-                        << "    <payloadType name=\"lorentzAngle\">"        <<  LA_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule] << "</payloadType>" << linefeed
-                        << "    <payloadType name=\"err_lorentzAngle\">"    << Err_LA_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]<< "</payloadType>" << linefeed
-                        << "    <payloadType name=\"chisq\">"               << Chisq_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]<< "</payloadType>" << linefeed
-                        << "    <payloadType name=\"fitParam_a\">"          << A_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule] << "</payloadType>" << linefeed
-                        << "    <payloadType name=\"err_a\">"               << Err_A_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule] << "</payloadType>" << linefeed
-                        << "    <payloadType name=\"fitParam_b\">"          << B_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule] << "</payloadType>" << linefeed
-                        << "    <payloadType name=\"err_b\">"               << Err_B_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]      << "</payloadType>" << linefeed
-                        << "    <payloadType name=\"fitParam_sigma\">"      << Sigma_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]                      << "</payloadType>" << linefeed
-                        << "    <payloadType name=\"err_sigma\">"           << Err_Sigma_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]      << "</payloadType>" << linefeed
-                        << "    <payloadType name=\"minClusterWidth\">"     << MCW_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]  << "</payloadType>" << linefeed
-                        << "    <payloadType name=\"err_minClusterWidth\">" << Err_MCW_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]      << "</payloadType>" << linefeed
-                        << "  </payloadDescription>" <<linefeed
-                        << "  <channel id=\"" << ch << "\" name=\""<<iLayer<< "_"<<iSide<<" \" />" << linefeed
-                        << "</folderDefinition>" << endl;
-                ch++;
-                //--- DB output
-                if ( m_writeToCool ) {
-                    //	if ( m_pCalibWriteSvc->createListLA( waferId, m_pSCTHelper, 10000, moduleint[iModule], LA_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule],MCW_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule] ).isFailure() ) {
-                    if ( m_pCalibWriteSvc->createListLA( waferId, m_pSCTHelper, 10000, moduleint[iModule], LA_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule], Err_LA_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule],  Chisq_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule], A_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule], Err_A_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule], B_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule], Err_B_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule], Sigma_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule], Err_Sigma_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule], MCW_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule], Err_MCW_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule] ).isFailure() ) {
-                        msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to run createListLA" << endmsg;
-                        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-                    }
-                }
+            if( fitResult != 0 ) {
+               msg( MSG::INFO ) << "Try to fix one parameter sigma=2.0 to determine other initial value!" << endmsg;
+               msg( MSG::INFO ) << "LorentzAngle 3rd pre fit start : " << 4*iLayer + iSide +1+ iModule << " / 16" << endmsg;
+               LAfit->SetParameters(par[0],par[1],par[2],2.);
+               LAfit->SetParLimits(3,2.,2.);
+               m_h_phiVsNstripsSideHistoVector[ 4*iLayer + 2*iSide +iModule] -> Fit("LAfit", "R", "",-9.,2.);
+               LAfit->GetParameters(par);
+               LAfit->SetParLimits(3, 0., 50.);
+               LAfit->SetParameters(par[0],par[1],par[2],par[3]);
+               msg( MSG::INFO ) << "LorentzAngle 3rd main fit start : " << 4*iLayer + iSide +1 +iModule<< " / 16" << endmsg;
+               fitResult = m_h_phiVsNstripsSideHistoVector[ 4*iLayer + 2*iSide +iModule] -> Fit("LAfit", "E", "",-9.,2.);
+               LAfit->GetParameters(par);
+               if ( m_LorentzAngleDebugMode  ) {
+                  ostringstream streamFileTmp;
+                  streamFileTmp << "h_phiVsNstrips_" << module[iModule] << "_" << iLayer << "Side" << iSide << "Third_Fit";
+                  std::string tmp_hn = streamFileTmp.str();
+                  const char* histo_name = tmp_hn.c_str();
+                  m_h_phiVsNstripsSideHistoVector[ 4*iLayer + 2*iSide +iModule] -> SetName(histo_name);
+                  m_h_phiVsNstripsSideHistoVector[ 4*iLayer + 2*iSide +iModule] -> Write();
+               }
-        }
-    }
-    //--- Tail of XML outputs
-    outFile << "</folder>" << endl;
-    //--- Summary XML output
-    ostringstream summaryList;
-    for( int i = 0; i < n_barrels; ++i ) {
-        for ( int iSide = 0; iSide < 2; ++iSide ) {
-            for ( int iModule = 0; iModule < 2; ++iModule ) {
-                const std::string thisPart=shortNames[bec2Index(BARREL)];
-                summaryList<< "    <parts>" << linefeed
-                           << xmlValue("part",thisPart) << linefeed
-                           << xmlValue("layer", i) << linefeed
-                           << xmlValue("Side", iSide) << linefeed
-                           << xmlValue("Module", module[iModule]) << linefeed
-                           << xmlValue("lorentzAngle", LA_BarrelSide[i][iSide][iModule]) << linefeed
-                           << xmlValue("minClusterWidth",  MCW_BarrelSide[i][iSide][iModule]) << linefeed
-                           << xmlValue("Fit",  FitFlag[i][iSide][iModule]) << linefeed
-                           <<"    </parts>" << linefeed;
+            if ( fitResult == 0 ) {
+               FitFlag[iLayer][iSide][iModule]= 1;
+            } else {
+               DBUploadFlag="R";
+               FitFlag[iLayer][iSide][iModule]= 0;
+               msg( MSG::WARNING ) << "Fit Failed! Unable to get LorentzAngle" << endmsg;
+            }
+            double A      = par[0];
+            double LA     = par[1];                // Lorentz Angle
+            double B      = par[2];
+            double sigma  = par[3];
+            double err_A      = err_par[0];
+            double err_LA     = err_par[1];                // Lorentz Angle
+            double err_B      = err_par[2];
+            double err_sigma  = err_par[3];
+            float MCW     = LAfit->Eval(LA,0,0,0); //Min-cluster-width
+            float err_MCW     = LAfit->Eval(fabs(err_par[1]),0,0,0); //Min-cluster-width
+            //      float lorentz = fabs(LA);
+            A_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]= A;
+            LA_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]=LA;
+            B_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]=B;
+            Sigma_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]=sigma;
+            Err_A_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]= err_A;
+            Err_LA_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]=err_LA;
+            Err_B_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]=err_B;
+            Err_Sigma_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]=err_sigma;
+            MCW_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]=MCW;
+            Err_MCW_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]=err_MCW;
+            Chisq_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]=LAfit->GetChisquare();
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   if ( m_LorentzAngleDebugMode ) {
+      fitFile->Close();
+   }
+   for ( int iLayer = 0; iLayer < n_barrels; ++iLayer ) {
+      for ( int iSide = 0; iSide < 2; ++iSide ) {
+         for ( int iModule = 0; iModule < 2; ++iModule ) {
+            Identifier waferId = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_id( BARREL, iLayer, 0, 0, iSide );
+            int ch = 0;
+            outFile << "<folderDefinition folder=\"SCT/Derived/LorentzAngleRun2_v2\" version=\"multi\">"         << linefeed
+                    << "  <folderDescription>" << linefeed
+                    << "     <timeStamp>run-lumi</timeStamp>" << linefeed
+                    << "     <addrHeader>" << linefeed
+                    << "        <address_header service_type=\"71\" clid=\"1238547719\">" << linefeed
+                    << "     </addrHeader>" << linefeed
+                    << "     <typeName>CondAttrListCollection</typeName>" << linefeed
+                    << "  </folderDescription>" << linefeed
+                    << "  <payloadDescription>" << linefeed
+                    << "    <payloadType name=\"moduleType\">"          <<  moduleint[iModule]  << "</payloadType>" << linefeed
+                    << "    <payloadType name=\"lorentzAngle\">"        <<  LA_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule] << "</payloadType>" << linefeed
+                    << "    <payloadType name=\"err_lorentzAngle\">"    << Err_LA_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]<< "</payloadType>" << linefeed
+                    << "    <payloadType name=\"chisq\">"               << Chisq_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]<< "</payloadType>" << linefeed
+                    << "    <payloadType name=\"fitParam_a\">"          << A_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule] << "</payloadType>" << linefeed
+                    << "    <payloadType name=\"err_a\">"               << Err_A_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule] << "</payloadType>" << linefeed
+                    << "    <payloadType name=\"fitParam_b\">"          << B_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule] << "</payloadType>" << linefeed
+                    << "    <payloadType name=\"err_b\">"               << Err_B_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]      << "</payloadType>" << linefeed
+                    << "    <payloadType name=\"fitParam_sigma\">"      << Sigma_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]                      << "</payloadType>" << linefeed
+                    << "    <payloadType name=\"err_sigma\">"           << Err_Sigma_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]      << "</payloadType>" << linefeed
+                    << "    <payloadType name=\"minClusterWidth\">"     << MCW_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]  << "</payloadType>" << linefeed
+                    << "    <payloadType name=\"err_minClusterWidth\">" << Err_MCW_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule]      << "</payloadType>" << linefeed
+                    << "  </payloadDescription>" <<linefeed
+                    << "  <channel id=\"" << ch << "\" name=\""<<iLayer<< "_"<<iSide<<" \" />" << linefeed
+                    << "</folderDefinition>" << endl;
+            ch++;
+            //--- DB output
+            if ( m_writeToCool ) {
+               //	if ( m_pCalibWriteSvc->createListLA( waferId, m_pSCTHelper, 10000, moduleint[iModule], LA_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule],MCW_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule] ).isFailure() ) {
+               if ( m_pCalibWriteSvc->createListLA( waferId, m_pSCTHelper, 10000, moduleint[iModule], LA_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule], Err_LA_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule],  Chisq_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule], A_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule], Err_A_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule], B_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule], Err_B_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule], Sigma_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule], Err_Sigma_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule], MCW_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule], Err_MCW_BarrelSide[iLayer][iSide][iModule] ).isFailure() ) {
+                  msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to run createListLA" << endmsg;
+                  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+               }
-        }
-    }
-    std::ofstream & file = m_outLASummary;
-    typedef std::pair<string, string> TwoStrings;
-    typedef std::map<std::string, TwoStrings > Names;
-    Names nameAssociation;
-    nameAssociation["LorentzAngle"]=TwoStrings(m_LorentzAngleSummaryFile, "LorentzAngleInfo.xsl");
-    Names::iterator found=nameAssociation.find("LorentzAngle");
-    if (found!=nameAssociation.end()) {
-        std::string filename=found->second.first;
-        std::string xslName=found->second.second;
-        file.open( filename.c_str(), std::ios::out );
-        if( !file.good() ) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-        file << xmlHeader<< linefeed<< associateStylesheet(xslName) << linefeed<< "<run>"<< endl;
-    }
-    else {
-        msg( MSG::ERROR ) << " argument \"type\" needs to be  LorentzAngle." << endmsg;
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    file << xmlValue("RunNumber",  (int)m_runNumber) << linefeed
-         << xmlValue("StartTime",  m_utcBegin) << linefeed
-         << xmlValue("EndTime",  m_utcEnd) << linefeed
-         << xmlValue("Duration",  m_calibEvtInfoSvc->duration() ) << linefeed
-         << xmlValue("LB",  m_LBRange) << linefeed
-         << xmlValue("Events",  m_numberOfEvents) << linefeed
-         << xmlValue("Flag",  DBUploadFlag) << linefeed
-         << "  <data>"<< endl;
-    if( wrapUpXML4Summary( m_outLASummary, "LorentzAngle", summaryList ).isFailure() ) {
-        msg( MSG::ERROR )<< "Problem in closing LorentzAngle file" << endmsg;
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    //--- DB output
-    if( m_writeToCool ) {
-        if ( m_pCalibWriteSvc->wrapUpLorentzAngle().isFailure() ) {
-            msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not get LorentzAngle" << endmsg;
-            return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-        }
-    }
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   //--- Tail of XML outputs
+   outFile << "</folder>" << endl;
+   //--- Summary XML output
+   ostringstream summaryList;
+   for( int i = 0; i < n_barrels; ++i ) {
+      for ( int iSide = 0; iSide < 2; ++iSide ) {
+         for ( int iModule = 0; iModule < 2; ++iModule ) {
+            const std::string thisPart=shortNames[bec2Index(BARREL)];
+            summaryList<< "    <parts>" << linefeed
+                       << xmlValue("part",thisPart) << linefeed
+                       << xmlValue("layer", i) << linefeed
+                       << xmlValue("Side", iSide) << linefeed
+                       << xmlValue("Module", module[iModule]) << linefeed
+                       << xmlValue("lorentzAngle", LA_BarrelSide[i][iSide][iModule]) << linefeed
+                       << xmlValue("minClusterWidth",  MCW_BarrelSide[i][iSide][iModule]) << linefeed
+                       << xmlValue("Fit",  FitFlag[i][iSide][iModule]) << linefeed
+                       <<"    </parts>" << linefeed;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   std::ofstream & file = m_outLASummary;
+   typedef std::pair<string, string> TwoStrings;
+   typedef std::map<std::string, TwoStrings > Names;
+   Names nameAssociation;
+   nameAssociation["LorentzAngle"]=TwoStrings(m_LorentzAngleSummaryFile, "LorentzAngleInfo.xsl");
+   Names::iterator found=nameAssociation.find("LorentzAngle");
+   if (found!=nameAssociation.end()) {
+      std::string filename=found->second.first;
+      std::string xslName=found->second.second;
+      file.open( filename.c_str(), std::ios::out );
+      if( !file.good() ) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+      file << xmlHeader<< linefeed<< associateStylesheet(xslName) << linefeed<< "<run>"<< endl;
+   }
+   else {
+      msg( MSG::ERROR ) << " argument \"type\" needs to be  LorentzAngle." << endmsg;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   file << xmlValue("RunNumber",  (int)m_runNumber) << linefeed
+        << xmlValue("StartTime",  m_utcBegin) << linefeed
+        << xmlValue("EndTime",  m_utcEnd) << linefeed
+        << xmlValue("Duration",  m_calibEvtInfoSvc->duration() ) << linefeed
+        << xmlValue("LB",  m_LBRange) << linefeed
+        << xmlValue("Events",  m_numberOfEvents) << linefeed
+        << xmlValue("Flag",  DBUploadFlag) << linefeed
+        << "  <data>"<< endl;
+   if( wrapUpXML4Summary( m_outLASummary, "LorentzAngle", summaryList ).isFailure() ) {
+      msg( MSG::ERROR )<< "Problem in closing LorentzAngle file" << endmsg;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   //--- DB output
+   if( m_writeToCool ) {
+      if ( m_pCalibWriteSvc->wrapUpLorentzAngle().isFailure() ) {
+         msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not get LorentzAngle" << endmsg;
+         return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+      }
+   }
+   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -2500,52 +2514,52 @@ StatusCode SCTCalib::getLorentzAngle() {
 StatusCode SCTCalib::openXML4DB( std::ofstream& file, const char* type, const char* tag, IOVTime start, IOVTime end ) const {
-    if( !strcmp( type, "DeadStrip" ) ) {
-        file.open( m_deadStripsFile.c_str(), std::ios::out );
-        if( !file.good() ) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-        file << "<channels server=\"ATLAS_COOLPROD\" schema=\"ATLAS_COOLOFL_SCT\" dbname=\"MONP200\" folder=\"SCT/Derived/DeadStrips\" ";
-    } else if ( !strcmp( type, "DeadChip" ) ) {
-        file.open( m_deadChipsFile.c_str(), std::ios::out );
-        if( !file.good() ) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-        file << "<channels server=\"ATLAS_COOLPROD\" schema=\"ATLAS_COOLOFL_SCT\" dbname=\"MONP200\" folder=\"SCT/Derived/DeadChips\" ";
-    } else {
-        msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "in openXML4DB : argument \"type\" needs to be (DeadStrip, DeadChip)." << endmsg;
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    file << "since=\""   << start.re_time() << "\" "
-         << "until=\""   << end.re_time()   << "\" "
-         << "tag=\""     << tag             << "\" "
-         << "version=\"" << "multi\">"      << linefeed;
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+   if( !strcmp( type, "DeadStrip" ) ) {
+      file.open( m_deadStripsFile.c_str(), std::ios::out );
+      if( !file.good() ) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+      file << "<channels server=\"ATLAS_COOLPROD\" schema=\"ATLAS_COOLOFL_SCT\" dbname=\"MONP200\" folder=\"SCT/Derived/DeadStrips\" ";
+   } else if ( !strcmp( type, "DeadChip" ) ) {
+      file.open( m_deadChipsFile.c_str(), std::ios::out );
+      if( !file.good() ) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+      file << "<channels server=\"ATLAS_COOLPROD\" schema=\"ATLAS_COOLOFL_SCT\" dbname=\"MONP200\" folder=\"SCT/Derived/DeadChips\" ";
+   } else {
+      msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "in openXML4DB : argument \"type\" needs to be (DeadStrip, DeadChip)." << endmsg;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   file << "since=\""   << start.re_time() << "\" "
+        << "until=\""   << end.re_time()   << "\" "
+        << "tag=\""     << tag             << "\" "
+        << "version=\"" << "multi\">"      << linefeed;
+   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
 StatusCode SCTCalib::closeXML4DB( std::ofstream& file ) const {
-    file << "</channels>" << endl;
-    if ( file.is_open() ) {
-        file.close();
-        return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-    } else {
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
+   file << "</channels>" << endl;
+   if ( file.is_open() ) {
+      file.close();
+      return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+   } else {
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
 StatusCode SCTCalib::addToXML4DB( std::ofstream& file, const Identifier& waferId, const char* DefectType, float Threshold, const char* DefectList ) const {
-    std::string tmp = DefectList;
-    int length = tmp.length();
-    std::string Defect4DB = tmp.substr( 1, length-2 ); // Removing first&end spaces in DefectList
-    file << xmlOpenChannel( m_pSCTHelper->module_id( waferId ).get_identifier32().get_compact() , m_iovStart.re_time() , m_iovStop.re_time() ) << linefeed
-         << xmlValue("SampleSize","10000") << linefeed
-         << xmlValue("BarrelEndcap", m_pSCTHelper->barrel_ec( waferId ) )<< linefeed
-         << xmlValue("Layer", m_pSCTHelper->layer_disk( waferId ))<< linefeed
-         << xmlValue("Eta",  m_pSCTHelper->eta_module( waferId )) << linefeed
-         << xmlValue("Phi", m_pSCTHelper->phi_module( waferId )) << linefeed
-         << xmlValue("DefectType",  DefectType)<< linefeed
-         << xmlValue("Threshold", Threshold ) << linefeed
-         << xmlValue("DefectList",Defect4DB) << linefeed
-         << xmlCloseChannel() << endl;
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+   std::string tmp = DefectList;
+   int length = tmp.length();
+   std::string Defect4DB = tmp.substr( 1, length-2 ); // Removing first&end spaces in DefectList
+   file << xmlOpenChannel( m_pSCTHelper->module_id( waferId ).get_identifier32().get_compact(), m_iovStart.re_time(), m_iovStop.re_time() ) << linefeed
+        << xmlValue("SampleSize","10000") << linefeed
+        << xmlValue("BarrelEndcap", m_pSCTHelper->barrel_ec( waferId ) )<< linefeed
+        << xmlValue("Layer", m_pSCTHelper->layer_disk( waferId ))<< linefeed
+        << xmlValue("Eta",  m_pSCTHelper->eta_module( waferId )) << linefeed
+        << xmlValue("Phi", m_pSCTHelper->phi_module( waferId )) << linefeed
+        << xmlValue("DefectType",  DefectType)<< linefeed
+        << xmlValue("Threshold", Threshold ) << linefeed
+        << xmlValue("DefectList",Defect4DB) << linefeed
+        << xmlCloseChannel() << endl;
+   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -2554,589 +2568,626 @@ StatusCode SCTCalib::addToXML4DB( std::ofstream& file, const Identifier& waferId
 StatusCode SCTCalib::openXML4DeadSummary( std::ofstream& file, const char* type, int n_Module, int n_Link, int n_Chip, int n_Strip ) const {
-    if ( !strcmp( type, "DEAD" ) ) {
-        file.open( m_deadSummaryFile.c_str(), std::ios::out );
-        if( !file.good() ) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-        file << xmlHeader<< linefeed<< associateStylesheet("DeadInfo.xsl") << linefeed
-             << "<run>"<< linefeed;
-    } else {
-        msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "in openXML4DeadSummary : argument \"type\" needs to be \"DEAD\"." << endmsg;
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    //--- Upload flag
-    string strUploadFlag = "U";
-    bool isNonZero( false );
-    if ( (m_doDeadChip && m_deadChipUploadTest) || (m_doDeadStrip && m_deadStripUploadTest) ) {
-        if ( n_Chip > 0 ) {
-            isNonZero = true;
-            strUploadFlag = "G";
-        } else {
-            strUploadFlag = "R";
-        }
-    }
-    //--- Upload test result
-    ostringstream osNonZero;
-    osNonZero << "#chips or #strips is non-zero";
-    ostringstream osFlagReason;
-    if ( !isNonZero ) osFlagReason << "FAILED in " << osNonZero.str();
-    string strFlagEnable = ( m_deadChipUploadTest || m_deadStripUploadTest ) ? "ENABLED" : "DISABLED";
-    ostringstream osCheckList;
-    osCheckList << osNonZero.str();
-    file <<xmlValue("RunNumber",(int) m_runNumber)                       << linefeed
-         <<xmlValue("StartTime",      m_utcBegin)                        << linefeed
-         <<xmlValue("EndTime",        m_utcEnd)                          << linefeed
-         <<xmlValue("Duration",       m_calibEvtInfoSvc->duration())     << linefeed
-         <<xmlValue("LB",             m_calibEvtInfoSvc->numLumiBlocks())<< linefeed
-         <<xmlValue("Events",         m_numberOfEvents )                 << linefeed
-         <<xmlValue("Modules",        n_Module)                          << linefeed
-         <<xmlValue("Links",          n_Link)                            << linefeed
-         <<xmlValue("Chips",          n_Chip)                            << linefeed
-         <<xmlValue("Strips",         n_Strip)                           << linefeed
-         <<xmlValue("Flag",           strUploadFlag)                     << linefeed
-         <<xmlValue("FlagReason",     osFlagReason.str())                << linefeed
-         <<xmlValue("FlagEnable",     strFlagEnable)                     << linefeed
-         <<xmlValue("CheckList",      osCheckList.str())                 << linefeed
-         <<"  <modules>"                                                 << endl;
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+   if ( !strcmp( type, "DEAD" ) ) {
+      file.open( m_deadSummaryFile.c_str(), std::ios::out );
+      if( !file.good() ) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+      file << xmlHeader<< linefeed<< associateStylesheet("DeadInfo.xsl") << linefeed
+           << "<run>"<< linefeed;
+   } else {
+      msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "in openXML4DeadSummary : argument \"type\" needs to be \"DEAD\"." << endmsg;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   //--- Upload flag
+   string strUploadFlag = "U";
+   bool isNonZero( false );
+   if ( (m_doDeadChip && m_deadChipUploadTest) || (m_doDeadStrip && m_deadStripUploadTest) ) {
+      if ( n_Chip > 0 ) {
+         isNonZero = true;
+         strUploadFlag = "G";
+      } else {
+         strUploadFlag = "R";
+      }
+   }
+   //--- Upload test result
+   ostringstream osNonZero;
+   osNonZero << "#chips or #strips is non-zero";
+   ostringstream osFlagReason;
+   if ( !isNonZero ) osFlagReason << "FAILED in " << osNonZero.str();
+   string strFlagEnable = ( m_deadChipUploadTest || m_deadStripUploadTest ) ? "ENABLED" : "DISABLED";
+   ostringstream osCheckList;
+   osCheckList << osNonZero.str();
+   file <<xmlValue("RunNumber",(int) m_runNumber)                       << linefeed
+        <<xmlValue("StartTime",      m_utcBegin)                        << linefeed
+        <<xmlValue("EndTime",        m_utcEnd)                          << linefeed
+        <<xmlValue("Duration",       m_calibEvtInfoSvc->duration())     << linefeed
+        <<xmlValue("LB",             m_calibEvtInfoSvc->numLumiBlocks())<< linefeed
+        <<xmlValue("Events",         m_numberOfEvents )                 << linefeed
+        <<xmlValue("Modules",        n_Module)                          << linefeed
+        <<xmlValue("Links",          n_Link)                            << linefeed
+        <<xmlValue("Chips",          n_Chip)                            << linefeed
+        <<xmlValue("Strips",         n_Strip)                           << linefeed
+        <<xmlValue("Flag",           strUploadFlag)                     << linefeed
+        <<xmlValue("FlagReason",     osFlagReason.str())                << linefeed
+        <<xmlValue("FlagEnable",     strFlagEnable)                     << linefeed
+        <<xmlValue("CheckList",      osCheckList.str())                 << linefeed
+        <<"  <modules>"                                                 << endl;
+   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
 StatusCode SCTCalib::openXML4MonSummary( std::ofstream& file, const char* type ) const {
-    typedef std::pair<string, string> TwoStrings;
-    typedef std::map<std::string, TwoStrings > Names;
-    Names nameAssociation;
-    nameAssociation["NoiseOccupancy"]=TwoStrings(m_noiseOccupancySummaryFile, "NoiseOccupancyInfo.xsl");
-    nameAssociation["RawOccupancy"]=TwoStrings(m_rawOccupancySummaryFile, "RawOccupancyInfo.xsl");
-    nameAssociation["Efficiency"]=TwoStrings(m_efficiencySummaryFile, "EfficiencyInfo.xsl");
-    nameAssociation["BSErrors"]=TwoStrings(m_BSErrorSummaryFile, "BSErrorInfo.xsl");
-    nameAssociation["BSErrorsModule"]=TwoStrings(m_BSErrorModuleFile, "BSErrorInfo.xsl");
-    //  nameAssociation["LorentzAngle"]=TwoStrings(m_LorentzAngleSummaryFile, "LorentzAngleInfo.xsl");
-    Names::iterator found=nameAssociation.find(type);
-    if (found!=nameAssociation.end()) {
-        std::string filename=found->second.first;
-        std::string xslName=found->second.second;
-        //
-        file.open( filename.c_str(), std::ios::out );
-        if( !file.good() ) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-        file << xmlHeader<< linefeed<< associateStylesheet(xslName) << linefeed<< "<run>"<< endl;
-    } else {
-        msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "in openXML4MonSummary : argument \"type\" needs to be ( NoiseOccupancy, RawOccupancy, Efficiency, BSErrors )." << endmsg;
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    file << xmlValue("RunNumber",  (int)m_runNumber                  ) << linefeed
-         << xmlValue("StartTime",  m_utcBegin                        ) << linefeed
-         << xmlValue("EndTime",  m_utcEnd                          ) << linefeed
-         << xmlValue("Duration",  m_calibEvtInfoSvc->duration() ) << linefeed
-         << xmlValue("LB",  m_LBRange                         ) << linefeed
-         << xmlValue("Events",  m_numberOfEvents                  ) << linefeed
-         << "  <data>"<< endl;
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+   typedef std::pair<string, string> TwoStrings;
+   typedef std::map<std::string, TwoStrings > Names;
+   Names nameAssociation;
+   nameAssociation["NoiseOccupancy"]=TwoStrings(m_noiseOccupancySummaryFile, "NoiseOccupancyInfo.xsl");
+   nameAssociation["RawOccupancy"]=TwoStrings(m_rawOccupancySummaryFile, "RawOccupancyInfo.xsl");
+   nameAssociation["Efficiency"]=TwoStrings(m_efficiencySummaryFile, "EfficiencyInfo.xsl");
+   nameAssociation["BSErrors"]=TwoStrings(m_BSErrorSummaryFile, "BSErrorInfo.xsl");
+   nameAssociation["BSErrorsModule"]=TwoStrings(m_BSErrorModuleFile, "BSErrorInfo.xsl");
+   //  nameAssociation["LorentzAngle"]=TwoStrings(m_LorentzAngleSummaryFile, "LorentzAngleInfo.xsl");
+   Names::iterator found=nameAssociation.find(type);
+   if (found!=nameAssociation.end()) {
+      std::string filename=found->second.first;
+      std::string xslName=found->second.second;
+      //
+      file.open( filename.c_str(), std::ios::out );
+      if( !file.good() ) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+      file << xmlHeader<< linefeed<< associateStylesheet(xslName) << linefeed<< "<run>"<< endl;
+   } else {
+      msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "in openXML4MonSummary : argument \"type\" needs to be ( NoiseOccupancy, RawOccupancy, Efficiency, BSErrors )." << endmsg;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   file << xmlValue("RunNumber",  (int)m_runNumber                  ) << linefeed
+        << xmlValue("StartTime",  m_utcBegin                        ) << linefeed
+        << xmlValue("EndTime",  m_utcEnd                          ) << linefeed
+        << xmlValue("Duration",  m_calibEvtInfoSvc->duration() ) << linefeed
+        << xmlValue("LB",  m_LBRange                         ) << linefeed
+        << xmlValue("Events",  m_numberOfEvents                  ) << linefeed
+        << "  <data>"<< endl;
+   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
 StatusCode SCTCalib::wrapUpXML4Summary( std::ofstream& file, const char* type, std::ostringstream& list ) const {
-    file << list.str();
-    if( !strcmp( type, "DEAD" ) ) {
-        file << "  </modules>" << endl;
-    } else if ( !strcmp( type, "NoiseOccupancy" ) || !strcmp( type, "RawOccupancy" ) || !strcmp( type, "Efficiency" ) || !strcmp( type, "BSErrors" ) || !strcmp( type, "LorentzAngle" ) ) {
-        file << "  </data>" << endl;
-    }
-    file << "</run>" << endl;
-    if( file.is_open() ) {
-        file.close();
-        return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-    } else {
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
+   file << list.str();
+   if( !strcmp( type, "DEAD" ) ) {
+      file << "  </modules>" << endl;
+   } else if ( !strcmp( type, "NoiseOccupancy" ) || !strcmp( type, "RawOccupancy" ) || !strcmp( type, "Efficiency" ) || !strcmp( type, "BSErrors" ) || !strcmp( type, "LorentzAngle" ) ) {
+      file << "  </data>" << endl;
+   }
+   file << "</run>" << endl;
+   if( file.is_open() ) {
+      file.close();
+      return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+   } else {
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
 StatusCode SCTCalib::addToSummaryStr( std::ostringstream& list, const Identifier& waferId, const char* type, const char* stripId, const char* chipId ) const {
-    //--- Remove first&end spaces in DefectList
-    const std::string tmpstrip(stripId);
-    const std::string tmpchip(chipId);
-    int len_strip = tmpstrip.length();
-    int len_chip  = tmpchip.length();
-    std::string stripList("");
-    std::string chipList("");
-    if( len_strip > 0 ) stripList = tmpstrip.substr( 1, len_strip-2 );
-    if( len_chip  > 0 ) chipList  = tmpchip.substr( 1, len_chip-2 );
-    //--- Identifier/SN
-    IdentifierHash   waferHash = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash( waferId );
-    SCT_SerialNumber sn        = m_CablingSvc->getSerialNumberFromHash( waferHash );
-    cout<<"sn.str()"<<endl;
-    cout<<sn.str()<<endl;
-    //--- Preparing linkList
-    //std::string linkList=chipList2LinkList(chipList);
-    std::string linkList=chipList2LinkList(stripList);
-    cout<<linkList<<endl;
-    //--- Push to summary stream
-    XmlStreamer m("module", list);
-    {
-        XmlStreamer v("value", "name", "SN",list);
-        list<<sn.str();
-    }
-    {
-        XmlStreamer v("value", "name", "BecLayerPhiEta", list);
-        list<<formatPosition(waferId, m_pSCTHelper,".",false);
-    }
-    {
-        XmlStreamer v("value", "name", "LinkID", list);
-        list<<linkList;
-    }
-    //  {XmlStreamer v("value", "name", "ChipID", list); list<<chipList;}
-    {
-        XmlStreamer v("value", "name", "ChipID", list);
-        list<<stripList;
-    }
-    cout<<"after xmlstreamer"<<endl;
-    if ( !strcmp( type, "DEAD" ) ) {
-        cout<<"before if streamer"<<endl;
-        XmlStreamer v("value", "name", "StripIDOnline", list);
-        cout<<"after if streamer"<<endl;
-        list << stripList;
-        cout<<"list"<<endl;
-    } else {
-        msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "in addToSummaryStr : argument \"type\" needs to be \"DEAD\"." << endmsg;
-        cout<<"return FAILURE"<<endl;
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    cout<<"return SUCCESS"<<endl;
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+   //--- Remove first&end spaces in DefectList
+   const std::string tmpstrip(stripId);
+   const std::string tmpchip(chipId);
+   int len_strip = tmpstrip.length();
+   int len_chip  = tmpchip.length();
+   std::string stripList("");
+   std::string chipList("");
+   if( len_strip > 0 ) stripList = tmpstrip.substr( 1, len_strip-2 );
+   if( len_chip  > 0 ) chipList  = tmpchip.substr( 1, len_chip-2 );
+   //--- Identifier/SN
+   IdentifierHash   waferHash = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash( waferId );
+   SCT_SerialNumber sn        = m_CablingSvc->getSerialNumberFromHash( waferHash );
+   cout<<"sn.str()"<<endl;
+   cout<<sn.str()<<endl;
+   //--- Preparing linkList
+   //std::string linkList=chipList2LinkList(chipList);
+   std::string linkList=chipList2LinkList(stripList);
+   cout<<linkList<<endl;
+   //--- Push to summary stream
+   XmlStreamer m("module", list);
+   {
+      XmlStreamer v("value", "name", "SN",list);
+      list<<sn.str();
+   }
+   {
+      XmlStreamer v("value", "name", "BecLayerPhiEta", list);
+      list<<formatPosition(waferId, m_pSCTHelper,".",false);
+   }
+   {
+      XmlStreamer v("value", "name", "LinkID", list);
+      list<<linkList;
+   }
+   //  {XmlStreamer v("value", "name", "ChipID", list); list<<chipList;}
+   {
+      XmlStreamer v("value", "name", "ChipID", list);
+      list<<stripList;
+   }
+   cout<<"after xmlstreamer"<<endl;
+   if ( !strcmp( type, "DEAD" ) ) {
+      cout<<"before if streamer"<<endl;
+      XmlStreamer v("value", "name", "StripIDOnline", list);
+      cout<<"after if streamer"<<endl;
+      list << stripList;
+      cout<<"list"<<endl;
+   } else {
+      msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "in addToSummaryStr : argument \"type\" needs to be \"DEAD\"." << endmsg;
+      cout<<"return FAILURE"<<endl;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   }
+   cout<<"return SUCCESS"<<endl;
+   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
 SCTCalib::xmlChannelNoiseOccDataString(const Identifier & waferId,  const float occupancy, const SCT_SerialNumber & serial) {
-    //agrohsje added space and ostringstream for proper xml output
-    ostringstream os;
-    os<<xmlOpenChannel(waferId.get_identifier32().get_compact(), m_iovStart.re_time(), m_iovStop.re_time())<<endl
-      <<"  "<<xmlValue("SN", serial.str())<<endl
-      <<"  "<<xmlValue("SampleSize",  "10000")<<endl
-      <<"  "<<xmlValue("barrel_endcap",  m_pSCTHelper->barrel_ec( waferId )  )<<endl
-      <<"  "<<xmlValue("Layer",  m_pSCTHelper->layer_disk( waferId ) )<< linefeed
-      <<"  "<<xmlValue("Eta",  m_pSCTHelper->eta_module( waferId ) )<<endl
-      <<"  "<<xmlValue("Phi",  m_pSCTHelper->phi_module( waferId ) )<<endl
-      <<"  "<<xmlValue("NoiseOccupancy", occupancy)<<endl
-      <<"  "<<xmlCloseChannel();
-    return os.str();
+   //agrohsje added space and ostringstream for proper xml output
+   ostringstream os;
+   os<<xmlOpenChannel(waferId.get_identifier32().get_compact(), m_iovStart.re_time(), m_iovStop.re_time())<<endl
+     <<"  "<<xmlValue("SN", serial.str())<<endl
+     <<"  "<<xmlValue("SampleSize",  "10000")<<endl
+     <<"  "<<xmlValue("barrel_endcap",  m_pSCTHelper->barrel_ec( waferId )  )<<endl
+     <<"  "<<xmlValue("Layer",  m_pSCTHelper->layer_disk( waferId ) )<< linefeed
+     <<"  "<<xmlValue("Eta",  m_pSCTHelper->eta_module( waferId ) )<<endl
+     <<"  "<<xmlValue("Phi",  m_pSCTHelper->phi_module( waferId ) )<<endl
+     <<"  "<<xmlValue("NoiseOccupancy", occupancy)<<endl
+     <<"  "<<xmlCloseChannel();
+   return os.str();
 //agasconb 02.02.2015: block for Efficiency output
 //requested by Naoki Ishijima
 SCTCalib::xmlChannelEfficiencyDataString(const Identifier & waferId,  const float efficiency, const SCT_SerialNumber & serial) {
-    ostringstream os;
-    os<<"   <module>"<<endl
-      //    os<<xmlOpenChannel(waferId.get_identifier32().get_compact(), m_iovStart.re_time(), m_iovStop.re_time())<<endl
-      <<"  "<<xmlValue("SN", serial.str())<<endl
-      <<"  "<<xmlValue("SampleSize",  "10000")<<endl
-      <<"  "<<xmlValue("barrel_endcap",  m_pSCTHelper->barrel_ec( waferId )  )<<endl
-      <<"  "<<xmlValue("Layer",  m_pSCTHelper->layer_disk( waferId ) )<< linefeed
-      <<"  "<<xmlValue("Eta",  m_pSCTHelper->eta_module( waferId ) )<<endl
-      <<"  "<<xmlValue("Phi",  m_pSCTHelper->phi_module( waferId ) )<<endl
-      <<"  "<<xmlValue("Efficiency", efficiency)<<endl
-      <<"   </module>";
-    //      <<"  "<<xmlCloseChannel();
-    return os.str();
+   ostringstream os;
+   os<<"   <module>"<<endl
+     //    os<<xmlOpenChannel(waferId.get_identifier32().get_compact(), m_iovStart.re_time(), m_iovStop.re_time())<<endl
+     <<"  "<<xmlValue("SN", serial.str())<<endl
+     <<"  "<<xmlValue("SampleSize",  "10000")<<endl
+     <<"  "<<xmlValue("barrel_endcap",  m_pSCTHelper->barrel_ec( waferId )  )<<endl
+     <<"  "<<xmlValue("Layer",  m_pSCTHelper->layer_disk( waferId ) )<< linefeed
+     <<"  "<<xmlValue("Eta",  m_pSCTHelper->eta_module( waferId ) )<<endl
+     <<"  "<<xmlValue("Phi",  m_pSCTHelper->phi_module( waferId ) )<<endl
+     <<"  "<<xmlValue("Efficiency", efficiency)<<endl
+     <<"   </module>";
+   //      <<"  "<<xmlCloseChannel();
+   return os.str();
 std::pair< int, bool >
 SCTCalib::getNumNoisyStrips( const Identifier& waferId ) const {
-    IdentifierHash waferHash = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash( waferId );
-    //--- Check if there are noisy strips in the wafer
-    int numNoisyStripsInTheWafer = 0;
-    bool isNoisyWafer(false);
-    float noisyStripThr = m_noisyStripThrDef?(m_noisyStripThrOffline):(m_noisyStripThrOnline);
-    for ( int iStrip = 0; iStrip != nbins; ++iStrip ) {
-        if ( m_calibHitmapSvc->getBinForHistogramIndex( iStrip + 1 , (int) waferHash ) / m_numberOfEvents > noisyStripThr ) ++numNoisyStripsInTheWafer;
-    }
-    //--- Define/counts noisy wafers using wafer occupancy and number of noisy strips
-    double averageOccupancy = m_calibHitmapSvc->size((int) waferHash)/(double)nbins/(double)m_numberOfEvents;
-    const int subdetector(m_pSCTHelper->barrel_ec( waferId ) );
-    isNoisyWafer = ( numNoisyStripsInTheWafer > m_noisyWaferFraction*nbins ) and
-                   ( ( subdetector == ENDCAP_C && averageOccupancy > m_noisyWaferThrECC) or
-                     ( subdetector == BARREL   && averageOccupancy > m_noisyWaferThrBarrel) or
-                     ( subdetector == ENDCAP_A && averageOccupancy > m_noisyWaferThrECA) );
-    if (isNoisyWafer) {
-        msg( MSG::INFO ) << "Module: " << (int) waferHash << endmsg;
-        msg( MSG::INFO ) << "Hits, Nevts, Occ: " << m_calibHitmapSvc->size((int) waferHash) << ", "
-                         << m_numberOfEvents << ", "
-                         << averageOccupancy << endmsg;
-    }
-    return std::make_pair( numNoisyStripsInTheWafer, isNoisyWafer );
+   IdentifierHash waferHash = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash( waferId );
+   //--- Check if there are noisy strips in the wafer
+   int numNoisyStripsInTheWafer = 0;
+   bool isNoisyWafer(false);
+   float noisyStripThr = m_noisyStripThrDef?(m_noisyStripThrOffline):(m_noisyStripThrOnline);
+   for ( int iStrip = 0; iStrip != nbins; ++iStrip ) {
+      if ( m_calibHitmapSvc->getBinForHistogramIndex( iStrip + 1, (int) waferHash ) / m_numberOfEvents > noisyStripThr ) ++numNoisyStripsInTheWafer;
+   }
+   //--- Define/counts noisy wafers using wafer occupancy and number of noisy strips
+   double averageOccupancy = m_calibHitmapSvc->size((int) waferHash)/(double)nbins/(double)m_numberOfEvents;
+   const int subdetector(m_pSCTHelper->barrel_ec( waferId ) );
+   isNoisyWafer = ( numNoisyStripsInTheWafer > m_noisyWaferFraction*nbins ) and
+                  ( ( subdetector == ENDCAP_C && averageOccupancy > m_noisyWaferThrECC) or
+                    ( subdetector == BARREL   && averageOccupancy > m_noisyWaferThrBarrel) or
+                    ( subdetector == ENDCAP_A && averageOccupancy > m_noisyWaferThrECA) );
+   if (isNoisyWafer) {
+      msg( MSG::INFO ) << "Module: " << (int) waferHash << endmsg;
+      msg( MSG::INFO ) << "Hits, Nevts, Occ: " << m_calibHitmapSvc->size((int) waferHash) << ", "
+                       << m_numberOfEvents << ", "
+                       << averageOccupancy << endmsg;
+   }
+   return std::make_pair( numNoisyStripsInTheWafer, isNoisyWafer );
 SCTCalib::addStripsToList( Identifier& waferId, std::set<Identifier>& stripIdList, bool isNoisy, bool isNew ) {
-    IdentifierHash waferHash = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash( waferId );
-    float noisyStripThr = m_noisyStripThrDef?(m_noisyStripThrOffline):(m_noisyStripThrOnline);
-    for ( int iStrip = 0; iStrip != nbins; ++iStrip ) {
-        Identifier stripId = m_pSCTHelper->strip_id( waferId, iStrip );
-        if ( !isNoisy ) { //--- Add all strips
-            stripIdList.insert( stripId );
-        } else {
-            const float stripOccupancy =  m_calibHitmapSvc->getBinForHistogramIndex( iStrip + 1 , (int) waferHash )  / m_numberOfEvents;
-            if ( stripOccupancy > noisyStripThr ) {
-                if ( !isNew ) { //--- All noisy strips
-                    stripIdList.insert( stripId );
-                } else { //--- New noisy strips : compared with configuration and calibration
-                    const bool isGoodInConfiguration = m_useConfiguration ? m_ConfigurationConditionsSvc->isGood( stripId, InDetConditions::SCT_STRIP ) : true;
-                    const bool isGoodInCalibration   = m_useCalibration   ? m_ReadCalibDataSvc->isGood( stripId, InDetConditions::SCT_STRIP )           : true;
-                    if ( m_useConfiguration or m_useCalibration ) {
-                        if ( isGoodInConfiguration && isGoodInCalibration ) {
-                            stripIdList.insert( stripId );
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
+   IdentifierHash waferHash = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash( waferId );
+   float noisyStripThr = m_noisyStripThrDef?(m_noisyStripThrOffline):(m_noisyStripThrOnline);
+   for ( int iStrip = 0; iStrip != nbins; ++iStrip ) {
+      Identifier stripId = m_pSCTHelper->strip_id( waferId, iStrip );
+      if ( !isNoisy ) { //--- Add all strips
+         stripIdList.insert( stripId );
+      } else {
+         const float stripOccupancy =  m_calibHitmapSvc->getBinForHistogramIndex( iStrip + 1, (int) waferHash )  / m_numberOfEvents;
+         if ( stripOccupancy > noisyStripThr ) {
+            if ( !isNew ) { //--- All noisy strips
+               stripIdList.insert( stripId );
+            } else { //--- New noisy strips : compared with configuration and calibration
+               const bool isGoodInConfiguration = m_useConfiguration ? m_ConfigurationConditionsSvc->isGood( stripId, InDetConditions::SCT_STRIP ) : true;
+               const bool isGoodInCalibration   = m_useCalibration   ? m_ReadCalibDataSvc->isGood( stripId, InDetConditions::SCT_STRIP )           : true;
+               if ( m_useConfiguration or m_useCalibration ) {
+                  if ( isGoodInConfiguration && isGoodInCalibration ) {
+                     stripIdList.insert( stripId );
+                  }
+               }
-        }
-    }
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
 SCTCalib::writeModuleListToCool( const std::map< Identifier, std::set<Identifier> >& moduleListAll,
                                  const std::map< Identifier, std::set<Identifier> >& moduleListNew,
                                  const std::map< Identifier, std::set<Identifier> >& moduleListRef ) const {
-    //--- Write out strips
-    float noisyStripThr = m_noisyStripThrDef?(m_noisyStripThrOffline):(m_noisyStripThrOnline);
-    int nDefects = 0;
-    SCT_ID::const_id_iterator idItr  = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_begin();
-    SCT_ID::const_id_iterator idItrE = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_end();
-    for( ; idItr != idItrE; ++idItr ) {
-        if ( m_pSCTHelper->side( *idItr ) == 0 ) {
-            Identifier moduleId = m_pSCTHelper->module_id( *idItr );
-            map< Identifier, std::set<Identifier> >::const_iterator moduleAllItr = moduleListAll.find( moduleId );
-            map< Identifier, std::set<Identifier> >::const_iterator moduleNewItr = moduleListNew.find( moduleId );
-            map< Identifier, std::set<Identifier> >::const_iterator moduleRefItr = moduleListRef.find( moduleId );
-            std::string defectStripsAll =  moduleAllItr != moduleListAll.end() ? getStripList( (*moduleAllItr).second ) : "";
-            std::string defectStripsNew =  moduleNewItr != moduleListNew.end() ? getStripList( (*moduleNewItr).second ) : "";
-            std::string defectStripsRef =  moduleRefItr != moduleListRef.end() ? getStripList( (*moduleRefItr).second ) : "";
-            if ( m_noisyUpdate ) { //--- UPD1/UPD4
-                if ( defectStripsAll != defectStripsRef ) {
-                    if(m_pCalibWriteSvc->createCondObjects( moduleId, m_pSCTHelper, 10000, "NOISY", noisyStripThr, defectStripsAll ).isFailure()) {
-                        msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not create defect strip entry in the CalibWriteSvc." << endmsg;
-                    }
-                    nDefects++;
-                } else msg( MSG::DEBUG ) << "Module "<< moduleId  <<" is identical to the reference output" << endmsg;
-            } else {
-                if ( m_noisyStripAll ) { //--- ALL noisy strips
-                    if ( !defectStripsAll.empty() ) m_pCalibWriteSvc->createCondObjects( moduleId, m_pSCTHelper, 10000, "NOISY", noisyStripThr, defectStripsAll );
-                } else { //--- Only NEW noisy strips
-                    if ( !defectStripsNew.empty() ) m_pCalibWriteSvc->createCondObjects( moduleId, m_pSCTHelper, 10000, "NOISY", noisyStripThr, defectStripsNew );
-                }
+   //--- Write out strips
+   float noisyStripThr = m_noisyStripThrDef?(m_noisyStripThrOffline):(m_noisyStripThrOnline);
+   int nDefects = 0;
+   SCT_ID::const_id_iterator idItr  = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_begin();
+   SCT_ID::const_id_iterator idItrE = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_end();
+   for( ; idItr != idItrE; ++idItr ) {
+      if ( m_pSCTHelper->side( *idItr ) == 0 ) {
+         Identifier moduleId = m_pSCTHelper->module_id( *idItr );
+         map< Identifier, std::set<Identifier> >::const_iterator moduleAllItr = moduleListAll.find( moduleId );
+         map< Identifier, std::set<Identifier> >::const_iterator moduleNewItr = moduleListNew.find( moduleId );
+         map< Identifier, std::set<Identifier> >::const_iterator moduleRefItr = moduleListRef.find( moduleId );
+         std::string defectStripsAll =  moduleAllItr != moduleListAll.end() ? getStripList( (*moduleAllItr).second ) : "";
+         std::string defectStripsNew =  moduleNewItr != moduleListNew.end() ? getStripList( (*moduleNewItr).second ) : "";
+         std::string defectStripsRef =  moduleRefItr != moduleListRef.end() ? getStripList( (*moduleRefItr).second ) : "";
+         if ( m_noisyUpdate ) { //--- UPD1/UPD4
+            if ( defectStripsAll != defectStripsRef ) {
+               if(m_pCalibWriteSvc->createCondObjects( moduleId, m_pSCTHelper, 10000, "NOISY", noisyStripThr, defectStripsAll ).isFailure()) {
+                  msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not create defect strip entry in the CalibWriteSvc." << endmsg;
+               }
+               nDefects++;
+            } else msg( MSG::DEBUG ) << "Module "<< moduleId  <<" is identical to the reference output" << endmsg;
+         } else {
+            if ( m_noisyStripAll ) { //--- ALL noisy strips
+               if ( !defectStripsAll.empty() ) m_pCalibWriteSvc->createCondObjects( moduleId, m_pSCTHelper, 10000, "NOISY", noisyStripThr, defectStripsAll );
+            } else { //--- Only NEW noisy strips
+               if ( !defectStripsNew.empty() ) m_pCalibWriteSvc->createCondObjects( moduleId, m_pSCTHelper, 10000, "NOISY", noisyStripThr, defectStripsNew );
-        }
-    }
-    //msg( MSG::INFO ) << "Number of modules for which conditions were created: " << nDefects <<"  !!!!"<< endmsg;
-    if ( moduleListAll.empty() || nDefects==0 ) {
-        msg( MSG::INFO ) << "Number of noisy strips was zero or the same list of noisy strips. No local DB was created." << endmsg;
-    } else {
-        if ( m_pCalibWriteSvc->wrapUpNoisyChannel().isFailure() ) {
-            msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not get NoisyStrips info" << endmsg;
-            return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-        }
-    }
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   //msg( MSG::INFO ) << "Number of modules for which conditions were created: " << nDefects <<"  !!!!"<< endmsg;
+   if ( moduleListAll.empty() || nDefects==0 ) {
+      msg( MSG::INFO ) << "Number of noisy strips was zero or the same list of noisy strips. No local DB was created." << endmsg;
+   } else {
+      if ( m_pCalibWriteSvc->wrapUpNoisyChannel().isFailure() ) {
+         msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Could not get NoisyStrips info" << endmsg;
+         return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+      }
+   }
+   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+SCTCalib::getOverlapStripList( const std::set<Identifier>& stripAllIdList,  const std::set<Identifier>& stripRefIdList ) const {
+   std::set<Identifier> stripList;
+   std::set<Identifier>::const_iterator stripAllItrLast  = stripAllIdList.end();
+   std::set<Identifier>::const_iterator stripRefItrLast  = stripRefIdList.end();
+   std::set<Identifier>::const_iterator stripAllItr  = stripAllIdList.begin();
+   for ( ; stripAllItr != stripAllItrLast; ++stripAllItr ) {
+      //std::cout << "All: " << *stripAllItr << std::endl;
+      std::set<Identifier>::const_iterator stripRefItr  = stripRefIdList.begin();
+      bool old = false;
+      for ( ; stripRefItr != stripRefItrLast; ++stripRefItr ) {
+         //std::cout << "Ref: " << *stripRefItr << std::endl;
+         if (*stripAllItr ==  *stripRefItr) old = true;
+      }
+      if (!old) {
+         stripList.insert(*stripAllItr);
+         //std::cout << "New: " << *stripAllItr << std::endl;
+      }
+   }
+   return stripList;
 SCTCalib::getStripList( const std::set<Identifier>& stripIdList ) const {
-    std::string strList;
-    if ( !stripIdList.empty() ) {
-        int firstStrip = -1;
-        int groupSize  = -1;
-        std::set<Identifier>::const_iterator stripItrFirst = stripIdList.begin();
-        std::set<Identifier>::const_iterator stripItrLast  = --stripIdList.end();
-        std::set<Identifier>::const_iterator stripItr  = stripIdList.begin();
-        std::set<Identifier>::const_iterator stripItrE = stripIdList.end();
-        for ( ; stripItr != stripItrE; ++stripItr ) {
-            Identifier stripId = *stripItr;
-            int stripNum = m_pSCTHelper->side( stripId )*nbins + m_pSCTHelper->strip( stripId );
-            if ( stripItr == stripItrFirst ) {
-                firstStrip = stripNum;
-                groupSize  = 1;
+   std::string strList;
+   if ( !stripIdList.empty() ) {
+      int firstStrip = -1;
+      int groupSize  = -1;
+      std::set<Identifier>::const_iterator stripItrFirst = stripIdList.begin();
+      std::set<Identifier>::const_iterator stripItrLast  = --stripIdList.end();
+      std::set<Identifier>::const_iterator stripItr  = stripIdList.begin();
+      std::set<Identifier>::const_iterator stripItrE = stripIdList.end();
+      for ( ; stripItr != stripItrE; ++stripItr ) {
+         Identifier stripId = *stripItr;
+         int stripNum = m_pSCTHelper->side( stripId )*nbins + m_pSCTHelper->strip( stripId );
+         if ( stripItr == stripItrFirst ) {
+            firstStrip = stripNum;
+            groupSize  = 1;
+         } else {
+            if ( stripNum == firstStrip + groupSize ) {
+               ++groupSize;
             } else {
-                if ( stripNum == firstStrip + groupSize ) {
-                    ++groupSize;
-                } else {
-                    int stripBegin = firstStrip;
-                    int stripEnd   = firstStrip + groupSize -1;
-                    strList = m_pCalibWriteSvc->addDefect( strList, stripBegin, stripEnd );
-                    firstStrip = stripNum;
-                    groupSize  = 1;
-                }
+               int stripBegin = firstStrip;
+               int stripEnd   = firstStrip + groupSize -1;
+               strList = m_pCalibWriteSvc->addDefect( strList, stripBegin, stripEnd );
+               firstStrip = stripNum;
+               groupSize  = 1;
-            if ( stripItr == stripItrLast ) {
-                int stripBegin = firstStrip;
-                int stripEnd   = stripNum;
-                strList = m_pCalibWriteSvc->addDefect( strList, stripBegin, stripEnd );
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return strList;
+         }
+         if ( stripItr == stripItrLast ) {
+            int stripBegin = firstStrip;
+            int stripEnd   = stripNum;
+            strList = m_pCalibWriteSvc->addDefect( strList, stripBegin, stripEnd );
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   return strList;
 SCTCalib::noisyStripsToXml( const std::map< Identifier, std::set<Identifier> >& moduleList, const std::string& badStripsFile ) const {
-    //--- Open
-    const char* outputFileName = badStripsFile.c_str();
-    ofstream outFile( outputFileName, std::ios::out );
-    if ( !outFile.good() ) {
-        msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to open " << outputFileName << endmsg;
-        return( StatusCode::FAILURE );
-    }
-    float noisyStripThr = m_noisyStripThrDef?(m_noisyStripThrOffline):(m_noisyStripThrOnline);
-    //--- Create module list
-    ostringstream osModuleList;
-    //--- Loop over wafers
-    SCT_ID::const_id_iterator waferItr  = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_begin();
-    SCT_ID::const_id_iterator waferItrE = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_end();
-    for( ; waferItr != waferItrE; ++waferItr ) {
-        Identifier waferId  = *waferItr;
-        Identifier moduleId = m_pSCTHelper->module_id( waferId );
-        if ( m_pSCTHelper->side( waferId ) != 0 ) continue;
-        map< Identifier, std::set<Identifier> >::const_iterator moduleItr = moduleList.find( moduleId );
-        if ( moduleItr != moduleList.end() ) {
-            std::string defectStrips = getStripList( (*moduleItr).second );
-            osModuleList << "  <channel id=\""    << m_pSCTHelper->module_id( waferId ).get_compact() << "\" "
-                         <<            "since=\"" << m_iovStart.re_time()                             << "\" "
-                         <<            "until=\"" << m_iovStop.re_time()                              << "\">"       << linefeed
-                         << "    <value name=\"SampleSize\">"   << "10000"                            << "</value>" << linefeed
-                         << "    <value name=\"BarrelEndcap\">" << m_pSCTHelper->barrel_ec( waferId ) << "</value>" << linefeed
-                         << "    <value name=\"Layer\">"        << m_pSCTHelper->layer_disk( waferId )<< "</value>" << linefeed
-                         << "    <value name=\"Eta\">"          << m_pSCTHelper->eta_module( waferId )<< "</value>" << linefeed
-                         << "    <value name=\"Phi\">"          << m_pSCTHelper->phi_module( waferId )<< "</value>" << linefeed
-                         << "    <value name=\"DefectType\">"   << "NOISY"                            << "</value>" << linefeed
-                         << "    <value name=\"Threshold\">"    << noisyStripThr                      << "</value>" << linefeed
-                         << "    <value name=\"DefectList\">"   << normalizeList( defectStrips )        << "</value>" << linefeed
-                         << "  </channel>"                                                                          << endl;
-        }
-    }
-    //--- Write out the contents
-    outFile << "<channels server=\"ATLAS_COOLPROD\" schema=\"ATLAS_COOLOFL_SCT\" dbname=\"CONDBR2\" folder=\"SCT/Derived/Monitoring\" "
-            <<           "since=\""   << m_iovStart.re_time() << "\" "
-            <<           "until=\""   << m_iovStop.re_time()  << "\" "
-            <<           "tag=\""     << m_tagID4NoisyStrips  << "\" "
-            <<           "version=\"" << "multi\">"           << endl
-            <<    osModuleList.str()
-            << "</channels>" << endl;
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+   //--- Open
+   const char* outputFileName = badStripsFile.c_str();
+   ofstream outFile( outputFileName, std::ios::out );
+   if ( !outFile.good() ) {
+      msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to open " << outputFileName << endmsg;
+      return( StatusCode::FAILURE );
+   }
+   float noisyStripThr = m_noisyStripThrDef?(m_noisyStripThrOffline):(m_noisyStripThrOnline);
+   //--- Create module list
+   ostringstream osModuleList;
+   //--- Loop over wafers
+   SCT_ID::const_id_iterator waferItr  = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_begin();
+   SCT_ID::const_id_iterator waferItrE = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_end();
+   for( ; waferItr != waferItrE; ++waferItr ) {
+      Identifier waferId  = *waferItr;
+      Identifier moduleId = m_pSCTHelper->module_id( waferId );
+      if ( m_pSCTHelper->side( waferId ) != 0 ) continue;
+      map< Identifier, std::set<Identifier> >::const_iterator moduleItr = moduleList.find( moduleId );
+      if ( moduleItr != moduleList.end() ) {
+         std::string defectStrips = getStripList( (*moduleItr).second );
+         osModuleList << "  <channel id=\""    << m_pSCTHelper->module_id( waferId ).get_compact() << "\" "
+                      <<            "since=\"" << m_iovStart.re_time()                             << "\" "
+                      <<            "until=\"" << m_iovStop.re_time()                              << "\">"       << linefeed
+                      << "    <value name=\"SampleSize\">"   << "10000"                            << "</value>" << linefeed
+                      << "    <value name=\"BarrelEndcap\">" << m_pSCTHelper->barrel_ec( waferId ) << "</value>" << linefeed
+                      << "    <value name=\"Layer\">"        << m_pSCTHelper->layer_disk( waferId )<< "</value>" << linefeed
+                      << "    <value name=\"Eta\">"          << m_pSCTHelper->eta_module( waferId )<< "</value>" << linefeed
+                      << "    <value name=\"Phi\">"          << m_pSCTHelper->phi_module( waferId )<< "</value>" << linefeed
+                      << "    <value name=\"DefectType\">"   << "NOISY"                            << "</value>" << linefeed
+                      << "    <value name=\"Threshold\">"    << noisyStripThr                      << "</value>" << linefeed
+                      << "    <value name=\"DefectList\">"   << normalizeList( defectStrips )        << "</value>" << linefeed
+                      << "  </channel>"                                                                          << endl;
+      }
+   }
+   //--- Write out the contents
+   outFile << "<channels server=\"ATLAS_COOLPROD\" schema=\"ATLAS_COOLOFL_SCT\" dbname=\"CONDBR2\" folder=\"SCT/Derived/Monitoring\" "
+           <<           "since=\""   << m_iovStart.re_time() << "\" "
+           <<           "until=\""   << m_iovStop.re_time()  << "\" "
+           <<           "tag=\""     << m_tagID4NoisyStrips  << "\" "
+           <<           "version=\"" << "multi\">"           << endl
+           <<    osModuleList.str()
+           << "</channels>" << endl;
+   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
 StatusCode SCTCalib::noisyStripsToSummaryXml( const std::map< Identifier, std::set<Identifier> >& moduleListAll,
-        const std::map< Identifier, std::set<Identifier> >& moduleListNew,
-        const std::map< Identifier, std::set<Identifier> >& moduleListRef,
-        const std::string& badStripsFile) const {
-    //--- Open
-    const char* outputFileName = badStripsFile.c_str();
-    ofstream outFile( outputFileName, std::ios::out );
-    if ( !outFile.good() ) {
-        msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to open " << outputFileName << endmsg;
-        return( StatusCode::FAILURE );
-    }
-    //--- Initialization
-    int numLinksAll( 0 ), numChipsAll( 0 );
-    int numModulesAll( 0 ), numModulesNew( 0 ), numModulesRef( 0 );
-    int numStripsAll( 0 ), numStripsNew( 0 ), numStripsRef( 0 );
-    int numModulesDiff( 0 );
-    std::string defectLinks, defectChips;
-    std::string defectStripsAll, defectStripsNew, defectStripsRef;
-    ostringstream osModuleList, osChipList;
-    //--- Create module list
-    SCT_ID::const_id_iterator waferItr  = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_begin();
-    SCT_ID::const_id_iterator waferItrE = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_end();
-    for( ; waferItr != waferItrE; ++waferItr ) {
-        //--- Identifier
-        Identifier       waferId   = *waferItr;
-        Identifier       moduleId  = m_pSCTHelper->module_id( waferId );
-        IdentifierHash   waferHash = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash( waferId );
-        SCT_SerialNumber sn        = m_CablingSvc->getSerialNumberFromHash( waferHash );
-        //--- Initialization for a module
-        if ( m_pSCTHelper->side( waferId ) == 0 ) {
-            defectLinks.erase();
-            defectChips.erase();
-            defectStripsAll.erase();
-            defectStripsNew.erase();
-            defectStripsRef.erase();
-        }
-        //--- Noisy links
-        bool isNoisyWafer = getNumNoisyStrips( waferId ).second; // true if this wafer is noisy
-        if ( isNoisyWafer ) {
-            int link = m_pSCTHelper->side( waferId );
-            defectLinks = m_pCalibWriteSvc->addDefect( defectLinks, link, link );
-            ++numLinksAll;
-        }
-        //--- Execute once in this module
-        if ( m_pSCTHelper->side( waferId ) == 1 ) {
-            //--- Noisy strips : All
-            map< Identifier, std::set<Identifier> >::const_iterator moduleAllItr = moduleListAll.find( moduleId );
-            if ( moduleAllItr != moduleListAll.end() ) {
-                defectStripsAll = getStripList( (*moduleAllItr).second );
-                ++numModulesAll;
-                numStripsAll += (*moduleAllItr).second.size();
-            }
-            //--- Noisy strips : New
-            map< Identifier, std::set<Identifier> >::const_iterator moduleNewItr = moduleListNew.find( moduleId );
-            if ( moduleNewItr != moduleListNew.end() ) {
-                defectStripsNew = getStripList( (*moduleNewItr).second );
-                ++numModulesNew;
-                numStripsNew += (*moduleNewItr).second.size();
-            }
-            //--- Noisy strips : Ref
-            map< Identifier, std::set<Identifier> >::const_iterator moduleRefItr = moduleListRef.find( moduleId );
+      const std::map< Identifier, std::set<Identifier> >& moduleListNew,
+      const std::map< Identifier, std::set<Identifier> >& moduleListRef,
+      const std::string& badStripsFile) const {
+   //--- Open
+   const char* outputFileName = badStripsFile.c_str();
+   ofstream outFile( outputFileName, std::ios::out );
+   if ( !outFile.good() ) {
+      msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "Unable to open " << outputFileName << endmsg;
+      return( StatusCode::FAILURE );
+   }
+   //--- Initialization
+   int numLinksAll( 0 ), numChipsAll( 0 );
+   int numModulesAll( 0 ), numModulesNew( 0 ), numModulesRef( 0 );
+   int numStripsAll( 0 ), numStripsNew( 0 ), numStripsRef( 0 );
+   int numModulesDiff( 0 );
+   std::string defectLinks, defectChips;
+   std::string defectStripsAll, defectStripsNew, defectStripsRef;
+   ostringstream osModuleList, osChipList;
+   //--- Create module list
+   SCT_ID::const_id_iterator waferItr  = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_begin();
+   SCT_ID::const_id_iterator waferItrE = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_end();
+   for( ; waferItr != waferItrE; ++waferItr ) {
+      //--- Identifier
+      Identifier       waferId   = *waferItr;
+      Identifier       moduleId  = m_pSCTHelper->module_id( waferId );
+      IdentifierHash   waferHash = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash( waferId );
+      SCT_SerialNumber sn        = m_CablingSvc->getSerialNumberFromHash( waferHash );
+      //--- Initialization for a module
+      if ( m_pSCTHelper->side( waferId ) == 0 ) {
+         defectLinks.erase();
+         defectChips.erase();
+         defectStripsAll.erase();
+         defectStripsNew.erase();
+         defectStripsRef.erase();
+      }
+      //--- Noisy links
+      bool isNoisyWafer = getNumNoisyStrips( waferId ).second; // true if this wafer is noisy
+      if ( isNoisyWafer ) {
+         int link = m_pSCTHelper->side( waferId );
+         defectLinks = m_pCalibWriteSvc->addDefect( defectLinks, link, link );
+         ++numLinksAll;
+      }
+      //--- Execute once in this module
+      if ( m_pSCTHelper->side( waferId ) == 1 ) {
+         //--- Noisy strips : All
+         map< Identifier, std::set<Identifier> >::const_iterator moduleAllItr = moduleListAll.find( moduleId );
+         if ( moduleAllItr != moduleListAll.end() ) {
+            defectStripsAll = getStripList( (*moduleAllItr).second );
+            ++numModulesAll;
+            numStripsAll += (*moduleAllItr).second.size();
+         }
+         //--- Noisy strips : Ref
+         map< Identifier, std::set<Identifier> >::const_iterator moduleRefItr = moduleListRef.find( moduleId );
+         if ( moduleRefItr != moduleListRef.end() ) {
+            defectStripsRef = getStripList( moduleRefItr->second );
+            ++numModulesRef;
+            numStripsRef += moduleRefItr->second.size();
+         }
+         //--- Noisy strips : New
+         //map< Identifier, std::set<Identifier> >::const_iterator moduleNewItr = moduleListNew.find( moduleId );
+         //if ( moduleNewItr != moduleListNew.end() ) {
+         //    defectStripsNew = getStripList( (*moduleNewItr).second );
+         //    ++numModulesNew;
+         //    numStripsNew += (*moduleNewItr).second.size();
+         //}
+         //--- Noisy strips : New
+         if ( moduleAllItr != moduleListAll.end() ) {
             if ( moduleRefItr != moduleListRef.end() ) {
-                defectStripsRef = getStripList( moduleRefItr->second );
-                ++numModulesRef;
-                numStripsRef += moduleRefItr->second.size();
-            }
-            //--- Noisy chips : stripIdList -> chipIdList
-            if ( moduleAllItr != moduleListAll.end() ) {
-                std::set<int> chipIdList = getNoisyChips( moduleAllItr->second );
-                if ( !chipIdList.empty() ) {
-                    ++numChipsAll; // CS: I think we should count this!?
-                    std::set<int>::iterator chipItr  = chipIdList.begin();
-                    std::set<int>::iterator chipItrE = chipIdList.end();
-                    for ( ; chipItr != chipItrE; ++chipItr ) {
-                        int chipId = *chipItr;
-                        //--- To be written into module list
-                        defectChips = m_pCalibWriteSvc->addDefect( defectChips, chipId, chipId );
-                        //--- LBs where this chip was noisy
-                        std::pair< string, float > defectLB = getNoisyLB( moduleId, chipId );
-                        //--- Chip list written to XML
-                        osChipList << "    <chip>"                                                                                 << linefeed
-                                   << "      <value name=\"SN\">"             << sn.str()                            << "</value>" << linefeed
-                                   << "      <value name=\"BecLayerPhiEta\">" << m_pSCTHelper->barrel_ec( waferId )  << "."
-                                   <<                                            m_pSCTHelper->layer_disk( waferId ) << "."
-                                   <<                                            m_pSCTHelper->phi_module( waferId ) << "."
-                                   <<                                            m_pSCTHelper->eta_module( waferId ) << "</value>" << linefeed
-                                   << "      <value name=\"ChipID\">"         << chipId                              << "</value>" << linefeed
-                                   << "      <value name=\"LB\">"             << normalizeList( defectLB.first )     << "</value>" << linefeed
-                                   << "      <value name=\"LBFraction\">"     << defectLB.second                     << "</value>" << linefeed
-                                   << "    </chip>"                                                                                << endl;
-                    }
-                }
+               std::set<Identifier> listNEW = getOverlapStripList( (*moduleAllItr).second,  (*moduleRefItr).second );
+               defectStripsNew = getStripList( listNEW );
+               numStripsNew += listNEW.size();
+            } else {
+               ++numModulesNew;
+               defectStripsNew = getStripList( (*moduleAllItr).second );
-            //--- Difference between All & Ref
-            if ( defectStripsAll != defectStripsRef ) ++numModulesDiff;
-            //--- Module list written to XML
-            if ( !defectStripsAll.empty() || ( m_noisyUpdate && defectStripsAll != defectStripsRef ) ) {
-                osModuleList << "    <module>"                                                                                << linefeed
-                             << "      <value name=\"SN\">"              << sn.str()                            << "</value>" << linefeed
-                             << "      <value name=\"BecLayerPhiEta\">"  << m_pSCTHelper->barrel_ec( waferId )  << "."
-                             <<                                             m_pSCTHelper->layer_disk( waferId ) << "."
-                             <<                                             m_pSCTHelper->phi_module( waferId ) << "."
-                             <<                                             m_pSCTHelper->eta_module( waferId ) << "</value>" << linefeed
-                             << "      <value name=\"LinkID\">"          << normalizeList( defectLinks )        << "</value>" << linefeed
-                             << "      <value name=\"ChipID\">"          << normalizeList( defectChips )        << "</value>" << linefeed
-                             << "      <value name=\"StripOfflineAll\">" << normalizeList( defectStripsAll )    << "</value>" << linefeed
-                             << "      <value name=\"StripOfflineNew\">" << normalizeList( defectStripsNew )    << "</value>" << linefeed
-                             << "      <value name=\"StripOfflineRef\">" << normalizeList( defectStripsRef )    << "</value>" << linefeed
-                             << "    </module>"                                                                               << endl;
+         }
+         //--- Noisy chips : stripIdList -> chipIdList
+         if ( moduleAllItr != moduleListAll.end() ) {
+            std::set<int> chipIdList = getNoisyChips( moduleAllItr->second );
+            if ( !chipIdList.empty() ) {
+               ++numChipsAll; // CS: I think we should count this!?
+               std::set<int>::iterator chipItr  = chipIdList.begin();
+               std::set<int>::iterator chipItrE = chipIdList.end();
+               for ( ; chipItr != chipItrE; ++chipItr ) {
+                  int chipId = *chipItr;
+                  //--- To be written into module list
+                  defectChips = m_pCalibWriteSvc->addDefect( defectChips, chipId, chipId );
+                  //--- LBs where this chip was noisy
+                  std::pair< string, float > defectLB = getNoisyLB( moduleId, chipId );
+                  //--- Chip list written to XML
+                  osChipList << "    <chip>"                                                                                 << linefeed
+                             << "      <value name=\"SN\">"             << sn.str()                            << "</value>" << linefeed
+                             << "      <value name=\"BecLayerPhiEta\">" << m_pSCTHelper->barrel_ec( waferId )  << "."
+                             <<                                            m_pSCTHelper->layer_disk( waferId ) << "."
+                             <<                                            m_pSCTHelper->phi_module( waferId ) << "."
+                             <<                                            m_pSCTHelper->eta_module( waferId ) << "</value>" << linefeed
+                             << "      <value name=\"ChipID\">"         << chipId                              << "</value>" << linefeed
+                             << "      <value name=\"LB\">"             << normalizeList( defectLB.first )     << "</value>" << linefeed
+                             << "      <value name=\"LBFraction\">"     << defectLB.second                     << "</value>" << linefeed
+                             << "    </chip>"                                                                                << endl;
+               }
-        }
-    }//--- end loop : waferItr
-    //--- Upload flag
-    string strUploadFlag = "U";
-    bool isRunsInCool( false );
-    bool isNoisyMinStat( false ), isNoisyModuleList( false ), isNoisyModuleDiff( false ), isNoisyStripDiff( false );
-    if ( m_noisyUploadTest ) {
-        isRunsInCool = m_noisyModuleAverageInDB != -1. && m_noisyStripLastRunInDB != -999;
-        if ( isRunsInCool ) {
-            isNoisyMinStat    = m_numberOfEvents > m_noisyMinStat;
-            isNoisyModuleList = numModulesAll < m_noisyModuleList;
-            isNoisyModuleDiff = ( ( (float) numModulesAll - m_noisyModuleAverageInDB )/m_noisyModuleAverageInDB ) < m_noisyModuleDiff;
-            isNoisyStripDiff  = ( numStripsAll - m_noisyStripAverageInDB ) < m_noisyStripDiff;
-            if ( !isNoisyMinStat || !isNoisyModuleList ) {
-                strUploadFlag = "R";
+         }
+         //--- Difference between All & Ref
+         if ( defectStripsAll != defectStripsRef ) ++numModulesDiff;
+         //--- Module list written to XML
+         if ( !defectStripsAll.empty() || ( m_noisyUpdate && defectStripsAll != defectStripsRef ) ) {
+            osModuleList << "    <module>"                                                                                << linefeed
+                         << "      <value name=\"SN\">"              << sn.str()                            << "</value>" << linefeed
+                         << "      <value name=\"BecLayerPhiEta\">"  << m_pSCTHelper->barrel_ec( waferId )  << "."
+                         <<                                             m_pSCTHelper->layer_disk( waferId ) << "."
+                         <<                                             m_pSCTHelper->phi_module( waferId ) << "."
+                         <<                                             m_pSCTHelper->eta_module( waferId ) << "</value>" << linefeed
+                         << "      <value name=\"LinkID\">"          << normalizeList( defectLinks )        << "</value>" << linefeed
+                         << "      <value name=\"ChipID\">"          << normalizeList( defectChips )        << "</value>" << linefeed
+                         << "      <value name=\"StripOfflineAll\">" << normalizeList( defectStripsAll )    << "</value>" << linefeed
+                         << "      <value name=\"StripOfflineNew\">" << normalizeList( defectStripsNew )    << "</value>" << linefeed
+                         << "      <value name=\"StripOfflineRef\">" << normalizeList( defectStripsRef )    << "</value>" << linefeed
+                         << "    </module>"                                                                               << endl;
+         }
+      }
+   }//--- end loop : waferItr
+   //--- Upload flag
+   string strUploadFlag = "U";
+   bool isRunsInCool( false );
+   bool isNoisyMinStat( false ), isNoisyModuleList( false ), isNoisyModuleDiff( false ), isNoisyStripDiff( false );
+   if ( m_noisyUploadTest ) {
+      isRunsInCool = m_noisyModuleAverageInDB != -1. && m_noisyStripLastRunInDB != -999;
+      if ( isRunsInCool ) {
+         isNoisyMinStat    = m_numberOfEvents > m_noisyMinStat;
+         isNoisyModuleList = numModulesAll < m_noisyModuleList;
+         isNoisyModuleDiff = ( ( (float) numModulesAll - m_noisyModuleAverageInDB )/m_noisyModuleAverageInDB ) < m_noisyModuleDiff;
+         isNoisyStripDiff  = ( numStripsAll - m_noisyStripAverageInDB ) < m_noisyStripDiff;
+         if ( !isNoisyMinStat || !isNoisyModuleList ) {
+            strUploadFlag = "R";
+         } else {
+            if ( !isNoisyModuleDiff || !isNoisyStripDiff ) {
+               strUploadFlag = "Y";
             } else {
-                if ( !isNoisyModuleDiff || !isNoisyStripDiff ) {
-                    strUploadFlag = "Y";
-                } else {
-                    strUploadFlag = "G";
-                }
+               strUploadFlag = "G";
-        }
-    }
-    //--- Upload test result to XML
-    ostringstream osNoisyMinStat, osNoisyModuleList, osNoisyModuleDiff, osNoisyStripDiff;
-    osNoisyMinStat    << "#events more than "                                                                      << (int) m_noisyMinStat;
-    osNoisyModuleList << "#(modules w/ at least 1 noisy strip) less than "                                         << (int) m_noisyModuleList;
-    osNoisyModuleDiff << "Increase of #(modules w/ at least 1 noisy strip) from average of recent runs less than " << m_noisyModuleDiff*100 << "%";
-    osNoisyStripDiff  << "Increase of #(noisy strips) from average of recent runs less than "                      << (int) m_noisyStripDiff;
-    ostringstream osFlagReason;
-    if ( !isNoisyMinStat    ) osFlagReason << "FAILED in " << osNoisyMinStat.str()    << "; ";
-    if ( !isNoisyModuleList ) osFlagReason << "FAILED in " << osNoisyModuleList.str() << "; ";
-    if ( !isNoisyModuleDiff ) osFlagReason << "FAILED in " << osNoisyModuleDiff.str() << "; ";
-    if ( !isNoisyStripDiff  ) osFlagReason << "FAILED in " << osNoisyStripDiff.str();
-    string strFlagEnable = m_noisyUploadTest ? "ENABLED"   : "DISABLED";
-    string strRunsInCool = isRunsInCool      ? "AVAILABLE" : "UNAVAILABLE";
-    ostringstream osCheckList;
-    osCheckList << osNoisyMinStat.str()    << "; "
-                << osNoisyModuleList.str() << "; "
-                << osNoisyModuleDiff.str() << "; "
-                << osNoisyStripDiff.str();
-    //--- Write out the contents to XML file
-    outFile << xmlHeader                                       << linefeed
-            << associateStylesheet("BadStrips.xsl")                          << linefeed
-            << "<run>"                                                                                  << linefeed
-            << "  <value name=\"RunNumber\">"        << (int) m_runNumber                 << "</value>" << linefeed
-            << "  <value name=\"StartTime\">"        << m_utcBegin                        << "</value>" << linefeed
-            << "  <value name=\"EndTime\">"          << m_utcEnd                          << "</value>" << linefeed
-            << "  <value name=\"Duration\">"         << m_calibEvtInfoSvc->duration() << "</value>" << linefeed
-            << "  <value name=\"LB\">"               << m_numOfLBsProcessed               << "</value>" << linefeed
-            << "  <value name=\"Events\">"           << m_numberOfEvents            << "</value>" << linefeed
-            << "  <value name=\"Modules\">"          << numModulesAll                     << "</value>" << linefeed
-            << "  <value name=\"Links\">"            << numLinksAll                       << "</value>" << linefeed
-            << "  <value name=\"Chips\">"            << numChipsAll                       << "</value>" << linefeed
-            << "  <value name=\"StripsOfflineAll\">" << numStripsAll                      << "</value>" << linefeed
-            << "  <value name=\"StripsOfflineNew\">" << numStripsNew                      << "</value>" << linefeed
-            << "  <value name=\"ModulesRef\">"       << numModulesRef                     << "</value>" << linefeed
-            << "  <value name=\"StripsOfflineRef\">" << numStripsRef                      << "</value>" << linefeed
-            << "  <value name=\"ModulesDiff\">"      << numModulesDiff                << "</value>" << linefeed
-            << "  <value name=\"Flag\">"             << strUploadFlag                     << "</value>" << linefeed
-            << "  <value name=\"FlagReason\">"       << osFlagReason.str()                << "</value>" << linefeed
-            << "  <value name=\"FlagEnable\">"       << strFlagEnable                     << "</value>" << linefeed
-            << "  <value name=\"ReadCool\">"         << strRunsInCool                     << "</value>" << linefeed
-            << "  <value name=\"CheckList\">"        << osCheckList.str()                 << "</value>" << linefeed
-            << "  <chips>"                                                                              << linefeed
-            <<      osChipList.str()
-            << "  </chips>"                                                                             << linefeed
-            << "  <modules>"                                                                            << linefeed
-            <<  osModuleList.str()
-            << "  </modules>"                                                                           << linefeed
-            << "</run>"                                                                                 << endl;
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   //--- Upload test result to XML
+   ostringstream osNoisyMinStat, osNoisyModuleList, osNoisyModuleDiff, osNoisyStripDiff;
+   osNoisyMinStat    << "#events more than "                                                                      << (int) m_noisyMinStat;
+   osNoisyModuleList << "#(modules w/ at least 1 noisy strip) less than "                                         << (int) m_noisyModuleList;
+   osNoisyModuleDiff << "Increase of #(modules w/ at least 1 noisy strip) from average of recent runs less than " << m_noisyModuleDiff*100 << "%";
+   osNoisyStripDiff  << "Increase of #(noisy strips) from average of recent runs less than "                      << (int) m_noisyStripDiff;
+   ostringstream osFlagReason;
+   if ( !isNoisyMinStat    ) osFlagReason << "FAILED in " << osNoisyMinStat.str()    << "; ";
+   if ( !isNoisyModuleList ) osFlagReason << "FAILED in " << osNoisyModuleList.str() << "; ";
+   if ( !isNoisyModuleDiff ) osFlagReason << "FAILED in " << osNoisyModuleDiff.str() << "; ";
+   if ( !isNoisyStripDiff  ) osFlagReason << "FAILED in " << osNoisyStripDiff.str();
+   string strFlagEnable = m_noisyUploadTest ? "ENABLED"   : "DISABLED";
+   string strRunsInCool = isRunsInCool      ? "AVAILABLE" : "UNAVAILABLE";
+   ostringstream osCheckList;
+   osCheckList << osNoisyMinStat.str()    << "; "
+               << osNoisyModuleList.str() << "; "
+               << osNoisyModuleDiff.str() << "; "
+               << osNoisyStripDiff.str();
+   //--- Write out the contents to XML file
+   outFile << xmlHeader                                       << linefeed
+           << associateStylesheet("BadStrips.xsl")                          << linefeed
+           << "<run>"                                                                                  << linefeed
+           << "  <value name=\"RunNumber\">"        << (int) m_runNumber                 << "</value>" << linefeed
+           << "  <value name=\"StartTime\">"        << m_utcBegin                        << "</value>" << linefeed
+           << "  <value name=\"EndTime\">"          << m_utcEnd                          << "</value>" << linefeed
+           << "  <value name=\"Duration\">"         << m_calibEvtInfoSvc->duration() << "</value>" << linefeed
+           << "  <value name=\"LB\">"               << m_numOfLBsProcessed               << "</value>" << linefeed
+           << "  <value name=\"Events\">"           << m_numberOfEvents            << "</value>" << linefeed
+           << "  <value name=\"Modules\">"          << numModulesAll                     << "</value>" << linefeed
+           << "  <value name=\"Links\">"            << numLinksAll                       << "</value>" << linefeed
+           << "  <value name=\"Chips\">"            << numChipsAll                       << "</value>" << linefeed
+           << "  <value name=\"StripsOfflineAll\">" << numStripsAll                      << "</value>" << linefeed
+           << "  <value name=\"StripsOfflineNew\">" << numStripsNew                      << "</value>" << linefeed
+           << "  <value name=\"ModulesRef\">"       << numModulesRef                     << "</value>" << linefeed
+           << "  <value name=\"StripsOfflineRef\">" << numStripsRef                      << "</value>" << linefeed
+           << "  <value name=\"ModulesDiff\">"      << numModulesDiff                << "</value>" << linefeed
+           << "  <value name=\"Flag\">"             << strUploadFlag                     << "</value>" << linefeed
+           << "  <value name=\"FlagReason\">"       << osFlagReason.str()                << "</value>" << linefeed
+           << "  <value name=\"FlagEnable\">"       << strFlagEnable                     << "</value>" << linefeed
+           << "  <value name=\"ReadCool\">"         << strRunsInCool                     << "</value>" << linefeed
+           << "  <value name=\"CheckList\">"        << osCheckList.str()                 << "</value>" << linefeed
+           << "  <chips>"                                                                              << linefeed
+           <<      osChipList.str()
+           << "  </chips>"                                                                             << linefeed
+           << "  <modules>"                                                                            << linefeed
+           <<  osModuleList.str()
+           << "  </modules>"                                                                           << linefeed
+           << "</run>"                                                                                 << endl;
+   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
 // //////////////////
@@ -3332,116 +3383,116 @@ StatusCode SCTCalib::noisyStripsToSummaryXml( const std::map< Identifier, std::s
 SCTCalib::getNoisyChips( const std::set<Identifier>& stripIdList ) const {
-    std::set<int> chipIdList;
-    chipIdList.clear();
-    //--- Minimum number of noisy strips for a noisy chip
-    unsigned int noisyChipThr = m_noisyChipFraction*n_stripPerChip;
-    if ( stripIdList.size() > noisyChipThr ) {
-        unsigned int numStripsPerChip[ n_chipPerModule ] = { 0 };
-        //--- Loop over stripIdList
-        std::set<Identifier>::const_iterator stripItr  = stripIdList.begin();
-        std::set<Identifier>::const_iterator stripItrE = stripIdList.end();
-        for ( ; stripItr != stripItrE; ++stripItr ) {
-            Identifier stripId = *stripItr;
-            int stripOffline = m_pSCTHelper->strip( stripId );
-            //--- Chip number : taken from SCT_ConfigurationConditionsSvc::getChip
-            IdentifierHash waferHash = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash( m_pSCTHelper->wafer_id( stripId ) );
-            const InDetDD::SiDetectorElement* pElement = m_pManager->getDetectorElement( waferHash );
-            if ( !pElement ) {
-                msg( MSG::FATAL ) << "Element pointer is NULL" << endmsg;
-                continue;
-            }
-            int stripOnline = ( pElement->swapPhiReadoutDirection() ) ? lastStrip - stripOffline : stripOffline;
-            int chipId = m_pSCTHelper->side( stripId ) == 0 ? stripOnline/n_stripPerChip : stripOnline/n_stripPerChip + n_chipPerSide;
-            //--- Count number of noisy strips per chips
-            ++numStripsPerChip[ chipId ];
-        }
-        //--- Insert noisy chips
-        for ( int iChip = 0; iChip != n_chipPerModule; ++iChip ) {
-            if ( numStripsPerChip[iChip] > noisyChipThr ) chipIdList.insert( iChip );
-        }
-    }
-    return chipIdList;
+   std::set<int> chipIdList;
+   chipIdList.clear();
+   //--- Minimum number of noisy strips for a noisy chip
+   unsigned int noisyChipThr = m_noisyChipFraction*n_stripPerChip;
+   if ( stripIdList.size() > noisyChipThr ) {
+      unsigned int numStripsPerChip[ n_chipPerModule ] = { 0 };
+      //--- Loop over stripIdList
+      std::set<Identifier>::const_iterator stripItr  = stripIdList.begin();
+      std::set<Identifier>::const_iterator stripItrE = stripIdList.end();
+      for ( ; stripItr != stripItrE; ++stripItr ) {
+         Identifier stripId = *stripItr;
+         int stripOffline = m_pSCTHelper->strip( stripId );
+         //--- Chip number : taken from SCT_ConfigurationConditionsSvc::getChip
+         IdentifierHash waferHash = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash( m_pSCTHelper->wafer_id( stripId ) );
+         const InDetDD::SiDetectorElement* pElement = m_pManager->getDetectorElement( waferHash );
+         if ( !pElement ) {
+            msg( MSG::FATAL ) << "Element pointer is NULL" << endmsg;
+            continue;
+         }
+         int stripOnline = ( pElement->swapPhiReadoutDirection() ) ? lastStrip - stripOffline : stripOffline;
+         int chipId = m_pSCTHelper->side( stripId ) == 0 ? stripOnline/n_stripPerChip : stripOnline/n_stripPerChip + n_chipPerSide;
+         //--- Count number of noisy strips per chips
+         ++numStripsPerChip[ chipId ];
+      }
+      //--- Insert noisy chips
+      for ( int iChip = 0; iChip != n_chipPerModule; ++iChip ) {
+         if ( numStripsPerChip[iChip] > noisyChipThr ) chipIdList.insert( iChip );
+      }
+   }
+   return chipIdList;
 std::pair< string, float >
 SCTCalib::getNoisyLB( const Identifier& moduleId, int& chipId ) const {
-    std::string defectLB(""); //return value if invalid
-    float defectLBFrac(0.0); //return value if invalid
-    float noisyStripThr = m_noisyStripThrDef?(m_noisyStripThrOffline):(m_noisyStripThrOnline);
-    //--- Identifier
-    Identifier waferId = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_id( m_pSCTHelper->barrel_ec( moduleId ),
-                         m_pSCTHelper->layer_disk( moduleId ),
-                         m_pSCTHelper->phi_module( moduleId ),
-                         m_pSCTHelper->eta_module( moduleId ),
-                         chipId < n_chipPerSide ? 0 : 1 );
-    IdentifierHash waferHash = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash( waferId );
-    //--- Histogram for this chip
-    int chipPositionInSide = m_pSCTHelper->side( waferId ) == 0 ? chipId : chipId - n_chipPerSide;
-    int histIndex = ((int)waferHash)*n_chipPerSide + chipPositionInSide;
-    //--- Find LBs where this chip was noisy
-    double chipOccupancyThr = noisyStripThr*n_stripPerChip*m_noisyChipFraction;
-    std::set<int> LBList;
-    LBList.clear();
-    if (!m_calibLbSvc) {
-        msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "NULL pointer m_calibLbSvc line "<<__LINE__ << endmsg;
-        return std::make_pair( defectLB, defectLBFrac );
-    }
-    for ( int iLB = 0; iLB != m_LBRange; ++iLB ) {
-        double numEventsInLB = m_calibLbSvc->getNumberOfEventsInBin( iLB + 1 );
-        if ( numEventsInLB == 0 ) continue;
-        double chipOccupancy = m_calibLbSvc->getBinForHistogramIndex( iLB + 1, histIndex )/numEventsInLB;
-        if ( chipOccupancy > chipOccupancyThr ) LBList.insert( iLB );
-    }
-    //--- Transform LBList to string and calculate a fraction of noisy LBs
-    if ( LBList.size() != 0 ) {
-        defectLB = getLBList( LBList );
-        defectLBFrac = (float) LBList.size() / m_numOfLBsProcessed;
-    }
-    return std::make_pair( defectLB, defectLBFrac );
+   std::string defectLB(""); //return value if invalid
+   float defectLBFrac(0.0); //return value if invalid
+   float noisyStripThr = m_noisyStripThrDef?(m_noisyStripThrOffline):(m_noisyStripThrOnline);
+   //--- Identifier
+   Identifier waferId = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_id( m_pSCTHelper->barrel_ec( moduleId ),
+                        m_pSCTHelper->layer_disk( moduleId ),
+                        m_pSCTHelper->phi_module( moduleId ),
+                        m_pSCTHelper->eta_module( moduleId ),
+                        chipId < n_chipPerSide ? 0 : 1 );
+   IdentifierHash waferHash = m_pSCTHelper->wafer_hash( waferId );
+   //--- Histogram for this chip
+   int chipPositionInSide = m_pSCTHelper->side( waferId ) == 0 ? chipId : chipId - n_chipPerSide;
+   int histIndex = ((int)waferHash)*n_chipPerSide + chipPositionInSide;
+   //--- Find LBs where this chip was noisy
+   double chipOccupancyThr = noisyStripThr*n_stripPerChip*m_noisyChipFraction;
+   std::set<int> LBList;
+   LBList.clear();
+   if (!m_calibLbSvc) {
+      msg( MSG::ERROR ) << "NULL pointer m_calibLbSvc line "<<__LINE__ << endmsg;
+      return std::make_pair( defectLB, defectLBFrac );
+   }
+   for ( int iLB = 0; iLB != m_LBRange; ++iLB ) {
+      double numEventsInLB = m_calibLbSvc->getNumberOfEventsInBin( iLB + 1 );
+      if ( numEventsInLB == 0 ) continue;
+      double chipOccupancy = m_calibLbSvc->getBinForHistogramIndex( iLB + 1, histIndex )/numEventsInLB;
+      if ( chipOccupancy > chipOccupancyThr ) LBList.insert( iLB );
+   }
+   //--- Transform LBList to string and calculate a fraction of noisy LBs
+   if ( LBList.size() != 0 ) {
+      defectLB = getLBList( LBList );
+      defectLBFrac = (float) LBList.size() / m_numOfLBsProcessed;
+   }
+   return std::make_pair( defectLB, defectLBFrac );
 std::string SCTCalib::getLBList( const std::set<int>& LBList ) const {
-    std::string strList;
-    strList.erase();
-    if ( !LBList.empty() ) {
-        int firstLB = -1;
-        int LBSize  = -1;
-        std::set<int>::const_iterator LBItrFirst = LBList.begin();
-        std::set<int>::const_iterator LBItrLast  = --LBList.end();
-        std::set<int>::const_iterator LBItr  = LBList.begin();
-        std::set<int>::const_iterator LBItrE = LBList.end();
-        for ( ; LBItr != LBItrE; ++LBItr ) {
-            int iLB = *LBItr;
-            if ( LBItr == LBItrFirst ) {
-                firstLB = iLB;
-                LBSize  = 1;
+   std::string strList;
+   strList.erase();
+   if ( !LBList.empty() ) {
+      int firstLB = -1;
+      int LBSize  = -1;
+      std::set<int>::const_iterator LBItrFirst = LBList.begin();
+      std::set<int>::const_iterator LBItrLast  = --LBList.end();
+      std::set<int>::const_iterator LBItr  = LBList.begin();
+      std::set<int>::const_iterator LBItrE = LBList.end();
+      for ( ; LBItr != LBItrE; ++LBItr ) {
+         int iLB = *LBItr;
+         if ( LBItr == LBItrFirst ) {
+            firstLB = iLB;
+            LBSize  = 1;
+         } else {
+            if ( iLB == firstLB + LBSize ) {
+               ++LBSize;
             } else {
-                if ( iLB == firstLB + LBSize ) {
-                    ++LBSize;
-                } else {
-                    int LBBegin = firstLB;
-                    int LBEnd   = firstLB + LBSize -1;
-                    strList = m_pCalibWriteSvc->addDefect( strList, LBBegin, LBEnd );
-                    firstLB = iLB;
-                    LBSize  = 1;
-                }
-            }
-            if ( LBItr == LBItrLast ) {
-                int LBBegin = firstLB;
-                int LBEnd   = iLB;
-                strList = m_pCalibWriteSvc->addDefect( strList, LBBegin, LBEnd );
+               int LBBegin = firstLB;
+               int LBEnd   = firstLB + LBSize -1;
+               strList = m_pCalibWriteSvc->addDefect( strList, LBBegin, LBEnd );
+               firstLB = iLB;
+               LBSize  = 1;
-        }
-    }
-    return strList;
+         }
+         if ( LBItr == LBItrLast ) {
+            int LBBegin = firstLB;
+            int LBEnd   = iLB;
+            strList = m_pCalibWriteSvc->addDefect( strList, LBBegin, LBEnd );
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   return strList;
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetCalibAlgs/SCT_CalibAlgs/src/SCT_CalibEventInfo.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetCalibAlgs/SCT_CalibAlgs/src/SCT_CalibEventInfo.cxx
index 7ca68f2d35fe9c4d22f512d7284ae74725be44ea..c17d5013f2f6c8e9afb4f3b2611985556b20f2b5 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetCalibAlgs/SCT_CalibAlgs/src/SCT_CalibEventInfo.cxx
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetCalibAlgs/SCT_CalibAlgs/src/SCT_CalibEventInfo.cxx
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ SCT_CalibEventInfo::handle(const Incident &inc){
       EventInfo* eventInfo = const_cast<EventInfo*>( m_evt );
       eventInfo->event_ID()->set_run_number( m_runNumber );
       eventInfo->event_ID()->set_time_stamp( m_timeStampBegin );
-      msg( MSG::DEBUG ) << SCT_CalibAlgs::eventInfoAsString(m_evt)<<endreq;
+      msg( MSG::INFO ) << SCT_CalibAlgs::eventInfoAsString(m_evt)<<endreq;
   } else msg( MSG::FATAL ) << "SCT_CalibEventInfo: Unknown source!" << endreq;