From ea6c5783f93cb737c2675f4149f65dbcc833d45e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Francisco Alonso <>
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2014 16:06:59 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] tag TrigMETMonitoring-00-04-02 (TrigMETMonitoring-00-04-02)

 .../TrigMETMonitoring/HLTMETMonTool.h         |   86 +-
 .../TrigMETMonitoring/cmt/requirements        |    3 +-
 .../python/         |  121 +-
 .../TrigMETMonitoring/src/HLTMETMonTool.cxx   | 2411 ++++++-----------
 4 files changed, 846 insertions(+), 1775 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigMETMonitoring/TrigMETMonitoring/HLTMETMonTool.h b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigMETMonitoring/TrigMETMonitoring/HLTMETMonTool.h
index 93781583384..f4f55686b45 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigMETMonitoring/TrigMETMonitoring/HLTMETMonTool.h
+++ b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigMETMonitoring/TrigMETMonitoring/HLTMETMonTool.h
@@ -6,79 +6,56 @@
 #include "TrigHLTMonitoring/IHLTMonTool.h"
-//#include "TrigDecision/TrigDecisionTool.h"
-#include "AnalysisTriggerEvent/LVL1_ROI.h"
-//#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigMissingET.h"
 #include "TrigMissingEtEvent/TrigMissingET.h"
 #include "MissingETEvent/MissingET.h"
+#include "xAODTrigger/EnergySumRoI.h"
+#include "xAODTrigMissingET/TrigMissingET.h"
+#include "xAODTrigMissingET/TrigMissingETContainer.h"
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
 class HLTMETMonTool: public IHLTMonTool {
-  public:
+  public:
     HLTMETMonTool(const std::string & type, const std::string & name, const IInterface* parent);
     StatusCode init();
     StatusCode book();
     StatusCode fill();
     StatusCode proc();
     /** methods called by book() */
     void bookHistograms_allStats();
     void bookL1Histograms();
-    void bookL2Histograms();
-    void bookEFHistograms();
+    void bookHLTHistograms();
     void bookEfficHistograms();
     /** methods to make booking easier */
     void addBasicL1Histograms();
-    void addBasicL2Histograms();
-    void addMoreL2Histograms();
-    void addL2FEBHistograms();
-    void addL2StatusHistogram();
-    void addBasicEFHistograms();
-    void addMoreEFHistograms();
-    void addEFStatusHistogram();
-    void addBasicRecHistograms();
-    void addL1vsL2Histograms();
-    void addL1vsEFHistograms();
-    void addL2vsEFHistograms();
-    void addL1vsRecHistograms();
-    void addL2vsRecHistograms();
-    void addEFvsRecHistograms();
+    void addBasicHLTHistograms();
+    void addMoreHLTHistograms();
+    void addHLTStatusHistogram();
+    void addBasicOffHistograms();
+    void addL1vsHLTHistograms();
+    void addL1vsOffHistograms();
+    void addHLTvsOffHistograms();
     void addDQFlagHistograms();
     void bookXSCalibHistograms(int level);
     void trigger_decision();
     StatusCode fillMETHistos();
-    StatusCode fillL1ShiftHistos(const LVL1_ROI::energysums_type & L1METROI);
-    StatusCode fillL2ShiftHistos(const LVL1_ROI::energysums_type & L1METROI,
-        const TrigMissingET *& missETL2);
-    StatusCode fillL2FEBShiftHistos(const TrigMissingET *& missL2FEB);
-    StatusCode fillEFShiftHistos(const LVL1_ROI::energysums_type & L1METROI,
-        const TrigMissingET *& missETL2,
-        const TrigMissingET *& missETEF);
-    StatusCode fillRecShiftHistos(const LVL1_ROI::energysums_type & L1METROI,
-        const TrigMissingET *& missETL2,
-        const TrigMissingET *& missETEF,
-        const MissingET *& missETRec);
-    StatusCode fillExpertHistos(const LVL1_ROI::energysums_type & L1METROI,
-        const TrigMissingET *& missETL2,
-        const TrigMissingET *& missETEF,
-        const MissingET *& missETRec);
+    StatusCode fillL1ShiftHistos(); 
+    StatusCode fillHLTShiftHistos();
+    StatusCode fillOffShiftHistos();
+    StatusCode fillExpertHistos();
     void getAllMETTriggers();
     void checkTriggers(std::vector<std::string>& m_triggers,
@@ -98,20 +75,16 @@ class HLTMETMonTool: public IHLTMonTool {
     bool m_debuglevel; //!< private member to control debug messages
     std::map<std::string,int> m_all_l1_met_triggers;
-    std::map<std::string,int> m_all_l2_met_triggers;
-    std::map<std::string,int> m_all_ef_met_triggers;
+    std::map<std::string,int> m_all_hlt_met_triggers;
     std::map<std::string,int> m_l1_met_signatures;
-    std::map<std::string,int> m_l2_met_signatures;
-    std::map<std::string,int> m_ef_met_signatures;   
+    std::map<std::string,int> m_hlt_met_signatures;   
     std::map<std::string, int> *m_l1_met_signatures_tolook;
-    std::map<std::string, int> *m_l2_met_signatures_tolook;
-    std::map<std::string, int> *m_ef_met_signatures_tolook;
+    std::map<std::string, int> *m_hlt_met_signatures_tolook;
     std::map<std::string, int> m_sample_selection_signatures;
     bool m_is_print_met_trig_stats; 
     bool m_is_make_histos_for_all_met_trig;
     bool m_is_make_expert_histos;
@@ -120,20 +93,19 @@ class HLTMETMonTool: public IHLTMonTool {
     bool m_is_do_trigger_effic;
     std::vector<std::string> m_met_triggers;
     std::vector<std::string> m_sample_selection_triggers;
-    std::string m_lvl1_roi_key;
-    std::string m_l2met_key, m_l2feb_key;
-    std::string m_efmet_key;
-    std::string m_recmet_key;
-    std::string m_recmetcalo_key;
+    std::string m_lvl1_roi_key, m_hlt_met_key, m_hlt_met_feb_key, m_hlt_met_topocl_key;
+    std::string m_recmet_key, m_recmetcalo_key;
-    const LVL1_ROI * m_lvl1_roi; 
+    const xAOD::EnergySumRoI *m_l1_roi_cont;
+    const xAOD::TrigMissingET           *m_hlt_met;
+    const xAOD::TrigMissingETContainer  *m_hlt_met_cont;
+    const xAOD::TrigMissingETContainer  *m_hlt_met_feb_cont;
+    const xAOD::TrigMissingETContainer  *m_hlt_met_topocl_cont;
-    std::vector<std::string> m_compNamesL2,  m_compNamesEF, m_bitNamesL2, m_bitNamesEF;
+    std::vector<std::string> m_compNames, m_bitNames;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigMETMonitoring/cmt/requirements b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigMETMonitoring/cmt/requirements
index 05ffb645ddc..4e6a028c632 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigMETMonitoring/cmt/requirements
+++ b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigMETMonitoring/cmt/requirements
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ use TrigSteeringEvent       TrigSteeringEvent-*     Trigger/TrigEvent
 use TrigMissingEtEvent      TrigMissingEtEvent-*    Trigger/TrigEvent
 use MissingETEvent          MissingETEvent-*        Reconstruction
 use TrigHLTMonitoring	    TrigHLTMonitoring-*	    Trigger/TrigMonitoring
-use AnalysisTriggerEvent    AnalysisTriggerEvent-*  PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisTrigger
+use xAODTrigger  			xAODTrigger-*           Event/xAOD
+use xAODTrigMissingET    	xAODTrigMissingET-*           Event/xAOD
 apply_tag ROOTGraphicsLibs
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigMETMonitoring/python/ b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigMETMonitoring/python/
index 5c9315dffc8..f5da16c3e01 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigMETMonitoring/python/
+++ b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigMETMonitoring/python/
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ compNames_all = [ "PreSamplB", "EMB1", "EMB2", "EMB3",   # LAr barrel
                   "FCalEM",   "FCalHad1", "FCalHad2",    # Forward cal endcap
                   "Muons" ]                              # Muons
-compNames_L2FEB = [ "PreSamplB", "EMB1", "EMB2", "EMB3",    # LAr barrel
-                    "PreSamplE", "EME1", "EME2", "EME3",    # LAr EM endcap
-                    "HEC", "TileBar", "TileExt",            # Hadronic end cap cal. Tile cal.
-                    "FCalEM", "FCalHad1", "FCalHad2",       # Forward cal endcap
-                    "Muons" ]                               #Muons
+compNames_FEB = [ "PreSamplB", "EMB1", "EMB2", "EMB3",    # LAr barrel
+                  "PreSamplE", "EME1", "EME2", "EME3",    # LAr EM endcap
+                  "HEC", "TileBar", "TileExt",            # Hadronic end cap cal. Tile cal.
+                  "FCalEM", "FCalHad1", "FCalHad2",       # Forward cal endcap
+                  "Muons" ]                               #Muons
 compNames_topocl = [ "TCLCWB1  ", "TCLCWB2  ",              #pos. and neg. eta barrel
                      "TCLCWE1  ", "TCLCWE2  ",              #pos. and neg. eta endcap
@@ -22,44 +22,7 @@ compNames_topocl = [ "TCLCWB1  ", "TCLCWB2  ",              #pos. and neg. eta b
                      "TCEME1   ", "TCEME2   ",              #pos. and neg. eta endcap
                      "Muons" ]                              #Muons
-## L2 bits description
-bitNames_allL2 = [
-             "ErrParityL1",          # bit  0
-             "ErrL1mult",            # bit  1
-             "ErrMuon",              # bit  2
-             "spare",                # bit  3
-             "L1OverflowExEy",       # bit  4
-             "L1OverflowSumEt",      # bit  5
-             "spare",                # bit  6
-             "METinBadPhiRegion",    # bit  7
-             "METinBadRegion",       # bit  8
-             "ObjInPhiRegion",       # bit  9
-             "ObjInRegion",          # bit 10
-             "ObjInCrack",           # bit 11
-             "PhiCorrJet1",          # bit 12
-             "PhiCorrJet2",          # bit 13
-             "PhiCorrJet3",          # bit 14
-             "CompError",            # bit 15
-             "EMB_A_Missing",        # bit 16
-             "EMB_C_Missing",        # bit 17
-             "EME_A_Missing",        # bit 18
-             "EME_C_Missing",        # bit 19
-             "HEC_A_Missing",        # bit 20
-             "HEC_C_Missing",        # bit 21
-             "FCAL_A_Missing",       # bit 22
-             "FCAL_C_Missing",       # bit 23
-             "TileB_A_Missing",      # bit 24
-             "TileB_C_Missing",      # bit 25
-             "TileE_A_Missing",      # bit 26
-             "TileE_C_Missing",      # bit 27
-             "L1Calo_Missing",       # bit 28
-             "GlobBigMEtSEtRatio",   # bit 29
-             "spare",                # bit 30
-             "GlobError"             # bit 31 
-             ]
-## EF bits description
-bitNames_allEF= [ 
+bitNames_allHLT= [ 
              "Processing",         # bit  0
              "ErrBSconv",          # bit  1
              "ErrMuon",            # bit  2
@@ -96,47 +59,51 @@ bitNames_allEF= [
 def HLTMETMonitoringTool():
         from TrigMETMonitoring.TrigMETMonitoringConf import HLTMETMonTool
         HLTMETMon = HLTMETMonTool(name          = 'HLTMETMon',
                                   histoPathBase = "/Trigger/HLT", 
                                   MonPathBase   = "/HLT/METMon",
-                                  L2METKey      = "HLT_T2MissingET",
-                                  #L2FEBKey      = "HLT_L2MissingET_FEB",
-                                  EFMETKey      = "HLT_TrigEFMissingET",
-                                  compNamesEF   = compNames_all,
-                                  compNamesL2   = compNames_L2FEB,
-                                  bitNamesL2    = bitNames_allL2,
-                                  bitNamesEF    = bitNames_allEF
+                                  CompNames   = compNames_all,
+                                  BitNames    = bitNames_allHLT,
+                                  METTriggers = ["L1_XE35", "L1_XE50", "L1_XE70",
+                                                 "HLT_xe50", "HLT_xe70"],
+                                  SampleSelectionTriggers = ["HLT_J10",     # jet trigger
+                                                             "HLT_MbSp",    # minbias trigger
+                                                             "HLT_mu6_rpc"] # other physics trigger
         from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
         ToolSvc += HLTMETMon;
         list = [ "HLTMETMonTool/HLTMETMon" ];
-        HLTMETMon_FEB = HLTMETMonTool(name          = 'HLTMETMon_FEB',
-                                  histoPathBase = "/Trigger/HLT", 
-                                  MonPathBase   = "/HLT/METMon_FEB",
-                                  #L2METKey      = "HLT_T2MissingET",
-                                  L2FEBKey      = "HLT_L2MissingET_FEB",
-                                  EFMETKey      = "HLT_TrigEFMissingET_FEB",
-                                  compNamesEF   = compNames_all,
-                                  compNamesL2   = compNames_L2FEB,
-                                  bitNamesL2    = bitNames_allL2,
-                                  bitNamesEF    = bitNames_allEF
-                                  );
-        ToolSvc += HLTMETMon_FEB;
-        list += [ "HLTMETMonTool/HLTMETMon_FEB" ];
+        # HLTMETMon_FEB = HLTMETMonTool(name          = 'HLTMETMon_FEB',
+        #                           histoPathBase = "/Trigger/HLT", 
+        #                           MonPathBase   = "/HLT/METMon_FEB",
+        #                           #L2METKey      = "HLT_T2MissingET",
+        #                           L2FEBKey      = "HLT_L2MissingET_FEB",
+        #                           EFMETKey      = "HLT_TrigEFMissingET_FEB",
+        #                           compNamesEF   = compNames_all,
+        #                           compNamesL2   = compNames_L2FEB,
+        #                           bitNamesL2    = bitNames_allL2,
+        #                           bitNamesEF    = bitNames_allEF
+        #                           );
+        # ToolSvc += HLTMETMon_FEB;
+        # list += [ "HLTMETMonTool/HLTMETMon_FEB" ];
-        HLTMETMon_topocl = HLTMETMonTool(name          = 'HLTMETMon_topocl',
-                                  histoPathBase = "/Trigger/HLT", 
-                                  MonPathBase   = "/HLT/METMon_topocl",
-                                  #L2METKey      = "HLT_T2MissingET",
-                                  #L2FEBKey      = "HLT_L2MissingET_FEB",
-                                  EFMETKey      = "HLT_TrigEFMissingET_topocl",
-                                  #compNamesEF   = compNames_all,
-                                  compNamesEF   = compNames_topocl,
-                                  compNamesL2   = compNames_L2FEB,
-                                  bitNamesL2    = bitNames_allL2,
-                                  bitNamesEF    = bitNames_allEF
-                                  );
-        ToolSvc += HLTMETMon_topocl;
-        list += [ "HLTMETMonTool/HLTMETMon_topocl" ];
+        # HLTMETMon_topocl = HLTMETMonTool(name          = 'HLTMETMon_topocl',
+        #                           histoPathBase = "/Trigger/HLT", 
+        #                           MonPathBase   = "/HLT/METMon_topocl",
+        #                           #L2METKey      = "HLT_T2MissingET",
+        #                           #L2FEBKey      = "HLT_L2MissingET_FEB",
+        #                           EFMETKey      = "HLT_TrigEFMissingET_topocl",
+        #                           #compNamesEF   = compNames_all,
+        #                           compNamesEF   = compNames_topocl,
+        #                           compNamesL2   = compNames_L2FEB,
+        #                           bitNamesL2    = bitNames_allL2,
+        #                           bitNamesEF    = bitNames_allEF
+        #                           );
+        # ToolSvc += HLTMETMon_topocl;
+        # list += [ "HLTMETMonTool/HLTMETMon_topocl" ];
         return list
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigMETMonitoring/src/HLTMETMonTool.cxx b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigMETMonitoring/src/HLTMETMonTool.cxx
index c9801df650e..9138cde5cb2 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigMETMonitoring/src/HLTMETMonTool.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigMETMonitoring/src/HLTMETMonTool.cxx
@@ -27,45 +27,36 @@ HLTMETMonTool::HLTMETMonTool(const std::string & type, const std::string & name,
   : IHLTMonTool(type, name, parent),
     m_debuglevel(false) {
-  // switches 
-  declareProperty("PrintMETTriggerStats", m_is_print_met_trig_stats=false);
+  ATH_MSG_INFO("in HLTMETMonTool::HLTMETMonTool() ");
+  declareProperty("PrintMETTriggerStats", m_is_print_met_trig_stats=true);
   declareProperty("MakeHistosForAllMETTriggers", m_is_make_histos_for_all_met_trig=false);
-  declareProperty("MakeExpertHistos", m_is_make_expert_histos=false);
+  declareProperty("MakeExpertHistos", m_is_make_expert_histos=true);
   declareProperty("MonPathBase", m_mon_path="/HLT/METMon");
-  declareProperty("DoTriggerEfficiency", m_is_do_trigger_effic=true);
-	  std::string str_array_1[]={"L1_XE20", "L1_XE50",        // l1 met triggers
-	                             "L2_xe20", "L2_xe20_noMu",        // l2 met triggers
-	                             "EF_xe20", "EF_xe20_noMu" };      // ef met triggers
-	  std::string str_array_2[]={"EF_J10",                                // jet trigger
-	                             "EF_MbSp",                 // minimum bias trigger
-	                             "EF_mu6_rpc" };                             // other (physics?) trigger 
-	  unsigned int size1 = sizeof(str_array_1)/sizeof(*str_array_1);
-	  unsigned int size2 = sizeof(str_array_2)/sizeof(*str_array_2);
-	  m_met_triggers.assign(str_array_1, str_array_1 + size1);
-	  m_sample_selection_triggers.assign(str_array_2, str_array_2 + size2);
+  //declareProperty("DoTriggerEfficiency", m_is_do_trigger_effic=true);
   declareProperty("METTriggers", m_met_triggers);
   declareProperty("SampleSelectionTriggers", m_sample_selection_triggers);
-  declareProperty("LVL1_ROI_Key", m_lvl1_roi_key="LVL1_ROI");
+  declareProperty("L1_ROI_Key", m_lvl1_roi_key="LVL1EnergySumRoI");
-  declareProperty("L2METKey", m_l2met_key="NoL2METKey");
-  declareProperty("L2FEBKey", m_l2feb_key="NoL2FEBKey");
-  declareProperty("EFMETKey", m_efmet_key="HLT_TrigEFMissingET");
-  declareProperty("IsRecMETPlot", m_doRecMET=false);  
-  declareProperty("RecMETKey", m_recmet_key="MET_RefFinal");  
-  declareProperty("RecMETCaloKey", m_recmetcalo_key="MET_Calib");
-  declareProperty("compNamesEF", m_compNamesEF);
-  declareProperty("compNamesL2", m_compNamesL2);
-  declareProperty("bitNamesL2", m_bitNamesL2);
-  declareProperty("bitNamesEF", m_bitNamesEF);
+  declareProperty("HLT_METKey", m_hlt_met_key="HLT_xAOD__TrigMissingETContainer_TrigEFMissingET");
+  declareProperty("HLT_FEBKey", m_hlt_met_feb_key="HLT_xAOD__TrigMissingETContainer_TrigEFMissingET_FEB");
+  declareProperty("HLT_TCKey",  m_hlt_met_topocl_key="HLT_xAOD__TrigMissingETContainer_TrigEFMissingET_topocl");
+  //declareProperty("IsRecMETPlot", m_doRecMET=false);  
+  //declareProperty("RecMETKey", m_recmet_key="MET_RefFinal");  
+  //declareProperty("RecMETCaloKey", m_recmetcalo_key="MET_Calib");
+  declareProperty("CompNames", m_compNames);
+  declareProperty("BitNames", m_bitNames);
 HLTMETMonTool::~HLTMETMonTool() {
-  *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << " deleting HLTMETMonTool " << endreq;
+  if (m_debuglevel) 
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("in HLTMETMonTool::~HLTMETMonTool()");
@@ -76,114 +67,88 @@ StatusCode HLTMETMonTool::init() {
   m_debuglevel = (m_log->level() <= MSG::DEBUG);
-  *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "HLTMETMonTool : in initialize()" << endreq;
   if (m_debuglevel) {
-    *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "HLTMETMonTool : L1Key  = " << m_lvl1_roi_key << endreq;
-    *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "HLTMETMonTool : L2METKey = " << m_l2met_key << endreq;
-    *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "HLTMETMonTool : L2FEBKey = " << m_l2feb_key << endreq;
-    *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "HLTMETMonTool : EFMETKey = " << m_efmet_key << endreq;
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("in HLTMETMonTool::init()");
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("HLTMETMonTool: L1Key  = "   << m_lvl1_roi_key);
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("HLTMETMonTool: HLT_METKey = " << m_hlt_met_key);
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("HLTMETMonTool: HLT_FEBKey = " << m_hlt_met_feb_key);
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("HLTMETMonTool: HLT_TCKey = "  << m_hlt_met_topocl_key);
   // point to the signatures we want to make histos for
   if (m_is_make_histos_for_all_met_trig) {
     m_l1_met_signatures_tolook = &m_all_l1_met_triggers;
-    m_l2_met_signatures_tolook = &m_all_l2_met_triggers;
-    m_ef_met_signatures_tolook = &m_all_ef_met_triggers;
+    m_hlt_met_signatures_tolook = &m_all_hlt_met_triggers;
   } else {
     m_l1_met_signatures_tolook = &m_l1_met_signatures;
-    m_l2_met_signatures_tolook = &m_l2_met_signatures;
-    m_ef_met_signatures_tolook = &m_ef_met_signatures;
+    m_hlt_met_signatures_tolook = &m_hlt_met_signatures;
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
 StatusCode HLTMETMonTool::book() {
-  if (m_debuglevel) *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "HLTMETMonTool : in book()" << endreq;
-//  if(isNewRun) { // do these only at a new run - now in ManagedMonitorTool class
-    // get all met triggers
-    if(m_is_make_histos_for_all_met_trig) // get all met trigger items
-      getAllMETTriggers();  
-    else { // met triggers specified in the input list
-      if(m_met_triggers.size()) {
-        // check if input met triggers are in trigger configuration
-        // put the correct met triggers in m_l*_met_signatures and so on
-        checkTriggers(m_met_triggers, true);
-      }
-    }
-    // sample selection triggers specified in the input list
-    if(m_sample_selection_triggers.size()) {
-      // check if input sample selection triggers are in triggger configuration
-      // put the correct met triggers in m_sample_selection_signatures
-      checkTriggers(m_sample_selection_triggers, false);
+  if (m_debuglevel) 
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("in HLTMETMonTool::book()");
+  // get all met triggers
+  if(m_is_make_histos_for_all_met_trig) // get all met trigger items
+    getAllMETTriggers();  
+  else { // met triggers specified in the input list
+    if(m_met_triggers.size()) {
+      // check if input met triggers are in trigger configuration
+      // put the correct met triggers in m_l*_met_signatures and so on
+      checkTriggers(m_met_triggers, true);
-//  }
-  // book histograms
-  // LS 24 Jan 2014 - No need for interval checking as this is now handled in ManagedMonitorTool class
-//  if (isNewEventsBlock) {
-    //std::string lbnMETMonGroup = m_mon_path + "/lbnstatus";
-    ////addMonGroup (new MonGroup(this, lbnMETMonGroup.c_str(), shift, lumiBlock));
-    //addMonGroup (new MonGroup(this, lbnMETMonGroup.c_str(), shift, eventsBlock));
-    //setCurrentMonGroup(lbnMETMonGroup);
-    //addEFStatusHistogram();
-//  } // do nothing
+  }
-//  if (isNewLumiBlock) {
-    /*std::string lbnMETMonGroup = m_mon_path + "/lbnstatus";
-    addMonGroup (new MonGroup(this, lbnMETMonGroup.c_str(), shift, lumiBlock));
-    setCurrentMonGroup(lbnMETMonGroup);
-    addEFStatusHistogram();
-    addL2StatusHistogram();*/
-//  }
+  // sample selection triggers specified in the input list
+  if(m_sample_selection_triggers.size()) {
+    // check if input sample selection triggers are in triggger configuration
+    // put the correct met triggers in m_sample_selection_signatures
+    checkTriggers(m_sample_selection_triggers, false);
+  }
+  /** histogram limits */
+  // et
+  low[0] = -13.5;   high[0] = 601.5;  nbins[0] = 205;
+  // sumet
+  low[1] = -27.;    high[1] = 1803.;  nbins[1] = 305;
+  // phi, dPhi
+  low[2] = -3.1416; high[2] = 3.1416; nbins[2] = 32;
+  // dEt, dEx, dEy
+  low[3] = -100.;   high[3] = 100.;   nbins[3] = 100;
-//  if (isNewRun) { // do these only at a new run
-    /** histogram limits */
-    // et
-    low[0] = -13.5;   high[0] = 601.5;  nbins[0] = 205;
-    // sumet
-    low[1] = -27.;    high[1] = 1803.;  nbins[1] = 305;
-    // phi, dPhi
-    low[2] = -3.1416; high[2] = 3.1416; nbins[2] = 32;
-    // dEt, dEx, dEy
-    low[3] = -100.;   high[3] = 100.;   nbins[3] = 100;
-    bookHistograms_allStats();
+  bookHistograms_allStats();
-    // for now all the histograms other than extension for online are considered expert histograms
-    if (m_is_make_expert_histos) {
-      if (m_l1_met_signatures_tolook->size())
-        bookL1Histograms();
-      if (m_l2_met_signatures_tolook->size())
-        bookL2Histograms();
-      if (m_ef_met_signatures_tolook->size())
-        bookEFHistograms();
-      if (m_is_do_trigger_effic)
-        bookEfficHistograms();
-    }
-//  }
+  // for now all the histograms other than extension for online are considered expert histograms
+  if (m_is_make_expert_histos) {
+    if (m_l1_met_signatures_tolook->size())
+      bookL1Histograms();
+    if (m_hlt_met_signatures_tolook->size())
+      bookHLTHistograms();
+    if (m_is_do_trigger_effic)
+      bookEfficHistograms();
+  }
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
 StatusCode HLTMETMonTool::fill() {
-  if (m_debuglevel) *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "HLTMETMonTool :: in fill()" << endreq;
+  if (m_debuglevel) 
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("in HLTMETMonTool:fill()");
   StatusCode sc = fillMETHistos();
   if (sc.isFailure()) {
-    *m_log << MSG::WARNING << "The method fillMETHistos(...) failed" << endreq;
+    ATH_MSG_WARNING("The method fillMETHistos(...) failed");
     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -193,77 +158,9 @@ StatusCode HLTMETMonTool::fill() {
 StatusCode HLTMETMonTool::proc() {
-  if (m_debuglevel) *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "HLTMETMonTool : in proc()" << endreq;
-//  if(isEndOfEventsBlock){} // do nothing
-//  if(isEndOfLumiBlock){} // do nothing
-//  if(isEndOfRun) { // // do these only at the end of a run
-    /*
-    if(m_is_print_met_trig_stats)
-      printMETTriggerStats();
-    std::map<std::string, int>::const_iterator it_s;
-    std::map<std::string, int>::const_iterator it;
-    TH1 *m_RecMET_et_denom;
-    TH1 *m_RecMET_phi_denom;
-    TH1 *m_RecMET_et_num;
-    TH1 *m_RecMET_phi_num;
-    std::string levels[3] = {"L1", "L2", "EF"};
-    std::vector<std::map<std::string,int>*> m_met_signatures_tolook;
-    m_met_signatures_tolook.push_back(m_l1_met_signatures_tolook);
-    m_met_signatures_tolook.push_back(m_l2_met_signatures_tolook);
-    m_met_signatures_tolook.push_back(m_ef_met_signatures_tolook);
-    unsigned int size = m_met_signatures_tolook.size();
-    if (m_is_make_expert_histos) {
-      setCurrentMonGroup(m_mon_path + "/RecMissingET_allStats");
-      m_RecMET_et_denom = hist("RecMET_et");
-      m_RecMET_phi_denom = hist("RecMET_phi");
-      m_RecMET_et_denom->Sumw2();
-      m_RecMET_phi_denom->Sumw2();
-      for (unsigned int i=0; i<size; i++) {
-        for(it = m_met_signatures_tolook[i]->begin(); it != m_met_signatures_tolook[i]->end(); it++) {
-          setCurrentMonGroup(m_mon_path + "/Expert/"+levels[i]+"METTrigger/"+it->first);
-          m_RecMET_et_num = hist("RecMET_et");
-          m_RecMET_phi_num = hist("RecMET_phi");
-          m_RecMET_et_num->Sumw2();
-          m_RecMET_phi_num->Sumw2();
-          std::string et_effic_name = levels[i] + "_et_effic_wrt_RecMET";
-          std::string phi_effic_name = levels[i] + "_phi_effic_wrt_RecMET";
-          hist(et_effic_name)->Divide(m_RecMET_et_num, m_RecMET_et_denom);
-          hist(phi_effic_name)->Divide(m_RecMET_phi_num, m_RecMET_phi_denom);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (m_is_do_trigger_effic) {
-      for(it_s = m_sample_selection_signatures.begin(); it_s != m_sample_selection_signatures.end(); it_s++) {
-        setCurrentMonGroup(m_mon_path + "/Expert/Efficiency/"+it_s->first);
-        m_RecMET_et_denom = hist("RecMET_et");
-        m_RecMET_phi_denom = hist("RecMET_phi");
-        m_RecMET_et_denom->Sumw2();
-        m_RecMET_phi_denom->Sumw2();
-        for (unsigned int i=0; i<size; i++) {
-          for(it = m_met_signatures_tolook[i]->begin(); it != m_met_signatures_tolook[i]->end(); it++) {
-            setCurrentMonGroup(m_mon_path + "/Expert/Efficiency/"+it_s->first+"/"+it->first);
-            m_RecMET_et_num = hist("RecMET_et");
-            m_RecMET_phi_num = hist("RecMET_phi");
-            m_RecMET_et_num->Sumw2();
-            m_RecMET_phi_num->Sumw2();
-            std::string et_effic_name = levels[i] + "_et_effic_wrt_RecMET";
-            std::string phi_effic_name = levels[i] + "_phi_effic_wrt_RecMET";
-            hist(et_effic_name)->Divide(m_RecMET_et_num, m_RecMET_et_denom);
-            hist(phi_effic_name)->Divide(m_RecMET_phi_num, m_RecMET_phi_denom);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    */
-//  } // endofrun block
+  if (m_debuglevel) 
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("in HLTMETMonTool::proc()");
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -272,66 +169,63 @@ StatusCode HLTMETMonTool::proc() {
 void HLTMETMonTool::bookHistograms_allStats() {
+  // L1 histograms
+  std::string mongroupName = m_mon_path + "/L1";
+  addMonGroup (new MonGroup(this, mongroupName.c_str(), run));
+  setCurrentMonGroup(mongroupName);
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1_METx", "L1 METx (GeV);METx (GeV)", 199, -298.5,  298.5));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1_METy", "L1 METy (GeV);METy (GeV)", 199, -298.5,  298.5));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1_MEx_log","L1 Missing E_{x};sgn(E_{x}) log_{10}(E_{x}/GeV)", 55, -4.125, 4.125));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1_MEy_log","L1 Missing E_{y};sgn(E_{y}) log_{10}(E_{y}/GeV)", 55, -4.125, 4.125));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1_MET_log","L1 |Missing E_{T}|;log_{10}(ME_{T}/GeV)", 40, -1.875, 4.125));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1_SumEt_log","L1 Sum |E_{T}|;log_{10}(SumE_{T}/GeV)", 40, -1.875, 4.125));
-  bool doL2MET = (m_l2met_key != "NoL2METKey");
-  if(doL2MET) {
-    std::string L2mongroupName = m_mon_path + "/L2MissingET_Fex";
-    addMonGroup (new MonGroup(this, L2mongroupName.c_str(), run));
-    setCurrentMonGroup(L2mongroupName);
-    addHistogram(new TH1F("L1_METx",    "LVL1 METx (GeV);METx (GeV)",         199, -298.5,  298.5));
-    addHistogram(new TH1F("L1_METy",    "LVL1 METy (GeV);METy (GeV)",         199, -298.5,  298.5));
-    addHistogram( new TH1F("L1_MEx_log","L1 Missing E_{x};sgn(E_{x}) log_{10}(E_{x}/GeV)", 55, -4.125, 4.125));
-    addHistogram( new TH1F("L1_MEy_log","L1 Missing E_{y};sgn(E_{y}) log_{10}(E_{y}/GeV)", 55, -4.125, 4.125));
-    addHistogram( new TH1F("L1_MET_log","L1 |Missing E_{T}|;log_{10}(ME_{T}/GeV)", 40, -1.875, 4.125));
-    addHistogram( new TH1F("L1_SumEt_log","L1 Sum |E_{T}|;log_{10}(SumE_{T}/GeV)",   40, -1.875, 4.125));
-    addBasicL1Histograms();
-    addHistogram(new TH1F("L2_METx",    "LVL2 METx (GeV);METx (GeV)",         199, -298.5,  298.5));
-    addHistogram(new TH1F("L2_METy",    "LVL2 METy (GeV);METy (GeV)",         199, -298.5,  298.5));
-    addHistogram( new TH1F("L2_mu_SumEt","L2 #mu SumEt (GeV);#mu SumEt (GeV)", 305, -27., 1803.));
-    addHistogram( new TH1F("L2_MEx_log","L2 Missing E_{x};sgn(E_{x}) log_{10}(E_{x}/GeV)", 55, -4.125, 4.125));
-    addHistogram( new TH1F("L2_MEy_log","L2 Missing E_{y};sgn(E_{y}) log_{10}(E_{y}/GeV)", 55, -4.125, 4.125));
-    addHistogram( new TH1F("L2_MET_log","L2 |Missing E_{T}|;log_{10}(ME_{T}/GeV)", 40, -1.875, 4.125));
-    addHistogram( new TH1F("L2_SumEt_log","L2 Sum |E_{T}|;log_{10}(SumE_{T}/GeV)",   40, -1.875, 4.125));
-    addHistogram( new TH1F("L2_mu_SumEt_log","L2 #mu Sum |E_{T}|;#mu log_{10}(SumE_{T}/GeV)", 40, -1.875, 4.125));
-    addBasicL2Histograms();
-    addMoreL2Histograms();
-    addL2StatusHistogram();
-    addL1vsL2Histograms();
-  }
-  bool doL2FEB = (m_l2feb_key != "NoL2FEBKey");
-  if(doL2FEB) {
-    std::string L2FEBmongroupName = m_mon_path + "/L2MissingET_FEB";
-    addMonGroup (new MonGroup(this, L2FEBmongroupName.c_str(), run));
-    setCurrentMonGroup(L2FEBmongroupName);
-    addL2FEBHistograms();
-  }
-  std::string EFmongroupName = m_mon_path + "/EFMissingET_Fex";
-  addMonGroup (new MonGroup(this, EFmongroupName.c_str(), run));
-  setCurrentMonGroup(EFmongroupName);
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("EF_MEx_lin",   "EF Missing E_{x};E_{x} (GeV)",                    199, -298.5,  298.5));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("EF_MEy_lin",   "EF Missing E_{y};E_{y} (GeV)",                    199, -298.5,  298.5));
-  addBasicEFHistograms();
-  addMoreEFHistograms();
-  addEFStatusHistogram();
-  addL1vsEFHistograms();
-  addL2vsEFHistograms();
-  /*  std::string RecmongroupName = m_mon_path + "/RecMissingET_allStats";
-      addMonGroup (new MonGroup(this, RecmongroupName.c_str(), shift, run));
-      setCurrentMonGroup(RecmongroupName);
-      addBasicRecHistograms();
-      addL1vsRecHistograms();
-      addL2vsRecHistograms();
-      addEFvsRecHistograms();
-      */
+  addBasicL1Histograms();
+  // HLT histograms
+  mongroupName = m_mon_path + "/HLT";
+  addMonGroup (new MonGroup(this, mongroupName.c_str(), run));
+  setCurrentMonGroup(mongroupName);
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("HLT_MEx_lin", "HLT Missing E_{x};E_{x} (GeV)", 199, -298.5,  298.5));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("HLT_MEy_lin", "HLT Missing E_{y};E_{y} (GeV)", 199, -298.5,  298.5));
+  addBasicHLTHistograms();
+  addMoreHLTHistograms();
+  addHLTStatusHistogram();
+  addL1vsHLTHistograms();
+  mongroupName = m_mon_path + "/HLT_FEB";
+  addMonGroup (new MonGroup(this, mongroupName.c_str(), run));
+  setCurrentMonGroup(mongroupName);
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("HLT_FEB_MEx_lin", "HLT Missing E_{x};E_{x} (GeV)", 199, -298.5,  298.5));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("HLT_FEB_MEy_lin", "HLT Missing E_{y};E_{y} (GeV)", 199, -298.5,  298.5));
+  addBasicHLTHistograms();
+  addMoreHLTHistograms();
+  mongroupName = m_mon_path + "/HLT_topocl";
+  addMonGroup (new MonGroup(this, mongroupName.c_str(), run));
+  setCurrentMonGroup(mongroupName);
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("HLT_topocl_MEx_lin", "HLT Missing E_{x};E_{x} (GeV)", 199, -298.5,  298.5));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("HLT_topocl_MEy_lin", "HLT Missing E_{y};E_{y} (GeV)", 199, -298.5,  298.5));
+  addBasicHLTHistograms();
+  addMoreHLTHistograms();
+  // Offline histograms
+  mongroupName = m_mon_path + "/Off";
+  addMonGroup (new MonGroup(this, mongroupName.c_str(), run));
+  setCurrentMonGroup(mongroupName);
+  addBasicOffHistograms();
+  addL1vsOffHistograms();
+  addHLTvsOffHistograms();
   // DQFlags
-  std::string DQFlagmongroupName = m_mon_path + "/DQFlags";
-  addMonGroup (new MonGroup(this, DQFlagmongroupName.c_str(), run));
-  setCurrentMonGroup(DQFlagmongroupName);
-  addDQFlagHistograms();
+  // std::string DQFlagmongroupName = m_mon_path + "/DQFlags";
+  // addMonGroup (new MonGroup(this, DQFlagmongroupName.c_str(), run));
+  // setCurrentMonGroup(DQFlagmongroupName);
+  // addDQFlagHistograms();
@@ -351,132 +245,91 @@ void HLTMETMonTool::bookXSCalibHistograms(int level) {
   float Mmin = -1.5;
   float Mmax = Mmin + Mwidth*nM;
-  TString title=" MET vs #sqrt{SumET}";
-  TString Slabel=" #sqrt{SumET/GeV}";
-  TString Mlabel=" MET/GeV";
+  TString title  = " MET vs #sqrt{SumET}";
+  TString Slabel = " #sqrt{SumET/GeV}";
+  TString Mlabel = " MET/GeV";
   // binning in MEx, MEy
   int nMx = 201;
   float Mxwidth = 3;   // 3 GeV/bin
   float Mxmin = -601.5;
   float Mxmax = Mxmin + Mxwidth*nMx;
-  TString titleX=" MEx vs #sqrt{SumET}";
-  TString MlabelX=" MEx/GeV";
-  TString titleY=" MEy vs #sqrt{SumET}";
-  TString MlabelY=" MEy/GeV";
+  TString titleX = "MEx vs #sqrt{SumET}";
+  TString MlabelX = "MEx/GeV";
+  TString titleY = "MEy vs #sqrt{SumET}";
+  TString MlabelY = "MEy/GeV";
   if(level == 1) {
-    addHistogram( new TH2F("L1MEx_VS_SqrtSET_All",TString("L1")+titleX+" (All Events);L1"+Slabel+";L1"+MlabelX,nS,Smin,Smax,nMx,Mxmin,Mxmax) );
-    addHistogram( new TH2F("L1MEy_VS_SqrtSET_All",TString("L1")+titleY+" (All Events);L1"+Slabel+";L1"+MlabelY,nS,Smin,Smax,nMx,Mxmin,Mxmax) );
-    addHistogram( new TH2F("L1MET_VS_SqrtSET_All",TString("L1")+title+" (All Events);L1"+Slabel+";L1"+Mlabel,nS,Smin,Smax,nM,Mmin,Mmax) );
-    addHistogram( new TH2F("L1MEx_VS_SqrtSET_RD0",TString("L1")+titleX+" (ZB Events);L1"+Slabel+";L1"+MlabelX,nS,Smin,Smax,nMx,Mxmin,Mxmax) );
-    addHistogram( new TH2F("L1MEy_VS_SqrtSET_RD0",TString("L1")+titleY+" (ZB Events);L1"+Slabel+";L1"+MlabelY,nS,Smin,Smax,nMx,Mxmin,Mxmax) );
-    addHistogram( new TH2F("L1MET_VS_SqrtSET_RD0",TString("L1")+title+" (ZB Events);L1"+Slabel+";L1"+Mlabel,nS,Smin,Smax,nM,Mmin,Mmax) );
+    addHistogram(new TH2F("L1MEx_VS_SqrtSET_All",TString("L1")+titleX+" (All Events);L1"+Slabel+";L1"+MlabelX,nS,Smin,Smax,nMx,Mxmin,Mxmax));
+    addHistogram(new TH2F("L1MEy_VS_SqrtSET_All",TString("L1")+titleY+" (All Events);L1"+Slabel+";L1"+MlabelY,nS,Smin,Smax,nMx,Mxmin,Mxmax));
+    addHistogram(new TH2F("L1MET_VS_SqrtSET_All",TString("L1")+title+" (All Events);L1"+Slabel+";L1"+Mlabel,nS,Smin,Smax,nM,Mmin,Mmax));
+    addHistogram(new TH2F("L1MEx_VS_SqrtSET_RD0",TString("L1")+titleX+" (ZB Events);L1"+Slabel+";L1"+MlabelX,nS,Smin,Smax,nMx,Mxmin,Mxmax));
+    addHistogram(new TH2F("L1MEy_VS_SqrtSET_RD0",TString("L1")+titleY+" (ZB Events);L1"+Slabel+";L1"+MlabelY,nS,Smin,Smax,nMx,Mxmin,Mxmax));
+    addHistogram(new TH2F("L1MET_VS_SqrtSET_RD0",TString("L1")+title+" (ZB Events);L1"+Slabel+";L1"+Mlabel,nS,Smin,Smax,nM,Mmin,Mmax));
   if(level == 2) {
-    addHistogram( new TH2F("L2MEx_VS_SqrtSET_All",TString("L2")+titleX+" (All Events);L2"+Slabel+";L2"+MlabelX,nS,Smin,Smax,nMx,Mxmin,Mxmax) );
-    addHistogram( new TH2F("L2MEy_VS_SqrtSET_All",TString("L2")+titleY+" (All Events);L2"+Slabel+";L2"+MlabelY,nS,Smin,Smax,nMx,Mxmin,Mxmax) );
-    addHistogram( new TH2F("L2MET_VS_SqrtSET_All",TString("L2")+title+" (All Events);L2"+Slabel+";L2"+Mlabel,nS,Smin,Smax,nM,Mmin,Mmax) );
-    addHistogram( new TH2F("L2MEx_VS_SqrtSET_RD0",TString("L2")+titleX+" (ZB Events);L2"+Slabel+";L2"+MlabelX,nS,Smin,Smax,nMx,Mxmin,Mxmax) );
-    addHistogram( new TH2F("L2MEy_VS_SqrtSET_RD0",TString("L2")+titleY+" (ZB Events);L2"+Slabel+";L2"+MlabelY,nS,Smin,Smax,nMx,Mxmin,Mxmax) );
-    addHistogram( new TH2F("L2MET_VS_SqrtSET_RD0",TString("L2")+title+" (ZB Events);L2"+Slabel+";L2"+Mlabel,nS,Smin,Smax,nM,Mmin,Mmax) );
-  }
-  if(level == 3) {
-    addHistogram( new TH2F("EFMEx_VS_SqrtSET_All",TString("EF")+titleX+" (All Events);EF"+Slabel+";EF"+MlabelX,nS,Smin,Smax,nMx,Mxmin,Mxmax) );
-    addHistogram( new TH2F("EFMEy_VS_SqrtSET_All",TString("EF")+titleY+" (All Events);EF"+Slabel+";EF"+MlabelY,nS,Smin,Smax,nMx,Mxmin,Mxmax) );
-    addHistogram( new TH2F("EFMET_VS_SqrtSET_All",TString("EF")+title+" (All Events);EF"+Slabel+";EF"+Mlabel,nS,Smin,Smax,nM,Mmin,Mmax) );
-    addHistogram( new TH2F("EFMEx_VS_SqrtSET_RD0",TString("EF")+titleX+" (ZB Events);EF"+Slabel+";EF"+MlabelX,nS,Smin,Smax,nMx,Mxmin,Mxmax) );
-    addHistogram( new TH2F("EFMEy_VS_SqrtSET_RD0",TString("EF")+titleY+" (ZB Events);EF"+Slabel+";EF"+MlabelY,nS,Smin,Smax,nMx,Mxmin,Mxmax) );
-    addHistogram( new TH2F("EFMET_VS_SqrtSET_RD0",TString("EF")+title+" (ZB Events);EF"+Slabel+";EF"+Mlabel,nS,Smin,Smax,nM,Mmin,Mmax) );
+    addHistogram(new TH2F("HLTMEx_VS_SqrtSET_All",TString("HLT")+titleX+" (All Events);HLT"+Slabel+";HLT"+MlabelX,nS,Smin,Smax,nMx,Mxmin,Mxmax));
+    addHistogram(new TH2F("HLTMEy_VS_SqrtSET_All",TString("HLT")+titleY+" (All Events);HLT"+Slabel+";HLT"+MlabelY,nS,Smin,Smax,nMx,Mxmin,Mxmax));
+    addHistogram(new TH2F("HLTMET_VS_SqrtSET_All",TString("HLT")+title+" (All Events);HLT"+Slabel+";HLT"+Mlabel,nS,Smin,Smax,nM,Mmin,Mmax));
+    addHistogram(new TH2F("HLTMEx_VS_SqrtSET_RD0",TString("HLT")+titleX+" (ZB Events);HLT"+Slabel+";HLT"+MlabelX,nS,Smin,Smax,nMx,Mxmin,Mxmax));
+    addHistogram(new TH2F("HLTMEy_VS_SqrtSET_RD0",TString("HLT")+titleY+" (ZB Events);HLT"+Slabel+";HLT"+MlabelY,nS,Smin,Smax,nMx,Mxmin,Mxmax));
+    addHistogram(new TH2F("HLTMET_VS_SqrtSET_RD0",TString("HLT")+title+" (ZB Events);HLT"+Slabel+";HLT"+Mlabel,nS,Smin,Smax,nM,Mmin,Mmax));
 void HLTMETMonTool::bookL1Histograms() {
   std::string m_generic_path_trigmetmonitoring = m_mon_path;
   std::map<std::string,int>::const_iterator it;
   for (it = m_l1_met_signatures_tolook->begin(); it != m_l1_met_signatures_tolook->end(); it++) {
-    std::string m_expert_path_trigmetmonitoring = m_generic_path_trigmetmonitoring + "/Expert/L1METTrigger/" + it->first;
+    std::string m_expert_path_trigmetmonitoring = m_generic_path_trigmetmonitoring + "/Expert/L1/" + it->first;
     //declare a group of histograms
     addMonGroup(new MonGroup(this, m_expert_path_trigmetmonitoring, run));
-    addBasicEFHistograms();
-    addBasicRecHistograms();
-    addL1vsRecHistograms();
-    // trigger efficiency histograms
-    addHistogram(new TH1F("L1_et_effic_wrt_RecMET", "et_effic_wrt_RecMET_L1 ; Et", nbins[0],low[0],high[0]));
-    addHistogram(new TH1F("L1_phi_effic_wrt_RecMET", "phi_effic_wrt_RecMET_L1 ; Phi", nbins[2],low[2],high[2]));
-    if (m_debuglevel) {
-      *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "INSIDE HLTMETMonTool : " << m_expert_path_trigmetmonitoring
-          << "/" << " Histograms" << " booked successfully" << endreq;
-    }
-  }
-void HLTMETMonTool::bookL2Histograms() {
-  std::string m_generic_path_trigmetmonitoring = m_mon_path;
-  std::map<std::string,int>::const_iterator it;
-  for (it = m_l2_met_signatures_tolook->begin(); it != m_l2_met_signatures_tolook->end(); it++) {
-    std::string m_expert_path_trigmetmonitoring = m_generic_path_trigmetmonitoring + "/Expert/L2METTrigger/" + it->first;
-    //declare a group of histograms
-    addMonGroup(new MonGroup(this, m_expert_path_trigmetmonitoring, run));
-    setCurrentMonGroup(m_expert_path_trigmetmonitoring);
-    addBasicL2Histograms();
-    addBasicEFHistograms();
-    addL1vsL2Histograms();
-    addBasicRecHistograms();         
-    addL2vsRecHistograms();
+    addBasicHLTHistograms();
+    addBasicOffHistograms();
+    addL1vsOffHistograms();
     // trigger efficiency histograms
-    addHistogram(new TH1F("L2_et_effic_wrt_RecMET", "et_effic_wrt_RecMET_L2 ; Et", nbins[0],low[0],high[0]));
-    addHistogram(new TH1F("L2_phi_effic_wrt_RecMET", "phi_effic_wrt_RecMET_L2 ; Phi", nbins[2],low[2],high[2]));
-    if (m_debuglevel) {
-      *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "INSIDE HLTMETMonTool : " << m_expert_path_trigmetmonitoring
-          << "/" << " Histograms" << " booked successfully" << endreq;
-    }
+    addHistogram(new TH1F("L1_et_effic_wrt_OffMET", "et_effic_wrt_OffMET_L1 ; Et", nbins[0], low[0], high[0]));
+    addHistogram(new TH1F("L1_phi_effic_wrt_OffMET", "phi_effic_wrt_OffMET_L1 ; Phi", nbins[2], low[2], high[2]));
+    if (m_debuglevel)
+      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("in HLTMETMonTool::bookL1Histograms: " << m_expert_path_trigmetmonitoring << "/" << " Histograms" << " booked successfully");
-void HLTMETMonTool::bookEFHistograms() {
+void HLTMETMonTool::bookHLTHistograms() {
   std::string m_generic_path_trigmetmonitoring = m_mon_path;
   std::map<std::string,int>::const_iterator it;
-  for (it = m_ef_met_signatures_tolook->begin(); it != m_ef_met_signatures_tolook->end(); it++) {
-    std::string m_expert_path_trigmetmonitoring = m_generic_path_trigmetmonitoring + "/Expert/EFMETTrigger/" + it->first;
+  for (it = m_hlt_met_signatures_tolook->begin(); it != m_hlt_met_signatures_tolook->end(); it++) {
+    std::string m_expert_path_trigmetmonitoring = m_generic_path_trigmetmonitoring + "/Expert/HLT/" + it->first;
     //declare a group of histograms
     addMonGroup(new MonGroup(this, m_expert_path_trigmetmonitoring, run));
-    addBasicEFHistograms();
-    addL1vsEFHistograms();
-    addL2vsEFHistograms();
-    addBasicRecHistograms();
-    addEFvsRecHistograms();
+    addBasicHLTHistograms();
+    addL1vsHLTHistograms();
+    addBasicOffHistograms();
+    addHLTvsOffHistograms();
     // trigger efficiency histograms
-    addHistogram(new TH1F("EF_et_effic_wrt_RecMET", "et_effic_wrt_RecMET_EF ; Et", nbins[0],low[0],high[0]));
-    addHistogram(new TH1F("EF_phi_effic_wrt_RecMET", "phi_effic_wrt_RecMET_EF ; Phi", nbins[2],low[2],high[2]));
+    addHistogram(new TH1F("EF_et_effic_wrt_OffMET", "et_effic_wrt_OffMET_EF ; Et", nbins[0], low[0], high[0]));
+    addHistogram(new TH1F("EF_phi_effic_wrt_OffMET", "phi_effic_wrt_OffMET_EF ; Phi", nbins[2], low[2], high[2]));
+    if (m_debuglevel)
+      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("in HLTMETMonTool::bookHLTHistograms: " << m_expert_path_trigmetmonitoring << "/" << " Histograms" << " booked successfully");
-    if (m_debuglevel) {
-      *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "INSIDE HLTMETMonTool : " << m_expert_path_trigmetmonitoring
-          << "/" << " Histograms" << " booked successfully" << endreq;
-    }
@@ -493,14 +346,13 @@ void HLTMETMonTool::bookEfficHistograms() {
     //declare a group of histograms
     addMonGroup(new MonGroup(this, m_expert_path_trigmetmonitoring, run));
-    addBasicRecHistograms();  
+    addBasicOffHistograms();  
     std::vector<std::map<std::string,int>*> m_met_signatures_tolook;
-    m_met_signatures_tolook.push_back(m_l2_met_signatures_tolook);
-    m_met_signatures_tolook.push_back(m_ef_met_signatures_tolook);
+    m_met_signatures_tolook.push_back(m_hlt_met_signatures_tolook);
     unsigned int size = m_met_signatures_tolook.size();
-    std::string levels[3] = {"L1", "L2", "EF"};
+    std::string levels[2] = {"L1", "HLT"};
     for (unsigned int i=0; i<size; i++) {
       for (it = m_met_signatures_tolook[i]->begin(); it != m_met_signatures_tolook[i]->end(); it++) {
@@ -508,98 +360,63 @@ void HLTMETMonTool::bookEfficHistograms() {
         //declare a group of histograms
         addMonGroup(new MonGroup (this, m_expert_path_trigmetmonitoring, run));
-        addBasicRecHistograms();
+        addBasicOffHistograms();
         // trigger efficiency histograms
-        std::string name = levels[i] + "_et_effic_wrt_RecMET";
-        std::string title = "et_effic_wrt_RecMET_" + levels[i] + " ; Et";
-        addHistogram(new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), nbins[0],low[0],high[0]));
-        name = levels[i] + "_phi_effic_wrt_RecMET";
-        title = "phi_effic_wrt_RecMET_" + levels[i] + " ; Phi";
-        addHistogram(new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), nbins[2],low[2],high[2]));
+        std::string name = levels[i] + "_et_effic_wrt_OffMET";
+        std::string title = "et_effic_wrt_OffMET_" + levels[i] + " ; Et";
+        addHistogram(new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), nbins[0], low[0], high[0]));
+        name = levels[i] + "_phi_effic_wrt_OffMET";
+        title = "phi_effic_wrt_OffMET_" + levels[i] + " ; Phi";
+        addHistogram(new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), nbins[2], low[2], high[2]));
         if (m_debuglevel) {
-          *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "INSIDE HLTMETMonTool : " << m_expert_path_trigmetmonitoring
-              << "/" << " Histograms" << " booked successfully" << endreq;
+          ATH_MSG_DEBUG("in HLTMETMonTool::bookEfficHistograms: " << m_expert_path_trigmetmonitoring
+                        << "/" << " Histograms" << " booked successfully");
       } // end of loop over l* met signatures to look
     } // end of loop over levels
   } // end of loop over m_sample_selection_triggers
 void HLTMETMonTool::addBasicL1Histograms() {
-  // L1MET
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1_MET",     "LVL1 MET (GeV);MET (GeV)",           nbins[0], low[0], high[0]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1_MET_lin1",  "LVL1 |Missing E_{T}| (0-10 GeV);ME_{T} (GeV)",      110,-0.5,10.5));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1_SumEt",   "LVL1 SumEt (GeV);SumEt (GeV)",       nbins[1], low[1], high[1]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1_MET_phi", "LVL1 MET #phi (rad);MET #phi (rad)", nbins[2], low[2], high[2]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1_MET_phi1", "LVL1 MET #phi(|Missing E_{T}|);MET #phi (rad)", nbins[2], low[2], high[2]));
-  bookXSCalibHistograms(1);
-void HLTMETMonTool::addBasicL2Histograms() {
-  // L2MET
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L2_MET",     "LVL2 MET (GeV);MET (GeV)",           nbins[0], low[0], high[0]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L2_MET_lin1",  "LVL2 |Missing E_{T}| (0-10 GeV);ME_{T} (GeV)",      110,-0.5,10.5));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L2_SumEt",   "LVL2 SumEt ;SumEt (GeV)",       nbins[1], low[1], high[1]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L2_MET_phi", "LVL2 MET #phi ;MET #phi (rad)", nbins[2], low[2], high[2]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L2_MET_phi1", "LVL2 #phi(|Missing E_{T}|) ;MET #phi (rad)", nbins[2], low[2], high[2]));
-void HLTMETMonTool::addMoreL2Histograms() {
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L2_MEx_log", "L2 Missing E_{x};sgn(E_{x}) log_{10}(E_{x}/GeV)", 55, -4.125, 4.125));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L2_MEy_log", "L2 Missing E_{y};sgn(E_{y}) log_{10}(E_{y}/GeV)", 55, -4.125, 4.125));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L2_MET_log", "L2 |Missing E_{T}|;log_{10}(ME_{T}/GeV)", 40, -1.875, 4.125));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L2_SumEt_log","L2 Sum |E_{T}|;log_{10}(SumE_{T}/GeV)",   40, -1.875, 4.125));
-void HLTMETMonTool::addL2StatusHistogram() {
-  TH1F *h1i = new TH1F("L2_MET_status", "L2 MET Status",32, -0.5, 31.5);
-  for (size_t j = 0; j < m_bitNamesL2.size(); j++) {
-    if(j < m_bitNamesL2.size()) h1i->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(j+1, m_bitNamesL2[j].c_str());
-  }
-  addHistogram(h1i);
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1_MET",      "L1 MET (GeV);MET (GeV)",                      nbins[0], low[0], high[0]));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1_MET_lin1", "L1 |Missing E_{T}| (0-10 GeV);ME_{T} (GeV)",  110, -0.5, 10.5));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1_SumEt",    "L1 SumEt (GeV);SumEt (GeV)",                  nbins[1], low[1], high[1]));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1_MET_phi",  "L1 MET #phi (rad);MET #phi (rad)",            nbins[2], low[2], high[2]));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1_MET_phi1", "L1 MET #phi(|Missing E_{T}|);MET #phi (rad)", nbins[2], low[2], high[2]));
+  //bookXSCalibHistograms(1);
-void HLTMETMonTool::addBasicEFHistograms() {
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("EF_MET_lin",   "EF |Missing E_{T}|;ME_{T} (GeV)",                 nbins[0], low[0], high[0]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("EF_MET_lin1",  "EF |Missing E_{T}| (0-10 GeV);ME_{T} (GeV)",      110,-0.5,10.5));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("EF_SumEt_lin", "EF Sum |E_{T}|;SumE_{T} (GeV)",                   nbins[1], low[1], high[1]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("EF_MET_phi",   "EF MET #phi (rad);#phi (rad)",                  nbins[2], low[2], high[2]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("EF_MET_phi1",   "EF MET #phi(|Missing E_{T}|);#phi (rad)",                  nbins[2], low[2], high[2]));
+void HLTMETMonTool::addBasicHLTHistograms() {
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("HLT_MET_lin",   "HLT |Missing E_{T}|;ME_{T} (GeV)",            nbins[0], low[0], high[0]));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("HLT_MET_lin1",  "HLT |Missing E_{T}| (0-10 GeV);ME_{T} (GeV)", 110, -0.5, 10.5));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("HLT_SumEt_lin", "HLT Sum |E_{T}|;SumE_{T} (GeV)",              nbins[1], low[1], high[1]));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("HLT_MET_phi",   "HLT MET #phi (rad);#phi (rad)",               nbins[2], low[2], high[2]));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("HLT_MET_phi1",  "HLT MET #phi(|Missing E_{T}|);#phi (rad)",    nbins[2], low[2], high[2]));
 void HLTMETMonTool::addDQFlagHistograms() {
-  float fMaxEFC = float(m_compNamesEF.size());
+  float fMaxEFC = float(m_compNames.size());
   fMaxEFC -= 0.5;
-  int fBinEFC = int(m_compNamesEF.size());
-  TH2F *h2 = new TH2F("compN_compSumEt_lin",   "EF Sum |E_{T}| VS component;;SumE_{T} (GeV)",fBinEFC, -0.5, fMaxEFC, 236, -30,   2802);
-  TH2F *h2f = new TH2F("compN_EF_MET_status", "EF MET Status VS component;;",fBinEFC, -0.5, fMaxEFC,32, -0.5, 31.5);
-  for (size_t cn = 0; cn < m_compNamesEF.size(); cn++) { // 25 bins
-    if(cn < m_compNamesEF.size()) h2->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(cn+1, m_compNamesEF[cn].c_str());
-    if(cn < m_compNamesEF.size()) h2f->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(cn+1, m_compNamesEF[cn].c_str());
+  int fBinEFC = int(m_compNames.size());
+  TH2F *h2 = new TH2F("compN_compSumEt_lin",   "HLT Sum |E_{T}| VS component;;SumE_{T} (GeV)",fBinEFC, -0.5, fMaxEFC, 236, -30,   2802);
+  TH2F *h2f = new TH2F("compN_HLT_MET_status", "HLT MET Status VS component;;",fBinEFC, -0.5, fMaxEFC,32, -0.5, 31.5);
+  for (size_t cn = 0; cn < m_compNames.size(); cn++) { // 25 bins
+    if(cn < m_compNames.size()) h2->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(cn+1, m_compNames[cn].c_str());
+    if(cn < m_compNames.size()) h2f->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(cn+1, m_compNames[cn].c_str());
-  addEFStatusHistogram();
-  addL2StatusHistogram();
-  addMoreL2Histograms();
-  addBasicEFHistograms();
+  addHLTStatusHistogram();
+  addBasicHLTHistograms();
-  addHistogram( new TH1F("EF_MEx_log",   "EF Missing E_{x};sgn(E_{x}) log_{10}(E_{x}/GeV)", 55, -4.125, 4.125));
-  addHistogram( new TH1F("EF_MEy_log",   "EF Missing E_{y};sgn(E_{y}) log_{10}(E_{y}/GeV)", 55, -4.125, 4.125));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("HLT_MEx_log",   "HLT Missing E_{x};sgn(E_{x}) log_{10}(E_{x}/GeV)", 55, -4.125, 4.125));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("HLT_MEy_log",   "HLT Missing E_{y};sgn(E_{y}) log_{10}(E_{y}/GeV)", 55, -4.125, 4.125));
   for (size_t j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
-    if(j < m_bitNamesEF.size()) h2f->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(j+1, m_bitNamesEF[j].c_str());
+    if(j < m_bitNames.size()) h2f->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(j+1, m_bitNames[j].c_str());
@@ -610,178 +427,64 @@ void HLTMETMonTool::addDQFlagHistograms() {
-void HLTMETMonTool::addL2FEBHistograms() {
-  // histogram definitions
-  //signed log-scale: 0.15/bin = 1.413X/bin (factor of ~2 each two bins)
-  //central bin is +/- 0.075 and contains values whose abs < 1.189 GeV
-  //limits are +/- 1.189 TeV
-  addHistogram( new TH1F("L2FEB_MEx_lin",   "L2FEB Missing E_{x};E_{x} (GeV)",                    100, -298.5,  298.5));
-  addHistogram( new TH1F("L2FEB_MEx_log",   "L2FEB Missing E_{x};sgn(E_{x}) log_{10}(E_{x}/GeV)", 27, -4.125, 4.125));  
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L2FEB_MEy_lin",   "L2FEB Missing E_{y};E_{y} (GeV)",                    100, -298.5,  298.5));
-  addHistogram( new TH1F("L2FEB_MEy_log",   "L2FEB Missing E_{y};sgn(E_{y}) log_{10}(E_{y}/GeV)", 27, -4.125, 4.125));
-  addHistogram( new TH1F("L2FEB_MEz_lin",    "L2FEB Missing E_{z};ME_{z} (GeV)",100, -298.5,298.5));
-  addHistogram( new TH1F("L2FEB_MEz_log",    "L2FEB Missing E_{z};sgn(ME_{z}) log_{10}(ME_{z}/GeV)",27, -4.125, 4.125));
-  addHistogram( new TH1F("L2FEB_ME_lin",     "L2FEB Missing Energy;ME (GeV)",103, -13.5,601.5));
-  addHistogram( new TH1F("L2FEB_ME_log",     "L2FEB Missing Energy;log_{10}(ME/GeV)", 24, -0.15, 7.05));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L2FEB_MET_lin",   "L2FEB |Missing E_{T}|;ME_{T} (GeV)",                 nbins[0], low[0], high[0]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L2FEB_MET_lin1",  "L2FEB |Missing E_{T}| (0-10 GeV);ME_{T} (GeV)",      55,-0.5,10.5));  
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L2FEB_SumEt_lin", "L2FEB Sum |E_{T}|;SumE_{T} (GeV)",                   nbins[1], low[1], high[1]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L2FEB_MET_phi",   "L2FEB MET #phi (rad);#phi (rad)",                  nbins[2], low[2], high[2]));  
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L2FEB_MET_phi1",   "L2FEB MET #phi(|Missing E_{T}|);#phi (rad)",                  nbins[2], low[2], high[2])); 
-  float fMaxL2C = float(m_compNamesL2.size());
-  fMaxL2C -= 0.5;
-  int fBinL2C = int(m_compNamesL2.size());
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L2FEB_MET_log",   "L2FEB |Missing E_{T}|;log_{10}(ME_{T}/GeV)",         20, -1.875, 4.125));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L2FEB_SumEt_log", "L2FEB Sum |E_{T}|;log_{10}(SumE_{T}/GeV)",           20, -1.875, 4.125));
-  addHistogram( new TH1F("L2FEB_SumE_lin",   "L2FEB Sum |E|;SumE (GeV)",152, -27.,1803.));
-  addHistogram( new TH1F("L2FEB_SumE_log",   "L2FEB Sum |E|;log_{10}(SumE/GeV)",20, -1.875, 4.125));
-  // L2FEB MET all components in one 2d histogram
-  TH2F *h2f[10] = {0};
-  h2f[0] = new TH2F("compN_compEx",  "L2FEB MissingE_{x} VS component;;sgn(ME_{x}) log_{10}(E_{x}/GeV)", fBinL2C, -0.5, fMaxL2C, 23, -4.125, 4.125);
-  h2f[1] = new TH2F("compN_compEy",  "L2FEB Missing E_{y} VS component;;sgn(ME_{y}) log_{10}(E_{y}/GeV)",fBinL2C, -0.5, fMaxL2C, 23, -4.125, 4.125);
-  h2f[2] = new TH2F("compN_compEz",  "L2FEB Missing E_{z} VS component;;sgn(ME_{z}) log_{10}(E_{z}/GeV)",fBinL2C, -0.5, fMaxL2C, 23, -4.125, 4.125);
-  h2f[3] = new TH2F("compN_compEt",  "L2FEB MissingE_{T} VS component;;sgn(ME_{T}) log_{10}(ME_{T}/GeV)",fBinL2C, -0.5, fMaxL2C, 20, -1.875, 4.125);
-  h2f[4] = new TH2F("compN_compSumEt",   "L2FEB Sum |E_{T}| VS component;;log_{10}(SumE_{T}/GeV)",fBinL2C, -0.5, fMaxL2C, 20, -1.875, 4.125);
-  h2f[5] = new TH2F("compN_compSumE",    "L2FEB Sum |E| VS component;;log_{10}(SumE/GeV)",fBinL2C, -0.5, fMaxL2C, 20, -1.875, 4.125);
-  h2f[6] = new TH2F("compN_compEt_lin",  "L2FEB MissingE_{T} VS component;;ME_{T} (GeV)",fBinL2C, -0.5, fMaxL2C, 102, -13.5, 601.5);
-  h2f[7] = new TH2F("compN_compSumEt_lin",   "L2FEB Sum |E_{T}| VS component;;SumE_{T} (GeV)",fBinL2C, -0.5, fMaxL2C, 236, -30,   2802); 
-  h2f[8] = new TH2F("compN_L2FEB_MET_status", "L2FEB MET Status VS component;;",fBinL2C, -0.5, fMaxL2C,32, -0.5, 31.5);
-  h2f[9] = new TH2F("compN_L2FEB_usedChannels", "L2FEB Used Channels VS component;;log_{10}(N > 0)",fBinL2C, -0.5, fMaxL2C,13,-0.5,6.0);
-  for (size_t k = 0; k < 10; k++) { // 10 hists
-    for (size_t cn = 0; cn < m_compNamesL2.size(); cn++) { // 15 bins
-      if(cn < m_compNamesL2.size()) h2f[k]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(cn+1, m_compNamesL2[cn].c_str());
-    }
-    // for status v. component, set bin labels for Y axis
-    if(k == 8) {
-      for (size_t j = 0; j < m_bitNamesEF.size(); j++) { // 32 bins
-        if(j < m_bitNamesEF.size()) h2f[k]->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(j+1, m_bitNamesEF[j].c_str());
-      }
-      h2f[k]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(42);
-      h2f[k]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelOffset(0.002);
-      h2f[k]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.03);
-    }
-    if(k==9){
-      // 10^x (x = 0.5, 1.0 1.5 ....)
-      /*std::string binlb_nc[13] = { "none", "[0-3]", "[4-9]", "[10-31]", 
-        "[32-99]", "[100-316]", "[317-999]", "[1-3.16]10^{3}", "[0.32 - 1]10^{4}", 
-        "[1 - 3.2]10^{4}", "[0.32 - 1]10^{5}", "[1 - 3.2]10^{5}", "[0.32 - 1]10^{6}" };
-      for(size_t l = 0; l < 13; l++) {*/
-        h2f[k]->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(1,"none");
-      //}
-    }
-    addHistogram(h2f[k]);
-  }
-  int phibins = 16; double phimin = low[2]; double phimax = high[2];
-  int etabins = 24; double etamin = -4.8;   double etamax =  4.8;
-  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < m_compNamesL2.size(); j++) {
-    std::string name = Form("compN_EtaPhi_%02d", j);
-    std::string title = m_compNamesL2[j];
-    title += ": N(#eta, #phi);#eta;#phi [rad];";
-    TH2F* h = new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), etabins,etamin,etamax, phibins,phimin,phimax);
-    addHistogram(h);
-    name = Form("compEt_lin_EtaPhi_%02d", j);
-    title = m_compNamesL2[j];
-    title += ": MissingE_{T}(#eta, #phi); #eta; #phi [rad];ME_{T}/GeV";
-    h = new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), etabins,etamin,etamax, phibins,phimin,phimax);
-    addHistogram(h);
-    name = Form("compSumEt_lin_EtaPhi_%02d", j);
-    title = m_compNamesL2[j];
-    title += ": Sum |E_{T}|(#eta, #phi); #eta; #phi [rad];Sum|E_{T}|/GeV";
-    h = new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), etabins,etamin,etamax, phibins,phimin,phimax);
-    addHistogram(h);
-    name = Form("compSumE_lin_EtaPhi_%02d", j);
-    title = m_compNamesL2[j];
-    title += ": Sum |E|(#eta, #phi); #eta; #phi [rad];Sum|E|/GeV";
-    h = new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), etabins,etamin,etamax, phibins,phimin,phimax);
-    addHistogram(h);
-  }
-  bookXSCalibHistograms(2);
-void HLTMETMonTool::addMoreEFHistograms() {
+void HLTMETMonTool::addMoreHLTHistograms() {
   // histogram definitions
-  //signed log-scale: 0.15/bin = 1.413X/bin (factor of ~2 each two bins)
-  //central bin is +/- 0.075 and contains values whose abs < 1.189 GeV
-  //limits are +/- 1.189 TeV
-  addHistogram( new TH1F("EF_MEx_log",   "EF Missing E_{x};sgn(E_{x}) log_{10}(E_{x}/GeV)", 27, -4.125, 4.125));
-  addHistogram( new TH1F("EF_MEy_log",   "EF Missing E_{y};sgn(E_{y}) log_{10}(E_{y}/GeV)", 27, -4.125, 4.125));
-  addHistogram( new TH1F("EF_MEz_lin",    "EF Missing E_{z};ME_{z} (GeV)",100, -298.5,298.5));
-  addHistogram( new TH1F("EF_MEz_log",    "EF Missing E_{z};sgn(ME_{z}) log_{10}(ME_{z}/GeV)",27, -4.125, 4.125));
-  addHistogram( new TH1F("EF_ME_lin",     "EF Missing Energy;ME (GeV)",102, -13.5,601.5));
-  addHistogram( new TH1F("EF_ME_log",     "EF Missing Energy;log_{10}(ME/GeV)", 24, -0.15, 7.05));
+  // signed log-scale: 0.15/bin = 1.413X/bin (factor of ~2 each two bins)
+  // central bin is +/- 0.075 and contains values whose abs < 1.189 GeV
+  // limits are +/- 1.189 TeV
+  addHistogram( new TH1F("HLT_MEx_log", "HLT Missing E_{x};sgn(E_{x}) log_{10}(E_{x}/GeV)", 27, -4.125, 4.125));
+  addHistogram( new TH1F("HLT_MEy_log", "HLT Missing E_{y};sgn(E_{y}) log_{10}(E_{y}/GeV)", 27, -4.125, 4.125));
+  addHistogram( new TH1F("HLT_MEz_lin", "HLT Missing E_{z};ME_{z} (GeV)",100, -298.5,298.5));
+  addHistogram( new TH1F("HLT_MEz_log", "HLT Missing E_{z};sgn(ME_{z}) log_{10}(ME_{z}/GeV)",27, -4.125, 4.125));
+  addHistogram( new TH1F("HLT_ME_lin",  "HLT Missing Energy;ME (GeV)",102, -13.5,601.5));
+  addHistogram( new TH1F("HLT_ME_log",  "HLT Missing Energy;log_{10}(ME/GeV)", 24, -0.15, 7.05));
   // signed log-scale: 0.15/bin = 1.413X/bin (factor of ~2 each two bins)
   // bin centered on zero is +/- 0.075 and contains values whose abs < 1.189 GeV
   // limits are -74.99 GeV and 2.371 TeV
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("EF_MET_log",   "EF |Missing E_{T}|;log_{10}(ME_{T}/GeV)",         20, -1.875, 4.125));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("EF_SumEt_log", "EF Sum |E_{T}|;log_{10}(SumE_{T}/GeV)",           20, -1.875, 4.125));
-  addHistogram( new TH1F("EF_SumE_lin",   "EF Sum |E|;SumE (GeV)",153, -27.,1803.));
-  addHistogram( new TH1F("EF_SumE_log",   "EF Sum |E|;log_{10}(SumE/GeV)",20, -1.875, 4.125));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("HLT_MET_log",   "HLT |Missing E_{T}|;log_{10}(ME_{T}/GeV)",         20, -1.875, 4.125));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("HLT_SumEt_log", "HLT Sum |E_{T}|;log_{10}(SumE_{T}/GeV)",           20, -1.875, 4.125));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("HLT_SumE_lin",   "HLT Sum |E|;SumE (GeV)",153, -27.,1803.));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("HLT_SumE_log",   "HLT Sum |E|;log_{10}(SumE/GeV)",20, -1.875, 4.125));
   // EF MET all components in one 2d histogram
-  float fMaxEFC = float(m_compNamesEF.size());
+  float fMaxEFC = float(m_compNames.size());
   fMaxEFC -= 0.5;
-  int fBinEFC = int(m_compNamesEF.size());
+  int fBinEFC = int(m_compNames.size());
   TH2F *h2f[10] = {0};
-  h2f[0] = new TH2F("compN_compEx",  "EF MissingE_{x} VS component;;sgn(ME_{x}) log_{10}(E_{x}/GeV)", fBinEFC, -0.5, fMaxEFC, 27, -4.125, 4.125);
-  h2f[1] = new TH2F("compN_compEy",  "EF Missing E_{y} VS component;;sgn(ME_{y}) log_{10}(E_{y}/GeV)",fBinEFC, -0.5, fMaxEFC, 27, -4.125, 4.125);
-  h2f[2] = new TH2F("compN_compEz",  "EF Missing E_{z} VS component;;sgn(ME_{z}) log_{10}(E_{z}/GeV)",fBinEFC, -0.5, fMaxEFC, 27, -4.125, 4.125);
-  h2f[3] = new TH2F("compN_compEt",  "EF MissingE_{T} VS component;;sgn(ME_{T}) log_{10}(ME_{T}/GeV)",fBinEFC, -0.5, fMaxEFC, 20, -1.875, 4.125);
-  h2f[4] = new TH2F("compN_compSumEt",   "EF Sum |E_{T}| VS component;;log_{10}(SumE_{T}/GeV)",fBinEFC, -0.5, fMaxEFC, 20, -1.875, 4.125);
-  h2f[5] = new TH2F("compN_compSumE",    "EF Sum |E| VS component;;log_{10}(SumE/GeV)",fBinEFC, -0.5, fMaxEFC, 20, -1.875, 4.125);
-  h2f[6] = new TH2F("compN_compEt_lin",  "EF MissingE_{T} VS component;;ME_{T} (GeV)",fBinEFC, -0.5, fMaxEFC, 102, -13.5, 601.5);
-  h2f[7] = new TH2F("compN_compSumEt_lin",   "EF Sum |E_{T}| VS component;;SumE_{T} (GeV)",fBinEFC, -0.5, fMaxEFC, 236, -30,   2802); 
-  h2f[8] = new TH2F("compN_EF_MET_status", "EF MET Status VS component;;",fBinEFC, -0.5, fMaxEFC,32, -0.5, 31.5);
-  h2f[9] = new TH2F("compN_EF_usedChannels", "EF Used Channels VS component;;log_{10}(N > 0)",fBinEFC, -0.5, fMaxEFC,13,-0.5,6.0);
+  h2f[0] = new TH2F("compN_compEx",      "HLT MissingE_{x} VS component;;sgn(ME_{x}) log_{10}(E_{x}/GeV)", fBinEFC, -0.5, fMaxEFC, 27, -4.125, 4.125);
+  h2f[1] = new TH2F("compN_compEy",      "HLT Missing E_{y} VS component;;sgn(ME_{y}) log_{10}(E_{y}/GeV)", fBinEFC, -0.5, fMaxEFC, 27, -4.125, 4.125);
+  h2f[2] = new TH2F("compN_compEz",      "HLT Missing E_{z} VS component;;sgn(ME_{z}) log_{10}(E_{z}/GeV)", fBinEFC, -0.5, fMaxEFC, 27, -4.125, 4.125);
+  h2f[3] = new TH2F("compN_compEt",      "HLT MissingE_{T} VS component;;sgn(ME_{T}) log_{10}(ME_{T}/GeV)", fBinEFC, -0.5, fMaxEFC, 20, -1.875, 4.125);
+  h2f[4] = new TH2F("compN_compSumEt",   "HLT Sum |E_{T}| VS component;;log_{10}(SumE_{T}/GeV)", fBinEFC, -0.5, fMaxEFC, 20, -1.875, 4.125);
+  h2f[5] = new TH2F("compN_compSumE",    "HLT Sum |E| VS component;;log_{10}(SumE/GeV)", fBinEFC, -0.5, fMaxEFC, 20, -1.875, 4.125);
+  h2f[6] = new TH2F("compN_compEt_lin",  "HLT MissingE_{T} VS component;;ME_{T} (GeV)", fBinEFC, -0.5, fMaxEFC, 102, -13.5, 601.5);
+  h2f[7] = new TH2F("compN_compSumEt_lin",   "HLT Sum |E_{T}| VS component;;SumE_{T} (GeV)", fBinEFC, -0.5, fMaxEFC, 236, -30,   2802); 
+  h2f[8] = new TH2F("compN_HLT_MET_status",   "HLT MET Status VS component;;", fBinEFC, -0.5, fMaxEFC,32, -0.5, 31.5);
+  h2f[9] = new TH2F("compN_HLT_usedChannels", "HLT Used Channels VS component;;log_{10}(N > 0)", fBinEFC, -0.5, fMaxEFC,13,-0.5,6.0);
   for (size_t k = 0; k < 10; k++) { // 10 hists
-    for (size_t cn = 0; cn < m_compNamesEF.size(); cn++) { // 25 bins
-      if(cn < m_compNamesEF.size()) h2f[k]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(cn+1, m_compNamesEF[cn].c_str());
+    for (size_t cn = 0; cn < m_compNames.size(); cn++) { // 25 bins
+      if(cn < m_compNames.size()) h2f[k]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(cn+1, m_compNames[cn].c_str());
     // for status v. component, set bin labels for Y axis
-    if(k == 8) {
-      for (size_t j = 0; j < m_bitNamesEF.size(); j++) {
-        if(j < m_bitNamesEF.size()) h2f[k]->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(j+1, m_bitNamesEF[j].c_str());
+    if (k == 8) {
+      for (size_t j = 0; j < m_bitNames.size(); j++) {
+        if(j < m_bitNames.size()) h2f[k]->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(j+1, m_bitNames[j].c_str());
-    if(k==9){
+    if (k == 9) {
       // 10^x (x = 0.5, 1.0 1.5 ....)
       /*std::string binlb_nc[13] = { "none", "[0-3]", "[4-9]", "[10-31]", 
         "[32-99]", "[100-316]", "[317-999]", "[1-3.16]10^{3}", "[0.32 - 1]10^{4}", 
         "[1 - 3.2]10^{4}", "[0.32 - 1]10^{5}", "[1 - 3.2]10^{5}", "[0.32 - 1]10^{6}" };
       for(size_t l = 0; l < 13; l++) {*/
-        h2f[k]->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(1,"none");
+      h2f[k]->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(1,"none");
@@ -789,31 +492,29 @@ void HLTMETMonTool::addMoreEFHistograms() {
   int phibins = 16; double phimin = low[2]; double phimax = high[2];
   int etabins = 24; double etamin = -4.8;   double etamax =  4.8;
-  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < m_compNamesEF.size(); j++) {
+  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < m_compNames.size(); j++) {
     std::string name = Form("compN_EtaPhi_%02d", j);
-    std::string title = m_compNamesEF[j];
+    std::string title = m_compNames[j];
     title += ": N(#eta, #phi);#eta;#phi [rad];";
-    TH2F* h = new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), etabins,etamin,etamax, phibins,phimin,phimax);
+    TH2F* h = new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), etabins, etamin, etamax, phibins, phimin, phimax);
     name = Form("compEt_lin_EtaPhi_%02d", j);
-    title = m_compNamesEF[j];
+    title = m_compNames[j];
     title += ": MissingE_{T}(#eta, #phi); #eta; #phi [rad];ME_{T}/GeV";
-    h = new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), etabins,etamin,etamax, phibins,phimin,phimax);
+    h = new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), etabins, etamin, etamax, phibins, phimin, phimax);
     name = Form("compSumEt_lin_EtaPhi_%02d", j);
-    title = m_compNamesEF[j];
+    title = m_compNames[j];
     title += ": Sum |E_{T}|(#eta, #phi); #eta; #phi [rad];Sum|E_{T}|/GeV";
-    h = new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), etabins,etamin,etamax, phibins,phimin,phimax);
+    h = new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), etabins, etamin, etamax, phibins, phimin, phimax);
     name = Form("compSumE_lin_EtaPhi_%02d", j);
-    title = m_compNamesEF[j];
+    title = m_compNames[j];
     title += ": Sum |E|(#eta, #phi); #eta; #phi [rad];Sum|E|/GeV";
-    h = new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), etabins,etamin,etamax, phibins,phimin,phimax);
+    h = new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), etabins, etamin, etamax, phibins, phimin, phimax);
@@ -822,361 +523,248 @@ void HLTMETMonTool::addMoreEFHistograms() {
-void HLTMETMonTool::addEFStatusHistogram() {
-  TH1F *h1i = new TH1F("EF_MET_status", "EF MET Status",32, -0.5, 31.5);
-  for (size_t j = 0; j < m_bitNamesEF.size(); j++) {
-   if(j < m_bitNamesEF.size()) h1i->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(j+1, m_bitNamesEF[j].c_str());
+void HLTMETMonTool::addHLTStatusHistogram() {
+  TH1F *h1i = new TH1F("HLT_MET_status", "HLT MET Status",32, -0.5, 31.5);
+  for (size_t j = 0; j < m_bitNames.size(); j++) {
+   if(j < m_bitNames.size()) h1i->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(j+1, m_bitNames[j].c_str());
-void HLTMETMonTool::addBasicRecHistograms() {
-  // RecMET
+void HLTMETMonTool::addBasicOffHistograms() {
+  // OffMET
   // et sumet phi histograms
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("RecMET_et", "et_RecMET ; Et", nbins[0],low[0],high[0]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("RecMET_sumet", "sumet_RecMET ; sumEt", nbins[1],low[1],high[1]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("RecMET_phi", "phi_RecMET ; Phi", nbins[2],low[2],high[2]));
-void HLTMETMonTool::addL1vsL2Histograms() {
-  addHistogram(new TH2F("L1MET_L2MET_EtCor", "LVL1 vs LVL2 Missing E_{T} ; L2ME_{T} (GeV); L1ME_{T} (GeV)", nbins[0],low[0],high[0], nbins[0],low[0],high[0]));
-  addHistogram(new TH2F("L1MET_L2MET_SumEtCor", "LVL1 vs LVL2 Sum |E_{T}| ; L2Sum|E_{T}| (GeV); L1Sum|E_{T}| (GeV)", nbins[1],low[1],high[1], nbins[1],low[1],high[1]));
-  addHistogram(new TH2F("L1MET_L2MET_PhiCor", "LVL1 vs LVL2 #phi ; LVL2 #phi (rad); LVL1 #phi (rad)", nbins[2],low[2],high[2], nbins[2],low[2],high[2]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1MET_L2MET_dEt", "#DeltaE_{T}(LVL1-LVL2) ; #DeltaE_{T} (GeV)", nbins[3],low[3],high[3]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1MET_L2MET_dPhi", "#Delta#phi(LVL1-LVL2) ; #Delta#phi (GeV)", nbins[2],low[2],high[2]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1MET_L2MET_dEx", "#DeltaE_{x}(LVL1-LVL2) ; #DeltaE_{x} (GeV)", nbins[3],low[3],high[3]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1MET_L2MET_dEy", "#DeltaE_{y}(LVL1-LVL2) ; #DeltaE_{y} (GeV)", nbins[3],low[3],high[3]));
-void HLTMETMonTool::addL1vsEFHistograms() {
-  addHistogram(new TH2F("L1MET_EFMET_EtCor", "LVL1 vs EF Missing E_{T} ; EFME_{T} (GeV); L1ME_{T} (GeV)", nbins[0],low[0],high[0], nbins[0],low[0],high[0]));
-  addHistogram(new TH2F("L1MET_EFMET_SumEtCor", "LVL1 vs EF Sum |E_{T}| ; EFSum|E_{T}| (GeV); L1Sum|E_{T}| (GeV)", nbins[1],low[1],high[1], nbins[1],low[1],high[1]));
-  addHistogram(new TH2F("L1MET_EFMET_PhiCor", "LVL1 vs EF #phi ; EF #phi (rad); LVL1 #phi (rad)", nbins[2],low[2],high[2], nbins[2],low[2],high[2]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1MET_EFMET_dEt", "#DeltaE_{T}(LVL1-EF) ; #DeltaE_{T} (GeV)", nbins[3],low[3],high[3]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1MET_EFMET_dPhi", "#Delta#phi(LVL1-EF) ; #Delta#phi (GeV)", nbins[2],low[2],high[2]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1MET_EFMET_dEx", "#DeltaE_{x}(LVL1-EF) ; #DeltaE_{x} (GeV)", nbins[3],low[3],high[3]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1MET_EFMET_dEy", "#DeltaE_{y}(LVL1-EF) ; #DeltaE_{y} (GeV)", nbins[3],low[3],high[3]));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("OffMET_et", "et_OffMET ; Et", nbins[0], low[0], high[0]));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("OffMET_sumet", "sumet_OffMET ; sumEt", nbins[1], low[1], high[1]));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("OffMET_phi", "phi_OffMET ; Phi", nbins[2], low[2], high[2]));
-void HLTMETMonTool::addL2vsEFHistograms() {
-  addHistogram(new TH2F("L2MET_EFMET_EtCor", "LVL2 vs EF Missing E_{T} ; EFME_{T} (GeV); L2ME_{T} (GeV)", nbins[0],low[0],high[0], nbins[0],low[0],high[0]));
-  addHistogram(new TH2F("L2MET_EFMET_SumEtCor", "LVL2 vs EF Sum |E_{T}| ; EFSum|E_{T}| (GeV); L2Sum|E_{T}| (GeV)", nbins[1],low[1],high[1], nbins[1],low[1],high[1]));
-  addHistogram(new TH2F("L2MET_EFMET_PhiCor", "LVL2 vs EF #phi ; EF #phi (rad); LVL2 #phi (rad)", nbins[2],low[2],high[2], nbins[2],low[2],high[2]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L2MET_EFMET_dEt", "#DeltaE_{T}(LVL2-EF) ; #DeltaE_{T} (GeV)", nbins[3],low[3],high[3]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L2MET_EFMET_dPhi", "#Delta#phi(LVL2-EF) ; #Delta#phi (GeV)", nbins[2],low[2],high[2]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L2MET_EFMET_dEx", "#DeltaE_{x}(LVL2-EF) ; #DeltaE_{x} (GeV)", nbins[3],low[3],high[3]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L2MET_EFMET_dEy", "#DeltaE_{y}(LVL2-EF) ; #DeltaE_{y} (GeV)", nbins[3],low[3],high[3]));
+void HLTMETMonTool::addL1vsHLTHistograms() {
+  addHistogram(new TH2F("L1MET_HLTMET_EtCor", "L1 vs HLT Missing E_{T} ; HLTME_{T} (GeV); L1ME_{T} (GeV)", nbins[0], low[0], high[0], nbins[0], low[0], high[0]));
+  addHistogram(new TH2F("L1MET_HLTMET_SumEtCor", "L1 vs HLT Sum |E_{T}| ; HLTSum|E_{T}| (GeV); L1Sum|E_{T}| (GeV)", nbins[1], low[1], high[1], nbins[1], low[1], high[1]));
+  addHistogram(new TH2F("L1MET_HLTMET_PhiCor", "L1 vs HLT #phi ; EF #phi (rad); L1 #phi (rad)", nbins[2], low[2], high[2], nbins[2], low[2], high[2]));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1MET_HLTMET_dEt",  "#DeltaE_{T}(L1-HLT) ; #DeltaE_{T} (GeV)", nbins[3], low[3], high[3]));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1MET_HLTMET_dPhi", "#Delta#phi(L1-HLT) ; #Delta#phi (GeV)", nbins[2], low[2], high[2]));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1MET_HLTMET_dEx",  "#DeltaE_{x}(L1-HLT) ; #DeltaE_{x} (GeV)", nbins[3], low[3], high[3]));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1MET_HLTMET_dEy",  "#DeltaE_{y}(L1-HLT) ; #DeltaE_{y} (GeV)", nbins[3], low[3], high[3]));
-void HLTMETMonTool::addL1vsRecHistograms() {
-  addHistogram(new TH2F("L1MET_RecMET_EtCor", "EtCor_L1MET_RecMET ; RecMET_Et ; L1MET_Et", nbins[0],low[0],high[0], nbins[0],low[0],high[0]));
-  addHistogram(new TH2F("L1MET_RecMET_SumEtCor", "SumEtCor_L1MET_RecMET ; RecMET_SumEt ; L1MET_SumEt", nbins[1],low[1],high[1], nbins[1],low[1],high[1]));
-  addHistogram(new TH2F("L1MET_RecMET_PhiCor", "PhiCor_L1MET_RecMET ; RecMET_Phi ; L1MET_Phi", nbins[2],low[2],high[2], nbins[2],low[2],high[2]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1MET_RecMET_dEt", "dEt_L1MET_RecMET ; dEt", nbins[3],low[3],high[3]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1MET_RecMET_dPhi", "dPhi_L1MET_RecMET ; dPhi", nbins[2],low[2],high[2]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1MET_RecMET_dEx", "dEx_L1MET_RecMET ; dEx", nbins[3],low[3],high[3]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1MET_RecMET_dEy", "dEy_L1MET_RecMET ; dEy", nbins[3],low[3],high[3]));
-void HLTMETMonTool::addL2vsRecHistograms() {
-  addHistogram(new TH2F("L2MET_RecMET_EtCor", "EtCor_L2MET_RecMET ; RecMET_Et ; L2MET_Et", nbins[0],low[0],high[0], nbins[0],low[0],high[0]));
-  addHistogram(new TH2F("L2MET_RecMET_SumEtCor", "SumEtCor_L2MET_RecMET ; RecMET_SumEt ; L2MET_SumEt", nbins[1],low[1],high[1], nbins[1],low[1],high[1]));
-  addHistogram(new TH2F("L2MET_RecMET_PhiCor", "PhiCor_L2MET_RecMET ; RecMET_Phi ; L2MET_Phi", nbins[2],low[2],high[2], nbins[2],low[2],high[2]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L2MET_RecMET_dEt", "dEt_L2MET_RecMET ; dEt", nbins[3],low[3],high[3]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L2MET_RecMET_dPhi", "dPhi_L2MET_RecMET ; dPhi", nbins[2],low[2],high[2]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L2MET_RecMET_dEx", "dEx_L2MET_RecMET ; dEx", nbins[3],low[3],high[3]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("L2MET_RecMET_dEy", "dEy_L2MET_RecMET ; dEy", nbins[3],low[3],high[3]));
+void HLTMETMonTool::addL1vsOffHistograms() {
+  addHistogram(new TH2F("L1MET_OffMET_EtCor", "EtCor_L1MET_OffMET ; OffMET_Et ; L1MET_Et", nbins[0],low[0],high[0], nbins[0],low[0],high[0]));
+  addHistogram(new TH2F("L1MET_OffMET_SumEtCor", "SumEtCor_L1MET_OffMET ; OffMET_SumEt ; L1MET_SumEt", nbins[1],low[1],high[1], nbins[1],low[1],high[1]));
+  addHistogram(new TH2F("L1MET_OffMET_PhiCor", "PhiCor_L1MET_OffMET ; OffMET_Phi ; L1MET_Phi", nbins[2],low[2],high[2], nbins[2],low[2],high[2]));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1MET_OffMET_dEt", "dEt_L1MET_OffMET ; dEt", nbins[3],low[3],high[3]));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1MET_OffMET_dPhi", "dPhi_L1MET_OffMET ; dPhi", nbins[2],low[2],high[2]));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1MET_OffMET_dEx", "dEx_L1MET_OffMET ; dEx", nbins[3],low[3],high[3]));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("L1MET_OffMET_dEy", "dEy_L1MET_OffMET ; dEy", nbins[3],low[3],high[3]));
-void HLTMETMonTool::addEFvsRecHistograms() {
-  addHistogram(new TH2F("EFMET_RecMET_EtCor", "EtCor_EFMET_RecMET ; RecMET_Et ; EFMET_Et", nbins[0],low[0],high[0], nbins[0],low[0],high[0]));
-  addHistogram(new TH2F("EFMET_RecMET_SumEtCor", "SumEtCor_EFMET_RecMET ; RecMET_SumEt ; EFMET_SumEt", nbins[1],low[1],high[1], nbins[1],low[1],high[1]));
-  addHistogram(new TH2F("EFMET_RecMET_PhiCor", "PhiCor_EFMET_RecMET ; RecMET_Phi ; EFMET_Phi", nbins[2],low[2],high[2], nbins[2],low[2],high[2]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("EFMET_RecMET_dEt", "dEt_EFMET_RecMET ; dEt", nbins[3],low[3],high[3]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("EFMET_RecMET_dPhi", "dPhi_EFMET_RecMET ; dPhi", nbins[2],low[2],high[2]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("EFMET_RecMET_dEx", "dEx_EFMET_RecMET ; dEx", nbins[3],low[3],high[3]));
-  addHistogram(new TH1F("EFMET_RecMET_dEy", "dEy_EFMET_RecMET ; dEy", nbins[3],low[3],high[3]));   
+void HLTMETMonTool::addHLTvsOffHistograms() {
+  addHistogram(new TH2F("HLTMET_OffMET_EtCor", "EtCor_HLTMET_OffMET ; OffMET_Et ; HLTMET_Et", nbins[0],low[0],high[0], nbins[0],low[0],high[0]));
+  addHistogram(new TH2F("HLTMET_OffMET_SumEtCor", "SumEtCor_HLTMET_OffMET ; OffMET_SumEt ; HLTMET_SumEt", nbins[1],low[1],high[1], nbins[1],low[1],high[1]));
+  addHistogram(new TH2F("HLTMET_OffMET_PhiCor", "PhiCor_HLTMET_OffMET ; OffMET_Phi ; HLTMET_Phi", nbins[2],low[2],high[2], nbins[2],low[2],high[2]));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("HLTMET_OffMET_dEt", "dEt_HLTMET_OffMET ; dEt", nbins[3],low[3],high[3]));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("HLTMET_OffMET_dPhi", "dPhi_HLTMET_OffMET ; dPhi", nbins[2],low[2],high[2]));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("HLTMET_OffMET_dEx", "dEx_HLTMET_OffMET ; dEx", nbins[3],low[3],high[3]));
+  addHistogram(new TH1F("HLTMET_OffMET_dEy", "dEy_HLTMET_OffMET ; dEy", nbins[3],low[3],high[3]));   
 void HLTMETMonTool::trigger_decision() {
   std::vector<std::map<std::string,int>*> m_met_signatures_tolook;
-  m_met_signatures_tolook.push_back(m_l2_met_signatures_tolook);
-  m_met_signatures_tolook.push_back(m_ef_met_signatures_tolook);
+  m_met_signatures_tolook.push_back(m_hlt_met_signatures_tolook);
-  if(m_is_print_met_trig_stats) {
+  if (m_is_print_met_trig_stats) {
     std::map<std::string,int>::iterator iter;
     for (unsigned int i = 0; i<m_met_signatures_tolook.size(); i++) {
-      for ( iter = m_met_signatures_tolook[i]->begin(); iter != m_met_signatures_tolook[i]->end(); ++iter) {
+      for (iter = m_met_signatures_tolook[i]->begin(); iter != m_met_signatures_tolook[i]->end(); ++iter) {
         std::string name = iter->first;
         if (getTDT()->isPassed(name, TrigDefs::eventAccepted)) {
           iter->second +=1;
-    } 
+    }
 StatusCode HLTMETMonTool::fillMETHistos() {
-  if (m_debuglevel) *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "in fillMETHistos()" << endreq;
+  if (m_debuglevel) 
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("in HTLMETMonTool::fillMETHistos()");
   StatusCode sc = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-  // get LVL1 ROIs
-  m_lvl1_roi = 0;
-  sc = m_storeGate->retrieve(m_lvl1_roi, m_lvl1_roi_key);
-  if( sc.isFailure() || !m_lvl1_roi ) {
-    *m_log << MSG::DEBUG
-       << "No LVL1 ROI with key \"" << m_lvl1_roi_key << "\" found in TDS"
-       << endreq;
+  // retrieve xAOD L1 ROI 
+  m_l1_roi_cont = 0;
+  sc = m_storeGate->retrieve(m_l1_roi_cont, m_lvl1_roi_key);
+  if(sc.isFailure() || !m_l1_roi_cont) {
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG ("Could not retrieve LVL1_RoIs with key \"" << m_lvl1_roi_key << "\" from TDS"  );
-  // get LVL1 MET ROI
-  LVL1_ROI::energysums_type L1METROI; 
-  if (m_lvl1_roi) {
-    L1METROI = m_lvl1_roi->getEnergySumROIs();
-    int l1metroi_size = L1METROI.size();
-    if (l1metroi_size > 1) {
-      *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "Number of L1METROI's " << l1metroi_size << ", should be 1!" << endreq;
-    }
-    if (m_debuglevel) {
-      *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << " Number of L1METROI's " << l1metroi_size
-        << endreq;
-    }
-    if (l1metroi_size == 0) { 
-      *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "Could not retrieve L1 term" << endreq;
-    }
+  // retrieve EF containers
+  m_hlt_met_cont = 0;
+  sc = m_storeGate->retrieve(m_hlt_met_cont, m_hlt_met_key);
+  if (sc.isFailure() || !m_hlt_met_cont) {
+    ATH_MSG_WARNING("Could not retrieve TrigMissingETContainer with key " << m_hlt_met_key << " from TDS");
+  else 
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Accessing met with " << m_hlt_met_cont->size() << " elements");
-  // get L2 TrigMissingETContainer
-  bool doL2MET = (m_l2met_key != "NoL2METKey");
-  const TrigMissingETContainer *trigL2METcont = 0;
-  if(doL2MET) {
-    sc = m_storeGate->retrieve(trigL2METcont, m_l2met_key);
-    if (sc.isFailure() || !trigL2METcont) {
-      *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "Could not retrieve TrigMissingETContainter with Key \""
-        << m_l2met_key << "\" : trigL2METcont = 0" << endreq;
-    } 
-    else if (m_debuglevel) {
-      *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "Got TrigMissingETContainer with key \"" << m_l2met_key << "\"" << endreq;
-      *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "trigL2METcont = " << trigL2METcont << endreq;
-    }
-  }
-  // get L2 MET
-  const TrigMissingET *missETL2 = 0;
-  if(doL2MET) {
-    if (trigL2METcont) {
-      TrigMissingETContainer::const_iterator trigMETfirst  = trigL2METcont->begin();
-      TrigMissingETContainer::const_iterator trigMETlast = trigL2METcont->end();
-      if (trigMETfirst != trigMETlast) {
-        missETL2 = *trigMETfirst;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // get L2FEB TrigMissingETContainer
-  bool doL2FEB = (m_l2feb_key != "NoL2FEBKey");
-  const TrigMissingETContainer *trigL2FEBcont = 0;
-  if(doL2FEB) {
-    sc = m_storeGate->retrieve(trigL2FEBcont, m_l2feb_key);
-    if (sc.isFailure() || !trigL2FEBcont) {
-      *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "Could not retrieve TrigMissingETContainter with Key \""
-        << m_l2feb_key << "\" : trigL2FEBcont = 0" << endreq;
-    } 
-    else if (m_debuglevel) {
-      *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "Got TrigMissingETContainer with key \"" << m_l2feb_key << "\"" << endreq;
-      *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "trigL2FEBcont = " << trigL2FEBcont << endreq;
-    }
-  }
-  // get L2FEB MET
-  const TrigMissingET *missL2FEB = 0;
-  if(doL2FEB) {
-    if (trigL2FEBcont) {
-      TrigMissingETContainer::const_iterator trigMETfirst  = trigL2FEBcont->begin();
-      TrigMissingETContainer::const_iterator trigMETlast = trigL2FEBcont->end();
-      if (trigMETfirst != trigMETlast) {
-        missL2FEB = *trigMETfirst;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // get EF TrigMissingETContainer
-  const TrigMissingETContainer *trigEFMETcont = 0;
-  sc = m_storeGate->retrieve(trigEFMETcont, m_efmet_key);
-  if (sc.isFailure() || !trigEFMETcont) {
-    *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "Could not retrieve TrigMissingETContainer with Key \""
-      << m_efmet_key << "\" : trigEFMETcont = 0" << endreq;
-  }
-  else if (m_debuglevel) {
-    *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "Got TrigMissingETContainer with key \"" << m_efmet_key << "\"" << endreq;
-    *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "trigEFMETcont = " << trigEFMETcont << endreq;
-  }
-  // get EF MET
-  const TrigMissingET *missETEF = 0;
-  if (trigEFMETcont) {
-    TrigMissingETContainer::const_iterator trigMETfirst  = trigEFMETcont->begin();
-    TrigMissingETContainer::const_iterator trigMETlast = trigEFMETcont->end();
-    if (trigMETfirst != trigMETlast) { 
-      missETEF = *(trigEFMETcont->begin());
-    }
+  m_hlt_met_feb_cont = 0;
+  sc = m_storeGate->retrieve(m_hlt_met_feb_cont, m_hlt_met_feb_key);
+  if (sc.isFailure() || !m_hlt_met_feb_cont) {
+    ATH_MSG_WARNING("Could not retrieve TrigMissingETContainer with key " << m_hlt_met_key << " from TDS");
+  else 
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Accessing met with " << m_hlt_met_feb_cont->size() << " elements");
-  const MissingET *missETRec = 0;
-  if(m_doRecMET) {
-    // get offline MET
-    sc = m_storeGate->retrieve(missETRec, m_recmet_key);
-    if (sc.isFailure() || !missETRec) {
-      *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "Could not retrieve Reconstructed MET term with Key \"" << m_recmet_key << "\" : missETRec = 0" << endreq;
-    }
-    else if (m_debuglevel) {
-      *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "Got Reconstructed MET term with key \"" << m_recmet_key << "\"" << endreq;
-      *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "missETRec = " << missETRec << endreq;
-    } 
+  m_hlt_met_topocl_cont = 0;
+  sc = m_storeGate->retrieve(m_hlt_met_topocl_cont, m_hlt_met_topocl_key);
+  if (sc.isFailure() || !m_hlt_met_topocl_cont) {
+    ATH_MSG_WARNING("Could not retrieve TrigMissingETContainer with key " << m_hlt_met_topocl_key << " from TDS");
+  else 
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Accessing met with " << m_hlt_met_topocl_cont->size() << " elements");
+  // retrieve Offline MET container
+  //m_off_met_cont = 0;
+  // if(m_doRecMET) {
+  //   // get offline MET
+  //   sc = m_storeGate->retrieve(missETRec, m_recmet_key);
+  //   if (sc.isFailure() || !missETRec) {
+  //     ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Could not retrieve Reconstructed MET term with Key " << m_recmet_key << " : missETRec = 0");
+  //   }
+  //   else if (m_debuglevel) {
+  //     ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Got Reconstructed MET term with key " << m_recmet_key);
+  //     ATH_MSG_DEBUG("missETRec = " << missETRec);
+  //   } 
+  // }
   // fill shift histograms
-  if(doL2MET) sc = fillL1ShiftHistos(L1METROI);
-  if(doL2MET) sc = fillL2ShiftHistos(L1METROI, missETL2);
-  if(doL2FEB) sc = fillL2FEBShiftHistos(missL2FEB);
-  sc = fillEFShiftHistos(L1METROI, missETL2, missETEF);
-  if(m_doRecMET) sc = fillRecShiftHistos(L1METROI, missETL2, missETEF, missETRec);
+  sc = fillL1ShiftHistos(); 
+  sc = fillHLTShiftHistos();
+  //if(m_doRecMET) sc = fillRecShiftHistos(L1METROI, missETL2, missETEF, missETRec);
   // fill expert histograms
-  if (m_is_make_expert_histos) {
-    sc = fillExpertHistos(L1METROI, missETL2, missETEF, missETRec);
-  }
+  //  if (m_is_make_expert_histos) {
+  sc = fillExpertHistos();
+  //  }
   return sc;
-StatusCode HLTMETMonTool::fillL1ShiftHistos(const LVL1_ROI::energysums_type & L1METROI) {
+StatusCode HLTMETMonTool::fillL1ShiftHistos() {
-  if (m_debuglevel) *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "HLTMETMonTool : in fillL1ShiftHistos()" << endreq;
+  if (m_debuglevel) 
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("in HLTMETMonTool::fillL1ShiftHistos()");
-  if(!m_lvl1_roi) return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+  if(!m_l1_roi_cont) return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-  std::string L2mongroupName = m_mon_path + "/L2MissingET_Fex";
-  setCurrentMonGroup(L2mongroupName.c_str());
-  LVL1_ROI::energysums_type::const_iterator it_L1 = L1METROI.begin();
-  LVL1_ROI::energysums_type::const_iterator it_e_L1 = L1METROI.end();
+  std::string mongroupName = m_mon_path + "/L1";
+  setCurrentMonGroup(mongroupName.c_str());
   TH1 *h(0);
-  TH2 *h2(0);
+  //TH2 *h2(0);
   float epsilon = 1e-6;  // 1 keV
   float epsilon_l1met = 1.e-3; // 1 MeV
-  for( ; it_L1 != it_e_L1; it_L1++) {
-    //setCurrentMonGroup(L2mongroupName.c_str());
-    float m_lvl1_mex = -9e9;
-    float m_lvl1_mey = -9e9;
-    float m_lvl1_met = -9e9;
-    float m_lvl1_set = -9e9;
-    float m_lvl1_phi = -9e9;
-    float m_lvl1_mex_log = -9e9;
-    float m_lvl1_mey_log = -9e9;
-    float m_lvl1_met_log = -9e9;
-    float m_lvl1_set_log = -9e9;
-    m_lvl1_mex = - (it_L1->getEnergyX())/CLHEP::GeV;
-    m_lvl1_mey = - (it_L1->getEnergyY())/CLHEP::GeV;
-    m_lvl1_met = sqrt(m_lvl1_mex*m_lvl1_mex + m_lvl1_mey*m_lvl1_mey);
-    m_lvl1_phi = atan2f(m_lvl1_mey,m_lvl1_mex);
-    m_lvl1_set = (it_L1->getEnergyT())/CLHEP::GeV; 
-    if(m_lvl1_met > epsilon_l1met) {
-      if((h = hist("L1_METx")))   h->Fill(m_lvl1_mex);
-      if((h = hist("L1_METy")))   h->Fill(m_lvl1_mey);
-      if((h = hist("L1_MET")))   h->Fill(m_lvl1_met);
-      if((h = hist("L1_MET_lin1")))   h->Fill(m_lvl1_met);
-      if((h = hist("L1_SumEt")))   h->Fill(m_lvl1_set);
-      if((h = hist("L1_MET_phi")))   h->Fill(m_lvl1_phi);
-      if((h = hist("L1_MET_phi1")))   h->Fill(m_lvl1_phi,m_lvl1_met);
-    }
-    if (fabsf(m_lvl1_mex)>epsilon)
-      m_lvl1_mex_log = copysign(log10(fabsf(m_lvl1_mex)), m_lvl1_mex);
-    else
-      m_lvl1_mex_log = 0.01;
-    if (fabsf(m_lvl1_mey)>epsilon)
-      m_lvl1_mey_log = copysign(log10(fabsf(m_lvl1_mey)), m_lvl1_mey);
-    else
-      m_lvl1_mey_log = 0.01;
-    if (fabsf(m_lvl1_met)>epsilon)
-      m_lvl1_met_log = copysign(log10(fabsf(m_lvl1_met)), m_lvl1_met);
-    else
-      m_lvl1_met_log = 0.01;
-    if (fabsf(m_lvl1_set)>epsilon)
-      m_lvl1_set_log = copysign(log10(fabsf(m_lvl1_set)), m_lvl1_set);
-    else
-      m_lvl1_set_log = 0.01;
-    if(m_lvl1_met > epsilon_l1met) {
-      if((h = hist("L1_MEx_log"))) h->Fill(m_lvl1_mex_log);
-      if((h = hist("L1_MEy_log"))) h->Fill(m_lvl1_mey_log);
-      if((h = hist("L1_MET_log"))) h->Fill(m_lvl1_met_log);
-      if((h = hist("L1_SumEt_log"))) h->Fill(m_lvl1_set_log);
-    }
-    float m_sqrt_set = sqrt(m_lvl1_set > epsilon ? m_lvl1_set:0.);
-    if((h2 = hist2("L1MET_VS_SqrtSET_All")      ))  h2->Fill(m_sqrt_set, m_lvl1_met);
-    if((h2 = hist2("L1MEx_VS_SqrtSET_All")      ))  h2->Fill(m_sqrt_set, m_lvl1_mex);
-    if((h2 = hist2("L1MEy_VS_SqrtSET_All")      ))  h2->Fill(m_sqrt_set, m_lvl1_mey);
-    bool pass_zb = getTDT()->isPassed("L1_RD0_FILLED", TrigDefs::eventAccepted);
-    if(pass_zb) {
-      if((h2 = hist2("L1MET_VS_SqrtSET_RD0")      ))  h2->Fill(m_sqrt_set, m_lvl1_met);
-      if((h2 = hist2("L1MEx_VS_SqrtSET_RD0")      ))  h2->Fill(m_sqrt_set, m_lvl1_mex);
-      if((h2 = hist2("L1MEy_VS_SqrtSET_RD0")      ))  h2->Fill(m_sqrt_set, m_lvl1_mey);
-    }
+  //for( ; it_L1 != it_e_L1; it_L1++) {
+  setCurrentMonGroup(mongroupName.c_str());
+  float m_lvl1_mex = -9e9;
+  float m_lvl1_mey = -9e9;
+  float m_lvl1_met = -9e9;
+  float m_lvl1_set = -9e9;
+  float m_lvl1_phi = -9e9;
+  float m_lvl1_mex_log = -9e9;
+  float m_lvl1_mey_log = -9e9;
+  float m_lvl1_met_log = -9e9;
+  float m_lvl1_set_log = -9e9;
+  m_lvl1_mex = - (m_l1_roi_cont->energyX())/CLHEP::GeV;
+  m_lvl1_mey = - (m_l1_roi_cont->energyY())/CLHEP::GeV;
+  m_lvl1_met = sqrt(m_lvl1_mex*m_lvl1_mex + m_lvl1_mey*m_lvl1_mey);
+  m_lvl1_phi = atan2f(m_lvl1_mey,m_lvl1_mex);
+  m_lvl1_set = (m_l1_roi_cont->energyT())/CLHEP::GeV; 
+  if(m_lvl1_met > epsilon_l1met) {
+    if((h = hist("L1_METx")))   h->Fill(m_lvl1_mex);
+    if((h = hist("L1_METy")))   h->Fill(m_lvl1_mey);
+    if((h = hist("L1_MET")))   h->Fill(m_lvl1_met);
+    if((h = hist("L1_MET_lin1")))   h->Fill(m_lvl1_met);
+    if((h = hist("L1_SumEt")))   h->Fill(m_lvl1_set);
+    if((h = hist("L1_MET_phi")))   h->Fill(m_lvl1_phi);
+    if((h = hist("L1_MET_phi1")))   h->Fill(m_lvl1_phi,m_lvl1_met);
+  }
+  if (fabsf(m_lvl1_mex)>epsilon)
+    m_lvl1_mex_log = copysign(log10(fabsf(m_lvl1_mex)), m_lvl1_mex);
+  else
+    m_lvl1_mex_log = 0.01;
+  if (fabsf(m_lvl1_mey)>epsilon)
+    m_lvl1_mey_log = copysign(log10(fabsf(m_lvl1_mey)), m_lvl1_mey);
+  else
+    m_lvl1_mey_log = 0.01;
+  if (fabsf(m_lvl1_met)>epsilon)
+    m_lvl1_met_log = copysign(log10(fabsf(m_lvl1_met)), m_lvl1_met);
+  else
+    m_lvl1_met_log = 0.01;
+  if (fabsf(m_lvl1_set)>epsilon)
+    m_lvl1_set_log = copysign(log10(fabsf(m_lvl1_set)), m_lvl1_set);
+  else
+    m_lvl1_set_log = 0.01;
+  if(m_lvl1_met > epsilon_l1met) {
+    if((h = hist("L1_MEx_log"))) h->Fill(m_lvl1_mex_log);
+    if((h = hist("L1_MEy_log"))) h->Fill(m_lvl1_mey_log);
+    if((h = hist("L1_MET_log"))) h->Fill(m_lvl1_met_log);
+    if((h = hist("L1_SumEt_log"))) h->Fill(m_lvl1_set_log);
+  // float m_sqrt_set = sqrt(m_lvl1_set > epsilon ? m_lvl1_set:0.);
+  // if((h2 = hist2("L1MET_VS_SqrtSET_All")      ))  h2->Fill(m_sqrt_set, m_lvl1_met);
+  // if((h2 = hist2("L1MEx_VS_SqrtSET_All")      ))  h2->Fill(m_sqrt_set, m_lvl1_mex);
+  // if((h2 = hist2("L1MEy_VS_SqrtSET_All")      ))  h2->Fill(m_sqrt_set, m_lvl1_mey);
+  // bool pass_zb = getTDT()->isPassed("L1_RD0_FILLED", TrigDefs::eventAccepted);
+  // if(pass_zb) {
+  //   if((h2 = hist2("L1MET_VS_SqrtSET_RD0")      ))  h2->Fill(m_sqrt_set, m_lvl1_met);
+  //   if((h2 = hist2("L1MEx_VS_SqrtSET_RD0")      ))  h2->Fill(m_sqrt_set, m_lvl1_mex);
+  //   if((h2 = hist2("L1MEy_VS_SqrtSET_RD0")      ))  h2->Fill(m_sqrt_set, m_lvl1_mey);
+  // }
+  //}
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS; 
-StatusCode HLTMETMonTool::fillL2FEBShiftHistos(const TrigMissingET *& missL2FEB) {
+StatusCode HLTMETMonTool::fillHLTShiftHistos() {
+  if (m_hlt_met_cont && m_hlt_met_cont->size()>0)
+    m_hlt_met = m_hlt_met_cont->at(0);
+  else {
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("in fillHLTShiftHistos: HLT container empty");
+    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+  }
-  //*m_log << MSG::INFO << "HLTMETMonTool : in fillL2FEBShiftHistos()" << missL2FEB << endreq;
-  if (m_debuglevel) *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "HLTMETMonTool : in fillL2FEBShiftHistos()" << endreq;
-  if(!missL2FEB) return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
   TH1 *h(0);
   TH2 *h2(0);
+  std::string mongroupName = m_mon_path + "/HLT";
+  setCurrentMonGroup(mongroupName.c_str());	
-  std::string L2mongroupName = m_mon_path + "/L2MissingET_FEB";
-  setCurrentMonGroup(L2mongroupName.c_str());
-  //___________________________________________________________________________
   float m_etx_log = -9e9;
   float m_ety_log = -9e9;
   float m_etz_log = -9e9;
@@ -1193,12 +781,12 @@ StatusCode HLTMETMonTool::fillL2FEBShiftHistos(const TrigMissingET *& missL2FEB)
   float m_me_lin = -9e9;
   float m_phi = -9e9;
-  float m_ETx     = missL2FEB->ex();
-  float m_ETy     = missL2FEB->ey();
-  float m_ETz     = missL2FEB->ez();
-  float m_MET     = missL2FEB->et();
-  float m_SumEt   = missL2FEB->sumEt();
-  float m_SumE    = missL2FEB->sumE();
+  float m_ETx     = m_hlt_met->ex();
+  float m_ETy     = m_hlt_met->ey();
+  float m_ETz     = m_hlt_met->ez();
+  float m_MET     = sqrt(m_ETx*m_ETx+m_ETy*m_ETy); //m_EFMetC->at(0)->et();
+  float m_SumEt   = m_hlt_met->sumEt();
+  float m_SumE    = m_hlt_met->sumE();
   // monitoring values (in CLHEP::GeV)
   m_etx_lin = m_ETx/CLHEP::GeV; 
@@ -1240,579 +828,218 @@ StatusCode HLTMETMonTool::fillL2FEBShiftHistos(const TrigMissingET *& missL2FEB)
     m_se_log = 0.01;
-  if((h = hist("L2FEB_MEx_lin")     ))   h->Fill(m_etx_lin);
-  if((h = hist("L2FEB_MEy_lin")     ))   h->Fill(m_ety_lin);
-  if((h = hist("L2FEB_MEz_lin")     ))   h->Fill(m_etz_lin);
-  if((h = hist("L2FEB_ME_lin")      ))   h->Fill(m_me_lin);
-  if((h = hist("L2FEB_MET_lin")      ))  h->Fill(m_met_lin);
-  if((h = hist("L2FEB_MET_lin1")     ))  h->Fill(m_met_lin);
-  if((h = hist("L2FEB_SumEt_lin")    ))  h->Fill(m_set_lin);
-  if((h = hist("L2FEB_SumE_lin")     ))  h->Fill(m_se_lin);
-  if((h = hist("L2FEB_MET_phi")      ))  h->Fill(m_phi);
-  if((h = hist("L2FEB_MET_phi1")     ))  h->Fill(m_phi,m_met_lin);
-  if((h = hist("L2FEB_MEx_log")     ))   h->Fill(m_etx_log);
-  if((h = hist("L2FEB_MEy_log")     ))   h->Fill(m_ety_log);
-  if((h = hist("L2FEB_MEz_log")     ))   h->Fill(m_etz_log);
-  if((h = hist("L2FEB_ME_log")      ))   h->Fill(m_me_log);
-  if((h = hist("L2FEB_MET_log")      ))  h->Fill(m_met_log);
-  if((h = hist("L2FEB_SumEt_log")    ))  h->Fill(m_set_log);
-  if((h = hist("L2FEB_SumE_log")     ))  h->Fill(m_se_log);
-  float m_sqrt_set = sqrt(m_set_lin > epsilon ? m_set_lin : 0.);
-  if((h2 = hist2("L2MET_VS_SqrtSET_All")      ))  h2->Fill(m_sqrt_set, m_met_lin);
-  if((h2 = hist2("L2MEx_VS_SqrtSET_All")      ))  h2->Fill(m_sqrt_set, m_etx_lin);
-  if((h2 = hist2("L2MEy_VS_SqrtSET_All")      ))  h2->Fill(m_sqrt_set, m_ety_lin);
-  bool pass_zb = getTDT()->isPassed("L1_RD0_FILLED", TrigDefs::eventAccepted);
-  if(pass_zb) {
-    if((h2 = hist2("L2MET_VS_SqrtSET_RD0")      ))  h2->Fill(m_sqrt_set, m_met_lin);
-    if((h2 = hist2("L2MEx_VS_SqrtSET_RD0")      ))  h2->Fill(m_sqrt_set, m_etx_lin);
-    if((h2 = hist2("L2MEy_VS_SqrtSET_RD0")      ))  h2->Fill(m_sqrt_set, m_ety_lin);
-  }
-  //___________________________________________________________________________
-  unsigned int Nc = missL2FEB->getNumOfComponents();
-  unsigned int compNc = m_compNamesL2.size();
-  //*m_log << MSG::INFO << "Nc = " << Nc << "\tcompNc = " << compNc << endreq;
-  Nc = Nc > compNc ? compNc : Nc;
-  if (Nc > 0) {
-    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Nc; ++i) { // loop over components
-      float ex =                missL2FEB->getExComponent(i)/CLHEP::GeV;
-      float ey =                missL2FEB->getEyComponent(i)/CLHEP::GeV;
-      float ez =                missL2FEB->getEzComponent(i)/CLHEP::GeV;
-      float et =                sqrt(ex*ex+ey*ey);
-      float sumE =              missL2FEB->getSumEComponent(i)/CLHEP::GeV;
-      float sumEt =             missL2FEB->getSumEtComponent(i)/CLHEP::GeV;
-      float m_comp_ex_log = -9e9;
-      float m_comp_ey_log = -9e9;
-      float m_comp_ez_log = -9e9;
-      float m_comp_et_log = -9e9;
-      float m_comp_sum_et_log = -9e9;
-      float m_comp_sum_e_log = -9e9;
-      float m_comp_sum_et_lin = -9e9;
-      float m_comp_sum_e_lin = -9e9;
-      float m_comp_et_lin = -9e9;
-      if (fabsf(ex)>epsilon)
-        m_comp_ex_log = copysign(log10f(fabsf(ex)), ex);
-      else
-        m_comp_ex_log = 0.01;
-      if (fabsf(ey)>epsilon)
-        m_comp_ey_log = copysign(log10f(fabsf(ey)), ey);
-      else
-        m_comp_ey_log = 0.01;
-      if (fabsf(ez)>epsilon)
-        m_comp_ez_log = copysign(log10f(fabsf(ez)), ez);
-      else
-        m_comp_ez_log = 0.01;
-      m_comp_et_lin = et;
-      if (et>1e-6) // i.e. et > 0
-        m_comp_et_log = log10f(et);
-      else
-        m_comp_et_log = -100; // underflow
-      m_comp_sum_et_lin = sumEt;
-      m_comp_sum_e_lin = sumE;
-      if (fabsf(sumEt)>epsilon)
-        m_comp_sum_et_log = copysign(log10f(fabsf(sumEt)), sumEt);
-      else
-        m_comp_sum_et_log = 0.01;
-      if (fabsf(sumE)>epsilon)
-        m_comp_sum_e_log = copysign(log10f(fabsf(sumE)), sumE);
-      else
-        m_comp_sum_e_log = 0.01;
-      if((h2 = hist2("compN_compEx")))      h2->Fill(i,m_comp_ex_log);
-      if((h2 = hist2("compN_compEy")))      h2->Fill(i,m_comp_ey_log);
-      if((h2 = hist2("compN_compEz")))      h2->Fill(i,m_comp_ez_log);
-      if((h2 = hist2("compN_compEt")))      h2->Fill(i,m_comp_et_log);
-      if((h2 = hist2("compN_compSumEt")))      h2->Fill(i,m_comp_sum_et_log);
-      if((h2 = hist2("compN_compSumE")))      h2->Fill(i,m_comp_sum_e_log);
-      if((h2 = hist2("compN_compEt_lin")))      h2->Fill(i,m_comp_et_lin);
-      if((h2 = hist2("compN_compSumEt_lin")))      h2->Fill(i,m_comp_sum_et_lin);
-      bool m_fill_stat = false;
-      if((h2 = hist2("compN_L2FEB_MET_status"))) m_fill_stat = true;
-      // loop over status flags
-      for (int j=0; j<32; ++j) {
-        unsigned mask = (1<<j);
-        if (missL2FEB->getStatus(i) & mask) {
-          if(m_fill_stat && h2) h2->Fill(i,j);
-        }
-      }
-      float nchan_used = fabsf(missL2FEB->getUsedChannels(i));
-      if(nchan_used > epsilon) nchan_used = log10f(nchan_used);
-      else nchan_used = -1.;
-      if((h2 = hist2("compN_L2FEB_usedChannels"))) h2->Fill(i,nchan_used);
-      CLHEP::Hep3Vector v(ex,ey,ez);
-      double eta = v.eta();
-      double phi = v.phi();
-      if((h2 = hist2(Form("compN_EtaPhi_%02d", i))))      h2->Fill(eta, phi);
-      if((h2 = hist2(Form("compEt_lin_EtaPhi_%02d", i))))      h2->Fill(eta, phi, m_comp_et_lin);
-      if((h2 = hist2(Form("compSumEt_lin_EtaPhi_%02d", i))))      h2->Fill(eta, phi, m_comp_sum_et_lin);
-      if((h2 = hist2(Form("compSumE_lin_EtaPhi_%02d", i))))      h2->Fill(eta, phi, m_comp_sum_e_lin);
-    } // loop over components
-  }
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS; 
-StatusCode HLTMETMonTool::fillL2ShiftHistos(const LVL1_ROI::energysums_type & L1METROI,
-					    const TrigMissingET *& missETL2) {
-  if (m_debuglevel) *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "HLTMETMonTool : in fillL2ShiftHistos()" << endreq;
-  if(!missETL2) return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-  TH1 *h(0);
-  TH2 *h2(0);
-  std::string L2mongroupName = m_mon_path + "/L2MissingET_Fex";
-  setCurrentMonGroup(L2mongroupName.c_str());
-  float m_lvl2_mex = -9e9;
-  float m_lvl2_mey = -9e9;
-  float m_lvl2_met = -9e9;
-  float m_lvl2_set = -9e9;
-  float m_lvl2_phi = -9e9;
-  float m_lvl2_mex_log = -9e9;
-  float m_lvl2_mey_log = -9e9;
-  float m_lvl2_met_log = -9e9;
-  float m_lvl2_set_log = -9e9;
-  float m_ETx     = missETL2->ex();
-  float m_ETy     = missETL2->ey();
-  float m_MET     = missETL2->et();
-  float m_SumEt   = missETL2->sumEt();
-  m_lvl2_mex = m_ETx/CLHEP::GeV;
-  m_lvl2_mey = m_ETy/CLHEP::GeV;
-  m_lvl2_met = m_MET/CLHEP::GeV;
-  m_lvl2_set = m_SumEt/CLHEP::GeV;
-  m_lvl2_phi = atan2f(m_ETy, m_ETx);
-  float epsilon = 1e-6;  // 1 keV
-  if (fabsf(m_lvl2_mex)>epsilon)
-    m_lvl2_mex_log = copysign(log10(fabsf(m_lvl2_mex)), m_lvl2_mex);
-  else
-    m_lvl2_mex_log = 0.01;
-  if (fabsf(m_lvl2_mey)>epsilon)
-    m_lvl2_mey_log = copysign(log10(fabsf(m_lvl2_mey)), m_lvl2_mey);
-  else
-    m_lvl2_mey_log = 0.01;
-  if (fabsf(m_lvl2_met)>epsilon)
-    m_lvl2_met_log = copysign(log10(fabsf(m_lvl2_met)), m_lvl2_met);
-  else
-    m_lvl2_met_log = 0.01;
-  if (fabsf(m_lvl2_set)>epsilon)
-    m_lvl2_set_log = copysign(log10(fabsf(m_lvl2_set)), m_lvl2_set);
-  else
-    m_lvl2_set_log = 0.01;
-  if((h = hist("L2_METx")     ))   h->Fill(m_lvl2_mex);
-  if((h = hist("L2_METy")     ))   h->Fill(m_lvl2_mey);
-  if((h = hist("L2_MET")      ))   h->Fill(m_lvl2_met);
-  if((h = hist("L2_MET_lin1") ))   h->Fill(m_lvl2_met);
-  if((h = hist("L2_SumEt")    ))   h->Fill(m_lvl2_set);
-  if((h = hist("L2_MET_phi")  ))   h->Fill(m_lvl2_phi);
-  if((h = hist("L2_MET_phi1")  ))   h->Fill(m_lvl2_phi, m_lvl2_met);
-  if((h = hist("L2_MEx_log")     ))   h->Fill(m_lvl2_mex_log);
-  if((h = hist("L2_MEy_log")     ))   h->Fill(m_lvl2_mey_log);
-  if((h = hist("L2_MET_log")      ))   h->Fill(m_lvl2_met_log);
-  if((h = hist("L2_SumEt_log")    ))   h->Fill(m_lvl2_set_log);
-  // L2 components -- begin
-  unsigned int Nc = missETL2->getNumOfComponents();
-  unsigned int compNc = m_compNamesEF.size();
-  Nc = Nc > compNc ? compNc : Nc;
-  if (Nc > 0) {
-    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Nc; ++i) { // loop over components
-      float m_l2mu_set = -9e9;
-      float m_l2mu_set_log = -9e9;
-      m_l2mu_set =                missETL2->getSumEtComponent(i)/CLHEP::GeV;
-      if((h = hist("L2_mu_SumEt"))) h->Fill(m_l2mu_set);
-      if (fabsf(m_l2mu_set)>epsilon)
-        m_l2mu_set_log = copysign(log10(fabsf(m_l2mu_set)), m_l2mu_set);
-      else
-        m_l2mu_set_log = 0.01;
-      if((h = hist("L2_mu_SumEt_log"))) h->Fill(m_l2mu_set_log);
-    }
-  }
-  // L2 components -- end
-  TH1F *h1i(0);
-  bool m_fill_stat = false;
-  if((h1i = (TH1F *) hist("L2_MET_status"))) m_fill_stat = true;
-  for (int i=0; i<32; ++i) {
-    unsigned mask = (1<<i);
-    if (missETL2->getFlag() & mask) {
-      if(m_fill_stat && h1i) h1i->Fill(i,1.);
-    } else {
-      if(m_fill_stat && h1i) h1i->Fill(i,0);
-    }
+  if((h = hist("HLT_MEx_lin")     ))  h->Fill(m_etx_lin);
+  if((h = hist("HLT_MEy_lin")     ))  h->Fill(m_ety_lin);
+  if((h = hist("HLT_MEz_lin")     ))  h->Fill(m_etz_lin);
+  if((h = hist("HLT_ME_lin")      ))  h->Fill(m_me_lin);
+  if((h = hist("HLT_MET_lin")     ))  h->Fill(m_met_lin);
+  if((h = hist("HLT_MET_lin1")    ))  h->Fill(m_met_lin);
+  if((h = hist("HLT_SumEt_lin")   ))  h->Fill(m_set_lin);
+  if((h = hist("HLT_SumE_lin")    ))  h->Fill(m_se_lin);
+  if((h = hist("HLT_MET_phi")     ))  h->Fill(m_phi);
+  if((h = hist("HLT_MET_phi1")    ))  h->Fill(m_phi,m_met_lin);
+  if((h = hist("HLT_MEx_log")     ))  h->Fill(m_etx_log);
+  if((h = hist("HLT_MEy_log")     ))  h->Fill(m_ety_log);
+  if((h = hist("HLT_MEz_log")     ))  h->Fill(m_etz_log);
+  if((h = hist("HLT_ME_log")      ))  h->Fill(m_me_log);
+  if((h = hist("HLT_MET_log")     ))  h->Fill(m_met_log);
+  if((h = hist("HLT_SumEt_log")   ))  h->Fill(m_set_log);
+  if((h = hist("HLT_SumE_log")    ))  h->Fill(m_se_log);
+  // EF FEB
+  if (m_hlt_met_feb_cont && m_hlt_met_feb_cont->size()>0)
+    m_hlt_met = m_hlt_met_feb_cont->at(0);
+  else {
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("in fillHLTShiftHistos: HLT FEB container empty");
+    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-  /*
-  std::string lbnMETMonGroup = m_mon_path + "/lbnstatus";
-  setCurrentMonGroup(lbnMETMonGroup);
-  m_fill_stat = false;
-  h1i = NULL;
-  if((h1i = (TH1F *) hist("L2_MET_status"))) m_fill_stat = true;
-  for (int i=0; i<32; ++i) {
-    unsigned mask = (1<<i);
-    if (missETL2->getFlag() & mask) {
-      if(m_fill_stat && h1i) h1i->Fill(i,1.);
-    } else {
-      if(m_fill_stat && h1i) h1i->Fill(i,0);
-    }
-  }
-  setCurrentMonGroup(L2mongroupName.c_str());
-  */
+  std::string HLTFEBmongroupName = m_mon_path + "/HLT_FEB";
+  setCurrentMonGroup(HLTFEBmongroupName.c_str());	
+  m_ETx     = m_hlt_met->ex();
+  m_ETy     = m_hlt_met->ey();
-  // fill correlation histograms -- L1MET vs L2MET
-  if (m_lvl1_roi) {
-    LVL1_ROI::energysums_type::const_iterator it_L1 = L1METROI.begin();
-    LVL1_ROI::energysums_type::const_iterator it_e_L1 = L1METROI.end();
+  // monitoring values (in CLHEP::GeV)
+  m_etx_lin = m_ETx/CLHEP::GeV; 
+  m_ety_lin = m_ETy/CLHEP::GeV; 
-    for( ; it_L1 != it_e_L1; it_L1++) {
-      float sumet = (it_L1->getEnergyT())/CLHEP::GeV;
-      float ex = - (it_L1->getExMiss())/CLHEP::GeV;
-      float ey = - (it_L1->getEyMiss())/CLHEP::GeV;
-      float et = sqrt(ex*ex + ey*ey);
-      float phi = atan2f(ey, ex);
-      float dphi = signed_delta_phi(phi, m_lvl2_phi);
+  if((h = hist("HLTFEB_MEx_lin")   ))   h->Fill(m_etx_lin);
+  if((h = hist("HLTFEB_MEy_lin")   ))   h->Fill(m_ety_lin);
-      if((h2 = hist2("L1MET_L2MET_EtCor")))   h2->Fill(m_lvl2_met, et);
-      if((h2 = hist2("L1MET_L2MET_SumEtCor")))   h2->Fill(m_lvl2_set, sumet);
-      if((h2 = hist2("L1MET_L2MET_PhiCor")))   h2->Fill(m_lvl2_phi, phi);
-      if((h = hist ("L1MET_L2MET_dEt")))   h->Fill(et - m_lvl2_met);
-      if((h = hist ("L1MET_L2MET_dPhi")))   h->Fill(dphi);
-      if((h = hist ("L1MET_L2MET_dEx")))   h->Fill(ex - m_lvl2_mex);
-      if((h = hist ("L1MET_L2MET_dEy")))   h->Fill(ey - m_lvl2_mey); 
-    }
+  // EF topocl
+  if (m_hlt_met_topocl_cont && m_hlt_met_topocl_cont->size()>0)
+    m_hlt_met = m_hlt_met_topocl_cont->at(0);
+  else {
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("in fillHLTShiftHistos: HLT topocl container empty");
+    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS; 
+  std::string HLTtopoclmongroupName = m_mon_path + "/HLT_topocl";
+  setCurrentMonGroup(HLTtopoclmongroupName.c_str());
-StatusCode HLTMETMonTool::fillEFShiftHistos(const LVL1_ROI::energysums_type & L1METROI,
-					    const TrigMissingET *& missETL2,
-					    const TrigMissingET *& missETEF) {
+  m_ETx     = m_hlt_met->ex();
+  m_ETy     = m_hlt_met->ey();
-  if (m_debuglevel) *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "HLTMETMonTool : in fillEFShiftHistos()" << endreq;
-  if(!missETEF) return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-  TH1 *h(0);
-  TH2 *h2(0);
-  std::string EFmongroupName = m_mon_path + "/EFMissingET_Fex";
-  setCurrentMonGroup(EFmongroupName.c_str());	
-  float m_etx_log = -9e9;
-  float m_ety_log = -9e9;
-  float m_etz_log = -9e9;
-  float m_met_log = -9e9;
-  float m_set_log = -9e9;
-  float m_me_log = -9e9;
-  float m_se_log = -9e9;
-  float m_etx_lin = -9e9;
-  float m_ety_lin = -9e9;
-  float m_etz_lin = -9e9;
-  float m_met_lin = -9e9;
-  float m_set_lin = -9e9;
-  float m_se_lin = -9e9;
-  float m_me_lin = -9e9;
-  float m_phi = -9e9;
-  float m_ETx     = missETEF->ex();
-  float m_ETy     = missETEF->ey();
-  float m_ETz     = missETEF->ez();
-  float m_MET     = missETEF->et();
-  float m_SumEt   = missETEF->sumEt();
-  float m_SumE    = missETEF->sumE();
-  // monitoring values (in CLHEP::GeV)
   m_etx_lin = m_ETx/CLHEP::GeV; 
   m_ety_lin = m_ETy/CLHEP::GeV; 
-  m_etz_lin = m_ETz/CLHEP::GeV;
-  m_me_lin  = sqrt(m_etx_lin*m_etx_lin+m_ety_lin*m_ety_lin+m_etz_lin*m_etz_lin);
-  m_met_lin = m_MET/CLHEP::GeV; 
-  m_set_lin = m_SumEt/CLHEP::GeV;
-  m_se_lin  = m_SumE/CLHEP::GeV; 
-  m_phi = atan2f(m_ETy, m_ETx);
-  float epsilon = 1e-6;  // 1 keV
-  if (m_me_lin>epsilon)  m_me_log  = log10(fabsf(m_me_lin)); // underflow otherwise
-  epsilon=1.189;
-  if (fabsf(m_etx_lin)>epsilon)
-    m_etx_log = copysign(log10(fabsf(m_etx_lin)), m_etx_lin);
-  else
-    m_etx_log = 0.01;
-  if (fabsf(m_ety_lin)>epsilon)
-    m_ety_log = copysign(log10(fabsf(m_ety_lin)), m_ety_lin);
-  else
-    m_ety_log = 0.01;
-  if (fabsf(m_etz_lin)>epsilon)
-    m_etz_log = copysign(log10(fabsf(m_etz_lin)), m_etz_lin);
-  else
-    m_etz_log = 0.01;
-  if (fabsf(m_met_lin)>epsilon)
-    m_met_log = copysign(log10(fabsf(m_met_lin)), m_met_lin);
-  else
-    m_met_log = 0.01;
-  if (fabsf(m_set_lin)>epsilon)
-    m_set_log = copysign(log10(fabsf(m_set_lin)), m_set_lin);
-  else
-    m_set_log = 0.01;
-  if (fabsf(m_se_lin)>epsilon)
-    m_se_log  = copysign(log10(fabsf(m_se_lin)), m_se_lin);
-  else
-    m_se_log = 0.01;
-  if((h = hist("EF_MEx_lin")     ))   h->Fill(m_etx_lin);
-  if((h = hist("EF_MEy_lin")     ))   h->Fill(m_ety_lin);
-  if((h = hist("EF_MEz_lin")     ))   h->Fill(m_etz_lin);
-  if((h = hist("EF_ME_lin")      ))   h->Fill(m_me_lin);
-  if((h = hist("EF_MET_lin")      ))  h->Fill(m_met_lin);
-  if((h = hist("EF_MET_lin1")     ))  h->Fill(m_met_lin);
-  if((h = hist("EF_SumEt_lin")    ))  h->Fill(m_set_lin);
-  if((h = hist("EF_SumE_lin")     ))  h->Fill(m_se_lin);
-  if((h = hist("EF_MET_phi")      ))  h->Fill(m_phi);
-  if((h = hist("EF_MET_phi1")     ))  h->Fill(m_phi,m_met_lin);
-  if((h = hist("EF_MEx_log")     ))   h->Fill(m_etx_log);
-  if((h = hist("EF_MEy_log")     ))   h->Fill(m_ety_log);
-  if((h = hist("EF_MEz_log")     ))   h->Fill(m_etz_log);
-  if((h = hist("EF_ME_log")      ))   h->Fill(m_me_log);
-  if((h = hist("EF_MET_log")      ))  h->Fill(m_met_log);
-  if((h = hist("EF_SumEt_log")    ))  h->Fill(m_set_log);
-  if((h = hist("EF_SumE_log")     ))  h->Fill(m_se_log);
+  if((h = hist("HLTtopocl_MEx_lin") ))   h->Fill(m_etx_lin);
+  if((h = hist("HLTtopocl_MEy_lin") ))   h->Fill(m_ety_lin);
   float m_sqrt_set = sqrt(m_set_lin > epsilon ? m_set_lin : 0.);
-  if((h2 = hist2("EFMET_VS_SqrtSET_All")      ))  h2->Fill(m_sqrt_set, m_met_lin);
-  if((h2 = hist2("EFMEx_VS_SqrtSET_All")      ))  h2->Fill(m_sqrt_set, m_etx_lin);
-  if((h2 = hist2("EFMEy_VS_SqrtSET_All")      ))  h2->Fill(m_sqrt_set, m_ety_lin);
-  bool pass_zb = getTDT()->isPassed("L1_RD0_FILLED", TrigDefs::eventAccepted);
-  if(pass_zb) {
-    if((h2 = hist2("EFMET_VS_SqrtSET_RD0")      ))  h2->Fill(m_sqrt_set, m_met_lin);
-    if((h2 = hist2("EFMEx_VS_SqrtSET_RD0")      ))  h2->Fill(m_sqrt_set, m_etx_lin);
-    if((h2 = hist2("EFMEy_VS_SqrtSET_RD0")      ))  h2->Fill(m_sqrt_set, m_ety_lin);
-  }
+  if((h2 = hist2("HLTMET_VS_SqrtSET_All")      ))  h2->Fill(m_sqrt_set, m_met_lin);
+  if((h2 = hist2("HLTMEx_VS_SqrtSET_All")      ))  h2->Fill(m_sqrt_set, m_etx_lin);
+  if((h2 = hist2("HLTMEy_VS_SqrtSET_All")      ))  h2->Fill(m_sqrt_set, m_ety_lin);
+  //bool pass_zb = getTDT()->isPassed("L1_RD0_FILLED", TrigDefs::eventAccepted);
+  // if(pass_zb) {
+  //   if((h2 = hist2("EFMET_VS_SqrtSET_RD0")      ))  h2->Fill(m_sqrt_set, m_met_lin);
+  //   if((h2 = hist2("EFMEx_VS_SqrtSET_RD0")      ))  h2->Fill(m_sqrt_set, m_etx_lin);
+  //   if((h2 = hist2("EFMEy_VS_SqrtSET_RD0")      ))  h2->Fill(m_sqrt_set, m_ety_lin);
+  // }
   //std::vector<int> m_status_flag(32,0);
-  TH1F *h1i(0);
-  bool m_fill_stat = false;
-  if((h1i = (TH1F *) hist("EF_MET_status"))) m_fill_stat = true;
-  for (int i=0; i<32; ++i) {
-    unsigned mask = (1<<i);
-    if (missETEF->getFlag() & mask) {
-      if(m_fill_stat && h1i) h1i->Fill(i,1.);
-      //m_status_flag[i] = 1;
-    } else {
-      if(m_fill_stat && h1i) h1i->Fill(i,0);
-      //m_status_flag[i] = 0;
-    }
-  }
-  /*
-  std::string lbnMETMonGroup = m_mon_path + "/lbnstatus";
-  setCurrentMonGroup(lbnMETMonGroup);
-  m_fill_stat = false;
-  h1i = NULL;
-  if((h1i = (TH1F *) hist("EF_MET_status"))) m_fill_stat = true;
-  for (int i=0; i<32; ++i) {
-    unsigned mask = (1<<i);
-    if (missETEF->getFlag() & mask) {
-      if(m_fill_stat && h1i) h1i->Fill(i,1.);
-    } else {
-      if(m_fill_stat && h1i) h1i->Fill(i,0);
-    }
-  }
-  setCurrentMonGroup(EFmongroupName.c_str());
-  */
+  //TH1F *h1i(0);
+  //  bool m_fill_stat = false;
+  //  if((h1i = (TH1F *) hist("HLT_MET_status"))) m_fill_stat = true;
+  //for (int i=0; i<32; ++i) {
+  //    unsigned mask = (1<<i);
+  //    if (m_hlt_met_cont->->getFlag() & mask) {
+  //     if(m_fill_stat && h1i) h1i->Fill(i,1.);
+  //     //m_status_flag[i] = 1;
+  //   } else {
+  //     if(m_fill_stat && h1i) h1i->Fill(i,0);
+  //     //m_status_flag[i] = 0;
+  //   }
+  // }
   // fill correlation histograms -- L1MET vs EFMET
-  if (m_lvl1_roi) {
-    LVL1_ROI::energysums_type::const_iterator it_L1 = L1METROI.begin();
-    LVL1_ROI::energysums_type::const_iterator it_e_L1 = L1METROI.end();
-    for( ; it_L1 != it_e_L1; it_L1++) {
-      float sumet = (it_L1->getEnergyT())/CLHEP::GeV;
-      float ex = - (it_L1->getExMiss())/CLHEP::GeV;
-      float ey = - (it_L1->getEyMiss())/CLHEP::GeV;
-      float et = sqrt(ex*ex + ey*ey);
-      float phi = atan2f(ey, ex);
-      float dphi = signed_delta_phi(phi, m_phi);
-      if((h2 = hist2("L1MET_EFMET_EtCor")))   h2->Fill(m_met_lin, et);
-      if((h2 = hist2("L1MET_EFMET_SumEtCor")))   h2->Fill(m_set_lin, sumet);
-      if((h2 = hist2("L1MET_EFMET_PhiCor")))   h2->Fill(m_phi, phi);
+  if (m_l1_roi_cont) {
-      if((h = hist("L1MET_EFMET_dEt")))   h->Fill(et - m_met_lin);
-      if((h = hist("L1MET_EFMET_dPhi")))   h->Fill(dphi);
-      if((h = hist("L1MET_EFMET_dEx")))   h->Fill(ex - m_etx_lin);
-      if((h = hist("L1MET_EFMET_dEy")))   h->Fill(ey - m_ety_lin); 
-    }
-  }
-  // fill correlation histograms -- L2MET vs EFMET
-  if (missETL2) {
-    float sumet = (missETL2->sumEt())/CLHEP::GeV;
-    float et = (missETL2->et())/CLHEP::GeV;
-    float ex = (missETL2->ex())/CLHEP::GeV;
-    float ey = (missETL2->ey())/CLHEP::GeV;
+    float sumet = (m_l1_roi_cont->energyT())/CLHEP::GeV;
+    float ex = - (m_l1_roi_cont->energyX())/CLHEP::GeV;
+    float ey = - (m_l1_roi_cont->energyY())/CLHEP::GeV;
+    float et = sqrt(ex*ex + ey*ey);
     float phi = atan2f(ey, ex);
     float dphi = signed_delta_phi(phi, m_phi);
-    if((h2 = hist2("L2MET_EFMET_EtCor")))   h2->Fill(m_met_lin, et);
-    if((h2 = hist2("L2MET_EFMET_SumEtCor")))   h2->Fill(m_set_lin, sumet);
-    if((h2 = hist2("L2MET_EFMET_PhiCor")))   h2->Fill(m_phi, phi);
+    if((h2 = hist2("L1MET_HLTMET_EtCor")))    h2->Fill(m_met_lin, et);
+    if((h2 = hist2("L1MET_HLTMET_SumEtCor"))) h2->Fill(m_set_lin, sumet);
+    if((h2 = hist2("L1MET_HLTMET_PhiCor")))   h2->Fill(m_phi, phi);
-    if((h = hist("L2MET_EFMET_dEt")))   h->Fill(et - m_met_lin);
-    if((h = hist("L2MET_EFMET_dPhi")))   h->Fill(dphi);
-    if((h = hist("L2MET_EFMET_dEx")))   h->Fill(ex - m_etx_lin);
-    if((h = hist("L2MET_EFMET_dEy")))   h->Fill(ey - m_ety_lin);
+    if((h = hist("L1MET_HLTMET_dEt")))   h->Fill(et - m_met_lin);
+    if((h = hist("L1MET_HLTMET_dPhi")))  h->Fill(dphi);
+    if((h = hist("L1MET_HLTMET_dEx")))   h->Fill(ex - m_etx_lin);
+    if((h = hist("L1MET_HLTMET_dEy")))   h->Fill(ey - m_ety_lin); 
-  unsigned int Nc = missETEF->getNumOfComponents();
-  unsigned int compNc = m_compNamesEF.size();
-  Nc = Nc > compNc ? compNc : Nc;
-  if (Nc > 0) {
-    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Nc; ++i) { // loop over components
-      float ex =                missETEF->getExComponent(i)/CLHEP::GeV;
-      float ey =                missETEF->getEyComponent(i)/CLHEP::GeV;
-      float ez =                missETEF->getEzComponent(i)/CLHEP::GeV;
-      float et =                sqrt(ex*ex+ey*ey);
-      float sumE =              missETEF->getSumEComponent(i)/CLHEP::GeV;
-      float sumEt =             missETEF->getSumEtComponent(i)/CLHEP::GeV;
-      float m_comp_ex_log = -9e9;
-      float m_comp_ey_log = -9e9;
-      float m_comp_ez_log = -9e9;
-      float m_comp_et_log = -9e9;
-      float m_comp_sum_et_log = -9e9;
-      float m_comp_sum_e_log = -9e9;
-      float m_comp_sum_et_lin = -9e9;
-      float m_comp_sum_e_lin = -9e9;
-      float m_comp_et_lin = -9e9;
-      if (fabsf(ex)>epsilon)
-        m_comp_ex_log = copysign(log10f(fabsf(ex)), ex);
-      else
-        m_comp_ex_log = 0.01;
-      if (fabsf(ey)>epsilon)
-        m_comp_ey_log = copysign(log10f(fabsf(ey)), ey);
-      else
-        m_comp_ey_log = 0.01;
-      if (fabsf(ez)>epsilon)
-        m_comp_ez_log = copysign(log10f(fabsf(ez)), ez);
-      else
-        m_comp_ez_log = 0.01;
-      m_comp_et_lin = et;
-      if (et>1e-6) // i.e. et > 0
-        m_comp_et_log = log10f(et);
-      else
-        m_comp_et_log = -100; // underflow
-      m_comp_sum_et_lin = sumEt;
-      m_comp_sum_e_lin = sumE;
+  // unsigned int Nc = missETEF->getNumOfComponents();
+  // unsigned int compNc = m_compNamesEF.size();
+  // Nc = Nc > compNc ? compNc : Nc;
+  // if (Nc > 0) {
+  //   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Nc; ++i) { // loop over components
+  //     float ex =                missETEF->getExComponent(i)/CLHEP::GeV;
+  //     float ey =                missETEF->getEyComponent(i)/CLHEP::GeV;
+  //     float ez =                missETEF->getEzComponent(i)/CLHEP::GeV;
+  //     float et =                sqrt(ex*ex+ey*ey);
+  //     float sumE =              missETEF->getSumEComponent(i)/CLHEP::GeV;
+  //     float sumEt =             missETEF->getSumEtComponent(i)/CLHEP::GeV;
+  //     float m_comp_ex_log = -9e9;
+  //     float m_comp_ey_log = -9e9;
+  //     float m_comp_ez_log = -9e9;
+  //     float m_comp_et_log = -9e9;
+  //     float m_comp_sum_et_log = -9e9;
+  //     float m_comp_sum_e_log = -9e9;
+  //     float m_comp_sum_et_lin = -9e9;
+  //     float m_comp_sum_e_lin = -9e9;
+  //     float m_comp_et_lin = -9e9;
+  //     if (fabsf(ex)>epsilon)
+  //       m_comp_ex_log = copysign(log10f(fabsf(ex)), ex);
+  //     else
+  //       m_comp_ex_log = 0.01;
+  //     if (fabsf(ey)>epsilon)
+  //       m_comp_ey_log = copysign(log10f(fabsf(ey)), ey);
+  //     else
+  //       m_comp_ey_log = 0.01;
+  //     if (fabsf(ez)>epsilon)
+  //       m_comp_ez_log = copysign(log10f(fabsf(ez)), ez);
+  //     else
+  //       m_comp_ez_log = 0.01;
+  //     m_comp_et_lin = et;
+  //     if (et>1e-6) // i.e. et > 0
+  //       m_comp_et_log = log10f(et);
+  //     else
+  //       m_comp_et_log = -100; // underflow
+  //     m_comp_sum_et_lin = sumEt;
+  //     m_comp_sum_e_lin = sumE;
-      if (fabsf(sumEt)>epsilon)
-        m_comp_sum_et_log = copysign(log10f(fabsf(sumEt)), sumEt);
-      else
-        m_comp_sum_et_log = 0.01;
-      if (fabsf(sumE)>epsilon)
-        m_comp_sum_e_log = copysign(log10f(fabsf(sumE)), sumE);
-      else
-        m_comp_sum_e_log = 0.01;
-      if((h2 = hist2("compN_compEx")))      h2->Fill(i,m_comp_ex_log);
-      if((h2 = hist2("compN_compEy")))      h2->Fill(i,m_comp_ey_log);
-      if((h2 = hist2("compN_compEz")))      h2->Fill(i,m_comp_ez_log);
-      if((h2 = hist2("compN_compEt")))      h2->Fill(i,m_comp_et_log);
-      if((h2 = hist2("compN_compSumEt")))      h2->Fill(i,m_comp_sum_et_log);
-      if((h2 = hist2("compN_compSumE")))      h2->Fill(i,m_comp_sum_e_log);
-      if((h2 = hist2("compN_compEt_lin")))      h2->Fill(i,m_comp_et_lin);
-      if((h2 = hist2("compN_compSumEt_lin")))      h2->Fill(i,m_comp_sum_et_lin);
+  //     if (fabsf(sumEt)>epsilon)
+  //       m_comp_sum_et_log = copysign(log10f(fabsf(sumEt)), sumEt);
+  //     else
+  //       m_comp_sum_et_log = 0.01;
+  //     if (fabsf(sumE)>epsilon)
+  //       m_comp_sum_e_log = copysign(log10f(fabsf(sumE)), sumE);
+  //     else
+  //       m_comp_sum_e_log = 0.01;
+  //     if((h2 = hist2("compN_compEx")))      h2->Fill(i,m_comp_ex_log);
+  //     if((h2 = hist2("compN_compEy")))      h2->Fill(i,m_comp_ey_log);
+  //     if((h2 = hist2("compN_compEz")))      h2->Fill(i,m_comp_ez_log);
+  //     if((h2 = hist2("compN_compEt")))      h2->Fill(i,m_comp_et_log);
+  //     if((h2 = hist2("compN_compSumEt")))      h2->Fill(i,m_comp_sum_et_log);
+  //     if((h2 = hist2("compN_compSumE")))      h2->Fill(i,m_comp_sum_e_log);
+  //     if((h2 = hist2("compN_compEt_lin")))      h2->Fill(i,m_comp_et_lin);
+  //     if((h2 = hist2("compN_compSumEt_lin")))      h2->Fill(i,m_comp_sum_et_lin);
-      bool m_fill_stat = false;
-      if((h2 = hist2("compN_EF_MET_status"))) m_fill_stat = true;
-      // loop over status flags
-      for (int j=0; j<32; ++j) {
-        unsigned mask = (1<<j);
-        if (missETEF->getStatus(i) & mask) {
-          if(m_fill_stat && h2) h2->Fill(i,j);
-        }
-      }
+  //     bool m_fill_stat = false;
+  //     if((h2 = hist2("compN_EF_MET_status"))) m_fill_stat = true;
+  //     // loop over status flags
+  //     for (int j=0; j<32; ++j) {
+  //       unsigned mask = (1<<j);
+  //       if (missETEF->getStatus(i) & mask) {
+  //         if(m_fill_stat && h2) h2->Fill(i,j);
+  //       }
+  //     }
-      float nchan_used = fabsf(missETEF->getUsedChannels(i));
-      if(nchan_used > epsilon) nchan_used = log10f(nchan_used);
-      else nchan_used = -1.;
-      if((h2 = hist2("compN_EF_usedChannels"))) h2->Fill(i,nchan_used);
+  //     float nchan_used = fabsf(missETEF->getUsedChannels(i));
+  //     if(nchan_used > epsilon) nchan_used = log10f(nchan_used);
+  //     else nchan_used = -1.;
+  //     if((h2 = hist2("compN_EF_usedChannels"))) h2->Fill(i,nchan_used);
-      CLHEP::Hep3Vector v(ex,ey,ez);
-      double eta = v.eta();
-      double phi = v.phi();
+  //     CLHEP::Hep3Vector v(ex,ey,ez);
+  //     double eta = v.eta();
+  //     double phi = v.phi();
-      if((h2 = hist2(Form("compN_EtaPhi_%02d", i))))      h2->Fill(eta, phi);
-      if((h2 = hist2(Form("compEt_lin_EtaPhi_%02d", i))))      h2->Fill(eta, phi, m_comp_et_lin);
-      if((h2 = hist2(Form("compSumEt_lin_EtaPhi_%02d", i))))      h2->Fill(eta, phi, m_comp_sum_et_lin);
-      if((h2 = hist2(Form("compSumE_lin_EtaPhi_%02d", i))))      h2->Fill(eta, phi, m_comp_sum_e_lin);
+  //     if((h2 = hist2(Form("compN_EtaPhi_%02d", i))))      h2->Fill(eta, phi);
+  //     if((h2 = hist2(Form("compEt_lin_EtaPhi_%02d", i))))      h2->Fill(eta, phi, m_comp_et_lin);
+  //     if((h2 = hist2(Form("compSumEt_lin_EtaPhi_%02d", i))))      h2->Fill(eta, phi, m_comp_sum_et_lin);
+  //     if((h2 = hist2(Form("compSumE_lin_EtaPhi_%02d", i))))      h2->Fill(eta, phi, m_comp_sum_e_lin);
-    } // loop over components
-  }
+  //   } // loop over components
+  // }
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS; 
-StatusCode HLTMETMonTool::fillRecShiftHistos(const LVL1_ROI::energysums_type & /*L1METROI*/,
-    const TrigMissingET *& /*missETL2*/,  const TrigMissingET *& /*missETEF*/,    
-    const MissingET *& /*missETRec*/) {
+StatusCode HLTMETMonTool::fillOffShiftHistos() {
-  if (m_debuglevel) *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "HLTMETMonTool : in fillRecShiftHistos()" << endreq;
+  if (m_debuglevel) ATH_MSG_DEBUG("HLTMETMonTool : in fillOffShiftHistos()");
   //if(!missETRec) return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -1899,76 +1126,53 @@ StatusCode HLTMETMonTool::fillRecShiftHistos(const LVL1_ROI::energysums_type & /
-StatusCode HLTMETMonTool::fillExpertHistos(const LVL1_ROI::energysums_type & L1METROI,
-    const TrigMissingET *& missETL2,  const TrigMissingET *& missETEF,  const MissingET *& missETRec) {
+StatusCode HLTMETMonTool::fillExpertHistos() {
-  if (m_debuglevel) *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "in fillExpertHistos()" << endreq;
+  if (m_debuglevel) 
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("in HTLMETMonTool::fillExpertHistos()");
   StatusCode sc = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
   TH1 *h(0);
-  TH2 *h2(0);
-  // first store the values so that we don't need to retrieve/ealculate them again and again  
+  //  TH2 *h2(0);
-  std::vector<double> et_L1MET, sumet_L1MET, phi_L1MET, ex_L1MET, ey_L1MET;
-  et_L1MET.clear(); sumet_L1MET.clear(); phi_L1MET.clear(); ex_L1MET.clear(); ey_L1MET.clear();
-  double et_L2MET=0., sumet_L2MET=0., phi_L2MET=0., ex_L2MET=0., ey_L2MET=0.;
-  double et_EFMET=0., sumet_EFMET=0., phi_EFMET=0., ex_EFMET=0., ey_EFMET=0.;
-  double et_RecMET=0., sumet_RecMET=0., phi_RecMET=0., ex_RecMET=0., ey_RecMET=0.;
+  // first store the values so that we don't need to retrieve/ealculate them again and again  
+  //std::vector<double> et_L1MET, sumet_L1MET, phi_L1MET, ex_L1MET, ey_L1MET;
+  //et_L1MET.clear(); sumet_L1MET.clear(); phi_L1MET.clear(); ex_L1MET.clear(); ey_L1MET.clear();
+  double et_L1MET=0., sumet_L1MET=0., phi_L1MET=0., ex_L1MET=0., ey_L1MET=0.;
+  //double et_HLTMET=0., sumet_HLTMET=0., phi_HLTMET=0., ex_HLTMET=0., ey_HLTMET=0.;
+  //double et_OffMET=0., sumet_OffMET=0., phi_OffMET=0., ex_OffMET=0., ey_OffMET=0.;
   // L1 MET
-  if (m_lvl1_roi) {
-    LVL1_ROI::energysums_type::const_iterator it_L1 = L1METROI.begin();
-    LVL1_ROI::energysums_type::const_iterator it_e_L1 = L1METROI.end();
-    for( ; it_L1 != it_e_L1; it_L1++) {
-      float sumet = (it_L1->getEnergyT())/CLHEP::GeV;
-      float ex = - (it_L1->getExMiss())/CLHEP::GeV;
-      float ey = - (it_L1->getEyMiss())/CLHEP::GeV;
-      float et = sqrt(ex*ex + ey*ey);
-      float phi = atan2(ey, ex);
-      *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "L1 MET: " << et << " L1 SumEt: " << sumet << endreq;
-      et_L1MET.push_back(et);
-      sumet_L1MET.push_back(sumet);
-      phi_L1MET.push_back(phi);
-      ex_L1MET.push_back(ex);
-      ey_L1MET.push_back(ey);
-    }
-  }
-  // L2 MET
-  if (missETL2) {
-    et_L2MET = (missETL2->et())/CLHEP::GeV;
-    sumet_L2MET = (missETL2->sumEt())/CLHEP::GeV;
-    ex_L2MET = (missETL2->ex())/CLHEP::GeV;
-    ey_L2MET = (missETL2->ey())/CLHEP::GeV;
-    phi_L2MET = atan2(ey_L2MET, ex_L2MET);
-    *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "HLT L2 MET: "<< et_L2MET << " HLT L2 SumEt: " << sumet_L2MET << endreq;
-  }
-  // EF MET
-  if (missETEF) {  
-    et_EFMET = (missETEF->et())/CLHEP::GeV;
-    sumet_EFMET = (missETEF->sumEt())/CLHEP::GeV;
-    ex_EFMET = (missETEF->ex())/CLHEP::GeV;
-    ey_EFMET = (missETEF->ey())/CLHEP::GeV;
-    phi_EFMET = atan2(ey_EFMET,ex_EFMET);
-    *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "HLT EF MET: "<< et_L2MET << " HLT EF SumEt: " << sumet_EFMET << endreq;
-  }
-  // Rec MET
-  if (missETRec) {
-    et_RecMET = (missETRec->et())/CLHEP::GeV;
-    sumet_RecMET = (missETRec->sumet())/CLHEP::GeV;
-    ex_RecMET = (missETRec->etx())/CLHEP::GeV;
-    ey_RecMET = (missETRec->ety())/CLHEP::GeV;
-    phi_RecMET = missETRec->phi();
-    *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "Rec MET: "<< et_RecMET << " Rec SumEt: " << sumet_RecMET << endreq;  
+  if (m_l1_roi_cont) {
+    sumet_L1MET = (m_l1_roi_cont->energyT())/CLHEP::GeV;
+    ex_L1MET = - (m_l1_roi_cont->energyX())/CLHEP::GeV;
+    ey_L1MET = - (m_l1_roi_cont->energyY())/CLHEP::GeV;
+    et_L1MET = sqrt(ex_L1MET*ex_L1MET + ey_L1MET*ey_L1MET);
+    phi_L1MET = atan2(ey_L1MET, ex_L1MET);
+  // HLT MET
+  // if (m_hlt_met_cont) {  
+  //   sumet_HLTMET = (m_hlt_met_cont->at(0)->sumEt())/CLHEP::GeV;
+  //   ex_HLTMET = (m_hlt_met_cont->at(0)->ex())/CLHEP::GeV;
+  //   ey_HLTMET = (m_hlt_met_cont->at(0)->ey())/CLHEP::GeV;
+  //   et_HLTMET = sqrt(ex_HLTMET*ex_HLTMET+ey_HLTMET*ey_HLTMET);
+  //   phi_HLTMET = atan2(ey_HLTMET, ex_HLTMET);
+  // }
+  // // Rec MET
+  // if (missETRec) {
+  //   et_RecMET = (missETRec->et())/CLHEP::GeV;
+  //   sumet_RecMET = (missETRec->sumet())/CLHEP::GeV;
+  //   ex_RecMET = (missETRec->etx())/CLHEP::GeV;
+  //   ey_RecMET = (missETRec->ety())/CLHEP::GeV;
+  //   phi_RecMET = missETRec->phi();
+  //   //*m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "Rec MET: "<< et_RecMET << " Rec SumEt: " << sumet_RecMET << endreq;  
+  // }
   // now fill the histograms
-  std::string expertpartialMonGroup = m_mon_path + "/Expert/L1METTrigger/";
+  std::string expertpartialMonGroup = m_mon_path + "/Expert/L1/";
   std::map<std::string,int>::const_iterator it;
@@ -1978,189 +1182,129 @@ StatusCode HLTMETMonTool::fillExpertHistos(const LVL1_ROI::energysums_type & L1M
     if(getTDT()->isPassed(name, TrigDefs::eventAccepted)) {
       // L1 MET
-      if (m_lvl1_roi) {
-        for (unsigned int i=0; i<et_L1MET.size(); i++) { 
-          if((h = hist("L1_MET")))   h->   Fill(et_L1MET[i]);
-          if((h = hist("L1_SumEt")))   h-> Fill(sumet_L1MET[i]);
-          if((h = hist("L1_MET_phi")))   h-> Fill(phi_L1MET[i]);
-          // fill correlation if((h = histograms -- L1MET vs RecMET
-          if (missETRec) {
-            if((h2 = hist2("L1MET_RecMET_EtCor")))   h2->Fill(et_RecMET, et_L1MET[i]);
-            if((h2 = hist2("L1MET_RecMET_SumEtCor")))   h2->Fill(sumet_RecMET, sumet_L1MET[i]);
-            if((h2 = hist2("L1MET_RecMET_PhiCor")))   h2->Fill(phi_RecMET, phi_L1MET[i]);
-            if((h = hist("L1MET_RecMET_dEt")))   h->Fill(et_L1MET[i] - et_RecMET);
-            double dphi = signed_delta_phi(phi_L1MET[i], phi_RecMET);
-            if((h = hist("L1MET_RecMET_dPhi")))   h->Fill(dphi);
-            if((h = hist("L1MET_RecMET_dEx")))   h->Fill(ex_L1MET[i] - ex_RecMET);
-            if((h = hist("L1MET_RecMET_dEy")))   h->Fill(ey_L1MET[i] - ey_RecMET); 
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      // EF MET
-      if (missETEF) {
-        if((h = hist("EF_MET_lin")      ))   h->Fill(et_EFMET);
-        if((h = hist("EF_SumEt_lin")    ))   h->Fill(sumet_EFMET);
-        if((h = hist("EF_MET_phi")      ))   h->Fill(phi_EFMET);
-      }
-      // Rec MET
-      if (missETRec) {
-        if((h = hist("RecMET_et")))   h->Fill(et_RecMET);
-        if((h = hist("RecMET_sumet")))   h->Fill(sumet_RecMET);
-        if((h = hist("RecMET_phi")))   h->Fill(phi_RecMET);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // fill expert histograms for L2 MET
-  expertpartialMonGroup = m_mon_path + "/Expert/L2METTrigger/";
-  for (it = m_l2_met_signatures_tolook->begin(); it != m_l2_met_signatures_tolook->end(); it++) {
-    std::string name = it->first;
-    if (getTDT()->isPassed(name, TrigDefs::eventAccepted)) {
-      setCurrentMonGroup(expertpartialMonGroup+name);
-      // L2 MET
-      if (missETL2) {
-        if((h = hist("L2_MET")      ))   h->Fill(et_L2MET);
-        if((h = hist("L2_SumEt")    ))   h->Fill(sumet_L2MET);
-        if((h = hist("L2_MET_phi")  ))   h->Fill(phi_L2MET);
-        // correlation histograms -- L1MET vs L2MET
-        if (m_lvl1_roi) {
-          for (unsigned int i=0; i<et_L1MET.size(); i++) {
-            if((h2 = hist2("L1MET_L2MET_EtCor")))   h2->Fill(et_L2MET, et_L1MET[i]);
-            if((h2 = hist2("L1MET_L2MET_SumEtCor")))   h2->Fill(sumet_L2MET, sumet_L1MET[i]);
-            if((h2 = hist2("L1MET_L2MET_PhiCor")))   h2->Fill(phi_L2MET, phi_L1MET[i]);
-            if((h = hist("L1MET_L2MET_dEt")))   h->Fill(et_L1MET[i] - et_L2MET);
-            double dphi = signed_delta_phi(phi_L1MET[i], phi_L2MET);
-            if((h = hist("L1MET_L2MET_dPhi")))   h->Fill(dphi);
-            if((h = hist("L1MET_L2MET_dEx")))   h->Fill(ex_L1MET[i] - ex_L2MET);
-            if((h = hist("L1MET_L2MET_dEy")))   h->Fill(ey_L1MET[i] - ey_L2MET); 
-          }
-        }
-        // fill correlation histograms -- L2MET vs RecMET
-        if (missETRec) {
-          if((h2 = hist2("L2MET_RecMET_EtCor")))   h2->Fill(et_RecMET, et_L2MET);
-          if((h2 = hist2("L2MET_RecMET_SumEtCor")))   h2->Fill(sumet_RecMET, sumet_L2MET);
-          if((h2 = hist2("L2MET_RecMET_PhiCor")))   h2->Fill(phi_RecMET, phi_L2MET);
-          if((h = hist("L2MET_RecMET_dEt")))   h->Fill(et_L2MET - et_RecMET);
-          double dphi = signed_delta_phi(phi_L2MET, phi_RecMET);
-          if((h = hist("L2MET_RecMET_dPhi")))   h->Fill(dphi);
-          if((h = hist("L2MET_RecMET_dEx")))   h->Fill(ex_L2MET - ex_RecMET);
-          if((h = hist("L2MET_RecMET_dEy")))   h->Fill(ey_L2MET - ey_RecMET); 
-        }
-      }
-      // EF MET
-      if (missETEF) {
-        if((h = hist("EF_MET_lin")      ))   h->Fill(et_EFMET);
-        if((h = hist("EF_SumEt_lin")    ))   h->Fill(sumet_EFMET);
-        if((h = hist("EF_MET_phi")      ))   h->Fill(phi_EFMET);
-      }
-      // Rec MET
-      if (missETRec) {
-        if((h = hist("RecMET_et")))   h->Fill(et_RecMET);
-        if((h = hist("RecMET_sumet")))   h->Fill(sumet_RecMET);
-        if((h = hist("RecMET_phi")))   h->Fill(phi_RecMET);
+      if (m_l1_roi_cont) {
+        //for (unsigned int i=0; i<et_L1MET.size(); i++) { 
+        if((h = hist("L1_MET")))     h->Fill(et_L1MET);
+        if((h = hist("L1_SumEt")))   h->Fill(sumet_L1MET);
+        if((h = hist("L1_MET_phi"))) h->Fill(phi_L1MET);
+        // fill correlation if((h = histograms -- L1MET vs RecMET
+        //         if (missETRec) {
+        //           if((h2 = hist2("L1MET_RecMET_EtCor")))   h2->Fill(et_RecMET, et_L1MET[i]);
+        //           if((h2 = hist2("L1MET_RecMET_SumEtCor")))   h2->Fill(sumet_RecMET, sumet_L1MET[i]);
+        //           if((h2 = hist2("L1MET_RecMET_PhiCor")))   h2->Fill(phi_RecMET, phi_L1MET[i]);
+        //           if((h = hist("L1MET_RecMET_dEt")))   h->Fill(et_L1MET[i] - et_RecMET);
+        //           double dphi = signed_delta_phi(phi_L1MET[i], phi_RecMET);
+        //           if((h = hist("L1MET_RecMET_dPhi")))   h->Fill(dphi);
+        //           if((h = hist("L1MET_RecMET_dEx")))   h->Fill(ex_L1MET[i] - ex_RecMET);
+        //           if((h = hist("L1MET_RecMET_dEy")))   h->Fill(ey_L1MET[i] - ey_RecMET); 
+        //         }
+        //       }
+      // HLT MET
+      // if (m_hlt_met_cont) {
+      //   if((h = hist("HLT_MET_lin")      ))   h->Fill(et_HLTMET);
+      //   if((h = hist("HLT_SumEt_lin")    ))   h->Fill(sumet_HLTMET);
+      //   if((h = hist("HLT_MET_phi")      ))   h->Fill(phi_HLTMET);
+      // }
+      // Offline MET
+      //     if (missETRec) {
+      //       if((h = hist("RecMET_et")))   h->Fill(et_RecMET);
+      //       if((h = hist("RecMET_sumet")))   h->Fill(sumet_RecMET);
+      //       if((h = hist("RecMET_phi")))   h->Fill(phi_RecMET);
+      //     }
+  // fill expert histograms for HLT
+  // expertpartialMonGroup = m_mon_path + "/Expert/HLT/";
-  // fill expert histograms for EF
-  expertpartialMonGroup = m_mon_path + "/Expert/EFMETTrigger/";
-  for (it = m_ef_met_signatures_tolook->begin(); it != m_ef_met_signatures_tolook->end(); it++) {
-    std::string name = it->first;
-    if (getTDT()->isPassed(name, TrigDefs::eventAccepted)) {
-      setCurrentMonGroup(expertpartialMonGroup+name);
-      // EF MET
-      if (missETEF) {
-        if((h = hist("EF_MET_lin")      ))   h->Fill(et_EFMET);
-        if((h = hist("EF_SumEt_lin")    ))   h->Fill(sumet_EFMET);
-        if((h = hist("EF_MET_phi")      ))   h->Fill(phi_EFMET);
-        // correlation histograms -- L1MET vs EFMET
-        if (m_lvl1_roi) {
-          for (unsigned int i=0; i<et_L1MET.size(); i++) {
-            if((h2 = hist2("L1MET_EFMET_EtCor")))   h2->Fill(et_EFMET, et_L1MET[i]);
-            if((h2 = hist2("L1MET_EFMET_SumEtCor")))   h2->Fill(sumet_EFMET, sumet_L1MET[i]);
-            if((h2 = hist2("L1MET_EFMET_PhiCor")))   h2->Fill(phi_EFMET, phi_L1MET[i]);
-            if((h = hist("L1MET_EFMET_dEt")))   h->Fill(et_L1MET[i] - et_EFMET);
-            double dphi = signed_delta_phi(phi_L1MET[i], phi_EFMET);
-            if((h = hist("L1MET_EFMET_dPhi")))   h->Fill(dphi);
-            if((h = hist("L1MET_EFMET_dEx")))   h->Fill(ex_L1MET[i] - ex_EFMET);
-            if((h = hist("L1MET_EFMET_dEy")))   h->Fill(ey_L1MET[i] - ey_L2MET); 
-          }
-        }
-        if (missETL2) {
-          if((h2 = hist2("L2MET_EFMET_EtCor")))   h2->Fill(et_EFMET, et_L2MET);
-          if((h2 = hist2("L2MET_EFMET_SumEtCor")))   h2->Fill(sumet_EFMET, sumet_L2MET);
-          if((h2 = hist2("L2MET_EFMET_PhiCor")))   h2->Fill(phi_EFMET, phi_L2MET);
-          if((h = hist("L2MET_EFMET_dEt")))   h->Fill(et_L2MET - et_EFMET);
-          double dphi = signed_delta_phi(phi_L2MET, phi_EFMET);
-          if((h = hist("L2MET_EFMET_dPhi")))   h->Fill(dphi);
-          if((h = hist("L2MET_EFMET_dEx")))   h->Fill(ex_L2MET - ex_EFMET);
-          if((h = hist("L2MET_EFMET_dEy")))   h->Fill(ey_L2MET - ey_L2MET); 
-        }
-        // fill correlation histograms -- EFMET vs RecMET
-        if (missETRec) {
-          if((h2 = hist2("EFMET_RecMET_EtCor")))   h2->Fill(et_RecMET, et_EFMET);
-          if((h2 = hist2("EFMET_RecMET_SumEtCor")))   h2->Fill(sumet_RecMET, sumet_EFMET);
-          if((h2 = hist2("EFMET_RecMET_PhiCor")))   h2->Fill(phi_RecMET, phi_EFMET);
-          if((h = hist("EFMET_RecMET_dEt")))   h->Fill(et_EFMET - et_RecMET);
-          double dphi = signed_delta_phi(phi_EFMET, phi_RecMET);
-          if((h = hist("EFMET_RecMET_dPhi")))   h->Fill(dphi);
-          if((h = hist("EFMET_RecMET_dEx")))   h->Fill(ex_EFMET - ex_RecMET);
-          if((h = hist("EFMET_RecMET_dEy")))   h->Fill(ey_EFMET - ey_RecMET);
-        }
-      }
-      // Rec MET
-      if (missETRec) {
-        if((h = hist("RecMET_et")))   h->Fill(et_RecMET);
-        if((h = hist("RecMET_sumet")))   h->Fill(sumet_RecMET);
-        if((h = hist("RecMET_phi")))   h->Fill(phi_RecMET);
-      }
-    }
-  }
+  // for (it = m_hlt_met_signatures_tolook->begin(); it != m_hlt_met_signatures_tolook->end(); it++) {
+  //   std::string name = it->first;
+  //   if (getTDT()->isPassed(name, TrigDefs::eventAccepted)) {
+  //     setCurrentMonGroup(expertpartialMonGroup+name);
+  //     // HLT MET
+  //     if (m_hlt_met_cont) {
+  //       if((h = hist("HLT_MET_lin")      ))   h->Fill(et_HLTMET);
+  //       if((h = hist("HLT_SumEt_lin")    ))   h->Fill(sumet_HLTMET);
+  //       if((h = hist("HLT_MET_phi")      ))   h->Fill(phi_HLTMET);
+  //       // correlation histograms -- L1 vs HLT
+  //       if (m_l1_roi_cont) {
+  //         if((h2 = hist2("L1MET_HLTMET_EtCor")))     h2->Fill(et_HLTMET, et_L1MET);
+  //         if((h2 = hist2("L1MET_HLTMET_SumEtCor")))  h2->Fill(sumet_HLTMET, sumet_L1MET);
+  //         if((h2 = hist2("L1MET_HLTMET_PhiCor")))    h2->Fill(phi_HLTMET, phi_L1MET);
+  //         if((h = hist("L1MET_HLTMET_dEt")))   h->Fill(et_L1MET - et_HLTMET);
+  //         double dphi = signed_delta_phi(phi_L1MET, phi_HLTMET);
+  //         if((h = hist("L1MET_HLTMET_dPhi")))   h->Fill(dphi);
+  //         if((h = hist("L1MET_HLTMET_dEx")))   h->Fill(ex_L1MET - ex_HLTMET);
+  //         if((h = hist("L1MET_HLTMET_dEy")))   h->Fill(ey_L1MET - ey_HLTMET); 
+  //       }
+  //     }
+  //     // fill correlation histograms -- EFMET vs RecMET
+  //     //       if (missETRec) {
+  //     //         if((h2 = hist2("EFMET_RecMET_EtCor")))   h2->Fill(et_RecMET, et_EFMET);
+  //     //         if((h2 = hist2("EFMET_RecMET_SumEtCor")))   h2->Fill(sumet_RecMET, sumet_EFMET);
+  //     //         if((h2 = hist2("EFMET_RecMET_PhiCor")))   h2->Fill(phi_RecMET, phi_EFMET);
+  //     //         if((h = hist("EFMET_RecMET_dEt")))   h->Fill(et_EFMET - et_RecMET);
+  //     //         double dphi = signed_delta_phi(phi_EFMET, phi_RecMET);
+  //     //         if((h = hist("EFMET_RecMET_dPhi")))   h->Fill(dphi);
+  //     //         if((h = hist("EFMET_RecMET_dEx")))   h->Fill(ex_EFMET - ex_RecMET);
+  //     //         if((h = hist("EFMET_RecMET_dEy")))   h->Fill(ey_EFMET - ey_RecMET);
+  //     //       }
+  //     //     }
+  //     //     // Rec MET
+  //     //     if (missETRec) {
+  //     //       if((h = hist("RecMET_et")))   h->Fill(et_RecMET);
+  //     //       if((h = hist("RecMET_sumet")))   h->Fill(sumet_RecMET);
+  //     //       if((h = hist("RecMET_phi")))   h->Fill(phi_RecMET);
+  //     //     }
+  //   }
+  // }
   // fill efficiency histograms
+  //if (!m_is_do_trigger_effic) return sc;
-  if (!m_is_do_trigger_effic) return sc;
-  if (m_debuglevel) *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "filling efficiency histograms()" << endreq;
-  if (!missETRec) return sc;
-  expertpartialMonGroup = m_mon_path + "/Expert/Efficiency/";
-  std::map<std::string,int>::const_iterator it_s;
-  std::vector<std::map<std::string,int>*> m_met_signatures_tolook;
-  m_met_signatures_tolook.push_back(m_l1_met_signatures_tolook);
-  m_met_signatures_tolook.push_back(m_l2_met_signatures_tolook);
-  m_met_signatures_tolook.push_back(m_ef_met_signatures_tolook);
-  unsigned int size = m_met_signatures_tolook.size();
+  //if (m_debuglevel) ATH_MSG_DEBUG("filling efficiency histograms()");
+  // if (!missETRec) return sc;
+  // expertpartialMonGroup = m_mon_path + "/Expert/Efficiency/";
+  // std::map<std::string,int>::const_iterator it_s;
+  // std::vector<std::map<std::string,int>*> m_met_signatures_tolook;
+  // m_met_signatures_tolook.push_back(m_l1_met_signatures_tolook);
+  // m_met_signatures_tolook.push_back(m_l2_met_signatures_tolook);
+  // m_met_signatures_tolook.push_back(m_ef_met_signatures_tolook);
+  // unsigned int size = m_met_signatures_tolook.size();
+  // for (it_s = m_sample_selection_signatures.begin(); it_s != m_sample_selection_signatures.end(); it_s++) {
+  //   if (getTDT()->isPassed(it_s->first, TrigDefs::eventAccepted)) {
+  //     std::string tmp_MonGroup = expertpartialMonGroup + it_s->first;
+  //     std::string tmp_partialMonGroup = tmp_MonGroup + "/";
+  //     setCurrentMonGroup(tmp_MonGroup);
+  //     if((h = hist("RecMET_et")))   h->Fill(et_RecMET);
+  //     if((h = hist("RecMET_sumet")))   h->Fill(sumet_RecMET);
+  //     if((h = hist("RecMET_phi")))   h->Fill(phi_RecMET);
+  //     for (unsigned int i=0; i<size; i++) {
+  //       for (it = m_met_signatures_tolook[i]->begin(); it != m_met_signatures_tolook[i]->end(); it++) {
+  //         std::string name = it->first;
+  //         if (getTDT()->isPassed(name, TrigDefs::eventAccepted)) {
+  //           setCurrentMonGroup(tmp_partialMonGroup + name);
+  //           if((h = hist("RecMET_et")))   h->Fill(et_RecMET);
+  //           if((h = hist("RecMET_sumet")))   h->Fill(sumet_RecMET);
+  //           if((h = hist("RecMET_phi")))   h->Fill(phi_RecMET);
+  //         }
+  //       }
+  //     }
+  //   }
-  for (it_s = m_sample_selection_signatures.begin(); it_s != m_sample_selection_signatures.end(); it_s++) {
-    if (getTDT()->isPassed(it_s->first, TrigDefs::eventAccepted)) {
-      std::string tmp_MonGroup = expertpartialMonGroup + it_s->first;
-      std::string tmp_partialMonGroup = tmp_MonGroup + "/";
-      setCurrentMonGroup(tmp_MonGroup);
-      if((h = hist("RecMET_et")))   h->Fill(et_RecMET);
-      if((h = hist("RecMET_sumet")))   h->Fill(sumet_RecMET);
-      if((h = hist("RecMET_phi")))   h->Fill(phi_RecMET);
-      for (unsigned int i=0; i<size; i++) {
-        for (it = m_met_signatures_tolook[i]->begin(); it != m_met_signatures_tolook[i]->end(); it++) {
-          std::string name = it->first;
-          if (getTDT()->isPassed(name, TrigDefs::eventAccepted)) {
-            setCurrentMonGroup(tmp_partialMonGroup + name);
-            if((h = hist("RecMET_et")))   h->Fill(et_RecMET);
-            if((h = hist("RecMET_sumet")))   h->Fill(sumet_RecMET);
-            if((h = hist("RecMET_phi")))   h->Fill(phi_RecMET);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
   return sc;
@@ -2171,8 +1315,7 @@ void HLTMETMonTool::getAllMETTriggers() {
   // clear the list from previous run
-  m_all_l2_met_triggers.clear();
-  m_all_ef_met_triggers.clear();
+  m_all_hlt_met_triggers.clear();
   const std::vector<std::string> TrigL1Items = getTDT()->getListOfTriggers("L1_.*");
   std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iter;
@@ -2186,73 +1329,66 @@ void HLTMETMonTool::getAllMETTriggers() {
-  const std::vector<std::string> TrigHLTItems = getTDT()->getListOfTriggers("L2_.*|EF_.*");
+  const std::vector<std::string> TrigHLTItems = getTDT()->getListOfTriggers("HLT_.*");
   std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator chain;
   for (chain= TrigHLTItems.begin(); chain!= TrigHLTItems.end(); ++chain) {
     std::string HLTname = *chain;
     //float prescale = (*chain)->prescale();
     float prescale = getTDT()->getPrescale(*chain);
     // store HLT MET trigger item names divided in L2 and EF
     std::string tmp_trigType =  HLTname.substr(0,5);
-    *m_log << MSG::INFO  << "Trigger Item " << HLTname  << " defined with prescale " << prescale << " , " << tmp_trigType<< endreq;
-    if (tmp_trigType=="L2_te" || tmp_trigType=="L2_xe") {
-      m_all_l2_met_triggers.insert(std::map<std::string,int>::value_type(HLTname,0));
-    } else if (tmp_trigType=="EF_te" || tmp_trigType=="EF_xe") {
-      m_all_ef_met_triggers.insert(std::map<std::string,int>::value_type(HLTname,0));
-    }
+    ATH_MSG_INFO("Trigger Item " << HLTname  << " defined with prescale " << prescale << " , " << tmp_trigType);
+    m_all_hlt_met_triggers.insert(std::map<std::string,int>::value_type(HLTname,0));
-void HLTMETMonTool::checkTriggers(std::vector<std::string>& m_triggers,
-    bool isInputMETTriggers) {
+void HLTMETMonTool::checkTriggers(std::vector<std::string>& m_triggers, bool isInputMETTriggers) {
   const std::vector<std::string> TrigL1Items = getTDT()->getListOfTriggers("L1_.*");
   std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iter;
-  const std::vector<std::string> TrigHLTItems = getTDT()->getListOfTriggers("L2_.*|EF_.*");
+  const std::vector<std::string> TrigHLTItems = getTDT()->getListOfTriggers("HLT_.*");
   std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator chain;
-  for(unsigned int it = 0; it < m_triggers.size(); ++it) { // Loop over trigger items
+  for (unsigned int it = 0; it < m_triggers.size(); ++it) { // Loop over trigger items
     std::string item = m_triggers[it];
     std::string tmp_trigLevel =  item.substr(0,3);
-    if(m_debuglevel)
-      *m_log << MSG::DEBUG  << "signature " << item << " requested" << endreq;
+    if (m_debuglevel)
+      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("signature " << item << " requested");
     // check your trigger is defined in the menu
     bool triggerFound = false;
     if (tmp_trigLevel == "L1_") {
       for (iter=TrigL1Items.begin(); iter!=TrigL1Items.end(); ++iter) {
         std::string L1name = *iter;
         if (L1name == item) {
-          triggerFound=true;
+          triggerFound = true;
           if (isInputMETTriggers)
       if (!triggerFound) {
-        *m_log << MSG::DEBUG  << "L1 signature " << item << " requested but not found in the menu" << endreq;
+        ATH_MSG_DEBUG("L1 signature " << item << " requested but not found in the menu");
-    else if (tmp_trigLevel == "L2_" || tmp_trigLevel == "EF_") {
+    else if (tmp_trigLevel == "HLT") {
       for (chain=TrigHLTItems.begin(); chain!=TrigHLTItems.end(); ++chain) {
         std::string HLTname = *chain;
         if (HLTname == item) {
-          triggerFound=true;
+          triggerFound = true;
           if (isInputMETTriggers) {
-            if (tmp_trigLevel == "L2_") {
-              m_l2_met_signatures.insert(std::map<std::string,int>::value_type(item,0));
-            }
-            else if (tmp_trigLevel == "EF_") {
-              m_ef_met_signatures.insert(std::map<std::string,int>::value_type(item,0));
-            }
+            m_hlt_met_signatures.insert(std::map<std::string,int>::value_type(item,0));
       if (!triggerFound)
-        *m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "HLT signature " << item << " requested but not found in the menu" << endreq;
+        ATH_MSG_DEBUG("HLT signature " << item << " requested but not found in the menu");
-    if(triggerFound && !isInputMETTriggers)
+    if (triggerFound && !isInputMETTriggers)
@@ -2262,22 +1398,16 @@ void HLTMETMonTool::checkTriggers(std::vector<std::string>& m_triggers,
 void HLTMETMonTool::printMETTriggerStats() {
   // L1
-  *m_log << MSG::INFO  << "Level-1 Met Triggers to look: " << m_l1_met_signatures_tolook->size() << endreq;
+  ATH_MSG_INFO("Level-1 Met Triggers to look: " << m_l1_met_signatures_tolook->size());
   std::map<std::string,int>::iterator iter;
   for (iter = m_l1_met_signatures_tolook->begin(); iter!= m_l1_met_signatures_tolook->end(); ++iter) {
-    *m_log << MSG::INFO  << "Events passing " << iter->first << ": " << iter->second << endreq;
-  }
-  // L2
-  *m_log << MSG::INFO  << "Level-2 Met Triggers to look: " << m_l2_met_signatures_tolook->size()<<endreq;
-  for (iter = m_l2_met_signatures_tolook->begin(); iter != m_l2_met_signatures_tolook->end(); ++iter) {
-    *m_log << MSG::INFO  << "Events passing " << iter->first << ": " << iter->second << endreq;
+    ATH_MSG_INFO("Events passing " << iter->first << ": " << iter->second);
   // EF
-  *m_log << MSG::INFO  << "EF Met Triggers to look: "  << m_ef_met_signatures_tolook->size() << endreq;
-  for (iter = m_ef_met_signatures_tolook->begin(); iter != m_ef_met_signatures_tolook->end(); ++iter) {
-    *m_log << MSG::INFO  << "Events passing " << iter->first << ": " << iter->second << endreq;
+  ATH_MSG_INFO("HLT Met Triggers to look: "  << m_hlt_met_signatures_tolook->size());
+  for (iter = m_hlt_met_signatures_tolook->begin(); iter != m_hlt_met_signatures_tolook->end(); ++iter) {
+    ATH_MSG_INFO("Events passing " << iter->first << ": " << iter->second);
@@ -2285,12 +1415,13 @@ void HLTMETMonTool::printMETTriggerStats() {
 double HLTMETMonTool::signed_delta_phi(double phi1, double phi2) {
-  double phia=phi1;
-  double phib=phi2;
-  if(phi1>M_PI) phia=phi1-2* M_PI;
-  if(phi2>M_PI) phib=phi2-2*M_PI;
-  double dphi=phia-phib;
-  if(dphi>M_PI) dphi-=2*M_PI;
-  if(dphi<(-1.*M_PI)) dphi+=2*M_PI;
+  double phia = phi1;
+  double phib = phi2;
+  if (phi1>M_PI) phia = phi1 - 2* M_PI;
+  if (phi2>M_PI) phib = phi2 - 2*M_PI;
+  double dphi = phia - phib;
+  if (dphi>M_PI) dphi -= 2*M_PI;
+  if (dphi<(-1.*M_PI)) dphi += 2*M_PI;
   return dphi;