diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/D3PDMaker/ForwardDetectorsD3PDMaker/python/ForwardDetectorsD3PD.py b/PhysicsAnalysis/D3PDMaker/ForwardDetectorsD3PDMaker/python/ForwardDetectorsD3PD.py
index 7a1e38fae3d59036185d6b121cd72c4f575e30a5..76a74887ca31efc1da1f86ec26f6d4253b1e310f 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/D3PDMaker/ForwardDetectorsD3PDMaker/python/ForwardDetectorsD3PD.py
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/D3PDMaker/ForwardDetectorsD3PDMaker/python/ForwardDetectorsD3PD.py
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ print 'globalflags'
 print globalflags
 def ForwardDetectorsD3PD( alg = None,
-                          file = "ForwardDetectordD3PD.root"
+                          file = "ForwardDetectordD3PD.root",
                           tuplename = 'ForwardDetectorsD3PD',
                           **kw ):
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/D3PDMaker/JetD3PDMaker/python/JetTileD3PDObject.py b/PhysicsAnalysis/D3PDMaker/JetD3PDMaker/python/JetTileD3PDObject.py
index b84d742468a6cc613f44f1a2398b08707a6920ca..a33e2a270ff0f332112fcba24de2f5bf19e61406 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/D3PDMaker/JetD3PDMaker/python/JetTileD3PDObject.py
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/D3PDMaker/JetD3PDMaker/python/JetTileD3PDObject.py
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ def getJetTileD3PDObject(objectname='JetTileD3PDObject', prefix='jet_', btagleve
                            prefix = 'flavor_assoctrk_',
                            level = _jetAssocLevel,
                            blockname = 'AssocTrackCont')
     object.defineBlock(10, 'JetRoIword',
diff --git a/Projects/AthDerivation/externals.txt b/Projects/AthDerivation/externals.txt
index f6cd875fc7e432631185c32c30dae58d3edacc0d..6f00bf5e6d6123dc975f3aa28632a470b93d1d7d 100644
--- a/Projects/AthDerivation/externals.txt
+++ b/Projects/AthDerivation/externals.txt
@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@
 # an "origin/" prefix before it. For tags however this is explicitly
 # forbidden.
-AthDerivationExternalsVersion = 1.0.17
-GaudiVersion = v27r1.014
+AthDerivationExternalsVersion = 1.0.27
+GaudiVersion = v27r1.015
diff --git a/Projects/AthSimulation/externals.txt b/Projects/AthSimulation/externals.txt
index 13c98c196d48b092d76bfc43a7ed80b863847ad5..5ce4bd443dca179f88ade3129d4d6e3d124b8cc6 100644
--- a/Projects/AthSimulation/externals.txt
+++ b/Projects/AthSimulation/externals.txt
@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@
 # an "origin/" prefix before it. For tags however this is explicitly
 # forbidden.
-AthSimulationExternalsVersion = 1.0.17
-GaudiVersion = v27r1.014
+AthSimulationExternalsVersion = 1.0.27
+GaudiVersion = v27r1.015
diff --git a/Projects/Athena/externals.txt b/Projects/Athena/externals.txt
index 272929ea2e422667e86e774fb3cd94fabd45090a..c0bbfc961fc17bf8fc87bf95b59a2e337f364f0f 100644
--- a/Projects/Athena/externals.txt
+++ b/Projects/Athena/externals.txt
@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@
 # an "origin/" prefix before it. For tags however this is explicitly
 # forbidden.
-AthenaExternalsVersion = 1.0.17
+AthenaExternalsVersion = 1.0.27
 GaudiVersion = v27r1.015
diff --git a/Projects/AthenaP1/externals.txt b/Projects/AthenaP1/externals.txt
index 6fde1324d8f1550739b01b1bd325a731e771a550..c0bbfc961fc17bf8fc87bf95b59a2e337f364f0f 100644
--- a/Projects/AthenaP1/externals.txt
+++ b/Projects/AthenaP1/externals.txt
@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@
 # an "origin/" prefix before it. For tags however this is explicitly
 # forbidden.
-AthenaExternalsVersion = 1.0.22
-GaudiVersion = v27r1.013
+AthenaExternalsVersion = 1.0.27
+GaudiVersion = v27r1.015
diff --git a/Reconstruction/Jet/JetMomentTools/python/SetupJetMomentTools.py b/Reconstruction/Jet/JetMomentTools/python/SetupJetMomentTools.py
index a87bca6ddc6fd4d3d5fea74fcf5748760af9c765..62c0b3bf68b0912c5d3c689b51367c5573a42e08 100644
--- a/Reconstruction/Jet/JetMomentTools/python/SetupJetMomentTools.py
+++ b/Reconstruction/Jet/JetMomentTools/python/SetupJetMomentTools.py
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ def getJetTracksMomentTool(**options):
     return trkTool
-def getJetClusterMomentTool(toolName="JetClusterMoments")
+def getJetClusterMomentTool(toolName="JetClusterMoments"):
     from JetMomentTools.JetMomentToolsConf import JetClusterMomentsTool
     return JetClusterMomentsTool(toolName)
diff --git a/Tools/FullChainTests/python/TrfBuilder.py b/Tools/FullChainTests/python/TrfBuilder.py
index 8fcf6210ced58b176164ccc9962f3aac08624c35..3e1386182d65beb368f083f669c02972276dac7d 100644
--- a/Tools/FullChainTests/python/TrfBuilder.py
+++ b/Tools/FullChainTests/python/TrfBuilder.py
@@ -51,9 +51,8 @@ class TrfBuilder:
                 if section == sectionName:  # take only our section for sectionName into account
                     sectionCounter = sectionCounter + 1
                     for option in self.DigiRecoConfig.options(section):  # loop over all settings in specified our section
-                        #pfx += option + '=' \
-                        #pfx += ' --' + option + '=' \
-                        pfx += ' --' + option + ' ' \ # to support multiple values --preExec "AAA:aaa" "BBB:bbb"
+                        # to support multiple values --preExec "AAA:aaa" "BBB:bbb"
+                        pfx += ' --' + option + ' ' \
                             + self.DigiRecoConfig.get(section, option) \
                             + ' '
             if sectionCounter == 0:
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigT1/TrigT1Muctpi/python/TrigT1MuctpiAlgorithmConfig.py b/Trigger/TrigT1/TrigT1Muctpi/python/TrigT1MuctpiAlgorithmConfig.py
index 5a83480cad98c82952c53c1011a4e3468887595d..22c2de37f833559704e3eb0b005d0afbc298a15a 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigT1/TrigT1Muctpi/python/TrigT1MuctpiAlgorithmConfig.py
+++ b/Trigger/TrigT1/TrigT1Muctpi/python/TrigT1MuctpiAlgorithmConfig.py
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ if not hasattr( topSequence, "CBNT_AthenaAware" ):
   from CBNT_Athena.CBNT_AthenaConf import *
   from CBNT_Utils.CBNT_UtilsConf import *
   CBNT_AthenaAware = CBNT_AthenaAware()
-@  CBNT_AthenaAware.OutputLevel = 2
+#  CBNT_AthenaAware.OutputLevel = 2
   topSequence += CBNT_AthenaAware
 if not "CBNTAA_EventInfo" in topSequence.CBNT_AthenaAware.Members :
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenu/python/jet/test_dicts.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenu/python/jet/test_dicts.py
index 37c179270f645f32c79173c7d4780dfb85ba7132..6fb3bfe541ecd81be711e6283e752c040c770d73 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenu/python/jet/test_dicts.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenu/python/jet/test_dicts.py
@@ -1,5 +1,31 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+j85 = {'run_rtt_diags':False, 'EBstep': -1, 'signatures': '', 'stream': ['Main'], 'chainParts': [{'smc': 'nosmc', 'trkopt': 'notrk','trigType': 'j', 'scan': 'FS', 'etaRange': '0eta320', 'threshold': '85', 'chainPartName': 'j85', 'recoAlg': 'a4', 'bTag': '', 'extra': '', 'calib': 'em', 'jetCalib': 'subjes', 'L1item': '', 'bTracking': '', 'dataType': 'tc', 'bMatching': [], 'topo': [], 'TLA': '', 'cleaning': 'noCleaning', 'bConfig': [], 'multiplicity': '1', 'signature': 'Jet', 'addInfo': [], 'dataScouting': ''}], 'topo': [], 'groups': ['RATE:SingleJet', 'BW:Jet'], 'topoThreshold': None, 'topoStartFrom': False, 'chainCounter': 475, 'signature': 'Jet', 'L1item': 'L1_J20', 'chainName': 'j85'},
+j460_a10r = {'run_rtt_diags':False, 'EBstep': -1, 'signatures': '', 'stream': ['Main'], 'chainParts': [{'smc': 'nosmc', 'trkopt': 'notrk', 'bTracking': '', 'bTag': '', 'scan': 'FS', 'dataType': 'tc', 'bMatching': [], 'etaRange': '0eta320', 'topo': [], 'TLA': '', 'cleaning': 'noCleaning', 'threshold': '460', 'chainPartName': 'j460_a10r', 'recoAlg': 'a10r', 'trigType': 'j', 'bConfig': [], 'multiplicity': '1', 'extra': '', 'dataScouting': '', 'signature': 'Jet', 'calib': 'em', 'addInfo': [], 'jetCalib': 'subjesIS', 'L1item': ''}], 'topo': [], 'chainCounter': 864, 'groups': ['RATE:SingleJet', 'BW:Jet'], 'signature': 'Jet', 'topoThreshold': None, 'topoStartFrom': False, 'L1item': 'L1_HT150-J20s5.ETA31', 'chainName': 'j460_a10r'},
+_3j30 = {'run_rtt_diags':False, 'EBstep': -1, 'signatures': '', 'stream': ['Main'], 'chainParts': [{'smc': 'nosmc', 'trkopt': 'notrk', 'bTracking': '', 'bTag': '', 'scan': 'FS', 'dataType': 'tc', 'bMatching': [], 'etaRange': '0eta320', 'topo': [], 'TLA': '', 'cleaning': 'noCleaning', 'threshold': '30', 'chainPartName': '3j30', 'recoAlg': 'a4', 'trigType': 'j', 'bConfig': [], 'multiplicity': '3', 'extra': '', 'dataScouting': '', 'signature': 'Jet', 'calib': 'em', 'addInfo': [], 'jetCalib': 'subjesIS', 'L1item': ''}], 'topo': [], 'chainCounter': 783, 'groups': ['RATE:MultiJet', 'BW:Jet'], 'signature': 'Jet', 'topoThreshold': None, 'topoStartFrom': False, 'L1item': 'L1_TE10', 'chainName': '3j30'},
+j150_2j55_boffperf_split = {'run_rtt_diags':False, 'EBstep': -1, 'signatures': '', 'stream': ['Main'], 'chainParts': [{'smc': 'nosmc', 'trkopt': 'notrk', 'bTracking': '', 'bTag': '', 'scan': 'FS', 'dataType': 'tc', 'bMatching': [], 'etaRange': '0eta320', 'topo': [], 'TLA': '', 'cleaning': 'noCleaning', 'threshold': '150', 'chainPartName': 'j150', 'recoAlg': 'a4', 'trigType': 'j', 'bConfig': [], 'multiplicity': '1', 'extra': '', 'dataScouting': '', 'signature': 'Jet', 'calib': 'em', 'addInfo': [], 'jetCalib': 'subjesIS', 'L1item': ''}, {'smc': 'nosmc', 'trkopt': 'notrk', 'bTracking': '', 'bTag': 'boffperf', 'scan': 'FS', 'dataType': 'tc', 'bMatching': [], 'etaRange': '0eta320', 'topo': [], 'TLA': '', 'cleaning': 'noCleaning', 'threshold': '55', 'chainPartName': '2j55_boffperf_split', 'recoAlg': 'a4', 'trigType': 'j', 'bConfig': ['split'], 'multiplicity': '2', 'extra': '', 'dataScouting': '', 'signature': 'Jet', 'calib': 'em', 'addInfo': [], 'jetCalib': 'subjesIS', 'L1item': ''}], 'topo': [], 'chainCounter': 1170, 'groups': ['RATE:MultiBJet', 'BW:BJet'], 'signature': 'Jet', 'topoThreshold': None, 'topoStartFrom': False, 'L1item': 'L1_J75_3J20', 'chainName': 'j150_2j55_boffperf_split'},
+j0_0i1c200m400TLA = {'run_rtt_diags':False, 'EBstep': -1, 'signatures': '', 'stream': ['Main'], 'chainParts': [{'smc': 'nosmc', 'trkopt': 'notrk', 'bTracking': '', 'bTag': '', 'scan': 'FS', 'dataType': 'tc', 'bMatching': [], 'etaRange': '0eta320', 'topo': [], 'TLA': '0i1c200m400TLA', 'cleaning': 'noCleaning', 'threshold': '0', 'chainPartName': 'j0_0i1c200m400TLA', 'recoAlg': 'a4', 'trigType': 'j', 'bConfig': [], 'multiplicity': '1', 'extra': '', 'dataScouting': '', 'signature': 'Jet', 'calib': 'em', 'addInfo': [], 'jetCalib': 'subjesIS', 'L1item': ''}], 'topo': [], 'chainCounter': 732, 'groups': ['RATE:MultiJet', 'BW:Jet'], 'signature': 'Jet', 'topoThreshold': None, 'topoStartFrom': False, 'L1item': 'L1_J100', 'chainName': 'j0_0i1c200m400TLA'},
+j0_0i1c200m400TLA_1 = {'run_rtt_diags':False, 'EBstep': -1, 'signatures': '', 'stream': ['Main'], 'chainParts': [{'recoCutCalib': 'rcc0', 'smc': 'nosmc', 'trkopt': 'notrk', 'bTracking': '', 'bTag': '', 'scan': 'FS', 'dataType': 'tc', 'bMatching': [], 'etaRange': '0eta320', 'topo': [], 'TLA': '0i1c200m400TLA', 'cleaning': 'noCleaning', 'threshold': '0', 'chainPartName': 'j0_0i1c200m400TLA', 'recoAlg': 'a4', 'trigType': 'j', 'bConfig': [], 'multiplicity': '1', 'extra': '', 'dataScouting': '', 'signature': 'Jet', 'calib': 'em', 'addInfo': [], 'jetCalib': 'subjesIS', 'L1item': ''}], 'topo': [], 'chainCounter': 732, 'groups': ['RATE:MultiJet', 'BW:Jet'], 'signature': 'Jet', 'topoThreshold': None, 'topoStartFrom': False, 'L1item': 'L1_J100', 'chainName': 'j0_0i1c200m400TLA'}
+j0_0i1c200m400TLA_2 = {'run_rtt_diags':False, 'EBstep': -1, 'signatures': '', 'stream': ['Main'], 'chainParts': [{'recoCutCalib': 'rcc0', 'recoCutUncalib': 'rcu0', 'smc': 'nosmc', 'trkopt': 'notrk', 'bTracking': '', 'bTag': '', 'scan': 'FS', 'dataType': 'tc', 'bMatching': [], 'etaRange': '0eta320', 'topo': [], 'TLA': '0i1c200m400TLA', 'cleaning': 'noCleaning', 'threshold': '0', 'chainPartName': 'j0_0i1c200m400TLA', 'recoAlg': 'a4', 'trigType': 'j', 'bConfig': [], 'multiplicity': '1', 'extra': '', 'dataScouting': '', 'signature': 'Jet', 'calib': 'em', 'addInfo': [], 'jetCalib': 'subjesIS', 'L1item': ''}], 'topo': [], 'chainCounter': 732, 'groups': ['RATE:MultiJet', 'BW:Jet'], 'signature': 'Jet', 'topoThreshold': None, 'topoStartFrom': False, 'L1item': 'L1_J100', 'chainName': 'j0_0i1c200m400TLA'},
+_2j10_deta20_L1J12 = {'run_rtt_diags':False, 'EBstep': -1, 'signatures': '', 'stream': ['MinBias'], 'chainParts': [{'smc': 'nosmc', 'trkopt': 'notrk', 'bTracking': '', 'bTag': '', 'scan': 'FS', 'dataType': 'tc', 'bMatching': [], 'etaRange': '0eta320', 'topo': ['deta20'], 'TLA': '', 'cleaning': 'noCleaning', 'threshold': '10', 'chainPartName': '2j10_deta20_L1J12', 'recoAlg': 'a4', 'trigType': 'j', 'bConfig': [], 'multiplicity': '2', 'extra': '', 'dataScouting': '', 'signature': 'Jet', 'calib': 'em', 'addInfo': [], 'jetCalib': 'subjesIS', 'L1item': ''}], 'topo': [], 'chainCounter': 721, 'groups': ['BW:MinBias', 'RATE:MinBias'], 'signature': 'Jet', 'topoThreshold': None, 'topoStartFrom': False, 'L1item': 'L1_J12', 'chainName': '2j10_deta20_L1J12'},
+_2j55_bmedium_ht300_L14J20 = {'run_rtt_diags':False, 'EBstep': -1, 'signatures': '', 'stream': ['Main'], 'mergingOffset': -1, 'chainParts': [{'trkopt': 'notrk', 'smc': 'nosmc', 'bTracking': '', 'bTag': '', 'extra': '', 'dataType': 'tc', 'bMatching': [], 'etaRange': '0eta320', 'topo': [], 'TLA': '', 'cleaning': 'noCleaning', 'threshold': '300', 'chainPartName': 'ht300_L14J20', 'recoAlg': 'a4', 'trigType': 'ht', 'bConfig': [], 'multiplicity': '1', 'scan': 'FS', 'L1item': '', 'signature': 'HT', 'calib': 'em', 'addInfo': [], 'jetCalib': 'subjesIS', 'dataScouting': ''}], 'signature': 'HT', 'mergingPreserveL2EFOrder': True, 'topo': [], 'chainCounter': 4032, 'L1item': 'L1_4J20', 'groups': ['RATE:MultiBJet', 'BW:BJet', 'BW:Jet'], 'mergingOrder': ['2j55_bmedium', 'ht300_L14J20'], 'topoThreshold': None, 'topoStartFrom': False, 'mergingStrategy': 'serial', 'chainName': '2j55_bmedium_ht300_L14J20'},
+j460_a10t_lcw_nojcalib_L1J100 = {'run_rtt_diags':False, 'EBstep': -1, 'signatures': '', 'stream': ['Main'], 'chainParts': [{'smc': 'nosmc', 'trkopt': 'notrk', 'bTracking': '', 'bTag': '', 'scan': 'FS', 'dataType': 'tc', 'bMatching': [], 'etaRange': '0eta320', 'topo': [], 'TLA': '', 'cleaning': 'noCleaning', 'threshold': '460', 'chainPartName': 'j460_a10t_lcw_nojcalib_L1J100', 'recoAlg': 'a10t', 'trigType': 'j', 'bConfig': [], 'multiplicity': '1', 'extra': '', 'dataScouting': '', 'signature': 'Jet', 'calib': 'lcw', 'addInfo': [], 'jetCalib': 'nojcalib', 'L1item': ''}], 'topo': [], 'chainCounter': 757, 'groups': ['Rate:SingleJet', 'BW:Jet'], 'signature': 'Jet', 'topoThreshold': None, 'topoStartFrom': False, 'L1item': 'L1_J100', 'chainName': 'j460_a10t_lcw_nojcalib_L1J100'},
+j440_a10r_L1J100 = {'EBstep': -1, 'signatures': '', 'stream': ['Main'], 'chainParts': [{'smc': 'nosmc', 'trkopt': 'notrk', 'bTracking': '', 'bTag': '', 'scan': 'FS', 'dataType': 'tc', 'bMatching': [], 'etaRange': '0eta320', 'topo': [], 'TLA': '', 'cleaning': 'noCleaning', 'threshold': '440', 'chainPartName': 'j440_a10r_L1J100', 'recoAlg': 'a10r', 'trigType': 'j', 'bConfig': [], 'multiplicity': '1', 'extra': '', 'dataScouting': '', 'signature': 'Jet', 'calib': 'em', 'addInfo': [], 'jetCalib': 'subjesIS', 'L1item': ''}], 'topo': [], 'chainCounter': 663, 'groups': ['RATE:SingleJet', 'BW:Jet'], 'signature': 'Jet', 'topoThreshold': None, 'topoStartFrom': False, 'L1item': 'L1_J100', 'chainName': 'j440_a10r_L1J100'},
+j440_a10r_L1J100_1 = {'run_rtt_diags':False,'EBstep': -1, 'signatures': '', 'stream': ['Main'], 'chainParts': [{'recoCutCalib': 'rccDefault', 'smc': 'nosmc', 'trkopt': 'notrk', 'bTracking': '', 'bTag': '', 'scan': 'FS', 'dataType': 'tc', 'bMatching': [], 'etaRange': '0eta320', 'topo': [], 'TLA': '', 'cleaning': 'noCleaning', 'threshold': '440', 'chainPartName': 'j440_a10r_L1J100', 'recoAlg': 'a10r', 'trigType': 'j', 'bConfig': [], 'multiplicity': '1', 'extra': '', 'dataScouting': '', 'signature': 'Jet', 'calib': 'em', 'addInfo': [], 'jetCalib': 'subjesIS', 'L1item': ''}], 'topo': [], 'chainCounter': 663, 'groups': ['RATE:SingleJet', 'BW:Jet'], 'signature': 'Jet', 'topoThreshold': None, 'topoStartFrom': False, 'L1item': 'L1_J100', 'chainName': 'j440_a10r_L1J100'},
+j440_a10r_L1J100_2 = {'run_rtt_diags':False,'EBstep': -1, 'signatures': '', 'stream': ['Main'], 'chainParts': [{'recoCutCalib': 'rcc0', 'smc': 'nosmc', 'trkopt': 'notrk', 'bTracking': '', 'bTag': '', 'scan': 'FS', 'dataType': 'tc', 'bMatching': [], 'etaRange': '0eta320', 'topo': [], 'TLA': '', 'cleaning': 'noCleaning', 'threshold': '440', 'chainPartName': 'j440_a10r_L1J100', 'recoAlg': 'a10r', 'trigType': 'j', 'bConfig': [], 'multiplicity': '1', 'extra': '', 'dataScouting': '', 'signature': 'Jet', 'calib': 'em', 'addInfo': [], 'jetCalib': 'subjesIS', 'L1item': ''}], 'topo': [], 'chainCounter': 663, 'groups': ['RATE:SingleJet', 'BW:Jet'], 'signature': 'Jet', 'topoThreshold': None, 'topoStartFrom': False, 'L1item': 'L1_J100', 'chainName': 'j440_a10r_L1J100'},
 triggerMenuXML_dicts = [
     # {'EBstep': -1,
     # 'signatures': '',
@@ -83,31 +109,9 @@ triggerMenuXML_dicts = [
     #     'topo': [], 'groups': ['RATE:SingleJet', 'BW:Jet'], 'topoThreshold': None, 'topoStartFrom': False, 'chainCounter': 646, 'signature': 'Jet', 'L1item': 'L1_J20', 'chainName': 'j85'},
-    j85 = {'run_rtt_diags':False, 'EBstep': -1, 'signatures': '', 'stream': ['Main'], 'chainParts': [{'smc': 'nosmc', 'trkopt': 'notrk','trigType': 'j', 'scan': 'FS', 'etaRange': '0eta320', 'threshold': '85', 'chainPartName': 'j85', 'recoAlg': 'a4', 'bTag': '', 'extra': '', 'calib': 'em', 'jetCalib': 'subjes', 'L1item': '', 'bTracking': '', 'dataType': 'tc', 'bMatching': [], 'topo': [], 'TLA': '', 'cleaning': 'noCleaning', 'bConfig': [], 'multiplicity': '1', 'signature': 'Jet', 'addInfo': [], 'dataScouting': ''}], 'topo': [], 'groups': ['RATE:SingleJet', 'BW:Jet'], 'topoThreshold': None, 'topoStartFrom': False, 'chainCounter': 475, 'signature': 'Jet', 'L1item': 'L1_J20', 'chainName': 'j85'},
-    j460_a10r = {'run_rtt_diags':False, 'EBstep': -1, 'signatures': '', 'stream': ['Main'], 'chainParts': [{'smc': 'nosmc', 'trkopt': 'notrk', 'bTracking': '', 'bTag': '', 'scan': 'FS', 'dataType': 'tc', 'bMatching': [], 'etaRange': '0eta320', 'topo': [], 'TLA': '', 'cleaning': 'noCleaning', 'threshold': '460', 'chainPartName': 'j460_a10r', 'recoAlg': 'a10r', 'trigType': 'j', 'bConfig': [], 'multiplicity': '1', 'extra': '', 'dataScouting': '', 'signature': 'Jet', 'calib': 'em', 'addInfo': [], 'jetCalib': 'subjesIS', 'L1item': ''}], 'topo': [], 'chainCounter': 864, 'groups': ['RATE:SingleJet', 'BW:Jet'], 'signature': 'Jet', 'topoThreshold': None, 'topoStartFrom': False, 'L1item': 'L1_HT150-J20s5.ETA31', 'chainName': 'j460_a10r'},
-    _3j30 = {'run_rtt_diags':False, 'EBstep': -1, 'signatures': '', 'stream': ['Main'], 'chainParts': [{'smc': 'nosmc', 'trkopt': 'notrk', 'bTracking': '', 'bTag': '', 'scan': 'FS', 'dataType': 'tc', 'bMatching': [], 'etaRange': '0eta320', 'topo': [], 'TLA': '', 'cleaning': 'noCleaning', 'threshold': '30', 'chainPartName': '3j30', 'recoAlg': 'a4', 'trigType': 'j', 'bConfig': [], 'multiplicity': '3', 'extra': '', 'dataScouting': '', 'signature': 'Jet', 'calib': 'em', 'addInfo': [], 'jetCalib': 'subjesIS', 'L1item': ''}], 'topo': [], 'chainCounter': 783, 'groups': ['RATE:MultiJet', 'BW:Jet'], 'signature': 'Jet', 'topoThreshold': None, 'topoStartFrom': False, 'L1item': 'L1_TE10', 'chainName': '3j30'},
-    j150_2j55_boffperf_split = {'run_rtt_diags':False, 'EBstep': -1, 'signatures': '', 'stream': ['Main'], 'chainParts': [{'smc': 'nosmc', 'trkopt': 'notrk', 'bTracking': '', 'bTag': '', 'scan': 'FS', 'dataType': 'tc', 'bMatching': [], 'etaRange': '0eta320', 'topo': [], 'TLA': '', 'cleaning': 'noCleaning', 'threshold': '150', 'chainPartName': 'j150', 'recoAlg': 'a4', 'trigType': 'j', 'bConfig': [], 'multiplicity': '1', 'extra': '', 'dataScouting': '', 'signature': 'Jet', 'calib': 'em', 'addInfo': [], 'jetCalib': 'subjesIS', 'L1item': ''}, {'smc': 'nosmc', 'trkopt': 'notrk', 'bTracking': '', 'bTag': 'boffperf', 'scan': 'FS', 'dataType': 'tc', 'bMatching': [], 'etaRange': '0eta320', 'topo': [], 'TLA': '', 'cleaning': 'noCleaning', 'threshold': '55', 'chainPartName': '2j55_boffperf_split', 'recoAlg': 'a4', 'trigType': 'j', 'bConfig': ['split'], 'multiplicity': '2', 'extra': '', 'dataScouting': '', 'signature': 'Jet', 'calib': 'em', 'addInfo': [], 'jetCalib': 'subjesIS', 'L1item': ''}], 'topo': [], 'chainCounter': 1170, 'groups': ['RATE:MultiBJet', 'BW:BJet'], 'signature': 'Jet', 'topoThreshold': None, 'topoStartFrom': False, 'L1item': 'L1_J75_3J20', 'chainName': 'j150_2j55_boffperf_split'},
-    j0_0i1c200m400TLA = {'run_rtt_diags':False, 'EBstep': -1, 'signatures': '', 'stream': ['Main'], 'chainParts': [{'smc': 'nosmc', 'trkopt': 'notrk', 'bTracking': '', 'bTag': '', 'scan': 'FS', 'dataType': 'tc', 'bMatching': [], 'etaRange': '0eta320', 'topo': [], 'TLA': '0i1c200m400TLA', 'cleaning': 'noCleaning', 'threshold': '0', 'chainPartName': 'j0_0i1c200m400TLA', 'recoAlg': 'a4', 'trigType': 'j', 'bConfig': [], 'multiplicity': '1', 'extra': '', 'dataScouting': '', 'signature': 'Jet', 'calib': 'em', 'addInfo': [], 'jetCalib': 'subjesIS', 'L1item': ''}], 'topo': [], 'chainCounter': 732, 'groups': ['RATE:MultiJet', 'BW:Jet'], 'signature': 'Jet', 'topoThreshold': None, 'topoStartFrom': False, 'L1item': 'L1_J100', 'chainName': 'j0_0i1c200m400TLA'},
-    j0_0i1c200m400TLA_1 = {'run_rtt_diags':False, 'EBstep': -1, 'signatures': '', 'stream': ['Main'], 'chainParts': [{'recoCutCalib': 'rcc0', 'smc': 'nosmc', 'trkopt': 'notrk', 'bTracking': '', 'bTag': '', 'scan': 'FS', 'dataType': 'tc', 'bMatching': [], 'etaRange': '0eta320', 'topo': [], 'TLA': '0i1c200m400TLA', 'cleaning': 'noCleaning', 'threshold': '0', 'chainPartName': 'j0_0i1c200m400TLA', 'recoAlg': 'a4', 'trigType': 'j', 'bConfig': [], 'multiplicity': '1', 'extra': '', 'dataScouting': '', 'signature': 'Jet', 'calib': 'em', 'addInfo': [], 'jetCalib': 'subjesIS', 'L1item': ''}], 'topo': [], 'chainCounter': 732, 'groups': ['RATE:MultiJet', 'BW:Jet'], 'signature': 'Jet', 'topoThreshold': None, 'topoStartFrom': False, 'L1item': 'L1_J100', 'chainName': 'j0_0i1c200m400TLA'}
-    j0_0i1c200m400TLA_2 = {'run_rtt_diags':False, 'EBstep': -1, 'signatures': '', 'stream': ['Main'], 'chainParts': [{'recoCutCalib': 'rcc0', 'recoCutUncalib': 'rcu0', 'smc': 'nosmc', 'trkopt': 'notrk', 'bTracking': '', 'bTag': '', 'scan': 'FS', 'dataType': 'tc', 'bMatching': [], 'etaRange': '0eta320', 'topo': [], 'TLA': '0i1c200m400TLA', 'cleaning': 'noCleaning', 'threshold': '0', 'chainPartName': 'j0_0i1c200m400TLA', 'recoAlg': 'a4', 'trigType': 'j', 'bConfig': [], 'multiplicity': '1', 'extra': '', 'dataScouting': '', 'signature': 'Jet', 'calib': 'em', 'addInfo': [], 'jetCalib': 'subjesIS', 'L1item': ''}], 'topo': [], 'chainCounter': 732, 'groups': ['RATE:MultiJet', 'BW:Jet'], 'signature': 'Jet', 'topoThreshold': None, 'topoStartFrom': False, 'L1item': 'L1_J100', 'chainName': 'j0_0i1c200m400TLA'},
-    _2j10_deta20_L1J12 = {'run_rtt_diags':False, 'EBstep': -1, 'signatures': '', 'stream': ['MinBias'], 'chainParts': [{'smc': 'nosmc', 'trkopt': 'notrk', 'bTracking': '', 'bTag': '', 'scan': 'FS', 'dataType': 'tc', 'bMatching': [], 'etaRange': '0eta320', 'topo': ['deta20'], 'TLA': '', 'cleaning': 'noCleaning', 'threshold': '10', 'chainPartName': '2j10_deta20_L1J12', 'recoAlg': 'a4', 'trigType': 'j', 'bConfig': [], 'multiplicity': '2', 'extra': '', 'dataScouting': '', 'signature': 'Jet', 'calib': 'em', 'addInfo': [], 'jetCalib': 'subjesIS', 'L1item': ''}], 'topo': [], 'chainCounter': 721, 'groups': ['BW:MinBias', 'RATE:MinBias'], 'signature': 'Jet', 'topoThreshold': None, 'topoStartFrom': False, 'L1item': 'L1_J12', 'chainName': '2j10_deta20_L1J12'},
-    _2j55_bmedium_ht300_L14J20 = {'run_rtt_diags':False, 'EBstep': -1, 'signatures': '', 'stream': ['Main'], 'mergingOffset': -1, 'chainParts': [{'trkopt': 'notrk', 'smc': 'nosmc', 'bTracking': '', 'bTag': '', 'extra': '', 'dataType': 'tc', 'bMatching': [], 'etaRange': '0eta320', 'topo': [], 'TLA': '', 'cleaning': 'noCleaning', 'threshold': '300', 'chainPartName': 'ht300_L14J20', 'recoAlg': 'a4', 'trigType': 'ht', 'bConfig': [], 'multiplicity': '1', 'scan': 'FS', 'L1item': '', 'signature': 'HT', 'calib': 'em', 'addInfo': [], 'jetCalib': 'subjesIS', 'dataScouting': ''}], 'signature': 'HT', 'mergingPreserveL2EFOrder': True, 'topo': [], 'chainCounter': 4032, 'L1item': 'L1_4J20', 'groups': ['RATE:MultiBJet', 'BW:BJet', 'BW:Jet'], 'mergingOrder': ['2j55_bmedium', 'ht300_L14J20'], 'topoThreshold': None, 'topoStartFrom': False, 'mergingStrategy': 'serial', 'chainName': '2j55_bmedium_ht300_L14J20'},
-    j460_a10t_lcw_nojcalib_L1J100 = {'run_rtt_diags':False, 'EBstep': -1, 'signatures': '', 'stream': ['Main'], 'chainParts': [{'smc': 'nosmc', 'trkopt': 'notrk', 'bTracking': '', 'bTag': '', 'scan': 'FS', 'dataType': 'tc', 'bMatching': [], 'etaRange': '0eta320', 'topo': [], 'TLA': '', 'cleaning': 'noCleaning', 'threshold': '460', 'chainPartName': 'j460_a10t_lcw_nojcalib_L1J100', 'recoAlg': 'a10t', 'trigType': 'j', 'bConfig': [], 'multiplicity': '1', 'extra': '', 'dataScouting': '', 'signature': 'Jet', 'calib': 'lcw', 'addInfo': [], 'jetCalib': 'nojcalib', 'L1item': ''}], 'topo': [], 'chainCounter': 757, 'groups': ['Rate:SingleJet', 'BW:Jet'], 'signature': 'Jet', 'topoThreshold': None, 'topoStartFrom': False, 'L1item': 'L1_J100', 'chainName': 'j460_a10t_lcw_nojcalib_L1J100'},
-    j440_a10r_L1J100 = {'EBstep': -1, 'signatures': '', 'stream': ['Main'], 'chainParts': [{'smc': 'nosmc', 'trkopt': 'notrk', 'bTracking': '', 'bTag': '', 'scan': 'FS', 'dataType': 'tc', 'bMatching': [], 'etaRange': '0eta320', 'topo': [], 'TLA': '', 'cleaning': 'noCleaning', 'threshold': '440', 'chainPartName': 'j440_a10r_L1J100', 'recoAlg': 'a10r', 'trigType': 'j', 'bConfig': [], 'multiplicity': '1', 'extra': '', 'dataScouting': '', 'signature': 'Jet', 'calib': 'em', 'addInfo': [], 'jetCalib': 'subjesIS', 'L1item': ''}], 'topo': [], 'chainCounter': 663, 'groups': ['RATE:SingleJet', 'BW:Jet'], 'signature': 'Jet', 'topoThreshold': None, 'topoStartFrom': False, 'L1item': 'L1_J100', 'chainName': 'j440_a10r_L1J100'},
-    j440_a10r_L1J100_1 = {'run_rtt_diags':False,'EBstep': -1, 'signatures': '', 'stream': ['Main'], 'chainParts': [{'recoCutCalib': 'rccDefault', 'smc': 'nosmc', 'trkopt': 'notrk', 'bTracking': '', 'bTag': '', 'scan': 'FS', 'dataType': 'tc', 'bMatching': [], 'etaRange': '0eta320', 'topo': [], 'TLA': '', 'cleaning': 'noCleaning', 'threshold': '440', 'chainPartName': 'j440_a10r_L1J100', 'recoAlg': 'a10r', 'trigType': 'j', 'bConfig': [], 'multiplicity': '1', 'extra': '', 'dataScouting': '', 'signature': 'Jet', 'calib': 'em', 'addInfo': [], 'jetCalib': 'subjesIS', 'L1item': ''}], 'topo': [], 'chainCounter': 663, 'groups': ['RATE:SingleJet', 'BW:Jet'], 'signature': 'Jet', 'topoThreshold': None, 'topoStartFrom': False, 'L1item': 'L1_J100', 'chainName': 'j440_a10r_L1J100'},
-    j440_a10r_L1J100_2 = {'run_rtt_diags':False,'EBstep': -1, 'signatures': '', 'stream': ['Main'], 'chainParts': [{'recoCutCalib': 'rcc0', 'smc': 'nosmc', 'trkopt': 'notrk', 'bTracking': '', 'bTag': '', 'scan': 'FS', 'dataType': 'tc', 'bMatching': [], 'etaRange': '0eta320', 'topo': [], 'TLA': '', 'cleaning': 'noCleaning', 'threshold': '440', 'chainPartName': 'j440_a10r_L1J100', 'recoAlg': 'a10r', 'trigType': 'j', 'bConfig': [], 'multiplicity': '1', 'extra': '', 'dataScouting': '', 'signature': 'Jet', 'calib': 'em', 'addInfo': [], 'jetCalib': 'subjesIS', 'L1item': ''}], 'topo': [], 'chainCounter': 663, 'groups': ['RATE:SingleJet', 'BW:Jet'], 'signature': 'Jet', 'topoThreshold': None, 'topoStartFrom': False, 'L1item': 'L1_J100', 'chainName': 'j440_a10r_L1J100'},
+    j85, j460_a10r, _3j30, j150_2j55_boffperf_split, j0_0i1c200m400TLA,
+    j0_0i1c200m400TLA_1, j0_0i1c200m400TLA_2, _2j10_deta20_L1J12,
+    _2j55_bmedium_ht300_L14J20, j460_a10t_lcw_nojcalib_L1J100,
+    j440_a10r_L1J100, j440_a10r_L1J100_1, j440_a10r_L1J100_2,
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenu/python/l1/CoreLut.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenu/python/l1/CoreLut.py
index 822106472f39abc1adcf1c88269fb664b10eb964..9518eba3d334ae836a789f95f826afce9d17be9f 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenu/python/l1/CoreLut.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenu/python/l1/CoreLut.py
@@ -79,19 +79,16 @@ class CoreLut(object):
-    def getLutAndBit(tip):
+    def getLutAndBitFromTIP(tip):
         tip = int(tip)
-        if tip>=0 tip<300:
+        if tip>=0 and tip<300:
             lut = tip/15
-            bit = tip % 15
-        elif tip>=300 tip<504:
+        elif tip>=300 and tip<504:
             lut = (tip-300)/12 + 20
-            bit = (tip-300) % 12
-        elif tip>=504 tip<512:
+        elif tip>=504 and tip<512:
             lut = 37
-            bit = tip-504
-            raise RuntimeError("CoreLut.py getLutAndBit(tip): tip %i does not exist" % tip)
+            raise RuntimeError("CoreLut.py getLutAndBitFromTIP(tip): tip %i does not exist" % tip)
         return lut
@@ -102,20 +99,15 @@ class CoreLut(object):
         tip = firstTIPofConnector[ connector ] + signal
-        return CoreLut.getLutAndBit(tip)
+        return CoreLut.getLutAndBitFromTIP(tip)
     def isOnOneLut(connector, phase, listOfCableBits):
-        occupiedLuts = set([ getLutAndBit(connector,2*b + phase)[0] for b in listOfCableBits])
+        occupiedLuts = set([ CoreLut.getLutAndBit(connector,2*b + phase)[0] for b in listOfCableBits])
         if len(occupiedLuts)>1:
             raise RuntimeError("logic stretches over more than one LUT")
 coreLut = CoreLut()
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenu/python/l1menu/ItemDefRun1.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenu/python/l1menu/ItemDefRun1.py
index 4b4a70c7e0dc63d2406d604677f34c2ffaf61c2e..15bf2b6030fae6321a2c5b2c44b2f54a206d10d1 100755
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenu/python/l1menu/ItemDefRun1.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenu/python/l1menu/ItemDefRun1.py
@@ -629,9 +629,7 @@ class ItemDef:
         LVL1MenuItem('L1_ZDC_A_BGRP7'             ).setLogic(ZDC_A.x(1)&bgrp7cond).setTriggerType(TT.minb)                                              # noqa: F821
         LVL1MenuItem('L1_ZDC_C_BGRP7'             ).setLogic(ZDC_C.x(1)&bgrp7cond).setTriggerType(TT.minb)                                              # noqa: F821
         LVL1MenuItem('L1_ZDC_MBTS_1'              ).setLogic((ZDC_A.x(1)|ZDC_C.x(1))&( MBTS_A.x(1)| MBTS_C.x(1)) & physcond).setTriggerType(TT.minb)    # noqa: F821
-        LVL1MenuItem('L1_ZDC_MBTS_2'              ).setLogic((ZDC_A.x(1)|ZDC_C.x(1))&\                                                                  # noqa: F821
-                                                             ( MBTS_A.x(2)| MBTS_C.x(2)| MBTS_A.x(1))\                                                  # noqa: F821
-                                                             &( MBTS_A.x(2)| MBTS_C.x(2)| MBTS_C.x(1)) & physcond).setTriggerType(TT.minb)              # noqa: F821
+        LVL1MenuItem('L1_ZDC_MBTS_2'              ).setLogic((ZDC_A.x(1)|ZDC_C.x(1))&( MBTS_A.x(2)| MBTS_C.x(2)| MBTS_A.x(1))&( MBTS_A.x(2)| MBTS_C.x(2)| MBTS_C.x(1)) & physcond).setTriggerType(TT.minb)    # noqa: F821
         LVL1MenuItem('L1_ZDC_MBTS_1_1'            ).setLogic((ZDC_A.x(1)|ZDC_C.x(1))&( MBTS_A.x(1)& MBTS_C.x(1)) & physcond).setTriggerType(TT.minb)    # noqa: F821
         LVL1MenuItem('L1_ZDC_MBTS_2_2'            ).setLogic((ZDC_A.x(1)|ZDC_C.x(1))&( MBTS_A.x(2)& MBTS_C.x(2)) & physcond).setTriggerType(TT.minb)    # noqa: F821
@@ -661,7 +659,7 @@ class ItemDef:
         LVL1MenuItem('L1_LUCID_UNPAIRED_ISO'       ).setLogic( (LUCID_A.x(1)|LUCID_C.x(1))&unpaired_isocond).setTriggerType(TT.minb)    # noqa: F821
         LVL1MenuItem('L1_LUCID_UNPAIRED_NONISO'    ).setLogic( (LUCID_A.x(1)|LUCID_C.x(1))&unpaired_nonisocond).setTriggerType(TT.minb)    # noqa: F821
         LVL1MenuItem('L1_LUCID_COMM_EMPTY'         ).setLogic( NIMDIR5.x(1)&cosmiccond).setTriggerType(TT.minb)    # noqa: F821
-        LVL1MenuItem('L1_LUCID_COMM_UNPAIRED_ISO'  ).setLogic( NIMDIR5.x(1)&unpaired_isocond).setTriggerType(TT.minb)        
+        LVL1MenuItem('L1_LUCID_COMM_UNPAIRED_ISO'  ).setLogic( NIMDIR5.x(1)&unpaired_isocond).setTriggerType(TT.minb)    # noqa: F821
         LVL1MenuItem('L1_LUCID_A_C_UNPAIRED_ISO'   ).setLogic( LUCID_A.x(1)&LUCID_C.x(1)&unpaired_isocond).setTriggerType(TT.minb)    # noqa: F821
         LVL1MenuItem('L1_LUCID_A_C_UNPAIRED_NONISO').setLogic( LUCID_A.x(1)&LUCID_C.x(1)&unpaired_nonisocond).setTriggerType(TT.minb)    # noqa: F821