diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 8a9446205ec197de2b063c771e3ef95ee4cc6269..fcec6c4bb50ffd9a25203c70abc5973a551041fd 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -17,22 +17,23 @@ build_image:
   #              each branch will have an individual Docker image that will be used
   #              in the following stages of the pipeline for testing the code
-    #name: gitlab-registry.cern.ch/linuxsupport/alma9-base:latest
-    name: gitlab-registry.cern.ch/linuxsupport/cc7-base:latest
+    name: gitlab-registry.cern.ch/linuxsupport/alma9-base:latest
   stage: build
     - k8s-cvmfs
-    - yum -y --disablerepo=epel install redhat-lsb redhat-lsb-core man uuid-devel libuuid libuuid-devel mesa-libGL-devel libXpm-devel
+    #- yum -y --disablerepo=epel install redhat-lsb redhat-lsb-core man uuid-devel libuuid libuuid-devel mesa-libGL-devel libXpm-devel
     # - yum -y install man which zlib-devel lz4-devel cmake make gcc gcc-c++ uuid-devel libuuid-devel expat-devel #mesa-libGL-devel libXpm-devel
     # - yum -y install redhat-lsb # This doesn't exist in the main release!
     # --disablerepo=epel redhat-lsb redhat-lsb-core 
     - mkdir build
     - cd build
-    - set +e && source ${ATLAS_LOCAL_ROOT_BASE}/user/atlasLocalSetup.sh; set -e
-    - set +e && asetup --input=../../calypso/asetup.faser Athena,24.0.41; set -e
-    - cmake ../../calypso
-    - make -j 3
+    # See if we can run this as the payload to a container
+    - set +e && export ALRB_CONT_RUNPAYLOAD="asetup --input=../../calypso/asetup.faser Athena,24.0.41; cmake ../../calypso; make -j 3" && set -e
+    - set +e && source ${ATLAS_LOCAL_ROOT_BASE}/user/atlasLocalSetup.sh -c alma9; set -e
+    #- set +e && asetup --input=../../calypso/asetup.faser Athena,24.0.41; set -e
+    #- cmake ../../calypso
+    #- make -j 3
     - build/