diff --git a/HLT/Trigger/TrigControl/TrigServices/TrigServices/TrigISHelper.h b/HLT/Trigger/TrigControl/TrigServices/TrigServices/TrigISHelper.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ea5990bc6d35ba5559f63788364da159926cf10..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/HLT/Trigger/TrigControl/TrigServices/TrigServices/TrigISHelper.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
- * @file   TrigISHelper.h
- * @brief  Helper tool for IS access
- * @author Frank Winklmeier, Werner Wiedenmann
- *
- * $Id: TrigISHelper.h 5 2013-05-14 10:33:04Z ricab $
- */
-// STL includes
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <map>
-#include <utility>
-// Framework includes
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/StatusCode.h"
-// To avoid compiler warnings about redefinition through omni includes
-// TDAQ includes
-#include "is/info.h"
-#include "is/infodictionary.h"
-#include "is/infodynany.h"
-#include "ipc/partition.h"
- * @brief Helper tool for IS access
- *
- * This tool wraps some of the IS methods. Mainly to allow for configurable
- * partition and IS names. Use the properties (e.g. RunParams) to specify
- * them:
- *
- * Example: TrigISHelper.MyISInfo = initial/MyISServer.ISInfoName
- *
- * This will read the IS value from partition initial. If no partition is
- * explicitly specified use the value of the PartitionName property.
- */
-class TrigISHelper : public AthAlgTool {
-  /// Aliases for IS objects this tool can read
-  enum ISObject {
-    RunParams,
-    LumiBlock,
-    SolenoidCurrent,
-    ToroidCurrent
-  };
-  TrigISHelper(const std::string &type, const std::string &name, const IInterface *parent);    
-  virtual ~TrigISHelper();
-  static const InterfaceID& interfaceID();  
-  virtual StatusCode initialize();
-  /**
-   * @brief Wrapper for ISInfoDictionary::findValue
-   *
-   * Main difference to the IS method is that it returns immediatelly
-   * if running without a partition.
-   *
-   * @param name      Name of IS value
-   * @param value     Filled with IS value
-   *
-   * @return SUCCESS  Value retrieved or running without partition
-   *         FAILURE  Could not retrieve value from IS
-   */
-  StatusCode findValue(ISObject obj, ISInfo& value);
-  /**
-   * @brief Get attributes of a given type for IS objects
-   *
-   * This method retrieves all attributes of type T from the
-   * given IS object. This can be used in case there is no IS type
-   * definition available.
-   *
-   * @param name      Name of IS value
-   * @param values    Vector to be filled with attributes of type T
-   *                 
-   * @return SUCCESS  Value retrieved or running without partition
-   *         FAILURE  Could not retrieve value from IS
-   */
-  template <class T>
-  StatusCode getAttributes(ISObject obj, std::vector<T>& values);
-  /**
-   * @brief Read attribute of an ISNamedInfo object
-   *
-   * T is the type of the ISNamedInfo object, R the value type and
-   * G is a function object that reads the attribute of T.
-   *
-   * @param name      Name of IS value
-   * @param value     Filled with value of attribute
-   * @param getter    Functor of type 'void (const T& t, R& r)' that fills r
-   *                  with the value of an attribute of t.
-   *                 
-   * @return SUCCESS  Value retrieved or running without partition
-   *         FAILURE  Could not retrieve value from IS
-   */
-  template <class T, class R, class G>
-  StatusCode findValue(ISObject obj, R& value, G getter);
-  /*
-   * Check if partition for ISObject obj is valid (!= 'none')
-   */
-  bool validPartition(ISObject obj);
-  const std::string& partition(ISObject obj) const;
-  const std::string& isName(ISObject obj) const;
-  // Properties
-  StringProperty                  m_partitionName;    ///< Default partition name
-  bool                            m_ignoreIfMissing;
-  std::map<ISObject, std::string> m_isprop;           ///< Names of IS objects
-  /// Property handler
-  void initPartitionName(Property& prop);
-  /// Map ISObject -> (partition, IS name)
-  typedef std::map<ISObject, std::pair<std::string, std::string> > ISObjectMap_t;
-  ISObjectMap_t  m_isid;                      ///< partition and IS name for each ISObject
-  /// Return (partition, IS) name pair from isid property
-  std::pair<std::string,std::string> split(const std::string& isid); 
-// Inline
-inline bool TrigISHelper::validPartition(ISObject obj)
-  const std::string& name = m_isid[obj].first;
-  return (name!="None" && name!="NONE");  
-inline const InterfaceID& TrigISHelper::interfaceID()
-  static const InterfaceID IID("TrigISHelper", 1, 0);
-  return IID;
-// Templates
-template <class T, class R, class G>
-StatusCode TrigISHelper::findValue(ISObject obj, R& value, G getter)
-  const std::string& partName = m_isid[obj].first;
-  const std::string& isName = m_isid[obj].second;
-  try {
-    IPCPartition part(partName);
-    T namedInfo(part, isName);
-    namedInfo.checkout();
-    getter(namedInfo, value);   // set 'value'
-  }
-  catch (daq::is::Exception& e) {
-    ATH_MSG_WARNING("IS Exception reading " << isName << " from partition "
-                    << partName << ". Exception was: " << e.what());
-    return m_ignoreIfMissing ? StatusCode::SUCCESS : StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Successfully read " << isName << " from IS: " << value);
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-template <class T>
-StatusCode TrigISHelper::getAttributes(ISObject obj, std::vector<T>& values)
-  const std::string& partName = m_isid[obj].first;
-  const std::string& isName = m_isid[obj].second;
-  ISInfoDynAny ida;
-  try {
-    IPCPartition part(partName);
-    ISInfoDictionary isInfoDict(part);
-    isInfoDict.findValue(isName, ida);
-  }
-  catch (daq::is::Exception& e) {
-    ATH_MSG_WARNING("IS Exception reading " << isName << " from partition "
-                    << partName << ". Exception was: " << e.what());
-    return m_ignoreIfMissing ? StatusCode::SUCCESS : StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  for (size_t i=0; i<ida.getAttributesNumber(); ++i) {
-    if ( is::type2id<T>::id == ida.getAttributeType(i) ) {
-      values.push_back(ida.getAttributeValue<T>(i));
-    }
-  }
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
diff --git a/HLT/Trigger/TrigControl/TrigServices/python/TriggerUnixStandardSetup.py b/HLT/Trigger/TrigControl/TrigServices/python/TriggerUnixStandardSetup.py
index 9829367063c546023f1863e763f2db0c29390c08..b491fd18f40a7b2f47d4dec74333e72971c5ba83 100644
--- a/HLT/Trigger/TrigControl/TrigServices/python/TriggerUnixStandardSetup.py
+++ b/HLT/Trigger/TrigControl/TrigServices/python/TriggerUnixStandardSetup.py
@@ -77,10 +77,6 @@ def _setupCommonServices():
     # Configuration of Interval of Validity Service
     svcMgr += CfgMgr.IOVSvc()
-    # Configure TrigISHelper
-    from TrigServices.TrigServicesConf import TrigISHelper
-    ToolSvc += TrigISHelper("TrigISHelper")
     # Configure CoreDumpSvc
     if not hasattr(svcMgr,"CoreDumpSvc"):
         from AthenaServices.Configurables import CoreDumpSvc
diff --git a/HLT/Trigger/TrigControl/TrigServices/src/TrigISHelper.cxx b/HLT/Trigger/TrigControl/TrigServices/src/TrigISHelper.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 0989cadcfa6d73cfe8b5a9ce860c5d9d2dbbee5b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/HLT/Trigger/TrigControl/TrigServices/src/TrigISHelper.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
- * @file   TrigISHelper.cxx
- * @brief  Helper tool for IS access
- * @author Frank Winklmeier, Werner Wiedenmann
- *
- * $Id: TrigISHelper.cxx 5 2013-05-14 10:33:04Z ricab $
- */
-#include "TrigServices/TrigISHelper.h"
-using namespace std;
-// Standard methods
-TrigISHelper::TrigISHelper(const std::string &type,
-                           const std::string &name,
-                           const IInterface *parent)
-  : AthAlgTool(type, name, parent)
-  // No abstract interface due to templates
-  declareInterface<TrigISHelper>(this);
-  declareProperty("PartitionName", m_partitionName = "NONE",
-                  "Default partition name if not explicitly specified in IS identifier properties");
-  m_partitionName.declareUpdateHandler(&TrigISHelper::initPartitionName, this);
-  declareProperty("ignoreIfMissing", m_ignoreIfMissing = false,
-                  "Return SUCCESS if IS object is missing (for testing only)");
-  const string& help = "IS identifier: [Partition/]ISServer.ISInfoName";
-  declareProperty("RunParams",
-                  m_isprop[RunParams] = "RunParams.RunParams",
-                  help);
-  declareProperty("LumiBlock",
-                  m_isprop[LumiBlock] = "RunParams.LumiBlock",
-		  help);
-  declareProperty("SolenoidCurrent",
-                  m_isprop[SolenoidCurrent] = "initial/DCS_GENERAL.MagnetSolenoidCurrent.value",
-                  help);
-  declareProperty("ToroidCurrent",
-                  m_isprop[ToroidCurrent] = "initial/DCS_GENERAL.MagnetToroidsCurrent.value",
-                  help);
-StatusCode TrigISHelper::initialize()
-  if (m_ignoreIfMissing ) {
-    ATH_MSG_WARNING("Will ignore any missing IS objects and return SUCCESS");
-  }
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-void TrigISHelper::initPartitionName(Property& /*prop*/)
-  m_isid.clear();
-  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Configured ISInfo objects (partition : name):");
-  // Fill map with partition and IS names
-  map<ISObject, string>::const_iterator iter = m_isprop.begin();
-  for (; iter != m_isprop.end(); ++iter ) {
-    m_isid[iter->first] = split(iter->second);
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("   " << m_isid[iter->first].first
-                  << " : " << m_isid[iter->first].second);
-  } 
-// Read IS value
-StatusCode TrigISHelper::findValue(ISObject obj, ISInfo& value)
-  const string& partName = m_isid[obj].first;
-  const string& isName = m_isid[obj].second;
-  // read values from IS
-  try {
-    IPCPartition part(partName);
-    ISInfoDictionary isInfoDict(part);
-    isInfoDict.findValue(isName, value);
-  }
-  catch (daq::is::Exception& e) {
-    ATH_MSG_WARNING("IS Exception reading " << isName << " from partition "
-                    << partName << ". Exception was: " << e);
-    return m_ignoreIfMissing ? StatusCode::SUCCESS : StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Successfully read " << isName << " from IS: " << value);
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;  
-const std::string& TrigISHelper::partition(ISObject obj) const
-  return m_isid.find(obj)->second.first;
-const std::string& TrigISHelper::isName(ISObject obj) const
-  return m_isid.find(obj)->second.second;
-// Helper to split ISObject property string
-pair<string,string> TrigISHelper::split(const std::string& isid)
-  size_t i = isid.find("/");
-  if (i==string::npos) return make_pair(m_partitionName.value(), isid);
-  return make_pair(isid.substr(0, i), isid.substr(i+1, isid.length()-i));
diff --git a/HLT/Trigger/TrigControl/TrigServices/src/components/TrigServices_entries.cxx b/HLT/Trigger/TrigControl/TrigServices/src/components/TrigServices_entries.cxx
index 221ac565dcb49ff5fd414c3b687e7770a0ff5e78..aaedffec5f8bd73e638346e493c55e40c03364dc 100644
--- a/HLT/Trigger/TrigControl/TrigServices/src/components/TrigServices_entries.cxx
+++ b/HLT/Trigger/TrigControl/TrigServices/src/components/TrigServices_entries.cxx
@@ -2,13 +2,11 @@
 #include "../TrigMonTHistSvc.h"
 #include "TrigServices/HltEventLoopMgr.h"
 #include "TrigServices/HltROBDataProviderSvc.h"
-#include "TrigServices/TrigISHelper.h"
 #include "../TrigCOOLUpdateHelper.h"