diff --git a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/TrigFTKBankGen/FTKDataMatrixFromMCAlgo.h b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/TrigFTKBankGen/FTKDataMatrixFromMCAlgo.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7da2c085c50be0e41a400529064a4257d8f6b0be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/TrigFTKBankGen/FTKDataMatrixFromMCAlgo.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#ifndef FTKDataMatrixFromMCAlgo_h
+#define FTKDataMatrixFromMCAlgo_h
+#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgorithm.h"
+#include "TrigFTKSim/FTKLogging.h"
+#include "TrigFTKBankGen/FTKGhostHitCalculator.h"
+#include <TFile.h>
+#include <string>
+class FTKDataMatrixFromMCAlgo : public AthAlgorithm, public FTKLogger {
+   FTKDataMatrixFromMCAlgo(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
+   virtual ~FTKDataMatrixFromMCAlgo ();
+   StatusCode initialize();
+   StatusCode execute();
+   StatusCode finalize();
+ protected:
+   virtual void PostMessage(void); // divert FTKLogger messages to Athena
+   std::string m_MCmatrixFileName;
+   std::string m_DATAmatrixFileName;
+   std::string m_debugFileName;
+   std::string m_MCmodulePositionFileName;
+   std::string m_DATAmodulePositionFileName;
+   std::string m_pmap_path;
+   std::string m_rmap_path;
+   int m_HWMODEID;
+   int m_tower;
+   int m_invertIBLphiMatrix;
+   int m_invertIBLphiData;
+   std::string m_modulelut_path;
+   double m_matrixVtxX,m_matrixVtxY,m_matrixVtxZ;
+   double m_dataVtxX,m_dataVtxY,m_dataVtxZ;
+   FTKRegionMap *m_rmap;
+   FTKGhostHitCalculator *m_MCmodulePositionCalculator;
+   FTKGhostHitCalculator *m_DATAmodulePositionCalculator;
+   TFile *m_MCmatrixFile; // input: FTK matrix file for MC geometry
+   TFile *m_DATAmatrixFile; // output: FTK matrix file for data geometry
+   TFile *m_debugFile;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/TrigFTKBankGen/FTKGhostHitCalculator.h b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/TrigFTKBankGen/FTKGhostHitCalculator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c0b66a06d461124085a94c381cd8fc30631178ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/TrigFTKBankGen/FTKGhostHitCalculator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+/* class FTKGhostHitCalculator
+ *
+ * extrapolate truth tracks to dead modules and estimate ghost hit positions
+ *
+ * the mapping of modules to FTK planes and towers is defined by
+ * the method setFTKGeometry()
+ *
+ * the module positions are read from a TTree loadModuleGeometry()
+ * in that three, dead modules are defined
+ * overwrite the dead module positions using
+ *   clearBadModuleList() and  addBadModules()
+ *
+ * for a given module ID, check whether the module is on the "bad" list
+ *    isBad()
+ *
+ * for a given truth track, module positions are added
+ *    using the method addGhostHit()
+ *
+ * Author: Stefan Schmitt, DESY
+ * Date: 2017/06/28
+ *
+ */
+#include "TrigFTKSim/FTKLogging.h"
+#include <TVector3.h>
+#include <TVector2.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+class FTKRegionMap;
+class FTKTruthTrack;
+class TDirectory;
+class FTKHit;
+struct FTK_ModuleGeometry {
+   // geometry data of a single module
+   int m_isPixel;
+   int m_id;
+   int m_plane;
+   int m_hitSector;
+   TVector3 m_center;
+   TVector3 m_phiAxis;
+   TVector3 m_etaAxis;
+   TVector2 m_pitch;
+   TVector2 m_width;
+   // extrapolation method
+   bool extrapolate(double rho,double cotTh,double z0,double d0,
+                    double sinPhi0,double cosPhi0,TVector3 const *trackVertex,
+                    double *xLocPtr,TVector2 *xPtr,double *sPtr) const;
+class FTK_ModuleLocator {
+ public:
+   // locate a module
+   //
+   // for barrel geometry,
+   //    determine R[min,max] order all modules by Z for fast lookup
+   // for endcap geometry,
+   //    determine Z[min,max] order all modules by R for fast lookup
+   // 
+   void insert(FTK_ModuleGeometry const *module);
+   FTKHit *locate(FTKTruthTrack const &track,FTK_ModuleGeometry *module=0) const;
+   void print(void) const;
+ protected:
+   struct FTK_ModuleSet {
+      // barrel or disk geometry
+      int m_isBarrel;
+      // m_x: Rmin,Rmax (barrel) Zmin,Zmax (endcap)
+      double m_x[2];
+      // m_dy: maximum module width in Z (Barrel), in R (endcap)
+      double m_dy;
+      // m_modules: modules orderd by Zavg (Barrel), Ravg (Endcap)
+      std::multimap<double,FTK_ModuleGeometry const *> m_modules;
+      // method to intersect track with modules
+      // if a module matches, the intersection and the module
+      // are added to the output
+      // the candidates are ordered by the arc length
+      void getCandidates(double rho,double cotTh,double z0,double d0,
+                         double sinPhi0,double cosPhi0,std::multimap
+                         <double,std::pair<TVector2,FTK_ModuleGeometry
+                         const *> > &candidate) const;
+   };
+   // barrel,endcap have different module sets
+   // also, if R(barrel) or z(endcap) differs too much, start a new set
+   std::vector<FTK_ModuleSet> m_moduleSetVector;
+class FTKGhostHitCalculator : public FTKLogging {
+ public:
+   FTKGhostHitCalculator(const FTKRegionMap *rmap,
+                         std::string const &name="FTKGhostHitCalculator");
+   int loadModuleGeometry(std::string const &name,bool markAllBad,bool invertIBLphi);
+   virtual int loadModuleGeometry(TDirectory *source,bool markAllBad,bool invertIBLphi);
+   virtual void clearBadModuleList(void);
+   int addBadModules(std::string const &name);
+   int addBadModules(std::istream &in);
+   virtual FTKHit *addGhostHit( FTKTruthTrack const &track,int plane,
+                               FTK_ModuleGeometry *module=0 ) const;
+   virtual bool isBad(int plane,int moduleID) const;
+   // returns: 
+   //   0: all ok
+   //   1: bad plane number
+   //   2: bad module id
+   //   3: extrapolation failed
+   virtual int extrapolateTo
+      (size_t plane,int moduleID,double rho,double cotTh,double z0,double d0,
+       double sinPhi0,double cosPhi0,TVector3 const *trackVertex,
+       double *x) const;
+   virtual FTK_ModuleGeometry const *findModule(size_t plane,int moduleID) const;
+ protected:
+   int addBadPixelModules(std::set<int> const &bad);
+   int addBadSCTModules(std::set<int> const &bad);
+   void updateCalculator(void);
+   FTKRegionMap const *m_rmap;
+   // for each module ID give the plane number
+   std::map<int,int> m_planeFromPIXid,m_plane_From_SCTid;
+   // bad modules
+   std::set<int> m_badPixel,m_badSCT;
+   // give geometry data by plane and module ID
+   // the vector index maps the modules to FTK planes
+   // the map index is the module id
+   std::vector<std::map<int,FTK_ModuleGeometry> > m_geometryData;
+   //
+   // each plane has its own ModuleLocator
+   std::vector<FTK_ModuleLocator> m_moduleLocatorByPlane;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/src/FTKConstGenAlgo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/src/FTKConstGenAlgo.cxx
index 39664e44eebd36834d7be2a12e9cafde78c72676..4ac5a195897f6471f9dfd35f76599e0292bd0049 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/src/FTKConstGenAlgo.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/src/FTKConstGenAlgo.cxx
@@ -1504,8 +1504,8 @@ void FTKConstGenAlgo::extract_1stStage()
   double *tmpxZ;
   double *tmpcovx;
-  int ndim8 = 11;
-  int ndim2_8 = 11*11;
+  int ndim8 = m_pmap_8L->getTotalDim(); //11;
+  int ndim2_8 = ndim8*ndim8; //11*11;
   int nth_dim8 = 0;
   int nth_dim8_2 = 0;
   int idx_cov8 = 0;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/src/FTKDataMatrixFromMCAlgo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/src/FTKDataMatrixFromMCAlgo.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5674d3d20e46bc459a9bd034e07b83da19d2f8e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/src/FTKDataMatrixFromMCAlgo.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,696 @@
+#include "TrigFTKBankGen/FTKDataMatrixFromMCAlgo.h"
+#include "TrigFTKSim/FTKRegionMap.h"
+#include "TrigFTKSim/FTKSetup.h"
+#include <TTree.h>
+#include <TH2F.h>
+#include <TVectorD.h>
+#include <TMatrixD.h>
+#include <TMatrixDSymEigen.h>
+#include <TError.h>
+#include <vector>
+using namespace std;
+(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator) :
+   AthAlgorithm(name,pSvcLocator),
+   m_HWMODEID(2),
+   m_tower(-1),
+   m_invertIBLphiMatrix(1),
+   m_invertIBLphiData(1),
+   m_matrixVtxX(0),
+   m_matrixVtxY(0),
+   m_matrixVtxZ(0),
+   m_rmap(0),
+   m_MCmodulePositionCalculator(0),
+   m_DATAmodulePositionCalculator(0),
+   m_MCmatrixFile(0),
+   m_DATAmatrixFile(0),
+   m_debugFile(0)
+   SetLogger(this);
+   declareProperty("MCmatrixFileName",m_MCmatrixFileName);
+   declareProperty("DATAmatrixFileName",m_DATAmatrixFileName);
+   declareProperty("debugFileName",m_debugFileName);
+   declareProperty("MCmodulePositionFileName",m_MCmodulePositionFileName);
+   declareProperty("DATAmodulePositionFileName",m_DATAmodulePositionFileName);
+   declareProperty("pmap_path", m_pmap_path);
+   declareProperty("rmap_path",m_rmap_path);
+   declareProperty("hwmodeid", m_HWMODEID);
+   declareProperty("tower", m_tower);
+   /* declareProperty("IBLMode",m_IBLMode);
+   declareProperty("FixEndcapL0",m_fixEndcapL0);
+   declareProperty("ITkMode",m_ITkMode); */
+   declareProperty("ModuleLUTPath", m_modulelut_path);
+   declareProperty("matrixVtxX",m_matrixVtxX);
+   declareProperty("matrixVtxY",m_matrixVtxY);
+   declareProperty("matrixVtxZ",m_matrixVtxZ);
+   declareProperty("dataVtxX",m_dataVtxX);
+   declareProperty("dataVtxY",m_dataVtxY);
+   declareProperty("dataVtxZ",m_dataVtxZ);
+   declareProperty("invertIBLphiMatrix",m_invertIBLphiMatrix);
+   declareProperty("invertIBLphiData",m_invertIBLphiData);
+FTKDataMatrixFromMCAlgo::~FTKDataMatrixFromMCAlgo() {
+   if(m_DATAmatrixFile) delete m_DATAmatrixFile;
+   if(m_MCmatrixFile) delete m_MCmatrixFile;
+   if(m_debugFile) delete m_debugFile;
+   if(m_MCmodulePositionCalculator) delete m_MCmodulePositionCalculator;
+   if(m_DATAmodulePositionCalculator) delete m_DATAmodulePositionCalculator;
+   if(m_rmap) delete m_rmap;
+void FTKDataMatrixFromMCAlgo::PostMessage(void) {
+   if     (FTKLogger::m_type==0)  ATH_MSG_FATAL(m_buffer->str());
+   else if(FTKLogger::m_type==1)  ATH_MSG_ERROR(m_buffer->str());
+   else if(FTKLogger::m_type==2)  ATH_MSG_WARNING(m_buffer->str());
+   else if(FTKLogger::m_type==3)  ATH_MSG_INFO(m_buffer->str());
+   else if(FTKLogger::m_type==4)  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(m_buffer->str());
+StatusCode FTKDataMatrixFromMCAlgo::initialize() {
+   // open root files
+   int error=0;
+   FTKSetup &ftkset = FTKSetup::getFTKSetup();
+   ftkset.setHWModeSS(m_HWMODEID);
+   /*ftkset.setIBLMode(m_IBLMode);
+   ftkset.setfixEndcapL0(m_fixEndcapL0);
+   ftkset.setITkMode(m_ITkMode); */
+   if(m_pmap_path.empty()) {
+      ATH_MSG_FATAL("no plane map specified");
+   }
+   if(m_rmap_path.empty()) {
+      ATH_MSG_FATAL("no region map specified");
+   }
+   ATH_MSG_INFO("Loading plane map: "+m_pmap_path);
+   FTKPlaneMap* pmap = new FTKPlaneMap(m_pmap_path.c_str());
+   if (!(*pmap)) {
+      ATH_MSG_FATAL("Error using plane map: "+ m_pmap_path);
+   }
+   ATH_MSG_INFO("Loading region map: "+m_rmap_path);
+   m_rmap = new FTKRegionMap(pmap, m_rmap_path.c_str());
+   if(m_HWMODEID==2) {
+      if(m_modulelut_path.empty()) {
+         ATH_MSG_FATAL("A module LUT is required with HWMODEID==2");
+	 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+      } else {
+         m_rmap->loadModuleIDLUT(m_modulelut_path.c_str());
+      }
+   }
+   m_MCmatrixFile=new TFile(m_MCmatrixFileName.c_str());
+   m_DATAmatrixFile=new TFile(m_DATAmatrixFileName.c_str(),"recreate");
+   m_MCmodulePositionCalculator=
+      new FTKGhostHitCalculator(m_rmap,"FTKGhostHitCalculator_MC");
+   m_DATAmodulePositionCalculator=
+      new FTKGhostHitCalculator(m_rmap,"FTKGhostHitCalculator_data");
+   if(!m_MCmatrixFile->IsOpen()) {
+      ATH_MSG_FATAL("Can not open input matrix file \""+
+                    m_MCmatrixFileName+"\" for reading");
+      error++;
+   } else {
+      ATH_MSG_INFO("opening input matrix file \""+m_MCmatrixFileName+"\"");
+   }
+   if(!m_DATAmatrixFile->IsOpen()) {
+      ATH_MSG_FATAL("Can not open DATA matrix file \""+
+                    m_DATAmatrixFileName+"\" for writing");
+      error++;
+   } else {
+      ATH_MSG_INFO("opening output matrix file \""+m_DATAmatrixFileName+"\"");
+   }
+   if(!m_MCmodulePositionCalculator->loadModuleGeometry
+      (m_MCmodulePositionFileName,true,m_invertIBLphiMatrix)) {
+      ATH_MSG_FATAL("Can not load MC module position file \""+
+                    m_MCmodulePositionFileName+"\" for reading");
+      error++;
+   }
+   if(!m_DATAmodulePositionCalculator->loadModuleGeometry
+      (m_DATAmodulePositionFileName,true,m_invertIBLphiData)) {
+      ATH_MSG_FATAL("Can not open DATA module position file \""+
+                    m_DATAmodulePositionFileName+"\" for reading");
+      error++;
+   }
+   if(!m_debugFileName.empty()) {
+      m_debugFile=new TFile(m_debugFileName.c_str(),"recreate");
+      if(m_debugFile->IsOpen()) {
+         ATH_MSG_INFO("Debugging information is stored in "+
+                      m_debugFileName);
+      } else {
+         ATH_MSG_WARNING("File \""+m_debugFileName+
+                         "\"for storing debug information can not be opened");
+         delete m_debugFile;
+         m_debugFile=0;
+      }
+   }
+   if(error) {
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   } else {
+      return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+   }
+StatusCode FTKDataMatrixFromMCAlgo::execute() {
+   if(!m_DATAmatrixFile) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+   // TTRee with debugging information
+   TVector3 matrixVtx(m_matrixVtxX,m_matrixVtxY,m_matrixVtxZ);
+   TVector3 dataVtx(m_dataVtxX,m_dataVtxY,m_dataVtxZ);
+   ATH_MSG_INFO("matrix file assumed to be relative to "+
+                TString::Format("(%lf,%lf,%lf)",
+                                matrixVtx(0),matrixVtx(1),matrixVtx(2)));
+   ATH_MSG_INFO("output matrix file will be relative to "+
+                TString::Format("(%lf,%lf,%lf)",
+                                dataVtx(0),dataVtx(1),dataVtx(2)));
+   TTree *debugPix=0,*debugSCT=0;
+   int debug_tower,debug_hash,debug_plane;
+   float debug_track[5],debug_hit[2],debug_ghost[2],debug_data[2];
+   vector<TH2 *> debug_coordHM(16),debug_coordMD(16),debug_resCurv(16);
+   if(m_debugFile) {
+      m_debugFile->cd();
+      debugPix=new TTree("debugPix","debugPix");
+      debugSCT=new TTree("debugSCT","debugSCT");
+      debugPix->Branch("tower",&debug_tower,"tower/I");
+      debugPix->Branch("plane",&debug_plane,"plane/I");
+      debugPix->Branch("hash",&debug_hash,"hash/I");
+      debugPix->Branch("track",debug_track,"track[5]/F");
+      debugPix->Branch("hit",debug_hit,"hit[2]/F");
+      debugPix->Branch("ghost",debug_ghost,"ghost[2]/F");
+      debugPix->Branch("data",debug_data,"data[2]/F");
+      debugSCT->Branch("tower",&debug_tower,"tower/I");
+      debugSCT->Branch("plane",&debug_plane,"plane/I");
+      debugSCT->Branch("hash",&debug_hash,"hash/I");
+      debugSCT->Branch("track",debug_track,"track[5]/F");
+      debugSCT->Branch("hit",debug_hit,"hit/F");
+      debugSCT->Branch("ghost",debug_ghost,"ghost/F");
+      debugSCT->Branch("data",debug_data,"data/F");
+      for(size_t i=0;i<debug_coordHM.size();i++) {
+         double w=800;
+         if(i<8) {
+            if(i&1) w=160;
+            else w=360.;
+         }
+         double x0=-0.1*w;
+         double x1=1.1*w;
+         debug_coordHM[i]=new TH2F(TString::Format("coordHM%d",(int)i),
+                                   ";hit;matrix",50,x0,x1,50,x0,x1);
+         debug_coordMD[i]=new TH2F(TString::Format("coordMD%d",(int)i),
+                                   ";matrix;output",50,x0,x1,50,x0,x1);
+         debug_resCurv[i]=new TH2F(TString::Format("resCurv%d",(int)i),
+                                   ";matrix;output",50,-0.001,0.001,50,-0.3*w,0.3*w);
+      }
+   }
+   // output directory
+   m_DATAmatrixFile->cd();
+   // copy tree "slice"
+   TTree *slice_tree;
+   m_MCmatrixFile->GetObject("slice",slice_tree);
+   if(slice_tree) {
+        double tmp_cmax;
+        double tmp_cmin;
+        int tmp_cslices;
+        double tmp_phimax;
+        double tmp_phimin;
+        int tmp_phislices;
+        double tmp_d0max;
+        double tmp_d0min;
+        int tmp_d0slices;
+        double tmp_z0max;
+        double tmp_z0min;
+        int tmp_z0slices;
+        double tmp_etamax;
+        double tmp_etamin;
+        int tmp_etaslices;
+        slice_tree->SetBranchAddress("c_max",&tmp_cmax);
+        slice_tree->SetBranchAddress("c_min", &tmp_cmin);
+        slice_tree->SetBranchAddress("c_slices", &tmp_cslices);
+        slice_tree->SetBranchAddress("phi_max", &tmp_phimax);
+        slice_tree->SetBranchAddress("phi_min", &tmp_phimin);
+        slice_tree->SetBranchAddress("phi_slices", &tmp_phislices);
+        slice_tree->SetBranchAddress("d0_max", &tmp_d0max);
+        slice_tree->SetBranchAddress("d0_min", &tmp_d0min);
+        slice_tree->SetBranchAddress("d0_slices", &tmp_d0slices);
+        slice_tree->SetBranchAddress("z0_max", &tmp_z0max);
+        slice_tree->SetBranchAddress("z0_min", &tmp_z0min);
+        slice_tree->SetBranchAddress("z0_slices", &tmp_z0slices);
+        slice_tree->SetBranchAddress("eta_max", &tmp_etamax);
+        slice_tree->SetBranchAddress("eta_min", &tmp_etamin);
+        slice_tree->SetBranchAddress("eta_slices", &tmp_etaslices);
+        slice_tree->GetEntry(0); 
+        delete slice_tree;
+        slice_tree=0;
+        m_DATAmatrixFile->cd();
+        slice_tree=new TTree("slice","slice");
+        slice_tree->Branch("c_max",&tmp_cmax);
+        slice_tree->Branch("c_min", &tmp_cmin);
+        slice_tree->Branch("c_slices", &tmp_cslices);
+        slice_tree->Branch("phi_max", &tmp_phimax);
+        slice_tree->Branch("phi_min", &tmp_phimin);
+        slice_tree->Branch("phi_slices", &tmp_phislices);
+        slice_tree->Branch("d0_max", &tmp_d0max);
+        slice_tree->Branch("d0_min", &tmp_d0min);
+        slice_tree->Branch("d0_slices", &tmp_d0slices);
+        slice_tree->Branch("z0_max", &tmp_z0max);
+        slice_tree->Branch("z0_min", &tmp_z0min);
+        slice_tree->Branch("z0_slices", &tmp_z0slices);
+        slice_tree->Branch("eta_max", &tmp_etamax);
+        slice_tree->Branch("eta_min", &tmp_etamin);
+        slice_tree->Branch("eta_slices", &tmp_etaslices);
+        slice_tree->Fill();
+        slice_tree->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite);
+   } else {
+      ATH_MSG_ERROR("no slice tree found in \""+m_MCmatrixFileName+"\"");
+   }
+   // copy tree "montree"
+   /*TTree *montree;
+   m_MCmatrixFile->GetObject("montree",montree);
+   if(montree) {
+      montree->Write();
+   } else {
+      ATH_MSG_WARNING("no montree tree found in \""+m_MCmatrixFileName+"\"");
+      } */
+   gErrorAbortLevel=kError;
+   // loop over all am trees
+   for(int tower=0;tower<64;tower++) {
+      if((m_tower>=0)&&(tower!=m_tower)) continue;
+      TTree *mcTree;
+      TString amName=TString::Format("am%d",tower); 
+      m_MCmatrixFile->GetObject(amName,mcTree);
+      debug_tower=tower;
+      if(!mcTree) {
+         ATH_MSG_ERROR("no tree \""+amName+"\" found in \""+
+                       m_MCmatrixFileName+"\"");
+      } else {
+         ATH_MSG_INFO(TString::Format("Processing tower %d",tower) );
+         vector<int> errorCountPlane(m_rmap->getPlaneMap()->getNPlanes());
+         map<int,int> badModulePix,badModuleSCT;
+         int errorCountE=0;
+         int errorCountH=0;
+         // rename input tree
+         mcTree->SetName("tmptree");
+         int ndim,ndim2,nplanes;
+         mcTree->SetBranchAddress("ndim",&ndim);
+         mcTree->SetBranchAddress("ndim2",&ndim2);
+         mcTree->SetBranchAddress("nplanes",&nplanes);
+         mcTree->GetEntry(0);
+         ATH_MSG_INFO(TString::Format("ndim=%d ndim2=%d nplanes=%d",
+                                      ndim,ndim2,nplanes) );
+         double *Vec=new double[ndim];
+         mcTree->SetBranchAddress("Vec",Vec);
+         int *sectorID=new int[nplanes];
+         mcTree->SetBranchAddress("sectorID",sectorID);
+         int *hashID=new int[nplanes];
+         mcTree->SetBranchAddress("hashID",hashID);
+         float nhit;
+         mcTree->SetBranchAddress("nhit",&nhit);
+         double tmp_C_D_Phi_Coto_Z[5];
+         mcTree->SetBranchAddress("tmpC",tmp_C_D_Phi_Coto_Z+0);
+         mcTree->SetBranchAddress("tmpD",tmp_C_D_Phi_Coto_Z+1);
+         mcTree->SetBranchAddress("tmpPhi",tmp_C_D_Phi_Coto_Z+2);
+         mcTree->SetBranchAddress("tmpCoto",tmp_C_D_Phi_Coto_Z+3);
+         mcTree->SetBranchAddress("tmpZ",tmp_C_D_Phi_Coto_Z+4);
+         double *tmpx_C_D_Phi_Coto_Z=new double[5*ndim];
+         mcTree->SetBranchAddress("tmpxC",tmpx_C_D_Phi_Coto_Z+0*ndim);
+         mcTree->SetBranchAddress("tmpxD",tmpx_C_D_Phi_Coto_Z+1*ndim);
+         mcTree->SetBranchAddress("tmpxPhi",tmpx_C_D_Phi_Coto_Z+2*ndim);
+         mcTree->SetBranchAddress("tmpxCoto",tmpx_C_D_Phi_Coto_Z+3*ndim);
+         mcTree->SetBranchAddress("tmpxZ",tmpx_C_D_Phi_Coto_Z+4*ndim);
+         double *tmpcovx=new double[ndim2];
+         mcTree->SetBranchAddress("tmpcovx",tmpcovx);
+         std::vector<short>
+            *tmpintc=new std::vector<short>,
+            *tmpintphi=new std::vector<short>,
+            *tmpintd0=new std::vector<short>,
+            *tmpintz0=new std::vector<short>,
+            *tmpinteta=new std::vector<short>;
+         mcTree->SetBranchAddress("tmpintc",&tmpintc);
+         mcTree->SetBranchAddress("tmpintphi",&tmpintphi);
+         mcTree->SetBranchAddress("tmpintd0",&tmpintd0);
+         mcTree->SetBranchAddress("tmpintz0",&tmpintz0);
+         mcTree->SetBranchAddress("tmpinteta",&tmpinteta);
+         // create output tree
+         m_DATAmatrixFile->cd();
+         TTree *dataTree=new TTree
+            (amName,TString::Format("Ambank %d para",tower));
+         dataTree->Branch("ndim",&ndim,"ndim/I");
+         dataTree->Branch("ndim2",&ndim2,"ndim2/I");
+         dataTree->Branch("nplanes",&nplanes,"nplanes/I");
+         dataTree->Branch("Vec", Vec,"Vec[ndim]/D");
+         dataTree->Branch("sectorID",sectorID,"sectorID[nplanes]/I");
+         dataTree->Branch("hashID",hashID,"hashID[nplanes]/I");
+         dataTree->Branch("nhit", &nhit,"nhit/F");\
+         dataTree->Branch("tmpC",tmp_C_D_Phi_Coto_Z+0,"tmpC/D");
+         dataTree->Branch("tmpD",tmp_C_D_Phi_Coto_Z+1,"tmpD/D");
+         dataTree->Branch("tmpPhi",tmp_C_D_Phi_Coto_Z+2,"tmpPhi/D");
+         dataTree->Branch("tmpCoto",tmp_C_D_Phi_Coto_Z+3,"tmpCoto/D");
+         dataTree->Branch("tmpZ",tmp_C_D_Phi_Coto_Z+4,"tmpZ/D");
+         dataTree->Branch("tmpxC",tmpx_C_D_Phi_Coto_Z+0*ndim,"tmpxC[ndim]/D");
+         dataTree->Branch("tmpxD",tmpx_C_D_Phi_Coto_Z+1*ndim,"tmpxD[ndim]/D");
+         dataTree->Branch("tmpxPhi",tmpx_C_D_Phi_Coto_Z+2*ndim,"tmpxPhi[ndim]/D");
+         dataTree->Branch("tmpxCoto",tmpx_C_D_Phi_Coto_Z+3*ndim,"tmpxCoto[ndim]/D");
+         dataTree->Branch("tmpxZ",tmpx_C_D_Phi_Coto_Z+4*ndim,"tmpxZ[ndim]/D");
+         dataTree->Branch("tmpcovx",tmpcovx,"tmpcovx[ndim2]/D");
+         // drop these for tests
+         dataTree->Branch("tmpintc", &tmpintc);
+         dataTree->Branch("tmpintphi", &tmpintphi);
+         dataTree->Branch("tmpintd0", &tmpintd0);
+         dataTree->Branch("tmpintz0", &tmpintz0);
+         dataTree->Branch("tmpinteta", &tmpinteta);
+         // loop over all entries (c.f. sectors)
+         for(int iEnt=0;iEnt<mcTree->GetEntries(); iEnt++) {
+            mcTree->GetEntry(iEnt);
+            if(nhit<ndim) {
+               errorCountH++;
+               continue;
+            }
+            // transform here the coordinates to the new module geometry
+            TVectorD avgT(5);
+            TVectorD avgX(ndim);
+            TMatrixD avgTX(5,ndim);
+            TMatrixDSym avgXX(ndim);
+            // <t>
+            for(int i=0;i<5;i++) {
+               avgT(i)=tmp_C_D_Phi_Coto_Z[i]/nhit;
+            }
+            // <x>
+            for(int i=0;i<ndim;i++) {
+               avgX(i)=Vec[i]/nhit;
+            }
+            // <tx>
+            for(int i=0;i<5;i++) {
+               for(int j=0;j<ndim;j++) {
+                  avgTX(i,j)=tmpx_C_D_Phi_Coto_Z[j+ndim*i]/nhit-avgX(j)*avgT(i);
+               }
+            }
+            // <xx>-<x>*<x>
+            for(int j=0;j<ndim;j++) {
+               for(int i=0;i<=j;i++) {
+                  avgXX(i,j)=tmpcovx[i*ndim+j]/nhit-avgX(i)*avgX(j);
+                  avgXX(j,i)=avgXX(i,j);
+               }
+            }
+            TMatrixDSymEigen EXX(avgXX);
+            TVectorD eval=EXX.GetEigenValues();
+            TMatrixD evec=EXX.GetEigenVectors();
+            TMatrixDSym H(ndim);
+            int error=0;
+            for(int i=0;i<ndim;i++) {
+               for(int j=0;j<ndim;j++) {
+                  for(int k=0;k<ndim;k++) {
+                     if(eval(k)<=0.0) {
+                        error++;
+                        break;
+                     }
+                     H(i,j) += evec(i,k)*evec(j,k)/eval(k);
+                  }
+                  if(error) break;
+               }
+               if(error) break;
+            }
+            // if there is an error, skip further corrections
+            if(error) {
+               errorCountH++;
+               /* cout<<"nhit="<<nhit<<"\n";
+               cout<<"avgT\n";
+               avgT.Print();
+               cout<<"avgX\n";
+               avgX.Print();
+               cout<<"avgTX\n";
+               avgTX.Print();
+               cout<<"avgXX\n";
+               avgXX.Print();
+               exit(0); */
+            } else {
+               // matrix A:  t = A*(x-t0) + t0
+               //   TMatrixD A(avgTX,TMatrixD::kMult,H);
+               //
+               // <tt>-<t>*<t>
+               TMatrixDSym avgTT(H.Similarity(avgTX));
+               // eigenvalue decomposition
+               TMatrixDSymEigen ETT(avgTT);
+               TMatrixD T=ETT.GetEigenVectors();
+               TMatrixD Tinv(T);
+               TVectorD evT=ETT.GetEigenValues();
+               for(int i=0;i<5;i++) {
+                  for(int j=0;j<5;j++) {
+                     double sqrtEV=sqrt(evT(j));
+                     T(i,j) *= sqrtEV;
+                     Tinv(i,j) /= sqrtEV;
+                  }
+               }
+               TMatrixD BTinv(avgTX,TMatrixD::kTransposeMult,Tinv);
+               //
+               // calculate alignment differences for DATA-MC
+               // for central track positions and shifted 
+               // by +/- eigenvectors
+               TVectorD d_mcX(ndim);
+               TMatrixD d_mcXT(ndim,5);
+               TMatrixD d_mcXX(ndim,ndim);
+               int planeError=0;
+               for(int n=0;n<11;n++) {
+                  // n=0:   <t>
+                  // n=1,2  <t> +/- <T0>
+                  // n=3,4  <t> +/- <T1>
+                  //    ...
+                  // n=9,10  <t> +/- <T4>
+                  TVectorD track(avgT);
+                  double sign= (n&1) ? 1. : -1.;
+                  int iEV=(n-1)/2;
+                  if(n) {
+                     for(int j=0;j<5;j++) {
+                        track(j) +=sign*T(j,iEV);
+                     }
+                  }
+                  //cout<<"track\n";
+                  //track.Print();
+                  static double const B_FACTOR=-0.3*2.083;
+                  double Q_over_pt=2.0*track(0);
+                  double rho=B_FACTOR* Q_over_pt;
+                  double d0=track(1);
+                  double phi=track(2);
+                  double cotTh=track(3);
+                  double z0=track(4);
+                  double sinPhi0=sin(phi);
+                  double cosPhi0=cos(phi);
+                  int icoord=0;
+                  TVectorD d_mc(ndim);
+                  for(int plane=0;plane<nplanes;plane++) {
+                     int hash=hashID[plane];
+                     double xData[2],xMC[2];
+                     int errorMC=m_MCmodulePositionCalculator->
+                        extrapolateTo(plane,hash,rho,cotTh,z0,d0,
+                                      sinPhi0,cosPhi0,&matrixVtx,xMC);
+                     int errorData=m_DATAmodulePositionCalculator->
+                        extrapolateTo(plane,hash,rho,cotTh,z0,d0,
+                                       sinPhi0,cosPhi0,&dataVtx,xData);
+                     int ncoord=m_rmap->getPlaneMap()->isSCT(plane) ? 1 : 2;
+                     if(errorMC||errorData) {
+                        if(ncoord==2) {
+                           badModulePix[hash]|=(1<<(errorMC+8))|(1<<errorData);
+                        } else {
+                           badModuleSCT[hash]|=(1<<(errorMC+8))|(1<<errorData);
+                        }
+                        planeError |= (1<<plane);
+                        error++;
+                     } else {
+                        for(int j=0;j<ncoord;j++) {
+                           d_mc(icoord+j) = xData[j]-xMC[j];
+                        }
+                        if((n==0) && (m_debugFile)) {
+                           debug_hash=hash;
+                           debug_plane=plane;
+                           for(int j=0;j<ncoord;j++) {
+                              debug_hit[j]=avgX(icoord+j);
+                              debug_ghost[j]=xMC[j];
+                              debug_data[j]=xData[j];
+                           }
+                           for(int i=0;i<5;i++) {
+                              debug_track[i]=track(i);
+                           }
+                           /*FTK_ModuleGeometry const *module=
+                              m_MCmodulePositionCalculator->
+                              findModule(plane,hash); */
+                           if(ncoord==2) {
+                              debugPix->Fill();
+                           } else {
+                              debugSCT->Fill();
+                           }
+                        }
+                        if(m_debugFile) {
+                           // fill monitoring histograms
+                           for(int j=0;j<ncoord;j++) {
+                              if(debug_coordHM[icoord+j])
+                                 debug_coordHM[icoord+j]->Fill
+                                    (avgX(icoord+j),xMC[j]);
+                              if(debug_coordMD[icoord+j])
+                                 debug_coordMD[icoord+j]->Fill
+                                    (xMC[j],xData[j]);
+                              if(debug_resCurv[icoord+j])
+                                 debug_resCurv[icoord+j]->Fill
+                                    (xMC[j]-avgX(icoord+j),track(0));
+                           }
+                        }
+                     }
+                     icoord += ncoord;
+                  }
+                  if(n==0) {
+                     // average difference data-mc
+                     d_mcX=d_mc;
+                  } else {
+                     TVectorD deltaX(d_mc-d_mcX);
+                     for(int i=0;i<ndim;i++) {
+                        for(int k=0;k<5;k++) {
+                           // sum of deltaX*deltaT
+                           d_mcXT(i,k) += 0.5*deltaX(i)*sign*T(k,iEV);
+                        }
+                        for(int j=0;j<ndim;j++) {
+                           // sums of deltaX*deltaX and correlations
+                           // involving B=avgTX
+                           d_mcXX(i,j) += 0.5*
+                              (deltaX(i)*sign*BTinv(j,iEV)+
+                               deltaX(j)*sign*BTinv(i,iEV)+
+                               deltaX(i)*deltaX(j));
+                        }
+                     }
+                  }
+               }
+               if(!error) {
+                  // apply alignment changes to the coordinate sums
+                  // coordinate shifts (vector d)
+                  float nhit0=nhit;
+                  //nhit=0;
+                  for(int i=0;i<ndim;i++) {
+                     Vec[i]+= d_mcX(i)*nhit;
+                  }
+                  // rotations (matrices M and E)
+                  for(int i=0;i<5;i++) {
+                     for(int j=0;j<ndim;j++) {
+                        tmpx_C_D_Phi_Coto_Z[j+ndim*i]+=nhit*
+                           (d_mcX(j)*avgT(i)+d_mcXT(j,i));
+                     }
+                  }
+                  for(int j=0;j<ndim;j++) {
+                     for(int i=0;i<=j;i++) {
+                        tmpcovx[i*ndim+j]+= nhit*
+                           (avgX(i)*d_mcX(j)+avgX(j)*d_mcX(i)+
+                            d_mcX(i)*d_mcX(j)+d_mcXX(i,j));
+                        tmpcovx[j*ndim+i]=tmpcovx[i*ndim+j];
+                     }
+                  }
+                  nhit=nhit0;
+               } else {
+                  for(size_t k=0;k<errorCountPlane.size();k++) {
+                     if(planeError & (1<<k)) errorCountPlane[k]++;
+                     //cout<<"plane "<<k<<" error\n";
+                  }
+                  errorCountE++;
+                  //exit(0);
+               }
+            }
+            if((errorCountH |errorCountE)==0) {
+               dataTree->Fill();
+            }
+            /*if(//(iEnt<10)||
+               //((iEnt<100)&&(iEnt%10 ==0))||
+               //((iEnt<1000)&&(iEnt%100 ==0))||
+               ((iEnt<10000)&&(iEnt%1000 ==0))||
+               ((iEnt%10000 ==0))) {
+               ATH_MSG_INFO(TString::Format
+                            ("sector %d nErrorE=%d nErrorH=%d",
+                             iEnt,errorCountE,errorCountH));
+                             } */
+         }
+         // save to output file
+         m_DATAmatrixFile->cd();
+         dataTree->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite);
+         if(errorCountE|errorCountH) {
+            TString errorMsg=TString::Format
+               ("tower=%d errors (%d+%d)/%lld sectors with error",
+                tower,errorCountE,errorCountH,
+                mcTree->GetEntries());
+            if(errorCountE) {
+               errorMsg+=" by plane:";
+               for(size_t k=0;k<errorCountPlane.size();k++) {
+                  errorMsg += TString::Format(" %d",errorCountPlane[k]);
+               }
+            }
+            ATH_MSG_WARNING(errorMsg);
+            if(badModulePix.size()) {
+               TString pixErrors("pixel module errors");
+               for(auto m=badModulePix.begin();m!=badModulePix.end();m++) {
+                  pixErrors+=TString::Format(" %d:%x",(*m).first,(*m).second);
+               }
+               ATH_MSG_WARNING(pixErrors);
+            }
+            if(badModuleSCT.size()) {
+               TString sctErrors("SCT module errors");
+               for(auto m=badModuleSCT.begin();m!=badModuleSCT.end();m++) {
+                  sctErrors+=TString::Format(" %d:%x",(*m).first,(*m).second);
+               }
+               ATH_MSG_WARNING(sctErrors);
+            }
+         }
+         delete [] tmpcovx;
+         delete [] tmpx_C_D_Phi_Coto_Z;
+         delete [] hashID;
+         delete [] sectorID;
+         delete [] Vec;
+      }
+   }
+   if(m_DATAmatrixFile) delete m_DATAmatrixFile;
+   m_DATAmatrixFile=0;
+   if(debugPix) {
+      m_debugFile->cd();
+      debugPix->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite);
+   }
+   if(debugSCT) {
+      m_debugFile->cd();
+      debugSCT->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite);
+   }
+   for(size_t i=0;i<debug_coordHM.size();i++) {
+      if(m_debugFile) m_debugFile->cd();
+      if(debug_coordHM[i]) debug_coordHM[i]->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite);
+      if(debug_coordMD[i]) debug_coordMD[i]->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite);
+      if(debug_resCurv[i]) debug_resCurv[i]->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite);
+   }
+   if(m_debugFile) delete m_debugFile;
+   m_debugFile=0;
+   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode FTKDataMatrixFromMCAlgo::finalize() {
+   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/src/FTKGhostHitCalculator.cxx b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/src/FTKGhostHitCalculator.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c4039c692efd708c16b0d25824c64b63c788804b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/src/FTKGhostHitCalculator.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
+#include "TrigFTKBankGen/FTKGhostHitCalculator.h"
+#include "TrigFTKSim/FTKRootFile.h"
+#include "TrigFTKSim/FTKRegionMap.h"
+#include "TrigFTKSim/ftk_dcap.h"
+#include "TrigFTKSim/FTKTruthTrack.h"
+#include "TrigFTKSim/FTKSetup.h"
+#include <TTree.h>
+bool FTK_ModuleGeometry::extrapolate
+(double rho,double cotTh,double z0,double d0,double sinPhi0,double cosPhi0,
+ TVector3 const *trackVertex,double *xLocPtr,TVector2 *xPtr,double *sPtr) 
+   const {
+   // rough track extrapolation in phi
+   TVector3 d(-d0*sinPhi0,d0*cosPhi0,z0);
+   if(trackVertex) d += *trackVertex;
+   TVector3 cd(m_center-d);
+   double r=TMath::Hypot(cd.X(),cd.Y());
+   double product=(cd.X()*cosPhi0+cd.Y()*sinPhi0)/r;
+   // skip modules if track is not within +/-25 degree in phi
+   if(product<0.5) {
+      /*std::cout<<"id="<<m_id<<"/"<<m_plane<<" rho="<<rho<<" cotTh="<<cotTh<<" z0="<<z0<<" d0="<<d0
+          <<" sinPhi="<<sinPhi0<<" cosPhi="<<cosPhi0
+          <<" center="<<m_center.X()<<","<<m_center.Y()<<","<<m_center.Z()
+          <<"\n";
+          //exit(0); */
+      return false;
+   }
+   TVector2 x;
+   TVector3 const &dir0(m_phiAxis);
+   TVector3 const &dir1(m_etaAxis);
+   // iterate to get accurate extrapolation to module plane
+   double s;
+   bool haveS=false;
+   for(int iter=0;iter<3;iter++) {
+      // 1/rho may be large (or infinite)
+      // but sin(s*rho)/rho  and  (1-cos(s*rho))/rho are finite
+      // further complication:
+      // 1-cos(s*rho) may be small -> calculation using cos() is inaccurate
+      //  -> calculate using sin(s*rho/2)
+      double sRho;
+      if(haveS) {
+         sRho=s*rho;
+      } else {
+         double rRho=r*rho;
+         if(fabs(rRho)>1.E-10) {
+            sRho=2.*asin(0.5*rRho);
+            s=sRho/rho;
+         } else {
+            // 2*arcsin(x/2) ~= x*(1+x^2/24) 
+            double corr=(1.+rRho*rRho/24.);
+            s=r*corr;
+            sRho=rRho*corr;
+         }
+      }
+      double sinSrho_byRho;
+      double one_minus_cosSrho_byRho;
+      if(fabs(sRho)>1.E-10) {
+         sinSrho_byRho=sin(sRho)/rho;
+         double h=sin(0.5*sRho); 
+         // h*h = sin^2(0.5*sRho)
+         //     = 1/2* (sin^2(0.5*sRho)+1-cos^2(0.5*sRho))
+         //     = 1/2* (1 - cos(sRho))
+         one_minus_cosSrho_byRho = 2.*h*h/rho; //(1-cos(sRho))/rho;
+      } else {
+         // sin(x) ~= x*(1-x^2/6)
+         sinSrho_byRho=s-sRho*sRho*s/6.;
+         // 1-cos(x) ~= x^2*(1-x^2/24)
+         one_minus_cosSrho_byRho=s*sRho*(0.5-sRho*sRho/24.);
+      }
+      // h is the difference vector
+      // of the extrapolated helix and the module centre
+      TVector3 h(cosPhi0*sinSrho_byRho-sinPhi0*one_minus_cosSrho_byRho,
+                 sinPhi0*sinSrho_byRho+cosPhi0*one_minus_cosSrho_byRho,
+                 s*cotTh);
+      h-=cd;
+      // projection on strip phi axis
+      // projection on strip eta axis
+      x=TVector2(dir0.Dot(h),dir1.Dot(h));
+      // updated estimate of impact point on module plane minus
+      TVector3 impact=cd+dir0*x.X()+dir1*x.Y();
+      if(fabs(dir1.Z())>0.5) {
+         // barrel module
+         r=TMath::Hypot(impact.X(),impact.Y());
+         haveS=false;
+      } else {
+         // endcap module
+         s=impact.Z()/cotTh;
+         haveS=true;
+      }
+   }
+   if(xLocPtr) {
+      xLocPtr[0]=(x.X()+m_width.X()*0.5)/m_pitch.X();
+      xLocPtr[1]=(x.Y()+m_width.Y()*0.5)/m_pitch.Y();
+   }
+   if(xPtr) {
+      *xPtr = x;
+   }
+   if(sPtr) {
+      *sPtr =s;
+   }
+   return true;
+(const FTKRegionMap *rmap,std::string const &name)
+   : FTKLogging(name),m_rmap(rmap) {
+   // extract module to plane mapping
+   //  m_idByPlane gives for each plane the set of modules 
+   m_planeFromPIXid.clear();
+   m_plane_From_SCTid.clear();
+   for(int tower=0;tower<m_rmap->getNumRegions();tower++) {
+      for(int plane=0;plane<m_rmap->getNPlanes();plane++) {
+         std::map<int,int> &planeByID=m_rmap->getPlaneMap()->isPixel(plane) ?
+            m_planeFromPIXid : m_plane_From_SCTid;
+         std::map<unsigned int,unsigned int> tpMap=
+            m_rmap->getGlobalToLocalMapping(tower,plane);
+         for(std::map<unsigned int,unsigned int>::const_iterator
+                iID=tpMap.begin();iID!=tpMap.end();iID++) {
+            planeByID[(*iID).first]=plane;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+int FTKGhostHitCalculator::loadModuleGeometry
+(std::string const &name,bool markAllBad,bool invertIBLphi) {
+   TDirectory *file=FTKRootFile::Instance()->OpenRootFileReadonly(name.c_str());
+   if(file) {
+      Info("LoadModueGeoemetry")
+         <<"reading \""<<name<<"\""<<" markAllBad="<<markAllBad
+         <<" invertIBLphi="<<invertIBLphi<<"\n";
+      int r=loadModuleGeometry(file,markAllBad,invertIBLphi);
+      delete file;
+      if(!r) {
+         Error("loadModuleGeometry")
+            <<"failed to load module geometry from "<<name<<"\n";
+      }
+      return r;
+   } else {
+      Error("loadModuleGeometry")<<"failed to open "<<name<<" as root file\n";
+      return 0;
+   }
+int FTKGhostHitCalculator::addBadModules(std::string const &name) {
+   ftk_dcap::istream moduleList;
+   const bool ok_read = ftk_dcap::open_for_read(name,moduleList);
+   if (!moduleList || !ok_read) {
+      Error("addBadModules")<<"failed to open file "<<name<<" for reading\n";
+      return 0;
+   } else {
+      int r=addBadModules(moduleList);
+      if(!r) {
+         Error("addBadModules")<<"failed to read bad modules from "<<name<<"\n";
+      }
+      return r;
+   }
+int FTKGhostHitCalculator::addBadModules(std::istream &in) {
+   int r=1;
+   std::set<int> SCTmodules,PIXmodules;
+   std::string line;
+   int nline=0;
+   while(getline(in,line)) {
+      nline++;
+      std::istringstream lineRead(line);
+      int tmpisPixel,tmpBEC,tmpSector,tmpPlane,tmpEtaModule,tmpPhiModule,
+         tmpSection,tmpidhash;
+      lineRead >>tmpisPixel >>tmpBEC >>tmpSector >>tmpPlane >>tmpEtaModule
+               >>tmpPhiModule >>tmpSection>>tmpidhash;
+      if(lineRead.fail()) {
+         Error("addBadModules")
+            <<"problem to read bad modules, line="<<nline
+            <<" : "<<line<<"\n";
+         r=0;
+         continue;
+      }
+      std::set<int> &moduleSet=(tmpisPixel ? PIXmodules : SCTmodules);
+      if(!moduleSet.insert(tmpidhash).second) {
+         Warning("addBadModules")
+            <<"skipping duplicate module isPixel="<<tmpisPixel<<" id="
+            <<tmpidhash<<"\n";
+      }
+   }
+   int nPixRead=PIXmodules.size();
+   int nPix=addBadPixelModules(PIXmodules);
+   int nSCTRead=SCTmodules.size();
+   int nSCT=addBadSCTModules(SCTmodules);
+   if(nPixRead==nPix) {
+      Info("addBadModules")<<"Using "<<nPix<<" dead pixel modules\n";
+   } else {
+      Info("addBadModules")
+         <<"Using "<<nPix<<" dead pixel modules ("<<nPixRead<<" requested)\n";
+   }
+   if(nSCTRead==nSCT) {
+      Info("addBadModules")<<"Using "<<nSCT<<" dead SCT modules\n";
+   } else {
+      Info("addBadModules")
+         <<"Using "<<nSCT<<" dead SCT modules ("<<nSCTRead<<" requested)\n";
+   }
+   return r;
+FTK_ModuleGeometry const *FTKGhostHitCalculator::findModule(size_t plane,int moduleID) const {
+   FTK_ModuleGeometry const *r=0;
+   if(plane<m_geometryData.size()) {
+      auto modulePtr=m_geometryData[plane].find(moduleID);
+      if(modulePtr!=m_geometryData[plane].end()) {
+         r= &(*modulePtr).second;
+      }
+   }
+   return r;
+int FTKGhostHitCalculator::extrapolateTo
+(size_t plane,int moduleID,double rho,double cotTh,double z0,double d0,
+ double sinPhi0,double cosPhi0,TVector3 const *trackVertex,double *x) const {
+   int r=0;
+   if(plane<m_geometryData.size()) {
+      auto modulePtr=m_geometryData[plane].find(moduleID);
+      if(modulePtr!=m_geometryData[plane].end()) {
+         if(!(*modulePtr).second.extrapolate
+            (rho,cotTh,z0,d0,sinPhi0,cosPhi0,trackVertex,x,0,0)) {
+            r=3;
+         }
+      } else {
+         r=2;
+         //Warning("extrapolateTo")
+         //   <<"module "<<moduleID<<" not found in plane "<<plane<<"\n";
+      }
+   } else {
+      r=1;
+      Error("extrapolateTo")
+         <<"bad plane number "<<plane<<" max="<<m_geometryData.size()<<"\n";
+   }
+   return r;
+int FTKGhostHitCalculator::loadModuleGeometry
+(TDirectory *source,bool markAllBad,bool invertIBLphi) {
+   // initialize empty list of modules
+   m_geometryData.resize(0);
+   m_geometryData.resize(m_rmap->getPlaneMap()->getNPlanes());
+   // read modules from TTree
+   TTree *tree;
+   source->GetObject("modulePositions",tree);
+   int r=1;
+   std::set<int> SCTmodules,PIXmodules;
+   if(tree) {
+      Int_t idhash;
+      Int_t isbad,isPixel,hitSector,isBLayer;
+      Int_t swapPhi,swapEta;
+      Float_t center[3],phiAxis[3],etaAxis[3],width,length,phiPitch,etaPitch;
+      Float_t sinTilt;
+      tree->SetBranchAddress("id",&idhash);
+      tree->SetBranchAddress("isPixel",&isPixel);
+      tree->SetBranchAddress("isBLayer",&isBLayer);
+      tree->SetBranchAddress("hitSector",&hitSector);
+      tree->SetBranchAddress("width",&width);
+      tree->SetBranchAddress("length",&length);
+      tree->SetBranchAddress("phiPitch",&phiPitch);
+      tree->SetBranchAddress("etaPitch",&etaPitch);
+      tree->SetBranchAddress("phiAxis",phiAxis);
+      tree->SetBranchAddress("etaAxis",etaAxis);
+      tree->SetBranchAddress("center",center);
+      tree->SetBranchAddress("isbad",&isbad);
+      tree->SetBranchAddress("swapPhi",&swapPhi);
+      tree->SetBranchAddress("swapEta",&swapEta);
+      tree->SetBranchAddress("sinTilt",&sinTilt);
+      m_geometryData.resize(m_rmap->getNPlanes());
+      int nLoad[2],nFTK[2],nDuplicate[2];
+      std::vector<int> rejected(4);
+      for(int i=0;i<2;i++) {
+         nLoad[i]=0;
+         nFTK[i]=0;
+         nDuplicate[i]=0;
+      }
+      for(int i=0;i<tree->GetEntries();i++) {
+         tree->GetEntry(i);
+         nLoad[isPixel ? 1 : 0] ++;
+         int plane=-1;
+         std::map<int,int> const &id2plane=
+            (isPixel ? m_planeFromPIXid : m_plane_From_SCTid);
+         std::map<int,int>::const_iterator iID=id2plane.find(idhash);
+         if(iID != id2plane.end()) {
+            plane=(*iID).second;
+         } else {
+            plane=isPixel ? -2 : -1;
+         }
+         if((plane>=0)&&(plane<(int)m_geometryData.size())) {
+            nFTK[isPixel ? 1 : 0] ++;  
+            std::map<int,FTK_ModuleGeometry>::iterator iModule=
+               m_geometryData[plane].find(idhash);
+            if(iModule!=m_geometryData[plane].end()) {
+               nDuplicate[isPixel ? 1 : 0] ++;
+               Warning("loadModuleGeometry")
+                  <<"skipping duplicate module isPixel="
+                  <<isPixel<<" id="<<idhash<<"\n";
+            } else {
+               FTK_ModuleGeometry &m=m_geometryData[plane][idhash];
+               m.m_center.SetXYZ(center[0],center[1],center[2]);
+               m.m_phiAxis.SetXYZ(phiAxis[0],phiAxis[1],phiAxis[2]);
+               m.m_etaAxis.SetXYZ(etaAxis[0],etaAxis[1],etaAxis[2]);
+               // fix for IBL inverted phi axis
+               if(isBLayer && invertIBLphi) {
+                  m.m_phiAxis *= -1.0;
+               }
+               //m.m_phiAxis.SetMag(1.0);
+               //m.m_etaAxis.SetMag(1.0);
+               double test=m.m_phiAxis.Dot(m.m_etaAxis);
+               if(TMath::Abs(test)>1.E-5) {
+                  Error("loadModuleGeometry")
+                     <<"phi axis ["<<m.m_phiAxis.X()<<","<<m.m_phiAxis.Y()
+                     <<","<<m.m_phiAxis.Z()<<"] and eta axis ["
+                     <<m.m_etaAxis.X()<<","<<m.m_etaAxis.Y()
+                     <<","<<m.m_etaAxis.Z()<<"] not orthogonal "<<test<<"\n";
+               }
+               m.m_pitch.Set(phiPitch,etaPitch);
+               m.m_width.Set(width,length);
+               m.m_isPixel=isPixel;
+               m.m_id=idhash;
+               m.m_plane=plane;
+               m.m_hitSector=hitSector;
+               if(isbad || markAllBad) {
+                  if(isPixel) {
+                     PIXmodules.insert(idhash);
+                  } else {
+                     SCTmodules.insert(idhash);
+                  }
+               }
+            }
+         } else {
+            int iReject=isPixel ? 0 : 1;
+            if(center[2]>0.) iReject+=2;
+            rejected[iReject]++;
+         }
+      }
+      delete tree;
+      Info("loadModuleGeometry")
+         <<"Modules found: SCT "<<nFTK[0]<<"/"<<nLoad[0]
+         <<" rejected: "<<rejected[0]<<"/"<<rejected[1]
+         <<"/"<<rejected[2]<<"/"<<rejected[3]
+         <<" Pixel "<<nFTK[1]<<"/"<<nLoad[1]
+         <<" Duplicates: SCT="<<nDuplicate[0]<<" Pixel="<<nDuplicate[1]<<"\n";
+   } else {
+      Error("loadModuleGeometry")<<"unable to load TTree \"modulePositions\"\n";
+      r=0;
+   }
+   addBadPixelModules(PIXmodules);
+   addBadSCTModules(SCTmodules);
+   /* for(size_t plane=0;plane<m_geometryData.size();plane++) {
+      std::cout<<"=========== modulelocator for plane="<<plane<<"\n";
+      FTK_ModuleLocator &moduleLocator=m_moduleLocatorByPlane[plane];
+      moduleLocator.print();
+      } */
+   return r;
+void  FTKGhostHitCalculator::clearBadModuleList(void) {
+   Info("clearBadModuleList")<<"reset bad modules, pixel "<<m_badPixel.size()
+                             <<" SCT "<<m_badSCT.size()<<"\n";
+   m_badPixel.clear();
+   m_badSCT.clear();
+   updateCalculator();
+void FTKGhostHitCalculator::updateCalculator(void) {
+   //
+   m_moduleLocatorByPlane.resize(0);
+   m_moduleLocatorByPlane.resize(m_geometryData.size());
+   //
+   for(size_t plane=0;plane<m_geometryData.size();plane++) {
+      std::map<int,FTK_ModuleGeometry> const &planeData(m_geometryData[plane]);
+      FTK_ModuleLocator &moduleLocator=m_moduleLocatorByPlane[plane];
+      for(std::map<int,FTK_ModuleGeometry>::const_iterator im=planeData.begin();
+          im!=planeData.end();im++) {
+         int id=(*im).first;
+         FTK_ModuleGeometry const *module=&((*im).second);
+         std::set<int> const &badList=module->m_isPixel ? m_badPixel : m_badSCT;
+         if(badList.find(id)!=badList.end()) {
+            // insert this module into the module locator
+            moduleLocator.insert(module);
+         }
+      }
+   }
+FTKHit *FTKGhostHitCalculator::addGhostHit
+(FTKTruthTrack const &track,int plane, FTK_ModuleGeometry *module) const {
+   return m_moduleLocatorByPlane[plane].locate(track,module);
+bool FTKGhostHitCalculator::isBad(int plane,int moduleID) const {
+   std::map<int,FTK_ModuleGeometry> const &planeData=m_geometryData[plane];
+   std::map<int,FTK_ModuleGeometry>::const_iterator iID=
+      planeData.find(moduleID);
+   if(iID!=planeData.end()) {
+      std::set<int> const &badSet=
+         (*iID).second.m_isPixel ? m_badPixel : m_badSCT;
+      return badSet.find(moduleID)!=badSet.end();
+   }
+   return false;
+int FTKGhostHitCalculator::addBadPixelModules(std::set<int> const &bad) {
+   int n0=m_badPixel.size();
+   m_badPixel.insert(bad.begin(),bad.end());
+   Info("addBadPixelModules")
+      <<"inserting "<<bad.size()<<" bad modules, nBad increases from "
+      <<n0<<" to "<< m_badPixel.size()<<"\n";
+   updateCalculator();
+   return 0;
+int FTKGhostHitCalculator::addBadSCTModules(std::set<int> const &bad) {
+   int n0=m_badSCT.size();
+   m_badSCT.insert(bad.begin(),bad.end());
+   Info("addBadSCTModules")
+      <<"inserting "<<bad.size()<<" bad modules, nBad increases from "
+      <<n0<<" to "<< m_badSCT.size()<<"\n";
+   updateCalculator();
+   return 0;
+void FTK_ModuleLocator::insert(FTK_ModuleGeometry const *module) {
+   std::vector<double> ri(2),zi(2);
+   for(int ix=0;ix<2;ix++) {
+      for(int iy=0;iy<2;iy++) {
+         TVector3 pos=module->m_center
+            +module->m_width.X()*(ix-0.5)*module->m_phiAxis
+            +module->m_width.Y()*(iy-0.5)*module->m_etaAxis;
+         double r=pos.Perp();
+         double z=pos.Z();
+         if((ix==0)&&(iy==0)) {
+            ri[0]=r;
+            ri[1]=r;
+            zi[0]=z;
+            zi[1]=z;
+         } else {
+            ri[0]=TMath::Min(r,ri[0]);
+            ri[1]=TMath::Max(r,ri[1]);
+            zi[0]=TMath::Min(z,zi[0]);
+            zi[1]=TMath::Max(z,zi[1]);
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   int isBarrel;
+   double x[2],y[2],dxMax;
+   if(ri[1]-ri[0]<zi[1]-zi[0]) {
+      // barrel
+      isBarrel=1;
+      x[0]=ri[0];
+      x[1]=ri[1];
+      y[0]=zi[0];
+      y[1]=zi[1];
+      dxMax=20.;
+   } else {
+      // endcap
+      isBarrel=0;
+      x[0]=zi[0];
+      x[1]=zi[1];
+      y[0]=ri[0];
+      y[1]=ri[1];
+      dxMax=10.;
+   }
+   size_t iMS;
+   for(iMS=0;iMS<m_moduleSetVector.size();iMS++) {
+      FTK_ModuleSet &moduleSet(m_moduleSetVector[iMS]);
+      if(moduleSet.m_isBarrel != isBarrel) continue;
+      double xmin=TMath::Min(x[0],moduleSet.m_x[0]);
+      double xmax=TMath::Max(x[1],moduleSet.m_x[1]);
+      if(xmax-xmin<=dxMax) {
+         moduleSet.m_x[0]=xmin;
+         moduleSet.m_x[1]=xmax;
+         moduleSet.m_dy=
+            TMath::Max(y[1]-y[0],moduleSet.m_dy);
+         moduleSet.m_modules.insert
+            (std::make_pair(0.5*(y[1]+y[0]),module));
+         break;
+      }
+   }
+   if(iMS==m_moduleSetVector.size()) {
+      // start a new FTK_ModuleSet
+      m_moduleSetVector.resize(iMS+1);
+      FTK_ModuleSet &moduleSet(m_moduleSetVector[iMS]);
+      moduleSet.m_isBarrel=isBarrel;
+      moduleSet.m_x[0]=x[0];
+      moduleSet.m_x[1]=x[1];
+      moduleSet.m_dy=y[1]-y[0];
+      moduleSet.m_modules
+         .insert(std::make_pair(0.5*(y[1]+y[0]),module));
+   }
+void FTK_ModuleLocator::print(void) const {
+   std::cout<<"FTK_ModuleLocator::print "<<m_moduleSetVector.size()
+            <<" module sets\n";
+   for(size_t i=0;i<m_moduleSetVector.size();i++) {
+      FTK_ModuleSet const &moduleSet=m_moduleSetVector[i];
+      std::cout<<" moduleSet["<<i<<"] ";
+      if(moduleSet.m_isBarrel) {
+         std::cout<<"barrel R=[";
+      } else {
+         std::cout<<"endcap Z=[";
+      }
+      std::cout<<moduleSet.m_x[0]<<","<<moduleSet.m_x[1]
+               <<"] n(modules)="<<moduleSet.m_modules.size()
+               <<"\n";
+      for(std::multimap<double,FTK_ModuleGeometry const *>
+             ::const_iterator ix=moduleSet.m_modules.begin();
+          ix!=moduleSet.m_modules.end();) {
+         double z=(*ix).first;
+         if(moduleSet.m_isBarrel) {
+            std::cout<<"  Z=["<<z;
+         } else {
+            std::cout<<"  R=["<<z;
+         }
+         std::pair<
+         std::multimap<double,FTK_ModuleGeometry const *>::const_iterator,
+            std::multimap<double,FTK_ModuleGeometry const *>::const_iterator>
+            er=moduleSet.m_modules.equal_range(z);
+         for(ix=er.first;ix!=er.second;ix++) {
+            std::cout<<" "<<(*ix).second->m_id;
+         }
+         std::cout<<" ]\n";
+      }
+   }
+FTKHit *FTK_ModuleLocator::locate(FTKTruthTrack const &track,
+                                  FTK_ModuleGeometry *ret_module) const {
+   static double const B_FACTOR=-0.3*2.083;
+   double rho=B_FACTOR/track.getPT()*track.getQ();
+   double cotTh=track.getPZ()/track.getPT();
+   double z0=track.getZ();
+   double d0=track.getD0();
+   double sinPhi=track.getPY()/track.getPT();
+   double cosPhi=track.getPX()/track.getPT();
+   std::multimap<double,std::pair<TVector2,FTK_ModuleGeometry const *> >
+      candidates;
+   for(size_t im=0;im<m_moduleSetVector.size();im++) {
+      /* std::cout<<" getCandidate moduleset["<<im<<"] rho="<<rho
+          <<" cotth="<<cotTh<<" z0="<<z0<<" d0="<<d0
+          <<" sinPhi="<<sinPhi<<" cosPhi="<<cosPhi<<"\n"; */
+      FTK_ModuleSet const &moduleSet=m_moduleSetVector[im];
+      moduleSet.getCandidates(rho,cotTh,z0,d0,sinPhi,cosPhi,
+                              candidates);
+   }
+   // select candidate with smallest s
+   FTKHit *r=0;
+   for(std::multimap<double,std::pair<TVector2,FTK_ModuleGeometry const *> >
+          ::const_iterator ii=candidates.begin();ii!=candidates.end();ii++) {
+      /*FTK_ModuleGeometry const *module=(*ii).second.second;
+       double s=module->m_center.Pt();
+       std::cout<<"  CAND hash="<<module->m_id
+                <<" cosphi(cent)="<<module->m_center[0]/s
+                <<" sinphi(cent)="<<module->m_center[1]/s
+                <<" track: "<<cosPhi<<" "<<sinPhi<<"\n"; */
+   }
+   if(candidates.begin()!=candidates.end()) {
+      TVector2 const &x=(*candidates.begin()).second.first;
+      FTK_ModuleGeometry const *module=(*candidates.begin()).second.second;
+      r=new FTKHit(module->m_isPixel ? 2 : 1);
+      r->setSector(module->m_hitSector);
+      r->setITkMode(FTKSetup::getFTKSetup().getITkMode());
+      r->setIdentifierHash(module->m_id);
+      r->setPhiWidth(1);
+      r->setEtaWidth(1);
+      r->setPlane(module->m_plane);
+      r->setCoord(0,(x.X()+module->m_width.X()*0.5)/module->m_pitch.X());
+      if(module->m_isPixel) {
+         r->setCoord(1,(x.Y()+module->m_width.Y()*0.5)/module->m_pitch.Y());
+      }
+      if(ret_module) *ret_module=*module;
+   }
+   return r;
+void FTK_ModuleLocator::FTK_ModuleSet::getCandidates
+(double rho,double cotTh,double z0,double d0,double sinPhi0,double cosPhi0,
+ std::multimap <double,std::pair<TVector2,FTK_ModuleGeometry const *> >
+ &candidate) const {
+   // calculate coordinates along module extent
+   //   y = Z in barrel
+   //   y = R im endcap
+   double y[2];
+   for(int k=0;k<2;k++) {
+      if(m_isBarrel) {
+         // barrel m_x are Rmin and Rmax
+         double r=m_x[k];
+         double rrho=r*rho;
+         double s=r*(1.+rrho*rrho/24.);
+         y[k]=s*cotTh+z0;
+      } else {
+         double z=m_x[k];
+         double s=(z-z0)/cotTh;
+         double srho=s*rho;
+         y[k]=s*(1.-srho*srho/24.);
+      }
+   }
+   if(y[0]>y[1]) {
+      double yy=y[0];
+      y[0]=y[1];
+      y[1]=yy;
+   }
+   /*std::cout<<"  isBarrel="<<m_isBarrel<<" x[]="<<m_x[0]<<" "<<m_x[1]<<" y[]="<<y[0]<<" "<<y[1]<<"\n"; */
+   // loop over a range of modules
+   // start at module with smallest y where y>= y[0]-0.5*dy
+   for(std::multimap<double,FTK_ModuleGeometry const *>
+          ::const_iterator iModule=m_modules.lower_bound(y[0]-m_dy*0.5);
+       iModule!=m_modules.end();iModule++) {
+      // leave loop if
+      //   y> y[1]+0.5*dy
+      // because all following modules have even larger y
+      /*std::cout<<" check: "<<(*iModule).first<<" >= "<<(y[0]-m_dy*0.5)
+        <<" is: "<<(*iModule).first<<" ?<= "<<(y[1]+m_dy*0.5)<<"?"; */
+      if((y[1]+m_dy*0.5)<(*iModule).first) {
+         //std::cout<<" no\n";
+         break;
+      }
+      //std::cout<<" yes\n";
+      // here we have a module with 
+      //   y[0]-d/2<=y and y<=y[1]+d/2
+      // ->  y[0]<= y+d/2  and y[1]>=y-d/2
+      // the estimated extrapolated track yt, which is between y[0] and y[1]
+      // possibly is on the module [distance d/2 around the centre y].
+      FTK_ModuleGeometry const *module=(*iModule).second;
+      TVector2 x;
+      double s;
+      module->extrapolate(rho,cotTh,z0,d0,sinPhi0,cosPhi0,0,0,&x,&s);
+      // check whether coordinates are on the module
+      if(TMath::Abs(x.X())>0.5*module->m_width.X()) continue;
+      if(TMath::Abs(x.Y())>0.5*module->m_width.Y()) continue;
+      // add to the list of results
+      candidate.insert(std::make_pair(s,std::make_pair(x,module)));
+   }
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/src/FTKPattGenRoot.cxx b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/src/FTKPattGenRoot.cxx
index 0941b695cf6e32014bb67e9e688cda7cd488095b..6cab5f923a5236e5d03c462934142d38a6fc2b59 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/src/FTKPattGenRoot.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/src/FTKPattGenRoot.cxx
@@ -1069,9 +1069,10 @@ void  FTKPattGenRoot::SetModuleGeometryCheck(const std::string &fileName,
                <<"select="<<" (undefined selection algorithm)\n";
       } else {
+         Fatal("SetModuleGeometryCheck")
+            <<"module geometry "<<fileName<<" not found but select="
+            <<m_select<<"\n";
          m_select= RndSector;
-         Error("SetModuleGeometryCheck")
-            <<"module geometry "<<fileName<<" not found\n";
             <<"revert to select="<<m_select
             <<": no boudary check, random sector selection\n";
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/src/FTKPattGenRootAlgo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/src/FTKPattGenRootAlgo.cxx
index 5deb6d0a1485712eacab3d09fa576c5d6341c932..409544c0e3eed4bb90882f8c708c03dcf74ff365 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/src/FTKPattGenRootAlgo.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/src/FTKPattGenRootAlgo.cxx
@@ -209,9 +209,13 @@ StatusCode FTKPattGenRootAlgo::initialize() {
+   log << MSG::INFO <<"HWMODEID="<<m_HWMODEID
+       <<" IBLMode="<<m_IBLMode<<" fixEndcapL0="<<m_fixEndcapL0
+       <<" ITKMode="<<m_ITkMode<<"\n";
    // --- Create the pmap file object
-   log << MSG::INFO << "RunPattGen() Make FTKPlaneMap." << endmsg;
+      log << MSG::INFO << "make FTKPlaneMap "<<m_pmap_path << endmsg;
    FTKPlaneMap* pmap = new FTKPlaneMap(m_pmap_path.c_str());
    if (!(*pmap)) {
       log << MSG::FATAL << "Error using plane map: " << m_pmap_path << endmsg;
@@ -219,34 +223,38 @@ StatusCode FTKPattGenRootAlgo::initialize() {
    // --- Create region map object
-   log << MSG::INFO << "RunPattGen() Make FTKRegionMap." << endmsg;
+   log << MSG::INFO << "Make FTKRegionMap "<<m_rmap_path << endmsg;
    FTKRegionMap* rmap = new FTKRegionMap(pmap, m_rmap_path.c_str());
    if(m_HWMODEID==2) {
       if(m_modulelut_path.empty()) {
-         log << MSG::FATAL <<"RunPattGen() A module LUT is required when HW SS calculation is required"<<endmsg;
+         log << MSG::FATAL <<"A module LUT is required when HW SS calculation is required"<<endmsg;
 	 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
       } else {
+         log << MSG::INFO << "Load LUT "<<m_modulelut_path<<endmsg;
    // --- Create ssmap
    const bool force_am_hashmap = false;
-   log << MSG::INFO << "RunPattGen() Make FTKSSMap." << endmsg;
+   log << MSG::INFO << "Make FTKSSMap "<<m_ssmap_path << endmsg;
    FTKSSMap* ssmap = new FTKSSMap(rmap, m_ssmap_path.c_str(), force_am_hashmap);
    // --- Create the slices file object
-   log << MSG::INFO << "RunPattGen() Make FTKSectorSlice." << endmsg;
+   log << MSG::INFO << "Make FTKSectorSlice "
+       <<m_slices_path << endmsg;
    FTKSectorSlice* sectorslice = new FTKSectorSlice();
    // --- create  FTKConstantBank
-   log << MSG::INFO << "RunPattGen() Make FTKConstantBank." << endmsg;
+   log << MSG::INFO << "Make FTKConstantBank "
+       <<m_fitconstants_path << endmsg;
    FTKConstantBank* constbank = new FTKConstantBank(pmap->getTotalDim(), m_fitconstants_path.c_str());
   // --- create pattgen object
-  log << MSG::INFO << "RunPattGen() Make FTKPattGenRoot."
+  log << MSG::INFO << "Make FTKPattGenRoot "
+      <<" keep7of8="<<m_keep7of8<<" tolerance7of8="<<m_tolerance7of8
       << endmsg;
   m_pattgen=new FTKPattGenRoot(m_curreg,ssmap,sectorslice,constbank,m_keep7of8,
@@ -255,20 +263,33 @@ StatusCode FTKPattGenRootAlgo::initialize() {
-  log << MSG::INFO << "RunPattGen() beam spot at "
+  log << MSG::INFO << "beam spot at "
       <<m_beamspotX<<" "<<m_beamspotY
       << endmsg;
+  log << MSG::INFO << "Read sector path "<<m_sectors_path<<endmsg;
   m_pattgen->ReadSectorFile(m_sectors_path); // set sectors path
+  log<< MSG::INFO << "Slice parameters:"
+     <<" phi: "<<m_phi_min<<" "<<m_phi_max
+     <<" c: "<<m_c_min<<" "<<m_c_max
+     <<" d0: "<<m_d0_min<<" "<<m_d0_max
+     <<" z0: "<<m_z0_min<<" "<<m_z0_max
+     <<" eta: "<<m_eta_min<<" "<<m_eta_max
+     <<endmsg;
   m_pattgen->SetSliceParameters(m_phi_min,m_phi_max, m_c_min, m_c_max,
 			     m_d0_min, m_d0_max, m_z0_min, m_z0_max, m_eta_min, m_eta_max);
+  log<< MSG::INFO << "D0 exponent: "<<m_d0_alpha<<endmsg;
+  log<< MSG::INFO <<"Overlap removal: "<<m_overlap<<endmsg;
+  log<<MSG::INFO <<"Module boundary check: "<<m_sectorSelection
+     <<" module position file: \""<<m_ModuleGeometryFile<<"\""<<endmsg;
   // open output file
+  log<<MSG::INFO <<"Output file: "<<m_OutputFile<<endmsg;
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -305,11 +326,12 @@ StatusCode FTKPattGenRootAlgo::finalize() {
 void FTKPattGenRootAlgo::PostMessage(void) {
-   if     (FTKLogger::fType==0)  ATH_MSG_FATAL(fBuffer->str());
-   else if(FTKLogger::fType==1)  ATH_MSG_ERROR(fBuffer->str());
-   else if(FTKLogger::fType==2)  ATH_MSG_WARNING(fBuffer->str());
-   else if(FTKLogger::fType==3)  ATH_MSG_INFO(fBuffer->str());
-   else if(FTKLogger::fType==4)  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(fBuffer->str());
+   int fType=getLoggerMsgType();
+   if     (fType==0)  ATH_MSG_FATAL(getLoggerMsg());
+   else if(fType==1)  ATH_MSG_ERROR(getLoggerMsg());
+   else if(fType==2)  ATH_MSG_WARNING(getLoggerMsg());
+   else if(fType==3)  ATH_MSG_INFO(getLoggerMsg());
+   else if(fType==4)  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(getLoggerMsg());
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/src/FTKSectorSlice.cxx b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/src/FTKSectorSlice.cxx
index c97883361efa3ef63749ec2d0f0d5706eddaa9bc..9b05204e2ae56953e922de5417940f1c741edb7b 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/src/FTKSectorSlice.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/src/FTKSectorSlice.cxx
@@ -237,25 +237,41 @@ vector<int>* FTKSectorSlice::searchSectors(FTKTrack& track) {
   int error=0;
+  static int print=200;
   if ((track.getPhi()<m_phi_min) || (track.getPhi()>m_phi_max)) {
-    cout << "Error: wrong phi parameter " << track.getPhi() << '\n';
+     if(print) {
+        cout << "Error: wrong phi parameter " << track.getPhi() << '\n';
+        print--;
+     }
   if ((2.*track.getHalfInvPt()<m_c_min) ||
       (2.*track.getHalfInvPt()>m_c_max)) {
-    cout << "Error: wrong c parameter " << 2.*track.getHalfInvPt() << '\n';
+     if(print) {
+        cout << "Error: wrong c parameter " << 2.*track.getHalfInvPt() << '\n';
+        print--;
+     }
   if ((track.getIP()<m_d0_min) || (track.getIP()>m_d0_max)) {
-    cout << "Error: wrong d0 parameter " << track.getIP() << '\n';
+     if(print) {
+        cout << "Error: wrong d0 parameter " << track.getIP() << '\n';
+        print--;
+     }
   if ((track.getZ0()<m_z0_min) || (track.getZ0()>m_z0_max)) {
-    cout << "Error: wrong z0 parameter " << track.getZ0() << '\n';
+     if(print) {
+        cout << "Error: wrong z0 parameter " << track.getZ0() << '\n';
+        print--;
+     }
   if ((track.getCotTheta()<m_ctheta_min) || (track.getCotTheta()>m_ctheta_max)) {
-    cout << "Error: wrong ctheta parameter " << track.getCotTheta() << '\n';
+     if(print) {
+        cout << "Error: wrong ctheta parameter " << track.getCotTheta() << '\n';
+        print--;
+     }
   //if(error) exit(0);
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/src/PattMergeRootAlgo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/src/PattMergeRootAlgo.cxx
index dfaab3abbcc2a7a5bec1364c6ac5b84128f7ea64..cd4dbc7b04431cecf047550ce38ea85786969a89 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/src/PattMergeRootAlgo.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/src/PattMergeRootAlgo.cxx
@@ -158,11 +158,12 @@ StatusCode PattMergeRootAlgo::RunMerging() {
 void PattMergeRootAlgo::PostMessage(void) {
-   if     (FTKLogger::fType==0)  ATH_MSG_FATAL(fBuffer->str());
-   else if(FTKLogger::fType==1)  ATH_MSG_ERROR(fBuffer->str());
-   else if(FTKLogger::fType==2)  ATH_MSG_WARNING(fBuffer->str());
-   else if(FTKLogger::fType==3)  ATH_MSG_INFO(fBuffer->str());
-   else if(FTKLogger::fType==4)  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(fBuffer->str());
+   int fType=getLoggerMsgType();
+   if     (fType==0)  ATH_MSG_FATAL(getLoggerMsg());
+   else if(fType==1)  ATH_MSG_ERROR(getLoggerMsg());
+   else if(fType==2)  ATH_MSG_WARNING(getLoggerMsg());
+   else if(fType==3)  ATH_MSG_INFO(getLoggerMsg());
+   else if(fType==4)  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(getLoggerMsg());
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/src/components/TrigFTKBankGen_entries.cxx b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/src/components/TrigFTKBankGen_entries.cxx
index da304f527c2d2a38b1f75545f7e4cb2f7a8e0d35..d10dc998d472db342a44b628b8a4b58884aa3930 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/src/components/TrigFTKBankGen_entries.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKBankGen/src/components/TrigFTKBankGen_entries.cxx
@@ -12,8 +12,11 @@
 #include "TrigFTKBankGen/FTKCachedBankGenAlgo.h"
+#include "TrigFTKBankGen/FTKDataMatrixFromMCAlgo.h"
@@ -24,6 +27,7 @@ DECLARE_ALGORITHM_FACTORY(FTKCachedBankGenAlgo)
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/CMakeLists.txt b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/CMakeLists.txt
index 603f52a10e68f6fecbd7a90452eefc0960a57d57..d8c81d5b2ab21c49ddcffe55b4af421f893417c4 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -144,6 +144,11 @@ atlas_add_executable( trigftk_dataflow
                       LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${HEPPDT_LIBRARIES} ${EIGEN_LIBRARIES} ${HEPMC_LIBRARIES} ${TBB_LIBRARIES} AthenaBaseComps PileUpToolsLib StoreGateLib SGtests GaudiKernel InDetIdentifier InDetReadoutGeometry InDetPrepRawData Particle TrkParameters TrkParticleBase TrkTrack TrkTruthData TrkExInterfaces TrkToolInterfaces TrigInDetEvent TrigFTKPool IdDictDetDescr EventInfo NavFourMom GeneratorObjects InDetRawData InDetSimData TrkMeasurementBase TrkRIO_OnTrack TrigFTKSimLib )
+atlas_add_executable( trigftk_makeconn
+                      standalone/make_conn.cc
+                      LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${HEPPDT_LIBRARIES} ${EIGEN_LIBRARIES} ${HEPMC_LIBRARIES} ${TBB_LIBRARIES} AthenaBaseComps PileUpToolsLib StoreGateLib SGtests GaudiKernel InDetIdentifier InDetReadoutGeometry InDetPrepRawData Particle TrkParameters TrkParticleBase TrkTrack TrkTruthData TrkExInterfaces TrkToolInterfaces TrigInDetEvent TrigFTKPool IdDictDetDescr EventInfo NavFourMom GeneratorObjects InDetRawData InDetSimData TrkMeasurementBase TrkRIO_OnTrack TrigFTKSimLib )
 # Install files from the package:
 atlas_install_python_modules( python/__init__.py python/TrigFTKTruthAlgsConfig.py python/QueryFTKdb.py python/findInputs.py python/FTKSimOptions.py )
 atlas_install_joboptions( share/*.py )
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/TrigFTKSim/FTKLogging.h b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/TrigFTKSim/FTKLogging.h
index 2da782225b4ed429ad8d0f0ad2bf40ebbfd1e432..f6e9ccd6f0a4a02a094e1f02bf7d86410165762a 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/TrigFTKSim/FTKLogging.h
+++ b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/TrigFTKSim/FTKLogging.h
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 class FTKLogging {
-   FTKLogging(const std::string &name) : fName(name),fOut(new std::ostream(0)) { }
+   FTKLogging(const std::string &name) : m_name(name),m_out(new std::ostream(0)) { }
    virtual ~FTKLogging();
    std::ostream &Fatal(const char *where) const;
    std::ostream &Error(const char *where) const;
@@ -28,15 +28,15 @@ public:
    std::ostream &Info(const char *where) const;
    std::ostream &Debug(const char *where) const;
    void ShowProgress(const char *text);
-   const std::string &GetName(void) const { return fName; }
+   const std::string &GetName(void) const { return m_name; }
    static void SetPrintLevel(int);
    static void SetAbortLevel(int);
-   static int sPrintLevel,sAbortLevel;
+   static int s_printLevel,s_abortLevel;
    std::string GetHeader(const char *where) const;
    std::ostream &GetStream(const char *name,int level) const;
-   std::string fName;
-   std::ostream *fOut;
+   std::string m_name;
+   std::ostream *m_out;
 class FTKLogger : public std::streambuf {
@@ -60,18 +60,21 @@ public:
    //   }
    static FTKLogger *GetLogger(int type,int printLevel,int abortLevel);
-   static FTKLogger *logger;
+   static FTKLogger *s_logger;
    virtual ~FTKLogger();
    static void SetLogger(FTKLogger *ftkLogger);
    void SetType(int type,int printLevel,int abortLevel);
+   int getLoggerMsgType(void) const { return m_type; }
+   std::string getLoggerMsg(void) const { return m_buffer->str(); }
    //FTKLogger() : fLevel(0) { }
    virtual std::streamsize xsputn ( const char * s, std::streamsize n ); 
    virtual int overflow (int c);
    virtual void PostMessage(void);
-   std::ostringstream *fBuffer;
-   int fType,fAbortLevel,fPrintLevel;
+   std::ostringstream *m_buffer;
+   int m_type,m_abortLevel,m_printLevel;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/TrigFTKSim/FTKPatternBySector.h b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/TrigFTKSim/FTKPatternBySector.h
index eb839a59daf8358ca307a6e17ddffc1db5a4c20d..28fcaf5e8d9cf4d3e5c71f546db6d8b854b5022e 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/TrigFTKSim/FTKPatternBySector.h
+++ b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/TrigFTKSim/FTKPatternBySector.h
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ class FTKPatternBySectorReader : public virtual FTKPatternBySectorBase {
    // read patterns (optimized IO), given a minimum number of patterns
    // repeated calls to this function will result in all sectors to be read
    // for sectors appended to the list, all patterns have been read
+   // i.e. the next call with return different sectors or an empty list
    // (use Rewind() to start all over)
    //   returns: next sector to read (or -1)
    virtual int ReadRaw(int firstSector,
@@ -141,7 +142,7 @@ class FTKPatternBySectorWriter : public virtual FTKPatternBySectorBase {
       (TDirectory &dir,WRITERTYPE_t type=kWriterDefault);
    // append patterns from file (down to minCoverage)
    //  the default algorithm merges one sector a time, calling
-   //    AppendMergedPatterns() fro each sector.
+   //    AppendMergedPatterns() for each sector.
    //    This procedure is not optimal for all file formats
    //  For this reason the method is virtual, to allow for
    //    a more efficient implementation
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/TrigFTKSim/FTK_CompressedAMBank.h b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/TrigFTKSim/FTK_CompressedAMBank.h
index f10e77d58f3a70aaf54043b7ef9e55ec970ff19e..442259f727ac1bdbf69e14e6c73d4e627a6275f6 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/TrigFTKSim/FTK_CompressedAMBank.h
+++ b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/TrigFTKSim/FTK_CompressedAMBank.h
@@ -330,6 +330,7 @@ protected:
   // holds all pattern data
   PatternBank m_bank;
   MAP<int,std::pair<int,int> > m_SectorFirstLastPattern;
+  MAP<int,bool> m_tooFew;
   // hold wildcards (layer mask) per sector
   typedef uint8_t HitPattern_t;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/scripts/TrigFTKSim_tf.py b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/scripts/TrigFTKSim_tf.py
index 2642ed93ef00a4c762fcf87f5a4188b92fdc7a89..1bbbea3e3b3628464bd787fc9005e2a2f1b55860 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/scripts/TrigFTKSim_tf.py
+++ b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/scripts/TrigFTKSim_tf.py
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ def addFTKSimulationArgs(parser):
     parser.add_argument('--ssmapunused_path', type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argString, runarg=True),
                         help='Location of ssmapunused file', group='TrigFTKSim')
-                        help='Enalbe the IBL geometry',group='TrigFTKSim')
+                        help='Enable the IBL geometry',group='TrigFTKSim')
     parser.add_argument('--badmap_path', type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argString, runarg=True),
                         help='Location of badmap file', group='TrigFTKSim')
     parser.add_argument('--badmap_path_for_hit', type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argString, runarg=True),
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/src/FTKLogging.cxx b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/src/FTKLogging.cxx
index 35c791a187f5a761d382627f0e9c8770d947b398..4b9ae5e372a8a83d9d6cdf642ef7af2ec3e13569 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/src/FTKLogging.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/src/FTKLogging.cxx
@@ -18,26 +18,26 @@
-int FTKLogging::sPrintLevel=4;
+int FTKLogging::s_printLevel=4;
-int FTKLogging::sAbortLevel=2;
+int FTKLogging::s_abortLevel=2;
 void FTKLogging::SetPrintLevel(int level) {
-   sPrintLevel=level;
+   s_printLevel=level;
 void FTKLogging::SetAbortLevel(int level) {
-   sAbortLevel=level;
+   s_abortLevel=level;
 std::string FTKLogging::GetHeader(const char *where) const {
-   return fName+"::"+where+" ";
+   return m_name+"::"+where+" ";
 std::ostream &FTKLogging::GetStream(const char *name,int level) const {
-   fOut->rdbuf(FTKLogger::GetLogger(level,sPrintLevel,sAbortLevel));
-   if(name) (*fOut)<<GetHeader(name);
-   return *fOut;
+   m_out->rdbuf(FTKLogger::GetLogger(level,s_printLevel,s_abortLevel));
+   if(name) (*m_out)<<GetHeader(name);
+   return *m_out;
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ void FTKLogging::ShowProgress(const char *text) {
 FTKLogging::~FTKLogging() {
-   if (fOut) delete fOut;
+   if (m_out) delete m_out;
 /* class FTKLogger
@@ -79,33 +79,33 @@ FTKLogging::~FTKLogging() {
-FTKLogger *FTKLogger::logger=0;
+FTKLogger *FTKLogger::s_logger=0;
 FTKLogger::FTKLogger(void) {
-   fBuffer=0;
-   fType=0;
-   fAbortLevel = 0;
-   fPrintLevel = 0;
+   m_buffer=0;
+   m_type=0;
+   m_abortLevel = 0;
+   m_printLevel = 0;
 FTKLogger::~FTKLogger() {
-   if(logger==this) SetLogger(0);
+   if(s_logger==this) SetLogger(0);
 FTKLogger *FTKLogger::GetLogger(int type,int printLevel,int abortLevel) {
-   if(!logger) SetLogger(new FTKLogger());
-   logger->SetType(type,printLevel,abortLevel);
-   return logger;
+   if(!s_logger) SetLogger(new FTKLogger());
+   s_logger->SetType(type,printLevel,abortLevel);
+   return s_logger;
 void FTKLogger::SetLogger(FTKLogger *ftkLogger) {
-   logger=ftkLogger;
+   s_logger=ftkLogger;
 void FTKLogger::SetType(int type,int printLevel,int abortLevel) {
-   fType=type;
-   fPrintLevel=printLevel;
-   fAbortLevel=abortLevel;
+   m_type=type;
+   m_printLevel=printLevel;
+   m_abortLevel=abortLevel;
 int FTKLogger::overflow (int c) {
@@ -116,13 +116,13 @@ int FTKLogger::overflow (int c) {
 std::streamsize FTKLogger::xsputn(const char * s, std::streamsize n) {
    for(int i=0;i<n;i++) {
-      if(!fBuffer) fBuffer=new std::ostringstream();
+      if(!m_buffer) m_buffer=new std::ostringstream();
       if(s[i]=='\n') {
-	 delete fBuffer;
-	 fBuffer=0;
+	 delete m_buffer;
+	 m_buffer=0;
       } else {
-	 (*fBuffer)<<s[i];
+	 (*m_buffer)<<s[i];
    return n;
@@ -130,10 +130,10 @@ std::streamsize FTKLogger::xsputn(const char * s, std::streamsize n) {
 void FTKLogger::PostMessage(void) {
    static char const *text[]={"FATAL","ERROR","WARNING","INFO","DEBUG"};
-   if(fType<fPrintLevel) {
-      std::cout<<text[fType]<<"\t"<<fBuffer->str()<<"\n";
+   if(m_type<m_printLevel) {
+      std::cout<<text[m_type]<<"\t"<<m_buffer->str()<<"\n";
-   if(fType<fAbortLevel) {
-      exit(1+fType);
+   if(m_type<m_abortLevel) {
+      exit(1+m_type);
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/src/FTKRoadFinderAlgo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/src/FTKRoadFinderAlgo.cxx
index 987162da4273150c94cc54727bd4a619166b78ef..3d85f2623549569d8c0e56db2f1c3ac8c6e19576 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/src/FTKRoadFinderAlgo.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/src/FTKRoadFinderAlgo.cxx
@@ -626,10 +626,11 @@ StatusCode FTKRoadFinderAlgo::finalize() {
 void FTKRoadFinderAlgo::PostMessage() {
-   if(fType==0)  ATH_MSG_FATAL(fBuffer->str());
-   else if(fType==1)  ATH_MSG_ERROR(fBuffer->str());
-   else if(fType==2)  ATH_MSG_WARNING(fBuffer->str());
-   else if(fType==3)  ATH_MSG_INFO(fBuffer->str());
-   else if(fType==4)  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(fBuffer->str());
+   int fType=getLoggerMsgType();
+   if(fType==0) ATH_MSG_FATAL(getLoggerMsg());
+   else if(fType==1)  ATH_MSG_ERROR(getLoggerMsg());
+   else if(fType==2)  ATH_MSG_WARNING(getLoggerMsg());
+   else if(fType==3)  ATH_MSG_INFO(getLoggerMsg());
+   else if(fType==4)  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(getLoggerMsg());
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/src/FTK_AMsimulation_base.cxx b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/src/FTK_AMsimulation_base.cxx
index d20ec8e22fe15bf00eca16fb17908f77756ba11e..f51416c93d8bdd99502fa97de95d972c9c80633e 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/src/FTK_AMsimulation_base.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/src/FTK_AMsimulation_base.cxx
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
 //#define VERBOSE_DEBUG
+#define PRINT_IBL_HITS 0
 using namespace std;
 /* class FTK_AMsimulation_base
@@ -201,7 +203,7 @@ int FTK_AMsimulation_base::passHitsUnused(const std::vector<FTKHit> &hitlist) {
     std::map<int,FTKSS>::iterator issitem = ssmap.find(ssid);
     if (issitem==ssmap.end()) {
-      // ad the item related to this SS number
+      // add the item related to this SS number
       ssmap[ssid] = FTKSS();
       issitem = ssmap.find(ssid);
@@ -212,6 +214,43 @@ int FTK_AMsimulation_base::passHitsUnused(const std::vector<FTKHit> &hitlist) {
   if(error) {
      FTKSetup::PrintMessageFmt(ftk::warn,"FTK_AMsimulation_base::passHitsUnused number or errors=%d\n",error );
+  static int print=PRINT_IBL_HITS;
+  if(print) {
+     cout<<"PassHitsUnused\n";
+     for(std::map< int, std::map< int, FTKSS > >::const_iterator
+            ipl=m_usedssmap_ignored.begin();
+         ipl!=m_usedssmap_ignored.end();ipl++) {
+        cout<<"unused plane="<<(*ipl).first<<" nSS="<<(*ipl).second.size();
+        int nhit=0;
+        int lastHash=-1;
+        for(std::map< int, FTKSS >::const_iterator ihit=(*ipl).second.begin();
+            ihit!=(*ipl).second.end();ihit++) {
+           nhit+= (*ihit).second.getNHits();
+           if((*ipl).first==0) {
+              int localID,localX,localY;
+              getSSMapUnused()->decodeSSTowerXY((*ihit).first,
+                                                getBankID(),(*ipl).first,0,
+                                                localID,localX,localY,true);
+              int hash=getSSMapUnused()->getRegionMap()
+                 ->getGlobalId(getBankID(),(*ipl).first,localID);
+              if(hash!=lastHash) {
+                 cout<<"\nModule="<<hash;
+                 lastHash=hash;
+              }
+              cout<<" "<<(*ihit).first;
+              //<<":"<<localX<<","<<localY;
+              for(int ih=0;ih<(*ihit).second.getNHits();ih++) {
+                 const FTKHit &h=(*ihit).second.getHit(ih);
+                 cout<<"["<<h[0]<<","<<h[1]<<"]";
+              }
+           }
+        }
+        cout<<" nhit="<<nhit;
+        cout<<"\n";
+     }
+     print--;
+  }
   return res;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/src/FTK_CompressedAMBank.cxx b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/src/FTK_CompressedAMBank.cxx
index 2563a3eb40e0fce4b2df08b9ff4ef221e24e5c86..b89af49d02fe6ef7fe0acf94014e4d27e151e430 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/src/FTK_CompressedAMBank.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/src/FTK_CompressedAMBank.cxx
@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ int FTK_CompressedAMBank::writePCachedBankFile
       unsigned int ndc[8]; // number of DC bits per plane
       unsigned int wildcard;
       //unsigned lowestSSID;
-      int sector,firstPattern,lastPattern,isub,lamb;
+      int sector,firstPattern,lastPattern,isub,lamb,allPatternsUsed;
@@ -613,6 +613,7 @@ int FTK_CompressedAMBank::writePCachedBankFile
+      auxtree->Branch("allPatternsUsed",&allPatternsUsed,"allPatternsUsed/I");
       // set number of DC bits per plane (constant)
       for(int i=0;i<getNPlanes();i++) {
@@ -627,6 +628,11 @@ int FTK_CompressedAMBank::writePCachedBankFile
          isub= nsub ? (sector % nsub) : 0;
          lamb= nlamb ? (sector % nlamb) : 0;
+         MAP<int,bool>::const_iterator tooFew=m_tooFew.find(sector);
+         allPatternsUsed=-1;
+         if(tooFew!=m_tooFew.end()) {
+            allPatternsUsed=(*tooFew).second ? 1 : 0;
+         }
@@ -1442,7 +1448,7 @@ void FTK_CompressedAMBank::importDCpatterns
       // here: top_sectorByLamb has all bits set to one and is larger or equal the largest sector/nlamb
       unsigned leadingBitMask=(top_sectorByNlamb>>1)+1;
       unsigned sectorByLamb=0;
-      while(true) {
+      for(unsigned count=0;count<=top_sectorByNlamb;count++) {
          //for(unsigned sector=ilamb;sector<sectorPointer.size();sector+=nlamb) {
          unsigned sector=sectorByLamb*nlamb+ilamb;
@@ -1459,7 +1465,6 @@ void FTK_CompressedAMBank::importDCpatterns
             if(sectorByLamb & mask) break;
             // if the bit is zero, have to count the next bit
-         if(!sectorByLamb) break; // all bits were counted, stop
          // when counting in reverse bit order, sectors are not produced in sequence
          // high (invalid) sector numbers are produced in random order and have
          // to be skipped
@@ -1694,6 +1699,7 @@ void FTK_CompressedAMBank::importDCpatterns
                <<"sector "<<sector<<" nPatt="<<ipatt<<"\n";
+         if(!sectorByLamb) break; // all bits were counted, stop
       } // end loop over sectors
    } // end loop over subregions
@@ -3549,7 +3555,6 @@ int FTK_CompressedAMBank::readPartitionedSectorOrderedBank
           iPartition++) {
-         maxpatts+=(*iPartition).fNumPatternMax;
          // the FTKPatternBySectorBlockReader is reading the patterns
          // sector-by-sector, in a pre-defined coverage range
@@ -3569,7 +3574,8 @@ int FTK_CompressedAMBank::readPartitionedSectorOrderedBank
             <<"reading from "<<name<<" nLayer="<<TSPreader->GetNLayers()
             <<" partition "<<partitionCount<<" maxpattern="
-            <<(*iPartition).fNumPatternMax<<" maxSector="<<(*iPartition).fNumSectorMax
+            <<(*iPartition).fNumPatternMax
+            <<" maxSector="<<(*iPartition).fNumSectorMax
          // the coverage map holds for each coverage the number of patterns
          // it is used in order to estimate down to which coverage the patterns
@@ -3582,7 +3588,6 @@ int FTK_CompressedAMBank::readPartitionedSectorOrderedBank
          printVmemUsage("after GetNPatternsByCoverage");
-         std::map<int,int>::const_reverse_iterator i=coverageMap.rbegin();
          printVmemUsage("after Rewind");
@@ -3592,6 +3597,7 @@ int FTK_CompressedAMBank::readPartitionedSectorOrderedBank
          uint32_t totalPatterns=0;
          uint64_t totalPatternsCoverage=0;
          int nDC0=nDC;
+         maxpatts=nDC0+(*iPartition).fNumPatternMax;
          for(std::map<int,int>::const_iterator j=coverageMap.begin();
              j!=coverageMap.end();j++) {
             totalPatterns += (*j).second;
@@ -3603,27 +3609,26 @@ int FTK_CompressedAMBank::readPartitionedSectorOrderedBank
             <<" average coverage: "
             <<(totalPatterns ? (totalPatternsCoverage/(double)totalPatterns):0)
-         int covEnd;
          std::set<int> loadedSectorList;
          int maxNumSector=(*iPartition).fNumSectorMax;
          if(maxNumSector<0) maxNumSector=(*iPartition).fSectorSet.size();
-         do {
-            std::map<int,int>::const_reverse_iterator j=i;
-            int npattEstimate=nDC;
-            covEnd=(*i).first;
-            while((j!=coverageMap.rend())&&(npattEstimate<maxpatts)) {
-               npattEstimate += (*j).second;
-               covEnd=(*j).first;
-               j++;
-            }
-            Info("readSectorOrderedBank")
-               <<"adding coverage range "<<(*i).first<<"-"<<covEnd
-               <<" extra patterns="<<npattEstimate-nDC<<"\n";
+         // loop over coverage ranges
+         // starting with coverage indicated by (*i)
+         bool tooFew=true;
+         int covEnd=0;
+         for(std::map<int,int>::const_reverse_iterator i=coverageMap.rbegin();
+             i!=coverageMap.rend();) {
+            // read a minimum of one coverages
+            int nAvail=0;
+            int covBegin=(*i).first;
+            do {
+               nAvail +=(*i).second;
+               covEnd=(*i).first;
+               i++;
+            } while((nDC+nAvail<=maxpatts)&&(i!=coverageMap.rend()));
             // read all patterns in the given coverage range
-            // (not reading the smallest coverage)
-            // these patterns for sure will fit into the DC bank
-            //for(int sector=TSPreader->GetFirstSector();sector>=0;
-            //    sector=TSPreader->GetNextSector(sector)) {
+            int nTSPold=nTSP;
+            int nDCold=nDC;
             for(std::set<int>::const_iterator sectorPtr=
                 sectorPtr!=(*iPartition).fSectorSet.end();sectorPtr++) {
@@ -3632,42 +3637,46 @@ int FTK_CompressedAMBank::readPartitionedSectorOrderedBank
                   if((int)loadedSectorList.size()>=maxNumSector) continue;
-               FTKPatternOneSector *patterns=TSPreader->Read(sector,covEnd+1);
+               FTKPatternOneSector *patterns=
+                  TSPreader->Read(sector,covEnd);
                if(patterns) {
                   delete patterns;
+               if(nDC>=maxpatts) break;
-            // read patterns for the smallest coverage
-            // these patterns will partially fit into the bank
-            for(std::set<int>::const_iterator sectorPtr=
-                   (*iPartition).fSectorSet.begin();
-                sectorPtr!=(*iPartition).fSectorSet.end();sectorPtr++) {
-               int sector=*sectorPtr;
-               if(loadedSectorList.find(sector)==loadedSectorList.end()) {
-                  if((int)loadedSectorList.size()>=maxNumSector) continue;
-                  loadedSectorList.insert(sector);
-               }
-               FTKPatternOneSector *patterns=TSPreader->Read(sector,covEnd);
-               if(patterns) {
-                  insertPatterns(sector,patterns,maxpatts,dcPatterns,nDC,nTSP);
-                  delete patterns;
-                  if(nDC>=maxpatts) break;
+            Info("readSectorOrderedBank")
+               <<"added coverage range "<<covBegin<<"-"<<covEnd
+               <<" DC added="<<nDC-nDCold
+               <<" TSP used="<<nTSP-nTSPold<<"/"<<nAvail
+               <<"\n";
+            if(nDC>=maxpatts){ 
+               if((nTSP-nTSPold<nAvail)||(i!=coverageMap.rend())) {
+                  tooFew=false;
+               break;
-            i=j;
-             // stop if all patterns have been read
+            // stop if all patterns have been read
             // or if the maximum number of patterns is reached
-            // DEBUG - speed up parttern reading
+            // for DEBUGGING - speed up pattern reading
             //   break;
-         } while((i!=coverageMap.rend())&&(nDC<maxpatts));
+         }
+         for(std::set<int>::const_iterator sectorPtr=
+                (*iPartition).fSectorSet.begin();
+             sectorPtr!=(*iPartition).fSectorSet.end();sectorPtr++) {
+            int sector=*sectorPtr;
+            m_tooFew[sector]=tooFew;
+         }
             <<"partition "<<partitionCount<<" number of DC patterns: "<<nDC-nDC0
+            <<"/"<<maxpatts-nDC0
             <<" smallest coverage="<<covEnd
             <<" #sectors="<<loadedSectorList.size()
             <<" maxnsector="<<maxNumSector
+            <<" tooFew="<<tooFew
+            <<" nDC="<<nDC
          sectorCount += loadedSectorList.size();
@@ -3695,6 +3704,7 @@ int FTK_CompressedAMBank::readPartitionedSectorOrderedBank
          pos += dcPatterns[sector].size()*offsetSSID;
+      Info("readSectorOrderedBank")<<"numPattern="<<numPattern<<"\n";
       int32_t *ssidData=new int32_t[pos];
       for(unsigned sector=0;sector<dcPatterns.size();sector++) {
          HitPatternMap_t const &hitMap=dcPatterns[sector];
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/src/TrackFitter711.cxx b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/src/TrackFitter711.cxx
index 852620854d901943e36167bfdf99993e17954e3c..1d56055239b404fde45b306340d222658a58bfbc 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/src/TrackFitter711.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/src/TrackFitter711.cxx
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
 #include <cassert>
 using namespace std;
+static int print_guessed=0; //1000;
 TrackFitter711::TrackFitter711() :
@@ -619,6 +621,7 @@ void TrackFitter711::processor_end(int ibank)
   // m_trackoutput_pre_hw->addNFitsHWRejectedMajorityI(ibank,m_nfits_rejmajI);
   // m_trackoutput_pre_hw->addNConnections(ibank,m_nconn);
   // m_trackoutput_pre_hw->addNExtrapolatedTracks(ibank,m_nextrapolatedTracks);
@@ -3366,7 +3369,10 @@ void TrackFitter711::guessedHitsToSSID() {
       m_ssid[ip] = m_ssmap_complete->getSSGlobal(tmphit, 1);
+    if(print_guessed && (m_idplanes_eff[ip]==0)) {
+       cout<<"guessed_hit: "<< m_ssid[ip]<<":"<<moduleID
+           <<","<<tmphit[0]<<","<<tmphit[1]<<"\n";
+    }
     //    std::cout << "SSID current " << m_ssid[ip] << std::endl;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/standalone/efficiency.cc b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/standalone/efficiency.cc
index 7b2b73706475a0abdc9e5224a9e4ea67cecd9239..a641ee76f03cd61e217ebe98bd6e52cea6c1d44f 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/standalone/efficiency.cc
+++ b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/standalone/efficiency.cc
@@ -72,6 +72,14 @@ void Init() {
   // create instances for the FTK generic distributions
   histocoordmasketa_ftk = new TH2F("histocoordmasketa_ftk","Track probability of using a coordinate;Coordinate bit;#eta;Prob.",16,0,16,nbins,etamin,etamax);
   histocoordmaskphi_ftk = new TH2F("histocoordmaskphi_ftk","Track probability of using a coordinate;Coordinate bit;#phi;Prob.",16,0,16,nbins,phimin,phimax);
+  for(int i=0;i<=16;i++) {
+     histocoordmasketaphi_ftk[i] = new TH2F
+        (TString::Format("histocoordmasketaphiL%d_ftk",i),"Track probability of using a coordinate;#eta;#phi;Prob.",32,etamin,etamax,32,phimin,phimax);
+     histoeff_etaphiplane[i]= new TH2F
+        (TString::Format("histoeff_etaphiL%d",i),
+         TString::Format("efficiency plane %d;#eta;#phi;Prob.",i),
+         32,etamin,etamax,32,phimin,phimax);
+  }
   histocoordmaskz0_ftk = new TH2F("histocoordmaskz0_ftk","Track probability of using a coordinate;Coordinate bit;#z0;Prob.",16,0,16,nbins,z0min, z0max);
   histonmisseta_ftk = new TH2F("histonmisseta_ftk","Track probability of missing N layers;N Miss;#eta;Prob.",6,0,6,nbins,etamin,etamax);
   histochisqndfeta_ftk = new TH2F("histochisqndfeta_ftk","Track probability of #chi^{2};#chi^{2}/ndf;#eta;Prob.",20,0,20,nbins,etamin,etamax);
@@ -177,6 +185,12 @@ void Init() {
   histod0res_veta = new TProfile("histod0res_veta","#Delta d_{0} (mm);#eta", nbins, etamin, etamax);
   histoz0res_veta = new TProfile("histoz0res_veta","#Delta z_{0} (mm);eta", nbins, etamin, etamax);
   histod0res_vphi = new TProfile("histod0res_vphi","#Delta d_{0} (mm);#phi", nbins, phimin, phimax);
+  histo2d0res_vphi = new TH2F("histo2d0res_vphi","#Delta d_{0} (mm);#phi", nbins, phimin, phimax,50,-5.*Dd0,5.*Dd0);
+  histo2d0res_veta = new TH2F("histo2d0res_veta","#Delta d_{0} (mm);#eta", nbins, etamin, etamax,50,-5.*Dd0,5.*Dd0);
+  histo2d0res_coordbit = new TH2F("histo2d0res_coordbit","#Delta d_{0} (mm);coordinate bit", 16, -0.5, 15.5,50,-5.*Dd0,5.*Dd0);
+  histo2d0truth_vphi = new TH2F("histo2d0truth_vphi",";#phi;truth d_{0} (mm)", nbins, phimin, phimax,50,-4.,4.);
+  histo2d0ftk_vphi = new TH2F("histo2d0ftk_vphi",";#phi;FTK d_{0} (mm)", nbins, phimin, phimax,50,-4.,4.);
+  histo2curvCurv = new TH2F("histo2curvCurv",";curv;curv",50,-abscurvmax ,abscurvmax ,50,-abscurvmax,abscurvmax);
   histoz0res_vphi = new TProfile("histoz0res_vphi","#Delta z_{0} (mm);#phi", nbins, phimin, phimax);
   histod0res_vz0 = new TProfile("histod0res_vz0","#Delta d_{0} (mm);z_{0} (mm)", nbins, z0min, z0max);
   histoz0res_vz0 = new TProfile("histoz0res_vz0","#Delta z_{0} (mm);z_{0} (mm)", nbins, z0min, z0max);
@@ -263,21 +277,15 @@ void Process(Long64_t ientry) {
       curtrack = (Use1stStage ? tracks->getTrackI(itrk) : tracks->getTrack(itrk));
       //if (  TMath::Abs(curtrack->getPt())*1e-3 < ptmincut ) continue;
+      //double temp_phi = curtrack->getPhi();
+      //double temp_d0 = curtrack->getIP();
+      //double temp_z0 = curtrack->getZ0();
-      double temp_phi = curtrack->getPhi();
-      double temp_d0 = curtrack->getIP();
-      double temp_z0 = curtrack->getZ0();
-      // double dx = -0.42;
-      // double dy = -0.53;
-      // double dx = -0.5491;
-      // double dy = -0.6557;
-      double thisd0 = temp_d0 + dx*sin(temp_phi)-dy*cos(temp_phi);
-      double thisz0 = temp_z0 + ((cos(temp_phi) *dx - sin(temp_phi)*dy))*curtrack->getCotTheta();
-      double thisphi = temp_phi;
+      double thisd0 = curtrack->getIP();
+      //temp_d0 + dx*sin(temp_phi)-dy*cos(temp_phi);
+      double thisz0 = curtrack->getZ0();
+      //temp_z0 + ((cos(temp_phi) *dx - sin(temp_phi)*dy))*curtrack->getCotTheta();
@@ -356,10 +364,14 @@ void Process(Long64_t ientry) {
       if (curtrack->getBitmask()&(1<<6)) histophiz0_ftk_PixL2->Fill(curtrack->getPhi(),thisz0);
+      histocoordmasketaphi_ftk[16]
+         ->Fill(curtrack->getEta(),curtrack->getPhi());
       for (Int_t icoord=0;icoord!=curtrack->getNCoords();++icoord) {
 	if (curtrack->getBitmask()&(1<<icoord)){
+	  histocoordmasketaphi_ftk[icoord]
+             ->Fill(curtrack->getEta(),curtrack->getPhi());
 	  // std::cout << "icoord, eta, z0, phi: " << icoord << ", " << curtrack->getEta() << ", " << thisz0 << ", " << curtrack->getPhi() << std::endl;
@@ -483,9 +495,10 @@ void Process(Long64_t ientry) {
   vector<FTKTruthTrack>::const_iterator itr = truthTracks->begin();
   vector<FTKTruthTrack>::const_iterator itrE = truthTracks->end();
   for (;itr!=itrE;++itr) { // loop over the truth tracks
-    const FTKTruthTrack &curtruth = (*itr);
+    const FTKTruthTrack &curtruth_fromFile = (*itr);
+    // apply vertex shift
-    int barcode = curtruth.getBarcode();
+    int barcode = curtruth_fromFile.getBarcode();
     if (barcode>100000 || barcode==0) continue;
     // select only good truth tracks
@@ -493,88 +506,92 @@ void Process(Long64_t ientry) {
     // double dy = curtruth.getY();
     // double d0 = -1e-3*(dx*py-dy*px)*invpt;
-    double px = curtruth.getPX();
-    double py = curtruth.getPY();
-    double pt = 1e-3*TMath::Sqrt(px*px+py*py);
-    double invpt = 1./pt;
-    if ( pt < ptmincut ) continue;
-    double d0 = curtruth.getD0();
-    if (d0<d0min || d0>d0max) continue;
-    double z0 = curtruth.getZ();
-    if (z0<z0min || z0>z0max) continue;
+    double px_truth = curtruth_fromFile.getPX();
+    double py_truth = curtruth_fromFile.getPY();
+    double pt_truth = 1e-3*TMath::Hypot(px_truth,py_truth);
+    double invpt_truth = 1./pt_truth;
+    double d0_truth = curtruth_fromFile.getD0();
+    double z0_truth = curtruth_fromFile.getZ();
+    double curv_truth = .5*curtruth_fromFile.getQ()*invpt_truth;
+    double phi_truth = curtruth_fromFile.getPhi();
+    double eta_truth = curtruth_fromFile.getEta();
+    double cotTheta_truth= pt_truth/curtruth_fromFile.getPZ();
+    int pdgcode = curtruth_fromFile.getPDGCode();
+    int eventIndex_truth=curtruth_fromFile.getEventIndex();
+    if (d0_truth<d0min || d0_truth>d0max) continue;
+    if (z0_truth<z0min || z0_truth>z0max) continue;
+    if ( pt_truth < ptmincut ) continue;
+    if (curv_truth<-abscurvmax || curv_truth>abscurvmax) continue;
+    if (phi_truth<phimin || phi_truth>phimax) continue;
+    if (eta_truth<etamin || eta_truth>etamax) continue;
+    if (eventIndex_truth!=0 && curtruth_fromFile.getQ()==0) continue;
+    // transform variables to shifted vertex
+    // only d0,z0 is corrected here (lowest order corrections)
+    d0_truth -= vtxTruth[0]*sin(phi_truth)-vtxTruth[1]*cos(phi_truth);
+    z0_truth -= vtxTruth[2]+((cos(phi_truth) *vtxTruth[0] - sin(phi_truth)*vtxTruth[1]))*cotTheta_truth;
-    double curv = .5*curtruth.getQ()*invpt;
-    if (curv<-abscurvmax || curv>abscurvmax) continue;
-    double phi = curtruth.getPhi();
-    if (phi<phimin || phi>phimax) continue;
-    double eta = curtruth.getEta();
-    if (eta<etamin || eta>etamax) continue;
-    if (curtruth.getEventIndex()!=0 && curtruth.getQ()==0) continue;
     ntruth_good += 1;
     // Fill the histogram for the generic truth distribution
-    histod0_truth->Fill(d0);
-    histoz0_truth->Fill(z0);
-    histocurv_truth->Fill(curv);
-    histophi_truth->Fill(curtruth.getPhi());
-    histoetaphi_truth->Fill(eta, curtruth.getPhi());
-    histoetaz0_truth->Fill(eta, z0);
-    histoeta_truth->Fill(eta);
-    histoetaabs_truth->Fill(fabs(eta));
+    histod0_truth->Fill(d0_truth);
+    histoz0_truth->Fill(z0_truth);
+    histocurv_truth->Fill(curv_truth);
+    histophi_truth->Fill(phi_truth);
+    histoetaphi_truth->Fill(eta_truth, phi_truth);
+    histoetaz0_truth->Fill(eta_truth, z0_truth);
+    histoeta_truth->Fill(eta_truth);
+    histoetaabs_truth->Fill(fabs(eta_truth));
-    histopt_truth->Fill(pt);
-    histopt_truth_lg->Fill(pt);
-    histopt_truthlo_lg->Fill(pt);
+    histopt_truth->Fill(pt_truth);
+    histopt_truth_lg->Fill(pt_truth);
+    histopt_truthlo_lg->Fill(pt_truth);
-    int pdgcode = curtruth.getPDGCode();
     if (pdgcode==13 || pdgcode==-13) {
       // muon block
       ntruth_good_muon += 1;
-      histod0_truth_muon->Fill(d0);
-      histoz0_truth_muon->Fill(z0);
-      histocurv_truth_muon->Fill(curv);
-      histophi_truth_muon->Fill(curtruth.getPhi());
-      histoeta_truth_muon->Fill(eta);
-      histopt_truth_muon->Fill(pt);
-      histopt_truth_muon_lg->Fill(pt);
-      histopt_truth_muonlo_lg->Fill(pt);
+      histod0_truth_muon->Fill(d0_truth);
+      histoz0_truth_muon->Fill(z0_truth);
+      histocurv_truth_muon->Fill(curv_truth);
+      histophi_truth_muon->Fill(phi_truth);
+      histoeta_truth_muon->Fill(eta_truth);
+      histopt_truth_muon->Fill(pt_truth);
+      histopt_truth_muon_lg->Fill(pt_truth);
+      histopt_truth_muonlo_lg->Fill(pt_truth);
     // match the barcode and event index values
-    MatchInfo reftruth(barcode,curtruth.getEventIndex());
+    MatchInfo reftruth(barcode,eventIndex_truth);
     pair<FTKBarcodeMM::const_iterator,FTKBarcodeMM::const_iterator> mrange = ftkmatchinfo.equal_range(reftruth);
+    int bitmask=0;
     if (mrange.first != mrange.second) {
-      histod0_truthM->Fill(d0);
-      histoz0_truthM->Fill(z0);
-      histocurv_truthM->Fill(curv);
-      histophi_truthM->Fill(curtruth.getPhi());
-      histoetaphi_truthM->Fill(eta, curtruth.getPhi());
-      histoetaz0_truthM->Fill(eta, z0);
-      histoeta_truthM->Fill(eta);
-      histoetaabs_truthM->Fill(fabs(eta));
+      histod0_truthM->Fill(d0_truth);
+      histoz0_truthM->Fill(z0_truth);
+      histocurv_truthM->Fill(curv_truth);
+      histophi_truthM->Fill(phi_truth);
+      histoetaphi_truthM->Fill(eta_truth, phi_truth);
+      histoetaz0_truthM->Fill(eta_truth, z0_truth);
+      histoeta_truthM->Fill(eta_truth);
+      histoetaabs_truthM->Fill(fabs(eta_truth));
-      histopt_truthM->Fill(pt);
-      histopt_truthMlo_lg->Fill(pt);
-      histopt_truthM_lg->Fill(pt);
+      histopt_truthM->Fill(pt_truth);
+      histopt_truthMlo_lg->Fill(pt_truth);
+      histopt_truthM_lg->Fill(pt_truth);
       if (pdgcode==13 || pdgcode==-13) {
         // matched muon block
-        histod0_truthM_muon->Fill(d0);
-        histoz0_truthM_muon->Fill(z0);
-        histocurv_truthM_muon->Fill(curv);
-        histophi_truthM_muon->Fill(curtruth.getPhi());
-        histoeta_truthM_muon->Fill(eta);
-        histopt_truthM_muon->Fill(pt);
-        histopt_truthM_muon_lg->Fill(pt);
-        histopt_truthM_muonlo_lg->Fill(pt);
+        histod0_truthM_muon->Fill(d0_truth);
+        histoz0_truthM_muon->Fill(z0_truth);
+        histocurv_truthM_muon->Fill(curv_truth);
+        histophi_truthM_muon->Fill(phi_truth);
+        histoeta_truthM_muon->Fill(eta_truth);
+        histopt_truthM_muon->Fill(pt_truth);
+        histopt_truthM_muon_lg->Fill(pt_truth);
+        histopt_truthM_muonlo_lg->Fill(pt_truth);
       const FTKTrack *bestftk(0x0);
@@ -587,22 +604,43 @@ void Process(Long64_t ientry) {
       if (bestftk) {
-	histod0res->Fill(d0-bestftk->getIP());
-	histoz0res->Fill(z0-bestftk->getZ0());
-	histod0res_veta->Fill(eta,d0-bestftk->getIP());
-	histoz0res_veta->Fill(eta,z0-bestftk->getZ0());
-	histod0res_vphi->Fill(curtruth.getPhi(),d0-bestftk->getIP());
-	histoz0res_vphi->Fill(curtruth.getPhi(),z0-bestftk->getZ0());
-	histod0res_vz0->Fill(z0,d0-bestftk->getIP());
-	histoz0res_vz0->Fill(z0,z0-bestftk->getZ0());
-	histocurvres->Fill(curv-bestftk->getHalfInvPt()*1e3);
-	histophires->Fill(curtruth.getPhi()-bestftk->getPhi());
-	histoetares->Fill(eta-bestftk->getEta());
-	historelptres->Fill((pt-TMath::Abs(bestftk->getPt())*1e-3)*invpt);
-	historelptrespt->Fill(pt,(pt-TMath::Abs(bestftk->getPt())*1e-3)*invpt);
+	histod0res->Fill(d0_truth-bestftk->getIP());
+	histoz0res->Fill(z0_truth-bestftk->getZ0());
+	histod0res_veta->Fill(eta_truth,d0_truth-bestftk->getIP());
+	histoz0res_veta->Fill(eta_truth,z0_truth-bestftk->getZ0());
+	histod0res_vphi->Fill(phi_truth,d0_truth-bestftk->getIP());
+	histo2d0res_vphi->Fill(phi_truth,d0_truth-bestftk->getIP());
+	histo2d0res_veta->Fill(eta_truth,d0_truth-bestftk->getIP());
+	histo2d0truth_vphi->Fill(phi_truth,d0_truth);
+	histo2d0ftk_vphi->Fill(phi_truth,bestftk->getIP());
+	histo2curvCurv->Fill(curv_truth,bestftk->getHalfInvPt()*1.E3);
+	histoz0res_vphi->Fill(phi_truth,z0_truth-bestftk->getZ0());
+	histod0res_vz0->Fill(z0_truth,d0_truth-bestftk->getIP());
+	histoz0res_vz0->Fill(z0_truth,z0_truth-bestftk->getZ0());
+	histocurvres->Fill(curv_truth-bestftk->getHalfInvPt()*1e3);
+	histophires->Fill(phi_truth-bestftk->getPhi());
+	histoetares->Fill(eta_truth-bestftk->getEta());
+	historelptres->Fill((pt_truth-TMath::Abs(bestftk->getPt())*1e-3)*invpt_truth);
+	historelptrespt->Fill(pt_truth,(pt_truth-TMath::Abs(bestftk->getPt())*1e-3)*invpt_truth);
+        bitmask=bestftk->getBitmask();
+        for(int icoord=0;icoord<16;icoord++) {
+           if (bitmask&(1<<icoord)){
+              histo2d0res_coordbit->Fill(icoord,d0_truth-bestftk->getIP());
+           }
+        }
+    // fill efficiency per plane in eta,phi
+    if(mrange.first!=mrange.second) {
+       bitmask |= 1<<16;
+       for(Int_t icoord=0;icoord<=16;++icoord) {
+          if (bitmask&(1<<icoord)){
+             histoeff_etaphiplane[icoord]->Fill(eta_truth,phi_truth);
+          }
+       }
+    }
   } // end loop over truth tracks
   // fill counter histograms
@@ -720,6 +758,15 @@ void Terminate(std::string& outputname) {
+  for(int i=0;i<16;i++) {
+     histocoordmasketaphi_ftk[i]->Divide(histocoordmasketaphi_ftk[16]); 
+     histoeff_etaphiplane[i]->Divide(histoeff_etaphiplane[16]); 
+  }
+  for(int i=0;i<16;i++) {
+     ofile->Add(histocoordmasketaphi_ftk[i]);
+     ofile->Add(histoeff_etaphiplane[i]);
+  }
@@ -814,6 +861,12 @@ void Terminate(std::string& outputname) {
+  ofile->Add(histo2d0res_vphi);
+  ofile->Add(histo2d0res_veta);
+  ofile->Add(histo2d0res_coordbit);
+  ofile->Add(histo2d0truth_vphi);
+  ofile->Add(histo2d0ftk_vphi);
+  ofile->Add(histo2curvCurv);
@@ -898,8 +951,11 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
   std::string output;
   std::vector<std::string> files;
   ptmincut = 0;
-  dx = -0.5;
-  dy = -0.5;
+  //dx = -0.5;
+  //dy = -0.5;
+  vtxTruth[0]=0.;
+  vtxTruth[1]=0.;
+  vtxTruth[2]=0.;
   try {
     std::string appName = boost::filesystem::basename(argv[0]);
@@ -915,8 +971,11 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
       ("use-first-stage", po::value<int>(&Use1stStage)->default_value(0), "-1: Use roads, 1: Use 1st stage tracks, 0(default): Use 2nd stage tracks")
       ("files", po::value<std::vector<std::string> >(&files)->multitoken(), "FTK NTUP files")
        ("ptmincut", po::value<double>(&ptmincut), "min pt cut on truth tracks")
-       ("dx", po::value<double>(&dx)->default_value(-0.5), "dx")
-       ("dy", po::value<double>(&dy)->default_value(-0.5), "dx")
+       //("dx", po::value<double>(&dx)->default_value(-0.5), "vertex-x for d0,z0 shift")
+       //("dy", po::value<double>(&dy)->default_value(-0.5), "vertex-y for d0,z0 shift")
+       ("vxTruth", po::value<double>(vtxTruth+0)->default_value(0.), "vertex-x shift for truth tracks")
+       ("vyTruth", po::value<double>(vtxTruth+1)->default_value(0.), "vertex-y shift for truth tracks")
+       ("vzTruth", po::value<double>(vtxTruth+2)->default_value(0.), "vertex-z shift for truth tracks")
        ("psfile", "Produce postscript file with efficieny plots");
     po::variables_map vm;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/standalone/efficiency.h b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/standalone/efficiency.h
index 8e5bea844dc421993628bc60c58e9f8a009da098..149bbecaf5481438ecdb772f80d90db36945e53b 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/standalone/efficiency.h
+++ b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/standalone/efficiency.h
@@ -44,10 +44,12 @@ double Dcurv;
 double Deta;
 double Dz0;
 double ptmincut;
-double dx, dy;
+//double dx, dy;
+double vtxTruth[3];
 // block of generic control histograms for the FTK tracks
 TH2F *histocoordmasketa_ftk;
+TH2F *histocoordmasketaphi_ftk[17];
 TH2F *histocoordmaskz0_ftk;
 TH2F *histocoordmaskphi_ftk;
 TH2F *histonmisseta_ftk;
@@ -69,6 +71,8 @@ TH1F *histocurv_ftk;
 TH1F *histoeta_ftk;
 TH2F *histoetaphi_ftk;
+TH2F *histoeff_etaphiplane[17];
 TH2F *histoetaphi_ftk_IBL;
 TH2F *histoetaphi_ftk_PixL0;
@@ -161,6 +165,12 @@ TH1F *histoz0res;
 TProfile *histod0res_veta;
 TProfile *histoz0res_veta;
 TProfile *histod0res_vphi;
+TH2F *histo2d0res_vphi;
+TH2F *histo2d0res_veta;
+TH2F *histo2d0res_coordbit;
+TH2F *histo2d0truth_vphi;
+TH2F *histo2d0ftk_vphi;
+TH2F *histo2curvCurv;
 TProfile *histoz0res_vphi;
 TProfile *histod0res_vz0;
 TProfile *histoz0res_vz0;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/standalone/make_conn.cc b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/standalone/make_conn.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c4d1ab49b3acf1ba724951a41602f4bb54cbf2cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/standalone/make_conn.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <set>
+#include <map>
+#include <TString.h>
+#include <glob.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <boost/iostreams/device/file.hpp>
+//#include <boost/iostreams/concepts.hpp>
+//#include <boost/iostreams/categories.hpp>
+//#include <boost/algorithm/string/classification.hpp>
+//#include <boost/filesystem.hpp> 
+#include <boost/iostreams/filtering_stream.hpp>
+#include <boost/iostreams/filter/bzip2.hpp>
+using namespace std;
+class SSIDvector : public vector<int> {
+   SSIDvector(int n=0) : vector<int>(n) { }
+   int operator<(const SSIDvector &b) const {
+      if(size()<b.size()) return true;
+      if(size()>b.size()) return false;
+      for(size_t n=0;n<size();n++) {
+         if((*this)[n]<b[n]) return true;
+         if((*this)[n]>b[n]) return false;
+      }
+      return false;
+   }
+typedef map<SSIDvector,pair<int,vector<vector<int> > > >  ConnectionMap_t;
+int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
+   if(argc!=2) {
+      cout<<"usage: "<<argv[0]<<" path\n";
+      exit(0);
+   }
+   TString path(argv[1]);
+   //
+   // locate 8L sector files
+   glob_t globList;
+   struct stat statBuf;
+   memset(&globList,0,sizeof(glob_t));
+   TString sector8Lpath=path+"/sectors_raw_8L_reg*";
+   int err=glob(sector8Lpath,GLOB_TILDE,0,&globList);
+   if(err) {
+      cout<<"Error: can not glob "<<sector8Lpath<<"\n";
+      exit(1);
+   }
+   int nTowerMax=globList.gl_pathc;
+   for(int tower=0;tower<nTowerMax;tower++) {
+      sector8Lpath=path+TString::Format("/sectors_raw_8L_reg%d.patt*",tower);
+      memset(&globList,0,sizeof(glob_t));
+      err=glob(sector8Lpath,GLOB_TILDE,0,&globList);
+      if(err) {
+         cout<<"Can not glob "<<sector8Lpath<<", skipping\n";
+         continue;
+      }
+      TString sectorFile[2];
+      sectorFile[0]=globList.gl_pathv[0];
+      TString sector12Lpath=path+
+         TString::Format("/sectors_raw_12L_reg%d.patt*",tower);
+      memset(&globList,0,sizeof(glob_t));
+      err=glob(sector12Lpath,GLOB_TILDE,0,&globList);
+      if(err) {
+         cout<<"Can not glob "<<sector12Lpath<<", skipping\n";
+         continue;
+      }
+      sectorFile[1]=globList.gl_pathv[0];
+      int error=0;
+      boost::iostreams::filtering_istream *sectorStream[2];
+      for(int i=0;i<2;i++) {
+         if(stat(sectorFile[i],&statBuf)) {
+            cout<<"Can not stat "<<sectorFile[i]<<", skipping\n";
+            error++;
+         }
+         if(!S_ISREG(statBuf.st_mode)) {
+            cout<<"Not a regular file, skipping: "
+                <<sectorFile[i]<<"\n";
+            error++;
+         }
+         sectorStream[i]=new boost::iostreams::filtering_istream;
+         if(sectorFile[i].EndsWith(".bz2")) {
+            sectorStream[i]->push(boost::iostreams::bzip2_decompressor());
+         }
+         sectorStream[i]->push(boost::iostreams::file_source(sectorFile[i].Data()));
+         cout<<"open "<<sectorFile[i]<<"\n";
+      }
+      if(error) continue;
+      // read sector files
+      vector<set<int> > moduleId;
+      ConnectionMap_t connections; 
+      int notFound=0;
+      int found=0;
+      for(int iType=0;iType<2;iType++) {
+         int nSector,nPlane;
+         (*sectorStream[iType])>>nSector>>nPlane;
+         if(iType==0) moduleId.resize(nPlane);
+         SSIDvector ssid(nPlane);
+         for(int iSector=0;iSector<nSector;iSector++) {
+            // read sector data
+            int sectorID;
+            (*sectorStream[iType])>>sectorID;
+            //cout<<sectorID;
+            if(sectorID!=iSector) {
+               cout<<"error reading sector "<<iSector
+                   <<" "<<sectorID<<"\n";
+               exit(0);
+            }
+            // read module IDs
+            for(int plane=0;plane<nPlane;plane++) {
+               (*sectorStream[iType])>>ssid[plane];
+               //cout<<" "<<ssid[plane];
+            }
+            // dummy
+            int dummy,nTrack;
+            (*sectorStream[iType])>>dummy>>nTrack;
+            //cout<<" "<<dummy<<" "<<nTrack<<"\n";
+            //if(sectorID>20) exit(0);
+            SSIDvector ssid8L(moduleId.size());
+            if(iType==0) {
+               // if 8L: store known module IDs and store 8L SSID
+               for(int plane=0;plane<nPlane;plane++) {
+                  moduleId[plane].insert(ssid[plane]);
+                  ssid8L[plane]=ssid[plane];
+               }
+               connections[ssid8L].first=iSector;
+            } else {
+               // if 12L:  locate known planes, skip others
+               vector<int> connId(nPlane-moduleId.size()+2);
+               connId[1]=iSector;
+               size_t nExtra=2;
+               size_t plane8=0;
+               for(int plane=0;plane<nPlane;plane++) {
+                  if((plane8<moduleId.size())&&
+                     (moduleId[plane8].find(ssid[plane])!=
+                      moduleId[plane8].end())) {
+                     //cout<<" "<<ssid[plane]<<" "<<plane<<" -> "<<plane8<<"\n";
+                     ssid8L[plane8++]=ssid[plane];
+                  } else {
+                     if(nExtra>=connId.size()) {
+                        cout<<"12L sector="<<iSector<<" too few planes match\n";
+                        exit(0);
+                     }
+                     //cout<<" "<<ssid[plane]<<" extra="<<nExtra<<"\n";
+                     connId[nExtra++]=ssid[plane];
+                  }
+               }
+               //exit(0);
+               ConnectionMap_t::iterator ic=connections.find(ssid8L);
+               /* cout<<" 8L:";
+                  for(int k=0;k<ssid8L.size();k++) {
+                     cout<<" "<<ssid8L[k];
+                  }
+                  cout<<" extra ";
+                  for(int k=0;k<connId.size();k++) {
+                     cout<<" "<<connId[k];
+                  }
+                  cout<<"\n";
+               */
+               if(ic==connections.end()) {
+                  notFound++;
+                  //cout<<"Number of sectors: "<<connections.size()<<"\n";
+                  //cout<<"12L sector="<<iSector<<" not found, skipping\n";
+                  /* for(ConnectionMap_t::const_iterator ic=connections.begin();
+                      ic!=connections.end();ic++) {
+                     if((*ic).second.first<20) {
+                        cout<<(*ic).second.first;
+                        for(int k=0;k<(*ic).first.size();k++) {
+                           cout<<" "<<(*ic).first[k];
+                        }
+                        cout<<"\n";
+                     }
+                  }
+                  exit(0); */
+               } else {
+                  found++;
+                  vector<vector<int> > &conn12=(*ic).second.second;
+                  conn12.push_back(connId);
+               }
+            }
+         }
+         if(iType==0) {
+            cout<<"nSector="<<nSector<<" nPlane="<<nPlane
+                <<" Number of sectors: "<<connections.size()<<"\n";
+            for(size_t plane=0;plane< moduleId.size();plane++) {
+               cout<<" 8L["<<plane<<"] n(mod)="<<moduleId[plane].size();
+            }
+            cout<<"\n";
+         } else {
+            cout<<"nSector="<<nSector<<" nPlane="<<nPlane
+                <<" notFound="<<notFound<<" found="<<found<<"\n";
+            // order connections by sector id, then print
+            map<int,ConnectionMap_t::const_iterator> orderedConnections;
+            for(ConnectionMap_t::const_iterator ic=connections.begin();
+                ic!=connections.end();ic++) {
+               orderedConnections[(*ic).second.first]=ic;
+            }
+            TString outname(TString::Format("sectors_raw_8L_reg%d.conn",tower));
+            ofstream output(outname);
+            int sectorID12=0;
+            for(map<int,ConnectionMap_t::const_iterator>::const_iterator
+                   oic=orderedConnections.begin();
+                oic!=orderedConnections.end();oic++) {
+               vector<vector<int> > const &conn12=(*(*oic).second).second.second;
+               output<<(*oic).first<<" "<<conn12.size();
+               for(size_t k=0;k<conn12.size();k++) {
+                  output<<" 0 "<<sectorID12;
+                  sectorID12++;
+                  for(size_t l=2;l<conn12[k].size();l++) {
+                     output<<" "<<conn12[k][l];
+                  }
+               }
+               output<<"\n";
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      for(int i=0;i<2;i++) {
+         delete sectorStream[i];
+      }
+   }
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/standalone/partitionbalancing.cc b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/standalone/partitionbalancing.cc
index 857bea9514a9bee8e21f30cd20bd02659bbde183..9297c2623b073bfea2b598b1ed9c0951f14a5462 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/standalone/partitionbalancing.cc
+++ b/Trigger/TrigFTK/TrigFTKSim/standalone/partitionbalancing.cc
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ public:
+         fSteering->AddIntPar("rebinSlices",1,0);
@@ -66,6 +67,9 @@ public:
+         fSteering->AddStringPar("maximum_input_file");
+         fSteering->AddStringPar("maximum_output_file");
       return fSteering;
@@ -81,6 +85,12 @@ public:
    const char *GetSlicesFilePath(void) const {
       return *(*this)["slices_file_path"];
+   const char *GetMaximumInputFile(void) const {
+      return *(*this)["maximum_input_file"];
+   }
+   const char *GetMaximumOutputFile(void) const {
+      return *(*this)["maximum_output_file"];
+   }
    double GetAbsEtaRangePar(int i) const {
       return (*(*this)["absetarange"])[i];
@@ -96,6 +106,9 @@ public:
    int GetMaxSectorId(void) const {
       return (*this)["maxSectorId"][0];
+   int GetRebinSlices(void) const {
+      return (*this)["rebinSlices"][0];
+   }
    int GetNPattern(void) const {
       return (*this)["NPATTERN"][0];
@@ -173,6 +186,9 @@ int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
    // this is a limit on the maximum allowed sector ID
    //   -> sectorIDs >= max will not be written to the partition file
    int maxSectorId=PartitionSteering::Instance()->GetMaxSectorId();
+   //
+   // this combines several half-slices into one bin
+   int rebinSlices=PartitionSteering::Instance()->GetRebinSlices();
    cout<<"abs(eta) range: "<<absetamin<<"..."<<absetamax<<"\n";
    cout<<"etabinOffset: "<<etabinOffset<<"\n";
@@ -189,8 +205,46 @@ int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
    TH2D *originalPerSlice2(0),*partitionedPerSlice2(0);
    TH1D *etaPerSlice2(0),*cosThetaPerSlice2(0);
+   vector<map<int,int> > knownMax(nreg);
+   char const *maximumInputFile=PartitionSteering::Instance()->GetMaximumInputFile();
+   if(maximumInputFile) {
+      ifstream in(maximumInputFile);
+      int line=1;
+      while(!in.eof()) {
+         int ireg,sector,maximum;
+         in>>ireg>>sector>>maximum;
+         if(in.fail()) break;
+         if((ireg<0)||(ireg>=(int)knownMax.size())) {
+            logging.Error("maximumFromFile")<<"bad region="<<ireg<<" at line="<<line<<"\n";
+            break;
+         }
+         if(knownMax[ireg].find(sector)!=knownMax[ireg].end()) {
+            logging.Error("maximumFromFile")<<"duplicate sector="<<sector<<" in region="<<ireg<<" at line="<<line<<"\n";
+            break;
+         }
+         if(maximum<=0) {
+            logging.Error("maximumFromFile")<<"max maximum="<<maximum<<" in sector="<<sector<<" region="<<ireg<<" at line="<<line<<"\n";
+            break;
+         }
+         knownMax[ireg][sector]=maximum;
+         line++;
+      }
+   }
+   ofstream *dumpMaximum=0;
+   char const *maximumOutputFile= PartitionSteering::Instance()->GetMaximumOutputFile();
+   if(maximumOutputFile) {
+      dumpMaximum=new ofstream(maximumOutputFile);
+   }
    for(int reg=0;reg<nreg;reg++) {
-      logging.Info("loop")<<"Processing region "<<reg<<"\n";
+      struct SectorPatternData {
+         int fNPattern;
+         int fNMax;
+      };
+      logging.Info("loop")<<"Processing region "<<reg<<" known max for "<<knownMax[reg].size()<<" sector(s)\n";
       // read slices
       TString sliceFileName=
@@ -201,7 +255,7 @@ int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
          // ctheta contains for each slice in cos(theta) a bitvector
          //  the bits correspond to sector IDs
          //  if the bit is on, the sector may have patterns
-         //  in teh given cos(theta) bin
+         //  in the given cos(theta) bin
          TClonesArray *ctheta;
          TString name("c_bits_ctheta");
@@ -218,12 +272,16 @@ int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
          // either read one subregion or read nSub subregions
          // this variable will contain the number of patterns per sector
-         map<int,int> patternsPerSector;
+         //   first : patterns per sector
+         //   second :  1 if at limit, -1 or 0 otherwise
+         map<int,SectorPatternData> patternsPerSector;
          // this variable will contain the total number of patterns
          int nPatternRead=0;
          for(int isubRead=0;isubRead<nsub;isubRead++) {
             // read pattern bank(s) and determine number of patterns
             //   per sector
+            int nPatternSub=0;
             TString bankName=
@@ -266,46 +324,104 @@ int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
             // count sector multiplicities
             // for the given bank, read the sectorID of all patterns
-            // and cout the (original) number of patterns per sector ID
+            // and count the (original) number of patterns per sector ID
             TTree *tree;
-            patternBank->GetObject("Bank",tree);
-            if(!tree) {
-               logging.Fatal("subregion")<<"can not find TTree \"Bank\"\n";
-            }
-            int nPattern=tree->GetEntriesFast();
-            FTKPattern *pattern=new FTKPattern();
-            if(tree->SetBranchAddress("Pattern",&pattern)!=0) {
-               // no match, assume this is a flat file
-               logging.Info("subregion")<<"try to read flat format\n";
-               delete pattern;
-               pattern=0;
-            }
-            TBranch *branch_sectorID=0;
-            int sectorID;
-            if(!pattern) {
-               // flat format
-               // access branches and set addresses
-               branch_sectorID=tree->GetBranch("sectorID");
-               branch_sectorID->SetAddress(&sectorID);
+            patternBank->GetObject("Sector",tree);
+            if(tree) {
+               int sector,first,last,allPatternsUsed;
+               tree->SetBranchAddress("sector",&sector);
+               tree->SetBranchAddress("first",&first);
+               tree->SetBranchAddress("last",&last);
+               tree->SetBranchAddress("allPatternsUsed",&allPatternsUsed);
+               for(int i=0;i<tree->GetEntries();i++) {
+                  allPatternsUsed=0;
+                  tree->GetEntry(i);
+                  int n=last+1-first;
+                  for(int special=((first-1) & 0xfffe0000)+0x20000;special<=last;special += 0x20000) {
+                     n--; // special patterns are not counted
+                  }
+                  SectorPatternData &pps=patternsPerSector[sector];
+                  pps.fNPattern = n;
+                  pps.fNMax = (allPatternsUsed==1) ? n : PartitionSteering::Instance()->GetNPattern();
+                  nPatternSub+=n;                  
+               }
             } else {
-               branch_sectorID=tree->GetBranch("m_sectorID");
-            }
-            for(int iPattern=0;iPattern<nPattern;++iPattern) {
-               branch_sectorID->GetEntry(iPattern);
-               if(pattern) {
-		 sectorID=pattern->getSectorID();
+               patternBank->GetObject("Bank",tree);
+               if(!tree) {
+                  logging.Fatal("subregion")<<"can not find TTree \"Bank\"\n";
+               }
+               int nPattern=tree->GetEntriesFast();
+               FTKPattern *pattern=new FTKPattern();
+               if(tree->SetBranchAddress("Pattern",&pattern)!=0) {
+                  // no match, assume this is a flat file
+                  logging.Info("subregion")<<"try to read flat format\n";
+                  delete pattern;
+                  pattern=0;
+               }
+               TBranch *branch_sectorID=0;
+               int sectorID;
+               if(!pattern) {
+                  // flat format
+                  // access branches and set addresses
+                  branch_sectorID=tree->GetBranch("sectorID");
+                  branch_sectorID->SetAddress(&sectorID);
+               } else {
+                  branch_sectorID=tree->GetBranch("m_sectorID");
+               }
+               for(int iPattern=0;iPattern<nPattern;++iPattern) {
+                  branch_sectorID->GetEntry(iPattern);
+                  if(pattern) {
+                     sectorID=pattern->getSectorID();
+                  }
+                  patternsPerSector[sectorID].fNPattern++;
+                  patternsPerSector[sectorID].fNMax=PartitionSteering::Instance()->GetNPattern();
+                  nPatternSub++;
-               patternsPerSector[sectorID]++;
-               nPatternRead++;
-               <<"read subregion="<<isubRead<<" nPattern="<<nPattern<<"\n";
+               <<"read subregion="<<isubRead<<" nPattern="<<nPatternSub<<"\n";
+            nPatternRead += nPatternSub;
             <<"total sectors (bank): "<<patternsPerSector.size()
             <<" total patterns: "<<nPatternRead<<"\n";
+         // add information abount known maxima
+         for(map<int,int>::const_iterator i=knownMax[reg].begin();
+             i!=knownMax[reg].end();i++) {
+            map<int,SectorPatternData>::iterator
+               i2=patternsPerSector.find((*i).first);
+            if(i2==patternsPerSector.end()) {
+               SectorPatternData &pps=patternsPerSector[(*i).first];
+               pps.fNPattern=0;
+               pps.fNMax=(*i).second;
+            } else if((*i2).second.fNMax==
+                      PartitionSteering::Instance()->GetNPattern()) {
+               logging.Info("setMaximum")
+                  <<"reg="<<reg<<" sector="<<(*i2).first
+                  <<" fMax "<<(*i2).second.fNMax
+                  <<" -> "<<(*i).second<<"\n";
+               (*i2).second.fNMax=(*i).second;
+            } else if((*i2).second.fNMax!=(*i).second) {
+               logging.Error("setMaximum")
+                  <<"reg="<<reg<<" sector="<<(*i2).first
+                  <<" fMax="<<(*i2).second.fNMax
+                  <<" fMax(iteration-1)="<<(*i).second<<"\n";
+            }
+         }
+         // dump information about maximum per sector
+         if(dumpMaximum) {
+            for(map<int,SectorPatternData>::const_iterator i=patternsPerSector.begin();
+                i!=patternsPerSector.end();i++) {
+               if((*i).second.fNMax<
+                  PartitionSteering::Instance()->GetNPattern()) {
+                  (*dumpMaximum)<<reg<<" "<<(*i).first
+                                <<" "<<(*i).second.fNMax<<"\n";
+               }
+            }
+         }
          // here we have:
          //  ctheta[] : sectors per cos(theta) slice
@@ -353,49 +469,73 @@ int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
             // This sets the number of partitions along eta
             //   there is one partition for each possible half-integer number
             //   empty partitions will be skipped.
-            int nSlice2=2*nSlice1;
+            int nSliceTimes2=2*nSlice1;
+            int nSliceRebin=nSliceTimes2/(rebinSlices>0 ? rebinSlices : 1);
+            if((rebinSlices>0)&&(nSliceTimes2 % rebinSlices)) {
+               nSliceRebin++;
+            }
             if(!originalPerSlice2) {
                originalPerSlice2=new TH2D("originalPerSlice2",
-                                           nSlice2,-0.5,nSlice2-0.5,
+                                           nSliceRebin,-0.5,nSliceRebin-0.5,
                partitionedPerSlice2=new TH2D("partitionedPerSlice2",
-                                              nSlice2,-0.5,nSlice2-0.5,
+                                              nSliceRebin,-0.5,nSliceRebin-0.5,
                etaPerSlice2=new TH1D("etaPerSlice2",";slice;eta",
-                                     nSlice2,-0.5,nSlice2-0.5);
+                                     nSliceRebin,-0.5,nSliceRebin-0.5);
                cosThetaPerSlice2=new TH1D("cosThetaPerSlice2",
-                                          nSlice2,-0.5,nSlice2-0.5);
+                                          nSliceRebin,-0.5,nSliceRebin-0.5);
             // next, each sector is assigned to one partition "nslice2"
-            vector<int> patternPerSlice(nSlice2);
-            vector<vector<int> > sectorList(nSlice2);
+            // first : number of patterns
+            // second : if zero, all sectors are at limit
+            vector<SectorPatternData > patternPerSlice(nSliceRebin);
+            vector<vector<int> > sectorList(nSliceRebin);
             for(map<int,double>::const_iterator is=sum0.begin();
               is!=sum0.end();is++) {
                int sector=(*is).first;
-               int slice2=(int)(2.*sum1[sector]/(*is).second);
+               int sliceRebin=
+                  ((int)(2.*sum1[sector]/(*is).second))/
+                  (rebinSlices>0 ? rebinSlices : 0);
+               if(sliceRebin>=nSliceRebin) sliceRebin=nSliceRebin-1;
-               sectorList[slice2].push_back(sector);
+               sectorList[sliceRebin].push_back(sector);
                if(patternsPerSector.find(sector)!=patternsPerSector.end()) {
-                  patternPerSlice[slice2]+=patternsPerSector[sector];
+                  SectorPatternData &ppSlice=patternPerSlice[sliceRebin];
+                  SectorPatternData &ppSector=patternsPerSector[sector];
+                  ppSlice.fNPattern += ppSector.fNPattern;
+                  ppSlice.fNMax += ppSector.fNMax;
+                  if(ppSlice.fNMax>PartitionSteering::Instance()->GetNPattern()) {
+                     ppSlice.fNMax=PartitionSteering::Instance()->GetNPattern();
+                  }
+               }
+            }
+            for(int i=0;i<nSliceRebin;i++) {
+               if((patternPerSlice[i].fNMax>0)&&(patternPerSlice[i].fNMax<PartitionSteering::Instance()->GetNPattern())) {
+                  logging.Info("Truncation")<<"isub="<<isub<<" islice="<<i<<" nmax="<<patternPerSlice[i].fNMax
+                                            <<" npattern="<<patternPerSlice[i].fNPattern<<"\n";
             // here:
             //   sectorList[partition][] :  the sectors in this partition 
-            //   patternPerSlice[partition] : number of patterns in partition
+            //   patternPerSlice[partition]
+            //     : number of patterns and maximum in partition
             // (2) for each slice determine the efficiency and add up
             //   the target number of patterns
-            vector<double> targetPatterns(nSlice2);
+            vector<double> targetPatterns(nSliceRebin);
             double ctheta0=TMath::SinH(-3.),ctheta1=TMath::SinH(3.);
             double total=0.;
-            for(int i=0;i<nSlice2;i++) {
+            for(int i2=0;i2<nSliceTimes2;i2++) {
                // get cos(theta) from slice number
-               double ctheta=(i+etabinOffset)*(ctheta1-ctheta0)/nSlice2+ctheta0;
+               double ctheta=(i2+etabinOffset)*(ctheta1-ctheta0)/
+                  nSliceTimes2+ctheta0;
                // get eta coordinate (for efficiency plot)
                double eta=TMath::ASinH(ctheta);
                double abseta=TMath::Abs(eta);
@@ -403,11 +543,13 @@ int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
                double epsilon=efficiencyPlot->Eval(eta);
                double epsilon0=
+               int i=i2/(rebinSlices>0 ? rebinSlices : 1);
+               if(i>=nSliceRebin) i=nSliceRebin-1;
-                  (patternPerSlice[i]>0)) {
+                  (patternPerSlice[i].fNPattern>0)) {
                   double weight=PartitionSteering::Instance()
                   if(epsilon<epsilon0) {
@@ -417,26 +559,23 @@ int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
-                  // weight: desired weighting factor fro which the predicted
+                  // weight: desired weighting factor for which the predicted
                   //   efficiency reaches the target efficiency
-                  targetPatterns[i]+= patternPerSlice[i]*weight;
+                  targetPatterns[i]+= patternPerSlice[i].fNPattern*weight;
                   total+= targetPatterns[i];
-               originalPerSlice2->SetBinContent(i+1,reg+1,patternPerSlice[i]);
+               originalPerSlice2->SetBinContent
+                  (i+1,reg+1,patternPerSlice[i].fNPattern);
             // here:
             //   targetPatterns[partition] : patterns needed to reach target
             //                                 efficiency
             //   total : total number of patterns needed to reach target
-            // (3) normalize and round
+            // (3) normalize
             //   targetPatterns[] should be scaled down by the factor
             //     nPattern/total 
-            //  Problem: finally, all number have to be integer
-            //    fractional patterns have to be rounded up or down
-            //
-            int tot=0;
             // target number of patterns in this subregion
             int nPattern=nPatternRead/nsub;
@@ -444,53 +583,105 @@ int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
             if(total==0) {
                   <<"no sectors accepted, store one pattern per partition\n";
-               nPattern=nSlice2;
+               nPattern=nSliceTimes2;
+            }
+            for(int i=0;i<nSliceRebin;i++) {
+               targetPatterns[i]*=((double)nPattern)/total;
-            for(int i=0;i<nSlice2;i++) {
+            // (4) take into account truncation
+            double truncate=0.;
+            do {
+               total=0.;
+               double free=0.;
+               truncate=0.;
+               for(int i=0;i<nSliceRebin;i++) {
+                  if(targetPatterns[i]>=patternPerSlice[i].fNMax) {
+                     truncate += targetPatterns[i]-patternPerSlice[i].fNMax;
+                     if(targetPatterns[i]>0.0) {
+                        logging.Info("target")<<" slice="<<i<<" change from "<<targetPatterns[i]<<" to "<<patternPerSlice[i].fNMax<<"\n";
+                     }
+                     targetPatterns[i]=patternPerSlice[i].fNMax;
+                  } else {
+                     free+=targetPatterns[i];
+                  }
+                  total+=targetPatterns[i];
+               }
+               logging.Info("target")<<" total="<<total<<" nPattern="<<nPattern<<" free="<<free<<" truncate="<<truncate<<"\n";
+               if(free<=0.) break;
+               // truncate: excess patterns to be distributed
+               double scale=truncate/free;
+               for(int i=0;i<nSliceRebin;i++) {
+                  if(targetPatterns[i]<patternPerSlice[i].fNMax-0.5) {
+                     double n=targetPatterns[i]*scale;
+                     targetPatterns[i] += n;
+                     truncate -= n;
+                  }
+               }
+            } while(truncate>1.0);
+            //  (5) finally, all numbers have to be integer
+            //    fractional patterns have to be rounded up or down
+            //    also, take into account truncation
+            // round to integer
+            int tot=0;
+            for(int i=0;i<nSliceRebin;i++) {
                // skip empty partitions
-               if(patternPerSlice[i]==0) continue;
+               if(patternPerSlice[i].fNPattern==0) continue;
                if(total>0) {
-                  // normalized targen number of patterns
-                  patternPerSlice[i]=
-                     (int)((targetPatterns[i]*nPattern)/total+0.5);
+                  int target=(int)(targetPatterns[i]+0.5);
+                  if(patternPerSlice[i].fNMax>target) {
+                     // set new normalized target number of patterns
+                     // (only for those partitions which are not at limit)
+                     patternPerSlice[i].fNPattern=target;
+                  } else {
+                     patternPerSlice[i].fNPattern=patternPerSlice[i].fNMax;
+                  }
+                  tot+= patternPerSlice[i].fNPattern;
                } else {
-                  patternPerSlice[i]=1;
+                  patternPerSlice[i].fNPattern=1;
-               tot+= patternPerSlice[i];
-            // here:
-            //  patternPerSlice[i] : renormalized target number of patterns
-            //                         integer
-            //                  !!! the original content is overwritten !!!
-            //  tot : sum of renormalizerd target number of patterns
-            // execute tis loop to adjust the number of patterns
+            logging.Info("adjust")<<"isub="<<isub<<" tot="<<tot<<" nPattern="<<nPattern<<"\n";
+            // execute this loop to adjust the number of patterns
             //   until the integer number: tot
             //   equals the target number: nPattern
+            int nAdjustTotal=0;
+            int nLimitTotal=0;
             while(tot-nPattern) {
                // try all partitions in sequence
-               for(int i=0;i<nSlice2;i++) {
+               int nAdjust=0;
+               int nLimit=0;
+               for(int i=0;i<nSliceRebin;i++) {
                   // do not adjust empty partitions
-                  if(patternPerSlice[i]<=0) continue;
+                  if(patternPerSlice[i].fNPattern<=0) continue;
+                  // do not adjust partitions which are at limit
                   int delta=tot-nPattern;
                   if(!delta) break; // done
                   else if(delta>0) {
                      // too many patterns, subtract one in this partition
-                     patternPerSlice[i]--;
+                     patternPerSlice[i].fNPattern--;
+                     nAdjust++;
                   } else if(delta<0) {
                      // too few patterns, add one in this partition
-                     // (the if is redundant???)
-                     if(patternPerSlice[i]>0) {
+                     if(patternPerSlice[i].fNPattern<patternPerSlice[i].fNMax) {
-                        patternPerSlice[i]++;
+                        patternPerSlice[i].fNPattern++;
+                        nAdjust++;
+                     } else {
+                        nLimit++;
+               nAdjustTotal+=nAdjust;
+               nLimitTotal+=nLimit;
+               if(nAdjust==0) break;
-            for(int i=0;i<nSlice2;i++) {
-               partitionedPerSlice2->SetBinContent(i+1,reg+1,
-                                                   patternPerSlice[i]);
+            logging.Info("adjust")<<"total="<<tot<<" nPattern="<<nPattern<<" adjustTotal="<<nAdjustTotal<<" limit="<<nLimitTotal<<"\n";
+            for(int i=0;i<nSliceRebin;i++) {
+               partitionedPerSlice2->SetBinContent
+                  (i+1,reg+1,patternPerSlice[i].fNPattern);
             // done
             // write out partition file
@@ -498,10 +689,11 @@ int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
             int nSectorUsed=0;
             int nSectorUsedBank=0;
             int nSliceUsed=0;
-            for(int i=0;i<nSlice2;i++) {
-               if(sectorList[i].size() && patternPerSlice[i]) {
-                  sum += patternPerSlice[i];
-                  (*outputFile)<<"PARTITION "<<iPart<<" "<<patternPerSlice[i]
+            for(int i=0;i<nSliceRebin;i++) {
+               if(sectorList[i].size() && patternPerSlice[i].fNPattern) {
+                  sum += patternPerSlice[i].fNPattern;
+                  (*outputFile)<<"PARTITION "<<iPart<<" "
+                               <<patternPerSlice[i].fNPattern
                                <<" "<<sectorList[i].size();
                   for(unsigned j=0;j<sectorList[i].size();j++) {
                      if(!j) (*outputFile)<<"\n";
@@ -516,6 +708,11 @@ int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
+                  logging.Info("result")
+                     <<"ipart="<<iPart<<" isub="<<isub <<" islice="<<i
+                     <<" npattern="<<patternPerSlice[i].fNPattern
+                     <<" nmax="<<patternPerSlice[i].fNMax
+                     <<"\n";
@@ -557,6 +754,9 @@ int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
    delete outputRoot;
+   if(dumpMaximum) delete dumpMaximum;
       <<"maxSector="<<totalMaxSector<<" maxSectorUsed="<<totalMaxSectorUsed
       <<" nSectorTotal="<<totalNsectorTotal<<" nSectorUsed="<<totalNsectorUsed