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  • Updated code according to Mark and Tim's comments

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    # Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
    from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
    from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import CompFactory
    def RenameParticleAuxDynBranchesCfg():
        """Configure renaming of HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_ParticleAuxDyn branches."""
        acc = ComponentAccumulator()
        # Get the AddressRemappingSvc from the ComponentFactory
        AddressRemappingSvc = CompFactory.AddressRemappingSvc("AddressRemappingSvc")
        AddressRemappingSvc.TypeKeyRenameMaps += [ 
                '%s#%s->%s' % ("xAOD::ParticleContainer", "HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_Particle", "HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_ParticleNew"),
                '%s#%s->%s' % ("xAOD::ParticleAuxContainer", "HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_ParticleAux.", "HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_ParticleNewAux."),
        # Add the AddressRemappingSvc to the accumulator
        # Add the ProxyProviderSvc with the AddressRemappingSvc as a provider
        ProxyProviderSvc = CompFactory.ProxyProviderSvc(ProviderNames=["AddressRemappingSvc"])
        return acc
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        # Import the common flags/services
        from AthenaConfiguration.AllConfigFlags import initConfigFlags
        from AthenaConfiguration.MainServicesConfig import MainServicesCfg
        # Set the necessary configuration flags
        flags = initConfigFlags()
        flags.Exec.EventPrintoutInterval = 1000
        flags.Debug.DumpEvtStore = True  # Enable detailed event store output for debugging
        parser = flags.getArgumentParser()
        parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', default='myDAOD.pool.root', type=str)
        args = flags.fillFromArgs(parser=parser)
        # Now figure out what stream type we're trying to merge
        stream = flags.Input.ProcessingTags[0].removeprefix('Stream') if flags.Input.ProcessingTags else None
        if not stream:
            raise RuntimeError('Could NOT determine the stream type!')
        # Set the DAOD related flags
        flags.addFlag(f'Output.{stream}FileName', args.output)
        flags.addFlag(f'Output.doWrite{stream}', True)
        flags.Output.doWriteDAOD = True
        # Lock the flags
        # Set up the configuration and add the relevant services
        cfg = MainServicesCfg(flags)
        # Merge the renaming configuration before input reading
        # Input reading
        from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolReadConfig import PoolReadCfg
        items_to_write = [
        # Configure the output stream with the renamed ItemList
        from OutputStreamAthenaPool.OutputStreamConfig import OutputStreamCfg, outputStreamName
        cfg.merge(OutputStreamCfg(flags, stream, ItemList=items_to_write, takeItemsFromInput=False, extendProvenanceRecord=False))
        Stream = cfg.getEventAlgo(outputStreamName(stream))
        Stream.ForceRead = True
        # Add in-file MetaData
        from xAODMetaDataCnv.InfileMetaDataConfig import SetupMetaDataForStreamCfg
        from AthenaConfiguration.Enums import MetadataCategory
        cfg.merge(SetupMetaDataForStreamCfg(flags, stream, createMetadata=[MetadataCategory.IOVMetaData]))
        # Now run the job and exit accordingly
        sc =
        import sys
        sys.exit(not sc.isSuccess())
    Edited by Yuriy Volkotrub
  • A draft of the code, which doesn't work as expected output.test.renamed.pool.root | grep HLTNav 1265.399 kb 207.090 kb 0.003 kb 0.000 63871 (B) HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_ParticleNew

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    # Adapted script for renaming using AddressRemappingSvc, focusing on DAOD_PHYSLITE structure
    from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
    from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import CompFactory
    def RenameParticleAuxDynBranchesCfg():
        """Configure renaming of HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_ParticleAuxDyn branches."""
        acc = ComponentAccumulator()
        # Get the AddressRemappingSvc from the ComponentFactory
        AddressRemappingSvc = CompFactory.AddressRemappingSvc("AddressRemappingSvc")
        # Define the renaming rules for the container and its auxiliary container
        AddressRemappingSvc.TypeKeyRenameMaps += [
            '%s#%s->%s' % ("xAOD::ParticleContainer", "HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_Particle", "HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_ParticleNew"),
            '%s#%s->%s' % ("xAOD::ParticleAuxContainer", "HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_ParticleAux.", "HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_ParticleNewAux.")
        # Add the AddressRemappingSvc to the accumulator
        # Add the ProxyProviderSvc with the AddressRemappingSvc as a provider
        ProxyProviderSvc = CompFactory.ProxyProviderSvc(ProviderNames=["AddressRemappingSvc"])
        return acc
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        # Import the common flags/services
        from AthenaConfiguration.AllConfigFlags import initConfigFlags
        from AthenaConfiguration.MainServicesConfig import MainServicesCfg
        # Set the necessary configuration flags
        flags = initConfigFlags()
        flags.Exec.EventPrintoutInterval = 1000
        flags.Debug.DumpEvtStore = True  # Enable detailed event store output for debugging
        parser = flags.getArgumentParser()
        parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', default='myDAOD.pool.root', type=str)
        args = flags.fillFromArgs(parser=parser)
        # Set the stream directly to DAOD_PHYSLITE
        stream = "DAOD_PHYSLITE"
        # Set the DAOD related flags
        flags.addFlag(f'Output.{stream}FileName', args.output)
        flags.addFlag(f'Output.doWrite{stream}', True)
        flags.Output.doWriteDAOD = True
        # Lock the flags
        # Set up the configuration and add the relevant services
        cfg = MainServicesCfg(flags)
        # Merge the renaming configuration before input reading
        # Input reading
        from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolReadConfig import PoolReadCfg
        # Define the renamed containers for DAOD_PHYSLITE, including only renamed keys
        items_to_write = [
        # Configure the output stream with the renamed ItemList
        from OutputStreamAthenaPool.OutputStreamConfig import OutputStreamCfg, outputStreamName
        cfg.merge(OutputStreamCfg(flags, stream, ItemList=items_to_write, takeItemsFromInput=False, extendProvenanceRecord=False))
        Stream = cfg.getEventAlgo(outputStreamName(stream))
        Stream.ForceRead = True
        # Add in-file MetaData
        from xAODMetaDataCnv.InfileMetaDataConfig import SetupMetaDataForStreamCfg
        from AthenaConfiguration.Enums import MetadataCategory
        cfg.merge(SetupMetaDataForStreamCfg(flags, stream, createMetadata=[MetadataCategory.IOVMetaData]))
        # Now run the job and exit accordingly
        sc =
        import sys
        sys.exit(not sc.isSuccess())
    Edited by Yuriy Volkotrub
  • It seems that the code works

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    # Script for renaming HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_Particle and its aux branches in a DAOD_PHYSLITE file
    from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
    from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import CompFactory
    def RenameParticleAuxDynBranchesCfg():
        """Configure renaming of HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_Particle and its auxiliary store."""
        acc = ComponentAccumulator()
        # Get the AddressRemappingSvc from the ComponentFactory
        AddressRemappingSvc = CompFactory.AddressRemappingSvc("AddressRemappingSvc")
        # Define renaming rules for the container and each specific auxiliary branch
        AddressRemappingSvc.TypeKeyRenameMaps += [
            # Rename the main Particle container
            '%s#%s->%s' % ("xAOD::ParticleContainer", "HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_Particle", "HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_ParticleNew"),
            # Rename the auxiliary container as a whole
            '%s#%s->%s' % ("xAOD::AuxContainerBase", "HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_ParticleAux.", "HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_ParticleNewAux."),
            # Explicit renaming for each dynamic attribute
            '%s#%s->%s' % ("xAOD::AuxContainerBase", "HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_ParticleAuxDyn.px", "HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_ParticleAuxNewDyn.px"),
            '%s#%s->%s' % ("xAOD::AuxContainerBase", "", ""),
            '%s#%s->%s' % ("xAOD::AuxContainerBase", "HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_ParticleAuxDyn.pz", "HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_ParticleAuxNewDyn.pz"),
            '%s#%s->%s' % ("xAOD::AuxContainerBase", "HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_ParticleAuxDyn.e", "HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_ParticleAuxNewDyn.e")
        # Add the AddressRemappingSvc to the accumulator
        # Add the ProxyProviderSvc with the AddressRemappingSvc as a provider
        ProxyProviderSvc = CompFactory.ProxyProviderSvc(ProviderNames=["AddressRemappingSvc"])
        return acc
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        # Import the common flags/services
        from AthenaConfiguration.AllConfigFlags import initConfigFlags
        from AthenaConfiguration.MainServicesConfig import MainServicesCfg
        # Set the necessary configuration flags
        flags = initConfigFlags()
        flags.Exec.EventPrintoutInterval = 1000
        flags.Debug.DumpEvtStore = True  # Enable detailed event store output for debugging
        parser = flags.getArgumentParser()
        parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', default='output.test.renamed.pool.root', type=str)
        args = flags.fillFromArgs(parser=parser)
        # Set the stream directly to DAOD_PHYSLITE
        stream = "DAOD_PHYSLITE"
        # Set the DAOD-related flags
        flags.addFlag(f'Output.{stream}FileName', args.output)
        flags.addFlag(f'Output.doWrite{stream}', True)
        flags.Output.doWriteDAOD = True
        # Lock the flags
        # Set up the configuration and add the relevant services
        cfg = MainServicesCfg(flags)
        # Merge the renaming configuration before input reading
        # Input reading
        from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolReadConfig import PoolReadCfg
        # Define the renamed containers for DAOD_PHYSLITE, including specific dynamic attributes explicitly
        items_to_write = [
        # Configure the output stream with the renamed ItemList
        from OutputStreamAthenaPool.OutputStreamConfig import OutputStreamCfg, outputStreamName
        cfg.merge(OutputStreamCfg(flags, stream, ItemList=items_to_write, takeItemsFromInput=False, extendProvenanceRecord=False))
        Stream = cfg.getEventAlgo(outputStreamName(stream))
        Stream.ForceRead = True
        # Add in-file MetaData
        from xAODMetaDataCnv.InfileMetaDataConfig import SetupMetaDataForStreamCfg
        from AthenaConfiguration.Enums import MetadataCategory
        cfg.merge(SetupMetaDataForStreamCfg(flags, stream, createMetadata=[MetadataCategory.IOVMetaData]))
        # Now run the job and exit accordingly
        sc =
        import sys
        sys.exit(not sc.isSuccess())
  • Final code

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    # Script for renaming HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_Particle and its aux branches in a DAOD_PHYSLITE file
    from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
    from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import CompFactory
    def RenameParticleAuxDynBranchesCfg():
        """Configure renaming of HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_Particle and its auxiliary store."""
        acc = ComponentAccumulator()
        # Get the AddressRemappingSvc from the ComponentFactory
        AddressRemappingSvc = CompFactory.AddressRemappingSvc("AddressRemappingSvc")
        # Define renaming rules for the container and each specific auxiliary branch
        AddressRemappingSvc.TypeKeyRenameMaps += [
            # Rename the main Particle container
            '%s#%s->%s' % ("xAOD::ParticleContainer", "HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_Particle", "HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_ParticleNew"),
            # Rename the auxiliary container as a whole
            '%s#%s->%s' % ("xAOD::AuxContainerBase", "HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_ParticleAux.", "HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_ParticleNewAux."),
            # Explicit renaming for each dynamic attribute
            '%s#%s->%s' % ("xAOD::AuxContainerBase", "HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_ParticleAuxDyn.px", "HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_ParticleAuxNewDyn.px"),
            '%s#%s->%s' % ("xAOD::AuxContainerBase", "", ""),
            '%s#%s->%s' % ("xAOD::AuxContainerBase", "HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_ParticleAuxDyn.pz", "HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_ParticleAuxNewDyn.pz"),
            '%s#%s->%s' % ("xAOD::AuxContainerBase", "HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_ParticleAuxDyn.e", "HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_ParticleAuxNewDyn.e")
        # Add the AddressRemappingSvc to the accumulator
        # Add the ProxyProviderSvc with the AddressRemappingSvc as a provider
        ProxyProviderSvc = CompFactory.ProxyProviderSvc(ProviderNames=["AddressRemappingSvc"])
        return acc
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        # Import the common flags/services
        from AthenaConfiguration.AllConfigFlags import initConfigFlags
        from AthenaConfiguration.MainServicesConfig import MainServicesCfg
        # Set the necessary configuration flags
        flags = initConfigFlags()
        flags.Exec.EventPrintoutInterval = 1000
        flags.Debug.DumpEvtStore = True  # Enable detailed event store output for debugging
        parser = flags.getArgumentParser()
        parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', default='output.test.renamed.pool.root', type=str)
        args = flags.fillFromArgs(parser=parser)
        # Set the stream directly to DAOD_PHYSLITE
        stream = "DAOD_PHYSLITE"
        # Set the DAOD-related flags
        flags.addFlag(f'Output.{stream}FileName', args.output)
        flags.addFlag(f'Output.doWrite{stream}', True)
        flags.Output.doWriteDAOD = True
        # Lock the flags
        # Set up the configuration and add the relevant services
        cfg = MainServicesCfg(flags)
        # Merge the renaming configuration before input reading
        # Input reading
        from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolReadConfig import PoolReadCfg
        # Define the renamed containers for DAOD_PHYSLITE, including specific dynamic attributes explicitly
        items_to_write = [
        # Configure the output stream with the renamed ItemList
        from OutputStreamAthenaPool.OutputStreamConfig import OutputStreamCfg, outputStreamName
        cfg.merge(OutputStreamCfg(flags, stream, ItemList=items_to_write, takeItemsFromInput=False, extendProvenanceRecord=False))
        Stream = cfg.getEventAlgo(outputStreamName(stream))
        Stream.ForceRead = True
        # Add in-file MetaData
        from xAODMetaDataCnv.InfileMetaDataConfig import SetupMetaDataForStreamCfg
        from AthenaConfiguration.Enums import MetadataCategory
        cfg.merge(SetupMetaDataForStreamCfg(flags, stream, createMetadata=[MetadataCategory.IOVMetaData]))
        # Now run the job and exit accordingly
        sc =
        import sys
        sys.exit(not sc.isSuccess())
  • Focus on renaming the HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_Particle container only during the reading phase. Next, the script should work (preparation is ongoing) with an algorithm that will copy the compressed data to the same collection in the output.

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    # Script for renaming HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_Particle and its aux branches in a DAOD_PHYSLITE file
    # Renaming only applies during reading, with no modifications to the output container names
    from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
    from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import CompFactory
    def RenameParticleAuxDynBranchesCfg():
        """Configure renaming of HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_Particle and its auxiliary store for reading only."""
        acc = ComponentAccumulator()
        # Set up AddressRemappingSvc for renaming only during input reading
        AddressRemappingSvc = CompFactory.AddressRemappingSvc("AddressRemappingSvc")
        AddressRemappingSvc.TypeKeyRenameMaps += [
        # Add ProxyProviderSvc with AddressRemappingSvc as a provider
        ProxyProviderSvc = CompFactory.ProxyProviderSvc(ProviderNames=["AddressRemappingSvc"])
        return acc
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        from AthenaConfiguration.AllConfigFlags import initConfigFlags
        from AthenaConfiguration.MainServicesConfig import MainServicesCfg
        # Initialize configuration flags
        flags = initConfigFlags()
        flags.Exec.EventPrintoutInterval = 1000
        flags.Debug.DumpEvtStore = True  # Enable detailed event store output for debugging
        parser = flags.getArgumentParser()
        parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', default='output.test.renamed.pool.root', type=str)
        args = flags.fillFromArgs(parser=parser)
        # Define the stream as DAOD_PHYSLITE
        stream = "DAOD_PHYSLITE"
        # Set DAOD-related output flags
        flags.addFlag(f'Output.{stream}FileName', args.output)
        flags.addFlag(f'Output.doWrite{stream}', True)
        flags.Output.doWriteDAOD = True
        # Lock the flags to prevent modifications
        # Set up main configuration and add renaming services for reading
        cfg = MainServicesCfg(flags)
        # Configure input reading
        from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolReadConfig import PoolReadCfg
        # Configure the output stream to use the original container names and include all input items
        items_to_write = [
        from OutputStreamAthenaPool.OutputStreamConfig import OutputStreamCfg, outputStreamName
        cfg.merge(OutputStreamCfg(flags, stream, ItemList=items_to_write, takeItemsFromInput=True, extendProvenanceRecord=False))
        Stream = cfg.getEventAlgo(outputStreamName(stream))
        Stream.ForceRead = True
        # Add metadata for the output file
        from xAODMetaDataCnv.InfileMetaDataConfig import SetupMetaDataForStreamCfg
        from AthenaConfiguration.Enums import MetadataCategory
        cfg.merge(SetupMetaDataForStreamCfg(flags, stream, createMetadata=[MetadataCategory.IOVMetaData]))
        # Run the job
        sc =
        import sys
        sys.exit(not sc.isSuccess())
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