The BTrain-over-WhiteRabbit project provides a set of IP cores that implement a transport layer to be used for transmission of the BTrain-related information over White Rabbit network.
## Project description
BTrain is a system that distributes values related to the magnetic field in accelerators. This system is being upgraded within the [FIRESTORM](https://edms.cern.ch/ui/#!master/navigator/document?D:1467923414:1467923414:subDocs). [White Rabbit](http://www.ohwr.org/projects/white-rabbit/wiki) was chosen as a transport medium in the upgraded BTrain system because it guarantees low latency of data transmission and it is one of recommended field buses at CERN. The set of IP Cores included in the BTrain-over-WhiteRabbit project provides a common interface that is used by application-specific logic (VHDL/Verilog module) to transmit/receiver BTrain-related information. These IP Cores hide any complexity of sending the BTrain-related information over the White Rabbit network. The set of IP Cores provided in this repository is to be integrated in all the BTrain nodes. Additionally, the BTrain-over-WhiteRabbit project provides IP Cores that imitate the legacy BTrain system and allow to compare the new and the legacy BTrain systems.
[Fig Source](uploads/156199d95c01ef9678619963c4554cee/BTrain-over-WhiteRabbit.pptx)
## Project information
* CERN Electronic Data Management System, EDMS (CERN account needed)
* [FIRESTORM](https://edms.cern.ch/ui/#!master/navigator/document?D:1467923414:1467923414:subDocs) - project specification
* CERN gitlab (publicly available)
* [Current release and release history](releases)
* [Frequently asked questions (FAQs)](faq)
* [Documentation](documentation)
* [WR-BTrain frame format](wr-btrain-frame-format)
* [WR Calibration for reference WR-BTrain nodes](wr-calibration)
* [Hardware used in WR-BTrain at CERN](/uploads/d56aa7479566c3fd4b9680f533206366/HT-WRBtrainHardware-091017-1056-822.pdf) (imported from CERN Wikis)
* [Reference design of FMC carrier with BTrain over FMC Interface](https://gitlab.cern.ch/BTrain-TEAM/regfgc3-wr-btrain) (for [RegFGC3 VS Extension - FMC carrier](https://edms.cern.ch/ui/#!master/navigator/item?P:100129936:100208293:subDocs) board)
* CERN builds server (CERN access only)
* [Continuous Integration Builds (CL)](https://builds.cern.ch/browse/WR-BTRAINHDLDEV/branches)
* Wikis of CERN Controls Group (CERN access only)
* [BTrain over White Rabbit](https://wikis.cern.ch/display/HT/Btrain+over+White+Rabbit) - wiki page that documents the upgrade of BTrain to use White Rabbit
## Contacts
Responsible for the project:
* Maciej Lipinski (BE-CO-HT)
* Marco Roda (TE-MSC-MM)
## Status
| **Date** | **Event** |
| 01-2014 | first BTrain over White Rabbit prototyping started |
| 24-05-2016 | This project aim at providing a common code-base (set of IP cores) to be integrated by all the BTrain applications. |
| 26-06-2017 | Closing [presentation](/uploads/00f5fe3b752bbff1e7cd8c7292cb648f/BTrain-wrapup.pdf) for work package to prepare v1.0 (closure pending QA approval) |
| 26-06-2017 |[Release candidate for version v1.0 (v1.0-rc)](v1.0-rc)|
| 18-09-2017 | v1.0 validated with [long-term tests](v1.0-long-term-tests)|
| 22-09-2017 | [Release v1.0](v1.0)|
| 08-05-2018 | Added to proposed_master BUpDownConverter to allow interfacing with the old BTrain receivers|
| 16-10-2018 | Added to proposed_master support for VXS switch used for LLRF in PSB, LEIR, ELENA |
| 23-11-2018 | [Release v1.1](v1.1) |
| 30-04-2020 | [Release v1.2](v1.2) | |
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