diff --git a/Tests/Integration/Test_SEs.py b/Tests/Integration/Test_SEs.py
index 3a626b0a56ffc98e12049e89132a8fc6d2cb084a..29b0984703d624211d11d7b85c26317ac3c1f294 100755
--- a/Tests/Integration/Test_SEs.py
+++ b/Tests/Integration/Test_SEs.py
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ pytestmark = pytest.mark.integration  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
 __RCSID__ = '$Id$'
 SE_PAIRS = list(permutations(STORAGEELEMENTS, 2))
diff --git a/release.notes b/release.notes
index c4e4ea442315989b0239027971dd4c7fce6d46eb..245129b6b4c1455d051da520ccaed70b5c2af436 100644
--- a/release.notes
+++ b/release.notes
@@ -1,3 +1,91 @@
+Release date: 2023-05-26
+NEW: Depend on DIRAC version 7.3
+NEW: Python3 only
+NEW: (!430) Implementation of the Delphes Application interface.
+NEW: (!430) Addition of some functionalities to the Gaudi Application interface.
+NEW: (!430) Correct paths for storing FCC simulations outputs.
+FIX: (!421) client installation: corrected (a typo in) the URL of the configuration service, fixes problems during dirac-configure.
+Release date: 2021-11-18
+NEW: Based on Dirac v7r2p34
+CHANGE: (!401) resolvePathsAndNames: fixes when ProductionOutputData contains a semicolon
+CHANGE: (!401) resolvePathsAndNames: be more lenient in terms of file extensions, anything outputfile with a dot in it should work now
+CHANGE: (!402) UploadOutputData: make it more configurable with Operations/Productions/ExtensionToFiletypes parameter
+NEW: (!382) dirac-ilc-add-cvmfs-software: also add detectors from FCCDetectors to the CS
+CHANGE: (!401) ProductionJob: add some treatment for FCC production creation
+CHANGE: (!401) KKMC: Add treatment for ProductionOutputData
+CHANGE: (!401) KKMC: If production outputdata changes the outputfile name, keep a copy of the original filename
+CHANGE: (!402) KKMC: always copy outputfile to events.lhe
+CHANGE: (!403) Also run injectJobIndex when running jobs in mode=local, for testing
+FIX: (!403) Fix the use of %n to inject the job index at an arbitrary location
+FIX: (!397) Allow running GaudiApplication when not setting a detectorModel
+Release date: 2021-08-17
+FIX: (!393) Fix setting the input data query for created transformations
+CHANGE: (!393) ``ProductionJob.createProduction`` now returns the transformation object in the return S_OK
+Release date: 2021-08-06
+NEW: (!386) New application, ``GaudiApp``, to run, for example, the Key4hep ``k4run``
+FIX: (!387) Fix for ``GenericApplication`` when no setup script is set, fixes ILCDIRAC-971
+FIX: (!388) ``ModuleBase`` Fix exception in redirectLogOutput when program output contains Unicode characters., Fixes ILCDIRAC-972
+Release date: 2021-07-28
+NEW: Based on Dirac v7r2p16
+CHANGE: (!376) Use the changed way of creating and retrieving InputDataQuery
+CHANGE: (!380) The DataRecoveryAgent and related tools have been moved to DIRAC
+CHANGE: (!376) Remove the ``ProductionJob.applyInputDataQuery`` function.
+Release date: 2021-04-14
+NEW: Based on Dirac v7r1p36
+FIX: (!374) Fix commands for installing iLCDirac client
+NEW: (!373) GenericApplication: Added possibility to source shell script
 Release date: 2021-03-23
diff --git a/releases.cfg b/releases.cfg
index 1c338ce7415448907dfa10f3fa6185bfff1fe0b0..913a865b9deffe2e6b8335a143918c30fca05ea6 100644
--- a/releases.cfg
+++ b/releases.cfg
@@ -6,6 +6,26 @@ Sources
+  v32r0p3
+  {
+    Modules = ILCDIRAC:v32r0p3
+    Depends = DIRAC:v7r2p34
+  }
+  v32r0p2
+  {
+    Modules = ILCDIRAC:v32r0p2
+    Depends = DIRAC:v7r2p16
+  }
+  v32r0p1
+  {
+    Modules = ILCDIRAC:v32r0p1
+    Depends = DIRAC:v7r2p16
+  }
+  v32r0
+  {
+    Modules = ILCDIRAC:v32r0
+    Depends = DIRAC:v7r2p16
+  }
     Modules = ILCDIRAC:v31r0