diff --git a/src/ILCDIRAC/ILCTransformationSystem/scripts/dirac_ilc_production_summary.py b/src/ILCDIRAC/ILCTransformationSystem/scripts/dirac_ilc_production_summary.py
index 672f8f836a5b27701f087b22aae36821efee572f..9729047838c97cf7f403f885cc5b263918fda19e 100644
--- a/src/ILCDIRAC/ILCTransformationSystem/scripts/dirac_ilc_production_summary.py
+++ b/src/ILCDIRAC/ILCTransformationSystem/scripts/dirac_ilc_production_summary.py
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
 """Prepare the production summary tables.
+Obtains the list of known detectors and their summary-table titles from the /Operations/Transformation/TablesTitles section in the Configuration System.
    -P, --prods prodID            Productions: greater than with gt1234, range with 32-56, list with 34,56
    -p, --precise_detail          Precise detail, slow
@@ -40,11 +42,13 @@ from collections import defaultdict
 import os
 import random
 import textwrap
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+import re
 from DIRAC.Core.Base.Script import Script
 from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.List import breakListIntoChunks
 from DIRAC import S_OK, exit as dexit, S_ERROR
+from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Operations import Operations
 def _getFileInfo(lfn, fc):
   """Retrieve the file info."""
@@ -66,10 +70,22 @@ def _getFileInfo(lfn, fc):
     if addinfo.count("{"):
       addinfo = eval(addinfo)
-      addinfo = DEncode.decode(addinfo)[0]
+      addinfo = DEncode.decode(addinfo.encode())[0]
   xsec = addinfo.get('xsection', {}).get('sum', {}).get('xsection', 0.0)
   return (float(lumi), int(nbevts), float(xsec))
+def _addDetectorOutputs(detector):
+  """Adds all the possible outputs to a new detector."""
+  detector.update({'SIM': [],
+                  'REC': [],
+                  'DST': [],
+                  'delphes': [],
+                  'fastsim': [],
+                  'sim': [],
+                  'rec': [],
+                  'phys': [],
+                  })
+  return detector
 def _translate(detail):
   """Replace whizard naming convention by human conventions."""
@@ -251,15 +267,23 @@ def main():
     prodtype = res['Value']['Type']
     proddetail = res['Value']['Description']
-    meta['Datatype'] = 'DST' if prodtype in ('MCReconstruction', 'MCReconstruction_Overlay') \
-                       else 'gen' if prodtype == 'MCGeneration' \
-                       else 'SIM' if prodtype == 'MCSimulation' else None
     if prodtype in ['Split', 'Merge']:
       gLogger.warn("Invalid query for %s productions" % prodtype)
-    if not meta['Datatype']:
+    if prodtype not in ['MCReconstruction', 'MCReconstruction_Overlay', 'MCGeneration', 'MCSimulation']:
       gLogger.error("Unknown production type %s" % prodtype)
+    res = fc.getCompatibleMetadata({'ProdID': prodID})
+    if not (res['OK'] and res['Value'].get('Datatype')):
+      gLogger.error(f"Error getting transformation {prodID}: ", res.get("Message", "No 'Datatype' found for this transformation"))
+      continue
+    if 'delphes' in res['Value']['Datatype']:
+      meta['Datatype'] = 'delphes'
+    else:
+      meta['Datatype'] = res['Value']['Datatype'][0]
     gLogger.verbose('Looking for files: %s' % meta)
     res = fc.findFilesByMetadata(meta)
     if not res['OK']:
@@ -306,7 +330,7 @@ def main():
           nbevts = info[1] * len(lfns)
-    if not lumi:
+    if (not lumi) and (prodtype != 'MCGeneration'):
       xsec = 0
       files = 0
       depthDict = defaultdict(set)
@@ -348,7 +372,7 @@ def main():
     dirmeta['MomProdID'] = 0
     if prodtype != 'MCGeneration':
-      res = trc.getTransformationMetaDataQuery(str(prodID), 'Input')
+      res = trc.getTransformationMetaQuery(str(prodID), 'Input')
       if res['OK']:
         if 'ProdID' in res['Value']:
           dirmeta['MomProdID'] = res['Value']['ProdID']
@@ -356,17 +380,7 @@ def main():
     dirmeta['detail'] = _translate(detail)
-  detectors = {'ILD': {'SIM': [], 'REC': [], 'title': 'ILD CDR'},
-               'SID': {'SIM': [], 'REC': [], 'title': 'SID CDR'},
-               'sid': {'SIM': [], 'REC': [], 'title': 'sid dbd prod'},
-               'FCCee_o1_v04': {'SIM': [], 'REC': [], 'title': 'FCC studies'},
-               'gen': [],
-               }
-  corres = {'MCGeneration': 'gen',
-            'MCSimulation': 'SIM',
-            'MCReconstruction': 'REC',
-            'MCReconstruction_Overlay': 'REC'}
+  detectors = {'gen': []}
   for channel in metadata:
     if 'DetectorType' not in channel:
@@ -377,23 +391,40 @@ def main():
                                channel['NumberOfEvents'] / channel['nb_files'],
                                channel['CrossSection'], str(channel['proddetail'])))
+      gLogger.notice(f'Transformation {channel["ProdID"]} found as generation.')
-      if channel['DetectorType'] not in detectors:
+      ops = Operations()
+      detOptions = ops.getOptions("/Transformations/TablesTitles", listOrdered=False)['Value']
+      matchDet = ""
+      # Check if the DetectorType of the transformation is a version of a known detector of the Configuration System
+      for det in detOptions:
+        # Take the longest match in order to not confuse idea and idea lar.
+        if channel['DetectorType'].startswith(det) and (len(det) > len(matchDet)):
+          matchDet = det
+      if matchDet:
+        detTitle = ops.getValue(f"/Transformations/TablesTitles/{matchDet}", None)
+        if matchDet not in detectors:
+          # If the detector is encountered for the first time, we create a new detector in the `detectors` dictionary, using the name found in the Configuration System
+          gLogger.notice(f'Detector "{matchDet}", matching transformation DetectorType "{channel["DetectorType"]}", found in Operations, with title "{detTitle}". Adding to known detectors.')
+          detectors[matchDet] = _addDetectorOutputs({'title': detTitle})
+      else:
         gLogger.error("This is unknown detector", channel['DetectorType'])
-      detectors[channel['DetectorType']][corres[channel['prodtype']]].append((channel['detail'],
-                                                                              channel['Energy'],
-                                                                              channel['DetectorType'],
-                                                                              channel['ProdID'],
-                                                                              channel['nb_files'],
-                                                                              channel['NumberOfEvents'] / channel['nb_files'],
-                                                                              channel['NumberOfEvents'],
-                                                                              channel['CrossSection'],
-                                                                              channel['MomProdID'],
-                                                                              str(channel['proddetail'])))
+      detectors[matchDet][channel['Datatype']].append((channel['detail'],
+                                                      channel['Energy'],
+                                                      channel['DetectorType'],
+                                                      channel['ProdID'],
+                                                      channel['nb_files'],
+                                                      channel['NumberOfEvents'] / channel['nb_files'],
+                                                      channel['NumberOfEvents'],
+                                                      channel['CrossSection'],
+                                                      channel['MomProdID'],
+                                                      str(channel['proddetail'])))
+      gLogger.notice(f'Transformation {channel["ProdID"]} found for detector {matchDet}')
   header_row_tuple_gen = ('Channel', 'Energy', 'ProdID', 'Tasks', 'Average Evts/task', 'Statistics',
                           'Cross Section (fb)', 'Comment')
   header_row_tuple_det = ('Channel', 'Energy', 'Detector', 'ProdID', 'Number of Files', 'Events/File',
                           'Statistics', 'Cross Section (fb)', 'Origin ProdID', 'Comment')
@@ -413,13 +444,13 @@ def main():
       gLogger.info("Gen prods")
+    # pylint: disable=no-member, invalid-sequence-index
     for detName, infos in detectors.items():
-      if any(infos.get(pt) for pt in ('SIM', 'REC')):
+      if any(infos.get(pt) for pt in _addDetectorOutputs({}).keys()):
         of.write('<h1>%s prods</h1>\n' % infos['title'])
-        for ptype in ('SIM', 'REC'):
+        for ptype in _addDetectorOutputs({}).keys():
           if infos[ptype]:
             of.write('<h2>%s</h2>\n' % ptype)
             table = Table(header_row=header_row_tuple_det)
@@ -427,13 +458,12 @@ def main():
             gLogger.info('%s prods %s' % (infos['title'], ptype))
+    # pylint: enable=no-member, invalid-sequence-index
   gLogger.notice("Check ./tables.html in any browser for the results")
 if __name__ == "__main__":