From e968882189ae32cdbb6620aa2e29510b3a6b120e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andre Sailer <>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2023 15:57:31 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Merge branch 'v34-fullsimddsim' into 'Rel-v34r0'

DDSim, FCC full simulation

See merge request CLICdp/iLCDirac/ILCDIRAC!478

(cherry picked from commit 3eb5cb623fa957bb8058807ebb5d317bd8fa613e)

d638f359 separating the process of creation of output paths for ilc and fcc
2c135292 Adding DDSim and enabling the full simulations (Gen. Sim, Rec)
 Tests/productionTest/whizardddsimgaudi.conf   |  40 +++++
 docs/Files/ProdGuide/fccProdNotes.rst         |  35 +++--
 .../Tests/     |  53 ++++++-
 .../scripts/     | 118 ++++++++------
 .../API/NewInterface/         | 101 ++++++++----
 .../NewInterface/Tests/  | 144 +++++++++++++-----
 6 files changed, 366 insertions(+), 125 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Tests/productionTest/whizardddsimgaudi.conf

diff --git a/Tests/productionTest/whizardddsimgaudi.conf b/Tests/productionTest/whizardddsimgaudi.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..36714f77d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/productionTest/whizardddsimgaudi.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Version = 2.8.3
+EvtType = ZHH
+SteeringFile =
+ExecutableName = k4run
+SteeringFile =
+[Production Parameters]
+machine = ee
+prodGroup = several
+softwareVersion = key4hep_230408
+generatorApplication = whizard2
+simulationApplication = ddsim
+reconstructionApplication = gaudiapp
+generatorSteeringFile = ee_ZHH_1500gev_polp80.sin
+configVersion = key4hep-devel-2
+configPackage = fccConfig
+eventsPerJobs = 10
+numberOfTasks = 1
+campaign = winter2023
+energies = 1500
+processes = ZHH
+detectorModel = CLIC_o4_v14
+productionLogLevel = VERBOSE
+outputSE = CERN-DST-EOS
+finalOutputSE = CERN-SRM
+MoveStatus = Stopped
+MoveGroupSize = 10
+ProdTypes = Gen, Sim, Rec
diff --git a/docs/Files/ProdGuide/fccProdNotes.rst b/docs/Files/ProdGuide/fccProdNotes.rst
index d9496d93e..69a1a195c 100644
--- a/docs/Files/ProdGuide/fccProdNotes.rst
+++ b/docs/Files/ProdGuide/fccProdNotes.rst
@@ -101,8 +101,7 @@ We are generating events using Whizard.
     :language: ini
-Whizard2 in principle only requires two application specific parameter: ``EvtType`` and ``OutFormat``.
-In particular ``OutFormat`` decides the output format of Whizard output. In fact Whizard can give outputs with extension ``lhe, stdhep, slcio, hepmc``.
+Whizard2 in principle only requires two application specific parameter: ``EvtType`` and ``Version``.
 Regarding its version, Whizard would take the version contained in the key4hep ``softwareVersion`` used for the transformation.
 However, for Whizard, it is recommended to specify the specific Whizard2 version in the application-specific parameters.
@@ -179,7 +178,7 @@ DelphesPythia8_EDM4HEP: fast simulation after generation with Pythia8
 We are using the k4SimDelphes DelphesPythia8_EDM4HEP executable for, in a single step, generating events with Pythia8 and processing them in a fast simulation.
-(Here we do the same thing that happens in `Gaudi: Delphes fast simulation after event generation with Pythia8`_., but inside Gaudi instead of using directly the Dephes standalone executables)
+(Here we do the same thing that happens in `In Gaudi: Delphes fast simulation after generation with Pythia8`_., but inside Gaudi instead of using directly the Dephes standalone executables).
   .. literalinclude:: delphespythia.conf
@@ -232,11 +231,8 @@ DelphesROOT_EDM4HEP: fast simulation after reading ROOT output
-Gaudi workflows
-Gaudi: Delphes fast simulation after event generation with Pythia8
+In Gaudi: Delphes fast simulation after generation with Pythia8
 Here we do the same thing that happens in `DelphesPythia8_EDM4HEP: fast simulation after generation with Pythia8`_., but inside Gaudi instead of using directly the Dephes standalone executables.
@@ -258,6 +254,23 @@ The Pythia8 card, ``<card_name>.cmd``, is instead read from the local folder, as
 The choice of using Gaudi as a generator is done with ``generatorApplication = gaudiapp``.
-Gaudi full simulation: Particle Gun, Geant4, reconstruction
\ No newline at end of file
+Full simulations
+In Gaudi full simulation: Particle Gun, Geant4, reconstruction
+Full simulation: Whizard, DDSim, Gaudi
+This is a full simulation happening in three steps (Gen, Sim, Rec), using Whizard, DDSim (with Geant4), Gaudi.
+  .. literalinclude:: whizardddsimgaudi.conf
+    :language: ini
+    :linenos:
+We are generating events using Whizard (as would be done for `Event generation: Whizard2`_). Whizard2 in principle only requires two application specific parameter: ``EvtType`` and ``Version``.
+For the simulation step we use DDSim. The choice of using Gaudi as a generator is done with ``simulationApplication = ddsim``. Its only application specific parameter is a steering file, in this case ````.
+Gaudi is selected for the reconstruction with ``reconstructionApplication = gaudiapp``, and run with the ``k4run`` executable. Gaudi always requires a steering file, in this case ``SteeringFile =``.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ILCDIRAC/ILCTransformationSystem/Tests/ b/src/ILCDIRAC/ILCTransformationSystem/Tests/
index 8a3ee8d40..028fcbf66 100644
--- a/src/ILCDIRAC/ILCTransformationSystem/Tests/
+++ b/src/ILCDIRAC/ILCTransformationSystem/Tests/
@@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ def configDict():
           'configPackage': 'fccConfig',
           'machine': 'ee',
           'generatorApplication': 'KKMC',
+          'simulationApplication': 'ddsim',
+          'reconstructionApplication': 'gaudiapp',
           'generatorSteeringFile': 'somesteeringfile',
           'campaign': 'winter2023',
           'datatype': 'lhe',
@@ -570,6 +572,42 @@ def test_createGenProduction2(theChain, aTask, pMockMod):
     retMeta = theChain.createGenerationProduction(aTask)
   assert retMeta == {}
+def test_createRecoProduction(theChain, aTask, pMockMod):
+  """Test creating the reco production."""
+  theChain._flags._over = True
+  assert theChain._flags.over
+  theChain.overlayEvents = '1.4TeV'
+  theChain._basepath = '/fcc/ee/'
+  theChain.detectorModel = 'idea'
+  with patch("ILCDIRAC.Interfaces.API.NewInterface.ProductionJob.ProductionJob", new=pMockMod):
+    aTask.parameterDict['process'] = 'qqbar'
+    aTask.meta = {'Energy': '240',
+                  'EvtType': 'ZH_incl',
+                  'Machine': 'ee',
+                  'NumberOfEvents': 1500,
+                  'ProdID': '1'}
+    aTask.eventsPerJob = 100
+    retMeta = theChain.createReconstructionProduction(aTask, over=False)
+  assert retMeta == {}
+  assert theChain.cliRecoOption == ''
+def test_createSimProduction(theChain, aTask, pMockMod):
+  """Test creating the simulation production."""
+  theChain._basepath = '/fcc/ee/'
+  theChain.detectorModel = 'idea'
+  with patch("ILCDIRAC.Interfaces.API.NewInterface.ProductionJob.ProductionJob", new=pMockMod):
+    aTask.parameterDict['process'] = 'qqbar'
+    aTask.meta = {'Energy': '240',
+                  'EvtType': 'ZH_incl',
+                  'Machine': 'ee',
+                  'NumberOfEvents': 1500,
+                  'ProdID': '1'}
+    aTask.eventsPerJob = 100
+    retMeta = theChain.createSimulationProduction(aTask)
+  assert retMeta == {}
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 def test_createKKMCApplication(theChain, aTask, cpMock):
@@ -721,4 +759,17 @@ def test_createWhizard2Application(theChain, aTask, cpMock):
   ret = theChain.createWhizard2Application(aTask)
   assert isinstance(ret, Whizard2)
   assert ret.datatype == "stdhep"
-  assert ret.version == 'mySoftwareVersion'
\ No newline at end of file
+  assert ret.version == 'mySoftwareVersion'
+def test_createDDSimApplication(theChain, aTask, cpMock):
+  """Test creating the ddsim application."""
+  from ILCDIRAC.Interfaces.API.NewInterface.Applications import DDSim
+  parameter = Mock()
+  parameter.prodConfigFilename = 'filename'
+  parameter.dumpConfigFile = False
+  with patch(SCP, new=Mock(return_value=cpMock)):
+    theChain.loadParameters(parameter)
+  with patch("ILCDIRAC.Interfaces.API.NewInterface.Applications.DDSim.setDetectorModel", new = Mock()) as setdetectormocked:
+    ret = theChain.createDDSimApplication(aTask)
+  assert isinstance(ret, DDSim)
+  setdetectormocked.assert_called_once_with('myDetectorModel')
diff --git a/src/ILCDIRAC/ILCTransformationSystem/scripts/ b/src/ILCDIRAC/ILCTransformationSystem/scripts/
index 7d7c2ad3a..66bb8740d 100644
--- a/src/ILCDIRAC/ILCTransformationSystem/scripts/
+++ b/src/ILCDIRAC/ILCTransformationSystem/scripts/
@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ Then modify the template to describe the productions::
   softwareVersion = key4hep_230408
   generatorApplication = whizard2
+  simulationApplication = ddsim
+  reconstructionApplication = gaudiapp
   generatorSteeringFile = ee_ZHH_1500gev_polp80.sin
   processingAfterGen = delphesapp
@@ -119,6 +121,8 @@ Parameters in the steering file
   :generatorSteeringFile: path to steering file for the generator
   :generatorApplication: specify which application to use for event generation
+  :simulationApplication: specify which application to use for event simulation
+  :reconstructionApplication: specify which application to use for event reconstruction
   :numberOfTasks: number of production jobs/task to create for Gen transformations (default is 1)
   :eventsInSplitFiles: For split transformations, number of events in the input files
@@ -175,7 +179,7 @@ from six.moves import zip_longest
 PRODUCTION_PARAMETERS = 'Production Parameters'
-APPLICATION_LIST = ['KKMC', 'delphesapp', 'gaudiapp', 'babayaga', 'bhlumi', 'whizard2']
+APPLICATION_LIST = ['KKMC', 'delphesapp', 'gaudiapp', 'babayaga', 'bhlumi', 'whizard2', 'ddsim']
 LIST_ATTRIBUTES = ['ignoreMetadata',
@@ -194,6 +198,8 @@ STRING_ATTRIBUTES = ['configPackage',
+                     'simulationApplication',
+                     'reconstructionApplication',
@@ -427,14 +433,9 @@ MoveTypes = %(moveTypes)s
     self.campaign = ''
-    self.simApplication = 'ddsim'
-    self.simVersion = None
-    self.simSteeringFile = ''
-    self.recoApplication = 'Marlin'
-    self.recoVersion = None
-    self.recoSteeringFile = 'clicReconstruction.xml'
+    self.simulationApplication = 'ddsim'
+    self.reconstructionApplication = 'gaudiapp'
     self.ignoreMetadata = []
@@ -606,6 +607,8 @@ prodGroup = %(prodGroup)s
 softwareVersion = %(softwareVersion)s
 generatorApplication = %(generatorApplication)s
+simulationApplication = %(simulationApplication)s
+reconstructionApplication = %(reconstructionApplication)s
 generatorSteeringFile = %(generatorSteeringFile)s
 processingAfterGen = %(processingAfterGen)s
@@ -647,21 +650,30 @@ overlayEventType = %(overlayEventType)s
 """ % (pDict)
   def createGeneratorApplication(self, task):
-    """Create the selected generator application."""
-    genApp =  {'kkmc': self.createKKMCApplication,
-               'whizard2': self.createWhizard2Application,
-               'babayaga': self.createBabayagaApplication,
-               'bhlumi': self.createBhlumiApplication,               
-               'delphesapp': self.createDelphesApplication,
-               'gaudiapp': self.createGaudiApplication,
-             }[self.generatorApplication.lower()](task)
+    """Create the selected Generator application."""
+    genApp = {'kkmc': self.createKKMCApplication,
+              'whizard2': self.createWhizard2Application,
+              'babayaga': self.createBabayagaApplication,
+              'bhlumi': self.createBhlumiApplication,
+              'delphesapp': self.createDelphesApplication,
+              'gaudiapp': self.createGaudiApplication,
+              }[self.generatorApplication.lower()](task)
     return genApp
   def createSimulationApplication(self, task):
     """Create the selected Simulation application."""
-    return {'genericapp': self.createGenericApplication,
-            }[self.simApplication.lower()](task)
+    simApp = {'ddsim': self.createDDSimApplication,
+              'gaudiapp': self.createGaudiApplication,
+              }[self.simulationApplication.lower()](task)
+    simApp.datatype = 'sim'
+    return simApp
+  def createReconstructionApplication(self, task, over):
+    """Create the selected Reconstruction application."""
+    recApp = {'gaudiapp': self.createGaudiApplication,
+              }[self.reconstructionApplication.lower()](task)
+    recApp.datatype = 'rec'
+    return recApp
   def createKKMCApplication(self, task):
     """create KKMCee Application."""
@@ -746,9 +758,16 @@ overlayEventType = %(overlayEventType)s
     return gaudi
-  def createGenericApplication(self, task):
-    """Create GenericApplication: not implemented"""
-    pass
+  def createDDSimApplication(self, task):
+    """create DDSim Application."""
+    from ILCDIRAC.Interfaces.API.NewInterface.Applications import DDSim
+    ddsim = DDSim()
+    ddsim.setVersion(self.softwareVersion)
+    ddsim.setDetectorModel(self.detectorModel)
+    ddsim.setNumberOfEvents(task.eventsPerJob)
+    ddsim.setEnergy(task.meta['Energy'])
+    self._setApplicationOptions('DDSim', ddsim, task.applicationOptions)
+    return ddsim
   def createGenerationProduction(self, task):
     """Create generation production."""
@@ -819,7 +838,8 @@ overlayEventType = %(overlayEventType)s
       raise RuntimeError("Error creating Simulation Production: %s" % res['Message'])
     # Add the application
-    res = simProd.append(self.createSimulationApplication(task))
+    simApp = self.createSimulationApplication(task)
+    res = simProd.append(simApp)
     if not res['OK']:
       raise RuntimeError("Error creating simulation Production: %s" % res['Message'])
     simProd.addFinalization(True, True, True, True)
@@ -831,12 +851,12 @@ overlayEventType = %(overlayEventType)s
     if not res['OK']:
       raise RuntimeError("Error creating simulation production: %s" % res['Message'])
-    simProd.addMetadataToFinalFiles({'BeamParticle1': parameterDict['pname1'],
-                                       'BeamParticle2': parameterDict['pname2'],
-                                       'EPA_B1': parameterDict['epa_b1'],
-                                       'EPA_B2': parameterDict['epa_b2'],
-                                     }
-                                   )
+    # simProd.addMetadataToFinalFiles({'BeamParticle1': parameterDict['pname1'],
+    #                                    'BeamParticle2': parameterDict['pname2'],
+    #                                    'EPA_B1': parameterDict['epa_b1'],
+    #                                    'EPA_B2': parameterDict['epa_b2'],
+    #                                  }
+    #                                )
     res = simProd.finalizeProd()
     if not res['OK']:
@@ -872,11 +892,11 @@ overlayEventType = %(overlayEventType)s
     #   if not res['OK']:
     #     raise RuntimeError("Error appending overlay to reconstruction transformation: %s" % res['Message'])
-    # # add reconstruction
-    # res = recProd.append(self.createMarlinApplication(task, over))
-    # if not res['OK']:
-    #   raise RuntimeError("Error appending Marlin to reconstruction production: %s" % res['Message'])
-    # recProd.addFinalization(True, True, True, True)
+    # add reconstruction
+    res = recProd.append(self.createReconstructionApplication(task, over))
+    if not res['OK']:
+      raise RuntimeError("Error appending reconstruction application to reconstruction production: %s" % res['Message'])
+    recProd.addFinalization(True, True, True, True)
     description = "CLICDet2017 %s" % meta['Energy']
     description += "Overlay" if over else "No Overlay"
@@ -888,12 +908,12 @@ overlayEventType = %(overlayEventType)s
     if not res['OK']:
       raise RuntimeError("Error creating reconstruction production: %s" % res['Message'])
-    recProd.addMetadataToFinalFiles({'BeamParticle1': parameterDict['pname1'],
-                                       'BeamParticle2': parameterDict['pname2'],
-                                       'EPA_B1': parameterDict['epa_b1'],
-                                       'EPA_B2': parameterDict['epa_b2'],
-                                     }
-                                   )
+    # recProd.addMetadataToFinalFiles({'BeamParticle1': parameterDict['pname1'],
+    #                                    'BeamParticle2': parameterDict['pname2'],
+    #                                    'EPA_B1': parameterDict['epa_b1'],
+    #                                    'EPA_B2': parameterDict['epa_b2'],
+    #                                  }
+    #                                )
     res = recProd.finalizeProd()
     if not res['OK']:
@@ -1030,7 +1050,7 @@ overlayEventType = %(overlayEventType)s
                                     ('SPLIT', self.createSplitProduction)]:
       for task in taskDict.get(pType, []):
         meta = createProduction(task)
-        # self.addSimTask(taskDict, meta, originalTask=task)
+        self.addSimTask(taskDict, meta, originalTask=task)
         taskDict['MOVE_' + pType].append(dict(meta))
     for task in taskDict.get('SIM', []):
@@ -1038,7 +1058,7 @@ overlayEventType = %(overlayEventType)s
       gLogger.notice("Creating task %s" % task)
       simMeta = self.createSimulationProduction(task)
-      # self.addRecTask(taskDict, simMeta, originalTask=task)
+      self.addRecTask(taskDict, simMeta, originalTask=task)
     for task in taskDict.get('REC', []):
@@ -1112,19 +1132,21 @@ overlayEventType = %(overlayEventType)s
   def addGenTask(self, taskDict, originalTask):
-    """Add a gen task with required options."""
+    """Add a generator task with required options."""
     return self._addTask(taskDict, metaInput=originalTask.meta,
                          originalTask=originalTask, prodType='GEN',
+  def addSimTask(self, taskDict, metaInput, originalTask):
+    """Add a simulation task."""
+    return self._addTask(taskDict, metaInput, originalTask, prodType='SIM',
+                         applicationName=self.simulationApplication)
   def addRecTask(self, taskDict, metaInput, originalTask):
     """Add a reconstruction task."""
-    return self._addTask(taskDict, metaInput, originalTask, prodType='REC', applicationName='Marlin')
-  def addSimTask(self, taskDict, metaInput, originalTask):
-    """Add a sim task."""
-    return self._addTask(taskDict, metaInput, originalTask, prodType='SIM', applicationName='DDSim')
+    return self._addTask(taskDict, metaInput, originalTask, prodType='REC',
+                         applicationName=self.reconstructionApplication)
   def addTaskOptions(options, taskList):
diff --git a/src/ILCDIRAC/Interfaces/API/NewInterface/ b/src/ILCDIRAC/Interfaces/API/NewInterface/
index a2675d75d..36d030715 100644
--- a/src/ILCDIRAC/Interfaces/API/NewInterface/
+++ b/src/ILCDIRAC/Interfaces/API/NewInterface/
@@ -803,14 +803,28 @@ class ProductionJob(Job):  # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods, too-many-i
         generatorPath = os.path.join(*currentPathList)
         self.finalMetaDict[generatorPath] = {'Generator': self.generator}
+    if self.vo == 'fcc':
+      self.configureFCCOutputPath(path, application, currentPathList)
+    if self.vo == 'ilc':
+      self.configureILCOutputPath(path, application, currentPathList)
+    res = self._updateProdParameters(application)
+    if not res['OK']:
+      return res
+    self.checked = True
+    return S_OK()
+  def configureFCCOutputPath(self, path, application, currentPathList):
     # comment of Lorenzo Valentini, 12-05-2023
     # In fcc we have a particular use of Gaudi. Its application is defined with the functions setOutputSimFile/setOutputRecFile.
     # However, it is sometimes used for other tasks, for which we don't want it to use the file path of the sim/rec transformations.
     # Up to now, seems like whenever we will be using sim/rec transformations we won't have to define the datatype, which we use to discriminate the two cases.
-    # comment of Lorenzo Valentini, 12-05-2023
     # this is the case of a (maybe Gaudi) application used for sim/rec transformations: no datatype defined, and we check the presence of setOutputSimFile
-    if hasattr(application, "setOutputSimFile") and not application.willBeCut and self.vo == 'fcc' and not application.datatype: 
+    if hasattr(application, "setOutputSimFile") and not application.willBeCut and not application.datatype:
       detPath = os.path.join(path, application.detector)
       self.finalMetaDict[detPath] = {"DetectorType": application.detector}
       if application.keepRecFile:
@@ -827,11 +841,62 @@ class ProductionJob(Job):  # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods, too-many-i
       LOG.notice('Will store the files under', path)
-    # comment of Lorenzo Valentini, 12-05-2023
-    # this is the case of a (maybe Gaudi) application used for dst/rec transformations: no datatype defined, and we check the presence of setOutputRecFile. It would make more sense to just check for setOutputDstFile,
-    # but we wanted to keep it backward compatibile with the ilc simulations.
-    # In the case of fcc, we check for the absence of datatype.
-    elif hasattr(application, "setOutputRecFile") and not application.willBeCut and (self.vo != 'fcc' or (self.vo == 'fcc' and not application.datatype)):
+    # # comment of Lorenzo Valentini, 12-05-2023
+    # # this is the case of a (maybe Gaudi) application used for dst/rec transformations: no datatype defined, and we check the presence of setOutputRecFile. It would make more sense to just check for setOutputDstFile,
+    # # but we wanted to keep it backward compatibile with the ilc simulations.
+    # # In the case of fcc, we check for the absence of datatype.
+    # elif hasattr(application, "setOutputRecFile") and not application.willBeCut and not application.datatype:
+    #   detPath = os.path.join(path, application.detectortype)
+    #   self.finalMetaDict[detPath] = {'DetectorType': application.detectortype}
+    #   if application.keepRecFile:
+    #     path = os.path.join(detPath, 'rec')
+    #     self.finalMetaDict[path] = {'Datatype': 'rec'}
+    #     fname = self.basename + '_rec.slcio'
+    #     application.setOutputRecFile(fname, path)
+    #     LOG.notice('Will store the files under', path)
+    #     self.finalpaths.append(path)
+    #   path = os.path.join(detPath, 'dst')
+    #   self.finalMetaDict[path] = {'Datatype': 'dst'}
+    #   fname = self.basename + '_dst.slcio'
+    #   application.setOutputDstFile(fname, path)
+    #   LOG.notice('Will store the files under', path)
+    #   self.finalpaths.append(path)
+    elif hasattr(application, "outputFile") and hasattr(application, 'datatype') and not application.outputFile and not application.willBeCut:
+      LOG.notice('Adding output meta data for %s' % type(application))
+      path = os.path.join(*currentPathList)
+      if not application.datatype and self.datatype:
+        application.datatype = self.datatype
+      # here we are adding detector and detectortype to the path (either one or the other) if they are defined. For fcc, we usually set the detector using the attribute application.detector.
+      if hasattr(application, "detectortype"):
+        if application.detectortype:
+          path = os.path.join(path, application.detectortype)
+          self.finalMetaDict[path] = {"DetectorType": application.detectortype}
+      if hasattr(application, "detector"):
+        if application.detector and not application.detectortype:
+          path = os.path.join(path, application.detector)
+          self.finalMetaDict[path] = {"DetectorType": application.detector}
+      if hasattr(application, "detectortype") or hasattr(application, "detector"):
+        if self.detector and not application.detectortype and not application.detector:
+          path = os.path.join(path, self.detector)
+          self.finalMetaDict[path] = {"DetectorType": self.detector}
+      path = os.path.join(path, application.datatype)
+      self.finalMetaDict[path] = {'Datatype': application.datatype}
+      LOG.notice('Will store the files under', '%s' % path)
+      self.finalpaths.append(path)
+      extension = getattr(application, '_extension', 'stdhep')
+      fname = self.basename + "_%s" % (application.datatype.lower()) + "." + extension
+      application.setOutputFile(fname, path)
+    return
+  def configureILCOutputPath(self, path, application, currentPathList):
+    if hasattr(application, "setOutputRecFile") and not application.willBeCut:
       detPath = os.path.join(path, application.detectortype)
       self.finalMetaDict[detPath] = {'DetectorType': application.detectortype}
       if application.keepRecFile:
@@ -848,8 +913,6 @@ class ProductionJob(Job):  # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods, too-many-i
       LOG.notice('Will store the files under', path)
-    # comment of Lorenzo Valentini, 12-05-2023
-    # this is the case of an application with a single outputfile. It works in the same way for both fcc and ilc. 
     elif hasattr(application, "outputFile") and hasattr(application, 'datatype') and not application.outputFile and not application.willBeCut:
       LOG.notice('Adding output meta data for %s' % type(application))
       path = os.path.join(*currentPathList)
@@ -857,11 +920,6 @@ class ProductionJob(Job):  # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods, too-many-i
       if not application.datatype and self.datatype:
         application.datatype = self.datatype
-      # comment of Lorenzo Valentini, 12-05-2023
-      # here we are adding detector and detectortype to the path, if they are defined. For fcc, we usually set the detector using the attribute application.detector.
-      # Anyway, seems like for ilc we wanted to "be ready" for both cases (detector, detectortype), so I did something similar for fcc.
-      # The code for ilc is not modified, to keep it backward compatible. However seems like in that case we would add to the path both detector and detectortype.
-      # For fcc we don't need to see the detector in the path two times, so I added a check to avoid that.
       if hasattr(application, "detectortype"):
         if application.detectortype:
           path = os.path.join(path, application.detectortype)
@@ -870,10 +928,7 @@ class ProductionJob(Job):  # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods, too-many-i
           path = os.path.join(path, self.detector)
           self.finalMetaDict[path] = {"DetectorType": self.detector}
       if hasattr(application, "detector"):
-        if application.detector and self.vo != 'fcc':
-          path = os.path.join(path, application.detector)
-          self.finalMetaDict[path] = {"DetectorType": application.detector}
-        if application.detector and self.vo == 'fcc' and not application.detectortype:
+        if application.detector:
           path = os.path.join(path, application.detector)
           self.finalMetaDict[path] = {"DetectorType": application.detector}
       path = os.path.join(path, application.datatype)
@@ -887,13 +942,7 @@ class ProductionJob(Job):  # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods, too-many-i
       fname = self.basename + "_%s" % (application.datatype.lower()) + "." + extension
       application.setOutputFile(fname, path)
-    res = self._updateProdParameters(application)
-    if not res['OK']:
-      return res
-    self.checked = True
-    return S_OK()
+    return
   def _updateProdParameters(self, application):
     """Update the prod parameters stored in the production parameters visible from the web."""
diff --git a/src/ILCDIRAC/Interfaces/API/NewInterface/Tests/ b/src/ILCDIRAC/Interfaces/API/NewInterface/Tests/
index 3f65207eb..0d70cf68e 100644
--- a/src/ILCDIRAC/Interfaces/API/NewInterface/Tests/
+++ b/src/ILCDIRAC/Interfaces/API/NewInterface/Tests/
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ from Tests.Utilities.GeneralUtils import assertEqualsImproved, assertDiracFailsW
 from Tests.Utilities.FileUtils import FileUtil
 import six
+import os
 __RCSID__ = "$Id$"
@@ -801,9 +802,38 @@ class ProductionJobJobSpecificParamsTest(ProductionJobTestCase):
     self.assertIn(args[1], opsDict)
     return opsDict[args[1]]
-  def test_jobSpecificParams_detector_and_datatype(self):
+  @parameterized.expand([('ilc', 250, 250, '/vo/prod/250gev/fake/'),
+                         ('ilc', 250, None, '/vo/prod/250gev/fake/'),
+                         ('fcc', None, 250, '/vo/prod/250gev/fake/'),
+                         ])
+  def test_jobSpecificParams_energyandevents(self, vo, selfenergy, appenergy, finalPaths):
+    """Testing different combinations of energies and paths"""
     self.myapp.setOutputSE.return_value = S_OK(True)
     self.prodJob.evttype = ''
+    self.prodJob.basepath = '/vo/prod/'
+    self.prodJob.basename = 'basename'
+    self.prodJob.generator = 'whatever'
+    self.prodJob.vo = vo
+ = selfenergy
+    self.prodJob.slicesize = 2
+ = appenergy
+    self.myapp.numberOfEvents = 1
+    self.myapp.detector = 'awesome'
+    self.myapp.eventType = 'fake'
+    self.myapp.detectortype = 'awesome'
+    self.myapp.willBeCut = False
+    self.myapp.outputFile = False
+    self.myapp.extraCLIArguments = ''
+    self.myapp.keepRecFile = False
+    with patch('%s.ProductionJob._updateProdParameters' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=S_OK())), \
+        patch('%s.ProductionJob.configureILCOutputPath' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=S_OK())), \
+        patch('%s.ProductionJob.configureFCCOutputPath' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=S_OK())):
+      assertDiracSucceeds(self.prodJob.append(self.myapp), self)
+    self.assertIn(finalPaths, self.prodJob.finalMetaDict.keys())
+  def test_configureFCCOutputPath(self):
+    self.myapp.setOutputSE.return_value = S_OK(True)
     self.myapp.willBeCut = False
     self.myapp.outputFile = False
     self.myapp.extraCLIArguments = ''
@@ -811,26 +841,53 @@ class ProductionJobJobSpecificParamsTest(ProductionJobTestCase):
     hasAttrMock.side_effect = self.hasAttrMocks
     with patch('%s.hasattr' % MODULE_NAME, new=hasAttrMock, create=True), \
          patch('%s.ProductionJob._updateProdParameters' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=S_OK())):
-      assertDiracSucceeds(self.prodJob.append(self.myapp), self)
+      self.prodJob.configureFCCOutputPath("/a/a", self.myapp, [self.prodJob.basepath, self.prodJob.getEnergyPath(), self.myapp.eventType])
     self.prodJob.evttype = ''
     hasAttrMock = Mock()
     hasAttrMock.side_effect = self.hasAttrMocks_2
     with patch('%s.hasattr' % MODULE_NAME, new=hasAttrMock, create=True):
       self.myapp.detectortype = 'application_detectortype'
-      assertDiracSucceeds(self.prodJob.append(self.myapp), self)
+      self.prodJob.configureFCCOutputPath("/a/a", self.myapp, [self.prodJob.basepath, self.prodJob.getEnergyPath(), self.myapp.eventType])
   @parameterized.expand([(True, "ilc", None, 'awesome', 'awesome', ['/vo/prod/250gev/fake/awesome/REC', '/vo/prod/250gev/fake/awesome/DST']),
                          (True, "ilc", None, None, 'awesome', ['/vo/prod/250gev/fake/awesome/REC', '/vo/prod/250gev/fake/awesome/DST']),
                          (False, "ilc", None, 'awesome', 'awesome', ['/vo/prod/250gev/fake/awesome/DST']),
                          (False, "ilc", "delphes", 'awesome', 'awesome', ['/vo/prod/250gev/fake/awesome/DST']),
-                         (True, "fcc", None, 'awesome', 'awesome', ['/vo/prod/250gev/fake/awesome/REC', '/vo/prod/250gev/fake/awesome/DST']),
-                         (False, "fcc", None, 'awesome', 'awesome', ['/vo/prod/250gev/fake/awesome/DST']),
-                         (False, "fcc", "delphes", 'awesome', 'awesome', ['/vo/prod/250gev/fake/awesome/delphes']),
+                         ])
+  def test_configureILCOutputPath_rec_and_dst(self, keep, vo, datatype, detector, detectortype, finalPaths):
+    """Testing different combinations of vo, transformation, detector, datatype"""
+    self.myapp.setOutputSE.return_value = S_OK(True)
+    self.prodJob.evttype = ''
+    self.prodJob.basepath = '/vo/prod/'
+    self.prodJob.basename = 'basename'
+    self.prodJob.generator = 'whatever'
+    self.prodJob.vo = vo
+    self.myapp.detector = detector
+    self.myapp.datatype = datatype
+    self.myapp.eventType = 'fake'
+    self.myapp.detectortype = detectortype
+    self.myapp.willBeCut = False
+    self.myapp.outputFile = False
+    self.myapp.extraCLIArguments = ''
+    self.myapp.keepRecFile = keep
+    self.myapp.setOutputRecFile = Mock(name='RecFile')
+    self.myapp.setOutputDstFile = Mock(name='DstFile')
+    del self.myapp.setOutputSimFile
+    with patch('%s.ProductionJob._updateProdParameters' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=S_OK())):
+      self.prodJob.configureILCOutputPath(os.path.join(self.prodJob.basepath, self.prodJob.getEnergyPath(), self.myapp.eventType), self.myapp, [])
+    if keep:
+      self.myapp.setOutputRecFile.assert_called_once()
+    else:
+      self.myapp.setOutputRecFile.assert_not_called()
+    self.myapp.setOutputDstFile.assert_called_once()
+    assert self.prodJob.finalpaths == finalPaths
+  @parameterized.expand([(False, "fcc", "delphes", 'awesome', 'awesome', ['/vo/prod/250gev/fake/awesome/delphes']),
                          (False, "fcc", "delphes", 'awesome', None, ['/vo/prod/250gev/fake/awesome/delphes']),
                          (False, "fcc", "delphes", None, 'awesome', ['/vo/prod/250gev/fake/awesome/delphes']),
-  def test_jobSpecificParams_rec_and_dst(self, keep, vo, datatype, detector, detectortype, finalPaths):
+  def test_configureFCCOutputPath_rec_and_dst(self, keep, vo, datatype, detector, detectortype, finalPaths):
     """Testing different combinations of vo, transformation, detector, datatype"""
     self.myapp.setOutputSE.return_value = S_OK(True)
     self.prodJob.evttype = ''
@@ -850,14 +907,8 @@ class ProductionJobJobSpecificParamsTest(ProductionJobTestCase):
     self.myapp.setOutputDstFile = Mock(name='DstFile')
     del self.myapp.setOutputSimFile
     with patch('%s.ProductionJob._updateProdParameters' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=S_OK())):
-      assertDiracSucceeds(self.prodJob.append(self.myapp), self)
-    if vo != 'fcc':
-      if keep:
-        self.myapp.setOutputRecFile.assert_called_once()
-      else:
-        self.myapp.setOutputRecFile.assert_not_called()
-      self.myapp.setOutputDstFile.assert_called_once()
-    elif not datatype:
+      self.prodJob.configureFCCOutputPath(os.path.join(self.prodJob.basepath, self.prodJob.getEnergyPath(), self.myapp.eventType), self.myapp, [self.prodJob.basepath, self.prodJob.getEnergyPath(), self.myapp.eventType])
+    if not datatype:
       if keep:
@@ -866,7 +917,6 @@ class ProductionJobJobSpecificParamsTest(ProductionJobTestCase):
     assert self.prodJob.finalpaths == finalPaths
   @parameterized.expand([(True, "fcc", None, 'awesome', 'awesome', ['/vo/prod/250gev/fake/awesome/rec', '/vo/prod/250gev/fake/awesome/sim']),
@@ -876,7 +926,7 @@ class ProductionJobJobSpecificParamsTest(ProductionJobTestCase):
                          (False, "fcc", "delphes", 'awesome', None, ['/vo/prod/250gev/fake/awesome/delphes']),
                          (False, "fcc", "delphes", None, 'awesome', ['/vo/prod/250gev/fake/awesome/delphes']),
-  def test_jobSpecificParams_rec_and_sim(self, keep, vo, datatype, detector, detectortype, finalPaths):
+  def test_configureFCCOutputPath_rec_and_sim(self, keep, vo, datatype, detector, detectortype, finalPaths):
     """Testing different combinations of vo, transformation, detector, datatype"""
     self.myapp.setOutputSE.return_value = S_OK(True)
     self.prodJob.evttype = ''
@@ -896,7 +946,7 @@ class ProductionJobJobSpecificParamsTest(ProductionJobTestCase):
     self.myapp.setOutputSimFile = Mock(name='SimFile')
     del self.myapp.setOutputDstFile
     with patch('%s.ProductionJob._updateProdParameters' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=S_OK())):
-      assertDiracSucceeds(self.prodJob.append(self.myapp), self)
+      self.prodJob.configureFCCOutputPath(os.path.join(self.prodJob.basepath, self.prodJob.getEnergyPath(), self.myapp.eventType), self.myapp, [self.prodJob.basepath, self.prodJob.getEnergyPath(), self.myapp.eventType])
     if not datatype:
       if keep:
@@ -909,16 +959,38 @@ class ProductionJobJobSpecificParamsTest(ProductionJobTestCase):
     assert self.prodJob.finalpaths == finalPaths
+  def test_configureFCCOutputPath_selfdetector(self):
+    """Testing different combination of detector information"""
+    self.myapp.setOutputSE.return_value = S_OK(True)
+    self.prodJob.evttype = ''
+    self.prodJob.basepath = '/vo/prod/'
+    self.prodJob.basename = 'basename'
+    self.prodJob.vo = "fcc"
+    self.prodJob.detector = 'idea'
+    self.myapp.detector = ''
+    self.myapp.datatype = "sim"
+    self.myapp.eventType = 'fakeEvent'
+    self.myapp.detectortype = ''
+    self.myapp.willBeCut = False
+    self.myapp.outputFile = False
+    self.myapp.extraCLIArguments = ''
+    with patch('%s.ProductionJob._updateProdParameters' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=S_OK())):
+      self.prodJob.configureFCCOutputPath(os.path.join(self.prodJob.basepath, self.prodJob.getEnergyPath(), self.myapp.eventType), self.myapp, [self.prodJob.basepath, self.prodJob.getEnergyPath(), self.myapp.eventType])
+    assert self.prodJob.finalpaths == ['/vo/prod/250gev/fakeEvent/idea/sim']
-  @parameterized.expand([('detector', 'detectortype', ['/vo/prod/250gev/fake/generator/detectortype/detector/datatype']),
+  @parameterized.expand([('detector', 'detector', 'detectortype', ['/vo/prod/250gev/fake/generator/detectortype/detector/datatype']),
+                        ('detector', False, False, ['/vo/prod/250gev/fake/generator/detector/datatype']),
+                        (False, 'detector', False, ['/vo/prod/250gev/fake/generator/detector/datatype']),
-  def test_jobSpecificParams_rec_and_dst__2(self, detector, detectortype, finalPaths):
+  def test_configureILCOutputPath_rec_and_dst__2(self, selfdetector, detector, detectortype, finalPaths):
     """Testing different combinations of vo, transformation, detector, datatype"""
     self.myapp.setOutputSE.return_value = S_OK(True)
     self.prodJob.evttype = ''
     self.prodJob.basepath = '/vo/prod/'
     self.prodJob.basename = 'basename'
     self.prodJob.generator = 'generator'
+    self.prodJob.detector = selfdetector
     self.prodJob.vo = "ilc"
     self.myapp.detector = detector
     self.myapp.datatype = "datatype"
@@ -930,41 +1002,35 @@ class ProductionJobJobSpecificParamsTest(ProductionJobTestCase):
     self.myapp.keepRecFile = False
     del self.myapp.setOutputRecFile
     with patch('%s.ProductionJob._updateProdParameters' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=S_OK())):
-      assertDiracSucceeds(self.prodJob.append(self.myapp), self)
+      self.prodJob.configureILCOutputPath(os.path.join(self.prodJob.basepath, self.prodJob.getEnergyPath(), self.myapp.eventType), self.myapp, [self.prodJob.basepath, self.prodJob.getEnergyPath(), self.myapp.eventType, self.prodJob.generator])
     assert self.prodJob.finalpaths == finalPaths
-  @parameterized.expand([(250, 250, ['/vo/prod/250gev/fake/awesome/DST']),
-                         (250, None, ['/vo/prod/250gev/fake/awesome/DST']),
-                         (None, 250, ['/vo/prod/250gev/fake/awesome/DST']),
+  @parameterized.expand([('SIM', False, ['/vo/prod/250gev/fake/generator/detectortype/detector/SIM']),
+                         (False, 'SIM', ['/vo/prod/250gev/fake/generator/detectortype/detector/SIM'])
-  def test_jobSpecificParams_energyandevents(self, selfenergy, appenergy, finalPaths):
-    """Testing different combinations of energies and paths"""
+  def test_configureILCOutputPath_rec_and_sim(self, selfdata, appdata, finalPaths):
+    """Testing different combinations of vo, transformation, detector, datatype"""
     self.myapp.setOutputSE.return_value = S_OK(True)
     self.prodJob.evttype = ''
     self.prodJob.basepath = '/vo/prod/'
     self.prodJob.basename = 'basename'
-    self.prodJob.generator = 'whatever'
+    self.prodJob.generator = 'generator'
     self.prodJob.vo = "ilc"
- = selfenergy
-    self.prodJob.slicesize = 2
- = appenergy
-    self.myapp.numberOfEvents = 1
-    self.myapp.detector = 'awesome'
+    self.prodJob.datatype = selfdata
+    self.myapp.detector = "detector"
+    self.myapp.datatype = appdata
     self.myapp.eventType = 'fake'
-    self.myapp.detectortype = 'awesome'
+    self.myapp.detectortype = "detectortype"
     self.myapp.willBeCut = False
     self.myapp.outputFile = False
     self.myapp.extraCLIArguments = ''
     self.myapp.keepRecFile = False
-    self.myapp.setOutputRecFile = Mock(name='RecFile')
-    self.myapp.setOutputDstFile = Mock(name='DstFile')
+    del self.myapp.setOutputRecFile
     with patch('%s.ProductionJob._updateProdParameters' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=S_OK())):
-      assertDiracSucceeds(self.prodJob.append(self.myapp), self)
-    self.myapp.setOutputRecFile.assert_not_called()
-    self.myapp.setOutputDstFile.assert_called_once()
+      self.prodJob.configureILCOutputPath(os.path.join(self.prodJob.basepath, self.prodJob.getEnergyPath(), self.myapp.eventType), self.myapp, [self.prodJob.basepath, self.prodJob.getEnergyPath(), self.myapp.eventType, self.prodJob.generator])
     assert self.prodJob.finalpaths == finalPaths
   def test_setters_1(self):
     import random