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Draft: Restructuring production interfaces

Ruben Pozzi requested to merge rpozzi/Gaussino:prod-interfaces into master

Changing the way interfaces work in generation by adding new interfaces (and changing existing ones):

  • A new IProdTool that deals with all the generation steps from hard process up to hadronization (except decay) by calling the following intrefaces.

  • IHardProdTool that takes care only of the hard process generation step (implemented by interfaces to generators such as Madgraph).

  • IShoweringTool that deals with underlying event, parton shower and hadronization steps (most likely using implementation of interface to Pythia).

  • Adding new ProductionWithHardME class (not anymore as a base class like in Gauss sim10, but as a working class that implements IProdTool and calls IHardProdTool and IShoweringTool)

A detailed explanation and diagrams can be found here

Edited by Ruben Pozzi

Merge request reports
