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Port MonitorTiming component to Gaussino

Michal Mazurek requested to merge mimazure-monitor-timing into master

@gcorti @adavis @kreps @dpopov This ports the MonitorTiming component to Gaussino that allows for measuring timing spent in a particular detector/process per particle. There are a few modifications:

  1. Log file has been removed and all the information is now written to CSV files.
  2. G4UserSteppingAction is now created per each thread, so the main counters are in the factory (GaudiTool).
  3. UserSteppingAction has been optimized and only necessary operations are made within the scope of this function. All the rest of pre- and post-processing has been moved to the initialize() and finalize() functions.
Edited by Michal Mazurek

Merge request reports
