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Move to gitlab pages

Michal Mazurek requested to merge mimazure-gitlab-pages into master

@clemenci I have tested moving Gaussino docs to gitlab pages. Here are a few observations:

  1. URL for the docs will have * suffix
  2. A new project has to be added via webeos. The instructions are here:
  1. Gitlab does not support versions, which is sth we would like to use for Gaussino & G-on-G. It looks like there's an open discussion here I'm pretty sure there is some workaround for this, but I'm not sure that we actually want it.

I have tested this setup on a fork of Gaussino. The generated docs are accessible via

Update 17/06/22


The gilab pages for gaussino can be previewed via this link:

Once merged to master, the master version will be available at:

which will be redirected to

Triggering the CI job

The deployment of the documentation will be handled in the following cases:

  • protected branches
  • commit tags that follow this pattern vXXrXXpXX
  • by adding Python Documentation label to a MR

Handling versions on gitlab pages

As discussed during the core software meeting: accumulating versions of the gitlab pages will be handled via the use of an archive stored directly on the website. In a pipeline we download the content of the archive, add the new content and upload it again on the website. This is not ideal, as there might be problems when a few jobs are run simultaneously or if the archive is reachable, but this is to be tested.

@gcorti @kreps @adavis

Edited by Michal Mazurek

Merge request reports
