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Syjun/sampling alternatives

Soon Yung Jun requested to merge syjun/sampling-alternatives into master

Oct. 28, 2015

  1. Remove data members associated with the alias sampling method (fMinX, fMaxX, fNrow, fNcol, fMaxZelement) from EmModelBase. Each model should instantiate GUAliasSampler and responsible for setting up alias parameters if and only if the alias method is selected.
  2. Introduce an interface to use alternative sampling methods based on Geant4 composition and rejection methods in which a) sequential operations are used for the non-vectoriable part (i.e., do-while loop) (SamplingMethod=kRejection for Compton, PhotoElectric and Moller) and b) a recursive shuffling is used for unsuccessful sampling outcomes (SamplingMethod=kUnpack). 3) Update benchmarking to use the new sampling option

Oct. 29, 2015

  1. Add an alternative sampling Kernel (SamplingMethod=kRejection) for IonisationMoller
  2. Add a rudimentary shuffling Kernel (SamplingMethod=kUnpack) for ComptonKleinNishina

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