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Small improvements to build system

Guilherme Amadio requested to merge build-system-update into master


  • Remove FindVc.cmake, since uptream provides a better one
  • Require slightly higher version of CMake that searches for configuration files in standard directories
  • Add a FindPythia8.cmake to properly find and configure Pythia8 in GeantV


These changes make it easier to configure Geant, but might require slight changes to the cmake command line for configuration.

For example, if one currently uses

cmake $SRCDIR -DVc_DIR=/opt/Vc -DPYTHIA8_DIR=/opt/pythia …

it should change to

cmake $SRCDIR -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/Vc:/opt/pythia …

and CMake should find both of them just fine. More than one package can be installed in the same location (e.g. /usr/local) and CMake will find all packages installed there automatically. I install Geant4, xerces-c, CLHEP, Vc, etc, all in the same path and pass only one option to CMake to be able to find them.

Merge request reports