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cmake updates to include in LHCb software stack

Paul Seyfert requested to merge pseyfert/SOAContainer:inclusion into master

The MASTER_PROJECT variable is defined to distinguish a standalone build of SOAContainer or a build as submodule. In the latter case, we do not want to mess with the compilation settings too much.

We use the C++ standard from the top level project (if there are collisions with ROOT, then at least we don't add a standard switch in a submodule).

Installation now goes to a dedicated directory, like /usr/include/SOAContainer/SOAView.h. includes between the headers work out anyway.

PS: In principle we should've been good without disabling the c++ standard settings except for the guitest. Not sure if it's worth investigating further to reduce the changes. After all in LHCb we want to use SOAContainer as header only library, so no c++ standard settings would apply to any target in the stack.

The TBB library is a bit of a hotfix, I'm a bit surprised I had to do this (linker error, probably because ROOT CMake didn't forward the link dependency from Imt to TBB).

Merge request reports