diff --git a/mkcode.cc b/mkcode.cc
index d0f77708ca7a06826e41b3db616b16f1accec59c..219b951f9a8a7988fa9e3a16bb63276a5bdf1ce9 100644
--- a/mkcode.cc
+++ b/mkcode.cc
@@ -23,17 +23,19 @@ using namespace CS;
 #include "shower.h"
 #include "badburst.h"
 #include "tracking.h"
 #include "MManager.h"
 // timing
 #include "timecut.h"
-// tracking 2021mu
+// tracking tools
 #include "tracking_new.h"
-//MC simpletracking
+// for MC with tracking-tools
 #include "simu.h"
 int procev(RecoEvent &e);
@@ -260,7 +262,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     for (int iev = 0; iev < Nevents; iev++) {
       RecoEvent e;
-      if(inputtype == 1) e = RunP348ReadMC(inFile);
+      if(inputtype == 1) e = RunP348RecoMC(inFile); //same as in exampletrackingmc in master
       if(inputtype == 2) e = RunP348ReadMCOldFormat(inFile);
       if (!e.mc) break;
@@ -423,12 +425,12 @@ int procev(RecoEvent &e0)
 //#include "mkcuts_hcontamination_control.inc"
 //#include "mkcuts2021_calib_e.inc"
 //#include "mkcuts2021_invis.inc"
-//#include "mkcuts_calib_e.inc"
+#include "mkcuts_calib_e.inc"
 //#include "mkcuts_calib_pi.inc"
 //#include "mkcuts_calib_pi_2021mu.inc"
 //#include "mkcuts_tracking_2021mu.inc"
 //#include "mkcuts_calib_pi_hadrinvis50.inc"
-#include "mkcuts_hadrinvis50.inc"
+//#include "mkcuts_hadrinvis50.inc"
 //#include "mkcuts_calib_mu.inc"
 //#include "mkcuts_invis.inc"
 //#include "mkcuts_invis_herm.inc"
@@ -565,36 +567,45 @@ int procev(RecoEvent &e0)
-    #include <math.h>
-    double mymom = -0.5;
-    double mychisq = -0.5;
-    if(!e.mc) {
-      bool ifupstream = true;
-      // to be set to false for downstream momentum in the muon runs
-      const std::vector<Track_t> mytracks = GetReconstructedTracks(e, ifupstream);
-      for (unsigned int p = 0; p < mytracks.size(); p++) {
-        Track_t track = mytracks.at(p);
-        mymom = track.momentum;
-        mychisq = track.chisquare;        
-        if(mymom > 159.9999 && mymom < 160.0001) mychisq = 500.; // temporary
-        if(mymom > 99.9999 && mymom < 100.0001) mychisq = 500.; // temporary
-      }
-      if(mytracks.size() > 1) mychisq = 500.;
-      if(mytracks.size() > 1) std::cout << "More than 1 track, N = " << mytracks.size() << std::endl;
-      if(e.run >= 8396 && e.run <= 8458) mymom *= 0.5; // FIXME: temporary fix for the hadron run 2022 with mom = 50.
-      //detect bad values of chi squared and apply chi squared cut
-      if ( isnan((float)mychisq) || isinf((float)mychisq) ) { ipass = 0; }
-      else {
-        if(MomentumLowerCut > -0.5) {
-          if(mychisq < MomentumChiSqLowerCut) ipass = 0;
-          if(mychisq > MomentumChiSqUpperCut) ipass = 0;
+    // track reconstruction with Tracking Tools
+    double mymom = 9999.;
+    double mychisq = 9999.;
+    if(e.mc) {
+      const bool debug = false;
+      std::vector<std::pair<TVector3, double> > hits;
+      FillAbsMMHits(e.MM1, hits);
+      FillAbsMMHits(e.MM2, hits);
+      FillAbsMMHits(e.MM3, hits);
+      FillAbsMMHits(e.MM4, hits);
+      if(debug)
+        for(auto hit : hits)
+          cout << "Reco point in MM: (" << hit.first.x() << ", " << hit.first.y() << ", " << hit.first.z() << ")" << endl;
+      const std::vector<Track_t> tracks = GetReconstructedTracksFromHits(hits);
+      // fill
+      if(!tracks.empty()) {
+        double _best_chi2(9999);
+        double _best_mom(9999);
+        // Look for the best track with the lowest chi2 value
+        for (auto elem : tracks) {
+          if (elem.chisquare < _best_chi2 && elem.chisquare > -1.) {
+            _best_chi2 = elem.chisquare;
+            _best_mom = elem.momentum;
+          }
+        mychisq = _best_chi2;
+        mymom = _best_mom;
+        if (debug) std::cout << "mymom = " << mymom <<std::endl;
+        if (debug) std::cout << "mychisq = " << mychisq <<std::endl;
+      }
+    } else {
+        std::cout << "Trackingtools not implemented for data in mkcode.exe, exiting..." << std::endl;
+        exit(1);
-    }
   if(mymom < MomentumLowerCut) ipass = 0;
   if(mymom > MomentumUpperCut) ipass = 0;