CSPP_DSC extends the CSPP_Core package of the CSPP_-Project.
It contains a derived classes of
- CSPP_SVMonitor
- CSPP_MessageLogger as well as the
- CSPP_DSCAlarmViewer
- CSPP_DSCTrendViewer
Refer to https://github.com/HB-GSI/CSPP for CS++ project overview, details and documentation.
LabVIEW 2017 is the currently used development environment.
Related documents and information
- EUPL v.1.1 - Lizenz.pdf
- Contact: H.Brand@gsi.de or D.Neidherr@gsi.de
- Download, bug reports... : https://git.gsi.de/EE-LV/CSPP/CSPP_DSC.git
- Documentation:
- Refer to package folder
- Project-Wiki: https://github.com/HB-GSI/CSPP/wiki
- NI Actor Framework: https://decibel.ni.com/content/groups/actor-framework-2011?view=overview
GIT Submodules
This package can be used as submodule
- Packages\CSPP_DSC:
- CSPP_DSCMonitor
- CSPP_MsgLogger
- CSPP_DSCAlarmViewer
- CSPP_DSCTrendViewer
External Dependencies
- CSPP_Core: http://github.com/HB-GSI/CSPP_Core
Getting started:
- Add CSPP_DSCContent.vi into your own LabVIEW project and
- Add into your desired case of the CSPP_UserContents.vi
- Move lvlib's from dependencies to a virtual folder in your project.
- You need to extend your project specific ini-file.
- A sample ini-file should be available on disk in the corresponding package folder.
- You need to add a process in the Distributed System Manager.
Author: H.Brand@gsi.de, D.Neidherr@gsi.de
Copyright 2013 GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
Planckstr.1, 64291 Darmstadt, Germany
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