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WIP: Remove VecCore from VecGeom and use external project

Guilherme Amadio requested to merge amadio/vecgeom-external-veccore into master

This merge request removes the old bundled VecCore from VecGeom and adds it back as an external project.
The added benefit is that with -DBUILTIN_VECCORE=ON VecGeom can now use VecCore to download and install Vc and/or UME::SIMD.
It also simplifies how to configure VecGeom a little bit, but this is work in progress.

Note: On my computer CUDA compilation is broken (master branch, using CMake 3.7.2, not this branch). It seems that CUDA cannot find the VecGeom headers. Not sure if it's a configuration problem on my side or not. Please test this branch and let me know if you find any problems.
So far I can compile both with pre-installed VecCore and built-in compilation of VecCore, for both Vc and UME::SIMD backends, using GCC 5.3.0.

Merge request reports