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Chained analyses rebase

Zhengcheng Tao requested to merge devel_chained_analyses_rebase into devel

This is a re-implementation of !203 (closed) with hopefully a cleaner commit history. (The merge in !203 (closed) becomes a bit too messy.) The change should be transparent to all current scans.

Also included is a dummy example of the N-point scan that chains two analysis algorithms together. I put the NPointGain algorithm implementation in src/libFei4/Fei4Analysis.cpp and add a scan config configs/scans/star/std_npointscan.json. It runs with the star emulator and can produce plots:

bin/scanConsole -r configs/controller/emuCfg_star.json -c configs/connectivity/example_star_setup.json -s configs/scans/star/std_npointscan.json -p

(The results are not expected to make much sense though. Currently the ScurveFitter uses a error function for fitting, but in the Strip case the scan changes the threshold instead of the charge injection, so it needs a complementary error function. An additional option in the ScurveFitter config to switch the sign of the fitting function would be handy, but it probably belongs to another MR.)

Merge request reports