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Remove Bookkeeper from AnalysisProcessor

Bruce Joseph Gallop requested to merge analysis_no_bookie into devel

AnalysisProcessors uses data from Bookkeeper for only two things:

  • Pulling the appropriate FrontEndCfg for calibration/updates
  • Scan target parameters

This MR makes these uses more direct.

One follow up on the scan parameters, buildAnalyses now includes the following arguments:

int mask_opt, std::string outputDir, int target_tot, int target_charge

Maybe it would be sensible to turn these into a struct. mask_opt is slightly different as it is dealt with by buildAnalyses itself, but otherwise behaves in a similar way (passing parameters to the analysis algorithms).

NB target_charge is only used by preScan, so passing that in as an argument allows removing target_* from Bookkeeper.

Merge request reports