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StarTriggerLoop: an option to pack all SW triggers into the trigger word

Alex Toldaiev requested to merge otoldaie/YARR:devel_starStackSWTriggers into devel

An option stackTriggers in StarTriggerLoop. If it is set to true and the trigger mode is count (i.e. the trig_count>0), the Loop sets up its trigger word to include all the triggers, separated by IDLEs, with or without the injections. And it sets the HWController to issue the word only once.

The goal is to be able to rerun the scalability measurements that were done on Felixcore last year. The problem last year was that on felix-star it would not push the trigger rate over 1-2KHz, even on 1 HCC.

Also, corrected random inconsistency in tabs VS spaces: StarTriggerLoop uses tabs and FelixTxCore uses spaces.

modified:   src/libStar/StarTriggerLoop.cpp
modified:   src/libStar/include/StarTriggerLoop.h
modified:   src/libFelixClient/FelixTxCore.cpp
Edited by Alex Toldaiev

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