ACTS-470 ATLAS Adaptions
I made changes to core along the way while working on the integration from ATHENA.
Changes include:
- PolyhedronRepresentation: Needed more robust method in ProtoLayer to autodetect layer dimensions. This approximates a surfaces as a polyhedron. Is used to determine straw layer sizes. Also helpful for OBJ export, to be able to render disc(segments) or cylinders without making the obj writer much more complex. The resulting approximation lives in a container class. I don't use it for geometry construction anymore right now, so if this is controversial, I can remove it.
- some fixes to the Surface::normal() method and overrides to fix compiler warnings
- added some more informative printout to BoundarySurfaceFace, which was useful during debugging. I think it wouldn't hurt to keep this around.
- fixed a few types
- phi binning optimization in SurfaceArrayCreator: this kind of breaks down for ATLAS/TRT, so I decided to add an option to have SAC skip the optimization.
I'm open to discussion on all of this, but I'd like to get this in as soon as possible to test out building against the Externals build of ACTS in Athena
Closes ACTS-470
Edited by Paul Gessinger