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WIP: ACTS-476: Track states on surfaces

Fabian Klimpel requested to merge TSOS into master

A fitted track with KF exists only on the surfaces that measured the data needed for the track fitting itself. The reconstruction of a/multiple track/s on a data set can lead to a huge amount of data that needs to be handled in order to resolve all tracks. This MR considers the bookkeeping of the track states on the surfaces. Since a general output of a fitter is not implemented yet this MR just implements a TSOS bookkeeping for truth tracking or similar applications (as performed by the current version of the Kalman fitter). The corresponding data types are templated to allow further expansions of this structs and an adaption to further fitting classes without re-writing the storage construction from scratch.

Closes ACTS-476

Edited by Fabian Klimpel

Merge request reports