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Reintegrating AtlasStepper into Core

Andreas Salzburger requested to merge 647-648-stepping-update into master

Closes #647 (closed)

The AtlasStepper has been made fully compliant with the StepperConcept API, and it's nice to have it as a reference in the Core, w/o explicitly building ACTS_BUILD_LEGACY. I propose to re-integrate it in the core stack.

This will allow easy Stepper comparison checks (as prepared in acts-framework!166 (merged) - which will introduce the timing script and the empty detector).

Concerning the stepper comparison, here are some results comparing the StraightLineStepper (line), the EigenStepper (eigen) and the AtlasStepper (atlas):

  • Constant field:


  • Realistic field:


Merge request reports
