WIP: Sphenix v0.13.00
This is a MR that enables support for the sPhenix detector based on the TGeo geometry description.
Running the Geometry building test
The 'MVTX' detector is built executing the command:
ACTFWTGeoGeometryExample -n1 -l0 --geo-tgeo-filename=sPhenix.root --geo-tgeo-worldvolume="World" --geo-tgeo-nlayers=0 --geo-tgeo-clayers=1 --geo-tgeo-players=0 --geo-tgeo-clayernames=MVTX --geo-tgeo-cmodulenames MVTXSensor --geo-tgeo-cmoduleaxes=xzy --geo-tgeo-clayersplits 5. --geo-subdetectors MVTX --output-obj true
The options are:
-n1 -l0
: one event verbose screen output output -
: the root file containing the geometry -
: defining the top volume -
--geo-tgeo-nlayers=0 --geo-tgeo-clayers=1 --geo-tgeo-players=0
: only look for central layers -
--geo-tgeo-clayernames=MVTX --geo-tgeo-cmodulenames MVTXSensor
: find allMVTXSensor
nodes -
: axis orientation wrt ROOT vs Acts for modules -
--geo-tgeo-clayersplits 5.
: sort modules that are separated by more than 5mm in different layers -
--geo-subdetectors MVTX --output-obj true
: name the layer and output an associatedobj
This job should create a MVTX.obj
file as attached:
Adding the Silicon detector (same procedure as above):
ACTFWTGeoGeometryExample -n1 -l0 --geo-tgeo-filename=sPhenix.root --geo-tgeo-worldvolume="World" --geo-subdetectors MVTX Silicon --geo-tgeo-nlayers=0 0 --geo-tgeo-clayers=1 1 --geo-tgeo-players=0 0 --geo-tgeo-clayernames=MVTX siactive --geo-tgeo-cmodulenames MVTXSensor siactive --geo-tgeo-cmoduleaxes=xzy yzx --geo-tgeo-clayersplits 5. 15. --output-obj true
Running the propagation through the detector
This test is running 100 events multithreaded with 1000 test propagations through a magnetic field of B = (0,0,2T)
./bin/ACTFWTGeoPropagationExample -n100 --geo-tgeo-filename=sPhenix.root --geo-tgeo-worldvolume="World" --geo-subdetectors MVTX Silicon --geo-tgeo-nlayers=0 0 --geo-tgeo-clayers=1 1 --geo-tgeo-players=0 0 --geo-tgeo-clayernames=MVTX siactive --geo-tgeo-cmodulenames MVTXSensor siactive --geo-tgeo-cmoduleaxes=xzy yzx --geo-tgeo-clayersplits 5. 10. --output-root true --prop-pt-range 0.1 10 --bf-values 0 0 2
The output produces a ROOT file with all propagation steps:
Restricting to only sensitive shows:
Creating Material Maps
First export the ROOT TGeo
geometry to gdml
root[1] TGeoManager::Import("sPhenix.root")
root[2] gGeoManager->Export("sPhenix.gdml");
Now run the ACTFWGeantinoRecordingExample
with this input.
./bin/ACTFWGeantinoRecordingExample -n 100 --g4-gdml-input sPhenix.gdml --output-root true -j1
That records the Geant4 material (in this case with 100x100 tracks) in a file: