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WIP: Add GitLab CI Environment Variables to Enable/Disable Jobs

Simon Spannagel requested to merge select_ci_jobs into master

This MR introduces four environment variables which can be used to turn on or off certain jobs of the CI. The idea is to disable jobs which require special infrastructure by default, e.g. when cloning the repository to an account without access to this infrastructure. The variables are described in the manual as:

Since some jobs require special infrastructure like dedicated machines for performance testing or running MacOS, these parts of the CI pipeline are optional and need to be enabled explicitly via GitLab's environment variables. The following variables are defined:

  • APSQ_CI_MAC: Jobs which require a MacOS operating system will only run if this variable is defined. Jobs require GitLab CI runners with the tag mac.
  • APSQ_CI_PERFORMANCE: Jobs which require dedicated machines without virtualization to run performance tests in a reproducible way. Jobs require GitLab CI runners with the tag benchmark.
  • APSQ_CI_DOCKER: Jobs which build and deploy Docker images to the central project Docker image repository as described in Section X. These jobs can only be executed in the main project repository.
  • APSQ_CI_DEPLOY: Jobs which deploy artifacts to different locations such as the CERN CVMFS file system or the project's CERN EOS space. This comprises nightly builds, tagged versions and the user manual served on the website as described in Section Y. These jobs can only be executed in the main project repository.

Also, I have removed some of the testing jobs since they are redundant and have renamed a few.

Edited by Simon Spannagel

Merge request reports
