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ModuleManager: Print # of Buffered Events

Simon Spannagel requested to merge mt_buffered_status into multithreading

This is a simplistic solution to get some feedback about the current filling status of BufferedModule event buffers. Event BufferedModule reports back its filling status, they are summed over the full module chain, and displayed on the LOG(STATUS) line:

|17:49:40.040|  (STATUS) Welcome to Allpix^2 v1.6.0+707^g885fc4d44
|17:49:40.040|  (STATUS) Initialized PRNG with system entropy seed 5518187966194535283
|17:49:40.335|  (STATUS) Loaded 10 modules                   
|17:49:40.335|  (STATUS) Initializing 31 module instantiations
|17:49:44.996|  (STATUS) Initialized 31 module instantiations
|17:49:44.996|  (STATUS) Multithreading enabled, processing events in parallel on 4 worker threads
|17:49:57.877|  (STATUS) Finished 108, buffered 9 of 1000000 events

There might be more elegant solutions out there (tell me!) but it's simple and effective. I renamed finished_events to dispatched_events because they're not really finished - they might be lurking in a buffer. To display the number of really finished events, I subtract the number of buffered events from the dispatched.

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