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Commit 802f9ac4 authored by Johannes Elmsheuser's avatar Johannes Elmsheuser Committed by Frank Winklmeier
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DerivationFrameworkPhys: import PHYSLITE variable descriptions

DerivationFrameworkPhys: import PHYSLITE variable descriptions
parent cc391565
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with 474 additions and 0 deletions
......@@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ atlas_subdir( DerivationFrameworkPhys )
# Install files from the package:
atlas_install_python_modules( python/*.py POST_BUILD_CMD ${ATLAS_FLAKE8} )
atlas_install_data( data/* )
atlas_install_data( data/VariableDescriptions/* )
1,trackParticleLinks,vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TrackParticle_v1> > > >,Electron -> track particle
2,ambiguityLink,vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::Egamma_v1> > >,Links Photon<-> Electron when ambiguous
3,pt,vector<float>,Electron kinematics
4,eta,vector<float>,Electron kinematics
5,phi,vector<float>,Electron kinematics
6,m,vector<float>,Electron mass (0.511 MeV)
7,charge,vector<float>,Electron charge from best track match (+/- 1)
8,topoetcone20,vector<float>,Topo isolation within cone of radius 0.2
9,f1,vector<float>,Electron: ratio of the energy measured in the first layer of the EM to the total energy of the EM cluster
10,truthType,vector<int>,Truth isolation (cone radius 0.2)
11,truthOrigin,vector<int>,MCTC origin of matched truth particle
12,truthParticleLink,vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > >,Link from electron to corresponding truth object
13,neflowisol20,vector<float>,Isolation computed as the sum of pT of neutral flow elements within cone of radius 0.2
14,ptvarcone30_Nonprompt_All_MaxWeightTTVALooseCone_pt1000,vector<float>,Electron variable-radius track-based isolation
15,ptcone20_Nonprompt_All_MaxWeightTTVALooseCone_pt1000,vector<float>,Electron fixed radius (0.2) track-based isolation
16,ptvarcone30_Nonprompt_All_MaxWeightTTVALooseCone_pt1000_CloseByCorr,vector<float>,Electron variable-radius track-based isolation with close-by lepton correction
17,topoetcone20_CloseByCorr,vector<float>,Photon topo isolation within R=0.2 (calo-based) with close-by lepton correction
18,ptcone20_Nonprompt_All_MaxWeightTTVALooseCone_pt1000_CloseByCorr,vector<float>,Electron fixed radius (0.2) track-based isolation with close-by lepton correction
19,DFCommonElectronsLHLoose,vector<char>,Likelihood identification decision
20,DFCommonElectronsLHLooseBLIsEMValue,vector<unsigned int>,Is EM (bitmask) value for corresponding identification decision
21,TruthLink,vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > >,Link from electron to corresponding truth object
22,caloClusterLinks,vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::CaloCluster_v1> > > >,Photon/electron -> Cluster
23,author,vector<unsigned short>,"Electron, Photon, Ambiguous, Forward Electron"
24,OQ,vector<unsigned int>,Cluster quality
25,ambiguityType,vector<unsigned char>,"Ambiguity (almost surely electron 0 or photon 7/6 (>= rel22/rel21) or ambiguous 1-6/5, (>= rel22/rel21)"
26,topoetcone20ptCorrection,vector<float>,Leakage correction for topo isolation within a cone of R=0.2
27,ptcone20_Nonprompt_All_MaxWeightTTVALooseCone_pt500,vector<float>,Electron fixed radius (0.2) track-based isolation
28,ptvarcone30_Nonprompt_All_MaxWeightTTVALooseCone_pt500,vector<float>,Electron variable-radius track-based isolation
29,DFCommonElectronsLHVeryLoose,vector<char>,Likelihood identification decision
30,DFCommonElectronsLHVeryLooseIsEMValue,vector<unsigned int>,Is EM (bitmask) value for corresponding identification decision
31,DFCommonElectronsLHLooseIsEMValue,vector<unsigned int>,Is EM (bitmask) value for corresponding identification decision
32,DFCommonElectronsLHLooseBL,vector<char>,Likelihood identification decision
33,DFCommonElectronsLHMedium,vector<char>,Likelihood identification decision
34,DFCommonElectronsLHMediumIsEMValue,vector<unsigned int>,Is EM (bitmask) value for corresponding identification decision
35,DFCommonElectronsLHTight,vector<char>,Likelihood identification decision
36,DFCommonElectronsLHTightIsEMValue,vector<unsigned int>,Is EM (bitmask) value for corresponding identification decision
37,DFCommonElectronsDNNLoose,vector<char>,DNN identification + charge-flip rejection decision
38,DFCommonElectronsDNNMedium,vector<char>,DNN identification + charge-flip rejection decision
39,DFCommonElectronsDNNTight,vector<char>,DNN identification + charge-flip rejection decision
40,DFCommonElectronsDNNLooseNoCF,vector<char>,DNN identification decision
41,DFCommonElectronsDNNMediumNoCF,vector<char>,DNN identification decision
42,DFCommonElectronsDNNTightNoCF,vector<char>,DNN identification decision
43,DFCommonElectronsECIDS,vector<char>,Charge selection (to reject wrong charge assignment)
44,DFCommonElectronsECIDSResult,vector<float>,BDT (Boosted Decision Tree) score for the charge selection
45,truthPdgId,vector<int>,Reco -> truth PDG identification
46,firstEgMotherTruthType,vector<int>,Classification of type from MCTC for first mother
47,firstEgMotherTruthOrigin,vector<int>,Classification of origin from MCTC (Monte Carlo Truth Classifier) for first mother
48,firstEgMotherPdgId,vector<int>,Reco -> truth: first mother PDG identification
49,firstEgMotherTruthParticleLink,vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > >,"Link from electron to ""first"" truth parent"
1,pt,vector<float>,Small radius jet transverse momentum
2,eta,vector<float>,Small radius jet eta
3,phi,vector<float>,Small radius jet phi
4,m,vector<float>,Small radius jet mass
5,JetConstitScaleMomentum_pt,vector<float>,Small-R jet transverse momentum at the constituent scale
6,JetConstitScaleMomentum_eta,vector<float>,Small-R jet eta at the constituent scale
7,JetConstitScaleMomentum_phi,vector<float>,Small-R jet phi at the constituent scale
8,JetConstitScaleMomentum_m,vector<float>,Small-R jet mass at the constituent scale
9,ActiveArea4vec_eta,vector<float>,Eta of the four-vector area from ghosts
10,ActiveArea4vec_m,vector<float>,Mass of the four-vector area from ghosts
11,ActiveArea4vec_phi,vector<float>,Phi of the four-vector area from ghosts
12,ActiveArea4vec_pt,vector<float>,pT of the four-vector area from ghosts
13,DetectorEta,vector<float>,Eta of small-R jet as measured in the detector
14,EMFrac,vector<float>,Fraction of jet energy in the Electromagnetic calorimeter
15,JVFCorr,vector<float>,Jet vertex fraction correction factor
16,Timing,vector<float>,Cell cluster timing from calorimeter information
17,NumTrkPt1000,vector<vector<int> >,"Number of ghost associated tracks with pT > 1.0 GeV using ID group loose track selection. The first index spans the number of jets, while the second spans the number of vertices (with 0 corresponding to the primary vertex)"
18,NumTrkPt500,vector<vector<int> >,"Number of ghost associated tracks with pT > 0.5 GeV using ID group loose track selection. The first index spans the number of jets, while the second spans the number of vertices (with 0 corresponding to the primary vertex)"
19,EnergyPerSampling,vector<vector<float> >,Energy deposited in calo sampling layer
20,SumPtChargedPFOPt500,vector<vector<float> >,"Sum of pT of charged PFOs (Particle Flow Objects) with pT > 0.5 GeV. The first index spans the number of jets, while the second spans the number of vertices (with 0 corresponding to the primary vertex)"
21,SumPtTrkPt500,vector<vector<float> >,"Sum of pT of ghost associated tracks with pT > 0.5 GeV using ID group loose track selection.The first index spans the number of jets, while the second spans the number of vertices (with 0 corresponding to the primart vertex)"
22,TrackWidthPt1000,vector<vector<float> >,"Width (radial moment) of the jet based on associated tracks with pT > 1 GeV. The first index spans the number of jets, while the second spans the number of vertices (with 0 corresponding to the primary vertex)"
23,PSFrac,vector<float>,Fraction of the jet energy in the presampler
24,Width,vector<float>,"Width defined as sum( DeltaR(jet,constit ) * pT(constit) ) / sum( pT(constit) )"
25,DFCommonJets_fJvt,vector<float>,"Forward JVT (Jet Vertex Tagger) score, approaching 0 (large values) for hard-scatter (pile-up) jets"
26,HadronConeExclTruthLabelID,vector<int>,"Truth labels (5=B, 4=C, 15=tau), used by flavour tagging group"
27,HadronConeExclExtendedTruthLabelID,vector<int>,"Extended truth label (additional states, e.g. BB, allowed) used by flavour tagging group"
28,PartonTruthLabelID,vector<int>,PDG (Particle Data Group) identification of the highest-energy ghost-associated parton
29,ConeTruthLabelID,vector<int>,"Truth labels (5=B, 4=C, 15=tau), used by flavour tagging group"
30,GhostMuonSegmentCount,vector<int>,Number of ghost-associated muon segments
31,DFCommonJets_QGTagger_NTracks,vector<int>,Number of tracks (input to quark-gluon tagger)
32,DFCommonJets_QGTagger_TracksWidth,vector<float>,Width (radial moment) of tracks associated to jet (input to quark-gluon tagger)
33,DFCommonJets_QGTagger_TracksC1,vector<float>,C1 (energy moment) of tracks associated to jet (input to quark-gluon tagger)
34,NNJvtPass,vector<char>,Flag indicating whether jet passes NNJvt
35,GhostTrack,vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > >,Link from jets to ghost-associated tracks
36,btaggingLink,vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::BTagging_v1> > >,Links from jets to b-tagging variables
37,isJvtHS,vector<char>,Flag to indicate if a jet originates from the hard-scatter (HS) event or not
38,DFCommonJets_jetClean_LooseBad,vector<char>,Loose working point for identifying "bad" jets from non-collision backgrounds
39,DFCommonJets_jetClean_TightBad,vector<char>,Tight working point for identifying "bad" jets from non-collision backgrounds
1,pt,vector<float>,Large radius jet transverse momentum
2,eta,vector<float>,Large radius jet eta
3,phi,vector<float>,Large radius jet phi
4,m,vector<float>,Large radius jet mass
5,JetConstitScaleMomentum_pt,vector<float>,Large radius jet transverse momentum at the constituent scale
6,JetConstitScaleMomentum_eta,vector<float>,Large radius jet eta at the constituent scale
7,JetConstitScaleMomentum_phi,vector<float>,Large radius jet phi at the constituent scale
8,JetConstitScaleMomentum_m,vector<float>,Large radius jet mass at the constituent scale
9,DetectorEta,vector<float>,Eta of large radius jet as measured in the detector
10,D2,vector<float>,Ratio of energy correlation functions
11,ECF1,vector<float>,Energy correlation functions
12,ECF2,vector<float>,Energy correlation functions
13,ECF3,vector<float>,Energy correlation functions
14,Tau1_wta,vector<float>,"Measure of how well jet can be considered to consist of n subjets, using winner-takes-all recombination scheme"
15,Tau2_wta,vector<float>,"Measure of how well jet can be considered to consist of n subjets, using winner-takes-all recombination scheme"
16,Tau3_wta,vector<float>,"Measure of how well jet can be considered to consist of n subjets, using winner-takes-all recombination scheme"
17,C2,vector<float>,Ratio of energy correlation functions
18,Split12,vector<float>,Kt distance between subjets during merging
19,Split23,vector<float>,Kt distance between subjets during merging
20,Qw,vector<float>,Qw (minimum pair-wise invariant mass) observable for top jet tagging
21,constituentLinks,vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > >,Link from large-radius jets to constituents (e.g. UFOs)
22,GN2Xv01_phbb,vector<float>,Probability that the jet is higgs -> bb (maintained by the flavor tagging group)
23,GN2Xv01_ptop,vector<float>,Probability that the jet is top (maintained by the flavor tagging group)
24,GN2Xv01_pqcd,vector<float>,Probability that the jet is QCD (maintained by the flavor tagging group)
25,GN2Xv01_phcc,vector<float>,Probability that the jet is higgs -> cc (maintained by the flavor tagging group)
26,Parent,vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::Jet_v1> > >,Link to ungroomed parent jet
27,GhostBHadronsFinalCount,vector<int>,Number of ghost-associated b-hadrons
28,GhostCHadronsFinalCount,vector<int>,Number of ghost-associated c-hadrons
29,R10TruthLabel_R21Precision,vector<int>,Large-R jet truth label (top/W/Z/Higgs/QCD) following early R21 recommendations
30,R10TruthLabel_R21Precision_2022v1,vector<int>,Large-R jet truth label (top/W/Z/Higgs/QCD) following R21 recommendations
31,R10TruthLabel_R22v1,vector<int>,Large-R jet truth label (top/W/Z/Higgs/QCD) following preliminary R22 recommendations
1,pt,vector<float>,Muon kinematics
2,eta,vector<float>,Muon kinematics
3,phi,vector<float>,Muon kinematics
4,charge,vector<float>,Charge of muon
5,MuonSpectrometerPt,vector<float>,pT of Muon Spectrometer track
6,InnerDetectorPt,vector<float>,pT of Inner Detector track
7,EnergyLoss,vector<float>,Energy loss in calorimeters
8,truthType,vector<int>,Truth info on type of muon
9,truthOrigin,vector<int>,Truth info on origin of muon
10,momentumBalanceSignificance,vector<float>,Quality of muon: significance of Inner Detector-Muon Spectrometer imbalance
11,scatteringNeighbourSignificance,vector<float>,Quality of muon: significance of a change in trajectory (kink) along the track
12,CaloMuonScore,vector<float>,Score resulting from the CaloMuonScore algorithm
13,neflowisol20,vector<float>,Isolation computed as the sum of pT of neutral flow elements within cone of radius 0.2
14,ptvarcone30_Nonprompt_All_MaxWeightTTVA_pt500,vector<float>,Track Isolation in 0.3 varcone with improved track-vertex association
15,ptcone20_Nonprompt_All_MaxWeightTTVA_pt500,vector<float>,Track Isolation in 0.2 cone with improved track-vertex association
16,author,vector<unsigned short>,Primary algorithm author of muon
17,allAuthors,vector<unsigned short>,Bitmask of algorithm authors of muon
18,muonType,vector<unsigned short>,"Reconstruction type (combined, standalone,...)"
19,quality,vector<unsigned char>,Output quality of muon selection tool
20,energyLossType,vector<unsigned char>,"Type of energy loss (measured, parametric,...)"
21,numberOfPrecisionLayers,vector<unsigned char>,Number of precision stations used for muon reconstruction
22,numberOfPrecisionHoleLayers,vector<unsigned char>,Number of precision stations holes resulting from muon reconstruction
23,innerSmallHits,vector<unsigned char>,Number of hits in the Inner station of Muon Spectrometer in small sectors
24,innerLargeHits,vector<unsigned char>,Number of hits in the Inner station of Muon Spectrometer in large sectors
25,middleSmallHits,vector<unsigned char>,Number of hits in the middle station of Muon Spectrometer in small sectors
26,middleLargeHits,vector<unsigned char>,Number of hits in the middle station of Muon Spectrometer in large sectors
27,outerSmallHits,vector<unsigned char>,Number of hits in the outer station of Muon Spectrometer in small sectors
28,outerLargeHits,vector<unsigned char>,Number of hits in the outer station of Muon Spectrometer in large sectors
29,extendedSmallHits,vector<unsigned char>,Number of hits in the extended station of Muon Spectrometer in small sectors
30,extendedLargeHits,vector<unsigned char>,Number of hits in the extended station of Muon Spectrometer in large sectors
31,extendedSmallHoles,vector<unsigned char>,Number of holes in the extended station of Muon Spectrometer in small sectors
32,cscUnspoiledEtaHits,vector<unsigned char>,Number of unspoiled CSC hits in the eta plane
33,scatteringCurvatureSignificance,vector<float>,"Quality of muon: normalized integral of the scattering angle significances, corrected for single kinks along the trajectory that diminish the absolute value of the integral significance"
34,CaloMuonIDTag,vector<int>,Result of the CaloMuonTag algorithm
35,combinedTrackOutBoundsPrecisionHits,vector<unsigned char>,Quality of muon
36,isSmallGoodSectors,vector<unsigned char>,Quality of muon
37,numberOfGoodPrecisionLayers,vector<unsigned char>,Quality of muon
38,ptcone20_Nonprompt_All_MaxWeightTTVA_pt1000,vector<float>,Track isolation in 0.2 cone with improved track-vertex association
39,ptvarcone30_Nonprompt_All_MaxWeightTTVA_pt1000,vector<float>,Track isolation in 0.3 varcone with improved track-vertex association
40,truthParticleLink,vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > >,Link from muon to corresponding truth particle
41,TruthLink,vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > >,Link from muon to corresponding truth particle
42,inDetTrackParticleLink,vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TrackParticle_v1> > >,Link from muon to corresponding Inner Detector track
43,muonSpectrometerTrackParticleLink,vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TrackParticle_v1> > >,Link from muon to corresponding Muon Spectrometer track
44,extrapolatedMuonSpectrometerTrackParticleLink,vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TrackParticle_v1> > >,Link from muon to corresponding extrapolated Muon Spectrometer track
45,combinedTrackParticleLink,vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TrackParticle_v1> > >,Link from muon to corresponding combined Inner Detector+Muon Spectrometer track
46,ptcone20,vector<float>,Track isolation in 0.2 cone
47,ptcone30,vector<float>,Track isolation in 0.3 cone
48,ptvarcone20,vector<float>,Track isolation in 0.2 varcone
49,ptvarcone30,vector<float>,Track isolation in 0.3 varcone
50,topoetcone20,vector<float>,TopoCluster isolation in 0.2 cone
51,topoetcone30,vector<float>,TopoCluster isolation in 0.3 cone
52,topoetcone40,vector<float>,TopoCluster isolation in 0.4 cone
53,ptcone40,vector<float>,Track isolation in 0.4 cone
54,ptvarcone40,vector<float>,Track isolation in 0.4 varcone
55,topoetcone20_CloseByCorr,vector<float>,Muon topo isolation within R = 0.2 (calo-based) with close-by lepton correction
56,innerSmallHoles,vector<unsigned char>,Number of holes in the Inner station of Muon Spectrometer in small sectors
57,innerLargeHoles,vector<unsigned char>,Number of holes in the Inner station of Muon Spectrometer in large sectors
58,middleSmallHoles,vector<unsigned char>,Number of holes in the middle station of Muon Spectrometer in small sectors
59,middleLargeHoles,vector<unsigned char>,Number of holes in the middle station of Muon Spectrometer in large sectors
60,outerSmallHoles,vector<unsigned char>,Number of holes in the outer station of Muon Spectrometer in small sectors
61,outerLargeHoles,vector<unsigned char>,Number of holes in the outer station of Muon Spectrometer in large sectors
62,extendedLargeHoles,vector<unsigned char>,Number of holes in the extended station of Muon Spectrometer in large sectors
63,CaloLRLikelihood,vector<float>,can be removed
64,clusterLink,vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::CaloCluster_v1> > >,can be removed
65,DFCommonJetDr,vector<float>,can be removed
66,DFCommonMuonPassIDCuts,vector<char>,can be removed
67,DFCommonMuonPassPreselection,vector<char>,can be removed
68,etaLayer1STGCHits,vector<unsigned char>,Number of hits in the first eta layer of sTGC chambers in the New Small Wheel
69,etaLayer2STGCHits,vector<unsigned char>,Number of hits in the second eta layer of sTGC chambers in the New Small Wheel
70,extendedClosePrecisionHits,vector<unsigned char>,can be removed
71,extendedOutBoundsPrecisionHits,vector<unsigned char>,can be removed
72,innerClosePrecisionHits,vector<unsigned char>,can be removed
73,innerOutBoundsPrecisionHits,vector<unsigned char>,can be removed
74,isEndcapGoodLayers,vector<unsigned char>,can be removed
75,middleClosePrecisionHits,vector<unsigned char>,can be removed
76,middleOutBoundsPrecisionHits,vector<unsigned char>,can be removed
77,MMHits,vector<unsigned char>,Number of hits in the MicroMegas chambers in the New Small Wheel
78,msOnlyExtrapolatedMuonSpectrometerTrackParticleLink,vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TrackParticle_v1> > >,Helper variable to allow for retrieving the link to the original Muon Spectrometer track only track with back extrapolation to the primary vertex
79,muonSegmentLinks,vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::MuonSegment_v1> > > >,Links to muon tracks segments in the Muon Spectrometer
80,neflowisol20_CloseByCorr,vector<float>,Neutral particle flow isolation variable in 0.2 cone with close-by lepton correction
81,outerClosePrecisionHits,vector<unsigned char>,can be removed
82,outerOutBoundsPrecisionHits,vector<unsigned char>,can be removed
83,phiLayer1STGCHits,vector<unsigned char>,Number of hits in the first phi layer of sTGC chambers in the New Small Wheel
84,phiLayer2STGCHits,vector<unsigned char>,Number of hits in the second phi layer of sTGC chambers in the New Small Wheel
85,ptvarcone30_Nonprompt_All_MaxWeightTTVA_pt1000_CloseByCorr,vector<float>,Track Isolation in 0.3 varcone with improved track-vertex association and close-by lepton correction
86,ptvarcone30_Nonprompt_All_MaxWeightTTVA_pt500_CloseByCorr,vector<float>,Track Isolation in 0.3 varcone with improved track-vertex association and close-by lepton correction
87,segmentDeltaEta,vector<float>,"Angular difference between the extrapolated track and the innermost segment, measured in the eta coordinate"
88,spectrometerFieldIntegral,vector<float>,can be removed
1,ambiguityLink,vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::Egamma_v1> > >,Links Photon<-> Electron when ambiguous
2,pt,vector<float>,Photon kinematics
3,eta,vector<float>,Photon kinematics
4,phi,vector<float>,Photon kinematics
5,m,vector<float>,Photon mass (0)
6,ptcone20,vector<float>,Photon track isolation
7,topoetcone20,vector<float>,Photon topo isolation within a cone of 0.2
8,topoetcone40,vector<float>,Photon topo isolation within a cone of 0.4
9,f1,vector<float>,Photon: ratio of the energy measured in the first layer of the EM to the total energy of the EM cluster
10,truthType,vector<int>,MCTC (Monte Carlo Truth Classifier) type of matched truth particle
11,truthOrigin,vector<int>,MCTC (Monte Carlo Truth Classifier) origin of matched truth particle
12,truthParticleLink,vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > >,Link from photon to corresponding truth object
13,topoetcone20_CloseByCorr,vector<float>,Photon topo isolation within R=0.2 (calo-based) with close-by lepton correction
14,ptcone20_CloseByCorr,vector<float>,Photon fixed radius (0.2) track-based isolation with close-by lepton correction
15,topoetcone40_CloseByCorr,vector<float>,Photon topo isolation within R=0.4 (calo-based) with close-by lepton correction
16,DFCommonPhotonsCleaning,vector<char>,Full cleaning decision (includes timing)
17,DFCommonPhotonsIsEMLoose,vector<char>,Identification decision
18,TruthLink,vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > >,Link from photon to corresponding truth object
19,caloClusterLinks,vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::CaloCluster_v1> > > >,Photon/electron -> Cluster
20,author,vector<unsigned short>,Almost surely a photon or ambiguous with electron
21,OQ,vector<unsigned int>,Cluster quality
22,topoetcone20ptCorrection,vector<float>,"Leakage correction for topo isolation, R = 0.2"
23,topoetcone40ptCorrection,vector<float>,"Leakage correction for topo isolation, R = 0.4"
24,vertexLinks,vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::Vertex_v1> > > >,Photon -> vertex
25,DFCommonPhotonsIsEMTight,vector<char>,Identification decision
26,DFCommonPhotonsIsEMTightIsEMValue,vector<unsigned int>,Word to find which cuts did not pass (cut-based)
27,DFCommonPhotonsCleaningNoTime,vector<char>,Cleaning decision (no requirement on timing)
28,DFCommonPhotonsIsEMMedium,vector<char>,Identification decision
1,pt,vector<float>,Silicon hit (extra loose) electron pT
2,eta,vector<float>,Silicon hit (extra loose) electron eta
3,phi,vector<float>,Silicon hit (extra loose) electron phi
4,m,vector<float>,Silicon hit (extra loose) electron mass
5,charge,vector<float>,Silicon hit (extra loose) electron charge
6,truthType,vector<int>,Silicon hit (extra loose) electron truth type
7,truthOrigin,vector<int>,Silicon hit (extra loose) electron truth origin
8,ptvarcone30_Nonprompt_All_MaxWeightTTVALooseCone_pt1000_CloseByCorr,vector<float>,Silicon hit (extra loose) electron variable-radius track-based isolation with close-by lepton correction
9,topoetcone20_CloseByCorr,vector<float>,Silicon hit (extra loose) electron topo isolation within R = 0.2 (calo-based) with close-by lepton correction
10,z0stheta,vector<float>,Silicon hit (extra loose) electron z0 sin(theta)
11,d0Normalized,vector<float>,Silicon hit (extra loose) electron normalized d0
12,nInnerExpPix,vector<int>,Silicon hit (extra loose) electron number of inner expected pixel hits
13,clEta,vector<float>,Silicon hit (extra loose) electron cluster eta
14,clPhi,vector<float>,Silicon hit (extra loose) electron cluster phi
15,author,vector<unsigned short>,Silicon hit (extra loose) electron algorithm author
16,OQ,vector<unsigned int>,Silicon hit (extra loose) electron quality
17,DFCommonElectronsLHVeryLoose,vector<char>,Silicon hit (extra loose) electron very loose likelihood outcome
18,firstEgMotherTruthType,vector<int>,Silicon hit (extra loose) electron parent truth type
19,firstEgMotherTruthOrigin,vector<int>,Silicon hit (extra loose) electron parent truth origin
1,pt,vector<float>,Reconstructed taus: kinematics
2,eta,vector<float>,Reconstructed taus: kinematics
3,phi,vector<float>,Reconstructed taus: kinematics
4,m,vector<float>,Reconstructed taus: kinematics
5,charge,vector<float>,"Charge of the reconstructed taus (integer, but it can be different from +-1)"
6,EleRNNLoose_v1,vector<char>,Electron discrimination Loose working point
7,EleRNNMedium_v1,vector<char>,Electron discrimination Medium working point
8,EleRNNTight_v1,vector<char>,Electron discrimination Tight working point
9,JetDeepSetVeryLoose,vector<char>,Deepset jet discrimination Very Loose working point
10,JetDeepSetLoose,vector<char>,Deepset jet discrimination Loose working point
11,JetDeepSetMedium,vector<char>,Deepset jet discrimination Medium working point
12,JetDeepSetTight,vector<char>,Deepset jet discrimination Tight working point
13,ptTauEnergyScale,vector<float>,Reconstructed taus at calo level energy scale: kinematics
14,etaTauEnergyScale,vector<float>,Reconstructed taus at calo level energy scale: kinematics
15,ptFinalCalib,vector<float>,Reconstructed pT from the final tau calibration
16,etaFinalCalib,vector<float>,Reconstructed eta from the final tau calibration
17,isTauFlags,vector<unsigned int>,Set of flags to check if taus has passed some ID/eVeto levels
18,PanTau_DecayMode,vector<int>,"Identified tau decay mode (1p0n, 1p1n, 1pXn, 3p0n, 3pxN)"
19,RNNJetScore,vector<float>,MVA score from RNN jet discrimination
20,RNNJetScoreSigTrans,vector<float>,MVA score from RNN jet discrimination (flattened in signal efficiency)
21,RNNEleScore,vector<float>,MVA score from RNN electron discrimination
22,RNNEleScoreSigTrans,vector<float>,"buggy version, to be removed, RNNEleScoreSigTrans_v1 is the correct version"
23,RNNEleScoreSigTrans_v1,vector<float>,MVA score from RNN electron discrimination (flattened in signal efficiency)
24,NNDecayMode,vector<int>,"Identified tau decay mode from NN algorithm (1p0n, 1p1n, 1pXn, 3p0n, 3pxN)"
25,IsTruthMatched,vector<char>,Reco to truth tau matching
26,JetDeepSetScore,vector<float>,MVA score from DeepSet jet discrimination
27,JetDeepSetScoreTrans,vector<float>,MVA score from RNN jet discrimination (flattened in signal efficiency)
28,vertexLink,vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::Vertex_v1> > >,Link from tau to corresponding decay vertex
29,tauTrackLinks,vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TauTrack_v1> > > >,Link from tau to corresponding tracks
30,truthParticleLink,vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > >,Link from tau to corresponding truth particles
31,truthJetLink,vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::Jet_v1> > >,Link from tau to corresponding truth jet
1,D2,vector<float>,D2 (energy correlation function ratio) moment of the large-R jet
2,Tau1_wta,vector<float>,1-subjettiness of the large radius jet (useful in ratios)
3,Tau2_wta,vector<float>,2-subjettiness of the large radius jet (useful in ratios)
4,Tau3_wta,vector<float>,3-subjettiness of the large radius jet (useful in ratios)
1,D2,vector<float>,D2 (energy correlation function ratio) moment of the large-R jet
2,Tau1_wta,vector<float>,1-subjettiness of the large radius jet (useful in ratios)
3,Tau2_wta,vector<float>,2-subjettiness of the large radius jet (useful in ratios)
4,Tau3_wta,vector<float>,3-subjettiness of the large radius jet (useful in ratios)
1,GhostAntiKtVR30Rmax4Rmin02PV0TrackJets,vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > >,Link from large-radius jets to small-radius associated track jets used for tagging
1,HadronConeExclTruthLabelID,vector<int>,"Truth labels (5=B, 4=C, 15=tau), used by flavour tagging group"
2,GhostBHadronsFinalCount,vector<int>,Number of ghost-associated b-hadrons
3,GhostCHadronsFinalCount,vector<int>,Number of ghost-associated c-hadrons
4,PartonTruthLabelID,vector<int>,PDG identification of the highest-energy ghost-associated parton
5,ConeTruthLabelID,vector<int>,"Truth labels (5=B, 4=C, 15=tau), used by flavour tagging group"
6,TrueFlavor,vector<int>,Attempt to merge Parton and Hadron truth labels into a single variable
1,DL1dv00_pb,vector<float>,Posterior score of DL1dv00 tagger (replaced by DL1dv01)
2,DL1dv00_pc,vector<float>,Posterior score of DL1dv00 tagger (replaced by DL1dv01)
3,DL1dv00_pu,vector<float>,Posterior score of DL1dv00 tagger (replaced by DL1dv01)
4,DL1dv01_pu,vector<float>,Posterior score of DL1dv01 tagger
5,DL1dv01_pc,vector<float>,Posterior score of DL1dv01 tagger
6,DL1dv01_pb,vector<float>,Posterior score of DL1dv01 tagger
1,DL1dv01_pu,vector<float>,Posterior score of DL1dv01 tagger
2,DL1dv01_pc,vector<float>,Posterior score of DL1dv01 tagger
3,DL1dv01_pb,vector<float>,Posterior score of DL1dv01 tagger
4,GN2v00_pc,vector<float>,Posterior score of next-gen GN2 tagger
5,GN2v00_pb,vector<float>,Posterior score of next-gen GN2 tagger
6,GN2v00_pu,vector<float>,Posterior score of next-gen GN2 tagger
7,DL1dv00_pb,vector<float>,Posterior score of DL1dv00 tagger (replaced by DL1dv01)
8,DL1dv00_pc,vector<float>,Posterior score of DL1dv00 tagger (replaced by DL1dv01)
9,DL1dv00_pu,vector<float>,Posterior score of DL1dv00 tagger (replaced by DL1dv01)
10,GN2v01_pb,vector<float>,Posterior score of next-gen GN2 tagger
11,GN2v01_pc,vector<float>,Posterior score of next-gen GN2 tagger
12,GN2v01_ptau,vector<float>,Posterior score of next-gen GN2 tagger
13,GN2v01_pu,vector<float>,Posterior score of next-gen GN2 tagger
1,DL1dv01_pu,vector<float>,Posterior score of DL1dv01 on VRTrackJets
2,DL1dv01_pc,vector<float>,Posterior score of DL1dv01 on VRTrackJets
3,DL1dv01_pb,vector<float>,Posterior score of DL1dv01 on VRTrackJets
4,GN2v00_pc,vector<float>,Posterior score of next-gen GN2 tagger on VRTrackJets
5,GN2v00_pb,vector<float>,Posterior score of next-gen GN2 tagger on VRTrackJets
6,GN2v00_pu,vector<float>,Posterior score of next-gen GN2 tagger on VRTrackJets
1,prodVtxLink,vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthVertex_v1> > >,Born (ME) lepton production vertex
2,decayVtxLink,vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthVertex_v1> > >,Born (ME) lepton decay vertex
3,m,vector<float>,Born (ME) lepton mass
4,px,vector<float>,Born (ME) lepton px
5,py,vector<float>,Born (ME) lepton py
6,pz,vector<float>,Born (ME) lepton pz
7,e,vector<float>,Born (ME) lepton energy
8,pdgId,vector<int>,Born (ME) lepton pdg ID
9,classifierParticleOrigin,vector<unsigned int>,Born (ME) lepton truth origin
10,Classification,vector<unsigned int>,Born (ME) lepton truth classification
11,barcode,vector<int>,Born (ME) lepton barcode (unique ID)
12,status,vector<int>,Born (ME) lepton event generator status
13,classifierParticleType,vector<unsigned int>,Born (ME) lepton truth type
14,classifierParticleOutCome,vector<unsigned int>,Born (ME) lepton truth outcome
15,polarizationPhi,vector<float>,Born (ME) lepton polarization in phi
15,polarizationTheta,vector<float>,Born (ME) lepton polarization in theta
17,dressedPhoton,vector<char>,Decoration from photon dressing
18,unusedPhotonDecoration,vector<char>,"Name of the decoration for photons that were used in dressing (""unused” means no photons used in the dressing procedure)"
1,definingParametersCovMatrixDiag,vector<vector<float> >,Combined muon track: covariance matrix diagonal of track fit
2,definingParametersCovMatrixOffDiag,vector<vector<float> >,Combined muon track: covariance matrix off-diagonal of track fit
3,phi,vector<float>,Combined muon track kinematics
4,truthType,vector<int>,Truth type associated with Combined muon track
5,truthOrigin,vector<int>,Truth origin associated with Combined muon track
6,numberOfPixelHits,vector<unsigned char>,Combined muon track: number of Pixel hits
7,numberOfPixelHoles,vector<unsigned char>,Combined muon track: number of Pixel holes
8,numberOfSCTHits,vector<unsigned char>,Combined muon track: number of SCT hits
9,numberOfSCTHoles,vector<unsigned char>,Combined muon track: number of SCT holes
10,numberOfPixelDeadSensors,vector<unsigned char>,Combined muon track: number of Pixel dead sensors on the track
11,numberOfSCTDeadSensors,vector<unsigned char>,Combined muon track: number of SCT dead sensors on the track
12,qOverP,vector<float>,Combined muon track kinematics
13,d0,vector<float>,"Transverse impact parameter, i.e. the distance of the closest point of the track to the beamspot on the transverse plane"
14,z0,vector<float>,"Longitudinal impact parameter, i.e. the track's distance from the beamspot along the z-axis, calculated at the point of closest approach to the beamspot on the transverse plane"
15,theta,vector<float>,Combined muon track kinematics
16,vz,vector<float>,"The point of reference for the z0 calculation, i.e. the beamspot position along the z-axis"
17,chiSquared,vector<float>,Combined muon track: chi square of fit
18,numberDoF,vector<float>,Combined muon track: number of degrees of freedom of fit
19,numberOfTRTHits,vector<unsigned char>,Combined muon track: number of TRT hits
20,numberOfTRTOutliers,vector<unsigned char>,Combined muon track: number of TRT outliers
1,actualInteractionsPerCrossing,,Actual pileup mu (per BCID (Bunch Crosssing Identification))
2,averageInteractionsPerCrossing,,Average pileup mu (average over BCIDs in the LB)
3,beamSpotWeight,,Additional event weight in case multiple beamspot sizes are included in the dataset
4,mcChannelNumber,,Monte Carlo DSID (channel number)
5,RandomRunNumber,,Randomized run number from pileup reweighting
6,GenFiltHT,,"Truth HT, definition to match generator filter"
7,GenFiltHTinclNu,,Generator filter based on HT including neutrinos (effective mass proxy)
8,GenFiltMET,,"Truth MET, definition to match generator filter"
9,GenFiltPTZ,,Generator filter based on Z boson pT
10,GenFiltFatJ,,Generator filter based on large radius jet momentum
11,DFCommonJets_eventClean_LooseBad,,Event clean flag based on loose jet cleaning
12,DFCommonJets_eventClean_LooseBadLLP,,Event clean flag based on loose LLP jet cleaning
13,PileupWeight_NOSYS,,Nominal pileup weight
14,runNumber,,Run number
15,eventNumber,,Event number
16,lumiBlock,,Lumiblock number
17,timeStamp,,Time stamp in ns
18,timeStampNSOffset,,Offset for timestamp (in case time stamp becomes very large)
19,bcid,,Bunch crossing unique identifier
20,detDescrTags,"vector<pair<string,string> >",Detector description (i.e. geometry version)
21,eventTypeBitmask,,"Type of event (Monte Carlo, data, etc) as bitmask"
22,pixelFlags,,Flags for Pixel detector status
23,sctFlags,,Flags for SCT detector status
24,trtFlags,,Flags for TRT detector status
25,larFlags,,Flags for LAr calorimeter detector status
26,tileFlags,,Flags for Tile calorimeter detector status
27,muonFlags,,Flags for Muon system detector status
28,forwardDetFlags,,Flags for forward detectors status
29,coreFlags,,"""Core"" flags for e.g. data corruption"
30,lumiFlags,,Flags for luminosity determination
31,beamPosSigmaX,,Beam spot width in x
32,beamPosSigmaXY,,Beam spot width in xy
33,beamPosSigmaY,,Beam spot width in y
34,beamPosSigmaZ,,Beam spot width in z
35,beamPosX,,Beam spot position in x
36,beamPosY,,Beam spot position in y
37,beamPosZ,,Beam spot position in z
38,beamStatus,,"Beam status (for data, e.g. stable beams)"
39,beamTiltXZ,,Beam spot tilt (rotation) in xz plane
40,beamTiltYZ,,Beam spot tilt (rotation) in yz plane
41,mcEventNumber,,Monte Carlo simulation event number
42,mcEventWeights,vector<float>,Generator event weight nominal and variations
43,pileUpMixtureIDHighBits,,Identifier for pileup events overlaid as background
44,pileUpMixtureIDLowBits,,Identifier for pileup events overlaid as background
45,DFCommonJets_isBadBatman,,Calorimeter noise cleaning based on jets - flag for special calorimeter region
46,DFCommonJets_BCIDDistanceFromFront,,Calorimeter noise cleaning based on jets - distance from the front of a bunch train
47,DFCommonJets_BCIDDistanceTail,,Calorimeter noise cleaning based on jets - distance to the tail of the train
48,DFCommonJets_BCIDGapBeforeTrain,,Calorimeter noise cleaning based on jets - number of empty bunches before the train
49,DFCommonJets_BCIDGapAfterTrain,,Calorimeter noise cleaning based on jets - number of empty bunches after the train
50,DFCommonJets_BCIDType,,Calorimeter noise cleaning based on jets - type of bunch crossing
51,DFCommonJets_BCIDGapBeforeTrainMinus12,,Gap before train for the BCID 12 before the collision of interest
52,DFCommonJets_BCIDGapAfterTrainMinus12,,Gap after train for the BCID 12 before the collision of interest
53,DFCommonJets_BCIDTypeMinus12,,BCID type for the BCID 12 before the collision of interest
54,HTXS_prodMode,,Higgs truth cross section production mode (a truth classification of Higgs events)
55,hardScatterVertexLink,ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::Vertex_v1> >,Link to the hard-scatter vertex (matrix element vertex)
56,HF_Classification,,"Detailed classification of ttbar+heavy flavor events (counts of jets per category)"
57,HF_SimpleClassification,,"Simplified classification of ttbar+heavy flavor events (light/c/b)"
58,GRL2023,,Flag for specific Run 3 Good Run List
59,GRL2023_ignoreTRIG,,Flag for specific Run 3 ignoreTrig Good Run List
60,GRL2023_ignoreTRIG_HLTmisconf,,Flag for specific Run 3 ingnoreTrig_HLTmisconf Good Run List
61,GRL2023_ignoreTRIG_HLTmisconf_JETCTPIN,,Flag for specific Run 3 ingnoreTrig_HLTmisconf_JETCTPIN Good Run List
62,GRL2022,,Flag for specific Run 2 ingnoreTrig Good Run List
63,GRL2022_ignore_TRIGLAR,,Flag for specific Run 2 ingnore_TRIGLAR Good Run List
64,GRL2022_ignore_TRIGMUO_TRIGLAR,,Flag for specific Run 2 ingnore_TRIGMUO_TRIGLAR Good Run List
65,GRL2018_Triggerno17e33prim,,Flag for specific Run 2 Triggerno17e33prim 2018 Good Run List
66,GRL2018_BjetHLT,,Flag for specific Run 2 BjetHLT 2018 Good Run List
67,GRL2017_Triggerno17e33prim,,Flag for specific Run 2 Triggerno17e33prim 2017 Good Run List
68,GRL2017_BjetHLT_Normal2017,,Flag for specific Run 2 BjetHLT_Normal2017 Good Run List
69,GRL2017_JetHLT_Normal2017,,Flag for specific Run 2 JetHLT_Normal2017 Good Run List
70,GRL2016,,Flag for specific Run 2 2016 Good Run List
71,GRL2016_ignore_TOROID_STATUS,,Flag for specific Run 2 ignore_TOROID_STATUS Good Run List
72,GRL2016_BjetHLT,,Flag for specific Run 2 BjetHLT 2016 Good Run List
73,GRL2016_BjetHLT_Tight,,Flag for specific Run 2 BjetHLT_Tight Good Run List
74,GRL2015,,Flag for specific Run 2 2015 Good Run List
1,definingParametersCovMatrixDiag,vector<vector<float> >,Muon Spectrometer track extrapolated to primary vertex: covariance matrix diagonal of track fit
2,definingParametersCovMatrixOffDiag,vector<vector<float> >,Muon Spectrometer track extrapolated to primary vertex: covariance matrix off-diagonal of track fit
3,phi,vector<float>,Muon Spectrometer track extrapolated to primary vertex: kinematics
4,truthType,vector<int>,Truth type associated with Extrapolated muon track
5,truthOrigin,vector<int>,Truth origin associated with Extrapolated muon track
6,qOverP,vector<float>,Muon Spectrometer track extrapolated to primary vertex: kinematics
7,d0,vector<float>,"Transverse impact parameter, i.e. the distance of the closest point of the track to the beamspot on the transverse plane"
8,z0,vector<float>,"Longitudinal impact parameter, i.e. the track's distance from the beamspot along the z-axis, calculated at the point of closest approach to the beamspot on the transverse plane"
9,theta,vector<float>,Muon Spectrometer track extrapolated to primary vertex: kinematics
10,vz,vector<float>,"The point of reference for the z0 calculation, i.e. the beamspot position along the z-axis"
1,trackParticleLinks,vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TrackParticle_v1> > > >,Link to tracks associated with special vertices used in 4-lepton analysis
2,x,vector<float>,x position of special vertices used in 4-lepton analysis
3,y,vector<float>,y position of special vertices used in 4-lepton analysis
4,z,vector<float>,z position of special vertices used in 4-lepton analysis
5,vertexType,vector<short>,type of special vertices used in 4-lepton analysis
6,chiSquared,vector<float>,chi square of special vertices used in 4-lepton analysis
7,numberDoF,vector<float>,Number of degrees of freedom of special vertices used in 4-lepton analysis
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