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Commit a1906d94 authored by Edward Moyse's avatar Edward Moyse Committed by Adam Edward Barton
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Improvements to Acts / Trk convertors and tests

Need to have surface to calculate the global position for ACTS parameters

Print warning if no surface found

Cache position, and improve debug output
parent a50d4ada
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......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ atlas_subdir( DumpEventDataToJSON )
# External dependencies:
find_package( nlohmann_json )
find_package( Acts COMPONENTS Core )
# Component(s) in the package:
atlas_add_component( DumpEventDataToJSON
......@@ -7,8 +7,10 @@
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm> // std::reverse
#include "Acts/EventData/TrackContainer.hpp"
#include "Acts/EventData/TrackParameters.hpp"
#include "ActsEvent/MultiTrajectory.h"
#include "Gaudi/Property.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/Algorithm.h"
......@@ -68,6 +70,9 @@ StatusCode DumpEventDataToJsonAlg::initialize() {
} else {
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
......@@ -75,23 +80,56 @@ StatusCode DumpEventDataToJsonAlg::initialize() {
template <>
nlohmann::json DumpEventDataToJsonAlg::getData(const Acts::TrackProxy<Acts::ConstVectorTrackContainer, ActsTrk::ConstMultiTrajectory, Acts::detail::ConstRefHolder, true> &track) {
nlohmann::json data;
Acts::GeometryContext gctx = m_trackingGeometryTool->getGeometryContext(getContext()).context();
// ACTS units are GeV, whilst ATLAS is MeV. So we need to convert.
data["dparams"] = {track.loc0(), track.loc1(), track.phi(), track.theta(), track.qOverP() * 0.001};
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE(" Track has dparams"<<data["dparams"][0]<<", "<<data["dparams"][1]<<", "<<data["dparams"][2]<<", "<<data["dparams"][3]<<", "<<data["dparams"][4]);
// Add dparams positions to the output
const Acts::BoundTrackParameters trackparams(track.referenceSurface().getSharedPtr(),
auto trackPosition = trackparams.position(gctx);;
unsigned int nTrackStates = track.nTrackStates();
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Track has " << nTrackStates << " states.");
// Unfortunately actsTracks are stored in reverse order, so we need to do some gymnastics
// (There is certainly a more elegant way to do this, but since this will all be changed soon I don't think it matters)
std::vector<ActsTrk::ConstMultiTrajectory::ConstTrackStateProxy> trackStates;
for (auto trackstate : track.trackStates()) {
std::reverse(trackStates.begin(), trackStates.end());
unsigned int count=0;
for ( auto tsos : track.trackStates() ) {
unsigned int count = 0;
for (auto trackstate : trackStates) {
// Currently only converting smoothed states, but we will extend this later.
if (tsos.hasSmoothed()) {
if (trackstate.hasSmoothed() && trackstate.hasReferenceSurface()) {
const Acts::BoundTrackParameters params(trackstate.referenceSurface().getSharedPtr(),
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Track parameters: "<<params.parameters());
auto pos = params.position(gctx);
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("TrackState "<<count<<" has smoothed state and reference surface. Position is "<<pos.x()<<", "<<pos.y()<<", "<<pos.z());
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("GeometryId "<<params.referenceSurface().geometryId().value());
} else {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("TrackState "<<count<<" does not have smoothed state ["<<trackstate.hasSmoothed()<<"] or reference surface ["<<trackstate.hasReferenceSurface()<<"]. Skipping.");
// TODO: Add measurements etc
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Track has " << count << " states.");
return data;
......@@ -145,7 +183,7 @@ StatusCode DumpEventDataToJsonAlg::execute() {
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Trying to load " << vtcHandle.key() << " with " << vtcHandle->size_impl() << " tracks");
auto multiTraj = std::make_unique<ActsTrk::ConstMultiTrajectory>(&(*tsHandle), &(*pHandle), &(*jHandle), &(*mHandle));
ActsTrk::ConstMultiTrajectory, Acts::detail::ConstRefHolder>
tc{*vtcHandle, *multiTraj};
......@@ -362,8 +400,6 @@ nlohmann::json DumpEventDataToJsonAlg::getData(const Trk::Track &track) {
data["pos"] = {peri->position().x(), peri->position().y(),
} else {
data["pos"] = {};
......@@ -5,8 +5,11 @@
// Core
#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgorithm.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
#include "StoreGate/ReadHandleKey.h"
#include "xAODEventInfo/EventInfo.h"
#include "xAODTracking/TrackParticleContainer.h"
#include "xAODJet/JetContainer.h"
......@@ -14,8 +17,10 @@
#include "xAODCaloEvent/CaloClusterContainer.h"
#include "CaloEvent/CaloCellContainer.h"
#include "TrkTrack/TrackCollection.h"
#include "StoreGate/ReadHandleKey.h"
#include "TrkExInterfaces/IExtrapolationEngine.h"
#include "ActsGeometryInterfaces/IActsTrackingGeometryTool.h"
// PRDs
#include "MuonPrepRawData/CscPrepDataContainer.h"
#include "MuonPrepRawData/MdtPrepDataContainer.h"
#include "MuonPrepRawData/RpcPrepDataContainer.h"
......@@ -25,8 +30,10 @@
#include "InDetPrepRawData/PixelClusterContainer.h"
#include "InDetPrepRawData/SCT_ClusterContainer.h"
#include "InDetPrepRawData/TRT_DriftCircleContainer.h"
#include "ActsEvent/MultiTrajectory.h"
#include "Acts/EventData/VectorTrackContainer.hpp"
// Misc
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
......@@ -99,6 +106,7 @@ protected:
Gaudi::Property<bool> m_extrapolateTrackParticless{this, "ExtrapolateTrackParticles", false, "If true, attempt to extrapolate tracks and add additional positions."};
ToolHandle<Trk::IExtrapolationEngine> m_extrapolator{this, "Extrapolator", "Trk::ExtrapolationEngine/AtlasExtrapolation"};
ToolHandle<IActsTrackingGeometryTool> m_trackingGeometryTool{this, "TrackingGeometryTool", "ActsTrackingGeometryTool"};
Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_outputJSON_Name{this, "OutputLocation", "EventData.json", "Default filename for "};
......@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ void ActsTrk::ActsToTrkConverterTool::trkTrackCollectionToActsTrackContainer(
const Acts::GeometryContext & gctx) const {
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Calling trkTrackCollectionToActsTrackContainer with "
<< trackColl.size() << " tracks.");
unsigned int trkCount = 0;
for (auto trk : trackColl) {
// Do conversions!
const Trk::TrackStates *trackStates =
......@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ void ActsTrk::ActsToTrkConverterTool::trkTrackCollectionToActsTrackContainer(
auto track = tc.getTrack(tc.addTrack());
auto trackStateContainer = tc.trackStateContainer();
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Track has " << trackStates->size()
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Track "<<trkCount++<<" has " << trackStates->size()
<< " track states on surfaces.");
// loop over track states on surfaces, convert and add them to the ACTS
......@@ -477,14 +477,12 @@ void ActsTrk::ActsToTrkConverterTool::trkTrackCollectionToActsTrackContainer(
<< actsTSOS.index());
track.tipIndex() = actsTSOS.index();
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("TrackProxy has " << track.nTrackStates()
<< " track states on surfaces.");
if (tsos->trackParameters()) {
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Converting track parameters.");
// TODO - work out whether we should set predicted, filtered, smoothed
const Acts::BoundTrackParameters parameters =
trkTrackParametersToActsParameters(*(tsos->trackParameters()), gctx);
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Track parameters: "<<parameters.parameters());
// Sanity check on positions
actsTrackParameterPositionCheck(parameters, *(tsos->trackParameters()), gctx);
......@@ -503,6 +501,12 @@ void ActsTrk::ActsToTrkConverterTool::trkTrackCollectionToActsTrackContainer(
actsTSOS.smoothedCovariance() = *parameters.covariance();
// Not yet implemented in MultiTrajectory.icc
// actsTSOS.typeFlags() |= Acts::TrackStateFlag::ParameterFlag;
if (!(actsTSOS.hasSmoothed() && actsTSOS.hasReferenceSurface())) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("TrackState does not have smoothed state ["<<actsTSOS.hasSmoothed()<<"] or reference surface ["<<actsTSOS.hasReferenceSurface()<<"].");
} else {
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("TrackState has smoothed state and reference surface.");
if (tsos->measurementOnTrack()) {
......@@ -539,14 +543,21 @@ void ActsTrk::ActsToTrkConverterTool::actsTrackParameterPositionCheck(
const Acts::BoundTrackParameters &parameters,
const Trk::TrackParameters &trkparameters,
const Acts::GeometryContext &gctx) const {
if (std::fabs(parameters.position(gctx).x() - trkparameters.position().x()) >
auto actsPos = parameters.position(gctx);
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Acts position: "
<< actsPos << " vs "
<< trkparameters.position());
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("GeometryId "<<parameters.referenceSurface().geometryId().value());
if (std::fabs(actsPos.x() - trkparameters.position().x()) >
0.01 ||
std::fabs(parameters.position(gctx).y() - trkparameters.position().y()) >
std::fabs(actsPos.y() - trkparameters.position().y()) >
0.01 ||
std::fabs(parameters.position(gctx).z() - trkparameters.position().z()) >
std::fabs(actsPos.z() - trkparameters.position().z()) >
0.01) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("Parameter position mismatch: "
<< parameters.position(gctx) << " vs "
<< actsPos << " vs "
<< trkparameters.position());
ATH_MSG_WARNING("Acts surface:");
......@@ -8,42 +8,53 @@ import math
if "__main__" == __name__:
def _dparamsEqual(acts, trk):
for acts_track_params, trk_track_params in zip(acts, trk):
if (not math.isclose(acts_track_params, trk_track_params)):
def _valuesEqual(acts, trk):
for acts_values, trk_values in zip(acts, trk):
if (not math.isclose(acts_values, trk_values)):
return False
return True
# Now compare outputs
import json
success = False
with open('dump.json') as f:
data = json.load(f)
for event in data:
found_ni_differences = 0
print('Processing', event)
acts = data[event]['TrackContainers']['ConvertedVectorTrackContainer']
trk = data[event]['Tracks']['CombinedITkTracks']
if (acts != trk):
# We might need to make this comparison more sophisticated
# Since we do not necessarily expect binary identical results
# ... but we are a ways off of worrying about this right now
found_difference = False
# Okay, so simple comparison fails... let's try to find where
print('WARNING: Acts and Trk tracks differ')
print('We have ', len(acts), '[',
len(trk), '] Acts [ Trk ] tracks')
for i, (acts_track, trk_track) in enumerate(zip(acts, trk)):
if (not _dparamsEqual(acts_track['dparams'], trk_track['dparams'])):
if (not _valuesEqual(acts_track['dparams'], trk_track['dparams'])):
print('ERROR: Acts and Trk dparams differ for track', i)
print('Acts dparams:', acts_track['dparams'])
print('Trk dparams:', trk_track['dparams'])
if (acts_track['pos'] != trk_track['pos']):
found_difference = True
if (not _valuesEqual(acts_track['pos'], trk_track['pos'])):
print('ERROR: Acts and Trk pos differ for track', i)
print('Acts pos:', acts_track['pos'])
print('Trk pos:', trk_track['pos'])
found_difference = True
if not found_difference:
# Simple comparison failed, but no numerically significant difference found (in what we compare, at least)
# (Of course, this does not exclude that there are important differences in quantities we are not checking!)
found_ni_differences += 1
print('SUCCESS: Acts and Trk tracks agree')
success = True
if found_ni_differences > 0:
print('WARNING: Found', found_ni_differences, 'tracks which have differences.')
if not success:
print('ERROR: the output of the conversion is not correct')
# Will uncomment this once the conversion is fixed
# import sys
# sys.exit(1)
import sys
print ('SUCCESS: the output of the conversion is correct (at least, to the precision we check)')
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