- Oct 24, 2023
Minor update of TGC offline DQ code to make one hard-coded variable configurable by python
- Oct 17, 2023
Updates for new readout window of 100 ns
- Sep 28, 2023
MuonCondData fix unreachable code in CscCondDbData
- Sep 15, 2023
Merge branch 'trigmudecode' into 'main' Switch off caching for RPC and TGC RDO To PRD decoding Closes ATR-26908 See merge request atlas/athena!65495 (cherry picked from commit a50d4ada) 331a8560 Switch off caching for RPC and TGC RDO To PRD decoding e407beaf revert reference update
- Aug 28, 2023
Demoting warning to debug
- Aug 24, 2023
Additional fix for RPC DQ postprocessing crash
- Aug 22, 2023
Fix issue with condition on DataType for container name setting
sTGCRawDataMonAlg: fix output names in pad trigger plots (removal of blank spaces)
- Aug 14, 2023
Avoid crashes in RPC postprocessing when running on cosmics
- Aug 10, 2023
Trying to fix issue with retrieval of NSW Pad Trigger container
- Aug 07, 2023
sTGCrawDataMon: Updates on pad trigger Adding plots from MR (atlas/athena!63105)
- Aug 02, 2023
Memory leakage in test program fixed In test programs for decoders, a memory leakage due to the use of delete instead of delete [] on the buffer allocated by eformat readout function has been fixed.
- Jul 27, 2023
MuonRegionSelector - Retrieve the detector manager from the conditions store
- Jul 21, 2023
MuonTGC_Cabling: Fix LVL1TGC SROD mapping. SROD IDs are in the range 17 to 19. However, MuonTGC_CablingSvc::getSReadoutIDfromSLID can return IDs outside this range. For example, with phi=15, isAside=true, and isEndcap=true, it returns srodID=21. I think this is due to a typo, writing NumberOfReadoutSector instead of NumberOfSReadoutSector. Fixed here. This was resulting in crashes in the tests for !64380 (in particular, running ``` runHLT_standalone_newJO.py --filesInput=/cvmfs/atlas-nightlies.cern.ch/repo/data/data-art/TrigP1Test/data22_13p6TeV.00440499.physics_EnhancedBias.merge.RAW._lb0470._SFO-11._0001.1 Trigger.triggerMenuSetup="Dev_pp_run3_v1" Trigger.doRuntimeNaviVal=True ``` in release 23). This was cleaning up some cppcheck warnings in TrigT1GC. But then i was seeing a crash coming from LVL1TGCTrigger::recordRdoInner: ``` int subDetectorId=0, rodId=0, sswId=0, sbLoc=0; bool status = m_cabling->getSReadoutIDfromSLID(phi, isAside, isEndcap, subDetectorId, rodId, sswId, sbLoc); if (!status) { ... } // secID for TGCRawData // 0-3(EC), 0-1(FWD) for 1/12 sector // 0-15(EC), 0-7(FWD) for 1/3 sector covered by SROD in RUn3 int startEndcapSector, coverageOfEndcapSector; int startForwardSector, coverageOfForwardSector; m_cabling->getCoveragefromSRodID(rodId, startEndcapSector, coverageOfEndcapSector, startForwardSector, coverageOfForwardSector ) ; int secId = 0; if (isEndcap){ secId = sectorId % coverageOfEndcapSector; ``` For the phi mentioned above, we were getting rodId=21. In that case, getCoveragefromSRodID returns false and does not store anything in the output variables. So in particular, coverageOfEndcapSector is then uninitialized. Without the changes in !64380, it is garbage, but just happens to always be nonzero. But with the change, the value of the uninitialized coverageOfEndcapSector happens to be zero, which results in a trap when it is used with the modulus operator. The return value of getCoveragefromSRodID really ought to be checked. Further, i'll note in passing that LVL1TGCTrigger::recordRdoInner starts by requiring isEndcap==true, but then has tests on isEndcap further down. This is the sort of thing that some of the static checkers warns about.
- Jul 20, 2023
clean up and small bug fix in TGC offline DQ
- Jul 19, 2023
MuonHoughTools - Fix out of bound access FPE in cosmic reconstruction
- Jul 18, 2023
MuonAlignmentCondAlg - Allow for duplicated channels
add a few more plots to TGC offline DQ
- Jul 17, 2023
Remove unused boost or boost subpackages from CmakeLists.txt
MuonAlignmentErrorData move class to MuonAlignmentData package
Introduce the MuonCondDump package
MuonAlignmentData - Revise the A&B Line handling
- Jul 16, 2023
Remove MuonRPC_Cabling package
- Jul 14, 2023
MdtT0SegmentFitter - Reduce the maximal iteration
MuonCondAlg - Ensure that all condition algorithms have isReentrant false flag
MuonCabling - Let the Algorithms inherit from an AthReentrantAlgorithm
MuonGeoModelTest - Add algorithm to dump the local pad positions (sTgc)
Remove MuonAlignEvent package
- Jul 13, 2023
MuonTrackPerformance - Add Component accmulator configuration
RDBReaderAtlas - Remove dead end Alignment handling code
Nsw as built parameters - Update data flow
- Jul 11, 2023
MuonGeoModel - Load Geo from SQLite -> Fix index shift
- Jul 10, 2023
Fix defects ( passed by value) reported by cppcheck
- Jul 08, 2023
MuonHoughPatternTool::printPattern: add check on validity of provided pointer
- Jul 07, 2023
write the muon SDOs again
ART scripts/tests change master-> main. For 23.0
- Jul 06, 2023
MuonGeoModelTest - Add CSC tester
Hv prod folders