1,pt,vector<float>,Large radius jet transverse momentum
2,eta,vector<float>,Large radius jet eta
3,phi,vector<float>,Large radius jet phi
4,m,vector<float>,Large radius jet mass
5,JetConstitScaleMomentum_pt,vector<float>,Large radius jet transverse momentum at the constituent scale
6,JetConstitScaleMomentum_eta,vector<float>,Large radius jet eta at the constituent scale
7,JetConstitScaleMomentum_phi,vector<float>,Large radius jet phi at the constituent scale
8,JetConstitScaleMomentum_m,vector<float>,Large radius jet mass at the constituent scale
9,DetectorEta,vector<float>,Eta of large radius jet as measured in the detector
10,D2,vector<float>,Ratio of energy correlation functions
11,ECF1,vector<float>,Energy correlation functions
12,ECF2,vector<float>,Energy correlation functions
13,ECF3,vector<float>,Energy correlation functions
14,Tau1_wta,vector<float>,"Measure of how well jet can be considered to consist of n subjets, using winner-takes-all recombination scheme"
15,Tau2_wta,vector<float>,"Measure of how well jet can be considered to consist of n subjets, using winner-takes-all recombination scheme"
16,Tau3_wta,vector<float>,"Measure of how well jet can be considered to consist of n subjets, using winner-takes-all recombination scheme"
17,C2,vector<float>,Ratio of energy correlation functions
18,Split12,vector<float>,Kt distance between subjets during merging
19,Split23,vector<float>,Kt distance between subjets during merging
20,Qw,vector<float>,Qw (minimum pair-wise invariant mass) observable for top jet tagging
21,constituentLinks,vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::IParticle> > > >,Link from large-radius jets to constituents (e.g. UFOs)
22,GN2Xv01_phbb,vector<float>,Probability that the jet is higgs -> bb (maintained by the flavor tagging group)
23,GN2Xv01_ptop,vector<float>,Probability that the jet is top (maintained by the flavor tagging group)
24,GN2Xv01_pqcd,vector<float>,Probability that the jet is QCD (maintained by the flavor tagging group)
25,GN2Xv01_phcc,vector<float>,Probability that the jet is higgs -> cc (maintained by the flavor tagging group)
26,Parent,vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::Jet_v1> > >,Link to ungroomed parent jet
27,GhostBHadronsFinalCount,vector<int>,Number of ghost-associated b-hadrons
28,GhostCHadronsFinalCount,vector<int>,Number of ghost-associated c-hadrons
29,R10TruthLabel_R21Precision,vector<int>,Large-R jet truth label (top/W/Z/Higgs/QCD) following early R21 recommendations
30,R10TruthLabel_R21Precision_2022v1,vector<int>,Large-R jet truth label (top/W/Z/Higgs/QCD) following R21 recommendations
31,R10TruthLabel_R22v1,vector<int>,Large-R jet truth label (top/W/Z/Higgs/QCD) following preliminary R22 recommendations